#Sleeping together is peak love (romantic or not) for me
bengiyo · 1 day
Knock Knock Boys Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we squarely sorted our housemates into two pairs and gave Almond a proper shake to make him get over Jumper. Almond spent the first chunk of the episode following Latte, and watched him give a talk to a club about pansexuality. He and Almond had a good moment after that, and Latte found himself getting jealous of Jumper at the barbecue they hosted later. Meanwhile, Thanwa is still looking for work but had an excellent moment with Peak in a closet where Peak apologized for taking a kiss from him earlier and asking for a new one. We left at Jane reentering the picture.
I do love their cold opens that are for a later scene in the episode. It feels so assured every time. I like the anticipation of paying attention to the moments so I know what that cold open is meant to provide as payoff.
I love Latte so much. He wakes up from sleeping on Almond and only gives a pleased smile about it. These two faking sleep are ridiculous. I know Almond was gonna toss his ass when the Now Kisstm moment started
Using the shirt to provide a barrier during a pratfall kiss is novel. I’m glad the first time their lips actually touch won’t be accidental, and that Latte got injured. We’ve only seen someone bleeding after a pratfall kiss in a few instances (Love Stage!! TH comes to mind).
Fiancée? I am ready for the drama.
These boys are nosy as hell!
The energy Jane gives off is so knowing. I am compelled.
Almond, the rich kid, took his shirt off to pretend to clean the walls with it after rolling away from the door. Incredible.
She is so ready to fight this man. They do not feel like they are romantically involved.
I feel bad for Thanwa. He’s staying out of the way, and even waited a bit for answers before calling.
Finally, someone acknowledged that every goddamn mosquito would be flying in through those open doors.
Morning wood in my BL? It’s more likely than  you think.
Almond, we see you still smiling about what you saw.
I’m with Almond. I wouldn’t want to eat breakfast at this tense table. However, I am also with Latte just trying to get some food in before walking to class.
Thanwa feels so properly gay to me. He’s being so careful about being neutral in his interactions with Jane.
I don’t like Max.
I like Lukpeach taking her offense to their sexual health club and talking about how improper it is to film people’s private moments and post them for clout.
Almond, focus please!
These two have a fun dynamic. Almond is still clearly thinking about Latte’s dick, and I love Latte being upfront that he’s down to play if Almond wants.
An unfortunate t-shirt choice there, costuming department.
This framing with the bed scene is excellent. Thanwa is still willing to offer Peak shelter, but he’s made it clear that they can’t have any more closeness while this situation with Jane remains unresolved.
Yes, put on your glasses so you can see his back properly. This show is very good at communicating that the characters are feeling multiple things.
Baby’s first dildo!
I don’t think they’re talking about the job anymore, guys.
This boy is skipping home to use his new toy! I love that for him.
You’re gonna need more Vaseline than that, baby boy.
I really love that Almond is allowed to explore his body this way. He lucked out on his roommates, too. Latte was worried when he heard him scream, and I love him teasing Almond about helping. It’s so cool that Almond is made to feel like he is desirable in some way.
And now Jane is covering for Peak, and didn’t react much about Almond saying he kissed Thanwa. She knows.
Oh no. Almond, do not go check that locker room. You are gonna get your little heart broken.
Glad I called that Jumper was already with his friend.
Almond….no… You were just at a meeting about consent.
That’s interesting. I thought we would find out about Jumper and Shawn via the clip, not that Almond would have already seen them together.
Wow, that’s a difficult cliffhanger. You could see Latte pulling away from Almond.
The preview is not promising!
Wow, I was not expecting the show to go beyond the “don’t film people” PSA aside. Having Almond overstep that boundary in a moment of jealousy and be caught for it is ripe with tension. I like that it’s Latte who catches it first, because he’s been dealing with Almond overstepping boundaries with him for multiple episodes with him following him places and trying to see his dick. Even if there’s been brewing sexual tension between them, Almond has been very firm about saying no to Latte. To have him then film and post Jumper like this is egregious, but in line with his earlier behavior. I’m excited to see where we go with them. As for Thanwa, I love that he still likes Peak even if he’s holding on his own line as well. This show whips ass.
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eryanlainfa · 1 year
Gosh I haven't drawn characters peacefully sleeping together in a cuddle pile this month ???? Shame. I should fix that up
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 5 months
Diamond Rings 💫
Bale!Bruce Wayne x wife!reader
A/N: I finally got around to writing this lovely request!! Fluffy morning sex is perfect for Bruce AHHH 😭 and this is also the sequel to 'My Precious Jewel' !! Get your nom noms :3
~Fi 🐝
《Prompt》: the ask is here!
���Requested by》: anon <3
《Warnings》: NSFW CONTENT. proceed with caution. Handjob, edging (barely), PiV, throat holding (???), creampie (don't be like them), lil bit of cockwarming, so fluffy it's sickening, Bruce is a hopeless romantic, change my mind. (You can't)
《Word count》: 2.6k
Sequel to My Precious Jewel ♧
Can be read as stand alone as well though!
Masterlist ✨️
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The morning sun was streaming in through the curtains, tickling your face. You stirred, craning your neck to take a peak at the time. 8:39 am. You sighed sleepily, turning around and snuggling closer to the man who had his strong arms wrapped around you.
You smiled softly as you saw his peaceful expression, still dreaming away. Feeling a cold sensation on your hot skin, you gently lifted the covers. The hand that held you tightly yet so lovingly had a gold ring sitting on its ring finger. You quickly inspected your own hand, finding a golden wedding band there as well.
You had to stop yourself from squealing like a little girl when you realized that all of it, the wedding, the reception and the kiss weren't a dream. You were officially married now.
There were so many emotions bubbling up in your chest. Unbridled joy, disbelief, and pure excitement. But, you'd decided to deal with all of that later, and for now just enjoy your first morning snooze as Mrs. Wayne.
You pressed a sweet kiss to Bruce's lips, and closed your eyes, burying your face in his t-shirt clad chest. It wasn't even 9 in the morning. You'd sleep till dusk like this if you could. Safely in the embrace of your now husband, feeling each other's steady heartbeat and soft breaths.
A comfortable silence lingered over the estate, safe for Alfred who was probably doing all kinds of things already. You'd urged for him to sleep in today, he deserved a break. But, to your dismay, you knew the man and he couldn't just sit and relax even if he was chained to the chair. Well, as long as he enjoyed whatever he had to do you wouldn't complain.
Your slightly parted lips were pressed right above his heart, gently brushing the cozy fabric of his shirt with every breath. One of your arms was slung over his waist, your fingertips gliding over his back in whatever random pattern your wrist decided to carry out. It was a soothing gesture, making Bruce hum sleepily as he pressed his lips to the top of your head, your hair tickling his face.
His arms tightened around you, making it clear that he didn't want to leave the bed either. He felt like he had been put in chains, in a loving and warm way, not in a constricting and controlling manner. The chains that were your love and affection kept him tied down, sinking into the soft sheets, with an even softer you in his grip.
"Don't ever wanna leave this bed..." you mumbled into his chest. A drowsy smile tugged at Bruce's lips as maneuvered you closer so your legs were intertwined.
"I don't either... never wanna be without you." He sighed, feeling the familiar and gentle call of sleep.
"Wanna sink into the mattress, let it swallow us whole."
Your husband chuckled softly. Lack of sleep and early mornings did tend to bring out the poet in you.
"You can tell me all about that in, say... 4 hours?" His words were jumbled, the heavy fog of slumber taking over his brain. It took you a minute to put together what he said, as your own brain was still neatly tucked in its own metaphorical bed.
The furrow in your brows softened when you understood what he was trying to tell you, and you pulled the blanket tighter around the both of you.
"Very, very good idea."
Soon enough, you slipped back into colorful dreams, safely tucked against Bruce's chest.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
A strange feeling that settled in Bruce's bones is what woke him up. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling by all means, it was just... odd. A peculiar buzz in his skull, that slowly trickled down into his spine. It was euphoric almost, making him hazy about his surroundings but too aware of every nerve in his body.
His shirt was soft, too soft, and the buttons on the pillowcase dug uncomfortably into his ribcage. The sliver of sun that managed to sneak its way through the thick curtains fell directly on his face.
His nose scrunched up as the blinding light slowly burned his eyes. Yet the warming and comforting feeling on his cheeks made him stay in place, taking in the new day instead of pulling the covers over his face.
He shifted slightly, shivering when a cool sensation set the nerves in his thigh on fire. The sight of your hand, your married hand, on his leg, made a fire ignite in his stomach that was so ravenous and destructive it could've turned him to ash from the inside out.
The gleaming of your ring, the ring that he put there, made his heart rush and his cock twitch in his briefs.
"Been waiting for you to wake up." With a sweet smile playing on your lips and a certain glint in your pretty eyes that he'd seen many times before, you stroked your thumb over his skin. Your touch made his breath hitch ever so slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by you. It never did.
You were able to read Bruce like an open book, all the tricks he'd acquired over the years and used on the public to shift his image didn't work on you. They never really had, even from the beginning. For some odd reason, that he couldn't explain, you could see right through him.
"Hm, yeah? Could've just woken me up, honey. You're my wife now, after all." Bruce grinned, a strong arm sneaking around your back and pressing you flush against his chest. Your cheeks were on fire. That word still flustered you to the high heavens, and you reckoned it would for a little while.
"It would've been a shame to wake you. You looked like you were crafted by the gods." You whispered softly, pressing your lips to his in a tender but hungry kiss. Bruce melted into you, his eyes fluttering shut as he lost himself in the feeling of his lips on yours, moving gracefully against each other. With heavy breaths, puffy lips and glazed eyes you severed your connection.
"The sun sitting on your cheekbones," your fingertips traced over his face in such a gentle manner, one could assume you were afraid of breaking his peacefulness.
"And on your lips," your thumb swiped over his bottom lip, which curled up into a smile.
"Down your neck... it would've been a crime to break such beauty."
Your hand settled on the back of his neck and gently kneaded his muscles.
"I'm flattered, though no beauty can ever match yours, my love. You will eternally be the universe's rose, blooming in all your glory no matter if the sun shines or not."
"You need to stop reading all those books Alfred recommends to you." You giggled, an obvious blush on your face.
"I don't think I will." He smirked before capturing your lips in a kiss again. It was desperate and full of passion, making you sigh softly against his mouth. His hands became needy, grabbing at the fat of your hips. Bruce trailed his kisses over your cheeks, to your jaw and down your neck, sucking and gently biting at your skin.
You moaned quietly, your body sinking into the sheets at the feeling of his lips against your skin. Grabbing at the hem of his white shirt, you swiftly pulled it over his head, revealing his mouth-watering physique to you. The hand that had been resting on his thigh up until this point now cupped the tent in his briefs, stroking gently but with a firm hand.
He groaned into your shoulder, squeezing you tighter.
"None of that, baby, look at me." You cooed softly, gripping the hair at the base of his skull and gently pulling him away from your neck. Your hand dipped into his underwear and gave his cock a few strokes before shoving his briefs down his thighs.
Never breaking eye contact, you licked a fat stripe over your palm, guiding your hand down to his dick and rubbing at the tip. His lips parted slightly and few throaty groans left him.
"J-Jesus Christ, sweetheart, your hands really are magic." He breathed out, his head tipping forward just a smidge as you found a steady pace with your hand wrapped around him.
"Only for you, always for you.." you whispered against his cheek, feeling his breathing speed up. His hands were digging into your hips by this point as you circled the tip of his cock with your thumb, his pre-cum and your spit slicking him perfectly.
When you ran your finger over the underside of his shaft, against the bulging vein, pretty moans spilled from his lips as he approached his high. But before he could float on that cloud of bliss, you retracted your hand and left him hanging on the edge. His eyes were hazy and filled with need and desperation as he let out a frustrated groan.
"You're gonna regret that, little minx." Bruce smirked, but there was a fire in his eyes that made the heat in your belly boil over.
"Will I?" You challenged with a wicked smile, making him chuckle before smashing your lips together and silencing any further comment you might've made.
He pushed you onto your back and quickly pulled your nightgown over your head before sliding your panties down your legs.
Bruce's hands were placed on your inner thighs, pushing your knees further apart. He groaned at the sight of your glistening cunt, pupils swallowing the brown of his irises whole. Your naked form isn't something he hadn't seen before, but his mind was foggy with emotions of all kinds; the golden sunlight that painted your skin, the way your hair fell into your face, and that sparkly diamond on your finger making his heart swell in his chest.
You were his, through and through, and he never doubted it, but to see that solid piece of evidence sitting so nicely on your ringfinger made something stir in him; something primal, almost.
His hands trailed to your waist, kneading your flesh, as he leaned forward to be closer to you.
"I'd eat you till morning, honey, but I need to be inside you." You could tell that he was trying to hide the urgency and need in his voice, blanketing it in a soft and loving tone.
"I need you inside. Please, my love." You begged needily, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him in until his dick was prodding at your entrance.
"Besides," you whispered when his head found its place in the crook of your neck,"you can always have me for breakfast later."
With an amused huff, he slowly pushed inside of you, filling you up delightfully.
"You'll be the death of me." Bruce groaned, intertwining your fingers on both hands and pressing his forehead to yours.
Your beautiful moans echoed softly in the bedroom when he started to slowly thrust his hips into yours.
The movement knocked the breath from your lungs every single time, your nerves tingling with a sizzling fire that crawled up your spine. He sped up his thrusts, moaning and groaning against your lips.
You pressed your hand against his chest to slow him down again.
"Slow, slow... wanna feel every part of you."
You could've sworn you heard the faintest whimper escape his throat, gripping your hands tighter has his cock dragged along your walls. You could feel every ridge and bump, your head lolling to the side in bliss.
With languid and deep thrusts, Bruce continued to bring the both of you to the edge of your ecstasy. As your moans got louder, you reached for the hand with his ring on it and gently placed it around your neck.
Your husband shifted his weight so he wouldn't fall on top of you, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes. You placed your ringed hand on top of his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
You just wanted him to gently hold your throat, wanting to feel the cold metal against your burning skin.
"You won't hurt me, I promise. Jus' need you to hold me- fuck!" You cried out at a particularly deep thrust, squeezing your eyes shut and digging your nails into the back of Bruce's hand.
"Look at you. My pretty fucking wife. All mine. I made you mine, and everyone knows. They just need to look at that pretty diamond ring on your finger." His voice dropped an octave, and his words were almost a growl as he plunged in and out of you.
"You're s'good to me, honey. The perfect husband f'me." You moaned, your lips clumsily brushing against his as he panted on top of you.
"God, I love you." He grunted, his movement becoming sloppy as he was nearing his climax. You could feel the bliss gnawing at your limbs as well. Bruce trailed his hand between your bodies and circled your puffy clit, which only made you succumb to the pleasure faster.
"F-Fuck- oh my god, I'm so close!" You almost screeched, trying to ground yourself with him in any way you could.
"Come f'me, yeah?" He heaved, struggling to get the words out between his groans. Any more moans and cries were muffled as his lips greedily found yours, the tip of his cock hitting that spongy spot inside of you over and over again.
With a a strategic swipe over your clit and a well timed thrust, your orgasm crashed into you, jumbled 'I love you's falling from your lips as Bruce spilled inside of you with your name on his lips. The hand around your throat tightened only a little bit, prolonging your high that much longer as bliss clouded your brain.
Bruce gently lowered himself on top of you, steadying his breathing against your chest. You were catching your breath as well, tracing patterns on his bare back. He was still nestled deep inside of you. He rolled the two of you over so you were on top of him, your cheek pressed against his shoulder as you relaxed in his arms.
"I love you so much." You mumbled, eyes falling shut. You didn't know what time it was, but it didn't matter to you. You had nowhere to be except right here, snuggled against your husband.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Are you alright? D'you need anything?" he asked softly, pressing kisses to the top of your head.
"Hm, no. Jus' wanna stay like this. Maybe take a nap." You yawned, making Bruce chuckle.
"Do you need anything?" You questioned in return, placing a kiss to
his shoulder. "I could use a nap as well." He laughed softly, pulling the covers over the both of you.
"Good. Cus' I'm not getting up." You sighed, letting yourself be loved by him. His hands lazily ran through your hair, lulling you to sleep.
"Sweet dreams, baby." He whispered against your hairline, coaxing a sleepy smile onto your lips.
"You too, my love."
Both of you drifted off with the sun high up in the sky, not a care in the world that it was well past noon. Your hearts beating in sync, your soft breathing mimicking each other and connected deeper and closer as ever, the bonds of your love shinning in the dwindling sunlight with your hands intertwined.
If Bruce could make you wear his heart, he would, but for now the diamond ring would have to do.
You were his and he was yours. The perfect balance of love.
《Taglist》: @certifiedredhoodlover @allysunny
Let me know if you want to be added! <3
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thedevilspearl · 1 year
favourite time of the day — all brothers
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a/n: so this one is inspired by moonlight sunrise by twice and are basically my headcanons of the brothers’s favourite times of the day to have sex. and before you tell me, i know the devildom is dark 100% of the time but these are just how i imagine them if they had both daylight and night time.
tags: all brothers. no explicit smut but consistent discussion of sex, so minors do not interact!
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𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑 likes to head to bed early; he needs his rest. so he tries his best not to be too active in the evening or else he won’t sleep a wink. that is until he’s stuck in his office with a raging boner under his desk because he thought about you for a little too long. he’s not sleeping now either way so as soon as he gets his hands on you, he’s giving you all he’s got. his evenings finally feel more fun with you. he doesn’t get any work done because his desk is occupied with your bare bodies, but this is a much more satisfying way to spend his evenings.
𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍 lives for the nights. daytime is a hassle, but the night is when he peaks. more so, the early hours of the morning. the vibes of a pitch black sky signalling the end of his rowdy night out. and as much as he’d love to stay out until dawn, he’d rather bring you home safe and sound and use all of his remaining energy (which is a lot) to fuck the living daylights out of you. he doesn’t stop until the sun rises, and he finally collapses with his arms around you as golden rays fill his room, lulling you both to sleep with the added warmth.
𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 finds something provoking about late afternoon and early evening. he likes dusk in particular, the air is different. it feels romantic and dreamy, but also nothing out of his comfort zone. it’s a relatively quiet time so he won’t feel disturbed. at this time, he’s tired after a long day of classes, but he’s not quite ready for dinner yet. and he needs something to fill the time which would usually be games but spending time with you will always come out on top. so he always tries to fill this time with a shared intimate experience.
𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐍 is a difficult one to figure out but it depends entirely on his mood. he doesn’t have a specific preference, but cares more about whether he will be disturbed or not. so again, it depends on the mood. if it’s a busy morning, no morning sex. but if he knows it’s a quiet morning and the two of you are alone, then he’s all for some lazy morning sex. it works in the evenings like this, too. he won’t ever make a move if he knows his brothers will interrupt him at any given minute, but perhaps when they’re busy downstairs, he’ll sneak you up to his room and give you the perfect end to your day.
𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐔𝐒 is all about that daylight. sure, romantic candlelit sex at night is nice, but there are too many shadows working hard to hide your body from him. he doesn’t want a single inch of you hidden away from him. there’s just something so sweet about it, too. most people assume these kinds of things happen at night when it’s quiet and intimate, and that’s why he loves sex with you during the day all the more. he can escape from all of his duties and responsibilities and instead adore all of you with his undivided attention.
𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐙𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐁 is an early bird. he rises with the sun and has the most energy on mornings when the golden sunlight pours into the bedroom, highlighting your body in all the right places and making you glow. he is definitely the type to wake you up with oral; he wants you at any given time of the day, but mornings feel special in a way. there is added intimacy from waking up in each others arms and being alone together. he can’t imagine his mornings any other way because sex with you is always the best start to his day.
𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐑 is a night guy, there is no question about it. and while he’d rather spend his nights sleeping and dreaming until his heart is content, no dream could ever beat the real thing. the night for him is long, too. it could be from nightfall all the way until dawn. it doesn’t matter to him, as long as it’s dark and he can feel the vibe of night time. it’s comforting to him, and he wants to share that cosiness with you. it’s the right amount of seductiveness and sleepiness in the dark, so sex with belphie at night is the dreamiest!
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songmingisthighs · 5 months
Lonely Breeze
group : ateez
pairing : poly!yungi × reader
genre : angst, hurt/comfort
wc : 3.1 k
tw : angst, poly relationship, heavy stuff maybe; relationship issues, psychological issues, mentions of blood (injury), mentions of anxiety, ngl I'm just rambling at this point so if this is not your thing, pls skip lol.
a/n : this is why i don't listen to anything produced by mingi. I'm textbook kubler-ross every single time and idk how to feel about it. and yea i wrote this in 2 hours
buy me coffee ?
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It had been three days since you ran away.
Can it be counted as running away? You're a full-grown adult with intact mental faculties and 'running away' sounds rather juvenile.
Life had gotten too hard and you were overwhelmed. Despite having wonderful boyfriends like Yunho and Mingi, this time you truly didn't know what to do but you knew that you had to get out of there before you completely exploded.
To be honest, Yunho and Mingi were one of the reasons you had to run away.
It was nothing against them per se but you felt bad for having to always rely on them all the time.
The three of you met on the cusp of adulthood, at a dance academy workshop. The three of you didn't mean to join that joint workshop because each of you was from different area branches of the academy but you all just clicked. From then, you and they planned your lives together even down to which university you three will attend. But it wasn't until nearing the senior year that you three decided to pursue a romantic relationship. You still remembered it like it was yesterday. How you, Mingi, and Yunho join your other friends on a countryside trip to celebrate the end of the 6th semester only to find out that the cabin was at maxed capacity so you three had to rent a small, dusty place on your own. Little did you know, you, Yunho and Mingi had each planned separately to come clean about your feelings. You were the first to confess after having a particularly tiring clean-up session (just so you won't inhale the dust that had accumulated in the cabin), accidentally telling them how you could see the three of you in your 30s cleaning the apartment you will share together. You remembered the dread that washed down on you when Mingi asked what you meant. Like the reliable pillar he is, Yunho was the one who helped you calm yourself down and told you that he could see the same thing, how he felt the same way about you and Mingi. Then Mingi confessed his own feelings and from then on, you three were even more inseparable than you had ever been before.
While it surprised people that the three of you decided to commit to a relationship that was far from orthodox, no one was really fazed. Everyone who knew the three of you had at least assumed you three were sleeping together which was why no one approached either one of you romantically all through university.
Some called it fate, some called it dedication.
You believed in the former more than the latter.
But recently?
You feared that you had trapped them.
Maybe it was a quarter-life crisis but you suddenly felt nauseous at the thought of your life. It wasn't like things were falling apart. On the contrary, the pieces of your life were finally falling into place; you were starting to really shine at work, and you were finally able to start saving whilst resolving some of your financial issues. Your relationship with your boyfriends was even at its peak, there was more love than the three of you ever needed and you three were beyond happy.
Then one day, one day a week ago, things crashed down on you.
You didn't know what it was, you didn't know what caused it, but you suddenly couldn't breathe. You remembered holding onto the bathroom sink while your body trembled, tears streaming down your face like a busted faucet and you couldn't move. The cool bathroom suddenly felt suffocating and the sound of your boyfriends laughing just on the other side of the door felt deafening. It took you a long while to break free from that state and you only managed to do so because Mingi had knocked on the bathroom door asking for you to let him in because he needed to use the bathroom. That night, you found yourself unable to sleep and even finding their presence too much for you to handle even after switching position with Mingi so you could be at the edge. You had slipped away and cried yourself to sleep on the couch, sobbing silently until fatigue took over.
That whole week you were distant until three days ago when you came home from work to see a note on the table from Yunho who let you know that they were out for a bit to get something special for you.
One second you were pouring yourself a glass of water to calm your trembling hands and the next, you were in a train with a duffle bag heading to the countryside, cradling your hand that had a gash and fresh dried blood.
When you arrived at the dark and lonely cabin, you finally broke down, wailing into the emptiness as you hugged yourself in the middle of the room.
Neither of them was aware of what happened.
Or so you thought.
The first person who noticed how distant you became was Yunho. He had sensed that something was wrong since that day in the bathroom. He could never forget the look on your face as you stepped out. Your usually lively eyes were empty and you didn't even react when Mingi pressed a kiss on your forehead. At first, he thought that you might have had a bad day and that you were just not in the mood but as the days passed, you seemed more silent and distant. Yunho wanted to ask what was wrong but he didn't want to make it seem like he was prying so he tried to let you know that he was there for you in different ways; soft touches, words of affirmation, little presents in the form of your favourite drink or plans of going on a trip. He wanted you to have all the space you needed.
Mingi on the other hand immediately jumped into worrying about you. Suddenly he kept texting about your whereabouts and your feelings. He had even asked if he should pick you up early from work and even showed that he was already in front of your building. Mingi knew what it felt like to be all alone stuck in a headspace and it had taken him so long and finally relent, letting you and Yunho pull him out and believing you two that you were there for him. So he wanted to repay all that especially since you were the one who gently washed his tear-stained face and slowly fed him until he regained his own strength. He remembered the pit and he didn't like the idea of you being there.
So when they were met with an empty apartment the day you left, they went into panic mode. The sight of a couple droplets of blood near the broken glass and your work bag thrown carelessly on the couch was enough to send them into a frenzy and sadly, they even turned on each other.
Yunho wanted to calm himself and Mingi down first because neither of them even knew what happened and where you had gone to while Mingi, pointing that out, stated that they both needed to catch you before you could even go far. Then they fought over the fact that they were fighting when they should be looking for you and it ended with Mingi leaving the apartment when Yunho ran into your shared room, trying to charge his phone to see if you had contacted either of them.
Essentially, the three of you were alone at that moment in time. Nothing made sense and none of you had any ways of getting an answer.
You were alone in the cabin, crying your eyes out about... Nothing. You felt stupid for feeling bad over your life that was going rather well and you felt bad for leaving your boyfriends without an explanation. It was simple, you could've simply grabbed the phone and texted either one of them to let them know... Something. You could tell them that you needed time alone. But do you really? You could tell them that you were sorry. But were you really? You could tell them that you were overwhelmed and that they were not making your situation any better by being so supportive. But were they really? You felt like you were not worthy to even send them a text because who the fuck were you to be acting like that and then asking for understanding?
Mingi was running around aimlessly with worry sitting deep in the pit of his stomach. He had gone to several of your friends' places, friends you trusted who wouldn't blab about your disappearance. He hated being in a state of not knowing because he felt helpless. He hated being helpless. Mingi was not a helpless person so he didn't want to be associated with the feeling. First things first, he had to find you. But where could you be? Why had he never taken the time to ask you places you wanted to go to, thinking that you had gone alone because he was too busy with himself. Seeds of doubt planted by the negativity of the situation started sprouting its ugliness. Was your leaving his fault? Was he too self-involved to not have taken the time to dedicate his attention to you once in a while? Was he taking too much of Yunho and your attention? His head hurts.
Yunho, in defeat, slumped against the bed you three shared. Your pillar, your rock finally broke down and with each sob, his mind found it even harder to make sense of things. All the decision in his life was made on a strong foundation, Yunho was a sure man, and he didn't regret the choices he made and the path he took. But was he too sure of himself this time? Out of the three of you, Yunho was always the tie-breaker because he makes his decisions carefully and with logic. He never found any reason to resent that part of him until you left. Did he miss something? Were there signs that you had needed a different kind of treatment? Had he gotten too overconfident this time? Had his so-called level-headedness cost him something important?
Whatever it was you hoped could happen or appear by running away alone never came. Each hour you spent trying to make sense of things or finding a way to calm yourself only made it clear that you were all alone.
Dark thoughts started plaguing your brain, skewing your happy memories into something that was far from reality. The memories you had of banding together into a trio with Yunho and Mingi turned into fear that maybe you had inserted yourself into their friendship. After all, they found themselves together first before you bumped into Yunho and told him how you were alone, effectively guilt-tripping him. The thought of how they have always had your back turned into anxiety that maybe you had leaned on them too much. You relied on them more than you should and now you were a burden to them. The things you told them, should you have told them? Especially the dark ones, the ones that stemmed from your bad mental state. Were you manipulating them without realizing it? Were your promises of the future even really promises? How could you be sure that it wasn't you pressuring your expectations to them?
It had been three days. Were you still alone because they thought you were better off alone? That they too, needed time away from you? Maybe you never needed your own space, maybe it was your subconscious telling you that you needed to give them space from you.
Loud bangs broke the train of thought and the more you came back to reality, the more you recognized the voices.
"Mingi?" you inhaled sharply, seeing the face of one of your lovers on the window as he banged the wall.
Thinking that you were hallucinating, you turned your head away and stood up. There was no way he could be there.
More bangs were heard and when you turned around again, you saw both Mingi who was now with Yunho staring at you from the window.
"(y/n), open up!" Yunho called out.
Normally, you would register his voice as is but your brain, in its unstable state, thought that he was demanding you to let him in. Mingi too, though he was only standing there looking at you, sending knocks on the window as he wanted to hold you once again, your brain took that as him glaring at you and being in fury.
Anxiety shot up and your head shook violently. "N-no..." you whimpered, bottom lip trembling as you took a step back only to trip on a carpet and fall.
The sight of you on the floor caused Mingi and Yunho to abandon all reasons and logic and all they wanted to do was to help you. They started banging and trying to pry the door open, needing to get inside to be there for you but all it did was send you into a deeper spiral without them realizing. Your body curled into a ball while they were yelling for you to open the door. The more you heard them, the worse you felt and before you knew it, you were yelling for them to leave you be, leave you alone, you didn't deserve them.
It wasn't until you started yelling at how you should have never burdened yourself on them that they stopped banging on the door. Their eyes welled with tears hearing the things, untrue things, you hurled at yourself. It hurt them to hear you think so low of yourself like that. You were everything to them, you were something so precious and special and to think that you believe they would be better without you, it was like a serrated knife had been plunged into their hearts multiple times.
"That's not true (y/n), please..." Mingi rested his forehead on the door as his eyes closed slowly, letting tears wet his cheeks, "Please let me in, I... We... (y/n), please," he whimpered.
Looking around, Yunho remembered that the owner of the cabin had told him about a spare key a long time ago. Thinking that it was worth a shot, Yunho was glad to see that there was still a key hidden under the cushion of the porch lounger.
You were too busy bawling to realize that Yunho had opened the door successfully which was a good thing because had you realized, you would have done something stupid like run out into the field in the cold January breeze.
Mingi tried to rush inside only for Yunho to stop him, holding onto his arm as he watched you cry with a broken heart.
"Yunho, wha-"
Wordlessly, Yunho pulled Mingi down to sit in the doorway while maintaining his gaze on you.
Though confused, Mingi followed along, sitting down and looking between Yunho and you.
"We should go in there. She needs us," Mingi said, voice cracking as he shook Yunho slightly, trying to convince him to go inside. He knew he could definitely go inside himself, but for some reason, he felt like he shouldn't.
For once, Yunho didn't give any explanation and just shook his head one more time. Soon, however, his hand took one of Mingi's and they sat there with you with hands linked, waiting for you to... Well, they weren't sure what they were waiting for but they were sure they would understand soon.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You must have passed out from crying because you remembered feeling cold and alone but the moment you came to again, you realized that this time, you were... Warm.
Sitting up, you noticed that the skies outside were dark and when you turned your body around, you saw Yunho and Mingi attending to the fireplace. The cabin was dark save for the illumination provided by the warm fire.
It took a bit of time for your eyes to adjust but when your eyes really focused, you noticed that Mingi was holding onto your favourite blanket that you forgot to bring. How did they even got inside?
For a moment, you only watched them do their thing, comfortably sitting in silence as if enjoying conversation done by the soft crackles of the fireplace.
Mingi felt something on the back of his neck and when he turned his body slightly, he saw that you were staring at him with puffy eyes. His instinct told him to run to you and envelop you in a hug and tell you how worried he was and how much he regretted things that he thought he did. But his better judgement stopped him from making a move forward. Instead, he cracked a gentle smile and ducked his head down, carefully opening your folded blanket as a silent invitation.
Your body moved automatically towards him and before you knew it, you were suddenly sat in between Mingi and Yunho.
While Mingi draped you with your blanket, Yunho made final adjustments on the firewood before he sat down close to you and even moved so that you and he were shoulder-to-shoulder.
You were sure that they were going to ask what happened, what was wrong with you, why you ran away. But minutes passed and all there was was... Silence. You were sure that when you saw them again you'd be anxious because you had to explain yourself but all you felt was a sense of calm. It was rather ridiculous but you could feel the anxiety melting off of your body.
"I'm tired," finally you opened up even though your voice cracked due to how hoarse your throat felt. "I'm so tired," you exhaled as you closed your eyes, your bottom lip trembling once again.
This time, Yunho moved to sidle even closer to you so he could guide your head gently to rest on his chest. "You... Can you find it in your heart... To rest in mine?" Yunho spoke up finally, voice cracking as well. Mingi then moved closer until he was able to wrap his hands around your waist whilst leaning his head on Yunho's strong shoulder, effectively caging you securely between them. "You can rest in our hearts, love," he added, ducking to press a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
Nothing else needed to be said because nothing else should. The three of you had been through so much together in your youth that it felt like you were all alone. But, with the stars as your witness and the fire as your companion, you realized something that was always true. Even lonely, you were always together and your inadequacies made you whole. While pain exists and will always find its way back to remind you of your faults, it allows you to remember who and what you are, but most importantly, what you now have from that.
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somerandomdot · 9 months
Random Nsfw Wyll Headcanons
Helloo hope you enjoy!! I decided to give our boy Wyll some well needed and deserved love. If you have any other opinions or suggestions please leave them! Oki enjoy!
Small spoilers if you haven’t finished his romance story!!
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Straight up we all know this Wyll is a gentleman, but I can’t get over the proposal bit. When you accept it and join him in the grass and get down on one knee and it’s like he just gets on top of you so quickly. God I was screaming when I got that scene, okay anywayss.
Obviously his kisses are sweet and romantic in camp, the cute little pecks. But when it comes to making out I feel like this is something the man loves. Hey what’s romantic then literally kissing-?
He 100% has a thing with biting/nibbling the bottom of your lip asking for permission/access before the kiss gets deeper.
He is very touchy, in a good possessive way. Obviously the only time you get bed the man is when you accept a proposal. So you’re ‘his’ now, but in a good healthy way.
His favorite place to put his hands on you is your face, hips or either your hands. Holding your face, both his hands on the sides of your cheek as he looks at you with that smile in between kisses. Hands on your hip when you’re close enough to reach for, holding your hand if walking together.
Personally I think he has a small thing for hickies, but doesn’t like COMPLETELY covering your neck. If anything he’d leave a tiny small one, for his own enjoyment and to remind you about your earlier ‘activities’
With head this man is obviously more on the giving side of it rather than receiving, imagine using the horns as handle bars (if your wyll has horns :3). Jokes to the forked tongue, he knows exactly how to make you come undone as his head is between your legs and his hands pressed into thighs keeping them from closing as he makes you reach climax so he can continue.
When receiving head this man cannot stay quiet let alone stay still, letting out groans as he bucks his hips as you bob your head, apologizing with every unintentional movement he makes as you’d gag occasionally.
Favorite positions with Wyll would have to be missionary or anything really having eye contact, Wyll is a very big on eye contact and seeing your face during it, loving the faces you make as he pleasures you.
He’d probably have a steady medium pace with a bit of roughness added to it, not completely ramming you into the ground. But rough and slow enough to get a yelp from you when he’d pick up the speed.
Into overstimulation on himself to prolong his orgasm, but with you he wouldn’t deny you your approaching climax. Letting you peak as many times as your body would let you, enjoying how you twitch and shake below him.
He is mostly the type to groan, only time there’s a whimper or a moan is when he puts it in, or when he’s getting close and when he’s finishing.
Wouldn’t really be into cream pies, would do it if you were asking for it while he announces that he’s close, but personally likes seeing you covered in his release.
Obviously man’s is a gentleman, he would demand you not to worry about cleaning up and would take care of you, constantly making sure your okay, making sure your comfortable with what has happened.
Cuddles, a part of my brain screams that you’d be sleeping and he’s be big spoon, but in the end he’s the small spoon. Wouldn’t really accept the fact he likes it, but enjoys it.
Yay! You made it! I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for reading! If you have any suggestion, opinions or requests please let me know, have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/night!!
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foreverinadais · 2 years
after an argument: hc
(part 2: part 1 here!) this ended up taking way longer than i imagined woops
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the silent treatment he had been giving you eventually turns into reflection time.
the outcome? he feels like a complete dick.
so he when he sees your sitting on the sofa, he would come and sit next to you, his hands placed awkwardly on his knees
he would sneak peaks at you as if to get your attention because our love can’t directly make the first move after confrontation 
finally, you would sigh and face him
to which he would pretend to be really interested in whatever was on the tv.
then he would spill.
“I’m sorry I was such an arse and for the stupid argument. I was acting immature and you don’t deserve that and if there’s anyway I can make it up to you-”
You would interrupt him with a much calmer, “Steven.” and add, “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I was stupid to do anything to risk what we have.”
You could see the hidden fear in his eyes and shook your head.
“You won’t lose me. besides, people in relationships argue!” He isn’t convinced, muttering a string of apologies again.
“I’m not mad anymore, okay? It’s done.”
Steven is relieved. Like super relieved. he physically breathes a sigh of relief.
And he hesitantly reaches out to take your hand
to which you offer a smile and snuggle into his side.
“Wow.” Steven suddenly whispers
“I just love you. And am so lucky to have you, my love.”
to which you smile, because your equally lucky to have him- even when he is sassy.
okay so i feel like he would want to avoid direct confrontation
but would still obviously want to apologise.
so say your asleep and he sneaks into the flat
has gotten a bunch of flowers or something cliché that he debated on getting but decided he needs something romantic to add to his apology.
he doesn’t want to wake you, plans to just leave the flowers in a vase and cook you breakfast.
but he stubs his toe on the side as he walks in and cusses loudly.
of course, you wake up instantly, slightly delirious from your sleep.
he cringed at himself, inhaling deeply before muttering a small ‘nope’.
Marc knows he’s fucked up by the sadness in your tone.
your sit up, noticing the flowers and he follows your gaze and sighs.
“Look, Y/N, I fucked up. And I’m sorry.”
he paces forward and places the flowers on the bedside table
It’s kinda funny to see big, scary Marc Spector be so shy 
and you don’t really know what to do
cause your still pissed at him.
“You upset me, marc. I just care about you, is all. when you get hurt, it hurts me. And I’m powerless to it, you know?”
“I know, baby. I know. I got, defensive and it was wrong of me.”
he feels emotional and turns away from you for a moment.
“Just not really used to people caring about me. I just don’t want to scare you off, or risk losing you. It doesn’t give me an excuse, I know. I’m sorry.”
He sniffles, would desperately try to stop any tears.
But you saw him. Saw all his insecurity, all his pain, all his worry.
and you instantly would get up from the bed, wrap your arms round his waist.
“I know, darling. We can work on it, okay? But we don’t have to right now.” 
to which you would gently urge him to turn around.
and he accepts your embrace, softly sniffles into your shoulder as you stroke his back.
“Let’s go to bed, yeah?”
and he agrees.
and you both lie down, you guiding him to rest his head on your chest as you gently play with his hair
both slowly realising you can work on your problems together.
“I’m worried, mate. She could be anywhere.”
“She isn’t answering our texts.”
“Fuck sake, Jake.”
after you left, of course all 3 of them would be freaking out.
Jake would eventually take control- or lose it.
going back to his bottle but slowly
truth was, he was more worried than anyone.
this was his fault
so if anything happened to you, that would be on him.
and he would never forgive himself
he was pacing the room, calling your phone yet again, practically screaming in frustration when he heard your voicemail.
that was until the door opened.
you half expected one of the others to be fronting, or for Jake not to be there at all.
but to your slight dismay, there he was, instantly turning to face you and throwing his phone on the sofa.
you would take off your jacket, not even bothering to face him.
then walk straight to the bathroom for a shower, avoiding contact at all.
“You need to sort this out, Jake. Just say sorry.” 
he knew he had too. just didn’t know how to communicate it
and all you wanted, no, needed, was for him to communicate.
you come out the shower and to his dismay, your wearing one of your own night tops and not one of his
and you get a glass of water before going to bed.
but before you can, Jake clears his throat.
to which you would stop in your tracks, slightly turning to him so he knows he has some of your attention.
“Are you hurt?”
“You were gone for so long, I thought you might’ve got-”
“Are you kidding? I was ‘gone for so long’ because you told me to leave, remember?” 
okay, tensions were still high
and i have a feeling Jake is stubborn
Jake would stop talking for a moment as he watches you shake your head slightly
“I was angry.”
“well I’m still angry.”
and the atmosphere would be so tense.
one wrong word, and it could all snap.
“What do you want me to do?”
and you scoff.
“Honestly? I want you to be honest. Jake, do you want me?”
“You hardly say it.”
“You hardly say you love me! and maybe I’m selfish but you don’t act like you love me sometimes. I want, I want you to talk to me and be open to me and want me in the way I want you! Because I can’t keep doing this.”
That- he feels his stomach turn in dread, feels his head fill with fire. But mostly, he feels the way his heart breaks slightly.
of course he loves you.
but it was fucking terrifying to admit
you mistake his silence for agreeance and you feel tears well in your eyes
because this is your biggest fear; that one of them could fall out of love with you.
“I’m going to bed.” 
the sentence sends chills down his spine in the worst way
and he shakes out of his thoughts, rushing forward.
“No no no, wait. I’m sorry. Sometimes I can’t find the words for you, Y/N, but it’s not because I don’t want to or because I don’t care but it’s because for you, I feel so deeply. I can cope with pain, lord knows I can, but this... loving you means the possibility of losing you and I can’t live with that.”
none of them can
and you pause again, putting down the water and turning to him with watery eyes.
“It doesn’t make up for what happened. I mean it, Jake. We can’t keep doing this thing where we fight and then fuck, and then forget about it.”
“I won’t. I will try and make it up to you, Cariño, every single day. And I might not be able to open up like the others do, but I will try. I will try for you.” 
and you finally nod slightly, tears falling freely now.
and he sighs in utter relief and it’s overwhelming what he feels for you
he walks over and kisses you fiercely and you pause for a moment before returning the gesture
but the dominance dies down, leaving a gentle, loving kiss, making your head dizzy
and finally, Jake says with as much certainty as you have ever heard, “Te quiero. I love you, mi amor.”
and whilst you know it’ll take a while, your willing to wait.
for them, you would wait an eternity
because they are your eternity.
cliché little ending to make up for the angst of p1 hehe. hope you enjoyed :)
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mystellenia · 6 months
mystellenia's masterlist 𐑂°‧₊
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click here!! oh and here too!! ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
🦢 fluff
🐍 angst
🌟 nsfw
☄️ misc
୨ৎ answered request
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abby anderson:
🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ a night in with abby
a cozy tv night in with abby and her ofc being a sweetie pie, ending with you guys falling asleep together on the couch
☄️ ˖ ࣪⊹ making abby nervous by teasing her ୨ৎ
after finishing up a workout with abby, you guys head to the locker room to get ready to leave. inside the bathroom, abby freezes up at your sudden flirtiness
🐍🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ being effortlessly loved by abby
after a rough week, you begin pushing abby and her love away, but she makes her feelings known and voices her frustration
🌟 ˖ ࣪⊹ nipple sucking ୨ৎ
you suck abby's nipples, flipping the roles and surprising both you and herself
🦢🌟 ˖ ࣪⊹ passionate sex ୨ৎ
you and abby spend the night enjoying each other, sharing a passionate moment
🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ pt 1: romantic tension
in the warm glow of abby's bedroom, after a day of shared hobbies, you contemplate your deepening feelings for her and hope that perhaps she feels the same
🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ pt 2: first kiss with abby ୨ৎ
after the romantic tension between you and abby reaches a peak, you two finally share a sweet kiss.
🦢☄️ ˖ ࣪⊹ getting pampered by abby ୨ৎ
after a long day and a well deserved shower, abby takes it upon herself to take care of you.
ellie williams:
🌟 ˖ ࣪⊹ first time with ellie ୨ৎ
when kissing between you and ellie gets heated, she reveals a present she got you to commemorate the first time between you guys
☄️ ˖ ࣪⊹ study session for uni
ellie has agreed to tutor you for your planetary science class, and today is your first session; part two to this blurb!!
🦢🌟 ˖ ࣪⊹ shower sex with ellie
when you come home from work, ellie just can't seem to keep her hands off of you. when you move things to the shower, it gets steamy (do u get it bc its the shower and like the water is hot so- yup ok i’ll leave)
🌟 ˖ ࣪⊹ ellie's reaction to big boobs ୨ৎ
you come over to ellie's late at night, your intentions clear as day in your eyes.
🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ giving ellie a hoodie full of kisses ୨ৎ
you paint a hoodie with kisses for ellie, and the gesture flusters her.
🌟 ˖ ࣪⊹ ellie's reaction to small boobs ୨ৎ
ellie can't stop staring at your tits. that's it.
🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ ellie caring for her clumsy girlfriend ୨ৎ
how ellie cares for her clumsy girlfriend
🦢 ˖ ࣪⊹ sleepy late nights with ellie ୨ৎ
both you and ellie wake up in the middle of the night and cuddle your way back to sleep.
✧˖° jealous!ellie getting salty when you get friendly w other girls
✧˖° softdom!ellie being a hottie pants
✧˖° nerdyloser!ellie being nervous when you sit next to her in lecture
i MIGHT MAYBE MIGHT write for cod in the future..... don't quote me on that i swear
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sil3ntfr34k · 2 months
Postal 4 boyfriend Headcanons
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(Guess who found about how to do a buillted list insides of manually putting dots :D)
Mans is probably in his early 40’s and feeling every second of it.
He’s not much a romantic, but he knows how to love. Like he knows he’s supposed to give you gifts, listen to you rant, support you in anything, hug you, give affection and words of encouragement, the whole sha-bang. Is he good at it tho? Kinda,,,
You probably met him during his ‘job hunting’, when he was running around this a sign that said something along the lines of “Willing to do something strange for a bit of change”. Caught your attention IMMEDIATELY
You thought he wasn’t too bad looking, something of a roughed up silver fox. He was pretty toned for someone his age, forearms are pretty big and that’s just what you needed. You ended up taking him up on his offer and made him clean out your gutters. You just sat there and watched as he worked himself throwing out heaps of wet leaves and random junk from your gutters.
He came out obvious dirty so you gifted him $40 and a shower. It’s like heavens light shined upon him when he heard the words “You can take a shower here if you’d like?” fall from your mouth was enough for him to marry you in that moment.
Postal Dude has been raw dogging it homeless style for a couple months up to this point, so any kind of reward he came across was a fortune to him. Gladly accepting this kind gesture, he was still thrown out for the rest of the day. You both came upon an agreement that he could stay the nights on your couch, but he still had to go ‘job hunting’ during the days. Didn’t matter to him, he still accepted it. As long as he had a safe place to sleep with Champ.
Side note, you loathe Champ being around during the day since he digs holes everywhere in your front AND back yard, so you make Dude take Champ with him everyday. Dude doesn't mind since Champ is kinda like an attack dog so homie very useful when Dude's walking around
Once your relationship with Dude has reached it's peak (dating), he becomes very attentive and energetic. Where he was once tired and reclused, he's now got some energy in him and filled with affection
Dude loves to be around you and touching you. Biggest love languages are quality time and physical touch, sometimes words of affirmation if he's feeling extra sappy. He's probably been through the works of brutal relationships, so he really wants to settle down, which leads me to my next thought
Mans is getting old and creaky. Sure he's still got muscle and all, but they're honestly just for show. He couldn't hold back Champ from attacking someone he isn't supposed to even if his life depended on it. So, he's staring to wear down and just wants to find someone to relax with.
Red flag time, he's talking about marriage about 2 months into the relationship and tries to move his scrap in without you noticing, which usually fails. It's not that he's using you for your home, Dude just wants to feel like he's finally in a normal relationship. No bitchy attitudes being thrown around, no constant nagging for something stupid, no arguing over small things, no constant threats, just y’all being in love together
Eventually your gonna have to let Champ wonder the house and train him to be a guard dog rather than just an attack dog. You’re definitely the one to look up dog training classes and making Dude go with you to these said classes.
Even with how much he loves to be around you, there are still times when his mental and physical illnesses make him ill 😔 but he still tries to snap out of it
His main problems are most likely his chronic muscle pains and his auditory schizophrenia. (I think all the dudes are some sort of schizo, it’s just that p1 and p2 are the strongest showing ones)
Being older means his body is slowly deteriorating. Sure he’s not that old, but with how he lived in his golden age, he should really be dead. Constantly on the run from the government, having to stay sharp to kill, and fucking his way through Paradise and Edensin, he’s ready to just lay down and let the earth reclaim him
Having a long history of schizophrenia in the family and his own lifetime, it’s thankfully dwindled down to just hearing voices randomly. Since he can only hear these voices it doesn’t scare him as bad as it used to. All he can really hear is a distant conversation that he can’t make out the words to, it’s sort of like a mumbling between a woman and a man. Many times you’ve found him franticly wondering the house with a confused look on his face saying “I thought there was people in here?”
Overall, he’s an old man who’s been through enough and would just like to relax. Give him kisses, give him cuddles, feed him, and talk to him, and he’ll love you for eternity (so gay)
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depressopax · 5 months
Dale Cooper SFW headcanons
Fandom: Twin Peaks
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Cuss words, dirty jokes Words: 900 Summary: Being in a relationship with Dale Cooper would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 Avaliable on AO3
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This man… He has so much love to give you, and won’t hesitate to do so.
He sees you as a treasure and knows how to treat you like one.
His job means long days and much time apart from you. To not speak of the dangers that come with being a special agent.
He tries making up for this, though.
At work, he’s serious and focused on his tasks
At home, all his attention is on you.
He spends his free days off work with you, either at home or going outdoors. As long as you’re together, he doesn’t care. 
He might come across as “clingy”, but he just wants your love and company.
His career means late night, so he either comes home to find you already sleeping, or sitting up on the couch watching tv. Either way, he always greets you with the biggest smile.
You try visiting him at the police station, too. Going to him for lunch, surprise visits etc… 
If he has the opportunity, he does the same for you when/if you work.
Dale is not a good chef, but he enjoys cooking for you.
Especially in the mornings.
He often ends up burning the food without realizing it
But he looks so happy when he tells you that he has cooked, and you can’t bring yourself to tell him that he accidentally burned it
He looks so smug whenever you eat his food and tell him you like it
He might be a night owl, but still gets up early in the morning. How he does so is a damn mystery.
Maybe it’s the fact he usually has weird dreams at night that makes him wake up early?
Or is he just always energetic? 
He wakes you up with kisses and the first thing you smell is coffee. 
This man is absolutely head over heels in love with you
He appreciates small gestures from you, he’s not the guy to like big romantic gestures. Like seriously, just make a cup of coffee for this man and he will swoon for you.
Dale’s love language being touch and quality time 
He likes making coffee for you, it’s his ultimate way of saying “I love you” lol
Speaking of saying “Ily”, he was definitely the one to say it first. 
You’d only been dating for a month or less when he realised how much you mean to him, and that he had fallen for you.
He feels very comfortable around you and appreciates the feeling of you jot judging him
That’s why he likes sharing his weird theories with you and rant about different cases he’s working on, wanting your take on it
Whilst other people laugh at his passion for the paranormal, you are supportive, and find it interesting too.
Which makes him very happy, since he finally can share his thoughts without getting judged <3
He also tells you about the weird dreams he has
At first, you were very concerned when Dale started ranting about his dreams of weird creatures and creepy places
…But you grew to like it. Once getting used to his weird dreams, you’re always intrigued to hear another story
If you don’t believe in paranormal stuff/you’re not spiritual - you definitely change your opinions later. He has a way of talking about it that just fascinates you to the point you also believe it.
Which only makes him love you more, if possible.
You and Dale are a pretty calm couple, but your shared love for creepy shit probably leads to Dale taking you on your own little investigations/missions
He wouldn't let you tag along to a real mission, but suggests going to abandoned places for sightseeing.
And who are you to say no to that?
Somehow, it’s almost cozy to walks hand in hand in the creepiest of places, while discussing theories and scaring each other with stories
You also make it a challenge sometimes - who gets scared first?
Spoiler alert! It’s you.
Dale is a special agent, and works with cases like this, after all. 
He’s pretty competitive, believe it or not
Sometimes, he even makes sure to make you frightened 
He likes comforting you and feeling like “the knight on a white horse”
A bit rude, I know, but he can’t help it!
“Fuck sake Dale! You did that on purpose!”“I would never!”“...”“Ok, maybe I did intend to scare you.”“I hate you”“I know you don’t… Don’t be mad at me, my love!”
Don’t worry, he does make it up to you in one way or another ;)
His ideal date would be coffee dates (what a surpriseeee) 
On your first date he took you to Double R Diners, so he could show you how amazing coffee and cherry pies they have.
He also likes taking you out on picnics, sightseeings and being outdoors with you.
But if you prefer calm dates, he doesn’t mind taking you to the cinema, or even just stay at home to watch movies and eating takeaway food
He doesn’t mind PDA - he holds your hand in public, kisses your forehead, wants you close etc…
But he prefers to kiss you when he’s alone with you
If you were to kiss him around people he’d turn into a blushing mess lmao
Dale is the boyfriend who likes staying up with you - having deep late night conversations
The two of you are pretty cheesy - slow dancing under the night sky, stargazing… You name it
Being in a relationship with Dale brings you the passion, love, adventures and amount of weirdness that you need in your life - His goal is to be the best boyfriend ever <3
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letsquestjess · 4 months
My Symphony - Part 2 (Tech x GN!Reader)
Summary: Following your blossoming relationship, Tech takes up the cello and grapples with composing a piece for you.
Word count: 2.1K
Warnings: Nothing explicit but implications of it, so 18+ / MDNI. Set pre-order 66.
A/N: After @freesia-writes tagged me in this post, I couldn't resist writing a second part. Little disclaimer, the only time I have seen a cello played is during junior orchestra a long time ago, so if any of the terminology and whatnot is a bit off, I apologise.
Part 1
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In a stable rise and fall, the notes of the cello chased after the rhythm set by the Pantoran spinet and captured them in its grasp, melding and merging until the harmonies united into one beautiful melody. The crescendo peaked, and the song slowed into a temperate finish. 
Your fingers dropped from the keys and the last echo of the elegant theme faded from your bones. “Once we fine-tune that middle section,” you said, organising the sheets on your music stand into the right order, “it will sound flawless.”
“I agree,” Tech replied. He rebalanced the weight of the cello and set the bow aside, stretching his fingers in anticipation. “I am up for the challenge.”
“You always are,” you teased. Peeking over the array of books and folders, you caught the shy look that painted his expression. As your relationship had flourished, flirtations bloomed, infusing vibrant hues into your lives as you delved into your affections and embarked on romantic adventures. 
Since being exposed to your skills and your love, Tech’s world opened to the inspirations of music and he had taken up an instrument himself. He had reasoned that such a pursuit was a way to enhance his intellect and build a new talent, and while true, you speculated he may have also done it to spend more time with you between missions. From the coldest snows to the sweltering forests, his duty took him all over the galaxy, but he always returned to you. Always. 
That was what you kept at the forefront of your mind during each secret liaison and every bittersweet farewell. No matter how many rotations pushed you further away from each other, he came back. Scarred and bruised, shaken and bleeding, but alive. 
The trill of your datapad interrupted your thoughts, grounding you in the present and forcing you to let go of the lingering sadness of another inevitable goodbye. Multiple messages bombarded the screen, and with a huff, you rose from the bench. “Got to get going,” you said, manoeuvring around the spinet and planting a swift kiss to Tech’s cheek. “I’ll meet you here later.” 
The clone commando gave you a playful salute, his lips curling and his eyes crinkling at the edges in such an endearing way that it had you tempted to ignore the messages. But your colleagues needed assistance, and you would resolve everything quicker together. 
With a quick wave, you slipped out of the room, your form disappearing and the door gliding shut again. 
After making sure you’d gone, Tech retrieved his datapad from the pouch on his belt and combed through the array of folders. Finding the file he needed, he positioned the device on the stand and adjusted the cello. He drew the bow over the strings and followed the dotted notes on the screen. Deep, resonant tones provided a rich undertone to his song, and he ascended into a higher range. He wasn’t just creating music; it was a connection to emotion and feeling. More precisely, the sincere and comforting feelings you had given him. 
For weeks, he had poured his heart into the composition, wanting to amaze you, but the sweet melody faltered and abruptly ended, and the correct ending continued to evade him.
Ultimately, the final moments united a song and resonated with the listener even after it was over. Everything he heard since meeting you had concluded with a smooth, gradual finish, nothing sudden or rushed or jarring. The rhythm found a natural decline and a tranquil lull as though nestling into sleep. 
Nevertheless, he couldn’t quite achieve that same peaceful yet resolute conclusion for his own work. He suspected that the news of his impending deployment could be to blame. He still hadn’t mustered the courage to tell you. How could he bear to witness that disheartened look on your face, fully aware that he was the cause? At every goodbye, you tried to hide your sadness and showered him with affection, but he could sense the heaviness in your soul. War was not an ideal time for relationships, and he was a soldier, a commando, an elite operative with skills that constantly put him in the firing line. 
He packed away the cello with a discouraged huff and secured the bow into the lid. Zipping up the case, he shoved it at the back of the room where it found its place behind the box of forgotten orchestral equipment and discarded instruments. 
* * *
“Hey,” you said as you slipped into the Bad Batch’s barracks. The door closed with a hiss and the sterile wedge of light from the corridor dissolved into the hush. “I thought we were going to meet in the music room.”
“My brothers and I had some extra training,” Tech explained, goggles aimed at the electrical fusing tool as he welded weapons components. If it hadn’t been for the small, orbed lamp beside him, the only light illuminating the bunks would have been the occasional sparks shooting from the machine in his precise grasp. 
You understood. This wasn’t the first time Tech had been forced to cancel your plans to play music together after a rough day. His training regime was gruelling. Strict to the point of almost impossible expectations. And yet he and his brothers saw it thorough doggedly, dedicated heart and soul to the Republic and the ongoing war.
“How about a massage to soothe those aching muscles?” you offered. You perched on the edge of his bed and beckoned him with a wave.
“I am not in any pain at the moment,” he assured you, never taking his intense focus off his work. 
“Is that like the last time you weren’t in pain and ended up in the medical bay with a torn muscle?” 
Tech’s lips pursed, and he turned his gaze towards you. Leaning back on your hands, careful to avoid disturbing the jumble of machine parts and cables on his sleeping area. That warm, familiar look in your eyes that called him home. “I suppose I can take a break for a few minutes,” he relented. 
“That’s the spirit.” You assisted him in transferring the majority of the chaos onto the floor and urged him to seat himself on his bunk, positioning your legs on either side of him to serve as a support while you removed the upper half of his armour. Once it was safely nestled by the boxes of bolts and screws, you grazed your hands up to his shoulder blades, applying a firm pressure and eliciting a stream of muttered praises. 
“Better?” you asked. 
A drawn-out hum floated from him and he tilted his head forward to allow you access to the base of his neck. As you continued to caress away the day’s aches, his gloved fingers traced a soothing path up and down your leg. You wished the moment would never end. Soft. Tender. A world untouched by the war raging in the galaxy outside the rain-splattered window. 
“Feels like so long ago since I found you at the door of the music room, listening to me play,” you mused aloud. 
Tech peered at you and quirked his eyebrows. “I was merely fascinated by the instrument.” At the amused smirk on your face, he cleared his throat. “And the captivating person playing it.”
Your fingers slowed at the sincere glimmer in Tech’s eyes. The moment he closed in on you, you met him half-way, lips teasing in the most blissful distraction. Every thought that occupied your mind a moment ago faded. They didn’t matter. His proximity was all that mattered, the lingering singed scent of his projects and his body on yours. 
After a few fumbled manoeuvres, Tech positioned himself above you, scooping you up and enticing a leg up onto his hip. Your mouths moved in gentle tandem, tongues smoothing to deepen and heighten your bond. 
A comfortable exhale escaped from him before he delved back in. Your love had evolved from an exploratory nature to an effortless, conversational rhythm, where silent words were exchanged by touch. The sensation of each caress answered his own and built a crescendo of pleasure that he wished to savour for eternity. 
“My brothers will be away for a while,” he said in between gasps for air. “Would you stay with me?”
“I’ll stay as long as you want me to.” 
“How does forever sound?” 
Waves of heat tingled in your cheeks and a wide grin formed within the warmth. “Forever sounds perfect.” 
* * *
Early mornings were always strange on Kamino. For the most part, the persistent cloud cover cast a dark grey hue over everything and made it appear as though time stood motionless. The movement of the rain and sea were the only sign that the seconds still ticked on.
With an hour to spare before work started, you trudged to the music room, soothing your tired eyes with groggy rubs and stretching your arms out in front of you as you walked. 
After leaving the Batch’s barracks, you had settled into your own bedroom, but the silence in the emptiness only strengthened your restlessness. Despite your time with Tech, an irritating itch scratched at the corner of your thoughts, a suspicion that he was withholding something important. You had grown accustomed to his mannerisms, to the subtle twitches and shifts in his body language that signalled when he was hiding information, and last night you noted a few of those indicators. News circulated of additional mass deployments, so you had an inkling as to what he was concealing, but you respected his privacy; he would tell you at his own pace, as he always did. 
Entering the music room, soft twangs reached your ears and you all but tottered to a halt. Tech occupied his regular seat, plucking the cello strings and twisting the pegs to tune the instrument. “What are you doing in here?” you asked brightly, his presence a joyful surprise. “Don’t you have training?”
“Not this morning,” he answered. He slid the bow across the strings in a steady vibration and smiled as the correct sounds responded. “Do you have a moment? I wanted to show you something.”
“I have all the time in the galaxy for you.”
Tech willed away the flutter in his stomach and invited you to sit in the seat he arranged opposite him.
You shuffled around the chair and complied with his silent instruction. The room grew hushed as Tech’s eyes scanned the datapad on the music stand, the rhythmic ticking of the chronometer amplifying your increasing curiosity.
With a timid start, he began to play, the notes trembling and uncertain, as if shyly whispering from the strings, until his confidence bloomed with the ebb and flow. The bow bounced, sailed, sang like a divine song. Just for you. For your love. 
The sound was unfamiliar, unlike anything you had ever heard in your years of playing, but it struck a chord within you. The compassionate rhythm embraced you, while the utterance of notes soared, stirring your soul with promises of affection and devotion. 
It was then you realise why you hadn’t encountered this piece before. This enchanting melody was a fresh creation, unfolding with tones never experienced by anyone except you and earnestly crafted by the man who nurtured your heart. 
Tears welled in your eyes as he approached the final crest. His arm guided the notes and his nimble fingers placed them, dancing down the neck of the instrument to coax out every sliver of sound. With a lingering stretch, the cello fell silent. 
Tech went to speak, but noticing the teardrops, he rose from his seat and extended a hand to lift you from yours. He wiped the wet droplets threatening to fall and pressed kisses to the fallen ones. “I hope these are joyous tears.”
“That was beautiful,” you breathed. “I’m… I’m a little speechless. I had no clue you were composing a piece of your own.” 
“After weeks of struggling with the concluding section, last night, I found the inspiration I was looking for.” Weathered hands grazed yours, thumbs playing across the lines on your palms. “A symphony for my symphony.” 
With fingers splayed on his cheeks and his arms winding around your waist, you brought him closer for a kiss, lost in a moment that belonged only to you. 
“I have to go away again for a while,” he admitted against your lips, refusing to hide it from you any longer. An increasing number of troops were being deployed every day, and he got the sense you knew his own departure was imminent. To pretend otherwise would be a direct offence to your intelligence and the bond you shared. “My squad is heading to Kallar, but I shouldn’t be too long.” 
At the dip of your head and the small swallow, Tech redirected your gaze to him, his eyes never leaving yours. “I will come back,” he promised, his words warm on your skin as he sealed the vow with a kiss to your forehead. “When have I ever not returned to you?” 
TAGLIST (Message if you’d like to be added, 18+ only)
@skellymom @freesia-writes @the-hexfiles @theeyesofasoldier @multi-fan-dom-madness @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @tech-aficionado @techsriduur @dangraccoon @starrylothcat @jediknightjana @mssbridgerton @trixie2023
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ok what about soft moments w the main six???
The Arcana HCs: the best part of the day with M6
~ @godslayer143 requested something like this too, I think their words were "romantic tidbits throughout the day" and something about that phrasing made me melt. anyways here you go, much love from - brainrot ~
Every evening you spend with him is a gift
He's got the kind of anxious energy that peaks in the late mornings and he likes to fill his day with things to do and people to talk to and places to see
He really mellows out when the sun begins to set, and that's when he comes home and realizes that he's forgotten to eat a meal or hydrate (he's trying, he promises, he just gets distracted) and that's when you've learned to have your time free to catch your breath together
Sometimes this looks like having a hot plate of food ready or a cool glass of lemonade, sometimes it means sitting next to him and asking about his day while he strips off all the heavy outer layers of his clothing and lets the day's sweat air out
Those little moments of grounding become the thing he measures his days with and you will never fully understand how much he appreciates them
He in turn likes to make you feel special, every night is date night
Maybe it's drinks at the Raven, maybe it's attending or watching him perform a play at the community theater, maybe it's a walk on the beach while he tells you about his days at sea
He's a hopeless romantic, and he's hopelessly romantic for you
If mid-morning wasn't your favorite time of day before, it is now
Because that is when they wake up
You've got your own schedule to keep but now you know to be free around 10 AM and have some tea on hand
They're the most refreshed when they wake up, the light is golden and the air is warm, the day is full of the unknown, every muscle is relaxed from sleep, and when they start to emerge from their pile of sheets and pillows the first thing they get to look at is you
There is nothing wrong with being a naturally guarded person, but these are the moments when he can be completely open with you and he treasures each one
Drowsy cuddles are the best, the lines from the pillow are pressed into their cheek, they have the fluffiest bedhead, their clothes are rumpled, and they're fixing you with the most lovesick gaze
You have never seen dimples look so soft, he's pressing chaste little kisses to whatever part of you he can reach and murmuring sleepy sweet nothings just to watch you blush
He's going to spend the rest of the day trying to make you feel as loved as waking up to you did for him
It'll be creative little gestures, a little note on the counter, your favorite drink in the coolbox, maybe a surprise date rambling through the alleyways until you find a new place to eat
Late nights with her are unparalleled
She is fully dedicated to taking care of Vesuvia, and her days are tightly scheduled with meetings and committees and important dinners
But once Vesuvia's asleep, she can dedicate all her attention to you
You know being around people and maintaining a city's well-being is tiring, so you like to gather everything she needs to relax with you
You got Portia to write down her evening routine in detail, so when Nadia's finally finished her state dinner you have her bath drawn and your hands free to de-style and brush and wash her hair
Once you're both in your dressing gowns you'll go somewhere quiet to enjoy the night view
A lot of the time it's a slow walk through the wilder parts of the palace gardens, breathing in the cool night air, talking about the day and checking in with each other
Often it's going up to the contemplation tower and opening the windows, sharing a nightcap and stargazing
The sleep she gets after nights with you is restful and dreamless, and it makes her want to give you the same peace it brings her
She may be busy, but you will always be her priority and she makes sure you know that
Early mornings with Muriel are spectacular
Unless you're the type to go to bed a few hours after sunrise, he is definitely up before you are
He has chickens to feed, and a host of protective wards to refresh
And now, he has you to make breakfast with
It takes some effort to consistently open your eyes as the sun is rising and he's just returning from his walk around the perimeter, but it's worth it to cook next to him
You've been adding new items to the menu besides just eggs, and now you two have the perfect synchronized dance as you assemble a breakfast of yogurt, nuts, fruit, and bread
You'll sit together in the doorway, watching the sun rise and mist clear, snuggled next to him for warmth in the morning chill with Inanna laying over your feet
These are the moments that tell Muriel that all is right in the world, something he rarely experienced before he met you
He used to sleep to escape the discomfort of going through life, but now he looks forward to waking up so he can begin a new day with you
He in turn wants you to feel empowered to make whatever decisions you want to, and will happily sit down with you in the evenings with a hot drink and listen to you tell him all your thoughts
You have a lunchtime tradition with her
It's one of the few points in the day that you can plan on having free, without expecting to have something you want to do with it besides eat with each other
Mornings are an organized rush to get out the door, and evenings are full of social activities, but lunch is one hour to sit and eat with minimal interruptions
You take turns packing a picnic and you'll meet up wherever works - in the palace gardens if you're in Vesuvia, on the ship deck if you're on a trip, on the front steps of the cottage if it's your day off
She makes the best sandwiches and Asra taught you the skill of perfect tea brewing, and there's always baked goods somewhere
She'll kick off her shoes and sit in the sun, her hair shining and her face steadily freckling, blue eyes twinkling as she schemes for your evening plans and belly laughing about all the funny things she's heard and seen so far
As someone whose schedule is organized around other people's activities, you organizing your schedule around time with her means the world to her
She wants you to always feel as relevant and important as you make her, and it shows. Whatever challenge you want to take on, she's putting her all into it right next to you
He's at his best in the afternoons
He is a naturally early riser, but he's a naturally early riser who doesn't like mornings, so he tends to pout his way through the first several hours of the day
Evenings are when he really comes alive, which means he's too energetic to stop and connect
Afternoons are when he's just been rejuvenated by lunch, when the air is nice and warm and the day is at its busiest, when there is still work to be done and therefore a task to focus on
When you're on the road with him, it means swinging your clasped hands between the two of you as he teaches you the rowdiest drinking songs and tells you of the mischief he got up to as a kid
Since your childhood memories are faint at best, he likes to retell his childhood like you were a part of it, and imagine what sort of youth he'd have had with you
On off days, it means a sparring session, practicing footwork, strengthening your grip, learning new techniques
He's beautiful in his element like this, golden hair and arm glinting in the sun, a rosy glow across his face, and his sharp, proud smile as he compliments your hard work
You were quick to recognize and encourage the good in him, and he is determined to do the same for you in every way he can
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Taylor Swift head cannons / Taylor Swift adores you
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She’s a sweetie
She loves to write songs about you
She even writes poems about you
She loves to playfully poke fun at you when you’re cranky because you’re sleepy
She was playing with your hair while you were falling asleep
Taylor smiled. “Uhh ohhh someone is tiirred!” She said
You rolled your eyes and mumbled, “Oh whatever”.
Taylor giggled. “You’re adorable when you’re sleepy”
She loves when you have to stand on your tippy toes to kiss Taylor
Or even reach the top shelf for the Mariana sauce
Because Taylor gets to hold you in her arms
Shes super protective over you
Like really protective
When your aunts husband tried to hug you and you pulled away
Taylor saw this and spoke up. “Excuse me. Don’t hug her she doesn’t wanna hug you. Come here babe I’ll hug you”. Said Taylor.
Taylor reached her hand out to you and you held her hand with yours
You felt so safe with Taylor
She hates scary movies but she knows you love them
So Taylor will watch the remake of the movie Carrie with you
But she’ll watch the movie with her hand covering her face but peaks through her eyes with her fingers
You wrapped an arm around your girlfriend to let you know she’s safe with you
For movie night you and Taylor baked chocolate chip cookies together and cuddled
She dumped Travis Kelce because he’s too controlling and a little too wild
So when she read your stories about her on Tumblr she gushed over you and your Tumblr stories
So she sent you a message and you and her became friends then best friends
And eventually you became her girlfriend
With you she don’t gotta worry about staying out til 3am partying and maybe sleeping with strippers
She always had to worry about that with Travis
You won her heart with a funny yet romantic story about her
As soon as Taylor arrived at your apartment She opened her arms
you smiled and Jumped in her arms as she catches you
”Hii baby!!” Taylor said all lovingly. She smiled
You smiled too. Hii!!”
And you and Taylor kissed
Eventually she met your family too
And during Christmas Eve she played her guitar and sang a song she wrote about you
You smiled so wide and your family clapped for Taylor
“I love you (Y/n)” Said Taylor
“I love you so much! You have no idea how many times I’ve daydreamed about this moment” You said
Taylor giggled and kissed you on the cheek. “Merry Christmas babe” Said Taylor
She got you the Yeezy knit basketball shoes for you as a Christmas gift
”Oh my god!!” You yelled happily. “Thank you thank you!!” You said. You hugged Taylor as she hugged you tight
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viktheviking1 · 8 months
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The rain poured out of the sky as the windshield wipers beat against the tune coming from the radio. The announcer had called the song “Bye Bye Blackbird” and it sounded like it was coming right from a phonograph, rather than the state of the art audio system that was in the limo. Fizz sighed as he stared out the window at the bright lights and apartment buildings. “ . . . We’ve arrived at the penthouse. Aren’t you going in?” One of the hellhounds said from the front. They had been parked outside for a minute and Fizz had made no signs of leaving.
He sighed again, “Yeah . . . I am.”
The elevator rose higher and higher, and Fizz couldn’t help feeling nervous. More than anything, he wanted to see Ozzie; just cuddle him in their big bed together and forget this night ever happened, but he knew there were questions he’d need to answer first . . . and Oz might tell him to go sleep somewhere else, after. Maybe permanently . . .
Ozzie turned around to see the glass elevator arrive, Fizzarolli inside, looking down, “Fizzy! You’re back! What took you so long, babe? Why did you stop answering my texts? Are you hurt anywhere?” Fizz let him inspect his arms, legs and body. Ever since the incident, he’d gotten even more overprotective of him.
“Hi, Asmodeus . . . I’m fine.” Fizz said, looking away from him.
“Oh, sh*t. Something serious happen?” Oz turned his chin to look him in the eyes.
Fizz couldn’t help it, he started crying, “I-I f**ked up, Ozzy. . . I f**ked up bad. Please don’t hate me.”
Well, that was concerning, but he was home safe and whatever it was, he clearly already regretted it. Asmodeus sighed, and scooped him up into his arms, a relieved and empathetic look on his face, “I could never hate you, Fizzy frog, come here. It’s late and we should both get some sleep.”
Once in their room with the door closed, Ozzy set Fizz down on the bed. He grabbed some tissues, and knelt on the floor, and holding Fizz’s face, dabbed the tears and snot off. Fizz leaned into the giant blue hand, and kissed it, looking up at Oz shyly.
“I need to tell you what happened. And it’s okay if you want to kick me out after. I-I’d understand.” Fizz sniffled.
“D*mn girl, what has got you this upset?” Ozzy said, sitting on the bed next to him.
“You know h-how, when we started dating . . . we agreed this was an open relationship, mostly so you could keep up appearances of being the great ‘Lord of Lust’, big daddy to many, not just me, right?” Fizz started.
“. . . Uh-huh.” Ozzy did not like where this was going.
“And I told you that I never expected you to have romantic feelings for me, like at all, let alone a monogamous relationship, so I was fine sharing you with however many people it took, as long as we were together.” He fidgeted with his hoodie.
“Uh-huh.” Oz tried his best to keep a neutral face.
“And I also said that while I appreciated the permission to go fooling around if I wanted, I didn’t really need it, because no one could satisfy me the way you could anyway, right. You remember that?” Fizz peaked up at Ozzy.
Asmodeus, trying to hold back tears, squeaked, “ . . . Uh-huh. . .”
“Ozzy . . . are you okay?” Fizz put a mechanical hand on his knee.
Oz burst into tears, “You’re leaving me aren’t you?!” He sobbed.
Fizz was taken aback, “What?! NO! F**k no! Never!”
“I sent you off on a date to get the press off our backs, and you met someone you can love publicly, and now you’re leaving me!!!” Oz put his face in his hands.
Fizz jumped up on his back, putting his arms around his shoulders, “Awe, Oz. You don’t need to worry about that. I’ve told you; I don’t mind keeping us a secret, really! It’s kind of hot, actually.” Fizz snickered.
Ozzy sniffled, and looked over at him, “Then . . . what happened? You saying you got dirty with someone?”
Fizz jumped off and landed in the middle of the bed, “No! Well, sort of. Just a makeout sesh! A really. . . really, erotic make out sesh. It was all so sudden! I didn’t know what to do!” He sighed, “Still, I should’ve talked to you about it first. You text me before getting frisky with other demons. At the very least, I should have done the same, if not more. . . I’m sorry.”
There was a pause, and then to his extreme surprise, Asmodeus giggled, “Are you . . . laughing?”
Ozzy laughed heartily, then took a breath to say, “This is the serious news you had to tell me?”
Fizz blushed a bit, confused, “Well, yeah, I mean- I kinda cheated on you. And even if the relationship is open, I didn’t communicate and-”
He was interrupted by Asmodeus laying down, and placing Fizz on his chest, “Well, yes. And maybe I should be mad, but honestly, I’m relieved that it wasn’t something worse. Plus, I thought you’d started seeing other people ages ago.”
Fizz sat up on his chest, “Wait, what?! What the f**k gave you that idea?”
Ozzy smiled, “When you said no one else could satisfy you, I just thought it was a line to get me into bed with you. Which did work, as I recall.”
“Yeah, I remember. That was the night we tried ********* ***** ***** **** for the first time.” Fizz smiled wistfully, “Those were good times . . .”
Ozzy chuckled, “Right, and I’ve seen you flirt with some of the succubi here, as well as the dancers and security at the club. . .”
“That was just for show! To throw people off our scent!” Fizz defended.
“Yes well, I figured you were getting nasty with them in your down time, both for press and for fun. We even winked at each other while you flirted around.” Ozzy shrugged.
Fizz groaned, “Because you and I were in on the secret! Not because I was about to f**k ‘em!”
“I never minded, Babe! I started doing the texting thing because it made me feel better to be totally open with you. I never wanted to make you feel like I was hiding things from you or that you were beneath me as an imp and a sin. I just did it to make sure that you knew we stood on equal ground. But I figured you not texting before you got down on someone else meant that you felt completely secure in my trust in you. It kind of made me happy actually.” Ozzy paused to giggle, “But now I know that you haven’t had s*x with anyone else? This whole time? And the first time you do anything dirty, you come home crying thinking I’ll dump you over it? It’s adorable!”
He squeezed Fizz in a hug as he started laughing again.
“Haha, right . . . So you aren’t mad? Even a little?” Fizz looked up at him.
Ozzy began taking off Fizz’s jester hat, and Fizz let him, “Not at all, babe. Though, I do feel kinda dumb for not confirming whether or not you were screwing anyone else. Could’ve saved us some trouble. I guess that’s why they say the thing about *sses and assuming.”
Fizz purred a little as Ozzy stroked his head, “It’s fine, and I’m sorry for not being more clear about my intentions from the start. I’m glad we could work this out.”
Ozzy grinned, taking Fizz off his chest so he could roll over on his stomach. He waved his legs in the air, and placed his chin in his hand, “Sooooo, who’s the lucky guy who you almost got lucky with~? Or lucky gal? Or otherwise lucky . . . hotshot?”
Fizz blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck, “Guy, and uh- Ahem. . . you remember that guy I used to hate for blowing me up? And then I told you about how he kind of saved my life, blew me up again, and saved my life again?”
“Blitzo?!” Ozzy was shook.
“Blitz, actually. And it's a long story." Fizz looked down, blushing.
"Oooo~ do tell." Asmodeus scooched a little closer.
Fizz snickered, "Okay, okay. So . . ."
Read more on The Pompous and The Prick
All relationships are different, be they monogamous or otherwise, and I am no expert on the subject. So don’t use this as a reference point for anyone else’s relationship. All I did was listen to a podcast, that was the extent of my research, so I do apologize if I misrepresented anyone in any way. Some people may not like them in the hierarchical polyamorous relationship that I’ve put them in. And that’s okay; you can disagree. This is the only time it came up in the story anyway, so I hope it doesn't deter you from reading it. Thanks <3
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moonlightazriel · 2 years
Home sweet home/// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: “Hey, As holiday season is here , I'm really craving something domestic fluff 😭❤......Could you please write something about Azriel and reader spending weekend together, like total lazy domestic fluff..Laying and cuddling in the bed, sitting in the bathtub together and sharing some of the most intimate and deep moments together, and just a sweet romantic weekend together 🙈❤....Found this pics so attached here ..💞”
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,1K
Notes: This is an easy request since all I do every weekend is lay down and spend some quality time with my partner 😂😂🥹 So I'm familiar with being lazy. Thank you @cherryjain17 for this request ❤️❤️
Main Masterlist
Azriel’s arm felt heavy as he held my waist, my face pressed on his soft chest as he breathed lightly, his wings shielding the sun light that peaked through the curtains, his body so warm against mine that it was really hard not to fall asleep again.
I removed his arms slowly, he shifted underneath me but kept sleeping, quietly I slid away from him, my whole body shivering as a wave of coldness spread as soon as I stump my foot on the ground. It was the beginning of winter, the streets starting to get white from the snow and the winds freezing our bones.
I opened the windows, the snowflakes falling, a fluffy blanket covering the streets, I loved days like this, I clapped a little and started rushing outside, I jumped on the snow, my back pressed on the soft snow as I giggled like a child, rubbing my arms and legs on the snow, forming snow angels.
“What are you doing over there?” Azriel asked and i rose my head, looking at him. “You’re going to catch a cold” He marched towards me, his agile hands grabbing my waist and launching me over his shoulder as he dragged me home.
“You’re no fun.” I grumped and Azriel nodded.
“You’ll be thanking me later.” He dropped me on the kitchen chair, and I popped my tongue out for him, he patted my head like a dog. I watched as he moved, preparing the breakfast, placing the coffee mug in front of me and a plate filled with bacon and pancakes.
“You should drop your job as spymaster and open a restaurant” He laughed as he sat in front of me, eating his own food and sipping his coffee. “I’m sure the shadows will like it” One of his shadows wrapped itself on my wrist and I smiled. “See? They agree.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot that you know about my shadows more than I do.” He giggled and I rolled my eyes at him.
“They’re my best friends, of course I do.” Winking at him, I got up, taking care of the dishes as he finished his coffee. “You’re not going to work today, are you?”
“Nope, I’m all yours this weekend.” - I jumped on his lap, kissing his lips happily.
“Thanks to the Mother, I’m starting to get annoyed, having to share you with your husband AND your boyfriend.” Azriel laughed, his head falling backwards as he laughed, his whole body shaking.
“What do you want to do?” We ended up cuddling in the couch, a book in hands as I read to him out loud, before him, I would much rather hide away and enjoy a book by myself, but as soon as we started hanging out, I would seek his company every time i could, and when the bond snapped, we would just sit and read together, and if we were reading the same book, we would take turns reading to each other.
“Are you hungry? We should make cookies.” I said, after a few hours lazily laying on the couch. He agreed and we got up, my limbs tingling from being in the same position for such a long time.
We got everything we needed, I was focusing on mixing the ingredients when I felt something hitting the back of my head and a white cloud crossed my eyesight, I gasped, slowly turning to find him standing, his hands on his back and a innocent look on his face.
“You didn’t.” I grabbed some flour, throwing on his face, he closed his eyes and the amount hit his face, covering him in flour from head to toe. He used the sugar to throw my way, and I got down, the sugar covering my face as we kept throwing food at each other like two kids.
He ran after me, cornering me and cracking an egg on my head, I laughed and he kissed me, passionately as his hands spread the egg on my hair, making an even huger mess.
“Now I need a bath.” I frowned, looking at my state, completely dirty.
“Then let’s take a bath.” He led us to the bathroom, preparing a bath for us, we entered the tub, I leaned on him, my back pressed on his chest as we washed each other.
“Do you think that if we were birds, we’re still going to be mates?” I wondered, turning my head to him.
“Birds don’t have mates.” He said simply.
“Are you a bird?”
“Then how do you know?” He closed his eyes, sighing heavily.
“Ok, you have a point. So maybe you’re my bird mate.” He giggled and I smiled. I got up from the bathtub, wrapping my hair on a towel and wearing a robe, getting to the mirror to start my skin care. Azriel showed up on my side, wearing a robe as well and watching closely while I applied a face mask. “I want that too.”
“You want a face mask?”
“I want my face to be as soft as yours is.” He stated, grabbing a bottle and reading it.
“Then look at me.” I demanded, applying the mask on his face and rubbing with a brush, he giggled as he looked at the mirror, the green mask covering his face. “Now we clean the kitchen while we wait for it to dry.” He groaned, following me to clean the mess.
This time everything went great, we cleaned the kitchen and I finished the cookies. We sat in front of the fireplace, listening to the fire sounds, the hot breeze warming our bodies as we eat the cookies and Azriel talked about his histories in the mortal realm.
“I should take you there sometime. You’re really going to enjoy.” He smiled at me, his chin covered in cookies crumbs, I cleaned him with my thumb.
“You think so?” He nodded. “Then we should go once we have some free time. I want to eat mortal food.”
“You won’t like it, tastes like water.”
“But water don’t have a taste.”
“Exactly my love.” I rolled my eyes. We talked more, for hours throughout the night, I listened to him until my eyelids got heavy, and I could barely keep awake. “Let’s get you to bed.” He said getting up and pulling me with him, he hugged me while we walked, we got under the covers and he kissed the top of my head. “Love you puppy.”
“Love you Az.” I kissed him, feeling the sleep consuming my body. “Hey Az?”
“Can we do the exact same thing tomorrow?”
“Anything for you my love.”
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I think my favorite thing about pre-timeskip Sanuso is that they are 17/19 years old. They are. So young. Teenagers. They know nothing about love and. And they are so stupid. Don't get me wrong, they still are. But they were even MORE stupid, if that's even possible.
And I love saying they started crushing on each other around Skypiea but-- Just imagine these two idiots already giggling and kicking their feet right after. I dunno. Arlong Park. Extremely early. They literally just met. And you have this casanova-wannabe having the realization™ about maybe perhaps kind of liking boys. And the other idiot who has a type™ (rich, classy, kind blondes) and won't stop asking himself why because Sanji is annoying af. He genuinely doesn't understand why he likes Sanji. Seriously. He hates it. And Sanji's sexuality crisis lasts between like, zero seconds and absolutely nothing because he sees Usopp smiling at him and his mind goes "prettyprettyprettyprettyboy" and there's no use trying to fight his demons (bisexuality).
The funniest thing about this is that they won't stop arguing like. From the moment they see each other. Usopp understands why he likes Sanji, okay? He is a pretty boy. He is also kind when he isn't being a complete jerk. He is kind of cute when he talks about the All Blue. He helps people whenever they need to. But then Sanji says something stupid and Usopp has the "fuck he is so annoying I wanna make out with him I mean---" crisis like, three times a day. While Sanji, since he has stopped fighting his demons, is a mix between "I will get over this crush fr fr he is just a guy" and "haha maybe if I save him he will give me a kiss on the cheek haha that'd be nice hahahahahahaa *gives in to gay thoughts for an hour until he sets the kitchen on fire*"
Sanji gets Usopp's goggles back in Alabasta because he is so down bad he just wants Usopp to thank him. Usopp is burning with jealousy in Whisky Peak when all those girls flirt with Sanji. They are both like "teehee it's cold out here we should probably sleep together just for warmth right hahaha". They spend all of Alabasta being annoying and everybody hates it. Vivi thinks they are dating. Sanji explains Usopp the 'Mr.Prince' trick and puts his glasses on only because Usopp thinks it's soooo cool. And Usopp thinks it is soooo fucking stupid but he wants to hype him up because, again, he is seventeen and he wants the pretty (and very stupid) blondie to kiss him.
When they get to Skypiea it is. The fucking worst. That is peak crushing on each other. It is not even realizing they are crushing, it is extreme "if we aren't next to each other constantly I think I will die" type of thing but "we can't tell each other how we feel bc what if it's not mutual". So they sleep next to each other. They hold hands. They pretend like they don't like it. They are dying from embarrassment. Sanji tells Usopp he doesn't care if he dies because he is having an "I need to look straight" moment and Usopp is having a "fuck why did I fall for a straight guy" moment. Then Sanji saves them, because he is like that but also because he is. Head over heels. Usopp takes care of his wounds right after and they are both so. So nervous.
Like-- Sanuso but they are crushing early in the story and they are both SHAKING every time they talk to each other. Sanji tries to act sooo cool and Usopp is like "haha yeah you're sooo cool" while regretting every decision he has ever made because why the hell does he want to fuck a blond loser.
By the time they get to Water 7 everything is more like. Genuine and romantic and they are basically in love with each other at this point. So I don't need to explain anything but. But. But Usopp in Thriller Bark thinking he is so cool with his little vampire hunter outfit and Sanji being down bad for him because he is, indeed, very cool. But Usopp is also having his teenage Conan Gray 'Heather' moment because Sanji won't stop saving Nami and Usopp just really really really wants Sanji to save him instead but okay fucking blond guy I hate him I hate him I hate him---
They both have their moments of screaming btw. Sanji finds moments alone to go to the kitchen and just. Scream inside of pots. Scream inside of glasses. Scream inside of cabinets. He likes Usopp so much it's physically unbearable and Usopp won't stop spending time with mosshead so of course he is angry. And Usopp goes to the boys' quarters to scream in pillows and the lockers and he is so stressed.
Sanji tells Usopp to taste his food before anybody else (please I am making this for you this food is for you love me love me love me love me) and Usopp constantly tells Sanji his stories because nobody else listens to him (do you think I'm cool please think I'm cool please please). Sanji has so many nosebleeds every day but they are not exaggerated they are. They are just there. He will constantly have nosebleeds and he lies and says it's just a weird condition because saying "please let your hair down more I am in love with you" is weird. And Usopp constantly bumps into walls and shit like that when he is trying to make Sanji look at him.
Their crushes on each other take like, at least, 80% of their time. It is insane and ridiculous and awkward and they are blushing 24/7 and kicking their feet and screaming and they like like each other. They don't say it like normal people. They like like each other. Because they're. Stupid. And young. And they make so many mistakes but they are growing up together. And I think that's beautiful and I adore them <33
WAIT WAIT WAIT EDIT: Not to mention the first time have sex. Not going into details bc. That's for another post I want to make. But they definitely had sex like. Before Sabaody. And it was the weirdest most disgusting teenage thing ever and I adore them. They were SO anxious. And it is. So cute. And I love themIlovethemwefnlwkefnln (<- normal person)
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