gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
Samba Baking Class Notes
Okay sorry all, I should have waited to post the full note list but I got excited so yeah, here's everything I was able to note down while trying to make the pie. Please correct me if I'm wrong and you all heard something different! The Main news:
He's not done posting BTS! He's done posting BTS Screencaps (grabs? I was confused by the terminology, basically "scenes")! Apparently it's illegal to post those (and Samba had these on his phone and edited them together) so he'll still post BTS but it wont be stuff taken by his phone. He is worried about being sued by max. We've all offered to crowd fund his legal fees.
BTS Stuff:
Roach was only supposed to be on the show for 6 episodes-- and there was more to the "sewed his own arm up" scene. Apparently Taika liked where he was going with it and told him to go ahead, so Stede asked him. "What happened".
Roach said he was in a huge battle with someone and his brother and him were both there, and his arm got cut off, and there was his brothers arm, that also got cut off, and so he sewed his brothers arm back on to himself
2. There was a scene that wasn't used regarding the money jar -
Stede says lets get the money jar, everyone contributes it:
Oluwande puts down a few coins, Wee John puts something in and says he stole this off a corpse , Roach made money doing tattoos down at the dock, Black pete says "id rather not say how I earned this" Buttons puts down a shell and just says "the sea".
Stede then says:
Now it’s time to visualize our dream ship— Roach Says: Our dream ship has fully stocked kitchen, Wee John Says: He has a room Pete says: Lucius is alive on our dream ship, Everyone goes awwww
Then Samba mentioned why Buttons had to be tied to a rope because he’d just go drown in the sea.
He also said that Buttons: “Is probably out there, a big seagull, just humping the ocean, living his best life"
3. When they were auditioning for the Gentleman Pirate, they also auditioned Paul Bettany!
4. Also -- Calico Jack could have been played by Michael Fassbender! Samba thinks Michael Fassbender would have been horrifying as Calico Jack, we'd be more scared than anything.
"Will Arnett killed it-- he was perfect, he's a douche" (Affectionately)
5. Also: Vico does nothing but Twerk between scenes (mostly with Madeleine).
6: Regarding Tangy/Zangy Scene:
The kids: (Taika's kids were not present for that angle). The kids were supposed to ask: "Are you two boyfriends?" (That's why you hear it briefly in the video because that's the stage person giving them some lines.
His Quotes:
Unprompted: "IS SAMBA AN ASS MAN"
"Sorry, I was distracted thinking of Rhys' calves (Abs?)
"The gentleman pirate I presume" -- he said SO many times
"I heard there was an Aurora Borealis, apparently there were so many OFMD fans it made the sky gay" (I'm paraphrasing)
"Con can only be contacted by (crow?)"
"Don't light your kitchen on fire, I've done that before"
Fan quotes: "#PeachesTonight"
Several fans wore mud masks and showed it to Samba (in honor of him!)
Other thing to note: "Hbo execs said ofmd was too expensive" So that's interesting, I guess that part was true?
212 notes · View notes
sehodreams · 9 months
Hey guys, sorry for not having posted lately, suddenly been busy, I've had this one in my drafts for a long time, it's a bit different from the usual stuff but i still hope you like it.
S: You never expected to be friends with the star of the basketball team, and even less to become whatever you were at that moment, so when the little fantasy you were living on was destroyed by your little star, you couldn't just watch without doing nothing, but first, a taste wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
TW and tags: MDNI, smut, a bit dubcon since Sungchan is kinda drunk (he started), p in v, no condom, oral sex (f and m receiving), squirting, fingering, abs riding, bruises, switch!dumb!popular!Sungchan (mostly sub) x rich!smart!plussize!reader
WC: +5.6k
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Little star
You expected your last year to be just like the others, successful and boring, but you had never imagined you'd talk with him, even less become so close.
You had known him for almost two yeare already, and you had bonded after a couple of casual meetings this year, embarrassing situations that you'd have never liked anyone else to see, but with him it was okay, only he could.
Your parents were obsessed with your grades, and his with his performance on basketball, both of you knew what was like to be pressured to be the best, and before you knew it, you started to depend on each other to get all the things you wanted to let out without being judged.
A call before bed everyday, messages every hour, and that little peck on the lips after you did his homework.
Yeah, you did his homework, you heard how bad he was doing in school and how he'd get kicked out of the club if he didn't do better, so you offered your help without hesitation, and now, every time you gave him his homework perfectly done, he'd thank you with a soft kiss, a peck on the lips that would usually mean nothing for others, but for you it was special, innocent, new, like a taste of youth you never had before.
Everything was perfect, you didn't mind that your friendship or whatever you had with him was a secret, you understood none of you could risk to be seen with each other, even more you, since you had an image to protect and all the teachers trusted you to be a good kid, so if your parents ever heard about you having a male friend, they would kill you, as simply as that.
Your parents had you when they were in highschool, and even if they were fairly successful now thanks to your mother and her family, they didn't want you to follow their steps, they wanted you to be the best, even if that meant you had no friends and no childhood at all.
That used to feel suffocating, making you wish you could run away, but since you both became closer, life became easier, more tasteful, and everything was just better, almost perfect, amazing, an utterly flawless.
Well, until he ruined it.
How could he betray you like that? You heard it from others, how he was going out with that pretty trainer, small, skinny, with perfect skin and hair, disgustingly gorgeous. You tried to not believe it at first, thinking that it was just another rumor, it was common for him to be involved in such things because he was the school star, not only your beautiful, tall, and kind star, but everyone's, so there were many times people spread rumors about him to get entertained. But, to your disgrace, it was true, you ended seeing it with your own eyes, just there believing it, and suddenly the perfect world you were living on was destroyed.
How could he play with you like that? He got everything he needed from you, your intelligence, your time, your kisses, and then tossed you aside, all for nothing.
So, it was only fair that you took something from him too, right?
Of course, like in everything in your life, you'd make a plan. After thinking what could you do to hurt him like he did to you, you decided only one thing would be enough, eye for an eye, betrayal for a betrayal.
First, you had to make her break up with him, it was only natural. She did it without hesitation, you only needed a couple pictures and then she was on her knees begging. You didn't have anything against her, so you let her go.
However, if she was collateral damage, that was none of your business.
Then, you'd get a taste of him before you broke him, you admitted he was cute, so a taste wouldn't hurt anyone, right? You had to attract him, make him addicted to you, so you used your best tool, your knowledge, and used his dependency on you to get him to be alone together.
"Sorry, been busy with exams, do you mind helping with your project?" You texted him after you saw his three missed calls, desperated to know what you were doing instead of his work.
"What? The deadline is in two days and you just tell me now?" He answered. What a piece of shit, you thought. Had he always been like this?
"Sorry, I had too much on my plate, my parents won't be here tomorrow, we can finish it in my house" you said, trying your best to not tell him to fuck off.
"Okay" He accepted because he had no option, he had to get a good grade or his position in the team would be in danger, so the next day he was in front of your door, with his pretty face showing a frown.
You opened the door and his eyes instantly started to inspect the place, you had never said how well your parents did, so he felt a bit ashamed to appear there with his cheap shoes and his old uniform.
You never cared about him being in a situation different than yous, he was still your little star, high and untouchable, until he decided to break the dream apart and you started to notice how pathetic he truly was.
Still cute enough though.
It seemed you were just like your mother, both smart women falling for pathetic man.
You made him follow you to the kitchen, there you had a table big enough to work together without problem. He sat on one side and you gave him a sheet of the things you needed from him. After a couple hours you finished the project and you realized two things: you really did a lot for him doing his homework, and he was an idiot that wouldn't get far unless he kept playing basketball.
"Would you like to eat something before you go home?" You offered with a sweet smile. He nodded eagerly, the boy was almost always hungry and you knew that, so you had asked the lady that came every morning to make his favorite dish, you just had to heat it on the pan and take all the credit.
"Sorry, I usually just cook for me so I don't know if it'll be of your liking" you said and brought him his plate, he stopped looking at his phone and only nodded, not even smiling back. "I'll go change, you can start without me" He didn't care, he continued watching his phone and you ran to your room to change your clothes for something more appealing.
You knew you weren't like his ex, you were rather bigger, with a soft tummy and voluptuous attributes, but you couldn't doubt your charm, even if the boys in your classroom said stupid shit about you sometimes, you knew how they looked at you, how they looked at your chest, or how when you walked past them and bended to pick something their eyes wouldn't leave you alone.
You decided to wear a simple tank top and flowy pants, you didn't want him to notice your advances so early to then run away before you got anything from him.
You walked down to the kitchen and sat in front of the cabinet your dad had there, full of liquors not even you had tried. He could easily watch them all, and when you caught him looking at your exposed cleavage, he looked behind you, ''your dad must like to drink'' he said, trying to distract you.
''Yeah you could say so'' you answered trying to brush it off, he's a fucking alcoholic, ''I haven't tried them, but most of them are open, would you like to have a glass?" you offered with a smile. He had never seen the bottles that appeared there, he almost never drank because it was too expensive for him and his allowance, and his dad only had cheap beer every now and then, so he had no knowledge on it, like most things, but he knew one thing, that just from the look of it, it'd be worth trying, where else would he taste a blue label or any of those bottles? He was already thinking how could he show it of to his friends later, so he accepted with a nonchalant look, as if he didn't care, and he looked lame, but you decided to pretend his cool act didn't give you an irk and poured him a glass.
One glass quickly became two, and two, three.
Before you noticed he was already red to the ears and was telling you everything that had happened days ago, how the coach was behind him all the time, telling him to get better grades or no club would scout him if he didn't graduate, and how his parents were giving him a hard time telling him to train even more to get offers or at least a scholarship.
Clearly hiding the fact that he had a girlfriend, because even drunk, he was still a son of a bitch.
You, with a hand on your chin, complety bored of his rambling, only nodded to everything that came out of his mouth and pour him more drinks.
"They don't know how hard you work Sungchan, at least not like me" you put your hand over his and gave him the most sympathetic look you could do. He, exhausted, brushed his hair with his free hand and did a strangled sound, as if he was about to cry.
"I'm tired of everyone, I'm tired of school, I'm tired of basketball, i can't even have a normal life without everyone calling me out for it" he almost teared up. His face was flushed, his lips were quivering and his eyes looked directly to yours. You were sitting besides him so you caressed his cheek, smoothly. Your faces were almost touching each other's and he closed his eyes, breathing in the aroma of your perfume and the smell of the liquor lingering around.
He talked again, letting everything out, "These days my parents have been fighting even more than normal too, I can't even take a break in my own home''
You got closer to him, looking preoccupied, "what are they fighting for?" You asked curious.
"Stupid things, you know, how will I pay college tuition if I don't get scouted, how expensive equipment is, and how they're still paying the loan they got for the private instructor" he said, not looking to your eyes. He knew you wouldn't relate to his problems, the shoes that were in your entrance were already more expensive than his whole outfit, and after that he couldn't help but notice little by little the differences between you both, your house, your phone, even the little earings you wore.
"Ow Sungchan, you can take it easy when you're with me, I'll take care of everything" You smiled next to him, you felt the air change, desire floatting, and you wanted a kiss, anything. Your pussy started to get wet even without being touched, a pain settling in your lower abdomen, as if your body knew what was about to happen,but you didn't want to be the one starting it, he had to, for the little pride you had left. His eyes were closed, trying to think the situation you both were in, feeling hot too, but not finding enough reason to start moving to you, "and if you need anything, I can just buy it for you, my little star" you finished, and that was everything you had to say.
He doesn't know when, but when he opened his eyes he was already grabing the back of your neck, moving you even closer to him, "really?" He asked over your lips, and when you nodded with a smile, he kissed you, believing the purity of your offer. The kiss had a need you couldn't take, his mouth was locked on yours and he mantained you there, still, to kiss you as much as he wanted. His lips were bitter, like the drink he had been drinking, and yours had a mild sweet flavor because of your lip balm, making a delicious combination for him.
His tongue didn't took to much time to appear and he gave you a kiss you could've never imagined, wet, deep, trusting his tongue into your mouth like a man trying to find gold, making you moan into it, so different from the old pecks on the lips he used to gave you.
"Wait-" you couldn't breath and tried to push him away, even if you wanted, you had no experience so it was too much for you to take.
"Please" he begged to the air. You looked at his frowned eyebrows and his teary eyes, how could you say no to that pretty face? Your little star, you knew how much he needed you in that moment just from the way his lips tried to find you again and again.
He, on the other hand, didn't know what was happening to him. Maybe he thought you looked good because he had been dumped not long ago and he and his high sex drive were suffering, or because you offered to take care of him, which no one had done before, or, maybe, because of how drunk he was, option that he preferred over the others to save his ego, but what mattered was that he thought you looked nice in that moment, and he wanted to kiss you again, so he did, grabbing you with force to get closer, and you, as much as you didn't mean to, accepted equally eagerly his kiss.
You had to do something, he was the one making all the movements and even if you wanted him to start, you had to control the situation, so you tried to do something you had never before and, when he exhaled over your mouth after almost a minute of not breathing, you pushed your tongue inside his mouth too, and he, like a thirsty dog, showed you his tongue to do anything you wanted, and you, like an instinct, decided to suck it, feeling his arm muscles with your hands, pushing him back a little, just enough to not be crushed by him and his big frame. He, however, stood up, moaning into the wet kiss, and then lift you to make you sit over the table, rutting his hips against you when his cock found your clothed cunt.
"Slow down" you laughed between kisses. "My parents won't come back, we have all night, and I think you deserve to take a break" you whispered and gave him a peck on the cheek.
You weren't kissing his lips, or touching a sensitive place at all, and he still moaned, feeling himself get hotter and hotter, with a boner hurting inside his pants.
"Let me take care of you" you repeated and pushed him back to what used to be your seat. He, sitting, felt your weight over him and put his hands on your thick thighs, molding them with too much force, slightly hurting you, but sure you'd like marks to remember that night the next day, so you didn't complain.
You pressed your cunt against him, feeling the border of his cock, thick and long. No doubt the pretty girl hadn't dumped this asshole earlier, you thought, such a good toy.
You moved your hips, deliciously pressing against him, feeling your panties get more and more wet. He wanted to touch you more and was pressing his fingers as if with more strength they would surpass the fabric of your pants, leaving mark after mark, too drunk to control himself.
You moved his hands up your waist, touching your skin directly under your tank top, and he, after finding the border of your pants, inserted his hands under your panties, feeling your ass with his big palms. He whimpered into the kiss when he felt the softness of your skin directly, needing more.
You stopped the make out session and saw him better. He was so gorgeous, that ruffled hair and those pink lips trying to keep kissing you, his eyes wet and the drunk look he had were perfect, but not as much as what you knew he had under that old uniform. You opened his shirt button by button, caressing the showing gold skin of his chest, so pure and tender, with those little brown buds, and then, when you opened it completely, you admired his abdomen that showed how much he worked out every day. Not after much pondering, you decided you needed to cum over it.
You kissed him and he easily moved your body with his hands over your ass, making you rock against him, fucking you with your clothes on. A little whimp left your lips and his cock twitched inside his pants, almost cumming.
He was about to cum, but you couldn't let him do it there, not just like that, so you moved out of his grip, and his hands, not wanting to, let your flesh go.
"Knew you'd be good, always making me proud, my little star" you ran your fingers through his hair and he smiled at you, showing you those cute teeth, happy of being praised. "Should we go to my room?" You asked breathlessly. His eyes admired your messy hair and the way your heavy chest was moving, in and out, making his mouth water for a taste. He nodded, too drunk with your body, he'd follow you wherever you wanted.
You grabbed his hand and made him follow you, a big puppy behind you needing comfort from his owner.
Your room was nice too, a queen bed with white bedsheets, it was clean, neat, like a room he'd see in a magazine.
His room was a mess, clothes all around and snack packages he forgets to toss out. His parents were always at work and couldn't help him tidy up, and they hadn't taught him neither, so he appreciated your room, thinking that, maybe, he wouldn't mind spending more time there with you the coming days.
You made him sit on your bed and stood in front of him. "Can you... Can you take off yours too?" He asked doubting, fingers sneaking under your tank top, he didn't want to bother you, but he really wanted to see more of you. So cute.
He thought you were neither pretty or skinny, you always wore the uniform in a lame way, skirt down the knee and blouse properly closed even in summer. Also, you didn't wear much make up or styled your hair, so you had nothing special, but something he had admitted, and all of his friends, was that you had a good pair of tits.
When you walked in, it was the first thing everyone saw, full, big, voluptuous, perfect for a good fuck. So, like all the boys he knew, he wanted to see them too.
You saw how determined he was, his eyes were focused on your chest and he gave you a look that screamed please, begging with his eyes. He hadn't been good enough, still, you decided to fulfill his wish and took it off.
Just seeing you in your bra made him lose his mind. They were spilling over the underwear, so full and smooth his mouth started to salivate. He gulped when you took your bra off too, scanning your chest and the perk of your nipples, brown and beautiful.
"What do you want to do?" You asked him, showing yourself to him. You should be embarrassed, you thought. You knew your body wasn't perfect, you had enormous tits and a soft tummy, little rolls on your back and your waist wasn't anything out of the world, but he was eating you with his eyes, as if he had never seen something as beautiful before, and you had no shame left at all.
"I-I don't know" he said after a second, the alcohol and the temperature of his body were making his mind foggy and he couldn't think anymore.
You got on your knees and opened his belt. He observed you, mesmerized.
"You've been so good, doing your homework today and always giving your best at training, you deserve a prize, don't you think so?" You asked him while pulling down his zipper. He nodded frantically.
You knew he had done no shit to deserve it, but you wanted to do it, more for you than for him.
When his cock jumped in front of your face you got honestly surprised, it was bigger than what you had expected, and it had a pretty brownish pink color on the tip.
You gave a little peck to the tip and he squirmed, sensitive after all the teasing. You smirked and then engulfed it, touching your throat. You quickly pulled out, it was so big it choked you, and you had never given a blowjob before, so you didn't know what to expect when you did it.
My big boy, you thought, and continued with your little work. You sucked as much as you could, making sure your tongue did a good work, properly at least, touching the little veins he had around his length.
His hand went to your hair and pushed your head down, choking you again. You knew you couldn't do much to control him, he was drunk and too strong for his own good, so you let him use you for a short time, feeling your juices pour out of you. You'd have definitely let him use you as much as he wanted if he hadn't hurt you before with his betrayal. When that memory came to your mind again you slapped his thigh so he could let you free, bothered again with the thought.
He, after much fighting, moved his hand away and looked at you with teary eyes again.
"What's wrong?" He cried.
"I didn't tell you you could do that" you stood up in front of him, he lifted his gaze at you and with both hands grabbed yours.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" tears fell down his eyes, begging for forgiveness, dick hurting him to a point he couldn't endure anymore.
You pushed him to his back, and he, with help of his elbows, held himself up to watch what you were about to do. You, standing, got rid of your pants and your underwear, getting completely naked while he saw you from his point of view, waiting for you and admiring the skin that you showed him.
You crawled over him and sat over his abdomen, pulsating against his naked skin. He held your hips and helped you move over him, looking head fall because of the feeling. His skin was getting wet your fluids and the tip of his dick was touching your ass, making his head dizzy with the sensation.
He wanted to move you closer to it, to help him finally cum, but you didn't let him, you were the one in control there, it was your room, your kingdom, and you were tired of letting him get his way with everything.
"Please, I want to feel you too" he begged. Even his chest was red from the drinks he had before and his eyes still had tears forming, making you smile, proud of the image under you.
"After I cum I'll help you, I promise" you said and then moaned when his thumb moved under your pussy to press your clit.
"Promise?" He said without air, in despair with the way the plump lips of your chubby pussy were making a mess over him. It was new for him, only having fucked skinny girls, but he didn't dislike it, it was different, more welcoming and soft, and he thought it would feel really good when he fucked your hole.
"When have I lied to you?" You smiled and gave him a soft kiss, caressing his cheek. He nodded, you had never lied to him, at least not that he knew about, you thought.
He helped you move harder against his abdomen with one hand over your hip, and enjoying the softness of one of your boobs with the other. He watched you get off with his body, moaning with the satisfaction of his skin against your clit and the tip of cock touching you every time your ass clasped with it.
You were about to cum and he wanted to feel you completely when you crumbled, so, sitting and making you slide to his lap, he kissed you again. His hand started to cares your pussy, playing with your clit using his thumb, and then, when you least expected it, he pushed the same thumb to feel your insides, which gladly recieved them.
You moaned loudly, free, no one would hear you both in that house, alone, with the neighbors too far away to know what was happening inside, it would be your little secret.
He, biting his lip to not cum with the pressure of your tummy and your chubby pussy over his leaking dick, inserted two fingers, so long they made you drop you head and cry, and he, needing to feel you even more, started to kiss your neck, leaving little red spots along.
"Fuck fuck" you cried. His fingers were fast, fucking your insides so good you couldn't hide your voice, pushing you to the rim.
You came no long after, you recognized he had a talent with his hands, maybe after all that basketball training he had gained a useful skill.
Or maybe from all the times he had betrayed you with other girls.
Your mood was ruined again after thinking that. He, however, wanted to keep fingering you so you could make more of a mess over his lap. Sure you had another orgasm for him, but you, getting away from his touch, didn't let him.
"What-What happened?" He asked, sitting and waiting for you to get over him with your addictive pussy again.
"Again, doing whatever you want, can't you follow a single order?" you asked, obviously disappointed. He started to really cry, surprising you. You liked it so much you almost couldn't hide your smile, and then, when he looked up to you, you saw his cock twitch, leaking, with a furious red color on the tip instead of the pink you saw before.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be good, I swear" he replied, tears streaming down his cheeks. Ah fuck, he had a way to make you weak, because he looked pretty most of the time, but when he cried, he was beautiful. His hand tried to touch you and you took a step back.
"Prove it" you said with your head up. The tall boy looked so small from your view. He hadn't doubt to get on his knees on the hard cold floor, fist over his thighs, to prove his devotion to you.
"I'm sorry, please, let me touch you" he begged again, you walked to him, forgiving all his past mistakes for a minute, just tonight, you repeated on your mind when he pressed his cheek against your thigh, giving it a soft kiss before lifting his eyes back to you. They were shining, reflecting your face, and you thought, yes, he deserved to touch you.
You didn't have to say much, you just grabbed his hair on your fists, like he had done to you before when you were sucking his cock, and pushed his face to your cunt. He didn't even try to hide his need, breathing your aroma and licking your clit without doubt. He couldn't breath, all your body suffocating him, nose touching your pubes and tongue working on you with force.
You were too sensitive from your past orgasm, and you were about to cum again with the way he was making out with your pussy, drinking all your juices and looking up to you with those glazing eyes, silently asking for you to cum on his face.
You did, not much later, a stream came out of you over his mouth, dripping to his chin and then his chest, and he drank it all like the liquor you poured for him before. Your legs trembled and you were about to fall, but your strong boy got you with ease and, trying to be careful, helped you lie on your bed, however, since his mind was busy thinking how much his dick hurt, he pushed you with more force than what he wanted.
Still, he noticed how pretty you looked there, you had soft but elegant features, and he liked how you looked as if you belonged in that place, in that house out of a movie, in that room out of a magazine, with your long wavy hair all over your bed, and those cute and chubby fingers holding his forearms. His hands were on each side of your head, and he noticed how your bedsheets had light pink details, so expensive looking he wouldn't even know what store you bought it from, and he felt like, there with you, he belonged in your world too, which boosted something inside him, making him even more horny and needy for your approval.
His cock was touching your naked pussy and he pushed it against it. "Can I- please can I put it in?" He pumped his dick and, before you could say anything, slapped the tip to your clit. "Please, please, please" he repeated, head on your neck, whispers to your ear.
You grabbed his dick, hand moving between your bodies, and without saying anything, you pushed the thick tip into your hole, wet and ready for him.
You didn't want to be so weak, but it felt so, so good. You closed your eyes and moaned when his hips, in a single thrust, fucked your insides, opening you like nothing had ever before.
His movements were erratic, hips moving on its own, eyes rolling and body all over yours.
Your nails scratched his back with your cries, you were so full your mind couldn't thing of anything else than your next orgasm.
"Yes, yes, fuck, so good" you screamed, and he, between groans and cries, gave you an open mouthed kiss, touching your tongue with his and muffing his moans when he almost came inside you.
He had never felt sex like that before, he didn't know if it was because of the drinks he had, or all the teasing from before, but the way both of you were leaking on each other made his head hazy, just feeling, no thought inside his head except I wanna cum.
So this is mind-blowing sex? He thought, rutting into your pussy.
Before you could say anything he put both hands on your waist, pushing you to the mattress and, after settling to watch your pussy engulf his cock, he watched how your pretty pink lips held him, dick disappearing with every thrust.
His hands were too rough, hurting your soft waist, you felt his fingers put so much pressure they felt like big needles trying to perforate you, "Sungchan- it" when you tried to tell him how it hurt, he was already drilling you to the bed. Hips punching you with uncontrollable force, making you break apart under him.
He must have noticed what you tried to say because while fucking you he kept apologizing, "Sorry, so good, I'm sorry", but he never stopped.
He didn't know what would he do after, too obsessed with the flesh of your pussy, no one had taken him like you did, completely accepting him inside and calling for him to not stop, most girls couldn't take him like you did, never getting to the end of his cock, but you, you easily did it, tight and perfect around him.
You felt his pelvic bone punch your clit with every thrust, making you squirm under him, biting your lip and crying of how delicious it felt.
"Cumming-" you cried hard, and he, proud of himself for making you cum again, kept fucking your insides, stimulating you even more, so much that, when you were having your orgasm, you made a mess over his dick again.
Then, while you were still cumming, he covered you with his whole body, your tits against his chest, and you knew he was about to cum when his mouth tried to find yours for a kiss, but his eyes closed with force before he could, cock getting bigger inside you, and before he could kiss you like he wanted, he moaned over your lips, hips stopping every movement, pouring everything he had inside you.
You wanted to get angry at him for cumming inside, but he looked so cute over you, with lost eyes, red lips and his sweaty face, so pretty you couldn't say anything and only caressed his hair. He, so satisfied he couldn't talk, gave you the kiss he needed when he was about to cum, breathing you in, to then lie down over your chest, where, like a baby, he licked your nipple to calm himself until he felt asleep.
You smiled, he was so precious you didn't want to share him, your little star, but you couldn't fool yourself anymore, he had another owner not long ago, and only came to you to get what he needed, so he had to learn his lesson.
On your head you were going through the next step of your plan. Tomorrow morning you both would go to school, and you, as innocent as you were, would lose his project by accident.
Your beautiful, lovable and cheating star was about to fall.
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buddiebeginz · 1 month
bro you don't even write fics like why would thye target 3 people that aren't even fanfic writers make it make sense.
Exactly nonie. I've always wanted to write fics I've even thought about it but never felt like my writing was good enough. But I've been around on tumblr for years. If had ever written any fics you'd be able to find links of them on my tumblr and there aren't any because I never have. I certainly am not about to start now with a fic about T*mmy and child ab*se.
I also find it pretty ridiculous that they think this is how we'd choose to cause issues in fandom if we wanted to. I've been calling out B/T shippers by posting screenshots of some of the vile things they've been saying since season 7. But you know what I gave those B/T shippers the courtesy of not attaching any of their screen names (from any of their social media) to any of the posts I made. Cause I wasn't trying to send harassment their way just call out the problematic things I saw them saying and doing. If my intention was to really be awful and cause problems I could have easily sent people to harass B/T fans but I always tried to avoid doing that with my posts.
And yet here I sit dealing with harassment towards me because I've dared to say I don't like T*mmy, or Lou, or ship B/T. And because I've dared to say you know it's really not okay that B/T stans call everyone who doesn't like their ship homophobic. Or it's really not okay that they tried to dox a journalist because she ships Buddie. Or the myriad of other things they've done all year.
Sorry for the rant anon I'm just really upset about all of this right now. Thanks for taking the time to message me.❤️
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terras-domain · 10 months
(Thanks)Giving Season
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Characters: Kang Seul-gi (Seulgi), Male Husband (Reader), Husband's Brother
Tags: Cheating, Cuckold, Kitchen Sex, Blowjob, Watching, Caught, Condom, Rough Sex, Forced Submission, Thanksgiving, Cum in Pussy, Abs, Cum Eating
Words: 2941
Author's Note: Hi Hiiiii terra here!!! Been a while since I posted, sorry for that. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Personally I don't celebrate it but I hope to those who did, you guys enjoy it <33 As the tags show it's gonna be a cuckold smut so if it's not your thing, oh well. Enjoy <33
Reader's POV
Thanksgiving. Not the best holiday to be honest, never understood the hype behind it but at least now I have a day off from work to spend some time with my wife, Seulgi. Work has been brutal for me so our time together is precious to me. Opening the front door with a smile to greet her that I'm home, only for me that smile to slowly fade away. "Oh hi, honey!" Seulgi smiled, waving at me as I see her talking to a guest. "Oh hey lil' bro, long time no see hm?" My brother, a person who I haven't seen in years actually. I actually don't bond well with my family in general, which is why my personal time is mostly dedicated to my wife Seulgi. "Hey...what're you doing here?" I asked, an eyebrow lifted as I start to make myself at ease, putting my stuff down and joining my wife and my brother around the living room.
"Awww don't be too cold, lil' bro. Just wanted to see my family for Thanksgiving you know." He gave a big grin, a face that makes me feel so annoyed for some reason, always been all my life. "Now now boys. Let's not be like that, okay? We need to get things done for Thanksgiving" My breath got stuck through my throat. She's right, it's not like I have much time to spend with Seulgi, and I'm not gonna waste the time I get now by arguing with this dumbass. She had planned to cook something special for tonight, so she brought us both to the kitchen, showing the turkey she planned on roasting, only to find it rotten. "Oh fuck! Nooo that fucking butcher lied to me." Now with no turkey, we can't have the so called Thanksgiving spirit. My big brother can't drive, which means there's only one thing I can do now. "I'll go buy you a new one hun. Don't worry about it" Seulgi's eyes sparkled and hugged me tight, euphoric as now her problem has a solution. "Awww thank you sweetheart. I love you." A kiss on the lips I received from my loving wife, followed by her warm smile that just melts my heart. I got myself ready, grabbing my keys and look back to my wife and wave. "I love you Seulgi. And take care of my wife okay?" I looked to my big brother, I don't really like him but I'm sure family still care for each other. "Oh no worries lil bro. Your wife's safe with me."
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Seulgi's POV
I'm glad my husband is around to help me with the turkey. It was silly of me to not realize it was rotting. Oh well, I just have to start prepping food for now. My husband is a big fan of Italian food so I thought making him some fettuccine alfredo might make him happy. Dropping the pasta to boil them while I prepare the sauce was pretty much light work for me, I'm used to working alone in the kitchen since my husband isn't often in the house anyways. I checked around and notice my brother-in-law looking deep into my eyes, sometimes shifting to my cooking elsewhere. "Smells good Seulgi. My brother must be happy to have you." His low voice echoes the kitchen. I didn't know how to respond to that but only smile awkwardly, what a weird thing to say I thought. "Oh come on beautiful. Don't be shy. Live a little we're family right? Nothing wrong with a little compliment, especially if it's for a pretty woman like you~" he kept on going with his praises and weird antics, which start to make me get goosebumps. His footsteps felt heavy but firm, slowly inching closer to me as he started to lean towards me, looking at the pot of fettuccini I'm preparing followed by a sniff, trying to smell the food, or so I thought. His face was closer to my hair than it was to my cooking which made me feel a little uncomfortable and insecure as the thoughts in my head start to turn into a reality. He's groping me!
With his hands reaching under my apron and gripping my chest through shielded by the cloth of my clothes, it was hard to push him away since he's so big and muscular. "W-wait. Please don't do this, your brother won't like this." I mumbled, squirming a bit as I'm overpowered, my whole body held tight as my brother-in-law completely gropes me for his pleasure. "Oh no worries beautiful. Your husband ain't doing shit on me. Now let me see how good you feel." His wide grin send shivers down my spine, but when he started to pull my face for a kiss, I felt unreal. My whole life I've only had intimate relationships with my husband so this felt so bad, but not like my brother-in-law cares about it.
"Mmmh Seulgi. You're quite the curvy babe aren't you?" He chuckled, now biting my lips as he has full control over me. I can't escape and just let him use me, hoping my husband can come just in time to save me from this creep. His hard bulge is pressing on my ass cheeks and it's disgusting, having another man than my own husband using me for pleasure. After a few minutes of making out, he pulled out and gave a big grin. "Well time for the real thing bitch. Get down there." My in law now guides me to be on my knees, facing his stifling bulge before he pulled his pants off, showing his erection pointing straight at me. It's huge. Bigger than anything I've ever seen, it made me nervous since I know what's next.
"Well what're you waiting for hoe? Get to it." His thick length started slapping on my face, making me whimper in inferiority. My husband did tell me how much of an asshole he is, and how violent he can be, so I have no other choice. My mouth slowly opened up as I slowly accepted his cock, taking it in inch by inch. It felt so wrong, the way is thick meat makes me choke just by putting the tip in, the way his hands rub on my cheeks and how I'm actually cheating on my husband right now. "Good girl Seulgi. Just need a little bit of...enthusiasm." As he kept his dominant persona going, his wishes are all coming to a reality as he uses me as he please. His hands are on the back of my head, plunging his cock inside as he thrust his hips back and forth. It hurts. My husband isn't as big nor as rough as his brother so this is all new to me. "ghhhh GAAAAK-!" My mouth just kept on making weird noises and choking sounds as he continues his barrages of mouth fucking on my throat, drilling my mouth and using me as a sex object.
Reader's POV
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Phew! That took a while. turkey secured, and it's fresh from the oven. Too bad traffic isn't really on my side today, man why does life hate me so much. But all that complaining will soon end as I reached home, excited to see my wife. Creaking the door open I was greeted by nothing by a strange noise, a woman who sounded like she was choking over something. I went to explore my own home, looking for the source of the odd sound as I reached the kitchen. Just like the turkey, my heart fell. Seeing my wife sucking on my brother's cock, bobbing her head back and forth just made me feel sick. "Oh, you're finally here lil bro. Gimme a sec!" He grunted as he pulled out, stroking his 8-inch length while looking down at Seulgi. "Open your mouth, beauty, I wanna cum on that face." He ordered, which my wife seems to obey despite taking a few seconds to follow. I can hear a few sobs coming from her. is it shame, is it resent, or is it just the aftereffect from a rough face fucking she just went through. Regardless, it seems my brother enjoyed my wife a lot when he unloaded his load all on her face, splattering everywhere from her forehead to her chin.
Seulgi's face turned away, looking very shy and scared. "Honey..." I tried to approach her, wanting to know what's going on when my she stopped me in my tracks. "I'm sorry baby. He...he made me do this." She sobbed, looking down to the floor as cum dripped down her face. I had a dead stare to my brother, my face inclining so our eyes exchange eye contact. In those few seconds, memories of how much my brother overpower me in any way came back. How he's physically, mentally and even academically superior to me, which makes him so much better than me. I want to confront, I want him to pay. But with what has happened my whole life, it may be best to just give in, I don't have a choice. I could only walk towards Seulgi, holding her tight and give her a gentle soft kiss. "I love you, Seulgi." the kiss ended, interrupted by the after taste of my brother's semen on my lips. After that I just wiped my wife's face with a clean cloth before walking away cowardly. I need to take my mind off of this, and staying in the kitchen won't help me. I took one last look at my brother, sighing. "She's yours." A defeated frown sticked to my face face as the words flew out of my mouth, and my feet drags across the room.
My words seem to influence my brother for some reason. As soon as I sat on the couch, I couldn't distract myself no matter what is on the TV. My mind still wanders in the kitchen where my brother shreds my wife's clothes off, completely taking advantage of the situation where both me and Seulgi are mentally lost. I could hear banging noises coming from the sink, making my lewd mind imagine how Seulgi looked getting fucked by another man, it made me hard. My penis pitching a tent from my imaginations running wild from the voices that both Seulgi and my brother make aroused me and made me touch myself while fully clothed. A pathetic loser touching himself through his pants while his wife gets fucked rough that is me. Soon I can see the pair walking out of the kitchen both half naked. Seulgi seems to have less resistance towards my brother and just embraces him now. "I'm sorry honey." i stared at the floor, ashamed of my incompetence. Seulgi didn't reply with a single word, instead her facial expression is more than enough to show the disgust she had towards me for giving in too easily.
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Seems like they weren't done. No, seems like they were just getting started. My brother sat next to me on the couch, butt-naked while Seulgi climbed up on him, riding his bigger cock as her tight pussy gapes open for her. "Nghhhh ahhh~! Yeah daddy, fuck me, fuck my tight little pussy!" Seulgi's moans and words were like a knife to me, humiliating me as I just looked at my unintended tent, with nobody but myself to please it. I could only resist so much. The bounces Seulgi made, the sheer size of my brother destroying my wife's vagina, the way I was completely ignored. It was degrading me, but at the same time turning me on more, I eventually gave in to my urges and started jacking off, stroking at the site of live porn acted by my wife and my brother. And they both seem to ignore me, it's as if I'm not even there and they just fucked like they've been doing it together for years. "Nghhh fuck Seulgi you little bitch! You love this cock huh? You love it more than you love your husband's? My cock is better than my brother's isn't it?" The questions he asked showed how they both can see me, I'm not invisible, at least not literally. "Nghhh~ yes daddy. Daddy's cock is just too good. My husband feels like a shrimp compared to yours daddy." That single line from my own wife broke me, made me lose myself as I screamed while rubbing my shaft so fast and uncontrollably. It made me cum, splashing drops of dilute cum on my pants. It made me huff and puff for some reason. I've had sex quite some time with Seulgi, but none of them drained me as much as this. I felt like I could pass out, so I retreated and moved to my bedroom to find clarity.
When I thought being alone in the bedroom was enough, it wasn't. My brother crashed in with Seulgi, holding her in his arms carrying like newly weds. They were making out which made me slightly irritated. Again they ignored my existence and just jump on the bed, forcing me to lay on just a small fraction of the mattress. Their make out session broke up and Seulgi now traced back to my brother's long hard shaft. I could've sworn he came a few times already and yet he's still rock solid and raring for more. Seulgi's pretty mouth enveloped his cock, slowly lowering her head before moving back up, and a slow cycle continues as she sucked my brother's cock. What's worse is how I can see our wedding rind on Seulgi's hand, shining to me while her fingers wrap around my brother's shaft. My wife's head game kept on as she went faster after a while, only for my brother to stop her and lift her face up. They made out, making me feel uncomfortable yet so turned on before changed positions, Seulgi's pussy directly above my face.
"I'll fill you up, bitch-" My brother grunted as a tight smack echoes the room, leaving a red handprint on Seulgi's ass. It made Seulgi scream out a submissive moan too and a drop of cum dripped down her pussy and onto my face. It seems like they didn't want to waste any time and went straight to business, with their two bodies connecting, my brother's cock penetrating my wife's pussy and I got the best, or worst view to see it happening. "Ngaaah~! Aaaaah aahhh yessss~!" Seulgi's moans became vocal, the opposite of her behaviour a while back. She's just lost in lust, just like me it seems. "Harder daddy pleaseeee~" She plead, her head twisting back to face my brother acting like it's only them in the room and I'm nowhere in the scene. "Fuucckkk shut the fuck up slut. I didn't tell you can order me around." With a rough yank on her her, Seulgi's moans became only louder. With precum from both of their private parts leaking on me, I couldn't have felt more humiliated, but somehow I'm happy. It made me feel content to listen to my wife's sweet and loud moans, even if it's not from me.
"Mmmh~ Daddy's cock is getting bigger in me oh god!" Her pussy bulges as she finished her sentence. He's about to cum, isn't he, I thought. "Nghhh yeaahhh...fuck I'm gonna fucking fill you up Seulgi!" He grunted, digging his nails into her hips as my brother starts to buckle his hips harder until eventually he came, bursting inside my wife. There's so much cum inside it was up to a point where the cum from the pair drips down on me, covering my face with cum. It was embarassing, having them cum on me in my bed in this manner and cuck me. After all that, Seulgi finally looked at me. "Do you want to cum baby?" Her words are still as sweet as ever, but her expressions sure seemed cold, of course I'd say yes. I was so eager to put my cock in her until she stopped me, handing me over an S size condom.
Of course, it was a bit too tight for me but I don't feel much physical pain. I ended up finally getting to fuck my wife, despite only by wearing a small condom. My thrusts were clear to be ineffective, as Seulgi's fake moans just makes me so humiliated and degraded. "Fuuuck hunny! It feels so good!" I screamed, getting closer to my climax despite only being a few thrusts in. "Mhm, okay sure. Cum then baby" Her replies seem to be short and uninteresting. It just fuels up my self-degradation which made me cum so much sperm in the condom, filling it up. "Aaaaah, nghhhh~" My whimpers were so weak, it sounded like I could faint any moment. But my wife wouldn't let me yet, not after being a coward and not standing up for his wife. She pulled off the condom from my cock and spilt it on her stomach, making her abs more defined. "Eat it" She ordered, and I had no choice but to oblige. Licking and cleaning my wife's fit body, cleaning her abs from my worthless cum felt both horrible and amazing at the same time, most probably because of how fucked my mind is at this point. I felt defeated and lay on my back beside Seulgi, before hearing her whisper. "I love you honey~" followed by a sweet giggle before my brother joins back in bed with her. Sure she still says she loves me, but for some reason I believe she loves his cock more.
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mbbsgf · 10 months
a/n:: okay, hello. this is my first fanfiction ever. i'm kinda new to this whole stuff and english is not my first language so i apologize if there are any mistakes or if idk u don't like it. js don't be mean bc i'm sensitive and overdramatic kinda so i'll probably cry ab it (LMFAO) anyway, yeah i hope u like it. plus, if u have anything to help me writing better please comment so ik how to progress ! thank u !
warnings: angst, sad ending, swearing, fighting, toxic!chris (i'm obsessed), no y/n, jealousy?, use of drugs(i think that's all let me know if u think other warnings are needed!)
based of logical by olivia rodrigo (GUTS, 2023.)
"chris, it truly isn't that deep. you're overreacting." cindy says softly as she sits on his bed. chris scoffs.
he stands up. "oh, it isn't that deep, huh!? how would you react if i did this with another girl?" he asks, angrily frowning.
"all i did was speaking to that guy, babe. he just wanted to know what drink was in the bottles."
"yeah? you told him what was in the fucking bottles for 5 whole minutes!?" chris is now yelling, placing his hands on his hips.
cindy is speechless. she just looks at chris, defeated. "fine. if you can't handle me having social interactions, then i'm leaving." cindy states as she grabs her bag and heads to the door.
"wait, ma.. don't leave, i'm sorry.." chris' tone softens as he looks at cindy with sad eyes.
"no, i'm done with your bullshit, chris. whenever i have one small interaction with another boy, you freak out and get all possessive and jealous, if you're gonna be like that..." cindy pauses, tears starting to form into her eyes. it hurts her to do this but chris is hurting her and he never even apologizes for it. "...we should end it all." cindy says in a shaky voice.
"fine. get out but we both know you're gonna come back crawling to me, begging me to take you back." chris mumbles as he takes one long drag of the joint he previously made. he exhales the smoke. cindy looks at him, horrified about how careless he is. cindy walks out, slamming his door shut behind her. cindy walks home and as soon as she gets home, she closes the door behind her and slides down in, uncontrollably sobbing and crying.
bro this is so shit i wanna kms this is so embarrassing to post
for @bernardenjoyer bc she convinced me to finish this☹️
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Title: The UnIntended Series {Book 1: UnExpected}
Okay, so I'm actually nervous to post this. It's wild. With my fanfiction, I don't really feel nervous having others read it, but this---😬.
Anyway, here is chapter 1. As of now, I'm not sure if I will post the 2nd one. Again it'll only be up for a day or two then I will delete it.
To anyone reading it please give me some feedback rather than a "like". I am partly using this as a focus group/beta read session so feedback is crucial. What did you think? Any part you liked or disliked? Would you want to continue it from the 1st chapter alone? If you came across it in a bookstore or Amazon, would you buy it?
Note I: This has NOT been edited beyond small grammatical issues. Also, I am not 100% sold on the name "Daryl" so don't let it be a hang-up.
Note II: Everything here has been officially copywritten so be careful, I'm the wrong one to try.
He was my addiction. My cloudy sky. My stormy night my thunderstorms. He was my chocolate brownie with the chocolate ice cream on top. He was my passion my need my obsession. He was my poison. My sweet, delicious poison and I couldn't get enough--wouldn't get enough. I needed him like I needed air water food. It was never enough. His sex was killer, his kiss was sugar, and his body was the best creation made by the creator. His love was death. He was--my ruin.
Chapter 1
“Ughhhh, deeper, harder, uuuugh, yes. Right there, right there. Don’t stop! God, yes, yes, yes, yessssssssssssssssssss!”
Though my vocabulary was quite advanced, no other words could form. The sensations had taken on a life of their own.
“Oh shit, damn baby”.
He drops on the bed next to me panting heavily filling the air with our combined scent. I moan deeply still feeling the power of him between my thighs, “That was amazing La”, Daryl says using the name he’s always called me since college.
I remember the day we met in college like it was yesterday instead of the nearly eight years it actually had been. I was coming up the steps in the rec room not looking where I was going then bam I ran smack into him. At that time we were both kids, barely nineteen with plenty more to learn about the world and the affairs of the heart. When I looked at him it was all over, then when he smiled that lopsided, slick grin of his, I was a goner. Signed sealed delivered I was his. He must have known it too. There was no way he hadn’t because the smug look on his face said it all.
He’d said, “I haven’t ran into anyone as beautiful as you around here, I have to know your name”.
Boy was it a cheesy line, but I was nineteen after all and it was the flyest line I’d heard. I was his.
“You’re just going to leave me hanging?”
Daryl’s voice brought me out of my memory, a memory that was once your favorite but was slowly becoming one you wished you could forget. Looking over next to me, I find his dewy brown eyes staring into me with a questioning look.
“Oh I’m sorry my mind was wandering, it was amazing, but--,” I stretch out rolling onto my side and bring my hand to toned his chest. Slowly I trail my fingers down his smooth skin over each ab muscle, down past his mind dumbing oblique indentations to his still alert appendage. The moan that escaped him was a deep throaty one that said he was more than ready for round three.
Smiling, I lean closer slipping the tip of my tongue along the shell of his ear. “It’s always been amazing, I’m always amazing”, I say in a self-satisfied way before continuing to lick his ear.
“Mmm, you’re bad. Trying to start something?”
That same lopsided smirk decorated his lips and my belly flipped.
“Nope, who said we were done to begin with?”
Without missing a beat, Daryl crashed his full lips into mine, but it was me who took control of the kiss. The passion between us was evident and I was sure that if the room had smoke alarms we would have set them off. Another sensual moan escaped his lips which made my nether regions clench from the desire to have him nestled there again. Just as his movements became urgent and his kiss needy, a loud sound filled the silence pf the space.
Buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz.
“Mmm, ignore it,” I coax continuing the pleasurable attack my hand was doping under the black sheet of Daryl’s bed.
“Ah, baby,” he groaned out as my finger glided across the smooth tip of his manhood.
With more urgency, Daryl pressed himself against me then brought his large hand to trace along the right side of my body until he cupped my breast.
“Mmm,” I say tightening the grip of my hand around him.
Daryl’s response was to tweak my sensitive and aching nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The action easily brought more moans of pleasure from my lips. It also served the purpose of distracting me. When I felt his other hand skim across my stomach then dip lower and lower the anticipation in me had my back arching off the bed.
Once he made it to the sweet spot between my thighs a high-pitched sigh escaped me. Within seconds he had me panting and mewling from the skill of his fingers and within seconds I needed more of him. Daryl was good at many things, but the one thing he excelled at hands down was his ability to get me from zero to one hundred in thirty seconds flat. It was a skill he’d developed in college and had never relented in holding the record for.
Buzz, Buzz. Buzz, buzz.
I felt the absence of him before he pulled away but when his hand left my body he spoke against my lips, “It could be work, La”.
In this very moment you didn’t give a flying fuck if it was work. Right now there were much more important matters at hand. That was all it took to spark my anger. It was a small action, but it spoke volumes and brought memories of other times before where he’d seemed so aloof. Using all the self-control I possessed coupled with some learned tricks to decelerate my emotions, I clenched my jaw and silently willed my anger to remain in check.
With my eyes glued to him, I watch on as he glances at his phone screen then types in the unlock code. When his face illuminates white from the screen, I continue to watch and crane my eyes to get a glimpse of his screen to see just what it was that had interrupted your moment. Almost as soon as it opens there is a picture of a pretty woman with her legs spread eagle butt naked.
“Oh”,” Daryl rushes out as he jerks from me. The sudden movement has him fumbling his phone but with a stroke of last-minute grace he holds it close to him, hiding it from me. Too late.
The tight hold I had on my anger was suddenly not enough to contain it. With almost inhumane speed, I bolted upright and glared at him sending a thousand hot blades through my eyes in his direction.
“What the hell was that!?”
The heat on my face quickly spread down my neck until my chest felt like I was standing in direct sunlight on the hottest day of summer.
Daryl shrugs, “Nothing”.
“Don’t nothing me, I saw that. Who is that”?
He reached over the bed and placed his phone on the bedside table. “I don’t know La. Must have been a wrong number. It’s nothing”.
My nose crinkled from the stench of his lie. They always had their own distinct scent. I always knew when he was lying and unfortunate he was lying more often than not. “
“Oh nothing? That’s nothing!? So, it’s nothing when you’re getting naked pictures while you’re in bed with me?”
I hadn’t meant to scream the words but once they were out they bounced off the walls, echoing in the room.
“La, calm down,” Daryl cautiously encouraged, “She’s no one.”
Suddenly I felt as if I was going to be sick. The tight knot in my stomach spasmed, a familiar feeling. “No one! So if she’s no one, then what am I?”
Daryl rolled his eyes, and sighed in the exaggerated way he did when he was annoyed with the direction something had taken, “God here we go”.
When he dropped back onto the bed, you bolted to your feet. He was annoyed? Shit, I was past annoyed right now and I had every right to be.
 “Yes here we do, Daryl. What the hell is wrong with you? Who is that woman and why is she sending you naked pictures?”
Silence filled the space as he laid there staring into the ceiling completely ignoring me. He knew how much I hated it when he did this. I was convinced he did it because I hated it so much. I didn’t want to go irate right now, but I was seconds away from going atomic.
Another sigh came from him before he sat up and reached for me. With his hand inches from my breast I leaned back and slapped it away. It was supposed to be a regular hit but because of my anger it was much more than a regular hit. It was a hard one that made the sting from it ricochet through your hand.
“You know what, fuck you Daryl.”
Without missing a beat, I turned and walked to the chair across the room where my clothes were currently draped over. It was time to go. I shouldn’t have even been here to begin with. Keeping my back to him I began putting on my clothes.
“Unfuckinbelivable! Every time is the same mess. The same thing!”
Angrily slinging my shirt over my head I do my best to keep the tears pricking my eyes away. I was tired of crying, tired of this circle.
“Don’t do this La,” Daryl began, his voice smooth as a hustler on the corner trying to upsell some weed, “Listen her name is Marcella, and we were hanging out a while back. That’s it, we haven’t in weeks though.”
Spinning around to face him my eyes narrowed, “Weeks? We’ve been fucking for years Daryl. We’ve been going around this for years. Years! Unbelievable. Oh La, I miss you, I love you, I’m going to change I promise, it’s just you. Bullshit!”
I felt so stupid to have believed his lies, to have expected anything to change. I felt dumb being here right now. My anger had morphed into hurt and it was becoming harder and harder to fight back the tears.  I should have known nothing had changed, that nothing would have changed. Deep down I knew it was the same bullshit. Every time I looked in the mirror I saw the truth shining back at me. I had been stupid for a long time.
I watch as Daryl slinks across the room to me with a somber look on his face that I knew was an act. For it to be real he had to feel remorse, an emotion you doubted he even fathomed. Raising my hands I try to keep him at bay because I know if he touches me even a little bit my anger will falter, and he will turn it all around. I didn’t want him to placate me with lies any longer.
“Don’t touch me.”
���Now I can’t touch you? Come on, you love when I touch you.”
He laced his fingers with mine before he pulled me closer to him. “I’m the only one that makes you feel good,” he cooed, “The only one that knows how to touch you.”
For emphasis, Daryl brought his hand around to cup my ass in a way that also brought my leg up to wrap around his waist. Groaning, I pressed my palm to his torso trying to push him off, but he wouldn’t budge. “I’m the only one that makes you drip”, he says his voice dropping to an impossibly deep baritone that instantly proved his words true. It was a voice I had always been utterly powerless against.
I hated his cockiness, hated that there was even an ounce of truth to his words, hated that he had me right where he wanted me.
“Stop it Daryl, I’m not playing.”
 “Neither am I,” he said against your ear making you shiver. “I haven’t seen her in weeks. As I said, it’s nothing.”
With that, he tipped my chin up, so I looked into his eyes and just like that, it was over. “I want you”.
I searched his eyes for lies though I knew the lies were to be found on his lips instead. I searched frantically and desperately but there were no lies in his eyes.
“You La. Just you.”
His lips crashed into mine, pulling me into a soul sucking kiss. Soul sucker. That was exactly what he is. Soul sucker. I knew he was full of shit; I knew it yet still I allowed him to kiss me, allowed him the time to worm him hands along my body until I felt his fingers creep up my skirt where I am bare and wet. Wet from wanting him, needing him. Damn it! I hated this; I hated him. A moan filled the room, and I am annoyed to realize it was mine.
Traitor. My body was a traitor, always had been. Daryl lifted me and instinctively my other leg wrapped around his waist. When his mouth moved to my neck the hard press of his girth between my thighs sends my head flying back giving him complete access to the spot he loved to exploit and that was when I knew it.
Fuck! It’s over.
Once he has my back slammed against the wall, he follows suit but grinding his hips against me so I can feel the thing I crave.  Without warning, he then slams into me with all the strength and force his powerful body holds. The action pulls a scream from your lips. It’s a scream that is raspy and high pitched all at once, a scream that never stood a chance of ending because before it could, he snapped his lips forward again reminding me that every word he spoke before was true.
The force of Daryl’s hips slams into me over and over, harder, and harder until I am seeing stars and unable to catch my breath. All I can do is hold onto him for dear life and pray to whoever was watching this show that you wouldn’t be forever scared by this man.
“You’re mine La!”
“--Have been since you were nineteen and will always be mine,” he added, his lips brushing your ear, so you didn’t miss one word.
Slowing down, Daryl circled his hips again nudging your g-spot until you were sure you were going to pass out. In seconds you were clenching around him giving him the satisfaction of knowing you were powerless to him.
“This sweet spot is mine, Leianna, cause I do it the best. Me!”
The possessiveness in his voice could not be missed. He always did get off on claiming ownership. He loved it when I told him I belonged to him, loved when I bore his markings on my skin for others to see, and loved I went out smelling like him. This was nothing different. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he overwhelmed me with the barrage of thrusts that served as nothing more than way to mark you, brand you as his.
Another orgasm claimed me sweeping me up into the frenzy of need that tied us together.
Bringing his hand to your throat he held you there against the wall making you moan louder and clench harder around him. “Say my name La, say it!”
He knew I liked it when he got rough. Fuck him, I thought as another moan fell from my lips. I hated him but I was loving every second of the pleasure he brought me through this show of assertion he was putting on, loved the feel of him pounding into me, trying to mark me. Fuck him and damn me, I loved it all.
“Say it,” Daryl badgered adding a slight amount of pressure. Not enough to hurt me but it was enough to make me wetter.
“Daryl,” I gasp out of breath as he keeps pounding into me against his wall.
“Whose is it? Who does it belong to?”
The air around us has become so thick that catching a breath is nearly impossible and the lack of oxygen has my head spinning.
His shout brings me back to the moment. our eyes linger and I watch as his mouth falls open clearly enraptured with the pleasure he was finding in me.  
“Yours. Shit Daryl, it’s yours, always has been, yes, yes, yes!”
I feel the tint of shame wash over me. Shame for saying the words, shame for allowing him to put me in this situation, shame for never wanting him to stop fucking me, shame for wanting to stay in this bubble for as long as possible because it would mean he would stay here with me in this moment away from his lies and away from his asshole moves.
Digging my nails into his shoulder I aim to hurt him and with his shout I am pleased to know that I have. With one final thrust that sends my head banging into the wall, Daryl fills me, marking me as we both find our release. For long moments we clutch one another panting as we slowly come down from the euphoria of our bodies connecting, the euphoria I had only ever found in him.
When I am coherent enough I realize that Daryl had moved us back to the bed. I feel his lips press to my jaw, then my neck before he pulls away from my body and walks away toward the bathroom. I take another steadying breath then see him grab his phone from the nightstand before disappearing into the bathroom. Again the knot in my stomach spasms and I feel sick to my stomach as utter disgust and self-loathing washes over me. I was stupid, so stupid. I knew it, and he must have known it too because he knew he had me, he knew it.
The stinging of my tears pushed me into action. Standing on wobbly legs I took a moment to steady myself then fixed the clothes I was wearing. I approached the chair again to finish dressing then dug a note card from my purse and wrote across it with the red lipstick he liked so much. Gathering my things I walked to the bed ignoring the crumpled sheets and placed the notecard on his pillow. Looking around I took a moment to make sure I had everything then walked through the bedroom door towards the door.
I didn’t look back. What was the purpose of doing so? I walked with my head high and spine straight with a head filled with vows to never return but your heart whispered into the abyss of your pain that you’d be back.
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bosskie · 2 months
Draw Abe and Molluck kissing.
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'You know, Abe, I always somehow liked you. I didn't name you the employee of the year for nothing. I designed Mudokon Pops look like you for a reason. I would still have enjoyed killing you, I wasn't even supposed to like you, so killing you including my own feelings toward you would have been the right choice. You, blue bastard, ruined my life but also saved it... I have dreamed of crushing you but now, instead of that, I feel another kind of desire of a crush. Kiss me, you schmuck!' Molluck told Abe after they had done their parts of the deal of helping each other.
I'm actually glad that you suggested me to draw that since I have been joking about Molluck and Abe turning from enemies into lovers but never said a word about it. So, thank you for giving me a reason to draw it! (Y) Yeah, what an odd couple they would be but hey, it's Oddworld! The best 'from enemies to lovers' thing I could still imagine (I know nothing about this stuff though, only the concept).
Frankly, I'm kinda surprised at how little Abe x Molluck stuff I have seen, just one 'spicy' drawing... (I don't know about fan fiction, I don't read it.) So yeah, I personally like this ship. It's not easy to explain why but it just has depth, is odd but 'makes sense'... It's just would be quite interesting in general.
I basically had two ideas for this but I chose this one since I got this 'from enemies to lovers' idea, and well, now I 'came out' with it. I wasn't sure about where to draw them but they are somewhere at Nolybab where the sun doesn't shine, underground I mean. Molluck's name has been cleared and Abe could meet his mother, and it was all thanks to their collaboration. They were reluctant to work together at first but their relationship developed during that, and Molluck let his softer side come out more. This is idea is basically behind this Molluck x Abe thing. I know, it can sound so odd but it's not the first time if I'm odd for something I like; I have heard it for so many times already. Oh, and yeah, maybe you also noticed that Abe has no longer his stitches; it makes the kissing easier too. (Y)
And yeah, this came out more 'proper' than I planned but it's still 'quick-ish' since it's not fully rendered and looks kinda sketchy. This was also challenging to draw and I wasn't' sure of how to draw them kissing, like I didn't want it to be 'too intimate', so something simple enough. I hope that this looks okay at least. I just felt really bad about my drawing skills last night out of nowhere, so I just wish that my art doesn't look like Slog shit. I just kinda don't like how this came out but that 'better image' I have inside my head feels 'too intimate'... Just didn't feel like going 'too far' with this. Also yeah, I used a bit different style here since I'm still trying to figure out my way to do digital art, even I have done it for so many years... It's just that it feels like I'm never pleased with my art style; it makes difficult for me to feel like I had any artistic talent... I'm still always just trying my best.
Let's just say that posting stuff like this in public is difficult for me, even I still would like to post stuff like this... I don't even draw proper self-ship stuff and I rarely even draw it, even I think about myself with Molluck every single day. I guess it's mainly due to my self-hatred, like why I would spend so much time on drawing something only I'll see. I just have never drawn anything as proper as this about me and Molluck. Maybe I should but I cannot help myself but think that it's waste... I'm sorry but I just feel so awful about myself... Last night was just another night when I asked Molluck to eat me... I'm so sorry for this vent but I'm just so tired of this and cannot be silent, pretend that I was okay when I feel like crying...
I still hope that my stuff is enjoyable, even when I feel like I should just delete everything here... It's just because I can see my stuff looking so awful sometimes. I just don't feel like I draw Molluck well enough; he is still challenging to draw... I think that I should end writing for now; I just feel so bad about my stuff right now...
This doesn't really relate to the drawing, anon. This is just the usual stuff my condition makes me feel... But hopefully you like it and don't regret suggesting me to draw that kiss. I really liked drawing this still and that's probably why I painted this more than I planned; the idea of this drawing amuses me. (I tend to enjoy creating stuff in general but I rarely like what I created, the outcome I mean... Oh, and I don't really mind Molluck being with someone else than me. They are just different stories and I'm just glad that Molluck gets love!)
I just have difficulties with expressing love in public (even if it didn't relate to me, being about a ship like this), even I do have done it many times here, told you how much I love Molluck but, it still feels challenging... Like posting my 'Molluck love sculpt' was kinda scary actually but I still posted it, especially because I put so much effort on him. I don't even know what I was afraid of, I'm already used to people seeing me as a weirdo. Maybe I'm just afraid of love because this self-hatred just makes me even wish that no one loved me. But my heart still tells me that it's not true that I'm not someone to love.
Even I love Molluck with my whole heart, wish to hug and kiss him, enjoy his body every single day, it kinda scares me to be loved back... I know, it can sound odd but it's just that I don't see myself worth loving and just wish good for the others when I try to prevent them from loving me since I feel like I'm only waste of everything. My condition really makes me act and think like this. Even I realize how this is unhealthy and I imagine Molluck being confused about this behavior, it's still so difficult to feel like I'm someone to love... But the important thing is at least that I always imagine Molluck loving me, even it's difficult for me to receive that love. Even I do enjoy imagining that Molluck enjoys and loves me too, I still can feel like it's better for Molluck if he didn't... It makes me feel bad/sad but it just feels 'right' since I'm not someone to love...
These awful thoughts just don't wanna leave me alone... And if I sometimes do not vent to my posts, it doesn't always mean that I felt better. It can also mean that I feel like I should be just silent, I'm only ruining everything with my vent... It's just making me feel a bit less alone with this shit when I write this stuff here, and hopefully I can give some peer support. Also, if one day my stuff is gone or if this blog seems abandoned, you know why. I don't wish to bring more negative energy to here but I just cannot hide my condition; I'm just trying to save my life.
~ I really appreciate your tolerance and support!
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v--143 · 1 year
hii!! i really like your writing :). could i request lee bang chan and ler hyunjin! maybe something based on that one clip of chan saying only hyunjin knows that is his weakness. thank youu
Thank you! ^^ I haven’t done ler Hyune this is exciting jdksjjsodnwijfj hope you enjoy!
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< Not That Bad >
[Lee! Bangchan]
[Ler! Hyunjin]
Bangchan and Hyunjin had been told by skizji to go ahead and film themselves answering some questions during their Circus comeback. Hyune was wearing a gorgeous red and black corset top while Chan wore a checkered denim top with a few buttons opened around his chest. They had been replying to a few questions here and there while filming themselves.
“Favorite part of the music video? Hmmm, probably when we were inside the big tent dancing towards the beginning. Having all the dancers around us come together and everyone be so in sync was really cool” Chan replied to a question. “Hyunjin you?”
“I’d have to say more towards the end where we finished it off with our arms out toward the cameras. It felt very complete and colorful.”
“Ahhh the artist has spoken!” Chan joked. “Okay let’s see.. what is Chan’s weak spot? Ooooo sorry to disappoint, I don’t have one”
“No no that’s a lie” Hyunjin said as he shoved his hand down the open buttons of Chan’s shirt.
“nahHAUAHA” Chan laughed loudly as he grabbed Hyune’s wrist and pried him off. “No no no don’t do thahat.”
“And he says he doesn’t have a weak spot” Hyunjin teased as he snuck his hand under Chan’s shirt this time and scribbled over his abs and chest, his other hand squeezing at his side.
“NAHA” Chan yelled as he quickly turned his torso the other way and swat Hyune’s hands away, “NOHoho stop quihit.”
Hyunjin pointed at his red face and laughed as they continued to answer the rest of the questions.
A few hours later, they were in a breakroom by themselves resting up when skizji posted the video. Chan went to go check out the comments and see what Stays were saying while Hyunjin was out buying his 2nd… maybe 3rd… iced americano of the day.
Hyun_Chan: I knew Hyunjin’s favorite part was gonna be the ending!
Skz123: Chan is so sensitive omg?!
Special5Star: Why’d Chan react like that that is HILARIOUS
SeungminLover: Hyune casually letting the world know Chan is sensitive asf💀
Chan rewatched the video and realized how jumpy he seemed when Hyunjin had touched him. He always knew he was sensitive, but he didn’t think it would be that obvious to others when tested out. He was annoyed at Hyunjin now for making it known since he knew he was going to get teased for it nonstop.
“Yah Hyunjin! Look what you did!!” He yelled right as Hyune walked into the room bursting out laughing at something he read.
“HAHA look at this someone said, ‘Hyunjin would be the type to use that as a form of getting his way’ isn’t that such a good idea!” A giggling Hyunjin suggested.
“No, no it isn’t. Everyone’s gonna be annoying about it now!”
“You know it’s true”
“It is not that bad”
“Oh please, you love it” Hyunjin said while making kissy lips at Chan.
His face went red. “What?! You’re so weird”
“Hey Chan”
“Can you go buy meeeee some jelly? The balls. The round squishy ones those jellies” Hyunjin said while doing a squishing motion with his fingers and giggling.
“No, I’m busy. You’ve had too many of your Americanos” Chan said while shooing Hyune away.
“But I want jelliessss” Hyunjin said as he walked over to Chan who was sitting on the one-person couch, “pleeeease” he grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him back and forth.
Chan set his phone down and crossed his arms, smiling up at Hyunjin.
“I’ll do it” Hyunjin said.
“Don’t be an idiot Hyunji-“
Hyunjin quickly moved his hands from Chan’s shoulders to his sides and straddled his waist on the couch. Chan yelled and his eyes widened as he desperately grabbed at Hyunjin’s wrists.
“NAHAHA AHAHA STOHOP” Chan laughed as he threw his head back and kicked out from under Hyunjin, pushing at his chest.
“Raaaahhhh” Hyunjin teased as he dug his thumbs between the spaces of Chan’s ribs. Chan kept shuffling from side to side with the widest smile on his face as he tried kicking his way deeper into the back of the couch.
“HAHAHA those comments were onto something” Hyunjin laughed. He moved his hands to squeeze right above Chan’s hips and waited for him to put his hands on his hips in an attempt to stop him. Once he did, Hyunjin shoved his hands under his arms making a “dudududu” sound in the process.
“AYAHAHA AHHHHA” Chan screamed as he slammed his arms shut and shook his head violently side to side. He was a kicking squealing mess on the couch as Hyunjin went at it on his poor torso.
“PLEHEHEASE EEEAAHAHA” Chan begged as he wrapped his arms around his torso, trapping Hyunjins hands under his arms.
“Hyung I literally can’t get out” Hyune wiggled his fingers as Chan sunk deeper into the couch, turning himself into a ball and shoving his head into the corner.
“I cahahan’t” Chan whined.
Hyunjin shook his arms back and forth while shoving his thumbs into Chan’s upper sides right under his arms, then pulled his hands out quickly to scribble over Chan’s chest and stomach. He went back and forth with his fingers out in a claw-like position from his chest to his abs.
“STOHOAAHP” Chan screamed as he tried to grab at Hyunjin’s quick hands scribbling all over his torso.
“You’re actually more sensitive than I thought-“
“But it’s true”
“AAAAHHHHHHH” Chan threw his head back and laughed loudly as Hyunjin began to pinch under his ribs one at a time on opposite sides. He had Chan jerking left and right, screaming each time he shuffled and Hyunjin laughing at him each time.
“IM SEHERIOUS GET OHOHOFFAHA AHAHA HAHHAAH AHAA” He had tears already down his cheeks as his stomach involuntarily squirmed and spasmed with every touch Hyunjin made. The more sensitive he began to realize he was, the worse it got.
“Okay okay let’s play a game then, I count your abs and if you make me lose count we start over”
“OKAY let’s go oooone” Hyunjin teased as he poked at a square of ab on Chan’s stomach with both his hands. Chan, obviously, wrapped his arms around his torso and curled in on himself again.
“That’s not FAIR hyung! Play fair cmon” Hyunjin said with an annoyed yet amused face.
“Fine then you asked for it” Hyunjin said as he hoisted himself off Chan’s waist, turned around, put his back against Chan’s stomach, and began squeezing at his lower thighs.
“NOOAHAHA AHAHANAHA HAHAHAHA HYUNJINAAHA” Chan screamed as he covered his mouth with his hands.
Hyunjin laughed as he put his legs between Chan’s legs and separated them, giving him access to his inner thighs. The moment he began scribbling there, Chan lost all form of self control.
“SHIHIHIHIT HYUNJIN!! NAAH AHAHAH FUHUHUCK” Chan tried to shut his legs but couldn’t since Hyune was holding them open. The scribbling feeling was torturous on his inner legs and 5 seconds felt like hours. He grabbed Hyunjin’s sides and shook him back and forth violently.
“HYUHUNG” Hyunjin laughed, “it’s bad for you HAH!”
Hyunjin switched to lightly scratching at Chan’s thighs once he realized he’d fallen into silent laughter and was panting as if he’d just ran a marathon.
“I CAHAN’THAhaha.. I cahan’t b- bretahaahathe” Chan choked out as Hyunjin scoot over to sit on just one of his thighs.
“‘Not that bad’ my ass” Hyunjin said while prodding at Chan’s neck and collarbone.
“Stohohop hehahaHA” He covered his chest and let his head hang.
“Your face is red” Hyunjin said, pointing and giggling.
“I’m gohoing to get you back”
“Are you mad that I proved you wrong” He teased as he wiggled his fingers between his neck and sides.
“QUIHIT” Chan smacked at his hand.
“Cuuuute” Hyune cooed as he wiggled his fingers at Chan’s lower stomach area where his shirt had ridden up slightly, exposing a small part of his stomach.
Chan laughed a high-pitched laugh as he threw his head back and slid off the couch. He hit the floor with a thud and laid there in a ball, Hyunjin sat at the edge of the couch.
“‘Not that baaaad’” Hyunjin continued to tease as he prodded at Chan’s ribs with his foot, vibrating it on his side. Chan yelled as he scoot away from him and covered his face with his hands.
“You’re insahane” Chan said, slowly lifting himself up off the floor. “I meant it when I said I’d get you back, watch yourself.”
Hyunjin laughed to himself, more out of nervousness than anything, and began to shuffle his way out of the breakroom. Staff asked him what had happened in the past 5 minutes, his response being to just “watch out” for Chan and to protect him from him at all costs.
They later apologized to a red faced sweaty Chan for allowing Hyunjin 5 Iced Americanos before their break time.
While he was annoyed at his antics, it was nice to just laugh freely and spend some time with the younger… even though that time spent was Chan mainly trying not to lose his mind and smack the shit out of him. At least it now gave him the excuse to get him back, no holding back…!
This was actually so fun to write I hope it’s just as good to read too ^^
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sharpbutsoft · 4 months
wip wednesday
Hi hi thank you & happy birthday to @cuoredimuschio for the tag. I have not done a wipwed in forever but I have so many wips so lets see if I can actually finish a fic this evening
rules: send me the name of one of the wips below and i'll write and post three new sentences for you!
wips: (I'm so sorry gang they r all 911 fics today. I have 1 steddie wip but it's for a fic exchange so unforch I cannot share it yet)
Buddie Coma-Dream AU
Lucy Donato/Taylor Kelly one-sided hatesex :)
Sleepover fic (Buck babysits Mara & Jee)
Eddie Diaz Faces His Past (aka @cranberrymoons sent me a despicable dm and I couldn't resist)
tagging: I'm so out of the loop on who's writing BUT if you just revealed your @/steddiebang2024 fic today then consider yourself tagged (if you want) (no pressure I'm just proud of u guys and wanna send u asks!)
snippet: please enjoy a little something I like to call this could honestly be canon and yet it is so gay, how? from my Coma-Dream AU :)
“He’s in V-tach,” Chim shouts, interrupting her and Eddie can only watch, helplessly releasing his grip on the sleeve of Buck’s turnout coat while they try to restart his heart.
Because it stopped.
Buck’s heart stopped.
Buck died. Is dead, right now. Buck’s not breathing and Eddie can’t.
He can’t.
He can’t.
“We’ve got a pulse,” says Chim, and suddenly Eddie can exhale again; can release the breath he hadn’t meant to hold in his chest.
“Okay, he has a history of blood clotting. He’s not currently on any medication.” Eddie sends a silent prayer Bobby’s way for relaying Buck’s medical history so well under pressure. “But he does have an allergy to naproxen.”
Eddie knew that, didn’t he? Like how he knows Buck’s blood is type AB- and he’s an organ donor. And he takes his coffee black with sugar and he does purposely wear shirts that are too small to make his arms look bigger and his laugh is so infectious that Eddie’s never heard it and not laughed with him.
And his heart stopped for three minutes and seventeen seconds before it started again.
And it did start again.
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
Your sparring post w/ levi finished me off 😭 would u ever consider doing similar stuff for Miche? I love the idea of sparring with him n havin to deploy some seductive techniques to distract him except u actually really like him n it works
Sparring 2.0 | CanonAU Drabble
☾ Pairings ➼ Miche Zacharius x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fighting, sexual tension, established-ish relationship?, suggestive themes?
☾ A/N ➼ HI! Okay sorry this took so long, I've had the worst bout of reverse imposter syndrome?? Idk if that's even a thing, I just know it was very disorienting to bring up Levi and NOT write about him haha. But I really enjoyed this as a writing exercise, it really brought me out of my comfort zone. The worst thing about how little time we got with Miche is how we don't have a lot to go on with his character. So with that said, this is kind of how I see him and I hope that's okay!!
☾ Word Count ➼ ~1.1k
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The mid-afternoon sun bares down on your already sun-kissed face while you watch your boyfriend get his ass kicked by Captain Levi from the fence separating the barracks and training grounds. Miche Zacharius towered over Levi by a good foot and then some, so you couldn't help but laugh out loud when Levi slams Miche into the ground with an arm pinned behind him.
"Are they at it again?" Nanaba leans against the fence next to you, staring into the pit with an amused smile.
"Yeah. Ever since Levi took his place as 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier'," you use air quotes as you speak, shooting Nanaba a matching smile. "Miche has been trying to prove something."
"Prove what? That he’s shit at fighting?" Her comment makes you snort.
“Oh I'm so telling him you said that." You jokingly chide, bumping into her shoulder affectionately.
"Telling who what?” Miche's sudden voice startles you but you're quick to hide your surprise with a teasing smile. He stands in front of you with only the fence separating you two. With his height compared to you, he makes the perfect sun-shield.
"Nothing. Are you two done?" You look around him to see an empty pit, no captain in sight.
"Levi said he needed to make sure his squad cleaned the stables correctly." Miche says as he pulls up the bottom of his shirt to dab at the sweat that drips down his face. You can't keep your gaze from sliding down his toned abs and blonde happy trail as he does so. "Nanaba, did you get those reports on my desk yet?” He drops his shirt much to your dismay.
"On my way to do that now, Sir." She smirks as she gives a half-assed salute then turns and leaves. When she's gone, you look back up to Miche with a cheeky grin.
"How do you get your squad to listen to you right away?” You arch an eyebrow at him.
“They know I’ll kick their ass if they don’t.” His response makes you chuckle.
“Nanaba didn’t seem too terrified of you.” He gives you a lopsided grin before sliding his fingers down your face then under your chin, tilting it up to face him better with your chin now trapped between his thumb and forefinger. He leans down as if to kiss you but stops abruptly, his face hovering right above yours.
"Hmm. Are you?" He traces your bottom lip with his thumb as he eyes your most likely dazed face. His expression is hard to read.
"Should I be?" You swallow hard. He only hums and leans in more.
Miche was never this forward, and by the time you realize his true purpose, it was too late. He grabs you by the waist and wrist then flips you over him into the pit. You've always been known for your agility so you were able to land without issue. The issue was the fact that your 6'4" boyfriend came barreling down at you the second you did.
"Miche, what the-" You barely duck out of the way in time. A rush of wind hits your face from a missed punch. It wasn't as fast as you'd expect from him, which you were grateful for. You jump back to give yourself some space but he fills it just as quickly, putting himself in an offensive stance. You only have time to cross your arms in front of your chest before his knee makes contact. A dull pain makes its way up your arms.
Throwing your whole weight back, you backflip out of the way and feel your feet kick something. Good. If you could just get a little more distance… but it seems like Miche knows your fighting style inside and out because he doesn’t give you a chance to think. He throws up another punch in which you counter it with your forearm, using this moment to pull your knee up into his groin.
As always, he expects it and moves a leg back to avoid your strike. With one swift motion, he grabs your thigh and pulls up which knocks you off balance and you hit the ground with a slam. You’re gasping for air when he pulls himself on top of you and pins your wrists above your head with his knees on both sides of your right leg.
“Ready to give up, yet?” He grumbles down at you.
“H-” You attempt to move an arm and notice there’s quite a bit of give. “Hardly. Why are you going so easy on me?” You quip back, a smirk tugging at your lips. His body shakes above you as he laughs.
“That’s not what you said last nig-” You lean forward to close the distance and lock your lips onto his, cutting him off mid-sentence. He’s so taken aback by the sudden movement, but you feel him relax which is exactly what you were hoping for.
As quickly as possible, you pull your arms out of his grips. This causes an imbalance in his stance, which you were happy to take advantage of. You wrap your legs around him and twist to the side at the same time that you use your hands to push him. He falls without resistance. When you both land, he’s now flat on his back with you straddling his chest with your full weight. You pin his arms to the side and smile down at him innocently.
“Are you sure you’re humanity’s second strongest? We might have to move you down the list.” You chuckle down at him.
“To my defense, I just sparred with Levi.” He grumbles back.
“And yet you still picked a fight… and lost.”
“Okay, okay. Yes, you win. This time.” You lean down to kiss him again, this time with no ulterior motive. After a moment, you break away and sigh. Looking down, you see dirt and dust caking your once pristine civilian clothes.
“Now I need to go clean up. I was headed into town before you decided to beat me up.” With that, you gently pull yourself off Miche and offer a hand for him to help himself up with. He just wipes at the dust on his uniform with his hands, grunting back in response. Turning to leave, you yell over your shoulder as you walk away, “You could help with that, if you want.” A quick pair of footsteps falling in behind you makes you laugh as you lead the way back to the barracks.
Please join my taglist to be notified for future content!!
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paalove · 1 year
If you are still taking prompts could i interest you in some Alan Gaipa? Alan wanting to take the next step with Gaipa. Desperately. But he is scared. Scared of proposing. Scared of the same thing happening as it did with Wen. Because he can't lose gaipa. He loves him.
i am using this for my HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHAOTUNG fic bc gaipa is his very most kitty-character. xoxo
Head in his hands, elbows braced on the table, and tie carefully folded on the windowsill, Alan breathes fast and sharp.
All the what ifs, all the memories, all the torn-off parts of who he used to be and doesn’t want to be again and all the ones he does want back, they race past. Grabbing them would be impossible and counterproductive, so he just lets the feelings past as they make his heart race and his head pound and his breathing grow ever-more-shallow-
Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-
He opens his eyes and swipes the timer stop button on his phone.
Pushes back his chair.
Walks to the window and opens the blinds.
Does his top button, ties his tie, checks his appearance in his phone camera.
Out to meet the next client; their meeting is scheduled to start in ten minutes, but this one likes to get here approximately seven minutes early and is lucrative enough that Alan won’t leave him waiting.
As he opens the door, it catches his eye, and he pauses.
The post-it note that started that… situation is bright yellow and says, in his own handwriting, Follow up on Gaipa conversation.
He’s got a meeting and he’s done panicking about it.
Alan folds the post-it note neatly into quarters and slips it into his pocket – now it’s time for the client.
No panicking is allowed during – he is professional.
Okay, he’s had a couple of slips.
But this meeting goes well, and agreements are made, and Alan in general proves himself to be completely capable of conducting a negotiation with someone who wants a similar outcome to him. Which is good.
It means the panic was an aberration.
But the post-it note continues to burn a hole in his pocket and the conversation continues to pop up in his mind at odd moments.
Gaipa had sounded – had seemed, entirely, in how he spoke and sat and looked – completely casual when he’d said, “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to get married,” over his plate. Less casual but certainly not particularly intense had been his addition of, “I’ve never really cared about it being legally binding, but it’s romantic, I just want the meaning.”
Everything about the tone was casual, so Alan hadn’t taken it as a hint until he woke up this morning.
Because yes, Gaipa had been sitting and speaking casually, but Alan is pretty sure he planned it that way – might have even been practicing.
They had been, after all, speaking over a meal – a date, really, because they make Tuesday nights theirs deliberately – which Gaipa had insisted on cooking entirely by himself.
Normally they make it together.
Alan likes making it together with Gaipa, who always ends up in his space or under his shoulder but somehow is never even slightly in the way, and the way Gaipa doesn’t stop smiling even when he’s focused, and the light in Gaipa’s kitchen always makes him look so soft and delicate even though he has those hard biceps and abs that-
He likes cooking for their dates together; Gaipa had insisted on cooking by himself, this time.
So, Alan had been a little disappointed.
Not focused on what it all meant, with the candles and all the foods Gaipa likes best to either feed Alan with a fork or be fed. And the marriage conversation.
He can’t remember what, exactly, he said in reply, but it wasn’t-
Well, it wasn’t an I do or a Will you or even an I’m so sorry I can’t believe I dropped the ring that many times like he’d once said to Wen.
Wen isn’t-
He isn’t a part of the issue, not exactly, because it’s not like Alan’s still hung up on him – it’s been years, and they see each other from time to time, and he’s even stopped the spiteful voice at the back of his mind that wonders, when he sees Jim, how long until Wen gets bored again.
(The petty voice in the front of his mind that points out how much more of a catch Gaipa is than Jim is still there, but he thinks that’s fine. Gaipa’s amazing.)
The issue, though, is there, and it’s not that Alan definitely failed to pick up on a probing question. Gaipa’s extremely understanding, and if Alan had woken up, realised, and called him – if he called him right now, even! – to explain that he completely missed it, Gaipa would have softly laughed and then fondly asked him what he thought now that he knew. Because Gaipa wasn't actually asking him to propose, Alan knows, he was trying to open the conversation. The proposal wouldn't even be soon.
No, the issue is that Alan doesn’t know what he thinks.
And, yes, Wen isn’t a present-day factor in that, but he is a historical factor in it – because Alan agrees with Gaipa that it’s romantic, that it’s meaningful, it’s something he always wanted too.
Alan hasn’t been married, but he has been engaged, and he doesn’t know that it did anything for him-
He does, though, is the thing, it did a lot for him. It made him so happy and it made Wen so happy too, they wanted to be married and they planned for it, in a future kind of way, and it didn’t matter anyway.
It did matter.
Alan’s workday ends and he hasn’t been able to complete the thought.
He won’t be able to complete the thought.
It’s a jigsaw piece, but an old one – one from a puzzle there’s no call for him to ever look at again.
The only way to finish thinking it through is together.
Of course.
Gaipa’s a romantic and Alan has remembered how to be one too, so he sometimes sends him flowers – usually to the stall, in the middle of the day, where Gaipa can blush and laugh loudly and bear up under the teasing of the aunties and uncles with unconcealed pride and return their ribald jokes with worse ones.
He has a relationship with the florist, is the point, so when he stops in on the way out, she’s nice to Alan and gives him a good deal on a couple of sky blue… orchids? Alan is not great with flower names, they definitely aren’t orchids, but Gaipa likes light blue.
And he gets home-
Alan gets to Gaipa’s place and doesn’t let himself in, even though the key sits next to his own on the keyring, because it feels like the wrong way to start-
Okay, he doesn’t let himself in because he’s nervous.
Knocking gives him time to count his breaths and practice making his face not look terrified before-
Gaipa looks surprised – it might be the flowers, but it’s probably the failure to use his key – but it turns into one of his sweetest smiles, the slow-building ones that always make Alan think of sunset over the field he used to walk home along, after school as a kid.
It makes him slow, but he manages to say, “Hi, Gaipa,” before Gaipa is putting his arms around him.
He hugs back with one arm, holding the flowers aside, and breathes in Gaipa’s hair – he must have just showered, because it’s damp and smells of his mint shampoo.
“Oh,” Gaipa says, twisting briefly to look at the arm held awkwardly out by his back, “Wait, are those flowers?”
He doesn’t pull out of the hug, so it’s into the mint-scented hair that Alan admits, “I didn’t notice what Tuesday was about. Then I noticed and got scared.”
“Hm,” Gaipa hums, warm and amused but nowhere near mocking, “Are you still scared?”
Alan nods silently and suggests, “You can fix that, right?”
Laughing, Gaipa squeezes him, and Alan really hopes the flowers are still okay.
He’s already getting there.
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poledancingdinos · 1 year
Hostile Territory - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Leah Coleman)
Word count: 3.7K
Warnings: Horny thoughts, some past drunkenness, past physical violence, past injuries
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha​ @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @elizabetharegina @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos  @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @sillyrabbit81 @summersong69 @identity2212 @liecastillo @lena-banena @mrsevans90 @confessionbrain-writings @eclecticfashionbookszipper @happydistraction
A/N: I made an inspiration post here. I'm sorry this chapter is late, life suddenly started kicking my ass this week. I'm also really late on answering comments but I love everyone who left me their thoughts on last week's post.
Day 123
After going back to her room to change and get all her markers, Leah found her way to the room where Sy slept. One of the perks of being captain—aside from wearing all those shorts and t-shirts that were definitely not regulation—was that he got to have his own room. He even had a door.
When her knock went unanswered, Leah let herself in only to find Sy seated on his bed, staring at a disposable razor. Aika was curled into a ball by the pillow, lazily snoozing while her owner looked like there was a full on battle raging in his head. The previously wary and defensive pup was now fully accustomed to the spoiled life of living under Sy’s love and protection.
“Is this a bad time?”
Sy looked up from the offending razor, briefly shaking his head no. Leah frowned, stepping into the room and letting the door fall shut behind her.
“What’s going on?”
“Just not lookin’ forward to shavin’ my entire chest with a fuckin’ fifty cent piece of junk.”
He cleared his throat, moving to pull shaving cream from his pack. He had a bottle of water and a small metal bowl already set out. Sy’s favorite perk of being the highest ranking officer on base was not having to shave. It was fucking absurd to enforce grooming regulations when they all had to worry about being shot by a sniper at any given moment. On top of that, it always left his skin raw and feeling like it was on fire. Unfortunately, that also meant he didn’t have a mirror on hand and this was going to suck ass.
“I could do it if you want.”
Sy raised a skeptical eyebrow her way. “You want to shave my chest?”
“Okay, if this gets out I will make your life a living hell but when I was in highschool I marched into a tattoo shop and demanded they give me a job. I couldn’t legally do anything but grunt work so the artists used to have me shave clients for them.” Honestly, that was preferable to scrubbing toilets so she’d never once complained.
Sy couldn’t help but smirk at that. Somehow, nothing of what she had just said surprised him. He could easily picture a young Leah demanding to be given a job and not taking no for an answer. He envisioned her gritting her teeth as she shaved a client just for the privilege of watching the artists work afterwards.
“I’d tell you not to be throwin’ threats around but you’re the one currently holdin’ the blade,” he grumbled, as he pulled his shirt over his head. He might as well accept his fate and get it over with. The shaving was not going to be so bad if he wasn’t the one doing it.
Leah poured some water into the bowl, handing it to Sy to hold, then sat on the thin mattress by his side. She removed the guard from the blade, dropping the small razor into the bowl before lathering Sy’s chest. She seemed to keep her gaze firmly set on where her hands worked but Sy didn’t miss the few times her focus drifted down to his abs.
Leah was about halfway done when she gave a hard poke to his left peck. “No need for the flexing.” Sy hadn’t realized that his entire body was clenched tightly until she spoke. “I’ve seen you in the gym, I am well aware you lift enough to crush a watermelon with your thighs.”
Sy was so taken aback by the comment that the normally stern, grump of a captain actually guffawed—a sound that had Leah as shocked as he was and joining in on the laughter. She lifted her hand giving them both a moment to catch their breath without before she accidentally cut him.
Sy made a conscious attempt to keep his body lax, counting his breaths to help keep himself calm. As much as he wished his nerves would only be due to the fact that she currently held a blade over his heart, he was very much concerned about what would happen once she moved to his right side, or even further down.
“Are you gonna draw all the way down to my stomach?”
Leah paused for a moment, cleaning off the razor as she studied his torso. “I hadn’t planned on it.” Her fingers were on his chest again, covering the other half with shaving cream. “I can still shave your stomach if you want. You know, to match.”
Sy rolled his eyes at her teasing words. “That won’t be necessary.”
She quickly finished her task with an unexpectedly gentle touch then used Sy’s shirt to wipe away the loose hairs.
“I’m ready to start sketching the design. You can stay like this for now.” She pulled out the pack of markers her brother had sent her and chose an orange colored one.
“You gonna tell me what I’m gettin’?”
“Nope,” she answered, emphasizing the popping of the letter P as she began to draw. She held the marker like a wand in a loose grip, just barely touching his skin at times.
Sy fought not to wince whenever the felt tip brushed over the raised, criss-crossed lines on his skin but Leah had clearly noticed all the same. 
“Am I hurting you?”
She wasn’t. The sensation was more foreign than it was painful.
For some reason Sy would never understand, the women he used to spend his nights with always enjoyed studying the pattern of scars on his body, asking to hear the story of how he’d acquired each one. He’d indulged them—until one night ten years before.
Sy’s body was riddled with knicks and cuts, both from day to day work and the occasional injury, but they had never bothered him. The problem with that particular scar, and its sister on his stomach, was that he was ashamed of the way he received it. They were a constant reminder of one of the lowest points in his life and having them exposed or scrutinized was… uncomfortable.
His companions always liked to ask about the most prominent scars first, expecting to hear something noble and heroic but there was no such tale. There was only the story of a night Sy wished he could take back. Eventually, he’d stopped letting anyone touch them altogether, pulling their hands away whenever they tried.
Fortunately for Sy, the women he attracted liked having a captain give them orders. Leah was the first person in almost ten years to put her hands on his chest for more than a fleeting touch and he was hyper aware of her every movement.
Sy and his friends from basic training had learned early on that many small town bar owners didn’t bother checking for IDs when a group of men walked in with their dog tags hanging out of their shirts for everyone to see. It was bullshit that you could be paid to carry a gun before you could legally drink but laws hadn’t mattered to Sy back then so he’d indulged at every opportunity.
That night, the night he got his scars, there had been a group of college girls who’d joined them for beers and a few rounds of pool. While the others were distracted, Sy had pulled one of the girls out into the back alley for a smoke which turned into a quick fuck against the exterior brick wall.
By his twenty-one year old standards, that would have been a perfect night… That is, had the girl’s boyfriend not shown up. The man had found them outside just as Sy zipped up his pants. There was no mistaking it for anything other than what it was and the boyfriend had immediately barreled towards him. Drunk and taken off guard, Sy hadn’t had time to defend himself and was tackled to the ground.
Pinning Sy under his weight, the other man had reached for a nearby broken beer bottle and had plunged it twice into Sy’s chest. The pain of the wound had spiked Sy’s adrenaline and his military training had finally kicked in. He’d shoved the other man off him and got to his feet with his sober opponent quickly doing the same. 
Still brandishing his weapon, the boyfriend had lunged towards him again. Sy’d deflected the hit, the bottle only slashing rather than piercing his stomach and organs, then he’d caught the man from behind in a tight and deadly choke hold.
He’d kept hold of the man’s neck even as his newly emptied hands clawed at Sy’s arm in a panic. Through the pounding of the blood rushing in his ears, Sy had only been faintly aware of a woman screaming in the background. Slowly, the boyfriend’s movement had turned sluggish, beginning to lose consciousness but Sy hadn’t let go.
For the second time that night, Sy was tackled to the ground, only then it had been his own friend holding him down.
He remembered his friend screaming at him to stop fighting, to calm down while another one knelt by the boyfriend who’d wheezed a dry cough. Coughing meant he was breathing. Breathing meant he was alive.
Sy’s chest had felt warm all of the sudden and he’d looked down to find his shirt soaked in blood. The injuries hadn’t slowed him down for even a second, if anything, they’d fueled his drunken rage.
The police were called, cuffing both men and leaving them in the back of the squad cars as they tried to piece together what had happened. They’d eventually determined that Sy had acted in self-defense and had reason to fear for his life since his opponent had had a weapon. Sy had refused to press charges for assault and ultimately both men had been let go.
That night, Sy almost took a man’s life—and it hadn’t been in the line of duty. There had been  no war, no gunfire and no explosions, just a pissed off guy who’d reacted impulsively after seeing that his girlfriend had fucked a complete stranger in a dingy back alley. 
He’d sworn to himself that he would never be that stupid, reckless kid ever again. He cleaned up his life, signing up for college and trading evenings of drinking and meaningless sex for evenings spent pouring over textbooks. To his utter surprise and astonishment, he hadn’t missed his old life even once.
“I can avoid the scars if you want,” Leah said when Sy didn’t answer, putting the cap back on the marker she was using and searching for a different color.
It wasn’t surprising that she would pick up on his discomfort after how easily she’d read his behavior earlier. It was a good thing she couldn’t read his thoughts, though, because all that was going through his mind was that he wanted to be able to tolerate her touch because he craved it. He wanted to feel her hands on him and he wanted to enjoy it.
When Sy shook his head no, Leah stood from the bunk. “I’m gonna need you to lay back for the rest of this.”
Sy shifted on the bed, tapping Aika on her flank to get her to liberate his pillow. Aika’s nails clicked on the floor as she jumped off the bunk and retreated to the burlap bag padded with old clothing that served as her bed. She spun three times before curling up and setting her head back down to finish her nap.
As he stretched out onto his back, Sy attempted to sneak a look at the drawing on his chest but the orange ink on his tanned skin blended too much for him to make any sense of the swooping lines.
“Okay, stay in a neutral position while I make the outline then you’ll be able to move and stretch out.”
“Where did you learn to draw?”
Yes, conversation was the way to go, it would pull his attention from the way her left hand brushed his chest as the marker in her right hand glided over his sternum. She’d settled on her knees on the edge of the bunk with her thigh gently leaning against his.
The scars weren’t the only thing that made Sy nervous. Too often he’d been on that very bed, imagining that it was Leah stroking his cock and not his own hand. He couldn’t even remember the last time a woman had touched him, much less a woman who’s touch he craved down to his very core. And now that woman was on his bed but he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
“I guess I’ve always liked drawing. The fridge used to be filled with my artwork. Whenever we ran out of room my dad just swapped out the drawings and put the older one in this big binder.”
His parents used to do something similar. The mantle in his childhood home was still covered with all the awards his sisters had brought home over the years along with pictures from the twin’s graduation. Somewhere on there was a dusty picture of him in his uniform from back before his first deployment. 
“Sounds like you were your parents’ favorite.” 
“Oh, no, never. My brother was represented on the fridge too but report cards only come out a few times a year and I had like ten new drawings a week.”
As Leah spoke, her eyes never moved away from her work. Despite the intensity of her focus, her features were free of tension. It was nice to see. She so often had a frown on her face, not necessarily from being upset, simply because she was always in her head, analyzing every little detail of her surroundings.
Leah sat up, shuffling around before leaning down again only to sit back up and shift into a different position.
“You okay?”
“I can’t get a good angle for the right side.”
She continued to wiggle, her hips brushing his thigh.
“So… switch sides?”
She huffed in frustration, shaking her head. “I only need to be like six inches to the right.”
Before he thought better of it, Sy reached out, grasping Leah’s thighs and lifting her off the mattress. Leah yelped, her hands landing on Sy’s stomach to brace herself. When he lowered her back down, Leah was straddling his right.
“Don’t say anything, just… Get this over with.”
Leah hummed noncommittally, swallowing thickly before she looked down at where her warm hands were still splayed over Sy’s abdomen. She cleared her throat, quickly removing them and looking around for her fallen marker.
“Am I really that unpleasant to be around?” she said with an awkward laugh. 
Just the opposite, Sy thought.
“No, I’m just goin’ against my better judgment with all this.”
“Well, I’m sorry to inform you that this is going to take at least another few hours. If I’m going to do something bad, I’m going to do it well.”
“So now you agree that we shouldn’t be doin' this. Great.”
Leah chewed on her cheek for a moment before meeting Sy’s gaze.
“Well, if Nielsen and his guys saw us right now then I would never live it down but… I can’t say that sitting here with you is much of a hardship.”
If Nielsen saw them, they would both be out of a job. As CO and subordinate, their current position was inappropriate for so many reasons. The two of them alone in his room, her hands all over his bare chest, Sy’s cock twitching with interest in his pants.
All he would have to do was clench his quads to hopefully pull a soft moan from her lips.
Woah, settle down there cowboy.
Leah cleared her throat and turned her attention back to her work. “You know, I used to think that this would be my career one day.”
“What changed?”
“My boss at the tattoo shop suggested that I go to art and business school even if I didn’t want to go to college. He said it would do me good to be pulled out of my comfort zone and learn new skills. I tried it, for a while, but then I realized that the reason I hated my art classes would also most likely be the reason I would hate being a tattoo artist.”
There was a pause as she focused on shaping a particularly long line.
“And what was that?”
“Every assignment I had to hand in had to fit within a certain box. You have creative freedom so long as it also falls within the guidelines that you are given. It’s exactly what it’s like working in a shop. Every client you get comes in with an idea of what they want. Most of the time, you take whatever jobs you get until you have a strong enough reputation for clients to come in and let you do whatever you want.”
“So what you’re saying is that you gave up on your dream job because you don’t like people telling you what to do. Hate to break it to you, Corporal, but I think you chose the wrong backup career.”
The genuine laugh that escaped the young woman sent a wave of warmth through Sy’s chest. He was damn proud to have been the one to pull that sound from her.
“I don’t like people controlling what and when I draw. It’s not the same thing. Art is what I do to make my mind go quiet but it’s not what I want to do twenty-four seven. I can’t sit still that long. I needed a job that would allow me to move so that I could burn off all my excess energy.”
“How’s that workin’ out for ya?” Sy scoffed.
“Oh, you know, training sixteen hours a day, sleeping an average of five hours a night and the added bonus of risking my life every second I’m out here? What more could a girl ask for?”
Sy closed his eyes, relaxing back into the mattress with a smile pulling at his lips. He waited for Leah to pause before folding an arm behind his head.
“This okay?”
Leah hummed the affirmative, moving her hips lower on Sy’s thigh and folding her body down over his stomach. His eyes shot open when Leah’s breasts pressed against him. He kept his gaze firmly fixed on the ceiling, refusing to look down. The last thing he wanted was to pop a semi while her stomach was pressed against his dick and the sight of her between his legs would definitely get him there.
She had switched from tracing lines to tapping a series of little dots. It was hard to tell from feeling but if he had to take a guess, the design she’d created spanned across his chest, beginning just below his clavicles and reaching down to the tip of his sternum in the center.
“Switch arms, please.”
Sy obeyed, lowering his right arm and in doing so, the tips of his fingers brushed against Leah’s ribs. He was suddenly regretting his ‘no looking’ strategy.
They spent the rest of their time together in comfortable silence, mostly because Sy was listing the states in alphabetical order then doing the same with capital cities as a means of taking his mind off Leah’s body. Every now and then, Sy’s thumb grazed the edge of Leah’s pants. It was never firm enough to reach her thigh under the thick, loose fitting clothing, just enough to give him something to do with his hands.
Even if they had both basically admitted to being attracted to one another, he didn’t need to ask to know that Leah would never risk her career for a hookup. That wasn’t what he wanted anyway.
There was no point in finding out if Leah felt the same about him as he did for her because she deserved better. She deserved someone who could proudly be with her, not someone who had to lie, sneak around and keep her his dirty little secret. She deserved someone who could put her first, not someone who had to think of the needs of the unit above hers.
Maybe this was fate getting back at him for his past wrongdoings.
“I’m done,” she announced, sitting up and rolling her shoulders before admiring her work. “I wish I had a camera.”
“There’s one in my foot locker. I think it still works.”
The camera did indeed still work once Leah found the battery which was buried under some old books. She recognized most of the titles but there were a few she hadn’t read and she made a mental note to ask about them later.
Once Leah got a satisfactory picture, Sy was free to go find a mirror. Leah followed closely behind as he walked down the hall, anxious to hear what Sy thought of the design.
“Holy shiet.”
Sy leaned over the sink to get a closer look. Leah had drawn a moth across the span of his chest. It wasn’t as intricate as some of the work he’d seen in her sketchbook but she had still accomplished an impressive amount of detail considering she’d only used a black permanent marker for the whole thing.
“That’s good, right?”
“Yeah, that’s good.”
She’d somehow managed to work around the shape of his scars and hide them in the lines of the wings. Part of the reason he hadn’t wanted to shave was to keep them concealed—out of sight, out of mind and whatnot—but, with Leah’s design, they didn’t show at all.
“For the record, if I had to get a tattoo, I’d let ya do whatever ya wanted.”
“Don’t tempt me. I only worked at the shop long enough to learn the basics, I never graduated to tattooing humans instead of fruit.”
Sy couldn’t help but be thankful she hadn’t. If she had, she might have realized that she liked the job after all. If she had, she might never have ended up on his base except maybe on the skin of some fucker lucky enough to have gotten her undivided attention for a few hours. If she had, he might have gone his whole life believing he would never be capable of caring about anyone the way he cared for her.
Chapter 12
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forlix · 4 months
no im so glad you’re feeling the way i am ab skz rn. like i just recently got into kpop and am a baby stay and i was ADORING skz. then lose my breath came out and it was so disheartening… surely they know, they have social media too.
and especially the selfie changbin posted, that REALLY upset me :(
feeling so conflicted rn
sorry for the late response angel. it has been a very taxing few days...
u are so not alone in your disheartenment. i completely agree that they have to know and quite frankly anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot. them being idols doesn't change the facts that they 1) have access to the internet, 2) have outwardly stated how present they are on social media, and 3) have participated in activism around the world. though i falter at using the word activism here, as they're proving to us all that their activism is conditional. not to take away from the wonderful things they've done in the past, but those things make their current complacency feel particularly loud
the changbin selfie and the 3racha picture were, as silly as it now feels, the turning point in all this for me. kpop's inherently apolitical nature had me thinking remaining silent was the best thing skz could do, only for them to then break their silence with shows of camaraderie with an extreme zionist/misogynist and an ex-member of the isr*eli army. i think my heart literally dropped in my chest; i unfollowed the boys on instagram shortly after.
all in all, i understand what you're going through one thousand percent. feeling conflicted ab everything is so natural and so okay; i gave this advice to someone else earlier but please take it all at your own pace and take breaks if u need. and i'm here if there's anything else u want to get off your chest about this <3 being able to discuss this with you guys has softened the blow for me for sure. i would love to do the same for you.
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illiana-mystery · 5 months
WIP Whenever
Ooh, haven't done one of these in a while. So let's do something about that. 😁
I have two WIPs that I would like to share with you. Those two WIPs being the upcoming Chapter 6 of Chasing Foxy and a short story featuring our favorite handyman, Bobby Hicks!
Since my other Bobby fic is on temporary hiatus, I figured that it would be nice to give you a little short story to tide you over until I update the big fic.
Hope you enjoy and read to the end for a special short fic announcement! 😁
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Taglist: @ghnaim24​, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky​​, @iobsessoverfictionalmen​, @emily-ella-nightshade89​, @goodoldcharley, @writingkitten, @crowtoed, @dreamlikedesires
One Thumb Down
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*This is a prequel to He Won't Hurt You*
It seemed like such a normal, summertime Thursday afternoon at The Magic Castle.
The birds were still chirping loudly, the sun was beaming over all of Orlando, and the children were out playing despite the heat.
For a moment in time, you walked outside...just standing by the front door.
Happily, you watched the children play while also enjoying the burning sunlight you didn't mind too much.
Honestly, it reminded you of better days from your childhood where you had not a care in the world and no responsibilities.
But you were soon taken out of your daydream and forced back into reality when you heard familiar footsteps.
Quickly, you made your way back inside and behind the front desk before he could see you.
Sure he liked you, but he was a stickler for rules.
You already had your lunch break, so now it was time to get back to work. Plus, you did like to keep him happy and impressed with you.
Despite your large age gap, you had a massive crush on the motel manager you called your boss…
Robert William Hicks.
But everyone called him Bobby.
He was well within his 50s, but he still oozed sex appeal and he knew it. He dressed as a younger man all the time and wasn't afraid to wear tight short sleeves and muscle shirts during the summer.
You couldn't help but stare.
Also, you always liked older men, but Bobby really took the cake.
The door soon swung open a few minutes after you got settled back to your post. And in walked the manager himself.
He was red from head to toe, his face sweating profusely.
But yet, he still looked like a snack and a half.
It was a muscle shirt day and the sweat-covered cotton clung to his abs while his cargo shorts tightly clung onto his junk. His nose freckles looked exceptionally pronounced, and his sandy brunette hair was damp and curled like you liked.
He was a sight to behold, but you had to stay calm. You had to be professional, so you immediately looked him in his beautiful cyan eyes as he approached you.
“Any lodgers give you trouble while I was working on our A/C unit?” he asked, concern dripping in his tone.
“No, it's been quiet,” you reply, pretending to start typing since looking into his eyes made your knees weak. “I have been trying to watch those kids though. Ever since you caught that creep, I've been worried about them.”
He warmly smiled before he put his hand on your shoulder.
“Neveah, I appreciate your big heart but watching over those kids is my responsibility not yours. You're my intern. You don't have to worry about the wellbeing of the lodgers.”
“I know. But still,” you moaned, before admitting, “I was almost taken advantage of by a predator when I was around their age. I wish I had you to save me. Luckily he was arrested before he could molest me.”
Bobby looked horrified as he slowly took his hand from your shoulder. His action worried you a little, until he walked behind you and hugged you.
Swiftly, you turned around in his grasp and hugged him back, trying to hold in your tears.
“It's okay, Nev. I had no idea. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope that bastard is still rotting in prison.”
"He is,” you assured him.
“Good. I'm glad Sheriff Rugg is tough on predators like that jackass,” he huffed. “You okay though? I didn't mean to open any old wounds.”
“I'm okay, Bobby,” you replied as he let you go.
“Good,” he said with a warm smile. “Now I'm gonna go back into my office. But feel free to knock if you need anything.”
“I will,” you responded immediately.
He chuckled before leaving you alone at the desk.
Chasing Foxy
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*I had to sneak this in. You're welcome. 😉*
"Virgil, honey, are you okay?"
He somberly looked down at the young woman, tears forming in his eyes, before replying,
"No, not really."
"You want to talk about it," she asked after she sat her up and put her arm around him.
"I guess it would help."
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I just want to help if I can," she assured him, before he tucked his head into her shoulder. She rubbed his arm after.
"I don't want you to think lesser of me...that's why I'm hesistating."
"I could never think lesser of you, Virgil. But again, only tell me if you're comfortable."
"I had a nightmare," he tried to calmly start. "A reoccurring one, might I add."
"Does it have to do with some form of your stress?"
"Yeah, I'm afraid so," he replied, before taking another deep breath. "I keep seeing all of the people that are hurting me and stressing me...I keep seeing them die in horrible, violent ways. And I'm fearful, of course, but then get chased by this ominous shadow that possesses me. It has an awful, terrifying voice and cackle. And it wakes me up every time...well usually after it tells me that they had it coming. That they deserved such horrific deaths."
Foxy was a bit horrified by what she heard, but did her best not to show it on her face. Since their dinner, she knew Norman was troubled. And just because he was having nightmares like that, didn't mean he was gonna act upon them.
Sometimes violent fantasies came from fear and uncertainty, not always the want of revenge.
At least she hoped that was the case with Norman to.
"Do these nightmares involve Harry or just the people over you at Oscorp?"
"Just my board members and the military contractors I've been working with," he quickly answered. "I could never hurt Harry in such a violent manner even if he causes me stress too. He's my only son and I still love him."
"I know, I know. It's okay. I just needed clarification," she assured him. "Now, look at me."
He obeyed, exposing his bashful blues.
"Honey, I'm sorry you're being mentally tormented by such awful dreams. But sometimes our dreams are warnings of what's to come if we don't change our actions in reality. Norman, I know you're a good man. But you can easily fall into darkness if you don't seek out help. That's why I want to help you. You have way too much on your plate and you can't do all of this on your own. It's not possible. I know we already made a breakthrough at dinner, but I'll reassure you again that I'm not going anywhere. I'll still have my johns, but you're my special baby boy and I mean that."
He softly smiled at her, before he buried his head in her shoulder again. She kept rubbing his arm to calm him, until she started to softly sing,
"I'm what you need, and I've got what you want. Put your trust in me, I won't let you down. Give me a chance, let me prove my love for you, babe. I'm what you need. Give me the chance to prove my love. Boy I'll never let you down. I know that you've been hurt before. I'll wipe the tears baby from your eyes. You've got to learn to trust again. Give me your lovin' baby, please give in. I'm what you need."
"You sing so beautifully, mommy," he whispered.
"Thank you, honey," she replied. "You feeling a little better? Or do I need to give you a little more TLC? Maybe another pegging session to relieve your stress? We'd have to make it quick though."
"No, I just want to cuddle," he bashfully said. "But I should probably also be honest with you."
"What do you mean?"
"I hope you don't leave me for this, but I'm bisexual. I may have dated a man when I was in college for two years."
"Aww, Virgil," she cooed. "I figured. But there's nothing wrong with that. You're amongst friends."
"Wait, what?"
She giggled.
"I'm bisexual too. I had a girlfriend when I studied at Hunter College. We broke up after I became a full time sex worker though. We just drifted apart. Her name was Lani. She was a gorgeous Polynesian woman. I miss her, but she has a husband and kids now."
"Oh, I see. I'm sorry it didn't work out."
"Yeah, but if it did, I wouldn't have met you," she replied with a warm smile. "And I wouldn't want that at all."
Norman blushed.
"May I ask who this handsome young man was that you dated in college?"
"You're gonna be shocked when I tell you."
"Try me."
"It was Otto. Otto was my boyfriend."
Foxy's face dropped. She couldn't believe it.
"Wait, really?! Otto? The man I just met? The adorable middle-aged teddy bear man with the hot wife?!"
Norman nodded.
"Yep, that man. Otto Gunther Octavius. He was my boyfriend. We had a wonderful relationship, but we broke up to keep out friendship intact. He was an amazing lover, like you are. That dildo I requested was actually the same length and girth as Otto's cock..."
Foxy gasped in shock.
"No way! He's big too? Damn!"
"Oh yeah. I used to be a bit sore after we fucked, but it was a nice stress reliever. That's why I requested the pegging service."
"Now it all makes sense," she hummed.
"Yeah," he bashfully replied, before continuing. "I miss what we had, but I'm so glad he met Rosie. She's an angel. And hot as you put it. She was even hotter back in the day."
"I can imagine," Foxy giggled. "Does she know you dated?"
"No, she nor Emily knew. We did tell them we were bisexual though and they didn't seem to mind. Thankfully."
"Well, good. I'm glad they accepted you," Foxy responded.
Okay! Now here's the special announcement! I'm working on a new "Molinaverse Care Fic".
You may remember I wrote one a couple of months ago called Scientifically Accurate Angel featuring Otto.
Well, now I'm featuring Dr. Harding Hooten in his own "care fic" which is titled Cycle of Care. So stay tuned for that! It will be coming soon! 😁
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clonehigh-takes · 1 year
sorry gotta send another fandom take
after reading a post on someone’s blog, i truly realized how insane tophabe is. first of all, everyone used to hate abe’s guts in 2020 for the whole cleo and joan thing back in season 1, which was justified. now the 2023 fandom has snapped around and loves abe, which i can see since season 2 is less focused on abe’s selfishness and denseness and instead decides to torture him so the viewers feel bad. this really makes me wonder how many people hated abe during season 1 and now love him in season 2. personally i didnt really hate season 1 abe (i still think the joan and cleo thing was shitty) but i do like abe more after season 2. i think its mostly because of the abe torture and partly because since all the hate is off abe, its finally cool to make and say positive stuff about him
moving onto topher, im not surprised hes popular. even i like him quite a bit (not as much as a lot of other characters though). chronically online short white boy who claims to be straight, his only friend is a boy who he manipulates and blackmails while claiming he has a crush on a girl, said crush having no evidence to prove it unless you squint, and canonically goes to therapy. yeah hes basically van gogh 2.0 where everyone projects onto him and gives him angst that just barely feels in line with the show. i dont hate topher but god damn the fandom really loves him. i made a whole post saying why i think hes so popular but long story short it was most likely because he had gained a fanbase while the show was dropping episodes weekly, and by the time episode 8 came along mostly everyone was too far deep to drop out of liking topher. part of me feels like this may have also happened to abe in season 1 if everyone didnt binge it instead of watching it weekly lmao
and then there’s tophabe itself. tons of fanart and fanfiction, definitely the most popular ship in the fandom atm, even more so than the canon lesbian couple from what ive seen. ive read a bit of tophabe fanfiction since its basically all thats on ao3 at this time, and i find it so interesting that a lot of it have the events of chapter 8 happen. those events have been the most despicable things topher has done, possibly the worst of anyone in the whole show. and many people tend to brush it off, use it as a way to show topher’s supposed crush on abe. what topher did is messed up, and people barely even acknowledge it. whats unfortunate is i can see why, even i dont normally think about how awful topher actually is whenever i think about him. the show itself basically brushed it off in episode 10, something i feel like they definitely shouldnt have done. the oversaturation of tophabe in the fandom also definitely helped wave off topher’s actions
sorry this kinda turned into a rant about topher, so i wont go any further with that. but i find it extremely interesting to see how the fandom has changed from 2020. gone from hating abe for being an indecisive teenager to using topher’s blackmailing attempt as a plot device in their tophabe fanfiction. absolutely astonishing.
okay what in the fucking bible did you just shit into my inbox
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cluelylikesporn · 10 months
okay exam update cuz im actually really pissed off.
so im autistic + adhd, and only been diagnosed relatively recently, so i havent really been getting assistance until now. (autism diagnosis last year, adhd 2 years ago.)
my last exam was (still is) this period, and im going home once i finish it. one of my other exams i was sent to special ed (it’s called different things in australia and other schools but i dont wanna get doxxed) and the chick helping me (we’ll call her charlie) told me she couldnt even read the questions out to me… like i legit get more help in my normal exam conditions.
she told me WHILE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK “i think i know why your so upset, because you know you dont listen in class and just sleep and draw on your hand.” cunt, what..?
i literally have spent my whole life wondering why i cant listen in class and hearing “just reread it.” or “your not listening hard enough.” is so fucking tiring. maybe explain it? she refused to help me because i “wasnt approved” to have a helper
the school knows im autistic so why do i have to be approved to get the help i need? like you dont have to make up all these forms and files. you have teachers who can help me literally in the building who could help me but you refuse.
okok i got rlly off topic but tldr on what happened today:
my teacher sent me to the special ed area to do my exam (last time he did they told me to go back) also shout out to my english teacher hes a legend. he gave me my sheet, i took a ritalin, said bye to the people i liked and left. (i used to take ritalin daily but now i jst take it to focus better in exams and shit)
i went to se and saw a couple kids i knew. one i hated and didnt know why he was there, one who has some mental problems so i understood why he was there. hes a sweetie. and some chick i knew who broke her wrist and had to write on a laptop.
so one by one they were assigned a teacher who would sit with them and help them/ read out questions and then the lady said “oh chloe your not supposed to be here, you have to go back to class.”
are you fucking kidding me.
i completely understand its not her or my teachers fault im not meant to be there, but im allowed to be a little frustrated. i asked why i kept getting sent here and why i couldn’t get help.
same shit about documents and boring stuff.
keep in mind i get ndis funding so i thought that would impact my education experience but nope, literally nothing. i also understand there could be things my mum hasnt done and that’s completely ok she has her own life, but also THE SCHOOL KNOWS IM AUTISTIC. that should be enough. its like i only get the help if i start ditching class and become an eshay or some shit like i shouldnt have to become a troubled kid to get help.
so the lady said my only benefit i even got from the school is like 5 minutes extra time. and she told me i could either go back to class or do my exam here( which means i could get no help/ questions read to me.)
ngl this was dumb of me but i said ok bc i didnt want to go back to class after saying bye to everyone😭
so i sat there with one airpod in, a pen that didnt fucking work, the only help i could get was eavesdropping on what the assistant teachers were saying but they were so quiet. i did manage to write some stuff but it was pretty fucking stressful. i couldnt stop thinking about what charlie said (the lady helping me with my maths the week before.)
this may sound super dumb but i saw a crow fly onto a table outside and i felt like it was watching over me. like it was looking right at me. it made me feel a bit better and i got some work done.
it wouldve been fine if those fucking assistant teachers didnt keep giving me pitiful looks like bro. i know im fucked.
anyway i finished my exam (barely) and went to the bathroom to tell my friend ab what happened, caught a bus home and am about to play dbd 😾
sorry for the long post im jst so pissed😭 but ily guys and ill post i swear🙏
song of the day:
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