#SI Clarke
transbookoftheday · 6 months
The Left Hand of Dog by Si Clarke
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Escaping intergalactic kidnappers has never been quite so ridiculous.
When Lem and her faithful dog, Spock, retreat from the city for a few days of hiking in Algonquin Park, the last thing they expect is to be kidnapped by aliens. No, scratch that. The last thing they expect is to be kidnapped by a bunch of strangely adorable intergalactic bounty hunters aboard a ship called the Teapot.
After Lem falls in with an unlikely group of allies - including a talking horse, a sarcastic robot, an overly anxious giant parrot, and a cloud of sentient glitter gas - the gang must devise a cunning plan to escape their captors and make it back home safely.
But things won't be as easy as they first seem. Lost in deep space and running out of fuel, this chaotic crew are faced with the daunting task of navigating an alien planet, breaking into a space station, and discovering the real reason they're all there...
Packed with preposterous scenarios, quirky characters, and oodles of humour, The Left Hand of Dog tackles complex subjects such as gender, the need to belong, and the importance of honest communication. Perfect for fans of Charlie Jane Anders' Victories Greater than Death - especially ones who enjoy endless references to Red Dwarf, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. This book will show you that the universe is a very strange place indeed.
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The Left Hand of Dog by Si Clarke
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Escaping intergalactic kidnappers has never been quite so ridiculous.
When Lem and her faithful dog, Spock, retreat from the city for a few days of hiking in Algonquin Park, the last thing they expect is to be kidnapped by aliens. No, scratch that. The last thing they expect is to be kidnapped by a bunch of strangely adorable intergalactic bounty hunters aboard a ship called the Teapot.
After Lem falls in with an unlikely group of allies – including a talking horse, a sarcastic robot, an overly anxious giant parrot, and a cloud of sentient glitter gas – the gang must devise a cunning plan to escape their captors and make it back home safely.
But things won’t be as easy as they first seem. Lost in deep space and running out of fuel, this chaotic crew are faced with the daunting task of navigating an alien planet, breaking into a space station, and discovering the real reason they’re all there…
Mod opinion: I really, really like this book, it is one of my favorite new-ish and underrated sci fi books and if you want more sci fi with a transfem nonbinaray characters and her talking dog, you should read this :)
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awfulhorrid · 6 months
Some times a passage makes you cry ...
But at least it's for a good reason.
"Everyone on that ship simply accepted that I was unlike other people they knew. They didn't begrudge me. They didn't expect me to accommodate my own needs. They simply welcomed me and made adjustments accordingly. [...] Her other dad was both right and wrong about her life on the Teapot. In a way, we do support her and accommodate her -- but no more so than she does for us. Just as we all do for one another."
-- from Consider Pegasus: A Space Tale About Unicorn Rights (Starship Teapot Book 3), by Si Clarke.
The final straw that made me kick my mother out of my life was when she used the phrase (paraphrasing here): "... those fucking freaks you call a family." See, my actual family -- that is my found family and not my relatives -- supported and encouraged me when I started exploring my gender identity and finding out more about myself. Needless to say, she did not.
Found family, family of choice. These are powerful things for many of us; giving us the abilities to be ourselves and not forcing us into a role. Some people do have that family of choice that includes people related to them, but not all of us do.
May you find that family that allows you to be yourself.
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qbdatabase · 1 year
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Gurdeep is an engineer and a soldier. Georgie’s a food scientist. One is pragmatic with a tough outer shell; the other’s an optimist, a person of ideas and compassion. In the span of a single afternoon, the couple find themselves in charge of planning a self-sustaining colony on Mars. Together, they’re humanity’s last hope for survival.
They have 160 slots to fill with experts from all over the world as they set about designing an all-new society with its own government, economy, and culture – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Among those chosen for the mission is Devon, an autistic scientist with a unique skill set who finds life on Earth strange and alienating. Maybe a whole new planet is exactly what’s needed.
With 1,114 days until the launch, excitement and tensions run high. Earth’s second chance hangs in the balance. Between strict genetic requirements and the dangers of the dystopian almost-present, will everyone make it to the final countdown?
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marvelgifs · 2 months
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EMILIA CLARKE and BEN MENDELSOHN Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Secret Invasion (2023)
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stinkypeanutbutter · 16 days
i feel like Aiden was such an animation meme kid
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chepib3 · 1 month
jon "en el campo se come lo que hay" kent y damian activista vegano wayne (son novios)
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parkbutterfly · 2 months
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autisticburnham · 2 months
Damn, what a surprise, the book that features a dog named Spock includes the line "I'm a doctor, not a [x]"
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americana709 · 3 months
Justicia Joven... muy Joven.
Normalmente, Bruce odia la magia, Normalmente el no puede pensar en la magia sin sentir un dolor de cabeza acercarse ¿pero ahora?¿mientras ve a su segundo hijo menor en este estado?¿con un traje demasiado grande para el?¿mirándolo como con esos enormes ojos azules que podrían iluminar las noches más oscuras de Ghotam?
Si, ahora mismo definitivamente esta en un término medio.
Podía escuchar los sollozos de Clark y Barry mientras abrazaban a unos Conner y Bart de cuatro años muy confundidos (Conner) y paralizados (Bart).
Podía ver a Diana poner a una pequeña Cassie entre sus brazos y escucharla despotricar sobre como su mamá no la dejaba aprender a pelear.
No se dio cuenta de cuando fue que puso a Tim entre sus brazos (por dios, era tan pequeño) y como parecía que el niño se derretía ante el tacto ¿era egoísta querer que esto nunca acabe?
Ah lo lejos pudo escuchar como Bart comenzaba a llorar, haciendo que Conner lo imitada, seguido de Cassie y después a Tim que estaba entre sus brazos.
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incaseofart · 1 year
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These two are literally perfect for the Barbie meme so you know I had to do it
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Judgement Dave by Si Clarke
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This time, the universe puts the cat in catastrophe.
Plucked from her home on Earth and ending up aboard a strange spaceship in an even stranger universe, Lem and the misfit crew of the Teapot have more than enough trouble on their hands… and then they receive an urgent last-minute call to save a race of cat-people from certain destruction.
Stuck with a disaster-platypus of a project manager and an entire race of people seemingly determined to thwart their own rescue, the Teapot’s crew face the impossible job of herding cats and helping evacuate the planet before it’s blown to smithereens.
Can Lem and the gang avert disaster and save this race of infuriating cat-people?
Mod opinion: I've read it and meow meow meow (Translator's note: its fun! It deals with dark topics, but it's a lot of fun)
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 2 months
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The two previously starred together as the titular leads in 90's Lois and Clark series before later picking up roles in the CW's Supergirl. Whose role in Supergirl did you enjoy the most?
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roachmattea · 2 months
i’m just clicking my suggested words sorry about that i did not write any of those
why would you decieve me like this
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
Thank you! Sadly, I haven't had the chance to do tmbs stuff (or I would give you some for sure), but here's some Wolf359. I hope you enjoy it!:
“That would be a very foolish decision on your part, Daniel,” he warned.
“You might want to learn a lesson or two from your old SI-5 crew. Acting recklessly tends to get one killed.”
Update: completed fic here
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marvelgifs · 5 months
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