#Pineapple prank aside...
azuresins · 1 year
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takkarulz · 2 years
The Upper Moons order pizza for dinner head cannons!
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-He just ordered it because his wife and his kid wanted it.
-He orders a bit of everything the restaurant offers since he can pay it. Even the overpriced drinks and desserts.
-As soon as the pizza delivery man arrives he transform him into a demon, just for the fun of it.
-"What happen with the pizza guy daddy?" Ask his daughter confused after seeing the delivery guy trying to eat their neighbors. "Oh, don't worry, he must be just a bit confused, that's all. Anyway, who wants pizza?"
-A few moments after that dinner the Demon Slayer Corps arrive and kill the pizza delivery demon.
Daki and Gyutaro
-They actually did not order any pizza at all, they just stole it from a Daki co worker that already paid for it. Daki pretends to be her and gives a little tip to the delivery guy to apear a nice girl.
-Daki is actually disappointed when she discover that the her coworker had ordered pizza with pineapple on it and cries about it (she hates pineapple pizza).
-Gyutaro calms her down and says that he is gonna eat all the pineapples of her pizza and give her all the ham that his pizza has (he loves pineapple pizza a little too much).
-They fight for the last slice; until Gyutaro decides to just give it to Daki (he does not like to see her angry).
-After a while the woman who actually ordered the pizza try to ask Daki what the hell happen with her pizza. Daki just kills her and eats her.
-If anyone asks for that woman Daki will claim that she ran away with the pizza delivery guy.
-He orders it just because he found a discount coupon on one of his victims pockets and wants to try a new experience.
-He asks for all the ingredients posible to be included on the pizza.
-The pizza delivery guy faints after seeing Gyokko's twisted face getting out of a vase.
-Gyokko, does not care about it; he just eats the delivery guy and uses the pizza for a new artistic project.
-He is shaking and crying of fear while ordering the pizza at the phone.
-He does not know what kind of pizza to order and every suggestion of the menu just confuses him more.
-After one hour he chooses the first option they suggested him (pepperoni pizza).
-He does not want to get out of his house when the delivery guy arrives with the pizza. He is too afraid to get out.
-The pizza delivery guy thinks it was a prank and goes away, leaving Hantegu without pizza.
-Hantegu uses his clones to chase him down and letting him eat the pizza.
-The clones kill the delivery guy and get the pizza for Hantengu but then they all star fighting between themselves for it.
-Hantengu cries in the corner unable to eat his pizza.
-He orders something big, full of meat and veggies.
-Also he asks for hot sauce and many complements, like chips and garlic bread.
-He won't eat the delivery person if is a woman. Instead he will tip her the 50% and thank her for her services.
-Even if the pizza delivery guy is male, Akaza will probably not eat him because it will be a boring way to eat someone.
-Since demons don't actually need to eat anything aside of humans, he would give the pizza to a women's shelter or an orphanage.
-However he would probably eat the garlic bread with hot sauce because it is way too tasty.
-He orders like 20 boxes of pizza, each one of a different flavor.
-When the pizza delivery man arrives, Doma just smiles and compliments them for arriving fast.
-Tries to make them join his sect (but he is rejected).
- Anyway, he eats the pizza delivery man before he gets any chance to go away.
-Doma gives the pizza away to his cult followers claiming that it is a miracle that he made.
-The cult praises him, while Doma laughs inside thinking that now his followers will get more fat and tasty to eat.
-Probably he would just grab a slice of one pizza to see if it is tasty.
-And it is, cuz it is pizza Margherita and that is the best pizza in the fucking world!
-Kokushibo picks the pizza backwards making himself 100% that the pizza man wasn't able to see his six eyes.
-Kokushibo just eats the pizza in the dark meditating about the past.
-For some odd reason he ordered the vegan pizza option and lots of garlic bread.
-Does not tip the pizza delivery guy.
-Strangely enough, the pizza delivery guy gets away unharmed.
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howlingday · 1 year
Jaune's Shampoo
"DAMMIT, NORA!" Jaune opened his shower door. As he exited, he noticed his body had drastically changed. Using a mixture of his shampoo and experimental goo found at the fiendish Dr. Merlot's laboratory, Nora had unwittingly created a mutagen just to prank her team leader.
Jaune flopped his uselessly long arm against the shower handle. Where once was an arm with bones and meat that connected to a hand with fingers was now a black, boneless tentacle underlined by suction cups. At the very end was a sharp, piercing, uh, stabby thing. As he gripped the handle, he heard an awful scraping sound.
It was his hand, er, tentacle. Within the suction cups were sharp spikes. Stepping free from his confined space, his arms slapped against the tiled floor of the bathroom. Looking down, his "feet," which were smaller tentacles with just as many blades to match. He didn't know how he was hovering, but right now he didn't care.
He had to get out and figure out a way to cure himself! The less tentacley the better! And he would do that... as soon as he opened the door! The knob proved slipperier than the handle.
"Come on!"
"Are you okay in there?"
"Hey, who is that?" Jaune asked.
"It's Blake. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, but... I'm not feeling too good!"
"Was it the fish?" Blake inquired. "I didn't think it was good either."
"No, no, it wasn't the fish." Jaune replied. "This, uh, is something new."
Blake was silent for a moment. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No, no, you can stay! It's just... Can you promise not to be weirded out if I get this door open?"
"If?" Blake asked.
"My new hands need some training."
As Blake pondered what he meant, the door gave a click. She stepped away, letting Jaune make his way out of the bathroom. Blake had seen many strange things in her life, but a person with black arms twice the length of the body hovering atop diminished legs, also black, and a red cloud briefly passing around his head? Definitely tops the list now.
"Uh..." Blake quirked her brow. "I have a few questions."
"I'm pretty sure Nora is responsible for this."
"...Well, that's at least one of my questions answered." Blake stepped aside as Jaune floated to the closet. "May I ask how?"
"I used shampoo that turned me into this." He slapped his appendage uselessly against the handle.
"Couldn't you have used a different shampoo?"
"Like what?" Jaune asked, choosing to slip his singular digit into the hole. "Use Pyrrha's shampoo, or maybe Ren's?"
"Would that be so wrong?" Blake asked. He gave no response. "The answer is no, so long as you told them."
"Ah." Jaune nodded, opening the closet door at last, and looked through his options. Unfortunately, none of them accounted for "red-smokey-head" today. On the upside, he was getting used to his arms.
"Snf, snf, snf." Jaune turned and saw Blake leaning close to him. Her eyes shut as her nose twitched slightly. She gave a soft hum before she opened her eyes, where she blushed and lept away. "Excuse me."
"What, do I smell bad?" Jaune asked. "Like, fish or something?"
"No, you..." She cleared her throat. "Your smell reminded me of my home. It's like coconuts, sea salt, and fresh fruit."
"Like apples?"
"Like mangoes, and pineapple, and..." She gave a soft smile before swiftly turning to a frown. "Sorry, I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that."
"No, no, it's fine!" Jaune raised his tentacled arms. "I mean, it's not fine fine, but I think I understand why you got really close. You're homesick, right?"
There was a long pause before Blake gave her answer. "In a way, yes." She sighed. "But it's more like I miss what my home used to be. Before the White Fang."
"Oh." Jaune nodded. He didn't know much about the Faunus supremacy group, but he understood what he was told by Ruby. Blake did a lot of bad things, but for a good cause, a good reason. Then things got bad until she couldn't stay anymore. He hated seeing someone looking so upset, so he had an idea.
"Hey, uh, Blake?" She looked to him. "If you want, you can, uh, smell me whenever you want." His face tinged red, though it wasn't the red cloud floating about. "Uh, sorry if that sounded weird, but-"
Jaune was cut off as he felt himself ensnared by the faunus girl. He reciprocated by giving her a hug in response. He'd never been this close to a girl before and it felt... nice. Until-
"Ow!" Jaune looked down to see Blake nipping at him. "Uh, B-Blake, could you- Ouch!" He tried to free himself, but found both arms wrapped around himself, rendering his escape impossible. Meanwhile, Blake continued to pant and nibble on his bare skin.
"Ow! B-Blake! S-Stop~!"
"Oohoo! Kinky~!" Nora said from the window. She looked to her constitutent hanging off beside her. "See, Ren? I told you it would work~!"
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satansemployee · 1 year
DnD inspired @/sephiramy questions
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Doing this AGAIN for my Fighter Euralio, who's just a sweetheart :)
Turquoise- specifically Pantone 319C
2. He has a pretty natural charming laugh unless he gets into a giggle fit- in which case he starts wheezing to the point he can't speak and it looks like he's choking.
3. Aside his best friend, as always
4. He doesn't own much. Do sideburns count as an item?
5. Not really. The rare times he's alone and not doing anything he likes to sit under the sun and rejoices in not having to worry about anything.
6. He could brilliantly, but he has no interest to.
7. CHOCOLATE- Euralio has a sweet tooth for sure. Even better if it has a bit of a spicy kick.
8. Unicorn. Dragons are dangerous and scary.
9. Spring boy, or early summer.
10. An undershirt and underwear. What, you think he has the money for pyjamas? Grow up.
11. No, and he's not really the type to.
12. Somewhere abit far from the mess of the city, with the resources to live semi-autonomusly (some chickens and pigs or maybe sheep) and a couple of children running around. He's not sure of anything else, but his mind does wonder towards being a dad often.
13. Late December.
14. Ballads are sung about heroes and knights- not their squires.
15. Anything that will get his moustache soaked. Watermelon, pineapple, peaches, the man does love to slurp
16. Not really. When he was younger he used to help his mother around the inn with her cows and the guests' horses, so he doesn't really see pets as companionship as much as he does tools. His mum wouldn't let him have a pet when he was a kid because she feared he was too irresponsible for them.
17. His mom Marjorie and his best friend :)
18. Ugh, something disgustingly healthy. Leafy greens and lean meat and tomatoes with homemade dressing over rhye bread... a kind of elaborate blt.
19. Early bird- he gets sleepy when the sun's out.
20. Absinthe. It's highly acoholic and has a nice smell, and he loves that.
21. Euralio is rarely the one feeling down but when he is, he enjoyes actively being cheered up- a hug and a kind word go a long way for him. When he doesn't have access to that, he likes to walk away for a while and mope by himself. He usually comes back ready to work, if not actually better.
22. Hot springs. It's like soaking in the sun, but warmer
23. He's a man of honour and will keep your secret. He never guarantees for his Amichetto though, if he manages to hear about it... somehow...
24. Energetic and joyful, but also manipulative in that way that children can be. Doing pranks and saying things as if he somehow knew they would appease adults. Fortunately he grew up into a genuinely nice person, according to his mom.
25. He doesn't really have favoured activities... I suppose duelling would fit, as in formal duelling. He's good at it and he likes it a lot.
26. Possibly- I think he'd enjoy single vocalists more though. Madonna/Houston/Gaga style.
27. We already established he really likes chocolate, so probably some kind of mousse or chocolate soufflé.
28. Lemongrass and Vanilla with undertones of Leather.
29. He already wears a tricorn. I love him very much.
30. Euralio could easily pass as a Paladin but I actually think he'd play better as a Monk.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Hi! I'm back to offer for to the Double Training au :D
I kinda have the start of a timeline figured out.
The twins would meet Mei (and MK though briefly) during "Duplicatnation", both glamoured to look human cause they were actually just having a nice day out and just happened to also be trapped in Porty!Clone's insanity. They probably found Mei hiding in a corner somewhere and decided to stick by her since she seemed to have stronger magic then everyone else here.
They clicked pretty well after that, but while avoiding Porty!Clone and trying to find a way out, Mei's clear exhaustion is clearly settling in fast so Jin might've used the calabash on the clone while Mei wasn't watching.
Mei: *squinting* Where did MK go?
Jin: *Sweating profusely* uuuh Who's MK?
Yin: He went home?
MK: *Just arriving* MEI I AM SO SORRY- …uh where's the clone?
Jin and Yin maybe good actors but for some reason they are horrible liars. Mei was too out of it to actually prove they did anything though. She did however realized she never asked for their names, and the twins not knowing how humans name their children just said pineapple, like both at the same time.
MK: Thanks for helping my friend out, I'm MK! What are your names? :D
Yin & Jin panicking due to not having thought about it: ……PINEAPPLE
Mei: Pine…
Yin nodding like that made perfect sense: yup yup Pine and Apple that's us
Mei:……okay, so who's Pine and who's Apple?
Jin: HAHA You know what? it's getting late! We wouldn't want to worry our dad. *grabs Yin and books it*
Mei and MK still aren't sure who is who and to be honest neither does the twins who 100% haven't interacted with anyone their age aside from Red and it shows
The calabash gets confiscated for a few days by Macaque cause "My 1 rule for letting you two have a day out alone was to lay low, being with in 5 meters of the monkey king's successor is not laying low! What if he found out you two were demons? What if he saw my claim on you two? WHAT IF HE TOLD THE MONKEY KING??? Getting mixed up in their mistakes was one thing, meeting them is a whole other, speaking of which sit your butts down you're not leaving this room until I've checked you over."
Mac might be a bit paranoid but to be fair he just wants to live a quiet life (as quiet as it can get with the twins haha) but the whole resurgence of demon activity, spottings of Monkey King and the shenanigans of the new successor is greatly messing with those plans.
Added features of the calabash, there's a button hidden among the engravings on the calabash. When held down it basically activates the call and response thing from the original calabash where you get sucked in if you respond to your name being called. It's a button to make it toggle-able.
It was originally a prank on Mac (cause what was he gonna do? Not respond to his children??) to annoy him but the feature just never got removed, how fun :)
(Drawing was sent with another ask)
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I like that the implication is that the twins saw Mei, thought she was cool, and decided to stick by her side
But why do I love the Pine and Apple names so much!? It’s such a silly thing but it fits them so well! Yin and Yue Shi doing the spiderman pointing meme because of the nickname Apple
Macaque has gone into protective mama hen mode. He does have a good reason tho, MK fight every demon that he encounters, and Macaque and Wukong didn’t leave on the best of terms.
That feature sure does sound fun... and dangerous
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justaspecter · 2 years
Continuation of Marco/reader wip I did last time . Couldn't get the idea out of my head. This is just a random wip.
"What happened last night?"
A smirk tugged on the side of your lips, without looking from the direction of the voice you knew it was your hungover commander.
"You lose, that's what happened."
A loud irritated "tsk" could be heard from the other side of the counter, as Thatch rummaged in his secret cabinet. "Really? I thought you got hots for that birdbrain?"
You only chuckled when you heard your commander groan and began complaining. "I think you're the one with a brain which matches the size of a seagull commander. You bet off all your stash last night."
Thatch owlishly stared at you. "Ah, fucking hell. And here I thought you're gonna get laid last night."
"Oh, Thatch you ugly baguette you never learn do you?" As you smiled at him you lent him your packet of cigarettes. "Now fuck off and clean yourself up, so you can help me with lunch afterwards."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm still your commander you know," He grumbled, a light tease breeze passed through his voice.
Unfortunately from the situation he put you through last night was still raw, the tease only flared the annoyance you pushed aside last night. Because, well let's just say you got pretty cornered last night.
Your nosy commander was being helpful in his own way, and you appreciate it really. He was one heck of a man you would dearly fight for because of familial love for him, but you also wanted to strangle him with his own fucking hair from being shit. And now with his hair down like a fucking mop you contemplate if wringing his hair around his neck would even worth the trouble.
The knife in your hand slammed in the chopping board and stared at your commander, although you have to look up so you can properly match his line of sight, the obvious height difference didn't stop one of your eyebrows from tugging up.
"Well, commander, will you please kindly clean yourself up then." And you watched his nerves fried from your unrelenting stare.
"I'm on it, ok," he snapped before stomping off the kitchen, leaving you alone. Thanks to the party last night most of your companions were still snoring in their respective bunk beds from being shit face wasted and exhausted.
As amusing as it was watching your commander lose his nerves whenever you gave him the look of your neutral displeasure, it only reserved with this occasion when it was just the two of you in the same room.
It's your peculiar way of showing affection with how standoffish you came off sometimes, even distant on bad days.
You admitted you got your issues. The world didn't care about how young you were when tragedy happened, you just survived while emotionally and mentally scared.
And up to this day even if you were now living the life of piracy, with a ridiculous amount of crew, being a part of this so-called "big family" was still a dizzying concept to accept for your distrustful ass.
Of course there's your idiot commander and Pops that you trust. You were still on an awful track of work in progress. A very snail pace of progress in your commander's opinion. So Thatch being Thatch decided it was time to intervene, in the most convenient time too.
You thought after last weeks party would led into an awkward encounter with the zoan commander. But no. It was worse, worse than Thatch pulling pranks on you, worse than that idiot friend of yours telling his bread puns for the nth time.
Here you are in the crow nest, chilling for an afternoon break. Desperate for an escape, thinking if you were out of sight, you would be out of his list to annoy.
For the first time in the ship you didn't want to see anything purple, or blond tufted of hair, or blue, especially blue flame in the form of bird or harpy, and even pineapple. You couldn't even enjoy your favorite drink.
An exasperated sigh escaped through your nose when you unconsciously dragged your pencil a little harder from writing down notes for your next project.
Then out of nowhere, not even your observation alerted you of the presence behind you, the only indication you got were the heavy sets of talons perched on your shoulders.
"Can you not?"
The first commander in his bird form chortled and only sagged his weight further on top of your head.
"This is getting ridiculous Marco, with your oversized form you looked like a damn hen incubating my head." Your usual passive voice started to raise.
"I'm trying to help. Thatch told me you're trying to cool off."
"Well, Marco, your definition of help contradicts with what you are trying to achieve."
He leaned his head down over your face, beak almost pecking your forehead. "At least I tried yoi." There's something lingering in his words that didn't sit right with her. As if he was prodding into something that wasn't supposed to be there for him to poke, but somehow he managed to.
Eyes squinted into a glare directed to his lazy pair. This bird! If only he was just a bird you already grabbed his neck and plucked his fiery feathers.
You found his sapphire orbs infuriating as he gazed at you in full attention and interest. Now he dared to seek you out.
"Don't you have better things to do?" You huffed when his fiery feathers tickled your ears and all you could do was stay still, or you'd led him from discovering one of your ticklish spots.
"My work can wait til nighttime. Why are you avoiding me, y/n?"
The scoff dragged out from you was unrestrained of indignation from the offensive inquiry the zoan threw at you. "Me? Avoiding you. What nonsense. Why would I do that when we barely interacted before? Isn't the right question is, why are you seeking me out all of the sudden?" You berated as polite as your patience could take.
What's with the sudden interest? You were sure the explanation you gave him would conclude whatever Thatch led him on from that night. Whatever bet that was it should have ended that night, Marco shouldn't be here annoying you.
"How come I didn't notice you before yoi?" Again he was hanging his head upside down as he stared at you.
Never expected this guy could be a literal birdbrain for a man of his caliber. Now you question your standards for liking him.
A pain right on your forehead abruptly pulled you out of your musing. "Did you just peck my forehead?"
This guy, no wonder you rather chill with Vista or Izo besides your commander and your fellow kitchen staff, heck you would even prefer Ace's insecure ass over this bastard right now.
"Real mature first commander. Can you–" the urge of telling him to fuck off like how you treat others halted right at the very back of your throat. He's not one of them and he was still a superior. "Can you get off of me, now."
"If you answer my question."
Well, this was frustrating as fuck. Not even the cold flames from his devil fruit could ease the tension in your head. "Busy with my own thing. Besides you occasionally teased Thatch with me before. But other than that we didn't have any interaction. Don't know why you still bother now."
The talons on your shoulders lifted followed by the weight on your head was removed. You didn't bother looking at him as he transformed back to being human before taking a seat beside you.
"You can blame it on me being intimidated."
"By what?" You almost snorted a scoff at his reply. Yes, by all means be intimidated with a standoffish, five feet four inches female body but stubbornly claims being a man (not a secret anymore thanks to Thatch). Your hands continued writing down the formulas for the next batch and estimation of necessary materials for the next concoction.
"By you. Your presence and how you carry yourself."
"Hmm, it must have been my experience from my previous work." Upon turning your head towards him, you were suddenly caught off with the sight of his smile and eyes that reminded you of the first sight of an ocean after the years of darkness, your first taste of freedom.
"Heh, you really are something yoi. Hope you won't mind if I continue bothering you."
You rolled your eyes but the grin on the corner of your lips betrayed the annoyance you wanted to convey. "Sure as if you're not annoying enough. Just don't blame me if you happen to end up getting drunk." You said as you kept your eyes staring straight at him.
His lids no longer held it's usual droopiness as they showed the sign of attentive glee. "Thanks for the heads up, bartender," he chuckled.
Your observation alerted you the emerging presence of your commander towards the deck and you knew your break time was up. Gathering all your material in your arms, you faced the zoan commander as you took a half kneeling position. He was startled when you lightly tapped his cheeks, taking all his attention towards you.
"It's not a heads up if it's coming from me, Marco. It's a promise."
And just like that you left him in the crow nest without looking back.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Aura (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Swifty by Lantos
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Phrygia, Olympius
Personality- Much like her father, she's stubborn and stoic with a quick wit & an even quicker tongue, never afraid to speak what's on her mind. Aura is very vocal about the discrimination and injustices she feels that generally falls on the minor deities. She's single.
Being the goddess of the breeze (as it pertains to the cool air of the early morning), her abilities include limited aerokinesis (shifting wind currents to keep her scent undetectable/stilling the air so she can hear better when hunting), enhanced speed (though not to the extent of Hermes) & being a skilled hunter and archer (not to the level of her cousins).
She lives with her parents in the state of Phrygia. Aura has a good relationship with them and she doesn't mind the near quiet atmosphere of her surroundings. She helps her mom with their farm, tending to the animals & working alongside her in the garden. She often goes out training and hunting with her father Lelantos (Lantos) (Titan god of the unseen, air, & hunting).
Aura usually starts the day early, nearing dawn. She jogs, works out, does ballet & yoga as a start off.
Her go-to drink is a pineapple guava white tea. Her mother makes it for her. Aura also likes iced tea, ginger ale, cola, and blueberry juice. She also likes the medium vanilla frappucino from The Roasted Bean.
A favorite thing of hers to snack on is bison jerky.
A favorite sweet treat for her is s’mores ice cream cake! Her & her mom will get it every other week at the supermarket.
Aside from the summers she would spend in Delos as a child, Aura has never really left Phrygia, not even to go underwater to the freshwater territories to visit her maternal grandparents Oceanus (Titan god of the sea) and Tethys (Titaness of freshwater & clouds). Her grandparents have instead come by to visit her. Aura does have a good relationship with her many aunts and uncles (nearly 3,000 of them!) & cousins on her mother's side.
She doesn't have a close relationship with her father's side of the family, except with her aunt Leto (Titaness of demurity & motherhood). Aside from seeing photos of them at her aunt's & looking them up online, Aura hasn't met her other grandparents Coeus (Titan god of foresight, intellect, & knowledge) and Phoebe (Titaness of prophecy, the moon, radiant intellect, & mystery). Aura despises her cousins Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge) and Artemis (goddess of the hunt & moon). With the three of them, the spirits of competition, envy, and jealousy would overtake them. They would constantly compete against each other, 2-to-1. They would also pull pranks. After an especially mean spirited prank was pulled on Aura by Artemis, Aura decided to never come back to Delos.
She doesn't have a high opinion about the rest of the pantheon in general, especially towards her "oh-so perfect" cousins' father- the King. Aura does happen to follow Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation), Nike (goddess of victory), Astraeus (Titan god of dusk), Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Eos (Titaness of dawn), & Boreas (god of the north wind) on Fatestagram. She does admire Ichnaea (goddess of tracking).
Online, Aura also runs her own blog which is dedicated to the plights of minor deities. She does respect the MGM movement, but feels that Pasithea lacks the "fire" intended to push forward the movement in a big way.
She has been exchanging flirty messages on Fatestagram with a fellow hunter, Actaeon. Nothing further has happened. No numbers exchanged or talks about meeting in person.
Aura is a personal fan of Momentum, the sneaker brand of Nike.
She doesn't cook. Aura likes her Aunt Leto's rice & gravy, her dad's venison steak (with a nice helping of tzatziki sauce), her mom's potato salad, and her Nana Tethys' fried frog legs.
In her free time, Aura enjoys hunting, archery, reading, cliff diving, basketball, kayaking, swimming, skateboarding, playing video games, ollerblading, ballet & doing yoga.
"With a whisper of the wind, you won't even know when I'll have you in my trap."
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Housemate, College AU Part 1
Genre: Platonic
This has been in my drafts in like... forever and i got sick staring at it. Enjoy the culmination of my delirium induced by sleep depravity!
It was one of those days again. The empty feeling settling between your chest, as you resume to your daily activities, head on autopilot because that's just how repetitive your days were, just slaving away in your desk, be faced with things to do such as the essays, the math equations, essay analysis... The lessons and lectures were different everyday, and yet all the same. You didn't even cared to take a break anymore, knowing full-well of the works which awaits you so why delay it? It's not like your homemade snack will make you feel any better. 
Another term paper finished, time to pass it tomorrow and have the professor tear it in front of you just in case you had a minimal typographical error, before you resort to picking it up to see where the hell did you go wrong. It ached the first time, but as time goes by, you just simply move on and comply, hurting inside but what's the point of getting it all out? A waste time, that is. You've been over it and quite frankly, it was getting so excessively pointless. 
Setting the paper aside, you went to get a hold of another one of the work next in line with a sigh. Exhaustion lingers on with the emptiness within, powered by forced determination to finish everything within your plate and burn yourself out in the process. I mean, isn't this the way to success all of them have been saying? If you resume to do this and go through the route of life, then you'd end up walking everywhere with an IV tube up your arm. 
There was a knock at the door you didn't hear and acknowledged, until the person from the other side of the door lets himself in. 
 "Hey Y/N, I said Illuso made some overcooked crap downstairs. Get your ass down and take a break." Sorbet would usually leave upon relaying the message in mind, but he remained standing by the doorway anticipating for your response, an acknowledging nod would be enough to send him on his way but your unresponsiveness prevailed.
 "Y/N! How many times do we have to call you, huh?! Get your ass down or we'll eat without you!!!" Ghiaccio's shrill voice boomed from downstairs, prompting Sorbet to wince and lift a finger up to his ear to plug it up. 
 "Go ahead, I'll catch up later." Your recent attitude alone has gotten all of your housemates concerned but they let you be because days like these were inevitable amidst the hectic days in university, but it's been weeks since you let your works take a hold of your reigns. 
 "Oh no, you don't. you're not sneaking in the kitchen at three in the morning to eat cold pasta. Come on now, take a break for once." Sorbet approached you, hand on your shoulder. "It's been weeks since you took your sights off those damns books. Just eat, okay?" 
 "I don't know, Sorb's... I have things to do and get done-- you know that, right--?" 
 "I know and it's tiring. Come now, just take a break for a moment. I promise you'll feel better." 
 For a moment you contemplated and reconsidered rejecting his offer, seeing his point but you were in dire need to be responsive with your work. You took a deep heave of breathe, lifting your palm up to cup your forehead, thumb brushing over your temple pulsing with headache you've yet to soothe. He's right, you haven't eaten anything at the duration of the day, as you've barely left your study desk in your room.
 "Okay. Just wait a moment, I'll be there--" Sorbet interjects sharply by pulling you by the wrist before you can touch anything on your desk, knowing full-well you wouldn't leave it alone unless someone were to physically drag you off it.
 "Ah Y/N, good to see you out of your cave." Proscuitto remarks with slight scrutiny, setting a plate on your usual spot on the dinner table. 
 "What's taking you too long anyways? Are you--" Formaggio positions his hand above his crotch, making a jerking off motion, which warrants him a smack from Sorbet. 
 "They were studying, you perv." The dark haired housemate narrows his glare at Formaggio as he seats himself on his usual spot, beside his boyfriend Gelato.
 "Says the one who got caught jacking it off in the hallway." Illuso scoffs, leaning his back against his chair. 
 "Oh yeah?" Formaggio challenges, leaning on the dinner table, clenching on his fork. Before anything can escalate, Risotto clears his throat. 
 A small laugh slips from your lips as you pulled yourself a seat between Ghiaccio and Melone. For a moment you forgot about the paperwork waiting for you back in your room, but it can wait. It's not like they'll leave. Sorbet was right, a quick break or two will make you feel better. 
 Sorbet bit his lip to fight his anxiety back, his clammy hand hidden at the depths of his shallow pocket to feel around its content whilst Formaggio starts the game. Here's to hoping nothing too terrible happen. 
 "I'm passing this phone to someone with the shortest temper." Formaggio bites his bottom lip in front of his front camera, rubbing his chin before passing the phone to Ghiaccio. 
The cerulean blue haired narrows his gaze at the phone owner, before recording himself. "I'm passing this phone to someone who's too obsessed with themselves." 
 Illuso raises his brow at the current phone holder, a hand instinctively landing atop his chest, before he gets ahold of the phone and pressed record once again, "First of all, I'm not obsessed with myself and second, I'm passing this phone to someone who planted a fake positive pregnancy test in the bathroom for fun." 
 "It was for scientific purposes!" Melone exclaims, before claiming the phone. "I'm passing this phone to someone who dropped their cookie but instead of throwing it out, gave it to me and watched me eat it." The lilac head playfully tosses the phone back to its owner, in which he catches it just in time it hits the wall. 
 "Pfft, it's your fault you fell for it." Formaggio cackles. "I'm passing this phone to someone who belted out G10 in the shower when the lights blacked out." 
"You're never gonna let me live that down, aren’t you?" Pesci reaches for the phone with red in his cheeks. "I will be passing the phone to someone who's the sanest in this household—"
 "Oh shut it," Sorbet smacks Formaggio, before collecting the phone from Pesci's grasp. "I'm passing this phone to someone who thinks pineapple on pizza is superior." He rolls his eyes, before passing it to his boyfriend. 
 "Um, sir— it does taste great! You're lucky you're cute, otherwise I would've torn you apart." Gelato snatches the phone from his boyfriend before focusing on the camera. "I'm passing the phone to someone who doesn't know how to cross the road because they're scared." 
 "Ugh, rude!" You took the phone from the blond with a roll of your eyes. "I'm passing the phone to someone who left me on the other side of the busy highway to cross a busy road." 
 "You were too slow, that's why. I'm passing the phone to someone who screamed at us for a solid minute, accusing that one of us stole his glasses whilst his glasses rested on his head." Risotto hands the phone to the person who has yet to receive the phone. 
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who burned the whole kitchen at three in the morning because they left to stove on to cook peanut butter because we ran out of peanut butter." Prosciutto hands you the phone.
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who was petting and cooing at a pile of laundry thinking it was a cat." You glared at Prosciutto, before passing the phone to Formaggio. 
 "What? It was finals and I barely got any sleep!" He whines, before sighing. "I'm passing the phone to someone who has been passed around like this phone." 
 A choked gasp pried itself away from your throat as soon as he hands you the phone with a grin. "Well I'm passing the phone to someone who accused me for taking their red lacey thong but it turns out we own the same product." 
 "Wow, you're bold, I like you." Melone chuckles, before taking the phone. "I'm passing the phone to someone who was hungover during finals and managed to pass." 
 "Pretty impressive if I do say so myself." Sorbet smirks at his achievement, proudly reaching for the phone. "I'm passing this phone to someone who faked smoking at a party to impress a girl." 
 "Well I don't smoke! I don't like how it tastes!" Pesci insists. "I'm passing the phone to someone who got out of the house with his shirt inside out and backwards and didn't realise it until he was going home." 
 "I'm passing this phone to someone who cried when I pranked him with a fake electric razor." Melone smirks as he passes the phone to Illuso. 
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who's first instinct to nonchalantly say 'Nice' before going back to his business after receiving a nude pic from his then girlfriend." Ilusso gives the phone to Ghiaccio.
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who doesn't pick their hair clumps in the bathroom after taking a bath, clogging the shower drain." 
 "Well, I'm passing the phone to someone who screamed at the professor after he said Venice." 
If it weren't for Illuso's quick response, the phone would've crashed against the wall and permanently putting it into a broken state. "Heh, okay then. I'm passing the phone to someone who has been with my man Gelato through thick and thin." 
 Sorbet gulps, his heart hammering in his chest as he reaches for the phone. His hand that has been hidden in his pocket since the very start of the game finally came out, with a small, black velvet box. Gelato glances at his longtime boyfriend, confused for a moment until the blond saw the little box resting within Sorbet's grasp. In shock, the blond's hands shot up to cover his lips and nose, his onyx gaze watering. Everyone in the room has their thoughts race rapidly with incoherent thoughts. 
 "I'm passing the phone to whom I want to marry and be with for the rest of my life, because without him I feel so empty and alone." Sorbet hands the phone to his longtime boyfriend, before taking a knee and opening the box. "Will you marry me?" 
 It would be a miracle Gelato would come to thank later as he didn't know he would still be able to respond despite being so deep in cloud nine. The entirety of the squad stood behind Sorbet at the edge of their seats, watching their carefully crafted plan unfold before them. 
 "Oh, yes. YES!" With the key word uttered, the once tensed room burst into excitement, jumping and screaming whilst the couple slipped on each others engagement rings before engulfing each other into a passionate embrace.
 "WHOOO YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING 'BOUT!" Formaggio cheers amidst the screams of excitement. 
 "Oh you guys, c'mere!" Sorbet caught you and Risotto's necks, before pulled in for a hug. Soon the others joined in for a group hug, almost squeezing the couple in the middle but it was all so worth it.
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tiny-smallest · 3 years
day one - pride
Rating: G Characters: Henry and Bendy Warnings: none Description: Henry reflects on the definition of labels and belonging in certain spaces.
Also on AO3!
Doing writing prompts again because this year has been A Lifetime and I just don't possess the ability to draw this time so let's go let's get stupid get weird enjoy the misadventures of a specific au of of Bendy and the Ink Machine where the toons are their own people in a world they still don't entirely understand and the people who love them who try to help them navigate it.
Henry was used to a surprising amount of things to interrupt his day first thing in the morning. Easily numbered in the hundreds. His children were toons; there was no end to the amount of crazy nonsense that they could get into when he was asleep, and that was disregarding the fact that Bendy usually slept until noon.
Sure, he was the Troublemaker In Chief. That did not mean the other two were paragons of holiness, no matter how much Alice tried glowing her halo at him while she and her brother gave him the saddest, biggest, shiniest puppy eyes. And that didn't even take into account how much trouble they could find, no mischief intended.
He'd seen smoldering breakfasts, pancakes on the ceiling, saran wrap around the kitchen archway, demonic rubber chicken noises from a saxophone that had a part replaced with the noisemaker from the novelty prank toy...
(He still didn't regret letting Boris chase Bendy for that one without intervening.)
With all that, being immediately accosted by three toons hanging off his legs the second he came down the stairs and all trying to talk to him at the same time did not magically get any easier to withstand.
"Whatever it is, it's a no until I get my coffee," he drawled as he attempted to walk with them hanging off him, the three of them dragged along with him. It was with quite some difficulty that he got to the kitchen counter.
"But Henry!" Bendy whined, "we only got a few hours to get ready if ya say yes! We need every second!"
"For what?" he yawned, pouring a cup from the machine.
"You don't know what day it is?" Alice was surprised enough to actually let go, and she dusted herself off like the lady she was before standing up.
Instantly something cold grabbed Henry's heart and squeezed. "Uh- no I...?"
Had he forgotten someone's birthday? No, it was summertime; Bendy was a winter 'birth' and Boris and Alice were spring and fall. An anniversary of some kind? Quick think what are you forgetting you useless-
"How!?" Bendy gaped at him from down below. "It's been all over the news fer weeks!"
Well okay now he was just thoroughly confused. "I um-"
"The parade, Henry!" Boris's tail was thumping gently against the floor; he was not trying one tiny ounce to hide his eagerness. "The parade that's today!"
"Parade-?" It took just one more nanosecond of thought before it clicked.
"Oh you mean the-!" And they wanted to go to it.
Well, he shouldn't be surprised. This would be the first parade they'd get to see, wouldn't it? And it was nice weather out. And it would be bursting with color, which the toons were darn near obsessed with.
He took a contemplative sip. They weren't human; god even knew if they had any sort of sexuality at all. Could they even feel that stuff? The urge to- do anything like that? Wouldn't that technically make them asexual? That was the word, right?
Well, human or not, that would solidly mean they belonged there. Queer was queer, regardless of species, right? Hell, even if they'd just started asking themselves those questions, or wanted to support the fans of theirs who fell under that giant umbrella, they were valid for being there.
"Sure, I can take you."
Both boys cheered, lifting their arms to do so and releasing his legs. He quickly took a step away from them, but their joy had them leaping to their feet anyway and he watched as they bounced around the kitchen, slowly draining his coffee and trying to curb his smile when he was actively drinking.
It was a hard task.
Their excited chatter melted pleasantly into the background as he took the time to drink and try to shake his brain awake the rest of the way awake like shaking out an old blanket to coax out the wrinkles. Their enthusiasm always made for the perfect background noise.
"What colors do you want?"
"I dunno! There's so many! I don' even know what label I fit in-"
"I saw you checkin' out that guy the other day don't think I didn't!" The wink and nudge from Bendy sent Boris blushing so hard the poor wolf's face turned nearly as black as his fur.
"I was hopin' you hadn't-"
They were all quick to consume breakfast, and Henry retreated upstairs after telling the toons to come get him when they wanted to leave.
He settled comfortably in the limitless, timeless space of art before reality came knocking with Bendy's distinctive tapping at the door, pulling Henry from the space inbetween something and nothing as he set his pen aside. "Come in, kiddo."
When Bendy stepped in with what was unmistakably a rainbow flag on his cheek and extra face paint he knew he was in for a time.
"Oh uh- what's that for-"
"For you!" Bendy said with a giant grin. "Who'd ya think?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah well- I uh-"
Bendy didn't slow down. "Anyway the others are about ready to go but they sent me up here to get your flag on while they finish up- now why they trusted me with the paint I got about as much an idea as you but hey I'm not gonna complain-"
"Aw that's- that's sweet kiddo but I sorta figured I'd just be-" How to say this. "Dropping you off...?"
Immediate confusion. "What? Why?"
"Uh well- I mean-" He fiddled with the pen- when had that ended up back in his hands? "You guys- you have a space there, you know? I'm not sure if I-"
There was now a puckered frown on the little devil's face. "Not sure if you what?"
"Well I mean- I don't exactly- belong, now do I?"
The frown multiplied its intensity by about five. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Aw jeez. He really did not want to discuss this with his kid, as much of an adult as Bendy was. For many reasons. "Uh well- you know-" He gestured, as if hoping that would somehow pluck the answer from the air and implant it in Bendy's brain without having to give voice to it, setting the pen down in the process so he’d stop playing with it. "I'm not exactly- I mean-"
"You like guys." Bendy's voice was so sure that Henry knew making any sort of denial was futile. And also kind of stupid. Why would he deny that to his own son? No of course he wouldn't.
"Well I mean- I married a woman, didn't I?" he finally blurted out.
Unimpressed blinking as he drew closer to stand beside the desk. "Yeah they got a word for that. Several actually. Most popular ones are bi and pan, so which colors is it gonna be?"
"No no I mean-" God he was probably blushing. His face definitely felt way too hot. "I uh- I mean I- I like guys, yes-" great brain thanks a ton totally needed that heart rate spiking why are you acting like that's scary this is our kid- "but I- I married a woman- I like women- more often?"
The blinking was now confused.
"Uh-" How to phrase this. "If- if we split it into a pie chart- it's probably like... thirty-seventy in favor of women?" He ran his fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck again. "I'm- not that I'm any great catch but like, if I was in any way qualified to be in the dating pool again, I'd be way more likely to end up with a lady."
The unimpressed look was back. "And?"
It was Henry's look to be surprised. "And- and that means that, you know- I'm not really-"
"You like guys."
"I- yeah?"
"And you're a guy."
"Kind of a given at this point."
"So you're a guy, and you like guys, and just also happen to like girls too. We got names for that." He gave Henry's shirt an appraising look. "Gotta say the bi colors would complement your clothes best. If you want pan colors I'm gonna have to ask you to change. As your official fashion consultant."
Henry snorted. "My what?"
"Listen Dad I love you but I ain't about to let you walk into that parade wearing like, a pineapple hawaiian shirt or nothin'."
Henry banged a fist lightly on the table and pointed at him. "Liar! You wore the exact same thing just the other day!"
"Yeah but that was to the beach, not a parade."
"Literally when have you ever cared about not being a fashion disaster."
"This time, when Alice'll actually kill me otherwise."
"... Okay you got me there."
Bendy grinned. "So, bi colors or pan colors! Or somethin' else? I think there's other ones too."
He opened his mouth, closed it again and then opened it. What the hell. "... Bi colors, I guess."
"Yesssssss I was hopin' you'd say that." He hopped over onto the table like he'd suddenly become a bunny.
"Oh you were, huh?"
"Listen, the pan folks got pretty colors, but I'm always a sucker for a sunset," he said as he pulled out the pallet he needed. Henry sighed and shook his head, the smile ruining his effort to look exasperated.
"Well. Sunset me then, I guess."
"You got it boss!" Bendy said in maybe the worst mafia minion accent known to mankind.
It was barely five minutes of Bendy painting lines carefully on his cheek before he whipped out a mirror.
Henry blinked at himself in the mirror. He tilted his head, something shifting inside his heart that he had no name for, no way to voice.
The once proud look on Bendy's face was swiftly dropping. "... I didn't mess it up, did I...?"
"No- no, no." Henry tilted his head. "I uh..."
Bendy's worried browlines screamed anxiety to him.
"... I guess I just look good in a sunset," he said quietly, seeing the little corner of his reflection's mouth turn up as if in some sort of hazy dream.
Better than I thought.
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squishybuttercup · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓪𝔂𝓪 𝓕𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝔃
submission for Destined for Dane @desira-sims
Name: Ligaya Fernandez Nickname: Aya Age: 24 Traits: Good, Gloomy, and Loves the Outdoors Occupation: Painter/Writer Location: StrangerVille
Ligaya was adopted from an orphanage as a baby, and she knows nothing about her true parents aside from a keychain her parents left with her. On the key chain it is written “Ligaya. I hope that by giving my baby this name, her life holds true to its meaning... Happiness”. Nevertheless, she wasn’t the rebellious type to her mother who adopted her. She grew up as a timid girl, often bullied by other kids. Despite her negative experiences in life, she never lets it get to her heart. Aya remains to be the kind of person with a golden heart. 
There are times she thinks to herself, how ironic her given name is for the kind of life she lives. She was always described as a gloomy person. This doesn’t necessarily mean she never feels happiness, because she does especially when she she does what she loves or she’s with people she cares about. Aya thinks to herself, maybe it’s just how she feels alive. Whenever melancholy starts to kick in, her passion in writing and painting ignites brighter. Along with embracing being around nature, she lets herself go and masterpieces are born.
Random stuff about Aya:
her favorite foods are anything made with potatoes and also eggs!
she likes mangoes, tomatoes, and pineapples (yes on pizza)
very fond of cooking breakfast
favorite subject of paintings: nature
favorite books genre: fantasy
emo hours can hit at anytime, pls be patient with her
favorite bands are Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco
can be absent-minded at times, she gets distracted by writing or painting ideas
neutral good
favorite colors are red, white, and gold
she used to be very insecure of her body freckles so she used to cover them up a lot
she doesn’t believe in love at first sight, “like” at first sight sure
has been in two relationships before (first boyfriend; 7months; left her for another girl) (second boyfriend; 2 years; mutual decision to break up)
when trying to flirt, she gets nervous that the other person would think of her as a dork
loooves taking walks along nature
favorite physical activities are outdoor volleyball and swimming (which is why she wants to move out of StrangerVille, give her the oceaaaaan)
she meditates in forests and near bodies of water
she can be shy at first when meeting new people, but once she gets close, she can be very affectionate
loves leaving little notes of reassurance and cute quotes for love ones (like leaving a “take care” note inside someone’s bag or “eat well!” on a snack she prepared for someone else) she does this most with “thank you” notes :>
she doesn’t like pranks at all
when she’s mad, she’s not one to say bad things. instead she spends time on her own (painting/writing her feelings out, or meditating) before talking to who she’s mad at again
she believes that words spoken cannot be taken back, therefore we must always speak with kindness and love
she recently learned digital painting, still getting the hang of things. she likes it for its portability
won’t openly talk about it, but she really wants kids of her own in the future, and she’ll love them with all her heart!
That’s about it for now, hope you like her!
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my-soul-sings · 4 years
Fandom: Wannabe Challenge Characters: Yooha x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (last part coming soon)
Based on this prompt, but modified for an AU where MC and Yooha meet under different circumstances.  
The original prompt:
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a werewolf?” the human shouted.
“When we first met, I said I was a dog person.”
“Oh my God.”
It had been a full year since you started dating him, that sly, silver-haired man with a cheeky, lopsided grin. It was a little hard to believe, considering your first impression of him.
You had seen many guys like him before: extremely handsome, the kind of man who could have girls swooning just by casting a mere glance their way. He looked like the textbook playboy, someone who would be nothing but trouble.
But as desensitised as you were to the charms of male models like him, even you weren’t immune to his allure. You had met him for the first time in the studio for a couple-themed photoshoot, and the smirk he threw your way when you first entered the dressing room had promptly snatched the breath from your lungs.
“Hey,” he had called, “my name’s Yooha. What’s yours?” He had extended his hand to shake yours, momentarily forgetting that he was stuck in a chair, in the middle of having his hair styled for the shoot. His hand was left dangling awkwardly a couple inches shy of you, before he withdrew it and rested it in his lap.
You had introduced yourself with a polite smile, fighting the urge to stare a little too long at a complete stranger, albeit a gorgeous one. And then he had called your name in that smooth, baritone voice, as if he were practising the feel of the syllables of your name on his tongue. The warm greeting made your cheeks flush a little.
And you mentally kicked yourself for it.
Admittedly, it had been hard to control your heart rate and to focus on the shoot that day, especially with the photographer requesting for many intimate poses that mostly involved hugging him, him hugging you, or having your faces mere inches apart. And it most certainly didn’t help that he had beautiful steel grey eyes, handsome features, a perfectly chiseled body that you could make out from his tight-fitting clothes...
...or a devilish smirk that grew a tiny bit wider when you involuntarily gasped at him suddenly bringing his face close to you in a near kiss. (The photographer had been overjoyed to catch that candid reaction on camera too.)
Aside from that little hiccup of yours, the shoot ended quite uneventfully, and the photographer had been satisfied with the photos taken. You had been eager to hightail it out of there to avoid embarrassing yourself any further, but your hasty exit was interrupted by a certain model calling your name from behind.
“Good work today,” he had grinned, the puppy-like expression melting your insides in an instant. You were grateful for the makeup that was still on your face, or your red cheeks would have caused you grief for the second time that day. “Wanna grab some coffee? I know a good place near here. My treat.”
Alarm bells went off in your head. He was probably the type to just mess around, casually flirt with girls and then ghost them after having had his fun. Not the kind of guy you would want to get involved with.
“So? What do you think?” he prodded when you didn’t answer. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you were struggling to string words into a coherent sentence. It was hard to do that when he was staring so intensely at you.
“I-I don’t know,” you’d finally stammered, “I’m not a coffee person...” Yeah. Getting involved with guys like him was never a good idea. Besides, he had an odd, almost mysterious vibe about him, and you couldn’t quite place your finger on why exactly.
“Hmm. Then what about tea? Oh wait, actually...” he glanced at his watch, “it’s almost time for dinner. How about we grab an early bite?”
You had hesitated in your response again, but then you made the mistake of meeting his eyes. Those beautiful, enchanting eyes...
That was how it all began. One dinner multiplied into ten more meals with him, and before long you had found yourself falling for the man who was nothing like your first impression of him.
He was sweet, thoughtful, gentlemanly, and you had hit it off instantly. You watched the same shows, you were both dog people, you both hated pineapple on pizza, and as it turned out, he seemed to have a much more serious, long-term view on relationships than you initially expected.
And so one thing lead to another. Before long you started dating officially, and today marked your anniversary.
He had planned the perfect date. From the outdoor picnic by the river to the dinner at a restaurant you both liked, to the beautiful necklace he prepared as a gift, you couldn’t think of anything that could possibly make this day go wrong. He had appreciated the gift you’d given him too — a silver earring that you had thought would go well with the colour of his hair and eyes.
Everything was perfect. Absolutely, one hundred percent perfect.
Until it happened.
He had sent you home, and you invited him up to stay a little longer, share a glass of wine and maybe cuddle on the couch while watching a movie. You had both gotten a little tipsy, one thing led to another and quite quickly the movie was forgotten. His lips were on yours, and little by little you felt the weight of his body pinning you down to the soft couch.
"I love you,” he had whispered to you, his warm breath fanning across your burning cheeks, before dipping into capture your lips in his. He kissed you deeply, lovingly, and you could taste the wine on his tongue. 
You had gotten lost in his touch, allowing him to tip your chin up to deepen the kiss, run his fingers through your hair while his other hand began to roam underneath your shirt.
And liquid courage—curse it—had you pressing your palms against the broad planes of his back, feeling his muscles tense at the cold touch of your fingertips. You mirrored his actions, gently curling your fingers in his soft hair, while your other hand also began dipping downwards...
And then you felt it. 
Something hairy... bushy... soft... Like fur.
Your hand jumped back and you gasped, breaking the kiss and Yooha’s eyes widened in shock as he straightened up almost immediately.
“S-Sorry, did I do something bad?” 
He was so sweet, and you were about to reassure him that everything was fine— you had probably imagined something and that he could continue...
Until you saw it:
Eight, white bushy tails sprouting from his backside. 
You had sworn you’d only drank three glasses of wine. There was no way you were this drunk. But even after blinking your eyes and rubbing them, the tails didn’t go away. 
Strangely enough, the first thought that occurred to you was: those tails were so pretty. And fluffy. Like clouds. And you wanted to touch them.
“Hey. What’s wrong? What are you looking at?” 
His voice interrupted your train of thought, and when you met his gaze, you felt your mind begin to go blank. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his. This was the man you had come to love, and today was your anniversary. Did you really want to screw it up by telling him that you thought you had just seen a bunch of tails come out from his butt?
“Yooha, I-” 
But the tails were quick to remind you again of their existence, when you felt something furry brush against your thigh.
Instinctively, you let out a shriek. In his face, to boot.
He leaped back with speed you hadn’t witnessed before, while you backed up to the other end of the couch. From a greater distance now you were able to clearly see everything. The eight white tails were there in full view, and when Yooha backed up against the couch and his hand landed on one of his tails, you noticed the way he stiffened, his face contorting in horror.
“Y-Yooha, what’s that?” you asked in a shaky voice, hoping that this was some kind of way overdue Halloween prank that he had come up with all of a sudden. 
He didn’t answer, which only unnerved you even more. Usually he would come up with a playful response, and you were really expecting him to burst into laughter for falling for his prank.
Anytime now...
“Yooha?” you called again, and in response he closed his eyes in resignation, releasing a deep, heavy sigh. 
“Well... I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” he muttered, standing up and stepping closer to you. He froze in his tracks when he noticed you shrink back, as if afraid of him. But you shouldn’t be afraid. This was Yooha, your boyfriend...  who apparently wasn’t... human?
"So... I’m a seonho,” he said bluntly, scratching the back of his head with a perplexed expression on his face. As if that explained anything at all. 
You paused, waiting for him to continue, but he didn’t. Irritated, you snapped, “What the hell is a seonho?”
“A special fox. I was born with an ability to use magic and after 500 years of training I was able to take on the form of a human.”
Your mind whirled with this insane piece of information. If this was a prank, it wasn’t in the least bit funny. You searched his face for any traces of mirth in his eyes, as there usually was even when he did his best to put up a convincing act in front of you. 
Unfortunately, there was none. And he seemed dead serious, either about the nonsense he was spouting was real, or taking this prank all the way to the very end.
“You... expect me to believe this?” you asked, gesturing to his figure.
He merely raised a brow, and his tails started waving about like happy dog tails. “Want to touch to see if they’re real?”
You were about to decline, but seeing them again now, you felt yourself grow increasingly mesmerised... and giddy... Your mind began to cloud over with the thought of touching and petting those soft, pretty pretty tails... and before long your hands were outstretched, your body inching closer to him to tangle your fingers in the fluffy white fur.
Soft. That was all you could think as you ran your fingers along the smooth hairs. It was the softest thing you had ever touched. And for some reason you felt happy... sort of like you were drunk and floating. Your head felt light, and you felt any and all your worries start to fizzle away like bubbles. 
“Like them?” You heard Yooha’s voice drift into your ears, the lilting tone making you want to giggle.
“Okay, but you shouldn’t touch too much. They have a bit of a hypnotic effect on humans, and I want to explain this properly to you.” Dismay filled you when you felt his hand on your wrist, pulling you away from him. 
The giddy feeling began to fade with the distance he put between the both of you. And then soon you regained your rationality and stared at him, dumbfounded and speechless.
A fox... He was a fox... with eight tails... and he said... five hundred years? How old-
“Woah woah, don’t freak out, relax, I’ll explain everything.” 
Don’t freak out? Relax? 
How were you supposed to “relax” when you had just found out your boyfriend wasn’t freaking human?
Something in you snapped. You couldn’t believe the absolute nerve of him to look and sound so casual about something like this. 
“You’re a fox?” Anger found its way into your voice. “You’re not human? And you didn’t think this was something you should have told me about earlier?” Your words grew into a shout, and you watched as he visibly winced at the volume.
“Well... to be fair... I kind of did tell you. When we first met.” 
“What?” There was no way. You would have known if he had told you something as outrageous as this. 
He nodded vigorously, indignant. “Remember when we first met? I said I was a dog person.”
You took a while to process this. A dog person... He had shared that when you first had dinner with him, and then you two began to fawn over dog pictures.
When he said he was a dog person, it certainly didn’t cross your mind in the slightest that he was himself a-
“...Oh my god.”
“Hey, just calm down and-”
“No! I will not calm down! You do not get to tell me to calm down! How the hell did you think that counted? Telling me you’re a ‘dog person’ has a completely different meaning from telling me that you’re a fox!” You were going into full meltdown mode.
“Okay! Sorry, I get it!” He had two hands raised in surrender, while his eight tails drooped like withered petals. “I was just scared that you would-”
“Reject you? Get scared and run away?”
“Well- yeah!” He was starting to get pissed too, which only egged you on even more. He was angry? You were the only one with the right to get angry in this situation! How dare he! 
“Argh! Then why now? Why tell me now?” 
“I didn’t mean to! They just- they just came out! We were doing this and that and then they just kind of slipped out without me realising-”
“You don’t just casually forget that you have tails! Eight of them!” 
“What do you want to do then? Break up?”
His words rang in the tense air, and the counter that you had ready on the tip of your tongue promptly died. 
Both of you stared at each other in shock. Yooha’s lips were parted, a mix of regret and horror twisting his features. 
He dropped his gaze first, biting down on his lip. His bangs covered his eyes from your view, and your pupils darted to his fists that were clenched tightly by his sides. 
How laughable. It was your anniversary, and it had been the perfect day too.
You plopped down onto the sofa, suddenly feeling drained. You needed time to process all this. There was just... too much. It was all too overwhelming, and you were starting to feel suffocated by the tension in the air. 
Before you could suggest it, he spoke first. “I should go.” 
You should have made him stay. Talked this out. There were so many questions you had to ask him: who he was, why he lied to you, where he had come from...
Why he loved you.
But in that moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to speak. There was only a hollow silence as you heard his heavy footsteps across the floor, before your front door opened and shut behind him, leaving you alone in the emptiness of your apartment. 
A/N: weeellllllll this was not as funny as i envisioned it to be.
will be back with a part 2 hoho :) 
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thrillridesz · 4 years
Could I request time stamp 7.36 pm with TBZ's Jacob💞
Of course, here you go 💙
Do tell me what you think, I’d love to hear your opinion ^^ hope it’s up to standard!
tbz + nct requests: open! ✨
《7:36pm》 - Jacob
Giggling quietly, you peeked out cautiously over the racks at the snacks section of the supermarket to see Jacob surveying his surroundings with a confused expression on his face. From afar, you watched as he whipped out his phone and tap quickly at a few buttons. Feeling your cellphone vibrate in your hand, you almost couldn’t contain your laughter as you let it go to voicemail. Sneaking another look at Jacob, you watched as a look of worry flash across his face, stuffing his phone into his pocket and rushing off in a hurry in search of you.
As you moved from aisle to aisle as stealthily as you could, you couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of guilt. Even from a distance away, the fear in Jacob’s face was clear and undeniable. There were very few things that really scared Jacob despite the many pranks you had played on him where he’d simply laugh them off but this, this felt different. Stopping short, your thoughts briefly drifted back to a late night conversation the two of you once had.
It was one of those late nights where you had trouble falling asleep and Jacob had stayed up with you so you wouldn’t feel alone. The two of you were snuggled up against each other underneath the warm duvet of his bed with his arms hugging you and your face buried into his chest. Hearing his steady heartbeat always did have a comforting effect on you and the feeling of his strong arms enveloping you made you feel extremely secure as if shielding you from everything else in the world.
‘What are you afraid of, y/n?’
A little surprised at the sudden question, you tilted your head up to see Jacob looking at you with those warm, kind eyes of his.
‘Um.. I don’t know. Why do you ask?’
‘It’s just a thought. I just kind of wanted to know.’ He replied but you had the odd feeling that it wasn’t just a passing question he had in mind.
You considered his question for a moment before replying, ‘Hm, maybe people who put pineapples on their pizzas?’
Jacob chuckled softly, genuinely amused at your answer and you could feel his arms tighten around you, holding you closer to him.
‘Aw, y/n. This is why I love you.’
‘What are you afraid of then?’
At that, Jacob’s laughter died down and you could feel the tension in the air with how intensely he was staring at you. There was something indescribable in his eyes yet they were so full of affection that you felt almost shy under his gaze.
‘I’m afraid of losing you.’
You remembered how his voice had wavered slightly at the end as if the thought of actually losing you was enough to break him. You had felt his fear firsthand back then and now that you think about it, you had seen that same type of fear on his face earlier. You felt a huge wave of remorse and intense guilt wash over, almost shaking you to the core when you realised just how wrong you were for playing this ‘prank’ on Jacob.
Frantically, you set off to find him. As you navigated the supermarket, you wondered just how big this place was. Since when were there so many aisles and sections around here? This whole supermarket felt like a maze, the place looked so foreign and unfamiliar and you began to feel scared, wishing Jacob was there with you and wishing you had never went off on your own accord all in the name of some stupid ‘prank’.
As you rounded a corner, you ran smack into a firm chest. Mumbling your apology, you stepped aside and was almost close to tears when you heard his voice.
Snapping your head up, you could just barely make out Jacob’s concerned face through unshed tears. Immediately, you wrapped your arms around him tightly and felt him jolt, surprised at your sudden action. You were so beside yourself with emotion and your words came out in a blur.
‘I’m so sorry for running off like that. It was a horrible and stupid prank and I-’
‘Hey, it’s alright. It’s fine, I’m just glad you’re ok.’ Jacob’s tone was gentle as he rubbed your back in a bid to calm you down. His warmth was so welcoming and him being so kind and forgiving to you despite the distasteful prank made you feel even more guilty yet grateful for him at the same time.
‘Um, y/n? Should we just hug it out back home instead?’ He asked, patting your back awkwardly. Some customers were starting to shoot weird looks at your direction and you felt embarrassment creeping in.
‘I... Yeah, I guess we should. I still feel bad for what I did though...’ You replied sheepishly, averting your eyes.
‘Well, I’ve got us some popcorn earlier for our movie night later so if you still feel bad, you can be in charge of preparing the snacks.’ He smiled, holding your hand in his as the two of you headed for the checkout.
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shwazzberryswriting · 4 years
The Last Night in Bangkok
pairing: xiaojun x original female character
genre: fluff
word count: 500
warnings: small bit with sexually suggestive language
prompt: *Max 500 Words *Must be about Xiaojun *Use these words (random word generator): -irony -immune -mosque
Author’s Note: I’m super new to the NCT fandom, so I’m nervous about posting this. Please enjoy! Just a fun challenge I did with a friend! *~*Now with a Sequel Crack Fun with WayV: Thin Walls*~*
    Xiaojun wanted to spend one more day in Bangkok, but alas, WayV had wrapped up production on their new music video. As a treat, they spent their last day in Bangkok exploring the streets. Granted, Kun insisted they take pictures for impromptu photo shoots occasionally. By dinnertime, Xiaojun was tired of his brothers. He loved them, but needed a break from the pranks and banters.
    When dinner was over Kun suggested they break up and meet again at the same spot after a couple hours exploring. Immune to Yangyang and Hendery’s pleas to join them, Xiaojun insisted he was fine alone, randomly taking a path away from the other guys. He approached a shaved ice stall, needing relief from the humidity. After getting a cup of pineapple flavored ice, Xiaojun found a bridge nearby and enjoyed his frozen treat there, watching the sunset over the river that ran through the city, the rays from the sun illuminating a mosque in the distance.
    “Can I ask you a question?” he heard someone ask. Turning to his right, a black haired woman with a large camera in her hand smiled at him. She had a silver nose ring in her left nostril.
    “Me?” he asked.
    “Are you a model?” she asked in response, raising an eyebrow over her thick black framed glasses.
    “I’m an entertainer,” he replied politely.
    “Would it be too much to ask you for your opinion?” she asked, pointing to two women standing near the bridge. They looked elegant in loose sundresses with layers of jewelry draped over them and designer bags in their arms. “My friends want to enter a contest.”
    He learned that her name was Malee, and she was an artist more than a photographer, but wanted to help her friends take good pictures for a modeling contest at their college. The nerve it took for her to approach him made him want to get to know her better. Once they wrapped shooting he asked her to join him for ice cream. Her friends cheerfully said goodbye to them, and they bought ice cream bars from a nearby stall.
    “You have a sweet tooth,” Malee said, unwrapping her mocha boba ice cream bar. “Weren’t you eating shaved ice earlier?”
    “I can eat anything all day, every day,” he said, taking her trash into his hand. He bit into his bar, and smiled. “Wah! This is good!”
    She laughed, and he admired how her eyes lit up as she threw her hand up to cover her mouth. They enjoyed their ice cream bars and exchanged phone numbers. Meeting up with his bandmates again, Xiaojun pulled Lucas aside to ask the ultimate wingman how to execute his hookup. Lucas enthusiastically offered to let Hendery sleep in his and Winwin’s room, while Hendery complained a little bit, but agreed once Xiaojun offered to be his servant for a month.
    “You wanted to be alone, and come back with a hot hookup?” Hendery demanded.
    The irony wasn’t lost on Xiaojun.
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kinkykawaiian · 4 years
Tumblr media
I did it; I turned Amara into a Hazbin Hotel OC. Although her name and back story was drastically changed. Anyways; she was born into a rich family who happen to be one of the many overlords in hell. They are into show business; her father owns several 5 star Casinos and performs as a Magician; his wife is his assistant. Aside from being a magician's assistant; Ruby's mother is also a talk show host. The couple provided a lavish life for their daughter. Ruby grew up wanting to follow in her parents' footsteps; in her own way. She has always been fascinated with exotic animals and the rich culture of circus life. She also was giving an opportunity to wayward demons in need of a job. With the help of her parents'; her first show was a hit. Alastor was among the crowd and she caught his eye with how she conducted the arena. He waited for the show to be over to congratulate her on an amazing performance and even offered to help her with her future shows in exchange for a dance. Being attracted to both power and class; Ruby accepted the Radio Demon's deal. The two have been working together ever since; growing closer until they became an exclusive couple. Eventually this led to marriage and children. Thanks to her husband's help and guidance; her circus became famous and big. Alastor will help every now and then, but mostly roams the hellscape and tends to the children while his wife works. If she is out touring with the circus; she will take a family photo with her and a bottle of Alastor's cologne and spray it on her pillow before she sleeps as he does the same with her perfume. She also has a silent way of saying "I love you" between her and Alastor; hand squeezing twice. Also Alastor gifted her two siberian tiger cubs for one of their anniversaries. LIKES: -Her children and husband -Running the circus -Singing and dancing -She likes pineapple on pizza despite her husband's opposition -Tigers -being the center of attention -wine -cherries -cheese cake -electro swing, jazz and waltz -roses -FIRE DISLIKES: -Alastor's pranks -anything cold -Angel Dust -Glitter -bodies of water -Being disrespected --------------------------------------------- Personality: She is charismatic, headstrong and takes the lead. She is motherly and protective of her family. She is quick to temper but Alastor knows how to remedy that.  She is adventurous and spontaneous. She is partly vain and a bit of a narcissist and will hog the spotlight  when it comes to show business. She can comes across as pushy and bossy and self-centered
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fictional-semantics · 5 years
Thank you so much to @musicofglassandwords for tagging me! This looks super fun, so let’s do it!
Rules: answer 12 questions in character as an OC, ask 12 questions, & tag 12 people!
All questions below are answered by Rivrin from my book For the Lost!
1. Do you have any magical abilities/secret talents?
“Magical abilities?” Rivrin repeats the question under his breath before he sighs. “Well, obviously. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. But yes. I can perform most basic magic forms, though I enjoy bending quite a bit. It’s fun, and I have a knack for it.”
You give him a strange look. Not that he could see that, of course. You just couldn’t really figure him out.
Rivrin sighs again. “Yeah, I get it, I’m weird. Stop staring, kid. It makes you look like a creep.” He turns his head towards you with a raised eyebrow. Startled, you then remember that he does have magic at his disposal. He was probably also used to being stared at.
As he cut off, he pauses for a moment. “And as for secret talents...” a proud smile grows on his face as he clears his throat twice and taps against his neck lightly.
“I can do some wacky shit with my voice.” He says, his voice coming out in an octave lower than before. The proud smile never leaves his face. You can’t help but smile as well at the childish pride.
2. Who do you love most in the world?
“No one,” he says darkly. “I am forever alone—“
“RIVRINNN!” Another voice joins the conversation as a tall teenage boy stumbles over, covered in soot and smoke spewing from his clothes. A look of helplessness crosses his face and he clutches what looked like an old textbook to his chest.
You watch as a look of what looked like annoyance and amusement dances across Rivrin’s face. “Oh my gods, Alexos, what have you done now?” He demands, the look vanishing before you can be sure. “You absolutely reek of smoke.”
“I, um, was trying to prank Keahi,” the boy says sheepishly. You briefly wonder who that was before the boy continues. “I must have done something wrong...”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Rivrin’s remark is snarky, but his tone holds no bite as he flips through the book and runs his hand along the Braille. A fond look flickers on his face before he closes the book. “You probably got the incantation wrong again. Try again, and you better nail that asshole.”
“Okay! You got it! You won’t be disappointed!” A grin spreads on the other boy’s face before he dashes off in the direction he came. You have started smiling without realizing it. There is something going on there.
“Um...” Rivrin mutters, drawing your attention. His head is bent towards the ground, a sheepish expression on his face. “Please don’t tell anyone about that...”
3. What do you hate the most?
“If I’m being honest? I don’t hate a lot of things,” Rivrin leans nonchalantly against one of the trees in the courtyard. “I dislike a lot of things, but hate is a word I rarely use. I feel like people throw it around a bit too much. It takes away from the meaning.”
You suppose he had a point there, but are a bit apprehensive as to where he was going with this.
“Don’t be apprehensive,” He says casually. “There’s really no trick to it.”
You’re beginning to wonder whether he was lying about not being able to read minds.
“Anywho,” Rivrin waves a hand, brushing aside your concerns. “If there’s one thing I hate, it’s Killingfield and the monsters that throw us in there. Their lack of humanity and empathy is chilling. How they laugh as we rot away in those cells. How they discard lives like they’re nothing... that’s what I hate most.”
You stop, surprised by the straightforward answer and the depth he went into. You imagine it must be hard to talk about.
“Oh, and politicians.” Rivrin adds.
4. In three words, how would your friends and family describe you?
“Deadly. Cinnamon. Roll.” Rivrin counts on his fingers, a perplexed expression on his face. “I don’t know why, I don’t know how. They just call me that. I don’t know whether I should be flattered or offended.”
5. What do you do in your free time?
“I practice my combat and I study.” He shrugs. “As for hobbies, I like doing gymnastics and going for walks.”
6. Flowers or thorns? Rivers or forests? Icebergs or oceans?
“Thorns, because you don’t notice them until it’s too late,” Rivrin grins. “And I can’t exactly enjoy flowers. And... rivers. I feel more at ease around water for some reason. And... icebergs. There aren’t enough of them, with climate change and all. Plus... that iceberg in Titanic really moved me.”
“SAVE THE WHALES!!” A voice screams in the distance.
“FUCK THE WHALES!” Rivrin yells back, his nose scrunched up. “ONE OF THEM NEARLY KILLED ME!”
7. What’s your favorite food?
“Well, I’ve always had a soft spot for sesame chicken,” Rivrin admits, scratching his neck.  “But I don’t usually have it. I also really like pineapple for some reason.”
“YEAH, SO WHAT?!” Rivrin shouts back. You could only watch as he and Elias continue to argue.
8. What languages do you speak?
“My first language is Korean,” Rivrin starts.
You had figured, given his accent.
“But I speak English, Morse code, Chinese, Spanish, and French fluently.” Rivrin counts off his fingers, his expression casual. “I’m adept in Navajo, because my mother spoke it, and I speak Faerie and Siren, because my mother was a merchant and often traded with them.”
9. What’s your family like?
“I usually don’t make a habit of talking about my family,” Rivrin states, turning his head away from you, probably so you won’t be able to see his face. You guess it must be painful for him to remember.
“It’s a bit of a painful subject, but when they were alive they were the best family I could ask for and I miss them something fierce.”
10. What’s a typical outfit for you?
“Half the time I have no idea what I’m wearing,” Rivrin admits nonchalantly, examining his nails. “I just throw on what feels the most comfortable. Because, obviously, I can’t really get a sense of what I’m wearing. Often times I put things on backwards or inside out.”
11. What do you look like? Are you satisfied with your appearance?
“Y’know,” Rivrin starts, shrugging with his palms up with a sarcastic grin. “One of the things about being blind is I really don’t know what I look like.” He waves a hand over his eyes to emphasize his point. “So how can I be satisfied with something I can’t see?”
12. Are you good with confrontation or do you shy away from it?
“Well,” Rivrin begins slowly, processing the question. “I’d say I’m good with confrontation. I don’t have a problem with most people, but if they test me one too many times I will not hesitate to punch them in the throat.”
He hummed to himself before saying, “Well, I’d recommend leaving while you can. The campus is about to close and I don’t think you wanna get in security’s way.”
You turn to leave, but not before hearing him call, “By the way, the Loch Ness likes having his nose scratched.”
My twelve questions are:
What most annoys you about (your mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, son, daughter, best friend, boss, co-worker)?
How often do you exercise? What are your exercise goals?
Who would you really like to tell off?
If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
Of all your memories, which stands out most clearly?
How would you describe your energy levels? Are you more of a hummingbird or a sloth?
When someone wrongs you, do you respond with revenge or forgiveness?
How much do you care what people think about you?
If you could be reincarnated as any animal, what would you come back as?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? (Assuming of course that you don’t already have one…)
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What achievement are you most proud of?
And I’m tagging @eluari @imintheunderworld @astroswords @christinawritesfiction @alasyorickimagraveobber @writings-of-a-narwhal @shattered-starrs @writing-with-melon @igotablankpage @andiwriteunderthemoon @quilloftheclouds @owl-writes
Have fun guys!
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quinn-firethief · 5 years
I’m Really Hurt {1/5}
Quinn's last friend leaves him. He's not surprised.
He hits his lowest, and Professor Cyrus is the only one around to pull him back to his feet.
TW: Alcoholism, character death (mentioned), depression, and PTSD.
Another Warning: I don’t drink. I’m only eighteen. (Not that I’m shaming those who do! It's just not my thing for personal reasons :)) I did some research and people were saying that they can handle a whole bottle, others were saying they couldn’t handle even a few shots of it. My thought process is that Quinn has been drinking, especially Fireball, for a good two, three months. He has a good resistance built up. That being said he chugs a whole bottle in literal minutes, but that won’t come without consequences. Just stick around and stay patient with me, and if anyone has any tips for writing characters that are drinking, please message me!
It happened while they were dueling for the fifth time. Professor Cyrus—whom Quinn started to just call Cyrus behind his back after he kicks his ass for the third Saturday in a row—and Quinn had been doing this for a month and one week, meeting every Saturday without fail. Quinn always brought some Fireball Whiskey for them to fight over. He usually had a few gulps before Cyrus would show up to pull out his wand and begin the duel without a word. Quinn wasn’t sure what Cyrus was doing with the alcohol, he didn’t seem like the type to drink whiskey. Quite a few times he had caught Quinn off guard and pulled him off into a battle sigil and made him drop the bottle in the process, which would cause most, if not all, of the alcohol to spill. It was such a waste, and it really pissed Quinn off. He started getting smaller and cheaper bottles just for these duels. They did enough to occupy his time while he was walking to the usual spot.
That night, he arrived at his dorm rather late. He had been doing that a lot lately. He couldn’t stand being in the dorm, not when it had some of his most cherished memories about his best friend. The late nights spent talking instead of studying or sleeping, how they would have playdates with their little pets, how they would just lounge in silence as Quinn studied or read and he would tune his lute… It was all too much. Nowadays, Quinn couldn’t even look at his pets. He was sure they didn’t quite understand, but how the hell could he explain death to them when some days he couldn’t even face the truth himself?
He knew that if he wanted to make it to the spot so they could have their duel at the usual Cyrus seemed like the type of man to get angry over that, even though they’d never made this whole thing official and thus, had never set an official time—he was going to have to go in, grab a bottle, and get going. He planned on doing just that, but when he came up to his door in the boys’ dorm, he found a package sat in front of his door. It was half opened, with one of the folds pulled back while the other was still dipped in. He blinked and then frowned. He hadn’t ordered anything, and everyone in the dorms knew better than to try and pull some pranks on him nowadays. The last idiot that had tried ended up with their eyebrows gone after a close call with one of his spells. Was it a booby-trap? Some enemies trying to get revenge on him? He sighed as he suddenly realized he didn’t care. It could blow up in his face for all he cared. He had things to do. He strode up to the box and pulled up the other flap so he could look inside.
His heart stopped.
There was only one thing inside of the box, and it was an amulet. It had a golden chain with a pink gem. Tiny sigils traced the edges of the gem, and even though he couldn’t see the back, he knew there was a glowing symbol carved into the metal so it was fueled by magic. He knew that because he had bought this amulet, this exact amulet, nearly a year ago.
“Quinn, you shouldn’t have!”
Sarai’s voice was soft and had a tone of something like disbelief. She cradled the amulet in her hands with a sort of touch you would give a newborn baby. They were standing in Quinn’s dorm. It was the weekend and they were both out of their robes. Quinn wore a sweatshirt and some jeans with some simple sneakers, and Sarai wore a pretty sundress that had pineapples printed on the white fabric along with some white flats. Her long brown hair was done up in a braid and slung over her shoulder. The style suited her, Quinn decided the moment he looked at her.
“Well, you keep having difficulty with your mana reserve.” He resisted the urge to rock back on his heels. “This is supposed to give you twenty more. I know it’s not much, but, it was all they had in the shop…” He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously. “Do— Do you like it?”
“I love it!” Sarai looked at him and grinned before she suddenly stepped forward and hugged him. She smelled of flowers, as most life sorcerers did. They did do a lot of gardening, after all; Sarai especially. He felt his cheeks getting a bit warm as she propped her chin up on his shoulder. Her breath brushed against his ear and he could feel her smile more than he could see. “Thank you, so much.”
He was thankful, not for the first time, for his speech lessons while he was growing up. It was his taught self-reserve that kept his voice from shaking as he wrapped his arm around her waist and said; “Of course, Sarai. You’re my friend!”
Sarai stepped back and released him from her soft and warm hold. He already found himself missing her touch. She smiled at him widely and opened her mouth, but Quinn never got to hear what she planned on saying as the door behind them swung open.
“Hey! Sorry I’m late, guys! I had to drop off an essay to Professor Cyrus!”
Quinn laughed and grinned. “Hey! It’s alright—!”
Quinn shoved his dorm door open. He had kicked the box aside after he pulled out the amulet. He gripped it in his hand now, so tightly in his fist that he wondered if he would crush the chain. The pink gem glowed up at him almost mockingly. The sigil on the back felt like it was burning him. There was no doubt in his mind that this amulet had been left by Sarai. There was also no doubt that she had left it as a way to tell him that she didn’t want to be friends anymore.
He dropped the amulet in favor of ripping a loose board out of the floor. He yanked a large bottle of Fireball Whiskey and yanked off the cap. This brand is the good kind. It cost him nearly a hundred bottles for just this one bottle. But it's good because it gets people drunk, fast. And he needed to get drunk at that very moment. He’s never needed to get so fucking drunk. He chugged from the bottle, tipping his upper body back to get as much in his mouth as he could. That proved to be a mistake as he choked, hunching to the side as he pulled the bottle from his mouth, coughing and spitting up the orange liquid as it burns in his throat. He quivered, on his hands and knees, before he began to laugh. It started as a low wheeze and then increased in volume as he realized just what position he was in. His last real friend, the first person he had ever loved romantically, had officially cut herself out of her life.
That’s her decision, the rational side of his brain whispered, you can’t change it. There’s no choice in being upset over it. You have to go on.
But we don’t want to go on, the other side of his brain hissed. Of course, it’s her decision, of course, we can’t change it, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. We’ve lost everyone. We’ve lost everyone because we’ve pushed them all away. Sarai was all we had left and now she’s gone.
And it’s my fault.
Quinn pushed himself up to his knees. He took another deep swig from his bottle. He didn’t drink as fast, but he drank longer. Before he knew it, half of the bottle was gone.
Because I’m the one who told her I needed time to be alone, to find myself. But all I’m doing is trying to find myself at the bottom of a bottle.
He stood up. His pets had hidden under and around the bed and they watched him with mournful looks. His firecat, Amber, debated on going to his side, but something in her sad heart told her there was no point. She hadn’t been able to reach him in months, sober or drunk. Nothing was going to change that now.
He looked at the clock, bloodshot eyes blinking. He looked another swig of his alcohol. He and Cyrus usually fought around one am, and it twelve fifty-five. He needed to get going, he realized. He gripped the bottle in one hand and fumbled for his bow with the other, snatching it off the wall where he had hung it up Friday night. He never went questing anymore. He didn’t need it for the weekends. He spent the weekends studying, rarely dueling, or sleeping. Drinking, too. He chugged from the bottle again as he stumbled out of the room. His foot bumped against the cardboard box and he quickly took another chug.
By the time he had left the dorm, there were only a few sips left in the bottle.
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