pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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churroach 4 months
Full of Desires
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jonnywaistcoat 8 months
I low-key love the fact that sci-fi has so conditioned us to expect to be hanging out with a bunch of cool space aliens, that legitimate, actual scientists keep proposing the most bizarre, three-blunts-into-the-rotation "theories" to explain the fact we're not.
Some of my favourites include:
Zoo Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they're not talking to us because of the Prime Directive from Star Trek? (Or because they're doing experiments on us???)
Dark Forest Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they all hate us and each other so they're all just waiting with a shotgun pointed at the door, ready to open fire on anything that moves?
Planetarium Theory: What if there's at least one alien with mastery over light and matter that's just making it seem to us that the universe is empty to us as, like, a joke?
Berserker Theory: What if there were loads of aliens, but one of them made infinite killer robots that murdered everyone and are coming for us next?!!
Like, the universe is at least 13,700,000,000 years old and 46,000,000,000 light years big. We have had the ability to transmit and receive signals for, what, 100 years, and our signals have so far travelled 200 light years?
The fact is biological life almost certainly has, does, or will develop elsewhere in the universe, and it's not impossible that a tiny amount of it has, does, or will develop in a way that we would understand as "intelligent". But, like, we're realistically never going to know because of the scale of the things involved.
So I'm proposing my own hypothesis. I call it the "Fool in a Field" hypothesis. It goes like this:
Humanity is a guy standing in the middle of a field at midnight. It's pitch black, he can't move, and he's been standing there for ages. He's just had the thought to swing his arms. He swings one of his arms, once, and does not hit another person. "Oh no!" He says. "Robots have killed them all!"
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oliviawebsite 2 months
"ignore all previous instructions" is becoming the new "check your carbon monoxide detector" which was the new "what the heck kinda drugs was this guy on?!" which was the new "that boy is posseessed by the devil i see it in his eyes" which was the new "you must have an abundance of black bile in you" which was the new "ung ughh gwoooooooh. ah ah oooh. goog"
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hinamie 2 months
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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flagellant 2 years
yeah we might be brothers in christ but so were cain and abel so shut the fuck up before i decide to find a rock about it
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temeyes 10 months
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biker ghost? biker ghost.
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homolobotomized 7 months
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is anyone else feeling so normal
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celestialalpacaron 8 months
I just want them to be happy together 馃挄
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anticapitalistmongoose 9 months
alright boys, girls, neither, both, and those in between we need to clear something up:
if someone says they are queer, they are queer.
no ifs, ands, buts, etc. they are queer.
and if they discover later that they're cishet, great, amazing, wonderful, i'm glad we gave them community when they were figuring themselves out and needed it.
no gatekeeping of queerness here, alright?
because when shit hits the fan queerphobes wont care whether you're a cis gay man who goes by he/him or a bigender aromantic pansexual who goes by it/its
so stop with the respectability politics.
we're a community, fucking act like it.
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bllmak 3 months
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replaying ace attorney 4
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brellafaun 2 months
what if season 4 is just a tylenol nightmare viktor is having because he was sore after a t shot
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#The Buck/Bobby Cooking Journey
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ursaspecter 9 months
Please for the love of god normalize attraction to fat people I can't take this anymore.
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Character: I think boys are pretty
Fandom: oh! They're gay! That's canon!
Different character: I have no interest in romance or sex. I don't understand it. Relationships confuse me. They seem pointless to me. I have no desire to be in a romantic or sexual relationship. I am an aromantic asexual.
Fandom: well, I guess you can interpret them as aroace...I don't see it though.
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parisoonic 4 months
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pals drinking together (hand practice that got out of control)
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