#Slasher Guilty Party
joodeegemstone · 8 months
i watched every pre-2009 season of degrassi: tng as a teenager
i watched every season of slasher as an adult
somehow, it took me until today to realize that this is the same person:
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strangenessbooks · 2 years
I get what they going for but Owen was a little bitch.
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marinerainbow · 7 months
Ooooh girl! I see you posted the Driller Killer gifs! I knew I couldn't be the only one liking him
YES!!!!! yes yes yes yes yes!!!! I love him so mmuch. I'm a sucker for rockabilly/greaser looks and crazy characters. And Russ definitely checks out both boxes!
Now I wish you weren't on anon so I knew who you were. I need to know who my fellow Driller Killer lover is!
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fangemorose · 1 year
watching slasher: guilty party and it's like until dawn meets the quarry but with no wendigo or werewolf shit going on
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shipcestuous · 1 year
I’m long overdue to post this. It has been in my drafts for years. 
Slasher is a Canadian anthology horror series. There have been four seasons of eight episodes each so far, with a fifth airing right now. Each season has its own story and cast, centered around a slasher serial killer in a whodunnit style. 
The first season came up on the blog for an interesting father/daughter relationship. Totally non-canon, but a unique dynamic with very interesting development. Spoilers: Katie McGrath's character, Sarah, the main character of season one, finds out that the man who killed her parents when she was still in utero was actually her biological father, Tom. They start to develop an odd sort of relationship, with her relying on him for insight about the new killings that are happening. They have a few sweet moments before he eventually sacrifices himself to save her, which, by the time it happens, is extremely upsetting for her. Tom's killings, while certainly a disproportionate response, were provoked and somewhat sympathetic. Sarah also finds a bunch of video tapes her parents did of her mother having sex with various men, including Tom. So she's seen a video of her mother and father having sex.
The third season, and this is a HUGE spoiler, features a pair of teenage siblings on a killing rampage together to avenge their mother. I didn't find their killings sympathetic at all but they went through a devastating trauma together that no doubt totally warped them. Naturally we couldn't see very many scenes of them alone together because you're not supposed to know until the end what they're up to, but you can see the incredible bond they had.
Ironically, in the fourth season almost all of the characters belong to one family but there wasn’t anything worth talking about that I can remember.
What I really want to talk about is the second season, subtitled "Guilty Party", which was actually my favorite, and not only because it had canon incest (sort of). Five friends who were summer camp counselors together return five years later to the camp - now a commune - to make sure that the mysterious death of a sixth friend remains a mystery. The two groups - the five friends and the members of the commune - begin being picked off one by one by an unknown killer that has to be one of them.
Spoilers for the rest: At the end, when almost everyone is dead, we find out that Judith, a woman in her 40s, seemingly the most sane and composed of the lot, is actually the killer. All along we've seen her pursued romantically by Wren, a much younger man, and their relationship builds until they have sex. He makes very romantic overtures and writes her love letters and she seems unsure but intrigued until she finally gives in. It seems then like Wren is the killer, and Judith finds out and is willing to let him get away with it because she loves him. But then we find that Wren isn't even actually there, it's all in her head, and that he's actually her son, who committed suicide after being convicted for the death of the girl, the sixth friend, who died five years ago. (He didn't do it.) The motive for killing the members of the commune is paper thin - "they were in the way" - but I still think it's the most engaging season. Were Judith and her son incestuous during his life? Maybe, maybe not. He was very into the dead girl, we hear about him asking her out several times and not getting the hint that she wasn't interested, but the five friends likely made him look more obsessed than he was so that he went down for the crime. Before he kills himself, he writes to his mother asking her for justice against the people that he somehow knows must be responsible, and she delivers.
Whether any incest actually physically occurred, it's clear she had incestuous feelings of some kind that manifest themselves in very strange ways.
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
Sex Worker/Bimbo!Reader who helps lure victms to Slasher!König
You never wanted for this to happen. You never wanted these innocent, helpless people to get tangled in your mess - but Konig doesn’t show mercy to unruly toys, even though you are his favorite. You’re his doll, his pretty little thing that he likes to fuck and snuggle with. Dangling freedom over your dumb, empty head, filling your heart with promises he doesn’t intend to keep - you hate him, you hate him, you’re trying to tell him this, but he would always say you don’t know what you’re talking about. He says you’re too dumb to hate him, way too precious to have such big feelings about the whole situation. He hugs you and kisses you on the head, and it almost feels fine, almost normal. You want him, you like him, you need him in your life because this is all the things he was telling you. He says you can have your freedom if you help him - and being a pretty bimbo, you agreed, not noticing the way his smile turned oh so, so sharp. He laughed at your naivety, saying if you’re sure - and you were, forgetting that you were dealing with the devil, covered in blood, with guts of his last victim still fresh on his butcher attire. You’re a honeypot, you weasel your way into campus parties and drunk tourist bar crawls. You smile and wiggle your ass, you say you know a really cool place to hang out. That your parents have an empty cabin in the forest you can drive them to - and that oh, you’re so, so bored, thank god those guys came in and helped you. You almost don’t feel bad when Konig kills an asshole who was groping your ass. You almost don’t want to close your eyes as the man who was trying to force you to have sex is getting his stomach stabbed with a rusty knife for the third time. Konig trained you well - you’re his precious dumb puppy, you ask him to cuddle after everything is done because you feel guilty, and he would press your head against his chest and whisper that you did nothing wrong. That you’re his precious, dumb little baby and he is so proud of you. You’re such a good actress, you’d be a star in Hollywood - but you’re his and his alone, you belong to him solely, completely. Sometimes you can almostt convince yourself you do want him. 
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cordeliawhohung · 8 months
Hiii! I've just binged mafia Price again, as one would, and now I desperately wanna know their first time together 😍 Was it after dating some time, ot much longer or maybe right away? How did they felt? Nervous I bet, but what was anticipation like? Did he make it a planned occasion, or was it casual? Was it quick rough, or slow and sensual, or something else? Like 🤯🤯🤯 My mind's gonna blow thinking about all these. Give this girl some insight, pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻
ugh i answered an ask a few weeks ago that was sort of similar to this but about them dating and i was trying to find it to link with this post but alas, tumblr search is dog water lmfao. anyway it's been a bit since i've written something proper for him so enjoy a drabble to answer your question (:
mafia!141 masterlist
cw: alcohol, smut, mutually possessive sex, (maybe slight technical dub-con due to the alcohol but both parties are awake and aware i'm just putting this here just in case)
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When John got home, he found you in the kitchen.
Quiet music hummed through the speaker on your phone as you worked on serving two big plates of food like you had predicted his arrival. You greeted him with a grin as you gestured to the food in front of you on the island, proud of your work. Its fragrant aroma was mouth watering, almost to the point he found it difficult to think about anything other than eating. Your smile was contagious and John found himself chuckling as he approached the other side of the island.
"What's all this?" he asked.
"Dinner, of course," you replied.
John scoffed slightly at his rather poorly worded question and your cheeky response. "Alright, well what's the occasion?"
"No occasion," you said. "You've been at work all day, and I felt like cooking, so..." You paused to pick up one of the plates and held it out for him to take. "Dinner!"
In the last few months that you had been staying with him, you had cooked plenty of times, but never anything quite like that. A part of you felt a little guilty for not being able to show your appreciation as much as you wanted to, for taking you in and keeping a roof over your head, but more often than not he wouldn't allow it. There were few chores he would allow you to do as a guest in his home, and if you wanted to cook or clean for him, you often had to do it under his nose when he wasn't home.
And still, instead of telling you how you didn't have to do all that, how you didn't have to waste your evening cooking a lavish meal, he took it without complaint and allowed you to lead him into the living room. That evening was full of good food, a very expensive wine that you attempted to convince John not to open but he did anyway, and an old slasher film that was more humorous than it was unsettling.
Something was different about that night. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was something else, but you seemed to smile and laugh more than you had for the last few weeks. And you were beautiful. The way the dim glow of the TV illuminated your face as you took a sip of wine, the way you laughed and pointed at the screen when one of the characters died; you were perfect.
"Thank you. For taking care of me," you suddenly spoke up.
John had stared at you for so long he didn't even realize that the movie was over, but you didn't seem to mind his unwavering gaze. Yet he was a bit confused by your sudden comment. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the truth, but he felt like he didn't deserve it.
"Your gratitude is wasted on someone like me," he muttered, eyes refusing to leave your face.
"What makes you say that?" you asked.
"I'm not a good man."
"I know."
While it wasn't the answer he expected, John was glad you knew that much about him at least. He gave you a breathy laugh as he looked down at the remaining wine left in his glass. The dark red liquid swirled around as he leaned forward to place it on the coffee table.
"How do you know?" he questioned, hoping you would indulge him.
"I've always known," you said as if it was obvious. "If you were a good man, you'd be dead by now. Good men don't live long in your line of work."
"So you've known I'm a bad man this whole time?"
The expression on your face contorted and it wasn't long before your hand rested on his arm. He didn't dare look down to where your fingers brushed against his skin because he feared you would retract if he did, like someone who didn't want to get bitten by a dog.
"You're not a bad man," you retorted as if the very thought had offended you.
"How do you know?" John challenged.
"Because you are kind."
In that moment, John swore he had always known you, and maybe he did. He had known you as the chief's daughter when he was a child. He had known you and your laughter as you sat next to him in maths as a teen. You had always been there, lingering in the back of his mind, finding him when he least expected it.
So when you leaned into him, he didn't stop you. And he didn't stop you when your hands rested on his chest, or when your lips pressed against his. In fact, he savored every moment of it. Your skin on his, your teeth sinking into his flesh; it all felt so familiar like your body was the only one he had ever held that way.
It all happened so fast he felt dizzy, but all John knew was that when he saw you laid out naked on his bed there was nothing in the world that would ever take you from him. He couldn't stop the way his lips were drawn to your chest where he kissed a gentle trail between your breasts and down to your navel. He couldn't stop the way his mouth latched onto your cunt like it was the only sustenance he would need for the rest of his life.
And it was the most love you had felt in your entire life. The way he gently pawed at your body not in greed, but because he needed you to be closer, to feel every inch of you. Every moan that left your lips was carefully fished for, and if one thing didn't work he would try another. The way he crooked his fingers inside of you and swiped his tongue over your clit was all done so carefully, only aiming to please you.
When he eventually pulled away from you, got you so worked up that your legs quaked, you wanted to return the favor. Wanted to thank him for taking you in, for treating you as well as he had, but when you tried to sit up his hand firmly kept you pinned against the mattress. He reminded you that you were under his roof. You were his to take care of.
He continued to remind you of that fact with every pump of his cock inside of you. Each thrust had you repeating his words back to him with pitched moans, how he would take care of you, how good he was to you, how you were his to take care of, you were his, you were his. By the time he emptied himself into you with a heavy grunt and a needy kiss, you knew there was nowhere else you'd rather be.
After that night, you only slept in his bed, and eventually it wasn't just his bed, but yours too. It happened slowly, and all at once, that he had become yours and you had become his, and yet at the same time, it was like it was never any other way to begin with.
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
♡~OC Asks~♡
{Please specify which OC the question is targeted to, for people who may have more than one. Thank you and have fun💕}
{Safe questions}
🦋What is their favorite season?
☕️What is their favorite coffee/tea?
🍓What is their favorite fruit?
🍿Favorite show/movie?
🧁What's their dream date place?
🎀Do they have something they collect? {Stamps, rocks, stickers, etc}
🐾Do they have a pet? What are they, and what's their name?
🌿Do they like camping or road trips?
🍋Do you have a song that you associate with them?
🥞What breakfast dish instantly reminds them of home or being a kid?
🍕What's their guilty pleasure food?
🥝Do they have a food allergy or food they hate?
🍉What is their favorite summer food?
🎄Favorite holiday?
🎃What would their Halloween outfit be?
🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them?
🧸Do they have a stuffed animal or item they've kept from when they were a kid?
🍷What is their drink of choice? Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic?
🔪Say they were put in a classic 80s slasher/horror setting, who would they be? {Example: The killer. The dude who dies first. Etc.}
🍄Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it?
🎟Say they go to a fair/carnival, what fair treat would they get to eat, and what attraction would they like the most?
🌊What is a phobia of theirs?
🐁Do they find a creature cute, that normal people don't? Such as spiders, rats, snakes, sharks, etc?
🦴Have they ever broken a bone or had any sort of major injuries before? If so, what was their ailment?
🍰What is their favorite dessert?
♥️Favorite color?
🎈If they could travel anywhere, where would they go?
🌻Favorite flower?
🦝What do they smell like?
🍞What smell reminds them of home or better days?
🧿Do they have a superstition or belief? Such as "black cats bring bad luck", belief in ghosts, tarot, crystals, meditation, etc.
🥰Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {keep it pg-13 please}
💫What do they wish on shooting stars? What is their one wish they want to come true?
🪴Free Space for your own question~♡
🔮Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
{Spicy Questions}
🌶Where have they almost been caught having sex? And what were they almost caught doing?
🩵Do they bite or leave hickies on their partner? And do they leave them where people can see it? Or do they hide them and press on the marks when they're in public?
🍇What is their sexuality? And what is their "type"?
🍼Do they have kids? Or are they willing to have any?
🍾What's the the kinkiest thing they've done while drunk at a party?
🍪What is their dirty name for their partner?
🥀Do they have a favorite position?
🧨If they could screw anyone without any consequences, who would they choose?
🎉Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it~?
🌽Have they ever done a dirty video before? Either alone, or with others? If so, has anyone ever "found" it?
🥑What are some of their random kinks/fetishes?
🥥How vocal are they, during sex?
🍐Say they wanted to look sexy for their partner, what sort of outfit would they wear?
🍑How did they react to having their "first time?" And was their partner understanding if they were nervous?
🥧Have they ever had a one-night stand when they were drunk?
🐹What "pet" names do they like being used for them? {Babe, Kitten, Puppy, Mutt, etc.}
🐺Tell me about their first time trying bondage~♡
🔥Do they get turned on by strange things, such as fire, chaos, blood, etc?
🧀Are people with piercings and tattoos a +1 on them being attracted to them?
🐧Do they have a safe word? What is it?
💉Have they done drugs before? Which ones? And are they addicted to anything?
🌹Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {you can add the kink here}
💋Do they kiss first? And do they bite their lips if they're mischievous or aroused? And do they bite their partner's lips when they try and pull away?
🍀Free Space for your own question~♡
🎲Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
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hikakuriyyu · 17 days
Tension. (part 2)
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⁎ warnings: romantic slasher ? manipulation, mentions of murder, mentions of death, obsession, female!reader.
⁎ summary: you were fell for him. hard. the murders started, and you knew it was him. billy lured you into his dark and twisted intentions. it was so wrong. but it doesn't feel wrong... there was something stopping you. or someone.
⁎ author note: hi guysss ! sorry, i got shadowbanned yesterday TT thats why the first part wasnt visible in the tags :(. but tumblr lifted the ban so im backkkk. sorry this is even longer than the last one :p. THANK YOU FOR 10 NOTES AND 3 FOLLOWERS ! :D enjoy !
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You barely made it to your room before collapsing onto your bed, the weight of the night pressing down on you. The ghostface costume was still crumpled in the corner, staring back at you like it knew everything you were thinking.
Billy had dropped you off not too long ago, that gentle look in his eyes still burning in your mind. The way he talked, the thing he said about love and Sidney ?—it stuck with you. You couldn’t shake it. Part of you wondered what he was really thinking, and why you kept falling deeper into this mess.
Your housephone rang, breaking the silence. You grabbed it, half-expecting it to be Tatum or Sidney, but your heart skipped a beat when you saw Billy's number flash across the screen.
''Meet me behind Stu’s place.'' his voice came through low and serious. “We need to talk.”
Your stomach flipped. Talk ? About what ? You knew better than to ask over the phone. Whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be simple. But you couldn’t ignore it either.
You arrived at the back of Stu's house, bringing your knife and mask just in case. The cool night air whispered through the trees, carrying distant sounds of laughter from the party. You saw him waiting in his ghostface costume, his mask off. He looked so devourable, as always. He noticed you walking up to him and grabbed your hand, softly to not hurt you, pulling you towards him. ''What's going on ?'' you whispered, making sure no one heard that you were sneaking around with Billy. ''Tatum and Stu are the next victims, alright ? You don't have to lift a finger. Just go and wait with Sidney for me.'' he answered.
Wait, so soon ? You thought you'd maybe get to hangout with Stu and Tatum more... You've only known them for about a few weeks but you already got attached. Stu's awful humor and Tatum's caring personality. You couldn't lie, you were going to miss it. Your gaze dropped to the ground, the weight of guilt pressing on your shoulders. You felt... guilty.
Billy noticed the guilty expression in your face. He frowned, tilting his head. ''What ? You feel bad ?'' he asked, his expression changing into a cold one. ''I thought we were in this together.'' he murmured. ''You agreed yourself, we would stick together no matter what.'' Billy added, feeling somehow betrayed. ''W-We are, it's just… they haven't really done anything to me you know ? They have been good friends.'' you said, feigning guilt. He stayed quiet for a few seconds before putting his hand on your shoulder. You look at his hand touching your shoulder. You feel his warmth rushing through your skin, feeling the way his hand grazed your shoulder.
You gulp softly before looking at him again, a slight flush on your cheeks. ''Is that why you killed Casey ? Steve ? The principal ? They haven't done anything to you right ? So just try to forget about them, you got me.'' he said, his tone genuine, but also laced with . But you couldn't help it. You loved him too much to refuse anything he asked you to do. You nodded, locking eyes with him for a short moment before both snapping out of it. Billy puts on his ghostface mask and runs to the garage.
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You walk inside and push past the others to see Sidney sitting on the couch alone, zoned out and thinking to herself. You sit beside her and give her a smile, which was fake. ''Everything alright Sid ?'' you asked her just to be nice. She looked at you and smiled back. ''I have a feeling you and my boyfriend have something going on.'' she wanted to say. But she didn't like drama, so she shrugged it off, shaking her head. ''I'm okay, I'm just not fond of parties haha.'' she chuckled softly. You nodded and looked away before Sidney looked around. ''Uhmm, have you seen Billy ? or Tatum and Stu ? I cant really spot them.'' she asked you, looking just a little skeptical. ''Huh ? No, I havent seen them. Maybe they left together.'' you answered, looking as innocent as possible. Even though you were the complete opposite of that.
After a while, the party died down and people were leaving. Tatum, Stu and Billy were still nowhere to be found. And Sidney was starting to look concerned. Where could they be ? ''BOO !'' you both turned around quickly to see Billy standing behind you guys with a cheeky smirk. ''Oh, Billy, where were you ?'' Sidney chuckled as they kissed eachother hello. You rolled your eyes discreetly before smiling at Billy. Billy gave you a nod with his head as a greeting, and as a gesture. Tatum and Stu are dead.
''Hey, I kinda need to talk to you Sid. Privately.'' Billy said. Sidney’s eyes lingered on me for a moment too long, her smile faltering as if she didn’t quite know what Billy was planning. Sidney reluctantly agreed before they both went upstairs together, closing the door to the bedroom. You could feel your blood boil. What were they doing ? Why did Billy wanna be alone with HER ?! You were so close to just punching a whole in the wall. Why did he choose Sidney instead of you ? He clearly likes you more then why wont he just ask you out already ?! So many emotional questions were going through your mind you just wanted to know WHY ? You couldn't help but tear up. This couldn't be healthy. You were OBSESSED with him. About 5 minutes passed, and you heard a scream upstairs. Could it really be...?
To Be Continued...
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 1 year
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I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart
You love our permanent chase and the bite of our bark
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
“I’m sorry baby I’m not going to be there...” Jeans voice was soft through the phone, he always delivers bad news in a whisper…
“What do you mean? You’re not coming up for the week? What-what about Valentine’s Day?” You were in shock that your boyfriend wasn’t going to be able to take a break from work for a holiday with you, he’s been gone for nearly 6 months.
“I know- I know it sucks, but I should be able to get free time the following week, or- uh, no maybe sometime in March. Sweet heart I’m really sorry but I have to go now. I’ll call you when I get home okay? I love you.” He hung up the phone before you could even say it back.
You fell into your bed and screamed your frustration into your pillow.
A bunch of texts spamming your phone made you look up for a minute, expecting to see texts from your boyfriend. Instead, they were just a bunch of memes from Eren.
You sent back a frowny emoji, watching him type for a while and the bubble disappeared. Eren decided to FaceTime you instead.
“Wow, what happened to you,” he must of been referring to the black streak marks of mascara smudged down your cheeks. You rub your face, trying to remove the black gunk. “What’s wrong?”
“Jeanie isn’t visiting this week and I was looking forward to spending my first Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend.” You sighed.
Eren rolled his eyes, he never cared for your boyfriend. Always thought he was stuck up, and bragged about his job too much. “Well don’t worry about it YN, If you want we can rent that slasher fic Mikasa recommended and I could possibly get Armin too…”
You sighed dramatically, “I know it’s cliche, but i was looking forward to roses and chocolates.” Even though a night surrounded by your best friends does sound comforting.
“Well, no movie then, I’ll take you out.” You looked to stunned to speak so he reiterated as “just friends” but it cut a bit inside to say that out loud. Eren has always liked you, and has done a pretty good job at hiding his feelings. Although he did kiss you once at a party, the next morning you didn’t even remember. “Cheer up, i dont like it when your sad.” He gave you a cheeky grin and hung up the call.
Fresh out of a hot shower you paced your bedroom in your underwear, what do you wear on a valentines date with your best friend. You looked at the dress you had saved for Jean, no way, you thought. Opting for a typical outfit of yours instead.
“Hey i let myself in if you...what are you wearing.” Eren stood in the door. He was all dressed up.
You turned around from your vanity, your hair still wet. Framing pieces stuck to the side of your face, shit… is he early or are you running late. Eren stepped forward, raising his hand and tucking your hair behind your ear. A small tingle sparked in your stomach, but you were probably just hungry. “What? Is this not nice?” You pouted a bit kinda hurt from the reaction he had.
“I said i was taking you out out, were not going to the library...” He eyed you up and down, before spotting the dress hanging on your closet door behind you. “What’s that?” He pointed.
“Oh, that’s what I was going to wear...”
“Put it on, I’ll wait for you in the living room… oh and hurry Ive got an eventful afternoon planned.” He left your room before you could even fight him on wearing the dress. You stared at it for a few minutes and shrugged to yourself. Someone might as well see you in this. After rushing through getting ready you snapped a pic, contemplating even sending it to Jean, why did you suddenly feel a bit guilty…
Eren waited impatiently outside your bedroom, he had brought flowers for you, and decided to place them in a vase on your kitchen counter. He nervously arranged the roses. Fidgeting with the tiny baby’s breath that accented the bouquet.
“Oh Eren those are beautiful, you didnt have to-“ you startled him a bit and you held back a laugh.
His cheeks heated up once he caught sight of your dress, discreetly, he scanned over your outfit, starting from the black paten leather heals with a cute dainty strap at the ankle. Cautiously gazing up your beautiful bare legs, to mid thigh where this cruel red satin dress ended. Quickly he focused onto your face, hoping you didn’t catch him gawking.
Your make up was subtle, though the red lip was nothing but. He noticed the black choker on your neck, and lost his breath. He looked for words to describe how beautiful, no, gorgeous, no stunning. “You look-“ he starred at you, “wow..” he shook his head, embarrassing himself. You just giggled and stuck your nose into the roses. A little note laid in between some petals.
To my valentine with love.
By now all of your dejection about your boyfriend not being here was gone, you were far too excited to see what Eren had in store for you.
Sitting in his passenger seat, you let him take you wherever he had planned. Turns out the plan was the beach. You two strolled down the dock. Other couples were out having fun, playing fair games and sharing funnel cakes. Seeing couples enjoying each other made you remember you weren’t here with Jean… You looked over at Eren who must have just noticed the disappointment on your face. Shoving cotton candy into your mouth as an attempt to keep those pesky boyfriend thoughts from filling your head and ruining his scheme. His true intentions… showing you how you should be treated, and being here for you when that stupid prick wouldn’t even bother to. “Come on YN,” he grabbed your hand and led you to the best date of your life.
Watching the people on the beach at the top of the ferris wheel you held on tightly to the stuffed octopus Eren had won for you earlier in the evening. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and smiled to yourself,“I’m having fun Eren, thank you.” Your hand fell to your side, and softly grazed against his. You two hold hands all of the time, but for some reason, the slightest touch made you get goosebumps. You pulled your hand away and shyly held the plushy up to your face.
“Hey anything for you YN, I love you.” Eren says he loves you from time to time,but this time ….hearing it made your heart jump. “Are you hungry? I’d hate to end your fun but our reservation is in an hour, we should get going after this.”
“Reservation? I thought we’d just have chili dogs at the stand down there,” He laughed like you said a joke, you just stared at him dazed and confused.
“Don’t look so dumbfounded,” He pinched your cheek, “the dates not over, I’m gonna take you somewhere nice.”
Of course it was a “date” but when you accepted Eren’s invitation initially you didn’t completely view it as a romantic word, more so a platonic date… but now… things are starting to feel a bit too … complicated. You left the beach full of thoughts and feelings swirling through your head.
“Eren!?” You gasped, pulling up to the valet of one of the finest restaurants in your city. “Eren we can’t eat here…”
“Why not, you think I don’t have the money?” he teased you and you tried to combat his reasonings, but just like the beginning of the day he was gone before you could argue with him. Dropping his keys into the hand of a stranger and walking over to your side, opening the door for you. His chivalrous behavior made you question who you really were on a date with today. This is a side of Eren you had never seen before and you were starting to fall for it.
A hostess guided the both of you to a table that was tucked behind a privacy wall and with full view of the city scape. With a now setting sun disappearing behind buildings. You glanced at Eren who wasn’t even enjoying this outstanding view with you. He eyes caught yours and a heat radiated through your chest. Fluttering butterflies in your stomach conveniently covered the vacant feeling of guilt that sat in your belly. No, you’re just hungry… yeah that’s it.
Jean not even crossing your mind once, the two of you laughed together about old memories over steak and wine. You immersed yourself in his charm, even if you were constantly catching yourself from falling for your best friend. He’s was just being a good friend, you thought. Don’t over think things.
“Would you care for dessert this evening?”
“No,” Eren cut you off and you gave him a death glare. “I have something else planned for dessert, thank you for the great meal.” Watching him use his natural charm on the waitress brought you back to reality. He was just being nice and comforting his pathetic friend. The guilt was back on, how could you even entertain whatever silly fantasy you had convinced yourself was happening. This date was definitely all in your head.
Eren saved a favorite of yours for last. Fro yo.
You two would meet up here every Saturday to gossip and complain about each others lives. Well not so much anymore, since you started seeing Jean. Eren stood inline to get you your favorite flavor as you waited in a corner booth for him, checking the notifications on your phone. To your surprise you had no notifs from Jean. A bitter taste not even fro yo could recover coated your mouth. Not even a ‘Happy Vday’ text. Did he seriously forget?
“Remember when that old lady slipped and fell and she spilled her cherry berry all over herself.” Eren came back with yogurt in hand. Tears stung your waterline. Almost dropping the cups, he quickly sat next to you.
“What’s wrong YN?”
“I just realized I’m having the best date of my life and it’s not even with my own boyfriend,” you let out a genuine chuckle. Laughing at your own pathetic relationship.
“You have such an ugly laugh,” Eren sucked on his spoon.
“No i dont, shut up,” you playfully pushed his shoulder, but he moved closer to you.
“I mean it, its cute.” He took a spoon full of pink delicious yogurt and pressed it to your nose, leaving melted fro yo on the tip. You scrunched your face up, and tried to wipe it into his shoulder.
“Hey! Hey! This is my nicest jacket you’re gonna ruin it” He pulled back, but you refused to let him get away with his crimes. Playfully pushing him but in his haste to get away from you, he lost balance. Grabbing onto your arm for support he managed to pull you closer to him. Your nose, still pink, now centimeters from his face. Eren spontaneously licked the yogurt off of your face.
Time froze colder than the freaking yogurt. It felt like you were buffering a response. You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, verbally…but your body decided to respond for you.
Closing the gap between you quickly and kissing him. You didnt know what overcame your morality in that moment but it felt good. Your heart now beating out of your chest.
“Uh-Er,” you tried to make any excuse as to why you kissed him, but sadly couldn’t come up with anything other than. “Sorry-“
“Don’t be sorry, YN,” his hand firmly gripped your waist and pulled you back in to kiss you again.
You zone out one hand on the doorknob the other holding your house key. “Is it weird that I feel weird about inviting you inside.” You laughed. “You practically live at my house.”
“You know i think this time, it’s just different,” his words not matching the intense feeling that flooded into your core. “I don’t have to come in, I had a really good time YN, I-“ he caught himself before he said anything. Not wanting to say it and then have you regret everything in the morning, just to get hurt. Nothing would hurt more than that. So he chose not to say it.
“I love you Eren,” shocked by what you so effortlessly said, you examined his reaction. Trying not to misinterpret his expression. His face lit up, as if he had never heard you say it before, not like this, this time he knew you felt it the way he did.
It don't matter, be combative or be sweet cherry pie
It don't matter just as long as I get all you tonight
At that moment, Eren took a risk, kissing you this time with a hint of lust. Patiently, he waited for your cue deepening the kiss and slightly moaning in his mouth. That was it. He knew he had you. His efforts of today paying off by the sweet aftertaste of fro yo on your lips.
You blindly unlock your front door, Eren hungrily placing kisses over your neck and shoulder. You led him back into your living room, kicking off your heals while still managing to tug and pull his bottom lip in between your teeth. Guiding him all the way to your bedroom. Where this date originated from just hours ago.
So deep, your DNA's being messed with my touch
Can’t beat us
So real, fueling the fire until we combust
Can’t touch us
Eren fell to his knees the moment your dress slipped off your body and onto the floor, he peppered kisses up your thigh, worshipping your body. Chills fell down your spine as the warmth of his breath closed in on your inner thighs. He dug his face in your sex, pulling the lace fabric that was in his way to the side. Kissing softly at your exposed skin. His fingers snuck behind you, feeling your curves, before hooking and pulling off your panties entirely. He looked up at you, grinning, before diving back into your flesh. Kissing and sucking gently on your skin.
His tongue dipped between your folds, his fingers moved from your thighs, now spreading you further open for him to devour your pussy. You gasped and moaned, finding balance with a fist full of his hair, making it a disheveled mess. You found yourself grinding instinctively on his tongue, chasing the growing pleasure in your core. Fuck.
The guilt that you let take a backseat behind your lust made the high of your orgasm sinfully better.
You watch him lick you up, through fluttering lashes. You’re now coming fully undone for him. Eren smiles, growing cocky. If he can get you coming just with his tongue, he can have you screaming for him at the end of the night. He stood up ,“You taste fucking amazing YN,” Ushering you to the bed, you laid back putting on a beautiful display for him, spreading your legs proudly. Inviting him back in, he leaned down devouring you once more. Sucking gently on the bundle of sensitive nerves earning sounds of praise from you.
He took care of your pussy so well, being mindful of what you liked and didn’t. Paying attention to your moans, you got louder and more breathy when his tongue dipped inside your entrance. You found yourself coming again for him, singing his name instead of Jeans. A newfound guilty pleasure erupted from your core along with a flow of juices. You gasped never have experienced a climax like this before. Eren relished in your wetness, soaking in your arousal.
“Can you do that again for me Valentine?” He sounded so eager, it made your knees weak. Blush painted your cheeks, he was quick to pull you back into his mouth. Fleeting feelings of embarrassment and guilt floated away. Your body listening to his pleas, unraveling waves of pleasure onto his tongue again and again.
Part two mayhaps, It’s bedtime - Ivy
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sonicexelle-junkary · 11 months
you know adding romance in your stories like hungryhero make it a bit awkward generally romance is something that a story go forward but for it I have the impression that it there to be there. You said yourself that after starting is new diet sonic pretty much doesn’t care about anyone except few people (and that doesn’t include shadow) plus if you really wanted to include sonadow in the story you could’ve have a few comic about sonic and shadow but instead you do drawing of them being close but that doesn’t make sense seeing how thier relationship goes it make really awkward ( this isn’t to meant to be a criticism but I just want to tell what brother me) and that all even though you will probably continue what you were doing with them and that I just you to acknowledge your fault
My introduction to ships in my AU’s really are more just guilty pleasures to myself. A lot of the romance/ships I do bring into the AU’s don’t really serve purpose to bring the plot forward because they aren’t supposed to. Romance is not the focus in these kinds of AU’s, I just put them in because it’s fun. I think only like three of my AU’s have ships, and really only one of them has any weight to it (being the House Party AU). The other two are both just a joke and not cannon (COTH), and just because it’s in my headcannons/personal preferences (HungryHero.EXE).
The House Party AU is based on old horror/slasher films and it follows a lot of those plot points (albeit given a bit of a twist to it), so yes there will be some romance or ‘sexual’ tension between some characters because that’s how a lot of those kinds of stories go.
While HungryHero.EXE takes after my headcannons, I don’t exactly like forcefully fitting characters into certain things unless that was established day one of brainstorming. The AU takes after every game published by the Sonic Team, so any (romantic) relationship with any character is mostly ambiguous prior to the events of HungryHero.EXE (being the very first part of the series).
Plus, believe it or not, Sonic is a shy guy when it comes to sharing his more romantic emotions. He’s the kind of guy who is more with actions than words, and he’s not that much into PDA. As I said, HungryHero.EXE is half based in cannon, so I wanted to keep Sonic as close to his cannon self as I can.
And as I said before, I don’t think that shipping or romance should be the main focus, or something to drive the plot forward in a story. Like, a lot of times people just have a lover but they don’t do much in the story anyways. Romance and relationships are just a part of life, I don’t think that they should always be the focus in stories, even if they are part of it.
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t4tower-of-t4terror · 11 months
Twst horror movie taste hcs
A response to smthn in my ask box! I've actually had this in my drafts for over a year!
DEFINITELY was not allowed to watch horror movies
I feel like his dormmates have been easing him into the genre a little
He likes Carrie. He finds Carrie White relatable
I feel like Riddle would also like early horror. Universal monsters and maybe a little Hitchcock
But he can't do gore and he isnt a huge fan of slashers
Casual horror fan. Pretty decent taste
Like he's seen most of the big franchises (Halloween, NOES, Friday the 13th, Scream, Child's Play, etc.)
He seems like either a 70s horror kinda guy or a 90s-2000s horror kinda guy.
Maybe I'm projecting but. I feel like he'd enjoy Black Christmas
Probably secretly enjoys really fucked up insane movies. Curse of science club
LOVES schlocky slashers
Definitely watches Dead Meat. I feel it in my bones.
Cater likes campy stuff above all. He HAS done a Jennifer Check Halloween costume.
Probably loves The Lost Boys, The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Bride of Chucky, Rocky Horror, all of that fun stuff
Him and Trey have occasional marathons. Sometimes they invite Riddle
Has a tendency to get spooked by it, though
He absolutely loves the Friday the 13th movies.
Has probably done a Billy and Stu costume w Ace
He's such a wuss but he pretends he isn't
This fuck chooses the scariest shit during horror movie nights and almost pisses his pants
His fav is probably Fright Night. Idk why
He "doesn't watch movies"
I think he'd fw Chucky though
Black comedy lover
HUGE fan of b-movie franchises like Leprechaun, Gingerdead Man, Evil Bong, etc
I feel like he watches Troma
Avid $5 movie box enthusiast
I don't think he'd watch any
He gets too upset
Hes a coward
He really likes movies where the killer gets revenge on their bullies
Idk why but I think he'd fuck with paranormal horror
He likes The Shining. No clue why
He's an extreme horror fan
He's seen it ALL
like. Homie can watch the most fucked up shit with a straight face
He recommends Salo at parties. He also is no longer allowed to go to parties.
Like Jade.
Fucko will absolutely be like "we shld watch Slaughtered Vomit Dolls!!! I've heard it's really fun" so he doesn't get invited to Halloween parties.
Also doesn't watch horror
He gets emotional when certain characters die
He does fw hocus pocus though
Also a really graphic horror fan
He probably likes it as projection
He also likes complex psychological stuff. More of a casual fan but has a morbid curiosity with the genre
Really likes "descent into madness" movies
But I feel like Vil wld adore Black Swan specifically. It's a personal callout
Vil likes the darker, artsier vampire movies. They prioritize aesthetic above all else and WILL critique period-inaccurate costuming
But has one rlly campy guilty pleasure franchise. Idk why but I wanna say Sleepaway Camp. Pretends the ending of the first movie doesn't exist.
Rook made her watch Serial Mom and she kinda fucking loved it
I'm split here. Because this man is a fucking FREAKAZOID
Either he only watches deeply artsy pretentious horror films for the beauty in it
Or he has a collection of "horror" DVDs that are VERY VERY DUBIOUS. And probably real
Whatever. Rook Hunt I recommend The Hunger with David Bowie and Katherine Deneuve because it suits him. Also Hellraiser for graphic gore and also weird erotica.
Also he's a John Waters girlie. I believe it with my whole fucking soul.
Why do I wanna say Final Destination or Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Surprised by how much his dormmates actually enjoy bloody horror movies. Despite that, he handles mainstream horror better than he handles Vil's arthouse horror or Rook's whatever the fuck Rook watches
Category 5 autisms about Perfect Blue
Genuine diehard horror fan. This is canon btw
He has a canon niche horror franchise he made a detailed Halloween cosplay of. This is a fact.
Also. Re-Animator for obvious reasons
He is the horror, if you think about it.
Also he watched Videodrome because of the film club and got really into it
I can only imagine him watching black and white horror. And distinctly romantic vampire movies
Bride of Frankenstein girlie
All of em
Old weird bat man liked horror movies that only 5 people have ever seen. He has the most insane letterboxd page known to man
He doesn't have much interest in horror as a genre
But maybe Nightmare on Elm Street. Lilia made him watch it
He liked Dream Warriors.
Tried to sit through a horror movie because Lilia likes them but he couldn't do it
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fangemorose · 1 year
slasher is basically like ahs but make it more gory and inclusive poc and lgbtq+ wise
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candlelightkiss · 11 months
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horror subgenres that sunny cappuccino would love
in celebration of spooky season and my obsession with horror movies.
✰ MIMURA: The classics. ↠ FAVES: Frankenstein, Freaks, Night of the Living Dead Not exactly a subgenre, but as a filmmaker, Mimura is quite fond of the earlier works of horror. He's particularly interested in the ways in which the genre has developed, from cinematography, tropes, to scare factors. He definitely wrote a 5000-word deep dive essay dissecting that.
✰ FUWA: 80s slashers. ↠ FAVES: Sleepaway Camp, Friday the 13th, The Slumber Party Massacre It's a guilty pleasure. She calls it fast food horror. Fuwa's well accustomed to the tropes of this genre now, and paired with how clever she already is, her predictions of what's going to happen are always right. Her friends don't like watching these with her because she always unintentionally spoils it along the way.
✰ NAKAMURA: Self-aware horror comedy. ↠ FAVES: Scream, Cabin in the Woods Oh she is a super fan of the Scream franchise. I'm talking dedicated follower, owns every movie and probably has a merch collection somewhere. These types of movies just scratches her brain in all the best ways. You will definitely catch her writing paragraphs upon paragraphs explaining her theories too.
✰ CHIBA: Monster movies and supernatural. ↠ FAVES: Fear Street trilogy, It, The Thing If there's one thing Chiba loves in horror movies, it's the explanations of a complex lore of unexplainable beings. These movies tap into the otherworldly and usually have coming-of-age themes mingled within, which is right up his alley.
✰ SUGAYA: Found footage. ↠ FAVES: The Blair Witch Project, Lake Mungo, Noroi: The Curse There is just something so raw about found footage movies, and it is this very aspect that makes Sugaya so fond of them. He views it as a form of art that is very flexible. It can portray just about anyone and anything and still feel real. He considers that the magic of it all.
✰ HAYAMI: Vengeful spirits. ↠ FAVES: Shutter, The Ring, Sinister Bonus points if it takes place in a haunted house. Hayami believes that the sole purpose, the very heart and soul, of watching horror movies is to get scared. So that's exactly the type of movies she seeks out when she's in the mood for horror. Rather than intensity and gore, she best enjoys horror movies when they're built on suspense and unease.
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Paula Brancati in the horror anthological series - Slasher Season 5. The fifth season is known Slasher Ripper.
Paula plays the role of Viviana Botticelli, the sister of Venetia and older half-sister of Verdi. She only has eyes for Basil Garvey. Paula is one of three actors to have appeared in all five variations of the series. Her previous characters are - Jana Singer (Season 1 - The Executioner); Dawn Duguin (Season 2 - Guilty Party); Violet Lickers (Season 3 - Solstice) and Christy (Season 4 - Flesh and Blood).
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Source - FabledEnigma
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licncourt · 2 years
Please please can we have some soft autumn headcanons for Loustat?
As it is the season, can you share some Halloween headcanons with us please?
Louis starts wearing sweaters the moment the temperature dips below 70 F/21 C at night. He has a whole collection of medium-weight sweaters for October and November (ribbed cashmere for autumn, alpaca cable knit for winter). This is also when the the heated blanket Lestat bought him comes out, it's like a heat lamp for a lizard
Every year, they take a couple's trip to New England to look at the best fall leaves. Provincetown is their favorite for longer stays, but they had a great time in Salem. Louis loved the macabre history and Lestat loved the tourist traps
When the humidity drops, Lestat's curls get less poofy and more defined. Louis always musses them up as covertly as he can so they're fluffy again
Sometimes they put spiced cider or mulled wine to simmer on the stovetop just for the scent and warmth
Walmart and brass buttons are good, but every holiday season they go to big box stores just to stare at the seasonal items. Fall is no exception with all the brightly colored plastic masks, glittery silk leaves, different shapes and sizes of pumpkins and gourds, strange costumes, candy in shiny wrappers, and horror movie posters.
Lestat is the most festive of the two of them in terms of holiday kitsch, but Louis finds it cute so he always hires professional decorators to make Lestat's Halloween vision come to life (there's a theme every year)
Louis' Halloween guilty pleasure is slasher movies. He pretends to find them low-brow and tacky, but he's actually transfixed by the gore. He has to feed first though or the Wes Craven corn syrup blood FX make him a little nutty
His real favorite activity is handing out Halloween candy (he's determined to be The Good House) and always has more king-sized candy bars than the neighbors. He doesn't like to dress up for this part of the evening, but he always puts a little fake blood around his mouth and lets his fangs show
Lestat goes the full nine yards for the kids, alternating between full tradvamp regalia and sexy vampire slutfit. He's done normal and sexy versions of Dracula (Lugosi AND Oldman), Count Orlok, Edward Cullen, Damon Salvatore, Spike Buffy, Barnabas Collins, David Lost Boys, Count von Count, and even Bunnicula (that one was bedroom only, a Playboy bunny costume with fake blood made of carrot juice)
He has gotten plastic vampire teeth stuck on his real fangs (twice)
Lestat insists on couple's costumes for their Halloween party every year. In exchange for his cooperation, Louis is allowed to choose his preferred character of the two. Lestat always makes sure any non-hot characters are properly sexy-fied when he's done with them though. They've done Gomez and Morticia, Victor van Dort and Emily, Jack and Sally, Beetlejuice and Lydia, Chucky and Tiffany, The Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit, to name a few. And once werewolves (he thinks it's funny).
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