#Obergefell v Hodges
incognitopolls · 9 months
Obergefell v. Hodges is the US Supreme Court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to marry.
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jennyislander · 4 months
Happy Fifth Day of Pride Month! The virtual Pride parade continues. If my health and schedule permit, I will make a post like this every day in June.
This photo ran in The New York Times on June 28, 2015.
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A word to those who may not understand why old fuddy-duddies like me were weeping for joy that day:
The right to rejoice and invite your friends to rejoice with you without anybody deciding to veto your vows because they don't like what they are imagining about your genitalia. The right to build a home together, and keep it together. The right for your children to stay with a surviving parent if the worst happens. The right to get old and creaky together. The right to have the person you trust the most speak for you when you can't speak for yourself.
The right to marriage, with its thousand and one legally enforced benefits and protections.
The DJ slows things down for the dancers in the street. Mary Lambert, "She Keeps Me Warm," from her official Vevo channel.
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lmaverick123 · 1 year
The "Remember This Flag Before You Don't Vote" Canard
I’m so sick of the endless arguments trying to get me to believe in the two-party system that has people enslaved to it in this country.  People will champion Corpo Rat Party D or Corpo Rat Party R.  Why?  Well, as this lovely meme I’ve been seeing making the rounds points out, if you don’t vote for the Democrats, the LGBT flag is going to be destroyed.  Because they CARE about the LGBT…
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filosofablogger · 2 years
A Beacon of Light and Hope
A Beacon of Light and Hope
Yesterday was a red-letter day for human rights in the U.S. Senate.  The senate passed a bill, the Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA), that, if it passes in the House of Representatives, will codify protection for same-sex marriage.  Now, that in itself is an accomplishment worthy of a big WHOO HOO!!!  But even more encouraging, the bill was passed by a margin of 62-37 with 12 Republicans voting in…
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whenweallvote · 3 months
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“It’s not that we’re fighting for special rights just for us. We’re fighting for the same rights.” — Jim Obergefell
Nine years ago today, the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges recognized a simple truth: love is love. 
This decision ruled that all states must license marriages to same-sex couples and recognize marriages lawfully performed out of state. Obergefell v. Hodges guaranteed marriage equality in a monumental ruling for the LGBTQIA+ community. 🏳️‍🌈
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jsands84 · 3 months
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Happy US Marriage Equality Day!
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Sunday warned of an “authoritarian expansion of power” by the Supreme Court after it released several controversial opinions in it’s last week of the term.
“The courts, if they were to proceed without any check on their power, without any balance on their power, then we will start to see an undemocratic and, frankly, dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in the Supreme Court,” Ocasio-Cortez said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“Which is what we are seeing now, from the overturning of abortion rights to the ruling that discrimination and, frankly, stripping the full personhood and dignity of LGBTQ people in the United States. … These are the types of rulings that signal a dangerous creep towards authoritarianism and centralization of power in the court,” the New York Democrat said.
The Supreme Court last week released opinions on several landmark decisions that included blows to affirmative action programs in college admissions, President Biden’s student debt relief program, and LGBTQ rights — rulings Republicans have largely lauded and Democrats have decried.
Ocasio-Cortez, a frequent critic of the conservative court, on Sunday argued that Justices “are expanding their role into acting as though they are Congress itself,” noting recent controversies surrounding ethics standards and arguing Justices’ power should be limited.
“And that, I believe, is an expansion of power that we really must be focusing on: the danger of this Court and the abuse of power in this Court, particularly … as it is related to the entanglements around conflicts of interest as well,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
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Michelangelo Signorile at The Signorile Report:
Four years ago, as she was ascending to the Supreme Court, I wrote right here on The Signorile Report that “Amy Coney Barrett will destroy marriage equality.” And now she’s appeared to confirm it’s coming, writing the majority opinion last week in Department of State v. Muñoz. Barrett and others in the majority were called out by the three liberals on the court in a powerful dissenting opinion—and even by Justice Neal Gorsuch to an extent, in a concurrence—who zeroed in on how Barrett and other conservatives unnecessarily, and disturbingly, stripped the rights of marriage in a ruling on an immigration case.
The case centered on Sandra Muñoz, a Los Angeles woman and U.S. citizen, who argued that her constitutional rights were violated when the federal government denied a visa to her Salvadoran husband, an undocumented immigrant. As The Los Angeles Times notes, the case is “a major setback for Americans with foreign spouses because it explicitly rejects the idea that a citizen has a constitutional right to attempt to bring their noncitizen spouse into the country.” More than that, as Justice Sotomayor wrote in her very strong dissenting opinion, which opened by quoting from the court’s Oberbefell marriage equality decision, the majority’s decision stripped marriage as a “fundamental” right that is a “matter of tradition and history.”
Muñoz demanded to know the reason why her husband was denied a visa, since, as is standard practice, the State Department would not tell her. Via her lawsuit, the claims of which the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed—ruling her husband should get a visa because not doing so infringed on Muñoz’s marriage rights—she found out the dubious reason: The government claimed her husband had tattoos that were gang-related, something an expert on gangs refuted. And, as Gorsuch wrote, that should have been the end of the case. Muñoz got what she sought—the basis of the government’s denial—and, even as the Supreme Court overturned the Ninth Circuit’s decision, she and her husband could try to get a visa again. There was absolutely no reason for the Supreme Court to go any further than that.
[...] Biden and the Democrats got the “Respect for Marriage Act” passed—a bill that foresaw the possible overturning of Obergefell, after Thomas’s concurring opinion in Dobbs. The law will not stop states from banning marriage equality in their own states if the court sent the issue back to the states, as it did with the issue of abortion. But it codifies recognition by the federal government of same-sex marriage—for the purposes of Social Security survivorship, for example—and mandates that states that ban same-sex marriage in their own states must recognize marriages of gay and lesbian couples married in other states, even if their own residents go to another state to marry. You can bet that if Donald Trump and the GOP get into power, they'll repeal the Respect for Marriage Act. More than that, only with Democrats and Biden in power can we pressure both to finally move forward on expanding the Supreme Court.
As SCOTUS Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in the dissent for the Department of State v. Muñoz case that cited Obergefell, marriage equality is under serious danger.
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ventmyfrustrations · 1 year
what was that about them NOT going after obergefell
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so that new “businesses have the right to refuse queer people” rule sucks ass btw
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bonetrousledbones · 2 years
do u ever think about how crazy it is that undertale came out with its insane amount of unambiguously queer characters in fucking 2015
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did anyone ever explain to hazel that the US has anti segregation laws now? I mean, the girl went straight from the 1940s to the underworld to camp jupiter, does she know she can use any bathroom she wants or is she still looking for white and colored signs?
also, it's been a while since I read the books, so I'm not sure on the timeline, but does nico know about obergefell v. hodges? does he know he and will can legally be married?
actually, what does hazel know about recent women's history in america? does she know she can tell men to fuck off and not be arrested? did anyone tell her her employer has to provide equal pay (assuming she ever decides to venture into the mortal world)? does she know about roe v. wade and contraceptive laws??
does nico know about the immigrant and nationality act (is nico a legal immigrant? is he considered an immigrant at all? did hades somehow fast track nico and bianca's citizenship or did he just create fake birth certificates and social security cards? i feel like he'd have had to do one of those for them to go to that school)
do they know that they're considered protected classes?
do they know their rights??
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gratilda69 · 20 days
i can’t help but wonder if hannibal and will influenced anyone’s views on the same sex marriage bill cus the show DOES take place in 2015. like did bedilia meet them and revoke her stance on homosexuality? i need to know
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thoughtportal · 2 years
TN House Passes Bill Letting Clerks Refuse Marriage Licenses to LGBTQ Couples
The Republican-controlled Tennessee state House of Representatives voted on Monday to pass a bill that would allow county officials to deny same-sex or interracial couples marriage licenses.
House Bill 878 states that county clerks and their staff “shall not be required to solemnize a marriage if the person has an objection to solemnizing the marriage based on the person’s conscience or religious beliefs.” The bill now heads to the Senate, which will begin consideration of its passage in the chamber next week.
If the bill becomes state law, it would directly challenge federal marriage equality protections, including Supreme Court rulings and the recently-passed Respect for Marriage Act.
The Respect for Marriage Act, which passed in the last congressional session and was signed into law by President Joe Biden, requires states to recognize same-sex marriage licenses from other states but does not require them to issue same-sex marriage licenses themselves — meaning that if federal marriage equality protections are ever undone by the conservative-led Supreme Court, states would be able to deny same-sex couples the right to marry.
Federal marriage equality protections have been in place since 2015, when the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that states must grant same-sex couples the right to marry. Decades earlier, in the 1967 case Loving v. Virginia , the Court ruled that states could not ban interracial marriages.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 10 months
Some people have aggressively stupid takes on censorship, fictional content, kink…. But then also in irl sex and relationships, too, and it’s exhausting. If you are a grown adult wringing your hands about how you could never date anyone two years younger than you or getting your panties in a twist over regular safe consenting sex practices/acting like safe and consensual k.ink is inherently abusive…. Then your brain has been so thoroughly rotted by online puritan discourse and you need to get off of twitter and experience the real world. Genuinely. Hope this helps.
#and there is a difference between having an understanding of these things and avoiding certain k.inks because of personal preference/trauma#but acting as if people who participate in and enjoy these things safely and privately are ‘freaks’ or ‘disgusting’ or immoral#is not the same thing#also please recognize the rhetoric you are parroting for fucks sake#because calling people ‘freaks’ and ‘degenerates’ and wanting to police anything sexual… not the take you think it is#this sort of thing actually enables and leads to things like a lot of sodomy laws in the us that existed pre obergefell v hodges#which classified any sex deviant from your standard piv penetrative sex as unlawful and immoral#setting a very dangerous precedent about what people can and cannot do in their own home#there are so many reasons that it pisses me off seeing these things but with the state of things in so many places right now#it baffles me when chronically online bitches swallow puritan rhetoric without a second thought and don’t see the writing on the wall#in an era of book bans and drag bans and the demonization of the lgbtq community at large#and with a Supreme Court that has shown time and again that they put their personal biases ahead of the safety and rights of constituents#I do not know how people do not recognize#this sort of reactionary shit will ALWAYS hurt marginalized people first. respectability politics will not save you when they turn on you#okay send tweet I’m just annoyed#laur speaks!#I better not get some dumbass shit on this post I am tired I am chronically and mentally ill and having a hell of a semester.#not looking for discourse. I do not have time. get blocked argue with the wall read a fucking book and learn some shit while you’re at it.
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fireslaywithme · 2 years
worst part about loosing twitter is my old banner not being the right shape to be repurposed on here 💔
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astoriachef · 5 months
Quick reminder? the 1864 Arizona abortion ban the state supreme court just revived also bans interracial marriage.
I keep telling you this, and you keep ignoring me. The GOP is not just coming for Obergefell, they are coming for Loving. Meanwhile, every witless brogressive on this damn site who never took a Civics class in their damn life is crowing about throwing the election for Trump to punish “Genocide Joe” and the “shitlibs.”
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