nightqueens-world · 14 days
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porterdavis · 22 days
This is what we're up against
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Sees a nice char cosplay: *checks comments*
" but charlies flat"
"She's doing it on purpouse"
"So big"
" ever heard of a bra?, you should wear one'
Reblog if you think ppl need to stop making comments like these
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snoweylily · 1 month
is it still too soon to talk about the blatant misogynism and double standards that existed in popular early-2010s hits aimed at women like "What Makes You Beautiful" and "Grenade" yet or nah?
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101maverick · 12 days
Listened to some Sofia Isella songs and now I feel extremely uncomfortable and upset at the fact that I’m a woman
The knowledge of never being able to escape the objectification of men and never being able to shake off the concept of ultimately being an object for sexual pleasure and nothing more
I’ve never had my first kiss yet nor even a talking stage and the distrust I feel for men boys and males in general runs so deep I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust my own husband if they don’t invent a way for me to read his mind and know for sure he sees me as a person
Sometimes I just want to be a boy just because they can be whatever they want without that added layer of being a woman
It just colors everything and I struggle to see past it, past the preconceptions I myself have about women and it kills me how I too have them
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lukesfrag · 2 years
If you're a Makima hater, I want you to fuck off. There are a lot of male villains and everyone favors and claps their hands. But when it's a female villain/Makima everyone puts them down and calls them a bitch, whore, etc.
Makima is queen, female villains are queens.
Fuck you misogynists who hate them.
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wayfarerfla-blog · 2 months
Women Veterans
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? Quality Healthcare benefits for Women Veterans and non service-connected non combat women.
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m0e-ru · 10 months
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i cant believe p4g came out and every single one of you forgot about adachis sister
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clericxhood777 · 1 month
This is going to sound like dickriding, but I can't be the only Damijon shipper that doesn't have a vendetta against Nika.
The way some of y'all treat her, is utterly disgusting. Calling her names, being misogynistic towards her and hating her for fucking breathing, is generally weird. Maybe, it's cuz I'm not in this fandom long enough, but why do y'all genuinely hate her??? All she does is be a person that loves Damian.
Hating Nika isn't going to make Damijon less fanon. The girl did nothing, leave her the fuck alone. And I'm saying this, because I find it weird how mlm ships always treat the women love interests like shit. Fuck y'all, genuinely, just leave Nika's name out of y'all mouths.
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yugiohz · 11 months
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race-week · 11 months
Ahh yes a ‘women can’t drive’ joke in the year 2023
The peak of comedy
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hush-writes-preg · 2 days
Why am I so swollen? What have you done to me? After everything, my body has gotten heavier, my feet has gotten swollen, breasts saggy, and my cunt feels so swollen. My thighs are thicker, and I have to waddle to move. My belly has lurched out and sloshes at my every shift or movement.
I can't bend over anymore, and when I squatted, my pants got wet and now I can't stop the aches of my belly and the grinding I feel in my hips. Why some object is wedging between the bones of my hips and thighs, and why I keep wanting to spread my legs and grunt down. What have you done to me?? Why does it hurt? And why do you keep watching me instead of helping me??
I haven't done anything to you, sweetheart-- it's just your body going through some natural changes. Don't you worry your pretty head about it.
Come here and lean against my chest, and we'll walk around a little. Let me hold you and stroke all of those awkward new curves. You can spread your knees a little further apart if it helps with the ache. Breathe, that's right. You have a cunt, and sometimes people with cunts just get a little swollen and sore. I can't expect you to understand why, you silly thing. Just know that I'm here for you, and I'll take care of you.
What's that? There's pressure in your pelvis?
You probably just ate something that upset your stomach. Just keep moving with me, and stop trying to bear down, else you'll embarrass yourself. You don't need to make a big deal out of nothing, my love.
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sloubs · 1 month
belle journée pour se rappeller qu'alain delon était une ordure absolue <3
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stars4sole · 3 months
"hc sirius as transfem takes away all his personality!" or maybe you associate being a women/fem with being boring and having no layers..isn't that right Ms."mary hates politics and only cares about girly stuff like higheels!!! she got in the way of wolfstar!!!! she was a player!!!" ?
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koks-kino · 3 months
when a character design that is androgynous, "unsexy" and seen more on male characters appears to be female 🤩😍💖💥
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
I love the 2016-2017 Disney Princesses comics because they are very cute, quite funny and pretty, add a few cute good lore elements, and have characters bond
Notably it has Merida and her ex suitors having become friends after the movie's events which is adorable. None wanted marriage and she didn't want to put aside her tomboyish personalities they were allowed to have, so they all bonded over those as the clans made peace. That's adorable
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I also love the balance of consistency (Wee Dingwall is not stupid. He just has a resting high face especially when he is not happy to be there or doing that. And these strips understood that) and evolution (none used to understand Young MacGuffin now they do and just "translate" for us readers, they all used to be shocked and embarrassed Merida was superior to them now they gladly accept it and try to better themselves and show off to her not an unfriendly way, Wee Dingwall speaks more and even though Young MacIntosh is still proud and boasts a lot and still tries to impress the archery expert as if he would teach her anything, it no longer, he no longer seems to fit as many tantrums as before, mock or look down on others, seeing teens his age and a girl who not only is not a trophy for once in his life but a genuine friend as well as someone who had him and the others open their eyes about this arranged marriage thing, he became slightly more humble and seems to still be working on it and heading towards the right way. As for Merida herself, who used to roast and mock them with her dad, now she is more at peace now that they no longer pose a threat to her future and so became helpful, supporting and even when she makes fun it is more light hearted than anything and she aknowledges when they do good (such as no matter how shitty his desmonstration had been Young MacIntosh DID do a bullseye) and is no longer annoyed but amused or concerned about their antic
But my favorite strip is this one for everything is implies and the lore details and potential it gives, especially for how much the movie is about parent-child relationships
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The fact they all agreed to camp together and their parents agreed implying the clans are closer than ever and them, future clan leaders, will be closer than ever for having hunted together, fought together and camped around a fire in the middle of nowhere together in their youth
The confirmation Merida isn't/wasn't (it seems to take place after the movie but I guess even if the bond was mended and Elinor now accepts her daughter's tastes and opinions she still must expect her to keep practicing stuff essential for a Lady's future, or a compromise Merida accepts to do now they understand each other even if she doesn't like it) the only one to have to follow strict royal lessons but they all did which puts even more into perspective their roles in the movie and why they approved her choice
The implication that either the Lords are like Elinor at home being more up to the rules, serious and strict than Fergus and just being feral once together as men OR it has to do with gender and the mothers have to be like that to their daughters and so do the fathers to their sons
And the most boring tasks the dads give them have to do with their (dads' and/or sons') traits : Lord MacIntosh is very proud of his lineage and genes (he prides themselves in having the most beautiful hair) so he demands for his proud son to be proud for something useful for once such as about his own family heritage, Lord MacGuffin tries (enhance tries, that's not really how you help but he tries) to have his son more confident and more eloquent as a future leader who will have to be heard and understood by his people in his court or in battle, and then you have Lord Dingwall who just has his son do chores for him, which works with how bossy he is and how it must be his definition of making someone responsible, as well as how the Dingwalls seem to be more practical than show since whereas they are mocked for jist having a rock as sigil, it is a much better weapon than a caldron or a lyre and goes straight to the point without needless symbolism therefore chores must be more important for him in life for a leader than anything else
I am obviously overanalyzing some points, but these go perfectly with my HCs
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