#Someone update me on the slang here.
graviconscientia · 8 months
What is rizz.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
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Synopsis: A new lieutenant comes to your base—a hot one. Ghost isn’t happy.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,334
I haven’t thought of a title, so I’m replacing it with a picture of Ghost’s expression that perfectly captures the fic’s concept. Let me know if you think of one.
Platonic fluff, duh.
Warning: Lots of swearing ahead of you, British slang as well. Told you, he’s not happy.
UPDATE: there’s a Part 2 now. Things get messy.
Want more?
The rumour mill went into overdrive as soon as the ‘new guy’ arrived at the military base that morning. A former special ops legend with impressive credentials; what’s not to love?
But it wasn’t just his military skills that had everyone talking; it was also his appearance. Rumours of his Adonis-like looks had spread throughout the base, and everyone was dying to catch a glimpse of him. Even the mess hall was dominated by talk of his stunning looks.
What did you think of him? Well, you prefer to take such things with a grain of salt and not put too much stock in them. After all, beauty is a matter of personal preference, and no single definition applies to everyone. So you wanted to evaluate things for yourself.
Okay, fine. Yes, the rumours were true—the guy is exactly as they described him.
The new lieutenant stands tall and proud in front of the line you’ve all formed, his wavy hair coiffed into a deep side part with a thick fringe swooping over one eye. His chiselled jawline is accentuated by a short, perfectly groomed beard, and he gives everyone a brilliant smile as if he’s auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. His voice is booming and almost comically enthusiastic as if he were trying to engage a class of children. He gives orders by pointing at soldiers with gun fingers and winking, causing some of you to stifle giggles.
“All right, soldiers, pay attention!” he says, clapping his hands like a cheerleader. “Today’s tasks are routine: cleaning, organizing, equipment repair, and inventory taking. And, hey, if we pull this off, I’ll buy everyone a round at the local pub! How does that sound?”
Some of the soldiers exchange skeptical glances, wondering if this guy is for real.
But Ghost? Oh. My. God.
Ghost’s agitation becomes too hard to hide as the new lieutenant speaks. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, moving frantically as if eager to be anywhere but here. His eyes keep rolling back as though they’re searching for some leftover patience in the depths of his skull. You keep staring at his crossed arms. They’re so stiff that his muscles must ache from the effort. It’s as if he’s trying to keep them in place, so he doesn’t unleash them and back-slap the hot lieutenant’s pretty face. That, or he’ll let out a primal scream any second now.
“Y/N,” he turns to face you, and you stand at attention, “you’re on border patrol with me today-”
“Y/N is staying with me at the office today,” Ghost opposes him. “There’s a lot of paperwork that needs to be done.”
“Can’t you get someone else to fill out the paperwork?” the man asks, shooting Ghost a wink and a grin.
“Can’t you get someone else to help you with border patrol?” Ghost winks back at him and turns to face you. “Y/N, on your feet, c’mon,” he says, walking towards the building.
You exchange glances with the new lieutenant and shrug. This is too awkward.
“WHENEVER YOU’RE READY, SOLDIER,” Ghost commands, and you dash towards him, brushing past the new lieutenant, who also happens to smell amazing. Of course, he does.
“What the fuck is wrong with you today, Lt.?” You whisper as you run behind him, “where’s the camaraderie we discussed during yesterday’s briefing?”
Ghost shoots you a glare over his shoulder. “Just trying to keep my paperwork safe,” he mutters.
“What’ll happen to the damn paperw-” you proceed to ask, but then evaluate his words; you’re the paperwork.
At the office…
He’s reticent as he sits on his desk—not like he’s a social butterfly any other day, but today, he seems angry. Almost hostile. His eyebrows are tied together, his restless leg syndrome is back, and he takes too many cigarette breaks compared to what you’re used to. He answers your questions with one-word statements when—and if—he acknowledges your presence. Yesses and nos are all you’ve been getting since you entered the office, with the occasional “tsk” he might utter while he looks at his papers.
“Pass me the stapler.” He commands.
“Magic word, Ghost.”
“Pass me the fucking stapler, please.”
You slide the stapler over to his desk. “You’re rude today, Mr Riley.” You comment, turning your focus back to the laptop’s screen.
He doesn’t reply in the form of words. Instead, his feelings manifest themselves by aggressively stapling the papers together.
“Perhaps you’d like me to ask for the stapler by winking at you?” He finally mutters under his breath.
“Like the guy that came in today?” You scoff.
Oh, you have his full, undivided attention now. He turns his chair towards you and leans his weight on his thighs as if you’re about to tell the most exciting story.
“What do you think of him?” He asks.
You flick your wrist dismissively. “I don’t know him well enough to form an opinion. I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone.” You give him a pointed look, hoping to convey your message without having to spell it out for him.
“He’s a fucking bellend, I’ll tell you that much.” He mumbles in response. Guess the message got lost in transit.
“Come on, man!” You shout and punch your fist on the table, “it’s obvious that he’s got you rattled.”
“He’s not rattling me!” Ghost protests, but his defensive tone betrays him.
“Sure, he’s not,” you reply sarcastically, “that’s why you’ve been chain-smoking and stapling papers like you���re trying to murder them.”
Ghost lets out a deep sigh and rubs his temples.
“Is it his looks?” you ask.
“No, it’s not his looks,” Ghost rolls his eyes, “I’m much better looking than him, that’s for sure.”
“Are you...I don’t know, intimidated, maybe?” You shrug, “because you’re worried he might take your place as the top dog around here?”
He looks at you incredulously. “What are you talking about? I’m not worried about that.”
“Sure, you’re not,” you smirk. “That’s why you’ve been acting like a total jerk all day.”
He looks up and sighs. The poor man looks like he desperately needs an ego boost. Beneath Ghost’s tough facade there’s Simon, after all. And Simon is a human being with the same insecurities and worries as everyone else.
“In any case,” you say, trying to comfort him, “nobody takes such douchebags seriously in the army. And I get it; the guy’s trying to make a good impression and all, but, my God, he needs to chill with all the...” you start winking and pointing gun fingers left and right.
He’s so happy he lets out a sharp chuckle. “He’s a fucking nobhead, isn’t he?” He asks, “trying to take charge and acting like he knows everything.”
“Indeed,” you reassure him, “and that cologne, I almost fainted as I passed him; how could you stand beside him for so long?”
“Don’t ask.” He shakes his head.
You reach over and give his arm a squeeze. “Don’t worry about it, Ghost. You’re the most respected operator here,” you say, giving him a small smile, “just do me a favour and give the guy a chance; he has so much to learn from you.”
He nods. “I wanted to neck slap him so hard,” he mumbles, “knock his pretty white teeth out.”
“Which are fake, by the way.”
“Are they?” He asks, shocked.
“100%.” You reply with conviction as if you are the guy’s dentist.
“I knew it.” He yells, slaps his hand on his thigh, and turns his chair back to his desk.
You look at him from the corner of your eye. He seems much more relaxed now. Hopefully, he takes your advice to heart and proceeds with the same resilience and leadership he does on the battlefield. Or, maybe, you temporarily diffused a potential conflict, and the captain will have to get involved pretty soon. Who knows. At least he feels confident in himself now, and the guy’s teeth will live to see another day.
Part 2 ->
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fafefae · 5 months
on the topic of alastor's hatred for vox vs alastor's hatred for lucifer, there's actually a HUGE difference. one is a hatred based in mutual respect and spite (some may call it rivalry, others, kismesissitude), but the other one is just pure unhealthy toxic hatred.
here's my thoughts on alastor's reasoning behind why he hates lucifer, and also some speculation on why alastor seemed so insistent on calling himself charlie's dad when that's so wildly out of character for him in the context of the theory that lilith is the one holding alastor's leash. his relationship (as in, his interactions) with lucifer are not a personal choice; this has his own soul on the line with lilith involved, and it puts him on edge. he's extremely manipulative in "hell's greatest dad" and for the entire rest of the episode too.
but enough about that, in this post im gonna look at alastor and vox, because unlike alastor and lucifer singing "hell's greatest dad", (in which alastor is genuinely fighting to push lucifer out of charlie's life and to keep him gone for ulterior reasons), alastor makes an effort to meet vox as an equal while singing "stayed gone", pushing and allowing vox to push back. his relationship with vox is a personal choice he continues to make.
because by the time vox realizes alastor's back, alastor has been back for a week, and yet it's only when vox announces it on TV that alastor decides to do his first radio broadcast since his return. the radio demon, waiting to do something he loves that he hasn't done in seven years? but that's what he did, alastor waited for vox to initiate something via TV broadcast before jumping in with a radio broadcast.
"did anybody miss him? did anybody notice?"
vox seems really desperate to dismiss how much alastor's return doesn't bother him, how much he doesn't care about where alastor's been, and how much better he's been doing without alastor,
"while he hid in radio, we've pivoted to video!" ... "hell's been better since he split, where's he been, who gives a shit?!"
which REALLY sounds like someone who's been rejected and is bitter about it. and when alastor sings his verses later in the song, that's actually exactly what he says!
"and here's the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team! i said no, and now he's pissy, that's the tea!"
alastor REJECTED vox's offer to be part of the Vees, but then alastor seems to have no trouble meeting vox on his own turf. in fact, he seems to get some enjoyment out of riling vox up, to the point where alastor pretty much admits he kept tabs on vox while he was gone those seven years.
"is vox insecure, pursuing allure? flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working? every day, he's got a new format!"
alastor finds this rivalry with vox enjoyable. one could argue that vox is obsessed with alastor, but i'm gonna argue that the inverse is true as well. alastor is JUST AS OBSESSED with vox as vox is with him, and the proof is in the way alastor speaks.
"instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast" ... "now he's pissy, that's the tea!"
those are MODERN SLANG PHRASES. one of alastor's biggest character traits is that he despises modernity, or really, anything that came after he died. and YET, he updated his slang to not only keep up with vox, but meet him as an equal on vox's turf. "see? i can do it too."
and vox does meet him back! the instrumental of "stayed gone" starts off with some electro technical modern sounds (vox's sounds), but when vox opens up the rest of the song to address alastor in his broadcast, it switches to a big band jazzy sound that's extremely reminiscent of the 1920s-1930s, aka, vox is singing a song that's backed by something that is alastor's theming. this is vox meeting alastor. "see? i can do that too."
because at the end of it all, they're actually both the same kind of demon; they're both focused on entertainment, which truly makes them equals. it's just how they both go about it that makes them different.
vox's domain extends over modern entertainment and two of the biggest entertainment industries (adult entertainment and pop-culture) are already in his pocket. the real leader of the Vees is vox (not velvette, as much as she likes to believe she is). but vox wants all of the entertainment domain under his control; for all that vox makes fun of alastor, he still asked alastor to join his team, because radio and podcasts are entertainment, and more importantly, they're sections of the entertainment domain that alastor will never give up.
vox will never stop chasing after alastor, but alastor enjoys that. he enjoys having something vox will never have, and he enjoys that it makes him equal and relevant to vox. and as much as vox proclaims he'll make alastor wish he'd stayed gone, he knows very well he can't control alastor, and alastor knows this very well too.
and that's what makes him so alluring to vox! vox is used to being able to control people! he easily calms valentino down, he easily hypnotizes the masses, but alastor? vox knows damn well that alastor is his equal. and alastor knows damn well that vox is his equal.
"oh, this will be fun."
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lariej · 1 year
Ghost’s Manc Accent Guide (ish)
listen i’ve seen a few guides written for this fandom regarding writing Soap’s Scottish accent and yeah fair BUT i have not seen one done for writing a manc accent for Ghost yet!!
this is very much gonna be half arsed because while I myself am not a manc, i have grown up in the north west of england and literally my entire family is (Bolton/Denton on my dads side, Sale on my mums) but it might help some people
if something is from Manchester it is Mancunian - just an extra word to use instead of ‘from Manchester’ in writing (also whenever i see it written in fics i go ‘oh damn this author knows what they’re on about’)
now my experience with manc accents as i said before is Bolton/Denton and Sale which have their differences from a Central Manchester accent. to my knowledge we don’t know what area Ghost is from so i could be wrong here
BUT!! generally, mancunian accents will drop Hs at the beginning of words
‘don’t be hanging about’ ends up sounding more like ‘don’t be ‘angin’ about’
one of the most common things I’ve seen is dropping the G at the end of -ing words as well (as seen about with hanging)
you get the classic northern “fuckin ‘ell!”through this which absolutely Ghost would say
this next one might not be a central manchester thing but it IS something i’ve heard my dad do so if you’re writing Ghost with a heavier accent from the outer regions of Manchester this could be of some use to you
‘you was’, ‘I were’, ‘we was’ - just fucking around with the grammar rules really, I’ve found it’s usually with the heavier accents and when ur getting a bit ‘lazier’ with speaking - definitely a very informal thing
also - we don’t say y’all. it is very much not a typical thing for someone to use y’all unless they have a lot of interaction with american content on social media which i doubt Ghost does
instead consider ‘yous’ - this might be more from where i’m from (Lancashire - further up north about a county over from Greater Manchester) but yous/yers are something u hear - again though, very informal and slang like, rarely hear adults say it
I’m not gonna go into much detail with specific mancunian slang simply bc i wasn’t raised there so my knowledge of it is spotty aside from what my family uses but:
arse not ass
can’t be arsed - can’t be bothered
piss off - self explanatory, fuck off
add ‘absolutely’ to damn near anything and u will have a phrase for drunk - go tos are ‘wankered’ ‘fucked’ ‘pissed/pissed up’
bollacks - balls but also can be used as and exclamation when stuff goes wrong
‘shits gone tits up’ - stuff has definitely gone wrong
‘fuck sake’ - usually said with great exasperation and annoyance, emphasis when speaking is on the ‘sake’
hope this helps someone!! and if anyone has any corrections or additions please do let me know!!
Edit: Lots more info and help in the reblogs!! I’ve been updating this post recently!!
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mlichaelm · 1 year
the QSMP is my new hyperfixation and thus, i’ve been dedicated to learning as much Spanish as i can! as well as learning all i can about the different cultures on the server too!! i was inspired by @punkyv ‘s list of words they learned, so i’m gonna make one of my own and update it from time to time to keep track of everything new!!! some of them i knew already, but i added them anyway!
keep in mind most of my translations are googled, cross-referenced with the subtitles, explained by the smp members, or gathered by either my loose knowledge of Romantic languages as well as context clues! any edits i make to existing spellings/descriptions are from users in the comments :) hope this helps!
(update: no longer pinned post)
Eso Brad - reference to a popular latino meme, used ironically after doing something bad or dumb
Mamadisimo - slang phrase (also a meme reference i believe?) used to describe being strong at something, i would equate this with maybe calling someone a Chad?
Tripita - inside joke from Roier’s community!
Anda - a slang term used to express and/or emphasize various reactions, including surprise, disbelief, admiration, and irony
Culero - asshole
Basta/Que basta - “enough!” or “stop!”
No mames - crude, similar to anda in the way it’s used to express disbelief; it means “no way!” or “you’ve gotta be kidding me!”
Pruébalo - try it
Ya tu sabes - you know/you already know
Lo siento - i’m sorry
Me arrepiento de ello - i regret it
Pendejo - dumbass, idiot
Cabrón - bastard
Cómo se dice - how do you say—
Hombre - technically “man” but used informally can essentially mean “dude”
Hijo/hija - son and daughter respectively
Mijo/mija - contraction of “my son” and “my daughter”
Hijito/mijito/hijita/mijita - more affectionate way to say “son” or “daughter”, since the suffix “-ito” means small!
Playa - beach
Mi amor - my love
Gracias - thank you
Muy - very
Peligroso - dangerous
Ayuda - help
Agua - water
Computadora - computer
Aquí - here
Qué - what
Mala/malo - bad/evil
Soy triste - i’m sad (connotation of being a negative or pathetic person)
Estoy triste - i’m sad (connotation of being sad right now, in the moment, rather than sadness as a state of mind)
Seguir - follow
Pato/pata - duck (surprised i didn’t add this earlier, actually)
Gato/gata - cat
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des-no9 · 6 months
Des’ Gith Dictionary
All of these words are created by me (Des) and are derived from existing phrases, words, roots or just pulled from the vibe of the language. 
Most revolve around the githyanki’s meaning of relationships, sex, and love, following my fics centreing around the relationships of Voss and Orpheus. (TW here for mentions of canon githyanki behaviour surrounding pain, raiding, sex and non-con).
NOTE: many of these words are also written with my HC of there being quite a big linguistic drift in their language, beginning when Vlaakith I took power. Many of these words are old and might not be used in modern gith now, but some are. You can read more about my HC about this here - Des' Githyanki language HCs.
You are free to use any of these words any way you like, but if you use them in anything published like a fanfic or meta, please credit me:
twitter: @grabthemhorns tumblr: @des-no9
Sources used linked at the end.
Here is a link to it in a g-doc if you'd prefer and ease of access - Des' Gith Dictionary
Listed Alphabetically (will be updated as I create more)
**Adilshar - first among many
The meaning of this word ‘first among many’ has different connotations depending on context, and for some githyanki, depending on creche, and even city in the Astral. It can elude to a title, a formality, something a little more casual. I’ve seen githyanki use it to refer to their favourite lover or companion.
However, primarily, thousands of years ago it was used largely by those in a position of power to those below them as a title of honour and singling them out to a special, almost near equal respect. In a way, it was levelling someone to your worth. One of the highest honours of githyanki. The first among many. I see you. I respect you. 
**NOTE: Adilshar is a canon gith word, but I have expanded/adjusted its meaning. I’ve only included it here because it has had such a personal impactful meaning to me, my githyanki worldbuilding and vocabulary.
Bhav - speak; talk; sometimes used when addressing someone 
Cha/Ch - bearer/owner/only 
(depends on context and the following word)
Example: Var’cha - star bearer
Da - laugh, laughter
Gi - student of 
Hsha - lie
Hshazi - liar
Htaz’i vo z’varc - literally, death by blood wild
Even for githyanki, this is one of their more unsavoury words. It means, in common vulgar slang, ‘fucked to death’ or ‘fuck and kill’. This is a term githyanki use primarily for their treatment of istiks during raiding, or istik slaves that they keep and then get bored of and dispose. It’s a very derogatory term, but also very common and has lasted from the very early years of the gith, to now. And is even a word that’s heard, and known, from plane, to plane, to plane. Having heard it myself during one of their notorious raids in its exact context from their raiders, it is as haunting and terrifying to hear as you might think.
Ir’gi  (ihr - ghi) student of my pain 
An often intimate word used primarily between new lovers. Can also be used derogatorily or affectionately, or playfully, if two people have known each other for a long time. Nowadays, ir’gi is kept private if saying to one above your rank, and only often heard publicly from the person who holds higher rank in whatever kind of relationship they are in. Good luck to you if you wish to say ir’gi to your superior in public is all I’ll say.
Ir’mir’r’tal - the comfort/safety of my pain
A lost word that some say is used still by the githzerai. A version that was taken and adapted to their current language I have heard to me Ir'm'tal which now simply means 'my safety'. My source? My lips and quill are sealed.
Ir’zai (ihr - zoi) - the honour of my pain
A deeply intimate expression used between lovers/mates to express the meaning they hold to one another. Common translation could be ‘I love you’ but a githyanki would say that cheapens it, the expression so lost in soft istik translation. This is an expression heard still in current githyanki language.
Kalisk - small one; compact
Kalisk’nal - little creature; little beast
Often kalisk is used colloquially or affectionately, so used with ‘nal’ which can mean creature or beast, turns the phrase into something even endearing. Not something one would usually associate with the githyanki. One might think this could be heard in their creches to their younglings, or in my travels I did once have the pleasure firsthand to see a githyanki meet a cat for the first time and exclaim rather joyfully ‘kalisk’nal!’. 
Mar - all; everything
Nal - spawn/creature; strange one
Pa - no/don't/not
Quith’na - literally weak creature
This word is a slang that roughly translates into, in common, as ‘pussy’. The githyanki have varying and sometimes different genitals to those who speak common so it doesn’t translate directly into what those who speak common recognise it as. And although the githyanki use terms of genitals for insults or colloquial speech, do not recognise calling someone by one of their terms as a description of weakness.
Rrav’kil - 
A term of endearment for someone below you in rank. What affection that is, is between the speaker, and the receiver it seemed. This is an old word, and is barely, if at all, used in current gith. It seems to have shifted into ra’stil instead which means ‘ally’ in common. Another language of affection and endearment lost to the githyanki from long ago.
Note: derived from ra’stil - ally (to other gith)
Sh’k’nal - hellspawn
Sh’k - hell
To/T’ - Has several meanings, depending on context and which word precedes, follows. 
Mostly it means: only/one/this/to/of.
T’lak’var - literally, severance.
A very old word from when they freed themselves from the illithid, severing their control. A lot of it comes poignantly from Mother Gith and her power of severing the Elder Brain’s control which therefore, eventually, granted their freedom. It translates to freedom in common, and for githyanki then, and now, it simply invokes freedom.
Note: taken from T'lak'ma Ghir - Sister in freedom (t’lak meaning freedom, here, where ghir means sister, vhir brother, and stil friend in this context. (Although interesting how stil is in jhe’stil which means ‘superior one’).
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I also HC that the githyanki have several different words that translate to freedom, as it is such an important and integral meaning to their people.
T’rac'nal - literal, insane creature/spawn/strange thing 
The common translation of this word is wild or mad beast.  
T’var - literal; only star; one star
An old word that uses var when referring to someone, instead of vah’k. Found in some ancient, forbidden texts that translates, it seems in common, to ‘my one’ or ‘only you’. What we can gather from the context of its use, a declaration of affection, a promise, a title, a threat even, depending on who spoke it, who heard it. Some may say it means I love you. Some may say it’s the githyanki word of marriage. Some say it’s the promise of death. Some may say it’s a feeling, a promise, a bond that anyone other than githyanki will never understand.
Tuj’da - a loud, happy laugh 
Tuj - loud, boisterous, joyful. 
Sometimes this word means free, wild. In the meaning of ‘wild animal’; ‘no boundaries’. 
Va (voh) - go/yes/acknowledgement
Vah’k (vahk) - body/person/referring to oneself; 
This word comes from a very ancient gith language where the word var means ‘star’ from their first settling on the Astral Plane, and being new beings on the Sea. Vah’k can also mean ‘star’ in today’s gith, depending on context. You will find both vah’k and var in ancient texts, to now. It seems vah’k was brought into use around the time of the settlement of Tu’narath, but how widespread its use then, and also if they used var prior to vah’k is unknown.
Vah’k gi (vah - ghi) - lover; literally, student of my body/self
There isn’t really a direct word for ‘lover’ in githyanki society as we’d know in common, but this is as close to our understanding of it. Student of my body. It’s used in many ways, for one night trysts, casual partners, to longer term partners within the githyanki. Although some prefer not to use it if they decide to share their bond longer term. 
For those that develop a more long term and serious bond, the word ir’zai, which means ‘honour of my pain’ is often used more.
Note: ir’zai is derived from sha va zai which I HC is a very old and early gith language, mostly now lost or changed over time, that simply means ‘I love you’.
Vak (vohk) - cut; harm
Note: The closeness in the words of vah’k and vak in their language is notable, as for githyanki so often their expressions of self, identity and love are built upon pain.
Vak’nir (vohk - nir)- literally, cut by silver. 
Githyanki are an intense people, and their expressions are no different. ‘Cut by silver’ when translated to common, we would understand it to be ‘you’re beautiful’. But it is most likely closer to ‘you’re exquisite’, or even, to our god fearing races, ‘you are cut by the divine’.
Vak zharni (vohk - zohr - knee) - changed by time 
literally, harmed by memories
A descriptive, and surprisingly, an affectionate word used by the githyanki to describe the change of time, or an event, has had on someone. Be that physical, or emotional.
Sometimes it’s used casually or teasing, when a githyanki returns from the material after a long period back to the Astral, and has therefore aged, and changed, compared to those back on the Astral who have not.
Author note: I made this one especially thinking about Orpheus and Voss and Orpheus seeing Voss for the first time and how this could be a phrase the githyanki have used/maybe still use to describe how much someone’s physically and also emotionally changed after they haven’t seen them for a long time, or from a past event.
Var’cha - literal, star bearer; 
Another very ancient gith word used to describe the skies of the Astral Sea - ‘skies that bear stars’. Sometimes it’s still used to simply describe something that is aesthetically appealing, sentiment in your beauty (invoking a certain emotion and attachment from beauty, however there’s a different word for that, that was used more), or that something simply looks like the Astral Skies.  
Vhayeri - the future/a point in time that hasn't yet happened 
Can be used in a poignant and significant way. As in “we will meet vhayeri”.
Vo - of/by/my (context heavy, and a more modern and colloquial version of to/t’)
Vo mir’tal - (vo - meer - tohl) - literally, my safety
A lost word in most of githyanki society, however there are some communities that have kept it alive, the meaning often reverting to its literal nowadays. Whereas its original meaning seemed to hold the weight of ‘my lover’ or simply ‘mine’. It was said Gith had favoured this term for her lovers, one especially, whoever that had been.
z’var - blood
Z’var’zai - (z - vohr - zoy) - literally, blood honour
This can be used in different meanings such as the literal, to give a blood honour, to pay a price in blood for Vlaakith, your jhe’stil. Or to describe a wound or injury because of an honourable thing a githyanki did for someone (however this seems rare, and used more in the older days of the gith). 
Often it’s translated and used as ‘worth of blood’ or ‘blood beauty’ to describe someone’s war or battle wounds as something another githyanki appreciates in that person, admires, or desires them because of it.
Z’vart’rac (z - vohr - t - rak) - literally, blood insane
This term is more for battle bloodlust, but sometimes spills over to other feelings between gith, gith and istik or other scenarios. 
Z’varc (z - vohrk) - a derivation of the above ‘z’vart’rac’, blood insane.
Blood insane to blood lust, but carnal. If you ask a githyanki what it means in common, they’ll probably say something itense like ‘blood wild’ or ‘bleed me dry, fuck me wet’. Mates and lovers started shortening the original version to this one, and it’s lived on to now heavily through their raiding culture. This is one of the words of the githyanki that is more understood in the feeling, tone, that simple meaning. Trust me on this.
Zhak - bruises
Zharni - memory
Sources used:
Githyanki Vocabulary used in BG3 Gith dictionary of the Forgotten Realms Tir words of Planescape  Mordenkainen’s Tome Of Foes Archive of Vocabulary and Grammar of Tir by bluebeholder on AO3
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irrlicht-writes · 4 months
Hi! So I've been writing a fanfic (etched into your bones) for longer than I thought I would and if you've checked it out (do now if you haven't yet, I still know how to write) you would realise that Alastor is using quite the slang in there. As I'm posting the chapters on ao3 massively late (around 3AM my time) I don't have the werewithdrawll to comb back through and find the slang I've used to translate. I had planned to make the last chapter a full translation, but since that gets being pushed back, I will do it here. Slang list under the cut! And do check my fanfic out! (I hear it's quite passable.)
Quilt: alcoholic beverage that keeps you warm
Di Mi: My goodness! / Holy shit!
Bunny: someone who's lost, but endearingly
Sockdollager: event/action of great importance
Clip Joint: night club with rich patrons
Flat Tire: indicating one's date didn't meet expectations
Blue Serge: a real sweetheart
Absent Treatment: dancing with an inexperienced/awkward partner
(It's) Jake: (it's) fine/okay
Cash or Check?: Kiss me now or kiss me later?
Cast a kitten: throw a temper tantrum
Hit on All Sixes: nail it one-hundred percent
Ish Kabibble: Who cares? / No worries!
Ankle: (to) walk
Tell it to Sweeney: Tell it to someone who would believe that!
Bushwa: Bullshit
Don't take any wooden nickels: Don't do anything dumb!
Bimbo: macho man
Hotsy-Totsy: attractive, pleasing to the eye
Sheik: attractive male
Bluenoses: someone deemed a killjoy
Dewdroppers: lollygaggers, a slacker, often unemployed
Kick the Gong Around: to smoke opium
Whoopee: have a good time / fuck
Middle Aisle: getting married
Bank's closed!: Stop making out!
Wurp: someone seen as a buzzkill
Zozzled: shitfaced
Darb: wonderful; splendid
Alarm clock: chaperone for a social event
Torpedo: a thug, hitman
Icy mitt: rejection from the object of desire/affection
Insured: to be engaged to marry
I will update as I drop more slang, naturally. I hope this helps! If I've missed any, let me know.
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sgiandubh · 4 months
Anon rebelde.
Me voy a meter en un jardín pero creo que la mala hierba de cierto blog dedicado a un sujeto que quiere, necesita y ansía ser anónimo así que no se que misión tiene en si ese blog, está alcanzando tamaño como para darle un repaso y dejarla en su tamaño de ego preciso. Las nuevas/viejas fotos de GETTY han sido una novedad para el fandom, fotos recogidas en distintas plataformas y publicadas en ellas a razón del sesgo de cada cuenta, y si, esas fotos no aparecian en los antiguos post del portal a la que alude como si fuera la biblia de GETTY así que no me sirve esa triste excusa de actualizaciones de fotos, son fotos nunca antes publicadas como la UNICA que ella publicó porque esa si que se ajustaba, con calzador eso si, a su narrativa. Entonces una si y otras no ? Señora de las iniciales en mayúsculas, como las rubias de Sam, sea mas coherente con sus excusas de mal pagador que no hay ser más patético que el que no sabe retroceder o por lo menos guardar silencio ante un muro de realidad porque si no corre el riesgo de que, hasta su media docena de notas, se avergüencen de su idiotez.
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Disculpe esta publicación tan retrasada (48 horas) de su excelente envío. Como bien sabes, estos dos últimos días fueron bastante intensos. No voy a añadir más comentarios sobre lo que tan elocuentemente escribiste. No fue fácil de traducir, pero me faltaba ese argot madrileño (Alguien y yo preferimos hablar en francés, solo porque somos 2 pijos muy, muy #tontos). Y por mucho que me gustaría dejar de lado este maldito tema, también soy de la opinión de que se debería animar a la gente a expresarse. Así que aquí va la traducción, para que la disfruten todas nuestras amigas./Please excuse this very much delayed posting (48 hours) of your excellent submission. As you well know, these last two days were pretty intense. I am not going to add any more comments to what you so eloquently wrote. It was not easy to translate, but I was missing that Madrid slang (Someone and I prefer to talk in French, just because we are 2 #silly pijos). And much as I would like to put this damn topic to rest, I am also of the opinion that people should be encouraged to express themselves. So here goes the translation, for all our friends to enjoy:
'I will probably overanalyze again, but I think the weeds of a certain blog, dedicated to somebody who wants, needs and craves anonymity (and I do fail to see what could be the main objective of such a blog), have reached that size when they need to be cleaned up and that ego trimmed to reasonable proportions. The new/old GETTY photos have been a novelty for the fandom. They have spread on other platforms, too, where people shared them based on the agenda of each account. And yes, those photos did not appear in the old posts of that webpage to which she alludes as if it were the GETTY Bible, so that sad excuse of photo updates doesn't work for me. These are never before seen photos, and so is the ONLY one that she published, just because she did manage to shoehorn it into her own narrative.
So that photo is ok, but not the other ones? Hey, Block Letters Lady (just like Sam's blondes), you should really bring more than lame excuses to the table, because there's nothing more pathetic than someone who doesn't know how to push back or at least remain silent, when confronted with reality. If you don't, you risk to make even that half dozen likes you get for your posts feel ashamed, because of your stupidity.'
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Bangkok Traffic Scene. Taken by me, April 2009.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Al haithem leads the creator to the oldest known record of human language. A stone that has "sus" etched into it.
a h –
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💀 stop this madness- what do u want from me,, aHH- what do u waNT- PLEASE-
Omfg. Awful thought:
Everytime there's a modern "update" on memes and trends and slang, Teyvat finds like another documentation of it 💀
Sumeru archeologists (Creator specific ones would exist too i would think..) is an absolutely reliable field,
Bc unlike here, those stone slabs or murals just keep showing up deep in sand dunes or hard to reach nature areas (like enkanomiya etc), and are made in order to "reflect/update" to our modern lingo bc it needs to keep a record bc its "Teyvat history" to them 😭
(Like the world itself is adding that shit, and the Irminsul wants to know)
Stop no get of my head no more thought head emtpy
Its the wine yall i gotta go to bed-
Also heyyy, u may have noticed i have slowed down, i am mostly sad not bc of yall pressuring me not at all, im just ready to not be a student anymore!!
Bc I got uni starting back up again/senior semester graduation, so kinda crazy + car trouble this week :/
Anyway, ill be updating more on the weekends!!
So if ur interested in my insane ramblings, look out for my ass groovin out to yalls asks / requests on the weekends :)
(🚧Also cant wait to be working on those 100 follower event postssss *construction noises resume*👷✍️🚧)
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book-of-legends · 5 months
[Response to this reply from @ask-team-misfit]
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The Meowstic seemed to stare in confusion momentarily as he attempted to process all of the information Lief was saying. When he finally did, one thing stood out from the rest.
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"Um. I'm... not sure what you mean by that. I don't understand how spice tolerance is related… Is this some kind of new-age informal language?" Sirius seemed extremely confused at this.
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"I really don't get out that much, Is 'spicy' a common slang term Pokemon use now? ...Maybe I need to catch up with the outside world more..." It appears being stuck in his office constantly was starting to take a toll on his knowledge of current trends.
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"But to answer your questions... You're actually the, um. Third or fourth intruder? I've lost count already, it's all quite stressful I just got back from a job a few hours ago." He sighed before, thinking over Lief's other questions, they were good but a little hard to explain in one go.
"I'm sorry but I think you might be mistaken, we do not fabricate the U-gates. We can make parts to repair them, yes. But it's virtually impossible to make a deity U-gate. Every time a U-gate attempt has been made by us mortals, they're limited to in-universe travel only. The U-gates I specialize in fixing are made from god magic, they're a type of Hoopa ring. Mortal-made U-gates are under an entirely different subject." "Asking me to explain those is like trying to ask someone who raises Magikarp to tell you how to take care of a Feebas. They're both fish but they have completely different needs."
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"Shutting down a gate is... a complicated subject. I could go into the process of how a gate is 'closed off' but I fear we may be here for a while if I do. I will try my best to sum it up, however." "If we're discontinuing the use of a U-gate we're required to assess why, report back to Earendel and if we're able to, contact the Keeper to discuss the matter further. A common reason U-gates are discontinued is because they're located in either feral universes, extremely dangerous ones or the U-gate is just completely broken." "At that point, it's a matter of removing the core safely, dismantling it and bringing it to Lunala for disposal. After that, we ban or remove the universe from our star maps."
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"And yes, we can control the gates. That is what the Keepers are for, they help everyday travellers operate the U-gates and be sent on their merry way to whatever universe they'd like." "We keep star maps updated so Keepers can do their jobs. I hope that satisfied your curiosity!" He gave a smile before nodding. "If you have any more questions I'm happy to get into it further."
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magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
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Yeah so I decided to update Susan's ref sheet because oh my god it's so fucking ugly-
But yeah, I'm much more satisfied with this one because I've developed my style for drawing these fuckers a lot better and the pose radiates more personality.
Old ref: https://www.tumblr.com/magewolf-the-artist/743345425139040256/on-this-episode-of-walten-files-brainrot-heyyyyyy?source=share
Here's her bio with a couple add-ons:
Apparently she's British (Her accent is still a mystery to me but I've seen a couple people say this so ehhhh). So my headcanon is that her family immigrated to the US when she was four, so while she does have an accent, she doesn't really say any slang. Occasionally she might call someone a twit (affectionate) or a twat (derogatory), but that's about it.
At some point during her fun little maze adventure, the neck cables that held up the animatronic head snapped due to the constant pressure of Susan's broken ass neck forcing her head to loll to the side. While at the facility she found that she can use metal ties to hold the cables upright. She has to tighten them constantly though or else her vision will be forced into portrait mode
Ashley fixed the cable while she, Kevin, and Hilary were there and Susan is forever grateful to her
She probably accidently breaks it again through something stupid like bumping her head against the door frame or something and boy oh boy was she PISSED
On that topic, she tries her best to upkeep her and everyone else's bodies but there's only so much she can do with limited tools and slightly worse motor skills (imagine doing a task that requires very precise movements through winter gloves and you'll pretty much get the idea)
She refuses to repair Bon though and tells him to figure it out himself.
She's become way more snappy, short tempered, and easily frustrated after her death. Trauma, baby!
Susan kinda acts as a shoulder to vent to whenever anyone needs to talk. She can’t really offer much in response or comfort since A, she’s the type to push things away and compartmentalize, and B… well, she can’t exactly promise everything’s gonna be okay, now can she? Still, sometimes it’s nice to just talk
Some days though she just kinda… shuts down emotionally. Just kinda lays on the floor and can’t find any motivation to get up or do anything. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, staring blankly into space
Charles usually stays with her during these episodes and depending on the day, he either just sits with her quietly or rambles about random shit like he did when they were alive
Her sleep schedule was super fucked up when they all came to the facility because she was used to being up and around at night. It's gotten better but she still sometimes wakes up buttfuck early and has come to appreciate the serenity of the nights (RETCONNED)
Probably the most casual about her death, as opposed to Rosemary's crying and Charles desperately trying to change the subject
She walks with a very distinctive shuffle, something she picked up from her fun little maze adventure because the weird shuffle walk helped lessen the pain she put herself through and conserved energy. It used to be a lot more pronounced but it's faded slightly overtime
Usually hangs out with Charles
Is constantly exasperated by Charles' antics
To pass the time she either plays card games with Charles or organizes the tools in the maintenance closet
She tried to talk to Rosemary when they were first brought to the K-9 facility but only got silence in return. She's kinda just given up now and mostly leaves her alone
Is the most familiar with Bon's abilities and didn't even bother trying to escape the facility because she knew it was futile
Helps coach everyone but Rocket on how to move
When helping Ashley figure out to move she probably made an off-handed comment like, "if you think that's hard, imagine having to learn how to do this while being alive" and only realized Ashley had no context for that when she gave her a very confused and worried look
Hates Bon's guts and is usually annoyed/angry with him
She also hates Felix's guts, but everyone does so it's not anything special.
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mountingpulisic · 1 year
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don't you call him baby
we're not talking lately
don't you call him what you used to call me
you had just gotten engaged. 
you were getting married to someone else. 
you were going to marry someone who wasn't him. 
the two of you had been separated for two years now, having gone your own ways after a tactless late night in january. 
fearing the possibility of rejection, mason had held off on any efforts towards a reconciliation and now it was his biggest regret. 
having a strenuous time accepting the news that declan had announced over the phone, mason had wondered if his childhood best friend could hear his heart fracture over the phone, if he heard the subtle gasp. 
mason didn’t want to cloud his brains with thoughts of you and your new fiance. he didn’t want to think about how you were probably calling him baby, a term of endearment you had used to speak to him.
i, i confess i can tell that you are at your best
i'm selfish so i'm hating it
i noticed that there's a piece of you in how i dress
take it as a compliment
mason wasn’t exactly thrilled when he caught wind of the official engagement announcement. he still followed your mum on social media, and she didn’t shy away from posting her daughter’s recent engagement. 
you looked blissful as you stared up at your fiancé with love struck eyes, the biggest smile was painted on your lips as you held your left hand up to the camera. 
mason wasn’t impressed with the size of your engagement ring like most people who commented were. it looked as if it was weighing down your ring finger and it wasn’t even your style, you had enjoyed more of a simple antique look. he only knew of this because one night the two of you stayed up, hopelessly planning a wedding from the tiniest detail of what fabric the napkins would be to the color of the groomsmen’s ties. 
he knew he was being selfish when the idea of commenting on your mother’s post entered his head, mason knew your mom was you guys' number one supporter. he wondered if you knew she still called to check up on him whenever she got the chance, giving updates about you. 
mason tried to rack through his brain for any moment your mom had mentioned the new leading male role in your life, but he came up empty. 
only memory that stuck out to him was when your mom told him how there’s a piece of him in the way you dressed. her knowing when you wore old jumpers that had belonged to him. she told him to take it as a compliment that you didn’t toss them out, to take it as a sign.
i, i just miss
i just miss your accent and your friends
did you know I still talk to them?
does he take you walking round his parents' gallery?
the one thing mason missed most about you was your accent. he would always poke fun at how you would pronounce certain words. being originally from american, it took you a while to adjust to british slang. 
mason also missed your friends. 
he still occasionally talked to them, checking in here and there.
your best friend had invited him to her birthday party a few months back, hoping to bring you both to your senses when it came to recognizing the mutual pining between the two of you. she wanted mason to stop asking her if you had moved on from him, if you had missed him in the slightest. 
being a firm believer on girl code, she never told mason how sometimes when you had gotten dangerously drunk on a girl’s night out, she would have to force your cellular device out of your hand. you would whine about how you just wanted to hear mason’s voice, to tell him you still loved him, that you wanted to give you guys another try.
waking up the next morning, you had always thanked her for saving you a lifetime's worth of embarrassment. 
however, the reunion never came due to you canceling at the last minute. you told y/bf/n that thomas, your boyfriend turned fiancé, was taking you on a surprise date to his parent’s gallery in france. apologizing, you had promised her the two of you would celebrate when you came back into town. leaving her to care for a drunk mason, having drowned himself in alcohol when he found out you weren't going to be of attendance.
don't you call him baby
we're not talking lately
don't you call him what you used to call me
“mason, what are you doing here?” 
letting his heart lead for once instead of his head, mason found himself on your doorstep. 
he had gotten your address from your mum, telling her that he needed to right his wrongs, or he was going to spend the rest of his life regretting that he had not.
you stood in front, perplexed at the reality of him actually being there. doing a once over, you noticed how much he had changed in the last two years. his shoulders were broader, and he had let his facial hair grow out into a stubble.
he had looked amazing.
mason as well took the chance to check you out, taking in your current attire and his heart had summersaulted when he realized you were wearing an old jumper of his, your favorite if he remembered correctly. 
before he had the chance to speak, thomas had called out, asking you who was at the door at this time of night. 
“baby don't worry, it’s just the neighbor’s son. his just asking if we have seen his cat.” you lied, keeping the door at the perfect position so thomas couldn’t see mason properly. ushering for him to go back into the kitchen, you turned your attention back to mason. 
too absorbed in his jealous thoughts on how you called someone else baby, mason didn’t register that you had stepped outside to be with him. 
“mase, it's late and it's freezing. what are you doing here?” concern was washed over your entire face as you silently closed the door behind you.
mason bravely spoke.
“tell me that you love him. tell me that he is the only guy you can see yourself marrying. tell me that there is no chance in hell for us to rebuild what we had. tell me so i can move on.”
mason’s heart was beating a mile per minute. he had desperately hoped you couldn’t properly tell him that you truly loved your fiance, he wanted you to confess that thomas was just a placeholder until mason was able to grow up and be the man that you needed, that you deserved. 
you were stunned, mouthing gaping open like a fish out of water at his testimony.  
“mase, where’s all this coming from?” 
“tell me y/n and i’ll leave you alone.” mason pleaded, any once of self-respect thrown out the window as he begged you.
“I love him.” you whispered ever so gently. "now move on."
don't you call him baby
we're not talking lately
don't you call him what you used to call me
“stop, y/bf/n, i wanna talk to him! heeey, mmasseey boy. its you're pretty girl, y/n. I miss you, i miss you sooooo much. do you miss me? I hope you do. i’m getting married next week and if i’m being honest with myself i wish it was going to be you at the end of the aisle, not thomas. he is a great guy, don’t get me wrong but he isn’t you masey.  well y/bf/n is trying to get me off the phone so i gotta go beautiful boy, call me back when you get this. I looovvvveeee you byeee.” 
“If you would like to repeat this message please press one.” 
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the-nosy-neighbor · 15 days
Wave Up High! You're the Most.
I have been curious about this one for a bit, and have seen a little discussion on it. Why does W's sign off in "News" change?
The different sign offs we have seen:
Happy New Year, neighbor! Now make like Barnaby and have a ball! (1/13/2023) Related to New Year's, "drop the ball"
Have a wonderful day! Show the world your best smile! (1/15/2023) Maybe we just haven't established it yet?
More information will arrive as we prepare for this exciting installation! Stay tuned and remember to wave up high! (2/25/2023) 1st instance of the phrase, "remember" isn't what I think when I think of this phrase. The first time I visited was in March of 2023. Maybe closer to April. I think the guest book was still open at that point.
So many guest signatures… So many of them are trying to communicate. What are you telling me for? Do you think I can answer. What are you trying to do to me. I’m closing that guest book, I’m not playing this game anymore. The ringing is enough. (Unknown) Too sad to sign off properly? W is pretty upset.
We believe that concludes everything our beautiful website has to offer in this most recent update! As always, thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day! Don’t forget to wave up high! (7/22/23) Here we go, that's the one we expect. This is the first big update I was here for.
Until then, have a happy Halloween! Don’t forget to wave down below! (10/13/2023) This just seems a twist on the phrase for Halloween? Demons and whatnot.
Don’t forget to wave up high! Ho ho ho! (12/25/2023 stated date, but actually between then and March 9. I think on the update, it was updated either immediately or the next day. Based on awayfrompryingeyes.net, it is in March 2024) Back to the general statement.
Please remember to wave! (3/9/2024) From the post "Mistake." They are thrown off in this one, having realized the date was wrong. Also, they blame someone else for the mistake. No, they refer to themself as a separate person. "I assumed it was still December." to "the individual posting this must not have been paying proper attention." Are they trying to duck the blame? Is there more than one person in their person? Or are they suggesting that someone else wrote it, they posted it, and neither of them knew it was March/
On Away From Prying Eyes:
Don’t forget to wave up high. (3/2024) On this post, they are back to the most common statement of the phrase.
This is a hard one. It is interesting that it starts with something else entirely. In my mind, it was always "don't forget to wave up high." I always assumed it was supposed to be some kind of slang from the time period, in the same way "you're the most" is.
This interesting theory believes it is a reference to puppeteers: https://www.reddit.com/r/WelcomeHomeARG/comments/15m4j5b/dont_forget_to_wave_up_high_and_wallys_eventual/
And that does make sense, given the orientation of the puppeteer--
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(Got to love those bell bottoms. I wonder if those are adidas or k-swiss?) Any dancing of the puppet, and some dialog have to be a wave for the puppeteer. Henson was known for several kinds of puppetry, but this style here was often called a "Hand-rod muppet." For more information about muppeteering, visit: https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Puppetry_Techniques.
So, the important point is this: if it is a phrase that puppeteers would use, is W a puppeteer? Was that their original interaction with the material? I don't think it is referenced outside of the "News" section, or hasn't been so far.
The Most
I can't find a history of the phrase "the most" but it is agreed that it evolved in the beat subculture from the late 40's to the 50's. People in the movement were known at "beatniks." Based on a quick search, some consider them different movements. But a common representation of them are like so:
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This is Danny Kaye in White Christmas doing the number "Choreography," which is a lighthearted jab at the new generation and their art movements rejecting tap for interpretive dance and popular music for jazz (though in truth, they were already exploiting the heck out of jazz during this period in mainstream entertainment).
Anyway, Audrey Hepburn famously played a beatnik at least once. The trappings are: black beret, turtlenecks, winged eyeliner, bongos, coffeehouses, smoking, jazz, snapping instead of clapping, cool cats you dig, and a general sense of being unwashed. This movement is a counterculture, darker way than the bright and happy hippies, that focuses on deep thought and creation of important art instead of common entertainment, most likely built on the model of the Parisian coffeehouse movement of the 18th century.
Far too much detail just to say that "the most" is an old term even for the run of the show, in the late 60's to early 70's. I wonder why Wally would make such an old term his phrase? Looking up slang from the show's period, we have such gems as "what it is?" (though, like a lot of slang that gets popular, it was originated in the African American community) "peace out," or "keep on steppin'." If he wanted to be current, then he'd go with "groovy."
I wonder if it isn't just that old slang doesn't anger parents, whereas old folks tend to judge the up and coming generations harshly.
I’m curious about other indicators of the time placement. Could Wally be an older puppet than the others?
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rosyandraw · 1 year
Hi I love you. I’ve been carefully waiting for you to update 🤍 but also I do have a question! I noticed that you made Damen a Scorpio, and Laurent a Taurus in NMFY. Was this intentional? Because I saw on capri twt someone made a timeline to show Damen & Lauren’s 6 year age gap, and their most likely birthday. And Damen being a Scorpio and Laurent being a Taurus totally fits 😭🤍 In case it was totally intentional and you wrote it based on the books, you’re absolutely brilliant and I love you more. I wanted to know whether you’re into zodiac and have opinion to their zodiac compatibility pairing
I LOVE THIS AND I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING (also I just updated when I said I was going to lmao, for once!)
Sorry my answer is so long. But here is my essay on Scorpio Damen and Scorpio/Taurus compatibility.
I haven't seen the timeline, so I did it based on the books and then my own opinion of their characters. I'm really into astrology. I'm into spiritualism too and I'm an eclectic neopagan (not that you asked lmao)
Laurent is late spring, so can only really be a Taurus or a Gemini based on the information we're given in the books. And I think Taurus is more Laurent's vibe.
We know they're 20 and 25 during the books which kicks off around June time but by Marlas, which would have been early spring/March Damen was already 19 and Laurent was approaching 14. So Damen's birthday has to be later than September as the books only span 3 months (being generous) but before Spring (battle at marlas).
Then it was just a matter of deciding what I felt vibed best with what we know of them. I toyed with a few for Damen but none of them felt right -Capricorn, Sag, Libra- they just don't fit him very well.
I think Damen fits a Scorpio for so many reasons, mostly because they're incredibly deep but don't really show it. They're charismatic people quite naturally but they can also be ruthless. They're also -like Taurus- extremely loyal.
Scorpio people feel very deeply, they can be great leaders, resourceful, passionate when something is important to them, they love challenges and tend to be fucking fearless when they see obstacles.
You’re probably thinking "but Scorpios are manipulators" and yes. They can be and I would argue that Damen isn’t the kind of person that manipulates on purpose but, as with most scorpio’s, he is charming when he wants to be and often charming people don’t recognise their influence on the people around them. He is also smart and strategic and his manner of looking at things coupled with a natural charisma often influences situations and the people around him without him purposefully thinking let me manipulate this. Manipulation doesn’t always equal sneaky, sometimes it references a natural sway and I think Scorpio is often this kind of person. Especially because they are almost always confident they are right and confidence is everything when you’re influencing a situation or person, whether you know it or not.
Scorpio is often calm and collected. They feel deeply but don’t show it the way you associate with the other water signs. They can be violent when pushed and can be relentless with it, whether it’s a physical fight, a slanging match, or a cause they believe in Scorpio is IMPOSSIBLE to fight with. They keep their heads, they aren’t prone to lashing out or to displays of emotion but they can and will absolutely ruin you if you get them there. If they were a sin I’d say it might be Pride.
We know from Canon Damen is very cool and collected in high stress situations. He compartmentalises to a fault, he doesn’t EVER let his situation get the better of him in terms of his emotions. I am talking explicitly about his ability to keep his shit together when in fight or flight and his decision making ability in high stress situations. And of course his penchant for not letting himself feel the horror and sadness of everything that has happened: Kastor, Jokaste, his dad dying, being stabbed by his brother, the post, Ancel etc.
He feels it very deeply but he doesn’t let it show, he doesn’t let it rule him and he doesn’t acknowledge it pretty much all the way through the books.
Scorpio is deeply self aware (not always emotionally) and there isn’t a single instance in the book where Damen doubts himself. Not even in chains. He doesn’t even really doubt Laurent even when Laurent throws test after test at him. There’s a loyalty and surety there.
In terms of sex and romance scorpio is the sign of sexuality which matches nice with Taurus because they are the sign of sensuality. We know Damen’s only two outlets in terms of his emotions are fighting and fucking. He is a deeply DEEPLY sexual person and he has so much passion in him that he literally walks into the lions den with an I love you and some big fucking balls. Like??? Who else but a scorpio would have the AUDACITY to do that shit?
Prone to one-night stands and expression through their bodies Scorpios will only truly be satisfied when they find the ONE which again -so is Taurus. And when they do they are loyal and passionate and tend to spend their teen years and 20s being fuck-boys and hoes until they realise they want more.
Sound familiar? The second Damen fucks Laurent there is no going back for him because he’s found the person that can satisfy both his intense needs: sex and the emotional intimacy he’d been craving (but ignoring) his whole life.
When Scorpio’s find the one they want the literally merge their lives and hearts and become the power couple WE kind of people.
Intelligent, loyal, strategic, dedicated to the people they care about, they work well under pressure, are focused, resourceful and hardworking. They enjoy the chase; they are competitive and they like a little mystery in their romance. When in love they are unshakeable and loyal and passionate above all else. Their kind of love can be too intense for most people but Taurus WANTS that security and the assurance, Taurus thrives on being the centre of someone’s world and no other zodiac sign will do it quite as well as Scorpio
Taurus and Scorpio have a lot of sexual energy between them and natural compatibility. So I think it makes a lot of sense, Laurent and Damen's chemistry on page is stellar and it is INSTANT.
I think any time I read an enemies to lovers I assume they have birth charts that are compatible because Love and Hate are so closely aligned. Hate is such a passionate sentiment, I don't think it's possible that two people like that don't have some natal compatibility/facets that make for glorious tension.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble and thank you for this because it was so so much fun to word vomit about it haha! 💕💕
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abidethetempest · 10 months
Eliksni Formal/Informal Speech and House Dialects
The Eliksni discord server lovingly bullied me into making this post so if you're upset that this isn't an update on the Null Composure lore translation its not my fault /lh
long stuff under the cut bc this post got away from me (but then again, dont they all?)
Levels of formality (aka register) is a topic I have always wanted to include in Eliksni but haven't been able to develop highly yet because, well. kind of need to get the basic language down first. Speaking of, the Eliksni seen in pretty much all of my current material would be known as neutral Eliksni. It is neither formal nor informal, the kind of speech you would use to address someone of your rank or lower who you aren't particularly close to (or perhaps you are close and youre simply being polite. Socioloinguistics is complicated).
Informal Eliksni is what you would use with a friend, family member, or ✨lover✨, if youre into that sort of thing. It displays a level of intimacy and closeness, even more so when used in a formal setting. Who you use informal register with, and when, depends not only upon your rank relative to theirs, but also the kind of image you both want to potray to others. Examples of informal speech are few and far between so far, but here are a few things that are decidedly informal:
slang terms or contractions. one example from my lexicon is "eima", a portmanteau of the words for yes and no; used as a word to say “it depends, kind of/sort of, maybe” or a rhetorical prompt for agreement like “isn’t it?, right?”
dropping the rank honorific from someone's name (not quite as informal or impolite to do, but definitely implies a certain degree of closeness)
Formal register is used to address someone of higher rank or who you want to show respect to. Formal register is also used in poetry and traditional storytelling. It's the safest way to go when speaking to a stranger for the first time, tho with someone of equal rank you don't have to go all the way. Sticking to little stuff like full formal greetings is usually polite enough.
there is a unique pronoun in formal speech known as the "formal you" (why yes, i do speak a little German and it does influence this conlang. however did you guess?) as the name implies, this pronoun is used to refer to another person in the formal register. For true, ultimate formality, you can even abandon it entirely and refer to someone with their full name and honorific all the time. This is Capital F Formal though and can border on obsequious or mocking.
unlike neutral and informal, you cannot drop the subject of statements that refer to the same thing as the preceding statement (this is occassionally okay to do in writing if you need to save time/space, such as giving a report)
the conjunction mroks (meaning "for) is exclusive to formal speech-- mostly in poetry-- and replaces the conjunction liium (meaning "so"). When this happens, the order of the sentence must be flipped.
House Dialects
A topic I am also going to expand upon more later, since I haven't thought of that many ideas yet. Here all the bits what I have so far. Mostly based on headcanon.
House Judgement:
High Speak is a concept referenced only twice in the lore, both times referred to specifically as being the speech of House Judgement. Therefore, this register is primarily used in writing laws and-- you guessed it-- passing down judgements. It can be applied to other kinds of speech, but the only House that ever used it that way was Judgement. I have no examples yet bc there's a grand total of two canonical words in High Speak in the lore.
House Rain:
Rain dialect pronounces the sound "aa" as the same sound as the "ey/eh" diphthong when it comes at the beginning of a word. This arose due to a shift in pronounciation in other Eliksni dialects; at one point in the past, all Houses pronounced the "aa" sound as "ey" when it came at the start of a word. Other Houses shifted to pronouncing "aa" the same in all positions, but Rain preserved the difference in their speech and spelling.
House Kings:
Talk about pretentious-- Kings consider themselves so above the other "common" Houses that they use formal speech for almost everything, even among close friends. Getting a King to refer to you without an honorific means they must really like you... or they're insulting you. Could go either way.
House Wolves:
Their dialect is taken often as the "standard" Eliksni due to the high volume of recordings and translations done of their speech during their time among the Awoken. Odds are good any kind of field guide to Eliksni would be Wolf dialect. The only other concrete idea I have for Wolf dialect is that is more rigid about word order rules (such as where adverbs or secondary verbs may be placed in a sentence.)
House Devils:
Seen as a "lower" or less polite speech by other Houses, especially Kings. Informal speech is used with greater frequency between those of equal rank (and occassionally even to one's direct superiors). This is not, as often assumed, because the Devils have a disrespect for authority or traditional House hierarchy; it is more due to a cultural emphasis on unity and House loyalty, a focus that helped them function with a Kell for so long after the death of Solkis. Dividing the House so rigidly through every aspect of life, including the words you use, is not something that appeals to the Devils.
House Exile:
Lack of a traditional House command structure means a breakdown of the rank-based registers among Exiles, and as such formal speech is nearly non existent.
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sweet-star-cookie · 4 months
tell me about perseus and orion!
Sure :D I've discussed them a little bit in the posts about the zodiac companions, but I can elaborate more on their personalities and dynamic with each other specifically here. Also I'm working on Orion's updated design sheet literally right now so you get a sneak peek at some new art that I'll be posting soon haha! Percy's reference is also currently an amalgam of art from various years, but it's good enough for now.
Perseus - The Hero(’s Monster)
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Cursed with a paralyzing stare and monstrous appearance from his constellation's prior lineage of monster killing, Perseus is prone to hiding himself from others. He may share a name with the famous hero, but longs for a truly heroic path of his own instead. Though he can't actually turn anyone to stone with his gaze like the legendary Medusa, his aversion to eye contact is a byproduct of others fearing that he could. If caught off guard or near someone who has never seen him before, he will specifically hide his eyes if he can't hide the rest of himself in that moment, usually using his shield to do so. He'll then warn them not to look at him, assuming they will scream and run away if they did (and many have before). His prowess in combat is largely out of necessity for his own survival, though he does refine this skill later with Aries. Despite his ability to think and speak like any other sapient being on the Astral Plane, many still consider him to be a monster like Cetus or the previous incarnation of Hydra, and thus any particularly zealous "hero" would try to hunt him down. Even his own brother, Hercules, would use this as leverage to stage fights to "defeat" him in front of others. And, inevitably, these fights would hurt a lot of those people too. Hercules would always convince his brother that it was for the greater good, but Percy was always the one between them who ended up hurt in the end too, physically and mentally.
Perseus tried to be the hero he always wanted to be, someone who kept others safe and protected during an actual monster attack, but was ultimately betrayed. He lost part of his right horn from a blade swing intended for his neck, as the wielder assumed that Perseus was the monster that was attacking instead. Hercules claimed to "save" him by moving him in time, despite putting him in that situation in the first place. After that, Perseus gave up on his heroic desire and leaned into his monsterhood as much as possible to ward everyone off for good, and started lurking around Aries's arena. Despite being in a spirit world already, many believed that the arena was "haunted" by something, as most who dared to venture in were met with Percy's sharp teeth and glowing eyes. He is also capable of a wide range of growls, screeches and roars that echo through the hallways and shake the arena's walls. It wasn't until Aries defeated him in battle and learned of his plight that the ram decided to take Percy under his wing and train him as his own.
Because of his reclusive tendencies, getting Percy to socialize is quite the task at first. Even after he gains friends, some of that awkwardness remains, but most find it charming more than anything. He doesn't understand idioms or slang very well, thus confusing him when taking the phrase literally. For example, if you described something as "cool" he might tilt his head and say "I'm not cold, are you?"
Though often nervous and quiet, Percy is actually very sweet when you get to know him. His life has been pretty insular up to this point, albeit not by his choice, but despite everything he still possesses a young curiosity about the world. He has to do much to combat his low self-esteem, but he gets help with that along the way.
Orion - The Hunter
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Once a notorious name, Orion lived up to his title's legacy as a ruthless hunter of the creatures of the Astral Plane, alongside his dogs Canis Major and Canis Minor (I don't have any art for them yet, sorry ^^')
They become loyal to him through their shared love of the thrill of the hunt, but with one caveat. Rangifer (The Reindeer) warns Orion that, should his hubris continue to go unchecked, the loyalty of his dogs will waver. And should they ever turn on each other, they will be turned to stone. Of course, Orion ignores this warning and vows to kill Rangifer to prove it, as he is one of Orion's stronger and more elusive targets.
The art you see here is Orion's current appearance, but he was fully human initially. While he was successful in killing Rangifer in the end, the deer cursed him with his current appearance as one final act of revenge. Though Orion is blind and cannot see himself, he can feel the transformation as it occurs, and he starts to piece together what's about to happen as he feels the antlers on his head.
As Rangifer warned, Orion's dogs turn on him, thinking he is now the prey they must hunt. They claw and bite him like they would any other catch, but soon turn to fighting each other over the kill. True to Rangifer's warning once again, they are then turned to stone. This experience teaches Orion the fear of his prey, and also how much he relied on his dogs to hunt at all.
Given his notoriety, Orion became a target of Hercules. Though with malicious intentions of his own, Hercules wished to use Orion as yet another way to falsely position himself as the "hero" who defeated him. Orion is rescued in time by Taurus, another target of Hercules, and they escape.
Orion isn't exactly grateful for his rescue, however, now seeing himself as bereft of any purpose at all. He stays in his prison cell on his own volition. Unfortunately, he is also one of the spirits that gets corrupted by Void magic and falls to Earth, and while corrupted he reverts back to his ruthless hunting instinct, seeing no other way while stranded in a foreign place. But, with Cassie's (and later Taurus's) kindness, Orion slowly starts to see a new path forward. He is then able to find ways to use his hunting skills for tracking rather than killing, and adopts a gentler and more peaceful attitude.
Eventually, Perseus and Orion meet via being companions to Aries and Taurus respectively, and they quickly bond over their shared desire for redemption and new purpose. Since Orion is blind, a lot of Perseus's appearance-based insecurities are largely negated when around him. Orion, already much further along in his journey to self-actualization, has much confidence that Percy can do the same and helps to guide him. He is a calming presence in contrast to Percy's more anxious demeanour.
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