#The Day the Fic Idea Killed Discord
guacamoleroll · 1 month
ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇʀᴄɪꜰᴜʟ, ɪ’ᴍ ᴀʟʟ ʙᴜᴛ ᴡᴀꜱʜᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴅᴇ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜɪɴɢ · ꜰʏᴏᴅᴏʀ ᴅᴏꜱᴛᴏᴇᴠꜱᴋʏ
content. f!reader. discussions of existentialism, small themes of bodily harm, minor suggestive themes, protectiveness, pre-relationship, jealousy, fyodor is bad at feelings. nikolai has a crush on the reader. huge manga spoilers (bsd 114.5). 4k+ words.
author's note. guess who's back .ᐟ can you believe it's been almost two months since i've written a oneshot? crazy. i have multiple updates, but i'll be quick. am i working on my 1k+ event drabbles? yes! am i making a discord server? also yes (but only open to mutuals for the moment). am i working on my fyodor-fic? yes, yes, yes!
would you like to see more? join the taglist or comment under this post!
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˚.⁺⊹ ꒱ 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰. what happens when an immortal man is met with unwavering, unconditional human compassion and doesn't know what to do.
OR fyodor has never been treated as a human until he met her.
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Fyodor rarely lingered on thoughts of the past. He never permitted himself to bide beyond the threshold of a mere glimpse, to observe under the guise of such mortal qualities as attachment and resentment. In truth, he did not remember his first death, the incident only an imperceivable splinter in the mind he had perfected. But the pain, a bittersweet edge as the mind scattered and the body ceased to function—he would be a fool to forget it. Death was not as merciful as the poets described. They comforted themselves with ideas of fulfillment and eternal rest, but they would not know. Poetry is written by the living, and the dead do not remember.
The sensation of foreign flesh encasing his metamorphizing body like a malleable cocoon became ritual. His complex existence became an easier pill to swallow with each death, and with it, his consternation towards the mangled reflection staring emptily back at him drifted away. Crumbled with stabs, pinned with nails, hung with ropes—humanity relished the thrill of the kill.
Sinful and foolish. Those painful betrayals of yesteryear evolved into the occasional reminder, lost of sentiment as he released his bond with mortal toils like companionship and love. He had taken his life, and subsequently his death, into his own hands. It made each treachery predictable and left his stilled heart impenetrable.
His most human aspect lay in his most monstrous one—his ability. Abilities were a two-edged sword, both a burden and a blessing. He was no different. Forced to remain outside the binds of mortality, as his existence remained a constant reminder of the cycle of life and death. Within and without in every sense of the phrase. A paradox.
He could not deny the isolation, but he would bear it for the sake of a sinless world. His brushes with enemies and allies alike became his only source of company. Yokohama had been his favorite; he craved each new day, testing their limits as his mortal mind yearned to find someone like him, someone on the brink of true existence—but he did not find it in his battles, nor did he expect to.
No matter the desperation of his centuries-long searches, he knew he would not find his match—they likely did not exist or would not for centuries to come. He observed the lives of hundreds over the years, yet, through generations, they did not stray from routine. No amount of transformation in the world could shake innate human composition, selfish and starved from birth. From dust they were formed, and like all before them, to dust they became. The monotony dullened his spirit—some said he believed himself to be God, but who wouldn't think of themself better if they were in his shoes? But he allowed the criticism, for he could not expect a mortal soul to understand immortality.
But he found a fissure in his journey.
Your first encounter had not been one of coincidence—the seeds had been intricately planted for months—and you were identical to everyone else, down on your luck with nowhere to turn. A talented individual primed for the picking, with no choice but to take the hand of a demon, who soothed your worries with sweet lies and a benevolent smile. Each of his subordinates had their own aspirations, easy to interweave into his own intricate plans, with them none the wiser. It was simple.
You were supposed to be that simple. 
No one knew his true ability, whether he considered them an ally or an enemy. It made the truth pliable to his words and actions, leading others down one assumption or another without shining light on the truth. And he had drafted his subsequent death without a hitch, shot by a rash officer in the midst of a violent standoff, which would allow access to documents the man had been in the middle of delivering. But no draft of his death predicted a witness.
Your eyes were wide, frozen as your mind frazzled, but he did not think much of your initial reaction. It was not the first time he had an audience, but he loathed to end the show so soon—a performance without an encore was lackluster, but he couldn't spoil the surprise for the rest of the world. However, before he reached for the holstered gun on his belt, you scrambled towards him. It wouldn't have taken but a second to shoot you, but the contorted expression on your face, the tilt of your brow, and the contemplative purse of your lips had him pause. You had halted before him, your hands hovering over his shoulders, scanning his body.
"Are you okay?"
Those three measly words, such a straightforward question, drew out an unfathomable amount of irritation from the depths of his soul. Was it possible for a person to be so naïve? Anyone who had witnessed his ability had at least the insight to cower or run and be terrified for their life. It had always happened—people were predictable. His eyes bore into your own with more scrutiny than you had ever possibly received, but as if dissecting his most prevalent thoughts, you adjusted the wrinkled collar of his new uniform and spoke with a troubled frown.
"He killed you. You killed him. An eye-for-an-eye. A crime served with its equal punishment." Your eyes scanned over his clothes before lingering on his features, tracing across them with such, dare he think, care. As if ensuring this was the same man you had made a deal with many weeks before. 
When was the last time you had spoken directly to him—he realizes never. He was unfamiliar with your hushed tone, one that was scolding yet tepid. Others shook his hand in conjunction with cheap words and boisterous gestures as if to intimidate a predator, but you had mustered the courage to do one thing they couldn't. You looked him in the eye.
"Our world rarely follows that equilibrium," you said in the silence, inching from him to allow space. "I find it refreshing."
He raised a brow, words leaving him. "...You have quite a fascinating mind, Ms. (Surname)."
Your smile made the warmth return to his fingertips. "I would hope so. Wouldn't want to bore you."
For the following weeks, he found himself enveloped in ideas of coincidence. It had been eons since he left a variable to pure chance, though he supposed his modified routine had not allowed fate to prosper—but it wasn't like he was constructing moments to seek your presence on purpose. To have one measly interaction, an opening to prod at the folds of your delicate mind. No, of course not.
In fact, a trace of your familiar hairstyle or the flutter of your narrow array of outfits imbued with him the impulse to squash you like an insect, to erase your existence from the world's canvas and return to his monotony. You wouldn't see his approach, or perhaps you would, but you wouldn't stop him. Instead, you'd look upon him again with those same eyes, all-knowing yet completely clueless—but it was the thought of that expression that quieted those thoughts, a breeched sensation of carnal impulses gripping his heart like a vice. However, he remained curious, and you remained fascinating.
You met each interaction with hospitality like an ever-burning hearth that sparked a foreign warmth upon his skin, but not out of dread or devotion—those were the extremes in his subordinates, and no one strayed from them. They either bowed or cowered at his feet, but you did not falter to your knees, at least not in the way he expected.
You remained at a respectable distance, especially in comparison to your almost intimate touch prior. Still, it was not out of wariness at his ability's capabilities but rather out of knowledge of your own expendability. You understood your role as a subordinate but had no issue meeting his gaze, speaking level to him whenever permitted, yet respecting his authority in observation. 
His first judgment of your character, a naive and thoughtless woman, had been unfounded. You spoke with an intellect not found in many underneath him but did not utilize it as a weapon against others. Your awareness of the dangerous circumstances of your agreement seemed to contradict your actions, with no will to take out frustration towards your dealer. You seemed to, in fact, respect his artifice for its purpose and reap the perks of your deal rather than focus on the consequences—unlike most, you knew you weren't an exception to repercussions and accepted them as they were.
Your deal had not been one of much thought—he barely remembered it himself. You would work under him for an undecided amount of time and, in turn, receive shelter from the crimes of the outside world. It allowed for a menagerie of loopholes and interpretations, but it was of mutual understanding that he would not prevent your demise at the hands of enemy fire. Instead, you would only be allowed to live for as long as you were useful. Despite that knowledge, you met each moment with gratitude, relieved without the burden of death on your shoulders.
But your demise, supposedly so near, seemed to dwindle into the distance. He found alternate methods, better ones, to fulfill missions, other paths to follow, and subordinates to sacrifice in the name of salvation. Before long, you had worked for him for an entire year.
It was a week before your anniversary when you dared to surpass the threshold of his office's doorway, if you could call it that, and leaned against the frame to observe from behind, quiet as a mouse. He was surprised you hadn't been in here sooner.
"Do you need something?" he mused, a lilt of strange enjoyment in his tone. He didn't bother to pause in his motions, the strokes of his fingers against the keyboard only intensifying with every passing moment. He had been stripped of his normal coat, and ushanka sat on the side, which allowed for an almost softer appearance.
"I wanted to ask you a question."
He caught the unmistakable reluctance in your tone, a quiver in your voice, and he sighed. It was not the first time someone reconsidered their deal—it was quite common. He would appease their worries with those same sweet lies from before, before twisting them into a scheme so they would no longer become a problem. There was no use keeping around a subordinate who was bound to waver—but for the endless intrigue you provided, he would be merciful in his answer. Truthful, even. 
"I'm afraid there's no budging on your deal, Ms. (Surname)." The air of the office had staled, and he was sure you had stiffened from horror, primed to turn tail and scutter to your room to wallow in self-pity and despair.
"Uh, I actually just wanted to know if you had any book recommendations."
He paused in his typing, staring down at his hands. "Book recommendations."
"Forgive me," you muttered, tone loosened of its typical confidence as it brimmed with embarrassment. "It's just…you don't hire the most well-read company, and I'd assumed you'd have a more expansive catalog than any of us would."
It was quiet for an instant until an almost unheard chuckle relinquished from his tightened lips after the comprehension of such a unique request. You had subverted his expectation once more, such a strange little thing, and he twisted around to devour the view of your expression, which remained sheepish in the aftermath of your meek inquiry, softened moreso as the luminescent light of screens wavered to draw decadent lines across your features. 
"I'm certain I have something you'd enjoy."
You had not expected him to rise from his chair, standing like a deer in headlights as he approached the doorway. Only an amused lift of his brow and a smirk led you to realize that you blocked his path, and you scampered to the side. He led you through a narrowed path, one that turned unrecognizable after only a minute. The entire hall was dedicated to rooms you had never seen, isolated from everything else. 
His hand settled against a rusted knob, the metal door groaning with a boisterous shriek that undoubtedly led to your doom—that was until you stepped inside, mouth gaping in awe at the treasure of reading material. It was enormous, at least with the finite amount of space. His lips twisted into something uncharacteristically fond as your eyes lingered from book to book, practically sparkling at the array of texts, some of which only he could provide.
He selected a couple of volumes from varied genres, and you were about to thank him, but the following words that came from his mouth surprised you both. "Feel free to come here whenever you see fit." The books he handed over were old but well-cherished if the creased spines were of any evidence. "I'm curious to hear your thoughts."
Most wouldn't have dared to make their presence known after a chance interaction with him, but he knew it would be foolish to assume that you were like most or even to predict your next move. Even though he would never admit it, he was anticipating your presence in his office, and you arrived like a saving grace, primed with thoughts and annotations.
"He may be extreme, but he embodies the pinnacle of the human condition," you started, locked in on the main protagonist. "He's a paradox, morally virtuous yet rotten."
He held the returned book in his hand, refusing to acknowledge the subtle thump of his heart as his touch brushed over the impressions in the leather cover made by your fingers. Those imprints seemed to ground him, and he only allowed himself to embrace the sensation rather than consider why he felt so calm. 
"I see you enjoyed the story."
"I wouldn't put it like that," you argued, and he found himself only further encompassed in your discourse. "Enjoyment is easy to come by, but for a book to fulfill its purpose, it's supposed to make you think beyond its pages."
He leaned forward on his hand, humming as he yearned for more, homing in on every word and notation, for a chance to catch another delicious conviction spurned from your lips, hypnotized as you unpacked layers of moral conflict and human turmoil with ease. Your deconstruction was breathtaking, especially once you adjusted to your space, circling around his office and inching closer and closer. But then, you stopped.
He almost melted at the glimpse of that familiar expression—those furrowed brows and pursed lips. In further analysis, you resembled a bunny more than a human, and he almost expected a twitch in the tip of your nose as you became lost in thought. But the next look you struck him with, to his utter disdain, made him cave on instinct, like a predator about to sink his teeth in.
"A thought?"
You shook your head, clearing the air. "I forgot it as quick as it came."
But, like the sly prey you were, you slipped out of his queries with wit and once more avoided satisfying his curiosity, leaving him stranded in a position with no illusive way to question you for more. If it were anyone else, truly, he would have no desire for answers—they would be evident before they opened their mouths. Yet, every time he felt close to unraveling your secrets, you shrunk back. Almost as if you were teasing him. 
Two could play at that.
Months passed, and your discussions became daily occurrences, the topic shifting from philosophical debates to the beautiful world outside. Your presence was like sweet manna to the starved, and he found himself pacified but not fulfilled. But he did not consider one aspect of the alteration of his routine—that it would place a target on your back—not by his enemies but by other subordinates. 
A few of them had cornered you on a mission, planning to report back to him that you had died in the enemy crossfire—foolish that they didn't realize every death was always explicitly planned. Their insubordination would be met with fatal consequences, and while he wished in his heart to torment them for their witlessness, he knew that they would only cause further issues if they were allowed to remain alive. 
Luck had accompanied you on your errands, a watchful, frosted-haired jester performing a fantastical rescue in your final moments. It was not without injuries, as you lay in a bed with several sprains and bruises, but your rest was accompanied by the same man who had saved you, for curiosity was one of his main traits. He had been curious about you for a while, much like everyone else, and stated to Fyodor that he could not help but personally prod at his newfound "tether," whatever that meant.
But Fyodor knew, from the moment you exchanged your first few words, that Nikolai would become enamored with your inquisitiveness and warmth. Your approach to thought had been spell-binding to anyone who would listen, not only himself. You had an analytical approach similar to his, but it did not hold the same intent or technique. It sung with empathy, your personal philosophies shining through while allowing others to shape your opinions into a far more informed one. You reveled in a change—a most inhuman and most alluring feature. 
No one found more joy in that feature than Nikolai himself, who deemed you a dearest companion he must have lost and forgotten in the past—because where had you possibly been his entire life? His jokes made you laugh without restraint, but you didn't look at him as if he were a fool. 
"That pitiful clown didn't stand a chance," Fyodor noted to himself, though not without resentment towards the strain in his chest as Nikolai braced a hand on your shoulder. 
But the moment you leant your ear to the man and listened with an open mind to his ideals and demonstrated a drop of compassion towards his need to be free, Fyodor could recognize the familiar thoughts racing in Nikolai's mind. The same shock of finding someone who understood him and his purpose without repulsing his approach and the same impulse to sever the connection it created.
He knew it all too well. And he hated it, despised that he knew the sensation intimately, such a mortal affliction that it was reflected in another. He knew these emotions, at least some of them, but he did not think of them until another soul dared to encroach upon them. Upon you. 
Oh, how he despised you. 
He did not fathom why Nikolai had not done away with you—at least, he refused to. His stomach emptied with an insatiable hunger as the jester rushed away in a turn of his overcoat, with Fyodor not able to disregard the one visible eye of the man that looked upon him with an understanding far too founded.
He entered the room, your room, with an unease unlike him. You glanced from your reading material, another book from his collection, your expression of contentment shifting from content, to confusion, to land on concern, thinly veiled by a polite nod and 'hello.' He had never checked on any of his subordinates before and was almost willed to leave as quickly as he came.
"The antagonist is certainly intriguing, wouldn't you say?"
But you did not acknowledge his behavior. He never thought of himself witless enough to be in a position in which he could be called out for making such instinctual, carnal decisions—only for the subject of those to dismiss his intentions entirely. To not take advantage of his obvious vulnerabilities. You must have noticed it, but he realized it was never fear nor respect that made you avoid questioning him. 
He had never noted it prior, but you did not back out of conversations because you displayed discomfort. You were rather easy to read, and you knew that, but it had seemed you were concealing some further. It was not a part of yourself that you had hidden, but instead, you had allowed him to hide his own susceptibilities under the guise of them being yours, not prodding him from your own observations out of respect for his boundaries. He was not an open book to many, but he had become another novel to you. Another character to dissect. But you didn't.
He left with more questions than any answers he had ever received, having found the answer to his first question, but only at a cost that left him to spiral in his own contemplations. What would cause you to be so considerate? He was left distracted by your presence more than ever before, even when you were not in the room. You were a nuisance, yet so refreshing. A paradox, as you would've cleverly pointed out—and he loathed that he had become so intimately familiar with you that he knew that.
He ceased to note your mannerisms as an alley to exploit you, but it seemed he hadn't in months. Instead, he had found them a constance he looked forward to. The soul that he had been seeking—was it indeed you?
And to his immortal horror and human content, he knew that your roles had been reversed. That if you had approached with a blade and asked him for his heart, he would carve it out himself without another thought. It would only take a smile and the brush of your hand, and he would be your puppet.
It had been another month, and you were permitted to walk the harbor docks without accompaniment; not that many were allowed to accompany you in the first place. You were satisfied with watching the water from a distance, stilled by the winter wind that whipped around with a bite. In deep thought, as you considered the past few months, almost two years of the same routine, and you smiled. Life had not been monotonous since becoming a member of the Rats, and your strange companionship with your boss left you relishing each new interaction. There was a bittersweetness to that man, and it had not taken much to reach it—it wasn't like you had done that on purpose. 
But there was no need to ponder over that—it was cold. Your clothes were far too thin, but it wasn't like you were paid a normal salary like most people. You stuck with the clothes you had been able to take, always either too thin or too thick before the seasons, but you would make do like you always did.
That was until you felt the pressure of heavy fabric swallow you whole. You didn't even think to look up, too overwhelmed by the scent of old ink and the warmth of roughened fabric, marred with imperfections that could only be seen close up, and you brushed your fingers over them and simply relished in the sensation that the impressions grounded you. The puffed collar tickled your neck, and you couldn't restrain your laughter as you tried to wipe the water away from your eyes. But it was warm, so warm despite its exterior, and that was all that mattered to you.
You finally looked up.
"Fyodor?" you whispered, your voice almost lost in the wind.
He knew the questions in your gaze and the familiar contemplation as you debated whether to say anything more. You knew, in the depths of your kindred soul, that he would not answer your questions, nor did he have the answers himself, despite his longevity. Some things were best left unsaid. He was determined to uncover everything about you and this illness, an affliction that you had marred him with, to quell the rapid beat of his heart, a heart that finally belonged to him again.
"It's cold," he replied, sat beside you.
Neither of you looked at each other as you gazed out into the harbor, but for the first time, neither of you were bothered by the cold anymore.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @aureatchi @betweensinners @imhandicapableofmath @lovedazai @osameowdazai @ruru-kiss @ishqani @zyilas @lovesick-fairy @fedyascoffin @squigglewigglewoo @kelperspelt @miloofc @s1eepybunny @dazaisms @deepseafragments @crayonssz @himikoslove @little-miss-chaoss @justcallmesakira @number1morihater @fyorina
© 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋 2024 — do not repost or modify my works for any reason. do not steal graphics w/o explicit permission. reblogs are appreciated.
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girl like you 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as kidnapping, marital discord, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: a fight with your husband leads to an unexpected situation.
Characters: Lee Bodecker, Jake Jensen
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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"Marge," you struggle to keep the exasperation from your voice, "that's not how it works. It's a civil dispute, not criminal--" 
"They signed a contract," the blonde dictator bites back at you. 
"Right, and we're going through the appropriate channels to have there violations dealt with--" 
"Ugh, whatever," she throws the folder at you, "shoulda know better. I heard you never even passed the bar." 
You catch the file before the papers can flutter out. You scowl at her as she pushes her hands out in frustration and stomps her pink heel. You pinch your cheeks between your teeth. You never got to take the bar, you got married. Like her. Maybe you should ask about the dust on her English degree. 
"And that lipstick is tacky. It looks awful with your skin tone," she snarls as she rams a manicured nail in your direction, huffing and spin, taking off like a tornado towards the rest of the doll-like HOA clones. 
You look down as you shuffle the papers straight and shrug. You've never quite fit in. This place is like high school 2.0. You never have the right clothes or the right makeup, and no matter how much you primp, your hair just won't behave. You don't know why you bother. 
Well, it's something to do. A hobby in your mostly empty life. Brock promised you it wouldn't be like this. To his defence, you're the idiot who believed him. 
Your husband hasn't exactly kept his promises, has he? You leave through the gate, not bothering with the niceties. You're certain your dismissal was thoroughly witnessed. Besides, the meeting is as good as done. 
You wait by the curb, a text sent to Brock. Your feet kill in these slingbacks. You hate those as much as you hate the mascara that makes your lashes stick. 
The black car comes down the street and you open the door, dropping inside with a puff. You rest the folder in your lap and roll your eyes back against a repressed yawn. You shut the door and buckle your belt. 
"Hey, honey," you greet your husband. "How was your day?" 
"Busy," Brock answers curtly. 
"Oh, did you have dinner? I left it in the oven to reheat--" 
"Your my wife, you're the one who warms my dinner," he insists. 
Your nostrils flare and you look away. This is exactly what you dreaded the day you accepted that ring. All those years of schooling and you threw it away for an empty vow. 
"Alright, I'll turn the stove on when I get in--" 
"How was it? You're early. You didn't stay for drinks?" 
"I'm tired." 
"So? Five years and what do you have to show for it? Like I wanna hear about those dumb bitches at the barbecue? No, I wanna hear about my wife. About everything she's doing for the neighbourhood." 
"Don't talk like that," your murmur. If he thinks they're dumb, what does he think of you? 
"Don't tell me what to do," he snorts, "you know, you might be a little happier if you put in a little effort. Not like I don't bust my ass so you can buy nice dresses and yet you're still wearing this." 
He reaches over and tugs your skirt. It's one of your favourite dresses. You don't see an issue with it, other than it might be a bit past its prime. Besides, he does make a lot of money but you're the one who counts it and makes sure the bills get paid. There isn't room for you to buy Chanel. 
"Sorry," you mutter towards the window. 
"Don't be sorry, do better," he rolls the steering wheel as he rolls around the cul de sac. 
Your chest sinks and your lip twitches. Do better. You're tired of hearing that. You're tired of trying. You're just tired. 
"Stop the car," you demand as you sit up. 
"What?" He scoffs.  
"Stop the car and let me out--" 
"We're almost home." 
"I said let me out of the car," you snarl, "now!" 
He slams on the breaks so hard, you nearly smack into the dashboard. You hit the button on the seat belt and let it rebel. You grab the folder and throw it on the dash so the pages scatter. 
"You can turn a fucking dial," you snip and push the door open. 
He catches your arm, his grip tight and unbending, "where are you going?" 
"I don't know. Anywhere but here." 
"Don't be fucking stupid, get back in the car," he commands. 
"Let go!" 
"You're being stupid--" 
"Like always, right?" You spit at him and wriggle free, his nails scratching you hotly. "I'm done. I can't make you happy and I'm tired of trying." 
You get out and swing the door shut. You grip the strap of your purse, still hooked over your shoulder, and turn on your heel. You click down the sidewalk as he revs and jolts forward, following you. 
"Babe, get back in the car," he calls through the window. 
You ignore him and stomp on, nearly bending your ankle as you do. 
"Stop PMSing and get in the damn car!" He speeds up, almost driving past you, "don't make me tell you again." 
You keep quiet and march on. His brakes scrape to a halt and the car door opens and closes. You hear him behind you. You speed up to evade him. 
"You always gotta make everything a fucking task--" 
He grabs onto your purse and yanks you back, nearly knocking you on your ass. You cry out and face him, tugging on the bag as you play tug-of-war on the sidewalk. The sudden woop startles both of you and the purse drops to the ground.  
You look over as the cruiser pulls up. You know the car number and the face above the wheel. The same on that patrols the suburb. The HOA buys Sheriff Bodecker a special Christmas turkey every year and several other throughout to mark even the most redundant holidays. He's firmly in the pocket of the Stepford robots. 
"Everything okay over here?" Bodecker drawls as he rolls down his window.  
"Yes," Brock answers in tandem with your "no." 
Your husband sighs, "just a marital spat, sir, you know how it is." 
You grimace and shake your head. You pick up the purse as Brock looms close, "nothing to worry about Sheriff," you stand and swoop the bag over your elbow. "Thanks." 
"Babe," Brock says, "let's go home." 
"No," you retort and turn around, continuing on your way. 
You hear a footstep and another wail of the cruiser's siren, "sir, I'm gonna have to ask you not to follow the lady. She said no. She probably just needs to cool off." 
You shake your head and continue on. Brock's voice croaks but he can't summon words. He growls and backs off. 
As you continue down the block, tires slowly turn on the tarmac and you glance over at the sheriff keeps a light foot on the gas, "ma'am, you wanna get in? I'll take ya to the station to settle your mind." 
"It's fine, sheriff," you say, "thank you." 
"Now, miss, I don't mean to frighten you but I gotta," he insists, "I can't just drive off in case your husband decides to follow. I only wanna get you outta the way do he don't do anything dumb." 
"Sheriff, I--" you stop and your soles aches from the high arches of your shoes, "he wouldn't..." 
"Y'all were pretty heated back there," he says, "I'm not saying what would happen, but I'd feel better knowin' you're not wandering the streets alone." 
You chew your tongue and look back and forth. Brock watches from down the street, leaning on his car. You know he's just waiting for Bodecker to take off so he can do exactly what the policeman suggests. 
"Thank you, sir," you step towards the curb, "I appreciate that." 
"Anything for a good lady like yerself," he nods, "'fraid you're gonna have to ride piggy back though." 
He shifts into park and gets out. He opens the back door and you teeter at the edge of the pavement. You never pictured yourself in the back of a police car but it's preferable to the alternative. 
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
On the other side - Andrealphus
I have no idea who proposed it because sadly I can't find it (found you! Thanks for inspiration @\rae-pss!), but someone came up with an idea of what would happen if the characters from WHB started to realize that the MC was not us. That there is someone on the other side of the screen who takes care of them. I created a little silly fic loosely interpreting it.
Word count: 1284
Other parts: On the other side | Promised Land | Point to point | Love is blind (18+)
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Life is so repeatable. Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, only with some little pleasures in between. You took off jacket, threw it away and plopped down at the chair. Old phone landed on a table as you were struggling with thoughts whether to eat instant noodles today or heat up yesterday's dinner.
"Come on, boys." You turn on game and tapped loading screen just from boredroom. "I don't have all evening."
You wanted to have a pet, you've considered it a lot. But with these earnings, the closest thing to an animal in this house were fish sticks. So all that had left to do was talk to fictional hot guys. At least they don't need to be feed.
When Andrea appeared on the display, you tapped on him with a smile.
"Hi, babygirl."
"Who’s there…?"
You've never seen this speech bubble before. Update? But nothing downloaded, and any additional files were in a queue. Well, maybe it was one of those little tweaks nobody notice. You tapped the screen about three hundred more times to see if there were any new voice lines, but this time everything was the same. Maybe it was just a combination of overactive imagination and tiredness. Yes. Instant noodles will be a better option, you will make them faster and go to bed faster.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
"…and then this stupid bitch said it was all my fault." 
Lying half on the chair, half on the desk, and half somewhere in between, you were chatting with a friend on Discord and doing tasks for nightmare pass.
"That sucks. What are you going to do about it?"
"No idea. But if they take my bonus because of her, I'll kill her, I swear."
"I hope everything will be fine, but I have to go. Sorry."
"Yeah… Have fun on a date."
Hearing the disconnection sound, you sighed. Obviously, you couldn't blame them, keeping fingers crossed that they had found their other half of orange, but now they didn't even have time to meet for coffee, and you lived three minutes' walk from each other. Talking together, joking together, everything faded into the background. In addition, work was getting worse...
"I also hope everything will work out"
The voice sounded different. Familiar. But they definitely weren't your friend. You quickly checked the screen to see if anyone had joined the voice chat, but the screen was blank.
"What… Who? How?" Of course, there was no one around the room. Is this the beginning of hallucinations?
"I'd like to ask this too."
The voice that came from the speakers. From the telephone. From...?
The phone screen showed only a familiar sprite turning its head from side to side.  You forgot about the strange update from a few days ago. Was that it again? Andrea's red braid was beautifully animated, and facial expressions changed, delicate movements of the eyebrows and lips showed new emotions. It really looked stunningly real.
"Gorgeous." You complimented in a whisper godly work of the animator. "I can't wait until you get L, since you already look so sexy as S..."
"What are S and L...?"
He answered without tapping. Moreover, he tilted his head as if listening. There's been a lot of talk about AI lately, but you didn't agree to use the microphone in game… Unless it's some stinky term of services. This needs to be turned off, it will probably be in the settings. But after checking options, there was nothing like that there.
"Trust me, I find it unnatural too." Andrea replied with an uncertain smile. "I hear you, but I don't feel anyone around me. But your voice… It’s nice. Can you keep talking? It feels good to be less... alone."
He sounded so much in character. Whoever programmed this, put a lot of work into it. It was a little weird... but you were so tired and done that chatting with the AI seemed like a nice change.
"Sure. It's weird talking to the screen, but well, I do it all the time anyway. Good thing it’s only an AI, because if anyone heard half the nonsense I moan, they'd probably send me to solitary confinement."
"You're calling grown man babygirl."
"Because you are!"
He chuckled, and it felt almost like a talking to an actual human. Muttering such nonsense, you felt ashamed for a moment. If the government suddenly started eavesdropping, the agent who was in charge was such a poor man.
"Tell me something else." He asked. "I've been hearing your voice for several days. I'd like to finally know who I'm having the pleasure of talking with."
He didn't have to ask twice. Of course, without providing any personal details, but you could give him your name. And told about that stupid bitch at work...
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
You checked tumblr, checked X, and checked the official website of the game. There was no word about an update anywhere, and after writing that this new option with talking to devils was great, all mutuals started to worry if everything was okay or asked how to unlock it. What were you supposed to tell them? That it just appeared?
What's worse, you started to treat Andrea like an ordinary person. A human being. Turning on the game during cleaning, cooking or making bed, talking to that little devil on the screen, and... listening to his stories. He spoke so beautifully. Talked about how he likes to spend his time (if not murdering angels), or what everyday life in Nilfheim is like. Sometimes he worried about the war, sometimes was happy when you stayed with him longer being off work.
"My blindness is truly a gift." He said one day with a dreamy smile.
"Why so?"
"In this daily hustle, if my eyes were still working properly, I certainly wouldn't be able to hear you, a small voice in my consciousness. I thought there was something wrong with me. But when I finally focused, you heard me too."
What he said was so similar to what you remembered about own feelings. Longing tightened your chest, longing for someone who didn't exist in this world, and that feeling turned into pain.
"I'm also glad we can hear from each other." Your voice changed noticeably. 
Andrea sensed it.
"Now that we've been able to talk, maybe one day we'll be able to touch each other?" He held his hand out in front of him, but you knew he couldn't pass through the screen. Still, you placed a finger where his hand was. Stupid mind was tricking you that you could feel his warmth. Tears came to your eyes.
"One day." You whispered with a trembling voice. "I don't know how, but one day we will."
"Do not cry, please. I don't want you to ever cry because of me.”
You tried to keep calm, but it was no use. Maybe one day, in another time, in another reality. Maybe it will work. No, it has to work. No matter how crazy others might think you were, this wasn't the world you were supposed to stay in. Your intended one waited patiently on the other side of the screen. You just didn't know how to do it. Not yet.
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cherrynwinesk · 9 months
Not really a fic but any headcanons with this idea? Reader is a big streamer so quackity asked them to join the qsmp server, they kinda talked earlier so they know about each others existence but it's not like they were ever friends. How would quackity act after he started to develop a crush on reader??
🍒:It's very long, sorry
Quackity Headcanon's
Added to QSMP
Story g: sfw
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: None
CC's: Quackity
Reader g: Neutral reader
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and accept corrections to improve the quality of the content
Master List
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•The invitation to be part of the QSMP would arrive in your business email
•You would be so busy streaming, editing some videos for YouTube that you hadn't even noticed that email
•Your manager would notify you of this
•You had heard about the server, even watched some clips on tiktok, but you didn't know what the main function was or what it was about, you only knew that Quackity was the owner
•You came to feel confused, you had never had contact with Quackity, you had never spoken, you had never met at any event, so why would he invite a stranger to his precious project?
•You had friends in common, but fate had never brought you together
•You thought about the invitation, since you had many things to do, including creating your plan for the entire week's content on stream and organizing your schedules to be able to edit
•So stay at the highest level where you have always been among the biggest creators in the world
•But you didn't have many ideas currently, so you considered the invitation
•Quackity himself would immediately contact you
•You would like to plan everything directly with the server members so that there are no misunderstandings
•Both would schedule a call on Discord, trying to coincide with your free time
•There was not much communication between you until the day you agreed
•Nothing out of the ordinary, he would explain to you about the project, the creators who are already on the server, he would talk a little about the lore that some members already have
•It sounded very interesting by the way.
•You both got along very well, you were able to communicate easily and there were no problems in your first time interacting
•Agreed on a date on which you will join the server
•The day you would be announced as a member of QSMP Quackity would do his routine stream in Spanish playing a little time with Roier, Ironmouse, Forever or someone
•Then he would raid his main channel and in it he would talk about how he was excited for this new member, since you are a global content creator, and that it meant a lot to have you on his server (being humble)
•Immediately you were announced as part of QSMP, Twitter exploded
•Your name and Quackity being a trend, and it was all because no one expected this good news
•The next day you entered the server for the first time and started with the basics by playing Minecraft, wood, sticks, pickaxe, killing cows
•You immediately made a good relationship with the other members, it was such a relaxed atmosphere
•You have never laughed so much in your life
•Even outside the server that friendship continued
•But you were closer with Quackity
•You two had a humor that complemented each other
•There was no fear of saying something wrong, you could be yourself
•You might not think anything strange, for you it would just be a good friendship like with any other member
•But actually for Quackity it was a little different
•At first Quackity was a little excited that you would agree to be on his server
•First of all cause you are a big cc
•Quackity saw your content a few times, and knew that your personality would fit perfectly into QSMP
•From the beginning he liked the way you stayed active in your streams, never stopping talking, interacting with your chat even though your community was so big
•He even wanted to learn a little about you, because he knew that everything you were and had you got fairly
•You deserved everything you had and he even admired you too much
•He was so nervous about talking to you, doing something wrong or that something in the project wouldn't interest you, since he hadn't even hoped that you would accept the invitation
•Now that you were closer, Quackity started to feel different around you.
•He started to like you, but he still doesn't accept it
•At first he would think that he just likes you too much.
•But the day his sister asked him "Do you like y/n?"
•He'd notice and he'd be like "No, why do you ask that? He/she's my friend."
•Most likely, his sister had to hear about what happened inside QSMP, but you being the one he always mentions, that's why she would come to such a conclusion.
•Besides, Quackity would act very excited when it comes to you.
•"Your eyes shine when you talk about y/n" and his cheeks would be red.
•And Quackity would feel so comfortable with you
•He would really like your personality and that would be what made him fall in love.
•Also the way you bring out his true personality without fear
•Once he realized that if he actually liked you he would start to feel nervous around you.
•He would also go watch your streams while he is busy
•Over time he would also like you physically and too much
•Inside him maybe he would have this obsessive crush on you, but he doesn't want to show it.
•He would worry that you had a partner or that he wasn't your type
•More people around him would realize that he is in love and would convince him to tell you what he feels.
•He would refuse for a long time with the excuse that he is married to his job
•His friends would do him the favor (without Quackity asking) of asking you personal things
•Like if you have a partner, what kind of people do you like for a relationship, being very obvious (maybe Roier who doesn't care about anything or Baghera but she would be more subtle with the questions)
•Quackity would travel to meet you irl
•Once you were together he would try to show interest with subtle compliments
•Like saying you're smart
•Or talk about your hair color and mention that he like people with that color
•You would definitely understand and ask him if he is flirting with you
•He would get very nervous but he knows you got him
•"It's very obvious?"
•"Don't worry Quackity, Roier and Cellbit already told me everything"
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astarionfreak · 6 months
❝ astarionfreak's bg3 fanfiction masterlist
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NSFW / 18+ only
Message me | Main blog | Works on AO3
Directory: Original posts tag | Answered asks | Astarion answers | Smut ask game | BG3 gifs | BG3 quotes | BG3 screenshots
-- Join the Dead Dove Debauchery Discord server --
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✘ exile (or: how you learned to stay) (13/?) Dark fic / Dead dove | Ascended Astarion (Evil) x Reader (Fem!Durge) & Shadowheart x Reader (Fem!Durge) | Read on AO3.
You turned away from everyone after defeating the Netherbrain. You spiraled out of control. Then, at your very lowest, Astarion, the Vampire Ascendant, found you. You give him everything. But your heart still belongs to Shadowheart -- and Astarion will never let you go.
✘ days of hedonistic debauchery (3/9) | Gale x Tessa (Fem!Tav) x Astarion | Read on AO3.
For Tessa, Astarion coming to stay with her and Gale in Waterdeep has been a dream come true. Even Gale is learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. But nothing can ever really be that simple, can it?
✘ the blood on your hands is mine (3/?) | Astarion x Wren (Fem!Durge) | Read on AO3.
Wren is a wretched thing. Dark thoughts consume her mind, urging her to kill, kill, kill. Her hunger for murder is only matched by Astarion’s thirst for blood. She’s fascinated by him. After all, he makes for such a perfect, pretty corpse.
Astarion thinks Wren looks particularly exquisite when she’s killing to protect him. If only he can figure her out, then he’d have her wrapped her around his little finger. It should be easy, right? Manipulate her feelings and ensure her dark thoughts are directed at his enemies — never at him.
✘ carve it in red (2/?) | Ascended Astarion x Serin (Fem!Durge) | Read on AO3.
Astarion, the Vampire Ascendant. He brought Baldur’s Gate to its knees. He is the man who has everything, but he lost her. Serin. His mad love. Consumed by her urge. Can she be saved?
✔ at least you purr for me (1/1) | Astarion x Reader (Fem!Tav) | only on AO3
You've been faking orgasms your entire life. And yes, you even faked during that night in the forest with Astarion. After a couple bottles of wine, the truth comes out and Astarion wants to rectify the situation.
✔ the lick of poison (1/1) | Astarion x Naenia (Fem!Tav) | Read on AO3 or Tumblr
She hadn’t recognized the mushroom by sight. But now she recognized it by sensation. A powerful, and often deadly aphrodisiac. She had a long night ahead of her. If she were to survive . . .
✔ are you satisfied, darling? (2/2) | Astarion x Naenia (Fem!Tav) | Read on AO3 or Tumblr
If Naenia could just rub one out on her own maybe she could stop thinking about Astarion and finally get some rest. There's one little flaw in her plan -- it's wriggling around her brain -- and giving the object of her desires a front row seat to her fantasies.
✔ palisade afternoon (1/1) Dark fic / dead dove | Ascended Astarion x Reader (Fem!Durge) | Read on AO3.
How long did you spend planning your escape only for it to fail? Astarion has bound you to him, body and soul. He has complete control. You are helpless as he takes advantage of you.
✔ beg like you need it (1/1) Astarion x Tessa (Fem!Tav) x Gale | Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Astarion, Tessa and Gale were thrown into jail. Astarion has some ideas on how to pass the time. He doesn't mind if Gale listens. But, if the wizard wants to use their little tadpole friends to watch, well, he'll have to beg.
✔ you'll hate me (make love) (1/1) | Ascended Astarion x Reader (Fem!Tav) | Read on AO3
You left Astarion after he completed the ritual. You lost the love of your life. You mourned him. Now, a year later, you return to him in a moment of desperation. Astarion grants you one last night with the man you lost.
or: Ascended Astarion pretends to be his spawn self as Tav's dying wish and they fuck on his grave.
✔ that darling neck of yours (1/1) | Astarion x Reader (Fem!Tav) | Read on AO3
When Astarion pulled you down to the ground and held that blade to your throat, it awakened your desire. He noticed -- and he's going to hold it against you (again).
✔ you're mine, remember? (2/2) | Ascended Astarion x Cassowary (Fem!Tav Spawn) | Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Reuniting with Gale was a surprise. The Vampire Ascendant's reaction to Cassie returning home smelling like Gale . . . Well, that was to be expected.
✔ now that his heart beats (1/1) | Ascended Astarion x Reader | Read on AO3 or Tumblr
You lay with your head on Astarion's chest. Your body is so quiet since you followed him into eternity. Astarion's is so loud, now that his heart beats again.
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oh-snapperss · 11 months
hello lads:) after two months, the fic i wrote for the @hermbi-discord big bang is here! the fic is complete, and i'll be posting a new chapter every few days. HUGE thanks to @thepandafangirl for betaing, and @offixmax and @makesnodamnsense-compelsmethough for making art!
Summary: “Etho....?” He doesn't even know who said it. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. (Somewhere in another game, Tango tells Bdubs: He's a survivor, man, that's what he does.) Etho swings. ------------------------------- Etho kills Skizzleman for time, and is struck by lightning. Upon returning to Hermitcraft, the damage follows. or, an exploration of shame, grief, anxiety, and the idea of selflessness, along with healing.
Read on ao3
Chapters: 1/5
Pairing: Etho and Bdubs but not the main point of the fic! (could be interpreted as a QPR, up to you!)
Characters: Etho, Tango, Impulse, Skizzleman, Bdubs, Pearl, Rendog, others mentioned or around:)
Words: 2,718 out of roughly 21k!
mind the tags on this one, and i hope you enjoy!
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aislebewithshu · 1 year
so i randomly asked some friends on discord "hmm... who in twst do you think likes to collect teeth" for no reason at all and they answered "trey" ... it gave me a fic idea so here you go
cw: yandere, implied captivity, obsession, slight gore, teeth collecting (like literally)
notes: gn! reader, fic inspired by saccharine by jazmin bean (a bop), this fic is messy asf
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TREY swears he fell in love with you at first sight, the moment you made eye contact with him. it seems irrational, but he knows you're the one for him!
there are two scenarios:
ONE. you are in heartslabyul. he has hit the jackpot. oh he will spoil you with his sweets, and even use his unique magic to have his pastries taste to your liking.
or TWO. you're assigned in a different dorm, he'll just prepare a lunchbox for you, full of his treats! after all, he is exceptional in baking, so there'll be no way you won't like his gift.
however, he doesn't like it when you talk to other students :(( he has already given you enough, he's also a package of green flags too! (according to him). but!! he'll make an exception, you're allowed to talk to riddle (only for school matters). TREY may not look like it, but he's willing to spill some blood for you~
if anything has he developed a strangest obsession, there is one. he has some… weird fascination about your teeth. they look so perfectly neat, he thinks, even with the amount of pastries he has given you, you still manage to take care of your teeth!
he's just so obsessed with you, you keep occupying his mind all day! but—he thinks it's a bad thing, you have been living in his mind for too much!
sometimes, TREY watches you happily take a bite on his pastries, glancing at your teeth that were dirtied by sweet flavors. oh how he loved to add those in his secret tooth collection, maybe he'll get yours displayed, because he adores you so much!
oh, and remember what i said about others taking your time from him and he gets mad because of it so he might kill them? he may have collected their teeth also, after he either brutally killed them, or poisoned their treats. of course, no one knows about this particular hobby of his, but he is one tooth collector. some even have fresh blood with it. also he puts them in this weird jar that are just... full of teeth that he pulls out from his victims.
back to you! he gets internally conflicted, he wants you to be close to him but at the same time, he wants to stay away from you. TREY's mind is in shambles, he needs to cut you off from his life but you keep getting near to him! he swears, you're like a drug. he has to stop interacting with you, or else he'll just indulge with his obsessions more.
riddle noticed this, and told TREY that he was unusually too distracted to do his work, which was the latter's last thing he would want in his life. he's seen as the calm and composed one in his dorm, too :(
he had no one else to blame but you. how dare you enter his mind and heart effortlessly? he thinks you're too cute, too sweet for such a school that is full of people with twisted personalities.
he needs to act fast, or he'll get lost to these delusions. he might have to break you himself, before he could indulge in things called "love".
maybe one day when he confronts you, it's either he cages you in to be with him or he brutally murders you. either way, he'll still get your precious teeth as a collection, a remembrance of you for him. <3
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drowninginblox · 14 days
Thoughts on Fit's Last QSMP stream- spoilers ahead
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It is Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. 2:36pm EST when writing. And I am disappointed in myself. Not for anything Fit, the server, the admins, or anyone besides me has done.
I hoped. And once again, I am expectedly crushed. I had a feeling that Fit would take himself out of the equation in the way he did. There would be no Pac Camio (ghost or living), no sight of Ramon either. Just business, as Fit is one to do.
But god did I hope for something out of a fanfiction. The biggest contenders were Pac's ghost or a hallucination speaking to Fit at the bottom of that damn hole to prep and escort him to the afterlife where everyone was waiting for them. OR the idea that Fit, after returning to the island, would kill himself in a similar but unique way to Pac and Mike. Regardless, neither happened. But I am very happy in what I witnessed.
I won't get into too much there will be vod watchers who accidentally stumble into Tumblr- to which I tell you, GO WATCH THE DAMN VOD.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the Fit abused in-game mechanics to justify his survival down there. However, it calls into question whether or not he took up cannibalism again (writers you know what to do) in which I digress cus that a conversation within itself. I also appreciated that Fit made the effort to check up on more people other than just Pac and Ramon. It sounds like "Yeah, ofc." but let us remember that most of us (and I could be wrong) are shippers, and our yearning for Hideduo kind of blindsided the other relationships q!fit has. (This applies to me to just so yall know)
What fit did to justify or at least give credence to Ramon's character was sweet and I really hope we get some Ramon-centric fics about the possibility of his survival in an otherwise abandoned world, similar to his father. I may do that on my own but definitely not today. Mr. Fit Em See fucking wrecked me and I really could use some fluff right now. Whether it be at my own hand or someone else's, I could not care less.
Hueveitos, we are all going through it. And I bet on all the money I have that Twitter is going insane, Tumblr is dying, and Fit is either taking a well-deserved break or laughing his ass off at us. Probably both knowing that fucker. The brilliant bitch he is. I apologize for not liveblogging, I was enamored with what was going on. But we all were lol
Anyway, I'm probably gonna listen to the music Fit included in the finale and daydream of better days for q!Fit. Ones where, maybe, in another life, something happened on Madagascar's end where the tech didn't work and Fit was suspended in the QSMP for the rest of his natural life. Maybe Ramon is fine enough and just wondering, looking for Fit in an otherwise empty world. Hell, in another life, Pac waited longer for his American boyfriend. Maybe everyone did. Maybe the kids didn't get sick, maybe they all died a week or so after they were found. Who knows!
But with what we were given, and who we had to spend that time with, I know that I'll always look back on the Qsmp in a similar vein to another sorry sap of a sever I know. The memories will persist, the story will continue to be told. The world will keep spinning, and I will keep writing.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the experience whether it be seen or unseen admin, CC's who somehow found this post on a hellcite, any and all fandom goers that I have stumbled upon in search of solace from the canon, and my girl over discord! I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL BUT YOU'VE HELPED ME GET THROUGH THE LAST LEG OF THIS JOURNEY!!
Here's to tomorrow everyone, regardless of what happens! I love this community and I sure as shit hope you guys don't become strangers!
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 11 months
Sup any angsty Apollo hc you have? I’m hungry and desperate for yummy angst to gobble up and cry myself to sleep :]
Okay, this took a little while because life, college, and July fourth happened lmao
So. I like to think about just when the purposeful emotional/psychological abuse started and when the physical abuse started between Zeus and Apollo so...TW for abuse talk.
Because, well, when Apollo was young there isn't really a need for Zeus to crack open the bolt - however, we also know from canon that Apollo was subjected to the bolt in his younger years.
Now. To the headcanons!!!!!
During the first thousand or so years of Apollo's life, Zeus was an actual good dad to him (especially compared to Ares). He spoiled both twins excessively because sweet! A couple of kids who aren't failures! Look at them!!! They're already so good with a bow!!! They're so talented!!!
In the Discord, it was mentioned that in Ancient Greece fathers usually took charge of their sons while the mother taught the daughters, so if we apply that to Apollo's life, I think we can assume that maybe, perhaps, there was some psychological abuse going on, but nothing hardcore - probably along the lines of "make me proud or earn my eternal disappointment" *points at Ares*.
The first time Zeus has to actively punish Apollo was because Gaea ordered it - Apollo killed her son Python, and Zeus (being the guy he is) would cave to her wishes. I actually have a fic in store for this convo so here's what I'm thinking:
Zeus would, of course, instantly point the blame at Gaea and deny he had any choice in the matter (even though he has gone against her wishes before...eyes the Titans in Tartarus).
Apollo, who's only paternal figure so far in his life is Zeus, wouldn't question this and only think about how unfair Gaea is (and to be fair, Python had it coming...).
When Apollo returns and he and Artemis are goofing off on Delos, the events of And By The Sun's Light happens and this, I believe, is when it starts slowly trickling into physical abuse zone.
Think about it. You are Zeus, powerful king of the gods, a new, proud father to a couple of twins that you already favor so highly.
Then one day, they both - by happenstance - gain a new domain at the same time.
Oh shit. You think. That's strange. But you shrug and hand them off to Helios and Selene, two of the most powerful Titans on Olympus.
Of course, you still keep an eye on them. You're not stupid, and get biweekly reports from their mentors on their progress - and the unease starts to trickle in.
It increases, in particular, when Apollo starts to amass other domains alongside his music, poetry, prophecy, healing, youth and light.
Truth, knowledge, harmony, ect. are all absorbed into his power arsenal and you, the king of the gods, are now sweating.
This was not suppose to happen, so now, I believe, is when Zeus started to use the "light" zaps (as stated in-series) from his bolt to keep Apollo in line. He doesn't want him to get any ideas after all.
Unfortunately for Zeus, that isn't enough to deter Apollo.
(Sidenote: I also think Zeus didn't want Helios to take "his" place - after all, abusers don't want a positive version of themselves in their victim's lives)
Enter stage left: The Olympian Rebellion.
"shit I need to ramp it up" thinks Zeus as he stares at the faces of his wife, brother, and his favorite children.
And ramp it up he does. Of course, Apollo's first stint as a mortal happens here, and man. is it bad. Troy's king is the perfect tool and metaphor for Zeus's own rule to give Apollo (and Poseidon) a taste of what else may happen if he (they) continued to defy him.
It sucks, of course. Apollo's very adamant about it not being a picnic. And for a while, after it's all over, it seems like all's well.
Of course, Zeus doesn't lay off the zaps every now and then, but it's nothing compared to later in Apollo's life.
He even considers Apollo's request to free Prometheus and grants it, because isn't he just such a considerate father?
Really, the first time he had to go gunho on Apollo with the bolt was when he and Heracles got into a fistfight - but really, what kind of king would he be if he hadn't prevented Apollo his sons from tearing Heracles each other apart?
After all, he can't show favoritism now can he?
*insert huge THIS IS SARCASM sign here*
But then...Asclepius happens. This upstart thinks he can meddle with what belongs to the gods? Well, Zeus will teach him a lesson on death - and how permanent it can be!
...he didn't take into account how Apollo would react to his son's death.
Nor the rebelliousness of the action itself.
*Alder rubs her hands together*
alrightly gang. THIS. This is it.
Apollo is turned mortal for a second time, but to Zeus's displeasure, it's actually a pretty good time for him. Admetus is friendly, and the two hit it off rather well - too well, if Apollo's very blatant, embarrassing affection is anything to go by.
Well. This just won't do!
Hmm...Thinks Zeus. What's another punishment that will let the lesson sink in?
He looks down into the Underworld.
So Apollo becomes a god again. He's still pretty sad, but he's feeling better - even moreso when Zeus says he's decided to make Asclepius immortal! He'll be the god of doctors!
Ecstatic, Apollo immediately agrees...and then is forced to watch as Asclepius is locked up and he's forbidden from seeing him.
Not only that, but now...Zeus brings out the eagle eye and the big guns. He alternates between nitpicking Apollo, and praising him.
And he also cranks up the voltage on the bolt, so the lesson lingers.
The Trojan War happens. Zeus simultaneously indulges and denies Apollo's wishes.
And then. *Alder gleefully rubs hands* AND THEN.
Helios fades, and Apollo inherits his power. Think about that. Apollo, an already powerful god inherits the power of a Titan. And not just any Titan, but Helios.
That's a hella lotta power.
...and that's a hella lotta threat in Zeu-oops, sorry, Jupiter's eyes.
(Now Jupiter I think has differences from Zeus, but I haven't really devoted any time to drawing that line between them so stuff may change here. However, Jupiter/Jove had a emphasis on family, so my little spin on that...is right here >:))
Jupiter, like Juno, has the domain of family in Rome. He's seen as the Ultimate Dad TM. And you bet he uses that to manipulate the hell out of Apollo.
"A good son wouldn't do [insert perceived slight here]"
"What kind of example are you setting for your brothers?"
And most of all...
"What would your mother think of your attitude?"
Ow. Talk about a punch to the gut.
So yeah. Rome is when things got BAD. The bolts became a lot more constant. The emotional/psychological abuse was unbearable.
Apollo barely had anybody to go to. His options were limited.
...but the one place he did feel comfortable in was with Commodus.
(hahah, yes, I managed to reel Copollo into this too lmao)
In a classic Apollo move, our favorite god goes from one toxic influence (his father) to another (his boyfriend), really showing how ingrained the normalization of abuse/toxicity in Apollo's life is.
He has no red flag sight. He has no alarm bells.
He could walk right into a situation where the word "abuse" is labeled in CAPS and Red and he'd just go "oh shit, what did I do now?"
And his father is all to happy to "let him know" what he did "wrong".
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk hoped this was a good ride! :D
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
merthur fic recs: soulmate au pt 6
1. Rainbow is the Colour (the Red Thread Remix) by Clea2011 
Merlin likes working for Prince Arthur. At least, he does until the day that King Uther has his worst idea ever and uses magic to locate soulmates for Arthur and Morgana. It's a terrible idea.  Everyone tells him as much.  But Uther wants grandchildren. And anyway, when did Uther ever listen to anyone else?
you gotta love giving uther fat Ls
2. Red is the Colour by Cookie
When Morgana attempts to sow discord between Merlin and Arthur, she gets more than she bargained for - but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
ahhh soulmate au + morgana redemption arc????
3. Strike of Lightning by helloearthlings
Uther's commandment was very simple: If there should come a day when Arthur met his soulmate, he would drive a sword through their chest and kill them on sight.
e-emotional damage,,,
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sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
Sisterly Chat
Author’s note: A second fic for Nadesir! First. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets
Warnings: cursing
Summary: You have a chat with your younger sister. 
"I'm sorry... You have a what living in your house?! Do you have any idea how dangerous they are?! Has living in that tiny fucking town in the middle of nowhere driven you insane?"  Your younger sister hissed, staring at you in alarm. The two of you were talking via Discord, and she was scowling at you, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at you. You and your sister never got along very well - and the physical distance between her and you was nothing short of a relief from her nagging and nonsense... Even so, you did miss her from time to time, which lead to you scheduling a time to speak with her. And yes, considering how busy both you and your sister were, scheduling these video-calls was necessary, in order to not play phone-tag for the next three months between conflicting schedules and... Other things.
"A Night Lord. And yes, I've read some of the horror stories on the 'net about what Night Lords can be like. I am well aware of the fact that these Space Marines can be dangerous, but Vanya has been kind to me! Sweet even, in his own way. He kind of reminds me of a very large semi-feral cat. He comes and goes whenever he pleases... And often goes on hunts for days, if not weeks at a time. He always has a freshly prepared animal meat... Usually elk or deer, given that they're plentiful, but sometimes he comes home with several rabbits, quail or a turkey, depending on the time of year. He's been living with me for several years, and he's not the only space marine who lives in and around my hometown. There's a group of Salamanders and several Ultramarines as well. I think I saw a Dark Angel lurking near the edge of the Astartes base last week, but I didn't get a good look at him, and I was on lunch break." You respond, a small smile lifting your lips at the mention of your housemate.
Currently Vanya was out on another hunt - ever since that Imposter Vanya had shown up a month or so ago, he'd been patrolling around yours - and his - (did he feel that your home was also his? He was free to stay as long as he wanted. You were pretty sure that he knew that, but it was a bit difficult to figure out what was going on inside of his head, though he'd been a permanent fixture in your life for the past several years) home much more frequently. His hunts had been more frequent, but he wasn't gone for more than two or three days, rather than the weeks he could have been gone for, before. He also spent more time with his fellow Astartes - which you hoped was a good thing. Most of what you read on the internet about Night Lords said that they tended to be more solitary or stick to small groups, rather than the larger chapters that many other kinds of Astartes seemed to prefer. You'd also noticed that the rest of the space marines who lived in and near the small town you'd long since called your home had begun to patrol much more frequently and in greater numbers.
Not that any of them would say why they were doing this, though you suspected it had to do with the handful of teal interlopers who'd been chased off by Vanya and a handful of Salamanders... They also patrolled like this when there were reports of Feral Space Marine warbands traveling through the area - perhaps those teal marines had been a sneaky kind of feral space marine? But ferals tended to avoid humans and human settlements, except to try and acquire resources from them, if they didn't feel like making whatever they wanted themselves... Or they tried to kill the humans closest to the space marines who lived with humans for reasons that you didn't want to speculate on. 
"-another thing! Do you really think that you're safe? Considering that they are so unpredictable and dangerous... If you need help moving out and getting away from him, I'd be happy to help you get out of there. You're a talented doctor, sis." Your younger sister huffed, having clearly been in mid-rant while you'd reflected on the strangeness of Vanya and the other space marines who lived around town. "You could get a good job wherever you wanted to live. I still don't get why you decided to work in a tiny-ass hospital in the middle of fuck-all Nowhere."
A low, frustrated growl left you "As I told you when I moved away from our parents' place eight years ago I have several reasons why I'm working here, rather than at some huge hospital in a big city; the first reason why I moved here was because the hospital I work at offered to pay half of my student loans down, in exchange I would work for them for five years. They also paid for the house I'm living in. The second reason is that while yes, the pay is a lot less than I could get elsewhere, rural towns and areas are vastly underserved medically speaking - among other services they are in desperate need of and justly deserve to get! The third reason is that I like being able to walk around without being hounded with questions about that all the fucking time!" You growl, glaring at your younger sister.
She flinched a little and shifted, looking away from the screen. Away from you. "... Yeah, okay. I get it. But there are like. So many podu-rural towns who need good doctors all over the world! Do you really want to live with a giant spooky murderous bastard for the rest of your life? Or at least for a really long time? I've heard that renegade types like him tend to chase off the partner or partners of the humans they've decided are theirs. What if you find someone you want to live with - a human person, and he doesn't like them? What'd you do then? And that's not getting into how weird they can get around children! I've heard that space marines can and often do steal children and refuse to let them go! And that there are stories on the internet of the partner or partners of a human with a space marine being replaced as a primary care giver and chased off by the space marine online! There's several websites dedicated to collecting these stories, so people know the dangers."
You blink a little in surprise, before raising an eyebrow at your younger sisters "Really? You're going to believe internet rumors and bullshit as truth? Even if some space marines do chase off a human they care for's spouse, that doesn't mean that all of them - nor all renegade space marines do that. Besides, I'm too busy with work and my hobbies to find a date, much less a partner. Besides, I trust Vanya. If he found something objectionable about my partner, I'd either try to find out a way to get the two of them to eventually get along with one another - he's... Pretty prickly and aloof, but he can be affectionate when the mood strikes. I've been able to talk him into using the communication board I bought for both of us to know roughly where the other is and how long one of us intends to be out. And the only children I'm ever likely to want - if I ever do decide to have children - will be adopted. You know the reasons why." 
You remember the first time you'd pulled a double-double shift after Vanya had moved in with you. Several of your fellow staff members had been very surprised and startled to find the crabby night lord once again in the hospital, and he'd refused to let your sleep-deprived self go, having tucked you against his chest and purred aggressively until you fell asleep in his arms, the sneaky bastard. Allegedly he'd stared the head of the hospital down before stalking off back to your home. You know he'd brought you home as he'd tucked you into your bed, as you'd woken up in bed hours later, still tired from the extra-long shift and a grumpy Vanya hovering over you, and several dozen missed phone calls on your cell. 
Your younger sister again shifts uncomfortably, looking down and away from her laptop, shoulders hunching "I... I know. It's just... We really don't have any idea where these big bastards come from... And more keep appearing what feels like every day. And I've heard stories that they've been affecting politics - both local and across the world! What if they're trying to take over the world? What if they've already succeeded and they just let us puny mortals believe that we have control over our own home world, and are secretly running things from the shadows?!  What if-"
"... Have. Have you been watching conspiracy theories on Youtube again? Or going down Reddit rabbit holes? You know that's a bad idea, right? How many other batshit conspiracy theories do you believe in now?" You demand, trying to suppress a groan of frustration. You knew that your younger sister could get drawn into this sort of bullshit when she went into a researching-binge, without someone to pull her out and remind her to touch grass and think critically about what she was reading and watching. 
"I know that the common conspiracy theories bandied about online not pertaining to the space marines are bullshit, okay? It's just... Given what we've been through as kids, do you really think that some of the warning stories about astartes -" your younger sister started.
You cut her off before she could broach that subject "Don't! Just... Don't go there. You were much younger than me when... When everything went down. You've got a lot fewer memories of what happened then, than I do. No, I don't want to talk about it. The past is in the past, and there is where it will stay." You growl, shaking your head a little, as you fold your arms defensively over your chest and shake your head. You'd shielded your little sister from the worst of it, and she'd only been about six years old when you were able to escape that place with your little sister. "Please tell me you haven't been poking around about them, again? Because if you have, do you really want to be ripped from your life? Be dragged back into that bullshit? I know you don't remember much, but it was really bad."
"I... No, no. I still have nightmares about what I do remember. It's just... I wish you'd explain more about where we were, before mom and dad found and adopted us." Your younger sister responds with a whine in her voice.
"I don't know any more than you did! Just that... I knew that we needed to escape, before things got worse for us, like it did with the older girls. I think that place did get shut down after I talked to that social worker friend of our mom's... But those people might still be out there or some of them were. And they... They clearly had plans of some kind, though I couldn't begin to guess what." You huff, rubbing your eyes with the back of your palms. You hear large footsteps moving through the house, causing you to smile. Vanya could move silently, but chose to move in a way where you knew when he'd first come home, so as to not startle you.  "Want to meet Vanya? He just came home. I can hear him moving around."
"Nnnnope! You can keep your scary-ass space marine! Talk to you later!" Your little sister answered, shaking her head and ending the call.
You snort a little to yourself as you shut down and close your laptop before standing up with a yawn. Time to go see what Vanya had brought back from his hunt and be suitably impressed by whatever kill he'd gotten, you think with a small smile on your face.
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
Swap AU:
Val wasn't too slow, he didn't come at all to Vox's distress call. He thought Vox could handle it. He spends the first 4 years as Alastor's thrall dead, as do most of the soul that Val owns. (Angel included.) Killing Valentino and the souls he owns gets old, however and sinners are getting tired of the same old pornos, so Valentino gets to go back to work, but thanks to their multiple horrible deaths, Valentino and his contracted souls are alot closer. They even have a discord server dedicated to bitching about Alastor. Now that Vox is back, they've added a sever dedicated to getting pictures of Vox for Valentino so they all don't die horrible deaths--and also, Valentino rewards everyone with every new picture with a raise of 50 dollars, so it's nice incentive.
Alastor on the other hand beside killing Valentino and his contracted souls for the first 4 years, made a shrine with Vox's heads--except for the very first one. That one he slept with. That one remain's in his (formerly Vox's) bed everyday, waiting for Alastor's return everynight so he can curl around it and murmur the words he never got to say to his beloved Vox one last time.
When Vox returns, Sir Pentious joins the hotel because Vox has always been his favorite of his favorite of the Vees, and if he's joined another Overlord and started something else, the Sir Pentious will try it out!
Angel Dust is there because he doesn't want to go through the absolute HELL the first 4 years under Alastor was, he wants no repeats. No one Valentino included DOES!
Husker actually loves working with Vox, and loves sending smirks at the very pissed off shadow Alastor (not knowing Alastor is watching from the Shadow's eyes.) and the side hugs, the cuddles, Yeah, they might piss off the Shadow and Alastor even even more but he deserves it--Vox still has nightmares about his near death.
OHH okay okay i see. that clarification. Actually made things 1000x worse for me actually im gonna throw up. this val trusting in voxs abilities to the point where it made him lose one of his best friends for years vs show val jumping to vox the moment that it became clear the other couldnt hold his own..... so sickening what the hell. the guilt that val must feel in specific for voxs disappearance and presumed death- honestly hes probably glad for dying so much those first four years because it took his mind off the fact that it was HIS fault all this happened to vox and him and vel. i just want an oddly tear filled reunion scene with the two vees where vox is like "i thought you guys just didnt think i was important enough to come help" and voxvel start actually bawling bc theyve missed him so much and theyre so glad he's back and *safe*. also the discord server inclusion is hilarious as hell thank you for that mental image nonny
oh my GODD thats actually so sweet im gonna be sick. i just know those former heads are kept clean and swept everyday both by niffty and alastor himself, and the one in his bed is probably propped up by all the most comfortable pillows while alastor himself just goes without a pillow.... WHAT WORDS. what FUCKING words if it was i love you ill actually just implode on the spot nonny ill get raptured and itll be all your fault /lh
+ pentious finally gets an audience with his idol! aww this is so sweet im gonna get cavities. hopefully he doesnt get hit with the kys this time but oh well if he does cause i support my wife committing crimes
Also. Vox having nightmares about the time he nearly died.... do you think that he has like ptsd flashbacks or something everytime he sees a radio. im gonna be SICK fuck oh my god. do tou think ohe day he just . meets al again and immediately tries to run away or something while the other hotel members go to his defense because they know the shit hes been dealing with from al....
p.s. nonny are you planning on turning this into a fic or something anytime soon? because if not.... can i write one based off these ideas 🥹
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ohmeadows · 3 months
I'm absolutely hooked on 'The Dew Of Dying Stars.' I find myself drawn back to it again and again. If anyone gets interest in the ship, I always tell/suggest them your fic. I'm curious, what drew you to pair Jingliu and Ruan Mei together? Like what clicked to you? Also I hope you don't mind another question (sorry!) what's your take on Ruan Mei's character in canon? I'm still having a hard time understanding her still.
jingliu and ruan mei i think started when a friend dm'd me at the end of september going "have you considered: jingliu/ruan mei" and for the first few days it just kinda rotated in the back of my head. this was around the time we knew a bit more about ruan mei from in-game texts in simulated universe, and a few tiny leaks, but it kept growing as jingliu released. looking back i'm surprised how much of that early brainstorming survived all the way to the published fic, considering how much was guesswork at ruan mei as a character, but the edits were quite minimal in that regard.
overtime i started bringing it up in my discord server to chat about the potentials and that in turn helped me develop and refine the idea even more. it really was a group effort of people coming in to offer suggestions, ideas and visuals, and i can't thank the souls who chipped in enough.
for me, what attracted me was the potential to delve into a relationship where neither is looking for a conventional relationship, if that makes sense. jingliu after baiheng is in such a furious and spiraling mindstate, and ruan mei is cool and distant, collected and observing. the final true click came when ruan mei's story revealed she wants to become an aeon, considering jingliu's outspoken desire to put aeons in their graves. on top of that, jingliu is on the verge of death, barely alive, while ruan mei is all about life, bringing it forth in others, bringing others back from death. their underlying themes open up tons of potential, and it set me off on a writing frenzy.
ruan mei in canon... to understand her it's important to understand what she represents: in this game where aeons influence so much, she is the first person we meet who outright says she wants to become one. but there's a dehumanizing process we go through to achieve godhood, severing your bonds to the earthly realms, the things that make you mortal and human. i know a lot of people are very upset that she's a cold and distant creator, leaving her creations behind, but: is that how gods behave? is that not what gods do? she's standing on the precise intersection of human and god, and the question is if anything we do will sway her to remain human, or instead convince her to ascend. her coldness and distance protects her ambition. to me, she thinks ascension is the only thing that can truly fulfill her at this point, now that she has nurtured even a world into existence. but what if godhood is just as empty and hollow as before? who kills a god, who puts the god out of their misery, like how we had to witness the propagation being killed?
there's an interesting duality to her because while she keeps her heart cold and distant from other people, she very much indulges in finer things, filling her life with silk, embroidery, baking. not to get too deep about myself, but during times where i've been a hermit, that's how i managed to keep myself balanced. always working on creating.
and on a deeper level... there's some need for control in ruan mei. it's quieter, in a way, than for example cocolia or sunday, but it is there. she wants to be able to control how others bond to her, preferably not at all. she exerts a lot of control over simuni, being able to alter it, bless us, withhold information. extended - she thinks if she controls all the variables at play, she can control it all. don't be mistaken about it, her desire to be an aeon isn't to make things good or right, it's to be able to control the flow of life at her whim.
that's my reading anyway, i'm sure it will develop as we get more content with her! she's a really fascinating character, and i'm curious about where she will go, if she will be allowed to ascend or not.
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sharenadraculea · 4 months
As the lovely @lepetitmonstre has posted some very good smut over on AO3 set in a Mafia-Au I with some other on discord came up with, I wanted to talk more about it! There is theoratically a plot somewhere, but no promises that this will ever become a finished fic.
The Emporer: Runs The Imperium, newest and now biggest Mafia-group in town. No one knows where he came from, how old he is or how many kids he actually has. A absolute maniac with no problems to kill people and thinks that covering everything in gold is a great idea. Malcador: Emps right hand man, he does all the boring stuff. One of the very few people allowed to criticise Big E. Very exhausted, he needs a vacation. Valdor: E‘s butler, bodyguard and whatever else he might need. Makes very good tea and cake.
The Primarchs: E‘s most important underlings he delegates most tasks to. Some, but not all of them might be related to him. (Note: I haven‘t worked out all of them yet) Lion: Hitman, tough he has been on bodyguard-duty for Sang a lot as of lately. Definetly-neither-heterosexual-nor-monogamous-lifepartner of Leman and absolute psychopath. He has a pet-lion! Jagh: Everything vehicle-related. Need a get-away car? A car disappeared? Just a limo-driver? He‘ll do it. Also on the older side. No one really knows much about him. Leman: The other hitman. He has two giant definetly-not-wolves that might have a taste for human flesh. He has also been on bodyguard-duty for Sang a lot and yes, there is a very messy love-shape-thing-situation going on. It‘s gonna end in disaster. Sang: Daddys princess. The only one of his illegitimate kids E has ever acknowledged. He even tried to get her away, but why have a comfy luxurious life if you could do organized crime? Sometimes shocks people with how brutal she can get. Menace: Sangs cat. She found her in the trash. Has only one eye and probally wants to take over the world. Will try to murder everyone except Sang. Especially Horus. Rob: The one sane man. He runs a pizzaria (definetly not for moneylaundering purposes), the mafia is more his sidegig. He wants to get out, he is so tired of all that bullshit, but he also values his life. Has a surprisnhly healthy and stable relationship with Yvraine, despite her beeing from a rival group. Under no circumstances mention pineapple-pizza while around him. Floof: Robs dog. He‘s very big and fluffy and dumb. Loves cuddles. Floof is afraid of E. And cats. And gunshots. Because of that no one is allowed to carry firearms while in Robs Pizzaria. Horus: Emps‘ only legitimate child. Don‘t ask what happend with his mother. The favorite child and heir to E‘s crime-empire. Also engaged to Sang, because you know, keep it in the family. Their relationship is a toxic dumpsterfire even at the start. He‘s thinking about… let‘s just say getting rid of Emps. (Monstre changed some of the relationship-details for his one-shot) Alpharius and Omegon: No one knows where they came from, but E dragged them into his villa one day and announced that from now one they will do the internet-stuff. Most likely some of his many, many bastard-kids.
The Eldar: Used to be the big deal around, then somehow shattered into a lot of smaller groups and a lot got also arrested. Sometimes work together with the Imperium. Yvraine: Leader of one of the many Eldar-splinterfactions. In a semi-secret relationship with Rob. Still a absolute badass you should never underestimate.
The Orks: A gang of thugs/hooligans that just like to beat people up. There is very little logic behind how they act and they just generally are a problem for everyone else who is trying to do organized crime.
Chaos: The highly corrupt local authorities/police. They do absolutly nothing against the crime running rampant (except that one time Slaanesh destroyed the eldar) while getting bribes from everyone. But when they hear that Horus has some plans, they get interested…
I definetly want to include the other Xenos-factions, but I don‘t really have a good idea for them yet.
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
are there any hbowar people in the fandom u find iconic? whether it’s for their ideas, fics, gifs, edits, thoughts? jst anything really? u can list multiple btw!
Oh, hi anon! <3
I do have some, actually. To be very clear, I loves everyone of my friends, especially because of the Kinky Ron Server, but I actually do have a very VERY special spot for some people with whom I had the pleasure to become closer! Mainly, the people that made me actually want to stick around and stay a part of this amazing, amazing community in the first place, so here:
- @coco-bean-1218 - she was actually the first ever person with who I ever spoke on tumblr, I think? I wanted to read some Doc Roe fics and this blessing of a gal appeared to hand me some. If I may really be honest? It was her who made me look more into the BoB fandom and decide to start reading works, which leads us to the next person:
- @malarkgirlypop - Oh. My. God. Thanks to Claire, I started reading and ended up finding Kate's amazing MEDIC! Fanfic and if Clai was the reason I decided to read, Kat was the reason I decided to interact. Seriously, I'll never be able to thank them enough! If it wasn't for both of these gals, I'd never be here because I was a scared little shit. Also funniest person? Ever?? Yeah
- @next-autopsy - ok, if I remember correctly, I found out about Nex just some time after I found Kate and I was immediately in love. REALLY! I think Nex was the person I originally most looked up to, along with Lou. And I believe she still is. Seriously, never have I seen a more talented person? Ever?? I won't ever stop saying this but Made of Glass is the best piece of fanfic I've read in a long while and O wish I could print it out as a book!
- @luckynumber4 - along with Nex, Lou was another person I was most definetely a little gremlin fan of. I don't really know why but I was immediately drawn to her? And she was also one of my first mutuals; I remember the day she followed me I went insane talking about it to my friend like!!! THE celebrity of all time is following me!!!!!!!!! ITS HER!!! Anyway, nowadays we talk on Discord and I ADORE it!! Love u, Lou!!
- @xxluckystrike - I love Blu. She is so talented and kind and JSBDNWJA I love simply talking with her, her whole vibe is amazing. Also Francis is my daughter nd I won't be sharing her. She's my baby and I'll kill for her.
- @land-sh - you. You make me very happy. I love talking with you about our countries culture and having someone to relate with about the latin-american shit >:] and also you are very cool, i love when we talk and vibe kekekekeke
- @whollyjoly - finally, Em. I could NEVER let our cult leader out. Ever. This gremlin of a person here is the fucking reason Me and the Gang (Bottom Text) exists and I could not be more grateful. I LOVE YOU, EM!!! YOUR VIBES ARE INSANE AND YOU KNOW WHAT? GOOD. The Holy One. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
(To any mutual os friend I didn't include here, I'm very sorry and i love you too! Have a catfish)
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ladiesofhpfest · 5 months
Friday Fic Recs
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After an unintended hiatus from fic recs between December and now, the Ladies of HP Fest is back with Friday Fic Recs! This week, all our recs come from our monthly mini in honor of Molly Weasley!
Fic Recs for Friday the 19th of January, including part of the summary from the author. Come join us on Discord for more!
Hands of Time by @charmsandtealeaves, G, 772 words. Summary; Almost eighteen years after losing her brothers in the first wizarding war with Voldemort, Molly Weasley makes the conscious choice to love and let go.
A Love Unbegotten by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. T, 604 words. Summary: Molly steps up to fight Bellatrix, only to fall apart when all is done and dusted.
Tears of a Gryffindor by @nena-96. G, 2066 words. Summary: Molly Weasley believes she’s not worthy of being a Gryffindor after the battle of Hogwarts. She doesn’t want to cry, but even the strongest Gryffindors cry.
The Beetle & the Bull by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. M, 567 words. Summary: Rita returns home with big news.
Woodland by QueenofStormySkies aka @pixiedustandpetrichor, G, 1063 words. Summary: Molly Prewett has always looked after her brothers.
Even Mother Hens have Ghosts by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. T, 1298 words. Summary: Molly faces the closet with the Boggart, prepared to face her fears. Little does she know what it'll become. And worse, how she'll react.
We Are Family by @snarkygranger1-blog. G, 1164 words. Summary: Molly pays Hermione and Fleur a visit and clears the air.
Loss and Love by @piximera-fic. G, 826 words. Summary; The news of the loss of her best friend made Molly realise she shouldn't waste more time.
We won, but at what cost? by @lucigoo. T, 1354 words. Summary: Molly looks at her empty table, a table that should have been full with all 7 of her children (8 with Harry) but now it's empty.
Lioness by @midnightstargazer. T, 1324 words. Summary: Everyone expected Molly Prewett to end up in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat had other ideas.
A Little to the Left by @turanga4. T, 777 words. Summary: A possible explanation for how, exactly, Molly Weasley née Prewett went from no fighting whatsoever to, um, killing the strongest Dark witch in Britain within 30 seconds of her first joining the fray.
Thank you to all our authors who posted works for Bellatrix Black Lestrange and Molly Weasley day! Our next monthly mini is on 1 February, in honor of Fleur Delacour!
We would love to receive recs in the ask box or in the rec channel on our Discord server. Almost any fic that is female-centric is welcome (exception: fics that feature explicit underage sexual content). We look forward to sharing more recs with you!
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