#Persephone tarot deck
zurgles · 4 months
Tarot Decks I Own (as of June 2024)
I got most of these (after the RWS) when I last quit smoking a couple years ago (think I made it five years) as a deal with myself - I could spend my cigarette budget on indie tarot decks. I started up again but it was a good incentive at the time.
I have also traded and given decks away so there are more that I’ve had and lost, but this is my current collection of 27 tarot decks (I’ll make a separate post for oracle and misc decks). I also tried to get these in a way that corresponded to the majors order to help limit my spending but it got pretty neurotic with swapping out deck positions and stuff so I’ve stopped worrying about that as much. It kinda helps me remember my collection though.
I put in parentheses the year I got them in, more or less. I added pictures and I'll update with links to other posts if I ever do deck reviews.
1. Shadowscapes (June 2014)
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2. Universal Waite (2016-17?)
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3. Numinous Tarot (Sept 2018)
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4. Britt's Third Eye Tarot (Oct 2018)
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5. Sakki-Sakki Tarot (Nov 2018)
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6. Ophidia Rosa (~2020, trade)
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7. Cosmic Tarot (2019, trade, trimmed)
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8. Next World Tarot (Dec 2018)
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9. Persephone Tarot (Dec 2018)
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10. Fantastic Menagerie, 2020 reprint (2021)
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11. Naturescapes Tarot (2020)
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12. Thoth Tarot (May 2019, trimmed, rebacked)
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13. Tarot of the Sweet Twilight (June 2019)
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14. Spirit Keeper's Tarot, Vitruvian edition (June 2019)
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15. Halloween Tarot (July 2019)
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16. Medieval Scapini Tarot (July 2019) (bday gift - partner)
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17. Tyldwick Tarot, first edition (August 2019)
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18. Deviant Moon Tarot borderless (Nov 2022)
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19. Golden Tarot of Klimt (Sept 2019)
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20. Cult of Tarot (participated, gift from forum creator ❤️)(2020)
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21. Tabula Mundi - Manus perfectus (2020)
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22. Tarot of Magical Correspondences (2020)
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23. Baba Studios Fairytale Tarot (Sept 2019, trade) (no guidebook)
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24. Dust ii Onyx travel edition (June 2020)
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25. Mine (doodlebob tarot) (March 2019)
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26. Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, Revelations edition (2021, unopened)
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27. Fantastic Medical Tarot (majors only deck, gift)
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deitydoodles · 1 year
New moon / Solar Eclipse
Personal Reading
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I love Apollo’a use of the ace of wands to be a thumbs down 😝
In summary my reading is to prioritize myself (energy, health, etc) in creative endeavors for the best results.
As someone with undiagnosed catatonic episodes I feel so guilty about my lack of energy. I need to remember I’m doing what I can and if I listen to my body I’ll be able to know what’s possible without hurting myself.
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riverstyxsarts · 3 months
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“They won’t understand,” Persephone said. She laid her deck of tarot cards on the table in front of him. “They didn’t when I came back.”
“Am I different?” he asked. “You were different before,” Persephone replied. “But now they won’t be able to stop noticing.” 
(click for better quality)
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
How are You Seen and How is Your Style Perceived?
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Hey fellas!! This reading is a suggestion from @evaalison72020!!! Thank you so much for your request! The decks used today are The Tarot of the Divine, The Moonology Oracle, and Believe In Your Own Magic Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest but always be ready for new perspectives.
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Drop your reading suggestions in my inbox for future PAC. Thank you all in advance! Love you🤍
Astrology: Leo, Pisces, Virgo (maybe cancer)
Song: Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas
Vibes: Green, red, yellow, ohi'a tree blossoms, intense emotion, crabs, birch tree, Pele, bow staff, modeling, boho fashion, photography, 999, 4444, swords, lotus root, dragons, monkeys, selenite, howlite
Cards: Queen of Wands, King of Cups, Judgement, Supermoon, Garden
Hello, pile one! I am really digging y'all's energy. You have a very androgynous energy so people have a lot of variety in how they perceive you. I think first I will start with your style and ease into those who know you a bit deeper. So, your style is very earth-toned. How you dress tells people that you are reasonable and balanced. You hate wearing shoes so you don't wear them if you don't have to. You might have a touch of fantasy in your accessories. I see crystal bracelets or pendulum necklaces. You like to wear loose-fitting clothes that make you feel free. I'm specifically seeing a long red skirt. It's about knee length. If a skirt doesn't resonate it could also be a red jacket or sweater that you tie around your waist. People initially see a really free spirit with a whimsical side. People might be surprised by your free spirit but not usually put off by it. You have a very cheerful vibe to you that makes people feel at home. They view you as light on your feet and a positive influence on everything around you. However, occasionally you get excited by something and your eyes narrow in. You have a very intense stare. It can be pretty intimidating.
As for the androgyne tones I was feeling earlier I will now explain a little further. So, you sorta reflect gender at people. This is not to say you are gender fluid or nonbinary but that is a possibility. The vibe I am getting is whatever gender the person perceiving you is, is the gender they see you as. Which can drastically change how people see you, in my experience. Women see you as safe to be around. Men see you as capable and responsible. Nonbinary people see you as a comrade. This also brings in a lot of suiters that get confused by your presentation. I hear many people see you and think, "Woah, did you see them? They looked so cool." These people are always too shy to say anything to you though.
The people who are closest to you view you entirely differently. They know you well enough to see your truest emotion. Your emotions are as intense as the stare I talked about earlier. You have the heart of a dragon. It is difficult to express the deep feelings a dragon would feel through a humans body. It comes out as explosive bursts of immense sensational expression. You are the one laughing the hardest, crying the most, screaming the loudest, burning with fury and jumping all around when you get excited. The people closest to you see you as powerful because of this. They know you are harmless but if challenged you can be extremely dangerous. You are the king of sentiment though so the ones closest never get caught in the crossfire of your emotional depth.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini
Song: Daddy AF by Slayyyer (spirit picked this one... not sure why)
Vibes: Purple, storm cloud blue, peach pink, cranes, wings, bindi, bangs/fringe, sake, green tea, circles, red lips, 222, 555, amethyst, rose quartz, Kali, Lilith, Hekate, Persephone
Cards: The High Priestess, Ace of Cups, Three of Swords, Mirror, Full Moon in Cancer
Welcome, pile two to your reading. You are scene as very mysterious. The public eye doesn't know what to make of you. Honestly, I can see the mystery in the cards but I am also struggling to tap into you. You are very guarded but very beautiful. If you have ever heard of the term kuudere, I think that would be pretty accurate to how to are perceived . If you are unfamiliar with the term it just means you seem very in control of you emotions. So much so that you might come off as cold to some people. You appear to be serene outwardly but on the inside I see you have many different emotions. The style you wear is similar to how your emotions are displayed. Serene and mysterious. I see you could wear spiritual clothing that is meant for spiritual protection. Overall, the public views as an extremely beautiful but private individual that is low-key spiritual.
You have a dark feminine energy to you. This can draw in those who are fascinated by mystery. You don't like to let people close to you though because of painful situations you have been in before. I see you have experienced many heartbreaks and have given many sacrifices to people who did not meet you with gratitude. You honestly didn't let this eat you up inside. You moved forward with confidence and led yourself towards loving yourself. You worked towards the relationship you had with yourself and you resolved a lot of pain that you carried with. Entirely because you were fed up with people breaking your heart. You decided you wanted the person closest to you to stop breaking it too. You.
Those who can even reach the idea of being close to you view you as much softer than the public. They still see you as pretty mysterious but they can see that you are very sweet and accommodating. They have seen you at your worst and watched you kick ass all the way through. They see you as the baddest bitch on the block. It is very rare for you to have people close to you but when there are you are very loyal. You like to invite them over for drinks and thats when you let your truest self shine. You are an absolute riot. You have the wittiest joke and the funniest comebacks even when you are intoxicated. You have allowed yourself to cry on a friends shoulder over drinks too. Alcohol really loosens that vice grip you have on your emotions. I see you really only let your best friend see these parts of you. This person views you as their favorite person on earth. They really truly believe you are an angel. They have supported you through a couple really hard break-ups. I think they will always be the closest one to your heart.
Astrology: Aquarius, Capricorn, Taurus
Song: Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac
Vibes: Grey-blue, gold, purple, white, stain glass windows, arctic foxes, wolves, yokai, beetles, sharks, snow, ice, winter, 111, 963, 100, red hair, feathers, black tourmaline, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia
Cards: 6 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, New Moon, Shark
Hi, pile three! You have an entirely different impression you often give than how you actually are. Those who see you would not be able to guess how you actually are. You give a very scary vibe off to people. Strangers are intimidated by your appearance. Which is such a shame because your energy is so warm and inviting. :( You are very tall and have a broad figure with wide shoulders. You tower over most people. If you aren't physically tall people still get that energy of intimidation from your energy. People scurry out of your way as you walk past and avoid looking you in the eyes. You also have very strong eye brows which might give you real bad RBF. Those who aren't scared off by you, hold a lot of envy for how much you command attention. I also see you have really long beautiful legs that people comment on all the time. They mostly seem like complements but they probably don't really feel like it. They want to be like you but they just don't understand how much it actually bothers you to be as big as you are. I'm so sorry to you about all the door frames you run into and all the beds you have grown out of. It's tough be a big person.
Despite all your physical appearances, you have a lovely soft feminine energy. It is so nice to be in it feels like the biggest, softest, warmest bear hug to ever exist. You are a wonderful host. I can smell something really good so you might be an excellent cook or baker. I see you love to give back to your community through this skill. Which makes those a bit closer see you as this protective loving parental energy. I see you baking cookies for your neighbors and maybe your church. I can feel how happy you make people feel the closer they get to you. You have such a soft heart with a rough outer exterior. It does throw some of your neighbors kids for a loop at first.
Finally, those who are closest to you see you as extremely generous and kind. They know the world thinks you have sharp claws but they know that they are mistaking paws for claws. They love being around you and working together to help being a safer community. They know you give to charity and work in a place that helps those in needs. They see you as the sweetest, nicest person they have ever met in their lives. They wouldn't trade you for anyone. They trust you with their lives. If they are in any danger or in need they call you first. I think maybe at some point you had someone slander your good name because of your appearances. All your closest community friends and family came to your defense and saved your reputation. They truly, deeply care for you and I think you feel the exact same.
Astrology: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius
Song: Cooler Than Me (Cover) by Ethan Fields
Vibes: Gold, black, teal, white flowers, maximalism, alternative fashion, lily pads, frogs, 333, 4646, leaves, vines, coral, mountains, low gravity, forests, fairies, pixies, unicorns, culture, tigers eye, Zues, Aphrodite, Eros
Cards: Queen of Cups, 3 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Full Moon, Expectations
Hey there, pile four. Welcome to your reading! People outside of your circle see you are drop dead gorgeous. You make everyone question their sexuality or fall to their knees. Even your friends flirt with you constantly. You obviously flirt back just for funsies but thaaat can get you into some romantic fiascos that you never had any intention in getting into. Oops, lmao! I see strangers see you in two different lights. There are people who are stunned by your handsomeness. They are the ones turning their heads to get a second look. ;) Theeeeen there are the people who think you are doing way too much just because you like looking good. Thats dumb. Those people are dumb. Their opinions do not matter. That's because you are one of a kind! No one can match your style and brilliance. No one has the confidence to do what you do and make it look THAT good. AND THE BEST PAAART is that everyone knows it. Even if they are acting nasty about it. I see you like to wear lots of jewelry. Chains on chains on jewels on chains. You aren't addicted to glitter. Glitter is addicted to YOU!!! You love to do stuff with your hair too. I see you might have many wigs that you love to trade out. People are always convinced it's your real hair. Everyday you get more and more admirers. The public can not get enough of you.
Your energy is interesting. It is feminine but it presents in such a masculine way. You have this go getter vibe to you but then everything seems to come your way before you can even step towards it. It's like for a long time you had to fight for what you wanted but now people just hand you things you want before you can even ask. When people get closer to you, they just seem to give you things randomly. They will hook you up with their connections. Literally people are doing your networking for you. The way people see you gives you many opportunities in life. Don't worry about getting the opportunities yourself, baby. The universe loves to spoil you through your admirers.
The people closest to you see that you are a go with the flow kind of person. The universe pushes you somewhere and you just let it push you along like a leaf in the wind. Some of your closest friends think you are nuts but they know it always seems to work out for you anyway. Even if you don't make sense to them. They see you are a surviver and they know how ruthless you can be, babe. They see these as extremely admirable traits. The people closest to you feel like they have been around you since you were young so they like to mess with you like siblings would. It is pretty easy to get close to you though so they might not all be that way. They view you as loyal, kind, fun and unique. They wouldn't have you any other way.
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theic-manic · 3 months
Tarot Hellenic Deity Communication Post that should probably be a book someday.
Hello, Feeling inspired by some other posts about Deity identification via tarot I wanted to tweak their ideas and add some additional strategies that help me. This is a devotional post to two of my patron Gods, Lord Apollon and Lord Hermes, who are assisting me with my Oracular duties. Praise Apollo and Hermes.
Post index:
My Background
Some notes about this post
The Major Arcana: Intro
The Major Arcana Deities
The Minor Arcana Part 1: How to incorporate the Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana Part 2: The Suits
The Minor Arcana: Part 3: The Courts Pentacles Swords Wands Cups
The Minor Arcana part 4: Notable Pip Cards
A Note on Gender
A Note on Symbolism
What the Hermes? (important!)
Deity Communication troubleshooting
How to incorporate Shufflemancy as a Tarot reading clarifier (link to another post)
Notable sources (used in addition to my own knowledge & research) My background: I started Tarot at the age of 11 (2001) and own dozens of different tarot and oracle decks, my exposure to various interpretations over almost 2.5 decades has allowed me to appreciate the nuances in interpretations and even assigned deities. As such, while I do know the broader meanings of each card, I also check the interpretation provided by various deck creators as their own divine guidance adds to my work. E.g. The Tower in my Murder of Crows deck has a very different vibe to The Tower in my Gold Lyre tarot deck. I will be covering deck design nuance after the list of card deities. Some notes about this post: Firstly: I will only be listing Hellenic deities as I currently work with the Hellenic Gods and while I have worked with the Kemetic Gods briefly, I have a distant while cordial relationship with them. I had worked with the Norse Gods for 3-4 years prior to moving to my current locale, however I acknowledge that my time with them has passed (at least for now) and I want to limit this to one pantheon. Secondly: In some of the other posts that assign deities to tarot cards, I found it odd that they would assign say, Freyja to some cards but not Aphrodite, arguably Freyja's Greek counterpart. As such, I will be taking care to check that I don't miss any deities due to these overlaps however this means that some deities will be gaining more cards than typically assigned. Note that some of the Gods of other pantheons have multiple equivalents in the Hellenic Pantheon so in the case that occurs, I will do my best to select whichever one already has their Hellenic equivalent listed by other sources and in cases that hasn't occurred, I will select/assign whichever Hellenic God/s best fit the card.
Thirdly: I won't be assigning deities to each of the numbered minor arcana for a couple of reasons; 1. Not all decks have imagery for these cards except for literal pentacles, wands, swords or cups images 2. While I prefer the Rider-Waite approach to providing story images to these minor cards, said images can be distracting to one's intuition or may add to the confusion. However I will explain how to incorporate these cards into your readings to gain clarity, especially if you draw Major Arcana that can be assigned to a couple of potential deities.
Finally: I will be adding the concept of Shufflemancy at the very bottom. This is optional but I find that it can really add to a reading... however as an Apollo and Hermes devotee I am a tad biased.
If you find this post to be useful please share it so that others may find it.
The Tarot Cards:
Major Arcana
The Fool: Pan, Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo, Morpheus
The Magician: Hermes, Apollo, Empusai
The High Priestess: Hekate, Selene, Artemis, Persephone, Aphrodite, Medusa, Melinoe, Lamia, Empusai
The Empress: Aphrodite, Hera, Demeter, Lamia, Empusai The Emperor: Zeus, Ares, Hades, Apollo
The Hierophant: Apollo, Athena, Hermes
The Lovers: Aphrodite & Ares, Eros & Psyche, Dionysus, Pan, Hades & Persephone, Lamia, Empusai The Chariot: Helios, Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Nike, Athena, Lamia Strength: Athena, Artemis, Medusa The Hermit: Kronos, Prometheus, The Muses*, Hades, Hermes, Hekate * The Muses appearing may also be a more subtle Apollo sign, use surrounding cards to guide your interpretation here. Wheel of Fortune: The Moirai*, Zeus, Hermes, Tyche, Morpheus * The Moirai are the triplet daughters of Kronos & Nyx or Zeus & Themis depending on which lore you refer to. They were also on friendly terms with Apollo and worshipped with Apollo at a number of shrines & temples. As such, please check surrounding cards carefully to determine which Hellenic deity/ies this acts as a confirmation card for. I would not rely on this card alone to confirm a deity's presence. Also pay attention to card imagery & any notes from the deck creator in the accompanying booklet if applicable.
Justice: Zeus, Athena, Themis
The Hanged Man: Artemis, Prometheus, Demeter, Poseidon, Hermes, Morpheus
Death: Persephone, Thanatos, Hades, Hekate, Melinoe, Lamia, Empusai
Temperance: Artemis, Iris, Apollo, Hades.
The Devil: Dionysus, Pan, Ares,
The Tower: Ares, Demeter, Eris, Perses.
The Star: Aphrodite, Hermes, Nyx, Astrea
The Moon: Artemis, Hekate, Selene, Morpheus. Medusa, Melinoe, Lamia, Empusai
The Sun: Apollo, Helios, Brigid, Eos
Judgement: Persephone, Hades, Hephaestus, Metatron, Nemisis
The World: Hermes, Nike, Gaia, Kronos, Athena, Demeter, Arachne
The Minor Arcana:
As mentioned at the beginning, I won't be assigning deities to every single minor arcana card however I will be assigning deities to the suits, court cards & a few notable numbered cards to assist with deity identification.
Part 1: The Suits
Wands: Ares, Apollo, Eros, Hermes*
Swords: Ares, Athena, Hades, Athena, Hermes* , Poseidon*
Pentacles: Gaia, Demeter, Hephaestus, Athena
Cups: Aphrodite, Hermes* *Refer to Part 2b
Part 2a: The Courts Pentacles:
Pages: Pan, The Muses, Apollo Knights: Athena, Artemis, Demeter Queens: Persephone. Gaia, Demeter Kings: Hades, Chiron, Pan Swords:
Pages: Athena, Nike, Arachne Knights: Athena, Hermes Queens: Hekate. Athena, Themis, Melinoe Kings: Hephaestus, Hermes
Pages: Apollo, Artemis, Athena Knights: Apollo, Orpheus Queens: Aphrodite, Hestia Kings: Zeus, Ares, Apollo
Pages: Aphrodite, Eros Knights: Aphrodite Queens: Hera Kings: Poseidon, Dionysus
Part 2b: Notable Pip cards (Ace-10) Certain Pip cards of the Minor Arcana have strong deity connections based on their traditional meanings. I will not be covering the meanings as there are enough books covering this.
Aces: Pentacles- Demeter, Gaia, Swords- Athena, Nike Wands- Pan, Aphrodite and/or Ares, Apollo Cups - Aphrodite, The Nesoi, Eros
9 of Pentacles: Persephone 10 of Pentacles: Hephaestus, Arachne
2 of Swords: Hekate 3 of Swords: Hermes 4 of Swords: Arachne 5 of Swords: Ares, Eris, Melinoe 7 of Swords: Hermes 8 of Swords: Athena, Eris, Arachne 10 of Swords: Poseidon
3 of Wands: Hermes 5 of Wands: Hephaestus 8 of Wands: Dionysus 10 of Wands: Hephaestus
2 of Cups: Hermes with the caduceus, this can also clarify a divine partnership (Hades & Persephone, Ares & Aphrodite etc.) 8 of Cups: Nereus, Melinoe 10 of cups: Nike
Part 3: How to incorporate the minor Arcana
Whenever I am reaching out to deities via Tarot I do this in two stages. Stage 1: Deity identification Stage 2: What they want me to know (this is when a structured spread would be appropriate or simply apply traditional interpretations to the cards). Stage 1: With Deity identification stage I am purely interested in identifying who is in my room/orbit/astral right now but as you likely picked up in the Major Arcana list, many deities share cards and this can become confusing, especially if you draw cards that share the same gods. Solution: Look at the minor Arcana cards and which deities they align with to clarify which God is likely reaching out to you either via direct correspondence or relationship. Examples: 1. Sometimes I will draw Major arcana that are typically associated with Hermes & Apollo (makes sense as they're my patron gods) however if I also draw some wands* then I will typically sense that it is more Apollo that is reaching out whereas if swords pop out, or the 2 of cups, then I am getting a Hermes vibe. (*8 of wands is the one wands card I'd assign to Hermes due to its meaning) 2. If I draw some cards assigned to Ares and another God but draw some cups minor Arcana, I will then lean towards this being Ares as cups are associated with Aphrodite. I then consider how the minor arcana + Major Arcana identifiers act as Deity aspect (or vibe) identifiers. E.g. Ares Major Arcana + Cups cards will likely indicate to me that I am getting Ares' softer side. However if I get Ares + Swords, then I am likely being shown his more traditional warlike nature. If I draw Wands cards, then this is typically aligning with some more passionate energy from Ares. And this is when I gather the cards, reshuffle and commence stage 2 where I am seeking what message/s the identified God/s would like me to know. Even when I draw Major arcana in these readings, I will stick to their traditional interpretations rather than deity correspondences. This assists in me receiving a clearer message.
A Note on Gender:
If you are using a gender themed deck (e.g. a Goddess tarot deck) this may make deity identification more challenging for you as you could potentially mistake the identify of a deity depending on the style of the deck. If however you are confident with interpreting tarot or just work with goddesses or gods, that's cool too. Deities sometimes may appear as a gender not typically assigned to them as they find this is an easier way for you to connect with them.
Pages & Knights are gender neutral, so take their pictorial representation with a grain of salt if that helps.
A note on Symbolism: Some decks may have symbols to help you better discern which deity is reaching out, especially with cards that share numerous gods so please pay attention to the illustrations of the major arcana in addition to the clarifying minor arcana cards. Certain themed decks may make this easier or more difficult however if like me you own many tarot decks then the deck you feel called to use is a sign in itself. E.g. Whenever I feel drawn to my Golden Lyre deck, I know that Apollo and Hermes are going to show up (& they do). If I feel drawn to my Vlad the Dracula, Diablo or another "dark" deck, this to me has Ares energy. Ultimately, much of this depends on your connection with the divine, how you best communicate (e.g. which clair-sense is strongest for you), your physical & mental health and ongoing practice with the Gods and honing your intuition.
What the Hermes?! Hermes wanted me to mention that if you see a lot of his cards (you likely noticed that he is associated with many tarot cards) this means either a) your deity has an urgent message that they need him to deliver to you, b) the deity reaching out does not have very good history with one of your patron gods so he is delivering their message to keep the peace or c) the deity is just not good at communicating via tarot (see below)
Deity communication troubleshooting:
The cards are a real mixed bag and/or nothing makes sense: You might be tired, hungry, dehydrated or just not ready to receive messages.
Some Gods take longer than others to "talk": Oracular deities and deities with a decent history with Oracles & the likes are very vocal through tarot for me whereas other deities aren't very good at communicating through tarot & perhaps another method would be best such as Shufflemancy, meditation, tea leaves, automatic writing or a range of other methods. E.g. Ares takes a while to talk to me through tarot and that's often because 1. Apollo is very loud & Ares likes to... give him space and 2. There appear to be some stories of Ares potentially having poor experiences with oracles, e.g. an Oracle allegedly directing the people of various places in southern Asia Minor or the likes to bind Ares' statue in chains and even an annual rite involving this to force him into being more peaceful...  The oracle promises that "thus will he become a peaceful deity for you, once he has driven the enemy horde far from your country, and he will give rise to prosperity much prayed for." Wikipedia I'll admit my ignorance with much of Greek mythology however upon learning more about Ares' history with Apollo and certain Oracle cults I have learned to be more understanding of him taking longer to communicate this way. Even writing this & feeling my back hurt I can sense Ares' disapproval of Hermes & Apollo guiding me to write this post.
How to incorporate Shufflemancy as a Tarot reading clarifier:
Notable sources (used in addition to my own knowledge & research): https://backyardbanshee.com/tarot/deities-associated-with-tarot-cards/
Updates made July 14 2024:
I have started to add the lesser-known deities such as Medua, Lamia, Empusai, Arachne and Melinoe and will slowly add the others. Please comment or DM any Hellenic deity or spirit requests to be added.
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cardicoven · 7 months
🌿Plant Spirit Devotion: Herbal Altars
So this is alittle unorthodox but I've been keeping/tending an Altar specifically for my current Herbal Ally, atleast for the duration of my active devotional to that Plant Spirit (my post about Plant Spirit Devotionals). Currently my altar is set up for Rosemary pictured below. The Purpose of these altars is not to worship or revere the Spirit in the same way that my Persephone Altar exists to venerate the goddess. In my mind a Herbal Altar exists as a dedicated space for the spirit which acts as a reminder of the spirit throughout the day, while the aromatics of the Herbs themselves and the general energy of the Plant is allowed to suffuse the area.
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My Rosemary Altar pictured above contains the following:
Fresh Rosemary: Personally I think the most important thing on a Herbal Altar should be the plant itself, ideally a living plant but when that is unavailable the best alternative is fresh plant matter.
Dried Rosemary: Failing fresh plant matter, dried herbs can work just as well.
Rosemary Essential Oil: An essential oil or similar product made using the plant represents the myriad forms the Herbal Ally can take in your Practice.
A Herbal Flash card for Rosemary: This card not only has beautiful artwork depicting the Herb but on the opposite side contains information revolving around Rosemary's mundane and magical properties allow with a short botanical dossier. This is a representation of the Plants properties and what you can learn from it.
An associated Tarot/Oracle card: In My case I like to have a representative Tarot card for my Herbal Allies, I use the Bottanical Deck by Jessica Bott which happens to have a Card for Rosemary.
A tea light candle dressed in Rosemary oil and dried Rosemary: A representative of the Herb role in rituals, and in my broader practice. I plan on burning this on the last day of my devotional.
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yanny09 · 1 month
one of the things i love about persephone is how she understands human life is long. ive made a sorta idea with her to make a tarot deck but every time i think of it im always so tired. i thought about what to post then the deck plan and i got a very quite "im waiting for when your ready, if it will happen now or never. your yawning every five minutes i prefer you rest. do that in my honor" gentle reminder for whoever is reading this: your gods prefer you to rest then burn. GO TAKE A NAP OR DRINK WATER
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Personal Dionysian Ritual
This is the ritual form I use for my Sunday worship (or, in this case, first-day-of-Anthesteria worship). I think this may hit closer to Catholic or Christian formats than historic Greek pagan ritual formats, at least if the book Hellenic Polytheism - Household Worship is to be believed. But this format is just a bit easier on me in terms of supplies, time, and ability to keep it semi-covert. I don't have the ability to light fires in my current space, but when I do, I usually include a prayer to Hestia at the beginning and end.
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Dionysian Ritual (for Sundays) (Usually) (It's not set in stone)
Approach the altar or worship space. With you, there must be:
A bowl or other vessel filled with water (can be small).
Optionally, you may have:
Sea salt
Divination tools (I prefer tarot, or Sappho/Homeromanteions when I can get my hands on it).
A candle or other source of heat/light/incense (smells, basically)
Place the bowl of water either in front of your statue of Dionysos, or, if no statue is available, in a central spot in your space of worship. The wine and extra supplies may be placed anywhere else. Begin:
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos (Apostolos N. Athanassakis translation) I call upon loud-roaring and reveling Dionysos, primeval, two-natured, Thrice-born, Bacchic Lord, savage, ineffable, two-horned and two-shaped. Ivy-covered, bull-faced, warlike, howling, pure, You take raw flesh, You have triennial feasts, wrapped in foliage, decked in grape clusters. Resourceful Eubouleus, immortal God sired by Zeus when He mated with Persephone in unspeakable union, Harken to my voice, O blessed one, and with your fair-girdled nurses, Breathe on me in spirit of perfect kindness.
After the Orphic hymn, consecrate the bowl of water to make khernips. You may add salt if desired.
Dionysian Khernips Prayer (In between each verse of the Khernips Prayer, I move from just having the bowl on the altar, to holding the sides of the bowl, to holding the bowl up for the last verse.)
After the Khernips Prayer, I pray to Hagios as I actually ritually wash myself with the newly made khernips.
Hagios (For every verse of Hagios, I start with washing my face, then move to washing my hands, and finally sprinkle khernips on my feet, especially if I'm planning on dancing. This isn't actual washing, but more like lightly splashing water on the different parts of me that I wash.)
After Hagios, if there is wine, then I consecrate that, which I'll link my prayer for below. If there isn't, then I libate clean water (will be writing a prayer for that at some point soon), and move on to the next part of the ritual.
Wine Consecration to Dionysos (From the part where I say "This is the gift that..." through to "on the slopes of Mount Kithairon", I raise the wine towards my statue Dionysos as though toasting Him, which is inspired by art showing Maenads serving Dionysos wine.)
After the wine consecration, I pour out a libation of wine to Dionysos while praying my prayer to Dionysos Theoinos:
After the prayer to Theoinos, whatever happens next is up to you. If I'm doing any divination, I'll say a prayer to Dionysos Mantis before going ahead with it. Otherwise, I may dance, or talk about my day, or simply do prayer after prayer after prayer until I've kind of exhausted my talking point. Since most of my rituals are done at night, however, the consistent part is frequently the end, which is my second prayer to Dionysos Nyktelios:
Nyktelios II
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And there you have it! I definitely finished this a bit later than I was planning, but that's okay - I got it out, and that's all that matters! I hope everyone has a good night and a beautiful Anthesteria, and that this was helpful to some degree :)
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daily offerings I want to add into my practice
First up is deities I actively work with and worship heavily
Tarot pulls
Working on my death alter
Cleaning ((offering both to him and the spirits))
Lighting his candle ((maybe not daily but more regularly than I do right now))
Keeping good finances ((once I score a steady job going every day will be devotional time to him as well))
Wearing his necklace or other devotional jewerly
Spring and summer
Keeping my room tidy
Keeping my [her] plants alive
Fall and winter
Tarot pulls ((I need to get her a deck))
Moving my meditation with hades outside to honor her as well
Daily showers
Listening to self love subliminals
Eating fruit
Lighting her candle for skin care ((as well as doing regular skin care))
Daily self cleansing ((even if it is just intentional showering some days))
Remembering to eat every day
Shadow work ((targeted at anger))
Calming exercises
Deep breathing
Remembering to vent my feelings when they get too big ((even if it is just to his candle))
Sadly I am not able to be medicated ((mental health spooky shit)) yet but that is going to be a devotional act for him once it happens. Currently tho:
Tracking my sh recovery journey
I am going to work on a playlist for him but listening to it will be a daily devotional act ((even just a few songs))
Not daily but regularly watching musical cartoons
Also not daily ((dionysus is very chill in my practice so I dont often work with him every day in large capacities)) but working with and making spell oils
Lady Morrigan
I know some people worship the morrigan as three separate entities but often she presents herself to be as one sole entity ((often as the aspect titled Badb)) so I just refer to her as "Lady Morrigan")) however you work with/worship her is totally valid
Study celtic mythology
Scrying work
Daily coffee with her
Asking for her advice with decisions I know I shouldnt make on my own
Shadow work ((general digging into my inner self))
Self love practices ((taking daily time for myself, also considering starting yoga again as a devotional act for her))
Lighting her candle while i get ready ((I wanna do this with a couple people for different reasons but for her specifically I want to devote the time I get dressed to her))
Moon cycle calendar
Queen Maeve
Tend to the plants
Making an alter to the fae is going to be a big devotional act for her as it is gonna be my first outdoor alter
Reading mythology with her
Practicing traditional magic
Now for guides and deities I worship casually
Lady Asteria
I want to start a dream journal dedicated to her
Sleep meditation
Lady Freya
Taking care of my kitten
Caring for my personal relationships
Writing poetry for her
Working on my stories
Boundary work ((this was why he first appeared into my space, what him and I worked on most while I worked with him, and it is what he helps with now that he took a step back))
Knowing when to quit some things
Shadow work ((when I devote the shadow work to Lilith he usually pops in too))
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xjulienbakerx · 4 months
I think prompt 02 or 23 would be really cute, also so glad you’re gonna start writing again! :)
Thanks so much for sending in a prompt! I went with #23. Will probably do the cabin one later, too.
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Lucky (Julien Baker x Reader RPF)
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Julien surprises you by finally asking for a tarot reading. Prompt: a spacious, light-filled meadow.
Word Count: 1,059
Content: no smut, just sapphics reading tarot; lil bit of anxiety from JB
Disclaimer: this fic is inspired by a real person. don't read it if that bothers you. do not repost this fic off platform. do not share it with the person who inspired the character or anyone who knows them.
Prefer AO3? Read it here.
"Will you read my cards?"
You and Julien are resting on your backs on an oversized blanket in the middle of a spacious, light-filled meadow. You've been lying there for hours, enjoying the day and each other. You're currently spaced apart, just the tips of your fingers touching. 
You open your eyes and squint against the sun, suddenly giddy. You turn to Julien with a hand shading your eyes. 
She's staring up at the sky raw despite the sunglasses sitting off to her side. You hate how often she does that. 
"You serious?" 
She smiles but doesn't turn to look at you.
"Yeah, baby, I'm sure. I wanna see what you see."
You bite your lip against a smile and nod. 
You'd both loaded up the back of JB's truck for your day trip. You've always been an over-packer and you wade through several jackets and changes of clothes until your fingers ghost across the only deck you brought along.
It’s your favorite, a gilded tarot deck featuring historical romances. It felt appropriate with how often you were both buried in a book.
You grab the deck along with the leather-bound journal you use to track your own readings. You can't pass up the opportunity to remember everything about reading for Julien. Who knows when she'll let you do it again. 
When you get back to the blanket, Julien is sitting cross-legged with her hands resting on her knees. She visibly swallows and gives you the tiniest smile.
"Ready, baby?" you ask as you sit opposite Julien with the deck and journal between you.
She nods. 
"Ok. Let's just start by breathing together." 
Julien follows your lead, the two of you breathing gently in and out together for a few minutes. When Julien is at ease as she gets, you pull the cards out. Your hands dance over them as you clear them and start shuffling. 
"Got any specific questions?" 
She looks thoughtful.
"Mmm, no. Just wanna see what comes up."
You've never been one for spreads, content to read the cards as they come without boundaries.
You smile to yourself as you draw the cards, still unable to believe she’s trusting you with that unseen part of herself. You pull a few cards from the top of the deck until you feel done.
In front of you is a Five of Cups depicting Orpheus and Eurydice, Judgement represented by Hades and Persephone, and a Seven of Cups featuring Titania and Oberon.
“You’re fretting too much,” you say quietly, looking at the cards as they speak to you.
Julien snorts. “Me? Nah.”
“Yeah you, Baker…mmm. Running the same decision over and over in your head.”
You turn the cards around so that Julien can see them right side up. You walk her through the cards and their meanings to you.
“This story is all about being so in your head that you end up outside of yourself, which sucks on its own. But the thing being warned about here is that there isn’t really a choice that avoids change. I think you’re in a leaping season, gotta make big moves. You’re going to have to grow into an evolved version of yourself no matter which way you want to go. And that’s okay. You’re already you, can’t really do it wrong.”
She stares at you for a beat. “Fuck.”
You preen at her awe. This reading was the first you’d heard about what’s been going through her head lately.
Julien’s a loving, communicative partner but she needs time to process things before she brings them to you. She’s always worried about “making you” do the labor of processing things for her. You’ve told her dozens of times that it’s no bother, that you want to help unburden her even if you can’t fix anything. But time and space are what she needs and you’ve learned not to take it personally.
It’s nice to know you were dead on about whatever quiet battle she’s waging.
Julien gestures at the cards. “May I?”
You nod at her and she grabs each one, staring at the intricate designs and turning them over in her hands. When she gets to the Orpheus and Eurydice one, she lingers.
"Ya know, I used to think he was so stupid but now I get him,” she says. “Like, it’s not about what you think is true, it’s needing to know when it comes to the people you love. I don't think I could be anywhere and not know for sure if you were safe. Asking someone not to love like that is cruel."
You frown.
“Are you worrying about us?”
“No!” she shakes her head vehemently. “No no, not at all.”
She scoots closer and takes your hand, gently rubbing her thumb over the skin as she speaks.
“I just…,” she tucks her hair behind her ears and takes a deep breath. “The last year was so, so amazing but it changed me. I’m different now as an artist and as a person. I don’t want to go back to doing things the way I was before. I don’t…it feels really scary. Like, I can give people what they want from me or I can…experiment. Try new things. But then maybe they’ll be disappointed? I don’t know.”
The sun is beginning its descent for the day, currently covered behind some trees. Julien stares off for a while.
You watch her, struck by how the golden light makes her look like she’s glowing from the inside out.
When she’s ready to speak again, she squeezes your hand.
“I’m just really excited about this all. About you and me moving in together. About the new record. About the new dog…I just don’t want to fuck anything up.”
You shrug. “We’re all fuck ups. But you wanna hear something funny?”
“This is literally what the cards were saying. That instead of fretting and worrying about what other people are doing or thinking about you, you just have to focus on what feels right for you. People will always have opinions and you can’t do anything about it. Just focus on making yourself happy. And when you can’t do that, I’ll help you.”
Julien smiles at you, her eyes wide and a bit misty.
“How’d I get so fuckin’ lucky?”
You lean in to give her a quick peck on the lips. “This is what I’m saying!”
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icymi, here's a link to the prompt list. I'm trying to write short fics to get back into the writing groove. Send a prompt if you want a JB fic :)
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musicalhell · 17 days
Persephone's Gambit Extras: More Fun With Tarot
I've said before that I personally don't consider Tarot to be divinatory (believe me, if I knew of a reliable way of predicting the future my life would be a lot easier), but something more of a combination of improvisational storytelling and meditative exercise. The cards don't mean anything until we give them context though our own perceptions and experiences.
That said, the Tarot in Persephone's Gambit does tend to be a means of foreshadowing (or backshadowing, or side-shadowing, as it were). Because I'm the god, and if I want to make the cards tell the characters things they may or may not pay attention to then dammit I'm gonna do it!
So. In the latest chapter (obligatory shameless plug link) we once again see two spreads, a five-card and a three-card. The first is done for Christine and Raoul by a fairground fortune-teller, and though she's typically vague about the meaning it does apply to their situation:
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The Wheel of Fortune is at the center of the cross. (The first drafts had the Lovers, which was also appropriate--and fun, because the Universal Monsters deck features Christine and Raoul themselves for that card--but I went with this for The Drama). It's a reminder that the only thing constant is change, and there's always something that's beyond our control. Right now, Christine and Raoul are together, happy, and content....but fall is coming on, and Persephone will need to descend to the underworld. What will happen to them when she does?
The Ten of Swords represents despair, betrayal, and ruin--a perfect summary for where things stood in Phantom's dramatic climax. It's a difficult card to confront, but no Tarot card is wholly good or bad. The Ten cards show the suit in a self-perpetuating cycle--in this case, the cycle of violence that leads to destruction. It confronts us with the harm done to us and by us and says: will you continue in this death spiral, or will you break free?
The Emperor is the Major Arcana that embodies those traits traditionally defined as "masculine:" strength, order, guidance, authority. Upright, the Emperor is a just and benevolent leader, but when he's reversed (as he is here) he becomes a tyrant, abusing his power over others and demanding obedience to rigid, confining systems. It's likely the challenges Christine and Raoul will face in the future will come in this form...
The Eight of Swords represents entrapment and imprisonment (and has my favorite art in the Rider-Waite cards). Christine is afraid of being caged, whether by an Opera career overseen by a domineering, possessive impresario or as an aristocrat's wife that will place rigid limits on her life and activities. Likewise, both Raoul and Erik consider the life the other would offer her as something that would limit her. But the Eight of Swords is also a reminder that the power to free ourselves is always at hand...even if we can't see it just yet.
If the Ten of Swords is the doom of the tragic hero, the Ten of Cups is the fairytale ending. It represents the apotheosis of emotional and spiritual fulfillment: joy, abundance, loving relationships. Faced with the traumas of the past and the uncertainty of the future, it confronts Christine with an enticing yet seemingly impossible resolution. Can she really have it all?
Then at the end of the chapter, Erik does a reading using only the Major Arcana, the most deeply symbolic cards in the deck. It's a good technique when you want a reading with clear, direct answers--and he gets them:
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The Tower, like the Ten of Swords, indicates calamity and ruin, often one brought about by the subject's own hubris. Erik has brought grief upon himself and others, and must face the consequences. And like the Ten of Swords, it is a call to action in one's darkest hour. Erik has a choice: sit and decay amid the wreckage of what he has done or, like a good architect, rise up and rebuild on stronger ground.
Erik himself is The Hermit in the UM deck, fitting as this is the card of solitude and social withdrawal. Traditionally, hermits removed themselves from the world for the sake of contemplation and spiritual enlightenment, but a reversed Hermit indicates the subject has become isolated and disconnected from reality. Having spent several days in a state of indolent self-pity, Erik needs a reminder that this situation is not doing him any good.
The Star is the card of hope. It follows the Tower in the Major Arcana and is the first light in the dark, the promise of renewal that follows a bitter and hard end. It reminds Erik that he can find guidance out of his own inner darkness...if he has the courage to seek it.
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therkalexander · 3 months
What actors could look like asphodelon's designs of Hades and Persephone? Because I would die happy if the tv show could have something like them.
Oh man that would be excellent! I think @asphodelon would know who was modeled after who.
BY THE WAY!! She has a beautiful full major minor arcana Greek Myth Tarot Deck with all her character illustrations on every card available for sale here:
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candlelit-cemetary · 25 days
Hello everyone. I know it has been a while but I thought I should post today.
Today I would like to talk about gifts from deities.
One of the first interactions I had with Hecate, before I fully relized I wanted to work with her, was a gift I was given by her.
For some context, a few friends of mine at the time and I had found that we liked to trade decks, weather it be tarot cards or oracle, it was up for grabs, given we discussed it prior to. One of the things I had personally noticed when trading, was that if you traded a deck that didn't seem to meld well with you, your energy, or what you had planned on using it for, the one you received seem to have a stronger energy and bond.
This is my own personal experience with this, it may not work for everyone, but I would highly suggest it, especially if it is with a friend. Anyways, I had a deck that I had used previously with Persephone (who I was either no longer working with at that point, or could tell that she was moving on, I can't quite remember well), which was an oracle deck. I traded that deck for another oracle deck.
The special thing to note about this deck, is that it was the Goddess Oracle, which not only was themed around goddesses from around the globe, but also had the triple moon symbol on the back of the box, cards, and booklet. The triple moon symbol is heavily related to Hecate, as she is the goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, and magick. What makes this interaction so interesting, is that afterwards, I had felt drawn to her. So naturally, I did research as well as asking the deck itself. Shortly after receiving the deck, while asking it about her, I pulled her card in the deck. A confirmation.
I only recently realized the deck was a gift from her herself. I suppose this was to make herself known.
What was even funnier, is that I had complained to said friend previously about not having another deck, as I could sense that something was coming. She knew.
Now, I'm not saying all gods/goddesses will gift you something, but when they do, cherish it close.
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spyrothesquish-0006 · 3 months
Well. I hate having to make this post, however, I am broke. The job search isn't going well, and I just need some extra funds to make it through the month so my bank account doesn't go into the red.
I am offering tarot readings in exchange for payment, and if you are interested, please feel free to message me!
I will link my cashapp in this post, and for every reading, please feel free to pay whatever you'd like. I'm not setting prices because I know times are tough. Any amount helps.
Examples of readings I am willing to do:
Past, Present, Future readings
Yes/No readings
Full, in depth readings for specific issues/questions
The only readings I will refuse is deity confirmations! I don't feel comfy doing those!
However, if you have questions for specific deities, I work with Aphrodite, Ares, Persephone, Hades, Loki, Apollo, and Hermes.
Here's a link to my cashapp!
If I do not respond to a message, please assume it is due to being in the EST timezone and I may be asleep.
Below is the deck I use!
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
Pick a Card: Who's been thinking about you? Why are you on their mind?
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Take what resonates and leave the rest behind, baby. But always be open to new experiences. Decks used are the necronomicon tarot, alchemy oracle, wizard tarot and the crystallary oracle.
🌊Tip your Reader🐋
Astrology: Taurus, Libra, Leo
Song: Taking What's Not Yours by TV Girl
Vibes: Blue, green, yellow, orange, overactive third eye, prophetic dreams, gold jewelry, masks, vulnerability, candles, 555, 7777, swings, volcano, picture books, Hephaestus, Apollo, Aphrodite
Cards: The Empress, Knowledge, 5 of Pentacles, 10 of Books, Autumn, Mystical Sister, Labradorite, Larimar
Hey, pile 1. I see 2 different people who have been thinking about you. I see one of them used to be your other half. Someone you felt close enough to they felt like family. I think y'all had a falling out of some kind. The second one is someone you only knew briefly. You met them right before they started to know themselves. You weren't destine to really know them and they weren't destine to know you. You may have worked with them or went to school with them. It looks like they have been talking about you to each other. It isn't gossip talk by the way. It seems very positive. They both feel like Leo's by the way. I could also see them as Aquarius's.
The former friend is telling this former acquaintance about you. The friend has needed to talk to someone about what happened between you two. They want to make up with you but are a bit too stubborn and prideful to admit they were wrong about whatever you two were fighting about. They miss you a lot. They think they made a mistake by causing such a fuss about this. They regret the falling out. They saw how gracefully you handled the conflict and they feel pretty guilty about acting so childish.
The former acquaintance is learning so much about you from the former friend. They knew little to nothing about you before they started talking to this person. Before, their view of you was very vague but they loved how you dressed and wanted to emulate their style. They really wanted to know you but were too shy to really ask to hang out or to ask where you got your clothes from. The more they learn about you the more they wished they had taken a chance because even though this ex-friend is the one telling them about you they aren't saying anything bad. They hear the stories of you and I think they feel envious of how close this former friend got to you.
You probably know these two are hanging out now. You don't really care because you have moved on from that part of your life. You would totally be open to forgiving your ex-friend and getting to know your former acquaintance but they won't take the chance. You shouldn't reach out either. They have to be brave enough to seek you out on their own. You are very forgiving and kind. I think the only reason they wont come forward is because of their own insecurities. They don't feel they are worthy of your light. They know you are a strong independent individual and they might not know how to handle how good you are at setting boundaries.
Astrology: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Song: Welcome to the Family by Watsky
Vibes: White, blue, orange, silver, apples, trees, storms, ex-christian, reflection, boomer, garden, moon cycles, sea gulls, POS, irregular periods, feminine, 222, 4, birds, Demeter, Hera, Persephone, Artemis
Cards: 5 of Cults, Shame and Decay, Growth, Ace of Wands, Tin, Dissolution, Almandine Garnet
Hello, pile 2. There is one person thinking of you. It is a family member. I feel a feminine energy but it could be someone of any gender. I feel that this person believes you inherited your power and your abilities from them. I don't think this is true, this is just a belief of theirs. They have a lot of believes about you that aren't true to be honest. When they look at you all they can see is a mirror and they see nothing beyond that pre-existing belief. They could be a Taurus or a Libra but I also see Leo energy here too.
This person does not like how you live your life. This person has a predetermined idea of how you should be living. They can't seem to get the idea that you aren't their copy. They think because you aren't following the life they think you should that you are somehow sinning or demonic. They can't seem to understand you are an individual. In their eyes you are an extension of themselves. This way of thinking is really cancerous. They make wild and outrageous claims about your life that are made with no proof or evidence. They are honestly just poisoning their own mind by doing all of this. I hear them praying for you but they don't really know what they are praying for. What they say they are praying for is your uprising and for you to "come to your senses" but they are just praying for your down fall. They gossip to their friends about you and honestly some of the friends that have stood up for you and said that this person was being ridiculous. This person immediately and immaturely cut off anyone who didn't agree with them.
Do not reach out to this person. If you are still in contact with this person I recommend removing them from your connections. They do not have your best interest at heart and I think contacting them would add more fuel to the fire. They are sick in the mind and refuse to admit that they could be wrong. They do not take criticism well and they do not like anything different than themselves. They surround themself with yes-men who will do anything they say. Please, stay safe and protect yourself from such a mean person. They do not deserve your light.
Astrology: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries
Song: Hey, Runner! by The Arcadian Wild
Vibes: Black, brown, rainbow, teal, tendrils, doorways, stairways, 6666, 1234, snakes, crows, ravens, dogs, squirrels, spiders, animals, burrows, wild, water, skeletons, halloween, keys, cats, Pan, Artemis
Cards: 10 of Curses, Rotation, Darkening, Smokey Quartz, Queen of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 6 of Books
Hi, pile 3! I see one person thinking of you. This person was not good to you. They abused you. It could be a former romantic partner or a family member. I also see you might have worked together. Either way they are not a good person. This person made you feel very helpless. I'm sorry they treated you so bad. You deserved better. They did something awful to animal you really loved. They somehow removed this beloved pet from your life. They didn't like that you gave more attention to this creature than them. They were jealous of this animal. They wanted to control you and your emotions. They took joy in your mourning. For some of the people reading, I think this person could have hid that it was their fault that this animal left your life. They could have acted totally innocent when you cried about your loss but for others I think it was very obvious that it was their fault.
The reason they have been thinking about you is because they have been feeling bad about themself. They used you to regulate their self hatred and emotions overall. They miss the power they had over you. They miss being a predator. It looks like you found an out from a life around them a while ago. You escaped their grasp like they always said you couldn't do. You made your own life and you made it beautifully. I don't think you have very active social media or at least not social media they have access too. They have tried to find you online but they can't seem to locate you. When they do find you they text you immediately and you block them like always. They don't like how you see yourself as equal to them now. They are such a piece of shit for real. They do not like that you live is flourishing without them. They are so pathetic lmao.
I'm proud of you for getting away from them, my dear. You have taken such good care of yourself since you left. You are a wonderful and lovely person who did not deserve to get fucked over by someone who was supposed to care for you. This person is tied up in knots about not having control anymore. They will never have control again. They used to feel powerful when they bullied you but now your power over your own life makes them feel weak.
Astrology: Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo
Song: Cherry Hearts by The Shin and RAC
Vibes: Iridescent blue, dark blue, turquoise, gold, cicadas, moons, spilled water, tears, 888, mountains, wings, snakes, mourning star, water, swimming, ocean, copper, eldritch horror, Ra, Horus, Aphrodite Urania, Mother Mary
Cards: Queen of Swords, Moonstone, Chrysocolla, Uranus, Virgin's Milk, Death, 8 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles
Hi, pile 4. So there are two separate people thinking about you. They are unrelated to each other and they do not know each other but they have the same reason for thinking about you. The first person was a friend that was crushing on you hard. I think maybe you had a one night stand with this person and it changed their life. I think they are probably an Aries. The other was a very close friend that moved away. Or maybe you moved away from them. I can see you guys being friends in college. I think this person is a Cancer or an Aquarius. They both were deeply and irrevocably in love with you.
The Aries person followed you around like a puppy. They are a very masculine person but you made them feel a lot different than they usually do. I think you might have been their first real crush or their first fuck. They put a lot of effort into getting to know you even though you made it very clear you did not want a relationship. They still attempted to get into a relationship with you despite your boundary setting. They were a fool. You taught them about their passions which makes me think you have a "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" kinda vibe to you. They really were head over heels for you. I don't think you are in their life anymore. I think this person will think about you for the rest of their life.
The Cancer/Aquarius person was a really close friend of yours. I think either you helped them through a break up or they helped you through a break up. Either way during the mourning process they fell for you so hard but they kept it secret. They didn't know if their feelings were real or if they were just because of the situation. This person might still be in your life but I don't see them ever telling you about their feelings. I think they see you as this really cool and independent person. They don't think someone like you could ever love them. They try to keep their feelings down. They tell themselves their feelings are not real but their heart always skips a beat when they see you. They still catch themselves imagining a future with you. They have some naughty dreams about you too. They can not get you out of their head.
Both of these people love you a lot, my friend. I don't know if it's just your personality but you are just a really lovable person. You might be accidentally flirtatious. I hope this gave you some insight on who was thinking of you, my dear.
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hortus-amoris · 3 months
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random info about my practice because I'm bored
1. I only do "bigger" things on my set devotional days. In fact, on my non-devotional days I hardly do anything with my practice. I wish I could, but I don't have enough energy lol
2. Although I mainly work with hellenic entities, the main entity I work with isn't, he isn't even close to be related to Hellenism lol
3. I do tarot *a lot* It's my favorite form of divination and I collect decks (I currently have around 20?)
4. Before I started this blog and went about reconstructing my practice, I worked with Lord Hades and Queen Persephone for about 5-6 years, and Apollon has been in and out of my practice for a while. (Lord Hades and Queen Persephone will always have a special place in my heart and my practice, they just do not have more to teach me currently, perhaps they will return in the future)
5. Not about my practice but a fun fact anyways: the name of this blog randomly came to me when I was thinking about my deities. Apollon is the sun, and Hyacinthus, Aphrodite, and Hypnos are the flowers.
6. One goal I really want to work toward is becoming a scribe for my deities, or just one of them
idk that's all, I was just really bored
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