#Security Advice
on-point-locksmith · 7 months
Why Does Your Business Need Commercial Locksmith Services in Toronto?
Owning a business has its good parts and some tricky bits. One of the tricky bits is making sure your place is safe. To keep your business safe, you should think about getting help from commercial locksmiths in Toronto. In this article, we'll talk about why your business really needs these services.
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Making Things Safer
The main reason to get commercial locksmith services is to make your business more secure. Locksmith is expert at putting in and taking care of really good locks and security stuff. They're like bodyguards for your place, making sure nobody gets in who shouldn't, so your stuff and people are safe from sneaky folks.
Fixing and Putting in Locks
Commercial locksmiths know all about locks. If your doors need new locks or the old ones aren't working right, these experts can help out. They'll pick the perfect kind of locks that fit what your business needs. That way, your spot stays safe and sound.
Managing Keys
Businesses often have lots of keys for different doors and places inside their building. Keeping tabs on all these keys can be tough. That's where commercial locksmiths come in. They can help you with key stuff, like copying keys, changing locks, and creating special keys that do lots of things. This makes sure only the right people can get in and keeps sneaky key copying to a minimum.
Access Control Systems
Modern businesses need fancy systems to control who can go where. Commercial locksmiths can make, put in, and take care of these systems. They use special cards, your body parts (like fingerprints), or electronic locks to do this. These systems make things safer and let you say who can get into different places.
Emergency Help
Sometimes, you might get locked out or have a big security problem, and it can happen anytime. If you have a commercial locksmith you can call, it's like having a professional on speed dial. 24H Emergency Locksmith Toronto can quickly assist with issues such as being locked out, broken locks, or attempted break-ins. This ensures the uninterrupted operation of your business.
Keeping Valuables Safe
If your business has important stuff like money or secret documents, you might need a super-secure safe. Commercial locksmiths are the experts for this. They can pick the right safe for you and make sure it's doing its job properly.
Security Advice
Commercial locksmiths don't just fix things; they're also like security experts. They can check out your business place and give your ideas on how to make it safer. They can suggest things that fit your budget and needs. Their smarts can help you spot places where sneaky people could try to get in and help you stop them.
In a world where safety is a worry for all businesses, having commercial locksmith help is really important. They do lots of things to make your business safer, like fixing locks and setting up systems to control who gets in. When you get their help, you keep your stuff, money, and people safe, and your business runs without any problems. So, don't wait until something bad happens; think about getting a commercial locksmith now to protect your business.
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sk-lumen · 4 months
What a healthy, secure relationship looks like
He communicates consistently and clearly. Replies promptly, doesn't leave you on seen, checks up on you throughout the day/week according to his schedule and in agreement with your needs as well.
He pays attention to your needs and desires and quirks, and makes your life better using said details. Ie. buys your favorite kind of flowers, makes your favorite tea in the morning, remembers your food allergies when having dinner dates, etc.
Disagreements may still appear even in health relationships, and it's ok, as communication is essentual for a healthy dynamic. However, his approach to disagreements is a secure one: each will share their perspective, and if feelings were hurt or mistakes were made, he takes accountability for his side, and makes genuine apologies followed by reparations and direct actions (ie. "I'm sorry I did x, I didn't mean to hurt you. I will be/do y in the future", and then does as he promised).
Promises are kept. His actions are in alignment with his words, and he keeps his words. If he says he'll call you after work, he does. If he says he needs to cool off during an argument and will reopen the conversation in 1h, he does indeed return in 1h to continue the topic.
If you're anxious, he will reassure you and work through it. He doesn't run away or avoid the topic (as an avoidantly attached person would).
If you come forward communicating your needs, or sharing complaints or grievances, he will hear you out and actively seek a way to improve things. He won't freak out, or get angry or run away in response to you having needs or communicating your thoughts; these are normal relationship things you're entitled to, and a securely attached man knows this.
A man that is well-rounded, with a secure attachment style, will have a rich life of his own: hobbies, interests, circles of friends, activities, etc. He will enjoy having his independence and space, and will respect your need for your own. He is not co-dependent, nor gets in the way of you having your own life outside of him. He knows having individually rich lives is important for a healthy relationship. To expand on this, he encourages you to enjoy your selfcare time, your girl's night out, or whatever other activities nourish you.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 10 months
Gregory: Sometimes I hear the voice of a British man telling me to set the Pizza Plex on fire. I think he said his name was Michael.
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chrliekclly · 3 months
How did you get your job on sunny? I really wanna go into the entertainment industry.
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iv told th story b4 but i got onto th show bcuz i just happened to b n th right place @ th right time
was working on smthn completely different nd drunk on th camera truck during one of our wrap days me, the DIT, nd the loader wer talking abt fave tv shows nd when i said tht always sunny was mine th loaders just like "oh lol funny im the 1st AC on that. i can get u some days if u want" ???
so i...did some days...then i did a season...and now im core crew i guess
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soulaanadelrey · 4 months
This thread made me realize that I'm already a secure partner:
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thecouncilofidiots · 18 days
SimplyPlural Guide!
How to lock the app / require a code to open the app!!
Step 1 : Open the Navigation on the side, and click Settings
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Step 2 : Click App Settings
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Step 3 : Click App Security
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Step 4 : Choose and Set Up whatever Security Option you want ^.^
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Hope this helps @confused-canid :3
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
To trans people who are taking injectable hormones and don't have an actual sharps container:
Save your laundry detergent bottles, or any container that is thick. Label it clearly with something like "SHARPS CONTAINER" on all sides, and use that as your container. You want something that won't be penetrable by a sharp, especially considering that your sharps are a biohazard. When it is full, make sure to secure the lid well.
Please don't use glass as glass can be very fragile. If you are disposing of a sharps container, please look up local laws about biohazard disposal. Your pharmacy or hospital might be able to dispose of it, or you may have to go to your local garbage collector. This is a very important part of hormones that people don't always talk about, so I don't blame anybody who wasn't aware of this!
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scarefox · 8 months
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shebrakesforrainbows · 6 months
Tony, Gregory and Ellis are the Executive Dysfunction Brothers. Ellis neglects basic hygienic needs like dental care or showers for days at a time because he feels like he doesn't need them (he thinks this is normal) (he has depression), Tony forgets to eat and sleep (he has ADHD) (he also has abandonment trauma), and Gregory can literally go months without taking his medications or brushing his hair (he is being mind controlled) (he will have executive dysfunction accompanying his trauma for years to come).
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crimeronan · 8 months
just burst into tears in a post office and immediately the entire world opened up to me. easy criers must have the best lives what the fuck. i should stop taking my prozac Immediately.
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moonfang182-magic · 1 year
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Thank you all so so much for joining me on this 30 day challenge of mine. It was a great and fun learning experience for myself getting to draw all these amazing Gregories showing off their pride. Of course I had to save my best boy for last, Puppet!! You can find a lot of content about him on my tumblr, and of course you can ask questions about him too. Once again thank you all so much for the chance to do this!! Give a round to another year of Pride for our wonderful community! Make sure to support and hug any family and friends who fall aside us. And of course make sure to love yourself if as colorful as the rest of us.
"Megaplex Security Puppet" - Puppet by Myself
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lawbyrhys · 2 months
The CrowdStrike Outage Impact on Law Firms
In case you weren't aware, late last night into early this morning, CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, sent out an update to Microsoft software which led to a global outage due to patch issues within their Falcon virus scanner platform. Many law firms around the world employ this software, with the relationship only growing since the partnership with Factor to assist in higher-stakes transactional legal work.
How did the outage actually impact the legal world at large, though? Let's break it down.
Lawyers and law firms were generally unaffected beyoind small-scale inconvenience—at least in the United States. For example, the New York Unified Court System was impacted, as were law publications like Law.com. As stated above, most law firms, courts, and tribunals nationwide were minority impacted or felt no impact whatsoever, as is the case with the Bar Council and sets of chambers. The extent of damages otherwise was limited to temporary disruption to operation, website glitches, and indirect impact on suppliers. UK law firms, though, experienced the bulk of the chaos as it concerns bank communications and payment transfer issues, particularly with staff who aren't member-facing. These issues also appear to have been mostly resolved quickly.
Internationally, impacted firms are using the outage as an opportunity to affirm contingency plans, and similar business continuing policies are in place, as well as
Alex Brown, the head of digital business for international law firm Simmons & Simmons, wrote the following on his LinkedIn: “As we rely more on digital infrastructure, ensuring robust and resilient systems is becoming paramount for companies and society. This event will likely draw increased regulatory and government attention to safeguarding our digital operations.”
It's obvious the outage has had a massively felt impact, but will anybody face consequences?
CloudStrike Holdings, Inc. could face related legal ramifications, as Pomerantz LLP is investigating whether various employees at CrowdStrike were engaged in illegal business practices, such as securities fraud, on behalf of CrowdStrike's investors and interested parties.
Needless to say, it's a technological shit show.
While this post is about the impacts on the legal world, CrowdStrike did release a statement on the situation that I will share here.
“We’re deeply sorry for the impact that we’ve caused to customers, travellers, and anyone affected by this, including our companies." - CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz via NBC reports.
Was anybody impacted by the CrowdStrike Windows outage last night? Personally, I was not. I was working late and was on a midnight call with a client when I heard about it, but since I was using my work iPhone and wasn't actively accessing any systems at the time; I only found out last night from a friend of mine who works bank security on the East Coast. That said, though, when I walked into work this morning, conversation was ablaze on the topic; although none of us reall had any tangible harm done, it was still an interesting discussion over our morning coffee.
What about you, though? Were you affected?
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waffleslashermaster · 10 months
Are you having fun yet?
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snarp · 11 months
Last night I dreamed I got held up at airport security in Nagoya for like 3 hours because my backpack was full of 1) raw meat, 2) Poke Balls containing Pokemon specifically banned from boarding airplanes including Onix and Electrode, and 3) kratom.
Also, I was Ranni the Witch, and, as such, my ID was obviously fake, but they never actually noticed that.
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akkivee · 4 months
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HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS DOPPO DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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marbleheavy · 2 months
to big girl job or not big girl job, that is the question!whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of a salaried job or to work retail and hope to escape to grad school, and, by opposing the financial security, end them! to work—to labor no more; and by a big girl job to say we end the heart-ache and the forthcoming debt that pursuing higher education is heir to: 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd!
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