rainbowpopeworld · 4 months
From Georgia Tennant’s instagram stories today. I had to add the Crowley on laudanum clip 😅😈🐐
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afza147 · 9 months
My demon ep10 short review
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I love u writernim for not letting anyone die today
The vibe and mood for this ep is feel like ep15 vibe ..like I was confuse at some point is this really ep10??
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Did not cry but almost cry ,just not expect noh do ryeong to hit her ..like woah
We were about to have a tattoo exchange moment..well we did ..but not in other way..therefore I love writernim
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Nonetheless I'm so glad no one died..,maybe noh do gyeong..we will see in 1 week 6 day
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Fighting everyone including me who will binge watch every episode again until ep11 released
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thatonearoacefreak · 1 month
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emilydickinsonsghost · 6 months
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Thanks Neil babygirl, really needed to hear that this summer…🖤
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altijd-november · 9 months
moreeeeeeeeeee lore coming this way :)
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twcfaces · 1 year
@fromxbeginningxtoxend from x
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"Yes, you idiot. I'll get us both killed. I'm not walking out of here without you under any circumstances."
Two-Face is at just as much of a loss as Batman--- but coin or no coin, he's determined to stay and do something.
He's given Harvey so many--- too many--- chances. It's not fair. It's not fair that he's at risk, and Two-Face is unharmed. This isn't the right thing--- it's not the way things are supposed to be!
"You're the good guy, Bats. You should live. Don't be stupid."
Harvey kneels, to examine the damage. It's as terrible as he suspected and worse, which makes him wince a little to see it. But if they're both going to die anyway...
"Now, let's see what we can do about this utility belt. I might be able to reach it if you hold still."
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streaminn · 1 year
if... if the cheese moon fed us, we'd be dead
Sounds like a win win
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( I had to make the volume of the overlay down to volume two because you wouldn't be able to hear the videos audio good if I didn't)
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Featuring: MidLink, Twilight&Warriors qpr, hurt/comfort, blood loss, blood and injury, loopy talk, old and new memories
"Would you stop squirming and hold still you stupid wolf!" Midna chides as she tries to keep ahold of the Hylians arm. 
That puppy like whine escapes him as he tries to stop fidgeting. Each little tug of the bandages pulling at the raw wounds as the imp carefully patches him up. The crackling fire illuminating her in a way that the monoton lighting of the twilight just doesn't seem to achieve. But here in the dead of night, beneath a starry moonless black sky. Surrounded by the tall grass of Hyrule field. The light dances off her in such a special way. 
Despite how tired he is, how much every little movement hurts. Between cracked ribs, bruised limbs, and the deep gashes torn into his torso and various other places. Watching her methodically wrapping the bandages around his torn up arm ends up putting a small smile on his face. 
"What's with the stupid look?" She mumbles with a small frown as she glances at him. 
He smiles more, looking every bit like a dopey dog. "Y'er soft.." 
A startled bawlk of confusion escapes her. "I'm what?!" 
"Y'er soft.." He says with a tired little giggle. "Ya like t' think y're all cool an' mysterious but y're jus soft." 
"I am not soft!" 
"Yeah ye are, y're really jus, so soft. And ya care and y're sweet! Ya just act like a big grouch.." 
"Oh gods blood loss makes you loopy. Did you really loose that much? Are you going to live?!" 
Despite the little imps' concern Link couldn't help but smile even more. Giggles escaping him once again. It was nice to see how much she cared. Seeing the sweet under all of her sourness. 
Things were getting more and more dangerous, the injuries were starting to pile up. The ability to keep potions on him more difficult, and the time to travel to springs and supply spots is getting less and less even with the portals. 
At the start he'd bandage his wounds in silence and mend his armor when he couldn't sleep for fear of what could jump out of the shadows. Such a routine quickly became something that kept him sane, so he didn't even realize when she started helping. When she'd take over wrapping the bandages because his hands were shaking. Pulling thorns and teeth from his body and rubbing salves on his burns. 
Rather than waking up curled up in the dirt beneath Epona's feet alone and cold. He'd find her curled up with him like a cat during the night, staying as long as possible before the light would chase her into his shadow. 
"Oh, oh gods no don't do that! Put those back there's no need for any of your stupid human leaking! You're losing enough fluids as it is!" Midna frets with a forced tone of annoyance. Her small hands wiping at the damp streaks now covering his cheeks. 
That's funny? When did he start crying. Another soft chuckle escapes him as he leans into her hands unintentionally. Large warm tears continuing to well up more and more. Truth be told he doesn't have the energy to try and stop them, but try he does, at least for her sake. 
"What is with you! Seriously this shit spills out of you faster than blood.." Midna hisses though it's still far more concerned than annoyed. 
"'M sorry…jus sometimes they jus, kinda come out ya know? Kinna hard t' stop em once they're goin." He manages with a weak but wet laugh. 
"I do not know. I'm above them.." She huffs. 
That thought just makes him sad, his smile falling a bit. He knows very much how often she feels emotions. That she bottles all of them up and turns them into anger and sarcasm. 
Before he's really aware of what he's doing his arms are around her. Holding her close as he can without squeezing her too tightly, not that he has the strength to smother her with affection right now. Even so the surprised squeak he gets out of her is enough to get a choked giggle out of him. 
"Link! What are you doing!" Midna squawks as she tries to wiggle out of his hold without hurting him further. 
Link lets out another soft chuckle, resting his forehead on her small shoulder. "M' sorry…jus..j-jus 'member ya don't hafta be 'bove it all when yer with me…" 
The little imps wiggling stills as she lets out a soft sigh. Her small hand gently patting the top of his head before her little fingers card through his hair a bit.
"Alright you stupid little wolf…" She murmurs with a surprising amount of gentleness as she rests her head against his. "Get some sleep….we'll get you somewhere safe in the morning…and I'll keep the monsters at bay for now.." 
"Okay, okay buddy you're gonna be just fine..I just need you to calm down okay?" Warriors manages in as calm a tone as he can muster. 
Blood seeps through the deep blue of the blonde's scarf as he presses it firmly against the ragged wound torn into Twilight's chest. Staining his nimble fingers a bright crimson. 
"Mm..'s kinda hard when there's 'n adrenlin fairy flittin 'bout" Twilight slurs as his eyes travel around in a panick. Scanning the battlefield for signs of their friends.
They'd landed in Warriors Hyrule, dropped right in the middle of a battle. Time had been torn asunder again and it was sheer chaos, monsters from all of their worlds tearing through forces like paper. They'd gotten separated from one another pretty quickly. 
"Adrenaline fairy? Is that what you said?" Warriors asks with the small bit of amused exasperation he manages to muster. That ever so faint bell like ring to his words soothing Twilight at least a bit. "Please dear farmer, tell me that isn't actually where you think adrenaline comes from?" 
A pained but honest chuckle escapes the ranch hand as he lets his head plop back against the boulder holding him upright. "Makes sense don't it? 'S like a spell hits ya out of nowhere 'n doesn't ware off easy..mean we've…we've seen butterflies that can stave off..the cold….an frogs that k-keep yah wake…why not drenlin..fairies..?" 
More giggles escape him as he continues to ramble on. Part of him just wishing his brother would stop looking at him like he's dying. 
"Okay…okay big guy..whatever you say okay? Just uh…just use that fairy to keep awake okay? We'll get you a potion really soon here.." Warriors says with a nod, his melodic voice trembling slightly. 
"Heyyy…hey 'm okay…I'll be okay..I've..I've had worse….I think..certainly felt worse. So 'm kay…okay..?" Twilight says as he presses his shaking hands over the Captains. 
"Don't you dare start trying to comfort me." Warriors frowns with a shake of his head as he tries to make sure he's pressing as hard as he can against the wound. 
"Ya look so sad tho..." Twilight says with that sad puppy dog whine as he lets his head drop forward slowly. Plopping his forehead against his brothers so he can properly see those fierce crystal blue eyes, that are maybe getting just a little blurry because of the bloodloss. "Don't be sad…no reason t' be sad…" 
"I'm…I'm holding your skin together as you bleed out before my eyes! H-how…I'm..I'm watching my brother die and you expect me not to be sad!!" Wars croaks, that bell like sound rattling with a desperation the other doesn't like hearing. 
"'M not dying…no sir..not me.." Twilight murmurs.
"Twi you're!-" 
"Didja…did ya realize..how pretty yer voice is..?" Twilight interrupts without meaning to. 
"Yer voice…sounds like magic..it's all strong an…an commanding….specially..when yer usin that outdoor voice….it sounds like music! Is…'s really hard t' be mad atcha sometimes..specially when yer bein….'noyin..cuz the…the bells sound so happy…" 
Warriors cheeks flare a bright red as he tries to focus on the injury again. "Really?! Now is when you go on about something like that?! Now is not the time you stupid wolf!" 
Twilight can't help the chuckles that rumble out of him no matter how much they hurt. Squeezing the Captains hands as the wobbly giggles keep coming. 
"Oh my….all this time and blood loss still makes you loopy." 
The sweet feminine voice stills his laughter. All of the air being torn from his lungs at once. 
Warriors pulls his head away from his brother and looks towards the voice. Relief filling his composure. "Midna! Thank the goddesses..please, please tell me you have a health potion on you?!" 
"I do..don't worry he'll be alright."
Twilight's eyes fill with tears as he watches the princess come into view. The ruler of twilight kneeling beside him with ease and grace, almost as if she hadn't been missing from his life all these years. 
"Sweet wolf…did you miss me that much..?" She whispers softly as thin baby blue fingers begin to card through his hair. 
"Yer…yer really here..?" He manages on a choked sob. Immediately leaning into her touch as heavily as he can. 
"Yes you silly farm boy…I'm right here.." She murmurs as she carefully shifts closer to him. "Drink this for me okay..? You'll feel a little better…." 
Carefully she gets him to drink down the sour red liquid. His pain slowly starting to eb away a bit with each passing second. 
"It won't heal you all the way…but it'll be much better in a few minutes.." She whispers as she looks him over. "I've also got some bandages..so we're going to fix you up a bit alright?" 
He manages a small nod, the tears still falling heavily as he does. Time passes in a blur after that as his brother, and the woman he misses so dearly, carefully get him undressed bandaged and redressed in an efficient fashion. Apparently he even passed out at one point during the process. Because when he wakes there's a small fire lighting the gloomy little area. He can hear and see that more of his brothers had found them. Piled together and sleeping soundly in a couple different cuddle piles. 
He can feel Wars hanging onto him with a strong arm around his waist. That golden halo of hair telling him the Captains face is currently buried in his stomach, and he's at least calm enough that he's breathing evenly. He can also smell that it's Wild who's pressed up against his back in a tight little ball despite the fact he's nearly laying on him, but that's where his investigation stops. His eyes already beginning to water as he slowly looks up at the ethereal figure carding fingers through his hair again. 
Midna has him held in her lap with a pillow, his cheek resting against her stomach as he gazes at her. Her hood is down, showing that shaggy spiky red hair of hers that she usually keeps hidden aside from her long flowing ponytail. 
"You light dwellers and your emotions.." She whispers as she gently brushes away some of his tears. "Stop that now..you've lost enough fluids as it is…" 
He sniffles a bit and nuzzles into her touch. Closing his eyes tightly for only a moment before opening them again, afraid that if he looks away for too long she'll disappear again. 
"...It's okay..I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere for a while.." She whispers. 
"...promise..?" He murmurs softly. 
"I promise….so just sleep, Little Beasty…..I'll keep the monsters at bay for you.."
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soaptaculart · 3 months
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The cat and the dad she said she "didn't want"
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itsdabatt · 1 month
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anyways here’s tim drake dying in a glue trap
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sillyguy-supreme · 4 months
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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reputayswift · 2 months
In the 2000s you sat a kid in front of a Neopets pet page and they’d learn the fundamentals of html within the hour
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blackwoolncrown · 29 days
I get it, I really do, but I feel like ppl w decision paralysis related to Gazans are also suffering from a kind of non-malignant egotism
"who do I decide to give it to? everyone needs help! I can't help them all!"
You're not the only person they're asking!!!!!
If you choose one person to help that day, a bunch of other ppl choose others
stopping to overthink your inflated importance as an individual versus one in many is what's giving you paralysis
the more you burden yourself as an incapable hero the less you all act as a group-- which is the exact answer you're looking for
fkn close your eyes, scroll on OOB and donate to whoever you click on first
you're not god, it's not your job to save everyone
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hogans-heroes · 6 months
Wake up folks new absolute Legend on TikTok
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Remember that this is not the proof that they love each other
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That was a last-ditch attempt from Crowley to get Aziraphale to stay
This is the proof that they love each other
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Their love wasn't just made real because they kissed
It always existed
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