#Pollux dc
firelance2361 · 1 year
Pollux the Paradox
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Just a fun redesign I did of the Flash villain Pollux from the 90’s series. Honestly, this one turned out better than I expected.
Hope you like it!
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splosh-crime · 11 months
Lazarus Pit - DC x Riordanverse
Nico di Angelo and Pollux meet and save either Jason Todd, Tim Drake, or Damian Wayne at the Lazarus Pit and take them to Camp Halfblood.
Hades & Thanatos requested that Nico di Angelo and the only surviving Son of Dionysus, Pollux, rectify the problem of the Lazarus Pits.
Every Death/Underworld God of every pantheon has agreed that the Pits are an abomination of maddeningly corruptive resurrection that never should have been used, especially not for immortality. Ra’s al Ghul will face eternal punishment for his crimes in whichever underworld he ends up in.
As the most experienced child of Hades alive and the only one with teleportation powers, Nico was an obvious choice for the mission. Pollux, however, was chosen because of his father’s control over insanity and lesser known association with rebirth. Unfortunately, because Nico is a Prince of the Underworld, it goes against his very nature to touch liquid resurrection, and doing so would leave harsh burns on his skin in addition to the average effect of Pit Rage. A bottomless pot was forged and enchanted to fully drain the pits but even then, the essence bleeding through is too much. In order to combat this, a son of rebirth and insanity (Pollux) must be sent to drain and hold the pot while Nico acts as transport and defense from the League of Assassins.
While most of the Pits are drained with little to no problem thanks to Leo’s hacking and Nico soul sight, it’s the last Pit where the plan goes awry. Which bat the boys meet next is up for your choosing. A choose your own adventure for writers who already have that option anyway.
Personally, I believe either Jason or Tim to be the most plausible to be in the Pit Room and in such a bad situation that the demigods would feel the need to intervene. Jason because, obviously, he’d be about to get dunked in it to restore his mental capacity and demigods know that’s an awful idea. Not to mention that Pollux could ask Dionysus to fix that instead if needed. Once his mind’s back, he’s going to be absolutely pissed that so many kids are being used as child soldiers, cannon fodder, and monster food with little to no outside help. After he reunites with his family, he’ll definitely be setting up a series of fully-stocked safe houses with hero contacts taking shifts to protect them from monsters if not all are secure enough with bat tech. When he’s older, he’ll probably adopt some.
Tim because he just lost his Spleen and surgery isn’t cutting it so they also need to dunk him. The demigods take him to Camp for Apollo Cabin surgery. It’d be kind of weird for Will Solace to be a better surgeon than one hired by the al Ghuls (even if he’s a demigod) but it’s action/adventure fiction so we can afford to be handwavey about it. He’d definitely set up a safe house system too, but might not adopt a demigod when he’s older.
The demigods could also meet Damian since obviously he grew up there but I seriously doubt he’d be in there without Ra’s and/or Talia personally overseeing his safety. And while these demigods are good, 500 yrs of combat experience is pretty damn hard to beat (especially since many of the giants and titans probably relied more on brute force/power than skill) and Talia’s no slouch either, not to mention that it’s unlikely that Damian would be physically abused in that room badly enough to need intervention during such a high-stakes quest. He might not see the need for a safe house system, but when he meets/reunites with the batfam, Jason at least would probably still set it up.
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 month
I started a headcounsellors + Chris roadtrip fic so here's a bit of it.
Idk why but my writing feels off to me? idk but all I know is that after all that taking the piss about that van I think i need it to just breakdown or blow up at some point lmao.
It was in the middle of Summer; the sun wasn’t up yet, and the head counsellors of the main 13 cabins (plus a few others) of Camp Half-Blood were hurtling down the street in Chris Rodriguez’s mom’s beat up old van that had definitely seen better days for a spontaneous road trip that they definitely did not get permission for. 
Chris himself was at the wheel singing along to an AC/DC song that was cranked up to eleven on the radio. He had a baseball cap crammed over his head and the cool summer breeze was blowing through his curls. 
Annabeth, Percy and his girlfriend Clarisse were in the first row behind him. Clarisse in the seat directly behind his so she could put her feet up. The rest of the head counsellors (cabin 1-13, excluding Hera's cabin, obviously) filled the remaining 11 seats. 
Being the latest additions to the head counsellor family and the last ones to get to the van, Jason, Piper and Leo were moved to wherever they could fit. Which was the floor for Jason and Piper and on top of everyone’s stuff in the back, behind the seats for Leo. 
“I still think we should let me, and my siblings give this hunk of junk an upgrade.” Leo yelled over the music. 
Chris turned the music down, “One, it’s not a hunk of junk it’s my mom’s car and it’s got character.” He yelled back and the entire van burst out laughing. 
“Yeah, the sacrificial lamb character!” Pollux called. 
“Chris, buddy, the engine is literally crying out for mercy!” Leo said, lying on top of several counsellor’s bags. Both Jake and Nyssa nodded in agreement. 
Connor twisted around in his seat to look out the back window, “I think I just saw the license plate fall off”. 
“It’s trying to escape this deathtrap!” Travis yelled before cracking up laughing. 
Leo grinned and waved out the window, “Bye bye, license plate! We’ll keep you in our hearts!” 
Directly after he said that the van hit a road bump, and everyone jumped a few inches in the air in their seats, except Leo who hit his head on the roof. 
“Sorry!” Chris called over his shoulder, though the grin on his face said he wasn’t that sorry. Leo grumbled something and Chris turned the music all the way back up. The chorus of Highway to Hell by AC/DC drowned out all the chatter. 
“On the highway to Hell!” 
“Accurate” Nico muttered though no one heard him over the music. 
Half an hour later the van had settled into comfortable silence, the only sound being the engine wheezing and the rustle of snacks. The radio had broken down twenty minutes ago and the Stolls had been banished to the back after making too many jokes about the van ten minutes ago. 
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tentacledwizard · 5 months
3 and 37 for ask game if you please :)
(rubs hands together gleefully) you asked about movies. this is my moment. Hold on to your hats, it’s Tentacledwizard Rant Hour.
3 films I could watch for the rest of my life and not get bored of:
FACE/OFF, dir. John Woo. 1997, rated R for faces being taken off, killing and murder, John Travolta licking his fake daughter’s face, pretty much everything you can think of that’s R-rated. Starring Nicolas Cage and John Travolta.
 So, I was told I shouldn’t watch this movie because it was “boring” and “terrible.” ok, dad. sure. It proved to be neither! As soon as I finished it I wanted to rewatch it just to observe the nuances in Nick Cage’s acting. And John Travolta’s, but Cage is who I’m really here for. He plays this unhinged, flamboyant villain, then does a complete 180 (body swap, sorta) and plays a straight-laced FBI man PREVIOUSLY played by John Travolta (who, you guessed it, now plays the flamboyant villain).
The acting. The ACTING augh I could analyze it for hours. I’m not even good at analyzing facial expressions and stuff (it is the tism) but the acting skill in this movie made me even more of a Nicolas Cage fan. The sheer range of emotions that wash over his face during a fight scene in a prison. god DAAAAMN. He plays two men in one movie- one who’s just batshit insane and reveling in it, and another who feels like he’s become the former in more ways than just physical.  
 FBI Man finds himself melting into this persona he’s playing, and he feels perversely drawn towards the villain’s lifestyle. He’s wearing the face of the guy who killed his child, and he’s starting to enjoy it. Meanwhile John Travolta walks around wearing the face and mannerisms of a straight-laced FBI man, and his ascent to power is scary to watch. It’s (rolls around on floor screaming) it’s so good. I haven’t seen A LOT of movies so if you asked me this question in a couple months, my answers here would probably change. However, Face/Off is not moving off this list. 
There’s even a funky little evil man who stole scenes from Cage himself. He plays the villain’s brother, Pollux (name sounds like Sollux, and he  points out the inherent eroticism of salmon in documentaries). Something about his line delivery has made me deeply obsessed with him. He and his brother are messed up and evil but they care about each other almost codependently. It’s fascinating to me. Also for some reason the scene where Nick Cage talks about his first date with his wife makes me cry. One second I’m thinking about the scientific inaccuracies inherent in the movie’s plot, and the next I’m looking at Cage’s sad face through a layer of saline. Curse you, sentimentality.
So, yeah, Face/Off is incredibly good. Certainly not perfect, but super fun. Also this is the 90s and all the stunts are entirely practical, which is super sick. The two golden guns are iconic and almost certainly inspired Jake English’s strife specibus, lmao. And… Nick Cage! Yeah I think that’s enough Face/Off thoughts I can put here before this becomes an entire longpost. (checks Face/Off google results) HOLD ON NOW there’s going to be a Face/Off 2? Or is this just a rumor? Woah. I will have to google this.
National Treasure, dir. John Turteltaub. 2004. Rated PG-13 for guns and a mildly suggestive scene because of course they had to put a blonde lady in a mildly suggestive scene, and British people. Stars Nicolas Cage, Justin Bartha, and Diane Kruger. 
Yeah ok at this point this is like my default movie. Should I be ashamed for enjoying this? Nuh uh. Life is too short to be ashamed for enjoying a silly action movie. Im killing cringe culture with two golden guns. In other news I have seen this movie eight times, and talked about it to anyone who’d listen. Here is a full review of it that I wrote. When I missed out on a trip to Washington DC, I watched this to really immerse myself in the setting. When my mom and I wanted to watch a film, I put this on and she said “phallus” every time the Washington Monument was onscreen because she’s fun like that. When my best friend whom I love dearly came over, the first thing I did was put on National Treasure. It’s kept me grounded and also gives me a good chuckle at some of the goofier scenes. This movie is a…
It’s a…
The joke is low-hanging fruit, but yeah, it’s a national treasure. This is admittedly Cage at his most mainstream. He’s an action movie hero guy, but in a PG-13 movie made by Disney. When asked about a possible National Treasure 3 in interviews, Cage seems kinda annoyed. I mean hey, I would be too. His acting in this film doesn’t seem like something he’s personally interested in, although he does a good job. However, I think his character’s parallels with Nick Cage’s real life are pretty interesting, especially because the director knew Cage since highschool. More on that later.
Where Face/Off’s selling point was “Nick Cage and John Travolta swap faces,” this one’s is “Nicolas Cage steals the Declaration of Independence.” And then a bunch of other stuff happens, but that one sequence is the best in the entire movie. The parallels and differences between two teams’ methods of stealing the Declaration really got to me. After that, there’s a bunch of adventuring… making leaps in logic… puzzles… what’s not to love! :D I will say that the main character is somewhat casually misogynistic in this film, which makes me grimace every time. He does learn his lesson in the second movie (though he remains pretty static, which frustrates me because there was an OBVIOUS CHANCE for character growth there… hmm maybe I will review nat treasure 2 sometime).
Something I forgot to mention in my full review is that Jon Voight and Harvey Keitel are in this movie, which is quite the slay. However, this means that I ended up thinking of Jon Voight as a Good Guy the next movie I saw him in (Mission Impossible). Uh. so apparently Jon Voight plays a lot of villains. As for Harvey Keitel, he plays an FBI Man. (looks at “Harvey Keitel movies” page) OH SHIT he’s in THAT MANY iconic movies?? That’s awesome. He’s a cool guy!
Ok, let me talk about Jon Turteltaub. So Nick Cage and Jon Turteltaub went to the same high school, and they both wanted the lead role in Our Town. (Trust me on this, I’ve read like three Nicolas Cage biographies.) Turteltaub got the lead role, whereas Cage got the role of Constable Warren. According to this interview, Turteltaub never let him live it down. Ouch. So after that, Cage couldn’t stand Our Town. and then after THAT, Jon Turteltaub went on to direct the National Treasure movies. Guess who stars in National Treasure! Yeah, that’s an anecdote that is just really funny to me. They also collaborated on Sorcerer's Apprentice, which I have yet to see. Nick Cage plays a sorcerer, hells yeah. Now according to Turteltaub, “there’s a lot more Nic in [the sorcerer] than in [the main character of National Treasure].” Yup, that’s pretty much what I thought. (shakes head) Nick Cage movies, amirite? If you really want a lot more National Treasure thoughts, check out my review! Yeah ok that’s enough shilling for myself, ha ha. This is a cool movie and you can watch it whenever, with whoever. Probably. P.S. everyone is at their most autistic swag in this movie. But especially Riley Poole, played by Justin Bartha. I adore him. 
3. Anger Management dir. Peter Segal. 2003. Somehow rated PG-13 despite the constant sex jokes. Starring Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson.
Ha ha, PSYCHE. i absolutely hate this movie
3. Employee of the Month dir. Greg Coolidge. 2006. Rated PG-13 for retail working and reference to Vince Downey [Dax Shepard] seducing women in various places around a Costco. Stars Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson, and Dax Shepard.
I really like this movie. What more can I say? It’s a low-budget rom-com from 2006, and the director did not need to go that hard with the gay subtext. But he did! And I am forever grateful. (checks time) it’s getting kind of late, so let me direct you to my super hype review that I wrote a while ago. The reason I wouldn’t get bored of watching this movie is the sometimes batshit, beautiful turns the plot takes. Bam, this rom-com is now randomly a sports movie for a few minutes. Now Vince and his sidekick Jorge are breaking into the main character’s house to make him late for work. I don’t really know how to explain, I just love that kind of thing in a movie. It’s unpredictable and fun in kind of a stupid way. 
Also, Jorge and Vince are the emotional core of the movie. Their relationship is messy, but it’s even more sweet and heartfelt than the actual main romance of the story. It’s the romantic B-plot. If Employee of the Month were an Alternian movie, Karkat would go into a huge rant about its portrayal of moirallegiance through Vinzce and… Jorgay (lmao). Pretty similar to what I did in my previous review. If you realllyyyy wanna read a scene-by-scene breakdown of their relationship, check that one out! Actually that one is just me having emotions about them. “OMG THEY HUGGED.” u kno. that sort of thing lmao. @creatcher made some fanart of them kissing yey :D
So, yes, Vince and Jorge are amazing, and Jorge is especially amazing. Can’t wait to see Napoleon Dynamite (his actor plays Pedro in that one). There’s a lot to be said about the character Efren Ramirez plays here, but I doubt I have the expertise to really do a critical analysis. also this is still a low-budget romcom about retail workers. OH yeah also the plot is really funny- the romance turns out to have very little by way of stakes, so it’s actually Zack (played by Dane Cook) competing against Vince for employee of the month. That’s the core conflict of the movie. Well, one of them. They’re literally jousting in a costco like “two gay old sailors” (Vince’s words, not mine). This movie portrayed homestuck quadrants before they were even a thing (refer to a shipping chart @cgtg and i did for more clarity). Employee of the Month is unexpectedly great. Obviously none of the movies on my list are perfect- this one includes some racism/ableism from Vince, and I already mentioned the National Treasure misogyny- but they have a lot of redeeming qualities. And i mean a LOT.  they also all have a short guy for me to be obsessed with. So that’s the three movies I picked, and why I’ll never get bored of them. Hmm. I guess it depends on how many times I watch them!
Share a secret: 
 Hmmmm ok this is a tough one. uuuh… ok here goes: My darkest secret is that my crush looks exactly like John Egbert. There’s a real person in real life who looks like John Egbert. One cannot fathom the amount of horror this entails. They even have the same taste in movies. The same SHOES. That’s your secret for the day, tune in for more at 10!
Yep, I wrote a lot of stuff for this ask. It was fun, though. I enjoy ranting about movies. Thanks for the qs!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Idea for future oc kids.
Your sun in that fic you made. The one with a murder code.
Would MC want to combine their codes with KC to make more kids?
BH would honestly hate canon KC. Black Hole is a murder code but he's very traumatized still from his brother's death, so much so he didn't let go of Moon, when he visited just after BH's Moon's death, for hours, nearly a full day even.
BH does have a small number of children himself in his own universe. The original Sun in his universe (named Acrux) is his eldest, though Acrux has disowned Black Hole after the death of their Moon. He has a few stems from the old murdery tree just like KC does in the form of Spica (their version of Eclipse, but less controlling and a lot more like Moon, he was made as a sort-of Moon stand in but was never completely correct).
Castor and Pollux are his version of a kind-of Blood Moon, though they're both a mix of both solar and lunar models (like the Eclipses people used to make where they were combined). And an adopted Lunar-esque AI (the eldest, surprisingly) made from Acrux and his Moon splitting, whose name is Vesper. Vesper is just a child, made from the split that is everything Acrux and his Moon couldn't separate in their codes.
Acrux was raising him before his code went into stasis shortly after their Moon's death and is safely stored within Black Hole's body. BH has been raising Vesper his very best and not getting any murdery urges into him, if only for Acrux's sake when his code becomes active again.
As for OC children between them, if they pulled from their own codes and made any kids from that, they would likely be called Virus, Glitch, Bug, Defect, Death Code (aka Havoc/DC), Homicide Code (aka Chaos/HC).
Virus is a sun model with a highly active protection code that will murder someone mainly from BH and the same threatening demeanor of KC Glitch is a lunar model that glitches between calm like BH with no active murder or kill codes and a threatening demeanor like KC with fully active kill and murder codes running concurrently. (They refer to them as twins)
Bug is a Lunar-type tiny model that has little interest in killing and actually prefers cute things and loves his brothers much like the original Lunar, should he does cause a lot of chaos and pranks and will occasionally kill someone who gets in his way. Defect is an Eclipse-type model with no desire to kill, though his family usually urges him to. He hates his family but can't leave due to him being the brunt of their disappointment and abuse.
Havoc and Chaos are twins and presented initially as one like Blood Moon, but were quickly separated and put in their own bodies instead. Havoc and Chaos are still inseparable and have the full forces of both the kill code and murder code running almost 24/7, though they both have lucid moments, usually when they're away from each other.
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rynmaru · 2 years
“Good evening, L.E.I.D.A.! Welcome to Lab 404 Late Night Radio. This is P.O.L.L.V.X. coming to you online and on air with the all your favorite hits. It’s a real blast from the past tonight, with some classic rock ballads and of course I always take requests.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. sat across the table from Castor, who was intent on his work, and looked to him for a reaction. When none came, they heaved a dramatic sigh and started an AC/DC song before leaning towards Castor. They peeked over the top of his monitor. “Earth to Castor. Come in, Dr. Creed.”
“Not now, Lux. I’m busy.” Castor murmured, eyelids fluttering as he leaned back in his chair, plugged into the net via his nerve ports at the base of his skull, between his shoulder blades, and in his lower back. His breath sent puffs of vapor into the frigid air with every word.
“Killjoy.” P.O.L.L.V.X. huffed. “You said we’d take a night off this week. It’s Friday. We haven’t taken a night off at all!”
“We have work to do. I’m doing this for you, after all. You’ve cascaded twice in the span of four missions and Regent is getting frustrated.”
“Not my fault you’ve been targeted by the worst of the attacks! Maybe Regent and Fenrir should actually do their jobs and protect you so I wouldn’t have to!” P.O.L.L.V.X. snapped, folding their arms and leaning back in the chair they appeared to occupy.
Castor’s eyes opened a crack and he looked to his NHP tiredly. “I agree but if they won’t do that then I have to pick up the slack for your sake. You know this.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.” P.O.L.L.V.X. stared up at the ceiling, watching their hovering projector as it beamed their image down where they wanted it. “You’re going to run yourself into the ground with this on top of everything else though.”
Castor sat up slowly, “If you enjoy cascading and being cycled so much I can stop.”
“I enjoy cascading.”
Castor didn’t deign to react to that. He reached for the glass of water he kept nearby, taking a few sips before leaning back again and closing his eyes again, continuing his work.
P.O.L.L.V.X. sulked beside him, watching him and drumming their fingers soundlessly on the table, holographic fingertips scattering when the light met the metal surface.
Sitting up straight, they projected a microphone into their hand, switching from sulking to irritating, a broad grin on their face.
“And now, listeners, let’s go to our special guest in the studio tonight, Dr. Castor Creed himself! Dr. Creed, how does it feel to be the second smartest person in the lab right now?”
They held out the microphone towards Castor who heaved a sigh and looked their way again, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the microphone.
“Think of it as improvised interview practice.”
Staring them down, Castor narrowed his eyes. Then he sighed, adjusted his glasses, and leaned forward towards the microphone.
“Thank you for having me, Pollux. It’s a pleasure to be here. To answer your question, it’s not often I’m not the smartest person in the room so it’s a bit intimidating. But that just means I have a chance to learn from someone else for a change.”
Castor looked to P.O.L.L.V.X. and smirked slightly, unable to mask it.
“Is what I would say if by some twist of fate that ever happened.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. grinned broadly, “Fascinating. And how does that absurdly large ego serve you in the workplace and with interpersonal relationships?”
“It’s not ego if it’s true.”
Castor and P.O.L.L.V.X. stared at each other across the microphone between them, silence stretching for several long seconds.
Castor cracked first and immediately P.O.L.L.V.X. joined him, both breaking into laughter.
“God I don’t know how you do it, Lux,” Castor said, voice shaky with laughter. “No matter how hard I try to focus you can always find a way to distract me. And I can’t even be mad at you for it.”
“Mm it’s because I’m adorable,” P.O.L.L.V.X. said confidently, giving Castor their most charming smile.
“Perhaps…perhaps…” Castor leaned on his desk, watching P.O.L.L.V.X. with a rarely seen soft expression and warmth in his dark eyes. He turned his face away as he tried to stifle and hide a yawn.
“Not yet, Lux…”
“That wasn’t a suggestion, hon,” P.O.L.L.V.X. stood and stretched. “You’ve got ten seconds to save your work before I shut down and lock your workstation.”
“No, you can’t do that, I’ve got work to do still!”
“Nine. Eight.”
Castor huffed and turned to quickly save his progress as P.O.L.L.V.X. continued their countdown, the save completing and finalizing as the NHP reached the end.
“Zero! And SCENE!”
The computer screen went dark and Castor turned to face P.O.L.L.V.X., grabbing his white lab coat from the back of his chair and shrugging it on.
“Pleased with yourself?”
“Oh, always.” P.O.L.L.V.X. fell into step beside Castor as they exited the small private laboratory and turned their steps towards the domestic sector of the station. “So what’s the plan now?”
“You heard me.”
“Yeah but I don’t believe what I hear. You, Castor Creed, sleeping? Taking care of yourself?”
Castor smiled faintly and shook his head. “Come on, Lux.”
“What’s next? Drinking water instead of coffee? Going to rehab for that stim addiction? Even, dare I say it, eating actual meals?”
Castor swiped at their image, his hand passing through them as they laughed and reformed immediately.
“You asked me to go to bed, not for me to perform a miracle. Careful or I’ll start a new project when we get back to our unit.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. held up their hands, grinning.
“Say less, say less! My lips are sealed!”
Castor scanned his keycard as they arrived at their unit. He looked to P.O.L.L.V.X. as the door slid open.
“You didn’t end your radio show. Your fans will be confused.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. chuckled, “You’re so right.”
Spinning to face the rest of the units across from theirs, they projected the microphone into their hand again, sending their voice booming down the hallway.
“Alright, that’s it from us this evening, listeners! Thank you for your continued support and be sure you tune in again next all-nighter for more late night radio from Lab 404. This is Castor and P.O.L.L.V.X. signing off!”
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femletters · 3 months
JUNIPER COLE. the vessel.
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FULL NAME:   juniper luna cole NICKNAME(S):   juni,  june,  j.j. ALIAS(ES):   cosmeta   ( marvel + dc verses ) PRONOUN(S):   she / her + they / them + we / us D.O.B.:   5 / 25 AGE:   24 - 29 ORIENT.:   demiromantic + demisexual
PERSONALITY:   intelligent,  versatile,  adaptable,  driven,  hard-working,  obsessive,  lively,  kind,  considerate
SKILL(S):   some tae kwon do GIFT(S):   is the joined vessel to the cosmic celestial symbiote "zeta"  ( he / him ), granting:   virtual immortality,  enhanced senses + strength + agility,  flight / levitation,  astral / celestial manipulation + projection   ( energy beams, projectiles, etc. )
HAIR COLR:   brown EYE COLR:   dark brown HEIGHT:   5' 7 TATTOO(S):   gemini constellation-  separated as pollux behind her left ear, and castor behind her right ear SCAR(S):   n / a PIERCING(S):   earlobes
OCCUP.:   astrobiologist + astrophysicist HOMETOWN:   ... CRNT RSDNC:   ... LANGUAGE(S):   english,  a.s.l.,  spanish,  l.s.e,  japanese,  j.s.l., french,  latin,  greek,   BELIEF(S):   catholic
PARENT(S):   gustavo + ayumi cole SIBLING(S):   n / a FAMILY:   n / a CHILDREN:   n / a PET(S):   n / a
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neotokyo-rpg · 1 year
Reservas Actualizadas
Aquí vendrá la lista de las reservas que se hicieron hasta ahora.
Pollux (Alchemy Stars) Gavial (Arknights) Leonhardt (Arknights) Allmind (Armored Core 6) Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) Power (Chainsaw Man) Harley Quinn (DC Comics) L (Death Note) Light Yagami (Death Note) Dante (Devil May Cry) Freddy (Dyslite) Karna (Fate) Scáthach (All Forms) (Fate/Grand Order) Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy) Rui Ninomiya (Gatchaman Crowds) Beidou (Genshin Impact) Diluc (Genshin Impact) Kaeya (Genshin Impact) Lisa (Genshin Impact) Mona (Genshin Impact) Neuvilette (Genshin Impact) Zhongli (Genshin Impact) Raiden Shogun ( Ei – Baal ) (Genshin Impact) Tartaglia (Genshin Impact) Alucard (Hellsing) Blade (Honkai Star Rail) Fu Xuan (Honkai Star Rail) Kafka (Honkai Star Rail) Raiden Mei (Honkai Impact 3rd) Dave Strider (Homestuck) Risotto Nero (Jojos) Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) fem!Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen) Suguru Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen) Sukuna - Todas sus versiones (Jujutsu Kaisen) Akali (all Skins) (League of Legends) Evelynn (League of Legends) Graves (League of Legends) Jinx (League of Legends/Arcane) Kayn (League of Legends) Li Zeyan/Victor (All Forms) (Love and Producer/Mr. Love: Queen's Choice) Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) Miguel O'Hara (Marvel Comics) Naruto (Naruto Shippuden) Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) Towa (Slow Damage) Shiki (Togainu no Chi) Baji Keisuke (Tokyo Revengers) Hanma (Tokyo Revengers) Haruchiyo Sanzu (Tokyo Revengers) Inui (Tokyo Revengers) Kento Fuwa (Tokimeki Restaurant) Kazutora (Tokyo Revengers) Kokonoi (Tokyo Revengers) Ran Haitani (Tokyo Revengers) Taiju Shiba (Tokyo Revengers) Yasuhiro Mutou (Tokyo Revengers)
Recuerda, para reservar solo debes seguir el formulario: Nombre del pb (Serie/anime/manga/autor) — Contraseña
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morgansbrews · 4 years
Need a 5e sheet for online DnD or for easy character math? Here’s my Google Sheets 5e character sheet!
This sheet will calculate:
Ability score modifiers
Skill and Save proficiency, including expertise
AC, accounting for different armor types, shields, and misc. bonuses
Attack roll and damage modifier calculation
DCs for any feature
Spell save DC and spell attack modifier
Spells preparable, for both full and half casters (works for multiclasses!)
Total gold in inventory
Also, a feature use tracker (for Rage uses, Ki, Second Wind, etc.)
This is the sheet that I use for my characters, so feel free to use it if you’d like! It’s very easy to modify with a basic knowledge of spreadsheets, so I can twist it to fit my exact needs for a character. There are some guides in the notes to help explain stuff too! Just simply save a copy of it to your Google Drive, and you’re good to go. (I also have a version for Pathfinder 2, so if anyone is interested in that, let me know!)
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firelance2361 · 1 year
Pollux, The Fastest Paradox Alive
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Just a version of my design for the Flash villain, Pollux, done in the style of Phil Bourassa.
Hope you like it!
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Fragrance, photo album, mixtape, and shooting star for Santi and Arden please (◕‿◕)♡
lici!!!! hello my angel, thank you so much for the ask <33 under the cut for length ofc!
and thank u to my love @tomexraider for the santi header (❁´◡`❁)
oc ask meme!
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✦ fragrance: what do your OCs smell like?
if she’s had a chance to shower, she smells like lavender; it’s her favorite scent so all of her shower/bath stuff is scented like it. when she hasn’t had a chance to shower, she either smells a little earthy--kinda like pines, because she spends almost all of her free time outside--or like the disinfecting handwash at the clinic!
✦ photo album: describe one of your OCs' favorite memories
i would say one of her faves would be when she got the dogs!! she hand-picked castor and pollux, her belgian shepherds, from a breeder she spent a thousand years researching, and when she finally got to go pick them up is like probably her favorite day ever. she kept both dogs in her lap the entire ride home, and they fell asleep in her arms like little infants.
✦ mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like
i haven’t quite gotten her playlist polished up yet, but here are some songs that arden likes to jam to!
1. paint it black - the rolling stones, 2. hell’s bells - ac/dc, 3. no diggity - blackstreet & dr dre & queen pen, god’s gonna cut you down - johnny cash, sisters of the moon - fleetwood mac
✦ shooting star: if your OC(s) could have one wish what would it be?
ugh it would probably be something gross and romantic like “live in seclusion with my dogs for the rest of my life (and jacob can come too)”
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✣ fragrance: what do your OCs smell like?
expensive cologne usually, because he’s almost never without a spritz of the d&g. i imagine when he’s caught unawares he probably smells a bit like cardamom and leather.
✣ photo album: describe one of your OCs' favorite memories
the one (1) time jacob seed asked him for a favor (hanging with arden while all the crazy cult stuff in AN was going down). it’s literally his most treasured memory because he knows jacob can’t stand him : ))) also santi considers himself to be irresistible to all people so it was a lot of him going “don’t worry, amigo, i’ll try to hold her off” and jacob like rolling his eyes for a thousand years
✣ mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like
this one is somehow always so hard and SO fun!!
1. carry your throne - jon bellion, 2. filthy - justin timberlake, 3. feeling good - sofi tukker, 4. playing with fire - sam tinnesz & yacht money, 5. genius - sia & diplo & labrinth & lsd
✣ shooting star: if your OC(s) could have one wish what would it be?
hmmmmm. santi already thinks he’s the sexiest so he’d probably wish for john to lose all of his hair. the fallout would be too incredible to pass up.
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soapking1965 · 6 years
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