#Oh so it's mister brown now
yeahyankee · 1 year
I live for every single time Brennan Lee Mulligan plays an ever-enduring, resentful ex-wife on Dimension 20.
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merakidoll · 20 days
a man anybody would love. mr.kento
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a taste of sweet victory. but the victory is nanami kento’s cum; he was a man you had been chasing for months now, your boss you could say. you found him very charming, nice buff arms, sleek blond hair, and a pretty face to match. he was rich, born into wealth that he just chose to make bigger; and best of all a bachelor. you knew from previous ex’s and how the blogs put it that your were not nanami’s type, but what’s the harm in trying? while everyone played hard to get with the man who cared nothing about them, you went in, wrapping his around your long duck nails and pink mini skirts to the point of oblivion. what was the term? one fell first, the other fell harder- that was the case for you and mister nanami.
“come’on baby, you got it,” nanami loved making you do thing like this, and acted like he was unbothered; when really he couldn’t even worry about the work that sat on the oka desk. under him you sat like a pretty doll on your knees, his dick resting in your warm, wet hole that drool dripped from your mouth to his blue slacks. the vibrator he had in you buzzed loudly; the highest setting to be exact and it had your vision blurring- but not how nanami usually has it. the game he was playing was sick, who could last longer, and he knew that you were not one to like orgasm daniel; especially in the hands of your own! but that pretty new Chanel bag and a trip to greece was calling your name so you had to pull through.
taking a deep breath you watched his movements, his behavior had your heart stinging because right now he would usually be begging you to take him deeper. but instead, mindless skimmed the paperwork that you knew was nothing like the view below him. slowing slithering your tounge on him, you pulled him out of your mouth landing a glob of saliva on his head, making him hiss. you got his attention by that, the paper’s getting slammed down on the desk and his hands gripping your head making you take him fully.
oh sweet, sweet victory.
his jaw was clenched as his fucked his seven inch cock deep in your throat. he enjoyed your gags, and the salty water that dripped from your doe eyes. he ignored the redness in your face, from you taking way too much- but you loved every second. “cock slut huh?” his words were like venom, but this venom felt good and made your pussy leak all over the toy. your clit pulsed, cream getting on the brown floor orgasm so close, but! you couldn’t let him get this one, withholding your gag and taking him deeper.
“awee fuck!” nanami’s head fell back into the chair, his balls hitting your chin while his cock let out the ropes curing a thirst that you didn’t know needed to be fulfilled. with the small taste of his body nectar, you let go. squirting all over the ground with a hard splash, and moving him out of your mouth with a victory smile. his shiny dick fell onto his white button up making quite a mess, but all you could think about is your new gadgets, plus some!
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
— oh and by the way im married (zhongli) .
synopsis !! zhongli neglects to inform his friends that he's married.
contains !! they/them reader but referred to as wife, comedic dialogue
Perhaps it's the fact that you've been married for centuries that informing others didn't seem to be a priority for Zhongli.
It wasn't obvious either. He had his day job and you had yours. To regular couples, the amount of distance you two spend would be a little strange, but time is something you have in abundance so it didn't really matter when you spend a few days apart doing your day jobs.
It was Hutao who brought it up the on the evening's Lantern Rite dinner.
"Aiyaya, it seems like everybody alive and dead has a date for this year's lantern rite."
"Hahaha! And here we are celebrating a feast with new and old friends. It doesn't sound like much of a loss to me." Venti laugjs, pouring himself a drink that threatens to overflow from his hand.
"I'm not saying it's a loss, I'm simply wondering wouldn't some of you want to spend the night with a special someone?" She smirks, eyes scanning the group. Chongyun coughs into his cup as Xiao averts his gaze from the troublemaker.
"If you're asking for my opinion, I'd say everyone here is quite special to me," Lumine smiles warmly before glancing at the two archons and yaksha, "I'm sure there's still time for dating in the future. We're not that old."
"Well. . ." Hutao turns to Zhongli. He raises a brow, placing down his cup.
"May I ask why you're staring at me, Director Hu?"
"No reason~ It's just, as your boss, of course I'm a little bit concerned. Aren't you wasting your youth by not going out on dates, mister Zhongli? I'm sure there's a line of Liyuens who would love to–"
A burst of laughter comes from the green bard. "Oh, him? On a Lantern Rite date with someone else? (Name) would surely kill him."
"(Name)?" Everyone questions.
"Huh? He didn't tell you?" Venti tilts his head.
Zhongli coughs, "Ah. . . Please don't be concerned about my dating life, Director Hu. After all, I am already married."
A cup drops.
Tea spills (literally).
"Married?!" The restaurant shakes as Hutao and Lumine jolt upright, hands slamming the table.
"Married." Zhongli confirms.
"What! For how long? When? What's their name? Why have you never–"
Zhongli hushes, trying to calm his boss from jumping over the table. His face dusts a light pink, perhaps embarrassed by the whole ordeal.
"For a few. . . years now. As you know, they're (Name). And as for why I never mentioned my wife. . ." He glances at the crowd, ". . . I simply forgot."
"You. . . forgot," Xingqiu slowly repeats.
"Yes, it seems I've forgotten to inform everyone. Then again, is it not obvious that I'm a married man?"
Chongyun covers his face in his hands, processing the whole ordeal, "Thinking back. . . mister Zhongli always had a domestic kind of aura. It seems so obvious now."
"Wait, wait, wait! How come I didn't know about this? We work together almost everyday! And why does Venti know! Didn't you two just met! Do you even have a ring?" Hutao interjects, flabbergasted as Zhongli and Venti freezes.
In truth, he does have a ring. One he carved himself made of only the most precious of jade and metal. It has rested under his glove for centuries—
Under his glove also hides his draconic arms, golden veins against dark brown, almost scale-like skin. Proof of a entity greater than human.
"Ehe. . . about that," Venti nervously looks away, "I've actually. . . met his wife before!" He covers up, voice laced with enthusiasm.
"Yes, yes, my wife is quite fond of Mondstadt's songs. They've frequently visited the nation before."
"And you don't come along?" Xiangling asks.
"I don't."
The group blinks.
"And what about the ring? I never see you wear a wedding ring." Hutao narrows her eyes.
"That's because I don't wear it." He answers bluntly.
". . . and you never introduced them to us because. . .?" Lumine questions.
"Because . . . I haven't had the time to?"
Hutao rests back on her chair, her eyes glazed in judgment, "No offense mister Zhongli, but you seem like a terrible husband. If you don't get your act straight, I'd say your marriage won't last."
His jaw drops. Venti laughs.
|| ko-fi support / character m.list ||
~ bonus ~
"Darling, am I a terrible husband?"
"No? What makes you think that?"
"No reason. Although I believe we should try dating publicly."
tumblr has been deleting my last paragraphs why
//for some reason tumblr has been deleting my last lines in drafts so i have to type this so my last sentences wont get deleted
"No reason. But perhaps it's about time I show you off to the public more."
ko-fi support | character m.list
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chuuyrr · 5 months
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✮⋆˙ CW(s): f! reader, mutual pining, academic rivals, college love, fluff sprinkled with angst
✮⋆˙ SYNOPSIS: in which you get caught in a twist of fate and unwittingly become drawn to the new transfer student
✮⋆˙ NOW PLAYING: "slut!" and "say don't go" by taylor swift !
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as you walk into college, the familiar routine of classes played out in your mind. wake up early, get dressed in uniform, and head to class. however, little did you know, today would be anything but ordinary.
you greet a couple of close friends and other peers in the classroom before you settle into your seat and put down your school bag, ready to start the same old day when the professor announced a new transfer student.
"before we start today's lecture, i was asked to inform the class that you will be having a new classmate. class, this is mister dazai osamu."
his entrance was as enigmatic as his name, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.
dazai osamu was an enigmatic figure with a captivating presence. his dark brown hair fell effortlessly, framing a face that seemed to hold a myriad of untold stories. his sharp, observant eyes carried a hint of mystery, leaving others curious about the thoughts hidden behind them.
"it's nice to meet you all," he greets everyone, a wave of intrigue swept through the class. you couldn't help but wonder what stories hid behind those piercing brown sugar eyes of his.
as the professor scanned the room for an empty seat for dazai osamu, your eyes unexpectedly met. time seemed to pause for a moment, and then, with a faint smile, your professor declares, "mr. osamu, you can take the seat next to [name]."
a ripple of surprise swept through the room, including yourself. you couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and anticipation as dazai gracefully made his way to the vacant seat besides you.
the proximity seemed almost serendipitous, and you couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter would be more than just a chance seating arrangement.
as he settles into the chair, dazai turns to you with that mysterious smile, and for a moment, your eyes locked in a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected connection that fate had orchestrated.
as the professor began the lecture, fazai leaned in subtly and spoke with a soft, yet distinct, voice, "quite the interesting twist of fate, don't you think?" his words carried a hint of amusement, as if he had anticipated the peculiar course of events. how strange.
surprised but intrigued, you say, "yeah, it seems that way. is fate a favorite topic of yours?"
dazai chuckles softly, "oh, i have a variety of favorites, but fate has a way of weaving the most captivating narratives, don't you agree?"
the lecture continued on, and dazai seamlessly blended insightful comments with a touch of humor, creating a dynamic dialogue that made the class more engaging than ever.
throughout the lecture, dazai's unconventional insights and witty remarks kept everyone on the edge of their seats. the class that started as mundane transformed into a captivating experience.
it's like dazai's presence added an unexpected twist to the ordinary routine, turning a typical morning into an adventure and anticipation.
after the lecture, dazai continued to follow the unpredictable rhythm he had set. as you head towards the cafeteria for a break, you felt a presence beside you. he was walking casually, matching his pace with yours
"so, [name], any particular reason you're heading this way? or is it purely just the magnetic pull of cafeteria food?" he teases, his eyes dancing with playful curiosity.
"shouldn't i be asking you that, mister osamu?" you say back in the same joking manner, mimicking the way your professor addressed him earlier.
dazai's eyes widen for a moment, it was as if he had never been addressed by his first name before but he liked it, the sound of his very name, osamu, rolling off your tongue.
"osamu's fine! you make it sound like i'm one of the professors here," he complains with a childish whine and pout, making you giggle.
his company was unexpectedly pleasant, and you soon found yourselves sharing stories and laughter during breaks. dazai's anecdotes were laced with a peculiar blend of humor and melancholy, leaving you both amused and contemplative.
as days passed, dazai's presence became a constant in you college routine. he would join you during breaks, effortlessly turning mundane moments into memorable experiences.
your conversations ranged from the profound to the absurd, each interaction leaving you with a sense of wonder about the person who had entered your life so unexpectedly.
and your connection with him deepened as you and dazai spent more time together. the bond you shared extended beyond casual conversations, transcending into a camaraderie that enriched both your lives. however, the friendly banter and shared laughter took an unexpected turn as your academic interests collided.
it started innocently enough—a friendly debate over a class assignment, a challenge to outperform each other on a quiz.
your academic rivalry took with each other on new dimensions as assignments and exams continued to challenge you two. each classroom discussion transformed into a subtle contest of wits, with you and dazai vying for the professor's attention and striving to outshine each other.
as the semester progressed, your academic rivalry intensified, fueled by a mutual desire for excellence. despite the competition, there was an unspoken understanding that your friendship remained unscathed.
in the library, your tables were side by side, each silently pushing the other to achieve more. the rivalry, however, was tempered by moments of shared study sessions. you became each other's sounding boards, helping one another navigate the complexities of assignments and exams.
in the quiet hush of the library, you and dazai couldn't resist the urge to compare our recent test scores, and silently, you exchanged papers, your eyes scanning the numbers with mock seriousness.
a small triumphant grin crept across dazai's face, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his impressive result.
"i scored 15 out of 15 on our quiz today," dazai chuckles with a smug look dancing on his face as he folds his arms across his chest.
"whatever, 'samu," you scoff at him, rolling your eyes with a huff of breath from your lips, "at least i scored higher in the exam last shifting."
"excuse me, we're in the present shifting!" dazai let out a dramatic gasp, pretending to take offense as he places a hand to his chest.
"yeah? well exams are the bigger deal, not those damn quizzes."
"oh, i see how it is miss [surname]. quizzes only matter when you score higher than me. tsk."
your whispers grew unintentionally louder as the excitement of your competition escalated, and suddenly, a stern "shhh!" cut through the air, courtesy of the librarian, who shot you and dazai an exasperated look.
you and dazai briefly exchanged guilty glances, suppressing your laughter.
unable to contain yourselves, you stifled giggles behind your hands, shoulders shaking with silent mirth. the library's stern atmosphere clashed with your subdued laughter, creating a moment of shared amusement that only deepened the camaraderie between you two.
as you and dazai returned to your studies, there lingered a shared understanding that even in the realm of academics, laughter and friendship could find your place amidst the quiet seriousness of the library.
"i'll beat you next time, that's for sure," you narrow your eyes at him, purposely nudging his shoulder to interrupt him.
"i'd like to see you try, belladonna," dazai bites back, nudging your shoulder back.
the librarian takes notice of this and scolds you both once again in a stern yet hushed tone, "hush, you two! this is a library!"
"ma'am, he started it," you exclaim, throwing dazai under the bus as you motion over him with your thumb.
"no, she started it!" dazai whines and tries to argue about it, but the two of us only received another hushed scolding from the librarian.
she states, folding her arms, "i don't care which one of you started it. either you two to be quiet, or both of you will have to study somewhere else."
you and dazai gulp in unison, "sorry, ma'am."
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as your friendship evolved, you couldn't help but be intrigued by the mystery that surrounded dazai osamu. his intelligence was undeniable, yet there were moments when you sensed a deliberate evasion whenever his past as a transfer student was brought up.
one day, unable to contain your curiosity while you two were eating lunch together, you venture, "osamu, there's something about your background you're not sharing, isn't there?"
dazai blinks at you, pausing from chewing on the crab stick he was having, "hmm? whatever do you mean by that, belladonna?"
you blink back and tilt your head to the side, "well, you're more than just a brilliant mind; there's a mystery to you."
dazai, ever the master of diversion, flashed a fleeting smile and smoothly changed the subject, "ah, my dearest, mysteries are the spice of life, don't you think? let's just focus on the present moment instead. what do you think of the upcoming project our professor gave us?"
it was a skillful evasion that left you both frustrated and fascinated. the more you probed, the more elusive dazai became about his past. it added another layer of complexity to your friendship, leaving you torn between the desire to unravel his enigma and the respect for his privacy.
as the two of you delved into the upcoming project, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to dazai osamu than met the eye, and the journey to uncover the truth had only just begun.
and it did.
curiosity got the better of you like a cat as you made your way home, and spot him in a secluded area of the school, engaged in a conversation with men clad in black suits and dark shades. the scene was surreal, and you imagination raced with possibilities.
hiding behind a corner, you strained to catch snippets of their conversation. the atmosphere was tense, and dazai's usually carefree demeanor had transformed into one of calculated seriousness. the men in black seemed to be discussing something of significance, their words exchanged in low tones that heightened the air of secrecy.
caught between the intrigue and a sense of trepidation, you couldn't help but question the true nature of dazai's connections. the transfer student, who had brought laughter and mystery into your life, now appeared to have a hidden side, one entangled with individuals whose motives were shrouded in secrecy.
as you observed from a distance, a multitude of questions swirled in your mind, especially when some business of sort was brought up that would take place in midnight and that dazai was supposed take part in it.
"what the hell?" you murmur softly to yourself as you continue to eavesdrop on them.
you shake your head and decide to not overthink about it anymore, and leave for the best as soon as dazai and those men left.
however, on your way back home, the men in black suits approached you with a calculated precision, their dark shades concealing their expressions.
you heart quickened as they surrounded you, creating an atmosphere of quiet tension as one of them spoke with a measured tone, "who are you?"
caught off guard, you stammer, "i—i was just passing by. i didn't mean to..." you trail off.
the other interrupted, "we're aware you've been curious, but it's in your best interest to refrain from prying into matters that don't concern you, young lady."
"i'm terribly sorry. i won't tell anyone. i promise!" you sputter out, unable to look at them straight in the eye.
their stern warning left you uneasy, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you had stumbled upon a world beyond your comprehension.
fear gripped you as you overheard the men in black suits discussing you presence. their hushed voices debated whether to dispose of you for stumbling upon a secret you were never meant to uncover. you felt like an intruder in a world that was far more dangerous and complex than you had ever imagined.
suddenly, the men exchanged worried glances with one another as they talked in hushed tones, but you couldn't help but hear some parts of their conversation.
"you don’t understand, he won't take kindly to any interference with [name]." the first one says.
another responds in a gulp, "yeah, we've got orders to keep on an eye tsushima shuji, but he made it clear himself that no harm should come to her at all costs."
you blink in confusion, heart setting into a panic. who's tsushima shuji? what did he have to do with dazai, and more importantly, you?
it doesn't take long for them to realize that you heard some of their conversation, and immediately, you were left with another stern warning.
"you're better off not digging too deep into this. he is not someone you want to cross paths with. stay out of trouble, young lady."
they hurry away, leaving you with a whirlwind of confusion, and you couldn't shake the feeling that the enigma surrounding dazai osamu had just deepened, and the revelation of shuji tsushima's involvement only added more layers to the mystery.
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as the days unfolded, dazai couldn't ignore the growing distance between you two. in class and during breaks, your usual lively presence had been replaced by a quiet reserve, leaving him puzzled.
during a moment of shared silence, he finally broached the subject, "you've been distant lately. is something on your mind?"
you hesitate, grappling with the decision to reveal what you had discovered beforehand. however, fear of the unknown and the potential consequences held you back.
"it's just.. some personal stuff. nothing to worry about," you say, offering a weak smile to conceal the turmoil within.
dazai's eyes reflected a mix of understanding and concern, but he didn't press further. the unspoken tension lingered, casting a shadow over your friendship with him.
"you're not telling me the whole truth. i can tell," he says quite sternly.
despite his insistence, you clung to you decision to keep the truth hidden, "osamu, really, it's not something i can talk about right now. just personal stuff," you insist, avoiding eye contact.
dazai didn't relent, his concern deepening. "i thought we were past hiding things from each other. whatever it is, i can handle it, and we'll face it together."
his unwavering support tugged at my resolve, but the fear of the unknown continues to hold you back, "i appreciate your concern, dazai, but this is something i need to figure out on my own."
dazai, though disappointed, nods understandingly, "alright, whatever it is though, i'm here. i'll still be here, or at least, i'll try to."
those words seemed to carry a subtle weight, as if alluding to an impending departure.
confusion and concern flood your thoughts. "what do you mean? are you going away?"
his brown sugar eyes held a mixture of emotions—resignation, sadness, and a touch of mystery, "life is unpredictable. sometimes, we find ourselves on paths we didn't foresee. but don't worry, i'll always try to be here for you, [name]."
as dazai spoke, a sense of foreboding settled within you. the unspoken undertones left you grappling with a growing uncertainty about your shared future.
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days turned into a disconcerting stretch of absence. dazai, once a constant presence in classrooms and breaks, was now notably absent. at first, you brushed it off, thinking he might be caught up in something, as he often was.
however, as the days passed, the nagging feeling that something was amiss grew stronger.
during lectures, his usual seat remained empty, and the laughter that used to accompany your breaks was replaced by an unsettling silence. the realization slowly crept in—dazai's words about trying to be there for you, coupled with the subtle sadness, were more significant than you had initially understood.
in a moment of clarity, you remembered his cryptic statement, "i will still be here, or at least i'll try to," the subtle forewarning now echoed loudly, and the pieces fell into place—you had overlooked the shadows of departure that shrouded your last conversation with him, and left you with a mixture of regret and nostalgia for the moments you and dazai had shared.
finally, unable to ignore the void left by his absence, you reached out, attempting to call him, only to be met with a voicemail that echoed with uncertainty.
"yahoo! this is dazai osamu speaking. i'm busy right now, so just leave a message."
panic set in as the truth you had been avoiding crystallized, dazai, true to his mysterious nature, had embarked on a journey that had taken him away.
tears welled up in your eyes as you find yourself reminiscing the moments shared with dazai while nearing your apartment.
each memory, once vibrant, now echoed with a profound sense of absence. the laughter, the camaraderie, and the enigmatic conversations became fragments of a past that seemed both distant and painfully close.
regret weighed heavily on your very heart as you replayed the events leading to dazai's departure.
the choice to keep the truth hidden, the distance that had crept into your interactions with one another, and the unspoken farewell in his words—all coalesced into a chorus of what-ifs and should-haves.
if only you had said, "don't go," or if you had swallowed your pride and shared the burden of the mysteries that unfolded, then maybe..
things could have been different.
you find yourself crumpling the finished lecture quiz you took this morning from one of your subjects and you couldn't help let out a frustrated cry, hurling it to the ground only to stomp it with the sole of your shoes.
your tearful eyes stare right down against the smudged score you had gotten. as wet hot tears streamed down your face, the realization hit you with a painful clarity—you had loved dazai.
not just for his company or the shared laughter, but for the person he was. the enigmatic charm, the wit that danced in his eyes, and the profound connection you two had formed were now etched in your heart with an indelible ache.
amidst your tearful attempts to call for dazai through your phone, a voice that you had grown to know so well echoed in the air. startled, you looked up to see him standing right in front of you.
however, the relief that momentarily washed over you transformed into shock and concern.
dazai, not in his usual uniform, was adorned in a black suit and tie. the familiar bandages that usually adorned his arms now covered not only them but also one of his eyes. what caught you off guard even more was the sight of blood that stained his clothes, giving an ominous edge to his appearance.
"what happened to you?" was all you manage to stammer, your tearful eyes wide with a mix of worry and confusion.
his usually playful smile was replaced by a weariness that seemed to extend beyond physical exhaustion, "i got caught up in something messy," he replies cryptically, his voice carrying a weight that hinted at a story he wasn't ready to share.
dazai's chuckle echoes, sending a strange mix of relief and frustration through you as you stare at him with teary eyes and a mix of emotions, his surprise was evident.
"well, well, i didn't expect you to be this worried, pretty girl," he remarks, his one visible eye sparkling with a mix of amusement and genuine astonishment, a way of trying to lighten up the mood.
frustration and relief battled within you, and you couldn't help but retort, "you disappeared without a word! what the hell did you expect?!"
dazai's chuckle merely persisted, but this time there was a warmth to it, as if you concern had managed to pierce through his enigmatic facade, "i suppose i underestimated the mess i'd leave behind. i'm sorry."
you frustration poured out in a torrent of words as you rant at dazai, "sorry? osamu, you were gone for days! and those men in black suits you were with even warned me about this tsushima shuji, and to keep myself out of trouble! what the hell is going on?!"
dazai's eyes, once filled with amusement, now darkened. there was a softening in his gaze as the weight of your words reached him, and in that moment, the enigma that was dazai osamu unraveled, revealing a truth you had never anticipated.
"of course, you saw. i knew, and i'm really sorry for not telling you sooner, my dear," he admitted, a heaviness in his voice. "but now you know. dazai osamu is just a persona, a mask i wear. i am tsushima shuji of the port mafia."
speechless, you stare at dazai—no, tsushima shuji—the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. the enigma that had shrouded his identity, the men in black suits, and the warnings.
it all made sense now, and the revelation left you stunned, the weight of the truth settling in.
the person you thought you knew as dazai osamu, the transfer student who had brought both laughter and mystery into your life, was also tsushima shuji, an executive of the port mafia.
as your shock subsided, a strange mix of emotions flooded through you; betrayal, understanding, and a lingering sense of danger.
dazai witnessed the myriad of emotions swirling within you—the shock, betrayal, and confusion etched across your face. the weight of the truth cast a shadow on your relationship, and as he looked at you, guilt and a hint of shame flickered in his eyes.
"why didn't you say anything? did you just lead me on then?" the questions spilled out, a torrent of hurt and confusion that mirrored the storm within your soul.
dazai met your gaze, his eyes reflecting the ache of your questions, "no, no, it was never a game to me. i never wanted to put you in danger," he explained, his voice tinged with a raw honesty that cut through the layers of his carefully constructed persona of a port mafia executive.
"so, what now? you're going to leave now, aren't you?" you ask on edge yet tearfully, your voice breaking with the weight of betrayal heavy in your words, "so you only came to my school, to my fucking life, all just to hide your true identity."
his eyes reflect the pain of your shared truth, "i never intended for it to be this way. it was never just a facade, [name]. i genuinely enjoyed our time together but the danger i bring is real."
"then... then i don't care!" you suddenly cry out, surprising both yourself and dazai, "who gives a fuck if you're shuji, some executive of an underground organization, because for all i know, you're dazai osamu. you're my osamu, my idiot of a seatmate, my rival."
the defiance in your words seemed to catch him off guard, and you continued, your voice shaking but resolute, "you can't just waltz into my life, become a part of it, and then vanish without a trace. i won't let you go that easily."
dazai's eyes, once clouded with the weight of impending departure, softened with a mix of surprise and something akin to gratitude.
amidst the chaos, the mess, and the intricate web of his life, he saw something genuine and profound. you loved him, not for the manipulative and intelligent mind, and the black blood that runs in his veins that everyone sought, especially the port mafia, but for the person beyond the masks and dual identities.
in that moment, the weight of your shared connection took on a new meaning. you truly loved him for who he was—dazai osamu, the seatmate, the rival, the enigma, and despite the dangerous world he inhabited.
and in return, he loved you back, not for any ulterior motive or scheme, but for the authenticity of our connection.
dazai looked into your eyes, a depth of sincerity replacing the enigmatic gleam that often defined him, "i never expected to find this."
he confessed, his voice carrying a vulnerability you hadn't heard before, "but everything we've had, everything we've shared—it's real to me, [name]."
dazai continued, his gaze unwavering, "i did transfer to your school just to hide, but i wanted something real and in you, i found that. i didn't think you'd care nor did i plan to fall for you, but i did. it's a mess, but it's a mess that feels right."
dazai's heartfelt admission stirred another mix of emotions within you. tearfully, you ask, "you think so? all of this, it's not just some elaborate act?"
he nods, his eyes conveying a depth of sincerity at the moment, "i'm not good at expressing emotions, but what we have is real. despite the chaos, the mess, and my own shortcomings, i've found something genuine with you."
in a surge of emotions, you find yourself running up to dazai, flinging your arms around him despite his disheveled and bloodied state. the authenticity of the moment transcended the chaos that surrounded you.
dazai, surprised by the sudden embrace, couldn't help but find himself smiling. your arms tightened around him and he whispers into your ear with such sincerity, "i love you."
the weight of those three words, uttered amidst the mess of your intertwined lives, and amidst the chaos and the mess, dazai gently cups your face, his bloodied hands a stark contrast to the tenderness in his touch.
he leaned in, pressing a lingering kiss your lips, a promise sealed with the authenticity of your love.
breaking the kiss, he looked into your eyes, the sincerity and genuineness in his gaze unwavering, forehead against yours endearingly, and him tugging the bandages covering his right eye in one swift movement.
"i'm not going anywhere now. if anything, i'm your osamu, and that's who i want to be."
wrong place at the right time.
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౨ৎ tagging the sweetest people — @aureatchi @ruanais @cheriiyaya @anqelically @salmonieea ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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redfurrycat · 11 months
🔥 ⚽ 🐓 Doctor Mother Goose Bradshaw & Doctor Rooster Bradshaw AU 🐓⚽️🔥
AU in which Nick Bradshaw never went the RIO road, instead he became a Navy doctor and his first ever patient was one fighter pilot Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
Friendship at first sight. When Mav ended up at the hospital because of his shenanigans, he got lectured by Dr. Mother Goose every. single. time.
At some point, the good doctor got to listen to a loopy Mav's impassioned speeches about a blonde ice cube.
He met said blonde pilot who once came to visit Mav with flowers.
Well, he was pushed into Mav's room, rather rudely, by his giant of a RIO.
"Huh. Blonde Ice Cube, I presume?"
"It's Mister Iceman to you doctor!"
"Oh. And you are?"
"Free for a coffee right now. I think it best to leave these two alone."
Thia is how Doctor Mother Goose met Hulking Guy. Instant meet-cute.
Many years later, his son Bradley became a doctor. Chief Dr Bradshaw loved to dump his idiot best friend into Dr Bradshaw's care.
"What did you do AGAIN, Mav?!".
Then Mav tried to justify himself but it's hard to resist Baby Goose's sad brown eyes. So, he always tried to be on his best behaviour. Only for his favourite godson though.
Of course one of Mav's precious Daggers had to be hospitalised because of a training accident.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin thought for a moment the accident was way more serious 'cause wasn't he seeing double?
"Wow. Are there two Dr. Mc Steamy & Dreamy Moustache? Wow. Lucky me. Coyote. Do you see that?! Wow. Do you do house visits in case I have a problem later? Yes or Yes?"
"OMG. Don't flirt with my father!"
"But you don't mind my flirting with you, I hope?"
"Nope. He doesn't mind. And he's single."
"OMG. DAD. Don't pimp me?!"
"Ah. You do your best Navy fighter pilot a great service. Much appreciated Older Dr Sexy."
"Uh-huh. I'm out of here. You got it, son?"
"Ooooooh. Dad and son? Nice."
"Oh my god."
"Jake's fine for you, Sugar."
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[Art Commission drawn by the very talented @enthyrea 💖]
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fakemichaelsheen · 8 months
-the ball @ the bookshop-
mr. brown, intrigued: so, what's the deal with you and mr. fell?
crowley, scoffs: deal? there's no deal.
mr. brown, pleased: oh, good. so I can ask him out, then?
crowley, suddenly annoyed: uh, no, you can't actually.
mr. brown, frowns: why not?
crowley: ...
crowley, panics: he's straight!
mr. brown, laughs: what? no way
crowley, nods: oh, yeah. a real ladies man. I mean, it's obvious
aziraphale, appears, very excited: everything is working perfectly. the guests look fabulous, the bookshop is stunning *downs a glass of champagne* now, you, mister, owe me another dance *grabs him and starts pulling him away*
crowley, clears his throat as he's dragged away: he just really loves women...
mr. brown: ...
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nctsplug02 · 7 months
i also want you to write for mrs suh and johnny (just like mrs jeong and jaehyun) 🥹🥹🥹
Misses Suh? j.suh
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GENRE: fluff, smut, dilf and milf parents, halloween night!
WARNINGS: milf and dilf parents, young children are mentioned in this story (several month old-17 year olds), drinking, fluffy scenes, slight angst scene but not really, kissing, flirting, groping, oral sex (M receiving), sexual commenting, car sex, rough sex, riding in the backseat.
WARNING 2.0: chenle being the absolute cutest in the world.
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“trick or treaters already?” you wipe your hands on the ripped paper towel. “it’s only six?” you look away from the oven clock.
you grab the bucket of candy off the dinner table and walk to the front door only to see your husband has beat you to it.
“come on in, leslie!” a girl with her hair in short braids, a metal head brace on, her thick brown boots on, and books in her arms walk in.
“thanks, mister suh!” she comes in and quickly takes off her boots, neatly setting them aside.
“hey leslie, i thought you were a trick or treater!” you hold the big pumpkin bucket on your hip. “misses suh, you look so good!” she squeals.
you giggle and place a hand on your chest. “oh, thank you, honey.”
you and johnny were dressed as the joker and his ROD, harley quinn.
“now are you sure you don’t want to go trick or treating with your friends?” you pick at your nails while johnny joins your side.
johnny hugs your waist. “you can back out, just say the word.” johnny says with a nod.
leslie shakes her head firmly. “no ma’am and no sir. my friends are going with their families and i think i’m old enough to the point where i don’t need to go trick or treating anymore.”
“is that so?” leslie nods with a giggle and a snort ending it. “yes ma’am.”
“well, i’m gonna get my wallet so i can pay you now. just so i don’t forget.” you wink at the fourteen year old before leaving to the kitchen.
“don’t feel so bad, baby.” your husband follows you. “i can’t but help feel that way. i feel like we’re holding her back from living her childhood life.” you frown and unzip your wallet.
johnny bear hugs you, his chin on your shoulder. “she offered to watch our little min jung on halloween so, we aren’t doing anything wrong.”
“leaving a minor home alone with another minor?” you zip up your wallet after grabbing a fresh crisp $100 bill.
“she lives next door and her parents are home.”
you pause and laugh. “you just have an answer for everything, huh?” johnny hums, lightly grazing his red lips on your neck. “maybe.”
“no no, we start at my neighborhood then we start moving to the left.” haechan says coming down the stairs with his friends.
“hi haechan!” haechan flinches and jumps back. “leslie… how the hell did you get inside my house?”
leslie blinks and smiles. “oh, you don’t know? i’m babysitting your brother!” she giggles and ends off with a snort.
“yeah…okay, just don’t go in my room again.” leslie squeezes her books and nods.
a nudge pushes haechan forward. “uh…yeah, excuse us.” the group of boys squeeze past leslie who follows with her head.
“mom! dad! we’re going trick or treating, now!” haechan shouts with his hand on the door handle.
you usher to the front door. “already? it’s only six.” you frown and return with the cash fisted in your hand. “yeah, mom. we wanna go early so we can get the good king size candy bars. we’ll be back before ten, see ya—!”
“nuh-uh, uh, uh.” you shake your head while putting your hands on your hip. “lemme get a quick picture of you boys first.”
the seven of them line up, three of them squatting for the second photo.
“just one more,” you take a few more shots before haechan begins to whine. “no more, mom! we gotta go!” you glare at him and tsk. “donghyuck suh.”
haechan sighs and poses for the picture. “you boys look amazing!” you giggle at their costumes.
haechan as micheal jackson. (didn’t want to comply in the family halloween costume).
mark as spider-man. (with a big hole in the middle of the mask because haechan cut his breathing source too big).
renjun as a fox. (teased for being a furry).
chenle as jigsaw.
jaemin as a male harley quinn. (he refused to wear the booty shorts/skirt).
jeno as the joker.
lastly, the baby of the group; jisung who’s dressed as a white sheet cut out ghost. (he was lied to by the group that they were gonna go as white sheet ghosts).
“looks like we have ourselves some copycats.” johnny says, eating a kitkat. “it was unplanned!” jeno whines with jaemin agreeing.
“uh huh, sure. now, have fun trick or treating and be safe.” the boys who’s are kneeling stand back up and follow haechan who opens the front door and ushers them out.
“haechan,” you call out for the boy who halts and turns back to you. “what time should you be home?”
“ten.” you nod with a hum. “that’s right. any later than ten— i’m eating all your king size candy bars.”
haechan whines and is taken into your arms. “i love you, be safe.” you plant a kiss on his cheek. “you’re getting too tall.”
haechan was four inches taller than you but he still towered over you.
“i love you too, mom. don’t party too much, you’re getting old.” you scoff and shoo him out the house. “be safe, boys! i love you all.” you shout out the door before shutting it.
you turn to see johnny with leslie and the seven month old in her lap.
“looks like someone’s awake from their nap.” you walk over to the group and join johnny on the floor. “hey little mister, you’re gonna stay with our good neighbor, leslie.” you wipe min jungs’ drool off his cheek.
min jung coos and reaches out his arms to you. the three of you aw as you take him into your arms.
“now leslie, dear. i’ve left some instructions on the fridge. i also wrote emergency numbers—including my number and mister suhs.”
leslie nods. “yes ma’am. i’m sure we won’t be needing to use those emergency numbers! i’ve got it all under control. i took several baby classes so i’m pretty sure i know what i’m doing.”
you nod with a sigh. “alright,” you look at your husband who looks back at you. “you ready to head out?” he nods with a frown.
“okay, we’re gonna head out now. did you need anything before we leave?” leslie looks around and shakes her head. “no ma’am.”
“okay then, here he is. we have a whole bunch of snacks for you if you get hungry—and some backup bags of candy for the trick or treaters if we run out. i’m just gonna grab my bag then we’re gonna leave.” leslie nods and takes min jung back into her arms.
johnny stands and helps you up off the ground. “your bag.” he holds your bag up after helping you off the ground. “oh, thank you. i thought i left it in the kitchen.”
“nope.” johnny pats your hip and guides you to the front door where he watches you put on your boots.
“i’m gonna go start the car first so it warms up for you.” you nod and feel your heart flutter, for you.
johnny leaves the moment you finish lacing your boots. you give one more glance to leslie who makes the sleepy seven month old giggle.
“you sure you’ll be okay, leslie?” she looks back with a confused sound. “oh, yeah! we’ll be just fine, won’t we, min jung-ie?” she lifts the chunky boy up and makes him wave.
“okay then. i’ll see you later tonight. but if i don’t make it back before 10, leave baby with haechan.” leslie nods. “okay,” you extend, holding onto the door handle. “i’m going now. goodnight!”
when you shut the front door after you step out, you let out a deep breath.
it was the first time in months since you’d be leaving your son behind with a babysitter. it was always hard when leaving them even for a few minutes.
haechan was the hardest. since he was always attached to you, whenever you had to leave for work he would chase you out to the drive way whenever you tried leaving. some days you’d cave and stay with him until he eventually grew out of it.
you make your way to the car and johnny is standing by the passenger side with his phone to his ear. “—just make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. be back by ten and be safe.”
johnny hangs up and smiles when seeing you. “hey puddin’.” johnny opens the passenger side. “hey joker, who was that on the phone?”
“just my brother.” you climb into the passenger side. “mark?” johnny nods, watching you seatbelt yourself on. “i was just telling him that since he’s the oldest, don’t let them screw around too much.”
“it’s halloween and they’re teenagers. let’s just hope we don’t need to bail any of them out of jail tonight.”
johnny laughs. “if anyone’s going to jail tonight, it’s you. you’re too sexy to be walking around like this, baby.” you roll your eyes as johnny shuts the door and jogs to the driver side.
the two of you take off after johnny seatbelts himself in.
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“cheers!” you squeal as you clink your long shot glass with the group of girls.
“nononono,” you whine when your shot glass is gently pulled away from you. “that’s too many shots tonight. especially for you since you’re a light weight.”
you pout and cross your arms. “i’m barely drunk! i’m like 2/4ths drunk.” you slur a bit. “sounds drunk to me.”
“please,” you scoff. “i’ve only had two cans and three shots.”
“yeah and those two cans took you an hour and a half to finish them.” johnny sets down the shot glass. “your point?”
johnny puts his hands on his hips—typical dad pose.
“it’s time for us to go home.” you whine and the girls join you. “we were supposed to be home two hours ago but you insisted we stay a few more minutes.”
“it’s halloween, john! loosen up!” taeils wife says while holding up a shot glass to you. “for real, johnny! don’t worry, dude—you’ll make it home in time to fuck your hot wife.”
you giggle with the girls at johnnys face and wrap your arms under his.
“i wanna fuck my hot wife when she isn’t heavily intoxicated.” johnny says, grabbing your ass under your skirt and then moving his hands up to your waist.
you whine once more and push yourself off johnny. “fine,” you fix his purple blazer with a pout. “we can go home since you’re that horny.”
johnny laughs, “sure, baby.”
johnny drags you to the car and buckles you in with reassurance and kisses. he settles himself in and drives off.
“wanna stop at a 7/11 so we can get some snacks for the drive home?” the drive home was approximately 45 minutes, taeil just had to buy a $3M house on the north side.
“mmm no, i have alcohol in my system and we’re driving—and that’s already not a good mix. but, if you want to get something, you can and i can feed you your snack so we don’t get pulled over.”
johnny laughs, slapping his hand on your thigh and rubbing the spot with his thumb after.
“it’s okay, baby. and, you’re right; beer and driving doesn’t mix well. don’t drink and drive.”
you sigh, “i think i can actually go for something to snack on.” johnny chuckles and makes a turn, driving to the nearest 7/11 and grabbing snacks.
“you got tuna kimbap?” you sort through the bag while johnny drives out the parking lot. “i got two.” johnny holds up a quick peace sign.
“mmm and you got some chocolate mochi balls on a stick?! oouuu! you even got some sweet potato chips!” you whine and pull out the treats.
you rip open the packaging of the chocolate mochi balls and you grab a stick. you yank one of the mochis and smack on the soft chewy dough. “want one?”
johnny looks at what you have in your hand and opens his mouth while his eyes stare at the road. “ahhh,” you say while johnny inhales the last two mochi.
“oh,” you stare at the stick. “oh, i’m sorry.” johnny muffles and laughs. “it’s okay, we have two more sticks.” you place the stick back into the packaging.
you grab the bag of sweet potato chips and you rip open the bag. “mmm, these ones are so crisp!” you nod and look in the bag, finding a nice big piece and plopping it in your mouth.
“me too, me too!” johnny says ahh and munches on the stack of potato chips you placed on his tongue.
as you continue to feed your husband, you realize the mess on his lap. “babe, you’re such a messy eater.” you brush away the crumbles.
johnny smirks and grips the steering wheel. “hmm, somebody’s excited.” you giggle and lightly squeeze the outline of his angry bulge. “and what for, hm?”
“i think you know what for.” you look at his phone, the maps app was open and it was directions on how to get home.
twenty minutes until home.
“this tesla can go autopilot, right?” johnny snickers at the way you asked the question. “we just got this car last week, my love. i’m not gonna risk it yet. not just yet.”
“next week?” there’s hope in your voice. “okay, sure, baby. next week.” johnny giggles.
you bite your lip and fiddle with his belt. “sooo,” you tilt your head and tug on his belt. “no autopilot…but, you didn’t say i couldn’t give you head while you drove us home?”
“you’re absolutely right about that, baby.” johnny glances at you and smiles. “you’re so smart.”
you undo johnnys belt and his pants. he lifts his hips a bit to give you some help on removing his jeans.
“i still can’t get over how lucky i am.” johnny scoffs as you press kisses on his tip. “i know, i’m a great catch.”
you fist him with two hands and smear the oozing precum. “and your dick is amazing.” you mumble before wrapping your mouth around his tip.
“oh shit,” johnny sighs and drops his heavy hand on your head.
you whine and push his hand off.
you’re a grown women, you don’t need assistance giving head. in this moment at least. winky face, winky face.
you moan and swirl your tongue around his tip. johnny curses loudly when you fondle his balls.
johnnys long and girthy, he knows he is. he’s proudly acknowledged that his wife chokes and gags on his dick and isn’t ashamed of it. so, when you force yourself down his shaft, tears instantly spring to your eyes.
“baby,” johnny pets your head. “baby, calm down.” you lift your head and use the back of your palm to wipe your lips. “don’t force yourself, it’s okay, baby. take your time.” johnny wipes your tears and kisses your lips.
you grab him by his base and retry but this time taking your time working down his dick.
while you work with johnnys length and girth, johnny notices your pretty ass in the air, swaying left and right. so, he lifts your skirt and gives you a few harsh spanks.
with tears dripping onto johnnys thighs, you still manage to fit his cock halfway down your throat before you’re pushing yourself off and gasping for air.
“good job, baby. you’re doing so good.” johnny wipes your cheeks, smearing your makeup as he does.
“i’m sorry,” you giggle when seeing his dick all messy with your red lipstick all over it and saliva slowly dripping down the sides of it. “i got a little messy.”
you don’t even notice when johnny pulls into the driveway until he puts the car in park.
“i love it when you’re messy. it turns me on so fucking much.” johnny pulls you in for a kiss, it turns heated and sloppy quickly.
“c’mere,” johnny lifts you out from the passenger side and drops you in his lap.
“uh,” you look back at the steering wheel and at johnny. “wanna push your chair back a little? it’s kind of crowded over here.”
you and johnny laugh while johnny pushes his chair back. “butt too big?” johnny pushes you on him and spanks you harshly that a moan fills johnnys ears.
“wanna just move to the back?” johnny suggests when feeling his legs cramp. “that’s a better idea.” you laugh and crawl to the back with johnny following.
you straddle johnny when he’s seated in the middle of the backseat.
“fuck, you sound so sexy.” johnny says while rubbing your ass.
johnny pulls your skirt to the side and rubs your pussy through your thong before pulling that aside as well.
“how’re we feeling tonight? eager or wanna take our time?” johnny asks, rubbing your clit with his fingers.
“eager,” you moan.
“that’s perfect.” you gasp as johnny pushes your hip down so that your cunt swallows him.
it was only the tip and you were already tensing up. “slow?” you nod, body shaking as you attempt to adjust to johnnys size.
even after birthing two human out of your vagina, johnnys size was still hard to adjust to. a lucky women you were.
“fuck,” you softly cry out when johnny bounces your hips.
your hand quickly grabbing his wrist and squeezing it tightly. “you okay, baby?” you nod, holding your breath.
“i just have to adjust—like usual.” you chuckle and slowly drop your hips, letting out a long hiss.
johnny has his hands on your hips, guiding you and reassuring you that you’re fine and that you’re doing amazing.
after settling for a few minutes, you give johnny a kiss and stare him down. “are you ready now?” you nod and giggle.
johnny smacks your ass and lifts your hips, rolling them down and repeating. “you’re so beautiful.” johnny says.
you kiss him and sit yourself up, letting johnny bounce your hips as you undo your top. “fuck,” johnny laughs and rolls his eyes when seeing your breasts drop in his face.
johnnys hands release your hips and attach themselves to your breasts. you giggle at his reaction and begin moving your hips on your own.
you moan loudly when feeling johnny nibble on your left nipple. his thumb rubbing the other in circles and sometimes giving them little pinches and tweaks.
you roll your hips and eager chase for your orgasm. moaning out loud and pulling on your husbands long locks.
johnnys cock being tugged and hugged tightly by your walls. “have i ever told you that i love your tits?”
“our first date.”
johnny laughs and buries his face in your breasts. it was like heaven with billions of the worlds best and most comfortable pillows around him.
“fuck,” you cry out and tighten your walls and thighs.
johnny releases your breasts and hugs your waist, holding you still and fucking himself into you. your little skirt bouncing with his thrusts.
johnnys pretty moans and grunts filling up the car along with your moans as johnny fucks you through your orgasm.
your tight walls clinging onto johnnys dick as he slides into you without any worries or problems. the sound of wet and skin slapping and meeting blend with the sounds of both you and johnnys moans.
johnny was very vocal during sex—praising you for every little thing you did, moaning when he felt the littlest bit of pleasure.
and johnny would tease you for being the loudest, as if.
johnny lets out a broken grunt when slamming his hips once more before freezing and staying still. his hips pushed up into yours while he forces his load inside you.
johnny pants out loud while slowly lowering his hips and holding his fucked out wife, you, to his chest.
sweat melting down his temples and nose, his makeup running with the sweat. your pigtails all messed up and lipstick smeared all over your mouth area.
“oh, puddin’.” johnny sighs with a big grin.
johnny lifts his head. “happy halloween, baby.” he kisses the top of your head and rubs your hips.
“it’s passed halloween,” you mumble and lift your head. “it’s november, baby. that means no nut november.” johnny laughs and shakes his head. “we failed didn’t we?” you nod and kiss his jaw.
after sitting for a few more minutes, just sitting in silence and making out like teenagers in the backseat of your car.
“ready to go inside, baby?” you nod and slide yourself off johnnys lap.
you and johnny clean up a bit before sneaking inside.
“i’m gonna go start us a shower, m’kay?” johnny presses a kiss on your head before tip toeing upstairs.
you go check on min jung who’s sound asleep in his crib with a bottle and haechans favorite stuffed brown bear next to him.
you leave the room and get jump scared by a tall figure. “misses suh?” it’s a soft voice. “chenle? what’s wrong, honey?” you cup the teens face and examine him in the dark.
“i thought i heard something but it was just you, i’m sorry.” you ruffle the sleepy boys hair and guide him to haechans room where everyone is scattered everyone and all asleep.
chenle stops after taking a step into the room. “misses suh?” you hum, holding onto the door handle. “i saved you some candy bars, it’s in the kitchen for you.”
you smile, “thank you, chenle. you’re a sweetheart. now get some rest, i’m sure you’re exhausted from trick or treating.”
chenle nods and joins jisung on the floor and under the sheets.
you shut the door and join johnny, briefly explaining to him about what happened with chenle before going for another round in the shower.
that’s an amazing way to end off halloween.
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AN| happy halloween, my loves! i now i’ve been inactive but i’ve been so busy on the outside of tumblr. i love and miss you guys so so much! please be careful trick or treating (if you guys still go because me and sneakylink are planning to go HAHSKSJ). also, be careful at parties! >:c
AAN| i didn’t know whether it was “jen the babysitter” or a
love you guys! 🩷
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sim-patelle · 7 months
Overnight story
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Dilf! Ushijima x Reader (afab)
Smut! MDNI!
Word count: 4.6k
+ : age gap (reader in their 20s, him in his 40s), rough play, breast play, obvious flirting, overstimulation, passing out, very little degradation, very little to little praising, mentioning of creampie, hot body, Ushijima Wakatoshi (god this man..)
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"Wow I'm so glad for you! Honestly I couldn't endure it seeing you guys almost fucking right on the spot" you said to your friend, congratulating her that she got engaged, finally. "And it's really Alright if I'm there too?" you ask.
She was having a meet over with her family and her partners, and you got asked to give her company while they announce their love once again and celebrating it.
"Yes you gotta come, otherwise I can't stand my parents silent-treating each other all the time" she jokes around, while you try to remember her dad, wondering if you have ever met him...
You arrived at her house, lightly dressed up with a black dress and a see-through white blouse over your shoulder, keeping you a bit warm, having some exchange clothes with you in your Bag. She saw you through the windows and opened the door, hugging you tight. "You're good in time!" she adds a sentence whispering in your ear "my parents are already annoying" and smiles innocently. As you stepped into the quite big house, you already got greeted by 3 faces. Her family.
Her mother hugs you light as a greeting "Oh y/n I haven't seen you for a long time! You look good!" she says, admiring your looks and clothes. You thanked her for the compliment and looked at your friends brother, already knowing him. He gives you a slight smile and holds out his hand. With a comfort in your chest, you took his head and greeted him with exchanging some words. He's not much of a talker.
You feel a light gaze upon you while talking with him, a gaze that let you feel lightly uncomfortable. As you were done chattering, a tall man with olive eyes looks at you.
"Ushijima Wakatoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says calm, with a deep voice that let you feel something deep down. You weren't expecting such an attractive man as her father, and he quite fits your type too. He holds out his right hand to greet you. You took his hand, noticing the size of it, but looked into his eyes with a slight smile, noticing his almost perfect eyelashes.
"Y/n l/n it's a pleasure to meet you too mister". He looks you deep in the eyes, letting a mysterious gaze through you, like he would enjoy giving you all the attention there is. Would that affect you? Probably..
The family of your friends fiance arrived shortly after that and you had quite some good time. Eating, drinking champagne, chatting with the others but mostly listening to the others. But all the time, you felt the familiar gaze from before all the time, Wakatoshi following your movements with his eyes, not taking them off of you.
He enjoys looking at you, studying like a picture, wondering what's making it so unbreable to not gaze at it, imagining what could be under that dress of yours. He is desperate for something new. His divorce was quite a time ago, and there hasn't been anything quite after it, just some hook-ups that were not that much fun as he thought.
Quite charmed of that misterious man, you got caught, trying to examine him with his grey-greenish hair. Just now your sight wanders over his clothes. A black blouse which seems a little tight on his build shoulders, dark-grey trousers and a brown slim belt, holding his trousers up to his waist. He notices your gaze, locking your eyes at his. Your doe eyes looking into his from a distance. He raises his glass with such a little smile, only you could see, you holding yours up too, sympathizing with him and smiling back.
You would love to hear his voice once again, him speaking with his deep voice that has made a little impact on you, wanting to hear him right next to your ear.
The evening went on, and eventually the party went to an end. The family of the fiance went home, your friends brother drove home to his girlfriend as you found out, and your friend and his fiance went into their bedroom. Because of your long way there, you got the guestroom and (unfortunately) Wakatoshi took the couch to sleep on, his driveway also long enough just to see his daughter.
You're laying in bed, already changed clothes, but still fully awake, your mind not getting him out of your mind. Wakatoshi was admiring you and he let you know that, visibly admiring you, smiling at you when you met him, it drives you crazy. Crazy not knowing what his intentions are, what he wants to do with you.
It gave you some tickling down your lower stomach, and just imagining that his rough, big hand would stroke over this area, gives you goosebumps. Already awake and not doing anything except of scrolling through your phone, you decided to go down into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Very slowly and trying to not wake the others, you open your door and get down the stairs, not making a noise. Only a bit light down there. Through the kitchen there's a wide opening, right to the living room where he sits. Wakatoshi, watching TV. He didn't notice you, not yet.
You quietly get a glass and fill it up with water, just now noticing that he sits there, without his upper cloth, having his right arm on the sofa back, his big shoulders and his upper back being visible. Your eyes wander over his muscles moving near his neck, hearing a little sigh from him. Even that makes you feel light, just some sounds from him.
He grabs something next to his body, his shirt. The moves that he makes while getting his shirt on, turned you kinda on. Those muscles that moves around, his arms getting through that shirt, his biceps visible is getting you some tickles and not just down your abdomen.
You shook your head, getting back your mind and were about to drink out of the glass, until the head of the tall man turns to the kitchen, catching you a little embarrassed on the stop.
Unable to get out of the situation, you decided to get another glass of water, asking a little shy if he wants something to drink. He nods to your answer and you walk to him, slowly, with the glasses in your hands, and getting a bit exited, to finally talk to him a bit. You walk through the opening with the glasses and he watches you, wondering if he gets to see more tonight, than just your short pants and your white shirt. He wants to rip it off, wanting to open that bra you can see a bit through.
As you sat down slowly next to him, it's more visible that he got a big chest that now is covered. His visible jawline got a shave two days ago. He leans back, his arm resting on the back of the sofa again, looking but not watching TV.
"You also couldn't fall asleep?" he asks, looking down at you from the side. "No not really.." you answer him, a bit intimidated, wondering what he will say again with this voice of his, that makes you feel dizzy. You now see where the silence from your friends brother come from. "Why can't you sleep?" you finally ask, not bearing that silence between you. "I couldn't handle it, not being able to talk to you propably" he shoot his shot. What does he have to lose? Nothing but your company he enjoys, and he was aware of what he has done to you.
You weren't prepared to hear that out of his mouth, making you feel exited, asking yourself if you should say something. "I think so too" you say, quietly regretting those words now. "I'm sorry mister, please forget what I said" spits out of your mouth, wanting to stand up and leave of embarrassment and the fact that you feel your cheek light up a bit.
As you stand up, he grabs your arm soft to hold you back, his whole hand fitting around your forearm. The soft touch with this raw hand, got your core throb a bit, getting too excited than you should. "Don't worry, I won't make a fuzz. You can stay to my pleasure"these words coming out of his mouth, you do see a light excitement from his eyes that look through you.
Deciding to stay, you sit back down and came a bit near him. It's hard to make a move when he is full of courage that he sends out, making it almost impossible to even flirt with that older man. Wakatoshi puts his arm on the back of the sofa, kind of getting you in his space more. As you noticed you dare to take a look at him while watching TV. He awaited that and raises his eyebrows at catching you stare, having a light smirk on his face which makes him unbearable to not fuck the shit out of him.
He slowly wanders his gaze down to your chest, and back at your eyes with a smile. God you just wished for a move that he would make, which he does, surprisingly right after enjoying the view of your body.
The excitement almost overflowing in you, as he lays down his hand on your thigh, not affecting him in any way. God, he is so close to your core, that you clench your thighs a bit to supress the throb that went a bit needier.
"Is that alright with you?" such a polite man, only if you knew what he wants to do with you. Fuck you raw and good, making you cum all over his dick are the only desires he has right now, and he is close to fulfilling that dream.
You nod, making him feel more comfortable around you than he was, making him stroke your squeezable thigh with his thumb, really slowly making his way to your lose short-pants. A compliment comes from his lips.
"You looked very good in that dress. I couldn't stop looking at you" finally you made a move, still kind of afraid but it was so obvious to you that he likes you. "I noticed that, I loved your attention on me" you said. God finally he kept moving on, you thought as he leans to you, watching those eyes and lips, wanting to kiss them so bad.
"I want to give you all the attention you want" he breathes, almost touching your lips with his. Only just some inches between it... You couldn't hold back, your self-control finally went away, he waited for that moment. "please do mister.." you answer without hesitation, finally getting his lips to touch yours.
Your whole body feeling hot, bursting out the lust you tried to keep in, moving along with his. His hand longing to finally touch your waist and grabbing your skin of it. Wakatoshi pulls you onto his lap, not interrupting your greedy wet kiss, turning into deep tongue kisses.
His deep voice humming while he sucked on your tongue, makes you crazy, slowly moving your hip, noticing his aroused cock inside his pants. As you weren't already wet of his touches, he slips his hand into your pants from your left leg, pleasuring your folds with slow movements.
He doesn't want to pleasure himself with you, he wants you to have an unforgettable rough sex with him, not wanting anything else but his dick after that. You break the tongue kiss, watching his hands in your panties, knowing exactly what he does and you can't hold back a slight moan.
"I can't let you be louder than that, otherwise they're gonna wake up" toshi says under his excited breath, longing for your pussy, but keeping it patient. He focuses on your throat now, slowly giving you some of the roughness by biting your collarbone and moving his lips up, placing wet kisses all over the side. Fuck, you thought, already so close to cumming on his fingers and he was just caressing your folds, his wet fingers full of your juice enter into your pussy, and it feels incredible, such a little rush but pleasuring like nothing ever was. You hiss, pulling you onto him more, and grabbing the back of his shirt.
Ruin, wanting to ruin that pretty back was your thought.
You pulled of his shirt, which was kind of hard while getting the full menue of getting fucked with fingers, and hold yourself onto his back, slowly scratching it with your nails. Some little whimpers come out of your mouth and as he started scissoring you, your moan got concealed by wakatoshis hand, while you finally cum on his other one, as you couldn't endure all that pleasure down there.
Your pussy wrenching it all out, sucking his fingers into it more, got him turned all up, ready to make you feel so good. Slowly taking out his fingers, holding them infront of your scrunched up face. "Was that you?" he asked in such a deep voice, it vibrates in your brain. "yes mister..."
What a lovely name to call him, bringing his control to the edge, especially hearing that out of your mouth. It drives him crazy, wanting to fill your hole up more with his cock. He helps you out of your shirt, him finally seeing that bra of yours for a short time, just to open it again, wanting to see every inch of your body.
"Stand up and take off your pants" he says with his eyes on your breasts, that would fit perfectly in his hands. As you do with a little struggle to keep yourself up, his eyes glances down, looking at his art of you with a slight smile. Seeing you being wet all of his doings with just one hand, is such a view to him.
He wanted you to come back on his lap, feeling the throb of your pussy for him, but you decide otherwise. You want to pleasure him too, giving him something he wouldn't expect.
Getting on your knees, you open his legs and pull down his pants. He looks at you seductively, waiting for you to go on, you hold up for a second and admire his length, overall a bit over average but it's gonna fill you up so good.
Taking your breasts around it, to give him some stimulation is a good idea. You start to move them around his cock, seeing how he lays back his head, enjoying your doings. God your sight of him wants you to cum again, and his little hums that turn into some grunts give you a little kick, finally wanting to hear more of him, his deep voice.
His cock starts to twitch, close to cover your tits with his cum, he stops you as his hand grabs your chin lightly. "Don't. Come sit on it." he says under his little breaths, that would enter your mouth soon again. You stand up and move your cunt right over his dick, hesitating at first, unsure of how fast he would go.
Wakatoshi holds you at your hips, getting some help. His large hands almost could hold you alone like that.
"Go on" he commands as he watches you dead in the eyes, giving you a shiver down your spine, almost doing it immediately.
You get down, only just taking his tip and you are already feeling full, feeling his cock. Going to the half, it already hurts a bit, stretching you lightly, but it turns to a pleasuring pain you want to get more of.
As you arrived at his crotch, you hissed in deep, full of him and feeling his veins so intense already brings you to an orgasm already, whining through that pain. You wouldn't know that you were so sensitive for him, already having your first orgasm.
"mister I- fuck I'm sorry..." you apologize under this pain turning into a pleasure. He feels your clenching insides, getting him more aroused. "you're taking my dick good. Don't worry, I will handle the rest" and he immediately starts moving you up and down, getting out full of you and letting you down full on his length.
Tooking you by surprise, you almost scream out his name, but he could stop you with his tongue getting into your mouth once more. Only this one move is enough for him, to get more interested in you.
The only thing you can do to express your pain is by scratching his back. Your hands under his arms, reaching out to it and holding you with your fingernails, leaving some marks and getting 'toshi to grunt into your mouth. The artwork of yours looks so good in his back, and surely as he moved your body up and down, the longer those scratches will stay.
His sweat already is wandering down his back, getting his body even warmer. Him moving you up and down all the time took him to the edge and he is about to give you a creampie. How he would love so see his cum slowly wandering out of you.
Under his heavier rough breaths he got out some words. "You'll feel so good when I come into you..." And so close to getting out all what he got, a supressed moan wanders through the hand of him on your mouth. you came again, not sure if his words got an influence on that, but it was already so much pleasure to endure, as you also couldn't believe how good he let's you feel, already having your second orgasm that lasted whole 2 minutes. Surely you got his lower back red of your nails digging into his wet skin.
His twitching cock pulses into you and at the last move of putting you down, his sperm flew right out of it, warming your insides more. Your clenching walls getting out everything of his cock. Arching your back as you feel hot inside gave you the rest and you almost screamed, again held back from 'toshis hand, muffling your pleasured sound, already seeing stars and so close of passing out.
Him grunting heavily by his doings, feeling your tight pussy. Slowly his cum is dripping out of you, still having his dick in you, is making him smile light, being proud of what he has done to you.
He was the first one, to give you two or three orgasms in only one position. And he will be the only one that managed that. You feel so exhausted, your body only leaning onto his big one, but you can feel his cock getting wrapped up again.
"Haven't you done your job right?" he whispers into your ear, shortly nibbling your earlobe, already having a plan how to manage a mess like you. "No mister... I'm sorry mister..." you say exhausted, not even able to move your body right now.
Unable to predict his actions, your body is in his control now, but he waits. He waits that you earn a bit strength back, slowly stroking your head, going through your hair, holding you tight to his body. He could be considered gentle, but his impression and roughness tell otherwise.
With slow movements, you wrap your arms over his shoulder, this being his sign to go on. "hold on tight" he whispers, slowly moving up, holding you. You automatically wrap your legs around his waist but your head wasn't quite able to catch up. And in a second, he bounced you on his dick once again, moving in even further.
Your mouths already together, you moan into his mouth again, even having the feeling to melt into his sloppy kisses. Not even you didn't know that you would be so loud in one lifetime, yet your beautiful sounds that he enjoys are getting muffled by his warm lips or his hand on your swollen mouth, due to all that kissing.
Your slim walls pushing once again, gives him extra pleasure to his thickened cock. Bouncing your body while he stood up, was only the second of his list on how to fuck you, but for tonight it was the last thing.
Feeling you so tight around his dick, feeling your bouncy boobs and moving you on your arse is everything he could do to feel you everywhere, which made his cock twitchened and he came once again, letting it all out inside you, already feeling is sperm getting out around it, grunting one last time in your mouth. You would remember that grunt forever. His chest heavily moves from the exhaustion that haunts him lightly, looking at his product that he made. The view he has, still holding your body and seeing you still intertwined with him, has such an impact of him. Never thinking of looking at a more beautiful thing.
What a shame it's already over, he thinks but your whole body was tired, you exhausted and barely could keep your eyes open.
The only thing you could remember was getting brought to bed like a kid, carried like one. Only feeling some wet tissues and towels on your body. Then black... You fell asleep, while Wakatoshi took care of you. Cleaning up the living room and bringing you your clothes in the guest room.
As he was done, he came back into your room one last time to look at you, seeing you sleep so peacefully after he made you such a mess. He placed a kiss on your forehead, leaving the room with one thing in his hand. If he would've slept in the same bed as yours, there would've been speculations and you couldn't see each other ever again. He wouldn't let that happen,he is a vulnerable middle aged man.
As he got on the couch, he took the cloth out of his pockets he took of you, your underwear being in his hands, wanting to do this all day long. One little sniff and he was satisfied for the rest of the night, falling asleep on the couch, remembering the view he had from you in his dreams.
The next morning, you hear some movements in the house, not quite able to assign them. You just lay in your bed, tired body and still tired mind, still trying to remember the last things from the night. As you decide to look down, you slowly stand up from the bed and stretching a bit to get a bit of the pain away that haunts you.
Climbing out of it and slowly opening the door, you see him on the stairs going up. The man that made you mess, Ushijima Wakatoshi. He noticed you on the doorframe and stopped going up, looking at you.
"the others eat breakfast, better get dressed" he says, quickly looking up and down at you, you still being naked. You speak up "I couldn't find my underwear" and as he predicted that, he gets to you, taking your hand and opening it.
This man was slightly obsessed with you and that was an understatement.
Placing his other hand on yours, giving you the underwear you searched for. Your eyes went from your hands to his face, looking up and meeting his. There's a small comfort in them now, a softer gaze than the day before, kind of hard to not lose yourself in his olive eyes. "come, get dressed and eat someting" he says with a charm in his voice, so soft yet so hot with his deep voice.
He shortly gives you a kiss on the forehead and went on going to the bathroom. You stopped him right before with your teasing words. "Missed me that much the night?" smirking to your satisfaction. Did you get him with that?
He looks back, chuckling shortly with a slight smirk. "Go dress up" he says, smiling light and disappears into the bathroom.
Wow, the short chuckle gave you little butterflies into your stomach... So attractive, you think and went into the room to get dressed.
All dressed up - with your underwear - you get down the stairs and sit down on the table where the others sit, one seat next to Wakatoshi. "Wow you slept in" says your friend, smiling to you. Quickly lying on the spot you say: "Yeah I drank a bit much champagne yesterday" and grab the juice to pour it into the glass infront of you.
As you do, a knee hits you light, not moving away from you, already knowing it's Wakatoshis. Only the little touch, not even from his hand, is making you feel comfortable, warm, maybe even a bit needy. It makes you happy, that he searches attention from you, a light smile appearing on your face.
You both shared some touches with your knees under the table as you all ate breakfast, and soon it was time to leave. Leaving your friends house, going home, not able to see him again..
With a little unsure feeling in your tummy, you pack your things in your bag, hopefully not forgetting anything. If yes, you have no shame of turning back if he would live here.
A knock on the doorframe, he stands there, leaning on it with his arm. God the marvelous sight, seeing him in that shirt, such a simple plain one, but he can style anything if it's on his body.
"Ready to leave with me?" you nod turning around and grabbing your bag, but holding in, did he say 'with me'? You look confused to him.
"I'll drive you, no talking back" he says, going away from the doorframe, longing for a short kiss and walks infront of you, ready to wait for your signal.
"okay, I can't talk back" you say, smiling at him, but is it a good time to kiss here? Well, your friend is downstairs, maybe one will satisfy your needs..
You got close to him also, your calm face awaiting his lips tells him that you also want it.
Looking at his lips was the sign to finally kiss you, he brought his hand onto your cheek, you feeling the sensation too much already and he closes your lips with his. It feels like you are on cloud 9 while getting electric shocks through your body. You lean into the kiss, he's feeling every inch of your cheek with-
"Come you guys, my mother is already away, you go now too!" you stop in shock, hearing your friends voice from downstairs. With widening eyes, you look at him moving away from your desperate lips. "We continue this another time" he whispers into your ears, making you fuzzy.
He goes down the stairs, you slowly follow, not trying to show your excitement on your cheeks.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Your friend says hugging you tight as a goodbye. You, laying your hands around her back. "I'm gonna miss you too, have nice holidays with him" you say and let go of her. Wakatoshi leans down to his daughter, hugging her and wishing her beautiful moments with her fiance.
You watching them, realizing that you like her dad, but he's single and you too. It felt like a match, and does she have to find out? You let that question open.
Both of you walk out of the door and wandering to his car, getting into the passenger seat, and as you watch him get into his car, you look at his thighs, now seeing that not only his back is well trained. He doesn't skip leg days.
"What city?" he asks you, answering a little late because you were.. Distracted. "xxxxxx" he looks at you, lighty having a disbelief in his eyes. "What?" you ask confused. "So we got the same destination" he answers, and also you were quite surprised but slowly replacing it with a tickling happiness in your stomach.
He starts to drive and you turned on the radio, not liking the silence when someone just doesn't turn up music while driving. It's giving you the ick.
You look out the windows but your gaze went to another thing, your thigh having a hand placed on it. It feels incredible, you had that feeling before, sure but it's always a relieving excitement wandering through your body with chills just by having his touch on your body. He notices you smiling and couldn't suppress his one, his corner of his mouth moving up.
You seem to find a pen next to you, deciding to write something on his hand. You took it, and hold down the hand with yours, writing with the other one. It sure is a spectacle, feeling his rough hands with little veins over it in yours.
He was relieved seeing your number on his hand, having some thoughts on what you guys were writing about and how he could pleasure you through the phone when he will write you...
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tiyoin · 2 months
picture this... Azul.. with a pushy and aggressive girl scout and him somehow getting the bad end of the deal.
oh my god i need to write this
azul ashengrotto vs pushy girl scout!
azul is not getting out of this alive i’m telling you. as a former girl scout (and #1 cookie seller) they TELL. US. to up the charm to lure people in. you really think girl scouts are above using tears? hell no.
imagine a troupe going to the isle and they’re getting pep talk after pep talk about how teenage boys are different and how they’re going to need to change tactics.
imagine they’re in one of those military airplanes in those movies. you know how they’re getting briefed on the mission in those movies? exactly that.
one lucky girl, the best of the best might i add you, gets assigned octavinelle.
when azul opened the doors to monstro lounge, the last thing he was expecting to see was a 10- no, 11 year old human girl in a little brown vest and matching skirt. little brown curls in tight ringlets as she beams up at him.
“girl scouts!”
now, idk if the ocean has girl scouts or not but, azul has never countered a girl scout before. so he doesn’t know their slimy tactics.
azul thinks it’s just going to be an easy deal, let her with super vision, sell a cookie or two and let her leave. he wanted originally to turn her away because she’s stealing money from his pockets- (azul she’s 11) and this is a gentleman’s club.
plus where are her parents???
no, he could care less about money actually, but that until he’s seeing people enter the lounge, talk with her, exchange products and leave. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING??
now flash forward to customers gawking at azul having a stand off with an 11 year old girl scout, no, not even girl scout. she’s still a brownie 😭
azul doesn’t want to demolish this… child, but she’s countering everything he throws and somehow spinning it???
the sleeves are up and he’s going-
“using business tactics on a child, really azul?” jade chides. floyd lowers down to the girls height and gives her a pitying look. “c’mon boss, she’s just a child”
after hours of negotiations he’d call her the devil. her little smirk she shows him when floyd hugs her and lifts her into the air confirms his claims.
because he’s so benevolent he eventually gives up and buys a box- A SINGULAR BOX.
“actually mister, because you’ve wasted my valuable time that i could’ve used selling to other potential customers, and because you made little ol’ me” she bats her eyes “me cry, i’m charging you a additional 3 boxes, but don’t worry. since i’m so” she looks a shocked azul up and down, placing a hand to her chest like he once did effectively copying him.
“benevolent, i’ll give you a sale and make one of the boxes half off!”
leaving with her wagon, once filled with colorful boxes stacked and borderline spilling over the edges. it’s now completely void of any cookie box. not even a crumb small enough for a shrimp is left.
while his pockets are bare, he can only watch her leave, knowing that she’s gonna do great things in the world
azul - 0
girl scout - 1
266 notes · View notes
You know how people have started telling their kids “if you get lost go find a goth/punk person” bc (rightfully so) like this wild cultural shift has led to us being seen as safe, trustworthy responsible ppl?
It got me thinking about punk Steve (again. Of corse) and this being a single dad! Eddie steddie meet cute.
I don’t know what’s funnier. Eddie telling little Max and Dustin that if they get lost they should look for someone who looks like him/his friends, someone goth/punk/metal. Or his kids doing it on their own volition. Bc the housewives with their little strollers always give their dad dirty looks and mean sneers in the grocery store but the people who look like their dad and his friends are always nice to him.
However it goes, one day Steve’s at the super market and he feels a small hand tug on the bottom of his battle jacket and a small voice say “excuse me mister?”
And he looks down and this little pippy long stockings kid is looking up at him with a wobbly lip and tears in her eyes and he’s like instantly on alarm and panicked.
“Hey friend, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Where’s your mom?”
“I got lost and I can’t find my daddy and my brother”
“Hey, that’s okay, we’ll find them together. Insta gonna be okay. What do they look like?”
“Uuuh. My daddy looks like you. But with more hair”. And Steve snorts a laugh because yup, that makes sense. Usually parents tell their kids to stay a million miles away from him at all times. Corse this kid is a punks baby. “What’s your bother look like? He got hair like you? What’s his name?”
“Dustin. He’s got brown hair and a big dumb hat”.
Steve snorts. “Think your funny?”
And the little girl giggles. Cool. Good. Mission accomplished.
“So we’re looking for dad and Dustin. Dustin’s got a big dumb hat and dads wearing a jacket like me, yeah?” And she nods. Cool. Okay that’s easy to find. “And what’s your name?” “I’m max”. “That’s a cool name max. I’m steve”
And so Steve and the little girl make a couple laps around the grocery store calling out for Dustin, and finally, finally, they hear panting and squeaking rubber and “max! Oh my god max! You scared the crap out of me!” And this- oh. This gorgeous metal head is running up to the girl and pulling her into his arms, mumbling a string of “don’t scare me like that again” and “I’m sorry baby I’m so sorry baby” and “I was worried sick”.
Sure enough there’s a little kid, bout the same height as max in a big dumb hat next to him.
Metal head dilf finally puts max down whose now hugging dustin who looks just as distraught at their dad was, and the metal head finally takes Steve in.
A glint catches in his eyes.
“You find this nice man to help you?” He asks. And she nods.
“Oh man, thank you so much I’m so sorry for the trouble” he apologizes. Steve just chuckles. “Hey it’s okay, I’m just glad we found you guys. Was getting worried for a few there. I’m Steve” Eddie takes the hand Steve extended. “I’m Eddie, I swear to god I don’t usually loose my kids” and steve laughs. “Hey, it happens to everyone, don’t sweat it. She’s okay, you’re okay, everything’s alright, yeah?”
“I still feel so horrible for the trouble. Is there anything I can do? Please let me atleats buy you a coffee”
Steve looks at his watch. He wishes he could. “I’ve gotta get to work, im really sorry, im already cutting it close since, you know” “oh, oh my god im so so sorry”
Listen. Listen. Steve’s no saint. And there is clearly a lack of a wedding band on this guys hand and 99% of the time if a kid is at a grocery store it’s with their mom. And some of those patches-
Steve’s gotta try.
“Hey, I really have to jet but um, here’s my number. Make good on that coffee some other time?”
“Yeah, yeah absolutely! Absolutely. Thank you, so much again. You’re a lifesaver Steve” Eddie smiles taking the small paper Steve just wrote his number on. (A cocktail napkin from a gay club in indie he just happened to have in his pocket, a god ordained way of making sure they were both on the same page.
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drefear · 9 months
Sister's Mister
Summary: You and your sister are having issues now that Miguel and her are official. Your friends have some opinions, and things finally get heated.
TW: drinking, heartbreak, cheating, family issues.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Peter had begun bringing Miguel around more and more, to whom the only person who seemed to dislike this was Miles, but they didn’t interact much. Miles always just kept Gwen close by when Miguel was around, not trusting him around his girlfriend. 
Something about Miguel made MIles uncomfortable, and he tried to tell both you and your sister, but it was no use. Your sister was in love, and you were too visceral to everything now to even comprehend what he was saying. The situation had made you into a shell of who you were. 
One person who found this all very entertaining?
Hobie Fucking Brown. 
Hobie saw you in that nightclub and knew you were the one Miguel had mumbled to him about a few times while he was drunk. Hobie and Peter took Miguel, Jess, and Lyla out a few times since they’d all become friends freshman year and got them all drunk. 
But in the recent few months since Miguel’s summer classes started, he would mumble about some girl under his breath when he was drunk, talk about her like she was a figment of his imagination. 
When Hobie saw you sitting alone in the nightclub, sipping your drink and awkwardly looking around as if searching for an escape route, he knew you were the one Miguel was fixated on. But the poor big bastard was too busy grinding on a girl who could be mistaken for a hooker, so much caked on lipstick and ass almost hanging out. 
Chaos was Hobie’s specialty and when he started dancing with you, he saw a crimson fire burn in Miguel’s eyes. Over your shoulder, he kept winking at the larger of the two, seeing something itch Miguel on the inside of his throat, giving Hobie the idea that he was in for it once they spoke again. 
And then the floozy was dragging Miguel over to you and Hobbie, and this made the alternative boy smile. How perfectly everything was falling into place. 
Hobie pulled you closer, something that had gone unnoticed by the females of the group and had Miguel’s hand almost twitching. 
Weeks had gone by, then he saw you at that party and heard you drunkenly venting. 
“Big and fuckin… stupid, ya know, Gweny? And like… my sister tells me about the sex, Gwen, the sex!” You were barely coherent as you rambled and this made Hobie laugh. He walked off to find his own fling of the night and a few hours later, he saw the big guy carrying out your passed-out body. 
The next day was the pool party and after the heat interaction between you and Miguel, he clapped his hands and laughed. 
“Time for grub, innit? How bout the food now?” He stood and walked to Peter, who hurriedly started passing out food. 
He just sat back and watched, waiting to interfere when he might be needed most, which he had a feeling would be soon. 
Meanwhile, Miguel walked around and finally found Gianna in the upstairs bedroom. 
“Gianna?” He asked and she turned, hugging him. 
“There you are, Miggy! Did you two talk? She still seems really mad.” Gianna bat her eyes and poured a bit, and Miguel felt sick to his stomach. The guilt of wanting you made his mouth dry and his hands freeze. 
“We need to talk.” He took her hand and led her to Mile’s living room. 
“Oh my god.” She covered her mouth and sat down, moving away from him a little. “I guess this was inevitable.” She let her shoulders sag and stared at the ground. 
“Well, I don’t think I’d say it was inevitable. It just started before us, and if I never-“ he looked up once her heard her crying, big tears streaming down her face as she hiccuped a bit. 
“I’m so sorry, Miguel. It’s just- I couldn’t help it!” She gasped and Miguel stopped dead in his tracks. What?
“What are you talking about?” He leaned backwards, frowning a bit. 
“This is about me and my ex, right?” She looked up, eyes glassy and red from crying now. Miguel stood up and furrowed his brows. 
“This- I didn’t even know… did you cheat on me?” The words felt sour in his mouth and like razors on his lips. He stepped backwards and watched as she stood up, reaching towards him. He moved from her hand and glared at the girl. 
“I thought you already knew, wasn’t that what you wanted to talk about?” She looked up to him in shame, then squeezed her eyes shut. “It wasn’t anything much, just a hookup.” 
“I came out here to tell you this wasn’t working because I want someone else.” He blurted out and a hurt expression flashed across Gianna’s face. 
“Does it even matter now? You’re the one who cheated, I was going to cut things off before anything happened with her.” He started walking away from her. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To go fuck someone else, so I don’t have your taste in my mouth anymore.” He growled and stormed out. He needed to find you. Now. 
But you went home. You snuck out of the bathroom and went home, too embarrassed and hurt to see everyone again. 
How could you face your sister? Ben? Miles and Gwen? Everything was so screwed up, so messy now and you didn’t want to deal with it. You drove home and locked yourself in your bedroom, afraid of the world. 
Days had passed and it was the last class of the semester. You’d been watching your classes online so you didn’t have to leave your house, wanting to avoid everyone and everything. The only time you had to see anyone is when you had to eat, but your mom mainly brought your food to your bedroom. 
Walking onto campus, the sun beat down on you so hard and blinded you behind your sunglasses. You hurried into the lecture hall and bent your head down behind your laptop screen. You needed this final grade, it was an important class for you, but there was only one issue.
A looming presence made you scrunch your eyes shut and curl over your computer more. 
“We need to talk-“
“Class is starting.” You cut him off and fixed the darkened lenses on your nose. 
“Fine.” He yanked out the chair beside you and plopped himself down, leaning back and folding his arms over his chest. 
“That’s not what I meant.” You sighed, giving up and letting him sit there. “Did you study?”
“No.” He answered, as if your question was stupid, “Did you?” 
“I tried, but I couldn't focus.” You slumped, to which Miguel bit his lip. He felt responsible for your distractions. 
“Cheat off of me, then.” 
“What?” You blinked in surprise, uncomfortable with how this sentence made your morality feel. 
“It’s the final, and you know your shit, so if you need to look over to me at any point, just check your answer. I know I’m gonna get an A anyway, this is my whole job.” He rolled his eyes and scooted closer to you, making you suddenly very conscious of the heat of his body near yours and how you looked. 
“F-Fine, but only if I need to, ok?” You stuttered and looked away from him. 
“Only if you promise to talk to me after.” He raised a brow and practically trapped you with just the look in his eyes. 
“Ok, but not here. We’ll get food or something.” You stammered nervously and heard the professor start talking. 
An hour and a half later, you finally finished the test, only glancing at Miguel once through the whole test. A lot of the source material came back to you every time you read the question, only one part stumping you briefly before Miguel held up three fingers and instructed you that it was the third option. 
Walking back out into the sunlight, Miguel grabbed your jean loop and stopped you from running away. “We’re taking my car, since you’re basically an escape artist.” You gulped, seeing how intent he was with speaking with you seriously. Every bone in your body was hesitant and afraid of what he might say, you knew him and Gianna broke up shortly after the fight you had with him and your bathroom excursion. She didn’t want to talk about it, and you didn’t particularly want to talk to her. Everytime you two even made eye contact, bile rose in your esophagus and you choked on the stifling shame of how you felt for her ex-boyfriend. 
Miguel followed you to his car and had you in the front as you watched everything pass by, thinking about how badly life had crumbled the past few weeks. 
Miguel’s hand gripped the steering wheel tighter as he saw you so quiet and upset. He hated this side of you, sad and hurt, but it seemed that this was the only side he brought out of you. 
He finally parked after the silent ride and walked around to get the door for you, waiting for you to jump out and also grabbing the door for you as you both entered the coffee shop. You’d never noticed him being a gentleman before, maybe because you’d never even given him the chance. 
You sat at a table inside and leaned on the wall beside you, too tired to even sit upright. He stood on the line and ordered coffee for you both, as well as a breakfast sandwich. You stared at his tall frame as he took the seat in front of you and sighed. 
“We should get some things out of the way.” He started and you nodded quietly. “I’ll begin with what happened . Your sister and I broke up because she cheated on me and I like you.” 
He spoke like this was obvious but your eyes widened in shock. 
“She cheated? With who?” 
“Some guy in her honors biology class. It wasn’t a big deal, we weren’t that serious and it was only two months.” He shrugged, sipping his black coffee as you milked yours with sugar and cream. 
“But still…” You trailed off and bit your lip. You felt his hurt, but he seemed so indifferent that it made you think again and then remember what else he said. “You like me?” 
His eyes found yours and he nodded.  “I liked you before I knew her, I’ve thought about you since the summer classes started.” He rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip, like he was thinking, and the movement had you mesmerized. “Never knew your name, and when I met Gianna, I liked her because she resembled you, but then I was always around you and I would get angry and bitter because I had gotten so close, yet it wasn’t you.” Miguel rambled, running a hand through his brown hair and sighing in frustration from trying to explain his emotions. You grabbed the hand from his hair before you even realized what you were doing and held it on your own, then dropping it and blushing. 
“I uh-” 
Without waiting for your response, he grabbed that hand again and held it. You sat in silence for a second and stared at where your bodies now met. “You run through my mind like you have no idea.” his hand brushed yours once more and you realized something. 
“You were the one who helped me when I was drunk at Miles’s party.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded, smiling a little. 
You two sat there for hours, talking and laughing as you shared stories and feelings, as if a weight was lifted from both of your shoulders and you could be open to the other now. 
As you threw your head back from laughter to something he said, you heard someone call your name from behind you as you turned and met the eyes of the one person who wouldn’t understand. You both froze, fear chilling the entire area around you all. 
Tags: @ihateuguys @spontaneousleo @ginger23 @y2cade @alex110370000 @winteringfalls @neverlandlostchild @haileycannotcometothephonern @loser-alert @idk-sam@bunnyrose01 @minalovesyoubabes @thedevax @arquiiva @freehentai @vonev @rue-ting @darkfairy102190 @iamv1n @teresalesbian @killykstudio @topreice @artyanimi@hrlzy @mikotoguilty @ceoofmiguel @jotarossshark @i-want-to-be-your-dreamgirl @arquiiva @loonalockley @spiderwriter2099 @mikotoguilty @scaleniusrm @angel-xx-1 @siidmm @tayleighuh @zaunsin @imheretoread @lazyotakuofficial @callmeurslxt-pls @angelaut0matec @vonev
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Okay okay soooooo this is my request. You totally do not have to but I thought it was cute. So Harry is himself and YN is a teacher at an art teacher at a school and he comes to visit them and the kids react to them being a relationship with himmmmm👀
Also I love your writing and I think you’re amazing❤️❤️
Idk about art that much. But music counts as art as well. Hope you don't mind.
Lunch Time
Synopsis: One where YN's students are shocked to see her husband (WC 1365)
More of my work
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"Oh my god! Ms. YLN, Harry Styles literally has the same jumper as you!" Mary, one of YN's students exclaimed as soon as she walked in.
"Oh my— that's literally the same thing!" John, the other one from the very corner of the classroom.
YN was a highschool Music teacher, she was a big part of the art department of her school. All students loved her for some reason she never can pin point.
Today she wore one of her husband's jumper, a old brown one with green designs on the hem and the above the cuffs of the sleeves. When she originally picked it out of her husband's side of the closet she never thought it was something he wore in public where he was pictured.
She's been having symptoms of common flu lately after she visited her mum who had flu as well. Her husband being away on a tour from past six weeks. Though he's returning home later today she still felt the meed to put on one of his jumpers. They are soft, they're warm and they smell like him even though they've been washed.
She could not take few days off as she had already taken all her paid leaves to go see her husband at his Manchester shows. She needed that money to pay off her students loans.
YN never in a million years thought her students, who are bery obviously her husband's hardcore fans to recognise his clothes. It wasn't her first time wearing his clothes to work, that's all she wears om days she doesn't feel like dressing up.
"Oh thank you Mary, it's a gift." YN said. "Okay class settle down now." She began with her class her music history lessons. Taking a small five minutes break to go bring her water bottle she forgot at her office like an idiot.
Just as was about to leave her office, she got a text from her husband. He was coming home early when she told him a yesterday that she was starting to feel sick. He'd seen her be sick just once and it was just awful. He took the first flight home immediately after his show last night from France, which was very late in his opinion.
- Hiya my love.
- I just landed in London
- Will bring your fave lunch today and we can go see a doctor.
- I love you so much! xx
It warmed her heart to see that. She sent him her lunch time.
- Yes, please.
- I'll ask later if I can take rest of the day off.
- Yeah, do that baby.
- See you soon!
YN went back to her class but dismissed them early to move onto her next class with her headache boring holes into her skull from inside out. Again she had her students pointing out her jumper.
"How is Mrs. Styles doing?" Harry asked as soon as he stepped into her office with a bag of food from her favourite place, he carefully placed it on her desk.
It had been over a good six months of them getting married and he's still obsessed with her calling that name, especially since she had been so adamant about wanting to take up his last name. He's smitten like a little baby kitten.
"I took a painkiller for my headache but I think I still need to sleep on it." She explained, getting up from her chair and metting him halfway around her desk to take upto his welcoming hug.
"Yeah? We'll go home soon, okay?" He caressed her hair feeling her shake her head in agreement to him. "Gimme a kiss before we eat and I take you to go see doctor."
"I'm sick, don't want you to get sick." She lifted her head up to look at him.
"I literally won't get sick." He counter and got his kiss, smearing his lips onto her.
"We can actually go now, I already talked about taking a sick leave for the rest of the day and tomorrow." She shared.
"We can eat first, I know you skipped your breakfast." He made her sit down and eat as he talked about the shows she misses, which were all of them except for the London and Manchester shows. About the One Direction shirts someone threw at him which he brought with him, the other one he saved for her. Just as she was about say something, there was a knock on her door.
"Ms. YLN do you mind if I come in?" It was Mary, from the class earlier.
YN's head shot to look at her husband who looked completely unphased chowing down his noodles with his best chopsticks using abilities.
"What?" He shrugged.
"She's your fan!" She whispered. Having him caught off guard.
"Go on, I don't mind." Was his answer to her surprise.
"You sure?"
"Come in, Mary." YN called but not before taking another glance at Harry.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt your lunch time, Ms. YLN, I needed help with this assignment that—" the girl with blue dyed hair was completely froze to surprise seeing someone at her professor's office she never could have expected. "Oh my god!"
Harry actually chuckled earning a glance from his wife though he had his shy kode switched on there, "What do you need help with, Mary?"
"I, uhhh... I actually forgot..." She stuttered looking back and forth between the couple, printed notes in her hands, "this, this assignment— I'll come in tomorrow."
"No it's alright, I'm taking a day off tomorrow." YN shared, "don't want your assignment to be delayed."
"Oh— okay." She gulped nervously.
YN went back to her chair behind the desk and had her students doubts cleared up. Though it took her long time to realise she probably did not get a thing.
"Email me your doubts, I'll and refer to the sites I recommended." YN said, writing down a couple of referrals for online sites. "It's okay, you can talk to him."
"Oh my god, Harry! I'm such a huge fan!" Mary bursted out pointing at her Fine Line hoodie.
"Thank you so much." Harry smiled shyly.
"Can, can I ask for a picture?" Mary asked but regretted it as soon as she spoke.
"Actually do you mind if we don't? I can write you up a note." Harry suggested instead.
"That's totally fine! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She freaked out.
"It's alright." Harry assured her. YN smiled and handed him a pen and her sticky note pad. Harry scribbled a sweet note for the girl and signed it for her. "Thank you."
"No, thank you so much." Mary smiled accepting the note Harry gabe her.
"Mary, please don't tell anyone just yet about this if you can." Harry spoke. "Maybe wait for a few days.
"Yeah, no I won't. I really won't." The girl was freaking out, she waved at him before leaving.
"She won't tell anyone Harry, don't worry." YN assured him getting back on her previous seat next to him.
"You think so?"
"I know so." She affirmed, "I've known her for quite a long time now. She's one of the nicest students I have."
"I'm gonna take your word on that." He smiled.
"Oh, and I got my new professor's ID today." YN reached for the ID kept on her desk face down. It had her name changed on her to Prof. YN Styles which had Harry smirking.
"Still won't be able to fathom we're actually married!" His cheek muscles ached from smiling so much in the moment seeing the ID card.
"Neither can I." She chuckled.
They'd known each other for only a year when he proposed and they got married a few months later. It wasn't rushed. But it was still surreal.
Harry was still anxious about Mary trying to post about their little interactions but she didn't. Harry never saw anything on the internet about them. He was relieved to say the least.
YN students liked her enough to not talk shit about her. Plus they needed their good grades to pass out of school.
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mechaknight-98 · 22 days
Resonance FT Natty
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Authors notes: A fic I've had for a while but was still expanding
"Yeah, boss. You want me to work with a new partner...but I'm retired. You will pay how much...Hm...no... Okay, now you're exaggerating. You're not...Fine, I will come through."
Going ack to DWMA was an experience Riku swore that after achieving Death Scythe Meister status he wouldn't do, but here he was at the beck and call of Death the Kid. Walking up the many stairs to the main hall was a chore he didn't miss. As he maneuvered you avoided the new crop of students moving around the area until he reached Death the Kid's office.
Death the kid smiles at Riku, "Thank you for coming on such short notice," Kid says to Riku, and he shrugs.
"What was this about something I have never seen before," Riku responds intrigued.
"Remember Tsubaki, and Black Star" Death the kid started. Riku nods and Kid continues, "Well there was a weapon we found in Thailand her Name is Anatchaya Suputhipong and she has ties to both the Star clan and the Nakatsukasa clans. You are currently the only meister I think that can deal with it," Kid explains
"Her name is what… wait no that's not my question. why call me of all people? Why me," Riku asks confused.
"I think you will see when you get there," Kid says as he opens a portal for Riku as he walks through Death the kid adds this to Riku, "Look riki I know you are worried about everything but don't be it wasn't your fault. Atraxa asked you too." Riku looked at Death the Kid and had to (Barely) resist the urge to kick him in the face before walking through. The city was uncomfortably bright as Riku traveled through it. He felt the feeling of being watched and to no one's surprise, he was. A Death scythe meister in a Kishin city was just asking for trouble, but curiously trouble is not what found him.
"He Mister...um are you lost," A pretty lady asked approaching Riku. her smile was kind and disarming. '
"Oh sorry Miss I am looking for someone who was supposed to be out here?"
"Oh well then maybe I can help you find her," the lady said. Riku smiled and replied
"Okay then sure. Hey, what's your name?”
“Oh I don't think you can pronounce it but please call me Natty,” the young woman replied. Riku nodded before outstretching his and giving his reply,
“Riku nice to meet you.” Natty Smiled at Riku before taking his hand. A spark of soul resonance was shared between them as their souls attuned to each other at a moment’s notice. Natty and Riku noticed the spark.
“Hey um weird question but are you uh…,” Riku stammered Natty smiled watching him all flustered, “are you a death weapon,” Riku finally choked out. Natty nodded. Riku nodded back, “Okay so I am a death weapon meister. I was sent here by Lord Death II to find one named, “Anatchaya Suputhipong” Have you seen them around before?” Natty laughed before nodding. Riku smiled relieved “Oh great can you help me find them,” he asked hopeful. Natty nodded before she replied
“I do need your help though. A demon is terrorizing my family can you help me kill it?” Rayami nodded and Natty squealed excitedly.“Oh my gosh thank you, you won't regret it,” Natty added. Riku shrugged and followed the excitable young woman. On the way, it clicked that Riku had no idea what her weapon form was.
“Um Natty quick question.” Natty turned and looked at Rayami with her big brown eyes with an intrigued look
“Yeah partner,” she said happy
“Um, we should probably go over battle strategy before we fight,” Riku responded
"Oh totally, but to be honest I thought we would resonate and you do all the fighting," Natty replied with a palpable innocence.
"So yeah about that. Ever since my last partner betrayed my soul resonates differently,"
"Is that why your skin is purple," Natty asked wide-eyed. Riku nodded before outstretching his hands again. he waited for Natty to take his hands. Natty looked at him confused
"So here's the play; we are going to attune ourselves to each other, and my knowledge will become yours and yours will become mine. Memories. Powers and Emotions will flow freely between us. The reason for this is that when we fight it won't be me or you doing all of the work but an even partnership," Riku explained.
"So we will be perfectly resonated," Natty asked excitedly
"No think of it as... a producer and a musician. we are both driving the experience however it will be like Music production. One of us will give guidance to the other and provide (hopefully) helpful commentary like a producer while the other is fighting," Rayami clarified. Natty smiled.
"So I will be able to use my weapon forms and not be the weapon the entire time," Natty asked. Riku nods. Natty is elated. at this. She smiles at Riku before taking his hands.
The shared soul-scape that the partners made was a Music studio. Natty being the more rambunctious of the two was the first driver. She looked at her hand and marveled that she was holding her weapon form for the first time.
"Everything good," Riku asked. Natty nodded with a smile before going to confront the demon.
Unsurprisingly the soulscape manifested as a studio for Riku. he looked around and felt at ease. Natty had given him an expansive but contained space. He had mixing tables, instruments, plus a bunch of other keys and tools that he was quite familiar with. the most comforting thing was the natural feel the studio had as if it had grown into an aged tree.
"How do you like your soulscape," Natty asked.
"Oh I love it," Riku replied pleasantly
"Great Now focus up I am going to need your magic to bolster our attacks," Natty said tensing. Her body language and affectation shifted from Cute innocent and playful to. Seductive, Lehtal, and determined. Riku got her mix ready as they neared Natty's large home. when she walked in she was stood face to face across from a "Demon" Riku knew quite well.
Rayami gritted his teeth before growling out, "Mallek!"
Sensing a new presence Mallek turned to face Natty. His monstrous form lumbered to address her with his bladed arm outstretched from his hand a facsimile of an offer for a friendly handshake.
"Have you brought me my Offering Natty," Mallek said with ravenous eyes. Natty glared before getting into a fighting stance.
Mallek looked at the young woman surprised before he teasingly said, "OH is this a burst of courage? You know what that means. When I am done with you I am going to kill your whole family!"
Hearing that Riku turned up the levels for Wind while lowering the channel for lighting. He also said to Natty, "Look Mallek is strong but sloppy use your Krabi-Krabong skills and he won't be able to hurt you."
"Got it," Natty replied before closing the distance. in the soundscape, Riku went over to his base and tuned it for Natty's solo: Sugarcoat. He began to play to start the resonance chain, and Natty felt the power behind him as her strength quadrupled. Mallek lunged forward with a reckless slash that Natty easily blocked and parried. She launches a counterattack of her own. a simple strike at where Mallek is the weakest. the joint where his flesh became metal, a quick tidbit given to her by a dialed-in Riku. Mallek stumbled as Natty's strike made her mark. Mallek's hand seized as he could no longer Summon his weapon form anymore, and with a mighty cleave, she cut Mallek in twain.
Realizing he could die here he began the process of recalling back to his safe house. He was terrified of this meister but felt a bizarre familiarity from the pair.
As the battle ended Riku materialized and looked Mallek in the eye silently. Mallek's eyes widened as realization hit them. Riku shrugged and walked away from Natty who went back to playful, bubbly, and happy, Natty gave a thumbs and the two walked off.
"That was so cool Iku. I was like dodge and woosh and then slam. it was perfect," Natty exclaimed excitedly. Riku smiled feeling at ease. he nodded. Natty smiled brighter
"You know we make a good team. Wanna make this partnership permanent," she asked hesitantly. Riku turned to Natty and sized her up.
"You know what Anatchaya Suputhipong I'd love to," Riku said as the two Headed back to the DWMA
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mochiwrites · 19 days
something about scar keeping the apartment the same while grian was missing makes me emotional cuz ofc scar always holds out hope grian would come home
do you have any thoughts on that first visit back to the apartment after grian escapes the watchers?
it makes me SO emotional ;w; scar held onto that hope for soso long ueueueueue
but that first visit back… ough, it’s incredibly emotional for both of them. grian is really hit by the familiarity of everything and is so touched by the fact that nothing in the apartment changed. he can go through every bit of it and recall some sort of memory tied to it. and scar is just so happy to see grian in their apartment again:
While standing in their bedroom, back to the door, Grian marvels at the sight before him. Just like the rest of the apartment, nothing has been touched. The room is the same, as Grian remembered leaving it. He even spots a certain cat curled up on their blankets, and he smiles. He looks at the bookshelf by his side of the bed, walking up to it. Grian brushes his fingers along the spines, noticing the lack of dust on them.
“Scar you—”
He’s stopped by two arms wrapping around his waist from behind, a weight dropping on his shoulder. From the corner of his eye he can spot a head of brown hair.
“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Scar questions quietly, his voice shaking and so soft. Grian lowers his hand, moving to set it on Scar’s arm. In response, Scar brings him closer, back pulling tightly to chest. “You’re really here, in our home.”
“I’m here, Scar,” he answers gently, leaning back against him. “I’m home.”
Scar presses his face more along the crook of Grian’s neck, and the breath he takes in is one that trembles, unsteady. “I didn’t know… Void G, I didn’t know if you’d ever come back to me,” he murmurs. “Every day I hoped and waited, but I was terrified something happened to you. That I lost you forever.”
Grian’s heart breaks for him, for all of the waiting he was put through. “I’m sorry.” For being stupid enough to believe Them. For leaving you alone for so long. For hurting you with my absence. All of it. “I am so sorry, Scar.”
“Oh, Grian no, darling no.” Scar squeezes him, fervently shaking his head. “You do not get to apologize for being kidnapped by godly beings who invaded your server, mister. In fact, I’m making it illegal,” he declares.
Despite the overwhelming wave of emotion falling over him, Grian snorts. “Illegal? I don’t think you have that kind of authority.”
Scar chuckles, “I do now.” He quiets then, moving to press his lips to the skin of Grian’s neck. “But please… don’t apologize for that, lovebird. It wasn’t your fault.”
Grian doesn’t answer, biting the inside of his cheek. It certainly feels like it was his fault. Sure, he may not have asked to be kidnapped but… hadn’t he still welcomed it, in a way? He has a feeling Scar may not like that thought very much. So he leaves it, sinks into his husband’s embrace. He’s missed this so much. So, so much.
He leans into the sweet trail of kisses that Scar plants on his neck, moving his hand to intertwine their fingers.
“I’m really happy to be home,” Grian tells him, leaning his head against Scar’s. He lets his eyes shut for a moment, knowing that he’s completely safe with his Scar.
He feels Scar’s lips press one last lingering kiss to just below his jaw. “I’m happy you’re home too,” Scar whispers. “So happy, words can’t even describe it.”
They stand like that for a while, just holding each other. In some ways, it feels like Grian never left.
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sam24 · 5 months
Chicken Butt
Summary: It was supposed to be a good deed. Really, it was. Tony had woken himself and the team up at ass o'clock to get ready for your morning birthday surprise, barking out orders like a dad on the morning of a road trip. Everything was supposed to be perfect. But a 6 foot something blond super soldier laying in your bed was not part of the plan.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Tony crept down the hall, motioning for the rest of them to follow his lead through the silent hallway.
His janky ass team clearly didn’t care as much as he did, grumbling loudly, their arms full of birthday kazoos and party horns that Tony had shoved into their hands earlier.
“I don’t think she’s gonna appreciate you waking her up by tooting horns in her face, Tony.” Natasha fixed the party hat that was sliding over her eyes. “Taking her out to breakfast would have been so much nicer.”
“Breakfast is temporary, carrot top. The memory of us working hard to surprise her and make her birthday morning special is permanent,” Tony whispered.
“I don’t know about that, Tony.” Sam piped in. “Those hash browns down the street are pretty damn memorable.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Bucky’s lips were pressed tight together, looking a little nervous and queasy, like he ate a couple moldy hot dogs before hopping on a roller coaster. But Tony didn’t have time to call out the cyborg, especially when you could wake up any minute now.
“When did you suddenly start caring about birthdays?” Clint looked suspicious. “For my birthday you gave me a half drunk coffee.”
“Don’t be selfish, Barton. I was tired that day.” Tony dramatically turned his head to peer down the hallway, making a weird sweeping motion with his hand.
He turned around to see everyone staring at him questioningly.
“It means all clear, you imbeciles. Has no one seen Die Hard?”
“Oh, I have!” Peter raised his hand and let go of his balloon, and Bucky snatched it before it could float off with a roll of his eyes. “But it’s kinda more like this, Mister Stark-”
Peter tried to demonstrate but Tony silenced him with a glare. “Guys, you’re ruining the whole thing. I’m trying to be nice and surprise our friend without you chihuahuas waking her up before we even get to the door.”
“Why are you trying so hard to be nice, Tony?” Natasha shook her head. “It doesn’t suit you.”
“C’mon, are you doubting me? I love being nice. It’s my favorite hobby.”
Natasha was unimpressed. “Pepper told you to be nicer, didn’t she?”
Tony grumbled, choosing not to reply.
Okay, so maybe Pepper did want him to be a little kinder, especially after he sent a few too many interns home crying.
”It’s not my fault they don’t understand my humor!” Tony had insisted.
Pepper had just given him a firm look and told him that he had to put more effort into expressing his appreciation for other people.
Tony was offended, but he knew his wife was right (as always). He didn’t exactly know the right way to express his love, growing up in a house with minimal affection.
He had tried multiple techniques: saying kind words, giving out compliments like candy, and even going as far as squeezing in random hugs, but none of them felt natural to him.
His love language was remembering the little things, Pepper had told him after she saw Tony give you a full-sized cardboard cutout of Channing Tatum after you had mentioned that the Jump Street movies were your absolute favorite.
However, some didn’t appreciate his little gifts as much as you did.
Helen Cho was not very thrilled to see thermal underwear for hands, no, not gloves, on her desk after whining that the medical wing was always cold.
Tony had decided to change his affection tactics to something everyone could enjoy. Everyone likes surprises. Right?
He liked to act like he didn’t care about anything other than AC/DC and whiskey, but he honestly did. He loved his team to pieces and would do anything for them.
Plus, it would be some practice for his incoming child. His future daughter would probably prefer hugs and playtime with her daddy rather than a chicken butt magnet (but considering it was Tony’s kid, the chicken butt might have a chance.)
So, that’s how Tony ended up here, searching his pocket for the keys to your room that he bribed borrowed from the floor’s housekeeper.
He made a mental note to fire the lady for dangerously handing out keys to anyone who asked.
“Wow, Tony. Look at you. Breaking into girls’ rooms,” Wanda snorted. “That’s a new low.”
“Quiet, before I burn you at the stake.”
“I still don’t think we should do this.” Bucky shifted his weight uncomfortably.
“You know, I would’ve expected Steve to say something, he’s being weirdly quiet. Something like, Anthony, respect her privacy-” Tony looked up from the lock. “Wait, where is he?”
Bucky cleared his throat. “Uh I dunno.”
“You don’t know?” Tony raised his eyebrow. “I thought you two were telepathically connected or something.”
Bucky looked down, suddenly very interested in the carpet under his feet. “Um I don’t know but I think we should go-”
“Whatever, he’s probably running an ultramarathon right now for some senior citizen charity, doesn’t matter. We’ll save some cake for him. But make sure someone has a glucose monitor. I don't think Cap can handle too much sugar.”
Tony inserted the key, the lock settling with a satisfying click as he turned it. He slowly opened the door, bringing his kazoo closer to his mouth.
What he was not expecting was that the same Steve who he thought was probably helping an old woman cross the finish line right now was lying in your bed.
You thought you heard the creak of your door, but you mentally waved it off, classifying it as the creak of your fan.
You turned, not bothering to open your eyes, your hand feeling for your human pillow, who was unusually soft and an excellent cuddler for being built like a wall of muscle.
Your palm landed smack dab on Steve’s chest, and you buried yourself into his side with a smile creeping across both your faces.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.” You felt Steve sleepily pressing his lips into your hair and all across your face.
Fuck, his morning voice was so hot.
You were glad you had him to yourself for a little while before you two had to act like colleagues. It was a mutual choice between you two to keep it from the team. Some of them could be just a tad bit dramatic, and you two wanted a quiet relationship before it went public.
Bucky already knew, because he knew Steve more than Steve knew himself, and you suspected that Natasha knew as well because she’s Natasha and knows everything.
Everyone else probably didn’t know, and you’d like to keep it that way for a little bit before Tony would inevitably scream "PDA! PDA!" everytime yours and Steve’s shoulders grazed.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he buried his head into yours.
You mumbled something along the lines of “thank you” as you pressed kisses into his hair.
“I love you so much.” Steve lined kisses on your bare shoulder.
You heard a gasp followed by extremely violent shushing.
Your eyes flew open and Steve turned around in a split second, looking for the intruder.
You both were met with the team standing wide-eyed in your room, Tony in the lead looking like he was either about to pass out or throw the cake in his arms to the ground.
Steve tried his best to cover you with his body from his nosy team, trying to keep the blanket from slipping down his waist at the same time.
All eyes turned to Bucky, who was wearing a glittery-pink polka-dotted party hat that, by looking at the dents in it, seemed like it was wrestled on by someone.
He blew his party horn with a pathetic puff of air, smiling nervously at Tony. “Surprise?”
Thor launched his arms into the air. “SURPRISE!”
The commotion started.
“C’mon Cap,” Sam whined in the corner. “I thought I was your friend! How could you not tell me?”
“Knew it.” Natasha grinned cheekily.
“You two are so cute!” Wanda gushed. “Right Vis?”
Vision nodded, sending Steve an awkward thumbs up.
Bruce coughed, trying to respect your privacy by looking down at his shoes.
“Always thought you had a little crush on him,” Clint smiled.
“This is so cool! Wait, if you have a kid can I babysit please? I love babies. Oh my god, is it going to be a super baby?” Peter was bouncing with excitement. “Crap, I’m sorry, Mr. Steve. I didn’t mean to call your baby an ‘it’. I swear, I don’t see your baby as an object, I’ll be a great sitter.”
“Um, yeah, sure, kid-” Steve started.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Tony finally jolted out of his paralysis state. “How the hell did I not see this?”
“Are you telling me that the whole time I was trying to set you up with Matthew from logistics, you were getting pounded by Ol’ Captain here?”
“Jesus, Tony.” You grimaced. “Why would you put it like that?”
“So, this is why Steve was extremely against my brilliant idea of locking you and Matthew in the bathroom together? That jealous bastard!”
“Your what-” You choked.
“That wasn’t the only reason why, Tony.” Steve huffed. “That’s just plain weird.”
“You know what else is weird, Cap?” Tony narrowed his eyes. “The fact that you’re hoeing around with a girl who’s literally a baby compared to you.”
“I’m not ‘hoeing around’, Tony. I love her.”
Tony’s eyes danced between you and Steve until his face finally relaxed.
He sighed, coming around to your side of the bed and planting a kiss on your head.
“Happy birthday, kid. I would hug you but I’m pretty sure you’re naked under there.” He turned to face Steve again. “If you break her heart, hang onto your dentures, 'cause I’m blasting your dusty ass back into the ‘40s, got it?. ”
“Got it, Tony.” Steve smiled.
“Ew, don’t smile at me like that.” Tony made a face and looked back at you. “I had a backup present, just in case the whole surprise thing went to shit.”
Tony fished out something from his pocket, placing it into your hand.
"You mentioned something about how you loved to use that stupid chicken butt joke when you were a kid," Tony mumbled.
It was a chicken butt magnet.
You loved it.
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jayke0 · 7 months
Cowboys and Angels
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Summary: The infamous outlaw, Jake Lockley, decides to spend the night with you.
Rating: nsfw, smut
Warnings/Content: reader is a prostitute, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, exhibitionism, multiple orgasms, minor angst at the end, mentions of other men being assholes, lmk if there's anything else I should add :).
Word count: 3,420
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
“What's a fine lady like you doin’ in a place like this?”
Yeah, like you haven't heard that before. Despite the way your eye literally twitches at that phrase, you take in a deep breath and turn towards the gravelly voice that beckoned you from the bar… pleasantly surprised with the picture in front of you.
An obvious gunslinger, what with the rifle and multiple rows of ammo hanging loosely over his shoulder, but, he's not as beat up as the others. Sure he's got some scars and wrinkles, jesus, he's got to be in his mid 30s at least, but his facial features are symmetrical, /handsome/ even. His brow is heavy, and it makes his eyelids sit half open, long lashes covering the rest of his brown eyes. The black moustache fits his look perfectly, sitting above a pair of red lips, hell, even the stubble that usually makes your skin crawl looks good on him.
It's like a breath of fresh air for you, and to be honest you're surprised the other girls hadn't pounced on him first.
“Waitin’ for a man like you to come along, mister,” you answer playfully, leaning against the bar so that your hip sticks out. Your dress is long, but it dips perfectly at the chest, and the cinched waist of your corset shows off your beautiful curves.
The gunman notices your pose, making a quick not-so-subtle glance up and down your form before that pretty, lidded gaze lands on your face again.
“Is that so? Well, you're lucky I can be ya prince charmin’ then, ain't ya?” He takes a final swig of his drink, though it seems he'd only just started, since you can barely smell the alcohol on his clothes as you move closer to him. You twist your body and rest your elbows on the bar, sticking your ass out a bit instead.
“Prince charmin’? Now I don't know about that, mister. You ain't the first cowboy to come in here and tell me I'm ‘too good for this place’.”
It's always amusing to you, seeing how much that comment seems to make the others falter, but as his smirk tilts to a soft frown, you almost feel bad for shooting down his shot… and possibly losing yourself a decent client.
“Oh– I'm just jokin’ around, sir,” you place your hands on his jacket, fixing his collar. “Pay no heed to my silly words.”
The grin that cracks across the man's face has your face heating up.
“I know, little lady, I'm just messin’ with ya too.” His eyes scan over you again, dragging his gaze up your body till he meets your eyes, tilting his hat up to look at you properly.
The way he looks at you makes your skin thrum. It's a dark gaze, but one that reads comfort to you, it feels like you could get lost in his eyes for hours, as if you're some vampire's victim being drawn in before being mercilessly devoured.
“Well… you certainly had me there, cowboy.” You giggle a little, mostly to break the tension between you that's coiling in your chest and making the room feel warmer than normal. A strong arm snakes around your waist, and you feel his fingers sprawl across your back, pulling you closer to him and his dangerous gaze.
His words break your thoughts. “I was only askin’ ‘cause I've been ‘round these parts quite a bit, and I ain't ever seen you, pretty.”
“I started a couple weeks ago, actually.”
“Ah…” you watch as his thoughts seem to trail off for a second; is he contemplating what he should say? It's not exactly like he's trying to court you, this is a business after all, and you're more than used to handling the distasteful things that have been thrown at you.
Finally, his words start again. “Guess I had better get ya warmed up then, hadn't I? Though, I doubt you've been strugglin’ for clientele.” He gestures around the dismal saloon at the other men, all in varying states of intoxication. His observation makes you giggle properly this time, but your brain lingers on what he meant by the first part. Despite your uncertainty in his words, you agree to his proposal, feeling his fingers graze the thread of your corset through the dress.
“I think you should, Mr…?”
“Lockley, but ya can call me Jake.” He says as he gets up and fixes his holster, placing a coin on the bar before gesturing towards you. “Lead the way, sweetheart.”
Why do you feel nervous? He has to literally take your hand before you actually switch into autopilot and lead him upstairs to the reserved rooms. Maybe it's the pressure of pleasing an older man? No, you've done that before. It's a thought that gnaws away at the back of your brain and evidently makes the gunslinger concerned.
“You doin’ ok? I didn't frighten ya, did I?” He sounds apologetic as he closes the door behind you both with a loud creak.
“No... no, I'm sorry! Forgive me, my head's been a little all over the place recently, nothin’ for you to worry about, mister.” You lie and shake your hands wildly, before you start undoing the top buttons of your dress.
He swoops in before you can finish undoing the second one, taking your hands and removing them from the fabric.
“I do things a little differently, if that's alright with you, miss.” You feel his calloused fingers glide over the pulse on your wrists, moving up before intertwining them with yours, “I don't just take, I make it so ya give ya'self to me.” The tone he uses feels smooth on your brain, it seeps into your ears and soothes the worries you'd had beforehand, his deep gaze only adding to that soft feeling in your chest, and the slowly growing need between your legs.
“Alright, Mr Lockley.” Your smile is genuine, one that makes the man break into a smile himself.
“ ‘Atta girl.”
His grip loosens on your hand so he can slide his own down your body and over your sides, until it eventually comes to rest on the small of your back, pushing you further into the heat of his body as he engages you in a kiss.
It's a nice feeling, having a man that actually knows how to kiss, so nice that you feel yourself getting lost in the bitter taste of his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck to get impossibly closer to him. His stubble scratches your chin as you drink in his taste and become intoxicated with just the simple feel of his body. Maybe it's because he's attractive, or maybe it's because he's so gentle with you, but either way you find yourself wanting more of him; more of his lips, more of his hands.
The gunslinger breaks the kiss, making you whine softly under your breath.
“Patience, little lady. I'll give ya exactly whatcha’ want.” You feel his lips curl into a smirk, one that makes you roll your eyes playfully.
“Forgive me, mister Lockley, but usually I'm bent over the bed by now with my drawers at my ankles.” You challenge, looking into his brown eyes as your fingers trace the soft, tattered scarf donning his neck.
“Well excuse me for tryna’ treat ya like a lady–.” He says before swiftly scooping you up and pressing you against the wall. It makes a gasp leave your lips, and your legs automatically wrap around his thick waist. “Next time I won't be so nice.” The way his lips brush yours teasingly makes your pussy clench, his words lingering on your lips like the faint taste of whiskey on his.
Using one arm to keep you suspended against the wall, his other travels up underneath your skirt and over your soft thighs. His fingers tease under the cotton of your drawers that fit snugly around your thighs, dragging his rough fingertips further and further up to draw a soft gasp from you.
“Ya ever had a man touch ya like this? appreciate ya like this?”
You shake your head and instinctively suck in your bottom lip to chew on while you try to close your legs, but he just pries them open again, looking at you with that damn lidded gaze that's making your cunt clench.
“Well, there's a first for everythin’, ain't there?” His breath is hot on your lips and sends ripples of shivers through your body, your breathing shaking just as much as your thighs.
He's just centimeters away from your pussy lips before he recognises the feel of his own jeans against his hands, so he does the only reasonable thing and lifts your skirt completely, astounded by the sight.
“My my…” He huffs with a chuckle, sounding surprised. There is your cunt, on full show through a hole in your drawers, one that'd been purposely crafted for your exact line of work. Your slick glistens in the dim light, and Jake can't help but run his fingers through your already wet folds, drawing a soft moan from your pretty lips.
“In all my years, I ain't ever seen that. You've certainly made my night, darlin’.” He purrs to you, voice as smooth as silk. “You ever talk?” He asks, that mild concern returning from earlier.
“They usually don't like it when I talk.”
“Yeah? Well I do,” he leans forward and nips your neck underneath your ear, taking the lobe between his teeth briefly. “I like hearin’ the noises ya make for me.”
Shit, that makes you actually moan, pressing down on where his fingers still linger atop your lips. They slide perfectly between given your arousal, and you grind your clit down in his fingers with a sigh. “Please, Jake, stop teasin’... I ain't ever wanted to be taken so badly in all my goddamn life.”
“But the teasin’ is the fun part.”
You can now feel the outline of his cock pressing against your thigh through his washed out jeans, and fuck does it feel big. You want him to pull it out right now just so you can look at it, but your thoughts are halted when you feel his fingers press against your needy hole. He circles it, matching the movements with his thumb on your clit. It feels way too good, especially when both of his thick digits slide inside you and stretch you open. Your jaw drops at the sensation as he starts fingering your cunt, massaging that sweet spot inside you that has you gripping his shoulders.
“No, Jake don't– dammit, don't do this to me–.”
“You can take it, there's a good girl.”
His praise only has your head swooning more and your chest pressing tightly towards his as you rock your hips towards his thumb. Each time he catches your clit it sends a wave of pleasure through your body to your toes, making you whine needily against his ear.
“Such pretty noises you've got, ain't ya? I wanna hear ‘em all night.”
Your orgasm crests quicker than you can tell him, and you teeter on that edge for what feels like eternity until finally you feel his thumb circle your clit one last time, and you come crashing down on his fingers, moaning out his name loud enough for the next room to hear. You rest your forehead on the man's shoulder, amazed by how easily his fingers drove one of the best orgasms of your life out of you.
“Wanna see ya do that again, darlin’, please lemme see ya make that face again?” Jake asks, his own words now breathier than before as he already starts working his belt and jeans open.
You give a shaky nod and pull your head from his shoulder. You try to ignore the ache already settling in your muscles from pressing yourself against the wall, too focused on the rugged man in front of you and the instrument that is ultimately going to split you in half. He goes to slide under your skirt instantly, but you tap his shoulder. “Oh, ya wanna see it first huh?” He grins proudly and lifts your dress enough to reveal his throbbing cock.
Fuck it's thick, and the way it's throbbing makes your mouth salivate, the tip already glistening with precum that he spreads over himself with his free hand.
“I dunno if I can take it, sir.”
“You can take it, don't ya worry that pretty little head about it. Just feel it, ok?”
You nod in response; it's funny really, you have no reason to trust this man, but after he's given you a great orgasm, it only makes sense that he knows more about the female anatomy than any other cowboy.
The fat tip runs up and down through your soaking folds, getting nice and lubed up before he starts to press against your hole. Your brows knit together in concentration as his tip slides in with a satisfying ‘pop’, a soft grunt leaving Jake's lips.
“That's good, girl, just stay niiiice and relaxed,” he groans. He rests one hand on the wall beside your head as his body inches closer to you and his cock sinks deeper inside your cunt, stretching it deliciously to an almost aching point. Finally, he bottoms out, and you can't help the way your walls flutter with how full he makes you feel.
“Ya ever had a cock this big, miss?”
You shake your head quickly with a whimper and your eyes screwed shut, but he grabs your chin and makes you look deep into the fiery pits of his own stare, “I asked ya a question, little lady.”
His voice is still soft, but there's a slightly threatening tone underneath, one that makes your cunt clench. “No mister, I ain't.”
“Mhm, good, means I get to carve my shape into ya then.”
The wail you let out is a result of both his words, and the way he pulls back just to snap his hips back into you again. It feels like it blinds you for a second, the feeling getting stronger as he begins a deep pace.
“Christ almighty–.” You feel like you're going to tear his shirt with the way your nails are dragging against the dark fabric already. Shotgun shells and trinkets rattle with each of his harsh thrusts, all mixing together with the beautiful sounds of both your moans and the slapping of sweaty skin.
“Godammit girl, I ain't ever had a cunt this tight before.” Jake's words are mostly grunts at this point, emphasised with thrusts that only seem to get harder and faster.
You can feel your back scraping against the wooden walls, but all you care about right now is the cock of the dirty old cowboy that's filling and fucking your cunt better than you could've ever imagined. It sends waves through your body each time his tip butts that soft spot inside you that has your pussy drooling over his length.
The people next door are sure to hear you, hell, the whole saloon can probably hear you, what with the floorboards creaking under Jake's boots and your hips slamming against the wall… not to mention your noises. Shit, you're sure your voice is going to hurt tomorrow, your thoughts only solidifying when you feel his calloused thumb return to your neglected clit.
“That's a good girl, keep makin’ those noises, show everyone how good Mr Jake Lockley makes you feel.” He's speaking through gritted teeth, eyes boring into your expression as you tilt your head back and wail again.
“Bet you'd love to have this cowboy take ya cunt every night, wouldn't ya?”
God, the white hot pleasure is coursing through your veins, making your muscles tighten and your thighs clamp shut around his waist. Your mouth and throat feel dry from all your moaning and gasping. You're on the edge again, cunt clenching around his cock in a vice grip, you just need that final push.
“Yeah, squeeze my cock like that, shit, girl. Ya gonna cum? Cum all over my fat cock, pretty.”
You feel like you're falling when it finally hits you, your body is swept with wave after wave of hot pleasure that makes you spasm and throw your head back against the hard wood… or at least what would be hard wood, if Jake hadn't put his hand there to save your precious head.
You feel like you're going to melt into him as he continues to fuck your needy cunt. He wraps both arms around you this time and drags you a little further down the wall so your pussy is at the perfect angle for him. It only takes him a few more thrusts like that before he coming undone with a loud, deep moan, hips stuttering as he fucks his spend into you.
The cowboy keeps you cradled in his arms like that for a bit, chest heaving like yours as you both slowly come down. You're the first to open your eyes, and you're glad you do, because the sight is gorgeous. His black curls are sticking to his forehead, nostrils flaring with each breath out as his eyes flutter a little. It's then that you realise his hat must've been thrown off in the process, either on purpose or by accident.
Finally, the man opens his eyes too and meets your gaze. It's soft and deep, one that makes your heart flutter and a smile tug your lips, despite your efforts to hide it. He carefully lifts you off of his softening cock and places you on the ground, holding you up until your legs stop shaking.
“Ya good?”
“Wonderful, actually.”
His smile spreads across his face as he reaches down to pick his jeans back up, his belt clicking while he does it up.
“How much ya want?”
Those words suddenly hit you like a bucket of cold water. For half an hour, you got to pretend like everything was good in the world, but his words simply bring you crashing back down to reality.
Jake's too busy sifting through his notes to notice the look on your face, the look of disappointment and distaste.
“I don't need money. I need to see you again.”
That instantly makes the outlaw freeze up, as if he's run into this scenario before.
“Oh, darlin’.” A frown now dons his perfect lips. He reaches forward and rests his hands on your shoulders, thumbs brushing your neck. “Ya know I can't do that. I'm sure you've seen my face before, if not ‘round here, then on wanted posters.” The sound of paper crinkling gives you a reason to avert his gaze. “Take this, ok? It's the least I can do for givin’ me a great night.”
You feel his lips graze yours then, the feeling making your breath hitch as loneliness sinks into your gut and stales your bones.
“Maybe I'll see ya around again, sweetheart.” He picks up his hat and dusts it off, placing it atop his curls before he tips it to you.
“G'night, miss.”
He's gone before you can even fathom a response. You're left in the silence of that creaky old room, wind whistling in through the cracked window and making your whole body suddenly feel cold. You feel numb as you sit on the bed and examine the money he'd given you, mindlessly folding and unfolding the notes as you imagine him already setting off on his horse, never to be seen again.
It's only then that you notice a scrap of paper mixed up in the notes. Your fingers trace the outline of it as you unfold it, and you realise it's an advert for a gunsmith, the same one that was scrawled in small lettering over his holster and ammo sash: his favourite gunsmith. Had he done it on purpose? Slipped in a golden ticket to your next meeting point? He certainly was shuffling around with those notes for a while.
It makes you want to jump for joy, a small glimmer of hope shining through the overcast clouds that'd been plaguing you since you can remember, your knight in shining armour; or at least… knight in washed out denim. You tuck it into the waistband of your drawers with a soft but excited sigh, before going to clean yourself up and head home, with something for you to finally look forward to.
Tagging people 🖤: @boredzillenial @cowboymarcs @chichimisaki @faretheeoscar @fanofstuffidk @minigirl87 @marisferasiop @red-hydra @summonthesoups @steven-grants-world @queerponcho @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ominoose @strangerhands @admiralackbarssugarbaby
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