#Source: Sassbewitchedmyass
Sam, seeing Bucky for the first time: You look like someone who will create a lot of problems for me.
Sam: I'm kinda into that.
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Tony Stark: Stephen and I are having a baby.
Peter Parker: That’s grea-
Tony, slamming adoption papers on the table: It’s you. Sign here.
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Leo: I do not have a crush on Corrin!
Leo: She's just someone that I admire and think is kind of cute and occasionally stare at and I kind of get sad when she's not around.
Niles: ...
Leo: ...Oh.
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incorrectgamora · 4 years
Groot, handing Gamora a card: I am Groot. <Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.>
Gamora, opening the card: ‘Dear Mom, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I’d be tracking your killer. We ride together. We die together. Because you are my Mom. Love you.“
Gamora, tearing up: Thanks, son. 
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Philip, handing Eliza a card: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.
Eliza, opening the card: ‘Dear Mom, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I’d be tracking your killer. We ride together. We die together. Because you are my Mom. Love you.“
Eliza, tearing up: thanks, son
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Neah, handing Katerina a card: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.
Katerina, opening the card: ‘Dear Mom, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I’d be tracking your killer. We ride together. We die together. Because you are my Mom. Love you.“
Katerina, tearing up: Thanks, son.
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thatsanicecoat · 5 years
Sara, having an asthma attack: If I die tonight, donate all my organs to those in need. Except for my middle finger- give that to Tegan.
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godsofhumanity · 5 years
Hecate: broke: rating people by numbers. woke: rating people by songs.
Thanatos: What would you rate Persephone?
Hades: Africa by Toto
Thanatos: A perfect 10.
Hades: Yep.
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theknightfamily · 5 years
Pod: He made Jaime cry.
Brienne: Jaime always cries!
Jaime, crying: Oh, that’s not true!
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shrimp-daughter · 5 years
jaime realising he’s in love with brienne:
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mentallyinwalmart · 4 years
There Is Nothing To Forgive a Braime soulmates one shot
This fic is a twist on the “shared dreams” soulmate trope, where, in my version, the God’s let your soulmate appear in dreams.
Jaime Lannister had never been good with words. All his life they had evaded him, from the time when he was a child and he couldn’t read without a heafty struggle, to his adolescence when he’d attempt to express to Cersei his feelings.
She didn’t care of course. She didn’t want his love, his admiration, and she didn’t care about his words, or lack thereof. All she wanted was his body and the pleasure it could bring her, all she sought was the security of knowing he was hers, under her spell, forever.
So the appearance of anyone speaking to him in dreams was odd. He was visual, and his dreams often came as a bombardment of images, some cruel, some lovely, all powerful, without a word to be gleaned from any of them.
But this night was different.
The dream was simple really, he was there, in the throne room, watching from above like a raven in the rafters, Aerys on the throne, his own white cloak shining. He watched as the mad king laughed, and he could hear the innocent scream as the king shook with wicked, mad laughter. He tightened the grip on his hilt and stepped closer. He could not hear what Aerys was saying, nor could he hear any other words, but he could smell the sickly chemical scent of wildfire and could feel the heat that would surely come from it.
He watched his own hands shake as he took another step up behind the king, all the fear he had felt in that moment evident on his terrified face.
But suddenly, he was not alone as he raised the sword to strike true. A girl, tall and strong, with long blonde hair hanging down her back. She was younger than him, but her eyes glowed like saphires and as she pressed herself against him, she took his hand on the swords hilt in her own, wrapping a warm hand around his, and helping guide the blade.
I understand. Her words materialized in his mind, and she smiled sadly before helping him guide the word into its sheath through Aery’s back.
Forgive me. Never before had he spoken in a dream. Nor had he cared to.
There is nothing to forgive.
She faded before he could get a true glimpse at her face, leaving him alone to claw at the air, before waking bolt upright, alone in the summer night.
Actions spoke louder than words, and yet words were what Brienne put stock in. Honor was her pillar of principle, and she believed in any man’s word as she expected them to do in hers.
And so, when a young man’s begging voice pierced the foggy clouds of her dreams one night, begging for help, for forgiveness, and justifying why he killed.
For the innocent. For those he would slaughter. Because if I do not do it, who can?
She felt a strange sense of longing for that voice, for the man who must wield its mighty tone. She let herself drift towards it, it’s words becoming more and more earnest, panicked, even.
Please, mother, father, someone, guide me.
She searched the crevasses of her dream for its source, but as always found no images, only fragments of words. But then, just as she was about to give up, he appeared.
Forgive me.
The boy was behind the mad king, drawing his sword, tears gathered in his eyes. And suddenly, Brienne was there too. One look at the boy and she knew what he needed. She wrapped her hand around his, and pressed herself gently beside him, taking on the burden of the blade and the sentence it was about to deal. She knew how this story would end.
The sword pierced.
There is nothing to forgive.
All was warm and light was everywhere for a moment, and then it became too much and she awoke, sweating and panting in the summer night air.
Soul dreams are a thing of the distant past. I am no fool. She repeated the sentiment over and over, across years as she travelled lands and seas, and came to the service of Renly Baratheon. Finally, she had stopped thinking about the boy, the Kingslayer, with whom she had shared a dream unlike any other.
Until the night she dreamt of the shadow.
Though she could not see it, she could feel the cool air sweep through the tent, and could feel the hair on her arms stand up. She felt her heart hammer in her chest, and her blood run frozen.
No. No. Please no. Do not make me watch this again.
Renly was dead a week, and yet she could not sleep without watching it play out, over and over again. Perhaps I am the Kingslayer.
You are not.
Suddenly she could see again, and there he was. Older now, but without mistake: Jaime Lannister.
It takes one to know one, and it is not you.
It was his phantom turn to come closer, to warm her against the chill.
How can I ever forgive myself? She wept as Renly before her died once again, and her heart felt as if it were frozen to ice.
There is nothing to forgive.
Her heart beat fast and she turned to see his face.
But he was gone. And she left alone in her bedroll in Catelyn Starks tent.
There is nothing to forgive.
Jaime repeated the words his golden haired maiden had once offered him so many years ago. He prayed it would bring her the same solace it brought him.
He had heard of soul dreams, of the most ancient and purest loves, ones which the gods themselves were invested in. Ones for whom the soul was so tightly bound that they could, when direly necessary, appear in dreams.
But he didn’t believe it. Rather, he believed that as comfort had been offered to him, so would he offer it. For some reason. He couldn’t quite place why, but something had compelled him to speak to her, to comfort her, despite not even knowing if she was real, or just a figment of his imagination.
He thought about it a lot on the road to Kingslanding, as him and Brienne walked in silence. There was something in the way she looked at him, this odd familiarity, overshadowed by anger and confusion. It made him wonder a great deal about what she knew of him. It was not an expression he was used to being on the receiving end of.
To Brienne’s chagrin, Jaime did not appear in her dreams after the night he lost his hand. Despite the fact that she so sincerely blamed herself for it.
But as they stared at one another at the bathhouse, and he suddenly, inexplicably began to speak, something in her chest thrummed.
“I know, Ser Jaime.” She said, before he had fully begun the explanation of why he killed Aerys. “You did it for the people, for the innocents. If you didn’t, who could?”
His face went slack and his jaw hung loose, eyes fixed on hers as they simultaneously put the pieces together. In unison they spoke their next words carefully.
“There is nothing forgive.”
Thank you so much for reading!!!! I am so happy to be back, and I hope to write a lot more in the coming weeks. Pleaaaaaaaaase send me any suggestions or promps you might have, or if you’d like to see more continuations of any of my work lmk!!!! As always, PM me if you want to be added or removed from the tag list :) Love you all xx, Bea
Tag list: @b00kworm @sassbewitchedmyass @onlyjaimebrienne @nashilena @oathbreaker-oathkeeper @averageinside @itsclaucueva @briennexofxtarth @slytherinoftarth @ladyem-fandom @afittingdistraction @ben-roll-io @marasjadesfire @paceofbase @hotarukuro
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whitecrossgirl · 5 years
Kiss the Girl
AN: This is for @sassbewitchedmyass and the anon who asked her for a fic based on the song from the Little Mermaid. As Sass knows I love fairy tale AUs, songfics and Disney songfics so I was up for writing this. It’s sweet, it’s cheesy, it’s Game of Thrones characters singing Disney songs so just enjoy it. 
“Have you seen Jaime anywhere?” Tyrion asked Podrick loudly, struggling to be heard as the great hall became rowdier and rowdier as more and more wine, beer and whatever it was the Wildlings were drinking that looked like water but smelt and tasted like dragon fire. Jaime had vanished into the crowd about ten minutes ago and Tyrion hadn’t seen him since. The war was over, they had survived; this was a time for celebration, not disappearing acts.
 “No, I haven’t seen Ser Brienne either, she went to get some air and didn’t come back.” Podrick replied and the two of them shared a look before slipping out of the room. The war was over. They were alive. The world was open to new possibilities and opportunities; such as the two most oblivious people in Westeros finally realising that they were in love with each other. It would make sense; the celebration of life, music, alcohol, the light of a full moon; all the elements for declaring love for another were in place.
 They would just need a little push in the right direction.
Tyrion and Podrick made their way up to the battlements, looking down on the courtyard below. Jaime was leaning against a pillar, watching Brienne who was sitting on the steps, staring up at the sky. Tyrion had never imagined Jaime as one for pining, but the look on his brother’s face was definitely one of longing. Of wanting. Clearly Jaime wanted to approach Brienne, to speak to her or comfort her, but the way she hugged her knees and seemed unaware of his presence seemed to indicate how much she wanted to be alone.
 Screw it. It may have been due to the alcohol he had drunk or maybe he was secretly a romantic or because he wanted to know what it was like to have a sister who didn’t want to kill him; but whatever it was, Tyrion had made up his mind. He was going to make these two fools realise they were in love. He had an idea, like a lot of his ideas recently; it was a reckless and possibly stupid one. Not as recklessly stupid as unchaining two hungry dragons but close enough. And it just so happened, the person he was with had one of the most beautiful singing voices he had heard in a long time.
 “There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don’t got a lot to say
But there’s something about her
And you don’t know why
But you’re dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl,” Podrick sang, Tyrion risked a glance to see that Jaime was glancing around, looking perplexed at the sound but it seemed that Brienne hadn’t heard him. Tyrion smiled to himself before picking up the tune.
“Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
It’s possible she wants you, too
There is one way to ask her
It don’t take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl.” Tyrion sang, this time, Jaime glanced up towards the battlements and spotted Tyrion and Podrick; his cheeks flushing scarlet with both the cold and embarrassment. He wasn’t sure how much the two had had to drink. It was bad enough that they were singing but they were clearly referring to himself and Brienne. Jaime dared glance towards Brienne but aside from a pink tinge to her cheeks, she still made no movement or gesture to show that she had heard the two.
 “Sing with me now,
My, oh, my
Look at the boy too shy
He ain’t gonna kiss the girl,” Podrick and Tyrion sang as Jaime, still apparently too embarrassed for words, resorted to dragging his finger across his throat at them both. Before he could do anything else, Brienne suddenly leapt up and dashed up the stairs. Jaime had been too focused on sending silent death threats to Tyrion and Podrick that he hadn’t realised why Brienne had rushed off until Tormund had grabbed him by the neck. The blistering smell of whatever it was he had been drinking made Jaime’s eyes water; it had to be the strongest alcohol he had ever smelt in his life and considered who his sister was, that was saying something.
 “Where’s my beauty? We survived the end of the world and I told her I’d find her after the battle! I want to make babies with her; great big monsters; they’d conquer the world!” Tormund exclaimed in his excited drunkenness. Jaime resisted the urge to smash Tormund’s face with his golden hand. Barely.
 “I haven’t seen her for some time but I think she was somewhere around the stables.” Jaime lied as Tormund took another swig of his toxic concoction and stumbled off. Jaime waited until Tormund was out of ear and eyeshot before looking towards the stairs. “He’s gone.”
 “Thanks,” Brienne said quietly as she took her seat on the steps again, returning to her silent vigil of the stars. Jaime wanted to sit next to her, they wouldn’t need to have a conversation, he wouldn’t even try to hold her hand. He just wanted to sit next to her, be by her side. That’s all. Nothing had to happen, he just wanted to be close to her. But he didn’t feel brave enough to do it.
Ain’t that sad
Ain’t it shame, too bad
You gonna miss the girl” Tyrion and Podrick sang and Jaime felt his last nerve snap. It was bad enough having these confusing, romantic, emotional thoughts in his head without his brother and her squire singing like two lovestruck bards. Jaime walked over to the steps and climbed up them, sitting on the step beside Brienne, nudging her shoulder playfully as he sat down. Brienne had watched him approach and offered him a small smile as he joined her.
 “I’m sorry about those two,” Jaime apologised quietly and Brienne shook her head.
 “It’s fine, they’re just drunk and relieved that we won the battle; there are worse songs that they could be singing.” Brienne replied as Jaime felt a pang in his chest. Could it be that she felt so little of herself that she couldn’t believe that Tyrion and Podrick were singing about her? If they were drunk enough to sing then they would have stayed inside where there was a warm fire and a lot more to drink and sing about. Surely Brienne had to see that the fact that the two idiots were singing about a couple who were in love but too afraid to do anything about it had to be about them.
 “Now’s your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don’t say a word
And she won’t say a word
Until you kiss the girl,” Tyrion sang; he could see that Jaime was starting to build up his courage. He had approached Brienne, sat by her side and was trying to work out his next move. Jaime was a soldier, a strategist, in order for the battle to be won, he had to make his move at the right time. Tyrion also knew that it would need to take action on Jaime’s part for Brienne to believe and accept her own feelings for Jaime. She wouldn’t admit anything until Jaime did it first. 
Don’t be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
Don’t stop now
Don’t try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl
Float along
Listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl
Music play
Do what the music say
You wanna kiss the girl” Podrick and Tyrion sang, louder and more and more out of tone and off key. They were losing patience and were wondering whether it would have been a better plan to have locked the two of them in a room together and refused to let them out until they had both confessed how they felt for one another. That was Plan B; for if their plan of repeatedly singing/ordering Jaime to kiss Brienne didn’t work. That plan had also been Sansa’s Plan A. 
“We can’t ignore them anymore, can we?” Brienne asked Jaime quietly and Jaime smiled at her.
“Unfortunately not. I am sorry for both of their behaviour.” Jaime apologised again. He wasn’t sure how he would have let Brienne know that he had feelings for her but it definitely wouldn’t have involved the two drunken songbirds who insisted on harassing them both. He would have done it properly; taken her for a walk or written her a love letter or a poem, brought her flowers or a new dagger; he would have let her know that his feelings were genuine; that it wasn’t some joke or rouse like what she had experienced before. Whatever this was, whatever he felt; it was real.
“Don’t be,” Brienne said; she had been trying to ignore their singing. Yet as it continued and she had observed Jaime’s reaction; she had bared to wonder, dared to think that maybe, just maybe, Tyrion and Podrick had been singing it for a reason. The flicker of courage sparked into her mind for just a moment. But it was all she needed. If he misheard or didn’t react then she could blame a range of sources; the alcohol, the exhaustion or play it as a joke, a way to get Tyrion and Podrick to shut up. “You can if you want to.” 
“What?” Jaime asked, hoping against hope that he had heard what he thought he had heard. Brienne’s blush confirmed what he thought he had heard was true. He could kiss her if he wanted to. Gods, he wanted to. As long as she did; and he thought she did. Did she?
“You can if you want to,” Brienne repeated as she felt the air between them shift. Things had changed, they could both feel it around them; they were just waiting on one of them to make a move, to do something, anything, the tension was surrounding them, threatening to drown them. Jaime felt his mouth open and shut blankly a few times before he smiled at her.
“I want to,” Jaime whispered as he cupped Brienne’s cheek in his hand, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. Brienne closed her eyes and smiled softly as his touch. Neither of them could believe that it was happening; something they both wanted and denied ever having wanted in their lives.
 “You’ve got to kiss the girl
Why don’t you kiss the girl
You gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the –“
“GO AWAY!” Jaime finally bellowed up towards Tyrion and Podrick, shaking his head ruefully at the sound of their retreating footsteps, a pause, before they clearly tiptoed back. Jaime was about to yell at them again but instead Brienne mirrored his action by cupping his cheek and turning his face back to hers. Before her courage could abandon her, Brienne leaned in and pressed her lips to Jaime’s. Jaime eagerly kissed her back and the rest of the world faded away except for the two of them in this moment.
 From the darkened doorway where she had hidden herself away, Sansa watched the two lovers share their first kiss and a smile crossed her face as she turned and slipped back inside before she could get caught. As Sansa wandered back to the feast, she thought about what she knew of Jaime and Brienne’s complicated past and blossoming romance and her own melody came into her mind.
 “Tale as old as time…”
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Kana: Papa, there's a monster under my bed.
Leo: That's silly. There's no such thing as mo- OH NO, IT'S EATING MY ARM!!
Leo: Just kidding, he only eats little kids. Goodnight, son!
Corrin: LEO!!
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godsofhumanity · 5 years
Hades: You can’t make everyone like you, you’re not Hel.
Set: What? Not everyone likes Hel.
Hades: Who doesn’t?
Set: Well-
Hades: Names, now, Set. GIVE US THEIR NAMES!
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whitecrossgirl · 5 years
Two sides of a coin
AN: So basically I have a massive list of AUs to be working off of. Also I told @sassbewitchedmyass that I feel like I’m one of the few on Tumblr who still hasn’t seen Good Omens so I’ll probably go old school with this AU. I hope you like it.
Angel and Demon AU
They were enemies as old as time.
As old as the universe itself.
Their people were in almost conflict with each other and throughout the eons; Earth had served as a battleground between them. The angels sought to protect humanity whereas the demons sought to lure humanity to their side. It was a constant struggle between virtue and sin; right and wrong, Heaven and Hell. Both sides had sustained losses; had fought and battled many times and it seemed like both sides were waiting for something huge to happen.
Each of the angels had a demon to keep track of, to ensure that they didn’t intervene too much with human events and of course, didn’t try to buy a human’s soul. Although it didn’t always work; the angels knew it was their duty to protect humanity from the demons, no matter what the cost.
To anyone else, the image of the couple stood entwined under a tree, bathed in the light of a full moon, would have been a romantic image. However he knew better and he cursed himself for letting her give him the slip in order to make her deal. There was another soul who would be condemned to Hell in ten years. Humans were greedy, selfish beasts sometimes; the majority of them sold their souls for wealth or power, little else. His adversary was especially good at luring them into making a deal; had he not been one of his own kind, he would have respected her for it.
“See you in ten years,” Brienne said, smirking at the man as she removed her arms from around his neck. He hadn’t been anyone of great account. Yet. He had sold his soul in the hope that she would make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. Which she would. Until his ten years were up. Then his soul became the property of the demons. Forever. She felt no remorse for her actions. This particular human was a disgusting piece of filth who abused his power, hurt innocents around him and who would soon find that money could not pay for or hide everything.
She had promised him wealth. She had not promised him happiness or a life free of consequences.
As the man walked away, Brienne felt a ripple in the air around her and her smile curved across her cheeks. “You can come out now, he’s gone.”
“I’m not interested in him.” Jaime said as he walked towards her. “You know the rules; you can’t claim a soul.”
“He deserves it.” Brienne replied simply as she walked across the park, wandering towards the empty play area; using her powers to jump herself to the top of the jungle gym. Jaime glanced around before doing the same, so they were sitting side by side. Jaime turned his blade slightly in his pocket and Brienne raised her eyebrows. “Is that your Angel Blade in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?”
“It-I – shut up!” Jaime stammered, flushing slightly. He hated how she had this effect on him. How she was able to make one of the strongest angel in the garrison stutter and stammer like a sinner in a confessional. “So tell me, how does he deserve it?”
“He’s used wealth to cover any wrong doing of his. He killed someone in a drunken hit and run; money made it go away. He squanders wealth while his staff struggle to make ends meet and you don’t want to know what he’s into sexually. It would make your wings fall off.” Brienne explained. She knew that she wasn’t allowed to tempt or claim souls for Hell. However she only targeted those who did evil deeds, who wanted to hurt the innocent; who abused power and privilege and wealth. Or scumbags like the man she dealt with tonight.
There was a special place in Hell for rapists anyway.
Jaime let out a low whistle. “That bad?”
“Jaime, I’m a creature from the pits of the Seventh Hell. It was bad.” Brienne explained, stressing the last three words. She had her own twisted sense of honour. She only targeted those who deserved to be flung into the depths of the Seven Hells. She just sped up the process a bit.
“You know I can’t let this go without punishment.” Jaime advised and the smirk returned to Brienne’s face. “I mean it.”
“Sure you do,” Brienne said playfully. “We both know that in this case, I was right.”
“It still isn’t honourable.” Jaime reasoned. Although, he supposed, what did he know about honour? He, who had earned more than one black feather for his dishonourable actions over the centuries, was not the best source for examples of honourable behaviour. The smile faded from Brienne’s face as she looked at Jaime. She didn’t need telepathy to read his mind; she knew what he was thinking.
Unlike most angels and demons, the two of them had actually managed to build a sense of trust, possibly even a friendship. After all, you didn’t spend thousands of years assigned to someone and not pick up a thing or two about them. Brienne was the only one who knew why he had his black feathers, not just what he had done. Truth be told, he had only told her when he had been weak from an ambush by some idiotic hunters and he had been delirious from pain. His had come from killing another angel. Admittedly, one who had gone insane and wanted to burn all of humanity; but murdering an angel carried an automatic sentence of 50 black feathers. A sentence he got the moment he slit Aerys’ throat.
An angels’ wings were the symbol of their purity; their goodness. They were to be used only for flight, in battle or to confirm their identity to humans (like Jaime’s snobby cousin Gabriel; honestly, tell one teenage girl that she’s pregnant and that apparently makes you the most important angel in existence.) When an angel committed a serious offence, their feathers turned black; the amount of feathers turned black depended on the offence that had been committed. When all of their feathers turned black, they were cast out of the angels and condemned to limbo, wandering for all eternity. With more than half of his feathers black, Jaime was doing his best to do the right thing, to try and restore some honour and goodness in himself.
Even if it wasn’t easy.
“No,” Brienne said finally. “I guess it wasn’t. Even if he deserved it.”
“I want to say that’s helpful but it’s not.” Jaime said, with an attempt at a smile.
“Demon, remember? I don’t do helpful.” Brienne retorted. “I can offer you a drink to take your mind off of it.”
Jaime thought for a moment, then smiled. “Make it a double.”
Angels and demons were enemies as old as creation.
But sometimes there was a very fine line between enemies and friends.
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whitecrossgirl · 5 years
Why Don’t You Do Right?
AN: So here is the Who Framed Roger Rabbit AU that no one asked for but I wrote it anyway, mainly because of the mental image of Gwendoline Christie as Jessica Rabbit. I messaged @sassbewitchedmyass about this idea and with her kickass encouragement, I decided to write it. I hope you enjoy it.
Tyrion had been surprised when Daenerys Targaryen had contacted him. He had made it clear that despite the lull in people hiring a private detective, he would not work for anyone in show business. Not after Bronn was murdered by someone in the business, someone who had taken every step to hide their tracks and it seemed all of showbiz had helped them to do so. Bronn had been more than a best friend, he had been like a brother to him and things just hadn’t been the same. He barely focused on his work, numbing his pain with wine and scotch, just punching time until the inevitable. Then Daenerys Targaryen, CEO and owner of Three Dragons Studios had contacted him, requesting his services to confirm whether the spouse of one of her best actors was having an affair. Initially he had dismissed her; he was a private detective, not a gossip magazine. Actors having extra-marital affairs was of no concern to him.
“Why would I do that?” Tyrion had asked and Daenerys raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe because the employee in question is your brother Jaime?” Daenerys challenged, causing Tyrion to almost choke on his drink.
He had not seen or heard from Jaime for years. Tyrion had walked out on his family at the age of eighteen; fed up with the toxic environment, the taunts, insults and belittlement. He had refused to keep in contact with any member of his family; didn’t bother to look up any further developments in their lives. Indeed, the only reason he knew Jaime was in the same city was because of Jaime’s fame. Like Tyrion, Jaime had turned his back on the family, however it seemed that had been the best thing for him. Jaime was a talented actor and with his talent, good looks and charm, he had quickly become the most sought after actor in the business. Surprisingly, it was actually his voice acting which had made him an icon. He voiced the character Roger Rabbit; a carefree cartoon rabbit who constantly got into foolish shenanigans. Jaime had turned the character into one of the most beloved in recent years and definitely the most popular thing to come out of the Three Dragons Studio. Yet that was all he knew about Jaime’s life. He didn’t read any of the interviews Jaime gave or watched any of the movies or TV shows he starred in. He didn’t even know Jaime was married.
“I didn’t know Jaime was married.” Tyrion said and Daenerys gave a wry smile.
“He’s devoted to her and she’s playing him like a fool. Rumour has it, she’s got this thing with Tormund Giantsbane, one of the main players at Jon Snow’s White Wall studios. If that’s true, it explains the mole in our business, feeding Jon Snow all our ideas and secrets.” Daenerys explained. She and Jon Snow were in charge of two of the biggest studios in the business and spies were everywhere between the two companies. It made sense to her that they would get someone both connected to the studios but not employed to source their information.
“So what do you want me to do?” Tyrion asked. “I don’t work showbiz. It’s a nest of vipers.”
“I want you to get proof of this affair. Get that proof, Jaime knows the truth and we can all get back to business.” Daenerys explained. She wasn’t that overly concerned about Jaime’s marriage but he was the most valued actor in her company. If anything happened to him; if he quit or his wife made him leave for White Wall; it would ruin Three Dragons. It would be better for him if he knew the truth of his wife.
“I don’t know who this woman is, how am I meant to find her and prove that she’s having an affair?” Tyrion challenged. “Also, how much are you offering?”
“Thousand, you get five hundred upfront. The rest when the photos are delivered.” Daenerys offered.
“Deal,” Tyrion nodded as Daenerys handed him the money in a bundle of notes. Tyrion took a moment to double check before pocketing the money. “So where do I find her.”
“She sings at Riverrun Club on Sparrow Street. Performs under the name Sapphire Starr. From what I know, she’s performing there tonight. Giantsbane never misses a single performance.” Daenerys explained. “I want the photos as soon as you have them.”
“Deal,” Tyrion repeated as Daenerys left his office. For a moment, he considered the implications of his actions. He hadn’t seen or spoken to his brother in years. Now he was expected to break his brother’s heart by finding evidence of his wife’s infidelity. It was a dirty job but someone had to do it. Besides, it was probably better in the long run for Jaime.
And a thousand dragons was a thousand dragons.
Later that evening, Tyrion found himself inside the tastefully decorated Riverrun club. It was owned by the Tully family and their colours of red and blue were tastefully scattered around. With the name Riverrun, there was a decorative theme to give the illusion of being underwater. However Tyrion doubted it was the décor that attracted so many customers tonight. The majority of the customers were men but there were more than a few women in the club as well; all of them drinking, laughing and enjoying the current performance of a pianist. Tyrion managed to find a table close to where Giantsbane was sat. Tyrion knew him by sight and it wasn’t hard to miss the large red headed man in a vivid blue suit. Tyrion took his seat and within seconds a waitress appeared by his side.
“Tyrion? Is that you?”
Tyrion looked up to see Sansa Stark beside him, an empty tray balanced in her hand. He had helped the Stark family find evidence that the Lannister’s, his own father had been plotting with the Frey’s to destroy the Stark’s family business. He had taken great pleasure in foiling his father’s schemes but he hadn’t seen any of the Starks in a few years.
“Sansa, I didn’t know you worked here.” Tyrion said as Sansa gave a small smile.
“Uncle Edmure gave me a job, it helps fund living expenses for university. Are you here to see Brienne?” Sansa asked and Tyrion shook his head.
“Who’s Brienne?” Tyrion asked and a flicker of awkwardness crossed Sansa’s face before she smiled. “I’ve heard of Sapphire Starr, I came to see her perform.”
“Oh that is her name, Sapphire Starr is her stage name, Brienne is her real name. We always have the busiest and best nights when she performs. She’ll be on in a minute.” Sansa said, looking to the stage. Tyrion followed her gaze as the pianist finished and the curtains began to draw. She seemed to be correct; as the curtains drew, more of the patrons moved towards the stage, grabbing tables, chairs or even standing; just so they were close enough to the walkway of the stage that seemed to reach all the way to Giantsbane’s table. Whoever this Sapphire was, clearly she was popular and able to lure a crowd. However, Tyrion’s thoughts returned to the job at hand as slow, jazzy music began to play and a sultry voice began to sing.
“You had plenty money, 1922,” As she sang, a long, pale leg emerged from the curtains before they drew back to cheers and a piercingly loud wolf whistle from Giantsbane. Despite the loudness of the cheers, Tyrion could hear her singing. She was like a siren, her voice and looks luring the men towards her; hypnotising them with her voice and appearance.
“You let other women make a fool of you Why don’t you do right? Like some other man do?”
As she sang, Tyrion was transfixed by her appearance. He could see why so many men and women flocked to the bar and to the stage. She was the tallest woman he had ever seen and the heels she wore maximised her height and made her endless legs seem longer. Her risqué dress was strapless, baring her pale shoulders but held up by her bust; on one side the skirt was cut daringly high, ending just at the top of her thigh, meaning each step she took as she strutted down the stage, showed off more and more of her legs, enticing and alluding to any temptation beyond that point. The dress was a deep shade of dark blue but had enough sequins that glinted off of the stage lights to give the illusion of stars. Tyrion could understand now why she chose the stage name Sapphire Starr; more precious than any jewel, more enchanting than any star.
Her blonde hair was short and carefully styled and curled so that it fell carefully around her face. Her face was also carefully made up; scarlet lipstick and eyes that gave the impression of heavily lidded bedroom eyes. Although her face wasn’t the most beautiful; it was her confidence, her height and her sensuality, her sexual confidence in herself that seemed to impress the crowd. She had learnt how to accept, embrace and use her sexuality and sex appeal along with her singing talent and it had worked perfectly for her. He had never seen a woman like her. She was like a being from a legend; a warrior goddess or a siren, luring men to their death.
“She’s married to Jaime?” Tyrion whispered to Sansa who watched as Sapphire/Brienne sang towards a young man, who seemed utterly transfixed by her and astounded he had won her attentions for a moment. Even as she pushed him away, the young man stared after her, his hand ghosting over where she had touched him; as though blessed by the Seven themselves.
“Yeah, she’s a lucky woman,” Sansa said wistfully. She dreamed of finding true love like Brienne and Jaime did; of having a man who adored her and was as devoted to her as Jaime was to Brienne. Maybe someday, Sansa thought as she went to collect more drinks orders, leaving Tyrion to watch the show.
Tyrion turned his attention back to Brienne who was now stepping off the stage and onto Giantsbane’s table. He reached out his hand and Brienne took it, stepping off of the table and slipping an arm around his neck, aiming the next words at him seductively as she playfully stroked his beard.
“Get out of here, make me some money too,”
Before Tyrion could get his camera, Brienne had moved away from Giantsbane and seemed to put her focus onto him, singing the next words almost too him as she sat on the far end of the table and leaned across it. She was close enough that if he chose to, he could have looked down her dress, however he was fixated on her eyes. They were sapphire blue too. Brienne took him by the tie and pulled him towards her until they were almost face to face.
“Why don’t; you do right? Like some other man…”
Tyrion wondered if she had guessed who he was. As if teasing him with that answer, Brienne actually leaned in and teasingly pretended to kiss the edge of his nose before finishing her song.
With that, she let go of his tie, leaving him half standing in a daze as she walked back to the stage and behind the curtain to thunderous applause and cheers from the other patrons in the club. Tyrion felt almost dumbstruck by what he had seen and heard. How could that beautiful, enchanting, bewitching woman be married to his brother? Tyrion shook his head, like a dog trying to shake off water as he noticed Giantsbane getting up from his seat and heading backstage. Tyrion felt for the camera in his pocket before following him.
Jaime. He was doing this for Jamie.
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