#Red Queen's Hypothesis
knockout1207 · 1 year
Red Queen's Hypothesis
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(It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.)
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benthicheaven · 8 months
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post-finale golbetty design i made for funsies
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vanhelsingapologist · 10 months
LMAO I am currently in ACOTAR hell. As in, I read all the books and so on (halfway done with the last). I am weirdly invested, drawing fanart and ranting about it. I dragged like 2 more people down with me because I won't suffer this alone, like it's book covid or something.
I can't say it is good. I can't recommend it. And yes, the first (and 5th) are the only ones where I had some positive enjoyment.
The first....I mean you're right - the start is so slow and unless you super vibe with the Tamlin-Lucien-Feyre dynamic there is not much there at all. The last third was fun tho for sure. Iono, it was like a 3/5 for me. Nothing special, nothing terrible. It was....fine.
BUT OH BOI THE REST. Everyone claims the second book is the best of the series and since I didn't outright hate the first, I picked it up with cautious excitement. THE BETRAYAL. I was so mad. I never hate-read anything so HARD. I was pissed at the shit this book pulled lol. I felt like the author was gaslighting me. Or tried to - and it only made me angrier. But I couldn't stop either. And it went on with the third. I just felt so weird, like I was reading different books than anyone else? Yet I had to go on because it kind of felt like some weird office drama that was clearly not meant for me but I am invested now.
So yeah, uhm, I'm stuck in the corner with all the hated characters having a weird party idk. Help!!
I don't mind a slow start! I even love a slow start, but I feel that 200 pages of that book should not exist. The world-building didn't justify a book that long. I really feel like the love interest could've been compelling but he was so overshadowed by literally every other character, which was bad because most of those characters were just not my cup of tea.
I liked Lucien! I think he and Feyre had weird, red-hot tension and my friend made the joke that it was like "someone had told Maas that Lucien and Feyre got on too well, so she went 'fuck, fuck' and started writing him out."
I also thought Rhysand was incredibly creepy, and it was so obvious what they were setting him up for. I had a deep, fundamental problem with his seemingly 'morally grey' characterization when I think 'morally deficient' would've been more believable to commit to. Personally, I think the justifications he offered for certain actions were shoddy, which is disappointing because I don't think he's supposed to be a villain. But he'd make such an interesting one! I love villains and I think if the book had just committed and made him villainous then I could've really been down for some apologism. I'm almost angrier that they won't admit that he'd fucked up and instead went "well, it's justifiable and it was even KIND of him."
All that being said, I really appreciate your perspective. I think the end of the book was so much fun too, and I feel so sad that I just spent half the book wondering how the hell it was going down. I'll hit you back up once I've read the second.
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jihnari · 1 year
to that one bookmark on my fic that just says "i think they should fight"; you’re a bro
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If you want to remain in your position you should strive hard to maintain it, But if you want to breakfree, you have to do more than that.❣️
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
➪ request : “i was thinking of ideas for request hehe so here it is, tecchou and reader have a mission and they have to pretend that they're a married couple but here's the problem, they're not a partner yet, they like each other and there's the tension but they don't know each others feelings (I don't know if hunting dogs would have that type of mission, feel free of ignoring if this is not good enough)” - anonymous
➪ other notes : this prompt is so cute, it kinda reminds me of the ‘one bed, two people’ trope, wait a minute that’s exactly what i’m writing ! non edited, this is also really long hence the “read more” break, i don’t like this since it feels rushed but i tried my best
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- you’d be lying if you said this wasn’t an embarrassing situation to be in
- “both of you need to act as a new wedded couple, staying in the same hotel as those wanted criminals” that bastard fukuchi said to both you and tecchou
- it wouldn’t be as awkward if you didn’t have bubbling feelings for your spaced out co worker
- though there was more to what meets the eye, tecchou had started to garner feelings for you even if he didn’t realize it
- and who knew this ? jouno, analyzing both of your heartbeats but he doesn’t care to tell you, it’s your fault for liking an idiot he thinks
- even though both of you acted as professional as one can be, there was a lingering awkwardness that wouldn’t leave you alone
- and once you got to the hotel, you realized that both of you would probably have to share one bed, it only made sense with your story
- being in civilian clothes instead of your uniform in public always felt weird, but clinging onto tecchou’s arm happily leaning into him felt just a bit weirder
- the lady at the front desk happily gave you one of their best rooms when you gushed about an exciting “honeymoon” planned
- tecchou can’t say anything, something in his subconscious telling him to not say anything ignorant to you
- why was he so determined to be collected around you, why did he want to impress you he ponders, he’s not like that with jouno so why is he like that with you..?
- once you arrive to your room, your hypothesis was obviously correct, one bed, a queen sized bed to snuggly fit a newly wedded couple
- when tecchou sees this, he can’t help but get red in the face, stumbling over his words when he gets better situated
- you guys are friends, both of you know this, so it shouldn’t be awkward and both of you try your best to keep the conversation going even if it’s one sided or full of short responses
- thankfully a topic that keeps it going is trying to figure out how you’ll catch the wanted criminals and your plans to draw them in
- then falls night, a silent tension enveloping you both when you realize you haven’t made arrangements with the bed situation
- “you can sleep on the bed, i’ll take the chair,” tecchou gives you a small smile
- not knowing whether you should argue with that idea or not, you slowly nod getting into the soft bed and despite the duvet covering you, it’s so cold
- thankfully you fall asleep quickly, naturally waking up as the sun starts rising, a habit you’ve gotten used to over the years of being a hunting dog
- in the corner is tecchou, sleeping soundly but looking uncomfortable being constricted to the comfort of a chair
- the day runs smoothly, your plan is working yet awkwardness rises between you and tecchou with each lingering touch
- then night falls again, the same situation as last night, you in the bed, him in the chair, yet something’s telling you to ask him to lay down next to you
- maybe it’s because the chair was truly uncomfortable or maybe his warmth would help you or maybe it was just because you wanted the young man close to you
- “t-tecchou, you can um join me in the bed if you want to, you seem uncomfortable and it wouldn’t be fair for me to hog the whole bed,” you say, speaking quickly out of nerves
- pink dusts tecchou’s cheeks, something you don’t notice in the dim lighting, but something he can feel when his face heats up
- without saying another word, the brunette gets into bed with you, taking his side of the bed, staring up at the ceiling
- both of you lay in silence with you on your side and him on his back, a good foot of distance between both of you, making it awkward enough yet comfortable enough
- as the night before, you quickly fall asleep, except this time when you wake up, you’ve rolled over to tecchou, his arm wrapped around you while you’re tucked into him
- you jolt away from him shocked as your face feels hot, tecchou suddenly felt cold, waking up
- not saying anything to each other, you continued on with your day, finally being able to catch the criminals swiftly
- thankful but also disappointed you didn’t have to spend another night with tecchou, both of you finally returned back to headquarters
- both of you still had to write a report on the mission, hair on his face as he wrote silently
- “hey tecchou,” you say to him smiling
- he looks up at you and hums
- “uhm i don’t know if you wanna come over, but i can cook us some dinner,” you say hesitantly, stuttering over your words
- tecchou slowly smiles at you, a sight you’re not used to at all, “why not,” he says, agreeing to your idea
- maybe you could actually be more than just co workers…
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duchess-kyuupid · 1 year
Twst Men and How to Fluster Them
How should one go about teasing their love to get that desirable shade of red on their faces?
[GN! Reader / Suggestive, but SFW] *All of these are pre-relationship and you trying to flirt with him*
~~Heartslabyul Edition~~ [Pt. 2]
[Ft. Trey and Cater] <3
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Trey - When you straighten out his hat for him + When you enjoy his desserts - It was time for yet another un-birthday party at the Heartslabyul dorm, and Trey had invited you to come along, despite the fact you were from the Ramshackle dorm. - His intentions on inviting you were quite innocent- he just wanted you to try out a new tart recipe that he made specifically for this (non)event, and he even asked Riddle if it was alright for you to come too! - But then the day finally came and Trey found himself getting increasingly nervous by the minute. Like, of course, they'd like it, everyone tells him that he's a master at baking! And if they don't like it, then, well....He could always just switch the taste to something that he knows that you like, right? (It's not as if he's poured his heart and soul into this one single tart just for you) - And so the hours slowly ticked by and it was time for the un-birthday party to start. Following the usual proceedings of the party under the Queen's watchful eye, Trey found you talking amongst some of the other card soldiers of the dorm. - And out of the corner of your eye, you see Trey looking in your direction, and you excuse yourself from the conversation to go to him, after all, he promised you first dibs on his new tart recipe! There was no way that you were going to let this chance pass you by in the unfortunate event that someone (ahem, Ace and Grim) gets to it before you do. - "Hello, Trey!" you exclaim as you approach his person, and you notice that his attire, while rather dashing (you could never get over how handsome he looks in his formal dorm uniform, but that topic is for another day), was looking a bit misshapen. He was fidgeting with his glasses and straightening his clothes, but the assortment of accessories were all slightly off center, especially his hat in particular. On such a windy day like this, you were surprised that his hat hadn't just blown away in the wind yet, so when you were close enough to him, you reached up on your toes and affixed his hat in the correct space. - "Sorry, your hat just looked like it was going to come off any minute! But you look nice, as always Trey!" you beam at him innocently. - Now, you knew just from his body language that Trey was already super nervous about something- you just didn't know what. You had your suspicions that maybe Trey had forgotten to paint a few of the roses or something similar to that effect about the rules, but then you noticed that his face started turning into the brightest shade of pink you've ever seen on him. - You didn't want to make any assumptions that he was getting flustered because you had simply fixed his hat (it would be rather embarrassing if you were wrong about this, after all), so you decided that it would be a great idea to test this hypothesis further. I mean, his hat wasn't the only accessory that was crooked, after all. - Eventually Trey manages to take you to the tart that you've been looking forward to since you've gotten here (little did he know that, at this moment, you cared more about how to tease Trey even more, rather than the dessert itself) - So with eyes full of anticipation, he watched you grab the first slice of the tart (with the Queen's permission, of course) and take the first bite. - Well, your initial plan was to keep teasing him about his flushed face and nervousness, but you forgot all about those plans as the tart was so full of deliciousness that you almost began to cry. It was possibly one of the best tarts you've ever tasted in your life. The crust was crisp and flakey, but not too fragile nor too soggy! The inside of the tart was filled with a mixture of your favorite fruits  and a mouthwatering filling that made it almost impossible to resist another bite. - Oh, the relief that he felt in his heart when he watched you enjoy the tart he made as he was thinking of you. Just watching you gave him enough happiness to last him the rest of his lifetime, but then he came to a sudden realization... Maybe he wants you to stay by his side. Just a bit longer.
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Cater - When you send private messages to his Magicam - Well, after you explained to Cater that the only reason why you didn't have a phone was because you were sent to this world without yours, Cater decided (in all his generosity!) to buy you a new one himself. - Of course, he told you that the main reason for this purchase was so that you could follow his Magicam, but you know Cater well enough by now that he's also just worried about you- but he'd never admit it. 'If you were stranded somewhere and without a phone, how would he be able to find you? You're completely defenseless without being able to use magic too!' you'd imagine that to be his true thoughts on the matter, or at least you hoped so. - So of course you graciously accepted his gift- you really did miss having a phone, and it's not everyday that you find someone willing to buy one for you. - So as a little thank you to Cater, you made an account on Magicam and started following him. You noticed that the app worked very similar (if not exactly like) Instagram, so you had no problems at all getting used to the UI and it's functions. But Cater didn't know that~ - You decide that a little bit of teasing wouldn't hurt him, so you take a picture of yourself holding a card (a two of diamonds to be exact) in between your lips and a wink to the camera. - An ungodly amount of time was used in making sure that everything was exactly as you wanted it (you really, really hope that Cater never learns about how nervous you were about sending this to him- what if he thinks it's cringey, and doesn't take you seriously after this? This is you trying your hardest to flirt with him, what if he reacts negatively?). But after a while, you shake your head and decide that you were probably just overthinking things, so you take the leap of faith and send it to his private messages (you would probably die if you posted this publicly- you were never too big on posting things online in your own world either, after all).
Hey Cay-cay!! First time posting, is this how it works? How about we both go play cards later, just you and I? ;) Loser has to confess who their crush is~ #thankyouCater #letsplaytogether
- Well, Cater was in the middle of finishing up his homework in his room when he got a Magicam notification on his phone. On pure instinct, he pulls it out to go look at what it is, and, while he didn't know what he was expecting, he surely wasn't expecting this. - His face flared up immediately and a little giddy smile erupted on his face when he saw your message. 'Well, that's not technically how hashtags work, but you're just too cute for him to say anything about it,' he thinks, saving the picture to his phone. - He actually debated on whether or not he should make the picture his new wallpaper. Like, if he made it his wallpaper, he could see your face every day, multiple times a day- every time he looks at his phone! Who wouldn't want that? Ah, but then, he really wouldn't be able to get off of his phone, and Professor Trein is already on his case about being on his phone during class. And if he makes you his wallpaper, he wouldn't even be on his Magicam! He honestly could spend hours just looking at your face, and he's certain that he wouldn't be able to resist when he's in the middle of boring classes. So, alas, he came to the conclusion that it was probably not a great idea in the long term to make that photo into his wallpaper.
Sure thing! But be ready to spill the beans on your crush, cuz there's NO WAY I'm gonna be losing to you anytime soon~ #gameon #getreadytolose
-Well, he might be a little scared about the outcome of your little game (what if your crush ends up to be someone that's not him? What if he is the one who has to admit to you that he's been head over heels since you first met?), but that's a problem for another time. If it makes you happy, he'd do whatever it takes. - But for now though, he's happy knowing that you enjoy hanging out with him and now the two of you can chat together whenever you want. This new phone for you was absolutely worth every penny, he thinks.
I'm glad that so many people enjoyed the first part! I went to sleep after posting part 1 and woke up to find that it already had over 100 notes 😖😖 Thank you to everyone who enjoyed reading my first fanfiction blurbs! And to clarify, I DO plan on making this headcannon piece for everyone in all dorms~ You're just going to have to give me some time to cook it up lol
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a-deed-without-a-name · 8 months
Get Ready for...Deed's 🎃 Extra-Spooky, Super-Kinky Halloween Extravaganza! 🎃
Am I overhyping this? Oh hell yeah.
Does anybody besides me care what I do? Probably not.
Here we are, in the very best month of the entire year, and there are four, count 'em, FOUR weekends to take advantage of, something I'm working my ass off to do.
Things to look forward to:
👻 One dark-themed kink fic posted every Saturday for the first three weekends of the month (hopefully)
👻 Two fics posted on the last weekend of the month (not featuring my usual kinks, the real horror is feelings)
👻 Nothing on Halloween proper because it's on a Tuesday (ew)
👻 A healthy mix of Supernatural and Hannibal content (skewing towards Hannibal because why not)
Questions? Concerns? Me, too. But you can direct yours to my ask box - anons are turned back on. 😉
Happy Cocktober Spooky Season, everybody!
AO3 links to Extravaganza stories:
In the Body of the Lion - insect!AU Hannigram. Weight gain/stuffing kink
The Red Queen Hypothesis - dark Wincest, alternate S4. Weight gain/stuffing kink
Form So Soft, Charms So Rare - Hannigram. Weight gain/stuffing and cannibalism play kinks
The Vacuum of My Heart - Samifer in the Cage. Living latex kink (kind of), body horror, identity loss and mind-breaking
We Are Now Among the Ruins - Hannigram. Post-fall. Paralysis, cannibalism, and angst, oh my!
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Nacli, Naclstack, & Garganacl
Nacli (#932)
Naclaeus familiaris
General Information: Nacli are Pokémon who’s bodies are entirely composed of rock salt. When they move, they scrape their bodies against the earth leaving behind little bits of salt wherever they go.
 Nacli average at 1’4 feet (0.4 M) tall and 35.3 pounds (16 kg).
Habitat: Nacli can be found in mountainous regions of the world or where large deposits of terrestrial rock salt can be found.
Life Cycles: Nacli are born deep underground, where their parents kept the eggs there for protection and safe keeping from predators and poachers alike.  Not many Nacli are born at a time, often a batch of a handful every few years per parental pair. Nacli are typically born to Naclstacks and Garganacls, rather than other Naclis. This is not because of any issues with Nacli’s reproductive abilities, but rather they are often more focused on survival to evolution than they are on making more of themselves. Nacli are not eaten by much, but they are eaten by very specific types of Pokémon, namely those who eat rocks. As such, Larvitars, Tyranitars, Steelixes, Mawiles, and even the occasional Lairon or Aggron will help themselves to a Nacli. Weirdly, Sabeleyes are not a problem for Naclis, as their Purifying Salt ability deters ghost-type predation. Still, predation on Naclis is limited, and most Pokémon want to keep them alive for their delicious salt-producing benefits.
Their primary predator, Larvitars and Tyranitars, tend to leave Nacli eggs alone—they eat rocks and dirt, not eggs!
Nacli do not have a known upper limit on their lifespan. This isn’t to say one doesn’t exist, so much as they tend to evolve for their own protection before that limit can be found.  
Behavior: Nacli are rarely predated upon and generally well-liked by the fleshier organic Pokémon in their environments, so they have not developed fear responses to other Pokémon—well, except to their predators of course! Because of this, Nacli are rather friendly sorts who live in colonies with each other, and are readily accepted into any habitat that they choose to live in. Even the most aggressive of Pokémon, like Rhydons and Nidos, will allow a Nacli into their territories, knowing that they’re harmless little guys that make delicious life-saving salt.
Diet: They eat dirt! Just get them some nice potting soil 😊 They’re eating the vitamins and minerals found naturally in soils.
Conservation: Endangered (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Relationship with Humans: Nacli are beloved Pokémon by humans since time immemorial. They’re little portable Pokémon that make salt. And that means, humans have been using Naclis for millions of years. The Nacli is rarely mistreated, because a well-loved Nacli will stick around of its own accord, but countless family dramas and inheritances and even violent conflicts have been fought over access to Naclis and their evolutions. People go nuts for these little guys, and as such long-ago developed mining techniques for stealing Nacli eggs from the earth, thus forcing Naclstacks and Garganacls to bury their nests deeper and deeper underground in an evergreen Red Queen Hypothesis, leading to the modern day issue of Nacli nests being immensely difficult to track down. Wild Naclis are getting harder and harder to find as the centuries go on, for more and more are being brought into captivity to be cared for by humans.
In days gone by, Naclis were so coveted by humans that dowries would include a Nacli if applicable, and that was often worth more than gold or livestock, and could see a peasant family jump to middle class if their cards were played right.  
Classification: The genus “nacleus” uses “NaCl” (sodium chloride/table salt) as its base word, much like Nacli and its evolutions use it for the base of their names. “Familiaris” refers to the friendliness of Naclis.
Naclstack (#933)
Nacleus fortis
General Information: Naclstack is the evolved form of Nacli. They are able to compress its rock salt into hardened pellets that are then shot out with enough force to puncture sheets of iron! Contrary to population notions about their names, Naclstacks and family contain more than NaCl in their bodies, they contain other varieties of salts, too, based on what minerals they’re able to extract from their food and the environment around them, NaCl just happens to be the most common one.
Naclstacks average at 2 feet (0.6 M) tall and weigh 231.5 pounds (105 kg).
Habitat: Anywhere Naclis can be found.
Life Cycles: Once a Naclstack evolves from a Nacli, its chances of survival increase tenfold. There is very little that will even try eating them, reserved for hungry Tyranitars and risk-taking Aggrons. They will mate sporadically every few years with other members of the Mineral egg group, then bury their eggs deep underground where no one can find them or hurt them. After that, their parental care is incredibly minimal, but they will protect any Naclis that they happen to come across.
Behavior: Naclstack are patient Pokémon with little fear of other Pokémon. They are slow-moving creatures of the mountains and hills and salt beds, with ways that are mysterious to those around it. They don’t form the colonies that Naclis form, but also won’t deter Naclis from following them around for safety and familiarity.
Diet: Naclstack are scavengers. They no longer eat dirt (well, they do a bit, old habits die hard), and instead will happily eat the leftover rotting carcasses of other Pokémon, the parts that no one else wants, including the bones. They are immune to the diseases carried by rotting flesh, both because they use their body salt to cure their food and because as a Living Rock Pokémon (Vivogaiaformes) they don’t have true organic bodies, thus not susceptible to the diseases of organic life.
Conservation: Endangered (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Relationship with Humans: If you thought Nacli were obsessed over, wait until you meet Naclstacks. They’re bigger, stronger, and produce more salt than Naclis! A well-loved Naclstack was/is a family heirloom, someone who was invaluable to the preservation of meat, household cooking, and trade with others. A family with a Naclstack was a family that would survive winters and plagues.
Classification: They were originally named by Linneaus, by he had erroneously placed them in the same genus as Geodudes, when in fact they are largely unrelated to the other Living Rock Pokémon (Geodude, Rogenrola, Rolycoly, etc.), who are all under the Order Vivogaiaformes.
Evolution: Naclstack evolves from Nacli starting at level 24.
Garganacl (#934)
Nacleus giganticus
General Information: Garganacl is the final evolution of Nacli and Naclstack, and is known as the Rock Salt Pokémon. Their salt is rich in a variety of minerals and is known to have medicinal properties, powers so strong that even severe wounds are known to heal—whether this is a result of the salts themselves or something magical inherent to Garganacls, is unclear. Other Pokémon are known to lick up the salt that Gargancl leaves behind when it walks.
They average at 7’7 feet (2.3 M) tall and 529.1 pounds (240 kg).
Habitat: Wherever Naclis and Naclstacks can be found and beyond. Some are stationary, some are roamers. Their ways are mysterious indeed.
Life Cycles: Garganacls are known to live for centuries as patient and gentle behemoths of the forests and mountains that they call home. Long ago, there were thousands of Garganacls, even tens of thousands the world over, but these days there are perhaps only a few hundred left in the wild, a natural consequence of humans gradually taking more and more from the wild than can be replenished.
Behavior: Garganacls are finally able to stand up to their predators, Tyranitar and Aggron, and will squash Mawiles with a vengeance that is rarely seen elsewhere. They get along well with Tinkatons, likely because of Tinkaton’s proclivity toward hunting steel-types like Aggrons and Steelixes. Other than this, they are gentle giants.
They are known to rub their fingertips together over wounds, healing the injuries of Pokémon and humans alike.
Diet: Garganacls eat the heavily-decayed bodies of other Pokémon, as well as berries and nuts as seen fit. They are omnivores through and through, but do not hunt, only scavenge.
Conservation: Endangered (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Relationship with Humans: Garganacls are the gentle protectors of forests and mountains, the bringers of life-giving salt to all they encounter. But though they know no fear of predators, they do know fear for their offspring, and will go to great lengths to stop humans and Pokémon alike from stealing their eggs before they’ve even had a chance to hatch.
In ancient times, royalty and religious orders sought to have a Garganacl for themselves, an unmistakable sign of wealth and prosperity understood by all.
There are Garganacls alive today who saw the rise and fall of entire Empires, wars, and countless generations of humans. Some cultures worship Garganacls as life bringers, blessings from the gods, and so forth.
Classification: Garganacls and their pre-evolutions are in a clade all to themselves in the Vivogaiaformes.
Evolution: Garganacls evolve from Naclstack at level 38.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
I know I've said I'm going to make a massive mutli-fandom fanfic rec post, but that is taking much longer to put together than I anticipated.
In the meantime, here are some Top Gun: Maverick fics that I've been following lately that I think deserve more love!
What is a Legacy? by sleeping_maple WIP - currently four chapters at 23,338 words Rating: Teen & Up Summary: What if Bob was actually Rooster's little brother?
A few months after Goose's death, Carole Bradshaw finds out that she's pregnant with a miracle baby. Her little Bobby. Maverick steps up and tries to be a father to both Bobby and Bradley, which feeds fuel to the fire until it all explodes when Maverick pulls Bradley's papers and Bobby choses to stay behind. And now, years later, they're all back in Miramar for the uranium facility mission.
What could possibly go wrong?
Lost Boy by sleeping_maple COMPLETED - Words: 132,687 Chapters: 25/25 Rating: Teen & Up Summary: Jake Seresin was just trying to enjoy an evening with his squad mates before their leave. He was definitely not trying to dive too deep into his very layered and very painful past. And he was definitely not trying to learn the identity of his biological father. But the universe had different plans for him in mind, apparently.
Never Leave You All Alone by sleeping_maple WIP - currently five chapters at 19,202 words Rating: Teen & Up Summary: Hangman and Rooster have a history, but not what everyone thinks.
In this alternate universe, Jake Mitchell, or Jake "Hangman" Blackwood in the Navy, is Maverick and Charlie's son. After Charlie's untimely death, Maverick raised Jake with Carole's help and alongside Bradley. Jake and Bradley were brothers, not unlike Maverick and Goose. Up until Carole died, Maverick pulled Bradley's papers to the Naval Academy, and Bradley blamed Jake for it.
This story uses TG:M as a template for what would have happened if Jake was Maverick's son and raised beside Bradley.
Based off my previous fic "Lost Boy."
From The Ashes by @myshipsaresunk Jake Seresin x Natasha Trace, musician AU WIP - 33/40 chapters, updates twice a week, currently at 141,134 words (I know for an absolute fact that this one will be completed! I was lucky enough to be her beta reader for this one so I've already read the whole thing, she's just pacing out the chapters.) Rating: Teen & Up Summary: Jake Seresin is a washed-out rockstar one public scandal away from losing everything. Natasha Trace is fresh off her success rehabilitating rising star Bradley Bradshaw when she gets a job offer from Jake's record label. The money is too good to turn down - but she should have known they were desperate for a reason.
Signed Away by @seresinhangmanjake Jake Seresin x Reader WIP - currently at 15/17 chapters, plus an epilogue Summary: You find out about the contractual marriage your parents arranged with Jake’s when you were a baby. You’re plenty angered by it, but Jake doesn’t seem too bothered. He might even be happy. Notes/Warnings: cursing, fluff, eventual smut, angst, contract marriage, loss of rights, feelings of being trapped, poor parent/child relationships. Seeing Red by @call-sign-jinx Jake Seresin x ex-wife!Reader (Call sign: Red Queen) WIP - currently at 51+ parts, it's a mix of written chapters & pics of group chats Rating/Tags: It starts out Teen & Up, but definitely moves to Mature in later chapters, tags & warnings on each chapter. Summary: According to the Red Queen hypothesis, a species needs to evolve and adapt in order to survive because its competitors are doing the same.
Or how a young woman who wanted to be a lawyer ended up being a well-known naval aviator, hiding a big secret. Remember You Even When I Don't by @beyondthesefourwalls Bradley Bradshawx Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc) WIP - currently 3 chapters Rating: None listed Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language. Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
My Girl by @ereardon Jake Seresin x OC [Lawyer Natalie West] COMPLETED - 18 chapters Ratings & Tags on each chapter Summary: Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
Sweet Nothings by @sweetlittlegingy Jake Seresin x Wife Reader (nee Mitchell) [use of y/n] WIP - 3/13 chapters Rating: None listed General Series Warnings: Infertility, Adoption, Dad!Jake, Teacher/Mom!Reader, Kindergarteners (also has chapter specific warnings listed) Summary: No summary listed but I can tell you that this series, while having some angsty bits, is overall sweet & fluffy. And the Dad!Jake vibes are immaculate!
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hello everyone!! i'm the person who ran the TUA color polls for each of the seven siblings over the last few weeks. sorry it took so long but i'm here with results! i'm going to have charts first because they are flashy, easy to look at an understand, and also won't make the post too long above the keep reading :DD without further ado, the results of the poll: "Which color do you associate with [Hargreeves]?" !!
[keep in mind that the labels are above the charts, and viktor's may be hard to read because the chart maker i used only had a white background- same if you're on dark mode i apologize]
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analysis and words under here if you're interested lol :D it’s basically me just rambling for WAY TOO LONG about analysis lmao
okay so going into this, my hypothesis was that everyone’s colors were more or less determined by their s2 outfits. the fashion was iconic and stood out a lot, so it was very likely to stick in people’s brains.
my personal choices in order of siblings are: blue, orange, yellow, pink, green, red, and blue again. i chose green for five because of like.. chalkboards? i feel like he gives the green vibes y’a know? for the rest it was mostly determined by outfits and vibes etc.
but i’m sure nobody wants to hear me talk about my own opinions for too long [afterall, i didn’t even vote in the polls to keep them unbiased as possible] so here’s my analysis of YOUR choices
blue green and yellow were all the top choices for luther, which makes sense to me. blue ended up winning. they’re all generally cooler colors. when i think of luther i think of less stand-out colors, something solid and steady. blue is the most popular favorite color. it has a lot of range, just like luther. he wears it a lot throughout the seasons. blue is associated (not to bring color theory onto the color theory website or anything) with a feeling of sadness, and also responsibility. i really see him as a very tragic character tbh, à la s1 characterization.
diego was surprising to me, because even though my prediction of orange was correct there was a large amount of black in play. red was third after that. i don’t see it as that surprising considering his outfit from s1 lmao. let’s be honest they’re all emo anyways. red and orange are both associated with fire. diego probably would do arson if he thought he was doing the right thing. red is very agressive of a color, but orange is seen as a little less in your face. it can represent change too. but all in all, i think that it was chosen most often because of his orange and black polka dot shirt from s2. slay ig
allison was surprising to me at first, because i didn’t expect so much purple. i think that the pink might be because she’s a girl though. the red is what confused me the most. i would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts because i’m honestly not sure. @creepy-not-crawly (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) was talking with me about the polls, and said this about allison having yellow win:
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purple is associated with royalty and we all know she’s a queen. ofc, yellow won. we ALL remember that dress from s2. she’s also fairly optimistic for the first two seasons, and s3 largely revolves around her trying to force herself to be happy. yellow is associated with happy, and she was happy when she was with ray and trying to get it back s3. i have a post about the whole tone fuck up from s2/s3 here X so read that if you want!!
alright klaus. green came out (haha get it) in first and i think this one was essentially due to the association of ghosts and supernatural things in general with green. it’s SPOOOOOKY you know? it’s represents change and growth. the guy is trying. also the military is associated with green uniforms (at least in the US), so it can be easily linked back to the vietnam war incident from s1 and his connection to dave.
five had the most votes and it ended up with the closest results to one color taking half the pie. blue won, and red and black followed. i think for the red, it might be because of the metaphorical and literal blood on his hands. as far as i can tell, his powers- some of the most distinctly colored in the show- were a major factor: (credit to @dead-peppermint and @the-time-travelers-admirer in that order)
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and his iconic uniform is mentioned as well. (thank god the old man got a change of clothes in s3, manifesting for s4) blue represents responsibility and we all know he has so much on his shoulders (insert joke about how hunched over he was s3 because aiden gallagher has been aging over these past 5 crazy years but he’s supposed to be playing a 13 y o boy). blue is also associated with calm- the man needs some calm in his life, à la that one part of s3. and last of all, sadness. i think most of us remember “HE’S LOVED THEM FOR LONGER THAN THEY’VE BEEN ALIVE” (link post cus i can’t find it) and he spent so long mourning his family, and is probably still mourning them.
og ben is probably the most underrated character imo, so i was excited for this one. i predicted red because of that one scene (UGHHH SO TRAGIC) when he was a kid and covered in blood like “can i go home now” (🥺). my dear mutual @/deadpeppermint from before left these thoughts:
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blue and purple tied for first, with red and black in second. honestly the leather jacket? hoodie? thing? and generally emo vibe really lent itself to that lmao. i think purple and blue are also really good colors for him, because he is a king and also responsible as heck (or at least, he tries in comparison). i’m still crying over how he left in s2 ISTG BRING HIM BACKKKK (srsly tho line i want to make a post about his absence affected s3 ughfhfhfhfhfhh) but that brings us back to blue meaning sadness, and oh my lord does this boy represent grief!!! he’s soooooo <3
and finally omg we are at viktor! this graph is fucking hilarious to look at because it just looks empty. the white violin had an association with color, and you could NEVER GUESS which one (sarcasm). i actually forgot about this next was blue, and i think it’s cute that blue was on top three, even top two for 5 6 7. and the. @/deadpeppermint once again with thoughts:
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sorry for all of the errors i'm losing my mind.
anyways if anyone (unlikely lmao) has actually read this, or even scrolled down- hi! also goddamn! i hope someone enjoys this post because i have literally postponed so many projects for this weird little side thing. MMMMM DATA. i would make some kind of conclusion, but i'm damn tired and i think that my whole hypothesis kind of worked out! TYSM TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED!! and the people who left thing in the tags or talked to me about it? A MILLION LOVE FOREVER
i plan on doing more analysis in the future, but this is kind of dipping my toe in with a more fandom centered analysis. also! shameless self promotion! this whole thing started because i made a little animatic? thing? and started wondering about the colors because i ended up assigning them. CHECK IT OUT HERE X SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON MR BEAST TIKTOK FORTNITE. anyway. i literally have two other things that have been done for a while which i'll be posting in due time. if anyone is wondering why i haven't been posting art (idk, maybe?) it's because i was holding off on this crazy monster of a post! i'm really excited to make animatics because the music bro it's got me ITS GOT ME THIS DAMN SHOW. i am a self taught beginner artist tho, so i mean be ready for that. (that makes me sound so pretentious STOPP) anyways here! 🎩👑👒🧢 swaggy hats and a 🦉🦋🐞🐠🪿🦜🐁🦔 lil guy to go with it! 🥰🫵 see ya besties ily. i am so ill.
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Queen Alice, for the Drunk Drabbles game may I get a number 4 please? Thanks! ✍️
Fandom: Attack on Titan
Pairing: Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë
Warnings: Some swearing and crude language. Overall, SFW.
Word count: 788
This drabble is set shortly after the events of Hypothesis Number Two (you don't have to read the fic to understand this one, but it's definitely more fun if you do :P)
"I’m too sober for this." 
Moblit Berner mumbled under his breath, letting his head drop, knowing full-well alcohol was off the limits until the end of his workday, which, unfortunately, was hours away. 
He sighed as his fingers continued to make quick work on the paper, not missing a single word that was being spoken in the room. He was starting to regret complying with Erwin’s request of taking the minutes of this private meeting, but, then again, there wasn’t much he could do against a direct order from a senior officer. 
"There is clearly no better use for this money than Titan research. How can you not see that?" Hange was already exasperated, arms gesturing chaotically as if to emphasize the point.
"What do you know about seeing things properly, shitty glasses?"
The sound of Hange’s open palms hitting the small desk that separated both sides of the budget war almost made Moblit jump. He gulped, seeing the Squad Leader's face begin to redden. A quick glance revealed Levi was in a similar state. Even the Captain knew better than to anger Squad Leader Hange, but he'd been walking on thin ice for a couple of hours already, and by the looks of it, they were both at their wits' end. 
"You know what?" Hange said with a forcefully calm voice that made shivers run down Moblit's spine, the palms slid through the wooden surface, bringing the Section Commander’s body towards Levi  "I changed my mind. Please take note of this, Moblit. We really should redirect this extra money to the tea budget. But make sure we order senna. I think a laxative is just what we need to finally get the stick that's stuck up the Captain's ass!"
“Ok, ok, let’s just all calm do-”
"Bite me, four eyes!"
An amused laugh came tumbling from Hange's throat "in your dreams, shorty!"
Moblit's breath hitched in panic as the taunt on the captain’s height settled in his brain. Hange and Levi were now both leaning forward on opposite ends of the small table, staring unblinking into each other’s eyes. There was also a shift in the atmosphere, a heavy charge  Berner couldn’t quite place.
He started to frantically search his mind for ways to stop that madness before they were at each other’s throats. Maybe if he faked a faint? The fourth squad was desperate enough to try that plan, and the only thing that stopped him was a single detail that would have escaped anyone who didn’t have the sharp eyes of an artist. The redness of Levi’s face, which Moblit attributed to anger, was concentrated mostly on his cheeks and had become a lot darker after the biting comment. Was Levi BLUSHING?
The realization started to dawn on him.
Now the prospect of them fistfighting over the table was looking much, much better than the alternative.
“Tch. Shut up.”
Moblit’s wide-open eyes jumped anxiously from the face of one senior officer to the other, seeking any micro changes in their expressions. Levi’s eyes faltered, dropping to the Section Commander’s mouth for a second before going back up. Oh. Hange, on the other hand, let a tongue peek out, wetting the lips that were now curling in a small grin. Oh no! Oh nonononono, don’t you dare-
“Make me.”
“So, did you take notes on everything?” Erwin said as soon as Moblit walked past his office’s door, immediately laying down the document that he was reading.
“Yes, si-”
“Give them to me,” the senior officer took the papers from Moblit’s hand eagerly, quickly flipping through the pages, only minding the final section of the report. The fourth squad assistant watched silently as he skimmed through the lines, mouthing the words every once in a while. “A stick up his…”. Erwin’s eyes widened, making his thick eyebrows touch his blonde fringe. “Bite me”. Mouth agape. Then giggles. FUCKING GIGGLES. 
Moblit must have looked very appalled, because when he raised his eyes from the meeting minutes to look at the assistant, Erwin immediately went back to his serious expression, his chuckles transitioning to a fake cough.
“Thank you, Brenner. I knew you’d do a thorough job. Now, I have another favor to ask.”
No, you fucking don’t! 
“Yes, sir?”
“Take notes on their other bickerin- I mean, meetings. Please make sure those are thorough as well. If you could make a separate report on how you’re perceiving their relationship, that would be lovely. Thank you, you’re dismissed.” Erwin finished, going back to inspecting the previous document.
“Yes sir,” Moblit paused, pondering over the order, “on one condition.”
Erwin looked up, curiously.
“The extra money goes to the liquor budget. I’m gonna need it.” 
Thanks for the request @dont-f-with-moogles 🥰
Send me a number and I'll write a drabble!
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jihnari · 1 year
am i the only one 
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inbabylontheywept · 8 months
My dad will listen to me talk about the same ten things that have interested me since I was 8 years old, and I am 27 now but he still thinks they're fascinating. He has like, a best-hits-of-Babylon rants, and when we're in a topic adjacent to them, he'll occasionally just invoke them. We'll be talking about the 1960's, and he'll be like, so, whatever did happen to those original Apollo rocket engines, and he knows what happened to them because I've told him about it like thirty times, and he knows that I know that he knows, but he also knows that I love talking about it and that this is a carte blanche to spend the next ten minutes spinning a yarn about the lost machining arts and the death of knowledge and the constant red-queen-hypothesis style sprint that technology is locked into just to try and preserve itself.
So I'll do the rant again, and he'll listen to it like it's his first time hearing it, and he'll ask the best questions because he's been hearing this rant for 19 years, you can bet your ass he knows the best questions, and it's... beautiful. The words are almost adjacent to the dance.
I can remember reading a book once, where there was a perfect translator. Too perfect, because it translated for meaning alone, independent of the words. A man might ask his wife, "Hey, do you remember that hotdog we shared in 1972?" and the translator would spit out "We have been many different people, but we have always loved each other. Isn't that beautiful?" And I've imagined it for those rant-dances, and tried to imagine what the words would be. I think his parts would just come out to something like "Your handful of intense interests are something that I love about you, and I want you to know that they are not merely tolerated." And my parts would come out to something like "I am sharing who I am with you because I trust you. And I've always been able to trust you. You are, and were, and remain, an amazing dad."
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autumntouched · 1 year
Do you have any TG fic recs please ?
Awww bb! Thanks for asking. So first...these are my confessions
a) I'm happy to pass along my TGM recs but if you're specifically looking for TG, I'm going to have to call on my followers to give you theirs because I haven't really entered that part of the fandom
b) I don't read a lot of fanfic while I'm writing (and I've been writing since last June.) Part of that is due to time constraints and the obsessiveness with which I get attached to fics. Part of it is because I read a ton for work, and I need to use another part of my brain in my free time. And the other part of it is to avoid mixing other writers' canon/characterization/ideas with my own. I know others might not feel the same about that last part, so that's just my personal preference. Lol the only exception to this is smut. That's my weakest spot in terms of writing (aside from comedy) so I do read lots of it to dissect the structure and vocabulary
Anyway, without further ado, here is my list of recs:
2022 - Favorite Top Gun Fanfics
These all still stand!! And @allylikethecat has joined tumblr since I posted!
2023 - Phoenix Fics & Writers
My 2023 Favorite Top Gun Fanfics:
like, what up I got a big cock by @milestaller
imagine being loved by me by @milestaller
I read these fics like a kid reads their favorite bed time story....EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, multiple times. I am so freaking OBSESSED with this Hangster duology
Seeing Red by @callsignmeiga
I couldn't put this one "down," so to speak. I turned on alerts so I could read every chapter as soon as it was posted
"According to the Red Queen hypothesis, a species needs to evolve and adapt in order to survive because its competitors are doing the same.
Or how a young woman who wanted to be a lawyer ended up being a well-known naval aviator, hiding a big secret.
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x ex-wife!Reader (Call sign: Red Queen)"
Tasting the Ashes by @callsignmeiga
A spin-off from SEEING RED, so definitely read that one first!
Before she became fire, she was water.
Quenching the thirst of every dying creature.
She gave and she gave
until she turned from sea to desert.
But instead of dying of the heat,
the sadness, the heartache,
she took all of her pain
and from her own ashes became fire.
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x pregnant!WSO!reader (Call Sign: Ashes)
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Hang on a minute. By your standard rules of royal succession, you'd expect the Red Prince to have become the new Red King, but he's emphatically not. Here in an Acre of animated constructs, in a world where everything seems to revolve around Purpose... he was made to be the Prince. And so, even in the King's absence, a Prince he remains.
Also on the subject of the Red Prince: the quote that served as the inspiration for the Red Queen Hypothesis - named for the Prince's literary allusion - feels awfully appropriate for Ruby's mental state right about now.
“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”
I figured that he's still the Prince because he's not old enough to be a King. There's a lot of cultures where a prince has to come of age before he takes power in his own right, and while the Red Prince doesn't seem to have a regent, he might be using the tradition to delay becoming King.
But yeah, I have the definite feeling that the Red King is the one who was meant to be winning games and ever since he died the Red Prince has been trying and failing to fill that role.
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