#Rebecca Phelps
blogthefiresidechats · 5 months
Latest haul!
I made another visit to my local book store and you’ll be able to see what I purchased below. I’ve come to realize this year that reading books and purchasing books are two completely different hobbies of mine. With as many books that I have in my collection at the moment, I’m surprised that people aren’t stopping by my house thinking that another branch has opened up that’s apart of the city…
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publishedtoday · 2 years
Yesterworld - Rebecca Phelps (Down World #2)
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Eighteen months have passed since Marina O’Connell first discovered the doors, and her life changed forever. She’s a senior now. And she’s living in a plane of reality with her stepmom and her dad, while Robbie and her mom are in Oregon. She and her best friend Christy are making plans for college. They’re crushing on Mr. Martel, the new history teacher. He’s young enough to inspire them to take the subject seriously, but there’s more to him than good looks. He isn’t who he seems, and when he confronts Marina with the secret they both share, she realizes that she can’t, or won’t, turn away from the doors that have been calling out to her for months.
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nade2308 · 1 year
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“You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Part 1 || Part 2 || bonus/outtakes
@thethistlegirl @malewifebillcage
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crosseyedcricketart · 5 months
my favorite MET Gala 2024 looks part 1 | theme: "The Garden of Time"
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the-bi-library · 1 year
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Here is the final part of the bi4bi books posts!
I'd appreciate it if you let me know if there are any more bi4bi books that I didn't include here 💕
Books listed: They Never Learn by Layne Fargo If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia The Drowning Summer by C.L. Herman Case Sensitive by A.K. Turner Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn The Light Years by R.W.W. Greener The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson Tell Me Anything by Skye Kilaen Her Scarlet Letters by Cat Giraldo Break Free by Raleigh Ruebins Modern Divination by Isabel Agajanian Caroline's Heart by Austin Chant The Door Into Fire by Diane Duane The Stone Prince by Fiona Patton Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner Wolf, Willow, Witch by Freydís Moon When the Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan Cleans Up Nice by Margo Phelps Educated by Nellie Wilson Queried Sick by Dallas Smith Chance Agreement by Margo Phelps Sirens & Muses by Antonia Angress Release by Suzanne Clay Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John Crown of Starlight by Cait Corrain To Beg or Not to Beg by Cat Giraldo Two Winters by Lauren Emily Whalen Electric Idol by Katee Robert Neon Gods by Katee Robert The Scandalous Letters of V and J by Felicia Davin The Spinster's Swindle by Catherine Stein Rocky Mountain Freedom by Vivian Arend Um traço até você by Olívia Pilar Biforia by Rebecca Romero Escalando Você by Rebecca Romero Entre estantes by Olívia Pilar → translated Between Bookshelves by Olívia Pilar Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders The Stars Undying by Emery Robin Legend of Korra: Graphic Novels Harley Quinn: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour Novels Seven Days: Monday–Sunday by Venio Tachiban Brimstones and Roses It Would Be Great If You Didn't Exist My Werewolf Girlfriend The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur Xeni by Rebekah Weather
Part 1
Part 2
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residentthot · 2 months
Resident Evil 🌱 Headcanons
Leon holds it in because he thinks it gets you higher.
Ashley forgets she is holding the J every time, and won’t pass until yelled at. She only smokes with other people, never has her own (it’s okay ashley we don’t mind <3).
Chris can clear a bowl in one hit michael phelps style if he tries, but has no tolerance and will immediately pass out.
Ada rolls perfectly every time.
Wesker isn’t allowed to smoke bc he gets psychotically paranoid every time and starts taking apart all the electronics in the room looking for bugs (he finds bugs that he forgot he planted).
Jill can out smoke everyone there, and you won’t even be able to tell she’s stoned.
Ashley can’t figure out how to hit from a pipe and has to shotgun off of Claire or Jill.
Luis tries to do some weird white girl shit and infuses blunts with rose petals and lavender. He is not allowed to roll anymore.
Ashley is overconfident and tries a dab hit from Jill. She immediately has a panic attack. Cries and holds onto Leon for dear life. Wesker says he thinks she needs to go to the hospital. He is forcibly removed from the room.
Claire is their plug.
Rebecca doesn’t inhale. She thinks that she’s being sneaky, but everybody knows and no one cares.
Chris and Leon won’t smoke at the same time. They take turns so that one person is sober in case some crazy shit breaks out. The sober one usually gets talked into being DD and/or running to the gas station for munchie snacks.
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veaspo · 3 months
character list
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BEN (platon. only)
I can write for different fandoms if requested!!
Anything having to do with age changing
Bodily fluids besides cum & blood
Please request in the comments !🩷
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cheesybadgers · 7 months
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60. In chapter 23, it’s finally revealed that Javier now works for a charity on the Texas-Mexico border. This idea has been in my head for over a year, as can be seen from the below notes I made to myself in February/March 2023:
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Strangely, I then read Infinite Country by Patricia Engel (referred to above at point 50) in early May 2023, which contains the following passage:
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So, that made me even more determined to go down this path with Javier ❤️
I won’t list all of the different charities/not-for-profits/NGOs I researched, but there are some mentioned here plus Border Angels and Al Otro Lado. Not all of them are Texas-based, but they do operate somewhere along or near the US-Mexican border, so I used a mix of them as inspiration.
61. Horacio’s route to getting a visa and green card in chapter 23 was largely based on the real-world EB5 visa. Although, I may have taken slight liberties for the purposes of the story (it was hard to see any other real life route for Horacio to actually be granted a long term visa/green card to be honest…which is apt for other themes of this chapter), so it’s not 100% accurate to real life lol.
62. There are several references in chapter 23 to America’s sodomy laws that were still in place in some states, including Texas, by 1997 (when chapter 23 is set), but it wasn’t until the landmark Supreme Court case of Lawrence vs Texas in 2003 that it was ruled sodomy laws in Texas and various other states were unconstitutional.
For further reading on the queer rights movement (and the violence and harassment queer Texans faced) that paved the way for Lawrence vs Texas, I highly recommend Before Lawrence v. Texas: The Making of a Queer Social Movement by Wesley G Phelps
63. If you wondered what a lariat was in chapter 23, it’s the rope cowboys use to lasso (‘lasso’ is actually the verb, whereas the rope itself is called a ‘lariat’, which comes from the Spanish word la reata, meaning to catch or fasten).
There’s also a reference to a quirt, which is a short leather whip used by cowboys to encourage their horse to go faster.
64. As for the sex scene in chapter 23…eagle-eyed readers may have spotted the foreshadowing for this in chapter 20 😉 A long while before I even wrote chapter 20, I’d had Horacio wearing a harness in my head (these are things that live in my brain rent free, apparently lol), largely influenced by this Tumblr post mixed with this one and this one and the gay leather movement. Speaking of which…the references to Drummer relate to a real gay leather magazine that exists in the US.
I made up the part about the harness instructions and a cowboy/rodeo special, however, there is a website with scans of old issues…and lo and behold, there was a cowboy special (WARNING FOR HIGHLY NSFT/W CONTENT).
There’s also a fascinating interview here with ‘Cowboy Frank’ who created the above archive of gay magazines as a tribute to his late husband.
65. Keeping on the theme of gay cowboys…gay rodeo is a real thing in Texas. You can read more about it here, here, here, here and there are some photographs here too.
I also have Slapping Leather: Queer Cowfolx at the Gay Rodeo by Elyssa Ford and Rebecca Scofield and Rodeo as Refuge, Rodeo as Rebellion: Gender, Race, and Identity in the American Rodeo by Elyssa Ford to read at some point (unfortunately, I didn’t get chance to read them before posting chapter 23), which look really interesting.
I couldn’t in a million years see Horacio (or Javier for that matter) taking part lol, but I wanted to at least mention its existence in chapter 23.
66. I’ve mentioned Día de Muertos above already, but here’s more about what the different items on an ofrenda represent and also a breakdown of what happens on each day of the festival.
67. La Virgen de Guadalupe, La Llorona and La Malinche are all referenced in chapter 23.
I initially got the inspiration to include the Guadalupe prayer card from these promo images of Javier. But it wasn't until I started doing more research, I discovered her links to La Llorona and La Malinche. Their identities throughout Mexican history change depending on who is telling the story (which is why Chucho lists various different names) and La Virgen de Guadalupe in particular symbolises the shift Mexico underwent after the Spanish colonisers arrived (from the religion of the Aztecs to Catholicism).
This is a strong theme in Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldúa and this book was a big inspiration for the conversation between Javier and Chucho about their Mexican roots.
I also found an interesting article dissecting the trio as different archetypes of women (in fact, it quotes Gloria Anzaldúa as well).
Some other related pieces about La Virgen de Guadalupe and how she relates to Mexican/Chicano identity:
Tonantzin Tlalli Coatlicue & Our Lady of Guadalupe
Commentary: The representations of La Virgen de Guadalupe show her power over identity
Celebrating Guadalupe, Sacred Icon of the People
I may have gone a bit overboard with this part of my research lol, but it was so fascinating to me, I just kept falling down different rabbit holes. And I’ve always liked the idea of Javier being caught between two worlds – in the show, and in the OHDH universe. So, this all served chapter 23 well with Javier returning to Laredo and trying to connect the different parts of his identity.
68. Operation Gatekeeper and Operation Hold the Line are referenced in chapter 23. These were two anti-immigration initiatives in the early ‘90s which involved the militarisation of the US-Mexican border with an increase in Border Patrol staff, the introduction of checkpoints and the building of physical walls.
69. Javier references new immigration legislation in chapter 23. ‘IIRIRA’ is the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act 1996, which came into effect on 1st April 1997.
It was yet more harsh anti-immigration measures that widened the remit for people to be removed, deported and banned from the US. Here’s an article about the problems the legislation caused.
Ironically, whilst America was doing everything it could to keep people from crossing the border, the passing of NAFTA in 1994 actually made drug trafficking across the border easier and exacerbated cartel-related violence in Mexico.
Whilst on the subject of US immigration, there is also a reference to the ‘INS’ in chapter 23, which was the predecessor to ‘ICE’ (ICE was formed in 2003, so it would still have been INS in 1997).
70. Towards the end of chapter 23, when Javier and Horacio are snuggled under a mesquite tree and talk about a story they read in The New Yorker, it was, of course, Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx, which was first published in TNY as a short story on 6th October 1997.
I had to fit a reference to it in this fic somewhere lol. Although, for as much as that story influenced OHDH in places, I like to think Javier’s and Horacio’s ending is the antithesis to the ending of Brokeback Mountain ❤️
71. At the end of chapter 23, various artists are mentioned as appearing on their bookshelves. I’ve picked out either titles of significance or reasons for why they’re referenced:
Our Lady of the Assassins (La Virgen de los sicarios) by Fernando Vallejo (A gay Medellín-born author writing semi-autobiographically about a gay man living in Medellín during the worst years of violence…I don’t think I need to explain further why this is on the list lol)
Maurice by E.M. Forster and also the film adaptation (A gay romance with a relatively happy ending for a change)
City of Night by John Rechy (Follows a gay Texan man’s journey and sexual encounters across America)
Gloria E. Anzaldúa (See point 67 above)
Alejo Durán (Colombian Vallenato musician – and cowboy)
Long, Long Time by Linda Ronstadt (If you’ve seen The Last of Us, you’ll know why I chose this. If you haven’t seen it, please make a point of watching season 1, episode 3 as it’s one of the most beautiful queer love stories I’ve ever witnessed 😭)
Drag by K.D. Lang (A covers album by a lesbian musician of songs centred around smoking…again, I don’t think I need to explain any further lol)
Para Siempre by Vicente Fernández (A Mexican ranchera singer…just look at the lyrics for Para Siempre and sigh longingly)
Preface to Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (Specifically for this quote, because I stumbled across it by accident and it fit so many themes of the fic:
“Past and present and future are not disjoined but joined. The greatest poet forms the consistence of what is to be from what has been and is. He drags the dead out of their coffins and stands them again on their feet….he says to the past, Rise and walk before me that I may realize you. He learns the lesson….he places himself where the future becomes present.”)
Pedro Almodóvar (A Spanish gay film director I’ve mentioned above somewhere before…and also coincidentally worked with Pedro Pascal in Strange Way of Life)
The Living End written and directed by Gregg Araki (Just a couple of gay HIV Positive guys on a road trip)
72. The end scene of them dancing together was largely inspired by two things:
This gorgeous, gorgeous piece of artwork (artist at the link).
And this scene in Fellow Travelers.
I had originally intended to end chapter 23 like the artwork, but after watching Fellow Travelers in December 2023, I had to write my own nod to possibly one of the most intimate scenes I’ve ever seen committed to camera. I swear it re-wired my brain chemistry.
And it’s funny, because I hadn’t actually read or even heard of Fellow Travelers by Thomas Mallon when starting OHDH, but there are so many delightful parallels (e.g. Tim and his cross necklace/religious guilt and the Dom/sub undertones, all of their dancing, the switching in power dynamics during sex as a way to show vulnerability…I just couldn’t help but imagine Horacio/Javier in all the Hawk/Tim sex scenes).
73. A few other books/articles I read for chapter 23 research that I haven’t mentioned already:
Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest by Will Fellows
The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande
Retablos: Stories From a Life Lived Along the Border by Octavio Solis
Where We Come From by Oscar Cásares
Brownsville: Stories by Oscar Cásares
Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Mexican Immigration in an Era of Economic Integration by Douglas S. Massey, Jorge Durand and Nolan J. Malone
In the Valley of Mirrors by Antonio Ruiz-Camacho
Out West, the Gay Cowboy Roams Free by Evan Moffitt (New York Times article transcribed on my Tumblr)
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (December 6th, 2022)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Acting the Part by Z.R. Ellor
Lumara by Melissa Landers
No Accident by Laura Bates
Come Out, Come Out, Whatever You Are by Kathryn Foxfield
The Poison Season by Mara Rutherford
New Sequels: 
This Cursed Crown (These Feathered Flames #2) by Alexandra Overy
The Shattered City (The Last Magician #4) by Lisa Maxwell
Yesterworld (Down World #2) by Rebecca Phelps
Curse of Shadows (Amassia #2) by A.K. Wilder
Happy reading!
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mariacallous · 2 years
In 2018, Rebecca Varney could have used Josh Hawley’s help.
Hawley, currently a U.S. senator, was Missouri’s attorney general at the time. Among the key responsibilities of that office is to enforce the state’s Sunshine Law, which governs public access to records and meetings.
Varney, who lives in Edgar Springs, was being harassed by city officials in that south-central Missouri town as she sought to use the Sunshine Law to figure out what was going on in City Hall. Things got so bad that city attorney Brandi Baird banned Varney from the public building, even when there were public meetings going on there.
Around the same time, Hawley, a Republican, had his own Sunshine Law problems. Despite being elected in large part because of the “Lock Her Up” crowd — Republicans who were angry over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server — Hawley had been engaged in similar activity. In 2017, Hawley’s campaign consultants, using private email to communicate with public employees, set up a raid on a massage parlor to portray Hawley as tough on human trafficking.
By 2019, both Varney and Hawley were wrapped up in lawsuits. Varney, since she didn’t get any help from the state, hired attorney David Roland of the Freedom Center of Missouri to make sure she had access to City Hall. Hawley was sued by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for hiding records the committee had sought in a Sunshine Law request.
Last week, both of the lawsuits came to their inevitable conclusions. Hawley’s got the most attention, of course. He’s a sitting U.S. senator and the person who defended him in the lawsuit, current Attorney General Eric Schmitt, was just elected as Missouri’s second U.S. senator.
The two senators lost the lawsuit badly. Cole County Circuit Court Judge Jon Beetem, a fellow Republican, chided Hawley, and by inference Schmitt, for the “insincerity” of the arguments in the lawsuit. Beetem found that Hawley “deliberately withheld these documents without any plausible, lawful rationale for doing so.” He fined the attorney general’s office $12,000, the maximum possible, and ordered that it pay attorneys fees, which will be significantly higher than the fine.
It’s a stunning decision that exposes the worst kind of abuse of the public trust by a politician — hiding public records that might have had an impact on his election. “It’s cheating,” says attorney Mark Pedroli, who won the lawsuit along with the Elias Law Group.
But it’s more than that. It’s an indictment of how broken the Sunshine Law is in Missouri, primarily because the attorney general’s office has been using its power to evade the law rather than enforce it.
You can’t truly appreciate the impact of Hawley’s abuse of the law without understanding its effect on people like Varney. In Varney’s case, Phelps County Circuit Court Judge John Beger fined the city of Edgar Springs $600 and secured Varney’s access to City Hall to see and inspect public records.
“Public access to public records is not a new or novel policy for this state,” Beger wrote.
But it is often treated that way by state and county officials, as well as cities. Too many public officials believe they can get away with violating the Sunshine Law because there has not been a Missouri attorney general who would take the law seriously and bring lawsuits against government bodies on behalf of citizens. Instead, the work has been left to private attorneys.
Those attorneys include Pedroli and Roland. Also, Elad Gross, Jean Maneke, Bernie Rhodes and Joe Martineau (who represents the Post-Dispatch). These attorneys have won Sunshine Law actions in the past few years that reinforce Beger’s obvious statement. Each of those lawsuits could have been brought by the attorney general or avoided altogether if the office worked harder to enforce the law.
In that vacuum, cities and counties regularly violate the Sunshine Law with impunity.
That means citizens are often left on their own. They know nothing about the Sunshine Law until the bulldozers are in the backyard. That’s what happened to Jason Maki, who took on the city of Parkville because he couldn’t get help from Schmitt’s office after filing Sunshine Law requests that were ignored. Maki was seeking information about a proposed development near his house.
Last year, he won a $195,000 settlement from the small city northwest of Kansas City.
“It became obvious that I had to take things in my own hands,” Maki told me last year.
It is telling that Hawley, the former attorney general, was found to have deliberately withheld public records the same week Varney won her battle for records with Edgar Springs.
Such is the state of play for public accountability in Missouri. The office that is supposed to enforce the Sunshine Law is leaving citizens to go to court themselves when they get locked out of City Hall.
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mzannthropy · 6 months
When it comes to book adaptations, I cannot explain why I feel more strongly about some than others... I can watch a film/series that made many changes from the source material and still like it, but on the other hand I might hate something that changed maybe just one or two things.
Over the past few years, I have become more okay with adaptations, I used to almost universally dislike them, but now I'm more appreciative of film in general (for the cinematography, production design, acting). Also, if there is a good/accurate adaptation of a book, and then they make another one which is less accurate, or more experimental or whatever, I can be fine with it, bc I already have the good one. If that makes sense. My most favourite author is Agatha Christie, and I'm surprisingly fine with many of her adaptations, except the ones done by Sarah Phelps (and I still give her And Then There Were None, at least that was good. Although I must add that all those ITV films that shoved Miss Marple into stories where she shouldn't be annoy me. It's like the respective detectives couldn't solve cases on their own. And Endless Night, one of my absolute faves... it could have been so good if only they didn't stick her in it!) Maybe bc I know I will always have the books and nobody can take those away. My most favourite book is Rebecca and I can't really say I'm in love with any of the adaptations that I've seen. The Hitchcock film is good, but it couldn't be strictly accurate bc of the Hays code (I think?).
Then there's Daisy Jones and the Six, which I still can't think about without resentment. I only read it bc Sam Claflin was cast as Billy, and it was his character that got screwed bc of the writers' obsession with Billy and Daisy's relationship. I guess it was something fundamental that got ruined for me with that show.
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SLEDUJTE~ Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023) Celý Film Online [CZ-SK] a Zdarma
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Další název: Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Thriller, Země: Spojené státy americké Premiéra v ČR: 2023-07-08 Délka: 163 min. hraje: Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Henry Czerny, Esai Morales, Pom Klementieff, Cary Elwes, Shea Whigham, Mariela Garriga, Greg Tarzan Davis, Charles Parnell, Rob Delaney, Indira Varma, Mark Gatiss, Frederick Schmidt, Jean Kartal, Marcello Walton, Brian Law, Lincoln Conway, Alex James-Phelps, Marcin Dorociński, Ivan Ivashkin, Zahari Baharov, Adrian Bouchet, Sam Barrett, Louis Vaughan, Os Leanse, Luke Smith, Nikolaos Brahimllari, Matt Malecki, Damian Rozanek, Ioachim Ciobanu, Antonio Bustorff, Michael Kosterin, Sergej Lopouchanski, Robert Luckay, Jadran Malkovich, Mikhail Safronov, Christopher Sciueref, Andrea Scarduzio, Barnaby Kay, Gloria Obianyo, Alex Brock, Kaye Dinauto, Dana Blacklake, Arevinth V Sarma, Doroteya Toleva, Lucia Tong, Hersha Verity, Yennis Cheung, Laura Vortler, Faycal Attougui, Gaetano Bruno, Marco Sincini, Evita Ciri, Melissa Anna Bartolini, John Akanmu, Marco Lascari, Simon Rizzoni, Nicolas Wang, Lee Bridgman, Daniella Carraturo, Katie Collins, Joanna Dyce, Taylor Goodridge, Jessica Holland, Philip Hulford, Grace Jabbari, Ira Mandela Siobhan, Nicholas Tredrea, Megan Westpfel, Marc Wesley DeHaney, Rocky Taylor, Obsah filmu Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část: Sedmé pokračování kultovní špionážní série s agentem Ethanem Huntem. Srdcová série Toma Cruise se vzestupnou tendencí opět představí rozmanitý fikční svět, ve kterém se Impossible Mission Force parta vydá po stopách likvidační zbraně, která má potenciál zničit lidskou existenci. Hunt tentokrát stojí proti osobnímu nepříteli, jenž ho znal v době před agentskou dráhou. Ví o každé jeho slabině a vyzbrojen komplexní znalostí představuje dosud nejtěžšího protivníka, který před Hunta klade morální otázku, zda hodlá riskovat život svých nejbližších. Řemeslně vytříbená značka přinese tradičně řadu praktických efektů a poctivých kaskadérských kousků, stejně jako variaci sebe samé. Kroky ke stažení filmů * Můžete navštívit webové stránky prostřednictvím odkazů, které jsme poskytli následovně: povodeň * Navštivte stránky, které již doporučujeme a vyhledejte film, který chcete sledovat a stahovat. Pro zjednodušení můžete použít funkci vyhledávání. * Po nalezení filmu, který se vám líbí, klikněte na kartu Hry. Pokračujte v stahování hrozby „Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část“ a stáhněte film do požadované kvality. Viz obrázek, aby bylo jasnější. Klíčová slova Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Filmy Česky a Zdarma, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online ke shlednuti, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Informace o filmu, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online cely film, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Sleduju Online, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online bombuj, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online film cz, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Bombuj, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část bombuj cz,
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FILM ▷ Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 en Streaming-VF en Français
Regarder Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 en streaming vf 100% gratuit, voir le film complet en français et en bonne qualité. Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 Streaming vf les films et les livres tiennent une partie de mon cœur. Et de cette façon, j’aime tout. Non, je ne parlerai pas de la scène entière, je pourrais finir avec un nouveau film si je le faisais,
Regarder ➡ Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
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Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 2023 Trailer Music | Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1,org Genre: Action, Aventure, Thriller, Sortie: 2023-07-08 Etoiles: Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Henry Czerny, Esai Morales, Pom Klementieff, Cary Elwes, Shea Whigham, Mariela Garriga, Greg Tarzan Davis, Charles Parnell, Rob Delaney, Indira Varma, Mark Gatiss, Frederick Schmidt, Jean Kartal, Marcello Walton, Brian Law, Lincoln Conway, Alex James-Phelps, Marcin Dorociński, Ivan Ivashkin, Zahari Baharov, Adrian Bouchet, Sam Barrett, Louis Vaughan, Os Leanse, Luke Smith, Nikolaos Brahimllari, Matt Malecki, Damian Rozanek, Ioachim Ciobanu, Antonio Bustorff, Michael Kosterin, Sergej Lopouchanski, Robert Luckay, Jadran Malkovich, Mikhail Safronov, Christopher Sciueref, Andrea Scarduzio, Barnaby Kay, Gloria Obianyo, Alex Brock, Kaye Dinauto, Dana Blacklake, Arevinth V Sarma, Doroteya Toleva, Lucia Tong, Hersha Verity, Yennis Cheung, Laura Vortler, Faycal Attougui, Gaetano Bruno, Marco Sincini, Evita Ciri, Melissa Anna Bartolini, John Akanmu, Marco Lascari, Simon Rizzoni, Nicolas Wang, Lee Bridgman, Daniella Carraturo, Katie Collins, Joanna Dyce, Taylor Goodridge, Jessica Holland, Philip Hulford, Grace Jabbari, Ira Mandela Siobhan, Nicholas Tredrea, Megan Westpfel, Marc Wesley DeHaney, Rocky Taylor, Le site Web où Vous pouVez regarder des Films de Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 en streaming gratuit. Regarder film complet Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1(2023) en Streaming français sans inscription. Bonne qualite HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, 4k. Le Vrai Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 streaming VF gratuit et complet de tout les derniers Films des meilleurs séries en HD Version Francaise, original et sous titré. Voir Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 Film en streaming gratuit en ligne Version Française en qualité Full HD 1080p. Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Voir Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 - Streaming Gratuit en Français Voir tous les films avec des catégories complètes, Streaming en français, en Full HD, gratuit et illimité. Rendez-vous sur le site ci-dessous ! Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription. Comment Voir Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 des films gratuitement en français complet ? Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 un film sur internet gratuitement sans télécharger bonne qualité HD. Quelle est la diFFérence entre le téléchargement et streaming ? La diFFusion après téléchargement requis la récupération de l’ensemble des données d’un Film ou d’un extrait Vidéo, cela prend du temps et de l’espace sur Votre disque dur. L’aVantage du streaming Vous n’aVez rien à télécharger, il permet la lecture d’un Flux audio ou Vidéo que Vous pouVez lire directement depuis un lecteur proposé le plus souVent par des plateFormes qui proposent plusieurs Films, séries ou morceaux musicaux. étiquette : Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 Film complet Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 2023 Film complet Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 Film complet en Français Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 streaming VostFR Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 Film streaming Mission : Impossible - Dead Reckoning Partie 1 streaming VF
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Mr. Wagener and his apple trees
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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If you have walked through the front door of the L. Caroline Underwood Museum any time in the past year, then you might have noticed a sapling in front of the museum that has been steadily growing ever since it was planted in spring 2022. If you haven’t walked through the front door of the Underwood Museum recently, well, there is a sapling in front of the museum that has been steadily growing.
That sapling is indeed a Wagener apple tree. And for those of you in the know about local Yates County history who are wondering, yes, it is named for that Wagener. Abraham Wagener, the man considered to be the founding father of Penn Yan. Wagener once lived at what is now the corner of Main and Water streets, and his farm – including his orchard of apple trees – extended to Elm Street. That means his property also encompassed modern-day Wagener Street, named in his honor.
Actually, it is said the Wagener family – Abraham’s parents, David and Rebecca, came to the New Jerusalem from their home in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in 1790, as followers of the Public Universal Friend; 18-year-old Abraham arrived here two years later – once owned all of the land that now comprises the village of Penn Yan. As the settlement of dirt paths and a few homes turned into a bustling and vibrant community, the Wageners sold off and even gave away portions of their land in the name of the village’s development.
It was on this modern-day corner, though, where Abraham Wagener planted the orchard of trees that produced what became known as the Wagener apple. However, the tree and the apple variety it produces could – at the risk of starting a historical controversy – be more appropriately known as the Wheeler. In 1791, George Wheeler – an early settler of Benton from Dover in Dutchess County – brought with him to the area a quantity of apple seeds that he planted that spring in the nursery on the farm he was carving out of the wilderness.
In turn, Lewis Birdsall purchased half of Wheeler’s nursery, and then Wagener bought Birdsall’s share of the nursery. In 1796, Wagener planted upon his own property some of the trees from the nursery, including the variety that now bears his name. Though the land bounded by Water, Main, and Elm streets today is most well known as the site of the Wagener apple trees, the site of Wagener’s first planting might be up for some debate.
In 1796, the year Wagener bought into Wheeler’s nursery, he married his first wife, Mary Castner, and they settled in the hamlet then known as Himrod’s Corners. Perhaps Wagener first planted his trees there. That same year, David Wagener bought 276 acres of land where Penn Yan is now situated, though the low and swampy ground covered with pine and underbrush was considered an unworthy investment. Indeed, the title for David Wagener’s property had passed from the original Phelps and Gorham tract to Wheeler then to Robert Chissom, Wheeler’s son-in-law, then to Birdsall and then to the Wageners.
When David died three years later, Abraham and his brother, Melchior, inherited the property but Abraham soon bought his brother’s share. While Melchior moved to Steuben County and became a prominent citizen there, Abraham built the first frame house in the settlement on the east side of Main Street. Mary Wagener died in 1809, and Wagener married Joanna Edmondson two years later – fathering 13 children between his two wives.
In 1816, the Wageners moved to the west side of Main Street – at its aforementioned intersections with Water and Elm streets – and built the palatial residence known as the Mansion House. The celebrated orchard was located here, but it is noted Wagener had two previous residences in Yates County and perhaps two other places where he planted his trees. From this property, Wagener cultivated and distributed the apples named after him, and later on this fruit became known as a standard winter apple.
1832, Wagener purchased an estate of 1,110 acres on the point of Bluff Point, and the following year he completed his self-named Wagener Mansion. The Wageners resided at their mansion for just 10 years; in 1843, they returned to Penn Yan – this time purchasing the Morrison-Wagener house on Highland Drive, where Abraham lived until his death another 10 years later.
By 1847, Ezekiel Castner owned the Wagener property at Main and Water streets. There, a large tree still stood and occupied what was then the business district of the growing community. As Castner said at the time, “The old tree still continues to produce a bountiful yield of delicious fruit.” That same year, the New York State Agricultural Society awarded the apple the society’s second premium and gave it the name it holds today. Charles Lee, of Penn Yan, presented the apple to the society.
In 1853, the year Wagener died at age 79, A.J. Downing – who praised the Wagener apple in his “The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America” – also wrote of the apple in his “Rural Essays” that no other American apple would command half the price of the Wagener apple in a London market, meaning the Wagener apple brought in double the money of other apples. The Wagener apple has been described as hardy and resistant to insects and disease, a beautiful dark red of medium size, with snow white flesh often streaked with red or yellow. The fruit was tender and juicy, with an almost citrus fruit aroma, and good for eating raw or cooking.
The tree on the Wagener-turned-Castner property apparently continued to produce fruit until about 1865. By that point, though, the variety began to be grown quite extensively and widely disseminated throughout the country. By 1892, it was said the Wagener tree could be found in nurseries throughout the country – except for the northern Mississippi valley, the Rocky Mountain region, and the plains from Nebraska to Texas. And even though the tree was generally known in New York – including its birthplace of Yates County – it was not planted extensively anywhere in the state.
Despite its value, or perhaps because of it, the Wagener tree was not productive and was considered a shy bearer. Another source calls it a small but early bearer that kept well, producing from October to February. Nevertheless, the apple traveled well for its time; large export shipments were sent to Europe as late as the 1890s. One source indicates fruit growers sent three-fourths of the 1894 American crop out of the country and received $4 to $5 per barrel. “(A)s for profit to the grower it more than pays in price when in market,” this article states about the apple.
The popularity of the Wagener apple waned as canneries began to flourish and become mechanized in the 1900s. The unusual shape of the apple did not fit as well as other apples into the peeling and coring machinery, so the apple was not as much in demand as other apples with the rise of mass production.
As Yates County celebrates its 200th anniversary this year, the Yates County History Center is spearheading an effort to spread the Wagener apple tree once more. In a few years, you may indeed see the Wagener apple making its way around the area again.
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scsulibrary · 2 years
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New SCSU Publications and a New SCSU Authors interface!
We are really excited to announce the new website for the SCSU Authors database. This website was designed by 3 Computer Science students, Kyle Cody, Andrew Chan, and Aaron Harrison, for their Capstone Project (under the direction of Prof. MD Hossain in Computer Science and Librarian Rebecca Hedreen in the Library.) They started from the open source Kerko project and produced a customized and tailored site that looks great!
View it at https://Libguides.SouthernCT.edu/SCSUAuthors
Newest SCSU Publications added to the database:
Hodges, M., Liu, X., D. Hamilton, X., Doherty, B., Phelps, A., Colburn, J., & Knipe, R. (2022). A qualitative examination on the preparation of preservice physical education teachers for assessment in secondary teaching methods courses in the US. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 0(0), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2022.2153816
Hoffman, E., & Kim, Y. (2022). Overconfidence and Public Intoxication Arrest: Evidence from a University Town Police Log. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. https://doi.org/10.1515/bejeap-2022-0060
Martin, A., Celentano, J., Olezeski, C., Halloran, J., Penque, B., Aguilar, J., & Amsalem, D. (2022). Collaborating with transgender youth to educate healthcare trainees and professionals: Randomized controlled trial of a didactic enhanced by brief videos. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 2427. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14791-5
Wang, Z., & Panaccio, A. (2022). A Longitudinal Investigation of the Changes in Work Motivation and Employees’ Psychological Health. Administrative Sciences, 12(4), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci12040193
Wei, Y., Hovey, K. A., Gerzel-Short, L., Hsiao, Y.-J., Miller, R. D., & Kelly, J. H. (n.d.). Culturally responsive and high-leverage practices: Facilitating effective instruction for English learners with learning disabilities. TESOL Journal, n/a(n/a), e697. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.697
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