#Robin being an old man
Hc that when someone gets dunked in the Lazarus pit their eyes become greenish or greener than before, or a radioactive ass green if they're dunked in it too many times
Like when you go to the beach and your annoying cousin/sibling pulls you underwater, there's a point where you gotta leave or your nose feels too full of water, but instead of your nose it's the eyes and instead of water it becomes radioactive green, and if they get dunked too many times/for too long their vision becomes distorted and their thoughts too
So Jason had blue eyes but he came back with greenish/green eyes
And Damian was probably born with green eyes or blueish because Bruce's eyes are blue but his eyes now are nuclear waste green and when he's really angry his vision becomes greener and greener and he starts distorting things
And if like, Tim gets dunked in it his eyes start getting a bit greener too
And when someone's being influenced by the pit at least a bit of their eyes glows comic nuclear waste green
Could be Joker green too but I find it funny if Ra's Al Ghul is nuclear waste because he's lasting longer than radiation at this point and he's waste because he's not useful and only harms shit around him
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nari-writes · 10 months
The thing is, Tim doesn’t realise Kon doesn’t know his secret identity until Kon sighs, looks over at him longingly, and says, “Man. You’d be so good at this.”
“Good at what?” he asks, distracted by the plans he’s got spread out in front of him. Bruce wants an update on Lex’s new office, but Tim’s been trying to figure out why the old one has an extra hallway that seems to go nowhere. The last time Lex had a hallway that went ‘nowhere’, Tim and Bart had found a cloning lab.
“All the hero stuff, you know?” Kon says, and Tim blinks. He blinks again, trying to catch up while Kon keeps talking, “Like, you’re super smart, you’re super organised, and you’re totally obsessed with mysteries. You’d make a great Robin.”
“What?” Tim asks, feeling vaguely like he’s been shoved into a mirror dimension. But his undershirt is definitely half-hanging out of his laundry basket, and the R’s on the outside, so he can’t have been transported to an alternate dimension sometime within the last two minutes of conversation. Also, wait! he thinks to himself, he’s literally working on a plan to break into Lex’s building with Conner – why would he be doing that if he wasn’t-?
“Yeah!” Kon says, gaining enthusiasm at Tim’s bafflement, “Dude, you’re awesome. We could totally make a case. Where’s your computer? I bet I could get one of your powerpoints in front of Batman. Reasons why Tim Drake should be Robin, created by Superboy and validated by Young Justice.”
“Is it even my powerpoint if you’re going to take credit on making it?” Tim asks, and Kon waves off the question with one hand.
“Well, we can’t present a biased opinion,” Kon says, “and everyone in Gotham knows Robin’s the coolest, so if it was just from a civilian Batman may not take it seriously.”
Batman may not take it seriously, Tim’s brain repeats to itself, and then Tim has to stop himself from cracking up at the thought of Bruce sitting through a powerpoint on why his current Robin would make a ‘super cool’ Robin.
Presented by Superboy.
“Kon,” he says, unable to hide the laughter in his tone. Of course his friend is trying to joke - what other option is there? That Kon doesn't realise he's Robin? “What are you talking about? I can’t give Batman a presentation on why I should be Robin.”
Kon’s mouth twists in a mulish scowl. “Don’t,” he says, sounding more annoyed than Tim would’ve thought at such a joke, “You’re amazing, Tim. You would make an awesome Robin.”
“I know,” Tim says, and tries to ignore the flip in his stomach at how solemn Kon’s expression is, the way he’s serious about every word. It’s making his face feel hot, that Kon hasn’t immediately dropped the compliments, or paired them with an overly flirtatious wink. “Come on, dude, I get it. What bought this on?”
“It just- it’d be cool to hang out with you at the tower. Or do missions with you,” Kon mumbles and Tim stops entirely.
“Kon,” he says, because before it may have been a weird joke Kon was playing, some sort of ego-boost but he knows Kon well enough to read that expression, and- “Kon, I’m Robin. I can’t get Batman a presentation on why I deserve to have my own position.”
This time it’s Kon’s turn to look shell-shocked. “-what.”
“How did you not know?” Tim asks, feeling pained and also a little bit like a bad friend – had he inadvertently lied about something, made Kon think he and Robin were different people? Was he not clear enough when he’d introduced himself to Conner and Bart and Cassie, that weekend before Jason’s attack on the tower? Did Bart and Cassie also not know? Also, wait, back to his first thought of the day: “Why- why did you think I was helping you plan a break in to Lexcorp?”
“Lex sucks?” Kon says, the words an offering, and Tim squints at him.
“You think a normal civilian would help you commit crime?”
“What! How is this a crime?”
“This is literally breaking and entering! Technically, since I’m Bruce Wayne’s ward, it’d also be considered corporate sabotage.”
“It’s not a crime if the victim sucks,” Kon mutters bitterly, and Tim’s squint gets even more aggressive, brow furrowed.
“Kon. What was your explanation for how I knew you were Superboy?”
Kon shrugs, but his face has steadily been getting more and more closed off as his embarrassment deepens. “Dude, I said you were good at mysteries. I thought you just- figured it out. I wasn’t subtle the first time we met.”
“You didn’t have a name the first time we met!”
“What? Oh-” Kon says, “no, okay, the first time I met you as a civvy?”
"Huh?" Tim asks, and Kon cocks his head to the side.
"Yeah! Remember, it was the Mudders charity thing, and Superman and I volunteered in civvies but that girl got stuck in the mud pits so after I went to get her out you helped me hose off and said 'good job Superboy', and then I freaked out and you laughed at me."
"What," says Tim. He does remember that, but there's a key difference between his memory and Kon's- "you were in civvies?"
"Why did you think I kept showing up here as Superboy!" Kon says, this time his turn for exasperation.
"Because I told you my identity?!"
"You said your name was Alvin Draper! You wore contacts!"
"You have x-ray vision! I live with Batman!"
"Tim!" Kon yells, and it's not entirely angry but Kon's suddenly in his face, his hands wrapped around Tim's biceps. "Tim I didn't know! I just thought you were my cool civvy friend who figured out my identity while I was covered in mud and- and-"
Kon's suddenly beaming, and Tim has whiplash.
"Hi, Robin," Kon says, so soft that Tim's heart crawls up his throat with sticky fingers, his face burning. Is there a connection, between the blood rushing to his cheeks, and the migration of his pulse? He knows there's a connection between Kon's palms on his skin and the movement of his heart, at least, but this is-
"Yeah?" he says, and Kon's grin gets bigger.
"I am never ever letting you forget this."
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1000sunnygo · 2 months
Dressrosa Archives: Kappei Yamaguchi (Usopp) x Kamiya Hiroshi (Law) talk (2015)
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Here's another interview that was released during Dressrosa, Kamiya was hosted by Kappei (x). The conversation focused on Kamiya's experience voicing Law, analyzing characters (notably Law and Rosinante) and the studio's atmosphere.
It's a long interview that was separated in two parts (bless Kamiya's photographic memory). Starts below the cut!
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Yamaguchi: This time on Usopp's 'This is Real!', we have the talented Hiroshi Kamiya who plays Trafalgar Law - a character who has been very active in the TV series lately (applause)!
As we're reaching a crucial point in the battle against Doflamingo, we'd like to delve deep into Law' s character. Thank you for joining us!
Kamiya: Thank you very much!
Yamaguchi: Let's get straight to it. Law is still a character shrouded with mysteries. But what was your first impression of him?
Kamiya: No seriously, he was a mysterious fellow alright (laughs).
I believe Shabondy Archipelago 2 years ago was his first appearance. There was hardly any information other than being a "Rookie with a bounty exceeding 100M who leads a pirate crew aiming for the New World." I had no idea how to portray him. I felt like other rookies stood out more.
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Captain Kidd, for example, made it to the back cover of the manga. Since Namikawa Daisuke was casted for the role, I thought he might become a big character in the future.
Yamaguchi: But I felt that Law was the craziest one. For a mysterious role like this one...was there an audition, again?
Kamiya: No. I was approached by the producer from that time. Recently I was told by the producer that he didn't think the role would become so important!
Yamaguchi: Same here (laughs). Law really entered the spotlight during the Summit War, didn't he? That's where he got closer to Luffy, or that's where he might have started considering the off chance of an alliance...
Kamiya: You may be right. Looking back on his encounter with Luffy; after learning about Law's past and his relationship with Doflamingo, I think Law might have sensed some possibilities when he saw Luffy defy the Celestial Dragons.
If that's the case, just my personal speculation, it somewhat makes sense as to why Law saved Luffy during the Summit War. But back at that time I didn't know any of it. It was impossible for me to foresee Law's role there (in the war). I thought he would reappear after like 5~10 years (laughs).
Subsequently, when Law saved the passed out Luffy from Akainu's attack, I thought, "Is this why his character existed?" I was wondering if his role as a rookie pirate was done. But then at Punk Hazard... It was rather a quick reunion (lol)
Yamaguchi: Seeing him at Punk Hazard at that time, I was like, "Huh? Where are Bepo and team? Did he end up alone?!" (laughs)
Kamiya: Same here. I was like, "????" (laughs)
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Yamaguchi: Even though Law was a character veiled under mystery, he has gradually revealed his human side in the flashback. You played Law's childhood as well. How was the experience?
Kamiya: When I read the flashback in the manga, I really wanted to voice him. Initially, Law proposed an alliance with Luffy to take down Kaido. But there was also this desire deep down to crush Doflamingo himself.... All these make him rather a suspicious character with unclear motives from reader's perspective, right?
But after knowing his intense past that lead to that point, I decided "I want to portray Law's childhood too!" I was very eager to do it, I expressed my wish to the producer. It turned into an audition.
Yamaguchi: So that required an audition. (laughs)
Kamiya: Exactly. At that time, the manga volume wasn't out yet. So, they gave me a copy of the Jump magazine. After finishing the usual recording, I was reading some lines from it. I remember you asking me, "What are you doing, Kamiya kun?" and I said, "I have an audition after this." (laughs)
Yamaguchi: I remember too. I was wondering, "What audition?" (laughs)
Kamiya: Strictly speaking, it might not have been a traditional 'audition' - given that there were no other candidates. It was more like having my voice heard (by the staffs) and assessing whether I could voice the character.
Yamaguchi: It's common to hire a different actor for flashback roles to match the character visuals. But letting the same actor voice in flashback makes a character more consistent. Law's encounter with Cora san was a turning point in his life, you being able to play that role should become crucial for depicting his character from now onwards.
On this topic, did knowing Law's past influence your performance of his role?
Kamiya: I didn't consciously change my acting. But there are some differences in his portrayal when I know Law's past compared to when I didn't.
In the early days, I voiced Law with a subdued, cool tone; but as the story progressed and his character unfolded, I believe my tone range expanded.
Yamaguchi: I totally get it. Back when Law started interacting with the Straw Hats and yelled "I hate breads!" - it left a strong impression in me. I felt that line alone made him instantly more relatable and easy to like.
Kamiya: That's right. Actually, at the "I'm a doctor!" scene in the Summit War, I was told not to raise my voice. So I focused on acting cool. But I'm more comfortable being expressive and yelling these days; I feel like I've been allowed some leeway since "I hate bread!" (laughs)
Yamaguchi: (laughs) I remember "I hate bread" most vividly, but which line do you think left the biggest impression on you?
Kamiya: Not mine, but Cora san's "I love ya!" made me go, "Uwoh, so that's how it's delivered!"
As for Law's lines, hmm.. "I'm a doctor!" and "Drake-ya, how many people have you killed?" are memorable. Also, "I've broken the gears!" after slashing Suwabe san..No, Vergo.
(Junichi Suwabe: Vergo's actor. Currently acting as Green Bull.)
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Yamaguchi: Back when Vergo was slashed, none of us had any idea about the the two's real relationship.
Kamiya: Indeed. But the scene was remarkably balanced. While maintaining a calm expression, Law sliced through everything in the background in half, including Vergo. This spoke of how intense his deep emotions were. This scene really etched in my memory.
Yamaguchi: Amazing, it's still giving me chills!
Kamiya: Since I was under the request to not raise my voice, so I acted coolly. But seeing the intensity transmitted so well in the art... I felt glad.
Yamaguchi: Breaking the gears in Punk Hazard and tying up loose ends in Dressrosa – it feels like even after Dressrosa, Law's journey with the Straw Hats is far from over. They still need to reunite with Sanji's group and visit Bepo and team!
Kamiya: That's right. Hasn't it been about two years since Law mentioned them being left at Zou?
Yamaguchi: In real world, it's been about two years. But in the story, it's like the same morning?! (laughs)
Kamiya: Pretty much like just a moment ago. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: That was insane! When Law told Doflamingo, "You called CP0 this morning", all the cast members made faces like, "THIS morning!?" (laughs)
Kamiya: We've been through some insane times, haven't we? (laughs)
Yamaguchi: This conversation had been insane too. Sadly, it's time to wrap up. Thank you so much, Kamiya kun!!
Bonus talk (website special edition) : Child Law and the Donquixotes
Yamaguchi: Law's past is currently unfolding in his flashback. What were you particularly mindful of while playing Law's childhood?
Kamiya: Since he carries a tragic past, I was conscious of portraying the notion of "no belief in humans" and "humans only harbor malice." It's somewhat a tunnel vision of the world. But considering he was a child, I convinced myself of that. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: When the story transitioned back to present from the flashback, I was a bit sad thinking how I won't hear little Law's voice anymore. But then it felt so natural to hear adult Law's voice. I remembered, "Oh right! Kamiya kun had always been Law." (laughs)
Kamiya: I'm so happy to hear you say that!
Yamaguchi: Speaking of the flashback, Cora san plays a crucial role.
Kamiya: Yes. When I heard Cora san would be played by Yamadera san, I thought, "Woah, a freaking amazing person has joined!" As I mentioned before, his performance of "I love ya!" is so touching that just remembering it makes me tear up.
Well, my first impression to Cora san was "Who's this dude?", though (laughs). He's a guy who gets annoyed by children and throws them out...Frankly, it was hard to believe he's sane. It was inevitable for Law to be pissed off and yell "I'll kill him!"
Yamaguchi: From Cora san's exchange with Sengoku afterward, it seems he intentionally treated Law and the children harshly to keep them away from The Family... but there could be a better way to do it (laughs)
Regardless, Cora san struggled with many hardships from his childhood; I feel sorry for him.
Kamiya: He had a hard time due to his idealist father. His father was a goodie-two-shoes blind to reality, so to speak; unable to recognize the poor intent of others. I think he was the type of person whose survival was meant to be a struggle in the world of One Piece.
Yamaguchi: True. This caused his wife and children to suffer. I felt like telling the father, "you're too naive."
Kamiya: Actually, in the scene where Doflamingo's father says, "I'm sorry I'm your father," I couldn't cry even though it was a tragic scene of a parent being murdered. Instead I was very angry at him.
Yamaguchi: In that scene it's easier to resonate with Doflamingo: "What has father done!"
Kamiya: When I read the manga, I didn't feel much. But once it was animated and I could hear the lines, I really understood Doflamingo's feelings. "Ok, he's an idealist dumbass." "This man's is no good, I couldn't possibly keep up with him either!" (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Being sandwiched between these two, I pity Cora san.
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Kamiya: Cora san probably had perceptions of both a Celestial Dragon and an ordinary human since childhood. That's likely why he could handle special missions like being a spy.
Yamaguchi: Unlike Doflamingo who couldn't adapt to the world, Cora san didn't really do anything wrong but ended up being crucified anyway. I felt really bad for him.
Kamiya: The flashback elaborated quite well on Law's feelings. But the mystery behind why Cora san suddenly changed his demeanor after learning Law is a D is still there.
Actually, that's the only part that left me unconvinced. Why's that a man who hit him is suddenly saying let's pack up and run - I couldn't wrap my head around it. But Yamadera san's presence and persuasiveness left me feeling, "this person definitely knows something, I must listen to what he has to say."
Yamaguchi: I get you. Even though Yamadera san is no different from us and knows practically nothing (laughs). By the way, I'm really looking forward to how it'd go when the last bit of the flashback airs.
Kamiya: I'm curious about its reception.
Yamaguchi: Lastly, any message you'd like to share with the fans?
Kamiya: It was fun talking with Kappei san and sharing personal impressions and perspectives, but please forget everything I said! I want everyone to enjoy it naturally, I'll be happy if you continue supporting One Piece from a neutral perspective.
Yamaguchi: Kamiya kun, thanks for today!
Kamiya: Likewise, thank you very much!
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Interview #2, Studio Experience and popularity
Source: [x]
Yamaguchi: By the way, I was at the restaurant Baratie for an interview recently, and they were showing the first episode of One Piece. I saw your name credited among the cast and went "Gweeeh?!" (laughs)
Kamiya: (laughs) Yeah. In the first episode, I played pirate A.
Yamaguchi: One of Alvida's henchmen?
Kamiya: Yes. As pirate A, my role was to discover Nami sneaking onto the ship, and then immediately to get knocked out by a groin kick.
Yamaguchi: I didn't show up until episode 9. You were earlier than me! (laughs)
Kamiya: Actually, I debuted earlier than even Kazuya Nakai san (Zoro's seiyuu), since Zoro only had a brief appearance at the end of the first episode.
Nakai san came to tour the recording. I remember asking "what's up, Nakai san?" and he mumbled something like "Ah, well, um" and just quietly sat there.
Yamaguchi: (laughs) Did you have any other roles after pirate A?
Kamiya: I did a couple more after that, but the first episode left the strongest impression on me. I still clearly remember Luffy bursting out of the barrel in his debut scene. Deep down, I got excited during the recoding, thinking "Woah! One Piece has really begun."
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Another memorable role was Eddy, the four eyed helmsman of the Bellamy Pirates. It was strange to voice Law facing off Bellamy himself in the Dressrosa arc, having voiced one of his ex-subordinates long ago. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Wasn't it in Mock Town? When Ueda Yuji san was there?
Kamiya: Yes. Ueda Yuji san voiced Sarquiss, the vice captain of the Bellamy Pirates.
After that was the story of Shichibukai meeting arranged by the World Government. Doflamingo appeared and used his strange power to make two marine officers fight each other to the death. The two marines who were made to fight each other - Marine Officers A and B, were played by me and Ueda san. They knew they were being controlled, but nobody knew how it was being done, or the power of something like Ito Ito no mi.
Yamaguchi: We didn't know anything either! Bet you didn't expect to end up fighting against the same Doflamingo years later.
Kamiya: That's right. I never imagined I'd get to play a character with a connection to Doflamingo. Moreover, at the time of Law's debut, I didn't think he'd be the one to with such connection. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Seriously. Life is full of surprises. (laughs)
Anyway, changing the subject, how do you like the atmosphere in One Piece voice studio?
Kamiya: I absolutely love the atmosphere on the One Piece set! There are many seniors there who can be called legends, so of course, there's tension. But it's the type of tension that makes you feel comfortable as a professional.
Yamaguchi: It's okay to be honest, you know (laughs)
Kamiya: (laughs) But I am being honest.
In presence of legends like Mayumi Tanaka san who has been leading One Piece for 15 years, I'd always think that I have to give my absolute best. Of course, when it comes to the actual recording, being serious isn't an option for us. But only recently I've realized that it's okay to ease up and have fun outside the recording sessions.
Yamaguchi: Well, that's the captain for you. (laughs)
Kamiya: She's really something else! (laughs)
t/n:the strawhat VAs all call Luffy's VA Mayumi san 'captain.' I've noticed Kamiya doing the same few times. HMmm
Yamaguchi: The Straw Hat crews are scattered during Dressrosa and the team's brain cell Akemi Okamura chan, who plays Nami, isn't around. So, I personally consider you the only remaining brain cell in the current studio, Kamiya kun. You're the last straw that keeps the studio standing as a "workplace". (laughs)
Kamiya: What, really?! (laughs) That's a lot of responsibility. But I've recently realized that even if I'm criticized for it, it's best to get along the flow when I'm high on energy. (laughs)
(T/N: not confident with my translation for this sentence^)
Yamaguchi: (loud laugh) Come to think of it, you sure have been doing that a lot lately! I thought it was quite like Law.
Speaking of which, do you think the One Piece cast resembles their characters in some aspects?
Kamiya: Hmm... Law is such a serious character, so I always feel like I need to be firm with myself, but I often find myself like a puddle (laughs). Especially when Mitsuya Yuji san (Pica) and Mayumi san (Luffy) keep fooling around, I'm all over the place.
Yamaguchi: Those two... even though they're both in their sixties! (laughs)
Kamiya: I can't anymore... They say "Just ignoore", is that really okay?
Yamaguchi: I think it's fine. (laughs)
Kamiya: Even though they're like that most of the time, they completely change when it's showtime. It's amazing. Every time we record, I'm in awe, watching them carry the weight of the series on their shoulders.
Yamaguchi: Despite being small. (laughs)
Kamiya: ...Despite being small! (laughs)
Yamaguchi: Mayumi san's microphone is quite low, isn't it? Because she's small.
Kamiya: That's right. But I still get nervous when I think about using the microphone Mayumi san used. She's an amazing senior, but she also has this quirky side to her. I hope she stays this way forever. (laughs)
Yamaguchi: I also like Mayumi san's quirky sides (laughs) Once we start talking about Mayumi san, we could go on forever. So let's save that for another time!
Website Special Edition #2, More Law talks
Yamaguchi: Law is a cool and chill character, but I like how he playfully calls others "[ ]-ya". (laughs)
Kamiya: One Piece has many characters with distinctive speaking styles, as in the way they laugh or talk. Even a character cool at a glance can have this unique speech pattern that'd make them approachable. Law didn't seem to have any of that. At first I was worried - is this guy just cool? So when he started calling others with "[ ]-ya", I felt a weight off my chest (laughs)
But his accent is still a little troublesome, especially saying "Nose-ya" to call Usopp.
Yamaguchi: It seems he searches for someone's specific characteristic to come up with a nickname, like Luffy. But when he can't think of any, he just adds "ya" at the tail of their names (laughs)
Kamiya: Yeah (Laughs). Like how Nami becomes "Nami ya", Drake becomes "Drake ya". I find it funny.
Yamaguchi: This playful side is what makes 'the attractive guy' Law so endearing.
And he's insanely popular, isn't it? When I went to Universal Studios Japan the other day, there were many children cosplaying Law. Do you have a specific mindset when you're playing such a popular character?
Kamiya: Well...When Law ranked 2nd in the official popularity poll, I felt happy and pressured at the same time. Not because of the result itself, but because it made me more conscious not to undermine Law's charm in my acting.
On the other hand, I think it's a great privilege as an actor to be able to voice a character like this. If even one person becomes Law's fan after watching the tv series, I'll feel incredibly proud.
Yamaguchi: Yeah, I understand. It's a great honor as an actor when people start liking a character because of our performance.
By the way, how was the feedback from the people around you when you started playing Law?
Kamiya: Thankfully, the feedback from Law fans was amazing! On the flip side, the people around me were surprisingly chill. Like, "Oh, the ROOM dude?" (laughs).
Yamaguchi: "The ROOM dude"! (laughs) Which one is your favorite from Law's moves?
Kamiya: Got to be "Shambles." To be more specific, "Shambles" followed by "ROOM"!
Yamaguchi: The combination has such a catchy, memorable rhythm. To mimic Law, "ROOM" and "Shambles" are a must!
Kamiya: I'm a bit relieved. If such a catchy combination didn't gain attention, I would've blamed myself.
Yamaguchi: It's an awfully strong killer move. Depending on how it's used, the power can be invincible.
Kamiya: It's unfairly strong, isn't it? The fact that it can even grant eternal life made me think it's an outrageous Devil Fruit ability.
That said, it's not like magic - having known that using the technique depletes the stamina of the user. Cora san also mentioned that it's an ability that one can't handle without knowledge. Law must've been able to handle it because he studied medicine.
Yamaguchi: Indeed, like it was his destiny to eat the devil fruit.
Lastly, what do you think is the charm of Law?
Kamiya: Hmm, I generally try not to overthink about the charm of the characters I'm currently playing. If I understand the charm too well, I might start acting while thinking about things like, "This is their charm, right? So this is why they're popular?" So, I try to approach my work neutrally and avoid thinking too much.
Of course, there are times when I simply think Law is cool, but I deliberately don't dwell on what made him cool. I hope that when everything is said and done, I can look back and realize, "Wow, that thing Law did was ridiculously cool!", or "This is what makes Law so amazing!"
Yamaguchi: I see, that's an interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing all these insights today!
Kamiya: No, thank you so much for having me!
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Relevant stuff if you're in for more:
Mattew Mercer (Law's English dub va) talking about Law's unexpected relevance post timeskip (@ 6:10, not time stamped)
Hideyuki Tanaka (Doflamingo) hosted by Yamaguchi Kappei
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martyrbat · 1 month
im so considerate.... (<- guy not ranting about a thing it hates before its friend is done with the media)
#can officially say i finished the arkhamverse. didnt watch anything about that suicide squad one but i read all comics#a d watched the complete story & side mission gameplay for origins asylum city and midway through my refresher for knight#the biggest takeaway i have is wow these people are weird about convicts and addicts and love their toxic masculinity#but the gameplay and nostalgia impacts peoples opinions on it. maybe an enjoyable experience but for the story or universe itself#its a complete failure in every regard i can think of—only having glimpses moments of quality that makes the rest of it#be frustrating because the potential can be there. theres interesting premises occasionally but the execution and payoff doesn't make it#even worthwhile to get to those premises because of what you must wade through to reach them#<- thats me being my nicest and most spoiler freeabout it btw.#my other big takeaway is that tim is canonically older than jason and i think a grown ass man saying fuck that kid is really funny#[SPOILERS LOOK AWAY CJ]#<- tim currently works as a highschool science teacher while jason was shown to be adopted and made robin at 15#where he was then promptly captured and kidnapped by joker. he escaped half? a year later during asylum and AK takes place 2 years afterward#i think. the entire timeline for this shitty universe is awful and confusing. dick was robin for like 2 years its ridiculous.#and i think primarily so they can go noooo see bruce is a hot late 30 year old instead because you become dust at any older!!#but. back to the age thing. hes about 17 maybe early 18 during AK but because tim is a private school teacher he needs a bachelor's degree#and most people get it at 22/23ish and then theres the actual teacher application and being hired (or not because hes a nepo baby)#so hes early mid twenties or so. compared to a (presumably dead) teenager who he called a loser more or less.
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songbirdblues · 8 months
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yoooo brass trio (colin, jon, and damian) fantasy(?) au. i dont really know why but these designs just sorta popped into my head one day and i wanted to get them out!!! may or may not draw more of them but designing them was fun
colins a werewolf, jons a centaur, and damian is like a demon/vampire guy (in my head they're very similar so i just combined them into one species??) uhh yeah cool
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just-an-enby-lemon · 10 months
Scarecrow: *complaining while fighting the dinamic duo* I'm too old for this rogue bullshit.
Robin: Than stop it.
Scarecrow: What?
Robin: Yeah, just retire somewhere and stop dressing as a scarecrow to kidnap and experiment on people.
Scarecrow: No????
Robin: Than you're not too old for this "rogue batshit", are you?
Scarecrow: Shut up. *fear gasses Robin*
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the-nettle-knight · 4 months
Saltburn makes me wanna throw up. Not because it's perverted (it's not really, it's just got a little cinnamon). No it's got so much symbolism and folklore in that it makes me wanna vibrate out of my skin and I'm not even a folkorist
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musicalchaos07 · 7 months
One of my biggest pet peeves with st is that as someone who grew up in a small town (like 8000 ppl I went to HS with 400 other kids) NANCY SHOULD'VE KNOWN WHO ROBIN WAS IN S3.
Like yea ok maybe they weren't friendly but to not know her at all??? Like they never had a single class together??? That makes zero sense.
Like I promise you I may not have been friends with all those other kids but we knew each other and we knew what everyone was up to.
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starkstruck27 · 10 months
Okay wait, but I've got another idea: a Gravity Falls AU. Recently I've been rewatching the show, and I think it has a lot of similarities to ST, so I've been thinking...
Robin and Steve are twins (fraternal, with Robin being two minutes older, and I'm thinking they're, like, 16 or 17 in this AU) and they're sent by their parents to stay with their crazy uncle Hopper over the summer. They live in Chicago, but Uncle Hopper lives in the sleepy little town of Hawkins, and is kind of a mystery. He owns a tourist trap called the Oddity Emporium, and even though he's kind of a stingy, crotchety older guy, he loves them, and the Emporium is where they live.
Robin and Steve move into the bedroom in the attic, and as soon as they get settled, they start to notice some oddities outside of the museum. First, Robin swears she sees a fairy flying around when they're exploring the woods, then Steve is convinced that one of the statues in the town square is in a different position when he comes out of the supermarket, but they have no proof. They try to chalk it up to their uncle's place just messing with their heads, but then, they're exploring the woods one day, and Steve trips and falls into a ditch.
Robin immediately climbs down to check on her brother, and he's fine, but he hit his head on something and they decide to check it out. It turns out to be a chest buried at the bottom of the ditch, and when they finally pry the ancient lock open, they find a book inside.
Steve isn't impressed at first. It's a weird book, what's so special about it? But Robin cracks it open and they start to read, both amazed by what they find. It's some kind of journal, apparently the third in a set, that has a mysterious unknown author, and it details all of the weird creatures and supernatural goings-on that make Hawkins so weird.
At first they don't want to tell anyone about it, not even Uncle Hopper. They don't know why the book was buried, but it seems like there was a reason, right? Maybe it's a government conspiracy or something. But they study it together, trying to figure out who in the crazy little town might have something to do with writing it.
They become friends with Eddie, another guy a little older than them who works at the Oddity Emporium as a handyman/cashier/whatever else is needed of him, and his friends, Gareth, Rich and Jeff. They're the cool kids in Hawkins, rowdy teenagers who just always seem to have the best hangout spots (including a secret ladder that leads to the roof of the Emporium) and the most fun of anyone else in the town. They also befriend some local kids who come with them on adventures, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Erica and Mike. They're all younger than Robin and Steve, but they're pretty cool, and they're more accustomed to the weirdness that plagues the town, so they're pretty awesome to have around.
There's also Mrs. Byers, who runs the diner in town, and her other son Jonathan, who is kind of friends with Eddie and his gang. Jonathan is also Will's older brother, so he and his girlfriend Nancy often tag along on adventures. And of course there's El, the psychic girl who is the centerpiece of the other tourist attraction in town, the Hut of Hypnotism. Her dad and Uncle Hopper have been in a war for best tourist attraction for years, but because El made real friends and doesn't like using her powers (which no one knows how she got) just for him to make money, Hopper often comes out on top. There's the local cops, Powell and Callahan, who are not great at their jobs, but perfect for comedic relief, and finally, the local kook, another hermit who lives in a shack in the woods named Old Man Murray.
Robin and Steve get to know the people of the town pretty quickly, and they find them all pretty amusing for the most part. Even Old Man Murray has his good points. But there's one person that they meet a few weeks into their stay that they simply cannot stand. Billy Hargrove, the rich asshole who's great great grandfather apparently founded the town.
Billy seems just as awful as his parents, who live in the mansion atop the hill with him and his sister, but they kind of have to put up with him, because his little sister is friends with the other kids they're friends with, and he's told to keep an eye on her. But he's still a jerk, snarky and always acting like he's better than everyone else because his family is rich, and he loves to be the center of attention. But as the summer continues and they battle more and more weird monsters, Steve and Robin start to think that he's not so bad.
Especially Steve. Sure, they had a rough start, but after fighting a horde of Goblins, uncovering an ancient tomb with a mummified Native American Chief inside, and working together to capture a vampire that's haunting the old wing of the Hargrove mansion, they've kind of bonded whether they like it or not.
It's about halfway through the summer when things start to get really weird. Firstly, Steve and Robin had to time travel over and over again to make sure the timeline stayed correct and so Steve would still get to keep the pet goat he'd won at the county fair. It was a whole thing. Then, they find out that El's dad, in order to try and get a leg up on Hopper and try and destroy his business, had the second of the three journals, and they had to fight not only the man himself to get it from him, but also some kind of dream demon that went by the name Henry Creel and seemed to enjoy toying with them. They didn't defeat the demon, but he told them that he'd leave them alone until they became important, so they tried to forget about him. And finally, they tell Uncle Hopper about the books, which he laughs off and says is fake, but that some of the things in it would make great attractions at the Emporium. Robin and Steve know the truth, though, and still use the journals to their advantage every time they need to.
Finally, the summer is two thirds done, and Steve and Robin have three major problems: One, they're still no closer to finding the author of the journals. Two, Henry is back, and he's hinting at something big coming soon. Three, Steve has developed a huge, embarrassing, inexplicable crush on Billy Hargrove.
When Robin first finds out about that third one, she groans and tries to remind Steve that all summer Billy was a jerk to him and that they have bigger problems to worry about. But Steve tries to tell her that Billy is changed, he's not really as big a jerk as everyone says and he knows it sounds crazy, but he's pretty sure Billy likes him back. Robin rolls her eyes at first and just tries to focus on their other mission, finding out who wrote the journals, but she can't do it by herself. Every time she tries, Henry appears in her dreams and throws her off course, and it's getting annoying and, quite frankly, terrifying. But eventually Steve returns to help her and they find out that the answer lies much closer to home than they'd realized.
They're walking around the Emporium one day when Robin drops something and it rolls under the porch. She and Steve crawl under to get it, but their combined weight causes a bit of the ground to collapse and they fall into a basement they didn't know was under the Emporium. They're confused, because it doesn't look like the kind of place that Uncle Hopper would have under his house, almost like a bunker of sorts. But the real surprise is when they find not only the journals that they showed Hopper and he never gave back, but the first one, too. He had it all that time.
They're obviously pissed, so they grab the books and find the way upstairs, using an elevator that leads them to a staircase that opens up into the (thankfully empty) gift shop of the Emporium behind the vending machine. They find their uncle and demand an explanation, and he finally tells them the truth.
His daughter was an incredibly intelligent girl. She was always looking for adventures and documenting her findings in the very books they were holding in their hands. This was all before they were born, so they never met their cousin Sara, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Hopper told them that she got in too deep with her mystery hunting, and she encountered Henry Creel long before they did. Only, she made a deal with him, a bad one, and she ended up dead.
Hopper says that the official story that ran in the newspapers was that she had brain cancer, and an aneurysm is what took the young girl away so suddenly. But Hopper knew the truth. Something in those books had killed his little girl, and he didn't know if it was still out there, but he hoped that if he could hide the books well enough, no one would be able to use them to go looking for it. He kept only one for himself, just wanting to hold onto some little piece of her, because it was her greatest passion, and it was all he had left.
After he tells the twins the story, they tell him that they've encountered the same demon, and that it wasn't even their fault, but that they've beat him before. Hopper is amazed, and asks how they did it, but they say they aren't exactly sure, they just knew they didn't give up until he surrendered.
Hopper is still amazed, but he tells them that if they ever encounter the demon again, they're not to engage with him, because he's smart, and he has no qualms about killing for his own gain. He also tells them that he doesn't want them going around looking for any other weird creatures or anything, because if they get caught in some kind of trouble, he doesn't know how to help them and he doesn't want them getting hurt. They say they won't, but they both know they're lying.
Especially when, two days later, Henry comes back, and he says that it's time. He visits them in a dream they end up sharing, and says he's got big plans coming, so he's gonna give them some advice. He tells Robin that she thinks too much, and she should learn to clear her head. Then he tells Steve to keep his friends close, his family closer, and his enemies closest. Then he disappears, and the twins wake up together, scared and confused. But they know that whatever Henry is planning, it's up to them to stop it.
It's a week before they're set to go back home that it happens. They're not sure how, but some sort of rift in the fabric of the universe allows Henry's hellscape of a dimension to leak into theirs, and even more horrifying creatures than the ones they've already seen that summer (and that's saying something, considering they've encountered shapeshifters and bears with multiple heads) start infesting Hawkins and walking around like they own the place. Robin and Steve are both terrified, but they know they have to help fix it, so they start trying to figure out how.
They know it's going to be different than the first time they fought him. That time, they were I the mindscape, where whatever they could imagine would happen, and they could conjure weapons and such. But this time, they're in reality, and they have to rely on their wits and whatever they can scrounge up around them to fight with. They don't know how, but they know they've got to do it.
Finally, they're almost ready to confront the dream demon and fight him with their friends, but before they can get close enough for even one swing at him, he stops them, and starts to monologue, as villains do. He says that it's cute that they thought there was strength in numbers, and he says that that's not how he plays the game. He reminds them of the advice he gave them, and says they're going to need it if they want to save their friends, who he has levitating off the ground by now, all of them frozen and looking terrified. He says that they're going to play a game, and their friends are taken away, flying off to somewhere else in the labyrinth of a palace Henry's built for himself. He tells them that he put one of their friends in each different room of the place, and that they're going to have to go through one room at a time to attempt to save them. Each room will get more and more difficult, and they'll each take a wing of the palace to go through, they can't do it together. They'll get three tries to answer each riddle, and if they can't, then their friend in that room will die an agonizing death. Robin and Steve are terrified, but they stand their ground, and say that they'll do it.
Henry is all too delighted, and tells them that if they manage to do it and get all their friends out alive, then he'll allow them a chance to try and beat him. He's clearly doubting their abilities, and entirely too amused for their liking, but they know it's their only choice, so they accept. And as such, the games begin.
They each get seven rooms. The riddles for Robin start easy, but the answers are so simple that she begins to overthink them, and it almost costs her her second room. But she remembers the advice Henry gave her, and she knows the stakes. She also knows that he never gave them a time limit, so until she's sure she's got the answer, she doesn't even chance it. She saves Mrs. Byers first, then Jonathan, Mike, El, and Erica. The second to last room is occupied by Eddie, and it's one of the simplest riddles, but Robin almost loses again because of the overthinking. She is down to her final try when she finally gets it and saves him, and is finally sent on to her last room, which contains her uncle Hopper. She is timed on that one, but even under the pressure, she's noticed a pattern to all the riddles, they all have something to do with fire, so she figures it out by process of elimination, and saves her uncle.
Meanwhile, Steve is faring a little differently. He doesn't just get riddles with simple answers like his sister, his riddles all have something to do with the person he's trying to save. Something that he would only know if he knew them well. He figures out that this is what Henry meant by "keep your friends close", and once he figures that out, it's pretty much a cakewalk. He saves Nancy, then Murray, then Lucas, Will, Max and Dustin. Finally, he gets to the last room, and he finds Billy inside. This is the hardest room for him, and even though he's not timed, he only gets one chance to get this one right. He thinks about all the other riddles, all of them having to do with either some fear the person had or some kind of thing that could be used against them somehow. And this riddle is one that hardly makes any sense, where the others were mostly pretty simple. Steve tries to break it down bit by bit, like his math teacher taught him to do when they were doing a tough problem, and he finally figures it out. It's asking for the one thing that would make Billy surrender anything for. Steve gives his answer, and it's correct.
After that, Billy drops back to the floor, and the two of them, as well as Robin, Hopper, and everybody else, are teleported back in front of Henry, who is only slightly ticked off that Robin and Steve have figured it all out. But, he plays fair, and tells them that they can take their shot at him. Robin and Steve can't do any kind of sibling communication between their minds, but they did make up a secret language when they were kids, so throughout the battle, they're able to communicate without Henry understanding what they're saying or planning. They talk about the riddles, how all of Robin's had something to do with fire and how Steve's all had something to do with how to gain the upper hand on each of the people he'd saved. It only takes them a second to figure out that Henry was testing them that whole time, because it wasn't just about them being able to save their friends.
It was about seeing if they were smart enough to figure out what his weakness was.
Ultimately, Henry's cockiness led to his own downfall, because as soon as they figured out that fire was his weakness, they found a way to light the sucker up. It hadn't been easy, and they didn't escape unscathed, but once Henry went down, so did all of his minions.
They didn't remember much after that, both of them being too tired and too worried about their friends and the rest of the townsfolk to worry about what happened then, but from what they can guess, Henry died and all of his demons were sucked back into the portal they came out of, and the town was restored to its former glory. There were still weird creatures all around, and it took them a while to repair some of the damage done to buildings and such, but for the most part, Hawkins just went back to being Hawkins.
Soon enough, it was their last day in town, and as they packed up their things and tried to prepare themselves to say goodbye to their friends, they got to talking about Henry and his game again. Robin tells him about how she almost messed up and lost twice, and he comforts her and tells her that she didn't, so it didn't matter, and even if she had messed up, it wouldn't have been on her, it would've been on Henry. She says she knows, but it's still hard, and then she asks him what his hardest riddle was. Steve tells her about the final riddle, how he only got one shot to get it right, and how twisted up the words were so that he almost wasn't able to figure it out. Eventually though, he found out that it was asking for Billy's one weakness, and at this point, Robin interrupts with a scoff and asks how he managed to figure that out.
And now, Steve finally comes clean with her, telling her that after the whole vampire fiasco earlier in the summer, he and Billy started seeing each other. He says that all summer, he'd been wanting to find a nice girl or guy to have a summer romance with, and he finally found it in Billy, and it was around then that he started to get more involved with her and the journal stuff before the shit hit the fan, because he finally had something. He says that he told Billy about Henry once and how he always tries to figure out your weakness to exploit it (in their case, it was the people they cared about) and he says that Billy told him his only weakness would be him and Max. He'd laughed it off as a joke at the time, but he couldn't have been more relieved about it when it finally came down to that stupid riddle. And he's glad he's telling Robin now, because it felt weird to lie to her all that time and now he doesn't have to any more. And Robin is happy for him, really. After all his failed summer romances that she had to bear witness to, she's glad he found someone that made him happy. Even if it was Billy Hargrove.
Finally, their conversation ends, and they have to start getting ready to say goodbye to everybody. They head out to the bus stop that's gonna take them home and everyone is there waiting for them. The kids are all hugging them over and over and practically sobbing as they make them promise to write, the young adults are all hugging them and telling them they had so much fun over the summer and they better come back next year, and the adults are loading them down with snacks for the trip and making sure they've got everything packed. Uncle Hopper even makes sure that Steve's pet goat that he won at the fair is cleared to go home with them (their parents don't know yet and he may have had to threaten the bus driver, but it's for his nephew, so who cares).
And then finally it comes time for them to board the bus. Robin is crying and refusing to let go of Uncle Hopper, the two of them forming a bond over the summer that she says better not be broken by the time they come back next summer. And Steve is emotional, too, over Hopper and everybody else there. But the person that makes him cry the most is Billy. He makes him promise to call all the time, and invites him to come stay with them in Chicago sometime and says that he'll be back to visit as soon as he can manage. Billy promises that all that will happen, and then, just before Steve has to board the bus, he hands him a little present wrapped up in tissue paper. Steve is about to open it, but Billy stops him, and says with a blush pinker than the bubblegum Robin is chewing that he should wait to open it until the next time he misses Hawkins.
That time comes on the bus ride home, after Robin falls asleep next to him and everybody in Hawkins is miles away. It's a scrapbook that Billy must've put together himself, with an entire page dedicated to everybody important and all kinds of pictures from throughout the summer, even before they got together. He got everybody to sign it, and the very last page is just a letter telling him he'll miss him and he's already looking forward to next summer.
Steve can't help the dopey smile on his face as he gets off the bus and immediately runs to a payphone to tell Billy how much he loves it and how many plans he's already making for next year.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
I have a very important question about the Possessed Doll Au Does Alfred also have a doll or do the Justice League see this old man who looks human scolding the most terrifying member of their group- and it's somehow working
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hauntingblue · 21 hours
Why do they say dragon is luffy's father but doesn't look much like him... I mean it is true but why point it out... in that way he doesn't look like garp either
#i thot we were gonna get baby luffy but no.... old man luffy.....#also the opening is so intense 'dreams save all of us' and the arc starts with luffys dream i might throw up#zoro and brook staying behind to protect them from the government.... yeah.... VEGAPUNK AND DRAGON??? ACTUALLY FLABBERGASTED#maybe vegapunk is part of the rev army but then he modified kuma on the behalf of the gov??? thats so cruel.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1094#the fucking opening..... dream save all of us like okay damn it goes hard#incredible how they just take the hit from the laser.... minor injuries that's all... seraphim jinbe has mr pink's power???#how come sanji hasnt immediately jumped on the seraphim like god. and nami not being able to hurt children yeaaahhhh ROBIN GO OFF!!!#zoro conveniently being the only one who doesnt see the seraphim..... come on....#york what an icon i wish thay were my job too. eat shit sleep amazing#900 YEARS AGO???? EMPTY CENTURY TIME!!!!!!!! LETSGOOOOO D LORE D LORE D LORE#episode 1095#and that is IT for today. yesterday i watched like 5 today we are measured.#<- this is when you find out i stack episodes on my posts even if i dont watch them one after the other...#i am sensitive rn and the preview has ohara and robin crying i am not making it out of this one folks#YEAH YEHA THE KINGDOM (OF THE D I AM SURE) VS THE WORLD GOV usopp hitting his head against the floor akdjka#clover and noland have to be related the flora on head has to be genetic or smth#also now they showed lulusiq being obliterated we can assume imu was responsible for destroying this advanced kingdom right#THE BOOKS FROM OHARA MADE IT????!!!!! DRAGON IN OHARA??? THEY HAVE THEM??? BUT THEIR BASE BURNED????#luffy calling the robot robo ace. should i end it all rn be honest. and the robot turned on. nvm someone was in there#vegapunk meeting with luffy knowing dragon oof also ohara was in the west blue???? wow#episode 1096#that giant was the one in dressrosa??? hierjudin??? omg dragon without his tattoo... 33?? damn he is 55 now...#OMG JAGUAR D SAUL GIANT FROM ELBAF????? VEGAPUNK DIDNT JOIN THE REVILUTIONARIES??? SELL OUT!!!#dragon pacifist???? god this lore. sanji didnt know about ivasan??? the books are in elbaf... with saul.... omg.....robin ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#jinbes face reacting to vegapunks fruit ajdjsjs did vegapunk cut off his head? is he stupid?? -luffy#vegapunk wants to make wikipedia.... omg lucci already too... the robot attacked marie geoise ✍️✍️✍️#episode 1097
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mikuhats · 1 month
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godddd robin (all of them) are so cute to meee theyre like little gummy bears little lego mini figures Just such cutiepies
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Good morning. Listen to Batman: the audio adventures. Thank you
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martyrbat · 1 year
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detective comics #370
(ID in alt!)
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fragmentedblade · 5 months
I haven't looked forwards to a character as much as I've looked forwards to Sunday. I hope he won't disappoint
#He seems potentially so my type and I love the angelic aesthetic#He seems so shady and I love that. Robin does too and I adore that too but I'm afraid of expecting too much haha#Hanabi and Black Swan are interesting in a lore kind of way but I don't like their design at all tbh#Kinda getting tired of the female characters having all the very same look. They are not even from the Xianzhou so there's no excuse#Hanabi is like a mix of Guinaifen and Tingyun come on. And I find the design of Black Swan so boring with the potential her lore had#Skirk kind of situation#Ruan Mei and Dr. Ratio have managed to interest me a lot for what I've seen in leaks#but I hadn't been waiting for them to appear as I've been looking forwards to Sunday#Other than Sunday the character I'm most looking forward to is Firefly. I don't know#I've been digging the dynamic with Blade ever since I first saw leaks about Sam‚even when I thought them seeking death and life respectively#was due to each their different ways of not being fully human with Blade being immortal due to a mistake and Sam being a robot#But now he's an immortal old man seeking death and she's a little dying girl with time against her looking for life‚#both in a way the consequence of an experiment‚ and I find that potential interesting too#Besides I find so endearing and so funny that terrifying imposing Stellaron Hunter Blade is in a group with two young girls#that bully him a bit‚ make fun of him and take his phone. Extremely into how Silver Wolf is protective of him too#In general his dynamic with the Stellaron Hunters is very nice and sweet and intriguing for what I've seen#Abfkabfn I always end up talking about Blade. What I meant is that! I'm really looking forwards to Sunday#He seems extremely Jack-coded in some ways. A bit like Jing Yuan but in some senses More and I love that sort of character#I talk too much
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lime1991 · 5 months
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Baby Woody :3
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