fleursfairies · 1 day
i dont think the wheelers are "super religious" like ive seen some posts say, i think theyre just "religious" (products of their environment)
like sure, karen wheeler most likely dropped to her knees when she found out george michael was gay but i dont think she would be furious to find out mike was
they probably just go to church on christmas and easter
mike comes out to ted and he goes "ok but that doesn't explain why your rooms dirty"
they pray before dinner they dont kick their children out
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p0mipaws · 2 days
Labru's wedding:
Marcille plans everything! (Yaad helps her with budgeting and making list of ppl to invite, tho)
When Laios and Kabru tells her about their secret engagement (everyone know after day 1), Marcille burst with excitement and start rambling about all the decorations and the cake for the wedding.
Kabru and Laios arent the type of person that have ✨️dream wedding✨️. Laios probably will choose to elope if its an option. Kabru loves social gathering, but isnt really big fan if its focused on him. He will still plan a wedding for political reason, but its probably will be no different from regular ball. Thats why Marcille is a blessing for them.
Marcille let Laios choose three (3) monster cuisines to serve at the wedding (with strict specifications). Senshi gladly help them gather the ingredients and prepare it (this is also Senshi's wedding gift for the couple).
I think Laios will choose cuisines from giant monsters so they can feed many ppl with just few a monsters so they dont distrub the ecosystem too much.
Its takes sometime, but they manage to track the merchant that took Laios in when he was teenager and invite him and his family. Kabru does NOT like him.
This is the first time Laios sees Falin crying with joy (Marcille is crying too but its more bc she is glad everything went smoothly).
Laios relucantly invite his parents after Falin pressures him. He just give his father a firm handshake and head nod during the reception. He doesnt even introduce Kabru to them.
Not only Flertom and Puckpatti failed to land a rich husband, they also need to drag Chilchuck and Meijack out of the party bc they get too drunk.
Marcille needs to put all the gifts from elven nations into isolated room to check if there any eavesdroppers on them, especially the one from Queen of the Elves (Not her first time).
Kabru and Laios are too exhausted after the party to consumated their marriage so they spend their first night sleeping until noon.
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camzverse · 2 days
wonder if people in the fnaf universe ever ship the robots
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aibouart · 12 hours
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i drew a streamer i started watching recently who was playing LN1~
their name is obakechan !
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petriwriting · 2 days
Vero Amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 2)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
(Previous part)
You are eleven years old, riding the Hogwarts express all alone. You were shy, and had no clue what to expect. You kicked your feet as you watched the scenery fly by you, curiously waiting for what was to come. you were curious and wide-eyed, excited to explore a new world. you were lost in your imagination until the compartment door burst open, followed by an apology from a boy whose dark blue eyes seemed grateful. "Sorry," he said. "Everywhere else is full. Do you mind if I sit with you?" You nodded. After a few moments of silence you spoke up. "What's your name?" you asked innocently. "Theodore Nott." the boy said, holding out his hand to shake yours, a cordial gesture. You introduced yourself. after a few moments of innocent silence went by, you turned to the boy across from you. "Are you excited?" you ask. "what do you mean?" he says, he's clueless. "Are you excited to see hogwarts?" you ask, hoping to be cheerful. "oh," young Theodore begins. "Well it's just school, but I am excited to leave home." he says, you don't exactly know why he's happy about leaving his home. "I hear the castle is really pretty!" you offer. "I hope so!" he exclaims. 
The Memory began to fade into another, from your second year in school. 
The potions classroom was dark and smelly with many overwhelming fragrances from the many ingredients stored in the room. You had been partnered with Theodore for a potions class assignment, you were trying to brew a Wiggenweld potion, though without much luck. Theodore was flipping through the textbook, trying to understand why when you two had attempted to add the dittany leaves, they would sizzle and burn into a puff of smoke that smelled putrid. You had tried taking them off the stem, leaving the stem on, chopping them, but nothing seemed to get the desired result. you were growing a bit frustrated, but you persisted on anyway. "I have an idea," Theo walked over towards you and the cauldron, plucking a few dittany leaves and rolling them between his fingers, and then gently easing them into the cauldron. There was no sizzle, or pop, the plant seemed to dissolve into the potion effortlessly. This caught the attention of Professor Snape, who scurried over. "Good work, the two of you make a great pair." he said, standing over the cauldron. It was now turning the desired color, finally. "Who added the dittany leaves?" He asked. Before you could speak, Theodore spoke. "It was Y/N.  we couldn't get them to simmer properly so we tried something new." He said. This was a kind gesture, considering Professor Snape had given you a hard time beforehand on other assignments, Theodore thought it would be kind to let you take the credit, not that he didn't need it for himself. "Excellent work," Snape said, stepping back from the table. "50 Points to your houses will be awarded for your efforts." he said. You began to tidy up your workstation, Theodore helping as well to gather the ingredients as needed. Once class was dismissed, you turned to the boy. "you didn't have to do that." you said. "I wanted to." Theo insisted. "Snape has been giving you a tough time, So I thought you might appreciate the credit, and house points." he said with a slight chuckle. "I do appreciate it." you said softly. "Thank you." Theo turned back to face you and he smiled. when you had turned around you were very close to him, causing you to flush slightly. 
There you were, having your sweetest and most cherished memories watched by the jury as if they were one long movie. It wasn't embarrassing, but it was a refreshing experience. You hadn't thought about Theodore in three whole years, and now here you are sitting in a courtroom with him while he is on trial, his future is on the line. you thought about all the times he had fought for you, all the things he had done for you. If you could prove his innocence, maybe it would karmically be even and you could move on. You would always love him, and you were hoping the jury didn't pick up on this fact. 
"Our next inquiry, Mrs. L/N," the man began to speak again. It was the same man from before. "In regards to Mr. Nott's behavior, It is our understanding that you believe Mr.Nott to be a good citizen. Would you agree?" he asked. Without hesitation, you spoke. "Yes," you glanced back at him, Theo shifted in his seat listening intently. He was helpless. "I Believe this man is good, I know in my heart that he is a good person." The man did not seem convinced, and it was then that you really hoped you didn't come across as someone who was simply still in love with their ex. "Very well, then," he said. Everyone turned to view your memories once again. "We will see for ourselves. shall we?"
A scene from your third year at Hogwarts is painted for everyone to see. You are tired, frustrated and feeling low. You hadn't gotten your permission slip signed in time to go to hogsmeade, so you were staying behind while watching all your friends go off to have fun. you hated feeling left out and alone like this. It wasn't until you realized your new crush had also stayed behind. "you too, huh?" A thirteen year old Theo asked you. you sighed, "I didn't get my permission slip signed." you said quietly, watching everyone wander off away from the courtyard. "My father didn't want me to go." Theo says. "It turned into this huge argument..." Theo trailed off. "... So, here I am." He looked somewhat hurt. "Why don't we make the best of it?" Theo asks. you turn to him. "How?" you ask. "We could sit out by the lake, talk about all these losers going to hogsmeade without us," he said with a shrug. "That actually sounds nice." you admitted. You had liked him for a while, but of course you were young and scared to say anything. You didn't know until much later he had liked you since the first day you met. At the lake, the two of you laid out on the grass and looked at the clouds, making up their shapes into objects and animals and laughing over it. You had gently laid your head onto his shoulder, and you felt an arm snake around you as if to pull you closer. the air smelled like wildflowers and the bushy cedar trees that lined the lake in the distance. the chilly air danced through your hair as you were sitting on the grass with your faces illuminated in the afternoon warm glow. what seemed like hours passed, you finally sat up. Theo did the same, pulling away slightly. You hugged your knees to your chest, playing with a piece of grass between your fingers. Theo leaned forward, you were too shy to look at him, your heart was fluttering and full of that naive kind of young love. When you finally looked up at him, he brushed a piece of hair out of your face and smiled. "what is it?" you asked. "I just think you're pretty," he admitted, this time Theo became flustered and a bit blushed. It was the first time you felt yourself falling in love with him. "that's really sweet, teddy." you whispered. "here," theodore said pulling a wild flower off its stem and gently placing it behind your ear, you smiled softly as he gazed into your eyes. He pursed his lips before swallowing his pride, he wasn't brave but he could be. Theodore closed the gap between your lips, pecking you gently and sweetly.
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dreadintensifies · 2 days
i really love dead boy detectives from a creative standpoint
dont get me wrong, the characters are a delight to watch and the story is engaging and refreshing, but to me the creative visual choices are the real stand-out of the show.
theres so much detail and *love* put into every single frame. not to mention all of the interesting things they tried and risks they took, from unique angles that felt straight out of a comic book page to snappy pacing that feels like reading through panels, everything from the framing to the effects was deliberate and passionate and exciting, i hope its success allows for so much more creativity and experimentation.
another incredible visual aspect is the set design, oh boy the set design. so much love and attention to detail put into every single object placed. two particular stand outs are nikos room and esthers house (especially esthers house the love i have for that house)
nikos room because what an incredible way to tell you everything you need to know about a person at a glance. from the upbeat, if awkward decor to the lines of yaoi lined up perfectly across the wall. and esthers house, which just brings me so much joy. all throughout her house, in blink and you will miss it moments, are pieces of history. furniture that was made centuries ago, lamps that were in style decades ago, and so much more. old technology thats long outdated, styles from different eras clashing subtly in the background, things showing a life long lived. because of course she would collect things over the years, of course she would simply keep what she likes, and the amount of care that was put into who she is as a character and how that impacts her house is such a small but incredible detail to consider
anyways i really love the visually creative aspects of this show
and i truely just cant get past how much i enjoyed the way it feels like reading a comic. even moreso than the spiderverse trilogy, i truely felt like i was seeing panels come to life in the best possible way
man i sure hope there arent several dozen shows in our future that try to replicate that but without the heart that made it work in the first place
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zadrpilled · 2 days
warning for a very long rant below about zadr
i dont care what stance you have on zims age. can we PLEASE collectively agree that calling random people on the internet a danger to children / p3dophiles (especially if said person is a child) for shipping zadr is WEIRD..??
ive seen people go on and on about how they want zadr shippers to die or how they "glorify" p3dophila. its so fucking weird?? im tired of people acting like sending death threats over a fictional ship is okay. zadr antis will go on and on about how we are "defending a p3dophilic ship" yet they refuse to listen when you try and explain how you arent..?? 😭😭
i truly wont understand how people think its okay to be so negative and genuinely hurtful in this fandom ESPECIALLY over a ship. zadr antis will literally go to insane lengths just to be an asshole to the people who like it. and i understand that a lot of people see zim as an adult AND THATS OKAY!! i completely respect that! but just because someone doesnt agree with you, theyll freak out and call you a p3do while harassing you CONSTANTLY. i just dont understand it.
its been like 20 years and people STILL want to sit here and fight about it.. i just dont get it. I REALLY JUST DONT GET IT?? why are you spending time harassing others online just for liking a ship?? just block and move on with your day if you really dont like it that much. i hate to see kids, HELL, even adults get harassed and told to off themselves just for shipping zadr. zadr antis REALLY act like the world revolves around them i swear. (﹫.﹫)
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dragonstailbutch · 2 days
Hey sorry i am trying to like. find examples of what you mean when you talk about mra stuff and (trans)misogyny in forcemasc content and tumblr search has betrayed me once again, can you explain?
(sorry I normally wouldn't ask but I wanna make sure I'm not perpetuating anything!! Also fucking tumblr search!!! it is ridiculous!)
so ive been sitting on this ask for months since ive got it. i want to do it justice and try to take it at face value that its being honest in asking.
The thing is, theres this trend and a weird amount of effort to be like force femme, to be forceful and like its something to fearful of and give in to. But we cant do that, cause all that does is reinforce the idea that being a man is a toxic thing. I saw this post the other day where a transman talked about like, the whole "raised as a weapon" thing, the violence and horror of being a man and raised that way versus how they felt growng into it as a transman. How they wanted to reclaim that phrase or something? i could be misremembering.
But that was never the intent of forcemasc. It wasnt actually about being a dude, literally *forcing* someone who was unwilling into masculinity, none of the posts that i made that started the community (and yes i, a transfem butch woman, started and made this community and some of yall need to get over yourselves) were ever about that, it was intended to be a soft mimic or even a call to forcefemme.
i was all about making it soft and tender for a reason, cause if i didnt i was only reinforcing the toxic masculinity narrative, "men fighting in the mud" "men are dominant and cool" " to be a man is to be forced into masculinity and to be disgusted with the feminine" or whatever. When masculinity isnt about just men, and being butch isnt just being masculine. masculinity should also be sensitivity, not domination. i wanted it to be better, show a better side of what masculinity could be, what being butch is.
Ive spoken before a bit too, about the tags people used and added to forcemasc, and really maybe i was wrong in ever naming it forcemasc. people used and still use tags like autoandrophilia, autoandrophile, androphile, autogynephilia, androphilia, and autogynephile. Ive seen so many people with urls and tags and posts calling themselves transandrobros, literally calling themselves MRAs, as if that was something to be proud of, as if they dont understand that they arent fighting for their and our rights, they're fighting for cis-mens rights by using those names and terms, not transmascs/transmens rights. I can understand ignorance, but weve talked about how the words you use have history, especially those like the tags i mentioned and androphilia and androphobia and others, all of them have roots in deeeeeeeply misogynistic and transphobic people and history.
Literally all of these are awful and are phrases that arent and wont be reclaimed because theyre history is one of pain and hurting trans people, one of coercive 'help', literal forced detransitioning and reinforcement of MRA and terf narrative that men are both good and the worst creature alive and that to be a woman is to be disgusting and the purest thing all at once. That to be a transwoman is sick and we shouldnt be trusted.
Im trying to be very kind, not scream and rage, not because i dont desperately want to, but because if i do, as a butch transwoman, ESPECIALLY cause i claim being butch, people wont listen to me no matter how much of what i say is meaningful. one of the reasons why im doing this NO, instead of in anothr day or two, is that im coming to terms with the fact that the situation will just get qorse, not better without words.
Part of why im still sane is that ive gotten a couple asks here and there about how my posts and creation of the community has helped them and its so wonderful to see that, genuinely so amazing to see people recontextualize and love themselves. its wonderful and im so fucking happy about it.
i personally made this space so i could love myself, who i am as a trans person and my body, and i knew that other people needed and wanted that for themselves too and i wanted to help, share this love with more people. That to be hairy and chubby and masculine and butch was a nice thing. But to me it feels like it was coerced into being a thing for Men. A thing no longer for me or people like me who share the butch culture and name to no longer enjoy cause people unfamiliar with kink and tran history have decided that masculinity and butchness are the exact same thing. Id say people should go be a bear, but you wont learn their culture either and thats cruel and insulting to bears.
We deserve better You deserve better. Stop falling for the lies and hate. We beg you
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xzvgq · 3 days
6 nights with NMIXX
Male Reader x NMIXX
genres: rough sex, oral sex, shower sex, overstimulation, creampie, quickie, blowjob, morning sex
wc: 4.8k
Hey it turns out you are lucky after all.
You and 6 other friends decided to rent a house (more of a mansion) for a couple of days. While you always go on vacations with them this time all 6 came by. As always Haewon drove the car while Lily sat in the front, Kyujin, Jiwoo and You sat beside each other and Bae and Sullyoon sat beside each other too.
At first going to a house with 6 girls as a guy should be a bad idea, anything could happen after all. Every minute being in the car you thought how bad of an idea this really is, yes you love the girls, yes you would love to go on vacation with them, but at the same time Haewon paid for the house so you really have no right to say no to her.
Arriving at the house you saw how huge it was, 4 floors, a gate around it and a big pool too. All of you quickly got your stuff and entered the house, not wanting to waste any time you started to explore the house. It really looked awesome you were questioning on how Haewon had the money to rent it, you did see that all girls except one stayed in the kitchen.
“Whats up?” Bae asked
“Nothing” You answered
“Cool…” Bae said “Hey um, whats going on with you today?”
“In what way?” You asked
“You just seem shy.” Bae answered
“Well, im with 6 girls as a guy and in a mansion” you said “You know how awkward this is?”
“Oh come on, you are going to be so close to all of us at the end of the week” Bae said
“Well…” you said while looking towards the first floor. It did make you think, would it even happen?
“Kyujin and Jiwoo are the only people you arent close to.” Bae said breaking the silence
“You too.” You said
“We are talking right now. I would say we are close!” Bae said
“Fair.” You said. Both of you went back to the first floor, seeing that only Sullyoon and Jiwoo are there.
“Wheres everyone?” You asked
“Haewon and Lily went to their room and Kyujin is…great question” Jiwoo said
“We lost the maknae?” Bae said
“Its a huge house i wont even be surprised that you get lost” Jiwoo teased
“Wheres Haewon?” You asked
“HERE” She shouted from upstairs. You quickly went wherever she is.
“Missed me?” Haewon said as she hugged you
“Sort of” You teased
“Hey, me and Lily arranged the rooms for the rest of you” Haewon said “Kyujin, Sullyoon and Lily are living together, Bae and you are living together and me and Jiwoo live together”
“Oh Kyujin is in her room then?” You asked
“Yeah” Haewon answered “You didnt know?”
“Jiwoo didnt” You said
“Oh alright” Haewon said
Both of you finally met the rest of the girls in the kitchen, you saw how all of them glanced a look at you two.
“What?” Haewon asked
“Fucked her already?” Bae said, making the girls laugh
“No.” You said
“Well alright.” Bae said “Took both of you too long”
“8 minutes is too long?�� Haewon asked
“Well i havent fucked him have i?” Bae said
“I also havent” Haewon said “I literally heard you moan last time we went on vacation” Lily said
“I-i…no. I wasnt moaning” Haewon tried to deny
“Want a drink?” Jiwoo tried to change the topic
“Yeah sure” Haewon said “and you?”
“Of course.” You said.
Jiwoo went on to make the drink for you and Haewon, while waiting you decided to go the living room where you saw Kyujin and Lily.
“Hey” Kyujin said
“Hey” You said
“We are going to the pool in a bit wanna go with us?” Kyujin asked
“Only you two?” You asked back
“Of course not.” Kyujin answered
“Yeah i will go too” You said “Its so hot how can i not”
“Exactly.” Kyujin said. After a while of waiting Jiwoo arrived bringing you and Haewon a drink, seeing how close you and Haewon are the members obviously suspected something is going on.
“Are you both finally official?” Jiwoo asked
“No?” Haewon said
“Really?” Jiwoo teased
“Yes really. You should know that if anything im friends with benefits with him” Haewon said
“Whatever makes you happy i guess” Jiwoo said
“Hey me and Lily are going to the pool join us if yall want” Kyujin said
“Oh hell yeah we want” Jiwoo said before rushing
“Wait for us Jiwoo-” Bae said before rushing after her too
“Should we wake her up?” You asked
“You can wake her up i will go to the pool already” Haewon said
“Well alright” You said before approaching Sullyoon. Before waking her up you couldnt stop admiring how fine she looked, you didnt understand how a person can be this good looking while sleeping.
“Hm?” Sullyoon said
“We are going to the pool” You said
“Oh okay” Sullyoon said before getting up, you were ready to go out to the pool but Sullyoon decided to call you
“Y/n?” Sullyoon said
“Yes?” You said
“I need help with something” Sullyoon said, you kinda knew what this could be about.
“You sure?” you asked
“Just get in here” Sullyoon said
“Well if you say so-” You said before opening the door just ot be met with her half naked
“What? you havent seen a naked girl?” Sullyoon teased you “Anyway could you help closing my bikini?”
“Uh yeah sure” you said
“You legit havent seen naked girl?” Sullyoon asked
“Of course i have” You answered
“Like in real life?” Sullyoon asked
“Yeah, in real life” You answered
“Then why are you shy?” Sullyoon said “Is it weird to see your crush naked?”
“Lets just go” You said
“Sure.” Sullyoon said.
You went out and saw that the girls were already having fun, it took you to close the door about too loudly for them to realize.
“Took you long enough” Bae teased
“I just needed help with my bikini” Sullyoon said
“Or did he fuck you?” Bae asked
“What? No!” Sullyoon said
“He definitely fucked you” Bae said
“Shut up.” Sullyoon said
“I didnt fuck her” You jumped in
“Sure” Bae said
“Oh y/n can you play some music?” Lily asked
“Sure” you answered before once again going into the house. You didnt really know where the speaker is so instead of finding for it you decided to ask one of the girls to come with you.
“Where is the music?” Lily asked
“I need someone to come with me to find the speaker” you said before eyeing Haewon
“I will go.” Haewon said
In truth you could have probably find the speaker by yourself but you wanted to spend time with Haewon.
“Here it is!” Haewon said “You didnt look here?”
“Im not the one who rented the house” You said
“Well then” Haewon said “Im not that strong baby”
“Oh i know” You said
“The girls are in their own world, how about we just have some fun?” Haewon asked
“Are you insane?” You asked
“Oh dont act like you dont want to fuck me” Haewon said
“I guess i do” You said
“Then lets do this quick” Haewon said before undressing herself.
“Oh god” Haewon moaned out “I-its huge”
“And you like it. Dont you?” You said before starting to speed up in her. You saw how quickly Haewon went from the cute and teasing girl to the horny girl.
“You know i DO” Haewon moaned out as you started to fuck her fast. You really took her Lets do this quick, seriously…i mean who wouldnt? You have a hot girl, your crush even right below you and fucking her brains out.
You kissed Haewon resulting into a short but godly makeout, while fucking her you felt her pussy walls closing onto your dick. Bringing both of you to a peak and bringing the short fuck to the end.
“Cum in my mouth” Haewon said before you stuck your dick into her mouth, giving her a short but really good oral fuck.
You came in Haewon’s mouth and saw how she swallowed it.
“God you are such a freak” You said
“Im your freak~” Haewon said
“Well, how about we bring it down?” You asked to which Haewon nodded. After bringing the speaker down to the first floor and connecting your phone to it you played whatever song you remembered suddenly.
“Well that took long” Bae said “Is the mansion that huge?”
“Yeah we found a completely different room so you know we had to explore!” You said
“Fair” Bae said “Turn it a bit up though”
“Y/n turn the music up” Kyujin said
“Uh sure” You said. After what felt like hours all of you went out of the pool. You saw how dark it was getting and just wanted to sleep but the girls didnt.
“I will go to sleep” You said
“Uh no you wont” Haewon said
“Its 3am” You said
“2:36 to be specific.” Haewon corrected you
“Come on Y/n! Dont be so boring” Bae said
“Im not boring just want to sleep” You said
“We have a week.” Lily jumped in
“Yeah shes right. We have a whole week here we can stay up all night any day we want” Jiwoo said
“Well then lets call it a night” Bae said Waking up the next day, you checked your phone and saw that its only 8am, while wanting to sleep still you decided to wake up.
“Morning” Bae said half awake
“Morning?” you said “awake already?”
“Sort of” Bae said
“I wanted to go out but now that you are awake i wont!” You said as you sat on her bed
“I didnt know you are clingy?” Bae teased
“I am?” You asked before answering yourself “How could i not be clingy to a hot girl?”
“Oh i-i…” Bae stuttered. You saw that flirting with her was a weakness but you didnt want to make a move yet.
“You think i didnt see how you looked at me yesterday?” You asked getting closer to Bae
“Y/n-” Bae tried to stop you
“How you tried to not cuddle with me all day?” You asked “God.” Bae said, you saw that at this point she surrendered she knows what you are doing but she just doesnt understand why you arent making a move
“Can you just kiss me-” Bae said before you did so. The kiss quickly turned into a makeout with you bringing Bae on your lap and bringing your hands under her shirt.
“Are you a fan of sex in the morning?” Bae asked before undressing herself
“Sort of.” You answered
“Well you will be after today.” Bae said before undressing you too, freeing your rock hard boner.
“No wonder Haewon loves you” Bae said before giving you a blowjob. Her sucking skill were so good that you thought this isnt her first time. Not long after you saw her slowly sticking your dick into her pussy.
“S-shit” Bae moaned out
“You are so fucking tight oh wow-” You said
“C-can you NOT” Bae moaned loudly “Shhh…you dont want other to hear do you?” You asked before she nodded “Good. Now how about we start?”
At first you go slow and soft with her, after all she deserves it, but then you start to quickly fuck her to the point you were sure she would lose it all in seconds but she didnt.
“Huh you take a lot more than Haewon” You said before speeding up, you reach for her arms but not long after you pull out. You look at Bae, at this point you were sure the Bae you knew 10 minutes ago is not the same Bae right now.
“Ruin me.” Bae said
“Gladly.” You said before sticking your dick in her again. This time you do it hard, not soft. You start to speed up in her but not long before Bae has her own orgasm
“GOD” She moans out, you look at her before you continue fucking her. Enjoying what you see you decided to pull her up to you making contact with each others bodies and start to fuck her faster and faster.
You havent even fucked Haewon this hard let alone to the point she has had her own orgasm, you have no idea how Bae is the type of girl to be this kinky.
Not long after you have your own orgasm cuming in her. You see what a mess you both made but thats not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is you cuming in her.
“Oh shit” You said
“Its fine” Bae said “It was good. Thank you.”
“Welcome?” You said
“I am on birth control dont worry” Bae confronted you
“Oh thats good” You said before cuddling up to her. Silence sets in as you both realize what you just did, but god you feel proud of this. For some reason you dont feel guilty you feel happy by what you did.
“Are you a fan of cuddling after sex?” Bae asked you breaking the silence
“Sort of” You said
“You dont cuddle with Haewon after fucking her?” Bae asked
“Uh well, we usually dont have rough sex.” You answered
“Oh you like to be soft with her?” Bae asked again
“Of course” You answered
“Im guessing you fucked Haewon yesterday” Bae said
“Wasnt it obvious” You teased her “Yeah i did”
“Cool!” Bae said before getting up but not before laying back down
“Hold on wheres my shirt” Bae said
“Under the bed” You said
“Oh right” Bae said
“Should we go?” You asked
“Yeah” Bae answered
“I will eat and then go take a shower for sure” You said
“Theres a hot tub by the way” Bae said
“Wait seriously?” You asked
“Yeah you didnt know?” Bae asked back
“Nope” You answered
Both of you went down and saw that almost everyone was there. You werent surprised at all though as it is around 9am already.
“Long day ahead.” Lily said
“What?” You asked
“Nothing i just wanted to say something to break the silence” Lily said
“Okay” You said
“Generic response” Lily said
“Hey Lily, i think that Jiwoo needs help with the food” You said
“You think so?” Lily asked
“Mhm” You said before Lily got up and went to help her. In truth you just knew that she would continue to tease you.
“This is the first time i have seen you speak to Lily in english” Kyujin said
“Oh well” You said “You can speak to me in english too!”
“Can i?” Kyujin asked, you're not that shocked that she knows English as Lily sort of taught her.
“Yes you can” You said
“See i know how to speak English!” Kyujin said
“Yeah cause Lily taught you” You said
“You did the most teaching” Kyujin said
“I know” You said
“Wow” Kyujin said
After relaxing in the kitchen for a while, you finally went to take the shower. You were shocked at how nice and huge it looked. At first you thought you are in the wrong room but then you saw the hot tub which Bae was talking about and of course you had to try it out.
You seriously wanted to be in the hot tub just a little longer but you knew that the girls would think you drowned in the bathtub so you finally stepped out, dressed and went downstairs.
“Well that took long” Jiwoo said
“Bae wasn't lying huh” You said
“About what?” Jiwoo asked
“About the hot tub” You answered
“Oh yeah the hot tub is awesome” Jiwoo said
“You’re awesome too” You said
“W-what?” Jiwoo stuttered
“Nothing” You said before going back upstairs
“COME BACK” Jiwoo screamed running after you
“Yeah?” You said as she stopped you and pushed you into a completely different room
“Is this the room where you got the speaker?” Jiwoo asked
“Yeah” You answered
“Good.” Jiwoo said before she kissed you. You didnt understand what just happened, you went from playfully flirting with her to now making out with her.
“I want you to fuck me.” Jiwoo said
“Are you sure?” You said
“Uh yeah?” Jiwoo said before starting to undress. Not wanting to waste any time you decided to undress yourself too.
“Slowly-” Jiwoo cut herself off with a moan. You wanted to go gentle with the girl but it wasnt long after you started to go faster.
“OH GOD” Jiwoo moaned now louder. You were sure that if someone would go out of their room they would hear it.
It didnt take long at all before she reached her peak already.
“DONT STOP PLEASE” Jiwoo moaned now even louder
“For a loud girl you dont take long to cum do you?” You said in her ear before kissing it, Jiwoo didnt know if she was even the person she was before this, but all she knew is that you shouldnt stop.
“Just shut up and FUCK ME” Jiwoo reached her 2nd orgasm, at this point you didnt know how much more it would take for her to be ruined.
“You are cute when you think you are in control.” You said while speeding up, while she is almost at 3rd orgasm you arent even at your first.
“You are so-” Jiwoo said
“So what?” You teased her
“Continue fucking me” Jiwoo said, you did so not knowing how much more she could take. You kept hitting her G-spot and bringing her into a new world that she never experienced. At this point you reached your own orgasm as well, not wanting to cum in another girl you decided to quickly pull out.
“God…” Jiwoo tried to catch her breath
“It was awesome” You said
“I wonder if the others know” Jiwoo said
“Probably not” You said
“I hope so” Jiwoo said
“What time is it?” You asked
“Almost 11pm, why?” Jiwoo asked back
“Nothing just asking” You said
“Well, i will go” Jiwoo said
“We will go” You corrected her
Overall everything went well, you didnt even understand what happened but you were sure you will need to take another bath later. Going back to your room you hoped that Bae wont ask you anything. “Well that took you long” Bae said
“I was with Jiwoo” You said
“See! I told you that you will be closer to all of us at the end!” Bae said
“Whatever” You said
You completely forgot that you wanted to go shower, you were sitting on your phone when all of a sudden you remembered.
“Where are you going?” Bae asked
“Shower?” You said
“At 1am?” Bae asked back
“You can come with me!” You said
“No thanks” Bae said “I am not a big fan of sex in the shower”
“We wont fuck!” You said
“Just like we didnt fuck in the morning?” Bae teased
“I will go” You said before going out. While the bathroom for some reason is quite far from your room you had some time to go.
“Y/n?” Someone asked
“Yes?” You asked before turning around to be met with Kyujin
“Are you going to shower?” Kyujin asked
“Yes” You answered
“Im going with you!” Kyujin said before running in the bathroom, you debated if you should wait or risk it and go.
“COME IN” Kyujin screamed, at this point you knew you couldnt go anywhere so you decided to give up and go in.
Once you did go you already saw Kyujin in the hot tub, you knew how wrong this is but at the same time you couldnt let this chance go away.
“So?” Kyujin asked
“Huh?” You asked back
“Are you going to come in with me?” Kyujin asked
“…yeah. I will.” You said
“This shouldnt be weird” Shes right. It shouldnt, but it is.
“You are attractive.” Kyujin said
“Thanks.” You said
“Um…so look. We are adults.” Kyujin said
“I know” You said trying to not look at her at all, however while trying to do that you felt Kyujin coming closer and closer to you
“Stop-” You said before she started giving you a handjob
“Dont act like you dont want this” Kyujin said
“I guess i do” You said before kissing her, you hated how good this felt but you also didnt want this chance to go away.
“You know…” Kyujin said before completely undressing “My eyes are up here.” “Yes.” You said, you hated how she had control over your body right now.
“Oh wow-” You said as she started to give you a blowjob “You sure do know how to suck a dick”
“Porn does wonders.” Kyujin said. You never thought she would know how to suck a dick but it felt so good.
“Oh wow” Kyujin moaned out as she inserted your dick into her
“God you are tight” You said
“Shut up-” Kyujin said before you kissed her
“You know i have seen how you look at me” You said before thrusting in her
“I-i havent” Kyujin said
“How you checked me out” You said
“No-” Kyujin said
“How you got jealous when i talked to Bae and Haewon” You started to go faster
“Fuck” Kyujin moaned out, you saw how weak she became, how she started to surrender under you
“You take a lot too dont you” You said before started to go even faster. You didnt care anymore, all you wanted was to make her cum as soon as possible.
You felt her pussy walls closing in on your dick and you knew how close she was. It didnt take long for her to finally have her orgasm.
“FUCK” Kyujin moaned out, soon after you also came but quickly pulled out and came in her mouth, to which she swallowed.
“God.” You said
“Porn. thats how i know.” Kyujin said
Both of you sat in the hot tub which at this point was getting a bit colder, it didnt take long before you decided to go out.
“Well…” Kyujin said
“It was good” You said
“I needed that thanks.” Kyujin said
“Welcome.” You said “You wont come with me?”
“Eh no i will stay here for a bit” Kyujin said
“Well alright then” You said before going out of the bathroom, you couldnt stop thinking about what just happened.
Going back into your room, Bae was already sleeping which you didnt care that much.
Waking up the next day should have been nothing other than just relaxing however Lily had different plans.
“Anything planned today?” Lily asked
“Nope” You answered
“Thats unfortunate” Lily said as she sat besides you “Because i do.”
“Lily-” You said before she kissed you, it wasnt a soft kiss or anything but a kiss that made you surrender to her.
“Shouldnt we take-” She undressed you and herself before you could even finish your sentence
“You were saying?” Lily asked
“Nothing” You said
“Good.” She said before giving you a handjob
“Is this not your first time?” You asked
“Im not innocent” Lily said before sucking your dick, it really did feel like heaven at this point she was sucking you off so good that you were surprised.
“Fuck-” She said as she put her dick in her pussy
“God you are tight” You said
“I-i GOD” Lily said before you started thrusting in her.
“You are what?” You teased
“Nothing-” Lily said, the chance of someone going out right now and catching you both is high but you did you care? nope.
“S-stop” Lily said as she slowed down, you were scared as any reason would currently be valid.
“Bedroom.” Lily said she put her panties back on There wasnt a need for her to repeat, you quickly put back your boxers and rushed to the bedroom.
“Lock the door” Lily said
“Shall we?” You asked as you pointed your dick at her pussy once again.
“Oh yes” Lily responded. You went slow at first but quickly fastened. Your dick hit her G-spot. Every single time it did hit, her eyes rolled back to her brain.
“Enjoy it?” You said while speeding up. You fucked her as if she was the last thing on earth, she bit her lip to hide her moans, but that wasnt enough as you fucked her harder and harder.
“F-fuck” Lily finally reached her peak, as much as you wanted to stop, you didnt. You were close to your climax as well. “Open your mouth” You demanded and she did so. You fucked her mouth, hitting the back of her throat until you came which wasnt long.
You finally came, you pulled out of her mouth and saw her swallow it.
“Holy shit” was all you could say
“You fucked my brains out i think…” Lily said
“Im proud of it.” You said, while laying down both of you heard a knock
“Yes?” You asked
“Dinners ready.” Haewon said
“Alright” You said
“Dress up!” Lily said before going out
“Hey wait-” You said. You went downstairs just to be met with Haewon and Jiwoo
“Wheres the rest?” You asked
“Out in the pool” Haewon answered
“Oh alright” You said
After you ate, you decided to go out but not in the pool.
“Wont you come in?” Kyujin asked
“Nope” You said before sitting on the chair
“Why not?” Kyujin asked
“I was in the hot tub this morning” You answered
“I should probably try it out” Sullyoon said
“You should, its awesome.” You said
“You should go with her” Haewon said
“I have been saying that to Yoona all morning” Bae said
“Shes an adult she can go alone-” You said
“You went with Kyujin though” Jiwoo said
“Thats a different story” You said
“Not really” Kyujin said You wanted to prove yourself right but you knew they would continue to tease you, so you just gave up. Hours later you were once again the living room, not really doing anything except scrolling through your phone.
“So…will you come to the hot tub with me?” Sullyoon asked breaking the silence
“Do you want to?” You asked
“Sort of” Sullyoon answered
“Sure then.” You said before getting up and following her in the bathroom. She quickie undressed as did you.
It shouldnt be that awkward but it was…for some reason.
“You have seen me naked already” Sullyoon said
“Yeah i know” You said
“How badly you have wanted to fuck me since then?” Sullyoon asked
“A ton.” You said
“This is your chance to fuck me then” Sullyoon said before giving you a handjob
“Mhm.” You said before kissing her, the kiss lasted for a while but she pulled away.
“Sit up” Sullyoon said “I want to suck you off”
“For a shy girl- shit.” You said right as she started sucking you off. You would be lying if it didnt feel good
“For a shy girl you sure are horny-” You said right before your dick hit the back of her throat, and god it felt awesome you really did think you were in heaven.
“I want that dick in me” Sullyoon said
“Sure.” You said before you aimed your dick at her pussy
“Shit-” Sullyoon moaned. You wanted to go slow at first but you wanted her to remember tonight for a while.
“Wait- oh god” Sullyoon said
“You alright?” You asked, in genuine concern “Oh i am” Sullyoon said “Fuck me like you mean it-” You did so, you fucked her as fast as you could.
Sullyoon bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, she couldnt hide her moans anymore as you fucked her faster and faster.
Your dick kept hitting her G-spot. You were sure she would lose it all any second but she didnt. Instead she kept on resisting the orgasm.
“Is this the best pussy you have ever fucked?” Sullyoon asked as you continued to abuse her pussy
“Better than Haewon?” Wanting you to admit that she is the best you will ever get and have in your life
“Shit-” You said “Fuck yes.”
“Then fucking ruin me.” Sullyoon said before you sped up. She wanted to be ruined and you will gladly accept her offer.
Your gripped her hair, and fucked her as fast as you could. It didnt take long before she finally reached her climax, as did you. Following fast you cam in her.
You slowly pulled out admiring how you destroyed her.
“Well Shit” was call you could say.
“Admit that you like me.” Sullyoon said
“I do, but more Haewon” You said
“You sure?” Sullyoon asked
“Maybe.” You said
Both of you finally went out, to see everyone in the living room.
“Had fun?” Jiwoo asked
“Yes.” Sullyoon answered
They knew. All seven of you knew what happened these past couple days, and for sure none of you will forget it.
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what up chat i am going through the inbox and i would like to make a humble request
when submitting quotes to incorrect homestuck quotes please. um. apply them to homestuck characters
hiveswap characters are fine (though we have also pointed people in the direction of hiveswap-specific quote blogs in the past) but like. jailbreak, bardquest, problem sleuth, psycholonials etc we dont really do cause to be frank most of us just arent as familiar with them. this also goes for quotes with ocs and trollsonas / kidsonas cause uh. We Dont Know Who This Is
please just keep that in mind when rollin up to submit something ok thx stay sillay
-mod dave
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kerink · 2 days
i think that the too many ideas in one season thing is especially supported by the episodes within the arc that are more self-contained (Frown Night, A Story about Him) being really good still (my opinion at least)
the format for wtnv has always been the first and last handful of episodes in the season (usually about the first and last 3) are 80-100% focused on the primary plot. all or most of the middle episodes are self-contained monster of the week stories that start at the start of the episode and end at the end of the episode. sometimes we get crumbs that move the season story line forward
so when you look at the middle episodes (the monster of the week ones), and when you look at the 2-3 parters, and you look at the novels, you can clearly see that the writers know what they're doing. they understand story telling, they understand foreshadowing and red herrings and plot twists and continuity and tying up loose ends
so the fact that the last two seasons have felt like they dont know those things is infuriating. i bother with wtnv analysis and critique because i know brinknor can do it, so it really just feels like they arent. and i dont understand what's in the way, or what they're seeing that we're not, or if the balance between planned out and improv is just more skewed than it used to be. i can see a world where the longer the series goes on the less fink and cranor (and now brie) communicate and the more they trust one another and their working/creative relationship so they're planning less than they used to. but it's like dude. we can tell
this is why i want the tumblr fandom to be more active in the youtube and/or patreon comments. there are almost never any comments on either and the comments that are there are extremely short and very 2010s internet, like people fighting over "first." i almost always try to comment, telling them what i liked or am confused about or what didnt work. what im noticing is they're not getting any feedback at all so i wonder if they know! no news is good news right? but they were confused about patreon hemorrhaging subscribers...
i dont want people to be cruel or judgey or demanding, i'm a waaay bigger cunt here on tumblr than i am to their faces, because i respect them. but i do think that if enough people tell them hey um what? that maybe theyll see what we see. or clarify what they see that we dont
idk man ‼️ irritated.
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toxycodone · 4 hours
oviposition anon teehee i wanted to elaborate more last night but i was tired as fuck and zooted off the penjamin. but like getting separated from the rest of the party and encountering the slime creacher alone with Laios.... you think he'd tell you what the thing is? im sure he knows alllll about it, like he has a private little list of all the most fuckable monsters and of course the damn oviposition slime is on there. do u think he just dives right in head first, or does he try to create some kind of plausibly deniable situation in battle? youre terrified cause you cant make heads or tails of this creature in order to kill it and arent strong with fire magic but.... why does he look like he's having fun? and is that his clothes getting dissolved in there....? and why is he so hot all helpless suspended in the pink gel (ive just now decided the slime is pink), shuddering with pleasure as each near transparent egg enters his body? if you were to get caught by it without knowing what it is i dont think he'd leave you in there, but when he pulls you out of the goop his raging hard on is impossible to ignore and just BEGS questioning.... maybe you need to go seek out another one? or maybe i need to get writing
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LISTEN TO ME. ANON YOU ARE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ONTO SOMETHING. (And I would 100% be down to read something full about this bc oh my god???) and pink slime is the superior color you’re based.
contents: monster fucking, mutual masturbation? if you can call it that?
When you two encounter the slime, Laios is oddly…excited? I mean, he’s always excited to see monsters, but this. Is different. He doesn’t brandish his weapon or look stiff at all when you two encounter it, so you put away yours and you’re like…what the fuck is the deal man??
Laios looks between you and the slime. After a few moments, he casually walks to you.
“Well…um…this slime. They’re usually aggressive, but, you can tell by the color that it’s breeding season. And they’re unusually docile when this occurs…”
So you’re like? Okay. Awesome. No fight required. Let’s get out of here.
But Laios taps his fingers. He looks away a little as he plays with his thumbs.
“You see…it’s docile. But it doesn’t mean we can just leave. Unless we want to find another route. But it’s going to keep going until it eventually finds an adventurer…to use as a host….”
And you’re kinda like um? So do you wanna kill it? Or
And Laios is like “I HAVE AN IDEA. So…the secretions of this slime numb pain and promote healing. If we help this slime out…we can get some of those. It may be useful when Marcille’s out of mana….” Laios then puts his hands on your shoulders and looks at you seriously. “I PROPOSE…we let this slime use us as hosts. And in return, we collect its secretions and save any other unaware adventurer an encounter with it!”
And you’re floored. But once he explains to you, it’s just eggs (they lay them in adventurers to spread their kind to other floors). And it’ll feel *good*. You put your hands on your hips.
“Let me guess. You’ve been waiting for us to encounter this monster, huh….?”
*Cue that iconic Laios blushing panel.*
Anyways, you accept. Laios gives you the rundown from his guide and notes from his journal. First, you have to remove your clothing. The slime will get them soaked and likely tear them to shreds anyways, and if you don’t have a spare you’re screwed. Then, the slime’s secretions will coax you into relaxation. You’ll feel yourself go limp, but it’s not a bad thing. It’ll just make it easier for this whole process—so don’t fight it. Lastly…just enjoy? The slime does all the work and the eggs aren’t dangerous. You’ll pass them in a few days when the incubation period has succeeded (Laios wants to keep one or two to eat, but he doesn’t explicitly say that now).
And so you agree. It seems…oddly fun. Neither of you get time to really do anything sexual while dungeon crawling. And this seems like a good release.
And so you let it happen and it’s fucking MIND BLOWING. The slime’s secretions are absorbed through your skin as it surrounds you, making you feel some weird mix between drunk and high. Your body is limp, but everything you feel is extremely heightened.
The slime teases you all over and gently prods at your holes before slowly opening you up. (if you have a cervix) it’s numbing properties keep it from hurting as it spreads you open and pumps its eggs into your womb/hole. It’s honestly one of the best experiences you’ve had.
It’s like. Some sort of ethereal mutual masturbation experience with Laios, because when you look at him his skin is almost as pink as the slime. His brows are furrowed, eyes shut tight as he moans wantonly, not a care in the world. You can tell when an egg is laid in him bc his face contorts, but then his licks his lips and lets out a shaky moan. There’s already streaks of white in the slime and you’re not sure if it’s just a ton of precum or if he’s already came from the slime.
But you don’t have a lot of time to think about that before you’re shuddering from your own orgasm. It seems the slime coaxes as many as it can from you and Laios—as the more you relax and enjoy the experience the easier it is to continue pumping eggs into your system.
And afterwards, the slime resumes its usual light blue color and withdraws from you two. If you weren’t mistaken…you’d think it was blushing….theres two pink patches left on its “cheeks” as it slithers away, streaks of cum and slick still present in its body.
And. Of course. In typical Laios fashion, while you two are coming back to your senses, covered in slick and slime and who knows what else. All he can do is look at you with that same dopey lovestruck expression and mumble about how much he loves you.
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ckret2 · 3 days
I really really enjoyed this recent chapter! It seems like Bill actually enjoys teaching people like this, which makes Ford’s frustration of “If you could really be all that you pretended to be, then WHY ARENT YOU??” very relatable lol.
What could possibly be better than talking to people about himself and having their complete rapt attention the whole time??
If he'd just retire from the tyranny thing and become an unethical professor or something,
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the-s1lly-corner · 15 hours
Crps but you're all having a sleepover
thats right baby we're returning to the 2010s creepypasta fandom for this one, where everyone lived in the slender mansion and shit obvious hc derailment from my normal posting but im feeling a little nostalgic </3 the way i portray characters is the same as i usually do it, theyre all just roommates now notes: reader is gn, platonic post really since its just talking about what everyone is doing in the mansion, admin is attempting to catch the energy of 2010s quotev/wattpad creepypasta x reader fics/quizzes... including only characters that were a "standard" for the mansion stuff, at least with the stuff i looked at! splendorman and nina are here though even though they dont fall under that, a LOT of parts are connected with each other and reference one another cws: none
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he usually doesnt like getting wrapped into the chaos that happens when everyone decides to spend the night in the common area of the mansion- and he never quite saw the appeal in sleepovers
if you need a break from the chaos inside, you can find him holed up in his office or out in the woods
if hes out in the woods and you go searching, it doesnt take you long to find him
or rather, it doesnt take him long to find you- he knew you stepped out the second your feet touched the grass
you keep each other company... its a quiet night out..
he wrongly assumes everyone is going to behave and that he doesnt need to check in on them
looooooves sleepovers, acts as a sort of "supervisor" to make sure no one gets hurt and nothing gets set on fire... hes... not very good at it since theres so many people and theres so much going on
attempts to orchestrate games so everyone can have fun together- and while some people do form a small group to play, most of everyone else is doing their own thing throughout the night!
hangs around you if you need a break from the chaos, talks to you to pass the time
checks in on you and everyone else to make sure everyone is having fun
he kind of gives off those "are you winning son?" dads but hes asking everyone is theyre having fun
throwing knives into the fireplace trying to hit the same spot over and over, he offers you his knife to let you give it a try! nina might come by and join you two at some point!
loudly talks shit about some of the other people in the area... cough cough jane cough cough
its a miracle a fight hasnt broke out yet... but its definitely very likely
hes the one responsible for the music, and of course, its all his personal taste... but if you ask nicely and if its a good enough suggestion he might just let you play a couple songs!
at some point you two decide to go help laughing jack make snacks... more on that in his part!
doing her best to ignore the chaos around her as she sits with sally and plays with her... there arent many other creepypastas around that are in her age group, and jane doesnt want to make her feel left out
she does end up spending most of the night downstairs with everyone else but she does take breaks to step outside to clear her head, its way too loud and theres way too much going on
offers to let you come outside with her, if you want
you both kind of just end up talking outside on the porch before heading back inside
you try to help convince nina and sally to go upstairs to play, you both might just be successful!
wont be sleeping with everyone else downstairs, shes probably going to retreat to her room at some point to sleep
also sitting with sally, theyre making friendship bracelets! if you want you can join in and make some with her!
ninas an absolute pro at making bracelets, they easily outdoes everyone sitting in your group!
offers to paint your nails or experiment with some makeup on your face! doesnt push too hard though because shes all for a good time, doesnt want to make you feel uncomfortable
playing music against jeff's music, total genre clash that hardly sounds pleasant- perhaps the four of you can retreat to sallys room?
joins in on the snack making at some point in the night, and while she doesnt start a fire she does make something diabolical
think the monster and sour airhead strip thing
he does NOT know how to cook but he wants to give it a shot now that no one is in the kitchen
you guys probably start a small fire while trying to make popcorn, absolute chaos breaks out- jack is eating burnt kennels, you're trying to whack the flame out, jeff is cackling, and splendorman is rushing in to see whats going on and he nearly has a heart attack
prior to that jack is passing out candy and doing his own thing, you might be able to convince him to wind down and watch a movie with you and some of the others!
last one to fall asleep, if you can call what he does sleep... he... doesnt need to sleep, he just pretend sleeps
will instantly rush over if you offer him to join in on an activity youre doing, whether youre by yourself or with someone else
pretty tame, all he's doing is streaming movies in the living room so theres something to watch- or more sound to add to the background
has enough sense to turn on subtitles so you know whats actually being said against whats going on around you
he would sneak you snacks if he had them, but he didnt think to grab anything thats friendly for you- that sort of thing doesnt cross his mind that often since he doesnt... eat normal people food
pro at tuning everyone else out, he might just end up tuning you out because hes so used to things descending into chaos
you both might end up having a conversation about anything at some point, really any topic is on the table
one of the rare occasions where hes out and about rather than being confined to his devices- surely he will use his limited time to hang out with everyone in bulk!
you thought! sure he might come down every now and then to hang out- namely hang out with jeff or sally for a few minutes, but hes going to be spending a lot of his time in his room upstairs playing video games
and youre more than welcome to join him! just be aware that hes likely going to be using cheats and hacks!
love the idea that ben is friends with a lot of the other gaming creepypastas so theres a chance theyre also going to be playing with you guys, even if theyre not there in person
absolute insanity ensues, mostly due to all of the cheats
wants to hang out with everyone and while shes not totally dismissed, she ends up spending her night on the floor drawing- but jane and nina do join her at some point to keep her company
over the moon when you come over and sit with her!! shes already made you a friendship bracelet, nina showed her how! in fact shes already made one for everyone!
do ghosts sleep...? if so youre probably going to have to take her to bed at some point, whether it be at her bedtime or if she simply falls asleep while you hang out
as soon as nina offers to do your hair or makeup, sally is immediately jumping up and offering to help
will probably ask for her hair to be done as well
its either him or hoodie, but one of them is going to end up being the one to put out that fire laughing jack starts in the kitchen
cannot stand the excess noise so hes probably going to step outside to clear his head or go upstairs
its best to give him a few minutes before offering to join him, he needs that window of alone time to depressurized
basically plays babysitter next to splendorman, basically making sure nothing gets wrecked inside or outside
you guys dont really talk out on the porch, there isnt much to talk about
offers to walk with you through the woods before returning inside
you both kind of just hang around in the corner keeping an eye on everyone
one of the last ones to fall asleep as well
similar to masky in the "hes making sure nothing is getting too insane and nothing is being damaged", he might default to the couch with eyeless jack
switches between watching the movie thats being played and scanning the room to make sure everyone is mostly behaving
unlike ej, he did think to keep some small snacks on him and hes willing to share with you if you ask
will keep the good stuff/his favorite stuff for himself though
doesnt sleep in the living room, will eventually go back up to his room at some point to go to bed... with the exception of characters who outright dont sleep, hoodies 100% the one staying up the longest
asks you about the movie when it ends, if you know sign or have some way for him to communicate with you
probably gets caught up in the energy- in multiple ways! i do think at some point hes going to get overstimulated and need a step back but for a while hes hanging around with everyone else and kind of leaning into the chaos
briefly joins jeff in the "weapon throwing" activity, naturally wants to use his hatchets
at some point you both kind of just sit on the floor in a corner and just talk about- literally anything
you look through stuff on your phone, probably leads to introducing him to a lot of internet stuff... he uh... isnt on the internet all that much
oh you guys are definitely taking random quizzes and stuff
nina might join you guys for a bit at some point- leads to you guys taking quotev quizzes and things get more... silly
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absintheanflare · 1 year
once again i am fucking begging people to stop lumping ocpd with ocd, or acting like they're interchangeable. i know theyre named similarly but they are not the same thing.
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petriwriting · 1 day
Vero Amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 4)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
Previous part here
The prosecution had painted Theodore as a greedy criminal, despite his previously spotless record. It was all about the chatter, and breaking away from the path his father had paved for him would have proven to be difficult. You were ushered back to your seat, away from the center of the courtroom. a mixture of skeptical and sympathetic faces passed you by, if these people wanted a love story, they got one. there was not a single ounce of dishonesty in either you or Theodore, or any of his witnesses'.
During closing arguments, Your escort gave an impassioned plea about Theodore's outstanding character and the complete lack of real evidence against him. The prosecution tried its best to poke holes, but their arguments rang hollow after everything. and it was now in the hands of the jury, you hoped and prayed they would be forgiving. After just an hour of deliberation, the jury returned with a verdict of not guilty on all charges and accounts. You finally let out the breath that felt like you had been holding for months. His life and reputation had been salvaged, he was no longer tied to his past. and he would not have to be sent away to suffer for his fathers wrongdoings. you were overjoyed, elated to be able to see him one day do all of the things he always dreamt of. Once the court was dismissed, you scurried over to Theodore to embrace him, he picked you up into the embrace, holding you closely with a huge breath of relief and fresh air. Blaise appeared, he had been sitting quietly somewhere in the courtroom, though you hadn't noticed. "I told you it wouldn't be so bad." he assured Theodore with a stern pat on the back. Theodore was practically in tears, happiness. "I'm so shocked," Theodore says, the courtroom is now being emptied. you are all being ushered to leave.
As the three of you continue forward into the lobby, Theodore lets out a heavy sigh. He says your name, gently. "I'm so happy you are here," he begins. "Thank you, so much. I am indebted to you." he says. You smile softly. "You don't have to thank me," you say. "I'm glad I could be here." you say. 
After a sentimental moment between the two of you, Blaise is quick to leave. "I do have to get work now, but I'll leave you two to have a more proper reunion." he says. "It was great to see you again," you say politely. Blaise was never super close to you, although you were cordial since he was friends with theo. "Thanks, for everything. We'll celebrate at my place later, yeah?" he says, Blaise nods, and then is off. 
"I don't suppose you have plans after this?" Theodore asks you as you both walk, exiting the ministry building spilling onto the busy street. "No, actually, my calendar is clear for the day." you explain. "Would you like to come to my place? we can catch up- I'd just like to properly thank you for being there today." he says, his hands reaching for his pockets. "That sounds really nice actually." you agree. 
Before too long you are at Theo's small flat. It's messy and lived in. "Sorry it's a mess." he says. "But it's home." for someone that grew up a pureblood slytherin who was well off financially, it was quite modest. "It's fine. I don't mind it." you say, sitting at the kitchen island. Theo is standing on the other side. "Would you like a drink?" he offers. "sure" you say. Although you are both happy that he is now a free man, there is still a slight tension from spending so many years apart after school. you are both attempting to make up for the lost years. Theo offers you a glass with some tea, your favorite kind. He's incredibly thoughtful. "What happened to your father?" you ask, after some contemplation. "After the war, he realized he would be prosecuted. He attempted to flee to America, but he was caught and he passed shortly after." Theo says. 
"I'm sorry to hear that." you say. "It's alright, I don't miss him. but he's the only family I ever had." he says sadly. "That isn't true," you retort. "You have draco, pansy, and blaise." you thought. "and me." you say softly. Theodore gives a grateful smile. there's a special exchange between you. His mother passed away when he was young and his father was awful...  "The past few years have been rough," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "with the trial dragging on for so long, and with everyone busy moving on with their lives I always felt like I was stuck back in time... It's been really lonely." he says. "Sometimes I think back," you begin. "and I remember all the things we did, all the fun we had. Laughter, Tears, all of it. I'm sad it's gone now, but I'm grateful that it happened. Those are my best memories." you admit. "Seeing us in those memories kind of changed me." Theodore admits, biting his lip slightly. there is uncertainty. "What do you mean?" you question."I just meant that," he begins, but he back tracks, his hands resting on the counter behind him as he leaned back, his arms stiff. "I've been really lonely and part of that has to do with missing you." he exclaims. "For a long time I absolutely hated myself for leaving you there like that without an explanation, knowing that I ruined one of the best things I've ever had in my life. For a while I couldn't get out of bed, It was so heavy. But I asked you here today so that I could just let you know I'm sorry for that." His head is low, he's ashamed of himself. "Theodore, you don't have to apologize for that." He shook his head. "I do when I've thought about it almost everyday for years." he manages to say softly. "We all did things we aren't proud of, there was a war happening," you say. "That doesn't matter, but I am sorry," he says. 
You shift in your seat, taking a sip of your tea and placing the cup on the counter. you swing your feet over the edge, and you are now standing in front of Theodore. "I know that you had to do that," you comfort. "You had no other choice to survive. and that's okay." you comfort the man in front of you. "And by the way, I thought about you too. a lot. an embarrassing amount. But I wanted you to grow, even if that meant leaving me to do so." you say. Theodore is speechless, he feels like the same teenager he was all those years ago, scared to say anything. so he didn't, he pulled himself forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips. 
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