#Meta Strike Game
revanknightwoman · 5 months
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izuru is so interesting to me conceptually. like i know in canon he’s kind of nothing unfortunately. at least in game canon, he shows up right at the end, says some eugenics-y shit, voices hajimes intrusive thoughts, and then hes gone, but. the concept of him, as hajime, but with everything that made him Hajime Hinata stripped away and buried under so much conditioning and bullshit that he cant reach it, is so. its SO. yknow.
its the whole argument about what makes us the people we are, right? if you take a person, and then erase literally all the memories they have of their own identity, are they still that person? have you taken away everything that makes them Them and made them a completely different one? how does that change, and pardon the philosophical question, their soul?
and the thing about izuru is that you can not tell me the memory repression was perfect. you can not tell me that hopes peak academy perfected the art of lobotomy so well that they completely erased every speck of hajime hinata that existed inside izuru kamukura. that boy felt what was missing he knew there was a hole the size of the fucking ocean in his head and he felt every centimeter of it. did he care? up for debate. izuru didnt seem to care about anything, really (which… i have some thoughts about his eugenics conditioning by the academy in regards to that but thats maybe another post). but i definitely think given enough time, some of that would have started to come back. maybe even after the events of the first game, when the school was open again, and junko was dead, and izuru was able to actually explore the place he was held and experimented in and look at the files, and discover his old name. something like that would definitely trigger some memory recovery, or at least a moderate breakdown of some kind.
i dont know. people have said before that izuru is kind of an interesting metaphor for depression if you think about it, and theyre right, he is. he doesnt care enough about anything in life, he doesnt care about hygiene, nothing is going to catch and hold his attention because he thinks he knows how everything in the world works so whats the point in even trying? but he isnt just a metaphor. thats who hajime was during that time. now im definitely one of the people who thinks hajime was a pretty depressed kid anyway, unable to fulfill what he thought he needed to be, constantly pressured to be something he wasnt and couldnt be. but izuru was so much worse. they gave that boy fucking. ultimate depression. super high school level depression. i definitely think the only reason izuru didnt ever do anything drastic about how utterly miserable he was is because. a lot of it was background noise to him? his brain was just blocked off so those triggers were unable to fire? and because. to be honest. thats truly so much work. especially with the reflexes and instincts and empowerment the experiments gave him. and junko’s despair was just intriguing enough to keep him moving
its just something i think about. if someone had been willing or able to just. talk to izuru and offer him a hand. understand that he was hurting and that he didnt have to be. that just because there were holes in his identity didnt mean he couldnt create his own pieces to fit into them. i truly think that if he’d had that kind of presence during the tragedy his brain would have unlocked itself. maybe not all the memories would come back, but he’d be able to feel stuff again at least. and thats… something.
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
i'll always find it funny that arenanet released the boneskinner strike mission with intended mechanic being to desperately keep the torches lit as the beast and its minions attempts to smother the flames, but the community took one look at it and just went 'lmao no' and collectively decided to cheese it with healscourge and pretend the torches didn't exist at all.
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toastedicarus · 1 year
Eternal struggle between Wanting To Try Out Fighting Games and Not Wanting To Spend Sixty Dollars On A Video Game I Will Not Be Good At
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al-the-remix · 30 days
New ask game! Please recommend at least three of your favorite BuckTommy fic authors, artists, meta writers, gif makers, or edit makers. Maybe sing their praises a bit if you'd like. And if you want to, send this to a few other people and spread the good vibes 🥰
@thatmexisaurusrex thanks for the ask!
BuckTommy Fan Work Recs
Fic Authors:
(obviously this isn't a comprehensive list, but a collection of fics I've read recently and really enjoyed)
all the vices i can't give up by @starryeyedjanai - this one is so fun and hot, I love sexting/identity porn fics so obviously I clicked right away. I also really enjoy this author's Buck pov; just funny, horny, zero impulse control Evan Buckly and his dick pics against the world.
one way trip to the sun by @newtkelly - this fic felt like a special treat crafted specifically for me. Zombies are my all time favourite movie monster and I'm a big George Romero junkie so finding a bucktommy/dawn of the dead mashup was like striking gold. I also just really loved this version of Tommy and also the narrative structure of the fic. Some really cool stuff done here.
You’ve Got Me Up in a Frenzy by @emphasisonthehomo - Trans!Tommy. Trans!Tommy with bottom surgery, how I love you so. This is so sweet and hot and nuanced and also fun. 10/10.
bright as the morning, soft as the rain. series by @milominderbindered - these were some of the first buck/tommy fics I read and I really loved this version of an alternate first meeting. Buck and Tommy's dynamic here is so cute and fun and flirty, I enjoyed reading Buck's slower realization here that, yes, this man in flirting with him, and oh boy is he into it. Also, there's just something about this version of tommy that really gets me, it's like I can see through the screen how much of an absolute catch he is.
1-800-DAYBREAK by @epiphainie - (ngl I love all your fics) but this one especially. I just really enjoyed seeing a younger Tommy and Buck here where their dynamic is flipped--Tommy being the one unsure of himself and Buck reassuring him that what he wants is okay-- it was also very hot and sweet. I'm a big sucker for phone sex operator fics, so this just reeled me right in instantly.
Goon by @alchemistc - I did not foresee my venture outside of hrpf to end up with me reading hrpf... This has everything I love about the genre and it's best tropes: hotel escapades, and locker room intimacy, and the hero worship to sexuality realization pipeline (...and Sidney Crosby haunting the narrative). Looking forward to seeing how it ends!
Paint Me in Neon and Make Me Glow by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - Fun, sexy, caring, D/s kink-discovery. I love how out of his mind horny Buck is for Tommy in this, and for being watched, and specifically getting watched WITH Tommy. I loved every section of this fic and how the author kept upping the stakes as they built towards the climax (ha) of the fic, which I wont spoil but you should definitely got find out for yourself.
take guesses on exits, one has to be right series by @queermccoy - The trucker!Tommy / lot lizard!Buck AU I didn't know I needed but am now eagerly awaiting the next instalment of. This was surprisingly cute and as well as scorchingly hot.
bottom tommy pleasures series by winterbucky (WinterLadyy) (if anyone knows their tumblr @ i'll tag them) - Just what it says on the tin! Bottom!Tommy I love you 😌
@kinardsboy - Their art is always so fun and cute! I love all the buck/tommy memes they make.
@blue-arts-stuff - Their art is both sweet and also manages to hit me in the feels every time.
@lazybakerart - All of their art is beautiful, but I especially love what they've done for the @kinley-cafe!
(And of course Kinley Cafe itself for doing an amazing job spreading positivity and engagement within the fandom.)
Gif Makers/Editors:
@lengthofropes - their gifs are all so gorgeous, I don't understand how they manage half the stuff they do, but I love staring at it an inch away from my face like brightly coloured visual candy.
@sunglassesmish - my Tommy Kinard / LFJ gif dealer and has provided me with enough images of the man to construct a 3D model in my mind to rotate while painting.
@xofemeraldstars - I always look forward to their daily kinley posts! My obsession is being enabled and i'm okay with that.
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
I might get torn apart for posting this, but imo it must be said.
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To make it crystal clear, I don't excuse Susie's actions in Planet Robobot. But I don't excuse Taranza's actions in Triple Deluxe either.
I think people in the Kirby fandom infantilize Taranza way too much.
I am not joking when I say that I've seen people go as far as to say that he was "never a villain in the first place". That he's "innocent".
I'm sorry, but that's just flat out wrong. He was objectively the villain during Triple Deluxe. "He was just following orders!" is not proof of innocence when he was following the orders of a dictator. Taranza was a dictator-enabler. A dictator's right-hand man. That's not innocent. He lowkey kidnapped people in the name of this dictator.
Who knows what he could've done off-screen during the game while dragging Dedede around with him... probably could've tormented a lot of unshown Floralians while Kirby was trying to stop the takeover.
I also believe that Taranza loved playing the villain. He looks incredibly smug while dragging Dedede around and provoking bosses into fighting Kirby. Not to mention the very things that he says in his monologue right before he uses Dedede like a puppet to fight Kirby.
.... So much for the claims of "never a villain in the first place".
I very much believe he's reformed (Susie too, tbh) but I wish people would stop totally erasing his actions and pretending he did no bad.
This is not meant to demonize Taranza in any way. It's just... I absolutely hate that people treat him like a poor little innocent baby while simultaneously treating Susie like an irredeemable, unforgivable monster. They committed very similar crimes, but somehow get treated like they're opposite ends of the spectrum morality-wise.
Now, when comparing them, Susie is indeed the worse of the two overall, because her actions were done on multiple planets vs. one country. But that doesn't change the fact that it's still hypocritical to treat one of them like they're innocent while demonizing the other.
Regardless of the different scales of their crimes, they're both ultimately just second-in-commands to corrupt higher-ups that then helped give Kirby something to fight the final boss when it mattered.
I like to think that Taranza and Susie are both rather morally grey people with good and bad qualities. To me, they're friends with Kirby now, but they still have flaws despite not being as bad as they were before. I'd put Magolor on the same boat alongside with them too.
Taranza can both have grief and still have flaws. And I think Susie 100% has had grief for her dad too, even if she's less open about it.
One of the reasons why Susie discourse is so aggravating is because people simultaneously downplay and infantilize other villains, especially Taranza. People are hypocrites. I bet people wouldn't give a crap if Taranza or Magolor were to turn Meta Knight into a robot.
I get why the colonization and capitalism themes for both Susie and Planet Robobot as a whole can strike a nerve to some people and elicit discomfort, but I don't really think that warrants a massive and unfair discrepancy to how she gets treated compared to the others.
While I can get why those themes can make some people not like her as much as others, I don't think it makes it fair to treat her like an unforgivable demon because her villainy happens to be more real.
Just because the others are less real doesn't mean they're innocent.
The double standards suck.
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mourningmoth · 1 year
i was thinking a lot about the similarities between almalexia and voryn today, mostly on a meta level in how theyre involved in the game's narrative and actions they take that drive it
doing so, i realised they both have p much the same reactions to the nerevarine and act toward them in an almost identical way, but it's very striking to me how this actually can say a lot about nerevar as a character, rather than examining what this means for the both of them
during the morrowind main quest, dagoth ur frequently plays on and references his past relationship with nerevar in attempts to manipulate the nerevarine. he addresses the nerevarine in very intimate ways, and repeatedly alludes to wanting them to join him. in the end, when the nerevarine has a conversation with dagoth ur before their battle, voryn kind of openly admits that regardless of his attempts to have the nerevarine join him, he admits he could never fully trust them and dagoth ur would have betrayed them once the tools were handed over (had the nerevarine chosen to join voryn)
in tribunal, when you first meet almalexia, she immediately endears herself to the nerevarine by instantly referencing their status as her dead husband. she makes a show of addressing the nerevarine this way and proclaiming how happy she is to be reunited. she then sends the nerevarine on a series of suicide missions in an attempt to get them killed, but she frames it the entire time as "of course you'll help your wonderful, sweet, beautiful, innocent wife achieve this goal, right? :3c" (and you do)
the way the 2 of them both behave this way towards the nerevarine is fascinating to me, especially when you consider these 2 characters of course knew nerevar in life and were both very close to him, so its interesting to me that they both immediately think to manipulate the nerevarine via forms of seduction. i think that says something very interesting about nerevar himself though, because almalexia and voryn had to have a reason to think this would work on his reincarnation, right?
it really feels as though they are both trying to exploit nerevar's love for them by way of attempting to rouse these feelings in the reincarnated manifestation of him, since they just expect appeals to their past relationships to work on them, which also gives me the feeling that nerevar may have been a very loyal person to his close loved ones, and that quality in itself proved to hurt him more in the end
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 6 days
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Something I found interesting: when Kokichi talks to the group seriously here, he addresses them with 'kimira' (which can be casual and/or friendly). When he puts on his mastermind front, he uses Monokuma-esc 'omaera' (which is often seen as rude). [Side note, the 'ra' indicates multiple people and is added to the end of the word]
It's a small detail, but I did find it curious before how sometimes he would alternate from referring to 'himself' and to 'Supreme Leader'. On top of that, the 'omaera' here is written fully in katakana while the 'ra' in 'kimira' is in hiragana. Not sure what to make of this (beyond 'emphasis' on some level), although...
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...his use of 'omae' towards Gonta is written differently, too.
I'm not entirely sure of the conventions, but from my impression at least, this feels significant for the reason that Kokichi’s relationship with Gonta is considered 'questionable' by others. So the fact he calls him by firstname alone could signify disrespect, just as much as it could signify how close they are - even that the former became the latter - but nobody really knows, except from what they assume. In like fashion, the 'omae' may sound rude, but the kanji with a single 'o' before it feels like it's more respectful/kind/etc than the 'omaera' noted earlier. Whatever the case, it's not something that can be communicated in-universe.
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But what's even more striking to me, is his 'common sense' speech to Kaede in his FTE. This was expressed in English as him using different languages, but in Japanese it's a very meta kind of communication, as he's somehow consciously using three variations of text (kanji, hiragana and katakana) with an otherwise identical word in order to accentuate his point- that is, 'who decides which one is right? Who decides what 'common sense' is correct?'
In that sense - coupled with how meta Kokichi likes to be (about stuff like 'events') - you could say that such a message was just as pointedly given towards the player as much as the in-universe recepient, when it comes to judging things happening in the game's world.
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nekropsii · 4 months
do you still do session analysis?
I've never really done that, so no.
I appreciate the value placed in my opinion, truly, but I guarantee you it will be way more fun and satisfying to write things like that on your own than it is to get some stranger to do it for you. I don't feel good depriving someone the joy and learning experience of figuring out Character + Classpect Dynamics on your own. It's hard, for sure, but it's completely worth it. I'll give my thoughts on Individual Classes, Aspects, and Classpects now and then, if the mood strikes me, but the way that will affect a Group Dynamic is far more dependent on the individual characters involved and the narrative they're in than a lot of people seem to give credit for. Yes, the Classpect of a character says a lot about them, but it doesn't really express their Moral Alignment, the full breadth of their Personality, any specific Traumas or Neuroses that may afflict them and affect their relationship with their life, surroundings, and the people around them, et cetera, et cetera...
Basically, a Classpect says a lot, and a Group of Classpects can also say a lot, but I find it personally difficult to make very solid statements on the Viability of a Session or the Dynamics within it without having a deep understanding of not only the characters involved but also what kind of story is being aimed for. What a Classpect can mean or entail depends a lot on the Hero in question, and the specific Meta of the Session. You can keep the Meaning of all Classes and Aspects nigh completely Canon Compliant, but still have them imply and result in totally different things within a Session, purely because the Story and Character demands something that isn't, like... Just a straight up repeat of things already tread upon in source material. You could have a Seer of Light that's evil. You could have Bard of Rage that's a pretty good guy, all things considered.
For example, Sovereignstuck has a very particular Meta with its Classpects, and it's going for a very particular narrative. The characters in it are also very much so their own beasts - though their Classpects may say a lot about them, it doesn't really tell you anything about their morality, or how willing they are to hurt people or even just ascend to godhood in the first place, which is a really big deal in what is essentially a literal Deus Ex Machina Death Game Horror/Drama RPG setting especially. To use a particular example from Sovereignstuck - Bards of Mind tend to be billed as chaotic forces and, due to being a Bard, inherently bad people, with some even suggesting the best way to write a Bard of Mind is to write a straight up Bigot. We've got a Bard of Mind in the Player Session, Emeric Sargas, and while she is a complicated person - as is the truth for everyone ever - she is, generally speaking, a very child-like ball of sunshine that basically no one has beef with because she's just very sweet. Odd, yes, definitely, she does have a litany of very strange beliefs about how the world works, but overall a nice person. We have two Maids of Space, even, and they're extremely, extremely different people.
It's not as simple as saying "Princes of Void and Witches of Heart are guaranteed to not get along!", or "This Session will fail because it has an insufficient Player count!". Hell, it's difficult for me to even say a Session is doomed to fail if they have no Time and/or Space Players. Maybe the Meta of your Session simply doesn't abide by typical SBURB rules. I know my Fanventure sure doesn't, it's running on a fucking spinoff game with no Universe Building aspects to it - it's just a God-Making Machine. Maybe you don't need a Time or Space Player. Maybe you don't need a Knight, or an Heir. Maybe you can have five Pages. I literally don't know. Write whatever you want. Get creative. You truly do not have to abide by the rules set by SBURB if you don't want to write a Creation Myth. My only recommendation is that if you're breaking the mold, make that clear - explain what the purpose of your game is. Hell, explain the purpose even if it's just SBURB 2. The Characters are gonna have to learn what it is, even if the reader is aware of it already.
I could talk more, but this is already a long enough response to a pretty simple one sentence yes or no question.
TL;DR: No, I don't, sorry.
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bucked-it-up · 1 month
New ask game! Please recommend at least three of your favorite BuckTommy fic authors, artists, meta writers, gif makers, or edit makers. Maybe sing their praises a bit if you'd like. And if you want to, send this to a few other people and spread the good vibes 🥰
Fic authors
@wikiangela (you write so well !! And thank you for tagging me in things you mad eme feel welcome ♡)
@daughterofscotland (love how you write!!)
@helga-heason (thank you for sharing your writing with me and the Lightning strike fic ;-;-)
@thatmexisaurusrex (denial verse is a work of art)
@bidisasterevankinard (love your headcanons and your fics!)
@houseofevanbuckley (your headcanon posts ;-;)
@intermittent-showers (just !!!!)
@kinardsboy (always so creative I love it!!
@hapeemoonlight (I love your style)
Meta writers
@osh-my-prince (always really well written)
@outrunningthedark (always find your thoughts really interesting)
@shaunashipman (love hearing your opinions)
Gif makers
@sunglassesmish (the best lou gifs !! And live them in general)
@tcmmykinard (found your account recently and I love how you gif!!)
@tirpse (the kiss gif ;-;-)
@tommysdaddykink (your gifs are always so good!!)
Special shoutout to @snug-gyu and @changbeens two of my fave kpop gifmakers love you both so much 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 and a shoutout to @jerirose my fave stay artist along with the other art they do!!
So many people I could've added everyone is so talented !!! Love you all and thank you for sending this to me !!
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part I: The Shape of an Eternal Bond
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Romantic Love. Falling in love. When we break it down, what really is it, but a deep emotional connection formed with someone, an overpowering instinct that screams at you to protect that person, and the vulnerability you allow yourself to succumb to when your logical 'self-preserving' mind and it's hurt-proof walls is completely overrun by your heart's most based need to be close with them, the object of your affection.
And who shows these feelings for each other the most in BNHA? Bakudeku, right? Of course it's them.
It's something so obvious and yet this somehow feels overlooked by almost everyone in the fandom: I’ve never actually seen Izuku feeling happy or excited about his relationship with Ochaco, nor elated about getting to spend more time with her. But Izuku and Kacchan? The feelings they both have of longing to be closer to the other and every single action they took for that, chaotically and passionately smashes the "stable pleasantness" of IzuOcha right out of the park.
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Izuku views getting to speak 'normally(?)' with Kacchan as a miracle on the exact same level of importance as being mentored by the greatest hero of their generation (and his U.A. room looks like what it looks like). This scene gave the cutest 'Work life: check. Love life: check' vibe.
Is it really all that surprising that BKDK have had plenty of development in this area while IzuOcha has had almost none? In fact, as BkDk became closer, the "expected end game" pair has gone in the opposite direction. And why does this not strike odd to "bkdk canon" doubters or the fans that ship IzuOcha? It really is no coincidence how many moments we’ve accrued about this mutual feeling and attraction that exists only between Izuku and Katsuki.
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I want to be closer to you. I can't imagine life without you. vs Why are you so confused when I show you I care about you, too?
It's so simple - but maybe it being so simple is why this is not something we really stop and take a minute to think about specifically. About how this 'obvious' concept of two people desiring to become closer is one often shared between lovers and those who are falling in love.
And how that fits with bkdk because this longing for deeper connection has existed between them almost since the beginning... and we haven't been talking enough about it.
I want you to think about the true feelings and meaning lying behind these moments that have inspired the writings of many fic and meta:
Izuku's desperation and suffering at Kacchan being taken away...
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the hurt and loneliness that pools within Katsuki's heart from his fear of being left behind (and alone) by Izuku...
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the regret they both felt in not using their own hand to reach out and connect to each other (believing their hand 'wouldn't be enough') and putting those feelings aside to prioritise their boy's rescue and safety...
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the distress Katsuki felt in facing his biggest fear of all - losing Izuku for good - forcing him to become a true hero, for his sake...
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and the total overwhelming despair Izuku felt in realising he didn't make it in time and he had lost his hero.
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This is it, this cover was Hori locking them in. Holding his Kacchan so precious, placing his hand gently over his heart, trying to somehow connect to it. The appearance of an enraged and protective alpha ready to strike down the monster who did this to his mate. This is the vision Hori wanted to draw for bkdk and it cemented the deep romantic love and bond that's been growing between them, rewarding those of us who have picked up on their trails of love and causing meltdowns baked in confusion for the rest.
They've had many scenes like these throughout MHA. Scratch a little at their surface and what lies underneath every single one of them is the pining desire Izuku and Katsuki both share of wanting to be together. The need for the other to be by their side and within reach.
And they don’t share this feeling with anybody else.
It’s always been this way exclusively for them and I think this aspect of their relationship was established by Hori to tell us they will stay feeling this way forever.
If Izuku is right and he takes back everything and the course of their future gets put on track again, then maybe the idea of them holding onto each other and never letting go isn’t all that far from reality.
After they graduate, I can't imagine these two not choosing each other every single time, until the very end of their days: becoming a hero wonder duo, moving in together, living their best domestic life complete with their adorable husbands banter (but repackaged into something so much more loving and soft which befits them), nurturing their relationship... letting themselves fall deeper in love...
It's so easy to imagine this all happening, simply because of their desperate need for closeness to one another in the manga.
They can’t imagine their life without the other.
Their love is a multi-threaded story that's been told to us over, and over, and over again. Through Izuku and Katsuki's every action and by the mouths of others (which I'll be covering in my next post).
I honestly believe that since the beginning, Hori has been carefully leaving trails of their passion for each other, simply to say this: While this series may be coming to a close, Izuku and Katsuki’s bond, that brings them only closer and binds them tightly together, will transcend the very last of their inked pages and never end. ❤️
Part Two -> Intro & Compress
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wataksampingan · 7 months
Very long Chapter 96 feelings/thoughts below cut coz I saved my hard-earned Naver cookies for this and I'm going to react while it's fresh dammit.
Spoilers in every possible way, as always.
Oh my God its their first official date and of course it doesn't go Theo's way at all coz he's fighting a lost cause against an author with a sense of humour I share. Thank God his people love him
Nearly 100 chapters later and only now do we start steering towards Therdeo "My angel" Lapileon from the prologue (which I still find it difficult to fathom; the road is long and arduous from Therdeo 'Face as Red as My Eyes' Lapileon we see right now)
I have yet to translate the dialogue properly, but that last panel of him honestly unnerves me (and judging from Google Translated comments in Korean, I'm not the only one.) I'm not really one for the kind of ML who is madly obsessive over their love interest to extremely difficult extents coz I'm too old and cynical to see this as a good thing in a relationship, fictional or otherwise (This is purely a personal preference; no judgement if that's your jam and jelly)
But the thing is that it makes sense. Of course Theo would get dangerous over the first woman he's fallen in love with. Of course he'd do anything to keep her now that, yknow, she's actually made her feelings known. After 90+ chapters of angsting, literally watching her die a few times in front of him, holding such huge feelings of guilt for what his blood has done to her, quietly despairing over keeping anyone close to him coz he's a Lapileon and they succumb so often to death -- this overwhelming fear of losing her is understandable. The idea of her leaving now must be intolerable, like "not after every damn thing I've been through. Everything we have been through. Over my cold dead body".
...I've had the thought quite a few times that seungu succeeded in convincing me that Theo is scary, and this chapter - while also very sweet - is really laying that fact out again in no uncertain terms: Therdeo Lapileon really shouldn't be messed with.
The thing is, meta-wise, there is no end to cold, stern dukes of the frozen North with fearsome reputations, black/dark hair and red/dark eyes - it's one of the most longstanding fantasy romance tropes in manhwa after all. Throw a stone and you'll hit a milord with a chest so wide you can fit a full dresser sideways between his shoulders and a face so stony Medusa is taking notes. And of course, his grace is going to have the reputation of Ultimate Warrior and Sovereign of His Land, Tamer of the Terrain, Reviver of the Barren Soil Now Made Fertile under His Leadership, because only such a powerful man with a heart of ice and terror would have the wherewithal to bend the unyielding north to his will. He isn't emperor/king simply because of circumstances (TM), character and/or choice.
To name just a few: Prince (...kinda? Sorta? Its a long story) Killian from Like Wind on a Dry Branch, Hades from I Married the Main Lead's Dad, Riftan from Under the Oak Tree, Kandel from I Thought My Time Was Up, Milian from Karina's Last Days; heck, even the other Killian from Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story is about to inherit a territory that isn't so great but which he will no doubt develop into a thriving land coz he's Capable that way. If you remove the hair and eye colour conditions, there are even more examples. 99% of them are said to strike fear into the hearts of men just by being mentioned in a room.
...ngl, putting my gigantic bias aside, Theo truly is among my top three scariest ML. Not even Killian (Rieta's) gives me pause the way Theo does, and I have immense respect and admiration for the way Like Wind on A Dry Branch is told (and translated). I know Killian is a powerful man; I feel Theo is threatening. (Brief aside here to acknowledge that Killian has game for days, while Theo is....... look, he's trying.)
Take this opinion with many grains of salt, but few MLs that I've seen so far (and admittedly my repertoire is probably very limited compared to others) has come close to the time Theo plain snapped during Celphi's bullying arc, and when he nearly decapitated a wholeass princess in front of the entire court because she killed his wife (again. And yes, justifiable but still, in front of the EMPEROR HIMSELF.)
Also, the man looked like THIS when the servant who poisoned her begged him to "go back to the princess":
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I say this with all love: Theo is not a balanced individual.
We already know this is a world where medieval torture is par for the course, but so far it's been reserved for Gen, who tortured and experimented on a child, and this dude who's been an accessory to Dodolea's crimes since the beginning. Theo does not give a single fuck about trivial things like consequences when it comes to Celphi and Perry's wellbeing. The world will burn if it must, just so he can find out who hurt them.
I said before that Saoirse is a true Lapileon, and Theo was the softest hearted of the siblings. I still maintain it's true, but with the addendum that Theo isn't far off in ruthlessness. You just need to make the mistake of hurting his wife or his son.
Granted, the obsession is only a problem if he restricts Perry just because she's "His". And she's proven a few times that she will Do Shit She Wants regardless of the Lapileons, Princess Dodolea or even herself (god, the way she second guessed herself so hard, only to bust back into the room with those shackles and physically FIGHT MIA OFF in ch 92 - Phineas owes her impulsiveness his life literally). I don't think the story can logically progress that way unless Perry has some sort of personality transplant. And I trust seungu too much for that. The fear is in more what he'll do behind her back (please don't Theo, we've been through this, you know what happened the last time you did things without telling her first - and even if other things went well (like suppressing ugly false stories in publications) that doesn't guarantee you're doing the right thing by not keeping her informed, you walnut.
...yes I know she also has the same bad habit of Not Telling You Her Business but she's LEARNING. I think.)
...also, tbf, Theo doesn't need his obsession to make him a danger to his own love life. Romance or not, he's still Socially Awkward and Fucked Up so lord only knows how many awkward mistakes he's going to make trying to actively court his wife 🥲
Then again, it's not like she's any better considering her last serious relationship was so awful, she literally died and went back in time. I'm not surprised, and in fact quite glad, it took her this long to admit to her finer feelings. However, now this is slightly uncharted territory, and this woman bottles up her feelings and lies to herself just about as much as Theo does. (Why are you so bothered Mia spent so much time around him? Why are you so upset that you can't do more to help him? Why are you so worried whenever he's seemingly avoiding you? Why do you look away each time he gives you puppy dog eyes, Pereshati? HMMM? WHY INDEED)
And now they have to return to the capital with all these revelations, and be within reach of the imperial family again and I AM AFRAID FOR THEM, PRECIOUS, I TRULY AM.
On a completely different tangent: I am truly not a fan of the novel ending where Theo ends up being crowned emperor. So if this manhwa ends with the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Therdeo Lapileon and Her Imperial Majesty Empress Pereshati Jahardt, I will be heartbroken. Like, I would have the same reaction to it the way Game of Thrones fans reacted to Season 8. That's how bad I would take it. I hope to all things good seungu deviates from there as well. It feels like the romance is following the novel just a smidge more - a soupçon if you will - in this season, so I'm a little trepidatious about what other aspects might follow. I remain a big fan of how different the manhwa direction is, so... GO SEUNGU!! FOLLOW YOUR STAR!!
P/S: my train of thought while reading ch 90:
Seungu is just bringing all of Phineas' personal trauma in full technicolor when he flashes back to his younger self witnessing his parents fight while his older brother sustains a severe eye injury, oh my god. This poor boy - no wonder he wanted to run so badly.
Oh god, Gloria having to try and save her children from this insane man.
Okay, so this cements that it was Theo's grandfather who was tyrannical as fuck and abused everyone including his youngest grandson? not Theo's father who also looks like he was just Trying His Best? But Gen's dialogue mentions "abeoji" (father)? Did Phineas' older brother neglect his kids or grow up into another abuser??? oh GOD THIS FAMILY
PPS: I cannot WAIT to see how the English translators handle that panel in ch95 when he finally finds enough braincells to return her embrace (that's not just any hug, cmon - that's a full on, no holds barred, literary Embrace)
I'm fairly sure she said "It's/I'm cold", but I also got overexcited because I thought she said "I like you" (???) It's easy to overlap/overhear either phrase as each other coz they sound fairly similar if you say it quickly (same energy like saying "suki" in Japanese but you need context to know if they mean they like a person or something else entirely).
Either way, it was definitely NOT "saranghae", which let's face it, IS FAR TOO DEEP for where they are right now. These two doofuses have only just begun to find out what their feelings mean, tho Theo may be too quick a study , eomma help.
PPPS: Ep 87 comes out in English tomorrow morning (for us in GMT+8 anyway) AND I WILL HAVE WORDS ABOUT THAT CONVERSATION, VJFHDJSKSKSL I CANNOT WAIT
PPPPS: it just occurred to me that all the examples I mentioned about the other comparable dukes of the North have more or less Definitively gotten together with their love interests, emotionally and/or physically. I mean if someone came up with a gantt chart/comparative timeline/line graph of when each duke finally kissed/tumbled into bed with their love interests to prove me wrong/right, that'd be fantastic but anyway
Theo has only just hugged her in ch 95.
They have shared a bed for over 90 chapters and it is ONLY JUST NOW that there is prolonged bodily contact apart from holding (often gloved) hands.
...I keep saying this because it's true: I love this slow burn so much.
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aurillium · 1 year
guild wars 2; 30 day challenge
there’s been a couple of these done in the past already, but i fancied making a more up-to-date version. do feel free to take part and use #30daygw2challenge so i can see your entries!
1. which race was the first one you played with? 2. show us your favourite fashion look you’ve created 3. which core Tyria map is your favourite? 4. your favourite world boss? 5. an enemy you find really annoying 6. favourite elite spec 7. do you have a favourite place to afk/chill out? 8. favourite expansion 9. your favourite npc 10. an action screenshot! 11. which profession are you not good at? 12. any friends you play with? 13. favourite dungeon/fractal/raid/strike mission 14. favourite enemy faction (inquest, white mantle, etc.) 15. an underrated part of the game you love 16. favourite living world season 17. show us something you worked hard on! 18. favourite elder dragon 19. a place that reminds you of a fond memory 20. favourite jumping puzzle 21. favourite legendary weapon 22. what is the best thing about guild wars 2? 23. your favourite meta event 24. what’s something you hope ArenaNet will add someday? 25. favourite belief system (eternal alchemy, spirts of the wild, etc) 26. emote! 27. your favourite non-playable race 28. your favourite mount 29. which character is your main? 30. now show us your character roster!
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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WHO: REN (renjamin, rimz, vacant, lotus) writing as R.A.A
WHAT: he/him. black. queer. transmasc. 26. audhd rizz. libra (10/02)
WHERE: main/writeblr (here), rbs blog -> @babylonsfalling, discord -> @/vacantgodling (feel free to add me if we've talked) - i pretty much don't have any other social media at this point. but i am thinking of making a yt channel to yap about things.
LIKES: overwatch (derogatory. if i'm not on here i'm playing lol), digital art, history and mythology, names and etymology, anime (but i am particular about what i watch), kpop, vocaloid, jrock & visual kei, gothic lit, lotr, true crime and mysteries, wikidives about nonsense, bad movies, ... and probably more but i think that's enough of a list to get the gist
i have many wips and hundreds of characters. i talk about them all whenever inspo strikes. find more about them on my linked wip masterlist. however, the main wips i'm usually losing my mind about are:
PARAMOUR -> powerpoint intro || s: paramour
THE CHRONCILES OF LATHSBURY -> main crash course || origins of terrae || the first age pt. 1 || main plot ppt intro || s: tcol || tcol character tournament pt 2 || character intros
VAMPIRES DON'T TAKE ROADTRIPS -> powerpoint intro || s: vdtrt
BETWIXT THUMB & FOREFINGER -> powerpoint intro || s: btaf
i am open for ask games of any sort or just general inquiries about my wips, and just talking in general.
to see a list of all my wips: CLICK ME!
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
short stories tag -> micro or flash fiction bits and bobs
ren art -> all my art
q eh you eh -> queue
sex mention -> tag for any sexual content.
worldbuilding -> all of my worldbuilding notes across all my wips
ren hot cakes -> specifically for my overly opinionated opinions
to read -> others works that i need to get around to reading
rens ocs but sims -> for when i make my ocs in the sims lol
ren plays -> me talking about video games but it’s usually overwatch
ren is jopping on main -> for the rare occasions where i talk about kpop
character stats -> when i decide to compare and contrast my ocs to see trends
ren rabbit hole -> i like history and mythology and the ancient world and i Will ramble about it
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senterya · 10 months
Wanted to wait until the entirety of soto drops with the judgement but this has been boiling in me for a while. I don't really buy the "smaller, faster expansions" pitch anymore. The "nothing to do in this game" wailing really just lead to the place where we get an expansion for basically the price of the previous ones but with barely any maps, artifically stretched out timelime, massive performance issues, no new guildhall or specializations, and no upcoming living world. Releasing half a map worked, okay. But releasing just a third of one?? For months?? I don't hate the content of the expansion itself, but I really don't see how scaling it down so much helped the writing or quality of the content. Because it didn't. I'd argue it's been outright detrimental to some parts of the writing (not going into that though bc spoilers).
Recently it became a trend for big studios in general to just release their games unfinished and then patch it up during the next year or so, and quite honestly what GW2 is doing right now eerily feels the same. Except it's worse, because it's an mmo. If you want to continue playing with your friends, if you want access to new meta builds, new strikes, new anything, you have to buy the expansion, even if it's an unfinished mess. It's disheartening. I hope this only happened because fixing up the core game took away their resources, but that might just be naive thinking on my part.
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robins-egg-bindery · 1 year
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ever in your favor by @iron--spider
Peter startles awake when someone shakes him. 
“Sorry, honey,” May says. Peter blinks a couple times and she comes into focus, her hair pulled back from her face. She’s trying not to look a certain way, but he can see it in her eyes anyway. She clears her throat, keeps talking. “But it’s…” She glances away, wets her lips. “You gotta get ready.”
He remembers what day it is, and his heart beats like a drum at someone’s execution. But he tries to put on a mask, make it all seem normal. It’s everything but, despite the fact that he’s been dealing with reaping day since he was born, between himself, Ben and May. That fear that one of them could be taken away. Sent to surefire slaughter. But now Ben is gone, taken despite never having his name drawn from a bowl, and May’s finally safe. Now Peter’s name is in there alone. The last Parker sitting on the chopping block. He doesn’t know how to be. He doesn’t know what normal is, when the Hunger Games are looming on the horizon.
fic by @iron--spider
art by @angel-gidget
624 pages / 153,984 words
Title Font: PP Hatton, Rustic Printed
Body Fonts: Californian FB, Moonglade, Bebas Neue, War Is Over, Architects Daughter
More on the process below the cut!
I have...SO much to say about this project! This fic was one that I've wanted to do ever since I started fanbinding, and it was one I saved until my technical skills caught up with my vision for the book. @iron--spider is my favorite author and a wonderful friend, and I wanted to be able to do this masterwork justice!
Given that it's a Hunger Games AU, I wanted to touch on the Hunger Games aesthetic while still being unique. I started with the cover; I knew I wanted red and yellow, something bold and evocative of the Iron Man, Spiderman vibe. It also doubles as an implication of the blood spilt during the games, especially in volume II - when Peter actually enters the games. I chose the spider for the cover, and painted it on the cover paper with inky black paint; I cut a stencil, and while the images did have some drippy areas, I don't mind it so much. It's meant to look like graffiti, Peter's symbol that the people of the Districts scrawl everywhere they can get away with it.
In turn, I also experimented with a paint pen on this one of the titling, done on the spine piece, which is black Better Than Goat leather! Again, I went in with a stencil, and opted for blockier letters, like something you might see spray painted onto a wall.
The endpapers are custom; I messed around with a weird cityscape I found and came out with the image you see above. The setting for the games is a futuristic city, much like MCU NYC would be, complete with an Avengers Stane tower.
And then of course, there's the typeset itself! The Hunger Games books don't have particularly striking typesets, but I did go for the dystopian vibe with the Rustic Printed font on the chapter numbers, and Moonglade for the chapter titles, giving it a very industrial feel.
It was also a pleasure to include the art that @angel-gidget did for the fic as well! Her book covers are so gorgeous and I love her manip style so much <3 I also included the short drabble @iron--spider did on her Tumblr, a post-story snack-sized fic, as well as a meta question she answered via her asks that I thought was particularly interesting. The District guide at the back, including what Districts each character belongs to and whether or not they are deceased was interesting to put together, and I hope I didn't make any mistakes!
Last, but certainly not least, this book was the first one I was able to do really nice headbands on. Shoutout to @morningstarbindery who helped me learn how! They look phenomenal and I never would have figured it out on my own <3
I'm excited for everyone to see these books! One day I'll have all your works on my shelf ;)
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