#Merlin characters
stevenslittleshop · 2 years
Listen, I love going “the people of Camelot must’ve been so oblivious” just as much as the next person
But think about it
You’re living in a time of constant crisis. People are getting accused of magic, most of those people barely even know what magic looks like. People are killed, every day, just because they were accused of something they couldn’t disprove.
And in comes this young lad. This awfully cheery little man who takes his punishments with a smile and is slowly turning the future king into an actual person instead of some little spoiled twat. And everyone loves him. It’s the most joyous Camelot has been since the queen died.
And yes, maybe his eyes glow a little sometimes, and maybe things move on their own when he’s around, but he’s a good person and hes not hurting anyone, quite the opposite in fact.
So at a time where Merlin could’ve been killed if you said the wrong thing to the wrong person, nobody was gonna say a damn word because they did not want to see this boy, practically the one who kept the place running, the light of Camelot, burned at the stake.
They weren’t oblivious. They knew. They just refused to believe it, because if they did, then the great purge would most likely restart and Camelot could fall.
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young-artist-ai · 1 year
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Guys! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!! Give your halves flowers, chocolates and valentines! Especially for this, I made valentines with Merlin characters. I love you all!❤️
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Merlin in the modern day Moodboards Part 1;
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Character: George the servant.
Modern name: George Brass.
Age: 37 years old.
Modern job: Butler who doubles as a body guard.
Short rundown of their modern life: George lives with his wife, Sefa, in a cheap apartment along with his brother, Tyr.
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Character: Sir Gwaine.
Modern name: Gwaine Jones.
Age: 39 years old.
Modern job: Fleamarkert sales person and boxer/wrestler.
Short rundown of their modern life: He is a vagabond who boxs and wrestles people for money while living out of his Rv, he's in a relatively new relationship with Percival, and has a couple of kids. Just for the chaos of it.
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Character: Sir Leon.
Modern name: Leonard 'Leon' Grant.
Age: 43 years old.
Modern job: Detective.
Short rundown of their modern life: He is a detective who shares an apartment with his coworker, Lancelot, and his wife, Vivian. He volunteers at the community youth center with the others. He's not reincarnated. He's just immortal and has helped Merlin find the others.
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Character: Sir Elyan.
Modern name: Elyan Smith.
Age: 40 years old.
Modern job: Photographer and travel blogger.
Short rundown of their modern life: He is a traveling photographer and blogger who promotes not only his sister's business but his childhood friend's business as well. He also makes swords and knifes for fun and has adopted a child named 'Salem Shrine' who eventually took on his last name. He volunteers at the community youth center with the others, which is actually how he found Salem to begin with. He is also married to Mithian.
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Character: Shrine/druid boy.
Modern name: Salem Smith.
Age: 11 years old.
Modern job: None. He's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Born Salem Shrine, he grew up an orphan and met Elyan Smith (his future Adoptive father) at the community youth center when he saved him from drowning. He was adopted not long later and changed his last name to Smith.
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Character: Merlin.
Modern name: Merlin Everstone.
Age: 36 years old (physically at least).
Modern job: Physician/doctor.
Short rundown of their modern life: Merlin has slowly been finding the reincarnations of people he knew and had become a doctor. He is married to Freya and owns a strawberry farm near some mountains and a lake with a couple of farm animals. He is trying to take care and make peace with the reincarnations of his friends and one off allies. Including some that had become his enemies in his old life.
And he's still trying to keep them alive while hoping that Arthur rises before more of their enemies do and before the world gets worse. And he really hopes that there is a way for his friends to remember the old days and for his old enemies who have good in them to forgive him.
He is tried of all the fighting and really hopes that he doesn't outlive all of them again because waiting for one of them to pop up sucked. You know, since being immortal and trying not to grow attached to other people is not easy.
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Character: Kara.
Modern name: Kara Galdur.
Age: 28 years old.
Modern job: Waitress.
Short rundown of their modern life: She is a waitress at a dual club-restaurant called 'Morgana's' and she is engaged to her live in boyfriend, Mordred.
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Character: Sir Lancelot Du Lac.
Modern name: Lancelot 'Lance' Griffin.
Age: 39 years old.
Modern job: Detective.
Short rundown of their modern life: Lance is a single detective who lives with his coworker/partner, Leon, in an apartment with Leon's wife and volunteers at the community youth center with the others.
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Character: Sir Mordred the druid boy.
Modern name: Mordred Barlow Le Fay.
Age: 28 years old.
Modern job: Med Student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Mordred lives with his fiancée, Kara Galdu, in a flat above Morgana's restaurant & gay bar/club. He is Morgana's adoptive brother and changed his last name, Barrow, to his middle name so he could change his last name to Le Fay.
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Character: Lady Morgana Pendragon.
Modern name: Morgana 'Morgan' Le Fay.
Age: 41 years old.
Modern job: Owner of Morgana's restaurant and gay club/bar.
Short rundown of their modern life: Morgan Le Fay is the daughter of a stay at home mom socialite—who had an affair with a now deceased business man (who is her real father)—and a soldier. Her mom went missing and her father died, leaving her and her older (by two years) sister, Morgause, orphans.
Eventually she found a young orphan named Mordred not long after his father died and took him in, treating him like a brother.
She is estranged from her older sister and is helping put Mordred through school and her restaurant/club is located right next to her childhood friend, Gwen Smith's, Boutique.
She is also a former lawyer.
(What would you guys call Gwen's Boutique/flower shop).
Big thanks to @hufflepuffpirate20 , @gwaine-lover , @genderfunky-lesbian , @everything-but-the-not-natural , @witchmd13 , @sautedonions , and @purpleblobfrompluto for the help.
(I don't care much for Kara but thought I'd include her anyway because I care about Mordred. Plus she could maybe change in the future after realizing she done fucked up).
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lo-andbehold · 9 months
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A callout post (it’s me I’m calling myself out)
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magicomens · 29 days
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Fellas is it gay if you start having A Feeling when your ex-manservant holds your hand
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mirtki · 1 month
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I caved so now I’m making merlin art
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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A scene from this fic by @katherynefromphilly !!
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kairennart · 4 months
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Gwen <3 for @not-rome
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never getting over the fact that merlin is THE MOST POWERFUL SORCERER OF ALL TIME, and simply does not give a single fuck.
bro just uses his magic to clean his room, prank his boyfriend, and occasionally (begrudgingly) save camelot from its own stupidity.
the fact he could do ANYTHING with his level of power. and yet he chooses arthur, every time, over every other possibility.
bbc never admitted it, but that’s pure love right there folks.
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eliounora · 7 months
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there was talk of taking each other apart?
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changeofpace · 1 month
hello dear artist… ur art is giving me brain worms. may I humbly request merthur and mordred? The show did them so dirty he could have been their sweet little magical boy 🫶😔
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thanks anon, had some fun with this one. mordred said mind ya damn business!!! feel free to keep them requests coming :) i have some more to get through but i've been loving doing them
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stevenslittleshop · 1 year
Arthur and Merlin can be something that is so personal.
Every time I see it referenced I get so giddy and excited like “those are my boys!!! You know my boys?? They’re the gay ones!!” And if it’s a proper tumblr merlin fan they’ll be like “yes the gay ones!!!! And the gay ones’ knights!!!” And I’ll be like “yes the gay knights!!!!” And it’s just so so sweet and I love the merlin fandom.
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goneprophet · 6 months
something about how arthur pendragon is represented by two colors: red and gold. his hair is golden his skin is tan his crown made of gold. how merlin says his magic is all for arthur and his eyes turn golden too. how arthur's flag and heart are red, how his love is fervent. how merlin is always either wearing a pendragon red neckerchief or tunic, being enveloped by it, him, both literally and figuratively.
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sircolinmorgan · 1 month
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Merlin + His hope for the future.
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lovelukz · 12 days
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may I introduce to u the greatest sorcerer who’s ever lived. Also prince arthur’s bff.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 7 months
BBC Merlin being about 'magic' for 7 minutes gay
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