#Sif: you called him tiny
worstloki · 1 year
Loki: Listen, I know he is stubborn, responsible for multiple atrocities, and a danger to himself and our larger society. But have you ever considered that Thor is tiny, sad, and I love him? Have you considered that he deserves to indulge in hobbies and playtime? Have you considered he deserves naps and cuddles?
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lokiforever · 5 months
His Favourite Mortal 🧡
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Mood board by, the one and only - ME
A/N : So, this is for the birthday of the one and only @holdmytesseract ❤️ The one you all know as a lovely writer and an amazing person. Hope you like this little drabble, my friend.
First of all, this is tiny as I didn't have much time and ideas and I'm writing this at 2 am instead of sleeping, so, sorry about that. You already know why the theme is orange. Happy birthday, darling 🧡
Today was the day. The birthday of his favourite mortal. The God had waited so long for this day as this would be your first birthday with him. And hence, he wanted it to be nothing less than perfection.
He looked at your sleeping form beside him, a soft smile forming. Time to execute plan A.
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You woke up in a cold bed, without your gorgeous boyfriend on your side. It wasn't too uncommon for him to wake up before you, though and so, it didn't bother you that much.
"Ah, looks like my little dove is awake already" his voice urshed to your ears, making you smile softly, your eyes were still closed as you were in the trance of your sleep. He gracefully walked in the room with a tray of delicious breakfast.
It included a plate of warm pancakes, beautifully plated with some maple syrup and berries. Eggs made just the way you loved them. Two croissants, two cups of hot cocoa as it was cold, a set of muffins and last but not the least, two mugs of warm tea.
He placed the tray on your bedside and turned to you. "Good morning, my love. And a very Happy birthday" you slowly opened your eyes, seeing his beautiful face "Good morning, darling. Thank you so much" you said w a big smile as he leaned down to kiss you softly. "I made breakfast for us" "You did?" "Uh-huh" "Aw, my love...you truly are the best"
You loved the breakfast as well as the gesture, he always thought so much. "Loki..I..this is truly amazing, babe. I don't have words to describe how much this means to me.. thank you so much. You're the best" you said with a few tears in your eyes as you saw the tempting tray he had set up and felt the love that literally oozed out from it.
"Of course, my love. Afterall, it's the birthday of my favourite person."
After finishing breakfast, he moved onto step two. "Now, you must go and get ready, love" he said.
"Are we going somewhere, darling?" "We are" "Where?" "Asgard" "Asgard?!" you asked in excitement and disbelief. "Yes, my love. The people of Asgard wanted to celebrate the birthday of their princess. Plus, mother wanted it too , not to mention Sif and brother." "OMG!!! Really!??" "A hundred percent"
You couldn't contain your excitement. It was a dream come true. A ball. A literal ball feast for you. It was surreal..
"But what shall I wear?" "You underestimate my abilities, darling" he said with a wink.
After an hour, you too were standing outside your house. Loki called Heimdal and the bifrost open. "Just hold onto me." he told you. And you did, you clung onto him for dear life as the bride teleported you to Asgard.
It's beauty never failed to amaze you. It was something words could never describe. You greeted Heimdal and he welcomed you.
As you went inside the golden palace, you met Frigga and exchanged your greetings as she wished you a happy birthday. She was without doubt one of the sweetest persons you've ever met..
"If you don't mind, son, I'll take your lady with me now, we have to get yer ready for the feast." she said to Loki. "Of course, mother. Just don't take too long" he ended with a playful smile
As you went with Frigga, she showed you a dreamy gown, it was in Loki's colours and was the most gorgeous dress you had ever seen. No time later a group of maidens entered the room ro get you ready.
*a few hours later*
You heard a knock on the door 'Just in time' you thought. You looked absolutely gorgeous and like a true princess. "It must be Loki" said Frigga
"Come in"
And it was indeed Loki. He froze the second he laid his eyes upon you. You walked towards him and smiled. "D-Darling you...you..umm...you look absolutely ravishing... exquisite." He said as he was at a visible loss for words.
"You don't look any less, my prince"
"Can I have my lady back, mother?" "Sure you can but first..." she walked towards you and handed you a gorgeous necklace, it was like none Midgard has ever seen "This is my present for you, dear. May you and your love for each other keep prospering. "Thank you so much, Frigga. You are truly one of the best people I've met" "Oh, you flatter me, my dear child. My blessings are always with you two"
Soon enough it was time for the ball. The guests started arriving. The ball was grand. The people were great and were very happy to meet you.
It was now the mid of the ball that Loki turned to you and said "I still haven't given you my gift, love" "Oh, Loki.." he stood up to make an announcement "Ladies and gentlemen, all the people of Asgard, as we all know, we have gathered here to celebrate the birthday of the lady whom I have the pleasure to call mine. So, this great evening, in the presence of you all.." he took out a box which had a beautifully crafted ring and bent down on one knee "In the presence of all of Asgard, I, Loki...*he took a tiny glance at his so called father and turned back at you* Odinson, ask you, Y/N Y/L/N to be my wife. Will you marry me?"
Your eyes were teary and you couldn't form words. You noded "Yes! A Thousand times yes!!"
The crowd erupted in cheers as Loki slipped the ring in your finger and got up to pull you in a passionate kiss.
Wish you a very happy birthday, Maddie. May you be blessed forever. Love you, my friend ❤️
~Lots of love xxx
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darsynia · 1 year
Happy Val | Steve Rogers/Reader Fluff
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Summary: You work at 'Bean Charge,' a coffee shop run by a man who everyone jokes might just be the real Thor. It's a great place to work, and part of what makes it that way are the customers-- and for you, one of those customers in particular. You look forward to when he comes in, but the handsome lawyer named Steve is probably just being polite to his local barista, right? Belated Valentine's Oneshot
Warnings | Pairing: Fluffy fluff | Lawer!Steve Rogers/Barista!Reader
Square filled: Coffee Shop AU for @avengersbingo
Length: 2,536
Tags: @ronearoundblindly @munstysmind @tiny-anne @themaradaniels @starryeyes2000 @deepbatched
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Happy Val
It’s all a little ‘While You Were Sleeping’ to you, this absurd crush you have on the handsome lawyer that periodically shows up at the coffee shop.
Part of the problem is that you’re shy. Excruciatingly shy, which is usually not a problem at work, because the bombastic shop owner Thor loves to take orders during your morning shifts. Everyone jokes that he’s the real Thor, with his golden hair and muscles, and Thor plays it up. ‘Bean Charge’ has a resident black cat named Loki, lightning themed decor and drinks, and Thor’s crowning glory, a food section named, what else? Meal Near.
Thor’s a really great boss, really protective. The last place he’d worked had some regulars that harassed the staff so badly that he’s given all of you the choice of using aliases on your nametags. That means you work with ‘Lady Sif,’ ‘Fandral,’ ‘Heimdall,’ and ‘Frigga’ as the typical morning crew. Your own nametag reads ‘Valkyrie,’ but everyone calls you ‘Val.’ The previous Valkyrie drops by sometimes (for fun, she calls herself Brunhilde, if anyone asks) to tell the rest of you about her job working as personal security for some uber rich CEO.
For some reason, Thor always disappears into the back when she shows up, and it was during one of those times that you first met Steve. You fill in as the order-taker when Thor’s not around, so there you were, looking up at the most handsome man you’d ever laid eyes on. He’d been wearing a silver-gray suit with a blue shirt that perfectly matched his eyes, and most of all, he seemed to exude an aura of kindness you found really attractive.
“What can I get for you?”
“I like to ask the barista what the shop specialty is, when I try a new place,” he’d said, smiling kindly at you.
“Right now we’re featuring Caramelstruck, an iced caramel latte with lightning bolts of caramel on the sides of the cup,” you had said, noting with your typical intuition that it might be a bit too fancy for his tastes. “A simpler option to try would be our Red Valkyrie, a warm red velvet latte. It goes very well with the white chocolate hoofprint cookies.”
“That sounds great; I have a little time before my client shows up.” As he’d handed you his card, Steve had said, “Is that your favorite?”
You’d frozen in confusion, and Steve (he still hasn’t told you his last name countless visits later, and you’re pretty sure that’s because he knows you’d use it out of deference, if you knew what it was) had just nodded toward your nametag.
“Oh,” you’d said vacantly as you handed his card back (you go back over this moment in your mind on bad days and worse nights). “Right.”
“I’ll guess that it isn’t, then,” he’d said, offering you a respectful nod before heading away from the counter. No one was in line behind him, so you’d tidied up the register area and surreptitiously watched him pick up his drink and go sit at a two top. At least none of your coworkers had noticed you forget how to be a person in the face of male beauty?
Except for Loki, but the cat always meowed his snark at the lot of you. It was part of his princely charm.
The next time Steve came in was more than a month later. The shop was pretty busy, and you’d been the one making his order. He’d opted for a very simple drink, but because Thor was in one of his moods, you were supposed to ask if each person wanted shaved white chocolate on their drinks in honor of a really early snow. You’d held the cup up and called out a name, and there he was, Steve in the suit (blue this time, oh my god).
You’d blurted out, “Do you want shaved?”
Steve had looked at you.
You had looked at Steve, knowing any attempt you’d make at fixing things would go badly.
“I’d say something like, ‘only if you have a steady hand,’ but something tells me that might make the moment more awkward,” he had said.
“Shaved chocolate,” you’d whispered, and he had smiled.
“I’d love some. Thank you.”
Ever since, Steve makes eye contact with you when he gets in line, and you dearly wish you knew whether that means he thinks his particular presence makes you stupid, or what. He’s always really kind about it, though, and the ribbing that your coworkers had started up back in November has died down to a disgruntled rumble. 
You don’t understand why they’re so grumpy. Everyone has ‘their’ customers, the ones happy to see them in particular, and it never really means anything. In the six months since Steve first came into the shop, you’d made ‘kindred spirit’ connections with 2 other customers! Sure, you spend more time thinking about Steve than you do about Hal the Flat White Connoisseur, but who wouldn’t?
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It’s Valentine’s Day, and you hope you’ll see Ruby, the retiree. You’d persuaded Thor to get Ruby Chocolate, a pink variation that you’re offering to shave into people’s coffees. ‘Can I shave some you into your coffee?’ is going to be simply delightful.
You have five minutes left on your shift when you look up and catch sight of Steve walking in. As usual, he’s got a briefcase, but unusually, he’s also carrying a long, thin canvas bag with something boxy in it. When he looks for you, the two of you make eye contact right away-- but this time, after his smile, he looks uncomfortable for some reason. You wonder what’s up, but you have a job to finish up doing, so you refocus.
You get the ‘Steve’ cup started and see that it’s the Red Valkyrie, one of the more popular drinks during your shift, given the day.
“Shaved chocolate in your cup?” you offer Steve, and he nods, his attention taken up by something or someone behind you. You feel a little twinge of disappointment-- if your coworkers are going to tease you about this man, the least they could do is not distract him when he shows up!
You maintain your pleasant expression, though, and when you hand him his cup, Steve takes it with a little finger swipe against your hand. You freeze still, unable to avoid enjoying the little frisson of excitement.
“I can clock you out, Val, if you have plans this fine evening!” Thor booms behind you. Steve takes his drink and steps away, and you whirl around, eyes wide.
“Did you have to announce-- I mean, I don’t, I don’t have plans, but--”
“That is welcome news, I think,” Thor says gently, nodding over your shoulder. When you look, Steve is settling down at a table by the window, laying out his odd package in behind his coffee cup. He takes a sip; the sweet smile crossing his face gives you mixed feelings. By all rights he ought to be meeting a young woman here, or if he isn’t, that smile should belong to that young woman, a recollection of their time together-- but you dearly wish you could prompt him to look like that.
You startle again, realizing that Heimdall is trying to take over your station, and you’re in the way.
“Sorry, sorry,” you mumble, stepping back and untying your apron.
“I foresee you forgetting this whole incident in short order,” he teases you. Heimdall has really leaned into the archetype, he’s always prophesying and joking about what he Sees.
“Right, because I’ll be jostling with my fellow man as I mount the multiperson chariot,” you shoot back before heading into the back. You don’t mind taking the bus, but some days it’s more stressful than not. Holidays tend to be like that. People are rushing to be somewhere by a certain time, and they can always somehow sense that there’s not much fight in you. Since starting at this job, you’ve felt a lot more empowered to stand up for yourself, though. Working at a place that exhorts you to ‘be in charge’ of your own life, with a boss that treats you like a valued partner probably has a lot to do with it.
Thor would argue that it’s also about the ‘lightning energy of caffeine,’ but he’s definitely touched by the Aesir, or something.
You freshen up a little bit in the mirror before you leave the back. You’d worn a cute outfit today, mostly to declaw the nosy comments of some of the patrons, who'd wanted to know if you have a date later. Frigga had warned you yesterday: if you’re in regular clothes, they’ll lament about your prospects, but if you’re already dressed up, they just assume the best.
Steve’s still at his table when you walk out, but now there’s a long, ribboned box in the place where the canvas bag had been. You smile warmly at him on your way to the door, and to your surprise, he calls out to you and gets up to come over.
“Will you sit with me a minute?”
“I--” You’re speechless.
His smile is so charming that you nod shyly. Steve pulls out a chair for you (!), and once you’re seated, he rubs at his beard and looks down at the table.
“I wanted to thank you for being a smiling, welcoming face when I come in. I have to admit I’ve looked forward to seeing you, whether or not that’s appropriate,” he says quietly.
“That’s one of the things we try to do, actually-- give people the sense that they’re stopping by to get coffee from people they trust, friends, even,” you tell him.
For some reason, that doesn’t hit the way you expected. Steve winces a little, then nods. When he looks at your face again, though, he seems to realize he’s concerned you.
“That’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong. I meant me, I’m inappropriate.”
The warm look on his face is doing things to your insides, and it does not help that your coworkers at the counter are doing their level best to watch you without looking like they are.
“I can’t imagine what that would even look like,” you say, attempting to reassure Steve. You can and have, many times, and your blood heats up just remembering some of them.
“It looks a little like this,” Steve tells you, and he reaches over and removes the lid from the long rectangular box. Inside the box are red long-stem roses, a whole lot of them. You gasp, and he says, “I got you twelve roses. Five for each month I should have asked you out, and seven more for the time I’m hoping to pick you up for dinner tomorrow.”
You’d been reaching out a tentative hand toward the flowers, but as soon as he says ‘should have asked you out,’ they’re forgotten as you stare at the sheepish smile on his handsome face. 
“Really?” you whisper, stunned. You’re standing on the precipice of joy, but it’s hard to let yourself drop without being absolutely sure.
“Really. I wanted to thank you, by the way. I work with some people who have been really beaten down by an unjust system, the kind of system full of people who look and sound like me. As you can imagine, it’s hard for them to relax and be honest at the law office.” Steve traces a droplet of coffee on the table, his jaw clenching. It’s easy to think that he’s picturing some of that injustice, and just witnessing this opens your heart even more towards him. “I’ve started to bring new clients here instead, for that first meeting. It’s done a world of good for that level of trust, and part of that is the atmosphere you and your coworkers have created.”
“Yes,” you say, the word breathy but somehow still too loud. You close your eyes tightly and try not to spontaneously combust from everything that’s happening right now. “Yes to the date, yes to you being the person I was hoping you were. And yes, I just said that out loud!”
You open your eyes to see Steve smiling, joyful, just like you are.
“That has to be the best first conversation I’ve had at this table since I started bringing clients here.” The two of you laugh, and it’s easy, despite the pressure you feel to get every part of this right. “Do you mind if I ask for your number? I assume you’d rather meet me or have me pick you up for dinner, instead of giving the peanut gallery more to rib you about.”
“Yes, good idea,” you say, digging your phone out and opening it up to contacts in as calm a manner as you can manage. “You realize this means you’ll have to tell me your last name, finally? I have my theories about why you kept that back.”
He actually rubs his neck in chagrin, at this. “You caught me. I’ll text you with it later--”
“Steve!” you interrupt, frustrated. “It’s about respect!”
The warmth in his eyes intensifies, at this. “I get it. I have a bit of a reputation-- nothing bad, I promise. Name recognition, that’s all.” Your eyes widen at this, but you nod. Before you can say anything else, his watch beeps, and so does his phone. Steve holds it up. “Duty calls.”
“I’ll look forward to hearing from you, truly,” you say, standing up. That’s when you remember the roses, and you’re struck by their beauty in the box for a long minute, during which Steve just watches you. You catch his scrutiny from the corner of your eye, and let out a little embarrassed laugh. “Sorry, these are simply stunning. Thank you again.”
“You seem like exactly the person I was hoping you’d be too,” Steve says, standing up. “This meeting will be a few hours, I’ll make sure to send you a message by seven tonight.”
He offers you a respectful nod and walks out. You’re left with the twelve most beautiful roses you’ve ever seen, a heart full of possibilities, and an obnoxiously nosy group of coworkers who rush over as soon as Steve’s suited figure turns the street corner and walks out of view.
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Steve is as good as his word-- he sends you a message with a few upscale restaurant options (complete with links to their websites, which you feel is a pro move, but not a player one). He signs his name ‘Steve Rogers,’ which definitely sounds familiar.
Even though you know he’s expecting you to do it, you still feel a little icky googling his name. You know some people go as far as scanning years of social media and ordering up criminal backgrounds on their dates, and you were never that person. The search pops up-- and there are pages of results. And yes, you’ve heard of him.
Steve Rogers is one of the country’s preeminent humanitarian lawyers. He’s just got done arguing a case in front of the Supreme Court. And you have a date with him tomorrow.
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ninjahiccups · 1 year
The Songbird of Asgard
Chapter 5: His Own Downfall
AO3 link here OC insert version here Previous chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 Word count: 12.5k Warning: Canon typical violence, Heimdall not understanding how friendship works.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blurb: You and Heimdall are on speaking terms again, just in time for a trip to Niflheim. A bet is placed, one that was dependent on Heimdall's self-proclaimed perfection. The outcome would lead to experiencing something he despises, until you prove how good companionship can be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The shift in your partnership remained. It was like the hostility just withered away into dust. Your encounters lacked the suspicion, reluctance, begrudging grumbles. The only thing that remained was the annoyance, but it was a harmless kind that they both easily brushed off. Something about the second shot at the tour of Gladsheim reset the ground you stood on, evening it out so that you saw eye to eye. A pleasing outcome for both of you.
Heimdall in particular was delighted with your interactions, mainly because he caught you taking his words to heart. You really did try to let go of the behaviors you had been raised to put forth in favor of what felt natural to you. It wasn’t a fluke either, because he saw you activity pushing aside your habits multiple times. 
He had just left Odin's study, heading out of the Great Lodge to start his work for the day. As he went up the stairs and into the main hall he found you chatting with the head librarian, who was there to bring various texts to Odin for him to compare with his own copies. She was wearing those oversized glasses again, the same ones you wanted to comment on the last time you had seen them. Heimdall waited around the corner of the stairs for a moment, wondering if you would let it out this time.
You did. The librarian mentioned something about having a hard time reading some of the texts Odin needed because of how faded and tiny the runes in them were. With only slight hesitation, you replied with, "It's a good thing your frog glasses can help you with that," said with a hint of sarcasm to drive home the humor of the comment. The anxiety you felt faded when the librarian laughed heartily and agreed with you. She even shared how her late grandson used to call her grand-frog-ma when he was little. Heimdall heard enough at that point, entering the room and heading for the door, passing you and the librarian on the other side of the table in the center. He made sure you caught him smirking. You only met him with a roll of your eyes. Of course he had to rub it in. 
The next day Heimdall took the lift from the wall back down to the ground level, heading to the stables to get Gulltoppr. On his way he found you with Sif, Thor, and Magni, the three Aesir getting rowdy with the drinks in their hands while you were silent. You were smiling politely, but Heimdall could feel that you were ready to get away from their howling and rambunctious antics in favor of some quiet time. He slowed his pace to read you, wondering if the same internal debate you had last time he'd seen you in this state was raging within. You hadn't excused yourrself as soon as you wanted to, but you didn't spend long debating this time. You spoke up while the other three gods took a long swig from their drinks. No lie was given, you simply stated you were tired and needed time to rest. None of your companions complained, wishing you well as you left, thankful that no one was upset. He wasn't along your path this time and couldn't remind you that he was the reason you found the courage to do that. The need to gloat that he felt the first time was absent, however. Instead he felt something else, something far more…innocent. He couldn't quite place it.
A final example, the one he enjoyed the most, took place the day after. Modi had cornered you. Heimdall was looking for the idiot on behalf of Thor, who wanted to spar with his sons. Normally Heimdall would want nothing to do with it, but Thor was too drunk to locate his middle child, and the god of thunder planned on taking the three of them outside of the realm for whatever they were going to do. Heimdall was willing to spare a few minutes if it meant getting all three of them out of the way for a while.
You had figured out by then that you were, unfortunately, a source of competition between Thor's sons. Both of them had been vying for your attention, their admiration spilling over often. All because of your looks, not even noticing the far more complex person beneath. The superficial nature and selfish desires they showed made Heimdall want to vomit, but he was ready to do more than that as he approached you. 
You beat him to it this time. Modi had said something about how nice you would look under the candlelight at a pub, and that he'd be happy to show you over a few drinks — a terrible line and creepy. It was an offer (that he and Magni had extended) you had refused before, very cordially and never displaying how unsettled you were by their hounding. This time you chose to be abundantly clear, and not because you had lost your patience, as you had with Heimdall when they met. You wanted to be "assertive."
"You've asked me so many times, Modi, and it has me wondering if you even realize how awful it sounds. For the last time, no, I'm not interested."
Heimdall had to stop in place and hold in the burst of laughter that nearly exploded out of him. 
Modi sputtered out an apology, all while cursing his brother for presumably getting to you first. What a complete and utter imbecile.
Heimdall made himself known, enjoying how relieved you were that he interrupted. "You heard the lady. Best not to make an even bigger fool of yourself. Besides, you're needed by the lodge. Your father's orders." Heimdall reveled in the rage brewing in Modi's eyes, and the fear of retaliating that was hidden deeper within. Modi knew better and trudged away, damning Heimdall over and over in his head.
You shook your head, sighing at the young god, thinking that he really was hopeless.
Heimdall chuckled, "How cruel of you, to say and think such things."
You snickered back, walking past him. "Like you wouldn't have said worse."
"I would have loved to." You gave him one more giggle before departing, leaving Heimdall to return to his duties. He felt the desire to go after you, even though he had no reason to.
That feeling he had rose once more. A satisfying warmth for the outcome, making him feel like the world was nothing compared to him. That was a feeling he knew well.
Pride. Not for himself. Not for having a hand in these changes. He was proud of you. 
Just three days after you and Heimdall were on speaking terms again, Odin was ready to send you to your next location. The fourth of your seven part journey. 
It was Niflheim this time, and this portion of the relic was vital. Odin had emphasized how important it was, showing you the diagram of the artifact once more. It was the spherical gem in the center, where the representation of the world tree resided. That piece housed the bifrost needed to control travel between realms, which meant the entire tool would be useless without it. Odin gave you specific instructions on handling it and sent you on your way, declaring he still had a lot of work to do to find the remaining three segments.
The ravens cleared and you were exposed to the frigid air of the realm of ice, exemplified perfectly by the frozen cave they were dropped into. You shivered, missing the much fairer weather of Asgard right away. You pulled the cloak you wore tighter around you while you casted the spell that showed you the path. Heimdall smirked at you. "Can't handle a little discomfort?"
You started down the path of blue light as you replied, "Says the man who practically loses his mind when his tunic is dirty."
Heimdall's brow twitched at the slight. "Cleanliness and order are necessary."
"Nice excuse," you said sarcastically. Heimdall rolled his eyes, readying a retort until you added, "I forgot to mention after your little 'rescue' yesterday," referring to the incident with Modi. "I finished that book you recommended."
Heimdall raised a brow, ready for the mood to go south as you stepped down a series of icy steps. "It certainly took you long enough. Were you 'forgetting' to tell me because you were too disappointed to talk about it?" He'd expected you not to enjoy it. You did come across as more of a romantic to him, and the ending was far from it.
As you always did, you surprised him. "No. I actually really liked it." 
Heimdall grinned. He wasn't sure why.
"I found it very interesting. A dive into the complexities of the mind through two disturbed individuals who came across as normal to others. The unknown fate of one lover and the death of the other was a fitting end, I believe."
His smile grew. Someone finally understood what good literature was. "Very fitting indeed. They both earned what little they were left with. If only it worked the same in real life, everyone getting what they truly deserve."
"If it did then you would definitely be worse off, you know."
You looked at him when he didn't answer. You only found an irritated glare and laughed. 
You came across an opening that led out of the cave and into the barren snowy wasteland, mountains and plateaus of snow littering the uneven field before you. There was a steep hill at the exit, all you had to do was slide down. Simple enough, you thought. You cautiously stepped onto the slope and let gravity do the work. Of course, Heimdall wouldn't let you reach the bottom first, being the showoff he was. You paid it no mind, but the distraction made you miss the bump at the bottom, stumbling a little. Not enough to make you fall, which was something Heimdall would have known. Yet you found his hand grasping your arm to steady you, not even looking as he did so. He didn't acknowledge the action. Strange, considering you expected him to mock you for stumbling.
That was set aside. Something to ponder later, when it wasn't so cold. "By the way, that story reminded me of a lot of books I like, including a favorite of mine. Cryptic and abstract in a way that explores the natural flaws of thought. I think you'd enjoy it."
Heimdall followed you as you kept going through the snow. After a few moments he was met with your questioning glance over your shoulder, after jumping over a river of ice.
"You don't want a recommendation from me?"
"I don't recall asking for one."
You huffed back, "No, but you did say we have similar interests."
Heimdall shrugged. "I suppose." Said with boredom. "What did you have in mind?"
"Ever heard of Lagerlöf?"
You followed a mountainside to a narrow path that stretched across a white valley below, where Heimdall stepped up to your side and held an arm out in front of you. An ivory bird sped past you before he put his arm down and let you continue. "That doesn't sound like an Asgardian name."
"That's because she was mortal."
"Then your recommendation must be awful."
You waited until you reached the other side of the ice bridge to turn around and show your disappointment. "You're just going to assume it's bad? There is value outside of Asgard."
"Doubtful." Heimdall smirked at you. "You're living proof of that." 
"Very funny," you said, thick with sarcasm. The walls around the end of the bridge widened, opening up to a huge field of ankle deep snow. Pillars of jagged ice breached the snowfield and cracked stones with carvings took up swathes of the landscape. In the distance, up on a higher ledge, there was an enormous skull. Something like a vulture by the look of it. The path was calling for it. 
There were boulders at your feet and you stepped off of one, landing in the snow. Just as you did, a blue Nightmare dug itself out of the snow, giving you a good scare. Heimdall stabbed it immediately, chuckling at your reaction. You glowered at him upon realizing he let you stumble upon it for entertainment. 
You trudged through the snow, grateful that the Asgardian seamstress you befriended on your first morning in the realm had made you sturdy boots recently. "You won’t even consider it?"
"Asgard is the realm of perfection," he explained, his chin rising arrogantly. "It would make no sense to settle for less."
"Asgard is not perfect." You thought of all the times Heimdall complained about the residents, even those that were purebred Asgardians, but had a better counterargument ready. You stopped briefly and donned a cheeky smile. "You're living proof of that."
Heimdall growled back, "Incorrect."
Heimdall wanted to pull his hair out. You really wouldn't let that one go. "That's different."
"It's not."
"It definitely is."
"It  definitely is not."
"It is, and I'd be happy to prove you wrong!"
You stopped in your tracks, slowly turning to him. He could feel you oozing with mischief. "Oh really? Would a bet do?"
"A bet?" He was simultaneously weary of the giddiness radiating off of you and intrigued at the suggestion.
You took a step closer to him, your grin growing more genuine. "Yes, a bet. We're bound to run into more unfriendly faces, walk through more unstable land. So how about this: prove you're perfect by not getting hit by a single shard of ice. If you do, you have to read a book I pick out for you, and it will not be from an Asgardian author."
Heimdall guffawed heartily, almost feeling let down. "That's it? You could at least give me a challenge! Let me make this more interesting." He theatrically swept a hand across his attire as he declared, "By the time we are finished here, there will not be a single grain of snow above my boots. And even that is going easy on you."
You giggled at how dramatic he was. You found it endearing, even if it was pompous and annoying. "You want interesting? Let me up the ante then." One more step closer to him, having to crane your neck more to look up at him as he smirked down at you. "If you lose I get to pick two books for you."
This time Heimdall took a step closer. You were easily within arm's reach. "Add whatever you want, it's not going to happen."
"Fine then. Five books."
"And what do I get when I win?"
"I don't recommend anything to you. Simple as that."
Heimdall's voice dropped, like he didn't want anyone to hear them. "That's hardly a reward."
The change made you shiver. You decreased your volume to match his. "For hardly any effort, as you put it."
"No, no, that's not how bets work."
Heimdall kept his eyes on yours, reading every ounce of defiance while staring you down. The intensity and the shining light in his eyes took no time to make you cave. You sighed and broke eye contact momentarily. "Okay. What do you want?"
Heimdall paused. He hadn't thought that far ahead. Asking for a prize was done in the heat of the moment, thriving off the energy you fed into him. It would have been normal to want nothing from you, so this would have ended with him asking for something humiliating or degrading just to give him a good laugh. This time he couldn't go for that. He wanted something from you…he just couldn't name what it was.
"I don't know. Perhaps a favor."
"Such as?"
"That's to be decided."
You fell back on your habit of throwing his own words back into his face. "That's not how bets work."
Heimdall gasped, maintaining his melodramatic tone and aura. "You mean a small favor in my back pocket is too risky for you? After you were so confident?"
You took a second to think, still looking into his eyes. You were worried about what he would make you do, should you really end up losing. Then you brushed it off. You were confident that he would fail, and he was offended by such a thought. Though a small part of him wanted to take the opportunity to change your mind.
"Fine." You said with finality, backing away from him. "We have a deal." With that you turned around and headed into the field.
Heimdall couldn't recall the last time he found a thrill in something so mundane. He went after you, excitement rising in him.
You had to jump down a series of stones into a lower part of the field, finding an ogre tending to its home at the bottom. It roared at the sight, the vibrations disturbing the snow on the ledges above them. You looked to Heimdall and smirked, like you were warning him to be careful. He rolled his eyes and let the beast sprint to him. Of course he had no trouble dodging or spinning around to stab it in the back of the leg. You merely sidestepped as it fell on its face. It was drowned in bifrost before it could groan in pain.
Heimdall smirked at you like he had already won, making you laugh and shake your head. He was so ridiculous it was almost charming.
After climbing over the icy ridge on the other side of the gully you found more enemies, this time a group of draugr that had been disturbed by the ogre's howls. You saw the remnants of a monolith nearby and made your way to it at a lazy pace. "If you're so confident then you can do this on your own."
"This again?" He didn’t necessarily mind you stepping away as you did in Muspelheim, not when he had a victory on the line.
"I'm not helping you win," you called back, wincing as the cold stone seeped through your cloak when you sat down.
Heimdall scoffed back, "I don't even need your help!" A declaration he was more than happy to back up. He turned up the style in his combat, strafing a draugr that swung at him and seizing its arm to throw it into another. When one more launched a ball of ice his way he parried it with a shield of bifrost, hurling it back to the sender. He had two draugr come at him at once, weaving through them as they passed and stabbing each one in the back. He pirouetted while swinging his sword around like it was a performance prop rather than a deadly weapon, then finished it off by delivering a roundhouse kick to a draugr's chest that knocked it back into an icy spike.
He was showing off, and you knew he was. And he was enjoying it too. You chuckled, thinking how unbelievably cocky he was. Even so, there was still the looming idea that he may prove his "perfection" at the rate he was going. You would never hear the end of it if he did. 
You wondered just how omniscient his foresight was…based on experience it didn't seem like he could predict something happening if it came from a source that didn't have a mind.
You had an idea.
It was time to make things harder on him. He had wandered to another hunk of stone as he fought. You quietly lifted a hand to form a barrier over the rubble, half buried in snow. When Heimdall passed by it you flicked the barrier up, little bits of white raining around him. Heimdall caught sight of the gold plane in time to back away, the snow falling just short of him. He exclaimed, "That's against the rules!" His voice didn't portray any anger, however. It sounded more like he was teasing you.
"We established no rules!" You countered. Another barrier scooped snow from the ground, missing the mark once again. He laughed at your efforts while cutting another draugr open. 
It was the first time you had seen him enjoying something, now that you thought about it. You paused for a moment to consider how boring the world would be when everything was predictable. Danger wasn't a problem, yes, but any game, battle, conversation or even just a stroll down the road held no surprise, nothing new or exciting. No wonder he was so grouchy, you thought. With that in mind you decided to continue giving him something to keep him on his toes.
You flung snow at him four more times as he took care of the remaining draugr, none of them a successful attempt at ruining his flawless streak. He sheathed his sword and gave you a bow, prompting you to roll your eyes. With hands held out to show his pristine state, he gloated, " Despite all your cheating, I am still spotless."
You stood, sighing. "You don't have to be unbearable about it."
"I'd say I'm owed the pleasure of rubbing it in after your interference."
You ignored him, not willing to give him the chance to make it even more painful to listen to.
Heimdall let you lead, his mind drifting once he felt no other signs of enemies around. He was going to win their bet, he was certain. What he would ask you for was still a mystery, one he could feel you contemplating as well. You didn't seem worried, considering the last time you owed him a favor his request was an easy one to fulfill. This time he had so many possibilities, not limited by his need to figure you out anymore. But he still couldn't name what it was he wanted from you. 
Your music was something. He could just ask you to sing for him.
Heimdall clenched his jaw at the thought. What a pathetic request for him to make. No. No, he would never do something like that. 
During his musings you reached the tall block of ice that the giant skull sat upon. You looked up at the ledge, seeing no way to get up without having to scale the slippery wall. Heimdall noticed as well. "No fancy barrier work this time?" He asked, referencing the resourcefulness you had shown in the past.
The jab seemed to inspire you. You held a hand out in front of your chest, palm down. The swirling magic of golden light spread from your fingers, a thick platform taking shape from it. "Climb up."
Heimdall gave a skeptical look at the barrier. He ultimately trusted that the surface was sturdy and stepped up, the magic never bending or straining under his weight. All it took was a small jump from there to reach the ledge above and pull himself up, careful not to let any of it touch his clothing. He wasn't losing to you for something that silly.
He stood above you as you dismissed the barrier, and you looked up at him expectantly. "Can you help me up now?"
Heimdall, looking far too smug for your liking, replied haughtily, "I don't know…I'm sure I can find what we need without you."
"Heimdall," was your stern warning.
Heimdall sighed, kneeling down and reaching out to you. "I suppose I will, if you're going to whine about it."
You scoffed at him, hopping to grab his hand. Once he easily hauled you up and you were steady, you brushed the snow off of your clothes and approached the giant bird skull. It was enormous, definitely the size of Baldur's dragon. The beak was half buried, partially trapped in the ice. The cranium was in a similar position, frozen in the tall walls of ice that cut the section of the land off from the rest of the field. The path of blue light went into the eye socket that was, thankfully, free from the elements. You peered inside. A glowing blue sphere was in it, nestled into the snow. "Yup, there it is."
You heard Heimdall chuckle behind you. "Which means…" You knew what he was going to say. What else would he do?
He never said it, nor did you cut him off from doing so. A revenant sprung from the ground beside them, cackling maniacally at her newfound victims. Heimdal acted immediately, tossing bifrost between you and it to force the witch away. The revenant twirled her cane to bring out two Nightmares, both prepared to strike. 
"We shouldn't fight them so close to the relic piece," you reminded him. Odin's authoritative instructions to keep this one safe were floating over your heads.
"Then you stay there and keep everything else away." Heimdall drew Hofud again. Revenants were fast enough to match his realm shifts, and the monstrosity did not plan on dueling him without a legion of Nightmares to take the brunt of the fight.
Heimdall devised a plan. You did your part, keeping out any Nightmares that got even remotely close to the skull. Without worrying about that, all Heimdall had to do was stun the witch. He leapt forward ducking under one Nightmare to stab another straight in the eye. He swung his sword out to slide it off the blade and stepped to the side when another shot magic at him. The revenant drove waves of ice at him — inconvenient, but avoidable. He ran another Nightmare through. Then two. Then four. All while advancing towards the witch summoning them. She was close to the wall of ice. 
She created another Nightmare, one that charged at him while she disappeared and reappeared a few feet away, back against the ice. Perfect.
Heimdall triggered a realm shift, snatching one of the Nightmare's tentacles and throwing it right at the revenant just as she reappeared. It hit her square in the face, leaving her dizzy. Heimdall sprinted to her. One last Nightmare went for his back as he did, forcing him to turn and slice through its eye. The maneuver left him with his back against the ice as well, right next to the witch. He flipped his sword so the blade pointed behind him and stabbed it straight through the revenant's heart and into the ice. The ragged witch gurgled and groaned as the ice wall shook from the force of the attack, disintegrating into ashes around the sword in her chest.
Heimdall sneered at the residue on his sword as he sheathed it. He would have to clean that up later. 
You were already back on track, reaching into the skull's eye socket as he came up behind you. The piece was wrenched free and you presented it to him. You both stared incredulously.
A crack. It stretched across one half of the orb, skewing the image of the Yggdrasil within it. "So much for bringing it back undamaged."
"From the fight?" Heimdall asked, but he doubted it was true considering he was taking most of the attention, and you were more than capable of fending off what few enemies noticed you.
Your hands carefully picked at the crack, feeling the ice trapped inside it. "No, this definitely happened a while ago. The ice embedded in it proves that."
Heimdall peered at the sphere, feeling the bifrost radiating from it. "It's still functional…"
You nodded. "Maybe All-Father can fix it? I'm sure he has a way."
Muninn cawed from the top of the skull just after landing on it, as if he was confirming that Odin could do something about the defect.
Your worry was dismissed for the time being. You had what you came for, and now you had to see if it was salvageable. 
You crossed your arms, looking up to Heimdall instead of telling Muninn to take them back to Asgard. "You lost."
Heimdall blinked, reading the self-satisfied energy you held. "What?"
"Our bet. You lost."
Heimdall chuckled at the ridiculous idea. "That's a bold assumption to make."
You raised a brow. You slowly approached him, your free hand reaching out to him. Heimdall had to refrain from flinching. He hated being touched. Everyone's hands were always so filthy, and he never wanted to feel that filth on himself. Especially without his consent. 
This was different. He wasn't disgusted by your hand, but the idea of you touching him made him feel awkward. His heart beat just a little faster and the anticipation made his breath stutter. He held firm, only his eyes following your hand as your fingers brushed his shoulder. They pulled on the fabric of his tunic and stretched it out.
There it was. A clump of snow on his sleeve.
"Is it?" You said, smiling ear to ear. 
The final blow to the revenant. It shook the snow atop the ice and landed on him. He couldn't foresee that.
Heimdall felt his gut churn and the burning rage pile into his chest. If that last Nightmare hadn't interrupted him there would be nothing on him. He had it all planned out, executed it flawlessly, and it was one little thing that ruined it. The sight of a blemish that exposed the weaknesses of his foresight enraged him.
When you pulled your hand back he objected, "You said I had to be hit with ice." A poor defense. He knew it.
And so did you. "That was before you upped the stakes. A mistake on your part. I wouldn't have noticed if ice fell on you during all that commotion, but snow sticks much better." Your eyes stayed on his, relishing in the vexation in them. "You really are the bringer of your own downfall, aren't you?"
Heimdall felt his face curl into a snarl. He was equally furious that his imperfection cost him a victory, even if it was a minor one. But something else was off this time. In a situation like this his fury would lead him to beat the life out of his opponent, just to prove that his teeny tiny slip up was irrelevant. Not this time. No, he wasn't angry as much as he was…embarrassed. It was a foreign emotion he wouldn't tolerate. "I am not going through with this stupid game."
Your shoulders fell, your face just as sassy as your voice. "You're really going to bail now? Fine, let's rephrase things for you. You can either keep your pride by accepting your defeat with dignity, or you can weasel your way out of it by whining until I'm too annoyed with you to enforce the bet, like a coward. Your choice."
Heimdall held back a groan. You really were full of it. He had to hand it to you, you managed to frame things in a way that worked in your favor. Pinning him down with his pride and ego, it was clever. And irritating. How could someone be so infuriating and amusing all at once? "You're insufferable."
"I know." Admitted with pleasure.
Heimdall gave a heavy sigh, knowing he was playing into your hands. "Fiiiiine."
"Yes!" You blurted out with an energetic bounce. You called for Muninn to take you back to Asgard, still smiling like there were no problems in the world. Heimdall chuckled at you, so ecstatic over something so simple. Not for winning, but for sharing something with him. He could easily read it on you. As the ravens took you away he felt the idea melting his anger.
Odin wasn't thrilled with the results of your quest, unhappy that the piece you found was damaged. He planned to spend some time studying it to see if there was a way to seal the crack in the orb, to ensure it was stable. Until then, you and Heimdall would wait for further instructions. 
Later that day Heimdall heard you singing again. You were in your usual spot, the same place he had first heard your voice. He went there without thinking about an hour before sunset. When he came into view you smiled at him while you sang. He nodded, going straight to the edge of the hill to look over Gladsheim. He still wasn't willing to admit he didn't actually need to be there.
After finishing your song you said to him, "I was hoping you'd stop by."
With his reverie broken he turned around to address you. "Afraid of being all the way out here by yourself?"
You gestured for him to come closer, ignoring the comment. When he was standing across the fire pit between them you held out a book to him. 
Heimdall looked down at the novel with disdain. "You can't actually be serious."
Your hand lowered a bit, matching the drop in energy he felt. "Can you at least try it? I really do think you would like this one." You frowned, the sadness and disappointment dimming your brilliant eyes. He would revel in making someone upset with so little effort, were it anyone else. On you it made him…uncomfortable.
Heimdall took the book from your hands, examining how thin it was. It had to be less than 200 pages. "Not as long as I was expecting. Are you in the habit of reading children's books?" He asked, smirking while he sat down on the bench across from yours.
His snarkiness brought back yours right away. "Oh, well excuse me. I was considering how busy the oh so important Watchman of the Gods was and picked something that wouldn't take up too much of his precious time. I can disregard that and give you a very long story that I know you'll hate out of spite, if you'd prefer."
He rolled his eyes at you. "This will do." He knew you would really do it if he jokingly played along, then had the audacity to hound him for not honoring your bet as a result. 
"That's what I thought." Despite the banter you could still see the reluctance on his face. You softly added, "Just try it. If you're not interested fifty pages in then I won't hold it against you." You hoped it wouldn't come to that. There was a trend among his favored novels, you noticed. They all had characters that were deplorable at best, or ones that were convinced they were right when they were actually wrong. It seemed like he only gravitated towards stories that he related to, like he was looking for something to defend his view of the world, never getting validation elsewhere. If you could find one that broke that pattern then maybe he would find some comfort in fiction instead of support for his cynicism. 
With one more sigh, Heimdall gave in. "Very well." It couldn't be that bad, could it?
Your smile returned, then you picked up your lyre. "Thank you." Heimdall didn't understand why he needed to be thanked for that. 
You started plucking at the lyre's strings again, beginning a new song he hadn't heard you play before. Slow and calming, just like the others. He felt the tension from the day drift away while he turned the book over in his hands, opening it to the first page. He always wanted to read in silence, so he could focus on the words before him. But your music was an exception. You were always the exception.
He read more than fifty pages and was nearly halfway through the book by the time it got too dark for him to see the runes.
The day after he returned to you, playing your flute in the same place. To your surprise, he sat next to you this time. You stopped playing, waiting for him to say something. Eventually he sighed in defeat, holding the book out to you without making eye contact. "I'll admit it. It was better than I expected." He had picked it up again the night before and finished it in no time.
Your face lit up. He felt no pride or boasting from you, you were just happy he liked it. "Even the ending?"
"It was more…diluted than my other choices, but it was fitting."
You laughed. "And you were so convinced it would be terrible."
Purple eyes rolled. "Yes, yes, gloat all you want. I can't stop you anyway."
"I will for now. You still have four more to go."
He had forgotten that part. Must have slipped his mind after he was so convinced you wouldn't win their bet. "Go on then."
"I haven't picked one yet. I didn't expect you to finish it so fast. You must have really liked it!"
"Are you done?"
Another giggle. "Okay, now I'm done, I swear." Heimdall shook his head. He held the book out a little further, still waiting for you to take it. You eyed it for a moment until you realized what he was doing. "That's yours."
He turned to you, confused.
"It's a gift," you clarified with a bright grin. "I was worried you would burn it to get out of reading it. I wouldn't give you my personal copy with that in mind."
A joke, to lighten the mood that had settled over you. Heimdall didn't even know what to say. When was the last time he was given a gift? And one he liked, no less. He brought the book back into his own space, holding it in his hands with a blank expression. It was almost impossible for him to pinpoint exactly why it felt so strange. He followed your lead this time. "In that case I have no reason not to burn this one now."
A cross finger was pointed at him. "Don't you dare, or I'll burn you!"
Heimdalled laughed with so much vigor that he leaned back on the bench. You shied away, tucking a loose hair back into your complicated bun to hide behind your hand, if only for a second. You liked his laugh, when it was genuine and held no condescension. When he was relaxed and being himself without worrying about his image or how everyone else measured up against him, he was much more tolerable. Likable, even. You made a silent goal to get him to be that way more often. It wouldn't be a cure for the man's arrogance or his know-it-all nature, but you didn't mind it as much as you once did. The glimpses of this side of him were worth it.
You broke that train of thought. He didn't need to read that from you. You picked up your flute again and played another song. Heimdall remained quiet, just sitting and listening while you kept playing.
He forgot to pretend he was only there for his patrol.
Your routine wasn't the same after that. The changes were subtle, so much that neither of you noticed. 
You played music more often, and only played in that same place. Heimdal visited on most occasions, never trying to hide or keep you from noticing him. At first he claimed he was stopping by to collect the books you picked out for him, refusing to avoid the consequences of your bet like a coward. By the time he had finished the third, however, he sometimes forgot to "patrol" like he always did, just sitting across from you automatically. When you gave him the last, he stopped pretending completely. 
Heimdall was more willing to accept your choices as your deal played out. You had good taste, but distinct from his, making your selection surprising and interesting. You began spending time together, saying hardly anything while you played and Heimdall would read. On the days he finished a book, you just talked about your thoughts, and usually you would end up recommending numerous authors to each other. Each time he would try to return the book, and you always insisted they were gifts. The strange feeling in his gut only got worse after every one. 
You didn't always agree, of course, and there were debates on your opinions. No bad blood was ever drawn from them. Heimdall didn't mind you disagreeing with him if you had such intelligent counterpoints and were willing to withdraw when your mind had been changed. You just admired how natural he was when he was enthralled by things he loved, so passionate, detailed, attentive. It was easy to forget that, outside of that specific setting, he still talked down to servants, sneered at Thor, and bullied anyone who was dense enough to bother him too much. You still saw this when you were interacting elsewhere, but as annoying as they were, they didn't irk you the way they used to. It had also become uncommon for these behaviors to be directed at you.
The habit stayed when Heimdall completed your deal. He started bringing his own books, ones of his choosing or yours, and just sat and read while he listened to you sing. It was comfortable, simple. 
Your conversations started to stray from literature. It was still a common topic, but daily life and Asgardian affairs reigned over them now. Heimdall loved gossip, which didn't surprise you. Whenever he read something particularly interesting from someone, he shared, especially when he knew you would rather not know.
"You remember the apprentice chef at the lodge?" He casually said once.
"The young man? Yes, I know him."
"He got drunk and slept with the elderly goat farmer last night."
"Gods — Heimdall!" You put a hand over your face as he went on about how stupid and awful it was. Never would you look at those two individuals the same again. If he had to suffer with that information, then so did you, he said. You ignored how nice it was to know that he wanted you to be the one to share the burdens his foresight brought.
In fact, he vented to you often. It was easy to notice when he was in a bad mood, a permanent scowl on his features and muscles ready to stab at the next fool who got in his way. You would urge him to share, patiently listening to whatever petty thing had bothered him. 
"Baldur is such a moron. Does he have to let his dragon burn down Gladsheim until I put a stop to it?"
"Thor's belches are disgusting. He apparently felt the need to remind me this morning. I would have slapped him if All-Father wasn't there."
"Remind me why you like Sif again. She's judgemental enough to blame a tree for being chopped down."
It was a reminder that he was still a prick. But you understood, knowing he was capable of being a more manageable prick when he had a reason to, and in most cases he just couldn't find a reason even if he tried. With that in mind you would offer comfort where you could, or put things into perspective. Perhaps he could learn not to see everyone's faults under such a harsh lens if you did.
"The maid doesn't even know how I keep them organized," he complained, referring to the various bracers and smaller armor pieces he kept in his cabin. "I've told her to leave them alone and she still touches them. Like a cretin."
You never stopped your fingers on your lyre. "Expecting her to clean up while also asking her not to touch certain things is somewhat contradictory, don't you think?"
"It's not a contradiction if I specify exactly what she should and shouldn't touch." Truly, you pitied the staff who were unlucky enough to be charged with taking care of Heimdall’s things.
"Were these pieces in the place they normally stay?"
"No, I was using them."
"And you're quite a bit taller than your maid, right?"
"Then maybe she couldn't reach the shelf they were supposed to be on."
"Then she shouldn't have touched them at all!"
"Or you should have put them away yourself. Is that so hard?"
All he did was growl. He knew you were witty enough to dismiss any excuse he had, and you did have a point. He learned quickly not to fight whatever reasoning you gave him.
While Odin was focused on the orb and finding ways to repair it, you kept this routine up for weeks. You began to know when he needed to vent and when he wanted peace by the look on his face, or if he had a book in hand. If he wasn't in the mood for talking, you would sing. If you brought your flute instead of your lyre, you would alternate between playing and singing without accompaniment. He listened to both just the same. Regardless of the method, it always did the trick. After your time together he was more relaxed and let go of whatever he had taken offense to that day. When he was more amenable — or if it was one of those rare days where he hadn't been bothered by something — you would return to your usual antics. Annoying each other, mostly. 
"You don't have to scare everyone, you know. It's not a good look." You smirked at the glare he gave you.
"Should they not know that they are foolish and incapable of doing anything right?"
"You could be more tactful about it." Said right as one of your lyre strings fell out of tune after your hand accidentally nudged the right place.
"And you could learn to be a better lyrist if you really tried." He chuckled when you inhaled sharply at him.
"Shut up!"
Heimdall wasn’t sure why it started in the first place. It was all to honor his word, like a respectable man would. When he had fulfilled their deal he just kept going to you, still not knowing what it was that he felt when he did. There were multiple instances when he skipped it, telling himself he didn't need to make a routine with you. Every time he did he ended up going back the next day, spending even more time there and venting about even more things than he usually did. You were an acquaintance, he realized. And the realization made him angry. He didn't need acquaintances. He never needed anyone, and even if he did, no one would meet his standards. He was forgetting that, letting the little conveniences you offered make him too comfortable. 
And yet he would still go. Just a few minutes of listening to you and it was gone. You didn't need to talk, he didn't need you at all, he would inwardly chant. Then he'd get close enough to hear you and he'd forget all about those ideas, falling back into the habit he built. After a while it became frustrating. He was losing his touch, all because someone wasn't a lying, thieving, sneaky halfwit. That didn't make you deserving of his trust, of the things he didn't need to share.
He was mentally chewing himself out one day, as he was sitting across from you, having gone to listen to you despite his self admonishment once again. He never even looked at you, too focused on how weak he was becoming. You let him sit in silence for a while, never prying or provoking him. He could feel your concern grow until you spoke up.
You put the lyre down on your lap, smiling gently. "You're awfully brooding today."
Heimdall barked back, "I don't brood like a sulky child."
It wasn't taken personally. If anything you felt even more concerned. "You don't feel like sharing today?"
"Why should I?"
You smirked. "Why not? I'd say we're friends at this point, wouldn't you?"
His thoughts went blank. Friends. Not just an acquaintance. He irritated you, annoyed you, still reminded you that he was a superior god, and you still saw him as a friend. Just because you had these moments of mutual rest, that meant you were friends. 
No. No, you weren't. He didn't have friends. He didn't want them. Why give someone exactly what they need to betray him someday? "And you expect me to share my every thought with you? I'm not nearly that gullible."
There it was. You were hurt. He wanted you to scream at him, storm off, all while telling him you couldn't stand him. They weren't friends if you did that.
But no. The flash of hurt disappeared almost instantaneously. In its place was understanding, patience. You nodded solemnly instead. "That's okay."
Heimdall's eyes flew to you. He just stared.
"We don't have to be friends if you don't want to. But if you do, I'm here. It's your choice." Then you went back to playing the lyre.
You didn't expect anything from him. You never asked anything of him. You only gave, whether he wanted it or not. It was always his choice, not your desires.
"I'm weak," he mumbled, biting his tongue hard enough to draw blood. He was ready to pour his heart out and tell you everything he was thinking. For what? And why?
"No, you're not."
You cut him off before he could think any longer. Your eyes lost their shine while you played, looking down at the precious aged instrument in your hands. "You know that I've seen the worst in people as well. So take it from someone who understands that life: you're only as weak as you let yourself be. How strong you are is dependent on you, and no one else around you."
That was it. You said what you thought and didn't say more. Heimdall turned that over in his mind. He couldn't deny that you were right. After all, if he did, then he would be admitting that he was no better than Thor and his sons, Baldur, the einherjar, everyone he associated with while he worked for Odin. His strength was not determined by them, just as their value didn't increase with his.
So was he weak for finding companionship? It didn't change his status, his power, his superiority. The only thing that changed was that he finally had a source of peace among the loud, drunken fools in Gladsheim. Peace he deserved for his superiority.
Heimdall sat up straighter, smirking smugly. "You really think I'd be friends with you?"
You stopped, bemused at his sudden remark. He felt your relief when you saw the familiar expression on his face. "And why wouldn't you? Because I kicked your ass in Muspelheim?"
"The ass kicking was mutual, first of all. And secondly, I don't care for wannabe elven matrons," he snapped back, grinning evilly. 
You groaned at him. You knew you shouldn't have told him about the time you dressed up in your foster mother's clothes and pretended to be in charge of the elven children when you were eight-years-old. "Ugh, you are such a jerk!"
He chuckled, smiling while you ignored him and went back to your music, starting to sing again. In silence he contemplated the word. "Friends." There was something about the word that didn't feel right, like he didn't want the term to apply to him. He wanted to be…something else.
The next day he returned to you again, greeting you with your name. It made you notice something. You couldn't remember the last time he called you "stray."
The building trust that you both accepted culminated into a single experience. Almost a month after your last outing Thor decided it was time for a celebration. For what, exactly, he didn't say. To him it was just a good time for everyone to feast and drink all night. Odin had no objections, so long as he wasn't disturbed. He was almost at a breakthrough with his research and preferred everyone being out of his way anyway.
Thor just had to make the epicenter of the bash outside the Great Lodge. Just before Heimdall was due to report to Odin, of course. The majority of Gladsheim was outside, the crowd congesting every road on the way there and filling the air with screaming and choking laughter.
It was all so much.
Heimdall shoved anyone on his way to the lodge, having no patience to quietly push past. Grunts and protests sounded before they recognized who had pushed them, but he wouldn't retaliate this time. He needed to give his report and get as far away as he could. 
The noise, the torchlight brightening the night sky, but most of all the thoughts. So many booming voices, his foresight constantly warning him about the slightest brush against his clothes, who was about to back into him. It was maddening. The more his head pounded, the harder he clenched his teeth, cursing Thor for having enough influence to make everyone act like complete buffoons at the worst time.
His head aching, vision occasionally blurring, ears ringing. He couldn't even shut the lodge door behind him, there were too many bodies in the way. It was exhausting, having to filter through all the sensations his foresight made him feel through every corner of his mind. All of his strength was wasted just getting to Odin's study and down into the cave below. He sucked up the pain long enough to give a cordial report, showing utmost respect to the All-Father, and excused himself as soon as he was free to go. 
It was so much worse on the way out, every stupid little intention and emotion and alcohol induced ambition being hammered into his head. He was even rougher on his way out, spilling drinks and throwing mortals and gods alike to the ground just to get them out of his way. They were lucky he didn't kill them.
He wasn't aware of the pair of kind eyes that followed him out of the lodge.
You were there, sitting next to Sif and Thor, watching Baldur put down as many drinks as possible, like he was attempting to force the spell protecting him to fail so he could feel the effects. You were growing tired of the environment as well, getting ready to turn in despite it still being early. Your distaste for the excessive chaos was nothing compared to what you saw in Heimdall as he passed.
"Do you see Heimdall?" You asked, leaning closer to Sif to ensure you were heard over the ruckus.
Sif hummed at you, unfocused and slurring from all the mead she and her husband shared. "Oh, don't mind him. He hates parties and parties hate him."
You felt your heart sink. Heimdall looked like he was in pain, and no one even noticed? You watched him again as he finally made it to the doors, looking even worse after just a few seconds. With that your mind was made up. "Sif, I'm going to turn in for the night."
"What, already?" She mumbled back. "It's earliest, and there's fun we have." If her breath wasn't giving away how drunk she was, her speech certainly did.
"You know me, it's a little too much excitement for one night."
Sif shrugged, chuckling. "Oh yeah, I forgot that. Go on then, my mornin' see you."
You disregarded the botched farewell and headed for the doors, doing your best to politely get through the people around you. As you passed you heard what they said, all of it about Heimdall’s exit.
"Why's he even here? Nobody invited him anyway!"
"He's such a killjoy. I don't know why he even came."
"What an ass! My knee hurts from that fall…get me another drink!"
"Seriously, maybe if he'd have a drink or two he wouldn't ruin everything."
"Can't he just stay up on the wall? We don't need him on the ground anyway."
It took a great amount of self control not to lecture all of them. He wasn’t in a bad mood, he was hurting. Couldn't they take a second to see that?
Then again, Heimdall didn’t give anyone a reason to. That still didn't make him deserving of scorn just for being in pain, in your opinion. 
You just barely caught sight of him down the road between the bodies in the way, turning towards the stables. He must have been getting Gulltoppr. 
You stopped by your home first, hoping that you would be able to catch him before he left.
You only took a few minutes to get your lyre and return to the stables Gulltoppr stayed in, out of breath and worried. A stable boy was there, sweeping hay and grass from the gates to Gulltoppr’s pen. "Have you seen Heimdall?" You asked, trying to even your breathing.
The boy flinched at the name. "Y-yes. Lord Heimdall went in not long ago. I didn't see him leave, though."
You thanked the boy, cursing to yourself. If no one saw him leave then you had no way to know where he went. Your fears subsided at the sight of the familiar golden saddle and armor hanging on a wall inside the pen. 
You approached the opening into the gradungr's quarters, hearing the beast rumbling softly. He was still here. You took a few deep breaths and composed yourself. He would certainly know you had hurried to get there but you didn't need to give him reasons to point it out.
"Heimdall?" You said, stepping inside.
He interrupted you midway through saying his name. "I don't recall inviting you in." Strict and sour. He didn't want company. He was sitting on the ground, which was a bad sign because he hated sitting on the ground. He must have been too impatient to find an alternative, choosing to lean against Gulltoppr, who was laying down with his head on his paws. Heimdall's head rested against Gulltoppr’s fur and he kept his arms on his bent knees.
You persevered. You couldn't ignore this. "I've never heard of stables requiring invitations." Testing the waters, just to see if he would joke back.
He didn’t. "What do you want?" He snarled, closing his eyes and furrowing his brow. Judging by his face you would have guessed the world was screaming directly into his ears.
This was to be taken seriously then. "Are you alright?" You lowered your voice, believing that it might help.
Heimdall stretched out his hands like he was gesturing to himself. "Do I look hurt?"
"No," you whispered, slowly stepping closer. When he didn't stop you, you sat down next to him, right beside Gulltoppr’s hindlegs. Far enough that you wouldn't touch him. "But you do look…upset." 
"And?!" He hissed, jaw tightening. 
You recoiled, but said nothing. You gave him a moment to calm down, to forget you were even there, if he could. After a few minutes, the lyre's strings brought a somber melody. Heimdall's head was still throbbing but it didn't rebel against the new sound. He latched onto it, letting it remain until all the other stimuli started to lessen.
You began to sing. After a few lines Heimdall noticed he recognized the words. These lyrics weren't made up of gibberish used only to emphasize the music; these told a story in a language he could understand. 
A song of battle, endless battle. Fighting against enemies both seen and invisible, the conflict leaving little to cherish. Of dreams broken and hopes destroyed, only fueled by propaganda spread by mouth and not by deed. Fearful of the past and bending it into something that was easier to stomach. A spot of hope, where things seemed to be improving. Storms fading, thunder passed, but with nightmares still lingering, and the only thing the clarity gave was crippling grief. All that could be had was the belief that the light within will never fade, even as the darkness swallowed the sun and brought back all the pain and battle to the forefront again. It ended with only questions, every single one asking if everything had been in vain.
A downer, if he was honest. Yet he didn't feel worse from it. He felt soothed, like it was a voice he didn't have.
You let the lyre's last notes ring, laying it down in your lap without a word. You were waiting for him to react, not wanting to rush him.
He opened his eyes, the pain in his skull subsiding into a dull buzz. His eyes briefly went to you, examining your visage while your hand idly patted Gulltoppr’s fur.
"You remembered those lyrics." It sounded accusatory, like he thought you had lied to him. He couldn't keep the harsh edge out of him yet.
"That's because I wrote them. It's a song that's very personal to me. An allegory for the struggles I've faced." The hand on Gulltoppr went back to your lyre, stroking the old wood fondly "When those memories come back, I sing that song. I…I hoped it would help."
Heimdall brought his eyes forward, voice monotone. "An awfully hopeless song was meant to cheer me up?"
"Not to cheer you up. To feel for you." He lifted his head off of Gulltoppr and looked at you, wondering what you meant. You didn't return the gesture, lost in your own thoughts. "Music expresses what words alone cannot. That song takes everything that I can't possibly explain and sets it free, like I'm letting go…even if it's only temporary." Your eyes met his purple ones. "Did it work?"
He tore his gaze away. You sang about your time with the elves, using their war as a representation of your plight. You were fighting them all the time, surrounded by selfish and manipulative people who would only lie to keep you on their side, more afraid to lose your abilities than to lose you. It took so much for you to keep faith in them, failing to grasp it over and over and over again. You knew you were surrounded by individuals that were deceitful, and wondered if believing they were good was even worth the pain.
You seemed like the only two people to know what that feels like.
"Your foresight," you began when he said nothing. "Can you just…turn it off?"
Heimdall scoffed like it was the most ridiculous question he'd ever heard. "It's a sixth sense. It can't be 'turned off' any more than you can turn off your eyes and ears."
"Maybe, but you can close your eyes and ignore sounds."
"That's not the same."
You sighed, trying a new approach. "So you're reading things constantly. Doesn't that get overwhelming?"
Heimdall cringed at the question. It was a concept he loathed thinking about. His foresight was his greatest tool, and saying otherwise made it sound like…a curse. Never should he consider it a curse if it let him see the world as it truly was, even if it had drawbacks. "What makes you believe so?"
He felt you shy away. "I tried to mimic you in Alfheim. With so much happening it only took a few moments for it to become unbearable."
"And how do you know that your little copy trick isn't inferior to my limits?"
"Well…why else would you be here?"
No answer.
"And that's why you hate noise and crowds?"
Again, nothing. He didn't want to acknowledge that you had seen right through him, and found the only thing he wouldn't let anyone alive know. If you already knew he could have just confirmed, save you the agony of dragging it out. But he was remembering that day he shared how weak your companionship made him feel. He wasn't going to let something like that out again. He wasn’t going to feel that ever again.
Heimdal felt you brace yourself. You knew he wouldn't like what you had to say. "It sounds like you lack control."
You were right. "Me? Lack control?" He spat, giving you a glare that warned you not to push him.
It did nothing to dissuade you. "Control is using something when you need it and putting it away when you're done. You aren't doing that if you're reading all the time. Have you ever tried to ignore your foresight?"
He hated this. It was such a preposterous idea. His foresight was essential. Essential to the All-Father. Any issues he had with it were nothing compared to how valuable it was to Odin. Any moment he didn't have it was a waste of his life. 
He hated that thought too.
"Let's try something." You changed your position, facing forward instead of towards him. 
Heimdall growled, "No," back at you.
You pursed your lips, understanding how difficult altering one's perception of the world would be. You looked at Heimdall, studying his profile for a second. "Heimdall."
Soft, gentle, caring. Not at all demanding or irritated with his lack of cooperation. He had to look at you, wanting to see why you had grown so careful.
"Do you trust me?"
Did he? Was trust the right word?
"At least enough to humor me just this once?"
His eyes went to yours, reading the mind that had managed to outwit and intrigue him so many times. You felt for him, but that feeling was not pity. It was a yearning to feel his emotions with him, and share the task of shouldering them. You cared. In the most pure, selfless way.
"Fine." He would humor you. Only because it would get you to drop it and not ask these stupid questions again.
"Okay." Your eyes left his, closing them as you turned your head forward once more. "Shut your eyes, and breathe deeply."
Heimdall refrained from rolling his eyes, already thinking how useless this was. He did as you asked, letting a few breaths pass in silence.
"Now I want you to take note of what your foresight is picking up. You don't have to tell me, just notice it."
Even though they were far from the lodge he could still hear distant voices. He heard Gulltoppr’s quiet sighs and felt his comfort. The other creatures nearby were resting, letting go of their caution to relax and regain their energy. The stable boy was nervous, probably because of the two gods not far from him. You. He felt you, calm and steady. Your whispers were so quiet, your desire to help palpable to him. There was nothing malicious, nothing intrusive, no sign of looking down on him. You were just there, next to him. Like you always were when you sat together.
"Pick one of those things. Focus on it. Don't consider anything else, just think about that one thing." He thought about the stable boy, how funny it was that the kid was so anxious while two gods were around, like he would be caught doing something wrong by just existing. It was boring, not at all interesting enough to keep his attention for long. The countless sensations from his foresight were just as loud as before. 
"If you get bored of that, pick something else, but only one thing at a time," you instructed. "Just let yourself wander from one thing to another. Keep your breath steady. All that matters is your thoughts."
He wandered. To the irritating voices in the distance, Gulltoppr’s content mood, brought about by his master at his side, the birds nesting on the stable roof. He ran out of things to focus on quickly. 
Inevitably, his focus went to you. Your presence next to him, the worry you felt, the gentle sound of your deep breathing.
He just didn't get it. He didn't get you. How long had it been since he enjoyed casually spending time with anybody? Not since he was a little boy, too naive to understand how worthless every living soul was. Then came this goddess, literally out of nowhere, and suddenly he started to think that maybe, just maybe, the solid rules of the world he had organized could be broken. And why? Because you chose to overcome your destructive meeting after learning you had a tiny thing in common? Because you were willing to listen to his words instead of dismissing them to protect your ego? Because you really understood how terrible humanity could be? You were intelligent enough to keep up with his own wit? You thought he was funny? You seemed to get what he was feeling…even when he didn't? You were a spot of calm and tranquility in a world of chaos and mayhem. He had fun with you, and could have conversations that weren't horrendous. Because you were clever, wise for your age, so kind and genuine. He stopped being bored when he spent time with you, and whatever troubles he had were whisked away when you would annoy the daylights out of each other. He wasn't reluctant to share his interests, knowing you were open minded enough to enjoy things with him. Your opinions were fair and you had similar taste, making him feel comfortable with learning things from you. 
The light sound of the lyre's stings sounded, just barely loud enough for him to hear it. You sang again. All his thoughts went to you — just you, stopping the questions and examining the evidence of…something. Your voice was so gorgeous, so serene and divine. The world stopped moving when your voice sweetened the air, everything was so much lighter at the sound. That was all he could feel then. The subtle warmth of your skin, the traces of your scent, the delightful lilt to your voice, the memories of the time you spent up in their secluded spot drifting through your mind…
He really didn't have to care about anything else around you. There was no patrolling the realm, no need for suspicion, no reason to think of the All-Father, his duties, or any responsibility he had. He wasn't the watchman around you. And that didn't seem to bother him. 
Heimdall. That's what he was with you. A proud man, an avid reader, a creative mind with a loyal heart, a guardian for what truly mattered to him. There was no guessing, no decorum to remember, no outside world to affect what he thought or felt. It was just him. And you. 
Purple eyes snapped open. He hadn't even realized you had stopped singing. Or that it had grown deathly silent. 
Completely silent. No distant voices, no birds nesting, no contentment from Gulltoppr. Now that he was paying attention those things slowly faded back in, but quieter this time. Sharper, too, like his foresight was filtering out what didn't matter and only informing him of what was closest to him, what was necessary. It felt refreshing, like he had woken up from his first sleep in a month.
"What did you hear?" Your smile was hopeful.
Heimdall's eyes stayed on the wooden wall in front of him, astounded by the realization. "...nothing."
It worked. He ignored everything until he made his own quiet corner in the world. He didn't have to go find one.
You grew giddy next to him, grinning brighter than the sun. "See? You can ignore it when it's too much! If you do that you can go through crowds without being overwhelmed!"
"That took too much effort to actually use."
"For now. Maybe if you practiced you'd get better at it!"
Heimdall chuckled. You were a helpless optimist in this regard, but at least it was useful. You always found ways to make things better.
Gulltoppr sneezed, making you giggle and pet the beast's exposed belly. You fell into a comfortable standstill. No talking, but no need to either. Just basking in the moment.
It was nice. Your presence was nice. So calming, yet infuriating. Amusing, but annoying. So safe, so welcoming.
He liked you. 
Heimdall's teeth clenched, the golden molars grinding against each other. He shouldn't like you. To trust and to depend on you was a weakness. He didn't need anyone.
Odin had always told him this. He was the Scion of the Aesir, the one who made it his life's purpose to guard the realm with his life. To serve the All-Father in his every endeavor, until his wondrous vision of the world was all that remained. That was all he needed. Asgard, his duty to it, and the All-Father.
He glanced at you, still smiling at Gulltoppr. You felt his stare but let him get away with it. He saw what you wanted. 
All you wanted was for him to be alright.
Was it really so bad? To be all those things and find respite in your presence? Was it so bad to want both?
He needed to think. 
Heimdal abruptly stood, ordering Gulltoppr to follow his lead. You were startled, but made no protest. Of course you didn't. 
"Feeling well enough to work now?" Your smile was more gloating now, like you wanted him to recognize that your advice was what made him feel better.
He huffed at you, ushering Gulltoppr out of the stable and grabbing his saddle from the hook it hung on. "I fulfill my duty regardless of my own needs."
You frowned, not agreeing with the statement at all. After this you were beginning to think he put too much of himself into his work, and meeting Odin's expectations. You wanted him to think about what he just did, try to tell him he should use it to unwind more often. Not now, you decided. Baby steps. "Alright. I guess I'll be heading home then." You cradled your lyre close to your chest and followed Heimdall out, passing him as he secured the saddle on Gulltoppr.
"You aren't going back?" He purposely avoided taking his eyes away from the saddle's buckles.
"No, I've had enough of Thor's shindig too."
You kept walking, waving at him on your way to the fence around the stables. Heimdall watched you for a moment.
Then, after he chose not to think about it, "Your cabin is north of here, right?"
You paused at the odd question. "Yes?" 
"And you're just going to walk there even though Gulltoppr will pass by it?" He leapt onto the saddle, directing the gradungr to stand beside you.
Your surprise gave way to a pleased smile. Heimdall could feel how happy this miniscule suggestion made you. "You want to give me a ride home? For no reason?"
Heimdall sighed. If you kept this up he would think about it long enough to reconsider. Something in him begged him not to. "Are you coming or not?" He said flatly.
You never would have guessed Heimdall could be more than tolerable months ago. Yet here he was, offering to do something that was rather…sweet. It was a wonder how much he cared when wanted to.
Did he care? Was that it? The idea was more…appealing than you thought it would be.
With one more light laugh you agreed. "Sure." You stepped closer to Gulltoppr, and Heimdall ordered him to lie down on his stomach so it was easier for you to get on. He offered his hand too, even though the lower height was easy for you to reach. You took it.
Heimdall shook off the shiver that ran through him when you settled in behind him, one hand holding his side while the other kept your lyre secure. He still refused to think about what he was doing, signaling for Gulltoppr to go without letting himself doubt. Right after the short trek started, he felt it. 
You enjoyed his presence too.
It made him smile.
Neither of you noticed the raven with red-tipped feathers.
The two books I based Heimdall and reader's recommendations on are "Pan" by Knut Hamsun and "The Tale of a Manor" by Selma Lagerlöf respectively. No, I definitely didn't research Scandinavian authors just for these chapters, shut up.
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galaxythreads · 2 years
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Tw for child abuse
When Loki is a teen like 14/15, Laufey is called in for a peace conference that SOMEHOW ended up happening, not entirely sure. Over the course of this, Laufey learns that Loki is his son and is none to happy. Because as he recalls, his late wife had been hiding with their newborn son in the temple for protection, ergo: Fárbauti was almost certainly murdered and Loki kidnapped.
During the course of the conference, Laufey notices that Loki is clearly being abused by Odin and neglected by Frigga despite her best efforts (she is very busy) and Thor is no better off, but less obvious about it. The incident with Sif's hair happens and Loki gets his lips sewn shut in front of the peace conference and Laufey has just sort of had it. He then gets up and starts shouting about how Loki has been kidnapped and Odin is a horrible person, etc, etc just the beat down he deserved but never got. Odin is taken into custody and Frigga is declared regent.
Laufey takes custody of Loki and does NOT return to Jotunheim, instead the peace conference (or maybe a conference about what to do regarding Thanos?? Idk. Either peace conference or they're prepping for a fight) keeps Laufey in Asgard. Asgard is very unhappy about this, despite the fact that they sort of hate Loki, and Loki is horrified and struggling to come to terms with everything, but Laufey is a decent parent and actually helps him.
Cue lots of Laufey and Loki bonding broken by Asgard being butts but LEARNING TO BE BETTER and Laufey co-parenting Thor.
The story ends when the threat is eliminated or the conference is over. Thor and Loki are still friends and siblings at the end of this. It is extremely important to me that Loki does not abandon his brother for his new family because that always happens in Jotunheim fics and I hate it.
+Laufey being able to grow/shrink with magic because I personally find the hassle of dealing with a giant vs tiny small vulnerable child kinda frustrating. Loki needs a proper hug. ergo: grow/shrink magic.
+Thor getting hit by Odin for something pretty menial and Laufey temporarily considering adopting him, too (I just need thor to have a good father, okay? please.)
+Laufey not having his other kids on Asgard, so he can focus his entire attention on Loki
+Heimdall being some weird uncle-ish figure
+Loki's heritage being like on the bottom of the list of things they need to deal with, the longstanding emotional abuse/manipulation being the priority.
+Asgard throwing a brick through the window of where Laufey and Loki are staying early on with a threat and Loki freaking out about it.
+Oh! this one would actually be really fun to play around with the idea that Loki and Thor were raised as twins
Idk. I just really like the fics where abused child gets adopted by a competent adult and they work on things together, but it would be like. Loki's actual dad. +Thor gets a bonus dad. (please let him have a hug too*) It's a win for everyone.
I do not want to write this because it sounds extensive and exhausting. I would love to read it. I would sell my soul to read this, but I could not drag this highly detailed AU out of my brain under gun threat. I have thought about this extensively for probably three years, but as you can see. I have not written anything. Idk. Maybe someday I can wrestle something out.
that said, if anyone feels the desire to write this out, feel free. And please let me know because I will LITERALLY BETA THIS AND READ THIS AND COMMENT AND PLEASE.
*i have read fics where Loki gets rescued from the abusive environment, but not any where the competent adults realize Loki and Thor need to be pulled from Odin's custody. Thor is nto okay. thor is not okay. Thor is not okay. thor is not okay
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Big brother?: big brother Loki x little brother reader.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Age 10: reader kun is Loki's biological brother. Laufey had send him to Earth because he didn't want him anymore and deemed him weak. He looks exactly like his big brother Loki (he wears Kid Loki's outfit but with fingerless gloves, the gold parts are silver and has longer hair.) and unlike his brother Reader kun is very young and is a very sweet boy when you get to know him. This takes place after Age of Ultron. Odin has Loki stay on Earth so he can learn how to do good. Sif is not pleasant, Oh and Laufey and Peitro survived and once again Civil war never happened.
King Laufey of Jotunheim stands in front of a portal that leads to Midgard holding a frost giant boy about ten years old in his arm. Glaring disgustedly at the small boy he said in a harsh whisper "I have no use for a weak child." He said coldly to his own son who has terror in his voice "D... Dad?" The boy whimpered as Laufey glares hatefully "DON'T CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN." He yells to the boy who shakes in fear "Goodbye Y/N." he said throwing his son (more like yeeting) into the portal.
On Earth:
Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are in the lab. Tony making blue prints and Bruce trying to figure out how Peter makes his web fluids "How does Peter do it?" Bruce asked his science bro who is also curious.
At Peter's apartment: he is sick BTW.
"Achoo. Is someone talking about me?"
Peter asked blowing his red nose.
Back at the the tower:
As the two are about to call the young friendly neighborhood hero a bright light stops them. They turn to see some sort of portal open up confused they go over to the portal until something slams into Tony.
Tony looks down to see something unexpected "A kid?" He asked Bruce is also surprised by the surprise guest "We better get him to the medical bay, he's freezing! The poor kids skin is blue." Tony said grabbing a spare lab coat, swaddled the kid in it and ran to the medical bay while Bruce ran to get the others.
As Tony ran to the medical bay he heard the boy whimpering "Hey it's going to be ok buddy!" He told the boy as he entered the closes room and laid the boy down in the bed "Dad... I'm sorry. I... I'll try to do better." The boy whimpered Tony could only look shocked at the boy but it disappeared when Bruce and the others entered the room.
Bruce hooked the boy to the machines in the room and asked Friday to turn up the heat.
Everyone began circling the boy in the bed.
Everyone couldn't help but stare in curiosity at the boy. He had dark H/L hair and wore some really strange clothing that reminded them of Loki's clothes but with silver.
"He's so tiny." Wanda said "The poor kids so cold he's gone blue." Peitro said gesturing to the shivering Child "MY FRIENDS. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Thor boomed in his loud voice making the poor boy jump in terror. Everyone (except Thor and Loki) was shocked to see that the boys eyes were completely red "This kid isn't human." Clint said "What's going on my friends?" Thor asked until he saw the boy "My friends why is there a frost giant child in here?" Thor asked trying not to yell however Loki roughly picked the young frost giant up from the bed and held him roughly about to yell at the clearly scared frost giant child who was now shaking but when Loki's hands touched the boys waist they saw that the blue skin started turning into the same complexion as Loki, his ruby red eyes turned emerald green but his hair was the same black color, all in all the kid looked like a mini version of Loki but his face had softer features that made him adorable "You are... like me." He said looking the young boy up and down "The kid looks exactly like reindeer games." Tony said looking between the god of mischief and the young boy "Your my big brother?" The youngest boy asked poking Loki's cheek in curiosity "We have to take the boy to Asgard to show mother and father." Thor said in surprise looking at the boy "My name is Y/N by the way. Y/N Laufeyson. Well I'm no longer Laufey's son since he cast me out of Jotunheim." Y/N said opening his mind making Wanda gasp as tears run down her face "He is telling the truth." She said hugging Y/N making him hug her back Loki was in rage by his biological father's actions he just threw this innocent little boy away like he was nothing "I want to kill Laufey." Loki said as it began to snow until Thor placed his hand on his shoulder and Y/N's small arms wrapped around his neck. Loki's eyes shoot open wide from the small embrace from the young boy. He felt protective of him "I can do a DNA test to see if you are brothers." Tony said earning nodes.
"We should." Thor said wanting to be sure if Y/N was Loki's little brother. After getting some hair from Y/N and Loki. Tony put the strands into the DNA scanner and waited for results to print.
After waiting the results finally printed as a 100% match "You are my brother." Loki said looking you up and down "Let us be off brothers." Thor said taking you in his arms making you laugh "Don't drop him you fool." Loki said as Thor called for Himdal.
At Asgard:
The all father and all mother couldn't believe what they were seeing.
You a young boy that looked like their adopted son but younger and smaller.
Their boys explained to them of your situation and that you are Loki's biological brother.
They made their way down still looking at you and you looking at them in curiosity.
As they stand in front of you Odin places his hand on your head with Friga doing the same.
Upon this gesture you smiled a sweet innocent smile making the all father and mother smile back as they can see Loki in his younger days within you "I see no reason why he can't stay here." Odin said making you happy "We shall throw a feast to celebrate the newest prince of Asgard tonight." Odin said while Frigga can only have tears of joy on having another child to teach magic "Come son, we shall get you fitted for an outfit for tonight." Frigga said taking your small hand in hers "Alright mum." You said with a smile already accepting the all father and mother as your new parents making Frigga fight back tears.
Later at night:
you happily did a turn for Odin and Frigga in your new outfit for the feast,
It looked just like Loki's but with silver armor, a silver circlet with small bendy horns and instead of trousers you had on leggings. They clapped happily at how much you looked like Loki "Come son the feast is starting soon." Odin said taking your left hand while Frigga took your right hand and all of you walked towards the feast.
You sit in between Frigga and Loki as Odin gives his speech to welcome you into Asgard while a servants serves everyone ale or cider.
Once the glasses are full Odin raises his "Tonight we honor Y/N Laufeyson now known as Y/N Odinson. Mine's and Frigga's new son and your new prince." As he says this he lifts the glass higher and bellows "LONG LIVE PRINCE Y/N OF ASGARD." He yells "LONG LIVE PRINCE Y/N OF ASGARD." Frigga, Loki, Thor and the people of Asgard yelled back then drank their drinks.
You and your big brothers are getting food from the feast when you saw three men and a woman walked towards you "So this is the new prince?" A man with a full beard like your new father asked "I bet he's like his brother." The woman said spitefully "Sif! Please he is just a boy." Thor said in a protective manner while Loki pulled you behind him "Ohh please. He's already got you wrapped around his little finger." She said pointing her weapon at you making you clinch to Loki's cape "Sif stop it! He's only a child." A man with short blond hair and a beard with a mustache said "Ai Sif! What's gotten into you tonight?" A man with black hair asked Sif making her angry "AM I THE ONLY ONE THINKING THAT THIS LITTLE BRAT COULD BE LYING ABOUT HIS FATHER!?" Sif yelled in rage "He is no doubt like Loki, one day he will turn his back on us and betray us all." She said earning the attention of everyone making people whisper but everyone gave Sif death glares "She calls herself a warrior?" A woman said "She's ruining the new princes night." A man said.
Soon people began calling Sif out "Sif, in all my years of letting you get away with how you've treated Loki tonight you just proved that you have been abusing your power as a warrior." Odin said walking up behind you with Frigga in tow with disapproval in her motherly eyes as she places a hand on your head.
To make this short Sif was taken out of the party by guards and she was put in the dungeon for the rest of the night for pulling a weapon at you and saying stuff you aren't supposed to repeat and the feast went on with out interruptions until you started feeling sleepy "Dear I think it's someone's bedtime." Frigga said pointing to you "we'll take him to bed mother and father." Thor said picking you up making the all father and mother smile "Good night son." They said together as the each give you a kiss on the head "Goodnight Mom and Dad." You said as Loki and Thor walked out of the hall feeling exhausted themselves as they took you to your new chambers.
Thor gently puts you down so you could change into PJs "goodnight big brothers." You said as they smiled and closed the door.
After the party everyone retired for the night at 1:00 in the morning dual to it starting to rain and then thunder causing you to wake up in fear.
Your now clutching your stuffed fox that your new parents gifted you after you arrived in Asgard but even that didn't calm you from the booms of the thunder so you decided to go to Loki's room (hearing from him that Thor snores like Surtur.) as your walking down the corridors the thunder booms again making you sprint and barge into Loki's room onto his bed causing him to make an oomph sound "Y/N, What's the matter?" He asked as a thunderbolt crashed down making you curl up into him "Ohh." He said seeing that your afraid of thunder "Shh it's alright little one." He said kissing your head as both of you cuddle unaware that Odin, Frigga and Thor are at the door seeing the whole thing "He really has changed since his temporary banishment to Midgard." Odin whispered proudly while Frigga gave him a smile "I'm proud of you brother." Thor said seeing his two little brothers sleeping peacefully.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hey there! I’m really happy you liked the name! (I also thought of naming him Ragnar but I think Björn suits better for him!).
I like to imagine that since Björn means bear in Norse, Thor and his family calls him ‘cub’ as a affectionate nickname, although Björn particularly isn’t so fond of it he doesn’t mind his new family calls him like that.
Do you think Odin would get some tiny interest in Björn now that he’s being made a warrior because of Thor or do you believe that he will keep focused on Atreus/Loki?
Gosh! Imagine Björn is training with Thrud in the forest and they cross ways with Atreus that was worried sick because of Björn’s disappearance and gets mad when he tells him that he was adopted by Thor!
Sorry for the ranting, many things came to my mind and I think that you would like it 😅
Broken Truth: Hey there, my friend! Let's see what you have given this time. (Reads the ask) Interesting as always and simple enough. Alright, let the words weave together!!!
Björn was eating breakfast with Thrud and Sif when the door opened and Thor walked in with a smile on his face & humming a tone before he walked over to the table, placed a hand on Sif's Shoulder, and gave her a kiss on her cheek before sitting in his chair and turning his gaze to the two children.
"Good morning, you two. How did you sleep?" Thor asked as he reached for the tankard filled with drink.
"I slept fine, Father, but the little chub was having a hard time sleeping." Thrud said as she looked at her brother, who blushed at the name and groaned. Thor looked at Björn, who was munching on a piece of meat before he opened his mouth to speak to his son.
"Little Cub, is there something you don't want us to know?" Thor asked.
"I'm not having a hard time sleeping, Father, I'm just not sleepy sometimes. I suffered from insomnia when I was living with Kratos and Loki." Björn explained before he finished his meat and consumed his drink. "And I'm not a cub, Father, I'm a Mighty Bear."
"You may be able to turn into one but you will always be my little cub, Björn." Sif smiled, and he groaned again, making his family chuckle at his expense. Björn loved his family and wanted to make them happy but he couldn't help but think about the family he was bound to by blood and wonder what they were doing without him.
"Björn, I forgot to tell you - today, you and I are going to see your grandfather." Thor said causing Sif and Thrud to look at Thor with concern in their eyes and Björn was confused.
"Grandfather? Do you mean Lord Odin? The All-Father himself?" Björn asked as he looked at Thor with a smile of excitement.
"Yes. He wanted to meet you and see your skills as a warrior. I told him I've been training you and your sister and he wants to see your skills." Thor explained and Björn's smile grew to the point you could see his canines.
"Thor, are you sure that our son is ready for something like that? Training before the All-Father isn't something lightly taken and what if he fails?" Sif asked with concern in her voice.
"Don't worry, Mother." Björn smiled at Sif with a nod, "Thrud and I are being trained by the best and we can show the All-Father our skills and maybe he'll send us on some missions like he does with Father and Heimdall."
"Okay. I understand but be careful in Midgard and don't go too far in your power." Sif asked.
"Yes, Mother, we understand." Björn said before rising to his feet to get his sword from his room.
Björn dashed at Thrud with his sword in hand and swung with all his might in his right arm but it was blocked by Thrud who tried to sweep him off his feet, Björn backed away before her foot could touch him. The two of the danced around each other, clashing swords and dodging attacks for the onlookers on the sidelines. The All-Father - Odin - watched his grandchildren fight like the skilled warriors they were and he smiled before looking at Thor, who was standing beside him while Heimdall was on the other side of the All-Father.
"They both are skilled warriors, you've trained them well, Thor." Odin said.
"Thank you, Father." Thor said with a proud look on his face with his kids sparring before Björn disarmed Thrud and pointed his sword at her neck, causing her to lift her hands up in surrender.
"Alright. That's enough." Odin said as he walked over to the children, Thrud picked up her sword and sheathed it while Björn did the same. "You both are rather skilled for your young ages. If you keep this up, I'll let you 2 go on missions together."
"Thank you, All-Father." Björn & Thrud said together when Björn started sniffing the air - something was coming. He turned around when the bushes began shaking and he pulled his sword out; everyone looked in that direction with their weapons drawn except for Heimdall, who was smirking. A single body comes from the bushes and when Björn locked eyes with the figure, his jaw dropped and his sword was lowered.
"Björn?" The figure asked with wide eyes and a low voice.
"Atreus?" Björn said - that's right, the one before them all was none other than Atreus - Björn's Older Twin Brother.
"Loki..." Odin said, Thor glared at Atreus, and Heimdall was still standing there smirking.
"Björn, it's really you. Where were you? Father and I were looking for you after you ran away all those months ago. What happened to you? Come home, father will be so happy to see you." Atreus took a step forward but Björn took a step back, closer to Thor, who placed a hand on his shoulder. "Björn?"
"Don't speak to my son, Loki." Thor grumbled as he glared at Atreus with a snare.
"Your son? That's my brother!" Atreus yelled.
"Not anymore, Loki," Thrud said as she walked over to Björn's other side, placing a hand on his other shoulder. "He's my brother now."
"You... What did you do to him?!" Atreus yelled as he pulled out his bow and arrow before loading it in his arrow and aiming it at Thrud but Björn got in the way of the arrow.
"Touch my sister and I will make you suffer, Atreus." Björn growled at him. Atreus looked shocked at his brother - standing up for the Aesir like that instead of coming home to the place where his blood was. Odin called for the ravens and the group of Aesir and Björn were gone in a cyclone of unkindness (A Group of Ravens is called an Unkindness.).
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chantsdemarins · 2 years
❄️Frost Secrets from the Other Son
Chapter 5
A Strange Awe
Part 1 and Part 2
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Loki's life changes forever. Lots of emotions here!
Part 1
In a glade near the mountains of Asgard, Loki caught up with the other warriors and Thor; just as they were getting new information, all were equally perplexed by the writing on the long scroll that Thor held in his hands.
The target on the scroll seemed to move again after disappearing from their view. The parchment was infused with Ultonian ink, which was aligned with the patterns of frost giant blood; it acted as a magnet drawing lines across a makeshift map of Asgard. If the ink was correct, then the target was headed directly towards them at this very moment.  
Thor called to the warriors to gather their weapons and hold their location.
Loki still wasn’t entirely convinced. Something deep within him wasn’t buying this entire situation. If the frost giants were here, they would have seen them already. Why would they hide? He was tempted to march out in front of the soldiers instead of being in wait. But Thor insisted they needed his help; they were stronger together…
Loki thought it was convenient to say that when they needed him, and the opposite was true when they didn’t want him around, he was hauntingly unwelcome. All his time with Lillian had given him some courage to see his true place in his family.
So, he continued to sit underneath a dark tree; his green leather suit shone brightly from the multiple moons that illuminated the evening sky. He wished he would have brought one of his books with him, and he almost conjured one when he heard hooves clacking from far off in the hilly distance.
Quickly getting up, he motioned to the rest of the group to steady their positions. Although just as quickly, it occurred to him that frost giants are huge and typically can’t ride horses...
He rushed to Thor’s side, pulling the scroll towards him to get a better look. Indeed the line was moving with the sound of the horse hooves and coming right towards their camp. 
“Brother, this can’t be our target; Jötunn are giants; as you know, this person coming our way is riding a horse.”
“I know Loki,” he said dismissively.
“Therefore, there must be some magic affront, wouldn’t you agree, Loki?” Thor ordered Sif and Fandral to ready their net. Thor continued shouting orders at the warriors, “We should try and capture this fool, don’t kill them right away!”
“Yes, yes of course!”
Fandral and Sif quickly climbed up the tree Loki had been sitting under; they pulled out a fine gold net fortified with the strength of thousands. They could not risk this creature getting away or getting them first before they had the chance to figure out if Jötunnheim was indeed invading Midgard.
Just then, the line on the scroll merged with their location, and Sif let the net fall on the white horse and its rider. Suddenly the rider was whisked off the horse and fell hard to the ground.
A large scream came out of their mouth. Loki was unable to see the rider's full image in the darkness, but he knew that scream immediately, and his heart sank.
That scream had been in his ear for the past four months, resulting from orgasm after orgasm, his quite efficient and effective abilities at play. But surely that wasn’t Lillian. 
Lillian immediately yelled again, now on the ground facing nearly ten warriors.
“Unhand me, you brutes!” she said, pulling at the tight gold chains. 
Fandral was the first one to light a torch. Loki was shrinking behind everyone but conjured a tiny flame from his hand.
He stepped forward cautiously, bending over and putting his hand near the shrieking sound beneath the net. 
“Loki! UNCHAIN ME!” Lillian screamed again. 
She was hurting now. Not only did the fall hurt, but she was feeling worse, and a new wave of nausea befell her. She thought to herself, this was not the right time to puke. 
She had to wait until she was out of this damn trap. 
“Damnit Loki, yes, it’s me for god's sake, get me out of here!”
Thor stepped closer, also kneeling. He held the scroll next to Lillian in the net. The lines were now intersecting. He studied the scroll; he studied Lillian.
He looked back at the warriors behind him, everyone breathing heavily in the quiet night. Sif spoke up first. 
“Thor, how often is Ultonian blood ink wrong? Why is Lillian in the net? Isn’t she some Midgardian journalist here writing about you, Loki, Odin…the whole royal crew? She’s not a frost giant. Or is she?”
Sif bent down further, studying Lillian carefully. 
“I don’t know what messed up antiquated tracking devices you have on Asgard, but let me tell you, they need an update! Try using a real GPS! I am obviously not a frost giant. I am from Cleveland, Ohio! Earth! Loki, tell them!” Lillian continued to yell. Only pausing to place a hand over her mouth, from time to time, trying to hold back the puke. 
Loki was petrified.
His secret lover was seconds away from possibly outing their relationship, the scroll was saying she was a frost giant, and she looked more beautiful than ever while looking rather ill all at the same time. He thought it was odd that she was still sick; when he had left weeks ago, she was complaining of an “Earth flu” and drinking the mugwort tea that she now made him conjure.
His instincts kicked in finally, and he turned to Sif and the others, motioning for them to gather closely. But Thor cut him off before he could launch into one of his well-crafted schemes. 
“Loki, why does Lillian act as if you should know her so well? Have you two been spending time together?” 
Fandral laughed as did Sif; clearly, they suspected something right away. 
“No! I mean yes, I mean No! Why would I spend time with a human? We’ve only met to discuss the book, brother, same as you, I assume.”
Loki spun around attempting a wink that Lillian couldn’t possibly see in the barely lit darkness. 
Thor interjected, “Loki, my scroll says Lillian is a frost giant, and that is a threat to our planet and our family; if you’ve let a frost giant get close to you and all our family, and you knew it- there will be hell to pay Loki, and you will be the one paying it!”
Thor’s voice was loud and pained. He was confused and frustrated; weeks searching for a signal only to have it appear as Lillian, the journalist from Midgard, was unbelievable.
If Loki had known all this time, things were not looking good for Asgard.
Loki feeling hot under his Asgardian leather, loosened his collar and spun around to face his brother and the warriors after one more glance at the clearly pained Lillian.
He was worried. He put a loose raven hair behind his ear before speaking.
“Look at her! She’s not well; she’s clearly just a sickly human! Why would I keep a secret like that from my family?” 
“I am not a sickly human, and I am not a frost giant!” Lillian softly spouted, although by now she was so nauseous that she was slumped over beneath the golden net. 
“I mean, I am just a regular human. Not sickly.”
Loki looked bemused but also knew the seriousness of the situation. Asgardian technology was not wrong. While clearly, Lilly was not a frost giant.
Something was wrong and off. His heart was torn in two directions, and he had no idea how to proceed. Had something happened to Lillian when she was frozen out looking for Mímir?
“We can’t let her go, Loki; we have to take her back to the palace and have the healers examine her, see what kind of magic she is spinning; she is clearly suffering from something, maybe whatever spell she cast is wearing off,” Sif added suspiciously. 
Loki considered for a moment longer how to appease Lillian and his family, who were clearly on high alert. 
“We can at least remove the net; she isn’t going anywhere!” Loki finally raised his voice to his brother and the warriors.  
Thor seemed to agree hesitantly, and nodded, making a gesture to lift off the net. 
Unable to wait any longer Loki aggressively stepped toward Lillian and used his magic to remove the net. 
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Fandral exclaimed.
“He always does stuff like that!” 
Lillian did not want the healers anywhere near her. She tried to run as fast as possible with whatever energy she had left. Resume her tentative plan to reach the Bifrost and go home to Cleveland. 
But this was to no avail.
Her small effort to dash away was thwarted when Loki grabbed her in his arms. Feeling his hands on her skin, she promptly turned her head to the side and finally vomited on the cool grass beside her. Loki was horrified once again. 
Being caught between keeping up his image and displaying his growing concern for Lillian, he did what any alien god would do; he held her long brown hair as she continued to puke. A fake smile etched across his face as his brother and the fellow palace warriors stood in strange awe. 
“We must get her back to the palace right now; let Heimdall and Odin know we are coming.” Thor threw the order out to anyone who could snap their focus back fast enough to hear him. 
“Right, of course, right away, sir,” said a thin warrior who was also staring at the prince and his nursing skills, pulled himself together to hop on his horse and rode away into the night, back to the palace. 
Loki sat down next to Lillian, his legs getting tired of squatting. She had stopped puking finally and was now about to fall over, but she kept her worried eyes on him.
He gently held her now, and Lillian, too tired to fight this dreadful night further, wrapped her arms around his neck. Thor and the warriors continued to stare at Loki, he was the prince of lies, and it was clear something other than just being interviewed by Lillian had transpired. 
“She’s just really tired,” Loki said, glancing up at his brother and the rest of their small palace detail. 
“Well, that doesn’t look like the first time she’s had her arms around you, brother, “Thor laughed. 
“Lillian’s from Midgard, you know they have seen a lot of movies with damsels in distress, etc., they are practically raised to know what to do when being rescued.”
This angered Thor instead of putting him at ease.
“But brother, she’s not being rescued, she's our prisoner now, she is being investigated for being a frost giant!” 
Loki had had enough of this. 
“Thor, are you completely dense? She’s been here for months, and just a few weeks ago, Heimdall detects an invasion. Why didn’t the all-seeing one see that? If she really is a frost giant, he would have known!” 
Now Loki was the one yelling. 
“Heimdall is never wrong, Loki; we need to know what is happening. When Lillian can stand, you must carry her to your horse and ride her back to the palace. Don’t be sly and take a divergent path or magic you both to Vanaheim. This isn’t the time. I don’t know what exactly has been going on with you both, but now you must focus. Father has kept the peace with Jötunnheim for hundreds of years. Don’t let something like this threaten that and our entire realm.” 
Loki felt Thor was being overly dramatic. He didn’t hear him. His grandstanding was once again just to prove that he was rightfully going to be king someday. Blah, blah, blah. He was too concerned with Lillian, which was the only reason he agreed to return to the palace with her. He wanted his mother to see her right away. He was afraid she was dying. 
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Part 2
The next day Loki was in the palace gardens, alone, sitting on one of the benches near the lake where he and Lillian went on many walks during her official times interviewing him. He was thinking of those walks when Frigga found him.
“Son, Lillian is not dying; you must know that first.” 
Loki looked relieved, but only slightly. The frost giant question was looming next. 
“Then what is she, mother? She was so sick, and that fool of a brother thinks, well, thinks she’s some undercover Jötunn spy. It’s all ridiculous. I am aghast at it all, to be quite truthful.” 
“Loki, she isn’t a frost giant either, but…” Frigga sat down on the bench. 
“Sit back down with me, son. We must talk.” Loki obliged his mother but was getting worried now. 
“Will Lillian recover? Mother, what is going on? Why are you so serious?”
“Loki, your father and I have wanted to discuss this with you for as long as I can remember. It was never the right time.”
Loki wondered just what this could be. If it was something to do with the succession of the crown or other palace business, then she should just say it, but how was it also connected to Lillian further what did Jötunnheim have to do with anything? 
“What does this have to do with me, mother?” Loki was becoming angry now; he didn’t know exactly why, but he could feel the tension in the conversation shifting, it was like the moment before a lit firework would go off. 
“Your father needs to be here for this conversation, I just wanted to tell you that Lillian is not dying, she is recovering now, but I am also not sure she is out of the woods just yet. I am being honest with you, son.”
“Mother, I am going to ask you one more time, what does this have to do with me!? Besides my apparent affection for her, there is something significant you are not telling me, and I demand you speak it!”
Loki was now furious. It felt like the challenges of his entire family life were now collapsing into this one singular conversation with his mother. 
“We should go see Lillian and then your father and I will explain everything. I’ve told your brother to stand down, there is no emergency other than this significant situation with your friend that is now needing our attention.” 
“She’s your friend too mother; you asked her to come here after all.” 
“Yes, she is very special indeed, and now she is even more so.”
Loki was not one for impulse control; he didn’t want to wait to see his father and talk to his parents. He was so concerned for Lillian that any further conversation could wait. He was unsure of his mother's assurance that she was fine. There were pieces of this puzzle that we're not coming together quickly enough for Loki's satisfaction.
When Loki and his mother arrived at the infirmary, what Loki saw was immediately confusing and disorientating.
Lillian was in the soul forge.
A strange blurry image was held in the etheric crystals above her. It had a blue glow around it and gently moved.
Loki looked at Frigga; she motioned with her hand for Loki to continue toward Lillian.
Odin quietly walked in behind them and joined Frigga, although he stayed behind as Loki neared the soul forge. 
“Let him figure it out, Frigga; he’ll know,” he whispered to Frigga.
“Odin, how will he know?
He will see a baby, but he won’t know anything about the baby. We must tell him now. We cannot wait anymore; this will upset our son. I don’t know if you’ve just hoped he’d never know who he was, but Odin, this day is now here.” 
Loki was mesmerized by the glowing light in front of him and how peaceful Lillian looked. She looked better than yesterday, yet her being unconscious was disturbing to him.
The palace healer Eir was standing next to Loki now. She knew this was not her story to tell him and looked over at Frigga and Odin before speaking. 
“Your majesty, Allfather, do you think you can join your son and explain what he is seeing? Help him understand?” 
Loki quickly interjected, “Is Lillian pregnant?" His voice was barely audible.
"I didn't, I mean, we didn't think that was even possible," he was stunned in disbelief, running his hands through his raven locks.
“It is rare, Loki, but it happens.” Eir was slightly nervous to say more. 
“This explains why she was so sick; I am a fool for not considering this outcome.” 
“Yes, it partially explains why she is so sick, but I must say congratulations to you and Lillian, this is Asgard’s first royal grandchild, prince Loki, as you know” Eir was genuinely happy for him, but also concerned.
Loki smiled, tears falling down his face; he was suddenly filled with a sense of pride that was overwhelming. He was looking at his child. Their child. He might have done something right in this world even if it was not expected. Immediately he considered if Lillian would be as happy about this or if this was something she wanted. She was now entangled permanently with his messed-up family alongside him. There was also the book, the assignment of her lifetime, which had been why he even met her...
He looked up at the soul forge imagery with curiosity; he asked Eir more questions. 
“Eir, how old is she?”
“You mean how long ago was he conceived Loki?” 
“Yes, prince Loki, you have a son, and I’d say the summer solstice precisely would have been the moment he joined us.” 
“Oh, that makes sense.” Loki was blushing deeper crimson.
Thinking back to the first time he took her in the library and his apparently non-effectual magic spell. It was truly unbelievable to him that she got pregnant the first time they had sex.
Lost in thought, he cleared his throat. He thought about Lillian again. Did she already know? Is that what she was doing riding out in the woods, trying to find him, to tell him he would be a father?
“Does lady Lillian know about our baby Eir? 
“She doesn’t yet. I don't think. She has been unconscious since you brought her to us. Your father wants to tell her.” 
“Why would my father tell my wife, I mean my friend, that we are having a baby? Loki was amazed and confused; more disbelief beset him.
He turned his eyes to Odin and Frigga, fear growing, “Mother, father, he’s beautiful, but is it just the soul forge, or is he glowing? Is that why father wants to tell Lillian? What is wrong with him? If something is wrong, then surely the baby's father will be sufficient to inform her!?” Loki’s voice was high-pitched, becoming even more erratic if that was possible.
Eir noticed that Odin and Frigga were slowly coming closer, their sign to take over. This was soon going to be her exit. 
Frigga spoke, “Thank you, Eir; you can return later to check on lady Lillian and our grandchild, Loki needs more context, and we are happy to give it to him.”
“As you wish ma’am and Allfather.” Eir gave one more glance to Loki sympathetically and then disappeared. 
“MOTHER, FATHER, I demand answers, now!” 
“Please, Loki, not here; now that you’ve seen Lillian and the baby, you need to calm yourself, and let's go to the next room; Lillian needs rest; we can’t wake her yet,” Frigga said, grasping for the right words. 
Odin pulled Loki from the room by his arm, and Frigga walked silently next to them, entirely unsure how this would now go…
On to Chapter 6
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armylily · 2 years
Chapter 12: Mischief
~(Y/N) POV~
As I set my room key on the counter, I grab the bag of apples, pull my hood down and walk out with Thor.
I pulled out a red one and take a bite, the crisp, sweet tang of the insides making me sigh in happiness. 
I then remember my new companion. My heart drops as I realize I can't take her with me.
Thor seems to notice my downtrodden face and asks, "What is the matter, Ms. (L/N)?" 
I pick my head up slowly and look at Isolde, the beautiful appaloosa looking at me with a glint of confusion in her eyes. 
He follows my gaze and says, "You can bring your horse with you! It's not a problem at all!"
I look at him with joy in my eyes and show him a slightly wide smile. If only I noticed Thor's rosy cheeks and a racing heartbeat. I run up to Isolde and rub her long neck. 
I then whispered, "You can stay with me, Isolde! I don't have to leave you here!" 
I grab an apple from the bag and give it to Isolde. She eats it happily, making me smile wider.
I know it's been less than a day but I grow attached to animals very quickly. Reason why my gut is always right about people but I'm weak for animals.
I then hop onto my saddle and grip the reins. Thor looks up at me and smiles softly and walks down the dirt road. I clicked my tongue, signaling Isolde to walk. As we continue walking, I see a group of people, specifically one girl and three men. 
I look at Thor with uncertainty and he nods. I pull the reins to slow Isolde's strides.
"Everyone, this is our new teammate. Teammate, meet everyone." 
Thor does jazz hands in my direction and I smile softly at his silliness. Isolde shakes her mane and does a whinny. The rather large man walked up to Isolde, held his hand out, and scratched her muzzle.
"She's a beauty." He says, looking up at me with a toothy smile.
He looks warm and friendly.
I'm sure he can't see my eyes but he can see my lips so I smile.
"Thank you," I reply.
"I'm Volstagg, my lady."
He holds his hand out towards me and I set the reins in my left hand and shake his hand with my right.
"Call me (Y/N)." 
As I say that, I raise my head up slightly to show Volstagg my face with a mischievous smile. 
His eyes widen like the wet dough I made for bread at the bakery when I flattened them out. He seems to stumble over his words, unable to contain his excitement.
He then does something I have never, ever seen in my entire life.
He squeals.
It's high pitched and I wince slightly at the sound, as well as the others did. Volstagg hops around with a slightly feminine giggle.
I smile at his behavior, not expecting this kind of reaction but after Thor encountered me, Thor Odinson, the future king of Asgard, was a fan of mine, I may have gotten a teeny, tiny bit confident after...
"YOU'RE THE GUARDIAN ANGEL OF THE VAL-!!" Volstagg yells out and I move quickly to silence his voice. 
I look at the others with a nervous smile and they were in shock. The lady had her eyes wide and her lips parted, the blonde man had his jaw on the ground and the foreign man had slightly wide eyes.
Thor chuckles loudly as I look at my fanboy, signaling him to not scream. "Yes, this, my friends, is the well-known (Y/N) (L/N), the warrior angel, or the guardian angel of the Valkyrie." 
I move my hand away from the excited man and hop off Isolde. I held the reins in my left hand again and pull my hood down all the way.
May I remind the reader that you are still filthy, your face is covered in dirt, your hair is matted or in knots and you also have a few scars forming? Alright, enough reminding.
The foreign man winces slightly when I pulled my hood down as well as the blonde man. 
The lady just smirks and I felt butterflies in my stomach under her gaze.
Thor walks over to me and clasps his large hand on my left shoulder. "So, is the new teammate a yes or no?"
"Heck yeah!"
I smile at everyone's answers and wait for them to introduce themselves.
The lady says, "I'm Lady Sif, fair maiden." 
She grabs my right hand into hers and kisses the top while looking up at me with a quite flirtatious smile. 
My face immediately burst with red, not used to physical affection by someone else because Sif is a very attractive woman.
"Aw, come on, Sif! I was gonna do that!" says the blonde man. 
She lets go of my hand with a slight squeeze and steps back a few feet.
The blonde man walks up and says, "The name's Fandral, m'lady." 
I shake his hand while smiling. After I stop shaking his hand, he kept staring at my face and his thumb was slowly rubbing circles on the knuckle of my own thumb.
"Ow!" Fandral says, as he lets go of your hand to massage his head wound.
Volstagg looked away while whistling a tune. I giggled, knowing that he threw the tiny rock. Fandral huffs and walks to where Sif is. 
I look to see the foreign man with an expressionless face bowing towards me.
I show him a small smile and bow my head to him. If only I saw the smile on his face.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing Isolde along, I've grown too attached to her," I say with a slight blush of embarrassment.
Isolde then nudges her nose into my arm and huffs. I smile and pet her muzzle. Sif then walks towards me, nods, and starts to pet Isolde too. My blush grows at her close proximity. (that's right, you're a bottom.)
Thor bellows out, "Of course, you can! But before we leave for home, you must be on your horse so she can leave with us!" 
I nod in acknowledgment and hop on again. Volstagg sets his hand on Isolde's left shoulder, looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back. Thor calls out to the sky and everywhere around me glows a golden rainbow.
~Slight time skip~
I'm here. 
I'm finally here. 
I smile brightly, realizing the building is where the Bifrost is held but freeze in shock when the wielder of the Bifrost is in a fighting stance. Isolde whinnies in fear and Thor dashes in front of me and puts his hands up. 
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Heimdal! She's not a threat! Well, to others yes but not to us!"
Heimdal continues to glare so I panic and pull my hood off and spread my wings.
My wings stretch farther from my body and they're as long as Isolde. yeah, I am badass. Heimdal's eyes widen and he drops the Bifrost slightly, looking at me in awe. I smile slightly under his gaze but as I begin to actually look at him, I noticed his eyes first.
How they shined a beautiful yellow and amber. His dark skin makes his irises pop. His large helmet covered most of his head but he looks rather handsome. It shows maturity and elegance.
"You're (Y/N)...The guardian angel of the Valkyrie...But were you not lost in battle?" Heimdal asks with genuine confusion. 
He lowers the Bifrost and stands up straighter. I pull my wings back and reply. 
"I was not lost in battle, although I nearly died... But that is not an important matter. Thor Odinson, if you'll excuse me, I have to see someone before we talk about my place on the team." I kick Isolde in the side to make her gallop and it works. 
As Isolde runs on the Bifrost Bridge and into Asgard, my (H/L) hair flows with the wind. I smile as I feel the cool and sweet air caress my face. I kick her to go faster as I steer us in the direction of my childhood home. As we venture home, I see children playing with other children by their houses, mothers talking with other mothers, and also watching their own kids. 
I smile softly at the children playing. I hope that someday, I will have my own. I look forward only to find the bakery, my home, gone. Just...gone. I pull the reins back as Isolde goes from a gallop to walking. I look around, now fearful that Father was gone, only to see the actual bakery still standing but looking improved.
I throw my hand to my head in annoyance and steer Isolde to walk to the right. I shake my head but as I raise my head, I couldn't help but smile widely and feel tears rise. I pull Isolde to a stop and hop off, bringing her to a post. I tie the reins and pat her shoulder. 
"This may be a while, pretty girl." She just whinnies and I pull my hood over and laugh.
As I walk through the doorway of my home, I tuck my wings into my cape. There were two men in front of me so I sadly wait, shaking with nervousness to see my guardian. It didn't take long as the two men walk out, hand in hand. I smile softly at the couple and walk to the counter. There he is. Being my cashier.
I try my absolute hardest not to jump over and tackle Father into a rib-crushing hug and it pays off. I then say our code words that we made up together when I was 2,790 years old or 9 in Earth years. "May I get a (favorite animal) with (favorite season) and a (favorite color) on the side?" I finish my sentence while still looking down with a smile on my face.
I could tell that Father froze when I said that. He says, "No one says that...except." Before he could finish his sentence, I look up from under my hood, look at him, and smiled. His jaw drops and he's frozen still. 
"Hello, Father," I say with a single tear rolling down my cheek. 
He then starts to groan like a drunk and he falls back. I gasped and jumped over the counter to see what was wrong.
"Father?! FATHER!!" I check his pulse after shaking him a few times. He's alive so he must have fainted. I let out a sigh of relief and shake my head while smiling.
I missed this weirdo.
I pick Father up at carry him to his room, of course, I already know where it is. It was slightly messy but I could walk. I gently set him on his bed and pulled his blanket onto his body. Now that he's asleep, I look at him fully.
He looks as if he hasn't aged at all but now, he must be 38,680 years. He has many eye lines, telling me that he hasn't slept much. 
I slightly frown at that, now making it my goal to let him sleep as much as possible. Talking can wait, I want him to be able to hold a conversation without sleeping. Hypocritical of me, yes but he deserves it.
I smile and kiss him on the forehead. I get up and turn all the torches off in the bakery portion of the building, signaling to people that it's closed. After doing so, I walk to my old room. 
As I open the door, I begin a coughing fit as my room was full of dust. Nothing was touched. It was left the way I had it when I left. I smile as I see my old doll sitting on my windowsill, also dusty but it held a stitched smile.
I walk over to my candles and light them, the yellow and orange lights illuminating my childhood room. I walk into the kitchen to grab a broom and dustpan, now ready to clean my room like I was younger.
~3 hour time skip~
Before I started, I took off my hood and cape but it felt so hot like I had them on while cleaning. I walked over to my small vanity to see my face only slightly dirty so I smile and wash my face with a clean rag. I then hear groaning in the room next to mine. Father must be awake! I set the rag down and walk towards the doorway. I see him rise up, rubbing his head with a groan. 
I lean in the doorway with a smile and my arms crossed. Father looks at me and groans out, "Ah, (Y/N), can you bring me a glass of water, please? I don't feel so we-" His eyes widen and he freezes.
He slowly looks at me, gets up fast, runs towards me, and tackles me into a hug. He surprised me because I fell back from his force. I laugh and hug Father tightly when I feel wet drops on my clothes. I look down to see tears streaming down his wrinkled and exhausted face.
I let a few run down my cheeks, overjoyed to see the man that raised me as his own. I pat his back a couple of times, trying to soothe him and also remind him that I'm really here and not a mirage. 
He takes a few deep breaths and sobs again. I laugh softly and keep patting his back. "I'm here, Father. I'm home."
He lets out a loud cry but with a smile on his face.
"I've missed you so much, (Y/N)." He has red eyes, a red nose, and some snot slightly running. I smile contentedly and use my cape to wipe his face.
"I-I would hear tales about you and how you're the guardian angel of the Valkyrie. They spoke about how you fought with bravery and selflessness, which sounds about right. They described how beautiful and graceful you looked but that did not do you any justice." 
I smile at his compliment and get up while helping Father stand up too. He then looks up at me, smiles, and raises his wrinkly yet strong hand, and lies it on my right cheek. "You've grown into a beautiful young lady, and I could not have been more proud of you." 
I set my left hand on his hand and say, "I'm like this because of you, Father. You made me into the strong woman I am now." I look down at him with a small tear falling to my chin.
"Come, come. You must tell of your adventures while away." Father says as he walks into the kitchen at the same table I studied wing anatomy on. I smile and sit down, ready to tell him everything.
~Time skip~
"YOU ALMOST WHAT??!"Father screams at me with concern written all over his face. I scratch the back of my neck with a nervous smile. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALMOST DIED!!" 
I shake my head with a small smile and say, "Almost." 
He scoffs in annoyance but smiles after that. "Well, I'm glad you got back safe." I smile but then look down sadly.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Father asks me with concern in his voice. 
I look up, grab his hand gently and say, "I cannot stay home, Father. I am under Thor Odinson's team so I will leave for missions. He took me back here, back home. But I promise you, that I will visit you every day, either before or after my missions." 
He sighs and then smiles. "I'm just happy you're alive, dear."
I get up, lean down, and hug Father tightly. He hugs me back, sighing with contentment. "Be safe, dear. I'd rather see you be wed and have grandchildren." 
"Father!!" I say, embarrassed by his words. I am technically at the age when women bear children, so about 25 in Earth years. But still! Father laughs at my reaction and pats my back. 
"Go be a hero, (Y/N). I'll be here when you return." We exchange smiles and let go. "You better keep your promise, young lady!"
I walk towards the doors and laugh. I turn around and give a nod. Father smiles and I walk out to my trusty steed. "I'm sorry for taking forever, Isolde. I was speaking with Father after all of these years." I know she may not understand what I'm saying but I don't really care. But I do have a feeling she knows what I'm saying.
I hop on my saddle, pull my hood up, and head towards the castle gates. Of course, I am stopped by the guards and asked for my purpose. I pull my hood down with a smile and they too froze. One guard taps the door while the other shakes my hand. Both were silent when I walked through. I see Odin, Frigga, and Thor walk into the large room, talking about something probably important.
My hood is still off so Thor recognized me. He smiled widely and walked towards me. "Ah, (Y/N)!! Welcome to my home! Father, mother, this is my new friend, (Y/N) (L/N). She's the-" 
"Yes, yes, we know about (Y/N), Thor." Odin interrupts with a large smile. I hop off Isolde with the reins in one hand and kneel down but Odin pulls me up and shakes my free hand. 
I smile back and say, "It is the greatest honor to be in your presence, Odin."
"Nonsense! I should be honored to meet a warrior such as yourself!" Odin replies while pushing Frigga towards me to also shake my hand. 
I kneel down in front of her and say, "It is an honor to be in your presence as well, my lady Frigga." 
I hear her laugh softly and she pulls me up slowly. "I've heard many a tale about the guardian angel, (Y/N)."
I smile with a slight blush on my cheeks. Thor walks up to me and grabs my hand softly. "Now, since you are on my team, we can discuss and plan your very first mission!" I look up at him and smile a little wider.
I then look at Odin and his queen and say, "Please excuse me, your highnesses." They both nod with a smile and Thor guides me down a hall.
"Now, I must ask you a few questions if that is alright with you that is." I nod and he continues. "Do you know of my brother, Loki?" 
I reply, "Yes." 
He takes a deep breath in and out. "After my last mission, I lost my brother on a planet called Earth. I have been there before and I must retrieve him so he may be punished for his crimes." 
I then say, "Okay, do you know his exact location on Earth?" 
He replies, "Yes and we will be going together while the others sleep. If that is alright with you."
I think about it for a few seconds. Loki is known to be very, very mischievous and even more dangerous. I trust Thor knows what to do when we arrive. "That's alright with me. But I do require a few things." 
He shows me a small smile and says, "Oh, do tell. Anything at all."
I show him a smirk and say, "Well I would like a new set of armor, a sword, and a dagger."
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blankdblank · 2 years
The White Dove Pt 25 - Eldfalls & Emotions
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The White Dove Masterlist
“Everything has changed, and yet I am more me than I have ever been.” Bucky muttered to himself and then looked your way. A quote, a calming trick he used prior to when he knew he would be leaping out of an aircraft or something equally as ridiculous.
Still you could feel his eyes on you and the whip of wind through the open door hatch in front of your tiny self as you watched the clouds break and swirl to reform against the dull graying navy night sky. And to yourself you spoke softly, “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” Across the back of your harness his hand fixed, and together timed to his first step out the hatch you leapt with his weight to keep you from whipping about helplessly.
Sharp and quick off your knee your head popped in the stop of the jeep that had pulled up to the front of the hangar you were seated outside of while the soldiers swapped out Blackhowls. Those were inside of the shelter keeping the aircraft being inspected while you ran a check on the temporary parts to see how they were lasting.
Sleep hadn’t been coming easily lately while what was seemed a fruitless search of the bottom of the oceans for Odin’s brother Vili’s ship lost in battle had come to fruition. Creatures you had created scoured the ocean to find it and over the past night had coated it entirely to gently remove the coral and habitats the animals living there had been grateful for the kind removal of the metal structure that once gone allowed them a prompt return into their shifted homes to adjust to the change.
For the past few days being hauled by twin humpback whales the warped wreckage and its parts the squids who cleared the wreckage on the bottom of the ocean had left inside the belly of the ship.
Out of the jeep two soldiers hopped out to cross the open stretch of asphalt to head for the building across the way while the second set of Blackhowls were still being maneuvered around only making you groan and plop back over the stretch of cement above the step you were seated upon. Uncertain winds that couldn’t make up their mind on which way to blow turned themselves around again tilting more than a few hats and hairdos in the lay of your arms over your face to block out the sun.
Every mile was shared by the whales to where they had agreed to haul it to before being welcomed to explore the oceans at their whims. They just had to get it close enough for you to be able to fetch it and tonight haul it to the same garage that held Eddie’s VW bus while it was being remodeled.
Elliot before the semester would kick off had promised to travel out here to document the discovery alongside an expert who would carbon date the ship and take a full set of scans to turn into models for a new exhibit to be finished soon for unveiling in Norway. And widely within the press thanks to whispers and notes of progress of your search word of Vili’s ship lost in an epic battle straight out of legends coming soon at least in spirit to be displayed.
Any and all tokens found of your culture were always boasted about endlessly, and now with clear sighting of Prince Thor and the Warriors Three and Lady Sif there also came hope of a trip one day the Asgardians would come to tour and see all that had been dug up. What you could see so far however did not give much hope on it being anything spectacular, though all they could hope that underneath the crusty outer layer there could be some sort of metallic shell to be solid enough to display.
“I see they’re taking their sweet time,” Rhodey teased making you shift your arms to see him standing at your feet.
“Just being careful of the winds. You good today?” You asked making him chuckle, “I know I called you really early.”
“Ya,” he said moving to sit down beside you on the steps as you sat up, “Time doesn’t matter, you said you found something I need to see?”
Out of your bag you had settled beside you was a stack of papers that you settled onto his lap showing a sonar scan on the top page, “I’ve been searching out a ship that was lost in an old Norse legendary battle.” You said gaining a nod from him before he looked over what seemed to be a map of sorts of what could be seen of a seafloor level bunker. “Found these so far in the recovery, just outside of Australia’s sovereignty borders,” his lips parted in the flip of the page to show a sonar scribble formed echo image of the structure.
“They have these symbols though that Misique found in an allegiance for Communist figures, think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen style,” you said making him look at your face. “Different menacing characters who go here, the growth on this entrance seems to not have been agitated in a good while but we have little research on the effects of the growth of these plant life breeds so deep in the ocean. Though I will say,” you said turning to the next page, “This symbol is self evident of what they’re up to.”
“They’re messing with radiation,” he muttered to himself and switched between the pages to see more in depth scans of the perimeter and notes on possible points of entrance that had been used recently due to change of plant life. “And Misique got these?’ he asked and you nodded to him, “She get a better location on this?”
You turned the top page over gaining a relieved breath out from him at the coordinates and information there, “On the back here. There is one thing though,” you said showing him a printout of that area of the ocean floor on a sonar scan zoomed out a bit more with x’s on three locations nearby. “There’s three Titan nests in that area due to the energy the place is letting off.”
“Proceed with caution, got it. Don’t want to go waking these babies up.”
“Or you could,” you said, making him smirk as you added, “Wake them up then Godzilla gets to meet them and blows the base up in the crossfire. Or not, but I thought you should know when I saw the scans. Could have sworn there was a series of regulations and orders on controlling said practices regarding everything nuclear.”
“Oh there are. You did the right thing. Take it Misique didn’t mind taking spare scans of the place?”
“No, her whales got curious, they’re towing the ship closer for her to swim out and fetch it for me,”
“So, whales took these?”
“She put scanners on them, humanely, pop right off, not like cows and ear tags. So they can be traced and scan the way there and back for us. You’d be surprised at how much marine life dwells around sunken ships and structures lost in the ocean.”
“Wow, well this is pretty urgent, I’m gonna get this on a General’s desk today so we can start to plan. I hate to leave fast, but you knew this was urgent to wake me up, and I will check in on you and ship watch later on.” He said and you nodded in his urgent rise to his feet to flag down a passing jeep to get a ride after his had dropped him off.
This news was urgent and at least a tiny bit you hoped that since you had thrown them this bone the military wouldn’t demand custody of your ship. Asgardians were seen now as aliens to those outside those who practiced the Norse faith and a ship of theirs located could only be seen as a weapon and something to take apart and be used to build newer less breakable ships. All you could hope would be that they can’t touch your skills on aircraft and might let you work on it all the same while they draw a blank on how to fix or operate it. Either that or hope they wouldn’t care to bother with it if it came up a mangled wreck how it seemed on the scans.
The wait didn’t take too much longer and with the usual confirmation of deposit of hourly funds they paid their own engineers you were off home again to change and handle the rest of your business for the day.
Breather you had made in hand in a simple wetsuit from Queens to Brooklyn you walked, to shockingly leap for onlookers off a rail beside a walkway that fed under the Brooklyn Bridge. The last motion they saw was Misique tucking her hair up into a swim cap for what would be an unsettling three hours for the crowd that had gathered at the spot luring more and more attention by the minute.
Deep beneath the surface following the mental conference with your bees on how far more to go to meet up with the whales. Down in the darkness on just sound and feel of vibration at this depth when the sea level had dropped away you avoided fish and other marine life who each took turns to look your glittering eyed self passing them by. 35 miles out to sea, not just in sights of the whales a curious band of sharks watched your tiny self take hold of the chords that freed the duo to slip away to follow their whims. Around your torso the chords were woven into a harness and to stop the slump of the wreckage from sinking again back from where you came you kicked to continue the task of bringing the ship home.
Far easier than it would be, had you not had enhanced strength, the struggle against the currents and desire to sink again from the ship up to view of the shoreline and sea floor came back into a reachable distance that would grant you a small bit of rest. Once there at least when your feet planted grip of the chords were taken to hoist the ship up onto your bent arms to just walk the ship to shore.
Above the surface notice of a figure under the surface stirred excited gasps from the crowd let out when the ship broke into view. Step after step arms then a head and torso after came into view for the confused crowd who had waited in the growing start of rain that had the sea of umbrellas divide when you leapt up to rest a foot atop the fence.
There you leapt off of to get to the nearest bus stop in a sea of flashes to post online Misique had found a sunken ship for some purpose. Cross legged atop the bus and subway train you kept hold of the ship on both of your bent forearms locked over your head to keep it level and secure.
Around you the storm grew stronger to the point there was a sheet of rain that street lights and signs were just barely able to be seen by the cars passing by who each had to slow down to see what was being carried. Pops sounded and dims of buildings that began to flicker in fluctuations of power to adjust to the storm affecting the power lines and supply helped your slip inside the garage.
Thanks to the storm there was little need to craft a speedy getaway. So slipping out around the corner once the ship was secured in its weight bearing mounts you walked to wiggle out of the wetsuit and swim cap to add those to a hidden bag to swap the rubber soled diving shoes to your knee high socks and boots. Left underneath the wetsuit were your shorts and tank top joined by an open flannel that Eddie had given you he’d grown out of. Up to the elbow the sleeves were rolled up as you secured the breather and mask into the bag to head back to the garage and get started.
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With a camera and bees timed to perfection a car was heard pulling up during your initial photographs, outside the frame of which rose the experts who came to inspect the ship. Wide eyed the burly men, now moved to fan out around the ship, stood in awe of the piece of history before them. Elliot around them came to your side with a grin stating, “Sorry we are late, some sort of commotion on the Brooklyn Bridge.”
“Oh that might have been Misique,” you said widening his grin, “Took a bit longer to fetch the ship with the currents and she just dropped it off.”
“This seems sturdy,” one of the men finally said to break the silence and you gave them a nod.
“Seems in good shape, one of the wings is broken off though, the other detached to help with transport,” you said guiding them to help you guide the strapped down wings that were inside the hull of the ship. “Looks like they attach on the sides here,” on the back end of the ship clear mounts with arms mechanisms that had broken or seemed to be burned off had them in agreement.
“I suppose we should get to the scan first,” another of the five said to begin a shift around the ship atop the wheeled mount the others helped to move out so every angle could be scanned. And for the five minutes the scan took inside the erected plastic sheet tent the lasers took measurements and images of all the details possible, including images of the detached wings on stands to the side they could add digitally to the model later.
30 feet long and 12 across with ten foot high wings that seemed to be locked on one while the other expanded to a good 8 feet wide the ship was nothing to scoff at and had them wonder all the more at how lucky you were to find it at all buried at the bottom of the ocean.
Eagerly however Elliot helped you up with a cup of his hands to climb inside, arguably the smallest of them to walk through the still damp hull they hoped to not fall out. All to share details of the floor or anything else that could be discovered inside.
“Um, not much to see here,” you said moving to the back to find the long handle that fed out the back wall of the ship, “This seems like a rudder.” Around the base of a leaf shaped crusty loop on the end of it your hand planted only to retract in the sting you felt leaving you staring at the trickle of blood out of the bit of skin between your thumb and index finger. “Gonna have to buff that out,” you said lowering your hand careless of the blood you wiped on the bottom of your shorts to nudge with the back of your curled fingers the handle.
“That is the rudder,” one of the men exclaimed urging him and another to duck down and film with a flashlight the motion of the fins on the back that moved to the motion of the handle. The motion resulting of the stubborn layer coating the ship was more than enough to hope something could be salvaged for eventual display. To your ears and Elliot’s after the blood had been nipped out of your hand a hum began to spread through the ship, as if it had been intended to do that after all.
Steps around the hull floor crunched in the brittle shift of the crust coating it proved that there was a secure base under the outer coating still holding strong. Out of your back pocket a screw driver was brought to tap the rounded handle along the walls until a seam suddenly appeared and you said, “Oh,” causing all their heads to pop out over the ship walls they had each been inspecting on the outer sides for any hint of the metal underneath.
“Oh?” three asked followed by Elliot’s masked aloof question of, “Find something?”
“Looks like a hatch,” you said urging cameras to be aimed inside the ship with spare flashlights to ignite the struggle to bring back the door you hoped to not break off in the faked wrestle with the water lodged hinge on the otherwise effortlessly opened door.
“It’s a pocket,” you said dipping lower on your knees to reach inside finding a chain wound up one of the men squeaked out excitedly to take hold of and film once it was on the ground outside as the others watched your arm dip into the hold again, with face scrunching up in a try to wiggle something loose. “Something’s stuck,” you said manhandling a shaft on something to the air stilling snap that was heard widening everyone’s eyes as it locked upright. A crack from the center of the hull however revealed a seam that had you creep back and again with screwdriver from your pocket to scrape loose the two by two foot hatches that flung back to reveal a set of gear like circles of an odd metal.
“It’s like a clock,” you muttered in Swedish then looked to Elliot in his throat clearing.
“Perhaps there’s another switch,” he suggested and watched you look from the open hatch to the pocket in the wall you eyed and went to the other wall across from it to tap out the twin door.
Cameras were adjusted to spare streams of light and from the second a sharp gasp was found in the discovery of a spare set of daggers you handed over with more chains until you could find the switch that once pulled upright had the gear like circles begin to rise from the center of the opening in the hull.
Water out of the openings of realigning metal rings spilled out over the hull and all of you in the rise of a mast as you scrambled back against the wall of the ship. Not entirely solid as the arm that came out of it to secure the tattered sail, topped by a banner displaying Vili’s sigil as son of former Allfather Bor, seemed to be almost bitten off while the sail once there was painfully slashed and left to burned strips.
“What’s that on the sail?” One of the men asked tilting their head luring your focus to the mast. Around it you walked to find a set of footholds you used to carefully climb up to get to the broken arm.
“Hold the sail out, best you can,” one of the men said and for the film the image on both sides were recorded as best as possible around the slashes followed by one where you held out the top flag then climbed down again.
“Wonder how the hull is,” you muttered. “I think I can wiggle down the side.”
“Here, waterproof case,” one of the men said offering you a camera and light to wiggle around the side of the mast to drop into the sizeable belly halfway full of water that came up to your chest.
“How does it look?” Elliot asked as you looked around.
Singes across the roof and walls had you call back, “Looks like there was a fire down here. Singes, can’t see the floor there’s water down here.”
Towards the back you got a view of the top portion of the just cube of an engine that had you turn around and go towards the front to pause in the shift of something under your foot. The echo of the sharp inhale you took had their questions of what you found muffle under the dingy frigid water you dropped into. Under the water you reached out to pat your hand against the rough floor and pulled a broken spear that over the water in the flicker of the light you tried to inspect it to the sound of water droplets falling off your head and hair. “Found a broken spear,” you called out and heard their excited chatter as you eyed the spot you had come from, readying to crouch then jump up to grab the ground around the mast to pull yourself and all the things up.
Mid wiggle to kneel back on the deck you tried not to focus on the drip of discolored water off your every inch. “Can’t make heads of the back end though, got to be a case around the rudder or wing controls. Just a giant cube, or at least the top of one, can’t see under the water.”
One of the men chuckled and stated, “This is far more than we anticipated. There is some exposed metal on the hatch doors we can test, same as these objects found inside,” and hopefully another of the men asked, “Were you wanting to keep these with the ship?”
“Oh, you can take them, I don’t think they are pieces to the ship.” You answered widening their grins to have items possibly belonging to Vili for the exhibit from the ship. “I have a bilge pump over there, then we can give it another go,” you said pointing out the pump system the guys helped you to ease the hose across the hull to start the pump to bring out the water to be ran over a sifter for any other bits to be found. While that worked two of the men got to scanning the metal on the doors after having scanned the chain, daggers and spear to add even more details to the notes of this discovery. A few more hatches were found and one more scan was taken to finish off the details possible.
Before long the group were off to get back to the hotel to begin compiling the information to ready for their flight home the following day after another check on the ship tomorrow in case of any new tidbits could be discovered. Elliot however lingered behind with a creeping grin. “I do apologize on not allowing you to discover that second hatch on your own, but if I hadn’t then they tend to burst into flames.”
“Ah, not good then,” you said making him chuckle.
“Not good at all. Does seem to be missing a panel or two.” He said patting a hand on the weakened stretch of hull that had been coated off by the crust of sea life.
“What is with the cube in the belly?”
“That is a protective shield over the powering mechanisms, they will open up when you are alone. The bite you felt was the internal systems linking to your genetic makeup. These models can be quite finicky. Once lost at sea do rush to bond with another pilot and mechanic. For its benefit gladly you are both in one body.”
“So, it won’t let others touch it?”
“In any significant manor no, all repairs and orders within battle will be from you and none can steal it away even on the wheeled stand.” You nodded and he rested a hand on your arm, “You did well, letting them keep what you have, will be more than enough to keep them sated in learning about those. And they all seem innocent enough, run of the mill weapons unlike Eir-Gram so very little risk of any trouble arising from their inspection.” His eyes swept over your face as you looked over the ship. “You will do just fine in repairing this craft, however you will be required to name it.”
“My mother had an old dingy we named Eldfalls,” you said making him smirk at the Swedish name for Firefalls, “I think I’ll continue the name for her.” To the words the ship began to hum again and up the mast a ripple of colors spread to form a second triangular sail that in Old Norse bore your name in runes. “Oh I don’t think the guys will find that funny, they come back tomorrow and see that new flag.”
Elliot chuckled and stated, “The flag will hide itself from the mortals. Only those who are of our kind shall be able to read the runes to share who is master of the craft. Smaller skiffs, I should share lack the masts, as I have shared I was a stone mason on Asgard, but each child must complete training courses and I have piloted my fair hours. I made a compilation of all I can recall on the makeup of the smaller skiffs.”
“How much smaller are they?”
“Not much, few yards at least, and there are no masts, piloted entirely by the rudder control with the inner handle able to control speed, just like a motorcycle rotate to adjust that and the angle controls both the nose of the ship and angle of each side. These models from what I have learned of them have other controls in hidden levers within the raised section of flooring within the pilot’s seat you can discover later.”
“These models are just older than what you were allowed to use?” You asked accepting the notebook he had offered you to look through together.
“Only Nobles trained on these models, far more temperamental than those the masses are able to pilot. The sails add to their difficulty and aid in control during storms or with foe who use electrical weapons. Repairing that may prove to be the most difficult part aside from the hull damage. Though most craft are able to keep aloft quite well even with significant damage. What I heard it was the mast that brought this down.”
“Suppose I should get started on the barnacles and crust first. Screw driver shouldn’t go through the metal should it?”
“Oh no,” he said rolling up his sleeves to help you begin removing the crust, “No there are no metals on this planet able to pierce the hull. Now if you were to modify a blowtorch then that could shape panels to adhere to the hull for the gaps, you cannot wound this any worse than it already is. Spare chisel?” he asked making you grin at his acceptance of the spare you offered him along with the stool beside your own. A bucket of solution you mixed up to help break down the crust and glue barnacles made to stay on was uncovered to be spread gradually tiny spot by spot to make little if at all progress by hours end when Eddie had arrived fresh off of work after having heard of Misique’s claim of a sunken ship.
��Who am I? Where am I?’ Both were followed up by the utterance of ‘Not Again’ as you found yourself in darkness and silence once again. Just a moment confusion and lack of answers came in the moment of consciousness with a try to recall how you had found yourself here. Keys in hand, you were on the way up the stairs of your apartment building sensing something was wrong same as when you had set Project Insight off. The world had gone silent all at once.
Someone you scared had come back and now kneeling within what seemed to be a block of metal, arms pinned in a square behind your back, out of the side of the block your head was locked in the same position due to a metal collar around your neck.
Painfully an IV was pumping something in your vein trying to blur your clear headedness to the vivid chill that spread over every inch of your skin being trapped in the dark silence again. Over your eyes a visor was locked on bands that linked to sound muffs surrounding your ears only launching you back to that deprivation bag the Red Room had trapped you inside. The memory began to blur just as soon as you’d grasped the recollection of a similar event but not how you had escaped it. You knew you broke out of it.
This was too different to be the same, “Something, something about stairs,” you muttered to yourself trying to remember what you just had seen to another painful surge of the liquid into your neck.
“Don’t touch me,” you squeaked weakly in the sudden creep of what felt to be a fingertip out of your now glowing hair that ran down the side of your face and neck into the block down to your hand that began to glimmer with the beginnings of yellow mist. Instantly the slam of what felt to be a spike through your skull had you cry out in pain jolting up that memory again.
This pain, you knew this pain.
“Don’t touch me,” you tried to choke out again and again in staggered tries for air to the surge of force behind that scream building that split it between frequencies the louder it grew in the increase of pain.
Bees. Buzzing and wild coating your every inch of skin electromagnetic glowing yellow bees inside the trembling stone buried cell flooded every spare inch of that cell. To coat and wriggle as close as possible over that cube you were trapped inside of. Sharing body heat to increase and increase temperatures until a crack was formed and out of your skin and down to it bees shot to tear the cube apart taking the bindings on your legs and arms with it.
Upright and still screaming latched in your worst nightmare instantly your hands latched onto the collar that again tried to pump more amnesia inducing medication into your neck while bees all over your head planted to snap the headgear off. Carefully from the outside bees dove to disable the medication system controls and wriggled to spread in deeper to aid in the split of the collar, too wide for you to grip in full, so that you could grasp the inner most ring to tear it off of your skin to fall a mangled mess to the ground.
Up into a group of bees your fingers rose to freeze against the backs of a small swarm who split up to allow your fingers through. None of them taking the confusion personally as it was linked to the medication and moment of panic. Your strength and the heat had the visor split in three parts to hit the ground for a moment of clarity, confusion absolutely, but wide eyed was of sight and sound with freedom of motion inside a swirling sea of bees.
Off their backs splinters of light to the echo of their voices flooding inside of your head easing gently back the events of the day to follow focus on voices of those who were at the top to alert you to the located seams there. And a step was taken to line up between the seams to the lull of panting breaths your bees were swarming in patterned spirals to aid in timing breaths to that would help to anchor your anxiety with their supportive numbers. Tight in a spiral staircase they joined to help you reach the lit seam as your fingers dropped to one of your hidden pockets to bring out your heated coil of wire that one of your bees upon finding a hinge guided through the opening and down again to slice through the hinge.
Free of armor in just a rust stained pair of jeans with opening slices to your shorts lined with sheaths and a simple tank top pinned by a sheath lined vest under an open yellow and black flannel with boots and tall socks stained with water and minerals freed from scraping more off your ship whatever was on the other side of this door would have to be ready for you. Because after how you had woken up to the dry of the trickle of blood from the IV location on your neck a fierce look cemented on your face as you readied for anything, readied to kill whoever to get free and ensure they never tried this again.
Hard and fast with a plant of a palm on the hatch it was thrown back and up into an open dull brown stone hall you were lifted to take a first step onto the ground. All around the hatch three bodies slowly seeping blood out of the available openings on their heads laid dead clearly to scans of your bees having been liquefied internally due to your screams sure to have the insides of their metal suits a bloody mess if removed for their burial.
Heavy footfalls came to a stop in the now silent hall to the still of your bees who lined the walls to try and get a hint of the makeup of this place by vibrations like sonar. And in the dull of your glowing hair and eyes you took in the two apparently male figures who froze in place before taking joint steps slowly as if approaching a wild beast they wished to contain.
On the left a tall muscular purple skinned and eyed one in golden and black armor to the neck, bald with sharply tipped ears who spoke as you eyed his companion. That one pale grayish white skin who seemed the upright offspring of Gollum and ET with out a nose and a spindly arch to his torso not making a squawk from the creature unlikely in his bird like thin legs to match his arms with talon like fingers curling around what looked to be guns. His pointed ears shifted to the sound of a few of your bees buzzing and the steady voice of his companion.
“You are the source of those screams. The one who has slain my crew.” A smirk ghosting across his lips as he continued, “I am Thane, son of Thanos, state by state, country by country I will claim this world as a gift for my father when he returns here. And you will be a prime choice of Herald for his wrath to reign over the children of this realm who will be shaped in his image. Join me, a creature as powerful as you should only bend its knee to one truly worthy. A God.” A bit wider his smirk bled into a confident smile at your lack of motion and he asked, “What is your name, so I might know you better formidable stranger?”
“My name is Pluto Lagertha Sigyndottir,” you said and ever so slightly the lips on the yet to be named Ebony Maw parted in recognition of the moniker making him uncertain if having two plasma blasters in his palms were a benefit or hindrance to his survival of this introduction. “And when this Thanos arrives on this planet he will find his son’s bones scattered on the wind.”
Sudden out of your boot Eir-Gram shot into your palm exploding with energy to engulf you three inside the Edge realm while you leapt forward to slam it straight through the dead center of Ebony Maw’s chest where either his heart or spine should be. Farther back than Thane, who in Maw’s collapse when the blade was drawn back could barely turn his head fast enough to see you pivot on foot. The hilt in your palm was adjusted around to align the blade to slice it up between his legs to his collarbone where it lodged in the casing of a crystal imbedded on the chest of his suit causing you to draw back the blade. To the right you swung it to lop his head off, halting it straight out on your right to again shift hold to turn your body and blade to face the still bleeding downed and armed threat.
Shaky breaths from the collapsed Maw had your body ready with blade raised in one hand that came to rest in front of your face on top of your curved finger and against the fingertip that ensured it would not swing into your face for how suddenly it had to come to a stop. Wide eyed on the ground just seconds he had while mentally he reeled trying to be able to move something, anything on his body. Mentally however his prowess while paralyzed physically still thrived so right to his Master’s side, father of the son you had just clove in three, he teleported to a bloody heap to be stared at by Thanos to share what became of his bastard son.
Sharply you let out a breath in the wane of the Edge realm to the shrink of the sword you lowered to your side to look around the hall. Another hatch inside of this flying shielded blimp a bit further down the hall another living being was found on scans to be locked up as you had been. Off the walls every bee as you sheathed Eir-Gram back into the side of your boot released their hold to fly around you, a group of bees who made their own outer shells which across your face linked to form a mask so you could light up again. Off the hinge you tore the hatch door in the ground to free shouts from Elijah Bradley, who you hurried down to have your bees free his head so you could help to remove the IV and help to remind him who he is and to know that he would be helped home safely.
He was stunned to say the least and outside the second hatch found he watched Misique to free Danielle Cage who was shouting as she currently tried to wriggle herself free as you had who took less effort with her inherited healing abilities to wear the compound out of her system.
More hatches however revealed James Rhodes’ daughter and Clint’s three children and wife to have apparently kept in a means to restrict actions of those stolen from by means of ransom. Down to the lowest hatch you led them to a launch ramp for flying craft to exit as you heard the loop of the broadcast Thane had been sending out through New York miles below the blimp.
Bumble Balls. Straight out of the sky straight out of the 90’s metal replicas of the throwback toy just rained across the state of New York to both launch darts into necks of adults as arms snatched up children. Confused to an alarm that had his heart thumping Eddie woke up at the bottom of a staircase finding himself being drug by Venom’s slug like self after the dart had zapped the two apart. To a toolbox Venom drug him. And in a goopy curve of a hand a screwdriver was brandished for a second all the more startling introduction to the Symbiote who dug the dart out of Eddie’s neck then snaked himself inside of his chosen host to heal the injuries and remind him of who was missing and the task at hand. Contact after contact through the silent state Vigilante’s amongst your allies were rallied up with darts removed to feel complete fury surge through their veins when two of your closest like Venom were missing children in their families.
‘Resistance is futile’, the words repeated over every screen for the confused adults who had no inkling on who they were or who was stolen. Obey or the children would never be returned. Serve Thane son of Thanos or perish. Children were told to have been taken and due to the amnesia seemed a terrible plan as no one felt a bond to said supposed stolen children. Inhumans in metal armored suits somewhat like Iron man clones on patrol however were the sparking decision for those who found themselves physically capable to pick up arms and rally in numbers. Avengers, civilians, soldiers, first responders, criminals and Vigilante alike in chosen divisions flooded the streets to fight and win back whoever was taken and show they would not give in.
All under watch of Black Bolt who stood in wait with one of his T-Bombs to awaken even more Inhumans who he hoped to help take control of the humans and allow them to stop living in shadows.
“You’ve been zip-lining before?” you asked as the group looked from the slide you had made of bees off the open hatch on the blimp. Nods were your answer while they all tried not to fidget in the path of bees across their chests like harnesses to keep them from blowing off the slide that fed to the lot of a strip mall. “Well it’s kind of like zip-lining.”
In pairs with the younger kids the older ones and Clint’s wife kept hold of them to slide down while standing to the parking lot. And once there she muttered, “I have to find my husband,” hearing the commotion of the revolting forces blocks away.
Over the lot your eyes scanned and you saw each of the vehicles abandoned around the area and pointed at a suv in the bunch, “That one by the planter, wait in it. Not sure he would know who you are. But it’s bullet proof and I’ll send him your way when I find him. Keep her close,” you said and Rhodey’s daughter took hold of your arm looking up at you from her place barely up to your ribs.
“I want my Daddy and Mommy.”
“I’m gonna find your dad,” and for a moment you hunched forward saying, “And if he doesn’t know you at first it just takes a while for the medicine to get out of their system if I can’t make him remember first. Alright?” She nodded and you eased her closer to the other kids who made room for her in a turn to go and seal themselves in the suv after you passed Clint’s wife a button sized mechanism, “That’ll open and seal the doors. One of SHIELD’s tank on wheels, should have food under the back seat in a ‘secret hatch’ nobody is supposed to know about.” That gave a slight brighter mood to the hideaway as there were snacks waiting for them.
Elijah kept close to your side as Danielle asked, “What’s the plan?”
“Sports shop in the strip, we can grab some bats, or, golf clubs if they haven’t raided it all.”
Elijah said in a glance at your face, “Your mask is splitting up.”
“Ya, bees get tired after a while, took a chunk of energy to free me and build their shells.”
“Masks too then,” he said and watched you pull out a lock picking kit from under the back of your waistband. “Odd, no one broke into these shops.”
“Oh, racists fucks,” Danielle said at the head shake worthy sight of a wall of hate symbols and flags paired with models donning outfits in what seemed to be a throwback to how Abercrombie and Fitch when President Roosevelt used to shop there. Sporting goods for upper class clients with common sports crammed all the way on the other end of the shop that were all sold out making you sigh and head for the backroom of the shop where you had to tear open a crate of bats you and Dani took a couple as Elijah shouldered a duffel bag of baseballs.
“Might not have super strength but I got a fast ball that can make a grown man flinch.” He said making you smirk. On the way out however he tapped your arm pointing at a wall of masks for a supposed marketed game themed after The Most Dangerous Game, the mock human hunting paintball tournament with masks to be assigned as sold to players. “They got masks.”
Aside from the low visibility ones higher up with antlers Dani was the one to pick the three for you, “Bunnies. I want the brown one, looks just like my Jellybean,” she said taking up the graying brown one she tied into place on her face.
“I want the white, help you see where I am,” Elijah said and you collected the black one that covered from hairline to your nose enabling your bees to crawl into your hair to lock onto the ribbons to secure it in place as they rested. “Let’s go find our families,” he said confidently and now with matching masks and similar boot, jean and flannel outfits out you went closing up behind you to sneak your way through the streets to where you could be the most effective.
Shotgun blasts from Frank Castle were a great magnet for focus to see how much damage if any could be done to the metal suits that out of everyone only the Caps’ shields and the Ironman suits could do any damage at all.
A whistle however turned the head of one of the Inhumans who was aiming his blaster ended arm at Cage soon followed by a baseball that crashed into his face cover almost knocking him over as the Inhuman beside the target flinched away lowering his weapon as well. A newspaper box torn off the ground was next to fly into those two that had Cage and Castle both chuckle in amusement until they followed the path of where the box came from to see two bunny masked figures leap out of nowhere with bats to slam into hovering Inhumans knocking them hard into craters in the street.
Right away dart and drug free Cage gasped and wide eyed stated, “That’s, my girl. That’s my baby girl!” the second sentence he growled to Venom’s shrill screech in glee that you were now visible and within swinging reach. Dents and splinters of the glass face shields spread to every attack you and Dani set off between baseballs that adults tossed back his way seeing how he darted from hiding place to hiding place luring his grandfather straight to his side to help him with cover.
“You will fall, you will all fall!” was heard to the soft groan from yourself. Having been blasted with an electrical ball of energy into the side of a bus now caved in that had you drop from the second wall you hit to your forearms and knees on a hovering layer of bees in a sea of shredded debris that would have hurt you more. “We shall rise and claim this world as our own! A world belonging to Inhumans, a just world!”
A foot at a time planted in the start of your twitch filled rise up again to a ripple of lingering spark streams around your body that in a grimace you forced your mind to focus on anything but the pain. Much like the odd shift of the sky, like tops of towers of crystals or a kaleidoscope that shifted narrowing your eyes, “The mirror realm,” the Ancient One said on your left causing you to groan and drop to a knee in a surge of pain and electricity you had been ignoring and now noticed again. “Apologies,” she said in a move to tap her grouped fingertips to various spots on your torso and arms to drain the energy that let you free a puff of air from your lungs in relief.
“Thank you,” you sighed in a rise up again.
“We managed to confine the armored ones in this realm so the world will be safe once they are neutralized, all the children have been located and are being monitored.”
“Roughly, could say there’s been a surge of your attention needed since I moved to town,” you said making her chuckle to herself as you jumped out of the side of the bus luring a scowl across the face of Black Bolt.
“Not in the least,” she said then summoned a portal to help another while you sped off to help Dani by tearing a water pump out to help send a jolt of water to rebound off the metal slope she was using to re-funnel electrical blasts elsewhere.
A three note whistle from the crowd lured your eyes to Cooper who was pinned down by a trio of Inhumans who were set on blasting at him and his niece May behind a marble statue growing smaller by the moment.
The tune turning Black Widow’s head at some sort of familiarity only to watch a pistol be flung your way to his shout, “Five shots.” And to his relief once it planted in your bat free hand five shots both direct and rebounded helped to grant them cover to race for a new hiding spot. Over his shoulder in a speeding race you leapt dropping the gun in his reach to bash the Inhumans that dared to attack him. Right off their bodies the suits were torn enough to allow flesh to be targeted by others as the hair on your body stood up in a telling prickle of the shift of atoms.
Something about that Bolt’s voice had you on edge and now he was inhaling deeply urging your hand to drop into an opening in your jeans to bring out and hurl a dagger that sliced the side of his adam’s apple. Not enough to damage his armor there but enough to have him turn to face you as you raced his way. Blast after blast he tried to launch attacks at your petite self racing towards him. He expected the bat, but when you hurled it at the face shield of one aimed at Cage and his wife Jessica now covering their daughter’s back in her continued efforts on the blast funnel to kill that foe they didn’t notice all Black Bolt could do was gasp in fear as to what you would do to him.
Brilliantly glowing in an explosive aura all your own a barrier formed behind you as on echoes of those screams of yours Godzilla out of the water had risen and glowing himself let out a beam of energy. Between pillars surrounding people on your side barriers washed the energy to melt away the armor on the Inhumans. Who to the ground collapsed under rain of dust off of Mothra’s wings of incurable toxins that for a terrifying few minutes until your barriers dropped had them die in a gruesome slump while their powers no matter what they were failed to harm others or heal themselves.
Venom with a web sling tapped off the water pump to let Dani drop the metal in her hands before you were wrapped up in a tight hug by your excited brother during the moments of quiet before eruptions of cheers. “Hey, what’s your name?” a man close to you asked having tapped you on the arm, as amongst the others with darts in their necks none recognized who you were as you were a child, either of your identities seemed to fall under this side effect.
Though behind you elatedly Elijah said, “Come on man, that’s Misique! Just didn’t have time to grab her bee mask.”
And the man turned to his group of friends he had woken up with who were all wearing the same shirts from a team reunion, “Three cheers for Misique!” Miles voices and glee carried on as you caught glimpses of pleased Sorcerers while you crossed under Venom’s arm to your friends who were beyond pleased you got there as fast as you had in the setting of the sun.
“Still got a baseball?” you asked Elijah and accepted his smirking toss of a ball your way to hop up onto Venom’s shoulder to throw it into Hawkeye’s back turning him around to see you wave him over. Curiously he split from the Avengers who apparently uncertain of who they were had chosen average tactical suits instead of their usual battle suits causing them to turn and watch him ease through the crowd and stop a few feet away when you hopped down. “There’s an suv with your family and Rhodey’s little girl in it over on Easterly and Helm in the lot by the strip mall.”
“My family,” he muttered and turned to shout to Rhodey, “Rhodey! Bunny girl found our families!” and even without knowing who they were something inside of him caused him to turn and sprint off in the direction you stated drawing the team and other SHIELD members to sprint after him. More bodies at the name of where hidden children might be joined the group to be channeled through portals into hospitals and event centers. There medical teams were in wait to help remove the darts and help to direct them to where their children had been held and kept busy in their absence in the day long oddity safe from harm and shockingly boredom.
“Daddy!” was shouted and even confused Rhodey couldn’t get himself to put the girl in his arms down he walked to follow the guiding words of Cooper who said they should get the kids checked out to be safe sending them off to the nearest hospital.
“Where’d you wake up?” Venom asked in the casual stroll your group took through a portal the Ancient One opened for you to the same open park that was safe from the battle you had left behind.
“Some sort of shielded blimp. Bees put it down in Jersey and broke the shielding tech. Oh, apparently some prick named Thanos is coming to Earth, hacked his son Thane into three pieces.”
“Good,” Luke said now holding his hungry and tired daughter on his back and gave your back a pat, “Thank you, for finding my girl.”
“I think we were the spare incentive, it was us three and Clint and Rhodey’s kids and Clint’s wife, guessing she’s pregnant or wouldn’t let them go why they had her.”
Isaiah said, “Well you certainly showed up in time,” and he glanced back at Mothra who circled over the clearly safe city the mirror realm could not bar them from entering to follow your screams for help. “So did they, seem happier. Managed to get into a computer bit ago, apparently dozens of them started to act up, guessing when you got taken.”
“Well SHIELD will have their hands full with these Inhumans if those weren’t all of them.” You said and dished out hugs and handshakes in the split of your group to each head back home while Venom named the way home to have a clear spot to shift back.
“Woke up and Buddy was dragging me from the stairs to the toolbox,” Eddie said entering your building, having taken a few moments longer at fetching your keys from under his helpfully disguising baggy hoodie he leaned you to cover your once yellow now stained flannel. “Stabbed me in the neck to get the IV out. Tell me you didn’t have one of those.”
“My oranges,” you said, bending to pick up your net bag of oranges beside the paper bag of fruit you lifted off the landing between flights of stairs to continue up to your apartment as he grabbed the takeout bags he had been carrying that you’d warm up once inside your place. “Had a collar actually for mine, locked me in some soft of metal cube that didn’t let me move with a visor and ear muffs.”
“Oh no,” he sighed outside your door answered only by your tearful nod. “You must’ve gave them hell.”
“Must’ve.” You said and locked the door behind you to head for your fridge to start on a recipe you meant to start on that morning. That upon settling the dish on the table with others he had whipped and heated up far simpler to go with the reheated takeout you said, “Something about the sauce, they’re supposed to be beef patties, but now they’re like those crumbly beef burgers.”
“No complaints here. Extra tots coming your way,” he said. Making you smile at pouring more on your plate. To be topped with chili and cheese as you served him some of the beef on toasted grilled cheeses for a late night craving sort of snack you had been wanting to try for weeks now and had gotten to now that there was a decent selections of peppers in the store for the meat patties.
Pt 26
@jesevans, @lilith15000, @devilishminx328, @theincaprincess​, @jiminapickle
13 notes · View notes
The World of the Dead
Disclaimer: No one owns Loki; he’s just a hot pain in my sass. No one owns Sif, Frigg or Hel. I don’t own Marvel or Viacom. Mythological similarities are mostly coincidental.
A/N: Part 6 of the Sigyn Timeline of the Duchess Series, (find masterlist here)! Still looking for a beta for future chapters, so if you’re interested, hit me up
Series Warnings: Loki/fem!reader. Reader has nickname and backstory but no physical description. Language; panty theft, masturbation, cunnilingus, fingering, public nudity; drinking; seismophobia. Warnings will be added as the series goes on. I’m considering adding additional pairings with other characters. Let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in.
Series Summary: This series begins during Thor (2011) and generally follows along that plot. After Loki’s visit to the SHIELD encampment, the timeline branches
Timeline Warnings: Pregnancy, torture, Odin being his usual shitty self, violence toward/gruesome death of children, character death, imprisonment, fluff, smut, vaginal intercourse (m/f), public sex
Timeline Summary: This timeline follows the Sacred Timeline through the end of Thor (2011), at which point you’re stranded on Asgard until the end of Avengers/beginning of Dark World
Chapter Summary: Queen Frigg enlightens you about your situation; you and Loki make a visit to the underworld
Word Count: 1996
For the next week your dandelion seed remains stagnant. It’s as though it’s mocking you. True to your promise, you take it with you everywhere, pulling it from its vial whenever you have a free moment.
A stormy afternoon finds you perched at your desk, which you’ve shifted for a better view of your balcony and the city beyond. You’ve been familiarizing yourself with the runes and require the dictionary less often.
2 Days Past First Quarter Moon, Heyannir, 60 Winters Past Victory Over Jötunheimr
Yesterday I played a very, very funny trick on Thor. I turned into a snake. My stupid brother loves snakes, so he picked me up to get a closer look. Then I changed back into myself and stabbed him with my new spike.
You pause to look up the next word, absentmindedly twiddling the fluffy seed between two fingers.
…decreed that I be punished by…
Holding the seed between your lips, you flip through the dictionary for “holmgang.” Your tongue pokes the seed as you reached to dip into your inkwell.
Suddenly something is expanding into your mouth. You drop your quill, spitting the seed, its tap root beginning to form, into your palm. “Holy shit,” you gasp, carefully returning it to its vial. You secure it with the cork, then jump up, nearly spilling your ink, to show the queen.
As you run through the palace in your excitement you nearly topple into Lady Sif. “I did it!” you squeal, showing her the tiny sprout.
“You did indeed,” she praises your progress. “What was the catalyst?”
“Water,” you grin, “well, spit actually.”
Her brows rise inquisitively, an unasked question in her eyes for just a moment. “The first step is the most difficult. I’m sure you’ll go far from here. If you’re looking for Her Majesty, I believe she’s in the library.” You thank her and are a few steps down the hall when she calls you back. She hands you a golden apple. “You should have more of these; they’re so good for you.”
You find Frigg as she’s leaving the library. She’s both surprised and curiously ecstatic at the sight you. When you show her the tiny sprout, she says “That’s wonderful,” then pauses expectantly.
You look at her, perplexed. Did you forget something? Should you have waited to show her until it was a full plant?
“You don’t know yet, do you?” she’s looks like she’s about to burst with this secret you’re apparently not yet in on. Glancing around to make sure you’re alone, she sits you down in an alcove. “You’re pregnant.”
“I’m what?” you half-laugh. She’s completely serious. In fact, as the goddess of motherhood, she’s the authority on the matter. It’s only been a week since…”Berhert.”
“That would be my guess. Unless you’ve seen my son since?”
You blush. “Um, no.
“This is…well you’re much quicker at picking up on these things than Midgardian technology. You haven’t…does anyone else know Loki’s still alive?”
“I haven’t told anyone,” she responds.
“It might be time to start,” you mutter, thinking back to Sif’s strange behavior. “I happened upon Lady Sif on the way here.”
“Ah yes,” the Queen nods. “She and Freyja will both know when they see you. We each hold power over pregnancy in our own way. If you would like, I can speed things up to the typical Midgardian timeframe?”
“As opposed to…?”
“Each of mine took about 48 years…so I��d say around 24?”
“Twenty-four years?!” you sputtered. “Yes, please speed things up. Seven hells.”
She chuckles, pressing a hand over your womb. “That should do it.
“Another grandchild, and so soon! I’ll have the staff begin preparations. You focus on taking care of yourself.”
You walk back to your room, absentmindedly biting into the apple as you contemplate your condition. Your sex ed teachers weren’t lying when they said it only takes one time, but you’d thought there would have been some sort of magical prevention for this sort of thing. Doesn’t Asgard have any sort of birth control? Yours had run out a couple months after you’d arrived, but with Loki’s assumed death, you hadn’t expected to need it.
If you’d known he was alive, you’d have talked to Sif or the palace healers or someone about it. You hadn’t met Freyja yet, but you kick yourself for not seeking out the goddess of sex earlier.
With Loki refusing to return and you stuck in Asgard, you have no idea how you’d raise a child on your own. You’re not even sure you’re ready to be a mother, nor do you have any idea if there are methods of termination. Even if there were, you’re not sure you could face the queen if you did. Of all the people in Asgard, why did Loki’s mother have to be one of the three walking pregnancy tests?
Why did you agree to speeding up the process? You need more time to think. Did speeding it up hurt the blastocyst? No, Frigg wouldn’t have done it if it was dangerous.
When you reach your chambers, you’re suddenly tired. You set the dandelion in its vial on your desk, corking your inkwell and tidying up the books and parchment you’d been using. Slipping off your overdress, you crawl into bed. Just a little nap, until Shelby comes to dress you for dinner.
“What plagues you darling?” Loki stands beside you in a frozen world of mists.
You pull your thick furs tight about you, as though to hide your imperceptible reality. You have no idea how he’s going to take this. You take a long breath to steady yourself before you meet his emerald eyes. “I’m…your mother says…I’m pregnant.” You glance away a moment before searching his face for some reaction.
He’s unreadable, looking to you for direction. “Do you wish to remain so?”
“I have no idea what I want right now. This is all so fast. I wouldn’t even know if it weren’t for her. Well, Sif too. She was acting strange before your mother told me. Insisted I eat more of Idun’s apples.”
You sit together on a frozen rock, and he grips your shoulders, holding your gaze. “Whatever you decide, we will make it work. Together.” You lean into him, muttering your thanks as his arms incircle you. He presses a kiss to your crown, inhaling the scent of your hair as he hugs you tighter.
You’re not sure how long you stay like that, comforted by his warm embrace. When you’ve gathered your senses, you part and look around. “Where are we?”
Frozen rivers glint on all sides, their waters sourced from a great well. “This is Niflheimr,” he explains. “It’s, ah, serendipitous I brought you here, given your news. I was thinking of introducing you to my daughter.”
“I didn’t know you had a daughter,” you say, feeling a slight pang of guilt. Having not reached that point in his journals, you still would have expected to have met any children by now, given how long you’d been at court.
“I have many daughters, as a matter of fact. Sons as well,” he confirms. “You do know I’m 1493 years old. There’s a reason mortals associate me with dandelions.”
You finger the clasp of your cloak; a fluffy gold capitulum. The pappuses have covered everything you’ve worn since you reached Jötunheimr, even the seed you’ve been begging to sprout is one. He’s been adorning you with this little inuendo and the whole court has gone along with it. No wonder you got pregnant as soon as you slept with him.
Another breath helps you tamper your exasperation at what you should have seen as obvious. This wasn’t the time.
“Which daughter am I about to meet?” your smile is slightly forced. It’s not the child’s fault you’re in this predicament, and you do want to meet her.
“This is Hel’s domain,” he gestures to a fortress beyond the loudest churning river. “She’s only 478, but she has power throughout the nine realms and presides over the dead who are not invited to the other halls of the gods. Those whose deaths are not particularly heroic or notable.” You can hear the pride in his voice and can’t help but feel a bit better about your predicament.
Beyond the high walls of the fortress you can hear the deep barking of a dog and see a series of hills, speckled with vast mansions that ascend into the fog. Following Loki, you cross a golden-roofed bridge over the noisy river. On the other side, you meet a great warrior of a woman, who leans casually against a giant battle ax, blue ridged skin and fiery red eyes denoting her Jötun heritage.
“Light footed as always Loki,” she greets the god with a smile. “Who is this lady you bring to our doors, the life still ringing in her veins?”
Your escort introduces you by name, greeting the giantess in kind. “Darling, this is Móðguðr. She guards this bridge, Gjallabrú, and the river beneath it, Gjöll, which separates the living from the dead.”
“It’s an honor to meet you,” you extend your hand, which she takes briefly into her firm grasp.
“What business brings you to us?” she looks between you.
“We’re here to visit my daughter,” Loki supplies.
Móðguðr nods, standing aside for you to step down on the shore. “Enjoy your stay. Hel will be pleased to see you Loki; it’s been too long since your last visit.”
Loki leads you down a steep pathway, the cloudy vapors thickening as you join the souls of the dead on their way to the afterlife. “Niflhel sits outside the gates of Hel. It’s where those who committed evil spend their afterlife.
“And this,” he continues as the path levels out, “is the Road to Hel.” At the end of the road, imposing gates tower, the only entrance into the heavily secured fortress. When you’ve passed through them, you are met by a hunched man leading two horses.
“Ganglati,” Loki addresses the man, who bows deeply. “These steeds will do nicely.” Your escort helps you onto one before mounting the other and you silently thank the gods for your riding lessons in Asgard.
Voyaging up into the hills, you reach a mountain assaulted by a constant downpour of sleet and snow. At the precipice stands a vast hall, where an aged woman welcomes you, taking your horses. You nearly stumble over the threshold, Loki righting you and drying the rain from you both.
He leads you to the throne room where a girl who looks seven or eight mopes on a great dark throne. She has the most striking case of vitiligo, half her skin alabaster like her father’s, the rest black as coal. Her hair falls to her waist in lose curls of ebony and silver-white and her irises are red as any Jötun’s. When she sees Loki, she jumps up in delight. “Father!” she rushes to his arms. He kneels to pick her up and spin her around, her tea length skirts whirling in their wake.
“It’s so good to see you, sweetling,” he kisses her forehead, returning her to her feet. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” He introduces you to Hel, the child who guards the graves.
She curtseys in greeting. “It’s so rare I get living visitors. Welcome to Éljúðnir Hall.”
The child has the demeanor of a girl playing princess, who suddenly finds herself a queen and protector a great empire. She does her very best to exude confidence befitting a monarch but remains a shy youth beneath. “Are you going to stay the night? We have lots of room.”
“I don’t see why not,” Loki looks to you. “Is there anything pressing you must attend to darling?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” you respond, curious to see more of the underworld and the little princess at its helm.
Next chapter here.
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Muse/Thor/The Avengers Crossover Belldom&Thoki
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yep, I'm that crazy this is something I started YEARS ago... maybe I'll find the mad inspiration to go on and conclude it Let's start with sharing the prologue: Summary: What happens when the ' Knights of Cydonia ' meet the gods of Asgard? Let the delirium begin! Setting : During the making of T2L, tentatively late spring/early summer 2012, which should coincide with the ending of 'The Avengers' I do not have the mathematical certainty, but it is a FF, let's pretend that it is so… Rating: pg13, then…who knows?
Feedback: yes, please, make a tiny effort, this time I really need to know if this is worthy to go on or no one knows/care about those two fandoms put together :/
Genre: CrossOver (Muse + Thor / The Avengers Universe), Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Humor, Parody… crazyness ;P
Disclaimer: I do not own for sure Matt, Dom, Muse in general, the same goes for Thor, Loki &Co (they belong to Marvel), I just own the absurd idea that was born from my sick mind And the title is taken from the lyrics of ' Crying Shame ' by Muse (very fitting)
Pairing: BellDom (of course!), Thoki ( Thor + Loki ) and... whatever happens XD
Notice: - I do not like Kate Hudson ( even before Matt met her), it’s not a mystery, but more than real bashing let’s call it a situation in which Matthew and especially Dominic scoff at her whenever they have the opportunity… which is what I love thinking that actually happens in real life, too!
To fully understand this story ( no matter how crazy and degenerate it is) you should know both fandoms, if you don’t, you can still read this first part after ' **** in the meantime 'as a simple one shot, since it is not yet bound to the other events :) The real fun will start with chapter 1!
Loki, Thor and all Asgard is based only on Marvel Movies, okay? I don’t know very much about Northern Mitology :/ Prologue: Requests and Memories
Asgard, End of May 2012
The more he kept repeating to himself that he had done the right thing, the less Thor was convinced that it was so.
He had brought Loki back home, it’s true, with the help of his mortal superhero friends, and had managed to stop him before the situation degenerated even further. Loki would have a hard price to pay for what he had already done.
The point was that having brought him back to Asgard, Thor had precluded to Loki any possibility of escape. By now it was all in Odin’s hands and in his law and the blond warrior could only hope that his decision would be lenient.
The trial has just begun; Loki had been led by Thor towards the throne room, suitably gagged, under the stern and blaming gaze of the whole people of Asgard.
Placed between the front rows, there were Fandral, Sif, Volstagg and Hogun, i.e. Thor’s best friends. They could only glare scornfully at the brunet god, which once -briefly- had been their king. All the way, Thor had looked for an alternative form of dialogue with his adopted brother. He tried seeking eye contact, but those big green eyes made of emerald did not seem to convey any emotion. After all, it was typical of the god of Mischief to conceal any trace of vulnerability.
Frigga hadn’t even been allowed to get close to that beloved son she believed lost, because it was an order of Odin’s. As a matter of fact, two royal guards had immediately moved her away, not without some efforts, fighting every Frigga’s attempt to break free. At the end, the queen was forced to surrender, being a powerless spectator of a show of which perhaps she preferred to never know the final result.
Odin knew that he would have to come to terms with his wife, but he had found it necessary to avoid her overly emotional involvements. He was aware that, when it came to Loki, Frigga used to forget rationality, acting more as a mother than a queen.
Suddenly Loki became more restless, starting to point repeatedly at his magic gag that kept him from enjoying the most congenial arts to him: the oratorical arts. Not understanding the behavior from whom he still considered to all intents and purposes his son, Odin gave orders to his guards to take away the gag, getting ready to put it back on him, if the situation would require it.
Free at last, Loki proceeded to talk.
"I require as my right to speak in private with the father...”
Odin jolted, not because of that request, but for the use of that unexpected name.
"Of all the gods!” the god of Lies added, pausing on purpose and finding a thin, evil, devious pleasure in deluding the king of Asgard so badly.
If there was one thing that Odin had never feared, it was direct confrontation, so he accepted the request, without hesitation, giving orders to everyone to leave.
"What's Loki up to?”  Frigga asked Thor, rather restless.
" I have no idea, mother, he didn’t tell me he wanted to talk in private with father. Well, because of the damn gag he didn’t tell me anything at all, since I’ve brought him here.”  the blond warrior muttered, upset.  His sapphire eyes narrowed, trying in vain to focus on the blurred image of his respected father and his beloved brother as he left the royal palace, with Frigga following him.
"Tell me, Loki.”  Odin urged him, once they were alone.
"I do not regret even a single one of the actions that I have committed!”  the proud failed king of Midgard stated.
"I thought so!”  the disconsolate All Father sighed.
"I know that I have to go through the punishment that you’ll decide that it’ the most appropriate and I’m not asking for a discount, it wouldn’t be correct.” the God of Lies went on.  “But I ask you a revocation."
"A revocation?”  Odin frowned.
"You heard me. It’s not for long. I ask you to wait for a week, then you can act as you think, and make me do whatever you prefer.”  Loki clarified.
"Why only a week?”  the king asked him doubtfully.
"In exactly seven days it will be Thor’s birthday and I want to arrange a memorable party. It will be my way to say farewell. I would like to arrange something special in the name of the brothers who we were.”  Loki revealed, without mincing words.
"You are still brothers! This has changed nothing, Loki, we think that you're still...”
"Save your breath, All Father! I'm not looking for nice words, but only for permission!” the god of Mischief cut him off, dryly.
Odin sighed heavily, stroking his shaggy white beard.
It was a typical sign that he was seriously considering the decision to be taken.
And Loki knew it; willy-nilly he knew all Odin’s typical signs.
"Supposed I agree. What do you plan to do this week?”  the king questioned him.
Loki cleared his throat, as if looking for the best way to give that answer.
"Let's say that my request could incorporate others, related and fundamental: I need to temporarily leave Asgard, I need to keep my powers, at least until then, but mostly I need you to trust me.”  the younger god sentenced.
"Why should I consider you worthy of such a trust?”  Odin muttered, astonished by the boldness with which his interlocutor dared to require such things.
Loki knew well that too, but did not flinch at all.
"Because Midgard is guarded by the Avengers, whom have vowed to protect their precious Realm from any threat. They already know my moves, my tactics, my fighting techniques. And if they were able to defeat me when I was the leader of a whole army, you can only imagine without difficulty how easy would be for them to defeat me now that I act completely alone.”  Loki  reasoned.” However, the basic reason is that this time I have no plan of conquest or domination of any kingdom, I won’t damage any mortal, even those with whom I would have a score to settle.”  the God of Chaos added.
"I'm glad to hear you say that.”  Odin muttered, stroking his own chin.
"Are you glad enough to give me what I asked you?”  the brunet wondered.
"Loki, you ask me a lot and your situation is already aggravated...”  the old king stumbled on his words.
Loki looked at him deeply, defiantly.
"I know and I do not mean to aggravate it any further. So, oh wise and powerful Odin, will you still consider worthy of a glimpse of your trust this lost sheep?”
***************************** (In the meantime )
Midgard (Earth), London, End of May 2012
Muse were really pleased by the intense work that day. Tom, the media manager, had taken lots of pictures, while the three worked on the new songs, assisted by a large group of sound engineers and musicians.
No need to wonder, Tom’s ‘evil’ plan was to publish the new photos on twitter as soon as possible, thus teasing the band’s devoted fans a little more. This was what trolls did!
When they came out from the recording studio, it was already past eleven o'clock at night. Outside there was left not even a fan waiting for them, as they believed that the band had already found an alternative way to leave.
Muse loved their fans, they were grateful for what those worshippers had brought them. But it was also true that they didn’t despise having a bit of peace and privacy.
Their operating team had already moved away a few hours before, they were perfectionists; every one of them. Matt, Dom, and Chris had chosen to remain in order to refine some of the details, while Tom stayed to muck around with them a little longer (well, he had also given them some valuable help, too, it must be said).
Chris was the first of the four guys to leave, eager to return to his large family. The bassist had never been so happy as that year. The fact that they stay fixed in London allowed him to spend more time with his beloved wife and adorable children, something that was not very feasible during the tour.
Tom followed his example shortly after and so only Matthew and Dominic were left. The two of them, however, hadn’t any intention to leave, and why should have they? By then the place was sufficiently isolated, outside there was a starry sky that did not ask for more than to be contemplated and the air, though still quite fresh, began to smell of summer.
Dominic ran into the studio to retrieve two blankets, which he then took outside. "Matthew, come here!" he urged his best friend, going around the back.
With the assistance from the singer, the drummer positioned the blankets down on the soft grass, and then they laid down on them.
"Wait, something is still missing.”  Matt said, getting up and going back into the studio, from which he emerged a little later, with a pack of beer cans, kept cool by their mini-bar.
"Now we are talking!”  the brunet smiled, handing to the blond a can, and they sit down again. The pianist placed the remaining cans on the ground before sitting back down.
"This is the perfect crime!”  Dom chuckled, opening his can.
"I would propose a little music as background, too but... I guess that today we have had enough, do you think so?”  Matt said, taking a few sips from his.
"Even too much!” laughed Dom, exhausted.”  But it has to be done, Matt, we are working just fine.”
"I know, Dom, this album will be epic. We will do great things, I can feel it.”  Matt smiled, letting the breeze of the night lash his hair.
"I love this. I mean, the moment of realization of an album, when it's just you and me and the music. Well, it’s obvious, I include even Chris, Tom, Morgan and the technicians as well, but... you understand what I mean!”  Dom shrugged.
"Of course I understand.”  Matthew lay down on his side, turning to him.
"And then, when we're on tour, there will be no more of any of this stuff. Nothing is as it used to be before and you know it.”  Dom pouted, before feeling a hand placed on his shoulder.
"I know, it's true, but that does not mean that we cannot make it equally beautiful.”  Matt muttered.  “And whatever happens, there will always be a ' you and I ', always.”  he assured him. In those eyes that were bluer than the sky and the sea Dominic could only read a devout sincerity. The drummer just nodded his head and showed his best friend a convinced smile.
Matthew knew he had to do something to lighten the atmosphere, which now had become heavier thanks to the shadow of the difficulties that arose in the two lovers’ path.
He changed topic, recalling all their memories related to the preparation of that last album, the ideas that they had discarded, laughing because they saw it as terrible stuff, the jokes that they had made to each other, all the carefree moments mixed with the most serious ones.
It turned out to be a brilliant gimmick.
Matthew was a composer, but he was convinced that there was no more beautiful music than Dominic’s laughter and see him so happy, while he laughed and brought out anecdote after anecdote with the enthusiasm of a child, was the best reward ever.
"Matt, do you remember when we got to decide what song you would choose to dedicate to Kate?”  the blond resumed his speech, giggling, and as he pronounced that woman’s name Matthew realized that he was no longer in a state of tension.
"Sure, how could I forget it? You were so stubborn and kept saying I should have chosen 'Animals'!” he replied, without suppressing a giggle.
“Well, yes, because it reflects her temperament. In short, I'm giving her a great compliment for her strong and determined character!”  Dom justified himself, perhaps already a little tipsier because of the beer, as well as Matt was.
"'Kill yourself, c'mon and do us all a favor '?” Matt sang accusingly, but his expression was clearly amused.
"Uh, is there that verse, too? Really? I did not remember!”  Dom shrugged with feigned innocence.
They both laughed, and from there to the first kiss of the night the step was ridiculously short.
"Oh, bugger it! I mean, yep, I can give her ‘Madness', she can delude herself that you wrote that song for her. There are other important songs, the ones that if you had only dared to dedicate them to her...I do not know what I would have done to you or if you would be still alive to tell the world about it!”  Dom asserted, parting from his partner, trying to figure out if it was the brunet who had invaded his space or  if he invaded the pianist’s one, but without giving too much importance to that thing.
He was fine where he was, which meant sitting on Matt’s lap.
"I know. Like 'Explorers', right? Do you remember the first time I played it to you?” Matthew whispered in his ear, blowing into it, lightly.
"You bet. As soon as you finished playing the last note, I did not say a word. I just walked towards you, I wrapped my arms around your neck, I kissed you...and we ended up making love under your piano, all night long,” the drummer recalled, while he played with the fingers of the other musician’s hand. "One of the best nights I can remember,” the brunet revealed, sighing contently.
“And 'Big Freeze' belongs to the untouchable songs as well!” the blond claimed, resolutely.
"I know, but that one I do not have a good memory of. As soon as I finished singing it to you, you broke down and cried, and then I burst into tears as well and we spent the whole night talking and comforting each other, reassuring each other about our future together,” the pianist grieved a little bit.
"Believe me or not, but even that one is among the most beautiful nights I can remember.”  Dominic smiled.  “The fact is that that song is special.”
"Yes, so special that I'm not going to share it with the crowd. One day, perhaps,” the guitarist stated.
"Well, Matt-eh, look, you still have time to change the song to pick up for Kate. We might consider 'Unsustainable’.”  The percussionist returned to his attack.
Matthew pushed him away and laughed heartily. "Are you nuts? Imagine the scene: the audience is cheering me, I approach the microphone and say, 'And now a new song, I wrote it for my girlfriend, because my ability to stand her sometimes is unsustainable!', and then the song starts!” The pianist prospected the hypothetical possibility, amongst the laughter.
"I would pay for this scenario!”  Dom said, sitting down again.
“Sorry, but I’m already sodding rich, I'm not interested in your money!”  the other scoffed, pretending to be indifferent.
Dom crawled sensually over the brunet. "So, what about a payment in kind? Would you mind?” he meowed, ruffling his hair. “I think...I think that we can find an agreement…” the singer stammered, in obvious difficulty, getting lost in those beautiful big eyes, made of an indefinite color where gray, green, hazel, and sometimes even the blue battled out to try to prevail, reaching some stunning compromises.
"Mm, yes, I think so.”  Dom smiled against Matt’s lips, kissing him deeply.
“On second thought, nope, I would take advantage of you, but without giving you what you want in return!” the frontman corrected himself, recovering and parting from him.
"You’re so infamous!” the percussionist chuckled, returning on his blanket.  “But, I repeat, it would be fun. Well, you could use. 'Isolated System', then. It’s a ballad, there’s a piano, it seems very romantic to me, so why not?” he suggested casually.
"I do not know, maybe because that song is about the destruction of the world, without even a single chance of escape or a single hope of salvation?”  Matthew rolled his eyes.
"Exactly. It seems so appropriate to me!”  Dom grinned cheekily.
"Dominic...”  Matt used his warning tone.
"But mostly, Matt, if you locked her up inside an isolated system she wouldn’t be bloody stuck to you anymore at every single concert!”
Matthew could not help it and burst into laughter. "Dom, you're impossible!”
"And you love me the way I am.” The drummer gave checkmate to the singer.
This time it was Matt who got closer, crawling over him, locking his ice-blue eyes in those eyes made of storm.
"I do love you. With every fiber of my body. With every note of my piano. With each of my guitar riffs. With every octave of my voice,” he murmured languidly, placing small, delicate kisses on the percussionist’s lips for every way that he listed.
"Wow…" was all Dom could say, grabbing him by his neck and pulling him in for a breathtaking kiss before resuming his personal battle. "Kate can only dream about these sentences from you!” he chanted, sounding victorious. That was all it took for him to earn yet another push from Matthew, though the brunet was amused.
“Taking for granted that my favorite blond is you, and it'll always be you, Dommeh, c’mon! It’s not so horrible to have Kate around! And don’t you dare try to deny it; you’re already crazy for Bing as much as I am!” he pointed out.
“You rescued yourself at the very last minute mentioning that adorable baby!” the blond punched his lover’s shoulder lightly, before they both went back lying down and watching the stars.
"Matthew, do you think there’s really a place where we can be free, such the one you're talking about in that particular song?” Dom asked him.
Matthew looked for his hand, squeezing it.
"There must be. And we'll find it.”
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thesffcorner · 2 years
Thor: Love and Thunder
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Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth installment in the Marvel Thor franchise, written and directed by Taika Waititi. It follows Thor (Chris Hemsworth) on a journey of self-discovery, following the events of Endgame. After saving Sif (Jamie Alexander) from a powerful being who wields the Necrosword: Gorr, the God Butcher (Christian Bale), who, uh, slays Gods. Gorr’s next target is New Asgard where Thor is reunited with Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), as well as Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), now wielding a reconstructed Mjolnir and calling herself the Mighty Thor. Together, the trio + Korg (Taika Waititi) who has been traveling with Thor, embark on a mission to kill Gorr, rescue the children of Asgard from being kidnapped and preventing him from reaching Eternity. 
If that plot summary sounded convoluted, trust me, that was my best effort to streamline it. I haven’t even mentioned Thor’s travel with the Guardians of the Galaxy, or the other Gods in Omnicity or even the reason Jane has Mjolnir. This is by far the most convoluted and bloated Marvel film, and in a post No Way Home/Multiverse of Madness world, that’s saying a lot. 
This isn’t to say I didn’t enjoy the film: I daresay I laughed out loud at multiple points during it, and didn’t notice the near 2 hour runtime. It’s popcorn entertainment through and through, with lots of cool visuals, a kickass soundtrack and a very Masters of the Universe aesthetic. The issue is that it’s style over substance, comedy approach really doesn’t fit the story and it’s darker themes, and the film struggles to maintain a consistent tone and vision because of it. 
This review will contain SPOILERS, so if you haven’t seen the film, pause your reading, watch it and then if you came out as conflicted as I did, come back to this review. 
What I liked:
There were a few things I really enjoyed in this film. First off, it’s genuinely, very funny. There are tons of gags from small things like Valkyrie advertising Old Spice, to running gags like the screaming goats, to massive set pieces like Thor’s conversation with the King of Gods, Zeus. There is barely a single moment where there isn’t some sort of joke on screen, and while that does definitely hurt the film in the long run, you can’t say it doesn’t make for an entertaining viewing. 
Waititi has a very “everything but the kitchen sink” approach to his comedy, which means that while not every gag will land, there are so many, and they come so fast that you barely register the ones that don’t. It’s an uneven experience for sure, but in terms of comedy, I’d say this film lands more than it flops. 
Another major component that I loved was the film’s visual style. It’s maximalist: bright colors, busy frames, ridiculously epic costumes and long, elaborate action scenes. There is an inspired section of the film where the heroes track Gorr down to his dimension of darkness that is so desaturated it borders on black and white, which is also where Waititi plays with scale and space. The planet is at once tiny and massive, close and far, and it feels like a bad-trip version of Wonderland. 
The scenes where Gorr is using his shadow powers to attack the heroes, especially during the Asgard attack and the aforementioned Dimension of Darkness, are truly haunting and border on horror. I wish Marvel would just buckle and make a proper horror film already: between this and Wanda’s scenes in Strange they could pull it off, if they would just let their directors commit. 
The acting is likewise stellar as usual. Though everyone is given a limited range of emotions (which is a major issue of the film I will talk about) they work well with what they are given. Chris Hemsworth has been playing Thor for over a decade now and he lives and breathes in this character. It’s at this point second nature to him. 
Valkyrie and Jane do well with their material, the former as an alcoholic who’s torn between her roles as politician and warrior, and the latter as a workaholic who is coming to terms with her own fragility and mortality. Once again, because of the film’s tone we don’t go nearly as in depth as I would’ve liked for any of these characters, but that’s not the actors’ fault, and they still manage to wriggle some pathos of what are otherwise shallow roles. 
The standout however is by far Christian Bale. He is amazing, equally tragic, horrifying and funny. He manages to strike a balance between the pathos and tragedy of his role, and the comedy, especially when he’s given scenes to lead. I desperately wish he got to play Gorr in a different, better movie, because his character has the potential to be as emotionally engaging as the best Marvel villains like Loki and Killmonger. 
Unfortunately, this brings me to: 
Thor: Ragnarok is one of my favorite Marvel films; it’s funny, it’s subversive, it turned a pretty one note villain like Hella into a very entertaining and at times justified character and it gave some much needed personality to Hulk. 
The main strength of Ragnarok was that in spite of having dozens of worlds and characters, it maintained a consistent tone and throughline, and used its comedy to advance the plot and arcs of its characters. 
However, my big gripe with Ragnrok, was that it often discarded the prospect of its characters processing the events and emotions of what’s happening in favor of jokes. Thor loses an eye, loses Mjolnir, loses his best friends, and later loses Asgard his literal Kingdom and home he’s known his entire life and he never gets a moment to just talk about it. Even Loki, who actually does get two scenes where he realizes that in spite of everything he loves Thor and Thor loves him back, and Odin never stopped thinking of him as anything but his son, isn’t given any real space to deal with everything that’s happened to him. 
In spite of it, Ragnarok still managed to be emotionally impactful, and funny. In this film, the comedy dominates, to the point where the characters are barely characters and have almost no development throughout the film. It’s overwhelming how much the comedy interferes with the story, pulling you out of the experience and deflating every moment of pathos with jokes that are unnecessary, overlong, or just plain dumb. 
These characters DESERVE to have their issues explored: Thor has literally lost everything; he doesn’t know who or what he is without being Prince of Asgard or fighting in wars and doesn’t know how to cure the soul sickness which he masks with humor and bravado. 
Valkyrie is a King, and now has to manage and protect literally every living Asgardian, along with a bunch of refugees, but she’s still dealing with the loss of all her sisters and her lover. She still intends to die in a battle and go to Valhalla to join them, even after becoming literal royalty. 
Jane Foster we learn has cancer, which will more than likely kill her. In spite of all her intellect and fame, in spite of dating a God and advancing science, she is alone and mortal. My personal gripe is that this film makes no effort to connect her cancer to the Aether that possessed her in the Dark World, but instead cribs Starlord’s backstory of her mother dying of cancer (something which, incidentally Jane would’ve been aware of before this film, and would’ve been something to tell Thor in their years-long relationship). 
And finally, Gorr, the God Butcher, hands down one of Thor’s, if not Marvel’s most interesting villains. Gorr is a man who lost everything to his fate: his wife, his daughter, his people and then learned that his God is weak, corrupt and evil. He was given a purpose to kill all the Gods and reach Eternity which would grant him one wish. He has every right to despise the Gods, seeing as in this very film most of them are shown to be cruel, cowardly and uninterested in the lives of those who worship them. 
I just described the characters in more depth than the damn movie. The movie even lampshades the fact that it keeps its characters so superficial,  by having Korg provide ‘humorous’ backstories and even LITERALLY spelling out Thor and Valkyrie’s motivations and internal conflict. It’s the most bizzare violation of “show don’t tell” I’ve ever seen, and it serves nothing other than to deflate what otherwise would have been an emotionally engaging scene. It’s so gratuitous it borders on Joss Whedon at his very worst. 
Which leads me to:
The Tone Problem:
Look. I know tone is hard. It’s hard to keep it consistent and even harder to switch between a lighthearted adventure film and a horror/drama dealing with child death, mass murder, religion and cancer. But it can be done and even done by Taika Waititi himself! He made Jojo Rabbit, one of the arguably best recent tragi-comedies that nails the humor as well as the horror and tragedy of its subject matter. 
So what the hell happened here? 
The comedy overshadows everything, to the point where it actively interferes with the story. The film is full of gags, most of them catered to children: lots of slapstick, lots of quips, Korg’s narration and even Thor and Jane’s romance, which feels very juvenile. 
But this isn’t a kids film. It’s a film that opens with the heartbreaking death of Gorr’s daughter from dehydration, and Gorr crying and screaming, covered in sunburns and calluses. 
We follow that up with the brutal murder of a God who absolutely deserved it, and even still when Gorr kidnaps the children of Asgard he torments them by breaking the neck of  snake-like creature and throwing the dead body at them. 
So what is it? Is this a horror-tragedy for adults or a funky comedy for kids? Kids love horror and tragedy too, don’t get me wrong, but the horror in this film will fly over kids’ heads and the comedy makes ose elements in this film remind me more of the inconsistent tone of Shazam rather than the Secret of Nimh. 
This inconsistent tone kills any ability for this film to be serious and truly explore the motivations and actions of its antagonist who is and could’ve been even more sympathetic. There is no room for genuine grief or anger when the film has to balance Russel Crowe’s Zeus with the worst “Greek” accent I have ever heard, and Valkyrie begging the Gods to save her sisters on the battlefield and her pleas falling on deaf ears. 
Gorr and Jane Don’t Belong Here:
What it comes down to the most is that Gorr, the God Butcher’s storyline isn’t a comedy and simply doesn’t work as a comedy. Gorr is a man who lost everything for his faith, only to learn that his God is immoral, corrupt and weak. He is killing ALL the Gods, and even if he changed his mind and asked Eternity for a different wish, he would still die, still leave his daughter alone and potentially in a much worse world than the one she died in. You simply can’t have the motivations and actions of such a character in the same movie with an extended gag of Thor fighting Heimdal’s son because he changed his name to Axl.
This same issue hits Jane. She makes a great addition to Gorr’s storyline: like him she too was gifted a weapon by the Gods that is slowly killing her, she too lost people because of the Gods, she too is a mortal who’s ascended beyond the abilities of mortals. The one scene in which Gorr and Jane are allowed to speak was excellent at juxtaposing these two sides of the same coin, but that’s all we get. 
Imagine instead if the story engaged with these themes: Jane being angry at being given all this power and all this might that is literally killing her. Her being resentful of tHor treating her decisions only in a way which affects him, ignoring her own wishes. Maybe even Jane agreeing with Gorr that the Gods cause more suffering to the mortals for no reward, or just the fucking commradery with someone who has the power to kill God but not bring his family back. 
There is even a brief scene where Jane seems to entertain the idea of getting to Eternity first so she can ask for a wish instead of Gorr, but we never get any follow up on this, and it’s never mentioned again. 
This leads me to another big problem:
No Consequences for Massive Actions:
Have you ever heard of the phrase “set up and pay off”? Or “every action elicits an opposite and equal reaction”? Well this movie hasn’t. 
Massive things are set up and never paid off. Who created the Necrosword? What’s its goal? We never learn. Why did Eternity speak to Gorr? We also never learn. 
Jane and Thor both learn that Eternity will grant a wish to the first person who opens its gate. They know Gorr needs Thor’s Stormbreaker to open the Bifrost and get to Eternity. So why don’t they open the gate, get there first and ask for the Necrosword to disappear? Or ask for the kids to return safely to Asgard? Or for Jane to be free of cancer? Or even for Gorr to get his daughter back? 
Instead, once they get to Eternity they ask for… nothing. Thor just hopes that Gorr, who was under the influence of the Necrosword and hates the Gods, remember, will just do the right thing and not kill every single God. Or destroy the world. Or give himself superpowers. 
Side-question. If all it took to get to Eternity was to find the gate and use the Bifrost to open it, and Eternity didn’t create the sword and didn’t ask for Gorr to kill the Gods to get to it using the sword (the sword itself is the one who wants the Gods dead), then why did Gorr even bother fighting any of the Gods? Why didn’t he just track Thor or Jane down, kill just them and get Mjolnir or Stormbreaker and get to Eternity?
Thor wants to gather an army to fight Gorr, and to do this the gang sneaks on Omnicity. When the Gods, namely Zeus, refuses to help them, Thor straight up kills Zeus and steals his lightning. He just… kills the King of all the Gods, in front of every powerful God, not just from Earth but from other planets too, and NO ONE, not a SINGLE person reacts! No one goes after the gang, Thor isn’t arrested or ambushed, literary nothing happens!
Yes, we learn in a post credit scene that Zeus isn’t dead, but even that scene is played as comedy, not as something that in every other film would get Thor and the gang EXECUTED. 
I already talked about how none of the characters are allowed to react to anything that’s happening to them. Thor lost everything, but no, he’s hung up on breaking up with Jane 8 YEARS AGO. 
Thor and Jane:
Speaking of, boy do Thor and Jane get the short end of the stick. First off, their romance feels incredibly juvenile. The way they act towards each other makes no sense for two adult humans in any reasonable sense of the word. Thor isn’t concerned that Jane can suddenly reform and lift Mjolnir, which for a long time was a source of his power, but that she is wearing his clothes? Jane doesn’t want to know what happened with Thanos? Where Thor was for all these years? If Asgard has magic that can cure her, like they showed they did in Dark World? No? She wants to know if he has a girlfriend? Really??
Also how many times will Thor learn the same exact lesson? I thought Ragnarok was where Thor realized he’s more than just the Prince of Asgard and Mjolnir, where he learned who he was and what he wanted? But now we are back to even pre-Ragnarok with Thor acting more like Starlord than himself. 
Thor was never emotionally dense, he was never unintelligent in that department: he was brash and arrogant, but he loved freely and openly in each film. In fact that was his main flaw, that he loved Loki even after Loki kept betraying him time and time again. He never once ‘closed his heart’; he deeply loves both Valkyrie and Korg, and he even loves the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers. This sudden character flaw is not only stupid, but it actively contradics the very core of Thor’s character. 
I believe that Jane buried herself in work to get over Thor, and ‘closed her heart’. I believe that Thor still loves her and would do anything for her. I refuse to believe that Thor of all people holds others at arm’s length or refuses to love fully. That might be Starlord, but it’s definitely not Thor. 
The Length:
My final point is more of a gripe, that unfortunately feeds into the rest of the issues. Too many scenes in this film are bloated, overlong and unnecessary. 
The Guardians for example. We didn’t need them: we could’ve achieved the exact same effect if instead of 20 minutes of Thor fighting with them on a random planet, they just dropped him off somewhere and we got the montage of him training and fighting. You could even strengthen Thor’s dumbass character arc, by being “I have to do this alone” as the reason why he left them. 
Then instead of the stupid distress call lineup, Thor can get a vision of Siff while meditating, be shocked that she’s even alive, go rescue her and maybe we could’ve gotten a scene of Gorr killing the God and chopping Siff’s arm off. That way Thor actually has a personal reason to go after Gorr instead of just “some of the Gods he killed were nice”. 
The entire midpoint with the Gods was pointless. Instead of the Omnicity bit Thor could’ve gone to Olympus and spoken to Zeus. Maybe even Zeus fought Gorr or whoever wielded the sword before him and defeated him, which is why Thor needs and wants his help. 
What I’m saying is that a solid 30% of this movie could’ve been cut and replaced with shorter, but better executed scenes and the film would be much better for it.
It’s a movie that, much like its protagonist, doesn't know what it wants to be. It wants to be a comedy. It wants to be a serious drama. It wants to be a horror film. And yet, it commits to none of these, and as a result it’s unfocused, messy and feels like a first draft. I am very disappointed in the final result and am worried what that would mean for the future of the franchise. 
It’s still a fun film, but definitely one of the bad ones. 
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felikatze · 6 months
man. i just had. a dream of all time for sure.
like in my dream. i was siffrin. which is not too unusual since i'm never myself in dreams (all my dreams are usually in third person, even when i'm me in them) and have been playing insane amounts of isat. and i (or sif, i guess), had a job as like, monster exterminator? and they lived in this super depressing town, in a shitty tiny house, ans his only joy was getting zucchini from a communty garden, except he had to physically restrain himself from tearing apsrt the plant.
this apparently continues for some loops, because i see them go to the garden a couple times. at some point they get accosted by two gruff monkeys (like, literal chimpanzees wearing shirts), and one of them holds him by the collar and goes off at them for trapping everybody in a timeloop, and only he (the monkey man) can tell, and his brother (the other monkey man) cannot, and then he gestures angrily into the distance and says like, "That's why we're out here, and not in that tower." (there is a wizard tower, presumably where the monkey men lived.) Siffrin cries a little bit and then wakes up in his shitty house to discover the toilet broke.
anyway, so they go inside this huge fucking apartment building, and enter an apartment with just like, my family, in it. my mom and dad and sibling. and then it's hanging out. except remember the monster exterminator part. because my dad turns into this giant meaty goop monster, like a fusion of mitty from made in abyss and nothing there from lobcorp. giant meat mound tearing up the place.
and as monster exterminator, sif TRIES to fight my monster dad, except their itty hitty knife doesn't do much. so he calls for help from a monster extermination hotline, except the line is busy, and expected wait time is half an hour. i remember at one point in this whole dream debacle (i, or sif, or whoever our esteemed protagonist is) gets a whatsapp message asking for help on a school assignment (very normal occurence for me) and just texts back I HAVE BIGGER PROVLEMS RIGHT NIW like with more typos and everything, because of the whole running for their life thing.
so sif, my mom, and my sister escape, and run outside. it's suddenly no longer the trash city, but the actual street i live in. the three run away from My Actual House until the street turns into a field (it does not, in real life), and they come across a former classmate and friend of mine (have not seen her in two years), who apparently was the one to text me (she obviously was not, but the dream wanted continuity), and she walked the opposite direction TOWARD meat monster papa. sif told her that, but she ignored him, and kept walking.
then, the trio comes upon a steep hill. down the hill is a fucking train station in Stinky City (if you know, you know), because of course it is. the three roll down the hill to the train station, at which point in the dream i'm myself again, because i suddenly have both of my backpacks on me, and also my mom is gone. my sister and i stand at the station and try to figure out which train i need to take (it's a wild jumble of train lines i'n actually familiar with), and i realize one of my backpacks has the tv remote in it, so i hand it to my sibling and enter the next train.
the train is packed, and everyone inside is glaring at me, but i do find an empty seat, sit down, and then i wake up.
other things that featured in this dream, for some fucking reason
hikari from octopath 2 holding a musical number in his flamenco dancer outfit, making this the third musical dream i've ever had
oh, also, after i woke up, i went back to sleep, because i woke up at 7am, and only have to get up at 9 today. so in my SECOND dream, it was isat again, except actually in dormont, except the colors were inversed like the house. sif wakes up, and is frantic, because what the fuck happened? so he runs thru town, and eventually finds bonnie, who doesn't recognize them? and then bonnie says, like, that siffrin must be a result of their wish, because bonnie is to be crowned king of vaugarde (???) but doesn't want to, and wished for somebody else to do it.
and then i woke up, again. wild. thanks dreams. i can feel the new insomnia era creeping up on me already.
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
Tales of Asgard
Season 2, Episode 2
Thor's journey to the land of the Giants (This will be in Utgard? Niflheim? Perhaps Utgard can be part of Niflheim, just to simplify things)
Preceded by the story of Odin's quest to get the mead of poetry, focusing on Odin's trickery (abridged). In the norse legend there is a war between the Aesir (Asgardians) and Vanir, Frey and Freya are involved and there's another god who gets killed and some evil dwarves who get killed and Frigga and Thor and Loki are there. Complicated...
This version is before Odin has married Frigga, and Sif and Volstagg (who replaced Frey and Freya) and Thor and Loki don't exist yet. There is no mention of the war or the extra god or the dwarves and begins thusly:
Odin is visited by his ravens who tell him of the mead of poetry and how it is kept in a deep dark cave in Utgard where no one but Suttung, the giant, can ever use it. He dons his cloak and hat. He tells the royal family and courtiers that he will wander the world. They know he's up to something but they don't know what. He tells them to build three huge vats and leave them by the gates of Asgard. He asks for the finest whetstone they have and Rati, the finest drill.
He approaches the lands of the giant Baugi, Suttung's brother. He tricks the (giant) farmers who guard Baugi's land into letting him sharpen their scythes with his whetstone to better cut the grass for hay making. They are delighted at the ease with which they can now cut the grass.
When Odin (calling himself Bolverkr) reveals what he is there for (the mead of poetry) they attack him. He nimbly avoids them and the finely sharpened scythe blades mean the guards/farmers kill each other instead.
He then offers to work for Baugi in their place (keeping the means of their death a secret). Baugi is skeptical at this tiny being claiming to do the work of nine giants. But Bolverkr does it and more (secretly thanks to his Asgardian physiology and the Odinforce too).
As a reward he asks to drink from the mead of poetry. Baugi agrees to take him to his brother.
Suttung is not having it, which embarrasses Baugi. So Bolverkr convinces Baugi to steal the mead from Suttung, to bring him down a peg or two. They drill into the mountain with ease (thanks Rati). When they finally break through to the secret cave inside the mountain, Baugi tries to kill Bolverkr (meaning to take the mead for himself). Expecting this betrayal, Bolverkr transforms into a snake and slips down the drill hole. Baugi slinks off hoping his brother never finds out.
Popping out into the cavern where the mead was kept he takes the form of a giant to flatter Gunlodd, Suttung's daughter, who guards the mead of poetry. He convinces her that three sips of the mead would help him create three ageless odes to her beauty. He, of course, takes the lot in three sips and transforms into an eagle to escape. Suttung and Gunlodd are no magical slouches and they transform into eagles too to give chase.
Bolverkr, now unashamedly proclaiming to be Odin manages to spit the mead into the vats at the gates of Asgard as the eagle giants draw close.
Odin takes great delight in telling his boys how he wet farted some foul smelling mead into their faces to throw them off. And how if you hear a bad poet, you know which mead they tasted.
Odin, of course, shared the mead wisely, his intention all along.
The link to the main story being defeating Utgard giants takes some cunning. Odin tells them they have his blessing to go to Utgard for talks, but be careful. And don't beat anyone else up. And don't start a war. And you can't have any Einherjar to back you up. They are busy doing important things.
Thor wants to have words with the Utgard giants as stealing his hammer is not on (notwithstanding he already pulverised an entire wedding party full of giants as punishment).
He assembles a crew (Loki, Volstagg and Hogun). Loki refuses to be part of the Warriors Three, bristling at the idea that he might be thought of as Thor's sidekick.
Balder can't go as he has become more serious about the Einherjar. Sif refuses to go as this is all very machismo, bravado and ego driven.
Undeterred Thor, Loki and the Warriors Two set off for Utgard. They can't use the bifrost as the giants would see them coming. They stop at the last lodgings before Utgard and are reintroduced to Fandral, son of two courtiers. He can run impressively fast.
You can forget the goat eating/resurrecting thing from the legend (little too crazy, little too cruel). Fandral upsets Thor somehow at Loki's tricking and offers to become his bondservant.
Utgardaloki (a nickname I imagine), the trickster giant will use some ruse to see through Loki's illusions. He disguises himself as an even bigger giant to trick the team, but promises to take them to Utgard. Thor feels threatened by the giant giant and bashes him with Mjölnir while he sleeps, to seemingly no effect.
When they arrive at Utgardaloki's house he challenges them to a competition to settle the matter of the stolen Hammer. Loki is revealed as the thief (but not as a Laufeyson). Thor is livid but the gang break it up.
Utgardaloki reveals the theft was in retaliation for the incident where a giant built Asgard a fortifying wall and Loki had to distract his horse so Asgard didn't have to pay him. He did this by becoming a female horse and ended up birthing Sleipnir who Odin would take from Loki as he was a fine steed; strong and fast. The giants felt this was unfair. Loki is upset by this story as he lost his (horse) son to his father. Then Thor teases him for getting pregnant with and giving birth to a horse. Loki is livid, the gang break it up.
Volstagg takes on the eating challenge (Loki in the legend).
Hogun takes the wrestling challenge (Thor in the legend).
Fandral takes the running challenge (a boy called Thialfi in the legend).
Thor takes the drinking challenge and Loki the picking up of the cat challenge.
When they all fail they are shocked and humiliated. Utgardaloki then reveals it was all a trick. He was the giant giant. And reveals that Mjölnir's blows could have killed him were he not a skilled sorcerer and secretly put mountains in the way (there are now valleys beside those mountains where Mjölnir struck).
Volstagg's opponent was fire disguised as a giant. You can't eat faster than fire, though Volstagg came close.
Hogun's opponent was time, disguised as an old lady giant. You can't beat time, though she only got Hogun down to one knee.
Fandral's opponent was thought disguised as a boy giant. You can't run faster than thought, though Fandral kept up well.
The drink that Thor took was secretly from Niflheim's oceans which cannot be drained, though Thor affected the tides.
The cat was actually Jormungundr, the world serpent and impressively Loki lifted a coil of it. Loki is sad again at this as this is another of his children/pets, banished by Odin to the deepest part of the Nifelheim sea as it was prophesied that it would poison Thor at Ragnarök. Learning from his previous mistake, Thor comforts Loki instead of teasing.
Utgardaloki considers the matter settled and vows never to let such fine warriors near his real home.
As Thor reaches again for Mjölnir, Utgardaloki and his home vanish.
Chastened, the gang return home.
As the gang recount their tale to Sif and Frigga, Fandral is released from his bond and welcomed into the Warriors Three for his impressive endeavours. Loki, despite his earlier attitude, is disappointed and a little jealous. He later recounts this to Sigyn and laments the loss of Sleipnir and Jormungundr. She encourages his bitterness.
Thor quietly muses to Sif about recapturing Jormungundr as a surprise for Loki to cheer him up. Sif, astonished, asks him where he is planning to keep it.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
A (Vi)king's Love (1) - The Raid
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Summary: Raids become a problem. When the fearless king of the North comes for your land, your stepfather makes a deal with the tall Viking.
Pairing: Viking!Thor Odinson x Princess!Reader
Characters: Lady Natasha Romanoff, Maiden Wanda Maximoff, Knight Brock Rumlow, Viking!Steven (Steve Rogers), Viking!James (Bucky Barnes), Heimdall (Seer), Shieldmaiden!Sif, Shieldmaiden!Brunnhilde
Warnings: angst, raids, arranged marriage, innocent reader, soft Viking Thor, flirty Bucky, a tiny hint of fluff, mentions of raids, mentions of sex (barely, implied)
A/N: Originally this series was meant to become a Steve story. It's possible I will write a different version for Steve & Bucky too. (Sue me for wanting Marvel Vikings to invade my blog...)
A (Vi)king’s Love masterlist
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“My Lord, they are coming closer to the shore,” one of the knights stumbles into the throne room, panting heavily. “Our men, they are keeping a close eye on the boats but, there are at least ten, maybe twelve.” The knight stiffly stands in front of his king as he tries to catch his breath. 
The man usually is not a fearful one, but the sight of ten boats coming closer to his homeland let his blood freeze and an icy shower run down his spine.
“Let them come then,” another knight replies, patting his sword. “We will fight them with all our might. No one dares to touch our maiden and gold.”
“Sir Rumlow, I appreciate your bravery, but this is not the time to show off dominance. They will run us over, even worse, kill our people. Most of the poor people, farmers, and the church are closer to the chore. They will fall victim to those men first.”
“Ten boats carrying those vultures,” the king exhales a shuddery breath. Not fearing for his people or family, no, he’s afraid he will lose his kingdom and wealth. There is not an ounce of love in his dark soul, so he smirks darkly as his eyes drift toward you, holding one of your ladies’ hands.
You are shaken at the sudden news. “My lady, what shall we do now,” you cry, pressing her hand to your heart. “Those men will invade our homes and—”
“Fear not, daughter,” your mother places her warm hand onto your shoulder. “Your father will find a way to keep all of us safe. He’s a good king, a smart one too.”
“He’s not my father,” you hiss, reminding your mother once again that the man pretending to love her is nothing but an imposer. He took the chance to woo your mother while she was still grieving. All he desired was to become king and steal her kingdom.
He reduced your mother to a pretty face, someone standing stiffly by his side while he pretends to rule this kingdom. The truth is, he’s a greedy man, a cold one too.
“I fear he will not even try to save our people, mother. I fear he wants to do something only to save his life and gold. He’s not a good man, I told you so years ago,” you sniff. “He hates me. Every time he looks at me he sees my father. And I’m glad I look like him. He would’ve saved our people.”
As you run out of the throne room, the king’s features darken. “I want you to send someone to their leader, the one they call king. I want that man to get a message.”
“My king, I don’t think they’ll understand our language. Those creatures are more animal than men,” the knight stutters. “They will kill anyone who gets close to them.”
“Good, then you will fulfill this task,” the king chuckles. “Follow me to my chambers. I want to talk to you in private and then, you will deliver my message to their king.”
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“What will we do now,” you pace your chamber, clutching your favorite book to your chest. “Those men, the Vikings will come to our land and do horrible things to our people.”
“I think, we should stay at the castle and believe in our king and the knights. They are strong men, the best,” your handmaiden whimpers as Lady Natasha tries to calm you. “Stop crying, Wanda. You must be strong for your princess.”
“Natasha, don’t chastise the poor girl. She’s as scared as I am,” crouching down next to Wanda you try to soothe the crying girl. “The knights will protect us.”
“My brother, he just joined the knights,” the girl cries. “He’s still new to all of this. My Pietro will die. I just know it.” Wanda rocks back and forth, desperately crying.
“Your brother is a well-trained knight. Stop crying,” Lady Natasha angrily grits out. She hates to feel weak and helpless. Usually, she would just punch a man’s face and dare him to take another step, but now…she doesn’t know how to protect her princess.
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Thor takes the first steps on your homeland’s ground. He closes his eyes, inhales the salty air deeply.
The tall Northman smiles, he can feel the wind pinch his face and knows, he will find a strong queen here.
“A good wind. This is where my fate awaits me, I know it,” he calls out for his men, raises his hammer, calls for Odin to grant them protection and strength on their last raid.
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“My king, you cannot send someone to bring their king here. This is insane. What do you expect to happen by bringing a vulture, one of these wild men here?” your uncle huffs as the king doesn’t even batt an eyelash. “What are your plans?”
“I will give him a peace offering. A chest full of gold, weapons, food for their long journey back to their lands, and…” your stepfather grins viciously, “I heard their king is looking for a queen. He sailed through wind and storm, attacked country after country only to return empty-handed.”
“A queen,” stepping away from the king your uncle shakes his head. “You cannot offer the princess to him! You don’t know what will happen to her. She’s of your wife’s blood, of my blood!”
“I will save this country,” the king rises from the throne, pointing the tip of his sword at your uncle’s chest, “with or without your help. But,” now he smirks darkly, “if you want your sister to stay alive, you will help me get rid of her daughter.”
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“My king,” Heimdall follows his king. He looks into the sky, sighing deeply. He drinks the ether of the new lands in before kneeling in the sand. 
He moves his fingers through the sand, scooping and handful up to dip his tongue into the sand. His golden eyes meet Thor’s, as the king looks for guidance. 
“A rough journey,” Steven muses, setting foot on the strand. He stands next to his king, smirking as he’s itchy for another raid. “I hope this country is full of gold and beauty. I’d like to take one of their lovely ladies home and have an heir.”
“Remember our goal, Steven. We did not come here to find your bride,” Sif watches Heimdall, their seer with concern. “The king is looking for a queen, his àst.”
Steven ignores Sif’s harsh words, rather focuses on the seer kneeling in the sand. 
“Why do you always taste the land first? That’s disgusting,” Steven scrunches up his nose. He shakes his head, disgusted as Heimdall smirks up at the tall blonde. 
“I can sense great danger coming from these lands. We shall return to the boats,” Heimdall grunts, looking at the sand in his hand. “We should not remain here. The king cannot be trusted.”
“That so, my seer,” Thor chuckles darkly. He throws his head back, braids wildly flying in the air. “Let the great danger come. I will face it with vigor and my hammer.”
“My king,” James walks through the sand with bare feet. “I like it here. The sand is warm and the air, refreshing,” the brunette runs his fingers over his braids, smirking as he imagines finding a maiden tugging at his hair. “The women are, softer and warm. I bet I’ll find a nice maiden warming my bed soon enough.”
“Steven, tell the others to wait here. I want to get to know the people first,” the king orders. “Heimdall, tell me. Is the bride you saw still untouched? Is my àst still here, waiting for me?”
“Yes, she remains untouched and unharmed, my king. I just don’t know for how long,” Heimdall raises to his feet. 
He cracks his neck, barely feeling the weight of his golden helmet today. Just like Thor before, Heimdall raises his large sword, praying for Odin’s blessing for this raid. 
“All-father, please grand us strength. Please guide us with your light and let my king find his bride. He is searching for so long to find her,” Heimdall looks up in the sky, smiling as he receives another vision. “My king, she’s nearby. You will recognize her the moment you lay eyes on her.”
“I will let the all-father guide me,” Thor nods at his most trusted men and the shield-maiden. “This will be our last raid for this year. We will return to our homeland, gold, in our hands. Another victory waiting for us on the horizon and a beautiful bride in our arms.”
“Uh-I prefer one of our men, but thanks for the offer,” Sif smirks. She raises he lance to the sky, offering another victory to the Valkyries. “May this raid be successful. May I find a worthy opponent to become my slave.”
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One moon later (or 28 days), …
“Father,” you grit your teeth as you must call the man pretending to be a king father. “You sent for me, and my maiden.”
“I did, indeed. We have a guest tonight, and he wants to get to know you, my beloved daughter,” Natasha tries so hard not to sneer at the king’s words. “You know about the men coming to our lands?”
“I heard about them a month ago, my king,” you nervously reply, wondering why your mother and uncle look like they are about to cry. “People said they were on a raid on the coast. That some maiden disappeared, and gold got stolen.”
“The maiden are fine, princess,” a deep voice booms, making you shiver. You lift your head to look in the man’s direction, gasping as the tallest man you ever saw steps toward you.
He shrugs a red coat off of his broad shoulders, showing off his thick upper arms in his armor. Pure strength radiates through his whole being and you are mesmerized by his impressive appearance. 
His long dirty blonde hair hangs loosely over his shoulders. Two thick braids tame most of it his hair, making him look less wild. Unlike the stories you heard about the Vikings, this man looks less than an animal, a murderer, and more like a king, a good one.
You can see the admiration in his companions’ eyes, even though, the man has golden orbs. His golden helmet frames his sharp features, and you wonder how the man looks without the helm covering his long black braids.
“You are even more beautiful than any poem could describe,” you shiver as his large hand reaches out to cradle your face, thumb softly stroking your skin. He looks down at you with soft blue eyes and you gasp as you end up feeling his lips on yours.
The Viking kisses you softly, seals the deal he made with your stepfather. “Your, what…I—Sire!” you gasp, feeling your knees buckle. “You can’t do such a thing with a maiden!”
“Your maidenhood remains untouched,” he whispers in your ear, smirking as you tremble in his arms. “At least until our wedding night, my sweet princess. My fate. My àst.”
“Wedding?” Natasha jerks her head toward the queen, feeling her heart shatter. “You will give your daughter to the raiders invading our homeland. How could you?”
“It was the only solution to save our people,” your mother replies with a monotonous voice. She must’ve practiced her words in front of a mirror as there is no emotion left in her eyes. “The bond with King Pierce’s son will no longer remain.”
“Your highness, my queen,” Lady Natasha cries. She always was protective over you and now, she cannot fathom you will end up as a pawn sacrifice. “You cannot!”
“Silence!” the king yells, turning his anger toward your Lady. “If you do not stop to intervene, I’ll send you to the tower!”
“No, please,” you grasp for the Viking’s forearm, pleadingly looking up at the tall man. “I’ll do anything but please, don’t let him send her to the tower. She only tried to protect me.”
“My dove,” Thor lowers himself to kiss your cheek softly. “Your wish is my command. Sif,” the Viking nods, and a lance is pressed to the knight’s throat who tried to grasp for Natasha.
“My king, shall I kill him for laying hands on the lady?” Sif looks at Thor for confirmation, ready to kill all knights in the room to fulfill her duty.
“No, just make sure he does not lay hands on the Lady,” Thor smirks as one of his men cannot take his eyes off the red-haired woman. “I think James would like to stick to the lady’s side and protect her.”
“Yes, my king,” James almost runs toward Natasha’s side, giving her a once over before he sniffs at her hair. “I like how you smell, pretty lady. Do you want to become mine?”
“What?” Natasha furrows her brows as the wild man looks her up and down. “I’m a lady, Sire. You cannot!” she gasps as James gently lifts her hand to press a soft kiss to her skin. “Sire! I—”
“I think this means yes in her tongue,” Steven snickers, elbowing Heimdall who stands next to your stepfather, searching for the truth once again. “Ask her to become your bride.”
“My lady, do you…” Natasha backhands the rude man, smirking as he rubs his cheek, but steps closer again to sniff at her. “Please, take this as an offering for our bond.”
James hands your lady a beautiful dagger. “What’s this?”
“A golden dagger, made by one of our shield-maiden. My mother,” he explains. “She said I shall give it to my chosen bride one day.”
“Bride? I—” with trembling fingers Natasha touches the dagger. She has a dagger hidden under her dress too, and wonders now why the Viking knows she loves daggers. “How did you know?”
“Uh—I just knew,” James shrugs, hiding their seer told him to bring a dagger with them on this raid. “So, do you want to come with me and your princess?” he asks again.
“Hmm…I’ll consider your request,” the redhead takes the dagger, immediately pressing it to James’s throat. “But don’t think I’ll roll over and have your manhood.”
“Thor, I found a bride. Can we go now? I got a ritual and wedding ceremony to plan,” all too eager the brunette takes Natasha’s hand, holding it tightly. “You can have my manhood any time, sweet lady.”
You chuckle as it seems Natasha found her match. For a moment, you even allow yourself to smile as her face flushes red and she chuckles like a young girl.
That’s until you remember your family sold you to a foreign king. A wild man, a raider invading your homeland to plunder, pillage, and defile the maiden. “How could he do this to me?”
“Behave now, Y/N. You are the princess of this country. Now you can be its savior,” your mother rises from her throne, gesturing toward the wild man standing next to you. “King Thor Odinson of Asgard promised to be a good king. He will leave our country and people unharmed and take you with him. Today.”
“Today?” Wanda cries, grasping for her brother’s arm. “Pietro, we cannot let them do this.”
“It’s decided. The wedding will…well…they will arrange everything, and we will attend it if we find the time and the way to their lands,” your stepfather snickers darkly. “That’s what you always wanted. Adventures and not to marry a boring man. Now you got what you wanted.”
“King Y/SF/N, may I take my bride with me now?” the king nods at Thor’s question and you are about to fall to your knees and cry. “Do not fret, my dove,” Thor whispers knowingly. “My seer told me it is fate that we met. You will become a strong queen.”
“A strong queen,” you look at your mother one last time, feeling tears well up to your eyes as she’s only a shadow of her former self. “I must be strong, for my people.”
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“I like your chamber,” the shield-maiden says, stepping into your room to watch you pack your things. “Your king, is a weak and greedy man. Your mother, she should kill him in his sleep.”
You chuckle at her words, even giving the woman a cracked smile. “What is your name?”
“Brunnhilde,” she replies, sliding her fingertips over the dress you placed onto your bed. “Can I help you, princess? What do you want to take with you?”
“I will leave my homeland for the rest of my life,” you sniff. “What shall I take with me, Brunnhilde? Books, dresses, or only a portrait of my mother?”
“You can take everything you’ll need with you, princess. My king, he’s a good man. He would never hurt you, princess.”
“He’s tall and—” biting your tongue you dare not to meet her eyes, fearing she will see the tall Viking ignited a fire in your chest you never felt before. “Did he have a bride before me?”
“Once he found someone, but she refused to become his wife,” Brunnhilde helps you put more things into one of the chests your mother gifted to you for your journey. “I know you worry he will steal your maidenhood before the wedding night.”
“I,” you nod, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Will he hurt me?”
“You must not fear my king. He will not take your maidenhood before your wedding or hurt you. Thor Odinson will be your protector from now on, and so am I...”
>> Part 2
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A Vikings love
@deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy​, @needmorereading​
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