#Oh my gosh this was a rollercoaster
chaosduckies · 4 months
Restoration (Chapter 11)
The time has come! This took me about five drafts for me to actually think it was decent so I hope you guys enjoy it! There’s just a whole lot of little scenes I liked to make. It’s a roller coaster of emotions, you’re going to hate me but it gets better! (Please don’t hate me I will not hesitate to cry TwT) Otherwise, enjoy!
Word Count: 12.7k
CW: Death, Vague mentions of suicide, severe trauma, vague gore warning, violence, I think that’s it!
11- Ryker 
It was quiet without Angela and Lucky. Mostly because Dylan and Lucky are almost always the cause of all the loud noises, but sometimes Angela and Isabelle just liked to play around. Now, it was lonely. Of course Nathan always let Angela talk with us on his phone for hours since we can always see Lucky at school, but Angela was being picked up by Nathan for almost a full week. Nathan says she’s been doing fine. She plays some games with his mom and he likes playin hide and seek with her when she’s bored. As for Lucky, Nathan says he’s just been doing his own thing. What he usually does. He also says that he’s on the phone with Dylan all the time too. Not surprising. 
No worries though. They’ll be back before Christmas. There was no way I was letting them miss it. Plus, the riots and stuff have been going down lately. They can finally come home, and I really, really missed them. No matter how many times I’ve had to clean up after them or they’ve given me half a heart attack every time they’re on the edge of somewhere high in the house. They were my siblings, I couldn’t just not care. 
Jasmine helped me take down all of the elevators around the house. The only bad part about that is that we can’t exactly put them back once they’re off, so it’s going to be like this until I can find the time to put some in later. They’ve never had a problem being carried around everywhere anyways. 
I sighed, laying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. There wasn’t anything to do really. Dylan stayed in his room talking to Lucky while also playing whatever game he had, Jasmine was in the living room playing with Isabelle since no one else could at the moment. Usually Angela kept her busy. 
“Ry!” I heard Jasmine’s voice yell through my door. I groaned. I didn’t feel like getting up. I just laid down not too long ago, can I not get a break? 
“What!” I screamed back. 
“Isabelle says she’s hungry!” 
I placed a hand on my forehead, forcing my body under the covers. I was too tired to do anything, but I’m pretty sure we have some leftovers from last night she could eat. Jasmine and Dylan can make themselves something. I just wanted to get some sleep at this point. 
“There’s leftovers in the fridge!” 
I heard the fridge door open and close, then the microwave starting all the way from my room. I finally relaxed, the pillow cold under my head and my lights off with the blinds closed, blocking out any evening sun that threatened to creep inside my room. Perfect time to go to sleep. the best part about it was that I didn’t have school in the morning either. I was so physically and mentally exhausted I could just pass out. And I did. 
When I woke up, it was to the smell of burnt pancake batter, making me scrunch up my nose and hurry to the kitchen, where Jasmine was currently throwing out her entire plate of pancakes that were beyond burnt. I laughed, watching her hurry to turn off the stove that was surprisingly not on fire. Jasmine just glared at me, leaning agianst the counter in defeat. I walked up next to her, smirking the entire time, “You just lost to pancake batter.” 
She playfully punched me in the shoulder, laughing along with me. I looked back at the box she had used, seeing that there was still enough for the four of us. I sighed, grabbing another bowl and placing the old one into the sink. Might as well make the rest if they really wanted pancakes. 
“Why’d you try cooking? You hate being anywhere near a stove.” I asked, mixing together the powder with milk. 
“You were asleep.” Her voice slightly a higher pitch. I looked back at her for a second, watching as she tapped her hand on the counter. 
“What else?” I grabbed a new pan that didn’t have burnt remains of pancakes and turned on the stove. Dylan knew how to cook a little bit. Jasmine would have woken him up to help her. So why didn’t she? 
“Nothing. Isabelle and I woke up about an hour ago and she just told me she was hungry.” Jasmine shrugged her shoulders. I poured some of the newly made batter into a pan and let it sit there for a couple seconds. She wasn’t going to tell me. At least not anytime soon. Better to just accept her answers now before she gets mad. 
I stayed silent until Dylan walked into the room, immediately sitting down on top of the counter and yawning. He scrunched up his nose, the faint smell of smoke in the air, “What did Jasmine burn this time?” He joked, earning a punch to the shoulder that actually looked like it hurt. 
Everyone grabbed their plates, and we all watched a cartoon in the living room. It just felt quiet without Dylan and Lucky constantly messing around with each other or Isabelle and Angela playing with their stuffed animals. I knew we all missed them. Just two more days. Two more days and they’ll be back with us. Everything was going to go back to normal. I’d really have to thank Nathan and his mom for helping us out so much. I smiled at the thought. 
Despite there being two more people in the house, is was actually relatively quiet. Which was surprising given that Ryker’s house was usually filled with a huge commotion. Maybe it was because they were away from each other? I really did feel bad. I mean, they all seemed really close to one another. Plus after Ryker told me what happened to their parents… It must be hard. I couldn’t think about leaving my mom for any reason, so it must be so much worse when it’s your own siblings. 
They were going back this Sunday. Things have gone down and it’s nearly Christmas so I didn’t want them to miss that. Lucky was taking a nap on the couch while Angela was busy with a coloring book my mom had bought her the other day. She was currently coloring a picture of a parrot, and for a four year old she was surprisingly good at coloring. My mom was cooking dinner. I offered to do it instead but she just argued that she hasn’t cooked for me in a while. I just left it at that. 
So now I was laying down on the couch. School was out for winter break finally. Which meant only five more months until I would be left alone again. Just my mom and I. I didn’t plan on going to college, maybe just a part time job. After what happened so many years ago I’ve been afraid to live on my own. But let’s not think about that right now. 
What I was worried about was what if Ryker didn’t like the present I would be giving him. The concert tickets of course. They didn’t really cost much. Like a seventy dollars for two tickets? Not bad. I had bought everyone else’s gifts except for Dylan’s. I knew he liked sports and all that, but I couldn’t get him something like that. I had zero idea and I really needed to ask Lucky what to get him, because I’m pretty sure Lucky had bought something for him before he came here. I’d just have to ask. Not now though. 
I know Ryker loves reading, drawing, cooking. What else? Lucky mentioned something about sweets? Like cookies and all that? How would I even do that? I can’t just bake something fifty times my size. I had thought about buying something like a cake but how would I even get it to him? I mean… I could ask for help. Maybe from Jasmine? Nope. Get that thought out of my mind. She hates my guts. Dylan then? That would mean I’d have to ask him for a favor, and I didn’t really want to. But how else would I give Ryker a good gift? 
I guess that’s what I would do. But instead of buying one I’d ask Dylan to make it using my recipe. Would he though? I mean he seems like a nice guy. I guess the real question would be if I could be alone with him for about two hours. Or if could handle it at least. I’ve really only been around Ryker. 
After we ate dinner, it was around 7 but Angela already looked exhausted. My mom set her to sleep in the guest room before leaving for work. I didn’t get why she always overworked herself. I knew she was tired too, but yet she stays awake almost all day to take care of us, and then leaves for work at night. When it was just me here as soon as she came back she’d give me a hug, take a shower, and then head to bed until it was later in the evening. I guess having more people in the house is making her think she has to stay up. I can take care of everyone. I didn’t mind playing around with Angela, I didn’t mind joking Lucky in a game, or going outside with everyone. I also didn’t mind cooking for more than just two people. So I didn’t exactly know why she stayed awake when she was so tired. 
“I can’t wait to head back home alreadyyyy.” Lucky groaned, the tv playing quietly in the background. He was on his phone while l sat reading a book as usual.  
“Sorry.” I mumbled, closing my book and turning my head to face the tv that was currently playing a movie about some cops trying to catch a serial killer or something like that. I wasn’t paying attention. 
Lucky stayed quiet for a while before facing me, “Sorry for what?” 
“That you have to stay here.” I answered. 
“It’s not even your fault. Plus, it’s not even bad here. I just miss being with my family, y’know?” Lucky explained, now facing the ceiling with his arms under his head. I nodded my head. I didn’t exactly know how he felt about this whole situation. I’m sure he realizes why he even has to be here. Because some people just don’t like humans. 
I opened my book again, trying to get at least halfway done with it before I fall asleep. At least that was my goal. Honestly I was extremely tired for no reason. I go to bed relatively early, and since I don’t have school anymore I’ve been waking up at around nine in the morning everyday. I didn’t know why I felt so exhausted. I wasn’t too worried though. I feel fine in the morning so it’s fine. 
“Can I ask you a question, Nathan?” Lucky asked, still staring at the ceiling. 
“Sure?” It came out more as a question. 
“Do you like Ryker?” 
My eyes widened. What kind of a question was that? “Yeah. He’s a nice friend. Why wouldn’t I?” Lucky started laughing, sitting up and now looking right at me, “I meant like, like him. Y’know, like a couple?” 
I felt my cheeks immediately heat up at the realization. Lucky started laughing so hard he was choking while I buried my face in my hands. This was embarrassing. I tried getting rid of the red blush that just seemed to be painted on me at this point. I groaned as Lucky caught his breath, still waiting on an answer, though I’m sure he’s already assume one. 
I’ve never really thought about it. I mean I do like him as a friend. He’s done nothing but help me ever since I’ve met him. I really do like being with him too. But do I really like him? I could just be mistaking it for liking him as a friend. That was probably it really. I don’t think I do. Nope. Plus, what makes anyone think that Ryker would like me back? It just didn’t make any sense. was he even into boys? Was I even into anyone? I’ve always thought that no one would want to be around me pretty much my whole life. I don’t know anymore at this point. Why were we even on the topic? 
“N-no. We’re just friends.” The blush on my face was still painted across my cheeks. Lucky just rolled his eyes, “Whatever you say.” 
I grabbed my book that I had lightly thrown on the cushion next to me and hid my bright red face in it. Just forget about it. Why would he ask that question anyways? It so random to ask. I was so unprepared too. There was no way I could just forget about this. 
The cold air outside felt great. A thin layer of snow now covered the entire city from last nights little shower, and it just felt great to be outside. Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it. Today also happened to be the day that Lucky and Angela would be coming home with us, which we were all excited about. 
Jasmine had work today, and of course she was angry. It actually took me a while to clam her down so she wouldn’t be late for work. So now it was just Dylan and Isabelle with me as we headed to the bus stop to go and get them. I guess this counts as a family reunion? I mean, we haven’t really seen each other for nearly a week. It may not seem that long, but when all you have are your siblings, it’s not easy to let go of them. Let alone be apart from them for this amount of time. 
Nathan had already texted me that they were already waiting. Apparently his mom wanted to say goodbye to Angela because she grew attached to her. I wasn’t very surprised. They must be freezing though. I know this kind of weather is kind of amplified for humans too. My mind went back to that night that seemed like forever ago. When Nathan had just snuggled up as close as he wanted to me for warmth. My heart fell, and a small smile appeared on my face as we walked along the sidewalk. 
When we arrived at the bus stop, Lucky had practically ran as fast as he could to Dylan’s hand. Isabelle stayed in the back, smiling. I had told her before we had left to keep her distance from these two. Mainly because I had noticed how alert Nathan was when Isabelle was around. But that’s not something I should worry about now. 
I crouched down, watching a small four-year old girl stumble over the snow to get to me. I let down a finger for her to hang on to while I talked to Nathan and his mom, but I couldn’t help but notice how the woman standing next to Nathan flinched as soon as Angela had hugged my finger. Did she think I’d hurt my own sister? That-that can’t be it, right? 
“Thank you both so much. I don’t know what I would do if you hadn’t helped.” I slightly smiled, they smile back, “Oh you’re welcome! If you need help you can send them our way anytime!” His mother offered. She was the complete opposite of Nathan. She didn’t seem sheepish around me at all. So then why was Nathan so afraid? The thought snuck into the back of my mind, but I just pushed it aside. 
“Ready Angel?” I asked, waiting for her to nod her head, but instead she rushed over to Nathan’s mom, gave her a hug then hurried back. I chuckled, tilting my hand slightly for her to climb on herself. I turned to Nathan, who waved a little before quickly stuffing his hands into the pockets and scrunching up his jacket. Just as I called it, he was freezing. Maybe he wants to come with us for a little? I have to take them shopping since there was only a couple days until Christmas, and Dylan and Lucky still needed to find gifts. 
“Wanna come with us, Nathan? We’re just going shopping then heading back to my house.” I asked. He looked shocked before turning to his mom who nodded and whispered something to him. Nathan nodded his head with a smile on his face. I let my hand down again, watching him lift himself up on the first try, but still trip over thin air and fall. I would help him, but judging by the way he reacted a week ago when I was just trying to check up on him, I don’t think I really want to freak him out even more. 
I thanked his mom again for helping, and we left. Dylan and Lucky were catching up while we made our way to the small store where we usually go to. I handed Angela to Isabelle. She knew what to do and what not to do. I couldn’t imagine Isabelle ever hurting anyone or anything so it was fine. 
Behind me, Lucky and Dylan were laughing about something, and it made me kind of curious, but I didn’t want to bother them. Even if they spent hours talking on the phone and as much time together in school as they could, they still acted like they haven’t seen each other for years. That’s what happens when you let them share a room when they were younger. It wasn’t a bad thing though. Not at all. 
It wasn’t too early. Maybe about midday so it was a little warmer, but that didn’t stop me from worrying about the little ice cube in my palm that was shivering. Was he just sensitive to the cold? It would make sense. Not even Angela was, but then again she was wearing a thicker jacket. I slightly cupped my hand a little more, watching him adjust his position and bundle up a little more. My heart fell, I wish I could help more, but I was scared that he’d freak out again if I did anything more. The last thing I wanted was for him to be uncomfortable. 
“We’re almost there. You okay?” I asked worriedly, passing by some people on the sidewalk that seemed to be coming back from shopping themselves. A lot of them were carrying bags and wrapping paper. So people had the same idea as us.  
Nathan nodded his head, a slight smile on his face. Just a two more blocks. I looked back, seeing that Dylan was holding one of Isabelle’s hands and smirking right at me. Lucky was on his shoulder, and I’m guessing he was doing the exact same thing. I raised an eyebrow, making them both laugh. I rolled my eyes, turning to the huge parking lot coming into view. Surprisingly enough, there weren’t many cars. I guess it was a good thing we came relatively early. 
As soon as I entered the store, I was hit with warm air, slightly making it hard to breath for the split second I was under the heater. I stared down at Nathan, who looked relieved, but he still felt like an ice cube in my hand. Just give him some time. He looked like he was doing better already. A small smile involuntarily formed on my face. 
“Sooo it’s only Lucky and I picking out gifts today?” Dylan walked beside me. 
“Well yeah. If Isabelle and Angela want to get some things too.” I shrugged my shoulders, walking over to the sitting area where the small deli stand was. There weren’t too many people here, and I was just kind of here to make sure everything would be okay. I needed to get gifts too, but I just need to go pick them up when the order is done.  
“Alright. We won’t be long.” Dylan grabbed Isabelle’s hand again, asking her and Angela if they wanted to go pick out gifts for everyone. I laughed when they both cheered. Meanwhile, I let Nathan down on the table. It took him a while to catch his balance, but he just sat back down on the table instead of the human-sized table on top. It’s not like I minded though. We’ve shared a desk together since the start of school anyways. 
“Feeling better?” I asked, holding my head up with one of my hands. 
“Y-yeah,” He stuttered, playing with his hands, “Why’d you w-want me to come a-anyways?” 
I shrugged my shoulders, “Why not? You could have said no if you didn’t want to come.” 
He thought about his response for a bit, “Thank you.”  
I was a bit surprised. Why was he thanking me? What did I do for him? Get him out of the house? I was about to ask what for, but I wasn’t going to. He probably has his reasons. Whatever’s going on in his mind I guess. But I could say I was grateful that he said yes. I would have probably just been on my phone while waiting for Lucky and Dylan to pick out gifts. It gets boring. 
Crowds of people were leaving and some were entering. Every time someone had passed by us I couldn’t help but notice Nathan inch closer to me. Right. It’s been a while since we’ve really hung out I forgot he doesn’t really do well when other people are near him for whatever reason. I used my free hand to hide him from everyone’s sights. Maybe he’s just reticent. It wouldn’t be shocking. No offense! 
“Um, what are you doing for Christmas?” I tried taking his mind off of whatever was going on in there. He slightly flinched, then shook his head like I had just brought him back to reality, “Ah, um, reading? We… We don’t r-really do Christmas. Just hand each other gifts and th-that’s it.” He smiled like that’s normal. Then again, as far as I know it was only him and his mom. Still, it must be pretty sad that the doesn’t really celebrate. 
“That’s it?” I looked at him sadly as he nodded his head. Usually we just kind of decorate together, which was why I hadn’t even set up the tree yet, but then Dylan and I make dinner, and we just open gifts. It’s not like this big thing though. It used to be when my parents were still here. 
“If you want to you can celebrate with us. You don’t need to get us gifts or anything either.” I offered, making him laugh. A confused look was plastered on my face before he explained, “I kinda… already have g-gifts for you all.” 
I blinked a few times. That I was not expecting. When? Why? Why did he get us all gifts? He didn’t have to. Now I kind of feel bad that he actually spent money on us. Did he get one for everyone? I think he did. 
“Huh? W-why?” I was at a loss for words. Of course I bought him something, and I really hoped he liked it, but now I have to worry if it’ll be equal to whatever he bought for me. My initial plan was to surprise him with it, but apparently he had the same idea. I just hoped that it wasn’t anything crazy expensive because then I’d really feel bad. 
“You’ve all b-been really nice to m-me,” He started, “Oh yeah! I still d-don’t have anything for Dylan. D-do you mind helping me?” 
“I mean, yeah of course, b-but how did you even…?” I was confused. How did he get presents if he’s… vertically challenged. Our size difference limits us a lot so how did he even buy gifts if they’d be fifty times bigger than himself? Even we struggle with that which explains why we all go Christmas shopping at different times with Lucky since Angela can’t walk into a human-sized store by herself. 
“I haven’t b-bough them yet. I actually need y-your help with that too.” He laughed nervously. Now that makes more sense. I just nodded, smiling. Nathan was too good of a friend for me. I wasn’t expecting anything honestly. I would definitely give him a hug if I didn’t think he’d be afraid. 
I gave Nathan a list of everything Dylan was into, even the embarrassing stuff that only his family knows about, but I trust Nathan not to tell anyone. Eventually he found something and sent it to me to make sure. It was a poster of one of his favorite actors, signed and everything apparently. Dylan absolutely loves watching movies. Even the old ones made thirty years before he was even born. I don’t know where Nathan found that at, but oh my gosh if all the gifts are like that I am going to feel so bad that mine won’t even be comparable to his. 
Right on time, Dylan and all of them came back with bags in their hands. We all left and walked back to our house. Like I said, today was a good day. 
Today really was a good day. I have no idea why I had thought that hits morning, but obviously it wasn’t lying to me. It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with Ryker, so of course I said yes to his invitation. Before I left my mom just whispered for me to go, like she was going out to do something as well. I knew she took off work today as well so obviously something was happening there. But I completely forgot about it while I was at Ryker’s house. 
It was already getting late. The sun just barely peaking out over the horizon. There was a light snow outside, covering the already frosted ground outside. It was nice and warm inside, with the heater on and slightly blowing right on me. I was snuggled up near the windowsill in the living room, blanket on top of me and staring outside watching the sun go down. Ryker was helping his siblings wrap gifts, so it was just me for now. It was surprisingly quiet except for the faint crinkling of wrapping paper. 
The front door opened wide, letting in cold air that slightly stung my face. I peaked my head around the wall that obstructed my view, seeing a girl with long, curly black hair with a few dark purple streaks walk into the house, carrying a two bags and a uniform that looked like it belonged to a gas station. I guess Jasmine was working or something? Either way, I pressed myself up father into the corner, trying not to be seen by her. She scares me. Even if Lucky said she’s a lot nicer than she’s been to me, I don’t exactly think she’ll ever like me. 
“Ry! I’m home!” She screamed from across the house. I stayed under the blanket, staying hidden. I have a feeling the second she sees me she’ll start asking questions or threaten me. Luckily, she didn’t see me, and instead headed off to her room, soon followed by the sound of the shower starting. 
Ryker walked back into the room, grabbing something off from a table and leaving again. Then everyone had started bringing in the now wrapped presents and placing them on the on the floor. Ryker came back with a box and set it down beside the couch. I forced myself to crawl a bit closer to see what they were doing. Setting up a Christmas tree. I’m guessing they had the ornaments in the box too. 
“Alright, you guys go crazy.” Ryker laughed, opening up the box and walking to the couch by the windowsill I was currently sitting down at. He sat down, sighing and turned to check on me. I flashed a smile, earning one back. 
I watched as Dylan set up the tree for everyone while Isabelle quickly grabbed some white streamers and draped all over the tree messily. My attention was turned to the still form on the couch next to me. Ryker’s chest slowly fell and rose, his eyes closed and covered up in the blanket. He looked comfortable… 
Was he asleep? Probably. I would too if I had to keep up with this many people. Was it hard? Well no duh, Nathan. He always looks tired when he’s at school. Should I leave now then? I didn’t want to wake him up when I had to go. I would feel terrible. Actually, now would be a great time to ask Dylan about getting Ryker an extra gift in case he won’t like the one I have for him. The only problem is mustering up the courage to even talk to him. Alone. I think it’d be fine though. It’s only for a little bit until I can eventually make this. 
It took them around twenty minutes to place all of their ornaments on the tree, but they did. None of them dared to wake up Ryker after they were done either. Jasmine walked into the room, dressed up in white sweatpants and a sweater. She walked up to Ryker, rolling her eyes with a smile on her face before she noticed me. Her smile disappeared as she glared at me. I sank back, burying myself in the blanket. What did I do to her? 
She averted her attention to the tree, smiling and talking with both Isabelle and Angela. Thanking them for helping with the tree and then continued to play around with Angela in her hands. No wonder she threatened me so much when she had to watch Angela leave. Jasmine was really attached to her. Kind of like my mom. 
“Boo!” I physically jumped, my heart racing from the scare. I looked behind me, seeing Lucky laughing, nearly choking. Dylan was also laughing, but I just smiled. Where did he even come from? 
“Oh my gosh you should have seen your face!” Dylan let out a hand for me to help me get on my feet. It took me a while to balance myself from sitting down for so long, but I managed. 
“You want to get out of here for a bit?” Lucky asked just as soon as Dylan offered an open palm. I stared at it, wide-eyed. I really only trust Ryker to hold me, but I guess this won’t be so bad. 
“Sure.” Lucky grabbed my wrist as we walked on, and for the first time in my life I didn’t trip and fall on my face embarrassingly. Okay, so I had help this time but one day I’ll be able to do it on my own. Hopefully. Or maybe I won’t even have to. 
Dylan took us to his room, where there were tons of posters of games and a little tv stand with a shelf full of some books that he probably needed for school and some games along with VHS tapes. I was honestly really surprised by the place. I don’t know why expected there to be sporty things like weights and basketballs. Y’know. What athletes have. 
There was a bedside dresser with a few human-sized things on it which I was guessing was Lucky’s temporary room. I was guessing these two just shared a room since his other room wasn’t at all filled with things. Just a few clothes and a dresser. I’m guessing everything else was here. 
Lucky and I were set down on the dresser while Dylan sat down on his bed. Lucky gave me a short tour of his own little room before letting me sit down on his bed while he sat in a chair. It was quiet for a second before Jasmine’s voice screamed from the other room, “Lucky!” 
He groaned in response while Dylan snickered, letting lucky onto the floor. It was just the two of us now. I waited until I saw Lucky leave before trying my hardest to calm down before I had a actually tried to talk to Dylan by myself. I could when there were people around. What’s so different this time? I had no one to save me if I said the wrong thing. 
“Oh hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you what you got Ryker for Christmas. Lucky told me you had something good.” Dylan spoke first, a grin on his face. Well I already told Lucky, so if I don’t tell Dylan he’ll just end up telling him. There was no point in hiding it. 
“C-concert tickets.” I answered, hoping he could hear. I was guessing he did by the reaction. His eyes went wide and his jaw slightly opened wide in shock. 
“That one band he’s absolutely crazy for?” 
I nodded my head. Not the way I would word it. I actually kind of find it funny how much Ryker loves that band. I forgot the name, but he’ll remind me when I show him the tickets. 
“Oh my gosh he’s gonna to go crazy.” Dylan laughed. Does that mean he’ll like it? If that’s so then I don’t need to ask for help. This makes my life so much easier. I’m so glad I don’t have to ask for any favors. It’s not exactly a grate first impression to immediately ask for something. I let out a sigh of relief.
I didn’t leave the house until about an hour after Ryker woke up. It was close to midnight, but it’s not like I’m some little kid who has a bed time. Heck, we don’t even have school tomorrow so it really didn’t matter. 
When I arrived home, my mom was asleep on the couch, the tv playing The Golden Girls per usual and the blanket halfway on the ground. I smiled to myself, pulling the blanket over her and turning up the heater. She was freezing. I headed to my room, grabbed a pair of clothes, took an extremely hot shower, and buried myself under the blankets. Things were going great. Maybe life really didn’t hate me all that much. 
It was Christmas Day. The day everyone was waiting for. Especially Angela and Isabelle who woke me up at six in the morning to wish everyone in the house a merry Christmas. I admit, I was just the slightest bit annoyed, but that was because I went to bed late at night cleaning up and setting up gifts. I also had to take out some food to defrost for later. 
This morning was a huge mess. Even if we weren’t really doing anything until later, I still had to go pick up a few things before. The day before I helped Nathan with the gifts he had bought, which by the way he ordered online (I don’t know how I didn’t think about this sooner) I wrapped the one’s I could while he wrapped the other two that belonged to Lucky and Angela. I was honestly surprised at how thoughtful he was. He even bought one for Jasmine and I know for a fact that Jasmine would absolutely love it. Although she doesn’t like to admit it, she absolutely loves stuffed animals. I just don’t know how he even knew. Was he just guessing? Then I also noticed that he was hiding mine from me. I wondered what it could be, but I would find out later today. 
I also had to go pick him up today, but that wasn’t my priority right now. I planned on going early in the morning, but the snow was coming down pretty heavy so I had to wait. I wouldn’t have minded heading out there, it’s just I didn’t want to get sick. I rarely do, but when it does happen, it’s terrible. So now it was almost four in the afternoon, only about two hours before all the stores started closing. Just barely making it in time to go pick up the cake Jasmine had ordered. Why she didn’t get it herself? I had zero idea. I would have made her get it if she hadn’t been half asleep. 
Once in the store, the sweet smell of strawberry and chocolate filled my nose. Curse my sweet tooth. Where did she even find this place at? It was like in the middle of nowhere, yet it looked so nice inside and smelled delicious. A woman walked up to the counter, her apron dressed in icing and batter. 
“Hi! Did you have an order?” She smiled, ready to tap away at the screen in front of her. 
“Oh, um, I think it’s under the name Jasmine?” I replied, not being able to take my eyes off of the amazing looking cookies that were displayed. 
“Yup! Let me just go get the box.” She left the room. Jasmine purposely made me come get this. She was doing something at home, and she thought she could distract me. Damn it it’s working. 
The woman came back with a white box and typed something in the computer before l grabbed the box, and I guess she saw me looking at the displays because she just laughed, “I’ll give you a small box for free. How’s that sound?” 
“Yes please.” I almost immediately replied, laughing along with her. I swear if Jasmine makes fun of me for this when I get home… I was handed another small box while I thanked the lady and left. 
When I walked in the house, Jasmine was waiting right at the front door, a huge smirk on her face. I glared at her. 
“Why the extra box?” She could barely hold in her snicker. I rolled my eyes, “Shut up. You’re not getting any.” I stuck my tongue out immaturely, while she tried reaching for the extra box I was holding just above my head. She gave up about two minutes later, snatching the cake from my hands and muttering something as she made her way to the kitchen. 
I looked at the time, reading six thirty already. Now would be a good time to go quickly pick up Nathan. I gave him a quick text, placed the box of cookies in my room, and went back out. 
It only took me about half an hour to walk over there and back. Everyone knew Nathan was coming, and I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited. I mean, he’s never had a real Christmas according to him, so I’m glad I can at least give him the opportunity. Even if we aren’t family or anything, I think it’s a nice change of things. Plus, afterwards the younger ones go to bed while the rest of us stay up a little longer and go to our separate rooms. Really I was the only one alone because Jasmine falls asleep almost immediately. Nathan was actually staying the night, and not in the human accommodating house. I didn’t want him to be alone so I had offered to make a little space for him in my room. He agreed. 
So now we were at the house, Nathan sitting down in my room away from the chaos happening. I was cooking, Dylan clearing the middle of the living room for later, Jasmine keeping the little ones busy, Lucky was taking a shower. Things were going great surprisingly enough. This was only the second time time we’ve celebrated without our parents, so I was expecting something to happen, but everyone seemed happy. The first time was hard for us, and we barely even wanted to celebrate, but it’s what our parents would have wanted, so we kept on going. 
The food was relatively done, I just needed to go get some plates and get everyone in here. I went to my room, finding Nathan sitting on the makeshift bed I made out of some soft cloth I cut off of one my hoodies. What? I don’t used that one anymore. I would have been more than happy to let him on my bed and I sleep on the floor (I’m sure he was terrified just as much as I was about what could happen if we slept on the same bed) but I figured he’d feel bad, so I tried to make it as comfy as possible. 
“Sorry for just leaving you here. I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with the chaos happening in the other room.” I explained, offering a hand. He shook his head, stepping on and falling forward yet again. He’ll get it at some point. Hopefully. 
“It’s fine.” He replied, groaning as he sat back up. 
Lucky was already making the three of them a plate. I don’t really know where he learned how to do it, but he just did. I wasn’t complaining. It was less work for me anyways. As soon as everyone had their plate, we ate around the coffee table, laughing and sometimes messing around with one another. Jasmine had brought up the cookies again before I lightly slapped her shoulder. 
Once we all finished eating, it was time for presents, which I handed out to everyone. Nathan told me to let everyone know to open the present he gave them last just so he knows how much they would all really like it. I just went along with it, so now everyone was kind of excited. I opened mine, getting one of the hoodies I had shown Jasmine just a few days ago. From Dylan a pair of new headphones since my old ones broke sadly. Lucky bought me some new markers since my old ones were dry. Isabelle and Angela combined their gifts and gave me a little picture frame of both of them (My heart was melting) that I would definitely be placing on the tv stand later. 
It was weird for me since I didn’t have a physical gift from Nathan, and I didn’t really know how to react to that. Just what did he get me? I was so confused, but I waited patiently. I’m sure I’d love whatever it is either way. 
Everyone was done opening their gifts, only left with one. Nathan jumped when all the attention was on him, visibly trembling. I stepped in for him. “Jasmine should go first.” I grinned. She rolled her eyes, grabbing the box I had stuffed the gift in. 
“Like this is gonna be good…” She mumbled. I elbowed her side while Nathan looked down a little sadly. Just wait… 
As soon as she had opened it, her jaw nearly dropped. She glared at me for a split second before turning back to the adorable looking teddy bear. She hates admitting it, but she loves those kinds of things. 
“Okay, maybe you’re not so bad after all.” She smiled at him for the first time ever. 
“My turn!” Isabelle and Angela both opened theirs at the same time, revealing a matching set of clothes. I had to cover my ears from the high pitched squeals. Nathan laughed, covering his ears too. 
Lucky opened his, a game that he’s been wanting for forever. He hugged Nathan, he flinched at the contact, but either way hugged him lightly back. Dylan followed, confused at what his could be before he opened it up all the way and stuttered, struggling to find what to say. 
“H-how did you…” He looked over the me, but I just shrugged and smirked. 
“You are literally the best.” Dylan laughed, folding the paper back up. 
We all laughed, including Nathan who was walking closer to me, waiting on the edge. Was he waiting for something? Oh! I let me hand out, seeing him use my thumb to help him balance so he didn’t embarrass himself in front of everyone. I brought him closer, confused the entire time as he pulled out his phone, and seconds later my own phone going off. He pointed at his as I hurried to pull mine out, and nearly dropped my phone when I saw the pictures he sent. 
“You’re kidding, right?” I felt my face heat up slightly, watching him shake his head and laugh a bit. I did a double take before covering my mouth with my free hand. 
“Told you he’d love it!” Dylan smiled. 
I absolutely do yes. 
“I-I, um, wasn’t sure if you’d like it.” 
“Are you kidding? This is literally the best thing you could have ever given me.” I laughed, trying my hardest to hide the blush on my face, but it was too late because everyone was laughing except for Angela and Isabelle. Including me. Oh my gosh this was so much better than my gift to him. How was I even going to compare to his? 
I looked to Lucky, who nodded his head and grabbed it really quickly before I even let Nathan back onto the table. Lucky handed it to him and pointed at me. Nathan started opening it, stopping halfway as he tried to figure out what it was. It wasn’t anything too special. Just a picture frame of the two of us. A picture we had taken a long time ago when we had to share classes. The same day that we hung out together for the first time. 
“It’s not anything special. I’m not the best at picking gifts, but I hope you like it.” 
I was surprised when he hugged it close to his chest and looked like he was about to cry. 
“Awww.” Lucky joked around. I couldn’t help but notice the slight blush on his cheeks. He loved it. 
We cleaned up, had the younger kids go to sleep and Jasmine. Dylan and Lucky were in their room watching a movie, while my door was closed along with my curtains. The only light was coming from the dim lamp I had on my desk. I let Nathan down on the nightstand. We were both changed into something more comfortable. So now it was just the two of us. 
“I can’t believe you bought me tickets.” I exasperated, still in shock. 
“Well yeah. You’re really nice to me, help me out a whole lot.” 
I turned to face him, a slight smile on my face, “Really? I feel like you’re the one always helping me.” He nodded his head. It went silent for a bit before I decided to break it, “Are you tired?” Honestly, I was exhausted, but I was willing to keep Nathan company until he fell asleep. 
“Mmm… yeah.” He replied, already under a blanket. I chuckled lightly, gettin under my own, “Good night then.” 
“Good night, Ryker.” I heard him reply. I’ve rarely heard him say my name before, and I don’t know why my face started heating up. 
Four days later.
Everything was going so great. The Christmas party at Ryker’s was amazing. Even the few days before that it was great just the be with everyone. My mom was happy, I was happy. Life was finally turning around for me. For the first time in years I finally felt like I could actually have a normal life. I had friends, I was going to graduate in five months. Everything was looking all up for me. 
So why did it get flipped back around? 
My mom and I were just going to go buy fireworks. Just the small ones. Nothing too huge. That’s all we wanted. This was really the only thing we truly celebrated together since it marked the start of the a new year. It marked that we could restart our lives over again. We loved watching the many colors paint the sky. That’s all we wanted. And we couldn’t have it. 
We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time I guess? Because everyone just acted like nothing had happened. That everything was going to be fine and okay. But it wasn’t. Nothing was “fine and okay.” I had really thought that maybe my life was finally turning around for the better just like my mom’s had, but no. I can never have anything nice just once. Just once I wanted something nice. And I couldn’t have it. Just like the fireworks we couldn’t have. 
The store we were shopping at was relatively empty. Only a few people here and there. The only thing about it was that it was really close to the giant part of the city. That was all we were wary about. But we brushed it off. After all, we would only be there for about an hour then head back home. 
“Ooo these look nice, right?” My mom picked up a tiny pack. I smiled, holding out the basket I was holding and let her place it in along with the two other tiny packs we had. We had continued looking, not at all aware of the large tremors that only grew more and more. And neither did the other people in the store. We all had just thought it was some unaware giant walking across the street. If only that were true. 
The next thing we know, there’s screaming outside, we heard people fighting, we were rushed outside so we didn't get hurt, but we shouldn’t have ran outside. Two giants were fighting right in the open. Brutally at that. One had a very muscular build while the other was built, but not as muscular as the guy on top of him, laying punches in the face. People tried to break up the fight, but it only grew worse, and soon enough, the giants decided to bring humans into it. The one that was being pouched in the face continuously had tried to reach practically anything he could, and that just so happened to be a human-sized tree from a nearby park. Right where my mom was standing dialing 911. 
I mean, what are the chances of that? It seemed like a made up lie, but it wasn’t. Trust me, I’ve tried my hardest to convince myself that it wasn’t real, that there was no way my mom would just be standing there and it just so happens that the giant would try reaching for the tree right next to her. Hah! It was ridiculous, right? I only wished I wasn’t telling the truth. 
I stood in fear as I heard her scream at the top of her lungs while in the giant’s fist which was also holding the huge tree that looked minuscule in his hand. I couldn’t move. My mom was there. Getting hurt. And all I could do was stand and watch. 
Eventually help did come, all the other humans had gone away except for the few that actually cared about what happened with my mom. I knew I was, because as soon as the paramedics came to see how she was doing, I nearly started sobbing in front of so many people. I’ve seen her like this before. She’ll be okay. Just let her heal for a few weeks and she can come back home. Right? I wish that were true. I wish that we hadn’t even decided to go to that stupid store. I wished that she was standing right next to me. But she wasn’t. And now everything I’ve worked so hard to build up here in this city is just taken away. 
I stayed at the hospital, right next to my mom’s limp and weak body. The doctors were trying their hardest to keep her from… you can probably guess. Five broken ribs, a broken leg, and internal bleeding. I’m also pretty sure the doctor’s were hiding something from me, but I don’t know. She couldn’t breath well, and she winces every time she tries to move. Every time she wakes up she tells me to go home and get some rest. I tell her that I wasn’t leaving until she would be able to come home with me. 
Today was no different. She would wake up, struggle to sit up, and eat her breakfast while I stayed sitting on the little bench. The doctor’s let me stay the night. I guess they felt bad or something? I didn’t know, but I wasn’t leaving her here. My phone would go off at least two times a day. It was always Ryker. I’m guessing he had heard what had happened, but I really didn’t feel like talking. Not now when this was when my mom needed me most. 
“You should…. Eat…. Hon.” She had to take a few breaths between each word, which worried me, but the doctor’s would help with that. I believed it. 
“I’m okay mom. Don’t worry about me.” My voice was light and tired. I didn’t feel hungry, but I knew my body was. I hadn’t eaten since the day she came here which was about three days ago. School starts tomorrow, but they called and said I didn’t have to come back until two weeks.  
I refused to cry over this. If I did, then it would show that I’d given up. Mom always hated to see me cry. So I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t have to anyways since she would be coming back home with me. 
My phone started going off again. Everyday at exactly nine and six Ryker would call, and I would let it ring until he was sent to voicemail. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t want to eat. I didn’t want to do anything but stay here with my mom and make sure she gets better. If she doesn’t then I don’t know what I would do. 
“Maybe… you should… talk to him.” She wheezed. I shook my head, “I don’t feel like talking to anyone.” 
“He’s worried, Nate. Just… promise me… you’ll talk to him?” I thought about it for a second before nodding my head. I was already hanging onto a promise her and I made all those years ago. 
“Yes, Nate?” 
“Do you promise to stay with me for forever?” I hung onto the hem of her tattered dress. 
“Of course.” She smiled down at me.
She had to keep that promise. She’s all I have left. Dad was already gone… I didn’t want to lose her too. 
“Honey, go get some breakfast. For me, please?” She had begged, and I just couldn’t say no. I walked over to the door, and told I would be back. 
What happened three days ago was heartbreaking. At first I didn’t believe it. That’s a really big stretch, but it happened. How do I know? Because I’ve been calling and calling Nathan, and he doesn’t answer. It’s almost like he doesn’t wan tot talk, but then again I did the same with my own siblings after our parents passed away. I pushed them away and locked myself in my room. That’s what was happening with Nathan. 
I had heard his mom was in the hospital, still healing, and I really do hope that she would be okay. Her and Nathan. It’s going to break Nathan if she… y’know. 
Everyday I call him twice, he never answered. I understood why. I couldn’t be mad at him. The same thing happened to me. I pushed everyone away, and I only pulled myself together when I realized that they were also hurting. They helped me out like they did each other and now look at us. Back to some-what normal. Not to mention that they didn’t know how to cook or clean. 
I groaned, leaning back in my desk chair while looking at my phone. I felt terrible. All I wanted to do was to try and help him out as much as I could. I would give him anything he needed. I know how bad it gets, and I would hate to see him like that. 
My phone was going off, and I was surprised to see that Nathan was actually calling me back. I quickly picked up my phone and clicked the green phone button. 
“Oh my gosh Nathan! Are you okay? I-I heard what happened and-“ 
“This is Ryker, right?” It was a raspy woman’s voice. His mom.
“Oh, y-yes ma’am.” My hands were shaking, my heart racing. I don’t know why. 
“I-I’m sorry to ask… you of this but… can you do something… for me?” I covered my mouth, my heart throbbing. She sounded terrible. How could Nathan still be there and listen to his own mother like this? I couldn’t if I was him. Oh Nathan… 
I heard her lightly chuckle, “Just make sure… Nate doesn’t do anything bad… please? H-he’s really not… doing good.” 
“Of course.” I would imagine he wouldn't be doing too good. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
She hung up. 
I threw my phone on my bed, worried about what Nathan was even doing. I really am worried about him. So is nearly all of my siblings. Including Jasmine. I really wanted to talk to him. But I don’t think he’s going to school for the next couple of weeks. How do I know? Because I have the exact same message from the school. Also with a small note from Mrs. Kay saying that I should be there for him. Why wouldn’t I? I’m not a fake friend. I just hoped Nathan would call me eventually. 
She wasn’t getting any better. Actually, I think she was getting worse. The doctor’s increased the amount of pain meds for her, and nearly everyday they have to do an emergency procedure because she couldn’t breath right. That’s when I received the news that she had a punctured lung, which explains why she couldn’t breath properly. But that wasn’t good news. There was none. Anything I had heard was something that was wrong with her. 
It was evening now, I was reading a book while she had the channel turned on to The Golden Girls. Everything was peaceful until she had a fit of coughs, and eventually the heart monitor was beeping fast. The doctors rushed in, and I could hear her struggle to breath again. 
“Mom!” I yelled, watching as they had rushed her down the hallway. 
“I love you, Nate.” She formed a weak smile right before they shut the door on me to the procedure room. 
I came back home after a week of staying in the hospital on that uncomfortable bench. I had a bag over my shoulder, and stood in the empty living room. It was quiet. You could only hear the faint sounds of crickets outside in the dark. I headed to my room, turned on the lamp in my room, and laid down in my bed, holding the old teddy bear up against my chest. 
She was gone. 
Tears formed in my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. And I didn’t. She wouldn’t want to see me like that. She would say that there was no reason to cry. But there was. I had no one now. Just myself. What would I do now? I sucked in a shaky breath, falling asleep and hoping that all of those was just some sick nightmare. 
When I woke up the next morning, it was quiet still. I stood up, changed my clothes and headed to the living room, where no one was sitting down watching tv. I headed to my mom’s room, finding her bed messy. She always makes sure it’s made before leaving the house. 
So it really wasn’t a nightmare. 
I wasn’t hungry. At least I didn’t feel hungry. I had only eaten that one day, and even then all I had was half a muffin. It’s been about four days since then. I felt that my body was weak, but I didn’t care. There was nothing for me to care about. I had just thought for once second that everything was alright. That everything was going great, and then this happens. It’s just my luck, right? 
My phone was going off. It hasn’t for a while. Ryker was calling again, and I still didn’t really feel like talking to anyone. Of course I realized that he was just trying to check up on me, but I really wasn’t up to the task. I wasn’t even up to the task of making myself something to eat, so what makes anyone think I could hold a conversation. 
It was cold in the house, so I just grabbed a blanket and bundled myself up on the couch. The tv was on in the background. It was usually on, and I was so used to it playing something while I was in my room reading or taking a nap. What was I supposed to do with my life now? There really was no meaning if I didn’t have anyone anymore. Ryker could move on. He didn’t need to worry about me. I was just a temporary friend anyways. 
Why am I thinking like this? 
I can’t believe I fell for a false ending. I thought I could just live a happy life now. Of course whatever bad luck was following me never went away. I could keep wishing all I want, but it wouldn’t bring any of my parents back. I could cry, but it wouldn’t bring them back. No matter how hard it was to keep the tears from falling. They would hate to see me like that. They would also hate to see me alone, but it was hard to choose between the two. 
I don’t want to leave Ryker. 
I groaned, burying my face into my hands. Maybe Ryker would give up on me too if I stayed quiet long enough. He’d eventually stop calling me everyday and find a new friend that was much, much better than me. Then again… I don’t want to lose him too. I really do like him. He’s been nothing but patient and kind to me. This was how I’d be repaying him? I was a horrible person. I would tell him that I’m sorry if I had the guts to. But I don’t. There’s nothing more I want in the world than to just cry and cry and cry, and I couldn’t. 
“I’m trying to keep myself together, mom.” I whispered, stifling back a sob and burying my entire body under the sheets. I felt terrible. I deserve everything that’s happened to me… I’m a horrible person and no one would disagree with me. 
For the next four days I just slept. Off and on. There were some days I would sit outside in the cold and watch as people walked down the street or how many cars went passing by. I’d go back inside, lay down on the couch with my little bear and go to sleep. I didn’t feel like doing anything else, and somehow I woke up the next day feeling even more tired than before. I didn’t know if that was a sign that my body was giving up on me, or if was from the lack of food that I’ve been neglecting to give to my body. I just haven’t been feeling like it. 
Ryker never stopped calling, and each time he did my heart throbbed. Each time he called I had to hold in the tears that were already so hard not to let out. All of a sudden I wanted nothing more than for him to hold me close and keep me warm like he used to. I missed it. I missed him. Which was an odd thing for me to say. I grew too used to him, but was that really a bad thing? It just means it’ll hurt more when he eventually leaves me. He’ll take one good look at me now, and abandon me. Even the slightest mention of the thought was enough for me to not to answer his calls. I wanted to answer so badly. 
Please help me. 
I always repeated in my mind. I still had his gift. The picture of the two of us the first time we ever hung out together. I didn’t realize how small I really was next to him until I saw that photo, but I loved it. I had a real smile on my face. I haven’t been able to do that for a while. 
This morning wasn’t any different, I sat outside for a while until I couldn’t feel my fingers, walked back inside, grabbed a book, and read until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I’d put the tv on, clean up whatever little mess was in the house, and head back outside for a little. I at least like to get a little bit of sunlight everyday. I wasn’t really taking the best care of myself, but I could just do this one little thing. It couldn’t hurt me anymore than I already was. 
Maybe I could walk over to Ryker’s? 
That was an insane thought. There was no way I could do it. Plus, he probably doesn’t even want to see me. He’s called so many times I forgot what number I was at. Why would he want to see me? I really haven’t been the best. At all. Though… I could at least try. I know where he lives. I’ve been there plenty of times to know. I really did want to see him too. 
I grabbed my phone, zipped up my jacket, and started to walk slowly down the sidewalk. It was a long walk just to reach the small gas station that was close by their house. The sun was long gone, it was cold and snowing lightly outside, my face was freezing and my skin stung from the cold, but I kept on going. I was almost there. If he wanted to see me, he’d let me in and I could be warm again, have someone to talk to, finally be comfortable. If he doesn’t, then I’d be left out in the cold and get hypothermia unless I can make it back to my house in time. 
In total, it took me nearly an hour and a half to reach their house. I stared at the huge door in front of me, shivering. This was a bad idea. This could either go really good, or end really badly. I guess there was only one way to find out. 
I grabbed my phone with my shaking, ice-cold hands and called Ryker back. 
Everyone was gone on some overnight school trip. The entire district. It was to some theme park a couple hours away from here, and I didn’t really feel like attending. Actually, I haven’t even been going to school since I received that message. I’ve been hanging onto hope that Nathan would eventually answer one of my calls. He never did. 
So now, here I was, watching a movie by myself in the living room. It was pretty late, but might as well finish off the movie. I was sitting down with a bowl of half-eaten popcorn when my phone started ringing. Probably just one of my siblings- 
It was Nathan. 
I freaked out, quickly pausing the movie and placing the bowl I had on the coffee table in front of me before answering. 
It took a while for Nathan to reply, but he did, and I was more than shocked. 
“U-um. C-c-could you o-o-open your d-d-door?” 
He just walked all the way from his house to mine. In the cold. While it was snowing. Of course I hurried to open the door, seeing the small being that was Nathan on my doorstep, shivering. I dropped my phone of the floor, scooping him up into my hand, hearing him let out a tiny squeak before I shut the door behind us. 
I gave him a second to catch his breath, his chest quickly rising up and down. I apologized so many times as I slid down the door. Nathan did not look good at all. He looked skinnier, I could tell he wasn’t really taking care of himself. I waited for him to say something, but he was struggling himself just to find the words. 
I wasn’t mad at him. Not at all. I’ve wanted to see him. I’ve wanted him to say for me to help him. Was this the time? I would do everything I could for him. Starting with making him something to eat since I’m positively sure he hasn’t been eating. I technically made a promise to his mom and I was not about to break it. 
“Did… did you want something to eat?” I whispered. It took him a second to process what I asked him, but he nodded, and I couldn’t tell if he was shivering of trembling in my hand. I stood up slowly, guiding us to the kitchen and tilting my hand on the counter for him to get off. I grabbed a plate of leftovers I made for myself last night and started heating it up in the microwave. I watched with sympathy as he scooted his back up against the paper towels and dug his head into his knees. He felt bad. 
“H-hey look, I promise I’m not mad at all. I understand why you didn’t answer my calls.” I tried to make him feel better. It’s not like I would lie to him. Nathan just shook his head, taking deep breaths to stop himself from crying. I bit the inside of my cheek, hearing the microwave go off. I took out the small container of chicken and rice and worked on making Nathan a small enough plate. I handed him the small pieces, offering a small smile as he took a bite. 
I waited until he was full, seeing that he didn’t really eat much, but it was better than nothing. Then, went over to the living room to turn off the tv. Obviously he wasn’t going home tonight. He was probably exhausted anyways, and I never did get rid of those makeshift accommodations for him. I don’t think he really wants to be alone either. 
“Do you wanna go lie down for a bit?” I asked, my hand palm up and ready for him to climb on. Nathan nodded his head, climbing on and sitting in the middle, a little warmer now. I closed the door to my room and turned on the lamp on my desk. I placed my hand on the nightstand for him to get off, but he didn’t Instead, he shook his head, grabbing as much of my sweater sleeve as he could and hung on tight. My heart fell. He just wanted someone to be there for him, and how could I deny him that? 
I smiled, sitting down up against the head of my bed and just let him stay in my palm. He was hurting, and I couldn’t just leave him like that. That’s when he let go and pointed back to the set up I had on my nightstand. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I don’t mind. I get why you’re upset. I’ve been through the same thing.” His eyes went wide before shaking his head, “It’s not the same thing! I watched the doctors take her away. She said ‘I love you’ right before she went through the doors, and she never came out. She knew she wasn’t going back with me. I had no one waiting for me at home because my dad was also killed right in front of my face! I’ve been depressed and lonely for years, and I had no one. Did you have to watch your own parents die in front of your face? Were you alone after everything happened? No, because you had your siblings to help you!” He covered his mouth as I stared wide-eyed right back at him. He wasn’t wrong. I had people help me. Nathan didn’t. Which was why I wanted to help him. But the next words that came out of his mouth shook me to the core. 
“Please don’t hurt me. I-I’m s-sorry.” 
He brought his knees up to his chest and covered his head with his arms. My heart skipped a beat. He was afraid of me, and that just made me horrified. He never told me what happened to him before he moved here. He never told me why he was so afraid of giants. So, whatever had happened was obviously was affecting how he felt right now. 
“What? No, never little guy. Why would I hurt you?” 
“You’re not mad?” 
I shook my head, “Not at all.” 
I watched as he wiped away loose tears, sniffling them back and scooting closer to me. I braced myself for what I knew what was coming next. 
Once the tears had started flooding my eyes, there was nothing I could do to stop from crying in front of Ryker now. I bit the side of my cheek so hard the faint taste of blood filled my mouth. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, don’t cry. But my own words didn’t stop the tears from cascading down my face. 
Ryker fixed my position in his palm while I struggled to wipe away the loose tears that were only falling down harder the more I kept thinking about the tragic events that have happened this past month. Why? Why’d she have to leave me here? 
I was full on sobbing at this point. I had buried my face in Ryker’s hoodie to muffle the sounds of my cries. I could hear the faint sound of his heartbeat, I could hear his light breathing. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Ryker. Is what I wish I could say to him, but I currently couldn’t 
Something warm pressed me up lightly against Ryker’s chest. I flinched, slightly turning my head to see that the pad of his thumb was offering some kind of comfort. It felt weird to me, but somehow I liked it? I didn’t want him to let go of me, but I was also scared at the same time. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m right here, Nathan.” Ryker whispered softly, noticeably trying to comfort me while I just cried and cried into the fabric of his hoodie. I’m sorry Ryker. I wanted to say it so badly, but I couldn’t. Why did he worry about me so much? I should be at home, alone, crying into my pillow. Why did he want to stay with an insignificant little human whose life somehow gets turned upside down every other month? 
“I’m s-s-sorry.” I managed to say in between sobs. He lightly squeezed me against him before responding, “You’re the one who’s hurt, Nathan. You don’t have to apologize if I’m the one who wants to help you, okay?” 
And I could practically hear the sad smile forming on his face as he continued to offer a comforting presence. 
I quietly kept on crying, grabbing fistfuls of as much fabric as I could while feeling safe up against his chest. Was this what I needed? To be held just like this and cry and cry? It felt so good. I didn’t want Ryker to ever let go of me. The soft, warm touch on my back felt amazing. 
“I-I miss her, Ryker.” I cried in between sobs. 
“I know, I know. It’s alright,” He started lightly rubbing my back, making me slightly shudder, “Do you want me to let you go?” I quickly shook my head, sniffling while tears silently fell down my face. Please don’t ever let me go. I snuggled up closer, closing my eyes. This felt right. Nothing else could make me feel better. 
“You okay?” He asked me. I nodded my head, hearing him chuckle above me. I missed both my parents. So, so much. Nothing could describe just how grateful I was that Ryker didn’t shut me out. I’ve never felt better than right now at this very moment. I don’t know what I would have done. Probably continue to starve myself until I eventually died. That was probably my initial plan, but I doubt that now that I’m with Ryker he’d just let me do that. Heck, the first thing he asks me is if I want something to eat, which I involuntarily nodded to. I felt safe when I was around him. 
Ryker moved, but never moved me. He just laid down and just let me lay down on him. I smiled to myself, closing my eyes and just letting sleep take over me. 
And it felt like the first real sleep I’ve had in ages. 
Please don’t hate me, I was just in an extremely angsty mood TwT. But hey, at least we get some comfort, right? Hahaa… (Please don’t hurt me)
I’m sorry this one took so long, it’s just I wanted to add a whole bunch of wholesome scenes. It was fun and depressing to write this, but everything’s all coming together. (Please don’t mind the many errors I was too tired edit it) Only a few more chapters and it’s done! Thank you guys for sticking with me on this ride, thank you all!
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kyros-tha-soldier · 2 months
🌺Rebecca week post🌺
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Yaaaaas, it's my special super duper cute bby girl's bday, and seeing how Rebecca hasn't got her own week in like, forever! (As far as i know, all my searches for it came out empty handed!) I will be dedicating a week of art, headcanons and fanfictions for my beloved daughter's birthday on August 4th!
(she's now my daughter because Kyros is my wife-husband now, just play along)
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For her week, seven special posts will be posted, so stay tuned:
Day 1: a Day out 🏖️🧺🩰🛍️
Day 2: Friends 🥰
Day 3: School!AU Rebecca 👩‍🏫🎒
Day 4: Trauma healing 💭🌼
Day 5: Rebecca's aesthetic 👗🧤
Day 6: Revisiting the past 📖
Day 7: happy birthday! 🎂🎉🎈
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Also on a side note: i do really want this little celebration works, but if i seemed to slack off and post very little, it's because of health issues, my TMJ got worse and I'm still trying to treat it, aside from taking care of some private matters, i hope you can understand lovelies 💖
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ghostfacd · 10 months
PAIRING. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
SUMMARY. in which you and tom have finally revealed your relationship!
AUTHOR NOTE. another one cause y’all seemed to love the first part. can be read as a stand-alone but you should check out first part bc it’s pretty awesome 😏 OH AND here is third part!
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ynuser so excited to announce that the ballad of songbirds and snakes is available in theatres NOW! it was definitely such a rollercoaster of emotions and so fun and exciting to be able to play balleona laurent, a crazy, power and love infatuated teenage girl from the academy. i want to thank all my costars, they really are amazing and helped me throughout the entire movie!
tagged @/lionsgate, @/tomblyth, @/rachelzegler, @/hunterschafer, @/joshandresrivera
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user1 you really brought balleona to life girly! i pictured her exactly how you made her to be
➥ ynuser oh im crying this means so much 😭😭
➥ user1 you deserve all the recognition and love!!!
tomblyth fave villain
➥ user2 get out they’re so cute
user3 inlove with the way you sang, literal chills
jenniferlawrence you’ll never take my spot!! 🧐🧐 (all jokes aside, you did AMAZING.)
➥ ynuser HAHHA i love you, so grateful i was able to meet you the other day!!
rachelzegler round of applause to us !!!
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tomblyth coryo, janus, leona, and lucy gray behind the scenes 🎬
tagged @/ynuser, @/rachelzegler, @/joshandresrivera
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user4 everyone say thank you tom for feeding us with yn, rachel and josh content!
ynuser really had to do me like that
➥ tomblyth wdym you’re so pretty, i love u in this pic
➥ user5 hello?? his response. 😪😪 im crying
user6 bye rachel looks so done in first pic
user7 their friendship :(
ilovetomblyth everyone getting nicknames and then there’s just lucy gray HAHAH
➥ rachelzegler very hard to give lucy a nickname 🤕
➥ ilovetomblyth OMG RACHEL ILY
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lionsgate new behind the scenes interview with our favorite people, rachel zegler, tom blyth, and yn avocot!
tagged @/rachelzegler, @/tomblyth, @/ynuser
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tomblythswife girlies after seeing the way tom looks and talks about yn
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user9 bro looked at her like she is the love of his life I’m done
user10 “babe, im literally from the UK” STOPPP THEYRE TOO CUTE 😭😭😭
ilovetomblyth literally felt it in my guts
user12 when the credits rolled and you can hear tom saying “she’s like the sun and more.” GOSH.
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ynuser carpet ready 😵‍💫
tagged @/tomblyth
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tomblyth 😚😚
iloveyn oh gosh they’re so 💔💔
rachelzegler enougghhh
➥ ynuser oh shh as if this isn’t u and josh
➥ joshandresrivera cruel yn, cruel. (true tho!)
tomholland so pretty!
➥ tomblyth im the only tom she needs in her life btw
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I felt the swell of pure joy at watching her wave that wand around and my first thought was "this almost makes up for killing [spoiler]." Before the death scene happened. This show is turning me into a mentalist.
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leilanihours · 5 months
can you write something based of so high school about Caitlin?
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pairing: caitlin clark x reader
word count: 1290
warnings: drinking, suggestive content
summary: caitlin’s drunken actions have you feeling like a lovesick teenager.
⭑ from lani: hi anon! hope you like this! it’s my first time writing for caitlin sooo enjoy!
masterlist !
FRESH OFF IOWA’S final four win, the girls are all drunk off of cheap liquor and post-game adrenaline. after beating uconn in the march madness semi-finals, the group of young hawkeyes decided to celebrate by going out to one of their local bars.
when they practically begged you to join them, you insisted against it. but there’s one girl that you would follow through a storm, so there’s no questioning how quickly you agreed to come along the second caitlin joined in on the begging.
the whole night had been a rollercoaster of emotions, thus far consisting of a childish game of “marry, kiss, kill” (a result of gabbie having one too many drinks).
“hey guys, what was that one game people used to play as teenagers?” gabbie wondered out loud.
“you’re gonna have to be a little more specific, babe,” jada responds, giggling at her friend’s state.
“the one where you, like…pretend to marry someone?”
“gabbie…what?” kate chimes in.
you and caitlin had been listening in on the team’s conversations from the table next to theirs, but not being entirely present. if you were completely honest, you had no idea what was happening. the drink in your hand and caitlin’s sculpted hand on your upper thigh definitely didn’t help.
“oh! ‘marry, kiss, kill!’” she recalls finally.
“oh my gosh, i haven’t played that since i was like, what, fifteen?” jada comments.
“can we play it?” gabbie exclaims, “pleaseeeee.” she was quite a character whenever she was drunk (because how can someone so tiny hold in so much alcohol?).
after some laughable convincing, you and caitlin ended up sitting at their table ready to play along.
“okay, kylie,” gabbie starts, “marry, kiss, kill jada, kate, and hannah.”
“hmm..” kylie hums, “marry kate, kiss jada, and kill hannah. sorry, hannah. if fuck was an option i would definitely pick that for you, don’t worry,” she finishes with a wink towards her.
“wait you have a point. let’s replace kill with fuck. we can do that, right?” gabbie rambles.
“whatever you want, girl,” jada laughs, sipping on her drink.
“okay, okay,” gabbie scans the group in front of her, choosing her next victim, “caitlin! marry, kiss, fuck…taylor, me, and y/n.”
are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
your eyes can’t help but shoot to caitlin’s as soon as you hear your name. for a split second you hold contact, but she breaks it as she looks up in thought.
everyone had always sensed a tension between you two, especially after seeing you engage in a nearly 2-minute long hug after the game. but no one knew that behind closed doors, you two were locked in.
you subconsciously bite your lip waiting for caitlin’s response. it’s just a game but you can’t help but picture you two in each scenario, the last one leaving a subtle blush on your warm cheeks.
it’s just a game, but really
“um…” she starts. and it’s like she has the same brain as you because you can’t believe it when she’s smirking saying, “can i pick all three for one person?”
i’m betting on all three, for us two
which brings you to now, only a couple hours later, where your freshly manicured fingers are laced with caitlin’s long ones under the table. you’ve been deep in thought, practically psycho-analyzing cait’s prior response.
and in the brink of a crinkling eye, i’m sinking, our fingers entwined
she had to be talking about me, right? you think.
you had been together for nearly a year, but you still feel slightly unsure in your relationship. before you can spiral into a cycle of overthinking, you feel a set of lips inch close to your ear.
“are you okay?” you hear. turning your head slightly, you are faced with your girlfriend’s familiar smile, a small glint of concern in her eyes.
“mhm,” you nod, “all good. are you good?” you can tell she’s getting tired; after the insane game and the so-called “after party,” you notice a more relaxed slump in her posture and a couple eye rubs every now and then.
“definitely,” she says, her eyes scanning your face.
she scoots even closer to you (if that’s even possible) and without regard for her teammates just across the table she puts her face in your neck. you’re now practically 100% sober, but the feeling of her lips ghosting your skin could get you drunk in an instant.
“you ready to go home?” she whispers, “wanna spend some alone time with my girl.”
if you weren’t blushing before, you had to be bright red now. how could you say no to her? that word wasn’t even in your vocabulary when you’re with her.
cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
“‘course, babe,” you reply, bringing up one of your hands to rub her arm.
after you both bid goodbye to the rest of the group for the night, you pile into caitlin’s car. you insist on driving as your girlfriend was in no shape to be in control of a moving vehicle.
you dig your hand in caitlin’s jacket pocket in search of your apartment keys. she’s almost putting her entire body weight on you, heavily influenced by the sleep dragging her under.
you successfully unlock the front door and pull her inside taking off her shoes and jacket, throwing them somewhere random. you then urge her into your shared bedroom, sitting her down on your bed as you retrieve a set of sweatpants for her.
neither of you have said a word since you left the bar, as caitlin fell asleep on the ride home and you were still processing her answer to gabbie’s question.
pulling off caitlin’s jeans, you notice a suggestive smirk on her face as she observes your position. for what seems like the hundredth time tonight, you blush feverishly at the hands of your girlfriend.
standing up to change yourself into some pjs, a hand pulls you back. suddenly you’re stuck in between caitlin’s long legs as she sits at the edge of your bed with both her hands on either side of your waist.
“hi,” she smiles sleepily.
“hi,” you reply.
“can i tell you something?” she asks. you hum. “i really like you. like a lot.” you giggle at her confession.
“yeah? how much?” you decide to play into her theatrics.
“so much. was thinking of you when we were playing that game earlier.”
“were you really?” thank god.
“‘course i was. i think you might be it for me. i mean, you got me feeling like we’re in high school the way you look at me. taking such good care of me all the time.”
‘cause i feel so high school, every time i look at you, but look at you
you smile sincerely at her answer, mentally laughing at yourself for ever doubting her love for you in the first place. you haven't had many relationships with girls, so you’ve never felt for someone the way you do for caitlin.
no one’s ever had me, not like you
you place a quick kiss to caitlin’s lips in response, then tell her to get into bed with promises of cuddles. you change into your pjs and crawl next to her under the blanket, feeling her curl into your warmth immediately.
with her head on your chest and your arms engulfing her toned frame, you feel yourself surrender to your exhaustion. but before you can fully fall asleep, you hear caitlin make one more comment that would never have you questioning your relationship again.
“i’m betting on all three for us, you know,” she mumbles into your shirt (her shirt), “two down, one to go. just you wait.”
you already know, babe.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months
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Some memes!
AHHHH I love these oh my gosh-
Tim was so close- too bad he didnt account for the fact now everyones gone to therapy and takes Damians bat paranoia seriously
Yeah tots dont worry itll work out f i n e.... so fine
SO TRUE!! (He is not fine)
This fic planning is like shoving my readers on a rickety rollercoaster and its so much fun
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astrologylunadream · 10 months
What They Want For This Connection🔮🌠(Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream again!!🌌🖤 This will be a reading of your person and what they want in this connection, so let's see~♡ hope you find your message😇
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person and your connection, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🖤
Pile 1🦋
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Pile 2💜
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Pile 3🐦
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Pile 4🎮
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🌌
Pile 1🦋
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Sign energy: Amusement park, Mind, Psychic, Structure, Children, 2nd house, Libra, Eros, 9th house 1st house, 😷🔪♊❌
🔮Your person's energy: Ohh we have some interesting energy for my pile 1's person. Your person has a bright and innocent approach to life, they tend to do things without thinking first. Their curiosity has no bounds, and they prefer to be free of restraints mentally and emotionally. They are very Intuitive aswell as spiritual, especially when it comes to love and partnerships. Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries energy especially Venus is coming through for them.💗 Your person has a childlike wonder for the things that peak their interest, and they love having fun.😁 Childish in a good way. I love their vibrant and lighthearted energy omgg They may speak their every thought or say what they are thinking often. Alsooo this person does not like communication all that much lol it's not for them. For some of you your person may really not like geminis😭😂😂😂 Oh my gosh maybe they had a bad experience with geminis or placements with that sign °•° They might be annoyed with people who can communicate so Intellectually or witty with a sharp mind as this person only rushes into things without thinking it through often. This person likes new things and prefers to learn as they go, they brush off mistakes and keep going.
🌌What they want for this connection: Perfectionist, 1st house, Under, Competition, Wild, Taurus, Cancer, Mars, 12th house, South node, ⚔🟪🎥🧍‍♂️ Omg my pile 1's there is some heavy Aries energy in this connection you guys could have a composite chart filled with this sign or over all mars energy.🔥 Definite yes on feelings from this person, they want to touch you, hold you and have you all to themselves. The chemistry is through the roof with this person! They want to put up a fight for this connection, just know that what you and them have is under their protection for real😍 They wanna keep this special connection between you both safe and cared for, they will push away any threats to this connection my pile 1's!! Now your person is a little needy when it comes to your energy, they want to control my pile 1's a little. Though they are very passionate and possessive they are also very particular in everything you do, like the way you dress or the activities you are into. Your person wants you both to be your best together and strive for perfection in eachother's eyes. They don't like not knowing what you're up to my pile 1's I'm getting that in order for this connection to work there can't be any hidden motives between you guys.😳 They want to have full awareness of what you are doing most of the time and your needs and wants for the connection as well. That's what they want my pile 1's!!
🔊 Messages from your person: I have fantasies about you, Hold on to me, I warned you, Would you let me? I wish I had you (Omg omg so cute my pile 1's☺🌠) Extra cards: Thighs, Together, Broken, Lies, Commitment, Lilith, Vertex, 3rd house, North node (They see a wild rollercoaster with you guys in the future, some crazy adventures for you both <3)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the butterfly emoji~🦋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Pile 2💜
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Sign energy: Audience, Year, Order, Chiron, Height, Air, Vertex, Sagittarius, Cancer, Venus, 👊🛎💡🆚️
🔮Your person's energy: Okaaay for this pile your person could be a Cancer venus!! Air venus is also likely, or any of those sign placements including Sagittarius! Your person attracts others easily like it just happens, they may have decided to live this year wild and adventurously unlike the past years. Your person may be taller in height or have a noticable height. This is someone who is healing emotionally, they have had to fend off others from damaging their feelings and harming their energy.🖤🩹 They may have noticable knuckles or hands, may make fists a lot out of frustration or defense. This person is very soothing and sweet when they aren't being provoked, for some of you they may be in a choir or conduct for a band (I just got that vibe) or service job like waiter/waitress, something higher end. They are very protective over others who are vulnerable emotionally and they hate when conflict arises without rationality.⚔
🌌What they want for this connection: Tease, Thighs, Present, Art, Luck, 11th house, Mars, Pluto, 4th house, Lilith, 🌠👀🧣🪓 Omg there is a lot of passion and understanding from this person, they hope for great things with this pile for sure.♡ I'm seeing comfort is a huge focus for them with you. They want to take care of you and this relationship, like I'm seeing them wrapping you up in a thick little scarf and hugging you tight🥺🧣😭💗 So cute wtf they just want to hold you so that no one can touch or hurt you. For some of you this person wants a married life with my pile 2!! They imagine waking up beside you, cooking together and teasing eachother in cute funny ways.🍳❤ This really is a sweet connection you guys have, and they know it by heart. They want you to be safe in the present right now as well as in the future, I'm also seeing that if some of you have toxic family members or close friends that your person wants you to cut them off if they are causing you pain. Your person can't stand seeing you get hurt, they won't have it without putting up a fight. Omg and your person really wants to give you little gifts and they see this connection as a gift itself from the universe.🥺💘🌠 They also have some hot fantasies about you in this connection omg seriously I won't go into too much detail but with mars and pluto they literally just wanna pull you by your thigh and make out with you this instant💋🤯🖤 They are obsessed with touch and emotional support within connection and that is all they want from you pile lovely pile 1 besides giving you everything💗
🔊 Messages from your person: My wounds won't heal, You're trying your best, Calm down, Things aren't going well, These days are meaningful (Aww they just want to tell you that you are slowly healing them and even when things are rough you shouldn't be worried because everything matters when they're with you.🥰) Extra cards: Tongue, Stress, Darling, Neck, Universe, Sagittarius, Virgo, Mars, North node, Venus (My god there is some heavy attraction for my pile 2's they wanna do some naughty things with you...🥵❗)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the purple heart emoji~💜 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Pile 3🐦
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Sign energy: Museum, Communication, Weapon, Danger, Text, Juno, 1st house, 11th house, 5th house, Water, 🗿🍦🎀🔦
🔮Your person's energy: Okk pile 3 your person is intellectual and online savvy for sure! I feel they enjoy discussing topics online and coming up with conflict resolutions. They are very perceptive and mature, there is definitely an older vibe even just mentally for this pile's person😁💫 Aquarius, Aries, Leo placements. They see technology as a source of power but also danger, it has many possibilities in their eyes. This could be someone who works in technical fields or even with artificial intelligence. For some of you this person could work for huge online companies like as google or twitter/x (OMG and this pile being the twitter bird symbol!! This is definitely a sign for my pile 3's). They are on their phone a lot, and for them, the most important factor in a partner is up front communication and emotional understanding. Now for a small amount in this pile I'm seeing someone who works a night shift, security guard possibly. They could work at a museum or have a job related to museums, I'm seeing someone very fascinated in historical objects and events. They may act cold or stoic on the surface, not showing much reaction. They probably think they are on a higher vibration than most lol, but they maybe right after all they are very smart and attractive mentally and physically.
🌌What they want for this connection: Prove, One and only, Cook, Moon, Pleasure, Lilith, Vertex, Gemini, 🌁🚺⚖🎰 Alright my pile 3's your person really wants a base for this connection, they wanna be sure where this is headed with you both and know exactly what will come of it. Your person does desire a feminine energy from this pile, they may feel drawn the idea of you being the "perfect housewife" for them. I don't think this person fantasizes about this connection a whole lot but what I do see is they definitely looking into the long term of this connection. Your person is considering this as a contract partnership, and they actually deep down believe in fate when it comes to this connection with you my pile 3's🥺💓 I just think they are really drawn to your feminine side like the thought of you cooking, nurturing and pleasing them they find that incredibly hard to resist. They may want to go over the pros and cons with this relationship to you, and they wanna make sure you guys are both on the same page.✔ But this person does want all the many possibilities for this connection such as emotional support, positive mental stimulation and supportive conversations, there's even some wants from you they try to resist the thought of💋😈 Let's just say they want some special pleasures from this connection aswell but only after stable committment and when the time is right.
🔊 Messages from your person: It's all chemical, What's wrong? You should smile more, You can't look me in the eye, I want your lips on mine (Omg😳) Extra cards: Destruction, In, Want, Night, South node, Air, Virgo, 4th house, 6th house, 8th house (Wtf your person has some hidden desires they wanna let out with you at night...🤯🥵)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the blue bird emoji~🐦 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Pile 4🎮
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Sign energy: 5th house, Sight, Entertainment, Song, First impression, Mars, Moon, 7th house, Venus, 5th house, 🔇🌁🧱🎪
🔮Your person's energy: I'm getting a soft masculine energy but also some very fun and daring vibes from this pile's person. So many signs coming out omg Aries, Scorpio or Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Leo energy. You may have met them at a concert or some place entertaining, festival, dance, karaoke, club, bar, ect. There may be a song that reminds you of this person, it could have played when you guys first met. There could be a period of no contact for some of you with this person. Youtuber/streamer vibes, they may play games for a living, or that may be how you met them through it🎮 I'm getting devine masculine energy from your person but they could be either genders that's the vibe I'm getting. Regardless they have a nice fusion of masculine and feminine qualities, you may have saw them as very aesthetically pleasing and pretty at first glance, lol this is so random but for some of you met this person as a carnival/circus🎪🎠🎡😂😂 Help- maybe it resonates for someone in this pile. This person is very physically pleasing to you even just in a platonic sense you just find them very pretty and pleasing to the eye. They are fun to be around and probably have a lot of friends I feel like they make a great friend. Oh for some of you they burned the bridge on this connection😥 You or them may have blocked the other for whatever reason.
🌌What they want for this connection: On, At last, Stomache, Target, Empty, Water, Cancer, Aquarius, 5th house, 9th house, 🏩🦄🔙🤍 Ohh wait a minute for some of you it's their goal to date you, like make you theirs. They just want emotional connection with you at the end of the day, I'm seeing them taking your hand and saying "don't go", maybe some of you left this connection or are drifting away from it. They may want to "take you back", maybe they thought you were once theirs at one point but then there were mixed signals. They want to be in contact with you still, they always loved you even if it wasn't in a romantic sense. Just pure admiration for my pile 4's.🥺💖 They may seem like the type to want a "casual" relationship but for this connection it means a lot more. I think they are worried there could be a target on your backs for this relationship, like I'm getting jealous friends who don't have someone to party with anymore all because you two are in a committed relationship. Omg your person may have had wild friends that engaged in parties or night life with them, for some of you they may have been a player/fboy/fgirl. And now that your person is loyal to someone their friends think it's taking away from their fun.😒😤 They desire a connection with you even at the most friendship because they just love being around you and connecting with you.💓💓💓 I think they realize what you two have is special, they may wish to go back to all the memories they had with you guys. They want to be around you, and this connection may have felt empty until they gained knowledge on the situation.💡 It's their mission to experience everything they can with you, just in case there's no other chances.
🔊 Messages from your person: I love you, You know the truth, I want to kiss you against the wall, They're against us, I told myself to quit (Yep there's bad people who don't like the thought of you guys committing to eachother but your person is like noo I want you😣💞) Extra cards: Waist, Practice, Walk, Twin flame, Yellow, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, (This could be a twin flame connection for some of my pile 4's <3)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the controller emoji~🎮 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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Unpredictable Part 3-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: AAAH, thank you for all the support on this. I didn't think it'd be a series but I can't stop writing.
Warnings: toxic parents, body shaming, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, and swearing
Words: 7.7k
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 “…and that’s how I knew that I was meant to do charity work,” the nasal redhead concluded.
That afternoon, the Si Chi house was packed with pledges in floral or puffy Selkie and Miss Selfridge sun dresses. A handful of servers circulated the foyer with trays of orange juice and mimosas. The combination of Prada Candy and Viktor Rolfe Flowerbomb made my head spin but I smiled through it as I nodded at different pledges’ stories. All of them were desperately trying to toe the line between interesting and bragging because one could never act too important for a potential house.
“That’s great news,” I glanced at her name tag, “Brenda since Si Chi regularly engages in philanthropic work.”
 Brenda smiled widely, making the hot pink blush on her cheeks even more prominent. “I know, that’s why I’m so interested in joining this---your house.”
“Well, we are glad that you took the time to visit us. Would you excuse me?”
As I weaved my way through the foyer, I plucked a mimosa from a passing server and started sipping. Exactly five seconds passed until I was surrounded by a new crop of bright-eyed freshmen.
“Oh my gosh, are you Y/N Y/L/N?” a willowy brunette asked.
“Guilty, and you are?”
“She’s Justine,” a shorter brunette interrupted.
Justine narrowed her eyes and thinly covered the glare with a smile. “I can introduce myself, thanks, Renee.”
Renee shrunk a little in her oversized light blue sundress and I glanced at Justine.
“So, why are you interested in our house?” I asked.
Justine straightened up and smiled like a pageant girl. “Well, I’m perfectly aligned with all the values of Si Chi: Sisterhood, respect, and intelligence. I am all about women empowerment and I respect people from all backgrounds----I’m exposed to a bunch of different people as an actress, anyway.”
“What about intelligence?”
“Well, I think there’s many different kinds of intelligence and, as an actress, I’m emotionally intelligent to the point where I’m exhausted by everyone else’s energy.”
“She really has to prioritize self-care,” Renee added.
“It’s great that you’re aware of that for yourself.”
She had to be one of the least self-aware people I ever encountered and that was a difficult fete. However, her socials had decent numbers and she had been in a few Vought Plus movies, which would help her win Sydney and Lydia, the vice president, over. The next two years with her and her friend would be irritating.
A softer expression slipped across Justine’s face, and she took a step towards me. “I just want to say that I think it’s so brave that you’ve been participating in all the rush events despite your traumatic experience. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to see Luke,” she paused and placed a hand on her chest, “kill himself.”
Though it had been a week since, it still felt like a bomb rolled off Justine’s tongue when she said it. The wave of emotions that I experienced in that time was hard to describe; Shetty said that grief was a rollercoaster, and the influx of emotions was normal.
“As impossible as it may seem, one day you will come to accept what happened,” she’d advised. “You may experience more anxiety but, with your network, I am sure you will be able to cope.”
The network she referred to was strained at best and destroyed at worst. My “sisters” were as supportive as they could be: Alina gave me a Lush self-care kit, Sasha was not nearly as antagonizing as usual, Lydia gave me grief book recommendations, and Sydney let me pick what workout classes we attended. Emma and Cate were the only non-Si Chi people I spoke to since it was way too difficult to speak to the others.
Justine placed her hand on my shoulder. “If you ever need someone to talk to, you can count on me.”
“Thank you for the thought,” I replied, smiling tightly.
“You must be so grateful that Marie was there to stop him,” Renee quipped.
I sipped some more juice to keep the confusing feelings from bubbling up. Nothing could have prepared me for Marie and Andre being propped as the Guardians of Godolkin, which was arguably the dumbest name Vought could give them. The less I wanted to see them, the more I saw their promos and videos. It was horrible that the last time we spoke we had a fight but every time I saw her, I felt a weird wrench in my chest.
At the very least, Emma seemed happy for her.
Then, Coco Allen, a Si Chi junior, appeared from the crowd and squeezed between the freshmen. “There you are, Y/N, I have a crim freshman with a water manipulation ability who wants to pick your brain.”
“Sure. Will you excuse me?”
“Bye!” Renee called as Coco pulled me through the crowd.
When we got to the less populated living room, I exhaled a breath I did not know I was holding. Then, I turned to the beaming Coco.
“Thank you,” I said.
“You’re welcome. You know I hate entitled freshmen,” Coco mused.
Coco was the only other black girl in Si Chi and happened to be the first one to talk to me when I visited the house last year. She was a little shorter than me with deep mahogany skin that always glowed. She always wore her waist-length jet-black hair in tight curls and accessorized solely with gold jewelry. That day, she wore a fitted white sundress with espadrilles.
“Were there this many last year?” I asked.
Coco shook her head. “But there are a few more black girls so it’s promising.”
“That’s great! I hope I can find them before the event’s over.”
“That would be great.” Coco eyed me. “So, how are you holding up?”
“I’m okay, the mimosas don’t hurt though.”
“They never do. You didn’t have to come today, you know, you could have taken more time, get out of here for a minute.”
I shook my head. “I needed this, it’s a nice distraction or, it has been. Besides, what would it look like if the secretary didn’t attend?”
Coco nodded slowly but I could tell that the gears in her head were turning too much for her to be convinced. “You’re already Sydney and Lydia’s favorite and they might have let it slide.”
I cocked my head at her and she immediately started chuckling half-heartedly.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. The hoops they make us jump through are ridiculous,” Coco reflected.
“It makes sense why you didn’t want to be an officer even though you’re poli sci,” I commented.
Coco grinned. “Hey, I’m making decent connections just by being in this house. This is just a steppingstone on my path to become the first black woman supe president.”
Even though the title was long, if anyone could do it, it was Coco. One time last year I sat in on one of her debates in class and she had a senior in tears and their debate partner ready to put their laser eyes to good use.
“Well, don’t forget little ole me when you’re a big shot,” I teased.
Coco frowned. “What do you mean ‘little’? You have done too much to talk like that.”
I shrugged. “Not that they’re not as important but my four-year plan is less impressive than yours.”
“Oh yeah, the plan where you basically end up a trophy wife? No shade but, I think you’d be way too bored in that role.”
“Hey, I would have a city contract too. Plus, it’s what I want and what I see for myself every time I look into the future. Every step I have taken up until this point puts me closer to that.”
My voice was much stronger than I thought it would be but Coco was always pushing me. Some days it was motivating and on others, it was infuriating.
“Like I said, I’m not trying to crush your dreams or your plan but is that really all you want for yourself? Especially thinking about all the good you’re already doing with your powers?” Coco questioned.
Her words plagued me for the rest of the event and bugged me when we gave our ratings of the pledges to Sydney and Lydia.
“Oh, and Y/N, don’t forget to send me that compilation with all the pledges’ socials,” Sydney requested as I was on my way out of the foyer.
“Of course, you’ll have it by the end of the day.”
Everything was much quieter underwater, except for my thoughts, but those were much clearer. Every time I thought about where I would be in five years, it was the same: smiling at a city event on the arm of some suit. I never saw the man’s face but I knew he had to be somewhat attractive. My eyes fluttered closed at the bottom of the pool and I focused on my future.
It was the same image, complete with flashing cameras and I was wearing a gorgeous rose pink Oscar de la Renta gown. My hair was piled on top of my head in Senegalese twists, and I was smiling widely. However, when I tried to look at whose arm I was on, it was like I could not turn my head. The harder I tried, the sorer the side of my neck got.
After a few more seconds of trying, I pushed myself up to the surface and sucked in the air. The sky was a mix of orange, purple, and blue. Sydney was blasting “My Head, My Heart”, which signaled that she was getting ready to go out with Eric Landon, the president of Sigma Kappa. It would be nice to be asked on a date, a proper one without the expectations of sex later.
My face warmed at the fact that I had never actually been asked out. People constantly told me how good looking I was but that did not translate into boys falling all over themselves for me. There were the occasional fun nights out but it would always end in that same venue. I didn’t think I asked for too much: flowers, good morning and good night texts, respect, intelligence, and ambition. Emma told me I watched too many movies once and while that could have been true, I also thought that it wasn’t too much to ask a guy to hold a door open.
It also did not help that Jordan was the last person I ever got close to being intimate with. I groaned at the thought and dove underwater, making my way to the other side of the pool.
An almost-kiss should mean absolutely nothing but I could not stop thinking about it, just like I could not stop thinking about how Jordan would throw me under the bus to save themselves. I would never do that to anyone, especially not someone I cared about.
But you already did, the voice in my head hissed.
Marie didn’t count, I didn’t mean to do that; Andre, Luke, Cate, and Jordan decided for me. I would have stayed if it was my choice but that didn’t matter to Marie or any of them.
I pushed myself from the side of the pool and butterfly stroked my way to the other side. Thankfully, the water was heated and soothed my aching muscles. As I was about to resurface, I noted a blurry tall blonde figure standing above me. When I pushed up, Cate stood over me, her eyes worried.
“Hey,” I greeted.
“Hi, can we talk?”
A few seconds later, I was wrapped in a fluffy towel and standing across from Cate. Her eyes shifted around for a moment before she suggested we headed inside. When we got to my room, she immediately closed the door behind us.
“Is there any way someone would have listening devices in here?” Cate asked.
“No,” I said slowly.
“Are you sure? There’s shit out now where they put it in the tiniest crevices and you would never know,” Cate argued.
“I would have seen it or had a hint about it. What’s going on?”
Cate finally sat on my bed, and I opted to stand across from her. “Andre and I found some stuff that makes Luke and Brink’s deaths way more complicated.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, for one thing, they totally cleared out his room the day after he died and I mean everything.”
My eyes widened. “Even the…special drawer?”
“Yes, and at first, I thought it was protocol but what would they do with all those----”
“I get it, Cate, what else did you and Andre find?”
As Cate continued to speak, I could feel my stomach sink further and further, until I was sure it was somewhere in the house basement. Nothing Cate said meant anything positive for anyone. If there was some kind of lab under us, that meant anyone could become a part of it.
“Have you told anyone else?” I asked.
Cate huffed and leaned back on my bed. “Well, Jordan’s been spiraling about Marie and the rankings, so I can’t get a word in about anything else.”
“They’re spiraling?” I asked.
“You haven’t talked to them since Luke died?” Cate asked.
When she said it like that, it sounded like I committed a cardinal sin. After that day, there was nothing else for me to say to them. Even though I saw them in class occasionally, I never spoke to them and desperately tried to avoid eye contact.
“They could have reached out too,” I muttered.
“You’re such a younger sibling,” Cate commented.
“It’s true!” I whined.
“Well, they’ve been freaking out about the rankings since they fell down to number five and Andre’s number one.”
Being in the Top Five was like Jordan’s lifeline. They’d always shared a friendly rivalry with Luke but I knew they wanted to be number one eventually. They spent almost all their time making sure they stayed in a high position and to drop to bottom of the Top Five must have been devastating.
“Oh no,” I whispered.
“Yeah, and your new best friend cracked the Top 100 and is Jordan’s new nemesis,” Cate added.
 I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a chocolate brown loungewear set. “Neither of them are my friends.”
Cate frowned. “Seriously, what is going on with you? The other night, you and Marie were inseparable, and you and Jordan were bantering. What happened?”
It must have been the fact that I was holding all my thoughts and feelings in because I burst.
“Marie and I can’t be friends since she thinks I’m a shallow bitch who would sacrifice her to save myself because I hang out with people who do. The funny part is that Jordan admitted they would backstab me if they could get ahead, which is definitely not something I would do to a friend or anyone I almost kissed!”
I was panting by the end and my chest felt a lot lighter. However, my nerves began to build when I noticed Cate’s mischievous grin.
“Who did you almost kiss?” Cate asked.
“That’s not the point,” I mumbled.
Cate stared at me for a second before lighting up. “It was Jordan, wasn’t it?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“You hesitated which means I’m right. It could have easily been Marie though since you were all over her.”
“Why do people keep saying that? I was being nice!”
Cate held up her hands in a relaxed defense. “Chill, Y/N, it’s okay to like more than one person at once.”
“I don’t like either of them.”
“At all?” Cate quirked an eyebrow.
“No,” I pouted.
Cate looked unimpressed and I felt even more unimpressed since I knew that I liked Marie and Jordan platonically.
“Okay, we’ll save that for later but, I don’t think Jordan would tell you that they would backstab you and they would not think about it. They would do it to other people, but not you.”
“You’re just saying that because they’re your friend and you weren’t there.”
Cate cocked her head to the side. “Think, Y/N, did Jordan really say, ‘I would backstab you if it would save my ass’?”
As I recalled the memory, I slowly rocked back and forth on my heels. “They didn’t say that but, they didn’t answer me when I asked if they would.” “You probably caught them off guard,” Cate reasoned. “I’m sure if you talked to them, things would go okay.”
I hesitated and set my clothes on my bed. “Let’s say that I decided to speak to them, I don’t know what to say. Even if I did, my class tomorrow isn’t with them.
“You’re not going to the Think Brink gala tomorrow night?” Cate asked.
Earlier that day, Mom mentioned something about a gala on the phone but I was only half-listening. In my defense, there was only so much complaining about her clients and Dad that I could stand. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and “Go to Brink gala” was in bright letters on my calendar.
“I guess I am,” I concluded.
“Then, you have some time to figure it out. You might get lucky and not even have to say anything.” I nodded and messed with the charm on my phone. “But what about Marie?”
“You’ll figure that out too. Indira’s taking her to the gala so, you can get both your ‘friends’ back,” Cate said, putting “friends” in air quotes.
“Why did you do it like that? Don’t say it like that.”
“Just because you’re in denial doesn’t mean I am. Think about it, would you be this freaked out if we had a fight?”
The “yes” should have come immediately but it didn’t; it died in my throat, and I couldn’t look at Cate. Why were things different with Marie and Jordan? Why did I stress out about them when I tried to stop thinking about them?
“Can you just make me say the right thing?” I asked.
Cate mulled it over for a moment. “I think it’s best if you do it yourself. If you don’t have a vision about it, something will come to you.”
“Thanks, Cate. If you and Andre need any help snooping----”
“You will be the first person I text,” Cate assured.
“I was going to say that I’ll probably know before you.”
I narrowly avoided the pillow Cate tossed at me and laughed at her effort.
“Maybe you are getting a little too cocky, Y/N.” She stood and walked over to me. “And for the record, I would never betray you in any way, neither would Andre or Jordan. If either of them did, they would have to deal with me.”
“Thanks, I would hug you but I’m still soaking wet.”
“Yeah, that’s smart. I know this might be useless but try not to worry about everything.”
I shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt to try.”
“You’re taking the meds from Indira?”
“Yes, Mom,” I teased.
“Just trying to help.”
Strangely, that was the first night since Luke’s death that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The trend was that I would strain myself to have premonitions until I was exhausted and tried again in the morning. For once, sleep found me quickly.
After sitting through a two-hour lecture on trauma’s impact on villains and heroes, I was more than happy to wander back to the Si Chi house and decompress. In a few hours, Talia, Mom’s assistant, would arrive with options for the gala. Then, the glam team would arrive and do their best to ignore Mom while they did their jobs.
I needed all the relaxation I could get.
 As I was mentally reviewing which movies I could watch, my phone kept buzzing in my back pocket. I thought it was another flurry of comments on the TikTok Coco and I made yesterday but it was from a strange number.
XXX-XXX-XXXX: Y/N, pls come 2 my dorm, it’s an emergency.
XXX-XXX-XXXX: Im srry we haven’t talked in a while but it’s important.
I frowned and typed back, ????
XXX-XXX-XXXX: It’s Marie. Emma’s in trouble.
My stomach dropped and I replied, B there soon.
As I raced around other people on campus, my thoughts moved faster at the possibility of what could have been going on with Emma. The last time I had spoken to her was two days ago and she was okay then. If anything, she may have been tense because Marie and I were not speaking but she had not said anything else.
I was halfway to their dorm when I ran into something solid.
“Watch where you’re going, Y/N,” Maverick sneered.
“If you put on some clothes, maybe I’d see you,” I shot back as I continued down the hall.
When I finally got to their dorm, I was panting and could barely knock. Marie pulled the door open, pulled me in, and closed the door behind me.
“Did you sprint here?” she asked.
I nodded. “You said…it was…an….emergency…Emma.”
In the middle of me grabbing my bearings, I noticed something tiny next to one of the supports on Emma’s bed. Slowly, I slid to my knees and crawled over to it. When I realized who it was, a choked gasp escaped my mouth.
“What happened?” I whispered.
“I don’t know. She was like that when I got here and I didn’t know what to do so I called you since you’ve known her the longest,” Marie rambled.
Her words barely registered in my brain as I went to one of Emma’s drawers, grabbed a small set of clothes, wrapped her in it, and carefully set her on her bed. Emma was barely breathing and was ghostly pale.
“Emma, I know you’re probably not going to like this but, you’re going to need to eat something.”
She didn’t reply and for a second, I wondered if she could.
I started rifling through all her stuff until I found a box of crackers. My hands trembled as I broke them into small pieces and kneeled in front of Emma. She never looked at me as she nibbled on each crumb I fed her.
Eventually, she grew back to her normal size. As soon as she was, she pulled her knees to her chest.
“I’m sorry you saw me like that,” she muttered.
Slowly, I sat next to her and it was almost the same way zookeepers treated wild animals. If one moved calmly enough, they would not get attacked. Marie sat on her bed.
“It’s okay, I’m glad we were able to help,” I replied. “What happened?”
Emma sniffed. “I opened up to this girl in my class. We’re scene partners for a project and we were talking, and I guess I felt comfortable enough to tell her about how I get small. I thought it was just between us, but she posted this…this video on YouTube telling the whole world about it.”
“Who’s the girl?” Marie asked.
“How do you get small?” I uttered at the same time.
Emma froze for a moment and looked away from me. “I make myself…sick.”
When she said it, I suddenly remembered all those times she would go to the bathroom and then come out a miniature version of herself. However, all those times, it was for different commercials or other work-related events. Then again, there had to be times when she did it at home or at my house.
How did I never notice? “Emma, I’m so sorry. I wish you would’ve told me sooner,” I said.
Emma turned to me with a glare in her eyes. “Really? How would I work that into a conversation? ‘Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry to interrupt but, I make myself throw up to get small’?”.
“We’re friends, friends tell each other this kind of thing,” I insisted.
Emma scoffed. “Please, like you would get it if I told you. You’re perfect, you always have been. Your face, your hair, your body, your eyes, your life!”
“That’s not fair.”
“Emma, I think you need to get help,” Marie interrupted.
Emma’s gaze flickered to hers and I thought she might set Marie on fire. “I need to get help, that’s rich coming from you. You act like no one can see your scars.”
Marie flinched and her eyes narrowed slightly. “I do that for my powers, that’s different.”
Emma laughed callously. “Please, at least be honest. How about this: I’ll go to therapy when you admit to cutting.”
Emma’s voice had no tone and every word she said was like a hammer slamming into my chest. She wasn’t in the right headspace for any conversation and I kept reminding myself as I stood.
“We should talk later when we’ve all calmed down,” I suggested.
“I don’t want to speak to either of you again,” she hissed.
It took more effort than usual to swallow the lump in my throat as I let myself out of their dorm. Just as I was about to lean against the door and wallow, Marie slipped out behind me and shut the door. I took a step back, barely avoiding a pair of girls rushing past.
“Sorry,” she apologized.
“It’s fine.”
Silence filled the space for a moment, and I had no idea how to fill it. Cate said I would know what to say but I was at a loss.
“I’m sorry about what I said…that day,” Marie delivered gently.
My eyes snapped up at her. “Oh.”
She sighed. “I was just angry, and I thought you were a part of it but, Emma kept saying that you would never do something like that. I just didn’t know how to reach out or say anything.”
I know the feeling.
“I accept your apology but I’m also sorry that no one came back for you. I guess it worked out, though?”
Marie sighed and leaned against her door. “Sort of. The perks are nice and I’m in crim now but I feel like everyone’s looking at me and expects something from me; almost like they’re waiting for me to fail.”
“Really? They had me convinced you’d be the black Starlight,” I teased.
Marie laughed half-heartedly. “I still want to be a hero, though, someone like her people can look up to.”
“Anyone in particular?”
Marie hesitated. “My little sister. We were both obsessed with heroes when we were younger, but I was the one who got Compound V. She always looked up to me and I want to be someone who would make her proud.”
“That’s a really admirable goal,” I complimented.
She smiled softly. “What about you? Shouldn’t you be my competition to be the black Starlight?”
My expression faltered and I looked down at my French acrylics. “No, I don’t think I have the showmanship you do. Besides, my goal isn’t to be in the Seven.”
“Really? What do you want to do?” Marie asked.
“So, I have this four year plan and if I follow the steps I am on to a T, I will graduate with a city contract and be engaged to an eligible supe.”
Usually, when I told someone my four year plan, my chest swelled and my shoulders rolled back unconsciously. This time, it felt like I was a toddler showing my mom a drawing I made in school.
“Is that it?” Marie asked.
“I know it’s more traditional and maybe even a little lame but, it’s what I want,” I maintained.
Marie nodded slowly.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, I just imagined you doing something in, like, criminal AI or stopping criminals from re-offending.”
“Both are great, they’re just not me.”
“Which is fine,” Marie insisted.
She sounded a little too eager but I let it go as we started walking down the hallway.
“What should we do about Emma?” Marie asked.
“I’ve never seen her like that before but she’ll need time to cool off.”
“Sounds good, I just have nowhere to go until the gala tonight.”
“You could come to Si Chi for a bit. I can’t promise they won’t try to initiate you, though.”
Marie laughed. “Me, in a sorority?”
“Hey, we’re getting more black girls this year so you never know!”
“Whatever but, yeah, I’d like to hang out with you…at your house.”
Even though Marie rushed the last part, a smile quirked on the corners of my mouth. It would be nice to have a new friend over and it was even nicer that there was no more tension between us.
“You know, Emma never told us the name of that girl,” Marie pondered once we got outside.
“Oh, that’s easy.” I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I reached the right one.
Shelby answered on the first ring. “Y/N, hi!” “Hey, are you on your way to class?” I asked.
“Yeah, if I’m late one more time, Professor Elix is going to make me do an improv one-woman show!” she panted.
“Well, I don’t want to slow you down but, you have class with Emma Meyer, right?”
“Oh yeah, Intro to Stage, why?”
“Cool. She told me her stage partner has an incredible Insta aesthetic, but she never told me her name and I need new inspo.”
“Oh, that’s Justine. I don’t know her last name but I’m sure you’ll find her.”
“Thanks, Shelby. Have fun in class.”
I hung up and turned to Marie, whose eyebrows were raised. “What?”
“What was that voice?” Marie asked.
“It was my voice. Haven’t you heard of code-switching?”
“Fine. Did you get the name?”
“Yes, Justine and I’ve met her.”
“What? How?”
“She’s rushing Si Chi.” I couldn’t keep the devilish smile from working its way into my mouth.
“What does that look mean?” Marie asked.
“It means that there are many more perks to being in a top house besides living in it.”
For some reason, everyone thinks that white girls have a monopoly on passive aggression and relational aggression. That was not the case at all; black girls simply are more inclined towards active aggression but we’re capable of both. I proved as much during Brink’s gala.
The ballroom was packed with board members, trustees, alumni, and the wealthiest GOD U students, the latter being my target of interest. They were all easy to approach since I had met them at some function or another.
“Y/N,” Bianca Peterson gushed as she hugged me.
Her Gucci Guilty perfume tickled my nose and I willed myself not to sneeze as I politely pulled away from her. “Bianca, it’s been too long. I think the last time I saw you was at Beta Ro’s Brunch for Boy Scouts.”
Bianca nodded, light auburn curls bouncing around her sculpted features. “Yes, we bonded over jewelry.”
“And you still have fantastic taste,” I mentioned, gesturing to the gold buckle around her wrist.
“Thank you, it was a present from Theo but I gave him a few hints,” she bragged lightly.
“How is rush going?” I asked.
“Pretty well, our pledges are shaping up nicely this year, not that they don’t every year,” she quickly added the last part.
“Of course. Do you have a lot of girls from Counting?”
“We’re interested in a couple, why? Are you trying to poach?”
I shook my head. “Not at all, I just wasn’t sure if you heard what Layla from Zeta Nu discovered.”
Bianca raised a microbladed brow. “No, I don’t think I have.”
I took a deep inhale and slowly shook my head in disbelief. “Oh, well, I should let it come from her then.”
A moment later, Bianca glanced across the room at Layla Ruthers, the president of Zeta Nu, who was smiling politely at a pair of hunched-over old men.
“In case I don’t have a chance to talk to her, what happened?” Bianca asked.
I glanced around us for a moment before leaning closer. “Apparently, a freshman posted a video about another girl’s eating disorder.”
“Really?” Bianca’s eyes widened.
I nodded. “Layla was insulted for the other girl and banned the pledge from rushing Zeta Nu. She even said that no respectable house would accept someone so low-class.”
“Oh,” Bianca uttered.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take up all your time. I should go mingle.”
I made it about two steps before Bianca gently grabbed one of my arms.
“Wait, Y/N. Did Layla say the name of the pledge?”
My eyes wandered around the twinkling lights of the room for a second. “Justine something, I think.”
“Thank you. I’ll see you later.”
The rest of my conversations followed that pattern. Each girl I spoke to was shocked and horrified by my words. Plus, none of them would dare speak to the other; that would mean another house had better information than them. My final target was easily the most important one: Sydney.
In her ice-blue mermaid dress and intricate updo, she looked more like Cinderella than a gala attendee. She was standing at a table, nodding her head at something a shorter guy was saying.
“Excuse me,” I politely interrupted, “I need to borrow Sydney for a second.”
The guy deflated slightly. “Sure.”
“I’ll see you soon.” Sydney huffed a sigh of relief as soon as we were out of earshot. “Thank you, I don’t know what he was even talking about.”
“Anytime,” I replied.
She snatched a champagne flute from a passing server and downed half of it. “I can’t wait for this night to be over.”
I nodded. “It is morbid despite their attempt to dress it up.”
“Yeah, and my parents won’t stop bugging me about my future. I can only apply to so many internships and not everyone is looking for a telekinetic,” she griped. “Sorry, how are you?”
“I’m alright. Ironically, I think he’d hate the name they picked but I didn’t know him super well,” I admitted.
Here it goes.
“So, I think the event the other day was a success,” I commented.
“Definitely. The house was packed. It’s too bad we can’t accept them all.”
Sydney smiled as she spoke.
“I know. It’s great that there’s so much interest.” I paused for a second. “But, I wanted to tell you that something came up with one of the pledges.”
Sydney gestured for me to continue.
“Even though my social media deep dive on the pledges was thorough, something came up today that I thought you should know when considering the pledges,” I explained.
“Today, Justine posted a video exposing another girl’s eating disorder. Several of the girls were upset when they saw it.”
“That’s awful,” Sydney responded.
“It’s also so disappointing since I met Justine during that event, and she was saying how women empowerment is important to her. I know that women empowerment is a huge passion for you and a foundation for Si Chi and to imagine a pledge so willing to tear down another woman infiltrating the safe space you building is horrifying.”
Despite the liquor, I could tell Sydney was processing my words quicker than any computer. Her expression shifted from shock to anger to coldness. Then, she finished the last of her champagne and set it on the table closest to us. “Thank you for telling me, Y/N. I’ll see you later.”
As she walked away, I grinned widely at the response. Bid Day was going to be even more fun and interesting than last year. To celebrate, I grabbed myself a flute of champagne and sipped it as I started to wander the room.
My body froze at the masculine voice and my mind raced with what to say or do. Finally, I decided to face Jordan. They were in their masculine form and standing at a table by themselves. Though they looked fantastic in their navy suit, they looked like they hadn’t slept in days.
I practically sang it and prayed for someone to make the floor swallow me.
“Can we talk?” he asked.
“Um, sure.” I walked closer to their table and rested my forearms on it.
 “It’s good to see you,” he started. “Outside of class, I mean.”
“You too.”
Jordan nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s good.” He paused. “I’m sorry about everything.”
I looked up from tapping my nails on the tablecloth. “Wh---”
“Please, let me finish. That day…I don’t know why I didn’t just tell you that I wouldn’t throw you under the bus but I wouldn’t even think about it. How could I do that to my little freshman?”
For the first time ever, my chest warmed at the nickname. However, I tried to bite back the smile that was worming its way onto my face.
I glanced away for a moment, crossing my arms over my purple sleeveless satin gown. “Well, I guess I forgive you,” I playfully grumbled before turning back to him. “But you still did it pretty easily to Marie.”
Jordan’s expression faltered and he sipped some champagne. “Don’t mention her.”
“Why not? She’s my friend and we did a very mean thing,” I argued.
“Look, I protected myself and you that night, I won’t apologize for that. Besides, she’s still here and she’s doing great,” he spat.
“I know you’re pissed about the rankings but, those can change, especially with how hard you work and how powerful you are.”
Jordan scoffed. “That’s how it should work but no one wants to back a bigender Asian.”
His words made me stop for a second. In all the time I knew them, Jordan seemed invincible to punches, laser beams, electric shocks, and words. They made succeeding at Godolkin look so easy but it must have been anything but. Plus, Luke and Brink’s death must have impacted everything else.
“We’ll see about that,” I challenged. “There’s about thirty trustees and every board member in this room. There will have to be a few who will like you.”
Jordan hesitated. “I’m not really in the mood to promote myself.”
“Then let me talk,” I offered.
He eyed me for a while before crossing over to my side of the table and looping one of his arms with mine. “Don’t make me look bad, freshie.”
“I think that’s impossible.”
The first target was easy: a thirtysomething white guy with floppy light brown hair and an oversized gray suit. I focused on him for a moment, gathering as much information as I could.
“Trevor Emerson, GOD U alum and old money beneficiary,” I muttered to Jordan.
“Isn’t he supposed to hate me?” Jordan hissed back.
“He’s overcome by white guilt since his recent discovery that all the black and brown people who built and managed his family’s manor were not salaried employees,” I explained. “He’s dying to look as much of an ally as possible.”
Jordan straightened up. “Good job, freshie.”
“I haven’t even gotten started.” I painted a polite smile on my face. “Mr. Emerson, it’s so nice to meet you, can we bother you for a moment?”
Two guilty and three haughty donors later, Jordan and I found ourselves at a different table. It was the first time that I saw him smile that night.
“You were amazing out there,” Jordan exclaimed.
“Thank you but you also made my job a little easier being talented and whatever,” I joked.
“Seriously.” Jordan grabbed my hand. “You might have saved my ass.”
I tried to ignore the tingle that shot up from my hand into the side of my neck. “It’s okay, I’m happy to help.”
When they announced that the video was about to start Jordan sulked again. “I can’t believe they’re making us sit through this shit.”
“Me neither.” I rest my hand on top of his. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask sooner but, are you okay?”
Jordan laughed humorlessly. “No but schmoozing with you did help a little. I’ll see you later?”
When we parted our separate ways, I wiped my sweaty palms on my dress skirt and approached my table. Fortunately, Mom and Dad had not burned down the ballroom with their arguing. In fact, when I got to their table, Mom was on her phone and Dad was rhythmically tapping his fingers against the tablecloth, looking anywhere but her.
“Hi, were you bored with me gone?” I asked, giving Dad a side hug.
“Not at all. I met a few board members and sold a few pictures,” he responded.
I nodded and slowly took the middle seat between them. The video was equal parts patronizing and infuriating. However, my parents’ whispers kept me from focusing too much on the video.
“Y/M/N, can you get off the phone for one second? They’re playing the video,” Dad hissed.
“I am about to cut the biggest deal of this quarter. They can send it,” Mom hissed back, waving a manicured hand for emphasis.
“Mom, people are starting to stare,” I quietly interjected.
“Let them stare. This is what’s paying for you to be here.”
“Don’t act like I don’t contribute!” Their words used to make me flinch but I forced myself to sit up straighter and breathe.
“I’m grateful for it, for both of you, really. You both paid to be here and I thought you would not want to miss the man they’re honoring,” I whispered.
Those words made Mom slowly mutter something into the phone before placing it face down on the table and leaning forward. At that same time, they flashed a picture of Brink and me across the screen. He had been meeting with my small group when the photographer appeared.
Dad squeezed an arm around my shoulder and I softly leaned into his touch.
“Thank God you lost that baby fat,” Mom commented.
“Y/M/N,” Dad said quietly.
“You know it’s true, Y/D/N,” Mom hissed back.
Suddenly, Dad’s arm felt like a boa constrictor, and I gracefully slipped out of its grasp. When the video ended, I drank a fresh flute of champagne. The bubbles instantly went to my head as I giggled at Dean Shetty introducing Marie.
She looked really pretty even though she was nervous.
“Do you know her?” Mom asked over the applause.
“We’re friends,” I replied.
“So why is she a guardian and not you?”
“She was more involved in stopping Luke than me,” I lied.
 When Dean Shetty cued everyone to return to socializing, Mom turned to me.
“Your grades are fantastic and your standing in your house is good,” Mom began. “But eligible bachelors will not notice you unless you stand out like her.”
“Y/M/N, leave her alone. Anyone who doesn’t notice Y/N isn’t worthy of being in our family anyway,” Dad defended.
Mom ignored him. “That girl, Marie Moreau, is not your friend, she is your competition. You are in the prime setting to have everything you’ve ever wanted but she could snatch it from you. You’re supposed to be able to see things like this coming, Y/N.”
“I do see things coming and I know Marie wouldn’t do that to me,” I quipped.
At that moment, Mom’s eyes bore so deep into me that I didn’t think that anyone could claw them out. Her eyes looked like they were going to bug out of her head at any moment and I could feel my breathing pick up.
“I’m sorry, it just slipped out,” I promised.
It felt like forever until she leaned back in her seat and grabbed her phone.
“Make sure it doesn’t ‘slip out’ again. Now go socialize.”
“I need a minute, Mom, I’ve been socializing since we got here.”
Mom rolled her eyes. “This again.”
“Y/M/N, please.”
“No, no, Y/D/N, she is constantly using, what, anxiety to get out of speaking to people. You are always too soft on her and make me look like the bad guy. I’m the one helping her be normal,” Mom snapped. “Anxiety didn’t exist when we were her age, we just did what we had to do, and look where we are now.”
I wondered if Emma ever felt as small as I did in that moment. Then, I wondered if she ever made herself small to hide from people, even her mom. Wordlessly, I left the table and tried to avoid any cameras as the tears burned in the corners of my eyes.
I tried to take deep breaths to calm my trembling chest and keep my throat busy. My chest shifted from trembling to heavy and I started looking around the room.
“I hear one piano…feel two fingers…smell three different alcohols…and see---”
“Y/N, are you okay?” Cate’s voice broke me out of my rhythm and I glanced to see her sitting with Marie and Jordan, who was in their feminine form.
My chest felt much lighter and I quickly wiped away my tears. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Bullshit,” Jordan called gently.
Cate pulled me into a hug and had me sit between her and Marie. “What happened?”
“My parents, well, my mom mostly. I guess I got too anxious for her, and she yelled at me,” I rambled.
Cate smiled softly. “Then you came at the perfect time. We were just talking about our horrible parents.”
My ears perked up. “Really?”
“Well, mine are dead,” Marie commented.
I turned to her and placed my hands on top of hers. “What? I’m so sorry. How did it…”
“I accidentally killed them with my powers,” Marie explained.
“That must have been horrible.”
Marie barely nodded and I squeezed her hands. “I just told my little brother to go away during a camping trip. He never came back and my mom pretty much locked me away,” Cate confessed. “I was seven.”
 “What?” I whispered.
“I killed my grandpa with my powers,” Jordan interjected.
We all turned to her and I cocked my head to the side.
“No, you didn’t,” Cate countered.
Jordan smiled. “You’re right, I was feeling left out.”
I didn’t think that I could laugh the way I did but it felt so nice. At least I had friends again.
When I started sipping on the whiskey Cate stole, I saw a brief image flash before my eyes. There was a guy with curly brown hair covered in dirt running away from several bloody bodies. He paused for a moment and opened his hand, revealing a tiny sleeping Emma. When the vision left, Andre was standing in front of us.
“Seriously?” I complained before he even spoke.
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happylandvn · 30 days
Gosh I'm so tired from being with this one guy over and over again (at this AMAZING AND ACTUAL GOOD VN GAMES CALLED "Duality" ) Exe can you be a dear and cheer me up? it seems like no matter where i go, i drag trouble but i have no idea why, you understand though so i think this will be my forever home now, in your silly cute clown arms
Nightmare don't break the 4th wall of Keith, I REMEMBER THE GAME UNI DOESN'T APPLY TO HERE!! I FOUND A LOOP
"In my arms... FOREVER?!" *squeeze* "Oh, please please please tell me you mean that! How should I cheer you up? Want a milkshake? Pizza? A ride on the rollercoaster? To torture someone in front of an audience?" - Exe
Pffff, Keith won't reach you here, don't worry, Yua.
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springalwayscomes · 1 year
Closer (Teaser)
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Read Closer here
Plot: To have each other close is something that you both always wanted, in a way or another. It’s just that… close is not close enough anymore for Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Y/n
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Domestic, Humor, Friends to Lovers
Wordcount: 27k
Author’s Note: Hello! I hope you’ll like this little teaser, I will publish the story on the 16 of July. I loved writing this, it was an emotional rollercoaster and I honestly can’t wait to post it. I really hope that you’ll like it🥺
If you want to be tagged in my taglist to read this work when it will come out and my others please let me know under this post or here! Also, asks and messages are always welcome, I would like to speak with you all from time to time!💜
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Jungkook walked in on you using your vibrator as a microphone when you were nineteen, lipsynching as if your life depended on it. He had laughed so fucking loud that time that you still feel your ears grow red when you think about it. He has teased you for it from the moment it happened, still does it now.
Back then, it was so freaking hilarious he would bring it up every time you were too mad at him, to make you laugh it off and let go of the heavy atmosphere creating between you every time you used to fight as teenagers.
Five years afterwards, as of now, he still thinks about it from time to time. It makes him giggle when he’s in the middle of a meeting at work, when he has a stressful day, when he’s just laying in bed with his head empty. Usually, that would be the case. Now that you’re sitting on his couch with a bag of pop corns squished in your hands while the tv is playing though, is a new circumstance.
«What are you laughing at? You’re so loud» you wince at him, monotone and annoyed.
He licks his lips, shaking his head.
«Your vibrator still haunts me»
It takes you less than two seconds to realise what he’s talking about.
«You’re so annoying. Should I bring up the time you farted out loud in class too?»
«That’s not the same,» he laughs «I told you that I wasn’t feeling good but you insisted on going to class anyway»
«You didn’t go for three days straight-» you fight back, stopping yourself when the camera points on Park Seojun.
«Gosh, this man. I’m gonna marry him someday» you sigh dreamily. Jungkook snorts.
«Cause I was sick?» he opens the fridge.
«You drank with Jin the night before. You shouldn’t drink if you’re sick. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t hold it until class was over»
«You’re so noisy» he rummages through the shelves, finally finding the bowl of strawberries he was looking for.
«Want some?»
You quickly glance at him over the counter, pop corns stuffing your mouth full.
«No, thanks. I’m full with these»
He gets a spoon from the drawer, walking back to the sofa.
«The face you made when I walked in is still funnier than-»
«When you farted in front of the class?» you cut him off, trying to get some sense in his head.
«Hell, yeah» he laughs.
«You literally-»
«Okay, now stop!» you slap his ass before he gets a chance to sit down.
«Oh, yes keep going» he fakes a moan. You literally want to slap him hard enough to make him stop being an idiot, but you have to hold yourself back.
«Just shut up and let me see Park Seojun» you shake your head. Jungkook gets a spoonful of strawberries into his mouth, eyes falling on the screen and eyebrows pinched together.
It’s a Saturday, thanks God the both of you don’t work on weekends, so usually you both find yourself on the sofa, watching a movie or just messing around. You’ve known each other since you were sixteen, so to say that you’re pretty comfortable with each other is an understatement. Even when you first met him, the nineteen years old Jungkook never made you feel uneasy. You were inseparable. Best friends that used to sleep at each other’s place every three to four days because you were just used to it. It was natural, so natural that a lot of the people around you thought you were a couple. Back then, you would grimace and shake your head vividly, not even giving it a thought. Jungkook would laugh it off, heart beating loudly in his chest every time anyone made him imagine how it would’ve been.
«Do you still have it?» he asks, voice low as he stares at the screen.
«What?» you murmur. He doesn’t answer, his spoon scraping against the plastic of the bowl to get as much strawberries as he can into his mouth. He munches on them, gulping down and enjoying the sweet taste.
«That vibrator»
«Jungkook! What kind of question is that?» you stop the drama, his thigh getting hit by the remote.
«I was just asking!» he raises his hands as to make sure you understand he meant no harm, the bowl now sitting on his lap.
«Why would you ask that?» your tone makes his eyes smile first, as he always does. His eyes smile first, then his lips just follow.
«Why are you so sensitive about it? I won’t ask, but we both know you still use it» he gets up from the couch, getting to the sink to put the empty bawl inside.
«We say filthier things when we’re in bed!» he goes on from where he’s standing at. Your head is going to explode. It’s at times like this that you rethink about your life choices. From being sixteen and dumb, until you’re twenty four and ending up with sleeping with your best friend.
«In bed! Leave those for when we’re in bed!» you fight back, another pop corn getting shoved into your mouth.
«Okay,» he appears by your side «wanna go to bed so I can ask you?»
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chaosduckies · 4 months
Little sneak peak at the next chapter of Restoration because I’m halfway done with rewriting it for the fifth time. :D
—————— Once the tears had started flooding my eyes, there was nothing I could do to stop from crying in front of Ryker now. I bit the side of my cheek so hard the faint taste of blood filled my mouth. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, don’t cry. But my own words didn’t stop the tears from cascading down my face.
Ryker fixed my position in his palm while I struggled to wipe away to loose tears, only falling down harder the more I kept thinking about the tragic events that have happened this past month. Why? Why’d she have to leave me here?
I was full on sobbing at this point. I had buried my face in Ryker’s hoodie to muffle the sounds of my cries. I could hear the faint sound of his heartbeat, I could hear his light breathing. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Ryker. Is what I wish I could say to him, but I currently couldn’t.
Something warm was pressing me lightly against Ryker’s chest. I flinched, slightly turning my head to see that the pad of his thumb was offering some kind of comfort. It felt weird to me, but somehow I liked it? I didn’t want him to let go of me, but I was also scared at the same time.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m right here, Nathan.” Ryker whispered softly, noticeably trying to comfort me while I just cried and cried into the fabric of his hoodie. I’m sorry Ryker. I wanted to say it so badly, but I couldn’t. Why did he worry about me so much? I should be at home, alone, crying into my pillow. Why did he want to stay with an insignificant little human whose life somehow gets turned upside down every once in a while?
“I’m s-s-sorry.” I’m a managed to say in between sobs. He lightly squeezed me against him before responding, “You’re the one who’s hurt, Nathan. You don’t have to apologize if I’m the one who wants to help you, okay?”
And I could practically hear the sad smile forming on his face as he continued to offer a comforting presence.
Yeah it’s a comfort scene. There is context to this (which you will hopefully get to read in these next couple of days) and I just hope you guys like it. I mean, maybe not the first half of what happens, but this is an extremely long chapter. It will probably end up the longest one yet, so be ready for that! Thank you guys for reading the little sneak peak!
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en-geneisaxx · 5 months
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'Please don't say that this is the end of us...'
Pairings: Husband!Hoon x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing (you're gonna be on a rollercoaster of emotions)
Tagging my moots who wanted to read: @pockettwinzz @diorsyun @rinbowaman @heeslomll @heeslut4life @hoonieshoneymain @sungvrhs
Not proofread!!
Part 2:
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'Hoon, you really should just talk like the adults you are' advises the elder.
I wanted to, but I suddenly felt disgusted by y/n. Like I wouldn't survive one bit if I was ever exposed to her again. It's so strange... At first, she became someone that I wanted to be my forever, someone I trusted with my all. Now, she's going to be my first ex that I would want nothing of.
'hmm' I mumble. I didn't want to give in so easily, to show it really did hurt me.
'*sighs* You really are a great actor, aren't you?'
'Fuck off, Hee.'
I take my time to think of the best way approaching her. Angry? Sad? Heartless? I was so keen on breaking her that I forgot she didn't even deserve these things. I'm such a monster...
'Now what sick son of-' He stops at the sight of the caller id.
'who is it...'
For some reason, I cried. I wasn't sure if it was because I loathed her for the pain she's caused, or if I missed my two special people that I would die for. Either way, we decided to act asleep (when we should've, it was 3am.)
'Hah, 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥.'
He sighs, tired of teaching such a stubborn boy, 'Well, ima be dead now. Just saying.'
'Goodnight, Hee.'
I shift to my side, hugging the pillow the way I would hug her. I tried to resist, but I fell into temptation. I unlock my phone and look through the security camera app, shedding a few tears now and again when seeing y/n still awake, crying. Heeseung's phone vibrates for another 9 times throughout the last 10 minutes, all because of her.
𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮.'
Instead of counting sheep, I just repeat those words of affection. I loved her, I didn't want her to leave me, fuck no. But if she really did cheat, then it's for the best to go and divorce her. Jin Ae deserved better.
Jin Ae.
Our sweet, precious child.
Gosh, she really is something.
It hits me like a truck when I came to my senses. Y/n did love me. 𝐃𝐢𝐝.
We made Jin Ae out of love, not sexual appetite.
She stressed on how she was so cautious with everything about love, from who she liked to who stole her first kiss, because...
Oh, shit. Why did I just have to remember now.
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠.
Am I just being too over the top?
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞.
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simpforfandom231 · 8 months
i don't forget too well PT3
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Warnig: Self-harm, depression, sad feelings. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next day dawned with a promise of a new beginning. Renée and Y/N decided to venture into the city for a day of shopping—a simple escape from the routine, an opportunity to embrace the present moment.
As they strolled through the bustling streets, the energy of the city enveloped them. Renée, ever attuned to Y/N's needs, noticed the spark of restlessness in her girlfriend's eyes. The city's sensory overload had begun to trigger Y/N's ADHD, manifesting in heightened energy and difficulty focusing.
"Hey, cutie," Renée said, gently grasping Y/N's hand. "How about we take a break and grab a coffee?"
Y/N nodded appreciatively, and they found a cozy café to pause and regroup. The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soothing ambiance provided a welcomed respite for Y/N.
However, the tranquility was short-lived as they decided to resume their shopping. Renée, being a recognizable figure, attracted attention from fans along the way. While many interactions were positive, one encounter took an unexpected turn.
As Renée and Y/N browsed through a trendy boutique, a fan approached them with excitement. "Renée! Oh my gosh, I'm a huge fan! Can I get a picture?" the fan gushed.
Renée, gracious as always, agreed, posing for a photo. However, the energy from the encounter sparked a surge in Y/N's ADHD. The heightened emotions, combined with the sensory stimuli of the busy store, turned Y/N's restlessness into overexcitement.
Feeling the spike in Y/N's energy, Renée tried to navigate the situation. "Hey, cutie, let's take it easy, okay?" she whispered, squeezing Y/N's hand.
But just as they attempted to blend into the background and continue shopping, another fan approached, a disapproving frown on her face. "Renée, seriously? You're dating someone with ADHD?" she remarked, her tone laced with judgment.
Y/N, already struggling with the overstimulation, caught the negative vibes. The comment felt like a stab, and the familiar waves of self-doubt began to crash over her.
Renée, maintaining her composure, responded calmly, "Yes, I am. And I love her for who she is. ADHD is a part of her, and it doesn't define her worth or our relationship."
The fan rolled her eyes dismissively. "Well, I think you could do better. Someone without all these issues."
Y/N's heart sank, the words cutting deep. Renée, however, stood her ground, refusing to let the negativity tarnish their day. "We all have our challenges, but that doesn't make us any less deserving of love and happiness. If you can't accept that, I'm sorry."
As the fan huffed away, Renée turned to Y/N with a reassuring smile. "You okay, cutie?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "Yeah, just a lot to take in."
Renée gently cupped Y/N's face. "You are perfect just as you are. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."
With renewed determination, they continued their shopping excursion, navigating the city streets and encountering a mix of positive and challenging moments. Throughout it all, Renée remained a pillar of support for Y/N, offering comfort and reassurance.
The day that had begun with the promise of a simple shopping excursion took an unexpected turn. As Renée and Y/N returned home, the energy that had fueled their adventures in the city shifted into an undercurrent of tension. The unspoken struggles from the encounter with the judgmental fan lingered, waiting to manifest in the silence of their shared space.
Renée, sensing the weight in the air, decided to address the underlying tension. "Cutie, is everything okay?" she asked, her tone gentle, yet probing.
Y/N, still reeling from the emotional rollercoaster of the day, couldn't find the right words to express the turmoil within. Frustration, anger, and a lingering sense of hurt simmered beneath the surface.
"It's just... that fan today," Y/N began, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I can't believe someone could be so judgmental. And it hurts."
Renée sighed, recognizing the need for open communication. "I know, cutie. It was tough, but we can't let someone like that affect us. We're stronger than that."
But the unresolved emotions from the encounter were a powder keg waiting to explode. Y/N, unable to regulate the rising anger, lashed out impulsively. "Maybe it wouldn't be so tough if I didn't have ADHD. Maybe you wouldn't have to deal with all this judgment if you were with someone 'normal.'"
The words hung in the air, a momentary silence following the verbal strike. Renée, caught off guard by the hurtful remark, felt the sting of the words like a sudden slap.
"Y/N, that's not fair," Renée retorted, her voice carrying a mix of hurt and frustration. "You know I don't see you that way. ADHD doesn't define you, and it doesn't change how I feel about you."
But the damage was done. The heated exchange had unearthed unspoken fears and insecurities, turning the atmosphere from tension into a tempest of emotions. Y/N, feeling the weight of the words she couldn't take back, retorted with a defensive edge.
"Maybe it should, Renée! Maybe you deserve someone who doesn't come with all this baggage, someone who doesn't make your life more complicated!"
Renée, usually composed, felt the eruption of emotions within her. The hurtful words struck a chord, awakening emotions she had kept at bay. "Don't you dare say that, Y/N. I love you, every part of you. But I won't accept you pushing me away because of your own insecurities."
The argument escalated, each word a sharp point of contention. The apartment, once a haven, became a battlefield of emotions. Y/N, overwhelmed by frustration and a sense of inadequacy, continued to vent her anger.
The fight reached its peak, with both Renée and Y/N standing on the precipice of their breaking points. The words exchanged were like daggers, leaving wounds that transcended the argument itself. Renée, feeling the weight of the emotional turmoil, exploded in a burst of frustration.
"Maybe you're right, Y/N. Maybe I do deserve better. Someone who doesn't throw everything back in my face when they're upset. Someone who can communicate without resorting to hurtful words."
Y/N, realizing the gravity of the situation, felt a pang of regret for the words that had been said. The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of the emotional fallout.
As the echoes of the fight reverberated through the apartment, Renée and Y/N stood at a crossroads. The love that had once been a source of strength now felt strained by the wounds inflicted in the heat of the argument.
The apartment, once filled with the echoes of their heated argument, now rested in a heavy silence. The emotional storm that had brewed between Renée and Y/N left behind a landscape of hurt feelings and unspoken regret. Renée, usually the pillar of strength, felt the weight of guilt settle on her shoulders.
"I didn't mean to say that, Y/N," Renée finally spoke, her voice carrying a mix of guilt and regret. "I know I shouldn't have exploded like that. I'm sorry."
Y/N, still wrestling with the emotional fallout, looked away for a moment before meeting Renée's gaze. The pain in her eyes was evident, a reflection of the internal turmoil that had been stirred.
"Maybe you're right, Renée," Y/N replied, her voice soft but firm. "Maybe I'm not the right person for you. Maybe you do deserve someone who won't lash out in anger and say things they can't take back."
Renée's heart sank at the words, the gravity of the situation hitting her like a wave. The guilt deepened as she saw the hurt in Y/N's eyes, an unintended consequence of their argument.
"Cutie, no, that's not what I meant," Renée pleaded, taking a step closer. "I love you, and I don't want anyone else. I just... I messed up, and I shouldn't have let my frustration get the better of me."
Y/N, still processing the intensity of their exchange, couldn't shake off the lingering sense of inadequacy. "Maybe I'm just too much, Renée. Maybe you deserve someone who's not a constant emotional rollercoaster."
Renée cupped Y/N's face gently, her thumb brushing away a stray tear. "You're not too much, Y/N. You're perfect for me. I just... I lost control, and I said things I didn't mean. I'm so sorry."
Y/N looked into Renée's eyes, the conflict within her apparent. "But what if I can't change, Renée? What if I'm always going to be like this, struggling with my emotions and pushing you away?"
Renée sighed, recognizing the depth of Y/N's insecurities. "We all have our struggles, cutie. I don't want you to change. I just want us to find better ways to communicate and navigate through the tough moments together."
The vulnerability between them hung in the air, a shared acknowledgment of the challenges they faced individually and as a couple. Y/N, torn between the desire to believe in their love and the fear of being a burden, took a moment to collect her thoughts.
"I want to be better for you, Renée," Y/N admitted, her voice laced with determination. "I don't want to hurt you like this. But I'm scared that I can't change."
Renée embraced Y/N, holding her close as if shielding her from the weight of the world. "We'll figure it out together, cutie. I don't have all the answers either, but I know we can't let one argument define us."
As they stood in the quiet aftermath of their fight, the apartment became a sanctuary for shared vulnerability. The love that had been tested now faced the challenge of rebuilding trust and understanding.
The next morning dawned with a quiet tension that lingered in the apartment. Renée, gearing up for a series of morning interviews, noticed the subdued atmosphere but attributed it to the aftermath of their argument. Y/N, however, was grappling with the weight of her insecurities, a silent struggle that threatened to consume her.
As Renée prepared to leave, she approached Y/N, who was sitting on the couch, a distant look in her eyes. "I'll be back in a few hours, cutie. Try to take it easy, okay?" Renée urged, concern etched on her face.
Y/N managed a small nod, but the internal storm raged on. The morning interviews had become an unexpected battleground for their emotions.
Left alone in the apartment, Y/N's insecurities took hold. The echoes of the argument, combined with the judgmental encounter from the day before, had carved a deep trench of doubt within her. The overwhelming sense of inadequacy swallowed her, drowning out the voice of reason.
As minutes turned into an hour, Y/N found herself spiraling into a dark place. The silence in the apartment became suffocating, and the emotional turmoil surged to the forefront. Y/N's attempts to quell the storm within were futile, and a torrent of tears streamed down her face.
She sat on the bathroom floor, the cool tiles beneath her offering a temporary escape from the chaos in her mind. Y/N gazed into the mirror, her own reflection a distorted image of pain and vulnerability. The desire for relief, for an escape from the relentless thoughts that haunted her, became overwhelming.
In a moment of desperation, Y/N's trembling hands reached for a razor blade. The sharp edge, a temporary relief from the internal storm, became an outlet for the pain that felt insurmountable. Deep cuts marked the silent battle, each one a desperate attempt to gain control over the chaos within.
Meanwhile, Renée, caught up in the hustle of interviews, realized she had forgotten her phone. A sense of urgency propelled her back to the apartment. Little did she know, the homecoming would unveil a scene of profound distress.
As Renée rushed in, the apartment seemed unnaturally quiet. A sense of foreboding settled in her chest. The bathroom door, slightly ajar, revealed a scene that would haunt Renée.
The sight of Y/N, huddled on the floor with blood-stained hands, sent shockwaves through Renée. Time seemed to freeze as she took in the gravity of the situation. Panic and fear gripped her heart, eclipsing any rational thought.
"Y/N!" Renée's voice trembled as she rushed to Y/N's side, her hands shaking as she assessed the wounds. "What... what happened?"
Y/N, tears streaming down her face, couldn't find the words to explain the depth of her pain. The regret and desperation mingled, creating a haunting silence in the wake of the unfolding tragedy.
Renée, her mind racing, dialed for emergency help. The weight of the moment bore heavily on her as she attempted to provide some form of comfort to Y/N while waiting for assistance.
"I'm so sorry, cutie," Renée whispered, her voice breaking. "I should have been here. I should have seen..."
The distant wail of ambulance sirens grew louder, signaling the arrival of the emergency responders. As the red and white lights flashed outside the apartment, Renée's heart raced, a pulsating drumbeat of fear echoing through the room.
The paramedics burst into the apartment, their faces masked by a mix of urgency and professionalism. Renée, her eyes wide with panic, gestured towards the bathroom where Y/N sat, a silent figure amidst the turmoil.
"Over here, please help her," Renée pleaded, her voice quivering with a blend of fear and guilt.
The paramedics, well-trained in navigating through moments of crisis, rushed to Y/N's side. They took in the scene—the blood-stained hands, the raw wounds, the vacant stare—and began their assessment.
"Can you tell us your name?" one paramedic asked gently, crouching down to Y/N's eye level.
Y/N, her gaze distant and numb, took a moment to register the question. "Y/N," she whispered, the word barely audible.
The paramedics exchanged glances, silently communicating the gravity of the situation. Renée hovered nearby, her eyes never leaving Y/N, her hands shaking as she struggled to hold onto composure.
"What happened, Y/N?" another paramedic inquired, his tone a mix of concern and clinical detachment.
Y/N hesitated, the words caught in her throat. Renée, sensing her partner's struggle, stepped forward. "I... I came back, and I found her like this. I don't know why. I don't know what happened."
The paramedics, accustomed to the unpredictable nature of emergencies, continued their assessment. They examined the wounds, asked Y/N about any medications or pre-existing conditions, and took note of the emotional state of both Y/N and Renée.
As the questions unfolded, Renée grappled with a whirlwind of emotions. Guilt gnawed at her, the weight of responsibility pressing down on her shoulders. The apartment, once a haven, now felt like a battleground where the consequences of their struggles manifested in raw, painful clarity.
One paramedic turned to Renée, offering a reassuring but stern gaze. "We're taking her to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment. Are you coming with us?"
Renée nodded, her voice hoarse as she replied, "Yes, of course. I need to be with her."
The paramedics worked swiftly, stabilizing Y/N and carefully guiding her onto the stretcher. As they wheeled her towards the ambulance, Y/N's vacant gaze met Renée's, a silent plea for understanding and support.
Renée climbed into the ambulance, her heart heavy with the realization that their journey had taken an unexpected and painful turn. The doors closed behind them, shutting out the outside world as they sped towards the hospital.
Inside the ambulance, the paramedics continued their assessment, monitoring Y/N's vital signs and administering gentle reassurances. Renée, seated beside Y/N, held her hand, the touch a fragile lifeline connecting them in the midst of the turmoil.
The journey to the hospital felt like an eternity, each passing moment fraught with uncertainty and the unspoken question of what lay ahead. The sirens wailed through the city, a mournful soundtrack to the shared struggle of two souls entangled in a complex dance of love, pain, and the profound need for understanding.
The ambulance screeched to a halt at the entrance of the hospital's emergency department. The doors swung open, revealing a team of medical professionals ready to take over Y/N's care. Renée, her eyes red from a mixture of tears and anxiety, clung to the hope that the hospital staff could help Y/N find the support and healing she needed.
As they transferred Y/N onto a hospital bed, Renée felt a wave of helplessness. The sterile hospital surroundings contrasted sharply with the emotional turbulence that had brought them here. Medical professionals swarmed around Y/N, their focus on assessing the extent of the injuries and determining the appropriate course of action.
Renée stood by, a silent observer to the medical ballet unfolding in front of her. She felt the weight of the morning's events bearing down on her, the guilt and fear intertwining like a vine around her heart. The medical staff exchanged information efficiently, and the hospital room became a temporary sanctuary—a place where the complexities of mental health were met with clinical expertise.
In a moment of realization, Renée fumbled for her phone. She needed support, someone to lean on in this moment of vulnerability. A name flashed in her mind—Ayla, her close friend who had been a pillar of strength in times of need.
As she dialed Ayla's number, Renée's hands trembled. The phone rang, each passing second an eternity as the hospital room seemed to close in around her.
"Renée? What's going on?" Ayla's voice, a familiar anchor, resonated through the phone.
Renée's voice cracked as she tried to articulate the tumult of emotions. "Ayla, it's Y/N. We're at the hospital. I found her... I found her like this, and I don't know what to do."
Ayla, sensing the urgency in Renée's tone, reassured her. "Take a deep breath, Renée. What happened? Is Y/N okay?"
Renée recounted the events of the morning—the argument, the discovery, the ambulance ride. Each word was a weight lifted, an attempt to share the burden of the situation.
"I'm so scared, Ayla. I don't know how this happened. I thought we could get through anything together," Renée admitted, her voice raw with vulnerability.
Ayla, the epitome of calm and compassion, responded, "Renée, you're doing the right thing by seeking help. Y/N needs professional care, and you're there for her. Take it one step at a time."
Renée nodded, even though Ayla couldn't see her. The support from a friend, even over the phone, provided a semblance of strength in a moment of crisis.
"I need you to be strong, Renée. For Y/N and for yourself. Lean on the medical professionals, and don't hesitate to ask for help. I'm here for you, and we'll get through this together," Ayla reassured.
As Renée hung up the phone, she took a moment to collect herself. The hospital room, once a place of uncertainty, became a stage for resilience. Y/N, now under the care of medical professionals, was on a path towards healing.
The hospital staff finished their initial assessments, leaving Renée alone in the room with Y/N. The sterile hospital air felt heavy, charged with the weight of the emotions that hung in the atmosphere. Y/N lay on the hospital bed, a mere physical presence. The vibrant energy that had once defined her seemed to have retreated, leaving behind an empty vessel—a shell of the person Renée knew.
Renée approached Y/N cautiously, her heart aching at the sight before her. Y/N's eyes, usually vibrant with life, were now vacant, like windows to a soul that had momentarily checked out. The marks on Y/N's arms, a visual testament to the struggles within, told a story of pain and desperation.
"Cutie, it's me. Renée," Renée whispered, her voice carrying a blend of concern and a plea for connection.
Y/N's gaze remained fixed on an indeterminate point in the room, unresponsive to the familiar voice that sought to pierce through the numbness. Renée felt a lump in her throat, a silent acknowledgment of the vast emotional distance that seemed to have emerged between them.
Renée pulled a chair closer to the hospital bed and took a seat, her eyes never leaving Y/N's face. "I'm here for you, Y/N. We're going to get through this together, okay?"
Silence filled the room, broken only by the distant hum of hospital machinery. Renée reached out, gently taking Y/N's hand in hers. The physical touch was a lifeline, a tangible connection in the midst of the emotional abyss.
The door to the room creaked open, and a nurse entered, carrying a small tray with a cup of water and some medication. "I need you to take these, Y/N," the nurse said, her tone gentle yet firm.
Y/N's gaze remained unfocused, and Renée felt a pang of helplessness. The nurse, experienced in navigating the delicate dance of mental health care, administered the medication with a practiced ease.
As the nurse left the room, Renée continued to sit by Y/N's side, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She wondered how they had arrived at this point, where the person she loved seemed so distant and unreachable.
The hospital room became a crucible of emotions—a space where the complexities of mental health collided with the resilience of love. Renée knew that the journey ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges that extended beyond the hospital walls.
"We're going to take this one step at a time, Y/N," Renée whispered, her voice an echo in the quiet room. "I love you, and I'm not giving up on us."
The hours passed in a haze of anxiety and anticipation. The hospital staff conducted further assessments, discussing treatment plans and therapy options. Renée, determined to be an active participant in Y/N's recovery, listened attentively, absorbing the information like a sponge.
As nightfall painted the sky outside the hospital window, Renée found herself grappling with a mix of exhaustion and a steadfast resolve. She had made calls to notify friends and family about Y/N's situation, choosing transparency over the looming specter of media speculation.
The room became a cocoon of vulnerability, a place where the complexities of mental health were acknowledged and addressed. Y/N, though physically present, remained enveloped in an emotional fog—a puzzle that Renée was determined to help unravel.
As the night wore on, Renée settled into the uncomfortable hospital chair, her gaze never wavering from Y/N's face. She whispered words of love and reassurance, hoping that the connection they shared could bridge the gap created by the internal struggles.
In the quiet of the hospital room, Renée grappled with the profound realization that love, though a powerful force, couldn't shield them from the challenges of mental health. The road ahead, marked by therapy sessions, emotional healing, and the delicate process of rebuilding trust, seemed daunting.
The hospital room was shrouded in the stillness of the night, broken only by the muted hum of medical equipment and the occasional distant footsteps echoing through the corridor. Renée, slouched in the uncomfortable chair beside Y/N's bed, felt the weight of exhaustion settling into every fiber of her being. The hours spent navigating the intricacies of the hospital, coupled with the emotional turmoil, had taken a toll on her.
In the midst of the night, a soft knock on the door interrupted the quietude. A nurse, her presence a beacon of professionalism in the dimly lit room, entered with a tray of fresh bandages and medical supplies. The nurse, recognizing Renée from the world beyond the hospital walls, offered a compassionate smile.
"Renée Rapp, right?" the nurse inquired, glancing at the exhausted figure by Y/N's side.
Renée nodded, grateful for the quiet acknowledgment. "Yes, that's me. How is she doing?"
The nurse began the delicate task of refreshing the bandages on Y/N's arms, her hands moving with a practiced gentleness. As she worked, she spoke in a hushed tone, mindful of the delicate nature of the conversation.
"Y/N is going through a lot right now. Self-harm can be a way for some individuals to cope with overwhelming emotions. It's not about seeking attention, but rather a desperate attempt to regain control when everything else seems chaotic," the nurse explained, her eyes conveying a mix of empathy and understanding.
Renée listened, absorbing the insights with a heavy heart. The realization that Y/N had been wrestling with internal demons, hidden behind a façade of normalcy, sent a pang of guilt through Renée. She wondered if there were signs she had missed, moments when she could have reached out more, or if this had been an internal struggle Y/N had kept hidden.
The nurse continued, "It's not uncommon for individuals to enter a state of dissociation or numbness after such events. The mind, overwhelmed by emotional pain, can retreat into a protective shell as a way to cope."
Renée's eyes remained fixed on Y/N, her heart aching at the vulnerability exposed by the nurse's words. She wished she could erase the pain etched on Y/N's face and offer solace in the face of the internal storm.
"Is there anything I can do for her?" Renée asked, her voice laced with a mix of desperation and determination.
The nurse finished tending to Y/N's wounds, carefully securing the fresh bandages. She met Renée's gaze, her eyes reflecting a depth of understanding born from years of witnessing the complex tapestry of human suffering.
"Be there for her. Encourage her to seek professional help, and don't underestimate the power of love and understanding. Mental health is a journey, and recovery takes time," the nurse advised, her words carrying a weight of wisdom.
Renée nodded, a silent promise forming in her heart. She would stand by Y/N, supporting her through the twists and turns of the recovery journey. The nurse, sensing the unspoken resolve, offered a reassuring smile before quietly exiting the room, leaving Renée alone with her thoughts.
The night continued its silent march, the hospital room becoming a sanctuary where vulnerability met resilience. Renée, though physically fatigued, found a wellspring of determination within her—a determination to be the pillar of support Y/N needed in the face of the daunting road ahead.
As the hospital room embraced the shadows of the night, Renée settled back into the chair, her eyes never leaving Y/N's face. She whispered words of love into the quiet, a silent promise to navigate the complexities of mental health together and emerge on the other side with a renewed understanding of the strength that could be found in vulnerability and love.
As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of soft pink and orange, the hospital room began to stir with a new day. Renée, having spent the night in vigilance by Y/N's side, felt the weariness in her bones. The night had been a marathon of emotions, and the morning light brought with it a subtle sense of hope—a hope that they could navigate the challenges ahead together.
Y/N lay on the hospital bed, still in a state of quiet detachment. The events of the previous day, marked by emotional turmoil and the revelation of Y/N's struggles, lingered in the air like an unspoken truth. Renée, her eyes heavy with fatigue, gazed at Y/N with a mix of concern and unwavering determination.
The hospital staff, attuned to the rhythm of their morning routine, entered the room to conduct assessments and provide updates. The events of the previous night had prompted discussions about therapy options and a more comprehensive treatment plan.
A doctor, a beacon of expertise in the sea of uncertainty, approached Renée with a measured warmth. "Ms. Rapp, we've scheduled a meeting with our psychiatric team to discuss Y/N's treatment plan. It's important for us to understand her needs and formulate a comprehensive approach to her mental health."
Renée nodded, appreciating the proactive stance of the medical team. She knew that the road to recovery would require a collaborative effort, and the support of mental health professionals would be instrumental in guiding them through the journey.
As the doctor left the room, Renée turned her attention back to Y/N. The morning light cast a gentle glow on Y/N's face, highlighting the vulnerability etched on features that had once radiated with life. Renée reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from Y/N's forehead.
"Hey, cutie," Renée whispered, her voice a soft murmur in the quiet room. "We're going to get through this, okay? You're not alone."
The door creaked open, and a nurse entered with a tray of breakfast. "Good morning. We've prepared a light meal for Y/N. It's important for her to regain strength," the nurse explained, placing the tray on the bedside table.
Renée nodded gratefully, her eyes shifting between the breakfast tray and Y/N's still form. The nurse left the room, leaving Renée alone with the weight of responsibility and the promise of a new day.
She encouraged Y/N to eat, knowing that nourishment was a crucial aspect of the recovery process. Despite the gentle prodding, Y/N remained unresponsive, lost in the internal labyrinth of her thoughts.
The hospital room, once a temporary haven for the wounded, became a backdrop for a delicate dance between fragility and resilience. Renée, grappling with the aftermath of the previous day's revelations, felt a renewed sense of purpose—a determination to stand by Y/N's side and usher in a chapter of healing and understanding.
As the morning unfolded, mental health professionals visited the room, engaging in discussions about Y/N's history, triggers, and potential therapeutic approaches. Renée, though emotionally drained, participated actively in the conversations, eager to contribute to Y/N's path towards recovery.
The discussions delved into the multifaceted nature of mental health, addressing the nuances of Y/N's struggles and exploring avenues for support. Renée, typically guarded about her private life, found herself opening up to the professionals—a testament to the depth of her commitment to Y/N's well-being.
The morning, marked by consultations and assessments, transitioned into the afternoon. Renée, having not left Y/N's side, found solace in the knowledge that they were taking tangible steps towards understanding and addressing the challenges they faced.
In the quiet moments between consultations, Renée sat by Y/N's side, her fingers gently tracing patterns on the back of Y/N's hand. She whispered words of encouragement, expressions of love that transcended the boundaries of spoken language.
As the day unfolded, Y/N remained in a state of quiet detachment, her gaze fixed on the world beyond the hospital window. The morning sunlight spilled into the room, casting a warm glow that painted the walls with a subtle reassurance. Renée, sitting by Y/N's side, couldn't shake the worry that lingered in her heart.
"Hey, babes," Renée spoke softly, using one of their affectionate pet names. She reached out, gently squeezing Y/N's hand, hoping to anchor her in the present moment. "How are you feeling?"
Y/N's eyes, though open, seemed to be windows to a distant realm. The weight of the events that had transpired seemed to have pulled her into a space where the present and the past blended into a surreal landscape.
"Y/N, I called your mom. She couldn't make it, you know, with the distance and everything," Renée explained, her voice a gentle murmur. "But she sends her love and wants you to focus on getting better."
Despite the fact that Y/N had moved from Belgium to America to be with Renée, her roots and family ties remained a significant part of her identity. The inability of her parents to be physically present added another layer of complexity to the emotional tapestry that was unfolding.
Renée continued to sit by Y/N's side, her eyes occasionally drifting towards the bustling activities in the hospital corridor. The medical staff continued their rounds, their presence a constant reminder of the delicate balance between vulnerability and expertise.
A nurse entered the room, carrying a tray with a lunch that mirrored the hospital's attempt at providing a sense of normalcy. "Lunchtime, Y/N. You need to keep your strength up," the nurse encouraged, placing the tray on the bedside table.
Renée glanced at the food, then at Y/N, hoping to see a spark of acknowledgment. However, Y/N's gaze remained fixed on the distant horizon, seemingly oblivious to the routines of the hospital room.
"Cutie, I know this is hard, but you have to try to eat," Renée urged, her concern etched on her face. "It's a small step towards healing."
As the day progressed, Renée found herself engaging in a delicate dance—balancing the responsibility of supporting Y/N with the need for self-care. The hospital became a microcosm of emotions, each moment a brushstroke in the evolving narrative of their journey through mental health challenges.
The psychiatric team returned for further discussions, presenting a tentative treatment plan that incorporated therapy sessions and counseling. Renée, eager to be an active participant in Y/N's recovery, absorbed the information with a sense of purpose.
The afternoon sun began its descent, casting a warm glow that transformed the hospital room into a haven of muted colors. Renée, acutely aware of the emotional toll the day had taken on both of them, decided to share a moment of vulnerability.
"Y/N, you mean the world to me," Renée confessed, her voice carrying a blend of love and vulnerability. "I want to understand what you're going through, and I want to be here for you every step of the way. Can we talk about it? Together?"
Y/N's response was a subtle shift in gaze, a fleeting acknowledgment that didn't quite pierce through the wall of dissociation. Renée, though faced with the formidable challenge of navigating Y/N's emotional landscape, remained undeterred.
As evening approached, Renée decided to step out of the hospital room for a breath of fresh air. The corridors, usually filled with the hustle and bustle of medical activities, now seemed to echo with a quietude that mirrored the complex emotions within.
Returning to the room, Renée found Y/N still lost in the introspective gaze towards the window. The day had been a tapestry of emotions, and the prospect of navigating the road ahead seemed both daunting and necessary.
As the day unfolded, Renée's concern for Y/N deepened, especially as she observed Y/N still caught in a state of detachment. The hospital room, usually a hub of activity, had transformed into a quiet sanctuary where the complexities of mental health were navigated with careful consideration.
In the late afternoon, a doctor entered the room, their white coat a symbol of expertise in a sea of uncertainty. Renée looked up, her eyes tired but filled with a quiet determination.
"Ms. Rapp, I understand you're worried about Y/N's state of detachment," the doctor began, their voice measured and reassuring. "It's not uncommon for individuals who have experienced significant emotional distress to enter a state of dissociation. It's the mind's way of coping with overwhelming emotions."
Renée nodded, her eyes never leaving Y/N's form. The doctor continued, "We're monitoring Y/N closely, and our psychiatric team is working on a comprehensive treatment plan. However, recovery is a gradual process, and patience is key."
"I just want to help her, you know? It's like she's there, but not really," Renée admitted, her voice a mix of frustration and genuine concern.
The doctor pulled up a chair, taking a seat next to Renée. "It's commendable that you're here to support Y/N. Emotional trauma can manifest in various ways, and dissociation is a defense mechanism. The mind compartmentalizes distressing experiences as a way to protect itself."
Renée's eyes flickered with a mix of understanding and a desire to unravel the complexities that held Y/N captive. "But how do we break through to her? How do we help her come back?"
The doctor leaned forward, their expression thoughtful. "In cases like this, establishing a sense of safety and trust is crucial. Emotional support, professional counseling, and time can all contribute to the process. Encouraging Y/N to express her emotions in a safe environment is an important step."
Renée nodded, absorbing the guidance. The doctor continued, "You play a vital role in Y/N's recovery. Your presence, understanding, and love can create a foundation for her to rebuild from. It's also essential to maintain open communication and encourage her to seek professional help when she's ready."
As the doctor spoke, Renée's gaze shifted back to Y/N. The complexity of emotions weighed heavily on her, but a determination to be the anchor for Y/N fueled her resolve.
"Thank you, Doctor. I just want her to know she's not alone," Renée expressed, a quiet determination in her voice.
The doctor stood up, offering a reassuring smile. "You're doing everything you can, and we're here to support both of you. Recovery is a journey, and each step, no matter how small, is progress."
As the doctor left the room, Renée took a moment to gather her thoughts. The hospital room, filled with the weight of unspoken emotions, became a space where hope and uncertainty coexisted. She approached Y/N, her hand gently reaching for Y/N's.
"Cutie, we're in this together. I'm not leaving your side," Renée whispered, her words a promise that echoed through the quiet room.
The evening unfolded with a gentle ebb and flow. Renée remained by Y/N's side, offering words of encouragement and the reassuring touch of her presence. The hospital staff continued their rounds, ensuring Y/N's physical well-being while the mental health professionals worked on the intricate puzzle of emotional recovery.
As nightfall draped the hospital room in shadows, Renée found herself reflecting on the day's events. The journey ahead was uncertain, but the resolve to stand by Y/N's side remained unwavering.
In the quiet moments between the hum of medical equipment and the distant sounds of the hospital, Renée clung to the belief that, together, they could navigate the complexities of mental health and emerge on the other side with a renewed understanding of the strength found in vulnerability and love.
The nurse, observing Renée's steadfast commitment to staying by Y/N's side, entered the room once again, her presence a gentle reminder of the practicalities that surrounded their situation.
"Ms. Rapp, I understand your dedication, but you need rest too. A proper rest will allow you to be the best support for Y/N," the nurse kindly suggested, her compassionate gaze reflecting genuine concern.
Renée, torn between the desire to stay and the acknowledgment of her own exhaustion, hesitated for a moment. The nurse continued, "We can arrange for a bed to be brought in. That way, you'll be close, and you can still keep a watchful eye on Y/N."
After a brief moment of consideration, Renée nodded, appreciating the practical solution the nurse had offered. "Alright, let's do that. I won't be far from her."
As the hospital staff arranged for a bed to be brought into the room, Renée took a moment to gather a few essentials from home. A change of clothes, some personal items, and a bag filled with comfort items for Y/N—Renée prepared to create a temporary home within the hospital walls.
Returning to the room, she found the nurse overseeing the placement of the bed. "Thank you," Renée expressed her gratitude, her eyes never straying far from Y/N's form on the hospital bed.
With the makeshift sleeping arrangements in place, Renée felt a mix of relief and weariness settle in. The nurse, noting Renée's state, suggested, "Take a little break. You can use the shower facilities here. It might help you feel a bit more refreshed."
Renée hesitated for a moment, considering the suggestion. Eventually, she agreed, realizing the importance of self-care in order to be a pillar of support for Y/N. "Alright, I'll take a quick shower. Thank you."
The nurse directed Renée to the hospital's shower facilities, a space where the sound of running water and the warmth of steam created a momentary escape from the weight of emotions. Renée undressed, allowing the hot water to cascade over her, its comforting touch offering a brief respite.
In the solitude of the shower, Renée allowed her mind to wander. Thoughts of the day's events, Y/N's struggles, and the complexities of mental health circled in her thoughts like fragments of a puzzle waiting to be assembled.
The rhythmic sound of water echoed in the tiled enclosure, creating a meditative backdrop to Renée's contemplation. Steam enveloped her, and for a fleeting moment, she allowed herself to be present in the simplicity of the shower—finding a small oasis within the storm of emotions.
As Renée dried off and dressed in fresh clothes, a sense of renewal accompanied her back to Y/N's room. The hospital bed was a stark contrast to the familiarity of their home, but Renée was determined to create a sense of comfort within these clinical walls.
With a bag filled with comforting items, Renée approached Y/N's bedside, her heart heavy with both concern and determination. The hospital room, now adorned with a makeshift bed for Renée, became a canvas for creating a sense of familiarity amidst the sterile surroundings.
"Hey, cutie. I brought some things to make you feel a bit more at home," Renée spoke gently, her voice a soothing presence in the quiet room. She carefully arranged the items on the bedside table—Y/N's cherished teddy bear, the soft candy she loved, the Marvel shirt that always brought her comfort, a hoodie that had become a source of solace, and a picture of their beloved dog Winston.
"These are here for you, babe. A piece of home to keep you company," Renée continued, her eyes reflecting a mix of love and concern as she arranged the items with meticulous care.
She then turned her attention to Y/N's attire, retrieving some comfy clothes from the bag. "I brought you a change of clothes, something soft and familiar," Renée explained, unfolding the fabric and placing it within easy reach.
As she settled into the bedside chair, Renée took Y/N's hand, her touch a gentle reassurance. "We're in this together, okay? You're not alone."
The hospital room, now adorned with the tangible fragments of their shared life, took on a warmer ambiance. The familiar scents and textures seemed to bridge the gap between the clinical environment and the haven they were trying to create.
Renée, clad in comfortable clothes herself, leaned back in the chair, a small smile playing on her lips. "I know it's not our cozy bed at home, but we'll make this space our own, even if it's just for now."
She reached for Y/N's Marvel shirt, unfolding it and holding it up. "Remember this? The superhero shirt that always made you feel invincible. You've got your own superpowers, you know—strength, resilience, and a heart that's as powerful as any hero."
Renée's words, infused with both sincerity and a touch of playfulness, sought to pierce through the veil of dissociation that held Y/N captive. She continued talking, recounting memories, sharing stories, and offering words of love and encouragement.
As the night deepened, the hospital room transformed into a cocoon of shared memories and whispered hopes. Renée, with an unwavering commitment, remained by Y/N's side—navigating the labyrinth of emotions with a tenacity that spoke volumes of the love that bound them together.
The glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm hue on the room, creating a sanctuary where the complexities of mental health met the resilience of love. Renée, surrounded by the echoes of their life, found solace in the belief that, together, they could weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.
The soft hum of the hospital room was disrupted as the nurse gently approached, her steps deliberate so as not to startle Renée. The subdued glow of the bedside lamp cast a gentle illumination, revealing Renée nestled in the makeshift bed next to Y/N.
"Wake up, Ms. Rapp. It's time for Y/N's bandages," the nurse spoke in hushed tones, recognizing the need for delicacy in the quietude of the night.
Renée stirred from her slumber, the remnants of a deep sleep lingering in her eyes. Blinking away the drowsiness, she focused on the nurse, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. As the nurse attended to Y/N's bandages, Renée remained vigilant, her eyes a mix of gratitude and weariness.
Once the bandaging was complete, Renée, her voice softened by the night, spoke to the nurse, "Hey, could you help me change Y/N into something a bit more comfortable? Maybe her favorite boxers, the Marvel shirt, and my hoodie?"
The nurse, understanding the desire to provide comfort in the small gestures, nodded in agreement. "Of course, Ms. Rapp. I'll assist you with that."
Together, with a gentle and synchronized effort, they carefully changed Y/N into the familiar ensemble—soft boxers, the Marvel shirt that held memories, and Renée's comforting hoodie. The nurse, efficient yet compassionate, recognized the significance of these small acts in creating a sense of familiarity within the clinical confines of the hospital.
As they worked in tandem, Renée spoke to Y/N in a soft murmur, a steady stream of reassurances and love. "There you go, cutie. Back in your favorite gear. We're in this together, okay?"
The room, now enveloped in the quiet aftermath of their actions, became a haven where vulnerability met tenderness. The nurse, with a gentle pat on Renée's shoulder, retreated, leaving them once again in the embrace of the night.
Renée, settling back into the makeshift bed, cast a fond glance at Y/N, who now rested in the familiar attire. "We're creating our own little world in here, aren't we?" she mused, her voice a gentle melody in the quiet room.
The night continued its journey, marked by the rhythmic hum of medical equipment and the soft breaths of two intertwined souls. Renée, despite the weariness that lingered in her bones, found solace in the belief that these small, intimate acts could weave a tapestry of comfort and love amid the complexities of mental health.
As the room embraced the serenity of the night, Renée, nestled by Y/N's side, surrendered once again to the realm of dreams and whispered promises—a cocoon of warmth in the heart of the hospital's quietude.
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vsyrworld · 10 months
get to know my favorite driver's ship
this was made by me and for me and i wrote fanfic about them!!!
(fyi; i started watching f1 in 2015 so ofc you guys KNOW what my FIRST and ULTIMATE ship)
(older f1 ships: )
Brocedes :D (childhood friends, teammates, rivals, anything but a lover - crofty 2021)
OH COME ON. I will write an essay about their history. BUT ANYWAY, despite their toxic year in 2015/2016, I still adore how young nico and lewis friendship or whatever they had in Greece back then and I still keep this ship alive until the 2021 season. Their battle on the track was BEYOND TOXIC, yet their battle off the track (media drama) is HILLAARIOUS. How come Lewis accidentally spills out, the name that shouldn't be spoken for Half of DECADE. God both of them are dramas king. NICO PODCAST omg the talk with Alain prost and they compared his vs Senna battle with HIS AND Lewis's battle PLUS when Nico's storytelling his "friendship" history in ITALY at the SPONSOR EVENTS *CRIED* and lewis always mentioned how he loves ice cream and do cheating day in imola and monza BECAUSE IT WAS NICO WHO INTRODUCE THE FOOD THERE. ugh I hate and love them at the same time. (I do include some Seb/NICO too because I like see Lewis getting rilled up)
2. Kimi and Seb (I ADORE THIS A LOT)
my calm and serenity wise iconic ferrari couple. I feel like Kimi was the rock ice and water for Seb to prevent him from burnout because of ferrari. during 2017-2018, Seb pushed hard (same like Charles) and yet the car reliability fuck his championship standing. and kimi (--kimi was the last ferrari champion hiks) kimi just so attentive to seb and I genuinely like both of them being rebels to whole ferrari tradition (like they don't do rollercoaster thingy, they DON'T master Italian, they just become their self and being so comfortable in their own bubble, fuck world). I had noticed also Seb (and Gio) is the only teammate that can make Kimi laugh. I just super super adore them!
ugh should I explain them? THE CHAOTIC GAYEST ENERGY IN WHOLEEE 2016 GRIDS COME ON. I love how Daniel basically took young rookie Max under his arm and just had fun on and off the track with It? The biggest flop was when Max was just so hotheaded and they crashed in Baku. I thought their relationship gonna be stranded but GUESS WHAT? MAXIEL IS STILL ALIVE UNTIL NOW HELLO? and their relationship is so real not only for the camera but also out the camera. The other highlight moment is when Max is already 'too big' daniel really steps down from RBR because he knows, Max will outshine him, and he knows (what he learned from brocedes too) that it's better to go the other way.
4. Dando (COMFORT SHIIP Not romantically also)
I thought daniel was max soulmate but LANDO excuse me? They can share daniel If they want. i just love how lando becomes so silly and blushes like school teenager around Daniel. i love how they INFLUENCE each other. I think because I feel nostalgic with them because they really similar with Maxiel in 2017 era, just one season before Daniel goes to renault, Maxiel was strained on thin paper. Dando other hands, well Daniel mostly, struggled in McLaren (with the papaya fans also still adore Carlos that time and refuse to let go him) plus Lando was shining bright just like Max 2016. Again, daniel he stepped OUT (this time). I guess, that similarity made me miss maxiel too.
5. last one C2 (Charlos) gosh, please!! ultimate!!!
loving and adoring them was expected though. It wasn't because they're both handsome (I already know Carlos was goofy ever since his Renault era so I never consider him as a handsome man) BUT DANG BOY, RED ON CARLOS WAS SOMETHING ELSE? RED ON CARLOS, BLACK ON CARLOS WAS SAKDAJSKDFHLKJSAFHKJAF.
-- okay back to the c2. It was a slow build okay? I realized that they are special during Carlos's first podium, Monaco 2021. Charles WAS LIKE ME. Blushing giggling, shy gazes toward Carlos. they are so endearing. Both of them are the victims of the Ferrari team. But I think they both understand each burden (Charles being the predestinated one, and Carlos had to prove his talent bcs he is a two times world champion son) plus, the way Ferrari screwed Charles in 2019. The team was cracked but with Carlos, I didn't expect this cursed team is heal :"D (Crying) and Charles become more relaxed, more enjoyed, even his coping mechanism is with laughter and Carlos just matches his energy. Idk , they gave me... a relationship through ups and downs.
and I realized there are so many people trying to pit them against each other, their fans are constantly arguing about who is the best and better driver, always dragging one of them down, but guess what is Carlos and Charles's response? it's completely differs from real life. They knew and fucking see it their fans tension. Carlos's anger to the Spanish media has already proven enough he had enough of these things. Charles also said in an interview that "what he saw about him and Carlos is nowhere true". they are the best PR relationship couple out there, but I also can see a genuine, how they know each other so weell. How Charles kept the football game updated just because of Carlos, how Carlos knows his favorite food, how they had their own internal jokes,
they are both soo lowkey on the camera during and outside the race. and I think that Is why people never hype them like carlando or everyone's favorite childhood rival to lovers lesttapen. And I thought they didn't really hang out with each other that much but WHAT WAS THAT SUMMER BREAK? HUH? YOU IN MALORCA AND WENT TO SOUTHERN FRENCH? What were the matching Instagram feeds color and aesthetic at New York? WHAT WAS THE THING ABOUT PASTA CARBONARA UN LUNGA NON PENNE? WHAT WAS THAT THING CHARLES SLEPT ON THE FLOOR just to accompany Carlos watching World Cup? The dolomites? The Sardinia?
there are soo many thing that they keep it so low-profile and under camera, and yet their conversation is so domestic.
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starlost-lix · 5 months
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THE YI CITY ARC???? POOR XIAO XINGCHEN AND SONG LAN 😭 idk its like xue yang is a psycho i find him kind of funny tho oops 😬 also sizhui is the cutest kid ever but smth seems weird about him like i feel like there’s smth important going on…
lan zhan and wei ying being absolutely dumb in love for each other like wwx sir u are full on spouting monologues and internal screaming over lwj how oblivious are u 😭 and lwj is so like cold but like not cold like i see u being jealous and protective 👏👏
idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i kind of really absolutely hate meng yao ik ppl like his character and want redemption but i highkey want to just see him get thrown off a cliff 😓😓 poor nie mingjue :((( also lan xichen i like him a lot but he highkey annoyed me bc of how blind he was
the ending 😩😩😩😩 no words that was a great cliffhanger
jin ling is such a lovely little angry little baby please can i adopt him 🥺🥺🥺
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neos127 · 5 months
DIE FOR YOU — SIM JAEYUN (chapter six)
spider-man!jake x fem!reader; synopsis. university student and daily bugle intern jake sim does his best to juggle having two separate lives. unfortunately y/n, who also interns at the daily bugle, is obsessed with finding out who the popular vigilante ‘spider-man’ is. with their constant close proximity and jake’s new found crush, y/n is closer to figuring out his secret identity by the day.
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you lived in new york, you were no stranger to the amount of ‘villains of the week’ and structure collapses that happened weekly or even daily. but for once, you hoped that a night out with new friends wouldn’t be crushed by something so simple as the roller coaster not being intact. it was then you suddenly remembered hearing about a small scale villain trying to disrupt the ride in order to bring out spider-man. it seemed as if he succeeded (only a week later), and you wished you had remembered that before getting on the ride.
your life flashed before your eyes and jake surely wanted to end his. how could this possibly happen? he was out in the open with no way to sneak away unseen.
jake grabbed your hand tightly as the carts began to inch more and more off the rails. he knew that he would survive the fall, he’s sure he’s survived worse, but you wouldn’t and jake couldn’t let you die.
“oh fuck!” you yelled out as the carts moved even more, dangling over the the broken railing. you were practically dangling over the ground and if the carts moved even more, it might finally break off and plummet.
“it’s gonna be okay.” jake choked out, putting a arm across your chest to keep you from slipping out. you would’ve found the action endearing if it weren’t for the fact that you were possibly about to plummet ten stories.
“oh my gosh are we gonna die?” you asked, which sounded stupid given the circumstances but you were truly terrified. despite reading about all of the people who unfortunately died or nearly died due to something going wrong in the city, you had been lucky. no unnecessary run ins with crazy villains made you feel a bit invincible— but obviously that wasn’t the case.
“no, I won’t let anything happen to you.” jake replied, causing your to whip your head towards him. you were about to screech at him, asking what the hell he would do considering that you were seated next to each other in the same compromising position.
before you could open your mouth, you felt something almost slimey crawling around your body. it was black and looked like goo, but it was firm as it wrapped around your body and lifted you out of the cart. jake’s eyes widened as he reached out to grab you, but the same began to happen to him. the boy panicked, sure that someone was out to get him (well, spider-man since his identity was a secret) and was trying to draw him out.
but when the alien goop set the two on the ground safely, jake realized that it was actually long arms and they were attached to a person. at least, he assumed it was a person. the ‘suit’ of the entity looked similar to spider-man’s, but with the colors black and white. their arms could extend and retract and jake was sure that they couldn’t be from earth. he knew that he had to be cautious though, and he planned to look out for the mysterious person when he went on his patrols. jake wanted to make sure that this alien had good intentions.
“y/n! oh my gosh!” moka yelled, running over to you. she engulfed you into a hug and wonyoung followed closely behind. the two girls, along with jungwon, sunoo and heeseung, had decided to go win prizes instead of getting on the rollercoaster. riki had joined the two of you but took a cart by himself since there was only room for two people in one.
“wait, where’s riki?” sunoo asked, looking at the broken structure. jake paled as he followed sunoo’s gaze, wondering if his friend had gotten stuck…or worse. but the ride was empty and jake assumed that the mysterious hero had gotten everyone out.
“riki!” jake yelled out, about to move closer towards the rollercoaster before he finally spotted his friend. the tall boy seemed unbothered, hands in his pockets as he strolled towards the group.
“are you okay?” jake asked, his voice hoarse.
“oh yeah i’m fine, that um…black and white spider…man saved me.” he shrugged, a small smile on his face. the group all looked at him weirdly, wondering why he seemed so chill about the situation. even the ones on the ground were shaken up from witnessing everything.
“guys…it’s alright. i’ve had like, multiple near death experiences it doesn’t really phase me anymore.” he shrugged, throwing an arm around jake’s shoulders. you looked at him oddly but decided to let it go, shaking your head and running your hands over your face.
as the group began to exit coney island, having enough with the night and wanting dinner, jake pulled you aside to walk behind the group.
“are you okay?” he asked, his eyes never leaving your face.
“i’m alright, thank you for asking. are you okay?” you flashed him a smile, asking the same question. jake nodded before running a hand through his hair.
“yeah i’m okay…i just wish i could’ve done something.” he mumbled, pausing when he realized who he was talking to.
“don’t beat yourself up about it. there was nothing you could’ve done, we just got lucky that this new vigilante showed up.” you shrugged, playing with strings on your hoodie. jake nodded in fake agreeance, but he still felt terrible. the truth was, he could’ve done something. only his friends knew about jake’s secret identity and he didn’t intend on letting the world know.
he couldn’t let himself get in such a situation again, especially when you were in danger. if anything similar happened again, jake was positive that he would risk his life to keep you safe.
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— ky’s notes; i took out people who i couldn’t tag! i’m so sorry idk why i can’t tag you guys! also— jake 100% deleted all his posts about y/n when she started following him lmao. also venom was introduced🙈 if you don’t know what venom is— he’s an alien that can basically attach himself to people but this will all be explained later!
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