#Peter Parker X Flash Thompson
m57528 · 2 months
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 3 months
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It's been too long since I drew Peter and Flash together so here are some kissy sketches
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dwoality2123 · 1 year
My SpideyFlash-loving heart melts at the thought that Flash is technically one of the most constant person in his life. They've known each other since they were young and became good friends as they grew older. Flash has known Peter longer than anyone else in the coffee bean gang. So, like, Spectacular Spider-Man where Peter and Flash are childhood friends and Peter gave Flash his nickname—
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peterbenjaminparkour · 6 months
Thank you @artwinx for these beautiful PeterFlash pieces! I am over the moon about them and cannot stop staring! Absolutely stunning work!
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The first one is a scene from a fic I will eventually write 😂 I adore the details so much! It’s exactly what I had pictured!
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The second piece below was commissioned by my lovely friend @lowkeyed1 as a gift for my birthday today! Thank you so much for my gift 🥹 I can’t get over Flash’s spider socks! The way Flash has his arm wrapped around Peter! Their legs fitting together 😍 it’s perfect!
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Receiving these today was so special!
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revolorilution · 8 months
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let us know who your favorite Tony character pairing is!
Tried to include as many as I could think of. If you choose ‘Other’, we’d love to know who in the tags!
Reblog so your friends can vote too!
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x-gon-give-it · 8 months
Onto Issue two of "Spider-Man/Human Torch" and
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THE ABSOLUTE BEEF BETWEEN FLASH AND JOHNNY. It was instantaneous. They saw each other and immediately threw hands. Over Spider-Man.
What a wonderful way to begin :D
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iridescentparkers · 4 months
study buddies - tasm!peter parker x female reader
a/n - this also works for any peter ;)
THE BRIGHT BLUE flyer posted on the Midtown bulletin gave Peter flashed lightbulbs in his already crowded brain. 
Tutoring. It was the only way he could talk to Y/N. Intentionally walking his body in her direction and offering to buy her dinner? Heck no. Baby steps, he thought to himself. 
So after school today, Peter put on a new hat, an actor. He was amazing at physics, even planning to take AP next year, but he couldn’t tell her that. 
Now, he sits in the dark physics room, putting on an amazing show for his new study buddy. 
“Coulomb’s law?”
“Something with electric fields?” He asked, looking down at his worksheet and tapping his pencil rapidly on the desk.
“Something like that.” She informed, her voice raising an octave as she lowered her lids. 
She picked up her pencil, writing out some numbers in her textbook, “All of these variables should be over “F” squared.”
“Actually “r” squared,” he muttered, looking at the sheet.
“You knew I already knew this?”
“And you dumbed yourself down to come talk to me?” Y/N laughed, darting her eyes from the false practice problems to his large, droopy brown eyes. “I think you win.” 
“Why did you lie?”
“To talk to you.” He informed, shrugging a shoulder as he darted his eyes to Y/N’s expression.
“I know you’re a genius, Peter.” she laughed, patting his shoulder. “We were in the same classes in 9th and 10th grade”
“But if you knew that, why did you agree to study with me?”
“Cause…” she trailed, moving her eyes up and down. “I think you’re cute.”
He felt heat in his cheeks as he ran an index finger over his forehead. Y/N reached up to place a long kiss on his cheek, “Except for when you fake being dumb.”
“The nerd thing is really hot.”
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Parkers, Pots & Periods 
Summary: Reader is Peter’s sister and is going on a field trip to stark industries, the catch? She’s on her period and has POTS… things go badly and Wanda and Nat step in to take care of you. 
Words: 2324
TW: Periods, Pain, nausea (no puking), POTS, Cramps, Bullying, fainting, name calling, Flash (that’s its own warning), Flashes “nicknames” for peter, field trip trope. 
A/n Hi guys I’m alive! Sorry for disappearing (kinda). My life is chaos incarnate. I accidently got stabbed in the thigh yesterday.  But I stuck an avengers Band-Aid on it and I was fine :D
Somehow the universe decided to screw your over three times today. The first, you had POTS, whilst not a new condition it did make the next two things worse. Second you had a trip to stark towers which meant a lot of standing on a tour and being around your class and knowing the avengers would be lurking nearby. And third, the real icing on the cake … you were on your period as if you had blood to lose as someone with POTS and a low blood volume to start with. 
So that was how you were doing today as you arrived at school. Sure, you had graduated about three years ago but there had been talks that someone had found out Peter’s identity and was planning something, which was how you ended up undercover to be a glorified bodyguard for peter… well a glorified babysitter with homework.  You had been chosen by the team as you were the second youngest next to Peter and as a lesser-known member of the team who was young, you could pass as a high school student without raising suspicions. ‘Yay me.’ You thought sarcastically. Leaving high school was amazing and having to go back to babysit your little brother… not so much. 
You skipped training this morning as you were already feeling quite awful due to your period and your POTS which was always made worse when it was shark week. 
As you arrived at school with Peter, happy dropped you both at the block around the corner and you shouldered your old school backpack and sighed. 
“Let’s get this over with.” You grumbled and peter nodded. Neither of you feeling particularly excited to go on a trip through your own house with classmates who hated you. 
Peter was just as unhappy; flash had been giving him shit all week for his internship and wanted desperately to prove the Parker boy a liar today. When you had found out about the bullying you almost intervened before Peter had a talk with you. He reminded you of what uncle ben had said to you both before he died, and your eyes glossed over as you made the decision to respect his wishes and promise to your late uncle. 
As your shoes slapped the pavement with exaggerated steps and dragging movements, a grin itched your face when Ned began waving to you from across the quad. MJ looked up and gave a single half handed wave cross salute before going back to her sketchbook, her legs kicked up on the picnic table. 
You liked MJ and Ned. They had welcomed you to their group and they knew that you had already graduated but agreed to stay quiet if it meant keeping peter safe. They both knew you and your brothers’ real identities. As the second spider that protected the city aside from your brother and Natasha you had decided to keep your identity quiet until Peter graduated, knowing he would have just as many issues with the press if you were unmasked before he graduated compared to him being unmasked. 
You threw your backpack down and threw your head into your arms, letting out an exaggerated groan. 
“You feelin’ alright bonehead?” MJ said looking up from her sketch. 
You simply grunted before turning your head, still resting on your arms to look at her through a furrowed brow. 
“Shark week.” Was all you said, and MJ nodded before turning to her bag and digging around before fishing out a chocolate bar she threw at your head. Your spider sense kicked in and your hand flew up and caught it. 
“Thanks MJ.” You grunted. 
“Anytime Parker.” She said going back to her sketchbook. You leaned over to glance at the page and snorted. MJ simply suppressed a grin and kept working on the detailed drawing of Flash trapped in a display case at stark towers with a placard that read “Bullied Peter Stark, glass tapping encouraged.” With a drawing of Tony leaning on the display case eating a banana with Nat handing out tomatoes to the rest of the team to throw at flash. Leave it to MJ to make this trip better. 
You thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. But curse your Parker luck because that was the moment flash began to storm over. MJ quickly shut her sketchbook as flash stood over Peter.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t penis Parker. I wasn’t expecting you to show up today. With your big lie going public today I thought you would be too much of a wuss to show up. Prepare to be publicly humiliated Parker. Today is the day your life is torn to shreds.” He said.
“Like the lie about you having a brain flash ‘cuz I think everyone knows that’s fake.” MJ said flicking a few pencil shavings at him. She glared at him, and he glared back before huffing. 
“Whatever idiots. I’ll see you on the bus. Parker don’t forget I would hate for you to miss your public execution.” He spat and headed off to wherever it was Flash lurked between tormenting Peter.
“Petey…” you began. 
“No y/n I’m handling it.” He said shutting you down. 
“Alright. Alright. I’ll leave it alone.” You said while silently wishing a piano to miraculously fall on flash. You desperately wanted to help but you also wanted to respect Peter’s decision especially as you knew his reason was fuelled by a very personal experience that had changed both of you tremendously. 
As the last class before the field trip ended you felt like death warmed over. Your head hurt and your period was only making your POTS worse. As you stood from your chair, you had to hold onto the table as your vision went fuzzy for a second. When your sight cleared Peter shot you a pointed look which you shrugged off and headed for the bus. 
If there was one thing you didn’t miss from high school it was field trips, twenty sweaty teenagers in a bus for who knows how long, most likely with no air conditioning which would only contribute to you feeling worse.  None of that was appealing to you in the slightest. 
As you all filed onto the bus you groaned when you sat down, putting your head in your hands, and taking deep breaths. The cramps had been getting worse all day and they were toeing the line of unbearable. 
MJ sat next to you and kept a close eye on your movements or lack thereof. 
As the bus lurched with the traffic you suppressed any of the wounded animal noises that were trying to escape you.
After what seemed like a torturously long bus trip you felt the bus slow to a stop. Looking outside the logo of stark towers was the first thing your eyes fixed on. 
As everyone filed off the bus you swayed slightly trying to fight off the dizzy lightheaded mess along with the cramping. Life really wasn’t being kind to you. 
With a hand resting around your stomach, you watched Peter sidestep flashes foot and walk inside. 
The building was cool when you entered which made you feel a tiny bit better but still largely awful. 
As the tour guide passed out the lanyards you and Peter hung around in the back. 
“I bet puny Parker won’t even have a lanyard, he’s too poor to be let in.” Flash said nearby and your fist tightened at your side in an attempt to stay there. 
When all the passes were handed out Flash was the first to point out you and Peter didn’t have one. 
“Hey! The Parker’s are missing their badges. We’ll have to leave them behind. Sorry no poor people allowed.” He said with a big grin and Peter looked like a deer in headlights as everyone turned to face the two of you. You just shrugged. 
“Friday?” The tour guide asked. “Has there been a mistake?”
“Ms Parker and Mister Parker do not require badges as they have tier 10 clearance, access is granted to all floors, labs and rooms.” A voice said from the ceiling startling a few people.
“That’s Friday.” The tour guide explained “she’s tony starks AI and she runs the tower.”
“I don’t know how you hacked the system, but you will pay Parker’s.” Flash said sticking a finger in Peter’s face. 
“Whatever flash, you’re just mad that you have level 1 clearance and can’t go in the toilets without permission.”  MJ said as flash stormed off after the group. 
As the tour progressed you were feeling worse and worse, all this walking was making the cramps worse, and all the standing was aggregating your POTS. Your vision had been spotty for a while now and your legs hurt. Your midsection was cramping something awful, and you saw no end in sight. 
As the group was shown to the museum floor you did your best to stay rooted to your body as your head felt like it was floating away. 
“Y/n/n you should really go home. If you sneak off upstairs, I’ll cover for you.” Peter said and MJ nodded. 
“I know your white girl, but you’re not meant to be that white… ever.” MJ said and you shot her a small glare with did nothing to deter her. 
“Can’t I have to stay with Peter.” You said swallowing down the nausea you had begun to feel. 
“I can look out for myself.” He said in a soft tone. But you shook your head which was a terrible idea as you swayed, having to lean on the wall the stay upright. 
“Right, that’s enough….” Peter begun but your hearing was fading as Peter seemed to keep talking. 
As your hearing and vision began to drift away Peter began softly alerting Friday to the situation, as he requested Wanda of Natasha to come and get you.
As he saw a flash of red hair down the hall, his spider sense flared, and he was just in time to catch you as your body finally gave up and went slack. 
Natasha seemed to arrive almost at the same time you passed out into Peter’s arms. 
The group had moved on and it seemed they were none to wiser to the avenger’s presence. 
Peter looked panicked for a second as he held you up. 
“I’ve got her Pete.” Natasha said as she picked you up effortlessly into a bridal carry.  “Go catch up with your group Wanda and I will look after her. Don’t worry.” 
“Alright. Text me updates.” He said and Natasha nodded dutifully before carrying you to the elevator.
When she arrived back on your floor that you shared with the two redheads, you shifted in her arms, letting out a small whimper. 
Natasha walked over to the door to her room, opening it to see Wanda already having everything set up for a movie day. 
“Oh my god is she ok? I know Peter said it was bad but … is she out?” Wanda said coming over and fussing. 
“She passed out as I got there. She must be feeling terrible.” Nat said as she set you down on the bed gently. Wanda came and sat next to you as Nat changed into some comfy clothes and took to your other side. 
Wanda’s hands carding through your hair was the first thing you registered when you came to.
“Nat, I think she’s coming around.” Wanda said softly. 
You let out a small, wounded noise as you tucked your knees to your chest in an attempt to stave off the relentless cramps. 
“Shhh y/n/n it’s ok. Natty and I have you baby. You’re alright.” Wanda said softly.
You whimpered again and shifted to clutch your midsection.
“Cramps?” Wanda asked knowingly still playing with your hair.
“Mmm.” You said softly. 
Before you knew it a hot pack was being slid onto your stomach and your muscles went lax as Wanda pulled you into her lap.
You opened an eye and saw her smiling down at you. 
“Hello sweet girl. How are you feeling.” She said gently.
“Bad.” You hummed.
“Chocolate?” Natasha said as she offered you an already unwrapped chocolate bar. Not bothering to use your hands you began eating it while Nat still held it. Making her smile softly in amusement as she fed you the chocolate. 
“Oh my god, I left Peter!” You said scrambling to sit up but Wanda kept you pinned. 
“It’s alright baby. Fridays watching him and you’re in no condition to be doing anything other than cuddling and watching movies with us. Ok?” Wanda said. She could see the gears turning behind your eyes and gently turned your chin to look at her. 
“Okay sweet girl?” She said again. 
“Okay.” You said softly. 
“Excellent. Now you pick the first movie.” Wanda said as Natasha returned with popcorn despite you not having seen her leave. 
As the day went on you began to feel better. Between the salty popcorn Wanda was feeding you and the blue electrolyte drinks that were stocked in Natasha’s mini fridge you began to feel less terrible. 
The girls had everything you needed, from a warm heat pack to chocolate to cuddles. You eventually drifted off feeling warm and only slightly in pain. Knowing you were safe with them. 
@barbarasstar @charlie56 @vlynes @lovelyy-moonlight
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indyanapolis898 · 9 months
Peter Parker x f!reader
Synopsis: Peter has a crush on you from afar. One day you ask him to tutor you and things go from there.
Note: This really doesn't follow any specific canon from the movies.
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"You know staring at Y/N won't make her like you."
Peter's head shot up at the sound of a voice behind him, that of MJ's. 
"W-what are you talking about?" Peter chuckled awkwardly, doing a horrible job of lying. 
"Me and Ned notice how much you watch Y/N. You always bring up any interaction you two have- and so much more! You like her. Just admit it, nerd," MJ explained amid the noisy school cafeteria. 
"So what if I do?" Peter shrugged as MJ sat next to him. 
"You should make a move- oh wait- you're too scared," MJ said with a sly smirk, begging him to fight back, which he did. 
"Nervous? I'm an Avenger! I don't get nervous!" Peter hissed.
"Then go talk to her, Avenger" MJ shrugged like it was the only obvious option.
"Well- I- I just don't want her to think I'm weird."
"Well, then you're out of luck in that regard," she joked dryly. "You two used to be close. Why can't you spark up a conversation about, like, the past?" 
"'Cause it's random, and also, we were friends in middle school! That was a while ago, MJ!"
"OK, Parker, I give up. Enjoy your futile people-watching."
Peter watched as MJ walked away to the lunch line. She wasn't wrong. He was too scared to even consider being near Y/N. 
The boy sighed, going back to eating his lunch after you left the room. 
"Alrighty!" Mr. Harrington clapped his hands together. "We have a new member for this semester's Academic Decathlon!"
The club whispered among themselves in anticipation of who it could be. Peter glanced up from his book when, of course, you entered the classroom with a new copy of the textbook. 
"I'm sure you all know Y/N, so welcome her into the club and help her get acquainted with the material for today's practice."
You smiled shyly at the group, waving and going to take a seat in the open chair next to Flash.
Peter silently groaned, letting his head fall onto the desk. Of course, it was you, and of course, you had to sit next to Flash. Flash had an obvious crush on you as well. 
"Peter. Wanna start off today's practice?" Mr. Harrington asked, staring directly at Peter as he lifted his head off his desk. Everyone was looking at him.
Peter sighed, standing up with his textbook to go to the podium to call the questions. 
The first round went by fast. You answered three times, getting all answers right. Peter could feel himself smile every time you rang the bell. 
Peter tried his best to compliment you when you answered during the second round. 
At one point, Peter asked a question the Flash rang in for. Peter watched as the boy mouthed to you: watch this. 
Flash got the question wrong, making you slightly giggle. Peter chucked, as did the rest of the class, at Flash's misplaced confidence. However, Peter wasn't laughing at Flash this time- he was laughing because you laughed. Peter wanted to cling on to any bit of you he could. He was glad Flash's terrible attempt to show off failed. 
After a few more rounds, Peter traded off with another student. Peter didn't want to be like Flash and do a flashy show-off of his skills, but he did want to impress you. 
Peter heard the first question- ringing in as soon as he could. He wasn't confident with his odds but gave a shaky answer, which was revealed to be correct. 
Peter smiled slightly. When he glanced to the left, you were smiling at him, presumably because he aced the question. He smiled back at you, hoping this was some sort of connection. You were noticing him!
If that was what it took, he could do it. Peter answered every question he could, getting almost all right. He got a thumbs-up from you once after a question!
After practice ended, he was packing his bag to leave when you approached him. Peter felt his heart speeding up dramatically.
"Hey, Peter. Love the jacket," you started things off, making Peter smile and examine his jacket, vowing to wear it more often. 
"Thank you. I... like your shirt. Um- you did good on your first day," Peter gave a tightlipped smile, trying to act normal. 
"Thanks, but you were on fire! Like seriously, some of those questions were insane," you gushed, grinning the whole time.
"Oh, wow, uh, thank you!" Peter stuttered out, causing you to giggle. "You gave great answers, too!" He rushed to follow up.
"Yeah, about that... those were the bare minimum. I joined this club to help raise my grades. Clearly you know your stuff, so... I have the biggest favor to ask."
Peter raised his brows. "Uh, yeah, what's that?"
"So, it's OK if you say no because it's so random, but could you tutor me in some of the subjects covered here? I could really use the help, but again it's OK if y-"
"I'll do it," Peter agreed quickly, blushing at how eager he sounded. You grinned largely. 
"Seriously? 'Cause I could pay you if that's necessary." 
"Y/N, you don't have to pay anything. Honestly, I mean, it's the least I can do for the girl who defended me from Jose in 8th grade," Peter recalled a memory from their past, mentally punching himself for saying something that most likely meant nothing to her.
"You still remember that? Wow, I didn't know I could even make an impact like that," you said, surprised in a good way.
Peter decided to roll with it. "Uh, yeah, I mean, Jose was a jerk, so I was just glad someone stood up for me. So, uh, yeah," Peter awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You shrugged nonchalantly. "Anytime. But yeah, thank you so much for agreeing. When are you free to go over the material?"
Peter supposed one evening without Spider-Man wouldn't hurt. "Tonight," he said right away. "Um, like five?"
"Can do. At the library?"
"See you then, Peter. Thanks again," you waved at him as you left the class to go to your next. 
"So, you're telling me that all you had to do was be nerdy, and she just came up to you?" MJ recounted Peter's story in a tone laced with disbelief.
"Yes! Seriously. If you didn't have to miss today's practice for your re-do test, you would've seen it! So, believe it or not, I've gotta get to the library soon and tutor Y/N," Peter said cockily, standing up from the barstool at the cafe MJ part-timed at. 
MJ just rolled her eyes but gave a genuine smile. "Good luck. Don't screw it up."
"Thanks? I'll try not to."
With that, Peter slung his bag onto his back and left the shop, library-bound. 
The library wasn't awfully busy that weekday, making it easy to find a table in a corner. Peter laid his books and notebooks out, realizing you wouldn't know where he was, nor did he have your number to text you. 
Everything worked out, however, when you wandered into the back section he was sitting, looking lost. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him, making Peter's stomach churn in a good way.
You walked with a purpose over to the table, sitting your stuff down. "I was looking all over for you," you grinned, not meaning it in a guilt-tripping way. 
Peter realized he actually had to reply instead of staying in a daydream. "Oh- yeah. I sat here and realized you might not be able to find me, but luckily you did."
"Yeah, it only took like, seven different aisles," you laughed before opening your notebook.
Peter couldn't tell if he was just nervous or if he just loved the sound of your laugh, but his heart raced. 
"So, I was thinking... we could piggyback off what we did in practice today?"
"Sounds good. I'm sure whatever I learn will be good when you're teaching it," you said, laying your chin on the palm of your hand. 
Peter could feel his face heat up. He ducked his head down to the textbook and chuckled. "Yeah... I- uh- just start in on page five right here."
For thirty minutes, Peter was able to impart some knowledge your way. After you two finished a chapter, you turned to Peter with a closed-mouth smile. "This has been really helpful, thank you."
Peter frowned. "You're done?"
You continued smiling. "Just for today, yeah. But I'm really hungry... do you wanna get something to eat?"
Peter perked up at the invitation to continue spending time together. "Yeah, I'd love to!" He said very excitedly, to which you just giggled. 
"OK, c'mon. I'll show you this really good Thai place I like down the block."
You and Peter collected your things, exiting the library together to walk down the sidewalk to the restaurant of choice.
"So, you had that Stark Internship, right?"
"Yeah- still do, actually. I'm still just the young guy, though."
"Hey, they'll realize what a dedicated worker you are, and when they do, they'll have to give you more opportunities."
"You think so?"
"You seem like you have a great work ethic, Peter, so yeah, I do think so."
Peter just grinned, looking down at the sidewalk. You were making him nervous.
The restaurant you two entered was moderately nice for a casual New York City restaurant. 
You both ordered at the counter and then sat at an empty table.
Peter wanted to try and flirt, but he knew he'd be super awkward and make things weird. Nevertheless, he still attempted to gain your favor.
"You caught on really fast with the Academic stuff. It was like you already knew it! So, I guess you're a natural."
You looked away and grinned. "Thank you. I- um- guess I just needed a few reminders, is all."
Peter cocked a brow, but their food was placed in front of them at that moment. The two ate, sharing conversation about middle school and how annoying some of their classes were now. 
Somehow, the topic got moved on to Flash. 
"You know Flash has a thing for you," Peter decided to throw bait into the water as the pair left the restaurant, being that they had finished their food.
You furrowed your brows. "Yeah, I know. We actually have two classes together- three counting Decathalon now. He hits on me every day. It gets tiring really fast."
"What?" Peter exclaimed in fake shock. "You don't appreciate all his futile attempts to be a womanizer?"
You laughed and shook your head. "Crazy, right? I might be the only one who doesn't. I just- I just already have my eyes on someone else."
"Oh," Peter mumbled aloud, regretting how disappointed he sounded. "Um... is it weird to ask-"
"Who it is?" you cut him off. "Yeah, I was hoping you would've guessed by now," you stopped walking, Peter doing the same, peering at you with confusion. 
"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be invasive. I-"
"It's you, Peter. I've been trying to flirt with you and give you hints, hoping you'd make a move," you chuckled to fill the air.
"Oh... Oh!" Peter put a hand to his chest. "You," he pointed at you, then back at himself. "Like me?"
"Yes!" You desperately hoped he felt the same.
"I- woah. I really like you too, Y/N," Peter sputtered out.
"Really? Because I was starting to think my plan failed."
"You said it yourself in the restaurant... I already knew that stuff we were learning. I don't need tutoring. I just decided to ask you so... I dunno," you looked away embarrassed. "So we could do something outside of school."
When you looked back up, Peter was grinning widely. "You made a plan just to be with me?" 
You nodded. 
"That's- wow. I was trying to drop hints all day too, but I suck at anything flirting-wise. I was just excited you kept asking to do stuff, but you planned this all along. You made the dominoes fall until we were here."
"I didn't know this would be how I confessed, but yeah. I don't need tutoring when I'm the mastermind," you joked and shrugged.
"Maybe it's my turn to do something..." Peter looked into your eyes, searching your face. "Can I kiss you?"
You leaned in, letting that be your answer. His lips met yours as you two kissed in the darkening evening. The cool Queens air hit the side of your face as you pulled away, catching your breath. 
"Was that good? Because I'm definitely not an expert."
You just giggled. "Yes, it was great, Peter."
"Can I walk you home?" Peter pursed his lips, waiting for an answer.
You nodded and thanked him graciously with another kiss. With that, you two set off toward your apartment as the street lights flickered on in the chilled air.
"...And then we kissed. Boom! In your face!"
MJ rolled her eyes and laughed while Ned clapped Peter on the back.
"Dude! You got a girlfriend!"
Peter chuckled at Ned's enthusiasm. Peter's phone dinged at that moment. It was a text from you. 
"Gotta go, guys. Peter has a second date today with Y/N."
"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" 
"Yep, deal with it!" Peter called, already out the door of the cafe. 
You were waiting at the subway station. Peter jogged down the stairs, joining you to enter the train and go ice skating. 
You reached your hand out, Peter taking it as you two entered the train. 
It was only the second date, but you knew Peter was going to make you happy. You simply looked up at Peter, smiling, which he returned with his signature grin.
The train's doors shut, and you two were carried away down the tracks, ready for what was to come. 
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symbioteburnout · 4 months
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Peter MJ (and Flash?) cameo in X-men 97
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theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
Once again thinking about Peter making some kind of nutrient machine that figures out exactly what each individual person it scans needs (because I keep blanking on cool science stuff he could make) and provides them supplements and stuff
And rn I’m currently thinking about Professor X funding the research (as an anonymous donor) because something like that would really help mutant children the best
And I was thinking about how they’d test that it would work and it led to me thinking about Flash Thompson signing up for an experimental study for money (because they’d need all types of people to test it out) and he finds out the guy he used to bully is running the whole thing, looking like a mad scientist, telling him how it’s being anonymously funded but he’ll still get his money, y’know, just creepy vibes all around
And as he’s the most terrified he’s ever been, considering running out, he finds out he just needs to be scanned, and then follow whatever instructions and take whatever supplements the machine spits out for a certain amount of time to see if it is beneficial to his health
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m57528 · 8 months
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Web-Warriors x gn!reader headcanons please? How would they react when they'd befriend reader and then realize they have a crush on them?
Peter met you in school
He got assigned to sit next to you in history
You were drawing,not really paying attention to the class
He kinda was just tapping his pen awkwardly trying to think of a good conversation starter
Ends up blurting out something really randome like:
'Hey, did you know that barnacals have the largest dicks relative to their size?'
He practically dies inside
He hurriedly tries to back track,stumbling over his words
Then you just look up from your drawing,raising an eyebrow at him, nodding slowly
Peter just stays quiet for half the period then he decides to ask what your drawing
You turn the sketch book around to show him Darth Vader
Cue to both of you fangirling over Star Wars
After a while you guys started hanging out at breaks with Harry and MJ
The both of you have the kind of friendship where you'll say randome facts about stuff completely out of then blue
Finally the team gets so annoyed with the constant yapping that they don't bother asking Peter if he likes you, they tell him
You already knew you like him but was just waiting for the right time to ask him out
The next day after class you both confess at the same time
It was really awkward but wholsome
So you start dating
He met you at the gym
You were doing weights and he offered to spot for you
You gladly accepted his offer and you guys clicked instantly
At first he thought it would be a one time thing, but the next time he was there he saw you and instantly came over
Soon you both were sharing opinions of different artists to listen to,and walking home together
Soon he asked you out
You went out for smoothies
You were from the Red Room and was recently taken into SHIELD
SHIELD had given you some Red Dust so you were free from the Red Room
Miles had come over to hangout with you in the cafeteria and was currently talking your ear off about Ghostbusters
As annoying as his constant banter was the plot was quite interesting
You were always getting into fights with everyone but you found him just that little bit more tolerable
Miles also liked hanging out with you even though you frightened him a bit
But after awhile he began to not really be bothered by you
Soon he decided to ask Peter for some advice on what he was feeling
Peter wasn't quite his best decision to go to cos Peter is practically clueless in that category
But after a lot of researching and Google saying he was going to die of a heart condition, both of them found the answer
Ge was in love with you
Ot was a very sweet confection, the poor boy was so nervous
You had no idea about dating
But everything eventually worked out
He met you at SHIELD
And yes you were 13 the same age as Amadeus
You were a botanist like your parents so you were able to work in the labs
Amadeus might be the 7th smartest person in the world but plants were just not his thing
So when he found some new plant based material on patrol he asked you for help
It turns out he wasn't as much as a prick as everyone else said he was
But he was still annoying
After a couple of days he was becoming a bit less of a dick then before
After a couple of weeks the prodject was finished
He kept on finding reasons to go back to your lab and the relationship began
None of you guys actually said it, it kinda just happened
So like who knows you could just be really good friends who shares a lab and custody of a goldfish
Scarlet was on patrol when he saw a creepy dude with a gun go into the cafe you were working at
By the time he got there he saw you judo flip the guy
So he just sat back and watched the show
Once you were done with him, he webbed the guy up, staring at you suspiciously
'What? Did ya think I couldn't protect myself just because I have no powers?' You asked
'Did I say that, punk?' He muttered, glaring harder
You rolled your eyes at his attitude, giving him a hot chocolate
Once he left he had to say you peeked his interest
So when aunt May was having a bit of trouble finding where to go to for lunch he suggested the cafe you worked at
May noticed that he was staring at you more than he did at other people so made sure to go there more often
Sometimes he even goes there without May
He begins to go there almost every day so that he can see you
He starts to talk to you and and become somewhat friends
After awhile he confide in May
She was so excited that he was interested in someone
So when he decided to confess he was a blushing mess
You got what he was getting at and said yes
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dwoality2123 · 1 year
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peterbenjaminparkour · 7 months
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baltharino · 2 years
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