chibinotan · 2 years
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Gamma-Ray Burst
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astrit-e · 2 years
I like the information on the celestial realm. Seems interesting especially the place for the constellations 😁 (can't wait for the comic 😍). But, do each group has a leader? For example is Herakles the leader of his constellation group? 🤔🤔
Yes and No. I refer to the ones that live together as 'houses'. Not families. The ones that do not live together are referred to as nothing since there is nothing. However, in Astronomy, the constellations are divided into groups and referred to as families according to Menzel's list (an astronomer). In my story, the ones that are not in a "house", don't refer to themselves as families since they don't live together or are family. This is more of a human concept and ideal like in real life.
Zodiac House- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces. Leo is the leader.
Perseus Family- Cassiopeia, Cetus, Andromeda, Perseus, Pegasus, and Cetus (a monster sent to devour Andromeda). Auriga, Lacerta, and Triangulum were also included in Menzel's list. This constellation family do not all live together and thus there is no leader.
Hercules Family- Hercules, Sagitta, Aquila, Lyra, Cygnus, Vulpecula, Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Ophiuchus, Serpens, Scutum, Centaurus, Lupus, Corona Australis, Ara, Triangulum Australe, and Crux. This constellation family do not all live together and thus there is no leader.
Orion House- Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Lepus, and Monoceros, located opposite Hercules. Based on Greek mythology, this constellation group shows Orion the hunter, and his two dogs chasing the hare (Lepus). For completeness, Menzel added the unicorn (Monoceros). Orion is the leader. Monoceros does not live with them.
Ursa Major House- The Ursa Major Family includes 10 northern constellations in the vicinity of Ursa Major: Ursa Major itself, Ursa Minor, Draco, Canes Venatici, Boötes, Coma Berenices, Corona Borealis, Camelopardalis, Lynx, and Leo Minor. The eponymous constellation Ursa Major contains the famous Big Dipper. Ursa Major is the leader. However, Bootes does not live with them and Leo minor is missing.
Heavenly Waters House- The Heavenly Waters draw from the Mesopotamian tradition associating the dim area between Sagittarius and Orion with the god Ea and the Waters of the Abyss. Aquarius and Capricornus, derived from Mesopotamian constellations, would have been natural members had they not already been assigned to the Zodiac group. Instead, Menzel expanded the area and included several disparate constellations, most associated with water in some form: Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina, Puppis, Vela, Pyxis, and Columba. Carina, Puppis, and Vela historically formed part of the former constellation Argo Navis, which in Greek tradition represented the ship of Jason. Eridanus is the leader
Bayer Family- The Bayer Family collects several southern constellations first introduced by Petrus Plancius on several celestial globes in the late 16th century, based on astronomical observations by the Dutch explorers Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman. The constellations were primarily named for exotic animals reported in the travel journals of that period and were copied in Johann Bayer's influential celestial atlas Uranometria in 1603. The group includes Hydrus, Dorado, Volans, Apus, Pavo, Grus, Phoenix, Tucana, Indus, Chamaeleon, and Musca. Bayer labeled Musca as "Apis" (the Bee), but over time it was renamed. The Bayer Family circles the south celestial pole, forming an irregular contiguous band. Because these constellations are located in the far southern sky, their stars were not visible to the ancient Greeks and Romans. This constellation family do not all live together and thus there is no leader.
La Caille Family- The La Caille Family comprises 12 of the 13 constellations introduced by Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1756 to represent scientific instruments, together with Mensa, which commemorates Table Mountain ("Mons Mensa") in South Africa, where he set up his telescope. The group includes Norma, Circinus, Telescopium, Microscopium, Sculptor, Fornax, Caelum, Horologium, Octans, Mensa, Reticulum, Pictor, and Antlia. These dim constellations are scattered throughout the far southern sky, and their stars were mostly not visible to the ancient Greeks and Romans. (Menzel assigned Pyxis, the remaining Lacaille instrument, to the Heavenly Waters group.) This constellation family do not all live together and thus there is no leader.
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leftforthestars · 2 months
babygirl i know stars and constellations you havent even heard of
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star-shooters · 2 years
Old Art of Star Shooters
I recently cleaned my DeviantArt, GoldStarProduction, of all of my art since 2013 and found a lot of good art. I haven't gotten around to making new art that I am confident in sharing yet. So, I will post the digital art of some of the characters within Star Shooters.
I constantly altered between a cute simplified design to a more detailed and realistic one. I am still working on what style to draw these characters in, and some characters don't have a design yet. So far, all the art I have is old designs of the characters and do not reflect who they are in the current version of my story.
Apologies for any watermarks shown below. The old tablet that I used to draw with doesn't support the art app I once used.
Left: Gold Gemitaurus and Silver Kentaurus-Sirius | Right: A more recent drawing of Gold Gemitaurus
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I originally had the idea that their cores, souls, would float above their heads. Now their cores are inside their bodies. Gold had an antenna instead of a horn and Silver was always sad.
Compared to the rest of the crew, I found myself constantly drawing Gold. This was also my attempt to make a drawn model of Gold when I was messing around with Blender. I haven't gotten around to fixing my old laptop, it was misplaced sometime before the break.
Gold Gemitaurus and Copper Cephei:
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I didn't know what I was doing when outlining these characters. There was just a black outline with inside lines being darker than the color inside. I also had a thing for black belts or rings/bands on characters too.
Left: Ube Cephei-Sirius | Right: An older version of Ube Cephei-Sirius with Lumens, late-spirits of young Stars or Stellars
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I had trouble choosing colors for Ube, either having a vibrant purple or a dull purple. So far, I had stuck with the more vibrant shade of purple.
Bone Aratumi:
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I don't think I ever got around to digitally drawing Bone Aratumi. This is the most recent drawing I have made. He is similar enough to Gold's brother, Bone Gemitaurus. Bone Gemitaurus is the same type of Star, just with different tattoos and other physical differences.
Left: Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus | Right: A more recent sketch of Ube Cephei-Sirius and Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
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Yellow was very hard to draw in other poses, her hair was something that changed a lot before I got the hang of it. I did have a different type of hairstyle for her but I can't find the sketches. Perhaps at a later time.
Left: Lapis Asclepius | Right: Ube Cephei-Sirius and Lapis Asclepius
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Lapis was the least character I drew, along with Bone Aratumi. I do plan to majorly redesign her along with everyone else.
Lavender Pink Veloctan:
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Excuse the misspell, I was too interested in drawing and designing. But this was the only drawing I had of Lavender Pink, originally named Lavender Magenta. They'll have a major redesign as well, I am not happy with their hair and body proportions.
I never designed Sky Microscopium, despite describing its appearance in my senior thesis creative writing piece. Sky will be designed as well; I'll have to force my Chromebook to work with me.
I will have sketches of all the characters when I get the chance. I am open to any feedback so please tell me any suggestions, questions, or anything else.
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elbiotipo · 7 months
One thing that (equivalente inglés de "me rompe las pelotas" no tengo ganas de traducir) me about modern astrologers is that it doesn't involve actual astral bodies anymore. Oooh, you made me a natal chart by reading a book or some website and gave me a personality test, who cares. Now, if you actually came to me and told me "I was watching the sky all night and I noticed a meteor passed by your sign" I might pay more attention to you.
Or maybe incorporate some of the new constellations here in the Southern Hemisphere. Who cares about Taurus or Aquarius, always with the Northern hemisphere, I want to see what Microscopium or Horologium means for my future (real constellations BTW). I haven't seen any astrologers talk about any constellations or celestial bodies besides the Zodiac and the solar system. I'm not sure if some of them even KNOW the Zodiac are actual stars that you can go outside and look. Come on, tell me what the Messier Catalog means for my love life.
Did you notice that the Tres Marías (Orion Belt) was up in the sky when Argentina won its third world cup? That's REAL astrology for me.
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officially-taurus · 5 months
List of constellations (and the respective gimmick blogs)
Aries ( @aries-official )
Andromeda ( @andromeda-the-constellation )
Taurus (me!)
Cassiopeia ( @and-cassiopeia )
Orion ( @orion-in-the-sky )
Ursa Minor ( @ursa-minor-probably )
Draco ( @official-draco-constellation )
Corona Borealis
Canes Venatici
Ursa Major ( @ursa-major-actually )
Gemini ( @the-official-gemini )
Canis Minor
Leo ( @literally-leo )
Leo Minor ( @literally-leo-minor )
Coma Berenices
Capricornus ( @officially-capricorn @might-be-capricorn )
Piscis Austrinus
Phoenix ( @phoenix-the-inferno-constellate )
Corona Australis
Canis Major
Libra ( @libra-the-scales-official )
Corvus ( @corvus-the-constellation )
(please tell me if there's a new constellation gimmick blog so I can add it to this list!)
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lichenaday · 11 months
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Leprocaulon quisquiliare (syn. Leprocaulon microscopium)
images: source | source | source
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just--space · 2 years
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The Further Tail of Comet Leonard : Comet Leonard, brightest comet of 2021, is at the lower left of these two panels captured on December 29 in dark Atacama desert skies. Heading for its perihelion on January 3 Comet Leonard's visible tail has grown. Stacked exposures with a wide angle lens (also displayed in a reversed B/W scheme for contrast), trace the complicated ion tail for an amazing 60 degrees, with bright Jupiter shining near the horizon at lower right. Material vaporizing from Comet Leonard's nucleus, a mass of dust, rock, and ices about 1 kilometer across, has produced the long tail of ionized gas fluorescing in the sunlight. Likely flares on the comet's nucleus and buffeting by magnetic fields and the solar wind in recent weeks have resulted in the tail's irregular pinched and twisted appearance. Still days from its closest approach to the Sun, Comet Leonard's activity should continue. The comet is south of the Solar System's ecliptic plane as it sweeps through the southern constellation Microscopium. via NASA
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NASA's mini BurstCube mission detects mega blast
The shoebox-sized BurstCube satellite has observed its first gamma-ray burst, the most powerful kind of explosion in the universe, according to a recent analysis of observations collected over the last several months.
“We’re excited to collect science data,” said Sean Semper, BurstCube’s lead engineer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “It’s an important milestone for the team and for the many early career engineers and scientists that have been part of the mission.”
The event, called GRB 240629A, occurred on June 29 in the southern constellation Microscopium. The team announced the discovery in a GCN (General Coordinates Network) circular on August 29.
BurstCube deployed into orbit April 18 from the International Space Station, following a March 21 launch.
The mission was designed to detect, locate, and study short gamma-ray bursts, brief flashes of high-energy light created when superdense objects like neutron stars collide. These collisions also produce heavy elements like gold and iodine, an essential ingredient for life as we know it. 
BurstCube is the first CubeSat to use NASA’s TDRS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) system, a constellation of specialized communications spacecraft. Data relayed by TDRS (pronounced “tee-driss”) help coordinate rapid follow-up measurements by other observatories in space and on the ground through NASA’s GCN.
BurstCube also regularly beams data back to Earth using the Direct to Earth system — both it and TDRS are part of NASA’s Near Space Network.
After BurstCube deployed from the space station, the team discovered that one of the two solar panels failed to fully extend. It obscures the view of the mission’s star tracker, which hinders orienting the spacecraft in a way that minimizes drag. The team originally hoped to operate BurstCube for 12-18 months, but now estimates the increased drag will cause the satellite to re-enter the atmosphere in September. 
“I’m proud of how the team responded to the situation and is making the best use of the time we have in orbit,” said Jeremy Perkins, BurstCube’s principal investigator at Goddard. “Small missions like BurstCube not only provide an opportunity to do great science and test new technologies, like our mission’s gamma-ray detector, but also important learning opportunities for the up-and-coming members of the astrophysics community.”
BurstCube is led by Goddard. It’s funded by the Science Mission Directorate’s Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. The BurstCube collaboration includes: the University of Alabama in Huntsville; the University of Maryland, College Park; the Universities Space Research Association in Washington; the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington; and NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville.
IMAGE: BurstCube, trailed by another CubeSat named SNOOPI (Signals of Opportunity P-band Investigation), emerges from the International Space Station on April 18, 2024. Credit NASA/Matthew Dominick
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elvain · 6 months
A Semblance Of My Soul
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            “Which one’s your favourite?” Simon says, turning his head to glance at the wall that separates him and Hank.
            Hank hums, rumbling deep in his chest. He squints up at the stars for a moment and then says, “It’s called Microscopium. You’ll see it if you just look past that large cluster in the right corner.”
            “Hang on.” Simon raises his head off the carpeted floor slightly and frowns.
            “Do you see it?” Hank asks after a moment.
            “I think so. It looks… like a microscope.”
            Hank’s whiskers twitch. “Astute.”
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          “Say something.”
            “Oh, come on! Say something.”
            “I said no. That should count.”
            “Come on. I love a good Irish accent.” Tony is still laughing. “Takes me back to some very memorable St. Paddy’s parades.”
            Steve sighs and begins sketching a large, stately mansion in his notebook. “I will only do this once. Am I clear?”
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read the rest on AO3. chapter 2 of 8 is up! :) reblogs encouraged/appreciated.
taglist below. let me know if you want to be added or removed.
@brw @makeminemarvel @greerbaiting @sovaharbor @hawkzeyes @cherlawa-panna
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Story: Battle strategy cards;‘Stellar Charm’ One Tree Hill
One Tree Hill
‘Angel Casablancas’ and their twin sister ‘Cassidy Casablancas’ are the reigning ‘Stellar Charm Card’ champions of the city. Why? From all the students and inhabitants of the city ‘One Tree Hill’ named after the ominous forest from which the entire town surrounds, the mythos and legends surrounding the condemned huaunted forest and tree upon the top of the highest mountain in the city seems to share a grim tale about a series of suicide that concerned the towns ever budding congregation that used to meet weekly for church gatherings at the foot of the ominous tree at the very top of the ecclesiastical tree, now condemned the fellowship now meets else where disbanded and scattered after the horrific events that were the result of students jumping from the top of the building, tree and mountain falling to the their deaths at the bottom of the city beneath the mountain. Walled off and forbidden territory as the signs and gates proclaim on the walls of the forbidden forest students constantly enter in hopes of finding the lost cards of a popular card game that once reigned within the town. ‘Stellar charm cards was a game of unique personal skill and talents that required one to sing, dance and use personal talents to summon your cards constellations the power from which the cards drew from. Unbeknownst to some of the students and card users, some had more than others and the more you possessed the more powerful you were compared to some who only possed two if only even one. The losers of these card games tragically forced if not pushed to end their lives from jumping to their doom amused the congregation leader who sought posses and collect all the cards. But the two twins, secretly would go from card user to card user in private consoling them and confiding within them in order to collect their card in secret, then adding their card to their book of protection, thereby spearing that student or card user from having to suicide. If one didn’t run the Forest deadly maze a deadly obstacle course of doom and make it out alive then there was no way for one to enter the condemned forest in hopes of connecting with one of the ‘stellar sacred tree’s’ one would find in hopes of connecting their soul with a sacred trees constellation of power. Thus, how the card game was born from the now candy factory that would harvest the strange fruits the trees would produce in order to create their sacred foods the town would consume in order to bring forth the unknown power within them. 
88 Officially Recognized Constellations
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Latin Name
English Name or Description
Princess of Ethiopia
Air pump
Bird of Paradise
Water bearer
Graving tool
Canes Venatici
Hunting dogs
Canis Major
Big dog
Canis Minor
Little dog
Sea goat
Keel of Argonauts' ship
Queen of Ethiopia
King of Ethiopia
Sea monster (whale)
Coma Berenices
Berenice's hair
Corona Australis
Southern crown
Corona Borealis
Northern crown
Cross (southern)
Little horse
Hercules, son of Zeus
Sea serpent
Water snake
Leo Minor
Little lion
Lyre or harp
Table mountain
Carpenter's Level
Holder of serpent
Orion, the hunter
Pegasus, the winged horse
Perseus, hero who saved Andromeda
Piscis Austrinus
Southern fish
Stern of the Argonauts' ship
Compass on the Argonauts' ship
Sculptor's tools
Triangulum Australe
Southern triangle
Ursa Major
Big bear
Ursa Minor
Little bear
Sail of the Argonauts' ship
Flying fish
Stellar Charm-A card game:
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Guys guys guys guys guys
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I don't CARE if ponysonas aren't cool anymore, they made me a ponysona!!!! Look at her!!! She's so fucking cool
It's literally so me, they used my fav colours and they gave her funky jewelry and stars!! I love stars!!
The cutie mark is a constellation called microscopium or 'the microscope' bc we do geology together and I'm gonna go on to do more science shit at uni, and I recently got to use a super cool high tech microscope to look at micro fossils and haven't shut up since so it is literally me
They are potentially gonna do commissions once they've got some practice in, wink wink nudge nudge
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lunamagicablu · 4 months
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Ho sognato una notte per molti anni Vagando lontano da casa; Quando potevo stare in piedi e guardare le stelle in silenzio, da solo. Testa sollevata, occhi spalancati; Punti di luce eterna Correndo attraverso l'oscurità Nei miei occhi. Non desiderando niente di più di questo: guardare l'universo e conoscere il suo bacio... dolce sulla mia anima interiore persa nel limbo lì per lì; finché la luce non trafigge (i fotoni abbondano) riempiendo la mia anima di mistero profondo. Per la grazia della gravità Su questa sfera blu e verde Lasciandomi a chiedermi Perché è tutto qui. E per quanto tempo hai viaggiato Araldo della vita Attraverso anni luce di spazio Nel cuore della notte? Hai cominciato nel Big Bang o forse prima? Hai visto il volto del Creatore e Lo hai conosciuto intrinsecamente? O sei un arrivato più recente nel regno della Via Lattea? Sei venuto dal nostro vicino di casa, il Sole, o hai viaggiato ancora più lontano, là fuori in fuga? Hai visto altre civiltà di persone come noi Nelle lontane distese del tempo e dello spazio Brulicanti di stelle e pianeti, Realizzate dalle megalitiche ruote girevoli di gas e polvere? Conoscevi Andromeda, Orione, Cancro e Cratere? Che dire della Corona Boreale, del Draco e di Cassiopea? Hai volato accanto a Delfino e Gemelli, ai Gemelli, oltre Pegaso e Perseo sulla strada per Microscopium? Potrei fare questo tipo di domande finché il tempo non si fermerà Ma a quel punto saremo lontani da tempo E non sarò mai stato completamente riempito Di tutte le meraviglie La vita in questo universo mi porta alla fine di un'altra bella giornata Molto meglio del migliore di tutti i sogni. Copyright © Terrell Martin art by Rinki Jadab ********************** I dreamed one night for many years Wandering far from home; When I could stand and look at the stars in silence, alone. Head raised, eyes wide open; Points of eternal light Running through the darkness In my eyes. Wishing nothing more than this: to look at the universe and know her kiss... sweet on my inner soul lost in limbo then and there; until the light pierces (photons abound) filling my soul with profound mystery. By the grace of gravity On this blue and green sphere Leaving me wondering Why is it all here. And how long have you traveled Herald of life Through light years of space In the dead of night? Did you start in the Big Bang or maybe before? Have you seen the face of the Creator and known Him intrinsically? Or are you a more recent arrival to the realm of the Milky Way? Did you come from our neighbor, the Sun, or did you travel even further, out there on the run? Have you seen other civilizations of people like us In the distant reaches of time and space Teeming with stars and planets, Made from megalithic spinning wheels of gas and dust? Did you know Andromeda, Orion, Cancer and Crater? What about the Corona Borealis, Draco and Cassiopeia? Have you flown past Dolphin and Gemini, the Twins, past Pegasus and Perseus on the way to Microscopium? I could ask these kinds of questions until time stands still But by then we'll be long gone And I'll never be completely filled With all the wonders Life in this universe brings me to the end of another beautiful day Far better than the best of all dreams. Copyright © Terrell Martin art by Rinki Jadab 
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empress-leo · 1 year
Rating each of the 88 IAU designated constellations based on how good they would be as a name for a member of the Black family because I’m bored and this road trip will take at least 2 more hours.
Andromeda: 10/10 no notes. It’s perfect disaster name material.
Antila: 6/10 I feel they would be the weird middle child of the family
Apus: 5/10 could be good as a domineering father figure, otherwise I wouldn’t want to call my edgy soft boi Apus Black
Aquarius: 3/10 would get made fun of and not taken seriously
Aquila: 7/10 perfect name for an adventurous lesbian that got disinherited yet is a total badass
Ara: 1/10 I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from thinking Ara Ara Black
Aries: 9/10 perfect antagonist name
Auriga: 2/10 just doesn’t really roll off the tongue well
Boötes: 3/10 not bad, but the double Bs knock it down a few points
Caelum: 6/10 good as the edgy second in command to an antagonist, otherwise unremarkable
Camelopardis: 0/10 horrible would only be made fun of for being named the objectively worse version of giraffe
Cancer: 0/10 do I even need to explain
Canes Venatici: 2/10 to many syllables
Canis Major: 4/10 could see this being used as the name for an older twin, but not on its own
Canis Minor: 4/10 ditto but for the younger twin
Capricornus: 3/10 maybe as a medieval ancestor, but not as a modern black
Carina: 8/10 younger sister name
Cassiopeia: 10/10 amazing
Centaurus: 2/10 this would probably offend the actual centaurs
Cepheus: 5/10 total emo recluse name
Cetus: 7/10 short and snappy, perfect for an overbearing father
Chamaeleon: 4/10 I could totally see them using this out of pure spite
Circinus: 3/10 at best a great-grandfather, otherwise horrible
Columba: 8/10 would be a soft and gentle older sister
Coma Berenices: 0/10 too many syllables and has coma in the name
Corona Australis: 0/10 too specific
Corona Borealis: 0/10 see above
Corvus: 10/10 the ultimate emo boi name
Crater: 8/10 would play beater on the house team
Crux: 8/10 definitely a middle child with something to prove
Cygnus: 8/10 a daddy you don’t want to mess with
Delphinus: 6/10 the secretive bastard daughter who has inherited angst
Dorado: 2/10 too many Os
Draco: 10/10 Draco Malfoy adopted by the Blacks AU vibes
Equuleus: 5/10 too many Us, other could be good for a grandfather
Eridanus: 5/10 if you place the emphasis on the i then it works, otherwise not
Fornax: 3/10 probably sounds cooler than the person with the name actually is
Gemini: 4/10 youngest child energy
Grus: 6/10 people would think it’s a nickname then be surprised it’s their real name
Hercules: 9/10 though it would probably end up being used be someone with extremely supremacist views, ruining the name for everyone else
Horologium: 0/10 imagine introducing yourself as ‘watch’
Hydra: 6/10 would defiantly be the younger brother of Hercules
Hydrus: 5/10 either the worse version of Hydra or the better version
Indus: 4/10 coloniser vibes
Lacerta: 9/10 absolutely the daughter that ran away from the family becuase she loved a Muggle
Leo: 10/10 I’m biased
Leo Minor: the inferior sibling of Leo
Lepus: 1/10 sound too much like Leper
Libra: 4/10 Le Bruh Black
Lupus: 8/10 Lupin gets adopted by the Blacks AU vibes
Lynx: 6/10 you think they’re gonna be all edgy and intimidating but they’re actually soft and apologetic for their crazy name
Lyra: 9/10 pure spice, I love it
Mensa: 0/10 I can’t think of anything I like about it
Microscopium: 0/10 like, BRUH, why
Monoceros: 6/10 the Uncle that’s a bit too into blood purity and duelling
Musca: 2/10 I- I mean, really?
Norma: 5/10 the boring and unremarkable young sister
Octans: 7/10 I could see it being used as the name of an aide
Ophiuchus: 0/10 horrible
Orion: 10/10 it’s perfect
Pavo: 4/10 that cousin you only see once every few years and aren’t quite sure how you’re related
Pegasus: 8/10 kinda heroic, I could see this being used for a main character
Perseus: 7/10 same comment as above, just a weaker version of it
Phoenix: 8/10 the hot headed brother, though given that phoenixes are real it’s kinda like naming your child cheetah
Pictor: 1/10 if a black family member ever became a grave digger, it would be Pictor
Piscis: 3/10 could be worse. I imagine this child would be mostly forgotten about though
Piscis Austrinus: 1/10 the worse version of Picsis
Puppis: 6/10 excitable younger sibling energy
Pyxis: 8/10 a name for a younger sibling who reads a few too many dark magic books
Reticulum: 1/10 horrible. Absolutely horrible
Sagitta: 7/10 people would think it’s a nickname for Sagittarius, but it actually works on its own
Sagittarius: 5/10 could just use Sagitta as a nickname
Scorpius: 9/10 almost as emo as Corvus. Almost.
Sculptor: 3/10 I could see them using it as the name of an ancestor who lived before the 17th cenfury
Scutum: 1/10 sounds too much like scrotum. Anyone who would be named this would have anger issues
Serpens: 3/10 sounds incomplete
Sextans: 3/10 in the same boat as Sculptor
Taurus: 10/10 absolutely perfect for a Father or Uncle that is an amazing duellist and is mad when his son isn’t
Telescopium: 0/10 hmm yes I would like to seeeeeee
Triangulum: 0/10 triangulate a better name
Triangulum Australe: 0/10 no that’s worse
Tucana: 8/10 either an adoring mother or the youngest brother
Ursa Major: 4/10 good older twin name
Ursa Minor: 4/10 good younger twin name
Vela: 5/10 I could see this being used, but it would cause problems with the Veela community
Virgo: 6/10 but only if pronounced as Vir(j)o Black instead of Vir(g)o Black
Volans: 6/10 semi-decent, but definitely not the oldest child
Vulpecula: 3/10 any child named this will immediately become angry
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star-shooters · 2 years
Members of Star Shooter
Copper Cephei
Copper is an elder team member with a fiery personality and a burning core of calcium nitrate. He is the illegitimate offspring of his Stellar Blood Cepheus; his numerous half-siblings see him as a burden. Copper seeks change on his home planet. He finds that treating anyone based on their creation and what burns in their core is ridiculous. Added to his hatred for his older brother, Coquelicot, Copper secretly wishes to have a functional family like some of his team members.
Copper sometimes loses his temper, catching himself and his surroundings on fire if no one calms him down. His anger threatens all who don’t know him, and he finds solace with his cousin, Ube, who looks past his threatening characteristics. Copper will protect his friends despite not having anyone to support him when things get tough.
Bone Aratumi
Bone is an older team member with an affinity toward death-themed attire; paired with a pure lead-burning core, he is seen close to Ube conjuring up spirits of long-passed Stars and Stellars. Bone’s family is an outcast for only producing Stars whose cores burn toxic materials; he wants to find a way to change society to accept his family and kin. He is the only one in the group with tattoos, making him appear like a skeleton, and with fire hair that changes size depending on his mood. Bone wishes to be as strong and caring as his idol, General Bone, Gold’s older brother. He carries a tote of various jars whose contents are helpful in almost anything he needs, so long as he has enough materials. With Ube, Bone can use her tote’s materials for larger projects and attacks. His spirit companies aid him in attacks and defending while he digs for a weapon.
Gold Gemitaurus
Gold is an older team member who has many contacts with influential people. She is believed to be a pure iron-burning Star with a sense of nobility which she gained from her brothers. Gold wishes for her home to change, willing to sacrifice herself for it like her late brothers did when she was a child. Gold’s need for change led her to volunteer for experimental coding that gave her the power with drawbacks, Detachment.
While in Detachment, Gold is not in control of her vessel and automatically takes down any threat within her vicinity. So far, the programming has kept Gold alive from her enemies but has hurt others when she’s not careful with tagging them as friends or foes. Gold is thankful that her friends don’t mind her corrupt data and help her when the coding takes over.
Bright Ube Cephei-Sirius
Ube is the youngest team member who suffers from insomnia and night terrors, causing her to be prone to fainting or falling asleep. With a core composed of potassium nitrate, she wishes to open an alchemy shop with her sisters and sell explosive powders. Her family is quite influential but doesn’t have enough power compared to other, more powerful individuals. She carries a tote, like Bone, and uses the materials to create explosives and smoke covering at a whim.
Ube is related to both Copper and Silver, which results in some confusion between the two. She changed her name from Bright Ube, following Silver’s lead in simplifying honorifics, and spends the most time with when Copper is busy. Like Bone, she can conjure up long-dead Stars and Stellars to help her or keep her company, though it drains much of her power when she is sleep-deprived.
Silver Kentaurus-Sirius
Silver is a team member who has unnaturally strong ice abilities, causing him to wear heated and insulated clothing. The unique fabrics keep him warm and prevent the cold from escaping from most of his body and freezing his surroundings. His proper name is Tuğçe Silver, reduced to just Silver to save others from mispronouncing it; his decision causes his cousin Ube to do the same, which he finds amusing. Many believe he is an aluminum-burning Star instead of a core full of magnesium sulfate.
Silver wishes for his people to treat everyone with respect: not based on their lineage or through world-changing acts. He has seen the different treatments two of his brothers had received for serving their people: one received respect for eradicating an extremist group, and the other received none for busting criminal rings. Despite having two of the strongest Stellars on their home planet, Silver needs his team to help in their efforts for a better future.
Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
Yellow is a young team member with explosive anger issues and a posh upbringing. She is one of the numerous other Yellows who would team up together and hunt down their mortal enemies, the Darkening, from taking over their district. She is considerably more stable with a core burning sodium nitrate than a pure sodium-burning Star.
Unlike Gold, Yellow has a natural ability that uses her anger and frustration to further fuel her core, Unhinged. Prone to irritation, she has trouble controlling her power and constantly reminds herself that it is only for emergencies like her sister, Sunglow. Yellow has coiled pigtails that can uncoil into horns when she lets the Unhinged programming do its magic. The state of her coils is a warning sign to everyone before getting hit with her Morningstar/flail hybrid. Yellow finds the idea that her people are treated based on their lineage and usefulness idiotic; she had dealt with mistreatment for being created with impure materials and being unable to find a place within their kind.
Lavender Pink Veloctan
Lavender Pink is an enthusiastic team member related to a well-known delivery line of Stars, Cherry Blossom Pink. Despite not participating in the family business of delivering mail through time and space, Lavender Pink has a unique tote with a pocket dimension. With a core burning potassium chloride, Lavender Pink shares a sibling bond with Ube and sometimes helps Ube when her night terrors worsen.
Like Gold, they have lousy coding in their core; modifications and patches were done to help them function better. Lavender Pink is very close to Gold due to sharing similar malfunctions and system errors. They wish to become as great a medic as Lapis, finding the limited available occupations frustrating and restrictive. Besides Ube, Lavender Pink is the group’s most naïve member and takes a while to understand the gravity of events. Whatever item they take from their bag can be helpful or not, depending on what Lavender Pink needs to solve a problem.
Bright Sky Blue Microscopium
Sky is the most logical member of the team, speaking differently from the rest of the members. It is a being of logic but is trying to stray from its purely monotonous and computer-like speech pattern. Unlike the other Stars, it prefers to stay away from elaborate plans that include unnecessarily high amounts of emotions. Anything about the average level of emotional output would cause Sky to experience a system reboot and wait a few minutes to restart and get back to speed.
Sky has a core burning cupric chloride but is mistaken for its arsenic-burning cousin, Sky Blue. Due to their shared names, Sky is avoided by many who don’t know the difference between them. It later shortened its name to just Sky, to avoid the confusion. Sky wishes to have more accessible education for everyone, teaching others the difference between two similar named or hued Star and Stellar; sometimes Sky wishes that everyone had actual names than by the tint of their cores.
Lapis Asclepius
Lapis is the eldest member of the team, a well-known medic who will find a way to alleviate ailments with whatever she has at hand. She is the largest in the group, towering over Copper and Bone, but will not fight unless others are in danger. With a core burning indium trichloride, very few occupations are available to Lapis and her line. The lack of jobs causes her to find other fields outside her core’s abilities, even inspiring others to create more work.
Outside of her job as a medic, she owns a bakery. Aside from combat and saving lives, others like Lapis make a living at the bakery. Lapis wishes that her home allowed other Stars like her occupations that deviate outside their assigned professions. So far, baking is the only different position she and other Lapises can hold, which frustrates many who want something more. With the help of her team members, Lapis hopes that they gather more members to convince the populous towards change.
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hannahmcgill · 2 years
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Gastronomy Chart A silly piece depicting my personal experiences with food linked to various constellations in the sky.
Image ID beneath Read More cut contains over 70 food puns in a list. This is a long list, and a lot of puns, so I'm not going to subject everyone to all that without their consent.
[img id] 1st image: Digital art depicting food-themed constellations. Blue constellations are on a flat black background. It is labeled 'Gastronomy' along the bottom.
2nd image: Labeled black-and-white diagram of first image so that everyone can appreciate the puns. The labels are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Andromeda - "Pan"-dromeda Antlia - "Anchovy"-a Apus - A-"Parsnip" Aquarius - Asparagus Aquila - Aq-"Waffles" Ara - A-"Radish" Aries - Berries (say this one aloud) Auriga - Auriga-no (say this one aloud, too) Boötes - "Beer"-tes Caelum - "Cake"-um Camelopardalis - "Caramel"-opardalis Cancer - Boiled Crab Canes Venatici - Canes "Penne"-tici Canis Major - "Soda Can"-is Major (so it's a big plastic bottle) Canis Minor - "Soda Can"-is Minor (just the cat) Capricornus - Capri-"Corn"-us Carina - "Calamari"-na Cassiopeia - "Spaghetti"-opeia Centaurus - "Gin"-taurus Cepheus - "Cereal"-phus Cetus - "Sushi"-tus Chamaeleon - Chamaele-"oolong" Circinus - "Citrus"-inus Columba - "Cola"-mba Coma Berenices - "Chicken Korma" Berenices Corvus - Cor-"Vanilla"-s Crater - Was already food-related, so no pun necessary. Crux - Slice of Cake Cygnus - Roast Swan Delphinus - Del-"Fondue" Dorado - "Doragon Fruit" Draco - "Drink"-o Equuleus - "Egg"-uuleus Eridanus - Eri-"Danishes" Fornax - For-"Nachos" Gemini - Ge-"Mint"-i Grus - "Au" Grus Hercules - "Burger"-cules Horologium - "Hors-d'œuvre"-logium Hydra - Hyd-"Ramen" Hydrus - Hy-"Drumstick" Indus - In-"Dessert" Lacerta - It's a gummy lizard! Leo - Le-"Orange" Leo Minor - Le-"Orange" Minor Lepus - "Leek"-us Libra - Li-"Bread" Lupus - Lu-"Pumpkin" Lynx - "Sausage" Lynx Mensa - Men-"Salmon" Microscopium - Monoceros - Mono-"Celery"-os Musca - "Mousse"-ca Norma - "Nori"-ma Octans - "Okra"-tans Ophiuchus - Ophiu-"Cous-cous" Orion - Ori-"Onion" Pegasus - "Egg"-asus Perseus - "Supper"-seus Phoenix - Phoen-"ice cream" Pictor - "Pickle"-tor Pisces - "Stargazy Pie"-sces Piscis Austrinus - Pisces Aus-"Tin"-Us Puppis - Pup-"Pizza" Pyxis - "Pizza" Reticulum - "Ratatouille"-um Sagittarius - Saggi-"Pear"-ius Scorpius - Roast Lobster Tail Sculptor - Sculp-"Tortilla" Scutum - Scu-"Toast" Taurus - A Steak Telescopium - "Tea"-loscopium Triangulum - Wedge of triangular cheese Triangulum Australe Tucana - "Tuna Can"-a Ursa Major - Ursa "Measure" Ursa Minor - Ur-"Salt" minor Vela - "Veal"-a Virgo - "Extra" Virgo "Olive Oil" Volans - Vo-"Lasagna" Vulpecula - "Full"-pecula
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