#The Academy of Winterfell
sapphire-writes · 1 year
ceilings ~ modern!Aegon x Reader
summary: You and Aegon are friends, but there's always been something between you. This summer, it all comes to a breaking point.
warnings: 18+ (smut, fingering, oral fem receiving, p in v, kissing, semi-drunk s*x), drinking, partying, angst
word count: 4.8k
note: hi. uh oh. modern Egg angst. I hope you enjoy ❤️
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In a different world, you and Aegon Targaryen probably wouldn’t have been friends. You were different. He was reckless and careless; you were cautious and calculated. 
If it weren’t for a minor run-in with the law, your paths wouldn’t have crossed at all. Lucky for him, the Targaryen family has a lot of connections. So when Aegon, at the ripe age of 16 decided to rob a liquor store, he was issued a slap on the wrist and community service. 
Which led him straight to you.
Working with you, to be more specific. You had needed a summer job for some much-needed extra cash, and Aegon needed someone to sign off on his community service hours. 
All the staff were your age, and you’d quickly bonded with everyone. Rhaena became one of your closest friends, along with Aegon. You’re not sure how exactly you became friends; most likely he told some tasteless joke you’d scolded him for which in return caused him to say something even raunchier just so you’d keep paying attention to him. 
Aegon Targaryen was nothing if not a negative attention seeker. You’d fallen into that dynamic rather quickly, Aegon poking you, you poking back. It was gentle, playful even. 
In the middle of that summer, after a drunken night at Danny Greyjoys, you’d received a text from Aegon long after the party ended. You’d introduced him to your friend Sara who you brought along, and he’d appeared to hit it off with her. 
Give me Sara’s number, he’d sent, she’s super cute.
You’d rolled your eyes, watching more bubbles appear on the screen.
But also I’ve kind of been in love with you since the beginning of the summer, he wrote. 
Your heart stopped. The bubbles came back—then disappeared. Then came back.
He didn’t send anything else. 
You never talked about it.
In fact, you and Aegon moved on like he’d never sent it. 
It was always hard to say goodbye to him at the end of the summer. While Rhaena and Sara joined you at the local high school, Aegon joined his siblings across the country at Dragonstone Academy. 
But even after Aegon completed his community service, he kept coming back each summer. It wasn’t like he needed the money, his family was well off. He just liked the job, liked the company of his friends. 
Liked you.
You’d dated a few coworkers on and off throughout the years. Cregan Stark, Will Tyrell. But Aegon you’d always seen as a friend. At least that’s what you told yourself. 
Even when you’d accepted your college placements; Aegon at Citadel University, you at Winterfell State, you’d always return to King’s Landing in the summer months. 
You’d always come back to each other. 
Always teetering the line between friends and something else. Holding hands, cuddling, laughing, and joking, but nothing further. 
Just friends. 
Then, months into your junior year of college, Aegon’s dad died. You’d known he was sick for a while, a horrible slow deteriorating sort of death. But it still felt sudden. Like, the family had known he was going to die for so long, they almost forgot. 
He’d been different this summer. More distant. Drinking more. You knew he was grieving still, even if the relationship with his father was strained. Relationships are complicated. And that was still his dad. 
You’d sat in his car one night after work, just talking. He’d been tapping on the steering wheel with one hand, the other near his mouth as he worried the skin around his thumb with his teeth. A nervous habit. 
“You know, you and Hel are the only ones I can talk to,” he’d admitted, referring to you and his sister, “No one else…no one else really understands.”
You’d taken his hand in yours, sitting in comfortable silence as the engine purred and the sky grew darker. 
“I love you, Egg,” you’d told him, as you always did. 
“I love you too,” he said back, the words falling easily from his lips. 
Aegon was due to head back to Citadel University early the following week as summer came to its inevitable end. You’d all be parting ways soon enough, heading back to your college campuses for your final year of school. It was this fact that led Danny Greyjoy to insist on going out for drinks after work. A little hole-in-the-wall pub with darts and pool tables.
“We can go back to mine later,” Aegon had insisted, as you’d ordered another round of drinks, “Mum’s out of town on business.”
“Won’t Aemond mind?” Danny asked.
“He’s visiting his girlfriend,” Aegon insisted, “C’mon let’s get fucked up! Summer’s almost over.”
Danny agreed, shrugging and finishing his drink. Aegon had always been a bit of a party boy, but since the death of his father, you’d noticed an uptick in his recreational substance use. Alcohol; sometimes something harder. He’d shown up to work a few times violently hungover, or perhaps still intoxicated. You really couldn’t tell. 
You worried about him. 
You head to the bathroom to freshen up, fixing your mascara in the mirror when the bathroom door swings open and Aegon pushes inside. He’s got a cheeky grin on his face as he digs in his pocket, pressing his back against the door. You narrow your eyes, attempting to move past him but he blocks your path. 
“Stop it you weirdo,” you joke, laughing at his antics.
“Take this with me, c’mon,” Aegon teases, revealing two nips from his pocket.
“I fucking hate Mcgillicuddy,” you tell him, scrunching your nose at the clear bottle with its bright green label.
“Pussy,” he goads, smiling showing all his perfect teeth. 
Your heart skips a beat, as usual, and you snatch the bottle from him. You narrow your eyes as you crack the seal, before holding it between your teeth as you tilt your head back. The menthol-flavored liquor burns a path down your throat and a feeling of warmth blooms in your chest. 
“That’s my girl,” he murmurs, taking his own and mimicking your movement. 
You cough slightly, watching his Adam’s apple rise and fall as he swallows. He discards the empty bottle, reaching for yours. 
“You’re coming to the after-party, right?” he asks, his Cheshire grin still on his face. 
“I don’t know,” you tell him.
“C’mon,” he pleads, “It’s one of my last nights, I’ve barely spent any time with you.”
You smile slightly. Not a complete lie. Aegon spent the better half of the summer chasing Aliandra Martell like a lost puppy. They had a brief, passionate affair that fizzled out rather quickly as she returned to Sunspear the previous week. 
“And who’s fault is that?” you tease, “If you weren’t so preoccupied….”
Aegon lurches forward, grappling at your waist, tickling your side. You squeal, pulling yourself away from his grabbing hands, cheeks burning.  
“Fuck off,” he interrupts, looking at you with more intensity in his violet eyes, “Please come.”
Something in the air crackles between you. A new wave of energy.
“Alright,” you tell him, “For a little bit.”
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“You bitch!” Rhaena screams, trampling you in a hug as you arrive at Aegon’s. 
She’s already had a few drinks; dirty Shirley Temples most likely. Rhaena has one hell of a sweet tooth. She smiles, her lips slightly tinged red from the grenadine. 
“I didn’t know you were coming, I thought you wanted to sleep,” she says, only slurring a few words. 
You hold onto her, giggling at her carefree state. Rhaena is usually so poised and collected. 
“Egg made me,” you tell her, “Where is the bastard?”
“Living room!” Rhaena giggles, “You look so cute!”
You glance down at your jeans shorts and the small black top you’d chosen. Going out top, Sara calls it. You’d gone home to change before heading over to the Targaryen-Hightower mansion. 
“Thanks, Rhae,” you tell her, as she places a sticky kiss on your cheek. 
Moving past some people, primarily acquaintances and other coworkers, you make your way into the living room. The music is blasting, people lounging on the couches and sitting on the floor playing some sort of drinking game. A table has been set up, and you spot Jace and Cregan engaged in a game of beer pong. Multicolored lights flash around the room bathing everyone in a kaleidoscope of colors. 
Aegon sits on the couch furthest across the room between two girls; a blonde and a brunette you don’t recognize. They’re curled into him, laughing at something he says. His eyes meet yours from across the room, lighting up as he recognizes you. You walk over, shaking your head at him. So broken up over Aliandra, it seems. You laugh, rolling your eyes before standing in front of him as he reaches for your hand.
He calls your name over the music as his fingers lace through yours. His eyes are red, you’d assumed he’d been drinking more since leaving the bar from the incoherence of his texts to you. Aegon was quite impatient as you went home to change, your phone dinging continuously from his texts. 
“You started without me?” you tease, and he tugs on your arm, pulling you closer. 
Aegon leans forward, pushing his back off of the couch. Your eyebrows cinch together as he pulls you closer, face nearing your own. Heart racing, realizing what is about to happen as your faces come closer; So close you’re able to count each of his silver lashes framing those violet eyes. 
“Are you going to kiss me?” you blurt out, seconds before he does. 
Aegon’s lips are soft and warm, his tongue parts your lips before dipping inside of your mouth. He tastes like vodka, like summer, like…
You pull away, and he lets go of your hand, falling back onto the couch, looking up at you through hooded eyes. The blonde next to him continues talking, as though nothing had happened. Aegon turns to her, smiling and continuing their conversation. 
You’re not breathing; he stole the air from your lungs. You turn on your heel, heading straight to the kitchen. A bottle of tequila is the first thing you see among other various bottles and cups on the counter. You grab the bottle, taking a long swig, not caring who’d drunk from it before you. Your heart is beating erratically against your ribs. 
Aegon just kissed you.
You take another swig before placing it on the counter. 
Holy shit. 
It’s the strangest feeling; like something that was meant to happen finally did. You’re stunned, standing stuck as Aegon enters the kitchen, moving by you and filling his cup with water from the sink. You march over to him as he turns on the faucet.
“Aegon,” you say to him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yes,” he says, glancing at you, turning off the faucet.
“You just kissed me,” you tell him.
“Mhmm,” he agrees, placing his cup on the counter, fingers curling along the edge of the sink. He stares forward like he’s contemplating something. How is he not freaking out as much as you are?
“You just kissed….me,” you repeat, raising your eyebrows.
“Yeah,” he agrees, leaning forward and kissing you again. 
His hand finds your waist, the other cradling your jaw as he deepens the kiss. You kiss him back this time, arching against him, tangling your fingers in his short silver hair. His tongue pushes past your lips and you sigh as it enters your mouth. 
This is Aegon. You’re kissing Aegon. Yet you don’t really want to stop, not when his lips feel so soft and warm molded against your own, his palm moving to your lower back and then over the swell of your ass. 
Then someone enters the kitchen and you pull away from each other quickly, as though someone physically pulled you both apart. It’s Sara and Cregan laughing about something. Cregan spots Aegon and clasps him on the shoulder before pulling him back toward the living room demanding he be his partner in beer pong. 
Sara notices your flushed face and blissed-out, shocked expression. You reach for the tequila bottle again, taking another swig letting it burn trying to get the taste of Aegon out of your mouth. Her eyes narrow suspiciously as she comes closer. 
“Whoa there,” Sara says, holding out her red solo cup, “You okay kid?”
Swallowing the mouthful of tequila you stick your tongue out at your friend.
“Aegon just kissed me.”
“Wait….what?” Sara asks, eyes wide. 
You place the bottle on the counter and remove Sara’s cup before taking both her hands in yours. 
“Aegon. Aegon just kissed me,” you repeat, staring deeply into her eyes. 
“Okay….well,” Sara shuffles from one foot to the other and you frown.
“Well, what?”
“Did you like it?”
“Like it? Sara, he’s like one of my best friends here,” you tell her through a forced chuckle. 
“Oh c’mon. You and Egg have had this tension for years. Like yeah, you’re friends but…friends don’t look at friends the way Aegon looks at you,” she says while reaching for her cup and taking a sip.
Your heart pounds as you think about it. All these years, the harmless flirting. The love confession. That weird feeling in the pit of your stomach every time he was with Ali. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell her, shaking your head. 
“Liar,” she calls you out, “And don’t think I don’t see how you look at him. The whole Ali thing this summer?”
“Girl, you were jealous,” she says, exasperated, “Jealous of her being with Egg.”
Okay, so maybe you had been a little jealous. 
“I mean…I don’t know,” you admit.
“Do not tell me you haven’t thought about it,” Sara tells you, “The boy’s been in love with you since we were sixteen.”
“Okay stop,” you tell her, face warming, “I don’t…I don’t know what to do…he’s going through it right now and he’s leaving soon. I just…I don’t think it’s the right time.”
Sara scrunches her nose, making a face. 
“Looks like Egg thinks it is,” she challenges.
You suck your lower lip between your teeth, unable to rid yourself of the feeling of his kiss. 
“Look, whatever happens,” Sara says, reaching out to touch your arm, “I think you should go for it. If that’s what you want.”
That’s always the question, isn’t it? 
What do you want?
There are no more surprise kisses as the night goes on. You play games, drink cheap liquor to get a little buzzed and laugh with your friends. You catch his eye briefly from across the room but nothing more. Helaena arrives at one point with her girlfriend Cerelle, blissfully stoned out of her mind and pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek in greeting. 
People filter in and out as the night wears on. Rhaena is in no condition to drive home, and you hate driving home this late. You, Sara, Rhaena, and Cregan all decide to spend the night, fighting over which couch everyone will sleep on. Rhaena curls up on one with Sara, their legs intertwined. 
Cregan mumbles something about taking the floor, offering you the other. 
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods, scratching the back of his neck, “You’re a gem.”
“Yeah yeah,” he grumbles, finding a spot on the floor.
You giggle softly, heading to the kitchen for more water. You hate hangovers and paced yourself rather well this evening, making sure to drink plenty of water between drinks. Your buzz is already fading as you fill your cup. 
You take a big sip, draining it halfway before filling it to the top again. You know you’ll be desperate for water in the morning and want to keep a full glass beside you. Plus, if Rhaena wakes up needing some you can offer her your cup. You shut the faucet, turning around and meeting the eyes of Aegon. Your heart skips a beat. You’d thought he’d gone to bed. 
“Hey,” you tell him, placing your cup on the counter, “Listen…Egg….”
He moves towards you, hands cupping your cheeks, pulling you in for a heated kiss. You kiss him back and it’s different this time. He tastes like water this time around, his movements less sloppy, more controlled. 
He’s sobered up, you realize as he moans against your mouth. 
Everyone’s gone home. Everyone’s asleep. It’s just you and him. 
He backs up, taking you with him, and dragging you down the hall. His hand laces through yours as he guides you into the hallway and into a room. His room.
The door shuts behind you and you keep kissing him, keep fisting the front of his shirt as he backs up knees hitting the bed and sitting down. 
You straddle his lap easily, as though you’d done it several times before. His hands move to your waist before dropping lower to palm your ass. You roll your hips against him as he takes your lower lip between his teeth, nibbling on the soft flesh. 
Your hands loop around his neck, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck. This is Aegon. You’re kissing Aegon. Reluctantly, you pull away from his greedy mouth as his hands fall to your jean shorts, unbuttoning them and pulling down your fly.
“Are you sure?” you breathe, nose pressed against his cheek. 
Aegon’s breathing is shallow, one hand still firmly on your ass as he kisses the corner of your mouth. 
“I’ve wanted this since forever,” he admits, sending butterflies fluttering in your belly. 
He waits, not moving his hand; not going any further but also not taking any steps back.
“Me too,” you whisper and he presses his lips to yours once more. 
The kiss is hungry, stoking a fire of need deep in your belly. Aegon’s hand brushes against your lower stomach and the muscles of your abdomen contract as he breaches the band of your underwear. Fingers dipping lower, he circles your clit already wet and sensitive from your heavy makeout.
“Seven hells,” he murmurs against your mouth.
“Oh fuck,” you manage to squeak as Aegon sinks two fingers into your wet heat, curling them inside you.
He moves his fingers in and out at a torturously slow pace, the heel of his palm grazing against your clit with every thrust. 
“Fuck you’re so wet,” he comments, kissing you once more as you grind down against his hand. 
A whine slips past your lips as his lips move to caress your jaw, before kissing a hot trail down your neck. You can feel his smile against you as he speaks, “Shhh don’t wanna wake anyone, do we?”
He’s cruel with his comment, the pads of his fingers rubbing perfectly against your sweet spot sending sparks of pleasure down your legs all the way to your toes. Your eyes squeeze shut and you clench around his fingers causing him to chuckle.
“That feel good?” he asks, kissing right below your ear.
“Yes, feels s’good,” you mumble, fisting his hair harshly. Aegon groans as you ride his fingers, chasing the release building in your abdomen. 
Each curl of his fingers stokes a fire in your belly, and soon you’re trembling on top of him, falling apart as he silences your desperate cries with a kiss. Gently removing his fingers from your slick entrance he flips you onto your back, slotting himself between your legs. He pulls your shorts and underwear off in one fluid motion, tossing them to a corner of the room.
“D’you have a condom?” you ask breathlessly as you yank your tank top over your head. You unclasp your bra as Aegon removes his shirt, his violet eyes hungrily eying your freed breasts. 
You rest back on your elbows as he watches you. “Egg?”
His eyes snap back up to yours before he grips underneath your thighs pulling you toward him, “Sorry, yes, fuck,” he says, kissing your inner thigh, “Have to taste you first, please.”
Your face is on fire but you nod at his pleading as he buries his face in between your thighs. Aegon licks a thick stripe up your drenched slit, swirling his tongue around your sensitive clit. You throw your head back against the pillow as he continues to feast on you, alternating between dipping his tongue in your entrance and suckling on your clit. 
“Fuckfuckfuck,” you hiss through clenched teeth, “So fucking good Egg shit--” 
He moans against you, fingers digging into your thighs and soon your legs are shaking around his head, trapping him between your thighs as you come with a muffled cry. Aegon crawls back on top of you, kissing you fervently, the taste of you fresh on his tongue. You scratch down his back, pull him as close as you can to you. 
“Condom,” you gasp, feeling the hardness between his legs pressing as you through his jeans, “I need you--”
“Right here,” he says, leaning to his nightstand. He yanks the drawer open so hard, it crashes to the floor with a thud. You both freeze before descending into giggles.
“Shhh,” he cautions and you cover your mouth as your laughter continues, “Seven hells--” he reaches to the floor retrieving a condom. 
“Stop it,” he says with a smile, removing your hand to kiss you again.
“M’sorry,” you mumble, trying to hold in your laughter. 
Aegon slips his jeans down, followed quickly by his boxers freeing his long, hard cock. The tip is flushed pink, weeping precum as he lazily strokes himself. You wet your lips as he tears open the condom wrapper, rolling it down his generous length. Once he’s done, you’re quick to pull him back into a kiss, feeling his heavy cock slap against your inner thigh. 
“You’re sure?” you ask again, and Aegon nods.
“I’m sure,” he confirms, “Fuck, are…are you?”
“Yes,” you tell him, reaching to guide him toward your aching center, “Yes, I’m sure.”
He sinks inside your tight, waiting pussy and you gasp at the way he stretches you out. You’re so tight around him, it’s nearly painful for a moment as you adjust to his girth. 
“Fuck,” you hiss as he bottoms out, “Seven….”
“You okay?” he mumbles, placing a wet kiss on your neck.
“I’m good,” you confirm, fire blazing in your belly as he rolls his hips against you, stealing the breath from your lungs, “Gods…”
Aegon keeps his face buried in the crook of your neck, you can feel his hot breath against your skin in between the kisses and love bites he adorns you with. Every rock of his hips winds the coil in your gut tighter and tighter until you feel as though you’re a bowstring about to snap. 
“Fuck you’re so tight,” he murmurs, “Want you to come again, baby, c’mon.”
Nails digging into his shoulders you’re thrown over the edge, the coil in your gut snapping as white-hot pleasure washes over you. Your pussy clenches, milking his cock for all its worth as you feel him twitch inside of you; Aegon moans as he reaches his own release. 
You hold onto him for a moment, letting yourself bask in the pleasure he’s given you, feeling the weight of him resting on top of you, his softening cock still buried within you. Slowly, the tingling sensation of your orgasm begins to ebb, the sheen of sweat that coats your body causes you to shiver as you grow cold. Aegon rolls off of you, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. He runs a hand through his hair, back still facing you. 
You sit up, watching him, suddenly feeling very exposed in your naked state. Aegon removes the condom, ties it, and throws it in the trash can beside his bed. Then he reaches for a pair of shorts. Heat blooms in your cheeks as you rise, searching for your clothes. 
Aegon doesn’t say anything, just watches you out of the corner of his eye. You grab your bra and shirt first, throwing them back on. Panic rises in your throat suddenly at what’s just happened. 
Oh gods.
You’ve ruined everything, haven’t you?
Why isn’t he saying anything? Aegon stands, running a hand through his hair.
“We’re okay, right?” you nervously ask as you slip your shorts and underwear back on, “This won’t change anything, right?”
You can’t read his expression. He gives you a wry grin before nodding. 
“Course not,” he says, grabbing your hand, “C’mere.”
He pulls you gently toward the bed. You curl up next to him, his arm underneath your head. He falls asleep first, you can hear his gentle snoring in your ear. You can’t sleep. You just stare up at the ceiling counting each inhale and exhale. 
“Aegon?” you whisper, turning your head.
He doesn’t answer, still lost in sleep, and you’re left staring at the ceiling once more. 
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“Shut the fuck up!” Sara says the following morning. 
You’d gone with Rhaena and Sara for breakfast, leaving the others behind. You had gotten up, returning to the living room before everyone else woke up. Cregan was the only one awake, eyes narrowing as you lay on the couch. 
“Could’ve slept there,” he’d mumbled, before rolling over. 
Rhaena is slumped over her eggs, rubbing her temples as Sara excitedly shouts as you reveal what happened. 
“I’m serious,” you tell them.
“Was it good?” 
“Yeah, it was good,” you confirm.
“What does this mean?” Rhaena asks with a groan, “Fuck I think I’m gonna be sick..”
“I mean, I think I need to talk to him,” you admit, “About…this.”
“Well, I have to go back to the house anyway to pick up Cregan,” Sara says, lacing her fingers together, “Come with and you can talk to him.”
Nervous anticipation pools in your belly.
“Okay,” you tell her.
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After dropping Rhaena at home, you and Sara head back to the Targaryen mansion. It’s quiet when you arrive, walking in the door like you both live there. Helaena and Cerelle are curled up on the couch watching a movie. 
“My brother still here?” Sara asks and Helaena raises her head from Cerelle’s lap.
“Mhmm, they’re in the pool,” she confirms, “Aegon tried to host a darty, not many people showed up yet though.”
“Of course he did,” you say, rolling your eyes.
Sara nods to you and you follow her to the back door. The Targaryen backyard is a prime party zone, with its waterfall pool, large stone patio, and massive green yard. You spot Cregan right away, tossing a cursing Aly Blackwood into the pool. 
Your eyes scan over the dozen people before your heart drops into your stomach. Aegon’s in the pool as well, silver hair slicked back, a lopsided smile on his face. That’s not what makes your heart lurch, rather it's who is attached to him. 
Cassandra Baratheon clad in a deep blue string bikini straddles his waist, playing with the sunglasses on his head. She takes them off, putting them on her own face before Aegon lifts her up, setting her on the edge of the pool. She giggles, hands on his shoulders before giving the sunglasses back. Aegon squeezes her thighs, no doubt leaving indentations of his fingers on her porcelain skin. 
“Oh fuck,” Sara whispers, “Y/N…”
“What?” you ask, tearing your gaze away, “What? No…no it's fine… that's nothing. I’m good.”
Sara’s eyes are sad, “Honey…”
“Seriously, Sara, I’m good,” you insist, chest tight with emotion, “I’m just going to grab a water…”
“Give me five minutes,” Sara tells you, “Let me tell Cregan I’m taking you home.”
You give her a wordless nod as she moves toward her brother. You walk past the pool over to a cooler, grabbing water. The sun suddenly feels uncomfortably warm, a dull throbbing beginning behind your eyes. 
Someone comes up next to you, reaching into the cooler. Aegon shakes his head, droplets of water flying this way and that. You stare at him, watching as he grabs a can of beer. He glances at you after cracking the can and taking a long sip. 
“What?” he says. It’s friendly but different. There’s a new edge underneath the question.
Nothing will change, right?
Your throat tightens and you can feel tears prickling behind your eyes. Aegon just stares back, running a hand through his damp hair.
“Nothing,” you tell him, “I was just leaving.”
“You should stay for the party,” he suggests casually. 
You gaze at him, searching his violet eyes for anything, anything at all. 
“I’m tired,” you admit, “I’ll see you later.”
Aegon watches you leave, Sara wrapping her arm around your shoulders. There’s a moment of pause as the door closes behind you, and then Aegon finishes his drink and returns to the pool.
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setokaibapetty · 5 months
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Surprise Relative
Some fics where a surpise blood relation pops up. Like, sometimes the guy who raised you was lying about being your dad, sometimes a Pit gives you a baby, etc.
Imprint (AO3) - "He screwed his eyes shut, held his breath, desperately wished that he was back in his safehouse, alone and blissfully unaware. But the weight in his hands remained, and when he opened his eyes, it was to the bean-shaped 'fuck you' the Lazarus Pit had kindly bestowed upon him, arms and legs folded up against his front beneath off-white muslin while tiny lips smacked softly.'
Red Blood, Blue Blood (AO3) - "Jason Todd was living a very ordinary life in Crime Alley before his mother gets sick. Then, suddenly, Jason and Catherine have to grapple with the secret everyone has known since Jason was born with black hair and blue eyes—Willis Todd wasn't his biological father. Bruce Wayne is, and not only is he the richest man in Gotham, he has three other children who may not be glad to have an interloper in their midst."
Going Off-Book (AO3) - "Dick winces. “Tim, meet Damian Wayne. Apparently, his mom told him who his dad was when he turned eighteen and the first thing he did after finding out was enroll in the nearest police academy. He served for a couple of years and just arranged a transfer here from Metropolis.” He directs a pleading gaze at Tim. “Like I said, Bruce had to go out of town for a while, but he asked me to show Damian the ropes. Tim, I’m sorry, but—"
when the dead tree flowers (AO3) - "It wasn't solely Jango Fett's DNA that went into making Domino Squad. Palpatine had other plans for them. Thankfully, so does their second genetic donor, and he has just as few qualms about murder as a Sith Lord."
Open Arms (AO3) - "The story starts when Quinlan get's a call from the hospital; an old girlfriend has given birth and named him the father, leaving the baby at the hospital. This triggers a series of events that bring Fox back into contact with his bio family, who he is not as distant from as he might like to think."
Bonus: welcome all your bastard actions home (AO3) - "Daenerys had arrived at Winterfell three days past, a great host of dragons and roses and suns and krakens, clearly expecting Jon -- the King in the North, as uneasy that title rests on his shoulders -- to bend the knee. Instead, he takes her to the crypts to speak of ancient history."
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
Nettles x Cregan girls (me and 4 others) what's the general consensus?
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How are we feeling?
Who is the reference?
I'm thinking Rose and Dimitri from Vampire Academy......
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I can see Mr Knightly and Emma Woodhouse.......
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Definitely weary of the Lord of Winterfell and a girl with a dragon. He acts older than his age, and she sees through it.
Mayhaps a constant reference to Starks bending to dragons for peace....
She doesn't mind the cold, but he minds it for her.........
Just after Jace dies or just before the winter wolves come down South, she goes to Winterfell with Sheepstealer
What are the opinions?
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llonelygoddess · 3 months
I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH YOUR YANDERE HOUSE STARK POST! That was exactly what yandere starks are in my head! I saw your request are open so can i please request a yandere house stark headcanons but with modern fem reader accidentaly transport to winterfell from a gate (a scene that looks like five first come out from a gate to his siblings in umbrella academy) but there is no such thing as got in her world so she has no idea where she is and who are these People and she is so scared like at the edge of a oanic attack and they try to calm and protect her. And Jon, robb and theon fell for her. (and maybe after a long time she finally found a way back her world, who would try to convince her to stay and who would beg her to take them with her) i love your blog so much have an amazing day! ❤️
Thank you so much! I really appreciate getting requests even with my blog being so inactive lately, I am definitely working on this though cause i've been meaning to write modern!reader x Yandere! Stark Family for a while.
Feel free to send any more requests or ask for updates on anything!
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jonquildove · 7 months
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                                        She has her smile at the ready, leash in tow.                      Not that it has had to be particularly   necessary   as the                      colossus of a   white hound   was everything she could                      only   wish   some of her students could be ( which is to                      say       well-behaved ). She was a schoolteacher, having had lunch with the eleventh doctor at a table, she drinking a foam cup of coffee. and then went to find the dog's owner. She had found the dog wandering about the school.                                          Footsteps can be heard from the other side                      of the door just after she’s  pressed the button that rung                      the doorbell. Leash in both hands, she twists the leather                       in the time that she’s waiting.  Absently, she rocks back                      and forth on the soles of her feet.     The dog remains as                      genial as ever          even its posture is enviable as it sits                      up with a command of   canine grace   she has not quite                      seen before, lest in the      capable hands    of its rightful                      owner.                                  The door opens and she’s quick to greet the girl                      with hair of early autumn,   vibrant as spring,  and bright                      as summer. Her smile is that much easier to wear.                                ❝        Hi. I’m looking for Sansa Stark ?                                          I think I’ve got her dog, here. There                                       wasn’t a number on the tag, it just                                         said 08 Winterfell Road and the                                                       owner’s name.                     ❞
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Sansa hears the doorbell ring, a tinkling of glass chimes, one that she had requested, and so had been recently installed, replacing the uglier thunderclap sounding one. It was a beautiful tinkling of silver glass, a chandelier sound.
She wondered who it would be, as she rushed to the door. Perhaps, it was a mailman delivering a clothes package from this fashion site she’d ordered from, or perhaps a deliverance of an acceptance letter to a prestigious academy.
Opening the door, she sees a brunette woman greeting her, and she smiles back politely in return.
“Morning, ma’am. Yes, this is Sansa Stark.”
And her eyes darts towards the hound at the woman’s feet, widening in shock.
“Lady!” She couldn’t help squealing with relief. Lady looks up, hearing her name, and says ruff ruff at her, excited to reunite with her owner. I thought she was lost, she must have wandered off, although it was most unlike her. In hindsight, it had been a very good idea for Sansa’s mother to suggest attaching a name & address to Lady’s collar tag, should such a thing like this occur.
She glances back at the woman, eyes bright with relief and gratitude. 
“Thank you ever so much for finding my dog….how can I repay you?” She realizes that she didn’t know the woman’s name.
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antares-8 · 5 years
The Green Man
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Ronnel, my OC, was born in the riverlands six years after Brynden Tully, and has been a Green Man since before Ned was born.
His childhood was plagued by strange dreams of a white-and-red tree that called his name. When he was eleven, he finally met someone who could tell him what the dreams meant: a Green Man sent from the Isle of Faces to recruit new members of their order. He’d had the dreams once, too.
Ronnel’s parents forbade him from going, and he obeyed... until he came of age. Then he took his meager savings and went to the Isle of Faces. He had a good memory for lore and what little magic they could still practice. Disposition-wise, he was genial and friendly. When Bloodraven sent word that Winterfell was preparing for the Long Night, Ronnel’s superiors decided that someone with his personality and learning would be a good emissary, so they sent him up North. He helped found the Academy and has taught several classes there; he’s also taken some of the more gifted (and interested) students back to the riverlands. The Green Men haven’t had this many recruits in centuries.
They’ll need them all when winter comes.
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
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Sophie Turner 
↳ Getting ready for the Oscars 2016 [x]
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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟕: Free choice
Lyanna Stark, the only daughter of Rickard Stark, and the first of her family to study film in the prestigious Winterfell Academy of Performing Arts' Film and TV School, an idealist organizer, driven to implement her vision of what is best for humanity.
Her plans are to use her voice as an amplifier for people that don't get to have their stories heard, planing to become a film director. She often act as catalysts for human growth for people around her because of her ability to see potential in other people and her charisma in persuading others to their ideas. Lyanna is focused on values and vision, and is passionate about the possibilities for people.
She was never one for social media but because of her career path, she decided to create and Instagram, where she shares a little of her life, she is open to making new friends and to communicate to the friends she already has. Her life is full of wonder, so come see her if you feel like it .
«————- ❆ -———— »
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC Readers,
We have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of May 1st - May 7th.
Happy Reading!
Gods on High
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: K+
Length: 1,257
Summary: "In ancient times, they called her Hera. But when she was born, she was named Caroline." Greek mythology AU featuring Klaus and Caroline as Zeus and Hera.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 23)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: 91,722
Summary: The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cinderella's Beast (Chapter 15)
Author: Sci-fi Christian
Rating: T
Length: 59,065
Summary: He was a beast. An arrogant beast who carried his comments a little too far one day. Now, he may just discover that she is not what she seems. She's a Cinderella in disguise and his heart is the glass slipper she may leave behind. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Fortitude (Chapter 8)
Author: G.M.Portraepic
Rating: M
Length: 15,256
Summary: Post TO 5x13: Even in his death, the key to Klaus Mikaelson having everything he has ever wanted, all at once, lies buried somewhere in the world. Can Caroline Forbes find it?
Date of update: May 5 2021
Without Pause Without Doubt
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,679
Summary: 4x16, au. Part 9. Klaroline vs Damon.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Between Reality and Madness
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: G
Length: 8,395
Summary: When Caroline Forbes, Hogwart's resident Potions Mistress, is bitten by a werewolf, her father, the Minister of Magic, immediately orders she be taken away and imprisoned in a so-called "Rehabilitation Facility," mysterious camps from which no wolf has ever returned. Dodging curses, she runs for her life. Her only chance is to find the one person who seems to know a thing or two about wolves: Headmaster Klaus Mikaelson.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Our Time Now (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: 23,970
Summary: Caroline is going to spend her senior year getting into the law school of her choice, leading the cheerleading squad to a nationals title, and passing her sorority presidency to someone who will continue a legacy of excellence. She doesn't have time to take a bubble bath, much less to figure out what's happening with her relationship with Klaus. Not that it's much of a relationship to begin with.
Date of update: May 1 2021
no goodbyes (Chapter 11)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: 78,975
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret. It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: May 1 2021
All You Never Say (Chapter 6)
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 18,967
Summary: One wedding involving a best man and maid of honour who've grown up together but don't know quite how to reconcile their unresolved feelings.
Date of update: May 2 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 8)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: 5,414
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 12,317
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned.
Date of update: May 2 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 11)
Author: Phandancee74
Rating: T
Length: 24,114
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Klaus’ Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last (Chapter 2)
Author: anncatherine
Rating: T
Length: 2,867
Summary: So these are some missing Klaroline scenes from my Elena/Elijah soulmate fic that I couldn’t include because they either didn’t fit or needed to be form Klaus or Caroline’s pov. I think it would be helpful to read at least the first couple chapters of that for background, but basically at twelve people’s soulmate’s birthday shows up on their wrist.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cloud 9: A Collection of Klaroline Fusions and Crossovers (Chapter 11)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: G
Length: 5,597
Summary: Various fusions and crossovers with Klaus and Caroline including Much Ado About Nothing, Ready or Not, and Tangled!
Date of update: May 2 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 8)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: T
Length: 58,507
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 5)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: T
Length: 10,294
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: May 3 2021
We are young (Chapter 14)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 16,153
Summary:  Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Road to Ruin
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Rating: ?
Length: 2,122
Summary: Caroline comes home for Elena's funeral two years after she made out of Mystic Falls to NYU, and meets Klaus Mikaelson, one of the enigmatic brother's who claimed Elena as their own.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Time Heals All Wounds (Chapter 2)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: ?
Length: 4,393
Summary: Does time really heals all wounds? Deeply scarred by his past, he would beg to differ. Klaus never thought the midnight shift at the hospital would change his life and yet it did. When a certain blonde is brought in with severe injuries, Klaus will learn that sometimes doctors need healing as well. Will their inner wounds and scars help them grow together or just tear them apart?
Date of update: May 3 2021
Caroline in Wonderland
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 25,491
Summary: London, 1903 On the day of her wedding, a young boy collides into Caroline's legs, all but knocking her to the ground. Seeing that she is dreading walking down the aisle, any moment stalling her from heading to the church is welcome. However, when she follows the young boy down a London street, something impossible happens and Caroline finds herself in a magical world that she had been told about as a young child- Wonderland. She embarks on a journey through Wonderland to find out who she really is, where she belongs and towards a man who she had thought was nothing more than an imaginary friend.
Date of update: May 4 2021
A Bee A Tulip and a Meddlesome Sister
Author: KatherineBee1814
Rating: M
Length: 15,107
Summary: Newly arrived in London from Kent Lady Rebekah Mikaelson quickly catches the eye of infamous Rake and rouge Lord Anthony Bridgerton but Andromeda will be damned before she lets him marry her favourite sibling.
Date of update: May 4 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 6)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 11,445
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday….
Date of update: May 4 2021
White Winds Blow (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: T
Length: 17,704
Summary: Caroline Forbes waits anxiously in the Riverlands to hear of the return of her betrothed, Elijah Mikaelson, from the uprising against the mad King Silas. Instead, a letter arrives from his younger brother, Lord Niklaus, telling her of Elijah's death and offering to uphold the joining of their houses himself. She will become the Lady of Winterfell, but Lord Niklaus, waiting at the heart tree, is a stranger.
Date of update: May 4 2021
later on, we'll conspire (Chapter 3)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 7,292
Summary: Caroline asks Klaus to choose her over revenge at the Winter Wonderland Party.
Date of update: May 5 2021
KC Drabbles 2021
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: 8,303
Summary: C1: Hybrid Klaus meets human Caroline earlier and they fall in love. But there’s more. Ps, Katherine didn’t turn Caroline and she’s still human. He used Elena for the sacrifice but Elijah revived her. He got Tyler to bite Caroline but Klaus healed her. Tyler and Caroline broke up cause he cheated on her and they weren’t that in love. A bit of talk of Damon, but doesn’t go into too much detail. I suck at summaries btw.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Revenge of the Fifth - TVD Edition
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 4,057
Summary: A star wars AU for vampire dairies for May the Fourth Be with You! Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are padawan learners at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi training academy, desperate to prove themselves by taking down some of the new Sith Lords that have popped up. The problem is, those Sith Lords are the Mikaelsons, and each girl has a Mikaelson brother obsessed with them, unwilling to let them come to harm. Will that make it harder or easier for them to triumph over the Dark Side?
Date of update: May 6 2021
The Beach House (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 3,812
Summary: When Rebekah blackmails Klaus into pretending to be her friend Caroline’s boyfriend for the weekend, he expects sand, sun, and horrible people who never left high school. And while Caroline’s friends may ‘suck’ (her term, not his), he increasingly enjoys the time he spends with the bubbly blonde. But nothing can happen, even while sharing a bed. Caroline might feel bad for dragging Klaus away from his infant daughter for the weekend, but the little intimacies and kisses for their performance build up and start to feel very real. And now she wants him bad. If only Rebekah hadn’t warned him off.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 156,908
Summary: New York was home to the richest families in the in world. They were the elite and spent their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. Although Manhattan wasn't just their home, it was their kingdom. Left with little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, the infamous teenagers ran the city and as people say, long may they reign.
Date of update: May 6 2021
That Kind Of Power
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,375
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 10. Caroline vs Elena.
Date of update: May 6 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 9,517
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it.
Date of update: May 7 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 3)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: 3,592
Summary: Klaroline's life together as they work in Mikaelson and co. Different snippets of their life.
Date of update: May 7 2021
FFN: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
AO3: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: M
Length: 12,529
Summary: When Klaus receives a call that his soulmate has been found after searching for her for almost a century, he sets off to claim her before his enemies can harm her. But his soulmate is human this time around, innocent and irresistible, and his wolf wants nothing more than to mark her. Soulmates Reincarnation AU.
Date of update: May 1st
FFN: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 39)
AO3: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 17)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: 256,589
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch
AO3: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch (Chapter 15)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: T
Length: 35,304
Summary: Continuing the drabble inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch, young witch Caroline Forbes must learn to live with her old flame turned cat. Antics ensue as they try to get along and fix what has been done.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
AO3: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: 419,840
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. Chapter 155: Part 2 — Fright Wedding. This is a sequel to Chapter 141: Fright Wedding. The alliance with the Mikaelson kingdom failed when they declared war, but Caroline was certain Klaus would be an excellent ally. Or hostage. Or possibly something more?
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Royals of New York (Chapter 28)
AO3: Royals of New York (Chapter 27)
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 162,215
Summary: New York's royals spend their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. With little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, their children have New York as their own personal kingdom. May their reign be long and prosperous.
Date of update: May 6 2021
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magalidragon · 4 years
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Tiny Dancer | a drabble set in the “It Is What It Is” universe
a/n: For @stilesssolo I said I would do a drabble of smol!Jon in ballet tights. 🤣 Here it is! Also I just threw his moodboard together in like ten min which is why it is trash.  But then again, so am I, just absolute Jonerys trash, lol.
Dany grunted, separating back the heel of her ballet shoe from the fabric, reaching down with her knife and gouging out the shank of the shoe, releasing a triumphant cry when she yanked it out, holding it into the air like a prize. She dropped it to the floor with the rest of the detritus that accumulated when she prepped her shoes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her boyfriend frowning at her, over top of his book, his glasses glinting in the light coming off the fireplace in front of them both. “What?” she asked, chuckling, not stopping her destruction of the shoes.
“Aren’t those things rather expensive?”
“About 200 dragons a pair, yes.”
“And you just…destroy them?”
She folded the shoe backwards and forwards, easily moldable now that the shank was out. Once she had it the way she wanted, she picked up her darning needle and threaded it, beginning to work on the ribbons. She shrugged. “It’s a disposable product at the end of the day, these need to fit me perfectly.” She wiggled her toes out, so he could see the broken nails, bruises, and calluses that covered her small, yet strong, feet. It used to upset her, how she couldn’t wear sandals or get cute pedicures the way all her friends could, but she was proud of her feet. They showed how good at her profession she was, how athletic and strong. They were what kept her going. “Because they protect these, ultimately.”
“I guess I won’t understand.” He set his book aside, crawling onto the floor to sit with her. One of her cats, Drogon, was fussing with an end of her ribbons, batting it back and forth in his paws. Ghost eyed them all and she kept watch on him out of the corner of her other eye, lest he run off with one of her shoes again. He’d taken a liking to them.
Although she’d discovered one day that his chewing on one of the shoes had actually softened the toe box a little. It wasn’t a habit she wanted him to get into though. “You didn’t see your mom doing this?”
Jon laughed. “Yeah, I did, sometimes helped her. She would give me the shoes and have me bang them on the floor with her.”
“That’s actually genius.” Little boys were all about that loud noise and screaming. Lyanna getting a small tiny Jon to beat the shit out of her pointe shoes was actually a nice sight. She pursed her lips up, smacking a kiss to his cheek. “Baby Jon.”
His palm came over, pressing to the very tiny bump on her waist, his face soft and goofy. “Baby Dany.”
Her hand covered his, squeezing lightly. “Baby You and Me,” she said, accepting his kiss. He patted her belly gently and moved, getting to his feet. She glanced down at her bump, which had not deterred her from dancing; if anything she wanted to keep it up, to stay in shape throughout the pregnancy. It had been quite a shock, discovering that after only a year they were expecting, but it was only a matter of time.
The bell at the front of the house, a small cottage they’d located on the outskirts of Winterfell, rang—more like gonged—Ghost released his high-pitched whine, closest thing he could do as a mute. He jumped up and bounded after Jon to the door, while she remained on the floor, stretching out her legs to either side into a semi-splitz and forward bend, figuring maybe she’d prep for a workout later and get some stretching in.
At the front door there was a happy laugh, the sound of bags rustling, and a moment later Jon entered, smiling wide. “Mom came to visit.”
“I actually come bearing gifts.” Lyanna, who wasn’t quite as petite as her, nimbly stepped around the various objects on the floor, and held aloft two gift bags. She glanced at the shoes piled up that Dany had been working on, and chuckled. “Oh, I remember those days. Shoe prep. You know I used to get Jon to…”
“He told me,” she laughed, coming up and reaching for Lyanna. It was still amazing to her that this woman would be her mother-in-law one day, when she idolized her as a small girl. She poked at one of the bags, nudging into the tissue paper. “You didn’t need to bring anything.”
Lyanna patted her belly, which Dany pushed out a bit obnoxiously, since at five months she wasn’t quite as big as she’d expected to be. Doctor said itw as because she was an athlete, she might not pop until the end. “I did so have to bring something for my future grandchild. Also…” A devlish look crossed her face, her gray eyes twinkling. “I found something while cleaning out the house.”
Whatever it was, Jon was wary, his matching gray eyes narrowing. “Oh?”
“Hmm. Be a dear and get me some tea.”
“You don’t need tea, what is it?”
“Jon, get your mother some tea,” Dany chastised. He huffed, storming out of the room, throwing a censuring look over his shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him. Once he was out of earshot, she whipped around to Lyanna. “Oh gods, what is it? What did you find?”
Lyanna grinned, hand diving into the other bag. She removed a DVD case, smirking. “Had to get this transferred from the recorded copy but it is so worth it.”
One of the things that Dany had wanted desperately to see when she’d begun dating Jon and after learning that his mother had forced him into ballet shoes when he was little, were ballet photos of him. Except, to Lyanna’s enduring disappointment in her son, when he was a teenager, Jon had gone through the house and purged it of any photo of him in ballet clothes, lest his friends or Robb might locate them and humiliate him. Lyanna was still pissed off at him for it.
“Didn’t leave me with one photo!” she raged, when Dany had asked her about it at their first dinner together. Jon hadn’t cared and calmly continued eating, saying it was for the best.
Lyanna hurried to the TV and plugged in what she needed. A moment later, the screen flickered and Dany was greeted with the greatest thing she ahd ever seen in her entire life. Except maybe the sonogram of her child. This was an exceptionally close second.
The footage was homemade, from someone’s old-fashioned camcorder, and from the front row of what she recognized was the main auditorium at the ballet academy. The curtain pulled open, the audience applauded, and then a line of little girls in pale pink leotards, tights, and tutus walked onto the stage, eagerly waving at their parents. They couldn’t be more than five. And then….teh greatest thing ever….Dany yelped, covering her mouth with her hands, tears springing to the corners of her eyes.
In both adoration, love, and because she thought she might start laughing nonstop.
A little Jon Snow, dark curls tangled on his head, in a white shirt and gray leotard tights, bringing up the rear of the line. He looked down at the camera and to her amusement, he scowled. Then he reluctantly lifted up his little hand and waved, before focusing his attention on the instructor, who Dany couldn’t see. He snapped to attention immediately and began to follow the program, little feet moving as they ran across the stage, prancing and doing plies and jumping here and there.
“Oh my gods,” she breathed, a hand on her belly and the over stilly over her mouth, watching the tiny Jon on the stage. She kept repeating it, while Lyanna giggled nonstop beside her.
“He’s so adorable! Oh, I forgot how tiny his frown was. Such a grumpy little boy I had.”
”What the bloody seven hells are you watching?!”
Lyanna paused the video, turning to glare at her son. “Your dance recital when you were five. It’s all I have of my only child doing ballet. Give your mother this much, you burned all the other pictures.”
Jon was flushed so red, Dany worried he’d stopped breathing. He closed his eyes. “Where did you find that?”
“The studio actually. I’m sure there’s more I can locate soon enough.” She picked upt he other bag, handing it to Dany, beaming. “And here’s your other gift.”
Dany giggled, almost jumping in place, so full of love and giddiness. She grabbed something soft from inside the bag and tugged it out, bursting into tears. “Fucking hormones,” she complained, wiping her eyes and holding up the little cotton onesie. She sniffed. “Oh Lyanna! It’s so sweet!”
Lyanna wiped at her own tears, hugging her tightly. “Well you’re having a little dancer.”
“A tiny dancer,” Jon read from the onesie, as Dany held it up, placing it over her belly. He chuckled. “Thanks Mom.” He pointed to the television, his image mid-leap in gray tights, intense focus on his small features frozen on the screen. “But not for that.”
“Oh hush and give your mother a kiss. I need to get back to the school.”
Dany couldn’t stop, wiping at her tears and saying thank you to Lyanna, for so many things. The onesie, the video, for producing Jon, even. They managed to get her out of the house, even with the tea Jon had made for her and put into a travel mug, like he knew she wouldn’t be long. He probably was hoping she wouldn’t stay long. He hugged her, wiping at her eyes. “Don’t cry,” he chuckled. “It’s just a silly little gift.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s everything. I just love yo so much.”
He softened, touching his forehead to hers. “I love you too.”
A few days later, at the studio, Dany finished with her workout and went over to the stereo to turn off her music, when the door opened. She glanced over to tell whomever it was she was almost done, when she saw Jon slip in. “Jon!” she exclaimed. He held two cups of coffee in his hand. She grinned, flicking off the music and rushed to him, shoes clomping on the hardwood. “You brought me tea!”
“Herbal, no caffeine.”
She flicked down the coffee collar, his writing scribbled out. <i>Baby might need this more than you.</i> She patted her belly, kissing him. “Yes, baby did need it. Thank you.”
“I have something else.” He shifted, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out an envelope, passing it over to her. “My mom isn’t always right. Contrary to her belief.”
Dany took the envelope, curious. She set the tea on the top of the piano and flicked opent he envelope, pulling out a few old photos, the glossy images spilling forth into her hands. She stared, mouth falling open, at the treasures she now held. “You didn’t destroy them!”
They were of little Jon, just like the video from the recital, only in these ones he was in a studio, very small and holding his mother’s hand, while she wore her ballet leotard and skirt, his little chubby feet and legs in tights. Another holding onto the barre. She beamed, flicking through them. They were bloody adorable. She looked up, pressing them to her heart. He smiled, sheepish. “I guess I subconsciously held onto those because I was going to fall in love with a dancer.”
She giggled. “Maybe you did.” She looked down at them again, shaking her head, still smiling. “They’re perfect. Thank you.” The photos returned to the envelope, she put them carefully into her bag, and bounced back up. “Come on, dance with me.”
Jon smirked. “I don’t dance.”
“You’re having a baby with a dancer. Guess what Jon? You dance.” She giggled. “I’ll hsow you my baby pictures of me in a tutu. I think my mother ingrained me young, just like yours.”
“Funny how that works,” he laughed. He spun her around, tugging her up to his chest, and kissed her softly. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” She took her coffee and together they clinked the lids together, before he spun her back around, dancing lazily around the studio, both of them laughing goofily.
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vicdougherty · 5 years
Living Up to Our Inner Hero
Living Up to Our Inner Hero
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 A couple of days ago – on May 1st to be exact – my mother ambled over to me and eased  herself down onto our living room couch, where I sat reading.
“It’s my anniversary,” she said.
Knowing that she and my late dad had been married in November, not May, it was clear she didn’t mean that anniversary.
“May 1st is when I celebrate going to jail,” she clarified.
In 1958, when my mother was nearly…
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 7 Review/Remix
Last episode before the holiday break. The long long long holiday break. And here I am only posting my review the night before we come back... I was having a lot of fun playing my new video games, okay? Let’s just get right into this with the joke everyone has already made. War: What is it good for? Actually a lot, if you can believe it. Only in this specific context though, because the warfare in the American streets these last few days is disgusting and emblematic of what has been wrong with the country for a while. A government leader sending his followers into the nation’s capital on a mission of rage and personal catharsis? Ick. At least in RWBY the tyrant isn’t attacking members of his own population... Oh wait, Mantle. :P
For a moment you might be fooled into thinking we’re starting back in the farmlands of Mistral, maybe getting another look at Oscar’s earlier life or seeing a little more of Nora’s mysteriously tragic past before she and Ren met. But no, these are the wheat farms on the outskirts of Atlas and Sabyrs are charging through like raptors through the tall grass in Lost World. A battalion of Atlesian soldiers, human soldiers I might add, stand armed to meet them. But even if they’re armed they are by no means ready. Monstra keeps coughing up a new wave of Grimm, and I do mean a wave, every minute or two and Atlas is pretty damn whelmed in the face of it. There are some big bots with guns standing in straight lines, but the majority of the defense put up by Remnant’s supreme authority on military power and strength is mortal men with fear in their hearts rather than expendable robot soldiers. And the big bots seem to be lined up in a way that the ones in the front block the ones in the back, so that’s just poor planning too. It’s just a concerning sight all together, and they are not efficiently handling the coming enemy. We cut up to Ironwood in his office, and it seems he is not dealing with this situation well at all. We know he’s under a lot of stress from all the recent events, but they are in fact mostly his own fault due to his poor decision making skills in times of crisis, and his single minded drive he calls a Semblance. Speaking of the eternally expanding list of Ironwood’s bad ideas, he decides to evacuate all the civilians into Atlas’ below ground subway tunnels. Fun fact: There were Apathy among the Grimm Monstra has been spitting out. Second Fun Fact: Apathy were last seen thriving and murdering in an abandoned underground tunnel system beneath a well. If one is familiar with fantasy television pop culture of the last decade, the Crypts of Winterfell might pop into your mind as a similarly poor place to hide all your unarmed women and children. Y’know, cuz in Game of Thrones they were facing a guy who could raise the dead as his minions and crypts are just tunnels full of corpses. Just saying, this could end up being a non-birthday massacre. Whatever captain of lieutenant Ironwood was talking to is hesitant to go along with this idea, but Ironwood puts his foot down by putting his fist down. And so his voice comes on over the city-wide PA system to tell everyone they need to get down into the subway for their own safety. Compared to the organized marching and relative calm of the poor folks down in Mantle, these rich fat cats practically trample each other to run and scream down the stairs. A father is concerned his daughter is going to get snatched up by a swarm of Lancers, but seems even more upset by the squad of airships swooping in to combat them. 
Speaking of airships, we cut to the one Marrow and Harriet are flying. The Ace Ops have arrested YRJ, because of course they did, and they all hear radio chatter as pilots are reporting in about how Monstra is too tough for them to pierce from the outside with any of the weapons available to them. Winter checks in over comms to report her team’s limited successes, and Ironwood tells her to stay on jailor duty for a bit. Yang snarks at Winter for continuing to follow orders despite the circumstances, but conversation is stifled by Monstra coming into view for the group. Jaune laments that the beast now serving as Oscar’s confinement is larger than they had imagined from a distance, and Vine continues to be rigid in his assertions as to just what Grimm can and cannot do. “Grimm don’t take prisoners” he says, as if that’s an irrefutable fact. It’s not like any Grimm have done anything new or unheard of recently, like talk or grow wings or exist within a river of evil sludge or shoot up miles into the air as a geyser or have gravity Dust crystals in their underbelly to fly, or as you are witnessing right now belch out ponds worth of sludge from with waves of Grimm are emerging to fight your ground troops. Yep, we definitely know every single thing a Grimm does, especially one brought here by the mistress of the entire Grimm collective who is commanding most of them here. You sure are smart, Vine... Yang continues to be riled up and ask they be let go to help, but Elm and Vine hold her in her seat. Ironwood is heard giving the Manta jets new orders and reveals Command is working on a solution for Monstra. Winter, naturally wanting to be kept in the loop, asks what that might be. He reveals the science team is putting together a bomb that might be able to take the whale out if detonated inside it. That means Winter and the Ace Ops will be delivering it into the literal belly of the beast. I don’t know if he intends for it to be a suicide mission with the bomb going off as soon as they’ve got it inside, or if it’s just incredibly risky to try and get inside Monstra at all, but Winter pales at this news and her eyes go wide before sadly drooping closed again. She composes herself and grows determined again as she accepts the new marching orders. Jaune and Yang are again audibly against these plans due to the risk to Oscar’s safety, but they are subdued as needed, though we see Winter’s act isn’t absolute and her hands are shaking.
Meanwhile, Salem is having the time of her life doing her best Mickey Mouse impression. Classical music plays as she conducts the waves of Grimm sludge out of Monstra’s mouth like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice playing conductor to the stars themselves. Emerald watched from a distance, and seems less than thrilled about the whole thing. She heads down the halls and has to use her Semblance to keep a Seer from noticing her and potentially reporting her going where she doesn’t need to be to Salem. And where she’s going is the door outside Oscar’s torture room. He’s coughing up blood, and Hazel is still insisting he start telling the truth before Salem loses her patience and just kills him despite how futile it’d be. Instead Oz starts asking some questions of his own: Does Hazel know why Salem sought to recruit him in particular? It turns out she approached him with the promise of making a new world order where there won’t be any kingdoms or Huntsman Academies. Oz just has to laugh at that naiveté. When Salem gets the 4 Relics, there won’t be a world at all. She’s been around for so goddamn long, all she wants is for it to end, and she thinks taking the whole world down is the only way to get it anymore. This just frustrates Hazel, and we learn why. He’s pretty damn sure Salem can’t die at all, because when she first approached him about working together he spent the better part of a day killing her over and over and over again. This man, whom we know from the Battle of Haven to have massive reserves of Aura and strength to endure and keep fighting, kept fighting until he was too worn down and exhausted to lift his fists again. And in that time of weakness and awe at her power, Salem made her sales pitch that even if he couldn’t kill the one leading the Grimm he could at least have vengeance on the establishment sending young people to their deaths against her. Oz points out that that’s exactly why she went to him, because she could make him believe this was the right way, that it would bring him closure. It’s what Ozpin deserves, Hazel argues, and Oz does not disagree. But does Oscar deserve it? Do the innocent people who haven’t been affected by Salem or Ozpin yet?  No, this isn’t for justice, this is personal. Because Salem said it would help Hazel. Has it?
We don’t get an answer to that, instead going back up to Weiss’ room in Schnee Manor where she’s reapplying Nora’s bandages. Still mostly unconscious, Nora mutters “Now what... am I good for?” I can think of a great many things Nora is useful for outside of her great strength and straightforward approach to combat, but its a damn shame no one has actually bothered to tell her that before now. Before Weiss has a chance to offer any, Blake and Ruby enter the room with cups of tea. I’m not ashamed to admit I initially thought they were hot chocolate cuz I’m not used to tea being that sort of amber color. Weiss admits that she’s done the most her limited medical knowledge can offer, and Nora needs more than that. Blake expresses her concern for the other half of their group, but almost slips up and says... well we’re just not sure, but we like to assume she was gonna say she’s especially worried for someone in particular. The shippers can fill that in how they like. Their moping is interrupted by May entering the room with some less than stellar news from Fiona and the others down in Mantle. They haven’t seen Yang’s team in a while, and with everything going to hell like this a search party is at the bottom of the priority list. She’s about ready to get back on the airship and head back down to Mantle, but Weiss protests and this sparks a debate. May points out that Mantle doesn’t have the luxury of the Atlas military protecting them so Ruby’s group and the Happy Huntresses are the only thing keeping the people safe from the chaos of the invasion, but Weiss argues that there are still people suffering up her and I have to agree. Just because a police force is around doesn’t automatically mean they’re doing the best job of keeping everyone safe. But Weiss pushes the wrong button by asking about May’s family. The Marigold’s were ashamed of the way their “son” acted, wanting to help the suffering down in Mantle. And so May would no longer let herself be called that, she became a woman proudly working as part of the Happy Huntresses for the service of the people. She kicked her Marigold name and reputation to the curb and her cousin Henry stepped up as the socialite snob instead. 
This cannot have been an easy scene for Kdin to record, but we all need to give a standing ovation for her performance in it. Powerful words that likely hit very close to home. What a queen.
May is sure Weiss gets where she’s coming from with their families casting them aside in favor of a more obedient heir, her being replaced by Whitley after her outburst at the charity concert. Weiss wants to voice her disagreement, but May questions whose side she’s on in all this. Blake doesn’t like that, they’ve heard this talk about taking sides before and judging by her tone she’s none too happy to be hearing it now. May is about to give her a strongly worded piece of her mind too but Ruby stands between them to remind everyone there are no sides. All of humanity needs to be united, and Salem is the one creating the tension that’s dividing them so their real enemy is her. The only question now is how do they get out of this problem? The solution might be hiding just around the corner, literally. Whitley has been listening from behind the door, and he seems a little inspired.
Meanwhile Oz seems to have just finished telling Salem’s dark cursed backstory to Hazel, and it seems her final plan really is to have the world so divided and ruined that when the gods are brought back to judge it they will deem Remnant a failure and destroy it and hopefully her with it. Hazel seems less than inclined to believe this story though, he still holds a damn hard grudge over his sister. Oz is getting nowhere so Oscar asks to be put back in the lead, and so he is just as Hazel is about to wallop them again. Oz is willing to trust him so he can earn Hazel’s trust in return. So he goes right ahead and tells the big guy Jinn’s name and that it’s how you summon her for one last question. Hazel seems mad that Oscar gave up the info so effortlessly after all that, but Oscar asserts that he’s not telling Salem. He’s telling Hazel, and letting him decide what to do with the knowledge and the chance to gain deeper knowledge still. Pretty rad strategy. Wouldn’t you know it though, Emerald is still listening outside the door and heard everything. She goes to tell Mercury, but he’s busy packing a duffel bag for a trip to Vacuo. Guess Salem doesn’t need him here right now so we’ll get to see him again in Volume 9 or 10. He’s less than convinced that they should try and use this behind the scenes knowledge to go against Salem, cuz if Hazel couldn’t do it then why would he change his tune now? And why would they risk their necks too? It’s not like Oz was telling the truth, right? Salem isn’t really gonna destroy the world! But the teens get another surprise lecture from Uncle Tyrian: Of course Salem plans to destroy Remnant!! You couldn’t tell from the start? Everything about her screams end of the world, and it is beautiful! And if you thought she’d do anything different then you must really be crazy... Bold worlds from a psychotic serial killer, but we already know he’s unhinged. Mercury doesn’t much like getting this rude awakening though, especially since Tyrian will be the one going with him to Vacuo. Merc and Em share one last sad look, but he’s made his bed and now he’s resigned to lie in it. Bye bye Mercury, see you after Emerald has probably switched sides and will have to face you as an enemy...
Speaking of ships soaring through the air, we go back to the Ace Ops and YJR heading for Monstra. Yang is protesting the bombing plan since Oscar is still inside, but Vine insists they can’t afford to wait and risk further death and destruction. Jaune offers a side plan, send the three inside Monstra ahead of the bombing squad to scope things out for them and try to rescue Oscar while they’re doing recon. Marrow is shocked that they’d be willing to go into the literal belly of the beast alone, but Yang asserts he’d do the same for one of his teammates if they were in this position, right? He doesn’t have an answer for that. Elm argues that trading their lives just for one other person is stupid, but amazingly it is Ren who objects. Oscar is their friend, and they will do whatever it takes for someone they care about like that. A real turnaround from his attitude of closing himself off emotionally, but I guess he’s realizing how ridiculous it sounds coming from other people? Harriet gets out of her seat to do what she does best and start talking down to someone as naïve and wrong. Feelings are stupid, the job is what matters. When you lose someone you just replace them and forget about them. We find out that Winter is indeed meant to be the new leader instead of Clover, and before Marrow there was apparently a member of the team named Tortuga, but Ren is not about to let anyone tell him that someone is replaceable. You don’t say that to Team JNPR, and we definitely don’t say that about Ren... Not now. In his outrage, Ren suddenly finds... clarity. He starts seeing the world a little differently. In less cryptic terms, his Semblance seems to have evolved and he now sees people’s emotions swirling around them as colorful bursts of flower petals. Harriet is actually furious about losing Clover, she’s lying to herself and trying to suppress her feelings. She does not like being called out like that, but the rest of the squad needs to be put on blast. As opposed to Hare’s red petals Marrow is surrounded by blue that I guess would mean sadness or depression, Elm has orange and some red, and Vine is clouded with green. The meanings of the last two are a little less clear, but they’re all definitely feeling some strong things that they’re trying to hide under a calm façade. This is the reason the Ace Ops lost to RWBY, they’re all held back by trying not to connect with each other so unity and team bonds never formed. Elm does not like being told she’s a loser because she won’t make friends, but at least it’s a a reaction, which means he’s absolutely right. She’s about to deck Ren in the face but Winter steps in to get everyone calmed down. She looks these three “fugitives” over, and makes a decision. She’s going to trust her sister’s friends. They will get the teens in close and give them a small window of time to try and get in and out before the Ace Ops need to bring in the payload and blow it all away. Harriet is pissed Winter is giving these “traitors” a chance, and questions her decision thusly. But you’re outranked, you boob, and you can’t do a damn thing to stop her from showing human decency. They have a very tight schedule to attempt this rescue, and Jaune accepts that fully. The three get uncuffed and are given their weapons back as the ship lands at the front lines. Ren tries to appeal to the doubt and regret he can see in Marrow to get him to switch sides while the getting’s good. Marrow wants to, but he sticks to the job for now. Yang and Jaune head out first, while Ren lingers to tell Winter he knows she doesn’t want to be a part of all this anymore either, and we see a rainbow of many emotional petals around her head. Either she has a balance of many emotions in check and is the most levelheaded of the Ace Ops, or she has the most emotions repressed and her mind is a tempest of feelings that aren’t being addressed and may spell her end... take your pick.
As this militant Schnee considers her options, we go homeward to see Weiss and the others heading for the front door. May isn’t keen to stay her any longer than needed, and the kids need to make a choice about where she’s dropping them off. Either they go to the front lines here in Atlas or back down to Mantle to help with the chaos there. No other options, and especially no breaking their jailbirds out for an assist. May doesn’t have the optimism and heroic hope that Ruby still holds dear, she won’t entertain the idea that this can become a complete victory all around. This isn’t that kind of world. Either they help one place, or they help another. And even then, that’s no guarantee wherever they go will be successful at stopping the invasion. It’s very depressing, and it’s on these kids to accept the facts and make the hard decisions. If you take a look at the last few Volumes, Ruby does seem to have a bit of a habit of ignoring the dreadful possibilities/facts in favor of pursuing a hopeful and bold plan that could fix everything immediately so she doesn’t have to cope with reality and actually grieve her mistakes and losses... I’m not saying it makes her a bad character or that she’s wholly wrong for trying to see a bright side whenever possible, just that this is an unhealthy strategy for a leader with so much on her shoulders. But before anyone has time to make a decision right now, there’s a hard knock on the front door. Everyone draws their weapons and approaches slowly, before Weiss cautiously opens the door. In a most definitely welcome surprise, she is greeted by Klein!!! She missed him dearly, and apologizes for whatever fault she had in his being fired, but while cycling through personalities he assures her she has nothing to be sorry for since it’s all Jacques’ fault, the bastard. Turns out, Klein is here to use his medical knowledge to treat Nora. What, didn’t you know all butlers to heroic millionaires have field medic training? Alfred Pennyworth set the gold standard, I dare say~ But of course, Weiss didn’t call him and none of her friends know his number so who told him to come?... Would you believe it, Whitley is responsible and we could not be more proud of him! Weiss certainly is, and she gives him what might be his first genuinely loving hug in years. Klein heads upstairs to begin treatment, while the rest of the group share a hopeful moment. But this silence too comes to a crashing halt as there is further ruckus outside. This time Ruby answers the door, to see a smoking crater in the front driveway. RWB rush outside and kneel at the edge of the crater as the smoke clears. Penny has crash landed, and lies there in a pool of what we can only presume to be her green synthetic blood. All she has the strength left to do is apologize before she passes out and the screen darkens with her. There lies the end for the next 6 weeks, and we were left to panic and speculate all the while. Too bad I’m a lazy bugger who only got this review out now and there’s no tension left before the thrilling continuation comes tomorrow morning. So lets all get one last panicked sleep in before the living nightmares come for our girls! Penny is totally gonna be under Watt’s control, the Hound is coming, it’s all gonna be a huge damn mess... Can’t wait, can you?~
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dachi25writes · 3 years
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Chapter One: Up North
It felt surreal.
Blond hair and violet eyes– just like his own– stared vacantly into the ceiling. Pale skin, translucent in the fluorecent lights.
Just a nightmare, any minute now he would wake up in the station, have some of that tasteless but nutricious space food, don his spacesuit and go out to the surface of the moon to collect data he would later send to his father…
His dead father who seemed to be staring right through him, body stiff as the metalic table he laid on, his lashes still frosted, lips blue.
What was he thinking? Going up to the North like that without proper equipment or a guide of any kind, it was not like him at all, but maybe things hadn’t gone as he planned, maybe he had been forced to–
Aegon turned around just as his sister apologized for his distracted behavior and signed for the body to be discharged so it could be sent back home. Gods, it had been almost 6 years since he had last seen Dragonstone, he remembered the salty air and ashen grey sand so cool to the touch you could lie there even on the hottest summer day.
The memory was enough to make him smile, wan and melancholy for he did not– could not - forget the circumstances in which he was going back.
Rhaenys touched his arm, gently almost tentative “C'mon Egg, we have to go”
He nodded and walked along, she was very diferent from the sister he remembered, not taller though he coludn’t be sure with the heels she was wearing but the way she carried herself was diferent. She used to slouch, father always tried to correct her posture. Rain never cared to try though, she still slouched a little, it was only noticeable in a slight bend of her shoulders, but that didn’t take away from her overall air of confidence, she didn’t have much of that back then; most shocking of all, her hair was long, she really hated long hair would chop it off herself if mom refused to take her to the hair saloon “It’s been a long time”
She sighed “ I know”
"Where’s mom?”
“She’s back at the hotel I did not think it would be right to bring her here”
He nodded, of course she couldn’t bring mom to the body deposit, Rhaenys would never risk to upset her “How- how did she take it?, about Dad I mean, did you tell her yet?”
As soon as they were out of the building Rhaenys opened her purse and got out a cigarette and a lighter, she offered him one but he refused waiting for her answer as she put the cigarette between lips, gave it a long drag and exhaled the smoke slowly.
“Of course I told her” she answerered at last “C'mon Egg, I’ll give you a ride I parked just around the block”
He nodded and followed “And how did she take it?”
Rhaenys shrugged “She took it well all things considered, said we should have visited Dad some time and other stuff, you know how she is, but I think she is looking forward to seeing us all again”
He grabbed her arm “You called them?” he couldn’t belive Rhaenys! she was family but them… if they came at all it would only be to gloat.
She raised her eyebrow at him and shook his grip with ease “Didn’t need to, it’s all over the news, also from what I know Mr. Connington called us, well he sent this really long e-mails but you get the idea, didn’t you get one?”
He shook his head , dumbfounded “I don’t know, I really haven’t got the chance to catch up. Mr. Connington commed me at the station and I just had to get here” actually he never even expected to see Rhaenys here. He hoped she would at least go to the funeral, Mr. Connington was arranging at Dragonstone, but this… He felt anger claw at his belly, like oil on a sizzling pan the heat thretened to jump in every direction, he held it in, gods he was so out of shape.
Breath in, 1, 2, 3… Exhale. Keep focus.
And it passed.
Rhaenys studied his face, really seeing him for the frist time since they had started talking
"Fuck Egg you look like shit!”
He shrugged but felt self conscious nonetheless, Father had always insisted to always keep a good image for the Academy’s sake. He ran a hand through his short buzzcut, and dragged it all the way down to his face, he was so, so tired.
The car was a small old looking thing of a vibrant orange color, Rhaenys opened the passanger’s door for him as if he hadn’t enough strenght to do it himself.
“Where you staying at?”
"Well as I said I haven’t really–”
“ 'Kay so that means you are coming with me, we rented a room with two beds but I guess mom and I can share,it’s just a night anyway.”
He had half a mind to protest but he was just too tired to go around town looking for some place to stay so he just stayed silent.
Rhaneys started the car and soon enough they were at some cheap-looking but cozy motel called “Winterfell” which wasn’t surprising at all , he had seen at least 10 different stores with the same name since they left the morgue, according to his sister everyone had the Stark fever around here and wanted to be part of the ancestral noble house.
“For real” she said between giggles “I pulled over for some gas on the way here and the guy at the station told me he was a distant relative of the Stark, but not only him the hotel clerk, the barista at Manderly’s and they all say it in this really secret conspiratorial way. It’s kinda sweet really, now I get why Robb insisted we should do a roadtrip here, I can practically see his smug face when he mentioned he was an actual Stark”
Her laugh stopped, and became a bitter sigh.
Aegon wished he could say something but he knew he would most likely say the wrong thing and he just wasn’t up for a fight.His sister parked and proceeded to rest her forhead on the steering wheel, brown curls obscuring her face.
“Sorry Egg, I just can’t help thinking about Robb when we are here. He was always talking about Winterfell and I just-”
“It’s fine” he tried to be nonchalant about it but he felt uncomfortable, he had never been particularly close to Robb, he did like him though. Robb was one of those people you inevitably admire, but after he died everything went to shit at the Academy, everyone blamed Dad for it even Rhaenys, Aegon had been the only one that stayed after that. He knew it was pretty shitty to blame Robb for dying but if he hadn’t maybe…
“God I am such a jerk” Rhaenys lifted her face enough to look at him “I haven’t even asked if you have talked to Sansa or–?”
“I haven’t” he pressed his mouth into a thin line, he didn’t want to talk about this with Rhaenys now or ever really. “You know what? The space travel is really catching up on me so I better go rest like you said”
He opened the door and practically slammed it shut when it dawned on him he had no idea of the room number and he had to wait for Rhaenys. Fuck! just after he had stormed out of the car like a broody asshole(Jon’s asshole face flashed briefly in his mind), the day couldn’ t get worse really.
Fortunately Rhaenys let him save some dignity and got out of the car calmly as if nothing had happened but in her eyes so alike mom’s he could see worry.
"Sorry Egg, you know I am an idiot sometimes, we should go rest”
He wanted to tell her that she wasn’t, not really, not even after she left did he ever thought that, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
She led the way to a simple room decorated in pastels with two identical beds, matching night tables and a very stiff looking couch where his mother sat reading one of the romance novels she loved so well.
As soon as she saw him she got up and enveloped him in an embrace he immediately returned, they parted after a while but she stayed close enough so he could smell her characterístic orange scent, she caressed his face.
"You look so much like your daddy”
Aegon searched for a trace of emotion in his mother’s eyes to know at least someone was grieving as much as him, but her eyes were dry and he remembered that even if his mom felt any pain for her husband’s death she couldn’t be able to express it. Maybe the only thing he resented his is dad for.
“You must tell me all you have done in this years, your sister and little Nym have kept me so busy I haven’t got the chance to visit you and dad.” she made him sit beside her in one of the beds, her soft hands patting his face and squeezing his arm, it made him feel comforted in a way he hadn’t in years “I hope you made him get out of the lab once in a while, Rhaegar needed someone to force him to rest or he would simply drop exausted which of course was never safe–”
"Mom” Rhaenys interrupted putting a hand on mom’s shoulder “Aegon has just arrived and has barely slept I think we better let him rest”
"But look at him dear, your brother looks like he hasn’t eaten a proper meal in years.”
That made him genuinely smile, gods, he really had missed mom “I’ve been eating just fine, I just need some sleep”
“Aegon you can’t sleep like that, you should at least change into your pajamas”
“Well I didnt bring any change of clothes” he confessed rather ashamed. It wasn’t like him to be so unprepared.
"Such a careless boy! Rain we cannot let him like this, we should go out to buy your brother some clothes and food”
Great, now mom was treating him as a 6 year old child.
“Ok, mom just give me a minute I need to call Daeron and Nym to let them know we are at the motel”
His mother nodded, and Rhaenys got out of the room with her cell in hand.He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Rain was a mom now, much less that he was an uncle. He had seen photos of ‘Nym’ when she was a baby and another one of a toddler dressed like Princess Jonquil from that animated movie, but he had never met her.
“Nym has been dying to meet you” As always mom guessed his thoughts.
"She has? I wasn’t sure that Rhaenys talked about me or the Academy”
Mom smiled sadly “Oh, Rain doesn’t talk about the Academy, but about you of course. You are a superhero to Nym, protecting the world from the alíens and meteorites, that girl is obssessed with space, she is always saying that when she grows up her uncle will take her to live with him in space”
He felt a warm feeling wash over him, more than ever he wanted to return to Dragonstone and meet his little niece. That would be nice, he figured, a quiet normal life where he could play with little Nym, of course first he had to investigate what dad was doing in the Wolf’s Wood on his own, he was the head of the Academy now, well he would be if there was an Academy anymore.
Rhaenerys entered again, she had a smile on her face. “Daeron said he and Nym will meet us tomorrow in Dragonstone, I was worried about not being there for her frist flight but her dad says she is very excited”
“I am looking forward to meet them” said Aegon at last, he wished so desperately to have his family back especially now.
"They do too” she replied with a soft smile “Mom, we should get going. Egg you should try to take nap until we come back”
He said he would, and he did try. As soon as they left he took off his shoes and laid down on the bed to the left. It was stiff and smelled way to much of air freshener, but he had been living in a space station for 2 years now so this was more comfortable than he expected. Still he couldn’t fall asleep, as soon as his eyes closed he thought about dad and his mysterious death.
Frustrated, he decided to watch TV to drown out his thoughts. He regreted the decision almost immediately, on the screen appeared a flash of red hair. He almost laughed at his own hopelessnes, there must be a thousand woman in Westeros with that same hair color, and even if he knew them all he would still wish it was Sansa.
The woman turned around and it was her. Sansa. She had grown taller and impossibly beautiful, statuesque and regal were the words that came to mind to describe her.She became an actress, he knew that much. It seemed she was at some red carpet event. His finger thumbed the button to change the channel, he didn’t want to see her, but suddenly a reporter came down on her like a falcon on his prey, and asked her about father’s death. Her brow furrowed, she looked around as if trying to gather if this was some kind of twisted joke, her eyes filled with tears, still she politely excused herself and went back to her limo.
She cared.
His heart skipped a bit, and this time he did laugh. Gods! He felt a fool. Sansa had made her feelings for him very clear on that last note she left him…
When the hosts of the show started talking he finally turned off the TV. He grabbed one of the pillows underneath him and covered his face with it no matter what he did his mind made up diferent scenarios for their reunion each more farfetched and unsatisfactory than the last and like that he fell asleep.
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Top Ten Favourite Characters
Rules: List your favourite character from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
tagged by: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ and @jynandtonics​ (thank u!<3)
tagging: @ anyone who wants to do this !!<3
1. Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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2. Number Four, Klaus “The Séance” Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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3. Nathan Young (Misfits)
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4. Arya Stark of Winterfell (Game of Thrones)
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5. Finny/Finnian (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)
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6. Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist/Ao No Exorcist)
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7. Bolin (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
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8. Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
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9. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
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10. C-3PO (Star Wars)
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jiaraweek · 4 years
hello everyone! this is the masterlist for all fics posted during the week of jiara july. we’ll be periodically updating it each day with any fics posted under the tag ‘jiara july’ on tumblr or ao3, but please let us know if we miss anything/you want your fic to be added! thank you in advance to all the talented writers who are participating, we can’t wait to read what you’ve come up with!
DAY 1 - July 26th, 2020
i'm so high at the moment, i'm so caught up in this (we're just young, dumb and broke but we still got love to give) by @hvitstark / RoseOf Winterfell on ao3
A totally plausible but not entirely probable speculation of Kie’s kook year and JJ’s part in it.
oneshot | 8K | angst | read it here
here to stay by @interstellarbeams
JJ has a small circle of trust, the Pogues, until Kiara breaks her way in.
oneshot | 2.3K | angst/hurt/comfort | read it here
pretty hot for a pogue by @hmsjiara / someoneyouloved on ao3
jj and rafe have a history, and kiara carrera just happens to be at the center of it.
oneshot | 6.7K | angst/hurt/comfort | read it here
nothin' lasts forever (we both know hearts can change) by @maybankiara
in which jj decides to take his chances with kiara the summer before they go to different high schools, which possibly ruins their friendship (and by an extension, the pogues’).
oneshot | 5.3K | angst | read it here
another day by capulets on ao3
a look at jj and kiara’s relationship from the very beginning.
oneshot | 2.6K | angst | read it here
new message by @routledges
glimpses into the pogues' group chat as kiara heads off to kook academy, and the messages exchanged between jj and kiara as her struggles don't go unnoticed.
oneshot | 1.8K | light angst/fluff | read it here
you drew stars around my scars by @coconutroseowl
after a hard betrayal from her best friend, kiara becomes intrigued with the code of friendship a certain group of boys have after jj helps her feel better. 
oneshot | 2.2K | hurt/comfort | read it here
What if... (Secrets are dug in the best friends' back yard?) by TiggerUsername on ao3
What if JJ and Kiara have been keeping a massive secret from the Pogues? What if JJ and Kiara were a lot closer than anyone had expected during Kiara's Kook year?
oneshot | 7.5K | romance/angst | read it here
✦ ✧ ✦
DAY 2 - July 27th, 2020
fingertips puttin' on a show, got me now and I can't say no (i already know that there ain't no stoppin’ your plans and those slow hands) by @hvitstark / RoseOfWinterfell on ao3
JJ and Kie spend the morning with their kids... And trying to make a new one.
oneshot | 2.8K | romance/fluff | read it here
sea salt and grime (can’t believe that you’re mine) by @hmsjiara / someoneyouloved on ao3
jj and kiara fix up a bike together, and jj realizes they may have more in common than he thought.
oneshot | 5.5K | fluff/light angst | read it here
What if... (Baking is for lovers)? by TiggerUsername on ao3
A baking class for idiots inevitably escalates because of the hopeless couple that is JJ and Kiara.
oneshot | 3.3K | romance/fluff | read it here
invisible string by @alphinias
She weaved him bracelets as surely as they weaved memories together.
oneshot | 4.1K | fluff | read it here
i'll be there 'til the stars don't shine by @maybankiara
in which the pogues throw a kegger, and jj keeps getting distracted by the feelings he might have for one of his closest friends.
oneshot | 3.9K | angst/romance | read it here
just as i reach out to touch you (i remind myself you were meant to fly) by @interstellarbeams
JJ’s childhood memory of chasing fireflies has been tainted by his mother’s disappearance, but his friends help remind him what it’s like to be a kid again.
oneshot | 3.7k | fluff/hurt/comfort | read it here
that’s the thing about illicit affairs by @coconutroseowl
a day’s surfing with her best friend sparks unknown and unwanted feelings in kiara.
oneshot | 2.6K | angst | read it here
kiss the girl by capulets on ao3
some traditions are meant to be broken. apparently, the sanctity of movie night isn’t one of them.
oneshot | 1.5K | fluff | read it here
sunday’s by jiaras on ao3
Sundays were for JJ and Kiara. Since they became official three years ago, it was a known fact — ''I can’t, it’s Sunday'' or ''oh, maybe next week? Just not tomorrow, it’s Sunday'' had been more than overused by them both, until everyone seemed to catch on and stop asking all together.
oneshot | 4.8K | fluff/smut | read it here
✦ ✧ ✦
DAY 3 - July 28th, 2020
two worlds collided (and they could never tear us apart) by @rcsales
Kiara is tired of fancy parties at Sarah’s house; tired of rich self-centered people who only talk about how much money they're making. When she bumps into one of the waiters, her night gets a little more fun, whether she wants to admit it or not.
multichapter | 3.6K | romance/fluff | read it here
i see the sunrise getting high, i wish i was next to you by @hvitstark / RoseOfWinterfell on ao3
jiara band AU
oneshot | 5.2K | fluff/angst | read it here
i had a few (got drunk on you) by @interstellarbeams
Kiara is a student at bartender school and JJ is helping her practice (when he isn’t hindering her by drinking all the liquor).
oneshot | 7.6K | romance/fluff | read it here
no judgement zone by @noellesthings
jiara mythical AU
oneshot | 2K | angst | read it here
What if... (A beating heart is just a ticking timer)? by TiggerUsername on ao3
Everyone in Outer Banks has a soulmate. On their wrist is a ticking timer that is counting down to the second where the person meets their soulmate. The Universe makes sure that the two soulmates don't miss each other.
oneshot | 12.4K | angst/romance | read it here
this dream isn’t feeling sweet by @rae-of-fricking-sunshine
the scorpio race au
multichapter | 10.7K | read it here
monkshood and wolfsbane by @alphinias
JJ and Kiara go through seven years of Hogwarts together. They don't really like each other, until they do.
multichapter | 8.5K | romance/angst/fluff | read it here
war of hearts by capulets on ao3
kiara falls in love with jj. over and over and over again. the reincarnation au literally nobody asked for.
multichapter | 6.6K | romance/angst | read it here
let's get together (before we get much older) by jiaras on ao3
jiara college AU
oneshot | 7.5K | romance/fluff/smut | read it here
cause all’s fair in love and war by @hmsjiara / someoneyouloved on ao3
the percy jackson AU where jj and kiara really, really hate each other... until they don’t.
multichapter | 9.5K | romance/angst | read it here
this world seems beautiful when i'm with you by @maddieandherships
JJ, Pope and John B were alone in this world-a world crawling with dead people that would kill anything that had a heartbeat. It wasn't until they stumble upon a small community of survivors is where they finally feel they have a purpose, to survive.
multichapter | 5.9K | romance/angst | read it here
i have come to save the day by @maybankiara
in which jj is a postman and kiara is his favourite receptionist (alternatively, 4 times kiara didn't know jj's name and the one time she did).
oneshot | 5K | fluff | read it here
✦ ✧ ✦
DAY 4 - July 29th, 2020
better date than never by @alphinias
Kiara is sick of her mom badgering her about the single groomsmen at her cousin's wedding, so obviously, taking JJ as her date is the perfect solution. It won't be complicated. Not at all.
oneshot | 22.6K | romance/angst | read it here
you're the only friend I need (sharing beds like little kids) by jiaras on ao3
in which JJ and Kiara take their three kids on a road trip to the lake house.
oneshot | 3.6K | fluff | read it here
tell me when you’re falling (can you hear me calling?) by capulets on ao3
being in love with your best friend makes vacationing pretty inconvenient. luckily for kiara, said best friend will never suspect a thing.
oneshot | 3.3K | fluff/romance | read it here
and if my wishes came true (it would’ve been you) by @hmsjiara / someoneyouloved on ao3
the one where jj and kiara go on a road trip together and do a miserable job of pretending they’re not two idiots in love
oneshot | 7K | angst/fluff/smut | read it here
i don’t want to miss a thing by @maybankiara
in which jj drives kiara off to college, and he's not completely okay with that.
oneshot | 2.2K | fluff/light angst | read it here
✦ ✧ ✦
DAY 5 - July 30th, 2020
5 + 1 DAY
bare necessities by @rae-of-fricking-sunshine
the five times they were unintentionally undressed, and the one time they weren't
oneshot | 10.6K | fluff | read it here
I can’t believe that it’s finally me and you and you and me, just us (and our friends) by @hvitstark / RoseOfWinterfell on ao3
4 times John B and Pope interupt JJ and Kiara's alone time. And the 1 time they get to be alone.
oneshot | 11.6K | fluff/smut | read it here
if we were meant to be, we would've been by now by @alphinias
five times JJ was jealous, and one time he didn't have to be
oneshot | 12K | angst/romance | read it here
every piece of you by @interstellarbeams
Five places that Kie hadn’t expected to be intimate when kissed and one place she does.
oneshot | 13.2K | fluff/romance | read it here
it wasn’t special til i met you by capulets on ao3
the four times kiara lets jj braid her hair and the one time she doesn’t.
oneshot | 3.2K | fluff/light angst | read it here
friends are something that we were (before me sleeping in your shirt) by jiaras on ao3
the five times JJ and Kiara pretended to be a couple, and the one time they were
oneshot | 10K | romance/smut | read it here
What if... (slow and steady wins the race)? by TiggerUsername on ao3
the four times that JJ and Kiara are nearly caught and the one time where secrets become too much.
oneshot | 11K | romance/smut | read it here
i don’t wanna be your friend (i wanna kiss your lips) by @hmsjiara / someoneyouloved on ao3
the five times kiara thinks about kissing jj, and the one time she finally does it.
oneshot | 12.4K | angst/romance | read it here
✦ ✧ ✦
DAY 6 - July 31st, 2020
i lost myself between your legs (oh the habits of my heart, i can't say no) by @hvitstark / RoseOfWinterfell on ao3
Kie ask JJ to be her first. Because she trusts him. No other reason. JJ agrees. Because he's a good friend. No other reason.
oneshot | 10.8K | romance/smut | read it here
you and i (on the fly) by capulets on ao3
jj takes kie out on his bike for the first time and realizes just how fucked he is.
oneshot | 2.9K | fluff | read it here
august slipped away (into a moment in time) by jiaras on ao3
Kiara is going off to college soon, and JJ is staying in Outer Banks.
They decide to practice being away from each other for a day, for the first time ever.
oneshot | 6K | comfort/angst | read it here
What if... (It's only three words, eight letters)? by TiggerUsername on ao3
JJ has had a lot of firsts in his life. But none of them compare to Kiara. They are eighteen when Kiara tells JJ to man up and make a move. Together they realise that firsts can be repeated. There is one first however that changes everything. Because neither of them have heard those three words, eight letter before.
oneshot | 7.3K | angst/hurt/comfort | read it here
✦ ✧ ✦
DAY 7 - August 1st, 2020
Aetea (still searching for a reason, why is it so hard to find one) by @anxietyismyspiritanimal / yawning_inF on ao3
All hell breaks loose when JJ returns 'home' for the first time after John B's disappearance.. Luckily for him, Kiara would have never let him go in the mouth of the wolf alone.
multichapter | 1.7K | angst | read it here
19 notes · View notes
ddagent · 5 years
HS arranged marriage is everything, I’m definitely requesting a follow up! Also, do have any HCs of who realizes they want this to be real first? Any other HCs? Love your work you magnificent bebe!
THANK YOU! I love writing these trope mash-ups; they’re such a lot of fun! (Also, kudos for the Moira Rose reference.) Anyway, here are a handful of HS Arranged Marriage HCs:
Tywin and Selwyn have been planning the marriage of their heirs since before Jaime and Brienne could walk. 
The plan is for them to complete their education at Hayford Academy, then attend university (Jaime at Lannisport; Brienne at Storm’s End, even though both have their heart set on Winterfell). They’ll officially announce their engagement after graduation and be married the following year. 
Now that both are aware of the arrangement, Tywin invites Brienne to weekly family functions, and even encourages Lorch to drive Brienne to school as well as her future husband. Neither enjoys being pushed together. 
As children, they often played together, including one sunny afternoon where they were pretend married by Cousin Addam in Casterly Branch, and Jaime kissed his seven-year-old pretend bride. There was a photo of the pair of them on Brienne’s noticeboard. It is now in a drawer. 
After Jaime’s attempts to be mean fail, they actually decide to work together to find alternatives for their parents. Jaime gets jealous when Brienne is escorted to a Lannister function by Renly Baratheon, and Brienne is upset when Jaime kisses Melara Hetherspoon.
Cersei is in a boarding school in Dorne after being expelled for pushing a student down the stairs. 
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