lotr bts
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He looks so done
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Omygosh frodo you're an amazing artist
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THAT IS NOT SEAN BEAN I REPETE THAT IS NOT SEAN BEAN (ik it's a double but whatever)
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Honestly my favorite eowyn look
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Moments before disaster
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Yea you've probably seen this one before but I freaking love it
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You can't be in lotr without sunglasses
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Pippin and frodo my darlings
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*screeching* wheresss my umbrellaaaa
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And yes I know it's not lotr but I just thought "Martin is so weird and I love him for it"
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rosettyller · 1 month
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
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Can you put Eddie in the fellowship of the ring? c:
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"….and my dice" -eddie probably
(additional edit below bc i liked them both lmao)
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obrienpolycule · 9 months
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So I finished Fellowship
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spellfuls · 1 year
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stoat-party · 1 year
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Based off this meme
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strawberryaziraphale · 2 months
you’re telling me thorin gave bilbo a set of mithril rings whose ‘value is greater than the whole of the shire’ and I’m supposed to just live with information
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chickentenderx · 2 months
one of the few things I remember about elementary school was that my 6th grade teacher had a life sized cardboard cutout of Legolas just chillin in the corner of the classroom… I feel like I didn’t appreciate that like I should’ve
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trollmaiden · 10 months
There’s so many things I like about TFOTA series but one of them is that the palace canonically looks like this
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frodo-cinnamonroll · 1 year
If the Fellowship Collected Things
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a/n: So making Fellowship headcanons has been my newest obsession as far as writing goes. It's so much fun! It's so cool how it just come to you. I was partially inspired by @wordbunch and those amazing ones. I'll be posting the plethora of ones I've written over time. Here's what the Fellowship would have collections of. Enjoy!
Sam: dried/pressed leaves and flowers. Dirt samples in little glass bottles with cork caps (he has a tiny spade too). Recipes and cookingware. 🍳
Frodo: maps and books. If a map is torn, he will cut it into small pieces and put it in a frame like a collage. Feathers he finds. 🪶Quilts and blankets.
Merry: he collects ale mugs and cloth napkins. Since hobbits have so many parties, his collection is always growing. Every now and then he'll snatch spoons or forks because he's always losing his silverware 🍽
Pippin: he collects poetry and songs, but no one knows how or where he gets so many. He has a wardrobe of just scarves. A bunch of cool rocks he finds that he thinks have gold in them, though Gimli tells him otherwise. 🪨
Aragorn: books... lots and lots of books 📚 He also has a collection of swords and daggers since he becomes attached to them. He has a secret collection of ribbons that Arwen wore in her hair that NO ONE touches 🎀
Boromir: he collects shields 🛡 Sometimes you'll find bones from who knows what. He has a wall of animal hides from hunting. He whittles little figurines a lot too.
Legolas: feathers and fern leaves 🍃 (ferns are the only plants he'll collect). And arrowheads also
Gimli: blades of axes and acorns 🌰 (he won't explain why). He always admires Sam's dirt collection and has a rock collection of his own for each important place he visits.
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My forever and always favorite picture of boromir 🥹
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Lazy Mornings with Haldir
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Request:  Lazy mornings with Haldir?
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- When it comes to having a lazy morning with Haldir you are going to find that they are far and few between when you can actually have them, being a Marchwarden comes with a lot of responsibility. 
- Usually that responsibility is all tied into waking up early or being gone for long periods of time. 
- When he is home and waking up in the morning, it is hard to pin down Haldir for a lazy cuddly morning as he is ready to go out to the training or maybe even hunting with his brothers and he’s one for routine.
- So having a lazy morning is a little lost on Haldir and the idea won’t at all come to him, it will take you having to initiate for you to get your lazy morning. 
- As long as serious things aren’t having to take place, like readying to leave Lothlorien for his duties, you will find that he will be more receptive to a lazy morning with you. 
- Well it will take you asking a few times before he relents. 
- Haldir is a sucker for you, so don’t be fooled into thinking he doesn’t want to spend time with you. 
- He’ll feign halfheartedly about how he needs to go, while hesitating to dress and get ready to leave for the day and off to his routine but at another asking of him to stay, he does. 
- When you pat the bed, Haldir is quick to climb back into it next to you before you cuddle up to him and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and his desire to continue his routine is stamped out. 
- Haldir holds you close, but is wide awake but will happily hold you while you drift off back to sleep, resting his eyes while you two lay there together. 
- If you don’t drift back off to sleep, Haldir will enjoy the groggy chatter that you indulge him in, giving you his thoughts in return. 
- In your lazy morning that you spend together, Haldir will eventually drag you out of bed, far to restless to continue laying there for so long, bringing you out to the kitchens.
- There he will begin to cook breakfast, and you re welcome to join him in cooking or you can be there just to keep him company, either way, Haldir will be happy to have your company alongside him. 
- When breakfast is made, he serves it to you with you both lounging on the couch so you can enjoy your breakfast together. 
- He takes the time to talk about the happenings of the world, especially if you are so secluded from them. 
- Haldir loves the way your face lights up, the way you ask him questions full of curiousity about what it is he has heard through out the realms. 
- He also takes the time to ask you about the things he might be missing out on when he isn’t there with you- things about your day, things you’ve heard throughout Lothlorien, the things you’ve done. 
- Haldir tries to be as involved as possible while you two lounge together and eat breakfast, even when your plates are empty he only brings you over to cuddle him while he listens to you talk about everything under the sun. 
- When the day finally starts where he can get up for the day, Haldir is hesitant to leave your side and ready for his day. 
- But greatly has he enjoyed the time that you two shared together and you will be finding yourself having lazy mornings far more often shared between the two of you. 
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Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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TB watches Middle Earth
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition
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achieve-the-sun · 1 year
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spellfuls · 1 year
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kiell-r · 9 months
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For Inktober 2023 Day 3 prompt: Path
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