#Oh sorry..I meant Scarlet Witch
msclaritea · 10 months
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If people have to put up with more whiny bullshit from Elizabeth Olsen and her goddamn public relations, it's really not worth the few good posts under Iron Man.
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therealdisneyfan2319 · 7 months
The Spider and The Witch Chapter 5: The Last Day and The Apology
Summary: When the mission goes wrong, Y/N makes a choice about his future as an Avenger.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.7K
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: I'm back from depression cave. I'm going to be more intentional in continuing this story and writing fanfic in general. Please enjoy :)
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The timing of the scene in front of you was impeccable.  The grenade exploded at precisely the right moment.  The pressurization of the building coupled with the spark made an incredibly loud boom as the explosion caused the building to collapse in fire and brimstone.  Debris fell around you as you flew back from the sheer force of the concussion.  You hit the concrete with a thud, coughing and sputtering as the wind was knocked out of you.  Every inch of your body hurt: a high-pitched screech echoed through your ears and completely dulled your sense of time and space.  Groaning, you tried to roll over and push yourself up, but before you realized what was happening you felt yourself once again being whipped into the air.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?” an anguished voice cried out from the dust and ashes.  “WHAT DID YOU DO?”  
Wanda wrapped her magical tendrils around you, throwing you up in the air as she flew towards you.  While dust and ashes clouded your vision, her scarlet eyes were undeniably clear.  There was no denying Wanda’s anger.  She had just seen her brother blow up in front of her.  
“Wanda, put Y/N down!” Steve shouted as he sprinted toward the burning debris.
“HE KILLED PIETRO, I’LL KILL HIM!” she screamed, her voice raw with anger.  Everything suddenly became unbearably hot as the world closed in around you.  Yet just as soon as you realized you were levitating in midair you found yourself abruptly crashing back to earth.  The shock of hitting the ground knocked the wind from your lungs and you fell on your knees, coughing and sputtering for breath.
“That’s enough, Maximoff,” Tony scolded as he lowered his sonic wrist propulser.  “I promised May I’d get him back to New York in one piece.”
Wanda heaved heavily on her hands and knees, her gasps interspersed with sobs.  Natasha sprinted over to her.  She wrapped her arms around her as Wanda sobbed into her shoulder.  Steve and Bucky worked their way toward the burning building while Rhodey and Sam flew overhead searching for any signs of Pietro.
Clouds of dust settled over the chaotic war scene.  Your entire body shook as a wave of guilt washed over you.  The last thing you remember seeing before everything went black was Pietro opening the door to the building.  The next memory was a blinding flash of light, the sound of a thousand cannons, and the putrid stench of sulfur.
Oh no, you thought as everything started to add up.  Fear coursed through your veins, the thought of having killed Pietro tying your stomach into knots.
“When I said you could shoot a few webs at the bad guys, this isn’t what I meant,” Tony said as he trudged toward you over the field of debris.  “What happened?”
“I…I dunno.  You guys went after the six that I saw, but then Karen spotted three more and I didn’t think you could get to them in time so I went after them myself.  I thought I got them but…” you trailed off, staring at the burning building in front of you.  “Where’s Pietro?”
“They’re looking for him right now,” Tony explained.  “Redwing’s scanning the area.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled.  There was no way that a simple apology would be enough to make up for the mess you made.
“I know, kid.  I know,” Tony sighed.  
Before you could muster another apology, Steve jogged over toward you and Tony.  He was sweaty and dirty, his crisp blue and white uniform covered in blood and dust.  A sense of trepidation hung in the air as he approached Tony, who subtly flinched at Steve’s appearance.  
“Sam found him.  Call Cho.  Let her know we’re on our way back.  We need her ready and waiting when we get back.”  He turned to look at Tony, casting an icy glare in his direction.  “I told you the kid wasn’t ready,” he replied coolly.   Steve was right: Tony threw you into a completely unpredictable situation and expected that you’d know how to react.  
“Try not to be too hard on yourself.  We got Speedy.  That’s all that matters,” Tony told you as Steve walked away.
“I put the whole mission at risk,” you answered.  It took every ounce of strength left to push yourself up from the ground.  It felt like you’d been run over by a truck and then some.
“Steve was right.  You should’ve left me back at the compound.”
“What do you mean you quit?!” Tony looked at you with an expression of shocked contempt as you dropped your suit on his desk.
“I quit,” you reaffirmed.  “It’s my fault that Pietro got blown up-”
“He’s got all his limbs.  Dr. Cho’s printing the sheets of tissue for the burns. He’ll be back up in speedster shape in no time.”
“That’s not the point, Mr. Stark.  The point is my mistake nearly got someone killed.  I don’t know if I could live with it if he died, and if it happens again…I don’t think I could spend the rest of my life with that weighing on me, you know?”
Tony stared at you as his mind moved at a thousand miles a minute trying to process what exactly you were saying.  The gears in his mind cranked and squeaked while he struggled to figure out the right thing to say.  He stroked his goatee, twisting around in his overstuffed chair while he thought of what to say.  Finally he stopped, tapping his fingers on the armrest as he cocked an eyebrow.  
“Don’t you want to be a doctor?”
“That’s what you told me the first time we met.  You want to go to med school, don’t you?”
“Doctors lose patients all the time.  You gonna quit the first time one of your patients bites the dust?”
“That’s different.”
“How so?”  Tony stumped you with that question.  
“You do everything by the book, a perfect surgery, and for whatever reason your patient doesn’t wake up.  You just gonna quit then, kid?”
“But that’s different.  That’s not my fault if a patient doesn’t wake up.  Pietro getting blown up is my fault.  I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands.”
“Loss is a part of the job, Y/N.  Hell, it’s part of life.  All of us here accept that.”
“Being a doctor and being a superhero are two different things in my mind.  I can’t…look Mr. Stark, I appreciate the opportunity to come and train with you and the rest of the team.  It’s been a really eye opening experience, but this isn’t for me.  I’m sorry about what happened to Pietro.  I really am.  I know Wanda’s, umm, I know she’s pretty angry with me and I know she has every right to be.  I mean I almost killed her brother.  I don’t want to mess up the team’s dynamic any more than I already have.  I’d rather go out on top, you know?  No one else can get hurt if I leave.  I’m sorry, but I’m not going to change my mind on this one.”
The tension between you and Tony was palpable.  Anxiety twisted your stomach in knots as you felt him bearing into your soul.  
“Fine,” he finally relented, pushing his chair away from the desk.  “You’re a big boy.  I can’t make you stay if you don’t want to.  So I’ll just take that then if you’re sure…you are sure you don’t want to do this, right?”  You nodded emphatically as Tony sighed and rubbed his temples.  “Did you call May yet?”
“I was gonna shoot her a text-”
“I’ll call her.  Never pass up an opportunity to talk to that woman,” he chuckled.  “Look, I get that everything’s a bit raw now, but the offer still stands.  If you ever feel the urge to swing around in spandex again just give me a call.  Or if you need an internship or a reference for med school or something.  I’ve got some pull with the Harvard-MIT Program.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.  Really.  It means a lot to me.”  He shook your sweaty hand firmly.
“You pack your things already?”
“Not yet.”
“Alright, you go pack, I’ll call May.  Should be good to go in a couple of hours.”  You turned around, reaching for the doorknob.  “Shut the door on your way out, will you?” Tony hollered from behind the desk.
May was only a half hour or so out from the compound by the time you finished packing up the last of your stuff.  You would’ve been done sooner had Vision not phased through the wall to confirm the validity of the rumor that you were indeed leaving the Avengers.  He proceeded to talk your ear off, philosophizing something fierce about the ideas of moral duty and responsibility.  It wasn’t quite clear what the point of the conversation was.  Still, you thanked him for his advice and awkwardly stared as he once again phased out of the room. 
You took one final sweep around the room for anything you might’ve left behind.  Once you were sure it was clear, you made your way through the maze of hallways and staircases to, not the main entrance, but the infirmary.  Pietro was still undergoing daily treatment at the hands of Dr. Cho.  While it looked like he would pull through, it was going to be a long road to recovery.  He suffered from burns all over his body, broken bones, and a concussion amongst a myriad of injuries.  The thought of leaving without apologizing to him made you sick to your stomach.  So instead of waiting for May in the bitter January wind, you decided that your time would be better spent trying to make amends for your mistake.
The infirmary was a dark, cold space.  It didn’t promote any sense of healing or comfort in your opinion.  The hallways were dark, the furniture was dark, the Stark Tech that filled every room was buzzing with excitement but was also dark.  This was definitely not the way to run any sort of hospital wing.  
Your stomach tied itself in knots the closer you got to Pietro’s room.  There was no way to predict how he’d react to seeing you for the first time since the moment before he got blown up.  For a split second you thought about turning around.  Maybe this wasn’t the best idea.  Yet deep down you now you’d never get a good night’s sleep unless you apologized for your major goof up.
Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly as you pushed the door open.  You were relieved to see Pietro was conscious, albeit hooked up to almost a dozen machines.  But your heart stopped the second you saw Wanda sitting next to her brother’s bedside.
“Get.  Out.” Wanda snarled, her eyes burning bright red.  You gulped hard, nearly tripping over your feet as you stumbled out of the doorway into the hallway.  There was no way in hell you wanted to be at the receiving end of another one of her outbursts.  “Don’t you dare-”
“It’s okay,” Pietro gasped.  His voice was ragged and raw from the smoke and ash he inhaled after the building collapsed.  The harshness to Pietro’s voice made you squirm. 
“It’s okay,” he repeated.  “He can come in.”  
Wanda’s eyes slowly melted back to their original shade of green although you could’ve sworn there was still a glimmer of fire smoldering somewhere in there.  You slowly slunk into the room, heartbeat pounding in your throat as you inched toward Pietro’s bed.
“Hey,” you gulped.
“Hey,” Pietro said, his lips curling into a weak grin as he tugged on his sister’s sleeve.  “Can you give us a minute?”  Wanda started to protest, but he shut her down with another tug on her sleeve.  “Please?”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll be fine.  Not like he can blow me up again, right?” he chuckled.  Wanda shot daggers into your soul with her glare.  She stormed out of the room but not without stopping inches away from your body.  
“Hurt him again and you’re going home in pieces, understand?” she gritted through clenched teeth.  You nodded overenthusiastically.  The witch pushed by as she stormed out the door.
“Sorry about her.  She’s a little protective,” Pietro apologized weakly.
“I can see that,” you mumbled.  You were still staring through the doorway.  
“I can’t blame her.  It’s been just us for a long time.”
“She mentioned that”
“Our parents were killed when we were ten.  One of Tony Stark’s bombs crashed through our apartment building.  We were trapped for two days, waiting for it to go off.  It didn’t, but after that we shuffled through orphanages until we ran away to join HYDRA.”
“Peter never mentioned that.”
“Ehh.” Pietro shrugged.  “My sister doesn’t like to talk about it much.  HYDRA wasn’t kind to either of us.  I’m not one for revenge, but she took it the second she could.”
“So the whole thing about her puppeteering corpses-”
“Not one of her better moments,” he chuckled weakly.  “Wanda’s not a bad person, she’s just a protector.”
You stared down at your shoes, feeling immensely guilty for everything that happened.  Your ineptitude nearly cost Wanda everything she had left.
“I’m sorry about all of this,” you apologized.  
“Why are you sorry?” Pietro cocked an eyebrow.  “This isn’t your fault.”
“Yeah it is.  I should’ve seen he had the grenade on his belt.”
“If you hadn’t webbed him to the building a lot more of us would’ve been hurt.  And there’s a chance they would’ve gotten away with the virus if it wasn’t for you.”
“But you got blown up!  That’s on me!”
“Occupational hazard.  Could’ve happened whether or not you were with us or still on the Quinjet.”
Nothing you could say would change Pietro’s mind, or Tony’s for that matter: this was a mistake.  It wasn’t your fault.  That was easy enough for them to say: they weren’t the ones who dealt with the gnawing guilt.
“I told Mr. Stark that I’m.  May’s on her way here now.”
“Oh.”  Pietro’s face dropped as soon as he realized what you were saying.  “That’s sad.  I like you.  You’re a good guy.”
“I just don’t want to be a superhero.  Besides, the semester’s starting soon and I’ve gotta get back to the city.”
Pietro leaned back on his pillow.  He looked out the window, not saying anything as he let out a raspy sigh.  The room was uncomfortably quiet, save the beeping of all the various machines keeping Pietro stable.  Figuring that was the end of the conversation, you awkwardly turned around intent on leaving when a quiet voice spoke into the emptiness:
“She doesn’t hate you.  She’s mad that she couldn’t stop it herself.”
“Are we going to talk about it?” May finally asked about an hour into your drive back into Manhattan.  
“I’m not really sure what there is to say, May.  I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.”
“Woah woah woah.  I’m not mad at you.  If you don’t want to do this then you don’t have to, but I’d like to know just what the hell happened on that mission.”
“Pietro went boom.  Well, the building went boom with Pietro in it.”
“And it’s your fault because-?”
“I didn’t see that the bad guy had a grenade strapped to his belt.”
“And he set it off?”
“I don’t see how that’s your fault.”
“I should’ve noticed that!  I didn’t and Pietro nearly died!”
“But he didn’t, Y/N.  Tony’s right, this isn’t your fault at all!”
“Look, May, I just want to go back to school.  I don’t want to be Spider-Man or whatever.  I just want to be normal.” 
You were completely exasperated with everyone’s insistence that Pietro’s blood wasn’t on your hands.  It was aggravating, irritating to say the least.  Why was everyone so insistent that YOU become the next Spider-Man?  Weird enhanced powers were one thing…you could manage those.  But all the other stuff?  Absolutely not.  All you wanted was a quiet, normal, peaceful life.  
May didn’t respond.  She inhaled sharply, nodded, and slowly turned the radio back up.  You rested your head against the window, watching as the luscious green valley slowly morphed into the familiar hustle and bustle of Manhattan.  You were finally going home.
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ficsandgiggles · 2 months
Bonding Time (Elizabeth Olsen x Reader)
You get the role as the younger sister of Lizzie’s character in an upcoming movie, so you play Mario Kart to develop that bond, however Lizzie quickly discovers a weakness of yours…
Word count: 943
Warnings: None
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You paced back and forth nervously as you waited for the actress you looked up to to walk through the door. You were an up-and-coming actress and was thrilled when you got the role of being the younger sister of a character, the bigger sister being no other than Elizabeth Olsen, the Scarlet Witch, just an amazing person in general.
You flinched whenever the door opened, but it was usually your agent or Lizzie's manager coming in to make sure you were ok and giving you updates on where she was and how long she’d be. It helped calm you down but the anxiety was very much still present.
Finally, the door opened, and your favourite actress walked through the door.
“Hi there, Y/N, it’s lovely to finally meet you!” Lizzie said brightly, opening her arms up for a hug immediately as you smiled and hugged her back.
“Hi! It’s great to meet you too, I-I really look up to you.” You replied shyly, melting into the hug as she rocked you soothingly.
“That’s so sweet of you! I’ve watched your previous work and you’re not bad yourself.” Lizzie teased and gave you an extra squeeze before pulling away.
“So… we’re meant to be having a sisterly bond kinda day, but… you’re the one with the expertise as I grew up an only child.” You told her quietly as you tried to compose yourself.
“Luckily for you, I have three other siblings.
So I have some pretty decent experience and it’s also why I brought…” she pulled a Nintendo Switch out of her bag. “This.”
“Oh! Do you have Mario Kart?” You asked excitedly, the room you were in was like a living room with a TV, couch and a table full of snacks and drinks.
“I sure do!” She said cheerfully and set everything up by connecting the Switch to the TV.
You grinned excitedly and crashed onto the couch, grabbing the remote and crossing your legs comfortably. “Ready when you are!” You told her, reaching for some snacks.
“You seem confident.” She told you causally as she sat down next to you, opening the game and setting it up.
“Yeah, now I have all the experience instead of you.” You teased, already beginning to feel comfortable around her.
“What are you trying to say?” Lizzie asked, poking your ribs. “Robbie and I have a Switch at home, how’d you think I knew how to connect it to the TV?” She asked with raised eyebrows.
You couldn’t help but feel a little flustered at that, nodding. “That’s true… sorry…”
“Hey no it’s okay! I was teasing too, I’m not some old lady.” She laughed, nudging you to try and get you to smile, but you just nodded and chose your character.
Lizzie bit her lip, she knew what anxiety felt like, and she sensed that yours was through the roof right now. She noted your reaction to her poke and decided to use that to her advantage.
“Alright, let’s start!” You said excitedly as you started on the classic Rainbow Road. You bit your lip in concentration as you leaned forward, completely focused on the game, not knowing Lizzie was focusing on something else right now.
She did play the game, and did a pretty good job keeping on the track and using her items, however, she slowly moved her hand towards your side and spidered in causally.
You flinched and jumped away, biting back a smile whilst using a hand to gently hit Lizzie’s away. “Dohont!”
“And don’t what?” She asked teasingly, giving your hip a cheeky squeeze as you crossed the finish line, first place of course.
“You know!” You whined, smiling shyly as Lizzie dropped her remote to suddenly scribble under your arms, causing you to squeal with giggles and fall back onto the bed.
“Aw Y/N! You’re so ticklish!” She teased and moved her fingers to shake into your ribs.
You couldn’t believe what was happening, you wiggled around and attempted to push Lizzie off, but you couldn’t do anything as you were already weakened by her actions.
“Shuhuhuhush I’m nohohohot!” You squealed out, arching your back and letting yourself giggle freely. Your response caused Lizzie to roll her eyes and move her wiggling fingers to your belly, smirking as you shrieked with giggles and rolled onto your belly, shuffling up the bed as you did so.
“You really think that’s gonna stop me? You’re adorable.” Lizzie chuckled, sitting on your ankles and wasting no time skittering her nails up and down your feet.
You screeched and thumped your fists into the bed, twisting from side to side as you tried weakly to escape, you couldn’t stand your feet being touched yet here she was scribbling her fingers up and down them.
“I’M SOHOHOHORRY!” You laughed out helplessly, not knowing what you were apologising for but doing so anyway so she could give you a break.
Lizzie chuckled fondly and got off you, poking your ribs gently to get you to sit back up, which you did so quickly and smiled up at her whilst taking in deep breaths.
“What were you apologising for?” She asked and pulled you into a hug as you simply shrugged with a blush on your face, genuinely not knowing.
“Well, whatever it was, you’re forgiven, I have a feeling we’re going to play the sisterly role just perfectly,” Lizzie reassured, giving you another squeeze before picking up the remote. “How about a more fair round this time?”
You smirked and picked up the remote, leaning forward as you played again, kicking Lizzie’s butt of course, but you weren’t complaining about the punishment.
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bambinella · 2 years
Sweet giggles
A/N: this is a request for @tickle-beans​, sorry it took me so long to write! I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Kate and America decide it’s a good idea to steal Wanda’s candy, until Wanda makes them realize just how bad of an idea it actually was.
Word count: 2070
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“Are you sure we won’t get in trouble for this?” America asked, looking at the huge pile of candy sitting in front of her on the couch in Kate’s apartment. Kate had urged the young girl to follow her into her room five minutes earlier, and while America had been confused, she couldn’t help but drool a little the moment she had seen the overload of sugar.
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll be fine!” Kate promised with a wide grin, looking at it with pride. She and America were well-known for their love for sweets, and the others had quickly learned the hard way to either hide away their stash of snacks or lose it. And since it hadn’t been stashed away, that meant that she could take it, right? Exactly!
“But what if it’s not meant for us?” America insisted, yet didn’t look that sorry either as she sat herself down on the couch, taking one of the gummy bears in her hand.
“Well in that case, I’ll go buy them new candy tomorrow or something! Don’t worry so much, have some candy!” Kate urged, playfully jabbing the young girl in her ribs several times to make her giggle. This was all the motivation America needed, apparently, as the two of them started diving in. Kate knew that she was gonna have stomach issues later, because of the ridiculous amount of sugar she was eating, yet that was simply something future Kate would have to deal with. The more candy they ate, the more they started giggling, feeling giddy from the sugar rush. Candy, music, friendly company, everything seemed perfect at that moment.
That was, until they heard loud footsteps stomping down the hallway, in their direction. Seconds later, the door of Kate’s apartment flew open, revealing Wanda. The Scarlet Witch looked at the duo with her hands on her hips, immediately noticing all the empty candy wrappers spread over the floor, and just how little of the original pile was left.
“I knew it! Kate! America! I turn my back for five minutes and you two go running with my snacks!” She said, sounding rather annoyed. Kate and America looked at her, looked at each other, and finally burst out laughing. Wanda shook her head and let out an exasperated sigh.
“Oh no! I’m sorry!” America managed to say between her giggles, actually feeling sorry but being unable to stop herself from laughing as she looked at Wanda. With her hands on her hips, she DID look like a mom.
“S-sorry!” Kate giggled, covering her mouth with one hand as she laughed. The witch shook her head and let out a deep breath. 
“I told you!” America hissed to Kate, who just started giggling faster. Wanda could tell that they were very high on sugar, obviously from eating all her candy. And while she tried to stop it from happening, she could feel the corners of her mouth tug upwards as she listened to those giggles. Still, she couldn’t just let them off like that. 
“Now who thought it was a good idea to steal all my candy I placed in the kitchen? Hm?” Wanda questioned, raising an eyebrow at the duo. They instantly pointed at each other, which earned an eye-roll from Wanda and a gasp from America.
“Hey! You literally dragged me in here with the candy!” The teen cried out while looking at Kate with a look of betrayal. When said archer merely shrugged with a grin, America reached out to squeeze at her side, making Kate snort and curl up. And it gave Wanda the perfect idea. With a swift move of her hand, she lifted both Kate and America into the air, making them squeal in surprise.
“Woah hey! What are you doing?!” Kate cried out in giggles, still not quite used to the sensation of floating mid-air. America on the other hand, who had requested Wanda to make her fly multiple times already, was pretending to be an airplane, now fully comfortable with Wanda and her magic.
“You two stole my candy, so I feel like I need to punish you for it… and since you’re already giggling so much, what better way than to tickle you?” Wanda suggested, a mischievous smile creeping onto her face. She couldn’t help but smirk evilly at the way Kate’s and America’s eyes widened with anticipation, immediately squirming in her grasp.
“No! No wait, I’ll get you candy tomorrow! I promise!” Kate said, squirming in the invisible hold, unable to hold back a nervous giggle. Wanda held her chin and pretended to think about it, before shaking her head at the brunette.
“Hmm… nope, sorry, no can do! I wanted to eat candy today, but now I can’t. You ate my candy, so I tickle you to death,” She chuckled, noticing right away how America hid her face in her hands.
“Stop saying it out loud!” The teen whined with a giggle, obviously trying to hide her embarrassed blush. Wanda couldn’t help but chuckle as she looked at her young friend with a fond expression. She knew that Kate was the real culprit in this scenario, yet she’d take any excuse to mess with America.
“Stop saying what? Oh you mean tickle? Stop saying tickle?” Wanda teased as she walked up to her, scribbling her nails against her sides. The teen shrieked and immediately brought her arms down, only to find them immobile in the air.
“No! NohohohohoOHOHO! NO WAHAHAHAIT!” America cried out, a steady stream of giggles filling the room as Wanda focused on one of her weakspots. Unable to move her arms or legs at this point, she merely threw her head back and let out her laughter. Kate, also suspended in the air, could only watch in anticipation as two of Wanda’s red wisps floated in her direction.
“Wait? Wait for what?” She questioned with a raised brow, smirking widely as Kate started giggling hysterically when the wisps tickled her stomach. The archer started patting her own belly, as if trying to stop the magic, while her giggles grew faster and louder with every second. Wanda continued scribbling her nails against America’s sides, occasionally scratching them against the middle of her stomach.
“Nohohohohohoho! Ahahah! S-stop! IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!” The teen squealed, her eyes closed shut and her nose curled up from laughing as she tugged at her limbs.
“That’s kind of the point, you know, since I’m tickling you,” The witch teased, suddenly moving her hands upwards as she started vibrating her fingertips into her ribs. America howled from the ticklish sensations, arching her back as far as she could before letting out a scream of laughter when Wanda tickled her stomach again with both hands.
“WANDAHAHA PLEEEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!” The poor teen cried out, and Wanda could tell that she needed a break. Deciding to be merciful, the witch pulled her hands away to give America a breather.
“You really are too ticklish for your own good,” Wanda chuckled while ruffling her hair, leaving America hanging in the air to walk towards Kate, who was still giggling madly from the wisps teasing her stomach and sides.
“Plehehehehease! Mahahahake it stohohohohohop!” Kate giggled, curled up into a ball into the air. Wanda smiled widely at the cute sight, yet ignored her plea for mercy completely. Instead she waved her hand, causing Kate’s arms to be stuck in the air next to her body.
“Now, I know that you’re actually the one that took the candy here, and just for that little lie I’m gonna punish you a little bit more,” Wanda teased with a wink, earning a giggle and a whine from her friend. The wisps disappeared, causing Kate to let out a sigh of relief. However, when Wanda rolled up her shirt to expose her bare stomach, the brunette started squirming in the air.
“No! Noohohoho plehehease! Wanda! You cahahan’t!” Kate pleaded, giggles from anticipation escaping her lips as she looked at her friend. Her stomach was her biggest weakspot, and to her dismay, literally everyone knew about it. Wanda winked again before gently fluttering her nails over Kate’s toned stomach. It took less than a second for the brunette to throw her head back with a squeal, loud giggles filling the room again.
“I can, and I will,” The witch grinned, fluttering her nails all over her stomach while keeping the touch light and gentle, knowing it worked best against Kate. The red wisps came into existence once more, this time floating towards her neck, and by the time they touched her skin Kate was an absolute giggling mess. America looked at her friends with a wide smile, the contagious laughter making her giggle as well.
“That’s what you get for throwing me under the bus like that,” She said teasingly to Kate, before shrieking loudly in surprise as one of the wisps started tickling her ribs. “No wait! Nohohoho!”
“Giggle some more for me,” Wanda grinned, turning her attention back to Kate as she wasted no time in tickling the archer to death. Her nails fluttered against her sides, lightly poked all over her front ribs and gently scratched against the center of her stomach, sending Kate straight into hysterical laughter. 
“YOU’RE KIHIHIHILLING MEEEHEHHEHEEEE! WAANDAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Kate squealed, sucking in her stomach in an futile attempt to escape from the nails, knowing that there was nothing she could do to escape her ordeal. She could only float and suffer.
“Now now, no need to be so dramatic, I’m only mildly torturing you,” Wanda chuckled, yet pulled her hands away to grant her younger friend a break. Kate let out breathless giggles from the gentle tickles on her neck, slowly catching her breath as she looked at Wanda.
“I’m sorry for eating all your candy,” She managed to say between giggles, causing Wanda to blink. She had temporarily forgotten about the candy and had been tickling her friend because it was fun. And she could tell that Kate was being genuine, so with a wave of her hand she made the wisps tickling her neck disappear.
“Hmm… okay, you’re forgiven. But! I’m not done with you yet,” Wanda smirked, giving her another wink. Kate’s eyes lit up at the first part, before letting out another half-hearted groan at the second part.
“Oh come on!” She giggled, yet it was obvious she didn’t really mind. Her love for tickles was well-known among her friends, something they all loved taking advantage of.
“Ah, none of that, you know what you did! My candy is still swimming in there!” Wanda said, playfully raising an eyebrow as she poked the middle of her stomach several times. Kate started cackling loudly again, giving her a pleading expression.
“NO! Plehehease not thehehere!” She nearly begged, clearly unable to handle more tickles on her stomach. Wanda pretended to think about it, before suddenly wiggling her nails into the brunette’s underarms.
“Alright, I’ll go here instead~” Wanda said with a mischievous smile, knowing that she switched a bad spot for another, just as bad, spot. As expected, Kate let out a shriek of laughter from the tickles under her arms, desperately trying to pull her arms down.
“WANDAAAHAHAHAHAHAA!! PLEEEHEHEHEHHEASE!” She cried out, arching her back while closing her eyes shut. Being immobile made it tickle that much more.
“Please tickle your armpits a bit more? Yes?” Wanda teased, sending the archer in another fit of loud laughter. She knew that Kate could take a lot of tickles, which made it all the more fun to torment the young archer. She continued scribbling her nails into her hollows and over her biceps until Kate fell into silent laughter, cheeks a bright red, before finally pulling her hands away. Wanda let out a chuckle and lowered both girls to the ground, pulling the remaining wisp away from America. The duo let out their remaining giggles while catching their breath while laying on the floor, defeated.
“Now, Kate, you’re gonna go get me candy tomorrow. And if I don’t get the exact same pile that I bought today… well, I think you can figure out what will happen to you both,” Wanda said with an evil grin, before waving them off. The two girls waited until the witch had left before letting out a collective groan. Kate looked at America for a second before letting out a second groan.
“Don’t even say it.” 
“I told you so!”
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onlyaphcse · 9 months
that probably would’ve sounded more commanding if i wasn’t wearing my yummy sushi pajamas. @writteninscarlet
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“No, no, you look very AUTHORITATIVE,” Kate remarked, her initial train of thought completely derailed by the sight of the witch in such a… cute outfit? It wasn’t scarlet. It wasn’t witchy. It was SUSHI. Did she even eat sushi? Oh. Well, sushi could easily be veggie. And Wanda did eat fish didn’t she?
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But was the Scarlet Witch meant to be wearing something that was cute and bubbly? And to have bed hair like this?
Her friend looked as though she had rolled straight out of bed, despite it being late in afternoon. “Another night shift?” the mutant questioned, with both amusement and sympathy in her voice. It hadn’t been the INTENTION to wake Wanda up, but that was the effect either way. Aware she looked thoroughly amused rather than apologetic, Kate summoned up her sympathy and said, “I’m sorry for waking you up. Especially for something not all that urgent.”
It was only to check up on her. Kate hadn’t been around in some time, and she was aware how quickly jobs and missions could build up. Wanda always managed to make it seem like she wasn’t too busy. But Kate knew better. A little check in now and then never hurt anyone. “Maybe I can treat you to SUSHI to make up for the wake up call?”
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Prompts . Accepting
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Cryptomnesia —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: I tried to make it emotional and I feel like I failed am I incapable of being nice to my characters now?? -Danny
Words: 2,019
Phase Five Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘We Might As Well Be Strangers’ -by Keane
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xxxiv: The Scarlet Witch
Cat had been walking for an hour when the mist dispersed: a stone castle rose into existence.
It looked old, and it fitted the scenery perfectly. That alone was enough confirmation to know Wanda was alive, Kate had never mentioned a castle being there.
"Wanda!" She called.
The massive front door opened and Cat walked in, even if this was frightening, it wasn't as scary as the things she'd left behind. She looked around, the chamber had a high roof and there was a lit chandelier in the middle, but no one was there.
"Oh God, I'm in a horror movie..."
"Good news is you can be the monster or the final girl," said a voice ahead.
Wanda was standing at the end of the hall across the room, tense, but she didn't sound passive-aggressive, so the mutant didn't know how to react. "I think I'd rather be girl number three at the coffee shop."
Before Cat could apologize for everything she'd done, Wanda rushed up to her and enveloped her in a hug. She would've warmed her about the inhibitor, but there was a strange air all over the redhead that she couldn't quite place, and it distracted her.
"Hi," she said clumsily.
"I've been wondering when you'd show up," Wanda cupped her face, she was all serious.
"You— what?"
The collar went off and Cat cried out, falling out of Wanda's grip... and through Wanda. Confused and in pain, she rolled over and stared at the projection.
"Am I dead?" She gasped.
Wanda looked down at her with a guilty smile. "Sorry. I'm astral projecting, that's why I didn't get electrocuted. Why are you wearing that?"
"It's not a fashion statement," Cat sat up with difficulty. "I'm in trouble."
The girl looked at her with interest. "Come with me, I'm in the library."
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The real Wanda was floating in the middle of the room, Cat stared at her in awe.
"You've been practicing!"
"Oh, you have no idea," Wanda said, then floated down and opened her eyes, landing back on the ground gently. "I made mistakes in the process— I'm not proud of it."
"I get it," Cat smiled at her awkwardly. "My list is as big as your castle— the latest was killing Spider-man."
"Oh, you guys broke up on bad terms?"
Cat's eyes lit up. "What do you remember about me and Spidey?"
"I remember Pietro telling me you were dating," Wanda frowned. "He was the only thing you'd talk about back when we lived at the compound."
"Yeah... well, I've had a rough couple of years. Wanna catch up?"
"How much time do you have?" Wanda looked down at the collar.
"About a day and a half."
"I'll make us drinks."
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"I don't understand why I froze. I might've been faster than Kraven but... I couldn't do it. I thought 'not again' but I don't even know what I meant by that! I need to get my memory restored so Edith works, it's the only thing that'll help."
"Okay," Wanda replied, finishing her drink.
Cat looked up at her. "You'll do it?"
"Well, I've had a lot of time to think about our past, and then some more to grieve what happened after..."
"I see one difference between you and me, C. The moment you prioritized your happiness, you sealed your fate. You've felt alone, but you've never been, you realize that now?"
"My killing list wouldn't be this long otherwise, right?"
"Then there's me," Wanda was absently making her glass twirl in the air. "Prioritizing my powers..."
"You can't compare yourself to me, we've been walking this road parallelly for ages. In any case, no hero's ever lived an unproblematic life, so it's not like we could've skipped over our bad moments."
Wanda looked at her smiling. "How old are you, Copy?"
"Twenty-five... I think. My birthday was at some point last month, but I was busy trying not to die, so I'm not sure when it happened."
"I still can't believe you're older than me now," she chuckled. "But you sure sound like it."
Cat sighed. "Nothing good came from growing up. I longed for a life in the real world... and this is what I got."
"No use to carry all that bitterness to your death..." Wanda finally forgot about her glass and looked at her. "Are you sure you want to carry on with your plan?"
Cat supported her chin in one hand and gazed a the witch. "It's the only way my friends will have fewer worries. I've had enough life, anyway."
"But what if you die and nothing changes?"
She shrugged. "I won't be here to see it."
Wanda got up and she did the same, the redhead guided her to the next room, a wide sitting area with wide windows looking out at the snowy scenery.
"You might see bad things... things that were better off in oblivion."
"I already remember plenty of ugly things. I can handle it."
Wanda pointed at the larger couch. "Lay down." The girl sat in front of her. "Close your eyes and think of when Strange erased your memory—"
"According to Webs, it was right at the end of December— no, November. But it was snowing already..." Cat continued to speak but heard less and less, and instead saw what she was describing.
The statue of liberty, the broken scaffolding... time started going backward. Spider-man said they'd met before... she looked at all the familiar faces until one person stood out: A boy, nose buried in a chemistry book, she could barely see his mop of brown curls and the upper brim of his thick glasses.
There was a time-skip, and Cat was standing in front of a boy much taller and bigger than her, and behind them, there was a boy, so small and scrawny, he had his back turned... his books were scattered all over the pavement... Cat approached him, she knelt in from of him...
"What's your name?" She was reaching out to help him stand.
"Peter..." The image glitched, but Cat held onto his hand tighter until it stopped."Parker."
Cat started to see him with new eyes, he was taller, she found him sweet-looking... Peter was everywhere. He was more than just a friend, she'd built her life around him.
Then another face showed up, but it was still him... Parker. She remember their weekend together, and the beeper she'd given him...
Cat's eyes snapped open, five minutes had passed, but she'd witnessed a whole decade through her mind's eyes, and she felt like she'd just gone back from months of being away. Wanda carefully sat beside her, pushing a few locks of hair away from her face.
"That was easy."
Cat blinked rapidly. "My god... am I crying?" She cleaned her face in disgust. "That's embarrassing."
Wanda laughed. "Same old C.C."
Cat hugged her, but it was brief, she was once again aware of her collar. "I owe you so much... if this works—"
"You'll die," Wanda concluded. "You shouldn't thank me. Your friends will hate me for this."
"You're saving more lives than you think... they'll understand."
"Not really... but I'm glad to see you're still you."
"You think so?" Cat looked at her hands. "I've lost so much heart along the way..."
"It got lost, yes," Wanda held one of her hands. "But I saw your mind, your goodness carried you forward, and you can get your heart back if you make things right."
"Just like May said," Cat smiled, beyond happy when she felt her memories coming to her with ease.
"Now..." Wanda grazed the inhibitor with her fingertips. "I could get rid of this if you want."
"Can you do it without turning off the GPS?"
"I'm not sure."
"I'll stick to my original plan, then. Save Kurt, and then... whatever happens after that, I don't care."
"Which reminds me!" Wanda stepped away. "You need a head, right?"
Cat's eyes brightened. "You can make me one?"
"Better yet!" Wanda did a couple of graceful hand movements and a head materialized before Cat. One moment it was rotten, the other it looked fresh and just like Kate.
"Holy shit!"
"Not pretty, but these hikers are everywhere, they were already dead when I got here, by the way, don't worry."
"This is amazing— thank you so much!" Cat grabbed her satchel and stuffed the head inside. She remembered what she'd brought with her and stopped.
Wanda looked at her with amusement, even if she was two years younger than the mutant she still felt like Cat was the kid sometimes. "I feel like I should go with you..."
"No. They could try to hurt you or catch you. Sergei is a good tracker, I fear."
"He's never tried to catch the Scarlet witch."
"Maybe not... but I still think it's better if you stay."
Wanda sighed. "If you survive please do visit me from time to time, I'm not as popular as you are, and most people prefer to stay away from me."
"If I survive you'll have me here every weekend," Cat then remembered Kate had asked her to move out with her and stopped smiling. "Hey, before I leave... I brought this for you... it's worn out and old, but I thought you might like to have it..."
Cat pulled Pietro's old jacket from the satchel and offered it to Wanda.
"I always felt like he was watching over me whenever I wore it, so that's why I didn't throw it out... you should have it. I'm sorry it's nothing useful, I don't have money to spare, and I didn't have time to grab some pictures before leaving."
Wanda held the jacket tenderly, she was looking at her brother through the piece of clothing, and in the blink of an eye, she restored it. Good as new. She put it on. "Thank you, Copy. I think we're even."
Cat got to her feet. "I should go, Kate and..." she stopped, feeling weird now that she remembered Spider-man's name. "Kate and Webs are waiting for me, they're probably freezing to death."
"More hikers for me," Wanda joked, then she got up and looked at Cat in a motherly manner. "Think this through... I know you feel like this is the only solution... but there are many paths sprouting out with every step you take, and they're all as likely as the next."
"I've taken them all except death," Cat said with a smile. "I'm starting to get real curious about it."
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This time she was able to teleport back to her friends. Kate and Peter (wearing the mask) rushed toward her, and she moved out of their way before they could hug her.
"Kate, can you wait inside the car for a moment?" Cat requested politely.
The girl looked at her with curiosity. "Wanda did it?"
"I'm about to find out," she looked at Spider-man. "But you definitely got taller."
Peter tried to stop himself from sounding too happy. "Yeah well, I'm no longer a teenager."
Kate left them alone, she also put the scarf over her eyes for good measure. Peter drew out from his pocket the little plastic square he'd brought along, the one he claimed had "their life" and that she now remembered clear as day. It was the present he'd given her on their first Valentine's day.
She saw their moments together: the first birthday and the last, the one where she'd gotten her face smeared with icing from a cupcake Ned, MJ and Peter had bought for her. There were also pictures from Pietro's graduation party, and from their visits to Stark Expo, the first time Peter drove them to school...
"My God... you were right— we were so happy," she said tearfully. "I can't believe I forgot... my happiest time..."
"I'm so sorry, C..." he was looking at her.
"You had to do it, to save everyone," she beamed at him. "Can I look at you now?"
His hand moved up to the edge of his mask: First, she saw his mouth, then the nose, then they locked eyes. He was exactly as she remembered him, and yet something entirely different.
A twenty-year-old Peter Parker smiled at her, eyes teary, shaking lightly thanks to the cold, but so happy she felt her own smile growing at the sight.
"You listened to me," she approached and cupped his face. "Told you you'd grow into your looks, Pete."
The young man laughed, he was crying. "It's so good to see you, C.C."
Their foreheads touched, and without caring about the collar, Cat wrapped her arms around him and hugged him as tightly as she could.
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​ @greengarsstuff​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​ @espressopatronum454​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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moonstone27ls · 4 months
just a random thought
Anybody ever check out this youtube account called The Take? I only pass it once a blue moon. I did like their video on Cinderella. But a couple of weeks ago I noticed this video
Now I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail/or rant for two reasons. One, I'm not black. Or a minority... I think (look not getting into that can of worms). But I did sit down and listen to it because at thumbnail glance I didn't know what they meant.
But then after I listen to it... I sat down and saw of couple examples that made me think "Omg they're sooo right". And... its still a thing? " even after this video was made. Again not gonna get to detail. I'm just having an "aha" moment cause I've been watching TV.
Lets see comic wise, (and this will probably offend a Wandavision fan, no you're not welcome8B). Comic wise, Wanda aka Scarlet Witch had finally dumped Vision and I was okay with that. Comic wise he was a bore. Maybe he was fun in old years but now he's boring.
Secondly, I thought Wanda could do better. And they gave her Jericho Drumm aka Doctor/or Brother Voodoo. And I thought at first glance "Oh he's got a great design". And I don't know a lot about him. Maybe we'll get more story. Nope. Wandavision came out, Marvel suddenly forgot she had a good thing going. Now everywhere I turn its Vision, its Vision. He can't/or won't leave her alone. Even though he's made/or had two different relationships and kids which he ditched one pair.
I'm like "Why are focusing on him?". What happened to Jericho? Only analysis... Jericho's not selling. They literally scrapped him (even though they didn't finish/or get to explore it more) for Wandavision. Gah and ever since the MCU I hate Vision more cause he's a pointless trope. But anywayyyys back to another example.
Second/and third is TV examples. Second is an old entry but I'm gonna use it. Boy Meets World. Angela and Shawn were a GREAT couple and I do mean a great couple. Angela should had been the end game.
But at the end of the day the writers?/creator/or Disney?(dunno who to blame and don't care).... didn't value Angela and pushed her aside for the white chick.
Then there's an ABC show Will Trent. Season 2, I was very hopeful. Will Trent was flirting with a lovely black lady Cricket. And I thought "Oh good a HEALTHY relationship". Nope episode 1, they literally kill her off.
Whats the motivation? Only for the writers to push him back to Angie, the toxic white girlfriend. Besides that trope, I guess it also counts as fridging. Such a waste of actress.
And I'm just gonna point this out, not counting TV shows. Disney's guilty of this themselves. Now I don't entirely think they mean to do it on purpose. But just looking I'm noting this I'm looking at their FEATURE films. I think with all this whole "FEMINISM" means "we don't need a man/love story" into the movies.
Which at first I get. Now animated(2D) only three of the Disney princesses are of color with a relationship. (Sorry not counting Pocahontas thats a historical mess. Sorryyy) But since transitioning into CGI... none of the new princesses are getting a love interests. The ones of color. The white ones did aka Anna and Rapunzel. Even if we argue "Oh Elsa will get one" again she's still white. And no not counting Encanto either. Uhh cause the focus is usually Isabella and Luisa, they're single. Same for Maribel but she's a kid so not holding her to it. Do I count Dolores... pft sorry no. I blame the writers on that.
But none of the new princesses of color have gotten one. Not even Asha, Asha would have gotten one originally but they scrapped it.
Now again before someone jumps me. I don't think they mean to do it on purpose.
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hekate1308 · 2 years
Leaves That Before The Wild Hurricane Fly, A Destiel Advent Calendar, December 13
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Read it on AO3
They had decided that it would be best if Castiel followed each member of the group around for at least a day, and of course he started with Dean’s shop.
The Fae was already bustling about when he entered on Monday morning, whistling to himself. “Hey, Cas! Come in!”
“I see you’re busy decorating” he said because, somewhat in contrast to the blooming plants in the shop, Dean was putting up Christmas decorations.
“Of course – any excuse for a party.”
Castiel hesitated, then asked, “So you’re – sorry if I am being – but do you believe –“ He stopped talking.
“Oh, me and Sammy keep it with our traditional faith in the Gods, but really, it’s live and let live. Would be pretty ironic if it wasn’t, with us.”
“Do you mind if I write this down?” he asked, pulling out a notebook.
“Of course not. You’d be surprised how often I wake up and write things down in the night. Well, mostly to do with plants because – that’s just me” he shrugged.
“You really do love your work”.
“Yeah. For many of us, it’s just par for the course, but I adore this place.”
“It’s easy to see why” he blurted out before he could help himself.
Dean grinned. “Thank you.”
“Do you need help?”
“Isn’t that kind of detrimental to the whole neutral observer thing?”
“I am supposed to see what you get up to, so this is helping.”
“You’re the expert.”
Far from it, but he accepted the praise only so that Dean wouldn’t see him flush scarlet again.
They hadn’t been working long when the door opened and a voice rang out “I see you’ve begun with the decorations, dearie.”
Irish, Castiel guessed from the accent, but as to what else…
“Yep, Bridget” Dean said happily. “This is Cas. He’s helping me out today.”
The old lady who had entered enthusiastically shook his hand. “Hello.”
“Hello. Actually” He decided it would be best to try and get as many voices as possible, “I’m with the Lawrence Courier, and working on an article on the Quarter.”
“Oh? Wat kind of article?”
“He’s setting the record straight, Bridget, don’t worry about it” Dean said, and she seemed to trust his judgement.
“Oh, finally. It’s time we get some good press.”
“May I ask – “
“Oh, I’m human. Don’t have magic either.”
“Oh?” He was surprised; as far as he knew, only very few humans chose to live in The Quarter if they had no connection to magic whatsoever.
“oh yes; there’s much more of us around than you would believe. It’s just so nice here – everyone being friendly, and no one judging you…” a small smile crossed her lips. “And of course Dean’s the best of them.”
He found himself nodding along before she’d even finished speaking.
“Oh, leave it be” Dean announced, “You know I don’t like compliments.”
You deserve all of them, he thought but thankfully did not say out loud.
“Anyway, what can I do for you?”
“Oh, you know me… it’s time for a new rose”.
“Well, I think I have just the right one” Dean said happily, left shortly and came back with a rose he called a “Poet’s Wife””.
“Oh thank you, that’s perfect!” she gushed.
“You sure you can carry it?”
“Please, it’s just to my car…”
“I can carry it” Castiel immediately offered.
“Oh, really? That’s very nice of you, dear.”
In reality, he mostly wanted a chance to speak to her alone and get some more information.
However, it was not to be. For as he carried the rose to her car, Bridget announced, “Just because I don’t have magic doesn’t mean I don’t notice things.”
When she didn’t add anything, he said, “Good?”
“Dean” she said slowly as she opened the shotgun door and allowed him to place the rose on the seat, “Is a very good friend of mine. Has been since we first met four years ago. So what I mean to say… I know a lot of witches. And creatures. And I’d hate for him to get hurt.”
“I see” he replied even though he did not see. Maybe she meant the article? But he had already told her that he didn’t intend to slander them…
“Good. So you know to be careful.”
And she got into her car and drove off without explaining herself further.
Castiel wandered back into the shop.
“Heya. Rose all good?”
He node. “She drove away rather…”
“That’s Bridget. Day she keeps the speed limit, I know we’re getting close to the end. Anyway, can you help me with these stars?”
Of course he could; and if now and then their hands brushed once more as they worked together, it was hardly his fault and no one would ever have to know.
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gigglymarvel · 2 years
The Training Session (Natasha x Wanda)
Summary: Natasha takes Wanda under her wing and trains her up in basic self defence. Then Nat discovers something that even Wanda didn’t know about. (Word count: 2634)
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Wanda peered into the training area nervously, wearing her sports gear as she watched Natasha train with the punch bag. She stepped in and offered a shy smile. “Hey… you wanted to train me?” Wanda called out quietly.
"Hey Wanda," Nat greeted with a soft smile, contrasting her hard punches into the bag as she wrapped up with a roundhouse kick, "Good to see you've got your gear." She noted as she walked over to the younger woman.
“I found it somewhere deep in the bottom of my drawers.” Wanda told her, watching her with fascination in her eyes. “So uh… what are you going to do with me?” She asked.
Nat smiled, taking a long drink from her water bottle before answering, "Well you've got power, that's for sure. I can't make magic, but you also need to be able to handle yourself in hand-to-hand combat,"
Wanda nodded in understanding, knowing Natasha had a very valid point, even though this kind of fighting was not in her comfort zone, she wanted to impress Nat, as she has always looked up to her. “Okay… where do we start?”
Natasha gave Wanda her signature smirk, "Blocking," she said, "But first we work on your stance," she said and demonstrated a basic fighting stance.
“So do you want me to do the same or go to fight you?” Wanda asked, going as if to punch Nat through her stance, before copying her stance. “How’s this?”
Nat smiled approvingly, "Not bad, but you're a little tense," the redhead said and pushed her gently, setting her off balance. "You have to be able to move on your feet and catch yourself when someone tries to set you off balance,"
Wanda nodded, stumbling to the side but easily picking herself up again. “Sorry, I guess I’m nervous.” She admitted quietly.
Natasha smiled softly, "It's okay, it's normal to be nervous when you're learning something new," she said and then gently came close to Wanda, "May I touch you?"
The young witch nodded, tensing up a little as she admittedly didn’t know what to expect. She was nervous, but she watched Nat’s every move to see what she was about to do.
She gently adjusted Wanda's shoulders and legs, "Minor adjustments, Wands," Nat said reassuringly. She then moved to turn Wanda's torso to the side, her hands gently resting with one on her back and one pushing her tummy to turn her body.
Wanda nodded again, mentally noting every change Nat was making. However the second Natasha touched her belly, she couldn’t help but feel it twitch, she gave Nat a confused look, not quite understanding what that feeling was.
Nat smiled, "Oh sorry, is someone a little ticklish?" She said, trying to be lighthearted as she knew it sometimes helped get trainees out of their heads.
The Scarlet Witch innocently looked at her with a blank expression, she had heard that word before, but she didn’t know what it meant. Maybe it was a sensitivity to a certain attack during a fight? She shrugged in response, curious to find out what it was.
Natasha tilted her head, "Ticklish?" The Widow had to think, "I'm trying to think of how to define the word…sensitive to light touch?" She offered, chuckling at herself, which made Wanda raise her eyebrows in confusion.
“Uh… light touch? I dunno… is this relevant to the training?” Wanda asked quietly, stepping back a little so she wasn’t too close to Nat. Although the two were beginning to bond over time, she didn’t want to feel like she was in Nat’s personal bubble.
"It could be," Nat smiled gently, "Can you step back closer for me so I can see if you have this sensitivity, it might be something relevant to combat," she said, the slightest hint of mischief hidden in her eyes.
Wanda gave her a confused and concerned look, but nodded anyway, knowing she could get away whenever she wanted. She raised her eyebrows at the ex-assassin before stepping back towards her.
Natasha gently set a hand on her tummy and gently fluttered her fingers over to see if Wanda was ticklish there.
Sure enough, Wanda flinched, stepping back immediately as she covered her stomach. “That… didn’t hurt?” She told Nat, clearly confused over what she just felt.
"It tickled," Natasha explained, "Are you uncomfortable?" she asked, making sure the young witch wasn't feeling taken the spy wasn't taking advantage of her. Wanda simply shook her head in response.
“No… it just felt like nothing else I’ve ever felt before. What has this got to do with sparring?” Wanda asked innocently, brushing the feeling Nat’s fingers left on her stomach away.
"Well, actually, this can be a good way to test for spots you need to protect," Nat smiled, getting in her fighting stance again, "You wanna try some blocking?" She asked, a playfully sinister plan coming to rise in her mind.
Wanda nodded, copying Nat’s stance the best she could, whilst still being overly cautious about what just happened and how Natasha could use Wanda’s lack of knowledge about it to her advantage. “Sure…”
Natasha smiled, throwing light punches toward Wanda, and when she turned a little too far forward, she tickled Wanda's tummy softly, "Careful not to leave yourself exposed," the redhead teased goodnaturedly.
Wanda done a pretty decent job at blocking her punches, but she couldn’t help but jump back and protect her belly whenever Nat attacked. “That is so weird! Why does it make me want to laugh?!”
"Well, scientists aren't sure but there's both a play and self-protection aspect to it. Most people are ticklish where they could be injured in a fight or battle. But, it's also how a lot of parents bond with their kids or friends or romantic partners bond too." Nat offered, smiling softly at her, "Your tummy appears to be quite a tickle spot. Do you think you're ticklish anywhere else?"
The young witch listened, she may have had brief moments where her parents got her when she was younger, but she had pretty much no memory of it. Although she was trying to think back to those innocent times, she ended up shaking her head in response, the trauma was too present in her head.
"Would you like me to see if you're ticklish anywhere else?" The ex-assassin offered gently, not wanting to push Wanda too far, but genuinely wanting to be closer with her and build a rapport both for her training and for the younger woman's benefit, and maybe even so she had another woman in the complex as a friend.
“Uhh… sure, I guess.” Wanda shrugged, unsure about what she just consented to, but went along with it anyway. “Do I… have to do anything?” She asked awkwardly.
"Either stand or lay with your arms above your head," Nat shrugged, "I promise none of it will hurt, but it could be a strange sensation for you. And you can tell me stop at any time." She reassured.
Wanda nodded, thinking it would be more comfortable to lay down, so she did just that. She got comfortable and put her arms over her head, still a little hesitant about the whole ordeal.
The Widow nodded, "I was hoping you'd lay, not sure if you're going to squirm," she winked, "I'm going to start off soft and gentle, okay?" She said, resting her fingers poised like spiders on Wanda's wrists.
"Tell me to stop anytime and I will the moment you say," Nat said as she slowly drug her fingers down Wanda's arm with the lightest of pressure.
Wanda scrunched her face up, nodding in response as she immediately slammed her arms down, shivering at the sensation. “It’s so strange…”
"Oh?" Natasha smirked playfully, wiggling her fingers above Wanda, but not touching her, "Would you like me to stop?"
Wanda shrugged. “I’m just scared I’m going to use my magic and hurt you by mistake or just smack in you in general.” She admitted quietly.
Natasha smiled, "Oh Wanda, I trust you. Besides..you might find tickling at certain levels makes you feel unable to use or remember that you have magic," she offered, running her fingers through Wanda's hair to comfort her as she looked her over fondly.
The younger woman nodded, slowly putting her arms up once again, bracing herself by letting out a breath. “Okay… I’m ready.”
Natasha smiled and nodded, "Okay, Ticktickticktickle!" She said as she lightly tickled down and then into her armpits, watching for Wanda's reactions.
“Why are you saying it over and over again?” Wanda asked, already beginning to squirm and bite back a smile, the sensation was already a lot for her as she attempted to keep her cool.
"Oh, it's teasing," Natasha explained, "It can make you want to laugh more and intensify the sensation," she said as she then tried skittering softly down Wanda's ribs.
Wanda nodded before letting out a squeal, she immediately shoved Nat away as she covered her ribs. “AH! That was so weird!” She giggled out shyly.
"But it didn't hurt?" asked the Widow.
“Nohohoho?” She replied, letting herself go now as she continued to giggle and kick out. Her kicks gave Nat the idea as she moved down to Wanda's feet and took off her trainers and socks, running a finger up each arch, "I wonder if you have ticklish feet?"
Wanda yelped and moved quickly to sit on her feet, letting out nervous giggles as she shyly poked her tongue out and shrugged in response to Natasha’s question.
"Oh? Not gonna let me get those huh?" Natasha teased and wiggled her fingers at the brunette, "So what do you think of tickles?"
“I don’t… hate them…” Wanda admitted almost silently, feeling extremely flustered as she shyly looked away from Nat’s wriggling fingers.
"No?" Nat smirked and surprised her with a few skitters into her tummy. "Want to try some sparring with a twist again…or do you want me to see if your feet are ticklish?"
Wanda flinched and squealed, shrugging in response. “It’s uh… up to you.” She replied, blushing as she covered her belly.
"Well it depends, do you want to try using this…tactic in our sparring or are you more curious about your own sensitivity?" Natasha said with a gregarious smile and a mischievous wink.
Wanda shrugged, knowing she was doing this with Natasha for a reason. As much as she was curious about the sensation, she knew she had to get trained up in self-defence. “What do you think?” She asked.
"I'd say we're off to a good sparring lesson so far, now show me what you learned," the Widow said with a wink, although she had plans to add some tickles to the mix.
Wanda nodded, her confidence growing a little as she took the opportunity to tackle Nat back down to gently dig into her ribs. “Am I doing it?” She asked, feeling a little shy about this but still giving it a good go.
“Guess I am.” Wanda shrugged, shaking in for a few more seconds before pulling away, not wanting to take it too far as she offered Nat a shy smile.
Natasha suddenly wrapped Wanda in a tight one-armed hug, "You did good kid," she said, still blushing a little, but feeling closer to Wanda, "So, you wanna try some more blocking and get the rest of this training session knocked out, or shall we break for dinner?" She winked.
“We can carry on, just don’t be mean to me.” Wanda smiled a little, hugging her back before stepping away to stretch and crack her knuckles in preparation.
Natasha chuckled, "Mean? Never," she winked and stretched too, then stood in a fighting stance, "Ready, Sparkles?"
Wanda blushed at the nickname, shaking her head as she attempted to tackle her.
Natasha managed to dodge, but the attack forced her to move, making the Widow smirk at the younger Avenger, "C'mon Lightning Bug, hit me,"
“I can’t!” Wanda whined, continuing her slightly feeble attempts to hit her. “I just suck too much at this.” She told her, clearly frustrated at herself.
Natasha softened, easing out of her stance, "Let's try blocking again first," she said, kissing her cheek, "The best offense is a good defense,"
Wanda nodded, getting herself ready by stretching once more. “Okay… I’m ready.” She told Nat quietly.
The redhead threw a hit toward Wanda's center, hard enough to make contact but wouldn't cause too much pain. The Scarlet Witch bit her lip, managing to block the attack before Nat could touch her. “How was that?” She asked.
"That was great Wands!" Nat smiled and hugged her, "Oops, I'm so proud I'm breaking character," she winked at the young Avenger. Wanda just blushed and hugged back, before shyly and curiously poked at Natasha’s belly, wanting to explore more.
"Hehe, that tickles!" Nat playfully nudged her, but kept a close hug on her and let her, "You can explore if you'd like," the redhead offered softly, wanting to reassure Wanda this is a safe space.
Wanda nodded and kept poking and prodding at Nats sides and belly, biting her lip as she watched the ex-assassin for her reactions.
Natasha held somewhat strong, but couldn't help biting her own lip and giggling under her breath, "Youhuhu ahehre a gohohod stuhuhudent," she replied, as Wanda shrugged, secretly wanting to feel the sensation again as she wriggled her fingers along Nats belly now.
"Hahahah Hehey!" Nat squealed and then instinctually tickled Wanda back, squeezing up and down her sides, causing the young witch to squeal and slam her arms back against her sides.
“Gahah it’s so weird!” She giggled Noooo out, taking a few steps back as she wrapped her arms around her upper body, a shy smile on her face.
Natasha smirked, "I think someone is having fun," she teased as she wiggled her fingers at Wanda, glad this first training session turned into bonding.
Wanda bit her lip and looked away, trying hard not to crack a smile as she shrugged in response. “You are?” She asked shyly.
"I'm having a blast," she said and then pulled Wanda into her first tickle hug, causing Wanda to squeal and wriggle around, breaking into giggles as she tried to push herself away from her.
Natasha chuckled, "Awwww you've never had a tickle hug before have you?' she cooed and shook into the witch's ribs.
Wanda shook her head and cackled with giggles, wriggling around in an attempt to get away as she leaned back and gently shoved at Nat.
Nat decided to try a new spot and slipped a finger into her tummy button, wiggling like a worm, "Coochiescoochiecoochie coo Wanda!”
“AH-“ Wanda fell to her knees in a fit of giggles, squirming around and trying to push Natasha’s hand away from that spot. “NEHEHEHEEEE!”
"Oh noooo! I found Wanda's tickle button! Ticktickticktickle!' Nat teased as she gently went down with her, catching her to make sure she didn't fall and hurt herself.
Wanda blushed and covered her belly, thrashing around on the padded floor as she grinned. “Nononono you didn’t!”
"Yes I diiiid!" She said as she squeezed her side with one hand and got her tummy button with the other, causing Wanda to squeal and lean away.
“It’s sohohoho weird!” Wanda giggled out as she lightly shoved at Natasha’s hand. Natasha giggled, "But you're smiling so obviously you're enjoying yourself!" She said before letting up, "Ready to go again?" She said with her hand extended to the witch.
Wanda nodded, giggling a little as she took Nats hand and returned back to her original position, smirking as her confidence grew even more.
“Bring it on.”
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chuuyrr · 3 years
i’m obsessed your with scarlet witch hcs 😭 whenever you’re up for writing another one, may i request for another run in with father!toji? baby reader preferring to hangout with him instead of the others?
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader prefers dad! toji
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): manga/anime spoilers for jjk(?)
thank you so much for requesting and for being patient! so sorry that this took so long, but i'm really glad that you're enjoying my chaos/scarlet bb fushiguro series + this prompt/headcanon is kind of tied up with reader has trouble making friends prompt/headcanon do check it out at the masterlist of this series <3
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it's no surprise that you preferred being around your dad more than anyone else because you may or may not have attachment issues growing up.
i think it'd be pretty funny whenever toji leaves you in a daycare or sumn because he really has to leave you for a dangerous mission. he's come back just to find out that you ignored the entire children in the daycare, even the caretaker.
he's quite shocked to find out that you weren't as bubbly and sweet towards other people asides him.
you probably preferred to be around talking to cursed spirits more than those children because they were boring to you. (they couldn't see curses like you, so it was probably the reason why)
toji is actually lowkey worried because at your age, you should be socializing and playing with other children—not ignore them, bb.
toji does try to incorporate other people on your life, even if you preferred him over the others. he wants you to be able to blossom friendships and talk to someone else besides him.
toji brings you to the park, to toy stores and to daycares, but to no avail—you were clinging onto him refusing to acknowledge the others at all.
"what's the matter, angel? don't you wanna go play with the others?"
toji attempts to pull you away from his pant leg as you were clinging onto him like some koala. in response, you shook your head and scrunched your face at the brief mention of other children.
"no." you whined, "i don't wanna."
"but why?" toji raised a brow at you, evidently confused.
"i like being with you more." you pouted, burying your face onto his pant leg as you cling to him even more. "the other kids are different."
"different? how so, baby?" toji picks you up and cradles you in his arms, brushing your hair behind your ear as you continued to pout and avert your gaze.
"they're kind of boring." this caused your father to burst out laughing.
"they don't see things that i see either." your father knew that you meant cursed spirits. being a young child exposed to their world, as well as magic (chaos magic to be exact), he supposes that it's only natural for you to find others different.
"i know, princess. i get it, they aren't as cool as me. aren't they?" you nodded your head, causing toji to laugh once again. you really did look up to him so much as you loved being around him.
"oh, you're gonna be such a bully when you grow up, [name]."
toji proceeds to explain to you why that was the case and why it was important for you to communicate with other people. though you didn't like it, you didn't want to make your father worried. so, you begrudgingly complied and started to mingle with other kids.
not only did you find them different, but they found you weird as well and sometimes you scare them because bb you can see ghosts as well, not just curses.
eventually, you did it find it quite fun to hang out with the others—but only when you give them a scare because that's only when they actually amuse you.
"hey! wanna know something?" you'd talk to a kid at the daycare.
"hmm? what is it?" the kid would ask you naively as they tipped their head at the side.
"there's a hand on your shoulder."
boom, the kid screams. every children screams and the daycare panics at the chaos you caused.
but really, there was a hand on the kid's shoulder. so, it's not like you were lying anyway.
but when toji found out you did that, he instantly knew you were going to be a literal child of chaos as you grow up.
you still preferred being around toji no matter what :) he's literally your favorite person. the second you see him after a long day, your smile goes over the roof.
he's just cool to you! an absolute badass. not only did toji fight sorcerers and curses, but he had mister weedle with him and by mister weedle, we mean the worm. (the one he uses to store weapons with him. you call the worm mister weedle because you think it's a pokemon).
toji also gives the best hugs. had a nightmare? he's got hugs for you. did the movie upset you? don't worry, another hug for you.
he was just irreplaceable. you couldn't find anyone like him. probably never even.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello dear!
• How are you?
• I am obsessed with Percy from tlovm and would you be okay with....
1) People You Know by Selena Gomez, a Percy x Fem!Reader where she comes from a noble family who were family friends with the de Rolo. The two are obviously in love with each other but the reader would get tired of waiting and move on since he starts acting like a stranger to her due to the fact that he is obsessed with avenging his family. When the it's over, he goes to find the reader and finds her happily married to someone else?
2) Percy x Fem!Reader where Percy has a huge crush on the reader who is like the Scarlet Witch and a member of Vox Machina?
Sorry if it's too long. You don't have to do neither of them and I'm terribly sorry if you aren't taking requests - I didn't know. Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/night!!! 💖
Both of these swing at my heart! I love them 😍!
People You Know
Listened to this song along with Unbreak my Heart soooo 👀 yeah…
You didn’t think he was going to show. There was nothing left for you to say, but Percy felt otherwise. From those who wanted to make everything their business, you kept tabs on the one you loved from childhood. Knew of his feats with the famed Vox Machina, and what certain acts meant to him.
Yet when you both see each other again, he wonders if it was all worth it. That he be the one standing there to be wed to you, spending his years with.
“Just tell me this….could there have been an ‘us’? Despite the path I took?”
“Percy…, I’ve always loved you, and I would’ve supported you. But I couldn’t follow that
Keyleth sees a shadow that clouds his face, but no demon that keeps him up to torment at night.
The Scarlet Witch
Note: reader (y/n) is intended to be Romani since Scarlet Witch/Wanda is
Love was not at all in the expectations when Percy joined the group. The exception came in the form of you and your magic.
To bend to your will, transform and manipulate, it scared him. Fascinated him. Made him hang onto every word you said if you talked about your magic or the life you had before being with them.
And how you said his name? Oh! Every syllable, consonant and vowel drew him in. It became an unspoken language to say the other’s name, the short time allowed that Percy selfishly wanted.
Though he never spoke of it to you, yet, it was your face that crossed his mind at the end and beginning of each day.
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The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3! 
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveller, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 19: Swiftie night. 
“Okay Frosty, you are getting bathed. Yay!” Y/N told the cat while taking him out of his cage and handing him to the veterinarian. “I'll be back in half an hour to pick him up!” She said, bidding goodbye to the lady and turning to the door, but stopping when she bumped into someone.
“Oh god, I'm so sorry!” She said, frantically picking up the papers that the stranger dropped.
“Y/N?” She looked up and saw Sarah. “Seems like we are meant to bump into each other, quite literally.” She said, chuckling, and Y/N did too.
“Sorry again.”
“It's okay, don't worry.” She paused. “Are you doing anything now?”
“I was actually gonna get a coffee, to wait for Frosty to get bathed. Would you like to join me?”
“I'd love to!”
They ended up in a cafe, two blocks from the vet. They sat at a table next to a window.
“So, tell me. What do you do?”
“Oh, not much. Just a boring office job.” Y/N responded, she couldn't tell her that she was an avenger, or close to becoming one. “What about you?”
“I work with the doctor in the office next to your veterinarian.”
“Wow! That's cool.”
“Nah,” she said, disregarding the comment with a movement of her hand. “I'm just a helper now, but one day, if I ever finish the career, I'll be something different.”
“So, you are studying medicine?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
“Cool.” She said, smiling and Sarah smiled back. “So, do you listen to Taylor Swift?” Y/N asked suddenly.
“Are you kidding me? I love her!”
“Really? Me too!” She said, excited.
“What's your favorite album of hers?” They both eyed each other and at the same time said: Reputation! And started laughing.
“But I also love every other album in her discography.” Y/N told her.
“You know, there is a club not that far from here that has “Swiftie Nights” where they play only Taylor Swift songs. We should totally go! Actually, if I'm not mistaken, tonight is Swiftie Night!”
“Yeah, would you like to go?”
“Yes, I'd love to! Can I tell another friend that loves her too?”
“Yes, of course. The more the merrier!”
“Y/N, we are going to be late!” Wanda called out to her.
“One second I'm just-” She came out of the elevator. “Fixing my hair.”
“Y/N! You look amazing!” Sam told her and everyone agreed.
She was wearing a multicolored pastel short dress, with shiny ribbons everywhere and bright pink thigh high boots.
“Thanks guys! I'm Lover, the album.”
“And I am Folklore.” The Scarlet Witch said, wearing jeans and a shirt with a creamed coloured cardigan, accompanied by a braid.
“You both look insanely cool!” Peter said and Y/N shimmied her hips to make the ribbons move in every direction.
“Thank you everyone.” Wanda said. “Now come on, we are going to be late. Pietro are you coming?”
“A Taylor Swift dedicated night? Of course.” He said, running like a flash next to his sister.
“Loki?” Y/N said as she got closer to him.
“No, but thank you for the invitation.” She pouted and he smirked. “But you look ravishing darling.” He said, getting closer to her ear, while everyone else was laughing at Pietro with a long blonde wig. She felt her face grow hot and smiled shyly at him.
“T-Thank you.” He nodded and Wanda interrupted them.
“Alright, it's just the three of us, let's go.”
“Bye Loki,” she said, turning around.
“What was that? You are as red as a strawberry.” The witch asked her in the elevator.
“What? Nothing.”
“Uh huh,” she hummed.
“Come on guys!” Pietro said and forced Wanda to drop the subject.
Y/N came out of the elevator bidding goodbye to the twins and entered the kitchen to grab a glass of water before she went to her room. As she was grabbing it she felt someone behind her and turned around.
“Were you going to sneak up on me?” She asked, jokingly.
“I don't think I can anymore mortal, you've grown too aware of my presence.”
“That I have.” They looked at eachother, the tension in the kitchen could be cut with a knife. It was something about the way he had complimented her earlier, in a way that he had never done before.
“Did you have fun?”
“I did! Though I would've had more fun if you had been there.” She said in a moment of bravery.
“Is that so?” He said, getting closer to her.
“Yeah,” she answered, looking up at him. She was trapped between him and the counter. “I always have more fun when you are there.”
Hearing that, he felt the strongest impulse he had ever felt in his entire life, and instead of pondering on it for a bit, he smashed his lips onto hers. Her eyes went wide before shutting closed, and her hands went to tangle in his hair and she pulled, earning a small moan from him. He slid his hands from her waist to her hips and lifted her onto the counter, about to open her legs and get in between them, but when she moved to give him space, the glass that Y/N had grabbed fell into the sink, snapping both of them out of their daze. They pulled away, panting.
“I- I apologize.” He said.
“Loki,” she began but he quickly disappeared into a green shimmer. She wasn't sure he heard her. Sighing, she got off the counter and made her way to her room, where she collapsed on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Had Loki just kissed her?
~taglist~ @mischief2sarawr @midnights-ramblings @mealoncholy-hill
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bambinella · 2 years
Second first impressions
A/N: This fic is a special request for @moonkowkow ! They requested me to bring an underrated character in the spotlight, and I was very intrigued to do so! This is my first time writing for America! I hope you enjoy!
Summary: When America unexpectedly stumbles into the nice version of Wanda, she has a difficult time accepting that Wanda may not be the monster America thinks she is
Warnings: angst, some light swearing and fluff
Word count: 4492
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It was fair to say that, while her day had started as usual, things had not gone the way she had expected them to go. 
It had been over a year since the events with Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange and Wong, and a lot had happened in her life since then. For about a year she had stayed with Wong, to practice and gain better control over her powers. However, the longer she had stayed in that one universe, the more guilt she had, since it meant postponing the search for her mothers. After many nights of pondering what to do, she had finally decided to continue her journey to find them. For the past two or three months she had traveled from dimension to dimension until she had lost count, and she was no step closer to locating them. So, she had decided that it was time to take a break. Next universe she ended up in - unless it was really bad or comparable to the paint one - would be the one where she took a pit stop, even if it was only for a few days. However, when she had stepped through the portal this morning, she’d immediately noticed that something was different.
She had ended up inside of a building, instead of outdoors, which was odd compared to all the other times she had appeared into a new dimension. America could tell that it was a pretty tall building, by the amazing view from the large windows. She stood next to a large couch, looking at a currently turned on television as she took in her surroundings.
“Wait, I can teleport into buildings now? That would have been good to know three weeks ago,” America mumbled, putting her hands on her hips.
“What the fuck just happened?”
The teen jumped as she suddenly heard voices from behind her, immediately turning around with her hands up. A surprised Wanda and Natasha stared at the ‘intruder’, who had interrupted their afternoon of cuddles and movies by opening a portal in front of them.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I usually don’t end up inside a building! I’ll leave right awa-” America said rapidly, before suddenly freezing as she noticed Wanda. Letting out a sharp gasp of panic, the teen stumbled over her own feet and fell down hard, crawling backwards to create as much distance as possible between her and the couch. Natasha stared at her in utter confusion as Wanda stood up, a frown covering her face.
“Are you okay? What happen-”
“Get away! Get away from me right now!” America nearly yelled while pointing a finger at Wanda, leaving the witch stunned. Natasha immediately jumped up and stood between them, looking as confused as Wanda. While she had no idea who this girl was or where she came from, the redhead could tell that there was genuine fear in her eyes. She could also tell that the girl didn’t come here to harm or kill either of them.
“Please! Get away from me! I won’t hold back this time!” Anger and fear were both present in America’s voice, and both women could tell she was serious. Natasha and Wanda shared a look, to which Wanda nodded before leaving the room. Natasha watched Wanda leave before turning her attention back to the teen. She slowly knelt by her side, holding her hands up.
“Hey… you’re okay, nothing is going to happen to you, okay?” She said, looking America in the eyes. “So you can relax, okay?”
“She… I… I-,” The brunette said, too shaken up to give a proper explanation. The assassin realized this, stood up and reached out her hand while giving her a gentle smile.
“Come on, let’s sit on the couch for a little. I can tell that you’re scared and you have questions, and I can assure you that I have questions of my own as well,” She added, raising an eyebrow at the girl. “But there’s nothing to be scared of here,” Natasha promised. America looked at the hand for a few seconds, before accepting it. So now, she was currently sitting on the couch, covered in a blanket while staring at Natasha. While she was still a little shaken, the teen was much calmer compared to ten minutes ago. Natasha had made her a hot choco, which had helped calm down her nerves quite a bit.
“Are you feeling a little better?” The assassin asked as she sat across from America, far enough to give her some space yet close enough to make her feel at ease. She was just a kid, Natasha realized, after having a good look at the teen.
“Yeah… yeah I’m okay now,” America said after a few deep breaths, looking at the unfamiliar yet comforting face of Natasha while putting the empty mug on the coffee table. The older woman smiled at her, patiently looking at the brunette. America knew that she expected an explanation, yet she was kind enough not to force it out of her. But how could she even begin to explain the situation she was in?
“Why don’t you start from the beginning,” Natasha suggested, as if she could read minds, sitting cross-legged with her hands in her lap. “Telling me who you are would be a good first step,” She added with a chuckle. America nodded and took another deep breath.
“Okay so… my name is America Chavez,” She said slowly, earning a nod from the widow. “And I have the power to travel through the multiverse,” She added, causing Natasha to blink. Not exactly what she had expected to hear.
“Uh…” She started, yet was quickly interrupted by America, who seemed very intent on continuing to explain.
“I know what it sounds like!” America immediately said, looking at the redhead with an almost pleading expression. “But it’s the truth! It basically means I get to travel from one universe to another! It used to be really hard because at first I did it by accident, but now that I kno-” She rambled, only to be interrupted by Natasha this time, who raised a hand.
“Hang on. Rewind. You travel from universe to universe… meaning there’s multiple?” Natasha asked carefully, earning a nod and a smile from the teen.
“Yeah! Honestly, I’ve lost count at this point, but I’m pretty sure I’ve traveled to over a hundred by now, maybe even a hundred and fifty. Every universe is unique and has its differences and changes, some more than others. This one seems pretty close to the universe I ended up in a year ago, and I really liked that one,” She said with a smile.
“Why are you traveling across the multiverse?” Natasha asked with a puzzled expression, immediately getting to the point. This caused America’s smile to falter as she stared down at the couch, looking almost ashamed.
“I’m looking for my mothers… like I said, the first few times I opened portals it was by accident, and I opened one behind them, sending them to another universe…” She said, swallowing hard. It never got easier to talk about it. Natasha couldn’t help but feel sad for the girl, not sure what to do to comfort her. However, before she could do anything, the teen slapped both palms hard on her thighs, pulling herself out of the sad spiral.
“I’m not giving up. I don’t know where they ended up, or if they’re still alive, but I won’t give up. I’m gonna find them,” America concluded, nodding to herself as she smiled, and Natasha couldn’t help but admire her a little bit.
“Alright… so now for the big question,” Natasha said, making America look up at her. “Why are you so afraid of Wanda?” She asked. The teen immediately froze at the mention of the name, breathing deeply through her nose before looking up at Natasha.
“Remember when I mentioned the universe I ended up in a year ago? I met Wanda there, or at least, the ‘Wanda’ of that universe. She desperately wanted my powers, and tried to kill me for it. She followed me across multiple universes, and she almost succeeded, so yeah… it was a shock to see her face again,” America said with a sheepish smile. This caused the assassin to frown.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, especially since you’re still pretty young,” Natasha said, feeling horrified at the thought of Wanda killing an innocent child. People always feared Wanda for her powers and called her a monster, while Wanda was actually one of the kindest people around. To think there was a universe where those claims actually were true.
“I mean, I get that Wanda would do anything for her children, especially since she lost her robot husband… I mean, I’m willing to do a lot to find my mothers, but-” She rambled on, yet stopped at Natasha’s confused expression.
“Wanda has children? With Vision??” Natasha questioned, both eyebrows raised. The confused expression created some hopeful feelings within America. Could this Wanda be different?
“You mean to tell me that… this Wanda doesn’t have children?” She asked carefully, earning a chuckle from Natasha, who shook her head.
“No she doesn’t. Well, sometimes she claims that Yelena and Kate are her children, but not real children no,” Natasha explained. America nodded, biting on her lower lip. Yelena and Kate. If she remembered correctly, the ‘other Wanda’ had called her children Billy and Tommy. The fact that there was no mention of them here made her feel slightly more at ease.
“So… this Wanda, your Wanda… she’s not going to try and steal my powers?” America asked just as carefully, her heart jumping up as Natasha shook her head.
“If you want, I can go get her and you can ask her that question yourself. I’m pretty sure she’s dying to know why you’re terrified of her,” The redhead suggested with a smile. When America once more chewed on her lower lip, looking very uncertain, Natasha scooted a bit closer to her. “And if you want, I can stay here in the room with you. Make sure she won’t try anything, even though I can assure you she won’t.” She added. 
“Okay… okay yeah, if you stay here then I’d like to talk to her,” The brunette said after a few seconds of doubt, nodding to herself. Worst case, she had kicked Wanda’s butt once before, she could do it again, right? 
Natasha reached out to place a hand on the teen’s leg before getting up from the couch, exiting the common room to get Wanda. Every second seemed like an hour, and America felt more and more nervous. What if it was a trap? Was she making a mistake? However, before the teen could do anything, Natasha returned to the living room with Wanda, and America froze. Her breath stopped in her throat as she eyed the woman, who seemed just as nervous as she was.
“Wanda, this is America,” Natasha said slowly, eyeing the two women carefully. “She would like to talk to you,” She continued, sitting herself down on the couch. America remained frozen as she stared at Wanda, who slowly walked over.
“May I sit here?” She asked, looking at America with a smile while pointing at the spot next to her. The teen swallowed and nodded, trying her best not to back away. She seemed much nicer than the other Wanda, but she knew from experience that the Scarlet Witch was a talented liar. Wanda sat herself down, staring at her hands for a moment, before looking at America with a curious expression.
“I can sense that you’re afraid of me, and while I don’t know who you are, I want to apologize for anything I may have done wrong to you,” Wanda said, and for some reason, America knew she meant it. She closely inspected Wanda’s face, looking for traces of deception, and when she found none the brunette relaxed just a little.
“You… you truly don’t know who I am?” America asked, raising a brow nervously yet curiously. Wanda slowly shook her head, slightly tilting it while inspecting the young girl’s face.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you, when you stepped through that portal in front of the television,” She explained, before suddenly frowning. “Did I do something to your family? I know I hurt a lot of innocent people over the past years while I tried to gain control over my powers, but-” She said, yet stopped talking when America shook her head quickly.
“No no, it’s nothing like that! It’s… actually, it’s much more complicated than that, and I don’t even know where to start,” The teen said with an empty chuckle. 
“Why don’t you tell her what you told me?” Natasha said from behind her, giving America an encouraging nod as she looked at the redhead. 
“Alright, well… this is gonna sound crazy, but it’s the truth, I promise,” She said, earning a nod from Wanda. The brunette took a deep breath, before finally looking Wanda in the eyes.
“My… my name is America Chavez, and I come from another dimension. I originally started traveling through dimensions because I’m looking for my mothers, but… a year ago, I did it to escape from you,” She said, carefully watching Wanda’s reaction, as she was still scared of the Scarlet Witch. Whatever Wanda had expected to hear, this wasn’t on her list as she looked at the teen with a shocked expression.
“Wait, what do you mean multiple dimensions? And you were running away from me? But how is that possible, I’ve never seen you before, or left this… dimension?” Wanda asked, as confused as Natasha had been. This gave the brunette the boost of confidence she needed to continue talking.
“I wasn’t running from ‘you’ you,” America said, holding her hands up. “There are many dimensions, and the Wanda from that dimension… well she wanted to kill me, to gain my abilities and travel across the multiverse herself,” She added, letting out a deep breath as her hands were slightly shaking from emotions. “So while I’ve never met the ‘you’ from this universe, your face still scared me…”
“But that makes no sense… why would she… why would I want to kill you? Why would I do that to you?” The witch asked with a deep frown on her face, looking horrified at the thought.
“You needed my powers to travel to the dimension where your children were still alive, and you were desperate,” America explained, and Wanda’s expression went blank.
“My what? Children?” She asked, once again looking just as confused as Natasha with the mention of the kids. Natasha looked up at Wanda with a smile, one eyebrow raised.
“Apparently, in that other dimension at least, you were married to Vision, and you had children with him,” Natasha explained, seemingly having a hard time not to burst into laughter. The confused expression turned into another blank stare as Wanda looked at the two of them for a few seconds, and America couldn’t help but mentally prepare herself for an attack. Then the exact opposite happened, as Wanda started laughing out loud.
“Me? Married to Vision?? And having kids with him? Oh man… I thought I was messed up, but I guess I can’t compare to the other ‘me’,” She chuckled, shaking her head slightly. While America hadn’t expected this reaction, she surely welcomed it as she already felt more at ease now. A small yet real smile formed on her face for the first time.
“So… you’re not going to try and kill me to steal my powers and go to the universe where you have children?” The teen asked in one long sentence, holding her breath as she looked at the witch, who shook her head with another chuckle.
“No! I have no intention of doing anything like that, I promise,” She assured, holding out her open hand towards America. The brunette leaned back out of reflex, yet quickly relaxed and reached out to grab it. “I mean, I did feel a connection with Vision, but I never felt romantic love for him. I was sad when he died, but it was the same kind of sadness for all our other friends we had lost in that fight,” Wanda said with a sad smile. America nodded, not really knowing what to say so she gently squeezed the witch’s hand.
“Well… you do seem a lot nicer than the other Wanda I met,” America concluded with a smile, no longer scared to look Wanda in the eyes. “I guess I was less afraid of you, and more of your magic,” She added. Wanda’s expression softened as she looked at the young girl, once again opening her hand. This time, however, two of her red wisps appeared.
“My magic can be very scary, that’s true,” She agreed, making the wisps float towards America. “But they can also be very gentle and kind,” She added with a smile. The little sparks of magic reached the teen and brushed against her cheek and neck, making her giggle in surprise as they caressed her skin. The wisps felt nothing like the other Wanda’s magic, they were pleasantly warm and gentle, they even tickled! She scrunched up her shoulders and giggled loudly, both at the sensations and relief as she now truly felt safe. Wanda looked at the scene in front of her with a wide smile, a playful idea forming in her mind. While only knowing her for a little while, she wanted to make America feel truly safe around her. And what better way than to make her laugh?
“Can I hug you?” Wanda suddenly asked, making the brunette look up in surprise. There was a split second of doubt in her eyes, before she finally nodded with a smile. Wanda wasted no time as she pulled her closer into a tight and comfortable hug. America let out another giggle, a stupidly wide smile spreading on her face. She had never expected this Wanda to actually like her, and it filled her stomach with butterflies of happiness. Her back now facing Wanda, the teen looked up at Natasha, who was sitting across from them. The redhead winked at her, and it was exactly what America needed to fully relax in Wanda’s arms.
“Thank you, for… this,” America said, a blush creeping on her cheeks. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been hugged like this, and I never expected you to be kind... sorry for thinking you were a monster in every universe,” She added.
“Well, you know…” Wanda started, not even trying to hide the mischievous tone in her voice. “There have been several moments where the people I love called me a ‘monster’, but for an entirely different reason than the one you’re thinking of,” She said with a smirk. America, who instantly felt nervous again, looked over her shoulder at the witch.
“What do you mean?” The brunette asked, not sure where Wanda was going with this. A nervous tingle filled her stomach as she noticed the wide smirk. She looked back at Natasha for an explanation, slightly calming down when the assassin, who obviously knew Wanda wasn’t going to do anything bad, winked at her. When she tried to shift in the hug, America immediately noticed that she couldn’t move either of her arms, which were being held next to her sides by red magic.
“Let me ask you one simple question,” The witch said, leaning closer to the young girl’s ear. “Are you ticklish?” Wanda asked, her smirk growing even wider. America could hear the teasing undertone, and couldn’t suppress a shiver going down her spine. The panic she had felt in the last ten seconds was quickly replaced by nervousness and… joy? It had been years, but she still remembered what it was like to be tickled. She recalled her mothers slowly closing in on her, a similar smirk spread on both their faces while America’s stomach filled with butterflies of anticipation. Those butterflies had once again returned.
“What? No, of course not!” America said, a little too fast for her liking. Wanda grinned at the small note of panic in America’s voice. They both knew she was lying.
“Oh really now? Are you sure?” Wanda almost purred, causing another shiver to roll down America’s back, the hairs on the back of her neck slowly raising as giggles started to build up inside of her. Oh no.
“Y-yes?” She said, this time barely able to hold back a laugh as she shot another glance at Natasha, who was smirking just as widely with an eyebrow raised. She tugged at her arms, yet her attempts were futile as she was utterly stuck in Wanda’s hug.
“... Wrong answer,” The witch cooed, wasting no time in making the young girl laugh. America let out a shriek when she felt sharp nails scribble up and down her sides, immediately jolting up in Wanda’s lap. With her arms trapped in place next to her, she had no chance to either try and stop those hands, or move away. She threw her head back against Wanda’s shoulder, helpless giggles filling the room.
“N-nohohohoho! No wait! I take it baahahahahahhack! I’m ticklihihihish!” The brunette giggled loudly, clenching her fists while kicking her legs on the couch. Wanda chuckled and shook her head, gently shaking her nails into America’s ribs, earning another loud shriek.
“Too late, you decided to lie to me, so now you’ll have to deal with the consequences,” She teased, keeping her tickles light and gentle since she didn’t want to overwhelm her. When she prodded a single finger between her ribs, America arched her back and closed her eyes shut.
“NO! No pleeheheheEHEHEHEASE!” She cried out, unable to deal with the sensations at all. Wanda slipped her hands under her shirt to tickle her bare sides and stomach, and America dissolved into hysterical giggles and snorts. “NOT THEHEHEHEHHERE!”
“Not there? What about here then?” Wanda grinned, moving away from her sides only to scribble her nails into America’s helpless underarms. The latter let out a scream of laughter, now shaking her head side to side. The witch chuckled and continued tickling under her arms for another while, before pulling back to give her a break.
“You’re definitely ticklish,” Wanda teased, releasing America from the invisible hold. “And your snorts are cute,” She added with a wink. The brunette groaned and crawled away from Wanda, shooting her a playful glare while hugging her own sides. Natasha had been watching the two of them with a fond smile, glad that the ‘misunderstanding’ between them had been cleared. And while she didn’t have a direct reason to help America in her current situation, she definitely felt the need to show the teen just how non-scary Wanda actually was. 
“Oh Wanda, don’t pretend you’re not just as ticklish, if not more,” Natasha said teasingly, slowly standing up from her spot on the couch to walk over to the witch. They both looked up at the assassin in surprise, Wanda’s expression quickly shifting from a surprised one into a nervous one.
“Natasha, whatever you’re thinking about doing, don’t!” She said, yet before she could jump off the couch to escape, Natasha had already straddled and pinned her.
“Don’t worry, kid, Wanda is the least dangerous person in the room right now,” Natasha said to America with a smirk, her fingers immediately going for Wanda’s ribs. America looked in amazement as the ‘Scarlet Witch’ burst into loud laughter, immediately reaching for the redhead’s wrists to try and stop her. A smile spread on the teen’s face as she watched the two women wrestle around, quickly getting up from the couch to get out of range.
“Wait, why isn’t she using her powers to win? Isn’t she the Scarlet Witch in this universe too?” America asked Natasha, who was currently hands-deep into Wanda’s underarms. 
“When my poor baby witch is being tickled, she can’t concentrate enough to use her powers,” Natasha chuckled, turning to Wanda with a teasing smirk. “Can you now? You can’t do anything to stop me right now, can you?” Natasha grinned mischievously.
“NATASHAAHAHAHAHHA! STOHOHOHOP TIHIHICKLING MEHEHEHEHE!” Wanda pleaded, her laughter increasing both from the teasing tone and the fact that Natasha had moved her hands down to her hips. 
“That’s what I thought,” The assassin smirked, keeping her friend pinned down easily. “Now, are you going to be nice to our guest? Play fair and not bully her with your magic?” She questioned with a playful smirk, drilling both of her thumbs into the dip of Wanda’s hips. The witch absolutely lost it.
“YEHEHEHES! NOW PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHP!” She pleaded, tapping one hand on the couch as she gave up on the hopeless fight. Natasha chuckled and ceased her tickle attack, releasing Wanda from her hold. Sitting down next to her friend, the redhead shifted her attention back to America.
“So what are you going to do now? Are you going to keep traveling?” Natasha asked, making America chew on her lower lip. She had dreaded this question, because even if she had only met them, the brunette liked Natasha and Wanda. Well, this version of them, at least. 
“I… I don’t know,” America said truthfully, sitting herself down on the couch again. “I mean, I want to find my mothers, but I have no clue where to look. And if I just keep hopping from universe to universe, I might miss clues on where they are,” The teen sighed. Natasha and Wanda looked at each other, having a silent conversation with their eyes before looking back at America.
“Well… you don’t have to, but we wouldn’t mind if you stayed as our guest here,” Wanda suggested with a smile. “There are many people living in this building, and Tony is too rich for his own good. We could throw it in the group and see what the others think about it, but I don’t think anyone would mind you staying here for a while,” She concluded, giving America a wink.
“Plus, if we have free time, we could help you look for those clues, find out if your mothers could be staying in our universe. The choice is yours, however. If you want to keep traveling, we’re not stopping you,” Natasha said, raising one eyebrow at the young girl. America looked at the couch for a moment, before looking at them with a shy smile.
“I like this universe better than most I’ve ended up in, and I have nowhere to go so… I would like to stay?” She said, making it sound more like a question than a statement. The two women looked at each other with a smirk, before once again looking back at the brunette with a smile.
“Well then, welcome to the Avengers, Ms. Chavez,”
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Okey, hear me out plz. Could you write about Sero, Tamaki, and Bakugou (separately) having a girlfriend who has psionic powers (like the Scarlet Witch) and she is Hawk's protégé. He like to think that he's like some kind of father figure for her so he's suuuuper caring and when he sees her having a smoochie moment with them he goes in PROTECTIVE FATHER mode and he gives the boys the "father talk *ejem...threat*"
Thank u you beautiful living being🌈🧡
Father Figure
Author's Thoughts: I got you bby! I don't write for Hawks so I hope he's at least a bit in character. I hope you don't mind its not headcannons.
Warning: Mentions of violence, threats, etc.
Hanta Sero
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You were always like a child to Keigo. The child he'd figured he'd figured he just wouldn't get the chance to have. And though your quirk was different from his, he did a great job training you.
He put in the work, the research, getting to know your quirk. He read records with people of similar quirks, got in contact with those around, all so he could accurately train your ability. He wanted to be the best he could for you.
You grew up so quickly in his opinion. Too quickly.
From graduating high school, to headlining as his sidekick. To finally having a boyfriend.
Keigo was hesitant to meet this boyfriend of yours, but you'd told him how much it meant to you. And he'd do anything for you.
So he played as nicely as he could, staring at you and the boy you sat with.
"So.. Sero.. Are you planning on being a hero?" Keigo looked him up and down with a gaze full of judgement.
Hanta gave a nod, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Yeah. I've always wanted to be a hero. I actually attended UA with Y/n." He looked at you and seeing your smile almost melted the tension.
"Hey, Kid, could you go order me something to eat?" Keigo asked you, smiling innocently. Almost too innocently.
You gave him a look. He simply leaned his cheek against his palm, blinking owlishly. "Pretty please?"
Sighing, you stood up and nodded. "Got it. I'll be back." You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Hanta's lips, something that made his smile tighten.
You looked at Keigo and pointed at him. "Play nice. Pretty please?" You crossed your arms. He gave you a sigh and a nod.
So you hesitantly walked away.
And the smile dropped from Keigo's lips.
"I'll just be straight with you, Hanta. She means everything to me. And if you value life itself, you'll treat her like she's everything to you. That girl doesn't love loosely, so this is nothing short of a honor- no, a privilege for you."
Hanta straightened out, nervous about Keigo's sudden change. "I-I understand, sir.."
Keigo gave a nod and leaned back in his chair, smiling again. "Well, I should hope so!" He chuckled softly.
That's when you walked over. "Here. I got you nachos. Did you two find something nice to talk about?"
The man with wings took the nachos. "Thank you, Chicken Wing. We sure did." He looked you Hanta who stiffly nodded.
You, having common sense though, put two and two together. "... Keigo, I asked you to be nice!"
"The nicest thing I can do for you is make sure he treats you right."
Tamaki Amajiki
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Tamaki was afraid.
You'd told him all about Keigo, how protective he could be. And the only thing you'd promised was that he wouldn't touch him.
You and Tamaki were planning a trip to a nice resort.
You'd needed to grab something from Keigo's house, so Tamaki had to sit downstairs with said man.
Well, Keigo sat down. Tamaki stood in the corner, as far as possible. But he couldn't escape Keigo's glare. And if looks could kill..
It wasn't like he had a problem with Tamaki. He knew Fatgum, and the man hsd told Keigo all about his two sidekicks.
In fact, Keigo noticed that just like you'd become a daughter to him, Fatgum treated his sidekicks like his own sons.
The two often bonded over photos they kept in their wallets, sharing stories. Two parents bonding over their children, that's what everyone else saw.
It was from talking to Fatgum that he knew Tamaki wasn't a bad kid. That doesn't mean he wasn't gonna have a talk with him.
"Listen, Kid. I don't hate'cha. You're one of Fatgum's sidekicks and you seem.. Harmless enough."
Tamaki was sure it that should have offended, but Hawks continued either way.
"But when she needs you, I gotta know that you'll be there for her. She doesn't need you to protect her but if she ever does, I gotta know you'll do it. Take good care of her. I'd hate to end your whole career."
It wasn't like he had a problem with Keigo's orders. Tamaki loved you and would never let anything happen to you. Hell, he'd promised himself he'd be a man for you.
Keigo gave the sweetest smile and Tamaki shuddered, moving more into the corner.
It was the threat that scared him. He didn't know if he meant he was gonna kill him or if he was going to destroy his rising hero career.
You finally came downstairs with the object you needed. "Alright, I'm ready-.. Tama, are you okay?" You walked over, concerned.
"I-I wanna go home.."
You glared at the winged man and crossed your arms. "Keigo!"
Keigo leaned back into the couch. "Thanks for visiting you two, it was a pleasure havin' ya."
Katsuki Bakugou
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Keigo was doing an autograph signing at the mall, just where you and Katsuki just so happened to have your date.
"Why do you think everyone is crowding over there?" You asked Katsuki, looking towards the crowd of people surrounding Keigo.
You'd thought his signing would be at another mall, not knowing that the venue had been changed last minute.
"No clue, don't care. Probably some big sale or somethin'. Why, you wanna check it out?" He looked at you, the arm around your waist pulling you closer.
You smiled and shook your head. "Nah. Let's just go to the bookstore then head to the park. Oh, actually, I'm gonna use the bathroom first."
You leaned up and gently kissed his lips, him blushing and returning the kiss in embarrassment.
When you pulled away, he mumbled under his breathe. "Idiot, you can't just catch me off guard like that."
Giggling softly, you winked at him. "Nobody saw. They're all crowded around that big sale."
"Tch. Like I care if anyone sees."
With a grin, you went off to the closest bathroom.
What you didn't know was Keigo was watching you through the crowd of people. He looked up to everyone around him and gave them a charming grin. "I will get back to autographs in a moment. Please, grant me a break though."
The crowd seemed disappointed but left him alone and allowed Keigo to walk off.
He approached Katsuki quickly, who paid more attention to his phone.
"Ahem. A moment of your time."
Katsuki looked up and his eyes went wide at the sight of the number two hero. "Hawks? Was that you over with that crowd then?"
"Yeah. I see that you've been headlining. Haven't seen your face this famous since the sports festival." Keigo chuckled, taking a step further.
Katsuki nodded. "I'm making moves, on my grind. Doing what needs to be done to make my mark."
The pro hero nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well, you're doin great. There's just.. One thing."
He looked at him in confusion. "One thing..?"
Keigo pointed towards the direction you went in. "That girl you were just with. That's my little girl."
The red-eyed boy looked, following his finger. "Um, yeah. She told me."
Then there was a sudden tension.
"And so.. You understand why I won't tolerate you're bullshit."
"You heard me. You're older, so you're probably not the same brat. But from what I hear, those asshole tendencies are still there, and I won't tolerate it when it comes to that girl. You won't hurt her. And if you do, we're gonna run into a bit of trouble."
Katsuki shook his head. "I.. I wouldn't hurt her." Normally, he feared no adult, minus Aizawa of course. But Hawks was looking at him like he was prey.
"Damn straight, idiot." Hawks chuckled softly.
That's when you came back over. "Sorry babe. Oh, hey Hawks! What are you doin' here?"
The two of you shared a hug. "What's up, Nugget? I was signing was autographs. You two?"
You pulled away and grinned. "Katsuki and I were on a date. This is great, I've been meaning to introduce you guys."
Hawks gave a nod. "Interesting guy, he is. But I should get going. Have fun on your date. And Katsuki, have her home by nine."
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myfavoriteficss · 4 years
Marvel Angst Masterlist
This Masterlist includes all of the Marvel angst I have reblogged. The angst will range from very light to heavy depending on the fic. Enjoy.
Updated: 07/17/2021
Marvel Masterlist's
Genre: (F) = Fluff, (A) = Angst, (D) = Dark, (J) = Jealousy, (V) = Violence, (H/C) = Hurt and/or Comfort
Trope: (ER) = Established Relationship, (EL) = Enemies to Lovers, (FL) = Friends to Lovers, (FE) = Frenemies, (FD) = Fake Dating, (F/B) = Friends with Benefits, (BU) = Breakup/Already Broken Up, ( C) = Cheating, (UL) = Unrequited Love, (SB) = Slow Burn, (P) = Pregnancy, (BS) = Bed Sharing, (SR) = Super Reader
Type: (AU) = Alternate Universe, (18+) = Mature/NSFW, (HC) = Headcanon
1. Wanda Maximoff
Written by: @aaron-despair
Not your fault (ER, F, A)
Written by: @abimess
It only takes the holidays (AU, A, F): (1) It only takes a commercial - (2) It only takes a pothole - (3) It only takes a lunch - (4) It only takes a party - (5) It only takes a Christmas tree - (6) - It only takes an unexpected visit - (7) It only takes a weird noise - (8) It only takes a fund-raising event - (9) It only takes a starry sky - (10) It only takes a Christmas gift - (11) It only takes a decision - (Epilogue) It only takes a deed
Too familiar, too hurtful (EL, A, F)
Marry me (A, F)
Written by: @aestethick​
Roses (A)
Written by: @allyouthought​
always (F, A)
Written by: @aphrodite-made-me-write-it
Cast A Spell (On You) (AU, A) 
Written by: @badgerfic
the serum (A, V): Part 1
Written by: @buckyssoldat
(UL, A) (1) Not in that way - (2) Gone
Written by: @c-is-writing
gaze into my mind (A, F) 
good enough (A, F) 
Written by: @cantcontroltheirfear​
Odds (AU, A): (1) Another One - (2) I’m Ready - (3) Bar With No Name - (4) That Much Is True - (5) Still - (6) Second to Last Last - (7) Even
Written by: @captainhotch
Cat and Mouse (A) 
Written by: @certifiedskywalker​
Waiting for Home (A) 
Written by: @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba
Je Te Laisserai De Mots (A) 
Written by: @delfiore​
i sunk in all the memories (A) 
better than losing you (ER, A) 
Written by: @desparadowrites
The Very Awful Not Good Bad Day (SR, A) 
Written by: @empyreanwritings
Almost Lost You (FL, A, F) 
Written by: @fallinforevans
you have me (FL, A, F) 
Written by: @forever-your-soldat
(ER, A) (1) Too Much - (2) Her Love 
I Can’t Hurt You (A, V) 
Written by: @frostedfaves
All Too Well (ER, A) 
Written by: @harringtons-imagines
Monster (A, F) 
Written by: @helloalycia
just a kid (ER, A, V, D): [one] - [two]
Written by: @hiiraya
(A, F) (1) one last dance (rewrite) - (2) one last chance (rewrite) - (3) with you
loving you had consequences (rewrite) (BU, A) 
you are my sunshine (rewrite) (A)
Written by: @jabbagabba
La La Land (A): Prologue
Written by: @jbbarnesnnoble
(ER, C, A) (1) Out of Everyone Else - (2) It's Me You're Gonna Miss
Written by: @kingsmanandqueens
Winsome Enigma (A, F) 
Written by: @lesbian-lilo​
Mission Mishaps (H/C, F, A) 
Written by: @lowkeyerror
I Have To See Her Again (A, V)
Written by: @m-lesmxrales
Safe & Sound (ER, A) 
Written by: @marvel-wlw
Somewhere to Run (A) 
Written by: @marvels-writings
Broken Sense (UL, A) 
Dreams that Come True (F, A) 
Always Safe (A) 
Scared (A, F) 
Hurting You (A, F) 
Wanted More (ER, C, A) 
Written by: @marvelsdc22
What We Thought We Lost (AU, FL, A, F): Part 1 - Part 2
Written by: @may-fanfic​
I Just Want You (A, F) 
Written by: @mcuwritin​
Mission gone wrong (A): Part I - Part II
Frenemies? (FE, A, F): Part I - Part II
Written by: @missmonsters2
About You (A): Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X
(ER, A) (1) Under the Light - (2) You Found Me
Find Your Way (BU, A) 
Last the Night (ER, C, A) 
Written by: @mymymarvel
Never Is Enough (A) 
Written by: @nermalina
so in love. (A, F) 
Written by: @nervoustrack
We're out in the open sea (A)
Written by: @nothingbutimagines
Last Christmas (UL, A, F) 
Written by: @procrastinatingsapphictrash
The pact (FL, F, A) 
Written by: @queenxxxsupreme
1950 (A) 
Written by: @randomshyperson
Sorry for your loss (FL, A, F): (1) I will grieve - (2) I will try - (3) I will get better. - (4) I will move on - (5) I will love again (18+)
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy (AU, FL, F, A): (1) The First Year - (2) The Second Year - (3) The Third Year - (4) The Fourth Year (Part I) - (5) The Fourth Year (Part II) - (6) The Fourth Year (Final Part) - (7) The Fifth Year (Part One) - (8) The Fifth Year (Part Two) - (9) The Fifth Year (Part Three)
Left Behind (FL, A, V, F): (1) Muddy Waters - (2) R.I.P to My Youth - (3) No Time to Die - (4) Save Me - (5) Someone You Loved - (6) Once a Promise, Always a Promise. - (7) Start a Riot - (8) Fine Line - (9) Please Notice - (10) Atlantis
Road to Healing (FL, A, F, 18+)
Drivers License (AU, FL, F, A)
The One (AU, A, F)
Written by: @rebeliz777
August (C, F/B, A): Part I (18+) - Part II (18+) - Part III
Again (A) 
Crumbling down (A)
Written by: @reminiscingtonight
(BU, A) (1) Better By Now - (2) Run Into You - (3) Still the Same
(FL, A) (1) Through The Dark - (2) If I Fall - (3) Breaking Point
(ER, A) (1) Cellophane - (2) Apologies
(AU, ER, A) (1) Break My Heart Again - (2) Burn It All Down
(FL, A, F) (1) Last Kiss - (2) All I Know - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - (6) Breathe (It’s Out Of My Hands)
A Different Corner (A) 
Need You Now (A)
Let’s Hurt Tonight (ER, A)
Ghost of You (A)
Lego House (AU, FL, A, F)
Not Ready For Goodbyes (ER, A, F)
Hold On (ER, A)
Twilight Time (ER, F, A)
Feel It Twice (A)
I’ll Never Love Again (A)
Written by: @rogue-barnes-16
I’m A Monster (FL, A, F) 
Written by: @saintprinsessa​
Feeling You (A) 
Written by: @sapphicshots
to grow old in (ER, A, F) 
falling (FL, A, F) 
Written by: @shesaidnomaam
Witch & Wound (A, F): Part 1 - Part 2
Two A.M, Two Bottles In (A) 
Written by: @somewhatgreatexpectations
Love Goes (FL, C, BU, A, F): (1) Latch - (2) One Day at a Time - (3) Fire on Fire - (4) Like I Can - (5) Breaking Hearts - (6) Another One - (7) Palace - (8) Writing’s On The Wall - (9) For The Lover That I Lost - (10) Leave Your Lover - (11) Nirvana - (12) Lay Me Down - (13) To Die For
Love Me (Or Let Me Go) (AU, A, F): (1) Leave, Then Go - (2) If you need me, let me know - (3) Walk Away - (4) In the Middle - (5) Love Me, or Let Me Go - (6) Don't Go - (7) Separate Ways - (8) Set You Free - (Alt. Ending) Home
Written by: @spoopy-imagines-writer
Behind These Hazel Eyes (A) 
Written by: @starshipsofstarlord
Two Beds, One Home (A, F) 
Testing. Testing. (A) 
Written by: @subtlebucky
she lives in daydreams with me (A, F) 
Written by: @thenatashamaximoff
Dangerous Love (C, BU, A, V, SR): Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Epilogue
Broken Love (C, A): Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Written by: @thewitchandtheassassin
Guilt is an Ugly Mistress (ER, A) 
Of Love and Of Loss (ER, A) 
Written by: @waiting4inspiration
Why? (A, F) 
Written by: @wandaownsthisass
If You Need Me (A) 
Written by: @wandaromanova​
Should’ve Been You (ER, A) 
Written by: @wandsolsen​
Champagne Problems (ER, A) 
Written by: @wellsayhelloaagin​
Cross My Heart (ER, A): Part 1 - Part 2
Written by: @wokeupinawalnut
(ER, BU, A) (1) Six Degrees Of Separation - (2) Wherever This Goes
Save The Best For Last (FL, A, F) 
Written by: @young-and-bitchy (deactivated)
Here You Come Again (BU, A) 
Written by: @8plasma
children of tragedy (A): [part 1] - [part 2]
2. Natasha Romanoff
Written by: @aestethick
Last Kiss (A): Part 1 - Part 2
Written by: @allfiguredout
Home (A) 
Written by: @aphrodite-made-me-write-it
To Mend (A, F) 
Written by: @c-is-writing
untangled (F, A) 
Written by: @crimsonspy
Don’t shut me out (FL, SB, A, F) 
Written by: @demxters
bluebird (A) 
Written by: @femreader
Don’t Go (H/C, A) 
Written by: @higherfurther-romanova
Then Finish It (A, V, D): Part 1
Written by: @hiiraya
(A) (1) didn't know what I had - (2) you were good to me - (3) what I want
closure (A) 
Written by: @jbbarnesandnoble
Rainy Season (A)
When We Were Young and Naive (AU, A) 
Written by: @jumbojamba47
Guest Room (A) 
Written by: @lesbian-deadpool
New Surroundings (A): (1) Glad You Are Back - (2) Glad To Be Home
(A, F) (1) We Were On A Break! - (2) I’ll Be Home For Christmas
A Fresh Start (A, F) 
Written by: @lilxberry
I Watched You Die (A): Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Written by: @lndlover
Somebody else (C, A) 
Written by: @lonelyandlovelorn
Loophole (F, A) 
Written by: @marvels-writings
(ER, C, BU, A) (1) Used To - (2) World Turned Upside Down - (3) My Forever
Not Meant to Be (A) 
A Reason to Leave, a Reason to Stay (A, F) 
Perfect (A, F) 
Past Come to Life (A, F) 
Piece of Your Heart (A, F) 
Make it Right (ER, A) 
Can’t You Tell? (A) 
Written by: @marvelouslytrekking
Finding You (A, V) 
Written by: @marvelsbanner
Someone to You (A, F) 
Written by: @may-fanfic
Because I love you (A, V): Part 1 - Part 2
Written by: @missmonsters2
Lead Me Astray (ER, A) 
Leave Me Lonely (ER, A) 
Stars Falling (A, F) 
Written by: @natasha-danvers
Oh (A, F): Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Longing (A): Part 1
Written by: @pietrosgf
the sweet escape (A): (1) what died didn’t stay dead - (2) you’re alive in my head
Written by: @pigeonp0st
Natasha Romanoff x Reader #2 (A): Part 1 - Part 2
Written by: @procrastinatingsapphictrash
Can’t get over her (A, F) 
The rest of my life (A, F) 
A little help from the team (A, F) 
Doubt (A, F) 
Drunken confessions (A, F) 
Written by: @quickpiet
Walk it off (A, F) 
Written by: @rebeliz777
You saved me (A) 
Written by: @roger-that-cap
(ER, C, A) (1) cardigan - (2) tolerate it
peace (A, F) 
Written by: @romanoffswifey
Point Blank (A): Part 1 - Part 2
Written by: @saltybaltic
Come Back To Me (A, F) 
Written by: @sapphicshots
i can’t live without you (A, F) 
Written by: @satxnsupreme​
Welcome home (A) 
Written by: @shesaidnomaam
Natasha x Reader (A): Part 1
Written by: @startrekkingaroundasgard
“I didn’t mean it.” (A, F) 
Written by: @thenatashamaximoff
Dangerous Love (C, BU, A, V, SR): Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Epilogue
Broken Love (C, A): Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Written by: @thewitchandtheassassin​
All That Matters (A, F) 
Written by: @vanillann
real or not real? (A) 
Written by: @vulpe-fox
Seeing You (A) 
Written by: @wandavixen
Hurt (A) 
Written by: @wannabe-fic-writer
Old But New (A, F) 
Fed Up (A) 
Written by: @wildhoney323
Moving On (C, A, F) 
Written by: @winedrunkbarnes
Roses and Regrets (A, F) 
Written by: @wisewidow
Gunshot Roses (A) 
Written by: @wokeupinawalnut
(ER, BU, A) (1) Talks That Break Hearts - (2) Talks That Mend Hearts
Written by: @yourmcu
Bloodlust (A, F, V)
3. Carol Danvers
Written by: @hiiraya
stay a little longer (rewrite)
the one (that got away) (rewrite)
get well soon (rewrite)
until the end
Written by: @missmonsters2
Move Me Along
Written by: @wlw-imagines-blog
We Don’t Talk About It
4. Yelena Belova
Written by: @a-simple-imagine
Left Behind
Written by: @empyreanwritings
Old Habits Die Hard
Written by: @marvels-writings
Written by: @nermalina
mild interference.
Written by: @rogue-barnes-16
Written by: @thewitchandtheassassin
5. Michelle Jones (MJ)
Written by: @borntobewondering
& Ever
Written by: @heckin-good-holland
In Her Arms
Written by: @leiasfanaccount648
Good Times
Written by: @sensestinging
Curious - Unfolding
549 notes · View notes
randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 23 - The Witch's Cabin (Part Two)
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Thanks to my gif maker and friend of course, @abimess.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Chapter Warnings: +18, smut.
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Chapter 23 - Part XXIII - The Witch's Cabin (Part Two)
You weren't sure if Wanda wanted some time from you as well, as you watched her walk through the garden, sit alone on one of the benches while looking at the rocky mountains in the distance.
What you were sure of was that she was distressed. So much so, that even as she blocked out her emotions, strands of her discomfort escaped, and you felt your body shiver slightly.
Sighing, you put your hands in your pockets, resisting the urge to join her as you watched her from the balcony.
"Here, Miss." It is Charles who says beside you, with a mug of reheated tea. You raise your eyebrow in confusion, and he smiles tenderly. "I thought a hot drink would bring you some comfort." He explains, and you mutter a thank you as you accept the cup.
Charles stands beside you, watching the landscape in silence for a moment. When you take the first sip, and sigh lightly, he asks, "Did it help?"
"Not much." You reply. "I appreciate the intention, but I won't feel good over tea until she is."
It's a simple statement. And Charles just murmurs in understanding, not needing you to explain further.
There is another pause, before he speaks again.
"Then I think you should talk to her." He says.
"She said she needed some time alone." You retort, scratching the back of your head with your hand quickly, and placing the cup on the large one on the balcony. "I'm giving her space."
"Oh, I see." He murmurs. "Are you sure that the alone time included her protector?"
You give a short humorless laugh. "You know, people have weird ideas about this whole thing. We're still two separate people. Wanda can have her time without me."
"Of course she can." Charles agrees quickly. "Forgive me, I think I expressed myself badly. I didn't mean to say that you two aren't independent, or to put me on the same level as sensationalist wizards who don't know anything about ancient magic." He speaks, causing you to frown. "I only meant that it is my understanding that scarlet witches and their patrons have a special relationship. If I remember correctly, it is written that the patrons bring a profound sense of safety and comfort to their sorceresses when present."
You feel your cheeks flush, and you look away quickly. Charles doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he says nothing.
"So...do you think she'll like it if I talk to her?"
" Well, she's your sorceress, you know her better than I do, Miss Stark." Jokes the man. "Don't let an old book tell you what you must or mustn't do."
You bite the inside of your cheek, lingering your gaze on the crestfallen figure of Wanda meters ahead.
"Thanks for the tea, Charles." You mutter before starting to walk toward the gardens.
To avoid frightening her, you make a noise with your steps, but Wanda only lifts her head when you are practically at her side.
And you swallow dryly when you notice the tears on her face, approaching calmly to sit beside her.
You don't have to say anything really, and you don't mind waiting for her to tell you whatever she needs to. But Wanda just waits for you to sit down, and then she leans against your body, sinking into your embrace as you run your hands around her.
She relaxes immediately with your touch, sighing. You think Charles was right after all.
Her tears cease, drying against your shirt, and she inhales deeply against you.
“Thank you.” She whispers, making you smile shyly, as you run your fingers through her hair.
"For what?" you whisper back, half-joking, not knowing exactly what you've done.
"For staying."
You sigh, hugging her tighter as your fingers gently scratch the back of her neck, and Wanda shivers against you, before relaxing completely. "I told you I'm never leaving."
You stand like that for a few more moments, until Wanda starts to move again. She pulls her face away to look at you, and you just smile at the intense way she does so.
"I'm sorry." She says, and you frown in confusion. She straightens up before continuing, taking a deep breath, as if she is finding the right words. "With everything Agatha showed us, I finally understood that I never had a choice on my fate. And before, when I was going to erase your memory, how angry you got, I didn't understand why. Because to me, I was making the right thing, sparing you somehow. But now, I understand." She confesses quickly, gesturing as her eyes fill with tears. "It was your choice. And I don't think you would ever forgive me if I moved on without you, when you chose to stay with me. And as much as I hate how dangerous this is, and I don’t want you to get hurt, you have the right to choose to stay by my side if you want, because those are your feelings and I had no right to try to take them away from you."
You nod, sighing, and raise your hand to her face, caressing her cheek.
"It's okay, darling." You say. "I haven't been angry in quite some time. But I appreciate that you apologized."
You move closer, kissing her softly on the lips before pulling away. "I guess in the end I broke my promise about not touching you before the apology." You joke making her smile. "I couldn't help it, you're just too irresistible."
Wanda laughs shyly, raising her hands to your neck, looking at you fondly.
"Do you want to talk about what we saw?" You ask next, and she sighs, nodding.
You spend the next few minutes talking. Wanda feels bad about the whole thing. About all the lies, schemes, and about never having had a real choice. No matter what would happen, she was always going to become the Scarlet Witch. And no one asked if she wanted that.
She didn't talk about Natalya, and you respected her time.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Agatha completely for the things she did." Wanda confesses a moment later, you two are sitting side by side, looking at the mountains. "But a part of me will never be able to hate her entirely. And I detest that."
"It doesn't bother me that she matters to you, Wanda." You say. "Even with everything that happened, she really believed she was doing the right thing. And now she's helping us. And I know you've spent a lot more time with her than I have." You clarify quickly, and Wanda looks at you with a slight frown. "I just mean that even with the pain she caused me, it's okay for you to still care about her. I won't hold a grudge over it."
Wanda nods, reaching your hand up on the bench. She entwines your fingers together, and moves closer to lean against you, resting her head on your shoulder.
"Can we stay here just a little longer?" She whispers. The sunrise is approaching. You were going to say you would stay as long as she wanted, but your speech becomes a yawn halfway through, and she laughs softly. "Maybe the bed would be better."
You laugh softly too, and Wanda squeezes your hand before moving to pull you back into the house.
When you go through the kitchen, Agatha is there. She and Wanda exchange a look, but neither of them says anything, and you just follow the brunette in front of you upstairs.
You think you'll sleep until lunchtime at least.
You grunted in pain as you fell to the ground.
"Everything okay there, Stark?" Agatha's softly teasing voice made you give a wry laugh.
"Perfect." You grumbled as you stood up, wiping the dust from your pants. "Again please, and try something stronger this time, Agatha, I think you're starting to go soft on me."
The witch laughed, raising her wand quickly. The next spell hurt more than the first.
It had been eight and a half weeks since you had been in Agatha's house.
Things were going well, if you could put it that way.
After that day when Agatha showed the memories out of the pensieve, she and Wanda were on thin ice, and no memories were shared again. They treated each other politely, with occasional sharp pins, but nothing ever too aggressive.
Meanwhile, Agatha was really helping the two of you to become better sorcerers.
You think you never learned so much magic at once, but you weren't complaining.
Even Charles was helping you with potions, a passion he seemed to share with Erik.
And with the intensity of your studies, Agatha hoped that soon you would be worthy of pulling Rowena's diadem out of the hat, but she never seemed to find the right spot, and it was making everyone slightly frustrated, even if no one would admit it.
You haven't heard from the order.
With Fury's death, the radio went silent. You believed that no one but him had been arrested, or killed, because nothing was said in the Daily Prophet. But it wasn't easy to ignore the tightness in your chest at not knowing for sure.
Now that you were practically considering yourself a master at dueling, even if Agatha wouldn't admit that you had far more knowledge in defense against the dark arts than any other witch your age, you expected her to continue the lessons in Occlumency and Legilimency that Erik never managed to finish.
"You're not ready for that yet." She replied, for the third time you brought up the subject, and you sighed impatiently.
"But professor-"
"Erik taught you the basic level of that magic, Y/N." She interrupts, moving her hands so that the objects in the kitchen begin to prepare lunch around you. Wanda is in the house library, studying with Charles, and you had spent all morning practicing dueling spells, and learning to become more resistant to them as well.
Your whole body was sore from the times you fell to the ground when you were hit by stupefy and the most common duelling spells , but it was better than being knocked out at the first attempt if you had never practiced before.
"A master of legilimency would be able to dominate the minds of an entire city at once. You're not ready for that kind of magic yet."
"But I don't need to control an entire city, Agatha." You argue back, following her through the kitchen around the house. "You can just continue from where Erik started and-"
"Enough." She interrupts by turning to you, but she doesn't look angry, just impatient. "You won't leave me alone if I don't agree won't you?"
She sighs. "I can teach you Occlumency, Stark. But I won't teach you Legilimency, it's...against my vows."
You frown in confusion, "Your vows?"
But Agatha gives you only an insinuating look, and you understand.
As Legilimency is directly considered a forbidden, and dark magic, it would break her vow to only do the right thing by the scarlet witch, her promise to Natalya.
You've never been more curious to know how Agatha got around the perpetual vow for so many years, but the way she’s back walking tells you she's not going to share that with you anytime soon.
"Charles is a master legilimens." She continues talking, moving downstairs where the library is. You in her trail. "He can teach you."
"Really? That 's great!."
As you arrive at the study room, the huge piles of enchanted books surrounding you, your gaze immediately seeks Wanda's.
As Agatha tells Charles to teach you, you approach the girl, finding her distracted with a reading. You smile at how lovely she looks, and can't help but move quickly closer, and steal a surprise kiss from her that makes her sigh.
"Hey, you." You say as you pull away, and she giggles as she relaxes.
"Hey, you." She repeats as she stops you from moving away by holding you by your arm, pulling you back to kiss you properly.
"Hey little love birds, your first lesson in Occlumency is going to be tonight." Agatha warns in a tone of teasing, as you give an embarrassed chuckle breaking away from Wanda, leaning on the pilaster next to the chair she is sitting in. "And you, Miss Maximoff, can practice your natural legilimency skills with Charles on the same schedule as well."
"Yes, ma'am." You and Wanda answer together, and Agatha gives a warning sneer before turning, squeezing Charles' shoulder gently before leaving.
The man turns to you. "Miss Stark, please do not spill mud on my parchments."
You look down to your clothes immediately. Well, it wasn't your fault that Agatha had knocked you to the ground so many times. You were a mess, and you raised your hands in a sign of surrender.
"Sorry, Charles." You mutter as you walk away. "I just came to give my beautiful girl a kiss, I'm going upstairs to take a shower. See you two at lunch."
You give Wanda a wink of goodbye before walking away, being careful not to bump into books along the way.
You grumbled softly in pain as you removed your tangled sweater, realizing that perhaps you should have asked Agatha to go easy on the spells instead of challenging her.
Distracted, you startled when you heard knocking on the bathroom door, but relaxed completely when you saw that it was only Wanda, who smiled and leaned against the doorframe, looking up at you.
"Hey, babe." You greeted her, working to remove your shoes. "Do you want anything?"
"No, I just decided to take a break from the books." She replies. "But I would like to know how you convinced Agatha to teach you Occlumency so easily." She comments in a mixed tone of teasing and impressiveness and you laugh softly as you kick your untied shoes away.
"With my charm of course." You return, making her laugh.
When you motion to remove the shirt, Wanda bites her lips. "Allow me."
You stand still then as she steps up to your front, looking at you with the same tenderness that you look back.
Wanda works on the buttons of your shirt, and when she is finished, she pushes the material away, sliding it down your arms until it falls to the floor. You blush slightly under her curious gaze, but say nothing, letting her move the straps of your bra, and then open the clasp, soon the garment falls too.
She moves her fingers down your waist, to reach the zipper and buttons of your pants, and unzips them. You move timidly to remove the item as well, taking your panties with it.
Wanda gives a soft giggle, and you look at her curiously.
"It's nothing." She says shyly. "It's...I just realized that it's the first time I've seen you naked."
You blush, but respond. "I wish I wasn't covered in dirt."
"I wish you weren't covered in bruises." She retorts sharply, and you swallow dryly. The purple marks around your body are a result of the spells, but you don't care about that. The pain isn't exactly strange after all.
"It was worth it, though." You retort softly, and think that part of you is really referring to getting stronger, learning new magic. But the other part, the part that knows it's all for the girl in front of you, adds, "You're worth all the effort."
Wanda looks away, swallowing dryly as well. "Don't say that."
"It's the truth, Wanda." You say simply, and she sighs, straightening her posture softly.
"But you don't have to say it."
"You want me to lie then?"
"I just don't want you to say it so proudly." She retorts almost scoldingly, and you bite the inside of your cheek, not wanting to argue. She sighs, and puts distance between you, turning toward the exit.
You clear your throat, and call out to her. "I don't want you to be angry." You murmur. "I can't help it to say things like this, you know that."
Her expression softens. "I'm not angry, darling." She assures you. "I'll just get a towel for myself."
She leaves before you understand what that implies. Wishing you didn't look like a complete mess, you quickly step into the tub you left ready as soon as you arrived in the bathroom, and sink against the hot water, waiting for Wanda to join you.
Wanda doesn't take long. She leaves the towel in the sink, and smiles at you before she starts to undress, right there in front of you, as if she had done it a thousand times before.
You blush, but don't look away. And she doesn't seem to mind that you follow every movement of her hands, although her cheeks redden when she has her breasts exposed in the air.
Soon, she steps into the tub with you, taking the seat in the opposite corner, smiling softly as you hug your legs, looking up at her.
"I'm sorry I said that, I know you don’t like it and I shouldn’t have." You mutter. But Wanda just shakes her head, steeling herself to move closer, her hands touching your forearms.
"Don't worry." She says. "It's the truth after all. You are my knight in shining armor, and I can't do anything to change that."
You laugh softly, and Wanda smiles, stroking your skin with her thumb.
"I want to try something." She says next, making you look at her curiously. "Something I read about it this week. Can I?"
"Of course, darling." You say, and then she is pulling your forearms gently so that you stop hugging your legs, and you sink your hands into the water, waiting, as Wanda moves her fingers, guiding you so that you sit properly, and she sits between your legs. "What are you going to do?"
You ask curiously, even half embarrassed to have her so close, but Wanda just smiles, moving her hands out of the tub, where she makes the soap magically fly to her.
"First, I'm helping you get clean, babe."
She says, dipping the soap in the water before bringing it to your skin, lathering your shoulders gently. You relax under her touch, looking at her intently.
"Can I do the same to you?" you ask in a whisper, and she smiles.
"Of course."
Wanda raises the soap at face height, and with a flick of her hands, the item doubles itself to another. You raise your eyebrow. "Show-off." You tease, making her chuckle, as she hands you the other soap.
For the next few minutes, you help each other soap up amidst giggles, and stolen glances. Wanda's touch is as gentle and affectionate as her gaze, and you are so comfortable that you don't even have time to think about how intimate the whole moment is.
As you finish washing off the soap, Wanda begins to run her fingers along your shoulders. "Will you stay on your back for me?" She asks lowly, and you murmur in agreement before shifting to obey.
Without seeing her, your curiosity makes you tense up, and Wanda smiles as she moves closer, her hands on your waist. "Relax, darling." She asks against your ear, her fingers moving up your skin slowly as you obey.
"Do you remember last summer?" She begins, and suddenly you are feeling soft twinges on your skin. It's Wanda's magic. You don't know what she's doing, but it feels good. Little shocks around your back.
You just murmur, relaxing against her hand.
"When Papa taught you about mirroring magic, I mean." She continues, her tone low and soft. "So that you could take my damage from possible attacks."
"And you were so upset about my wrist breaking when you fell off a broom that you put me to sleep in Pietro's bed." You complete making her laugh.
"But I didn't send you away because I still wanted you in my house." She retorts and you laugh in agreement.
"Yes I do, darling." You say next. "I remember everything I went through with you."
Wanda bites her lips, blushing at your statement. But she continues to talk beyond that.
"There is another kind of spell like that." She says. "Charles was reading with me a line that said If the protector can take the pain, the witch must learn to heal the pain as well. You understand what I mean?"
You sigh softly as you feel the pressure of her fingers increase on the points where you knew you were injured. But it's not discomfort that you feel. It's a different sensation, like an electric shiver that turns into a gentle tightness.
"Yeah, I think so. You'll be able to heal my wounds now, right?" You ask with your eyes closed, instinctively leaning even closer against her hand as the pressure increases, and Wanda just murmurs in agreement, concentrating on her task. "That's pretty cool."
"I still need to learn it properly." She continues. "And I don't want to have to practice."
You chuckle softly at the comment. Of course she doesn't. For her to learn to heal your wounds, you would need to hurt her so she gets to practice, and that possibility is horrible for Wanda.
"I'm sure we'll find an alternative to that, Wands." You murmur lazily, so relaxed against her touch that you begin to feel sleepy.
Wanda continues for a few more minutes, and when she finishes, she goes around your waist with her hands pulling you gently against her, making you sigh.
"How do you feel?" She asks with her face resting on your shoulder, her arms hugging you as you relax against her.
"I feel incredible, love." You reply with your eyes closed. "Thanks to your magic fingers."
Wanda giggles, turning her face to kiss your neck, her lips touching your skin softly and making you smile and sigh.
"Can I make you feel even better?" She asks as she returns her mouth to your ear, playing with the lobe between her lips and teeth, making you hold your breath. "I could use my magic fingers."
You bite back a smile, nodding. Wanda inhales softly, settling herself better against the tub.
Her hands go around your belly with her fingertips, moving upward. You gasp when she reaches your breasts, stimulating your nipples between her fingers.
You let out a satisfied murmur, and your body gradually warms up.
When your nipples are hardened enough, and Wanda has you shivering, she wraps your breasts with her full hands, pressing the flesh against her palm, and you gasp, throwing your hips forward unter water.
"Wanda." You sigh softly as she continues to play with your breasts. "Don't tease."
"I'm not teasing darling." She murmurs back, returning the gentle caress against your nipples. "I'm just getting you wet."
"Just... touch me." You whisper, starting to move back into her, the tightness in your belly growing, and all she did was touch you softly. "Please."
Wanda lets out a sigh, like a giggle, and you don't have to look at her to know she's smiling. "I didn't know you were the begging type, babe."
You grumble under the teasing, but Wanda finally lowers her hands, and you shiver in anticipation, forgetting to respond.
She runs her hands down your inner thighs, but never where you want her. And when you sigh impatiently, she chuckles against your ear.
"Say pretty please again." She teases and you feel your cheeks burn, quickly turning your face to the left, putting distance between her mouth and your ear. All Wanda does is chuckles again, but this time, her fingers go straight to where you want her, caressing your entrance and you gasp.
“M-more.” You ask but she just stands still, her fingertips against your clint while her mouth kisses your shoulder and her other hand goes up to your breast, to repeat the moviments from earlier.
You have trouble keeping your eyes open, and when you try to force her finger against you, she just moves them away with a giggle while you grumble of dissatisfaction.
“Wanda.” You warn, but her hand just rests against your thigh.
“C’mon, babe.” She says. “You sounded so hot when you said please. Do it again.”
“No.” You retort stubbornly, but your affected tone makes her smile, her fingers moving closer to your warm center but still not touching and making you clench your closed fists.
"Say, please fuck me." Wanda whispers against your ear, and you feel a sharp, tightly pulsation in your belly, sighing heavily. "And I will."
But you didn't want to give Wanda a taste of victory, even as you came so close to begging for her touch. All you did was press hard against her, your ass fitted against her hot core, and she gasped in surprise and arousal, digging her nails into your thigh.
"Cheater." She murmured breathlessly, making you smile, but your advantage was short-lived when she pressed your breast into her palm, and without any warning, slid a finger into you, entering easily through both the water in the tub and your arousal.
"Oh." You moaned loudly, one hand gripping the edge of the tub as Wanda moved slowly inside, making you squirm. "More, babe. Please."
Wanda chuckles at your hopeless tone, but obeys, inserting another finger now. It slides between your edges with ease, and you bite your lips to avoid being loud. But when Wanda presses her palm against your clit as her fingers move in and out of you in a slow, torturous rhythm, you whimper, squeezing your hands on the edge of the tub until they turn white.
"You're so tight." Wanda whispers against your ear, her hot, wet breath sending shivers throughout your body. "My sexy baby taking my fingers so well."
You moan softly, becoming even more aroused by Wanda's words. She sighs against your ear, quickening the pace of her thrusts, and you begin to feel the tightness under your belly reaching the limit.
"W-wanda... I'm clos-oh" You can't maintain a coherent sentence, thrusting your hips in the same rhythm as Wanda's fingers move in and out of you, and Wanda grunts against your ear, her fingers sinking into you.
"Show me how it feels, Printsessa" She asks and you need to concentrate beyond pure pleasure to be able to share your sensations with her. When you do, Wanda moans loudly against your ear, the hand on your breast squeezing firmly, pulling you against her and making you gasp. "Is this how you feel with me, baby?” She asks with a breathless whisper. “It’s so fucking good." She whimpers, increasing the pace of her fingers, and now stimulating both you and herself, and you use your free hand to keep yourself from screaming, knowing that the noise would attract the attention of the other residents.
"I can't hold it." You whimper, your body beginning to spasm out of rhythm with the strokes, you are so close.
"So don't." She gasps back against your ear, and it's the next second that you come, your walls clenching against Wanda's fingers, and you see stars, your loud moan is muffled by her hand on your mouth when you can't keep the gesture and clench your hands under the water.
And you are barely recovering from your orgasm when Wanda reaches hers, sharing it with you, and you moan deeply, turning a complete mess against her, feeling your body explode with pleasure again.
You stand in silence, trying to normalize your breaths, Wanda's fingers slip out of you, making you sigh, but she keeps her hand on your thigh, until she joins the two at your waist, smoothing you better against her.
"I can't feel my legs." You mumble breathlessly, your body tingling completely from the intensity of the orgasms. Wanda just gives an equally affected laugh, moving one of her hands up to push her wet hair out of the front of her face.
"Too bad, I still want to taste you."
You grunt softly, feeling your face heat up. But you sure as hell won't protest when Wanda's hands start coming down again.
“It really worked.” You murmurs impressed, as you button a clear shirt up, getting ready for having some food since you and Wanda skipped lunch, being busy with things. The bruises that you once had, are all gone. A few red spots were seen, but nothing too remarkable as before.
Wanda bites her bottom lip, kneeling in the bed, still naked. The vision was a gift from heaven you could say.
“If you feel any pain, tell me.” She asks as she watches you dressing. “I could try to ease that too.”
“You’re too good for me baby.” You commented with a shy smile, getting closer to her again. Agatha liked well dressed manners, she said. That’s why almost every set of clothes she gave you had ties, and sweaters. You and Wanda teased her about being old.
And that's why you're knotting your tie, and Wanda is unbuttoning your shirt. Wait, what?
"Hey, hey." You quickly warn, holding up her fingers, as Wanda giggles with her gaze gleaming in mischief. "We can't stay here all day, sweetheart."
"Can’t we?" She retorts in a mixed tone of defiance, making a pout that makes you want to kiss her.
"You know we can't." You retort with a smile, caressing her cheek before buttoning the buttons she has opened. Wanda bites her lips as she watches you. "I can bring you something to eat, but eventually we have lessons."
"No, that's okay, I'll come down with you." She says but doesn't move from her spot, and you raise an eyebrow curiously, but Wanda was just waiting for you to finish buttoning your shirt before pulling you up by your poorly tied tie, rising to kiss you on the mouth.
You smiled against her lips, bringing one of your hands to her neck, kissing her firmly.
"Are you sure we need to go downstairs?" She murmurs breathlessly against your mouth, and you sigh.
"Maybe another ten minutes."
It takes another half hour for you to leave the room.
Wanda accompanies you, straightening your crumpled clothes before you head to the kitchen.
Fortunately, Charles had saved some lunch for you, and between smiles and stolen glances, you ate in silence.
And when Agatha asked you to join her upstairs, for her occlumency lesson, Wanda kissed you on the cheek and wished you good luck.
Agatha's private study room was dark.
Unlike the library, or Charles' offices, which were extremely cozy.
Here, you felt almost intimidated. But Agatha seemed relaxed, and you felt confident enough with your magic to enter.
"You know the fundamentals, Miss Stark, so let's not stall." She says as she walks over to one of the cabinets, working to remove her rings and place them on the wood. "Sit back and relax. And know that I'm going to try the real thing, Y/N. Just like an opponent would."
You swallow dryly, but murmur in understanding, walking over to sit in the armchair that Agatha seems to have left ready for you.
She turns around, and takes the seat in front of you. With a flick of her fingers, one of the books on the bookshelves in the room comes flying toward her, floating in the air, open at eye level.
She grumbles softly as she reads, probably checking the spells correctly, and then the book closes and returns to the bookshelf.
"In a fight, a wizard's mind can be their greatest enemy, Miss Stark." She begins, rolling up her sleeves, and you hold your breath in anticipation. "That's why you need to protect yours as best you can."
"Professor Erik taught me a few things." You mutter, but Agatha raises her eyebrow in disbelief, and you are almost offended. "Hey, I'm not that helpless."
"Is that what you think?" She challenges. "Look closer."
You frown in confusion, and try to understand what she means.
Then you notice the other figure in the corner of the room and almost jump out of your chair.
An illusion, Agatha never sat next to you, and she disappears the same second you noticed her.
"What the fuck....?"
"Illusions, Miss Stark, will be the least of your problems if the dark lord has access to your mind." Agatha warns as she moves from the shadows of the room, her hands folded on her belly, looking at you, who was still in shock from the last trick. "But I will teach you to recognize and escape false images first."
The first lesson is not easy.
Honestly, it is so exhausting that by the time Agatha frees you, you are stumbling sleepily to your room.
You fall into bed still in your study clothes, and are almost closing your eyes when Wanda walks in.
"Hey, sweetheart, aren't you going to dinner?" She asks, but you don't even open your eyes, muttering that you were going to sleep.
Wanda walks over to you, gives you a kiss on the cheek, and turns out the lights.
It takes another three weeks for something to happen.
Technically, a lot has actually happened.
You have learned to break illusions, create them, protect your mind from mid-level invaders, lie in a way that rings true in your mind and fools any invader.
Agatha won't admit it, but you are a very talented Occlumens.
And Wanda, is quite the opposite of that.
Charles often comments that maybe it's the power of scarlet magic, but he''s never seen someone who could manipulate the mind of others so easily. Not since Agatha, and the witch makes a sarcastic remark, but has a proud smile as she goes out to harvest carrots.
Where you are expert at protecting the mind, Wanda is at attacking it.
She doesn't have the same strength as you in blocking Agatha, but you can't invade anyone's mind without putting in a lot of effort.
"I think it's an interesting thing, actually. " Charles comments next to you, in the fourth week of studying mind magic, with the four of you sitting in the room, and Agatha in the armchair in front of you, while you have your wand raised and try to get into her thoughts. "You balance each other perfectly, you know? Y/N can protect your mind while you attack, Wanda. It's quite useful."
"Great observation, Charles." Agatha congratulates impressed, not seeming to have any difficulty blocking you even while talking to someone else.
"Does that mean I can get inside your head through her magic?" Wanda deduces in curiosity, but didn't expect anyone to confirm, her eyes glowing red and connecting with your mind.
You choke, firming your touch on your wand, and because you were already trying the spell, you manage to get into Agatha's mind without any problems with Wanda’s magic.
A small girl is running down a hallway; it's Hogwarts.
"Freak!" " Weirdo!" are the whispers of the crowds of children she is passing through.
And then the whispers change to "watch out, she's the principal' daughter" "I heard she killed that Ravenclaw boy"
A mirror. Agatha must be sixteen now, she looks young. She stares at her reflection, and then punches the glass.
"You are a disgrace to this family." A woman says in front of her as the memory fades to another, looking at her with contempt. "A scandal like this. Our coven will recommend your expulsion."
"I never wanted to be a part of this, Mama!" Agatha exclaims in a mixture of anger and hurt. "I hate those old backward women, I want to learn everything I can and -"
The slap is loud. "Rules exist to keep everyone safe, Agatha. You're too selfish to realize that."
It gets faster, the flashes. You watch Agatha grow up, study in hiding, kiss a girl behind the candy store who pushes her away when the older schoolmates laugh, you listen to the cruel comments, watch her buy the cottage, meet new people, and many colored lights, the spells she has already cast blending throughout the memories.
"Please, daughter, forgive me" She pleads in a crying voice, but Natalya looks at her with contempt. "I will do the right thing this time, please, I-"
"Swear it."
You see a flash of the day she took the perpetual vow, her hands entwined with her daughter, and then you see more quick flashes of lost moments, until you focus on the day she was alone in Magda's house again, her hand on the cheek of baby Wanda, now asleep.
"Forgive me, I have failed again."
The memory shifts, you watch Erik crying at a memorial service, many other people dressed in black beside him.
She talked to Erik about the girl, asking if he had noticed anything strange.
Visiting a mansion, your home. You see yourself, about five or six years old, playing in the backyard with your brother, the emaciated image of your father talking to her in a low tone, delivering a letter.
More unclear flashes.
Agatha writing the acceptance letters from the school that year, the name Wanda Maximoff emblazoned on the paper.
The day Wanda and Pietro enter Hogwarts, Agatha rummaging back into her old journals and books.
Agatha starts to resist then. You see two more flashes of class, before she pushes you and Wanda out of her thoughts, and you choke breathlessly, stumbling away.
The teacher gets up quickly, aggressively throwing herself at you two, and you cover Wanda with your body immediately, but she calms down, because Charles puts his arm around her waist.
"Agatha, breathe." He asks softly, and she seems to come to her senses, shaking her head, and casting an almost embarrassed look at you, before muttering apologies and leaving the room.
You and Wanda are wide-eyed, in shock at all you have seen for long seconds, as Charles sighs and moves to organize the books you had messed up when the lesson began.
"She's going to need some time." He says turning to give you a tender smile. "But don't worry, I can continue the lessons with you two. For now, I suggest a cup of tea to everyone, and we can continue tomorrow."
"S-sure, that sounds great." You mumble awkwardly, turning your face to Wanda, who looks troubled. "Everything okay?" You whisper to her, and she forces a smile, nodding.
You won't push it, so you even squeeze her hand gently before following Charles into the kitchen for tea.
Agatha doesn't leave her room for six whole days.
Charles just says that she is tired, and brings her meals.
You only study next to Wanda; it's not as if you can feel guilty about something she has done to you so many times.
And then, as if no time has passed, the former headmistress comes into the kitchen in travel clothes, while you are eating lunch.
"Good morning?" You exclaim in surprise, and the teacher only murmurs with a nod, picking up an apple from the fruit tray and turning toward the front door.
You exchange a confused look with Wanda before the two of you quickly stand up.
"Agatha, where are you...?"
"Hogwarts." She replies without stopping walking, as you follow her down the hallway to the exit. "Stephen has hidden the darkhold in the spiritual plane of the castle. I'll get it, and read it to Miss Maximoff as promised."
"I-" Wanda starts half uncertain, but Agatha gestures quickly.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." She clarifies. "We'll need him to perform the ritual as well. Please help Charles with the house, and if possible don't damage my vegetables."
And on the porch, she apparated.
You and Wanda stared at the empty space for a long moment.
"What just happened?" You mutter.
"Did our spell drive her insane?" She retorts back, and you sigh, turning to go back inside, and close the door, Wanda following you inside.
"I have no idea." You say. "Let's let Charles know she's gone, and try to keep him from blowing up other cauldrons while she's out."
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