#Slappy really is what started my interest
fanficwriter284 · 9 months
hey fan its your favorite annoying prick!
anyway i was wondering what illnesses everyone has. im super bad at making lore/ giving characters traits and was looking for inspo. i feel like if i give people something to relate to it would help make my content better especially if thy wisdom comes from you!
Haha hi again and oh that’s certainly and interesting ask!
Let’s start off with the man himself.
Chucky is far from perfect, especially from what he’s been through and dealt with in his life…
Chucky has extreme panic and anxiety attacks. Which leave him extremely vulnerable and exhausted since he often goes through various episodes when he has them. He often needs someone there to calm him down in order to ease the attack.
He has PTSD. If someone even resembles his father or does a motion similar to his dad to will make him freeze. He can’t move and he can’t speaks. He’s just there existing watching time pass. He needs someone to help pull him out of his hazed state.
He has chronic aggression and psychosis. From the events of his father and years of neglect from his biological mother he never was fully there as a child and this came into full effect when his brother died. (Thankfully this lessened when he lived with his mom and later on his Foster Father but once his mom died he ran away and these came back and hit him like a truck) When he’s having a panic attack or his sanity is flattering he hears and sees things…Mainly his father and dead brother in his head and it drives him mad.
And he’s a Sociopath…But you probably already knew that so he’s horrible at understanding emotions.
Tiffany- Self Worth Issues.
Due to the vast amount of belittlement she ensued as a child, this was bound to happen. Despite her mother being long gone she can help but pick out her flaws and fixate in them. Similar to what her mother did to her, leading to Tiffany becoming very insecure about her self and image. Luckily she has her husband…he doesn’t understand it and is horrible with emotions but he tries.
Glen and Glenda- They both just have anxiety. Nothing much. And nightmares. But that’s pretty much it.
Slappy- He wouldn’t really call it an illness and actually embraces it. He has ADHD. So he can be a handful at times and be a bit too hyperactive. Which can be a struggle for other people especially for his best friend Chuck. Since Chucks very sensitive around loud and chaotic stuff that’s besides the sound of slaughter. So Slap does his best and tries not to overwhelm Chucky. Though it can be quite a struggle for him.
Sometime he forgets to do things because he jumps around from task to task and often forgets to eat or drink. THANKFULLY his wife always makes sure he has something in his system so he doesn’t pass out.
Slappy also has extreme abandonment issues since he was dumped down a sewer drain and left to be forgotten by his father. So that left him very jumpy and on his toes, giving him extreme trust issues. He often tries to cover up his many insecurities with jokes and laughter to divert his and other peoples attention away from the matters, despite how uncomfortable or anxious he is. It’s not healthy at all, thankfully he has Anne and Chuck.
Annabelle- Social Anxiety. She doesn’t like dealing with people or being in heavily crowded areas. They over whelm her and make her feeling claustrophobic. However being with her husband always makes it easier.
Jig- Just has Sensory Processing Disorder and OCD. And he feels no physical pain and has issues understanding others and their emotions and the reasoning behind such.
Jig is overall focused on the way he presents himself if he keeps the outside clean and proper he will be okay. However if his suit gets dirty he will hyper-fixate on the stain and white until it’s gone sometimes he’ll go past the suit and onto his own skin and will keep going till he bleeds. He need someone to snap him out of it or me could go it bone.
He feels that he is someone on the outside looking in analyzing every obstacle and object in his perimeter he is very calculated and doesn’t factor human emotions into the equation. He feels no connection and just distant. The only people he care about to some degree is his family and even that connection took YEARS to develop.
His home is always clean and neat and if anything is it’s of line he will loose his mind.
Billy- Really doesn’t have an illness but…He’s horrified of himself and the wrathful nature he suppresses. He often downplays his other emotions expect the ones related happiness. He’s always smiling even when he’s not happy. This is due to the environment in which he was living in prior to meeting his family. His mother didn’t like it when he frowned so she forced a smile on his face until he could to it on his own. He was raised to be a killing machine that smiles his way through the job…nothing more.
This can often lead to anxiety attacks but don’t appear that way about he’s hides away, and smiles through the pain. And he loves marking others smile how can he do that if he isn’t smiling…..
(I hope this is good enough! 😁)
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negrowhat · 2 years
Hey y'all, I've seen everyone doing their top 22, 20, 15, 10, and 5 BLs of the year and I didn't want to do a ranking! I just want to do a quick rundown of everything I watched and how I feel about it now! This is gonna be multiple posts! But I'll post them all at the same time.
Thai BLs I've watched in 2022...the ones that weren't my favorite but weren't bad.
Enchante. 7 out of 10. I really loved Akk and Theo for most of the series but Theo took advantage of Akk a few times and he never apologized for anything he did and that annoyed me. They were super cute otherwise, we love an old childhood friends to lovers storyline. I enjoyed watching them expose the 4 horsemen ambassadors.
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You're My Sky. I dropped it at first because Fah annoyed me, but he actually turned out to be very sweet. He and Thorn turned out to be cute basketball sweethearts and they were a good team. It's one of the few sports themed series I've watched and I loved that everyone played different sports. I loved Saen and Aii a ton, their relationship was lovely and Saen was the best boy. DomeVee made me mad though. Overall I did enjoy the series.
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Cutie Pie the Series. I wasn't a huge fan of it overall. I didn't like all the lying between Lian and Kuea because it went on so long. Yi treated Diao like an actual child. I really enjoyed Kuea and Diao's bestiehood though and I enjoyed Jay and Poppy (can't remember his character's name lol). I liked the BounPrem cameo and I think there were some very relevant conversations had between the characters. The chemistry between both pairs was crazy good too, but now I feel weary of the type of series ZeeNuNew will be doing because that prince series feels like it's going to be similar to Cutie Pie.
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The Eclipse. I've said it before but I was more interested in the activism than the romance. I really, really enjoyed all the protesting and watching this small group of characters fight against their school's rules because they were antiquated and harmful. I even enjoyed the snitch brigade as the ops, their friend group was cute. That whole part of the series was very interesting to watch and I was betting on who The Curse was. I couldn't really enjoy AyanAkk because of all their back and forth, it was too much whiplash. I really couldn't get into Thuan and Khan either, sorry.
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Love Mechanics. It was a great series, but most of the characters annoyed me, except TOSSARA. No one listened to each other and there as bad communication. I wanted to fight Vee through most of the series and Mark at one point too. Yiwaa couldn't mind her own business and she was a bad friend to Vee. Nuea was very pushy with Mark even though he could tell Mark was not feeling him. Mark's dad was a jerk too. The series irked me in some parts. Again, it wasn't bad so I didn't dislike it, but it just made me mad lol.
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Series I started but never got back to:
Fahlanruk. I couldn't stand Fah and how he forced his way into Sherbet's life. I heard Sherbet got really slappy towards the end too. I tried to stick around for Prince and Gear but I just couldn't, they were moving at a snail's pace.
Coffee Melody. I tried to stay for Pavel, but like gotdamn Duean Yi got really annoying. The series highkey had all the makings for a decent Coffee Shop series, but one of the mains was unlikeable and the series fell flat overall. It was boring and drawn out. Thitnuea and Jean were cute from what I saw though.
Even Sun. I blame the writers. BounPrem have natural and amazing chemistry but even that couldn't make me watch past ep 3 of Even Sun. The plot made little sense and the subs on iQiyi were really bad too. I just couldn't give it the time because I lost interest fast.
War of Y. I only watched BillySeng's story, I was never all that interested in the series to begin with and I was going to watch ToruFirst's storyline but it looked so messy.
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m39 · 6 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2008): Back to Basics
I don’t think I will ever understand why Espi was so popular. I mean, having the award named after yourself is pretty cool (since he died from cancer before even hitting his thirties), but two of the solo projects I’ve played make me question the quality of his WADs. Ruma was good but it had problems (with Super Slappy and other new sound effects being sub-par as one of these problems). Meanwhile, Suspended in Dusk might look good, but aside from that, it leaves very much to desire in other aspects, along with (in the best case) some of the problems that were haunting Ruma before.
And so, we are here today, to take a look at his last solo project that has been highlighted in Cacowards.
G6: Back to Basics
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Main author(s): Esa Repo (Espi)
Release date: December 16th, 2007
Version(s) played: 1.1
Required port compatibility: Vanilla
Levels: 9 (Episode 2 replacement)
Back to Basics, as the name suggests, is an episode 2 replacement that focuses on being an old-school Doom WAD – abstract structure with vanilla compatibility for the lack of better words. With the first half being made out of the old project Espi had getting dust at that moment (with E2M1 dating back to 2001 if you look at its solo release).
I may sound harsh, but it will take a miracle for me to have fun while playing this WAD. After all, it’s on the first Doom, and considering the stuff Espi did that I played, I don’t have high expectations for this WAD.
Without wasting any more time, let’s take a look.
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When it comes to vanilla standards, Back to Basics looks rather good. I think there is at least one area per map where it starts looking really great. Unfortunately, I feel like at least half of the content is suffering from the Quake Syndrome, where there are a lot of brown areas/locations. There are great-looking places as I said, like the ones where you have to pass by/through demonic flesh and guts; it’s a shame though that you have to suffer from the aforementioned brownness to get there.
At least there are no annoying new sound effects. That's always something.
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Unfortunately it all goes further downhill when you start taking a closer look at maps’ design. I feel like this WAD repeats the mistakes that I mentioned in my Suspended in Dusk review, where the maps feel like overly complicated, mangled mazes that exist only to needlessly add time to your playthroughs.
It even has moments where you are forced to backtrack the large parts of maps just to press a switch/grab the key/go through the freshly open door that is right in front of you. One section of E2M2 where you have to press a switch to get access to the red key will make you go through one, godforsaken location 2-3 times depending on where you end up first just to grab this bloody key.
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Even when (sometimes) it looks like you can go through the window that you will clearly fit, well guess what? Fuck you. It is actually an invisible wall.
Also, it might be only me, but I feel like there is at least one moment in at least half of the maps where you have no idea where to go and what to do, and you run around the map like a headless chicken to find that one switch/door to interact with; or at least that’s how it feels on the blind playthrough; other times it was much better.
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There are even secrets that I feel like only the master of SR40/SR50 strafe running will get to. You might as well fly/force jump/noclip there if you haven’t lost your plot already.
And by the way, if you think about nuking the shit out of the siege cow at the end of this WAD with your secret BFG, guess what? Fuck you part two. You are forced to Pistol-start E2M8. Why? Because we need some of that additional chore to do. Fun? What’s that?
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The only map that I legitimately like is the secret one. It has an interesting way to get to it, and its concept is fun with a bunch of floating islands with castle fortifications each. And it didn’t feel that much of a slog to play through.
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Speaking of a slog, however, fighting monsters is one. Do you like shotgunning demons for at least half of the playthrough due to saving more powerful weapons for more than 1-2 Cacos or one Baron? Because Back to Basics will guarantee you that. I can’t even properly think how hard this WAD is; it’s just boredom.
I do realize that the problems with boring fights are more of an overall problem in Doom I WADs (probably because I feel like people make them as if it were for Doom II rather than Doom I), but there were WADs for Doom I that came before this one and there were ones that gave me more fun than BtB. This WAD (and many more in the past/future) would benefit greatly if most of the maps cut the enemies' amount and their size by around half of its current content, but that’s just me.
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Back to Basics is only worth downloading for E2M9. Otherwise, it is a waste of time that offers nothing but a nostalgia trip to the first Doom if you are not into this.
You might be thinking that the next WAD to tackle will be BGPA Missions, the sequel/spiritual successor to Operation Overload created by the same dude, but no. After the experience I had with its predecessor, I don’t want to waste my time on BGPA. I might check it after dealing with the last WAD from the 2008 roster, but after the Enema Dude FooF, I am doubtful of that happening.
Instead, we will take a look at something different. But before that, there are previous parts of a certain trilogy to talk about.
Get some cereals people. This is gonna get slimy.
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fantastickkay · 11 months
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Album Review of the Week: Jonas Brothers - The Album (2023) ☆☆
After Happiness Begins largely fell flat for me in 2019, I was skeptical of a new Jonas Brothers effort but definitely had my ears open. I was a huge fan of theirs from about 2007-2010 and will always support them! The lead single Wings had a nice hook as they were teasing it but, clocking in at less than 2 minutes (!!) it left a lot to be desired. An aside, I never thought I would see the day when 1950s length songs would be in style again. Less than 2 minutes, really? Dang. It also whips back and forth between upbeat and downtempo which can be really irritating. The next single, Waffle House, did actually get me hooked and I was excitedly cautious - their comment of this album being "Bee Gees" inspired still lingering in the back of my mind in a negative way. I am not a fan of their falsetto tendencies, Bee Gees or JB.
Miracle has a really nice funky beat which is largely marred from that dreaded falsetto. With a different vocal style, this song could have been a banger! Yet, once again, it ends at just over 2 minutes without anything really exciting happening. (please let bridges come back!)
Montana Sky gives a bit of a redemption moment. It has a country flavor that they do actually make work for them and their own style. I can definitely picture myself on a road trip enjoying this song with the wind flowing through the car.
Sail Away has a lot of potential to be a really cool song, but once again it misses the mark just enough that it leaves me scratching my head in confusion. It is clearly attempting to meld together a few different genres and trends but comes across more disjointed than anything. The vocal style is very abrasive paired with the music on this particular track as well. In an attempt to appreciate the good, it does have a bridge!
Americana is an interesting track. Just as I was starting to get into it - IT ENDED!! 2 minutes exactly, with a 9 second fade out. It ends up feeling more like an interlude with the choppy vocal style, attempted rap? and repetitive nature. I'm not sure what exactly is happening, it's almost cool (again).
Celebrate! is a fantastic sentiment, they did go through a lot to be able to come back together. It's just far too cheesy and pleading to be in a commercial rather than a serious song. That's not to say that I expect it to be truly "serious" - my whole taste is "guilty pleasures" and unserious. I just mean an earnest piece of music, not something to slap on a Target commercial.
Back to Waffle House, by far the best track on this album. It has true verses, a dynamic chorus and a clear subject. It utilizes the same chanting you hear in the previous track, but in a much better and more engaging way.
Vacation Eyes sounds like it's right out of the mid-1980s with it's slappy, groovy bass. I'm not one of those people that see music in colors, but this song is definitely a pale pink sunset. It has a nice sentiment as well, I can definitely groove to this track.
Summer In the Hamptons is not my style at all. It's borderline vulgar with obnoxious repetitive instrumentation and a disjointed melody. I suppose that's just what happens when the pale pink sunset goes dark!
Summer Baby is the worst track on this album. The falsetto is out in full force and turned up much too high in relation to the music, either that or it simply cuts right through and seems louder. Still, the vocal melody is disjointed which I keep saying but there is just no variety in how they are singing and we all know they are capable and have the talent to at least give some variety and texture!
Vocally, Little Bird is a fantastic song compared to the rest. They are finally singing normally, although the lyrics are cheesy and contrived. I do appreciate the dedication to their children but it sounds like a 9th grader wrote these lyrics.
Walls is firstly kind of an odd song because at the time this was released they were all married and the longest song on this album, by far, is saying that if "you would ever leave me, the walls would cry"? It is slow, boring and weird. Weird because it has a woman saying one phrase in Spanish repeated throughout and it seems to glitch at one point and get super repetitive. The slowness morphed into what seemed like a rockier edge but I couldn't stand to listen to this album for another minute and a half.
Overall, this is a very disappointing release because I know that they are capable of much better. Nick just released a solo album in 2021 that was fantastic and both Nick and Joe have great voices when they use their proper range. Honestly, I just got frustrated listening to it and couldn't wait for it to be over. Even though this 12-track album clocks in at only 32 minutes, I couldn't wait for it to be over. That's something. There were points when it could have been a good album but just fell flat over and over again.
I did not buy a physical of this album, original images sourced from Discogs.
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Decided to slam through the rest of Liveman after putting it off for a couple months. Honestly the last 12 episodes were much easier to watch, I guess the middle episodes were just so aggressively boring that they left a bad taste in my mouth (that and watching it simultaneously with go-onger and carranger prob didn't help)
The villains are unequivocally the best part; watching them fight to earn the respect of Bias and lose their humanity in the process (or in case of Guildos and Butchy never given the chance to live freely) was genuinely really interesting and downright sad. A lot of Liveman is just sheer misery happening constantly, but that's honestly what it does best and I'd even say the show is at its worse when its trying to be light-hearted. You can really tell this was written when Hirohisa Soda was starting to get tired of writing sentai AND that the bubble economy was about to collapse. A kid's television program floating in a miasma of cynicism, entertainment value may vary
Also Colon deserves to be considered a Liveman, she did more to help than the black and green combined
6/10, 2 of those points are for Jou's big slappy
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 3
Let’s Split Up and Look for Clues! 
Welcome back to the Seven and the Museum of Adventuring. My previous pronouncement of combat was a little premature but hold tight, we’ll get there. For now, we’re back with Antiope who just saw a glimpse of the Ending of Things (aka, Ending) and is freaking out a bit. She tells the others and they all do various checks to see what they can find out.
Ostentatia casts Commune With City and clocks that there is some kind of abjuration shield magic on the government buildings in town, stopping them from being spied on. She also clocks some lingering undead-ish magic and a weird divination effect on Antiope, specifically on the Aguefort logo of her jacket, like someone scryed on her and just got that she had something to do with Aguefort. At this, Penny reminds her that the only true piece of info they gave Ending when they broke her out is that they were from Aguefort.
Sam with a 19 Insight still feels the connection she and Ant have with Ending because of their spells turned against them in the initial encounter. Yelle does a Perception check (27) and once again doesn’t really get bad, dreadful, menacing vibes. But also, she recognizes that she’s chill with a lot of things most people don’t love. 
Antiope reiterates that she texted Charity that she’s interested in the internship so she can learn more info--even better now that they know the buildings are safe from scrying. Yelle remembers Aguefort’s warning about people watching them and Sam asks Zelda if her “weird boyfriend” (“he’s actually really cool”) is friends with the elven oracle. Zelda says yeah, they’re both friends with Adaine, she can ask about any weird divination stuff. Sam makes sure to specify she should look into TK but NOT Ending, no doubt remembering what happened when she tried to do a spell on her. 
It’s been a big day as Zelda says so they all go to the TGIF-esque Slappy McFinnigans to celebrate (which Sam has problems with--the fact that they’re celebrating I mean, but she’s mainly ignored). They’re quickly kicked out because Katja can’t help herself from trying to brush the mane of their centaur server and they reconvene at the more their speed SlamBurger, where a horse can fully destroy a soda machine to absolutely zero reaction.  Zelda says that Ostentatia was right in that they should all do the quest because it doesn’t close any doors and they have the 2 weeks to figure things out. They all seem a bit more on the same page (though Sam is still pretty frosty towards Ant) and start making plans.
Before they leave, Yelle pulls aside Ant and Sam and says hey, first of all, you two are still linked to Ending from before. Second of all, I know y’all are Going Through It right now and you don’t have to talk about it or make up right away but you need to get your heads in the game and you need to know that you’re both loved and still family. 
Penny, Zelda, Katja, and Ostentatia go back to the museum to try and get more information for their quest. Katja goes to the information desk (horse in tow, of course) and just starts asking information about TK. She’s told that she’s one of the museum’s benefactors and has been missing for years, and hey, do you understand that a museum’s info desk is about where the water fountains and exhibits are, not just random information about the world?
Ostentatia bails her out by calling her over so she can do her plan which is just to walk into the back area like she owns the place. Now, Aguefort students do have a certain level of clearance to be back there and she does have her school ID. But instead of explaining that, she tried to use her Earrings of Diamond Charm to charm the employee she runs into which fails. And then she does a pretty good tag-team lie with Katja about how they NEED to pass a class but that doesn’t fly. Then Ostentatia tries flirting which ALSO doesn’t work. Zelda at this point steps in and just headbuts the dude so they can book it away. I personally would have gone with, “Do you know who we are? We killed the dragon that’s your current main exhibit,” but you know. No backseat adventuring. 
While this is happening, Penny is stealthing like a pro, looking for anything Arcana related. Ostentatia and Katja also did checks (O getting a nat 20) and we’ll go through all their info gathered now. 
Katja basically gets info on TK we kind of already knew. She was a benefactor of the museum. She’s centuries old like Aguefort. She was concerned with consciousness and divinity and specifically how will and divine will manifested, as well as elemental magic.  
Ostentatia gets a lot of info with her Nat 20. She gets a full map to the temple where TK went which is called the Temple of Earth Defiant. The point of the temple is that it’s up in the open air and harsh winds--wind being a symbol of chaos and unpredictability to dwarves--but they still use it as a place to honor their heroes and they rebuild and upkeep it despite the erosion and how hard it is to get there. It’s hallowed from evil and lots of stories about it involve heroes racing there for sanctuary. It was made by dwarves but it’s a pilgrimage site for other primordial beings like goliaths and earth genasi (which is what TK is). There are 3 heroes who have big statues here: Asha Hammerheart (a SUPER dope name I must say), Yvonna of the Sundering Hills , and Kora Ironbrow.
Penny finds that, amongst Kalvaxus’s hoard there were 7 unrecovered artifacts--the Mirrors of the Eidolons (which are the smashed mirrors they found it seems). Eidelons are kind of like the elemental plane version of angels/celestials. They’re primordial (remember Katja saw primordial language on the wall of the dragon cave) and kind of aligned with things like titans and genies. Raw element with no agenda (unlike celestials and demons and such which have a clear alignment which makes up the D&D religious system). It is said by wizards--who look at these things in more of a nuts and bolts way than say clerics who take the fuzzier religions view--that Eidolons are the hands of the gods because gods are beings of spirit--how could they form the physical world. Will of the divine manifested by elemental beings? Sounds right up TK’s alley.
Sam decides she’s desperate enough for information that she calls her mom who she is understandably snippy with. Her mom gives her a contact to talk to when she asks about TK but Sam stonewalls her on show business talk. She tries to play the “mother knows best, you’ll thank me later,” in a kind of Gothel-y way while acting like anything in the past never happened and says Sam is attacking her but when Sam accuses her of neglect, she proves her right by hanging up the phone.
Sam then calls the number and it turns out to be Lola Embers (Fig’s agent) who has been waiting for Sam’s call for ages and wants to talk to her, even though she’s currently chasing her dog across the park. She says she met TK once at a genasi woman networking thing and also says she once saw Charity get into an argument with TK over government funding or not getting a grant or something similar. She then says she’s in a lake trying to get her dog and Sam, being a water genasi who can breathe underwater and also a fundamentally good person even though she’s currently being aggro as hell, goes to the park to help her. Lola assures her that if she’s ready, she’ll help her get new acting gigs and that the world is ready for the new her. 
Yelle meanwhile casts Speak With Plants on some trees near TK’s office and, after a super stoner to stoner conversation, gets a magical footprint trail of where she ran off to when she absconded 12 years ago. 
Antiope (who is in a sports bra because she destroyed her top with the Aguefort logo since that’s what was pinged, revealing in a wild, nat-1 fueled retcon that she got a tramp stamp reading “Leader” in the Red Waste) goes to see Charity to fill out some paperwork, ingratiate herself, and perhaps get some info. Charity has her hot, young, assistant (who Antiope is instantly crushing on) give Ant his shirt (and Charity’s lack of surprise at seeing his 4 horses pulling a chariot tattoo makes the group think they’re def banging). She kind of explains what the Ministry does and Antiope boils it down a bit to snitching on other adventurers. Charity says it’s more of a who watches the watchmen situation and visibly twitches when she has to say the word “snitch”. 
When she takes a second to call Antiope’s dad, she accidentally leaves a tab open on her computer which has TK’s file open (probably up from when the Maidens asked about her earlier). Antiope sneaks a peek and learns that the artifact that TK stole is called the Legendarium Extrodia and it tracks quests. It seems that at some point TK must have had top level access to get her hands on it. It also shows that TK was marked for assassination (which seems like a pretty good reason to get the heck out of dodge). Brennan also says she’s learned enough that she can use the L.E. if she finds it. 
At this point, Yelle tells everyone to come back ASAP so they can follow the magic footsteps. Antiope wants to come but doesn’t want to burn bridges with Charity (or chances with Preston--equally important) so she, at Katja’s suggestion--pretends to have diarrhea and is Nat 20 convincing. Interesting choice for the end of the first meeting with a person you’re crushing on. But Preston is actually pretty supportive as she races out the door as fast as possible.
The Seven follow the footsteps out of Solace and it becomes clear that TK was headed to the dwarven temple Ostentatia learned about. This is a multi-day journey so Cinnamon sings a glorious, magical, horse song and summons mounts for everyone which I will now name because this is obviously the most important part of the episode:
Snowfire - Danielle
Taffodill - Sam
Alagonia - Antiope
Candyheart - Penny
Starforge - Ostentatia 
Strawberry Dancer - Zelda 
Crucial info. 
As they travel, Antiope casts Primeval Awareness and gets that there is something ancient in the mountain. They travel through Pilgrim’s Pass (a village area most travelers to the temple pass through) but find it completely razed to the ground. They investigate. 
With an 18 Survival check, Antiope finds tracks that seem halfway between dog and cat. There are more than 4 legs and it’s hard to tell how old they are because there’s not a lot of rain in the area. They could have been left long ago and been undisturbed. Regardless, these are clearly from monstrosities. On a 26 History Check, Katja knows that this area used to be protected by Blink Dogs (teleporting dogs) but they seem to be all gone now. On a 22 Nature check, Yelle sees a weird feather made out of plant material. It seems like fae stuff but bad vibes. On an 18 Insight check, Sam knows this was a purposeful slaughter.
And on Penny’s 30 Arcana check, oh boy. Penny finds broken common scrawled on the wall in human blood talking about a queen of the mountain who rules the skies. That only the queen may see and none may see themselves. And that the people were told to destroy the seeing glass and did not obey. In from of that message is a bear hide covering something magic. Penny lifts it with reckless abandon and sees tons of mirror shards.
Friendship bracelets! She thinks.
Gotcha bitch, the thing in the mirror says.
Penny calls over her friends to let them knows she may have made a tiny mistake. The group is pretty split between, “Understandable,” and “Girl, WHAT?” In her defense, she did try to cast Friends on the person on the other side of the mirror shards but that’s not enough to stop an entire pack of 50-60 Displacer Beast (magic tentacle cats)/Blink Dog hybrid monstrosities along with the Harpy Queen (voice from the mirror) and her plant feathered harpy minions to start rapidly making their way to their location. 
It is at this point that Ostentatia remembers that abominations and monstrosities cannot step into the temple which means it’s time to RUN. 
And NOW it’s combat time. 
The premise of this fight is that the girls are on their horses, moving towards the center of the temple as fast as they can while fending off the closest enemies. I won’t give an exact play by play but the two highlights are as follows:
Yelle conjures up a bunch of geese with raptor stats (...so normal geese) to swarm the head cat/dog abomination and has to do a truly stunning amount of math for which she is rewarded with SEVENTY POINTS OF DAMAGE. 
Antiope does some insane arrow trickery and gets the Queen Harpy in the wing (which Ostentatia helpfully gets on video so she can show Preston later) and then forces her to take damage as she falls. If not for an extremely lucky Box of Doom nat 20, she may have been down for the count. Antiope still comes away with more than FIFTY points of damage on her though. 
And we end the episode mid-combat! We will catch up on our girls next time!
Penny: Most Likely to Make Friends During a Hostage Situation 
As a companion to Danielle’s superlative last episode, Penny gets this award for reading or misreading every situation as an opportunity to make friends or make friendship bracelets for the ones she already has. 
Random Thoughts
Did you guys notice that with Katja having Cinnamon and Charity’s assistant being Preston, that’s two of the main pet NPCs from A Crown of Candy?
Antiope’s Reaction to Yelle Saying That Maybe Things Ending Isn’t So Bad: Rail against the dying of the light! Why are you OK with this?
Penny’s Reaction to Yelle Saying That Maybe Things Ending Isn’t So Bad: Entropy is TERRIBLE! Everything needs order!
The greasy cashier’s response to Ostentatia’s flirty, “Come here often?” is “To my job? Honestly no.” Brennan? Chef’s kiss. 
My other fave line this episode is from Sam. “I believe Cinnamon fucks.”
It’s very cute that Penny is like, “I gotta text Riz about this Eidelon stuff!” Not because she wants help. Just so they can geek out together. 
The joke that Brennan didn’t think about the birds is so funny considering all the bird facts in Misfits.
Also re Birds attacking: “They made a movie about this Brennan!” 
Good on Ant for refusing an Aguefort sweatshirt from Charity when offered after the little scrying incident before. Remembering things like this saves lives. 
It has been brought up several times that Ending isn’t necessarily Bad just Ancient and Powerful and I trust Yelle’s vibe check but also, like, a forest fire doesn’t have malice behind it but it can still devastate a city while it clears out dead trees that need to be cleared, you know? Not ready to start wild speculation yet but I am curious. And am similarly curious about the sisters Ending has mentioned. Oh and the parallels of 7 Maidens, 7 mirrors. It’s all there, we just need a little more info. 
Honestly, get you a man who will see you rushing out of a building, loudly claiming to have diarrhea, and instead of being grosses out will just supportively confess his own stomach issues. I wish he was just a little younger cause I want that for Ant. 
I do like that D20 has been playing a little more fast and loose with the RP ep/combat ep format. I think it really helps with story flow. 
In this episode Antiope and Brennan as various non-Zelda NPCs rolled 2 Nat 20s. O rolled one. Ant rolled 1 Nat 1--which was on a self imposed roll to see how she responded to Sephie’s tramp stamp improv. And O may have rolled one for initiative also but I wasn’t sure. 
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aviesnapkindoodles · 3 years
since i’ve been told my whole life that cartoons other than disney channel wholesome were bad and creepy but its literally half of the media i consume heres my thoughts on the “forbidden”/my favorite cartoons
spongebob: eh like it seems funny and okay like lowkey dumb but still fun to watch idk why my mom hates it but has good memes 5/10
svtfoe: my mom said it was inappropriate (she hates this style of animation so much) and creepy and i am so upset because i love it so much anyway rip me the world is so interesting and dynamic and its just fun but has some cool like evil stuff 8.9/10
gravity falls: !!!! i love it so much!! the monster, storytelling, characters, animation! but my mom also hates it, and my sister got scared a little bit by one of the episodes so now i have to watch it when no one is around which never happens 9.5/10
steven universe: never seen it an since there are the gays in it probably going to have to wait until college but looks lit 7/10
over the garden wall: idk what this is but the fanart is really good? 8/10
teen titans: !!! never got to watch the og one except for the pirated episodes on youtube but i want to so bad!!! 8.5/10
voltron: ghghghgd hate the queerbaiting and most of the writing in the last couple of season but the characters and storytelling and universe i really liked but my mom hates that style/anime style plus the gays and everyone started hating it idk why 7.5/10
hilda: AAAA my love i mean the color pallette is AMAZING the characters are all cute and hilarious and the little universe thats so modern but so strange like the small things and hildas so interesting 9.5/10
carmen sandiego: hnnnngh hot spy lady my beloved,,, plot can be a bit much for me personally but characters are fun and so is the arcs (shadowsan my beloved) and the animation style is LIT also the little bit of like learning? coolio 9/10
she ra: princesses of power: aaaAAA adora my beloved i adore this show the colors and animation style and cast and the gays and like its not perfect but its interesting 9.5/10
dragon prince: seen half a season, so cool!!! everyones bb except evil king guy, animation is so cool and storytelling is aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh 8.5/10
legend of korra: seen 2 episodes, like all the change with references to original, korras cute 7.5/10
avatar the last airbender: !!! really good ! love the worldbuilding and style of episodes, good cast. fandom kinda iffy with the whitewashing but the like storyline and the set up and cast is awesome 9/10
dragons race to the edge: good show, the storyline could be kind of weird but overall really good with creating problems and introducing characters, okay animation but i was invested 6.5/10
animaniacs: my childhood, really fun and interesting, favorites are yakko pinky and the brain and slappy squirrel 10/10
trollhunters/tales of arcadia: !! really good!! storytelling, characters, problems evolve over the seasons which is really cool, introduction to other shows in the same universe, cool concept!! 9/10
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my guesses/theories on what might happen in “slappy in dreamland”
As I mentioned in a previous post, thanks to the book “judy and the beast”, I had access to the first 3 and a half chapters of “slappy in dreamland” (theyre really good, its really interesting). Ive come up with some guesses on what might happen in “slappy in dreamland”, of course I have no idea whats actually gonna happen, the only information about the plot I have is the chapters and what on the wiki page, these are just my theories
If you don’t want any spoilers, feel free to skip this post
My guesses/theories are:
·         Its all a dream – like the ending of “slappys nightmare” (I flipping love that book), Richard is gonna wake up and discovers that everything was just a dream, until he receives slappy as a birthday present. I like this idea to be honest because then it would be confirmed that slappy does have the power to access dreams, either that or Richard can predict the future, both of them are possible in the world of goosebumps.
·         We’ll find out what scares slappy the most – I really hope we flipping see this man. Like, even though slappy is the most popular monster in goosebumps, he barely know anything about the guy when you think about it, we only get a few bits of information about his past, only one book each of each of his siblings/father and even that doesn’t reveal much, hell what the hell happened to him before he was found in the dumpster in the first “night of the living dummy” book, see what I mean?. I desperately want to know more about slappy (its why I love the book “slappys nightmare” so much, we literally get the perspective of slappy, its awesome) because he has to be one of the most interesting characters ive ever read about. we already know some of his fears, like hes terrified of termites, fire and his own death (all of them are understandable), but what if we learn of a new fear he has that we don’t know about, how interesting would that be?
·         Slappy becomes an experiment - *spoiler for the first chapters of “slappy in dreamland”*, so literally on the last page of the first couple of chapters, they hook slappy up to a sleep machine as a joke, until they discover that he has fully functioning brain waves, which causes everyone to freak out because… well slappys a puppet, hes not supposed to have brain waves, and then the chapter ends there (the suspense is killing me and this is literally at the beginning of chapter 3). This honestly makes me believe that the mother might actually experiment on slappy, like hooking him up to different devices to see if hes actually alive (which we all know he is but they don’t know) or something like that. I kinda like this idea because from the start ive always had the thought “what would happen if he was caught by scientists or something”. This one actually leads to my next theory
·         Its slappys dream – I would be very happy if this is the case because of my love for “slappys nightmare”, and given we’ve been tricked into believing that a dream was real in the goosebumps series, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was the case
·         Slappy manipulates the machinery – in my guess above, I mentioned that they had hooked slappy up to machines and found out he had fully functioning brainwaves, I honestly believe that this might actually grant slappy the ability to go into peoples dreams as a lot of other people are connected by the same machine. What if Richard and his cousin got connected to this machine, which allows slappy to access theyre dreams as well. I dunno I feel like I can explain this one better
·         Slappy’s memories – dear god I really want to see some of slappy’s memories then it can give us some information about his past. Holy crap, what if we saw some memories of his siblings? That would be AWESOME! We could get more information on franz as well
·         BATTLE! – dude imagine if we get a dream battle like in gravity falls, that would be cool
thats all i got really, i might think of some more later. do you guys have any guesses/theories? if so please let me know, im really interested
random add: i just had the random thought of slappy first accessing this power, and hes just floating there in someones dream like “.....where the flipping heck am i?”, and crashing into a cloud or something. i dunno, it made me laugh
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marmett · 2 years
For ur send me a character:
-BisexualKiryu’s main blog
My favorite thing about them
ogghghgohgh i dont think i can pick ONE thing so im just gonna talk abt why i like him c:
majima is just a rlly compelling character to me bc he is so dynamic, he changes a lot over the course of the series but he still just has that core majima-ness so hes still recognizably himself despite it all. but i played y0 first so what made me rlly like him outta the gate was his character arc, its just sooo interesting bc in some ways he does develop in positive ways, but in others he gets worse <3
My least favorite thing about them
they made an absolute BANGER of a character with majima but then floundered to do ANYTHING w/ the depth they gave him. this is esp apparent in kiwami when instead of like,,,, capitalizing on anything they set up w/ shimano or his internal struggles they just... tossed majima everywhere in.
My favorite canon relationship
kiryu (oh my god they were narrative foils)
his relationship w/ saejima is also so fun! just bros hanging out, wish majima would get help for his codependency but whatever, theyre still a couple of cute old man besties.
and for these next two i dont mean theyre my favorite relationships in the sense that theyre GOOD but the sense that its interesting
but i do rlly like the relationship dynamic btwn majima and sagawa and what they set up for him w/ shimano in y0.
My favorite non-canon relationship
i think a lot abt how majima and haruka would interact under the circumstances of majima being a trusted person to kiryu. bc i dont think they ever actually interact on screen? but i just think abt it a lot and how messy it would be lol.
The sexuality I headcanon for them
majima is bisexual he told me himself :)
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them
i want him to teach me sick knife tricks so i can b half as cool as he is
Random fact about them I like
smth i rlly love abt any media is when they give the characters little hobbies and fun personal details, so i love that majima is canonically super into zombie movies and baseball. like, thats just such a cute lil detail that makes him seem more real
My favorite thing about them
fenris has a pretty monotone way of speaking yeah? so he usually gets mistaken for being serious and brooding all the time, but then when he starts talking its like oh, this guy is a RIOT. its just so funny how in one of the first convos he has w/ varric, varric is surprised when fenris starts cracking jokes. its just a very endearing character trait to have, and also relatable to me, personally, bc i also have a monotone voice but im an absolute CLOWN.
My least favorite thing about them
when hes mean to merrill ;_;
like listen, i love my pack of petty, mean bisexuals, but merrill does not deserve this. go get into another slappy fight w/ anders or something.
My favorite canon relationship
isabela! idk why, but the lil relationship they have if hawke doesnt date either of them means a lot to me? its just the idea of them being together and maybe isabela helping fenris explore his sexuality in a way he was never rlly able to before is just so sweet. from what i remember it seemed like it was a bit more of a casual arrangement? but im glad they had fun...
my other favorite is hawke ofc. fenris and both of my hawkes were just friends, but the friendship route is still very good.
My favorite non-canon relationship
this isnt smth ive rlly thought much abt, but u know what my warden mahariel would def be besties w/ him bc he already likes to befriend/adopt city elves who dont have a family.
The sexuality I headcanon for them
i dont have to HC anything bc hes canonically bisexual uwu
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them
man i dunno. do u think he'd like mario kart?
Random fact about them I like
im obsessed w/ the time he offered to kill javaris for the arishok after he wasted all our time like. you know i was thinkin that too but he really said it. idk if thats rlly a fact tho...
i also like that he invites the lads over for cards, idk who all is invited, but its funny they banned aveline for being a cop a sore loser.
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: In the Garden of Mindy
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So today’s episode is neither a regular Pinky and the Brain skit nor a mere cameo. Today’s episode is…different, as the opening that spoofs the 1980s CBS Special Presentations pops up.
Perhaps the Warner Siblings can shed some light on this?
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“Hi. We’re the Warner Brothers.”
“…And the Warner Sister.”
Look at these smug little gremlin children. You just know something is wrong when they make faces like that.
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“And we’d like to invite you and all the members of your household…”
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“…to gather around the TV set and join us now…”
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“…for a very special episode of Animaniacs.”
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“And what’s so special about it?”
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“I’m not wearing any pants!”
…Wakko, you’re never wearing any pants.
Okay, okay, so we have the usual opening song and then the real explanation comes along.
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“Welcome to the Animaniacs test kitchen!”
Oh no…
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“We’re cookin’ up something really different for today’s show. All we need are our ingredients!”
Oh, kids, no!
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“A dash of Pinky and the Brain!~”
Man, the mice look so worn out. Did they…try to escape the Warner Siblings to avoid this whole thing? Like, that’s the only reason I can think of for why they look so tired as opposed to surprised or nonchalant like the other characters: They’re exhausted from attempting to run away. And for Pinky to be tired out is very, very telling.
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“A cup of Slappy Squirrel!~”
Slappy is resigned to her fate.
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“A tablespoon of Goodfeathers~”
I’m sorry about the smear face I managed to capture on you, Yakko.
I love how Bobby’s smirking a little, Squit is grinning like usual, and Pesto is looking at both of them like “If this is in any way you guys’ fault, I swear to the Godpigeon you’re all in for a beaking.”
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“Add Rita, Runt, then swirl!~”
Meanwhile, Rita and Runt are just baffled.
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“We add a pinch of Hippos~”
Why do you only have one of them?
…Wait, this is a fat joke, isn’t it? Goddammit.
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“Buttons and Mindy, too~”
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“Now top it off with Skippy Squirrel~”
Buttons and Flavio right now:
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“What’s that make?
Animaniacs Stew!~”
Well, okay. We can at least call everything that results from this by a catchy name: The Stew AU.
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“What’d we come up with?”
“Just watch…”
Oooh, children. You’ve committed a culinary evil this day.
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“They’re Mindy and the Brain~”
So we’re mixing up the Animaniacs cast of characters and shows today.
Okay, so I guess it’s time to explain the basic premise of the Buttons and Mindy shorts and why they’re not fondly remembered, huh?
Well, the whole thing with Buttons and Mindy is a variation on the Baby’s Day Out type of scenario. Buttons the family dog is put in charge of guarding and babysitting Mindy, a friendly and curious toddler, by the mother of the family. The mother leaves to go…somewhere, and Mindy inevitably wanders off to chase after a bug or something new and interesting that she sees. Buttons goes after her because he loves Mindy very much and wants to keep her safe and be a Good Dog, and Mindy naively and unknowingly wanders into increasingly dangerous and life-threatening situations that Buttons must save her from, all the while getting beaten and bruised by the situations that were threatening Mindy.
The shorts usually end with Mindy and Buttons somehow ending up back home with Buttons ragged from the abuse he’s endured and Mindy perfectly fine except for maybe not being tied to her tether or in her playpen or whatever. The mother comes home and sees that Mindy is not quite where she was when she left her, or the surrounding area is a mess or something equally not that terrible, and berates Buttons for not taking better care of Mindy and calling him a Bad Dog.
And that’s where it ends.
If you’re not busting a gut at that description, congratulations, you are just like 90% of the Animaniacs audience.
The reason these shorts just don’t work for a lot of viewers, myself included, is that this kind of scenario is only funny once or maybe twice. After that, you just end up feeling bad for Buttons and don’t want to see a cartoon dog go through a conga line of pain that he doesn’t deserve. Not to mention that the whole premise can be boiled down to “Severe Parental Anxiety: The Show”, and not a lot of people like feeling that way for ten minutes or so per cartoon episode.
The reason the scenario works for a comedy movie like the aforementioned Baby’s Day Out is because the people going after the baby in that movie are kidnappers and obviously terrible people who only look out for the child’s safety so they can hold the kid for ransom, thus the pain they go through while the child remains okay is funny. Trying to do the same thing with an innocent family dog that just wants to keep a toddler safe? Not very funny at all. It’s just sad.
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“Mindy and the Brain!
One’s a small child,
And the other’s…the Brain!~”
So now we have a Buttons and Mindy episode with Brain filling in for Buttons. Already this is…not great, but I suppose it’s the only suitable fit for Brain because he’d have it so, so much worse if he was put in the cast of the other skits.
I like the Goodfeathers skits, but I feel like Bobby and Pesto wouldn’t put up with his world domination shtick and end up berating him and/or beating him up. And Squit? Squit’s a do-gooder but he definitely doesn’t have Pinky’s level of passive subordination. Brain would be completely out of his league.
This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t want to see Brain interacting with the Goodfeathers, because holy shit yes PLEASE I would love the chaos that would ensue. I just think Brain wouldn’t last on his own with them.
Brain would, again, be completely out of his element in a Slappy Squirrel cartoon. Slappy’s skits hinge on her being a senior Looney Toon-type who knows just how to handle absurd scenarios and villains. Brain gets lost and confused incredibly quickly when unexpected situations pop up. He’s not a quick thinker in general. He’d be toast.
Being inserted into a Rita and Runt skit… Well, Rita wouldn’t be a good partner for obvious reasons that will become even more apparent later. And Runt is kind and a bit dimwitted but he’s no Pinky. Runt isn’t the type to be interested in helping to take over the world. He just doesn’t have the skills to do…almost anything that Pinky can, and he doesn’t have the drive to do it. Runt just wants a home and that’s it.
As for the Hip Hippos, there’s a skit of theirs down the line where Brain is involved and it honestly turns out about as well as it does for Brain in this episode.
So, let’s see how Brain fares in a world without Pinky.
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“He uses his lobe
To overthrow the globe!~”
Also, we’re again treated to TMS doing the animation, which certainly elevates this skit quite a bit.
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“She’s whimsy,”
I love how Brain goes from shock and surprise to absolute petulant grumpiness after seeing that Mindy put him in a jar.
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“They’re Mindy and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain!~”
If only this was the extent of your humiliation today, Brain. If only.
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[Various raspberry and baby babbling noises]
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“Hi, Lady!”
“It’s ‘Mom’.”
This is honestly the only joke I ever liked in the Buttons and Mindy shorts. Apparently it was based on something a real child of a friend of an Animaniacs creator would say to their mom.
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“Now listen, honey, mommy has to go to a better parenting conference. You stay right here and play.”
A “better parenting conference”, huh? Lady, you need it more than you know. For many reasons.
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“Okay Lady, I love you, buh-bye!~”
Is anyone else getting a horrid sense of foreboding and dread from Mindy’s doll looking like a simplified Elmyra?
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“Now, Brain, you keep an eye on Mindy while I’m gone.”
Nothing like leaving a mouse in a cage in charge of a toddler, huh?
Gosh, brain’s so adorably chubby in this episode. Look at him. Look at that grumpy face and that pudgy belly.
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“I always get an attitude from him…”
Yeah, he’s… Yeah. That’s Brain, all right.
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“At last, that meddler is gone! I’m free to begin my plan to…conquer the world!”
I love that back shot of Brain so much. It’s perfect. That’s the perfect Brain proportions and I can only dream of being able to draw cartoons that well.
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“First, I’ll use telepathy to open the cage.”
C-come again? “Telepathy”?
Brain, honey… You’re looking for the word “telekinesis”. You should know this.
Also I guess Pinky’s not the only one with telekinesis capabilities.
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The fact that he cocks his head to the side when he turns the trowel with his mind is a nice little detail.
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“Now to get Mindy…”
That strut, though. He’s a mouse on a mission.
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“Come, Mindy, it’s time for us to conquer the world!”
...Okay, I’ll say it: Mindy is very cute in this shot.
Meanwhile Brain...looks like a gremlin.
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“By right of superior intelligence, I am best suited to guide the destiny of this planet.”
Careful, Brain. You’re getting dangerously close to--
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“My empirical powers give me the mandate.”
BRAIN, this is starting to sound like eugenics...!
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“Because it’s something I want to do!”
Oh lord, without Pinky to reel him in and remind him of all the real reasons he wants to conquer the world, the Brain of this universe has devolved into a mouse driven purely by ego and spite.
His little tantrum is adorable, though.
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“Okay, I love you! [MWAH~]”
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“I am uncomfortable with that.”
The Brain be like: What is this...”affection” you speak of? This is new and scary to me.
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“Now listen closely, Mindy: Using the gardener’s weed killer, manure, and a little zoysia grass,--”
Zoysia grass is an actual thing, by the way. It’s the kind of grass you see mostly on golf courses.
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“--I will construct a powerful stink bomb!” 
GAH! No need to punctuate the term by making your eyes bulge, Brain.
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“We’ll use the lawn mower engine to construct a rocket and fill it with the gas. When precisely launched, the prevailing winds will spread the gas across the world’s capitals.”
As impressed as I would be with you being able to make a rocket from a lawn mower engine, Brain, it’s kind of overshadowed by you doing that thing again where you make a drawing animate like a video. Another strange power to add to the list, I suppose.
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“As the stench drives the government officials out into the streets, we will rush in and seize power!”
Good lord, Brain, calm down. You’re gonna break that pointing stick!
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“You understand?”
You’re...not very good with kids, are you, Brain?
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“Pretty Brain mousey…!”
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“I am mortified.”
I don’t see why, you look positively precious.
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“Little mousey big head!”
Mindy, dear, I too wish to squish this cute little megalomaniacal mouse sometimes but you’re doing it way too hard.
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“Put me down, Mindy, or I shall have to hurt you.”
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“Okay, I love you, buh-bye!”
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The Brain: [is a mouse with genius intellect and gadgetry know-how with the drive to take over the world]
Also The Brain: [gets dunked on by a toddler merely dropping him on the ground]
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“I sense I’ve completed the first step of my plan: Finding manure.”
That’s one way to look on the bright side, I suppose.
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Sweetie, you’ve got something stuck on your head still.
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“Pungent aroma, if I do say so.”
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“Now to construct the rocket…”
...Why would you take the mask off now? You’re still right over top of the stink bomb! Brain, have the fumes messed with your thinking abilities already?
I do like the animation of him tearing the mask off, though.
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“Buggy! Buggy!”
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“All right, Mindy: Bring me the mower!”
If you ever need a pose that sums up Brain perfectly, it’s this one right here. This is him distilled down to his purest form. God bless TMS for this.
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“Soon the world will be mine!”
Uh, yeah, about that...
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“Woooow! Buggy go fast! Wheeeeeee!~”
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“Whoooooaaaa! GAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!”
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“Beh, peh, EUGH!”
Brain’s plans go to shit really fast without Pinky around. Sometimes quite literally, it seems.
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“Buggy go ‘round!”
[Running in the 90s starts playing]
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Don’t worry folks. As always, Mindy is okay. Brain, however...
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Something I missed on my first viewing of this episode: the grass around Brain’s feet as he walks around covered in his stinkbomb juice dies near instantly.
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“Wahahahaha! Silly Brain!”
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“This is most unexpected.”
Is it, though? Is it really, Brain?
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So, uh, something that caught me off-guard while watching this for the first time is what happens next.
Pinky and the Brain is, obviously, a Warner Brothers cartoon with some Looney Toon sensibilities. Despite that, though, while there is the occasional being-flattened-like-a-pancake or being-covered-in-soot-after-an-explosion types of cartoon slapstick and such, it doesn’t really go much beyond that when it comes to cartoonish injuries and such. The worst I’d ever seen it get in this show is at the end of Opportunity Knox when Pinky and Brain are all wrapped up in bandages and some of their fur has been scraped off raw. Even then, that was surprisingly “graphic” for the show.
But this upcoming bit?
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--was my reaction the first time. It’s not bloody and gory, but seeing Brain being sliced into sections by a lawn mower is just...startling, to put it mildly. To my knowledge (and well, it has been decades since I regularly watched the show, so take this with a grain of salt), the Pinky and the Brain Animaniacs sketches and the spinoff never does something this Looney Toons to them.
And what really gets me is that he’s not just cut into sections with his eyeballs popped out, it’s that there’s an obvious hole in the middle of each section??? For some reason??? What that to imply space for his skeleton?!? A creamy center filling?!?
TMS, you could have just animated him in sections like some kind of mousey marshmallow, why did you include the holes?!?
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[Press F to Pay Respects]
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“Bleh! Brain smell like poo-poo!”
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“I must re-think my present career…”
Honestly, Brain? Without Pinky to help you, I’d say it’s a good idea to just try and escape this family first and then maybe try on your own to take over the world. You might have a slightly better chance then.
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“What’s that horrible smell?! Is that you, Brain?! Have you been allowing Mindy to feed you old cheese again? Bad mouse! Bad, bad mouse!”
Wait, “again”?
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“…I hate being chided.”
You know, it’s interesting how he says that about this human woman chiding him, but in the regular Pinky and the Brain universe Pinky will sometimes chide Brain for doing something dubiously immoral, and while he may hate it there too...he more often than not backs down and admits to his faults when it’s Pinky doing it.
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“But she’ll be gone soon, then I can begin my plans for tomorrow: Another plot to take over the world!”
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“But first: A bath.”
I mean, yeah. Priorities.
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“He’s stinky,
They’re Mindy and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain!~”
Well, I never thought we’d get a Brain bath scene until the comics but here we are.
I wonder if Pinky would find it equally as appealing to watch as that one...
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Okay, that sure was...an episode. Let’s see how the other half of the equation is doing.
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“They’re Pinky and the Cat!
Yes, Pinky and the Cat!
Her name is Rita,~”
Oh NO... 
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I love the contrast of these two shots. It’s as if Pinky’s self preservation instinct kicks in only long enough for him to be vaguely worried about having a cat in his cage...and his lack of attention span overtakes it and he does whatever the hell this is.
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“He’s a lab rat!~”
“A mouse!”
At least he still has it in him to be offended enough to correct the Warners about his actual species.
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“They live inside a cage,
Making less than minimum wage.~
Oh, Pinky, sweetie... I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for what’s about to happen.
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“It’s dinky,~”
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“They’re Pinky and the Cat, Cat, Cat, Cat, Cat!~”
Pinky making faces in the reflection of the water bowl is another bit of animation that’s used in the spin-off’s opening theme. It’s kind of weird to pull something from this particular segment, but whatever.
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“What do you want to do tonight, Rita?”
It was so difficult to get a shot of Pinky’s cute little coy stance here, but it was worth it. Look at this cute, naive little mouse. He just wants to be friends, Rita!
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“I dunno, eat you for supper?”
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[Press F to Pay Respects...Again]
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“So far, this is my favourite episode.”
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“Narf! Oh, roomy accommodations, Rita!”
Don’t worry, folks, he’s fine! Yup. He’s okay somehow.
Lord, I hope this didn’t awaken a vore fetish in anyone.
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“She ate the rat
‘cause Rita is a cat, cat, cat, cat, cat!~”
So yeah, that’s the end of this little experiment by the Warner Siblings. Well, the end of what’s relevant to this blog series, anyway. There’s also a skit with Pesto and Runt trying to find a home, which is honestly the best one out of this whole bunch of AU one-shots.
Then there’s a Katie Ka-Boom and Chicken Boo crossover, which is as underwhelming as you can imagine.
There’s a short where Dot takes the place of Slappy Squirrel, which goes about as well as it can after the theme song repeatedly calls her “Dottie the Squirrel”.
Lastly, Slappy takes the place of Dot in a Warner Siblings skit (with a cameo with Flavio as Skippy) where the Warners barge in on a very thinly veiled parody of Saddam Hussein and, uh... Well, it’s about as awkward to watch as it sounds. Props to Slappy for not really being interested in any part of that skit, though.
Man, after this utterly bizarre set of skits, I think we really need that full episode length Pinky and the Brain episode, don’t we?
Soon, folks. Soon.
See you then!
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
Sour- Chapter 1
Chapter 1: You’re a Right Bitch
Summary: Signing onto EMI records in the mid 80′s should have been a dream come true for Reader and her punk band, but she finds herself bubbling over with rage every time she interacts with the drummer from the successful rock band that records down the hall.
A/N: Hey lil cuties, I hope you enjoyed the teaser, it got a lot of good recognition which I’m happy about. Maybe i’ll actually do a tag list if anyone is interested (P.S. send ask if you are) and depending on how many people ask I’ll make but ONLY for this fic. If any of you have ideas for a name for reader’s band let me know because I’m writing the next chapter right now and I can’t think of what to call it, I was thinking maybe Sex Kitten, but let me know you’re opinion is always appreciated! This can be read as Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor and your feedback, likes, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. 
Pairing: 80s!Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut, hate fucking, degrading, alcohol, cigarettes, dom!Roger, swearing, fighting, unprotected sex, no foreplay, throwing up (from intoxication), age difference(maybe like 10 years, reader is probably mid- late 20s and Roger is close to 40), rog being kind of a c*nt, but reader also is, not proof read, grammar.
Word Count: 5.8k whoops
Series Masterlist
18+ if you are a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
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<<<< Teaser
Signing onto EMI should have seemed like a dream come true, but it wasn’t. Not because you and your band had issues with the contract or the long hours spent in the recording studio, no, it was because of a certain drummer of a certain internationally known rock band that had been the absolute bane of your existence. You honestly had no idea how the two of you had gotten off on the wrong foot, maybe it was how loud your hot-headed drummer, Benny got when he was pissed off, or how Haz liked to play his guitar outside of the sound dampened recording studio or how your singer Joe sand loudly in the halls as the four of you left to go home, or maybe it was the fact that you told him you expected him to be much shorter from slouching behind his set. Come to think of it, it probably was the latter of the complaints you’ve gotten from the neighboring band.
The first time you met Roger Taylor was also your first day in the recording studio as an officially signed and contracted band. The group of you were leaving well past midnight, alcohol and cigarettes seemed to be the only way you four could make it through recording this late. As the group of you stumbled through the hallway, your laughter accompanied by Joe’s bass heavy vocals echoed loudly through the halls. Your troupe had just barely made your way to the first door before a head of messy blond hair and furrowed brows poked his head out from the neighboring recording room, “Would you shut your bloody traps, some of us are trying to record.” He snapped before loudly slamming the door behind him.
You and your bandmates froze, unsure of what to do or say. It wasn’t until Haz spoke up and shoved Joe “Yeah shut up, Joe.” He mocked while laughing. You couldn’t help but think of how familiar his face looked.
Just the thought of Roger Taylor was enough to make your mood sour for at least the next three hours. You frowned pushing the heavy doors to the outside open, inhaling the cool winter air. You needed to get out of that damn recording studio, it got so stuffy after having four people in there breathing the same air for hours at a time. You brought a cigarette to your lips and lit it, leaning against the brick building with your hands in your jacket pocket, the door next to you opened revealing your nemesis, Roger Taylor, much to your dismay. “Fuck now my cigarette is ruined.” You said blowing smoke out towards the air.
Roger rolled his eyes, “Piss off.” He retorted before walking past you and to his car to grab a few sets of spare sticks.
“Aw, not out here to join me for a smoke?” you joked.
Roger frowned and his face twisted into one of disgust “I’d rather eat a fist full of glass.” He spat at you bitterly.
You hummed taking a drag from your cigarette and blew the smoke directly in his face as he walked past you “Shame, we really could have bonded.”
Roger waved the smoke away from his face “Don’t you have to be a bitch somewhere else?”
Your face twisted as you stubbed your cigarette out with your boot “Don’t you have to bang on some pots and pans?” you retorted.
Roger rolled his eyes and pushed past you, throwing the door open and stomping down the hall. You waited a beat for him to make his way to Queen’s recording room before you followed suit. Seeing Roger Taylor in person was enough to sour your mood for a few days. You and your bad attitude made your way back to the studio, you loudly shut the door behind you which caught the attention of your bandmates. “What’s got you in a pissy mood?” Haz asked.
Benny smirked knowingly “You ran into roger while out on your smoke break, didn’t you?”  
You huffed “I swear to god I’m going to fight his arrogant ass one of these days.” You said while pacing, too worked up to sit down.
Joe walked out of the booth “Well if you’re done brooding, get in and record your bass line for the song. We’ve been wasting time waiting for you to get back in.” He sounded almost as frustrated as you were.
You nodded, picking up your bass and walking into the booth, you put the headphones on and allowed for the music your bandmates had recorded previously to fill your eardrums as you added your bass line onto their unapologetically loud post-punk beats.
The music stopped and you looked up from your bass, “You sound like shit.” Benny said, “Not like good shit, but like actual shit.” He added.
Your jaw dropped, “Excuse me?” you sounded shocked, “What?” You really couldn’t wrap your head around what Benny had just told you.
Joe nodded his head and gave you a sympathetic smile along with a thumbs down, “You should make it… make it more slappy I guess?”
You scoffed “Slappy? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Benny clicked on the speaking button again “It means, make it sound slappy. Like this,” He said singing a bass like.
You nodded your head “Got it.” You said and waved your hand signaling them to roll the tape. You chewed on your lip and listened for a minute to think of something to play before you let your fingers fly down your frets and strings. When you finished you looked back up to the window “Slappy enough for you?”
“Fucking brilliant, per usual.” Haz complemented into the mic.
Movement in the background caught your attention though, you walked closer to the window and squinted your eyes trying to see into the poorly lit sound booth to the door. Where some tall figures stood “What’s going on back there?” You asked.
Haz shifted nervously in his seat “Don’t worry about it, we have other songs to do.” You could see him swallow thickly behind the glass that separated the two of you.
You were suspicious but he was right, “Fine, roll the bloody tape.” You were frustrated, frustrated with your shit takes, frustrated with Roger, frustrated with the fact you didn’t know what was going on from the outside of this stupid little box. Through the middle of your little recording session you saw your bandmates recongregate in front of the soundboard. They whispered and talked amongst themselves while the producer sat next to them obviously eavesdropping, you abruptly stopped “Are you going to tell me who was at the door? Or should I just keep playing and not having you pay attention.” You said bitterly.
Benny rolled his eyes and paused the recording, “If you really need to know, Freddie Mercury invited us to a gathering at his house later this evening.” He said waving an envelope in front of the window.
“You’ve got to be joking.” You said, letting go of your bass and allowing it to drop and hand loosely from the strap around your shoulder.
“Honest,” He said raising his hands defensively.
You took your headphones off and switched off the mic before screaming “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” From behind the soundproof booth, that did it. You rage had finally bubbled over, you shoved over the table holding your water, extra pics, and notes before breathing deeply and regathering yourself. “Let’s roll the fucking tape so we can get ready, yeah?” You said, as your bandmates looked at you with shocked expressions behind the glass. “You lot catching flies, or are we going to fucking record, let’s go.”
As you recorded your bandmates sat in an uncomfortable silence before one of them finally spoke “I’ve never seen [Y/N] that mad at anything in my life.” Haz started, leaning back in his chair.
Joe nodded his head, still listening intently but joining in on the conversation, “Yeah, but I bet it’s because she hasn’t gotten a proper lay in ages.”
Benny cracked open his beer and took a big gulp before grunting in agreement “You think she fancies Taylor?” he questioned.
“Yeah, but she can’t deal with her feelings, you know that. She’ll destroy this whole damn studio before she admits that.” Haz pointed out.
Benny nodded his head “Right, well I guarantee she is going to be piss drunk tonight, so I’ll keep an eye on her.”
After your litter outburst in the studio the boys decided to call it a day after your last take to allow for you all to go home and get ready for Freddie’s party, Ben would be making arounds later to pick everyone up but that wouldn’t be an issue considering he was also your roommate. You rifled through your closet, struggling to figure out what to wear. Your typical style didn’t seem grand enough for a Freddie Mercury party, but you made do with what you had and opted for comfort instead of sex appeal.
“Try not to fight anyone tonight.” Benny said as the two of you got into his small car.
You obviously knew what he was referencing but preferred to ignore it “I won’t, it’ll be fine, I’ve never been in a better mood.” You said and flashed him a fake cheesy smile.
Benny rolled his eyes knowing he would have his hands full tonight.
The drive to Freddie’s lavish home was surprisingly short, which you were grateful for seeing as sitting in the car was making you stir crazy. A pit of butterflies had formed in your stomach, but you had no idea why you had this sudden onset of nerves. You got along wonderfully with all of the other members of the famous rock and roll band and often times would ring up John Deacon for advice on your playing. You didn’t mind his bluntly honest critiques or his back handed complements that would make any other person run and cry. You were not any other person in the sense that you and John were very similar in that sense. Being the bassists in your respective bands meant you had to stand up for yourself otherwise you would get pushed to the background and often forgotten about by fans. It was your mutual understanding for the struggles of being bassists and strong drinkers that caused your professional friendship to form.
The group of you made your way to Freddie’s front door and were let in by nicely dressed doormen, and the scene before you was unlike anything you could have imagined. You knew his parties were the stuff of legends, but a party of this stature could rival even the great Jay Gatsby. You quickly lit a cigarette and took a glass of expensive white wine from one of the waitstaffs’ trays, promptly downing the small glass and handing it back to them, “Shall we?” You asked nodding your head into the large crowd of people before you.
Before you knew it, your bandmates had been swallowed by the crowd, causing you to lose sight of them and anyone else you may have recognized as a matter of fact. You meandered through the crowd towards the bar where you saw a familiar head of iconic curly hair, “Brian!” You said, greeting him with a friendly embrace which he returned. “It’s so nice to see you outside of the recording studio.” You jokingly said.
He laughed and nodded his head, “Yeah same to you.” He took a sip from his drink, “I heard you and Roger got into another little spat.” He could see the remanence of frustration behind your cheerful expression.
Your smile quickly dropped and was replaced by rolling eyes and deep sigh, “Did he tell you that?” You asked, you could feel your frustration boiling over.
“You know he’s sensitive about his drumming.” Brian chimed in with a smirk, oh did he love stirring the pot between the two of you.
“Well I’m sensitive about being called a bitch.” You said quickly swallowing the mixed drink your ordered, hoping the alcohol would ease your frustration.
Brian’s lips quirked into a sympathetic smile, “I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”  That was a lie and both of you knew it.
You nodded, already nursing your next drink, these bartenders really did work at inhuman speeds “Right,” You said not believing his lie, “Where’s Fred and John?” You quipped.
“What, not curious about where the fourth member is?” Brian pressed, your silence caused him to put his hands up defensively “Only taking the piss.” He said, still smiling “Freddie is out back, and John is God knows where.”
You nodded your head before ordering another drink, back up if you will, and bidding Brian farewell before you pushed your way through the crowd to greet the host. Freddie was having a good time, per usual. You waved hello to him from the crowd of people, he yelled something you couldn’t hear over the music and reached for your hand pulling you into a warm friendly hug which you awkwardly returned given your hands were full. You handed Freddie your empty drink glass “What should I do with this?” You asked, he responded by taking the glass from your hand and throwing it out into the crowd of people, causing you to laugh while nursing your next drink.
You and Freddie laughed in your mutual drunken states “You know, darling, when Roger came back into the studio and mentioned how you said something about him banging on pots and pans I nearly died from laughter.” He said remembering the flushed and angry expression on his drummer’s face. “You know what I think?” He asked leaning into talk to you, you sipped your drink, looking up at Freddie wide eyed and pressing him to continue speaking “I think the two of you should fuck.”
You choked on your drink, coughing it all over the front of your shirt and wiping the dribble from your chin “What!” You asked in a shrill voice.
Freddie let out a bellowing laugh, “It would be brilliant, the two of you need a good fuck anyways.” He said trailing off at the end and taking a large sip from his highball glass.
“I can’t believe you would even suggest I sleep with that arrogant asshole.” You were honestly kind of offended that Freddie would group you with one of Roger’s lowly groupies.
“Hear me out, love.” He said, his stance wavering from the alcohol “Roger has had such a stick up his ass after quitting smoking and the divorce. I don’t think he’s gotten any decent pussy since we toured in the 80s and you? I don’t ever see you going home with any sort of eye candy.”
You rolled your eyes before you finished off your drink and set your glass on a table, “I don’t get any I’m the only female in a mostly male punk band, Fred.” You pointed out, using your now empty hands to light a cigarette, “I’m not even a lead, I just play bass.” You said blowing smoke out into the night sky.
“Oh rubbish, you’re a damn good bassist or John wouldn’t even give you the time of say.” What Freddie said was true. While John was harsh in his critiques, you knew it was only because he saw the raw talent you had.
You nodded your head only half listening to Freddie, your mind still caught up on trying to imagine how sex with Roger Taylor would be. A bitter frown crossed your lips, you would never fuck Roger Taylor, “I need a refill.” You huffed before promising Fred you would come back immediately after your drink. You pushed your way through the crowd, your arm raised as to not burn anyone with your lit cigarette. You tried desperately to find your bandmates, but alas due to the large crowd it was no use.
Either way, you needed another drink.
You quickly made you way to the bar back inside the house and ordered a shot of whiskey and chased it with a full beer before you ordered another mixed drink. The copious amounts of alcohol you had consumed were finally catching up to you, your face felt hot and flushed and your skin tingled delightfully. You hummed, sipping your drink and making your way to the bathroom to finally break the seal. After checking several of the first-floor bathrooms, only to find their handles locked you frowned in frustration and made your way up the stairs to the second level of Freddie’s mansion before you finally found an unlocked bathroom. You promptly went in and relieved yourself as you exited you ran into a surprisingly firm body, sloshing your drink and theirs on each other’s respective shirts “Who invited you here?” The voice sent a chill of frustration up your spine and to your alcohol flushed face.
You looked up, locking eyes with an equally intoxicated Roger Taylor, you huffed moving to push past him “Freddie did, the other members of your group actually seem to enjoy my company.” You said, once again moving to squeeze past him. Your efforts were to no avail, as he had firmly planted both hands on either side of the door, trapping you in the bathroom. “Get out of my way.” You said impatiently, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You’re always a right cunt you know that?” he said in a matter of fact tone.
You grit your teeth and clenched your drink harder “You’re the one that’s the cunt, maybe it’s all that groupie pussy that’s ruined your respect for women.”
Roger scoffed, here he was, nearly forty years old and throwing insults at some newbie punk rocker. “I don’t know if I’d call you a woman, maybe a failed guitarist sure, but a woman or lady not so much.” He said crossing his arms over his chest giving you a smug look.
“I think your sticks are too far up your ass, Taylor,” You spoke as you pushed past him. Before you had time to react you felt hands on your shoulders pushing you hard against with wall causing you drop the glass in your hands, allowing it to shatter on the ground and the breath to escape from your lungs, you groaned but didn’t know if it was from the pain of your back colliding with the wall behind you or from the adrenaline you felt rising in your veins and stomach.
Roger’s strong hands held you firmly against the wall and his calloused fingertips brushed against the skin on your collar causing a light shutter to run through your body “I have half a mind to shut you up right here.” He threatened, his usually bright blue eyes now clouding over with something much darker.
You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the pressure of having his knee right between your legs, but you felt a sudden boldness “Do it,” You pressed, articulating your words and hoping to get a rise out of him.
With that, he pressed his lips against you with force, causing your teeth to clank together and your head to fall back, knocking against the wall. His roughness causing a sultry moan to slip from your lips, “You’re pathetic.” He hissed pulling your hair and tilting your head to expose your neck and leaving hot opened mouth kisses along your jawline to your neck where he harshly bit down causing you to shove him back.
Roger gripped tightly to your hips causing the two of you to stumble backwards from the force of your push “Take me to a bedroom and fuck me already.” You said impatiently. Freddie wouldn’t mind if the two of you had a quick romp in the sheets in one of his many bedrooms, after all he was the one that instigated the whole thing.
The two of you stumbled, a mess of tangled and drunken limbs as you fell back into the first open bedroom you could find. Roger flipped on the light switch, not breaking the kiss and revealing a large well decorated room with an equally large bed in the middle. He shut the door behind him with one arm and shoved you back onto the bed with the other. Your eyes caught your reflection in the side mirror, your hair was a mess accompanied by smeared make up and eyes clouded with lust.
You quickly slipped your boots off and lifted your hips to help Roger take your pants off. Quickly, he flipped you over and pushed you forward. You adjusted yourself, ass in the air and legs spread showing off your already wet pussy. Roger groaned looking at it and ran a finger through your slick folds “You truly are pathetic, you know that, [Y/N]? I’ve barely touched you and here you go making a mess all over Freddie’s sheets.” He inserted two fingers into you agonizingly slow and licked his lips feeling the tightness of you engulf him, “A shit bassist, shit song writer, shit musician, shit person…” He emphasized each of his words with the slow lazy thrusting of his fingers. You let out a choked sob, desperate for him to give you more, “What was that?” He asked smugly, “If you want to get fucked, you’re going to have to be louder for me.” He said before pulling his fingers out leaving you feeling empty.
You pushed back against hand, “No-” you said sharply. You spread your legs further and arched your back “Please,” you hated how he had complete control over the situation, but at the same time loved it.
“Please what?” He asked swiping the head of his cock between your damp folds, intently watching as your juices coated him.
“Fuck me.” You said softly, clenching the bedsheets.
He raised his hand and placed a sharp smack on your ass causing you to jolt “Ah, fuck. Just stick it in already Roger.” You hissed.
Without warning the blond lined up to your entrance and pushed in, not giving you time to adjust. He let out a choking groan, not expecting you to be as tight as you were, “Fucking Christ.” He hissed snapping his hips against yours with purpose.
You gripped the bedsheets and cried out, feeling him stretch your walls unapologetically. There was no foreplay and no care in how either of you handled each other, just wanton need mixed with the mutual resentment you had for each other.
Roger propped one of his legs up to angle deeper into you and leaned over, pushing the side of your face into the mattress as he relentlessly pounded into you, years upon years of frustration he couldn’t hold back. He fucked his failed marriage, arguments with the band, cigarette cravings, and the comments you made about how shitty you thought his drumming was into you as he drove you into the mattress. Your legs shook and eyes rolled into the back of your head from the pleasure you received from the new angle and you let out a string of garbled words neither of you could understand. “This whole party can probably hear how much of a slut you are.” He said slipping his thumb into your mouth to which you greedily sucked on, “I didn’t expect you to have such a tight pussy” He huffed and groaned feeling your walls flutter against him, “’Cos you seemed like such an easy lay.” He let out a breathless laugh, knowing how right he was.
Your arms had given out and were sprawled out in front of you and drool had started to dribble down your chin from Roger’s thumb pressing down on your tongue forcing your mouth open to hear your sinful cries, you knew your legs weren’t going to hold you up much longer and Roger knew that as well.
He quickly pulled out and flipped you over onto your back in a less than graceful manor before he hitched your legs over his hips and pushed himself back in, continuing his relentless pace. You reached your hand into his hair and tugged roughly on his while your other hand raked its nails down his back causing him to arch into your touch and his movement to faulter.
You were surprised to feel a hand slip between your legs and begin rubbing rough circles around your clit, guess chivalry wasn’t dead after all, you squirmed against his touch the stimulation almost becoming too much for you to handle. Your walls twitched, clamping down around Roger, earning a shuttering moan from him.
You were both close.
“R-Rog…” You let out a stuttering moan feeling your climax building in your gut.
“Come on, you can’t be that daft, use your words.” He huffed, gripping your chin to make you face him, “I want this whole party to know who’s fucked you by the time I’m done.” He said through gritted teeth.
You opened your eyes and your mouth hung ajar, breathing heavily as you made eye contact with the mess of a man before you. Roger’s shirt had ridden up, and his pants were half pulled down and accompanied by sweaty and matted hair, you hated how the look in his eyes caused your walls to clamp down hard on his cock, squeezing him as you reached your climax, yelling his name with a hoarse and cracked voice for the whole party downstairs to hear, and the face he made as clenched your thighs and hip and reached his own, releasing hot spurts of come into you. He hunched over you, letting out shaky breaths as he worked you through your orgasm. He hated you but wasn’t a monster.
Roger stopped and swallowed thickly while trying to catch his breath, you glanced over at the mirror seeing red scratched zig zagging on his back and sat in silence, wondering which one of you would cave first and break it. The drummer pulled out of you and tried to hide the whimper that escaped him at the feeling of your tight walls clenching around his sensitive cock but failed, before he tucked himself back into his pants, “Still think you’re a bitch.” He said tucking his shirt back into his pants and tightening his belt.
“You’re a shit lay.” You tried to insult as you got up, steps wavering and some of the evidence of your prior actions leaking down the inside of your thigh.
Roger bit his lip at the sight and watched you pull your pants up, “Right and the whole crowd downstairs couldn’t hear your pathetic voice five minutes ago.” He said before turning to leave, giving you a short wave “Ta,” he said and left, walking downstairs with no shame.
Your hips ached as you walked to the bathroom to clean yourself up, you hated how that was your first penetrative orgasm, and you hated the ache between your legs, and you hated the smug look on Roger’s face after he left because the both of you knew he was probably the best lay you’ve had. But you couldn’t find it in you to be angry, not while in your post orgasm haze. You walked down the steps, taking it easy, and made your way to the bar and ordered a mixed drink to quench your thirst, desperately hoping that the stares you received weren’t because these strangers knew you just had been fucked so hard you could still feel the muscles in your legs twitching or that you could still feel the remains of your and Roger’s essence leaking out of you even after you cleaned yourself off.
You ordered a shot and a beer, quickly down the shot and moved to drink the beer before it was taken from your hands. You turned to see Freddie nursing what used to be your beer with a knowing smirk on his face, “[Y/N],” He said in a sing song voice.
“I didn’t fuck Roger” You said defensively.
Freddie grinned and handed you back your beer which you promptly drank out of “I didn’t say that, but you just confirmed.” He nudged your side, “Was it good? You know I caught Roger walking down the steps and he flashed me this grin.” He paused to order a drink, “And you know what I said to myself? I said, oh no Roger only makes that face after he fucked a good cunt. Then what do you know” He shrugged in an animated fashion “I see none other than you, darling, walking down the stairs, stiff as a board.” Freddie was about to continue rambling before you cut him off.
“I hate him.” You said placing a cigarette between your lips and lighting it, inhaling deeply.
Freddie practically ignored your comment, “But it was good wasn’t it?” Your silence was all he needed to answer “See!” He pointed out.
As the night continued so did your consumption of alcohol, you felt your drink being taken out of your hands and a blurry figure and closed on eye to focus your vision. It was a very pissed off Benny, “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you since we got here.” He said, drinking your drink.
You whined and leaned onto Benny’s chest “Hey, I was drinking that.” Your words slurred together.
“You look like a mess.” He said wrapping an arm around you to help steady your poor balance, your make up was smeared, hair a mess, clothes wrinkled. But thankfully your drunken state covered for your earlier romp in the sheets. “We have to go home,” He said pulling you along, “Come on.”
Your steps wavered as you began walking out “Wait,” You said abruptly stopping, “I have to say bye to Fred.”
Benny rolled his eyes “You’ve been with Fred all night, I’m sure he’ll understand that we need to leave.” You let out a whiney protest, “It’s 4am, [Y/N]” he said as if pointing out the early hour in the morning was going to make you want to leave more.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and firmly stood your ground, “Fine, for god’s sake Joe go find Freddie.” Benny said running a frustrated hand through his hair.
To you what seemed like hours but was truly minutes passed and Freddie was before you, and equally as drunk mess as you were, hanging off Jim’s shoulder. The two of you held each other in a drunken embrace and Freddie kissed your cheek goodbye before Benny pulled you off.
As Benny and Joe practically pushed you into the car you caught sight of a familiar blonde who was also about to leave, you rolled your window down “Hey!” You shouted, catching Taylor’s attention “You’re a bitch!” You shouted, to which he flipped you the finger and yelled ‘fuck off’ as you and your bandmates drove away.
After dropping off your two other bandmates at home Benny draped your arm across his back and held you at the waist, as you struggled to stand. “’M gonna puke.” You said feeling your stomach doing flips and a sudden cold chill crawl up your spine and settle where your ears and jaw connected. You moved to kneel on the soft grass on the side of your parking area and your hair fell around your face as you retched, trying to use your arms to hold yourself up, they were so tired and your elbows jerked, threatening to give out.
Benny pulled your hair back, seeing a large and deep mark of varying shades of red and purple on your neck, “What the fuck is this?” He asked poking the side of your neck when you finished puking and started to regain your breath. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and mumbled some incoherent words, “What?” He asked again.
“I fucked Roger!” You said loudly, sitting back on the concrete.
“Ssshhh,” He said putting a hand over your mouth “You’re going to wake the whole bloody neighborhood.”
You swayed in your seated position and fell into Benny’s chest, “I fucked Roger,” You said in a loud whisper.
“Yeah, I got that much.” Benny said, hooking his arms under your shoulders and pulling you up with him, the two of you made the long arduous walk to up to your apartment building. Benny laid you in your bed and unlaced your boots, you let out a huff still frustrated with yourself, “Was it good at least?” your roommate asked while handing you a glass of water.
You sat up in your bed and gulped it down “Yes,” you said in a defeated voice “But it doesn’t change anything, I still can’t stand the bloody prick.”
Benny hummed “Right,” He said nodding his head and taking the glass from your hands, “We can talk more about this in a few hours, the birds are chirping.”
When you awoke a few hours later you groaned, clutching your head feeling the insistent pounding of a hangover rattling through you and an ache between your legs, “Shit,” You said out loud remembering your actions from the night before. You got out of bed seeing you were still in last night clothes and slipped into an oversized tee shirt and put on some sunglasses to help shield your eyes from the bright light of day before you shuffled out of your bedroom and into the bathroom to find something to curb your headache.
You grabbed the pill bottle of over the counter pain killer and made your way to the kitchen for a glass of water and were greeted by your bandmates all in your living room. You opened your mouth to issue an apology for being a drunken mess last night but before you could get words out Joe interrupted you “Don’t worry, Haz puked all over the nice tile near Freddie’s pool right before we left so you weren’t the worst off.” Haz hid his face bashfully and nodded at you feeling your pain.
You grabbed a glass of water and made yourself comfortable in your usual spot in the living room, not caring that you weren’t wearing pants. You were comfortable enough with your bandmates and paid half the rent here so you really should be able to do whatever you damn well pleased in the place you called home. Much to your dismay you were already thrown a heap of questions “So I heard you fucked Roger last night.” Joe said bluntly.
You paused bringing your glass of water to your mouth to drink and were thankful your sunglasses hid your expression, “Yeah we fucked. What of it?” You asked defensively.
Joe made a face and put his hands up, “I was only making conversation.” He muttered bringing up his cup of tea before drinking it.
You were not going to hear the end of it.
Chapter 2: We Can Hate Each Other in the Morning >>>
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connordavidscamera · 4 years
Falling in Love | Connor Brashier
A/n: this is a repost from my Shawn account!! This is my piece and is not stolen.
Summary: you just can’t believe how in love you are with your fiancé.
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 1.8k
Staring at my fiancé from across the room, I still can’t help but think I’m dreaming. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to keep this man interested long enough for him to even want to marry me. But here we are a month into our engagement, at our party with all our friends and family, and I still think I should wake up any second now.
I knew I was a goner the first time he kissed me - when the whole world stopped existing until we pulled away for the much needed oxygen to find its way back to our lungs. It was almost too perfect, the way his lips curved against mine, the way his hands cradled my face like that was its rightful place - since that day, it has been. I’d never understood what people meant when they said sparks flew when they kissed someone. But I understood that day.
Our relationship was never rushed. We took everything slow and steady (even though people had their opinions about how long it took us to go public on his insta, or how long it took for us to say I love you. Except, hi, that’s no one’s goddamn business, but go off, I guess.) And I’ll admit, it did take longer than expected for either of us to say those three words to each other - eight months, actually. But you could feel the love in the relationship even without them. It was in the way he always picked up the phone when I called, no matter the timezone. It showed when he would come back from tour and he’d come to my apartment just to fall asleep on my chest because my heart beat lulled him to sleep. And how his hands always found their way to lock with mine whether we’re walking to the car, or dancing in a crowded club, or eating dinner and we’re sitting on opposite ends of the table, so he reaches over and it’s like that cutesy couple thing you see in all the movies. We didn’t need the words to feel them.
And just looking at him and his nonchalant attitude, no one would think that he had a romantic side. And they definitely wouldn’t guess that for our first six dates, before he finally asked me to be his girlfriend, he sent me flowers the next day. And then when we started actually dating, little love notes would just pop up everywhere. Like when he slept over and would wake up before me, I’d find a sticky note on my bathroom mirror that would say something like “Your smile is the best part of my day.” And there have been a few instances where I wasn’t feeling my greatest and he just showed up hours later - seeing as these moments only seemed to happen when he was off on tour - and he’d cuddle me on the couch while we watched shitty rom-coms until I felt better. And it may not be a big deal to anyone else, but when he talks to me, or listens to me talk, his eyes are always trained on me, and I think it’s kinda cute.
And he’s the most caring person. Not just with me, either. He looks after his own. His brother got in a fight one time and Connor was there instantly to patch up his wounds and give him a place to stay so he wouldn’t have to face their mom. Another time Alessia fell coming off the stage and he sprinted to get her ice for her swollen ankle. He made sure to check on her every thirty minutes or so, even though he was working and couldn’t do much for her then. And he is always, always there when I’m sick to my stomach, or sick of life. He’s there drawing hearts and smiley faces over the problem area with his finger, whether it be my stomach, or back, or my mind. He takes care of his own and that to me says everything about our future.
And this boy, Jesus Christ, he is so creative. I’ve never known anyone whose mind works like his. He can see a plain brick wall and immediately his brain clicks and it’s suddenly turned into an aesthetic Shawn’s next shoot. And he doesn’t just focus on faces, he goes and he gets the beads of sweat on Shawn’s hairline, and the rings on his fingers. And he edits his videos in such a way that you can’t possibly watch it only once and feel like you’ve seen everything. It’s fast paced and beautiful and I could watch him edit for hours on end and never get bored. The way he layers photos on top of videos and how he knows just  the right time to make the music swell in a scene. He’s talented and I hope he knows I think so.
He’s so random too. I never know what to expect with him. We can lay in bed while he’s stroking my hair, pulling me to sleep when he asks, “What if cows screamed when you milked them?” Or, “You know, Popeye ate a lot of spinach, but I don’t think that’s the real reason he was so strong. He had to be taking steroids.” One time he came into the room at 3 in the morning, woke me up and asked, “When you were a kid, did you have those suction cup ball things that you would throw at a wall or a window and they’d just stay there?”
“Connor, I’m trying to sleep.”
“I know, but this is important.”
“Because I just bought a dozen of those and a dozen of those sticky slappy hand things.”
And he’s spontaneous (not just in the things he buys off Amazon at 3 AM). There have been many occasions where he has called me up and told me to pack an overnight bag because he wanted to go to the beach or Disney or because he found this bookshop in Nevada that he thinks I’ll enjoy. And then of course there are the more “extravagant” trips he likes to take at random points in the year. We spent last Christmas in the Bahamas because he wanted to wear shorts on Christmas day and he couldn’t do that if we were going to a family Christmas party apparently. Another time we flew to New York because I said I was craving something from this one restaurant we went to last time we were there. He doesn’t wait a second. If I mention wanting something, we’re gone in hours, or it’s already ordered and on it’s way. There is no way to fully know what his next move is gonna be and that keeps the relationship exciting.
And he sees things so vividly, remembering them in soft light, sometimes though in overexposure. He tells stories- AMAZING stories - through the lens of his camera. He puts everything into perspective in such a way that you can’t picture it any other way. You can’t see Shawn on stage and not immediately think of the thousands of girls and women crying because they’re in the same room as him and he’s there and he’s beautiful. And you can’t see him running to hug his fans without seeing the pure elation from the ones he touches. Connor gives you the pieces to make one whole and leaves nothing out, not even once. He never strays from the real story he’s telling, although he might go into a few others while doing so,he always finds his way back.
And despite his resting scowl, he’s not a fighter. He puts off this “I dont give a fuck” type of vibe, but he’s a softy. Until someone says something they shouldn’t. It’s only happened twice. When we were out with friends and I was getting us a couple waters from the bar. This man, who was way too close to me, tried to buy me a drink, his hand playing with the straps of my dress. I was uncomfortable, but I couldn’t find Connor in the crowded space and I had nowhere to escape to when he started getting even more touchy. And then I heard it, the unmistakable sound of skin hitting skin. “Come on, we’re going home.” He said roughly into my ear and he pulled me away, out of the club. Only for him to be Connor again, my Connor. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you? God, I oughta kill him. Can I get you something?” I just shook my head and wrapped my arms around him. He let me. Of course he did.
The other time was early on in the relationship. We were hanging out with his brother and some of his friends from school. I don’t really know what happened, but one of Dylan’s friends said something about me. Connor told me later it had to do with him having me in his bed while he did awfully dirty things to me. Con went off on the younger boy, his face red with anger. He looked like he would blow steam out of his ears at any second. Dylan and I had to pull him out of the room, and let’s just say, he and I don’t go anywhere near that guy anymore.
“You’ve been staring at me for a while now, sweetheart.” Connor said, suddenly at my side, his voice low in my ear. “You’re giving me bedroom eyes. Can’t take care of you with all these people here.”
I hum, finding his fingers to lace mine through. “Hmm… that’s never stopped you before.”
“No,” he presses a gentle kiss to the side of my neck. “But we are kind of hosting this party. So it would be rude to just disappear for 20 minutes.”
“Who said it would take that long?” I giggle, connecting our lips in a quick peck.
He hums into my skin, “Later, kid. When I have you all to myself and we can be as loud as we need to be.”
I nod, biting my lip. “We could always kick them out early.”
“Patience, y/n. Want me to take care of you?”
I nod desperately. “Please.”
“Then you gotta be good for me. Because the guys are staring at us right now and neither of us will hear the end of it if I take you right now.”
I whine. “Okay… but I want everyone out in an hour.”
He kisses my lips one more time before pulling away from me. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“I love you,” I say just loud enough for him to hear. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” He throws me a wink before disappearing in the sea of people that fill our home.
I hope you enjoyed (again)! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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You guys are friendship goals how do you make internet friends saph
okay story time this is the progression of mine and @papesdontsellthemselves friendship (complete with pictures)
so once upon a time (actually it was november of last year) i was a Sad high school senior drowning my sorrows in my tumblr account as newsies royalty while i stressed over my college applications and auditions. most of my pastimes included 1. writing shitty fics 2. reading good fics and 3. listening to bad music from 2012. and i happened to stumble upon some newsies pics as one does by Someone called @papesdontsellthemselves or, as was listed in the bio “Mikey” 
nevertheless i binge read all of them at approximately 2am on a school night and probably fell asleep in ap euro the next morning. i very much liked his fics. they were slappy. and i started to stalk his account, as any normal person would.
and once or twice or several times, as any person who runs out of ideas does, he asked for prompt requests. and me, being a sad fangirl of this poor bois account, decided to send him some. (he still has one that he never answered) and he wrote a few of them. this one was my favorite go read it (i think i inspired this one) 
and then one day i opened my tumblr acc and THIS was waiting for me:
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and i think i was like KJHSJHASLHJGDSLKH WH
then you know some time went by as time does and we sort of awkwardly coexisted. i actually was within like 10 minutes of him for a college audition before we knew each other that was pretty wild.
and then
the fateful day
i was sitting in ap stats, bored out of my mind, and decided to ignore the lesson on z scores or whatever it was cause what the fuck else are you supposed to do in ap stats and go on tumblr (seriously do not take ap stats its terrible, its an acid trip, i barely passed that class) and i had a message waiting for me from the one and only @papesdontsellthemselves that said something like:
“lol sorry to bother you chief but how to you put your tag lists on your pics so they dont take forever ooo sorry!!” 
and i was like ssksksksjskskjsk why is tumblr royalty @papesdontsellthemselves talking to me, a lowly peasant, and i may have freaked out for a hot sec but then i responded something like 
“i have it in a google doc and then hit the down arrow and the return key really fast lol”
(only recently he revealed to me that he didnt actually give a shit about my tag list (r00d) and that he just wanted an excuse to talk to me and That was what he came up with and he screamed after he sent the message cause he was so scared. also he was in theater with his weird shoeless teacher not paying attention. we’re good students i promise.)  
and then we got to Talking and we just didnt Stop talking? like i told him about jeff, my shitty english teacher and he told me about his theater teacher who made them do 9/11 shakespeare and we bonded and then we sent each other pictures of our dogs: 
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mikeys dog, leela (aka leeks Big Chonk) ^^
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my dog, lacey ^^
and we also went through The Awkward Stage
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but then
a miracle happened
twas christmas eve, about like idk 3pm and the two of us were Awkwardly Conversing as awkward internet friends do and i was getting changed for christmas eve dinner (cause my family Extra and you have to be Fancy or face the Wrath of the Elders) and I'm digging through my closet looking for something Presentable when discover The Pencil Skirt. 
it twas a rather unsuspecting article, green wool with faint plaid stripes, and hand-me-down from some aunt, and i decided to put it on because i had limited fancy clothes and didnt wanna do a repeat from a previous year. so i added my One White Button Down Shirt and some black dance tights and called it a day. 
so then me, being me, was messaging mikey and said (keep in mind were still practically strangers and had been barely talking for a week):
“wow i actually look kinda hot right now like maybe someone would bang me. like, I'm not into that, but I look good enough that someone might consider it.”
me, an asexual, said that to a total stranger on the internet.
what were you Thinking saph.
truly, i have no idea.
but for some reason, instead of being scared away (like a normal sane person should be) mikey laughed and we began calling each other daddy. i dont know okay, it was a wild experience. I'm not sure if it actually happened.
so, my skirt became The Daddy Skirt, a tragic symbol of our strange friendship, and the two of us exited the Awkward Stage.
truly it was an exciting time:
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and then we gave each other nicknames. the sappy kind not the cursed kind. mikey was bean cause he was a coffee bean and cocoa bean addict. and i was originally shrub and then bear and finally peanut. im not sure why. he isn't either.
boi also Literally guessed my real name. like straight up. and i was like “o word.” it was trippy. 
AND THEN twas a cold february day when we decided to exchange faces. i send him a picture of me eating a christmas tree. he sent me a picture of him in his kitchen wearing sun glasses frat boy posing. truly iconic.
we also liked to look up weird things late at night and have revelations about dumb shit, as seen by these Unexplained Screenshots i have on my phone:
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yes those are real screenshots
then we decided to finally talk on instagram instead of this hell site and i was exposed to mikeys finsta *shudder*
nothing much else interesting happened until: College *dun dun dunnnnnn* 
(except for that one time i had a mental breakdown at 1am and he drove home form some party to ig call me and tell me about the time his dog ended up in solitary confinement. a true g)
so for Safety Reasons, i finally gave milky my number when i got to school and we started texting and Facetiming which was a Trip.
i also sent him a Box of Cursed Content. he tried to send the box back to me in october and it still hasn't arrived. we think it may be in antarctica.
and then we tried to coordinate to meet up like three (3) separate times before We Got Lucky, the Stars Aligned, and we held hands in the back of an a&f
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(we also hugged in a nordstrom in like the Fancy Clothes Section and the lady thought we were definitely dating cause we took pics of us hugging in the fuckin mirror pillar. also i almost lost my wallet but thats another story.)
and next year our wild journey will continue (hopefully) 
in conclusion i love mikey and this has been a sappy post
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helenarlett-rex · 5 years
Goosebumps Review #5
It’s time for another review in my little project of rereading all those Goosebumps books I never got to as a kid. Although today I decided to go back and re-read one I actually did read as a kid because I wanted to refresh myself. 
(Spoilers… naturally…) 
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Escape From The Carnival Of Horrors.
Give Yourself Goosebumps #1
This was the first book in the Give Yourself Goosebumps series. Basically taking Goosebumps and turning it into a choose your own adventure book. Which isn’t too much of a stretch when you consider that R.L. Stine wrote a number of choose your own adventure style books back when those were actually popular, before Goosebumps was even a thing. It’s a little odd that he decided to give Goosebumps the choose your own adventure treatment in 1995, years after the choose your own adventure fad had already died, but I’m glad he did. It’s nice to see Stine returning to this format because he’s great at it. The Give Yourself Goosebumps books were always my favorite Goosebumps.
So this is the Carnival of Horrors. Not to be confused with Horrorland. I know Horrorland has always been the more popular of the two evil theme parks in the Goosebumps universe, but as a kid I always liked the Carnival of Horrors better. And for that reason I have to give a shout out to Miss Reptilia, The Snake Lady! The monsters from Horrorland didn’t make it into the Goosebumps movie but Miss Reptilia did!
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Nice to see The Carnival Of Horrors win one over Horrorland. 
The main character of this book, like in all the Give Yourself Goosebumps books, is you. Instead of creating a main character, the character is always just referred to as “you” and the story is told through first person perspective, generally never mentioning race, gender, or descriptive characteristics, allowing the reader to put themselves right in the story. You also have two friends named Patty and Brad, who are almost as much of a blank slate as you are. The story starts out with you, Patty and Brad sitting around bored one evening and deciding to ride your bikes out to the carnival being set up on the edge of town to scope it out before it opens. This is where you are given your first choice in the book and I feel a little cheated by that one. 
You are given the choice to either jump the fence or go back home and come back after they open. But if you decide to go home Patty overrides your derision and you end up jumping the fence anyways. Stine is literally all like, well I know I gave you a choice, but nothing will happen if you do that, so let’s just have you jump the fence anyways. It’s not the only time in the book where a choice turns out to be no choice at all, and normally it’s done for laughs and is in all honesty pretty funny. There is actually one page where it ends with… 
If you want to go on the Mountain King ride, turn to page 75.
If you want to go on the Mountain King ride, turn to page 75.
I had a little laugh about that, but it was being honest about the fact that I had no choice in the matter. But to trick me into thinking I had a choice, and then telling me that my choice was stupid and making me do the other thing instead… and to do that for the very first choice in the book… That made me feel cheated. 
Once you are in the carnival however you are quickly caught by Big Al, the carnival’s manager. He’s a huge man who is described as having shoulders wider than a refrigerator and solid black eyes, like lumps of coal. This should have been a clear tip that this guy isn’t human and you should probably get the hell out of there, but you and your friends are dumber than a box of rocks. So when instead of kicking you out, he instead offers to let you have free run of the carnival and “test everything out” before the grand opening, you all happily agree to it. And this is where the story and the choices that effect it actually starts. 
There are two overall story paths to take with lots of branching side paths from each one. Each of those two paths having their own good ending and a ton of bad endings. In total the book has 2 good endings, 1 okay ending, 1 time travel ending that just makes you start over from the beginning, 21 bad endings, and one no-ending where you get trapped in an endless loop flipping back and forth between the same two pages over and over with no way out. The first real choice in the book is what determines which of the two over all story paths you will embark on and which endings you are able to get. And this comes down to the simple choice of which part of the carnival do you want to check out first? The rides or the midway? (For those of you who don’t speak carnival, the midway is the area where the games, food, and other attractions are located and is generally set apart from the rides.) 
Every time I’ve read this book, both as a kid and now during my re-read, I’ve always started with the midway. It was already established before you were ever given the choice that the freak show was located there, and that the snake lady was a part of the freak show. And I just kind of have a thing for scaly reptile women… 
Once you have to start making choices the book gets really fun and R.L. Stine really shows his talent in the you choose genre, taking something that hasn’t been popular in several years and making it fresh and interesting. It’s almost more like playing a game than just reading a book where you pick the paths taken. The eventual true ending of the midway path (if you don’t get killed before getting there) leads up to you having to take Big Al’s “Final Challenge”. But if you just breeze through everything and get there too soon you are utterly screwed and have no way of passing it. You start to hit pages where it’s not just a simple matter of do you want to do this or that. Instead you need collected items to get through it. Have you already found a can of Monster Blood? If so, turn to this page. If not, turn to this page. (Yeah, stuff from other Goosebumps books shows up in this.) Oh you didn’t have any Monster Blood on you? Well looks like you are going to be reduced to bringing Slappy to life and asking him for help. (That’s right. Slappy.) Oh but bringing Slappy to life was clearly the worst mistake you could have made. No worries. You can still get out of this… if you already got the magic page number from the fortune teller. If you did turn to that page now. Oh you didn’t get that number? Then I guess you don’t know what page to turn to, do you? Guess you’re screwed. 
It creates a you choose book where you can’t just pick the options that sound the safest. You have to actually explore the park and do things you wouldn’t normally do in order to find the items and info you need to pass the “Final Challenge”. But at the same time it’s still risky because some of those choices are going to lead to situations you didn’t want. Helping the freaks could be a good thing, but getting too involved with them has just led to you being betrayed by the snake lady. Going in a certain direction is where you needed to go, but you got too carried away and went too far. Now you have wound up in Reptile Petting Zoo. Or wait… did that sign say Reptile Petting Zoo or Reptile’s Petting Zoo? Who’s petting who here? Maybe listening to every bad idea Patty had was only going to get you killed, but rejecting every single one of her ideas has only pissed her off and the carnival has already effected her back when you got separated. Now she’s not just mad at you, she has turned into a monster and started eating you alive. It’s all a very careful balance of how much of a risk do I take? Taking too much of a risk is only going to get you killed, but no risk at all and you’ll fail the challenge. And I’m sure you don’t want to fail the challenge… unless you like the idea of having you and your friends all stitched together and put in the freak show. 
Oh yeah, did I mention the Give Yourself Goosebumps series is a lot more disturbing and gruesome than the normal books? Give R.L. Stine a reason to write over 20 bad endings per book and he comes up with a lot of twisted and violent things to have happen to you, including (but not limited to) several very creative scenes of dismemberment. Although I think having my own best friend start ripping pieces of me off and eating them while I watched was probably the most disturbing one, for me anyways. 
Taking the other main path through the rides provides a slightly different kind of game. Instead of collecting items and info through the story needed to pass a challenge, the real world environment around you as you read the book effects a number of your choices. There are more than a few pages where Stine asks you to stop reading and check the world around you. Is it daylight outside? Then turn to this page. Is it night time? Turn to this page. Is it raining? Turn to this page. What day of the week is it? Turn to the corresponding pages. I mean there are still simple do you want to do this or that pages, but this story path is determined a lot by when and where you are reading the book. And in a way it’s pretty brilliant. 
The midway path is like playing a game. You have to do and find things in order to pass and get the good ending. Reflecting the fact that a midway is filled with games. While the rides path is determined by outside environments you have no control over. Reflecting that fact that once you are strapped into a ride you have no control and are at the mercy of the ride. 
The good ending on the rides path is a bit more thematic than the good ending from the midway path and I can understand why people would call that one the one true ending of the book. But the over all story of the Carnival Of Horrors itself can’t be learned from any one ending on it’s own. I had to read through the book a number of times and get every ending in able to part together the full story and learn the Carnival’s dark secret. That being that the Carnival Of Horrors is a supernatural place that appears in a different location (and even different time) ever night and vanishes again on the twelfth stroke of midnight. Anyone still inside the carnival once that happens is trapped inside the carnival forever, traveling with it wherever it appears and never able to leave it’s gates. Big Al and his more willing followers actively try to trap more with every stop, and they don’t really care how they do it. They could just keep you trapped inside until after midnight, or they could kill you. You can work as one of the new carnies as a ghost just as easily as you can alive. Either way, you aren’t leaving before midnight. 
And I think that little fact makes Carnival Of Horrors far scarier than Horrorland could ever be. If you die in Horrorland, at least your worries are over. But in the Carnival Of Horrors death is still no escape. Even if you die there you still aren’t getting out. You will still be trapped there as a ghost, still under Big Al’s power, still forced to work in the carnival for all of eternity.
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adelyn-talks-vgm · 5 years
OST #4 - Wave Race 64
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Wave Race 64 Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Composer: Kazumi Totaka Released September 27, 1996
wait totaka wrote this?!?! oh, we are in for a GOOD time...
(sorry this one is out so late, had some things come up the past couple days and couldn’t find the time for this! also be aware that as a result of being stretched out over a little less than a week, this post might be a bit all over the place, so sorry in advance!)
wave race 64 was the first game to come out after the launch titles in japan (and in the US), and was a pretty big hit all-around. i never played it myself, nor had i even heard the soundtrack before doing this, hence why i never realized that it was written by kazumi totaka, one of my favorite nintendo composers of the ‘90s. as such, i was very excited to take a dive into this to see whether it holds up to the standard of his other works. does it? let’s listen!
here in the title theme, totaka provides us with a catchy and memorable melody line over this nice driving rock beat, with a cheerful chord progression to boot, and also presents to us what is all but a totaka staple: a recurring theme, a simple-but-effective way to brew a sense of familiarity within the soundtrack (and also a very easy way to save creative energy when writing!). this theme sees reuse in a number of other songs, including “options” and all of the “prize” songs (1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th), and also to an extent the “score” music. the ending music also goes into this category, but i’ll hold onto that for the end, as is typical fashion for these posts.
what makes all these songs really cool is how much variety there is in all of their takes on a single melodic line - this can apply to any totaka soundtrack, really. take for example “options”: in contrast to the title theme’s rock beat, this one just goes straight bossa, with some nicely accented aux percussion, some very specific chord progressions, and that classic “bummmm-bum-bummmm-bum” bass that defines the genre. “score” is actually basically the same thing with more liberties taken on the melody to keep the piece short.
then we’ve got the “prize” songs, which have quickly become my favorite uses of this main theme. the “1st prize” song holds a lot in common with the source in terms of style but has not only a furiously slappin’ bass, but also takes some liberties in the chords to give it a different flavor of sound, and it’s just - MMMMm. love it.
“2nd prize” takes a completely different approach, with these very ‘80s-reminiscent disco-rock-type sound, with a driving bass, all kinds of guitars, and SO many synths. an oddly-fitting step down from 1st prize in terms of style.
“3rd prize” is also interesting, being disco again, but this time more disco than before, with a piano lead, an organ at points, and some good ol’ sine arpeggios hovering in the back, managing to be just a bit more mellow than 2nd prize.
“4th prize” is the only logical next step: a ballad. it’s got it all: rhodes outlining the somewhat sentimental chord progression, the bass playing 1-2 notes per measure, the drums consisting of a hi-hat and nothing else, and a nice piano to top it off. this whole piece is as laid back as it oughta be.
there’s actually a couple more i didn’t catch at first in the course themes, like “sunset bay” and to an extent “glacier coast”, and to a much greater extent “southern island”
now, with all this motific stuff outta the way, let’s get into the bulk of the music and take a look at some of the aforementioned course themes!
this one just screams totaka, the guy just has such a distinct style to his work that i love oh so much. something about the way he writes melodies is just so good, and you already know how much i care about chords, this being no exception - totaka progressions are always real nice, more complex than average but still simple enough to fit good melodies.
this next one of note, “milky lake” (also known as “drake lake” apparently), is also pretty cool, starting off with what seems like a 4/4 rhythm before immediately dipping into 6/8, a subversion of expectations that i can always appreciate. it’s a nice little song, kind of evokes the same “nintendo sports game music” feel that i mentioned back on the pilotwings post at points. good tune
this one, “marine fortress”, is also pretty evocative of the totaka style in terms of melody, with that classic riff at around 5 seconds in (C Eb G Gb) and other variations thereof being particularly prevalent in totaka’s other work, especially in songs based around wario (1, 2, 3). it also has big slappy and you know how i feel about big slappy. this song is also a bit on the harder side of rock in terms of this game’s music, as is “port blue”, giving some nice contrast in style to the soundtrack overall
some other songs of note: - “sunny beach” adopts a similar rock-style that many other pieces in this soundtrack do but still sounds pretty cool, also has big slappy - “twilight city” is a really cool mix of latin-type music and disco and i kinda love it, the beginning reminds me of earth wind & fire’s “september” (funny enough, it’s actually the 21st night of september as i’m posting this!) - “glacier coast” sounds like that kind of music that accompanies flying levels in platforming games, especially with those strings and flute in the beginning, but then it goes into some cool stuff with a sound that i universally recognize as the kirby bell sample. really cool sounding tune all around - the goal songs are pretty great too, with “1st goal” just being slap city, and having some really interesting musical content for being such a short loop. “2nd goal” is similarly a jam surprisingly, totaka really knows how to make small loops count. “3rd goal” is almost just a faster 2nd goal, and “4th goal” is STUPID laid back, all of them have a great sound to them.
this final arrangement of the main theme ties things up pretty nicely, with some good ol’ melancholy progressions, but i wish it was as long as it made itself out to be in the beginning.
as i’d stated before, i went into this with pretty high expectations on how this would sound knowing the composer. did this live up to those? i would say... yeah, a bit. it’s certainly a totaka soundtrack, with some good ol’ totaka tunes, although i feel like some tracks are less...memorable? mostly the course themes, which is funny because those don’t use the main theme as much, so they kind of outline totaka’s strengths in a way. who knows, though - my opinion of these songs has varied a lot over the course of the 5-6 days it took to write this, so even i’m not sure if i know completely what i’m talking about!
in the end, i’d say overall the soundtrack is very much worth a listen, but whether or not the tracks stick with you might be up to personal taste (or whether you’ve played the game before).
thank you very much for reading! if you have any questions, feedback, or thoughts you’d like to share, send me a message and i’ll try to get to it as soon as i can. check back here next time for Mortal Kombat Trilogy!!
Top 3 Tracks: 1. 1st Goal (how did a loop manage to beat out 20+ other songs) 2. Twilight City 3. Glacier Coast
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Word Count: 1,557
Summary: Much to Alexys’s surprise, Slappy finds a way to turn his wooden body into a human one—before he knows it, it also gives him the courage to face the feelings he’s been harboring for her since their first encounter.
*Author’s Note*: Another commission for @bad-blue-moon-rising and her villainous bf. I love confessions, and when two characters reassure each other that the way they feel about each other will never change…plus the dynamic these two have is just so sweet. T^T I hope you enjoy!
She wasn’t quite sure how he’d done it, but then again, that’s how most matters between them played out. He was a sentient doll that had managed to escape from the book he’d been conceptualized in and existed in for years…that had been the only way he’d existed, too. So, there were a lot of unexpected things about him, but it seemed like each new thing she discovered only made Alexys love him more. She didn’t know why her emotions had decided to develop that way, what kind of cruel trick fate must have been playing on her to make her fall in love with a ventriloquist’s dummy…but she had. And now, she couldn’t even rightfully call him a dummy anymore.
He didn’t like being addressed that way in the first place, so she usually didn’t refer to him as such. Now he’d gone from being a character in a book, or a unique toy, to a flesh and blood human being that could walk and talk and exist just like any other human could. He’d been doing some research into how to transform himself for a while, probably since he’d first been released from his prison of pages. When he wasn’t preoccupied with trying to get revenge on the insensitive fools that blamed him for simply fulfilling the role he’d been made for, he poured his energy and focus into this; apparently, all his hard work had finally paid off.
“What do you think?”
The first time she’d laid eyes on him, she wasn’t sure what to think. Part of her thought she must have been dreaming, and she’d started rubbing and blinking her eyes a bit forcefully just to see if she could snap herself out of this daze. But she hadn’t been dreaming; the human man standing before her was none other than the mischievous puppet she’d been rooming with for the past few months. He was quite cocky, which was a surprise considering who and what he was, but it didn’t take Alexys long to understand and adjust to his charming attitude. Even calling it charming…ugh, she really couldn’t believe herself. Because even before he’d appeared to her in this state, she’d seemingly managed to fall in love with him.
After purchasing him at what had appeared to be just another typical yard sale, Alexys accidently spoke the words that’d been left on a note in his pocket aloud. Little did she know that phrase was the key to waking him from his dormant state, and before she could even grasp what was happening, she’d become the proud owner—or perhaps roommate was the more appropriate term—of Slappy the dummy. He was far from being anything one might expect from a dummy, though, even taking the whole “being alive” thing into account.
“Uh…I don’t know…” She was at a loss for words and tensed up when she noticed his expression start to fall. “I mean! I’m just a little speechless. It’s a lot to take in, you know, especially since I wasn’t expecting it.”
“You don’t have to try to be nice and lie to me, it’s not like I can’t take criticism,” he huffed, and Alexys started to panic.
“No, I’m not lying, it’s really just…” And now she was starting to shake. This whole situation had gotten out of hand, and in the end Slappy put his pride behind him and did what he could to comfort her, apologizing for not taking her response more seriously.
The few times that Slappy had comforted her like that were nice. Alexys ruminated on them fondly, although she hadn’t admitted as much to him. Adjusting to living with a human roommate for once was an interesting experience, too, since she’d never accounted for such a thing when she’d first moved into this place, much less after she’d made that fateful purchase. Although he still basically looked and sounded the same, now they both had to adapt to his newly awakened human needs, like eating and sleeping. It took Slappy a little time to get used to moving around in this body as well, since his height and weight had changed significantly, not to mention the plethora of new sensations and actions that were now at his disposal. He’d never realized how nice it was to be human until he got a taste of it himself.
“How long do you think the effects will last?” Alexys asked him one night while they were out lounging under the stars. She’d discovered an easy and concealed way to get to the roof of the building not long after moving here and had been using it to her advantage ever since. Sitting under the twinkling starry sky had always been one of her favorite ways to relax.
“I actually didn’t get that far in my research,” Slappy admitted sheepishly, eyes periodically flickering between her beautiful visage and the radiance of the night sky. “I was too eager to test the method, and I pretty much stopped reading after I found out how it worked. Not very smart on my part, but I’m sure I’ll be able to find those notes again without too much hassle.”
“It’s been a few weeks, so that’s a good sign, at least,” the girl pointed out with a smile, and the heart he still wasn’t used to feeling beat along in his chest stuttered like it was about to try to jump out. “I hope it’s been fun for you.”
“Oh yes, very,” he answered after clearing his throat. “I mean, I never knew what it was like to be human, I never knew what it could be like. Now that I do, I’m not sure I want to bother going back to how I used to be.”
“As long as it doesn’t end up harming you in the long run,” she warned, leaning back on her hands. “And if it ends up only being temporary, or a onetime thing, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. The fact that you found a successful way to be human at all is pretty amazing. I don’t care whether you’re human or not, though. I’ll always like you either way.”
He coughed again, more dramatically this time. Alexys shot him a concerned look, knowing that there were probably still some aspects of his humanity he had a hard time adjusting to. “Are you alright? You didn’t forget how to breathe or something, did you?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” he reassured, waving his hand dismissively.
What a startling thing to hear, and how strangely it had affected him. But Alexys had been affecting Slappy like this from the moment they met. It wasn’t as perceptible at first, but over time Slappy found it hard to plan or imagine things without Alexys in mind. For Alexys, Slappy had become a comfort she didn’t know she needed until she had it. That probably seemed a little backwards, too, taking solace in a warped puppet from a book that had somehow ended up in her possession. But seeing him when she got home from work, spending evenings and weekends with him, just having him as a friend…it meant more to her than she could say, than she could even really fathom. In the same way, Slappy eventually found himself relying on her support more than he’d anticipated, more than he’d consciously meant to.
“Would you like me even if I wasn’t alive?” It was a bit of a serious question, but it was inspired by a serious impulse that was stirring up inside him.
“Don’t say things like that!” Alexys chided, the alarm in her voice palpable. “I don’t want to think about what it would be like if you weren’t alive…not now. I mean, I wouldn’t have bought you in the first place if I didn’t like you, so yes. I’d never stop liking you for something as petty as that.”
Lips curving into a small, nervous style, the puppet turned man scooted closer to her. Their hands were almost touching, but he exercised restraint, focusing his eyes on her face. He waited for her to notice his stare and meet it with her own before continuing; even in the shadows her eyes gave off a gleam that took his breath away. It was a strange phenomenon, considering he’d been so used to not needing any air before.
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop liking you, either,” he replied, and Alexys blinked in confusion. “I’ll never stop being grateful that you bought me that day, that you spoke those words that made me…well, me again. I’ll never stop being thankful I met you.”
“Slappy, what are you—?”
He closed the gap between them, and she almost tumbled back. Arms going weak, the man was perceptive enough to have positioned himself so he could catch her. Supported by his arm, his warm, soft lips moving gently against her own, everything started to feel like a dream again. It seemed that along with all the other new traits, Slappy had also developed human emotions. They both knew that assumption was wrong, though. He’d been able to feel things like this the entire time…there was no doubt in his mind that the love he felt for her had been growing in him, flourishing between them, since the very beginning.
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