#TDOR 2023
guilty-feminist · 10 months
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iwilltrytobereasonable · 10 months
It's Transgender Day of Remembrance. Here is this year's list of the dead.
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laurierthefox · 10 months
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Bonjour à toustes.
Aujourd'hui c'est le 20 novembre, c'est le #TDOR (Transgender Day of Remembrance, Journée du souvenir trans), le jour ou on se souviens de nos adelphes mort'es : assassiné'es et suicidé'es.
Selon les chiffres de Human Right Campaign et Trans Murder Monitoring Project depuis un an, environ 321 personnes trans et non binaire sont mortes du fait de la transphobie.
- https://transrespect.org/en/trans-murder-monitoring-2023/
- https://www.hrc.org/.../fatal-violence-against-the...
Une super vidéo de Lexie sur l'origine de cette journée : https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz223Qfi6oR/
Si vous ne voulez pas passer ce moment seul'e vous pouvez vous tournez vers vos associations trans et LGBTI+ qui font des recueillement publique ou en ligne ce soir.
Plein de force, d'amour et de soutien pendant ce temps de recueillement.
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queen0funova · 10 months
I missed the Trans Day of Remembrance ceremony my local lgbtq center did, so I did my own tiny home ceremony:
I wrote the names of all the people who died on a piece of paper. I then carried that paper around all day before finally going home, saying a little, for lack of a better word, prayer, rinsing the ink off the paper, crumpling it up, and tearing it apart
It's not much, but it was a bit cathartic
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sprucetreeconspiracy · 10 months
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sharing a cup of coffee with my ancestors for transgender day of remembrance
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pretty-toastie · 10 months
hey, i made a thing for Transgender Day of Remembrance---if you're in a good enough place mentally, maybe check it out
IN MEMORIUM - TDoR 2023 on Scratch (mit.edu)
details are in the project description, but obviously, TW: murder, suicide, violence, transphobia
additional notes:
the project is currently unfinished, but it WILL be finished eventually.
it was... both emotionally taxing and cathartic to make, and my hope is that it will be in some ways cathartic for anyone who wishes to mourn those trans people who died or were killed in the last year. however, the target audience is people who aren't yet aware of the scale of the violence against trans people.
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fairyb0ii · 10 months
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constance-mcentee · 10 months
Today is November 20, the TDoR: the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It's a day when we remember our beloved dead, those murdered for being transgender or gender non-conforming.
Each year, the List of Names seems to grow longer.
Each day, I wonder if that's the day I get added to the List of Names.
Christians will tell me it's vital to be loving to all whom we encounter, because all people are children of GOD.
But I don't know how or even WHY to do this.
Why, in the Names of GOD and the Beloved Dead, should I show compassion to those who hate us even unto death?
I see a lot of people saying and posting, "Mourn the dead, and fight like hell for the living." And yet, many of those who share these words won't even confront the transphobes in their lives.
How can you say you love us while also saying you love our oppressors? Why should we trust you?
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invasive-flora · 10 months
I'm a day late but in honour of Trans Day of Remembrance please remember that you are alive and that is enough
model living to the next generation of trans people.
there are children, teenagers, young adults, middle aged and elderly trans people who are newly out, or not out yet at all, who need to see living trans people.
sometimes it is so hard it doesn't feel worth it, but you must remember who is watching, hoping to learn how to live.
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interestingtimestarot · 10 months
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It’s Yesterday was Trans Day of Remembrance
To any trans person who sees this and needs to hear it; I see you. I’m here.
Im sorry we live in a world that can be so brutal to us.
I see you, even if I don’t know you. Thank you for existing; you enrich the world just by your presence, without doing anything, even if you can’t be out.
If you need a friend through tough times and feel you can’t find one elsewhere, my DMs are safe and confidential.
For cis people who want to know what this is about, please Google it. It is important that you know.
So much love to you all on this November day. Mourn the dead, grieve. When you are ready, fight for the living, the best you can. We need each other more than ever at times like this.
(Got the day wrong, but it still applies!)
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dearsoandso · 10 months
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Un anno fa, sempre in occasione del Transgender Day of Remembrance, dedicavo nel mio piccolo un pensiero alle vittime di transfobia del 2022. Alle ferite di questa comunità se ne sono aggiunte purtroppo, seppur in modo tristemente prevedibile, tante altre anche quest’anno.
Eppure, a tormentarmi dall’anno scorso, c’è una vicenda in particolare, perché dolorosamente emblematica della situazione di un paese come il nostro dove il marciume nasce e si propaga dalle sue più profonde radici: le istituzioni.
Questa qui è rimasta chiusa nel cassetto finora da quel maledetto giugno 2022. Ma oggi è tempo di ricordare, meditare, mandare a memoria.
Per la Professoressa Cloe Bianco. Per il Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023.
(Descrizione delle immagini disponibile nell’Alt Text.)
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avenpt · 10 months
TDOR 2023
Today is Trans Day of Remembrance. We remember and honor those that we've lost to anti-trans violence. If you have lost someone trans dear to you because of hatred, we stand with you...we also sit with you and comfort you. The lives lost were beautiful and strong and undeserving of such hatred. Their spirits will never be forgotten.
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transformationsproject · 10 months
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#TDoR is not just a time to remember trans people lost to violence.
It is a time to examine systems that are complicit in trans violence and the role we play in them, so the systems of violence can be transformed.
Even more were killed globally: https://tgeu.org/trans-murder-monitoring-2023/
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trans-rite · 11 months
2023 Trans Ancestor Rite
Hi everyone. It's about that time...
Our divination confirms that we are not doing an elevation-style ritual this year. (You may recall that nine-day format with the altar on the floor.) The ancestor ritual will be one day only. We recommend November 20th, as it is already the Trans Day of Remembrance. (Our own ritual may need to be November 21st, due to bio family obligations, but we are still sussing that out.)
We also recommend setting the altar up early even if you don't work it night after night as in previous years. The Rite is still in a transitional, somewhat experimental stage this year - so we will try performing the ritual only once, and then verify what's working through divination after the fact.
We plan to check in over the weekend with the individual ancestors who customarily participate in the ritual, and will post results once we have them. We also plan to post a concise ritual outline with instructions and prayer texts in the next few days.
In the meantime, you could consider where, when, and with whom you might wish to perform the ritual. Is there a local TDOR ceremony you could add a ritual element to? Do you have comrades who might join you in lighting the candle and reading the names? A single ritual is more approachable for many than nine days of consecutive prayers, which opens up possibilities for new contexts and participants.
Please send an ask to let us know your plans and questions! You can also use the submission function to send us photos of your altars, or prayers, as in years past. We will be tracking the tag #troe2023 (even though the E for Elevation in the acronym is no longer quite right).
You may wish to turn on notifications for this blog if you are participating this year, as we post pretty infrequently and will otherwise likely get lost on your dash.
Thank you for joining us in honoring our siblings and cousins and elders who have passed on.
--- Mod Alder
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Trans Day of Remembrance 2023:
Coalition to Protect Trans Lives
Read and download our statement at the link: protecttranskidsmarch.org/tdor-2023/
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rat-man-fruit-juice · 7 months
2023 TDOR Resources and trans resistance
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For mutual aid and strategic planning, check out
I don't mean to get doomer about the U.S, but if you can please get passports and prep.
Please reblog, especially if you're trans and/or have a trans audience
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