#ONLY BOYS get to have cool fight crime storylines!
pluckyredhead · 6 months
The Lost Titans in Canon: Rose and Eddie
Hello, friends! Are you ready to get your heart broken?
Rose and Eddie both joined the Titans during the 2006 One Year Later gap (when every DC book jumped one year ahead after Infinite Crisis) and first appeared on the team in #34 of the 2003 Teen Titans series. They're already buddies, at least enough to...hang out in the kitchen together, not facing each other and throwing oranges on the floor? This art is baffling:
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What mind-bogglingly prudish teenager instituted that swear jar, let alone decided that "damn" was enough to qualify?
We later learn that Rose vouched for Eddie to get him on the team, apparently two seconds after having met him. Rose herself was on the team because Dick asked Tim to give her a chance.
Eddie is already protective of Rose, like when Cassie, uh...punches Rose hard enough to give her a nosebleed for the crime of being annoying.
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Guys, you should...you should probably quit this team. I know it's just your first issue, but yikes.
Their second issue features a drunk Rose climbing into Tim's bed and trying to seduce him, and then Cassie showing up and everyone attacking everyone else, and then Marvin hitting on Cassie (I'm glad you're dead, Marvin), and it's pretty much just trash all around.
But it also features this moment:
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Eddie has never recovered and NEITHER HAVE I.
Rose then confesses that she's afraid that the Titans will kick her off the team, since Tim doesn't really want her or Eddie around, just his real friends. (I could write a thesis on how Rose is afraid of being kicked out so she deliberately tries to provoke them into kicking her out, but this isn't the time.)
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She hides it better, but Rose has never recovered from this, either.
Then Eddie gets hurt and Rose pulls they "Stay with me!" trope:
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It has only been two issues! They're obsessed with each other!
But Rose warns him off:
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Eddie continues to be ride or die for Rose, defending her when she's accused (falsely) of being a traitor to the team, and protecting her when his own dystopian future self shows up and tries to kill her. Also, Jaime joins the team and Eddie is wildly jealous of how much Rose seems to like him:
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Rose 100% knows Eddie's right there and is doing this to make him jealous, btw. This is extremely explicit in the issue. She doesn't actually care about Jaime one way or the other (and Jaime tells her very clearly that he has a girlfriend).
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Meet Rose Wilson! She has absolutely no idea how to cope with liking a sweet boy who is nice to her, so she spends an entire issue trying to make him jealous and making fun of him in a way that's genuinely mean! Oh, honey, no.
Between Rose blowing hot and cold, Tim and Cassie being just incredibly nasty to Eddie all the time for no reason, and the trauma of, you know, having sold his soul to the devil and being functionally orphaned and all, Eddie makes a very bad decision. He invites a bunch of civilian teens to Titans Tower, where they promptly run amuck. The Titans are furious, and Eddie is left feeling completely friendless and about an inch from being kicked off the team completely.
That's when he's approached by the Terror Titans, a team of teenage edgelords led by the Clock King, who DC was trying to make into a cool scary villain by having him *checks notes* fuck teenage girls and constantly murder people on-page as gorily as possible. This whole storyline is trying so, so hard to be cool and edgy but it's just incredibly tiresome.
Anyway Eddie recognizes that actually all these people suck, and refuses to join them and betray the Titans. So they kidnap him and Clock King proceeds to torture him.
Meanwhile, the Terror Titans attack Titans Tower. The only people there are Wendy and Marvin, who are non-combatants, and Rose. Rose defeats every member of the Terror Titans, gets Wendy and Marvin to safety, and then, beat to hell, walks back into Titans Tower to fight the Terror Titans again. Why?
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Rose drags herself back into the Tower, hurt and bleeding, to beat Eddie's location out of the Terror Titans. It's such a good gender reversal of this trope, where the damsel in distress is an eldritch horror and the grizzled warrior coming to his rescue is a teenage girl. The execution of every single bit of this story is absolutely awful and unreadably stupid, but the idea in there is so good! Theoretically!
The Terror Titans manage to escape Rose's wrath, but Rose follows them to where Eddie is being kept: an underground cage fighting ring for captured teenage metas. The Teen Titans also realize what's happening and show up to rescue Eddie as well.
Rose saves Cassie's life and defeats Clock King, but Cassie is still like "Rose is crazy and dangerous and shouldn't be on the team" and Tim's like "Hm maybe you're right"...and Rose overhears.
Meanwhile, Eddie learns that Rose went apeshit when he was kidnapped, and is thrilled because maybe this means he has a chance! He shows up with flowers...
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...and Rose is already gone. She's quit the team.
Rose is gone for about ten issues (she temporarily joins the Terror Titans, which is as unbearably stupid as you might imagine), and during that time, Eddie loses his powers and becomes just a regular guy. And then Rose makes her glorious return:
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But Rose is not okay. She's becoming addicted to huffing adrenaline to enhance her precognitive abilities [insert eyeroll here]. Eddie, of course, is the one who notices:
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I love that first panel in the last row. They've moved past the point where Rose can pretend she doesn't care about Eddie and Eddie can't tell the difference. The intimacy of that line (and that touch) - he knows her, and he's telling her so. UGH MY HEART.
Rose gets into another fight with Cassie, and it convinces her that she doesn't belong on the Titans. And, she argues, neither does Eddie, who has no powers and no training.
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Rose leaves. Eddie stays. And in the very next storyline, he dies. YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE WITH HER, EDDIE!
I'm not going to recount Eddie's death because I've done that already, but during this time, Rose had a backup solo feature in the Teen Titans book, and it included her hallucinating conversations with various characters. The last hallucination is of Eddie:
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The next page is his last line: "...but that doesn't mean you'll never get another chance someday..." She doesn't know he's already dead. I WEEP. I WEEP ETERNALLY.
And that's pretty much the end of the canon Rose/Eddie story. Rose returned to the Titans in the next issue, but there's no scene of her learning or acknowledging Eddie's death - iirc she never mentions him again, which honestly I feel like is pretty in character. Her grief is private.
The comics Rose and Eddie appear in together are objectively awful. But somehow there's still a really compelling and heartbreaking little almost-romance in there, and now that Eddie's back in canon, I'd love to see someone at DC remember this couple, because they are so, so good together. (And imo much more interesting that Jason and Rose, who are functionally the same person and work better as two halves of the Eddie Bloomberg Defense Squad.)
Anyway if you also think they're neat, I wrote a sequel to The Lost Titans about them! You should read it: Five Couches Eddie (Tried to) Crash on After He Was Rescued from Hell (and One Time He Went Home).
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trealtox · 15 days
I hate season 7 of "Buffy the vampire slayer"
Let's get this straight, I like these series. They are fun and entertaining (and I only started watching it because of Spuffy). But I HATE season 7.
First of all, what is the deal with those guys? Out of the blue all characters (Spike excluded. Love him❤️) start doubting Buffy and her leadership. This girl saved all of you hundreds of times, and when the world is on the edge of collapsing, you turn your backs on her?! If she's such a bad leader, then why did you put all the responsibility on her shoulders? Why did you bring her back from heaven? To tell her, that she's not better than you? I'm sorry guys, but your crew is: a whining bitch-boy, magic (read as 'drug') addicted witch, a blorb of energy, a former vengeance demon and a killer watcher. With your list of deeds, I have bad news for you: none of you goes to heaven. NONE. She IS better than you.
Second of all, what is their sudden problem with Spike? In the last season all Scoobies want to kill Spike and say that it's because he's dangerous. Well, he is. Just like all of you. Your killer count talks louder than you (he killed because he was souless and he feeds on blood. You killed because you could. There is difference). They keep saying that he should be taken out because he is dangerous, and yet remind me, who held him by their side while he was useful? And did Scoobies thank him even once? (I actually don't remember. Tell me, if they did) Buffy is the only person who actually tries to be reasonable and accept that Spike has changed. In return she gets a potential slayer,a school headmaster and her own father figure being all mad at her, saying that she is the problem. If you want to kill him so badly, just do it already and stop making Buffy responsible for your own wishes (not like I would forgive them if they did)
Point number 3. Again with the hypocrisy of Scoobies. Faith comes back, sees that girls can't stop complaining and decides to take them out clubbing. Buffy sees that and gets mad (logically). Later on everyone decides that Faith should be the new leader. Why? Why would a former killer and a traitor be a good leader? Because she took a bunch of teens drinking, when you should all be ready to fight? If I recall, it was almost considered a crime for Buffy to rest, when there were better times. Now, when Buffy is tired and stressed from constant responsibility, all the potential slayers say that she's "not cool". Scoobies just can't be more hypocritical. Faith killed people out if her own free will. She teamed up with a villain, and she enjoyed it. Buffy made one mistake of attacking one villain. What do Scoobies get out of that? "Buffy is not better than us. Faith is. 🎶Let's put this guy infront of the crowd🎶". And let's be honest with that: Giles acts petty in here. The only reason he stands against Buffy, is because she got sick of him lying to her and telling her to kill Spike, so she honestly told him that she can't trust any of them. He got offended by her disobedience so much, that he decided to get rid of her. That's not a nice thing to do to a girl who is like a daughter to you.
Btw, Faith deserves a second chance and Spike doesn't? Spike was SOULESS. He wasn't supposed to be good and yet he almost died just to be the better version of himself. At the same time Faith was supposed to be the protector of people, yet she decided to join the homicide. She was creepy enough to SMELL THE KNIFE. And yet we get a whole storyline about "bad Buffy still thinking of her as a killer." The hero we deserve, I suppose? Btw, Faith IS a killer. She enjoyed it. I don't know why Scoobies want to forgive her so badly and give her a bunch of teens, taken away from Buffy, but they don't trust Spike.
And my favourite. The cherry on top. THEY KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. Giles had his own place. Xander has his own place. Willow wasn't homeless before she moved into the Summers's house. And yet, when they needed a place to put all the potential slayers, they took them into Buffy's house. And then they kick her out. The "good guys".
Buffy needs no enemies with friends like that.
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I’m the anon who asked if you read the comics, and I’m actually glad you didn’t because my next question is how do you think The Deep’s storyline is going to end on The Boys? Do you think he’ll get a happy ending? Also, separate from how you actually think it’ll end, how would you want it to end for him?
Thanks for following up!!
I’m almost 100% certain The Deep is dying in season 5, much as it pains me to admit. I was always pretty sure that’s how his story would end, but his “breaking bad” storyline in season 4 basically confirms it.
Eric Kripke (the showrunner) has stated in a recent Rolling Stone interview that he thinks of The Boys as “a moral universe where when you choose love, family, and mercy, good things happen to you. And when you choose vengeance and hate, that causes as much harm to you as it does to the person you’re trying to enact vengeance on.” (x)
This mindset is why I believe A-Train will ultimately survive, much like Queen Maeve got to run away with Elena instead of dying in the season 3 finale (even though she never logically should have survived Soldier Boy’s blast AND that fall). Similarly, characters who actively choose violence like Homelander, Butcher, and The Deep are almost certainly dying next season.
Of course, I would love for The Deep to survive – and so would Chace Crawford, the ultimate Deep Diver! (x) My dream ending for him is that he, Black Noir II, and Sister Sage all run away together after Homelander is eventually killed and Vought falls. However, I know that my Deepnoirsage throuple/found family fantasy is far too fanfic-y to be realistic.
If by some miracle The Deep survives until the end, I think there are a few interesting directions they could take his character.
I would love to see another fight between The Deep and Starlight where she allows him to live but blinds him with her powers. It would be a nice callback to their confrontation in season 1 when she threatens to “burn his eyes out” and it would allow The Deep to “get what he deserves” or whatever while still keeping him alive and permanently changed in a way that would be really compelling. Plus, I think Chace Crawford would be great at showing that vulnerability and showcasing some fun physical comedy as The Deep learns how to be blind.
Another option is that The Deep loses his powers somehow. I’ve seen a theory that the Supe virus could be mutated in season 5 to not kill Supes but strip them of their powers instead. I would love that for The Deep because I can only assume that losing his powers wouldn’t change his physical form, since his gills are a part of his body that grew during puberty. It would be so deliciously tragic for The Deep to be forced to keep the part of his powers that he hates (his gills) while losing the part that he treasures (talking to fish and other marine life).
It would also be cool to see The Deep, Black Noir II, and all the other dastardly Supes in Homelander’s entourage get exposed and put in prison for their crimes, instead of simply being killed. It would technically be a punishment but picturing The Deep and Black Noir II broing it up in jail, OITNB-style makes me laugh and has so much fanfic potential.
Thanks again for the question, anon!! I always relish a chance to yap about my favorite horrible guy.
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flaim-ita · 1 year
Odd numbers for a Geats character of your choice!
You know I have to go with Ace
1 - My first impression of them
Love at first sight. I’m a Tsukasa fan so it goes without saying that I was THRILLED to have a new asshole boy for the first time in nearly 15 years. And then ep 1 his and I was fully cursed forever. He was so confident and cool and I just KNEW he was going to have something so very wrong with him
3 - A song that reminds me of them
Outside of canon Geats ones I guess the only one I can think of might be Black Sorrow from Alien Stage https://youtu.be/v0Rl9Au21lI
5 - My favorite ship of them
Ot4. I was obviously a mark for this one of course I am a Decade fan but they are all so mentally ill and I want the series to end with the four together or looking for each other, depending
7 - A quote of them that you remember
“My mother has done no wrong. I’ll prove it” the poor man is setting himself up for failure. Plus like wow. On a scale of Ace to Steven Universe what is your stance on blaming your abused mother for all war crimes and suffering ever?
9 - Your least favorite outfit of them
Ace wears this ridiculously oversized everything for Zombie arc and I cannot stop bullying it. But his worst suit is LazerBoost it’s too bulky and Mk II is sexier.
11 - What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
I want to ruin him. If he’s lucky, his cule will get the pieces to put back together.
13 - Your favorite friendship they have
Ace slowly going from forcing Tsumuri to be his sister to them clearly being genuinely open and honest with each other in the latest ep gives me Life.
15 - Worst storyline they had
I don’t have a single complaint about Ace like genuinely at all. But if I had to choose and acknowledging that I know why (making it easier on his beloved friends to fight him if he plays the villain mode up, also Keiwa basically just called him a sin to be rectified), I do wish he’d told the others what was being done to his mother.
17 - What do you think their first word was?
Mama. In every life, the first word he parses out, and usually much faster than most children, is whatever form of mother is easiest to say.
19 - The most random ship you've seen people have with them
Someone on Ao3 has written Ace x Hideyoshi Kan and I want to study their brain. I do not however want to read the fic.
21 - When do you think they were at their happiest?
Neon’s birthday. When Keiwa said “Ace is Ace”. I think in that moment Ace felt close to true happiness for the first time in centuries and it crashed as soon as it rose.
23 - Future headcanon
When everything is over, Ace keeps his hollow wishes. What he does not keep is his true one. His mother is dead, and he isn’t sure if he will finally forget, after this life. What he does know is none of the others can go home, and he built one especially for a DGP built family.
The Star of the Star of the Stars lives with popular breakout streamer Neon, who speaks openly about abuse and mental health issues in careful video essays but also chats and dances and is bright during actual streams. They live with three more mysterious individuals, Keiwa and Michinaga, who sometimes appear on streams, and Ace’s mysterious “Nee-San.”
What they don’t see: Ace is empty. Perhaps he forever will be. But having a family helps.
Even if it’s not who he spent so long searching for.
25 - When do you think they acted the most ooc
Ace rescuing Giroli like 2 days before Fox Hunt was hilarious timing but not necessarily OOC. Although it’s the only time his actions felt off from the reality of the story, it’s minor and movies are filmed super early.
As for proper OOC, when he’s all “I don’t care” about Michinaga. It makes sense, he finds Michinaga far too pathetic now to be a real rival, but it still feels odd.
27 - If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I want him to meet Tsukasa because I miss Tsukasa desperately and I think they’d vibe together.
Also for non Toku I have this distinct image in my head of a Steven Universe crossover where not only have multiple Aces been friends with Rose, he then meets Steven and is kind of like “oh yeah of course there were things wrong with your mother but at the end of the day I think she wanted to be a good person, more than I did at the times, and we don’t necessarily have a right to judge what worlds our mothers definitely hoped would be better to us than to them.“
29 - How do you think they would be as a parent?
Ace seemed unsurprised that past and future people could not have kids so I do believe every Ace has had fertility issues, as a half breed himself. Any kids he did have, they didn’t live very long.
Ace is a doting father but he is distant and hyper vigilant. By the time the baby is two months he has had them checked for every possible disease and condition. He will always make sure the baby is clean and fed and cared for, but it takes longer to bond. After all, it never stops hurting when he loses a child.
When he does bond, it’s even more obvious. He is convinced his child is the most wonderful person in the universe, takes her with him when it’s safe, and cherished every moment.
If it’s Ukiyo Ace, the child survives.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Iconic Steph and Cass moments from Batgirl (2000) #28–part one
Aka “I’ve been looking for the source for these pages and I finally got to the issue.”
part two
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theliterateape · 3 years
We Killed Jason Todd
By Matt Markman
In 1988 my friends and I killed a kid.
He was just a boy really. We had help it wasn’t just me and my pals. there were adults involved, lots of them. I mean we were young we were just thirteen and really couldn’t comprehend the ramification of our actions, the adults knew what they were doing. I’m painting it to sound way more sinister than it was, and in today’s society, wouldn’t trend on Twitter but maybe in the ’80s, it was probably considered quite ominous.
To set your mind at ease, it was Jason Todd. You know, Batman's sidekick, The Boy Wonder, Robin—well, the second Robin anyways. And I helped kill him.
I was big into comic books but my favorite was, The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, The Batman… He donned the best costume, he had all the money and was the most intelligent of all the superheroes. That last trait right there, the fact that he was considered a superhero and he had no actual super powers made him cooler than the other side of the pillow. You know how The Big Bang Theory has convinced the world it’s an Emmy-winning sitcom worth watching? I think it’s the fact that Batman was someone any one of us could actually be. Sure we needed to start with a base coat of genius followed by a splash of handsome billionaire playboy then train overseas in martial arts for several years, but if you had those things you, too, could be a vigilante. You ask me today and I'd stand by the fact that Batman would beat Superman in a fight, say ten out of ten times. This is not debatable because super beings from another planet are not real.
My favorite thing about Batman, though, is his ability to balance out good and evil. He spawned one of the greatest comic book villains and fictional characters ever created, The Joker. They have tried and tried again but in my opinion never got close to the Clown Prince of Crime—maybe Negan from The Walking Dead, he's pretty ruthless. The Joker is what would happen if a stand-up comedian became a criminal mastermind, so basically the plot of the 2019 film Joker.
My love for Joker made sense because growing up I was always more into the bad guys than the good guys. Watching and playing with G.I.Joe, I was always on the side of Cobra Commander, the twins Tomax and Xamot, and Zartan because they were always more glamorous and eye-catching than the boring ass Joes. Just once, I’d like that “knowing is half the battle” part at the end of the cartoon to have been Storm Shadow giving us kids a tip on how to fuck up Shipwreck and his stupid Parrot. Megatron, Skeletor, Shredder, Mumm-ra…
The list goes on, but the antagonists always resonated with me. they had a much better and more intriguing agenda than the good guys did. I know that wasn't the purpose, we were supposed to cheer on the good guys, like the idea of saving the world and all, but the mayhem… It’s like Alfred Pennyworth said, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” It’s odd because the bad guys in my life were real, the bullies and I didn't like them at all. They tormented me daily unprovoked because I was short and had big ears. Perhaps my love for the dark side stemmed for my desire to be on that side because in real life there was no Superman swooping in to rescue me from the clutches of Lex Luthor. 
There were two sides, and good had a lack of champions looking out for the weaker, smaller good guys. The bad guys in my neighborhood, well, they were real and never really foiled and more importantly, they always got the girl in the end. Fuck the good guys!
My admiration for evildoers achieving their agenda was tested in 1988, Batman was running a four-part series called A Death in the Family. It was your typical Batman arc. Somehow, The Joker was going to get the upper hand on The World’s Greatest Detective only to be bested in the end by Batman. But this time, the third comic decided to do something nobody had never seen in the industry. The writers were going to give the fans the opportunity to decide where they were going to go with the story, only it was an option between two different roads, one quite unconventional. Apparently a few years earlier, one of the writers, Dennis O'Neil, had seen a sketch they did on SNL where Eddie Murphy held up a Lobster—Larry the Lobster—and was asking viewers to decide whether Larry was boiled and eaten or was to be set free. The choices were offered in the form of two phone numbers both costing fifty cents a call. One number was a vote for him to be freed and the other number was a vote for Larry to be murdered, smothered in butter, and devoured by Axel Foley. Ultimately, after nearly 500,000 calls, the people voted for Larry the lovable lobster to be pardoned with a 12,000 call margin. The popularity of this bit intrigued O'Neil and A few years later he decided to implement it in his Death in The Family storyline.
In the third book, The Joker had taken Batman's sidekick, the Boy Wonder, hostage. He’d beaten him bloody with a crowbar leaving a cliffhanger to be wrapped up in the fourth book. The last page of the comic was full page and at the top read in true ’80s Do the Right Thing fashion: “Robin will die because The Joker wants revenge, but you can prevent it with a telephone call!” They even phrased it to steer you down the hero’s path, like you can literally be Batman with one phone call. Underneath the imploring verbiage were two numbers, dial one number; The Joker fails and Robin lives, Batman would once somehow saves the day. However, call this other number and The Joker succeeds and Robin dies. Gruesomely.
Wow! They were going to let the fans decide the fate of Robin, really this was one of my earliest introductions to a reality voting competition type show. In my opinion, it was a bad idea. Robin was always the worst. Go back and read through an adventure or two involving Jason Todd and tell me he wasn't always whiney and bellyaching. He was never going to be iconic or cool like Bruce Wayne or even his predecessor Dick Grayson—the first Robin. See, Dick got pissed off, decided he was tired of being in Batman's shadow, ditched the Robin costume, threw on a black blue and gold costume, moved to another city and became Nightwing. Dick was a go getter, ambitious. Grayson’s Robin was a winner, Todd's Robin was an irritating little bitch; he was not an innocent lobster.
I went to my mother and asked if I could make a call that was going to cost just fifty cents and I would pay her back or she could just take it out of my allowance. She wanted to know what it was for and mostly wanted to confirm it wasn't for an adult sex line, which costs more than fifty cents a minute, but that’s a different story. It was nothing as tawdry as phontercourse, I just wanted to help murder an annoying teenage sidekick. My mother response was “Oh, yeah, that’s fine.”
I think after it was exposed that it wasn't phone sex anything else I said went in one ear and out the other, surely she didn't think I was actually voting for a plucky comic book sidepiece to be murdered by The Joker. So that’s what I did. I cast my vote along with a majority of DC comic book fans that shared my detest for the boy wonder. Ten thousand votes were recorded with a narrow margin going to Robin dying. I think the writers never suspected that fans would go that route.
O’Neal himself voted for Robin’s stay of execution. A man of his word, Batman issue #429 was released and Robin was killed by The Joker in an explosion and we were to blame for it. Sad to say but you give a bunch of comic book nerds the power I think it would go bad every time. That day we were all proud to be The Joker's henchmen. I felt like a soldier at the end of Star Wars cheering madly while The Joker received his metal shouting, “I helped that happen!”
So many shows these days embrace our fascination with the anti-hero with the success of The Sopranos, The Shield, Breaking Bad, hell Narcos had me rooting for Pablo Escobar—Pablo fucking Escobar. I wouldn't say I was a bad person growing up. Quite the contrary, I was a shy nerd with no power to do anything but pick my books up after they were smacked to the ground. What I’m saying is don't give me the power to make important life or death decisions with your franchise because myself and the other dorks will have the bodies of Orko, Snarf, and Jimmy Olson lying in a shallow grave, just tell me what number to dial… or text.
Matt started performing standup comedy in 2004 in Las Vegas and is now a regular at every major comedy club on the Las Vegas strip. He released his first comedy album in 2016 titled Uncut available on iTunes. More about Matt and his upcoming appearances can be found on MattMarkman.com.
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myersesque · 3 years
Tell me about how telltale batman has the most in character bruce despite being divergent to a lot of established lore - more so than a lot of the comics themselves imo
quick disclaimer that my comic knowledge will obviously be limited to the comics i've personally read. comic writers love to take characters and do their own thing with them, so i know for a fact there are probably a million comics that contradict this post, but that's not the point.
even the telltale side of things in this are gonna be a little biased and full of personal interpretation, because telltale's game format means that everybody's bruce wayne is gonna look a little different. but, i mean, i guess the way i play bruce is the way i see him anyway, so whatever.
ANYWAY! i hope you wanted an essay because oh boy did i get carried away:
one aspect of bruce's character i think is important is his motivations. he didn't just wake up one day and decide to be batman - he made that decision for a reason, and i think that reason is inherently important to his character, because having a different idea on his origins can give you a completely different idea of how his character should act, if that makes sense?
in my personal opinion, bruce wayne should always be motivated by love. he's motivated to fight crime by his love for his parents, and his love for gotham city, and his love for innocent people who don't deserve his parents' fate. my favourite comic panels are always the ones where bruce lets his scary persona slip a little, where he cradles a child against his chest to comfort them; batman was created to be scary, yes, but he's intended to scare criminals, not innocents. whilst bruce's parents' deaths definitely jumpstart his vigilantism, they are not the centrepiece of his entire morality - he doesn't care about gotham's citizens because he's imagining his parents in their place, he cares about them because he genuinely loves his city.
i think a lot of comics i've read have sorta forgotten that aspect of his character. white knight's entire plot revolves around the idea that bruce, blinded by his own anger, has become just as brutal and careless as the criminals he fights, and has ended up causing harm to innocent civilians because of it - whilst i think that's certainly interesting, and i am a sucker for a good "heroes aren't always good people" storyline... it feels icky. i struggle to reconnect that bruce, snarling and chained and unable to sympathise with the innocent people he's hurting, with the bruce who held children to his chest and promised they'd be okay. a lot of comics don't consider bruce's motivation to be his love, they consider his motivation to be his hatred, which leads to characterisations of bruce that are cruel and uncaring and, in some instances, outright abusive. it's like they frame his entire morality as "getting revenge for his parents' deaths" - which is funny, because i think it's pretty commonly agreed upon that bruce wayne shows his parents' murderer mercy. i think a lot of the issue is that people dehumanise batman, and bruce in turn; he's not a man, he's a monster.
which brings me to telltale bruce!
i think what makes telltale bruce work so well is the way they instantly humanise him. the opening scene of season 1 flickers between batman's fearless crime-fighting and bruce wayne gritting his teeth through an injury and getting ready for a gala. his relationships with the other characters - harvey, selina, john, tiffany, everybody - are shown in halves; you see just as much of bruce as you do batman. you'll see batman shielding harvey from attacks followed by bruce sitting by his side in his hospital room; batman repressing fond smiles behind his cowl as he talks with john; bruce at lucius' funeral, filled with despair, knowing that batman is to blame. it is incredibly, painfully clear that batman is not a myth or a monster - he's bruce wayne, the same bruce wayne who flirts with reporters and makes bad puns and goes on fake-dates with his friends to help them learn how to talk to girls. he's human, in a way that comics often seem to forget he's meant to be.
(part of the draw of batman, to me, is that he's human. he's got fancy gadgets and a cool suit but underneath it all he's just a man, just a human being driven by emotion like the rest of us. he feels real, in a way. i used to look out of my bedroom window and imagine batman coming to save me from my problems; i could never quite do that with superman, or wonder-woman, or any of the others.)
not only that, but thomas and martha wayne are removed from bruce's motivations pretty effectively - they're outed as awful people, the kind of people bruce fights against. they did to oswald what joe chill did to him. so rather than falling into blind rage, rather than the unfortunate "batman fights for revenge", you get a bit of nuance - bruce has to come to terms with being wrong, and learn where he stands, torn between awful people who he loves and good people who hate him. he's fighting not to avenge his or oz's parents, but to prevent any innocents from meeting the same unfortunate fate, and to redeem himself.
they let him be wrong without totally becoming a villain: they let him punch out oswald cobblepot on live TV and deal with the consequences; they let him instigate riots for his own benefit; they show him crouching in the back of a truck, surrounded by criminals he's been willingly helping, staring guiltily at a bat-signal he's ignoring; they let him feel guilt for all the friends he couldn't save.
he doesn't beat his friends-turned-enemies with glee. he doesn't take joy in putting them away. he doesn't use them as punching bags for his own anger and trauma.
he keeps harvey from committing suicide and tells him, earnestly, that there's still hope for him. he sits across from john and admits, hoarse and teary-eyed, that he truly did consider them friends. he gives up being batman for alfred's sake. he visits john in arkham, with an honest smile, despite all they went through. these choices may be optional, yes, but with the way telltale writes their characters, every one of these options is perfectly in-character for their bruce. you may play him a little angrier, a little more vengeful, a little less sympathetic - but at his core, he's the same. at his core, he still looks at gotham city, and the villains he goes up against, and says "i'm sorry this happened to you, i wish i knew how to make it better". he cradles them against his chest.
i don't know if any of this made sense, but tl;dr: telltale writes bruce as a flawed person, yes, but at his core he is loving and charismatic and bittersweet, and that's who i've always thought he should be.
(this kinda turned into bruce loveposting halfway through, but hopefully i still got the point across.)
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fallingappleshurt · 4 years
Secrets to Save You
It’s here!! The main storyline for my Dancing and Fighting with Fire AU!
TW: Light swearing, non graphic injury description
This first chapter might be a bit boring but I promise you I have a plans
Anyways, hope you enjoy
Chapter 1. Withering Attacks
“Listen, all I’m saying is, your body is completely unnatural, I mean, who can bend like that?” Wilbur said, tipping his head to the side. It was a normal Friday so far, Techno and Wilbur were walking towards the second circle, on their way to pick up Tommy from Tubbo’s family stall.
“Maybe you’re the unnatural one,” Techno said, “Cause those tricks seem pretty natural to me, so, maybe it’s just you.”
“You’re the weird one,” Wilbur retorted, “I don’t know anyone else that can do that-”
“Just because you don’t know anyone else doesn’t mean that they aren’t out there. An old friend of mine-”
“Oh here you go again, back at it about ‘your old friends’, I’m starting to think that they are just imaginary!” Wilbur teased, Techno scoffed and shoved him lightly.
“So you’re projecting onto me now? Very classy Wilbur but I guess that’s to be expected of the Dirty Crime Boy now isn’t it-”
A thundering blare shook the ground, cutting Techno off, instinctively he reached for his sword only to remember that he left it at home. He shoved Wilbur into an alley, in a ditch attempt to protect him, whipping around to find the source of the noise. He saw smoke rising in the distance.
“That looks close to Tubbo’s stall,” Wilbur spoke from behind him, trailing off.
“Tommy,” Techno breathed. That kicked both of the boys back into action. Wilbur started running down the street, there were already some people streaking away from the smoke, screaming.
“We gotta go make sure he’s okay!”
“Wait!” Wilbur turned and saw Techno pulling at a creaky old fence gate.
“This way is much faster,” He forced the gate open, “Hope your climbing skills still hold up!” He said, pulling Wilbur into an alleyway, hoping to avoid any crowds or people in general trying to escape or see the commotion.
Racing forwards, dodging past garbage cans and distressed stray animals, Wilbur called for Techno to slow down or at least say what direction they were going but Techno was on full auto pilot.
Running through a vacant lot, making sure not to step on a pothole he was starting to come up on a stonewall blocking the exit. Techno sped up, jumping onto a dumpster then propelling himself over the wall.
He landed hard but didn’t falter, immediately scanning the area, half of the market was in shambles.
Smoldering pieces of wood clung onto houses and stalls, shattered glass and rubble littered the street, merchandise and shredded cloth lay broken on the ground. Some shops were completely destroyed, pots and pans, and artwork was strewn about.
Guards had already made it there, some were ushring people away, others were taking notes of the damage, one was walking away with a rattling sack, and one was trying to keep a hold on Tommy.
“Let me go! I have to check on him! He-”
“Tommy!” Wilbur said, apparently having made it over the wall, he rushed forwards, trying to get in between the guard and his brother. “Are you okay? What happened?” He asked, checking Tommy over for injuries, besides a nasty cut on his cheek he looked fine.
“One of the shop keepers had tried to open a portal to the nether inside their shop but something malfunctioned and it blew up, a few mobs got out but we have everything under control,” The guard stated, “But just to be safe you should get back to your homes-”
“What does this have to do with Tommy?” Wilbur asked sharply, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“This boy doesn’t have an ID so I was going to take him back to the outpost-”
“We are his guardians,” Techno cut in, chest tight, “He’s our little brother.”
“I need proof, does he have an ID?”
“It’s not with us,” Techno lied, staring at the guard, “He forgot it at home today when going to school but I can assure you he’s ours.”
“That isn’t eno-”
“Let go of my brother.” Techno didn’t back down, neither did the guard. After a few moments Wilbur cut through the silence.
“Sir, please, don’t you have something more important you could be doing? Just let us take our little brother,” He said, hopefully.
The guard pondered it for a moment before begrudgingly letting go of Tommy, “Fine but if I find him again without his ID he’s coming with me.” Then he stalked off.
Techno watched him as he went, making sure he didn’t try and grab Tommy again.
“Tommy what happened? Where is Tubbo and his family?” Wilbur asked, Tommy shifted his feet.
“So me and Tubbo were just hanging out when the wall of the shop blew in and a piece of wood hit me across the face-which doesn’t hurt ‘m fine Wilbur stop it- and Sparkles told us to hide in the back so we hid in the storage closet,” He gestured behind him at the ruined shop.
“Then we heard Sparkles shout, Tubbo started panicking and ran out, yelling about the Captain and he picked up a sword and it was so cool! He started fending off these creepy black skeletons when-” He stopped suddenly, hand starting to shake.
“Tommy?” Wilbur prompted after a minute, Tommy swallowed, blinking rapidly.
“Then the skeleton slashed him across the chest and he screamed, Sparkles showed up and knocked its head off but he grabbed Tubbo and ran off, saying something about infection but, I saw the wound and- and- it looked so bad.” He broke off, shoulders hunching in. Techno felt a lump in his throat.
Wilbur wrapped his arms around him as Tommy started to shake, “It-it was bleeding a lot and-and the edge were turning black then that guard came up and asked for my ID but all I could think about was how Tubbo was wearing his favorite shirt but now it’s ruined and-”
Wilbur hushed him gently, tightening his hold. “Tubbo will be okay, don’t you worry Tommy, he’s a strong lad, he’ll be just fine,”
“But he-”
“You just told me that he took on a monster all by himself, I’m sure that he’ll heal in no time and that you guys will be playing baseball and getting up to stupid shit.”
Tommy laughed wetly, “I wanna do stupid shit with him,” Wilbur didn’t chastize him on swearing, neither did Techno. Techno placed a hand on Tommy’s head, messing with his hair absentmindedly. He hadn’t seen the monster but he already knew it was a Wither Skeleton and that Tubbo most likely had Withering. Tubbo was a strong kid but not many people survived that poison.
But he couldn’t tell Tommy that.
Not right now.
So he didn’t, he just stood there, playing with his hair until Wilbur pulled away, “I know you’re worried about Tubbo but Phil is probably worried about us, so we should head home and get that cut taken care of.”
Tommy nodded. Before leaving Wilbur walked back into the shop, grabbing Tommy’s backpack off the floor, dusting off dirt and wood chippings.
As he came back out, Techno grabbed his shoulder, “I’m going to go check on Tubbo,” He whispered, Wilbur nodded heading down the street with Tommy in tow, trying to get Tommy to tell him about school.
Techno waited till they were rounding the corner before jogging down the street, looking for a medical tent, they were too far from the actual hospital for Tubbo so they had to be close by.
He kept running until a small white tent with red hearts on the flaps came into view, outside was the Captain himself, pacing back and forth. Techno skidded to a halt next to him.
“Tommy told me what happened, how is Tubbo? Did he get withering?” Techno tried not to sound desperate, hoping that it was just a little cut and maybe Tommy had just seen things strangely during the whole fascisco.
The Captain sighed, “Three deep claw marks down his chest, he’s lost some blood and has withering.”
Techno’s heart dropped, “What about the milk remedy? That has to do something, I bet if you administer it quickly it’ll draw the poison ou-”
“It’s not just that, we are doing the milk remedy but the cuts are too deep, he probably won’t survive the shock of it all, the poison, or the infections from the gashes.” The Captain’s hands were clenched at his sides, shaking, his eyes were tired.
“It’s a shame I can’t make potions, I know how to but I don’t have the resources to get the materials, or hell even buy one myself but alchemy is a rich man's game.” His voice was bitter and brittle.
Techno frowned, he wasn’t going to give up that easily. Maybe Tubbo would beat the odds and survive it, maybe he could steal a potion? No that was too risky, potions were kept in high security places. Or he could try and get into the Nether himself- Then it hit him.
He needed to visit a certain blue bastard.
“Captain, you know how to make potions?” He asked, “And all you would need are the materials?”
The Caption nodded, “Yes, I just need some blaze rods and powder and some nether wart. I have everything else.”
“So if I could get you that then you would be able to save Tubbo?”
“Hopefully yes,” The Captain said hesitantly, “Techno what are you planning?”
“Nothing,” Techno said, “Nothing at all, I just have to talk to a friend.” He turned to leave then spun on his heels.
“By the way, we never had this conversation.” Then he started off towards the fourth ring to talk to Skeppy.
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shadowed-dancer · 4 years
BNHA Theory: Why Aoyama Isn’t the Traitor
Debunking common claims because I love my boy and don’t want him to be evil. This is all for fun, and if you still want to believe he’s the traitor then I'm not stopping you.
This will be spoiler free, and will only cover stuff we see in the anime.
“We don’t know where he was during the USJ attack”
Ok, very fair point. However, have you ever considered that the USJ attack doesn’t actually matter when it comes to the traitor? Whether it’s Aoyama or not, I don't think this is a solid place to look for clues.
We know how the villains got the class schedule, there was no need for a traitor. Shigaraki noticed the press was desperate to get in, he disintegrated the barrier, and let them storm the campus
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Then, while all the students were trying to evacuate, the teachers were also busy dealing with the reporters.
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We only see Aizawa and Present Mic, but we can assume the others were dealing with the security breach too (and if not, then perhaps a teacher is the traitor? it doesn’t really matter, but the point is: it’s not a student).
Now, it’s possible that Aoyama was not affected by the rush of students, as he usually eats in the classroom, but he’s still pretty innocent. Students likely didn’t know the schedule, and had no idea All Might would be taking them to the USJ. I doubt the traitor would go through all this trouble if they weren’t absolutely sure that All Might would be taking them off campus sometime soon. Shigaraki could risk coming up empty (as in, finding a schedule where All Might never leaves campus) because he just doesn’t know what to expect, but a STUDENT risking themselves is a lot less unlikely. They’d risk getting caught and possibly expelled, or worse.
As for the USJ attack itself, Aoyama was most likely hiding. I’ll talk about this more in just a second, but in scenarios where he’s put in danger, Aoyama gives up and hides (even if there’s no one around).
So why’d he call attention to his absence? Well, to figure that out we need to look at...
Aoyama’s goals, personality, and motivations
Aoyama’s shtick is that he wants to stand out and be the centre of attention, yet is constantly pushed to the background.
His costume and hero name are meant to stand out, and the way he constantly talks about how wonderful he is is an attempt to get attention. He’s also obsessed with his appearance (as shown when Mina ruins his cape). None is this proves he’s a traitor, it’s just a form of comic relief.
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When he asks if anyone wanted to know where he was, only to say “it’s a secret”, he was most likely trying to garner attention and make himself seem more cool and mysterious in the eyes of his classmates, but as an audience, it’s a lighthearted moment to ease us out of the heavier storyline. Again, he was probably hiding in fear, but wanted others to THINK he was bravely fighting like everyone else, which takes us to our next point to break down...
“Dabi didn’t attack him during the training camp”
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This is probably the most damning piece of evidence.. If you need a brief refresher, Aoyama is hiding behind a bush, peaks his head out, and is almost immediately noticed by Dabi (it’s unclear if the villain sees who is behind the bush or not, but Aoyama says, “he saw me”. Even if Dabi didn’t see his face, he saw that there was a person). He goes to check but is immediately sidetracked by Twice, who reminds him to call back the Nomu he sent out. Dabi proceeds to forget about the student behind the bush.
Here’s the thing; this scene says more about Dabi than it does Aoyama. People tend to forget, but at this point in the story Dabi has not killed anyone. Heck, he’s not even in the criminal data base. Maybe he’s just sneaky, but Giran specifically calls out the fact that, “he hasn’t done any flashy crimes”. If he’s a criminal, he’s never been caught.
Back to that comment about the criminal data base, it’s a detail a lot of people overlook. When Tsukauchi is taking statements from Aizawa and Vlad King, he tells All Might that they ran a search through the CRIMINAL data base, looking for a man that matched Dabi’s description, and they came up empty handed. Not the quirk registry, they were specifically looking for criminals.
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Dabi’s appearance is distinct, to say the least, so even if he was caught for petty theft, they’d be almost certain to catch and identify him. But no, he’s not a criminal at this point.
That being said, let’s look at how Dabi acts during the rest of this arc. For the most part, the real Dabi isn’t attacking unless he’s provoked first. When Deku, Shoto, and Shoji fall from the sky, he attacks to protect his teammate (since the boys had just jumped Mr. Compress). The exception is when Dabi’s clones goes after Aizawa and Vlad King, but in these situations he is very much aware that the two are pro heroes and will protect their students. Aizawa says it best, they’re trying to keep the pros distracted.
This isn’t meant to be defending Dabi, but instead to point out that, at this moment, he’s not very experienced in being a criminal. No spoilers but it’s obvious that CURRENT Dabi has no hesitations about killing people (see: those thugs in the alley and the hero Snatch). But, in this arc, he didn’t seem to want to cause any unnecessary violence. For these reasons, I believe he would have spared ANY kid behind that bush, not just Aoyama (forgetting to go back after Twice distracted him was a conscious choice, it would have taken literally no time out of his day to go check who it was, and instead he decides to let the kid live). Dabi’s purpose is to seem intimidating and distract the pros, not to attack recklessly.
Whoops, I went on a tangent. Back to my twinkling boy!
Aoyama is a coward
(meant in the most loving way possible)
Aoyama is a coward. I brought it up with the USJ that he was probably hiding, and we saw it with Dabi when he was cowering behind a bush. But the important thing is that, at the training camp, he actually does get the courage to attack (specifically when he sees Deku and the others fighting back).
We see this again during the license exam
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During the test, he was scared to fail, so he hid until Iida found him. And, once again, the courage of his classmates gives him the strength to act. Aoyama is just scared. Some people point to this as evidence that he’s the traitor, since he doesn’t have the character of a hero, but actually think about it. Hero society is corrupt; people are becoming heroes for a whole host of other reasons. Almost no one has the motivations of a hero out of Class 1A.
Bakugo wants to be the best, Todoroki wants to stick it to his dad, Uraraka wants to make money, Iida is carrying on his family business, and Mineta wants girls. And hey, Mineta is also a coward, so take that as you will. Not everyone becomes in the hero course is suited to becoming a hero, and that’s the whole point (it’s the entire motivation behind Stain and his followers).
“How about the secret message?”
Ah yes, the secret message. "il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort", literally translated to "beware the water that sleeps". It basically amounts to “there’s more than meets the eye” or “watch out for the quiet ones”.
Would a traitor expose himself? Probably not, the only reason I could say yes is if the traitor was helping the villains against his will and needed to tell someone, but what’s more likely is that Aoyama knows who the traitor is.
This next little theory isn’t really based on anything, but it’s possible that, while he was hiding from Dabi and Twice, the villains mentioned who the traitor was. Twice seems like the kind of dude who’d accidentally let it slip, or if he didn’t say a name, maybe he mentioned that SOMEONE at UA is a traitor and Aoyama is trying to get Midoriya’s help in figuring it out. Either way, he may be trying to alert Midoriya that someone can’t be trusted.
Alternatively, he could be referring to both him and Midoriya, and may not be talking about the traitor at all! When Aoyama wrote “I know” in cheese, he specifies that it was meant to say, “I know you have a quirk like mine” or “I know what you’re going through”. This could be similar, attempting to tell Deku “we are the same, there’s more to us than people know because we go through things that others do not.”
But wait, “the water that SLEEPS?” Mr Aizawa sleeps! Is Mr Aizawa the traitor?!?!?!
Tangent: Is Mr Aizawa the traitor?
No. This dude puts himself at risk for his kids more times than I can count. It makes no sense for him to go so out of his way to protect his kids (like at the USJ) only to be the traitor. As well, Aizawa could have easily texted Shigaraki and been like “yo change of plans, All Might isn’t here, don't bother showing up”.
In addition, Dabi actually DOES attack Aizawa at the training camp. No one is around to see it, so it’s not like it’s for show, and Aizawa is deliberately shown to not know what Dabi’s power is. (As seen when he says, “the fire wasn’t his quirk?” when the clone melts).
So yeah, “the water that sleeps” isn’t referring to Aizawa.
Some final thoughts about the traitor
I personally don’t believe there is one. In one chapter of the manga, the teachers are talking with the principal and mention how the dorms have revealed nothing suspicious from the students. As well, when Present Mic first brings up the idea of a traitor, he actually points to a STAFF MEMBER before bringing up the possibility of a student.
He mentions that only the teachers and first years knew where the training camp was, and then says, “I guess a student could have used their phone”. He says it like an afterthought, as if the possibility of it being a student hadn’t even crossed his mind until he said it out loud.
So yeah, I don’t think a student is the traitor. I am also hesitant to think it’s a teacher since Nezu says he can trust everyone in the room during their meeting. I think the traitor theory was just an excuse to get the kids living in dorm rooms for all the goofy teenage moments that could arise from that.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! And I hope all Aoyama fans can feel a little more at ease, knowing their boy (probably) isn’t the traitor.
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impyssadobsessions · 4 years
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Something I thought about for a while though my idea was completely different LOL WIP but I don’t know if I can finish it ;w;. I’m not so good with rendering things. I had several thoughts of storylines that inspired this…  ROUGH IDEA OF THIS IMAGE: After a bad run in with some deatheaters(or wannabe deatheaters… always had the idea after the books they be some trying to resurrect or create a better dark lord.), they send a large horde of dementors to finish them off. Draco Malfoy having gotten close to Potter and his life either to mend his way or an opportunity to help chase down the remaining deatheaters. Ends up being the only one able to fight. He puts every bit of magic into his Patronus, having trouble casting it at first cause of the memories and the fear. His determination to save them outweighs all his doubt, his mind focused on Harry. Everything they done, everything he meant to him.  And because of how Patronus is such pure magic I can see it conflicting with the dark mark on Draco’s arm. It festering, and reacting to the magic that is trying to purge everything dark. As the magic Draco is summoning is from every essence he has, never stopping even as the Dark Mark is bursting and shredding apart his arm. Ending with Draco’s arm having blown off of him due to the magic clashing. Most of the Dementors having been obliterated instead of driven away. Draco having collapsed just seconds after the light fades. His wand bleached by the magic.  Harry in shock, having watched all this go down. I Had several different ideas.. i still like the first idea i had but I couldnt draw it.. i might attempt it later but I thought it be a cool Fanfic idea… likeiwritefanfic =w=; I’m bad at explaining too. It basically was like a few years after the war, there was an attack on Pansy (with spells) that left her in St. Mungos. Aurors Ron and Harry are told to go and talk to the last person seen with Pansy that day. They arrive to Malfoy Manor, to find Draco ill and way too tired to argue much. Turns out to Harry and Ron’s surprise, that Draco is a werewolf, and obviously couldn’t have harmed his bestfriend that night as he went home just before sundown. Harry annoyed they werent told of this before hand and even the paperwork barely mentions it despite Draco being  on the registry. Draco however, having good knowledge on how politics work and people who would harm his friend, gave some very helpful suggestions. Harry taking these suggestions into account started unraveling a bigger mysterious. But as it unfolds, he is forced to take leave when Andromeda Tonks ends up being one of the victims, leaving Harry to take care of teddy. Harry unable to keep his nose out of the case, winds up at Draco’s again for more information, especially with pansy being well and better. And while conversing Draco again offers some good suggestions and leads. Ends with them confirming that someone with a darkmark is attacking them, due to Teddy’s panic once getting a glimpse of Draco’s arm. Harry brings the leads and news to Robards and Kingsley with Ron’s help, and they devise a plan. Kingsley trusting Harry, decides to visit Draco to judge whether or not Draco is trustworthy and to hear his advice with his own ears. Draco is then given a chance to redeem himself, but a permanent job at the ministry if he aids them in their investigation as a temporary auror. (His Leads not only having been correct but provided an insight they did not have) The catch is he has to do it, while pretending to be Harry. Since becoming Harry be the perfect way to draw them out and keep them panicking. Draco agrees, and has to live in Harry’s shoes for a good few hours a day, drinking Polyjuice to keep the appearance while investigating. Draco works with Harry and Ron on the case back at his manor. Filling Harry in on things that happen (more or less) so they can keep up the appearance.  Eventually a raid get set up, The real Harry is under his cloak with Kingsly and other aurors on standby watching the town. While Draco pretending to be Harry is with Ron and Robards and a couple of other aurors confront the deatheaters. The raid ends up a bust as they manage to ambush them. Draco’s polyjuice wearing off mid fight, once the deatheaters realize who been golden boy all this time they loose interest and send the dementors while popping off to find the real Harry. Robards is unconscious and Ron is on the ground having been mostly petrified or injured and unable to move. (Draco being werewolf having aided him in the fighting) Draco has to make a choice, if he runs to get aid robards and ron will most likely be kissed. If he fights, he’ll more in likely be kissed. Ron telling him to get out of there, but Draco makes a stand while he attempts to cast a patronus. He starts to panic as they close in, seeing bad memories all the ones he regrets flash through his mind. Then he shakes himself free seeing the glimpse of the glasses he discarded mid fight.  His thoughts turn to harry, and the time with teddy being over. Them laughing, working. He points his wand at the horde and manage to cast a patronus. Bright and pure, that got larger and stronger the more magic and determination he put into his spell. Planning to put his all into it. The magic starts to envelope him as he only poured his thoughts about Harry. Knowing if he let Ron die, then Harry would never be the same. Harry deserved every ounce of happiness he has left and by damn would he let it go. As his thoughts stayed focus the magic starts purging and combining with his blood. Pain searing through but he doesnt stop, even as it conflicts with the dark magic on his arm..  Basically ends the same with his magic having purified and combined with what was left on his arming, blowing it off accidentally in the process. He managed to fight off the horde in a spectacular display that harry and the others can see from afar as they run towards the group, having just realized what happen. Harry stumbles in on Draco barely standing as the light fades from his wand head hung, blood pouring from his left arm. Then Draco collapses, Harry rushing into stop the bleeding out. Ron letting out a “Bloody Hell…” Surprising Harry as he did not expect Ron to be conscious, staring back at Ron. Ron giving a short explanation, joke, and telling harry to hurry and take the git to st mungos in quick couple sentences. Cover been blown but everyone manages to make it out alive, even the victims. Draco no longer having to be in Harry’s shoes, but still ends up helping solve and wrap up the criminals who crimes get bigger each time. Can see the last fighting scene involving a magical mutation to Draco’s lycanthapy that allow him to fight side by side with harry. Everyone seeing Draco being a hero too. =v=b I Thought of this one for long time reason it better.. the sketch was based off my drawing abilities… =v=‘ kek. BUT TELL ME UR IDEAS… and hopefully i get this drawing done.. ;w; Also I was debating on fox or ferret for patronus lol. =v=‘ could be wolf too, in the second story.
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deltaengineering · 4 years
What remains of Fall Anime 2020
You might have noticed that I haven’t been keeping up with my season impressions, mostly (but not exclusively) because it’s really boring to come up with new ways to say “it’s isekai, which means it’s garbage for stupids”. So here’s what I ended up finishing, in ascending order of goodinosity.
Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- Rhyme Anima
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Ostentatious rap battles in an insanely stupid universe are very fun. The thing is that this doesn’t want to be a good anime, it wants to sell us on these characters, and the characters are pretty terrible on account of all of them being one-word gimmicks. So, let’s give them three rounds of introductions and have them solve lame, generic crimes for 8 episodes instead of setting up the rivalries that everyone suddenly has later, when the show gets good - because it does start delivering towards the end, and becomes really all I wanted. So I can’t even say I’m disappointed, but the first half of the show is almost entirely worthless. 4/10
Assault Lily Bouquet
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I don’t want to be the guy that’s all “I’m mad at this show not catering to what I want”, but I do have to say that Salt Bucket is much better at being a goofy, lighthearted yuri comedy than it is at action (though there are a few choice cuts) and at having an engaging storyline. This is again just an ad for some game or other, so it’s no surprise it has about two dozen characters too many, but it also has quite a lot of superfluous plot - so much so that I suspect it was initially planned to be twice as long. Apart from that, it’s cool and all that some Gainax old hand got to make his own Gunbuster-like, but it’s just not very good at that and all I wanted was Kaede antics and bath scenes, of which 1 per episode is clearly too few. 5/10
The King's Avatar 2
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King’s Avatar got a sequel and overall I have to say, I kinda like it more than the first season even though it looks much less ambitious and even the character designs were changed towards the bland. But I honestly don’t care much about the esports aspect of this and much of S2, especially in the back half, is more about schemes and social engineering - as close to an Eve Online anime as we’re ever going to get, I guess. It’s still very chinajank (why the hell does every episode come with a redundant chibi summary of itself, etc), and while I can’t call that “good” it does remind me of a time when I wasn’t filled with useless knowledge of anime tropes and was just enjoying the weirdness. Also, Ye God’s antics is as close to “looking for anime with OP MC” as I’m comfortable with getting. 6/10
Heaven Official's Blessing
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Now how about some Chinimation that isn’t very janky? I only became aware of Heaven Official’s Blessing when it suddenly rocketed to the top of the MAL charts, so I gave it a looksie and oh boy. The first few episodes of this show are flat out gorgeous, quite funny and very very gay. So I was ready to agree with MAL for once, except it then launches into an arc that mostly consists of our dudes sitting in a dark pit telling each other stories that aren’t very interesting and seem barely related to the setup. Yeah, the back half of this just isn’t very good at all. And the subs are hot garbage. Still, the beginning is so impressive that I would recommend this show despite the middling rating it’s about to get. 6/10
Ochikobore Fruit Tart
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You know the problem that these 5girls4koma stories have, where one of the characters is an annoying pervert, yeah? Well, in Fruit Tart every character is that character, and they’re rather cultured as well. Yes, it’s often of questionable taste and it has a terminal case of 4koma storytelling but dammit if I didn’t enjoy it. It certainly helps that this show’s greatest asset by far is Broko and it seems to be aware of this, because there’s a lot of Broko material. It would have probably have gotten a 6 but the last episode is just so... maximum Fruit Tart. I’m down for some trash if it’s as well made as this, and I do like my kiraralikes spicy, so thumbs up over here. YMM definitely V on this one. 7/10
Majo no Tabitabi
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Speaking of things that are hard to recommend despite me liking them a lot, Elaina here challenges the very notion of what a TV show even is supposed to be. I assume most people tune in every week expecting to get something roughly similar. Not so with this one, you could get everything from slice of life antics to Higurashi-style gore, or reasonably deep character study to pervert comedy. I would say that the only unifying thread is the presence of Elaina, who is a very fun character, but there’s an episode she’s not in, so there you go. But I’m a connoisseur of the weird and I also have to say that I enjoyed every episode in its own way. Also, each episode stays remarkably consistent by itself, and in the end it wraps it all up with a sort of neat “life is like a box of chocolates” thematic bow, which isn’t earthshatteringly profound but hey, it’s there. Just don’t go in with expectations, especially not expectations based on the first episode. 7/10
Love Live! Nijigasaki
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It’s Love Live. Good old reliable Love Live. Really not much to say about this one, any discussion of what makes this different from previous iterations is going to end up in minutiae only people who already watched this could possibly care about. I do have to say that while the musical numbers are as good as Sunshine’s were towards the end and there’s also a lot more of them, “looking budget deficient outside the CG” is the one thing I didn’t expect from something that’s ostensibly a Sunrise premium product. So boo on that one, apart from that it’s idols (an anagram of solid). 7/10
Garupa Pico Oomori
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The chibi SD shorts based off Bang Dream are still better than the main show. Even if S3 was actually quite good, this is just the best thing you can do with 30+ characters that aren’t that deep. Garupa Pico specializes in absurd humor setpieces that at points is better at being Pop Team Epic than Pop Team Epic itself was. Take that, memelords. 7/10
Fire Force S2
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Fire Force is just weird, man, and it’s sort of great. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a property of this magnitude show this much of the ol idgaf spirit. How about an episode where the A plot is the most evenhanded exploration of religion i’ve seen in anime, and the B plot is about blowing up a tryhard edgelord by exposing him to panties? How about a subplot where Batman and Thor infiltrate the vatican to kill the pope, only for that to lead into a gay rape backstory, only for that to be resolved by dank weed and dismemberment? It really is quite a thing, as they say. Now, Fire Force certainly delivers hard at points, but it’s also very scattershot, even if S2 is somewhat more consistent than S1. The weakest parts are unsurprisingly still the ones where it’s remembering its fighting shounen template, and that’s not only because I don’t like that, it’s also because it’s particularly and consistently bad at scheduling these huge, simultaneous multifight setpieces it often crescendoes with. But hey, at least these tend to look super cool. In short, Fire Force is a land of contrasts and still the only fighting shounen I give a damn about. 7/10
IDOLiSH7 Second Beat
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Did you know that I think Idolshi7 is the best one of all of these huge-ass commercial idol franchises? Yeah, I think it’s better than Love Live, and as of Fall 2020 also the better looking one because Troyca still delivers where Sunrise apparently can’t. I guess still don’t like the music much, thankfully there isn’t a lot of that. It also still specializes in gigantic drama, and to its credit S2 is now much better at either getting to the point or at least making it silly and fun. You show that door who’s boss, Sou. Still fantastic Tsumugis all over the place as well, in fact I think I like all the characters now. Even Banri gets his big moment in this season! Yeah, this stuff is pretty cool. 8/10
Adachi and Shimamura
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So here’s the AOTS, and it’s the lovechild of Bloom Into You and Tsuki ga Kirei. While it definitely isn’t as good as either of these two, because it lacks the “about more than just teenagers being hyperbolic about a crush” part from Bloom and the part where it has an actual ending from TgK, it carves out its own niche with its loopy, almost stoned tone that’s full of side weirdos and yuri hyperspace. It’s also uniquely focused, with a tiny core cast and even Shimamura doesn’t really matter all that much. This is all about Adachi, and thankfully Adachi is amazing. Amazingly awkward, that is. It’s very cute. So yeah, this is a bit too lacking in substance to aspire to classic status, but it’s a great time nonetheless. 8/10
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dreams-of-wings · 5 years
Being a part of the Core VK's, and daughter to Hades
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Relationships with the Core Four:
You and Mal are half sisters - same dad, different moms. Mal hated you for a long time, even when she had yet to meet you, she knew of you and that made her blood absolutely boil. You were the daughter Hades raised, while he just left her and her mother. You both eventually get along, and once you do, you're inseparable, as thick as thieves, partners in crime, the works.
Evie thinks you're cool. She doesn't have a problem with you- then again I don't think she has a problem with anyone really. She likes your style, she wouldn't wear it, but she likes it because you work it and make it look good. She gets to know you more when you and Mal start hanging out and she kinda becomes like your sister as well.
Jay thinks you're awesome. He witnessed your hair burst into flames one day when someone pissed you off, trying to steal something your rightfully *coughcough* found. Definitely asked you about your powers and wondered why you could still use magic. It was kinda hard to explain, but basically on the island you can only do a few things - all of which require direct contact. Lounging/parkour buddy.
Okay, but please tell me why the thought of harmless, got bullied a lot, soft boy Carlos/intimidating, protective Daughter of Hades, just makes me melt. Like, you save his ass a lot. You knew Carlos before you knew the rest of the core four - back when it was Mal and Jay, Evie did her own thing, and Carlos was just kinda left to fend for himself. It's okay though, you'll protect him.
No one knows who your mother is
Not you
Not Mal
Not even Maleficent
Hades doesn't like to talk about her
She died before you had the ability to retain memories
She wasn't the first or the last of the people that were claimed by the terrible conditions of the Island of the Lost.
Medical care wasn't exactly top notch, and no one really cared about the ones who passed the first few years.
Just ment more supplies for the rest of them
You weren't allowed to wander the isle as a child, he kept you locked away - worried Maleficent might try something (and worried that if anyone found out about you being his daughter, they would have something over his head).
It was thanks to Hades tucking you away, that Maleficent was never able to find you.
You started sneaking out when you turned 10
You proved you could handle yourself, so Hades let you run free.
Besides 10 years had passed since you were born and he figured maybe Maleficent didn't care about you anymore.
It took you and Mal a while to trust eachother.
When you trusted her enough, you told her about your dad.
She didn't say anything and just left you - she was so angry and conflicted, on one hand she wanted to hate you because you were the child Hades' stuck around for, the one he raised, and fathered, and protected from Maleficent.
After a few weeks she found you in your own little corner if the island you carved for yourself, and explained everything.
Suprise, you're sisters!
Evie knows you're sisters
To be honest, you could be leader of their group, and also could be considered one of the most problematic kids on the Island, but you're too laid back.
You could go out of your way to cause trouble and make life on the island even more miserable than it already is.
But that takes too much effort.
Uma and Harry have no beef with you other than the fact that you're Mal's friend.
They try to get you to join their crew almost daily.
"Nah, you guys are good at what you do without me."
You're welcome at Ursula's fish and chips any time.
Uma doesn't even find your rejection insulting, you're just. So chill?
Her crew has rules, training, errands to run, collecting protection fees, and helping her at her mother's restuarant.
No thanks
Too much work
You like Mal's mom's way of doing things, "When you're evil, doing less is doing more."
Mal's crew just kinda hangs out together and roams the island being cats basically - lounging and loitering where you're not supposed to, subtly stealing things, knocking things over, just chilling and having fun doing whatever you want.
Your kinda crew.
When they go to Auradon, they take you with them
You weren't invited because again - no one knows who your parents are.
But you guys are kinda a package deal.
Ben was all for it when they called him.
"The more the merrier!"
He thought it was just an early sign that this was a great idea and he was making a difference.
You dont get to say bye to your dad because it was a very last minute thing.
You just kinda disappear.
But to be honest he's used to you just not showing up for weeks or even months at a time.
It's the reason why you were able to keep who your father is a secret for so long.
You come out the limo looking as cool as a cucumber, with your arms crossed as you stand next to Mal.
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"This is more than you said there would be!" Fairy Godmother is not so subtly whisper-yelling at Ben.
"They wouldn't come without her- it was all of them, or none of them."
"Well maybe that should have been a sign, Benny-boo!"
"You know we can still hear you," you say while purposely chewing your gum in an obnoxious manner, just to get on their nerves.
They're already getting on yours.
In all seriousness, you whisper a, "Just say the word and she's toast," to Mal.
Screw Audrey.
Of course they split you all up for the most part.
They're worried if they put all the VK's together in one class, it may be too much for the teachers to handle.
They're not wrong.
To be honest though, you're a handful all on your own.
Your teachers wonder how things managed to burst into flames for no apparent reason all through out class.
Some jerks thought it would be okay to pick on Carlos when Jay isn't around him.
For some reason they think that just because your a girl, you're weak?
Must be the stupid "princely boy needs to save the day" mentality that runs rampant in Auradon.
You set someone's hair on fire.
And someone else duffle bag.
This would probably be a good time to mention that the VK's already know you can conjure fire.
They just think that your parent/parents are witches and you just have an affinity for fire.
Carlos normally either sticks to you or Jay when he isn't practicing with Ben.
You dont see your fathers statue in the hall of villains when you guys break into the museum - mostly because he's in another hall completely.
There's a whole hall dedicated to God's and goddesses as well as Hercules story.
You dont bother to offer up your powers when you're escaping, you know Mal's got it covered.
Helping Mal bake love potion cookies.
While the others are doing this because their parents would have their necks, you're genuinely doing this for your father. You know all he wants is to get off the island.
Causing a small lawn fire when the Sleeping Beauty's family and Chad get in Mal's face.
Your bursted into blue flames when Maleficent crashed Ben's coronation.
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Having Mal's back after she was announced to become a new Lady of the Court.
Honestly you dont know what the big deal is about Mal using her magic.
Of course you go with Evie, Ben, Carlos, and Jay when they go to the isle to get Mal.
When Evie goes to talk to Mal you go visit your father.
He's a bit upset with you because he's seen you on TV so he knows you left.
But he can understand you not wanting to be trapped on this island forever.
"I'll find a way to get you out, soon."
"Say 'hello' to Mal for me"
Of course you couldn't.
Harry flirting with you and trying to recruit you again when he snags Ben.
When the battle at the docks ensues, you dont need a sword to fight.
Like Hades with his Ember, and like Mal and her Mother with their eyes, you dont need magic to use your flames because they are a part of you.
Sure the island managed to hold you back, but you can bring just enough to the surface to make any sword you grab on to too hot to handle.
Your powers are useless against Uma when she crashes cotillion.
You know, being surrounded by water and all.
"See ya, Y/N."
"See ya, Uma."
Surprisingly hard for you to make enemies
Except for Audry you know.
Of course you are Mal's planned maid of honor for her wedding.
Evue already has a dress made for you, and it was super hard for her not to gush to Mal about it because that would have given away the suprise.
You pretending to be defenceless against Hades when you all go to pick up the next chosen VK's to come to Auradon.
You keep your flames concealed of course because this would be a terrible time to show that both you and Hades share the same flaming blue hair.
You honestly surprised no one put two and two together sooner.
Definitely not there for the meeting where Mal decides to close the barrier for good.
But you were there for when Mal told Evie.
You were also the first to figure out Mal was hiding something. She wouldn't tell you right out though, but you knew something was up because that pause to answer Evie was too long.
Going back to the isle with the others to get Hades ember after Audrey turn Mal old.
"Hey girls~" was the greeting you both got from Hades when Mal tried to grab his Ember.
"Long time no see, Y/N."
Mal just glares at him.
You sit on the table where the Ember was while you let Mal and Hades have their little musical number. Mal kinda let her anger come through.
"Hey!" You would not be dragged into this, thank you.
You went to stand next to Mal when she asked for the Ember one final time and looked at your father with a shit eating grin, because you know deep down he won't say no to his girls.
"The Ember won't work for you."
"Yes it will. We're blood."
"You're only half Hades."
"Well then I guess two halves make a whole, right?"
"Those are my girls~"
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You, Mal, and Uma joining together to break Audrey's attempt to keep you guys trapped in the cabin.
Helping Evie be the peace keeper when you all battle the suits of armor in Ben's castle.
You chase after Uma and Harry when Mal breaks the news about the barrier.
Which means you didn't get turned to stone.
Helping Uma reignite the Ember so Mal can take on Audrey.
Telling Mal you want to go back to the Isle along with Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celiea.
She's heart broken because you're her sister and it was kinda supposed to be you both against the world.
You can't turn your back on the kids from the isle. Like Mal, so many of the younger ones look up to you. On top of that you also can't imagine not ever seeing your dad again.
She understands, and when Hades comes to wake up Audrey, you go back to the Isle with your father.
You finally agree to join Uma's crew when you return.
Shes happy but also let's you know shes sorry you had to leave your sister.
You're hanging out with your new crew at the Fish and Chips when it's almost time for Mal to announce that they will be closing the Barrier forever.
You, Uma, Gil, and Harry are huddles up together around the TV.
But when Mal announces they will be opening the barrier for good you all cheer and you run to go get your dad.
Yay big family reunion!
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
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aspiring-wildfire · 4 years
MAG 162
Gertrude and Gerry fucking around is always a good time
God i forgot how much i enjoy Gertrude she’s just fucking great
Their banter!!! I love
They’re so friendly its lovely like they clearly have a Dynamic its awesome
“I’d rather you stayed broadly intact” “im touched, you’re going soft in your old age” give me pyromaniac grandma and her goth grandson or give me death
“I just happened not to mention the network of sinister tunnels that snake beneath the archive, where i keep all my darkest secrets” Gertrude proves, yet again, that she is the funniest character in this fucking podcast
“I like to think I’m not a complete incompetent” “until dementia hits” they’re both so sharp its amazing
Gerry: you dont think they can reach us after death? Gertrude: lmao you still think there’s an “after death”?? We’re electrified meat man we die and we’re gone
Their tax banter is great
Jon rewinding to the dismissal of any hope im-
He’s just baby!! Stop being mean to him Jonny!!!!
oh NO im gonna cry I can already tell
they’re so darling oml “glad you’ve volunteered to help me!” “But-“
He’s so mad on sasha’s behalf I’m love
I’m glad everyone has always been pretty unimpressed with Elias/Jonah/etc its what the bastard man deserves
“About traditions, and the values of our esteemed founder, Jimmy Magma” TIM ID DIE FOR U (also him just being ridiculous to make Sasha laugh? 100/10 absolute gem)
Damn Sasha actually was qualified Jon like so should not have been the archivist like i love him he’s my son but boy had no fucking qualifications
“...what if we kill him” okay so Tim has always been Like That
“cut the brakes on his office chair, no one would ever know” god this fucking dork “swap in a poison tea bag, pin it on martin, the perfect crime” LOSER
Tim sounds so distressed about Sasha leaving im emo
“I can’t believe you’d just abandon our intense will-they-wont-they storyline like that” *CUE PTERODACTYL SCREECHING*
God i fucking love them they’re so cute oh my god oh my god
Martin told Tim about his cv Martin told Tim about his cv maRTIN TOLD TIM ABOUT HIS CV MARTIN TOLD TIM ABOUT HIS CV MARTINTOLDTIM—
Also my hacker!sasha feels are just being fed even more and I’m thrilled
“More cardigan than woman” ajdsfklasbfdhal
Sasha knowing exactly how smart Gertrude was and not buying the “senile old lady” thing for a second is a++
“If you get eaten alive by improperly filed statements, me and Martin will avenge you” oh and im crying now thats cool
“I find it highly unlikely that Sasha even existed at all” “no, you took it too far! I’m unforgettable” JONNY SIMS MEET ME IN THE PIT
Jon crying fuck fuck fuck i wasn’t ready i told myself i was ready and i was wrong and now im SAD
Martin come hold your bf he is Not Okay and his coping mechanisms have, somehow, Worsened
No hey fuck you for turning the only good thing around on him
(Jon’s said love so many times though in relation to Martin and im soft for them so that at least is nice)
I am. So angry that they can’t even be happy or safe
okay you know what i can get behind your murder quest Jon go for it babe self care
The way Martin perks up when Jon professes the tiniest bit of hope and determination to go somewhere and do something is so fucking precious
HE ALREADY HAS BAGS PACKED of course he already has bags packed Martin Blackwood is the most competent character left
Jon sounds so fucking fond about Martin’s hyped up planning i would die for them in an instant
“We’ve got this” “Apparently so” TELL ME YOU CANT HEAR JONS HEART EYES THERE
“We can’t fight the world” is really the mood for 2020 huh
“Says you” and THAT is the energy we’re taking forward
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BTS and Ateez for the kpop group game ! 💜
My first bias: Hongjoong <3 it was the mullet <3
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My current bias: Hongjoong <3 still sexy without the mullet <3
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Favorite Song: Win, I love this one!! In another life I would have probably said HALA HALA but I’ve listened to it too much lol, but honestly minus celebration the whole Fever 2 album is AMAZING def worth a listen, or several!
Favorite MV: Say My Name/HALA HALA
OTP: ... umm, I don’t really ship any Idols in general, but I tend to like the Seonghwa/Hongjoong dynamics, there was just something about that one time that Seonghwa was like “why aren’t you ever home anymore I miss you” “you want me home more?” “Yes” “then I’ll come home more often” and that other time Hongjoong said something like “you returned to where you should have always been” (with him) when talking about Seonghwa spending to much time with Wooyoung and San... it’s just very funny to me lol (these ‘quotes’ might be a bit off as I don’t remember exactly what was said but that was the gist of both conversations I believe!)
Best smile: Yunho honestly! He’s such an underrated member of Ateez!! He’s my second favorite and needs more love because I love him lol, a big big puppy baby whom I love and adore
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Fave Coreo: HALA HALA!!! ITS SO COOL!!
Fave era: Visuals: Say My Name, Music: Zero: Fever part 2
Merch?: I have a T-Shirt I got at hot topic and a Zero: Fever part 2 album!
Seen em live?: Nope.... but I would have if I could have! Would definitely love to go once we finally can!
Favorite voice: Def Mingi, his voice is what attracted me to the group, I LOVE the deep voice trend in kpop, Mingi, like Felix (Stray Kids) and Leedo (Oneus), really scratch that itch for me!!
Favorite dancer: San I guess?? Dancing isn’t really my thing as you know lol
My first bias: Namjoon (I think Namjoon is a lot of English speakers first bias because of his English skills, and honestly he still has a huge place in my heart as you know! Plus he BIG SEXY) (I think of mic drop Namjoon and my brain implodes)
My current bias: Jimin, I just love his softness, I really love the members that take care of the rest and Jimin plays personal therapist (it’s the libra in him I get it you know?) to all, so I really appreciate this as it’s a very important thing for me (it’s probably my libra moon lol) but that’s what got me at first, then when I was getting into them I saw he struggled and no one was really helping him and he was like trying to do better and honestly it broke my heart so I full adopted the baby because he needed care and protection and actives my Aquarius sun and the ‘leave no man behind’ and ‘help/root for the underdog’ complex we have, so anyways, I love him for his softness and his fighting spirit because I want him to do well and succeed but also he’s a mess and sharp witted and a cheater at games (another trait I tend to like??????? Like that’s on me so????) he makes me laugh and I love to see him do well and win at things because he deserves it!! He’s also really motivated and a go-getter which is v sexy to me!! When things are tough he always works hard to fix them and do his best and honestly is there anything better than that? To me no, to my friend who says I put to much emphasis on work ethic? Yes. Also Jimin is big sexy, this is an undeniable fact
Favorite Song: Dionysus (like have you seen the MMA 2019 performance??? There’s no coming back from that) the song is just such a bop and one of the big ones that got me fully into them and kpop as a whole!! Good memories and a great song!!
Favorite MV: I’m a blood sweat and tears whore, could watch that mv any time anywhere babey
OTP: again, don’t really tend to genuinely ship anyone, but I really like a good YoonMin dynamic, love the way Yoongi roots for Jimin, and pushes him in small ways to be better, I think Jimin is pretty oblivious to this though??? And like Jimin needs so much audible praise and gentle care that I think Yoongi for him is very hard to understand even though I think Jimin is very much Yoongi’s favorite member, like maybe it’s because I’m super empathetic, but I always think of like two moments for them, the first is when Jimin was helping Yoongi makes those like 300 presents for his fans and Jimin stayed all day to help him out, Jimin was being Jimin so he was constantly asking if Yoongi appreciated him being there, and Yoongi being Yoongi didn’t say much to assure him, but like you could FEEL the happiness radiating off of Yoongi but like it hurt Jimin to not be directly praised? It’s just a big mess I love it, it’s horrendously painful to watch,
Then there’s the whole ‘Yoongi told me to be the project manager’ or whatever the job was called for their album, Like Yoongi wasn’t giving out advice to everyone... just Jimin (or at least the way in which I understand it), because I genuinely believe Jimin is his favorite and he’s pushing him to grow into a confident and capable person but like... I don’t think Jimin connected the ‘Yoongi is caring for me in his own unique way that isn’t words of affirmation’ dots... it’s a train wreck but I love it lol (plus also Yoongi saying he prefers Jimin’s voice?? When I think Jimin heard for so long that Kookie sings better?? He just loves that boy so much!!) anyways I digress, I just really love their dynamic and it’s my favorite to watch, I know I’ve talked about their dynamic before but honestly I could go on and on and on about it haha, I’m so glad they’re friends you know? Not only so I can watch them, but because Jimin’s selfless help will always be given to Yoongi without question, and because Yoongi will always push Jimin to be better... ok I’m done now for real this time lol
Best smile: Jungkook, his little bunny smile absolutely sends me to the moon it’s so cute!! (Jimin’s is a very close second!)
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Fave Coreo: Lie for sure!
Fave era: The storyline era with the acronym I always forget!! I think it spanned a couple of eras in the entirety but I loved it!! But also just like straight up Wings era!
Merch?: I have more BT21 one stuff than I think I have BTS stuff tbh haha, but I have all versions of MOS:7 I have some love yourself versions from a friend, and my army membership box I got to purchase the concert tickets we bought but never got to use :{
Seen em live?: was supposed to last year 😢
Favorite voice: Yoongi, love the way he raps, it’s a really aggressive and sexy flow, definitely my type, as someone who stans and loves rappers most, Yoongi will always have a major place in my heart, no one really compares on a talent scale for me, and his solo stuff is some of the sexiest you could ever imagine/hear, love it!!
Favorite dancer: Not super surprising I think but it’s totally Jimin!! Anytime I watch that man perform Lie I die lol, the way that man moves is a crime
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Joker Epilogue Explained
This Zack Snyder’s Justice League article contains spoilers.
Despite the heroes’ best efforts throughout the four-hour epic, Zack Snyder’s Justice League still ends in scorched earth, with Darkseid’s forces decimating whatever’s left of the planet’s surface, turning it into a wasteland. Even after defeating Steppenwolf and preventing the disaster of Unity, it’s still not enough to stop what’s been coming to Snyder’s version of the DCEU since Bruce had his first “Knightmare” in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Or so it seems in an almost 10-minute-long epilogue, which includes a cameo from Jared Leto’s Joker especially shot for the Snyder Cut.
Joker’s inclusion in the movie might seem jarring to some, considering he has no bearing on the actual story being told for most of the film’s runtime. In fact, you could pretty much skip the epilogue completely and not lose much of the experience if you’re only watching for the main plot. That said, the tense conversation between Batman and Joker — as they look upon what Darkseid’s wrought on their planet — does raise some interesting questions as to what might be next for these archnemeses were Snyder to get yet another shot at the DCEU.
Ironically, Snyder actually shot the brand-new footage for Leto specifically because he thought he’d never get another chance to work with these characters. The director “couldn’t leave this universe without having a Joker/Batman scene,” according to producer Deborah Snyder in an interview with CBR. But shooting the scene in the middle of a pandemic was tricky: it involved sending a truck full of costumes to Leto’s house, who would then try them on for the director during Zoom calls to see what worked. According to Deborah, “there was a lot of Zooming and photos and things like that, but so much thought went into creating the character.”
This might explain why the “Joker Christ” look — a version of the villain wearing a crown of thorns featured in a Vanity Fair article — didn’t actually appear in the movie. It was likely one of the costume ideas that were nixed before filming. Something similar happened with Leto’s now-infamous “We live in a society” line in one of the trailers for the Snyder Cut, which the director says was ad-libbed by Leto himself while filming the epilogue. As you now know, that line is nowhere to be found in the scene, either.
So, what did make it into the epilogue? How did Snyder use his final chance to have these versions of Batman and Joker meet in a DCEU movie?
The Batman/Joker History
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For one thing, Snyder touches on some very familiar elements of their dynamic. Like with past iterations of this relationship, Ben Affleck’s Dark Knight and Leto’s Joker are truly inseparable. Even when faced with the end of the world, when all bets are off and the rules no longer apply, the hero and the villain still decide to team up instead of settling the score once and for all. Joker is especially cognizant of their connection, mentioning how Batman created him and how his beloved Bat now needs him to undo what Darkseid did, even though it’s unclear just what the clown can do against such insurmountable, cosmic odds.
Bruce’s threat that he’ll eventually kill Joker is a particularly weak one when he’s also welcomed the Clown Prince of Crime onto his team, and equipped him with a bulletproof vest and an assault rifle no less. Their tense back and forth in this scene is just another section of their eternal dance, even as the Joker dares Batman to kill him. But if Bats were to give in to the temptation and end the clown’s life, who would be there to give him a reach–
Harley Quinn is Dead
We learn a few other things from their brief conversation (and one has to wonder why they’ve decided to do this in the open where they can be spotted by Darkseid’s parademons or Evil Superman): Harley Quinn has died in this possible future, but not before expressing her true hatred for Mr. J. Whether it was always the plan for Harley to break away from her insane beau in time for Birds of Prey or Snyder was trying to connect the dots after the fact is unclear. But her death is clearly a particularly sore spot for Joker, who for a second seems to want to break his own proposed truce and take a shot at the Batman.
“You’re good,” Joker finally says when he regains his cool, realizing the Dark Knight wants the clown to give him a reason to put him down for good. Self-defense ain’t the same as murder in the Snyderverse, right?
The Death of Robin
Robin’s death is finally addressed with one of the coldest lines in the entire epilogue: “I’m happy to discuss in any way you like, why you sent a Boy Wonder to do a man’s job?” the Joker asks Batman. This is in reference to a couple of things. The vandalized Robin suit displayed in the Batcave is a stark reminder of what is likely Bruce’s biggest failure in this universe, but we’ve never actually learned how the Boy Wonder died despite the references to the meteoric death sprinkled across Snyder’s earlier DCEU work. We know the clown did it but not how (perhaps for the best) or the events that led up to Robin’s death.
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Zack Snyder’s Justice League Ending Explained: The Sequels and DCEU We Never Saw
By Mike Cecchini
Zack Snyder Wanted to Make a Batman vs. Joker Movie After Justice League
By Mike Cecchini
But that single line of dialogue delivered by the Joker suggests that some version of the 1988 comic book storyline “Death in the Family” has happened in this universe. In those comics, Robin (the second one, Jason Todd) goes off on his own to find his biological mother against Batman’s wishes, and instead comes face to face with the Joker, who murders him in extremely gruesome fashion. It’s a death that haunts Bruce as much as the deaths of his parents, which Leto’s Joker also references, along with Batman’s real name.
Batman Must Die
Most importantly, the epilogue seems to exist so that the Joker can plant a seed in Batman’s head: only his own self-sacrifice will be enough to stop Darkseid once and for all. This is a storyline that Snyder had planned to explore further in future Justice League sequels, a proposed trilogy that would have culminated with the Dark Knight’s death and the rise of a new Caped Crusader.
It’s unlikely that we’ll ever see this trilogy now that Snyder and the DCEU are parting ways, but the epilogue leaves the road clear for a sequel nonetheless, with Joker alluding to a time-travel plot that would involve Batman’s new crew going back in time to undo Lois Lane’s death and Superman’s villainous turn.
The DC Comics Inspirations
This is hardly the first time the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime have joined forces to fight a greater evil. Most recently, they’ve teamed up in the DC comics by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, particularly in Dark Nights: Metal and Last Knight on Earth, post-apocalyptic stories set in nightmarish wastelands that the director might have at least skimmed while writing this epilogue. In both of these stories, Joker is a key part of Batman’s ultimate victory. In Last Knight on Earth, Joker even finally become’s his “best friend”‘s sidekick.
But in terms of what inspired the grungier look of Justice League‘s Joker, it seems that the filmmaker and Leto went back to the Grant Morrison era of the character for inspiration. Just as Morrison and Tony Daniel’s “reborn” Joker was a clear influence on Leto’s get-up in Suicide Squad, the jarring butcher (?) costume worn by the clown in the epilogue might have been inspired by a similar look introduced in Morrison’s Batman and Robin series (above). Either way, it’s a very odd fashion choice when you’re about to go fight a New God, but then again, Joker isn’t exactly your average dresser.
With this Batman and Joker scene, Snyder reaffirms his love for these characters. Regardless of whether you find his take on their relationship worthy or not, it’s impossible to deny Snyder’s attention to detail when crafting his final DCEU scene, one full of references to Batman and the Joker’s past as well as their potential future. In his own divisive way, Snyder writes a love letter to these characters and goes out with a smile.
The post Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Joker Epilogue Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
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