bravevolunteer · 6 months
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independent 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐍 of the fnaf franchise. heavily headcanon based. featuring canon , au , & crossover verses. written by ash. ©
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
What weird food combinations do you enjoy? Some find it odd I like eggs and ranch. Where do you get your news? Online, mostly. What social stigma does society need to get over? Hmm. What is the best/worst prank that you've played on someone? I’m not a prankster.
What was the last photo you took? It was a screen shot.
What are you currently worried about? Health stuff as always. Do you think aliens exist? Some form of life maybe, not in the way people have imagined.  What mythical creature do you wish actually existed? Unicorns. ha. What are you interested in that most people aren't? Taking these surveys, probably. What's the most ridiculous thing you have bought? Uhh. I don’t know. What sounds hit you with major nostalgia every time you hear them? Songs from the 90s, theme songs from shows I watched growing up. If given the oppurtunity to open a museum, what kind would you create? Stuff related to the various fandoms I like. When was the last time you immediately regretted what you said? I don’t remember. What's the silliest thing you've seen someone get upset about? I’ve gotten upset over some “silly” things myself, so who knows. Especially nowadays.. it doesn’t take much. 
What was the best thing that happened to you today? My mom coming to visit and watching the premiere of the new season of American Horror Stories. Do you consider yourself a good cook? No, I don’t cook unless we’re talking ramen. What's the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? It’s just dumb when someone keeps arguing about something they’re clearly wrong about and won’t just admit it.  What did you google last? A character from Stranger Things.  What fashion trend makes you cringe or laugh everytime you see it? Crocs. Why??? What's your favorite holiday movie? I have several. I love Christmas movies.  How ambitious are you? I haven’t felt that in a long time... :/ What topic could you spend forever talking about? Things I’m interested in, like TV shows and whatnot.  Which way should toilet paper hang, over or under? Over. What word is a lot of fun to say? Catawambus.  If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? I used to love the late night/early morning hours, that was a time I’d just chill alone doing my own thing. It’s a different kind of vibe during those hours versus during the day. It’s quiet and chill. That also means staying up all night and not getting enough (sometimes none) sleep. So instead I’d like extra time to sleep so that I could enjoy those late night hours to myself as well.   Are you usually early or late? Early, or at least on time. What do you wish you knew more about? I just feel so... average. I wish I knew more about a lot of things. 
What is the most annoying question you've been asked? I get asked a lot of the same questions nowadays about my health and life and my answers are always the same. I’m tired of being asked the same questions or having to constantly explain the same things.  How different was your life 1 year ago? Extremely. For one, I wasn’t in the hospital, completely bedridden, dealing with a lot of health issues. I was dealing with a lot still, but not like this. Had I done things differently then I could have avoided this. Or perhaps it wouldn’t have been nearly as bad. Everything went to shit so fast. I can’t believe this Is my reality now... stuck in this hospital with a trachea tube, unable to get up, unable to eat actual food or drink actual drinks, being dangerously underweight, and having a ton of other health issues. It’s been a lot. I’ve been here since the end of May and still have a ways to go. I beat myself up everyday for not taking things more seriously before and for ignoring/neglecting so much. I let my stubbornness and fears control me and it finally got to be too much. Now I’m greatly paying the price for it.  What quirks do you have? *shrug* What movie title best describes your life? A Series of Unfortunate Events... What was the last lie you told? I don’t know. What type of music do you listen to? I like variety. Are you a good listener? I think so. People have told me I am. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? I like a lot of different kinds. Like, I’ve always enjoyed a milkshake now and then, but for the past year or so I was seriously obsessed. I was having one like everyday. Ugh, that sounds so good. I wish I could have one. D:  Do you think you're brave? No. What are you most grateful for in your life? My faith and my family. What is a relationship deal breaker for you? Abuse. What are some things that give you complete peace of mind? I never feel a complete peace of mind. I feel some peacefulness when relaxing at the beach, but that’s as close as it gets. Or I guess when I’m sleep and everything ceases to exist for a little while.    Would you like to explore another planet? No. Who was your favorite cartoon character as a child? 90s kid cartoon characters.  What would you do if you were the president of your own country? I would not want that. 
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Can u make mc is the actual owner of Cerberus when he was a pup but villagers killed him because they thought that he was a monster and what how would the brothers and the undateable react to that when mc started to cry when she saw Cerberus headcanons
Oh Beans! I totally spaced when reading this and only have the brothers.
I'll post what I have here right now, but this will also be on AO3, so if you keep checking/subscribe there, you'll get a notification when I've added the undateables! It might not be for a while though, since I'm about to start school again ^-^;;
Who's a Good Boy?
The Guard Dog of the House of Hades. A vicious, three-headed hellhound that only the fallen Morningstar himself could command. Unfathomably massive. Devourer of demons, angels, and humans alike. Notoriously difficult to groom.
That is Cerberus, Lucifer’s extremely volatile pet named after a figure from Greek mythology for reasons no one truly understands. The creature has struck fear into the hearts of its housemates, and the Devildom at large, for what feels like ages.
So when MC cries upon seeing the wolf-dog for the first time, none of the brothers are especially surprised. How could a human cross such a monster’s path and live, after all?
Except those who weep in fear usually don’t then barrel full-tilt into one of the monster’s furry legs, babbling incoherently about how they thought they’d never see him again.
One of Cerberus’ heads leans down to the human, and the brothers panic, fearing the worst. It opens its mouth, revealing razor sharp fangs—
And licks MC’s entire body in a saliva-filled canine kiss. Now covered in tears and drool, MC laughs as they shake themself off, teasing the hellhound by saying that they already showered today, thank you very much.
“So, did you miss me as much as I missed you?” they ask, giving Cerberus’ central head some under the chin scritches (the only part of its head they can currently reach).
Cerberus boofs loudly, enormous tail waving back and forth at an increasingly hazardous pace.
Lucifer is dealing with a Lot right now. He almost lost the exchange student to his own dog, except apparently Cerberus used to belong to MC?! How?!
He orders Cerberus to back away from the human, part of him still convinced that this is somehow a combination of MC being mistaken and Cerberus playing with its food, but the hellhound actually growls at him and picks MC up by the back of their shirt, tossing them onto its back.
MC, in response, finds new places to scritch.
He stares at the scene for a few minutes, unable to process what his life has become.
Later, once Cerberus finally agrees to let MC leave, they explain to him that Cerberus used to be a puppy in the human world.
Obviously, he was immediately noted as strange due to his three heads, and the people of MC’s village believed him to be an omen of death. MC themself didn’t care, and just saw “lil’ Cerb” as a puppy like any other, albeit an exceptionally drooly one.
He used to be more or less normal dog-sized, but it quickly became obvious that Cerberus was growing fast, and would be much larger than even a wolf by the time he was done. He also became harder and harder to hide.
Unfortunately, one night they awoke to poor Cerberus being chased out into the night by a mob, never to return.
They assumed the worst, mourned, and got on with their life as best as they could. But seeing Cerberus— they knew it was the same dog as soon as they saw him — brought all those emotions right back to the surface.
It’s not hard to adapt to these strange circumstances. Lucifer is actually quite relieved to have someone who is both willing and able to safely help him in caring for Cerberus, and both MC and the hellhound delight in each other’s company.
Lucifer also won’t deny the pride he feels upon seeing MC, the one he loves, getting along so well with his son dog.
The P A N I C of seeing MC within bite-chomp-murder-kill distance of Cerberus nearly killed Mammon.
What the hell is he supposed to do against that furball?! MC’s dead meat, a chew toy, he can’t save them again—
Torn between passing out from fear and yelling about how brave and cool HIS human is!
So he kinda just… stands there, slack-jawed, as MC finds a spot on the creature that makes it thump its leg so hard the ground shakes.
Already he’s cooking up ways to use MC’s Cerberus-taming powers to get into all kinds of Shenanigans
Except he quickly learns that while Cerb is much more gentle with MC, it won’t let them distract it from its duties.
Has this resulted in MC semi-unwillingly riding Cerberus as it chases a terrified Mammon throughout the Devildom? Possibly~
Though when MC explains to Mammon how Cerberus used to be their dog, and what had happened to him… He can’t help but feel a touch more sympathetic to the hellhound.
Only a little bit though. It still does try and tear him apart whenever he gets too close, after all.
Levi’s fear metamorphoses into awe much faster than the others’. MC LOOKS SO COOL!! Riding the mighty Cerberus like a steed!
He desperately wishes he had the art skills to capture this iconic moment forever. But alas, a camera will have to do.
It’s a pretty good picture, the comparatively small human sitting on Cerberus’ back like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Levi even has a shot of them accidentally scritching a spot that makes Cerberus breathe fire (like a furry dragon!)
100% gets super emotional when MC tells him how they originally had— and lost— Cerberus as a puppy. It reminds him of his precious Henry 1.0 in some ways…
Begs MC to let him post the photos he took, along with their story as the caption. It’s just too good! It’s exactly like that arc in My Adventurer Boyfriend Keeps Adopting the Monsters He Beats in Combat and Now We’re Running Out of Space to Keep Them!
Like Mammon, Levi also quickly learns that just because he unlocked Cerberus’ tragic backstory, doesn’t mean that the hellhound will treat him any differently.
But sometimes, after a long “walk” with MC, the massive creature will be mostly asleep. And then, his hand shaking, MC will guide Levi to pet Cerberus’ flank. Its tail swishes softly, Levi’s own swaying in response.
He shakes his head and laughs, torn between relief, awe, shock, and lingering horror for MC’s safety. Of course they can tame even the ferocious Cerberus…
Guess all sorts of angry monsters like MC, huh?
He definitely wants to hear the story of MC owning Cerberus in the past, but first he’s going to drink in the absolutely dumbfounded expression on Lucifer’s face.
Toooootally doesn’t cry upon hearing MC’s story with Cerberus. No way, he’s still a cat person, he swears!
...No one is allowed to comment on Satan’s various burn injuries that occur over the next few weeks.
Not if they don’t want to be left with worse.
OH SHIT!! Also, ewwwww
Once the fear for MC’s safety subsides, Asmo can appreciate the cuteness and hilarity that is MC with Cerberus. Truly no one is immune to their charms it seems, and their affections know no bounds.
...Is it that same quality that allows MC to continue to care for him and his brothers despite their past actions?
Asmo claims that the smoke from Cerberus’ fire breath is getting into his eyes, prompting him to leave. He has a good long stare-at-a-wall crisis for a bit.
Learning MC and Cerberus’ story only makes him mushier. Their tragedy got a happy ending after all!
As much as he loves MC’s charms, he still insists that they de-drool themself before touching him or any of his things. It stinks like brimstone!
Now if they need any help getting clean… That he can oblige~
As one of the physically stronger brothers, when Lucifer’s not available it’s Beel’s job to groom Cerberus. He knows how dangerous that mutt is.
But apparently not for MC “Knows No Fear” over there!
As Cerberus continues to remain docile in MC’s presence, Beel starts to appreciate the cuteness of a human and their giant hellhound.
Unabashedly mushy upon hearing MC’s story about Cerberus. The themes of losing a loved one, only to find them much later in a new form… it kinda hits a little close to home for him.
(It’s not a perfect analogy: Beel knows MC isn’t Lilith, but having them as part of her legacy is undeniably cathartic. It’s why he doesn’t share these exact feelings with them, since he knows they’re uncomfortable with being compared to her excessively. Still, he can’t help but note the comparison.)
Naturally, he’s also very happy to have a very useful partner for grooming Cerberus. That living nightmare turns into an overgrown puppy whenever MC’s around. It’s much easier, and much safer, to work with this way.
Plus, it means he gets some quality time with MC! And there’s nothing quite like the fond smiles they share with him during these moments.
He has got to be dreaming. No way is this actually happening— nope, Mammon just stepped on his foot, and that hurt, he’s awake.
Does MC not fear death? Is that it? Did that part of their brain just completely shut down when he killed them?!
Unlike the others, he can’t really shut down his panic. Sure, right now Cerberus is acting all cuddly, but that could change on a dime. That dog only listens to Lucifer, and right now all Lucifer is doing is staring gormlessly at it!!!
He nearly loses his hand trying to pull MC away from the creature (which it naturally did Not appreciate).
“Belphie, wait! It’s okay,” MC reassures him even as smoke blows out of Cerberus’ nostrils.
They explain their history with the hellhound, how they rescued it as a puppy and then lost it to the angry and frightened people of their village.
Belphegor can’t help but recall their expression when he told them about his imprisonment, the outrage there mingling with a much older emotion. Is that why they were so quick to help him?
He’s still wary of Cerberus. He refuses to be fooled by any facades the creature may be putting up.
But one day, MC invites him to one of their “playdates”. Cerberus watches him like a hawk, growling when he first approaches, but MC just shushes and soothes the monster until it allows him closer.
And maybe, after a few tense minutes, the pair begin to relax around each other.
And maybe, Lucifer has a picture of MC and Belphegor curled up in Cerberus’ fur as the three take a mid-afternoon nap.
And maybe, Belphegor lets him keep it.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
currently having so many thoughts about aubrey getting sick of her moms mess one day and packing her bunny into her carrier and just leaving... she drifts about friends houses for a while before basil braves up to ask if she's okay :(( she's all out of energy + too stubborn to go home so she doesn't bother arguing and lets him take her to see polly (sorry me again with aubrey ramblings pls tell me to shush if you dont vibe w it)
Wow....I love this so much so I’m gonna combine it with that ask I got the other day and noodle on this a bit. Hope you don’t mind me taking your idea and running nonnie!!!
This got really long and kind of intense, so I’m putting it under a Read More. There’s also gonna be way more ahead!! This AU has caught me. But y’all Serious warning for emotional child abuse and neglect. Aubrey’s mother is decidedly not a good person, and their relationship is very damaged. Read only if you know you mentally can handle it, and no shame in skipping this. This part of it is heavy.  TW: Child abuse and neglect. TW: Alcoholism TW: Running Away TW: Homelessness
In the end it’s the rain that does it. The rain, the drafts in their weary old house, and the bucket that sits in the corner of her room next to her half broken laundry basket
On the last night Aubrey spends in her mother’s house the rain is coming down in freezing icy sheets. It’s bitterly cold, and she is weary. 
The summer of her 16th year has come and gone, and they are firm into the grip of September. It was a summer that had changed everything in her life. A summer where she found her way back to her chosen family, while becoming more isolated than ever from her real family. She had spent almost every hour out of the house- riding scooters with her gang, reconnecting with Basil, finding her way back into Kel’s loyal heart, letting her walls down around Hero, even discovering a hidden strength within her to forgive Sunny.  
It was the best summer of her life, even beating out the perfect summers spent in her childhood with Mari. In those days Aubrey had been naive. She didn’t know what she had, she just assumed she would always have it. This summer she had seen every experience for what it was- a gift. 
Fall coming had been difficult. Really almost nothing had changed, except it had. 
Hero had gone back to college, promising to visit at every chance he could. Aubrey had pushed down the spike of jaded denial that had risen up inside her at his words, and put her arm around Kel who was misty eyed saying goodbye to his brother. 
Sunny had spent most days in Faraway at either Kel or Basil’s house over the summer, but now he only came on weekends. He had started school again, a new school where no one knew his name or his face. He didn’t say much about it, but he hadn’t stopped going yet, so Aubrey considered it progress.
Kel and Basil had stuck close to her, and she was thankful for it. Aubrey knew now that nothing would ever separate the five of them again, but there was still the irrational fear inside of her that they would all leave her sooner or later. Her gang must’ve seen something too, because they had been awkwardly affectionate in a way that both irritated and comforted her.
But her mother....
Her mother had changed too. 
By sixteen Aubrey knew her mothers rhythms like the back of her hand. She knew the cycles that played out. Her mother would circle through various moods- cleaning, ignoring, depressing, drinking, regretting, promising, and then cleaning again. 
The regularity of it all had numbed her to the terrible conditions of her childhood home, and Aubrey spent most of her time out of the house anyway. (She had never been so grateful for nine hours at school, four hours after school goofing off in a big group, and the usual invitation to dinner with Polly or Kel’s mother. Aubrey usually only went home to sleep these days)
But her mother had added and taken away from her cycle. There was a new cycle now, and it was impossible to deal with. 
Ignoring, Depressing, Drinking, Angry, Regretting. Rinse and Repeat. 
Angry was new. Angry was (terrifying)....Angry was new. 
Aubrey had never tried to disrupt her mother’s cycle before, but Angry was enough to get her to try. She would clean the house top to bottom, putting in an effort she had never put in before to make things nice. She had thrown away bottles, cleaned dishes, cooked food, on and on all in an effort to change what she knew was coming. It still came. Her mother still wailed like a banshee, shrieking and hollering loud enough neighbors had called. 
The calls were the worst part. The low humiliation that sat in her stomach as she assured these people who didn’t really care that everything was fine, all while her mother continued to scream in the background. 
With Angry, Regretting was also different too. Aubrey, never one to take things lying down, screamed back until angry tears burst from her eyes. She would break down and sob in front of her mother, her walls finally ripped apart brick by brick by the woman who was supposed to love her most. 
Then her mom would hold her tight and promise things would be different. Regretting had mixed with Promising, and as much as Aubrey wanted to shove away the confusing affection, she couldn’t bring herself to. 
Screaming at each other was the only time that Aubrey’s mother looked at her. Curled in her mother’s arms weeping was the only time that her mother had a kind word. Aubrey couldn’t resist what she always craved, and some sick twisted part of her even longed for the point where her mother would snap and start yelling, just because she knew the release of emotions was soon to follow. 
That last night in her house was one of those nights. Her mother was yelling, too incoherent for Aubrey to even make out the words, but the tone said everything. Her mother had lost it over the dishes in the sink piling up. Aubrey had done them this morning, yet somehow she came home to a sink full of chipped dirty dishes. Those dishes felt like an ironic symbol of her life. No matter how many times she wiped it away. The dishes would be dirty the second she turned around. 
Aubrey was already in tears, her fists bunched at her sides and her teeth grinding down against each other. Soon enough it would be time for her to start yelling back, and the cycle would go on and on and on. The dishes would never be clean. 
Aubrey didn’t want it to go on. Not even her mother holding her was worth how torn apart her heart was becoming. She fled upstairs, slamming the door to attic and locking it tight. It didn’t matter anyway. By this point of drinking, her mother could barely stand, let alone climb a ladder. 
The rain was slamming against her windows, a steady drip already starting in the bucket in her room. It was freezing cold, and goosebumps rose on her bare arms. Maribelle was sitting in her pen, her nose twitching as she watched her Aubrey. Aubrey brushed at her damp cheeks and picked her bunny up, snuggling the tiny white creature close to her chest. 
Maribelle was too cold. Her mother hadn’t paid the heating bill again. The rain was too loud, and the wind sneaking in wrapped Aubrey in a tight grip. Aubrey sat on the edge of the bed and rocked her bun, trying in vain to warm them both up. A single thought ran through her head over and over
This wasn’t worth it. This wasn’t worth the love she craved from a woman who couldn’t give it. This wasn’t worth her pride at keeping things together. This wasn’t worth trying to fix over and over with no results. 
The rain began to slow to a quieter drizzle. Her mother was silent below. In the cold wet of her tiny attic room, Aubrey decided. 
No. This really just...wasn’t worth it. 
Aubrey slipped onto her knees, keeping Maribelle close as she pulled her backpack towards her and began to empty it out. She kept only her English textbook and her history notes. Everything else she could get a spare of. in her bag went two spare shirts and one pair of jeans. She packed in underwear and socks into the smaller front pouch. Aubrey stood and pulled the false bottom out of her desk drawer, taking the cash and the pack of cigarettes she had pinched off her mom and throwing them in as well. 
Finally there were the pictures. The frame of her photo of her and Kim had to be abandoned, but the actual picture was placed carefully inside her backpack. She had never been more happy to have her tiny carrier for Maribelle. The bunny happily hopped inside and burrowed deep in the soft downy blanket Aubrey put inside for her. 
It was depressingly easy to pack up her important things. Shockingly simple to write a note to her mother (I’m leaving. I’m not coming back. Two short sentences and that was it) It hadn’t even been hard to sneak out. After the hour or so it took to gather the rest of her necessities from the house and steal whatever money was in her mother’s purse, said woman had passed out on the couch in an alcoholic haze. 
Aubrey locked the door and stared at the silver key gleaming in her palm. She had only her backpack, a messenger bag, and her tiny bunny carrier. Her whole life fit into two bags. Aubrey left her key on the doorstep. 
She wouldn’t need it anymore. 
The rain had let up, but a harsh breeze whipped around her as she walked, pushing Aubrey to move faster. She took the sidewalks she had taken since she was little, letting her feet move as her mind went blank. Before she knew it she was standing on another street, one more familiar to her than her own. 
Aubrey spared a long look at Kel’s hosue. The lights were on inside, bathing their front yard in a warm golden glow. She stared at it for a moment, considering, and then the chill became too great. 
Aubrey bypassed Kel’s house and quietly snuck into the backyard of Sunny’s old home. The elderly couple that owned the house now was sure to be asleep. Kel said that they were quiet and almost never noticed anything going on. Perfect. 
Aubrey knew exactly where she was going. It was still standing. Faded and beaten down, probably rickety too, but it would be safe for her and her Belle. 
Besides only four other people even knew this treehouse existed. No one would ever find her here. 
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Request: Spencer has made an enemy with an unsub. The team believes it’s over after they catch him, but they don’t realize one big detail; unsub isn’t working alone and that partner has gone after Spencer’s girl. Will Spencer make it in time to save her? 
// Anon request: can u do one where reid saves the reader from getting kidnapped or shot pls🥺🥺 //
// Anon request:  ok this might be confusing but can u do one where the team goes on a case, but like the unsub actually had a partner back at reid and the readers apartment and kidnaps her and he gets super like protective and cute and like awe reid is so baby🥺🥺 // 
A/N: sucker for angst. So I combined these two requests because they’re so similar. I steered away from the request a little and may have gotten carried away while writing it, but I’m kind of proud of this one. Thank you both for your request! I hope you enjoy :) xx 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNER
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Finally, the BAU team tracked down the unsub. Currently he is in custody, chained to the interrogation desk. This was the man who’d taunted the BAU team for months. He’d sent them on numerous goose chases and they finally caught up to him when he made a mistake, which then led to his capture. This man got under Spencer’s skin the last time they faced him and since then Spencer did everything in his power to find him and take him down.
The first time they had caught up to the man at his home, they were all shocked to the core, Spencer specifically. Inside the home, the team found a room dedicated to photos of him and his wife, in their home, his wife at the grocery store, the two of them on dates. The man had been following them, taking photos of them, invading their privacy. Spencer was sick at the thought and since then, he couldn’t sleep until he knew his wife was safe. Until he knew the man was put behind bars.
The man had killed numerous women, up and down the coast. They caught up to him outside of Georgetown and when they arrived at his home, he’d already slipped away into the darkness. The man had laid low for a few weeks, then the murders began again, this time, the women favoring Spencer’s wife. Spencer and the team knew exactly who was behind these murders. He was back, this time in a small town on the coast of South Carolina. After the 3rd woman, the man made a mistake and slipped up, allowing the team to finally put an end to this.
However, the BAU team made a mistake, a very big one. They’d missed key information, that could potentially put the woman Spencer loved in danger.
Spencer stood across from the man that had tormented him and his wife for months, anger boiling inside him. It took everything he had not to reach across the table and strangle the man.
“This is the end for you. You’re facing charges for over 20 women up and down the east coast.” He slammed his hands against the metal table, “You’re facing the death penalty. You will get what you deserve!”
The unsub smirked, “Oh but Dr. Reid, this isn’t the end. You really didn’t think I would leave without making sure your suffering will continue?” He sits a little straighter in his seat, leaning forward, “Tell me Dr. Reid, have you spoke to your wife today? Told her you loved her?”
Spencer straightens, fear washing over him. He hadn’t spoke to you today. He was caught up in the case to bother to call you. The unsub began to laugh wickedly, seeing Spencer’s fear. Spencer then stormed out of the interrogation room, the rest of the team waiting by the door. Hotch already on the phone, “We need officer’s at (you and Spencer’s address) right now!”
The team was in South Carolina, you were back at your home in Quantico. He checked the time. It was Thursday, 5:43 pm. You would have been on your way home from work by now. You would have stopped by the grocery store on 4th to get groceries to cook dinner. Thursday’s were chicken night. He knew you probably would have splurged and bought a bottle of wine for yourself along with cookies. Cookies were your weakness.
Spencer’s hands began to shake, “How could we have missed this?” He roughly runs his hands through his hair. How could he have missed that this unsub had a partner? How could he be so stupid?
“Reid, calm down. Hotch has officer’s on their way to your home now.” Morgan tried to calm his friend, but all Spencer seen was red.
“I’m going to kill him.” He mumbles. Before anyone can act, Spencer has barged into the interrogation room and has thrown the unsub into the wall, his hands wrapped tightly around his throat.
“Reid! Stop!” Hotch and Morgan are grabbing at Spencer, trying to pull him off the man.
“You sick bastard!” Spencer’s hands tighten and he can feel the life draining from the unsub.
“Reid if you kill him, we have no way of finding her!” Hotch yells, ripping Spencer off the man. Morgan’s arms wrap around Spencer’s body, holding him back, “Kid, you got to calm down!”
“Get him out of here!” Hotch yells at Morgan, who begins dragging Spencer out of the room, the door clicking shut behind them.
“Morgan, he’s got her… he’s got y/n..” Spencer’s body goes limp in Morgan’s grip and begins wracking with sobs.
You push open the door with your foot, your hand full of groceries. You only needed a few things for dinner, but you hoped Spencer would be home this weekend so you two could spend the weekend at home, binge watching tv and eating your weight in junk food. You grunt, setting the grocery bags on the counter. Slipping your shoes off by your bedroom door, you enter the kitchen and begin putting away groceries, continuing to play your playlist you were jamming in the car to.
Your body tenses as you feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed against your back, “don’t move.”
Your breathing becomes rapid and you slowly raise your arms, “Please.. please don’t do this.” You whisper.
The man puts a cloth over your mouth and you thrash, trying to keep it away. “No!” You throw your head back into the man’s nose and groan. That hurt more than you thought it would. The man staggers back against the counter, holding his nose, “You bitch!”
Your head throbs and spins as you slip passed him and head for the door. Just as your hands grasp the door, the man grabs you, throwing you into the wall, the mirror falling to the floor and shattering. Your body falling into the broken glass.
 You whimper as he grabs you by your hair, your hands going to his, “Let me go!” He drags you along the floor into the living room, tossing you into the coffee table. Pain shoots across your body, but you ignore it grabbing a vase from the side table, hitting him in the side of the face. He falls to the ground and you stagger to your feet heading for the door once more, but you never make it.
A gun shot rings through the home you and Spencer shared. The last thing you see is the smiling photo of you and Spencer on the wall. It was your wedding photo, taken moments after you two promised to love and protect each other.
Spencer and the team were on the jet within the hour, heading back to Quantico. Back to you. When the police arrived at you and his home, they found the door opened, broken glass and a trail of blood out the door, but you were no where in sight.
He stares aimlessly at the wall in front of him, the gears in his head running a mile a minute. He racked his brain wondering how it come to this. He had caught the unsub that had terrorized you two. He promised you after he was caught, this would all be over. You two could live normal lives. Now, the unsub was locked in cell somewhere, but you were gone, disappeared. The only thing left was a blood trail out the door.
“Kid.. we’re going to find her.” Morgan says quietly, his hand going to Spencer’s shoulder.
“We won’t stop until we do. She’s family, Reid.” Emily says, taking a seat next to him.
He figured he was in shock. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t function. When they arrived at your shared home, he could see you put up a fight. Those self defense classes must have helped. He glances at the kitchen counter, the groceries still there, untouched. Sure enough, there sat a bottle of wine and a box of cookies. He’s broken from his trance as Hotch’s cellphone rings.
He’s nodding, listening intently to what someone’s saying. He looks up at the team standing in the living room, “That was the sheriff from next town over. Said he just received a call about a woman stumbling up onto a porch, bloodied and beaten. Thinks it could be y/n.”
Spencer’s heart was beating out of his chest as Morgan drove to the hospital. The sheriff informed Hotch, they took her to the hospital immediately. She suffered extensive injuries, but kept telling people she escaped, that a man had kidnapped her and kept muttering that she needed to speak with Spencer Reid.
He practically ran into the hospital to the room where the unknown woman was. His heart dropped when he entered. It wasn’t you laying on the bed. He slowly walked over to the bed, the woman’s head rolled over to face Spencer, wincing as she sat up a little.  
“Are you Spencer Reid?” The woman asks. Spencer only nods in response.
“Your wife…” Her voice is hoarse, “She saved my life.”
“Y/n? How? What happened?”
“The man brought her in, there was blood everywhere. I thought she was dead. But he left her in the room with me. I rushed to her side and she had a pulse. He’d shot her in the side. The bullet grazed her. I patched her up with what I had. Which was only a few t shirts. She finally woke up later that night. She told me that she knew where we were, she’d woken up long enough during the ride. We were in the middle of the woods, not far from civilization. So, we thought of a plan. She knew she couldn’t run so she told me to run and get help. She would attack the man when he came in. She made me promise if I got out, to tell them I needed to talk to Spencer Reid. It was late that night, the man came into the room and she attacked him from behind. I was able to slip out the door and I ran to find help.”
Spencer was quick to get on the phone with Penelope with the information. She worked her magic and soon there was a location.
Swat and the BAU team had the small cabin surrounded. There was no way out of this for the guy. He knew that. When he entered into the room, he was panicked. You used that to your advantage and was able to fight the gun from him, getting a clear shot through his chest.
Spencer’s heart stopped as the gunshot was heard. “Move in!” Swat yelled and begin closing in on the home.
Morgan was the one who saw it first. The door began to open and a figure limped out of the door. “Hold your fire!” 
It was you. You were safe. Before he knew it, he was running to you, his body colliding with yours.
“Spencer!” You cried. The collision sent pain through your body, but you ignored it. Spencer was here. You were in Spencer’s arms and that is all that mattered.
Spencer’s body wracked with sobs and he held you, “Oh god… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
You shook your head, “I’m okay. I’m fine..” You pulled away to look at him. He looked rough. Bags under his eyes. His face was red and wet from crying. A tear slipped down your cheek and you wrapped your arms around him again.
“I love you so much… god I love you.” He says into your hair.
“I love you too…”
Spencer carried you to the ambulance and he never left your side, riding in the ambulance to the hospital. He never let go of your hand either, scared that he would lose you if he were to let go. He finally had to let you go as they took you into the hospital. He didn’t want to leave your side then, but your reassured him, you would be fine. You were safe and everything would be okay.
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // JULY 21
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‘Tis the season to beat the heat at the always-cold theatres and next to fans set at turbo speed. While my movie watching slowed a bit with the launch of the Summer Olympics on July 23rd, I’ve still got plenty of popcorn-ready and artsy recommendations for you. A few themes in the new-to-me pop culture I’m recommending this month:
Casts oozing with embarrassing levels of talent (sometimes overqualified for the movies they’re in)
Pop culture that is responding or reinterpreting past pop culture
Stories that get weEeEeird
Keep on-a-scrollin’ to see which is which!
July Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Double Feature – ‘90s Rom-Coms feat. Lots of Lies: Mystery Date (1991) + The Pallbearer (1996)
In Mystery Date (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 6/10), Ethan Hawke and Teri Polo get set up on a blind date that gets so bizarre and crime-y I’m not sure how this didn’t come out in the ‘80s. In The Pallbearer (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), David Schwimmer and Gwyneth Paltrow try to combine The Graduate with Four Weddings and a Funeral in a story about lost twentysomethings. If you don’t like rom-coms in which circumstances depend on lots of lies and misunderstandings, these won’t be your jam, but if you’re like me and don’t mind these somewhat-cliché devices, you’ll be hooked by likeable casts and plenty of rom and com.
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2. The Tomorrow War (2021)
I thought of no fewer movies than this list while watching: Alien, Aliens, Angel Has Fallen, Cloverfield, Interstellar, Kong: Skull Island, Prometheus, A Quiet Place: Part II, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith, The Silence of the Lambs, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and World War Z. And you know what? I like all those movies! (Okay, maybe I just have a healthy respect/fear of The Silence of the Lambs.) The Tomorrow War may not be original, but it borrows some of the best tropes and beats from the sci-fi and action genres, so much so I wish I could’ve seen Chris Pratt and Co. fight those gross monsters on a big screen. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6/10
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3. Dream a Little Dream (1989)
My July pick for the Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! I CANNOT explain the mechanics of this body switch comedy to you—nor can the back of the DVD case above—but, boy, what an ‘80s MOOD. I did not know I needed to see a choreographed dance routine starring Jason Robards and Corey Feldman, but I DID. All I know is some movies are made for me and that I’m now a card-carrying member of the Two Coreys fan club. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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4. Black Widow (2021)
The braids! The Pugh! Black Widow worked for me both as an exciting action adventure and as a respite from the Marvel adventures dependent on a long memory of the franchise. (Well, mostly—keep reading for a second MCU rec much more dependent on the gobs of previous releases.) Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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5. Liar Liar (1997)
Guys, Jim Carrey is hilarious. That’s it—that’s the review. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
6. Sob Rock by John Mayer (2021)
It’s very possible I’ve already listened to this record more than all other John Mayer records. It doesn’t surpass the capital-G Greatness of Continuum, but it’s a little bit of old school Mayer, a little bit ‘80s soft rock/pop, and I’ve had it on repeat most of the two weeks since it’s been out. Featuring the boppiest bop that ever bopped, at least one lyrical gem in every track, and an ad campaign focused on Walkmans, this record skirts the line between Crowd faves and Critic-worthy musicianship.
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7. Double Feature – ‘00s Ben Affleck Political Thrillers: The Sum of All Fears (2002) + State of Play (2009)
In The Sum of All Fears (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), Ben Affleck is Jack Ryan caught up in yet another international incident. In State of Play (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), he’s a hotshot Congressman caught up in a scandal. Both are full of plot twists and unexpected turns, and in both, Affleck is accompanied by actors you’re always happy to see, like Jason Bateman, James Cromwell, Russell Crowe, Jeff Daniels, Viola Davis, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, David Harbour, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, and Robin Wright—yes, I swear all of those people are in just those two movies.
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8. Loki (2021-)
Unlike Black Widow, you can’t go into Loki with no MCU experience. The show finds clever ways to nudge us with reminders (and did better at it than Falcon and the Winter Soldier), but be forewarned that at some point, you’re just going to have to let go and accept wherever this timeline-hopper is taking you. An ever-charismatic cast keeps us grounded (Owen Wilson, Jonathan Majors, and an alligator almost steal the show from Tom Hiddleston in some eps), but while Falcon lasted an episode or two too long, Loki could’ve used a few more to flesh out its complicated plot and develop its characters. Thankfully, the jokes matter almost as much as the sci-fi, so you can still have fun even if you have no idea what’s going on.
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9. Double Feature – Bruce Willis: Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) + The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
Before Bruce Willis began starring in many random direct-to-DVD movies I only ever hear about in my Redbox emails, he was a Movie Star smirking his way up the box office charts. In the third Die Hard (Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson to decipher the riddles of a terrorist madman (Jeremy Irons), and it’s a thrill ride. In The Whole Nine Yards (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), he’s hitman that screws up dentist Matthew Perry’s boring life in Canada, and—aside from one frustrating scene of let’s-objectify-women-style nudity—it’s hilarious.
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10. This Is the End (2013)
On paper, this is not a movie for me. An irreverent stoner comedy about a bunch of bros partying it up before the end of the world? None of things are for Taylors. But with a little help of a TV edit to pare down the raunchy and crude bits, I laughed my way through and spent the next several days thinking through its exploration of what makes a good person. While little of the plot is accurate to Christian Gospel and theology, some of its big ideas are consistent enough with the themes of the book of Revelation I found myself thinking about it again in church this morning. (Would love to know if Seth Rogen ever expected that.) Plus, I love a good self-aware celebrity spoof—can’t tell you how many times I’ve just laughed remembering the line, “It’s me, Jonah Hill, from Moneyball”—and an homage to horror classics. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
July Critic Picks
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1. Summer of Soul (…or, When the Television Could Not Be Televised) (2021)
Even director Questlove didn’t know about the Harlem Cultural Festival, but now he’s compiled the footage so we can all enjoy one of the coolest music fest lineups ever, including The 5th Dimension, B.B. King, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Nina Simone, Sly and the Family Stone, and Stevie Wonder, who made my friend’s baby dance more than once in the womb. See it on the big screen for top-notch audio. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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2. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Robin Williams takes on the bureaucracy, disillusionment, and malaise of the Vietnam War with comedy. Williams was a one-of-a-kind talent, and here it’s on display at a level on par with Aladdin. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Against the Rules Season 2 (2020-21)
Michael Lewis (author of Moneyball, adapted into a film starring Jonah Hill), is interested in how we talk about fairness. This season he looks at how coaches impact fairness in areas like college admissions, credit cards, and youth sports. 
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4. Bugsy Malone (1976)
A gangster musical starring only children? It’s a little like someone just picked ideas out of a hat, but somehow it works. You can hear why in the Bugsy Malone episode Kyla and I released this month on SO IT’S A SHOW?, plus how this weird artifact of a film connects with Gilmore Girls.
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5. The Queen (2006)
Before The Crown, Peter Morgan wrote The Queen, focusing on Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) in the days following the death of Princess Diana. It’s a complex and compassionate drama, both for the Queen and for Prime Minister Tony Blair (Michael Sheen, who has snuck up on me to become a favorite character actor). Maybe I’ve got a problem, but I’ll never tire of the analysis of this famous family. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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6. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
This month at ZekeFilm, we took a closer look at Revisionist Westerns we’ve missed. I fell hard for Roy Bean, and I think you will, too, if for no other reason than you might like a story starring Jacqueline Bisset, Ava Gardner, John Huston, Paul Newman, and Anthony Perkins. Oh, and a bear! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
7. New Trailer Round Up
Naked Singularity (Aug. 6) – John Boyega in a crime thriller!
Queenpins (Aug. 10) – A crime comedy about extreme coupon-ing!
Dune (Oct. 1) – I’ve been cooler on the anticipation for this film, but this new look has me cautiously intrigued thanks to the Bardem + Bautista + Brolin + Chalamet + Ferguson + Isaac + Momoa + Zendaya of it all.
The Last Duel (Oct. 15) – Affleck! Damon! Driver!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov. 11) - I’m not sure why we need this, but I’m down for the Paul Rudd + Finn Wolfhard combo
King Richard (Nov. 19) - Will Smith as Venus and Serena’s father!
Encanto (Nov. 24) – Disney and Lin-Manuel Miranda making more magic together!
House of Gucci (Nov. 24) - Gaga! Pacino! Driver! 
Also in July…
Kyla and I took a look at the classic supernatural soap Dark Shadows and why Sookie might be obsessed with it on Gilmore Girls.
I revisited a so-bad-it’s-good masterpiece that’s a surrealist dream even Fellini couldn’t have cooked up. Yes, for ZekeFilm I wrote about the Vanilla Ice movie, Cool as Ice, which is now a part of my Blu-ray collection.
Photo credits: Against the Rules. All others IMDb.com.
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petersasteria · 4 years
What If - Tom Holland
Pairing: Tom x Reader, Harry x Reader
Requested? Yes! I combined the requests of @rubberducky-jrr​ and anon
Hamilrequest #6
This is inspired by ‘Perfidy’ by @peeterparkr​ !! Chapter 10 to be specific. If you haven’t read that yet, what’re you doing here- you should check that out first and then come back here HAHAHAHA! If you’ve read it already, go ahead and read this.
And don’t worry I asked permission from her and she said it was okay. Nancy, thank you so much for giving me your blessing and I will forever cherish it. I hope I didn’t disappoint you in this one.
“At least my dear Eliza’s his wife. At least I keep his eyes in my life.”
Summary: In which Tom thinks about what could’ve been
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The music was getting loud and you walked away from your little group to get a drink for yourself. On your way back, you saw Tom making out with some girl. Suddenly you felt dizzy and you felt your heart stop upon seeing the scene. You felt your heart break then and there. You had something special with him you know?
You drank the drink in your hand all in one go and put it on some table next to where you were standing. You walked to Sam and told him you were going home. Sam had a feeling that he knew why you were going home, so he didn’t stop you from leaving.
Harry saw you leaving and he frowned at the state you were in. He stood up from his seat and followed you, but Sam stopped him when you were already out of the place.
“Sam, let me go!” Harry sighed and slightly pushed him away. Sam shook his head and grabbed his arm instead, “Harry, just leave her alone for a bit. She needs her time alone.”
“Surely she needs someone!” Harry said, annoyance present in his tone.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Sam raised his voice. “In case you’re forgetting, I’m her best friend too. But let’s give her some space to think and she’ll tell us what’s wrong when she’s ready.”
Harry sighed and shook his head, “Fine. Let’s give her a week or so.”
Since that night, you spent the week cooped up in your house and not leaving. You basically felt worthless. Tom didn’t even apologize for what he did. Not even a half-assed apology through text. Nothing.
However, you did miss everyone around you. You completely fell off the grid. You didn't answer calls and messages and when your phone died, you didn't bother charging it. You didn't go out of your house unless it was to throw the trash or get the mail.
You missed going out without the fear of seeing Tom making out with some chick. You missed meeting up with your friends from work. Heck, you missed your work and that says a lot. You missed your best friends: Sam and Harry.
You wondered how they were doing and if they were okay. You figured that maybe, just maybe, they gave you some space; already having a feeling that something bad had happened. You missed Sam and his cooking. You missed Harry. You were closer with him than you are with Sam. 
'I wonder what he's up to right now…' you thought.
You were eating pizza on your kitchen island when you heard a knock on the door. You groaned, not wanting to leave your seat. So you did just that. You didn’t care who was knocking on the door. But whoever was knocking must have cared, because they were violently knocking at the door at this point.
You huffed and took one more bite of pizza before putting it in the box and walking to open the door. You didn’t check the peephole before you opened the door so you said everything you had in mind, “I was having such a peaceful day and-,” you looked up and saw Harry, “Oh, hi Harry.”
“Hey!” he smiled at you as he adjusted the strap of his bag. “And you got a little something on your chin.”
Your hand immediately flew to your chin and wiped pizza sauce and a few crumbs off. You gave Harry a tight-lipped smile and nodded at him to enter. “Sorry, it’s a mess. I haven’t been cleaning up.”
Harry looked around and scrunched his face when he saw a sock on top of the backrest of the couch, “Yeah, I can tell.”
You closed the door and motioned for him to follow you to the kitchen island, “I didn’t feel like cooking anything for myself so I ordered pizza. Feel free to get one.”
You sat on your previous seat and he sat across from you as he watched you eat the rest of the pizza that you ate before he knocked. He put his bag on the table and both of you sat there in silence and somehow it was comforting. Maybe because you have someone with you.
“So, you completely went off the grid for a week. What’s up?” Harry questioned, breaking the silence. You looked at him, “Nothing.”
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. I know you. You’re my best friend.” Harry sighed.
As much as it pained him to say that, it was the truth. You grew up together and dealt with everything together. He’s had feelings for you for such a long time and you didn’t know that. He always wanted to be more, but he was too shy to ask you out.
“It’s Tom, isn’t it?” Harry asked in a soft voice. You only nodded.
This broke his heart even more. Harry loves you with everything in him, but you loved his brother. Harry knew that Tom was aware of his feelings for Y/N and it made Harry angry that Tom would hurt the girl he’s in love with.
Harry didn’t push you to say anything more, because it was clear that you didn't want to talk about it. Instead, he nodded to himself and distracted you. “Let’s go out and have fun, yeah? I brought my camera with me, I figured we could do a little photo shoot too.” Harry suggested. “Plus, you need sunlight, you need to change your clothes and you probably need a shower.”
“Fuck you.” you joked, but you stood up anyway.
Harry smiled and stood up too, “You get ready while I clean around here. It’ll be quicker.”
“Okay, thanks.” You went up the stairs but stopped halfway to glance at Harry who was finding a Tupperware for your leftover pizzas, “Where are we going?”
Harry looked at you and shrugged before grabbing a Tupperware big enough to fit the pizzas in it, “Anywhere you want and we can do whatever you want. You’re the boss today.”
You blushed, “Okay.” You continued your way up the stairs and went to your room.
For your whole day with Harry, you felt like yourself again. You were really in a dark  place for what Tom did to you, but Harry made your troubles disappear. He was like a breath of fresh air in your lungs that used to be polluted by Tom.
It was indeed refreshing.
It made you realize that Harry has always been there for you. You also realized that he’s always looking at you and he drops everything to be with you. It took you awhile to realize it, but it's better late than never.
So you told him that same day when he brought you home.
"Thanks for today, Harry. You made me feel a lot better." You smiled at him as he walked you to your door that night.
He shrugged and gave you a boyish smile, "That's what I'm here for."
"I need to tell you something that I literally just realized, like, a few hours ago." You told him and cleared your throat. Harry stared at you and you took his silence as a signal to continue, “Harry, I realized that you’ve always been here for me and I also realized that you drop everything to just be with me.”
“What’s your point?” Harry asked nervously.
“Do you, maybe, have feelings for me?” you asked in a small voice. You felt stupid for asking, but you just wanted to make sure especially after Tom fucked you over.
“W-Well, I, I like-” Harry stuttered as he looked away from you and focused elsewhere. You just looked at him with confusion written on your face. He glanced at you and sighed, “Yes. I have feelings for you. For a long time now, actually. I understand if this is awkward and-”
You cut him off with a kiss. He looked surprised but it didn’t take long for him to close his eyes and kiss back. Both of you melted into the kiss and it felt right. You pulled away first and you looked at each other with shy smiles on your faces.
“I take it, you feel the same?” Harry said with a chuckle. You nodded, “I wouldn’t kiss you if I didn’t feel the same way.”
That was three years ago. Harry told everyone that you were dating a week after that kiss. Everyone was happy for both of you, especially Sam. Sam was glad that you’re dating his twin. He thought you deserved each other and as much as he loved Tom, he was a dick to you.
Tom was extremely bitter that you were dating his brother, but at the same time, he was happy. Unbeknownst to everyone, Tom really felt the same for you and he couldn’t help but think of what could’ve happened if he wasn’t an ass and if he just told you that he felt the same.
But if he told you that, Harry would get hurt and he didn’t want that. Tom may love you, but Harry’s his brother. Tom knew he had to put Harry first. He honestly didn’t expect Harry to actually date you. It sounded selfish, but Tom always thought that Harry would be too shy to ask you out and Tom was kind of confident that he had a chance with you.
Well, thinking that was a big mistake. It was an even bigger mistake for Tom to think that you wouldn’t last. But here he was three years later, at a party that Harry threw, across the room from where you and Harry are. Tom bitterly scoffed at the sight and downed the rest of his beer.
“Throwing yourself a pity party, eh?” 
Tom turned away from you and Harry and looked at his left only to find Harrison with a smirk on his face. Tom rolled his eyes and told Harrison to fuck off.
“You could’ve had her, Tom.” Harrison shook his head at his best friend.
“You think I didn’t know that already?” Tom retorted. “Mind your own business.”
Harrison pursed his lips and slightly nodded. He stayed at his spot next to Tom and looked at you and Harry. A smile crept up Harrison’s face when he heard both of you laughing at something Sam said. Harrison looked back at Tom who was miserable, “What’s going on in your head? Talk to me.”
“I just thought she’d be mine, you know? Yeah, okay we had our differences but doesn’t everyone have those?” Tom said. “I know it’s selfish and mean of me, but I kept thinking that they wouldn’t last. Joke’s on me, because they’ve been together for three years now and I don’t think Y/N would be leaving him soon. I like to think that maybe one day she’ll get tired of him or they’ll get into a huge fight and lead them to break up and I’ll be there to hold her.”
Harrison opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the music stopping and Harry speaking.
“Hello everyone! Y/N and I have an announcement to make.” Harry said excitedly as he looked at you with so much love in his eyes. Everyone looked at both of you intently. You nodded at Harry and he cleared his throat and looked at everyone, “We’re engaged!!”
Everyone cheered and Sam quickly hugged both of you. He was also tearing up. “If I’m not the best man, I’m suing both of you.” Sam joked as he pulled away from the hug.
“Sam, you ARE our best man.” you giggled.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Harrison got over his shock and decided to congratulate you and Harry later. He had to deal with Tom. Upon hearing the announcement, Tom’s heart shattered and his world stopped as he realized that you’ll never be his anymore.
Tom was at a private room in a strip club getting ready for the bachelor party that Harry didn’t want nor ask for. Tom insisted that Harry should definitely have a bachelor party, because once he’s married, he wouldn’t have the freedom to look at other girls anymore.
“This is an excuse to look at other girls, Harry! It’s an exception. Besides, I heard that Y/N’s having a bachelorette party.” Tom persuaded. 
“And that’s totally fine with me, but I personally don’t want a bachelor party, Tom. I’d rather stay in and wait for Y/N to come home from the said bachelorette party.” Harry said, exasperated.
“This is the only time you’ll ever have a bachelor party! I’m sure Sam will have one when he gets married and I’m sure Paddy will have one too someday. Your future son would have one too and he’ll ask you what it’d be like, but you wouldn’t have an answer, because you didn’t have one.” Tom crossed his arms.
Harry laughed, “I’ll still have an answer, because I’d be present in yours, Sam’s and Paddy’s bachelor parties. I appreciate the suggestion, Tom, but it’s just not for me. Sorry.”
With that being said, Harry went back to what he was doing and Tom formulated a plan in his head.
This explains why he’s getting everything ready, because any minute now, Harry’s coming with Sam. Harrison entered the private room and looked around, “Everything’s ready, then?”
Tom turned around and grinned, “Yup! All we need is the groom.”
Thirty minutes later, Harry arrived with a blindfold covered in his eyes. Sam and Tuwaine were helping Harry in the room. Sam took off Harry’s blindfold and Tom grinned, “Welcome to your bachelor party, Harry!”
Harry groaned, “I said I didn’t want a bachelor party!” He turned to leave but Tom quickly went after him and pulled him back in the private room.
“Harry, I swear it’ll be fun! Let loose a bit!” Tom nudged him as Harrison handed Harry a beer and Tom cheered as he watched Harry drink, “Let’s get this party started!”
Hours later and Harry was kind of enjoying himself. He didn’t care about the strippers; he only had eyes for you. But he liked partying with his friends and family.
Harry was also very very drunk.
Harrison noticed that Tom kept giving him drinks and shook his head. He pulled Tom aside and harshly asked, “What the fuck are you doing to your brother?”
“Giving him drinks. What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Don’t act smart with me. I know you have a fucking plan. Why the fuck are you making your brother drunk?” Harrison asked with arms crossed.
The others didn’t hear their conversation and Harrison was thankful for that. He didn’t want to create a big scene at Harry’s bachelor party.
“Fine.” Tom huffed. “I was getting him drunk so that he can make a mistake and Y/N would leave him for it.”
“What the fuck, Tom?! That’s way out of line!” Harrison hissed at his best friend. “I understand that you’re not happy, but why can’t you get it through your thick head?? SHE’S NOT YOURS ANYMORE AND SHE NEVER WAS.”
The truth came out of Harrison’s mouth with venom. Tom knew it was the truth, but he wasn’t ready to accept it yet.
“That’s so fucking low, Thomas.” Harrison shook his head in disappointment. “If she finds out that you were behind it, do you honestly think she’ll come back to you?”
“I-I never thought of that.” Tom sighed.
“Of fucking course you bloody didn’t!” Harrison rubbed a hand on his face and tried to calm himself down. As soon as Harrison was okay, he glanced at Harry and looked back at Tom, “I’ll sober him up. That party’s over. I’ll bring him home to Y/N and everyone can rest. I expect you to behave at the wedding next week. Good night, Tom.”
Harrison made his way to Harry and helped him sober up a bit before leaving with him.
You’re officially a Holland now. As much as Tom loved the idea of you becoming a Holland, he wasn’t delighted that’d you’d be his sister-in-law and not his wife like he wanted. But hey, we don’t always get what we want in life.
Sam was the best man and he was giving a speech. Tom and Paddy were next to him, because they wanted to give a speech too. Tom wanted the ground to eat him alive, because you looked so beautiful and he was really frustrated that you weren’t his. Tom allowed Paddy to go first, so Tom had the time to think about what he wanted to say. Paddy quickly finished and gave the mic to Tom, who was sweating profusely.
“Congratulations to both of you!” Tom smiled. “Both of you are so lucky to have each other. I just want to tell Y/N that I’m glad you picked Harry instead of some bloke out there. Harry’s so kind and trusting and you’ll never find anyone else like him.”
“Harry, I’m genuinely happy for you.” Tom teared up. “You got the girl that you’ve been in love with for years! It’s amazing how you used to dream about being with her and now, you get to spend the rest of your life with her.”
At this point, Tom was already crying. You were crying too.
“Y/N, Harry, I don’t want to tell you to treat each other well, because I know you will. All I’m going to say is; have fun. Marriage is a roller coaster and you’ll enjoy it, because you have each other. You deserve each other, you really do. I love you both so much and words cannot express that. Again, congrats. I propose a toast to Harry and Y/N.”
Everyone lifts their glasses and Tom sniffed, “May they have a healthy marriage and a happy life. Cheers!”
Everyone clapped as you and Harry shared a short and sweet kiss. Tom gave the mic to the host and walked back to his seat next to Harrison. Harrison patted him on the back, “Are you okay?”
Tom nodded, “I meant what I said. Especially the part when I said that I’m glad Y/N picked Harry.”
Harrison waited for his explanation as he nodded along.
“She didn’t end up with me, but she ended up with Harry. That’s okay.”
Harrison raised an eyebrow, “It sounded sarcastic.”
“I meant it all, Haz.” Tom said. “I still fantasize about Y/N and I think about the things that could’ve been. I may not be with her, but at least Harry’s her husband. In that way, I still get to keep her in my life.”
Harrison nodded impressively, “I’m proud of you, mate.”
“I’m not ready to let go yet, though. It’ll take a while.” Tom sighed as he looked at you and Harry.
“I know. You’ll get better soon.” Harrison smiled sadly.
* * * *
I hope you liked it sksks
And I apologize if u think it isn’t good 
𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland @peachmaybnx​ @superheroesaremytea​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​
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infinitecapacities · 3 years
1. To stop comparing myself to others. I can feel confident pretty easily by dressing up, putting on some makeup, and doing my hair nice. But what instantly seems to ruin it is my mind looking at other people and wishing I had what they have. I know that others beauty should not take away from my own, but yet I cannot help but diminish myself and sometimes start to feel insecure in the presence of others. This is something I need to work on mentally, I have to realize that no physical attribute that I achieve will conquer this. There will always be someone who WE perceive as better. However, there is only one me, and I am special in many ways. I do not need to try and be like anyone else. I need to be at peace with myself and fully accept that no matter how I look in comparison of others I am good enough.
2. Presence. This is something that I have gotten much better at. Fully focusing on the moment and what I am doing when I am doing it. With social media there are constant ways to distract yourself. One thing that I was doing unconsciously for a while was being on my phone any time I ate a meal. Before I even realized it, I was done with my meal and I had barely enjoyed it. Consequently, I craved more food, never really feeling satisfied. Now I am very aware of when I do this and always focus back to really enjoying my food and being thankful for how it is nourishing me. I have found that I am always satisfied after eating when I put my full presence into the act of consuming and enjoying my food. This goes with anything I do now, working out, doing homework, making my bed, getting dressed; anytime I do something with presence it turns out infinitely times better than if I did it while my mind wandered. I want to be free from anxiety always, to always do things with focus and intention. I want to really utilize my time and feel accomplished each day. I want to be organized and clean. I want to enjoy every second of the day.
3. Trust. Now this is a heavy one that I really need to work on more. There are a lot of parts of me that I still have not healed. I fully recognize that I not only have a hard time trusting other people, but I also have a hard time trusting myself. I constantly doubt everything. Whether it is right or wrong, whether I should do this or that, whether it is good or bad, I do not believe in it or even my own intuition. I find myself never really believing what anyone says, and at the same time easily lying to people. What I need to do is open my heart, be vulnerable, and live my truth even if I will feel uncomfortable or judged. To just set myself free from the fear. I have to let down my walls and let down my guard and trust that what is meant for me will simply be and I do not need to try to control things all of the time. I want to be able to love easily, to give to people with no expectations. I want to radiate sweetness and tenderness. I want to be able to express myself without holding back. I want to open up to the people in my life even if they will not understand.
1. Skin. Now this has been an issue for way too long. I am so proud of how far I have come. I have accepted this part of myself more than ever before, although it is my biggest insecurity still. More than anything, I really just want to make sure that everything that I am eating, drinking, and everything that I am applying to my skin is good for it. I want to be glowing from the inside out. I want people to compliment me on the work that I put in to get it to the smoothest clearest texture. I want to feel confident without makeup on. I want to be able to look people in the eye when they stare at me. I want to feel confident when they look at my side profile. I want to not have to hide behind my hair or makeup all the time. I want my skin to feel clean and calm and hydrated all the time.
2. Body. The main thing about my body I have been wanting to change is my weight. This first came about when I weighed myself and saw that I had gained 15+ pounds than the last time I was weighed. I had also noticed that I needed to get bigger sizes. It really hit me when I started looking back at past photos and thinking about how much skinnier I was before. I recognize now how in the past, I did things to my body for others not myself, and this is what started problems. I started going to the gym for my ex-boyfriend, not for myself. He said that I should so I started feeling insecure, and going to the gym often just made me more insecure because I felt like I was not doing enough. I just kind of did it just because I thought it would make him and other people like me more. Then quarantine hit just after my consistency at the gym started picking up, and then because my skin was at its worst, I forced myself to work out more because I felt that my body was the only beautiful thing about me left. Still, instead of feeling better it just made me critique my body more. Going to college after is really changed my body the most. Since high school I have always just eaten when I was hungry. Besides being pescatarian I never limited my diet based on insecurity. I naturally did not often over eat or under eat and I did not force myself to work out at the gym either. At that time I was always happy with my body. So when college came around and I had the unlimited meal plan, I had other people responsible for what I ate and when I ate, and I tried to get as much food as I could when they were serving. Combined with excessive drinking, I ate more and rarely felt satisfied. Food was accessible to me and I took advantage of it without really appreciating it. I was often sick. I also went a period where I could barely eat due to depression. I had panic attacks. I was living with a model who always looked perfect and so I hid my body more. So long story short I have been critiquing my body so much ever since the weight gain. Over the summer I tried different things and drastically limited my diet but I did not see much of a difference. I now know what I need to do. I just need to simply eat what my body craves and drink lots of water. Simply nourish my body with nutrient dense, fulfilling meals that make me FEEL GOOD. I love eating fruits and vegetables and so I will. I have felt so much more confident and less harsh on myself because my goal is not to be skinny or even lose weight it is to just be healthy. I am much more intentional about what I put into my body and I enjoy planning my meals and cooking them. I want to be able to know that I have to wear a swim suit and not have the urge to starve myself. I want to love my body. I want to feel energized, radiant, confident, beautiful, sexy, and most of all healthy. 
1. Connect more with God/spirit. Lately I have been studying a variety of different philosophies and religions. The ones that resonate with me the most have been Buddhism and Hinduism but I believe every religion has validity that is meaningful. Do I know if there is a God? Yes and no. It is kind of hard for me to understand why things are the way they are, why God did all this. And so I question if there really is one and what he represents and how I am supposed to connect with him. At the same time, there is so much evidence in my own life that I am being guided and protected by something divine. I am so thankful my mom taught me very young to form a relationship to spirituality. She told me and my sister to pick something symbolic of our angels watching out for us, for her it was a white feather. I had a few different symbols but none were very convincing. I eventually decided on dragonflies, because I thought they were beautiful creatures and I was fascinated by them, and they are something you do not often see. Since making this decision, I have seen dragonflies every time I need a sign when I am most down or scared or confused. There is divine powers that are helping me navigate life, and I want to become more in touch with them and listen to their wisdom. This includes meditating, praying, reading, and journaling, because we can gain a lot of wisdom from within and from others stories as well, and our thoughts contribute so much to influencing the energetic field of the entire world. I want to feel good about my way of life. I want to learn more about spirituality and how it can better the world. I want to trust that there is more than meets the eye and have inner peace that there is a divine plan in everything. 
2. Do shadow work.
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ezmarie · 3 years
hi! can i request a haikyuu match up please! thank you so much i really appreciate it but if you can’t do it for whatever reason it’s totally fine! i hope you’ve eaten and drank some water ❤️ have a good day/night
name and stuff : sofi, straight but flexible , she her
star sign mbti and hogwarts: scorpio sun, pisces rising. infp! , slytherin
personality thingzz: kinder, wise ish, sarcastic and i joke a lot, i overthink things badly and my anxiety gets the best of me, i’m insecure sometimes and real cocky/sassy other times, it’s hard to let people in, i always give my all, i’m talkative with the people i care about, sorta creative i like people who are different and don’t quite fit the standards,
hobbies: i like dressing up and fashion , i like to draw and write, i wanna learn to ballroom dance and dance in general, i like exercising and cooking too!
appearance: i’ve got sharp eyes but a softer face otherwise, i’m latina i’m 5’2, 115 lbs smaller waist and wide hips, i’ve got long straight brown hair and black eyes i’m learning to love myself slowly ! :D
music taste: ateez, monsta x, nct and exo bath- offonoff, fall-crush, dayfly-dean, text me-Dpr live, arctic monkeys, the neighborhood, the weekend, keshi, hopeless romantic music is my favorite! and more sexy songs too lol
playlist name: i’ve fallen in love (again) have fun :,)
what i want in a partner: someone who can match my energy, someone who’ll get along with my family, a gentle person, “i’d slap someone without hesitation but i’d give it all to you,” type person, someone who’ll let me be vulnerable, let’s me hold their hands and hug them, someone protective
extras: i’m ok with jealousy and will let me cheer them up and care for them, i’d like to be the one to say things like “you’re so pretty and amazing, you’re so amazing i love you so much you have no idea how much you mean to me”, cute photo shoots and fashionable outfits
ahh thank you so much!!! 🤧
Hiiii! And yes you can definitely have a matchup that first part was so sweet and adorable🥺 I ship you with....tendou!!
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ok you guys would be so sweet and funny yet so chaotic at the same time ( the chaos is mostly from him but you like to join in too abhsh). he loves your sarcastic and joking side so much, no like he seriously adores it. you both are always throwing sarcasm at eachother and you can always expect the other to match and come back with the exact same energy. you both would find the humor in everything and you would definitely be the funny/fun couple and everyone knows it. seriously i just know you two would make everything fun and i feel like that’s just one reason why you two get along so well. you both are just so happy with eachother and there’s never a dull moment which both of you appreciate immensely. he’s always wanted someone to match his energy and fun kind of personality and so have you, which is another example of a perfect match since you won’t have to feel like you’re holding back any part of you in fear of judgment. tendo is literally the LAST person that would judge you for basically anything, trust me. he thinks your cocky and sassy side is so adorable and he always tries to push your buttons to get you to throw some sass at him since it’s not really a consistent thing. but oh boy, when you do, it just becomes a huge mess full of sass, sarcasm, joking insults, and cocky remarks (all in good fun of course😌). no but he loves when those sides of you come out because he loves the real authentic you and one of his biggest things is that he wants you to feel comfortable with him in your relationship, and you showing your real personality is a huge sign for him that your comfortable.
this boy knows ALL about insecurities so he understands 100% your issues with overthinking and all that. when he noticed certain things you said or did that reminded him of himself when he was insecure, he got so sad i can’t even explain it. the last thing he wants is for you to feel the way he did so it break his heart when you do. he make sure he does EVERYTHING in his power to potentially help you with those problems. he finds out the things that make you happy and give them to you to lift your spirits or get your mind off things for a while on anxious or bad days. he knows what to do when your feeling especially anxious and overwhelmed with deprecating thoughts certain days and does certain techniques/takes advice he learned will help, and just tries things that helped him in hopes it will do the same with you. he praises and compliments you ALL the time anyways whether your insecure or not, so because you are it just multiplied by about 100x. there always thought out 100% genuine compliments too, you can tell, which just makes it a million times more sweet. he just loves you sososo much and will try anything to help you love yourself because he honestly sees 0 flaws about you and can’t physically even imagine you hating yourself. however he will be totally understanding and thoughtful nonetheless. (also, he would be ECSTATIC when you start youre journey of loving yourself, like he doesn’t care how slow the process is as long as your on your way to feeling actually okay with yourself he’s incredibly happy.
the description of your wants in a partner match him SO WELL which is one one the many reasons i think you two are amazing together. as i’ve said before you two can always expect the other to match each others energy and will let you both feel ok with being yourselves. i just know that most families would literally adore tendo and he would adore them too. like he’s SUCH a sweet and respectful guy and he’s hilarious, what’s not to like from a parents standpoint? and he gets along with basically everyone so he would love you family 100% as long as they’re not toxic (which i’m sure they aren’t so that’s not a problem 😌). yes he’s crazy and chaotic on the outside but we all know he’s a soft and gentle little sweetheart on the inside. like he just wants some love and will treat you with such care and gentleness it’s adorable. that whole “i’ll slap someone” quote thing matches him so well i can’t- like think about it, he would no doubt smack a bitch if they ever messed with you (or anyone he cares about but more so you) but with you he gives his whole heart and soul into you and your relationship. being disloyal is just not in his programming, sorry not sorry. he will always let you be vulnerable and would make sure he never breaks your trust in any way. he knows how hard it is to open up and show your vulnerability so he wants to make sure you feel comfortable and safe and most importantly, understood. physical touch you say? hugs and hand holding? oh my GOD sign this touch starved bby up. he wants physical affection so badly since he was stripped of it as a child and throughout the rest of his life so be prepared to be smothered with affection once he knows you enjoy it. i don’t even have to say anything about how you like people who don’t necessarily fit the standards,like that’s completely him, being different is basically his whole thing. lastly, he will always be protective of you because he scared you’ll get hurt or he’ll get abandoned again. he just loves you so much and wants you to feel safe at all times so protecting you is the way to go.
scenarios with the two of you:
• so tendo is NOT used to compliments or anyone loving him or anything like that so he gets so flustered that occurs. one time you kept saying how much you love him and how he means the world to you, how amazing and beautiful he is, and things such as that and he literally malfunctioned. he got so lovey dovey with you and the happiness he felt was just- yeah it was an overflow. he loves when you compliment him like that and gets incredibly giddy and blushy when you do it’s vv cute🥺
• this is one of my headcannons for him anyways and i think it fits you rlly well. tendo would always randomly ballroom dance with you no matter where you are. like he would walk up to you and get down and like kiss your hand to pretend to be a gentleman. you two would start dancing and he would do all these spins and twirls and would pretend to drop you just to see you laugh. he also does that thing where he places your feet on top of his and kinda wobbles side to side ya know? i can’t really explain it but yeah😔😌
•OMG he would LOVE dressing up with you!! on free days he would raid your closet and randomly pick clothes and you two would have fake fashion shows and would “walk the runway” for eachother (by runway i mean living room carpet ahhdhs) he would always pick the dumbest combination of clothes but would always somehow make them look good?? idk he always could pull them off and it’s so funny. also he’s the best person to take pics with because he would be hyping you up the whole time, like he would be screaming how hot you are while in a super uncomfortable position to get a good pic angle ABHD-
AHDHS i hope you liked this IT TOOK SO LONG IM SO SORRY😭 i ended up writing a lot but this was so fun to get back into writing after a while and this was such a cute matchup i couldn’t help it😔
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sirjustice1355 · 3 years
Ask could nelson northwhitehead finished the world all alone and if yes and not yet what made him to relent and which nations can he live best so he gets their dude AND WHICH SUBJECTS he knows best and the women he loves and cars or houses and given
what can be grown in seas at what height as in brooklynn tea can  grow from 700 meter down the main land and with floating cushion  cylinders which can fly when height above sea water needed 4 the plant  growth can make many with soil and fix them at that height and boom like  ya wheat or tea or make many islands on top on already made to reach  water surface and that land dude
Ask is nelson sick, yep got teeth tata and growing nuts kinda of schizophrenia and answers given yes or no or not yet confirmed or cant be known yet have cash not, do nelson watch porn answer given no, read books or cook no
even wens Father is Lil scrappy and tychus mother Joyce and father  lil scrappy was it artificial insemination, Cd burst or intercourse and  answer given dude and the figures behind the sperm theft and  insemination all given and even those 1 in love with, if one had sex  last night or not and the kind of car one loves and the greatest  scientist and who came up with the stolen invention as with scientist is  Nelson Northwhitehead, Calvin clain, Einstein and Johnson though gave  others his innovations and all those stolen goods the ones who stole  and the killers of one and how many marks one will get b4 marking and  those people who copied the exam or had papers prior and the plot  killers of others and all the loophole to stealing cash in an economy
4 jayden Jlo and latifa and mary J TOOK kid 4 chingy, even within  ya mind if u look at the forehead of those fathers real or adopter and u  ask who is the father to Jayden u see a written script chingy and even  Victor of driving school father lil scrappy taken by it 4 the infusion  dude
And if a nation like Kenya can be rich than USA and in  which perimeters in national income or in per capita and the population  number 4 it to be rich as if population increase makes it poor all those  options given to and what other nations ought to do to make such  nations not rich and even when not in display in the net as hidden, what  advances in militarily machines and vehicles a nation has or a  particular tribe to know how to combat them if possible or not told
And  if 1 Gold or property was stolen or has made machines in the boom if  not certain gives ya the same and if u had these infection or not, a  thing the Hindu uses and give other reasons so u know not and they get  ahead as u fear them dude and even u can ask which combination treats  aids as of which plant products or make this machine in the boom process  and the how the boom environment ought to be and if one ready to marry  or can marry and if one hates or love another or people planning to rob  one, steal or harm and even exhume graves. With the photo fold thing of  sharp dimension tells u all the above or written script within it but  many b4 crossing and where were each tribe gotten into Africa or out of  Africa and in what time dispensation and who brought them, the green man  or which people and which nations in Europe and Asia occupied Africa b4  moving to their previous lands out of Africa and who came from outer  space from which planet
It gives you the trio-logy of one as the  one of Christ in the bible and if one is related to one in far distant  lands dude and even if u want sermon on this bible topic given or speed  touching on a subject u want given, autobiography, news paper news,  school books mentioning the topics like parts of heart, lungs and kidney  and their suctions and even taxonomy or radio activity dude and even  who slept with that maid or kids or who beat them in people absenstia  dude
Even what electronics has been made per every tribe of the  world, foods, machines and office tool as u google as u write b4  crossing and folding pressing with knife or ruler so heap be one on the  roads as either dry or all weather roads or within ya yard, either u go  the stir way in porridge with ya finger or try with anything one hand or  leg in heap of garbage kids caressing to wash or hurl out cold water or  acidified water or grab the wall method as u wash ya feet in fruit,  fluid or chemical mixture either with kids or cattle or pets or women or  old people or go the chop fruit and extracts mixtures on wood soaked in  mixtures as of fruits and berries or juices in dry posture in dry or  wet mud or in cereal and even when voodoo on one as swollen skin those  responsible 4 the same as with death and those who stole or ready to  steal exams and even those infected dude and the desires and pleasures  or plans of one dude so u stop to claim things as yours cause the devil  knows and will be part of ya judgement in heaven or in earth to  eliminate ya and options given as printed and even those who sunk this  ship and fallen this airplane and these cars and even the type of  airplane on air currently, drones or choppers or missiles long b4 the  radar and those yacht or ships on sea on voyage or submarine on waters  and even those in love and having sex as u can ask particularly where  one is to tell u all above about 1 if possible and those who had TB or  Corona previously or when one has had sex with another and on how many  occasions and even if one is tired with life given bro and those who  wants to eat in one house without cease or stop wanting war with those  people whom he wants to eat in their houses
Even between cities  which beautiful, secure or this and that which is beautiful or gorgeous  dude like Nairobi and Kampala and answer given as with automobile or  machines u cant refuse to heap blame on one and if one can be or is  willing to be president or Mp of a nation instead of heaping blame as i  remember i told China these when i was in Minneapolis and u can ask the  Devil the same if Nelson Gave china all these and when and even talking  phone app in ya local dialect dude and even those nation having the  dredger to cut across the earth surface to below the outer crust and  currently making which holes at what bearing in which places, like  presently Italy and china making holes in KENYA sisal land, tea or  flower, Germany and Brazil included and even in Uganda coffee land as  they have stopped all given in print form at what height the stopped and  if their is any intruder beneath the earth surface within ya land or  all over dude as drones or space shuttle dude and where one was born, in  which cities, countries with those shifted to dude and their ages as  years of birth, dude stop and resort to the above either in the dark,  moonlight or under light dimmers
Like even how many nations now got internet and web browsers, radar long range missiles, space shuttle, mini military drones, atomic bombs, one long range of the earth radius phone company radar servers, of TV, drone, Radio and radio call and Rps system and exam intranet thing or cashless money long range wireless booth and if liquid cash ending soon or to stay or nations with yachts, ships, tankers, airplanes, cruise ship home made
Go the smoke way, in dry sand land, step with polished shoes, to find the killers of Kobe and any or place  photo in the cup facing up the add sugar or salt or both as sand off  hour glass when their photos, suspect on ya hand as u squeezed with  tangerine juice and outer peel legs in termite soil with raw mango juice  or acidified water and boom down eps brown or partially green sugar or  mix of dif colors dude. buy this one and save the day with ya knife.  can have cash but not liquid cash to buy stuff as u bought a property  even worth millions and another has less cash but did not buy property  and have much exchanging cash than u like the obamas
gas or cushion inside armored glass cylinders placed on water can  float to house your next tv/phone or any server on distant see as with  Norwegian Highway, i wanted to rob USA her dignity and China by telling  elon mask the same, new Zealand wireless electricity, Bulgaria digital  tomb stone and Norway the Highway above which is beautiful and like  missile to India Akash and e-voting machines and app like Tubidi with  Kamba and the Arab search engine. Ask where obama father is answer in Kano bed ridden or in wheel chair, live in kayego kisumu in the past, senior not his father and Ann dun ham not his mother her mother was from peru living in bronx, mother from Kentucky and carlifornia to cement the truths of kebi sentiments. Ask if India is poor or rich answer poor and will they get out of Kenya lest shot or Kebi dies  
The devil tells Isiah i new you b4 you were consecrated in ya mother tomb and ask why one hates another, has no sense of future dude to tell ya its not God but Mr devil the bible was rewritten and ask who bought kebi green-card and the cartel behind it and given and how much paid and those eating with organized sports betting as above and answers given, didy, minaj, Eddie Murphy, puttin and obama and more
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sirjustice1354 · 3 years
ASk about NELSON
Ask could nelson northwhitehead finished the world all alone and if yes and not yet what made him to relent and which nations can he live best so he gets their dude AND WHICH SUBJECTS he knows best and the women he loves and cars or houses and given
what can be grown in seas at what height as in brooklynn tea can grow from 700 meter down the main land and with floating cushion cylinders which can fly when height above sea water needed 4 the plant growth can make many with soil and fix them at that height and boom like ya wheat or tea or make many islands on top on already made to reach water surface and that land dude
Ask is nelson sick, yep got teeth tata and growing nuts kinda of schizophrenia and answers given yes or no or not yet confirmed or cant be known yet have cash not, do nelson watch porn answer given no, read books or cook no
even wens Father is Lil scrappy and tychus mother Joyce and father  lil scrappy was it artificial insemination, Cd burst or intercourse and  answer given dude and the figures behind the sperm theft and  insemination all given and even those 1 in love with, if one had sex  last night or not and the kind of car one loves and the greatest  scientist and who came up with the stolen invention as with scientist is  Nelson Northwhitehead, Calvin clain, Einstein and Johnson though gave  others his innovations and all those stolen goods the ones who stole  and the killers of one and how many marks one will get b4 marking and  those people who copied the exam or had papers prior and the plot  killers of others and all the loophole to stealing cash in an economy
4 jayden Jlo and latifa and mary J TOOK kid 4 chingy, even within  ya mind if u look at the forehead of those fathers real or adopter and u  ask who is the father to Jayden u see a written script chingy and even  Victor of driving school father lil scrappy taken by it 4 the infusion  dude
And if a nation like Kenya can be rich than USA and in  which perimeters in national income or in per capita and the population  number 4 it to be rich as if population increase makes it poor all those  options given to and what other nations ought to do to make such  nations not rich and even when not in display in the net as hidden, what  advances in militarily machines and vehicles a nation has or a  particular tribe to know how to combat them if possible or not told
And  if 1 Gold or property was stolen or has made machines in the boom if  not certain gives ya the same and if u had these infection or not, a  thing the Hindu uses and give other reasons so u know not and they get  ahead as u fear them dude and even u can ask which combination treats  aids as of which plant products or make this machine in the boom process  and the how the boom environment ought to be and if one ready to marry  or can marry and if one hates or love another or people planning to rob  one, steal or harm and even exhume graves. With the photo fold thing of  sharp dimension tells u all the above or written script within it but  many b4 crossing and where were each tribe gotten into Africa or out of  Africa and in what time dispensation and who brought them, the green man  or which people and which nations in Europe and Asia occupied Africa b4  moving to their previous lands out of Africa and who came from outer  space from which planet
It gives you the trio-logy of one as the  one of Christ in the bible and if one is related to one in far distant  lands dude and even if u want sermon on this bible topic given or speed  touching on a subject u want given, autobiography, news paper news,  school books mentioning the topics like parts of heart, lungs and kidney  and their suctions and even taxonomy or radio activity dude and even  who slept with that maid or kids or who beat them in people absenstia  dude
Even what electronics has been made per every tribe of the  world, foods, machines and office tool as u google as u write b4  crossing and folding pressing with knife or ruler so heap be one on the  roads as either dry or all weather roads or within ya yard, either u go  the stir way in porridge with ya finger or try with anything one hand or  leg in heap of garbage kids caressing to wash or hurl out cold water or  acidified water or grab the wall method as u wash ya feet in fruit,  fluid or chemical mixture either with kids or cattle or pets or women or  old people or go the chop fruit and extracts mixtures on wood soaked in  mixtures as of fruits and berries or juices in dry posture in dry or  wet mud or in cereal and even when voodoo on one as swollen skin those  responsible 4 the same as with death and those who stole or ready to  steal exams and even those infected dude and the desires and pleasures  or plans of one dude so u stop to claim things as yours cause the devil  knows and will be part of ya judgement in heaven or in earth to  eliminate ya and options given as printed and even those who sunk this  ship and fallen this airplane and these cars and even the type of  airplane on air currently, drones or choppers or missiles long b4 the  radar and those yacht or ships on sea on voyage or submarine on waters  and even those in love and having sex as u can ask particularly where  one is to tell u all above about 1 if possible and those who had TB or  Corona previously or when one has had sex with another and on how many  occasions and even if one is tired with life given bro and those who  wants to eat in one house without cease or stop wanting war with those  people whom he wants to eat in their houses
Even between cities  which beautiful, secure or this and that which is beautiful or gorgeous  dude like Nairobi and Kampala and answer given as with automobile or  machines u cant refuse to heap blame on one and if one can be or is  willing to be president or Mp of a nation instead of heaping blame as i  remember i told China these when i was in Minneapolis and u can ask the  Devil the same if Nelson Gave china all these and when and even talking  phone app in ya local dialect dude and even those nation having the  dredger to cut across the earth surface to below the outer crust and  currently making which holes at what bearing in which places, like  presently Italy and china making holes in KENYA sisal land, tea or  flower, Germany and Brazil included and even in Uganda coffee land as  they have stopped all given in print form at what height the stopped and  if their is any intruder beneath the earth surface within ya land or  all over dude as drones or space shuttle dude and where one was born, in  which cities, countries with those shifted to dude and their ages as  years of birth, dude stop and resort to the above either in the dark,  moonlight or under light dimmers
Like even how many nations now got internet and web browsers, radar long range missiles, space shuttle, mini military drones, atomic bombs, one long range of the earth radius phone company radar servers, of TV, drone, Radio and radio call and Rps system and exam intranet thing or cashless money long range wireless booth and if liquid cash ending soon or to stay or nations with yachts, ships, tankers, airplanes, cruise ship home made
Go the smoke way, in dry sand land, step with polished shoes, to find the killers of Kobe and any or place  photo in the cup facing up the add sugar or salt or both as sand off  hour glass when their photos, suspect on ya hand as u squeezed with  tangerine juice and outer peel legs in termite soil with raw mango juice  or acidified water and boom down eps brown or partially green sugar or  mix of dif colors dude. buy this one and save the day with ya knife.  can have cash but not liquid cash to buy stuff as u bought a property  even worth millions and another has less cash but did not buy property  and have much exchanging cash than u like the obamas
gas or cushion inside armored glass cylinders placed on water can  float to house your next tv/phone or any server on distant see as with  Norwegian Highway, i wanted to rob USA her dignity and China by telling  elon mask the same, new Zealand wireless electricity, Bulgaria digital  tomb stone and Norway the Highway above which is beautiful and like  missile to India Akash and e-voting machines and app like Tubidi with  Kamba and the Arab search engine. Ask where obama father is answer in Kano bed ridden or in wheel chair, live in kayego kisumu in the past, senior not his father and Ann dun ham not his mother her mother was from peru living in bronx, mother from Kentucky and carlifornia to cement the truths of kebi sentiments. Ask if India is poor or rich answer poor and will they get out of Kenya lest shot or Kebi dies 
The devil tells Isiah i new you b4 you were consecrated in ya mother tomb and ask why one hates another, has no sense of future dude to tell ya its not God but Mr devil the bible was rewritten and ask who bought kebi green-card and the cartel behind it and given and how much paid and those eating with organized sports betting as above and answers given, didy, minaj, Eddie Murphy, puttin and obama and more
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lovelyloveylou · 4 years
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Howdy everyone! Did you guess what series my most canon breaking s/i is from? It’s Bleach! Because of course it is. Here i am back again reposting this profile, hopefully to the right blog and hopefully with a read more XD I’d like to introduce you to my gal Etsuko so let’s do that under the cut~ Images made on the pastel girl app!
Princess Etsuko Abe/Etsuko Zaraki
Approximately 1,000 years old, though if anyone asks she ballparks herself around 530 since that’s about as long as she’s been conscious
Birthday is March 20th
Squad 11, 4th Seat
Zanpakuto - Tetsu Hitsuji/Iron Sheep – Kido Type – Command is Sink Tetsu Hitsuji
Shipped with Kenpachi Zaraki
Relationship status Married! Though I’ll discus their relationship at all it’s points
Anniversary is January 26th
Kids? Yes! There’s 11 of em counting Yachiru so I’ll probably make a separate post about them XD Their names are Minako, Fumi, Rentaro, Ikue, Kana, Chika, Suguru, Ryuunosuke, Tomo, and Jubei. Minako, Chika, and Ryuunosuke are their biological children, the other 7 are adopted~
Story? Yes but not written! I do however have several filler arcs worth of content sitting around in my brain that I might occasionally write about. If they were part of the anime she, Setsuko, and Tsubame would be the main characters for the Spirit Callers arc, which would reveal the existence of more elemental spirits that exist all throughout Soul Society and the Human World and a group that seeks to control them and then the Lost Princess’s arc which would revel their parentage immediately after. They would also be minor characters in the short Magical Souls arc where my insert who ships with Mayuri ropes a couple of my other ocs into becoming magical girls via unethical soul science! It’s a fun time.
     A bit of background~ Etsuko and her sister are the daughters of the Soul King. Born some few decades after the birth of Yhwach to a different mother, the girls were kept away from the world and others out of fear that they too could share their souls. Like their half brother they could not hear, see, or speak when they were born and rested quietly in a sort of stasis for some 500 years before they began to slowly awaken and grow. They manifested a large amount of spiritual power from a young age, Etsuko being the more powerful of the two. It’s unclear if this extra power comes from her being older or because of the concept she embodies as an extension of her father. Either way she grew into enormous power and for a period in her childhood was rather unruly with it. She is the embodiment of Chaos, while her sister embodies Order, though you wouldn’t guess it meeting them now. She graduates from the academy and joins Squad 11 as their 4th seat two years before the start of the manga.
    Her Personality~ Etsuko is a kind, quiet, and very determined woman, sometimes naïve, and a hard worker. Because of her strength and the nature of her abilities her mother took special care to shape her into someone considerate and with good temperament. Through this training and conditioning she built up a steady work ethic that is an asset to squad 11 (and poor overworked Yumichika). Much of the empathy and emotional understanding came naturally once the rush of being what amounted to a super powered child wore off and Etsuko realized she could do real and lasting harm to others if she didn’t keep her abilities in check. She strives to be kind, polite, and patient in all things, extending the same grace her mother offered her in her difficult moments. In the same vein however she can be quite strict if you’re not actually trying.
     She quite often appears nervous or timid, especially in new or crowded social situations. This is because her social development was somewhat stunted given the limited number of people she had to socialize with on her level in the Soul Palace and she doesn’t always navigate conversations gracefully or understand all the references people make. Because of her seeming anxiety though people assume they can take advantage of her easily or push her around, they quickly learn though that she is not quick to bend to the will of others and is not a person to be trifled with. While she’s quite willing to go with the flow in most circumstances anyone looking to manipulate her is likely to meet the sharp edge of her sword. This easy temperament combined with her intolerance for bullshit lends her quite well to her position in the 11th. The Shinigami stationed under her feel comfortable enough to approach her with questions and concerns knowing she won’t judge them harshly and perform to their best ability knowing that they’ll be praised easily and recognized for their growth.  She inspires loyalty and despite her awkward socialization is an endearing and genuinely caring person which lends her friends rather easily.
And a few headcanons before we go
She eats A LOT, all the time. Her metabolism is exceptionally high on account of her larger than average amount of reiatsu. Depending on the day she could out eat Kenpachi in a single meal. As it stands she eats several more times a day than him, though in normal-ish portions.
Because she eats so much she’s gotten very good at cooking! It’s her favorite hobby actually and she treats anyone who happens to catch her in the kitchens to some of whatever she’s making. There are members of the squad that park themselves just outside the barracks kitchen throughout the day specifically so they can eat her cooking.
Her nickname around the squad is Princess. Early into her time there Yachiru asked why she eats so slowly and sits to straight and Etsuko told her it’s because that’s polite and “Princesses must always be polite.” No one took her off hand declaration of royalty seriously but the title stuck, at first a little mocking and then fond. There’s some hilarious faces when the squad finds out that nickname is also an actual title.
She’s very good at kido but prefers physical battle. Part of the reason for this is that, occasionally, spells will go awry because of her reiatsu. As an embodiment of chaos her spiritual pressure is prone to being, well, chaotic, and can cause odd manifestations of that power.
The other reason she prefers to just fight with swords is that she likes the physicality of it. She quite likes physical activities in general!
The photos above depict her in a possible version of her princess garb, the outfit she wears while working at a cafe in Karakura town during the Magical Souls arc, and her style during the epilogue 10 years from the end of the 1000 years blood war.
I could literally go on about her for forever but I’ll stop here! Keep an eye out for ship headcanons and also for Setsuko and Tsubame’s profiles. Also if you enjoy bleach pls be gentle!!! These girls and their stories are pure, canonbreaking self indulgence born from a convo I had with my friends where we lamented the fact that the poor soul king at the least deserves a loving wife and at least one decent child XD Also also if you have Bleach ships can our s/i’s please be friends? These girls need more friends XD. Thanks for reading this far btw! You’re a trooper.
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Strange Events || Chapter 2
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht, Tetsu, Misono, Snow Lily, Mikuni, JeJe
Summary: When Mahiru’s friend goes missing, he searches through the woods for him. He comes across a boy with psychic abilities. He hoped Kuro would be able to help him find Misono. (Stranger Things AU) A/N: This was an AU that @viconekochan suggested.
Ch.1 || (Ch.2)
“Mahiru, do you think it’s a good idea to bring a stranger back into your house? We don’t know what he was doing in the woods so late at night.” Lily said as he helped him take the blankets down to the basement. They brought the unconscious boy back to his home but he hadn’t woken up yet. He didn’t know if he made the right decision but he was certain he would regret leaving him in the forest.
“Once he wakes up, we can ask him why he was in the forest. His clothes were dirty and he has a fever.” Mahiru remembered how warm his body felt when he fainted. It was difficult to put his heavy body on his bike and take him home. “He must’ve been in the woods for a while. Maybe he saw what happened to Misono. He looked scared when we met him.”
“I’ll be next door so call me if anything changes.” Lily wanted to stay with Mahiru but had to return to his home before his brother discovered him missing. He told himself that Licht was staying with him so he would be safe.
“Bye, Lily.” Mahiru walked down to the basement and he was confused when he found it empty. He had placed the boy on the couch and they were only gone for a few minutes. He would’ve heard the door if he left and the window was shut. Mahiru placed the blankets on the couch and glanced around the room. He noticed that the chair in front of his desk was askew and went to push it back in place.
Mahiru stopped when he saw the boy huddled beneath his desk. He pushed aside the chair and knelt in front of him. He appeared wary so Mahiru spoke in a kind voice. “What are you doing under here? You’re sick so you should be resting on the couch. Come out and I’ll help you back. I also made soup for you. Usually, I have a rule against this but you can eat it on the couch.”
He held out his hand but the boy shook his head. Mahiru didn’t understand why until the stranger crawled out slightly and pointed to the window above their heads. The couch was right across from it and anyone could see it from the outside. After Mahiru closed the curtains, the boy seemed to relax more. “Are you afraid that someone will find you here? Are you in trouble?”
Once again, the boy was silent. Mahiru thought that it was best not to push him too much and placed a dinner tray in front of him instead. “You don’t want to sleep on the couch but you have to eat at least. You can stay here for a while and recover. Lily lives next door and Licht is staying with me for the month. They’re very trustworthy so don’t worry. Oh, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name’s Mahiru.”
The boy didn’t tell him his name. Mahiru was glad that he took the food from him at least. He cautiously sniffed the soup but he took a bite. His red eyes widened after he tasted the soup and he continued to eat as if he was starving. Mahiru smiled, happy to see someone enjoy his cooking. The bowl was quickly emptied and he handed it back to him.
“Is that a tattoo on your wrist? Zero-zero-seven…” Mahiru mumbled quietly. As if burned, he quickly drew back when he heard the number. He pulled his sleeve over his wrist to cover the tattoo. “I’m sorry. I don’t know many teenagers with tattoos. What does that number mean?”
In answer, he pointed to himself. Mahiru took a moment to guess what he meant. “Is that your name? It’s a little strange to call you by a number. Can I give you a nickname? Oh, I know! Kuro. Seven is a lucky number and black cats are lucky too. Well, they’re lucky for me. I adopted a stray cat once and you remind me of him. Do you like the name Kuro?”
“… Kuro?” He spoke for the first time. Mahiru was surprised since he had been silent for so long. His voice was quiet but he thought it was also warm. He was glad that Kuro was beginning to trust him. He hoped he would be comfortable enough to talk more in the morning. With that thought, he took the tray and set it aside.
“I’m sorry we don’t have more rooms. Licht is already staying in my uncle’s room so you’ll have to sleep in the basement. You don’t want to sleep on the couch but you can’t sleep on the floor. How about we make a compromise?” Mahiru suggested as he came back with the blankets. He lightly nudged Kuro aside and spread a futon on the ground. “We can make a pillow fort for you.”
“Pillow fort?” He repeated and he appeared confused.
“Have you never made a pillow fort before?” Mahiru frowned. What kind of life did he have to not know what a pillow fort was? He would often make them with his friends when he was younger and they were common in movies. He briefly explained the concept to him and he helped him build a pillow fort. They pushed chairs into place and Mahiru draped a blanket over the futon.
“There we go! How do you like your very first fort, Kuro?” He asked.
Kuro slowly crawled into the fort and sat down. He patted the futon a few times before he laid down and curled into a ball. He was almost like a cat who was adjusting to his new home. Mahiru thought that it was a little endearing. He gave him a warm smile and pulled the blanket over him. Kuro looked up at him and whispered, “Thank you. This is nice.”
“I’m glad you like it. If you need me, I’ll be upstairs. My room is the first door to the right.” Mahiru told him and he started to leave. “Get a good night sleep. We’ll talk more over breakfast and see what we should do next. Your parents must be worried so we’ll call them as soon as we can.”
“No.” Kuro caught his hand and stopped him from leaving. Fear entered his red eyes and he vehemently shook his head. He stumbled over an explanation until Mahiru squeezed his hand gently. He took a deep breath and said, “Too dangerous. Better to hide. They hurt me. They will hurt you too. Bad people.”
A chill ran through Mahiru. He could only imagine what Kuro went through but it was clear that he was afraid of the people after him. They found him in the same woods Misono disappeared in so the two events could be related. Mahiru held his hands a little tighter and reassured him. “We won’t let those people find you here. We’re friends now so I’ll help you.”
“Friends?” He tilted his head slightly.
Mahiru guessed that he didn’t know the meaning of the word either. “A friend is someone you care about and will do anything to help them. Now, it’s time to go to sleep. Sleep tight.”
“Good night,” He whispered back.
“I should be out there.” Hyde muttered to himself. He sat in a chair next to the window and stared at the driveway outside. Mikuni told him to wait at home while he searched the woods with the volunteers. He understood that he needed to stay in case Misono came home. It was almost midnight and waiting became more difficult. He read that the chances of finding a missing child alive became less likely overtime.
Hyde jumped to his feet when he saw a bright light enter the driveway. He realized that it was JeJe’s police truck and he ran outside to meet them. He stood on the porch and waited for the two. It was dark so he couldn’t see their expressions well. When only two people stepped out of the truck, his heart sank. They weren’t able to find Misono.
Mikuni’s feet dragged as he climbed the porch. He passed Hyde without saying a word and walked into the house. He had a lot of questions but he knew that Mikuni was in no mood to answer any of them. JeJe followed them into the house. Hyde asked, “Were you able to find anything?”
“Unfortunately, no but we won’t give up. We started with the places near your home and we’ll go out from there.” He reassured him. Mikuni ignored their conversation and spread a map of the town on the desk. He crossed off areas they had searched. His brows furrowed as he circled areas his brother could be. He only looked up when JeJe stood beside him.
“Do you think Misono would go to a family member’s house? I know you don’t have any relatives in Hawkins. Maybe your mother who lives in the next town.” JeJe asked. Mikuni response was a pained laugh that he disguised as scoff. “Mikuni, I know your family is complicated but I have to ask these questions. If we want to find Misono, we have to consider every possibility.”
Mikuni didn’t reply to him but turned to Hyde instead. “You should go to bed, Hyde. It’s late and a school night.”
“Shouldn’t I be here to answer questions and help think of ways to help Misono? He’s my brother.” He insisted yet Mikuni merely repeated himself. Hyde huffed and stormed to his room. After waiting and feeling useless, he hoped he could help a little. He didn’t know why Mikuni wanted to keep him from the investigation. He slammed his door hard enough to shake the photos on the wall.
“Hyde is right, you know?” He pointed out.
“Do you know how many times we’ve seen our mother since the divorce?” Mikuni asked but JeJe knew he didn’t want him to answer. “Exactly once. When Papa died, she came down for the reading of his will. He didn’t leave her anything. You should’ve seen the scene she made. She doesn’t bother herself with her biological sons so why would she help Misono who isn’t related to her?”
His face hid the hurt he felt but he couldn’t keep it from JeJe. Mikuni sighed and looked down the hall. “Hyde is more sensitive than people think. Don’t put more pressure on him by bringing up pointless things like our mother. She disappointed Hyde more than enough times.”
“And you?” The combination of pain and bitterness in his voice pulled at JeJe’s heart. Mikuni didn’t answer so JeJe went on. “I’ll talk to her for you. This is just to confirm that Misono hasn’t left town. She might’ve seen Misono around the city. Think about your brothers.”
“When did you get better at manipulating people? If you were like this in high school, you would’ve been able to talk me out of a lot of bad choices.” Mikuni joked dryly. He pulled down a notebook from the bookshelf. He flipped through the pages until he found a business card. “Mother’s number and address is on the back. The lawyer gave it to me but I never thought I would need it.”
“I’ll give her a call tomorrow afternoon. Then, we’ll continue to search for Misono. You should get some sleep while you can.” JeJe slipped the card into his pocket. He didn’t know if he should leave Mikuni after his brother disappeared but he couldn’t stay. “Make sure to lock the doors and windows. If anything comes up, give me a call.”
“I almost want the bastard to show up again. I would break his knees and ask him where he took Misono.” Mikuni stood and walked him to the front door. “Goodbye, JeJe.”
“Goodnight, Mikuni.” He nodded to him and walked to his truck. As he was pulling out of the driveway, there was a knock on the window. He was slightly surprised to see Hyde standing beside him. He switched the car to park and rolled down the window. Hyde had sneaked out through his window to speak with him briefly. “I didn’t get to ask you more about the search.”
“This town is small but a lot of people have volunteered to help search for Misono. You should remind Mikuni that. He has a bad habit of trying to do everything on his own. He goes to pretty bad extremes too.” He thought of the plans Mikuni would make in high school. “Lily told me that Misono is smart.”
“He is the top of his class in everything except PE. The only game he would win is hide-and-seek. He’s good at hiding in small places that no one would think of.” He told JeJe. Hyde wanted to reassure himself that his brother was safe no matter the situation he was in. “I’m sure Mikuni already told you about this for the search. Thank you for everything you’re doing, JeJe.”
“My name is actually Doubt. JeJe is a nickname Mikuni gave me because he said that’s what my laugh sounds like. It caught on.” Since Hyde was younger than them, he wasn’t surprised that no one told him his given name. JeJe leaned back in his chair and looked towards the light in Mikuni’s window. “You’re a family so make sure to take care of each other.”
“I don’t know what’s stranger: the fact that your name is Doubt or that you laughed once in your life. You and my brother must’ve been close.” He said but JeJe shrugged.
He spoke with him a few minutes more before he returned to the house. Hyde intended to sneak in through his window but then his eyes met Mikuni’s in the doorway. He groaned to himself because he could already hear the lecture his brother would give him. He walked through the door but he tried to hurry past him. “I’m in no mood for your overprotective brother act.”
“I wouldn’t have to be over protective if you had any common sense! Leave this to the adults. You’re just a high schooler so you need to focus on your future.”
“How can I focus on anything when my brother is missing?” He snapped back.
Their argument was interrupted by the phone ringing. Mikuni didn’t want to answer but he knew he had to. The call could be about Misono so he picked up the receiver. He waited for the person to speak yet there was nothing but silence. He started to believe that it was a prank caller until he heard a soft voice. It was almost overtaken by static. “Misono? Is that you?”
“Misono is calling?” Hyde rushed to his side and tried to grab the phone from him. He held the phone between them so they could both hear the call. They strained to hear anything over the static but it was difficult to make anything out. He heard a strange sound that was almost like an animal yet it was also like a rumble. “Misono, where are you? Are you calling from a payphone?”
The static became louder and overpowered the voice on the other side. Mikuni was forced to drop the phone when electricity from the phone shocked him. He was dazed for a moment while Hyde quickly took the phone again. The line was dead and he frantically pressed the tab. He cursed loudly when he realized that it was pointless and saw that the phone was charred.
“Was that really Misono?” He whispered.
“Are you making three breakfasts?” Licht asked. His sudden appearance made Mahiru jump a little. He wasn’t able to sleep much last night either. Between Kuro and Misono, he had a lot of questions. He didn’t want to worry Licht so he forced himself to smile as he placed a plate of waffles on the table.
“This is for my friend, Kuro. He slept over. I wasn’t able to introduce him to you last night since you were sleeping when we got back.” Mahiru debates how much he could tell his cousin. “I promised that I would let you use the school’s piano but I might have to skip first period. I’ll still talk to Mrs. Shirohara to let you practise. Can you head to school first and wait for me?”
“I never thought you were the type to skip.” Licht thought about the previous night and how Mahiru went out to find his friend. He thought the reason he would be late was related. If he was so worried for his friend that he would break the rules, Licht couldn’t stop him. “Alright. I don’t know where the school is though. More important, where is their music room?”
“My high school is down the street.” He drew a small map for Licht to find the school. “You can also talk to Lily and he can talk to Mrs. Shirohara for you.”
Mahiru returned to making breakfast. After he arranged everything on a tray, he walked down to the basement. He set the food in front of the fort before he lifted the blanket. He found Kuro fast asleep under the blankets and Mahiru thought that his expression was peaceful. It was almost a shame to wake him up. Gently, he shook his shoulder and said, “Time to wake up.”
“No, I don’t want to go back there anymore.” He groaned and his brows started to furrow. He thought there was a hint of fear in his voice and it confused Mahiru. Kuro crawled deeper under the blankets and tried to block out the light. He realized that the room was much warmer and quieter than he was used to and peeked his head out.
The events of the past night came back to him and he relaxed. He slowly looked around the basement until his eyes met brown ones. Mahiru smiled at him, “Good morning, Kuro. Can I check your temperature? If you’ve gotten better, you can have waffles.”
He didn’t move until he nodded his head. He pressed his hand against his forehead and found that it wasn’t burning anymore. Mahiru nudged the tray towards him and prompted him to eat. Kuro picked up the warm waffle and thought of the simple porridges he would have every morning. The waffles were as delicious as the soup he gave him last night.
“I have to go to school but I’ll show you around the house first. I’ll close all the curtains before you come up so you don’t need to worry about someone seeing you.” Mahiru remembered how wary he was the previous night. He wanted to make him feel comfortable and safe. He sat across from him and watched him eat. “Can you tell me about yourself?”
After a pause, he answered: “My name is Kuro.”
“I know that, Kuro. I was the one who gave you the nickname. What do you like to eat? What do you like to do for fun?” Mahiru wanted to ask him about the bad men after him. At the same time, he worried that he would become more guarded if he asked him too much. He was so quiet that he didn’t expect him to answer.
“I’m allowed to draw.” The way he phased his answer confused Mahiru slightly. Allowed? It was becoming more apparent that the people who hurt Kuro kept him isolated and restricted. Mahiru took out a set of clothes that he also brought for him.
“I have a lot of sketchbooks you can borrow. While I get them and close the curtains, you should change into these clothes. You’re taller than me so I got you some of my cousin’s clothes for you. He won’t mind that you’re borrowing them.” He took the empty tray and let Kuro have his privacy to change. Mahiru paused at the top of the stairs and looked back to him.
He hoped he would trust him soon. He turned away from him and walked to the windows to shut the curtains. Licht had already left and the house was quiet. Mahiru thought that it was for the best since he didn’t want to overwhelm Kuro. He walked back to the basement and knocked on the door. “It’s safe to come out, Kuro.”
The door opened slightly and Kuro glanced outside. Mahiru was standing on the other side and they were closer than he expected. He could see small details in his red eyes and he thought they were a unique colour. Kuro’s voice brought him back to reality. “Can I come out? You’re blocking the door.”
“Oh, sorry.” Mahiru blushed and stepped back. “I’ll show you around the house and lend you my paint set. You can play my NES if you get bored while I’m at school. Have you played The Legend of Zelda yet?”
“Where is that music room?” Licht wandered through the halls. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself since he wasn’t a student. Even if his intentions were pure, the teachers would kick him out for trespassing. He hoped he could find a map of the school near the front entrance. He heard mutters behind him and he turned towards the voices.
A group of teenagers were standing nearby and they pointed towards a blonde boy. “Look who is finally going to school. It’s that quiet kid whose brother went missing. How much do you want to bet that he might’ve killed him? Loners like him always end up being crazy.”
Mahiru told him that his friend went missing and guessed that he was also this boy’s brother. He didn’t know how someone could say something so insensitive to a family member of a missing person. He decided to approach him. When he stopped next to him and saw the poster he was pinning to the billboard. Licht lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
“Hello, my name is Licht. You don’t know me but my cousin, Mahiru, was a friend of Misono. He told me that your brother was missing. I’m sorry.” He said and Hyde smiled sadly. Several people had given him their condolences but he didn’t know how many actually cared about Misono. He had overheard the teenagers’ earlier whispers but ignored them. He thought he could trust Licht since he was Mahiru’s cousin.
Then, Licht went on. “Don’t lose faith that we’ll find your brother. Mahiru is an angel— well, angel in training actually. No matter, he will find your brother.”
He continued to talk about angels and Hyde started to believe he was mocking him. His lips twisted into a scowl and he turned away from him. “I don’t need your fake sympathy, Angel Cakes. Go back to your friends over there and gossip. I don’t care. The only thing I care about is finding my brother and you’re distracting me.”
Licht was too shocked to reply before Hyde walked away.
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o5-10 · 5 years
({No trigger warnings for this, and it’s hella late, but here’s an overview of that time Janus and Cowboy slept over at o5verthinking’s place.})
“O5ver, can you come get me? I’m scared.” Words typed half joking, not expecting a serious answer. O5verthinking read it, and weren’t sure if it was serious or not, however, and, after some deliberation, they decided the best move would be to offer safe harbor to their friend ally, and leave a good impression. They wanted to be good friends. Well, they were pretty sure they were friends, and if they were, they had to be good friends, it’s only proper. Besides, no one deserved to receive that message.
They asked if Janus still needed to be picked up, and Cowboy was more than happy with the offer, since they were both pretty distressed by the nuclear waste that had been presented to Janus in the form of a terrible pickup line. Immediately upon confirmation, O5verthinking set about stabilizing a room in Tamlin House for their guests.
While the room was being readied, Cowboy was picking up his office that he’d torn apart in a fit of rage, and Janus was scouring their skin to the best of their abilities. The moment they were given coordinates, though, they both jumped to the ready so they could get out as soon as possible. While getting out was the obvious main focus, Janus also genuinely enjoyed O5ver’s company the last time they had been together in person, which bode well for this, or any future interactions. They wouldn’t show that, though, and anything would be an improvement, really.
And so they met up with O5verthinking’s O5-7, who transported them quickly to the selected room. Even at the best of times, Tamlin House was an experience that could leave individuals confused, at best. Odd or not, though, the room they were in was safe, and the others present were enjoyable, in as much as Overseers can enjoy others, or be enjoyable as individuals. Even, or especially, Overseers are often lost in the nuances of their interpersonal relations.
Whatever nuances existed between those present, everything went off with a fairly decent start. Sure, nerves were high, and the circumstances were horrible, but it didn’t seem to dampen things near as much as expected. All fifteen present had been prepared for it to go far worse, between the problems Janus and Cowboy tend to cause and the five usual suspects on O5verthinking’s end, but everyone was mercifully well-behaved, a fact everyone was grateful for.
The event’s tone was really set when the guest Cowboy’s cats came out from hiding in his clothes. This was met with approval that had to be shared with everyone, “Their Six brought his cats. I repeat, there are cats,” O5-3 announced to the server at large. Janus frowned about it, always one to find a reason to be cranky, at least in public.
“It’s fine, we love them,” O5ver responded in the collective. The cats, none the wiser, wandered around the room curiously, taking in the new sights and smells. They checked out all the new entities, greeting them all in different ways, but the most interesting new friend was Marimo, another cat.
The kittens started goading each other into play, and pretty well everyone, including Mx. Professional Wet Blanket, was willing to contribute to the cats’ antics. Playful kittens became the ongoing background for everything. They also served to distract from some subtle note passing between members of O5verthinking.
After everyone had time to get settled in, O5ver’s Five began to get restless. He’d spent time preparing food for the guests, but the guests hadn’t yet tried any of it, and the cats had distracted everyone from him trying to offer some. That, on top of his usual nervous energy, was not shaping up well for him. Two took notice, thankfully, and she got the guests’ attention.
It was a bit awkward to have to ask, the Nazarene knew this, but it was important to Forward, “Janus, can you please try the lemon meringue, if only to pacify Five a little? He's getting antsy.”
Janus nodded slowly, agreeing to try some, despite lacking an appetite. It was a small price to pay, they figured. The pie was good, it probably would have been better were they in the mood to eat, Forward had a knack for cooking, which would have been surprising, had it not come up before. Bastardverse’s Six took some as well, out of politeness. Forward was satisfied well enough, but Nazarene knew she’d be having some careful words with him later.
More notes were scribbled down and passed amongst members of O5verthinking Command.
The guests noticed a bit of the writing, but there were other things to focus on, still. Besides, taking notes wasn’t the most unusual thing, and they were still in the “getting to know you” stage of friendship.
Janus was starting to panic internally that they were being a poor guest, since most of what they’d done was yell at their boyfriend, and awkwardly take food they weren’t in the mental place to enjoy. That was far from ideal, so they went through their phone to pull up some photos.
“O5ver, how do you all feel about stingrays?”
“We love them,” again with the jarring collective voice.
“Good, then come look at these,” they showed everyone the pictures they’d taken from the date at the Sonora Desert Museum, where they’d petted and fed the stingrays. Cowboy pulled out his own phone to show the pictures he’d taken. This proved popular enough that the letter passing slowed, and it would be a fondly shared memory for all involved.
More pictures were shared, this time by Code in the Server. The majority were appreciated and enjoyed, but, as Code is wont to do, some managed to set the Overseers off.
Other interactions in the Server were largely updates, or affections shared behind redactions. Right up until Mahina showed up, when Cowboy decided to take his allotted PDA hour, much to Janus’s embarrassment. They’d asked him to be affectionate earlier, but they’d not factored in that they were easy to fluster.
The Server wasn’t even the half of his gushing, which prompted more note passing, and some whispering, as well. They weren’t being as slick as they thought they were, but thankfully, there was another distraction from calling them on their bizarrely energetic note passing.
“Give me new skin,” Janus joked, due to the combination of pain caused by scouring their skin, and the slimy feeling left from Sleazebucket Supreme’s message.
O5verthinking were all pretty sure it was a joke, but weren’t certain, “Tamlin, where do you keep the skin?” They asked at the same time that Bastardverse’s Cowboy asked “Is that possible?”
“Well, how much skin, and what kind?”
This was followed by an explanation that they might have some, even if they don’t have as much skin as they do bones, and “We are good hosts who give our guests spare skin on demand.”
Janus couldn’t argue that point, so they explained they needed skin like their own, and enough for their entire body.
Janus rubbed their nails anxiously, waiting, and talking with their not-boyfriend. Just as O5verthinking returned, a few crossed wires lead to a panic, and a brief moment of death threats and fear directed at, yet again, the cause of the sleepover in the first place. By comparison, the fact that the hosts had returned carrying a good amount of human skin wasn’t nearly so horrifying.
Of course, everyone still needed to figure out how to actually successfully do a full body skin graft, leading to more exchanges between the couple, and even more hushed whispering between O5verthinking about their opinion, interspersed in the discussion of logistics.
Janus was awake and somewhat talkative throughout, though they were, again, trying, and struggling, to put words to emotions that they were, admittedly, not overly familiar with, it’d been so long. Words were hard for them on the best days, at least for emotions. Their company all understood, though. They were all Overseers, they understood.
They were all not sure how to process the fact that they really, truly did just perform a full body skin graft, but it was what happened. Janus and their not-boyfriend exchanged more words, about a lot of meaningless things after O5ver offered to house them as long as they needed. Meanwhile, O5verthinking Command gathered in a corner to continue their discussion that had been started in notes being passed.
The discussion was a bit more animated than perhaps necessary, and it drew the attention of the guests. They both looked at them in confusion.
“Are they alright?”
“No idea, honestly. I have ideas on what they might be talking about, though.”
It didn’t take too terribly long for one of the Overseers to notice they were being watched.
“Guys, he’s staring at us. They’re both staring at us.”
“Are you sure? He could be staring at the wall.”
“Why would either of them be that concerned about the wall?”
“I made sure the wallpaper was nice and everything! Isn’t it nice?”
“Evidently it’s not.”
“Guys I really think it makes more sense tha--”
“Shut up. I think it’s nice, Joey--”
“They’re from a different construct, maybe they have different tastes over there.”
At some point Janus turned back to talk to their Cowboy, but he was still trying to puzzle out what was going on with O5ver, “Six, are you trying to imitate your cats, now?”
A few more minutes of staring, and O5verthinking came to the conclusion that they were okay with this Six, but they were still suspicious. It would take a lot for them to drop suspicion of him, if it was at all possible. Maybe some time in the future, but not that night.
Getting the opinion mostly out of the way, though they were still taking notes on everything, left them with a lull in activity, which made Janus antsy, which they’d never admit fully. They asked O5ver what they usually would do when all together, with little else to worry about.
They weren’t sure what they were expecting, but a list including “varying kinds” of games, “Soap opera Contain Protect,” and sleeping was not what they expected.
“I read soap opera as soap. My eyes do not want to read.”
This set O5ver off on a tangent about how they could make soap if they wanted to. Then, some bickering among themselves, “Do any of us know how to make soap?”
“I do.”
“I don’t.”
“I don’t either.”
“We don’t even know if they want to.”
“We need to be prepared in case they do.”
“They’re right there, we can ask.”
And so on.
Janus did want to make soap, but they didn’t want to do so at the expense of their hosts. They decided to take this one to their therapist who, despite their paranoia, they respected, and believed the word of in most cases, “feel free to correct me here, Glass, if you are awake, but I'm relatively certain that multiple person activities should typically seek to be ones that all involved are interested in on some level, aren't they?”
“That’s the case, yes.” Glass responded relatively soon.
“Generally, yes, why?” O5verthinking responded, somewhat clueless.
“Because you seem to be disregarding this?” Janus sighed. They had to try to explain, again, that they wanted to do something most, if not all parties agreed on. They also conceded that they weren’t great for ideas, having very few extracurricular interests.
After a brief discussion, though, the consensus ended up being minecraft, with mods that added reptiles, for some reason or another, probably above everyone’s clearance level, including those who selected them. Regardless, they built a few things, and generally wound down playing minecraft before Overseers started nodding off, and everyone arranged themselves so everyone felt watched and protected by those around them, and they all got some very rare sleep. They would, of course, never admit to this sleep, nor how long the guests stayed for, especially since time is highly relative in this case, but they were grateful for the stay on both sides, very grateful.
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hollandroos · 6 years
Blow a Kiss, Fire a Gun | Pt.9
Teaser Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 (If the links don’t worth then check out the series link in my bio!)
Summary: You’re arranged to married Tom Holland, Londons most feared mobster, but it’s never easy. He doesn’t seem to want you and you don’t want anything to do with him.
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: Light mentions of sexual assault and abuse
Huge thanks to @cosmetologynerd and @thewiseandfree for the help with this part!!
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When Tom had told you that you had to head out to run some errands with him for the day, You hadn’t expected any less then the black, tinted car was sitting ready outside his place. You’d already expected him to have fancy cars and you’d gotten a glimpse at that the night he took you to one of his events.
Tom Holland was always going above and beyond, throwing around dollar bills where he could.
But after hours of running between shops, waiting in the car and trying to come up with small talk that didn’t involve flirting or put-downs you were hungry and possibly dehydrated. You were at that stage of hunger where anything sounded good as long as it was edible and Tom hadn’t been helping in that situation.
You were starting to feel like a child from the amount of ‘Can we go home now?’ and ‘Can you get me food?’s that were starting to fall from your lips and while Tom found it humorous the first few times, he was now sitting beside you with a firm glare.
“Can we grab some lunch? I’m hungry” You asked once again, staring longingly at the small cafe across from the car. You’d even be satisfied with a little caffeine to get you through, but Tom seemed to be taking his pleasure from watching you suffer in the passenger seat.
“I’ll get Mark to cook you something when we get back” Mark was his chef, someone that a twenty-two-year-old relied on for all of his meals. “It’s not safe”
Of course, you’d been on edge since the note arrived, but refusing to let that get you down you were hiding your fear, keeping it deep down inside where you refused to believe it even existed. Tom was more on edge then you were, watching your every move as well as every step his men took.
“You’ve said that five times now.” You rolled your eyes. “C’mon, Tom. When will it ever be safe?”
“Exactly, so until whoever is threatening you is dead or restrained we’re not going out into the open like that” He folded his arms, tugging a pair of black sunglasses on and you couldn’t help but notice how his muscles tensed beneath his white shirt. “I’m not paranoid, sweetheart, just looking out for you”
“That surely does sound like something a paranoid person would say” You joke.
“I’m not paranoid, I’m careful. That’s exactly how I got where I am today.” He grips the steering wheel, getting ready to flick the car into drive.
“You know what? That’s okay, you don’t have to but I’m sure as heck going in”
“With what money?” He smirked, thinking he was sly before you flash him a note.
“The money I found stashed in your glove department when you ran into the Tailors” With that you climbed out of the expensive vehicle, shutting the door and giving Tom a tight wave.
You knew what you were doing, without a single doubt you knew that Tom was going to follow you. You were just shocked that he hadn’t locked the door or done more to stop you when you reached for the handle.
Of course he did exactly as you’d suspected, jumping straight out of the car the moment you reached the road and was beside you in seconds. You smirked and began crossing, Tom kept one step ahead of you the whole time, watching wildly to make sure any cars came out of nowhere, knocking the two of you out or suddenly pulled out a gun.
The cafe was adorable on the outside, definitely not Toms style judging by the array of colourful flowers outside and the small groan that escaped his lips when you walked inside, a bell going off above your heads.
“You’re such a troublemaker” He whined, eyeing the place beneath his place sunglasses which you hastily pulled off.
“I try” You tuck his glasses into your pockets. “You order, I’ll find us a seat”
The cafe was practically empty, spare for two staff and finding a seat was easy. You marvelled at all of the tables, each equipped with a small salt and pepper shaker as well as a vase of flowers. The environment was beautiful and it definitely felt nice to be somewhere different than the Hollands large dining hall for a meal.
You loved Toms’ house, despite how much you didn’t like living there in the environment that was still new to you after weeks there. But his house was simply fancy, over the top and sometimes you were afraid that if you so much as picked something up it’d slip right out of your fingers and you’d be left with a bill bigger than your old monthly allowance. It felt nice to be in an environment that once again, you were used to.
Tom sat down minutes later, crossing one leg over the other as he eyed the place. “You know I could’ve had Mark make us something nicer than everything in that cabinet combined”
You choose to ignore his remark, taking his phone right out of his hand and slipping onto your side of the table.
“So, Thomas. I’m guessing that you know an awful lot about me” It was true, Tom had done his research. He’d look at whatever papers he could get his hands on but you on the other hand, you knew nothing about him. Tom was both the biggest mafia boss in London, and a ghost. “So what is there to know about you?”
“I don’t like giving out information about myself, darling”
“What? Not even to your wife?” Your playfulness is obvious, bouncing right off of you and onto Tom who’s protective, worryful demeanour seemed to fade in moments.
“Fine. My full name is Thomas Stanley Holland, I’m twenty tw-”
You interrupted. “No no no! Not the obvious stuff, the deeper stuff. Why are you the way you are, what happened in your childhood type of thing”
Tom played with a small sugar packet. Wondering what information to disclose. “Before this, I enjoyed acting, My dream was to be an actor and I was even in my junior school play”
“What happened?” You questioned.
“The twins came along and it became a competition, you know? Who would take over when my father decided to retire. I wanted the job more than anything so to my brothers disappointed, I grew up. Dropped my dream of being an actor and focused on being the right man for the job.”
It wasn’t what you were expecting, but you were definitely shocked that he’d told you something like that.
“Turns out I’m a natural at bossing people around and inflicting pain.”
Choosing to lighten up the situation, you say the first thing that comes to mind. “Do you have any photos from that performance? I’m sure you looked amazing in whatever costume they dressed you up in”
Tom laughed, he genuinely laughed. “I’m sure my mother would have a few. We did Billy Elliot, I got the leading role.”
“Wait you were that good?! My god, I’ve got myself a star”
The waitress walked over to the two of you, gently placing your drinks down before flicking Tom a small smile, to which he didn’t return. You smiled a thank you despite her small attempt at gaining Tom’s attention.
“I’m going to use the bathroom, I’ll be back in a moment” You get up out of your seat, the wood scraping against the floor.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” He responds.
“Yes, Tom, i’ll be fine” You spoke to him a little softer than usual, not in your usual taunting way.
You got up and headed away in the opposite direction while Tom tapped his fingers against the table, scrolling through his phone until you got back. He had a bad feeling, a deep, nerve-wrenching feeling in the pit of his gut. Something was telling him that something was going to happen to one of you but he continued to push it to the side.
That was until he choose to look out the window, seeing two men that in his books, looked suspicious. With their caps pulled over their faces, phones in hand and by the way that they’d been pacing back and forth for the last few minutes. To anyone else, it would’ve looked near normal but to Tom, those were all signs of something bad. He was aware of what going undercover consisted of.
He only got out of his seat abruptly, the table wobbling because of the impact when they began walking over to the exact cafe he was sitting in. With one last glimpse, a hand on the gun in his back pocket and phone in hand he ran out to the bathroom, thanking the lord that it was a unisex bathroom.
You were standing at the sink when he stepped in, the door practically slamming against the wall as he forcefully threw it open and you jumped, almost screaming if it wasn’t for his hand that made its way over your mouth.
A million questions were running through Toms' head, but he was merely focused on two. How did they find the two of you? But more importantly, who were they working for?
“What the fuck!” You curse shoving his hand away, struggling to wiggle out of his arms. “Are you fucking kidnapping me or something?”
“Shhh, angel, I need you to keep quiet” Tom placed his hand back over your mouth, only tighter this time knowing that you were about to put up a fight but he had little time to explain. His other set of fingers wrapped tightly around his gun and the shock of the situation was still setting in.
He dragged you into the nearest stall and shut the door carefully, making sure not to flick the lock so it wouldn’t look occupied. One second you were washing your hands at the sinks, humming a soft tune and the next you were pressed up against the cold, tile wall.
Your eyes widened when you realised what was most likely happening, hands tightly gripping his wrist as you breathed in deeply through your nose, struggling to get the oxygen to your lungs. You couldn’t speak, but you did look up at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. You were sure you looked unkempt but Tom didn’t think so, too focused on what he’d seen outside of the bathroom.
Two figures wearing all black heads thrown into dirty old caps despite the cold outside. He was sure they held weapons, more than the one small weapon that was currently in his hand.
“I need you to be quiet, okay? I think we’ve been compromised” His voice was barely louder than a harsh whisper and despite your small protests that sounded muffled underneath his hand, it was completely silent, Tom could practically hear your heartbeat and in fact-, if he slowed his breathing enough he could feel it.
Slowly, he removed his hand, keeping a firm grasp on his gun and placing a finger to his lips indicating for you to stay silent, which of course, you didn’t do.
“T-tom, what’s actually happening, are we okay?” your voice was shaky, only slightly louder then what his had been and you cursed this bathroom for being the first restaurant bathroom you’d ever used that hadn’t had music.
You understood that someone that was after one of you was probably here but who? And what did they want?
“We’ll be okay, but I need you to do what I say” for only the second time, maybe you were okay with doing what he told you too. From his hasty actions and current state, you were aware that maybe it wasn’t the best time to disobey and cause a scene.
Tom whipped his phone out, flicking a quick message to someone all the while not taking a single step back, the two of you stayed practically chest to chest. You were enclosed and the stall stunk but now wasn’t the time to complain.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he was panicked too. Beneath his hard exterior Tom had a million thoughts running through his head and the last thing he wanted was for one of those men to break in and hurt one of you, so carefully he pushed you behind him, your hands gripping his shirt and his spare hand gently drew circles on the skin that was peaking through your shirt.
That was when the door opened slowly, a loud creak made your breathing halt in your throat and Tom swallow, his hand gripped your waist now keeping you behind him and while part of you believed and hoped that it was simply just a girl coming into use the restroom, the other part of you knew that whoever it was was who Tom was avoiding.
“Are you sure they were here? Seems like a dead end to me”
The man's voice was gruff and husky, obviously a strong smoker and you knew that there were at least two men. Staying completely still, you focused on keeping your breathing under control
“I was sure but… he must’ve been wrong” The other snarled, his heavy footsteps echoing against the tile floor.
The first man groaned. “I can’t wait to get my hands on her, mate. Holland got lucky”
“Boss decides what we do with her, personally I wanna see her rot”
“Yeah but think about all the other things she’d be useful for, can’t let all of that go to waste” He chuckled, “God knows Holland is, that man could do anything with her but he’s just letting her walk around like a damn ornament.”
Tom was seeing red and If there wasn’t a possibility of them being more armed then he was, he would’ve busted the door down and smacked both of their heads in with only the butt of his gun.
Say a name, someone say a name.
“We’ll each get our turn, I’ll just be using mine to do some damage, make my mark.”
By now it was obvious they were talking about you, but it was almost as if they were talking about a fucking doll, passing you around like a toy for their own enjoyment and the thought made both you and Tom sick to your stomachs.
Toms grip noticeably tightened on the gun and you felt your throat closing up, tears filling your eyes as you gripped Toms shirt harshly, a sob threatening to escape your lips but just as it was mere seconds away from falling, Tom spun you around in his arms, your face pulled into his chest as the tears started falling.
It was hard hearing people threatening your life when you were in the same room, listening to every word and not being able to do anything about it. Hearing what they wanted and could do sent a shiver down your spine and set your senses on high alert.
The last thing Tom wanted right now was for you to make any noise so that was the only thing he could do, pull you into his chest and comfort you, something he supposed he wasn’t all too good at. All noise was muffled into his shirt, his free hand now supporting your neck as you shook in his arms, the two men continued chatting back and forth, unaware that their target was mere metres away.
He pressed a light kiss to your forehead and you choose to try focusing on his heartbeat instead of the bickering outside the door. So counting each beat, you only flinched when the footsteps began continued outside the door as you assumed the men paced back and forth. You were sure your makeup was getting all over his white shirt, black mascara stains would already be staining the thin material, would he care? Probably not.
This was a whole other side to Tom, sure you’d seen him flirting, angry, annoyed and even timid but this was protective, caring.
"I'm just saying. You've seen her lounging out by the pool, or wandering around in her little shorts. Why let a fine piece of ass like that go to waste?" Tom was shaking like mad, his vision blurred and he pictured shooting a bullet between the man's eyes right then and there. "Dude that's his wife-, we may not answer to him anymore but you can't just-, the Boss just wants to end her life, make him weak, you know? It’s not our place to just-, to do anything too serious.” "I can say whatever I damn well please. And what pleases me, is getting the claim that bitch as mine before we do her in." He chuckled darkly. "Bet ya the boss would love to torment Holland by making him watch. He’s still keeping up that hard ass act but he’s whipped." Tom's fist curled around his gun, his teeth bared and death the only thing on his mind. How dare they speak of you in such a way- as though you were an object and not a human.
He made a move to open the stall, gently pushing you away but only stopped at your whispers, "Tom, no, no. We have to stay here-"
You weren’t even shaking with fear anymore, no you were shaking with anger, and yeah, okay-, maybe a little fear. More so disgust.
Tom faced you, his eyes full of vengeance. "You can't just expect me to let them get away with this!" He'd whisper back at you, his ears still listening to the men. You moved closer to him, touching his face gently and tightening your grip on his hand with the other. "No, and they won't get away with it." "Then let me-" You kissed him softly, a change for the two of you. Until now, every exchange had been full of heat and tension and dislike. But this, this was different. You felt yourself smile softly as you kissed him, pulling away to say, "we need to know who their boss is before we do anything. And then you’ll hand me the gun to shoot the bastards myself."
Tom had practised keeping his anger in for years, it was one thing he’d learnt early on from his father. While being a mafia boss involved using a lot of violence, it also involved patients.
The two of you stayed there for a few minutes, Tom refusing to lower his gun despite his arm beginning to ache and you listening to his heartbeat over the men's talking.
That was until the door burst open again and you flinched, but this time it was Harrison that ran in with a few of Toms other men. Neither of you knew that though, so you placed a hand over your mouth, holding there firmly until Harrison spoke up. Toms gun raised once again.
The talking stopped, both men silencing.
“Put your guns down, we will take you down right here if we have to”
Harrisons firm voice made you remove your hand, letting out a sigh of relief as your hand tightened on Toms shirt. He seemed relieved too but you were worried for the waitress, what happened when six men ran in with guns?
The men looked up, eyes widening as they clench their teeth at Toms right-hand man. Both knowing they were caught in the act.
“C’mon mate, we’re just following orders here” Harrisons face hardened when they tried reasoning with him, he wasn’t having any of it. The first man continued, opening his mouth to say more but stopped when Harrison only stepped forward, the gun getting closer, and closer to his bare flesh.
If you and Tom were able to see what was happening right now, you would’ve both been begging him to pull the trigger. Enjoying every small second that passed after the explosive ‘bang!’
“Guns down, come with us” Haz commanded. With a smirk, they did as they were told, fearful about the fact that there were currently at least five guns pointed at them but trying to cover it up with confidence. Something Tom happened to do too. “You’ve lost.” Haz announced.
You listened on, smiling up at Tom when you heard them drop their guns. “I take back being the one to kill them but I’m sure you’re still up for the job”
“I wouldn’t dream of turning that offer down” He grinned wickedly, pearly whites showing. Tom grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours and ran a thumb over knuckles, of which you didn’t object too.
“Let’s show these men what happens when they talk down on my girl, shall we?”
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askmeaboutmyrudyard · 5 years
Part two
(the second part of me trade, also known as I forgot how to write send help)
Terryn checked the text once more and glanced at the clock in the upper right corner.
[From Terryn] 7pm, Movie tonight @ 8. Be ready
That was what he had written Chris, his roommate for over seven years, online dating status recently upgraded to husband. It was now 8:30, far past the time they were scheduled to be in the middle of enjoying their bi-monthly Date Night.
An unacceptable deviation from their predestined course as far as he was concerned. This was a tradition Chris had started since before they had even gotten together. In the early years, the military had taken its toll on the former nurse’s personal life, and he’d found himself alone with people whose schedules always seemed to conflict with his own. But that didn’t stop the dark days from coming when Chris was a bundle of manic energy barely held together in physical form by old ducktape and chicken wire. During those moments, he’d wanted. Needed, to go out somewhere, anywhere beyond the four-walled prison that made up their apartment. The only problem was he’d needed his plus one, because, when he was joined by a companion he hadn't felt quite as alone.
Terryn had agreed readily enough, not just because it meant free food(though this was a perk), but also he’d felt a bizarre sense of responsibility for his roommate. He had not regretted making the decision.
Fast-forward a few years and a ton of mutual pining and deep soul-searching later, and through it all there was not a date that they had missed.
Chris seemed accepting enough of the delay, drumming his hands on the lobby table while he played Roblox on his cellphone and surreptitiously scanned the crowd for anyone who might be taking undue interest in them, Terryn, on the other hand, was still, eyebrows furrowed, arms crossed over his chest, and quietly incensed.
The theater had managed to overbook their seating, and now he and his partner had been made to wait two and a half hours before they finally saw the damn film. They had received superior accommodation for their troubles, but that was hardly a benefit when factoring the time they could've spent literally anywhere else.
If the cinema had bothered to call, hell, even shoot off a text message or an email, just to let them know that plans had changed, it would have been one thing, a disappointment, but not one he couldn’t have rolled with.
The date would still be on; obviously, he wouldn't have canceled this on Chris, not when the guy looked forward to these things like a kid on Christmas, but there were better places to spend one's time than a noisy theater lobby.
He could have made dinner for them both before they’d set out at the very least, then he wouldn’t be sitting here grumpy and hungry. The only thing keeping him from paying for the overpriced nachos was the thought of what the ingredients had been sitting out in the open, congealing in a cruddy Frankensteinian combination of aged mystery meat and what he supposed was meant to pass as cheese would do to his digestive system.
This meant Chris also went without because Terryn would never subject someone he cared for to food he'd never feed himself. Chris hadn’t shown any interest in the menu, but if they had been in a decent place, he would have already ordered a few appetizers and shoved them in Chris’ direction. He wouldn’t eat everything on his plate, but an attempt was made, and anything was an improvement over nothing at all.
And, to be frank, He hated depriving Chris of food when the man didn’t seem to eat all that much in the first place.
Chris might not eat as much as Terryn felt he should, but he knew his partner could appreciate an attempt at a homemade gourmet dinner. After all who wouldn't enjoy a meal handcrafted by himself, using vegetables cut to perfection and stored inside cans for an extended shelf life, prepared with meats not yet considered unsalvageable, all prepared from a traditional recipe passed through generations of internet users, and stolen straight from the food website with the highest rating Terryn could find? It would have been relatively cheap, and they'd have both been fed at the very least.
Some might joke that he shared a few traits too many with Spongebob's Mr. Krabs, but unlike the crustacean, he could cook on a budget and no one had ever gotten food poisoning on his watch.
He wasn't confident this particular cinema could boast the same, if whatever he was meant to be looking at under the heating lamp was any indication, he recognized the nachos, it was hard to mistake tortilla chips after all, but number of things, one of which might have once been a corndog, were shriveled up beyond recognition.
If he hadn't already prepaid, hadn’t already promised Chris he’d get him this movie he’d have tried to convince his partner they were better off eating out tonight instead (Denny’s was usually relatively cheap and was open 24/7) and downloading the movie illegally to soothe a steadily growing need for petty revenge.
If these people caused a break in their long-held tradition, not only would he be writing a nasty letter to the manager, he would follow that up by typing up a brutal review to anyone, from Yelp to Google Maps, willing to accept his missives. He could not control how the day went, but he did have that happy power to make them regret this day.
Next time, they’d do something more straightforward. Maybe take a drive to a city they’d never been before, take a bunch of selfies Terryn wouldn’t care for but Chris would happily print. Later on, he'd add them to the growing collection of photo albums they had created together(bonus points if the places had any historical value), rent a room at the cheapest hotel they could find, and watch Netflix She-Ra while Chris cuddled up to him in his pajamas. That would have been a nice day.
Instead, Terryn had promised they’d go out to the movies.
“Just think of it,” he’d said earlier that very morning, sleep not yet chased from his voice. “You, me, and the Big Screen.” He hadn’t been as interested in the ordeal as Chris, but he’d wanted to make him happy. “No worries. No interruptions.” Terryn had meant those words, and they’d turned him into a liar. Chris had believed him because there was no reason not to, the shorter of the two was a man of his word.
He watched the numbers on his phone change from 9:00 to 9:01 and wondered if he should surrender to Chris’ demands on Facebook messenger challenging him to a Player vs. Player battle on Pokemon Go.
It was inevitable that Chris would win any match the two set themselves to as the game expected him to spend real-world currency and he’d neglected his team as a result. The thought of keeping Chris contented and distracted was the only thing that honestly made him consider it.
Their waitress came by their table and frowned at the pair who had ordered nothing but the water when it had been offered freely as they waited. He could feel her giving them pitying looks and hear the whispers of the other employees as they went about their tasks.
“Can I get you anything, boys?” The waitress, an attractive thirty-something, who stands next to their table, a notepad in her hand, prepared to jot down anything they might ask. Terryn considers the question if they ordered the theatre would benefit, but she’s been walking by, dutifully refilling their glasses with water every time she’d seen them emptied. He didn’t appreciate being made to wait, but he could be moved by decent customer service. He looks at Chris, inviting the man to order whatever he felt he wanted, before going back to check the time.
“Could I have a coffee, please?” Chis asked, and Terryn could practically hear the smile in his tone. She nodded, marking it dutifully on her notepad and frowns at the two.
“I’m sorry you boy have had to wait so long.” She says, her voice seemed genuinely apologetic. “Thank you for being so patient.” She says this with a curtsey and turns around when they both tell her that waiting was no trouble.
“It’s no trouble.” He echoes, feeling the lie eat away at his tongue, relaxing only when Chris stretched his hand across the table and took Terryn’s in his own, and smiling reassuringly at him.
The redhead takes a deep breath before sitting up, posture ramrod straight once more. He watches their waitress pass through the double doors that led to the kitchen, and he fervently prayed there would be nothing wrong with the coffee she brought back.
Chris’ grip on his hand tightens, catching his attention, and the man proceeds to give him a wicked smile. It’s the only warning he gets before a weight slides seductively against his inner thigh. It’s only his steady self-control that prevents him from jolting at the touch.
That had been a prosthetic leg touching him with familiarly he’d only ever afforded to one person.
He frowned across the table and Chris smiled, innocent as a newborn duckling. Fitting since he’d never trusted ducks in the first place.
There weren’t many patrons, most who walked within their field of vision were viewers moving to and from the concession stands and the packed theaters but the idea that even one person could have seen, well. It didn’t bare thinking of, to be honest.
Chris makes a beckoning motion and just like that he’s walking towards the restrooms, the one in the middle that says ‘Gender-Neutral.’
The doors swung open even as Terryn wondered if following the man was in his best interests.
He noticed immediately upon entering that it was a one-person stall. Chris quickly locked the door behind him.
A shiver struck him straight in the stomach, part fear, part something else as he registered how very loud the pull of the other man’s zipper sounded in the echoes of the bathroom despite the thumping base from the theater. “Chris…”
“You looked tense in there,” Chris said, a coy smirk playing on his face, watching his companion through those stunning eyes. “I thought perhaps I could help you loosen some of that pressure?” Terryn gives Chris a fresh once over, and suddenly there seemed entirely too much space between them. The shiver that’d started up in his belly deepens into a sizzle that rocketed along his spine. Chris wasn’t the most attractive man he’d ever met, but damn him for a deceiver if he ever said the man didn’t touch him in ways no other could. “And if I decline?” “Then I suppose we’ll just be returning to much of the same,” Chris says, and he’s already undoing the buttons to his collared shirt as he allows Terryn to back him up against the wall. His eyes are wide and he holds Terryn’s gaze steadily until they’re lined up, so close a breath makes their bodies touch. “Unless you’ll let me poké battle you into your early grave.” He grins mischievously. Terryn slips a hand under the open zipper of Chris’ winter coat, his palm settling against the man’s taut stomach. The light fabric of Chris’ shirt whispers along skin under Terryn’s touch. “Maybe later,” Terryn comment, and yeah, perhaps he will let Chris slaughter his team later if the man was so enthused by the prospect. Terryn runs his hand down to get a feel at what Chris is hiding in his pants, and the look in his lover’s eyes when he palms him is worth trouble alone. Chris is taller than him, so he takes a handful of that shirt and nudges that soft mouth open with his own. “You like the thought of handing my butt to me, Chris?” He asked, still referencing the game, but leaving his words open for euphemism. "You know it." There’s a challenge in his eyes and a smirk on his lips that Terryn finds captivating. Outside of Chris, Terryn’s never met a gay man so comfortable in his own sexuality before. His palm shapes the shaft thickening under his touch, and he feels the quiver in the press of Chris’ leg against his own. A firm squeeze brings an aftershock, and he considers sucking Chris off until the man’s legs damn well buckle. But then there was no doubt they’d get caught. The prospect of getting caught was probably what set this particular idea off in Chris’ mind. Terryn knew that. But there was more to it. The idea of being outside, where anyone could hear them realize what they were doing after they’d been figuratively screwed over by the theater made it exciting. Chris would only be getting this one time out of him, and then never again. All the buttons of Chris’ shirt are opened now, and he’s tugging both it and the coat free from his arms. Chris looks good when he’s all mussed up, and Terryn’s pretty sure that he's never going to see that darn winter coat and not think about how well Chris looks right now in this moment. "I think it's about time you let me help you,” Chris tells him. “I don’t know…” Terryn responds with a grin, “I’m feeling better with things as they are right now.” He makes it a mission to get Chris thoroughly debauched before his manhood feels the breeze. A nudge to the jaw has Chris tipping his head back, giving it all up as easy as you please. Terryn braces his hands on Chris’ hips to pin him in place and tongues at Chris’ throat until the hands grasping at his shoulders turn shaky and desperate, each clutch of fingers a mute request for friction. He licks a path up to Chris’ ear, breathes a laugh there when Chris’ hips jolt. Lips dragging along the horizontal angle of Chris’ cheek, Terryn goes back in for a kiss, keeping everything slow and thorough, and when Chris melts, he goes like a rumbling avalanche. A hard, full-body shudder chases the low rumble of a groan spilling straight onto Terryn’s tongue and the only thing keeping Chris on his feet is the press of Terryn’s body against his. Feeling lightheaded with all his blood gone south, Terryn can’t keep up the necking forever. He resents his own body for making him come up for air. Hauling their bodies tight, he sucks in a breath that makes his lungs ache and lets Chris have a go at the hollow of his throat. After a moment, he looks down, waits for Chris’ eyes to open, and says, “If you want to continue, you might want to remove the pants.” Dimly, Terryn notes how Chris needs to gather the strength to turn around. He can sympathize; it takes a lot more effort than it should to undo his belt. The idea of Chris fucking Terryn on his knees in the bathroom of a theater, ready and willing, seemed to be turning the man on something fierce, judging by the bulge in the man’s jeans. Chris pushes his trousers down, shorts dragging with them to show his prosthetic leg and bare the meat of his tight little ass. With a mouth pressed to the back of his neck and hands spread at the low of his back, Chris goes up on his toes. A shaky exhale marks the moment Terryn’s cock rubs naked and hot against his skin. "I hope you don’t think I’d consent on taking it raw." Chris' body quivers from a silent laugh, and sure enough, with a little digging around in his trouser pocket, he produces a small tube of Vaseline. Terryn shakes his head and laughs. It shouldn't be so surprising, but it's just so convenient he's at a loss for words. Chris' ankles inch apart like a reminder and Terryn gives him an extra nudge, moving his foot aside until he's indeed spread out and waiting. There’s nothing like making love with someone you cared for, and a rare tickle of nerves flutters around in his belly when Chris is all greased up and ready to go. He discovers that this time he's the one who must steady himself as their bodies line up together.
With the way he arches his back, Terryn knows he seems more than eager for it.
He lets Chris help him with the work regardless, and it's no adversity for Chris to pry Terryn open with a combination of thumb and phallus. Before long, Chris' putting wrinkles into his shirt and jacket, a handful of fabric crushed in his grip to expose both the slant of Terryn’s shoulder blades and the columns of muscle low on his spine. Terryn’s hands smack against the porcelain toilet to give him the leverage to fuck himself onto Chris’ cock, grimacing as he realized what he’d just touched, and planning to cleanse himself fully later on that evening. He enjoys the feel of it pulsing within him and is left frustrated that his body needs time to adjust to taking more than just the head without causing himself unnecessary damage. He feels Chris’ hands reverently traces the curves of his rump with the edge of his thumbs, moving inwards where Terryn’s skin goes from smooth to dusted with dark fuzz to furred with soft curls. Chris spreads his hand out and squeezes where it matters most, all those little hairs catch in the sweat of his palm, and he whispers little endearments that are almost lost beneath the growing compression building up in Terryn’s chest. The heel of his hand digs in past soft flesh to find muscle, and Chris spreads Terryn open until nothing is obscuring the slow strokes that get him closer and closer to bottoming out. When the slide gets more harried, and the lift of Terryn’s hips turns greedier, Chris firms his hold in the back of Terryn’s shirt. The two of them are in Sympatico now, their intimacy firm and slow and finding enough ways to distract themselves from giving in to the urge to just slam it until they come.
They both work to whip it up a little. To keep things exciting: sometimes Chris started randomly hammering at him just to get Terryn’s stability to teeter and make him steady himself, other times it's twisting back and tracing a finger down from Chris' tailbone to where the Vaseline’s got all those little hairs stuck in whorls, they nip and tuck and roll as one.
Chris gives his seat a squeeze again, peeling his hand away and watching in fascination as a ghost of the print appears in the middle of Terryn’s darkly flushed skin, before giving it a little slap.
Terryn kisses him after that last slap across his bottom and knows all the way to the heart of him the two of them are going to treasure this for a long time. He extends an arm out to rest a hand on Chris' shoulder and tries not to think about how things will change.
They work so well together and have for some time now. It’s as hard to conceptualize the future as it is to remember precisely how things were in the past.
So he focuses on the moment as best he can. On the wet sounds they make and his partner's breathing and the gritty burn that comes when Chris grips him firmly and works his johnson with purpose. He slips his hands into the other man's hair and moves, rocking back and forth with his hips and butt to get Chris moaning and enjoy the now before he gives in and finishes the job with enthusiasm.
Pushes out a ragged groan that’s still echoing in his skull when finally his body pulls, rolling in those slow waves that washed away tension as if it had never been.
Terryn rolls half on top of him and returns the favor with a rough hand and slow kisses, and when they’re both sated and sticky, he realizes how very much it’s like stepping onto the edge of a high cliff and having faith instead of a chute.
He wants to believe more than anything that Chris feels as strongly, that  Chris is his Chute.
Chris blinked sleepily at Terryn as he stood up again, helping Chris tuck his prosthetic leg back into his pants and kissing him deeply just in time for someone to knock on the door. He smirked as Chris scrambled to pull up, covering his laugh with a hand. “Stimulating enough for you?”
“Maybe a little too exciting.” Chris shook his head as the two rapidly began cleaning the evidence of what they had done.
He laughed, wrapping an arm around Chris’ waist and pulling him toward the door, thankfully no one was waiting for them outside. “Come on, I think your coffee is in danger of going cold.”
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