#Patients Safety
ameristarstaffinginc · 7 months
Because we are a leading provider of healthcare staffing, we know what it takes to be a good physical therapist. These are the qualities that we look for in choosing candidates to become part of healthcare facilities to ensure that patients receive high standards of service
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #117
One day, May receives a threatening letter at work. It says, "Do you know who your nephew is?" and contains, crushed into the page, a dead spider.
Horrified, May calls Tony Stark. Plans are set in place immediately to move the Parkers into Stark Tower for protection while Tony tracks down the people who sent the threat. 
Peter is at school during the chaos of getting May to the tower. He only learns what's happened when he's called out of class. When he gets to the office, it's Tony waiting there (with the very stunned school secretary) to pick him up. He has his nanotech housing unit on.
Tony explains once they're in the car. Peter freaks out until Tony promises that May is already safely at the tower with Happy and Pepper. Only then does Peter notice that Tony's hands are shaking too.
All of this was not what the villains wanted. Their plan had been to scare May into abandoning Peter. They didn't know that she already knew who he was, and they definitely didn't know that the Parkers were close to Tony Stark.
An abandoned and homeless Peter would have been much easier to kidnap. Now, they will have to step up their game.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
Blake: (panting with exhaustion as she struggles to hold herself up) Yang, please! I know you're still in there. Please stop!
Evil!Yang: I like it when you beg. (Saunters over to Blake, holds her chin between he finger and thumb, and tilts Blake’s face up) Do it again.
Blake: (eyes nearly turn completely black as she shivers so violently her knees give out)
Yang: (breaks character and catches Blake) Babe! Babe?! Are you okay???
Blake: Never better~
Yang: Okay, maybe we should stop role-playing this for a little while.
Blake: Don't you dare!
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the-raindeer-king · 19 days
Deer, I had such a specific thought about Ghost and I just HAD to share.
You know how gruff he is canonically then reading fics with him being soft with his partner, I really think both are so in character but it takes a lot of time for him to get there.
I think any relationship with him even just knowing him before a relationship would start rough. It would be Ghost at his most natural sharp and rough state because that's what he grew into to protect himself (from his history and current job occupation tbh)
But say he has someone he knows he cares for, that harshness takes on a new intensity with a very VERY firm stance on needing to keep that person close. Safe. It might even come off as too much or too intense and overbearing at first.
Tbh, what I think really helps Ghost grow softer with someone is that you have to give him a way to redirect that intensity because it's part of him. The gruff, rough, sharpness in him is him. But honestly I think he'd best understand if he was told to not 'build a home with you', but to make you a fortress.
This is a guy who is so intense in all that he does, the drive and the force is all there, so giving him a way to channel it into building metaphorical walls around him and you, protecting and being ready to bite at anyone who tries to come too close to that 'fortress' while he can let himself slowly grow softer over time inside where it's just him and you.
Ghost is a very weaponized individual. He has the sharpness but I really think any relationship with him he has to realize he can direct the sharpness outside of that relationship and be soft inside of it. He's harsh naturally he can't stop being that, but he can weaponize it to protect
It's 4 in the morning and I woke up with this and needed to share it so here
Your brain is so beautiful, anon. Imma give you a kiss on the forehead. This was such a good take on Simon. And you're so right. He needs somewhere to redirect his sharpness, so he can be all soft and sweet with his love. It'll take time, and there will be mishaps on the way, but all the best things in life are worth working hard for. And Simon's more the willing to put in the work, to make his love happy.
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heardatmedschool · 1 month
“NEVER make a decision based on an EKG that doesn’t have name, date and hour.”
Y’know, for safety reasons.
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see-arcane · 2 years
A Gothic Tale of Two Weird Old Men: Dracula, Van Helsing, Ignorance and Obedience
So, we’ve gotten to the garlic flowers. And the first point in the novel where, on my first read, I felt a tiny prickle of recognition and unease. This section in particular made a little exclamation point pop up over my head:
"Oh, Professor, I believe you are only putting up a joke on me. Why, these flowers are only common garlic."
To my surprise, Van Helsing rose up and said with all his sternness, his iron jaw set and his bushy eyebrows meeting:—
"No trifling with me! I never jest! There is grim purpose in all I do; and I warn you that you do not thwart me. Take care, for the sake of others if not for your own." Then seeing poor Lucy scared, as she might well be, he went on more gently: "Oh, little miss, my dear, do not fear me. I only do for your good; but there is much virtue to you in those so common flowers. See, I place them myself in your room. I make myself the wreath that you are to wear. But hush! no telling to others that make so inquisitive questions. We must obey, and silence is a part of obedience; and obedience is to bring you strong and well into loving arms that wait for you.”
Now, full stop, Abraham Van Helsing means well. He’s a heroic old dude driven by goodwill—and, we can assume later, perhaps a bit of personal history with this particular malady. We’re going to see in later chapters that he is absolutely down to fight for far more than just Lucy and his protégé’s sake. Better still, he provides a great foil against the common themes that so far endanger characters who get in Dracula’s path. Skeptics are endangered because they only acknowledge the truth of the bogeyman in their midst when it’s too late while the frightened believers are too paralyzed by the threat to make a move. Van Helsing combines the Scientific with the Mystic, acknowledges both as equally important, and uses them to his advantage.
Knowledge is power and all that. Dracula really does get away with most of the shit he does half the time because his victims don’t know what they’re dealing with. (The other half of the time, it’s because he’s just bulldozing through victims on a spree, RIP Demeter crew.)
The Count is usually the one holding all the cards and using his advantages to cause harm. Van Helsing brings his own intel and uses it to help to the best of his ability.
That being said?
(Mild spoilers below)
The first time I read through Dracula—and, honestly, every time since—I can’t help picking up on how precariously close Van Helsing treads to the Count’s M.O. of manipulation and Dramatic Withholding of Information with his young charges. Granted, I can let some of it slide via the, ‘But no one would believe me if I said it was a vampire! I had to keep quiet about my reasons!’ excuse.*
*(But, sir, could you not conjure up some convincing medical-sounding bullshit?? It’s the 1890s, they would have bought anything. In fact, why was it only down to you and Jack keeping watch, Dr. Drama? There’s a whole house staff here. Yes, fine, there’s Mom with her weakheartitis, but as long as you spin it as some minor irritation that needs checking in on for updates, it should be fine. And why does Lucy have to keep quiet about the flowers? Why can’t she say it’s for her sleep? Or her health? Or a good luck charm from the doctor, it would be Terribly Rude to Be Rid of Them (read: Against every Victorian bone in hers and Mama Westenra’s body to chuck them). Anyway.)
Without giving too much away, I feel Stoker kind of tips Van Helsing’s charisma points a little too far over the edge in future scenes. Mixed up in a shitton of future The Power of Christ Compels You! overtones, there is a lot of frankly bonkers acting from the rest of the cast when it comes to interactions with/gratitude to Van Helsing for [REDACTED] reasons.
As in, characters are going to start kissing the ground this old man walks on. (metaphoric)
And kissing his hands. (Literal. Yes, Godfather style.)
Dracula was lucky to get flipped off by his Brides. Van Helsing will have these youths rally around him and Every Syllable He Breathes as if it were actual factual gospel (which some is, naturally). With a notable exception in a very livid Jonathan Harker when we get to [REDACTED]. Shout out once more to Bram Flakes for accidentally making this solicitor man Spicy+ after certain events.
Most of me wants to believe Van Helsing’s effect on the others is just Bramarama Stoker pouring all his personal fantasies of being the Lauded and Heroic Professor Doctorman (who happens to share his name, no big deal, ha ha) into this character while the others sing his praises.
But the lit critic in me sees an uncomfortable amount of parallels between Dracula’s casual arcane actions, gaslighting and coercing with Jonathan and Van Helsing’s likewise casual mysterious measures, corralling, directing, and borderline mesmerizing the rest of the cast to follow his lead exclusively, with or without offering the full details of the situation, as we see with Lucy. He’s a good man and an interesting character, but there are Some Scenes that make me wonder if he isn’t using some kind of lowkey hypnotism to make things run a little smoother in the vampire hunter brigade.
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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naamahdarling · 1 year
Oh y'all, no, I've said it before and I will say it again, I'm not here to excuse or be less critical of medical professionals in general. I'm not here to be nice to the profession as a whole, or not talk shit about it. I don't have to be nice or rein in my anger.
In person, I can hold all that in me AND be deeply respectful even when I disagree, and treat all new staff with kindness and politeness. Not only do I genuinely respect the knowledge that they possess that will help me become well, they truly haven't done anything wrong yet. They're people. And when they do something awful, being shitty in the moment isn't something you can fix a problem with or use to hold someone responsible right then. It usually makes things much, much worse. I've lost my temper three times ever with medical professionals and their staff, and those were instances where I was being abused and neglected, being maliciously lied to in a way that jeopardized my life, or when I was threatened with violence with no provocation. Read that again.
So I'm here for respecting medical professionals and clinic staff. I'm not here to be chill about the profession, the harm it does me, or the harm it does to others. I don't have to like them. Actually, as a whole, I hate and mistrust them. And that is founded in experience. Mine and others'.
I'm working on it, some, in therapy. On the very worst of the rage. But it's slow. And I'm doing it for myself, to make things easier for myself, not because I am at all concerned about being nice to a group that has caused me a truly breathtaking amount of pain. I don't have to forgive, or trust. I do have to be respectful and fair to the extent that they do the same. But the profession has repeatedly proven it has no right to forgiveness or trust, and never will.
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moe-broey · 2 months
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Oh, poor thang!
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sweetmage · 4 months
Autism and ADHD headcanons are amazing and healing (I have a ton, of course) but some of y'all are not ready for the neurodivergency headcanons that include BPD and other demonized disorders y'all have not learned to be sensitive and normal about.
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sherlock-is-ace · 3 months
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breads-voice · 1 year
Unless you have been the sole nurse on a unit (whilst your one colleague is on break) finding a patient with no heart beat, call the crash team and initiate a CPR/resus attempt alone: you do not get to say the NHS has enough nurses.
At the moment, this is a scenario most NHS nurses worry about whilst going to work every day.
For each extra patient a nurse has outside the safe ratio of care, mortality for those patients raises 7%.
Steve Barclay, the Health Secretary’s, solution is that nurses should work harder. We’re already doing the work of 4 nurses, 2 assistants, the cleaner and cook. We are already exhausted.
Patients do not deserve to be treated by exhausted nurses.
Nurses deserve to be able to treat their patients whilst not compromising on self care.
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heardatmedschool · 3 months
“I’ll be going to the bathroom to cry for a bit.”
OR nurse after the scrub tech opened the third (3rd!) contaminated osteosynthesis box of the morning.
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insanefan · 4 months
Gave the boy some comforts for all that hurt
Val’dran doesn’t typically lose awareness of his surroundings when he’s panicking. If anything, he focuses too much on all of it, desperately trying to find somewhere safe, somewhere hidden, and dark, and quiet where he can panic without being found. But he does get something like tunnel vision, he knows that. Focuses so much on one aspect of safety that he may ignore others.
Still, he’s… surprised when he finally calms this time. He’s… warm. Comfortable. He’s wrapped in a blanket, which his exhausted mind can’t really recall having happened at all, and…
And there’s Halsin. He’s the source of warmth, sitting close enough that Val’dran feels his heat through the blanket, but attention on whittling on a piece of wood.
…He was nowhere near Halsin. When did he…?
“This might just turn into another duck,” Halsin says thoughtfully.
Val’dran blinks slowly, not quite following. Duck? Oh, yes, Halsin’s wooden figures, the whittling, that makes sense. He’s not entirely sure what that has to do with anything, but he has to admit Halsin’s calm voice is pleasant to hear regardless.
“You like cats, don’t you?” the druid continues. “Maybe I’ll try to whittle one of those next.”
“…I’d like that,” Val’dran mumbles.
Halsin turns to look at him, gaze soft and warm. “I’ll see what I can do,” he nods. “How are you feeling?”
Val’dran twitches an ear and averts his own gaze, cheeks heating faintly. How long did he get lost in his own head, to not even have noticed Halsin? To not have noticed being wrapped up in a blanket?
“…Exhausted,” he admits. “When… what…?”
He can’t seem to figure out what he should be asking, and grimaces at his own lack of eloquence. He hates how out of it he gets. Hates how panicking drains everything, leaving him a hollowed-out husk of a drow. It gets better with rest, of course it does, but the way that horrible fatigue sinks into his bones and fills his head with fog is… unpleasant.
“You showed up some ten minutes ago,” Halsin offers. “I hope you don’t mind I took the liberty of wrapping you in a blanket – you were terribly cold.”
Val’dran shakes his head. He doesn’t mind. But what Halsin says—
…Val’dran approached him?
It’s neither dark nor hidden. But… but he must’ve felt there would be safety to be found with Halsin. Quiet, yes. Warmth…
He sought Halsin out because he thought him… safe?
The realisation stuns him for a moment. Places are safe. Hidden nooks where he can’t be found. Not people. People are dangerous, they might at best mock you for weakness, at worst exploit it. But… no, Halsin wouldn’t do that, would he? He’s… safe.
…Val’dran doesn’t know what he’s supposed to think about that.
“You needn’t talk about what set off the panic,” Halsin says. “But would you like a hug?”
Well. That must be exactly why he thinks Halsin safe, mustn’t it? He doesn’t demand. Never demands anything from Val’dran, only offers, asks, gives.
…But Val’dran still feels somewhat shaky, despite the blanket. A warm embrace… wouldn’t be amiss.
“Yea. Please,” he murmurs. Sits himself up a bit.
The hug Halsin gives is slow and gentle and wonderfully warm. Val’dran swallows thickly and hides his face in Halsin’s shirt. It smells of earth and greens and Halsin. Safe. He’s safe.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#head instructor to the TAs in the lab section i TA for: how r u guys feeling abt the workload?#me who hasnt graded anything since week 1 and spent an hr that morning filling out a patient safety plan: 🙃#listen. we r experiencing symptoms that make us shitty at our job. which is not helpful for a positive outlook#i was also experiencing horrible cramps at the time bc i lost my ibuprofen and 2 days ago i stopped the birth control in a desperate effort#to stop feeling terrible. but in this moment i feel alright. its wild to go from drastically unhappy to like lol wtf was that? anyway stop#being a bby loser. for no obvious reason. im gonna start the birth control again to see if i get depressed again or if that was just me lol#i dont think my therapist understands the depth of my executive functioning issues tho. bc im a grad student and can meet deadlines. like#let me tell u im a fucking disaster abt starting things. i will go back and forth and get nothing done forever. or i do things halfway and#make everything 30 times more difficult later bc no one else understands how my brain works#ah well. itll b fine. sometimes i just get freaked out that i wanna b better and i dont kno how to do that. so i spiral in despair a lil#ill b fine. im good at catching myself before i get too out of control. annoyingly tho i am not currently beating the bip0lar allagations#bc whatever tf is wrong with me i do probably fit the diagnostic criteria for bip0lar 2. i dont kno y that freaks me out so much. i guess#its bc it feels like something i cant just make better thru force of will and i grew up in a home that was very obsessively#health conscious to the point my dad gets anxious abt taking a single ibuprofen. so like ive been conditioned to get freaked out by#medication. literally my grandma will call me and tell me to b suspicious of doctors and to not take medicine unless absolutely necessary.#like lady u r the genetic reason i have 0cd shut the fuck up. also it feels like something that would more negatively affect how ppl think#of u than saying oh yea i get depressed or i have anxiety. like the connotation feels worse im used to just telling ppl whatever tf#my problem is. so the idea of holding something back feels weird. which annoys me bc i dont think there should b so much of a stigma. its#bullshit. anyway idk. im tired. i was trying to think of a comfort tv show with my therapist and all i could think was the terror#when im depressed i wanna watch those English mother fuckers suffer and die. i just lov that show so much. harry g00dsir my beloved. the#most me coded character to ever exist#unrelated
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