solmesia · 11 months
I appeal to no one but myself with the obsession I have with Halsin biting Astarion’s neck.
Just sitting in my niche corner chewing violently on drywall while I think about Halsin marking up Astarion’s throat, kissing over that old bite scar—-
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hunnylagoon · 9 months
Right Where You Left Me
Pt 2: Jailbird
Ellie Williams x reader
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I want to write a poem about you but I’m afraid it won’t be enough. I almost feel ashamed that I want you to fit into a word because we both know that you are beyond anything that can be put on paper.
Premise: You and Ellie were childhood friends before you drifted apart. Funny thing about soulmates is that they tend to find there way back to each other. While you both visit home for winter break, events unfold and it is no longer possible to avoid each other.
Warnings: Angst / homophobia / brief violence / reader has religious issues
Part one here!
Part three here!
Part four here!
I may have been wrong to say that I could never hate Ellie. Fuck she was vicious, in the most passive-aggressive way too. She's so sly about it that I can't even get mad without seeming irrational.
Winter break finally rolled around and I had yet to make any progress with Ellie it was whatever the opposite of progress is. If she wanted to hate me, that was fine, I could do the same, I could be petty. It's now December and all of this bullshit started in September, she could hardly be courteous.
Fuck her.
I had survived mid-terms and finals but the way Ellie was acting had me skipping happily towards the edge. She will wash a whole sink of dishes and leave just my fork, or Venmo request me if I ate one of her grapes. Everything had gotten worse when Dina, Abby, and Cat all left to visit their families for winter break leaving just Ellie and I, without the girls there to hold us to the house rules we were at each other's throats.
She was foaming at the fucking mouth to tear me apart. There was no level-headed Abby or fun-loving Dina, not even Cat who was just mellow. Just me and Ellie verbally abusing each other. "Fuck off, with your wild animal teeth," I spat, slamming the dish cupboard closed with a loud thud.
"Wild animal teeth?" She repeats "Wow, you're getting creative, I'll give you that," Ellie's gaze held a certain bitterness "Heard you were on your knees again last night and I don't mean praying."
My eye almost twitches at her words and it takes everything in me not to throw a ceramic bowl at her. I hated her, I hated her freckled face, and eyes as sharp as knives, just hearing her raspy voice, and seeing her sardonic smile made me want to keel over and let the earth wrap me in her flourishing greenery. I often wanted that to happen. I was trying to refrain from going home as I didn't want to spend the entire break with my family but I was starting to think nothing was better than this, I was set to leave the following day (Christmas Eve) anyway but I was seconds away from grabbing my bag and jumping into my car. "Can you just learn to be fucking civil?"
"Why would-
"Because we were sixteen years old when that stupid shit happened!" I spat "You're holding a grudge from when we were sixteen," I reiterated, searching her features for some sign that I'd gotten through to her.
"It's not like you've changed since any of that happened." She stands, unnervingly calm on the other side of the kitchen island. "You were always awful since we were young, always crying, always emotional, always explosive, my dad said you're like a birch tree, one spark and you burst into flames."
"Fuck off."
"You always had to have the attention," Her eyebrows furrow "Nothing was your fault, blame being fucking erratic and insane on your parents."
"You don't know my parents half as well as you think you do."
"What don't I know about them? They've been in my life as long as you have."
"Ellie, stop," I say, suddenly I'm taken away from the mood to fight, I just want to scream into my pillow.
"What?" She asks "You're going to say some shit like 'they aren't loving'  or 'you wouldn't get it' Please, enlighten me, what wouldn't I get?" She moves closer just an inch or so "Wow, your life sounds so hard, you have two parents who love each other and a huge fucking house, oh shit," Sarcasm drips from her tone "Maybe it's that trust fund that's taking a toll on you."
"Please, stop."
"You could commit every crime known to man and you would still be their pride and joy, there is nothing you could say or do that would make them hate you-
"Here we go with your 'life is so fucking hard and I'm edgy and indie and I have a sad backstory that I'll bring up every second sentence even though I was seven when it happened' " I mock her.
She bites the inside of her cheek and I can tell that I've struck a nerve "You know when my lease-
"Don't even worry about it," I move out from the kitchen and begin towards my room, Ellie's eyes are trailing me "The minute my lease is up, I'm packing my shit and moving into student housing so I won't have to look at your fucking face while I'm eating!" I slam my bedroom door behind me.
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I left that night, I couldn't bear the sound of her guitar strums, so repetitive it made me want to slam my head through the drywall.
You better believe that I cried my entire way home while blasting Julien Baker. My mother was pleasantly surprised to see me at her doorstep a day early, I knew Ellie would be coming down sometime tomorrow to spend the Holidays with her family, I didn't know when, I just knew that I didn't want to see her.
I never even told my parents that Ellie was my roommate and they hadn't heard it from Joel as they drifted when Ellie and I were fifteen.
My bedroom was exactly how I left, I cuddled into my twin bed that night sinking into the absolute silence of the the snowfall, with my dog Dusty curled at my side. I always loved the snow, the way it acted as soundproofing for the earth, when I was little I would just sit in the backyard so I could hear the birds sing in their purest and truest form.
Christmas Eve was dull to begin with, to say the least; my mom made Christmas tree-shaped waffles as she did every year, I was then dragged to an excruciatingly long church sermon. When we returned home I was sent to shovel the driveway, turns out visiting home from college doesn't excuse you from chores. I knew Ellie had arrived when I saw her grey sedan in Joel's driveway as well as Tommy's Range Rover. Bundled up in mittens and a hand-knitted scarf that Naomi gave to me I felt really tough giving the middle finger to Ellie wherever she was in Joel's house.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Elijah was cackling in the doorway. Dusty I happily bounding through the snow, paying to mind to my brother.
I immediately dropped my arm, trying to play nonchalantly "Uh, shoveling the driveway?"
His laughter only grew "You look so stupid," He huffed between cackles "You're standing in a foot of snow in the driveway giving Mr. Miller's house the middle finger in your cute little mitts."
"Say that louder, no one could hear you," I say, sarcastically.
"Hear ye, hear ye-
My eyes go wide and I drop the shovel to form a snowball and deck it at my brother "Shut up!"
"Ow!" He flinches, and his track and field hoodie from high school is now covered in powdered sleet. "Whatever," He yanks his hoodie off to shake the snow off of it "Just finish the driveway so we can watch a movie or something, I haven't seen you in months, Naomi and Aaron haven't shut up about you all holiday break."
I give him a mitted thumbs up before I try to speed run the shovelling, albeit slipping on black ice more than a few times. When I came back inside, I needed to change, my parka was dripping with snow that had melted into water.
I bundle up into sweatpants and an old soccer t-shirt. Being in my old room digs up memories pinned on my wall with bright thumbtacks year after year of photos of my soccer team, in every single one Ellie and I have our arms slung over each other. We're smiling wide and not focusing on the camera but on one another. I tear the picture away from the thumbtacks and throw them into a random shoe box that sits at the bottom of my closet. After that, I take down every artifact I have of Ellie, the drawings she made me, drafts of songs we wrote together, and t-shirts she left in my drawers, I throw it all into a Rubbermaid storage bin.
Though I leave the little wood carvings that Joel made for me alone.
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My family's famous Christmas Eve dinner rolled around and I couldn't believe how excited I was, I'm not the best cook and despite me and my mother going through spats every other day, she was one hell of a good chef and I had spent months craving her honey roasted carrots and creamy mashed potatoes.
Please don't judge me when I say this, but we are the family that dresses up for dinners at home. Nothing black tie, just something a little dapper, one time I wore jeans to our family dinner and I was grounded for a week.
I finished zipping up my white sundress and I let my little sister tie a matching bow into my hair, when she saw what I was wearing she changed into her white dress which was ankle length while mine fell right above my knees.
"Oh, my sweet girls are matching again," My mom fawns over us "Let me get a picture of this cute little moment," I smile for the picture, and Naomi does the same, hooking an arm around my midriff. "Adorable," Mom looks at the picture before tucking her phone into her pocket "Now girls, please set the table."
Even though I hadn't been at home for months, setting the table was like muscle memory to me, Naomi put the placemats down, and then I did the dinner plate and salad plate, Naomi would place the napkins and cutlery then I would set glasses and pour everyone water from the pitcher. By the time we finished setting the table everyone aside from my mother and Elijah were at the table, early awaiting what was sure to be a filling dinner.
Slowly but surely my mom brought the dishes with Elijah, placing them all through the center of the dining table. After everything was placed my father, who sits at the head of the table cleared his throat, that was his signal for everyone to join hands. "Dear God, We gather today with grateful hearts to thank you for this food before us. We appreciate the effort and resources that have provided us with this nourishment. May this meal sustain our bodies and remind us of the many blessings in our lives. We are thankful for the love of family and friends who surround us and for the abundance we enjoy. Bless this food, our time together, and those who prepared it. May it strengthen us physically and spiritually. This is your body, this is your love. We thank you for feeding us with your gracious hands. In Jesus' name, we give thanks and pray. Amen."
"Amen," My family repeats before we all ravishingly fill our plates with chicken, maple-roasted mushrooms, buttered green beans, bread rolls, and mashed potatoes. I was eating so fast, I was shocked that I didn't spill anything on myself.
"So, have you met any cute boys at college?" My mother asks me, she is the only one eating politely "I'm sure you could get a real smart guy with those looks of yours."
My father nods "Just make sure he's Christian."
"Or catholic," My mother adds.
I laugh awkwardly in response, I take a sip of my water, the condensation making it slippery in my hands. Elijah gives me an odd look that goes unnoticed by my parents.
"I think we should drop off some bread or cookies or something to the Miller's, just something to say hi while Tommy and Maria are still there." My mom tells us, she isn't speaking to anyone in particular.
"Is Ellie there right now?" Aaron asks.
Elijah shrugs "Probably, her car is in the driveway."
Now Naomi is looking at me "We should invite her over for New Year's or something if she's staying for the rest of break."
My dad shakes his head "I don't know if that's a good idea," All eyes fall on him "It's just- I think she's a bit of a bad influence." He takes a swig of his wine and attempts to suppress a burp but fails. I press my lips into a thin line and look down at my plate to hold in my laughter, Elijah does the same beside me.
"I don't remember Ellie being a bad influence," Aaaron furrows his eyebrows, racking his brain to think of a time that she had done their family wrong.
"It's just that there were rumours of her having-" My father searches for the words "Unnatural tendencies I suppose, and I tried to talk to Joel about it but he got defensive and said that she didn't need fixing, that's how I lost my best fishing buddy."
My mom looks at the discomfort on all of her children's faces "I mean, we all need a bit of fixing."
Dad is quick to catch on "Oh, yeah, of course, I mean it's not just Ellie," He fumbles over his words "And it's not her fault that she's that way, I think It's because she lost her mother when she was young so she got confused about the parental roles, Joel never remarried and he didn't date around much so Ellie didn't have a proper mother figure, it's not her fault she's a dyke and there's still time to fix it if she wants to choose the right path."
Stillness falls over the table, I had never heard silence quite this loud. Even my mother is at a loss for words. All of my siblings are darting our eyes at one another, we don't utter a single word but we understand each other clearly 'Dad actually said it'.
He noticed this and tried to backtrack on his words "I'm not a bad guy, I mean we've all read the bible cover to cover, we know it's a sin. I'll wrap this up, you all know that we love you no matter what and all I'm saying is I'm glad we could distance ourselves away from it."
"Hey Dad, did you watch the Canucks game last week?" Elijah swoops in to change the topic. It's too late, a wave of sickness has already overtaken me.
While my family discusses nothing in particular, trying to ignore what Dad said, I am sick to my stomach, I push my plate away and prop my elbow the the table for my hand to support my head. I am nearly shaking. My dull eyes peer across the table and meet my father's drowsy gaze.
"Honey, are you feeling alright?" My mom pauses whatever conversation she is enwrapped in.
I don't respond, I don't know how.
My family's eyes find a resting place on my figure. Mom pushes herself away from her chair and walks over to me, she places one hand between my shoulder blades, the other takes my cold hand and she slowly rubs a circle on my back to comfort me. "Sweetness, whatever is repressed inside, say it, let it out, we're all family."
Naomi nods in agreement, her wide eyes full of concern. "I don't know how to say it," I tell them.
"Air it out," My dad says, finishing off his glass of wine and pouring himself another "Today is the perfect day, tomorrow is the birth of Jesus, a fresh start."
My heart is racing faster than it ever has before, faster than when I broke my wrist in Ellie's backyard or when I had been on a rollercoaster for the first time. "I like girls," I say, my voice is quiet, and my three words take my family with silence. My mother freezes and takes a step back, her comforting hands leaving me.
"You're joking," My dad scoffs "Tell me this is a joke and you're normal."
"I can't," My voice cracks and I can already tell that the tears are oncoming. I think briefly back to Ellie's words 'There is nothing you could say or do that would make them hate you' if only she could see what was about to happen.
"All of those sleepovers with Ellie?" He is disgusted, his face contorting with horror "Were you dating her?"
"How can I believe anything you say, you lied to us for nineteen years when you knew you were sick."
"Dad, I'm not sick-
"How many sinful acts have you done under this roof?"
"None, I swear," I shake my head, it took less than a minute for me to be filled with regret at my words. I shouldn't have even come home for the holidays, actually, I never should've found Dina's listing and jumped at the deal.
"Get out," Any light tone in my dad's voice is gone, replaced by pure resentment.
"You heard me, get out."
"Dad, it's Christmas Eve-
"Get out!" His voice rumbles through the dining room like thunder "I thought we fixed this phase when we sent you to boarding school."
"Please, dad-
"Get up and get out or I'm going to make you,"
"Fine- make me," Tears prick in my eyes but I cross my arms trying to muster up that false coolness Ellie is so good at feigning.
My dad slams his glass down so hard that it shakes the table, and the partially empty wine bottle my parents had been nursing all night is knocked over by the abruption, tipping over the deep red liquor to travel down the tablecloth and drip onto what was once my pure white dress. "Get up!" He grabs a fistful of my hair and I scream from the shock of pain. He yanks me off my chair and my face slams against the hardwood when his arm slumps, impact heavy from the sudden drop, it doesn't take long for my nose to start bleeding. He drags me to the door pushing it open; my siblings don't do anything they're petrified in horror and my mother begins to cry, covering her eyes from the scene before her.
My dad doesn't stop at the door, I thrash on the ground and he pulls me over both of my hands trying to pry his away from the roots of my hair, he drags me into the snow, finally releasing me. I shake as my hand gently finds the way to my burning scalp where I fully believe he has pulled out clumps of my hair with his harsh and unforgiving grasp.
From the doorway the rest of my family watches, Naomi has a hand covering her mouth her doe eyes brimming with tears of her own. My father disappeared into the house, it didn't take long to see what he was doing he slammed the window to make the bedroom open and began to throw all of my belongings out of the window. My pictures, my old soccer uniform, armfuls of clothes from my old beaten dresser, candles, books, paints, and shredded posters were torn straight off my wall.
"Dad, stop, I'm sorry, I'll get better!" I am on my knees, hands clasped together pleading with him. My skin is burning from the contact with the snow, I know that it must be a horrific sight to behold. White sundress, stained with wine, tangled hair, red-tinged skin, puffy eyes and incoherent sobs.
The snow makes everything so quiet the only sound travelling through the night are my sobs. I can no longer see my father in my bedroom, he is coming back down and somehow that is worse, he pushes past my family and throws the presents I was supposed to receive on Christmas morning beside me, I flinch at the movement.
"I'm sorry!" I plead like I'm bargaining with the Grimm Reaper for my life "Give me a job and I'll do it, just tell me what to do to get better!" The screaming carries through the night, alerting the neighbours in what was supposed to be a calm and quiet neighbourhood. Across the street, Joel turns on his porch light, squinting his eyes at the scene on the opposing lawn and trying to make sense of it. "I want to get better!" I shake with every sob. I could hear my dogs barking from the loud noises.
My dad shakes his head "You're too far gone, I didn't raise a fucking dyke," He is almost crying himself, he doesn't mourn for the daughter that he has but the daughter that could've been. The daughter who donned white every Sunday for church and settled down with a nice family man, a daughter who was holy but in this moment I am the purest form of holiness, born again from the violence of my father.
"Dad, I was created in God's image, why would he create his child to be this way if it was so wrong?"
"You're a fucking mistake is what you are," He seethes "Get off my property or I'm calling the cops."
"You still have my bags!" I scream and I watch him retreat to get them "Are you going to do anything at all?" I search my family for any sign of life but they all avert their eyes from mine. My father comes back out, and he throws my purse and suitcase on the lawn, this time both of them hit me, talking about kicking someone when they're down.
My dad begins to usher the family inside "I never want to see you again, get your ass up and start working, I'm not paying for you to fuck around with women instead of getting an education."
"That's it?" I cry "You won't come to my wedding or meet my kids? What about my funeral?"
"Not as long as you're with a woman." With that, he slams the door behind him and locks it. I let out another guttural sob, I've already cried so much that it's beginning to hurt within my stomach. I take a deep and shaky breath in, wiping the tears away from my eyes with my freezing hands, I'm sure to catch hypothermia if I don't warm up. I look up to see my neighbours all around either watching from their window or in the Miller family's case, the front porch. I'm sure that someone has already called the police.
"Let me in, I'm sorry!" I scramble off the ground and begin to bang on the door. Shaking the handle "Let me in!" This goes on for longer than I would've liked, I hammer on the door and scream as loud as I can but they all ignore me. Eventually, I stand by the window and slam my hands on it "Let me in or give me my fucking dog, you can't take care of him!"
I knew I was fucked when I heard sirens. It only made sense for the neighbours to call the cops at this disturbance.
I'm going to do you all a favour and tell you some useful information; when the police arrive and you don't wanna seem guilty, don't try to drive away from the scene because you might just end up getting handcuffed and shoved into the back of a police car for your childhood bestfriends family to watch from their front row seats.
"Prison life isn't for me," I wallow as I press myself against the bars of the holding cell. There are two other women in the cell with me and they both snigger. One of their names is Lucia, and she has bronze skin and brown hair so dark that it almost looks black with gold hoop earrings the size of my head, I don't know the other woman's name but she looks significantly older and has stringy blonde hair, the wrinkles of her face drooping.
"Honey, this isn't prison, you'll live another hour," Lucia sits on the uncomfortable bench, her arms crossed, she's kind of hot to be blunt.
"You reek of liquor though," Blondie cackles and I catch a glimpse of her rotting yellow teeth, what's the opposite of pearly whites? Golden nuggets? Something like that.
"Because I got wine spilled on me," I retort. I had been crying before they even placed me in the cell, wailing so loud that I was annoying the officers. I was so upset and starved for affection that I hugged the officer who detained me, babbling incoherently about how my life was ruined, I don’t even blame them for arresting me, I looked like a crackhead trying to break into a nice suburban home. “I'm not drunk."
"Could've fooled me," Lucia smirks, she's wearing a black tank top and skinny jeans. I wasn't a fan of skinny jeans but she was converting me.
I fell asleep hugging myself on one of the uncomfortable metal benches with chipped blue paint, when I woke up, it was Christmas, even though it didn't feel like it. I saw the snowfall outside of the windows on the other side of the cells. Lucia had told me just before she was released that they had the right to hold you longer over holidays, I wanted to weep all over again.
Blondie got removed from the cell too and I was all alone. The only thing that kept me sane was pretending I was Katniss or Lucy Gray, if they had survived the Hunger Games, I could survive this. I genuinely thought my life was over and I was getting sent to prison for hammering on my dad's door and screaming.
With each hour that ticked by, my profound sense of loneliness only grew. The sounds of distant laughter flitted through the hall and I am reminded of the world that lies beyond the metal bars. I wonder what my family is doing at this moment, every voice that I hear acts as a reminder of the love I had jeopardized. I lost Ellie, I lost Conner, and now I had lost my family.
I think about praying to god for a moment though I discard the thought. If he was real why did he let that happen to me? Maybe forgiveness and redemption were not necessary.
"Crybaby, call someone to pick you up," Officer Reid who initially arrested me and interrogated me began to unlock the cell, "Charges are dismissed." He had been calling me Crybaby since I was stuffed in the back of the police car and wailing uncontrollably.
"Like for real?"
He was in fact, for real. I was brought to a landline phone and my hands acted faster than my head, dialling the number of someone I would trust with my life, I just prayed that the number hadn't changed.
After making my call I was told to go to a weird booth thing to collect my effects, where an old and very judgmental woman dumped my few belongings out of an envelope. I wish I knew the technical names for this stuff but it's not like I've been arrested before this one off occasion. She looked at each of the items, stating what it was while she took inventory of it. "Smartphone, lipgloss, a single gold earring, and a cross necklace," She marks something down and then turns the paper around and holds out a blue pen for me to take "Sign here."
My phone had died already, I was missing an earring, and the cross had failed me, all I had left to rely on was my cover girl lipgloss. I sat in that stark grey room for what seemed like hours, everyone seemed miserable as I am, at least I wasn't the only person having a not-so-merry Christmas.
Holy shit, I was still disgusting. I was sticky and freezing, still in the wine-ruined white dress, there was still dried blood on my face despite my pestering Lucia to help me get it off. My hair is tangled, the bow that my sister had tied in lost somewhere in the snow. I haven't looked in a mirror but I know I look rough from the side glances that everyone is casting me. I can't imagine the dark bags beneath my red, puffy eyes to be any sort of appealing.
The sterile waiting room is beginning to get on my nerves, I flinch at every movement and hold onto hope that every person walking through the door is the person I'm waiting on. I try my best to avert my eyes from the clock so time doesn't drag on any longer than it already is.
By the time Joel gets here, the sun is beginning to set, his eyes frantically search the room until they land on me, I'm already standing up and walking toward him. "Kiddo, are you okay?"
My lip quivers and it feels like every awful thing I've ever felt is going to seep through my teeth. My head falls onto his chest but this time I don't cry, I think I've run out of tears "I have nothing ahead of me."
Joel doesn't ask questions, he just hugs me in return, resting his chin on the top of my head, there is the comfort I had been so desperately searching for.
He signs release papers and he guides me to his red Ford Explorer. When I called him I asked him to bring me shoes as I was barefoot when I was detained, being the number one dad that he was, he brought a reusable grocery store tote bag, containing a hoodie, sneakers, fuzzy socks, sweatpants and a bag of my favourite chips. I slip the sweats on underneath my dress while the hoodie goes overtop, I awkwardly unzip it and shimmy it off, stuffing it into the tote bag.
The drive back to his house begins and he turns on the radio, trying to make lighthearted chatter "Thanks for coming to get me," I say, my voice is quiet and I pull my knees to my chest like as I tend to do when I get nervous "You can just drop me off at my car and I'll be out of your way."
"Sorry, kiddo," He says, eyes focused on the road "You're staying with me tonight, I don't want you driving these roads in the dark and it'll be good for you to have a hot shower and a warm meal, get some sleep somewhere that's not a holding cell."
"It's just that-
"If you still want to leave in the morning that's up to you but you shouldn't end your Christmas alone," Each word seems so genuine "And you know I would gladly have you stay with me three hundred and sixty-five days a year."
I look at him, a soft melancholic smile on my face, "Thank you," I say.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
A sigh falls from my lips "What happened to all of my stuff that was left on the lawn?"
"Tommy and Ellie brought it all inside."
Ellie brought it back inside? Did she actually give a shit or was this something her dad ordered her to do? "Did my dad say anything to you?"
Joel shakes his head "Maria went barging on his door, those two were in a screaming match for a good two minutes before he locked the door on her. Hasn't been outside since, everyone in the neighbourhood has been coming by to ask what happened."
"Even Sharron?" I ask Joel, wrinkling my nose in distaste.
"Even Sharron," He solidifies. Sharron was the grouchy crone of the street, shutting down every party, cussing out teenagers from her porch, and yelling at barking dogs "She said she was worried about you." The windshield wipers painted rhythmic patterns across the glass, clearing a path through the soft snow that continued to fall.
"She's not worried about me, she's worried I'm on drugs and I'll break into her musty home to steal all of her hummels."
Joel huffs a laugh "I can't believe that I used to let her babysit you and Ellie."
"Me neither, you should be paying for my therapy." I tease.
He chuckles at my words, "So you're majoring in wildlife biology?"
"You remembered what I wanted to major in?"
"Of course I did."
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"Hey, Mookie!" Tommy wraps his arms around me the moment I set foot in the door. He's called me Mookie since I was a little girl, it started when I couldn't pronounce monkey and thus Mookie was born. "Let me get a good look at you," He pushes me back just the slightest hands clasped on my shoulders "Look at that bruise you've got on your cheek, looking awful tough, like those greasers you used to read about."
"Look at that, Mookie grew up," Maria greets me with a warm smile, pushing Tommy away to hug me "Good to see you made it through prison alive," She jests.
Joel's house is exactly how it was when I left.
The air carried the familiar scent of firewood and lavender incense. In the living room, an inviting fireplace stood as the heart of the home. Its gentle crackle and the dancing flames provided a soothing backdrop to the overstuffed couches adorned with cozy blankets and throw pillows, worn from years of shared family movie nights. A well-loved rug covered the wooden floor, its pattern a mosaic of memories and spills easily forgiven and of course, a coffee table hand-crafted by Joel and intricately carved.
The shelves lining the walls were a treasure trove of family history. Photographs in mismatched frames captured smiling faces frozen in time, chronicling the evolution of Ellie through the years. A collection of well-read books, their spines creased and pages worn, stood proudly, offering a glimpse into the literary adventures that had unfolded within those walls.
The kitchen, the heart of many childhood homes, held the lingering aroma of Christmas dinner. The countertops, scarred from countless meals prepared and shared, were a testament to the love that had gone into creating family dinners. A worn wooden table in the center of the room bore witness to the countless conversations, celebrations, and moments of solace shared over shared meals.
"You know what, when I was around your age, I spent my fair share of time in the cooler, good to see you're taking after me," Tommy winks and gives me a hard pat on the back. Neither of them acknowledges the reason behind last night's events and somehow it feels worse than talking about it.
"We've just finished up making dinner, I'm sure you're hungry," Maria smiles softly, taking my hand into her calloused one.
"Yeah, I'm starving," I smile in return and trail behind the blonde woman to the dining table.
All of the plates are laid out with portions of food on each one, Ellie is sitting alone, spooning mashed potato into her mouth while she texts someone, she glances up at me and offers nothing more than a tight-lipped smile and awkward wave before going back to her phone. Tommy comes by with a tray of garlic butter rolls and uses tongs to add more onto my plate "Don't think I've forgotten how much you love these."
I grin up at him, I'm sitting in the same chair I sat in all those years ago when I Ellie and I would settle down after spending all day in the sun, Joel would ask us what we wanted for dinner and almost every time we would shout hotdogs.
"Good to have you back," Joel nods to me "House always felt a little empty without you."
I always felt a little empty without this house "Good to be back," I smear some mashed potato onto Tommy's famous garlic butter bread rolls.
I feel almost sick with nostalgia as I look around the dining room, Joel still had Ellie's crafts from elementary school hung up and if you look closely, you find little clues that I've left behind; proof that I once existed as a girl beneath this roof. There's a dent in the wall from the time I stood on my chair to catch a spider and accidentally fell over, my head hitting right into the wall, Ellie was laughing too hard to help me.
"So what school do you go to?" Maria asks me, washing down her pot roast with some ice water.
"Northridge actually," At my words, Ellie's head perks up, she's looking dead at me with a look of fear in her eyes.
"Oh, Ellie goes there!" Tommy smiles "She never mentioned that you do too."
Ellie is silently pleading with me, I know she doesn't want me to tell her family that she's been borderline tormenting me as my roommate and sending me to bed with tears in my eyes. I didn't plan on telling them anyway "That's funny, I guess we just keep missing each other."
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Joel set up an air mattress in Ellie's room, that's when it became clear to me that he had no idea just how bad the fallout was between us. I hate to say that I missed her room and all of the memories we shared in it.
Ellie's bedroom resembled something of a teen guy who'd never gotten laid before. She had a navy comforter, her shelves were lined with comics and novels, I know for a fact that she'd read every single one of them. Her desk was always a mess, covered in pages of poetry and sketches that she had torn out from her journal. Almost every inch of her walls is covered in posters of bands, movies and her nerdy video games.
I was fresh out of the shower, finally in my clean clothes that I had dug out of my suitcase. I got to charge my phone too, there was an overwhelming number of messages.
Jesse: Merry Christmas, hope your day isn’t shit! 😁😁😁
Riley: Merry Christmas! Hope you're having fun at your new school!
Abs: Merry Christmas and stay safe!
Kayla: Missing you girl ☹️ so excited for that staff party!
Kit-Cat: Merry Christmas, don't have too much fun without me
Yara: Merry Christmas ❤️ this probably isn't the time but I was hoping you could send over your notes from the last conservation lecture, just wanna text you before I forget!
566-460-4374: I got your number from Kyle, this is Roderick, I saw you last night and wanted to check up on you, hope everything is okay and merry Christmas.
Lindsey: Hey, haven't talked to you in a while but my parents said some stuff went down, just wanna make sure you're okay.
Ellie: Lmk if you need a ride back to our place
Ellie: Don't know if you can even see this but I got all of your stuff off the lawn, I promise it's safe 👍
Naomi: I'm so sorry
Naomi: I didn't think that would happen
Naomi: I didn't know what to do
Naomi: I love you
Aaron: U good?
Naomi: Please don't hate me, I'm sorry I didn't do anything
Elijah: Sorry but I wish you didn't tell Dad that
Naomi: I'll try to talk to Dad
Elijah: Hope you're safe
Elijah: Call me when you can
Still, there wasn't any word from either of my parents. I replied returning well wishes and assuring everyone that I was okay, I turned my phone onto Do Not Disturb and began to watch the Hunger Games on my phone. The room would've been pitch black if it wasn't for the blue light from my screen and the gentle beams of moonlight gliding through the window.
Ellie walks into the room after she finishes with her shower, she's in sweatpants and an old hoodie that she got from a rodeo, I had the same one, and we bought them together. I glance up at her before looking back at my movie and pulling the quilt further up my body. "You still like the Hunger Games?"
"Yeah," I say, being as brief as possible.
"You should take my bed and I'll sleep on the air mattress," Ellie says while she ties her hair into a low ponytail.
"I'm fine here, thanks."
"Seriously," Ellie is standing awkwardly at the foot of her bed, waiting for me to do something.
I shut my phone off and turned on my other side to face away from her "Just go to bed."
Ellie runs her hands down her face in frustration, she's starting to feel like an asshole "Please take the bed, it's the least I can do." I ignore her so she speaks again "I am begging you," She tells me bluntly "I feel like a dick and it would make me feel better if you just took the bed."
"You are a dick," I answer, she should've seen this response coming from a mile away.
"Please take the bed."
I sit up to look at her, frustration now boiling up inside of me "You're going to be nice now because you feel bad for me?"
"That's not why-
"It is actually," I tell her "This will last for a few days and then we'll go home and you'll be a cunt all over again, fucking keeping a list of everything I lay a finger on so you can say it's my fault if it breaks." She bites the inside of her cheek, that's her tell. Every time she does that I can tell that I've gotten under her skin. "You'll still act like you don't know me and I'm just some weird girl who thinks the world of you, I know what you say to those girls you have over, the walls aren't that thick." My insides ache from all of the screaming and crying of the past couple of days "And I know that I hurt you and I've told you a million times over that I'm sorry, you don't get to start having empathy for me now."
Ellie's silent again, she can't seem to find the words, so instead she slips under the covers of her bed, giving up. Minutes pass us, we've slept in this room together a thousand times but this time it's different, we don't share her queen bed and stay up all night watching the walking dead and talking shit about people at our school, we lay in the uncomfortable silence. We're grown but in this moment I still feel like a child searching for her mother's hand to guide her, I feel like my teeth still need to fall out so brighter, stronger ones can take their place, that the baby fat has yet to shed from my bones.
"I didn't know that you liked girls," Ellie said, breaking the silence "And I shouldn't have assumed that stuff about your parents." I don't respond to her, though she knows that I heard her. "I lied that night when you moved in."
"I got all bitchy and said that you don't even cross my mind, I was lying," She's confessing to me as if I'm a priest "There wasn't a day that went by where I didn't think about you."
I'm not doing well.
I want nothing more than to crawl into bed next to Ellie and just hug her until I fall asleep but the resentment I've garnered for her these past months refrains me.
"I don't know if you ever knew this, but back in high school I had a bit of a crush on you," She says and my break hitches in my throat "Hey, you there?"
'I don't know if you ever knew this but I turned myself inside out trying not to be in love with you.' I don't say that, instead, I say "Goodnight, Ellie, Merry Christmas."
"Goodnight," She mutters, and like me, she turns her body to face away from me.
I don't feel mature in the slightest, I'm kept awake, haunted by shame and embarrassment. Ellie had seen me only one night prior, on my knees begging for love. We may be cold and calculated to one another now but I remember when she was a little girl who overwatered her plants because she didn't know how to stop giving.
TAG LIST I just tagged whoever wanted a part two: @elliesaesp @yalaysbee @laundrybag29 @readbydayana @elliesaturnsoftdrink @mikellie @melanie-watermelon @skylerwhitwyo
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anastaaaaaaasia · 7 months
Tag, you're it
Modern!Aegon targaryen x reader
Warnings: NSWF, smut, abusive and toxic relationships, mention and use of drugs, mention and use of alcohol
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The party didn't go as planned and neither did your relationship. Two years is a long enough time to get to know a person, fall hopelessly in love and cry disappointedly into your pillow all night long, desperately trying to drown out your sobs. Your relationship with Aegon was the fucking wheel of Samsara, it lifted you to the peak of bliss and crashed you to the ground, harder with each turn.
The golden, no, platinum boy was born with a diamond spoon in his teeth and the same attitude towards everyone around him. “A first-rate jerk,” that’s how your best friend Margaery described him. “First class fuckbody,” you retorted. Admitting to others that your relationship was falling apart at the seams like buildings on the day of the fall of Pompeii meant admitting first of all to yourself that you had seriously screwed up. Hopeless and powerful.
Looking at me through your window Boy, you had your eye out for a little
Possessing the character of your parents, you did not allow anyone to wipe their feet on you. No one… except him. Every time you found out from acquaintances, friends and ,damn, even from his brother, that his dick had been in another girl, you tearfully swore to yourself that you would break up with him, throw his things to hell, tear up his magazines and throw him out the door of yours apartment, but every time you lied and couldn’t stand it, you lied and again deceived only yourself.
You didn't believe in gods. If you believed in them, then for all the promises you would not be allowed not only into heaven, but also into hell. You chuckled every time you thought about it.
Your friend Robb, sweet Robb, he sincerely tried to help you. Screaming in your face that your relationship with Aegon is toxic. He was the first one who brought you to a psychologist. A nice woman in her forties said from session to session that it was toxic. You knew it. But knowing does not mean being aware. But you still plunged into this sticky and enveloping relationship, time after time. Because somewhere deep down in your soul you knew you were just as toxic as Aegon. A couple created in hell and married by Satan himself.
"I'll cut you up and make you dinner You've reached the end, you are the winner"
Every time you met Aegon in the early morning when he returned to your apartment. The smell of other women's perfume almost suffocated you, and the hickeys all over his neck definitely did not belong to you. You bit, and bit so that marks remained. But you only bit him, and unfortunately he bit not only you.
Someone else's woman's lip gloss stuck to his cheeks like bees were swarming for honey. It didn't wash off his expensive shirts and designer T-shirts. You will forever remember how you sat in the bathroom with his fucking shirt. You cried for hours, drying yourself with the same clothes, crying and laughing. It was all so absurd.
Little bit of poison in me I can taste your skin in my teeth
Everyone was right, it's all toxic. That day you broke the mirror that was hanging on the wall, you could have sworn that you saw his damn reflection and grin there. But you stopped, you broke the decanter, the figurines, everything that your hands could reach. You didn’t care, he wasn’t there. You were ready to bet your soul that he was now in another bathroom at the club, driving into another girl’s pussy.
This made you laugh harder, until you realised that you were choking on tears. While cleaning the battlefield you created in the apartment, you took a fragment of a mirror. You hated what you witnessed. There were traces of mascara running from the eyes to the middle of the cheeks, lips were bitten, in blood. And your eyes. They were red, but your natural eye colour had never looked so vibrant to you. You hated it and loved your reflection at the same time. You hated the one who brought you to this state. But you loved the fact that even in such a miserable state you looked like a goddess.
That same evening you bought a ticket and flew to your home country. This was a quick flight. That same evening, having thrown your suitcase into the apartment your parents bought for you, you went to a club with friends from your former school. After six tequila shots, you told your whole story. Margaery tried to comfort you, Robb hugged you and promised to beat up your boyfriend. But it didn't help. Your other former classmates, Theon and Ramsay, helped. They said they knew how to relieve the pain. That day you tried molly for the second time in your life. The little pill gave you unforgettable emotions, you danced on the bar counter, men whistled and applauded in your direction. But you didn't care. There was nothing on your mind.
You understood that this was not a solution. And when the next morning you woke up with a severe headache and vomited for half the day, you felt killed, unsteady and wretched for the first time. Help came from where you weren't expecting. From your ex. Viserys fucking Targaryen. He was like your current boyfriend's cousin or something. He held you while you cried all evening, he helped you open a bottle of martini and mixed cocktails. He reassured you and said everything you had heard before. You have to break up with Aegon, but he was the first person to whom you admitted that you couldn’t. You allowed your ex to see you weak, broken.
"I love it when I hear you breathing I hope to God you're never leaving"
That evening when you first admitted this to someone besides yourself, it worked better than psychologists. And so now, when you are sitting in Aegon's car and he is driving you with you after the party, you wait, and wait, and pray. You pray that he will lose his temper and say something that will allow you to leave him. You provoked him, screamed how you hated the fact that he fucked other whores, you hated the constant parties. And it happened.
“Get out, get the fuck out of the car,” he screamed and slammed his hands on the steering wheel of his car. You were a little taken aback.
Running through the parking lot He chased me and he wouldn't stop
“Are you fucking high?” It was a question that did not require an answer. You were one hundred percent sure that he was high. And to be honest, you were afraid of this Aegon.
"I'm tired of you!" Aegon yelled, his face contorted in rage as he grabbed your wrist and yanked you out of your seat.
“Fucking asshole,” you muttered into space. You should have felt victory, but you couldn’t forgive such an attitude towards yourself.
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down Took the words right out my mouth
Aegon yanked you and pulled you out of the car. Your legs were unsteady. High heels and short clothes made you feel vulnerable in the darkness of the deserted street. Aegon grabbed the collar of your dress and leaned it against the stone wall of the building. “Do you have any idea how annoying you are?” he screamed.
“Oh please enlighten me,” you snapped.
Aegon's face twisted with rage. “I was with you for two years and all you did was complain, give me orders and ruin my parties. You're a pain in the ass." Aegon looked down on you, “I should have kicked you out months ago.”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t want my boyfriend to kiss other sluts and find ways to get into their panties,” you replied, you remembered all the times he neglected you
“Am I that annoying because I want to have a good time at a party?” he shouted: “You are boring. I need fun." he continued, “Everyone is jealous because I have the best parties, I have the best girls, I have the best life… And I don’t want my girlfriend to interfere. You're no fun. Parties are more fun without you." "You're a bad girlfriend" he shouted
Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden under ground Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself?
“Our entire relationship, all I’ve done is support you, and I’m sorry if just being faithful is a really high price to pay for you,” it was true. All the times when his family was against him, you held him tightly and let him cry on your chest. It was your Aegon, but the man who looked at you with dilated pupils was unfamiliar to you. Aegon continued to argue at a primary school level, sometimes you tried not to laugh.
He looked at you with contempt: “Your only idea is to stop me from getting drunk, to stop me from kissing other girls. You want to control me. You're a control freak." He looked up and down
“Do you know what I see when I look at you?”
"Tell me"
A laugh escaped Aegon’s thin lips: “I see a nag. A boring nag who doesn’t allow me to live the way I want.” He spat on the floor next to you. “You're always complaining, always asking me why I drink, why I flirt with other girls…” He laughed again.
“Well, because you’re my damn boyfriend, you know when people in relationships don’t cheat, that’s the reason people invented relationships,” you were angry and already at your breaking point.
Aegon laughed, but his eyes were cold and hard: “I know you would want me to be faithful and look only at you. I tried this first. But your nagging made me unhappy. To experience life, I want to have fun. I won't be sorry if you don't like it. You don't matter."
“Then it’s better to break up, I won’t let someone like you gaslight me.” You finally said it. That phrase I thought about, fantasised about and feared.
Aegon raised an eyebrow, "Really?" he chuckled. “Then do it. Break up with me. But you won't do it." He said, grinning. “Why? Because deep down I know that you are crazy about me. You can't get enough of me”.
Saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it" He's saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
“You’re only wrong about one thing: I’m crazy about you. We’re breaking up,” you exclaimed with a smile. “It’s over, farewell Aegon,” you said and started to walk away. It felt like you had thrown off long-standing shackles, you were freed, you finally wanted to live.
Aegon grabbed your arm, stopping you. “You can't leave me. This is my job". He glared at you, “And how exactly are you going to walk home in that dress and those heels? And it's dark outside…"
“It’s not your problem, you’re not my boyfriend anymore.” Why did these words sound so sweet and melodious from your lips? You didn't know, but you were sure you would understand later.
He leaned towards your face, smelling of alcohol. "But I can't let you go into the dark."
"And why? I said dripping with sarcasm
He smirked, “Because I don’t want to risk anything happening to you. You are my responsibility,” he said, and deep down he thought: the longer I delay her coming home, the more she will miss me
“Not anymore,” you shouted and laughed for the first time from the lightness in your chest. This feeling inspired you. You continued on your way home, laughing periodically and raising your hands to the starry sky.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous it is there?” He said, looking at you. “What if you get lost? Or if something bad happens to you? What would I tell your father? I can't let you leave like this.” His tone became gentle as he added, “I care about you.”
“Well that sucks because I don’t care about you,” you gave him your middle finger and then licked it.
He stared at you, trying to keep his temper. His hands clenched into fists until his knuckles turned white. After a moment, he gave a sharp nod "Oh yeah? Well, do whatever you want." He said and turned away "You'll see, you little bitch, you'll come back".
You were indifferent to his words. You walked home with a smile from ear to ear, even the damn heels didn’t spoil your mood.You only heard the sharp slam of a car door and the sound of wheels that were taking your ex somewhere far away, somewhere where you wouldn’t care about him.
After 15 minutes of walking home, you were finally there. You kicked off your shoes and looked at yourself in the mirror. There stood a girl who was proud of herself. It was the only thing that mattered to you at the moment. Walking into the kitchen, you took out a bottle of whiskey. It has always been customary in your family to celebrate any victories, small or large. You uncorked the bottle and drank straight from your throat.
The idea immediately came to mind. You turned on your favourite playlist and turned the volume up to maximum. Dancing, you reached the bedroom and began to sort through things. You put all of his shirts, hoodies and other items of clothing into boxes when one box caught your attention. Lingerie from Victoria's Secrets. His gift for Valentine's Day. He always said that red suits you.
Your inner bitch woke up with new confidence and, tearing open the gift wrapping, you put on your underwear and took a selfie, which you posted on your Instagram. Compliments from friends poured in at breakneck speed, but you didn’t care. You danced drunkenly on the marble table in your living room, breaking away just to open the windows to ventilate the room.
Eenie meenie miny mo Get your lady by her toes
You didn’t even suspect that your ex’s car was parked under these very windows. Aegon gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were as white as the first snow of winter. The notification of your new post brought him out of his trance. Your body, your lace lingerie, your smile. And all this without him. But you couldn’t really break up with him after two years, could you? Couldn't she? Right?
Something instantly switched in his head and he got out of the car. Anger, betrayal and adrenaline, all this was mixed in his head and that’s why he was now banging on your door.
You didn’t hear the knocks on the door, you didn’t hear him enter your apartment, and you definitely didn’t hear him sigh as he looked at you. You danced and moved your hips, laughed and drank even more from the already half-empty bottle.
“What the hell are you doing?” Aegon exclaimed after turning off the player.
“Shit,” you exclaimed in shock. With a careless movement of your hands, you spilled the remaining whiskey on yourself and the table. "What are you doing here?"
“Well, I came to make sure you were alright since you are my girlfriend.But I can see you are more than fine. You are better than ever” Aegon said sarcastically. He was angry and pitiful at the same time. "I guess you were just joking when you told me we broke up, weren't you?"
“No, I was extremely serious. Looks like the only one crying about the breakup is you,” you said mockingly. Alcohol gave you confidence and increased all your emotions significantly.
"I don't believe you for a second… You can't get over me, can you?" He leaned in to whisper into your ear "Be so honest for once and admit that you don't want to live without me" his hands lay on your hips, and his face was centimetres from your neck. No matter how wrong it was, you didn't pull away.
If she screams, don't let her go Eenie meenie miny mo
“I’m fucking living without you now Aegon, I can and I will,” you exclaimed. His hands squeezed you even tighter, in the mirror you could already see your reddened skin. You were sure that there would definitely be a couple of bruises.
"I don't believe you." He whispered, his breath on your neck. It had an effect on you that you didn't expect. You got goosebumps. This game can be played by two people. "You'll come crawling back. You'll beg forgiveness. That's what you always do."
“Then cry baby,” You whispered and bit his ear lightly, but with the confidence that the teeth marks would remain for a couple of days. “You fuck every girl at the university, that’s not what I wanted from a relationship,” you laughed.
That laugh triggered all his anger. "You know what? I think this breakup is permanent. You can have all your freedom. It's not like I really need you." He said, trying to sound nonchalant. But he was deeply upset, it showed in his voice and his eyes. He wanted you to run after him and confess your love for him.
“So this is the reason why you are squeezing my thighs? Because you don’t need me?” and after that you looked into his eyes. It was a mistake. Big and unforgivable. In a split second, you saw fire, hatred and desire in his eyes. There wasn't enough time for more.
His lips pressed against yours in a fiery kiss. The heat was dizzying, the moment he had been looking forward to for so long and the memory of the past two years came back at once. Your bodies were touching, and Aegon wanted more. The feelings of anger, insecurity, and jealousy were gone. His lips met yours again, and his hands were pulling your body close to him.
The next moment, your body was lying on the table where, minutes earlier, you had danced to celebrate the end of a toxic relationship. Your back felt sticky from the spilled whiskey, but that didn’t matter now. It looks like the wheel of samsara has begun another circle, but now you are at the peak of bliss. Looking at the chandelier, you thought that this couldn’t start again. It can't?
Aegon's mouth trailed down her neck, he kissed, nibbled, and sucked at your skin. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a warm flood of sensations coursing through his body. He groaned as he took in your scent. He wanted to devour you… and you will gladly let him.
He knew all your bliss points. The neck was one of them. You flinched slightly as he bit your collarbone. And at that moment the brain lost control. You pressed your lips to his, biting his lips and gently licking the blood.
His mouth continued its journey down your body until it was close to your panties.
“Red suits you,” he said with a grin. You knew it and you hated yourself for it. He will always find his own way to you. The touch of the cold metal of his rings pulled you out of your thoughts and you realised that you were already lying naked in front of him on the table.
Your mother said to pick the very best girl And I am
As soon as Aegon saw your wet pussy glistening under the lights, he couldn't resist the urge to taste it. Drooling at the sight, he knelt down between your legs, positioning himself perfectly so that he could reach every inch of your pussy with his tongue. The sound of his eager slurping filled the room, mixed with the moans escaping your mouth as he lapped at your folds eagerly. At first you tried to bite your lip to hold back your moans, but you quickly realised that it was pointless.
"Ah… fuck…" He muttered under his breath, lost in the pleasure of tasting you. He pulled away momentarily to catch his breath before diving right back in, swirling his tongue around your entrance teasingly before pushing one finger inside of you slowly, testing your tightness.
Hearing your moan, Aegon's pace increased, his tongue working faster and harder as he savoured the taste of your juices flowing down his throat. He added another finger, pushing deeper into your wetness with each pass, feeling the tightness around his digits gradually giving way to accommodate his intrusion.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice rough and gravelly with desire. "Feel good, love?" He asked, looking up at you through half-lidded eyes as he continued to pleasure your pussy with his mouth.
With one last swift motion, he removed his fingers from your pussy and sucked your clit hard into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it vigorously while biting down lightly on the sensitive nub. But you wanted more, you needed more.
Aegon felt your hands start to work on his jeans, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him as he watched you undoing them. He knew what this meant - you wanted him inside of you, and he couldn't wait any longer.
"I can't wait to be deep inside of you," he growled, standing up and pulling off his pants and boxers in one swift motion, revealing his fully erect cock standing proudly against his stomach.
In one swift movement, he kicked off his underwear and stepped out of them completely, leaving himself completely exposed for you to see. His cock throbbed with anticipation, ready to fill you up completely. "You want this big dick inside of you, don't you?"
Aegon grinned wickedly at your nod, knowing exactly what you wanted. He didn't waste any time, he immediately grabbed onto your hips and guided his throbbing member towards your waiting pussy. With one powerful thrust, he buried himself deep within your walls, filling you up completely. The sound of their entry echoed throughout the empty room, mixing with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh.
"Fuck" He groaned, his voice low and guttural as he began to fuck you roughly, driving himself into your depths over and over again. His hips moved in a relentless rhythm, pounding into you with force, his balls slapping against your thighs with each powerful stroke.
Aegon felt your pussy clinch around him tightly as you climaxed, his cock throbbing with each pulse of your orgasm. He loved seeing you come undone in front of him, knowing that he was the one who had brought you to such heights of pleasure. With a satisfied grunt, he increased the intensity of his thrusts, driving himself even deeper into you as he continued to pound away at your sensitive walls.
Feeling your release, Aegon's own climax began to build up in him, and with a final primal roar, he unloaded a hot stream of cum inside of you, filling your womb with his thick seed as he released wave after wave of pure ecstasy.
"Fuck, yes," he groaned, he gently pressed a kiss behind your ear and whispered, “Tag, you’re it.”
That night you came 4four times, he came three times. It was a small victory, but still a victory. you were right, the wheel of samsara has started spinning again and you just have to wait for a new blow. Aegon may have been the one who created this wheel, but now it is your turn to control it. you looked at his sleeping face on the pillow of your bed and carefully tucked a strand of his platinum hair behind his ear.
You whispered something that he will never know because it’s your time now, and you'll be ready to crush him with that wheel harder than he's ever done before.
“Tag, you’re it”
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evesaintyves · 1 year
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989 words, for @remadoramicrofics prompt "haunted."
Read it below or on AO3 🎸
Tonks's old bedroom floor is a mess of rumpled t-shirts and her rattiest underpants. Five days since Remus took off his ring, knotted the strings on his traveling case, and told her he'd made a terrible error. All she's done is sleep. She dozed off on the macrame throw pillow and it left a crisscross red rash on her cheek, went downstairs before she noticed, and her Dad gasped, "Dora?" 
She just fled back upstairs without breakfast.
It's not even her throw pillow. Mum has snuck them in her old room sometime since she's been gone. Other things, too, an elegant white bowl to hold all the knuts and plastic hair clips and ticket stubs that were scattered across her chest of drawers. Mum's things, minimal and clean, make Tonks's stuff, the fairy lights and the thrashing band posters, seem like they're trying too hard. It's just like her last year at school, the stress-cracking of all the faultlines between who she is and who she is supposed to be. She was constantly reinventing herself back then—a new chin, a chelsea cut, a ring in her eyebrow. But she's not the only one in charge of her body anymore. It's making decisions without her.
And it's so shit to want Remus here to settle behind her on her squeaky old bed, tuck his bony knees into the parenthesis of her legs, stroke his skinny fingers up her arm and say, like he does, that he's sorry—but at the same time to want to scream at him so hard he vapourizes into a fine red mist.
In the afternoon, her mother does her two-tap no-time-to-pull-your-knickers-up knock and comes in with cups of tea.
"Your father tells me you've been looking ill."
"I'm not."
Andromeda sits on the side of the bed.
"You were a terrible pregnancy," she says. "I'd have sworn you were trying to fight me from the inside."
Tonks pulls her knees to her chest. "This one's a scrapper. I can tell already."
Andromeda smiles into her cup.
Tender moments have a way of making Tonks show her belly. Her mother doesn't say much, just sits and keeps her company, and before long Tonks is compelled to overshare. That she isn't even sure Remus ever really loved her, but maybe loved an idea of her that she led him on into believing while they were still just awkwardly clicking teeth in stolen moments at headquarters; an idea worn smooth and shiny by those months they were apart.
Almost as soon as she married him she was up the duff and puking, breaking out in spots faster than she could morph them away. Still having dreams that Sirius was just tilting on his heels—suspended in the moment he might have been saved—waking up choking. Remus seemed perturbed that she could spend hours staring at the telly, not watching, just trying to shush the noise in her head. It seems so stupid now, but she'd really thought that he, of all people, would understand.
"My mother used to tell me," Andromeda says, "that I'd better stop all my moping about, that men don't care for girls who brood. And that I'd never get married and out of her hair, acting that way."
"What did you say?"
"I didn't say anything. I made a plan and then I climbed out my window in the middle of the night. Your father picked me up in his old car and took me to his parents' flat—you know the story. Let me tell you, Nymphadora—" She pins Tonks with a look. "—how much brooding I did in his old bedroom. I was a wreck. The room smelt of some horrible potion he used on his model railway. The carpet crunched underfoot. And I was worried about what was going to happen to—to some of the people I left. I was crying every night. Waiting until your grandparents left for work in the morning to creep into the kitchen like a ghoul. I had..." She pulls her posture up straight. "Difficulty adjusting, at first."
Tonks's throat is getting tight, and tears are needling the rims of her eyes. It's not just that she's grabbed for that kind of love story and missed; it's also that her mother never talks to her like this—spilling the way Tonks sometimes does, talking fast, saying things she probably shouldn't. It makes the world feel all the more unfixably cracked.
"Dad—Was Dad...?" Tonks can't even finish, her voice is cracking and squeaking. She curls forward and hides her face in her mother's sleeve.
"He'd lie with me—and touch my hair. He used to tell me if I didn't eat I'd disappear and it was going to be very difficult to explain to the officiant why he had an invisible bride."
She says it gently, sadly, as if she knows what it'll do to Tonks, and she's right. It's full waterworks now, the type Tonks has always sworn she wasn't going to do over a bloke. It's coming out her eyes and nose, it's thick and salty in her mouth, it's getting all over her mum's silk blouse. She's going to hate that. Tonks flops back against her pillows, sniffling, wiping her face with her palms, automatically morphing the puffiness out of her eyelids.
Her mother turns to inspect the shiny web of snot Tonks has left on her sleeve. Her face gets that pinched, long-suffering look for just an instant. Then she takes Tonks's empty cup of tea and stacks it in her own, and tucks Tonks's feral bedhead back behind each ear with her cool fingers.
"Supper's at seven," she says. "Your father's trying out a lasagna."
She shuts the door behind her when she goes, and it's just Tonks and the frenzy of the rock bands on her walls: forever joyfully flailing, forever faithful to their own silent beat.
image: egon schiele, woman lying on her back
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anxious-alyssia · 4 months
I'm going to kill someone
You big, bold, piece of  crap. You think you could get away with something like that? While I’m here? Hehe, you must think I’m dumb….. I’m not. You’re going to suffer for what you did, and before I’m done with you you’ll wish you’d never been born. If you ever so much as look at that boy, I will gouge your fucking eyes out. Even think about touching him and I’ll cut your fingers until they look like intricate paper snowflakes. I’ll chop you up into pieces so fine with only shreds of skin keeping you together, your own mother, god, or even me, won’t recognize you. But you won’t get the sweet release of death. You’ll be alive and feel the pain as I tear you apart, limb from limb, for the chopping. And as you scream, I will take pleasure in your pain, because of what you did to that boy, you will suffer. I will submerge you in your own blood, just to semi-drown you. I will throw some of your bloody, throbbing remains into tartarus and watch as you feel the pain of those bits being devoured by others like you that wish to harm that boy. I’ll submerge you in the fire-water river just so you’ll live longer to feel the pain. I will rip the hair from your head until your scalp bleeds. I’ll make small cuts all over you just so I can slowly peel back the skin. Before I chop you, I might make you sleep in a cold bed with crumbs in it with a warm pillow. I’ll make you walk barefoot on hot pebbles, or hot legos. I’ll strap you to a table, lower a black widow spider onto your face, and let it eat your eyes out. I will use pliers, and, taking my dear sweet time, break every bone in your body. Starting with your fingers.
I will fucking find you, kidnap you, and trap you in my basement. I'll starve you and make sure you have no resources to survive. I'll peel your skin off nice and slowly with a potato peeler so you scream while seeing your skin get ripped off. I'll carve out your eyes and get rid of your teeth then I'll cut up your body so that it's easier to throw away. I'll make sure it's in the middle of winter and it's below freezing. I'll drag you outside then go to a forest and feed your limbs to the wolves so no one could ever find your fucking body. You're lucky you're a fictional character.
I fucking hate the Regent
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goldenrevelries · 2 years
of spiritual dogs and second impressions
an AU wherein Jiang Cheng kept Princess, Love, and Jasmine all the while Wei Wuxian is slowly getting used to being around his shidi's spiritual dogs and only his shidi's spiritual dogs. heads up: jfm isn't really shown in a good light in this drabble so yeah (sorry jfm fans)
"I am sending them away."
Jiang Cheng gapes up to his father, feeling a stone stone suddenly drop in his stomach. "WHAT? THEY ARE MY DOGS!"
His father shakes his head gently, kneeling down to be eye level with Jiang Cheng. "I'm sorry, A-Cheng, but A-Ying is scared of them."
Jiang Cheng wants to tear something apart and run away and kick his stupid father's knee all at once. "THEN SEND HIM AWAY!"
"I cannot do that, A-Cheng, he's family now."
With one final venomous glare at his father, Jiang Cheng grits his teeth and runs to his room, a sob trying to tear away from his throat. He pushes the door to his room open and closes it with a resounding bang!
Jiang Cheng throws himself onto his bed and clutches a pillow like a lifeline. Valiantly as he can, he tries to hold his tears but, after noticing a purple silk sash he knows belongs to one of his spiritual dogs, the tears streamed down his face.
He doesn't know how long he stayed like that but, eventually, his crying quietens and his shoulders stop shaking; although the stone in his stomach seems to have multiplied and have filled up to his chest, making it hard to breathe.
Jiang Cheng hates this A-Ying—this Wei Ying that ruined his life and Jiang Cheng doesn't want anything to do with him from now on.
A hesitant knock comes from his door but Jiang Cheng ignores it.
The door opens and Jiang Cheng is ready to howl and scream for them to go away with teeth bared but he stops when the barking of puppies—his puppies!—registers.
In surprised elation, Jiang Cheng snaps his head upwards and stares.
"H-h-here-here a-are-here are y-y-our d-!"
The boy—Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng remembers distantly—plops the three puppies onto a shocked Jiang Cheng's lap then runs away, screaming at the top of his lungs.
With an armful of puppies wiggling and yipping hello, Jiang Cheng supposed that this... Wei Ying won't be so bad.
Though, Jiang Cheng pats the heads of his squirming puppies in turn, he doesn't know why Wei Ying ran away screaming away from his dog—Love, Princess, and Jasmine are all sweethearts!
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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elysianslove · 4 years
6 + 38 from the smut prompt list w sukuna please!
loving how everyone’s collectively horny for sukuna 
nsfw under the cut, my loves!
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500 Follower Event; 6. size kink, 38. corruption kink ━ ryomen sukuna 
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sukuna’s always been painfully aware of the effect you have on him, ever since he’d agreed to being your lover and partner. it hadn’t been noticeable at first, and he’d figured it was simple emotions at play, but whenever your hand dipped to intertwine your fingers, and he’d notice just how much smaller it is in comparison to his, or whenever you reached over to shower him in physical affection, having to reach up on your toes to kiss him, having him completely dwarf you in size when you wrap your arms around him — it was dizzyingly arousing. 
he loved the notion of having you be so small and vulnerable for him. he could so easily break you, god he wanted to. but he holds back, for a reason unknown to him. he never lets it go farther than he wants it to be, never lets your kissing transgress into something more sinful, because if he’s honest, he does want to break you and pull you apart at the seams. but not now. later.
he’d never expected it to be this soon, however. it’s you that’s pulling at his clothes like they offend you, it’s you pulling at his hair and tugging at his lips and sinking your hips down onto him. even on his lap you’re tiny, but still, he hesitates, because is it the optimal time? is this the perfect time? 
it’s what you say, in a whiny, pleading, breathless tone, that sends him over the edge. “please, i want you,” you say, hands gripping at the base of his neck. his eyes flash momentarily at the sight of you, and then you add, “want you to be my first.” 
your first. 
his heart sinks with desire to his stomach, and he holds back an animalistic growl as his hands settle on your waist, fingers digging deep into the flesh as he picks you up and tosses you over onto the bed, off his lap. he does so with so much ease, his mouth parting in wonder as you land with a bounce, your squeals echoing in the small room. in seconds, he’s on you again, kissing you hungrily, feverishly, with so much want and need, as his hands pick apart at your clothes, tearing them off of you as quickly as he can. he’s quick to follow, his own attire following the placement of yours on the ground. 
at the sound of your small gasp and the tiny widening of your eyes at the sight of his large dick hardening, he holds back a grin. “want me to ruin you, huh?” he teases, crawling back over to you. his palms find their way to your stomach, caressing up to your breasts. he can fit them so perfectly in his hands, so nice and dainty in his hold. you shiver beneath him as he squeezes them harshly, fingers twisting to reveal one of your nipples to him. “anybody ever touch you like this?” he asks, his voice surprisingly deeper. 
you whimper, shaking your head rapidly. he grins up at you, tongue swiping once over the hardened bud, before his lips latch onto it, sucking hotly. his mouth feels incredible on you, and your mind is already so overwhelmed that when his other hand travels down to the heat between your legs, you have no other option but to shout out in surprise, hips bucking up. “fuck,” he groans, teeth tugging at your nipple as he sinks one finger into you, down to the first knuckle. the vibrations of his voice, with the added intrusion between your legs, leave you a whining mess. 
he shifts his weight to push you back down onto the bed, his finger slowly thrusting into you, before he adds a second. as they work at stretching you, gently scissoring and curling inside you, his mouth leaves your aching nipple, lips pressing onto yours for a change. he swallows all your moans down his throat, his fingers and palm drenched with your arousal. 
you let out another strangled moan, throwing your head back to disconnect your lips. “m’ready for you,” you whine. “please, sukuna, please.” at the utterance of those words, sukuna’s fingers thrust particularly harshly inside of you, curling menacingly. your back arches and you wail, the unexpected orgasm washing over you in ragged waves. desperately, you try to push him away, his fingers still pressed deep inside you, brushing against that oversensitive spot that sukuna knows you didn’t even know existed. 
he hums approvingly, satisfied with the state you’re in as he slowly pulls his fingers out of your glistening pussy. pathetically, your inner walls try to suck his fingers back in, but he only chuckles, giving your clit a soft pat, watching as you squirm away from his touch. his dick is painfully hard by now, upright and throbbing against his stomach. “are you gonna take it like a good girl?” he asks, sitting up on his knees as his hand grabs his dick. from this perspective, you seem even smaller, and when he kneels closer to you, he presses his dick onto your stomach, visualizing just how deep he can split you open. 
you’re nodding at him, helplessly, and he nods back with a hum, almost mockingly, as he brings his dick to your entrance. “so eager for my cock,” he tuts, but even he’s slowly losing semblance of self control. his fingers squeeze at the tip, smearing your arousal and his precum along your folds, reveling in the way you twitch and squirm beneath his touch. and then, agonizingly slow, he presses the tip in, his thumb guiding his way in. his eyes, however, remain on you, on the way your mouth falls agape, and the way your back slightly arches at the foreign feeling of something so thick stretching you out. 
he presses in deeper, watches as your eyes screw shut, and he knows it’s painful, he knows it’s unfamiliar and that you’re overwhelmed, but he can’t seem to stop. if anything, it’s spurring him on, driving deeper into you. and it doesn’t help that you suck him in so perfectly, so tight and wet and warm, just for him. his eyes flicker momentarily at where he’s nearly bottomed out, with his hands gripping your hips intensely to prevent you from moving too much. “it’s like you were made for this,” he sneers. “like this pussy was made for my cock.” finally, he presses in fully, his hips against yours. he watches, mesmerized, as he grinds his hips, still fully inside of you, and your jaw going slack, a sob wrenching out. 
“so full,” you yell, chest heaving as your hands grip the bedsheets above you. fuck, fuck, you’re so perfect for him, only for him, and he always wants to be like this; he could stay forever like this. 
steadying your hips once more, he pulls out slowly, only to thrust back into you fully. your breasts bounce at the forcefulness of the impact, and he does it again, and again, and again. he’s doing it so slow but he’s going in so deep, and you’re positive you’re seeing stars. your entire body shakes, moving with him as he thrusts into you like he wants to imprint his dick on your inner walls, wants to reshape them so only he can fuck you. 
you’re a mess, mouth hanging open as drool falls onto the pillow beneath your head, your nails scratching at his toned stomach, your legs shaking beneath him. the sounds your pussy is making as it milks him is so lewd and sukuna can’t get enough, can’t get enough of how you’re outright drenching your thighs and his balls and the bed beneath you with your arousal, how you’re so wet for him. 
you sob again, and sukuna curses, his hands leaving your hips and falling to your sides, gripping the bedsheets instead as he starts to lose more and more control of his movements. he can feel you tightening impossibly around him, and he buries his face in your chest again, sucking and tugging and licking at your breasts and nipples. you hold him close to you, nails digging into his back, marking him just as he’s marking you. “sukuna, sukuna, sukuna.” you’re babbling at this point, chanting his name, repeating it like it’s the only word you know. 
your walls squeeze against him again, and he grunts, shifting his hips to fuck you even deeper. “fuck, keep doing that,” he encourages, praising you diligently as you clench around him, until you’re screaming again, clenching involuntarily and sukuna can’t believe he made you cum twice just from fucking you. god, your body must be so new to all this, and it’s driving him insane. “yes, shit yes,” he groans, his breathing ragged. his balls tighten, and just as he feels himself tip over the edge, he lifts himself up, pulling out quickly and stroking himself.
if he thought being the first to fill you up with their cock was insanely arousing, then he might actually lose his mind at the sight of you covered in his cum. spurts of it paint the skin of your stomach white, while some rests on your heaving chest and sensitive nipples, and he swears you look like a painting. he wants to admire you forever, wants to drench in his cum every night, wants to hear you sobbing for his dick all day, everyday. as he falls tiredly to your side, your breathing matching his in irregularity, he locks tonight to memory, and promises himself he’ll reduce you to this state again. 
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end note; sukuna brainrot eeeeee
500 Follower Event is now closed!
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peakyscillian · 3 years
The Fight | The Date Series
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Summary: Cillian has been away filming for two months, Ophelia is teething and you just need some kind of reassurance. Warnings: Language/Arguing. Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Fem!Reader Part: 19/? Requested: No A/N: They've had it pretty plain sailing I needed to throw in a tough moment sorry!
The Fight | The Date Series
Masterlist | Date Masterlist
Part 19
You were so tired, you weren't sure how you were functioning at all. Ophelia had started teething a week ago, she was uncomfortable, in pain and constantly crying. Cilian had been away in LA, two months since he left and you were ready for him to be home, to take Ophelia and let you sleep. You still had a few weeks before that would happen, he had a scheduled break coming up but right now that was too far away.
Ophelia had finally tired herself out with her crying and was sleeping in her crib, you were determined to get some sleep in before she was awake.
You'd curled under the blanket on the sofa, settled down and then you were asleep in seconds.
** You woke to the sound of your phone ringing, with a groan you grabbed for it, a facetime from Cillian, you accepted immediately.
"Hey Bu-" You started to speak but the look on his face stopped you instantly.
"I've been trying for nearly an hour to get hold of you, jesus christ what happened?" He was concerned but annoyed you could tell.
"Sorry Cill, I was asleep" you frowned adjusting your position on the sofa.
"Its 3 in the afternoon" he quizzed, you let out a sigh.
"Ophelia, is teething she's awake screaming most of the night and day, she went down for a nap I decided to catch up on sleep" you were not in the mood for him to judge you.
"Could have text let me know" he huffed.
You rolled your eyes, definitely still shattered and now irritated by the way he was talking to you.
"It's alright for you Cillian, you're out in LA having fancy dinners and going for drinks with the lads, I'm here with your daughter while she screams the house down at all hours, but I'm sorry I didn't text you to let you know I was catching up on an hours sleep" "I'm not having ago, I was worried" he sighed hand running over his face "Look I'm going to go, Ophelia will be awake soon and I need to tidy up" You stood from the sofa. "Don't be like this Y/N, especially when I'm so far away we can't fix it"
You shook your head, feeling the tears build you were tired, missed him and just wanted some comfort "I'll call you later Cill" "Y/N, do not end this call like this" he warned.
"I can't do this okay? I just need you home with us, so fucking lonely and exhausted" you confessed letting a few tears slip onto your cheeks. "Baby, please don't fuck, I can't stand this, but I can't just leave right now, I'll call Ella get her over, my sisters whoever" he was scrambling for ideas.
"Just want you Cill, please just let me call you later" you whispered.
"Y/N, I love you okay?"
You nodded, as the sounds of Ophelia wide awake and crying filled the baby monitor "She's awake, I love you" you spoke softly, finger immediately hitting the end call button.
You pulled yourself together, brushing the tears away and headed for the stairs. ** You sighed as your phone rang out on the coffee table, Ophelia was laying sound asleep next to you in her snug pillow. "Hey" you smiled as Cillian appeared on the screen, you were feeling guilty about your earlier attitude.
"Hey darling, how are you feeling?" he asked, you could see the amazing view from his apartments balcony. "Tired, but okay, Im so sor-" Cillian shook his head "Don't apologise, I shouldn't have been that way with you, I was just worried. I'm booking you and Ophelia tickets to fly out here" You frowned "Cillian, we agreed her first flight would be with both of us, you want me to do a thirteen hour flight with our teething daughter alone" Cillian rolled his eyes "What do you want me to do here y/n? Everything I suggest you fight, I can't up and leave this job until next month, I was trying to fucking help"
You felt the anger boil in your veins "Don't swear at me Cillian, you're just not seeing this from my point of view, before I was a mother I would have jumped at the chance, but our daughter is teething she's uncomfortable and spends most of her day screaming the house down, how an earth do you think that will go down on a flight?" You watched as he sighed, rubbed at his temple "Look I can't do this over the phone with you, you're taking everything as me trying to make your life harder, maybe you should call me when you've had more sleep"
You spat out a laugh "Okay when our daughter is eighteen I'll call you, fuck you Cillian" you jabbed the end call button, throwing yourself back against the sofa in frustration, just to stir Ophelia who right on queue started wailing. *** Taglist @missymurphy1985 @heidimoreton @cloudofdisney @queenshelby @janelongxox @being-worthy @anotherhitandrun @alreadybroken-ts @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni @otterly-fey
@vhscillian @uchihacumdump @inkandpen22 @pocket-of-possibilities @ysmmsy @lovemissyhoneybee @radioheadgirl
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Okay maybe 10 and 14 with Bucky Barnes for the smutty prompts
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10) “Look, I’m not into choking but I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while.”
14) “Do you think you deserve to be punished?”
So, I waffled between dom!Bucky and dom!reader for this one and eventually decided on dom!Bucky, please enjoy!
Smut! No minors!!!
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You and Bucky has been making out for the past 15 minutes.
It was nice! It was always nice when he got back from a long mission and just wanted to snuggle with you for hours. Soft and cuddly and fluffy sex that always left you feeling pleasantly satisfied the next day.
But you really wanted to be fucked right now.
Just pinned down to the mattress, hair pulling, forget your own name fucked. You couldn’t figure out how to broach the subject though.
“You with me, doll?” He murmured into your neck as his tongue brushed over your jaw.
“Hmm? Yeah baby, I’m here.” You sighed as he sucked a bruise against your throat, his hands lightly skimming over your sides as you chewed on your lips.
“You sure? You seem distracted.” He muttered as he brought his face up to look at you.
“No, it’s just...” you studied his face closely and took a deep breath. “This is so nice baby, but I kind of want you to just fuck me.”
“Sweetie, if you want me to make love to you...”
“No, not ‘make love’, I want you to ravage me, Buck.” You said seriously, pressing him further into the couch as you thought about every filthy thing you wanted him to do to you. “Like, throw me on the bed, tear off my clothes, pin me down and fuck me stupid. Look, I’m not into choking but I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while.”
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you smashed your lips against his, curling your tongue against his and moaning into his mouth as you basically dry humped him.
“Shit.” He panted breathlessly when you finally released him. “You’ve been thinking about this for a while?”
“Yeah.” You sighed, leaning against his chest as you throbbed with need.
“And you didn’t tell me until now?” He chuckled darkly, running his hand over your hair. “You’re such a bad girl.”
You gasped as he wrapped his hand in your hair and wrenched your head back to run his teeth over your throat.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Sergeant Barnes.” You whined as he nipped at your skin at the same time he bucked his hips up against you. “I am a bad girl.”
“Do you think you deserve to be punished?” He grumbled as he wrapped you around him.
“Yes, please sergeant.” You moaned as he stood up and started to carry you to the bedroom.
He tossed you onto the bed as he kicked the door close, staring at you darkly as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip.
“Take your clothes off.” He ordered as he gazed darkly at you, his fingers moving to unbutton his shirt.
“Yes sir.” You muttered, biting your lip as pulled your sweater over your head and tossed it aside before moving to unzip your skirt.
“Stop.” He ordered when you moved to undo your garter belt. “Lingerie stays on.”
Your mouth filled with saliva and your pussy throbbed with need. Your breath was coming in shallow pants as you watched Bucky remove his clothes, stepping out of his pants and boxers before he prowled towards you, running his belt through his hands.
He grabbed your wrists in his vibranium fist and dragged you up the bed, wrapping his belt around your hands and looping it through the headboard until you were secured to his satisfaction.
“Look at you.” He tutted once he was finished, sitting back on his heels as his gaze raked over your body. “Such a needy little slut.”
You moaned as he shoved his hand down the front of your panties and teased his fingers over your entrance. His vibranium hand tugged your bra down until your breasts popped out, and you cried out when he slapped your nipple.
“Just remember, you asked for this, doll.” He growled before ripping your panties off and spearing into you.
You screamed as you came immediately, your body quivering as your pussy clenched around his cock and your release soaked his thighs. He didn’t stop though, his hips slamming into you and forcing you to brace your hands against the headboard so he didn’t push you up the bed.
Bucky’s grunts were animalistic as he rutted into you, his palms pressed against your thighs to keep them forced apart as he felt you flutter and spasm around him. He ground his hips into you and you came again with a sob, your body bending like a snapped bowstring as tears leaked down your cheeks.
“You’re taking me so good, doll. Squeezing me so good with this pretty pussy.” You moaned when he pulled out of you, but then he flipped you over and slammed back inside you, wrapping his vibranium fist in your hair and yanking your head back as he curled over you. “You feeling like a dumb little slut yet?”
“Fuck.” You moaned as he drew another orgasm from, grinning into your hair as you vibrated underneath him.
“Not yet, I guess.” He muttered against the shell of your ear, nipping at it as his other hand wrapped around your throat. “I’m gonna make you forget how to talk, sweetheart.”
He barely pressed against your jugular and you whined as he somehow started moving his hips even faster, slapping them against your ass as he suffocated you under his body.
He twisted his hips and you lost it, sinking your teeth into the pillow as you let out an inhuman wail. You felt every muscle in your body relax as your mind emptied, sagging into the mattress as you let Bucky use you and drool leaked from the corner of your mouth.
“That’s my stupid little pretty whore.” He murmured as he felt your drool run over his fingers, burying his face in your hair and pressing his lips to the hollow behind your ear as he felt you clench around him at the praise. “I’m gonna fill you up doll, you did so good.”
You just moaned like a good little slut as you felt him throb and swell inside you before he stilled his hips and flooded you with his cum, roaring into your ear as his entire body rolled with pleasure on top of you.
He collapsed when he was finished, crushing you under his weight as he panted into your neck and you just laid there blinking like an idiot.
“You ok doll?” He muttered, pressing his lips to your neck softly before gently pulling out of you and moving to undo his belt from around the headboard.
“Yeah.” You mumbled into the pillow as he rubbed his fingers over the welts on your wrists. “I don’t think I can move though. So y’know, great job.”
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maggotzombie · 4 years
needy ; henry cavill
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PAIRING: Henry Cavill x Reader (fem) SUMMARY: You want Henry to pay attention to you but he keeps playing WoW and TikTok give you some ideas. TIME PERIOD: April of 2020 (midst of the rona [covid-19] quarantine craziness); WORDS: 3,2k TW: fluff, teasing, smut, dirty talk, daddy kink, punishment. A/N: I’m writing this very late, I know. Also, this is my first take on a few subjects I’m not comfortable with (such as daddy kink and punishment), so bear with me, please!! 🙃 This gif (nsfw) was a reference for this 3,2k smutt lol thanks @could-be-cavill​ for my inspiration. — 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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HENRY IS playing World of Warcraft.
He’s playing that stupid game again.
Usually, I’m not bothered by that. He rarely has time to indulge himself with it anyway. But I usually have something to do, too. Well, usually.
This quarantine is lasting an awfully long time and I’ve run out of things to do.
Here’s a list of what I’ve done so far:
I’ve reorganized everything (bookshelves, closet, cabinets, etc.);
Scrubbed every inch of the house to perfection (I still have a few scratches on my hands from the chemicals of the cleaning products);
Kal has never been this well-groomed before.
I’m honestly tired of watching TV and looking at my phone. Actually, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the device lately. All of this because of the persistent and annoying ads of an app called TikTok.
My biggest mistake was downloading it out of curiosity.
It. Is. Addictive. Simple as that.
I sigh softly, twirling a strand of hair on my index finger as I watch my lovely, brawny, and completely fuckable boyfriend from the sofa. He’s talking complete nonsense and sometimes even speaking loudly, with his blue eyes fixed on the screen instead of me.
Kal’s head is resting on my lap and he glances worryingly at his best friend when he raises his voice.
An idea pops up in my head (thanks to the aforementioned app) and I smirk. Henry doesn’t even blink as I place a hand on his shoulder, he’s one-hundred percent focused on that stupid game.
He frowns when I pop my head in between his arms. “What are you doing?” He asks, letting go of the mouse so I can go through. “What’s this?”
I smile, making myself comfortable on his lap while facing him. Finally some eye contact. Without a reply, Henry shakes his head and goes back to the game, adjusting me to not get in his way.
After a minute or two, it seems I’m not an obstacle at all. In fact, Henry is now shouting directly to my ear due to our position. A pout forms in my lips as I reassess the strategy and I nuzzle my face into his neck in thought, making goosebumps flash over his skin.
As my soft lips brush against the crook of his neck, more goosebumps rise. Still testing the waters, I graze my teeth at the same spot. Suddenly, my boyfriend is very quiet and I can even hear the people he’s playing with on his headset.
Henry’s breath shallows when I plant a kiss on his weak spot; just below his earlobe.
“Stop it,” He whispers to me as his cock twitches against me.
“I don’t think you want me to,” I move his microphone away from his lips.
I push my tongue into his mouth boldly and I receive an appreciative moan back. I explore his mouth slowly but sensually and I can feel his hard-on starting to growl against my groin.
Suddenly he breaks the kiss and shoots me a warning glare, clearing his throat. “Yeah, I’m here,” He says after adjusting his mic. “Just got slightly distracted.”
Scoffing, I buckle my hips hard against his boner and Henry hisses at the friction.
“Y/N...” Henry whispers warningly with heavy breathing.
In response, I give him a smug smile before attaching my lips back to his neck. I slip my hands under his shirt and my boyfriend groans, contracting his muscles. As my eager fingertips brush against his hard and well-defined abs, my tongue darts out to caress the sweet spot under his ear.
Ignoring his scolding and protest, I take off his headset from his left ear and take his earlobe in between my lips. My man’s breath gets caught up in his throat and his hand grabs my hip to stop me from grinding against his hard cock.
“Fuck,” He curses through gritted teeth.
Confusion takes over his face as I climb down off his lap but then he tenses again when I kneel in between his legs. Hands flat on his thick thighs, I’m able to move it very little towards my goal before Henry grabs my wrists.
He throws the headset onto the keyboard carelessly and gets up from the chair, taking me with him. I giggle in amusement as he pins me down on the sofa, hands above my head.
“What are you doing?” Henry asks in all seriousness.
“I’m bored!” I say honestly, looking into his eyes with mischief. “Play with me!” I pout and open a smirk at his expression.
“I’m busy right now,” He points out and I ignore it by trying to kiss his lips. My boyfriend moves his head away from my reach and gives me a stern look. “Wait for your turn, kitten,” Henry says.
“Since when do kittens do what they’re told to?” I ask, raising my knee to rub against his crotch. “They do whatever the fuck they want to,” I purr, watching his concentration faltering for an instant.
My boyfriend blinks and shakes his head before growling. He pins my leg down with his knee and applies more of his weight on my wrists, making it a bit uncomfortable but without hurting me.
“This kitten will obey. Otherwise, daddy will punish her later,” Henry provokes back but it makes me all tingly.
“Hmmm,” I hum, trying to reach him once again. “How about now? I misbehaved, right?”
“Later,” He says pointedly.
Before I can say or do anything else, Henry lifts his weight off me and moves away. I sit on the sofa to see him sitting back in front of the computer, completely ignoring me.
I hiss at him, just like a cat, and he throws a smirk my way while putting his headset back on. Pissed off by the rejection, I get up and leave the room. By the time I reach the stairs to the second floor, I can hear the shouting about the game resuming.
First, I jump on our big bed and just scream my frustration on a pillow. Eventually, I lie onto my back and stare at the ceiling pondering what to do next.
I’m SO bored.
Then I strip down and get into the bathtub where I watch even more TikToks. Thirty minutes later, after the water got too cold, I step out of it and wrap a towel around my body. I am about to carry on my daily routine when another idea provided by the beloved app pops into my head.
Ignoring the fact that I’m leaving small pools of water at each step I take, I walk down the stairs. Henry is exactly where I left him: on the stupid computer, playing the stupid game and shouting stupid things to children.
He doesn’t acknowledge my presence as I stand at the foot of the staircase and I open my towel. Nothing yet. I remove it completely from my body and I’m still invisible. Praying for some good aim, I throw the wet towel at him.
I call it a strike as it lands on top of his head. Huffing to gather some patience, Henry takes the towel off of his head and slowly turns to look at me. From where I’m standing, I can see the change in his eyes.
Without saying a word, he closes the game and throws the towel onto the floor. He’s up from his chair and sprinting towards me in a heartbeat. I turn hot on my heels to run upstairs, but my boyfriend’s arms wrap around my waist as I’m about to climb the second flight of the stairs.
“Nuh-uh,” He says against my ear, trapping my body with his against the wall. “You wanted my attention,” He continues and I can feel his hand shuffling something on my lower back. “Now you got it.”
My hands struggle to find something to grab and I lose my breath as Henry plunges into me without so much as a warm-up nor a warning. He groans at the sensation of my walls squeezing him angrily and pulls my arms to my back, locking it so I can’t move.
“Ah! So tight, baby girl,” He whispers without moving.
I don’t reply and it makes him grab my face by my jaw and turn it to the side. Nuzzling my temple, he produces the sexiest sound ever into my ear.
“What happened? The cat got your tongue?” His baritone voice hits a new low.
I clench around him. “Jesus Christ, Henry,” I breath out, wiggling my backside towards him and inciting a new moan from him. “Touch me,” I plead.
“Where, kitten?” Henry asks, letting go of my arms. “Use your words,” One hand travels down to my clit while the other grabs my left breast. “Here or here?”
First, he toys with my nub, making me get wetter. Then, he squeezes my boob and pinches my nipple. I moan, pressing my forehead against the wall. Each move gives me different waves of pleasure, both very welcomed and appreciated.
“Kitten?” He calls when I don’t reply.
“Y-Yes,” I reply, already weak resting my head back on his shoulder.
“You’re such a tease, but it doesn’t go beyond that, huh?” My boyfriend chuckles, calling me out.
“Baby, please,” I whine, clutching to his wrist.
Chuckling slightly again, he nuzzles his face into my neck and starts to toy with my clit. Slowly, Henry starts to bulge his hips against mine, making both of us moan. His hand comes down from my boob to squeeze my hip as he intensifies his thrusting and the movement of his hand.
In a swift move, he peels off his shirt, discarding it to the ground. I take the opportunity to move my hips at my own pace now that he doesn’t have his hands on me. But his strong grip returns to my hips and I see stars at the speed of his thrusts.
The obscene sound of our bodies fills the house along with our lewd moans. My boyfriend slows down when I rest my head back against his shoulder, eyes screwed shut as little spasms start to run over my body.
“You take my cock so well, baby girl,” He says against my temple, breathing heavily. “You like my big, fat cock tearing you apart, don’t you, kitten?”
My lust-filled brain can barely register the question as his throbbing cock gently caresses my G-spot. However, a loud and tingly smack on my right ass cheek startles me, prompting my wrecked neurons to put together a reply.
“I fucking love it,” I say through gritted teeth, raising my head and glancing at him over my shoulder. “Go faster, daddy,” I moan and bite my lip. “I want to come all over your delicious cock.”
Henry’s eyes darken by my request and he grabs my jaw, crashing his lips against mine. Our kiss is a bit rough, tongues battling for control until he pulls my bottom lip with his teeth.
“I’ll make you come so hard that you’ll regret interrupting my game,” He tells me.
The excitement of his words gives me chills and I chuckle with mischief. “Do you promise?” I glance at him seductively, my teasing self returning to the game.
“Cross my heart,” My boyfriend reassures me, one of his hands sliding back down in between my legs. “Are you ready?”
The question is ignored as my brain is reduced to mush once again. More than before, my legs spread apart and my ass is up in the air for easy access. All of that balanced in my tiptoes that are becoming numb by now.
My pussy clenches around his cock as he massages my clit and restarts to pound into me senselessly. I moan, feeling my orgasm close. Henry groans louder, throwing his head back as his hips crush against my ass, the slapping sounding immoral and loud like both of us.
His hands finally give some attention to my boobs, kneading both of them. Like an expert, he teases my hard nipples, making me shiver from pleasure and I reach down to rub myself as I feel the first sparkles of the orgasm.
Lips come in contact with the sensitive skin of my nape and I start to lose it. “Oh, my God,” I breathe out, rubbing my clit faster. “D-Daddy,” I stutter as my toes start to curl up.
“Yes, kitten. Come all over daddy’s cock,” Henry growls into my ear, fucking me harder.
“I’m so close,” I whisper, completely out of breath. “Ah!” My moan reaches a note higher when he takes over and starts to rub my clit again.
Both his hand and hips move at an absurd fast pace and I literally see stars, coming hard on his cock. My legs buckle and Henry catches me before I fall without stopping his movements. My pussy clutches him so hard that I bet he’s gonna come anytime soon.
“Aaaah! Shit.”
My eyes are screwed shut and I squeeze my thighs together. It makes my pussy tighter around Henry’s girthy shaft, making him moan, but he still doesn’t stop thrusting hard into me nor rubbing my clit. I try to move his hand away just to fail miserably.
“Come on, kitten,” He pants, holding me against his body. “I know you can do it.”
“Oh, Henry!” I nearly shout as all my muscles tense up before becoming jelly.
I come once again and my thighs feel wet. Henry finally slows down his thrusts before sliding out of me. I feel the bliss of the orgasm and, if it weren’t for his strong arms secured around my waist, I’d fall to the ground.
“You did so well, baby girl,” My boyfriend praises me.
I try to catch my breath and rest my head against his chest. “Did you come?” I ask, feeling his hard cock on my lower back.
“Not yet,” He squeezes my overly sensitive boobs.
“What?” I frown, exhausted. “What is this?” I ask, looking at the water pool on the floor that I stepped on.
Henry chuckles, feeling amused by my confusion. “You squirted, kitten,” He explains.
This surprises me. “Seriously?”
I have never done this before.
“Yeah,” He muses, balancing my weight in between his arms. “Come on,” Henry says, nudging me to climb up the stairs.
“I can’t walk,” I giggle, looking up at him from over my shoulder.
His brow is furrowed as he looks down at me with his attentive azure eyes. Then, Henry flips me around and picks me up like a doll, throwing me over his shoulder. I gasp at the slap he lands across my ass but he quickly makes it up by spreading kisses on my thigh.
The air is knocked out of my lungs once again when he throws me onto the mattress. I look up at the Greek God boyfriend that I have and smirk, running one foot over his torso. He pushes my leg down and hovers over me, taking my lips possessively in a heated kiss. I moan into his mouth and my hands slide down from his back to squeeze his ass.
However, Henry takes both of my hands and pins it down above my head. “Keep it there,” He orders. “Do not move it.”
Biting my lips, I nod while looking into his eyes. In a swift move and still pinning my hands above my head, he flips me on the mattress. A quiet squeal followed by a giggle escapes my lips and I wiggle my ass, adjusting myself in the new position. Henry kneads my butt cheeks as I feel his lips on my back and I sigh, feeling the familiar chill running down my spine once again.
He goes lower and lower until he isn’t holding my hands anymore. Bending my knees slightly, my boyfriend makes me pop my ass up, exposing my pussy to him. I let out a long and obscene moan as I feel his mouth latch onto my very sensitive core.
Henry’s tongue is merciless. He devours my pussy, licking all my juices and flicking my clit with expertise. My hands clutch at the comforter in pleasure and I moan at the vibration of his groan, pumping himself while eating me out.
“B-Baby, I’m gonna…” I start, feeling the wonderful sensation building up again. Henry simply hums and starts to massage my clit with his thumb. “Fuuuck,” The shaking begins and, in a matter of seconds, I come hard on his mouth.
Another appreciative moan comes from my man while he licks me clean. This time, he has to hold my thighs tightly so I don’t move.
My breath is rapid and I’m still feeling the aftermath of my third climax when Henry pushes into me. I instantly clench around him a bunch of times, my walls too sensitive from the intense activity it's experiencing.
“Fuck, kitten,” Henry moans into my ear, lying on top of me. “If you keep doing that, I won’t last long.”
I try to say something, but my brain is so overwhelmed by now that I can’t put together a simple phrase. And, if it was bad before, it gets worse as he starts to thrust. He picks up the speed quickly and, once again, the slapping sound of his hips hitting against my ass echoes in the room.
Henry’s moans and panting in my ear are way too much to handle and I’m coming into his cock almost right after he began ramming into me. He slows down, prolonging my fourth orgasm and adding more fire to it by nibbling my earlobe and reaching down to rub my clit.
I can’t close my legs because one of his is right between mine, but I try my best. My eyes nearly get stuck on the back of my head as I come yet again. All my muscles feel sore from tensing up and relaxing repetitively and my throat hurts from moaning.
When I think I can’t take anymore, Henry tenses above me, his thrust becoming irregular and rougher. He moans, a very dirty moan, finally coating my walls with his warm, thick load. A few more pumps and he eases out of me, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek before he rolls off me and crashes to my side.
My body is too exhausted to move and I just stay in the same position he put me in, trying to regain my breath. Aftershocks still make my limbs tremble then and there and I feel numb.
“That was awesome,” Henry says, trying to catch his breath too. “Baby?” He asks when I don’t say anything. “Are you okay?” His hand feels cold against my skin.
“You’re a pussy destroyer,” I breathe out with my eyes closed, making him laugh.
“You squirted again,” My boyfriend points out, feeling very proud of himself.
“I figured I would,” I say, trying to move only to moan at the discomfort coming from between my legs. I end up rolling to the side, resting my back against his chest. “I won’t be able to sit for days.”
“That’s what you get from interrupting my game,” Henry says playfully, squeezing my boobs.
“Oh, I’ll do that more often, then,” I tease, making him laugh again.
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I just read your Riven fics and ommggg they are so good!! Idk if you are making a part three but I will definitely look out for it! I haven’t started the sly ones but I can’t wait!
Come back to me // part 2
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Pairing: Riven x light!fairy
Breath caught in her throat, she felt her hands tremble as her eyes lingered on the envelope on her pillow. The handwriting is in the kind of black that speaks of nighttime dreaming. The letters are so typically Riven - messy and yet she could see the effort behind each and every word - To my Sunshine - .
It’s been a long time since he last wrote her a love note, far too long for her to truly remember what it said. She remembers how it made her feel - hopeful, elated, giddy. That’s all Riven needed to win her over - love notes he’d slip in her books whenever she wasn’t looking.
This time it felt different. The note brought anxiety, fear of what the envelope may hide inside. They barely speak nowadays and when they do, Riven is crude and too often she finds herself crying herself to sleep because of how convincing he is with his act. Sometimes she wonders if he’s acting at all or if that’s who he is with everyone but her and it makes her feel guilty. How can she still be questioning his loyalties?
Shaking her head, she releases a heavy sigh before her shaky fingers pry open the envelope. The paper inside is barely ink stained, a few words written for her aching heart.
“Still Your Asshole”
Chuckling, Y/N covers her mouth with an open palm, glancing at the door to make sure no one is nearby. It wasn’t a chuckle that seemed to stop as it turned into a cackle and that cackle turned into a sob. She didn’t know where the sobs came from, she just knew she couldn’t stop. As if the soul could bleed an ocean through the eyes, that was the enormity of her sobbing.
Screaming into her pillow, Y/N felt the rawness of her pain fully. It had revealed its ugly head and she couldn’t breathe. 
Riven may be hers but he isn’t. It takes a moment, a single mistake for him to be uncovered by Rosalind or Beatrix and he’d be taken from her. She’d never get to run her fingers through his brown hair, she’d never get to kiss his lips again or feel his hand in hers. He’d never tease her again, he’d never write her a new note or insist she needs him to teach her to fight. All of it would be gone in a blink of any eye and the severity of that realization choked the light out of her, even if for a little while.
She can’t always be the Sunshine. Clouds will eventually clear, but she needs the little bit of darkness and the sweetness it brings. Even if she’s in pain, even if the sadness threatens to suffocate her, she craves it. 
Riven makes her weak, he makes her vulnerable. She never dreamed she could care for a man like Riven, she certainly didn’t wish it, but she does. It’s more than caring for Riven, she’s way past that. Whatever wicked game he played to make her feel that way for him, it worked. She fell in love with Riven and now it’s consuming her.
Wiping her tears, she stashes the letter under her mattress before walking out in the sun. If she can’t be the light, she can at least get the warmth of another’s light.
She lays down on the damp grass, looking up at the sky. She looked at the sky like a man would look at a withered flower in which he no longer sees the beauty he plucked it for, thus destroying it.
This noble heart that beat only for the most tender of emotions had to be subjected to pain to learn the secret of life:
Love has to come at once, with thunder and lightning like a hurricane that wrecks havoc on your life, to shake you up and break the the heart like leaves off trees, to drag it into the abyss.
She’s in the abyss now.
“You can’t be here”, and then she hears his voice, pulling her away from the darkness. “Come on”, he whisper shouts as he takes her by the hands and helps her to her feet. 
She’s a little dizzy, disoriented by the sudden change in position. His eyes are on her, his face inches away and yet she feels like they’re a thousand miles apart. She doesn’t fight him as he drags her to the greenhouse, closing the door quickly so no one would see them.
“I got your note”, she’s the first one to speak. Riven turns to her with a small smile only for it to fall when he truly looks at her - puffy, red eyes and dry lips aren’t easily mistakable. 
He let out a slow controlled breath, “Is that why you cried?” Riven’s eyebrows furrow as he steps closer to her, his hands on his hips.
“I cried because I miss you!” She shouts, her fingers flickering alight and she knows she’s losing control. A shuddered breath passes her quivering lips, “I miss you and I’m worried about you and I hate you.” She says through gritted teeth and Riven can’t help but stumble back, confused.
“Me?” He raises his eyebrows, pointing his right index finger at himself, “What did I do?”
Scoffing, Y/N shakes her head. “YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU AND YOU’RE NOT EVEN HERE!” Covering her mouth, she turns away from him. She never told him that she loved him before and he never uttered anything close to it either. She feared looking at him and not have him say it back. After all, why would he?
“You love me?” Riven breathes out, still trying to collect himself. Crossing the distance between them, Riven wraps his arms around her. Pulling her back against his chest, he folds his hands over her abdomen. He’s holding on tightly, like she’s a dream he’s afraid to wake up from. 
“You love me?” He repeats in a whisper. Knitting her eyebrows together, she frowns and bites into the soft flesh of the inside of her bottom lip as his lips brush her earlobe.
“Yes”, she leans her head back on his shoulder, relaxing in his arms.
“Good.” Riven whispers and she snaps out of it, slapping his hands until he lets go. 
“Good?” She exclaims, her glare deadlier than a blade. 
“Yeah?” Riven chuckles, scratching the back of his neck.
“I tell you I love you and all you have to say is good?” She deadpans, before throwing her hands in the air, “Unbelievable.”
“Yeah. It’s good, because I’ve been in love with you for about a year now and it’s good to know you finally feel the same way.” Riven shrugs, “But go on. I like it when you’re angry.”
Rolling her eyes, she playfully slaps his chest, “Don’t fucking do that to me!”
“Did you just say a swear word?” Riven’s eyes widen, a grin much wider making Y/N blush.
“You’re really going to nitpick at my language instead of kissing me now when we finally got a moment alone in months?” She raises an eyebrow, tapping her foot nervously.
“I’m actually running late”, Riven wets his lips and yet he doesn’t move away, but closer to Y/N. All he can taste is the cherry chapstick she wore the first time they kissed. That was on a constant loop inside his head.
“We could run?” Y/N tries, but Riven only shakes his head.
“I spent my whole life running. I can’t betray Sky like that. He’s my brother.” 
Struggling to inhale, Y/N whispers, “And what am I to you?”
“The love of my life.” Riven blurts out without a second thought as his hands cups her cheeks, “You’re the only reason why I’m never going to give up.”
“You’re saying all the right words and my heart still hurts”, she sniffles, hoping she doesn’t cry again. She’s had enough of crying for a lifetime.
“I wish I could make it better, I do.” Closing his eyes, Riven leans his forehead on hers, “I love you with all I am. With all I’ll ever be.” Drawing in a sharp inhale, he holds his breath for a moment to stop tears from forming. “If I were a better man, I’d have let you go.”
“Don’t be the better man”, she croaks, her fingers curling his hair at the back of his head. “Be the bad guy. Just be mine.” And she kissed him. With a devastating sweetness, an innocence - as if this were the first time. Strong fingers curved about her jaw and warmth seeped into her bones, her skin, her soul.
The lips held to hers, reassuringly alive. Riven had reassured her by the strength of his arms surrounding her and the steady wilderness in his chest, beat of a heart not her own. 
She was no longer alone in misery. Someone was there, keeping her warm, holding the memories at bay and dangers of the world could no longer get to her. Her lips softened; tentatively, she returned the kiss with all her heart.
Breaking the kiss, Riven’s arms leave her, the warmth going with him. She stumbles, catching her breath. 
Riven glances at his phone only to swear under his breath and she knows something’s happened.
“Listen to me”, Riven swallows thickly, “Stay with Stella and the rest tonight.”
“Why”, Y/N frowns, folding her arms across her chest.
“Don’t ask questions, please.” Pecking her lips, Riven takes a few steps back, “If you love me as much as you say you do, go now and stay with the girls. I’ll try to contact you as soon as I can.”
“Riven”, Y/N raises her voice, unnerved and anxious about his behavior. 
“Sunshine, please”, his voice softens and she nods, licking her lips. Before she can say a word, he manages a smile, “I’ll come back to you. I will.” 
And that’s when he leaves and Y/N does as he asked. But the nagging feeling inside her chest is relentless - something bad is happening and someone is going to get hurt.
Part 4 
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
The Night Before: Possessive Levi smut 🔥
Warning! Angry sex, degradation, light bondage
This is technically a prequel to “Waking up with Levi”, a fluffy Levi oneshot; if you’re interested, you can find it here!
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Dear god please find me a man that looks at least a quarter as fine as this ^ pleaseeeeee
Art by @/lvovdcn on Twitter! 
Usually you weren’t the type for petty resentment and revenge. It was too childish and took more energy than you were usually willing to put in…  but usually you weren't this angry. And at Levi, at that.
Levi, your captain, scout leader, and...fuck buddy.
You mostly used each other for a physical distraction, something to keep your minds off the horrific things you saw each day and the people that you lost. You had both mutually agreed to keep it physical only, since having any sort of relationship would only result in distraction--something neither of you could afford.
But he made it hard. It was hard when he stroked your hair absentmindedly, or when he grumpily taught you how to make tea after your atrocious attempts, or when he had stood beside you for an hour in the darkness after your friend had been killed, a silent presence as he grieved with you.
It was especially hard when your friend and fellow squad member, Petra, confessed her feelings for Levi to you, her cheeks flushing a lovely pink and her smile growing shy. You had forced yourself to smile, nodding along with her, even as you wanted to scream.
Levi had immediately noticed your bad mood later that day, as you both worked on paperwork in his office.
“Spit it out,” he had grunted, making you cross your arms.
You glared at him, before saying as lightly as possible, “Petra should be coming here to confess her feelings to you soon.”
“Petra?” He didn’t look up.
“Mhm. She just couldn’t stop going on about how handsome and confident you were. Seems like she really likes you.”
“Are you jealous?” A slow smile was tugging at his lips, and you gritted your teeth.
“Of course not.”
“So you’re just being a nuisance?” He met your eyes, but you stayed silent, pretending to look back at your paperwork. Levi didn’t wait for your response as he continued. “Maybe I should just replace you with lovely Petra if you’re going to keep being a brat.”
He was just trying to get a rise out of you; you knew that. But your fists still curled.
“Should fuck her instead? Hmmm...maybe when she comes to confess...”
You stood up, furious and hurt. “Go ahead and do it,” you snapped.
“Ok, then you’d better go before she comes. We wouldn’t want an audience.”
You gritted your teeth so hard you felt them scrape, but you didn’t pause as you stormed out the door.
That had happened three days ago, and you had been ignoring Levi since then. He hadn’t reached out to you either, making you wonder if he actually had fucked Petra and decided he didn’t want you anymore. It seemed like the opposite of something he would do, but still.
To make matters worse, you saw them together in an empty hallway, standing close as Petra touched his arm, and he didn’t pull away.
Which was how you ended up sitting next to Commander Erwin and scout leader Hange at dinner, instead of your usual place with Levi and the rest of your squad across the hall. You could feel eyes on you as you spoke with Erwin, laughing at his awkward jokes and telling him animated stories about your last mission. Hange knew exactly what was going on--she had figured out that you and Levi were meeting up only a week after you started--but she decided to play along. You’d have to thank her later.
Towards the end of dinner, she giggled quietly beside you. “Levi looks like he’s about to kill someone.”
You ignored her, turning back to Erwin. “Commander, I have been feeling a bit sick lately. Is it possible for me to be excused from training tomorrow?” The blonde man looked at you in concern, but nodded. “Of course. I can talk to your scout leader about your absence.”
“Thank you so much,” you said and smiled as radiantly as possible, allowing every bit of dredged up happiness shine through.
Erwin looked a bit flustered for a moment, before placing a hand on your forehead. “Are you going to be ok? Do you need medicine--?”
A chair scraped violently across the hall, and Hange muttered gleefully, “Uh oh.”
You forced yourself not to look over, continuing to look at Erwin. “Thank you for your concern Commander, but I think I’m--”
You felt your chair get yanked back, and then you were staring into Levi’s steel grey eyes as he glared at you. “Excuse us, Commander, but I need to speak to my squad member for a moment.”
Erwin blinked at you in shock, but Levi didn’t even look at him as he literally dragged you from the room.
“What the hell!” You snapped as your captain wrenched you into his office, but you closed your mouth as he slowly turned, his face livid.
“What was that,” he growled, slowly stalking towards you.
You swallowed. “Am I not allowed to speak to my Commander?”
“My Commander?” Levi snarled, palm slamming on the wood next to your head. “It sounds like you want to fuck him.”
“Maybe I do.”
Levi’s face twisted, and you gasped as he gripped your thighs. “You’re really such a slut, aren’t you?”
You struggled to breathe as he violently shoved your pants down, his hand tracing down your stomach before curling in between your thighs. You could already feel moisture pooling within your underwear, and you tried to press your legs together to keep him from picking up on it.
Too late.
“Fuck, how are you already so wet?” He chuckled darkly in your ear. “You really want me that bad, huh?”
“N-no,” you whimpered, but then Levi was sliding a finger deep inside you, and the sound you let out proved yourself completely wrong.
He raised his eyebrows, pulling his hand from your pants (to your dismay) but you didn’t even get to open your mouth before he was lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He was shorter than you by a few inches, and yet he carried you with such ease, something that you knew made him feel infinitely smug. What a stuck up bastard.
“What are you doing?” You gasped as he kicked open the door from his office to his adjoining bedroom, where he tossed you on the neatly made up sheets.
“You were trying to get a reaction out of me, right?” Levi growled, crawling over you and pinning your wrists above your head. “Well you got one.”
He crashed his lips against yours, shoving his tongue between your teeth and kissing you hard enough to bruise. You opened your mouth, biting his lower lip gently as you wiggled your hips impatiently. You tried to pull your hands away, but he held onto you tightly, forcing you to remain still as he used his other hand to literally tear your clothes off.
“Mmmmmh…” You sighed as he ran his hand along your stomach, around your breasts, and then he was between your legs. You had already ditched your pants, and you gasped as he jerked your legs apart, sliding down between them. You could feel his hot breath on your skin, and you trembled as he kissed your inner thighs gently, inching closer and closer to your center.
“O-oh god,” you whimpered, meeting Levi’s dark gaze.
Without warning, he slipped a finger deep inside you while finally laying his mouth on your clit, and you let out a breathless scream. Your hips bucked up, but he lay his hand flat against your stomach, forcing you to stay still as he ate you out.
Your entire body trembled as he shifted one of your legs over his shoulder, and your eyes rolled back in your head as he twisted his fingers, clenching down hard as you came.
“Ah-oh fuckkk….Levi--”
“What did you just call me?” He stood up slowly, licking your access juices off his fingers, and he glared down at you.
“I-I’m sorry, Captain.”
“Right.” He leaned over you, gripped your chin tightly as he surveyed your messed up hair and glassy eyes. “Could Erwin ever make you feel like this? Huh?”
You swallowed, a bit of your anger coming back. “Well I heard he has a bigger--”
Levi snarled, cutting you off as he unbuckled the harness on his chest, tugging it off. Your throat went dry as he wrapped it solidly around your wrists, buckling the other end to the bedpost behind you.
“What were you saying?” He said, his wild face inches from yours, and you swallowed.
When you remained silent, Levi slid off the bed and started ditching his clothes, all while surveying your naked body on the bed, arched and helpless before him. Fuck, that’s hot.
He practically pounced on you when he was finally free of the rest of his gear, positioning himself impatiently between your legs. You jerked and moaned as he slid himself slowly inside you, allowing you to feel the press of his dick against your walls.
“Ah-fuck-” he grunted low in your ear, and you arched your back against him. You tried to move as he began to thrust slowly inside you, tried to get him to pick up the pace, but with your arms bound, there wasn’t much you could do.
“More,” you moaned, and Levi grinned, unrestrained for the first time.
He slid out of you, repositioning your legs so they both were lifted over his shoulders, and then he slammed back in. You practically screamed as he hit deeper than he had before, and your hands clawed helplessly on the pillows above your head.
His hips snapped to meet yours over and over, and his panting moans had you seeing stars as the sound of your sex filled the room.
“What if I brought Erwin in here to see you like this? Do you think he would still like such a dirty whore like you?” Levi snarled in your ear, not pausing his movements. His hands gripped your hips hard enough to bruise, and you threw your head back with a cry. “Do you think he’d get off to seeing you like this? All fucked out and sexy?”
You clenched down hard, whining as you felt your stomach tighten for a second time. Before you could come, Levi stopped moving, gripping your face.
“That’s not going to happen, do you understand? Because you’re mine. No one else gets to see you like this.”
You nodded frantically. “Yes, Captain...”
Levi moaned softly at the use of his title, and then slammed all the way to the hilt. It didn’t take long for your lost orgasm to come rushing back, and you breathlessly sobbed as it washed over you, making your entire body tremble and shake.
Levi didn’t stop, slamming into you harder than before, and the overstimulation on your clit had you practically in tears. But luckily, it didn’t take long for him to finish, and you felt his cock twitch inside you as he painted your walls with his cum, groaning your name.
He collapsed on top of you, his dick softening, and you grunted at his weight. He was still heavy despite his short stature, and you could barely breathe.
“Levi, get off,” you groaned, wriggling under him, and for a long moment he didn’t respond. You thought that maybe he had fallen asleep (he could fall asleep abnormally fast for some reason) which would be quite unfortunate since your hands were still tied up above you.
“Do you actually want to fuck Erwin?” He finally said, his voice was low against your collarbone, and you blinked in surprise.
“No…” You swallowed tightly, before forcing out, “Did you sleep with Petra?”
He raised his head, his grey eyes serious. “Of course not. Did you actually think I would?”
You blushed. “I don’t know... I saw you with her so I thought…”
“I told her I’m not interested.”
“Oh. Ok.”
“I’m interested in you.”
You smiled a little. “Will you untie me?”
He grunted in annoyance, but pushed himself onto his elbows and tugged the harness from around your wrists. “Brat.”
“I’m tired.”
You shifted down under the sheets, grabbing his arm. “Can I stay?”
“Tch. Fine.”
You smiled against his skin, curling against his side as your eyes began to droop.
“Be quiet.”
You can read Waking up with Levi here !
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aizawaorkuroo · 4 years
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A Burnt Offering
Ship: Dabi x f!reader
Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 5.7k
Summary: Your long lost childhood friend sends you letters. And then everything falls apart. Or perhaps together? Otherwise known as “Dabi wants you. And Dabi gets what he wants.”
Warnings: dubcon, non-consensual voyeurism, stalking, manipulation, spitting, dacryphilia, size kink, overstimulation, creampie, cock warming, unprotected sex
A/N: Spoilers for ch. 290 kinda!!! Don’t think too hard about how they’re childhood friends. Not going to be canon compliant cause i make the rules uwu,, also this is a little darker than what I’ve written in the past, (but still pretty soft all things considered) so please read the warnings!!!
“Dreamed of peach trees. Dreamed, again, of drowning. Dreamed of highways becoming rivers. Dreamed of me, my long hair in flames, my body no longer a body, but a burnt offering, strange smoke rising up to meet him” - Nicola Maye Goldberg
The first letter you received was a little out of the ordinary, but nothing special. It had been left under your doormat, sticking out ever so slightly. You had brushed it off, assuming they had gotten the address wrong, or meant to send it to the person who lived in your apartment before you.
The right thing would’ve been to leave it there, or throw it away. But curiosity is a fickle beast, choosing to rear its head at strange times.
You furrow your brows, eyes scanning the words hastily scratched onto the paper. It felt familiar, but nothing truly stuck with you. You couldn’t think too hard about it, now when you had so much to get done.
It was a random occurrence, one that slipped your mind as you went about your day, the letter sitting on your kitchen counter.
we haven’t talked in a while. i miss you i guess. i swear to god i sometimes still feel your hand in mine and sometimes i think of your smile. maybe I’ll see you soon.
It’s left unsigned, and you can’t help but to feel bad that it got sent to you. But there’s no return address, nothing to hint at where it’s supposed to go. So it sits on your counter, slipping out of your mind in the following weeks.  
The second letter sends a small shiver down your spine.
“you will be alone always and then you will die.” i can’t remember who told me that, but it rings around my head. there are days where it feels like it’s true, like time will catch up with me and I’ll be gone. but it’s not true. because I used to have you. but I’ll have you again.
Your eyes gloss over the words, a small frown slipping onto your face. Something melancholic sinks into you, making a home in your chest.
“You will be alone always and then you will die,” you whisper to yourself, fingers grazing over the sloppy letters. You feel guilty that the writer’s thoughts are stuck with you instead of this person they so desperately miss.
Yet there’s something unyielding about the last line, something so definite. Curiosity fills you, and you can’t help but to want to get the letter to where it’s supposed to be. But like the first letter, there’s no return address, no signature, nothing outside of the longing in the letter.
So it sits on the counter with the first, the weight of the words lingering in your chest until it too is forgotten.
You’re sitting on a hill, watching as the stars plummet down. Someone’s sitting next to you, but when you turn to face him, he stays blurry as if he exists on the edges of reality, unable to be fully perceived.
You watch as a rainbow of flames overtake him and recede, further obscuring him. But the flames continue to cycle in and out, a constant ebb and flow. You know who he is.
He flickers, you cannot touch him. You place your hand on the flames. Nothing burns. When you look up again, the hill is gone. You're sitting in inky darkness, watching as the stars continue to fall all around you. And the boy is gone too. In his place is something of shadow and smoke, two gleaming blue eyes tearing into you. You freeze, unable to do anything but stare.
It stalks towards you slowly, grinning to show rows of sharp teeth. You know what it wants, you can feel the need across the space in between you too. And so close your eyes and tilt your neck, offering yourself up. And you don’t scream when it takes the first bite.
“I’m always on your side.”
You wake up in a cold sweat, heart pounding. You’re awake now, but you feel like the stars are still falling around you and him - right.
His name blossoms in your head, memories of laughter and secrets told underneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree. Your head's pounding, and you run to the bathroom, splashing water on your face. That night, the last night you had seen him, when you watched the stars streak across the sky.
“I’m always on your side.”
A promise that withered into something shallow after he disappeared.
You blink at your reflection, fists curled into themselves so tightly it hurts. You wish Touya could hold your hand now.
You don’t go back to sleep.
The third letter makes you frown a little. Three makes a pattern.
Really wish you would say something back. Has it been that long? Guess that’s to be expected.
You scan the page, melancholic thoughts lingering until you read the last line. Your eyes widen, heart leaping in your throat, as you read it over and over again. Your hands are shaking, mind cloudy, breath short.
Really, say something back y/n.
Your name, clear as day. They know your name. You’re the recipient. You blink blankly as a line from the previous letter pops into your brain. I’ll have you again.
The letter sits untouched on the counter for days before you finally build up the courage to tentatively write back. Who is this?
As you shakily write, it dawns on you how stupid this is. You should be going to the police, or getting a security system. But you can’t help but wonder who it is, and the fickle beast inside of you rears its head.
You tentatively place the response under the doormat, and scurry back inside, as if the action would burn you. The next morning the note is gone.
It takes a few days for you to get a response. When you get home from work, you’re tempted to walk right past it, pretending to not see it. You could just let it slip from your mind, go on with your life as if nothing has changed. But nothing can ever be simple, and with shaking hands, you steal the letter before locking yourself inside.
I can imagine how scared you must be. I bet you’d look so cute. Part of me wants to make you guess. But I’d rather speed this up. It’s me. Y’know. Touya.
“Touya,” you whisper. It’s heavy on your lips. “Touya.” Your throat is raw. “Touya, Touya, Touya.” Your chest burns. Tufts of red hair, memories of childhood and shooting stars.
Brain pulsing in overdrive, you try to reconcile what you know to be true and what is being told to you.
1. Touya was your best friend.
This one is a fact. You remembered holding his hand, running around the estate. He would be battered, bruises and burns littering his skin. Right. His father. You shiver thinking about the man.
2. Touya disappeared as a child.
Another fact. You remember his mom’s tear-stained face as she turned you away, and when you were back home, safe in bed, you cried so hard you thought you’d never stop shaking.
3. Touya is still alive.
The first in your list that is debatable. No one’s seen him for years. It’s fully possible something horrible could have happened to him. But there’s no evidence he’s dead. If you can reason that Touya is still alive, then it’s possible…
4. Touya is sending you letters. 
The most difficult conclusion of all. If Touya is alive, it could be possible he’s sending you letters. But there’s no way to guarantee it is him. It could be some stranger, some pervert pretending to be your sweet redhead from childhood. You would have to test him.
Your response is careful, calculated as you try to navigate your emotions. Your hands shake as you write the final line, a question.
What was the last thing we did?
A small frown slips onto your face. It’s kind of a lame question, and yet it’s the best you can do. But it’s a baseline, a place to start.
His response comes almost immediately.
We watched a meteor shower. Go ahead. Dig deeper.
You chew on your lip while thinking. “Touya” is off to a good start, but there’s still no guarantee. So you push farther
Where did we hide the bowl I accidentally broke?
C’mon, it was a vase, not a bowl. We buried it along the fenceline. Good try.
You smile at the memory, the way you had cried over the broken porcelain, embarrassment coursing through you. Touya had helped you hide the evidence, telling you no one would find out.
What did you promise me?
I’m always on your side.
You inhale sharply, eyes glued to his messy scrawl. That’s it. It has to be him. You’ve never told that to anyone before. You squeeze your eyes shut, but you can see stars falling all around you. You feel a little light headed.
How did you find me?
Pure chance. I missed you, y/n. Does your face scrunch up when you get mad still? It was so fucking cute.
Shut the fuck up, Touya.
You don’t know how he’s done it, but Touya has inserted himself back into your life, whisking you off your feet with his stupid jokes and laid back attitude. And everyone in a while he’ll say something, that has you burying your face into your pillow, face warm and stomach in knots.
I’m going to hold you, and never let you go.
Would you let me kiss you? Would you let me sink my teeth into you? I bet you would.
I’d kiss you until you melt.
That one in particular made your chest burn, full of something warm and sappy. You read it over and over again, until the words are branded in your brain.
You’re sitting at the kitchen table at 2 am when you realize, you would. You would let him kiss you, let him sweep you off your feet. It occurs to you that you don’t know what he looks like anymore, but his words reach into you, stirring everything around to the point that you’re completely enamored anyways.
A sharp knock draws you from your thoughts. You narrow your eyes, glancing at the clock. Hesitantly, you approach your front door. You hover right in front of it, debating on whether or not to open it again. There’s a chance that no one’s even there anymore.
A second forceful knock makes your stomach flip. Taking a deep breath, you crack the door open.
Your eyes widen, and you're deafened by the blood pumping through you. Patchwork skin, pitch-black hair; you feel yourself begin to panic. 
Dabi. You recognized him from the Fukuoka fight that was on TV. You slam the door shut before he has a chance to say anything.
“No, no, no. Don’t do this to me y/n.” His voice is muffled by the door, but the separation doesn’t hide the way his voice barely cracks. You feel sick, brain cloudy as the room spins around you.
“How do you know my name?” you choke out, stomach growing nauseous.
“I thought we already did this… but you can’t recognize me either.” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, wracking your brain for what he could be talking about.
“After all those letters.” 
Your stomach drops, and your heart does with it. Dabi is Touya. Touya is Dabi. You tremble against the door, flashes of red hair and childhood innocence ghosting through your mind. You should’ve paid more attention to how he found you.
“Open the door.” Touya’s voice- no Dabi’s voice? You shake your head at the confusion, finding it difficult to reconcile the two versions of him you know. Regardless, his voice is even now, something sharp lingering beneath the soft surface.
You shut your eyes, letting your head rest against the door; it’s all too much for you. You can practically feel the tears stinging the back of your eyes. Maybe he’ll go away, maybe you don’t have to have a breakdown in the middle of the night.
“Open up for me, Y/N.”
You blink your eyes open, something cold slipping down your spine. He’s not going away. He could burn the door down if he wanted to. You know what he does now, and you feel so fucking stupid. The fact that he’s asking is an unexpected kindness. Summoning all the willpower you have, you open the door, hand grasping the handle to avoid shaking.
Dabi’s head tilts to the side as his eyes meet yours, and a sharp grin pulls at his lips.
“Aren’t you going to let me in?” Your eyes dip to the floor, and you stumble to the side, closing the door as he brushes past you.
You awkwardly stand in front of him, fingers messing with the hem of your shirt as you try to control your breathing. Your stomachs in your throat as Dabi circles you. He is not the boy you knew. There’s an edge to him, a coldness radiating off of him that rolls into you.
“Now you can’t even look at me,” he sneers. Your gaze tilts up to meet him, trembling his words. Your heart lurches as you take in his appearance again. The puckered flesh, the staples, the jet black hair. It’s all too much.
But his eyes.
His eyes are the same, the same vivid blue that haunts your dreams. It hurts looking at him now, but it also hurts remembering what he was.
Hesitantly, you reach out to cup his face. He tenses under your touch, eyes flashing in warning. You swallow past the lump in your throat, forcing out a small “hi.” Your voice cracks under the weight of emotions, but his eyes soften, and he ever so gently tilts his head into your hand. And that’s enough.
A steady stream of tears leak from your eyes; you’re not completely sure why you’re crying, the emotions too jumbled, too complex to pinpoint a specific reason. Your thumb brushes over the marred skin under his eyes, and you feel sick. Like everything that’s wrong with the world has reared its ugly head in your apartment. But it hasn’t. It’s Touya. 
“Awww. Baby girl’s crying for me, huh?” he teases, making you narrow your eyes. He moves quickly, pulling you against him before you can step away. “Still the same crybaby from before.” You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to ignore the way your head’s spinning.
“What else am I supposed to do?” you bite back, letting your head rest against him. “I missed you.” He scoffs at that, hands sliding down to grip your waist.
Your breath stutters, and you squirm in his hold, unsure what to think. His grip tightens, making you wince. You pull your head back to look up at him, trying to keep your breathing even. Touya leans in close, eyes glued to you.
“Glad you missed me,” he mutters, and the borderline painful grip switches to something softer as he massages your flesh. “I missed you too, Y/N.” His voice rumbles through you softly, making your stomach flip. His tongue darts out of his mouth to flash across your cheek, licking the salty trail your tears left behind.
“Touya, what the fuck?”
You jerk away from him, sputtering as he throws his head back in laughter. Your skin feels too hot, and you struggle to put together a thought. You wiggle out of his grasp, wiping your face, and glaring at him.
“C’mon. Don’t be like that,” he laughs, obviously not taking this seriously. But you just shake your head, trying to squash all of your feelings.
“What do you want?” Your voice bends under the stress, and you face screws up, trying to stop the pathetic flow of tears.
“To see you,” he murmurs, eyes softer than before. The feelings behind the phrase are normally enough to make you giggle and your eyes turn into hearts. 
But this is Touya, or Dabi, or some bizarre amalgamation of the two. And you know what he’s done now. You know the price he’s paid. He is not the same.
“That’s not an answer. You shouldn’t be here,” you bite at him. All traces of warmth leave Dabi’s face, and your stomach drops. Something cold and sharp glints in his eyes, threatening to cut you if you get too close. You take a tiny step back, but he simply follows.
“Don’t be like this, Y/N.” His voice is tense, a warning of who he is now, what he’s done, what he could do to you. He cocks his head to the side, eyes trailing over you, gauging your reaction. He’s not the same. You know he’s not the same. His patchwork skin is proof of that enough.
It’s not fair. Echoes of childish giggles and burning blue eyes dance across your thoughts. But what he had done to all those people…You shut your eyes, crossing your arms as if you could hold yourself together.
“Well, what am I supposed to think? You were gone, for so long. And then you sent those fucking letters, and all I could think of was seeing you again. But you’re…” you trail off, but the unsaid hangs heavy in the air.
“Broken,” he hisses out, cold eyes narrowed at you as he gestures to his body. You glare right back at him, tears still flowing.
“It has nothing to do with that,” you manage to force out. “I just- I just don't know who you are.” Dabi’s face twists up into something bitter and forceful, a hurricane that’ll sweep you into something dangerous, you just know it. He is not the same.
“I wrote you those letters, Y/N. I’m still me.” But you don’t know who that is. Not anymore. He abruptly steps forward, forcing you against the wall, eyes wide in panic. He’s too close to your face, too warm, too overwhelming. 
You missed him so much, and it hurts. It hurts to see what happened, how he had to put himself back together, a dull mosaic that’s missing pieces. He reaches out to brush his thumb over your cheekbone.
“I’m always on your side.”
If it had been anyone else but Touya, you would’ve scoffed and kicked them out. But he knows you. He knows how you think, he knows what’ll make you respond. 
After all, he’s been watching you, making sure he knows how to say that’ll make you bend to his will. Touya wants you, his sweet best friend, to be his forever. So he knows what to say.
And something in you finally gives in, and you wrap arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He slips his arms around your waist, holding you flush against him.
Your knees wobble, legs failing you as you melt to the ground. Touya follows you down, arms circling around you tighter as he smiles into your hair.
Fuck the league. Fuck his family. Fuck a normal life. Fuck, the whole world can burn down. He doesn’t give a fuck. But maybe, just maybe if there’s anyone out there listening, just let him have this. Just this once.
“That’s my baby girl,” he murmurs against you, pulling you into his lap. He kicks out his legs behind you, bending his knees to force snug against him. If he were a better man, he’d be content with this, having you on his side.
But Touya is not a good man. He’s greedy for more, and all he can think about is the heat radiating from your cunt.
His hands splay out against your back, gently rubbing you as you sniffle against him. But he can’t help it when his hands start to travel further down. You sound so cute and desperate, it ignites something within him. He squeezes the flesh of your ass, making you freeze against him. You lean away, lips trembling as your eyebrows draw together.
“Touya, what are you doing?” You sound pathetic to your own ears, and you hate it. But you’re not given any time to dwell on it when he leans forward, lips a few mere centimeters from yours. He rocks you gently against him, watching the conflict in your eyes.
“Hey,” he murmurs, leaning to peck the corner of your lips. “I’m always on your side. Let me make you feel good.”
You stay stiff against him, hands slowly tangling into his hair as he litters the side of your neck with sloppy kisses. One of his hands pushing its way down your little shorts making you gasp. You can feel his erection growing beneath you, and you bite your lip, trying to make a decision to stop him or not.
“Touya,” you ask, “are you sure?”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” You’re not 100% sure if this is the right decision, but he feels so good against you. And he’s handsome, scars and all. The intense warmth from earlier slipping into something more comforting, enveloping you as you rock against his hand ever so slightly.
So you don’t stop him. He would never hurt you, right? And it's been a while since you’ve gotten laid. Touya’s made sure of that. So you let him continue his exploration, melting against him as he gently rubs at your clit.
Touya watches your face, memorizing the expressions you make as he slips a finger into your hot cunt. To be clear, he’s seen your face when you’ve creamed around your little fingers on your own, unaware that he was stroking his cock outside your window. But you look so much better, happier even, when it’s his fingers you’re grinding into.
He nips at your neck, before pulling his fingers out of your shorts. He pushes you off of his lap, rolling his eyes at the way you pout.
“Calm down, baby girl. Wanna taste you.”
“Wait!” you warn. Touya freezes, eyes flicking up to yours, taking you in curiously. “Let’s go to the bedroom,” you stutter out, nervous at the look in his eyes. You can’t help but to feel embarrassed, laying on the floor of your apartment sputtering with your childhood best friend turned villain nestled against the apex of your thighs. Anything that can restore an ember of normalcy to the situation would make you feel better at this point.
Touya rests his head against your thigh, warmth returned to his eyes. He smiles at you a little too widely, too sharply. He resembles a predator, something stalking alone at night. Something you shouldn’t have let inside. He’s going to eat you alive. And maybe you’re okay with it.
“Alright, little girl. Lead the way.”
An awkward, hot tension surrounds you as you scrabble off the floor, grabbing his hand as you pull him towards the bedroom. Your thumb brushes over the staples, heart twisting at the feeling.
But the melancholic sting is forgotten once he’s leaving sharp little bites on your thighs, your clothes and his jacket tossed to a forgotten corner of your bedroom. His breath is hot against your exposed skin, goosebumps following his path to your hot cunt.
You’re nervous, still unsure of your current predicament. But Touya pinches your thigh, bringing your attention back to him as he watches as your thighs tense around him. His eyes meet yours, confident and sure of his place between your legs, and all of your uncertainty vanishes, consumed by the want and desire that fills you.
His eyes meet yours, clear and sharp, and he brings his hands to your pussy, thumbs pulling your folds open. His gaze drops, focused on your cunt, watching the way you clench around nothing. You squirm, embarrassed at the intensity of his stare.
“So wet already,” he mumbles, before his tongue swipes along your slit. You let out a small gasp, slamming your hand to your mouth in a lame attempt to gag yourself. Touya narrows his eyes, as he laps away, tongue flicking up to tease your clit, circling it but never touching the sensitive bud. You whine into your hand, trying to keep your hips still as he takes his time.
“Drop that hand.” The rumble of his voice travels through you, making you shiver. “Drop it, and I’ll touch this cute little clit.” Looking at him nervously, your hand falls tentatively, hovering above his hair, unsure if it’s okay to ground yourself there. Touya rolls his eyes, before pushing your hand down.
His tongue swipes at your clit making your hips jolt. He lets out a snort before repeating the action. Your grip in his hair is light, not wanting to hurt him; but your self-control goes out the door the second his lips make a seal around your clit.
He sucks at the throbbing bud, eyes lighting up at the way you buck against him, moaning loudly. Your fingers tangle into his hair, keeping him snug against your cunt. He slips a finger into your sopping hole, practically melting at how warm and wet it is. He needs to be inside you. Soon.
“Touya,” you moan, rocking in an attempt to increase the friction. He curls his finger inside of you, mouth still focused on your engorged bud. Your grip in his hair tightens, the pleasure that’s been simmering building rapidly.
“Gonna cum!” you squeal in warning. He doesn’t slow down, eyes trained on your face as your jaw drops, a choked noise clawing out of your throat. You tense around him, muscles quivering at the intensity of your orgasm. You whine and buck against him, and he lets you ride at your orgasm.
When his ministrations borderline into pain, you weakly push his head away, trying to catch your breath. He lets you pull away, eyes glimmering cruelly.
“That was fast.”
You whine in response, moving your hands to cover your face. Touya hisses, surging forward to yank your hands above your head. You wince as he squeezes, eyes narrowing on your face.
“Don’t hide what’s mine.” His lips pull back into a lazy grin as his eyes trail over your body, landing on your glistening cunt. “Gonna fuck you so good,” he mutters, mostly to himself. You blink stupidly at him when he lets you go, processing the fact that he’s kicked off his pants and taking his cock out.
Your eyes widen when you see the shiny piercings that gleam on his cock. It excites you, making your cunt clench around nothing. And yet your stomach drops when you finally realize that he’s bigger than you thought he would be. You bite your lip, trying to tame the swarm of nerves that take over the excitement.
“Touya, I think I need-” he cuts you off with a sloppy kiss. Your hips cant when you feel the head of his cock sliding along the lips of your pussy, his piercings tapping at your clit nicely. You’re not sure if you’re ready for him, and it simultaneously excites and terrifies you. But he leans on you, keeping you still with his body weight.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. Open up for me,” he murmurs. And then next thing you know his lips are on yours, but you can’t help but to let out a cry against him when he thrusts his cock into you, bottoming out. He’s red hot inside of you, and tears prickle the corners of your eyes, leaking out as your nails dig into his back.
“So warm,” he murmurs, before pulling his hips back and thrusting into you. You cry out at the harsh stretch, tears falling down your cheeks as his piercings pull at your walls. He seems to like that though, and he brings a hand up to your cheek, thumb stroking the salty liquid. “You’re pretty when you cry.” He punctuates the sentence with a particularly harsh thrust, sending more tears down your face. “Attagirl,” he coos, looking absolutely enamored with your blubbering face.
“Touya, please,” you whine, not exactly sure what you’re asking for. But Touya seems to know, a sharp grin spreading wide on his face.
“Awww, does my baby girl wanna feel good too?” You nod, face twisted as you babble away.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’ll take good care of you.” He kisses you again messily, before slipping a hand in between your bodies to play with your exhausted clit. He massages the swollen bud, sighing as you start to gush around him. “Is that better?” You nod and whine, hands twisting in his hair to hold him against you.
Touya can’t help but chuckle, and he presses another kiss into your neck before sucking on the skin there. His thrusts are gentler now, appreciating the snug warmth that surrounds his cock. If he could stay buried in the heat of your cunt forever, he would.
He’s drawn from his thoughts when you tug at his shirt, wanting it gone. He stills against you, tensing. You look up at him with a pout, eyes begging him to take it off.
“Please,” you whine. “I wanna feel you.” His mouth opens, and you can already hear the annoying quip that lies on the tip of his tongue, so you push forward, hands tangled into his shirt. “I wanna feel all of you.” He pauses, head tilting to the side as you watch the gears turn behind his eyes.
“Please.” Your voice is soft, as you try to avoid squirming around his dick. Something seems to click in his mind because he draws back, pulling his shirt off. Your eyes wander across the expanse of stapled skin, the puckered burns, making your heart squeeze. But there’s nothing you can say, nothing you can change. So you reach out to him, beckoning him into your arms.
He falls forward, barely supporting himself, letting his body cover yours. You wrap your arms and legs around him holding him close as he begins to lightly thrust again.
“You feel so good,” you cry out panting against his face. Touya angles his head to face you, eyes boring into yours as his breaths mix with yours. It’s too hot, too much, but you can’t move away, overwhelmed by the sensations and entranced by his eyes.
Touya’s hips increase in pace, rutting violently against yours, the sharp sting of his skin against yours making you whine. Each thrust into you, steals your breath away, your hands digging into his back.
“Ever since I found you again, I needed to have you, needed you back. I wasn’t going to let myself lose you again,” he growls. You whimper as you gush around him, finding that you want him to stay buried in your pussy forever.
“Stick out your tongue,” he barks out. His eyes flash, and you do as he says, all while letting out little gasps as he thrusts into you. He hovers above you, a cruel grin spread out on his face. You watch as he spits onto your tongue, a shudder going down your spine. He reaches out to grip your open jaw harshly.
“Swallow.” When he lets go you do exactly that, cunt squeezing tightly. “Oh you like that?” he laughs as you nod. He hums before kissing you sloppily.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. You’re gonna do what I say from now on. I’ll make you feel so fucking good.”
You should be alarmed by the promise of obedience, but you feel too good to care right now.
“Mine, mine, mine.”
It crosses your mind to tell him that you don’t belong to him, but all you can do is nod and hold him closer.
“Wanted to be inside this pussy the moment I saw you. You’re never gonna want another cock than mine.” At this point, all you can do is whine and nod, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
“Nothing’s gonna hurt you again, baby girl. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll take care of you.” Your nails scratch down his back, making him hiss, as your hips rut against him.
“Touya,” you cry out, tears leaking from your eyes so sweetly. “Gonna cum again.” He nods, lips brushing against yours.
“Wanna feel you cream around me, baby girl.” You nod blankly, drunk on the feeling of his cock pounding into you, piercings pulling so nicely at your gummy walls.
Propping himself up with one arm, he slips his hand in between your bodies, fingers playing with your clit again. It’s enough to send you over the edge, and you cry out, writing against him as your pussy gushes around his cock, squeezing him tightly.
He chokes against you, and your pulsating cunt launches him into his own orgasm. Touya’s hips jerk against you as his cum paints the inside of your cunt. He collapses against you as you twitch in a post-orgasmic haze. He nips at your neck, alternating the sharp stings with sweet kisses.
“You did so good, baby. So good to me. I’ll take care of you. I promise,” he murmurs against your skin, making you shiver. You’re still panting, sweeping your hands over his back, before they land in his hair, gently scratching at his scalp. He shuts his eyes, enjoying the sensations and the warmth, letting himself get lost in you, if only for a little bit.
But when he pushes himself off of you, pulling his hips away, you whine. Your legs lock around him, keeping him lodged inside you. He barks out a laugh before flopping down on his side, pulling you against him.
“I’ll stay right here. Don’t worry.”
“Touya…” you murmur, gently. He sends you a questioning gaze, waiting. You lean forward, pressing your lips against his, trying to convey the complexity of what you’re feeling. He responds aggressively, as if you might disappear. But it makes you melt. Maybe he was right about that.
 When you draw back, his thumb strokes at leftover tears on your cheek.
“It’s okay, You’re mine now.” It’s not exactly what you wanted to hear, but it’s all you get from him because he pulls you tight against him, eyes shutting in exhaustion.
You curl up against him, feeling his breathing even out. His cock feels heavy inside of you, and something cold sits in your stomach.
You shouldn’t have done that. He’s not okay. You really shouldn’t have done that. But you would deal with that in the morning.
For now, Touya is yours, and you’ll enjoy the warmth of his skin and the way the stars fall when you shut your eyes.✨
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wlwloverwrites · 4 years
Pairing: Bottom!Natasha Romanoff x Top!Reader
Warnings: friends with benefits relationship, fingering, choking, fluff towards the end, spelling and grammar mistakes, smut (+18)
Request can be found here.
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“Please,” she begs, her voice is whiney as she continues to hold off her orgasm, waiting for you to grant her permission to come.
Always being a good girl.
Her neck is bruised with your marks, the same marks she hoped you made from wanting to her claim her. The ones she wanted to show off so people knew she was yours, but she wasn’t.
She isn’t yours, nor are you hers. At least not yet.
“Please. Please, let me come.”
“Love when you beg, Natty. Always so pretty when you beg.” You praise while thrusting your fingers inside her dripping pussy. Your thumb is rubbing small circles on her clit, groaning when she clenched around your fingers.
“I’m so close.”
“I know, baby. I can feel you clenching around my fingers, such a good girl. Love that your such a good girl.”
Natasha opens her mouth to reply but is cut off but a her moans spilling out. Your mouth is sucking on her sweet spot, your unoccupied hand rested on her throat, squeezing with the slightest amount of pressure.
“I’m your good girl.”
Your fingers falter for only a second before they continued their fast pace. Drenched fingertips press against her the soft spongy spot inside her.
“Your my good girl?” Your voice is filled with lust, the ache between your legs grows with the sudden urge to hear Natasha say she’s yours.
When she doesn’t answer you begin to get cold feet. Still semi afriad, you have the need to ask again. Your hand wrapped around her throat loosens, almost immediately she inhaled.
She remains silent, her hand is now wrapped around your wrist, trying to slow your fingers. The pleasure was beginning to become too much. Her legs try to trap your hand between her thighs, every thrust made her shake with sensitivity.
You take a moment to watch her, her dark eyes are blown with lust, bottom lip stuck between her teeth, vibrant blood coats her teeth. Almost immediately you lean down to lick the metallic taste, never pressing your lips against hers.
Kissing had been off limits when you made your little agreement.
“Come on, sweetheart.” You encourage by bringing your lips to kiss her neck. Teeth brush over the marks you made sure to leave the night before we she sneaked into your bedroom.
“Are you mine?” Adding another finger to the mix, hissing when her nails dig into your back. Her brain is struggling to tell her mouth to say very simple words. She wants to scream that you own her, that she’s yours, but all you get is babbling and small whines. Three fingers was all it took to make her brain mush.
You watch as Natasha throws her head into the pillows as she let out a a loud moan. Ready to be pushed over the edge she lifts her hips and grinds on your hand. Determine to hear her answer you stop everything.
Natasha is quick to groan in protest but you’re quick to shush her. Tears building up in the corner of her eyes, the ruined orgasm and the frustration of not having the ability to form a sentence.
“Come on, Baby,” You say softly, your thumb wipes the warm tears that began to fall before continuing. “Tell me you’re mine, huh?.”
Sensing her frustration you do your best to ease the tension by pressing playful kisses all over her body. Small kisses are scattered all over her breasts, neck, and cheeks. A smile starts to appear on her face, her heart was finally calming down.
Pressing a soft kiss on her nose, silently reminding her that’s she’s safe... with you.
“I’m yours, Y/N.”
Your heart bursts with happiness, connecting your lips for the first time. Her lips are softer then you imagined, you can still taste the faint blood on her bottom lip. Tongue fighting for dominance, Natasha gives in immediately, spreading her legs for you. Shyly she grabs your hand and places it between her soaked thighs.
Tracing your fingers along her thighs, teasing her just a little bit more. You swallow her moan with a kiss when you finally rub her clit. Twitching under your touch from sensitivity.
“My good girl wants to come?”
“Yes please.”
“Okay, Natty. You can come.”
You watch as she falls apart in your arms, her eyes fluttering shut in pleasure as she rides out her well-deserved orgasm. Her cheeks are flushed as is her chest. Her body glistening with a thin layer of sweat, looking more beautiful than ever.
Bringing your soaked fingers to your lips, cleaning her slick with your tongue. Natasha covers her embarrassed expression behind her hands, through her fingers she makes eye contact with you.
“Don’t get all shy on me now,” you tease with a smile.
“You’re the worst.”
You gasp with fake offense, resting your hand on your chest just above your heart. Inhaling sharply and pretending to sob as you wipe away nonexistent tears. You drop beside her on the queen size bed staring at the ceiling. Your little show make Natasha laugh.
“I can’t believe my girlfriend thinks I’m the worst,” you blurt out to no one in particular. You don’t realize what you said until she questions you.
“I’m your girlfriend?” she asks cheerly, her eyes are filled with hope. She turns her body so she facing yours completely, she doesn’t bother with covering her body with the thin white sheet.
“Only if you want to be,” you confirm with a smile, wrapping your arm around her and letting her lay her head on your naked chest. Your fingers thread through her hair and the both of you stare at each other, enjoying each other’s company.
“Okay, then. We are girlfriends.”
The words of confirmation are a silent ‘I love you’.
Give me Feedback
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dracowars · 4 years
I was wondering if you can write one with harry for me? Where harry and reader are dating around when sirius died in order of the phoenix and harry is very depressed about the stiuation and slowly disassociates from the reader and when he/she wanted to talk about it and lighten the weight on his shoulders harry says sth to reader along the lines "you are not my family and you are not my home" and a big fight eventually harry realises what he has done and gets very upset bc he loves her/him so much. They eventually make up but i want drama and tears you know lol i will be very happy if you can write this!!
don't shut me out | harry potter
pairing: harry x gryffindor!reader
word count: 2,5k
summary: where harry shuts y/n out after sirius' death
a/n: my first harry one shot, yayy! thank you for sending in this request <3
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of death
universe: harry potter
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"Please write an essay about the effects of the Anti-Paralysis Potion until next week", Professor Snape grimly finishes his lesson and immediately chaotic murmur breaks out in the classroom when all the other students pack up their things and leave for their well deserved break.
You on the other hand calmly close your book and slowly slide it into your bag before getting up from your seat with a sigh, but not without taking another look at the empty seat in front of you first.
Harry did not show up for class again today. This is the third time this week and even when he is in one of his courses, his mind is not there with him.
A week ago he returned to the common room, devastated, and Ron and Hermione even had to support him so he would not fall over. The only thing you knew at that time was that they were on a secret mission at the Ministry of Magic, but you did not know what a terrible disaster happened.
Harry did not exchange a word with you and went straight to bed that evening, leaving you behind confused and ignorantly until Hermione told you about the recent events. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather and last living relative, was killed right in front of his eyes through his own cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. While Hermione told you what happened, tears were already uncontrollaby streaming down your face.
You knew exactly how much he meant to Harry.
Now that Harry has also lost the last remaining member of his family, he has shut himself off completely, hiding from the world, from his friend and also from you. Any attempts to talk to him have failed, but you keep a close eye on him everyday.
If he does not shown up at dinner again, you bring him a plate full of his favorite food to his room, even if it is without his consent, just to find it barely touched in the morning. If he misses another of his lessons again, you always take even more detailed notes than usual that you later give him so he is able to catch up on what he has missed so far, just to watch the pile grow bigger and bigger.
Every time you enter his room, it breaks your heart when you have to see how your boyfriend, whose face has lost all color by now, looks at you with such sad eyes and cannot even utter a different word at you than a simple 'thank you'. It pains you to see him like this, but he won't let you get to him anymore, he won't let you or his best friends help him.
He shuts himself off the world completely.
"Ms. Y/L/N", Snape suddenly approaches you as you are about to make your way out of the classroom. You look up at your grouchy professor, full of expectation and also a little scared.
"Tell Potter if he does not show up for my class one more time, he will fail", he explains seriously and you can only nod while his cold stare is fixed on you. "Very good."
Turning around, you quickly run out of the door and meet Ron and Hermione in the hallway in front of it, waiting for you.
"What took you so long? I am starving", Ron asks you oblivious as you make your way through the crowd of students in the direction of the Great Hall.
"Snape held me from going. If Harry does not show up for class soon, he will fail in all of his courses", you mutter and your thoughts immediately wander back to him and how he is doing right now.
"Snape can't do that! Dumbledore will not allow it anyway. Everyone knows what happened and no one is this cruel", Hermione breathes out in shock.
"We are still talking about Snape, you know that, right?", Ron replies, only catching an annoyed look from her at his words.
"I will talk to Harry again. Well, at least I will try", you sigh exhaustedly and just before reaching the Great Hall, you leave your friends alone and run up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, entering it after saying the correct password.
Waisting no time, you walk up the stairs to the boys' dormitories and timidly knock on the door. Nothing, not a single sound comes from the inside when you knock a second time.
"Harry? It's me, Y/N. May I come in-"
"Get out!", his voice angrily shouts at you through the door and you back away in shock. There is so much sorrow in his voice, so much pain, so much fear.
So much hate.
"I am not going anywhere", you answer firmly and stand your ground before carelessly opening the door.
The sight that greets you when you enter lets your eyes widen to the maximum. The entire room has been demolished, your carefully written notes scattered in snippets on the floor, his books torn apart next to it and the whole furniture turned over.
And in the middle of it all there is Harry, breathing heavily, as emaciated as you have never seen him before, his hands clenched into fists, his fingernails already painfully digging into his palms. The expression on his face blank when his gaze meets yours.
Without saying a word, you slowly and carefully walk towards him, trying not to stumble over anything on the floor until you stand in front of him. And then you wait.
Wait for him to finally open up to you, wait for him to finally let everything out.
But he turns away.
"Harry", you breathe out barely audible and reach for his hand, which he pulls away in the last second, his eyes on the ground and his back to you.
"Go", he orders, now without any emotion in his voice.
Refusing to listen to his words and let him push you away another time, you circle him to stand right in front of him again.
"I said go!", he aggressively yells at you, but you are quick to catch his face between your hands and lift it up so he has to look at you, taking a good look at him while softly pressing your palms to his cheeks.
His cheeks are still damped from the numerous tears that have flowed over them, and his eyes are glassy, almost fragile.
"I am here for you", you claim in a low voice to not scare him away while you look deep into his eyes, in which you discover nothing but emptiness. "I can help you if you would just let me, Harry. Please don't shut me out."
For a brief moment there is silence, somehow pleasant and safe as it has always been between the two of you. In the next moment, however, your hopes are destroyed.
"I don't need your damn help!", he yells at you again and pulls away from you, running his hands through his hair desperately while you stay frozen in place.
You almost had him.
"You do need me! You can't just lock yourself up here for weeks, Harry!", you raise your voice as well, desperation evident in it.
"You can't tell me what to do!", he loudly shouts and the look he throws at you is again full of nothing but hatred.
"What happened to Sirius is horrible, but you have to move on some day and you can't do that if you do not talk to someone about it. I am your girlfriend and-"
"Exactly. You are just my girlfriend and not my family!", Harry angrily spits out all of a sudden, his words catching you off guard and you could swear how your heart has split into half right at this second. "You are not and never will be my home, get that into your head! I am sick of you, Y/N! How you pamper me like I am a fucking child and never know when to stop!"
"A-Are you serious r-right now?", you let out a trembling sob, the strength to scream at him gone when a tear rolls down your cheek. You look at him with complete disappointment, at the boy whom you love so much, who just hurt you so deep as you would have never imagined him to.
"Get the hell out of here!"
"Do you even hear what you are saying? You do not really mean that. Tell me that you do not mean that, Harry!"
"It is the only thing that I want", he grinds his teeth and you nod understandingly while wiping away your tears.
"Fine. If I can never be your home anyway, then I guess this is where it ends", you sniff and walk past him, your gaze lowered as you go out of the room and let the door slam shut behind you.
And he does not even follow you.
Deeply hurt and with a broke heart, you barely make it to your dorm room, where you slide down the closed door with your back and pull your knees close to your shaking body, weeping bitterly.
You do not know how long you sat there and just cried your eyes out, but when you hear Hermione's worried voice behind you, it is already dark outside and you missed all of your classes.
Exhausted, you let yourself fall into your soft mattress, hiding your tear stained face from your roommates, but of course Hermione immediately senses that something is wrong.
She approaches you carefully as to not frighten you and sits down next to you on your bed, stroking your back up and down soothingly, which in return only makes you cry harder into your pillow. After several minutes you finally manage to calm down and sit up.
Hermione looks at you speechless, does not urge you to tell her about what happened at all, but you do it anyway as it almost gushes out of you. And so you spend the whole night in your bed talking.
The next morning you are sitting in the Great Hall at breakfast, completely exhausted. While Ron allows himself another joke with Hermione, you stare down at your empty plate, your stomach not wanting to be filled.
"Did you finally got Harry back to his senses, Y/N?", Ron asks you out of nowhere, pulling you out of your deep thoughts, and you interpret a teasing tone in his voice.
Your eyes filling with tears in a matter of seconds, you abruptly get up and leave the hall, leaving a confused Ron and an angry Hermione behind as you run back into the common room and into your own room.
Again you let yourself fall to the floor behind the closed door, your arms crossed over your drawn up knees, your forehead resting on top. Without meaning to, your sobs get stronger by every second, shaking through your body while your breath speeds up to an unhealthy pace.
Your head and your heart just do not want to understand that what you and Harry once had is over, once and for all. That you will never wake up in his cozy, warm arms again. That you will never feel his tender touch again. And above all, that you can never look at him the same way you did before.
You lost him for good this time.
The sudden knock on the wooden door behind you causes your head to jerk up in surprise. Not sure if you just imagined it, you stay silent for a moment and hold back your crying.
Another gentle knock.
"Please leave me alone, Hermione", you sniff and lower your head again.
"Y/N", his voice sounds muffled from the other side unexpectedly and your heart leaps painfully.
You always loved the way he pronounced your name, how easily it slides off his tongue. Since your first meeting, back then on platform 9¾ where you immediately fell in love with him head over heels.
Speechless, you are unable to move or say anything, just blinking away your tears.
"I know that you are in there. I can hear you crying", he softly speaks to you through the door and finally causes you to get up from the ground and open the door with a swing.
"What do you want?", you calmly ask him, trying not to show the emotions going through your head right now, and avoid eye contact while playing with the hem of your sweater. It takes a moment for Harry to contain himself, the sight of your fragile figure like pure horror in his eyes.
A sight for which he is guilty. He alone did this to you.
After clearing his throat, he searchs for the right words to make everything alright again, to fix everything he said, anything just so he does not have to see you this devastated. However, there is not a single sound coming out of his mouth.
"If you have nothing to say, get out", you order with all your might and try to sound as serious and emotionless as possible, trying to hold back your rising tears.
At least until you suddenly end up in his warm, safe arms after he pulls you into a bone crushing hug before you could close the door on him. A hug you both needed more than necessary.
"I am such a stupid idiot", Harry whispers in your ear, also having trouble to hide his sadness. "You just wanted to be there for me and I pushed you away even though you could have given me exactly what I needed."
His words only make you more emotional and turn you into a crying mess, your face hiding in his chest. His hand slowly rubs over your back to calm you down. Your legs begin to tremble harder and Harry has to hold you upright with all his strength to not let you fall.
"I-I just could not accept that I was alone", Harry sighs as he listens to your sobs until you finally push yourself weakly away and stand in front of him, an arm's length apart.
"You are not alone", you choke out and Harry gives you a small, tender smile before closing the gap between you and gently placing his hand on your cheek. With his fingers he strokes the strands of hair out of your face that are already stuck to your skin due to the tears.
"I realized that too, sweetheart", he confirms and tilts your head towards him to leave a soft kiss on your forehead. "I can't erase what terrible things I said to and threw at you, but please believe me when I tell you that that I did not mean a single word. I just did not know how to move on and you were there to receive all of my anger.. Do you forgive me?"
"Only if you never shut me out like that again. I will always be here for you and take care of you, Harry. No matter what, I will stay", you answer, also with a tiny smile on your lips and when he returns it before connecting your lips you, the world around you suddenly becomes more colorful and bright again.
"I promise."
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