#Sam x O.C.
ourtearsofrain · 4 months
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Chapter 13
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, (barely a mention of) Josh Kiszka x Male O.C.
Genre: angst, brotherly fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count:  2.1k
Warnings: Josh reality checks Sam and gives him lore about himself that is ouchie
August 21st, 9:49 AM
“Hey, man.” Josh prods Danny in the ribs after he doesn’t respond, having been zoned out staring at the small tray table before him, his legs folded uncomfortably in the small airplane seat so that his knees were touching the bottom of the table. “Danny?”
“Hm?” He rips his eyes from the surface, turning his head slowly until Josh’s face twisted with concern comes into view.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You aren’t acting like it.”
“I’m just tired, didn’t get good sleep last night.”
“Bullshit.” Josh says the word louder than he intended, receiving an angry look from an elderly woman across the isle from him. “I know you snuck off with Sam last night, and he came back at like three AM with red, puffy eyes. He wouldn’t tell me jack shit though, and he- he didn’t get up to say goodbye to me or Jake before we left.”
He didn’t even say goodbye to his brothers? “Fine.” Danny’s voice cracks as his memories of the night before flood his mind, tears beginning to brew at his waterline. “He told me he loved me.”
“What did you do?!”
“I told him I loved him too and- and we kissed.”
“That’s fantastic!” Josh smiles wide before his mind catches up to him, wiping it from his face instantly. “Why was he crying then?”
“He- he told me we could make long distance work. I can’t do that, not after already waiting all these years to just hear him say those words. I begged him to come with me to New York, but he chose Frankenmuth over me.”
“Yeah.” Danny puts no emotion into his tone, his voice flat to prevent his tears. “I yelled at him, said so many mean things but- but we both knew that I wasn’t wrong.”
“Talk to him, please.”
“No, Josh. I tried that and look where that got us. Besides, I told him not to bother calling or texting cause I was blocking him.”
“Have you?”
The question completely blindsides Danny, his eyes wide as he looks at Josh before an expression of anguish passes over his face. “No. I’ve tried so many times but I can’t- I can’t bring myself to do it.” He dissolves into a fit of tears as his hands move to his face, muffling his cries on the packed plane.
“Oh, Danny…” Josh moves immediately, putting the arm rest between them up to wrap his arms around the other man and pull him into a comforting embrace. His hands move up and down Danny’s back as he holds him, saying nothing more and letting him shed all the tears he needed. Finally, Danny pulls away, his face red as he wipes his cheeks dry. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No.” Danny shakes his head frantically, his hands gripping one of Josh’s. “Please, please don’t. We- we had our final fight, and now I need to move on. I can move on now, but I can’t do that if he’s still in my life.”
“Are you sure?”
“Alright… I promise I’ll stay out of this, I won’t call him about it. I’m- I’m sorry it ended this way, Danny.”
“Me too.” The pair say nothing more for the rest of their flight, barely speaking a sentence or two to each other as they leave the airport in New York. As soon as Josh locks the door of their apartment behind him, Danny’s already escaped to his room, his own door closing quietly as Josh’s shoulders drop.
What the fuck am I going to do about this?
September 19th, 1:20 PM
It had been four weeks and two days since Danny had spoken to Sam. Four weeks and two days since he had felt fully whole. And four weeks and two days full of regret. Danny didn’t regret saying what he said to Sam. In a way, it was as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. This time, it wasn’t his actions that he regretted, it was Sam’s.
Every time he saw something that reminded him of Sam, he felt a pang in his chest, like he had left his heart behind in Frankenmuth. This ranged from having his day soured from his professor barely mentioning Star Trek, to cursing himself out when he passed a small boutique he knew Sam would love; a loose silk button up in the window that just screamed his name. Danny finally snapped when he ran home to sob in his room after he spaced out on the subway and ended up under Grand Central’s ceiling of constellations. In truth, Danny was barely keeping it together, motioning through his lectures and assignments mindlessly. If he allowed himself to think, his mind always wandered back to Sam.
Through all this, he hoped and prayed that Sam felt everything he was feeling a thousand-fold. He hoped that Sam couldn’t leave his house without crying as he passed the Wagner house, looming over him like a dark cloud every time he had to walk past it. He hoped every time he brought a cigarette to his lips, he would think of the one they shared camping. That he would taste Danny’s lips. He wanted to follow Sam for the rest of his life as a reminder, a ghost, of what he almost had. What he could have had. Danny knew one way or another that he would never be able to fully get rid of Sam, he could never make himself forget no matter how hard he tried. He just hoped that one day, his memories wouldn’t hurt this much.
September 23rd, 12:33 PM
“Josh, I fucked up.”
“What happened to, ‘Hello, O brother of mine, I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye before you left again even though we spent every day of the summer together’? And yeah, you did. What’s wrong with you? Why’ve you waited over a month to finally talk to one of us?” Josh’s voice is flat, trying to keep his frustration at Sam out of his tone.
“I’m sorry about that. I needed- I needed time to process everything. And Danny told you?”
“Yes, Samuel. Danny fucking told me. What were you thinking?!” He spits, trying to keep his voice low, afraid that Danny would hear him across the apartment. Technically, Josh wasn’t breaking his promise. Sam had called him first, not the other way around. And for once in his life, Sam was the one to start the conversation topic even though it was so personal and serious, even if it had taken him over a month.
“I don’t know! I didn’t expect him to actually reciprocate feelings and I- I thought we could make long distance work…”
“Sam.” Josh lets out a frustrated sigh, bringing his hand to his temple in an attempt to keep himself calm. “I know Danny already ripped you a new one, so I won’t yell at you.”
“Thanks.” He can practically see Sam rolling his eyes over the phone, knowing that even though HE had been the one to call Josh for help, he was bound to get annoyed at his advice no matter what.
“Wanna know what I think?”
“Please do enlighten me, Joshua.”
“Cut the sass, I’m trying to help. If you didn’t want my opinion, you shouldn’t have called me. Anyway, I think you need to grow a pair and leave Frankenmuth. And fucking apologize to Danny. Face to face.”
“Jesus Christ, again with the leaving. You both know I can’t.”
“Why?” Josh doesn’t try to hide the frustration in his tone this time, not caring enough anymore to keep his feelings from Sam for his sake. “Give me one good reason that isn’t just ‘I can’t’ and I’ll never try to convince you again.”
“I-” Sam cuts himself off, his words failing him as he tries to find any reason, any reason at all, to stay.
“That’s what I thought. You’ve never had a reason to stay, Sam, you’re just too goddamn stubborn to change your opinion after all these years.”
“I thought you said you weren’t going to yell at me.”
“I’m not yelling, you don’t want to see me yelling. I’m just giving you a reality check. Why do you keep refusing to leave?”
“I- I feel bad. Leaving mom and dad, everything and everyone I’ve known. And I’m scared, what if I fail, what if I don’t like it and I’m just not cut out for the real world?”
“Did I ever tell you how it felt when I left? When I got into an out of state college before Jake did?”
“No? Why?”
“Of course I didn’t.” Josh takes a deep breath, preparing to tell him something he had never told anyone else before, not even Jake, Danny, or Austin. “I cried myself to sleep every night in the months leading up to leaving. And for months after I moved here too. I felt like I was abandoning everyone I loved most. Jake, Danny, mom and dad, and- and you. I felt like a horrible person for knowing I needed to get out of Frankenmuth. I hated myself for so long, Sammy. Every single goddamn day until I realized that no one was mad at me. While you all may have been upset and sad I was gone, I knew that- that in the end, you all would be happy I took that step. And I realized that I did the right thing, no matter how much it hurt. As much as I love Frankenmuth, I knew that I would never have a future there, a career, a life. I feel like you know that’s true for you, too. If I hadn’t moved here, I couldn’t have found a major that I loved, and that’s setting me up for an amazing job here. I wouldn’t have gotten so unbelievably close with Danny, and I wouldn’t have met Austin.”
“Do you have any regrets?” To Josh, Sam sounded utterly broken, his voice worn and uneven as if he had been crying for hours. Josh knew that his words finally made Sam understand that he needed to leave, and he knew from experience how that felt; like his entire world was collapsing right on top of him.
“No. I’m broke, still looking for a job I can apply my degree to, and I will probably never be able to afford housing alone here. But I’m happy. I’m- I’m so happy here, Sammy. I’ve made this my home, I’ve found a family. I have all I could ever want, and I know that it’s more than I could have ever found in Frankenmuth.”
“What do I do?” Sam’s voice breaks as he begins to sob, sending a lump to Josh’s throat as he listens to his little brother’s pain, trying to keep the tears from his own eyes.
“Take control of your life, Sammy. Live for you, not anyone else. If you want to move to New York, then we’ll be right here for you. But make that choice on your own, not based off anyone else’s opinions of where you’d be happiest. This is your life Sam, you have control of where it goes. And you need to start living, not just existing or surviving.”
“Ok-” He takes a heavy breath, sniffing before the sound of rustling filters through Josh’s speaker, as if he were moving around to dry his tears and pull himself together. “I- I need time to figure it out.”
“Of course. This isn’t something you can just figure out overnight, take all the time you need. And I’m here for you, whatever you need. I’m always gonna be here for you.”
“Thank you. Can I- can I visit soon? Stay at your place? It might help and- and I need to apologize to Danny, face to face like you said.”
“Please do. Whenever you find time, we’ll make it work. I’ve been wanting to show you around the city for so long, introduce you to Austin. You’re gonna love him, Sammy.”
“I bet. Ok, I’m- I’m gonna go think, work out a way to get to you and when. I’ll text you when I figure that out.”
“Sounds good, like I said we’ll make anything work.”
“Thanks. And Josh? Thank you, for everything you said. I needed it, it helped more than you can know and I’m- I’m so grateful and lucky to have you as a big brother.”
“Oh, fuck you, I was holding it together until now.” Both men laugh through their tears, letting themselves fully feel this calm after the storm for a moment longer until the reality that Sam had major decisions to make sets into him, stifling his laughter as anxiety creeps into his mind.
“Alright well, I should go, like I said I have so much to think about.”
“You got this Sammy, it’s not as scary as it seems. I’m here if you need, any time, any day.”
“Thanks again, I love you, Josh.”
“Love you too, Sammy. Hope to see you soon.”
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @sanguinebats @theres-a-tvjoe @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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crushculture03 · 6 months
About You
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Summary : Valerie Singer and Sam Winchester first met when they were 16, it was an instant match but soon sam had to go and the letters stopped coming. Years later they unknowingly reunite at a college halloween party, here is their story.
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Warnings : Contains smut (chapters will be marked), Swearing, Family Trauma, Death, pretty much any other warning supernatural has
I won’t be falling the plot to a T, but i will be keeping the major plot points
About you is also on Wattpad under the same username.
Sam Winchester x O.C
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An Unlikely Reunion
Valley Girl and Sammy
The First Meeting
The Women in White
Back Home
Vals nightmare
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New mixtape:
blindone- the acidic hasidic 11- The Old Test a ment Extended Vers Dax Pierson- snap Radioinactive- personnality theft Elucid- Burnt Sugar feat. Psychic Twin doseone- Big Bank Basik MC-One Verse Hearse v 1.2 DJ Signify- Costume Kids Mestizo & Controller 7- Lay Your Life Down Danny Brown- 3 Tearz (feat. Run the Jewels) Birdapres- Different Insignificant Elzhi- 1-14 Misright Dope KNife- The Message Feat. Dana Coppafeel De La Soul- The Magic Number Fatt Matt, Ira Lee, Chadio- Downtown mykill miers and pawz one- cult classic (feat. edo.g and dj romes) Factor Chandelier feat. Onry Ozzborn- black nasa Neek the Exotic- One Speed All Out (Feat. Satchel Page) living legends- communion Reks- Animal Kingdom (Prod. By Apollo Brown) Rocwell feat. Swamburger- Memories The Gumshoe Strut- # Stairaway Saukrates- Innovations Feat. Pharoahe Monch dj moves- morris day feat. tachichi rob sonic- gums john jiggs feat crimeapple- teflon manteca 2Mex- Can't Get With Us (feat. Riddlore) Sacred Hoop- Quiet, Im Dying Defcee & Messiah Musik- Shell Game feat. Alaska sixtoo- garbage rain shrapknel- acid vignette(feat. donovan days and the binary marketing show) Mad Kap- Escuse Me Brutha!-Jeff-Self Feat. Jeff Broadway El-P- Oh Hail No (Feat. Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire & Danny Brown) Bag Appeal- Knife Rips (Rich Jones, Jesse The Tree & MJC) Raw Produce- Up All Night Darko The Super- Boomerang (Prod. Steel Tipped Dove) Dr. Octagon- Flying Waterbed The Koreatown Oddity- Meditative Thought Esoteric & Stu Bangas- Blood On the Flowers (feat. Spit Gemz) CURTA- Sky High feat. Kenny Dennis (Serengeti) Farm Fresh- tylers in the coal room (weeping) Diamond D- K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Stupid) Defari- Deepest Regards (feat. B Real & J Ro) (prod. by Mike City) Deeskee- Motel Six sadistik- november aj suede and televangel- elysium DJ Muggs x Roc Marciano- Wormhole freestyle fellowship- hillcrest fatboi sharif and roper williams- prescription ODD NOSDAM- horse face anglo- Nine to Five Maximus Da Mantis - KALI-MA - TapeDeck Wizardry Ft Dangerous Dane main flow- dealing with the archives (ft dj greyboy) Controller 7- swallow (feat. Hemlock Ernst) The Nonce- Mix Tapes (1926 Sunday Night Remix) sign one- 2020 Hosannas (TGS Remix) ft. The Gumshoe Strut ddamage- insects are human Mr. Lif- Low Key (Feat. Murs, El-P, BMS & 3 Melancholy Gypsies) Demigodz- The Summer of Sam feat. Apathy, Blacastan, Esoteric, Motive, Ryu & Celph Titled AWOL ONE- REALLY MATTERS FEAT D-STYLES OLD SELF- Golden Rule (Radio Edit) feat. Lt Headtrip & BIG BREAKFAST One Be Lo- Phoenix Sons-HHB open mike eagle- ill fight you (prod. diamond d) Nolto & Factor- Making Out MF Grimm- earth prince po- bump bump (ft raekwon - prod by madlib) existereo- boyz in the hoodwinked DJ Quik- Speed jean grae & quelle chris- breakfast of champions OneWerd- What Living is For (variex. Remix) Moor Mother & Billy Woods- Portrait ft. Navy Blue alxndrbrwn- a boy nostalgic for the future (feat. cas one) Emad Saad Drastic Measures Hip Hop- Shatterd Light (feat. 2Mex & Negro Scoe) Short Fuze & Nasa- Master Peace Eric Bobo & Stu Bangas- Street Smarts feat. Ill Bill & O.C Five Deez- The Rock Rehab The Doppelgangaz- Taking Them Pills sandpeople- sapient and ethic- crown control kay the aquanaut and maki- the day the gods came back The Walrus (Interlude) Degiheugi- Keeping Memory Alive W Nolto, Andrre, Astronautalis & Nomad blue sky black death and ceschi- miracles Das EFX- real hip hop (pete rock remix) dj seinfeld- song for the lonely ERDA- SIGIL (prod. leftfordead) zoviet france- FICKLE WHISTLE, HAND OVER YOUR EARS Oldominion- Same Ol Same Ol (Feat. Barfly, Candidt & Peegee 13) Bike for Three!- First Embrace Eyedress- My Girl The Finest
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seenashwrite · 5 years
A Fluff By Any Other Name
Word Count: 1.8K Category: One-shot, Domestic Family Fluff, Husband Dean, Reader Insert Mommy, Sam And Dogs, Practical Jokes, Meet Cute   Rating: Teen & Up Character(s): Dean, Sam, You, a Newborn, a Nurse Pairing(s): Dean + You Warnings: None Author’s Note: *This is a re-post minus tags and links in an effort to get it to show up in searches*; more post-story Overall Summary: Sam arrives at the hospital to meet his newborn niece.
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Dean was waiting for Sam in the hallway.
“No flowers?”
“Uh, she hates flowers. Figured I’d ask what she wants for dinner, run get it.”
“Maybe I would’ve appreciated the flowers.”
“You know, I’m going to let this go, because you’ve had a long day, but not as long as hers, so—”
“Ask me.”
“Ask… what?”
“You know.”
“Dean, did you sneak some morphine, or whatever they’ve been—”
“Ask me what your niece’s name is. Actually, no - ask me what it’s not.”
His voice hadn’t ratcheted down to the deep-deep levels of pissed off - and, to be sure, there were several subtle variations Sam knew well, having been on the receiving end of all of them - but Dean was definitely serious, and had crossed his arms for good measure.
“I legit don’t know where you’re going with—-”
“The dogs. All your foster dogs. You took the good names.”
“Okay, now, that’s— I started volunteering way before she ever got pregnant, before you two even got serious, come to think of it. And I just chose a bunch of names that I thought of off the top of my—-”
“I picked up on that, yeah - around the time you used Jessie. And on that real jumpy, kinda twitchy one, which was extra weird. And was a boy.”
“Wait, wait - that was such a sweet dog, and besides - you really would’ve wanted to name your daughter after my dead fiancée?!”
“Oh, everybody’s dead, Sam!” Dean whisper-hissed. “And, no, not necessarily, but I do wonder what Jessica’d think about that…. about that…. what damn breed was that thing?”
“A mix.”
“A pooset and a corgat.”
“Sam. The hell.”
“A poodle-basset hound mix and a rat terrier-corgi mix shared a special hug—”
“So it’s a poocorgaset.”
Sam stared.
Sam brought a hand up, slowly rubbed his temples.
“Can I pull from the rest of the real names? I mean, ratbassgipoo is turning my crank.”
“But always the poo.”
“Of course always the poo, what the hell good does -dle do anybody?”
The nurse cleared her throat - she was leaning into the hallway, a leg and foot still in the room. “We’re done. Everything’s looking good. She said for you guys to come on in, but if you’re in the middle of…..”
“No! No, not at all. Hey, and this is my little brother, Sam. Sammy, this is our nurse, she’s been here the whole time, basically delivered Macka… Mmmuh… my kid.”
She raised her eyebrows at that, but smiled, extending her hand and shaking the one offered, introducing herself as Dean slipped past them.
“Uncle Sam, huh?”
“Uh-huh…. oh god, I just now realized that!”
“Eh… could be worse.”
“You could have a name that your nurse had to re-write on the birth certificate five times - twice for misspells, then again because she ran out of room. Me. I’m that person. We’re talking about me, here.”
“What was the fourth? Since there was a fifth?”
“Oh, well, that one? Can’t take credit for - under ‘father’s name’, the proud papa got a case of the jitters and wrote your father’s name.”
“Jeez, I’m so… I’m so sorry…”
Sam would’ve sounded sincere if he hadn’t burst out laughing, but she immediately joined in. And though he didn’t know it at the time, he would be sincere with her many more times than not, and he’d be getting plenty of it in return. Starting that night, when he’d ask if she’d be interested in getting coffee sometime. She would be tips-to-toes sincere when saying she hoped to hear from him soon.
They’d still keep bursting into laughter, amongst and in between the sincere times, over a million different things through the years. There’d be the breath-stealing kind, prompted by the action of more amusing-than-scary hunts; the gasp-induced kind, stemming out of nervous relief over the hunts that weren’t; and her favorite, the bent-over, knotted-into-cramps kind, resulting from drunken Dean tales of hunts long past. And then his favorite, when the Winchester kids were raising hell, and there was nothing to do but laugh.
This time, this first time, after the birth of their niece, in the moment they’d met, would ultimately get ranked as the best, though it was followed closely by the tear-tinged round that erupted after another first, when they heard the justice of the peace say the words “husband and wife”.
But that’s another story.
For now, Sam closed the door quietly before tip-toeing to the bed, bending and giving you a kiss on the forehead. He glanced over to the bassinet and back, saying, “Nice work.”
“Work is right.”
Dean was seated in an armchair next to your bed, unlacing his boots, but paused and looked up at this, tacking on a clarification. “Work is damn right.”
You winked in acknowledgment before speaking again. “So listen, while I’ve got you both—-”
“We in trouble already?” Dean asked, changing his seat from the chair to the opposite side of the bed, perching near the end.
“—-I wanted to make sure you knew that I haven’t totally lost my marbles with the name, and I know that’s what you’re both thinking.”
Sam opened his mouth, ready to protest, but Dean just held up his hands in a sort-of surrender.
“Babe, I know I said I’d be fine with whatever you chose, but we ain’t lied to each other yet, and wow - it’s horrible.”
“I really wish you wouldn’t worry. It’s an old family name, and, I mean… we could squeak a nickname out of it… probably… you know how some of these Gaelic names are, it’s hard to tell how to pronounce them on sight.”
“So how’s it pronounced?” Sam asked.
“Get ready,” Dean muttered.
And Sam’s jaw dropped briefly as something largely incomprehensible - possibly worse than the name was on paper - came out of your mouth. “Sis?” he said.
“That’s beyond horrible.”
“Yeah, it is. It is a vicious eyesore that she won’t be able to spell for who-knows-how-long, it makes ears bleed, and I’m a garbage parent for it, though I will point out her father was zero help.”
Now Dean’s jaw dropped, but clearly in faux offense. “I resent that - ‘cause every name I said I liked….”
“….every name we agreed on, that we loved for her….”
“….was already a dog’s name.”
You and Dean turned your heads in unison, leveling looks at Sam.
“I can’t have taken up all of them—-”
“Which also took out Mary Jane.”
“Bobby, which took away ‘Bobbie’.”
Dean wrinkled his nose, prompting you to roll your eyes.
“Right, right - not your fave. But we even would’ve been fine with Anne.”
“I haven’t named any of them Sandra or Anne,” Sam pointed out.
“No, but you did name that fire-engine-red cocker spaniel, the one that wouldn’t stop crawling into my lap, Anna - which was a real cute move, by the way,” Dean shot back.
“We’d already 86′d Anna, on your request, and I still haven’t heard that whole story,” you said, jabbing a finger into Dean’s chest before jabbing it in the air at Sam. “The one that really pissed me off? And I get to be pissed off because of the disaster that currently is my—”
“Whoa!” Dean interjected.
You gave him brief but pointed side-eye before getting back to fussing at Sam. “Millie. You took Millie. And she was an adorable dachshund, an absolute doll, but, I mean, come on.”
The tone of your voice had changed, leaving the realm of good-natured teasing and stepping into something akin to disappointment. It wasn’t lost on Sam, who looked to his shoes, swallowing. Then he let his gaze drift to the bassinet, keeping it there even as you went on, though now with gentle care.
“But I get it. We get it.”
“Get what?”
“That menagerie of furry fluff. Thinking they’re it. Only kids you’ll ever have.”
Sam was completely focused, spellbound by the rise-and-fall of the tiny, striped-blanket-bundle’s easy breaths.
Dean’s voice now, definitely deep, definitely serious, definitely one of the subtle variations Sam valued above all the rest, the slightly scolding one that hid a bottomless well of love.
“Can’t know the future, Sammy. I know sometimes we have, but…. nothing’s in stone. I sure as hell didn’t picture this for me. Ever.”  
Sam nodded - it was true, just didn’t feel like it.
“And even if it was? Written in stone? Find another big-ass hammer, grenade launcher, whatever - lay waste, kiddo,” you added.
The baby suddenly jolted herself with a sneeze, causing a reciprocal jolt across her audience. She shifted a little, smacked her lips a few times, didn’t show the first indication of waking up, that anything in her brand new world was even slightly out-of-sorts. Her uncle briefly thought on the realization of how hard he’d fight to keep her in such a place as he brought his eyes back to her parents.
And was surprised to find them grinning.
“What?” Sam asked.
“Check out her bracelet,” Dean said.
Sam looked to you, received a nod.
“Go ahead,” you said. “She won’t notice.”
She didn’t, but did get a hell of a grip on a finger of the hand that moved her arm, so he slid the bracelet around with a few fingers of his free hand. Sam fought his own grin as he tucked her arm back under the blanket. Well, mostly - he opted to leave her hand out, let the grip remain for as long as she was willing to hold on to him, then raised an eyebrow at his shoulder-shaking, snickering brother.
Dean kept it up as he edged to the head of the bed, scooting in next to you best he could in the cramped space, quieting only when he let his eyes close, no need to see as he tilted on his side, laced his fingers through yours like he’d done a million times before, the metal of matching angel-blessed bands briefly clinking.
“So your nurse… she was in on this?” Sam asked you.
You shrugged. “Except the father’s name snafu - that part was 100% true.”
Eyes still closed, Dean briefly gave a thumbs-up, took your hand again, went back to his dozing.
You shook your head at him a little, though a smile was on your face as you went on. “She’s the whole package, my man.”
Sam smiled, too. “Yeah. I noticed that.”
“Thought you might.”
“Speaking of thoughts, what made you think of it? Not the prank, I mean—”
“Turns out, my great-grandmother had a nice, simple, easily pronounceable, no-brainer spelling, peach of a maiden name.”
“And the story on this middle name?”
“She’ll prove herself worthy.”
“Hardy-har-har,” Sam replied flatly, but still with a smile.
“It was the first name on both our lists…”
Even in the dim light, you saw his eyes go shiny.
“….and, we hedged our bets - figured even if you ran out of ideas, you’d never name one of your fluffs after yourself. Thought we’d do it for you.”
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Author’s Note #2: There’s some fun background behind this story (such as the bit about the crazy name prank & how the story came to be in the first place), and if you care to know it, look at the end of the original post of this story, which you can find via my Master Story Post (see below)!
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Want more stories? My Master Post is linked in my profile, and it tells you about getting on the Tag List, too! If for whatever reason it gives you trouble, don’t hesitate to send an Ask and I’ll link you.
Re-blogs and feedback are fuel for a writer’s soul - please do let me know if you enjoyed. 😘
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zalrb · 7 years
If you have one, what’s your fav sibling dynamic on tv
Hm, I don’t really have one. I do tend to really like brothers on TV though.
There was a very short-lived show called The Black Donnellys and I liked their sibling dynamic a lot
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I did indeed like Dean and Sam, I made a post about why they worked (I only watched up to season 5) and why Damon and Stefan didn’t
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Ryan and Seth, adopted brothers
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Francis, Reese, Malcolm and Dewy in Malcolm In The Middle
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I did like the Charmed sisters
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Oh! And I really liked Sana and Elias in SKAM
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Karaoke Nights
Character: Xu Shang Chi
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Pairing: Shang Chi x Fem!Reader (O.C)
Warnings: Fluff. Funny. Mentions of Drunk. Karaoke Stuffs. Little angst. Post!Shang chi and the Legend of the ten rings! Spoilers!
Inspired by: Rock DJ - Robbie Williams
Author's Note:
Hello again!!!! This is my new fic with my beloved Shang Chi. I heard the song and the fic comes to my mind so easily... And this is the result.
I hope you like it like the last one and thanks you for all the replies!!! It's means so so so much, so thanks! XOXO 😘😘
The karaoke place is a different one than the one that we used to go to, and the difference is that everyone present in the place has their own microphones and can interrupt the other's songs if they want to sing it or join the stranger, probably drunk or uninhibited, who goes up on stage to sing .
I don't put the microphone on me and put it on my lap when I feel Sam occupy the empty space next to me and see where my gaze is going, which is on Shang Chi, looking like a girl who does more than see him as a customer and she gives him shy smiles.
- When will the day be when you will tell that boy how you feel?
- Don't start, Sam.
- I'm not starting, just listing the obvious. - He sits on the couch and puts his arm over my shoulders - Honey, go get him.
- Are you serious? - I point to my NASA shirt and the nerdy glasses that I am wearing and point to Shang Chi, who is dressed as if he were going to go to an interview or that and he looks too attractive for my poor heart - I'm not...
- Do not say it.
I am not a girl with a high self-esteem, but I know that it bothers you a lot that I say that I am not usually the ideal for any man. Although over time I learned to be happy with myself, I like to tease him with it.
- If you have such a problem with it, ask me out.
Sam lets out a laugh as Katy passes us a couple of drinks and tries to blend in with our conversation, but someone, clearly with a few drinks on top, starts singing covering our voices.
- Why can't you be that direct with him? - Indicates Shang Chi to give a smile to the young woman who hands him a kind of square gadget and he places it in her jeans pocket- Don't you see? You turn purple every time you see him with another girl. Make a move, Daisy.
-And what makes you think that he will want me to make a move?
- Man things .... Regarding your question, I am not asking you out because you are like my little sister, and second because Buck would give me a beating if I even think about it.
Everyone present laughs at the man on the small stage and suddenly, the music changes, while the lights turn blue and the atmosphere seems to come from a Striptease club.
- Now for the good news - I hear Katy murmur as she takes a sip of her drink and indicates the stage - That means pay attention, woman.
I turn to the stage to see that Shang Chi is in the center of it, holding a microphone with a stand, and Robbie Williams's Rock DJ chords begin to play in tandem.
Sam laughs as Shang Chi begins to sing and the women, who until now were silent begin to murmur, others to clap and some begin to shout to take off his clothes.
I turn in my seat towards my back and listen to the laugh of Shang Chi between the melody of the song.
When I turn to the stage, I see him walking from one end to the other as he begins to slowly unzip the black jacket he is wearing and the group of women behind me screams, while my inner woman screams as if she were in a concert of Backstreet Boys. I appreciate that the lights do not give away my face, but I know that the heat invades me when he finishes taking off his jacket with a movement too seductive for him and he pulls it in my direction.
I take it by inertia and I know that my face is going through all the colors of the rainbow. And if there were more, too.
- He's inspired - Katy murmurs in my ear about the music and I clap along with her as I watch Shang Chi get off the small stage and walk between the tables provocatively unbuttoning the top two buttons of the white short-sleeved shirt she is wearing and I beg of God and whoever's up there to stop, because even though he's not fully image-conscious, he's too attractive that just looking at him makes me question my sanity.
He approaches where we are, gives me one of those mischievous glances that are characteristic of him and takes the stage while indicating my shirt - Houston, do you hear me? Ground control, can you feel me? Need permission to land ....
And just as the chorus comes in, people sing along with it.
And I feel like my heart is going to slow down in my chest and I'm going to have a heart attack right here.
Dammit. I would let him do what he wanted with me.
Is he not aware of the irreparable damage he is doing to my heart? I shake my head as I blew him a kiss following his game, but he's already focused on the next part of the song, with Katy and Sam in the backing vocals to notice.
I walk to the bar to get a bottle of water when I hear murmurs behind me, and as soon as I turn I see that Shang Chi is coming in my direction, but he is stopped by a couple of women who try to hand him some papers, which he rejects with a smile and a simple "I'm with someone" that makes all that moment on stage vanish like dust blown away by the wind ... And women see it as something that is wasted.
- Requested?
I hear him laugh as soon as he leans next to me and the guy at the bar hands him a drink, courtesy of the house for his great performance.
He thanks him with a smile as he takes a long drink and looks at me over the rim of the glass- For the women I mean. You have been a real discovery.
- It's all the alcohol in my system to blame. At this point I no longer know who I am - Although his voice does not reflect it, clearly- But I know that I do not have the attention of the woman I want.
- Poor you, Shang Chi.
- Could you help me? - He tries to button the buttons on the walk and when he fails on the third try, he gives me a pout and I just go over to help him. I concentrate, as if it were a bomb, on not having to brush my fingers against his skin so as not to be tempted to let myself go, but seeing him so close and in that state makes my only neuron that still works I revealed my rational side and ended up taking him by the face only to press his lips against mine.
A gentle pressure and I feel like fireworks explode in my stomach. Damn butterflies.
I don't wait for an answer but before he can walk away I feel that Shang Chi passes his hands around my body and in a quick movement, he pushes me against the bar, deepening our contact, causing a sigh to escape from my lips.
If I am dreaming, let no one wake me up.
I break away when I feel like the lack of air is playing tricks on my head and I hear him laugh.
His lips are very red, for our kiss as well as for my lipstick, but I just want to raise my hand to wipe his lips, he guides it towards his heart.
- If I knew that a song was going to make you kiss me, I would have done it long before.
I wanted to answer him but the words didn't come out of my head.
- Then I'll pretend to be drunk more often to maybe get a date with you, darling.
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What’s Becca Reading?
Weekly Fic Recs for the weeks of 3-/15-4-5
Thanks so much for being patient! After being  out of town and then recovering from some health issues, I am back! 
As always please feel free to tag me in any fics! I’d love to read them!
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*Yes I’ve been reading the hell out of @tvdspngirl314​‘s work sue me XD * 
------Keeping Up With The Winchesters by @tvdspngirl314
Summary : To take a break from everything, you move into Lawrence, where you meet the Winchester family and work for their bakery. Can you survive with three men constantly hitting on you?
Ship : Dean x reader, Sam x reader, John x reader (platonic)
Warnings : crack, angst (eventual), fluff
Characters : you, Dean, Sam, John, Mary, mentions of few ocs
------Save Yourself by @weasleywinchester
Series Summary: “I promise.” Those two words would trap you in a life you never wanted. You are an artist, a hunter, a Winchester. And yet the pain in Dean’s eyes as demanded you live the life he wants you live, you couldn’t say no. You met the Winchesters by chance, found out they were real people. And you figured it was a once in a life time thing, but then Dean called you, and so did a new job. Both leading to the life you wanted, a family that didn’t begin or end in blood and a once in a life time love. And he said leave it and him behind, forget. But you can’t.
Warnings: None as of now! Eventual Smut, angst (??) Idk I’m new, I don’t know how to do these tumblr writing things!
-----What She Doesn’t Know by @tvdspngirl314
Summary : With his marriage life on rocks, when his ex girlfriend who also happens to be his wife’s sister shows up into his life back again. Will Dean resist her or give into his desires.
Ship : Dean x Lydia (ofc), (eventual) Dean x reader
Warnings : 18+, angst, smut, cheating, a little bit of fluff, relationship drama
---Mechanic and Mistletoe by @deanwanddamons
Summary: Y/N, an ER nurse is driving home to her Mom on Christmas Eve. Her car breaks down on the side of the road. She calls Winchester Singer Autos and Bobby sends Dean to help her. Will she make it to her Mom in time for Christmas? And will she get back home in time for her shift on Boxing Day?
Universe: Mechanic AU
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
Warnings: Slow build, Mechanic AU, Fluff, Smut, Angst. Each chapter will have individual warnings.
----- Supernatural Investigations by @deanxmon​
Detective! Dean Winchester x detective! reader x Liam Harris (o.c)
Synopsis: Detective Winchester and Detective Y/L/N have always been the heart of N.Y.P.D. supernatural investigations. What happens when Dean returns from an investigation in Italy and finds Y/N close to another guy?
Stand Alone
-----Stand By Me by @tvdspngirl314
Summary : Jensen finally decides to confess his feelings for you
Ship : Jensen ackles x F! Reader
Warnings : fluff, a lots of fluff, nervous Jensen
-----You’re Blushing by @soaringeag1e​
Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Swearing? Just a Ton of Fluff!
Words: 3,019
Prompt: "It's cold, you should take my jacket"
----- Calamitous Love by @herstarburststories​
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Dean shows up at your house, but this is a calamitous love. Sooner or later, it's going to destroy.
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, fluff, angst, dean is a perv in a cute way, s1 dean Ily
----- Sam Winchester: Glasses by @impala1967dwinchester​
Warnings: Sam because he’s always a warning, the reader fantasizing about Sam, implied smut, the reader has a crush on Sam, Sam playing clueless, little tiny mention of Dean, Dom!Sam, Sub!Reader
Summary: When Sam brings his glasses out to be able to read the lore, the reader does nothing but stare at him.
Word Count: 1.5k
----- What Went Wrong by @sofreddie​
Summary: Dean tries to propose but a misunderstanding ruins everything.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: Angst, Drinking, Fluff
Word Count: 1,680
Short and Sweet
----- Mine by @girl-of-many-fandoms​
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x ReaderPrompt: "I'm not jealous, I just don't like other men touching what's mine"
Warnings: None
@tillielynn16 , @fandomaskedstuff , @naruko88558855 , @saltysamgirls ,  @hillface89 , @unusualcorn , @trilloku-blog , @perpetualabsurdity , @ria132love , @emoryhemsworth,  @mogaruke , @dramaqueenrolf,  @ghost–facers , @herbologystudent252 ,  @darthhayber , @nj-padackles , @arses21434 , @cassiopeia-barrow , @percussiongirl2017 ,  @gailski1975 , @squirrel-moose-winchester , @waywardbaby , @lebanese-chickpea-blog​ , @hobby27​ , @ogwatergirl , @mystriee​ , @destielhoneybee​ , @buckybarnesisaninnocentman , @alexwinchester23​ , @curly-haired-anxiety , @gh0stgurl​ , @heyitscam99​ , @dean-winchesters-bacon​ , @andkatiethings​ , @fk12b​ , @jaremish​ , @thelovelyoldscentofabookshop​ , @awkwardnesshabitat​ , @I-hear-crazy-calling-my-name , @adoptdontshoppets​ , @spn-tw-37​ , @maddiepants​ , @spnwoman​ , @spnbaby-67​ , @screechingartisancashbailiff​ , @fanfictionismydeath​ , @sarcasticbitch86​ , @baby7879 , @monkeymcpoopoo​ , @shyartnerd564​ , @hobby27​ , @maui137 , @lovealways-j​ , @polina-93​ ,@drakelover78, @dylanlover24 , @magssteenkamp​ , @superweirdnerdalertt​ , @doctorlilo​, @deans-baby-momma
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thewinchesterseries · 7 years
S1: E1 - Pilot (Part 1)
Sam startled awake in quick breaths. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm his breathing when he was disturbed by a soft scraping noise that sounded from the kitchen. He opened his eyes quickly again and looked over at his girlfriend’s sleeping form next to him before slipping out of bed. He walked quietly to find the source of the noise with his hands balled in tight fists, prepared. As he walked he saw his window open not how he left it before and walked further into his living space. He saw a shadow of a figure moving inside of his kitchen and worked in quick action and attacked the intruder from behind. Surprisingly the intruder worked in equal action with just as fast reflexes. The pair were a mess of grunts and yells of frustration as they try to beat the other until finally the intruder had Sam on his back. In the moonlight Sam could finally get a good look at the intruder as his anger turned into shock. “Woah, easy tiger, ” the intruder smiled rather inappropriately.
“Dean?” Sam asked incredulously in pants. Dean chuckled in confirmation at his little brother.
“You scared the crap out of me.” Sam said through his breaths. “That’s ‘cause you’re out of practice.” Dean said matter-of-factly. Sam frowned at this and made quick work of slamming his brother on the ground, making himself on top, to prove a point. “Or not,” Dean chuckled, he tapped his brother twice and grumbled, “get off me.” As the brothers got up Sam asked, “Dean what the hell are you doing here?” It wasn't that he wasn't happy to see his big brother but they hadn't seen each other in almost four years. “I was looking for a beer.” Dean smiled cheesily, shaking his brother’s shoulders. Dean didn't give Sam the full answer and Sam knew it only furthering his suspicions. “Sam?” The light flickered on as a woman’s voice floated through the room. The two men looked over to see the newcomer. It was a girl with a Smurf’s crop top on and boxers. Sam looked unsurprised but Dean was looking at her like a dog in heat. “Jess, hey.” Sam spoke. “Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica.” Dean was looking at Jess with a childish grin on his face appreciating her body unashamedly. “Wait. Your brother Dean?” Jess asked grinning as she walked closer. "What about your sister is she here too?" Dean’s grin turned into a hard disapproving look that he fixed on Sam but directed his words to Jess, "as she would say 'ocupada'." Their sister was an off-topic subject no matter the person. Sam looked down at his feet and Dean put a faux smile on his face and turned back to Jess. “I love the smurfs.” Dean grinned, gesturing at her shirt as if this was a casual and totally normal thing. “You know, I gotta tell you, you are completely out of my brothers league.” Jess looked at the man with a smirk a rosy color seeming to paint her cheeks in the dim light. “Just let me put something on.” Jess chuckled. “No, no. I wouldn’t dream of it, seriously.” Dean said in complete seriousness. "Anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend over here, talk about some private family business, but nice meeting you." Dean said winking at his brother's girlfriend. Jess gave a faux smile that resembled a grimace which Sam caught on to and immediately went to stand by her side and wrapped an arm around her waist, "no, no whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her." "Ok," Dean said challengingly. “Dad hasn't been home in a few days." Sam breathed in deeply not really knowing what to expect to come out of his brother's mouth but that definetley wasn’t it. Sam straightened his back presenting an aura of not really caring, "so he's working overtime on a "Miller Time" shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later." "Let me rephrase," a voice from behind Jess and Sam. Sam immediately went to stand in front of Jess as Dean could only hang his head and shake it with an incredulous-sort-of-angry-chuckle. "Daddy's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days." The voice who spoke stepped into the light. It was a girl of only 14 but could easily pass for 18. She had big brown curly long hair and dark brown eyes. She had a rounded face but prominent cheekbones and was smirking at the three adults. She was clad in jeans and a blue-almost-green sweater and a pair of worn combat boots. "Ava," Sam said in astonishment, he moved forward to hug the younger girl tightly. She was tentative at first, it being 3 years and two months since she had last seen him but soon a wave of need hit her. A need for her to have her big brother back. "Hi Sammy," she whispered burying her face in his chest.
Sam released her a bit to look at her, "you've gotten so big." And almost as if a light switch flicked on Ava’s original anger to her brother began to grow again this time stronger than she had felt from the past three years. It was so sudden it was almost like she wasn’t smiling only mere moments before.
"You would've been there to see it if you hadn't left." She said pushing her brother away, immediately missing the warmth of his hugs but too hurt to return to him. Sam looked disappointed and watched as Ava went to stand next to her other brother who whispered something angrily to her, to which Ava responded with just as much fury. "Jess, excuse us." Sam said quietly.
Ava was the first one out of the apartment without a word to Jess. She wasn't usually this rude as she was known for being the nicest Winchester. She left the apartment the way that she came: out of the window and onto the fire escape. Ava hopped and climbed down the side of the building using the fire escape as merely a guide as she tried to beat her brothers to the bottom, using the agility and strength that she had developed as the years went by. Ava was overcome by emotions from seeing her brother after years of wishing he'd come home. She had dreamt of the day when she’d see him again, thinking they'd be a full family again. Her father would have finally gotten over his deceased wife, Dean would finally have settled down with a girl who'd preferably keep him in check. And Ava-well she would be alright.  Sam would come home and he'd be welcomed with open arms and he would hold Ava tightly and of course there would be tears but they'd be happy tears and everything would be ok. No demons, no rugaru's, no djinn. She thought that she would be happy to see him but that happiness didn’t last very long and now she could only feel anger towards him. Sam’s return home was all a fantasy though, none of it being real or possible in the life that they lead but Ava was so consumed in thought and the idea of the fantasy that she slipped and fell as she reached the last bar. The air left her lungs in a quick whoosh and she landed on the hard concrete. Pain shot up her arm and she knew it was broken. Crimson seeped through her sweater and Ava made quick work of placing her hand to her shoulder and taking in a deep breath. She applied pressure to the broken area grunting and shaking her head to try and rid herself of the pain. “The only way to heal, is to hurt first,” her mother's words echoed in her ears. 
Ava whispered a healing incantation and felt her bones putting themselves back together which felt just as bad as them breaking. She felt her arm begin to heal but it was going to be sore for awhile. Ava picked herself up from the concrete because at the end of the day it's what she had to do and no one was going to do it for her.
Ava was sat atop the roof of the Impala when she heard the sound of a gate creak open and then the Sam’s voice fill the street, "the weapon training and melting silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors." "So what are you gonna do? Are you just gonna live some normal, apple-pie life? Is that it?" Dean said rolling his eyes as he walked to the car "No, not normal. Safe." Ava scoffed under her breath, Dean looked at her with a look of incredulity as if to say 'can you believe this guy'. Dean shook his head and looked at his brother, "And that's why you ran away." "I was just going to college. It was dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing." Sam said matter-of-factly. "Dad's in real trouble right now if he's not dead already. I can feel it. I can't do this by myself." Dean tried to reason. "Yes you can.” Sam said. Dean was one of the best hunters in the country and he was only twenty-six.
Dean looked down at the ground and said, “Yeah, well I don’t want to.” 
“Ava's a witch and you're a more than experienced hunter I'm sure you can handle it." Sam said with a hint of sass in his voice.
“Ava’s not staying.” Dean responded simply.
“Yes, I am.” Ava defended herself
“You thought.” Dean snorted.
Before Ava could respond Sam interjected, “Dean I’m not going with you. You’re more than capable.”
Ava, finally fed up with Sam's bullshit interjected, "I know we've only been here for like thirty minutes but ever since we've gotten here you've had this condescending look on your face and it's really starting to piss me off, so drop it. You are going to say yes, you are going to pack a bag and you are going to listen to what Dean has to say so stop talking down on people like you know everything when you haven’t been here to know shit." She said forcefully. Ava was having mixed emotions towards her brother. After finally seeing him after so many years she had begun to resent his presence. The way she felt towards him, she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to forgive him. The day Sam left, Ava didn't know what to do with herself. She had pleaded with John not to make him leave to no avail. Not only that but he left without saying goodbye.
The family had been staying in a motel on the outskirts of town as they worked a demon case. The case was supposed to be pretty easy, get in and get out but the demon always seemed to reappear. The men had been out fighting the demon, wanting to keep the youngest safe but she didn't like to be left behind. Ava managed to get a ride to the house where the demon had been pinpointed to and included herself in "the fight against the supernatural forces of evil". At the time the demon had been taunting the men with the sounds of their loved ones. For Dean, it was Sam's voice. For Sam it was Ava's voice. For John it was Mary Winchester a voice he hadn't heard in years. John grew. . . excitable at the voice and lashed out but the demon had been possessing Ava at the time for she was too young to get the anti-possession tattoo and hadn't any other wards on her. John killed the demon for good but temporarily forgot the body of the demon and almost killed Ava in the process. 
Ava lay writhing on the floor, bleeding out quickly and her brothers ran to her side to help their sister and try and stop the bleeding. John was in a state of shock at first but then tried to help his daughter and moved towards her but an angry yell and hard look from Sammy stopped in his tracks and left him in a continued state of wondering what he had just done. The car ride had been in a tense silence since they left the deom house. Dean was speeding as fast as he could to the motel they were staying in to help their sister. Sam sat in the back with Ava's head in his lap keeping pressure on the wound and telling her everything would be ok as she faded in and out of consciousness. Dean kept looking at the pair in the back to make sure his baby sister was ok and sped up every time he found that her eyes were closed.
Ava had finally been patched up and was snoring in the bed, tired from the events of the day. Dean lay across the foot of Ava's bed with an arm over his face, making it seem like he was asleep but really was just contemplating the day. Sam stood by the window his brain moving a mile a minute. John, he hadn't moved or said anything since the family arrived at the motel, opting to stay out of it, trusting his sons to take care of his daughter The room was silent, only the sounds of Ava's snoring filling the room until Sam blurted, "can I go to college?" it seemed as if he was talking to himself but the other men in the room heard. Dean sat up looking at his brother strangely while John's eyes snapped towards Sam. "Why would you ask that?" John asked. "Because I can't stick around and watch this any longer. I want a normal life and this is far from it." Sam said irritatedly. "But it's for a purpose." John said in a questioning tone. "What purpose? Avenge Mom? I don't believe in that anymore, I don't know if I ever did." Sam said quietly looking back out the window "Sam, a soldier never walks off the battlefield." John said rising out of his chair Sam scoffed, "Yeah, see well I'm not a soldier or at least I wasn't supposed to be." John fixed his son with a steely gaze, "careful with what you say son-" "Not in front of Ava?” Sam questioned cutting his father off. “You almost killed her and yet you haven't said a single thing or done a single thing since we've gotten here, I thought you didn't care for her.." "I assumed you didn't want my help." John said quieting his tone rather embarrassedly.. "It doesn't matter if I want your help or not, you weren't there for her. Why?!” "I’ve told you why before; for your mother" John sighed sitting back down. "No! You can't keep using mom as an excuse." Sam stormed to John and slammed his hand on the table, red with anger. "You almost killed Ava and you haven't said a single thing not even an apology." "What do you want me to say, Sam?" "For starters, why we were there? You drove like a madman across the country for a demon that wasn't even doing anything." "I got a lead on what happened to your mother." John began to rub his forehead with his hand, growing tired of the conversation. "And we are back to square one." Sam said throwing his hands in the air and rolling his eyes, "It always leads back to mom and you don't seem to care who gets hurt in the process of you trying to avenge mom." "I do care about-" "Then why didn't you stop yourself before you stabbed Ava." Sam asked in a malicious tone. "That was an accident-" John tried to reason. He did love his daughter and he never thought he'd arrive to a day where he had to explain that he did. "One that you haven't done anything to attone for." Sam shouted back. John was angry at this point and fed up with his son, "I'm sorry! Is that want you want to hear?" "Sorry, won't save her life." Sam said angrily. "Sammy?" Ava croaked. "We do all this to 'avenge mom' but nothing we do is going to bring her back and I am so sick and tired of it. You put all of our lives in danger without even thinking first. Ava's only 10 and already she's killed more, than most adults. Every wendigo, every demon you think is going to lead you to answers about mom's death. Mom's gone! There is nothing you can do to bring her back! Mom's gone and she isn't coming back!" Sam yelled "If you don't like the life I lead then leave." John said finally. "Dad. . ." Sam said, a hint of fear crept through his voice. "No you brought this on yourself Sam. Since you don't feel the need to find out what happened to your mother, since you can't respect the way I live my life you need to leave." John said with his voice void of emotion. He stared right at his youngest boy and spoke his words clearly and firmly Ava tried to yell but it came out as a hoarse whisper, "Daddy no!" "Be quiet, Ava," John said in a stern voice not taking his eyes off of Sam. "Dad, don't do this." Dean said quieter trying to reason with their father, he had been watching from the start of the conversation but felt the need to interject now. He didn’t want to be without his brother. "Are you staying or are you going to go." John challenged Sam, ignoring Dean. It wasn’t much of a question. The boy stared at his father, challenging the other. Both of them, in simple terms, are Alphas. Both strong-willed and prideful, two Alphas can't exist in the same space together. It's either one or the other. It was a fight for territory and neither would budge until: "Fine," Sam spoke. It wasn't a show of conforming to the other Alpha, it was him deciding to find his own way of life. John was slightly taken aback, surprised that his son would decide to leave, but in a way he had caused this. He gave him an ultimatum, one that changed the family forever. "No!" Ava tried to shout. "Don't do this! Sammy please." She tried to go to him but her wound made it impossible for her to do so, stumbling and falling towards him but Dean caught her around the waist. He held her back, being mindful of the wound but watching in astonishment as Sam packed his bag. He too wanted to go to his brother but he didn't know what his Dad would say. "I love you, Ava." He didn't give her a hug, he didn't even give her a kiss, he wouldn't even make eye contact with her as he grabbed his bag and stuffed a few of his belongings in his bag, blocking out her cries and pleas for him to stay. Sam made eye contact with Dean, nodding at him in a silent conversation between the two with Sam saying 'look after her' and Dean with an 'I will' and sort of 'be safe'. Sam looked at his father one more time who had his back turned to them. Sam walked through the room with his bag in hand, passing his father as he did so. His fathers eyes training after his back and flitting away when Sam turned around to close the door behind him ignoring Ava's angry cries to Dean to let her go in the mixtures of 'please don't go, Sammy'. That was the last time Sam had seen any of them.
Ava had been furious with John ever since but the way John saw it, it didn't matter if she loved him or hated him as long as she respected him. Dean had become her go to person since then but he was never the same as Sammy.
Sam looked at his younger sister trying to catch her eye, but her burst of anger left her internalizing everything, so she sat staring at her hands playing with her rings. Sam cleared his throat and looked at his feet before looking at Dean who flitted his eyebrows and smirked. "What was he hunting?" Sam asked.
Sam left to pack a bag and say goodbye to Jess and by that time the engine was running and Dean and Ava sat waiting. "Can I sit in the front Ava?" Sam asked tentatively. "No," Ava said harshly and simply. "But it's-it's gonna be cramped for me back there." Sam stuttered. He wasn't used to seeing his little sister like this. It hurt him to leave her, but he never thought to think just how much it would hurt her. Ava looked Sam in the eye and seethed, "deal with it." Sam blushed under her stare it was so steely and so broken that Sam had no response as he moved to get in the back seat.
A/N: So this part is mainly focused on Sam and how he fits into Ava’s life and it’s not as much Ava as I would have liked it too have been but just like any other story her character has to develop over time. Also, I’m writing this as I go so if it seems a little slow or my updates are attempted regularity just know I will get to it and I am doing my best. Honestly props to me though because I started writing this part on Friday and it’s Monday and my weekend was swamped so HA. Anywho, I hope you all enjoy it and if there are any questions comments or concerns or want to be tagged feel free to message me!
@blackgirloneshots @thewinchesterdaily @dean-sam-winchesterbros @fatherofmurder @funny-supernatural @itsokaysammy @allthesupernaturalgifs @ohmysupernatural @the-mrs-deanwinchester @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @winchestheart @ilostmyshoe-79 @talesoftheimpala @thebelovedassbutt @balthazars-muse @imaginingyourfandom @fandomsimaginesandstuff @toripike1234 @oneshotsdeanshort @graceb200371 @whyaremyshipsnevercanons @myradromance @supernaturalfanfiction-com @susan-is-in-the-house @rosegoldquintis @k-azumi @the-chaos-girl @bitchy-tacos @ketchups-bitch @wtfmireya @socialawkxiety @avengemysupernaturaldiaries @thecaptainofamerica
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awakedreamerin · 4 years
Lesbian & Bisexual TV Shows
- Killing eve [Villanelle & Eve]
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- South of nowhere (Spashley) 
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- Skins, 2nd generation (naomily)
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- The 100 (Clexa)
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- Black sails [Max & Eleanor, Anne]
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- Orphan black (Cosima & Delphine, Shay)
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- Humans (Niska & Astrid)
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- Person of interest (Root and Shaw)
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- Lovleg (Gunnhild and Luna)
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-Harlots [charlotte & lady fitz]
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- Teenage bounty hunters [Sterling & April]
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- Zarah - Wilde Jahre [Zarah & Jenny]
- Tutto può succedere (Ambra & Giada)
- GZSZ (annie & jasmin)
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-Alles was zählt [chiara & ina]
- Malaika (Esra & Laura)
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- Everything sucks (kate & emaline)
- Gentleman jack [Anne Lister & Ann Walker]
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Women in prison:
-Wentworth (la mejor!), Vis a vis, Orange is the New Black, Unité 9.
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SKAM world:
- SKAM france [lola and maya] [The best by far], SKAM Austin [Shay & Megan], SKAM España (cris&joana).
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-I am Not Okay With This [Sydney & Dina]
- Don’t look deeper [Aisha & Jenny]
-Call the midwife [Patty and Delia]
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-amar a muerte (juliana & valentina) [telenovela]
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- Coronation street [sophie & sian, sophie & maddie, rana & kate]
- Malhacao (lica & samantha)
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-les de l’hoquei [lorena&gina,flor]
- Sugar Rush [kim & sugar]
- Atypical (cassey & izzie)
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- Lip service [tess & lou, tess& lexie, cat & frankie, cat & sam]
- Vikings (Lagertha & Astrid) [I prefer Lagertha & Ragnar... the couple is okay, but the serie is super worth watching]- Black mirror (kelly & yorkie) [just an episode]- Once and again (jessie & katie)
-The originals [freya & keelin], also from the saga: tvd [nora & mary louise] and legacies [josie & penelope]
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-Euphoria [Rue & Jules, Jules & Anna]-The O.C. [Marissa & Alex]-Desenfrenadas [Vera & Marcela]
- pretty little liars(emily&maya,paige,talia,sara,alison) also with the same actress: you [Peach & Beck]
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-Supergirl (alex & maggie)
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-Faking it [Amy & Reagan,Sabrina and also karmy for the shippers]
-Midhunter [Wendy & Kay]-greys anatomy [callie & arizona,maya & carina]- Xena the warrior princess-Banana (ep.3) sian and violet-Get even [Olivia & Amber]-The walking dead [Tara, Magna & Yumiko]-Godless (mary & callie)-The Haunting of Hill House [theo & trish], the Haunting of Bly Manor [Dani & Jamie]
- Glee [santana & brittany] 
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- 100 días para enamorarse/enamorarnos [versión original argentina: Juan & Emma, remake versión mexicana: Ale & Lucia, mejor, tienen más química y la progresión tiene más sentido] 
-Sjukt oklar [Ellen & Vera]-Betty [honeybear & Ash]- Feel Good [Mae & George]-Tagaad [Lea & Orian]- Motherland: Fort Salem [Raelle & Scylla]-Gypsy [sidney & jean]-the handmaid’s tale [Moira, Emily]-Anyone But Me [Aster & Vivian] [WEBSERIE]- Hannibal season 2 [Alana & Margot]- The Good Wife [Kalinda]- The Wire [Kima]- American Horror Story, season 2 [Lana & Wendy]
Asian TV shows
-Lily fever [Kim Kyung Ju & Jang Se Rang] [WEBSERIE]
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-The Rich Man's Daughter [Althea & Jade]-Hormones season 2 and 3 (koi & dao) -'Songkhram Nangngam Season 2' [alice & nam]-Seonam Girls High School Investigators [Suyeon & Eunbin]-Transit girls [Yui & Sayuri]-Come Back Mister [Yi Yeon & Hong Nan] [a creative way to being able to represent a lesbian couple in a mainstream kdrama...]- My Personal Shopper [Se Yeon x Kyung Hye] [a realistic ship]- Underwear (Jay & Yin) Thailand- Club Friday The Series 8 [model-looking actresses, bad ending]- Four more shots please [Umang & Samara]
- The Stripper [Brasileira WEBSERIE adaptation of a Camren fanfic]- Hunters [Millie & Maria]-sex education-batwoman-star [Simone & karen, Nina]-Coisa mais linda [Thereza & Helô]-Em familia [Clara & Marina]-Orfãos da Terra [Camila & Valéria]
ESPAÑOLAS: Los hombres de Paco [Silvia & Pepa], tierra de lobos (isabel & cristina), seis hermanas (celia & aurora, y antes celia & petra, amor no correspondido), alta mar [Casandra & Carolina], Acacias [Maite & Camino], servir y proteger [nacha & teresa]
- wynona earp (waverly & nicole)-Dark [Agnes & Doris]-Controle [natalia & majka] [WEBSERIES]-Legend of the Seeker [cara]-True Blood [Lafayette, Tara, Sophie]-Girls [Jessa]-Runaways [Nico & Karolina]-sense 8 (nomi & amanita)-The Good Fight [maia, amy]- nurses [Ash and Caro] - Game of Thrones [Doreah, Ellaria Sand,Yara Greyjoy] - Jane The Virgin [Rose & Luisa, petra & jane ramos] -The Deuce - Dickinson [Emily & Sue]-Saving Hope [Maggie & Sydney]- Mi familia perfecta [Genesis & Megan] 
Polyamorous relationships:
- Trigonometry [Ray, Gemma, Kieran]- You Me Her [Izzy, Emma, Jack]- Siren
- once upon a time [Alice & Robin] -Maria x Daniela (Ingobernable] -Flunk series [WEBSERIES] - Counterpart [Baldwin x Clare] -The Stranded [Arisa + Ying] -How to Get Away with Murder -DC's Legends of Tomorrow [avalance] -G.L.O.W.-the L word -Operación Pacífico [Paula & Valeria] -flozmin-Luisita y Amelia en Amar es para Siempre -vida -charmed -one day at a time -Brooklyn Nine-Nine-Black Lightning [Anissa y Grace ]-Sally4Ever-Burden of Truth
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ourtearsofrain · 3 months
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Chapter 15
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, (background) Josh Kiszka x Male O.C.
Genre: fluff, smut ish? (they get spicy but don’t go far)
Word Count:  2.5k
Warnings: Sam’s anxious at first but that’s like it, ^ like I said things get spicy but don’t go too far
A/N: I hate to say it, but this is the last official full chapter, although there will be an Epilogue set in the future
4:43 PM
“Hey.” Josh flashes the pair a nervous smile as they enter the kitchen where he and Austin had set in on unpacking the few groceries they had gotten to pass the time, trying to test the waters to see how their talk had gone. “Everything good?”
“Yeah.” Sam freezes, his mind racing out of nowhere. What if Josh doesn’t want me to live here? What if I don’t have somewhere to stay after all that? I can’t afford a place on my own, and I couldn’t make Danny leave Josh.
Josh’s focus moves to Danny, hoping he would elaborate. “Yeah, it did.” Danny looks to Sam, nudging him forward gently in encouragement. “Sammy has something to tell you.”
“Yeah, uh.” Swallowing hard, Sam’s eyes dart between Josh and Austin, looking to Danny behind him one last time before finding his courage. “I’ve decided I want to move here. I’m gonna finish the semester at Saginaw State, then transfer to NYU for the Spring term. I’m gonna start looking for jobs here like right now so I’ll try to visit as often as I can for interviews. And I- I was wondering if you would be ok with me moving in with you guys. Danny’s already agreed to sharing a room, I just wanted your opinion too, Josh. So, uh… yeah. That’s it basically.”
A beat of silence passes between the group before Josh whoops, startling everyone else as he practically throws himself at Sam, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and jumping up and down in excitement. “YES! IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION?! OF FUCKING COURSE YOU CAN MOVE IN WITH US, SAMMY!” He releases him, taking a step back to grin at him. “Austin and I were actually going to ask Danny if he would mind if he officially moved in, so now this’ll take our share of the rent down by half!”
“Woooow, so the only reason you’re fine with me moving in is to take the rent down, huh?”
“You know it, why else would I want to live with you? Did that for 15 years, never again unless I’m getting something out of it.”
“Fuck off.” Despite his words, Sam beams at Josh, his worries gone at the excitement his older brother had shown.
Josh’s eyebrows shoot up, as if he had just come up with a genius idea. “We should celebrate!”
Austin glances at his watch momentarily, speaking before his boyfriend could start rattling off ideas that would more than likely involve alcohol or weed as it was so early in the night. “Well, it’s almost five, darlin’. Anyone hungry?”
“Fucking starving. I’ve had nothing but plane peanuts since like ten AM.” As if on cue, Sam’s stomach grumbles, loud enough for everyone to hear as his face twists with hunger. “See?”
“Yeah, you’re all skin and bones, Sammy.” Josh swats his stomach as he passes him, too quick for Sam to retaliate as he darts towards the door. “We should go to Baazi, I’ve been craving Indian all day.”
Met with no complaints, the four men get ready to leave once again, slipping on their shoes and grabbing their phones, wallets, and keys before setting out with Josh in the lead. Out of earshot of the other pair, Austin leans towards Josh as they descend the stairs of their apartment, dropping his voice low just in case. “Not that I got any complaints, but you know Baazi is a bit pricey, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t care.” When Austin gives Josh a knowing look, he waves his hand in the air between them, slipping his hand into Austin’s as his arm drops. “It’s my treat tonight, and don’t try talking me out of it. Sammy’s moving here, we’re celebrating.”
“Fine.” Austin lets out a sharp sigh, slightly annoyed with his stubbornness but in admiration of Josh nonetheless. “You know, it’s sweet. You treatin’ us to dinner tonight, your reaction to Samuel movin’ here.”
Josh shrugs as if the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind, his actions coming naturally to him. “He’s my little brother. He’s finally taking control of his life, he’s finally gonna be happy. Sammy rarely makes this monumental of a step, this is really big for him. I love him and I’m proud of him; and I know how terrified he must be, so I’m gonna do all I can to make him feel welcome.”
“You’re easily the most beautiful person I reckon I’ve ever met, Joshua Kiszka.”
Josh missteps at his words, luckily having just stepped onto the ground floor, and he regains his balance before glancing over at him with a sheepish smile. “I don’t know about that, baby. I mean have you met yourself?”
Austin only grins down at him as he holds the door open, pausing to wait for the other pair. “Shut it and take the compliment.”
7:28 PM
“That place was fantastic, best I’ve had in a while since Frankenmuth doesn’t have many good Indian places. Thanks for picking the bill up, Josh.”
“No problem, Sammy. Like I said, we’re celebrating. Speaking of,” Josh grins wide, the other three men immediately knowing what he was about to suggest. “We should continue this celebration back home, if you know what I mean.” He brings his pinched thumb and index fingers to his lips, winking theatrically as if his words and actions weren’t an immediate hint to what he was implying.
When Danny and Sam voice their agreements, Josh turns to his boyfriend, gently elbowing him in the ribs. “Yeah, yeah alright.” Austin laughs. “I won’t be smokin’ too much tonight though, gotta wake up early for work tomorrow mornin’ and I can’t exactly show up to the shop high… again.”
“Wait, again??” Sam exclaims, eager to know more. “Where do you work?”
“…local auto repair shop. Don’t remember any of that shift. Last time I try Josh’s ‘special brownies’ the night before I work, I’ll tell ya. Probably don’t help that I got a low tolerance since I haven’t been smokin’ for long.”
“Oh my god, I knew Josh was a bad influence!”
“Am not!”
“Yuh huh.”
“Shut the fuck up, Sam.”
“You’re just mad I’m right.” Sam looks over his head at Austin, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Did you know Danny and I were 15 when he let us smoke with him and Jake?”
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Josh punctuates each word with a smack to Sam’s arm, resulting in Austin gently steering him to his other side to put some space between the brothers. “In my defense, there’s literally nothing to do in the fucking Midwest, especially Frankenmuth.”
“Aw don’t worry darlin’, I won’t hold it against you.”
9:17 PM
“Bedtime.” Josh mumbles out as the end credits to Cars 3, Austin’s movie choice, plays on the TV across the room, his eyes barely cracked open from his high.
Sam immediately sets in on teasing him, having smoked less than his brother. “Awww, is Joshy tireddddd?”
“Shut the fuck up, I went through most of a J on my own. I’m higher than bat pussy right now.”
His choice of words sets the other three men off, snorting before dissolving into laughter before Austin finds his words first. “What?! Where the hell did that expression come from, darlin’?”
“Dunno, some random bar here. Anyways, I’m tired, sleepy time now.”
“Alright, c’mon.” Austin stands, wobbling on his sore legs before reaching down to pull Josh up. “It was great gettin’ to know you, Samuel. Heard so much about you but I’m glad I finally got to meet you, and I’m glad you’re movin’ in with us soon. Imma get him to bed, goodnight y’all.”
“Goodnight Austin, see you tomorrow.”
“Night, it was great to meet you too.” The pair watch the other two stumble from the room with Josh leaning heavily on Austin, Josh’s bedroom door quietly clicking behind them a few seconds after they disappear from their sight. Sam’s head falls on Danny’s shoulder, relaxing into him easily.
“You tired too?”
“Not really, I probably should be after all the traveling today and… emotional exhaustion, but I’m not.”
“Understandable.” Danny makes a move to stand, much to Sam’s dismay until he reaches down, offering his hand to him. “Let’s go, we don’t have to sleep, but my bed is more comfortable than this couch.”
“Oh, so you’re trying to get me into your bed now?” Sam questions with a mischievous grin, allowing the other man to pull him up nonetheless.
“Shut up, I’m not trying to pull any moves on you, I just want to get my ass off these threadbare cushions.”
“Likely story.”
Danny shakes his head as he opens his bedroom door, rolling his eyes as Sam passes him. “Keep it up and you’re sleeping on the couch, Kiszka.”
“You wouldn’t.” Sam puts on a wounded expression, flashing puppy dog eyes at Danny as he closes the door behind himself.
Danny melts at his act, making his way back to Sam and placing a gentle kiss to his lips. “I wouldn’t. Anyway, do you need anything to change into? I probably have some sweats if you don’t want to sleep in your jeans.”
“Na, it’s alright, I brought something.” Sam leaves him, crossing the room to where he had thrown his small suitcase and crouching to unzip it. “Usually, I sleep naked, but I won’t subject you to that tonight.”
“Who says I don’t want to be subjected to that?” Danny jokes, his tone lighthearted but his heart hammering in his chest as he swapped his sweater for a faded tie-dye shirt.
“Someone’s eager.” Sam cocks an eyebrow at him as he stands again, a pair of short, red and blue shorts in his hand.
Taking his comment as a sign of discomfort, Danny rushes to clarify. “I was just kidding, we don’t- we don’t have to do anything tonight.”
“I know, Danny, I’m just fucking with you.” Sam grins wide before unbuttoning his pants, barely giving Danny the time to avert his gaze out of respect as he pulls the tight jeans down his legs. He laughs when he sees Danny’s cheeks go red, his eyes darting around the room to focus on anything but him. “You’ve seen me change before, Danny. I don’t care if you’re looking.”
“I know… It’s just, it’s different now.” He looks back up at Sam, his voice timid as he began to fidget with his hands.
Sam makes his way over to him quickly, bringing his hands to his mouth before kissing his skin lightly. “I know. Thank you for respecting any of my boundaries, but again, you can look when I change. Especially if I’m just putting a different pair of pants on.”
“Alright.” Danny offers him a small smile before Sam turns away, making his way over to the bed as Danny strips his own jeans off. Noting the two pillows on his bed despite living alone, Sam hesitates by the side of it as Danny joins him. “You got a preference for which side you sleep on?”
“Nope, I end up sprawled in the middle when I sleep alone. You?”
“Can I have the right side?”
Danny smiles at him before making his way to the left side of the bed, pulling the comforter back before crawling under the covers. “Of course.”
“Thanks, Danny.” Sam follows suit almost immediately, clicking the lamp beside him off and settling into the bed. He hesitates for a moment as he feels Danny’s arm brush his, unknowing whether or not if the other man was a cuddler outside of unconscious camping habits.
As if he were reading his mind, Danny snakes his arm under Sam’s back, pulling him into his chest. “This ok?”
Sam breathes a sigh of relief into the fabric of his shirt, relaxing against him. “More than ok.”
Danny’s arms tense around him, as if he was holding something back. “Can I kiss you, Sammy?”
Instead of answering with his words, Sam tilts his head up, blindly searching for his lips in the dark until they finally connect. Danny’s hand moves up to cup Sam’s jaw as his other splays across his lower back, pulling him into his body. What starts out as a slow and tender kiss quickly heats up as Sam’s lips part, giving Danny the opportunity to test the waters by licking across his lower lip, reveling in the quiet hitch of Sam’s breath. As their breaths become more erratic, Danny moves his hand to Sam’s hip, grinding his body into the quickly forming tent in his boxers.
“Wait.” At the word, Danny freezes immediately, pushing Sam’s hip away from himself slightly to put some space between them, afraid he crossed a line. “Can we take it slow, please? Believe me, I want to but, maybe not tonight.”
“Of course, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” As Danny settles back against his pillow, Sam props himself up on his arm, bending slightly to reconnect their lips briefly.
“Thank you. Like I said, I want to eventually, I guess I’m just kind of in my head right now.”
“You’re alright, we can slow it down.” Danny hesitates again as Sam relaxes into his own pillow, the space between their bodies increasing as he untangles his legs from Danny’s. “Can I- can I hold you?”
“Yes, you can.” Sam’s heart soars as Danny wraps his arms around him again, pulling his back flush against his chest as he nuzzles his face into his hair, placing a gentle kiss to the back of his head. “Remember when we raced to the lake while camping?”
“Yeah, I remember you cheating very vividly.” Danny prods his finger into the soft skin of Sam’s side, grinning to himself as Sam squeals and tries to twist out of his grasp.
“I did not cheat, never have and never will, thank you very much. But I ask because I believe I still haven’t gotten my prize yet.”
“Oh, really? And what do you think your ‘prize’ is, huh?”
Sam turns, his front pressing into Danny’s as he looks up at him in the dark. “This. Us. This is all I want, all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Really?” Despite his best efforts, tears quickly come to Danny’s eyes at Sam’s words, barely succeeding in keeping them from spilling down his cheeks.
“I love you, Sammy.”
Sam grins in the dark, his exhaustion beginning to catch up to him now that he was in the arms of a man he could now proudly call his. “I love you too, Danny.”
Within minutes, only the soft sounds of their quiet snores can be heard, both men drifting easily into sleep with the other securely pressed against their bodies.
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @sanguinebats @theres-a-tvjoe @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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quietkatie1864 · 4 years
This is an excerpt from a series that I’ll probably never write. Y/N and her sister get sent to the Supernatural universe and the boys are trying to help them get back. Post season 3.
Summary: You’re there to help Dean through a nightmare.
Dean x Female!reader Sam x O.C.
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It was 3 a.m. and Y/N couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was because she was lying on a mattress that was as old as the dingy motel room she was staying in was. Maybe it was the fact that there was a flood light right outside of the window that would turn on every time the wind blew a plastic bag or empty beer can towards it. Or maybe it was because these walls of said motel were paper thin and she was sharing a wall with her sister and Sam’s room. They had just officially gotten together after weeks of flirtatious jokes and sidelong glances and they were making up for lost time. That being said, the couples moans and sighs and screams had been burned into Y/N’s memory recently and it was making it impossible to sleep.
           One person the couples’ recent escapades was not bothering was Y/N’s current roommate, Dean, who was presently snoring softly in the bed next to hers. “Dean could sleep through an earthquake,” Y/N thought to herself wryly.
           While the younger Winchester and younger Y/L/N had hit it off quite well when they first met, the opposite could be said for the older siblings. Y/N and Dean for lack of a better word loathed each other. Despite being completely honest with the brothers from the moment Y/N and her sister entered this universe, Dean had a natural distrust of Y/N. He was constantly questioning everything she said and every decision she made and it irked Y/N to no end. Y/N on the other had saw Dean as arrogant and in need of being knocked down a few begs, which she was constantly trying to do. It was a continuous battle between the between the two, a battle that always seemed to end in a stalemate.
Y/N and Dean could tolerate each other when they first started working together to try to find a way to get Y/N and her sister back to their universe, but as time went on and their goal seemed to become less and less likely, the more hostile the two became towards one another. What made it worse was how well Sam and Y/N’s sister got along. Now they were spending all of their free time, time not hunting, together, which meant that more often than not, Y/N and Dean were left alone.
 Y/N was finally about to drift off to sleep when she was jerked back to consciousness by a quiet whimpering coming from the bed next to her. With a frustrated sigh, Y/N rolled over and flicked the bedside light on. In the bed next to her, Dean was twitching, whimpering, and groaning. Every few seconds he was mumble something incoherent.
“Dean,” Y/N hissed from her position on her bed. Dean continued to writhe and whimper. “Dean”.
           Dean still didn’t rouse from his nightmare and the incoherent mumbling had gotten louder. Soon he’d be shouting. Y/N through the cheap, scratchy motel sheets off of her body and quickly padded over to Dean’s bed.
“Dean,” Y/N whispered, gently shaking his shoulder. Y/N continued to repeat Dean’s name and shake him awake, but it was no use. Whatever nightmare had taken hold of Dean was not going to release him anytime soon.
“Okay time for plan B,” Y/N mumbled to herself before sliding into bed next to Dean.
           When they were younger, whenever Y/N’s sister would have a nightmare, instead of trying to wake her which often ended with Y/N’s sister accidentally punching Y/N in the face, Y/N would slide under the sheets with her sister and gently card her fingers through her hair while murmuring soothing words. It always seemed to help calm her sister down so why shouldn’t it work with Dean? Y/N got as close to Dean as possibly without actually touching him and slowly began running her hand through his short hair.
“Everything’s okay. It’s just a nightmare. It’s not real, it can’t hurt you,” Y/N whispered.
           Slowly Dean’s whimpering and moaning subsided and he face began to relax. Y/N continued to murmur soothing words and running her fingers gently through Dean’s hair until his whimpering was replaced with his quiet snoring.
             Y/N’s newfound routine continued for several days. She would fall asleep only to be woken up a few hours later to Dean struggling through a nightmare. Every night Y/N would slip into bed next to Dean and soothe him the best she could. Then, once he was calm, she would scurry back to her own bed and act like nothing at had happened. At least that’s what she did until tonight.
           Once again, Y/N was woken up by Dean’s quiet whimpering. Without turning on the light, Y/N quietly slipped into bed next to Dean and began her ministrations. This time, however, Dean did not relax. His moans and whimpers got louder and his twitches became more pronounced. Y/N continued to card her fingers though his hair and whisper soothingly. Quickly, so quickly that Y/N could barely register what was happening, Y/N was pinned to the bed. Her hands were locked in an iron grip above her head and Dean was hovering above her glaring down at her, coiled to attack if she tried to move.
“Dean, Dean! It’s just me,” Y/N cried, unmoving trying to look as calm and docile as possibly. After a moment, recognition crossed Dean’s face and his grip on her hands slowly loosened, but he didn’t move off of her.
“Y/N? What the hell are you doing?” he whispered angrily.
“You were having a nightmare,” Y/N babbled. “You wouldn’t wake up so I was trying to calm you down. It usually works but this time it didn’t. Obviously.”
Dean finally completely released his grip on Y/N’s hands and slowly rolled off of her. They both sat up against the headboard, looking straight ahead.
“Oh,” Dean hesitated. “Do I-does this, um, happen often?”
“Every night for the past couple of weeks,”
“And every night you-“
“What?” Y/N said finally turning to look at Dean.
“I just thought you kind of hated me,” Dean said, still not looking at Y/N. He looked sheepish, embarrassed.
“Well if I didn’t do something about it I would never sleep,” Y/N snapped. Then softer, “Plus, I don’t hate you. You’ re ego is just a little to big for my liking. I always thought you hated me,”
Dean shrugged. “I don’t hate you, not really. You can just be really annoying sometimes,”
Y/N snorted. That was the closest the two were going to get to apologizing to each other.
“Well if we’re done with all of this chick flick crap, I’m going to go back to sleep,” Y/N said, beginning to untangle herself from the sheets.
“Wait,” Dean put a hand on Y/N’s arm to stop her, but quickly moved away. “You’re already here and you look comfortable. Why don’t you just stay here, just for tonight,”
Y/N grinned cheekily. “Why Mr. Winchester are you asking me to go to bed with you?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Shut up,” he muttered. But Y/N could tell that he meant it. He needed her to stay. At least for tonight.
“Fine, but only because I am comfortable,” Y/N said, settling back down under the sheets. Dean and Y/N both quickly fell asleep, their backs barely touching. They both slept soundly through the night, with no nightmares plaguing either party.
Neither slept alone after that night.
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Fanfiction masterlist
All my imagines refer to a female reader! Requests are open. Link to the requests rules is HERE.
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(GIF found on Tumblr, but the account seemed deactivated... Still giving credit to the creator when found :) )
Sound of Nature [Josh Kiszka - Imagine] (this series doesn’t have a masterpost for itself so here are all the parts) - set during a camping trip with the boys. Prologue Part 1 - By the Fire [Teaser HERE] Part 2 - Sunshine [Teaser HERE]
Heartbreaker [Jake Kiszka - Imagine]. This is an AU series, set in the year of 1968. The reader is an aspiring reporter and things quite change when she is given the chance to interview a new up and coming band. Heartbreaker Masterpost
Bad Moon Rising [Sam Kiszka x O.C.]. Jane Morrison finds out on her wedding day that her soon-to-be husband has been cheating on her and things get called off. Her best friend will always be there for her through good and bad, but how bad can things actually get?
Josh Kiszka What are you going to do?  (Imagine- Set at a college party) Blanket (Imagine- Some fluffy Josh) Getaway (Imagine- Josh proposes to the reader) My Sun, Moon and Stars  (Imagine- Birthday special for the amazing @safarimama) Blue (Imagine- Josh and reader meet again after a long time and fall for each other, just like the first time) Zero (Imagine- Reader shaves her head and Josh supports her) Photos by the Pool (Imagine- Josh and reader have some mid-July fun. Fluffy!) Here (Imagine- Josh helps you get over an anxiety attack)
Jake Kiszka Guitar Strap (Imagine- Reader goes on tour with GVF) Falling (Imagine- A little bit angsty) Heart (Imagine- Jake proposes to the reader) Backstage (Imagine- Steamy time with Jake backstage) Mistletoe (Imagine- Jake is the reader’s fake boyfriend and goes with her to a Christmas family dinner) Unexpected (Imagine- Christmas angst) Reunion (Imagine- Reader and Jake meet after four years from their breakup. Expect steamy stuff in here) Run (Imagine- Reader and Jake get dared to run around the street [there’s a twist but u gotta find it]) Reunion (Imagine- just some fluff)
Sam Kiszka Love Hurts (Imagine- Set at a party) In another life (Imagine- Angst) Snow (Imagine- Soft Sammy during winter) Waves (Imagine- Reader and Sam go to the beach) Anger & Cupcakes (Imagine- Sam and the reader get in a fight and then Sammy apologizes)
Danny Wagner Pumpkin Pie (Imagine- Fluffy Halloween special) Safe (Imagine- Reader has a nightmare and Danny comforts her) Homecoming Dinner (Imagine- Reader and Danny meet at a dinner and they hit it off)
Soft Sammy (Sam Kiszka) Going Out (Sanny [Sam x Danny] ) Comforting Jake (Jake Kiszka) Christmas at Josh’s cabin (Josh Kiszka)
I do not own Greta Van Fleet, nor their music. None of the written stories are real, they are pure fiction with recreational purpose. None of these stories are meant to be offensive nor triggering. If in the story will exist any potentially triggering factors (ex: smoking, drinking, swearing etc.) it will be announced in the story post, before the actual story.
None of the photos and/or GIFs I use are mine. I do not mean to steal from the owners/creators. In case I don’t know who made the original post, I am going to announce in the beginning of the post and I am willing to give credit to the creator/owner.
I am sorry, but I must deny from the beginning all the requests that refer to the LGBTQ+ community. Don’t get me wrong, I FULLY SUPPORT this community, but I am afraid I can’t write that kind of fanfictions without triggering people from both in and outside the community. I just don’t want to offend anyone with my lack of knowledge. Nevertheless, this blog IS supporting LGBTQ+!
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ibookishqueen · 5 years
Deal With Me (Bucky Barnes x O.C.) Pt.2
Summary: Some deals are meant to break...
Warnings: a little fluff that ends with a lot of angst, language
Word Count: 2.7k
Hey y’all this is pt.2 to this little mini series I cooked up for @wxntersoldiers 5k challenge!!! I definitely feel more confident writing but any feedback is absolutely welcome!! Also I didn't have time to check my grammar so don’t mind any of the mistakes. Thanks <3 #wxntersoldier5kchallenge
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“Are you sure you want to do this? You can back out right now if you want. T’Challa, Steve, all of them, they'll understand if you don't want to do this”.
I glanced in the palace windows reflection to find James’ worried gaze, “You know I can't, they need me out there...,” I finished fixing my suit and adjusted the gun strapped to my back before turning to face him, “Plus I know if I that you would leave if I asked you too”.
He groaned, wrapping his arms around me, “Why do you always have to be right doll?”
I huffed, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my forehead on his chest.
My mind wandered, trying to distract myself from the rising anxiety at what was to come. T’Challa had only come to our little hut hours ago, face pained as he told us what had happened in New York and what was going to happen here in a couple of hours. The only positive of the looming war was that Bucky got to see Steve for the first time since he’d come out of cryo.
Steve and T’Challa were currently upstairs briefing everyone while Bucky, Sam and I waited outside. When the fighting begins, I was supposed to be with Wanda, helping protect Vision and Shuri, while the rest of them fought on the ground. I’m just glad that Steve and T’Challa gave us a few more minutes to be together before we got separated. 
What happens if something happens to Bucky down there? What happens if he di- I felt someone jerk my shoulders, “Hey, Ryker. Stop that, whatever it is you’re thinking, stop it right now”.
I gave him a tight smile, “Sorry, it’s just... I’m scared James. I don’t wanna leave you to fend off against some aliens while I’m tucked away safe in some palace. What it somethings happens and I'm not there to protect you. What if-”.
I was cut off by James’ lips atop of mine and my stress went down immediately. He pulled away from the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine, “Whatever happens out there, remember I made a deal and promise to you that I will never leave you again. Nothing and no one is going to stop me from coming home to you. And as for what you’re doing, you and Wanda have to most important and dangerous job and that’s protecting Vision, so don’t think that you’re not doing anything”. 
“I love you, Mr. Barnes”.
He cupped my face with his metal arm, “I love you too, Mrs. Barnes”. He lowered his face again, kissing me softly.
A cough interrupted us as a voice spoke up, “Aww look at these lovebirds. I don't know if this makes me want to throw up or just die”
I turned my head and glared at our audience, “Haha Sam, very funny”.
He gave me his signature smile as he walked up to us, “So do I get a kiss too since I'm gonna be down there too”.
I laughed, wiggling my eyebrows at him, “Only if you let me try the wings out”.
He threw his arm around my shoulders, “Deal”.
I looked at James’ who merely watched us with amusement in his eyes, “Well I guess this is it James, looks like Sam is stealing me away”.
He chuckled as Sam joked, “Woah, woah, woah, I didn’t realize this was gonna be a permanent thing”.
We all laughed when suddenly a chill went up my spine. I straightened out, Sam’s arm falling off my shoulders as they noticed my sudden seriousness. Then I heard it, a rumbling noise as I looked up into the sky in time to see a ginormous ship looking thing fall from the sky. “What the hell”.
I heard Sam’s voice over the comms as I kept my eyes on the object, “Hey Cap, we got a situation over here”.
A loud explosion happened as the object crashed into the barrier surrounding Wakanda as James said, “God, I love this place”.
Rhodey spoke up through the comms, “Yeah, don’t start celebrating yet guys. We got more incoming outside the dome”.
The ground shook as more of those things landed. My eyes snapped to James’ as the commotion began. I ran to him and hugged him as tight as possible, “I wish we had more time but I gotta go”.
He squeezed me even tighter, “I’mma miss you every second I’m down there. Make sure to stay safe.”
I squeezed my eyes shut in fear that I would start crying, “You too. I love you James.”
“I love you too Ryker”, he pulled me in for a hard, passionate kiss putting all the words he couldn't say into it. As we let go of each other, James gave me one last cocky grin, “Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone”. 
I watched as his and Sam’s heads disappeared into the crowd before turning towards the palace doors and jogging up to the lab all the while praying to any God out there, Please let him be okay, Please let him be okay, Please let him be okay.
“Hey Shuri, how we doing on time over there?”, I glanced back at her from my position by the glass wall. 
Not glancing up from the task in front of her, she replied briskly, “I’m trying to go as fast as I can”.
I looked down at Vision, who had been silent for most of the time since Shuri had started working on him, “And you, how’re you feeling?”.
“I feel fine so far, Mrs. Barnes”.
“I told you to call me Ryker”.
“Ah, sorry. I feel fine, Mrs. Ryker”.
I huffed a laugh as I looked back out to the battlefield that had unfolded. It was absolutely crazy as guns and blasters fired into freaking aliens. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down as I saw the threshers, which had popped up from the ground a minute ago, tear into people. 
Wanda had made the decision to leave to go down and help, leaving me to protect Shuri and Vision if necessary. I watched as a red glow surround an entire row of threshers and smashed them, which signaled to me that Wanda had safely made it down.
I kept my eyes glued on the battlefield, watching as Sam and Rhodey flew around trying to disable the rest of the thrashers. I had lost Bucky in the midst of the fight but someone knew that he was okay. Or at least that's what I was telling myself.
Suddenly, there was shouting coming from the hallway. I turned around to see a tall alien creature thing walking down the hall, killing all the guards who got in his way. 
My head snapped to Shuri who was already two steps ahead of me, unplugging the system that was hooked to Vision.
“Shuri, get out of here NOW”. I ran over to Vision, grabbing his arm, “You need to get out of here right now too. We can’t risk them getting that stone in your head”.
I yelled into my comm, “Guys, we gotta Vision situation here”.
I heard Steve reply, “Somebody get to Vision and Ryker!”. 
I turned back to see the creature now in the threshold as he flung one of the Dora Milage through the room. Shuri grabbed the data and a blaster, trying to shoot the creature but he blocked it.
I let go of Vision as I stepped in front of Shuri, taking the blow from the creatures scepter. I gritted my teeth as I barely held my position, “SHURI, VISION, RUN”.
I heard scrambling behind me but was too preoccupied to check. The alien looked down at me, a smile on his face, “You puny mortal, do you think that you can defeat me”.
I gave him a wicked smile as a plan formulated in my head, “No, but I’ll sure as hell try”. I suddenly dropped my weight from where we were interlocked and blasted ice his face. 
He yelled as he took a few steps backward, allowing me a few seconds to regain my ground. “You and all of your friends are going to die”.
“Ah man, and here I was thinking that you guys just wanted to drink tea and eat crumpets with us”. 
That didn’t seem to make him any happier as he charged at me as I blasted him with more and more ice; what I didn’t anticipate is how quick he was to block them.
Suddenly we were face to face and he had begun to gain the upper ground. I knew I wasn't going to be able to win this, but I was just trying to gain as much time as I could for Vision to find safety.
He sliced his scepter at my body and I jumped out of the way and shot ice at the ground in hopes of getting him to slip. He avoided it and pointed his scepter again as I blocked it with and ice shield. He sliced at me again and managed to cut my right arm. I felt weak all of the sudden as my body, but especially my right arm, grew heavy. Shit, there must be poison on that.  
 He took the opportunity to swing his scepter at my legs and swept me off my feet. I slammed into the ground, losing my breath. I didn't get up fast enough and the creature took the opportunity to kick me in the middle. I flew across the room and my head and body slammed hard into the glass wall, cracking it in the process. I landed on my side and black spots danced in my vision as I struggled to remain conscious.
I can’t pass out now, they need me. I watched as black boots entered my sight. I felt the top of the scepter poke into my chest as I was turned onto my back. The creature sneered as he spoke, “I told you that you would die”.
I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I managed to see the scepter slowly being pushed into my skin, towards my heart. I struggled to stay awake, my only though being, Please let James know I love him and I’m sorry. 
The pain in my chest paused and my eyelids flickered as I looked in the creatures face to see shock, “You’re-”.
Suddenly, the creature was slammed by a blaster and I barely managed to turn my head to see that Shuri and Vision had come back to help. 
No. No. No, they should be gone. No, why did they come back.
I wanted to move but I couldn’t, the poison and the hard hit took its toll on me as the black dots soon became larger. I could only watch on as Shuri tried to take on the alien. I fought to stay awake but it wasn’t enough. The last thing I saw before the darkness consumed me completely was the image of Shuri being pushed down the stairwell and Vision and the creature crashing through the glass wall.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I woke up to a horrible beeping noise. I tried to open my eyes but was immediately blinded by the bright lights. I attempted to block the light with my hands but felt a tug on them. As I finally peeled my eyes, I noticed where I was: a hospital bed. 
Suddenly, the memories of the recent events that occurred tumbled into my head and I sat up as fast as I could.
Where is Bucky? What happened? I need to find him.
I looked down and saw that I was in a tank top and sweatpants. I slide off the bed and began to walk to the door when I looked down at my hand and noticed the IV that was inserted into my skin. I yanked it out and barely felt the pain since I was focused on finding Bucky.
I walked out of my room and into the hallway. I felt a chill go up my spine as I noted that silence in here compared to the usual chaos. I silently padded down the hall that showed signs of absolute chaos as chairs and gurneys were strewn every where. 
I eventually made it out of the hospital wing and into the conference area which was just a bunch of meeting rooms. There were a few people in the common area but they didn’t seem to pay any attention to me. However, I saw that a few were crying and the rest had sadness written all over them.
Maybe they lost someone in the fight; that doesn’t mean we didn’t win.
I walked past the rooms, glancing into them hoping that I could find someone I recognize so I could find out what happened. One by one, I searched the rooms when I finally reached the last one. I saw a light glowing from underneath and I felt my hope pick up as I pushed the door open.
As I walked across the threshold, I came face to face with a room full of people. Steve, Nat, Rhodey, Dr. Banner, Thor, and a few other people I didn’t recognize, one being a raccoon, but no James. I took in everyones faces and immediately knew something was very wrong.
Steve stood up and softly said, “Ryker, what’re you doing out of your room”.
“What happened”.
He slowly walked toward me and I could now see the redness in his eyes, like he had been crying, “Ryker...”.
Panic began to build, my eyes frantically scanned the room, “Steve, what happened”.
He stayed silent as he stood in front of me, sadness and grief filling his eyes.
My voice cracked as I begged him for an answer, “Where’s James, where is he, where’s everyone else”.
“Um... I don’t know how to say this any other way Ryker but... they’re gone”.
I felt the hysteria continue to build inside me, “Gone, what do you mean gone. Like they left to go somewhere and they’ll be back. That’s what you meant, right”. I looked at Nat and saw the pain in her eyes as she watched me break.
Steve put his hand on my shoulder, “Maybe you should sit”.
The hysteria turned into anger, as I snapped, “And maybe you should tell me what the fuck is going on.”
“They’re... dead. Thanos won”.
We lost.
James is dead. 
I backed away from Steve like a deer caught in headlights, “If this is some kind of prank, this isn’t funny”.
He barely whispered, “Ryker...”.
 And it hit me that he was telling me the truth, “No, no, no, no. He can’t be dead. No, he promised he wouldn’t leave me again. He promised”, my voice cracking on the last part.
A loud crack shook through my head as I physically felt my heart shatter. I barely registered as surge of power radiated from me as my body gave out on me and my knees hit the hard tile. I felt Steve’s broad arms wrap around me, as if to keep me together. My entire body shook as I buried my face into Steve’s shoulder and cried.
What am I going to do. He’s gone. He can’t be gone. I can’t live without him.
“Steve, he promised me. He can’t be gone”, I sobbed. 
Steves stroked my hair, “Shh, It’s gonna be alright Ryker, I’m gonna make sure you’ll be alright.”
We sat there, on the floor as he comforted me. I felt like my body was going to shatter at any moment from the pain I felt. It hurt. I hurt. And I wanted it to stop. I wanted James back. 
The thoughts caused me to cry even harder as my body shook. I didn’t notice the others in the room who watched on with pain in their eyes. I didn’t see the tears in Nat and Thors eyes. I didn’t see the hurt on everyones face.
All I felt was the pain in my body, in my soul. All I felt was the missing piece of my heart. All I felt was sadness and rage. 
And as I cried there, I knew one thing: I was going to kill Thanos.
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SPN Executive Producers included in Upfronts Press Releases: seasons 1-15
05.17.2005: THE WB ANNOUNCES 2005-06 PRIMETIME SCHEDULE (x) The WB has a long tradition of interweaving character dramas and the world of the supernatural. It began with “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and continues with hits like “Smallville” and “Charmed.” This fall, The WB will take viewers on a completely new kind of thrill ride; a journey into the dark world of the unexplained that will deliver the terror of films like “The Ring” and “The Grudge.” Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki, “Gilmore Girls”) has done his best to escape his family's eerie history, but, along with his older brother Dean (Jensen Ackles, “Smallville”), Sam is bound by tragedy and blood to a dangerous, other-worldly mission. Criss-crossing the mysterious back roads of the country in their ‘67 Chevy Impala, the Winchester brothers search for their missing father and hunt down every evil supernatural force they encounter along the way. From Warner Bros. Television Production Inc. in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (”Charlie's Angels," “The O.C.”), writer/executive producer Eric Kripke (“Boogeyman") and director/executive producer David Nutter (“Without a Trace,” “Smallville,” “Roswell,” "Band of Brothers,” “The West Wing,” "ER," “The X Files”).
05.18.2006: THE CW UNVEILS ITS FIRST PRIMETIME SCHEDULE (x) Returning for its second season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to their dangerous, other-worldly mission. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (“Charlie’s Angels,” “The O.C.”), Eric Kripke (“Boogeyman”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”) and John Shiban (“The X-Files,” “Enterprise,” “Threat Matrix”).
05.17.2007: THE CW KICKS OFF ITS SECOND SEASON WITH SIX NEW SERIES (x) Returning for its third season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to their dangerous, other-worldly mission. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (“Charlie’s Angels,” “The O.C.”), Eric Kripke (“Boogeyman”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”) and Kim Manners (“The X-Files”).
05.13.2008: THE CW ANNOUNCES SCHEDULE FOR 2008-2009 SEASON (x) Returning for its fourth season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to their dangerous, other-worldly mission. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Kripke Enterprises Inc. and Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers Eric Kripke (“Boogeyman”), McG (“Charlie's Angels,” “The O.C.”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”) and Kim Manners (“The X-Files”).
05.21.2009: THE CW ANNOUNCES SCHEDULE FOR 2009-2010 SEASON (x) Returning for its fifth season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to their dangerous, other-worldly mission. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (“Charlie's Angels,” “The O.C.”), Eric Kripke (“Boogeyman”) and Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”).
05.20.2010: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2010-2011 SCHEDULE (x) Returning for its sixth season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to their dangerous, other-worldly mission. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG ("Nikita," "Charlie's Angels," "The O.C."), Eric Kripke ("Boogeyman"), Robert Singer ("Midnight Caller"), Sera Gamble, Ben Edlund and Phil Sgriccia.
05.19.2011: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2011-2012 SCHEDULE (x) Returning for its seventh season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to the one thing that runs through both their veins − hunting monsters. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (“Charlie’s Angels,” “The O.C.”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Sera Gamble and Phil Sgriccia.
05.17.2012: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2012-2013 FALL SCHEDULE (x) The thrilling and terrifying journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its eighth season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (“Charlie’s Angels,” “The O.C.”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Jeremy Carver (“Being Human”) and Phil Sgriccia.
05.16.2013: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2013-2014 FALL SCHEDULE (x) The thrilling and terrifying journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its ninth season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG (“Charlie’s Angels,” “The O.C.”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Jeremy Carver (“Being Human”), Phil Sgriccia and Adam Glass.
05.15.2014: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2014-2015 FALL SCHEDULE (x) The thrilling and terrifying journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its tenth season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Jeremy Carver (“Being Human”), Phil Sgriccia and Adam Glass.
05.14.2015: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2015-16 FALL SCHEDULE (x) The thrilling and terrifying journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its eleventh season. […] SUPERNATURAL is produced by Wonderland Sound and Vision in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Jeremy Carver (“Being Human”), Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”) and Phil Sgriccia. Eric Kripke created the series and serves as executive consultant, along with McG.
05.19.2016: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2016-17 FALL SCHEDULE (x) The thrilling and terrifying journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its twelfth season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers Jeremy Carver (“Being Human”) and Phil Sgriccia, and executive consultant Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”).
05.18.2017: THE CW ANNOUNCES 2017-18 FALL SCHEDULE (x) The exciting journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its thirteenth season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Andrew Dabb and Phil Sgriccia.
05.17.2018: THE CW NETWORK ANNOUNCES NEW SIX-NIGHT PRIMETIME SCHEDULE FOR 2018-19 (x) The harrowing journey of the Winchester brothers continues as SUPERNATURAL enters its historic fourteenth season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Andrew Dabb and Phil Sgriccia.
05.16.2019: THE CW ANNOUNCES ITS NEW FALL SCHEDULE FOR 2019-2020 SEASON (x) The epic journey of the Winchester brothers come to a close as SUPERNATURAL enters its final season. […] SUPERNATURAL is from Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Robert Singer (“Midnight Caller”), Andrew Dabb, Robert Berens (“The Ringer”) and Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”).
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okimargarvez · 4 years
Original title: Task force.
Prompt: during the Doyle case, FBI Director calls five teams to catch him.
Warning: A.U., what if for S6, character’s death, crossover.
Genre: action, family, angst, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Phil Brooks, Kevin Lynch, Sam Cooper, Mick Rawson, Gina La Salle, Beth Griffith, Jonathan Simms, Jack Garrett, Clara Seger, Russ Montgomery, Matthew Simmons, Mae Jarvis, Mary Meadows, Owen Quinn, Jack Flicker, O.C.
Pairings: Garvez (Penelope x Kevin, Luke x O. C.), Hotchniss, Katt (slight), demily (slight), Mick x Gina, O.C. x O.C.).
Note: oneshot 74 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💏 😘😈🔦🎲 🕶️🎈⚰️.
Song: La differenza tra me e te, Tiziano Ferro
Task force - Masterlist
See the notes for more informations.
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The difference between you and me, one of the two smiles for the way it is, the other mourns what is not...
*broken branch
It doesn't seem true. It can't be.
Emily has been in a coma for a week. They found Doyle. Morgan allowed Luke to give her the big news. Lynch and Benitez are in custody, federal prison, of course. Thanks to the capture of one of the most dangerous enemies of the United States, the rumor mill says that Flicker wants to aim higher; he has some knowledge of the big dogs in politics. Linda Barnes has already written her acceptance speech for the nomination. First woman to direct the FBI. A dream.
Penelope thanked him, but she rejected him with a kindness that frightened him. She told almost everything to JJ, who didn't know what to say. The case has been declared closed. The groups broke up, the teams reassembled; there have been hugs, vigorous pats, promises that will never be kept and also a few tears. Everyone is returning to their plan. Both Cooper's BAU and Vladimir's team have opened the selections for find the new computer technician.
Then came the news. And here they are together again. All dressed in black. Some have never even exchanged a single word with Prentiss, but they want to be close around the BAU. When one of them is personally involved, it is as if they are all under the crosshair.
Luke stares at her all the time, reciting those formulas, which he learned when he was little, automatically, without emotional depth. He watches her lay a rose on the coffin and going away hand in hand with Morgan. He is not envious of him, although he feels that that place should have belonged to him.
TAGS: @martinab26  @thinitta  @shyladystudentfan  @pegasus-scifichick @paperwalk  @inlovewithgarvaz @the-ellen-stuff @astressedwriter  @symphonyashley  @kofforever @myhollyhanna23 @tootsienoodles  @centiaaa  @penelopesluke @dumbdraws @onefail-at-atime @reidskitty13 @adorarapril​ @princesstreaclefanfic​ @glocknade111-blog​ @magiunific​ @fallen-novak​ @dreatine​ @hopelessdayydreamer​ @canadianfangirl​ @vickyd-2012​ @baileysb1tch @futureperfectmedia-blog​ @makingmemories2019   @maguloser​ @letsplayeternity​ @tonysslut​ @strangerthings14​ @yranidro​ @majo0803​ @dragona56​ @painterofhorizons @oh-chuck-help-me​ @avengvr @dittokld @rockyroadthepastryarchy @lizboo4​ @boop-the-boop-barf @thepeggyofthegroup123​ @thebroadwaybulimic​ @fatefuldestinies​ @wiinterblooms @athena-penrose
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whereissora · 6 years
Reasons I Do Not Ship SoRiku
Before we get started, I need to stress a few things:
I am not a homophobe
This is not a personal attack against SoRiku shippers 
I love Master Riku very much, even if his first impression made me want to throw things at him 
Kairi plays a part in their relationship so I will be mentioning her from time to time
Lastly, you are free to say whatever you like in response to this post so long as you are polite. I don’t want to close the comments for this post, but I will if I have to.
With all that out of the way, I’d like to talk about Sora and Riku, and why I do not ship them.
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1) Riku made an impression in Kingdom Hearts 1
This was my understanding of the Destiny Trio (I was maybe 10-12)
Sora had feelings for Kairi
Kairi had feelings for Sora
Riku had feelings for Kairi too, or he felt left out by how his two best friends were falling in love with each other.
Pretty much every destiny trio interaction on the Destiny Islands drove this home to me. I don’t want to do a full-on analysis, but Sora’s quiet jealousy when Riku thanked Kairi at the end of the first day, the way Riku said (with confidence, then with a teasing smirk) that he wanted to share a paopu with Kairi, and the way Sora and Kairi watched the sunset together at the end of the second day all kinda contributed to me thinking there was some kinda love-triangle between the three, or Riku was feeling left out. One of the two.
 Riku betrayed Sora because he believed the only way to save Kairi was by using Kingdom Hearts, and that Sora, being who he is, wouldn’t allow that. Sora even told Riku straight out that he was on the wrong side. 
Sora also wanted to save Kairi--but he had no idea where she was, and for a time, didn’t even know that she lost her heart in the first place.
Also, Riku tried to kill Sora how many times?
He didn’t bother to help Sora in Agrabah, and just kidnapped a princess instead
He lured Sora deeper into Monstro (a living whale? With moving innards for walls? and Sora had to fight a boss in a puddle of stomach acid--don’t even try to tell me this wasn’t mortally dangerous)
He stole Sora’s keyblade, and left him behind in Hollow Bastion, a place that is crawling with the most dangerous heartless
He tried to incinerate Sora with dark fire
Right--at least four.
 So when I compared Sora and Riku’s first interactions to Sora and Kairi’s first interactions, I couldn’t help but feel they were total opposites. One bespoke love, safety, and affection. The other one just reminded me of Naruto and Sasuke’s interactions for 90% of that series--and I never shipped them either.
2) Sora and Riku are my BroTP
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Sora and Riku are an unstoppable team. Their history, friendship, and experience make are what make them unstoppable.
 But that doesn’t make me want to ship them.
 Sora and Riku have been through a lot together. 
Riku betrayed Sora to a degree that he carried that guilt with him through most of the series and has only recently begun to forgive himself for it. 
Sora searched everywhere for Riku after leaving him behind in the Dark Realm, only to find him in the last place he ever thought to look, and shook him to the point that he literally fell to his knees crying.
The reason Sora even ventured into Castle Oblivion in the first place was that he wanted to find Riku.
 Riku wore the black cloak and took on the extremely dangerous task of investigating Organization XIII mainly because of what they had done to Sora in Castle Oblivion.
Riku killed two people in order to wake Sora up, no matter how badly it hurt his heart to do it.
He also cooperated with Diz, someone he never fully trusted, because Diz knew how to wake Sora up faster.
When Riku was ready to give up after the fight with Xemnas, Sora helped him walk forward
Riku protected Sora throughout the final battle in kh2
They underwent their Mark of Mastery exam together
When Sora was taken by YMX in 3D, he called out to Riku, and Riku came to get him, saving Sora from becoming a vessel. 
Riku dove into the deepest darkness and woke Sora up, saving him from ending up like Ventus at the end of BBS
But none of these things really feel romantic to me.
If anything, it feels a lot like the relationship between the Winchester brothers in Supernatural. They constantly lose each other and find each other and save each other, again and again. Because they are literal brothers, and Dean was so desperate to bring Sam back to life he literally sold his soul. 
 Riku sacrificed everything he had to save Sora because he was the reason Sora ended up in such a dangerous situation. 
Sora adores Riku, but was a little jealous of him in kh1. 
Riku loves to mess with Sora. Just how real brothers mess with each other. He’s constantly poking fun at Sora, but not in a mean way, just in a friendly, teasing sort of way.
Sora and Riku are close to the point that they are literal brothers. You don’t need to be someone’s blood relative to be their family. 
That’s exactly how they feel to me. If not for the fact they look nothing alike, and it’s already been clarified that they have different parents, I might have thought they were biological brothers.
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3) “Sora loves Kairi”
The above statement isn’t in parenthesis because it’s false--it’s a quote, but you’ll have to take my word for it because it comes from my sister.
 My sister is a SoRiku shipper--she’s not as into this series as I am though, and isn’t too serious about them. When I asked her why she shipped them she said:
 “I mean, I ship them, but I know Sora loves Kairi.”
I mentioned before that Kairi and Sora’s relationship feels like love to me, and I’ve already explained that Riku and Sora feel like brothers to me. 
 But a quick word about SoKai:
 I have shipped them since I first touched Kingdom Hearts
Aside from Sora himself, they are the main reason I still play
I won’t explain why I ship them--there’s an entire video dedicated to that, and you can watch it here. But just know that to me, this is what love looks like. Sora and Kairi are devoted to each other, and I really hope we get to play as her someday (soon).
4) I don’t really ship Riku with anyone
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^^^^Don’t you worry, you beautiful piece of eye candy, you. You can have whomever, whenever. I. Am. Sure.
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Just not Sora and/or Kairi, because they are in love with each other.
Also, Riku is amazing and doesn’t need to be in a romantic relationship with anyone in order to be relevant. Not that Sora and Kairi would be irrelevant without each other. I would’ve adored Destiny Trio with or without Sokai.
 Really, outside of Sokai and Gula x Ava, I don’t really ship anyone in Kingdom Hearts. If I were to ship other pairings in the series, these would be them:
isa x subject x (ava? skuld?)
ephemer x skuld
maybe isa x lea (they only recently stopped trying to kill each other, so they still kinda feel like kh1 riku and sora to me)
 I’ve been feeling Strelitzia x Player recently, but that is my impossible ship. Impossible because they both died, they never even met, and player is an O.C.
But yes, if I were to ship Riku with anyone, it would be Namine. Nomura said in one of his... Ultimania interviews, I believe? That Riku had inherited his replica’s will. I don’t know if that means Riku will/has developed feelings for Namine, or if he is simply following Replica Riku’s wish for her safety and well-being. I guess we’ll find out.
These are all the reasons I can remember as to why I do not ship SoRiku. But I love both of them, and I’m looking forward to seeing them again in whatever we get next.
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