cadaverkeys · 4 months
Was anyone else forced to read Poor Things in class when they were in high school?? I genuinely detested that book because I always thought Alistair Greys personal misogyny infected any good idea he had for the most part (not to mention the evident need to self insert in basically all his works. i mean. he literally credits himself as the fictional best artist in glasgow for the purpose of putting his illustrations in Poor Things.)
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theemporium · 1 year
so i have this idea… 👀 3x22 eichen house stiles but instead of having sex with malia he has sex with reader?
this is short and rushed because honestly i had to stop myself from writing a whole ass fic for this but enjoy!🖤
“Chaos has come again.” 
Your lips twitched as you lifted your head to the sound of his voice. “Still going around saying that funny little riddle of yours?” 
His head tilted to the side. “Still think it is a riddle?” 
“You haven’t told me otherwise,” you countered, and he seemed to like that answer. “What brings you back to this shit hole?” 
You hadn’t seen him here in weeks. He was an enigma when he first arrived, seeming like a dark tortured soul. He was mysterious and he kept to himself and it intrigued you. After some time, something had switched inside him. It was like the shyness disappeared, and there was something different to him. A thrill that you couldn’t deny your attraction to.
Everybody else in Eichen House were just as fucked up as you, but something about him was…different.
A different kind of fucked up that was addictive. 
But then he left without a peep and you hadn’t heard a word about him in weeks. 
Until now. 
There he stood at the end of the couch, having somehow snuck into the building and make it all the way down to the basement—to you. And he was staring at you with a fire in those eyes, a dark, twisted fire that made something deep in your stomach twist. 
“I had some loose ends I wanted to…tie up,” his voice was rougher than you remembered, huskier too. “Some chaos of my own to attend to.”
The book on your lap you were previously reading was moved to the side, your full attention focused on the boy in front you as he made his way around the couch and closer to you. You watched as his dark eyes raked over your figure, the thin shirt and sweatpants was not an unusual sight at Eichen but the way he was looking at you made it feel like ten times the outfit it was.
“You’re gonna make a girl blush, Stiles,” you commented with a teasing tone to your voice. But the smile on your face faltered when his whole expression dropped. 
“Don’t call me that, dove,” he sneered between clenched teeth, leaning so close to the point his nose was brushing against yours. “Don’t use that name.”
Your breath hitched. “Then what should I call you?” 
“I have had many names over the years. Many names and titles but none of them should matter to you, dove,” he whispered against your lips, his fingers ghosting along your bare arms. “You can call me void tonight.” 
“Void?” you repeated. 
“Good girl,” he murmured, one hand cradling your jaw, his thumb ghosting the edge of your lips. “You’re gonna sound so pretty screaming it for me.” 
He was addictive. His words were addictive and his touches were addictive, and you knew he could have asked you for anything and you would have given it to him. 
The clothes were shed in a blur of motions, laying abandoned on the cold concrete floor of the basement without another care in the world. And Void was everywhere: his hands on your body and his lips on your own, his cock thick and hard pressing against your thigh. 
“I knew you’d be so good for me, dove, knew from the first time I saw you,” he whispered as his hands dipped between your legs, your cunt soaking and needy—all for him. “You’re the only person in this fucking town that could ever be good enough for me.” 
“Void,” you panted as your hands gripped his shoulders, his body hot and warm against yours. “I-I…I’ve never…oh my god.” 
His eyes darkened, something like a smirk growing on his lips. “You’ve never done anything like this before?”
You shook your head. 
He let out a groan, low and heavenly, and it went straight down to your core. “Oh you, dove, you don’t even realise how perfect you are.” 
“Please,” you whispered, your eyes wide and glossy as you stared up at him. The couch was thin and uncomfortable and probably as old as the building itself, but you didn’t care. You just needed him in any way that he would give you it. “Please, Void, I need you.” 
Void was insatiable. He strived for chaos and pain and grief. He wanted to see the world burn down, for the supernatural wannabe heroes of Beacon Hills to go insane. He wanted it all. But he wanted nothing more in than to feel you come around his cock, to see you flustered and fucked out, to absolutely ruin you for anybody after him. 
Not that he was quite sure he wanted there to be anybody after him.
“Shh, baby,” he cooed as he gripped his cock, slow strokes and his thumb teasing his tip. “I’m gonna give you it, give you everything.” 
“Everything?” you whined helplessly. 
“Everything,” he murmured as he guided his cock to your entrance, eyes focused on your face as he slowly sank into you. “You can take it all, dove.”
He watched in blissed awe as your lips whispered his name like a mantra and your nails dug into his skin, a tear escaping the corner of your eye and fuck, he could have came right there. 
“Shit,” you whimpered as you tried to nuzzle your face into his shoulder. “Holy shit.” 
“Atta girl,” he groaned as he slowly pulled out before sinking back into you. “Taking me so good, taking everything I’m giving you.”
“Everything,” you nodded, biting down on your lower lip.
There was something different in his voice as he spoke. 
“That’s my girl, always by my side, yeah?” 
You nodded. 
“I always knew you were more than this shithole, dove.”
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Number Neighbors Pt.6
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist       Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little
SO basically-
I was in my office when we got attacked,
My whole department started freaking out and running around.
Some dumbasses were even taking the elevators-
*You remember the moment so clearly. There were no big sounds or warnings, one second you were working your boring low-end job, and the next the woman in the cubicle next to you is screaming and pointing outside. Hoards of god knows what the fuck those things were began flying out and it’s like the world froze for a moment. A single moment of paralyzed silence.
And then all hell broke loose.
Some coworkers began hurriedly grabbing their bags, others just booked it straight to the nearest exit. You were on the fourth floor of the building. 
You were impressed with how fast this new group of enhanced individuals showed up but it was no match for the amount of fucking aliens spewing out of a goddamn space hole. One of your coworkers roughly grabbed your shoulder and began pulling you with them towards the stairs. You hadn’t even noticed you’d been stuck unmoving in front of the big glass windows until that moment. 
Your body finally caught up with the terror of what was happening and you began running down the crowded stairs as fast as you could- faster than you felt you’d ever run before.
No- the fastest you’d ever run was when the cops crashed the one college party your roommates had convinced you to go to. The smell of beer and vomit was burning your nose the whole time and you were almost relieved when you heard the sirens- only you weren’t too keen on getting arrested. Your 21st birthday was still two months away.
You supposed you would be running faster now if the sea of bodies wasn’t in your way. Frantic business women and men prevented you from going down the stairs more than two at a time. You contemplated just hopping the railing and falling the last two flights but no- if you sprained your ankles you couldn’t run away from the monsters.
That was when the first blast hit.
The whole building rumbled and screams emitted from both inside and out of the building. You knew it wasn’t your building that was hit- but the building next to you was too close to not do some damage. 
You almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the moment. This had to be some kind of crazy dream that was a result of those new melatonin gummies you were taking.
But when some random panicked escapee ran pasted you just a little too fast and you banged your head into the wall you knew it wasn’t a dream.
Shit, you probably had a concussion was the only thing you could think as you glared at the back of the fleeing man. If you ever got out of this apocalyptic ass shit you would get revenge on that random white guy in a black suit. Yeah fuck you were never gonna find out who that guy was. If you even made it out of here.
You shook the thought out of your head, a bad idea considering you were already dizzy and disoriented. 
Finally, though, you made it outside, and fuck if it wasn’t worse than it was when you last saw it upstairs.
Fire smoke was sprouting from nearly every building, car alarms and building alarms were blaring so loud you had to cover your ears. God the apocalypse was so not as aesthetic as all the tv shows made it look.
You watched as people screamed and ran in all directions, watched explosions erupt in the sky and an iron man zip past alien ships, and shit was that fucking Thunder!?
Rubble from an explosion nearby flew down towards you and you covered your head. God was this how you were going to die? You stared down at your hands, clean- if not a little calloused from working. Your gaze drifted towards the ground- the granite completely split in most places, ash and concrete littering the streets.
Your eyes were unfocused, and a ringing sound had begun to form in your ears, only occasionally disturbed by someone trying and failing to get a call to go through. Of course, there would be no cell service, you hadn’t even thought of that. You heard the sounds of screams get almost impossibly louder and when you lifted your head you knew why. For whatever beautiful reason, the universe decided a giant ass space worm was exactly what needed to come out of that portal right now. Everybody say “Thank You Universe!”
Your feet were running before your brain could tell them to. Your car, your mind screamed. You’ve got to get to your car.
You made it to your car, luckily still intact, and thank fuck you had your keys in your back pocket because if you didn’t you might have started crying. You touched your hand to your face.
You already were.
You didn’t have time to dwell on it. You hopped into your car and began fumbling with the keys. Who made it so impossible to put your keys in the ignition when you were panicked and concussed?
It didn’t matter though, because two seconds later a giant ass alien landed directly on your hood. The damage looked deep enough to have crushed your engine. You briefly wondered if your insurance covered alien attacks.
Ugly rat alien decided to stab a spear through your windshield directly into your passenger seat and wow was that a threat or did these aliens have the aim of stormtroopers?
You were already beginning to process your death when five rounds of shots rang out and the beast on top of your car fell flat. Frankly, it was disgusting, and now its weird slimy pigskin body was closer to you than ever.You opened your car door coughing and that’s when you saw her. She glanced at the alien to ensure its death and then began surveying the nearby area, a few people paying her no mind and running right past her.
Good choice, you thought. She looked deadly. Deadly in the most gorgeous way that a woman could look deadly. The kind of look that made you want to become a supervillain just so she could glare at you and point a gun at your head.
It was completely unfair how good she looked considering the circumstances, and not only was she running on the battlefield she seemed to be taking part in it as well. 
Your moment of love at first save was quickly broken, however, as the woman presses a finger to her ear and mumbles a few words before running in the other direction. 
Your thoughts of her are interrupted by chunks of debris falling onto your car, you quickly jumped out of the way but- yeah there was no way insurance was covering that damage.*
You tastefully left out a few of those last thoughts when texting this story to Nat, she didn’t need to think you were a complete weirdo. Only a little one. 
Yeah so I was close to death
on multiple accounts that night
You watched as the chat bubbles appeared and disappeared numerous times. You remember rendering your therapist speechless when you first told her as well. Although now they had an influx in patients and you were sure even the therapists were seeing therapists at this point. Therapist-seption.
So when you said you met an Avenger…
You rolled your eyes. Of course, someone who wears gray to bed would be analytical of your word choices.
Hey I was one of the first people to ever see
The famous Black Widow in action!
Alright enough with the hashtags.
And they were called the Chitauri 
By the way
Chitauri- Rat alien
Battle of New York- Most traumatizing 
night of my life, literal hell on earth oh my god
Tomato- TomAto
Call ‘em what you want Nat.
You think the specifics matter in that situation?
Cause I sure as hell wasn’t thinking about
Being speciesist while I was running for my life🤠
Solid point.
So did insurance ever cover your car?
Fuck no Nat.
This is corporate America
I got a copy-pasted apology email and a very
small amount of compensation money from
The state.
We Love America😍 🦅🇱🇷
That’s not an American flag…
Just so ya know this- 🇺🇸 is the American flag and this- 🇱🇷 is the Liberian flag!
Anyway, did we enjoy the trauma I wrote? ~Starry
@romanoffsgal  @natsxwife  @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @moistblobfish 
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
as always, spoilers under the cut and my thoughts are in no way coherent or in the order of how things happen in the episode
it's just me going to be screaming about whatever comes to mind as i type this
holy shit y'all new comfort episode just dropped!
kid you not, after seeing the episode i deadass went, "Wow, I'm so glad that episode didn't absolutely devastate me!" while I was like,, sobbing
whole episode i was either crying, screaming, or punching a pillow
can't even cry anymore, don't got no tears left
what is it with this show and having what would be emotional reactions to heavy things off screen???
fanfic writers you know what to do
Omega being back with Lula :( and her new outfit is so cute I love it so much :((
THEM BEING BACK ON PABU!!!! <3333 and still sleeping in their ship lol
Crosshair practicing :( and his aim just,,, getting worse :(((
will never ever ever ever get over cross and omega's dynamic,, I love them so much and I'm so glad he's back
I don't know how many times i went, "They're all back together!!" in this episode only to remember Tech isn't there and then sob violently
BUT ECHO FINALLY RETURNS - i'm kinda bitter about how he reacted to seeing Omega again because it seemed like,, like he was completely unfazed by the fact she was captured and sent to a hidden facility conducting god know what experiments BUT at the same time,, I could see it being that Echo always knew she was more than capable of escaping on her own so he wasn't too worried but STILL
"What no hug for me?" <- AAGUUHH,, and then the little smirk Crosshair gave after Echo's response,, they have no bad blood, love that
when Crosshair started talking about the facility I fucking KNEW he was talking about Barton IV and i was in so much pain,, agony even
Was NOT expecting them to return but I'm so glad they did because it played such a vital role in Crosshair's growth and returning to it and growing even more,, just,, aguughhh
WHEN HE FOUND MAYDAY'S HELMET,, FUCK FUCK FUCK minutes before that scene i was like "i swear to god if he finds something from Mayday-"
Hunter and Cross' dynamic in this was so fun to watch but also had me gnawing on my hands
could NOT get over the fact that they brought the dog with them on the mission, idk why but that's fucking hilarious to me
god I love Wrecker so much
"Omega trusts him and that's enough for me" FUCK
he wasn't super prominent in this episode but everything he did made me love him more
like you can tell the whole episode Wrecker was just waiting for the two of them to work things out
i missed all of them so much
it was so good to see them all work together
when he started to blame Hunter for his failures?? oh fuck as an oldest child that hurt SO much and I was so scared Crosshair was going to pull a "You're the reason why Tech is dead" card
But your honor they are brothers, I love them so much
"i said talk to him, not argue with him!" - "he started it" <- crosshair you cannot beat the youngest brother allegations
hey Crosshair probably didn't tell his brothers about his shaky hands,, ahahahahahaha,aha,,ahh,,,ha..
lmao love that being in a life or death situation and saving each other from it was what made Hunter and Cross start to trust each other
this episode was so great you don't understand
and i'm so happy nothing like,, terrible happened in it
yes I cried a fuckton throughout it but,, at least Omega is still with them and at least Echo is back (for now) and at least they're slowly starting to make up and be a team again
anyways,, nice episode,, can't wait for things to just get worse from here
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rxyhiraeth · 6 months
and i have a lot of thoughts
this is just me screaming into the void about this show that i’ve been excited about since it’s been announced.
i haven’t personally really read the books in a bit, so if i am remembering things incorrectly or forgetting if something was in the books or not, forgive me (and correct me and my terrible memory)
EPISODE 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
first off - chapter titles. i knew about this a while ago but im so happy we are doing this
getting the whole speech from percy in the beginning oh we are so back
blackjack??? that was blackjack right??
if this gets us actual mythomagic cards we can buy, so help me god. i’m gonna spend all my money on them
i will never be able to speak highly enough about sally jackson. best fictional mom ever and i love her with all of my heart.
the “hold fast perseus. brave the storm” parallel at the beginning and end of the episode oh i’m sick to my stomach
the fountain scene felt a little… goofy? from what i remember percy just remembers her ending up in the fountain,like it sounds like he kinda blacks out. maybe that’s actually how it was in the books, but i did imagine it differently.
grover and brunner being the KINGS of gaslighting
percy is stronger than i could ever be if grover exposed me like that i couldn’t talk to him for like a year.
the biggest issue i’ve seen everyone talk about: gabe. i understand WHY they made him how he is in the tv show. it’s a disney show, they can’t have him be completely book accurate putting his hands on sally and threatening percy for money so he can play poker, but i feel like this doesn’t fit with how he ends up at the end of book 1. maybe we will see a more ‘evil’ side to him through the news interviews and stuff, or he will have a different ending, but i feel like the way he acts now doesn’t justify his end in book 1 that i expect to see in the tv show.
sally in the rain listening to olivia rodrigo i love her so much 😭😭😭
d’angelos??? it’s spelled differently but reference perhaps? i cannot WAIT to see nico i hope we get to see him in the casino
i didn’t get this until i saw someone point it out but the cuts to black were ends of chapters!! and it makes so much more sense. i will say it feels a bit odd?? but i honestly prefer it more as someone who has read the books.
i find the whole sally explaining the gods to percy interesting. it fits for the tv show more, but i love book percy just getting forced into camp half blood without any real knowledge just like “what the fuck is going on”
“Like… like Jesus?” PERCY PLS
i love this grover reveal, but the BEST will forever be the musical
“She was a fury!” “YOU’RE a furry, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS?!?”
grover dropping the fact he is 24 in a super intense scene is very grover
that first shot of thalia’s tree lit up by the LIGHTNING gave me CHILLS
the entire minotaur scene was incredible. sally’s speech to grover and percy. percy killing the minotaur. insane
not to mention sally taking percy’s jacket to throw off the minotaurs scent? such a cool choice
EPISODE 2: I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
"you droll when you sleep" YUPPP MHMM YUP
ik that the whole 'Mr. D trying to use percy to get a drink' thing is supposed to be a little joke, but its also such a good way to explain the whole "gods can get their kids to steal shit for them because they can't do it themselves" without having a whole dramatic moment explaining it.
in my head I imagined the entire camp being very heavily wooded, maybe that's just the movies having some influence over me when it comes to visualization, but it was cool to see the camp in the actually valley in a very book accurate portrayal.
this tv show has already captured the two personally traits of percy jackson: 1. he loves his mom 2. he hates the gods
the jelly beans
seeing Luke befriend percy and be his first friend at camp luke I am in your fucking walls
I personally feel like the way they have chosen to portray clarisse is quite different from the books, but I absolutely love it. i was not a fan of her for a while in the books, but I love her immediately in this version.
also did we get to 'see' the cloven council in tlt? I don't think we did, and I like seeing it in prep for sea of monsters.
the entire scene of percy praying to his mom breaks me. oh my god. favorite scene in the entire show so far. it breaks my heart he loves and misses her so much.
"I think I've made some friends here. like real friends" luke I have a gun
the whole bathroom scene. that's it.
maybe its just different seeing all these characters portrayed well on the screen, but she feels super different than book annabeth but also exactly the same. im not 100% how to explain it but there is no one better to play annabeth than leah
I am so excited to see this slowburn all over again
"she my little sister" luke please
thalia name pronunciation how are we feeling team
i have 100% been pronouncing it the other way this whole time but oh well
"sunshine" hey! when we get the first "seaweed brain" I am going to go crazy
"percy's on it. when its time he's gonna be ready" are you sure about that luke
in the books the main 'introduction scene' we got with clarisse was the bathrooms, but this scene with her in the woods feel much more like an introduction scene and im not sure if this was done on purpose, but I love her and this scene.
annabeth. I cannot stress my love for her enough
annabeth pushing him into the water instead of him falling. love her
percy FINALLY finding a place he belongs only to be forced out on a quest for his dad that he fucking hates
"good kid" from tlt musical was so right
"I am Sally Jackson's son!" what if I just started eating glass rn
anyway I am absolutely obsessed with this show already. I am so sorry to anyone who doesn't want pjo on their feed you are getting it anyway.
if this show is your first introduction to the series. read the books! or at least the lightning thief. and for the love of god LISTEN TO THE MUSICAL. I cannot stress enough how good of a portrayal of the book it is and it is my all time favorite interpretation of the books (although this show may take that top spot soon).
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themixofboth · 1 year
This is my first post, so disclaimer this might not be good. Please tell me if I need to improve thx:)
DISCLAIMER: Cussing AND MENTIONS OF WOMEN/MEN BODY PARTS, Also some words might be spelled wrong I like to type fast
SUMMARY: The brothers hear you sing an inappropriate song
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lets see how you got into this situation.
Lucifer was in his office doing some paper work that Diavolo sent for him
He was extremely grumpy, since he got like 30 seconds of sleep, and is surviving off of coffee(save my man luci)
Just when he was about to finish his 20th paper he started hearing you sing. He stood up and went to your room.
And just when he was about to open the door(he usally knocks)
He heard you sing, "Tight as a virgin, boy don't get nervous (tight), I'm here to serve you costumer serves. I saved d!ck by giving it CPR"
He kicked open your door, you turned around screaming. He gave you a glare "Y/N what have I told you about inappropriate songs!"
You got scolded for 3 hours, and he gave you a punishment. You were on dish duty, and Laundry duty.
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Mammon just bought a new necklace. And who better to show it to then his human.
He started runing down hall, and when he was at your room door he stop and looked shocked. There was music playing in your room.
THIS MAN WAS PANICKING, he opened your door face all red like a tomato, you looked at him with a confused face.
"Mammon whats wrong"?? He looked at you face still red "Oi what type of song even is that." You giggled at his reaction
After getting him to calm down, he told you never to sing thats song infront of his brother and only infront of him since he is your first of course ;)
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Levi finally got the game he kept on telling you about the whole week, and who better to show it to then the person he has been talking about it to
He started heading to your room. He knock but you couldn't hear him. and thats when you started singing
"Certifed freak seven days a week wet ass pųssy, make that pull out game weak!"
He was more red than Mammon, he ran to his room locked the door and put his face into his pillow he was so embarrassed.
That day when ever he saw you he averts his eyes, still embarrassed from what you were singing.
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He finished reading a book that he thought qas amazing and was about to share with you what he read
So he got off his bed which has books everywhere(I just know he got a sore back)
He made his way down the hall, and finially got to your room, but just when he was about to open the door he heard you sing
"Hand on my knees shaking ass kn my thot shit!"
He was confused. He opened your door you turned to face him "oh hi Satan, did you need anything?" "Why were yous singing such an inappropriate song for?"
You blushed a little, it was noticable though. You were completely embarrassment
Satan ended up showing you the vook he read and you like it too.
Sorry if that was bad I don't know that much abour Satan
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He was horny and wanted to see you;)
The second he heard yous sing he busted into your room and started singing with you
If the song had a rap part he would rap it with no mistakes and would slayyyy
Would probably tell you if you wanted to do the stuff the song was saying with him
Of course that got you all flustered, but remember he is still horny af.
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He was hungry and remembered that u had candy in your room, just thinking of that made him start to drool
He started speed walking to your room, when he was about to knock he stopped
He heard music, and just then you started singing
"I ride him, and suck him, lick and fuck him, then I duck him"
His innocent ass wasn't bothered, I mean he was alittle suprised by the lyrics of the song, but he didn't really care.
He asked for your candy and ate all of it in record time. He shared some with you but it wasn't that much.
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He was sleepy, and wanted to cuddle with you
He slowly moved to your room half asleep, when he finally got their he was fully woken up by the music playing
He could hear you sing and he was kind suprised
"Take me on best trip, I wanna go shopping, go on your knees, and beg me to let you in me!"
The lyrics werent as dirty as the others but anyways he opened your door and said "Your gonna be the one begging for me"
You blushes and told him to shut up
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bookhighlightss · 7 months
Twisted series book review
☆ Twisted Love
1. This book was amazing. The plot twists will blow your brains out.
2. Alex Volkov. That's it. Just him. Like he is just amazing.
3. Pretty words and pretty faces don't equal pretty souls. This line. This. Freaking. Line. It had me crying.
4. Also the way he just walked her home for a year without them talking.....AAAAHHHH just everything in this book was amazing.
5. In book 2, 3 and 4 there relationship just was so pretty even if they were there for like 1 page.
☆ Twisted Games
1. I love the whole bodyguard princess thing like I'm here for it.
2. I read this book 1 year ago I don't remember the details well but I loved Rhys and Bridget.
3. The whole you and me against the world, princess was just so sweet and cute and asfkjhjilw
4. I love how Bridget just overall slays with her feminine energy as Queen and shit like slayyyyy
☆ Twisted Hate
1. Okay this book was hilarious. There were so many funny scenes and their back and forth bickering was just everything.
2. I also loved how josh and Alex became friends again in this book like we all knew they were gonna but the whole conversation was epic and alex asking for permission to marry ava was just beautiful.
3. The possibility of you is better than the reality of anyone else. This quote people it was just amazing. I was like dayum I need to take two minutes and scream.
4. Overall the plot was actually pretty lit in this book but the one thing I didn't like about this book was how they fucked every two pages literally but they were kinda friends with benefits but I'm a hopeless romantic so when I was expecting a cute angry confession I got an angry sex....
5. I also love how they actually struggle with money lowkey because all the other book the characters were loaded with cash so that was a bit realistic yk
☆ Twisted Lies
1. Omg when I tell you this book was perfection I mean this book was perfection. It was like Ana huang took all the critics and molded this book into perfection. It was everything.
2. The way Christian was obsessed with her from the moment he saw her but never labelled it as love but just everything he did was wow. I will worship this man he's amazing.
3. Touch another man, he dies. Let another man touch you, he dies. Tell me I can't touch you...and I die. This had me in a chokehold I was like.....AAAAHHHHHHHHH
4. Also the way all the other 3 men just made fun of Christian and the scenes where all the characters were together was just really funny.
5. I love how Christian was always there for Stella and supported her ❤ like asjdhrkjdhsk
Overall all the books are amazing. These people live rent free in my head. But the fact that all of them got a happy ending and are successful and shit is like probably the fakest shit ever but then again it's books so eh. But on a real note photographer, queen, lawyer and fashion designer like are ya kidding me??? And the diversity their friend group has like Asian, European, American like wow. I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the smut in the book but then again that's just my personal opinion a lot of other people loved the smut tho so idk. And can we talk about how all of them have the prettiest names ever??! My most to least favorite book would be
Twisted lies
Twisted love
Twisted hate
Twisted games
My most favourite to least favourite twisted men would be
Christian harper
Rhys Larsen
Alex volkov
Josh chen ( his I lied thing just set me off)
My most favourite to least favourite twisted women would be
Ava chen
Jules ambrose
Stella Alonso
Bridget von ascheberg ( I don't like her being last but I love those three way more )
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storiesofsvu · 18 hours
Okay I do live reactions for svu so I should do them for evolution too, right? Lol
TO the newcomers: my live watch thoughts are always rather disjointed, unhinged and might not make sense without context, my opinions/thoughts might change on a second glance/second watch through (which i'll do once it's on disney this weekend). anything in my askbox related to this i will wait a few days to reply to to avoid spoilers for others!
Starting off strong with the vic they dressed similar to jj to make us all panic, so that’s out of the way.
Kinda lowkey hate how this is a follow up from last season but starting with shit we have no major connection to HOWEVER, I do like that that’s how the og eps would start so that’s a step in the right direction, right?
“SSA emily prentiss”??!! has she been demoted or was that just an easier way to introduce herself?
OKAY, em not being at garcia’s bday makes a little more sense now if she’s off working a different case, she hasn’t been kidnapped …yet…
“we should eat some cake” tara being the realest here. Where’s my cake? I still haven’t gotten my birthday treat, this is a crime. Someone remind me to pick up cake on Friday before work.
“you’re hot”(screaming cause jj sees what we see) “a hot mess…” yup.. tara is still the realest. Also “mr or mrs right” confirmed pan queen
Jfc Emily looks SO FUCKING GOOD
BOTH OF THEM ARE SMOKING OHHHMY FUCKING GOODDD. It’s a crime that we didn’t get to see either of them actually smoking though, like they were half offscreen, we all know paget knows how to inhale LOL.
It’s voit she’s consulting with, right?
“good book I hope” LOL. Omg luke
And we have our first fuck of the season!
Voit showing off just exactly how good he is and how he would absolutely win over a jury is such a good play and im here for it.
Second fuck of the season.
Also like…yeah.. they’ve got zero concrete proof that voit was/is sicarius. That’s the thing with criminal minds, they NEVER follow past the point of arrest. 90% of their unsubs would end up in mental health facilities or be able to plead not guilty by reason of mental defect. That’s why the show worked so well prior to evolution, we didn���t deal with that much of the political side of it, the team went home and we all just imagined the unsubs went to prison (if they weren’t killed). There would be no way voit would end up charged with this shit unless they had a TON more of evidence.
LOVE rossi & prentiss’ little tiff that’s really just them watching out for each other and making sure they know the other person still has their back.
On the other side, I’m still not sure whether I’m leaning toward Rebecca or tara’s side. I love them both and will forever be made about the killing the gays trope holding up so we’ll see how the season goes..
I am loving how heavy prentiss of an ep this is
JFC. The two with the most heavy trauma lingering from the last season REALLY had to go through THAT???
OKAY THAT WAS JUST LAZY WRITING!!! I KNOW that Emily only said the “didn’t call 911, walked 3 miles…” thing to rossi earlier but to repeat it that quickly in the same episode is…ugh..
“HE” compromised an investigation… uh… that was half Penelope my guy
Ok but now that that whole investigation is no longer a thing and no longer a case whatsoever that was just the easy way of making it not a conflict of interest and now we’re stuck with this awkward love triangle that shouldn’t be a triangle, right? Like, last season it was a little off imo of Garcia, but we’re what? Halfway through episode one and I don’t EVER remember seeing Penelope like this, she keeps saying “I broke up with him” GURL, you WERE NEVER TOGETHER. You kissed twice, you helped him through a public drunk/hangover, you banged and Emily went “dude wtf call it off” and you ended it. She’s acting like a love drunk highschooler who’s been pining after this guy for months…
Rebecca is SO SMOL
Tyler green’s actor reminds me of ryan Reynolds… like… voice and mannerisms? He’s Canadian.. are they like, distantly related?
“he tried to kill me” “but he didn’t” wtf bruh
LOOOL the way rossi stepped in before Emily could end up all “yeah fuck authority, fuck this, fuck you, and fuck your mom. Here’s my badge”
Also can we talk about the fact that we’re into like.. day 3? I think and these babes have not slept…. (day 3 for at least em, tara & pen..)
“I’ll post it on youtube myself” dave… there is no way in hell you know how to use youtube…
Okay. Episode one down. Onto episode two.
 Goddammit there’s no subtitles on ep 2 lol
Tbh. I love clark Gregg, I think he’s a great addition to the cast.
I can’t stop thinking about the thirst tweets and Zach being all “you guys think serial killers are cute? Uwu” LOL
Penelope comparing her like, week long hook up with tyler to tara’s entire relationship?? (yeah I know we don’t know exactly how long they were together but if they were talking about moving it we can assume it was a decent amount of time?). I HATE what they’re doing to Penelope… like..i could turn a blind eye last season and say it was a fluke but not anymore.
FUCK Emily is so goddamn hot
I repeat my last statement oh my fucking god.
Rossi hallucinating is not okay, like…I know a lot of it is ptsd or whatever but like.. man needs to retire
I am REALLY liking getting to see this much prentiss and rossi in the first 2 eps, I saw a tweet or something bout how paget really got to shine in the first 2 eps and that’s so true. HOWEVER, that makes me stressed that she’s got a ton of screen time in the first couple of eps cause of whatever happens to her later on and her being kidnapped/going rogue or whatever happens that has her nearly blown up/injured in the promo shots we’ve seen.
Also okay, listen, Paget’s incredible. She’s been doing this same role for… let’s say 12 years, she’s stepped away to other jobs and come back to CM, the show’s been cancelled and then renewed and she’s still managing to play it perfectly, keep the character the same, her line delivery, her body language, she just slips right back into it and her acting never deviates (unlike some other actors in similar situations). Her talking to that kid was PURE Emily from earlier seasons.
Omg this entire ex gf bickering in front of tyler is HILARIOUS and I am tyler…like, get me out of the car PLEASE lol.
Okay wow… tara that was a little deep cut my girl.
A HOTCH REFERENCE?!?! Also yeesss Emily calling rossi out to say he’d never do it to him. It’s gotta be that awkward situation of being his boss when he’s older, he’s a man, he “should have been the UC before her”, maybe there was a time when he outranked her. trust me, as someone who’s had to navigate that kinda shit in a bar world, that’s awkward enough, props to em for calling him out. Please continue to call men on their crap.
I wanna say thank you to whatever director had Rebecca behind the drivers seat and tara in the passenger seat and the camera angles filming them diagonally rather then Rebecca sitting in the middle for no reason other than angles.
Emily’s hair is going to get progressively more straight/unstyled as the season goes on cause she’s more unhinged/out of control/losing it, isn’t it?
The fact that they really listened and put Emily in blue and red in her first two eps…thank you .. lol
“it used to be hard to get someone to take a life. But now, it’s easy. All you’ve gotta do is go on the internet.. tell em a lie.. a big lie..” the TRUTH to that statement is actually fucking terrifying…
Hate voit calling jj “Jennifer” BUT I also know in previous seasons she’s been  all “my friends call me jj, you can call me Jennifer” it’s just weird to hear lol.
Okay,,, is em hyper fixating and she fucked up by mentioning gold star or are we meant to believe that rn? Like obvi she’s gonna be focused on that cause of bailey’s death and her denial of working with voit and wanting to solve that case but… still.. yup… no gold star.. not totally surprised. HOWEVER would NOT be surprised that the same trope comes out later in the season, that they’re working something else and Emily is second guessing herself/dave gives her a look and she’s all “yeah you’re right, I was wrong last time.” And doesn’t believe herself and BAM it actually is gold star and maybe that’s what draws her into the field on her own or whatever.
Okay… im assuming we weren’t supposed to hear what voit said to luke? Or am I just deaf without my subtitles LOL.
“who’s infected now?”  oooohh kay…. Way to end an episode.
Alright, there we are. ep 1 was better? I’ll likely rewatch when they drop on Disney plus tomorrow/Friday after work, but those are my thoughts so far.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I wonder if my haters yet realize
I genuinely don't care what you believe. You didn't believe the truth until it kicked you in the face before, you tried to argue those truths away with your internalized insanity you refuse to let go. You're going to continue to deny the truth even while you're getting run over
it's not about what you believe
it's not about any credit or earnings or glory
It's about the result. And deep down, you guys know that. You're furious about the result, and just want to think the result happened on its own, and that it's neither the actions of any activist, OR any repurcussions of your own actions, or that the person who warned you for years just lucked out despite all history showing this was just Base Knowledge You Lacked--but that's just being psychotic, literally. Like the whole, psychotics thinking they're being perfectly sane. I am SORRY scream it's ableist to say. But that is textbook. Psychosis.
Denying reality and attacking it to try to tear apart inconvenient truths hasn't saved you yet, won't save you in the future, and will never be how reality works.
So rather than showing HOW aware you are that I was telling the truth, by TRYING to drag up that old truth to argue about again, even when nobody else cares enough to Argue or Prove shit, maybe just accept the end result, regardless of how you believe it happened, and realize tearing at the narrative of How It Came TO Pass will not change the fact that it Simply Is.
Even if you deny real, real hard for the rest of your life, we still got what we still got. We still landed at the point of inevitability I told you we would end at 2 years ago. How I knew that, I don't care what you tell yourself at this point. But I need you to understand, your complaints, whining and denial does not delete that we arrived at the spoken destination and will continue to trend in this direction. Tell yourself whatever you want to feel better on HOW that happened, but ACCEPT that it is HAPPENING.
Remember when 2po was selling snake oil to you guys? Said I was lying, said it wasn't about dean, or putting dean to rest, or dean not being at peace with sam in heaven, because he wanted to convince his friends Jensen loved the precious butchered finale? Remember every moral I told you, he fought against, and then came true by episode?
Like guys. Nobody cares if you believe who wrote what what I care about is that the show ended up being what the show was always going to be and you denied, and now you're splitting hairs on accuracy because one actor confessed being booked to appear but too busy, and that's what you've got left to convince yourselves you have Some Kind Of Argument. You'll choose not to address that actor's absence becoming the dedicated season 2&3 plot in central focus exchange, because you guys still aren't fucking ready to unpack that yet.
Get. Fucking. Therapy.
Ask yourselves why you're more hellbent on arguing story origins than I am. Unpack that for a second there, buddy. Cuz I know what's real and who wrote what, and I knew what was coming even when you didn't. Nobody cares what morons think, so tell yourself why you're arguing with that phantom I'm not even bothering to convince you on, if you don't believe it. Spoiler: it's because you know it's true and you want to convince yourself it's not with the help of your other angry goblin friends consoling each other. But you're the ones the argument is living rent free in the head of, so what does that tell you?
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pogueit · 2 years
P.H: Confession #39209
Pairing: Pope Heyward x reader
Summary: All the pogues are going away to college but will your feelings for a certain human secretions specialist go away too?
Songs: That Summer Feeling by Jonathan Richman, Gloves for garbage by Damaged Bug, Friends of P. by The Rentals
Warnings: alcohol, drug usage, swearing, going to uni, a sandflea? If there’s anything you guys would like me to take let me know!!
WC: 3,183
A/N: This is extremely overdue (this motherfucker has been in my drafts for a WHOle YEAR!!! I hope you enjoy it as always!! I appreciate feedback and requests!!!
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It was the last big party before all the pogues go off to college. Sadly, the group was finally being split up, but hopefully not forever. You decided to send your ass off to go to art school in Chicago, Kie was accepted to Standford, Pope is flying to Boston University, JB is attending a community college in North Carolina, and hell they even managed to get JJ into a local trade school. It had been the best summer of your entire life, but there was one thing that weighed on your heart, you were madly in love with Pope and you've never had the guts to tell him. 
You had known each other since the third grade. You became acquainted in the principal's office after you beat the shit out of Topper for slapping a book out of Pope's hands. Both of your parents managed to hit it off too and would lend their child labor, you, to the Heywards and the Heywards would lend their child labor, Pope, to your parents whenever they needed help. You two were practically conjoined at the hip. No one ever saw one without the other. It was always Y/N and Pope or Pope and Y/N. Pope would later introduce you to JJ and John B and you would introduce all of the meatheads to Kiara. After the gang was officially formed, that's when all the mischief began and that's what you guys were known for. Always fucking shit up or blowing shit up or bringing shit to life.
You made multiple attempts throughout the summer to confess your feelings, but the boy was still as clueless as ever. Sometimes you just wanted to grab him by his shirt and scream it in his face but when you would take the first steps to do it the nerves would hold you back. Every instance always ended the same. The light would be hitting him just right or he would just be warmly staring up at you. You'd always start it off with "I have a confession to make" and you would be able to see the intrigue light up in his eyes and he'd say something along the lines of "Oh really? What is it?". You then would barf up a lame answer of "Remember when-" and continue to tell him you caught his favorite hoodie on fire and replaced it or how you'd been the one stealing his lunch that one week a hundred years ago. 
"So... Are you gonna tell 'em?" Kie asks as she tossed herself down on your bed full of clothes. She has been egging you on since summer started and has become even more persistent as summer is coming to a close.
"Please, tell me you are!" She pleads, grabbing your arms and pulling down with her onto the crummy mattress. 
"Ugh, Kie, you already know I won't" you sighed, pushing yourself into a sitting position with your legs crossed underneath you. Kiara rolled her eyes at you and mimics the same position you are in and begins tugging at the clothes she was on and folding them before she placed them in the suitcase.
You had been stalling on packing all week and now only had a day before your departure to get everything stowed away. Now, seeing your relatively empty bedroom, you started to regret your decision about going so far away. From now on everything’s going to be different and everyone’s going to change. Even the ones that say they won’t always come back a little different whether it be a new haircut or clothes you never come back exactly the same. Seeing Kiara’s concerned face you shake the feeling from your mind and begin to get to work.
After you and Kie manage to shove all your clothes into the suitcase, you motion for her to jump onto the suitcase so you can attempt to close it. 
"This is your last chance! You just gotta!" Kie followed your orders and threw herself onto it, but before you can reach for the zipper she grabbed you by your shoulders and added "You have to tell him tonight!" 
"You are supposed to be helping the pack, not annoying me!" You playfully shoved her off the suitcase and onto the bed once you seal it shut. She feigns distress, something you can only roll your eyes at.
"Whatever, loser, we have to go help the knuckleheads set up anyways" Kiara jumps off the bed and pulled you along with her to go see the boys. 
When you two got to the Boneyard it was a mess. The boys were terrorizing each other with sand and the twinkie has yet to be unloaded. 
“Guys, what the fuck!?” Kie shouted at them using her “mom” voice and they all froze in place, even you. This voice was reserved for only true fuck ups and it was the most terrifying thing anyone could ever hear. The boys exchanged questionable glances to one another before Pope started running towards JJ again, with something obviously in his hand. JJ with wide eyes booked it, running right for you and Kiara. He immediately grabbed you and used you as a human shield against whatever the hell Po was holding. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You tried to break out from his grasp as he maneuvers your body to block Pope. 
“Tell him to get the fuck away from me!” JJ cowers behind you when Pope stuck out his hand right in your face to reveal a sand flea. 
“Oh, fuck” You immediately threw yourself backward into JJ and begin to fight over who’s going to be the human shield. Both you and JJ had a fear of these little creatures, because of JJ’s dad. He told you that they will crawl into your head through your ears and eat your brain and that was enough to send you two spiraling in fear. Also, they looked gross. 
“You gotta be kidding me!” Kie huffed and left you two fumbling on the ground to go start unloading the van. 
“C’mon Pope, it isn’t funny” JB grabbed the sand flea from Pope’s hand and tossed it to the side. Finally, allowing you guys to relax on the sand.
“Or is it?” JB still had the flea and threw it at you. He doubled over in laughter watching you leap into Pope’s embrace. 
“It’s not on me is it?” you whimpered hugging him tighter. 
“No you’re good” He chuckled looking you over and dusting some sand off your back.
“You sure?” You looked up at him still not letting him go.
“I promise” Pope reassured you rubbing your back soothingly to calm you down. At that moment it came up again, should you profess your undying love for your best friend? No one was around, the waves calmly lapped against the sand, and the sun was beginning to set behind him creating a halo effect. You could feel the courage strong in your chest and you were finally ready.
"Pope, I have a confession to make" you pull away slightly so you could get a better look at his face.
"If it's that you have been stealing my--" 
“No, just listen to me, please” You promptly cut him off as the sudden courage could wear off any second. As soon as you opened your mouth to continue, Kiara’s exasperated voice rang out.
“Pope go help JJ and Y/N come here right now!” 
All the confidence you had deflated immediately.
“We’ll talk later okay?” Pope promised and you weakly nodded your head, as he gave you a quick hug before leaving reluctantly. 
Kie put you to work immediately and you were semi-grateful as it helped take your mind off of Pope. Yet, you couldn’t help but think maybe it was a sign from god to keep interrupting you in the midst of confessing your feelings? Should you just get over it and grow up?
The persistent questions weighed heavy on your heart.
“I’ll take that!” Pope swooped in and snatched the case of shitty beer from your grasp.
“Jesus!” You nearly jumped out of your skin at his sudden appearance. 
“Not him but close” He gave you a cheeky smile and you playfully rolled your eyes at him. 
“Whatever, at least let me help” You held out your hand and did the grabby hand motion. Pope skeptically thought about it for a second before nodding his head and letting you hold the other end of the beer case. On your walk back to the party, Pope told you about some of the people who showed up and who’s going to what university. Between his little quips and watching the sea of people interacting with one another, a familiar uneasiness washed over you. 
“Is it too late to go to school here?” You stopped in your tracks, suddenly, as the feeling became overbearing. 
“Woah, Woah” He took the end that you were holding and set the case down on the sand “What are you talking about?” His hands landed on your shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“I don’t know I just---” You could feel your heart rate start to pick up and your breathing becomes more distressed. 
"You're gonna kick ass in Chicago, Y/N'' Pope quickly regained your attention and pulled you into his signature "Security Hug" to ground you. He'd been the one to encourage you enough to actually submit your portfolio to them in the first place because he knew how much you wanted to go. All you needed was a little push. You were glad that he did, but now seeing everyone for potentially the last time had sent you into a spiral. He rubbed your back in slow circular patterns while whispering reassuring words into your ear. 
“Thanks, Po” you smiled at him. An overwhelming urge to kiss him suddenly settled within you.
“No worries, that’s why I’m here” the way his face scrunched up into a smile made the feeling intensify and you finally decided to let your actions speak for themselves. You were halfway into connecting your lips to his when a whirlwind of guys from his AP Chemistry class pulled him away and left you awkwardly leaning forward with slightly puckered lips. He caught your eyes and gave you an apologetic look. You were riddled with embarrassment and now you could only hope that you could wash it away with a couple of hundred shots.
“Did you tell him yet?” 
You were downing your third cup of god-awful beer when the voice startled you. It made you accidentally inhale the remaining liquid which promptly sent you into a coughing fit.
“Oh my god! John B!” You finally managed to say after the coughing and his amused laughter subsided. “And no I didn’t-- How did you--” You could barely finish your sentence before you both shared a knowing look.
“Kiara,” you said in unison and buried your face into the beer-infused palms of your hands. JB threw an arm over your shoulders and roughly brought you closer to him.
“There, there, kid. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. It’s actually kinda cute?” 
“I’m older than you” You try, to no avail, to break away from his sweaty embrace “You think anyone else knows?” you stood crushed to his side.
“Oh yeah, the whole island has known since like… Forever” He chuckled and you couldn’t help but groan.
“Does he know?” He loosened his grip around you and reached around you to get himself another drink. 
“Fuck no, he knows shit but he doesn’t know shit, y’know like me or J” He surveyed the crowd. You could tell he was looking for a distraction. The poor boy was taking the breakup with the kook princess pretty hard.
“Smooth, JB, smooth” You rolled your eyes at the brunette and gave him a playful jab with your elbow. His gaze was soon caught by a girl with faded purple hair and you knew you already lost him. 
“Just take your time and only do it if you’re comfortable, yeah?” His voice became distant as his mind was already somewhere else. The girl dared JB to make a move and with that, he gave you a half-hearted pat on your shoulder before trailing after the vacationer.
“Thanks a lot, bird shit” you called after him and he flipped you the bird without sparing you a second glance. Asshole. You had hoped that the alcohol would have kicked in by now, but you were still painfully sober. The alcohol in your system did nothing to soothe your nerves so you sought help from your favorite salt-lifer. 
The sun was almost gone now as you fought your way through the crowd. The only remnants of the sun left were barely visible in the glowing water. You didn’t think looking for him would be difficult but you were always out to disappoint yourself. The search for the golden boy got increasingly confusing as each person you asked about JJ’s whereabouts pointed you in a new direction. Out of frustration, you let yourself slump against one of the many logs that were strewn about. Your eyes lazily moved from one vaguely familiar face to another. It wasn’t until a while later that you caught sight of Pope. He sat on top of a pile of trees as he talked at length to a girl sitting too close to comfort next to him. You could feel the familiar pull at your stomach as you watched his face contour into laugher at whatever the girl said. It was only for a second though as a wave of determination washed over you. It wasn’t strong enough to send you marching over there, but it was enough to spring you into finding JJ again. This time it didn’t take long. He was cooly leaning against one of the dead trunks trying to act nonchalant while he chatted with a cute redhead.
"I need a hit" you mumbled in JJ's ear. You cowered behind his massive frame to try and not distract him too much from his ongoing conversation. Yet, the touron he was talking to still did not seem pleased at your sneaky attempts.
"What for?" He quickly whispered back trying to keep most of his attention on the person in front of him.
"I'm nervous" you wring your hands in an attempt to ease yourself.
"About what? Wait are you--" he quickly spun around shifting his entire attention to you and away from the touron.
"Yeah…” You kick around some of the sand at your feet failing to meet his gaze.
“Oh my god! Dude, Finally!” JJ laughed and threw you into a hug. He seems to be giddier about this than you were. “God, I’m so proud of you right now!” He continued and pulled away from you to rummage around in his pockets. The touron made a sly attempt to regain JJ’s attention but failed miserably. You gave them an apologetic glance, but they only rolled their eyes at you. Once he found his trusty vape pen, that you all collectively deemed the “flash drive”, he tossed it to you. The inhaled smoke in your lungs felt familiar yet foreign as your lungs grew to accept each new puff. You could feel the pit in your stomach relax by your last puff and you handed it back to him. 
“I just saw him head over to the twinkie, so you better go make your move, shithead” He put the flash drive in between his lips as he quickly straightened your shirt and tousled your hair.
“Thanks, dude”
“Whatever, now go make us proud” and with that, he pushed you in the twinkie’s general direction.
When you finally fought your way through the crowd you saw Pope sprawled out on top of the vehicle. 
"Hey, Poe" you greeted him once you got yourself on the roof of the van. He gathered his limbs and scooched over to make some room for you to lay down. The cool metal arose goosebumps all over your bare skin as you laid down. While the flash drive immensely drove away the nerves, you still couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. You didn’t want to see his face when he tells you he doesn’t feel the same way.
“I, uh, have a confession to make and I promise this is the last one” you kept your eyes focused on the abyss that held the night sky.
“Yeah? What is it this time?” He rolled over to face you; he sounded tired from the Boneyard party. You took in a deep breath and prayed to your ancestors that you weren't about to make the biggest mistake of your life.
“I fucking love you. I have loved you ever since we got sent to the principal’s office in the third grade and--- and I felt like I needed to tell you before I leave tomorrow.” You could tell he was expecting something humorous as he laid beside you wide-eyed. His silence was overbearing and was beginning to fray away at the little confidence you had the longer it went on. 
“Like, I totally get if you don’t feel the same I just...” You cut yourself off when the view of the stars above you was blocked by Pope as he leaned over you. He then tenderly connected his lips to yours and you more than eagerly kissed him back. Your hands immediately went around his neck to bring him closer. It was sweet and delicate. It was something you longed for and it was absolutely everything you could have even dreamed of. It was cruelly interrupted though by the bickering that surrounded the twinkie. 
“Can you see anything?” JJ’s voice rang loud and clear.
“Shut up!” Kie hissed back at him and they still had the audacity to act surprised when your and Pope’s head came into view on Kiara’s phone.
“What the fuck you guys!” You shouted exasperated at them for ruining the idyllic moment that you’ve waited so long for.
“What? We just wanted to see if you made your move, but I guess---” You cut him off by throwing your jacket at him.
“I can’t believe you guys would stoop this low” Pope scoffed as he jumped off the roof of the van. He quickly turned around and helped you get off safely. 
“Whatever, love birds” Kie snickered and tossed your jacket back to you before she ran off towards the party with JJ. Pope pulled the van’s side door open and plopped himself on the carpeted floor.
"Y’know, I did think all those confessions did mean something” he chuckled as he leaned against one of the back seats.
“Yeah, right!” you rolled your eyes with a smile before crawling over to Pope and making yourself comfortable on his lap. “How about we give this another shot, shall we?” you continued and wrapped your arms around his neck once again. Pope answered by eagerly rolling the rusted door closed.
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lacependragon · 6 months
This entire post is just me ranting about how much I hate the middle grade book The Glass Witch. So if you don't want to read that, skip this post. Reblogs are off for a reason. It's not deep it's just me being pissed off.
(No I have never and will never tell the author any of these things. I left a frustrated 1 star review on Goodreads and stopped. Authors don't need to see hatred. It's fucking rude. I'm sure she's a lovely person even if I personally never ever want to interact with her ever again after this book. This is my blog and my personal feelings and I have no intention to ever ever share these things to her. That'd be RUDE.)
You ever read a middle grade book and go "wow. this author has no idea how to write adults apologizing." and realize that it undermines the entirety of the work? Like the adults, guardians, authority figures spend the whole book being rude, or dismissive, or abusive, or controlling, or just plain mean and in the end they don't have to apologize and the main character learns "Oh gosh they never were mean I was just an asshole and they were trying to help me!"
And you close the book and go "This is the worst thing I have ever read for kids and if I read this as a child it would have genuinely destroyed me." Because the adults were abusive and dismissive. And they were awful. And now all of it has been swept under the rug as "caring" and the kid being argumentative.
Because that's what The Glass Witch by Lindsay Puckett did to me and it's been a fucking year and every time I see that cover I get unbelievably upset thinking about how much it dropped the ball on the abuse. That entire book is the adults being god fucking awful to that kid and then at the end the kid goes "Oh they were NEVER awful, it was ME being awful and they were trying to HELP".
I screamed when I read that page. I read the rest of the book fast trying to see if the adults would apologize.
They didn't. They never fucking did it.
If it wasn't a library book I would have thrown it. I grew up with an abusive mother who tried to control my body. A family that pushed me around like that. And that book genuinely would have done so much damage at 12, 14, even 18. Even now it's clearly done damage. It's just. Bad.
I just don't understand how you can write an entire book about adults being assholes and think "I don't have to have them apologize." Like bruh, author, what the fuck? Not once. Not one fucking apology to this poor kid who has been dismissed and yelled at and abused and talked down to and ignored and pushed into doing shit she hates.
Blocked, unfollowed, never reading a book by her again. Never watching her videos. Never interacting. No. Fuck that.
JFC I cannot believe how badly it missed the mark and how no one else who has read this book seems to notice. Like this book's theme at the end is just "It doesn't matter how much your family forces and shoves you into things, they're doing it because they love you and you should shut up and do it and be grateful" and I cannot find another theme in this book. I can't do it. I just can't. It reads as excusing all this behaviour from the adults as perfectly acceptable and the KIDS as the only problem.
And like that's not even the plot of the book. The plot of the book is about a fucking monster getting free. And I think the monster was the only part of this book I DON'T remember because I'm too busy thinking about how the awful impact of these adults is gonna fuck this kid up more than fighting a monster.
They didn't care what she wanted. They just wanted her to do what they wanted. They belittled and argued and abused and dismissed and were just. Awful.
Why? Why did they not apologize? Why did this book think adults never have to apologize? Why is this book excusing the abuse of a child under 'its care'?
What the fuck.
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wahbegan · 8 months
what’s an unexplained event/conspiracy theory/urban legend you can’t shake the feeling that there might be something to it? one you can’t believe anyone gives any time to at all? a notorious “haunted” location you’d like to check out? any you’d be willing to spend the night in? what’s the first famous murder or disappearance you remember hearing about and how old were you? what’s the creepiest/most malevolent instrumentals-only piece of music you can think of? what’s a horror movie from the last decade you think is overrated? what’s a trope or concept in horror you think is really effective and is underutilized (books movies tv, any or all)?
i'm replying to each question like i'm greentexting because idk it's funnier
>Most hauntings i can't believe anyone gives any time to at all, i'm naturally a Scully so it takes a lot to convince me and it's usually so obviously fraud. Anything investigated by Ed and Lorraine Warren i especially hate >It depends what you mean by "something to it" like the death of Cecil Lam, suaimhneas siorai di, i fully believe she was fucking murdered and the cops fucked the investigation and i'm still angry about it, but i don't believe anything supernatural was involved. The Valentich Disappearance had me going for a while, but i guess it turns out he probably faked it and was an avid UFO enthusiast soooo shrug emoji >I would love to go on a ghost tour of New Orleans. There's no one specific location that i'm like YES GIVE IT TO ME but i'd love to go to New Orleans for haunting type shit >I will spend the night in any haunted location i'm allowed to that wouldn't be insanely disrespectful i'd love that honestly >First disappearance i ever remember hearing about i was 7 and it was The Blair Witch Project so like lmaaoooo but noI think the first real urban legend/murder/anything i remember hearing about was The Bunnyman Bridge, since i actually live right nearby it so that shit was SCAAARYYY. Basically some guy who may or may not have been in a bunny mask or costume and may or may not have been a crackhead ran up on a couple random people and screamed at them for trespassing and menaced them with a hatchet. And of course that turned into a story about an escaped mental patient who killed people with an axe and hung up mutilated rabbit corpses in the woods and shit. I must have been...what, 7 or 8? Maybe younger? I can't remember. The first real crime i REALLY remember was the D.C. Sniper when i was 9 cause again, right near me. That shit TERRIFIED me as a kid i didn't wanna walk home from the bus stop cause i thought i was gonna get shot lmao >Most malevolent instrumental i can think of jeez that's a hard one i know the Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs soundtrack there are a lot of songs on that that are....there are some songs that are kind of beautiful, some that are tragic, but there's a lot in that game's soundtrack that's creepy as fuck >Horror movie i think is overrated...A Quiet Place. I mean don't get me wrong, i liked it, but it wasn't...y'know AMAZING. Left a lot to be desired. Also Bone Tomahawk which is more of a cult thing but like everyone who's heard of it loooooves it and i'm like okay it's really just that one scene though. One-scene wonder of a movie. Also racist. >PEOPLE DON'T USE ELDRITCH ABOMINATIONS ENOUGH or they don't use them right. Also i love the concept of never showing exactly what the monster is. It's often done poorly, which i think is what turns people off, but like At the Mountains of Madness, when the whole story just in the background there are these carvings of SOMETHING bad behind the mountains but the ancient aliens refuse to talk about it yeah it's a weird story and not much attention is drawn to it, and then at the very end the guy is in the plane and looks back and sees....................something and immediately goes stark raving screaming mad like that shit is haunting. Oh, there aren't enough movies like Underwater. I want sea monsters god fucking damn it.
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roosterbox · 9 months
It’s Done
I’ve finished watching Hannibal. And honestly idk how y’all survived that finale back in 2015. Goddamn.
Anyway, I took notes. Spoilers, obviously.
Notes on The Wrath of the Lamb
Oooooooh boy here we fucking goooooo. Idk if I’m ready for this, guys
Poor Chilton. Really.
And poor Reba! She’s so awesome.
Richard Armitage is really great as Dolarhyde.
He’s got such a deep fucking voice, damn son.
Go Reba go!
This is my last time seeing this intro. *sighs*
Side note: at least half of the ads I’ve gotten on Hulu since watching this show have been kind of queer themed. I’m not gonna say it was because of Hannibal, but I’m not not saying that either, lol.
Will and Reba, awww. These two.
Will is such a good, ugh. I love him.
Dig dat memory palace
Get you a man that looks at you like Hannibal Lecter looks at Will Graham.
“What a cunning boy you are.” HANNI you’re such a FLIRT, stahp.
Is he stopped? Is he really, Will?
All of Will and Hannibal’s scenes in the second half of season 3 are like two birds doing a matching pair of outrageous mating dances. While also shit-talking each other the whole time. Their courtship game is next level.
Will tries breaking Hannibal’s heart again, lol.
Oh shiiiiiiit. Told you he wasn’t stopped, Will.
Francis, if you hurt my baby boy…
Jimmy and Zeller! I’m gonna miss you guys when this ends. Even you, Zeller.
Bedelia! I’m sure I’ll see you again…
Also Will is sooooooo bitchy to her, lmao. He’s so jealous.
But Bedelia does know all.
“Meat’s back on the menu” FORESHADOWING, lmao. I love jealous, bitchy Will so much.
Yeeesh, poor Chilton. It’s kinda strange, because if this had happened to movie!Chilton? I wouldn’t have cared. Movie!Chilton is a true and irredeemable asshole of the highest order. But something (be it the writing or Raul Esparza) made series!Chilton into a more interesting, sympathetic, well-rounded character than his film counterpart. Never would have thought going in that I’d actually like Frederick Chilton, lol.
Gotta say, I’m not super fond of Alana’s post time skip hairstyle. But that’s just me.
Hanni hopes Chilton won’t be very ugly. Nice reference to the Red Dragon book, though he was talking about Will in that.
I love it when Hannibal gets all menacing. I don’t actually find Mads that intimidating as a person, but when he gets like that? Almost.
“I’ll say pretty please.” Oh I’m sure you will, Will. I’m sure you will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
All of their fucking scenes are supercharged with sexual tension, my god.
“I need you, Hannibal.” And just like that, all of Hanni’s fantasies are coming true. Well, almost all of them. We’ll get back to that…
The escape. Yessssss.
Oh hey Francis. Fancy seeing you here.
The way Will looks at Hannibal ASDFJKLBFJBLK I cannot.
btw I still remember that Bryan Fuller said that Will and Hannibal’s “lips were busy” while the time passed. Don’t think I’ve forgotten, lmao.
And they’ve changed clothes, hmmmmm
There’s the Goldberg Variations again.
“My compassion for you is inconvenient, Will” might as well have said he loves him, lol.
Hanni deliberately stood in front of the window (and Will) to take the bullet.
WILL! Francis, you touched his FACE! His beautiful FACE! How could you?!
Pull out that knife, Will.
They kill as a team. How romantic 🥰 And thus marks the moment when literally all of Hannibal’s deepest fantasies came true.
Damn, son. Daaaaamn.
I love to see my baby boy go so FERAL. It’s my favorite headcanon about how they kill together: Hanni is very clean, collected, almost elegant. Whereas Will will go straight savage on a motherfucker.
The blood spreads like wings. That’s cute.
Oh my goooooood it’s HAPPENING.
“This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us.” AHHHHHHHH!
I think I love this song tbh.
And then they went on the run. Also they got married. And fucked. A lot.
OH HEY Bedelia. Bon Appetit!
And with that… my first time Hannibal viewing journey comes to an end. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t very emotional about it. Also about that cliff scene, GODDAMN. I’ll see about doing a big write up about my thoughts tomorrow. It’s getting a bit late for that now.
Summary: I loved it.
I’m off to read more fanfics, lol.
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altervera · 1 year
I’ve just finished the last book of the Half Bad trilogy and... oh my god, I’m so angry, I’m furious, I’m fuming... what a shitshow it was, what a total sheer idiotic shit, I hate it so freaking much I don’t remember hating a piece of fiction so much, but here I am, hating Half Lost’s guts... I mean... there is fiction that is bad and it doesn’t make you mad, you just quit it. But this? This is the worst kind of fiction, it’s like fire in madman’s hands, he beckons you with it, he warms your icy limbs, but then he starts giving you burns, tortures you, watches you scream, enjoys it, and eventually puts you on fire.
The story had so much potential... the world, the magic, the characters, the main idea. But all of it... wasted. There are so many stupid, utterly stupid plot holes and writing choices I’m... lost for words. Now I’m gonna get into details so if you haven’t read the books but still want to (i don’t recommend. save yourself some time and brain cells), and don’t want spoilers, then stop reading.
So, Nathan got all those gifts, strong gift, each of them alone could give him a huge advantage. But instead of practicing them properly he does what? chases some effing amulet!! Yes, it’s cool, makes you invincible, big power, but you already have huge power, idiot!! the power no one else has. just learn how to use it properly!! And he learns, oh he does... He learns to stop time... very, very useful gift, isn’t it? Yeah, but how does this idiot use it? Well, he doesn’t. He uses it once to get away from a stupid argument (that he started because he threw a tantrum), impresses everyone, makes them go “wow, nathan can stop time” and then never uses it ever again. ever. he tries, yeah, fails, then later tries again and succeeds but it doesn’t work the way he needs so it’s useless. what was the point of him learning how to use it when at the end he can’t use it to save anybody? right, there was no point. like in majority of this book (and the whole series). It would be so much more interesting and logical if he was looking for Ledger so they taught him to access his gifts and master them faster. Then even the final fight would be more impressive and spectacular.
But ok, he gets the amulet and then explores its weak points and even finds some: he still can be trapped, suffocate if there is no air, and his mind can be controlled. So, they discover all of those and do what? Ensure those things won’t happen? Get some additional protection from them? No. They do nothing. Absolute fuck all. Also, they guess Soul doesn’t want to kill Nathan but control him, they heard about the secret potion, and, again, did NOTHING about it. And guess what happens at the most crucial moment of the story? If you think nathan gets trapped under some magic dome without air access and then gets hit by magic that controls his mind (by simply walking into an office of a guy who he knows is brewing a potion to control him, and sniffing some stuff), you’re absolutely right. But don’t u worry, he gets free before you have time to worry. So, what was the point of discovering the weaknesses? No point. What was the point of nathan being captured and mind-controlled for a second? No point, just so we the readers don’t get bored (i the reader didn’t get bored but the annoyance also not the kind of emotion i enjoy). 
And the ending.... oh, that fucking ending. First of all, during the whole book, when nathan was training his multiple strong gifts and getting the invincible amulet for his precious self I was like... ok, but what about Gabriel? You worry about dying, losing war, but there is this lad who you love and can’t see your life without, the boy who can transform into other people and can fight i guess but in a normal human way this boy is pretty effing vulnerable. (also, his gift is so damn useless, really... it serves its purpose in the beginning of the series and then never put into use ever again). He can easily die in a random fight not to mention a freaking raid on the enemy den. Also, if hunters knew how close he and nathan are (which they didn’t really hide) then he could be used against nathan. if he was captured, nathan would do whatever they say to save him. (that actually would be interesting plot twist, not very original but at least more logical). But that idiot of a halfblood didn’t think about it once, no, not a single time in his mind there was a thought like “hey, the love of my life can die any moment and he only has a transformation gift as a protection which is not much so maybe I should do sth to protect him, maybe stick to his side, keep an eye on him, maybe give him some protection potion”. but NO HE DIDN’T DO A SINGLE THING TO PROTECT GABRIEL. only when it is late but even then this stupid moron didn’t use an ounce of his stupid brain and thought that the bullets will ricochet from him (THEY HAD DONE THE TEST THEY KNOW THE BULLETS DO IT) and hurt other people (also, i don’t understand the physics here. how come that nathan was between gabriel and jessica but bullets ricocheted behind him?? aren’t they supposed to ricochet into general direction of opposite side they came from???) I’m so mad at this idiot i don’t even feel sorry for him in the last chapters where he goes mad and grieves gabriel (ok, i do, but angrily). but i feel terribly sorry for gabriel (and by sorry i mean I'm heartbroken, my heart was ripped from my chest) he was perfect, he was kind and compassionate and caring and sweet and gentle and cheeky and funny and many many more. He deserved the world and not this stupid ass ridiculous absolutely pointless death (no, really, what was the point of him dying? All 3 books are full of angst, the hero suffers all kinds of terrible things, why not give him ONE good thing he can keep, huh?) And i could forgive many faults of this series but not the ending - it’s too cruel, too stupid, and too pointless. 
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buttsoclock · 10 months
Everyone is so mad at Neil Gaiman for the end of Good Omens season 2 (which I think is silly), but I have a much more personal issue to take up with him.
It started with Coraline, and that was bad enough (and by bad I mean specifically for my unique individual psychology--on the whole it's a wonderful story). See, I have two phobias: Spiders and needles. I also just have a thing about eyes.
So a story where this Other Mother wants to sew buttons into the eyes of the main character and then eventually turns into this spidery creature? Really kind of felt like Mr. Gaiman woke up one day and went, "There's one specific bitch out there who will be very upset by this specific combination of factors and I'm here to fuck her shit up."
(Did I still both read the book and watch the whole movie, with a blanket to hide behind even though I was probably 21 at the time? Of course I did, I make wonderful life choices, shhh.)
So yeah, a part of me already felt like Neil Gaiman was out to get me personally after that.
But it got so much worse. And to explain how, I need to explain why I'm arachnophobic. When I was 3, I had this dream that I was...somewhere, I don't remember where, and saw a spider. So I stepped on it and squished it.
Then I saw a couple more spiders, so I stepped on them and squished them.
Then I saw a bunch more. I wanted to get away from them, but there were a ton of them in every direction now. I turned toward the door to get the hell out of there, but saw that spiders were pouring in through the gap under the door.
I looked around then and noticed them coming from EVERYWHERE now--from cracks in the walls, between floorboards, etc. Pretty soon the spiders covered every surface--the floor, ceiling, and walls were visibly rippling from the movement of so many spiders.
And then they started to crawl up my legs and all over my body. I could feel them on my skin and in my clothes. They crawled over my eyes until I couldn't see. When I started to scream, they crawled in my mouth and down my throat. I remember waking up feeling like I was choking on something.
Let me reiterate, I was three years old when I had that dream. It's one of the first three memories I have of my life (it goes, the death of my dad's mom, getting my first dog, and that).
And then I continued to have that dream on a recurring basis, anywhere from once every couple months to sometimes as much as three times a night, for the next TWENTY-FIVE YEARS.
The waking up part was almost worse. Even once I was awake--really awake, enough to fully realize I wasn't dreaming anymore--I always imagined I could still feel something moving in the back of my throat and felt I would choke on it.
I can't tell you how much those dreams messed with me.
The dreams finally stopped in my late 20s. For a long time it made me anxious that they had stopped--like I was due for them to start up again any time now and maybe they'd be worse because of their absence. But I reached my 30s having not had that dream in two or three years.
Then in 2020 I picked up Anansi Boys for the first time, and imagine my fucking delight (and by delight I mean absolute horror) when I read a scene in which the main character's dream ends like this:
Tumblr media
I started having that dream in probably 1993. Anansi Boys was published in 2005. I didn't read it for the first time until 2020, after being free of those dreams for at least three whole years, for the first time since I was barely old enough to form memories. I can't tell you what a trip it was to see that in a book by my favorite author.
It didn't go into a ton of detail about the dream or what the character felt. It didn't have to. As soon as I read it I felt that familiar feeling I used to have when I woke up from those dreams--like I was choking on something small with too many legs.
Let me tell you, I have slammed many a book down onto the table or bed, yelled, cursed, cried at them, but never have I actually thrown a book--except for this one. That felt personal.
So I would just like to thank @neil-gaiman for somehow, despite not knowing I exist, creating stories specifically designed to torment me individually. Super cool.
(I still finished the book. I still enjoyed the book. And in a weird way I loved the book that much more for it. I'm gonna be mad about it forever though.)
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oblivions-dawn · 1 year
HELLO HELLO HELLO I see you're just as EXCITED AS I AM now I wonder if you saw what I promised to talk about and sent these stars because YOU'RE JUST DYING TO FUCKING KNOW
Anyway. Yeah. Previous chapter. The Guest. The title is indeed a reference to The Guest by Bram Stoker, in case you were wondering c;
The first few lines of dialogue that Vigdis and Serana share? Subtle references to Star Wars ['It's a trap!'] and Princess Bride ['Do you think it's a trap?' 'I always think everything could be a trap! Which is why I'm still alive.']! I thought I was pretty clever, hehe.
To be honest I really struggled with this chapter, at first. I fiddled with the beginning part SEVERAL TIMES, and originally it was supposed to be Bloodchill Manor AND Redwater Den in a single chapter. I'm really glad I decided to split it up because both are my mini masterpieces.
While I was fucking with it, I remember getting stuck and unsure of how to proceed. Then, one day, the idea that led to this scene was born:
Her wrist was snatched within a cold, firm grasp. She looked back and found Serana’s persimmon gaze, wide and pleading. Vigdis’ breaths were hard yet steady as she matched the vampire’s silent question with her own bewildered expression. Serana merely tightened her grip in response. There was no other way. “I won’t hurt you.” Vigdis twisted her arm, the inside of her wrist face-up. Serana shifted her grip; her thumb slipped beneath her sleeve and shoved the cuff back to reveal the freckled yet heavily scarred skin that lurked beneath. The vampire’s nail traced the faint blue veins that streaked across the rosy flesh, stiff under her touch. The hunter forced a harsh exhale through her nose as the nail pierced her skin. Blood pooled, then trickled down her arm. Serana held the chalice beneath the wound, and both watched as the ichor dripped into the spiked cup.
Okay restraining myself to not share the whole damn fucking thing KJSFLJGLKSFJG BUT FUCK. THIS CAME OUT SO GOOD. SO GOOD!! AND I WAS SO WORRIED IT WAS SHIT!!!!
My friend and biggest fan Winter also loved this part:
Blood-curdling screams drowned out Vigdis’ thoughts as the vampires sunk their fangs into their meals. The Khajiit’s clawed hand grasped the hunter’s fiery hair; Vigdis swivelled around and stabbed the short blade deep into his neck. Before he could even sputter, she ripped the dagger across his throat so that blood splattered all over her face and hair. He fell to the ground with a lifeless thud.
Admittedly, fight scenes are always super difficult for me. I never know how to even start with them. But when my friends [and readers] point them out and praise me, I figure that they must be pretty good haha.
This chapter did have some semi-foreshadowing parts, especially at the end--and that's because I have planned for that 21st chapter for MONTHS. Maybe even YEARS. So knowing it was right after The Guest meant that I kept it in mind for this chapter, although my readers were, largely, unaware of the evil that was to come c:< So despite it being super difficult for me, I'm really really happy with how it turned out <3
Now that I've written an entire book on one fucking chapter I MUST EAT AAAAAAAAAAA
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