#Question Game
blue-slxt · 1 year
Question Game
Are we tired of these yet?
What is your nickname?
When is your birthday?
What was your longest relationship?
What is your favorite book?
What is something you're insecure about?
5 Male celebrity crushes
5 Female celebrity crushes
What is your dream job?
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
How do you de-stress?
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
Describe yourself in one sentence.
What do you think makes you attractive?
What is something you're really good at?
What is something you're really bad at?
A time that you told a lie.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Who knows you the best?
What is your most prized possession?
What is your longest friendship?
When did you first feel like an adult?
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
How are you feeling right now?
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Favorite song lyrics right now?
What does self care look like for you?
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
What makes you nervous?
What’s a pet peeve you have?
What will always make you cry?
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
Free Pass! (Ask any question you want that's not on the list)
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ask-asks · 3 months
Distracting Asks
What are you reading now?
Name something you want to read?
5 songs you have been recently obsessed with?
What are you watching?
What was the last thing you watched?
Show us a rock?
Draw something that makes you happy, don't worry about your art skills!
Name something you are looking forward to?
What are you craving right now?
Favorite animal?
Favorite season?
Favorite comfort drink?
Favorite climate?
Favorite game?
Favorite subject?
Favorite instrument?
Tell us about your favorite character?
Dream job?
Favorite candle?
Share a recipe or two?
What is something you have been meaning to try?
Something you want to see?
Talk about a WIP?
Last thing you fixed with duct tape?
Talk about something you love?
Freebie, create your own question!
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saphire-makes-art · 2 months
Otherkin/alterhuman/therian question game!
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pluralasking · 3 months
[pt: #one-hundred]
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In order to celebrate 100 days of posting, here are 100 questions for you to answer! You can either answer them all at once, or let others send in the numbers they are most curious about!
Some of them are general questions, others are just really silly and should not be taken too serious. I put a lot of effort into coming up with all of these, so I truely hope you have fun with this!
For simplicity sake, all questions will use the words "System" and "Members".
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1. What is your System name and / or the name you collectively go by?
2. Which word do you prefer to use for your System? (example: System, Collective, Constellation, ...)
3. What are your Systems origins, if you choose to label them?
4. Do you have any Subsystems?
5. Do you have any Sidesystems?
6. What is your opinion on you& / your& language and similar types?
7. What methodes do you use to keep track of your System and it's Members?
8. What is your Systems ways of communication?
9. Is communication hard or easy for you (and why is it the way it is)?
10. Do you view yourselves as parts of one person or as multiple people in one body?
11. Who are you out to as plural?
12. What languages do you collectively / one of you speak?
13. What is something you can't seem to collectively agree on?
14. If you have a collective Identity (such as Gender or Orientation), what is it?
15. Do you collectively identify as queer / LGBTQIA+?
16. Do you collectively identify as Otherkin, Alterhuman or Nonhuman?
17. Do you have a collective rentry / carrd / something along those lines? (feel free to share!)
18. What does switching feel like for you?
19. Are you Monoconscious, Polyconscious or something else?
20. What does fronting feel like for you?
21. How many System members do you have?
22. Which word / words do you prefer to use for members of your System?
23. Which age group seems to be the most common in your System?
24. Which gender seems to be the most common in your System?
25. Are there any talents / hobbies you picked up because of a Member?
26. Do you have any in-system relationships?
27. Do you label roles within your System (and if yes, which ones?)
28. Are most of your Members introjected, brainmade or something else?
29. Do you use names, emojis or something similar to sign off messages (and if yes, which ones and why?)
30. Do any of your System members use Xenogenders?
31. How do Members pick face claims?
32. Do you have any Introjects of popular sources?
33. Do you have any Introjects of unpopular sources?
34. Do you have nonhuman Members?
35. Do any of you use Typing Quirks?
36. Do all of you front, or only a selected amount?
37. Are there any Members who can't or prefer to not speak?
38. Are most of you short or tall in height?
39. Is there a Member that is collectively loved by all in the System?
40. Do any of you struggle with being front-stuck a lot of the time?
41. Do you have a Headspace (if not, is there a reason)?
42. What does your Headspace look like?
43. How do Members look like in Headspace? (example: Cartoony, Foggy, Realistic, ...)
44. Is there a reason why the Headspace looks the way it looks?
45. Is it easy for you to enter Headspace?
46. Do you remember what happened in Headspace when you switch into front?
47. Does time in Headspace pass (and if yes, is it at the same speed as in real life)?
48. What is your favourite place in Headspace?
49. Are there "NPCs" within your Headspace?
50. Are there any interesting fun facts about your Headspace?
51. Are there any "System Stereotypes" you fit into?
52. Who of you would be considered the "evil alter"? (in a lighthearted, joking manner)
53. What is your favourite inside-joke with a Member?
54. What is your favourite Plural meme?
55. Is there any character that you headcanon as plural?
56. Is there any show or movie that you believe is a good plural representation, despite that not being its intention?
57. Is there any song that you believe decribes your plural experience?
58. What about an artwork that describes your plural experience?
59. Which Member of your System do you believe to be the prettiest of them all?
60. Do you collectively have a lucky number?
61. When did you first discover your System?
62. How many Members did you know about during your Syscovery?
63. Was accepting your Plurality a challenge for you?
64. How did you learn about Plurality?
65. Where there any signs of your Plurality, if you look back at your past?
66. Do you think your Syscovery changed a lot in your life?
67. If you're out to others as plural, have they ever told you later on that they already thought about it before you realised?
68. What was the biggest struggle during your Syscovery?
69. Was there any big event that led to your Syscovery?
70. What is something you want questioning plurals to know?
71. Are you Neurodivergent (and if yes, how?)
72. Do you have any physical disability?
73. Do you have a dissociative disorder?
74. Do you have any other disorder?
75. Do symptom vary in intensity depending on the fronter?
76. Do you think your disability / disorder has an influence on your plurality?
77. Do you have amnesia of any kind?
78. Are there Members who deal better with symptoms than others?
79. Do your disorders / disabilities influence communication or switching within your System in any way?
80. Does being plural help with your disorders in any way? (example: another Member switching in to take care of the body during difficult times, ...)
81. Which is your favourite plural flag?
82. If you have one, which is your favourite plurality related tumblr blog?
83. What is a fun fact about your System?
84. What is a flavour of ice cream that describes you collectively?
85. Which pride flag is the prettiest, in your collective opinion?
86. If you collectively had to choose between being a sweet or a sour candy, which do you pick?
87. Your body always morphs into what the current fronter(s) look like, would you want this power or not?
88. Is there a Hatsune Miku in your System?
89. Who has been in your System the longest (if you can remember)?
90. If you collectively had to choose, would you rather only eat sweet foods or only eat savoury foods for the rest of your life?
91. If you collectively had to choose, would you pick to become a vampire or a werewolf?
92. Your body is transfered into one of your Members sources, which do you pick and why?
93. If all of you turned into animals right this second, which animals would we find in your System?
94. What would a Minecraft server with all of your Members look like? (example: chaotic, peaceful, laggy, ...)
95. If you could choose between only living in Headspace or only living in Meatspace (real life), which would you choose?
96. What topic would you collectively make a youtube channel about? (it can't be plurality!)
97. Which superpower would your body obtain, if you had to collectively decide on one?
98. Who would pick the coolest tattoo for the System and who would pick the worst?
99. If you only were allowed to eat one food for the rest of your life, but you would have to decide on the food collectively, what would it be and what would the decision making look like?
100. What is the most fun about doing polls and answering questions, in your opinion?
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slfcare · 2 months
ᡣ𐭩˘ᵕ˘ random constellation-themed asks
because these ones are still getting reblogged to this day
ara ⟢ what do you think makes a monster? lyra ⟢ when do you feel most at ease? pegasus ⟢ what is your "light at the end of the tunnel"? cygnus ⟢ did you build forts when you were a kid? What did they look like? aquila ⟢ what's your favorite cheesy joke? delphinus ⟢ what does your name mean, and why was it given to you? pavo ⟢ what's your favorite commercial? sagittarius ⟢ what is something random that most people don't know about you? hydrus ⟢ which of the four seasons is the worst suited for your personality and why? andromeda ⟢ what is a world record you think you could totally beat if you really wanted to? fornax ⟢ what quality does a person need to have for you to instantly like or click with them? puppis ⟢ what's the most stupid / disappointing / bad movie or tv show you have ever seen? capricornus ⟢ what's your funniest relationship/friendship dealbreaker? vulpecula ⟢ what did you think adulthood was like in your teens? auriga ⟢ if you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you want to go? serpens ⟢ if you had the opportunity to be immortal, would you take it? why (not)? cetus ⟢ what's a common practice in your social circle or family which you noticed is uncommon outside of your circle? orion ⟢ what is a red, a beige and a green flag of yours? ursa minor ⟢ if you could live multiple lives of your choosing, what would they look like? who would you be, where would you live and what would you be doing? asks are open :)
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v4mporino · 1 year
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
2. how tall do you wish you were?
3. what color is your hair?
4. whats a rare fear that you have?
5. are you single?
6. has your heart ever been broken?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?
8. favorite coping mechanism?
9. whats your favorite love language?
10. how often do you get nervous?
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?
13. where do you wish to live?
14. what’s something surprising about you?
15. when did you last shower?
16. when did you first join tumblr?
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?
19. whats your dream job?
20. whats your ideal date?
21. what do you wish you could do better?
22. what country would you live in if you could?
23. whos the best person you know?
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?
25. whats your favorite holiday?
26. when have you been most embarrassed?
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?
28. what are you best at?
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?
30. do you have siblings?
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?
33. whats your favorite current class?
34. how many people have you dated?
35. how often do you wash your hair?
36. do you daydream? what about?
37. where do you go to be alone?
38. which parent do you like more?
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?
40. whos voice do you enjoy?
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?
43. what do you wish you never did?
44. do you believe in life after death?
45. do you prefer book over movie?
46. whats your favorite season?
47. whats your favorite time of day
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
51. do you have your own room?
52. whats your favorite book?
53. who’s someone you hate?
54. whats your best hottake?
55. whats your favorite game?
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
57. are you a morning person?
58. do you drink enough water?
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
62. whats your least favorite game?
63. were you a markiplier fan?
64. how do you respond to compliments?
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
66. do you believe in marriage?
67. do you have a crush on someone?
68. do you like tumblr?
69. were you a voltron stan?
70. whats your favorite ship?
71. whats your favorite song?
72. do you like loud crowds?
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?
74. how do you sleep?
75. do you bite your lips?
76. do you use chapstick?
77. do you have any pets?
78. what color are your eyes?
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?
80. have you ever had surgery?
81. whats your least favorite animal?
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
83. do you have an sqishmellows?
84. do you enjoy fast food?
85. do you like soda?
86. what grade are you in?
87. do you wear any jewelry?
88. what socials do you use?
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?
91. did you ever have bangs?
92. what trends did you hate?
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?
94. do you like dinosaurs?
95. whats your opinion on body hair?
96. whats your least favorite time?
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?
98. do you have your phone on military or regular?
99. have you ever been to church?
100. are you lgbtq?
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dreaming-moondragon · 3 months
🏳️‍🌈 Little LGBTQ - ask game 🏳️‍🌈
🌈: Your favourite colour from the rainbow?
🏳️‍🌈: What is your sexuality?
🫂: Do you have queer friends?
🎧: Do you have a favourite song with LGBTQ topics?
💘: Are you in love with someone right now?/Do you have a crush on someone?
🌱: What's your gender?
💫: Is there another term you identify with? (Femme, butch, etc.)
💞: How do you like to express your love? Both platonic and romantic.
🎨: What are character traits you like in others? (Both platonic and romantic)
❤️‍🔥: What do you find attractive in another person?
🩷: something you find cute in other people?
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stuffiesncum · 1 year
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What is your sweet spot?
What is your favorite part of the body?
Do you like hair-pulling?
How do you feel about PDA
Leather or lace or silk?
Have you ever spanked or been spanked in the bedroom?
Are you rough or romantic?
What is your most embarrassing sexual fantasy?
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
What is your favorite position in the bedroom?
Do you think food has a place in the bedroom?
What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?
How many people have you had sex with?
What is your favorite pet name?
Do you prefer long hair or short hair?
What is your least favorite pet name? 
Do you like being blindfolded?
What is your biggest turn-off?
What do you wear to bed?
Do you like to cuddle?
What are your thoughts on friends with benefits?
Are you a quickie or do you prefer to take your time?
Do you like seeing the evidence? (Hickies, bite marks, bruises…)
What is the longest you’ve ever gone without sex?
Do you think friends can kiss without ruining their friendship?
What was the worst kiss you ever got and why?
Tongue or no tongue?
Have you ever had sex in the shower?
Are you a giver or a receiver?
Do you curse in the bedroom?
Is it okay to kiss on the first date?
Have you ever had a one-night stand?
Do you like massages? Giving or receiving?
What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
Would you rather make out or cuddle?
Are you the jealous type?
Do you like teasing or being teased?
Have you ever done a strip tease?
What is one thing you will never do in the bedroom?
Do you like watching/being watched?
Do you read erotica?
Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Hair down there or clean-shaven?
When was the last time you touched yourself?
Whats your favorite kind of foreplay?
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hedwig221b · 6 months
🤲 would you please share a snippet of a WIP?
Rules of the ask game
I have just closed a doc with fresh 7k of NEW WIP and it's gonna be so EPIC I'm exploding rn
Gerard hummed and folded his hands on the handle of a sword at his waist. “What a spoiled brat you have, John. We’ll change that, do not worry. With a loving hand…” he sang dreamily and threw an annoyed glance at Derek. “Let go of him, young knight. The road will be long.”
But Derek stood frozen.
“Let go,” Stiles murmured above a breath.
“How can you ask that of me?”
Derek’s furious harsh whisper full of agony and desperation — at the very end, it was the exact thing that broke him.
Hot stinging tears ran down Stiles’ pale cheeks. His bitten dry lips trembled. He squeezed his eyes and shook his head but the tears kept coming.
Stiles dug his nails into the back of Derek’s hands and tugged. “Let go.”
“Hale,” his father warned.
“Derek, I beg you.” Stiles tugged and tugged but Derek’s arms were like vice. He couldn’t make himself look at the man for he would break, irreparably so.
But Derek only pressed him closer.
Stiles felt the heat of his body, heard the caress of his labored breath against his own ear. He heard everything Derek wasn’t saying.
A blade slid with a silky whisper out of the scabbard. Stiles gasped and stiffened as he felt the tip of it press under his chin.
“And now?” asked Gerard, his cold but amused gaze trained on Derek.
The hands disappeared from Stiles’ sides as if burned.
“See how easy?” Gerard smiled. The blade remained pressed to Stiles’ neck for a couple more breaths before Argent put it down.
Stiles inhaled sharply and swayed in place.
No one caught him this time.
He stood alone.
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fandomnerd9602 · 17 days
#36 Free Pass. Ask any question that isn't on the list.
Pick your perfect cast for a romance movie. Main character (woman), love interest (male) and at least five supporting characters. Who are your choices?
Main Character: Elizabeth Olsen
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Love Interest: Andrew Garfield
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MC Best Friend: Florence Pugh
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Love Interest Bestie: Thomas Brodie-Sanger
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the Kindly, Eccentric Boss of MC: Willem Dafoe
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Romantic Rival: Sydney Sweeney
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MC’s Dad / Spirit Guide who encourages MC to follow her heart: Sean Bean
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Send me a number (or several numbers) and I will happily answer! Or ask me something not on this list! I've always seen people do these question games and have always wanted to do one myself so I put together these questions from several similar lists circulating around on Tumblr!
Any unexpected ways kink has improved your life?  If so, what are they?
Are piercings sexy?
Are tattoos sexy?
Are there any sex toys you want to try?
Are you more of a dominant, submissive, or switch?
Are you rough or romantic?
Are you the jealous type?
Are you vocal during sex?
Do you have a gag reflex?
Do you kiss on the first date?
Do you like being blindfolded?
Do you like dirty talk?
Do you like hair-pulling?
Do you like it rough or romantic?
Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
Do you like name-calling in bed?
Do you like seeing the evidence (bruises, bite marks, hickies)?
Do you like teasing or being teased?
Do you like to cuddle?
Do you like to swallow?
Do you like watching or being watched?
Do you prefer having foreplay or getting right to it?
Do you prefer long hair or short hair?
Do you prefer to give or receive when it comes to sex?
Do you watch porn?
Have you ever cried during sex?
Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Have you ever had a one-night stand?
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Have you ever had sex in the shower?
Have you ever had to use your safe word?
Have you ever spanked or been spanked in the bedroom?
Have you ever squirted before?
Have you/would you have a threesome?
Have you/would you participate in an orgy?
Have/would you ever have sex outside?
How do you feel about public displays of affection?
How many people have you had sex with?
Is it good sex even if you don’t cum?
Tongue or no tongue while kissing?
What are your BDSM test results?
What are your thoughts on friends with benefits?
What do you like and dislike about oral sex?
What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
What do you wear to bed?
What is an overrated sex position?
What is an underrated sex position?
What is one thing you really like during sex that you wish happened more often?
What is something that never fails to make you horny?
What is the best sexual ego boost you’ve received?
What is the first thing that draws your attention when you meet someone new?
What is your biggest turn-off?
What is your favorite color to wear?
What is your favorite kind of foreplay?
What is your favorite kink and why?
What is your favorite part of your body?
What is your favorite pet name?
What is your favorite position in the bedroom?
What is your favorite type of non-sexual contact?
What is your newest kink?
What is your safe word?
What is your top sexual fantasy?
Which part of your body do you consider the most sexy?
Would you have sex on the first date?
Would you rather be handcuffed or blindfolded?
Would you rather make out or cuddle?
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Really Get To Know Me
Threw together a small list of questions to ask to get to know everybody better.
What do you do for work?
Tell me about your first kiss.
What playlists do you have on your phone?
Do you like cooking or baking more?
Guilty pleasures?
Something you regret.
Celebrity crush?
How many languages do you know?
Make a confession.
What's your favorite book?
What was your childhood dream job?
Do you have any pets?
How many siblings do you have? Are you oldest, middle, or youngest?
How tall are you?
What's something you're insecure about?
When is your birthday?
Embarrassing memory?
What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
Have you ever had a one night stand?
Have you ever been caught doing the do?
A song that evokes a good memory?
A song that evokes a bad memory?
Do you prefer phone calls, facetime, or texting?
Your favorite pet name from your partner? (baby girl, honey, brat, etc.)
What's a controversial opinion you have?
Do you believe in second chances?
3 things you love about yourself.
What is something you are sure you'd NEVER do?
How different is your actual adult self from how you pictured it when you were little?
Have you ever met a celebrity?
Free Pass! (Ask whatever question you want to know that's not on the list)
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ask-asks · 5 months
These Asks Of Ours
Talk about someone who changed your life?
Talk about something you really want to do?
What is on today's menu?
What is a language you would like to learn?
List up to ten (or more, why limit yourself?) words you like and their definitions?
Give us a few quotes?
Show us some rocks!
What is your favourite way to eat a potato? Or five or six?
How do you like to listen to music? (streaming, radio, cd, vinyl...)
Talk about something you are working on?
Share something you are proud of?
What fandom currently holds your fixation?
Talk about a scent?
A memory?
What kind of weather do you like the best?
Talk about something you love?
What is something you are scared to do, but absolutely should?
Share with us a recipe?
What are you currently watching?
Share with us a random fact or two?
What are you currently reading? Give us a quote if you like?
Favourite snack foods?
Be honest, do you too still like to colour?
List some of your favourite characters?
Talk about some OCs if you have any?
Favourite meme?
Share a joke?
Did you ever come back to the thing you wanted to do when you were little?
How do you decompress?
Name something good that happened today?
Something you are looking forward to?
Did you know we all look at the same Moon? Someone out there you love is looking at it too.
Freebie ask, make up your own question!
Is there anything you would like to ask the asker?
Anything you would like to share?
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nightmareevara · 3 months
Tell me about your problems and I'll give unhelpful solutions like google
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22 pls
DAMN goin straight in on this one I'm not currently crushing on anyone currently (UNLESS we are counting beautiful men who are famous and have no idea I exist, cause that's a whole other ball park) But the type I ALWAYS end up falling for is the following;
Tall and or looks intimidating (RBF or presence)
secretly a soft lil bean
gotta have some geeky/nerdy hyper fixations
older than me
an unhinged balance of chaotic dumbass to functioning adult
could pass as a cryptid who crawled out of the woods
some kinda artistic talent (musician / writer / artist)
Sucker for dudes with long hair, just lemme play with it PLEASE
emotionally unavailable *cough*
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ask game
(except random questions because i can’t keep a theme and i’m bored)
1- Favorite color?
2- Favorite animal?
3- Favorite food?
4- Comfort / Safe place?
5- Have you ever been to an aquarium?
6- Sharks or whales?
7- Cotton candy or gummy worms?
8- Favorite movie?
9- Do you think your friends would like your favorite movie?
10- Orange juice or tomato soup?
11- Have you ever watched She-Ra and the Princesses of Power?
12- How many people are you following?
13- How many drafts do you have?
14- Have you ever seen a giraffe?
15- Opinion on the planet Mars?
16- What’s your favorite thing that probably would’ve gotten you bullied for as a kid?
17- Did you watch Barney (purple dinosaurrrrr guy) as a kid?
18- Did you know Lunchables are actually toxic? (They have bad stuff you’re not supposed to ingest them, look it up)
19- Have you ever been to a beach?
20- Have you ever made a s’more?
21- How many hours have you spent playing your favorite video game?
22- Opinion on geese?
23- Geese or ducks?
24- What’s your favorite random fact?
25- When did you join this hellsite?
26- Could you leave this site whenever you want or are you addicted to it and cursed?
27- If someone were to talk about “the hive”, would you know what they’re talking about?
28- I like your shoelaces.
29- Bzzzzz. Do you like bees?
30- Favorite Wiggle’s song?
31. Do you believe in unicorns or are you boring?
32- Favorite Adventure Time character?
33- Favorite time?
34- Favorite song lyrics?
35- Do you listen to music for the singer’s voice, the instrumental, or the lyrics?
36- What’s your favorite social media?
37- How do you feel about the Frozen franchise?
38- If you were a tv show character what do you think your role would be?
39- If you got put into the last book you read how fucked would you be?
40- Do you read?
41- Opinion on penguins?
42- Are you confused by any of these questions?
43- What time is it for you right now?
44- Do you sleep or are you a literal vampire?
45- Favorite vampire media?
46- Best birthday party you’ve ever had?
47- You get a free murder pass, who do you use it on?
48- Brownies or cupcakes?
49- Gooses or geese?
50- This isn’t a question, but you’re really great and I hope you know you’re amazing. I hope you’re doing well, and if not, I hope you’re doing better soon. You got this, I believe in you.💛
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