dogcollarpunk · 1 year
the fact ingesting information can be so exhausting. 0/10
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Star Trek AU ideas...
@phantomcomet talked about a Star Trek AU and then I went too far in writing this post imagining some roles in Star Trek. I’ve stuck to the adults from TKK/CK and maaaainly envisioned characters through the lens of Starfleet (although not only). 
Anyway, here’s some thots! Any Star Trek/CK fans add more!
First things first: I did not think of a name for the starship Miyagi’s captaining, so I’m just calling it Miyagi’s ship for now. (The Bonsai doesn’t seem like a ship name really. The Crane Kick not so much either... The Cobra totally works though... anyway, someone have some ideas?)
Miyagi: Captain of the ship (later an admiral and then retires to take care of his bonsais). Obviously has a soft spot for Daniel, whom he probably spotted doing some whiz-kid stuff on a shitty, broken down civilian ship and took onboard. You know, you probably don’t even have to mess with his backstory that much to make it fit, he grew up on a planet on the outskirts of the Federation and saw some shit and is doing good, a la similar to Kirk’s backstory. He’s experienced abandonment from the Federation, so he may work within the system, but he’s fucking with it at every turn he gets and does what he thinks is right (a la Sisko. If Kirk and Sisko had a baby? Strange thoughts, but tell me I’m wrong).
Daniel: Engineer. Low key kind of a prodigy with engines. Engineers aren’t as often officer-class (unlike science/medicine and command, which I believe always are), so I can see Daniel coming into that from a less privileged space – definitely not the Academy – and initially butting heads with Johnny (as well as a bunch of others). He’s not head of engineering, but he works for the Lead Propulsion Engineer. Also he talks to the warpcore. You know he does. All the time.
Johnny: Security Babey! Also backstory is maybe he was trying to get into a command situation onboard a different ship led by Captain Kreese and he was the golden boy, but things went South when he was pushed to doing something he didn’t feel right about, so he was demoted for something bad that he’d done on Kreese’s orders and then couldn’t let go of. And he brings that baggage aboard Miyagi’s ship.
At this point people joke about Miyagi taking on lost causes and strays…. (but never to his face).
Ali: Doctor, of course! Did everything by the book and sometimes dreams that she’d let go of her parents expectations and could go out and do something outside of Starfleet. I feel like she might’ve studied with Johnny at the Academy and for a short while been onboard Miyagi’s ship with him and Daniel, but gotten transferred into a more specialised field at some point (chasing the dream).
Kumiko: Okay there’s three different things I see for her
1. Presumably this is a galaxy-class/exploration ship (similar to the Enterprise) and so civilians are also onboard. If Kumiko isn’t with Starfleet, maybe she was using it as transport as an incredibly famous dancer and there’s a whirlwind romance that can’t last vibe.
2. if Starfleet, definitely in Command somewhere. I kind of love her for a first pilot/flight pilot.
3. Command. Even if she’s not in Starfleet I can see her having command of her own ship: Quietly competent, but steely in conviction and capability, that’s her!
Kreese: Used to be a Captain, but quietly was ousted from Starfleet during an internal investigation that showed up a lot of problems during his command and even before that. Star Trek has depicted war, and bigotry, and I think Kreese would probably have some dirty laundry there (some of which hasn’t been uncovered). Still bitter about losing his command and losing Johnny and has some personal business with Miyagi that he puts on Daniel, like in the movies.
The OG Cobras: They were all on Kreese’s ship originally, but dispersed after the incident with Johnny. I wonder if only Bobby stayed on, studying intergalactic faiths and assisting in various first communications and interchanges.
Someone help me out with Jimmy, Tommy, and Dutch. Continue on in Starfleet, yay or nay?
Yukie: I caaannot see her as Starfleet. She obviously grew up with Miyagi on that planet and I feel like she’s heavily involved in the rebuilding efforts and has been her whole life. She’s traveled to earth multiple times to petition for relief efforts, and is incredibly anti-war – there’s a whole department dedicated to her work – wait is Yukie basically some hotshot activist who condemns Federation Neo!Colonialism… I feel like… that’s poetic… also you know where Kumiko gets her calm competence from!
Sato: I mean he’s some big-shot admiral while Miyagi’s still Captain and they have History! I think Sato bought into the Federation a lot more and is consistently angry at Miyagi’s choices and wants to initially trip him up, but he just can’t. And eventually they find themselves back home and patch things up – it’s the intergenerational environmental Trauma babey. You need to go back to the source to begin to heal.
Chozen: Speaking of intergenerational trauma… I mean, he’s gone through the Academy, he’s wound up as a combat pilot/second pilot on a great ship, (in this Sato isn’t captaining a ship, he’s risen in the ranks, but he’s pulling strings), he’s going through it. Unsure of what actually would happen, but I like him for combat pilot as a counterpoint to Kumiko’s flight pilot. Poetic.
Terry: OOOOKaaaay, who the heckening is Terry Silver in this? In canon I already HC him as almost a ghost, so how does that translate here? He’s an intergalactic crime boss, he’s got 50 different stories told about him (he’s an augment like Khan, he’s worked with Borg, he’s got contacts throughout the Federation, he came from the Gamma Quadrant) – only Kreese marginally knows him and knows he used to be an ensign, but before that… even he’s not sure…
Barnes & Snake: They work for Terry… do you think he’d do a longterm con of getting his own people into Starfleet through the Academy? I feel like he would. Officer Class, except Snake probably wound up in lowgrade security, I cannot see him having the brains to move that far up the ladder. I’m inventing a whole conspiracy now…. or maybe Terry hired Barnes after he got kicked out of the Academy, hmmm...
Jessica: I want her to be Science Class, so that’s what she is. Research and Development. Social sciences and Xeno-archaeology. She makes and collects gifted pots.
Carmen: She’s a nurse. I feel like she also came through in an unconventional way, possibly studying nursing in a civilian capacity and worked on civilian ships for a few years, using it as payment for traveling with her mom and her kid. Then, eventually, ends up on the same Starship as Johnny and Daniel and Co. (and now I kinda want to see her training under Ali, but in my head Ali left before Carmen entered the picture).
Rosa: I feel like the Diaz family didn’t grow up on earth – I’m aware that this puts people of colour mainly off-earth, but I’m thinking about Star Trek’s earth-metaphor as “paradise” (DS9) while it lets all the nasty stuff happen outside, which is… very similar to “first world/third world country” rhetoric + how in Karate Kid and Cobra Kai first Miyagi and then the Diaz family are immigrants. I think Rosa Diaz would get on with Miyagi – like a type of Guinan and Picard situation, where she’s definitely a civilian, but constantly ends up on conversation with the Captain and he’s not quite sure what exactly her history is. Also I’m imagining a lil toddler-Miguel on a big starship.
Amanda: Similar to Kumiko I can see Amanda in a lot of places – administrative? Officer class? Intelligence officer/analyst? Bridge crew? Captain-in-training? What are we thinking here? Also I wonder about her past, but that’s something I do in canon as well. I kind of like the idea that she’s worked incredibly hard for what she has, putting herself through the Academy, presenting the front of someone who grew up with giving parents on the “Paradise” of earth, but actually she didn’t…
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darkacademaniac · 4 years
a chaotic but accurate representation of the little things I love in my day-to-day academic career, aka a moodboard of all the little things I really miss and can’t wait to do/see again once I can go back to my full-time on-campus Arts & Media Student life after this worldwide mess is all over
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
just goofing off around campus, bc we’re young and nothing matters so why tf not
eyes open to all the wonderful différences in fellow students, noticing and enjoying how unique and awesome and varied their colourful outfits are
also everyone is wearing doc martens, and so are you, bc that’s what everyone at this university wears
high-fiving that friend that you always walk past on a Thursday morning as they hand out fliers, and you won’t see them again until next week doing the same thing, and that’s the extent of your friendship
going to the university bar after we’ve all handed up an assignment, let’s split the bottle between us bc we’re broke uni students but we love a good red
cheap pints and pool tables, arcade games and deep booths, sharing a bowl of mouth-scolding potato chips with your mates
student discount on art supplies
trips to the next door art gallery to kill time between classes
studying/lunch in the botanic gardens bc theres 4 hours until your next class
naps on the grass, soaking up the watery autumn sunshine with people you love
instant noodles and snacks from at the uni general store, boiling water and vending machines in the student kitchens
cook-ups with friends to last us the week to save $$$ on food, but also buying plenty of beverages with the money we were supposed to save with this exercise
camera comes everywhere around campus, ready to immortalise the moments missed with a blink
a collection of hoodies/rugby jumpers, first years flock the uni-merch store for their jumpers to wear around campus with pride
homework session in the study rooms, actually in in each others company, who knows how much work is actually getting done bc my best friends are sitting across from me as we study together late into the night, we’re hilarious and distract eachother lots but we know we will eventually get it done, and it’s better to be procrastinating together than have the distraction be the interior of your mind in isolation
I say “See ya later”, and it’s true, I will see you later, and I’ll see you tomorrow, and the next day
lecture theatres: full
couples on campus, initially you scrunch your nose at them, but you realise how lovely it is that they can freely share affection, who would have thought it would be taken away like this?
a myriad of evidence that you have consumed caffeine, dishes not done bc you’re glued to your assignment and you love it bc it’s your 2,500 word baby
bumping into a stranger and you don’t immediately run to wash your hands or get tested for a deadly virus - it’s just an awkward funny accident, and you laugh it off and probably see them around campus more now after that circumstantial exchange
practical research, primary sources, touching things, holding things, learning through touch
holding hands, linking arms, greeting and parting hugs, a kiss on the cheek
groups of friends, groups of people, line ups for cafes, huddles of friends around a table, huddling over a project, group assignments but we’re not separated by a wifi connection
texting my friends during class to meet up afterwards at our favourite cafe, it’s a dark and scrumptious overcast day and it’s our main haunt ( @academicinfj )
hugging your friends goodbye, shaking hands of new acquaintances
networking! NETWORKING! NEW PEOPLE! Hiya, how’s it going, what are you all about? Interviews and photoshoots, drawing real people in front of you, learning all about them, writing up an article from scratch but it’s easy bc they’re right in front of you and they’re handing you the words
knocking on your favourite lecturers door for a chat, it’s a meeting you set up with them, rather than dropping by in a video call
greeting your local barista who knows your order bc you’re consistent and has already started on it bc you’re always here at this time, the legend, they see you walk in and smile and ask after you, and you them bc even though you only ever see them in this context, they are in your circle and this exchange is more precious than you’ve ever given it credit for before
your lecturer rolls their eyes at your joke about the course content, but you can see their hidden smile clear as day across the lecture hall bc it was a bloody good joke and they know it, it’s a real-life détail and it’s not lost in a poor wifi connection
Theres $15 pizza and live-jazz nights on Tuesdays in the night-life district not far from campus, we go there every Tuesday after that class thay finishes in the evening, and the band knows who we’re the group in the corner, bc we’re always there with our pizza, and we’ll be there next week to hear the same songs and make a ruckus and cheer them on and dance, keY CHANGE YES LOVE IT!!! ! THAT SOLO!!!! REAL MUSIC BABEY !!
submitting an assignment 3 minutes before it’s due, the EXHILERATION of it
TL;DR: life is all around; no glitches, not delays or lags, we’re smiling and laughing and talking in real time, there’s nothing between us, no screens, just atmosphere
it’s good to be around
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felassan · 4 years
Highlights and insights from the N7 Day cast & crew reunion panel
[Rewatch link]
In case a text format is better for anyone. There are some NSFW references. Cut for length.
(Some paraphrasing.)
“Some of us are inebriated”
“Patrick Weekes, the killer of man and beasts, the breaker of hearts”
JHale put the whole thing together, it’s the biggest ME cast reunion to date
The cast had no idea that the remaster was a thing
Lots of ace discussion about what the magic of the MET is (“it captured lightning in a bottle”)
Lots of warm fuzzies between the cast, crew and community, and lots of fun behind-the-scenes anecdotes
Lots of great discussion on the diversity and inclusion in ME: on gender, sexuality, representation, empowerment, the core message in the MET that “we’re all in this together or we’re screwed”, the progress made in the portrayal of female characters in gaming, etc. “Everything behind what went into these characters was authentic, we [the VAs] could tell that so much research, texture, authenticity etc had gone into them. It really made a difference”. JHale: “I’ve spent my career kicking down ceilings [barriers and so on women actors experience] with my steel-toed boot. To get to be a part of this game that has now created the expectation that there now be a female PC, ‘duh’, is once of the great things of my life. BioWare listened and put her on the box. The first time someone dropped the box in front of me I held it over my head and screamed over the crowd, ‘Casey Hudson, thank youuu!!’ It was a divine moment. This game was the moment the boot finally crashed through the glass, pushed by millions of women.”
The panel received many messages from the question submission from fans expressing that MET really helped them through very dark places and periods in their lives. The cast have had a lot of interactions with fans over the years where the fans expressed similar sentiments to them
ME was one of the first games Keythe Farley (Thane) acted for that had branching dialogue/dialogue choices, and when he saw the script with that when he went in, he was like “wow”. ME was the second big game D. C. Douglas (Legion) ever did. In his first audition he didn’t know it was for a robot-type character as it was disguised as something else with a military-feel. The second time it was to do a speech/lament at someone’s funeral and he knew it was for a robot. He said playing Legion for him was a case of “wake up, drink some coffee and go to work”
Jack was really special to her VA Courtenay Taylor because she relates to her so much and had a lot of similar emotional problems and personal troubles in her past. Jack helped her become who she has became. The host added that in his interactions with Courtenay over the years, he realized very quickly that she is very much like Jack
AWR has two moms, something which she hasn’t talked about/expressly said publicly before. Talking about recording lines between Sam and Femshep made her tear up. She said that being raised by two moms in the 80s was tough due to societal attitudes at the time, and so to see a loving relationship between two women depicted in a game was a big deal for her. When recording the white picket fence conversation, she was actually crying (“and then I’m crying because of the lesbians”). It was a huge moment for her to represent her moms’ journey. When she went home she told them all about how her character is gay and wants a white picket fence and everything “just like we had”.
When PW was working on Sam’s arc, one of the things they did was show it to one of their colleagues, who is a lesbian, asking what things she’d like to see in an arc like that and what things she felt were missing from it. The white picket fence conversation came from the colleague’s feedback (“we wanna see the nice, healthy, happy domestic stuff”, as it’s often missing in portrayals of wlw relationships)
As the VAs got more into their characters, they sometimes had feedback and input to the process to offer, like “I don’t think she’d say [this] like [that]”. Sometimes they knew their characters even better than the crew did sometimes. JHale waxed lyrical about Caroline Livingstone’s awesome direction, with the host adding that he has interviewed a lot of the VAs over the years and they all talk about Caroline like she’s Gandalf the White coming to the rescue in LotR. AWR expressed that Caroline is really funny (“don’t worry it’s not you, PW was sick when they wrote this line that’s why”) and emotionally in-tune with them and this makes long hard sessions with her a joy
When Mark went into record for the Citadel DLC one day he asked Caroline “wouldn’t be great if Shepard’s clone had been made to be the opposite gender? Then the two Shepards could fight each other!”
William Salyers (Mordin) likes the way Mordin’s story ended and felt that it was wonderful to be able to play that. He feels like the luckiest person because as he wasn’t the original VA of Mordin, he got to come in late to something that was amazing. “Caroline helped me get to where I needed to be emotionally to play that final scene. It was one of the most moving things I’ve ever gotten to do personally for a piece of interactive art”. PW related that with Mordin’s writing, they didn’t realize how much they were asking for. They thought William was amazing doing all the science-speak/technobabble, as they themselves didn’t know what it meant, and then suddenly having to deliver emotional heartbreaking lines. William’s always been a secret science nerd and so he loved that fact about Mordin. “It was a real treat to say your words”
Karin: “I always claim credit for the Scientist Salarian song even though I had nothing to do with it. I opened that door for PW”
Steve Blum (Grunt) found it a real treat playing Grunt as Grunt is a tough soldier on the outside but a [babey] on the inside, while he is more the other way around (softer on the outside, fight-y inside). He isn’t a gamer and so didn’t know what to expect or what he was getting into. There was the big pile of words, they showed him the picture of Grunt, and he just ran with it. “Grunt was kind of a perfect character for me in that respect”. Side note: his wry comments throughout the panel were hilarious
“Casey Hudson, our glorious loving overlord”
Courtenay jokes about “interspecies snorkeling”
The women Courtenay met working on this game are her friends for life. Ali Hillis (Liara) gave her her number the night of the ME3 drop and was like “let’s hang out!!” “JHale is the shit. I go to England and there’s AWR and I have this friend for life”.
“We’re a family”. The host comments that you don’t see this kind of closeness between the people on a lot of projects
Kimberley Brooks (Ashley) thinks things have and are changing for the better in terms of roles for women, and roles for brown and black women. This year she has noticed increasing awareness of inclusion and of where it’s lacking. “The copies I’m being sent for auditions, it’s drastically changing, I’m seeing it change before my eyes. It’s really exciting, there’s more and more roles for me.” “Ash is such a strong character and I felt very badass playing her, it was life-changing”. She’s excited that the remaster is going to be a new way to see these characters that they’ve been so lucky to voice. Kimberley/Ash was the first female character Karin saw in the studio, when she saw her she was like “Wow, she’s so kickass and inspiring”. At this point Karin hadn’t been working at BioWare for all that long, and she wanted to thank Kimberley, because she saw her and heard her voice and had a personal ‘this changes everything’ moment
Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan) finds it very moving how many women were encouraged into gaming due to ME
Raphael: “Everyone here has awesome varied careers, but because ME was so collaborative [and so on], [it was something really rare and special]. Nothing else I’ve done has been so important or impassioned, it has almost a religious experience to it, which you can see from tears in fans’ eyes and tattoos and people talking about it 10 years later”. “I’m so grateful for it.” “Clearly we’re going to do this again next year! :D” D. C. added that it’s going to follow him for the rest of his career. Courtenay says it has catapulted her career
PW talked about how it’s great that the female chars in ME were allowed to have real, realistic flaws and dark periods (as opposed to nonsense stuff like ‘her flaw is that she’s clumsy’)
Having the male and female PC be voiced was a big, expensive commitment for the studio. Karin commented that at the time, it was a risk that the pretty-much almost entirely-male leadership of BioWare at the time decided was important to take, and so she was happy that these were the values her colleagues had
PW was “the junior baby writer on ME1. I’d just gotten to the studio and Mac Walters fell down a flight of stairs and hurt his back, and they pulled me in while he was healing”. Karin: “Mac was very understanding when PW fell on the ice and hurt themselves during ME2.” PW: “My job in ME1 was to come up with conversations between followers to pass the time in the elevator loading times. I was throwing stuff at the wall to see what would stick”
Steve turning his volume down before he shouts classic Grunt quotes down the mic
Caroline: “Do you know how many tears were shed in the booth? How many times have we all cried in the booth...” JHale: “We were recording the end of ME3, which I never call the end, because I’m always like I’M HERE! [wink] The goodbye Garrus lines” - these lines got right under her skin and when she went to say her lines she couldn’t speak because she’d burst into tears. “It was all I could do to say those words... and then there was silence... [and Caroline had gotten choked up too].” This was one of the last sessions they did. PW: “John Dombrow wrote Garrus in ME3 and I’m gonna tell him that he got you both to break.”
Caroline was also really teary during Keith David’s (Anderson)’s performance where he tells Shepard she’s like his daughter. This moment was one of JHale’s favorites to act
BioWare came up with a proprietary VA recording system which JHale describes as a secret sauce as-yet not widely-used in the industry
Lots of fun in the line-reading portion at the end. The lines/scenes were sent in by fans. This starts around timestamp 1 hour 50 mins. There’s a break where they discuss more anecdotes after a bit then some line-reading resumes at 1 hour 59 mins 18 secs
"Salarian Vorcha Conrad Verner simmering sexual tension scene”
One of PW’s fondest memories is of ME3 when JHale and Mark got to play off each other (which they naturally didn’t get to do very much), when PW had shoved the entire script of the Blasto movie into random ambience throughout the Citadel. They knew Mark was going to be Blasto as he voiced most of the hanar. PW: “We had to have Blasto’s elcor partner’s hot sister... And I was like could it be JHale?? Because they hardly ever get to talk to each other. It was one of my proudest moments”. Mark: “Not only that, we had a romance.” JHale: ���Yeah, it was hot”.
“Think of the poor cold freezing Edmontonian hanar”
PW’s story about Sam’s toothbrush: They wrote it as a throwaway line but AWR did it so well that PW wanted to bring it back in the Citadel DLC, as that DLC was the action-comedy one. So they decided the toothbrush was going to save the Normandy. The art director at the time was in an early playthrough of the scene and in that version of the scene Sam held up her empty hand. The director was like “We gotta make the toothbrush? Really? It’s gonna be thousands of dollars to render the toothbrush.” It then got to the next few lines and the director deadpanned at PW “Okay that’s pretty good, we’ll make the toothbrush.” PW: “Good, I got my toothbrush.”
It was John’s idea that we find out that Mordin had been working on a crime noir novel. There was a period in the development of the Citadel DLC where PW was feeling like “Mordin’s gone, he had his big moment, I want to respect and honor that” and the entire team were like “I think Mordin needs a couple more songs dude”. “Well alright!” By that point William had shown them he could deliver literally any line
“Oh I need a shower that was so steamy hot”
PW got in trouble with Localization over Jack’s “Save some of your energy, we’re gonna do it on the pool table” exchange. Localization were like “Um could you explain what Jack means by this??” These lines were PW’s, Karin as an editor got the question about it and passed it on to PW like “nope this is your fault”. “The best part is it was France that needed PW to explain the joke while apparently Germany were like ‘Yes please confirm that this is regarding the possibility of oral sex-’”
Keythe on voicing Thane: “Thane was a real lesson in opening up to the character, allowing this beautifully conflicted character to exist. Each character in the MET has conflicts within themselves and a tragic flaw that is revealed through the course of conflict.” He also waxed lyrical about how the MET was akin to Star Wars and Citizen Kane, and about the interconnectedness and representation in it
D. C.: “I have a question for you guys. Was it a conscious decision to not have Legion as a romance? Because there are a lot of upset people out there!!” “Voltage problems.” “A lot of creative reuses of ‘There was a hole.’” PW: “It was a process of us figuring out what we wanted to do. If we had known... The number of people who were like ‘I don’t know, are people gonna wanna romance Garrus? Liara? She’s blue and has no hair. Are people gonna be okay with that?” Karin: “We were young and naïve, now we know BioWare fans are thirsty.”
Derek brought in the first picture of Thane to show Caroline and she was like “He’s really hot, that’s gonna be a killer character. People are gonna want to romance that gentleman”
Raphael asked the BioWare team if there’s ever been a point where they thought about doing more DLC content or some kind of revival. “Has that ever come up?” “We’re legally obligated not to say, sorry, we’re going through a tunnel right now, bad reception!!”
D. C.: “Does this country have a soul?” “It does.”
“An N7 Day to remember! Go forth and heal.”
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
Does Virgil from Weightless ever find his skin? It’s one of my favourite fics from you and I’d love to read what happens after!
Oof, okay so in Weightless, Virgil does find his skin! I won’t write it, purely because I don’t have the time :/// but I can give you some run downs of what would happen!!
((This is still longer than I meant it to be oh my god))
First order of business is Patton uses some of his djinn magic to locate a magic shop which is run by a pixie who calls himself Deceit and whom absolutely abhors Patton. He’s sympathetic to Virgil’s cause but he runs a business so in exchange for an actual locating spell that works on people from memory he needs something just as powerful in return.
Logan steps up and offers a bit of his blood-- him being part gorgon gives him potent blood that is definitely is rare. Deceit eyes him warily but accepts it and he gives Virgil the spell. 
((Deceit also reveals the secret that Patton’s been hiding while they’re there: as a Djinn he can’t disobey any order. Which is why he’s always being so helpful and when the others ask him to do basic things he drops whatever he’s doing to complete the task. It also includes things such as “Don’t listen to this conversation until I snap my fingers” while Deceit does just because he’s petty and can.))
While they were out though, their house got broken into and its no longer safe at home, so Roman cashes in a favor with his brother in order for them to have a place to crash. Logan and Patton go over the spell with Virgil which requires the user of it to fall to sleep before its activated. Remus and Roman have a heart to heart which turns into Roman coughing up blood and his own secret being revealed: the reason why Roman acts so scattered brained and often has a hard time thinking about the others is because he quite literally can’t stop thinking about having sex, and if he goes too long without engaging in it his body starts breaking down. He was cursed as a young adult by a vengeful witch who thought they were dating when he thought they were just friends....who sometimes slept together. 
((He knows its not an excuse for him acting like that, which is why he never mentioned it to anyone, but also why he’s always seeking out partners and even though he’s an incubus, he thinks if he never had sex again he’d be okay. ))
Virgil sleeps and the spell works and when he wakes up Logan hands him a map and in a trance-like state marks with a pen where his attackers are.
Remus is really excited to see an opportunity to beat up people so he comes with them to confront the guys. The attackers turn out to be a from a low level gang so there are a lot of them and turns out there were people watching them when they left Deceit’s place, the gang over powered him and dragged him out to their warehouse where they were were in the process of ripping out his wings.
And Remus completely ignores any “don’t kill” suggestions and goes right to ripping out some throats the second he sees any magical creature being tortured like that. Roman isn’t far behind them and Patton uses his magic to help free Deceit and try to heal the places where his wings were damaged. Virgil breaks the water pipes and use his water manipulating ability to defend Patton and Deceit. 
((Patton reveals here that the reason why Deceit hates him so much is because he knows Deceit’s true name, which gives him absolutely control over the pixie, but Patton uses it to make Deceit stay awake through the pain, as he lost a lot of blood and if he fell unconscious now he probably wouldn’t wake back up))
Logan curbs enough of Roman and Remus’s rage to save one of the gang in order to ask him what happened to the selkie skin they stole, (and the gang member looks around at all his dead friends and asks “a skin was worth all this?” and Logan asks him, “Did you not think you were ruining lives by taking things that weren’t yours? Did you truly think no one was hurt by your actions?”)
The gang member admits they don’t have the skin, but that they sold it to these collectors: the Ackroyds, who paid them really well for it, you see? They had all sort of freaky things in their collection and he’d take a skin but he wouldn’t like kill the things and put them on display like those humans do.
And Logan freezes up at the name, noticeably, but the man is hysterical with trying to prove that he’s not really that bad, and before anyone can do anything, Logan takes off his glasses and turns the man to stone.
He puts them back on immediately but steps away from the group and refuses to look at them. He tells them that the skin is a lost cause and that they should give up.
To which Virgil is audibly horrified and angry because they got this far!! And Logan promised him--!! and Logan whips around and tells him that he never made any such promises and that if Virgil doesn’t let it go he’ll turn Virgil to stone as well, because he won’t like Virgil drag all his friends to their dooms.
At which, Deceit laughs brokenly, and asks if Logan go to attempt to make his own collection just like his parents--
And Logan’s secret comes to light: he wasn’t always part gorgon. He was actually human and his parents are mythical creature collectors but they collected creatures like butterflies: killing and pinning them in glass cases. But they often found that some creatures were immune to dying in ways that didn’t desecrate their bodies. Their solution? Find a way to make them ever lasting statues, using their son and a very expensive, unrepeatable experiment.
Logan admits that he remembers the faces of every person that his parents forced him to kill, of everyone who meets his eyes. Its his curse, and he’s always been afraid of it, because one day...he always knew that he’d join their collection too. He ran away as soon as he could, but his parents had people track him down and he was dragged back to them and they began to lock him in his room, and he was not allow out of the house at all anymore. Logan managed to escape by chance just before his sixteenth birthday.
By the time he’s finished talking he’s shaking and his knees give out but Remus is there to catch him and no one knows what to say about anything. 
“I can’t...” Logan whispers, “I can’t let you go there. I can’t... please... anyone who goes there doesn’t.....get out...”
And surprisingly its Roman who speaks up, strangely blithely about it all, “Well, they were always alone, weren’t they? Hey, Specs, don’t you know you aren’t alone, anymore?”
And it turns into a rallying thing where the six of them agree that they have each other, and that they can work together to take down Logan’s parents and keep any more mythical creatures from dying at their hands. I don’t have the actual final battle thing planned out so the rest of this is really but scratched out notes and concepts that if i were actually writing this, would be subject to change according to where the plot goes.
They infiltrate first by using Virgil’s selkie rareness to draw the attention of the Ackroyds.
Unfortunately the Ackroyds are expecting them so they kinda all stumble into a trap and Logan is taken back by his parents for-- and what great timing this is! They have a new rare species!! An archangel who would look magnificent next to the Avians! 
((The archangel is like eight. His name is Thomas and he’s sobbing because he doesn’t know how to use his powers yet.))
But first, its a good thing to take care of the meddling monsters that Logan had first become friends with. Starting with that selkie! And because they want him to look picture perfect even as stone they get his skin and tell him that if he cooperates they’ll let the djinn and the incubi go free (the pixie has to stay though. Its another rarity). 
And well.
Virgil has been holding on to a secret too.
He’s actually the goddamn Prince of the entire fucking sea and his power is linked to his skin. 
Which means that when they put the skin back on him, his abilities increase about 100fold. We stan OP Virgil in this house. Remind me how much of humans is water again? Yeah. Virgil drowns them in their own bodies and frees everyone else.
The Ackroyds have like a lot of people working for them though, so theres a battle that happens and in the middle of it Logan’s glasses get knocked off and broken and Thomas throws himself in front of Logan. Which, because Logan’s gorgon eyes are the same as staring into someone’s soul, leads to Logan staring into Thomas’s divine soul and it literally burns and blinds him.
((Thomas is really sorry, but Logan just starts sobbing thank yous to this eight year old, because now he’s never going to be forced to kill someone else.))
Our heroes win!! The Ackroyds are finished. Patton and Deceit put aside their differences in order to take joint custody of babey archangel Thomas and they, along with Roman and Logan end up living in a beach house together while researching how to remove the curse that’s on Roman. Remus comes and goes, bringing back exotic podcasts for Logan to listen too and bringing news from other locations about monster hunting.
Logan broke into his family vault and took all the money that his parents made off of selling and exploiting creatures and used it all to finance mythical creatures safehouses all across the globe. He trusts Remus and Roman to help watch over them.
Virgil returns to the ocean, just like Logan said he would at the very beginning of the story, although its because he has prince duties to adhere too. And he still sneaks up every once in a while to have dinner with all of them because I’m weak and soft for found family.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
How did you first come up with your next gen fic? Do you have any advice for anyone else interested in writing about them?
okay well the origin of my next gen fic is i was taking a television studies course and i chose to write my term paper on charmed so obvi i had to do a rewatch which was like my first rewatch since like,, middle school and i was like goddamn i love this show and i personally like writing next gen fics bs i get to make up the personalities.
so like my first step was making a google sheet w all nine characters bc i knew from the beginning that i wanted all nine leads and i put them in birth order i gave them all birthdays i wrote down what their ages would be i marked down who has which powers, their occupations, & basic motivations. that was like july 9th and then i made this blog on july 15th and i started writing july 21st. my first episode was published on august 25th. so like everything in between that was sorta like research i have multiple docs & spreadsheets i’ve got a full google folder that’s got 
1. my graphic organizer for the characters + their powers (and power developments) 
2. a spreadsheet with the episodes i want which like definitely isn’t complete but usually goes 2 to 4 episodes ahead of what i’m writing 
3. a list of monsters from different mythologies as well as potential demons and warlocks that i made up based on charmed lore + potential plotlines / which kids i would want to have which powers (there’s also another section of that that’s like potential overarcing plotlines and big bads)
4.just like a page of sum facts that i might need since i have wyatt working in an art gallery i literally just went on indeed and found a job at a pretentious gallery in oakland and copy/pasted all of their requirements + the jobs they’d have u do there and whenever wyatt’s at work i’ve got that doc open so like i can make it at least quasi accurate
5. i also have a doc w all my deleted scenes (if i liked them) so maybe i can work them back into a later episode
but that’s just my method and it is hella specific so in general my advice would be this
pick who you want to focus on
i know a lot of next gen fics don’t want to do all nine kids bc let’s face it that’s a lot of main characters. some only do piper’s kids, some only do phoebe’s, some do Just Chris, idk man it’s your story you get to pick
if you aren’t doing all nine, making a small note of where the others are is always nice imo just because if it’s like a Wyatt + Chris + Melinda centric one, it’s like,,,melinda was born the same year as the twins & pj it’s safe to assume she’s friends with them and when they’re not mentioned i’m like Where Are They. but also i write a fic with all nine so i’m sorta more invested in these other characters more than others
make a list of who was what powers trust me on this man it’s so helpful
also since it’s ur fic you can add / cut powers however u so chose it’s ur story bc let’s face it wyatt’s powers could always use some pruning
think about where you want your story to go
do you wanna have romance be a driving factor? maybe you want it to be more action/adventure. maybe you’re going gritty reboot and it’s like more horror. maybe u wanna do all three. either way, consciously acknowledging what u want the vibe to be will greatly help you come up with / focus your plotlines
deadass just start writing
like just spitballing. voice type a rant then go back an edit it later. usually there’s like this block when you’re trying to start a story bc you want it to have like a really good opening you don’t want it to be shitty but life hack!! if you just make it all really shitty like intentionally then you can move forward and once the ball’s rolling and you’re in like Writing Mode then you can go back and write a Good Opening
also i don’t think this is about specifically a tv formatted fic But if you do want to write in proper tv/film format celtx is a formatting platform and it’s free babey🤙🤙 so it makes the whole scriptwriting process 10x easier
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
Hey Julia, I have both a scientific and I guess personal/self-confidence question. I'm a first year grad student and my knowledge base is still quite narrow. When reading a paper, how do you distinguish between an experiment that was sloppily done and just not understanding why they did things the way they did? My group was assigned to present on a paper and we found numerous flaws/stuff that just didn't seem to pass a basic sniff test. (1/4)
While discussing it, I kind of led the charge on “Holy shit there are so many things wrong with this” and my groupmates agreed and found some odd things as well, but I wonder if we just got carried away? By basic sniff test I mean stuff like: only having 2 mice for an elaborate experiment but measuring them multiple times to increase the n so they could do stats (my instinct is this is wrong and confuses technical and biological replicates but I know some people do it), injecting mice with a viral vector but not injecting an empty vector into a control, surgical intervention w/o a mock, graphs where the means don’t look too different and there’s high variation but the p is very low, unconventional stat tests when there’s a more “obvious” one (makes me wonder if the obvious one didn’t give significance), doing 3 diff treatments on the same mouse at diff times then treating the measurements of outcomes from those treatments independently, etc. It looked like there was so much questionable stuff that it’s almost unbelievable to me which is part of why I’m doubting myself. It’s a pre-print and hasn’t been published despite being on bioRxiv for 1+ yr, but I know lots of good articles languish under review. We’re planning on talking to our prof to better understand it/clarify whether these are red flags or just us not understanding but I’m scared of appearing arrogant/like I’m critiquing something I just don’t understand.
Hi anon!
Whoooooo babEY that is an. Interesting paper for sure. 
But firstly, to answer your question:
Q: How does one distinguish between an experiment that was sloppily done vs just not understanding the experimental design?
A: Basically gaining more experience in experimental design/research and knowledge of the field. It’s gonna take time and effort and trial and error and having a mentor to walk you through stuff (hence why journal clubs are great!). One piece of concrete actionable advice I do have is if you find anything in a paper that seems odd, try to find a similar design in other (reputable) papers and see what they did, aka gauging what’s “standard in the field”. If something conflicts (and there are always conflicts in research as we learn more and more each day), try to come up with your own conclusion, being as un-biased as possible. 
And be picky while reading papers! Honestly, when I read papers, I treat everything with skepticism until proven otherwise. Science is a tool created by inherently flawed humans to understand nature, and the process is similar to a murder trial with a gazillion potential suspects and a gazillion more murder weapons. The evidence to convict suspect A and weapon B has to be really really robust to convince the jury. My PI’s PI’s (grand-PI?) method for reading papers is as follows: He reads the title first, then goes straight to the figures and figure legends, and then he formulates his own conclusions based off those data alone, before seeing if it agrees with the authors’. He warns that reading what the authors write may bias the reader towards possibly wrong conclusions. 
As for those specific points from the paper you pointed out–I agree with you that those all do seem questionable, even having not read the paper personally myself. Your group is right to discuss those, and it’s great that you’re going to talk to a professor for clarification! 
A point I have to mention here before closing off: so my understanding of BioRxiv is that it’s also a space to get casual feedback from peers before the formal peer-review process. A “pre-print” by definition is something that hasn’t gone through the formal review process yet, so I would expect some papers to be in a “works in progress” mode. This article seems like it may still very much be in those preliminary stages (hopefully!); maybe the data were gathered for a poster or grant proposal, and the authors decided to throw it in BioRxiv for more feedback/put down their flag on this specific experimental design. Therefore, I would suggest looking at the paper with that paradigm in mind–I would frame my thought process as “this is wrong as of now, but the authors could make it more robust by doing xyz”. This broader application would also be a great training exercise to gain that experimental-design-experience I was talking about earlier. 
Hope this helps! And if you want, let me know what your professor says about the paper; I’m really curious as to its actual status (casual pre-print vs has it actually been accepted for publication?).
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your-localghost · 4 years
so um who wants to read a 50 page essay of me and my mom's journey through the IT movies?
too bad you're reading it
so like i saw this goddamm clown, and i, also being a clown, said to my mom, also a clown, "lets watch this clown movie lol" and she said yes. and in the like first five minutes we are already awwing and stuff because??? omg georgie and bill are so cu- oh. oh my god. oh this us not what we thought at all-
so enter Losers. instant RELATE i am also a LOSER hellO?? hAh look at these 2 idiots theyre bickering like an old couple an- oh my fucking GOD of course there are bullies. one of them looks like draco malfoy??? guYs did draco malfoy play in this movie we see him like 2 times-
oh my god oh no poor bill he is trying to find his brother :( but alsO BEV IS SO PRETTY??? IM SO GAY???? and yeah i really feel the New Kid On The Block like same man i didnt even get to meet a pretty girl and a buncho losers who will go jump into lakes with me
OH and the lake scene? it bites me in the ass later. i fucking passed it off as a "theyre bonding" moment and then it transforms into a feelings plane and crashes into my house
me: they just keep leaving their bikes
mom: well It takes kids, not bikes
fastforward and??? the fight secene?? the fuckijgn fi Ght SCE ne??? o H M Y GO D
bill was so desperate to find georgie?? richie was so scared he would die??? beN BEING SCARED HIS FRIENDS ARE GONE?
and oh?? bev's dad??? hate the vibe this dude gives to me. like this dude def did more than mentally abuse her and im so glad she beat him up
bill's speech on georgie, like, dude just fucking stab me it will hurt way less
fastforward more, the oath??? how scared stan was??? like i ddint really feel any connection with stan other than his actor played my fav character, stan, in ianowt, but uHm? i still love him??? so mUCH???
oOOOH i just realied i didnt talk about mikey
so between the 2 movies we realized it wasnt on netflix and went on various websites to watch the 2nd movie, got progressively angrier until i got my laptop and just watched it blindly because we are both blind
okay heres the tea yall
they completely erased bev's character in the 2nd movie. in the first it was emphesized SO MUCH just how brave she was compared to the others. she took the first step, she wasnt afraid to go into the house she fought her abusive dad and in the 2nd movie it was all gone. i really liked the fact that bev wqsnt a damsel in distress until in the 2nd movie she was. while in the 1st movue you forgot that gender roles existed in the 2nd it really seemed like they wrote bev as a "woman" rather than "bev" you dig me??? okay rant over. basically fuck the 2nd movie bev and im not just saying this because her 1st movie actor made me realize i was a lesbian. on to the movie
oh mY GOD HOMOSEXUALS??? WILL THEY HAVE A PART IN THIS STORY OH MY IM SO EX- oh. right. oh hey theres mikey :D
me: who's this??
mom: its bill look, its his surname
me: you remember bill's surname but not richie or ben's names?
oh theyre all grown up!! oh bevs fighting an abusive man again and uh
mom: i have a feeling stans gonna kill himself
me: hah can you imagi
STANLEY??? BABEY BOY OH NO???? and also are we gonna let the spider with the baby head thing pass?
"this is like a virus its been eating us for 27 years!" YEA MIKEY ITS CALLED PTSD YOU FOUGHT A FUCKING DEMON AND DIDNT SEE A THERAPIST????
also the whole tribe thing seemed really out of story and like it didnt belong there at all? idk maybe its just me but i dont wanna believe that bill's 3rd eye opened after he got drugged by his friend idk
so like hightlights because ive got many rants about the 2nd movie
what the fuck do you mean bev got out of jer specilized hell after ben recited 1 fucking poem are you kidding me are yOU FUCKING KIDDING ARE WE REALLY DOING THE SAVED BY LOVE BULLSHIT AGAIN OH OKAY
well uh now that we got my love for richie on papet um
the lake scene
i cried and i had to watch heteros kiss underwater while wiping my tears. its only cool when percabeth does it guys
the lake scene aside i full on BAWLED LIKE A BABY at the ending because i felt so bad that stan died already and i felt bad that not only was richie facing years if bullying and homophobia anf the loss of his friends it finally is confirmed that richie had a crush on eddie and i
i just cried man? it hurt me so much as it weighed on me how many jokes richie made, how scared he was when he saw the missing paper of himself, his flashbacks to people calling him names, his speech to eddie and that he had to get dragged out because this fucker obviously couldnt let go of his feelings. and between all of that and stan's letter my brain blocks out everything and focuses on one
R + E
oh my god
NOW i dont really like watching movies. as a writer myself im really critical of everything involving the world building, the characters, the plot and all that jazz and usually the acting is so bad that i dont feel for the characters but THIS ONE. T H I S O N E
my mom turned to me and was SO SHOCKED to see my flat out CRYING because i just dont do that man, and she just asked my what made me cry and i just made a noise like "hhhnnnn" and she nodded and went "richie's love story" and i, still crying, went "hhhnnnn" but in a higher pitch
and im just so mad? that eddie didnt get to live?? we didnt get an "i love you" or even a "im gay" from richie??? we didnt get to see them holding hands and letting go of their trauma together and being gay and happy yet
yet the fucking bad-writer-white-boy and boo-hoo-i-had-no-friends and not-bev get happy endings??? mike can get a happy ending because he is a well thought out character
bill had to change his endings which really makes me angry because ima writer yada yada
bill has been bullied his uh what whole life? he got told his opinion didnt matter and from what i remember even his parents shut down his ideas and i feel like he should have made the endings how he wanted instead of changing to what the public wanted. thats what he defended as a kid, thats why he was in the losers club unwilling to change, because they were losers. yet he changed.
ben should have stayed fat or at least have abnornal weight because that also defeats his story with bev. it makes it seem that suddenly and magically when ben is hot bev can BEGIN to consider that she loves him.
i already ranted about bev.
mike is decent i guess? i like that he didnt stay with whoever the fuck that was in the first movie because he seemed very aggreasive to me. im glad the chose to research into pennywise because others were too stupid not to (RICH AND EDDIE GET A PASS AGAIN BECAUSE THEY SHARE HALF A BRAINCELL AND I LOVE THEM)
well stan is just tragic
me: who the fuck is afraid of spiders why do they keep showing up
mom: its stan?
mom: he brought the hair things and all
me, about to cry: oh m y god
so TL;DR: we really liked the first film! the acting, the plot, the creepiness is overall better and you get to relate to a bunch of Losers who get abused by their parents
the 2nd film doesnt exist. i refuse to acknowledge it exist EXCEPT for the ending where stan writes a letter about how he would like to meet hks friends again while BREATHING and richie and eddie carve their initials on a piece of wood and get to be gay.
if your name starts with B your opinion is invalid in the 2nd movie
also can anybody give me fanfics where the fortnite dancing clown doesnt exist and richie goes to therapy to heal from the bullying and once he gets over his homophobia he gays with eddie??? specific i know but im willing to write it if it doesnt exist
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(Preferably all batfam related else I'd be clueless :P) 4, 8, 15, 29, 30, 37, 40 alternative ending to 'On Fashions & Small Fry' 💜💜
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
I literally just had an idea this morning about little snapshots in which Damian crawls into Dick’s bed to kind of show the break of outer and inner lives and what we project to the world (day) and how we feel inside (night). That sounds like a lot of hogwash bc mostly I just wanted to do a cute thing with Dick and Damian being brothers
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
from birds all sing:
Several minutes passed, Tim looking at the man he had known as a father for several years, brow furrowed in consideration.
"What else?" Bruce finally said. He let his voice soften. "What else do you need?" Tim met his eyes. Bruce's fists clenched.
So young.
"...The roti."
"The roti bread?" Tim repeated. "I was thinking maybe the zucchini but no, I definitely want the roti."
Bruce stood there, adrenaline seeping out of his bones.
"That's it?" he asked brusquely, not a little annoyed to be put through the emotional ringer in under five minutes.
"Yeah," Tim nodded. He almost beamed at the thought of the upcoming food. "That's it. Thanks, Bruce!"
"Don't mention it," he growled, marching out the office.
It’s not perfect, but I like it because it makes me laugh. My humor has a lot to do with timing, so when I manage to get the timing right I find it very funny
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Good question! I wouldn’t really choose any of my fics to be filmed, but I would love my “version” of batcat to have a film presence. Other than that, I would probably want either bratkid or star wars domestic AU to be filmed, but I would make them original work. I like the idea of family coming together and getting to love one another. It’s an after school special!
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Oh man I’m kind of shit at imagining things beyond what the author intends. My friend Hobbs has a world she lets me play in sometimes, so I write little snippets of fanfic of her stuff.
30. Do you accept prompts?
When I say they’re open, yeah, kind of. I don’t get paid for writing, it’s not like a commission, so if I like the idea I’ll do it or incorporate it into whatever I’m writing. It’s free real estate babey
37. Talk about your current wips.
There’s too manyyyyyy
I’ll talk about what I need to do
birds all sing: start the first fight. make it organic, not off the cuff. don’t be overt but not too subtle.
crack fic: research you dumb bint. you are literally not writing this because you don’t want to research. why. normally you love research. you just don’t want to look up what writing up reports looks like. it’s probably online. just do it.
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
OHO, okay! Long answer
This was actually supposed to be a full fic, I had a lot planned for it but it got so large that I was like “hmmm” and didn’t do it. It had like 4 “acts” as to how the story went
Anyhow, the fic starts out how Damian wants to go to Sacramento with Bruce, because Bruce said he would take him last week, but then Bruce says no. He won’t explain why, but he’s obviously not mad at Damian, so Damian can’t figure it out. Damian ends up facecalling him and he can see Talia in the background. He promptly flips out, throws his phone at the wall, breaks it, destroys the room, then kind of has a breakdown wherein he just sits in the tub fully clothed with his shoes on 😅
Tim sits with him, then Damian basically falls asleep so Tim goes to get Dick and Dick puts his boy to bed
Second act: Several days go by, and Damian is better, but as he’s sitting on the counter while Stephanie is cooking, she accidentally says something they were all keeping from him: Bruce went to Sacramento so that Talia could sign off on custody rights, lawyers are involved and everything.
Cue to Damian being like “what” and marching off. Damian then concocts this scheme in which he tells Dick that he really wanted to see Dallas, that father was going to take him, please he wants to see the rodeo, etc. Dick gives in and decides they’ll take a brotherly bonding road trip! Yay!
But things start to go sour when neither one of them can mind their business in a seedy motel, and their relationship issues come to light. After this:
"No, damn it!" Dick slammed his hand against the doorframe. It rattled at its hinges. "You got your time, that's it, done, over. I take care of you, got it?"
"We're partners," Damian said, weakly.
Dick's eyes softened. He struggled inside himself, Damian could see. But just as a bubble of hope rose forth, it burst the next millisecond. Dick lowered his hands, head tucked low and shaking softly. "Not anymore we're not," he sighed.
then Damian uhhhh how does one say, drugs Dick so he can sneak out and take a plane to Sacramento.
He bursts into whatever meeting place Bruce and Talia are at and lambasts them for lying to him and such. Talia is like “hi sweetie” and Bruce is like “b o i” and Damian ends by saying he gets to leave first because they always leave whenever they wanted, so now he gets to leave THEM
So he angry-walks to a park and sits down on a bench and stews
Then Dick BURSTS in and is like “is he here?????” and Bruce is like “you let your eleven year old brother get on a plane himself?!” and Dick is like “that little SHIT drugged me, I didn’t let him do anything” and they all sort of talk about the best thing for Damian
Damian comes back after a day on the town in which he really doesn’t have all that much fun, and comes back and everyone is like “okay let’s all be mature about this and talk, no secrets”
And it turns out
Talia is dying
So Damian is bewildered and mad that he can’t be mad, she’s dying, she’s dying and she doesn’t even get to see him without Bruce’s approval, etc
So they work out what would be best for Damian WITH Damian’s input, thank you very much
(also Bruce is like “We acknowledge that we weren’t the best but if you EVER do that again—”)
Third act is in which the new normal is strange, because Damian is visiting Talia but it’s like when he was a very young child again, because she’s not trying to impart survival wisdom, she’s just his mom. And Damian is sort of dealing with the remnants of trauma, and is upset because why couldn’t it have been like this all the time, but he CAN’T be upset because she’s dying and despite his unwillingness to go back over his trauma it crops up and Talia has a lot to make up for. Ra’s appears in his crazy old way, because she’s his favorite child and she’s dying and Damian and Ra’s basically get to sit in a hospital waiting room together and have a stilted conversation on who they are and what family even means
Anyhow Damian is really starting to get along with Talia, which concerns Bruce because. she’s dying. Damian is going to be gutted. So he slowly kind of tries to make it so Damian isn’t as attached (dumb but it’s Bruce) and Damian gets angry and runs away to visit his mother in the French Riviera. They have a wonderful time but then Bruce goes to get him and Damian is mad at him. But Talia says “you need to listen to your father” and Damian realizes that Bruce is the only parent he’s going to have, he’s not going to have his mom anymore.
So yeah, there’s still another act that I didn’t finalize but that’s a rough summary of everything!!
And Talia was going to have an illness exacerbated by the Lazarus pits, like caused by it. It was basically going be Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease equivalent in the DC universe. So yeah, she can’t come back lol
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This or That Tag Game
tagged by @pens-swords-stuff !
I know this was a while ago, but I hadn’t ever seen this game before, so I knew I was going to make it a priority to do this one!
Slow Burn or Love At First Sight
Okay, so, I never had a period of my life when I read fanfiction, so I’ve never read a “true” slowburn, but I still prefer the slower route to romance, simply because first sight feels too easy? Like, yes, please, give me the competing sources of conflict. Excellent.
Fake Dating or Secret Dating
The tension of being around somebody and having to constantly check yourself, because “Am I being suspicious? Was that lingering touch too much? Do they know?” is just absolutely delicious. Plus the internal conflict of Do we tell them, how do we tell them, should we tell them... And the ultimate reveal scene... This is the trope that just keeps on giving.
Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers
Listen, I know I have three theoretical books that basically depend on the enemies to lovers trope, but I truly have a special place in my heart for two longtime friends who have slowly nursed feelings over years for each other. It’s about the wondering, the hypothetical imagining, the quiet fear over not wanting to ruin or alienate, the angst over being able to talk over anything but not this...
Oh no, there’s only one bed! or Long-Distance with Correspondence
Again, I’ve never tried to write either of these, but you can’t go wrong with a classic one-bed-only trope.
Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
I’m an angst writer who isn’t good at remembering or including the comfort part of hurt/comfort, so that whole genre can get frustrating for me. But I do get a kick out of amnesia! How did this happen? How do we rebuild what we lost? 
Fantasy AU or Modern AU
Considering I changed the entire genre of a seven book series to be fantasy instead of modern... I don’t think I’m allowed to choose differently lol. Fantasy is just way more fun and appealing! At least to a happy lil worldbuilder bee like me.
Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss
I personally find the specific dynamics of mutual pining really difficult to execute correctly (and it doesn’t help that the characters can be pining for physical attention when I am asexual). Plus, I daydream about having stability and my and my partner having a home to ourselves all the time, so if I can project that onto a story or character? hell yeah
Smut or Fluff
I’ve never written a smut scene in my life and I don’t plan to start now
Canon Compliant with Missing Scene or Fix-It Fic
I’ve never written any fanfiction either, but I imagine I would find it easier to work with the majority of canon while ignoring one detail than trying to come up with a plausible explanation for what happened in the entirety.
Alternate Universe or Future Fic
Way more options, babey! Let’s jump from scifi to fantasy to post-apoc to steampunk with the reckless abandon of a drunken voyager.
One Shot or Multi-chapter
I have to work to consciously keep written works short, so it’s much easier for me to fall back on the chaptered structure. (Although ever since I launched my Patreon, short stories have gotten easier! Hell yeah)
Kid Fic or Roadtrip
Bruh I don’t even know what kid fics are. Are the characters kids? Do they have kids? Something else entirely? I also just fucking love road trips, let’s go
Reincarnation or Character Death
I suppose you’re getting the opportunity to write a beautifully impactful death scene either way, but why would you give up the opportunity to write how the characters deal with it over time? to explore who steps up to fill what roles, and why? Or worse, why would you risk cheapening all that when the dead character comes back?
Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage
a;dlsjfksdf how do you get accidentally married
High School Romance or Middle Aged Romance
I dunno man, I’m closer to high school than middle age, so that’s who I can relate to and understand more. Plus it’s fun to explore two characters who have to learn how to have an adult relationship after having one that maybe didn’t start that way! 
Time Travel or Isolated Together
way less research that way bro
Neighbors or Roommates
I’ve never had a roommate before, and I enjoy the idea of two people sitting in separate houses, doing laps around the room, trying to come up with excuses to go over to the other’s just to see em again.
Scifi AU or Magic AU
I know SOLE is scifi and all, but the problem with scifi is you have to make it sound like.. actual.. science... Whereas you can just chuck magic in there with some limitations you made up and call it good.
Bodyswap or Genderbend
Again, this has that whole “weird magical thing has happened that we need to freak out about and then try to figure out and solve/reverse” written all over it, and that is a fun and easy plotline to follow!
Angst or Crack
I’ve never been able to get a good definition on what crack actually is (just... something you don’t expect to actually happen? Off the wall ridiculous jokes? both? Why devote your energy to this?) so
Apocalyptic or Mundane
Depends on the type of apocalypse, of course, but yeah. Gotta have that external conflict on top of the internal ones, and external conflict is both more fun and easier when you’re navigating the end of the world.
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isa-ghost · 5 years
Achievements Unlocked?
The last decade has COMPLETELY shaped who I am now and the fact that it ends today and essentially sends me off into the next one where turning 30 is the end is something I can’t wrap my head around and not just bc it’s barely 9am as I’m writing it. Ten years hasn’t felt like ten years and all the shit that’s happened during those ten years feels like it’s happened in the last like,,, 3.
Basically this is just me going How The Fuck Did All Of This Happen In A Decade and highlighting the big things that shaped who I am now.
Uhhh this is long I’m gonna-
2010/2011 (Shit’s A Blur):
I started noticing aesthetic interests I had.
I developed my love for the outdoors and exploration.
I started realizing vaguely spooky things were really intriguing to me.
I got SUPER into Harry Potter.
Which lead to me creating my first two Ocs.
I started switching from drawing animals/landscapes to drawing people.
I made my first cluster of friends I hoped I’d have forever. (Spoiler alert: only still have one of em).
I started identifying with punk rock & emo culture/aesthetics.
I made my first cluster of online friends (Spoiler alert: don’t talk to any of em now)
I got into YouTubers.
I got into anime.
I made my first “blog.” It was a Facebook page for a fictional character.
I discovered my favorite band.
I made my first online friend I hoped I’d have forever (still have em so far!)
I met my future wife.
I started roleplaying with Ocs.
Which lead to making more.
I started drawing digitally using bases. Which started my improvement.
I made my own first little community via my FB page.
Which lead to an rp group of more friends I hoped I’d have forever (still got a handful of em!)
I discovered my other favorite bands.
I started using Skype.
I got into more anime.
My parents were officially fully separated. 
Which began the very start of realizing my dad was verbally abusive.
Congrats Isa, You Need Glasses You Dumb Fuck. Hooray astigmatism.
I graduated 8th grade.
I was essentially forced to move in with my dad for high school.
I started high school.
Officially became total anime trash and started watching them like crazy.
I THINK I hit 100 Ocs at some point this year. Just kept makin them from here.
Met my first cluster of irl forever friends (spoiler alert: only have 1 now).
Learned having Ocs was Not Just An Isa Thing, Holy Shit I Thought I Was Just Weird.
Promptly fell in love with learning about other people’s Ocs.
Realized Wow, I Kinda Can’t Stand My Dad And I Don’t Trust Him.
Had my first boyfriend. *gag* He was nasty.
Experienced my first long distance relationship. It lasted 3 days.
2014/2015 (Shit’s Also Blurry):
Got another long distance boyfriend. First relationship I genuinely liked the person.
I realized talking multiple people through the lowest points of their lives and keeping them from harming themselves was a sign I should maybe get into psychology and do that as a job.
I started getting interested in researching mental disorders.
Realized Okay Yeah, I Lowkey Hate My Dad
Realized I had A Concerning Amount Of Symptoms Of Depression. Fuck.
Realized Huh, Girls Are Pretty Too,,,
My friend taught me about bi and pansexuality. Casually started identifying as pan. Didn’t know shit about LGBT+ stuff.
Was shown a video by my friend. Decided Wow I Really Like This Screaming Potato Guy.
Acquired one more forever friend I still have.
Got slapped in the face by Gravity Falls.
My mom moved out of the rural town I just spent the last like 8 Years Of My Own Character Development In, Dammit
I realized money and finances Fucking Sucks.
Had the,, probably worst year of my adolescence. Angry, depressed, sick of my dad. It was Not Great. Almost started self-harming, only didn’t because I’d be a hypocrite if I did after helping my friends stop doing it.
Homestuck invaded my life around here I think.
Decided I’m Gonna Live With My Online Friends One Day! (spoiler alert: nope).
Was kinda forced by my dad to move out of the apartment I lived in and therefore forced to transfer schools.
Got to meet my future wife irl for the first time. Wow that was,, so gay before we even realized.
Okay Hold On, This New School Is,,, Really Nice.
New school. New me. New friends. New everything. Fuckity shit fuck.
Okay wait they have an anime club like my other school did we good.
Met another two forever friends that I think really are forever friends now.
Angry Shitty Depression Time Died Down A Little.
Somehow learned about evilsonas. Huh, Does Jack Have One? ... Ok Cool, They’re All People’s Ocs. Meh.
Started learning how to drive. Oh My God This Is Fun.
Lost my second ever pet and was... very confused when I wasn’t as traumatized as I was the first time I lost a pet.
Boyfriend kinda Thanos snapped from existence bc his irl life was hectic.
Experienced what it’s like to have a friend that died.
Wow my irl best friend is hot. ... Okay I Think Boyfriend’s Absence Is Bothering Me. *proceeds to ignore that*
Gets into some more bands.
Knock Knock, You Have Separation Anxiety, Isa.
Finally decided to try out high school things like homecoming. Ooh That Was Actually Fun.
The beginning of the worst end to a friendship I’ve ever had starts. Not Handling It Well.
Discovered Fooster. Cue hyperfixation on new favorite YouTuber and more new friends.
Wait What The Fuck What Just Happened To Jack’s Camera,,,, OH MY GOD HE ISN’T-
Totally forgets he exists for the next like 10 months.
Realization I Really Fucking Love Halloween.
Discovered what asexuality is and immediately identifies because I thought I was just weird.
Hmm maybe I should start watching this Markiplier guy
Big Sad Times, My Friends Graduated. Next Year Gonna SUCK.
Tried out Dungeons & Dragons. Fuckin loved it.
Ah fuck I’m a senior in high school this is gonna be a trip.
Discovered I like photography.
Literally where did this school year go it’s so blurry.
Was convinced to end the relationship with boyfriend. He’s still a good bean.
Hey uhhhh online best friend do u big gay.
WE big gay.
Found a book I really like that isn’t Harry Potter, damn it’s about time.
Ok But This Book Really Fucked Me Up, I Love It.
Oh that wasn’t so bad.
Actually had to be PUSHED by my friends to have my first kiss with my girlfriend at my graduation party because I was too busy going [dkasjdjf] about having her physically in my presence at all.
First super memorable vacation. Wow I Fucking Love Traveling.
Got to meet another online friend!! I am,, incredibly lucky about being able to do that, this was like the 4th friend I got to meet.
[That one motion blur conspiracy theorist meme] SABRINA IM TELLING U JACK IS UP TO SOMETHING HIS TWITTER IS FUCKY
Gets punched in the throat with Kill Jacksepticeye on the way home from vacation and remembers how much I fucking love Anti
TIME FOR COLLEGE. I made a mistake.
Friend I Still Have From High School 1/2 introduced me to Bendy and the Ink Machine. HYPERFIXATION TIME BABEY.
Let’s,,, lets try Tumblr. Jack exists there a lot. And so does good art of everything I’m interested in.
Wait Who’s This Baby With The Mustache, JACK EXPLAIN
Okay there’s More Going On Here, lets get active in the community.
Isa: Become Theorist
The rest is history, really, all stuff I’ve posted about on here. xD
And knowing me I’ve left out other highlighted bits but remembering all of this is,,, really exhausting lmao, I’m surprised I jotted down as much as I did in Relatively Chronological Order.
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
Underworld Ultimatum: The Quest for the Hottest Hades
So I mentioned in a previous big text post that I have some Very Strong Opinions on the interpretation of Greek god Hades shown in Disney’s Hercules film, and now I’m gonna talk about those opinions dammit! But let’s make it a little interesting. I always believe that if you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all, so I’m also going to use this as an opportunity to talk about a Hades that I do enjoy. It’s a competition, babey! The Underworld Ultimatum! Or, if you’re preferring to reference a property one of these guys is in, the Hades Cup! (though to be fair this is less of a true competition and more of me showing why I like one and not the other)
First off, it’s the guy who inspired this, give it up foooor...
Disney’s Hades!
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First of all, the guy’s design might’ve seemed cool back in the day, but looking back on him he’s kinda bland. Grey toga with accents of other greys, blue deathly pallor, nasty teeth... The flame hair is a pretty good concept, but considering the ancient Greek idea of the underworld probably wasn’t fire-themed I don’t know if it was an appropriate choice.  ❌
Speaking of that flame hair, he commits the crime of “blue fire is totally cooler than red fire you guys what is physics?” nonsense. Anyone who puts even the tiniest bit of research in knows that, disregarding chemical compounds that affect flame color, blue flames are hotter than red/orange/yellow flames. Yeah, from an artistic perspective it seems counterintuitive, and blue flames work better with his standard palette, but even with that in consideration they couldn’t’ve made it so his flames turned white when he got angry rather than orange? Lazy... ❌
This is a problem with the Hercules film overall, but this feels like a christianized take on the ancient Grecian pantheon, with a much less horny Zeus in the place of the christian god and Hercules as sort of a Jesus figure. In line with this, Hades is portrayed as an equivalent to Satan and thus is shown to be undeniably evil. This is inaccurate to the actual mythology of Hades, where (and someone with a better scope of Greek mythology can either back me up or refute me on this) he was just a dude who ran the underworld and had no real malicious intent. But of course, a character is themed around death, they have to be a completely irredeemable villain. ❌
AND continuing the villain thing! He ugly, at least according to western society standards and especially compared to the hero and leading lady who are conventionally attractive by those same standards. This is continuing a long Disney tradition that a villain should be ugly. He’s evil, thus he doesn’t get to visit the dentist. ❌
His goals are basically just the same as every other villain, take over the world with some big strong brutes that are locked away by a supposedly benevolent horndog. Well, specifically Olympus, but considering that’s where the gods live and his brief rule subjugates the GODS, if he’d been in the head for longer he’d basically rule the world. Boring, bland, think of something else for once. Or at least have a good reason other than “I’m the villain, world domination for me!” ❌
There’s no real satisfying tension between him as a villain and the hero! His initial direct action against Hercules happens when he’s an infant (speaking of, dude actively tries to kill an infant), and then the next direct interaction between them is like nearly 20 years later and Herc has no knowledge of who this guy is and how big of a threat he’s been this whole time. Call me crazy, but I feel a villain is more effective when the protag is aware of the threat they pose for longer than just “oh he showed up today and apparently he’s been trying to kill me since I was a baby and now he’s got my girl??? guess he’s a bad guy” ❌
Following this point, there’s no satisfying confrontation between Hades and Herc that works to finish off the conflict between them. The major battle that Herc has against him is mainly against the titans, and iirc the only thing that he does to him in the “grabbing Meg’s soul from the soul pool brb” section is punch him in the face. I don’t remember any direct action that Herc does to cause Hades to fall into his soul pool. ❌
He’s voiced by James Woods, who is a major jerk. I’m not going into detail here as this is already long-winded enough, and Google is free. ❌
He’s got Cerberus, as any good interpretation of Hades should. That’s a plus! ✅ Though this Cerberus seems to be based on the “generic mean dog breed” aesthetic, and also I hated fighting this guy in Kingdom Hearts (the original, not the final mix with updated controls, OOF), which leads me toooo...
The guy THEN proceeds to smear his presence all over nearly every Kingdom Hearts game! Like, you’re not needed! Get out! Leave some room for better Disney villains!!! ❌
So nine bads, one good, and that “good” only comes from me liking dogs.
Next up, we have a more recent contender to the Hades mythos in modern media. Showing up outta nowhere in the first entry into a classic series for 21 years, let’s bring our hands together fooooor...
Kid Icarus Uprising’s Hades!
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First off...look at this man. Look at this man! Hell yeah that is my aesthetic! Look at all the chaotic colors, the wild anime-esque hair, aaaaa! Amazing design! I would ask someone to get me the name of Uprising’s character designer so I can shake their hand and tell ‘em they did a wonderful job on the Hades look, but they’re probably Japanese and I don’t know a lick of it. Maybe someone at NoA could pass on my compliments... ✅
He does have a flame head form at some point with blue flames, but it doesn’t become red to show his anger so there’s no more of a violation of physics then the rest of his insides are. ✅ And that’s the real problem I have with Disney’s Hades for this particular point, if you’re going to violate physics at least have some damn fun with it instead of just thinking that cooler fire is hotter just because it’s made of warmer colors.
While this Hades is also irredeemably evil, there’s no weird christ-washing of Greek mythology going on here, because the Japanese generally don’t do that sort of thing when throwing a bunch of other culture’s mythologies together. Sure, Kid Icarus includes a lot of Greek mythology elements (Medusa, Thanatos, Pandora, arguably Palutena being based on Athena, among others), but it also incorporates a lot of original elements, such as the Forces of Nature who are not based on any specific Greek gods, the Chaos Kin, the Aurum, freaking space pirates?! And in regards to the Aurum, this Hades is able to put differences aside in order to help the other factions around at the time defeat the Aurum so there’s that! ...though he’s not exactly the best team player, hehehe... ✅
While he does show up out of nowhere after the defeat of the initially perceived villain, Medusa, once he debuts Hades is a constant presence. He’s almost always poking his head into the dialogue to taunt Pit, make some quip or joke, flirt with a female character, give a dastardly threat. Everyone’s always aware of exactly what kind of threat he poses! Good villain writing! ✅
But yeah, speaking of that, he does do the whole “initial villain wasn’t the real villain SURPRISE BITCH” thing that I’m not that fond of. Call it lingering resentment from Twilight Princess where Zant was basically thrown away in favor of bringing Ganondorf back. ❌
This Hades also doesn’t seem to have a Cerberus. Twinbellows is a Thing, yes, but they never show up in the same instance in time. The real Twinbellows is dealt with in the first chapter of Uprising, and the fake version of Twinbellows that shows up in chapter 9 is dealt with LONG before Hades reveals himself. ❌
His goal is to use the souls of everyone and everything that’s died to increase the ranks of his army and in the process throw off the natural order of things, which honestly makes sense as a goal for a malevolent death god. It’s helped by the fact that there’s really no one “good” faction in this game, everyone has their own self interests and Palutena’s just the one that’s most kind to humanity and Pit, who is the protag we experience the game’s events through and thus passes on a little of his bias. ✅
Oh, you want satisfying hero/villain confrontation? The boss battle against him takes up a whole chapter and oooohhhh boy is it a good’un. Do yourself a favor and look up the battle on YouTube, or to avoid a lot of spoilers and gain a lot of context, do yourself an even bigger favor and look up Chuggaconroy’s whole Uprising playthrough. The man goes into detail about everything of this game, not just its characters and basic gameplay. ✅
He eats Pit at one point, and then that whole chapter takes place in his innards. Ew. Gross. ❌
He’s voiced by S. Scott Bollock in the English dub and Hōchū Ōtsuka in the Japanese original. I don’t know whether either of ‘em are jerks, but I doubt they’re as bad as James Woods soooooo... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Setting aside cameos like being a spirit in Smash Ultimate, this Hades has only had a significant appearance in a single piece of media. Even though it’s a tad bittersweet, he doesn’t overstay his welcome, unlike another Hades. ✅
That’s 7 goods, 3 bads, and a shrug. The winner is clear! KI Hades is the victor! Or at least it’s obvious that I prefer him over the Disney version. Rant over, thanks for sticking through my ramblin’ goofballery. It was fun at least, right? I had fun. :D
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hope-the-myope · 5 years
Character Name Tips
One thing I love doing (instead of actually writing) is creating characters.  But with all these concepts, how am I supposed to keep them straight?  How do I remember which one had the tooth gap and the angelic laugh and which one had the sideburns and tragic past?  Why, I gotta name them, of course!
Sometimes naming a character can be the most daunting thing about the design process, and a safe bet is letting a random name generator or a website like BehindtheName.com handle the hard work for you. But if you're getting bored of the same lists over and over or you just can't find a name with the perfect ring to it, here's some other ideas to try: 
Use Google translate to translate (obviously) a word that symbolizes your character—like peace, hope, mind, forest—or a word that is an iconic image for your character—like tooth or sideburns in the previous examples.  Flip through some languages until you find just the right sound and yoink that boy right out of Google translate for a new name!  And for any of these options, feel free to adjust the products to your liking.  It’s your story.
Is your character a professional?  An aspiring artist maybe?  Take inspiration from real people!  If your character is the champion of playground fights, maybe her name is Ally, after Muhammad Ali.  (Wikipedia is your friend here.)
Spirit Animals – Can you think of an animal that embodies your character perfectly?  Of course you can!  (and if you think you can't, you're the boss, babey—just make it up!)  Check out that animal’s scientific name for inspiration. For example—if you have a character as grumpy as a bear, you might take inspiration from the bear genus Ursus and name her Ursula.
Dictionary.com time, y'all!  Or rather—Thesaurus.com.  Remember those words from #1?  The ones that embody your character like peace or tooth?  Plug those bad babes into a thesaurus for some more obscure synonyms.  Did I say peace and tooth?  I meant my new characters Amy (amity) and Ivory (I ripped this one straight from the entry).
Switch-a-roo – Are you sick of all these normal boring names?  Do you think naming your character Anna would be too bland for your intergalactic adventure story?  Try replacing one letter—or all of them, if you’re feeling feral—and read it aloud.  If it's too hard to pronounce, pick a different letter until you get the sound right. Change Anna to Afna, or Anna to Anja, or Anna to Efri, if you do decide to replace all the letters.
Research—it’s a little scary, but if you want to include a bit of diversity or historical background in your story, using real names is the way to go!  Check out common Czech names, Tanzanian names, Chinese names, whatever you need for your story, and run with it.  But don't run too fast—make sure you understand the naming rules.  For example, in Czech, last names will pick up an ending based on the gender of your character, and in Russian (at least historically; I don't know much about Russian), the surname is the father's first name with a gender-based ending.  I always try searching for my character's full name online first to see if any real person has it.  If it exists, it probably follows the rules.
Take names from graves.  Be respectful about it, of course.  I usually catch names by passing cemeteries in a car or bus, but the names of real people, once again, are always a good place to start to find believable names.
Street signs – like the previous option, look in your surroundings for name inspiration.  Street names, town names, names written on the side of a mailbox or the front a building—all could be your next Huckleberry Finn.
Voldemort—this one takes a while but could be a fun activity. Choose a sentence or word that really embodies your character.  It could be relevant to your story's plot, or it could be your favorite line from a movie. Write that bad boy with pencil and paper and cut out each letter individually.  Scramble them up, and see what cool anagram names you can come up with. In the US, at least, first and last names are on average 6 letters each, so even with the allotment of a middle name, you should be picking some pretty short sentences.
Lastly, sometimes it's just about the vibe.  Before my characters get a real name, they get an  archetypal stand-in name.  The main character trying to disguise his angel wings around his friends is “Boyman,” the boy genius somehow struggling to pass his math class is “Matthewmatics,” and the antagonist that can simply be described as just ‘another one’ is “Khaled.” (I started this story a few years back; DJ Khaled was still popular then.) And after I get them fleshed out and ready to write about, I refine their names.  Now I have the angel Banonjael, the student Matt (what a surprise), and the demon Kogaroth (I also took some inspiration from Wiki's Demon Names page).  I kept the intital letter, and sometimes more, but the names are more fitting and less archetypal.  These characters only get their names after a long period of getting to know them and understanding their vibe.  So maybe instead of pushing a Brady or an Ivory or an Efri onto your characters so soon, give them some time, and just stick with “Boyman” for now.
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zepdeans · 5 years
this is highkey like a month late (i mean wbk im a chronic scatterbrain procrastinator) and she’s thicccc but without further ado. my skam s4 thoughts.
I first just want to say a couple things: im not a muslim woc so my thoughts on s4 don’t hold as much value as those of a muslim, woc, or a muslim woc. I also don’t know to what degree sana’s representation was true to real life. I made an effort to look for posts from muslim woc on sana’s season but to no real avail, especially given it’s been two years since skam ended and a lot of blogs have deactivated, changed urls, or posts have become buried :( [if you know of any good posts regarding sana’s season please lmk!]. from what I can recall in 2017, there were mixed opinions on s4 with most being upset (or at least disappointed) with the ultimate execution of sana’s storyline and I agree w that. while s4 means so much to me and has a really special place in my heart, I do 100% acknowledge its flaws. ok!!!!!! lets get into it😤
ep1 -as much as I wished isak stayed in kollektivet I’m glad he and even had a rlly sweet happy time this entire season. also evak making their friends move all their furniture while they whisper romantic shit to each other and makeout? peak comedy -you fuckin wish!!! -sana is the one to say “of course you should tell noora about william”.. she Knew and still takes the fall for it :( -this opening clip is such a jarring shift into sana’s pov!! e.g. while easy to overlook in previous seasons, sana’s exclusion from the girls is glaringly obvious once we’re looking through her eyes -adding onto that! sana is the friend who notices everyone else- she’s so observant, which hurts even more when you notice her friends don’t do the same (except mayhaps chris- in my heart of hearts I know chris is also the friend who notices and goes unnoticed, but unfortunately we don’t get enough of her and sana’s relationship this season to fully see that) -yousef and the balloon squad’s entrance.... ICONIC! also I cant believe for 2 seasons they presented those dickbag nissen 97s as the be all end all of hot amazing boys when the bakka third years were RIGHT THERE like,, the penetrators vs. balloon squad + even? no contest ma’am -also! it’s so interesting that we literally had no idea sana had a brother, or that yousef etc existed until now? it’s as if she has a whole private world at home, separate from her friends and nissen (and I think a theme of this season is those two worlds merging) -im obsessed w the yousana train scene but yousef being the only one who notices sana standing off to the side? ;-; -fy faen is such a stunning clip oh my god. when sana leaves to pray? possibly my favourite skam scene ever. it’s exquisite.  -sana is so cute and awkward squeezing thru the crowd shsdhgfhshdf I LOVE her love her -the last shot on yousef and noora... oh my GOD oh my god bc like. being that friend who never ever tells your real feelings or your crushes or is vulnerable with your friends?? and then having to listen to them talk about how good your crush would be with someone else (especially one of ur friends) while ur sitting there silently dying inside? and you don’t say anything since you can’t be vulnerable with your friends and u don’t think u stand a chance anyways so. (in the words of s3 noora. I think sana struck a nerve with the emotional unavailability! abbey r u ok) -this episode is a masterpiece and did such a phenomenal job of both introducing us to sana’s perspective while also touching on a multitude of her struggles AND establishing the themes of the season. plus the cinematography, editing, soundtrack and aesthetic...... o baby. (case in point I deadass just rewatched it after writing this)
ep2 -every shot of sana praying is beautiful (and beautifully edited!!) -sana’s room is usually messy... not smart enough to fully analyze this but I’m sure it means something  -an interesting contrast of what’s expected of her vs. of elias- I can’t speak for muslim families, but I know even in non-muslim families girls are always held to suchhh a higher standard (source: I have 2 brothers rip) -”if you find immaturity charming” hilarious bc sana actually does in fact find immaturity charming  -what’s interesting is how noora comes across in sana’s POV- kinda obnoxious, kinda ignorant, seemingly perfect (compared to how noora is portrayed in eva’s season, for example) -even is one of those ppl who uses the bill gates argument on why dropping out of school makes u richer sdfhfsjskfjfsd -sana staring down the pepsi max squad. fuck em up. -vilde adding magnus to the groupchat jfkjsjfdjfsfsdkj -isak missing eskild :’) sidenote I fucking live for isak and sana’s chats this season. they’re literally my lifeblood like.... 
ep3 -the kiss me scene god I go FERAL -“you need to pull it towards you, not push it away. okay?” yall mind if i SCREAM!! YOUSEF!!!!!!!!!! -there rlly is something about seeing sana, who in everyone else’s POV comes off as cold and harsh and stoic, just absolutely meltinggg when she talks w yousef like she doesn’t stop smiling she’s so sweet!!!! ah🥰 and yousef is 100% that guy who ppl tell “your gf is so intimidating and ruthless bro” and he’s like are y’all talking about sana??????? my baby?? my fuckin cinnamon apple????? -yousef’s lil smile watching sana peel carrots. 911 it’s me again -vilde and sana’s relationship has a really interesting dynamic bc like.. vilde says ignorant shit to sana while also genuinely looking up to her. and sana is probably the harshest to vilde within the group but it’s because she actually values their friendship a lot  -IM HURT BECAUSE YOU NEVER REPLIED TO MY MEME -sana pulling 2yr old receipts off the top of her head to defend vilde. god I stan -sana doin research taking notes..... shameful she isn’t canonically a virgo (honestly her and isak both but like-) -she’s so soft and smiley w her mamma awh... “of course he likes you, who doesn’t like you?” her mamma only knows the real, gentle, beautiful loving sana oh im CRY -even is so kind and loving and thoughtful yall mind if i....... -”you can’t escape the internet girl” foreshadowing mayhaps?
ep4 -david and ulrikke together are fucking hilarious -noora’s “you’re lucky you don’t have to think about this stuff, heartbreak and that” :/ it’s not just vilde who says ignorant things to sana! -that being said sana and noora are cute asf in the exper5 scene.. dorky noora rise (omg josefine and her yogurt in the bloopers too sjhfkjdf) -I HANDLE BALLS BETTER THAN YOU -the yousana scene is sooo gorgeous whew...... -I always cry a lil bit (ok a lot) when yousef brings up even. and sana knew too. even sweetie ily :( -sana talking about her religion is beautiful. it’s so lovely to learn about how she thinks and sees the world. -yousef’s smile watching sana leave like ur kidding right....... -“flawless since 99″ is so cringey. it’s so cringeyyy -sana uses “smh” I knew we were soulmates
ep5 -eavesdropping on ur parent/brother’s argument is peak sibling culture -when ur always paranoid but ur always right..... -sana’s green jumpsuit sign me up babey -I really really really love elias and sana’s conversation -u dont even realize how tiny sana is until she’s standing next to isak and even -not finding out why yousef avoided the fight and why he kissed noora will haunt me forever (could we not have expanded more on that instead of noorhelm.......) -the parallel of sana washing isak’s blood off her hands vs. her washing her hands during maghrib in episode 1. gotta sit down. -vilde gossiping to the pepsimax girls stings SO bad it’s just such a betrayal?:( -“the other girls seem cool, especially noora! she’s so pretty!” ok much to unpack here but: sana again comparing herself to noora (who she sees as /perfect/)... sana being written off despite putting so much effort and passion into the russ bus while noora, who has done literally nothing and at best is indifferent to russ, is the one they like the most. disgusteng -love will tear us apart.. bitch..... -sana abt to cry god I can’t -if sana is anything like me (I mean I think she is but jkjjkhsdfhfsd). looking stupid is the absolute worst so like, her sending out emails abt being bus boss when she was actually being lied to? being played? and her being “paranoid” about sara being shady, but deciding hey maybe im just being crazy? except she wasn’t she was right and she Knew!! and she’s probably thinking how dumb it was for her to get her hopes up, everything always ends badly anyways and no one actually likes her :((((((( -dont rlly know what my feelings are on the fight. im not against it bc isak does have a temper but his apparent motive always seemed weak to me?? and god I feel so bad for even
ep6 -forgot about sana getting bullied in middle school yall mind if I sob?? -sana lying and getting defensive bc it’s hard to be vulnerable, or because she hates looking stupid? or both?:( -isak looking up dandelions in his textbook just bc even put one behind his ear. I HATE this man -sana’s dad asking if she had a bad day aw :( -all the boys (and sana) wearing black but yousef wearing white.... what does it mean.............. -the carrots are back goddammit -radio station playing during this scene: “if I have to choose between the just non-muslim and the unjust muslim, without any doubt I would choose the non-muslim who is just” -ISAK’S NOSE SFFJDFJFSDKJSDF -sana’s text about chris I’m going to bawl my eyes out.           “yeah! looking forward (to going to nissen) but a bit worried. don’t know               anyone else starting there.”           (J: new friends?) “yes, at least one of them. I have german with her (chris)           and she’s very cool!” -the contrast of how blunt sana came off when we’re first introduced to her vs. how she was really just excited to make a new friend bc she was scared no one would like her :( especially knowing her past with bullying and how nervous she was to start at nissen? chris baby I LOVE YOU thank u ;-; -also sana keeping 2yr old conversations on her phone... same -sana is honestly too smart and scheming and overthinking for her own good. she has these elaborate plans that more-or-less always get ruined by her being more kind than she gives herself credit for (e.g. wanting to protect vilde in s1, clearing isak’s name in s4) -everyone in skam texts back so fast smh -chris calling sana “sonic”...... a moment please -I cannot watch the sana/evak apartment scene without thinking of the bloopers and losing it lmfaoooo.. “this is where we live. just come in” -ik it’s based off fanart but there is little I hate more than their matching outfits  -“remember you’re both geniuses!” 🥺even  -once again isak studying is uhhhh me - “you’re a good person” yall i love isak i really do. he puts his foot in his mouth pretty often and doesn’t have a great brain-to-mouth filter and he can be awkward and rambly and blunt and unsure of what to say in emotional situations but also? he’s so genuine. it’s just his honest thoughts and he says it bc he cares about sana and knows she needs to hear it!! -ᶠᵃᵉⁿ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ -sana’s inner turmoil.. thank u iman for inventing acting (ik I haven’t mentioned it much yet but god iman is SUCH a phenomenal actor I owe her my life) -LETS GO BITCHES
ep7 -sana crying silently in her room breaks my fucking heart (IMAN!!!!)  -idk how I feel about the instagram plot but sana watching as her plan falls into place and then storming up to sara... pretty bada$$ -“it’s creepy it was published but it’s more creepy we have a bus boss who talks shit about everyone” THANK YOU vilde -i love s4 isak thanks -sana and jamilla’s chat aw :~) -how awkward do yall think the walk to the bench was lmfao -what sana tells isak is SO powerful and I love it a lot -isak does actually make a good point- the other girls are like that too.  -unfortunately I have been in situations isak describes, where you want to learn more about your friend’s culture or religion because you care about them and you’re genuinely interested, but you don’t know what questions are okay to ask and you don’t want to sound rude or ignorant, so you ultimately end up asking no questions at all. but I hate that the responsibility is put on sana to constantly educate people bc I cannot imagine how exhausting that must be [[[ok so. I know there are VERY mixed opinions on the bench scene but here’s my dumbass two cents. 1- I genuinely think isak was trying to make sana feel better by attempting to relate to her and pass on advice that really helped him. however, I don’t think isak realized what sana eventually told him- that her experience wearing the hijab is a lot different than isak’s experience as a gay man. do I agree with everything isak said? nooo. do I understand why he said it? yeah. 2- it was not isak’s place to tell sana norwegians aren’t racist, or not to look for racism in questions. I think there’s some truth to ppl often just being ignorant, and he does add that there are probably a lot of racist people in Norway, but yeah. not great. 3- in conclusion I think while isak shared some meaningful advice w sana, he put his foot in his mouth too and said some stupid shit. im not trying to defend that. I will add, though: a. we actually do see some growth on isak’s part. when he and even are yelled at on the street, that’s the moment it clicks for him that oh shit, this is what sana was talking about. this is what she has to experience? and that’s why he texts noora, “in the speech for sana, you have to include how insanely strong she is. I don’t think many people understand how much bullshit she has to take” and b. isak’s (bad) advice of “not looking for the racism in things” is ultimately contrasted by yousef (a moc who lived most of his life as a muslim) suggesting instead to show people what islam really is. and that’s so much more meaningful. I think the root of a lot of the issues isak brought up- i.e. ignorance- is a general lack of education, representation, or effort by non-muslim people to seek out information themselves. so sana leading by example and showing what it means to her to be muslim is so much more powerful.]]] -𝒃𝒂𝒎!  -BEST BUDS 🥺
ep8 -haper du har plass weaving in and out of this episode until the chorus finally breaks when the los losers van shows up...... miss julie 😭 -oh my god the pictures. im a fucking MESS bc they’re not only significant to the scene and to sana but also like,, as part of our goodbye to the girls?? -the balloon squad and even :( while the timeline of them reconciling within just this week is kinda wack, seeing even back with his friends looking so happy makes my heart uwu so i’ll allow it just this once -eva’s message to vilde about her and magnus being able to trust each other w/o reading their texts... growth or irony -chris is such a phenomenal friend (and this is why I wanted more of her in s4!!) -sana’s phonecall to the girls breaks my fucking heart bc like. right off the bat she’s finally being vulnerable with them?? telling them about her fears and insecurities and struggles? typing this im gonna start crying lol but god I love her so much. she’s so brave and she put all that on the line bc all she really cares about are her friends, she loves them SO much even if (she thinks) they don’t love her back -lowkey sobbed so hard during the haper du har plass clip I almost threw up and it gave me a headache :)  -anyways this is one of my favourite skam clips and god just. the moment you hear the girls calling for sana??? I LOSE it. when sana just starts BEAMING omg🤧 the girls love sana and support her and if you fuck with sana you fuck with us!!!!!! god. cannot articulate how dear to my heart this scene is. -haper du har plass feels like the end of the episode and the party clip is kinda just tacked on but I love how happy everyone is!! they’re all drinking champagne (who taught isak how to hold things) and dancing and smilingggg 💛 -yousana rise!!!!!!!!  -ok don’t get me wrong I hate william for crashing the party but their entrance slow-mo kinda slaps.... also sana popping up in between noorhelm SENDS me
ep9 -this is the point in the season where the amount of time dedicated to noorhelm is beyond beyond beyond significantly damaging to the story. this is sana’s last episode!! instead of having them makeout in front of william’s car for 20 minutes mayhaps we could’ve had a conversation between the girls and sana, or with her brother (if they had continued the elias alcoholism plotline rip), or maybe even with jamilla or her mamma? like I don’t care at ALL about noora or william. give me anything else. ple a s e -what makes skam scenes so brilliant is their quiet moments!! julie let the scene breathe. not everything needs a tacky song playing over top. -I’ve said this abt like twenty clips now but MAGHRIB. oh my GOD. an absolute masterpiece and definitely tied for my all time favourite skam clip. can’t rlly put into words how stunning it is. & I love sana and yousef’s conversation so much. -“of course I brought food! my name is yousef!” mr. acar you’re the only man I trust
ep10 -as much as my heart yearns for 10 sana episodes I think splitting up the last episode of skam into individual POV clips for different characters was brilliant and such a poignant way to say goodbye :( -okay don’t think about what sana could’ve written in her texts to everyone or ur heart will go sicko mode -I won’t write anything abt this ep since I’ve already written too much but like.. (elias should’ve gotten a clip instead of william. pchris can stay because his clip was funny but he’s on thin fuckin ice) -kjaere sana was such a beautiful way to say goodbye to skam. so yeah. bye skam. i miss you. 
overall ➔I’m not really sure why (possibly a lethal combination of my undying love for sana bakkoush, how much I relate to her, this but my ass was crying EVERY single episode of season 4...... F ➔I’m obsessed with s4′s aesthetic. imo the best editing, soundtrack and cinematography of any season!!!! julie is so talented at making each season feel distinct- to me, sana’s season is cool, vibrant colours (aka the late-night sunset aesthetic- gabie i hear u laughing shut up), crisp electronic/pop music and rap, ethereal city nights..... also sana has the best style of any skam character it had to be said ➔sana’s growth! seeing her open up and be honest and vulnerable with the girls during that phone call. sana sending all of her friends literally the sweetest messages of how much they mean to her and how much she values their relationship. sana being the (MUCH) bigger person and making amends with sara, ingrid etc. I love her so much :’((( ➔I’ve thought a lot about what I would change in season 4 and honestly? im a mf scatterbrain and have no real, structured ideas. my biggest issue is too much noora. dream s4 would be william staying in london and noora being happy on her own (but not rly on her own bc she has the girls and kollektivet!). as :/ as I am about the noora/yousef plotline, I’m not really sure what I’d do to replace the yousana conflict in ep5. maybe involving elias, or the balloon squad and even? related to that- in lieu of all the noora/noorhelm screentime, I would so much rather have a follow-up plot to elias’s drinking problem bc it was kinda just dropped? at the very least, the william clip should’ve been elias’s. I also would've killed for more one-on-one scenes with chris (even vilde or eva!), jamilla, even, members of the balloon squad... there are so many interesting stories that could’ve been explored instead of going down the noorhelm rabbithole again. furthermore, I feel like the social media plot was a bit... weak? again I’ve tried thinking of what I would’ve done instead (while also keeping the haper du har plass clip, y’all can pry that one from my cold dead hands) to little avail. what especially threw me about this plotline is that sana did this in s2 to jamilla, fucked up, and it bit her in the ass. I know that she gets irrational when angry but from a storytelling perspective, it seems repetitive. just.. I feel like there could’ve been a more powerful plot in which sana follows the same character arc. another thing I would’ve loved to see is beyond the los losers van, an apology from the girls to sana. or even just a conversation where they tell her “hey sana, we’re sorry for not paying attention and we’re sorry for being thoughtless/ignorant.” an apology from vilde about things she’s said in the past would’ve been <3. even a gesture! the girls order pizza again but this time it’s halal, or they make an effort to learn about sana’s religion and culture. I know it’s implied through the letter they write for sana, but a final standalone scene would’ve been so nice.  ➔i’ve noticed soo many remakes do this thing where they like.. water down shitty behaviour of their characters. which like- sure. I would love for everyone to be kind and thoughtful and not as horrible as they could be but also... I think that’s the point of skam? to show that people fuck up, but that doesn’t define them as a person. no one is perfect and no one can be thoughtful and considerate and kind all the time. and often these ‘problematic’ actions are integral to the story- e.g. elias saying stupid comments to isak (related to isak’s internalized homophobia and fear of coming out to his friends), the girl squad being ignorant about what sana can eat, etc. so..... your remake is not better because it erased every horrible action every character has done. (nuance.. where r u.........) ➔despite its flaws, I will say- the good moments of season 4? ineffable. I think we sometimes forget that julie literally wrote, directed, and I believe (?) assisted w editing and soundtrack too. i cant imagine doing all that under so much pressure, trying to bring so many storylines to a conclusion whilst simultaneously creating a goodbye-season to a show she put her life into the past two years. I’m so fucking appreciative of her. and you know what? all in all julie wrote some pretty damn beautiful episodes and scenes, and you can tell she loves this show just as much as we do. ➔and honestly this is maybe one reason I’m more wary of watching remake s4′s, bc like.. this season meant SO much bc it was the last season of skam. we knew it was the last season. the final episode is more or less a love letter, a goodbye to the show. whereas w some remakes (do i have to say whomst) its  like.. that love isnt there. it’s just another season. yknow? in conclusion I miss skam so much :(
ok whew if ur reading this ur a champion but also why did you just read 5k of me rambling about how much I love sana bakkoush?? 
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rorys-nook · 5 years
a very small excited rant
ooooooooh I get to have a meeting with my favourite prof next week ! she is my career crush for sure I want to do what she does... teach medieval history.... eat sleep and breathe medieval history.... the dream ! and she’s having a sit down with me to talk about careers and how she got where she is now 
she’s so nice and pure all she wants to do is talk about Vikings (which is what she did her PhD on... can u imagine... having a PhD on Vikings...) and every time you mention Vikings she gets so excited and will talk for like half an hour and you know what? relatable! every time my bf is quiet for 2 seconds im like.... it’s time to talk about the roman empire and the danes invading Anglo-Saxon England babey ! 
luckily.... he loves me...… and lets me ramble for hours.... we once spent 3 hours at a restaurant and the entire time he was getting a lecture on, you guessed it, the Carolingian dynasty 
also next semester I get to take a WHOLE CLASS on Vikings from this prof.... I am so pumped.... a whole semester learning about the Viking lifestyle is very sexy I cannot WAIT to hear about the numismatics of coins in Viking hoards and how in the hell they got to MAINE and NEWFOUNDLAND !?!?!? and also went and chilled in Constantinople? like nbd?????????? very excited 
AND...……………… I just applied to spend a month abroad in Greece next year studying ancient greek sports and culture and visiting archeological sites... I hope I get in.... because if I DID get in then at the end I could spend a week or two island hopping and then go back to Rome since, being a fool, I didn’t decide to start a travel keychain collection until this yr when I was in mexico?? I want to have a rome key chain... also I want to revisit the historical sites with a new perspective and new knowledge because guess who has done 2 research essays on the late roman empire?! 
I am...… so glad I switched majors.... truly I feel like I am living the dream right now... I always want to go to school.... I feel like every class is an elective.... it’s so fun.... obviously I get stressed (like rn I am putting off writing a paper on the Hitler Personality Cult but...… that’s not the point) but I am still having fun! living the dream babey! 
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redwoodrroad · 6 years
oc time babey
so @commander-daine told me i should write out the stuff about my human commander and his sylvari husband so HERE WE GO (it’s all under the cut)
OKAY so there are two babes here: Eridunis and Arkus Hypericum
arkus is a sylvari whose dream consisted of the white stag, red lightning, and the shadow of the dragon ofc; he awoke in late twilight and instantly began training as an Elementalist with a staff
he really starts to live by the “all things have a right to grow” aphorism (which is important later), and of course Caithe starts to help him find the white stag
eridunis is a human man who grew up in the orphanage, made friends with quinn and probably alice, and got to know logan a little kind of through logan’s seraph brother (eridunis was always a huge troublemaker, and he was hauled into the seraph office a lot; logan probably visited and got to know a lot of the orphans), so by the time he was 18, he was thrown out of the orphanage for not being able to hold a job and taking up space, so he lived on the streets for two years
at 20, he falls into the shaemoor situation, saves the town, and logan--who’s a seraph by that point and has already had enough direct interactions with eridunis over the time period that he took his brother’s place--takes eridunis into his office one more time after eridunis is (again) caught stealing from the rich, but instead of arresting him proper, he essentially tells him that if eridunis can help the seraph with a couple jobs, he might be able to solidify him a position in the guard--so eridunis joins the circus and also investigates the treason rumors around the queen.
eventually, we hit the chapter where caithe invites the surviving members of destiny’s edge to lion’s arch, so she brings arkus along, and logan brings eridunis; the two get to chat for a bit--all small talk, right--and they both Definitely think the other is cute but they aint gonna say it, but eventually they have to separate again because logan and rytlock start arguing, and zojja and eir start arguing, so they part ways
arkus joins the priory and starts researching hylek and environmental geology and of course starts to learn about zhaitan’s influence on the world--also he makes friends with sieran and sees her as a semi-mentor, semi-acquaintance
eridunis joins the order of whispers and starts helping the quaggan village, and he himself learns about zhaitan and all that--also he becomes absolute best friends with tybalt and eventually demmi
somewhere in that time frame, eridunis is roaming around lornar’s pass and “accidentally” finds his way into the underground priory library and finds some nice books to read--books about hylek culture and environmental geology
someone catches him and locks him up in like a makeshift jail, tells arkus that his research was being read by some outsider, and gixx is away on some retreat so you know, arkus decides to handle it on his own
the two meet for the second time, and have like a mutual “you!!” moment, and eridunis is just so flirty and schmoozey, and arkus sees through the whole thing and hes like “alright lets just wait a couple days for a whispers agent to come get you, how about that” and to make a long story short (too late) arkus watches over eridunis to make sure he doesnt escape, and in doing so, they get to know each other a little more
a whispers agent eventually picks him up, so they part ways again--both kind of mutually feeling annoyed by the other--and they won’t meet up again until their orders send them to claw island. there, eridunis meets trahearne, and trahearne kind of brushes him off because he knows arkus more anyway, but once again they have a mutual “you!!!” moment, very classic
of course, the tragedy strikes, and theyre both sort of left to feel their mutual loss together. trahearne goes with both arkus and eridunis to take care of lion’s arch, and of course they help their orders, and they retake claw island. eridunis is really taking into a leadership role during this, and arkus really notices--the two start to respect each other a little more after fighting side by side, even if they still kind of have an impatience about each other, but eventually when trahearne offers second-in-command to one of them, arkus tells eridunis he should take it, so eridunis becomes the Commander.
then i imagine they travel together and start solidifying a friendship--it starts at that kind of mutual annoyance, still, but as they realize theyre more similar than they both expected--with eridunis at some point saying sort of offhandedly “every living thing deserves to live” or something along those lines, and arkus realizes that’s basically the same thing as the aphorism he’s lived by his whole life, so he starts falling for eridunis; meanwhile, eridunis is realizing that arkus is also very cute, and he can see that arkus’s “stuck-up”-ness really just comes from his passion for his work, and lets be real, a lot of people dont consider sylvari wise or capable of leadership because their species is so young--and like we see in heart of thorns, that kind of implicit bias is pretty rooted in the xenophobia displayed by pretty much everyone non-sylvari--so he really starts to respect arkus and starts to fall for him too
they start smooching just before we get to the level 80 missions, and by the end of it, theyre totally solidified as a couple and bingo bango bongo, gays
also they dont get married until like living world season 3-ish but thats for another post
i hope you enjoyed
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