#The Mad Dash
bolt-x0 · 2 months
Okay so I don’t know if I’m just bad at finding things online, but I cannot find anymore songs by this band. If anyone can help it would be very appreciated ^_^
This honestly to me sounds like a mix of mighty mighty boss tones and green day lol
If nobody can find it at least it’ll exist here lol
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The Mad Dash (Trigun fanfic) part 2
summary: A new challenger enters the ring to save Vash and Wolfwood from a dire situation. Someone that proves to be a formidable and capable fighter.
characters: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, OC
content: blood, violence, injury, medical treatments, broken bones, serious injury, mention of death, serious fighting, explosions, tending wounds, tending broken bones, established relationship
// apparently this fic is too long to post it in the sections I wanted but oh well will try to manage the posts the way Tumblr demands of me what yah gonna do? :) //
Wolfwood found the bottle as Vash brought a hand to her neck. His fingers pressed into her pulse as she gave a hard growl of a noise. Vash frowned as she snarled out, "So much for first impressions after getting my ass handed to me." Vash gave her a sad smile to state, "We made it out alive because of you stepping in. Thank you for that. But we have yet to get your name." She looked at him with those blue eyes. And she took a moment to get a good drag of air before she spoke. "Call me Naomi. And you're welcome." But then she gave a hard cough to then shudder as Wolfwood popped the cork on the bottle. His words to the point. "Get her over to the table Vash. Or she'll keep leaking." Vash did his best to move her without hurting her. But she gave a strangled shout none the less. Vash had the chest armor that she had been wearing off in seconds. But had to rip the tunic off her since moving her arm was out of the question. While Wolfwood started scrubbing at the dirt and blood on her good arm. And they both went wide eyed when they actually got a good look at her skin. She looked like she'd been tossed into a blender. Scars all over her arm and her chest along with bullet wounds and several deep burns. Removing her pants revealed even more. Her entire left leg covered in what looked like an acid burn that never really healed right. Vash gave a hard gulp at all the damage. While Wolfwood focused on getting the cuts cleaned. Naomi didn't seem very self conscious about them looking at her. Even though she was only in jogging short type underwear and a sports bra. But then she looked to be more concerned about breathing. Wolfwood started using the medical glue as Vash worked on cleaning her other side. And she gave a hard shout as the glue sealed the cut on her arm right away. But they both could tell it hurt. Her eyes watering as she huffed for air. Vash told her, "Sorry. We don't want to-" But she cut him off. "Not your fault. Just get it over with as fast as you can." Vash and Wolfwood nodded to keep working at getting her tended to. Vash cleaning her now bruising side with care. Which was blue from her armpit all the way down to her hip. He winced to note, "You are gonna hate breathing for a while." She gave a chuckle to note, "I already do." Wolfwood gave a snort to then seal her leaking leg. Which had her take a hard gasp to growl like an animal. He told her, "Yeah. Go ahead and yell." But she grit her teeth to grip tight to the table instead. Vash finished with the cleaning to then start sealing the cuts with the glue on her left side. The gash on her back looking more like an old wound had split open. It ran from the tip of her shoulder blade all the way down her back. Just ending at the waist line of her shorts. And he wasn't surprised when she gave the most gut wrenching howl when he did.
By the time they had finished with all the cuts, Naomi looked about ready to pass out. Her body trembling non stop as they bandaged the last of the cuts. Wolfwood looked to her still busted arm to grit his teeth. Vash also looking pained as they watched her heave in air. But then Naomi took charge to grab the end of her bag. Bringing out several sturdy rods just long enough to make a satisfactory splint. The two men went wide eyed as she set them on the table. Her hand shaking as she said, "Either you straighten this arm now or it gets chopped off later. So get to it." Vash jerked as if she'd punched him. Wolfwood nodding to then kneel in front of her. "Right. Vash. Keep her still." Naomi grabbed one of the red stained rags to stick it in her mouth. So Vash put his hands on her shoulders from behind. Bracing her down into the chair to say, "Do it." Wolfwood moved for a gut wrenching snap to sound out. Her eyes going as wide as allowed to practically shriek into the rag. Then Wolfwood moved again for yet another sound of bones aligning to rip through the air. And Naomi gave a hard lurch to then whimper. Her eyes streaming as Vash watched. He told Wolfwood, "Wait. Give her a minute." But Naomi shook her head to give Wolfwood a look that spoke volumes. Wolfwood gazed back with understanding. Even as he told her, "You get points for being so tough. Three more and it's done." She nodded to take a breath. And Wolfwood set her elbow back into place for her to scream hard into the rag. By the fourth setting she finally passed out. Her eyes rolling back to go completely limp in the chair. Vash took the rag out right away for her to breathe. And he looked about ready to lose it as he put a hand to her face. Wolfwood took a second to make sure she was out. Then he set the last bone to start setting up the splint. He looked like a mix of angry and sick as he told Vash, "We are getting her to a real doctor after we get ourselves cleaned up." Vash nodded to tilt her face to him. And he was already crying. Hot tears falling as she gave soft breaths of air. "Agreed, Nick. But let's not risk us moving out in the open. Those bounty hunters won't be giving up the chase." Wolfwood nodded to then finish with the splint. Tying the last knot to huff out, "Remind me to pay them back for this." For once Vash didn't protest. He just lifted Naomi up out of the chair and moved her to the bed. Laying her with care so her head rested on the pillows. Wolfwood got the bowl into the sink to then say, "You want first dibs on the shower?" Vash took a second to then answer. "Just be sure she-" Wolfwood smirked to then make a shooing motion with his hand. "Just go before I change my mind." Vash nodded to then head for the bathroom. With Wolfwood dragging a chair over to sit himself next to the bed.
Vash didn't take long in the shower before he was free of the dirt and the blood. His mind dwelling on their new partner in crime more than the fact that he was being chased yet again. She had come out of nowhere in the middle of that mad dash to cut down the two cyborgs that were about to rip Vash and Wolfwood to shreds. No forewarning. No reason. And no regard for her own safety as she had literally put herself as their shield in order for them to escape. A woman that looked to be no older than twenty years of age. Vash closed his eyes as her image came to his head. Long white hair that curled in fierce waves once it reached past her chin. The curls brushing over her shoulders to flow down to her waist. It was clear to him that her hair was not naturally white. Since her eyebrows were of a redwood brown hue. So it had to mean it had been from some kind of shock or trauma. And from the marring all over her skin he'd guess the latter. But her eyes were what took up all of his attention. A striking ice blue that was flecked with a metalic silver. The look she had given him had been that of a fierce and strong woman. One that didn't back away from a fight or give in to a tough situation. But then her image shifted into that of a look of serenity and warmth. And Vash gave a full shudder as his blood went hot in his veins. His body shivering as he shook his head to clear it. He was both confused and suprised at such a reaction. He'd never had that happen before. But then he gave his head a few light whaps to clear it and finish in the shower. Not wanting to leave Wolfwood alone without getting cleaned up. Vash made sure to get good and dry before throwing on some of his clothes. Coming out of the bathroom in his sweat pants and a towel on his head. He told Wolfwood, "All done. Your turn." Then Vash got the towel out of his face to turn to his friend. Who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow and obviously wanting to ask a question. Which he did in the next second. "Spikey, did you boil yourself or are you blushing for a reason?" Vash blinked in confusion to ask his own question. "What? Blushing? What are you talking about?" Wolfwood then gave an evident smirk to laugh at bit as he got out of the chair. "I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seeing it with my own two eyes! And the insurance girls call me a dog! Seriously! You really going to tell me you don't get my meaning?" Vash was now starting to feel his face flush even further. His mind piecing things together to squack at Wolfwood. "Nick! Don't say that! Just stop already!"
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ana-snz · 7 months
*frantically rushing to open the camera app and hit record every time I feel a sneeze coming*
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mayamelodyegg · 6 months
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shelfperson · 11 months
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i am literally losing it people
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catherine-sketches · 5 months
Just watched the Wonka movie.
I enjoyed it as a standalone film but especially enjoyed it as a prequel to the Gene Wilder Wonka. It retroactively made Wider’s Willy so much more tragic.
And that’s because Chalamet’s younger, earnest and kind Willy Wonka is CONSTANTLY having his kindness and compassion and belief in the good intentions of others thrown back at his face almost. Every. Single. Time.
What happens to him, in no particular order: People take advantage of him when he is at his lowest; they sabotage his chocolate; Hugh Grant steal his chocolate and beats him with a frying pan; he is nearly drowned by the chief of police; a boat he’s in is rigged to explode; they try to drown him AGAIN but now in melted chocolate under a church; he is tricked into debt and forced into indentured servitude; the chocolate mafia wants him dead; he has to crawl in the sewers just to sell his chocolate without the police beating the shit out of him at the chocolate mafia’s command, and a bunch of other moments either his earnest nature (or the fact he is illiterate, because by the way he is illiterate) is taken advantage of.
But he keeps believing in the good of others. He has friends, and a pseudo daughter that taught him how to read and his mother’s memory and so many dreams…
And then we arrive at Wilder Wonka. Who was betrayed one too many times. Who had his recipes stolen from him. Who shut himself from the world and trusts no one.
Who doesn’t care for these spoiled people walking around his factory, even if they were his last attempt at proving to himself that good people, good kids (Like Noodle) still exist.
Who is alone.
TL;DR: seeing a young Wonka who is so optimistic knowing how he is going to end up after being betrayed over and over and over again is a emotional experience that I was not quite ready for.
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evevoli · 1 month
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hollow mind you will always be famous
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@rollercoasterwords im sorry i turned your fucked up post into a blorbo comic thank you for your service
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fixing-bad-posts · 8 months
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[Image description: A long tumblr text post, edited erasure-poetry style, and superimposed over a trangender pride flag. Transcript below.]
I am truly trans trans is to be trans
I am NOT a terf because fuck that.
if someone says they're trans but they have a personality disorder or maybe they had a traumatic childhood they are actually trans if someone says they're trans they are i have a crush on a trans person and want to impress them
it's super important to accept trans people and believe their experiences we need to be aware that people are capable of making that decision for themselves and need to have a non-bigoted discussion about it people really know.
Trans people are cool
Submitted by @hiilikebugs
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beean-s · 4 months
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you know what. get appledash'd
(aka i watched non compete clause for the first time and im still mad about it)
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dear-ao3 · 2 months
i think the japan update of the f1 silly season post may in fact be the thing that kills me. this is all for you all.
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narsh-poptarts · 10 months
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When all of this is over, will you come to wake me up?
Do you promise?
... I'll be waiting.
closeup under cut
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The Mad Dash (Trigun fic) part 1
summary: A new challenger enters the ring to save Vash and Wolfwood from a dire situation. Someone that proves to be a formidable and capable fighter.
characters: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, OC
content: blood, violence, injury, medical treatments, broken bones, serious injury, mention of death, serious fighting, explosions, tending wounds, tending broken bones, established relationship
// I wrote a pretty long fanfic back in 2019. And so I am posting the first part of it here for people to read. Hope you enjoy the throw down. //
She moved to block the shot with effortless ease. The shield taking all of the blow with a resounding clang. Vash wondered how it didn't break her arm from the fact it wasn't just a bullet. It had been a missile from a rocket launcher. And from the fact she flinched to then grab the shield with her free hand meant that there had been damage. Yet her glare was as sharp as a razor as she huffed in air. But then Wolfwood stepped in with a few shots of his own. The enemy falling back as Wolfwood shouted, "Move your asses! GO!" The woman nodded to drop what looked like a bomb of all things. Kicking it into the crowd of bounty hunters to shout, "Have a party favor!" Then she rushed at Vash to swoop him up under one arm and sprint forwards with him doing his best to keep up. Or not just fall flat on his face as she about flew over the ground. Wolfwood brought up the rear as they made a bee line for an abandoned building a few blocks down. The bomb going off for even more explosions to rend the air. The woman vaulted through the open window with Vash still hanging on. Vash giving a shout when he went through the window with her. To then be cushioned into a roll with her and having her take most of their weight as they rolled. He was sure by now she had broken something. With Wolfwood jumping through the same window to then duck down behind the wall for cover. Vash was then tugged up off the floor and through a doorway. Being sat behind the wall in that hallway as the woman panted and heaved for air next to him. With the shield falling off her now very twisted arm to thud to the floor. She gave a hard growl of a noise to get her feet under her and stand. Obviously going to push herself even further. So Vash grabbed her by the shoulder right away. His words worried as he told her, "Stop. You shouldn't move with your arm like that." She huffed to look at him with a glare. Making him almost back away at the intensity. But then she grit her teeth to dump her bag next to him, grabbing a kind of shawl to fling it over her shoulder. Within seconds she had her broken arm secured to her front and tied with the shawl. Ensuring it wouldn't be moving when she did. Her voice was full of pain as well as resolve. "I stop when we're clear. So get ready to hightail it in three…" Before he could grab her to stop her, she charged forwards back into the main room. With Wolfwood giving a shout to exclaim, "Wait a- STOP YOU CRAZY-" But then she was vaulting out the window, her sword poised and her cloak swaying behind her. "Don't make me have wasted my time with you two! NOW MOVE IT!"
Vash tried to scramble after her with her bag over his shoulder. But Wolfwood had other ideas to grab him and slam him into the floor. "You idiot! Stay down! She's right! It's YOU they want Spikey!" But Vash gave a hard snarl to try and get Wolfwood off of him. "I don't care! They'll kill her if I don't do something! MOVE NICK!" But Wolfwood gave a growl to hoist Vash up and back out into the hallway, the opposite direction of the window. "I never said we should leave her to die! I'm saying we need to be smart about it! Now move your ass so we can circle around for the bike!" Vash hated that idea and the direction they were going. But he got the lead out regardless. The two of them moving around to the back entrance to head down the street and for where they left the motorcycle. By then there was shouting and explosions sounding off in quick succession down the other street. Making Vash extremely worried to borderline on panic. But Wolfwood got the bike started to then throw their bags into the side cart. Vash could hear more shouting as the chaos moved up that side street. And so he got on the bike as soon as Wolfwood gunned the engine. The two of them speeding off towards the noise as Vash held on tight. By the time they got to where most of the noise was, the both of them felt highly on edge. And it proved justified when they saw what was going down. The woman that had jumped into their mess was all bloody and caked with dirt. While she was backpedaling away from a really big guy with a chainsaw. Several of the bounty hunters had already gone down. But there were three left and they were highly augmented with cybernetics and armor. She was also looking like she was about to fall over. Her entire body trembling as she moved. Her dodges just barely keeping the whining teeth of the chainsaw from touching her. A few times she didn't even dodge completely. Nicks and red appearing on her legs and a good chunk of the cloak getting shredded. She ended up tossing the cloak off to then have it get caught in the chainsaw. Which only stopped it for five or six seconds as Wolfwood sped the bike up. Vash cursed to then state, "Hurry up Nick!" Wolfwood growled to exclaim, "Shut it! OI! INCOMING!" The woman turned just as the chainsaw ripped through the cloak to start back up again. Her sword instantly sheathed into it's scabbard at her back. Leaving her hand free as she held her arm out for one of them to grab her. Vash took aim to shoot the guy with the chainsaw just as Wolfwood grabbed her arm. The chainsaw sparking to then explode as they sped off.
Wolfwood kept his arm in hers as she moved her feet into the side cart. Then she let go to grab the shield and set it up to give their backs cover. Bullets pinged out in succession as she huffed and kept the shield up. All while Vash hung on tight to get a few shots off as they sped away from the mayhem. It didn't take long for them to get across town. And by then Vash was certain that the woman who had just saved their lives was about dead. She'd already collapsed in the side cart once the gunshots had stopped. Her body going limp into his side as Vash had grabbed her collar to keep her in the cart. So once they got to the back street of their hotel, Vash was about to freak out. But Wolfwood stopped the bike for Vash to scramble off the seat. Wolfwood killing the engine as Vash lifted up the woman to get a better look at her condition. And she looked like several aisles of bad road by now. Her eyes closed as she took ragged pants of air. Her clothes were a mess. Several cuts leaking ever so slowly as a few forming bruises could be seen under the rips in her pants. But the worst was her left arm. It looked like it had been rolled up the wrong way while still in the shawl. Which made Vash flinch at the idea it might just fall off once they untied it. "Nick. This is really bad." Wolfwood took off his sunglasses to look. And he too ended up grimacing to run a hand through his hair. "Ah Hell. Let's get her inside." Vash nodded to carefully lift her into his arms. And she gave a hard flinch to shiver all over. Wolfwood grabbed all of their gear to then get them through the back door and up to their room on the second floor. Wolfwood tossing the bags into the corner to then start getting the hot water going in the sink. Vash moved with care as he got into the room with his cargo. Setting the woman into a chair to start getting the shawl completely removed. He hissed in air as the shawl came away sticky. The red soaked into the material for him to curse. "God. This is bad. Nick. You got any needle and thread? We need to do something about this bleeding right away." Wolfwood routed through one of the bags to then set out a bowl of water as well as rags. His movements precise as he then found needle and thread in the bag the woman was carrying. "I found better. This looks like actual surgical needle and thread along with disinfectant." Vash gave a nod to then give a squack of surprise, since it was then a hand clamped down on his wrist. Both he and Wolfwood looked down to their guest. Who was blinking furiously at Vash as if to clear her vision. Her air was strained as she tried to get on her feet. And she asked, "We clear?" Vash gave a nod to keep her seated. "We lost them all. And are at a hotel across town. Now don't move and we'll see to getting you stitched up." She gave a hard huff of air to then shiver. "There's medical glue in a jar with a blue star on the cork. Use that to make sure I don't bleed out onto the floor."
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fishaid · 11 months
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🌧️blue characters!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 month
ROSE: That dream you had is very interesting, Dave.
ROSE: Freud would say it's indicative of intense sexual repression due to dealing with your brother so often, and having little physical freedom.
ROSE: Although Jung would say that it has nothing to do with sex, and simply indicates that you want to be a person with more of a purpose in life.
ROSE: Then Freud would say, "No, that's stupid. Purpose is so vague and hardly means anything about the patient or the dream. The interpretation of the genital fixation makes far more sense."
ROSE: Then Jung would retaliate with, "Not everything is about sex, you idiot! He's a teenager! How much could unconscious sexual desires affect him? And purpose just means that there is a lack of direction in his life. He wants something to do, something to strive for! Shouldn't we try to help him find that purpose instead of just attributing everything to this reductive view of human psychology?"
ROSE: Then Freud would go, "Perhaps you're right. But you can't deny that something is being repressed here. Maybe not sexual desire, but there is certainly a desire for something other than purpose."
ROSE: Then Jung would say, "Not really. What else could it be? Love? That's just an offshoot of sex in your view. I don't get what it could be at all."
ROSE: Freud would nod sternly and say, "Perhaps the patient desires connection. Not necessarily closely tied to purpose, but connection to others in the world is something he needs. That's what the globes in the dream represent. Connection to the world, something other than the living space he is stuck in. That's certainly a major effect of having no mother figure in childhood."
DAVE: rose
ROSE: Jung would sigh and say, "Connection. I see. Maybe that's something we all desire innately. We need to connect to each other and the world in order to understand what we need to do."
ROSE: Freud would take a step towards Jung and reach out a hand, saying, "Jung. We disagree so often that it feels there is no connection in the world. But I know we know each other. We can understand what we mean. If we all desire connection, that includes you and me. Let's try to connect more with each other, okay?"
DAVE: rose
ROSE: Jung would take Freud's hand and pull him close to his face, just inches apart from each other, and softly whisper, "Freud, you know that when I disagree with you, it's more because I envy you. I want to connect with you more, we can satisfy our... deepest desires, as you say... and become the ideal people we want to be if we are closer."
ROSE: What?
DAVE: shut up
DAVE: i did not sign up for your psychologist fanfiction
DAVE: tell me if im gay or not
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I feel like more people should be talking about RTGame’s Minecraft series. Like, seriously. Amongst all the hustle and bustle of Hermitcraft and the angst of the QSMP and whatever else is going on, it’s really refreshing to just watch a man play Minecraft. No story, no lore, no end goal, just rediscovering a game he walked away from years ago.
It feels like watching your baby cousin play Minecraft for the first time, waiting for what Skizzleman calls The Click- the moment when you realize just how much potential this game has. We’ve all had that Click, but you’re excited to see what makes said metaphorical cousin really understand what Minecraft can do. It’s that experience, just with a 29 year old man who is so full of wonder and determination.
Also, it’s just really fucking funny? Like as much as it is a heartfelt and refreshing perspective on Minecraft, it’s also a series he’s running on Twitch, so he’s gotta crack jokes. And RT is very very very funny. Man has a level of audacity that just makes you laugh in shock. He laughs at danger. He works off of spite. His chat goes along with it, builds off his antics. He jokes about Minecraft Diamonds and refuses to be normal about it it’s great.
Anyways: watch RT’s Minecraft series, and while you’re at it, watch RTGame bc Yeah :3
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co5oo · 4 months
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good night doodle
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