#Sokka said - bath first
tonberry-yoda · 2 years
A Nice Girl - Zuko
Pairing - Zuko x f!reader
Warnings - none!!
Word Count - 3,211
Notes - I have been pumping out these really long fics lately lmaoooo. i dont mean to i just simply get carried away. i need to stop before i get a block tho lmao. AND IM ALMOST AT 400 FOLLOWERS OMG!!! im like so excited about it tbh. maybe ill open my request when we get there. thank you all and i hope you're all well. stay hydrated!!
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You yawned and stretched, the silk from your nightgown tickling you. That had to have been the best sleep you have gotten these past couple of weeks. As the oldest in the “gaang” at 17 years old, you had to act as the mother of the group and felt this awful need to protect everyone all the time, thus granting you several sleepless nights.
Sure, Ba Sing Se didn't feel like home and it didn't feel 100% safe either, but you got to sleep in a comfy bed and wear some really nice clothes. You had to admit that it was nice to be working with the Avatar sometimes.
You pushed your tangled hair out of your face and looked into the full length mirror next to your bed. Yeah, you definitely slept well, that was no question. You could tell by the rat’s nest created on your head and the sleep lines across your arms and face. You definitely needed to wash up before you started your day.
You got out of bed, stretching as the sun kissed your warm cheeks. You were going to make the best out of today. Lots of planning, but lots of downtime too, so that was nice.
As you finally walked out of your room, you were welcomed to cackling laughter from Sokka, his finger pointed at you.
“Ha, ha,” you said sarcastically, Katara handing you a brush. “Very funny, Sokka.”
“Not just funny,” he said through laughter. “It’s hilarious, y/n! You look so stupid!!!”
You rolled your eyes, hiding a smile, and tamed the rat’s nest on your head, looking a little more yourself.
Aang walked in the house holding a bowl of snacks with a smile on his face. “Oh, good morning, y/n! You sure slept in this morning!”
“Slept in?” You tilted your head. “What time is it?”
Katara took the brush from you and set it down on a nearby drawer. “Almost 10 am.”
“What?!” You were shocked. You were usually the first one up always and if not, you never slept past 8.
Katara giggled. “Listen, y/n. I think it's great that you finally got some sleep. We never really see you rest well, so none of us had the heart to wake you up.”
You beamed. “You guys are the best. Well,” you stretched. “I'm gonna get washed up so I don't look like a sleepy monster all day.” Something about Ba Sing Se gave you the creeps, but at the same time, it was nice to be back in a place where you could bathe in warm water and not fear Zuko coming after you. It's not like you had anything against the Fire Nation prince… it's more like… he was an inconvenience to you and the rest of the gaang. Since you and Zuko were about the same age, you understood him. Well, kinda. You escaped the Fire Nation when you were younger, disagreeing with all of their ideals and overall how they treated the world. You did see the prince as Fire Nation scum, but at the same time, you saw him as a kid, just like you. He was banished for god knows what and he just wanted to go home. You didn't hate Zuko. Not one bit. You understood that he may just be in some sort of hidden pain. But you had to admit that it was kinda nice to not have him around to bother you.
You got out of the shower refreshed and ready for the day. It was nice to have a day off, so you were probably going to get some tea and write in your journal about how the past couple of weeks have been. You figured it would be nice to log everything that has ever happened on this little journey just in case you all wanted a refresher in the next twenty years or so. You slipped on some Earth Nation attire and smiled at yourself in the mirror as you braided your hair. Today is going to be a good day, you thought. Nothing better than tea and some late breakfast.
“I'm going out for the day,” you said, placing your bag on your shoulder. “Stay out of trouble today, got it?”
You looked at Aang and he laughed. “I will, I will! Have a nice day, okay, y/n? You deserve it.”
“You’re all too kind to me. Thank you.”
“And let me know if you find Appa!”
“I will, don't worry.”
You smiled and walked out of the house, smelling the fresh Earth Nation air. Luckily, the walls didn't cover the fresh air, so you could still get the almost afternoon breath.
You spent the beginning of the day walking around shops, buying some supplies and new clothes for yourself and the others. The markets were busy, but it was nice to get some of the things you needed without Aang begging for some stupid trinket that you always ended up buying him because you thought it was cool too. That was always your impulse, stupid things that Aang showed you. Those could be the death of you.
As you finally finished your browsing journey, you overheard a conversation while looking over a map.
“I swear their tea has gotten better.”
“Really? I dunno.”
“I'm serious. It has to be the best tea shop in Ba Sing Se.”
“Fine, we can go try it later.”
You turned to the two men a little embarrassed that you were eavesdropping. “S-Sorry, but I was kinda listening to your conversation… uh… where’s that tea shop you were talking about? I've been trying to find a nice place to get some tea all morning.”
The man hyping up the shop smiled at you. “Don't worry about eavesdropping, kiddo. It's right here.” He pointed to the map you were looking at and you were satisfied that it wasn't too far from where you currently were.
You thanked the man and began your journey to the shop. It was a little closer to afternoon and you could feel your stomach rumbling, so you just decided to skip right to lunch.
You walked into the tea shop and saw people smiling and laughing together, the heavenly scent of tea filling your senses. You were quickly seated at a lone booth and given a menu. Everything looked so good, you could swear that you were about to drool just thinking about food.
You decided to order something that the waitress recommended and as she walked away, you flipped through your journal, going over everything that you and the gaang had been through. You quietly laughed to yourself as you passed a page that said: note to self - slap Zuko’s bald head at least once. Imagine the sound that would make.
It’s definitely been a long trip of both laughter and struggle, and honestly, you were really happy. You don't remember the last time you had laughed so hard before you met Aang and the others. It was nice. Really nice.
“Here’s your tea. Is there anything else you need?” Your tea was set in front of you along with your lunch and you tilted your head at the familiar voice that wasn't your waitress from earlier. It was on the tip of your tongue.
“I think I'm alright, thank-” You looked up and the smile you had suddenly dropped. No way. “Zu-”
Before you could say his full name, Zuko covered your mouth and quickly let go, hoping no one saw or heard any of that. “P-Please don't.”
“But you’re-”
“I know,” Zuko’s voice was low. “Just… can we talk… in the back?”
You looked around the restaurant at all of the other people and back at Zuko. He looked so different. Barely recognizable. His face didn't look so pissed off and he had a short head of hair now that looked healthy. The only reason you recognized him was the scar, but honestly, if he covered it up somehow, you wouldn't have a clue that he was the prince of the Fire Nation.
You nodded and stood up, collecting your things. You followed Zuko to the back, almost a little scared. You had no means of defending yourself. You were a non bender, so if he wanted to pick a fight, you were screwed. You didn't even have a simple weapon on you. Maybe you were getting too cozy.
Zuko brushed off a small table and pulled out a chair for you, which you sat in with slight hesitation.
“How did you get into Ba Sing Se?” You didn't mean to sound so defensive. Well, you did, but you weren't expecting to. Especially not on such a good day like this.
“It's… a long story.”
“Why are you here?”
“Listen… It’s not for the Avatar.”
“Huh? Is that so?” You crossed your arms and looked him dead in the eye. “Then explain to me how you always end up where we just so happen to be. That’s suspicious, isn't it?”
“If you hurt Aang, I swear to-”
“I don't care about Aang right now!”
The whole room went quiet. You had never heard Zuko say Aang’s name before, let alone not care about what the Avatar is doing.
“Then why…”
“I have my own stuff to deal with. It's none of your business, okay? I do have a life outside of the Avatar, you know.”
You nodded and looked down at your tea. “I'm… assuming your uncle made this?” You giggled softly.
“Yeah. He did.” Zuko’s voice was small and way less frustrated.
“So that’s why this tea shop has hype all of a sudden.” You wondered aloud, your eyes wandering to the ceiling.
Zuko cleared his throat and shuffled in his spot. “So… uh… what now?”
“Promise not to hurt Aang and I won't say a word about you being here. I believe that you have your own stuff to deal with, so prove it to me.”
“I promise.”
Your eyes locked with his and you smiled, shocking Zuko a bit. You smiled at him, the guy that’s been trying to hurt you and your friends this whole time. The guy who would’ve done anything for the Avatar to be in his hands.
“You probably hate me, don't you?” Zuko spat out, rubbing the back of his neck.
You tilted your head. “Hate’s a strong word, don't you think?”
Zuko looked at you, appalled. “I mean, I would understand if you did.”
“It's been a long road for you, hasn't it, Zuko?”
He nodded at you and you pointed to the other side of the table, just realizing that he was standing that entire time. “Let’s share some tea.”
“I-I don't know if that’s a good idea.” Zuko took a step back.
“Ah, I see,” you stood up, scooting your chair back in. “You’re a busy man with a job now.”
He just nodded at you.
“Well, I'll let you get to it then, but I expect to see you at 6 tonight ready to hang out, okay?”
“Wh-What?! Won't your friends notice that you’re gone?”
You just smiled, collecting your things. “Zuko, I do have a life outside of the Avatar, you know.”
Zuko’s face went bright red as you walked out of the room with a smirk on your face. It was actually kinda cute to see Zuko not being some evil kid with his heart set on hurting anyone.
“You’re leaving?” Sokka whined, watching you grab your bag.
“Yes Sokka,” you said for what seemed like the hundredth time. “I'm leaving. I just want to go get dinner out by myself tonight. Maybe go for a nice walk.”
“Aww man,” Sokka pouted, crossing his arms. “Who’s gonna make dinner now?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to hide the smile creeping on your lips. “Sokka, I left some money on the table. You guys should go out and get something to eat tonight.”
“Why aren't you coming with us?” Sokka tilted his head, counting the money on the table.
“I just want to go out by myself tonight, that’s all.”
“So you’re just gonna have a lonely dinner all by yourself?” Sokka questioned, looking skeptical.
“She’s lying.” Everyone turned to Toph and your face went bright red. You forgot she could tell if you were lying or not, and it definitely didn't help that you were outside on the concrete so Toph could really feel right through you.
Sokka turned back to you quickly. “You’re going to dinner with someone?”
“Fine, yes, I am, so what?”
“Who is it?”
You rolled your eyes, already late. “Just somebody.”
“Is it a boy?” Sokka gave you a mocking look and you pushed his face away.
“Fine, whatever! It's a boy! So what?! Now let me leave before I'm late. Have a nice dinner everyone.” You waved at the group and ran to the tea shop, hoping that Zuko didn't leave yet.
The bell rang as you opened the shop door. “Sorry, we’re not serving tea anymore, we’re closing at the moment,” a familiar voice said. Iroh peeked his head out, surprised to see you. “y/n?”
You smiled, “hi Iroh.”
“How are you?” Iroh set down the broom he was holding and pulled you into a soft embrace. You never told the others, but you spent quite a bit of time talking to Zuko’s uncle when you got the chance. He was a wise man and kind as well. Maybe that's why you understood Zuko so well, you had someone to give you some insight on the boy.
“I'm good, Iroh. How are you?”
“Oh I'm fine,” he beamed at you, pulling away from the hug. “I'm getting to live my lifelong dream of making tea for the people of Ba Sing Se, so that feels pretty nice.”
“Well, you are the best at making tea, Iroh.”
“Oh, stop. You’re so full of flattery, y/n.” Iroh blushed with a smile. “Is there a reason you’re here?”
“Is your nephew here?”
“You’re looking for Zuko?” Iroh cocked an eyebrow at you and you chuckled, surprised that you were even here.
“I am.”
Iroh gave you a skeptical look, but honestly didn't care much. He thought it was nice that someone wanted to visit Zuko. “He is here. Let me go grab him. Would you like some tea in the meantime?”
“Tea sounds great,” you admitted, sitting at a table.
As you got comfortable, Zuko ran into the room, completely surprised. “You’re here?”
You laughed. “Of course I am! I said I’d be here at 6 didn't I?”
“I thought you were bluffing.”
“Well now you know I'm serious. Wanna hang out?”
Zuko gave you a side eye and thought for a moment. “I think I know what you’re trying to do.”
“And what might that be?” Iroh entered the room, placing two teacups and a kettle on your table. You thanked Iroh as he left with a smile.
“You’re trying to get info out of me. About the Fire Nation… aren't you?”
You shook your head. “You’re so defensive all the time, Zuko.”
“Can you blame me?” Zuko shut all of the blinds in the shop and sat across from you, taking a sip of tea.
“I guess not.”
“I'm surprised you’re not a little more on edge.”
“Why’s that?” You took a sip of tea as well, humming at how delightful it tasted.
“I'm a firebender. You don't bend right? I could literally take you down at any moment. And it doesn't seem like you have any weapons either.”
“I trust that you won't do anything. Your uncle would probably be pissed about the mess to be honest.”
For the first time in all of your time knowing Zuko, you heard him laugh. He laughed so hard that he snorted a bit, which made him laugh harder. Because of all of his laughter, he made you laugh too, sending you both into a laughing fit. It felt good. You haven't laughed this hard since you first met Sokka, all covered in Appa’s snot.
Zuko literally had tears in his eyes by the time he stopped laughing. Seeing him happy made you feel… good. Really good. It was almost a relief. It made Zuko more human. You didn't know if you could even remotely call him your enemy anymore.
You two ended up talking all night, Iroh occasionally bringing more tea or just little treats every now and then. You literally couldn't stop talking to Zuko. To hear about what it was like to grow up in the Fire Nation as a prince was interesting. To hear what Ozai was really like in person sent chills down your spine. To hear where that scar on his face came from almost brought you to tears. Zuko didn't even know why he told you all of this, but he could say one thing. It felt nice. It felt this giant weight on his chest had been lifted.
After a few hours, you looked at the clock in the shop and frowned. “Bad news, Zuko. I gotta go.”
“Already?” He turned to face the clock and pouted his bottom lip. “Alright then.”
You stood up and collected your things. “Thanks for the tea, Iroh!” You shouted, which was responded with a big smile and a thumbs up from Iroh.
“Thanks for stopping by.”
“Anytime,” you said, opening the door of the shop. “I'll be back.”
“You will?” You turned to Zuko, who almost looked excited that you said that.
“Of course I will. Goodnight guys.”
“Wait,” Zuko ran up to you, holding the door open. “Let me walk you home, it’s late.”
“Zuko, I don't know if that’s a good idea.”
Zuko frowned, but you were probably right. If Aang spotted him for even a second, both of you would be done for. “R-Right. Well… thanks.”
“For what?”
“Hanging out. That was fun.”
You smiled. “That was fun. Thank you for not killing me, Zuko.”
“Anytime.” He giggled, immediately taken aback when you pulled him in for a hug after dropping everything.
He was so… warm. I mean, duh. He was a firebender. But even so, his hug felt so genuine, so nice, and you didn't want to leave. “Goodnight, Zuko,” you said as you pulled away from the hug.
“Goodnight, y/n.” This time, he shocked you by pulling you in for another hug and pulling away only to pull you in again, but this time, your lips were inches apart.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was in a whisper, his warm breath dusting over your lips.
You just nodded and closed your eyes as his soft lips brushed against yours. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist.
When you pulled away from the kiss, both of you said a quick goodbye, your cheeks dusted pink.
Zuko quickly walked back into the tea shop to help Iroh close and put his back on the door.
“I'm glad you found a nice girl, Zuko.” Zuko jumped hearing his uncle’s voice, his face turning a dark shade of crimson.
Though if he was being honest, he was glad he found a nice girl too.
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xkaidaxxxx · 7 months
Pt2 for Zuko x Chubby reader?
Zuko x chubby reader pt.2
Mentions: body shaming, foul language, angst, aggression, lying, fluff
Simple! :) sorry for the errors.
"One day there will be an amazing man who will fall in love with you. He'll love everything about you." Katara said. You smiled and hugged her. "Awe" Aang and Sokka said in unison. You are very fortunate to have wonderful supportive friends. Katara's words came true. Years later. When you dumped Zuko that was the day Zuko and Mai decided to leave. You missed him more than anything. Once the war was over you went back to your parents. People still judged them for taking a water bender into their family.
"Well I'm off mama," you said. You turned to the door and your father was blocking it. "Dad please don't start." he smiled rolling his eyes as he added a blade into your bag. "Just in case y/n. Now run along," he said moving away. Your dad is very protective.
You didn't want to be late for your business. Since you learned how to heal with water bending back in the war you finally found it useful in the fire nation. You saw soldiers at your place. "Excuse me soldiers...is there a problem?" you asked and crossed your arms. They turned to face you. Zuko was right at your door waiting. He thinks he can show up because he's the Fire Lord. You gladly ignored him. Opening up and walking inside. His eyes widened as the door slammed in his face. A little boy giggled. "Your girlfriend is mad at you?" he then gasped realizing Zuko was the fire lord, bowed, and ran off. He walked inside waving off the soldiers. "I'm here to see Y/n." He spoke looking around. You're a doctor. "Zuko get the hell out of here. You can seek help elsewhere." he frowned. After you went separate ways he never forgot about what you did for him. How many sacrifices have you committed? You left your family..your home...You always put him first. " My heart is aching Y/n...ever since the day we went our separate ways. I never lost thought of you. My mind kept replaying how many times you showed me all your love and support. You're the one. It took me a while to know that." he confessed. "Zuko...you're losing your mind. You obviously need to see a therapist." you continued looking at your list of incoming patients. He held your hand, gripping it lightly. He now has your undivided attention. " Y/n I'm in love with you. I need you in my life. I know you still have feelings for me." he said hoping you'd kiss him or hug him. "I don't have feelings for you Zuko. I'm flattered by your confession." you pulled away and started organizing your files. " Then why do you still have the ring I gave you on our 2nd date..and the necklace too." he called you out on it. He's willing to make it up to you even if it takes long. He frowned as you placed the necklace and ring in his hand. "Here I should've given them to you that day," you said with a shakey voice. You did still love him. More than anything. "I love you y/n. why...why did I have to break something I love too much?" those words made you cry. "you..love me Zuko?" he looked up in hope you'd let him back into your life. He nodded. "I..I love you too. Always had. Now give me those back!" you yelled snatching the ring and necklace. He blushed as you put them back on. " I want to meet your parents." you smacked his arm. "way too soon. We need to take things slowly ya know.." your first patient walked in with her lovely daughter. "Hi little one are you ready for your treatment today," you asked as you carried her. Zuko was already thinking about how many kids you'd be willing to have.
Taking things slowly was revoked. Within a month he met your parents and 5 months later you're married and living in the palace. "so..how many kids are you willing to have with me?" he asked as he undressed you for a bath. " When the time is right I'll know," you replied. You already knew the answer to that. 4.Eventually, you had a little boy. He has his Daddy's black hair and his Mommy's pretty dark brown eyes. "Daddy this hard," Akio complained and started crying. "Akio momma said no fire bending yet. wait...where did you get this scroll?" Akio pointed a the wall. Where a portrait of Iroh was placed. "Uncle is yours," Akio said. Zuko carried Akio and sighed. " yes now let us go to momma. She's waiting for us to head into town." Akio giggled excited to attend the festival. Before leaving Zuko looked at the portrait and smiled.
Once you all got to the festival you met up with your friends. " Oh, he's so adorable." Katara said holding out her arms to carry him."Akio this is my best friend Katara." you said. He hid his face in your neck. Sokka chuckled. "Ha, he doesn't like you." Katara smacked him. "Shut up." "Not in front of my son." Zuko scolded her. Katara dedicated herself to getting Akio to call her auntie. Sokka bought a small teddy bear just the right size for Akio. He was too shy to grab it at first from Sokka. "It's yours bud," you said and he grabbed it. "What do we say?" Zuko spoke to him. "Thank yous." Akio said. "Hey, kid. You look a lot like your dad. I'm Aang." "This kid is my son Akio,"Zuko said. He's grateful to Aang but boy can he be so annoying. "Right Akio. Hey!" that sudden loudness made Akio cry. "Dada" "Sshh shh it's okay come here." Zuko took him from you. He's such a daddy boy. All your friends were shocked. A kid does change people. Zuko was more open-minded and a little carefree. He's a good dad and husband. "let's go get sweets not tell momma okay." he whispered to Akio. You knew what he told him because he quickly stopped crying. Sweets. It's Akio's weakness. " we'll be back baby love you." They left. "He looks like such a good dad," Aang commented. Sokka and Katara agreed. "Yes, he is and will be again. I plan on telling him tonight. Although I think he already knows.," you replied.
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drpoisonoaky · 8 months
Training routine
Azula is... a person made by routine. She starts training every day at 5am.
But one day she said said “None of you, menaces to society, can do it too” so they try to prove her wrong.
Azula: Oh you made it. Sokka: Of course. Azula: But you look like shit.
Sokka: Well, I didn't sleep, so I can be awake right now. Azula: You didn’t sleep? How do you pretend to follow my training session? Sokka: To be honest, I didn’t think I’d made it this far and I’m too tired to even care anymore.
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Suki: Ok smart-ass let 's begin. Azula: You look awake. Suki: I am. You’re not the only one who usually does this.  Azula: I know it’s not a Kyoshi warrior thing because I know Ty Lee.  Suki: It’s my thing. Believe or not I’m more than a “fan girl”. Azula: And she has humor too. Suki: So? Azula: Honestly, you were the only one in that group that I knew was capable of doing my training. So if you want to go and do your thing, it wouldn't change my mind or what I'm going to say to them. Suki: I’m here for your training. We will do that. Azula: Hmn. Suki: What are you waiting for? Azula: Fine pretty girl. Let’s start meditating.
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Toph: I know you’re nuts but this is madness. Why do you have to start to do this so early?! Azula: Good morning to you too. When do you want me to do it? Toph: I don’t know, in the afternoon or after breakfast. Azula: After breakfast, I have to read the scrolls for the meetings that will take place that day. I have two hours to do this, and if I don't need all that time, I do paperwork. Azula: Then the meetings start. Usually everything for the day is set before lunch. Toph: Have lunch later and train there. Azula: After lunch I have to appear in several places in Caldera. You know, publicly blah, blah, blah. Toph: When you finish, you can train there and you can use it to relax. Azula: After that I have to have dinner. Toph: I’m pretty sure you can have dinner later. Azula: Dinner is with Katara. We hardly see each other during the day. Toph: So train after dinner. Azula: No. Toph: Why? Azula: Because that time is usually reserved for Katara and is non-negotiable. Toph: Her words or yours? Azula: Your poi- Don’t you dare to do a whip sound. Toph: Sure, domesticated prissy princess. Azula: Enough of this small talk. We have lost so much time already. Toph: And we don’t want to reduce your Katara time. Azula: Horse stance NOW.
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Ty lee: Good Morning. Azula: At least open your eyes first. Ty lee: I train like this. Azula: You train in your pyjamas? Ty lee:  Azula: Go to sleep. Ty lee:  Azula: You tried and you are not a menace. Well, you never were, because you weren't included in that statement. Why are you here? Ty Lee: I'm too tired to shout at you, but in 3-4 hours, be prepared.
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(Mai didn’t try it or even talk about it)
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Aang: Good morning Azula! Azula: Oh, you look fresh? Aang: Is that a surprise? Azula: Yes. Let’s train. Aang: Sure, but it wouldn't kill you to say good morning too.
Azula: We'll see how Zuzu does, but by far you and Suki deserve a bit more respect from me. Aang: Thank you! That's nice, I guess. So if Zuko does well, you would give him more credit? Azula: Of course not.
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Zuko: Of all of the things you have done to me, this is the most evil. Azula: Aren’t you a morning person? Zuko: Yes but when it’s morning. THE SUN IS NOT EVEN THERE. Azula: Don't worry, Zuzu, the sun will be there when we're done.
Azula: Zuzu, can you please stop throwing up, I want to have a bath and then breakfast. Zuko: I hate you. Azula: Don’t worry, you aren’t the only menace, you should have seen Sokka. Zuko: Aang? Azula: Nah, he did it well. Zuko: Suki? Azula: Don’t do this to yourself Zuko.
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Katara, still half asleep in bed: Who’s turn is today? Azual, already up and ready: Yours. Katara: Oh okay let me just…*takes all the bed for herself* Katara: Have a good time. Azula: Don’t you want to prove that you are not a menace to society? Katara, almost asleep: I’m dating you.  Azula: See you point. *kisses her forehead* Sleep well, see you for breakfast. Katara: *snorts*
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mysticwolfshadows · 3 months
Taken - Zutara - Part 35
First / Previous / Next
When Aang and Toph start Earhtbening training, Katara, Zuko, and Sokka give Appa a bath in the river by their camp. The shed fur clogs the stream by a beaver dam, and soon, the training yard is flooded and turned into a mud pit. Toph seems to find it hilarious, slinging mud at anyone who enters her domain. When Katara steps in, they have a battle of their own, which ends in everyone needing a bath.
Their days fall into a slow and dull routine, wondering around at the edge of the desert, giving Aang time to settle into his Earthbending training. They try to hold off on crossing the desert, as the sand renders her seismic sense nearly useless.
But Zuko seemed interested in something in the desert.
"Its something Zhao said to Uncle," he explained as they were eating one night. "When he thought I was dead. He talked about some weird library, where he found out about the ocean and moon spirits."
"Do you think the library could have more information?" Katara asked, frowning. "About the comet?"
"Or secret Fire Nation maps?" Sokka suggests.
Zuko eyed Sokka, but nodded. "I don't know all the secret passages in the Fire Nation. It's been years since I was there... So knowing all the potential entrances or exits and when exactly the comet will arrive will be crucial."
"We could look," Aang agrees. "Shouldn't be to hard to find a big fancy library in the desert. Think you're up for some flying and walking through sand, Toph?"
"Ugh, fine..."
They fly for hours over open sand, without any sign of anything.
"I'm all for secret library's," Sokka groaned, "but are we sure Zhao wasn't just crazy?"
There were a few jokes from Toph, the blind Earthbender pointing in a random direction and shouting with excitement. Only, the third time, she pointed and shouted and suddenly, Sokka was shouting too.
"Down there! What's that?!"
They spiral down, Appa landing next to what appears to be a tower. Katara frowned at the structure, looking up at the window high above them. A creature, orange and bushy tailed, darted past them, leaping up to dive through the window.
"Toph?" Zuko called, studying the window. "Could you check it for us? With your Earthbending, I mean."
Toph shuffled through the sand, hand reaching out in open air until it met the side of the tower. Immediately, she gasped. "This is definitely it! It's huge! And intact!"
As Aang takes rope up to the window for them to get inside, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko discuss who will go inside and who will stay outside. Toph already planned to stay behind, since she had little interest in books. Zuko offered to stay behind, since they didn't know what creatures or people would find them, but they needed Zuko to be able to recognize information on the Fire Nation. Katara understood the concerns, and as much as she wanted to go in, it might be better for her to stay behind.
And like that, it suddenly became a boys mission. Zuko was left with Aang and Sokka, climbing up into the library. As they slide down the rope, Zuko stiffens, quickly grabbing the two other boys and pulling them behind an ornate pillar.
An absolutely massive owl, at least twice as tall as Zuko, strode across the bridge in the center of the room. It peered at the rope hanging from the window, then turned its head completely around to look at their hiding spot.
"I know you're there," it said. "You should leave the way you came."
The three boys share a look, before slowly creeping out from their hiding spot. Sokka moved forward first.
"Did you make this library?"
"Indeed," the owl said, puffing up for a moment. "I am Wan Shi Tong, 'He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things'. And you are clearly humans, which are no longer permitted in my study."
Zuko felt a chill run down his spine. He had a bad feeling about this. "Because of a Firebender named Zhao?"
"And others like him. He came to this place years ago, looking for a way to destroy his enemies." The owl leaned down, its big black eyes seeming to stare into Zuko's very soul. "So, tell me. Who are you trying to destroy?"
"W-What?" Sokka gasps. "No-no... No destroy-"
"Sokka," Zuko said, elbowing the younger boy. He glanced at Aang, who looked as nervous as he was. Taking a deep breath, Zuko bowed to the owl. "Great Wan Shi Tong, we came to this library to search for knowledge about my homeland, the Fire Nation. We intend to use it to protect people from the Fire Nation. Sozin's Comet is making a return trip, and we have reason to believe they will use its power to eradicate another people, as they did with the Air Nomads." He glanced at Sokka and Aang, who were gaping at him. "If you insist, we will leave in peace, and not return."
Quickly, Aang stepped forward. "Please, Wan Shi Tong. I'm the Avatar, and I need this information to keep the balance of the world."
There was a pause, before the spirit relents. "Very well. I will allow you to peruse my library. But the information you gleen must be used only to defend, not in an assault against your foes. Now, do you have an offering of knowledge?"
Zuko and Aang bowed their thanks, and Zuko pulled Sokka down with them. When they stood, they quickly began to search their pockets. Aang had, of all things, a wanted poster of himself. The owl took it, though was somewhat annoyed. Sokka offered a knot made from a bit of the rope, while Zuko had... nothing. He had to leave so much behind when Zhao tried to have him killed. All he had left was...
Knowledge from his lessons.
"Great Spirit," Zuko said, trying to keep himself as humble as possible. "May I offer a quote from a Great Fire Sage that was never taken into any public record?"
The owl tilted its head. "Very well..."
Taking a breath, Zuko tried not to sweat. "'Sometimes you must do the right thing, even if it hurts you. Action reify ideals. We must never stop striving to do good, to protect the weak and the powerless. This is the charge to all men of learning.' Fire Sage Lito. These were her last words, before she was executed by Fire Lord Sozin for high treason."
The head tilted to the other side. "And I suppose this quote is relevant to your current plight. Or perhaps simply a way to insult me, for my abhorrence of human violence." The spirit straightens. "I will allow it."
Zuko bowed deeply, as Wan Shi Tong took flight and vanished into the library. When he stood up straight, he released to sharp breath he hadn't been aware he had been holding.
"Damn," Sokka said, slapping him on the back. "For a second, I thought you'd be bird food."
Shuddering, Zuko sighed. "You and me both."
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carbondioxda · 5 months
Instincts and lovebirds (p.1)
Sokka x firebender!OC
c/w: swearing!! this is my first time writing an oc x canon so this may or may not be the worst thing you’ll ever read??, basically Sokka and Zuya making fun of Katara’s crush on Jet. This is also pretty long by the way. Written in third person and I usually avoid using adjectives that have informations regarding looks but I want you to have an idea of how Zuya looks like.
a/n: first time writing in the atla universe<33, english isn’t my first lanuage, please tell me if I make any mistakes
also just like in my previous posts, my way of writing dialogue might be different than what you’re used to.
I haven’t introduced my oc Zuya on this page at all, so maybe I’ll do it in a separate post. I hope you like her.
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This whole encounter was weird. First, Sokka swore on his instincts that they all should walk instead of flying on Appa and then suddenly they’re being saved by a bunch of kids from being ambushed. Yet somehow, even though they were saved, something didn’t feel right. Zuya felt as if they were still ambushed or captured in some way. It was plainly uncomfortable.
Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot, Pipsqueak, Sneers and The Duke. They didn’t seem like a usual vigilante group. More like, wild children mixed with pirates. Zuya noticed some dirt on their necks and hands, they must’ve hardly ever bathed. Only Jet seemed to vaguely know what hygiene is. Even if Sokka’s instincts proved to be incorrect, right now the bad gut feeling he had was shared with his friend, Zuya.
- Psssst. - the brunette hissed to Sokka, while Jet’s friends were looking through the fire nation’s supplies.
- I’m right next to you, idiot. - he hissed back, but louder. - If you wanna talk shit about them I’m here for it, just don’t hiss like a wild animal. - the boy crossed his hands, looking at his friend.
- Okay, okay I just wanted you to get the goddamn hint.
- I know what you’re gonna say. - he begun.
- They look suspicious as hell. - they both said at the same time. Zuya tried her best not to point it out, so that he wouldn’t feel too special about guessing what she had on her mind. That would get into his head. Everything goes right into Sokka’s head, actually.
- Katara doesn’t think so. - Zuya choked out, pointing her head to the girl’s direction. Katara was thanking Jet for their help. Sokka seemed to run out of ideas on commenting this whole thing. He rolled his eyes. - I mean, it’s nice of her to thank him but her voice is high pitched and she’s kinda getting red.
- What? What do you mean? - Sokka squinted his eyes to see better, as if that was supposed to help in any way.
- Seems like your sister has a little cruuush. - Zuya teased, twirling her dark hair around her finger to mock Katara.
- Hell no, why this freak of all? Why couldn’t she perhaps, I don’t know, have a crush on Haru?
- We were in that village for two or three days, it’s better for everyone that she didn’t.
- We’re not gonna be here much longer either.
- It’s best if none of us has a crush. Any kind. It would only slow us down.
- Same thing! This whole Jay, or whatever his name is, isn’t all that. Just look at him. What the hell is that in his mouth? A straw? Grass? Is he a cow? - Sokka tried to come up with a creative insult.
- You’re just bitter because your life-saving instincts didn’t work. We should call them life-ending instincts, cause you know…cause we were ambushed.. - Zuya giggled. Sokka’s glare was digging into her. Even if he wasn’t very intimidating, she wasn’t going to test his limits right now. - No, but seriously. We should get out of here before we even have the chance to meet those guys closer. I know the type of mr. nonchalant, it’s not gonna end well. It’s for Katara’s own good.
They followed the group, because Katara and Aang wanted to see their secret hideout. It was pretty obvious their spot wouldn’t be on the ground, given that the trees were the tallest they’ve seen and tents or houses would be too easy to spot. However, Sokka didn’t really think about it.
- Soo, Zuya, right? Are you from the Earth Kingdom? - Jet asked. She was in the same attire she left her village, Kyoshi. She was taken in by the village’s members when she was just a young child, nobody really expected her to grow up to be a firebender.
- Yeah, I’m from The Kyoshi village. - she replied.
- Are you an earthbender?
- Actually she’s- - Katara begun.
- A non-bender! Just like Sokka. - Zuya corrected her quickly. The rest of the gaang didn’t question it.
- A, nice to know. Explains a lot. Hey, you two, grab those handles. - Jet suggested, turning to the ,,non-benders”.
- What does this thing d- - Sokka was cut off, being plunged into the air. Zuya couldn’t react in time, sharing the fate with her friend and soon grabbing onto the thick branches for dear life.
- Look, shit, look! - Zuya tugged on his arm.
- What?! - he asked, just now getting his head out of the leaves. She grabbed his chin and pointed him to look down, where Katara and Jet where smoothly flying upwards to the hideout. - I’ve had enough, we’re getting out of here as soon as possible. - he commented.
- They’re having their movie moment in there. - she said, noticing how Katara’s face is constantly red from all of the blushing. - How cute.
- You seem to be having a moment too. - Aang startled them. They didn’t notice him flying up. It slips their mind that Aang can literally levitate.
- A moment? We’re having a moment of hanging onto a tree branch. - Zuya said loudly, still recovering from the Aang jumpscare. Sokka turned away and climbed onto the wooden plank attached to the tree that led to the hideout.
They caught up with the group and Jet showed them around, talking about how amazing his ,,freedom fighters” are in being a pain in the Fire Nation’s ass. Sokka looked like he was in agonizing pain the whole time, and even more when they sat around the fire. That’s when Jet did his whole inspiring speech.
He sat down, separating Sokka and Zuya from Katara and Aang.
- Hey Jet! Nice speech.
- Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That’s some great bending back there.
- He’s great, he’s the avatar. - Katara explained. - I could use some training. - she was blushing again.
- The avatar? Nice. Very nice. - Jet seemed to be so pleased about that fact, it made them pretty uncomfortable. Sokka’s instinct must’ve worked at that moment.
- Sorry, but we need to leave tonight. - he said, cutting their conversation short.
- Yup, we should’ve left earlier, we can’t slow down. - Zuya added to back him up.
- Sokka! Are you kidding, I needed you for an important mission! - Jet whined.
- What mission? - Sokka’s ears perked up, even if he didn’t get too excited. A mission was enough for him to be convinced, knowing him.
- Tomorrow, we have to do a patrol and make sure The Fire Nation doesn’t attack or anything. - Jet tried to bribe him. - You could use a good night’s sleep for once.
- True. We’ll get to the North Pole, Sokka, let’s just use this occasion. - Aang spoke up.
- Only for one night. We can’t stay longer. - he gave in. - I’m going to sleep now, if you don’t mind. Me and Zuya stayed up all night to guard the supplies. We’re tired, right Zuya?
- Right. Exhausted.
- You can go to the hut on the left. - Jet said. - Goodnight!
- Goodnight. - Sokka spat out, before taking Zuya by the wrist and leading her away from the group.
- There’s no way you agreed to stay just to go on a mission, Sokka. - she hissed at him again. - It’s not even that important!
- Oh shut up, I’ll finally do something for once. Maybe they’ll give us some supplies for that.
- They won’t give us shit.
- Let’s just go. - he said, entering the small hut they were given to sleep in. They tried their best to ignore how annoying the newly met people were and just got ready for bed.
- Why did you tell them you’re a non-bender? - Sokka suddenly asked, when Zuya was brushing out her long hair. She usually wore it in two long braids, but this evening was a good occasion to brush it all out and distract herself.
- Gut feeling. They hate the Fire Nation.
- You’re not from the Fire Nation though?
- And how would they know that? It’s better to tell them the short version instead of explaining myself. I’m not planning on using fire here anyway.
- Good point. - he put his hands behind his head and laid down. - I’d love to see you firebend the hell out of them, though. - he added with a smug grin. It made her smile.
- Maybe I’d do that if I could firebend better. I only know a few moves. I think I might’ve noticed something. Sokka? Can you braid my hair?
- Yea…what did you notice? - he positioned himself behind her. Gran gran taught him how to do Katara’s hair when their mom died, he never really forgot how to do it.
- All of the ,,freedom fighters” have strange outfits. They’re so mixed. Jet has parts of the Fire Nation attire mixed with the Water Tribe’s clothes, or The Duke? He has everything in green and yellow, traditional Earth Kingdom colours.
- So, what are you saying?
- I’m just saying…don’t get into any trouble tomorrow. - she sat while he braided her hair. - Or your outfit might be worn by one of them soon.
- Thieves are the last thing I wanted to encounter. Still, why would I get into trouble? I’ll just pretend to be their friend or somethin’- he asked, already aware why exactly.
- You know damn well why. You’re going without us on that mission, don’t try to act like a smartass.
- I won’t. I’ll try to, at least.
- Promise me you won’t. I don’t wanna have to run to save your sorry ass again.
- Again? Excuse me. - he tugged her hair on purpose.
- Ow! Yes, again. If I wanted go count all of the times where I had to drag you out of someone’s hands I’d run out of fingers. - she grabbed his hand to stop him. Sokka scoffed at that. - Can I braid your hair too?
- No, my head is pounding when you do my braids, they’re too tight.
- I’ll be more gentle? - she smiled, just as he was finishing her own braids. He sighed.
- Just this once. - he finally agreed. - Don’t make them so tight.
- I’ll try.
- You don’t look exhausted. Is Sokka hitting on you again? - Katara asked when she entered the hut with Aang. She was in a good mood, who wouldn’t be if they found themselves a love interest?
- Not today. - she pretended to be let down. Or she wasn’t pretending.
- Just for the record, I’ve never done that. Focus on hitting on Jet, Katara.- he insisted.
- Stop moving so much or else I’m making the braids tight.
- You can’t deny it. Back in Kyoshi, Omashu and when pirates tried to take us. - Aang counted on his fingers and then shoved them into grumpy Sokka’s face. - And that one evening?
- You forgot the boat thing. - Katara reminded.
- Right, boat thing too. - Aang smiled like the cute kid he is.
- It wasn’t intentional. My charm is unbeatable, what can I do about it? Happens on it’s own.
- All of you should go to sleep. - Zuya said, carefully making small braids on Sokka’s head. She finished up and for the rest of the evening, thankfully nobody brought up the topic of Jet and his friends.
Zuya was abruptly waken up by Sokka, right when he came back from the mission. Katara and Aang must’ve already gone somewhere.
- Wake the hell up Zuya, they’re psychos! - Sokka shook her by the shoulders.
- Stop shaking me! - Zuya’s green eyes were barely open and the boy was still blurry in her vision.
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flameohotwife · 2 years
potential prompt idea: kataang star-gazing in the South Pole 😌
A short drabble for you, my friend! Also on ao3:
Peace in the Starlight
“It’s so quiet out here tonight,” Katara whispered, leaning against Aang for warmth. The absence of the wind was almost unnerving, especially with her husband around. She snuggled in closer and Aang rubbed his hands up and down her arms as they leaned back against the snow of their hut in the Southern Water Tribe.
Aang hummed in agreement. “It is quiet, but maybe it feels extra quiet to us because it’s been such a loud day and this is the first bit of peace we’ve felt in hours.”
Katara chuckled. Loud was an understatement. They’d spent much of the day flying on Appa, and had made the terrible discovery that Kya was getting her two-year molars and that she experienced motion-sickness on long flights. Kya had flown on Appa many times before in her young life without issue, but only for an hour or two at once. Unfortunately, this trip from Air Temple Island to the South Pole was much, much longer than that. 
Kya wailed the entire day. Not quite two yet, it was all just too much for her little body to process. Katara could tell Aang felt terrible, but there wasn’t much they could do. They needed to get South for her father’s retirement celebration, and both of them had been caught up in Republic City for too long to take a ship. Not that a ship would have necessarily been better, Katara thought.
Poor Bumi had tried to cheer her up to no avail, before deciding to spend his time reading or hanging over the edge of the saddle to talk with Aang on Appa’s head. But even he got sick of the noise after a while and, like most nine-year-olds, began to complain himself.
“How much longer?” he’d whined, pressing his hands against his ears in attempt to block out the auditory assault. 
“Still a couple more hours, Boom. I’m sorry,” Aang said. 
“UGH!” Bumi yelled at the sky. Those last couple hours had been filled with Kya’s screams, sickness, and Bumi’s near-constant grumbling, while Momo chittered nervously about their shoulders. 
Now, though, it was quiet. So quiet that their ears were almost ringing with it. They’d arrived in time for dinner, which Kya obviously refused to eat. Aang took her and gave her a soothing bath and put her down for bed while Katara and Bumi caught up with Hakoda, Sokka, Gran Gran and Pakku. Much later, once everyone was finally in bed, Aang and Katara escaped to recuperate and decompress. Together. 
They sat in that silence for a while, relishing it.
“The stars are beautiful, though,” Katara said eventually. They always seemed brighter in the South Pole than in Republic City, but they were particularly spectacular tonight. The universe seemed to twinkle in chorus above them, soothing her frazzled nerves. 
She felt Aang’s head tilt down towards her, and she angled her neck to peer back up at him. She grinned, already knowing what he was going to say. 
“Not as beautiful as you,” he said, leaning down even more to press a soft, sweet kiss to her lips. She sighed through her nose, losing herself in the comfort of him.
“You’re so cheesy,” she teased when he eventually pulled back, but her wide smile gave her away.
“Yeah, but you love me,” Aang said, cocking his head and donning a smirk of his own.
“Mmmmmm, that I do,” Katara breathed, lips so close to his she could feel the warm clouds of breath that escaped. “I love you, too, Sweetie,” Aang replied. Then he closed the miniscule distance between them to capture her in another kiss, erasing the hardships and exhaustion of the day. Maybe the stars weren’t brighter here. Maybe it was just the love she felt in this moment that made everything around her sparkle just a bit more. Whatever it was, she wanted to hold on tight and never let go.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 9 months
Vicarious (Part 39)
She has to at least respect her mother’s persistence. Although it isn’t a terribly hard task with the village being so small, Ursa had managed to track her down. Or so she thinks that she has. Azula wonders for just how long the woman has been conversing with Sokka, apologizing for touching her without asking. At the very least, Sokka hasn’t had to say anything at all, it seems as though mother has done most of the talking. 
Azula comes to stand behind Sokka who casts a glance over his shoulder. Relief twinkles in his eyes. She places a hand on his shoulder and he smiles at her. “Thank Raava you’re here.”
“Who is this?” Ursa asks.
“That’s a more complicated question than you think.” Azula replies for Sokka. She slides her hand down Sokka’s arm and finds a seat next to him. She is close enough to smell the citrus aroma of the inn’s provided shampoo and body wash. Close enough to see that her hair is damp. In spite of having taken a bath, Sokka has not bothered to change out of her night clothing nor brush her hair. 
“How is it complicated?”
“I’m Azula.” She shrugs. “And that’s Sokka.” She points at her own body. Sokka gives her hand a sheepish wave, one that serves to solidify her point. 
Ursa’s brows pinch as she looks between the two of them. “You…? How?”
“Well I imagine that it was similar to the manner in which you acquired an entirely new face.” 
The woman’s hand twitches, the result of resisting the instinct to reach out. Even if she had, Azula imagines that she wouldn’t be certain whose cheek she should cup. 
“You’re going to have to repeat everything you just said to me.” Sokka mentions. “It’ll probably go more smoothly since you have a better idea of what you want to say.” 
“How long have the two of you…?”
“The first time or the second time?” Azula smooths the fabric of her robes. 
“You’ve switched twice?”
“It was an accident both times.” Sokka mentions. “I’ve been taking good care of her, I promise. And she’s been taking good care of me. Honestly she probably does a better job with keeping me on top of hygiene than I do for myself.”
“Perhaps you should let some of the grooming routines you run through on my behalf carry over when we switch back.” She suggests. “It is more pleasant to…” She casts a glance at her mother. “Let you hold me, when you smell clean.” 
Ursa’s eyes widen just for a moment. “He’s a lover?” 
Azula nods. 
She stares at Azula and then at Sokka. She holds that stare for the longest time. 
“Is it that unbelievable for you to see that I can love someone?” That someone wants to love her.
Ursa shakes her head. “I just didn’t think that you would find love with someone who isn’t Fire Nation. I didn’t think that you would be interested in romance at all; you always had other priorities.” 
“Yes, all of my priorities were decided for me.” These days she has trouble deciding if they had been decided for her from the start or if they have been decided for her since the moment her mind had frayed. She can’t prioritize impressing father nor her drive to become Fire Lord. She can’t say that she had prioritized them on her own to begin with. And what of her firebending? She supposes that, that is still very much near the top of her priorities list. It is as soothing and empowering as it is exhausting and brutal. At least these days she has Sokka to give her little massages after she is through. 
Of course, depending on how long this goes on, she will be the one to give Sokka massages after he firebends on her behalf. 
“Perhaps I should come back at another time.” Ursa muses aloud. “When I can actually talk to you.”
“You’re still having the conversation with me. Would you like me to give Sokka a script to read so that you can hear it from my own lips or can we proceed?” She folds her arms across her chest. “I didn’t come all this way just to delay things further.” 
Further than she already had in losing her composure and running off.
“Are you alright?” The woman asks. 
“I upset you the last time we spoke and I want to know if you have been doing well. I shouldn’t have touched you. You’ve always been fickle about that, ever since you were a child.” Before Azula can reply the woman sputters. “Which is alright, some kids just don’t like to be held. I’ve always tried to teach Zuko to say no when he didn’t want hugs. And your father…I told him to hold you more, he probably confused you…”
Azula swallows. Swallows in spite of the tightness in her throat. She is still rambling, perhaps obnoxiously over-clarifying. But that doesn’t matter right now. It doesn’t matter because mother isn’t blaming her. For all of the words she is babbling, not one of them is accusatory. Mother wants to know if she has been handling things alright. Mother doesn’t demand apologies or blame her. “I’m fine.” She says. But her stomach is tickling and her head is some dizzy. With nerves, relief, happiness, dread? She isn’t sure other than knowing that she is overwhelmed by something or by many things at once.
“She’ll be alright.” Sokka smiles and takes hold of her hand. “I’ll make sure that she is while you talk to Zuko.” 
“Yes, thank you. How is he?” Ursa asks. “How is my baby boy?” 
“He’s a grown man.” Azula grumbles through her jitters. She doesn’t mean to be so sarcastic, really she had no need to speak at all. But she is nervous. 
Ursa nods with a wistful smile. “Yes, I imagine that he is.” Azula catches the way that her eyes fall on Sokka. She can see it in the woman’s eyes that she wants to touch Sokka’s cheek. “You’re…” She pauses. “You look like me when I was younger.” 
Azula swallows again. 
“I’m glad that I get to see you—”
“If you wanted to see me then why didn’t you come home?”
“I was afraid, Azula. I didn’t even know what I would say to Zuko, let alone you. We’ve always been strained, I was worried that coming home would make things worse. That it would…” she gestures vaguely. “Open old wounds.” 
“They never closed.” Azula said simply. 
“Yes. I suppose that I hadn’t considered that.” Ursa shakes her head. “Will you let me try to patch them up?” 
Azula purses slightly trembling lips, bunches her fists. She wants to be angry, she wants to take anger in a steely, unbreakable grip and hold onto it for as long as she can. For as long as it takes to stop feeling hurt. But she isn’t sure that she has any anger left in her, those flames have burned out some months into her depressive spiral. She doesn’t want to waste her rekindled energy on it, even if it is entirely justified. 
“You weren’t a bad child, Azula.”
Her throat is constricting all over again. 
“Difficult, maybe. Very, very opinionated and stubborn.” She chuckles. “And the more that I thought about it—about you and Zuko, the more I realized that we shared a lot of childhood behaviors. You weren’t a bad child. But I…I don’t think that I am a bad mother.” 
“No, perhaps you aren’t.” Perhaps it is more complicated than that. It almost always is. Everything is always so complicated and intricate. But she certainly wasn’t a good mother. And Azula isn’t certain of what kind of child she was. Difficult might just be the right word choice. 
“Why don’t we go inside?” Sokka suggests. “I’m sure that Zuko wants to say hi.” 
And Azula could use a breather. Perhaps a cup of tea and some time with a book while mother and Zuzu speak. Sokka rises to his feet and tries to put his arm over her shoulders. He can’t quite reach.
Ursa nods. “I would love to get to know both of you.” 
That is something else that they share; she wants to know herself. Perhaps the woman shouldn’t even bother getting to know her yet because there is still a good portion of her that is subject to change. But maybe that is a good thing. Maybe the woman would let to see her grow and evolve, she had missed it the first time. 
“Lets start with lunch?” Sokka suggests.
“If you’d like, I can take you, Zuko, and your boyfriend to my house and show you how to cook some Esukutai dishes.” Ursa offers. 
“Zuzu would probably enjoy that.” Azula replies. She isn’t sure if she will. She has never tried cooking. There are a lot of things that she has never tried. “First things first…” She pushes the door to the inn open. 
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kigozula · 2 years
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Where you are, there I am - Sokkla Saturdays 2022
Day 4: Sokka dresses Azula
You can also read here & here
Warmth. Comfort. Home.
Igloos were unexpectedly warm. Even though the fire from last night as good as died out. Igloos also looked bigger inside. The decoration made the place comfortable.
This place felt like home. Considering it was her first night in this igloo, it sounded odd to feel comfortable enough to call it home. But it was. It was her home.
And she also knew what the true reason for it was.
His bed… their bed was soft and warm. Probably the most comfortable bed she slept on. The reason for this was the same source. He was next to her. Her husband held her naked body protectively pressed against his exposed chest. His arms were wrapped around her caringly.
Their mouths had only enough space for talking. His eyes were full of adoration for his wife.
She smiled at that, and he smiled back.
“Good morning love.” Sokka said and kissed her lips.
“Good morning.” Azula replied almost shyly.
“Slept well?” he asked.
“Yes. You?”
“Never better. What’s been all the other nights and days when this is how incredible sleeping feels like?”
Azula chuckled at that and kissed him.
“I wonder what time it is.” she tried to find the small window.
“It must be well past morning. Are you hungry?”
Azula nodded “And I think you must be too? Or is it you forgot about your stomach?” she asked playfully.
“Nothing matters next to you. Besides, I only crave you as much.” With that he kissed her passionately. After a time, they both laughed into the kiss.
“I love you Azula!”
“I love you Sokka.”
They sat up on the bed, but Sokka didn’t let go of her. Her arms were wrapped around his neck anyway. After the passion and heart race slowed down, they were very much aware that of their nakedness. A new sensation.
Last night had been great. He tried his best to make it as perfect as possible. And it was, without a doubt perfect. Love and will were needed and nothing more.
He carried her through the bedroom door, and they took a relaxing bath together. After that Sokka carried her back and sat her carefully on the bed. It was tempting to repeat what they did last night again. Especially now that Azula’s skin was smoother and softer. But Sokka, other than giving slight caresses and kisses held back. Which wasn’t easy for him at all. She needed breakfast. And he would show her around his tribe. In the evening they could go back to cuddling naked and lovemaking.
 “What should I wear for your tribe on my first full day here?” Azula asked.
“You brought some warm parkas form the fire nation right?”
“Yes I did.”
Yet he went for the blue parkas with a smirk.
“How about you wear blue today princess? You made me wear lots of red now it’s my turn to make you wear blue isn’t it.”
He kneeled in front of her and put her underwear first. Carefully and slow. Her smirk vanished replaced by a pleasant feeling of his knuckles on her skin. She was also touched of how careful he was with her all the time.
Sokka took his time to dress her fully, except for the parka. No matter how cool he tried to be, a volcano was exploding inside of him. He gave her neck a kiss and inhaled her scent he loved so much.
It was Azula’s turn to help him getting dressed. He put on his underpants and pants himself. Azula helped him with his shirts.
After combing each other’s hair and also giving them presentable looks, they went for breakfast.
The day went by with Sokka showing his wife around and in the afternoon they went for Sokka’s family for dinner.
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Progress Log of Sky-Faller Mackenzie, as compiled by Survey Corps Captain Cyllene.
Notes from Professor Laventon, Corps Member Akari, and Corps Member Rei’s interactions with Mackenzie have been included.
Arrival Summary: The Space-Time Rift showed an increase in activity on the morning of Friday, January 28th. Some witnesses saw an object fall from it bathed in golden light albeit briefly due to the momentum of said object. Professor Laventon was the first near Prelude Beach in pursuit of his three Pokémon. A young girl of estimated age fifteen was found on the shore uninjured without an impact creator. Mackenzie regained consciousness and quickly helped the Professor capture the three runaway Pokemon.
A short-sleeved shirt, shorts, and an object that fell near her were all her belongings. (See “Arc-Phone” Photo-1) The slender brick-like device only works for Mackenzie shutting off when anyone else holds it even briefly. Has made occasional complaints over the casing being changed to its current shape implying it was modified without her consent before arrival.
Interview of Professor Laventon—Night of January 28th: “It was incredible, Cyllene! She didn’t seem fearful in the slightest when catching them. Walked right up to Rowlet and gently threw a Pokéball, said it was the one most likely to get away. Oshawott sprayed her a few times before being captured. Mackenzie was a tad bit cautious with Cyndaquil granted it broke out of the first ball. I did ask her how she was so capable of catching Pokemon when she had just arrived... She mentioned that Pokeballs were familiar enough to her although she was never a “Trainer” before.”
•Sky-faller Mackenzie was issued a different trial than usual Survey Corps recruits due to her previously displayed skill. Instead of catching a single Pokémon and recording observations from a different species, she was required to catch three Fieldland Pokémon species. The only complication was accidentally knocking out the first wild Shinx.
Report from Rei: Mackenzie took several apricorns and tumble stones to make one functional Pokéball. She doesn’t seem used to working with her hands. But her battling skills are decent, she takes to Professor Laventon’s typing system pretty well. Volo battled her before we set off for the entry trial. Her new Oshawott listened to her commands tackling Togepi until it fainted. She re-used her Rollout strategy against my Pikachu and won despite the speed difference between the two.
Though she seems adamant about calling her Pokemon by nicknames. I can understand Cloud for Starly, but why Sokka for Oshawott?
Records for Most Pokémon Caught in a Single Day; *Posted by Pasture Manager Marie*
Mackenzie–Eleven Bidoof, Eight Wurmple, Seven Starly, Three Shinx, Two Buizel, Ponyta, Burmy, Pichu, Zubat, Drifloon.
Cyllene-Twenty Abra, Two Snover, Munchlax.
Zisu–Thirteen Aipom, Five Murkrow, Four Ponyta.
Rei–Five Bidoof, Four Wurmple, Three Burmy, Two Geodude, Starly, Eevee.
Survey Corps Mackenzie has contributed enough information for the Pokédex Project to be promoted to First Star Rank, January 30th.
—𝒞𝒶𝓅𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒞𝓎𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃𝑒 𝒜𝓀𝒶𝑔𝒾
Security Corps vs Survey Corps Mackenzie using Alpha Kricketune (Alto). Impromptu Alpha training session.
Fifteen victories, two ties, one loss.—Mackenzie
One Victory, two ties, fifteen losses.—Security Corps.
Notes from Captain Zisu: This’ll teach the recruits to be wary of all Alphas, even the unassuming ones like Bidoof. Mackenzie had the Alpha Bug playing grating music to distract a decent portion of my corps members. Seems tame enough following her commands and there was no red glowing eyes at any point.
Incident Report; Survey Corps Akari had to pull Mackenzie out of the area with the Alpha Beautifly. It paralyzed her and her entire team before the senior Corps member could get to her. Currently sleeping off the stun powder in the infirmary, should be healthy in two days.
How To Evolve Pichu Into Pikachu by Survey Corps Member Mackenzie.
Compared to finding a Thunderstone to obtain a Raichu, the process is fairly simple. Pichu require a strong bond to push them to their next evolution stage. Feeding them, grooming (once it’s comfortable being touched), and even just walking around foster your bond. A main reason to help them evolve is that Pichu cannot handle discharging electricity without hurting themselves in the process. The electric sacs, their cheeks, are underdeveloped compared to Pikachu and Raichu. You could even call them the baby Pokemon of the evolution line.
Pichu are social in general so having more than one partner Pokemon might speed up the evolution. Lowered ears tend to be a general sign of feeling tired or nervousness. The fact they tend to cry when upset is why I liken them to babies. Pichu are small so housing one shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Be mindful that they might accidentally shock if excited.
(Just some random moments with a Self-Insert I thought up. We probably cause a lot of confusion working for the Survey Corps.)
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mycomfortblanket · 2 years
Oh, It's Gonna be a Long Night
The bar is dark with a slight red glow that barely illuminates the details of the people around him. Zuko looks down at his half empty drink on the bar and curls his hands around it. He watches as a drop of condensation runs down the side and rests against his forefinger.
The man at the piano that has been playing all night starts to wrap up his last song. He thanks everyone for coming and their tips, to remember to also tip their waitress, and where to find him on Youtube.
Zuko lifts his hand to the little black straw that is sticking out of the glass and swirls it around, listening to the clink of ice against the glass before he picks it up and knocks back the rest of the drink. The burn of the gin as it goes down his throat makes him grimace slightly and the settling warmness in his stomach is a signal that he is going to finally start feeling the alcohol. Will start feeling the numbness that will coat the ache in his chest.
Without the guy at the piano, the air in the bar feels surprisingly empty, even with all the people around talking. He glances at the piano, bathed in a warm glow of a spotlight. At this bar, if the piano is open, anyone is allowed to claim it and play whatever they want, no matter how bad they are or what they choose to play.
He rips his gaze away from the instrument and signals the bartender for another glass. Once his empty one is replaced, he grabs it and slides off his stool. Walking over to the piano, he sees a few people casting curious and hopeful looks up at him, wondering if he is going to play and if he is going to be any good.
Zuko sets his drink down on the provided coaster even though there are hundreds of drink rings on the wood, and falls onto the bench in front of the keys. He looks at the black and white keys for a moment before lifting his hands to lightly set them in place.
He hits a few keys, getting the feel of the piano and how in tune it is... which, surprisingly, is pretty in tune. Taking a deep breath, he begins.
"Won't you turn around and please look at me? For everything we are, everything we've been I promise I'll be good, if you stay with me"
When Zuko first wrote this song, he had just written the chords, appreciating the slow, aching melody that the keys poured out. The lyrics didn't come for a few more days... until after Sokka had left. Zuko wasn't entirely conscious of the words that were coming out of his mouth that night, but they fit perfectly.
The words he had said that night flowed easily with the melody. When the words first spilled from his lips, all he could picture was Sokka storming about Zuko's bedroom, throwing various items of his clothing that he'd left around the apartment into a duffle bag. Even now, he can still hear the anger in Sokka's voice as he yells at Zuko, about what happened between them, the stupid fight that went too far.
"But everything we are, it just went away With the slide of a tongue and a sour taste I cannot recall, I can explain
But I remember the nights when you'd lie with me Where we'd talk and we'd touch and we'd fall asleep I wake up in your arms and I feel at ease It's gonna be a long night"
His voice isn't loud, but it seems to carry throughout the bar which is almost deadly quiet as they listen to him sing. When more chords start to come from the piano, he glances up and sees everyone watching him.
Zuko squeezes his eyes shut, squeezes them shut against the rush of memories that fill his mind. The first time Sokka had stayed the night at his place, how they had laid in his bed talking until the sun started to lighten the sky, signaling the start of a new day. When they had finally fallen asleep that night, it was one of the most restful sleeps he had ever had. Waking up to the feel of Sokka at his back, the warmth that was radiating from him was so calming.
"I still have your shirt in my dresser drawer The one with the stripes that you liked in store Oh, everything has changed, I wanted more"
That fucking shirt. Sokka had been so insistent on that shirt. When they had first seen it at the store, he didn't buy it. But, for several days afterwards, Sokka would nonstop talk about that shirt, about how it would change his life if he had it in his possession. Just to get him to stop bitching about it, Zuko went out and bought it for him.
And for some reason, everything changed after that. Sokka thought Zuko buying the shirt for him went deeper than just getting him to stop whining. At the time, that's all it was. The look on his face when Zuko had placed it in his hands was unreadable, and even though Sokka never said, Zuko had known just from that look what buying that shirt meant.
They still fucked and would occasionally cuddle and would definitely hang out, but all of it was done at arms length. All because of that stupid shirt.
"Oh, how it's raining Oh, how the water falls Into the safe things We try to set in stone I can't replace you I can't escape you, now"
It's been weeks since Zuko had last seen him. He's pulled up Sokka's messages and typed up some sort of apology several times before deleting it and throwing his phone far away from him. If Sokka wanted to talk to him, he would text or call or randomly show up like he always did. But it was just silence.
The more time that goes on, the harder it is for Zuko to deny that he didn't have feelings for the other man. The unexpected heartbreak wasn't something he could explain away. He could almost convince himself, thought, that he wasn't crying in the shower since his tears blended so well with the water that was hitting his face.
Zuko can almost convince himself that he didn't love Sokka, but it's such a fucking lie.
"But I remember the nights when you'd lie with me Where we'd talk and we'd touch and we'd fall asleep I wake up in your arms and I feel at ease
But now it's just me and I lie awake And I toss and I turn and I see your face When I wake from a dream, it won't go away
Oh it's gonna be a long night"
Zuko can feel the tears that are threatening to spill over, but he closes his eyes, willing them to go away. He ducks his head and hits the keys, their notes ringing out into the bar.
When he opens them to sing the next verse, he locks eyes with one of them ne at the bar, and instantly, the breath is stolen from him. He barely registers the words leaving his lips, just some distance noise. All he can focus on is the way that man is holding his gaze.
"But I remember the nights when you'd lie with me When we'd talk and we'd touch and we'd fall asleep I wake up in your arms and I feel at ease
The blue of his eyes is visible even from Zuko is sitting at the piano. The braid and beads that are scattered throughout his hair and pulled back into his ponytail, he would recognize anywhere. He doesn't look away, but rather, directs the next verse directly at him. He manages to emphasize his pain through each chord that he strikes.
But now it's just me and I lie awake And I toss and I turn and I see your face When I wake from a dream, it won't go away.
Zuko sees a single tear fall down the man's cheek and doesn't bother to brush it away. Their eyes never leave each other. The ache in Zuko's chest is almost unbearable as he watches the man at the bar. He whispers out the last line,
Oh, it's gonna be a long night.
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ssreeder · 2 years
bestie yes i have decided we are besties
don’t know why i do this but in liab the arc yes arc where sokka helps zuko escape zhao’s tent and then sokka helping zuko bathe in the log cabin i always go back and read it
there’s just something so intimate about it that it keeps pulling me in to read like every other week
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I’m really glad you liked that scene!! It wasn’t Sokka’s most clearly thought through moment, but it was really sweet because of how tenderly he cared for Zuko. Sokka really wanted to wash away his friends hurt and make everything better…
I think he kind of regrets it now, looking back and realizing how intimate it was after such a horrific thing happening to Zuko,,, but I think Zuko appreciated it.
Maybe the boys will get a bath again soon… one can only hope.
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artbymavy · 4 years
@dickpuncher420 said spinny hug zukka reunion, and how could I possibly pass up that opportunity? 
It had been a long day. Of course, every day since Firelord Zuko had taken the thrown had been a long day. But this one felt at least three times the day’s usual length plus five. Who would have thought that leading the fire nation would have meant putting out fires, rather than starting them.
  Zuko was hunched over a stack of parchment the height of the caldera summit itself, scrawling away at some campfire-dry official document in triplicate, and praying to Agni to send him a miracle to release him from his paperwork at last. Or at least to burn up a few of them. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, closing his tired eyes for just a moment. He knew better than to rely on such foolishness.
 Bent over his work as he was, he heard rather than saw as the door to his chambers groaned open in an echo of his own overworked exhaustion. Zuko Looked up, then down slightly to meet the eyes of the messenger boy much younger than he had expected, who bowed low, hurried and slightly clumsy with nerves. Zuko raised an eyebrow in query.
 “Please excuse the intrusion, Firelord Zuko, but a councilman from Republic city is here to see you.”
 Zuko sighed. “I have no patience for the council’s intrusion today. Please inform him that he can stay the night, and I will take an audience with him to hear his concerns tomorrow.”
 “Yes, your majesty.” The boy bowed again, and turned to leave, but hesitated slightly at the door. “It’s just that… councilman Sokka said –“
 “Sokka? Sokka’s here?”
 “Y -Yes your majesty, he –“
 Whatever the boy was about to say was lost to Zuko’s ears. In an instant he had flown past him, and out the heavy wooden doors he had come through before they could offer even a single groan of protest more.
 As he hurried down the hallway he stumbled slightly over the length of his formal regal robes. He heard the worried exclamations of his guards as they leaped after him, tripping over one another to be the first to catch him, should he fall. But Zuko had no intention of falling, nor of being hindered by his robes or his guards. He gathered the lengths of rich red fabric up in his arms, exposing the bare skin of his legs to nearly above his knees, and took off running.
 As he crossed the courtyard, now bathed in the soft light of the day’s end he could hear their shouts of alarm follow him as they blundered along behind, shouting for him to slow down! Slow down! But he only laughed, and ran faster. He felt he could move with the speed of the wind in the grass, bending the stalks of the flowers and fluttering their petals as he passed, to see Sokka again.
 Rounding the final corner of the palace halls, he couldn’t help himself but gasp. The doors of the palace had been thrown open, and in the flood of light they offered stood Sokka, framed in soft gold which kissed his cheek and jaw gently in the way Zuko had so longed to, since he had gone away, adorning the crown of his head, and dripping down onto his shoulders, which seemed to Zuko to be perhaps slightly broader than when he had left.
 The sight stopped Zuko in his tracks for only a moment. Then, he was running again.
 “Sokka!” He called out, elated. And even to him, his voice sounded positively smitten. Indeed, he was quite besotted.
 Sokka’s gaze was drawn to his call, and as he looked up, his face split into a wide grin. His arms, too, opened to receive Zuko as he launched himself into their embrace. Sokka caught him firmly about the waist, lifting him high off the ground, letting Zuko’s momentum carry them into a twirl, perhaps the only thing worthy of their emotional reunion.
 Sokka laughed warmly, and Zuko sighed in contentment. His arms tightened around Sokka’s shoulders. Though he scarcely even left the palace these days, this was the first time he felt himself at home since Sokka’s departure.
 “Sokka,” he breathed into the fabric of his shirt.
 Sokka chuckled again, squeezing him tightly before pulling back just enough to fix him with a playful glare.
 “That’s councilman Sokka to you, Zuko. I’m a very important man these days, you know. Or haven’t you heard?”
 It was Zuko’s turn to laugh. “You were always an important man, Sokka. Or have you forgotten that?”
 Sokka feigned consideration for a moment. “No, I haven’t forgotten.” He decided. Then he tilted his head, pressing his brow to Zuko’s. “But it’s not just you who knows it anymore.”
 Zuko knew they were both smiling now. He lifted his hand to Sokka’s cheek, finding it rough with stubble after his long journey across the sea. That was something else he was not accustomed to. He could get used to it though, he thought.
 Looping his arms around Sokka once more, he pulled him into another tight hug.
 “Thank you. Spirits, thank you,” he whispered.
 He could hear the affection in Sokka’s voice when he responded. “Well, you didn’t think I would stay away forever, did you?”
 Zuko only hugged him tighter. For he knew he would never believe him if he said he had prayed to the spirits for relief, and they had sent him Sokka.
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jaredstrout · 2 years
a place in the sun - recovery
“This is humiliating!” Azula hissed as she held on to the warrior boy who had come to visit her in this place of misery under the guise of healing. Sokka smiled a bit shyly. “Just a few more steps and we are there.” he said, holding the small body of Azula in his arms like a bride. A really strange feeling for both of them, but Azula had spent way too long chained up, a few steps outside her cell her knees had given in and it was either being carried...or back into the cell.
It had not really been a choice and now the reward awaited, as Sokka pushed the last door open and Azula blinked as she was bathed in sunlight for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. 
Flowers were something Sokka had little experience in. He had spend most of his life in the cold of the pole, surrounded by ice and snow, the only comparison to the colorful fields of flowers that pretty much every other nation knew were the dancing lights in the polar night. So he had heard of flowers opening to greet the sun, bathing in its energy as they grew and florished. Now he had an example of the saying in his arms as Azula took a deep breath, her arms released Sokka´s neck and suddenly she slid out of his grasp with surprising elegance.
Her naked feet touched the cold floor, but the girl who emerged from the shadows didn´t seem to feel the cold bite of the old stone beneath her. Instead she rose to her full height and stared up into the sky as if she saw it for the first time. Sokka just stood there at the door, somehow in awe about the change in her. It was more than just the sudden energy she had, that made him wonder if she had needed his help in the first place, but her face. She looked so much younger now and suddenly she reminded Sokka of Katara in her carefree moments of their childhood. Eyes sparkling she walked through the small yard of the asylum as the sun kissed her with life and the thing that had weakened more than her body relished. Her body remained frail and wek, but her sould recovered, while Sokka finally started to follow her, still the boy with food and warm tea with him, to share a meal with the former enemy, who had already gotten a norishment that she had missed for most of her time, at least he hoped that he was healing for her soul and mind, or at least that he could help her to heal herself.
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raewritez · 3 years
Still | Pt. 2
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continuation of this request: I’m thirsty for a love triangle. Maybe Sokka and Zuko fighting for the reader’s affection. And she chooses ____!
warnings: simping, jealousy, obliviousness, she/her pronouns
Sokka’s ending
Zuko felt guilty.
The Water Tribe boy had been sulking for days now, grumbling under his breath and sending pointed glared Zuko’s way. The jokes he would’ve usually made around the campfire remained unspoken, replaced instead by uncomfortable silence and heavy sighs. Zuko knew Sokka well enough to know this wasn’t normal, and though Sokka had denied any accusations of moodiness or changes in behavior, Zuko had a hunch as to the reason for his despondency.
He’d recognized it when he’d first arrived. The affection that seemed to follow the two of you like an aura didn’t go unnoticed by the Firebender, and though he’d tried to ignore it he knew that wasn’t fair. Not to Sokka, not to you. Zuko knew you were upset - he saw your worried stares that lingered after the boy and the way your fingers extended towards him as if they were pulled. You’d been quieter, too, Sokka’s hostile demeanor wearing you down and inflicting you with endless confusion and longing. Zuko saw, and he knew. No one could deny it, the care you had for him. It was as obvious as Sokka’s care for you.
Zuko rose early - with the sun, as he liked to say - awakening with birdsong and peeking sunlight. He strained his eyes open with a yawn and a stretch, rubbing his palms along his face. Exiting the tent, he was surprised when his eyes fell on a figure perched atop the cliffside. They were hunched over, their head in their hands and their hair loose from its usual tie. Zuko exhaled, sparing a glance towards your tent before heading Sokka's way.
The awkwardness crept up on him, growing with each step and seizing his limbs in the way it would feel to walk through cold water. The ground crunched under his boots and the sound drew to him blue eyes that darkened upon sight, turning away and returning to their gaze resting upon the valley. Standing behind Sokka, Zuko shuffled on his feet before deciding to sit. His legs hung over the rocky terrace, hands prickled by gravel. Mustering up his courage, he spoke.
"Um, you're up early."
Sokka barely spared a glance, opting to focus on the array of pebbles lining the ground. "Yeah, I guess," he said. "Couldn't sleep."
Zuko nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, for sure."
A moment of silence, and Zuko felt like caving in on himself. It hadn't been this tense between the two boys for a while, not since before Zuko chose good. They were friends, choosing each other's company on errand runs or fishing trips, bonding over sparring and the mere companionship of another friend like themselves. There hadn't been this awkwardness, this distance. But that was before, before you became something more and playful banter had become unspoken competition. But it wasn't ever a competition, not really, and Zuko had realized that. Because the means of your affection were unchallengeable, and Zuko knew who they belonged to. And though the heart of his childhood self may have once longed for yours in return, it simply was not him.
"Sokka," he said, shaking away his uncertainty. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."
Sokka's eyes met his, and Zuko became aware of the soft resignation in his expression. He mustered a smile, that charming grin that always managed to sooth the group's worries, that could put any mind at ease.
"Hey, don't worry about it, Zuko. If this is about what I think it's about, then there's really nothing to talk about. It's all you, buddy."
Zuko's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"
"It's all you. You know, you don't have to fight me or anything. I get that you guys have history and I can respect that, you don't -"
"Sokka, what are you talking about?"
His brows furrowed, confusion glossing over him. "We - we're talking about Y/n, right?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"Then it's fine. You can go and tell her how-"
"-you feel and it'll be totally fine. I mean, I don't care like, at all. If she's happy I'm happy, y'know? And besides, you guys-"
He was talking rapidly now, hoping his words could make up for the hole in his chest. He was loosing you, he just knew it. And to Zuko, no less. Spirits, he did not want to see you with him, didn't want to see you with anyone but himself alone. But you were more important than how he felt, and if you loved Zuko then that's-
His rambling was cut short, and he found himself panting a bit from the lack of air. The look on Zuko's face was disbelieving - some sort of stupidity-laced astonishment accompanied by a mischievous grin.
Sokka swallowed. "Yeah?" he croaked out.
"It's not me."
He shook his head. "Zuko-"
"It's not," Zuko spoke. His words were firm, final. His prince's voice. "Maybe at some point I wanted it to be, but it's not me. I know how you feel about her, Sokka. And I know she feels the same."
His mouth fell open at his commanding tone, at the puncturing decisiveness of his words. The meaning of them set in a moment later. "Are you- are you..."
"Yeah," Zuko smiled. "I'm sure, Sokka."
His blue eyes stared once again across the valley, gleaming with vulnerability and cautious hope. After a moment, he grinned, a breathy laugh escaping his lips. "She feels the same." He spoke it like a child, giddy with excitement and whispered like a prayer. Zuko couldn't help the tug of his lips.
"O-kay, buddy," he said, standing and stifling a chuckle at Sokka's dreamy expression. "I'll leave you to it, then."
He began his way back to the campsite, his friends finding their way out of their tents and filling the air with the beginnings of morning greetings. A second, then a call.
He turned, finding Sokka appearing much more like his old self. "Thank you."
Zuko nodded, and with bittersweet content walked down the slope.
The sun was a red shadow across your eyelids, and the muscles fought to strain it out. You could make out faint chattering, scuffling feet and an aroma emanating from the fire that lured you to your feet. You stretched and yawned, muscles sore from days of traveling and mind clouded with an exhaustion that went deeper than could be made palatable by the nourishment of sleep. You were tired of Sokka's attitude and you had half a mind to excuse him from the luxury of your kindness. Whatever. You weren't going to let him ruin your morning.
Mornings with your friends always held a certain domesticity that never failed to bring a smile to your face. Katara stood, as she usually did, above a pot that no doubt held some delicious combination of fruit or steaming rice. Aang was tending to Appa, sending a smile and a wave your way with a call of "Good morning, Y/n!". You smiled and waved back, offering a call of your own. Toph was still sleeping, and Zuko...was talking to Sokka? Strange...you could've sworn they were fighting at the moment.
You walked over to Katara, winding your arms around her waist and placing your head on her shoulder. "Morning, 'Tara," you mumbled sleepily. "Whatcha making?"
"Rice, and some meat we got from town," she replied, chuckling a bit at your affection.
"Sounds good."
From atop her shoulder your eyes met Zuko's, and he offered you a smile. You peeled yourself off of her and made your way over to him, sparing a glance at Sokka's figure still hunched over the cliffside. "Hey," you said.
He stopped in front of you. "Hey."
You peered over his shoulder. "Sokka's up early."
He straightened up suddenly, eyes brightening. "Uh, yeah! You should go talk to him! You know, just the two of you."
You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Because! You guys are friends, and friends should talk to each other. Maybe he has....something really interesting to say?"
He was just about bouncing on his feet now, and you were extremely confused as to why he was pushing you to go talk to Sokka. Sure, you wanted to, but he definitely didn't. And...why was Zuko acting so weird?
"I guess?"
He nodded reverently, placing his hands on your shoulders to steer you behind him. "Yeah! So go, um, have fun!"
He walked away briskly, and you were left in confusion. You turned to where Sokka sat, leg bouncing and hair loose, just how you liked it.
You guessed it couldn't hurt, right?
Walking up the sloping hill, the view of the valley below pooled out in front of you. Endless green kissed by sunlight, sounds of glistening streams playing like a far-off song. Your eyes fell on Sokka, and your heart tugged. You missed him. You had longed to speak with him, to be alone together in perfect contentment like you used to, but he 'd either shut you down or you'd loose the energy to try again. But maybe Zuko knew something you didn't, so you mustered up the courage and sat down next to him.
His eyes darted to you instantly, widening as he sat up straighter.
"Hi," you muttered, picking gravel from the earth to sift through your fingers.
"Hi," he breathed.
You turned to him and he stared, heart beating rapidly in his chest. He wondered if you could hear it. Your eyes were curious and hesitant, and he felt suddenly shy under your gaze.
"How're you doing?" You asked him, absent-mindedly drinking in the sight of him cloaked in all his morning glory.
"Good," he answered quickly, sharply. "H-how're you?"
"I'm good," you said softly. He stared, seemingly lost in thought, before shaking his head as if in awakening and turning away. You sat there next to him, bathed in silence and uncertainty. For once, you didn't know what to say to him. A moment, then another, and you began internally berating Zuko for his "advice". You were reaching the conclusion that maybe this wasn't a good idea, when an intake of breath from beside you stilled your thoughts.
Sokka's mouth opened and closed, and a war was painted on his face. He wanted to say something. He looked to you, and at meeting your eyes he seemed to grow more secure. He scooted closer, shuffling across the ground so that your knees were but a breath away and you could feel the enchantment of his warmth.
"Y/n," he bit his lip, searching. Spirits, how was he supposed to do this? These were not the conditions in which he'd imagined the truth would arise, but here he was. "Yes?" you questioned, and he calmed. You would listen, you always did. You wouldn't leave, you never had. Finally, he breathed. "I'm sorry."
Those words were out, and everything else followed after.
"I'm so, so sorry. I've been awful to you. I didn't mean to be, but I guess I was just...jealous? I mean, you and Zuko....no, that's not fair. I know you guys are friends and were friends for a long time, but I guess I just...I mean, you were my friend, and then he came and I only realized it then, and then I was upset because you were with him and not with me, and I couldn't even tell you that I realized it because I was being so stupid, and-"
"Realized what, Sokka?"
He paused, mouth snapping shut. Your expression was questioning, a bit lost from his ranting, and he was implored to confess.
"Y/n, I-" He met your stare once again, those e/c eyes that he had fallen so deep into. Deciding words were not for him, he did the only other thing that could possibly convey what he felt, and how much he felt it. He moved forward, grasping your face between his palms. He leaned in slowly, awaiting any signs of discomfort or rejection. When he found none, he pressed his lips to yours.
It was surprising, how soft his lips were. They seemed to carry every bit of warmth that he'd ever shown to you, every ounce of love he carried in his body. He moved smoothly against you, and you melted. Your eyes slipped shut, arms winding around his neck and fingers running through his hair. He kept you pressed firmly against him, and you would have no complaints if you were told you were trapped there forever. His palms cupped your cheeks, thumb stroking the skin. Air was not thought of until it had to be, and you pulled away, though not more than a whisper.
He kept his forehead pressed against yours and you smiled, a laugh pulling forth from your lips. His chest rumbled with yours, stealing another peck from you with a wide grin.
"That's why you were ignoring me? That's dumb, Sokka."
He chuckled. "I know, I'm sorry."
You smiled, leaning up to press against him once again. "It's ok," you said. "You can make it up to me."
taglist: @satans-bae-and-queen
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gemgirl28 · 3 years
Elaborate on your steambaby headcanons, I’m in the mood for fluff
I need you to know how first and foremost how happy it makes me that you said "I need fluff" and came to me because it means I have successfully branded myself as the fluff monster that I am lol. 💜
So I don't have like. Fully fleshed out ideas for my steambabies. They very much depend on the story they are born in, if that makes sense? But what I do have is this (Long post warning).
1. The oldest is a girl and Zuko was already worried about how much he was going to spoil their child and then he holds her for the first time and looks up at him with her mother's eyes and grabs his finger and is just like "Oh my princess. I will never be able to say no to you ever."
2. I tend to write them having 3-4 kids because I really like the idea of them having at least one firebender, at least one waterbender, and at least one nonbender. And there's about .5 seconds where the nonbender feels bad because they can't bend before Zuko steps in and is like "Swords" and Sokka steps in and is like "Boomerang" and Suki is like "Fans" and basically they still are a badass fighter.
3. Building off two, the kids like to gang up on their parents/aunts/uncles/basically any adult who is around to "take them down." Lots of sneak attacks. Lots of shenanigans. Lots of begging Aunt Toph to bend that one column back into place so their dad won't find out.
4. Katara sings to the kids when they are sick. Zuko reads a story to them (Think the Princess Bride)
5. At bedtime they read stories together to the kids. Katara gets really into the voices but is bad at them. It takes a while for Zuko to feel comfortable doing the voices, but he ends up being really good at them.
6. When the kids are little bath time is their favorite because Katara bends shapes into the water to distract them while Zuko scrubs them down.
7. Everything about the steambabies starting to date when they are older and Katara and Zuko being the awkward but supportive parents that they are just makes me so happy.
8. Very into the idea of them having twins and naming one Kya and one Lu Ten. Hakoda and Iroh just bawl their eyes out the first time they meet all the steambabies, but they hold the namesakes just a little tighter.
9. Also very into the idea of the kids going to a public school (or semi-public school) and world history not being a thing till they are around age 10. Katara and Zuko always know they've hit the lesson when the kids come home and are like "You? Saved the world? But last week you were crying over the baby turtleducks" like they are so savage but also so confused because they keep learning their parents/aunts/uncles are these significant world leaders but to them they are just Mom and Dad.
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azulasragdoll · 3 years
Doing the Ultimate Ship Meme with Azulaang just because
Rate the ship -
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - they either divorce early or stay together until death, no in between.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Azula falls in love first but since she doesn’t really know the emotion Aang ends up being the one to say it first
How was their first kiss? - Aang would describe it as “magical”
Who proposed? - Aang proposed about 3 times all times she said no, Azula proposed once he said yes.
Who is the best man/men? - Zuko, Sokka
Who is the brides maid(s)? -Ty lee
Who did the most planning? - Azula would drive herself crazy and be the most terrifying bridezilla ever
Who stressed the most? - Azula, all her stressing made Aang start to stress
How fancy was the ceremony? - Aang wanted a small wedding with close family and friends only, Azula allowed it but the decorations was the finest money could bought.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Ozai
Who is on top? - they are both switches but Aangs usually on top
Who is one to instigate things? - Aang is a curious little thing
How healthy is their sex life-
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Aang could go for hours and Azula tries to keep up hating to admit defeat.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 2-4
How many children will they adopt?- I could totally see Azula adopting a child just because they remind her of herself or Aang adopting any child in need and bringing them home and begging Azula to keep it
Who is the stricter parent? - Azula is extremely strict but she have her random days were she’s care free and Aang has to be the strict one
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Azula
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - They both wake up early to pack the lunches, whenever she starts stressing Aang stops her and begs her to dance with him.
Who is the most loved parent? - Azula believes it’s Aang but the kids have no favorite they love them equally.
Who is more likely to attend pta meetings? - Azula goes more than Aang with him being busy and she loves hearing people praise her kids (the teachers celebrate when Aang attends without Azula)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Aang, he would talk to Azula before and try to calm her down about the whole thing than they would talk to the kid(s) Aang being good cop and Azula being bad cop
Who does the most cooking?- Aang
Who is more picky in their food choice? - Aang is picky about the whole vegetarian thing while Azula’s picky about where exactly her food comes from.
Who does the grocery shopping? - they both go
How often do they bake desert? - Aang bakes more than Azula thinks is ok for the kids cavities but she doesn’t stop him especially if he’s making his delicious apple pie
Are they more of a meat eater or salad lover?- Aang is more of a salad lover of course and Azula is more of a meat eater
Who is more likely to surprise the other with an anniversary dinner?- definitely Aang and Azula would love it
Who is most likely to suggest going out to eat? - Aang had a list of vegetarian restaurants he wants to eat at
Who cleans the room? - a maid and if they didn’t do it properly Azula would do it herself while firing them and mumbling “if you want somethings done right do it yourself”
Who is against chores?- neither they have a schedule about who does what and when, Aang changes it stealing her chores forcing her to take time for herself
Who cleans up after the pets?- definitely Aang
Who is most likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Aang
Who stresses the most when guest are over? - Azula
Who takes longer showers/bathes? - Azula
Who takes the pet out for a walk? - I don’t know if Appa and Momo takes walks but if they did Aang would be the one to walk Appa while Azula walks momo
How often do they decorate house for the holidays?- Aang makes sure everyone in the family schedules a day to make sure the house is decorated for every holiday
Who is most likely to sleep until noon? - Aang
Who plays the most pranks? -Aang, he started a prank war once to this day it’s his biggest regret
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