#Source: Daily Lives of High School Boys
incorrect-kaguya · 1 year
Kaguya: We started dating!
Shirogane, Fujiwara, Ishigami, Iino: *surprised*
Fujiwara, to Shirogane: Why are you surprised?!
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Drevyn: Blair and I have started dating.
Sapphire: [gasps]
Cas: [gasps]
Blair: [gasps]
Sapphire, shoving Blair: Wait, why are YOU surprised?!
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yeoldenews · 3 months
hello! i was wondering if you (or any blogs you think might know?) had any resources for edwardian fashion, more precisely edwardian teen fashion? i'm writing a story centering on two edwardian ghosts and would like help on their style of speech as well if you can't help on the fashion aspects. thank you!
In my opinion, if you want to be able to portray the authentic feel of a time period, there is nothing better than diving head first into primary sources.
Whenever I start any large research/writing project that’s centered on a particular year, I usually spend at least a couple of days just immersing myself in the era.
We live in an extraordinary age when it comes to primary source research (especially for the early 20th century) - there are literally millions of period newspapers/books/magazines/films/recordings floating around online.
Find out what books were popular and check them out! Read the newspaper! Listen to popular music! Watch silent movies or newsreels!
For teenagers, school yearbooks are a particularly great source to get an idea of how young people spoke, their senses of humor, common slang, casual fashion, as well as the daily routines and general vibes of the time period. Most universities have their yearbooks digitized and available online and can be pretty easily found on google (try searching: [year] [location if desired] yearbook digital collections).
As for fashion - there are so many great fashion history tumblrs, that it’s pretty hard to go wrong if you just explore the “Edwardian” or “1900s” tag a bit. One thing to keep in mind though - most dresses that end up in museums were owned by very, very rich individuals. So, though a great place to start, scrolling through blogs full of museum pieces to learn about fashion history is roughly the equivalent of learning about modern fashion by only watching Chanel runway shows.
By the Edwardian era most young people were wearing pretty much the same thing as adults by the age of 14/15. You were, however, starting to see the very beginning of what would become the modern “juniors’ section” - usually termed “Misses’” for girls and “young men’s” or “collegiate” for boys. Here are a few examples of this can be seen in period catalogs from 1912, 1911 (starting on page 21) and 1908. 
It’s also important to keep in mind that fashion changed much, much more quickly than it does now. A woman in 1906 and a woman in 1911 would have noticeably different styles and silhouettes. I'd recommend scrolling through some fashion plates (going to shout out chic-a-gigot here who has a great collection of French fashion plates organized by decade and year) to get a basic handle on how the silhouette changed year by year.
In my past life I was fashion history specialist for high-end auctions, so I could go on in A LOT more detail about this subject, but I'm going to end it here before this gets too long.
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houserautha · 6 months
hcs about giedi prime as a planet in general?
I am SO GLAD you asked!!!!!! Hold on to your butts because a lot of this is probably just me rambling
• Harkonnens are obviously a very proud people. In my mind it’s a war planet that loves combat and conquering. It’s also canonically heavily, heavily industrialized
• SOOOO a lot of their culture and traditions revolve around the warrior/high productivity mentality
• House Atreides canonically has roots in Ancient Greece, so I think it’s fun to play with Harkonnens ancestry. I don’t know if there’s anything canon but I like to think that they at least have adopted some of the social/cultural aspects of Sparta (I know it’s basic but hear me out)
• Obviously because Sparta was known to be military-focused and just because their brutality and social structure seem fitting with what’s in my head for Giedi Prime
• Children, boys and girls, are ruthlessly trained at a young age and conditioned into little warriors. Propaganda of the great Harkonnens shoved down their throats
• I think that women would have some power, similar to Sparta. Obviously not as much sway as other planets might have but they’re educated and trained to fight because what’s the point of a weak individual?
• Combat is their greatest source of pride and entertainment so fighters are basically celebrities
• If you live to old age on GP then you’re either the baddest bitch around or a coward and your social acceptance will depend on how others perceive you
• the black sun basically sucks out all color so they never even bother with colorful clothes or buildings and that’s why they always wear black (also it’s badass) (also this might not really be a HC but)
• GP is devoid of basically any plant life so their food is pretty dull and flavorless unless you’re wealthy enough to import spices and the likes
• The black markings that Feyd sports on his chest in the movies are tattoos, each bar corresponding with an inordinate number of people killed in combat. Most Harkonnens will only have one or two if that
• they actually have hair (albeit shaved close to the head) until they graduate their training school and then they’re inducted into adult life by dunking their heads in this acidic formula that permanently kills the hair follicles. It’s also a show of strength and resilience and not everyone survives this.
• No hair = nothing to grab onto in a fight
• Not very many animals can survive on GP and if they do there’s a 1000% chance it will kill you
• they would crumple so fast without all of their technology, they depend very heavily upon it not only for jobs and exports but also daily life
And more HCs will be included in These Destined Ends, particularly ceremonies such as weddings, births, funerals, etc 🫣
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zepskies · 10 months
Why We Love the Boys
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As promised, here is my review of Supes Ain’t Always Heroes. I actually used to write book reviews in my high school journalism days, so here we go!  
What this book is: A masterful deep dive. A study on character psychology, the source of the comic and show’s inspiration, and the narrative themes illustrated in The Boys that parallel American culture and our real lives.
It includes interviews from one of the comic’s creators, Darick Robertson, The Krip himself (Eric Kripke), and actors Jim Beaver (Robert Singer), Aya Cash (Stormfront), Chace Crawford (The Deep), Jessie T. Usher (A-Train), Nathan Mitchell (Black Noir), and of course, Jensen Ackles (Soldier Boy).
It also includes a small but significant ode to the creativity of fans and fandom (with a mention of fanfic writers)!
I’ll admit, I felt seen. 😊
Who wrote it: Psychologists Lynn S. Zubernis and Matthew Snyder. Zubernis is a self-proclaimed fangirl of not only this show, but Supernatural and Eric Kripke in general. (That aspect definitely comes through in her writing.)
She is also editor of Family Don’t End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Changes Lives and There’ll Be Peace When you Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural. Both of which I now want to read.
Several other authors also contributed to this book, as their expertise and backgrounds lend to the subjects they’re covering, such as racism, sexism, the entertainment industry, the comic’s inception, and more.
Who wants to read this book: Anyone who enjoys learning about what makes characters tick. What drives their choices, their sense of morality and justice, and their trauma and strife that lead them to do heinous things. This book will help you better understand your favorite characters (and how to write about them).
Perhaps most importantly, this book is for anyone who wants to read it put into words, why many of us love The Boys, as well as Supernatural.
In a way, the latter is more escapism entertainment than The Boys. Because in this show, there isn’t much, if any escape.
Despite this being a “superhero show,” as we all know, it’s so much more than that. It’s a mirror held directly into our own faces: about why we enjoy heroes and antiheroes, and excuse the “bad behavior” of the ones we like.
About mental health, grief and loss, nature and nurture, coping mechanisms and the importance of choice in dealing with trauma; of racism, sexism, misogyny, weaponized social media, politics, corporate greed, and the power (and cruelty) of good marketing.
This book explores the true villain of the story (and it ain’t Homelander).
I’m going to get into my favorite aspects of this book—as well as an amazing chapter on Soldier Boy’s character study (and why we love him, perhaps too much).
Though in my opinion, it was missing one small, but key thing…
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The Mirror of The Boys on Screen
This world is a gritty, bloody, and at times all-too realistic take on how superheroes would be if they lived in our world.
They are the worst of celebrities, professional athletes, and politicians all rolled into one. They are the shiny products of a company and are marketed as such. And they often buy into their own hype.
Some of my favorite quotes on this topic:
“The Boys often reflects darkness in our real world that is uncomfortable to watch. While we go through the tedium of our daily lives, trying to get by and using television or comics as an escape, it can feel difficult and overwhelming to confront the very real and insidious sources of authoritarianism, nationalism, and corporatism that are not just part of a story. “This show holds up a mirror and forces us to catch a glimpse of things we need to question, and asks us why we so easily believe the talking points of systems with marketing departments and press flacks behind them that carefully massage every word in order to get us to feel enamored with their product or policy.” (p. 227-228)
“The Boys works to reveal the nonaltruistic, sociopathic nature of contemporary US corporate culture. In a sense, The Boys uses the behavior of its characters to diagnose not an individual, but a culture.” (255)
In studying narrative I’ve learned that the best fiction and art serve to reflect the human experience. In this case, it’s something The Boys does expertly, even though it’s packaged in extreme, shocking, and often uncomfortable ways. But also in brutal, hilarious satire that’s fun to watch.
It “exposes real-world abuses, revealing many” of our own frustrations in American culture and in life in general (267).
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Major Themes & Questions Explored
Several Boys themes are explored from a psychological, cultural, and narrative point of view, as I mentioned earlier. These are some of my favorite segments:
Toxic Masculinity & Narcissism
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A whopper in The Boys, and the main theme of season 3. This book defines clearly what both of these words actually mean from a psychological point of view.
It also takes the bad taste out of your mouth that you might get from just hearing the words “toxic masculinity,” as it’s a phrase that can be carelessly thrown around to describe men and character traits that aren’t truly toxic.
How being emotionally available to your loved ones and not repressive of your feelings doesn’t make you weak, or less of a man. And how “being strong” doesn’t mean being physically violent and domineering. (AKA: the Big Swinging Dick™️ in the room.)
Narcissism is explored in a very interesting way. The book gives a diagram of different aspects of narcissists and how each character (Soldier Boy, Homelander, Butcher, and the Deep) falls into them.
Soldier Boy, for example, is classified as a “Classic Narcissist,” while Homelander a “Malignant Narcissist.” <- This will play into SB’s character study, and the main difference between SB and Homelander.
Butcher, however, displays narcissistic tendencies but is not, in fact, a narcissist. (More of an antisocial sociopath. Yay for him.)
Misogyny & Sexism
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The classic superhero world of comics dates back to the 1930s and ‘40s. It has been, and in many respects still is a (White) male-dominated industry, where in narrative, female superheroes typically work under a male leading the team, as in Justice League, Teen Titans, and the Avengers.
As much as I love DC and Marvel comics, female characters have also been drawn wildly sexual for male readers and the male gaze, and non-supe characters have been written primarily as love interests and damsels for the hero to save. (Think Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Mary Jane.)
Modern adaptions have given female characters more agency, but their foundations were rooted in underlying sexism and the mythic hero—an Odysseus-type with certain characteristics of male strength and heroism. And that goes all the way back to classic literature, like The Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Epic of Gilgamesh.
In The Boys, the female supes go through the same issues as their comic counterparts. And they are treated how women are treated in the real world—marketable as sexual objects. (Starlight’s forced costume change is a prime example.)
Author Danielle Turchiano argues in the book that the women in power at Vought (Madelyn Stillwell, later Ashley) are given only so much power as men like Stan Edgar and Homelander give to them.
Stillwell, Ashley, and even Stormfront “drink the Kool Aid” of the misogynistic infrastructure of Vought, but they’re not truly “powerful” in and of themselves. (112)
And I would add that the only female characters that have or find true agency are Grace Mallory, Annie January/Starlight, and Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve. Even Victoria Neuman is trying to work the political schematic and Vought by operating “within the system” Vought has created.
Mental Health, Trauma & Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
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This is a huge section, and rightly so. It kind of spans throughout the book, really, because all of these characters have traumas that inform who they are as adults making the (often grotesque) choices they make.
For many of these characters, it stems from their upbringing and fraught relationships with their parents, whether explicitly or implicitly explored in the show.
Butcher: Is an antisocial sociopath with narcissistic tendencies. Arrogant, emotionally manipulative, violent, and obsessive. He was also physically and emotionally abused by his father, led to use drinking and violence as a means to cope and express himself. His rage is so deep under his skin—he loathes himself for it (and his father), but struggles immensely to escape it.
Homelander: A malignant narcissist, the height of arrogance, and emotionally manipulative. He lacks empathy for others' pain, and in fact enjoys inflicting it. Yet he was a sensitive, gentle child who only wanted connection and love. Vogelbaum raised him like a lab rat and fostered him in a cold, detached cell. He was raised to be entitled and to believe he was an all-powerful god, the lord of his own kingdom within his mind, excused from the responsibility of his actions.
Soldier Boy: Also a narcissist; violent, arrogant, misogynistic, and often indifferent to the damage he causes, emotional or physical. Yet he was also emotionally abused by his father, who set high and exacting standards for what it meant to be a man. It drives Ben to try and prove his worth to his father, though he’s never able to. It fosters the lack of self-worth he feels as he seeks validation through fame and what he believes power to be.
These three characters have many similarities, but also notable differences that set them apart from one another. And both Butcher and Soldier Boy use substances like drugs and alcohol to cope with their traumas—ones that their forced stoicism and sense of manhood won’t allow them to easily express.
“We see Soldier Boy use substances almost continuously in season three to deal with his PTSD from the childhood emotional abuse he received from his father, the betrayal and assault from his team, and the torture he endured from the Russian scientists.
“In the short term, the use of drugs and alcohol to avoid thoughts and feelings about traumatic experiences can be felt as helpful, but in the long term, it hinders one’s ability to process emotions and can cause a deeper depression from the guilt and shame of both avoidance and substance abuse.” (27)
Heroes, Antiheroes & Villains
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This book explores two key questions that the show encourages you to think about:
Who the hell is the hero of this story?
And who is the villain?
The surface-level answer is that Homelander and other supes like him are the villains, and Butcher and his band of bros are the heroes (or antiheroes). But they commit just as questionable, sketchy, and downright murderous acts as the supes they’re trying to take down.
“Butcher is not really a good guy. He’s manipulative and self-centered. His reasons for wanting to take down Homelander are utterly personal. That it serves the greater good is almost a coincidence.” (9)
And if Butcher is not a hero, but a vengeful vigilante, then why do we root for him so much?
Well, we see his incredible flaws. But I sympathize with his struggle in losing his wife and the life he could've continued to have with her. I root for the underdog going against the hydra head of Vought and the psychopathic Homelander.
And I see in Butcher, as I also do with Homelander and Soldier Boy, their traumas and their internal conflicts, their deep-rooted self-loathing, and a desire, deep, deep down…to be loved.
(And to foster connection with others, even if they’re unable to sustain them.)
On the flipside, we have antagonists in this show who do truly heinous things. What makes them compelling and even sympathetic, yet again, are their painful upbringings that have shaped them to be who they are. The supes of this show are byproducts of being treated like products.
Like the saying goes: Villains aren’t born, they’re made.
That’s why the real villain of this story is Vought International. It’s an allegory, and an indictment of the ruthless corporate greed that pervades American culture—and much of the world.
It’s why Stan Edgar is sometimes scarier to me than even Homelander (and was the true villain of my story, Break Me Down), if far more insidious.
Speaking of BMD, let’s get to it, shall we?
Here’s a (lot) bit about the Soldier Boy section of the book.
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Soldier Boy: Why We Can’t Hate Him
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I had to laugh out loud at the title of Soldier Boy’s chapter:
Loving the Villain: The Confusing Case of Soldier Boy
I’m not gonna lie. I felt called out. 😂
It is a confusing dichotomy. Soldier Boy is an absolute asshole. Misogynistic, narcissistic, arrogant, callous, violent…
But also deeply traumatized, a man-out-of-time, emotionally abused, byproduct of the historically and culturally different time he was raised in, a man who just doesn’t get it…
And also charming, adorably grumpy, and undoubtedly attractive.
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It’s hard to indict “Ben” as an unredeemable villain in the same way I do Homelander, the psychologist-labelled Malignant Narcissist.
Therein lies the main difference between Soldier Boy and Homelander: Soldier Boy doesn’t take joy in harming others the way Homelander does. But he still harms people, whether he means to or not.
Zubernis confirms many of my own conclusions and ideas about Soldier Boy, and why I still rooted for him to be better, and didn’t want him to die at the end of season 3.
As Zubernis rightly exclaimed during her own watch of the finale: “Noooo, don’t kill the Danger Grandpa Baby Murder Kitten!” (175)
Because Jensen did what he does best in his roles: He made us feel Ben’s pain.
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“What’s funny is, in regard to Jensen playing Soldier Boy, you know he’s fucking fantastic, he’s just so good at bringing the audience, and it’s almost like—what I laugh about is, he was probably a little too good at his job!” Kripke said. (180)
And he continues, “In part it’s because of the fandom. So many people took his side in the finale, they’re like, Were’s on his side, fuck everyone! And you’re like, but he’s the bad guy and he’s trying to kill a ten-year-old.”
Were there fans who held this viewpoint? I’m sure. There are some radicals who don’t give a fuck and will side with their favorite character, come whatever. But while I can’t speak for others, that’s not how I interpreted that moment in the season 3 finale.
Yes, I think Soldier Boy was (wrongfully) willing to fight Ryan. Do I think he would’ve killed him? I’m not sure. I think he would’ve done what he had to do to get Ryan out of his way in his fight with Homelander. Maybe he would’ve been more violent than he intended, in the callous collateral damage he’d shown throughout the season, or maybe he would’ve gone that far, if provoked.
It’s a tough call, as I think this character can go one way or the other in terms of his “villain” nature. We just haven’t seen enough of him in the series yet for me to make that conclusion on the canon-version of Soldier Boy. (In fanfic, I’ve explored my own interpretation.)
But overall, I think The Krip once again underestimated the power of Jensen’s acting.
…And the ardent nature of his mostly female fanbase. 😂
Why We Love Soldier Boy
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The author cites multiple reasons for why we love Ben more than we probably should:
It’s Jensen Ackles. Fair enough. His talent speaks for itself.
Soldier Boy’s backstory: He was emotionally abused by his father and as a result, he has a complex regarding his self-worth, “something to prove,” and a secret need for attention, validation, and praise.
He has trauma and PTSD: He is displaced from what is familiar to him and confused when the boys find him, and that is the least of it. He’s been tortured for 40 years. Can you even conceive of that?
He’s charming: in a sexy grandpa, adorably grumpy, lovable asshole kind of way.
We’re drawn to danger: dangerous “edgy” types are fun, especially when you’re physically attracted to the character.
He has his moments of vulnerability: Jensen’s ability to play the nuance in the character is the ultimate draw. I felt his pain, could see his torture, and his resulting PTSD. He longs for a family, even if his ability to bring up those children is questionable at best. 😅
But I think the one aspect the author doesn’t consider is the character’s capacity for change.
Soldier Boy’s Potential
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Again, I don’t think you can write off Soldier Boy’s potential for positive character development the same way you can Homelander, or even Butcher.
For one thing, we just haven’t spent enough time with the character. A lot of his collateral damage after he escapes imprisonment has been accidental, or PTSD-induced. Though we can’t discount how he murdered M.M.’s grandfather via collateral damage (and was callous about it).
I think this is what drew me to write about Soldier Boy. “For all his arrogance, his chauvinism, his massive ego and general bastardry, there’s still humanity in Ben.”
In the book, Nathan Mitchell also says something amazing about his own character (Black Noir) that resonated with me about Soldier Boy as well:
"One of the ingredients of a compelling character is contradiction. How does one aspect of our personality contradict with one another? [...] Who is he underneath? How might his true nature contrast with the demands of his job?"
Or coded for Soldier Boy/Ben: The pressures he puts on himself to be the type of man he thought his father wanted him to be.
Again, his sexist, misogynistic ideals are shaped by the time he was raised in, by being a product of Vought, and of his father’s emotionally abusive upbringing. Does this excuse or justify all of his behavior? Of course not.
But I think those 40 years in captivity changed him from the careless alpha dog we saw in 1984 Nicaragua…
He admits to Crimson Countess, with tears in his eyes, that he’d loved her. That he waited for her and his team—arguably the only social system he has in his life—to save him. He’s gutted to realize that not only did she and the rest of the team never love him, they hated him. They traded him for nothing. Just to get him out of their lives.
For all he claims to be afraid of nothing, tough as shit, he is afraid when he goes to face Mindstorm. He knows what the supe is capable of, and he visibly takes a shaky breath and tries to steel himself.
For a moment, he drops the “Soldier Boy” persona that he wears like a fine tailored suit. And he tells Butcher that the backstory Vought created for him was a lie; he grew up a rich kid who got sent to boarding school, but flunked out, because "he was a fuck up." And his father couldn’t be bothered to discipline him, implying he didn’t care enough about his own son to even lay a hand on him.
He is reluctant to kill Homelander when he finds out he’s Ben’s son (sort of). He even claims that he would’ve been willing to share the spotlight “with his own son.” — Something I doubt even Homelander would do.
Ben even seems to be fighting tears when he levies the same vitriol at Homelander that his own father did at him:
Homelander: “Weak? I’m you.”
Soldier Boy: “I know. You’re a fucking disappointment.”
Let me be clear. I don’t think it’s up to someone to change him (like a love interest). I don’t subscribe to that thinking, that a woman can “change” a man.
For example: In season 2, Butcher tells Becca, “Who was I before you? Nothing.”
And yet, she tells him that he put her on an unrealistic and unsustainable pedestal, in which she felt like she wasn’t allowed to fully be herself, unable to keep him from flying off the handle in rage. That kind of relationship (where one is dependent on the other to “keep them in check”) doesn’t work as a lasting, satisfying redemption arc, and it doesn’t work in real life either.
I do think, however, that a person is capable of change if they’re broken down enough (pun intended), and if they themselves have a desire to change. Someone they encounter can inspire them to be better, like Butcher with Hughie. That person can help support the other.
At the end of the day, however, it’s Ben that has to want to change.
If he wants love and connection, he’ll have to somehow want it, and try (and sometimes fail) to get it, thereby giving him agency and a redemptive character arc.
Now, obviously, it’s up to The Krip where Ben goes from here. He seems to have a more indicting vision of the character than I do (at least, so far). But we’ll see! The fan demand to bring back the character has already had Kripke confirming that Soldier Boy will be back.
Maybe it will encourage him to give the character a more satisfying ending than Dean Winchester got in Supernatural. Though granted, that one wasn’t his doing, apparently he was in favor of the ending the writers came up with.
Comparing Dean & Ben
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In his interview segment, Jensen talks about what, if any, are the comparisons between Dean Winchester and Soldier Boy. AKA: Wanting a father’s approval, and an undercurrent of “John Wayne”-esque masculinity in John Winchester that Dean sought to emulate.
Jensen also talks about where he drew from to not only embody the character of Soldier Boy, but bring nuance to him—and show the peeks of vulnerability under the bravado and stoicism.
“He’s so fragile and his ego is fragile. Just like Homelander. These bigger-than-life powerful heroes really have a glass jaw… “And everyone walks on eggshells around him [Soldier Boy], and they tell him that they love him, and it’s the same with Homelander. Then when all of a sudden he faces his old team and Crimson Countess says we never loved you, we hated you—that’s a gut punch for him. Because even though on some level he may have known that, he never thought he would hear it. “And he probably propped himself up around trying to believe otherwise, because how can you walk around knowing everyone you’ve ever cared about hates you? It’s too painful.” (191)
It really is. And I inherently felt this about Soldier Boy/Ben when I watched season 3 for the first time. That’s exactly what I got from his performance and thought, there’s more to this guy than the toxic masculinity he represents.
This guy just wants to be loved, like everyone else. He wants to feel important, and even after his father’s dead, “show him” that Ben is the man his father wanted him to be. And so, he bought into the illusion Vought painstakingly crafted for him.
Whether he can come back from that remains to be seen. But I choose to be optimistic until evidence points to the contrary. 😅 (We’ll see in season 4!)
So that’s my personal take on Soldier Boy and this awesome book. 💚 Thank you again @kaleldobrev for recommending it to me! I hope you all enjoyed my long-winded review and want to check this out.
And if you do read it, I hope to read your thoughts as well!
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Tagging people who said they wanted to read my review on this book: @venus-haze @jessjad @kristophalis @sl33pylilbunny
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tatsumessy · 1 year
You took my heart, and gave it a home - {007}
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you, rin and all the blue lock boys are classmates in your final year of high school. both of you have to work together on a project so thankfully yours good friend bachira was way too excited to give it to you, but who knew that would turn into everyone you know and love finding out your worst secret.
Itoshi Rin x fem reader
physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, alcohol abuse
Taglist 💕
@shikamiru @babbymario @oppirate-blog @little-charlatan @vilarawaltn @miyuaditt @beidousbubz @saeswifeeee @heartstealer-law @sheeshizzy @justxiao @tsukishiro-yue2402 @bbg-blue-lock
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Rin stood by his car after practice waiting for Isagi to come out of the locker room. He decided to send you another text hoping you would reply but nothing, “you ready?” Isagi asked walking up to the car along with Bachira and Nagi. “They’re coming too?” Rin asked unlocking the car and getting in the drivers seat.
“So… apparently y/n’s mom died before we even joined high school. So she’s been living with her dad this whole time.” Isagi spoke looking out the window watching his surroundings. “She said she had no idea who her dad was.” Bachira whined from in the backseat.
“We’re here.” Rin spoke parking the car and getting out, everyone followed behind him and walked up the apartment stairs to the third floor. Walking down the hall they could hear yelling coming out from an open apartment. Luckily it happened to be your apartment, when they approached the doorway they all stood in the doorway looking into the junky apartment.
The living room had broken beer bottles and trash everywhere, boxes, papers, any junk that’d seem dirty as hell was in your apartment. A pained scream came from the back of the apartment followed by some yelling. Rin and Isagi walked in and noticed more clutter down the hallway, Isagi looked around the room studying everything.
The way you hold yourself to a high standard on a daily basis would not live in a place like that. You’d never step foot in a place you couldn’t be comfortable in, Rin had already walked down the hallway towards all the commotion.
It was your room, you were huddled up in the corner with blood all over your hands and you were crying into your knees. There were two other people in the room, your father and a woman. They were arguing with each other, Rin couldn’t pay attention to them two only to you.
“Y/n.” He said bending down to make sure his voice was reaching you, “Y/n look at me.” You flinched when his hands gripped your shoulders, looking up through teary eyes you cried harder seeing Rin kneeling infront of you. His face softened seeing your face, you had a busted lip and a small gash by your eye, “come on get up, we’re getting you out of here.” He started to pick you up under your arms but quickly stopped when you screamed out.
“Ahh! Fuck stop stop.” You quickly tapped on his shoulder while pressing down on your stomach, Rin looked down seeing where the main source of blood was coming from. “HEY! YOU GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER.” Your father yelled at Rin but he chose to ignore him and keep his attention focused on you. “Y/n you need to get up.” Rin spoke trying to help you up again, “no no no, I can’t just stop. Leave R-Rin.” You choked out feeling the blood clog up your throat.
“I’m not leaving, you got fucking stabbed. You need to go to the hospital.” He started to put pressure on your wound looking back to see the woman had a knife up to your fathers neck. “Hey kid, get her out of here. The cops should be here any minute.” The woman spoke and Rin didn’t hesitate to hook his arms under your legs and arms easily ignoring your cries as he walked out the room with you.
Nagi and Bachira were looking at the two of you with shocked looks on their faces. Like she said you could hear the police and ambulance outside the apartment complex just like that. “Put me down.” You said and Rin refused holding onto your tighter. “P-Put me down Rin.” You coughed into your hand spitting out a line of blood, Rin’s eyes widened as he hurried out the apartment past the police coming up the stairs and towards the ambulance.
Isagi, Rin, Bachira and Nagi watched as you were out onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. One of the EMTs looked back at the four and asked if one of them was riding with, “No! I’m going. I’m her aunt.” The woman from earlier smiled at the man and hopped into the ambulance.
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daifukumochiin · 3 months
Summary: Sasuke's orderly life at elite Sairiumu Academy is disrupted by the arrival of Hinata, a timid transfer student whose obvious crush on him, a young man dedicated to his craft and his current relationship, stirs unease. (Initial SasuSaku with SasuHina endgame, modern Norse myth AU, high school, angst, romance, photography, postmodern-ish fic). Rated T
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BOWS, and
an entry for SasuHina Month 2024, Day 27 : Forget and Remember
(for peachy-hina, since December)
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ffnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14369143/1/Lights-Bows-and-Mistletoes
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57030778
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Part 1: Lights
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iv (Warning to my fellow sasuhina fans: sasusaku content ahead)
Their parents weren't well off when he and Itachi were very young; their father, a young but ambitious engineer from a working-class family who lived in public housing, and their mother, a college dropout turned insurance agent who didn’t make big sales but had a knack for getting downtown and central business district professionals to confide even their best-kept secrets to her.
They sent the brothers to public school. Itachi was well-adjusted and didn’t have problems; inevitably, they thought it would go well for Sasuke, too. But when Sasuke entered preschool, his experience was altogether different. There he had a foretaste of the human suffering that dominated his early years for he was a remarkably beautiful but shy boy whose delicate porcelain cheeks flushed crimson like blooming camellias at the squeals of girls in class. Teachers and strangers at the school playground smothered him with unwanted affection, and they thought it cute when he cried and protested no. This went on in grade school and even in middle school. Older girls from other schools who took an interest in him got a hold of his mobile number and sent him lewd texts. When puberty defined his features even more and he grew taller, his legs longer, the harassment worsened. Entertainment agents, pimps, and extreme fangirls—a whole lot of people he didn’t want to associate with—walked up to him on the daily. People took pictures of him without his permission and posted them online, stalked him and found out where he lived, and even stole his unwashed clothing.
Photography was a hobby his father dabbled with from time to time. For Sasuke, it was his only solace: capturing scenes in the world that offered respite from the bulk that only confused and constantly imposed on him with its shallowness.
The worst of what he had to endure eventually stopped when his parents transferred him to Sairiumu in the last year of middle school because of the higher standards of living that their family business afforded them from contracts dealt with Haruno Group. Still, he wasn't completely free from unwanted attention when he entered Sairiumu. 
So, it came as a rescue when Sakura Haruno of the Kyudo Club confessed to him the spring break before they turned high schoolers. Not only did she keep unwanted attention away, but something about Sakura made her irresistible. How she wielded a bow and arrow—the daughter of her brother's boss—would send a tingling, uneasy sensation in his chest. He loved the danger she posed to his mortality. He fantasized about getting hit by one of her arrows in the middle of the day at the Archery Club's dojo, while he watched on the sidelines with his eye in the viewfinder of the Leica R9 mounted with a DMR that the photography club owned, and it always felt too real. The fear was raw, bordering on arousal, and he couldn't get her out of his mind. There was no other way to explain what he felt: it was a fierce sort of attraction.
Lately, more often than not, that attraction bobs unsteadily, like how a bowstring that once so tightly wound, taut and firm with tension, slowly loosens its grip due to sources unfounded: could be the humidity in the air that causes ennui; it could also be the lack of genuine concern that Sasuke found himself reciprocated with.
They stopped for ice lollies on the way home and while on the apartment lift, Sakura stared long and hard at him.
"What is it?" he asked. He hated it when she kept him guessing what he'd done wrong. Already, he was scanning through his mind everything they'd done together throughout the day, the things he’d said and how he spoke to her. “If it’s about the picture: it wasn’t ugly. How could it be? You’ll see it uploaded later. Composition needs adjusting. There were distracting things in the background.”
Sakura took another bit off her green ice lollies. "You were being followed, that's what.” 
His heart skipped a beat. He was never used to telling anyone about his stalker problems. Only Sakura bothered enough to care—but he wouldn’t exactly use the word care.
“Was it so hard to tell me? All the way to the train! The cow was standing right behind you, did you see?" 
Sakura still spoke calmly, but if the edge to her tone was any indication, she wouldn’t let this easily die out. 
"Had she followed us out I would've peeled off her face then and there.” She threw the rest of her lolly on the floor. "She was wearing our uniform, was she not? You got her pale face in that pic. I'll have someone look her up." 
The elevator doors opened and as Sakura strode out, there was a vicious glint in her eyes.
"Wait." Sasuke hurried after her. "I know her. She's the new transfer student in my class."
Sakura slowly turned. "Oh. Is that so? Interesting." Her eyes were wide and devoid of emotion. "You and that girl got something going on?"
"Is that why she's trying to tell me by creeping in my pic and coming up to you like that?!"
"Just listen! Every single time"—Sasuke groaned—"I just know because she's in my class, that's all. She must've been trying to explore places and saw us!"
"Okay." Sakura shrugged, flipping her hair. "It only sounded like you were backing up for her, whatever—"
"I'm not!" Sasuke interrupted.
"Don't get too worked up," dismissed Sakura. "I just don't like people thinking they could fantasize having what's mine."
Anyone who's ever been caught by Sakura stalking him had their companies driven to bankruptcy not long after. It's all too easy for the Haruno Group to change people's lives with a few calls. While that proved effective against his stalker problems, he couldn't help but wonder if someday, it would be his turn, too. 
Because, would anyone abandon something that's theirs on the side of the road? 
She didn’t call for weeks after breaking up with him. He took that as a sign that she didn't want to talk with him anymore. After his installment to the presidency of the photography club, she introduced him to her father and asked permission to live together as if nothing ever happened. However, she had already quit the kyudo club and kyudo altogether and ran for vice president of the student council. Kyudo was something she had devoted herself to since she was a kid. Yet, it was thrown out of her life and forgotten so easily like that. 
The next day, she surprised him by visiting his classroom during lunch break when everyone had already returned and was preparing for when the school alarm would go off. 
He went up to her while she scanned around for a face. "Sakura." 
She wasn't there for him, he could see that much. When she found who she was looking for, she smiled, all too pleased to find that person looking back at her, and whispered sensually in Sasuke's ear:
"Just thought I'd..." 
She wrapped her arms around Sasuke’s neck, stood on her tiptoes, and dove into his mouth for a long, deep kiss.
His classmates teased and hooted. Sasuke preferred intimacy in secret but at that moment had also fully immersed himself in the kiss. He understood it was a performance for Hinata Hyuuga. Whether it aligned with his aesthetics or not, such is lost in the hands of the theatre director. 
When their mouths parted, Sakura gently patted his face. 
"See ya later," she said sweetly.
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[Image Source]
Hello, backstory enthusiasts, and welcome to the ...
George and Maria Special! tm
As you might, remember, George and Maria are an integral part of Mother 1's plot, arguably the reason the entire trilogy takes place, and yet, we don't know much about them, do we?
Well lucky you, because the Mother Encyclopedia goes way more into detail than the game ever did and I'm going to summarize it so you don't have to!
Open up for the complete story of the two that started it all. I'll try to state it in chronological order.
As our original tale begins in the early 1900s, so does ours. Thus begins... the timeline.
George, orphaned young and then fresh out of high school, takes up a job as a letter-boy for a prominent paper in the "big city" (city unspecified), later being promoted to journalist.
After writing a large expose on the president, he rises to fame but also falls into conflict with the chief editor that leads him to break off on his own and move to Mother's Day/Podunk on the whim of a Help Wanted ad in its daily newspaper, The Mother's Day Times (presumably alternatively The Podunk Times), where he was hired as the editor-in-chief for a novelization of the town's history.
(Note: I will be using the EarthBound Beginnings location names from now on for simplicity.)
Upon his first arrival in Podunk, the first person he met was Maria as she sketched a carnation bed, her illustrations later being chosen to appear in George's piece. This would later lead into their marriage.
From there on out, they lived rather peacefully, with Maria often playing piano concerts to the town's children alongside George, until a dark cloud appeared around Mount Itoi's summit and people went missing en masse to later return with complete amnesia of whatever happened to them. (Not to mention the flying furniture ensuing as well.)
George, being the journalist that he was, however, saw this as a scoop and started an investigative report. While having no luck with any clues, he would publish what little he did find. And immediately fell missing alongside Maria as well. Ironic.
Two years, later, only George returned, visibly aged to become a recluse, dropping his work on the newspaper to focus on studying PSI.
... Maria never returned.
Thus, the events described in-game continue from here as another black cloud strikes back. Mother 1 has begun.
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seeminglyranch87 · 2 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
August 2024 - Part 2
"salt air and the rust on the door, I never needed anything more" August, T. Swift
August 11,12 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, Mo | Day 16 & 17
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#1 The Tortured Poets Department tops the Billboard 200 for the 14th non consecutive week - and this has consequences for other artists...
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August 13 - Daily Mail report (x)
Taylor Swift hosted a lavish thank you party for her 200-strong tour team at private members' club Annabel's in Mayfair, London on Tuesday night. The hitmaker, 34, let her hair down with her crew and partied until 3am ahead of her final leg of the Eras Tour at Wembley Stadium.
Taylor is dressed in Vivienne Westwood.
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Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, Mo | Day 18
Patrick Mahomes is interviewed on SiriusXM and shares...
“I've been trying to get [Travis] to grow his hair out and all of a sudden Taylor gets him to do it."
Reminds me of this moment during the Eras Tour with Travis dancing to Shake It Off (x)
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August 14 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, Mo | Day 19
August 15 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London, UK N4
Taylor appeared to tear up at the first show after events in Vienna.
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Everything Has Changed x End Game x Thinking Out Loud with Ed Sheeran (guitar x) & King Of My Heart & The Alchemy (piano x)
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Taylor also does the archer pose during her performance of So High School - do we assume Travis is watching the live stream?
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ETonline reports (x)
A source tells ET, "Taylor and Travis always prioritize each other even when they are physically apart. They are still in constant communication texting and FaceTiming each other." The source adds that the pair is "very affectionate with each other even when they're apart."  One way that Kelce apparently shows his affection is by lavishing Swift with heartfelt gifts.  "Travis sends Taylor flowers and loves to shower her with surprise gifts and tokens of gratitude," the source says. "Their connection is unlike anything that they've ever experienced before." 
IJBOL - available for a few more hours... thank You aimEe live, see Taylorswift.com to purchase!!! Let's keep TTPD at #1 and remember who made TS famous.
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Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, Mo | Day 20 Military Appreciation Day & final practice
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August 16 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London, UK N5
Taylor debuts a new Midnights costume ✨🌙
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London Boy (guitar) & Dear John x Sad Beautiful Tragic (piano)
August 17 - Chiefs v Lions, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO. NFL preseason. 23 - 24
Patrick passes behind his back to Travis for the first down (x)
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The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London, UK N6
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I Did Something Bad (guitar) & My Boy Only Breaks HIs Favourite Toys x Coney Island (piano)
Cheekily there was no announcement for Reputation (TV). Taylor has played all songs from Rep on the Eras Tour.
Travis attends Kansas City Current women's soccer final with Patrick & Brittany Mahomes & friends.
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August 19 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London, UK N7
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Long Live x Change (guitar) & The Archer x You're On Your Own Kid (piano)
Travis at preseason practice, KC (x)
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Travis Kelce is announced to star in action comedy ‘LOOSE CANNONS’ for Lionsgate (x).
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backmaskcd · 3 months
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(Federico Russo) [THE ALOOF]. Please welcome [DAMIANO 'DAMI' CLARKE (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [26]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [CARETAKER AT SUNSHINE DAYCARE (2YRS ROOM)]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive
Full Name: Damiano Tanner Clarke Birthday: October 19 Age: 26 Hunter or Gatherer: Gatherer Sexuality: bisexual Height: 5'9 Relationship Status: ???? with Jupiter Picard
The Clarke family of five seemed idyllic, and for most of Damiano's life, it was. With a twin brother and an older sibling, there was little to complain about, other than the fact that Huntsville always felt small. A momma's boy from the start, it wasn't unusual to find her at her hip, asking to be read a story or watching her go about her daily tasks. If he was his mother's favorite, it was never made obvious to the other two.
From a very young age, Dami loved animals. Always begging for a pet, he was thrilled when his father brought home a few chickens. They were a main source of eggs for a few years, but then it was deemed time to eat them. Damiano cried for hours and refused to touch his dinner at all. He's been a vegetarian since he was six years old (though Huntsville's current state has forced him to alter his diet).
As he got older, his face started turning sharper, and his dark features more defined. Girls were constantly giggling about him between classes, his soft freckles contrasting with his dark hair, and he found himself getting girlfriends very easily - first, nothing more than playmates that held hands, and eventually, actual dating, once he was old enough that it was appropriate.
The paradox changed absolutely everything. Things were scary, and Dami was barely a teenager, clinging desperately to his siblings as his mother went nearly out of her mind with the grief of losing her husband, and while she managed to stick around for the kids, she was a shell of who she used to be. It made Damiano's heart ache.
Why he decided to take on the personality of someone aloof and nonchalant was anyone's guess. Maybe the air of mystery made him more appealing to the girls, maybe it was his way of coping with the grief of it all; but whatever it was, they seemed drawn to him like a moth to a flame. High school, while very strange, went by without much of a hitch, Dami dating around but never committing to anyone for much longer than six months at the most. The idea of finding someone to settle down with and start a family unnerved him, especially with the shell of a woman that was his mother occupied the house physically, but mentally she had died with her husband. He didn't want to be like that.
Despite the distaste for his own future, Dami loved kids. Taking up a job at the daycare seemed like the perfect decision for him, and it was one of the few things that brought him genuine joy anymore. He started working there when he was twenty, and he loves working with the toddlers best because there was always at least one of them who wanted to snuggle. Finding it difficult in almost every other aspect of his life, he got a lot of joy and fulfillment out of taking care of these small humans that simply loved him because he showed up every day.
He moved into the commune on his own; he simply couldn't take living in the family house with the ghost of his mother. The commune was a little better; at least it felt alive. He visited home once a week though, and had been trying to convince his oldest sibling that maybe they should look into getting their mom into Sunnyside, despite not being that old. He loved her so much, but she might be better in the care of others.
Dami still keeps a lot of people at arm's length, letting them in just enough to be comfortable, but not enough to start thinking about any kind of future outside a stable friendship. His mom is a very tender topic, and he hasn't spoken about his dad in ten years. As much as he'd like to be a vegetarian, the options in such a secluded town wasn't great, and he reluctantly 'downgraded' to a pescatarian, but still refuses to eat any other kind of meat, especially chicken.
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months
Boyhood’s End Episode 1 delayed to spring 2024
Gematsu Source
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Publishers WSS playground and PLAYISM, and developer Bukiri Clock have delayed the first episode of episodic science-fiction horror adventure game Boyhood’s End from its previously planned fall 2023 release window to spring. It will be available for PC via Steam.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
When does childhood end? Both humans and the inhuman will find the answer at the end of a cycle of fight and flight. Solve puzzles and explore the world, depicted in hand-drawn pixel art. Watch beautifully animated conversations between the main characters. Join a young boy on his adventure and experience his story set in a hardcore sci-fi world. Boyhood’s End is a juvenile science fiction horror adventure game, in which the world is ruled by a mechanical overlord “R. Karellen.” Every aspect of every person’s life is rated with a “human score,” and R. Karellen decides everything from academic and professional careers, romantic interests, to one’s daily meals. The protagonist, Giovanni, has the lowest human score among the entire human race. Every day, he receives “special treatment” for everything including his meals and classes. On top of that, he gets bullied relentlessly by his classmates at the School, both in real life and online. But one day, everything and everyone in the school starts attacking Giovanni, trying to “remake” him and raise his human score by making him “more human.” A senior student, the famously eccentric genius Campanella, reaches out to Giovanni, and they hop onto (and take over) a driverless train on the galactic railroad. And so, Giovanni gets swept up in a journey to find the “Crimson Southern Cross,” located at the farthest edge of the universe. On their journey, the boys will meet great leaders of the past and pull reckless and destructive “pranks” on them all. Through their encounters with the history, twisted mysteries, and various horrors of the world, they will eventually have to confront the end of their own childhood. Oh, did you hear that? The boys are (pointlessly) sounding the train whistle. Looks like it’s time for the galactic express to depart.
“Shut up! I couldn’t care less about your twisted logic, but here’s the thing, I’m a human! And you’d better start treating me like one!”
Has a wanted criminal as a father and the lowest human score in the universe. Gets treated like trash by other people and even the system itself. Has a cynical personality and a sharp tongue, but has a soft spot for his family. Always has to earn money to pay his sister’s hospital fees. Although he lives in an age where humans haven’t had to write programs by themselves for generations, Giovanni knows the ancient craftsman technique of writing his own code from scratch. He frequently uses his coding skills to do shady side gigs on the dark web.''
“Come on, show me! Show me the true potential of humanity! Show me something unpredictable, something that could ruin the world as we know it—something a man-made thing could never do!”
Has the highest human score in the Gymnasium, and very talented in everything from academics to sports, but also has the highest total score deduction in the Gymnasium due to his frequent eccentric behavior. Talk about extreme. Campanella holds “humans” in high regard, and acts arrogantly around the inhuman and artificially intelligent R. However, many claim to have seen him chatting and playing around with R for no reason in particular.
Watch a new trailer below.
Hacking Trailer
Simplified Chinese
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jedidiahxowens · 1 year
ꕀ ᐝ 𖠳 pete wentz, cis male, he/him 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ ‷ heads up ; if you hear bishop's knife trick by fall out boy blaring, it’s most likely jedidiah (jed) owens making their way down the shore ! they’re 43 years old and celebrate their birthday on 10/9- i knew they were a libra ! especially since they’re very intelligent and indecisive. they are from dillon, texas staying in the cove and are currently working as a house band bassist at aretha's corner, here at the cape. they always did remind me of the buzzing glow of a neon sign in the dark, the feeling when you get off a rollercoaster and had the time off your life, and the desert wind in your hair as you speed down the open highway.‷
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full name: jedidiah ezekiel lewis owens
nickname(s): jed, jj (taluluah/sibs only)
date of birth: 10-9-1980
gender: cis man (he/him)
sexual orientation: pansexual
spoken languages: english, conversational in patois (Jamaican secondary language)
neighbourhood: the cove
occupation: house bassist @ aretha's
hair colour / eye colour: naturally black/bleached blonde / hazel
height: 5 ft 6in
body and built: slim, atheletic
tattoos: (will provide a second post but all of the FCs tattoos)
piercings: tongue, left nostril
positive trait(s): intelligent, creative
negative trait(s): indecisive, stubborn
his dad, a jamaican man named leroy, disappeared the day his mother told him she was pregnant with jed.
jed is tallulah (he calls her loulou) owens' oldest (half) brother.
he acted out growing up, getting into trouble, tattoos and drugs way too young.
at the age of 15, he got into some trouble with a local gang. he asked his step dad for help and he threw a bottle at his head.
jed stole what cash his step-dad had left and settled with the gang.
when the dust settled from that, he realized he didn't want his younger sibs to feel the way he felt when he asked for help and was refused, so he took on the role of man of the house and quit everything (but weed) cold turkey and got a job the day he turned 16.
jed never graduated high school, but he provided a steady source of support and income for his siblings.
he stayed till the youngest brother left home and then he himself traveled (read: couch surfed and hitchhiked across the country, but when tallulah moved here, he came to visit and never left.
currently lives in the small guest house on her property.
jed loves all kinds of music with the exception of country. it grates his nerves like nothing else.
he only ended up playing bass because he won a bass when he was 17 off a poker game with friends. he taught himself and played in a few shitty bands here and there, but never made it big.
he writes (dark) poetry daily.
he DIYs 99% of his clothes. he'll buy a plain shirt, jeans, or hoodie and create something sweet. he started in high school with sharpies and it expanded into cricuts and a screenprinting set up in his little guest house.
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wei75631 · 5 months
P6 Idea : Change Settings
Recently, I saw Head on the Block breaking new news: "Persona 6" will be a semi-open world game, the community will be more flexible, and it will also be themed around Japanese high school students. It is currently in progress Close to 95%, it is expected to be officially announced in 2025. In addition, "Persona 6" will launch an update roadmap after its launch, and various DLC updates will be released at that time.
Did you see it? The "Japanese high school student" thing won't change, so that means I might have to change my mind.
Ophion and Lost World
The key points of nature, environment, life and green have always been fans' speculations about P6. I personally hope that P6 will develop in this direction, so Ophion and Lost World will not change much, but the focus is on me The focus must shift from the whole world to Japan.
Precisely because this is a country like Japan that combines traditional beliefs with advanced technology, it must pay attention to residents living in concrete jungles such as cities. They forget that humans themselves are also part of nature, and the human nature (self) and animal nature (id) in people's hearts lost balance.
The imbalance of people's hearts has affected Ophion and the Lost World. The Lost World has been eroded by the shadows, causing Ophion to develop a protective mechanism and entrust the important task to teenagers who retain their youthfulness and have not been polluted by the urban environment.
Just because I replaced college students with high school students, the concept of "utopia" generated by aspiring young people will also become invalid, and will be replaced by a "jungle" generated by the collective subconscious of mankind. As for the detailed settings of the jungle, I will introduce it later.
The Protagonist
Compared with other characters, the overall setting of the protagonist will not change, but there are several questions to consider: How will she integrate into high school life?How does she deal with the daily routine of real life?
First, she still has to go to school. The school she attends is located in an unexploited forest. The school is equipped with green technologies that rely on alternative energy sources, in stark contrast to overdeveloped cities. In addition, it is a boarding school, and you can still live in the school dormitory after school.
The Mascot Navigator
The mascot was changed from a fairy to a little girl with goat horns, named Amalthea, who will become a key point in the later part of the plot. Amalthea's personality is sensitive and introverted, and like Teddy and Morgana, she has forgotten her own birth, which gives her a strong sense of inferiority and makes her identify with the protagonist, who is also a girl.
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The Sports Girl
Taking into account that Japan is the stage, her identity has to be Japanese, but it also has the setting that she has a Latin American mixed race. The sports girl's class is powered by solar energy, and the food is also crops grown by teachers and students themselves. After the protagonist becomes familiar with the sports girl, he can improve his crop planting skills.
The Advisor Boy
His class mainly focuses on hydroelectric power generation. Most of the food depends on teachers and students going to rivers and seasides to fish. At the same time, aquatic organisms are cultivated for food supply and scientific research objects. After the protagonist gets familiar with the advisor boy, he can improve his fishing skills.
The Masculine Boy
This time the masculine boy is not of mixed race, but because he lived in England for a long time, he looks more like a Western than a Japanese. The masculine boy's class is about wind power generation. Students and faculty usually participate in mechanical engineering research on aviation. The food supply is organic food transported by air.
Among the members of Volva, only spy girl is an adult outside the school, while wasteland boy and navigator boy are classmates of masculine boy and advisor boy respectively.
Wasteland boy is a British-Indian student studying abroad, and he is childhood sweethearts with a boy who has lived in England. The navigator boy is timid and mentally ill, so he is shunned by his classmates. Only the advisor boy will open his heart and pay attention to him. The attention paid to the navigator boy makes the advisor boy feel that he is leading by example.
Cosmic Eggs and Dragon Veins
Another important point is that the cosmic egg and dragon vein will still stay in Ophion and will never escape to the real world. Once the dragon veins become cosmic eggs, players must spend time establishing social connections with these eggs. If they are too busy, they can ask Jose in the Velvet Room for help.
The Velvet Room
You should have noticed that I did not describe the velvet room before. The reason is, there's more detail on this sale than on previous games. Igor has left, and the person in charge of managing the Velvet Room is Jose who appeared in P5R, which fits the qualities of an "egg". The theme of the velvet room this time is "Museum of Nature", which corresponds to the theme of nature and life that P6 wants to convey.
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evyzy · 1 year
— Hello there! I'm Evan and I've crafted an exciting teen pregnancy challenge for all family history enthusiasts out there. I hope you'll enjoy it! If you decide to share it, kindly give proper credit by using the following hashtags: #evyzy #evyzychallenge #evyzyahiddenbaby. Please note that reposts are not accepted.
— Welcome to the Baby Hidden Challenge: A Teen Pregnancy Challenge in The Sims 4.
— – Created by: @evyzy
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— About: The story should talk about a teenage female sim who lives with her family while still studying. She meets a boy at school and ends up falling in love, however, he ends up eluding her and leaving her pregnant. Due to the family's tradition, Sim could not leave the house or tell anyone about her situation. Thus, she is forced to hide the pregnancy and continue with her studies, keeping this reality a secret.
— Goals: Your sim's story begins with her living with her relatives in a spacious house. She is not allowed to use her parents' money to care for the baby, as she must learn to support herself. The only allowable source of income is through his skills in painting, book writing and plantation work. The challenge will only be completed when the sim reaches the amount of 50,000 simoleons and reaches young adulthood, which will allow her to finally leave home. However, the challenge can also end if the baby passes away.
— Necessário:
• The Sims 4 - Base Game
• Game Pack - Family Life
— Rules:
• 1° Create a family consisting of the main sim and their relatives (they can be parents, grandparents, uncles, brothers.) who live in the same house. Teen mom must live with relatives in her house throughout the challenge, make sure the house has enough rooms to accommodate the sim and the baby.
• 2° Before starting the challenge, make sure the teen mom has a good relationship with her relatives.
• 3° The teen mother must get pregnant in the traditional way, no cheats or mods to speed up pregnancy are allowed.
• 4° You can build a secret room, which will serve as a hiding place for the baby. This room can be accessed from the bathroom or basement, for example, or any other area of the house that is difficult for relatives to access.
• 5° The teenage mother must take care of the child without the relatives discovering her presence. The sim should try to perform all activities related to the baby out of the relatives' field of vision or ears (Feeding, changing diapers, putting the baby to sleep.). If any relative catches the teen mother caring for the baby, the challenge is considered a failure.
• 6° Make sure the baby has everything he needs inside the secret room. This includes a bed, changing table, high chair, toys and other items necessary for your comfort. The mother should be responsible for all the basic needs of the child.
• 7° The teenage mother must take care of the baby silently and unobtrusively. She cannot draw attention to herself or the baby, avoiding cries and suspicious interactions. The mother cannot perform actions that interfere with the daily life of relatives, she must act as normally as possible. She cannot be away for long periods and must not spend the whole day in her room, she must socialize with her family.
• 8° The teenage mother is allowed to leave the hiding place or room to interact with relatives, help them with household chores and food, but always keeping an eye out so as not to be caught.
• 9° The teenage mother must ensure that the child is always hidden from relatives, she cannot take the child to public places such as parks, schools or recreational areas.
• 10° The teen mother must continue to study, whether online or attending school, but must find ways to balance studying and caring for the baby. The teenage mother can take advantage of the food at her relatives' house, but she must find money to support what she lacks and move.
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— Thanks so much for reading this far! Be sure to follow the creator's account (@evyzy ) to continue receiving content. If you do the challenge, tag the creator as she will be super happy to see it. If you have any questions or bugs to report, please leave a comment or send them to Amino (@Eviezyzy).
— – Em português:
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1n0nlys0up · 2 years
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Genres : Action, Horror, Mystery
Number of Seasons : 1
Number of Movies : 0
Number of Episodes : 11
English Dub : Yes
Japanese : Yes
Content Warnings : Death, blood, gore, manipulation, torture
Synopsis : Hope's Peak Academy's unconventional class 77-B is about to have an even more eccentric addition: Chisa Yukizome, an alumna with the title of Super High School-Level Housekeeper—and their new homeroom teacher. Cheerful, passionate, and capable, Chisa immediately sets about correcting the students' problematic behavior and strengthening their relationships. It may not be easy dealing with diverse pupils ranging from princesses and nurses to yakuza and impossibly lucky students, but anything is possible with the power of hope.
Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, an unremarkable boy from the school's Reserve Course, longs for a talent. One day, he has an unexpected meeting with class 77-B's Super High School-Level Gamer Chiaki Nanami, who presents to him a new, hope-filled outlook on life. However, unbeknownst to him, the school's upper echelon is about to execute a sinister project centered around Hajime that will bring Hope's Peak—and the rest of the world—to its knees.
Zetsubou-hen chronicles the daily lives carried out at the talent-cultivating academy, and the darkness that lurks beneath. As despair slowly infects hope, plans are put into motion to start the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History, and the end begins.
(Source: https://myanimelist.net/)
Personal Thoughts : This tells the story of before SDR2 well. It gets a lot less slice-of-lifey later, if you're here for the murder and lore. Also, we get to see more of Nanami's personality here. Overall? Not that bad. :)
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savefilescomng12 · 5 months
Tiffany Haddish Reunites with Teacher Who Taught Her to Read
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Tiffany Haddish is reuniting with a teacher who had a huge influence on her.  On the Tuesday, May 7 episode of The View — for Teacher Appreciation Day — the Girls Trip star, 44, thanked the person who taught her how to read in high school: drama teacher Mrs. Grieb. In 9th grade at Los Angeles’ El Camino Real High School, Haddish recalled, Grieb “figured out that I couldn’t read. I was very good at hiding and masking and pretending and she figured out that I couldn’t do it very well.” The teacher “would have me come to her class at lunch, in that 15 minute break, and she would give me magazines and newspapers and she would sit with me to read. Basically by the end of the semester I was reading!” “It sounds like a reunion’s a little overdue,” quipped host Sara Haines, before surprising an emotional Haddish by announcing that Grieb was joining them on the show.  (Left-right:) Mrs. Grieb and Tiffany Haddish on 'The View' May 7. ABC Haddish, who said that she’d kept in touch with her teacher via social media and telephone, had not seen her in person in 25 years. “Thank you so much for being patient with me,” the Afterparty star tearfully said when asked what she wanted to tell Grieb. “Thank you so much for always encouraging me, and taking time with me and listening to me.”  Referencing her difficult childhood, Haddish added while wiping away tears, “During that time I was really struggling a lot and you were the most consistent, constant thing in my world next to my grandma. I’m so grateful for you, I’m so glad I met you. Thank you so much for being kind.” Alyssa Farah Griffin then presented Grieb a limited-edition copy of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a play that won Haddish a high school drama competition. “Thank you,” responded Grieb. “It’s a great play, and she was great in it.”  “I still remember it. Want me to do it 1715114712?” joked Haddish.  Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer, from juicy celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. (Left-right:) Mrs. Grieb and Tiffany Haddish on 'The View' May 7. ABC “Great teachers,” said Whoopi Goldberg, “you never know your effect on a student. If you’re a teacher sitting out there, thank you for everything you do.”  In Haddish’s new memoir, I Curse You with Joy (out May 7 from Diversion Books), the actress details the ups and downs of her career and personal life, including her mother’s struggles with mental illness, which led Haddish to become her family’s caretaker before ending up in the foster care system. “I wanted this book to be about something,” Haddish told PEOPLE of the follow-up to her 2017 New York Times bestseller The Last Black Unicorn. “I felt like I needed to live a little more life and get a better understanding of where I am now.” Among Haddish’s upcoming screen projects is Will Smith and Martin Lawrence’s Bad Boys: Ride or Die. Source link Read the full article
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