#Reality warping
vanillayoteart · 1 month
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Gothic Punk 2
You ever finish turning into a vixen with an impeccable sense of style? Something for juniortumblewwd from my weekly streams!
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seraphic555 · 3 months
I once came across a Realitywarpingg post that said “you are God and you are all alone” and I was like “ok cool” but the more LITERALLY I start to take it the more terrifying it is. Why is it that people are so predictable? Why is the world so predictable? Why is it when I dwell on something I don’t like I see more of it and I ignore it it shows up less? Why does the world ALWAYS PROVE ME RIGHT? What’s with all the synchronicities? How can I be mad at people who are playing their roles perfectly whether I like the roles or not? In the beginning I didn’t understand Realitywarpingg but the more I question the more obvious it becomes. I keep imagining other people’s POVs but that is just imagination. MY imagination. 😭 And how do I know they still exist when I can’t see them? It feels insane to say I am all alone but that would also feel insane in a dream that I take to be true.
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mysticbewitched · 8 months
Realizations: Consciousness & Awareness 
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I’m going to try to make this post short and sweet.
Despite hearing these terms constantly being used interchangeably in the spiritual community, I have finally realized that consciousness and awareness are not the same at all.
I used to think they were the same and I blindly went along with everyone online who kept telling me they were when I first discovered nonduality.
After doing some deep reflection of my views, I found myself questioning the type of information that I’m constantly taking in from various sources.
As a member of a community dedicated to manifestation and spiritual awakening, I often found myself questioning if these two terms were actually the same. I had the same question playing in my mind repeatedly throughout the earlier stages of my spiritual journey. It just kept coming to me: 
“Is there a difference between consciousness and awareness? Am I consuming the right information from the nondualism community?”
It would not let up. I kept receiving the same guidance over and over from my inner Godself for me to: “question what you are told.” 
I stumbled deeper upon the teachings of a wise and knowledgable spiritual guru who taught the nature of nonduality. He perfectly explained the distinct difference between consciousness and awareness.
I want to share this important information with you because I want everyone to understand the fundamentals behind nonduality and manifestation.
▪︎ What is the difference between consciousness and awareness?
Consciousness is an awake state of mind attached to your subjective sense of identification as an individual in the human experience, meanwhile awareness is the the pure, unconditioned nature of your true divine self as God.
Let me explain this further:
Consciousness is a changeful and partial attribute; a mind state of duality for subjective experiences due to your personal sense of self as an individual.
Your state of mind operates on a subjective perception with your identification as "an individual" attached to it. This identification stems from your own personal sense of self. This is your self-concept, who you view yourself to be.
For example, think: insecure victimhood mentality vs. the confident God state of mind which are two conpletely different states of consciousness.
One state of mind represents suffering, misery, self-doubt, and being a victim to "the circumstances of life", while the other represents a confident, blissful, spiritually awakened perception of one's divine power to create reality.
As you can see from my example: states of consciousness are able to change and adopt new identifications as you change your perception of yourself and your understanding of reality.
Consciousness is subjective and has an individual's sense of identification attached.
Your perception of yourself and who you believe yourself to be shapes your experiences in your world. It is entirely subjective.
This goes all the way back to the teaching of consciousness being the one and only reality.
Now: what is the one thing that remains the same as it operates through different and changing states of consciousness?: awareness.
No matter what state of consciousness you are operating and experiencing your world from, you are simply always aware throughout your experiences.
You are always aware of yourself and your experiences in this life. There is no other way around it. You can't ever escape from awareness.
Awareness remains regardless of your personal sense of perception/identity.
Awareness itself never changes: it is calm, silent, and remains the true divine nature of God itself.
Awareness is simply being aware and it is a purely objective experience of observing. Awareness is purely awareness. Being aware.
Awareness is what you truly are as the infinite, divine source of all creation. Awareness is the true self as God. Manifestation comes from your inner Godself as total, absolute awareness.
Awareness is the limitless creative source of power manifesting and shaping your entire reality through your dominant states of consciousness. 
Awareness completely transcends beyond all states of consciousness and it simply remains the same: absolute, pure, unconditioned awareness.
No matter what, awareness always remains the same. Silent, unconditioned, and changeless. 
Awareness is total, objective awareness.
Pure, unconditioned, silent awareness is the infinite and divine source of all creation.
Awareness just is. Awareness is awareness.
There can be no states of consciousness without the awareness of God seeing through the eyes of the observer, but there can be pure, total awareness without consciousness. 
This absolute awareness is famously known as "the void." This is the home of your true self.
Awareness is the divine creator of all.
Now that we have cleared up the bullshit, I will end this post with some insightful quotes by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
"Consciousness is an attribute while awareness is not; one can be aware of being conscious, but not conscious of awareness. God is the totality of consciousness, but awareness is beyond all-being as well as not-being.” - Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Awareness is primordial; it is the original state. Beginning-less, endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts, Without change. Consciousness is on contact, a reflection against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is absolute, consciousness is relative to its content; consciousness is always of something..." - Nisargadatta Maharaj
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jades-typurriter · 6 months
Wife Swap
This was a bit of a chain of inspiration; me and Bowsiosaurus, who have crushes Vanilla and Toriel respectively, joked about switching girlfriends, and then vee drew this rather out of the blue to follow up on it. Vee THEN wanted to pay me to write a story to go with it, but I was feeling motivated anyway after seeing how this came out, so I asked ver to help me design Posie instead. Anyway, this is RIDICULOUSLY self-indulgent. Please enjoy the boundary between realities passing over the two of us at a party!
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Jade and Bowsie stood in the living room of a mutual friend, holding plastic cups of fruit punch and catching up about their new relationships. It was a casual affair: a few friends who all happened to be in town at the same time, some movies, bags of popato chisps—chips? no, no, chisps, it was hard to tell for a second—lining the countertop along the side of the room.
“We met when she moved into the apartment next to mine,” the serpent explained as Jade stretched, letting out an appropriately catlike yawn. “A lot of the time we were getting to know each other was me making excuses to help her with things, if I’m being honest.”
“Well, hey! You don’t have to be a man to get to a girl’s heart by being gentlemanly.”
“She does like to call me that…”
“Tori’s little helper, huh?” she teased.
“Heehehehehee! Okay, okay. What sort of stuff does a lady like Toriel even need help with? She seems pretty capable.”
“Well, um! I really like helping her in the kitchen. I’ve learned a lot about baking from her! She also does a lot of community service type things. Did you know she used to be a teacher?”
“Oh? For what grades?”
“Little, little kids, uh, kindergarten and stuff.”
“Oh, wrow,” Jade mrowed, “that’s a fun coincidence! Vanilla has a daughter right about that age.”
“You and moms, huh.”
“Oh, shush,” she snickered.
“It’s true!”
“It is!! It is.”
“So, has dating someone with a kid been complicated?”
“Oh, not at all! Cream and I get along really well, actually. I sit down with her and, like, have tea parties with her little chao. She’s such a sweetheart. She made some cookies for me last week!”
“Uwa!! Well, if you’re getting along well with her, that must be a good sign for Vanilla.”
“I’d like to think so, yeah! If the family likes you, you’re so in.”
“Mhm, mhm.”
There was a lull in the conversation for a few moments. Bowsie looked absentmindedly over ver shoulder at someone messing around at the snacks table. It looked like they were trying to pick something up with a fork instead of just grabbing it with their hand, which was odd—it was all finger food! Or, wait, did the host spring for a chocolate fountain? Had that been there the whole time?? Jade took a sip of her punch, and Bowsie turned back around when she leaned in conspiratorially:
“Alright, so, apart from the obvious—what do you like about her?”
“Like!! Any little habits, cute things you’ve noticed. I know she’s an older woman and I know she’s twice your size, like, believe me. I’m shaking your flipper about it. But like other than that.”
“Um… okay, h-her, her ears are really nice…”
“I suppose I’m obligated to shake paws with you on that too.”
“Heehee, yeah, I guess so!”
“So, do we just both have a thing for big floppy ears and we didn’t know it?”
“No, no, it’s more like! Well, her fur is soft all over, but it’s really nice to just touch her ears, y’know?”
“Ohhhhh, yeah yeah yeah. Petting girls is just like a blessed experience.”
“Yeah… It’s like…”
As vee continued the thought, something began to change in the back of ver mind. Literally. Whatever was going on crept over the room from behind them, continuing from the snack table. Ver long, fishy tail began to shorten, fluff sprouting along its length as it seemed to roll itself up like a snowball—and like a snowball it sat, puffy and cute, at the small of ver back. The fins on ver head lost their perkiness, flopping down the sides of ver face, which was also pulling back into itself, snout disappearing in favor of a pink, Y-shaped nose.
The fins lengthened, and more fur began to grow in place of the scales there; soon enough, they stretched all the way down to ver butt, nicely framing the new tail. The tie around ver neck stretched in odd ways: the ribbons at the sides reached around ver neck, pinching itself into the links of a necklace, for which the knot of the tie became a big, bejeweled pendant. From ver tummy sprouted something a lot like the fur cropping up elsewhere, but much tidier—a dress, appearing seemingly from nowhere, sporting cuts at the hips and a hem in the front that matched ver (previous) underbelly pattern. Between the neckline and the pendant was, suddenly, some notable cleavage, and a feather boa cascaded over ver shoulders, seemingly from nowhere.
“She’s just such a cute little thing,” Vanilla continued, swirling the red wine she now held in her paw. “She really thrives on affection! Rubbing her ears is one of the easier ways to do it… she can’t get enough of laying her head in my lap and letting me scratch right between them.”
As the serpent spoke, Jade distantly realized that it was getting harder and harder to tell what vee was saying. It was getting harder and harder to see ver. Maybe the punch had more alcohol in it than she'd realized? She struggled to listen more closely; her ears burned, as if in embarrassment, though she still couldn’t make out any specific words. She felt like she should be flustered by what her friend was saying, but she wasn’t sure why… Slowly, the sensation came into sharper focus, drifting away from feeling exposed and closer toward a sense of scandal, like she was more shocked that this was the subject of public conversation than the subject matter itself. Nervously, she attempted to change the subject:
“Yeah, yeah, totally!” She began, taking the tried-and-true “smile and nod” approach for when you can’t hear someone in a crowd. “So, you were saying earlier about how you help Toriel around the house, right? Do you ever have to help her deal with computer stuff?”
“Oh, dear, you know I’m no good with computers.”
“Well, you know you can ask Annie for help any time you need!” Jade continued, seemingly unable to reconcile the sudden difference in tone. “She’s taught Vanilla a few things before. That’s one thing that’s sorta weird about the relationship, is just, the total difference in skills 'cause of how far apart we are in terms of age…”
She was interrupted by the lengthening of her own snout. The changes approached her from the front—she had been facing the opposite way as Bowsie, after all. Her kitty nose flattened, vanishing beneath the fur of her face and becoming two simple slits; her canine teeth became more pronounced, sticking out from under her upper lip. Her fur began to turn white, spreading from her nose over her face and down along her neck, and the hair that framed either side of her face became less and less fluffy, more and more orderly, until it was two solid masses of fluff: floppy, lop-goat ears that now grazed her shoulders.
Her loose top, once propped up by a single shoulder and a chest full of fluff, became a sleeveless gown, held in place by a chest full of… well, chest. A very full chest, as a matter of fact. Her hips widened, and she grew a head or two taller—she would have towered over Bowsie like this, but Vanilla was actually a fairly tall woman. Her paws grew to match the scale of the rest of her body, and the fluff around her neck receded to reveal a luxurious string of pearls. At her hip, Anodyne—hitching a ride in the phone in her pocket—slowly morphed from silicone transistors and diodes to brass gears and springs, taking the shape of her beloved heart-shaped locket.
Toriel and Vanilla stood in a reputed ballroom, sipping from crystal wine glasses and gossiping about their adorable new partners. It was a rather big-name event: Mobians and monsters who had made reservations months in advance, live music, hors d'oeuvres lining the pristine tablecloths of the refreshments along the side of the room.
“Sorry,” Toriel said, blinking hard over her bifocals, eyes refocusing on her gal pal at the end of her snout. “Where was I a moment ago?”
“You were talking about the age difference between you and Bowties, Tori,” Vanilla chirped.
“Oh! Yes, that is right,” she said, the conspiratorial smile returning to her face. “Now, I am only saying this because you were talking about pressing your partner’s buttons—how naughty, by the way! One of the cutest things about Bowsie, though, is the way that he falls all over himself at the slightest advance.”
“Oooh,” the rabbit tittered, “Not just younger, but less experienced?”
“That is understating it!”
“How flattering, though!”
“Well, sometimes I wish it were less of a momentous occasion when I change my clothes. It can be frustrating when your partner needs to stop and collect himself when you wish you could simply get into things. But, yes, I suppose all the attention is nice… It makes me feel pretty to be able to knock someone flat like that again!”
“Oh, hush, Tori. You look as good as ever! You haven’t aged a day as long as I’ve known you.”
“And neither has our taste in partners, hmm?”
“It is true!”
“It is!” Vanilla giggled. “It is.”
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to see more of my writing, feel free to take a look here and here.
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httyddragonfox · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel: Power Rate Scale: Reality Warp Level
It seems really powerful people in this show can warp reality to their whims. Of course different people have different levels of how much they can do.
First, let's start with Alastor, I believe he's the lowest on this list. He has the ability to control shadow beings, and maybe he has voodoo magic. He can also manipulate how people are dressed, make certain objects appear in voodoo smoke, and can change the scenery around as he showed in "Hell's greatest Dad." I believe his power is akin to Dr. Facilier magic, messing with the appearance of things as well as people's perceptions and summoning shadow minions to do his bidding. He's the lowest on this list as he is probably the most powerful sinner, if not one of them.
Above Alastor, we have Charlie and Adam, I'm not sure who would come before who. Let's start with Adam, a very powerful soul who went to Heaven. He's able to play around with Charlie in the song "Hell is Forever," tossing her toward the gates only to throw her into a boiling pot which he is stirring. He also summons a guitar to play on as well as back up dancers. He summons clouds to walk on as well as the declaration of the moved up extermination. In "Welcome to Heaven," he summons paper to write on as well as a viewing sphere to watch Angel. Then there's Charlie, the daughter of a really powerful angel and demon. In the pilot she plays around with the scenery in order to get her point across, in the first episode she summons her notes to the meeting room. In the second episode, her footsteps seem to transport herself and Sir Pentious to a cloud filled area where fireworks spell out sorry. In "Welcome to heaven" she transports her notes to her in the court room and manipulates the images shown in the viewing sphere to get her point across. Their powers are quite similar, is just one is divine whereas she's more demonic. This makes it seem like Charlie has a similar amount of power to a deceased soul in Heaven, maybe slightly more as she has a demon form she hasn't popped out yet.
Next is Lucifer, as he has Genie level reality warp powers. Able to change the situation and pose people within them as if it was nothing, growing and shrinking them as he pleases, changing the scenery in seconds, making things bigger than notes appear (champagne fountains, caviar mountains) not to mention he can duplicate himself, that hasn't been seen yet. He can teleport, and make little pocket dimensions to fly around in. He can hide his wings and when they are released they are either small as in "Hell's greatest dad" or large as in "More than anything." I think he might have the ability to change his appearance slightly, as Seraphs have avian forms and it's theorized his is a swan, and he only appears as a demonic person as he's in hell and he can better fit in areas then.
Then there are the Seraphs in Heaven, I don't know if Lucifer is more powerful than them or not. We see them change their forms as they arrive in Heaven, Sera teleports herself, Lute, and Adam somewhere more private, Emily changes the imagery in the viewing sphere and summons Adam's note to take a look at it. We don't see them warp reality too much as they aren't as goofy and imaginative as Lucifer, we know they have a similar power-set to him, such as changing their appearance and summoning portals. That's all we know though.
Is Lucifer stronger than the Seraphs in Heaven and that's why they are afraid of him getting involved, or are they more powerful as they are in heaven and he is in Hell and he got a downgrade when he fell? Sera is certainly larger than him, of course she defends Heaven by allowing the exterminators to go kill souls in hell, so who knows if size equals power. She's definitely more powerful than Adam, as she's his boss. Maybe they all have a similar level of power.
Is Emily more powerful than Charlie though? She seems to be similar to her in status. The only thing we see Emily do that Charlie can't do is change her appearance. She is a younger Seraphim, maybe she's not as powerful yet. So Emily, Charlie and Adam have a similar level in power, meanwhile Lucifer and Sera have a similar level in power. Alastor is poweful sure, but he's only powerful for a damned soul.
Yes he has a large demon form, but Charlie still outranks him and hers is pretty small. Then again, there's a chance we may not have seen her full demon form.
TL;DR: I ranked their power on how much they could warp reality, from least to most: Alastor; Adam, Charlie, Emily; Sera and Lucifer.
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angelicmoonstone · 3 months
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I didn’t know if I posted her or something. I’m gonna copy and paste her art fight description because it took WAY TOO long for me to upload her there
Selene is my self insert. Selene is a Scribemancer, a magical being who can reshape reality with drawing. The most common Scribemancer ink color is black, but Selene’s is purple; purple is often associated with Scribemancers that have reality warping powers. Selene’s tablet strapped to her belt is the Magic Slate (basically her version of an iPad). She can drawing her drawings to life and can shapeshift thanks to being infused with ink. She can even regenerate her body if she gets gravely injured; ink after all. She can also hypnotize people with the glow of the ring on her finger.
While Selene is basically someone who can do whatever she wants, she’s basically a phantom thief of the multiverse. So you can be in any fandom or franchise she wants. Like her pissing off Kraang from TMMNT or her messing with the Ghost Trio from Casper XD
Since she is a self insert idk what to do with her. But some suggestions would be great please.
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scarlet--wiccan · 10 months
Is Wanda a reality warper or was that just the Life Force?
Just as a reminder, I have a detailed breakdown of Wanda's powers in this post.
Wanda has the capacity for reality warping because of her status as a nexus being, but it's not supposed to be part of her "normal" powers that she uses on a regular basis, and it also comes with specific costs and limitations. People get confused about this because, in 2004, House of M and Disassembled threw all of the established lore about Wanda's powers out the window and insisted that she was just an ultra-powerful mutant reality warper with "schizophrenia". The Life Force retcon in Children's Crusade was an attempt to bring the character back in line with the way her powers are supposed to work, and also restore her agency and dignity. Unfortunately, people still conflate chaos magic with reality warping.
Here's the simplest explanation I can manage:
As a nexus, Wanda is a natural conduit for magic, which means that she can channel almost any kind of power from any source, and she has an integral connection to the fabric of reality and the multiverse. She is able to subliminally alter reality by channelling high levels of magical power and funneling it through that connection. "Subliminal" is the key word, here-- she very rarely has conscious control over this power. It comes with a lot of risk, too-- in the past, Wanda was easily overwhelmed and would experience mental breaks with reality, putting herself and others at risk. She also becomes very vulnerable to possession and outside influence.
Think of it like an aperture-- once she opens herself up this power, anything can come through, and it can be hard for her to stop. Before HoM, we saw this with her babies and Mephisto, as well as Immortus in Avengers West Coast, Lore in Scarlet Witch (1995) and Morgana in the late-90s Avengers.
So, TL:DR, yes, reality warping is one of Wanda's natural abilities, but it's very circumstancial, and it's not supposed to be something she can do freely.
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robogirlwomb · 1 year
Reality shimmers.
A new doll stands, prim and proper. Smooth, fragile, porcelain skin. A lacey, immaculate dress, layers of frills spilling over each other. Perfect posture that would never falter.
If her porcelain lips would permit it, she would smile.
The doll continues down the street, her journey resuming. She remembers where she was going. She's unsure why she had to stop in the middle of the sidewalk back there. It was as if she forgot who she was for a moment. But that's just absurd.
She's a doll. She's always been a doll.
When she arrives at her destination, her best friend in the world opens the door. She's surprised to see the doll, oddly enough. It takes her a moment to figure out who she's talking to.
Once the penny drops, the dolls friend is astounded. How did this happen? "How did you become a doll? I just spoke to you on the phone a little while ago."
The doll cocks her head, the picture of demure confusion. "Whatever do you mean? I've always been a little doll. We both have."
Her friend looks so confused. Perhaps she needs some reminding. The doll reaches forward with both hands, cups her friend's cheeks, and pulls her forward, kissing her chastely on the lips.
Reality shimmers.
The new doll perks up with a wooden clack, understanding perfectly now! It's just a different kind of doll- closer to a life-sized mannequin. Smooth, featureless, polished wood in place of a face, or any other distinguishing features.
The porcelain doll nods primly. She's glad to have been able to jog her fellow doll's memory.
As if on divine cue, the wooden doll's roommate enters the living room. She glances between the two dolls, bewilderment evident on her face. "What the heck? Where did these come from?"
The wooden doll would giggle, had it the ability to so so. With perfect poise, it steps toward its roommate, giving it a mischievous boop on the tip of her nose.
Reality shimmers.
The happy little doll can't help but jump for joy at remembering who she is! She's yarn and string and stitches! Made for cuddling and snuggling and hugging close in the bed! She reaches her cloth arms upward eagerly, and the wooden doll plucks her from the ground, nuzzling her close to her smooth wooden face, filling the little plush doll with fuzzy joy right down to the tips of her red-yarn hair.
The wooden doll extends one arm, beckoning the porcelain doll to join them. The porcelain doll gladly sweeps forward into the hug, the fabric doll hugged tightly between the two of them.
The three remain there, motionless, for hours, simply being lovely dolls.
Many hours later, the porcelain doll must unfortunately extract herself from the hug. She has to head home now.
She elegantly strides outside, back onto the sidewalk. She begins to walk back home, hands held properly before her.
From across the street, she doesn't even notice a passer-by give her an odd look-
Reality shimmers.
-before the happy, smiling marionette slowly continues jumbling its way home, dangling parts held aloft by strings that reach upward into infinity.
A little girl, out playing in her front yard in the twilight, stops and stares in awe at the life-sized dolly, walking along, the most beautiful thing the child has ever seen. She runs over to the porcelain doll to tell her so, and to get a better look.
The porcelain doll giggles primly. "Why, thank you, miss. You're a lovely, lovely little doll, yourself!" And before the little girl can even wonder what that means-
Reality shimmers.
The teeny-tiny plastic doll, not even a foot tall, spins with delight, her immaculately-painted features positively glowing even in the setting sun, her hand-tailored dress flickering around her. The two dolls bow deeply to each other, in perfect harmony, before the plastic doll begins to skip up the front walk, to see her parents inside.
The porcelain doll finally approaches her front door, glad to be home. With perhaps a streak of mischief, she raps smartly on the door, her porcelain knuckles going click-click-click.
Her partner answers the door, their face sliding from wonder to shock as recognition clicks home. Before they can even say anything, the porcelain doll gives them a peck on the cheek.
Reality shimmers.
With a steadfast series of clicks, the clockwork doll stands to attention with a perfect posture that comes naturally. It's always been clockwork, after all.
It gallantly takes the porcelain doll's hands in its own, pulling her forward into the home they share, this dollhouse, packed with everything a doll could ever need, with clockwork tracks lining the floor in every direction.
The clockwork doll sweeps along it's track, hand in hand with its porcelain lover. The music begins, a slow classical waltz, the walls sliding backward to make a grand ballroom, as the two dolls dance, around and around each other, late into the night, even as reality continues to shimmer elsewhere, so many elsewheres, everywhere.
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spacepod · 6 months
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You might enjoy it even more if you pair it with music.
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pumaloafing · 3 months
One of my favorite uses of magic in fiction is when it's used to TRULY warp reality. Like yeah warping reality to summon a fireball is cool and all, but I want stuff that fucks with reality on a more fundamental level.
My favorite example of this is Lancer's spear in Fate/Stay Night. It reverses cause and effect. The effect comes first, so you are stabbed by his spear, then comes the cause, him stabbing with his spear. This makes it an unblockable, undodgeable attack. I think that's nifty.
In one webcomic I read (Grrl Power) one character has been theorized to be able to change the laws of reality on a local scale (the example they use in the comic is making gravity 'purpley' instead of 'attractey') which is also neat, though the character hasn't done anything on that level yet.
Do you have any examples of this? I'd love to hear about them!
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maimoncat · 2 days
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ok, so, some years ago I was hit by a realization:
Wanda (from the MCU): a magic girl who warps reality to keep her loved ones
Wanda (from Baman Piderman): a magic girl who warps reality to get friends and loved ones
So, since Agatha all along is coming out now, let’s dig out this incredibly nieche fan-edit of the MCU’s most famous sitcom: WandaPiderman!
Allora, qualche anno fa mi è venuta quest’illuminazione:
Wanda (dal MCU): una ragazza magica che piega la realtà per riavere i suoi cari
Wanda (da Baman Piderman): una ragazza magica che piega la realtà per avere amici e cari
E visto che ora sta uscendo Agatha all along, che ne dite di tornare ad un fanedit piuttosto della sitcom più amata del MCU? WandaPiderman!
Vor einigen Jahren ist mir etwas eingefallen:
Wanda (aus dem MCU): zerbricht die Wirklichkeit, um ihre Familie zurück zu haben
Wanda (aus Baman Piderman): zerbricht die Wirklichkeit, um eine Familie zu haben
Also lasst uns zu diesm echt nieschenhaften Fanedit, von der beliebtesten Sitcom des MCUs zurückkehren: WandaPiderman!
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vanillayoteart · 1 month
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Gothic Punk 1
You ever suddenly start turning into a vixen with an impeccable sense of style? Something for juniortumblewwd from my weekly streams!
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Would you rather...
A: Have skin so pale it reflects light such that you look like a mirror (With no negative health effects) B: Have skin so dark it reflects no light whatsoever and seems to even suck in the light around it (With no negative health effects) C: Have skin that constantly changes colour by smoothly transitioning between different colours constantly (at a visibily obvious rate, going through several distinct colours every 10 seconds) (With no negative health effects) D: Have skin that looks like a different colour to every person who views it (this can include looking like any of the other options on this poll to any specific person) (With no negative health effects) E: Have skin that is a colour normally imperceptible to any being in this universe, but somehow is to all beings capable of sight (With no negative health effects)
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mysticbewitched · 7 months
Hey mystic
I was gonna link an ask from earlier but i cant seem to put links in here for some reason and google is not helping. Its the one about the non-dualism community and how toxic it can be. I just wanted to say I am glad others agree. I wouldn't consider myself a beginner to loa manifesting or shifting. I just think its crazy how someone says things like "just be" and someone asks them to clarify it and they respond by saying something like "do you need help drinking water."
Trends come and go, I'm sure once ND is no longer new someone else will unearth some old spiritual practice and claim its above LOA as well. I just wish everyone would be accepting and encouraging instead of what seems to be condescending because they think they know something no one else does.
Lastly I heard you say on the podcast the person you were gonna do it with is no longer in your life, sorry to hear that. I only bring this up because I believe I saw a post saying you manifested this person into your life and then they changed (I could be wrong though). I also manifested someone back (an ex) but it was a 'manifestation' and all i ended up creating was misery.
You don't have to answer this if the last part is too personal, but if you want send me a message. Just wanted to say I think you have some great views that resonated.
Great podcast btw
I completely agree with you and I'm glad that others are able to see the madness that I'm seeing.
What they usually mean by telling you all, "just be" is they're telling you to realize your true self as awareness. They're telling you to just recognize your divine nature in the present moment and enjoy knowing yourself.
I don't see why they don't just tell you to turn within and recognize your true self as awareness in this present moment without all the riddles.
I agree that everyone here should turn within themselves and listen to their inner guidance instead of relying on the "others" for advice, because then the constant search and craving for more answers will never end. However, at the same time, it's the polite and helpful thing to do to let your readers know exactly what they're looking for while you advise for them to look within themselves for the truth: realizing divine the source of your true self.
If everyone knew what they were looking for, I think they would have an easier time turning within and trusting their inner voice to lead them to answers.
I feel as if the lack of clarification on exactly what to look for is unnecessary and it can come off as mind games instead of just being direct with the readers and telling them all, "you're turning within to realize your true nature. Hint: you are always *aware.*"
I happen to notice from time to time as well that some of these bloggers feel the need to use the whole "words are meaningless" nonsense as a moronic excuse to bully or put down other blogs amongst themselves or with their anons for simply viewing things in a different perspective and I don't think that's cool for anyone to do.
That behavior isn't right. It's just plain mean.
Everyone is entitled to their own perspective and share their own views, but to publicly put down specific blog names for everyone to hear and make fun of them together? Very condescending and cold.
Oh, believe me, I'm waiting for the next spiritual trend to come out of nowhere. I wonder what it's going to be next. Now my curiosity is in flames.
To end things here, I want to thank you so much for your kinds words and the lovely compliment.
Your feedback and appreciation for the podcast means so much to me. I'm so very glad to hear that my perspective of things resonated with you.
Thank you for enjoying my podcast.
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peridotamethyst · 1 month
I lay in my bed thinking about My Dearest, my PC Principal.
He lit a spark in me that has been burning since I transcended this inferior mortal plane to enter the one he inhabits. The flames of our love will continue to burn bright for eternity, much like Hell fire. He visits me through breaking realities, and slowly moves his hand down to grab and admire my exposed midriff. I have gave him permission to touch me where he desires, as our relationship exceeds even that of the concept of marriage. As he caresses it, he wraps his other arm around my stomach to my back, squeezing my back against his chest. There’s no use in fighting the feeling while he kisses my cheek.
I am his, and I couldn’t ask for any better.
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canadiancryptid · 1 year
Honestly, ‘West Coast Avengers’ has the best low-key uses of Gwen’s powers whenever she was able (‘allowed’) to use them (addressing her ‘rebooting’ having been the plan for a future storyline before the series was cancelled), much like the 200 towels in the room (the implication being it was via the Gutter) — my favourite moment in particular being this one: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/497472479158206465/1064658241897898054/IMG_3473.jpg
The whole undercover plan going horribly wrong was great. Getting outed by pink hair. Randomly guessing the password and somehow getting it right. Getting caught because of how surprised they were that the password was SOMEHOW NOT WRONG?
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Honestly, I love the concept of reality warpers using their powers offscreen, leaving everyone to question what they actually did. I'm not quite sure how her powers work when she's not currently in a panel, given the whole fourth wall nature of them, but Quentin getting super confused by it is so funny. He knows she can do SOMETHING, but no idea what.
I love their whole dynamic. Not huge on the ship, but I'm usually pretty neutral on those anyways. That's a whole other thing for later though.
His reaction to Gwen's arguably terrible explanation of her powers is... understandable. Hilarious, but understandable. Especially when he already thinks she's got a few screws loose. She didn't even try to explain the comic book thing. "Yeah, I could do stuff, but now I can't, so IDK"
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The reboot could have been a neat storyline. As it is, her whole powers-disappearing thing wasn't really explained. It could have had something to do with the reality-show format or being part of a team making it work differently, but the series didn't last long enough for it to be explored. Too bad. I really liked it.
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