#but if someoens done it let me know
fanficfish · 1 month
some random hetalia thoughts about the countries
mostly headcanons and character studies i guess. probably canon but who knows i'm too sleepy to go check. i'm gonna ramble and maybe it'll maek sense i don't know. Someoen tag me if they get anything idea worthy out of this.
link the inspired post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hetalia/comments/1eqt7ek/after_all_these_years_im_gonna_say_it_i_did_not/
I've seen a little talk about how England leaving America on his own for so long messed him up a little (thank you reddit user who go that talk going). So i wanted to think about some of Englands' other colonies and stuff i guess?
so like we have America. I still stand he's probably like, Jamestown or something and over time he became the main US rep, like how the UK has the four brothers (five? Six with Sealand) but England represents them at meetings. Or Japan reps all of Japan instead of like a couple dozen prefectures showing up. That kind of thing. And like that guy's a little messed up. In earlier parts ofhis story, he's shown to just be really explorative, stil strong tho, but mostly jsut a nice sweet kid who happens to have three teenagers fighting over him. Seriously couldn't they share? Oh wait it's hetalia no they can't XD
anyways, it's only wlater once America is firmly under British rule that he starts growing the yelling and loudness. I think that's like the sign hhat he wants a little attention f rom England- like, he's shown to just be a guy when it's Canada when they're kids but england gets the "SHOVE FOOD IN MY PIEHOLE" treatment. And I think that's just because England keeps leaving and coming back but sometimes he just ignores the kids and does his own thing for a long time. Canada ends up letting America take the lead for them. And then later on once all is said and done America revels in his big parties and whatnot because the attention is on him, and it won't heal the hrut of England just leaving all the time but it sorta helps. (Canada doesn't count they're basically joined at the hip it's not the same).
and if you compare it to like the Italies for example. Austria was still there to watch over Italy North even though he really went for the uh. Less optimal route. But he was till there, in his own way. Prussia definitely wasn't going to leave HRE and later Germany alone unless he absolutely had to. Spain didn't jsut go gallivanting around when Romano was there (no comment onhis other former colonies). Ofc you could make an argument for Iceland, but by the time Norway took over he'd been alone mostly for 300 years, and even if Norway and Denmark didn't exactly visit all the time because i headcanon Iceland stayed happily on his island 90% of the time like Aland and Faroe Islands to avoid the drama called "four nordics pretending they could get along under one roof when they definitely are not good rooommate compatable", I doubt he was entirely without parental guidance. Norway could always sense him (so themoment anything bighappened Norway would be marching right over), and Iceland mentions sending letters out. I'm jsut gonna guess he sent the letters via Mr. Puffin, and I'd guess Mr. Puffin could always deliver some words if needed from overseas. Iceland also apparantly has fairies at his house so there's that too. Not thet he'd admit it.
But if you notice, it's def circumstance that gives some character which is cool when we're talkign about stereotype-based characters. Ameriica becomes loud and "ignores" the room when he's given the stage, because if he outrages everyone then he'll get attention. Italy N.. had everythig taken care of for him and has few worries, and a pretty good work ethic since Austria isn't a slacker. Roomano is a spoiled brat. Iceland....honestly boy just needs to accept the others rubbed off on him and he's just as kooky as the rest of them. I know you're a teen and all but kid c'mon you love them mystical animals and you keep bringing up your weird museums XD (I swear this child got Norway's anti-socialness, Sweden's inability to admit things (in his case, he actually likes hanging out with the others), Finland's oddness, and Denmark's everythign else because we all know Norway probably saw Iceland at last and had a crisis over it, man knows when Iceland appears but can't get around to taking the ruling for how many years????
And then there's New Zeeland, who had to raise Austrailia when NZ was also pretty young. NZ doesn't even have the hope of hep fro manyone- America and Canada i'm pretty sure still had visitors from like France and I think the Netherlands would have popped by a few times, because they did do a bit of um. Trading. with the colonies and stuff. Austrialia used to be on the other hand where they sent English prisoners. New Zealand is not ready for that kind of craziness, and so of course we're gonna get a free range crazy Austrailia and a done with it New Zealand who got no help and probabl ygot even less parental support then America. BTW it's crazy that technically GB still techncialy rules over so many big places like Canada and Austrailia even though they also technicall ydon't like that's just so wild.
so what have we learend from this? England sucks as a dad, and Iceland's teen rebel phase is in full swing. WHat was the poitn of this? I don't know but you read it and i wrote it so.....
ima sleep i forgot the poitn already lol
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chiefatticcreator · 1 year
You know, I've been thinking
Boruto has been enjoying his daddy's hyper cock, a little bit. So Sakura I think you should do him a favour to help with his feminization...
Your strength should be able to break the cage Sasuke has on, right? I know, I know, don't be mad. It's asking a lot
But... How about we let Boruto's first dick be the mentor he admires so much? ... And let him realise how pathetic said dick is.
I mean, it will humilate Sasuke more knowing that even a femboy isn't satisfied by him. And it might hell Boruto finally come into his own as a slutty boi for daddy
Sasuke couldn't believe his luck. Finally, Finally! After months of torture, of watching his wife's hyper thick body jiggling around, seeing her prance around, seeing her fucked by Naruto endlessly, after months of agonizing chastity, she had finally agreed to free his cock. Even the roughness she displayed when she broke the cage between her fingers, even the clear disdain in her face when she released his tiny dick from chasity.... None of it where enough to diminish Sasuke's relief and happiness at being finally freed from this abominable cage and its torture. In fact, he even had tears in his eyes as his tiny cock finally flopped around completely freely.
"I'm only freeing your pathetic, disgusting dicklet for one thing." Sakura glared at him, cutting Sasuke's happiness short. "If you don't do it, it's back in that cage forever, and you will never get any third chance."
That had the good effect of immediately sobering Sasuke's bliss as he looked at Sakura carefully, nodding.
"And what is it?"
"You will fuck Boruto's ass. And if you don't make him cum, it's back in the cage forever."
"You want me to..?!"
"To take your tiny, pathetic, disgusting worm you call a 'cock', and put in in Boruto's ass, if you can even do that, yes."
Sasuke had seen the changes in Boruto's behaviour. Even someone away from Konoha as often as Sasuke was couldn't miss that Boruto had now a fat ass, long hair, growing breasts, and was looking like a hot girl in nearly every aspect. So that did explain why the idea wasn't immediately rejected by Sasuke's mind.
"You're his idol." Sakura scoffed. "For some reason, he thinks you are awesome. So i want you to prove it to him fi you can. Make him cum by fucking his ass, if you can even do that, and I might have to possibly acknowledge you're not a completely worthless waste."
"And if i do so, you'll let my cock free forever, right?"
"I will consider it."
"I.. Is it in?"
Three words. Three words that were now utterly destroying whatever pride Sasuke had managed to scrape for himself.
Boruto had been somewhat excited at letting his idol fuck him, even if that excitement had been somewhat tempered by shame that he had actually asked for it. But still, Sasuke had felt something akin to pride when he had seen Boruto. And the femboy had done an excellent job of looking like a slutty girl, like someoen Sasuke absolutely wanted to fuck.
It wouldn't be the same, but Sauke could imagine that he was fucking Naruto. That he was makign the blonde Hokage pay, that he was asserting some kind of dominance, perhaps.
And then Boruto had pronounced these three words, right as Sasuke had just managed to enter the boy's ass. And the Uchiha's pride was completely shattered. Any confidence he might have collected? Any hope that he would actually fuck boruto's ass? Any illusion that Sasuke was worthy of being called a man?
Gone. Destroyed. Shattered. Completely trashed away, by three little words from Boruto Uzumaki.
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starsmuserainbow · 2 months
I'm trying really hard to do less OOC because I feel like I'm doing too much of that lately (though then again, without that, I'll just end up being silent for like weeks days on end when I don't manage to write something? feels worse, really), so, let me just throw some thoughts out all into this one OOC post instead.
I love all my chars so much I much too rarely say that. Currently, that's especially Akari, Starlight, Moonshot and Lightning.
I really wish I could draw better - I feel like I just missed out on internalizing some 'logic/perspectives' part at some point and will just forever be unable to do anything other than direct front view at all. I tried to start a drawing recently, and after trying the face like twice, I gave up because it looked really really bad. Maybe starting with the face is also the wrong point to start at, but it almost always is where I start, idk.
I'm trying to get myself a pc android-emulator to use another social media (starts with i and has a camera as symbol) because for some reason the chats over there have certain forms of shared pictures or whatever not supported when you look at it from a computer, also there's more features that the pc version just doesn't have and it's really frustrating and I don't wanna use my phone for it. Also fun fact: the windows store "app" of that media is the same as if you open the website in your browser (when closing it even said something about edge iirc), none of the app features are there, it's really stupid to even have that in your store if I can just visit it in browser for the exactly same result. Wish I could just somewhere say 'just pretend I'm a tablet or sth' to the website so I wouldn't have to bother looking for a emulator. (And I already tried that mobile website view thingie, that doesn't change anything)
I feel like I'm always just, like, attaching myself to others and getting to experience things through those others, always being only, like, an attachment, some annoying little random person that simply clings too hard to that other person that brought me into thing.
I'm trying to keep up writing again, I really don't want to keep having people wait for like a month or a little more. I managed to do it 2 days in a row now, and have something prepared for tomorrow already too, so maybe I'm on a good progress here. Then again, I also kinda had more free time these last 2 days or so bc I didn't feel so well.
It's just so darn hot. Can we please be done with summer already? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the beachy vibes and stuff for my characters and everything, but in person I just never really at all enjoy summer and I just want to stop melting.
When chats are busy, and I say something (which I rarely do) and no one seems to answer to it, I feel so very much like I'm annoying. It's obviously just a brain thing, and nothing actually true, but man I hate feeling like that. It's usually almost impossible for me to try to say the thing again to try to get someoen to answer to it another time.
I really wanna be more active around the dash again. Liking things, perhaps sending things too (if I can get myself that far) - I feel like many of the ppl I see on my dash regularly I have nothing going with and doubt myself that they're even interested anymore even when we're still mutuals, and a part of me goes "you should just unfollow, clearly they're not interested anymore", but I don't want to give up on even more blogs than I already did somewhat recently (some months ago I unfollowed some I think) and I really have to try to find another way to fix this.
I'm so glad I found a way to access the yellow text color again. It'll be so nice to be able to use that again. And yes, I know that that color still looks weird even on my theme, but that's not my fault. All the other colors when used are on the theme in "npf-class:joey" etc, but for some reason this color never is. I tried to contact support about that before to get those into classes too which would allow me to style them in my theme (I'm doing it with some colors, if you see posts on my theme you see what I mean) so they're better readable, but they didn't understand what I meant and I can't explain it properly. Now that I looked at it again, it seems they fixed it for one of the colors - I think it used to be both red and yellow having that problem, now it looks like red styled properly - so maybe it's just not getting fixed bc they removed yellow from being an available color in the editor. Oh well.
Okay, that's all I can think of for now. Sorry for the long thing.
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theknightfamily · 5 years
Pod: He made Jaime cry.
Brienne: Jaime always cries!
Jaime, crying: Oh, that’s not true!
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trippy-dejun · 3 years
Hiiiiii Nana, how's ur day?
👀, 🎁, 😳, 🔮 — the game you reblogged.
👀- you already know who I’m about to say but its jake from enha.
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🎁- April 20, 2003
😳- I’m a confident gay so I’m normally that person who gets up in peoples faces like I’m gonna kiss them but just stand there cms away from someoens face and when people do that to me + push me against the fucking wall there we go I blush like crazy. So basically if someone pulls a fat ass uno reverse card on me my body takes a screenshot.
🔮- my advice to myself is dont be a pushover. People used to walk all over me and it wasnt until this year I stopped letting them because I was DONE.
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Raven (1)
-Regulas and you (his most trusted friend) spend the summer at his house, you both find out about the horcrux by Kreacher who was Regulas best friend after you, the hunt to find the horcrux and destroy it began that day 
Send Requests Here
Word Count - 1657
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“You don’t think your parents will be angry that i’m coming over for the whole summer?” I asked Regulas as we sat on the hogwarts express across from each other.
“No, my mom loves you and adores you, she’ll love that your over and maybe just don’t mention anything about the death eaters because you’ll never year the end of it,” Regulus nervously asked playing with his tie. “i’m glad you choice to come over, I need someoen to talk to during the summer since my brother isn’t ever home,” Regulas said making me chuckle.
“Can I ask you something,” I said to Regulas making him stop playing with his green tie and look up at me. “Do you think everything will be okay, we’re gonna be okay with everything going on?” I asked frowning.
“I promise that nothing will happen to you Gwen, I promise, with voldemort around your safe with me,” Regulas said leaning forward and grabbing my hand. “No matter what your gonna be okay when this is over,” He said making me smile.
The rest of the train ride we munched on candy and talked about what we were gonna do this summer, it was our last summer without anything, no more hogwarts after, no more pressure just the war that was ahead of us.
“Hello darling,” Walburga Black said bringing me into a hug. “I take it as a hint that your gonna be joining us for the summer,” She said smiling down at me.
“That the plan,” I said with a smile picking up my bags. “Regulas suggested it since it was our last summer before life we thought it would be nice to spend it together,” I said looking at Regulas who was looking at me.
“Well we’re more than happy to have you at our house, it's a safe house after all,” She chuckled turning on her feet and walking away to the carriage that had brought her here. “We’re gonna have some guests over tonight dear,” Walburga said to Regulas who looked uncomfortable.
The ride to the Blacks home was quiet, the occasional Walburga asking us about school and what we planned to do when we left, Regulas always said to just say the truth unless it came to the dark lord. 
“I wanna become part of the minsity,” I said with a smile lying. Regulas looked at me knowing I was lying too. “It would be a nice change in my family, to become a higher up person,” I shrugging my shoulder leaning back in my seat.
“You’d be good in the ministry, they’d need someone like you,” Walburga siad with a smile. “Some who will actually have control and know what's right,” She said with a smile as the carriage stopped. “We’re here dears,” 
“Home sweet home,” Regulas whispered opening the carriage door and following his mom out. “ Here let me help,” He said putting his hand out, I smiled and took his hand jumping out of the carriage.
“Kreature gather our things please,” Walburga said with not a care in her voice as a little house elf walked out of the Blacks home and towards Regulas and I.
“Hello Kreature,” Regulas spelsanty said bending down and wrapped his arms around his elf house is my amusement. “Don’t worry about it Kreature, tell mom we have it,” Regulas said patting Kreature on the head and sending him back off into the house. “I’ve got it,” Regulas said tossing his hand in the air and grabbing the bags from the Carriage.
“I can grab my stuff don’t worry Reg,” I said amused by his boldness. “You have all summer to impress me, let me grab my bags first,” I chuckled picking up my bags and leaving to walk inside.
“Hey are guests are here earlier,” Walburga called out from the living room. “Come down here when your done placing your stuff darlings,” She called out as Regulas and I run upstairs.
“I don’t think we should go downstairs,” Regulas whispred in my ear as we walked into his bedroom. “I’ll just tell my mom that we’re gonna watch the muggle t.v she just got us,” He said dropping his stuff on his bed.
“Regulas I don’t think your mother would like that very much,” I chuckled wrapping my arms around him. “Plus what is the worst that could happen the dark lords in your living room,” I joked letting Regulas go and tossing my arms up in the air.
“Fine,” Reguas said a bit annoyed. “But when we get down there don’t look at me because i’ll say I told you say,” Regulas muttered tossing his door open and walking down the stairs, I quickly followed after him walking into the living room and freezing.
“Good afternoon Regulas Black, I hear you’ve brought us a guest,” Voldemort said sliding Regulas out of the way and bringing me into sight. “Hello Gwen Maria,” Voldemort said with a smile. “Sit down you too, join us,” He muttered tossing his wand towards us causing us to slid onto the couch, I looked at Regulas who looked a bit angry but wiping his expression away and grabbing my hand.
“I was thinking,” Walburga started to say pouring tea for Voldemort who looked more than happy to be sitting in the room right now. “You could borrow our house elf for your little adventure tonight,” She suggested catching the attention of Regulas who was about to speak up but I squeezed his hand.
“That is a great idea Walburga,” Voldemort said looking at Regulas then at Kreature who appeared infront of Voldemort with his head down. “You my little friend,” He said patting the top of Kreatures head. “Your gonna help me with something tonight, be a good little elf and gather my things,” Voldemort said leaning back in his seat.
“It’s been a great pleasure having you hear my lord,” Walburga siad holding out her hand, Voldemort took her hand and kissed it. “Your welcome here anytime,” Walburga said standing up. “I’ll show you the way out,” SHe said with a smile guiding Voldemort out leaving Regulas and I alone.
“I don’t wanna do this anymore,” Regulas whipsred leaning against me. “Kreature is my best friend, I don’t wanna do this,” Regulas said baring his head into my neck.
“Come on let’s go upstairs,” I said to Regulas placing my hand on his head. “Kreature will be fine,” I tried resuring but regretted as I said it. I helped Regulas up from the couch and brought him upstairs, I took one glance outside at Walburga and Voldemort talking in the doorway. “Lay down,” I said to Regulas pulling is blanket up and laying him down in his bed. 
“I think Sirius was right,” Regulas said turning to his side, I sat down at the end of his bed looking over at him. “What if everything he said was right and I was just so stupid,” Regulas cried out tossing his hands on his head.
“Your not stupid at all Reggie,” I whispred kicking my shoes off and crawling in beside. “Not at all,” I whispred pulling him into me and running my hand through his hair. “You were just confused, your brother figured it out before you, we’re gonna do something about it, i’m gonna always be here for you,” I whispered placing my lips on the top of his head and just laying there.
“Sleep in here with me please, please,” Regulas asked knowing he was asking a lot of me but I felt what he was feeling. “I know,” Regulas said taking my silence as a answer.
“I will Regulas,” I whispred moving my head off his head and lifting his head up. “I understand,” I said smiling and wrapping my arms around Regulas and pulling him into me, his arms wrapped around me. 
Hours passed and Regulas and I were entangled in each other, my eyes pushed open, his room was different, from lightness fell darkness across his room. Regulas’ eyes opened as the sound of the front door opened and closed.
“Kreatures back,” Regulas yawned moving his arms from me and rolling around. “Kreature,” Regulas called out jumping off his bed and leaving his room, I tossed my sweater that laid on the end of the bed on and quickly followed after him. “What happened to you?” I heard Regulas say as I raced down the stairs. Kreature was laying on Regulas’ lap, weak and on the edge of death. 
“What happened?” I quickly asked running to Kreatures side and pulling out my wand. “Reparifors,” I whispred healing Kreature the best I could.
“Its horrible Master Regulas,” Kreature whispred curling into Regulas chest. “He’s creating himself to become immortal,” he whispred tearing up. “I had to drink the water in the cave, he has hidden a horcrux there, Master Regulas it’s bad,” Kreature continued saying.
“Horcruxes is a piece of someone's soul,” I muttered looking around the room. “We can’t let Voldemort do that,” I said looking at Kreature who reached out and grabbed my hand.
“He’s already done it,” Kreature siad looking at me. “I think I Kreature is just gonna close his eyes now,” He whispred closing his eyes.
“He’s gonna be okay, you should bring him to lay down somewhere,” I said to Regulas grabbing his hand. “Are you okay?” I asked him.
“I know what we have to do,” Regulas muttered standing up and caring Kreature into the living room. “Go back to bed i’ll be there in a second,” Regulas said walking away from me, leaving me at the stairs. 
I walked up to Regulas room tossing my sweater on top of my bag and laying down in the warm spot I was laying in just minutes ago, the door opened and shut and a pair of hands wrapped around my body. I closed my eyes knowing what had to happen.
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(Mostly) Dialogue Prompts
Don’t underestimate the allure of darkness. Even the brightest of hearts are drawn to it. 
Friends of yours? [If I say yes will that make you feel better?] Not likely
Oh, you poor naive [girl/boy/nb]. He never REALLY loved you. I thought you might be smart enough to figure that out. 
You’re funny. I like funny. Maybe I’ll spare you.
I’d stop asking questions about my life if I were you. Otherwise my past will catch up to both of us and I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemies, which I happen to have quite a lot of.
I’d watch your back, [name]. Or someone just might stab you in it.
[This is bad] Only if you keep thinking like the hero. Get in the mind of a criminal and you’ll realize that worse is always better.
The way I see it, there’s two kinds of people in the world. Those who dream about happiness and those who fight for it.
You didn’t think that a deadly brain virus was the only thing that escaped their labs, did you? 
Well. This is a terrible coincidence. 
You’ve forgotten? Or you’re too afraid to remember? 
Hope is the essence of life. Without it, we are naught but dead and tortured by fear. 
No. You’re not going to kill me. You wanna know how I know? Because I know you and I know that if you really wanted to kill me, you would’ve done so the moment I walked through that door.”
Power is an honor, until it is a shackle. 
The line between life and death is, at best, shadowy and vague. Who’s to say where one begins and the other ends? [Well, science. And medicine. And-] Shut up, you’re ruining my dramatic monologue. 
You killed my love once. Now I will kill yours a thousand times over until you are on your knees begging for mercy that I won’t give to you. Scared yet? You should be. Because you’ve got hell to pay. And I’m the reaper.
He sat by the grave for hours, just staring. No words were spoken. There was no sound at all, save for the mournful whisper of the wind. It seemed as if his entire world had shattered. Maybe it did. 
Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack. 
It’s ironic that the patterns of love are so similar to the patterns of insanity. 
I’d take a knife to the gut for you, you know that. [You’re immortal. I’m immortal. We’re all immortal. And if you say that one more time I will rip out your vocal chords with no remorse.
You shall soon find that rose vines are just as lovely when they wrap around your limbs and shatter your bones. 
Good morning. I see the assassins have failed. 
Nice change of scenery. [This is a prison cell] I was being sarcastic
Nothing scares me more than the idea that I can become ugly to someoen who once thought all the stars were in my eyes. 
If you’re here then that means you have something he wants, whether you know that or not. He wil ifnd the one person you love above all others, and he will torture them. He will torture them relentlessly in a way that will torture you too. He will torture until your brain is wasted, your heart shattered, and your soul withered. He will torture mercilessly until you are nothing, feel nothing. Until you lose yourself as your love dies. Even then he will keep torturing you until he gets what he wants. And you will find yourself hoping he has a shred of humanity, hoping that he finds the decency to kill you.” [You must really be the life of the party at hume, huh?]
Are we there yet? [Get out.] We are going 85 miles per hour down a highway in the middle of nowhere. [Did I stutter?]
Her lips were petals of flame against the icy fingers of her lost love.
You-you are- [Beautiful? A genius? Amazing?] A moron
A necromancer? Not possible. They all died out in the last dark age. [Really? Well, then. Would you care telling that to the ARMY of DEAD PEOPLE.]
She had this look in her eyes. A look that made me wonder how many people she’s killed. Then she smiled. And I realized that she’s probably lost count. 
We will not go down easy. We will stand. We will fight. [And you will fall.]
Remember, everything you see and hear in there is not real. It will feel real, but it’s not. It’s all in your head. It’s important to me that you remember that. 
Don’t do that. Don’t reproduce. Don’t burnden your children with your existence as the gods have done to all of us. 
Ah, so you’re one of the four ninja turtles of god. [There are seven of us. And we’re angels.]
Jesus Christ. And I mean that in the most literal sense. 
It’s foolproof plan. Unfortunately, we are both fools. 
I will let my anger take over, let my conscience wither until there is nothing left. I wil find the man who took you from me and kill everyone he loves, everyone he’s ever glanced at. And then I will torutre him day and night, ever present, always watching. Hurting him enough to bring him pain without the relief of death. He will always be looking over his shoulder, searching the shadows for me. I will torutre him with fear, control him with paranoia. Until one day, he finsihes my job himself. And once he’s dead, who knows what I will do next. [Shut up. You accidentally hurt a man with a spoon and cried about it for a month.]
Be careful guys there may be otherwordly undead entities here. [Otherworldly undead entities? You’re so pretentious. They’re fucking ghosts.] Oh, so you’re admitting they’re real. [Shut up.]
And you’re sure this is safe? [Safer than dying.]
This is nothing. And nothing is starting to dream. 
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kisshim-killhim · 5 years
Sanders Sides Steven Universe AU
*So I've lost interest in this au, but if anyone really wants me to I might make some content for it. In the meantime, enjoy the info for this au. If you wanna make content for it all i ask is that you credit and tag me so I can see what you amazing people create!♡
Thomas Human/Gem
Remy Human
Logan Peridot(Blue)
Roman Ruby(Yellow)
Patton Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz(Pink?)
Virgil Yellow Diamond(Yellow?)
Remus Spinel(Yellow)
Pearl Deceit(Yellow)
Pearl Picani(Yellow)
(Kunzite) Remus/Deceit fusion
(Sphalerite)Augustus Remus/Roman fusion
Thomas Sanders is the half gem son of Pink Diamond, Posing as a Rose Quartz, and a nonbinary human(based on my personal hc that gems can have kids with either gender since theyre virtually genderless, so whether this human was born male or female they could still make a child together).
Remy was the nonbinary human who fell in love with Patton. Shortly after arriving to earth, they met at a rock show(no pun intended), fell in love, and eventually created Thomas.
Logan** was Peridot Facet-9I5X Cut-3BH serving Blue Diamond. He fixes machinery for his diamond. He is very stoic and is mainly focused on carrying out orders, no more or less. He was Blue's Peridot for a long time, and often spoke with Yellow Diamond(Virgil)'s Pearl(Deceit) when Pink(Patton) was around, as then Blue was closer to her people and the gems she ruled, and the Diamonds werent as strict with whether or not one gem was allowed to see the other. He would even call the Pearl his friend. But after Pink left, the last time Logan saw him, he found that the Pearl's gem was severely cracked, to the point of still leaving damage on part of his face to the present day(much like Volleyball in the cannon of Steven Universe). Logan falls in love with Pink(Patton) at a ball and is later reporting to Pink about important information regarding the rebellion for his Diamond when Pink tries to fake his own shattering. Logan sees Pink transforming into a Rose Quartz and after a breif concersation with Pink, he decides to take the blame for Pink Diamonds' shattering(therefore the rest of the Rose Quartz' would be unbubbled and they would think that the shatterer had already left so no one would be bubbled or shattered, since all that was held responsible would be know to have left homeworld already)and left with Patton(Pink Diamond) to completely to join the Crystal Gems.
Roman* was a Ruby serving Yellow Diamond as a personal bodyguard. He is a dedicated bodygaurd for Virgil, his Diamond, and will protect him at all costs. He doesnt care how hes treated or what happens to him, all he cares about is his Diamond and his safety. If his Diamond is angry, sad, worried, etc., he will happily offer for him to take his anger out on the Ruby. Roman is loyal and dedicated to protecting his Diamond no matter what.
Virgil* is a Yellow Diamond. He mostly lead and directed the colonization of other planets. He believed he deserves a bigger purpose, but often complained to his Ruby about how he hates to be in charge, contractory. Hes confusing and a bit tempered at times, but a respected Diamond who no one dared to question, even if his logic is sometimes unwise.
Patton(?) is a happy, optimistic Rose Quartz who was thought to have served Pink Diamond proudly. But in reality, he was Pink Diamond. He wished to see more of the world, to explore Earth freely and not be burdened by his duties, so he made it so him as a Diamond was thought to have been shattered by a Peridot gone rouge, and he left to be away from the other Diamonds' corrupted views, and taking Yellow's old Spinel and Pearl with him.
Remus* was a Spinel Yellow ordered to be made because she was curious as to why Pink wanted one. Though when the Spinel began making ideas and such, Yellow disliked him, and bluntly called him defective before leaving him in her garden never to return. She called it a mercy, as she did not shatter him.
Deceit** was Yellow Diamond's pearl. He carried out orders to the letter and at one point was very close with one of Blue Diamond's Peridots. When Pink left, his gem was severely damaged by Yellow Diamond. He wanted to still serve his Diamond, but even when his gem was healed by Shell, the damage to his physical form remained. And as it goes, he was declared flawed and, by default, useless. He was banished to the garden, as Virgil(Yellow Diamond) couldnt bring himself to shatter the Pearl. In the garden he met and eventually befriended an odd, kind of crazy Spinel who told him stories of a curious and mean Diamond who cast him away, and a sad, yet loyal and brave Ruby he once called 'brother'. Deceit decided he liked this Spinel, and they spent much time together wondering when their Diamond would return for them... he never did return. But eventually, a kind Rose Quartz(Pink/Patton) saved them from their fate and offered they join the resistance against Diamonds' rule. The two were very bitter towards the Diamonds and therefore agreed to join the rebellion.
Chrysoberyl is a fusion of Remus the Spinel and Deceit the Pearl.
Emilie Picani* was the Pearl to replace Deceit after Yellow(Virgil) cast him out to the garden.
Creativitwins: A Ruby was created right next to Yellow Diamonds first Spinel, as they were ordered ot be created around the same time, and for the few minutes they spoke they became friends, and later considered themselves brothers once they got to know eachother. The Ruby found ways to visit the Spinel, and the two became close. But eventually the Ruby got caught. He was torn apart from the Spinel, not to see him again until thousands of years later. They were saved from shattering, as they fused to create ____.
They his until the other gems decides they werent worth the trouble. They left them alone in the garden for a couple thousand years as punishment, and spare the Ruby so he could serve him instead, becoming his private body gayrd. He made it clear he would punish the Ruby for his crimes himself, which is what he blames Deciet's cracked gem on later when Pink leaves.
(They each have their own names apart from their gems because they believe it sets them further from homeworld's corrupted nature. It makes them more special. Some see their gems name as a *mere title, and some view it like a **deadname that they would take offense to using.)
The crystal gems:
When Patton arrived on earth, he brought Deceit the Pearl, Remus the Spinel and Logan the Peridot with him. Eventually Yellow Diamond(Virgil) sent his personal Ruby down to earth, as he had a lot of trust in his abilities, and trusted he could stop the rebellion and get Pink back. He had an army of Rubies with him, but when Roman faced the Crystal Gems, all but Roman were bubbled. Realizing what Ruby he was, Logan and Remus helped stop the battle(possibly with a fusion), and Roman eventually agreed to join the crystal gems after a lot of convincing and being forced to stay on earth. Eventually he has a sort of Peridot moment where he calls Yellow Diamond(Virgil) some insult to officially join the Crystal Gems. Yellow is confused as to why his personal Ruby, the most loyal Ruby hes ever had, would betray him, and he personally comes down to earth to stop the rebellion. But when he finds that Pink no longer exists, only being Steven now, and the gems catch him offgaurd and are able to poof him. When they unpoof him, they make sure theyre in a safe environment on another planet where everyone is safe in case Yellow attacks them again. Seeing what hes done to the corrupted gems when he thought hed helped them, Virgil eventually decides he can learn to set aside his ways as a Diamond and join the rebellion, not to overthrow his fellow diamonds, but to help them see what he saw. At first he thinks that hes gonna betray them eventually, thinking of it as an option if he ever wants to opt out of being on earth, but after returning to homeworld, he decides Earth is really his home.
Roman and Logan learn to see Virgil as an equal onstead of someoen they give everything for.
Remus and Deceit learn to(somewhat) forgive Virgil and move forward and let go of their anger and bitterness toward sthe Diamonds.
Virgil learns to let go of all this power he had and sees others as equals and individuals rather than subjects with a set purpose.
Remy learns that hes part of the group(add in some big thing he helped with) and is just as important as the gems.
White and Blue Diamond take over homeworld.
Thomas is the son of the gem Patton(who gave up his physical form to create Thomas much later) and Remy, and nonbinary human that fell in love with Patton at a rock show.
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hellslittlestangel · 4 years
If anyone, literally anyone has some tips or advice on how to make your breasts grow and get bigger then please please PLEASE let me know, I’m in my second bottle of breast enlargement pills and I almost used up all of my breast enlargement cream and I don’t notice any difference and it’s stressing me out so much and I’m so hurt because of things my ex has done and said to me about me and my body and the fact that he picked prostitutes over me who had bigger boobs because I had to find out that was the only thing he cared about and liked so to me I was worthless and wasn’t good enough for him so that’s most of why he abused me and treated me so bad so I truly truly just want to get my body better so I can be good enough for someone one day, so someoen can actually find me actually appealing and desirable enough to date and be with. And because of how bad I feel about myself and my body now I just know that having them grow would help with my self esteem so much so I can be actually pretty and worth it to a guy. I’m trying my very very best to make them grow and what I’m doing is hurting me physically me sadly so please if anyone can help me just let me know because I will REALLY appreciate it.
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modern-oedipus · 5 years
Rant I think
I have to keep remind myself that even though the person I love the most in the world is suffering and is not likely to stop suffering for the rest of his life, it is not entirely my fault and me blaming and punishing myself or thinking about just destroying myself won’t bring them further happiness and I must not take my own happiness away by my own hands... or should I?
I always feel guilty enjoying my life when my dad’s so stressed, but I can’t ever change him to open up no matter what I do; and he always works hard & says I should just enjoy myself and live my life & provides me with all good for that, but then whenever I see him being so upset— for years— and whenever I just... I don’t know. I literally went suicidal because of guilt of existing and being a burden back then, even though he explictly states that it’s his own choice to have kids, that he loves me, that he’s proud of me, that I mean the world to him, etc, and he proved his words thousands of times, but-
But he doesn’t seem to understand I care about him as much as he cares about me.
And I feel so guilty living my life and being happy when he is not.
But I can’t make him happy ornsolve his problems— those are real adult stuff that’s beyond my power.
But when I live my life and enjoy it I feel like I’m being ignorant and I feel so guilty.
When I punish myself for that— emotionally and literally, I end up depressed and not good. And that’s dangerous. Depression is so dangerous especially in such a young age that I am in, so god forbid that-
I don’t know what to do, honestly. I feel so guilty enjoying myself and I feel downright shitty if I don’t enjoy myself. Nothing solves the problem.
The regret and fear is always eating me alive.
Even though there is nothing I can do.
It hs been like this from as long as I can remember my life.
I just want him to be happy, well-rested, and at peace. He wants same for me.
We never get both in once. Bwcause he’s always the one who gives. Always so self sacrificing. I used to think my dad is absolutely perfect but I think that’s very damgerous to give too muxh of yourself even if it’s... family. I’m... grateful of course... how can I not... but then I feel like a parazyte or something....... and I wouldn’t exchange his well being for anything else......... and yet.... I.... uh... my head’s gonna burst. I am just typing because I pushed this thought away so many times in these last days and if I pushed it away again it’d lead a really bad breakdown. I need to avoid that so I need to speak. Not to anyone particularly. Maybe I should seek a therapist. But still. Only place I can apply due outside conditions would he that in myncollege and I don’t think there’s place there. But still. I can’t afford another depression in the years that should be the most fun so I’ll have to keep my mental heath in check no matter what. So I guess it’s better to just write it out— maybe not scientifically most suggested or verified theory but I can’t expect things to be perfect to start working on them.
So yeah.
I am so full of love and life and joy nowadays.
But I also feel so undeserving for all or them.
Sometimes I feel smart and beautiful and productive and loved. Mostly.
Then I feel guilty for itntoo, even though I worked so hard for all of them— I worked so hard to understand all scientific shit, not only textbook wise but actual effort to adapt to scientific thinking. I worked hard in gym to get the body I want and I paid attention to my appearance and manners and culture, yet I still feel undeservjngn of beauty aometimes. I overcame social anxiety years ago and every friendship & communication I make successfully are big amazing achievements that may come naturally to extroverts but to me they took hard work. Sometimes, mostly, I’m like, “Wow Nila, well done! Amazing!” Then other times I’m like “Do you even?? Deserve your food?? Or your life??????? Do you even?? Deserve a warm bed when there are homeless people?? Do you even??? Deserve all these friends????? When you’re just?? You??? Do you even deserve enjoying your life when your parents are being quite exhausted and upset to provide for your spoiled rich kid life????” and...... like... this got me in serious depression before which onlynupsetted them further and they couldnt understand what was wrong woth me because they “gave me all”, emotionally and financially. They just couldnt ser that I felt like a parayste that’s sucking life out of them, as if Imm killing them by my own hands, andnidk.
Maybe I’m being too dramatic. Maybe that’s not the case. My parents strictly say they’re proud, that zi’m loved, that itms theirnown decision and not mine, etc., etc. I have no dark past, a clean family with no sad stuff or abuse or anything, and honestly, I don’y know.
I just want to see them happy and at peace too. Thst’s only way I can feel content. But I can’t change them. I can’t control a big majority of the spendings I have. I don’t know shat to fo. Thjs has been a problem for so many years. Itms not sth that appeared yesterday. Sometimes I can ignore. But then the feeling comes back like a ghost. That I’m undeserving. That I must be ashamed for enjoying myself.
I want to tell that it’s a lie, that it’s just a depressed thought and as a scientist I can’t trust a brain in clinical depression cause that’s chemical imbalance. That’s literally what keeps me sane, knowing that depression is a medical condition and any depression triggering thoughts are NOT REAL snd they’re just some medical imbalance of hormones and transmitters so I am just fine.
I’m not depressed, not really, I still feel excited and hupe and happy today. But this thought lingers. I couldn’tbhave afforded to push this thought away for the fifth time in last two days otherwise it’d break me. So I’f rather write it.
I keep telling myself that I am truly deserving to live and enjoy live.
I seriously had to rmeind myself two days ago like “just because you got a bad grade does not validate you starving yourself, you are deserving to eat rven when you are not doing well” tben I did buy myself my healthy food and ate it but...
Can I even... prove that I’m worth it??
I know for a fact rhat me trying is a good reason. Me working hard is a good reason. But not an enough reason. I need to be productive. I need to make myself happy. I need to make people I love happy. I neef to bring smiles to faces people I love— I need to get accepted to that project so I can perform researches when I’m off school so I can design drugs and save people so that my life and existence can be allowed and appreciated. I need to write fanfics and news and produce creative content to let my heart out and share joy with friends so we feel happy and alive and connected so it has a meaning. I need to save street animals so I actually have a meaning living my life.
Am I really deserving????
I am, I say myself, but then a voice whispers, but... are you sure?
I again say yes, I’m sure.
So far, I’m surs.
A little hesitant, but tjat must be some invalid creeping thoughtrather than a feality. Sveryone is deservijg of a happy joyful life so why not me??? I’d never say someone is undeserving of happiness unless that someone had an inexcusable crime like murder or something; and since that doesnt really happen in real life i’d sAy yes we all are deserving but...
I dkn’t know.
Maybe I should talk to someoen instead of mindlessly typing.
A therapist sounds nice but not too affordable. I’ll still try on Monday— wait no I hVe a midterm. Tuesday. I’ll try. If it’s not abailable maybe I can try some online therapy which is more convenient. I don’t know. Imm still feeling alive an happy and not detachef which is good but I don’t want this feeling to lead anywhere bigger, if it makes sensez
I just keep reminding myself that I am worth safety and love and joy as much as everyone else is
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lethalbreadkills · 5 years
"are those games bwnefitting you at all?" YES DAD YES THEY FUCKING ARE. I KNOW MURDER ISNT GOOD FOR MY MIND AND VIOLENCE OE WHTEVER THE SHIT IT IS YOU WANNA TRLL ME BUT GOD DAMMIT ITS FUCKING BENEFITTING ME It may not seem like it to you, dad, but playing something with my friends allows me to fucking- it lets me be someoen else!! i dont have to be lucy, the girl with problems, the girl with 20 missing assignments, the fucking failure!!! i can he briso, the happy child who manages to deal with his problems! i can be jimmy, someone who doesnt care about rules or problems, i can just be bread! a girl who draws and sure she has problems and she vents but shes liked. here, without all that shit, im a fucking failure. i cant do anything right, i lie, i ignore my schoolwork, i dont do well, i dont take my meds and im fucking sorry but i. fucking. my friends are the reason im alive. if i didnt have them id probably have attpted to kill myself at least once, my self esteem is already so fucking low from the fact im a failure, and with you ficking MICRO MANAGING MY LIFE ND THREATENING EVERYTHING I LOVE im jsut fucking- im not!!! doing okaya s i seem!! ever think that maybe YOURE the reason im distracted and parsnoid and just fucking iverall not okay??? i havent been okay with myself since first!!! fucking grade!!! im only 13, i shouldnt be wanting to kill myself sometimes because im just a lazy kid, because i feel like a failure all the damn fucking timw!!! the ONLY reason that im even galf assed okay is because of my friends, because i have escapes from life! and now youre threatening to take all of that away, and i cant even fucking tell you because youll jsut say im iver reacting, that i dug myself into this hole, and i did!!! i really fucking did. but you arent helping, at all. if im scared or anxious when youre yelling at me about something, when i feeeze up and cant do anything, you just tell em to stop that shit, vecause "your emotions dont control you, you control your emotions" and i fucking dont! and if i try to blame my adhd because its a valid fucking thing you say "dont use your adhd i have it too" BUT ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT! YOUR 5 FUCKING 2, YOU KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS! IM not ONLY add, im honestly probably depressed and anxious, im 13, im deqling with the stress of schooll, i have friend issues, drama, i have 20 FUCKI GMISSING ASSIGNMENTS, and im horomonal and im just not fucking okay and im sorry i dont have a good excuse but im honestlt this far from jsut trying to find a different way to show how much of a failure i am, how sorry i am that im a fucking failure, and honestly im not planning but everyone would be better without me i only cuse problems, i havent made your life any better!!! because im aparently such a burden that you walked four miles to and from a pantry with 20 pounds of cans, and you still hurt, and all ive been doing is sitting on my ass playing games on my computer. and im fucking sorry. i dont know what else to say, im sorry im a failure im sorry im useless, im sorry im lazy im sorry im fat, im sorry that ive done so much that you have to kicro manage me, and im sorry that im not fucking gone yet and that im still being a burden to you im just... im sorry i guess. ill shut up now.
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kaywritesthings · 7 years
God and country 4
clyde kissed his lips. "Oh yes, lets get tubes. Less workout with tubes." He giggled. HE went up to get tubes and came back with two. Heather and the girls joined them. After about 40 minutes everyone got out to switch over to the lazy river.
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly. "I don't know what I'm going to have for breakfast yet, honey, what do you want to have for breakfast," he sent back and then felt his eyes widen in shock when he saw the boyfriend pillow Clyde had made. He wasn't sure if he should find that creepy or adorable, so he figured it was something in between. "No, honey, no clubs. I don't even like clubs. I'm just going out to dinner with my married client," he promised. Gabe looked up at Foster and smiled. "I know. He is." He said fondly and laughed gently. "I'm sure she's great," Gabe said and shook Foster's hand. "I guess I'll see you there tonight."
Clyde joined the chat 54 minutes ago
Clyde: Clyde didnt like that he was having dinner with a client, but he figured it was ok. the man or woman was married.He hoped woman. He decided to go out and buy a new phone. He kept his number. He loved it, then realize he was being selfish and bought his friend one too and then he bought Gabe gifts, he bought him new suits to wear and pajamas that matched his. He found out where his office was and orderd flowers. Heather helped him. He had roses sent to his office. "I miss you. xoxoxoxxoxooxoxo." He wrote. He had to work, so he put the card away in the room and went to work. He was on night shift. He had a few people hit on him. He had no idea why he was getting a lot of people on him now. Maybe when you were taken, it made one feel more attractive.
Gabe joined the chat 39 minutes ago
Gabe: Gabe discussed a few more things with Foster before they parted ways, and then he headed back to his apartment really fast to change and take a quick nap before going back to the office and really working the case. He fell into the hard work and felt time passing, and didn't really look up until he saw some roses being brought in. He smiled up at them and took a break to text Clyde really fast. "The roses are beauitful. Thank you, honey. XO" He ordered some food into the office, arragned some meetings for the next day and then went down to the theatre.
Clyde: Clyde missed him a lot. He tried not to. He wonderd if he should ask a couple days off and go see Gabe! That would be a nice surprise and he really wanted to see NYC. He asked his boss and she said yes quickly. He squealed, but had no idea how to order plane tickets, so heather helped him. He worried about his dragon, but heather said she would take care of it. He wondered if Gabe would like this surprise or not. He was a little scared, the airport was big. He put on nice clothes and got his hair done cute and shaggy. He didnt know Gabes apartment or place. He called the office and got someoen named jackson to give him the office address. He wrote it on a piece of paper. Foster greeted him. He took him backstage to meet Hedwig. "She's very famous I guess in some groups. I take it you dont do a lotof theatre? I didnt either until her. HONEY! Are you here? Oh crap, I need to buy her roses. I do it ever show.. Hold on." He pushed an app and abutton and they sent it right away. He needed to put them bak on a time schdule.
Clyde: {also i have an altermative one wher ehe doesnt go to nyc HAAH if you wnt to wait i want to see your ideas too)
Clyde: Clyde sighed and mised him a lot. He worked all evening and went to eat at a salad buffett since he felt he was getting kinda fat. He smiled when he got the text abot the roses he put a xoxo in the text. He didnt want to be too annoying. He laid on his bed with four other girls and watched a movie before they ordered frinks and turned on music
Gabe: Gabe put his phone on silent and stepped into the theatre with Foster. It seemed like a nice place, and he could see why Foster wanted to save it. It seemed to be pretty poplar too, by the amount of people streaming in. He waited for Foster's wife to come out of the dressing room, not wanting to intrude. When she did poke her head out, in full make up and a dressing gown, she looked him over and narrowed her eyes. "So you're the fat Jew everyone tells me about," she said finally. "I told everyone I wanted a fat Jew to do all of that...legal shit," she said vaguely making a gesture into the air. "I told my ex husband he should go into something Jew-y and make us more money but he refused. Impossible man." Hedwig went back into her room and stared to dress. "You can stare if you like, honey, but maybe you should go get a seat for the real show."
Clyde: "Ah k. Yeah, that's my wife. Sorry she's... she's very vocal and pretty!"He yelled. His son ran from for hedwig and hugged her leg. "Can I wear make up?" He asked her. He wanted hedwig to pick him up. "If you cant be fabouluos, than get out of my face!" He rehearshed. Foster sighed. he took him out of the room and into a seat. "Well the court thing is tomorrow, but tonight enjoy. Her show has a good story if she tells it, sometimes she just wants to insult peopl for an hour and sing. " He warned Gabe. Clyde got off the plane and was scared, he went to gabes office, everything was so overwhelming. He didnt know what to do and cried a couple of times from excitement and fear. He sent Gabe a text. "Where are you?"
Gabe: Gabe didn't really know what to say and just sort of nodded a little, giving Hedwig a tense sort of smile. Foster wasn't kidding. She was really...something. It was cute to see her with a kid though. Something about her almost softened immediately and she reached down and picked him up, setting him down on the vanity. "Of course, my little honey bee," she cooed and smiled. "You look so pretty when you let Hedwig do your makeup," she said and sat down to start doing it, laughing to herself. Gabe let Foster show him to a seat and nodded. "Thank you. I'm sure the show will be great." Gabe checked his phone one more time before turning it off for good and saw the text from Clyde. "I'm seeing my client's show downtown," he typed back quickly. "Aren't you at work, honey? I promise I'll call you back later, I have to turn my phone off now."
Clyde: "Wait, what show? Please tel me.. Please?" He text. New york was amazing and he wanted to bath in it, but he wanted to do it with Gabe by his side. peoplewere shoving red bus tours in his face. A few grabbed his ass... Foster sighed and loved when Hedwig was with his little boy. Clyde sent him another text. "I just want to know, please?"
Gabe: Gabe was about to touch the off button when another text came through. he typed out one quick reply. "It's called Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and I'm so sorry, honey, I have to go. I'll call you when the show is done okay? xoxo." He replied and then shut his phone off for good.
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: Clyde knew the show ! He loved Hedwig. He couldnt believe he was seeing her! He got someone to help him go to the theatre He didnt carry cash. He gave him his scarf as a tip. They liked it. He went to the theatre. "You got to let me in, my boyfriend is inside. "He begged the ticket man. "He's the lawyer guy, please?" He pouted. They sighed and tried to see what they could do. Hedwig ususally didnt like people coming in when she was on stage singing tear me down. They snuck him in. Foster was outside for a moment looking over paper work, when he looked up to see Clyde, and boy was that man gorgeous. "Hey.. you look familiar." He said. "I do?" Clyde said. "My boyfriend is in there. Gabe..-last name- Foster smiled. "oh, wow yeah. he did well ." He laughed. "come on, hedwig can get mad at me for shining inside light." He opened the door and hedwig was on stage. Clyde gasped when he saw her. "Sorry honey!" Foster yelled.
Clyde: http://www.unificationfrance.com/IMG/jpg...
Clyde: s hair cut he wa busy
Clyde: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6ozo4wLC0pU/U0...
Clyde: what hes wearing, cause its importnar
Gabe: Gabe settled in to see the show and was enjoying what was happening so far, but turned a little when he heard some commotion near the doors. Hedwig heard it too and stopped singing in the middle of the song, shouting something at the band in German and then crossing her arms over her chest and looking towards the open door. "I tell you over and over again, little people in their little red vests, if they can't make it to the theatre on time they don't deserve to see my show!" she shouted petulantly. She heard Foster's voice and let out a long suffering sigh. "Fine, fine, hurry to the seat then, darling, you're ruining my big moment." Gabe looked around and was floored to see Clyde being the one shown to an empty seat near him. "Clyde?" he whispered in surprise. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"
Clyde: He saw Gabe and squealed. Foster went to ask the person sitting beside Gabe if they would mind moving. They didnt seem to mind as long as they got an autograph.He nodded. "Ok fine, move please." Clyde sat beside him and hugged him with a loud queak. He heard an usher tell him so shhh. He kissed his cheek "I missed you so much, and heatehr helped me find you!" He said. He kissed his cheek. "Are you mad?"
Gabe: Gabe was shocked but hugged Clyde back and kissed him on the lips softly. "Okay, baby no I'm not mad, I think it's great that your here, but we should be quiet, becuase of the show-" he explained and looked up to see Hedwig on stage, tapping her foot expectantly. "Yes, fat jew and his jail bait. I see you." On stage Yitzhak very cautiously offered up one of his boots, in case she wanted to throw something. It was just easier sometimes to have something ready. And so she didn't start throwing the liquor bottles because that seemed so much worse. "No no, they are safe for now, that fat Jew is my lawyer, aren't you honey?" Hedwig smiled at Yitzak. "Why don't you go talk Jew to him and make him pay attention to the show. Maybe put a muzzle on the puppy too."
Clyde: Clyde watched hedwig and waved. He super thought she was cute. He turned to Gabe wh osaid to be quiet. He wondered if he could hold his hand. He laced their fingers together and rested his cheek on his shoulder. Foster sighed and hoped Hedwig would move on with the series. He saw his son sitting back stage side to the stage coloring like he did every night JHe was glad they got custody of him. Clyde perked up. "you got a puppy" He asked gabe when hedwig said his puppy
Clyde: move on with the show not series hah
Clyde: *his son is sitting to the side of the stage, laing on his stomach coloring and humming to hedwig music haah
Gabe: Gabe squeezed Clyde's hand and laughed just a little bit. "Honey," he whispered into Clyde's ear, "You're the puppy. Now shh, we'll talk more after the show." Hedwig findally decided that people were paying enough attention and got the band started up again, and there was a loud cheer in the audience.
Clyde: Clyde whispered to Gabe "Where is the berlin wall? " He asked. He hummed. "And where is germany?" He kissed his cheek. He loved looking at Gabe. He coudlnt tell if Gabe was annoyed or happy to see him. He loved the show. He had never sene a show like this, he loved the music and sang alonga little. Theo came out on stage to do the final song with Hedwig, because he loved to be pat of it. He u sually just danced around the side of the stage in a cute dress.
Gabe: Gabe just squeezed Clyde's hand when he tried to talk after that, and whispered a promise that they would talk after the show. It really was a very powerful piece, and Hedwig was truly a fabulous performer. Clyde did make an 'aww' sound when the little boy stumbled out on stage at the finale and After the song Hedwig went and scooped him up, dancing around wit him as the glitter fell from the ceiling. The lights came up in the theatre and Gabe really felt like he could greet Clyde then. He hugged him tightly and kissed him again. "I still can't believe you're here! Did you make it here okay? You seem okay, you surprised me so much."
Clyde: "It was scary. The plane was scary ." He pouted and kissed his lips "I got ok at work to be here for two days. They knew I missed you so so much." He gave him an eskimo kiss. "The whole plce is big and overwhelming and people are much more touchy here. Please dont leave my side." He pouted. He was glad that Gabe wasnt upset that he was here. "Did you miss me? I skipped breakgast cause I didnt know what you were going to have." Foster came over and smiled. "We are going out to eat, if you two want to join us?"
Gabe: Gabe chuckled a little, knowing he'd been gone only half of a day at this point, but it was sweet that Clyde had missed him so much. "Oh Clyde, honey, I wish you'd told me you were coming. I would have made arrangements to get you at the airport." He laughed softly and stroked Clyde's arm. He looked up when Foster came over and nodded. "Yes of course, that sounds wonderful, right Clyde?"
Clyde: "I am sorry. I shold have. I just didnt think it through." He laughed. He turned to Foster and hugged onto gabe. "YES! We want to eat dinner with you."He said. He saw hedwig and squealed. "I love your retro stories! So awesome!" he shouted. He heard a loud noise and jumped. It was just a truckIt was so loud here and big. He held onto gabe tight
Gabe: Hedwig put on a dress and touched up her makeup before coming out to see Foster and her laywer and his boy toy. He must be good at his job though, to be able to have such a hot young thing. Only rich men got boys like that. "Thank you, sweetie," Hedwig simpered and touched Clyde's cheek. "Let's go I'm starving," she said and walked off to get the cab. Gabe couldn't help but chuckle when Clyde jumped. "It's just a car backfiring, Clyde, I promise it's okay. This is a loud city."
Clyde: Clyde went over to Hedwig and talked her ear off about canada and if shes ever been. He could see foster and her looking at him. He knew they wondered how he was with gabe. Most people were curioys about why they were togehter, but they rationalied it as money. He took gabes hand and kissed his knuckles. He hoped Gabe didnt thik that, even if he spent like so much money. He sat down and looked at the menu "What are you gettig, Gabe?" He asked. Foster sat down. His son was asleep and had his head on hedwigs shoulder and arms around her neck sleeping.
Gabe: Gabe was glad to be holding Clyde's hand again, even if it was still overwhelming tha Clyde was here at all. But it was nice, regardless. He kissed Clyde's cheek and sat down at the table, looking over the menu. "I think I'll get the sirloin steak," he said, pointing at the item on the menu. Hedwig seemed much calmer now that she had a sleeping baby in her arms, and she held the boy expertly with one hand and took little sips of her drink with the other, leaning over to chat softly with Foster about what she wanted to order.
Clyde: Clyde ordered the same as gabe even if he wanted the pasta. He thought it was time to let Gabe pick the meal. He told the waiter to make it exactly like Gabes and the sides the same too. He didnt evne hear gAbe's sides. Foster looked them over and lifted a brow.He ordered country fried steak and potatoes. He loved that hedwig loved his son so much, their son. The little boy loved hedwig more than his own mother. and (probably father) "so uh, Cylde is it, what do you do?" Clyde blushed, he didnt have a fancy job. "I .. I life guard."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft sigh when Clyde ordered the same thing, but gave him a smile anyway. He had hoped that was only a breakfast thing. Maybe there was some way to get Clyde to budge on that thing. "And he's going to start going to school for Graphic design, right?" he said and smiled, nudging Clyde's shoulder lightly. "He's going to be fabulous at it."
Clyde: "Right maybe I am not very good at it." He pouted. "I rather work with dolphins and train them, but there is no ocean. " He smiled and shrugged. "But gabe think si could be a model. "He spoke up. "Oh yeah, you could. " Foster nodded. "We have theo in modeling.. He likes it. Ic an talk to the agency." He said. He looked at Hedwig. "Right?" He wanted her to confirm it was a good idea.
The message.
"Gabe. It's Jackson. Listen, we need you to be here tomorrow. We have a client who requested you. Their business is under attack and they want the best. They are willing to pay a lot. we wouldnt ask unless we are desperate.. Come in asap. I sent you tickets for tonight or early am.. Thanks This is jackson
Gabe: Gabe did feel some kind of relief about the whole thing. It was a relief to know that he made Clyde visably more happy than he had been, enough that people that knew him noticed. He chuckled. "I don't really want to drown tonight. I have too much to live for," he said and smiled, leaning in to kiss Clyde again, losing himself in his lips and gently rocking with the waves lapping against him. "Do you want to get some tubes?"
Clyde: clyde kissed his lips. "Oh yes, lets get tubes. Less workout with tubes." He giggled. HE went up to get tubes and came back with two. Heather and the girls joined them. After about 40 minutes everyone got out to switch over to the lazy river.
Clyde: Gabes phone rang a total of 6 times before a message was left on the phone. Jackson called the hotel a few times.
Clyde: "Gabe. It's Jackson. Listen, we need you to be here tomorrow. We have a client who requested you. Their business is under attack and they want the best. They are willing to pay a lot. we wouldnt ask unless we are desperate.. Come in asap. I sent you tickets for tonight or early am.. Thanks This is jackson
Gabe: Gabe was having a pleasant time with Clyde just floating around the wave pool and then over to the Lazy River. He liked how nice the park was less crowded and seeing the lights of the city and the stars overhead. He liked being close to Clyde overall, and wished he could stay forever. It was nice not to be permanently attached to his phone or chained to a desk. Even if he was the CEO of the company, he had people acting like he was an employee still. It was nice to have some time to forget all that.
Clyde: Clyde smiled as they drank frozen lemonade on the laxzy riger. He held Gabes hand so they wouldnt lost contact. He kissed his lips and cheek when he looked his way. Clyde for once felt safe. Settled. Happy. He hoped it would last him forever. He wanted Gabe to fall in love and really keep him.
Gabe: Gabe yawned a little as they went around the lazy river, and Gabe felt old for feeling tired already. He squeezed Clyde's hand. "How are you holding up?" he asked. There had been a lot of really late nights in quick succession with Clyde and Gabe was starting to feel his age. He didn't want to rush Clyde though, if he was having a good time.
Clyde: " I feel good. Do you want to go? ARe you tired?" He asked. "We can go home and cuddle and watch movies?" He suggested. He wanted to make Gabe happy. Gabe was an old man. "You look tired. But, God I hope not of me" He laughed. "I know your gay friend wants to see you... I will try to be less selfish. Hes just attractive, you could easily see something in him."
Gabe: Gabe yawned a little and tried to stifle it. "I'm sorry," he said and let out a tired laugh. "You could probably go all night." He chuckled. "Well the sex alone could put most men down for the count, and we didn't really take a nap after." Gabe kissed Clyde's cheek. "I am becuase of you in a good way. Your hot ass did me in." He sighed. "Clyde, honey, Johnny isn't after me like that. We're friends."
Clyde: "We can go baby, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didnt take care of you?" He pouted. He kissed his lips "Plus, I need to shave my legs anyway and arm pits." All lifeguards were suppose to even the boys. He took his hand. "We are going to go. My daddy is sleepy." Everyone cheered at his words. "Go get laid!" Soemone yelled. Clyde smiled and turned to him. "Let's get our stuff and jet!"
Gabe: Gabe gave Clyde a happy smile and leaned in to kiss his lips gently. "Thank you honey," he said and kissed him again. He flushed and ducked his head when Clyde called him daddy in front of everyone and was blushing all the way back to the lockers to get their stuff. He noticed that he had a lot of messages on his phone and waited til he got to the car to listen to them. He frowned and sighed heavily. "Damn it," he whispered under his breath. "I have to call the office when we get back to the hotel room. Some kind of emergency."
Clyde: "oh, no. .What kind. Someone die?" He asked. He was worried for Gabe. "It's ok baby, we are gonna burn sage later. That rid bad spirits" He smiled. Jackson called again. He really needed an answer. He sent a text. "Gabriel Please. Pleas call me back. We need you ASAP. They are willing to pay half a million dollars for you1" He text. "That's a big deal." He wrote. Clyde drove them to wal mart and parked. "I need shaving cream and more lube, since your cock takes so much." He iggled. He took Gabe's wallet from his pocket and kissed his cheek. He left to go inside. Since it seemed Gabe needed to call someone, even if it wasnt the hotel yet.
Gabe: Gabe shook his head. "No, no one died. A client," he said. He didn't bother replying to the text. He was still the boss anyway. He would call him back when he got to the hotel. "No Clyde, honey I need to go to the hotel. Right now," he told him. "Please. Right now." He grabbed Clydes wrist and dragged him back to the car. "We need to go to the hotel, I need to make a call and I can't do it from my cell phone, I need to be in my office so I can be o the laptop."
Clyde: "I need shaving cream." He pouted. "I will be back." He giggled and ran inside. He grabbed lube, cheetos, apple juice, a new lap top cause why not, he bought socks and big shirts and shaving cream. He came back with a half cart full of things and put them in the car. "Sorry, I have to shave my legs." He could see Gabe was upset or something. "Anyway, whats the rush, you said no one died!"
Gabe: Gabe was anxious and he didn't know why Clyde didn't see that. Or why he dind't care if he saw it. He couldn't do any work from the cell phone, not that needed to be done. He sat and stewed in the car while he waited for Clyde. "Just drive," he said his jaw clenched. "Just drive. I told you it was important and you didn't care, Clyde. You ignored me. I need to work, I told you. And you didn't care. Just get me to the hotel. Now. Or I'll call the car and doit myself."
Clyde: "You said you were sick of work. I am helping you not think abotu it. you said at the pool that you were glad for me to help you not worry about it all the time, and you are worrying." He said and drove to the hotel. "I can drive you there, but I need to stop for gas. I cant help it" He said as he stopped at a gas station. He saw a friend from work and hugged. " I got to go, hes in a mood." He said a she filled the tank and got in. "Sorry." He said and drove to the hotel. He parked the car. "Can we call bell hop to get my stuff? " He asked
Clyde: *drove towards the hotel
Gabe: Gabe was so furious he could feel a vein bulghing in his head. "Clyde, do you know I own and run this company? It's all up to me. It doesn't matter sometimes if I want a break or even if I need one, I have to do it. When its a big deal like this, I have to do it. That's how business works." He didn't understand why Clyde was bieng so inconsiderate. "Yes, fine, I don't care Clyde, I need to get up there. I needed to be there 40 mintues ago when I told you but you didn't give a shit," Gabe said, swiftly going up to the elevator and keying in the code.
Clyde: "I did give a shit. I just know you want a break. I am your favorite part of life. Your new life. You are going so fast." He said. He pouted when Gabe went ahead of him Hmmpf/ He still had Gabes card. He ordered a bell hop to take his things up. He got to the door and went inside the room. He tipped the guy 20 dollars. The guy smiled and left. He sighed and sat on the bed. Jackson was on the other line tellin ghim about the client "His name is Foster Ashley. His spouse is having legal issues and they requested YOU!"
Gabe: Gabe went right into his office in the penthouse and closed the door, pulling up the offical law office servers before he called Jackson back, so he could look over the legal records while he was talking to Jackson. He nodded along, already anxious and trying to deal with this was making him more anxious. "A lot of people request me, Jackson, I wouldn't be where I was if I wasn't good at it," he said a little petulantly. "Just fax me the information. Is there any reason this is critical enough I need to be there in person? I can conduct a lot of business over the phone and internet."
Clyde: -insert reason why he HAS to be there in person.. maybe its big news because hedwig?- clyde pouted when he was shut out of the office room. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He wondered if he should get another room and stay there. He didnt really want to do that. He went to the bathroom to start a bath and set the shaving cream and razor up. He had a new 600 dollar lap top! He would open later.
Gabe: Gabe spent a few minutes arguing on the phone with Jackson, who really did get too big for his britches when Gabe wasn't in the office, even though he was the junior partner and not the top dog at all, and finally said he'd call the client in the morning and schedule a flight back. But that for now he needed a good night's sleep so he could actually work. He said goodnight to Jackson and heard the water running in the bathroom. "Clyde?" he called gently, and knocked on the door before poking his head inside. "I have to go back to New York tomorrow. Just for a day. Maybe two."
Clyde: Clyde was singing to old retro music Britney spears circus. He loved that song. He shaved his leg and got out to pat them dry. He put his new expensive lotion on his legs and came out of the bathroom. He saw Gabe. "Are you done being upset with me for wanting to love you?" He asked. He sat down and handed him a brush. "Will you brush my hair, the back of it. It gets tangled." He said. "And I need to give myself a manicure. Is your work ok, it sure does maek you grumpy old man1"
Gabe: Gabe sighed. "Did you even hear what I just said?" he asked, the frustration still present in his voice. "No it's not okay. I need to go back to New York in the morning. For a day or two. I just said that." He pursed his lips. "You calling me a grumpy old man isn't really going to make the situation any better he said, but took the brush anyway and started to brush Clyde's hair.
Clyde: Clyde startd to get tears in his eyes. First from the meaness in his voice. He had never been mad or upset with Clyde before. He then felt a rush of panic when he said he was going back. He put his face in his hands and started to sob. He couldnt help it sometimes, it was trigger. "Well you dont have to be so mean to me." He pulled his head away so he wouldnt touch his head. "If you wnt to break up, you can, but dont make me feel bad." He shouted.
Gabe: Gabe was shocked when Clyde started crying. He dropped the brush and wrapped his arms gently around Clyde. "Honey, you haven't been listening to me. I told you something was important to me and you ignored it. That was very mean to me. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm asking you to listen to me and try to understand. I don't want to break up with you, Clyde. That's the last thing I want to do."
Clyde: He pushed out of his arms and went to look out the window. "You are leaving and I have to go back to my place.. and you'll not come back. Two days will turn into never coming back." He sighed and leaned over the balcony. "I was listening to you. The real you. At the pool. You were sick of work, you wanted me to rescue you and I did, and now you are mad at me for listening to the firs t you."
Gabe: "No," Cldye said, confused. "No of course you're not going back to your place. I want you to stay here, in the Hyatt. I'll leave you a credit card so you can get anything you need until I get back." He stroked Clyde's shoulders. "Honey, please just listen to me. Please. You aren't listening. I can be tired of work, and need to be recused from it and still have to do it. Those can both be real. I'm leaving you in the hotel room, with my credit card and all of my things. I'll just bring a briefcase with me. I'll have to come back. Not for the things, but for you. I just want you to know that."
Clyde: Clyde started to cry cause he didnt want to say bye to the hyatt yet, he didnt prepare. He stopped crying when he said he could stay here. "Ok, but will you leave your shirt that smells like you and text me what yo uhave for breakfast?" He asked. He wiped his tears. "What if you want to cheat on me? Will you tell me?" He asked.
Gabe: He closed his arms around Clyde and held him close, trying to rub his back and get him to stop crying. "Yes, Clyde of course, please, please don't cry. I'll leave whatever you want." He kissed Clyde's forehead. "I can text you whenever you want, okay. I would take you with me right now but I know you'd need more notice at work. But I'll be back in two days." He kissed Clyde's cheek. "I won't cheat on you. Why would I? You're amazing and I love you."
Clyde: "You cant love me. you dont know me. you just think you do." He cried on his shoulder. "I dont want you to leave. cant you just face time?" He asked. He pouted. He rested his chin on his shoulder. "Like why do they super need you more than I do. I need you the most" He hugged his neck. "Even if you are royallly annoyed with me. I am sorry. I needed to shave my legs." He sighed. "And more lube for you, I didnt need the laptop, but I wanted it. For graphic stuff." He said. "And I didnt think you would care anyway."
Gabe: Gabe reached out and stroked his hand up and down Clyde's back, trying to calm him down. "Honey, I can't this time. I tried to make that work, but it won't." He ran his fingers through Clyde's hair. "I am a little annoyed, but it's alright. Nothing that can't be fixed." He kissed Clyde's temple. "I don't care, I want you to have things you need. But one of the things I need is to go into the office for a couple of days. And then I'll be back."
Clyde: He rested his cheek on his chest. He felt misrable. "Ok." He said. "I guess that's ok. " He removed his shirt and pants and goes to the bed. He takes his hand. "And I can keep the room and order food?" He asked. "I have the next day off. Can I invite heather over?" He asked. "Will you promise to textm e?" He said as he sat on the bed. "Wil you miss me?"
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly. "Yes, you can stay here. I want you to stay. And you can order as much food as you want." He took o fhis clothes and slid into bed himself, yawning a little. He cuddled up to Clyde's side and nodded. "I'll text you. I promise. And I'll miss you every second." He smiled. "And yes you can have Heather over. Just no boys. I'll get too jealous."
Clyde: "No boys. I wont even let boy bus boys in I will request they all be girls." He smiled. He really would. He kissed his lips. "I dont like when youare mad at me." He confessed. "It's not a good feeling when you are." He sighed. He laid his head on the pillow and looked up at him. "When do you have to leave? Can we have breakfast? Oh! can you go get me the menu so we can order it.. I didnt mark this one.."
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. That was probably taking it a little far, but Clyde seemed to think a little too far. It was endearing when it wasn't interfering with what Gabe needed to get done. "I don't like being mad at you either," he said gently and rubbed at Clyde's chest. "I don't want to be mad at you. But we can always make it okay." He laughed a little. "My flight leaves at 8, so it would have to be a very early breakfast. Do you want to get up that early?"
Clyde: "I want to be with you." He poute. He touched his cheek. He got up to get the menu and brought it back "Ok let's get two orders of toast, and two orders of the daily breakfat." He smiled. "And I wrote the measurements so they get it the same on both plates." He wrote one cup eggs, 12 potatoes on each plate, 2 toast on each plate and two jars of the same cute jellies. He wrote coffee needed to be the same cup mass. He ran out of room with his details. "And we should get vanilla flavor milk things." (creamer)
Gabe: Gabe was starting to get a little tired of the identical breakfast orders since it was making breakfast a little difficult to eat, but he didn't want to start an argument. He just nodded along and let Clyde do what he wanted. "That sounds fine," he said with a smile. "But we need to have it come at 7 o clock so I can go catch the plane." He chuckled. "And I think you mean creamer there. French Vanilla creamer."
Clyde: "Yeah the French cream shots. I love them." He put the menu out and laid beside him. He rubbed his chest. "What will you wear tomorrow, so I can wear the same color." He said as he looked up at him. "Maybe wear your green shirt and I will wear mine. " He kissed his lips. "Are you annoyed, you seem annoyed." He pouted. "Did you and Johnny ever make out? "
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily and closed his eyes. "Clyde, honey, I can't think of what I'm going to wear right now. I'm just going to get up and go jump on a plane. If you want me to wear green I can wear green." He kissed Clyde back. "I'm not annoyed, honey, I just want to get some sleep before tomorrow. And of course Johnny and I never made out, oh my God. We were friends, Clyde. We're just friends."
Clyde: "Get some sleep." He said as he laid beside him. "What if you dont come back? Will you tell me?" He asked. He kissed his cheek and lips. "This might be the last time I see you." He told him. He started to tear up again. He got up to get sage oil and put a couple droplet son his thumb. He turned his thumb to Gabe's forehead and ran a line over his head. "This is so you have a good life." He said. "With no demons." He kissedh si lips. He set the oil down and reste dhis cheek on his chest. He sighed and turned off the lights. He looked out into the darkness. "what are you thinking about?"
Gabe: Gabe was stressed out and he closed his eyes, hoping to get some kind of rest, but Clyde didn't seem to be able to turn it off for long enough for him to go to sleep. He sighed softly. "Clyde, I'm giong to come back. You're going to see me again." He tried to close his eys but fel tdrops of oil on his forehead. "Babe, I'm going to be back before the end of the week, there's no need to be dramatic." He pursed his lips and tried not to let out a heavy sigh. "I'm thinking about sleep," he said. "Please just hold me and we can go to sleep okay?"
Clyde: Clyde listen to him speak. He didnt think what he was doing was dramatic. He was saving him. He was protecting him. He let out a heavy sigh. "Well, you know what I am thinking? I am thinking about how rivers run. And how the change of path leads to the ocean. the meaning of life is where we go and who we meet." He said. He rolled over and hugged him. "I send peace upon your flgith, the eagles wings guide you into new york. Jewish God will seek out for your fear." He yawned. "Goodnight, my soul mate."
Gabe: Gabe closed his eyes and sank into Clyde's arms, but he still felt that sleep was a long way off. "Hmmm," he replied and sighed a little. "That sounds nice," he murmured. "Thank you," he breathed. "Can we go to sleep now?" he asked finally and leaned up and kissed Clyde softly on the lips. "Good night. Now shh. Sleep."
Clyde: "Sleep." He gave permission. He fell asleep himself, feeling his brain moving at a face pace. He didnt take his medcine his aunt gave him. He needed to find it. That would calm him down. He slid from his arms and went to find it. He found half in his bag at the bottom. He brushed crumbs off and took it. The thoughts calmed down as well as his body. He sighed happily and went to slide back in his arms. He fell asleep
Gabe: Gabe closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He thought he could feel Clyde moving around but finally he was able to fall asleep despite it. He woke up with a start when his alarm went off, and quickly rolled out of bed and into the shower, knowing he didn't have much time to get ready to go.
Clyde: Clyde was sound asleep. Breakfast servers kept knocking on the door. But Clyde was out of it. He didnt budge. The phone rang in the room, and he was still out of it "Mr. gabes last name " the server called out. "breakfast!"
Gabe: Gabe rushed out of the shower to go get the door when he heard it being knocked on repeatedly. "You know I told your staff to just come in and set everything on the table if I didn't answer, don't you?" Gabe said with a hint of frustration, trying to push the shampoo back from falling into his eyes. He tipped them hastily and went back to the shower. "Clyde, breakfast is here!" he called as he passed.
Clyde: Clyde saw it was here and sat up "ok." He yawned. He sat up and slid out of bed. He went to measure the food. They did a perfect job and he smiled. He put the covers back on and went to put Gabes a green shirt out. He unpacked his bag looking for it though and put everything on the bed looking for the green shirt.He laid on the bed as he waited for Gabe to come out. "breakfast is getting cold."
Clyde: food covers back on*
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily when he came out and saw one of his closets mroe or less emptied on the bed, but he didn't have time to deal with it. He only needed his briefcase really, he was just going to the office and back to his apartment. "I know, sorry, I'm trying," he said, and quickly got dressed and sat down and started eating. "I need to go in a few miutes. The car will be here in half an hour."
Clyde: He grabbed his meal and started to eat what he was eating. "ok. Slow down. I cant keep up" He said as he stuffed potatoes in his mouth. He didnt like to eat fast. He took his time. "You are in such a hurry to go." He said as he ate his eggs next after Gabe took a couple bites. He set his tray down. He could monitor the bites when he left. That would be better really. He went to bring him coffee. "I got you the green shirt and black shorts!"
Gabe: Gabe didn't have time to slow down. "Honey, I have a plane to catch. I don't have time to really eat everything delibrately," he said and took a sip of his coffee. "I'm not in a hurry to leave, I just can't miss my flight. Do you understand that?" he asked gently. "Yes, I can wear the shirt but I need to wear slacks, honey, I have to go right into the office. But thank you."
Clyde: "Ok." He said. He put on Gabes shorts and stretched them out. "Look. I look like a diet commerical after." He smiled cheesily. "Sorry." He realized he was calling Gabe fat. "I will miss you so much. Can you call me on the airplane and we can talk for a long time? " He asked. He kissed his cheek "you didnt shave. Do lawyers not shave?"
Gabe: Gabe looked up when Clyde was putting on his pants, and the joke actually hurt his feelings a little, and he felt his throat tighten. "Yes," I guess you do," he said softly and finished getting dressed and grabbed his briefcase and everything else he needed. "Clyde, I can't talk on the airplane. I can turn on the wifi and text you that way, maybe. But I do have to get some work done on the flight over." He rubbed his cheeks. "I'll shave on the plane. I don't really have time now, i have to go check in."
Clyde: Clyde sighed "You are leaving me with bad vibes. " He pouted. "ok, fine. Your plane is so important." He fell sidewise on the bed. "Have a good flight." He said and put the covers over his head and sighed deeply. "I will be ok. Dont worry. Just go.. GO!" He shouted.
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily. "I'm not trying to, Clyde, but you're making it very difficult for me right now," he said, pulling out one of his credit cards and setting it down for him. "Clyde honey, I'm very sorry, but ehres my card and I will text you when I can. And call you later today when I land, okay?" he said. He leaned over Clyde and kissed his temple. "Please try to understand baby," he breathed, and then kissed him again before leaving.
Clyde: "I understand I do." He sighed and looked around the room. He started to cry when he was alone. He sat up and looked at the card. He called heather to go with him to go shopping and to hang out. She said she would in an hour. He went to see if he coudl work, but they didnt need him today. He went to the mall and texted gabe a few times "Going to the mall.. Got my car in the shop. You know you can use sky wifi? Go to airplane mode and like connect. You have no real excuse." He bought a lot of new clothes and ate at a fancy place near the mall that served filet magnon and rice. He went to the pet store and followed his ancestors to his perfect pet! Which was a bearded dragon lizard. He bought the cage and al that he ndded and crickets. He set it up in the hotel. Heather and him ordered a mocie and watched it. She braided his hair. He painted her toe nails They spilled juice on the bed and had to get new sheets. They invited four more people over. He sent another text. "I only have girls over, and I got a new lizard!" He sent a photo.
Clyde: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/image...
Gabe: Gabe only just barely made it to the plane on time, and had to hurry onboard. He sat down, feeling exhausted alredy and took out his laptop as soon as he was able to and started to do some work that he needed to do. He didn't get to check his messages until they were landing several hours later, and was alittle overwhelmed at the amount of messages he had, and the fact that Clyde had bought a pet. "He looks nice," was all Gabe could think tho text back. "I'm glad you're having a good time. Be safe, honey, okay? I'm getting in a cab to go to the office now."
Clyde: 4 people turned into 6 people.. turned into 10 "Oh my boyfrind will be mad if i have any boys, no boys!" He said, so the place was full of girls. Three in the hot tub, a few doing make overs in the bathroom and everyone eating cake and tacos he bought from the menu. He had his car in shop until tomorow. He said he couldnt go out in case there was a chance he might cheat. He got a text. "ok! I have a few friends over.. ALL GIRLS. I miss you so much xoxxoxoxo. Bruno says hi. He's the lizard. He's asleep. "
Gabe: Gabe was a little curious what Clyde was up to, since he thought he had to work today, and why he was hanging around the hotel, but he figures as long as Clyde was happy it was okay. There really wasn't too much damage he could do. Gabe textd back the he missed Clyde too and hoped he had a good time unitl Gabe could come back. He told him he woudl text back later, and went into his required meetings, trying to put all of that aside and focus so he could get all of this done and hurry back.
Clyde: Clyde missed him and put his shirt on a pillow and hugged it. He printed out a photo of him smiling with his mouth open. Some of the girls thought it was an odd photo, but he put it on the pillow anyway. "Dont call my boyfriend weird" They all giggled and had a pillow fight. He had work in the morning, so they all came in on the bed and watched a movie. They fell asleep all piled on each other. *** Foster came into Gabes office. "Thank you for meeting me. My wife. we .. are newly married. She is having a lot of media and her busiess that was once owned by her sort of manager.. He's trying to sue the company, and we have proof he never paid his taxes. " He put it forward "Hold on, she's calling me now. sHes not a patient woman. Hello? Hi.. yes, no Hedwig. Honey, you turn the oven on and let the wter sit, it doenst just boil. Why are ou doing that anyway? Honey, please... just order something instead? ok.. Im with our lawyer now.. good , yes good bye. I love you too. Kiss Teddy for me." He hung up. "Anyway, you think you can help?"
Gabe: Gabe honestly didn't do this kind of law, it wasn't his forte and probably would have been better handled by another firm. He took the records and started to look through them, and couldn't help but snort a little at hearing the one end of the phone conversation. It reminded him a lot of Clyde. After a few minutes he thought he had it figured out. He explained to Foster that this wasn't what his company usually handled- that it was usually mergers and compromises, and mediations between businesses, but that he would help with extracting the business from the other owner. Taxes wasn't going to be the issue though, they would have to prove that Foster's wife had the rights to take full ownership of the business. He promised he'd do his best to make sure everything came out in their favor and would put on pressure necessary to make sure the lawsuit went away.
Clyde: Foster seemed tired. IT was hard to be with Hedwig sometimes. She wanted the business now and didnt understnad why she didnt have it now. It was legal stuff, she didnt want to hear about because it was dull and old people stuff, even if she was older than him. He never told her he knew that though. "Thank you. I heard you were in branson. I tride to take my wife there, but she sort of pissed everyone off there.. She means well." He sighed. Clyde texted the lyrics to Baby come back to Gabe and sent photos of him pouting. Gabes phone made a loud flute noise that only belong to clyde, because clyde put it there. "You once helped us before, well sort of.. And you ad good and you are gay, its why we wanted you. Hold on." He picked up the phone. "you cant wash your whites with colors. Sweetheart we have a laundry service, you just .. dont even need to do laundry at all.. ok? " He got her to speak in german and he hung up. "want to grab lunch and talk more.I got everyrhing figured out money wise. I am an accountant."
Gabe: Gabe smiled a little and nodded. "It's fine," he said kindly, though looking over it now, he could have done all of this on the phone. But he understood that clients felt better having a face to face conversation and this was a high end client by what he could read from the system. He jumped when he heard that sound go off, bcause he didn't recoginze it. It took him awhile to realize it was his phone, and hastily turned off the ringer. "I miss you too," he texted back quickly. "I'm in a meeting right now. Be good." He looked up at Foster. "Well that's good, but of course, our people will look over everything," he said and smiled. "Is there any other problems you need to discuss?" he asked, as they left the office. "I need to do some research on your case before I can give you a really solid anxwer one way or the other."
Clyde: Foster sat down at a bistro and went over. He said he would take him by the theatre to show him around and to show the booking He even invited him to one of her shows. Her last one unless they won. He sighed. "I know this seem nuts, but I love her very much and want her to have this. She wont take any other theatre. She wants this one. " He sighed. "And I think she should have it, from that guy who used her for stuff.." He didnt want to talk about it. "Surely you have someone youd do anythign for, right?" He asked. He had plea in his eyes. Clyde missed him and sent a sad face to his phone every 5 minutes. He went to go to the water park and play for a bit, but came back home with only four girls "Are you coming home tonight?" He asked forgetting the time line.
Gabe: Gabe sat down with Foster and tried to focus on what he was saying. It was clear to him that Foster was very passionate about his wife and her buisness and it did touch him. But then his phone was buzzing in his pocket about every few seconds which made it hard for him to really focus 100%. He finally pulled out his phone. "I understand, Mr. Ashley," he said finally and smiled, pulling out his phone and showing the text of Clyde's sad face. "I think I have someone very much like your wife right here. You don't mind if I send a few texts, do you?" he asked, making sure Foster said it was okay before texting Clyde back. "I'm coming home tomorrow evening, honey," he texted back. "I have to make sure I get this case almost finished before I come back. I have to meet with opposing counsel tomorrow and hopefully wrap it all up." He sighed and texted again. "Are you doing okay?"
Clyde: "I have to work tomorrow. I dont wantto miss you. What are you going to have for breakfast? Are you sure you are coming back?" He sent a photo of him holding his self made boyfriend pillow. He took another photo of thegirls all over the bed with him. "are you going to clubs? They watn to, but i dont want to go somewhere with boys and a chance to cheat. " He texted. Foster smiled and nodded. "oh wow, he is very ... pretty If you dont mind me saying. I can see why you want to get this over with. I dont blame you. My wife is really a male. I think he jut feels more comfortable as a woman, but he is a knock out male when he isnt trying too." He said. "Love makes one do crazy thing. " He stood up and set a couple tickets down. "You should meet her. shes kinda scary at first, but if she knows your good people, she'll be nice.. eh, somewhat."
abe: Gabe laughed softly. "I don't know what I'm going to have for breakfast yet, honey, what do you want to have for breakfast," he sent back and then felt his eyes widen in shock when he saw the boyfriend pillow Clyde had made.  He wasn't sure if he should find that creepy or adorable, so he figured it was something in between.  "No, honey, no clubs.  I don't even like clubs.  I'm just going out to dinner with my married client," he promised.  Gabe looked up at Foster and smiled.  "I know.  He is."   He said fondly and laughed gently.  "I'm sure she's great," Gabe said and shook Foster's hand.  "I guess I'll see you there tonight."
Clyde joined the chat 54 minutes ago
Clyde: Clyde didnt like that he was having dinner with a client, but he figured it was ok. the man or woman was married.He hoped woman. He decided to go out and buy a new phone. He kept his number. He loved it, then realize he was being selfish and bought his friend one too and then he bought Gabe gifts, he bought him new suits to wear and pajamas that matched his. He found out where his office was and orderd flowers. Heather helped him. He had roses sent to his office. "I miss you. xoxoxoxxoxooxoxo." He wrote. He had to work, so he put the card away in the room and went to work. He was on night shift. He had a few people hit on him. He had no idea why he was getting a lot of people on him now. Maybe when you were taken, it made one feel more attractive.
Gabe joined the chat 39 minutes ago
Gabe: Gabe discussed a few more things with Foster before they parted ways, and then he headed back to his apartment really fast to change and take a quick nap before going back to the office and really working the case. He fell into the hard work and felt time passing, and didn't really look up until he saw some roses being brought in.  He smiled up at them and took a break to text Clyde really fast.  "The roses are beauitful.   Thank you, honey. XO"  He ordered some food into the office, arragned some meetings for the next day and then went down to the theatre.
Clyde: Clyde missed him a lot. He tried not to. He wonderd if he should ask a couple days off and go see Gabe! That would be a nice surprise and he really wanted to see NYC. He asked his boss and she said yes quickly. He squealed, but had no idea how to order plane tickets, so heather helped him. He worried about his dragon, but heather said she would take care of it. He wondered if Gabe would like this surprise or not. He was a little scared, the airport was big. He put on nice clothes and got his hair done cute and shaggy. He didnt know Gabes apartment or place. He called the office and got someoen named jackson to give him the office address. He wrote it on a piece of paper. Foster greeted him. He took him backstage to meet Hedwig. "She's very famous I guess in some groups. I take it you dont do a lotof theatre? I didnt either until her. HONEY! Are you here? Oh crap, I need to buy her roses. I do it ever show.. Hold on." He pushed an app and abutton and they sent it right away. He needed to put them bak on a time schdule.
Clyde: {also i have an altermative one wher ehe doesnt go to nyc HAAH if you wnt to wait i want to see your ideas too)
Clyde: Clyde sighed and mised him a lot. He worked all evening and went to eat at a salad buffett since he felt he was getting kinda fat. He smiled when he got the text abot the roses he put a xoxo in the text. He didnt want to be too annoying. He laid on his bed with four other girls and watched a movie before they ordered frinks and turned on music
Gabe: Gabe put his phone on silent and stepped into the theatre with Foster. It seemed like a nice place, and he could see why Foster wanted to save it.  It seemed to be pretty poplar too, by the amount of people streaming in. He waited for Foster's wife to come out of the dressing room, not wanting to intrude.  When she did poke her head out, in full make up and a dressing gown, she looked him over and narrowed her eyes. "So you're the fat Jew everyone tells me about," she said finally.  "I told everyone I wanted a fat Jew to do all of that...legal shit," she said vaguely making a gesture into the air.  "I told my ex husband he should go into something Jew-y and make us more money but he refused.   Impossible man."  Hedwig went back into her room and stared to dress.   "You can stare if you like, honey, but maybe you should go get a seat for the real show."
Clyde: "Ah k. Yeah, that's my wife. Sorry she's... she's very vocal and pretty!"He yelled. His son ran from for hedwig and hugged her leg. "Can I wear make up?" He asked her. He wanted hedwig to pick him up. "If you cant be fabouluos, than get out of my face!" He rehearshed. Foster sighed. he took him out of the room and into a seat. "Well the court thing is tomorrow, but tonight enjoy. Her show has a good story if she tells it, sometimes she just wants to insult peopl for an hour and sing. " He warned Gabe. Clyde got off the plane and was scared, he went to gabes office, everything was so overwhelming. He didnt know what to do and cried a couple of times from excitement and fear. He sent Gabe a text. "Where are you?"
Gabe: Gabe didn't really know what to say and just sort of nodded a little, giving Hedwig a tense sort of smile.  Foster wasn't kidding.  She was really...something.  It was cute to see her with a kid though.   Something about her almost softened immediately and she reached down and picked him up, setting him down on the vanity.  "Of course, my little honey bee," she cooed and smiled.  "You look so pretty when you let Hedwig do your makeup," she said and sat down to start doing it, laughing to herself.  Gabe let Foster show him to a seat and nodded.   "Thank you.  I'm sure the show will be great."  Gabe checked his phone one more time before turning it off for good and saw the text from Clyde.  "I'm seeing my client's show downtown," he typed back quickly.   "Aren't you at work, honey?  I promise I'll call you back later, I have to turn my phone off now."
Clyde: "Wait, what show? Please tel me.. Please?" He text. New york was amazing and he wanted to bath in it, but he wanted to do it with Gabe by his side. peoplewere shoving red bus tours in his face. A few grabbed his ass... Foster sighed and loved when Hedwig was with his little boy. Clyde sent him another text. "I just want to know, please?"
Gabe: Gabe was about to touch the off button when another text came through. he typed out one quick reply.  "It's called Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and I'm so sorry, honey, I have to go.  I'll call you when the show is done okay? xoxo." He replied and then shut his phone off for good.
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: Clyde knew the show ! He loved Hedwig. He couldnt believe he was seeing her! He got someone to help him go to the theatre He didnt carry cash. He gave him his scarf as a tip. They liked it. He went to the theatre. "You got to let me in, my boyfriend is inside. "He begged the ticket man. "He's the lawyer guy, please?" He pouted. They sighed and tried to see what they could do. Hedwig ususally didnt like people coming in when she was on stage singing tear me down. They snuck him in. Foster was outside for a moment looking over paper work, when he looked up to see Clyde, and boy was that man gorgeous. "Hey.. you look familiar." He said. "I do?" Clyde said. "My boyfriend is in there. Gabe..-last name- Foster smiled. "oh, wow yeah. he did well ." He laughed. "come on, hedwig can get mad at me for shining inside light." He opened the door and hedwig was on stage. Clyde gasped when he saw her. "Sorry honey!" Foster yelled.
Clyde: http://www.unificationfrance.com/IMG/jpg...
Clyde: s hair cut he wa busy
Clyde: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6ozo4wLC0pU/U0...
Clyde: what hes wearing, cause its importnar
Gabe: Gabe settled in to see the show and was enjoying what was happening so far, but turned a little when he heard some commotion near the doors.   Hedwig heard it too and stopped singing in the middle of the song, shouting something at the band in German and then crossing her arms over her chest and looking towards the open door.  "I tell you over and over again, little people in their little red vests, if they can't make it to the theatre on time they don't deserve to see my show!" she shouted petulantly.  She heard Foster's voice and let out a long suffering sigh. "Fine, fine, hurry to the seat then, darling, you're ruining my big moment."  Gabe looked around and was floored to see Clyde being the one shown to an empty seat near him.  "Clyde?" he whispered in surprise. "What are you doing here?  How did you get here?"
Clyde: He saw Gabe and squealed. Foster went to ask the person sitting beside Gabe if they would mind moving. They didnt seem to mind as long as they got an autograph.He nodded. "Ok fine, move please." Clyde sat beside him and hugged him with a loud queak. He heard an usher tell him so shhh. He kissed his cheek "I missed you so much, and heatehr helped me find you!" He said. He kissed his cheek. "Are you mad?"
Gabe: Gabe was shocked but hugged Clyde back and kissed him on the lips softly. "Okay, baby no I'm not mad, I think it's great that your here, but we should be quiet, becuase of the show-" he explained and looked up to see Hedwig on stage, tapping her foot expectantly.  "Yes, fat jew and his jail bait.  I see you."  On stage Yitzhak very cautiously offered up one of his boots, in case she wanted to throw something.  It was just easier sometimes to have something ready.  And so she didn't start throwing the liquor bottles because that seemed so much worse.   "No no, they are safe for now, that fat Jew is my lawyer, aren't you honey?"  Hedwig smiled at Yitzak.  "Why don't you go talk Jew to him and make him pay attention to the show.  Maybe put a muzzle on the puppy too."
Clyde: Clyde watched hedwig and waved. He super thought she was cute. He turned to Gabe wh osaid to be quiet. He wondered if he could hold his hand. He laced their fingers together and rested his cheek on his shoulder. Foster sighed and hoped Hedwig would move on with the series. He saw his son sitting back stage side to the stage coloring like he did  every night JHe was glad they got custody of him. Clyde perked up. "you got a puppy" He asked gabe when hedwig said his puppy
Clyde: move on with the show not series hah
Clyde: *his son is sitting to the side of the stage, laing on his stomach coloring and humming to hedwig music haah
Gabe: Gabe squeezed Clyde's hand and laughed just a little bit.  "Honey," he whispered into Clyde's ear, "You're the puppy.  Now shh, we'll talk more after the show."  Hedwig findally decided that people were paying enough attention and got the band started up again, and there was a loud cheer in the audience.
Clyde: Clyde whispered to Gabe "Where is the berlin wall? " He asked. He hummed. "And where is germany?" He kissed his cheek. He loved looking at Gabe. He coudlnt tell if Gabe was annoyed or happy to see him. He loved the show. He had never sene a show like this, he loved the music and sang alonga  little. Theo came out on stage to do the final song with Hedwig, because he loved to be pat of it. He u sually just danced around the side of the stage in a cute dress.
Gabe: Gabe just squeezed Clyde's hand when he tried to talk after that, and whispered a promise that they would talk after the show.  It really was a very powerful piece, and Hedwig was truly a fabulous performer.  Clyde did make an 'aww' sound when the little boy stumbled out on stage at the finale and After the song Hedwig went and scooped him up, dancing around wit him as the glitter fell from the ceiling.  The lights came up in the theatre and Gabe really felt like he could greet Clyde then.  He hugged him tightly and kissed him again.  "I still can't believe you're here!  Did you make it here okay? You seem okay, you surprised me so much."
Clyde: "It was scary. The plane was scary ." He pouted and kissed his lips "I got ok at work to be here for two days. They knew I missed you so so much." He gave him an eskimo kiss. "The whole plce is big and overwhelming and people are much more touchy here. Please dont leave my side." He pouted. He was glad that Gabe wasnt upset that he was here. "Did you miss me? I skipped breakgast cause I didnt know what you were going to have." Foster came over and smiled. "We are going out to eat, if you two want to join us?"
Gabe: Gabe chuckled a little, knowing he'd been gone only half of a day at this point, but it was sweet that Clyde had missed him so much.  "Oh Clyde, honey, I wish you'd told me you were coming. I would have made arrangements to get you at the airport."  He laughed softly and stroked Clyde's arm.  He looked up when Foster came over and nodded.  "Yes of course, that sounds wonderful, right Clyde?"
Clyde: "I am sorry. I shold have. I just didnt think it through." He laughed. He turned to Foster and hugged onto gabe. "YES! We want to eat dinner with you."He said. He saw hedwig and squealed. "I love your retro stories! So awesome!" he shouted. He heard a loud noise and jumped. It was just a truckIt was so loud here and big. He held onto gabe tight
Gabe: Hedwig put on a dress and touched up her makeup before coming out to see Foster and her laywer and his boy toy.  He must be good at his job though, to be able to have such a hot young thing.  Only rich men got boys like that.  "Thank you, sweetie," Hedwig simpered and touched Clyde's cheek.  "Let's go I'm starving," she said and walked off to get the cab.  Gabe couldn't help but chuckle when Clyde jumped.  "It's just a car backfiring, Clyde, I promise it's okay.  This is a loud city."
Clyde: Clyde went over to Hedwig and talked her ear off about canada and if shes ever been. He could see foster and her looking at him. He knew they wondered how he was with gabe. Most people were curioys about why they were togehter, but they rationalied it as money. He took gabes hand and kissed his knuckles. He hoped Gabe didnt thik that, even if he spent like so much money. He sat down and looked at the menu "What are you gettig, Gabe?" He asked. Foster sat down. His son was asleep and had his head on hedwigs shoulder and arms around her neck sleeping.
Gabe: Gabe was glad to be holding Clyde's hand again, even if it was still overwhelming tha Clyde was here at all.  But it was nice, regardless.   He kissed Clyde's cheek and sat down at the table, looking over the menu.  "I think I'll get the sirloin steak," he said, pointing at the item on the menu.  Hedwig seemed much calmer now that she had a sleeping baby in her arms, and she held the boy expertly with one hand and took little sips of her drink with the other, leaning over to chat softly with Foster about what she wanted to order.
Clyde: Clyde ordered the same as gabe even if he wanted the pasta. He thought it was time to let Gabe pick the meal. He told the waiter to make it exactly like Gabes and the sides the same too. He didnt evne hear gAbe's sides. Foster looked them over and lifted a brow.He ordered country fried steak and potatoes. He loved that hedwig loved his son so much, their son. The little boy loved hedwig more than his own mother. and (probably father) "so uh, Cylde is it, what do you do?" Clyde blushed, he didnt have a fancy job. "I .. I life guard."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft sigh when Clyde ordered the same thing, but gave him a smile anyway.  He had hoped that was only a breakfast thing.   Maybe there was some way to get Clyde to budge on that thing.  "And he's going to start going to school for Graphic design, right?" he said and smiled, nudging Clyde's shoulder lightly.  "He's going to be fabulous at it."
Clyde: "Right maybe I am not very good at it." He pouted. "I rather work with dolphins and train them, but there is no ocean. " He smiled and shrugged. "But gabe think si could be a model. "He spoke up. "Oh yeah, you could. " Foster nodded. "We have theo in modeling.. He likes it. Ic an talk to the agency." He said. He looked at Hedwig. "Right?" He wanted her to confirm it was a good idea.
Gabe: Gabe gave Clyde a small smile.  "I'm sure you are.  And if you want to train for that, we can find a place you can do that too."  Gabe put a hand on Clyde's leg under the table and squeezed his thigh gently, trying to be comforting.  Hedwig looked over Clyde for a moment, like she was assessing each and every one of his flaws and then after awhile shrugged.  "Yes, I think he'd do fine.  He'd book enough work I think."
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lovemenowmr · 7 years
Chapter twenty-seven
Germany lost their match against England, but they won the one against Italy, so it was not a bad scenario and the boys didn’t came back completely disappointed. Cathy had called me to go with her to the matches but I decided it was not the best thing to do. I had watched them at home though.
Marco has then come back home but we hadn’t had time to meet since both of our schedules were really hectic. There had been another three matches since he has come back and now there was another away match. It was now mid-April and I was starting to think I had lost him completely. We called each other every day but there were very short calls with a shortage of words spoken and long periods of silence. Today I decided I would not see the match against Liverpool, I knew it was a very emotive match for Marco, and I knew it was vital for the season but I couldn't keep doing that because it was hurting me.
The next day I found out they had lost, and they had been eliminated of the Europa League in consequence. I wanted to call Marco and cheer him up but I didn’t know if my message would be useful in any way. I wished things would go back to how they were before but I guessed that was that relationship-proof moments everybody had to go throw.
According to Cathy it was normal it was this bad since it was our first “big fight” and we had been “awfully cheesy” since we had met. She was being a great friend at the time, and I realized that even if Marco and I didn’t make it through I would always have her. We spent our afternoons together now, we just went for a coffee or shopping and she always cheered me up.
“Have you seen the match?” she asked as I sat down at the cafe.
“No, I couldn't” I asked ”But I’ve seen the resume”
“Have you talked to him” she said.
“No” I said “What would I say to him?”
“You two are just being stubborn now” she said “Both of you are dying to get back together but neither of you are willing to take the first step”
“Hey, we’re still together” I said a little bit too loud for my liking.
“I know” she said laughing “I just wanted to see how you react”
We were still talking when my phone vibrated:
I need you. Can you come?
It was a text from Marco and it made me wonder what had happened. I said goodbye to Cathy and explained her what had happened – she smiled suggestible and told me “make up sex is always the best, making my cheeks go bright red as she laughed – and I called a taxi giving the driver Marco’s address. I about twenty minutes I got there, I waited for the taxi to disappear down the road and I rang the doorbell.
I entered the living-room and I saw Marco there, standing in the middle of the room. I froze on my place and so did he, he stood looking at me with his piercing green eyes, and I could see there was hurt in them. Matts was also there.
“OK; I called her” he said “You probably don’t see it now but you’ll thank me later. Me and Cathy are tired of this, we get something happened but it’s time both of you grow a pair and go throw it. Both of you are miserable and to stubborn to solve this problem so we’re giving you a push. I’m leaving now”
He walked past me and I didn’t even bother to look at him, neither did Marco. Instead I looked at him deeply not moving an inch even when I heard the front door close loudly. We stood like that for a while, in silence, just looking at each other and I realized how much bad I had done to us.
“I’m injured again” he said sadly.
I didn’t said anything but I closed the space between us and wrapped my arms around him, searching for the comfort both me and him needed in each other. He reluctantly put his arms around me, a bit tense at the beginning but soon he tightened his grip on me, crushing me into his body an arm at my back and the other one holding my head into place.
“I missed you” he said “I missed you so much”
“I missed you too” I said “So much”
I moved my head up and I saw there was tears in his eyes.
“I’m sorry” I said.
“What happened to you?” he asked tearing himself away from me. “What happened?”
“I… I was scared” I said looking at the floor.
“Scared of what?” he asked tilting my head up.
“Of you… or me I don’t even know” I said
“What do you mean?” Marco asked leading us to the sofa “I don’t understand what you’re saying”
“It’s jut… look, my last relationships has been disastrous. And it has always been my fault because I always let everybody in and I give my all even though people might not deserve it. And that’s not right but that’s just the way I am… or the way I was anyone. The point is I let everybody I love hurt me and I stay silent and let them do it anyway and that’s why people usually think I’m a fool and also treat me like that. But that’s not the truth, I’m not a fool, I’m just to shy, or to kind or I don’t k now what to let people know they have left me down so, instead of telling them, I just let my self be more and more disappointed until I grow tired.
>> And I’m not saying you have done that in any way, you have not let me down a single time. But I’m accustomed to people doing so, and I’m accustomed of people doing whatever with me because I’m not complaining. And I always want to see the good in people at the start – and I might be a fool for that but that’s what I do – so I always let people hurt me again and again and I can’t help but thinking they’re going to change and I always look for the good things so I can bare with the pain.
>> And that’s why all my relationships fail I guess, because I let everyone fool me and trick me. And you don’t even know what people has done to me and I’m also not telling you because that’s in the past and that’s forgotten somehow. But, over the years, I had also become untrusting and that’s why I’m afraid. Because it has been so long since I felt this way about someoen and I’ve been feeling myself so dependent on you lately it scared me to thing what would happen if you hurt me. And it scared me to think what would happen if you left me or grow tired of me…”
“OK, that’s enough” Marco say “I would never hurt you. How can you think that? I understand where are you coming from and I’m not asking you to tell me thing you don’t want to. I love you, I trust you and that means I’m here for you. I don’t know why you hadn’t told me before. Do you not trust me?”
“Yes, I do” I said “I trust you so much, and that’s why it scared me. But that’s over, I thought I had lost you this past month”
“I though I was loosing you” he said “You don’t even know how I felt when you didn’t answer my calls I didn’t know what I had done wrong and then you were so distant I thought you wanted to leave me”
“No, that’s not what happened” I said “I’m just bad are talking about this things and...”
“That’s OK now” Marco said caressing my cheek “I just want you to know I would never hurt you, and that I’m not growing tired of you. I love you so much, liebe.”
I couldn't help myself but jump into his arms and kiss him deeply. Feeling his lips against mine again felt like heaven after this past month, his hands caressing my sides firmly but softly made me feel week at my knees. I never wanted any other hands at my skin, any other lips against my body, any other scent to impregnate my skin and clothes and bed sheets, I wanted him and nothing else.
“Careful with my leg” he said between kisses while I moved to straddle him.
“Oh that’s right?” I said looking up to him, his lips were swollen because of our kisses and her hair was all over the place after I had run my hands over it “What happened?”
“Oh it’s nothing” he said. “I had some discomfort so they decided to give me some rest”
“Nothing too serious then?”
“Nope. It’s alright. Just that I’m supposed to rest, you know?”
“Is that your way of asking me to be your maid?” I asked.
“No” he said “But you can be my hot nurse” he said wiggling his eyebrows making me laugh.
“What?” he asked “I would like that very much”
“We would leave that for when you are really in trouble, what do you think?”
“I think I shouldn’t be wanting to get injured and now I do” he said kissing on my neck.
I called in sick that afternoon and told my boss I would go to work tomorrow, he was really nice and he was cool with it and reminded me the project I had to hand over the next week. Marco and I spent the whole day in tangled up in the sheets. We only left bed when the delivery man came with our dinner and we had dinner watching some TV in the livingroom.
“Marco” I said “Can I ask you something?” I said leaving my plate on the table.
“Yeah, what it is?” he said finishing his dinner.
“Would you get mad if I’ll go study to another place next year?”
“Where is this question coming from?”
“Is just a quiestion?”
“Don’t lie to me” Marco said picking up the plates “You’re asking because of something”
“I had a plan, after I came here” I said once he came back from the kitchen and sat next to me “I was spending this year here and next year I was planning on finishing my studies at Amsterdam”
“And why are you asking me permission?”
“It’s not permission. I just want to know your opinion”.
“I’m not stopping you if that’s what you really one. I’m not gonna lie, I would like you to stay here, with me. But I rather have you there and be happy that here and not be.”
“I don’t know what I want to do” I said.
“You’re thinking not to go because of me?” Marco asked.
“I guess”
“But that was something you really wanted before, isn’t it?”
“No, it was just what I had planned. But I’m happy here now.”
“I don’t want you stop living your life because of me” Marco said.
“Marco, it’s not like that.”
“No, listen to me. I’ve seen a lot of my teammates girlfriends stop their careers or jobs or just finishing their studies and then doing nothing all the time and I don’t want you to do that. I just don’t think you should stop doing what you want because of me, I don’t want you to. You’re independent and you’re so intelligent you’re probably going to find a great job once you finish your studies and I would hate for you not to do that. I don’t think you would be happy that way, just because you – in economical reasons – wouldn’t need to work doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.”
“I know” I said “That’s not what I meant”
“I just wanted to know that just because I would be able to support you – and I would be very happy to – it doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be an object girlfriend. I want you to have your own thing too.”
“I love you” I said.
“I love you too” he said giving me a peck and I would support you every decision you take, OK?”
“OK” I said.
“Should we take care of that leg now?”
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squky · 7 years
Mystic Messenger Another Story ー Day 5 Phone Call Choices
Note: Due to the HG cost of outgoing calls to Ray and V, and of loading your game, I am only going to go through one call tree for Ray+V and incoming calls per playthrough of the day. My choices will be marked with a  ✔ incase the conversation choices branches when you make your answer decisions.
Ray, Incoming call, Day 5, after 12:03am Let me out of here. None. I'm following your orders.  ✔ Are you imprisoning me...?  ✔ That's up to you. I have nowhere else to go anyway... ...That's imprisonment...  ✔ I can't believe how free I am! I miss V. I'll stay beside you.  ✔
V, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 12:03am V, are you okay? That person just now was you, right?  ✔ V, you're not an AI? Can I trust your words? I'm scared.  ✔ What are you going to do when something happens? Alright. Come back and help me, V.  ✔ Yes, I promise. So good luck.  ✔ Is it right to keep hiding this like this...?
V, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 2:00am V, it's me...! I called because I was worried whether you were alright.  ✔ I miss you, V.  ✔ I'm scared... I hate you, V! I'm okay! I'm worried abut you since you seem to be having a hard time.  ✔ I'm confused. Whom should I trust? Thank you for trusting me. It was a close call.  ✔
Ray, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 2:00am I want to get out of here now. What are you doing. Ray, what's your hobby?  ✔ Ray, you are a liar. I hate you...making me this lonely.  ✔
Jumin, Incoming call, Day 5, after 7:30am I was thinking of you, Jumin. I was thinking of V.  ✔ Where are you at with V, relationship wise? It does look slightly strange. What's wrong with believing in your friend.  ✔ Do I finally get to hear the love story of you two?  ✔ Very curious! Why did the child make up such a lie?  ✔ Wasn't it because V might have done something? So, when are the two of you getting married?  ✔ I envy the friendship you two share.
707, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 7:30am Wingardium Leviousa! Yes, it's me. Umm...uh... I mean... How's the decryption of the coordinates going? It's..just complicated. In more than one way. So not trust V. Shouldn't information be shared with the members as well? Why do you trust V that much? He gave your your life? Will you give V your baby if he asks? Zen, Incoming call, Day 5, after 12:47pm Have you meet with Yoosung yet? My time exists for you.  ✔ I was surpirsed when I saw that photo! Who would do such a thing? Great for Yoosung to have such a great friend. Of the past?  ✔ Gyaah! Scary!  ✔ Then what happened? Must have been hard for you.  ✔
[Sorry, I missed Yoosung's 3:11pm Outgoing call. OTL]
Jaehee, Incoming call, Day 5, after 3:11pm Jaehee... You work every day, and now you're even in charge og the intelligence unit... My condolences.  ✔ Wow? It's the head of the intelligence unit! Hello! Jumin's company and the association must be heading to a better direction hanks to Jumin. The person who's doing the actual work is you, Jaehee, isn't it?  ✔ Show us what you're made of, Jaehee! Sould there be someone like Seven?  ✔ Jaehee... Cheer up... Jaehee, you shouldn't overwork yourself!  ✔ I'm counting on you, Jaehee. Hurry up and rescue me!
707, Incoming call, Day 5, after 5:59pm Did you decrypt the password? Seven, you sound very weak.  ✔ That's scary.  ✔ It might be someoen who knows you very well, Seven... Got it.  ✔ For free?
V, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 5:59pm Where are you now? Are you safe, V?  ✔ Give me a kiss if you're sorry ?  ✔ It's great that you're okay! Hurry up and get me. I might just run. Yes, I'll try to be calm.  ✔ Of what? Of what do you think, V?  ✔ Why can't you tell that to the members?
Yoosung, Incoming call, Day 5, after 7:36pm Yoosung, are you okay? Are you drunk?  ✔ Yoosung, get a hold of yourself.  ✔ I love V. Put Zen on the phone...  ✔ Yoosung...did yiu keep the perfect alcohol and snack ratio? Try to comfort him. It's me, [your MC's name here].  ✔
Zen, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 7:36pm Zen, do you have time? Is Yoosung okay?   Corndog... Sounds good...   Please calm down, both of you. Yes, I'm fine.   You should look after Yoosung. Buy him some hot hotteok pancakes and make him calm down.   Zen, seems you're having a hard time..
Ray, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 9:00pm Why did you send those photos? What were you doing?  ✔ Don't catch him. Just let him go, Why not use a trap?  ✔ I'm excited.  ✔ I want to get out of hwre before that... You can.  ✔ I don't think that's a good idea.
V, Incoming call, Day 5, after 10:22pm I trust you, V! It'll depend on the situation.  ✔ Will the other members believe you, V? Sincerity speaks volume.  ✔ Can I tell the members who the hacker is? You're revealing secrets because you're cornered. Good decision!  ✔
V, Outgoing call, Day 5, after 10:22pm Is anymore there?  ✔ V? I want to look up at the night sky as well.  ✔ Why not go back and ask for help to the others? Can't you sleep at where you're right now?  ✔ Okay, V, did you have something to eat? I'll be waiting, V. Take care of yourself.  ✔ When are you coming to save me? No time to ease up...  ✔ Take care of yourself. I don't think I'll be able to wait for too long.  ✔ (Don't do this one, he'll get mad at you :|   )
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
The Girl Who Belived
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- I thought about this for a long time so here a shot- You left the wizard world after the first wizard war and moved to the muggle world, changing your whole persona, forgetting about your past, but when you get called back by someone everyone is surprised to see you after so many years. Your former boyfriend, former best friend and new people who know you but you don’t know them
Warning - Depression and Violence
Word Count - 2134
Do you ever have that one song, the song that makes you forget about everything. All the problems in your head, forgetting about your worries and pain. The only thing in your head at that moment is the lyrics that run in your ears, the patting of your bear feet hitting the floor and the beat of your heart in your whole body. Until the music stops.
“Bloody hell,” I cursed catching my breath, putting my feet back on the ground and calming myself. “Stupid music box,” I muttered walking over to the radio that sat on the other side of the room. “For once just work,” I said hitting the top of it. The music started again but it wasn’t the same, the feeling was gone and the song meant nothing anymore. 
I walked to the mirror on the other side of my room, slipping my shirt off, revealing the scarring on my body, the life that once was me, but wasn’t anymore, the life that I wanted to forgot about but some things were just permit. I opened my dresser, tossing a sweatshirt on and tossing it on, turning my eyes away my from body, the music stopped once more.
“Just once, once I wanna listen to this damn radio,” I hissed turning to walk out of my room and back to the radio. “Just once please let me forget,” I screamed picking up radio and tossing it across the room, but the radio did not make it to the floor, it stood in the middle of the room, slowly raising itself in the air. “No!” I screamed running to the radio to grab it, but was blown back with a gust of light.
“Bloody hell,” I heard from beside me, the vision infront of me was just a bright light. As my vision came slowly back I knew where I was just from infront of me, and who’s voice was there.
“Why am I here,” I muttered not turning around and getting off the floor. “Bring me back home now!” I screamed getting up quickly and turning around to come face to face with James Potter. James Potter? “Your dead?” I asked looking at him then looking down at my necklace, a time turner.
“What are you doing here? Your going to get us killed!” He shouted as Lily came out from the corner with Harry in her hands. “Y/n? Hello?” He said snapping me back into reality. I had to save him, had to save my best friend.
“We have to go, voldemort on his way, Peter gave out your location, I heard him, please come on,” I pleaded, this was what I wanted for years, to come back to his moment and save these three.
“Y/n, we haven't seen you in months, and now your telling us that voldemort on his way here,  why should we believe you?” James said questioning me. “And Peter would never do such a thing, leave please,” He asked but Lily stepped up.
“Your like a sister to me y/n, we survived hogwarts together, if your telling the truth then we’ll come with you, but where?” Lily said putting her hand on James and holding onto Harry with the other. 
“Just pack whatever you can, Sirius shouldn't have left home quiet yet, we can make it to him if we hurry” I panicked looking out the window. I was in a nightmare right now, a horrible nightmare. The day I never wanted to relive, but the day of saving my two best friends. “Hurry please,” I shouted out at the couple, then it came to me. “James I need your wand?” I shouted running to the bottom of the stairs.
“I trust you,” He shouted to me tossing his wand down the stairs, landing in my hands. “I believe you,” He said then quickly running back to the room with Lily. I looked down at the wand in my hand, almost nineteen years without holding one of these, I could remember so save some lives. 
“Protego,” I repeated four times pointing James’ wand at each end of ever wall, watching small bursts of light formed around the house, and a glimpse of green walking towards. “We really have to go,” I shouted running up the stairs, taking one more look at the door then running into the room where the Potters were packing.
“What now?” Lily asked as I shut the door behind me and passing James’ his wand back. “How do they know where we are?” She asked holding Harry to her chest.
“I’ll explain at Sirius’ come on now, i’ve only done this once when we went to hogwarts and it went okay,” I said to the trio. “Grab hands please,” I whispered closing my eyes and breathing in. The banging of the door caved in and it was the time. “apparate,” I whispered, wind hit my face, and the grip of the Potters loosened. “Are we alive?” I asked opening my eyes to the disappointment, I was back in my apartment, the radio back on the shelf it was originally on and I was sitting on the ground, hands still warm. 
“Stupid radio,” I mumbled in sadness, helping myself up from the floor and walking away to my bedroom, crawling into my bed and letting the tears fall down my face. The wave of grief hit me again,  just like it was the day I heard that James and Lily died, the same wave of guilt that rushed in my like a tidal wave. “Stupid Radio,” I cried out screaming, getting out of my bed again and ripping my drawers away, throwing all my clothes out and falling to the ground, holding the last memorie I had from hogwarts, the quidditch sweater that the boys and Lily pitched in to get me for my sixteenth birthday. “Stupid Radio,” I whispered holding the sweater to my chest, leaning back onto my bed frame and letting the tears fall down my face as I wanted to remember but I couldn’t.
As everything was quiet in my apparent again, everything just stood still, the clothes tossed on my floor, my head pounding and the tear soaked sweater swaddled in my arms, laying down on my chest. Then the sound of the song, the lyrics in my head and the lump in my throat all came back, from one song.
“I know that things can really get rough when you go it alone,” I muttered singing the song in defeat. “Don't go thinking you gotta be tough, to play like a stone,” Tears formed again, and the song lowered, turning off at the same part. “Why can’t you let me be happy,” I cried out looking at the radio that stood across the hall in the living room. “I just wanna be happy,” I whispered closing my eyes. “Please,” I pleaded once more opening my eyes and just looking at the radio. The music start rising again, admitting the same bright light, but stronger, the light shining through every window in the house, ever crack and seal in the walls and every surface with a leak. 
“Please no, no,” I cried out putting my head in my knees and crying into the sweater that laid on my lap. “I can’t do it again!” I screamed repeating it over and over again until the vibrations stopping and everything was calm.
“y/n” I heard from overtop of me. “Where have you been, how did you get here?” Sirius Black, the man who had my heart for years, the boy would I planned to live with for the rest of my life. “Your alive?” I heard him say once more.
“What year is it?” I asked not looking up, it was all a dream like last time, I couldn't do it, not again.
“Its nineteen ninety five crazy, look at me,” Sirius demanding putting his hand on top of my head. “We’ve looked for you for nineteen years y/n,” Sirius said as I looked up at him, he was telling the truth, he looked much older, nineteen years older with curly brown hair and a mustache he always talked about having but could never grow.
“Whos we?” I asked as Sirius helped me up, I was stunned in the moment, I was back in the wizarding world.  “Is James alive?” I asked looking around, I was in Sirius’ childhood home, the home he depsized.
“I’m right here,” James said coming around the corner. “You show up after nineteen years and ask for me. makes me feel special,” James said, always a jokester, still the same man I knew back at hogwarts.
“Oh dear goodness,” I cried out running to him and hugging him, wrapping my hands around him and crying. “I did it,” I said to myself.
“You have some explaining to do y/n,” Sirius said leaning against the wall. “You left right after graduation, faked your own death and just show up back here, asking if James is dead,” SIrius said upset. 
“You scared us all half to death you know, we really thought you were dead,” James said letting go of me. “I almost was dead but someoen saved us, I would be dead without them,” He said with a smile.
“I couldn’t do magic anymore, after voldemort stuck me in the heart and I didnt die, it changed me in a bad way, I moved to the muggle world, forgot about magic, tossed everything away until today,” I explained putting my hand on my forehead. “That stupid radio,” I mumbled not feeling so well.
“You pushed everything of magic away, you pushed us away, what did the spell do to you?” Sirius asked but before I could answer his arms were wrapped around me. “I just missed you, after the war it was just horrid, we looked for you, we truly did but no sign, it was like you disappeared from our minds,” Sirius mumbled in my ear.
“I had too, magic did something to me after voldemort struck me, I was a curse, a danger, I didnt wanna harm you guys so I just left,” I said wrapping my hands around him. “I am really sorry,” I whispered in his ear.
“Sirius who’s that?” Remus Lupin, the one and only, the boy who saved my life more times then I could repay.  “Is that?” I heard before another pair of hands wrapped around me. “I thought you were dead he cried out leaning on my shoulder.
“Come on, let her get some fresh air, she looks like a mess, in a good way,” James said with a smile on his face. “You still have ton of explaining to do,” James said with a expressionless face. 
“We have complain Prongs, Moony, help her get freshened up please,” Sirius said calling James and Remus by there nicknames. “You both can catch up and we can deal with the company,” Sirius said looking at me. “I really did miss you,” he said planting a kiss on my forehead.
James walked up to me with a smile. “I never thought you would get to meet my son, his name his Harry, your his godmother,” He said grabbing my hand. “He’s heard a lot about you,” He said before Sirius called him away to the dinning room.
“Come on, i’ll get you cleaned up, you have a lot of explaining to do, a lot of it,” Remus said tossing his arm over my shoulder and walking me up the stairs. “Start with why you left a week after graduation,” Remus asked his first question kicking the bathroom door opened lightly.
I took a deep breath in, sitting on the closed toilet and looking up at Remus. “Voldemort found me after graduation, struck me in the heart a curse that I haven't even heard of, it was slowly killing me and everything I touched so I left, moved to the muggle world, forgot everything, my heart still aches, a pain I couldn't describe,” I said as Remus gently pushed a wet faceclothe on my face, wiping away the blood, tears and sweat from the last couple hours.
“A curse in your heart, that's why you left?” Remus said feeling bad. “I understand but there is something you need to know,” Remus said putting my hand in his. “He’s back and he wants Harry, when Harry was about a year and a half old voldemort tried killing him, instead it killed Voldemort and left Harry alive, with a scar on his forehead,” Remus started to explain. “He’s back, trying to kill Harry, and we could use your help,” He said making me hesitant, I looked down to my feet, thinking about my apartment back home.
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vertigoambrosia · 6 years
my eyes are tired but my legs are restless let’s watch gwf
starting right off with tarkan trying to pretend he wasnt just about to commit assault
and failing to lift
chris colen: ummmm actually i don’t hang out with little shits
lol @ tarkan whining about not getting opportunities when he has a fucking title shot
oh we getting meta now
‘john could you just speak more like a human being?’ ahmed that is...not how you
someoen stop me from shipping felix and kati
yesss rise the fuck uo
don’t be a lil bitch felix
men, taking credit for women’s work? well i never!
it’s not fair how cute lucky is
does pascal’s shirt have a heart on it? i love his giant fragile ego
i really like the theme song and have no idea what it is
or what it’s saying
babies in the audience!
ohhh senza volto got hand strobe lights now?
omg that shit would be the best in a techno club
esp with some speed
not that i have eveer done a drug no especially not anything related to meth
[lbr it was almost definitely meth. i did a meth.]
anyway, murat ak vs senza volto
the crowd is alivce but i have no fucking idea what they are saying
i think they like murat even though he’s a heel?
is senza short or murat just giant? i think murat is giant but i dont remember how tall senza was
those kids in the audience are fucking adorable
that was a smart finish but not a very smooth conversion
announcer: “ladies match”, subtitles read “women’‘s division match”
huh wasnt expecting audrey bride to be a face based on the one time she was in wxw
i like blue nikita’s medusa shirt
ngl i kinda judge audrey for going past homage/reference with the kill bill schtick and more being a ripoff
but then again i also have serious problems with kill bill so...
ok that modified octopus owned tho
ok i guess audrey is much better not wrestling heel cause i really liked her in that
didnt really feel much for blue nikita though
i think arash has a tumblr...
lolllll poor arash
will he ever make it into the ring?
oh, the main event alreadty? guess we’re light on plot this week
icaus that is some major collar fluff
lapel fluff? you know what i mean
i’m kinda sad the arrows didn’t really have much of a run in wxw in the spring -  i like icarus a lot
not really into these trunks though
dark gold isn’t really a great color for him
i feel like the guy starting the icarus chants was at wrestling deutschland
i can’t take rambo seriouslt as a wrestler he’s so short and squat
dover don’t fight with rambo, beat up mike! duh!
...did the commentary just say rambo is larger than icarus? i mean, i gues maybe in weight?
oh apparently he’s over 250 pounds? really? ok
gwf fans chant ‘auf die fressen’ in a more melodic way
also there’s some lady always fucking screaming
not like, screaming words
just screaming
see dover? there you go!
good end: icarus wins
unfortunately i worry this means that arrows are losing the titles to dark society vol 2 this weekend...
plot time!
oh lord it’s vincenzo
ok i can’t shit on him too hard salami is good
damn ali calm the fuck down all he did was say something nice to your boy and give him some food
ali acting like he’s george’s controlling boyfriend
yessss the crew boys credits scene is gonna be a thing
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