djcarnationsblog · 4 months
I've made so much fanart already what is wrong with me??
....aight have some more-
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@dianagj-art I mean this with all my heart when I say in full confidence that your separated leo au is my all time FAVORITE separated leo au
I mean this in no slight to any other sep leo au, but like-
Also, Primadonna by MARINA popped up on my playlist while I was drawing and it just hit me like a fucking TRUCK how well this song fits One, my god-
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shima-draws · 2 years
OKAY I’ve been playing for a couple hours now and here are some thoughts
-I LOVE that they actually give you time to hang out with the starters and bond with them and see what their personalities are like before you get to pick one. That was really neat
-They were right! This game really do Open World RPG! I haven’t even gotten to the school yet I’ve been too busy running around the map for two hours
-Not sure how I feel about items in the field literally having a neon light showing where they are from a mile away. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of open world if the items are too easy to find. The novelty of “treasure hunting” is gone because of this
-I’m going to kick Arven’s ass if he even LOOKS at Miraidon the wrong way. “Oh this Pokemon is too hard for me to deal with so I’m abandoning it and shoving all of the responsibilities I had caring for it onto you” OH YEAH?? Alright asshole I’ll take it off your hands CLEARLY it was so difficult for you to take care of a living breathing creature that also happens the be the coolest looking motherfucker on this side of the continent. Your loss
-Ohhh the clipping is so bad! It’s so bad! If I rotate the camera too far in my own house I just get a black screen! Yikes 💖
-The concept of being in battle and still being able to see Pokemon doing their own thing in the background is REALLY neat? Like life just moves on around you while you’re duking it out with another trainer. I know we had a specific saying for this when I was in school for animation but I forget what it was exactly RIP anyway just the whole organic. Breathing life into the game kinda thing.
-APPARENTLY WE CAN’T GO INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S HOUSES ANYMORE???? Like that’s one of Pokemon’s staple features throughout ALL the generations, we’re allowed to barge into random people’s homes. At the very least the first town had all their doors locked so all the houses were off limits. I was VERY upset
-The graphics may be janky as all hell but the story is really intriguing so far!! I wanted to cry bc the scene of us rescuing Miraidon really gave me HTTYD vibes. This game is just HTTYD in disguise we are all Hiccup taming and training our Toothless
-Standing on the beach before battling Nemona just gave me a HUGE rush of nostalgia bc it had very very big PMD2 vibes
-The controls for Legends Arceus are ingrained in my brain so I keep pressing buttons and getting confused when they do something different. LMAO
-I’m sorry I don’t like that the Pokemon Centers are outside now;; it just feels Wrong. Like clearly this was some cool edgy thing they wanted to try but I in fact hate it :-/
-THE PLAYER CUSTOMIZATION THING IS SOOOO SICK. The fact we get to customize SO much and at the very beginning of the game is awesome. Props to Nintendo for this I’m really glad they included so many options and right at the start so we don’t have to actually UNLOCK customizing what we look like
-Nemona is just Ash Ketchum but Girl and I love her
-And, most importantly:
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
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Falling victim to madness in the Chilaios Discord part one (with a link to the post mentioned at the end). Part 2 linked here (note: slightly more nsfw text). Transcript below cut.
A Discord conversation between three discord users - us, nicknamed Speculative Vore Cookbook, Cup of Chilaios Soup, and Oh Kay! (wormlette).
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Experiencing the impulse to rewrite the changeling chapters for fun and profit. Do you think that considering that half-foots apparently see dwarves as Extremely Attractive Laios sparks some kind of Thing in Chilchuck as a dwarf
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Listen considering Us there will be spec bio about this but. Listen. Since we've been doing the species as "uncanny-valley-type not quite Like You" for the most part with just a little bit of increased compatibility within "families". Do you think that it would be fun if he can suddenly see all of Laios's features in this new light of this particular species. Where all of the tallman features abruptly come into focus in a format far more recognizable and all of a sudden he can draw some Very Certain Lines to someone who is abruptly several times more recognizably attractive rather than, like, would be very attractive if it weren't for the subtle distortion of species.
Cup of Chilaios soup: my third eye has opened
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Do you think being a tallman himself would help with that? An abrupt distortion of the brain. Do you think he would be able to draw back those memories to abruptly have the uncanny-valley barrier splinter under the force of, y'know, he knows precisely what that translates to, and with the added perspective it seems much less alien, and much more "for the love of god he's not supposed to be getting crushes on the job"
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We need to make elves Weirder for this also. They're like the only race on the chart right now that Doesn't have a close-relation group where things like attraction translate more easily we need to make them more fucked up Absently rotating the idea of dwarves having an excellent sense of smell compared to their other close relatives both for enhancing their appreciation for Good Food (a surprising amount of taste is tied up in your sense of smell) and for underground navigation & communication And Laios will absolutely be Weird About It
Cup of Chilaios soup: Laios: wow Chilchuck why do you smell so breedable (gets crushed by a rock)
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Walks up to Chilchuck and starts sniffing him unprompted so he can deliver a food-critic review of his scent Breedable waits for whenever we actually get ourself to do sex pollen heatfic and can also do cool spec bio stuff but like with reproductive cycles Still rotating the idea of making DM tallmen Weirder. We already know they're taller than IRL humans we need to add like some extra fuckshit in there We've got to do the speculative biology first you see. Make it more fucked up. We've already set it up so they're fairly closely related to orcs we might as well add some fantasy bullshit in there.
Cup of Chilaios soup: Tallmen have slower metabolisms maybe? And they need to at A Lot to support their mass? You are so correct eat A Lot*
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (replying to initial message): wait hold on holy fuck man.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: So far what we have for them as their Thing They're Known for is like. Endurance. Tallmen Specifically are known to be able to walk for hours without growing too tired. Not quite as strong as orcs or ogres, of course, but they're tall enough that they practically eat up ground with every stride, and they just don't stop moving.
Cup of Chilaios soup: passing the braincell around like it's a joint KINGS OF TIRING THEIR PREY OUT
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Orcs and ogres are ofc known for their brutal strength, which is Significantly Less Pronounced in humans - but all that strength burns energy, and they'll tire out far faster. Humans just keep going, far beyond what they really should be capable of.
Cup of Chilaios soup: guys who will climb a fcking mountain and be like ":D wanna walk back to town on foot"
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We think that the Big Thing People Know for elves would be their magic but we think that the magic thing is less about being naturally predisposed to it or whatever and more on the fact that enough of their society circles around it that pretty much any elf you meet's been deliberately raised to cultivate their magic, We think that their actual primary feature, like, physically, would be like. We're basing them on ungulates, right? Elves have long, willowy limbs, especially compared to their bodies. Look very graceful as adults who have had centuries of experience walking around and like wretched ganglebeasts at any point when they haven't gotten the hang of it yet. ABSURDLY fast in a sprint, because those long-ass legs are useful for Something, and that Something is being on runnable stilts. Not much stamina, though. (we are returning to this because we are fond of Marcille and we want her to be, like, Weird but in a way where they pass it off as Normal Elf Weird until the Changeling Thing happens and they have to cope with the fact that actually, elves are way weirder, and Marcille is weird in how close she is to other races as opposed to. Uhh. That Fucking Setup
Speculative Vore Cookbook (replying to Cup of Chilaios soup": "guys who will climb a fcking mountain"): Tallmen will climb a mountain carrying equipment on their back and need like a thirty minute breather tops before they're back up and at it like "okay now time to go down the other side" We think it's fun if it's a thing like the half-foot/dwarf/gnome cluster's enhanced senses, where the Absurd Stamina is part of what their other close relations have going for them, but whereas orcs and ogres have it to a Reasonable degree, Tallmen specialize really hard into doing this One Thing and get it in spades. Much like how half-foots spent all of their stat points in their ridiculously sensitive senses, to the detriment of things like strength and durability, tallmen have stupid amounts of stamina. Don't have to be as strong as your close relatives when you can simply outlast them!
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (replying to Speculative Vore Cookbook "returning to this because we are fond of Marcille): really like learning abt elf weirdness in the context of marcille, specifically as a half elf. really liked how that reveal was handled, since fionil is also a half-elf i didnt notice for a LONG time that she was perhaps different than other elves. i really like that!!! tall-men just have a lot of stamina. basically canon re: how much shit laios carries around. particularly in a good dog RIP they're like. alaskan mal specced. they just keep going and going forever
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We think that her, like, subtly softer features and such get Very Fun especially with the potential familiarity aspect vs what full elves have going on if we go full weird on elves because we fucking love how Absolutely Fucked ungulate anatomy is and it scratches a little itch in the back of our brain to let the Graceful Forest People overlap with, like. You Know The Specific Flavor Of Creepypasta Beast
Oh Kay! (wormlette): ^forever comparing everything to dog breeds
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We casually mention that Falin's wrist bones are shorter than elf wrist bones in Drain Your Well Dry and we really need to elaborate on that some day Marcille is like the shetland pony of elves in that she's got like WAY more just… bulk, compared to an elf that's normally like 98% gangle 2% meat And she's still, like, insanely boney compared to human standards. We like to think she has the build of a greyhound. Insanely long for no reason.
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "casually mentioned Falin's wrist bones are shorter): I NOTICED!!! I LUV THAT… marcille studying ennervation and everything… it kills me… i always thought of her as so carefree looking in her little spellbook and walking around and now im haunted by like. how much of it was her studying human anatomy for what she feared was inevitable!
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting "like to think she has the build of a greyhound"): oh yeaaaag sighthound build would be GOOD for elves.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: But she still looks… More Similar To Other Races, y'know. You can see the similarities to her and other races and it makes it a tiny bit easier to slowly feel more at ease around her. Elves are weird and you don't see them often, but y'know, you've been around This One Elf long enough to start picking up on stuff, y'know? She's not that different from you, when it comes down to it, and sure she's a bit childish but that's probably normal for longer-lived races who're in the first halves of their lives, honestly. Aging slower and all. You can draw the lines if you pay enough attention, you've spent enough time socializing with other species that you can figure out the basic key, and though there are some things in there that really throw you off, as with any other race, it's not like you're handling an entirely new skull structure like with kobolds, right? It's readable, with enough time. Similar enough to tallmen that you can use your experience there and then fill in the gaps. And then you meet full-blooded elves when the Canaries come knocking and these guys are WAY more offputting than you thought actually. What the fuck is up with them? What the hell?
Cup of Chilaios soup: They have the reflective deer eyes from those horror edits
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Putting elves as a weird isolated branch in the humanoid evolution tree was a galaxy brain decision for us tbh. Their whole Weird Superiority Thing very much gets worse when they're the only people who don't have close relatives they can reference from. The other long-lived races seem to mingle FAR easier than them, and though we know it's The Attitude and such, it's fun to make them just… offputting.
Oh Kay! (wormlette): your miiiind
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting "not like reading an entirely new skull structure like kobolds): btw dont you love the thingie about kobolds having a vocal chord structure that doesnt realy support them speaking common. so no matter how smart they are they seem "animalistic" to humans. i love that a lot it's like. hmm. i really like when it's not body horror by itself but put into a societal context, it BECOMES horrifying. u know? it would be fine. except the dehumanization it leads to
Speculative Vore Cookbook: YESSSS it slaps so hard. We think that there should be more bonus subtle differences with just random other races we think it's SO fun when biology fucks you over just as firmly as society.
Cup of Chilaios soup: SO TRUE KAY Rotating all these thoughts in my mind
Speculative Vore Cookbook: It's not that something is wrong with you. It's that you weren't built for this world the same way that everyone else was.
Cup of Chilaios soup: The parallels,,,,, the themes,,,,, Biting my leg
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Anyways do you think that part of the reason Kabru is so Like That is because he went from normal human body language to a bunch of elves with the same general bauplan but next to no shared body language vocabulary, Do you think he had to like manually learn how elves express social emotions with a race so isolated that they're probably developing whole separate methods of socialization completely divorced from anything the short-lived races even do and then had to relearn how to act like a Human when he went back into the world.
Cup of Chilaios soup: OH MY GOD Also sorry but Idk how far some of the peeps reading the manga are, perhaps it would be nice to spoiler the Kabru thing:0 BUT I AGREE THIS IS SCRATCHING MY BRAIN KABRU MY BELOVED THIS HEADCANON IS SUCH GOOD BRAIN FOOD
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We love making fantasy races like just a little bit more fucked up
Cup of Chilaios soup: As you should!!!!!!!
Speculative Vore Cookbook: TBH it widens the gap between species if they're, like, similar enough that you think you Should be able to interpret the signals they're giving off because they look Just Similar Enough that they should emote and socialize and such like you, right? But the similarity is, as they say, mostly just skin-deep, because it does so much more to widen cultural differences when the cultures also work on different biology. Anyways we think half-foot communities should be really dense in population because they descended from an ancestor with the Meerkat Strategy of having a fuckton of people with very sharp senses all looking out for the same colony in such a way where there's always at least one person awake to raise the alarm and we think it's fun if half-foots are set up for a significantly more tactile & densely-populated community than most other species.
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "part of the reason Kabru is so Like That): I DO. I DO THINK THAT. DO YOU THINK THAT tallman socialization feels so coarse and simple and easy-to-read by comparison.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: It's cool & fun if Chilchuck has to deliberately avoid almost all forms of touch to avoid being demeaned and seen as Lesser And Childish while also being wired to have like minimum five hours of skin contact with colony members per day tbh. Touch starve that man in ways that are difficult to understand for his party that he will actively have to muffle if he wants to be taken Seriously because most other races see it as Childish to cling
Speculative Vore Cookbook (quoting Oh Kay "I DO THINK THAT"): YES and we think it's very fun if him having to manually relearn tallman socialization also makes it so he finds it easier to interpret other races because he already has to like work out what Everyone's thinking from a pre-prepped body language dictionary and it's just so much easier to interpret when he doesn't have to re-invent the wheel every time
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "childish to cling": @_@ im so FUCKING normal
Speculative Vore Cookbook: :333 The changeling chapter constantly lives rent-free in our brain we think it's fun if like anyone who gets half-footed starts experiencing the intense skin hunger cravings like less than an hour in and have no idea what the Fuck it is because they've never lived in a body made to be that Social before and Chilchuck has to like take over to offer a bit of touch even if it's undignified since. Y'know. He knows how it feels. No reason to subject them to that, even if it's gonna cost a bit of dignity. It'll cost them more dignity if they start freaking out over it. It's efficient :333 Dealing with senses cranked up so high that you can tell when someone's moving around clear on the other side of the building probably makes it a whole lot harder to handle even More stimuli in a normal and dignified manner Something something we're grabbing a cool post we made
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noroamenial · 1 year
Light my Heart Aflame
Here is my full Raphael x Tav fanfiction!! Tav is afab and I doooon't think I gave them specific pronouns (I wrote in second person)
Spoilers for end of Act 2
cw: smut!
Summary: you and Raphael have a sweet consummation in an empty bedroom in moonrise
You sat on the steps of the main throne room. Ketheric’s empty throne sat behind you as you stared through the hallway’s open doors to the vestibule and out into the night. The only lights were the flickering torches mounted on the wall. The air still smelled like blood and the dead, even with most of the bodies removed. Only a few hours ago you were grappling with an avatar of Myrkul. You can still recall the exact feeling: your heart beating so loudly you thought it would jump from your throat, the smell of necrotic undead, and the weight of the glaive in your hands. You had witnessed your own death a hundred times over in the moment you had looked into its eyes. 
You inhaled deeply, it didn’t matter that the air was tinged with iron, the upper floors of the tower breathed with relief. You yawned, shucking your gauntlets for the freedom of your hands, you had been waiting for this moment of relief. You rotated a wooden pipe in your hands, it was packed and slender with a curve. Halsin had handed it to you before you had slinked away from the night’s camp. ‘My gratitude can not be contained to only a gift, but allow this to be the start of my many thanks to you.’ He had said softly, with a hand on your shoulder before sending you off with an understanding nod. You puzzled over it for a moment, in your haste to escape socializing, you had forgotten a light.
“Even the smallest embers can be stoked to a wildfire. It is the consumer, fueling on whatever its claws can grasp.” A voice echoes off of the brick from behind you. And as soon as you are able to turn, Raphael stands above you, leaned over at the waist to stare curiously down. 
“If you’ve come to deal, I’m in no mood.” You sigh, turning around. Your body aches too much to stand up in your armor and face him. 
“A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. I have what I want.” He sits down beside you with a shrug. “I thought perhaps you could use a lighter.” 
You don’t even realize how much your reaction time has slowed until he’s lifting your hand with the pipe by the wrist, and has vastly closed the difference between the two of you. He offers you a light—a small burning flame, produced from one finger. And as you light the pipe and test the contents—something herby yet sweet Halsin must have put together—you’re greeted with a pleased smile from Raphael. 
“It’s the least I can do for my little mouse.” He hums, and you’re so close you can pick out the streaks of white scattered through his black hair. “You went out of your way to take care of a deal meant for the vampire spawn. I feel as though I owe you more than him.” 
You shake your head, before sighing. 
“I would never let Astarion do that alone, much like he would not let me do that alone.” You explain, looking down. “I did it for him, so you don’t owe me anything.” 
“Then allow me to wipe our slates clean, if not for you, then for me.” He hums, “allow me to service for what has been paid.” 
“What service?” You laugh, rolling your eyes “what could you possibly give me right now that can be achieved? Bring me the netherstones? Remove the tadpole from my brain?” 
“Alas, those are things I can not give you. But don’t underestimate me…I have tried. Had I the ability to succeed you would be indebted to me more than just one orthon.” His eyes glaze over, just a shimmer of an ember behind them. Perhaps lost in a fantasy, but he is back in a mere moment. “But no, what I offer is momentary relief. I can alleviate the ache in your mortal body, sate your mind, and in doing so allow you the pleasures that only the unholy can provide.” 
If not for the seriousness in his tone and how close he had sidled up to you, you would’ve laughed. Instead you sputtered choking on your pipe and he tenderly had your wrist in his hand again, moving the pipe away from you. 
“…free of charge?” You ask quietly, your voice catching as you regain your composure. 
“Darling, you already paid.” He chuckles, face so close to yours you could smell brimstone and just about taste his lips. 
“You’re going to kiss me here?” You hum, quiet enough just for him to hear—keeping this moment a secret from the ancient stone and battered walls.
“And on the throne, and in bed, and everywhere I can reach on your flesh.” He murmurs back, equally quiet and no less sultry. 
The wooden pipe is carefully stowed, and for a moment you hesitate regarding your bulky and bloody armor, but you aren’t given the option to think for long as Raphael’s hand guides your face back to him. 
The kiss is surprisingly sweet and a little clumsy, but his tongue deepens it so easily you forget. His hand graces the side of your face, thumb rubbing gently across your cheek. Maybe it was your own emotion or maybe it was an infernal charm but a sense of adoration bloomed from your chest and replaced the biting cold. Tentatively one of your hands weaved into his hair, well groomed, soft, and warm, he was so very warm.
One of his hands goes to your chest and you have to stop him. 
“Not here,” you sigh, leaning back.
“Not interested in prying eyes, dove?” He asks, a slight tilt of his head. “Or do you recoil in the cold despite the warmth I will bring you.” 
“Somewhere softer, somewhere private, if this truly is for me then let it be so.” You say back, allowing his words to roll off of you. If he was going to fuck you, it sure as the hells will be in a bed. 
Raphael makes a noncommittal noise that is between a huff and a laugh, an amused smile gracing his expression. “Let it be so.” He murmurs. 
You barely blink and suddenly you’re on a bed, you recognize it, an upper floor room you had ransacked earlier. It smelled less like blood and more like old books. Raphael is standing at the edge of the bed, surveying the room. He snaps his fingers and the oil lamp on the bedside table illuminates his face. His gaze lands on you, and suddenly you’re all too aware of the devil who will be bedding you tonight. 
Imposing figure, horns, wings, tail and ember eyes trained on yours. With the mere flick of his wrist he’s in a silk robe. If you knew him better, you’d understand how important this performance he was putting on for you was. Not only was this a show of his autonomy—but of yours, a performance to convey the delicate trust he has placed in you in hope of a continued alliance. Tonight, you’re the one thing he’ll let break his fetish for control. 
You swallowed, pushing any fear down with the rationalization that Raphael would not let up on his side of a deal—even if it was a deal you didn’t know was happening. You sat up to sit on the edge of the bed, removing your boots, undoing the straps of your armor. In doing so Raphael came to sit beside you, unusually quiet, perhaps mulling something over with the look he had on his face. You felt very dirty in comparison to him with dried blood and slowly healing wounds, this was the first time in a few days you were able to let down your hair—it sent pangs of shame to your stomach. 
“Don’t look like that,” he hums, “Shame isn’t pretty on you, dove.” He reaches over to undo your breastplate and your shoulder armor comes off with it. 
“In an ideal world I am not dirty and bleeding as you come to me in the night.” You sigh, finally shucking the rest to your feet and scooting back on the bed to lean against the headboard. 
“My ideal world is having you as you are now.” He turns to sit on his knees, hands folded in his lap neatly. Even now he was gentlemanly, but the way he looked at you with a piercing primal gaze made your stomach flutter. “What a waste it would be to tame you in any way.” 
“I like being tame.” You counter as he crawls toward you, “and well kept, and bathed.” 
“Not in that way, dove.” Raphael reaches for your cheek with one hand, his other steadying himself in the sheets. “Not like that.” 
He smiles slowly, wings splaying behind him and half of your face has a shadow cast over it. He’s waiting for something…he’s waiting for you. 
So you reach for him, bringing him in and he accepts so easily. His kiss is ravenous, eager to fulfill its promise. His hand on your cheek traces gentle circles as if comforting a lover, and his other cups your waist. After such an overwhelming lack of affection as of late, Raphael easily coerced a flame to ignite in the pit of your stomach. 
“Sweet thing,” he coos, leaving sultry kisses down your jaw to the softest parts of your neck. You allow a relieved sigh to escape you. Your hands trail down his back and you make an amused noise finding the slits in his robe for his wings. His tail flicks and you gasp as he nips you. Your attention returns to him as his hands squeeze your thighs, parting your legs further for him. Raphael slots himself between them with a content hum. 
“Tell me, dove. What do you desire?”
You. Was your first thought, and your heart fluttered as you hesitated to speak. This side of Raphael you had only seen in bits and pieces. In the brief moments he could catch you alone: a touch to the shoulder, a more genuine conversation, poetry, letters…You could describe your relationship to him as more than a potential victim to barter with…but perhaps a confidant.   
And if only you could see behind his eyes. Raphael was searching for your answer, for whatever unspoken thing you could tell him with your body language. He wanted to trust you, he wanted to want you. 
You were brought back with the flick of his tail in the corner of your vision. You weighed your options while gazing at him.
“I desire you,” you hum languidly, “To have you in this manner. To kiss you. To have you come to me as you did; wanting to be the means to the end of my suffering, and I want to be able to come to you, to be yours.” 
Raphael’s hesitation told you he didn’t expect that answer. Perhaps he had run over all of the possibilities in the several moments you were allowed to think, and your answer hadn’t even graced his thoughts. He was a creature of well controlled performance masking something that you had only seen glimmers of, like sunlight through barely parted curtains.
And so you responded for him, kissing him sweetly. That seemed to pull him back as he cupped your face and returned the action. His hips roll against yours as his wings flutter and span out behind him. One of his hands guides your hips along as his kiss trails down your jaw and to your neck. 
You let out a pleased and almost relieved sigh, nuzzling him as he marked your neck. You grind your hips against him, eager to gain more friction as heat pools in your stomach. 
“You are mine.” He affirms, pulling up to look down at you, and his claws are able to so easily tear through the fabric on your chest. You think he must be using magic because how else could his other hand so gently hold your face. “And I would do anything for you if you asked.” He spoke so plainly it made your breath hitch. 
You splayed your hands against his chest, parting the silk of his robe. 
“Right now, all you have to do for me is make passionate love to me.” you laugh, “I have already chosen to be yours.” 
A ghost of a laugh leaves him in return as he kisses down your sternum, fondling your chest as he goes. 
“Good,” he mutters, hands on your waist as he makes his way to your stomach. His lips were ticklish, and his claws were already curling under your waist band. And with a quick discard of your undergarments you are barely able to react before his mouth is on you.
Hot, wet, slick, his mouth gladly devours your cunt. With languorous strokes, his tongue teases your entrance only to slide up and hit your clit with the flat of it over and over. Your legs tense, but his hands hold them apart as he eats you. 
Your cries of ecstasy only get louder as you grow closer to climax. Raphael’s piercing gaze is on you again as one of your hands curls into his hair and the other into the sheets. His claws hold you to his mouth as he focuses dutifully on your clit. All too suddenly you are coming undone, hands buried in his hair as you are gasping his name...an unholy prayer.
Raphael pulls away, your slick arousal on his lips. He wipes it away with an amused huff.
"Sweet thing, aren't you?"
Your chest rises and falls as he stares down at you. his hair is disheveled, his smirk lazy yet endearing and your cunt clenches down on nothing as you notice his erection. Raphael shifts, discarding the silk robe from his shoulders and giving you a great look at his exposed body.
The warm lighting really did him justice as you looked him up and down.
"I want you," you finally say, sitting up to face him.
"I know, I am glad you do, my dove." he laughs, "now give me your hands."
Your brows furrow, but you offer them up anyways. He turns them around in his own grip to have your knuckles up. As he does, you're more focused on watching his chest expand with each breath, steeling your resolve as your core continues to ache with arousal.
You are pulled back by the tingling warmth blooming from your palms, traveling up your arms and to your chest. You look up at him for an explanation.
"Relax," he coos, "I’ll allow you a taste of Avernus’ great fire, the seat of power in the hells. Consider it a gift and we can be on equal standing.” 
“What does that even mean?” you scramble for words. The feeling now not only is physically warm, but mentally. As if Avernus could reach into your very desires and passions and stoke their flames. 
Raphael doesn't answer, simply intertwines your fingers in his and guides your back to the bed. It is like he created a circuit, your connected palms the conduit. It made your eyelids heavy, you knew there was some importance to this carefully guided ritual, but you were not sure what it was yet. You had placed a great amount of trust in him and it seemed this might be part of the way he was placing trust in you.
Raphael kisses you again, and you don't think you could tire of it. As you kiss back the material plane wavers for a moment, allowing you a space between; your body a little lighter and your soul a little heavier.
One of his hands untwines from yours and instead slides across your slick aching cunt. You keen and gasp as his finger enters you, curling ever so slightly. He kisses your cheek, and you move your head to capture his lips in yours again. Your hips grind on his finger, eager for more stimulation.
Eventually you're sure he can't help himself anymore. Raphael pulls back, panting, fingers leaving you to instead wrap a hand around his cock. He pumps from base to weeping tip, coating what he can in your arousal. His hands settle at your waist. The sweet whisper of a groan that left him was heavenly as he entered you.
This was truly for you, while Raphael surely was getting something out of this: whether an orgasm or simply the pleasure of watching you plead and beg and shudder underneath him, this was all for you. He so softly wormed his way into your heart you almost didn't recognize him.
It was only with a, "yes, my dove?" and a confident kiss to your cheek did you recognize him again. Also were you suddenly aware of your trembling flushed body with his name perched on your tongue.
You've been to bed with a partner, had a myriad of experiences in your time courting, but nothing really compared to this. Perhaps it was the way the stroke of his cock that tugged you part way from the material plane that made it so good. Or it was the way the pleasure doubled back over through that tentative tether tied to your heart. Either way it made it easy for Raphael to make voracious love to you.
As the cambion pulls away, you're back. This night has been as though you have been through several states of limbo. Guided gently by Raphael as pleasure, form, and love collided.
"By sunrise, you should be well rested." Raphael pulls hair out of your face, laying at your side. His silks had been returned to gently hanging from his form. He was obscuring the bedside lamp, casting a shadow over your form, but his eyes remained as a soft glow.
There were words to say, words you wanted to say, but they were stuck at the back of your throat. Thankfully, your silence didn't seem to deter his claws running through your hair. It was hard not to drift off, your energy was fully and truly spent.
Your eyes flutter, you will them open just a bit longer to look at him.
"Sleep, dove." he chuckles, and it reverberates in your own chest. "This is not the last time you will set eyes upon me."
In the morning, you wake up as the sun peaks from the horizon. It should not have been a restful sleep, but sure enough the devil was true to his word. You were allowed a touch from Avernus’s flames. Your ambition had new fuel. Your body healed. The only thing he left was the ghost of a touch and a tether on your heart, marked dutifully by the master of the house of hope.
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askmerriauthor · 1 year
regarding pokemon sleep, it looks like you’re just looking for things to complain about. it’s designed to be this chill thing you check on during the day and leave running at night. to play it, all you have to do is sleep and feed your pokemon. no one’s telling you you to have to be the very best at it or pressuring you into paying for stuff, let alone the game itself.
If I was just looking for things to complain about, I'd still be out here whinging over Pokemon Cafe's delightfully charming art style being absolutely wasted on a junk puzzle game instead of a full RPG or cozy slice-of-life Sim.
Regarding this post here.
Hi, I'm MerriAuthor. Apparently we haven't met because anyone who follows my blog would know that I've worked in game development well on 20 years now. I've worked across the industry from little nobody indie houses, to overseas gacha-fodder, to big ol' AAA major studios. Video games and their design are a big part of my life and, boy howdy, do I have some FEELINGS about the direction the industry as a whole has gone in as the years go by. Especially in regards to the predatory monetization of gaming and how it actively preys on children, uninformed parents, people with addictive behaviors, people with hyper-competitive personalities, and similar behavioral traits solely for the purpose of making money at their expense.
it’s designed to be this chill thing you check on during the day and leave running at night. to play it, all you have to do is sleep and feed your pokemon.
As with the previous person I spoke with on this topic, that is the base function of the game. But it's by no means the design of the game. Pokemon Sleep's entire game play rotation and marketplace are designed around encouraging the Player to interact with it as much as possible within an intentionally limited time frame. Meanwhile, the game's own time scale is such that it expects Players to log hundreds if not thousands of hours of interaction with it. Its own base gameplay loop is a weekly schedule and its shop schedule is monthly. Some Pokemon require a bare minimum of 150 hours of logged sleep to even access. Pokemon Sleep wants you to be in it for the long haul.
It's also based on collection; nearly every facet of the game is listed numerically and with a percentage value or progress bar, which are functions designed to produce urgency to complete them in the Player. Human brains don't like seeing an unfinished goal, especially one represented so overtly as an unfilled progress bar or a percentage value with a decimal. Want to have your favorite Pokemon as your napping buddy but don't want to put in a ton of effort playing the game to boost up your Snorlax's power score? Better hope it's one of the low-tier Pokemon assigned into the lower brackets of the gameplay progression, because otherwise you're never going to see it. Though you could always just fork over some cash. Nearing the end of your week with Snorlax and you're just shy of a milestone you've been aiming the entire week for? Good luck! You can pay money for that extra little boost, and once you've done it you'll resent its absence enough to want to buy it again! Do you want to level up that cutie first Charmander the game gave you at the very beginning specifically to ingrain itself with faux emotional value into your favorite Charizard? Want your Eevee to evolve into one of its most popular Eeveelutions? Want a Lucario, period? You'll need to put in hundreds of hours of consistent sleep to save up enough Sleep Points exclusively toward that goal... or you can just buy access to it immediately, through first purchasing access to the Premium Subscription! A Premium Subscription which, again, doesn't auto-cancel if you delete the app and can't be canceled through the app itself, for all you distracted parents who don't pay attention to fine print and wonder why your kid's game is running up a bill on your credit card each month after the 14-day free period - just long enough for you to have forgotten all about it in the first place. Snorlax wants a specific kind of Berry this week, but none of the helper Pokemon you recruited gather that berry, or they do and are just too low on Energy to manage it? Aren't you lucky! The shop will just sell you solutions to these problems the game itself created specifically to get you to shell out money!
no one’s telling you you to have to be the very best at it or pressuring you into paying for stuff, let alone the game itself.
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Here's some screen shots from the game's own app page. Buttons to make purchases and drive interaction - the app store, sleep pass, how many dream shards you have, a prompt to buy more inventory space, your missions, your current goal, the progress meter and rarity values of your Pokemon's sleep styles, your collection and their levels, etc - are all constantly and prominently displayed. The entire first day of actual gameplay in the app is a tutorial explaining how it wants you to do more than just sleep and passively collect to the point that it literally sets a daily schedule of activity for you. The mechanics explanations are so egregiously long that the Professor character literally apologizes to the Player for being so long-winded about it. Oh, an adorable moment of self-depreciation and understanding! How humanizing and encouraging of empathy from the user, done with a cheeky wink and nod. Now that we've softened your emotional state ever so slightly, here's some more microtransaction-driven gameplay elements!
If this was really just a cute little game to idle around with for its own fun, there wouldn't be a cash shop, nor would the game require a consistent internet connection to its servers. The big thing with games like these is that they're not made for the Player's benefit or entertainment. They're made to make the parent company profits. That's it. If the Pokemon Company didn't think they'd make substantial returns on the investment of development, support, marketing, and online distribution costs to put this game out into the world, they never would have made it. That is a core reality of any product put out these days. I just spent this last week helping my studio's marketing and sales team make sales projections for one of our upcoming titles, figuring out how much we could reasonably charge our potential customers literally down to the penny. And the game we're selling isn't even a service with any kind of microtransactions or DLCs. Profits are fundamental in any studio production and, where microtransaction apps are concerned, are the core focus of why the app exists.
If you're perfectly happy with playing Pokemon Sleep as an idle "pop on every once in a while, poke for a few minutes, then forget about and never pay a cent" kind of game? Totally fine, you do you. But understand that Pokemon Sleep doesn't want you as its player and will not cater to your experience. The core gameplay of Pokemon Sleep is already designed to actively degrade into a subpar experience for those who don't pay to play and that rift will only become more pronounced as time goes by. Everything around the cash shop exists for no other reason than to encourage you to use the cash shop. Over time, the gameplay will further contort itself to drive more interaction with and reliance upon the cash shop as the app sheds its non-paying users who just tire of it and move on, instead doubling-down on the lingering, paying users who have already proven themselves a reliable stream of revenue. That is how these things always go and have always historically gone.
There's also the consistently apt adage of "if you're not paying for the product, you are the product". Pokemon Sleep requires an internet connection any time you want to interact with the app - there is no offline mode. Further, the actual fine print in the terms of service (not the bubbly, legally-meaningless assurances put into the game text itself) addresses that it will collect and may share your device information, user ID, and app activity (ie, the schedules, timing habits, and spending habits the game itself has ingrained into its interaction with the Player) for analytics and advertising purposes, and that they're okay with sharing (ie, selling) that information to third parties without naming who those third parties are. And boy, does the game really want you to link your Google, Apple, and Facebook accounts to it as part of its core functionality! Worth keeping in mind as well is that the app requires constant access to your microphone and can pick up sounds as minor as a sheet rustling when you turn over in bed. The game's bubbly, meaningless text assures you that it doesn't save or transfer the snippets of sleep recordings it makes of you each night, but it makes absolutely no assurances whatsoever in the fine print that it's not using your microphone for other purposes. It does, however, point out that it will be making use of your phone's functions even when you're not using the app.
So, yeah, I'll just still be over here not playing Pokemon Sleep and encouraging others to do the same, as well as pay closer attention to the nature of so-called "free to play" games.
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euphor1a · 1 year
Bewitched (ii)
↬ pairing: bad boy!yeonjun x good girl!oc
↬ characters: loner bad boy!yeonjun, heartthrob!soobin, best friend!beomgyu, female oc (can be read as f!reader too) + a few supporting characters.
↬ genre: college!au, bad boy!au, slow burn, drama, strangers to lovers, smut, a bit of unrequited love.
↬ summary: After starting college, you never really imagined that you’ll cross paths with Choi Yeonjun — the loner bad boy with influences. But life is full of surprises, ain’t it?
↬ rating & word count: 18+ ; ~2.8K
↬ warnings: profanity, explicit description of f!masturbation, minor fainting.
↬ disclaimer: this is fictional and doesn’t reflect any of their actions or personality!
↬ previous 𓍯 series masterlist
↬ a/n: my apologies because it’s actually been ages since i posted the part one. thank you so much for your patience! we’re back <3
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Lying flat on your bed, you gaze at the ceiling, watching the fan rotate tirelessly. It keeps going round and round. Unironically, it resembles the thoughts churning inside your head somehow. But, you’re not some machinery, and it’s draining you out.
Inhaling a deep breath, you close your eyes for the first time in a while, tilting your head sideways. It would be so nice if you could just turn off your brain. You let yourself sink into the mattress and pillow as your hands turn into loose fists.
It’s been five days. 5 freaking days, 120 hours, 7,200 minutes, 432,000 seconds since you last saw Daniel. Maybe you sound obsessed, crazy even. But isn’t it his fault? No cause, how dare he barge into your life like a tornado and flip every unsaid rule you used to follow? It doesn’t even end there. 
You feel intoxicated. You can’t get the thought of him out of your head, for the love of God. The soft crinkles on his face when he smiles, how his eyes sparkle, the enticing smell of his cologne, his hands all over your body, how his tongue felt against your core, the way he devoured your mouth—
Gosh, you need to stop. Catch a fucking break. This is getting way out of your hands. You’ve never been so distracted your whole life. And you hate the fact that he has so much power over you. He, who is just a random guy you met twice on the same day coincidentally and crossed a few lines with. Just?! Why?! Can’t?! You?! Get?! Over?! Him?!
You open your eyes, your eyebrows furrowed and lips tugged down in a frown. As your eyes mindlessly wander towards the ceiling fan once again, the events of that damned day start playing in front of your eyes. Was it really a coincidence? Or maybe a sick joke your life played with you? 
After he dropped you to your home that night, you had hoped to see more of him. But instead, Daniel just simply vanished into thin air. You’ve been trying to find him everyday in your breaks, sometimes even missing classes. Unbelievable, right? Too bad that it’s the very unfortunate truth.
But did that help in any shape or form? Nope. If he’s been around, you’d have definitely noticed!! As much as you hate to admit it, he’s insanely handsome. Daniel’s striking features will stand out anywhere, and in your case — it’s literally imprinted on your mind.
With a sigh, you close your eyes. Not to sound like a hopeless romantic, but a part of you hopes that he’ll be here to meet you soon. Like, he literally has your address!! But, on the realistic side of things, that is very unlikely to happen. 
Soon enough, the thought of Daniel envelops you in a warm feeling, your heart racing faster, your mind starting to play tricks with you. You briefly remember how his clothed bulge felt against your core, a soft whimper escaping you. Oh, how badly you needed to feel him deep inside you at that specific moment… 
You shake your head immediately, trying to clear your mind. What the hell are you doing? Fantasizing about a guy who just suddenly appeared one day and then vanished? You curse inwardly, feeling pathetic for being wrapped around his little finger. 
You hate this Daniel guy. Just one day and your feelings are all over the place. You barely spent a few hours with him, and you’re already so damn whipped. 
With a groan, you sit up, reaching for your phone that’s charging on the nightstand. You’re shocked to see several messages from Beomgyu… Did something happen?
Gyu: haiiii 🥰 
Gyu: bestie?! 👁️👄👁️ 
Gyu: HELLO?!?!?!?!?!?!? 
Gyu: OMFG, ____ R U OK 😭 
Gyu: :( 3 hours… you never take so long to reply 🥺 
Gyu: did i upset you in any way? 
Gyu: won’t tease you anymore… pls talk to me :( imy :( 
A sigh escapes you. Even though a part of you wants to be irritated, you really can’t. Because as you look at the time, you realize that you’ve been zoning out for nearly four hours. Of course, he’s worried, you’d be the same if you were in his shoes. 
____: Gyu 😭 no ofc not! Why would I be mad at you? 
Gyu: ahem… anyway, why weren’t you responding then? 
____: Sorry, I was busy with smth :/ 
Gyu: really? for 4 hours? 🤥
____: … I was working on an assignment
Gyu: right… but you already submitted the one you had and no one assigned anything new
Gyu: watch your language, princess 🤨
____: 🙄
Gyu: anyway lol, since you won’t tell me, let me take a WILD guess
Gyu: daydreaming about that mystery stranger again, are you? 🤡
____: …..
Gyu: yeah, ik 
____: You don’t understand….. 
Gyu: what???? 😩
____: Nothing…
Gyu: 😐
Gyu: see, this is the problem! you won’t even tell me his damn name! how am i supposed to help you out? 🤷‍♂️
____: It’s complicated 😭, I’d tell you otherwise :( 
____: You know that I’d never hide something from you if it’s harmless, right?
Gyu: WAIT 🤯😱
____: ????
Gyu: is he…. like a mafia? 😳
____: Aight imma just head out 
Gyu: sorry…
Gyu: umm it’s pretty late so have some good sleep and let’s meet on monday 🥺
Frustration bubbles up in your chest and you drop your phone by your side. A nap? Sleeping in this state? Fuck no. You need to ease yourself somehow.  
After debating what you should do for a while, you slowly take off the oversized sweatshirt you’re wearing. Starting to caress your sensitive skin, you whimper, your hands brushing on your inner thighs, your sides, your neck… anywhere it can reach. Once you feel the material of your cotton panties dampening up, you grab the vibrator from your bedside drawer. 
Because you’ve been thinking almost too much about Daniel and everything that he did to you, it’s very easy to picture him all over you. The device hums to life, and you waste no time to place it over your clothed clit. You jolt a little at the contact, overwhelmed by the sensations immediately. 
You wish it was him. For some reason, you just know that Daniel would love to use a vibrator on you, watching you cry and whine pathetically, begging for him as you fall apart quickly. You tweak your nipple with your spare hand, heat blazing through your body as you inch closer to a release. 
“Look at you, making a mess of yourself while thinking about me. Aren’t you cute?” His voice drifts in your ears, a whimper rumbling in your throat. “Just a little more, angel, you’re so close. Doing so well.” 
You unconsciously scream out ‘Daniel’ in relief as the orgasm finally hits you. With shaky hands, you turn off the vibrator, falling back on the bed. Your breaths are uneven and quick, thighs shaking from the aftermath. It takes you a while to regain composure. 
With a sigh, you get up and head straight to the bathroom, discarding your panties that are entirely ruined, drenched in your arousal and release. As the mildly warm spray of water finally hits your skin, you close your eyes, a plethora of emotions bubbling up in your chest. A lone tear trails down your cheek, followed by numerous ones that get lost within the water coming from the shower head.
Shame. You feel ashamed.
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On Monday, 
You manage your way through the crowded cafeteria, looking for your friends. Some acquaintances beam and wave at you, but you barely offer them a small smile and a nod. You aren’t feeling your best today either, running on a very small amount of sleep and mood swings to top it off. Dealing with yourself is pretty tiring, especially when your emotions are all over the place.
A sudden feeling of someone’s gaze behind your back makes you halt. You turn around, letting your eyes roam over the tables behind you. Everyone seems to be minding their own business, as they should. Taking a deep breath, you go back to finding Beom-binnie. 
“____! Here!” Gyu’s voice takes your attention, a genuine smile blooming on your face automatically. You jog across the room to where they’re sitting, both of them standing up to wrap you up in a hug. You cozy up a lil’ in the comfortable warmth of them, the loud beating of Soobin’s heart surprising you. Is he… nervous? 
You pull away first, looking at Soobin strangely. Beomgyu touches your forearm in a worried manner before speaking up, “Hey? Everything alright? Don’t tell me that you’re falling for the heartthrob.” His tone is playful as usual. 
Soobin blushes heavily, his ears turning red as he avoids eye contact with both of you. On the other hand, Gyu bursts out laughing, holding onto his stomach. Cute, you think, amazed by these two polar opposites that are somehow attached at the hip. 
You roll your eyes, smacking Beomgyu jokingly. He immediately scrunches up his face in ‘pain’, earning a glare from you. “Shut up, crackhead! I was just wondering why Soob’s heartbeat is so fast.”
Beomgyu throws his friend a knowing look. You quirk your eyebrows at their shared look before enquiring, “Are you two hiding something? No cause, what was that? Literally!” 
The tall giant stutters for a bit, but Beomgyu is quick to cover for him. “He’s meeting someone today.” 
“A date?” You tap your chin thoughtfully. Wondering what exactly it could be.
“No, no!!!” Soobin interrupts, coughing, clearly embarrassed by his sudden outburst. “I’m meeting the devil himself today… It’s been a while since our last meeting, so I’m just nervous, haha.” 
You blink at him, throwing your hands up. “Can we sit? My leg hurts.” Both of the guys nod, Gyu sliding beside you whereas Soobin sits on your opposite. 
“So? Who’s this ‘devil’?” You wiggle your eyebrows, trying to extract some juicy information.
Beomgyu looks at you, his eyes dark. “Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun.” 
“Oh–” You know this name. You’ve heard people gossiping about this irresistibly charming ‘bad boy’. But you’ve never seen him in your life. 
“Soobin? Why do you need to meet with him?” You ask, slightly worried about your friend. Your impression of bad boys isn’t the best. 
“He’s… um– I need his help.” Soobin mumbles. 
“Why?” You press further.
“He’s a senior. He can help.” He answers, avoiding details.
“Oh yeah! No need to flex on us. Go meet with your cool seniors and stuff, me and ____ will be here.” Gyu chimes in, disrupting the heavy tension between you and Soobin.
You sigh, giving up. He clearly looks unwilling to talk about this more. “So when will you be meeting him?” you ask nonchalantly. 
“Near four pm, before leaving.” Soobin licks his dry lips, offering you a shaky smile.
You frown upon hearing the time, grumbling, “But… but we are supposed to hangout today!” 
Beomgyu pats your back, “Yeah, we were talking about it before you came. Soobin, tell us what you’re gonna do. If you’re not gonna come, then I’ll take her. She’s been sad lately.” 
Soobin’s face falls, his hand gripping yours as he talks in a gentle voice, “What happened, ____? Is everything alright?” 
You look at your joined hands, a pang of anger causing you to pull away. “Everything is fine. I don’t need anyone to worry about me.” 
“____...” Soobin sighs, looking at Beomgyu for help. 
“Hey it’s okay, shhh.” Gyu pulls you in his arms, your head resting on his shoulder. 
A long, uncomfortable silence stretches, the buzzing of the cafeteria fading away as you three stay trapped in the situation. 
“Okay, listen.” Soobin speaks up, his eyes focused on you. “Wait for me outside our favorite spot. I’ll be here… maybe a bit late but I’ll be there for sure.” 
Beomgyu smiles, “Good idea. No harm done, right miss universe?”
You pout at him, nodding and pulling away from his embrace. Your gaze finally meets Soobin, the hope glimmering in his eyes almost making you feel bad. 
“Mhm.” That’s all you say. 
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In the evening, you find yourself with Beomgyu, walking together by the side of the quaint river. The streetlights illuminate the paved path as you take small steps. He’s the first one to break the silence. 
“So? Still thinking about that mystery guy?” 
You look up at him, your lips parting as a sigh escapes you. “... Yeah. You can say that.” 
“Can you at least tell me why you are thinking about this guy? Are you like, interested in him romantically?” 
You nod silently, looking at your feet shyly. Beomgyu claps your back, a smirk on his lips, “Great going, huh? Behind our back? So please tell me more about him. And, don’t stress it. I won’t ask his name if you’re that uncomfortable sharing.” 
You hesitate a bit, reaching out to squeeze his hand in gratitude. “I don’t really know… he has a fancy race car, and uh… ” You trail off, unsure what to say.
“Don’t tell me that you’re interested because of his car.” Gyu snorts, laughing at his own joke.
“No! It’s his vibes actually… he makes me feel, you know… things.” You can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks.
“Ooohhh.” He throws you a meaningful look, but you smack his forearm in return. 
“Pervert! Can’t you think straight?” A huff leaves you, and Beomgyu almost falls down laughing.
“Oh– oh my god! I meant it in the most innocent way possible! Holy shit, did you two… get down to business??” 
The thought of his mouth on your pussy comes back to you, and you hide your face in your hands instinctively.
“Ooof, that sure answers my question! Get it girl! My girl got laid, gosh I’m so happy!!” He hoots, and you swear you just want to strangle him. If only he wasn’t that much taller—
“No! We just kissed! Get your head out of the gutter!” You insist, not the biggest fan of Beomgyu’s enthusiasm about your sex-life. 
His smile falters. “Ehh... Boring. Just a kiss? Nothing else? Are you sure?” 
Before you can even mentally prepare yourself to fight him, the sound of a loud motorbike engine catches both of you off-guard. You turn to the side quickly, pulling Beomgyu with you. 
“Thank you once again, I really appreciate it!” Soobin’s voice makes you look back at where you were just standing. There he is, several feet away, talking to the stranger who just dropped him off here.
“Whoa… who’s this with the scary looking bike?” Beomgyu whispers in your ear, pointing towards the guy wearing a helmet. 
You shake your head out of uncertainty, watching them as Soobin hands the person the helmet he was wearing. 
“Thank you! Will meet you soon again!” 
The stranger nods, but then, he looks to the side, finally spotting you and Beomgyu. 
Color drains from your face, the person’s gaze meeting yours through the glass panel of helmet. You’re taken back to eight days before, those same eyes looking into yours, sparkling in the moonlight before he leans in for a kiss. 
Your heart skips a beat, and you feel yourself getting dizzy. Beomgyu, standing by your side with no clue, catches you before you can fall down. In the back of your mind, you can hear the sound of the bike fading away.
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Your eyes flutter, consciousness slowly coming back to you. “Oh, I think she’s waking up,” you hear, opening your eyes to find yourself in Soobin’s arms. Beomgyu dabs your face with a wet paper towel, tension melting away from his handsome features when your eyes meet. 
“____! Thank god you’re up! Are you okay?? Should we call an ambulance?” 
You wave your hands, motioning him to stop. There’s a throbbing pain on your head. But still, you slowly sit up on the bench they had laid you down on, clearing your throat. After all, you have much more important things to take care of. 
“Soobin?” You whisper, your voice cracking. 
“Yeah?” He tucks away the messy locks behind your ear, his eyes so gentle that for a moment you forget your question. 
“Who was that guy with you? Do you mind sharing his contact info with me?” 
Soobin looks as if lightning struck him, his jaw dropping. “I’m sorry but are you mad?? What are you gonna do with Choi Yeonjun’s contact? I don’t have it either way but what the hell are you saying?” 
You gulp nervously, Beomgyu’s worried gaze trailing over your face. “That was… Yeonjun?” 
Beomgyu cups your cheek. “Well yeah. Why, ____? Is everything alright? I noticed how shocked you were when Yeonjun looked at us.”
A cold shiver runs down your spine. “It’s… nothing.” You murmur, actually starting to feel sick. 
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end of part ii ↺ next
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 end notes ꒱
thank you so much for reading! i hope it was enjoyable! 🥺💙 sorry for any mistakes left in there!
as always, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! your support keeps me motivated 🌺🌟 you can also send feedback through asks <33
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
Love your analysis of Yosuke’s character, it’s so detailed and fun to read! I’m kinda curious, what are your thoughts on his characterization in the fighting and dancing games?
Waaah thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed them 💖
Oooh I actually LOVE his characterisation in p4d and p4au, probably because I think it brought out all my favourite parts of Yosuke and it really felt like Yosuke had matured a lot compared to his first appearance.
In P4A/U for example we see a lot of thoughts from other characters, and I really love that it's revealed how the others - not just Yu, but also Yukiko and Chie - rely on Yosuke a lot for emotional support, as the morale booster of the team, for direction when they don't know what to do, as the glue that keeps the group together, and it's so fantastic because it's so unlike how Yosuke sees himself. A lot of Yosuke's POV also reveals how much overthinking he does and how, despite his empathy in noticing when others are frustrated or worried, he feels like he doesn't do a very good job at cheering them up, even though when we look at their POVs we see that he did!! Both Yukiko and Chie call him up when they were worried about their friends going missing BECAUSE they feel better from talking to him!! Sorry but this particular factoid, this specific gap, sits in my head like a spitroast being rotated all the time because I cannot get over it. But he's trying though - we can see his motivations for the things that he says and how he tries to lighten the mood and yeah. It's great. I went into P4AU thinking it was going to be whatever but let me just say that was the game that triggered my single-minded obsession about Yosuke and the reason why this blog exists LOL like I was very much souyo and yosuke-brained aftert P4G but oh boy. P4AU tipped me over from obsessed to building this damn shrine for him :'D
He always laughs deprecatingly at himself even in the post p4g games, like in P4D - when he dances well he has a line that's like, "not such a disappointment after all" and it, again, really shows how he has such a poor perception of himself that he doesn't see his own good points, like the fact that he held out the second longest during their dance training, losing only to Rise, as pointed out by Yu. He's naturally talented and keeps up well with everyone elses dance style, but he doesn't really notice that either? Also a side thing I find hilarious/cute/endearing in P4D is also how Kanji exposes Yosuke's idol-loving-hours and Yosuke gets extremely embarrassed about it, because at his heart Yosuke does still like that kind of (somewhat) superficial thing, but he doesn't want people to know! It's a stark contrast to how he was earlier in P4G where he's more open about checking out girls (again, the whole "is this overcompensation" vs "is this a product of bro culture from his childhood friends" is a conversation that we can have) but it's a reflection of how that kind of talk tapers out a lot as the game progresses, and P4D was really consistent with the kind of growth that P4G gave Yosuke, instead of reducing him into that best-bro-friend stereotype, and for a game that was actually so short in narrative substance compared to P4AU, it was great. (I'm also convinced that P4D was trying to tell us Yosuke and Yu were dating but I'm not going to start on that again LOL)
And I think ultimately the reason why I feel like P4AU and P4D showcased a lot of growth for Yosuke is in his relationships with other people, because as much as Yosuke worries about how he's remained static, I think the fact that the others treat him with such respect (like when the first years and Teddie acknowledge that Yosuke is basically the team wrangler, and the difference between Yosuke at the start of P4G/in Magician compared to P4AU/D was someone who had become a lot more receptive about forming genuine relationships with other people instead of just protecting himself by surrounding himself with superficial relationships and yeah. yeah.
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f0xgl0v3 · 2 months
Camp Half Blood Schedule
As of now I have 14 pages for the schedule and describing stuff and activities and it’s all mush, my brain is mush and please I want to go home and see my family 🥺😭😭
In all reality this is a combination of procrastinating reading Tower of Nero because all the characters I really care about have been drop kicked out of the narrative and I’m at my grandparents house. I have nothing to do and I have a horrible sense of time so let’s get into this (plus sometime down the line I’ll go over HoO re-imagining like. Camp Jupiter processes but I’m reading some books about the Roman legion so I’m gonna, tough that out and then report back lol)
Disclaimer!! I don’t know what time is, time is something that eludes my brain and the only summer camp I’ve been to was a Christian one with a foster family because I was bored that summer and I said why not (I’m not Christian but it was funny). Also I like completely forgot if there is anything in the books that actually have schedule lore. I forgot most things with CHB to be honest.
So anyways, actual meat and potatoes
7:30- wake up and get ready. Yes 7:30 sounds reasonable to me. It gives the kids 30 minutes before breakfast and campers can wake up before the ‘official’ time.
On Fridays we have cabin inspections, dictated by the arbitrary ‘one day we picked someone to do it first and now we’re on a rotation’.
8:00-8:30; breakfast time, yes you only get 30 minutes for breakfast we have things to do and does it take you more than 30 minutes to gobble up breakfast? (No judgement it took me 2 hours to eat lunch one time) but If I ever let the other 13+ pages of notes come to light they’ll be more in depth stuff about. Everything, but breakfast time includes
- one cabin setting up the Dining Pavilion
-Everyone offering to the Gods
-Morning announcements!
-yum actually eat food
-plate staking/cleaning up the tables
8:30-10:00; the first activity. The activities are your going to the arena, or the forge, all that jazz. Uh, there’s a board in the Big House where counselors set up the schedules (as in signing up for activities n stuff and coordinating) I’ll get into it someday. Maybe.
10:00-12:00; Activity 2/downtime. Because pinky swear just chilling is an activity. Downtime is important. I wrote down that cabins can sign for the same thing back to back if they so wish. Also the rules are looser than the words clinging onto my brain so really anything happens. It’s CHB they laugh in the face of a rule.
12:00-12:30; Lunch time. Nothing special about it. Uh ,:3
12:30-2:00; third activity. Action packed days for the win!
2:00-4:00; fourth activity time. Also probably when most of the campers start cabin revolts. No one agrees on a schedule most of the time.
4:00-4:30; actual specific free time. Some moments to gather round and chill out. You’ve already spent most of your day, doing something.
4:30-5:30; activity 5. Most of the time this can just be a continuation of the free time.
Don’t ask me what those extra 10 minutes are for no one really ever knows
After 6 o’ clock no one is allowed on the lake. Sorry man
6:00; also the beginning of Dinner. Dinner goes as planned, usually with some Camp wide event happening because of course. Can’t have good stuff here at camp/j
7:00; Camp Sing-a-long times!
7:30-8:00; your stuck in the Cabin circle but at least you get those last few minutes to hang out without the threat of harpies later in the night.
8:00; all campers enter cabins for like getting ready to go to bed and stuff. Get your last conversations in
8:30; official curfew is in effect. No one can leave the cabins except for counselors who need to plan the next day because they aren’t planning their full week on Sunday.
I have notes also on like. Everything else ,:3 Chiron gets lessons and the Cabins have to do those and stuff. Sorry I haven’t been, posting long posts like this for a while lol. I’ll probably get some HoO re-imagined Camp Jupiter content out once I finish this one book I’m reading and have my CJ notebook (yes I do have a whole notebook dedicated to CJ there’s my fun fact). Also, at some point I’d like to introduce Charlico (Chiron’s WIFE) to CHB if possible. Love you Charlico/j
Okay ,:3 I think I sound a little delirious, tomorrow I have to get on a plane and after that I have to go stay a week at someone else’s place. I’ll see all of you soon to talk about the forge or something. Or maybe I’ll finally get my master lists all sorted out and stuff lol.
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cinderswife · 10 months
Tumblr media
currently rotating rose red around in my brain so here's some outfits i designed for her (this is pre-meeting cinders btw)! bonus design notes under the cut :3
i knew immediately that i wanted rose to be short and built like a brick shithouse. she is dense and compact and impossible to knock over. also, she gets to be a bear girl because everyone in my ouatis au is an animal eared person. its a fun concept i saw trawling the tumblr tag and i have decided it is very canon.
absolutely covered in freckles
yes those are top surgery scars. very recent in fact! its a cross between unrealized gender things and the pain of breasts that are just. too big. always.
her tail is usually too small to be seen from this angle but i wanted to show off her tiny red puff
most of her scars are from military combat with the exception of the top surgery scars and the one on her left hand which came from when she punched a window at the age of 15 defending snow from one of their dads getting super duper upset b/c snow was starting to date
she is 4'10" and so proud of it. will kick your ass if you're a dick about it
nothing much to say here, she just. doesn't care all that much. tank top and sweat pants are the perfect combo of temperatures for her.
also she wears heart patterned boxers and we love her for that
military work uniform
do you know how hard it is to design a military uniform when you don't usually give a shit about the military. i spend so many hours going down worldbuilding subreddits and forums before i figured out something i was happy with. anyways! this is a non-combative officer's work uniform (aka the uniform rose wore when she was commander of the prison cinders was in). i picked red because it's the color most strongly associated with cole's army, but i figure that soldiers in combat would have better camouflage built into their uniforms.
the patch on her left shoulder (the one with the deer) is the symbol for colonel. it's also mirrored on a smaller scale on her breast. cole's army uses animals to mark higher ranks
the other shoulder patch marks her current assignment
i liked white as an accent color because of its prevalence in the album. also it looks nice!
the sleeve stripes and the chevrons both indicate that she is a very important officer
the other patches on her breast are the simplified coat of arms for her noble house (the house of grimm) and all of the medals she has earned in her 11 years of service
military dress uniform
the fancy version of her uniform for Events and Public Appearances. it's a bit darker in tone for the sake of visual interest and has a lot more accessories. this one was a nightmare to color i stg but i'm super happy with the way it turned out.
you get to see all her medals! she has complicated feelings on them but they are shiny and look very nice so.
the stripes, chevrons, and deer are all the same as the work uniform for some easy visual shorthand of her rank
the only time rose will ever wear a tie or any other neck decoration because it's regulation.
i liked the way a black undershirt looked over a white one, no other reason lol
the bear medal is because the bear is a symbol of her noble family. most people have a cougar of some sort instead.
the sword and the lion are both special awards granted specifically by cole. the lion in particular came from her first deployment where she accidentally changed the tides on the invasion of the perrault (cinders' planet) and became a war hero/propaganda piece at 19
the boots have buckles. they are never quite tight enough and its annoying.
casual dress
off duty, rose wears crisp, well tailored masc outfits. she knows how to dress herself to look effortlessly important due to being raised noble but she doesn't think too hard about it.
she wears shorts instead of full pants whenever she can get away with it. snow hates this.
no she is not buttoning up all the way. why would you make her put this much effort into it. she's hotter with it undone
fun fact: i initially made her vest and shorts green but i decided that blue looked nicer
fancy dress
i've elected to go with a 1700s inspired look for the nobility. it's very fairytale-esque and also allows me to have fun with it! i wanted to do more embroidery, but i wound up not having the patience for such a thing. ah well, what i've got looks nice enough.
rose usually wears cool colors in her formal outfits. this purple is a particular favorite of hers because it goes really nicely with her hair and ears without being obnoxious
once again, rose out here avoiding any sort of neck accessory or hat. accessories that annoy her for $10,000
the lilac undershirt is not connected to the off-white trousers it's two separate pieces.
the gold accents cut a very striking figure and also look very pretty <3
the boots are supposed to be longer and pointier but idk how well i pulled that off aha
she's very handsome and i love her
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packedandstrapped · 11 months
Trying to find that one text post about a butch4femme couple flirting with a baby butch and the femme suckin off the bby butch’s orange strap b4 they all go inside 😭 i remember it on your blog but tumblrs search wants to kill me specifically
Is this it? This scenario has taken up a lot of real estate in my brain lately.
Kinda want to invite a shy, inexperienced butch over and hang out on the patio talking about cars and boots, dogs and woodworking. Maybe throw a ball back and forth. Let my wife flirt with them all evening with her tits pouring out of a tight top. Watch their butch hand move over their denim clad cock to cover up how hard they get when she touches their shoulder and offers a glass of cold lemonade. Baby butch eyes staring as I smack and grab her ass as she heads back in the house.
"You want her to take care of that? She's really good.” I'll ask after a few torturous hours of expert level teasing from my wife. I look directly down at the bulge they can't keep their hands off so they know exactly what I'm talking about. There a long pause but I’m not uncomfortable with silence. I like seeing them squirm a bit. Before they can finishing squeaking out “uh are you suuurrreeeee?" l've let out a quick whistle to give my wife the signal she's been straining to hear all night.
She struts back out like a woman on a mission, lust reflected in the darkness of her eyes and looks over to me with a wink. She confidently kneels between our friend's thighs and slowly pushes her hands up their thighs, fingers meeting at the zipper. This is maybe my favorite part. Disbelief in the hooded eyes of a weak butch with a femme on her knees. My wife dips her hand into their now unzipped jeans and pulls out a thick, veiny, bright orange cock and immediate devours it. I watch that gorgeous head of dark hair bobbing up and down on a slick construction cone of a dick. She stops and laughs a little. “why do all dykes love orange?” then traces the head across her upper and then her bottom lip.
My own dick twitches at the sight of this but I’m a grown ass butch that can keep it together so I just continue to watch from a few feet away.
They continue. I start to hear little grunts, gasps of air, keys on a belt loop jangling, long labored breaths, and even an “oh god.” The butch looks over to me almost looking for approval. I don’t know what exactly they’re asking for, but I give my approval. Have your way, you harmless little thing. The butch takes one hand and laces it between thick chunks of my wife’s silky hair, grabbing onto her scalp. The other hand under her chin, holding her still. And I watch as they replace her movements with their rotating hips. Slowly fucking her mouth as they please. As if they’ve been picturing this for hours. I watch as their head falls back against the wicker patio furniture. They quicken the movement of their hips, raising their ass up to take as much as they can. Over and over. My wife shoots me a quick smile despite a cock in her mouth. I know she loves this. This might be her favorite moment. I watch this mesmerizing show for just the right amount of time and then I see it coming. Sweaty butch forehead and neck, hips and thighs finally crashing down to a stop, abs tightening over and over beneath a thin black tshirt, legs shaking, and an arm flung back to grab on to something, anything for dear life. My wife works her come-down magic, slowly milking out every spasm and groan. Lips dragging up the bright orange shaft, her eyes never leaving the butch’s face, wanting to drink in every ounce of the god complex she so rightfully earned.
I give my own dick a firm rub over my jeans and I don’t give the butch more than twenty seconds to recover before I help my lady up off her knees. I hold her hand, leading her inside and yell over my shoulder “Come on in. Now you can watch me fuck her.”
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angelosearch · 7 months
Favorite's meme!
I've been tagged by @cynic-view-ahead and so I must!!
I am really bad at picking favorites so the addendum to all of this is that these are my favorites as of right now, all time favorites is a whole different ball game.
Favorite painter: I actually don't know many painters by name, but I do really like Jane Wilson. Her impressionist landscapes are so beautiful, atmospheric, airy, sometimes haunting. But also, I love that she is an American woman doing big landscapes because the wall-sized landscape paintings in the US have always been dominated by men and she subverts that.
Favorite poet/writer: This is such a big question but I'm just going to say Tamsyn Muir and be done with it. I love The Locked Tomb Series! If I was going to try and describe the series I would say... a murder mystery in a post-apocalyptic society involving swashbuckling Necromancer lesbians... in space.
Favorite band: Hmmm, even just narrowing this one to right now only is hard! I've been listening to The Last Dinner Party, Mother Mother, and Cavetown on repeat lately. I am seeing Cold War Kids on Wednesday and The Rocket Summer (I went SUPER HARD for this band in high school) on the 17th. ABBA and Death Cab for Cutie are on permanent rotation!!
Bonus: A fictional band that will be featured in an upcoming chapter of Chaos Theory - Wimbly Donner and the Soldiers. There's three sentences about this band in my fic and I have two pages of headcanon about them.
Favorite meal & drink: I am very mood/situation dependent on my food choices. I am not picky in the sense that there's food I won't eat, but the vibe has to right for every meal. There is only one thing I can eat under any circumstance or time of day and back-to-back and that is a huge bowl of popcorn. Specifically, popcorn stovetop-popped using canola oil and white kernels. I top it only with salt. It was the first thing I could cook for myself and the only thing I could have for dinner for a while so my brain has just adapted to crave it 24/7. I like it warm, burnt, even stale. My favorite drink to pair it with is a smooth iced Americano. That sounds weird but the bitterness of the coffee highlights the sweet and saltiness of the popcorn!
Favorite outfit aesthetic/style: My favorite outfit is my causal Squall outfit (the Squoutfit)! But my style usually consists of bright colors, sequins/shiny things (Cher-core), busy patterns, and tons of accessories. I like playing with layering and trying to make myself look taller. I am a bigger person who is not always on good terms with my body but ironically I really like wearing crop tops. I just can't expose my biceps.
Favorite singer: Today it is Xana. I am OBSESSED with the song "Better Kind of Best Friend." Normally I do not listen to songs on a constant repeat but I'm probably pushing on listening to this one 30 times in the last 12 hours.
Favorite item you own: You mean other than my copy of Final Fantasy VIII? Hmm, it's a tough one. I just got a hot dog bookmark. And someone else gave me a glasses-cleaning cloth that looks like a hot dog. And then there is my hot dog sculpture. Probably one of those perfectly normal things to own.
Favorite perfume: I don't really do perfume these days because my husband is allergic but I have this mint and cinnamon soap that I absolutely adore. When it comes to fragrances, I generally like notes of lemon balm, flowers, cedar wood, rosemary, or vanilla, but I am very picky about how these scents are presented.
Tagging people I didn't get in my other tag game this evening: @gardengalwrites @redfoxline @sevlinop @thewillroar @mathiwrites
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mamamittens · 1 month
Had a neat OC idea I will likely do Nothing Ever With.
Rambling under cut.
So, pretty early into my daydreaming while listening to the choir version of "Like a prayer" from the new Deadpool movie, I imagined this new OC would take cues and inspiration from angels for obvs reasons.
And somehow this snowballed into Thatch growing up with a best friend (maybe they're shippy later maybe they're actually brother and sister, haven't decided but they definitely love each other) who's got a very unusual devil fruit.
The devil fruit was a decision made later (like, an hour lol) but I'm on the fence for it. Basically she's got the entirety of a universe in her head and constantly hears them speaking to her. So she's kind of slow irl to react to shit but if you give her a minute she usually has really fucking good advice. Never falls for lies unless it's OP world specific bullshit that she, naturally, would not have any clue about.
This would be hidden by simply not writing in her POV until sometime later, Thatch regarding her very fondly and protectively because of how honest but kinda ditzy she comes off as.
In reality, anyone would take a minute to respond if they had dozens of voices in their head piping up like nosy bitches.
Maybe one upside is that she learns a lot of shit really fast because in her dreams she walks the "lost world" and is usually taught stuff by people who were very knowledgeable about it. No one knows who gets to teach her next because it's decided by 'higher powers' of that world. Mainly so I don't need to explain or have her run into horrible ass people. They're there, but she won't be meeting them. Ever.
So it is funny when she learns criminal shit just because it would be handy to know and the person is actually a good person. So like, she can make explosives out of literally anything and pick locks.
Anyway, the spooky biblical angel shit is usually not active. She can give prophetic visions by eye contact and the 'godly blood' that she cries. This is just a side effect of housing deities. The thing is, if you look for too long your brain fries cause you start to see ALL their true forms, which is horrifying and brain melting. So she can only do it sparingly, and preferably just by letting them cradle a pool of tears in lieu of eye contact. Keeps the worst of it at bay. Her eyes used to be normal but are now liquid gold with a very trippy halo as her iris. Constantly blooming and rotating in unfathomable shapes. Luckily another side effect of this power is the ability to see 'past obstacles in life', which just means shit like her eyelids and possibly walls.
Now, I did want to give her wings, and I still might. An awakened form would likely sprout multiple wings with a visible halo and all. On the fence about it.
Anyway, the reason an entire universe got sealed away into a kid's head is because a horrifying creature who eats dimensions came knocking and they needed to GTFO. They claim to 'collect' universes by eating them, where they won't ever truly die but will remain in a constant loop of death. The agony and horrors fueling this monster to rip open more holes to eat more dimensions.
So they naturally, eventually, sniff out this escaped world and come to consume it in its new, conveniently small packaging. They think it's very clever and cute, almost a shame to be rid of it, but their pride demands otherwise. This is when she wields her full power and, with the BS of her home universe and maybe allies (undecided, this was the main scene based in vibes) she defeats it and the 'choir' falls silent for the first time in her life.
She nearly dies as all that energy escapes, freeing her of the burden once and for all.
"...it's so quiet... I'm so tired."
But she lives, now mostly normal. Still cries gold and fucks with people's minds with her fucky eyes though. Divinity doesn't go away that easily.
Additional thoughts I had!
I liked the idea of Thatch coming to her when Whitebeard recruited him in an attempt to get her to go with him and he just like, shows up at her door like "I'm a pirate now!"
"I thought you were a chef? When did this happen?"
"Well, I decked the owner of the pub and this pirate captain, Captain Whitebeard--"
"Call me Pops, all my kids do!"
"Pops, offered to take me on!"
"...so, a random man sees you get fired and offers to hire you. And tells you to call him 'dad' basically? Are you... Sure he's a pirate? I feel like I've heard this as a warning before somewhere. And you brought him here for... My approval? To let me know before he gives you booty shorts and tells you to mop the deck? What are you thinking right now, Thatch?"
(Whitebeard chokes on air, Marco, who followed wheezes)
"T-Thats not what's going on here!!!! He's an actual pirate captain! I came here... To see... If you'd come with me?"
"...Thatch, that's... I think that's sweet? But we both know I'm not very fast. Being a pirate is pretty dangerous you know. Weren't you telling me last week to not get into anything dangerous?"
Basically it doesn't work, she stays, if she has wings it's on the basis that the locals think her giant wings are normal but at sea everyone would know better.
Anyway, their home island ends up getting ransacked and she's on a slaver ship, picked up by none other than Roger's crew. Roger says he could "hear her voice from miles away, like a crowd of thousands screaming for help". She ends up looking after the boys and as a more positive influence that's not a pirate. Unsure about timeline, but she knows Roger's sick very early and, fueled by her own visions of the future, offers him a look. Specifically to either attempt to prevent his death or plan better for it.
Specifically getting him by mentioning the inevitable fate of his future son if he doesn't pull some massive strings before he dies.
I imagined this scene very early.
Mainly her carefully cupping his hands together (they're alone, maybe Reyleigh is there) and telling him to keep his eyes on his hands. Not to look into her eyes. And just cries unnaturally thick streams of liquid gold into his hands where the future is visible in their surface.
He sees bits of future.
He won't prevent his death, but he does ensure Rouge goes to Garps home island well before he's captured. Covers up her shit very well. Destiny secured, Ace is no longer an orphan. Would be funny if she winds up staying with Dadan and helping her actually raise baby under Garps orders. Also makes sure there's a plan for his crew to dip rather than shock them all at the last minute.
I think they run into Whitebeard while she's still with Roger, Thatch thrilled and horrified she's there. Upset she won't join them, but she promises once Roger disbands. And she does.
She offers to let Whitebeard see the future to try and make a better one but it takes telling him that he'd see the death of many sons before his own if he's not prepared to take her up on it.
I like the idea of her killing Teach by offering her power and knowledge of the future (which he may know she can do from eavesdropping) but telling him to look into her eyes for it. He dies, his eyes burned out of his skull and seizing. Very unpleasant.
Also liked the idea of her being cornered and allowing one of the souls to take over, that should being a master swordsman in his prime. Very unexpected.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
How do you go about planning out your writing? Additionally, have you ever gone into something expecting one or two chapters and ending up with 10+?
There are two kinds of fanfic: some fanfics fit entirely in my head at once, and I can just write them out and do no planning whatsoever. This is the ideal state of writing, the dream. This is generally fics with <10k words, although Portions for Foxes (28k) was written in this manner, and my only excuse was that I was in the grips of hyperfixation.
This almost never happens to me anymore, so I gotta go down the other route, which is to plan everything out with my engineer brain. It goes like this:
I have an idea. Occasionally, the idea will be a very specific scene or a first chapter, and if it's very clear in my head, I may just let myself write it.
Otherwise, I spend a few hours to a few days free-thinking about the concept. What kind of story can I make out of it? What scenes does it include? Will it be fun to write? Do I get more excited the more I think about it, or does it feel like a pain? ->If it feels like a drag, I don't write it ->Sometimes there's just one scene or so that feels fun, so I just write that and throw it in my short story anthology
If it feels like it has legs, I start an outline. The outline must contain the story arc in broad strokes and it must contain a beginning, a conflict, a climax, and an ending before I start writing in earnest. Any time I have tried to start writing without these things, anguish has resulted.
I also often write down notes about character motivations and themes and other stuff I want to remember not to forgot, or that I can go back and look at when I feel like I've lost the thread. I keep all of this in a separate document from the main story, and over time, I also add stuff like links to useful websites, kanji for names of characters or places that I've picked out, useful facts, timelines, etc. Whenever I have a bit of writing I have to cut from the story, I save it and put it down at the bottom of the planning document under a section called DISCARD. Yeah, this is kind of a mess after a while.
Once I have this much, though, I start writing. As I am writing, I often get ideas for things to happen down the line, so I add them to outline. I try to start from the beginning of the fic and write continuously, until I get stuck or don't want to, and then I skip ahead to the next thing I feel like writing. When I run out of things I am excited to write, I refer to the outline, and fill out one of the bullets that I haven't done yet. This is sort of an iterative process of writing scenes and adding to the outline, and the fanfic goes from being a skeleton to getting gradually more fleshed out. Sometimes I write a scene and I'm not quite sure where it goes, so I guess.
(There are sometimes bad times, where I realize that my outline was a joke and my story is a mess and I roll around on the floor for a bit. After that, I do some combination of making new outlines and making new documents where I cut and paste the scenes from the old on in until they make sense. Usually this works eventually. Once, I had to do this, like, three times, and make a color-coded spreadsheet about it.)
Around this time, I will usually make an additional, chapter-centric outline. This lists every scene in the fic, in order, with some formatting to show the ones that still need work, or haven't been written at all. I will write out word counts for each chapter (sometimes for each scene). I can now see the places where I need a connecting scene, and also how big/how much stuff is in each chapter. The scene at the end of a chapter connects to the next chapter in a different way than scene-to-scene. I sometimes use two or three rotating narrators, and this also helps me make sure the POVs are balanced.
I write all the scenes I didn't want to write earlier, but now I have momentum because I can see the end.
I finish the fanfic. Joy returns to the land.
As for the question about have you ever gone into something expecting one or two chapters and ending up with 10+, the answer is no, because, as you can see, my process is specifically designed to gate off that possibility from the beginning. My fanfics regularly overrun their predicted length by 25-40%, but the decision to write a short or a long one is always one I make consciously and with care.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
hello elys my love how are you on this fine day
hello taku my love :3
my day instantly got 7 times better bc of your ask <33 but apart from thinking too much abt a specific traumatic thing that i experienced three years ago i’m doing great. those three hours of sketching for my k polycule piece were really meditative bc i was so insanely hyperfixated on drawing there was no room for thoughts in my mind lol
also i’m skipping school today bc i panicked bc my teacher didn’t give me details on a group project me and some classmates should’ve presented today but i woke up so early that i was done panicking before 7am so i see it as a win. (it’s nearly 4pm for me rn)
also also i might send you stuff abt the k polycule (kazutora x kokonoi x kakucho) sometime bc i am brainrotting way too much abt them but i’m not sure if there’s enough hcs for me to talk about bc most of the brainrot is rotating them inside my brain like a microwave and not in a productive way so
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lakesbian · 1 year
now that Letter Hour on lakesbian dot tumblr dot com has concluded it’s time 2 present my own alec song choices. gotta show my own ass on song choices if i’m gonna issue decrees abt the validity of other ppls choices
how to be a heartbreaker - marina & the diamonds
i don’t give a shit. i love being on the nose. his entire Deal And Problem is being groomed to be like his dad, heartbreaker. being taught. How To Be A Heartbreaker, Even! i think i’m funny. you can’t tell me that the lyrics to this aren’t objectively accurate to how the heartbroken operated re kidnapping people. also, m&td sounds how alec’s gay little cape costume looks.
alligator blood - nicole dollanganger
I'm a sucker for the love of the flesh All things rancid and delicate But the smell in the summer heat It still gets to me Knee-deep in the poacher's dream He dragged that thing out back and he Hung it upside down, slit its belly open And let it bleed out And he held my head and made me watch He filled my mouth up with its blood and said "Grow up weak or grow up tough"
enough said. bonus points for the mention of the summer heat + the shitty childhood memory alec recalls in his interlude specifically involving not speaking for an entire hot summer (and fall...and winter...) + the emotional abuse being described as the emotional equivalent to staring into the sun for too long. grow up weak or grow up tough!!
cigarettes & chocolate milk - rufus wainwright
this whole thing fits pretty damn well--verses 1 thru 3 with the ‘and then there’s those other things. which for several reasons we won’t mention.’ is such A Sentence you can say about alec--but the real highlight is
Playing with prodigal sons Takes a lot of sentimental Valiums Can't expect the world to be your Raggedy Andy While running on empty, you little old doll with a frown
easily one of the Most Regent Sentences Ever. can’t expect the world to be your doll/playtoy while you’re running on empty, you little old doll with a frown ♥ 
i cut myself - talkshow boy
this one is a bit more of an abstracted choice. it’s very Alec how it self-reports shitty mental health in a very casual, almost bored way--jumping between describing Problems w/ chaotic background sound and then going back to a very monotone closing word that makes the entire thing sound alarmingly blasé. 
there Is an entire animatic for this in my head, and my life would be great if i knew how to animate in mspaint. just go listen to it and rotate alec in your brain, if you don’t catch the vibe you’re doing it wrong.
note that interpreting “i touch myself,” “and everywhere i look i always find myself aside myself,” “i think i’m all together but i tear myself apart,” and “you fuck yourself way too hard,” in the most literal, body-snatching power-having way possible, is crucial for properly understanding the Vision.
(talkshow boy cover of hurt is on the playlist for similar reasons)
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imaginatorcreates · 1 year
Part Of The One Percent
12 July 2023 — 12 July 2023
Summary: In which Jazz poses a question to Akemi.
Word Count: ~2.4k words
Author's Notes: Featuring my OCs in a D&D-esque world! They've been rotating in my brain for a while now. They're queerplatonic! Also, this was written with a burst of inspiration whilst I listened to various music. Also, not entirely edited because my brain is tired.
Love songs were surprisingly unrelatable, even now.
They always seemed to talk about beings getting physical, yearning, breaking up, and many other experiences that Jazz never really thought about. However, besides pop songs, they were always the most requested things whenever they asked for song requests to play on the radio within their school.
Actually, love pop songs were the most requested things. There was a specific distinction between the two. Pop songs were catchy and peppy, while love songs talked about the aforementioned things they just listed. Love pop songs were popular love songs.
Would someone call Jazz a hypocrite for still finding most love pop songs unrelatable? Would someone who had known them for long enough to hear them complain about “yet another love song” now scoff if they saw their current circumstances?
Oh, perhaps. But that was because the entire situation just looked so…romantically domestic.
It wasn’t. Promise.
It was domestic, yes. But not romantic.
“Okay, but you and the Bellamy girl are just so cute together,” one of their teammates commented offhandedly as she held a refined magical ore up to her eye to check it for imperfections. A single, incorrectly cut facet resulted in the frequencies not traveling correctly, which led to the entire radio receiving and sending nothing but static. “You two have at least kissed, right?”
Jazz cleared their throat as they fiddled with the wires on the upcoming radio prototype. A larger version, one with bigger speakers and improved bass pickup. “No, we haven’t. We’re content with what we have, and there’s no reason to do anything we aren’t comfortable with.”
She blew a raspberry. “Boo! So you two have been dating — ”
“Not exactly dating…”
“ — for what? A month now? And you two haven’t even kissed?” She groaned and waggled a finger at them. “It took my partner and I only a week and a half before we shared our first kiss under the sunset!” She sighed as she added, “It was so — ”
“Romantic, yeah yeah.” Jazz swiped the magical ore from her hand and gently placed it in its slot within the radio prototype. “I told you, we aren’t like that.”
She let out a huff. “You two are so confusing.”
“Thank you dear,” Jazz shot back. “I appreciate it.”
However, she didn’t seem satisfied with letting the topic go just yet. “Okay, but have you even thought about it?”
“Thought about what?”
“You know.” She pursed her lips together as she said, “Kissing her.”
Jaz hummed as they fiddled with the wires again, neither a direct yes or no. Truth be told — and they never shared this with anyone, not even behind their confident persona on the radio — they have thought about it. Fleeting thoughts with seemingly no pattern behind them.
Sometimes, they would be studying together into the early hours of morning, and when Akemi thought Jazz wasn’t looking (oh, but they were), she would nod off. “I’m just resting my eyes,” she would say every time. And every time, she would never wake up from resting her eyes. Jazz would restrain themself from reaching over, tucking her hair behind one of her pierced ears, and planting a quick kiss to her forehead.
Other times, they would be bouncing ideas off each other, with Akemi’s getting more and more extravagant and otherworldly. As she would wave her hands around, her voice getting more animated as she would add in a few sound effects for emphasis, Jazz would only watch her with a soft smile. Once or twice, they would think about reaching up to gently take one of her hands and bringing it up to — 
Jazz jumped a bit as they looked up from their work on the wires.
Their teammate’s face had a triumphant grin on it. “So you do think about kissing her sometimes! I knew you had some sort of romantic bone in you!”
“Rude assumption,” Jazz grumbled, turning their gaze back to the wires. “As if you can tell me that with such confidence.”
“But you do, don’t you?” She leaned over the table and tried to meet the other’s gaze. “Hey! I’ll drop the topic if you answer me!”
“You’ll accuse me of lying if I say no, so you’ll never settle for an answer other than ‘yes’.” Jazz closed up the prototype radio and stood up, doing their best to not let their face be noticed by their nosy teammate. “So I’ll leave it at that.”
They quickly left the room, but not before they heard their teammate shout, “I bet you do!”
What was wrong with the beings in this school?
“Hello — ! Oh!”
Jazz chuckled at Akemi’s surprised gasp as they dramatically draped themself on a free portion of her workbench. The blue-skinned being slowly sat up with a groan to properly look at Akemi. “Surprise,” they said with a dry tone.
“Hello!” Akemi giggled. “You wanna see me figure out some things for my next mecha?” She snapped her fingers as her green eyes lit up. “Oh! That rhymes! Kinda…”
“You’re a poet and you know it,” Jazz said back with a chuckle. “But I’d love to listen.”
Akemi grabbed some of her papers and rolled her chair closer to Jazz. She went on about her next idea, something about incorporating more stealth into the design. “Think ninja, yeah?” she said. “Except it’s gotta be durable. Sleek and functional of course. I can’t risk my poor baby being dented from everyday use either!”
Jazz let out a laugh. “Your baby?”
Akemi playfully stuck out her tongue. “Of course! They’re my children! I made them with hard work and my own two hands! Spells included.” She winked and shook a finger at them. “Don’t I have the right to call them my children? Isn’t it also an adorable nickname for them?”
You’re adorable.
Of course, Jazz didn’t say this aloud. “It’s a funny nickname, that’s all” was what they said instead.
Akemi laughed. “Okay Jazzy, whatever you say about my babies,” she said as she spun in her chair.
“Emi, don’t say it like that! Just go back to calling them children, dear gods.” Jazz’s face crinkled up in mirth as they stuck their foot out to catch it on the armrest of Akemi’s chair.
The chair stopped and Akemi looked at them with a playful expression. She raised one of her brows and she propped up her head with her hand. “C’mon Jazzy, what’s wrong? Can’t stand to see me go around the world that is my chair without you? Or maybe you're thinking too much about me calling my creations ‘my babies’?”
Jazz shrugged. “Can’t I want to look you in the eyes when we talk?”
“Ah, touche partner,” Akemi shifted her position in her chair as she said this. “It’s still weird calling you that.”
Jazz felt their face start to warm a bit. “Partner? Why so?”
“It’s like…I can say it to you playfully. Partners in crime, dear Jazz and I!” She raised her hands and said, “Pew! Like that, you know?”
Jaz placed a hand over their chest and gasped. “Ah! Straight for the heart! Emi, how could you?”
“You know me!” Akemi brought her hands up to her mouth and blew on her fingers. She dropped her hands down to her lap as her tone shifted back into a serious one. “But if I were to call you ‘partner’, like in a more serious sense, it feels…off. You know?” She shrugged and looked away for a bit. “It’s like…this established thing we have now, it’s not the right word.”
Jazz hummed a bit and shook their head from side to side. “I can see it.” Their teammate’s words surfaced in their mind, but they pushed them down for now. “Partner sometimes does sound a bit strong, for now at least.”
“Oh? You like being referred to as my partner?” Akemi stood up from her chair and raised her hands up. “If that’s so, then it sounds less weird!”
“Wait, what?” Jazz sputtered.
“Exactly! It only felt off to me because I was like ‘Is this coming on a bit strong? Should I go with something else? Something fluffier and lighter? Like cupie? Like the letters ‘q’ and ‘p’ except spelled out in a haphazardly phonetic way!’” Akemi spread her hands out as she said ‘cupie’. “It’s a cute alternative to ‘partner’!”
“You’re cute.” Jazz covered their mouth as soon as the words slipped out. They slowly let their hand down. “I said that out loud.”
Akemi laughed, a light blush dusting her pink skin. “You’re cute! Adorable too.” She moved closer to Jazz and sat on the counter of her workbench. “You have a great mind, I love that too. Your voice! Exquisite. You’re a soothing person to be around Jazz.”
Oh dear gods. Jazz’s face only heated up more at these compliments that Akemi was dishing out. Their orange eyes moved away from her own eyes and they cleared their throat. “Well! You’re cute. Sweet. I love how excited you can be over your ideas. I love your music, and your theories about aliens.”
“Yeah. I also think that — ” The words died in their throat. The words from their teammate resurfaced.
“Think what?” Akemi asked them. “C’mon! Don’t leave me hanging!” She leaned back on her hands as she grinned at her blushing partner. “Take your time, but please tell me.”
Jazz pressed their lips shut and willed themself to not break. They could bend, but they couldn’t break. “It’s nothing.”
“I want to hear what ‘nothing’ is.” Akemi leaned in towards them as she added, “I think it’ll sound interesting when it’s you talking about it.”
Jazz looked around Akemi’s workshop. What could be the substituted “nothing”? Her mecha plans? Her empty glass bottles that they knew were previously filled with a bubbly and sweet drink?
Nothing. Nothing, except for what their teammate said earlier.
“What’s your opinion on kisses?”
Akemi hummed. “Kisses? Like what romantic partners do?”
“Yeah.” Jazz forced themself to look at Akemi. “What’s your opinion on them?”
Akemi shifted in her spot. Her blush seemed to have grown a bit. “I think they’re okay. But when tongue gets involved, like in some books? Eugh, that’s gross.”
Jazz snickered. “Exactly.”
“Why do you ask?”
Oh gods. Now came the follow-up questions. “Because…I was thinking of it earlier. A teammate was talking about it.”
Akemi’s mouth pursed into an ‘oh’. “So you were thinking about kisses?”
“Yes. Um…” Jazz focused their gaze on Akemi’s shoulder. “I was thinking. And I was wondering. Um, what are your thoughts on kisses for you?”
“Where?” Akemi asked, suspiciously quickly.
Jazz’s eyes flickered up to meet Akemi’s gaze. “Forehead. Cheeks. Maybe hands. I’m not opposed to suggestions, if you’re not. I know you have different experiences and boundaries and I don’t want to cross any of them…” Their voice trailed off as they felt their entire face heat up, extending past their face into their pointed ears. They dropped their gaze down to their lap.
“Well!” Akemi exclaimed after a few moments of silence. “I’m okay with those!”
A breath Jazz didn’t know they were holding escaped.
“But!” Akemi continued, “I would say ‘no’ to 95 percent of people!” From the corner of their eye, they saw Akemi move a bit closer to them. “And an even larger percentage, 99 percent, would be locked off from this!”
Her hand cupped their chin to turn it towards her as she crashed her lips to their own.
The improvised and sudden kiss wasn’t like anything described in books. Most kisses were described to be soft and gentle. This was a surprise. Their noses hit each other and the two separated with groans of pain as teeth accidentally grazed lips from the force that was incorrectly calculated.
Jaz rubbed their mouth and murmured, “Gods…! Emi! What…?”
Akemi’s face was alight with a blush as she confidently said, “You’re in the one percent Jazz.” Her smile was lopsided and her lower lip was bleeding. She licked it and winced at the taste. “Oh. Oops. That wasn’t…oops.”
Jazz felt a bubble of laughter start to build up in them. It slowly made its way to their throat and popped. It was a quiet laugh at first, but then it escalated into a boisterous one.
“Jazz! This isn’t funny!” Akemi reached over and lightly shook them by the shoulders. Her tone betrayed her joking manner. “My lip is bleeding! Oh wait, it stopped.”
“Sorry, sorry! I just…” Jazz let out one more laugh. “That was a disaster!”
Akemi laughed. “That was impulsive of me, sorry! I was just thinking a bit about it too.” Her fingers lightly tapped her previously-bleeding lip as she added, “What I said was true though. You could kiss me.”
Jazz gave her a soft smile as they leaned in a bit. “Let’s try again? Less force, hopefully no blood this time?”
Akemi playfully stuck her tongue out before she responded, “Fine. But only because you’re so persuasive.”
“You love me.”
“With reckless abandon.”
“Like you do with everyone?”
“You’re special.”
This time, it was calculated. It was gentle. Slow. Soft. Jazz felt Akemi’s mouth curve upwards into a smile, and they chuckled as they pulled away and rested their forehead to her own. Their horns lightly clicked against each other as they stayed like that for a bit.
“I’m in your special one percent, hmm?” Jazz asked after what felt like forever. Their voice dipped a bit into their broadcasting one. “You’re going to have to tell me more.”
Akemi chuckled. “I’m making it up as I go. I’ll tell you as I think of it. How’s that, my radio star?”
“I’ll wait for your intergalactic message, my alien.”
The two eventually broke their forehead touch. The rest of the time slowly passed as they talked about whatever came to mind. But this time, it was littered with more small things. Shoulder touches, interlocked pinkies. Forehead kisses.  More forehead touches, and for longer.
Jazz wouldn’t be surprised if Akemi made a tune about this.
And they knew that she wouldn’t be surprised if they listened to it as much as they could.
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