#Sustainable production practices for Goal 15
greenthestral · 1 year
Preserving Life on Land: Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 15
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Goal 15 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is focused on ensuring life on land, recognizing the importance of preserving and restoring ecosystems, promoting sustainable land management, and halting biodiversity loss. With the global population steadily increasing and human activities placing unprecedented pressures on terrestrial ecosystems, achieving Goal 15 is crucial for the well-being of both present and future generations. This article delves into the significance of Goal 15 and highlights key strategies and actions needed to protect and restore life on land.
The Importance of Goal 15 for a Sustainable Future
Goal 15, "Life on Land," holds immense significance as a fundamental pillar for sustainable development. Terrestrial ecosystems encompass a wide array of habitats, including forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, each playing a vital role in supporting life on Earth. These ecosystems provide essential services that are critical for human well-being and the overall health of our planet.
One of the primary services provided by terrestrial ecosystems is the regulation of essential resources such as clean air, water, and soil fertility. Forests, for instance, act as "green lungs" by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, contributing to the purification of the air we breathe. They also act as natural filters, regulating water quality by capturing and filtering rainfall, replenishing groundwater reserves, and preventing soil erosion. Furthermore, healthy soils support agricultural productivity, ensuring food security for communities around the world.
Beyond the provision of essential resources, terrestrial ecosystems also support biodiversity and cultural diversity. They serve as habitats for countless species, many of which are yet to be discovered or understood fully. Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the resilience and adaptability of ecosystems, as each species plays a unique role in the intricate web of life. Moreover, diverse ecosystems offer valuable opportunities for recreation, tourism, and cultural practices, enriching our lives and connecting us to our natural heritage.
Unfortunately, unsustainable land use practices pose significant threats to terrestrial ecosystems. Deforestation, driven primarily by agricultural expansion, logging, and infrastructure development, leads to habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation. As forests are cleared, countless species lose their homes, pushing them closer to extinction. Moreover, the destruction of forests and other ecosystems disrupts the delicate balance of ecological processes, such as nutrient cycling, pollination, and seed dispersal, which are essential for the survival of ecosystems and the species they support.
Climate change further exacerbates the challenges faced by terrestrial ecosystems. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events pose significant risks to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Many species are struggling to adapt to these rapid changes, leading to population declines and local extinctions. The impacts of climate change also contribute to land degradation and desertification, further compromising the productivity and resilience of terrestrial ecosystems.
By achieving Goal 15, we can address these pressing issues and protect the invaluable services provided by terrestrial ecosystems. Safeguarding biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the functionality and resilience of ecosystems. Preserving intact forests, restoring degraded habitats, and establishing protected areas are essential steps towards achieving this goal. These actions not only offer refuge to endangered species but also contribute to the preservation of genetic diversity and the restoration of ecological balance.
Moreover, achieving Goal 15 contributes to poverty eradication and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. Many communities around the world depend on healthy terrestrial ecosystems for their livelihoods, relying on agriculture, forestry, and other natural resources for income and sustenance. Sustainable land management practices, such as agroforestry, organic farming, and regenerative agriculture, can enhance productivity while minimizing the environmental footprint. By prioritizing sustainable agriculture and providing support to local communities, Goal 15 can foster economic resilience and ensure the well-being of both people and the planet.
Furthermore, achieving Goal 15 is crucial for the resilience of communities and economies that rely on healthy terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystem services, such as water regulation, flood control, and climate regulation, are essential for reducing the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters and climate change impacts. By maintaining intact ecosystems, we enhance the capacity of landscapes to withstand and recover from environmental shocks, ensuring the long-term well-being and stability of communities.
Goal 15: Life on Land is a vital component of the Sustainable Development Goals, addressing the urgent need to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems. By safeguarding biodiversity, preserving essential ecological functions, and mitigating the impacts of unsustainable land use practices and climate change, we can maintain the delicate interconnectedness between all forms of life on Earth. Achieving Goal 15 not only contributes to the preservation of our planet's natural heritage but also promotes poverty eradication, sustainable agriculture, and the resilience of communities and economies. It is an imperative task that requires collective efforts and the integration of sustainable practices into our daily lives and policy decisions. Only through our commitment to Goal 15 can we secure a sustainable future where life on land thrives for generations to come.
Preserving Biodiversity and Halting Deforestation
Biodiversity is the foundation of life on land, and protecting it is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems. One key aspect of Goal 15 is halting deforestation and restoring degraded forests. Deforestation not only contributes to greenhouse gas emissions but also disrupts ecosystems, displaces indigenous communities, and threatens the habitat of countless species. Governments, organizations, and individuals must collaborate to implement sustainable land-use practices, promote reforestation initiatives, and strengthen protected areas to conserve and restore forests.
Additionally, preserving biodiversity extends beyond forests. It involves protecting endangered species, conserving habitats such as wetlands and grasslands, and curbing the illegal wildlife trade. Ensuring the effective management of protected areas and promoting sustainable use of natural resources are vital components in achieving this goal.
Promoting Sustainable Land Management and Combating Desertification
Sustainable land management is essential for ensuring the productivity and resilience of terrestrial ecosystems. Degraded lands, soil erosion, and desertification pose significant challenges to achieving Goal 15. Land degradation not only affects agricultural productivity but also exacerbates climate change impacts, water scarcity, and food insecurity.
To combat these issues, sustainable land management practices such as agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and integrated watershed management must be adopted. These practices help restore soil fertility, reduce erosion, and enhance water retention capacity. Furthermore, promoting sustainable land management techniques can create employment opportunities, improve food security, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Addressing Climate Change and its Impact on Terrestrial Ecosystems
Climate change poses a severe threat to life on land. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events can disrupt ecosystems, exacerbate desertification, and increase the vulnerability of species and communities. To achieve Goal 15, it is crucial to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy adoption, transitioning to sustainable agricultural practices, and promoting afforestation and reforestation efforts are vital steps in combating climate change. Additionally, enhancing the resilience of ecosystems and communities through nature-based solutions, such as the restoration of mangroves and wetlands, can provide multiple benefits, including coastal protection, carbon sequestration, and the preservation of biodiversity.
Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
Consumer choices and production practices significantly impact terrestrial ecosystems. Unsustainable consumption, overexploitation of natural resources, and pollution contribute to land degradation and biodiversity loss. Achieving Goal 15 requires transitioning towards sustainable consumption and production patterns.
This can be accomplished through various means, such as promoting circular economy principles, reducing waste generation, adopting sustainable agricultural practices, and embracing eco-friendly technologies. Additionally, raising awareness among individuals and businesses about the environmental impacts of their choices and encouraging sustainable alternatives can drive positive change.
Goal 15: Life on Land is a critical component of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems, protect biodiversity, and combat land degradation. By halting deforestation, promoting sustainable land management, addressing climate change impacts, and embracing sustainable consumption and production patterns, we can ensure the long-term viability of life on land. Achieving Goal 15 not only benefits the environment but also enhances human well-being, promotes socio-economic development, and contributes to the overall sustainability of our planet. It is our collective responsibility to work towards a future where life on land thrives, and every individual can play a part in realizing this goal.
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prettieinpink · 9 months
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HAVE A REASON. It is going to be hard to start inputting change in your life if you do not even have a reason why. That reason also has to come from within, not from any other externalities (friends, school, work, family). This reason has to make you strive to be better.
If you’re unsure about your reason, write down times when you feel your happiest and when you feel your lowest, then notice any common themes. 
BUILD DISCIPLINE. Discipline is the ability to be productive without hesitation or distractions. The only way to build it, is to practice it. Do the things you need/want to do, regardless of how you feel in the present.
Just remember, that you always feel better after committing to yourself.
MAKE YOUR PLAN SUSTAINABLE. Your routines and habits you want to implement, need to be at arm’s length for you. While I do believe in challenging yourself if your mind perceives that specific activity as ‘too hard’, it is going to make you avoid that task.
This is a reaction from your ego coming out of your comfort zone because it is so unfamiliar it wants to protect if anything ‘bad’ happens e.g. failure, loss of control and criticism. 
Reminder, that part of you is not bad at all nor is it holding you back. It is the part of you that wants to keep you safe. For your ego to allow you to do tasks out of your comfort zone, it needs to be simple and easy. Then from there, you can build it up to your ideal habit or routine. 
MAKE YOUR ENVIRONMENT INTENTIONAL. Your mind, space and the people around you need to be decluttered and serve a purpose. For your mind, avoid feeding it with an overload of information especially if you are not going to apply it. Minimise social media use and journaling instead of looking for a quick fix. 
Your space, specifically your bedroom has to be the best place for you to grow. Everything in your room needs to serve a purpose, it has to be kept clean to ensure mind clarity and place intentional items around to support your goals (mantras, workout mat, water bottle, instruments). 
The people around you have to support you and your journey. I don’t believe in the ‘value’ or ‘worth’ people have, but rather what you think of them. Someone could be the most overachieving and productive person ever, so they may inspire you, but what if they don’t wish the best for you? People who will support you regardless are the best resource ever.
BE FLEXIBLE. The ability to edit your habits or routine when needed so you can stick to a schedule or adapt to change is a powerful but underrated skill. Anything in life can happen, but if we want to stick to our goals, we need to develop flexibility. 
The best way to develop flexibility is to try everything. For example, meditation. Do 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes, try it in the morning, afternoon or evening, do a guided one or do it by yourself. To get flexible in a habit, you need to expand your capabilities in that habit. 
ALWAYS SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING. Typically during the day, we procrastinate because we want the challenging task to be perfect or we believe there’s not enough time/resources to do it. 
However, just having that small progress each day is always better than nothing. One sentence is better than none, one healthy meal is better than none, 2 minutes of exercise is better than none etc. 
HAVE GOALS THAT YOU LIKE. The reason so many people dislike doing their habits or routines is because it’s not stuff that’s enjoyable for them. It’s habits and routines that they got online from someone completely different. 
Choose your favourite way of exercising, read your favourite books(even graphic ones!) and journal the way you want. If the steps to becoming your best self are steps that you dislike, then it is not your best self. 
IDENTIFY THE WAY YOU SELF-SABOTAGE. If you are struggling to implement change, chances are there are small self-destructive behaviours that are in your routines that hold you back. 
This could be major procrastination, doom-scrolling, an addiction or binge eating. You either have to completely extract these habits from your life or you can do these things in moderation. 
TAKE REGULAR BREAKS. If you are being productive back-to-back and not allowing yourself to cool down, your motivation will deplete quickly. Have around 1-2 hours in your day doing anything you like.
If needed, after each task, take 5-10 minutes for yourself. However, do avoid your phone for these periods and try to be present in whatever you do here. 
HAVE SOFT DAYS. Days in which you do not have to do anything hardcore or intense, and you’re just living. While yes, be somewhat productive but nothing too intense.
This can be your reset, detox or self care days, or all of them combined!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Top "Glow Up" Tips & Habits To Become The Best Version of Yourself
Prioritize the Holy Trinity: Nutrition, Movement, & Sleep. Following a whole-foods, plant-based diet with vegetables and/or fruit at every meal and limiting processed foods is one of the simplest ways to improve your overall health. Drink plenty of water, have any necessary supplements (like vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega 3s, etc.), and reduce your consumption of sugary, alcoholic, or caffeine-loaded beverages. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of walking and/or a simple 15-20 workout into your everyday routine. Make getting a full night's rest (usually 7-9 hours for most people) a non-negotiable in your life.
Practice Radical Self-Acceptance. Fully embrace your personal values. Get comfortable with your authentic desires. Define and set goals for yourself in every area of your life.
Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Consistently. Eat a healthful diet (enough food without overstuffing yourself), sleep and move enough throughout the day, and continue learning and educating yourself on current events, your industry/career field, art, culture, history, world languages, etc. Practice mindfulness and self-care activities. Honoring your sexual needs. Giving yourself at least one rest/reset day per week.
Cultivate Sustainable (and Personally-Fulfilling) Routines. Your sleep schedule, work/school schedule, workout schedule throughout the week, social and self-care time, date nights, time for your hobbies, errands, cleaning, and relaxation. Make appointments with yourself to empower you to fulfill all your daily tasks and activities to ensure you can work and play without burning yourself out in the process.
Set Boundaries. With your friends, family, work-life/professional network, romantic and sexual partners, and yourself. Understand your emotional, physical, and energetic limitations. Communicate them clearly, compassionately, and unapologetically. Cut toxic people out of your life. Avoid codependency like the plague. Nurture your healthy and supportive interdependent relationships regularly.
Learn What You Enjoy. Ensure To Incorporate These Products, Routines, and Relationships Into Your Day. It can be a piece of dark chocolate and a favorite T.V. show, a long evening phone call with a loved one, a hot bubble bath, or any other small luxury that gives you genuine pleasure and adds some necessary joy to your day.
Check In With Yourself Regularly. Pivot When Necessary. Self-improvement, goal setting, relationship building, and cultivating unshakeable self-love/life satisfaction takes time, experimentation, trial and error, and tons of self-reflection before you get it right in any area of your life. Be honest with yourself on what's work, what's not, where to remain consistent, and what areas of your life would benefit from a change.
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sunshinesmebdy · 2 months
WhatsInDaSky? - July 15, 2024
Astrology provides us with a unique lens through which we can anticipate and navigate the ebbs and flows of business and finance. As we move through the second half of July, today’s significant astrological transits promise to leave a substantial imprint on the financial landscape: Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus, and Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Let’s dive into what these transits signify and how you can harness their energies for your business ventures.
Understanding the Transits:
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces: This aspect suggests a deep, intuitive understanding of long-term financial goals and strategies. There’s a potential for uncovering hidden financial opportunities through thorough research and analysis. However, it also indicates a need for caution and patience in financial matters.
Impact on Business and Finance:
This harmonious aspect between the Moon in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces is a powerful time for emotional stability and structured creativity in business. Scorpio’s deep, investigative nature paired with Saturn’s disciplined influence in Pisces fosters an environment where intuition and practicality merge seamlessly.
Strategic Planning: This transit is perfect for long-term strategic planning. Trust your instincts while grounding them in solid research and realistic projections.
Financial Prudence: Focus on conservative financial management. Investments made during this time should be well-researched and aligned with your long-term goals.
Resilience: Emotional resilience will be high, allowing you to navigate any business challenges with a calm and composed mindset.
Actions to Take:
Conduct in-depth market research and analysis.
Reevaluate and solidify your business plans and strategies.
Prioritize sustainable and responsible financial practices.
Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus: This transit can bring intense emotional energy to financial decisions. It might lead to impulsive actions or a strong desire for financial security. Balancing these opposing energies is key.
Impact on Business and Finance:
An opposition between the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Taurus creates a tension between emotional depth and assertive action. This transit can stir intense feelings and potential conflicts but also offers an opportunity to confront and resolve underlying issues in your business.
Conflict: Be mindful of heightened emotions that could lead to conflicts with partners, employees, or clients.
Impulsivity: Avoid making rash financial decisions based on emotional reactions.
Conflict Resolution: Use this transit to address and resolve long-standing issues in your business relationships.
Passion and Drive: Channel the intensity into productive activities that require determination and persistence.
Actions to Take:
Practice active listening and empathy in communications to defuse potential conflicts.
Take time to cool down and think critically before making any major financial decisions.
Engage in activities that channel emotional intensity into constructive outcomes, like strategic brainstorming sessions.
Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus: This powerful combination indicates a potential for radical changes in business and finance. There’s a strong drive for financial independence and a desire to break free from traditional financial models. However, impulsivity and risk-taking could also be heightened.
Impact on Business and Finance:
The conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus is a dynamic and potentially disruptive transit. It brings a burst of innovative energy and a drive for radical change, which can be both exciting and unsettling for businesses.
Innovation: This is a prime time for breakthroughs and implementing unconventional ideas. Embrace technological advancements and innovative solutions.
Bold Moves: Take calculated risks that could propel your business forward. This transit favors bold, decisive action.
Volatility: Expect the unexpected. Financial markets and business operations might experience sudden changes.
Impulsiveness: The drive for change can lead to hasty decisions. Balance innovation with caution.
Actions to take:
Be open to new technologies and methods that can enhance your business efficiency and growth.
Prepare for potential disruptions by having contingency plans in place.
Evaluate risks carefully before making significant changes, ensuring they align with your long-term vision.
Today’s astrological transits bring a blend of stability, intensity, and innovation to the business and financial realms. By understanding and harnessing the energies of the Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus, and Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, you can navigate challenges and seize opportunities with confidence and clarity. As always, let the stars guide you, but ground your decisions in thorough research and strategic planning for the best outcomes.
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investmentassistant · 2 months
Small steps for major changes
Change can often seem like a monumental task, especially when our aspirations involve significant improvements in our personal or professional lives. However, big changes are usually the result of many small, manageable steps. In this article, we explore several straightforward strategies that can help anyone initiate meaningful changes through simple, everyday actions.
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Set clear, attainable goals
The journey to big changes starts with setting precise, achievable goals. General desires like «become healthier» or «increase happiness» are too vague and hard to measure. Instead, frame these goals in actionable terms that offer clear direction. For instance, if you aim to improve health, a specific goal could be «to walk 10,000 steps daily» or «to meditate for 15 minutes each day.» Such specificity provides a concrete path to follow, making the overall goal less daunting and more attainable.
Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks
Large goals can be overwhelming and may lead to procrastination. To combat this, break down your major goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This approach not only simplifies what you need to do but also allows for frequent assessment of progress. Each small success fuels motivation, building momentum towards the larger objective. Example: If your goal is to save a certain amount of money, start by saving a small amount each day or week. This breaks the larger goal into achievable daily actions and makes the task less intimidating.
Establish and stick to a routine
Consistency is the backbone of successful change. Embed your small tasks into a daily routine. This could mean integrating a morning workout into your day, setting aside time after dinner for reading, or dedicating an hour over the weekend to review personal finances. When actions become part of a routine, they evolve into habits, reducing the mental effort needed to get them done.
Reflect regularly on your progress
Reflection is crucial for sustained change. It helps you recognize your achievements, understand what’s working, and identify what isn’t. Make it a habit to reflect on your progress weekly or monthly. This not only helps adjust your strategies as needed but also keeps you accountable and dedicated to your long-term goals.
Cultivate small habits with big impacts
Small habits, when maintained consistently, can lead to significant changes over time. Here's a list of simple habits that can make a big difference in your life:
Daily Planning. Spend 10 minutes every morning to plan your day. This helps prioritize tasks and manage your time more effectively.
Exercise. A short daily workout can improve both physical and mental health.
Healthy Eating. Incorporate one serving of vegetables into every meal to enhance diet quality.
Mindfulness. Practice mindfulness or meditation for five minutes each day to reduce stress and increase concentration.
Gratitude. Write down three things you’re grateful for each evening to foster positivity.
Leverage technology for support
In today’s digital age, numerous apps and tools are available to help track and manage your progress towards any goal. Whether it’s fitness trackers, budgeting apps, or productivity tools, technology can provide valuable data and insights, helping you stay on track and motivated.
Build a support system
Changes are easier when supported by others. Share your aspirations with family and friends, join groups with similar interests, or seek a mentor. Supportive relationships can offer encouragement, share insights, and provide accountability, which is essential for long-term success.
Celebrate every small win
Acknowledging and celebrating every small achievement is vital. It helps maintain motivation and reaffirms your commitment to your goals. Remember, each small step forward is a component of the larger journey towards significant change.
Achieving significant life improvements doesn't require drastic actions all at once. By focusing on small, manageable steps and setting achievable goals, you can effectively foster substantial changes. Remember, every significant journey begins with a single, small step. Keep moving forward, and gradually, you will see your efforts accumulate into the big changes you aspire to achieve.
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esotericfaery · 7 months
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Jupiter revisits Gemini - May 25th, 2024 until June 10th, 2025!
TLDR; Tricksters & energy vamps, dissonant contraction or harmonic expansion, Ceres, Taurus, Gemini, Mercury, 2011-2013, get journaling.
See if you notice repeating themes from the last time(s) this happened [recent Jupiter dates at end, for those of us who journal].
Taurus Jupiter has had us appreciating what we already have, yet we also had the tendency to dig in our heels at the idea that we could change things for the better during stressful situations. Ruled by Ceres, Taurus takes on Ceres traits within whichever house She’s in: adaptation and survival of humanity, all familial relationships, nurturing professions, agriculture & animal care. Those with Taurus or Jupiter chart prominent will have experienced specific changes in any of those areas during Jupiter in Taurus periods.
This is a good opportunity to review these life themes:
Experiences of luck, vs lack; synchronicity vs. perceived failure.
Gemini placement(s) or an “empty” house; patterns related to thoughts which lead to communications, short term travel, siblings, neighborhood(s), early education, overall life mindset.
Where are we going?
Optimistic growth through goal-definition & attitude of gratitude, manifested through the proper actions…
…string of calamities or perceived calamities, wherein we have used our powers of communications and short term forms of travel such as seership abilities, to behave with lack of morality or indiscretion? Mercury, when not worked with consciously, has people building and maintaining energetic vampirism between groups of people, in tangled patterns of co-dependency.
The key is to examine the situation; is this dependency healthy, or toxic? Is it sustainable, or unsustainable? We must figure these things out, and practice clear communication with one another as we do so. Allow each person in a group dispute the time and consideration for full expression.
Important to remember: Geminis ruling planet is Mercury, and Mercury is known for good reason as the trickster & thief God. We can re-channel Geminis mental adventurousness in a properly productive direction, when we realize that we are actually thieving, or enabling thieving of our own life-forces, by staying in toss situations.
Are we tricking ourselves, and also being unfair to others in some way?
Can we find ways out of this destructive pattern, and into building new patterns, which can bring into our lives harmonic, and no longer dissonant expansion?
Those who don’t put in the time and effort on this, will expand in dissonance, while contracting their abilities to manifest harmonic luck.
Jan 22, 2011 12:11 PM Jupiter enters Aries
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
Jun 4, 2011 9:56 AM Jupiter enters Taurus
Jun 11, 2012 1:22 PM Jupiter enters Gemini
Jun 25, 2013 9:40 PM Jupiter enters Cancer
Jul 16, 2014 6:31 AM Jupiter enters Leo
Aug 11, 2015 7:11 AM Jupiter enters Virgo
Sep 9, 2016 7:18 AM Jupiter enters Libra
Oct 10, 2017 9:20 AM Jupiter enters Scorpio
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Nov 8, 2018 7:39 AM Jupiter enters Sagittarius
Dec 2, 2019 1:20 PM Jupiter enters Capricorn
Dec 19, 2020 8:07 AM Jupiter enters Aquarius
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
May 13, 2021 6:36 PM Jupiter enters Pisces
Jul 28, 2021 8:42 AM Jupiter Rx enters Aquarius
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Dec 28, 2021 11:09 PM Jupiter enters Pisces
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
May 10, 2022 7:22 PM Jupiter enters Aries
Oct 28, 2022 1:10 AM Jupiter Rx enters Pisces
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Dec 20, 2022 9:32 AM Jupiter enters Aries
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
May 16, 2023 1:20 PM Jupiter enters Taurus
May 25, 2024 7:15 PM Jupiter enters Gemini
Jun 9, 2025 5:02 PM Jupiter enters Cancer
Jun 30, 2026 1:52 AM Jupiter enters Leo
Jul 26, 2027 12:49 AM Jupiter enters Virgo
Aug 24, 2028 1:08 AM Jupiter enters Libra
Sep 24, 2029 2:24 AM Jupiter enters Scorpio
Oct 22, 2030 7:14 PM Jupiter enters Sagittarius
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shasat-uk · 1 year
Shasat Debuts IFRS Course Tailored for Energy & Mining Industries
In a bid to address the complex accounting requirements specific to the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining industries, Shasat, a leading education provider, has unveiled a comprehensive two-day program on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This specialized course aims to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of financial reporting within these sectors.
The Oil and Gas industry, integral to global economies, grapples with challenges like high capital costs, long project lead times, and substantial environmental impact. Shasat's program recognizes the importance of understanding how to evaluate commercial viability, technical feasibility, and mitigating environmental concerns within this industry.
Similarly, the mining sector, with its substantial capital investments and intricate processes, faces environmental challenges and geopolitical risks. The utility industry, providing essential services like electricity, natural gas, and water, is continually adapting to changing consumer demands and sustainability goals.
To effectively address the unique accounting demands of these industries, Shasat's program delves into critical IFRS standards such as IFRS 6 for Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources, IAS 23 for Borrowing Costs, IFRS 15 for Revenue Recognition, IFRS 16 for Leases, IFRS 9 for Financial Instruments, and more. These standards play a pivotal role in ensuring accurate and transparent financial reporting, benefiting stakeholders across the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining sectors.
The Upstream, Mid-Stream, and Down-Stream industries within the Oil & Gas sector face distinctive accounting challenges. From reserves and resources to revenue recognition and disclosure of reserves, Shasat's program covers a wide range of accounting topics tailored to industry-specific needs. The course ensures that professionals in these sectors are well-equipped to handle complex financial matters, including production-sharing agreements and concessions.
Shasat's two-day program is designed for professionals working in the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining industries, including auditors and consultants. By participating, attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest accounting issues, challenges, and best practices. Furthermore, the program offers networking opportunities with industry experts and peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Here is the schedule of upcoming programs by Shasat. However, we recommend you continue to visit Shasat's website for the most up-to-date program schedules.
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16001 | London: Oct. 17-18, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16003 | Abu Dhabi: Dec. 18-19, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16004 | Kuala Lumpur: Dec. 13-14, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16009 | Zurich: Oct. 23-24, 2023 
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16010 | Singapore: Dec. 15-16, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16012 | New York City: Oct. 4-5, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16013 | Toronto: Nov. 1-2, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16014 | Sydney: Nov. 22-23, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16015 | Dubai: Nov.r 14-15, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16000 | Online | Available on Request
For more details and to enrol in Mastering IFRS for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining Industries, please visit:
By enrolling in Shasat's IFRS course, participants will enhance their accounting skills, improve their understanding of industry-specific financial reporting requirements, and elevate their careers to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the dynamic world of financial reporting within the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining sectors.
Shasat looks forward to welcoming professionals eager to enhance their expertise in IFRS for these essential industries.
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Lula Should Look to the Future, Not the Past
By focusing on interest rates and reindustrialization, Brazil’s president is missing out on the real opportunities facing his government.
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Throughout his nearly 100 days back in office, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and members of his government have focused above all on two economic messages. First, that Brazil needs to “reindustrialize.” Second, that the country’s interest rates are too high. But in doing so, Lula may be focusing too much on the past, and missing the opportunities that the country could seize today.
There’s no doubt that Brazil’s economy needs a boost. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted all countries globally, but emerging economies have been hit particularly hard. Brazil, having previously endured a significant recession after an institutional crisis in the mid-2010s, has now been in a state of stagnation for more than a decade. In addition to the lack of growth, there are signs that inequality has worsened in recent years, making the goal of achieving higher welfare levels for Brazilians even more challenging. Brazilian manufacturing has also suffered. Even before the pandemic, while global manufacturing grew by 10% since 2014, Brazil’s manufacturing contracted by 15%.
A lot of time has passed since Lula’s first government, from 2003-10, and the world is no longer the same. Back then, the euro had recently been launched, the world was grappling with the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, China’s import patterns were shifting, which was expected to boost commodity prices, social media was virtually non-existent, and Brazil had just won the World Cup for the fifth time. Yes, that is how long ago all this was.
Today, the locus of productivity has shifted, with manufacturing relocating to Asia and service industries outsourced to India. Furthermore, a fresh wave of services has emerged, concentrating on delivery and transportation, digital entertainment, health, and personal care. These changes have brought forth novel modes of working relationships, demanding from policymakers a reconsideration of economic policies that foster efficient social safety nets and spur productivity.
Entrepreneurs are increasingly focused on finding environmentally sustainable ways to produce goods and services. Meanwhile, scientists and environmentalists are engaged in debates about direct carbon capture and nuclear fusion as potential solutions to combat climate change. However, capital flows to emerging economies remain scarce, posing a significant challenge to their efforts to implement these new technologies and practices.
All these changes should spell opportunity for Brazil.
Continue reading.
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johannarhyins · 1 day
Captain Paul Watson Foundation
Just weeks before Paul Watson’s arrest in Greenland by Interpol, I spent a month volunteering with the Captain Paul Watson Foundation, helping to prepare the former Coast Guard ship, the John Paul DeJoria III (JPD), for its anti-whaling mission. Watson, known for founding Sea Shepherd and co-founding Greenpeace, had been pursued by Interpol for nearly 15 years due to charges related to his anti-whaling activities in Japan. His radical approach to conservation has always sparked debate, leading to numerous reinventions of his non-profit work. Despite the noble goal of protecting whales, I still wonder if direct confrontation with whalers effectively generates enough pressure on Japan, Norway, and Iceland—the last remaining whaling nations—to abandon the practice.
Through my time aboard the JPD, I developed a deep respect for the dedication and hard work of the volunteers, who poured tremendous energy into keeping the vessel operational and advancing the mission. Their commitment to whale conservation was inspiring, and it was a privilege to participate in such an important cause. Regardless of the controversy surrounding Watson’s leadership, the conversation should shift from focusing on his methods to addressing the real issue: why are we still killing whales in 2024? The demand for whale products has dwindled, and the traditions cited by Japan, Norway, and Iceland no longer hold relevance in today’s global economy. Just as Iceland moved away from coal to embrace geothermal energy, harmful practices rooted in tradition should be reevaluated and replaced with more sustainable alternatives.
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qqri · 3 days
The Future of Coconut Farming: Innovations, Sustainability, and Economic Impact
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Coconut farming is more than just an agricultural practice—it’s a critical industry that supports millions of livelihoods globally. With over 60 million metric tons of coconuts produced annually, this industry is a powerhouse in tropical economies. However, as we look to the future, the industry must adapt to new challenges through innovation and sustainability.
Climate Resilience: Facing Environmental Challenges
The global coconut industry is concentrated in a few countries, with the Philippines, Indonesia, and India accounting for nearly 75% of total production. However, these regions are increasingly vulnerable to climate change. For example, typhoons in the Philippines have caused coconut production to plummet by up to 10% in recent years.
To combat these issues, researchers are developing climate-resilient coconut varieties that can withstand droughts, pests, and extreme weather. The goal is to increase yield stability and reduce losses, ensuring the industry can meet global demand, which is expected to grow by 5% annually due to rising consumer interest in coconut-based products.
Sustainable Practices: Ensuring Long-Term Viability
Sustainability is essential for the future of coconut farming. Traditional farming methods are being enhanced with agroforestry, where coconuts are grown alongside other crops like cocoa and coffee. This method not only improves soil health but also boosts farmer income by diversifying crops.
Organic coconut farming is on the rise, with the organic market projected to grow by 7% annually. This shift reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, making coconut farming more environmentally friendly. In regions like India, which produces over 20 billion coconuts annually, these practices are helping to protect the environment while meeting consumer demand for organic products.
Technological Innovation: Transforming Production and Transparency
Technology is playing a pivotal role in modernizing coconut farming. Precision agriculture, using drones and satellite imagery, is helping farmers monitor crop health and optimize irrigation. This approach has been shown to increase yields by up to 20% while reducing water usage by 30%.
Blockchain technology is another game-changer. It’s enhancing supply chain transparency, ensuring that consumers can trace the origins of their coconut products. With a global coconut water market valued at $4.2 billion in 2023, such transparency is crucial for maintaining consumer trust and supporting ethical sourcing practices.
Empowering Farmers: Building a Resilient Future
Smallholder farmers, who produce over 90% of the world’s coconuts, are the backbone of this industry. However, they often face challenges such as limited market access and fluctuating prices. Empowering these farmers through education and cooperative initiatives is key to the industry’s future.
Cooperatives help farmers pool resources, share knowledge, and secure better market prices. In Sri Lanka, for example, farmers involved in cooperatives have seen their incomes rise by 15%, thanks to better bargaining power and access to markets.
Conclusion: A Future Rooted in Innovation and Sustainability
The future of coconut farming depends on embracing innovation and sustainability. With global demand for coconut products expected to reach $15 billion by 2025, the industry must adapt to environmental challenges, adopt sustainable practices, and leverage technology to thrive. By supporting the farmers at the heart of this industry, we can ensure that coconut farming continues to be a vital and sustainable part of the global economy for generations to come.
Resource Link: https://qqri.com/2024/08/30/the-future-of-coconut-farming-innovations-sustainability-and-economic-impact/
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valueweaver · 9 days
How Procurement Consulting Can Transform Your Business Strategy
In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies are constantly searching for ways to optimize their operations and enhance their bottom line. One powerful but often overlooked solution lies in Procurement Consulting Services. Many businesses may not fully grasp how these specialized services can reshape their strategies, streamline processes, and ultimately drive growth. Imagine having a team of experts at your disposal who can identify inefficiencies within your supply chain or negotiate better deals with suppliers on your behalf. This is precisely what procurement consulting brings to the table. Whether you're a small startup or an established enterprise, understanding the value of strategic procurement can be a game-changer. Let’s dive into how procurement consulting can transform various aspects of your business strategy and explore real-life examples that illustrate its impact.
Understanding Procurement Consulting
Procurement consulting is a specialized service focused on optimizing an organization’s purchasing processes. It involves analyzing procurement strategies, supplier relationships, and cost management practices to enhance overall efficiency. Experts in this field offer insights tailored to your unique needs. They help organizations identify areas for improvement and develop actionable plans to achieve better results. The process often begins with a comprehensive assessment of current procurement activities. Consultants then leverage data analytics and market research to uncover opportunities for savings and innovation. Moreover, these professionals foster collaboration between departments, ensuring that everyone works towards common goals while maintaining budgetary constraints. By aligning procurement with broader business objectives, companies can drive significant value across the board. In essence, procurement consulting serves as a bridge between operational needs and strategic direction, providing businesses with the tools they need to thrive in competitive markets.
Areas of Business Strategy that Can be Transformed by Procurement Consulting
Procurement consulting services can significantly enhance various aspects of business strategy. One major area is cost management. By optimizing procurement processes, businesses often see a reduction in expenses without sacrificing quality. Another key area is supplier relationships. Effective procurement consulting fosters stronger partnerships with suppliers, which can lead to better negotiations and improved terms that benefit the company long-term. Innovation also plays a vital role. Procurement consultants help organizations identify new technologies and materials that can drive product enhancements or operational efficiencies. Risk management is another critical focus. Consultants assess supply chain vulnerabilities, enabling companies to mitigate risks effectively before they escalate into costly issues. Sustainability initiatives are increasingly important for modern businesses. Procurement strategies aligned with sustainable practices not only improve brand reputation but also attract environmentally conscious consumers.
Case Studies: Real-life Examples of Successful Procurement Consulting Strategies
Real-life examples illustrate the impact of procurement consulting services on businesses. One notable case involves a global manufacturing company struggling with rising costs and inefficiencies in its supply chain. By engaging procurement consultants, they re-evaluated their supplier contracts and negotiated better terms. This led to a 15% reduction in overall material costs within six months. Another example is a retail firm that faced challenges managing supplier relationships. Through tailored consulting strategies, they improved communication channels and introduced performance metrics for suppliers. These changes enhanced collaboration and resulted in quicker delivery times, boosting customer satisfaction. A third case highlights an organization in the tech sector seeking to expand while controlling spending. Procurement consultants helped them identify alternative sourcing options across multiple regions, optimizing their inventory levels. This shift not only saved money but also provided greater flexibility during market fluctuations. These success stories showcase how procurement consulting services can play a crucial role in reshaping business strategy and achieving sustainable growth. Whether it’s cost-saving measures or enhancing supplier relations, the potential benefits are significant for companies ready to embrace change.
For More Information:
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The Productive Power of a Morning Routine: 5 Steps to Start Your Day Right
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Starting your day with intention can significantly impact your productivity and mood. In this blog, we’ll explore five key steps to creating a morning routine that sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. Follow these guidelines from Rajeshwari Ayurdhama to enhance your mornings and make them more effective.
1. Wake Up Early: The Secret to Extra Hours
Waking up early provides uninterrupted time for yourself, allowing you to start the day with a clear mind and reduced stress. Early risers often find they have more energy and are better prepared for the day's challenges. To gradually adjust your wake-up time, try setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier each day until you reach your desired wake-up hour. Creating a soothing wake-up ritual, such as gentle stretching or listening to calming music, can make the transition smoother. This practice, endorsed by Rajeshwari Ayurdhama, can help you create a peaceful start to your day.
2. Move Your Body: Energize and Activate
Physical activity in the morning is essential for boosting energy levels and enhancing focus throughout the day. Even a short workout can increase endorphins and improve your mood. Consider incorporating quick exercises like jumping jacks, a brief yoga session, or a brisk walk. These activities not only wake up your body but also help in sharpening your mental clarity, making you ready to tackle your daily tasks. Integrating these tips from Rajeshwari Ayurdhama will energize you for a productive day.
3. Mindful Moments: Start with Meditation or Journaling
Meditation and journaling are powerful tools for achieving mental clarity and emotional balance. Spending just 5-10 minutes in meditation can help reduce stress and improve concentration. For beginners, apps like Headspace or Calm can provide guided sessions. Journaling, on the other hand, allows you to express your thoughts and set intentions for the day. Use prompts like “What am I grateful for today?” to get started. These mindful practices, recommended by Rajeshwari Ayurdhama, are essential for a balanced morning routine.
4. Healthy Breakfast: Fuel Your Body Right
A nutritious breakfast is crucial for sustaining energy levels and maintaining concentration throughout the day. Opt for quick, healthy options such as Greek yogurt with berries, overnight oats, or a smoothie packed with fruits and greens. These meals are not only easy to prepare but also provide essential nutrients to kick-start your metabolism. Following Rajeshwari Ayurdhama’s advice on balanced breakfasts will ensure you have the energy needed for a productive day.
5. Plan Your Day: Set Clear Goals
Setting daily goals and planning can significantly enhance your productivity and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Start by outlining your top three priorities for the day. Utilize a simple planner or digital tools like Trello or Todoist to organize tasks and track progress. A clear plan helps in maintaining focus and ensures that you stay on track throughout the day. Implementing these planning strategies from Rajeshwari Ayurdhama will help you achieve your daily goals effectively.
Experiment with these steps to find what works best for you, and remember that consistency is key. Even small changes to your morning routine can have a significant impact on your day. Start implementing these tips today, and watch as your mornings transform into a time of productivity and positivity. For more insights and tips, visit Rajeshwari Ayurdhama.
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The Impact of Emotional Intelligence Training on Leadership Effectiveness
Can great leaders be made? Yes, leaders can become great, but this requires acumen, expertise, and soft skills. Known as emotional intelligence (E), these soft skills are beneficial in motivating people, navigate through challenging situations, and deliver their best performance.
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Companies lose money due to poor communication, lack of trust, and low employee engagement. Only 21% of employees are engaged and approximately 60% feel emotionally detached at their workplaces. This results in a loss of productivity exceeding $7.5 trillion, which is roughly 11% of the world’s GDP. So how can companies overcome the massive cost of low engagement and emotional intelligence?
What is Emotional Intelligence?
EI is the ability to manage, recognize, and understand other people’s and your feelings. This is important as effective leaders must manage not only their emotions but empathize with their people’s feelings too. First introduced in the 1990s by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, the concept of EI has since become an essential leadership trait.
The behaviors shown by emotionally intelligent leaders include:
Self-awareness This ability allows you to recognize and comprehend your drivers, emotions, strengths, and limitations. Self-awareness helps leaders to sustain a positive outlook even in difficult situations. While 95% of people think they are self-aware, in reality only 10% – 15% show real self-awareness.
Self-management It showcases how leaders manage their behaviors and emotions practicing restraint and focus. Self-management comprises four competencies, which include self-control, achievement orientation, adaptability, and positive outlook.
Social Awareness Empathy and organizational awareness are two competencies under this leadership trait. The former enables you to recognize other people’s emotions, display an active interest in their concerns, and recognize cues about their feelings and thoughts. The latter is the ability to comprehend group feelings, identify influencers, and understand its dynamics.
Relationship Management The competencies that motivate others to deliver their best performance include coaching and mentoring, conflict resolution, influencing, inspirational leadership training, and teamwork. These traits positively impact team members and encourage them to work towards achieving the organizational goals.
Importance of EI on Leadership Effectiveness
Great leaders develop robust relationships, foster a collaborative work environment, and promote a positive organizational culture. Emotional intelligence is important for:
Conflict Management Conflicts happen and effective leaders should manage these constructively and positively. Leaders with higher EI remain calm and composed in conflicts and empathize with others thereby de-escalating the situations. Additionally, they use their soft skills to find a win-win solution to develop stronger relationships and teamwork.
To help understand, here is an example. Assume that there is a conflict between two of your team members Sudha and Radha. Radha thinks that Sudha is not doing her share of the work and Sudha feels that she is not receiving necessary guidance from Radha. After hearing from both, you will derive a solution that is beneficial to both and suggests a structured plan or clear division of roles and responsibilities thereby eliminating the conflict and developing a positive work environment.
Develop Robust Relationships Robust relationships are crucial for organizational success. Leaders having higher EI build rapport and trust by being empathetic to their team members’ emotions. Additionally, their team members feel appreciated and valued thereby increasing engagement, job satisfaction, and motivation. According to a study, employee engagement and creativity when teams are led by empathetic leaders increase by 76% and 61%, respectively.
Efficient Decision-Making Emotionally intelligent leaders use their soft skills to recognize and understand their feelings to make rational and informed decisions. Additionally, they consider the feelings and perspectives of their team members to make inclusive decisions, which are aligned with the overall organizational goals and visions. Companies that prioritize EI are likely to perform higher than others by almost 22x.
Inspiring and Motivating Teams Effective leaders use their empathy and EI to foster a positive and supportive organizational culture. Using their communication skills, they can bring clarity, inspire, and motivate their team members to deliver their best performance.
To understand, consider that you are leading a software development team that is demotivated and overwhelmed amid a highly complex project. As an emotionally intelligent leader, you would recognize the challenging situation while providing encouragement and support to your team members. Throughout the project, you would be empathetic and understanding while appreciating, recognizing, and valuing their efforts. Using EI skills, you will boost their morale and increase their productivity to successfully deliver the project.
Unfortunately, only 36% of people are emotionally intelligent. In 2021, the EI market was valued at $868 million, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 25% until 2030. The demand for EQ is expected to grow by 6x in the next five years and emotional intelligence training programs will play an important role in creating great leaders.
Elevate your leadership skills and drive success with Pragati Leadership‘s Emotional Intelligence Training. Discover how enhanced emotional intelligence can transform your effectiveness as a leader. Join us today and lead with empathy and impact!
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agrinextcon · 2 months
Vertical Farming Market Analysis: Opportunities in Russia, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, and the Dynamic City of Dubai
As the global population continues to rise and urbanization accelerates, the demand for sustainable and efficient food production methods has never been more critical. Vertical farming, with its promise of higher yields and reduced environmental impact, is emerging as a key solution to these challenges. In this blog, we will explore the vertical farming market in four diverse countries: Russia, South Korea, Turkey, and Italy -and the dynamic city of Dubai. Each of these places presents unique opportunities and growth potential for this innovative agricultural practice.
The global vertical farming market is projected to reach a value of between $26.37 billion and $59.13 billion by 2030–2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) ranging from 22.6%–28.1%. The aeroponics segment will grow the fastest at 27.8%. 
Vertical farming involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers, rather than on a single surface. Cultivators often incorporate vertical farming into structures like abandoned mine shafts, used warehouses, skyscrapers, and shipping barrels. 
Market growth of vertical farming is attributed to several factors, including:
Climate control technology: Allows growers to create ideal conditions for their crops, reducing the risk of crop failure and increasing energy efficiency.
Resource efficiency: Vertical farms use less water and land than conventional farms.
Urbanization: Indoor vertical farming allows for precise control over environmental factors like temperature, light, and water. 
The shipping container-based vertical farms segment is expected to dominate the market in 2024. 
 Russia Market Size: 
Market Size and Growth Rate: According to Mordor Intelligence, the vertical farming market in Russia was valued at approximately USD 28 million in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% from 2024 to 2030.
Urbanization and Technology Adoption: Over 74% of Russia's population lives in urban areas, driving the demand for local food production (World Bank). Additionally, investments in agricultural technology have increased by 15% annually over the past five years (IDC).
South Korea Market Size: 
Market Size and Growth Rate: 
According to Research and Markets, 
South Korea's vertical farming market was valued at around USD 35 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 22% from 2024 to 2030.
Tech Infrastructure and Urban Density: South Korea ranks 2nd globally in ICT development (ITU), facilitating advanced vertical farming technologies. Approximately 81% of the population resides in urban areas, necessitating efficient food production methods (Statistics Korea).
TurkeyMarket Size: 
Market Size and Growth Rate: According to IMARC Group, the vertical farming market in Turkey reached USD 15 million in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18% from 2024 to 2030.
Population Growth and Government Incentives: Turkey's population is growing at a rate of 1.2% annually, increasing food demand (Turkish Statistical Institute). The government has allocated over USD 100 million for agricultural modernization projects, including vertical farming (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry).
ItalyMarket Size:
Market Size and Growth Rate: According toMarket Data Forecast, Italy's vertical farming market was valued at approximately USD 25 million in 2023 and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 19% from 2024 to 2030.
Sustainable Practices and R&D Investment: Italy ranks 5th in the EU for organic farming practices (Eurostat), aligning with vertical farming’s sustainability goals. Italian investments in agricultural research and development have grown by 10% annually over the past decade (ISTAT).
Dubai Market Size 
The market size of vertical farming in Dubai is projected to grow significantly, driven by increasing urbanization, technological advancements, and a focus on sustainable agriculture. According to a report by Market Data Forecast, the vertical farming market in the Middle East and Africa is expected to reach USD 1.38 billion by 2026, with Dubai being a key player due to its investments in innovative agricultural technologies . The city's strategic initiatives, such as the Dubai Food Security Strategy and various public-private partnerships, are further propelling the adoption of vertical farming practices to ensure food security and reduce dependency on imports.
These data points highlight the significant opportunities and potential for growth in the vertical farming markets of Russia, South Korea, Turkey,Italy and the city of Dubai. By utilizing technological advancements, government support, and increasing urbanization, these places are well-positioned to become leaders in sustainable and efficient food production.
Vertical farming represents a revolutionary approach to agriculture, addressing the pressing needs of food security, resource efficiency, and sustainability in an increasingly urbanized world. The projected global market growth underscores its potential, with significant opportunities in countries like Russia, South Korea, Turkey, and Italy as well as the dynamic city of Dubai. Each of them offers unique advantages, from technological infrastructure and government support to urban density and agricultural traditions.
As we move towards 2030, the adoption of vertical farming practices is poised to transform the agricultural landscape, providing fresh, local produce year-round and reducing the environmental impact of traditional farming methods. By capitalizing on these opportunities, these countries can lead the way in sustainable agriculture, ensuring food security for future generations.
Mordor Intelligence
World Bank
Research and Markets
Statistics Korea
Turkish Statistical Institute
Market Data Forecast
Italian National Institute of Statistics
AgriNext Awards,Conference & Expo: Promoting Vertical Farming
AgriNext  scheduled to take place in Dubai on 13-14 November 2024 is at the forefront of promoting vertical farming, recognizing its potential to revolutionize agriculture in urban environments. Through its conferences and expos, AgriNext provides a platform for industry leaders, startups, and researchers to showcase cutting-edge vertical farming technologies and share insights on sustainable practices. The event highlights the benefits of vertical farming, such as efficient land use, reduced water consumption, and year-round crop production. By supporting innovative solutions and fostering collaboration, AgriNext aims to drive the growth of vertical farming, making it a cornerstone of modern agriculture in the region.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Sustainable Growth Starts With Building the Foundation for Gen AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/sustainable-growth-starts-with-building-the-foundation-for-gen-ai/
Sustainable Growth Starts With Building the Foundation for Gen AI
How many times have you talked about generative AI recently? It seems to come up in every single business meeting, irrespective of the agenda or topic of conversation. Given this trend, it’s no surprise that business spend on generative AI technology is following one of the steepest ascents ever. Large global enterprises spent $15 billion on gen AI solutions in 2023, representing about 2% of the global enterprise software market in the technology’s first full year. While that percentage may seem small on the surface, consider the fact that it took four years for SaaS to reach that level. And by 2027, spending on gen AI is expected to soar even higher – as high as $250 billion.
What does this all mean? That enterprises’ attention will be focused heavily – and in some cases maybe even exclusively – on ramping up gen AI in their technology stacks. Is that a good thing? The answer, of course, is complicated.
Yes, experts such as McKinsey & Co. expect gen AI’s impact on overall productivity to add trillions of dollars in value to the global economy. But overinvestment in gen AI, at the expense of building a basic foundation for success, could actually be counterproductive for enterprises that haven’t already built a strong foundation for their technology stacks and business processes.
This happened, to an extent, during the early days of cloud. When the cloud revolution hit hard, back in the late 2000s, business and technology leaders doubled down on transformation. And because of limited budgets, they diverted spending from everyday operations. The result: Companies deployed new and innovative business models on top of underfunded technology tools and underdeveloped processes.
It could happen again with gen AI. While the technology promises to help enterprises write code, create content, research technical solutions, sell more products and train employees, attention needs to be paid to the underlying facets of the business, so their gen AI investments can generate the most bang for their buck.
The most important goal? Enterprises need to prioritize modernization and fix existing technology and process issues to make space for new and exciting innovations like gen AI.
There are six stages enterprises should tackle before – and during – their ramp-up into the world of AI.
First, optimize what you have. The clean-up operation starts here. Assess the strength of the technology stack, examine the organizational structure, and review the basic policies. Identify red flags and try to tweak what you have by applying industry best practices. Pay close attention to your data stack for both structured and unstructured data.  This is foundational for AI, including gen AI.
Second, accelerate the optimization. Once enterprises clean up the initial issues, they can identify opportunities for improvement. Try to standardize and improve processes without ripping them out by the roots. Even high-level review can sharpen processes and improve your competitive advantage.
Third, modernize your resources, but make sure to keep humans in the loop. This is perhaps the most important step. Human creativity, after all, is the principal driver of organizational success. So, look at ways to replatform, improve workflow design and add automation, but keep human beings central to the process. Free up employees to focus on higher-level work, and maintain the irreplaceable value of human intellect in the final product.
Fourth, reimagine the areas where AI can support business strategy. Are there new markets to target? New products to introduce? Better ways to serve customers? Leaders should encourage employees at every level of the business – across operations, finance, marketing, sales, software development – to think about how they can get more done with AI. The possibilities are endless now that you’ve reduced your technology debt and leaned into the power of AI.
Fifth, look at ways to continuously innovate. All transformation needs to be continuous and foolproof. Establishing a baseline and a foundation is important. But projecting success into the future, as AI becomes a bigger part of the everyday business toolset, is critical.
Last, put a premium on skill development. Relying more on gen AI will force organizations to revise and elevate certain job roles. To do this, they need to invest in upskilling and reskilling programs, giving individuals the chance to learn new skills and transition into those emerging roles. This creates a compounding impact on entrepreneurship. While AI enables individuals to innovate, institute new practices and improve on the status quo, the individuals themselves need to develop new skills and take active roles managing the technology itself.
Building an AI-enabled modernization approach is based on the belief that business innovation should be sustainable.
Here’s an example of how a leading technology business prepped for its foray into gen AI. The company had been dominating its market and was content with its position. But it was being challenged by agile, brave, adventurous startups that were ready to embrace gen AI without the burdens of legacy infrastructure.
We worked with the firm to guide the business through the six stages of AI-enabled modernization. We even confronted the company’s fear of new technologies like gen AI by showing how employees could use it to decipher thousands of lines of code from its legacy systems. The more readable code empowered business leaders to identify opportunities for the modernize, reimagine and innovate phases. Today, the company is embarking on its gen AI project, leaving the limitations of the past behind.
Gen AI is here, and it’s promising to revolutionize business strategies going forward. Enterprises should invest, but also learn from some of the mistakes made with cloud strategies in the past. They need to start their clean-up operations – following an AI-enabled modernization mindset – to embed gen AI into the heart of the enterprise and lead sustainable growth for the future.
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uniathena7 · 2 months
Explore How to Become an EHS Officer
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Every 15 seconds, a worker somewhere in the world suffers a work-related injury or illness. To address these issues, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) officers are essential.
EHS officers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of people and the environment. Their job is to protect individuals, and the environment, and manage relevant workplace safety issues. Working as an EHS officer is vital because everyone deserves the right to work in a safe environment.
Why Get EHS Certification?
Obtaining an EHS (Environmental Health and Safety) certification equips you with the essential knowledge and qualifications to advance your career in this critical field. With the right education and certification, you can acquire the expertise needed for this vital role. Your EHS certification will showcase to employers and colleagues that you understand health and safety standards applicable to any workplace. As an EHS professional, your responsibilities include identifying and mitigating hazards and ensuring a safe and productive environment for employees.
An EHS certification guarantees that your training, knowledge, and skills are up-to-date with the latest safety systems required to protect workers and maintain industry standards. If you are dedicated to the safety of your coworkers and workplace, obtaining an EHS certification is indispensable.
Importance of EHS Certification for Workplace Safety
Enhancing Workplace Safety
1. Employee Safety: Ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of employees is a top priority for EHS professionals. They develop and implement comprehensive programs and strategies to minimize the risk of injury, illness, and property damage in the workplace. 2. Early Risk Identification: EHS professionals make workplaces safer by identifying and reducing risks early. 3. EHS Certification: Obtaining an EHS certification empowers you with the necessary skills to identify workplace risks and hazards. It also equips you with the knowledge to establish and enforce rules that prevent accidents and injuries, creating a safer work environment for everyone.
Improve Productivity and Morale
When workers feel safe and protected, their productivity and morale increase. As an EHS expert, you can foster a working environment where health and safety are prioritized, reducing accidents and reassuring workers that risks are being managed effectively. This creates a culture where all employees can perform at their best.
Safeguard People: A Rewarding EHS Career
As an EHS officer, you will champion safety, public health, and sustainability, making a real difference while facing various challenges and opportunities for growth. This field offers a reputable career to anyone with a passion for making a positive impact.
Reasons to Pursue an EHS Career:
1. Make a Difference: Safeguard workers, the public, and the environment from harm. 2. Variety and Challenge: Engage in diverse work that offers opportunities for problem-solving, research, and innovation. 3. Job Security: The growing demand for environmental and safety-related regulations makes EHS jobs secure.
Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Workplace: The EHS Officer’s Role
An EHS officer wears many hats: protector, educator, and enforcer. Their responsibilities include:
1. Developing Safety Programs: Identifying hazards, assessing risks, and taking action when accidents or injuries occur. 2. Conducting Audits and Inspections: Regular audits and inspections ensure the implementation of safety measures. In case of incidents, thorough investigations help prevent recurrence. 3. Educating Employees: Training employees on health and safety topics is crucial for fostering a safe work environment. This training raises awareness of hazards, emergency procedures, and safe work practices through presentations, workshops, or individual sessions. The goal is to integrate safety and health into everyday tasks seamlessly.
Want to Know More?
1. Risk Management Expertise: EHS professionals excel at identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks, reducing liabilities for organizations, and promoting sustainable practices. 2. Continuous Learning: Obtaining an EHS (Environmental Health and Safety) certification involves ongoing education and training to stay updated on best practices, enhance professional development, and ensure a safer workplace. 3. Global Career Opportunities: Safety and environmental concerns are universal, allowing EHS professionals to work locally and internationally.
Why South Africans Need This Course
South Africa faces unique challenges in workplace safety and environmental health due to its diverse industrial sectors and varying safety standards. An EHS certification course is crucial for South Africans to:
1. Enhance Workplace Safety: Improve safety standards in various industries, reducing accidents and injuries. 2. Promote Compliance: Ensure adherence to national and international safety regulations, avoiding legal issues and fines. 3. Boost Career Opportunities: Stand out in the job market with recognized qualifications, opening doors to advanced positions locally and internationally. 4. Contribute to Economic Growth: Safer workplaces lead to increased productivity and economic stability.
Benefits for South Africans from This Course
1. Improved Safety Standards: Gain the knowledge to implement and maintain high safety standards, protecting workers and the environment. 2. Career Advancement: Enhance your qualifications and open up opportunities for higher positions in the EHS field. 3. Legal Compliance: Ensure your workplace complies with local and international safety regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues. 4. Economic Benefits: Safer workplaces lead to higher productivity, contributing to the overall economic growth of South Africa.
Empower yourself with UniAthena’s Environmental Health and Safety Management Diploma. This comprehensive course equips you with the professional skills needed to create safer and healthier work environments. Become a champion for employee health and safety, preventing accidents, and saving lives with expert EHS management.
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