#The One Where A Cowboy Really Has It Out For A Vampire
gaypirate420 · 7 months
Boyfriend // Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x male!reader.
A/N: Just wanted to write the Cullen's being a family and Jasper being a ranging homosexual.
Summary: Jasper likes a booooyyyyyy uuuuhhh~
Fluff. Blood drinking (animal).
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Esme was in the kitchen, making some food for Bella now that the girl comes for dinner almost everyday. The mother of the household saw a particular blonde coming downstairs with a smile on his face and fingers texting rapidly.
Esme smirked, she was filled with curiousity, Jasper rarely leaves his room and rarely smiles, no, he doesn't smile at all.
"Where are you going, hun?" The woman asked, the blonde stopped on his tracks and his smile has now faded but maintain a polite smirk that seems only reserved for any women that holds authority over him.
"Just goin' for a walk, ma'am." He spoke softly, Emmet from the couch laughed, the mother arched an eyebrow and Jasper narrowed his eyes at his brother.
"He's going to see his boyfriend!" Emmet shouted from the living room, a laugh coming from Edward followed.
"He's not my boyfriend." Jasper rolled his eyes and meet his "mother's" teasing smirk.
"Yet." Alice chimed in with a smile.
"Go ahead, Jasper. Tell Esme who is not your boyfriend." Rosalie spoke after Alice with a playful smirk. Jasper furrowed his eyebrows to his "twin." Should he tell Esme? He doesn't tell her anything anyway.
"Isn't he one of Carlisle's ancient friends?" Edward spoke this time from the couch, Esme tried to guess which one of their friends could be Jasper's type, or at least what she thought it's his type.
"He's not ancient." Jasper spoke with a defensive tone which made the rest of his siblings chuckle.
"He's like a million years old." Emmet said from the living room.
"So who is it then?" Esme spoke politely and took Jasper by his arm but not really touching him. Jasper sighed, he feels embarrassed and angry.
Jasper said your name.
Esme's mouth opened to speak but closed immediately. She knew you, or well, of you. You're not really the extrovert type and the only vampire that hasn't had a problem with you is Carlisle. You're a little too mischievous for the rest of vampires.
"May I go now, ma'am?"
"Yeah his boyfriend gonna be so mad if he arrives late for their date!" Emmet shouted again, making everyone laugh. Jasper thinks about attacking his "brother" to make him shut up, those loud thoughts making Edward feel uneasy now, hitting Emmet with his elbow discreetly to shut him up.
"Do you like him?" She whispered. Jasper nodded, a small smile appearing on his rosy lips.
"Yes, ma'am." The blonde whispers back. Esme nodded and smiled widely.
Jasper is reserved, withdrawn and he seems miserable most of the times, but right now, he looks happy.
"Does he treat you well?" She asks something that is very important for her, the blonde's lips curl into a smile again and his mind reading brother read all of the sweet thoughts he got about you.
"Yes, ma'am."
Jasper walked through the forest, the moon was about to rise and the air was cool.
Someone is running near the woods, the leaf crush under the rapid walk.
His golden eyes looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. The trees, he can hear the wood cracking and the leafs falling.
"Look over here, goldilocks!" You shouted.
Jasper smirked and turn around to see you up on a tree. You jumped and landed infront of him.
"Did I scare you, cowboy?" You spoked teasingly as your red eyes meet his golden ones.
"I was trembling with fear, pretty boy." He muttered softly, his texan drawl making you feel all tingly. He couldn't help but to stare down at your lips as they curled into a smile.
"Let's meet at the top of our tree!." You smacked his shoulder softly before zooming out. Jasper chuckled and started to run behind you matching your incredible speed.
You did a spin and take a bunny that passed by. Jasper shaked his head.
"Stop showing off!" The blonde shouted behind you. You laughed.
"You're jealous you're not as cool as I am!" You responded before starting to climb a tree. You could hear Jasper catching up with you before you jumped from one tree to another, feeling the wind hit your face and the comforting smell of plants after a rainy day.
Jasper admired your vampiric beauty as he ran, he felt those strange tingles in his stomach again. He couldn't take his eyes off you.
You climbed and jumped until you stopped at the tree you've designated as yours and Jasper's. You looked down at him as he climbed up to meet you.
"You lost." You teased as you hold the bunny on your arms.
"I let you win." He replied with a smirk. You laughed and sat down on the branch of the tree.
"You lost and loser's don't get juicy bunnies for dinner." You bared your fangs at the small animal, Jasper looked at you and smirked.
"I dare you to do it. I want to see you drink the blood of an animal, pretty boy. Actually drink it." He talked between a chuckle. You furrowed your eyebrows and growl at him playfully before taking the bunny and bury your fangs on the small creature.
You pulled away, he could see you swallowing the blood before your face scrunched into one of pure disgust.
Jasper bursted laughing at you.
You smiled, you've never heard his laugh, it made you feel a strange sensation on your stomach. Or it may be the horrible sip of blood you've just drank.
"May I?" Jasper asked holding his hand out for the bunny.
"It's all yours, blondie. I warn you, that's the worst blood I've drank in four hundred years." You handed the perishing animal to his pale hands.
Jasper bared his fangs, his pupils dilate, hiding his golden eyes behind a pitch black wall. He buried his fangs deep into the animal, the bunny screamed but the cries died down quickly as the vampire drains it's life.
A couple of blood drops fall down his sweater. The blonde pulled away and tossed the dry cadaver of the animal down to the forest.
You couldn't pull your eyes away.
That was hot you have to admit. You cleared your throat.
"Do you actually like feeding from animals?" You asked, you always wondered if animals are as tasty as humans, Jasper thinks for a moment about it, he nods.
"It was hard get used to the taste. But it is better than feeling like I want to kill myself after each feeding." He spoke softly and with full honestly.
You lean over and wipe the blood from his lips with your thumb.
Jasper froze for a second. Your touch was gentle, his shoulders relaxed. It's been decades since he felt something so nice.
Your face was now so close to his, your eyes meet. If there's a word that defines you it's impulsive.
You lean over and lock your lips with his. It was a slow dance, shy at first from both parts.
Jasper pulled away, his golden eyes wide and shiny, he was about to withdrawl but instead came back in full force. Kissing you in a bolder way, his cold hand cupping your jaw.
He depends on the kiss, a delicious moan leaves his lips, a groan from your part following after, he's tasting you, touching you and drowning in your scent. He has never felt this way and he couldn't control his urges.
Your back meets the huge tree. Jasper it's almost on top of you now.
The blonde pulls away once more, to take a useless breath. You feel dizzy with happiness because the southerner felt himself radiant with joy.
The two stay silent. Eyes lingering into each other for a couple of seconds before Jasper's lips touch yours a third time. This time it's more gentle and loving.
"I've wanted to do this for a long time...ever since I met you, you light up my world, darlin'." He whispers, you can only look at him, you've never had anyone be this soft and caring with you.
You want to speak, to say you've felt the same way, that he became very special to you, that he made you feel worthy and loved.
But he could feel it too. He knew.
His lips leave a soft kiss on your forehead before he rests his head on your shoulder. You smile and wrap your arms around him.
A/N: Heyyyy, sorry I've been away. I'm really focused on school and that's why I haven't written shit. This was on my drafts so here it is. You can still send requests or asks just know I'm going to take a little of time in answering. Hope you liked it!
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volturiprincess · 6 months
To love You in an Old Way
Jasper Hale x human mate reader
Summary: Reader is a fan of old school love Warnings: None, just pure fluff A/N: This one-shot was inspired by this song I been listening on repeat lately, its called "Amarte a la Antigua" or "To Love You in an Old Way" by Eslabon Armado. I added lyrics from the song onto this (Spanish is my first language so translating was easy) From just that song theres another song I listen from this group and another one shot idea came to idea. There will be another A/N in the end. Enjoy :)
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(You can never forget your first love for a Vampire)
“Today we no longer write letters to fall in love
Today the flowers are no longer seen”
I have never been serenaded by gifts or even experienced all those old school love gestures. I always said I had no interest in being serenaded but secretly I wished that everything you see in the movies could happen to me. The endless romance books I have drowned myself in so that I could try to picture myself in those romantic scenes leaves me with an unsaid desire. But it is an unrequired thing, guys at school just don't work like that anymore 
“Where has that romance gone?
There are no longer poems to conquer each other
Now only emails are sent”
That is until a certain cowboy came into my life, Jasper Hale. I always admired him from a distance and didn't really approach him in any way until he awkwardly but oh so adorable came up to me one day and said “Hello y/n would you like to go out with me to a bookstore in Port Angeles”. The way he had a hint of anxiety in his eyes and how he flexed his arms behind his back left me curious as to why he was so nervous to talk to me. From that moment 2 years ago today, we have been together ever since, and yes I do know about him and his family being vampires and his past even. There are days where he has to be away from me to control his thirst but I never feel disappointed or hurt. I do always praise him for how far he has come to being able to be around me without the feeling of wanting to drain my blood in a second. 
But the thing I absolutely love about Jasper is he is an old school lover, makes sense since he is old but he does everything you would see in the movies. At first it started with just short poem phrases left inside my locker or in the books I would read, 
“Loving you the old way, stealing your smiles
Hold your hand, open the door for you, write you poems
love like before”
And from that he started to write full on poems, one of them being called “To love you in old way”, which just hits my heart in every way. He then started to give me little gifts, nothing fancy yet unless you count chocolates but he would give me little drawings he's done throughout the day or once he gave me a bracelet he made that had a small heart and rose charm. I still wear that bracelet to this day. 
“Fill you with roses, sing you songs, paint you caresses”
When he writes me poems, he leaves them in my bedroom with a bouquet of my favorite flowers each time. The way he loves me is something I never knew could exist, he's so suave with his southern charm  and the way he can sit for hours listening to me talk just makes my heart swell. Many would assume just because he's the reserve type he lacks being a romantic type, but when me and him are alone he says some of the most dazzling and mesmerizing things that can put any poet to shame
Like just a minute ago he said this line 
“In you, I have found the love that fills my soul”
And with his Texan accent, it made it more personal.
“Was that an Edgar Allan Poe quote?”
“It was, I figured you would like it for the reason being you love his works”
“Oh you know me so well cowboy”
He smirked slightly and pulled me into his embrace so my back was against his chest while he was leaning against a tree. 
“I like how you learned quotes from his works to woe me, even if he focuses more on the dark and terror of life”
“Well one thing I have grown to know about you is books are a key to your heart”
“Yes true, and food, don't forget food”
The way he laughs makes me melt into him more, his laugh is quiet like the sounds of small bells ringing, so angelic yet at the same time so bewitching.
“I could never forget that about you darlin”
I thought about our first date, I was internally panicking and was overthinking constantly of what to say to him, I was debating to just be myself or my quiet self. What made me loosen up with him was he gave me this aura of calm, at the time I didn't understand how but with that feeling I relaxed and was able to finally be myself. Since our first date was at a bookstore, he held all the books I wanted and he didn't protest or anything, actually he would recommend books or I would catch him sneaking books into my growing pile. After that date, we just knew we fit like a puzzle, it was then confirmed later that Jasper and I are mates which confused me since I am human. 
We would spend hours either in his room or mine reading and then talking about it afterwards. He really is my missing piece to my soul. My parents even approved of Jasper and would be happy to have him over or even letting him stay the night or vice versa. They knew Jasper was the perfect gentleman and wouldn't do anything to hurt me, which is true in every way, even if he does have his days where he struggles with his thirst control.
“Penny for thoughts?”
At hearing his voice through my mist of memories I answered “I was just thinking about our first date”
“What about it?”
“Just thinking how we fit like two puzzle pieces”
He kissed the top of my head and mumbled quietly
“You have no idea how true that is”
I grabbed his hand and traced his visible veins. I would often do that to make him relax more and in a way it comforted me. As for him I noticed he would bury his face into my hair, he says my hair smells like flowers and I could feel him melt everytime he did that. 
“Can I ask you something”
His sudden voice in our quiet bliss startled me
“Yea? What's up?”
“Well I have a supplication for you”
I raised an eyebrow at that word but pulled away from him so I could face him.
“Supplication? You never fail to amuse me with your formal words but continue with your supplication”
His radiantly affectionate smirk spread onto his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled a small box out, seeing that box my eyes widened slightly, is it what i think it is? With opening the box I can already see the twinkling diamond shining through 
“Darlin’ the moment I meet you I felt I could finally breathe again, I felt somewhat human once again and my dark past did not cloud my mind as much, I don't know what I would do if I were to ever lose you or let you do, that might sound selfish but damn dang it I love you doll, Will you do me the honor and marry me?”
My tears were already building up when he barely said his first words. The man of my dreams is asking for my hand in marriage and the way the sunlight was hitting him made him look so surreal, it felt like we were in a dream at that moment.
“YES Jas, YES!!”
His smile widened and he placed the ring on my finger in an instant and pulled me into a deep kiss. This kiss didn't feel like any other kiss we had in the past, it felt like all our past deception vanished and it was just me and him in this whole world. And to think this all started with me craving for that old antique love gestures. 
“Love you the old way, love you like before”
A/N: I love Jasper, as I said in one of my past post, he was my first Vampire love until well I discovered Felix but I still love him never less. I have another idea for a one shot with another song but this time it will be about Caius, hence to why I have one of his quotes in my bio.
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
Do you have any recommendations for games in the western genre? Or western fantasy/sci-fi? Absolutely can’t get enough of the combination of cowboys and six shooters, steampunk, and magic fantasy. I’m considering writing my own setting for DnD5E that combines these elements.
Theme: Fantastic Westerns
Friend, I think I've collected a real tight bunch of winners here, so I'm confident you'll find something that really scratches that itch you've got!
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Wicked West, by Finch Edmund.
Wicked West is a PbtA game by Finch Edmund (they/them) about paranormal cowboys. It combines classic monsters with the backdrop of the old west and is meant to be played with at least two players with one player taking the role of Game Master. Wicked West is made to tell stories similar to the westerns of the 1940s-1960s about small towns and the struggles of life with a horror twist.
If you like combining monsters with your westerns, this is the game for you. It looks like you combine a couple of different options to make your character playbook, which is something I’m personally pretty jazzed about when it comes to creating characters. One interesting thing about Wicked West is the relationship your cowboy has with their horse: a vampire might feed off of their steed, while a witch can cast spells on their horse to run faster. If you don't mind a bit of a horror flavor to your Western, this might be the game for you.
Wizards of the Wild West, by ckellyrpg.
Wizards of the Wild West is an action-oriented TTRPG that combines fantasy magic with classic Wild West themes. It is powered by the LUMEN system, and takes heavy inspiration from looter-shooter games such as Destiny.
LUMEN is still a game that I’m excited to try out, so seeing it tagged onto a western game about wizards made me take a second look. This is a game for a raucous good time; you’ll be pulling off sweet character combos, with easy-to-understand breakdowns of each character class. Right now the game is still in development, but it’s still considered playable, so if you get it now it might have more content for you down the road!
We Deal in Lead, by Odin’s Beard.
You look to those closest to you, fellow gunslingers of the Order of the King. The arduous trek across the bleached desert is over and now you stand before a slip door. Though tested, the fellowship of your Order stands true.
You grasp the worn sandalwood grip of your artefact gun and twist open the door. You gasp as the sharp sea air hits your lungs. Gulls caw and the foam sprays your face like a baptism. You step through to another reality.
After all, there are other worlds than these.
We Deal In Lead comes highly recommended to me by folks who like the OSR scene. It’s based off of Cairn, a well-beloved fantasy system, and if you got the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle, you already have a copy!
The setting is meant to be somewhat post-apocalyptic, but the barriers between your world and others are thin, causing threats (and allies) from other dimension to have a chance to enter your world. The game focuses on combat, exploration and survival, and it’s almost completely compatible with anything released for Cairn.
If you like what you see so far with this game, you might also want to check out Omega City, a weird west city setting, still in ashcan form.
Vampire Cowboys, by Maddy Searle.
You are a gang of outlaws in the Wild West. You have a lot to contend with: enemy gangs, law enforcement, wild animals, and… did I mention? You’re also vampires. You must figure out how to survive in this harsh land, where “justice” is often swift and violent. Will you blend in with the crowd, and hide your vampiric side in an attempt to live as a gun-toting cowboy? Or will you give in to your monstrous urges and use your supernatural powers, making yourself known as a vampire? It’s entirely up to you. 
This game premise is simple and easy to describe: you are vampires who are also cowboys. You live in a world where everything wants you dead, and you’re constantly fighting the parts of you that make you monstrous. The mechanics are very familiar if you’ve every come across a Lasers & Feelings game: a couple pages to read and you’re off to the races, ready to play.
Reboot Hill, by Groovy Dad Games.
REBOOT HILL is a sci-fi Western TTRPG set in the "Future West" of the far flung Hill-Ceballos System. When a war back on Earth results in a cyber-attack that frees all of the bots in the Hill-Ceballos, things go bad for the humans right quick. In the aftermath, bots have got to rely on their shooting irons and their processors to make their way in this new, post-human frontier. 
REBOOT HILL is a card-driven tabletop role-playing game in which players portray "Aces"--bots with advanced AI that find themselves on the right or wrong side of the law. 
Finally, a space western! Here’s a card-based game with a plethora of character options, including mechanical upgrades, as well as weapons and vehicles. You’re mainly going to be bounty hunters, chasing after varmints and villains so that you can scrape together a living. If you want a game whose game mechanics make you feel liked you’re sitting at a poker table, you should check out Reboot Hill.
Clink, by Technical Grimoire.
Clink is a tabletop RPG about drifters, the creeds that bring them together, and the history that drives them apart. This game uses coins to tell a story inspired by spaghetti westerns, ronin tales, and shows like Firefly or Supernatural.
Characters begin as rough sketches of the shifty sort you’d see in an old Western or Noir film. They all start as blank slates, their histories unknown. Tell stories about their past and create your character as you play.
I’m a big fan of Technical Grimoire, especially their expertly-designed Troika setting, Bones Deep. Clink isn’t Troika - it uses coins as a storytelling mechanic - but it’s very setting-flexible, as seen in the variety of the starting scenarios provided.
The game is also non-linear: throughout play your characters will experience flashbacks, which will help flesh out who they are as you play, and tell us something about who they used to be. You’ll start the game with two coins, which you can spend to gain a flashback, but you can also flip them to try and succeed at various tasks. As you play, you’ll also gain coins using a mechanic called a Trigger - bad habits that get them into trouble.
If you want a fresh set of rules to play around with in a flexible setting that stays true to the woes of outlaws and other Western tropes, I heavily recommend Clink.
Boondock Cartomancy, by Hookline & Sinker.
The consequences of westward expansion rear their head. Desolate, inhospitable, and unpredictable - the Outbacks are a ravaged desert, a wild tundra, an ancient tomb. Host to a plethora of unknown variables and formed from the corpses of failure, it’s a hotbed for the lawless, the corrupt, and the lost. Conditions for growing a corporate empire couldn’t be more ideal.
BOONDOCK CARTOMANCY is a tabletop roleplaying game about personal growth in a cruel and inhospitable wasteland, backlit with Western cowboys wielding powerful and unpredictable magic. It’s a game about reflecting upon the world and systems of exploitation we live in, and using ancient spells to blow up a caravan of criminals in a climactic shootout. It’s a game about interfacing with the human condition, and feeling cool as shit while doing it.
This game looks so cool! You are brokers, going on dangerous jobs in a hostile frontier, giving your characters objectives to complete while also exploring the way colonialism forces so many folks to act as simply cogs in a larger, uncaring machine. The game also gives you a fantasy to explore, by granting your characters card-based magic skills, and replacing their hit points with a luck meter. The game itself also has a really clever layout, presenting itself like an old-fashioned newspaper, with pieces of advertisements sprinkled throughout to give you bits of lore about the world. All in all, definitely worth checking out.
Former Rec Posts to Check Out
Rootin’, Tootin’ and Shootin.
Space Westerns.
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borathae · 2 years
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"All it takes is one evening of getting Yoongi drunk to find out just how needy this man can actually get. Alternatively: Yoongi is drunk and that means his restraints are gone. So he decides to ride you, because that's all he really wants to do."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut
Warnings: sub!Yoongi, Dom!Reader, he is cute & a lil bratty & also a total painslut, then his instincts kick in and he becomes so fucking needy, like SO NEEDY, she is so gentle but also slaps his face like twice, she calls him a good boy & a slut, consensual drunk sex, needy pegging in cowboy & lotus position, lotsa making out, butt spanking, cock slapping, anal fingering, handjob, blowjob, edging (m.receiving), multiple orgasms (m.& f.receiving), prostate milking, so much cum, so much drool, he squirts, belly bulging :’), vaginal fingering, he has his fangs out, biting, a very vocal Yoongi, i just need him to know that he is cute, loving aftercare
Wordcount: 10.8k
a/n: this is Sanguis!Yoongi when he is drunk and trusts her completely. It's so cute and hot and I just want him to be happy. hahah help me. I love them so much, I'm gonna rip off my own face skin and cry about them
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“I wanna be fucked”, Yoongi whines against your neck, pressing your hand to his clothed crotch. He begins rubbing himself against it, lips parting in a needy moan.
“What are you doing?”
“Wanna be fucked, please”, he is lulling his words, tugging you closer as he tries to get your hand inside his pants. 
“And you decided that in the middle of the hallway?” you laugh, feeling your stomach tingle in excitement. He is so needy. It’s so hot when he is.
“Yeah”, he whines, “come please. Come”, he orders in a huff of air and tugs you with him as he stumbles to your wing. 
“Okay, okay I'm already coming. Holy moly, you really didn’t do well with that wine, did you?”
“No”, Yoongi giggles the word. Yeah. He giggles. He giggles as he shakes his head and lifts his shoulders to his ears, adding two little skips into his steps on top of that.
“Okay, wait. Love, slow-“
The door falls closed.
Your back hits it. 
Yoongi cages you in and grabs your face to kiss you. 
And sloppy. 
He tastes like desire and wine. He sounds desperate. Feels like fucking heaven. His knee is between your legs, punching up the fabric of your floor length dress and grinding right against your pussy. The thin fabric of your panties does little to mask how amazing his thigh feels. 
“Fuck Yoongi”, you rasp, tilting your head back. The kiss breaks but he litters your neck with wet kisses instantly. 
“Fuck me”, Yoongi answers you in a keen, dragging his tongue up your pulse point until he ends it with a flick right under your ear, “wanna be fucked, please”, he begs in a whisper, letting his voice tickle your ear.
You went out tonight. Like every year, the university hosted its late autumn masquerade ball and like always, you wanted to go. As did Taehyung and the boys of former Sanguis and, well, Yoongi wanted to go too once he saw how excited you were. He went with a suit and black mask like every year, while you went with the prettiest dress inspired by the Regency period and an intricately done venetian mask. Taehyung made it for you. Your masks have long been discarded by the front door. As has Yoongi’s long coat somewhere on the endless hallways of the estate. 
You had so much fun at the ball. There was zero drama and even less danger. Just dancing, laughter and way too much booze. One should also mention that you did a lot of making out and that Hoseok ended up winning the costume contest with his realistic Mothman costume (it looked hotter than it sounds, promise). Back to the booze however. You drank a lot, all of you, to the point where you had to call a cab back to the estate because none of you were able to drive. Yes, even Yoongi. The Creator who normally never gets drunk because he'll heal before that could happen. Not tonight however, no amount of healing will get this man sober again. And you love it because drunk Yoongi means clingy Yoongi and that’s one of your favourites. 
Most of you arrived home safely except for Hoseok who refused to come as he met a woman at the ball and he wanted to spend the night with her. The others were all busy too. At Seokjin's place. No further details needed. 
Which left you and Yoongi stumbling to your wing and Yoongi acting the horniest you have ever witnessed him act. 
You witnessed Yoongi drunk one time before tonight. It was back when you were still on the road and you came back from a dance. That night will always stay in your memories. It truly will.  
Yoongi swoops you off your feet, making you squeak because you didn’t expect it.
He grunts, swaying from side to side dangerously. 
“Don’t drop me, I’m serious”, you warn in a laugh. 
“I’ve got you”, he lulls, stumbling down the hallways, “kiss me, wanna be kissed please.”
“Mhm my prince”, you sigh, kissing him gladly. 
It was strange at first to return to university after everything you went through. People looked at you weird, but you tried to ignore them. The masquerade ball is too much fun to miss out on. Especially this year when the world was finally safe. Even Yoongi let loose, asking you for one dance in the ballroom while the others got drunk in the disco. It was very nice, but also the moment you realised just how wasted Yoongi was as he whined about how pretty you were in front of other people and he never does that. 
“Ah Yoongs”, you gasp. 
Yoongi just hit the door with your back, now fumbling with the doorknob to open it. 
“You said you’ll be careful”, you whine. 
“Sorry”, he tries to kiss you, “don’t be mad. Are you okay?”
“Yeah I guess”, you giggle, “what are you doing?” 
“Tryna open the door. Is it stuck or something, the fuck?” he tries to wiggle the doorknob. 
“You gotta push.”
Yoongi does it with little pressure. The door opens instantly. 
“Oh”, he lets out, sneaky a shy glance at you, “I knew that.”
“Mhm sure”, you say and chuckle, “kiss me, you idiot.”
“You's mean”, he mumbles and leans in to kiss you. He stumbles to your bed, dropping you on top of it and without ever breaking the kiss, he climbs atop your lap. He plops down, moving his hips back and forth in a needy grind while his hands are cradling your face. Your legs are tangling over the edge, as are his feet. 
“I'm mean?” you ask him in a chuckle.
“Yeah. You messing with my heart. It keeps racing”, he says, guiding your hand to his chest, “feel it.”
“Yoongs, your heart stopped beating three thousand years ago.”
“Oh yeah”, he flutters his lashes, “doesn’t matter. Being with you's making me feel flutters in it”, he says, tapping his chest with your hand, “right there. Tingles so much.”
You twist his shirt and pull him close. Yoongi falls with a surprised gasp, gasping again when you kiss him deeply. He grows limp atop of you, except for his hips. They begin wiggling like crazy. And his feet. He begins kicking them happily. 
He cups your face, breaking the kiss solely for the purpose of littering your face in big smooches. 
“Loveyou, you's the best, loveyousomuch”, he slurs his words but they are clear to you. 
“You are so drunk”, you giggle in a squeak.
“Ye, drunk on you”, he retorts, wiggling cutely, “is what you said to me. Remember?”
“Ye. I do.”
Yoongi kisses up and down your nose, moving on to your left cheek. He makes loud kissing noises, mixing in the occasional "mwuah" or a lulled confession of his eternal love. 
Truly, drunk Yoongi is the most precious treasure on earth. Freed of his restraints and anxiety, he finally becomes who he wants to be deep down. This is him. This is the real Yoongi. And you can’t get enough of him.
Yoongi ends his love attack by sucking in your cheek and biting it gently. 
“Ah Yoongi”, you gasp, moving away. 
He releases you with a bop, gawking at you with puckered lips. 
“You bit me.”
“I did not.”
You snicker, reaching up it squish his cheeks.
“You're so cute.”
He huffs out air, cupping your cheeks and kissing your lips, using his tongue for it until you moan and kiss him back with just as much passion. 
Yoongi is the best kisser on earth. No. In the universe. Gentle but so passionate. Sweet but so rough. Loving and oh so skilled. Kissing him is paradise. Kissing him while you are both stupidly drunk? The best experience ever. You don’t ever want to stop. He makes you so happy. He feels so right. He is so perfect. 
Overwhelmed by your feelings you break the kiss to litter his face with kisses.
“My cutie. My Yoongi Boongie. My handsome prince”, you mumble, kissing every inch of his perfect face.
Yoongi lets it happen with squeezed shut eyes and his prettiest gummy smile. He kicks his feet the whole time, wiggling his hips because nothing in the world could contain the happiness he currently feels.
You end your love attack by kissing his lips, falling back into the most passionate kiss ever. You are smiling so much, holding each other, feeling so high on one another. 
His fingers begin fumbling with your dress. Clumsily and without any sort of plan in mind. Their only goal is to get you out of that dress. 
“Shit. Goddamn it”, Yoongi breaks the kiss to curse under his breath.
“What's wrong?”
“Your dress's not opening. Why's it not opening?”
“Maybe ‘cause you're tugging on the collar instead of the lacing?” 
“Oh”, his fingers slip, “I knew that. Just wanted to test you”, he mumbles, changing his grip to finally open your dress. 
“Yeah, sure you did”, you say in a chuckle.
You sit up to help him, giggling when Yoongi gets off your lap to fall to his knees before you. He tugs the dress down your legs, caressing your ankles as he helps you step out of the big heap of fabric. He discards it on the floor and moves on to taking off your shoes. 
Once they are discarded as well, he lowers himself to place a worshipping kiss upon your left instep. 
Your breath hitches in your throat, eyes mesmerised by him. You are towering over him atop your big bed while he lays worshiping by your feet. You feel hot all over because of it. 
Yoongi kisses your right instep as well, ending it with a little hiccup.
“Scuse me”, he lifts his head, “I'm so drunk. You have really pretty feet.”
“Well thank you, my prince”, you say and giggle, lifting your foot to dance it up and down the buttons of his dress shirt. Yoongi arches into the touch, presenting his palms on his lap as if he was made to do so. 
He is fully dressed while you are barely clothed. Only a matching set of satin lingerie is keeping you modest. Yoongi can’t seem to take his eyes off of it, breathing heavily while his thighs squeeze together desperately. 
“Can I see you tonight?” you ask him, trying to open his bow tie with your toes. You are failing miserably.
Yoongi replaces your toes with his fingers, opening the tie and letting it drop on the ground. He begins opening his dress shirt afterwards, submissive eyes glued to your face. This is his answer. He feels really sexy tonight. He knows that it is because of the booze. The knowledge doesn’t stop him, on the contrary, it encourages him. If he ends up doing something embarrassing, he can just blame it on being too drunk and then you won’t be able to judge him. He feels so confident tonight. Confident and like the hottest person ever born. 
He drops his shirt on the floor, gasping softly when you stop his fingers from opening his belt by stepping on his hand. 
“Stand up”, you order.
Yoongi obeys, getting to his feet before you. You tug him closer by his belt. Yoongi stumbles with wobbly knees, feeling his stomach tingle. He loves it so much when you are rough with him. He stumbles, catching himself on your shoulder. 
“Careful”, you giggle, hugging his middle with your cheeks squished against his soft tummy. 
“Sorry, is really hard to stand”, he lulls, hugging you back.
“I know, I’ll be fast”, you say, placing a loving kiss on his tummy before lifting your head. You smile at him, eyes spilling over with love. You are still hugging his waist, “you're so handsome, my love.”
“Thanks”, Yoongi mumbles, swaying his shoulders from side to side. Your sweet words only strengthen tonight's feelings. He is so, so sexy and handsome. Yoongi loves feeling that way. It makes his tummy all tingly and his brain all fuzzy. 
You turn your head and bite him. 
“Ah”, he gasps, cupping your head. 
It was a gentle bite. Nothing more than a nibble of love. But it was on his tummy. And his tummy is terribly sensitive. Yoongi rubs his thighs together, swaying like crazy.
“Don't do that”, he whines. 
You release his skin, “why?” you ask, gazing up at him with sparkly eyes.
“Feels so much”, he whispers, scratching the spot you bit. 
“Yeah? You like it?”
You scrunch your nose up, giving him a blinding smile. One last kiss to his tummy and you sadly release him, moving on to getting his pants down. He slips out of his shoes as you work, wanting to waste as little time as possible.
The belt buckle hits his thigh as you let it fall open. It doesn't hurt, merely making a metallic clinking sound. 
Yoongi is holding his breath, looking down at you with his lower lip between his teeth. You are opening his pants. One button at a time until it is finally done. You run your hands to his butt, slipping them inside the pants and tugging them down but not before squeezing his round buttocks. 
He gasps because of it, feeling dizzy. The pants fall down, pooling by his feet. You touch his hips, tugging him closer. Yoongi steps out of his clothes, finally he is freed of them. He would feel really self conscious on other days, but tonight he feels good. He is so handsome when he is naked. That’s how he feels. 
Your eyes are glued to his clothed cock. It is already straining the fabric of his black briefs. 
“All mine”, you whisper, making his knees buckle. 
“___”, he moans your name, climbing onto your lap messily. He grinds against your thighs instantly, kissing you with a needy mewl.
You chuckle because the kiss surprised you, breaking it just so you can grin at him. 
“I'm yours”, he lulls, “is true. All yours”, he says, fighting you gently just so he can kiss you again.
“You're so freaking cute”, you say, “goddamn it Yoongi, I love you like crazy.”
“Love you too”, he mumbles, hiding his giddiness by pushing you into the sheets and burying his face in your neck. He begins kissing your skin instantly, nibbling and sucking on it until you feel lightheaded. The thing with Yoongi is that he loves biting. Obviously because he is a vampire. He loves biting, but he doesn’t want to go too far, which results in those really tingly and gentle bites all over your body. And they drive you insane. Truly insane.
Yoongi whines, lifting his head. He is pouting at you.
“Why? What’s wrong now?” you whine and chuckle.
“I wanna suck your tits. Why do you have a bra on?”
“Tzt, crybaby”, you arch your back off the mattress, “open it.”
Yoongi follows gladly, opening the clasp in the back and pulling the straps off your arms. He throws the piece of clothing over his back.
“That's really expensive, just saying”, you snicker.
“Is fine”, he dismisses you and gathers your breasts just to bury his face in them. 
“Mhhm Yoongi”, you sigh, closing your eyes in delight. His lips are so soft, his tongue so eager. He is nibbling again, biting and sucking every inch of your chest without ever going too far. It feels so good. His fingers caress your skin as he kisses you. He adds just a little bit of strength every now and then, sending electric sparks through your veins each time he does. 
Yoongi giggles, kicking his feet happily. He is so, so happy. You are so perfect and the fact that he can kiss you feels so, so good. 
He lifts his head only to rest his cheek on your breasts, sparkly eyes gazing up at you. 
“You're so pretty”, he whispers, sparkles in his eyes growing, “and soft and warm and perfect. You's so perfect.”
You smile, running the back of your hand over his cheek, “you're so cute.”
Yoongi looks away, wiggles and then attacks you with the tightest hug in human history. You squeak, allowing him to shake you around as he does everything in his power to squeeze you against him. 
Somehow in the sweet mess of it all, he managed to change positions so you were fully resting on the bed now, heads supported by pillows and toes facing the foot end. 
Yoongi breaks the hug, but stays close enough that he can kiss your neck. He is humping the side of your leg, panting against your skin. 
One arm is still under your head while the other is draped over your tummy. Not for long however, just as Yoongi begins mewling softly and his cock is oh so hard against your leg, his hand begins traveling down your body, soon disappearing inside your panties. 
You open your legs happily, sighing his name when his fingers begin feeling up your pussy. 
“So wet”, he whispers, drawing circles on your soaked entrance.
“It's your fault”, you answer him in a sigh. 
Yoongi snorts and giggles, rubbing against you in a giddy squirm.
“You always say so much”, he whines, “so mean.”
“I'm not mean I'm-oh”, you struggle with your words because Yoongi just buried two of his fingers inside of you and is now moving them in and out carefully, “I-I'm telling the…truth.”
Oh, he's got you so sensitive already. Being with Yoongi does that to you. You like him so, so much and being with him makes you so eager for his touches that whenever he finally gives them to you, you can barely even handle them. It feels so nice to be touched by Yoongi. Especially when he is as perfect and cute and amazing as he is tonight. 
You slip your hand into his briefs, palming his cock.
“Wait”, he gasps, tensing up.
“What's wrong? Don’t want it?”
“No, is just that. Wanna be naked.” 
He abandons you for just a second as he wiggles out of his briefs. You do the same, watching him with the biggest heart eyes ever. Whatever was in the wine tonight made him brave. You are so giddy. Normally it takes Yoongi at least an hour of sex to feel safe enough to undress and now he is doing it willingly during foreplay. He is so perfect when he is like that. 
Yoongi drops into the sheets and shimmies back to you. You roll to your side, kissing his lips with sighs of his name. Yoongi purrs, kissing you back with a dizzy head. It happens naturally that his hand slips back between your legs. You lift your leg, draping it over his hips to give him better access. Yoongi buries his fingers back in your pussy, forcing a shudder to run through you. 
“Feels so good”, you whisper.
“Good, you’re so pretty”, he whispers.
“What's it?”
“Yoongi, you feel so good”, you sigh, gazing into his eyes. 
He seems mesmerised by you, eyes racing between yours. 
“I'm so drunk”, he whispers. 
“Me too”, you snicker.
“You're not real. I'm so drunk, you can’t be real”, he lulls.
“Does that feel real?” you ask him, wrapping your fingers around his cock. You give him slow strokes up and down as best as possible in the position, putting more pressure each time you reach his tip. 
“Y-yeah”, Yoongi croaks, squeezing his eyes shut, "oh god", he huffs out and whimpers softly.
“It's real, Yoongs”, you promise him.
“You's real”, he sighs, throbbing in your hand, “I'm so lucky”, he adds in a barely there whisper. 
“I'm lucky too”, you breathe, closing your eyes as you fall into the sensation. 
Soft moans, gasps for air, sounds of eager touches. The room fills with the melodies of your pleasure, mixing with the ruffling of sheets and the sounds of kissing each time one of you steals a kiss or two. You both know you won’t be able to orgasm soon. You are too drunk for that. But you don’t mind because it’s so goddamn amazing to be close and to touch each other and to feel those nice tingles of a loving hand for as long as you want to. You don’t want to climax because being with each other like that, all dizzy and droopy and bursting with happiness, is the best reward ever. 
Yoongi stubs you with his nose, calling your attention. Your eyes meet. He looks so droopy. His face is glowing now that you are sharing so much heat with each other. 
“Finger me”, he lulls. 
Your hand around his cock falters.
“I'm sorry?” you gasp. 
“Want your fingers up my butt. Please”, he begs, wiggling his hips. 
“Hot. What the hell? Hot?”
“Uh heck yeah? This is the hottest thing you ever said. Let me just get the lube.”
You hate that you have to end the amazing thing you currently had going on, but this is more important. Yoongi never asks for things. At least not for himself. He'll take what you give him, but he will never ask for more. Even while you are doing something he won’t ask for another spot to be touched and you are left figuring it out yourself by accidentally touching his favourite spots and making his body shake involuntarily. So to have him ask you to do something to him, especially butt stuff, makes you want to squeal. This is the best night ever. 
Yoongi is on his back once you return, welcoming you back by grabbing your waist and scrunching his nose up.
“I can't believe you're letting me do that to you.”
“Want it so bad”, Yoongi says and opens his legs, “is that good? Want another position?”
“No. No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect”, you say, having to kiss him because otherwise you would have exploded in emotion. He is the best person ever. 
Yoongi kisses you back, mewling quietly. 
“You're so perfect. My perfect man”, you mumble, feeling him up desperately. 
Yoongi barely handles the touches, writhing under you with flutters in his tummy. His skin is so sensitive. Your palm is so soft and warm. He can’t handle how good you make him feel. 
The kiss breaks once you reach his inner thighs, Yoongi has more important things to do. Like gasp your name and part his pouty lips. His skin feels electric wherever you touch it.
“The prettiest. You’re so pretty”, you praise, “and soft. Why are you so soft?” 
“I'm soft”, he repeats, wiggling his toes. 
“Yeah you are. Wanna keep squeezing you”, you say, squishing his inner thigh right next to his cock. 
Yoongi keens, parting his legs more. It tickles, but also feels intense. His cock begins aching because of it, yearning for a touch. 
You don’t give it to him, which he dislikes at first until he can feel your touch on his balls. You massage them gently, forcing the warmest sparks to course through his tummy. 
“Except for there. You’re so hard”, you say, squeezing them until it hurts. 
Yoongi gasps, opening his legs further. His balls feel like bursting. 
“Mo-oh my god”, he chokes out and arches his back.
“That was a reward for being so cute”, you tell him.
“Want it again”, he begs, touching your tummy with shaky fingers. He scratches your skin softly, “please.”
And because he is so adorable right now, you can’t deny him. You slap his balls a second time, ending it with a harsh squeeze. 
Yoongi moans in gratefulness, letting his eyes fall closed by rolling them back first. 
“You're so sexy like this. Fuck, Yoongi”, you rasp, spanking him one last time before moving on to a new spot. You know better than to keep going. Yoongi can - and did - cum from cock torture and you don’t want this to happen. Yet. 
Yoongi wants to complain at first, but doesn’t when he feels your fingers brush against his hole. Just once and nothing more than a feather light touch. He is so sensitive that it felt a million times more intense however. He chases you, tilting his hips to make it easier for you. He drops them again the second you touch him, veins filling with tingles.
You put more pressure than last time, drawing circles. 
“Feels so good”, he sighs, seeking you by rolling his head to the side. Like this he can almost bury his face in your tits. 
“And I haven’t even started yet”, you whisper, sending shivers down his spine. You sound so confident. Yoongi feels dizzy. You are so hot like this. 
Your touch retreats for a moment. A click lets Yoongi know that you are covering your fingers in lube. Another click as you close the bottle then you touch his rim. 
“Ah”, he gasps, twitching in surprise. 
“Sorry, was that too cold?”
“No, is good”, he says, shivering when you begin moving, “is so good. You so good.”
“You're so sensitive”, you put the slightest sound of teasing into your voice, making Yoongi huff out air. 
He flusters way too easily. He can’t bear to be teased. Especially not tonight when his senses are so heightened because of the booze. Of course he is sensitive. He danced with you and kissed you and you called him handsome so many times. He had to get sensitive. It was unavoidable. 
“Now take a deep breath for me”, you whisper.
Yoongi obeys, releasing it a second later despite his efforts. He can’t help it, your finger is in his ass and that feels so good.
“Slipped right in. Wow my Boongie, you’re so greedy, aren’t you?”
He nods his head vigorously.
“Love your finger. Is so good.”
“Of course you do”, you whisper, moving it in and out of him slowly. To get him used to it. To feel him up. To enjoy his tight warmth for as long as possible. 
“Don't stop”, he whispers, adding a breathy “please” as he widens his eyes at you. His pouty lips are parted and his sparkly eyes widened. He looks so cute right now. 
“Oh my Boongie, you’re so cute”, you giggle, scrunching your nose up before leaning down and rubbing the tip of your nose against his’. His eyes flutter closed, a sigh slips past his lips, “my dearest love”, you whisper, curling your finger in search for his favourite spot. 
“Good, is good it’s- ah, a-ah”, Yoongi gets out, voice pitched in surprised pleasure.
“There? Right there?” you ask, massaging the spot inside of him.
Yoongi opens his legs, thighs twitching involuntarily. He purrs deeply, scrunching his nose up as he nods his head. 
“Yeah, right there”, you rasp, drinking in his expression, “you're taking me so well, my prince.”
It is fascinating just how tight and warm he feels around you. Truly, Yoongi’s warmth is so addicting and quite frankly, adorable as well. You realised that whenever he is close to you and he feels especially happy, he becomes warmer than on normal days. As if your presence in itself gives him enough nutrition for his body to heat up. You love to cuddle him whenever that happens, which results in Yoongi purring happily and becoming even warmer. 
“You're burning up, love”, you whisper, kissing his temple. 
“Feels so good”, Yoongi sighs, “one more, please.”
You slip your ring finger inside, eliciting a raspy purr from him. It vibrates deep in his chest and is filled with his honest bliss.
“Like this?”
He nods his head, cock twitching angrily as you scissor your fingers.
“You're so tight, I’m surprised that you can take me.”
Yoongi peels his eyes open, frowning at you.
“What?” you ask in a chuckle.
“Don't slutshame me.”
“Slutshame you?” You snort, “what are you talking about?”
Yoongi closes his eyes, “shut up.”
“No, no I'm not. Are you telling me that you’re my slut? Mhm Yoongi? Is that it?”
“No it’s not. Stop. Take your fingers out. I don’t want it.”
“No? You don’t? So if I do this, you don’t want it?” you challenge, curling your fingers against his prostate. You begin massaging it, forcing him to gasp and shudder. 
You get to your knees between his legs and wrap your hand around his cock. 
“And if I do this, you don’t want it?” you taunt, jerking him off quickly as you continue fingering his greedy bum. Quick and hard, just like you jerk off his leaking cock. It’s what deserves for pretending that he isn’t into it.
Yoongi squeaks and grips your hand with trembling fingers. He writhes, thighs trying to close in a desperate attempt to flee from the harsh fingering. It’s too much, Yoongi doesn’t know how to handle it. It feels too good.
“Mhm? If I do this, you don’t want it? Mhm?” you challenge with hunger in your eyes. He is shaking so much, it’s so cute. His bum looks so good taking the harsh finger fuck, his cock is all twitchy and leaky. 
“___”, Yoongi gasps and lets out a loud “ah” followed by a whiney moan. He is trying so hard to get your hand to stop, weak fingers barely closing around your wrist.
“So cute. You’re so cute when you're shaking. You’re such a cute, little slut, Yoongi love. Such a cutie”, you coo, forcing his cock to leak all over your fingers.
“Please not so, so fast”, he begs, squeezing your wrist weakly.
“Cum”, he gets out and arches his back with a whiney little sound escaping him. 
He feels fucked. Your fingers are so fast and know exactly where to touch. It’s like you're already fucking him. That, mixed with the dizziness of the booze and Yoongi swears he is going to crumble any second now.
“Please slow”, he begs, gasping for air. 
“Cute”, you rasp and slow down, but only so you could take him into your mouth. Yoongi arches off the mattress, fingers twisting the sheets and cute hole squeezing around your digits. You are fucking them in and out of him slowly and to their fullest, giving Yoongi a taste of how it feels to be stretched out over and over again. He takes you so well, sounding oh so perfect doing it. 
“No please”, he gasps, “___, please”, he whimpers, throbbing in your mouth. 
He tastes so good. Like desperation and pleasure. You love it so much, slurping it up hungrily. His cock fits down your throat so nicely. Yoongi normally hates it when you deep throat him. Not because he dislikes the feeling, on the contrary he loves it, but because he is always scared that he will make you gag and therefore uncomfortable. He doesn’t have to worry about that tonight, because you are drunk. And when you are drunk, your gag reflex ceases to exist. It’s probably the added boost of confidence. You won’t ever complain, it feels so fucking empowering to be able to take his entire cock down your throat without needing to gag. 
Yoongi is appreciating it as well, thighs trembling like crazy and hole pulsating around your fingers.
“You're really un-unfair”, he stutters, punching up the sheets with his toes as he curls them. Nothing else helps. He is getting his ass fingered and his cock throat fucked. He wasn’t ready for what he bargained for when he asked you to finger him. You are too good and way too eager to destroy him. 
You slip off of him, allowing your drool to drip down on him. It runs down his veiny shaft until it soils his dark pubes, marking him as your property. 
“So you don’t want this?” you rasp, playing with your spit, “mhm? You don’t want any of it?”
Yoongi swallows heavily, recovering for a short moment with quick pants for air. 
You pull your fingers out, anticipating his reaction.
“No”, he whines breathily, “no, back. Please back”, he whispers and you hear him.
You do. But you want to tease him. You press your wet fingers against his soft rim, drawing slow circles on it. It’s remarkable how relaxed and loosened up he already feels. 
“Back”, he breathes.
“Mhm? What was that? I couldn’t hear you”, you tease.
Yoongi places his hands on the back of your head, pushing you down shyly. He bucks his hips up, hitting your nose with his cock. It makes you giggle because it was funny to be nudged with his cock.
“Please”, he whispers. 
“You're so fucking cute”, you gush, taking him back into your mouth. He glides over your tongue until your throat hugs him tightly. Only then, do you stuff your fingers back into him, using your wrist to control the movements. Deep and quickened and just enough to force him to twitch inside your mouth over and over again. You moan deliciously and begin bopping your head up and down, going fast because it makes him whine so cutely. 
Yoongi grips the sheets again, hitting his head against the pillow twice before he decides to arch his back instead.
“More fingers please”, he begs, shaking when you purr around his cock. Deeply and deliciously. The stretch of his hole which follows makes him shake again. You listened, now burying your pointer finger in his butt as well. Deep and so thick. Your fingers in that position stretch him out so much.
“___”, Yoongi moans, “___ please. Please.”
Yoongi is awkward. About literally everything, but especially about his sexuality. Now. He never looked for labels or definitions. If a person attracts him sexually then so be it, he never cared about what was between their legs or what that would make him. He does care about how he fucks however, what he receives and how he receives it. Because receiving is hard for him, especially butt stuff. He doesn’t let anyone other than you close to this part of his body. It’s too intimate, makes him too vulnerable and requires a level of trust only you – and maybe Jungkook – achieved. So yes, Yoongi is awkward about butt stuff. Even if he loves it so much. So, so much. But this right here? This right here makes him want to keep begging you and act like a complete slut. This is the endgame. The real deal and he is burning up. 
“Thank you”, he croaks, thighs shaking each time you fuck your fingertips against his prostate. 
You moan around his cock, sending sparks through his veins. He is too sensitive.
“I'm gonna- ah”, he gasps, gripping your hair and twisting it desperately, “you're making me cum”, he croaks, relaxing his muscles in preparation for the warmest most amazing high ever. 
Pain and suffering. 
Yoongi has to sob and writhe.
You stopped. 
Slipped off his cock, removed your fingers. They are gripping his thighs now, forcing him to stay open even if all he wants to do is close his legs and rub them together. 
You laugh. Tauntingly and with enough craze in it to make Yoongi’s skin crawl in hot, dumb pleasure. 
“You didn’t actually think that I'd let you cum did you?” you ask and laugh, “oh Yoongi, you’re so gullible.”
Yoongi whines and wraps his fingers around his cock, trying to jerk it off. Anything please.
You slapped them away instantly.
“Ah”, he gasps, peeling his eyes open just in time to watch you place yourself atop of him. His legs, you force to stay open by keeping his thighs thrown over yours. Like this, your crotch is pressed right against his ass, taunting him because there is no cock inside him but all he wants is for you to stuff him with your strap. 
His grabby, misbehaving hands you pin right above his head, digging your fingers into him in a strong grip. 
“Keep those hands where they belong. Hear me?” you growl. 
Yoongi rarely falls into subspace. Entering that state means giving up control and letting another person see the part of him he is most ashamed of. He thinks there is nothing wrong with wanting to be like that when other people want it, but he thinks it’s embarrassing when he wants to be like that. You however make it easy to fall. And fun. And quite frankly you make him love every fucking second of it. He feels so tiny and weak and that’s all he wants right now. That and your strap.
“Yeah”, he gets out.
“You do? So why did you try to touch yourself, mhm?”
“I'm a slut”, he lulls, going dizzy under your piercing gaze.
“No, that’s not it is it? Tell me the truth.”
Yoongi shakes his head, earning himself an aggressive roll of your hips. He mewls, wishing for another one.
“Tell me Yoongi, tell me.”
“I'm a brat”, he keens, rubbing himself against you by wiggling his hips needily. He needs the friction, needs to feel as if you are already fucking him. Oh god, it doesn’t feel the same. Yoongi wants to cry, why doesn’t it feel the same? He needs to be fucked so bad. 
“Exactly. You’re a brat”, you rasp, abandoning his wrists to scratch down his arms. 
Yoongi keeps them above his head naturally, mewling your name with closed eyes. He opens them a second later when you slap his face and therefore surprise him. They are widened and glassy, looking at you with so much submission burning in them. You slap his other cheek, gripping his face right afterwards. Your fingers dig into his cheeks as you keep him hostage.
“Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel bad that I had to slap you”, you rasp, forcing even more submission into his droopy gaze. “What's wrong?” the question may be of nurturing nature, but Yoongi knows your true intentions behind it. This is to mock him, to force him to voice his wishes even if it embarrasses him so, so much. He wants to kiss the ground you walk on. You are so mean and perfect. 
“Fuck me”, he gets out, feeling his cheeks heat up instantly. 
“That's not very polite of you, is it?”
“Fuck me please. Please. Please fuck me”, he begs, trembling desperately. He wants to burst, he is so embarrassed and weak and fucking sensitive. He should stop humping you like a needy dog, because it makes him want to cum but he can’t stop. It feels so good to grind against you. 
“There we go. That’s better”, your features soften in fondness, “you’re so perfect when you’re being my good boy”, you praise, releasing his cheeks to instead caress them gently.
There you go again. Messing with him. To go from slapping his face and calling him a slutty brat to caressing his cheeks and calling him your good boy. Yoongi can’t handle it. He felt so perfectly degraded only to be lifted and be made feeling like the most treasured person on earth. He is too drunk and giddy for that.
Yoongi whines and throws his hands over his face, kicking the sheets.
“Please just do it, why are you so mean?” he mewls.
“Why?” you giggle, tugging his hands away to beam at him, “why are you so shy, huh? It’s just me.”
“Yeah, it’s you. Exactly”, he pouts.
Your eyes soften. You rest your chin on his hands as you hold them.
“You’re so cute”, you whisper, stubbing him with your nose. Yoongi closes his eyes, chasing you with a tilt of his head. You stay, whispering the words against his lips, “do you wanna be my good boy and get the strap for me, mhm?”
He nods his head in obedience.
“Good boy, such a good boy”, you praise, rolling off of him, “off you go, get my strap”, you order him and as Yoongi climbs out of bed, you can’t help yourself and slap his butt just once.
“Hey”, he complains, pouting at you with furrowed brows.
“You’re so cute”, you snicker, giving him the biggest heart eyes.
He huffs out air and turns his back to you to waddle to your sextoy dresser instead. He takes out his strap of choice and waddles back to bed. You watch him with a fond grin on your face, stifling a giggle because his walk is rather hilarious.
“Don’t look at me. I hate walking with a boner”, he whines, making you laugh.
“I think you look cute”, you say, “you’re swaying so much, my love. Are you really drunk?”
He falls atop your lap, rubbing himself against you. He nods his head, humming deeply.
“I’m drunk too”, you say.
“I wanna fuck”, he whines, “please put it on. Why are you taking so long?”
“Oh excuse me that I can’t really move when you’re plopping yourself down on me”, you laugh, pinching his sides.
Yoongi giggles, writhing away, “don’t tickle me”, he whines, rolling off of you. You chase him instantly, gripping his waist just to tickle him more. He laughs squeakily, pushing at your chest, “please stop. I hate it.”
“Sorry, sorry”, you snicker, caressing his waist instead, “I couldn’t resist. I love it so much when you laugh.”
“Put it on please”, he begs with burning cheeks. Truly, he is adorable. You realised by now that Yoongi gets those really pink cheeks when he's drunk. Paired with his naturally shy blush and he looks beyond adorable. 
“I am, I am”, you say, slipping on the harness. You make sure that everything sits in place, sighing happily because it grinds against your clit all nicely. You are going to love using it, that much is for sure. You climb back on bed, “done, you- eeek”, you squeak in surprise as Yoongi grips you by your shoulders and throws you into the sheets. 
He climbs on top of you, intertwining his fingers with you and pinning your hands above your head. Like this, his long hair is hanging into his face, framing his glowing features. 
“Wanna ride you”, he confesses, grinding against your tummy. 
“Hot”, you whisper, gawking at him with a dizzy head.
“So stay please”, he begs, widening his eyes.
“Okay. I’ll stay”, you whisper, having to smile, “you're so perfect, my prince.”
“You too”, he says, stealing one kiss from you and then he shimmies down your body, sitting down on your lap. He reaches for the lube bottle and opens it with one hand as the other is busy feeling up your strap.
He spills the lube all over it, lips curling into a dirty smirk as he begins jerking it off while his other hand grips your waist, thumb tracing your tummy.
“You're so fucking hard”, he rasps, leaning over you so his hair was hanging all into his face again. He places his hand right next to your head, lowering his eyes playfully, “you're so fucking into me, aren’t you?”
“Uuuh…yeah?” you let out a breathy laugh, “what the hell is happening? Where's my shy Yoongi Boongie gone?”
“He left”, Yoongi says and laughs, kissing you midsmile which results in him biting your lower lip and tugging on it until you moan, “wanna eat you up. Fuck, I can’t wait to get your strap.”
“You're so hot”, you squeak out, head feeling dizzy in disbelief.  
“I know”, Yoongi says nonchalantly and straightens up, placing his hand on your tummy for support. He lifts himself, shimmying up your body until your strap was aligned with his hole. He grinds on your tip back and forth, half-lidded eyes glued to your face. “Wanna take you so bad, princess.” 
“Then do it”, you rasp, gripping his hips and giving them a little push down.
Yoongi lets you, widening his stance so he could take you easier. The bulbous head breaches him after a second of struggle, forcing an audible gasp out of him.
“Now I’m in. There we go”, you say, caressing his tensing thighs, “how's that, love?” 
Yoongi sinks down further, placing both his hands on your tummy. Like this, his fingers are tickling your sides nicely. He huffs out air loudly, scrunching his nose up.
“How's that, mhm?” 
“Good”, he croaks and bottoms out, arching his back just so his ass sticks out. His lips curl into a dirty smirk, eyes falling closed, “fuck yeah”, he rasps, chasing your girth with smooth rolls back and forth, “ah fuck. Yes, princess. Fuck princess…”
“You're so hot, I can’t believe that you’re real”, you get out, feeling dizzy. He is rubbing the strap against your clit each time he moves his hips. You are not missing out on any of the sensations, that much is sure. 
“Fuck. That feels so good”, he moans, straightening up and tensing his tummy. He begins moving up and down on your cock, not wasting any second with going slow. He is drunk, dumb and horny. And free. He feels so fucking free right now. No self doubt, insecurities and mean voices in his head telling him that he is ugly. Just silence, pleasure and loud voices telling him how much of a sexy motherfucker he is riding your cock. And he wants it. Wants the rush of confidence it gives him, chasing you with fast movements.
“You're so hot, holy fuck, you’re so hot”, you pant, gawking at him with a racing heart. 
Your words only encourage him to keep bouncing on you. He doesn’t care about how loud he sounds doing it, he doesn’t care about what faces he is making or how his cock moves. He'd ruin the moment on other nights, questioning every single thing, but not tonight. Tonight he is free and desperate for more. More. More. More. Give him more. Make him fall freely. More.
“Keep going, holy fuck, you’re so hot”, you praise, slapping his bouncing cock. 
“A-ah”, Yoongi’s hips falter. He looks at you with ruby eyes. Your gazes meet, electric sparks course through your veins at the connection. “again”, he orders, fucking his hips into your palm.
“You drive me insane", you rasp, spanking his pretty cock. 
“Yes”, Yoongi throws his head back, bouncing on your strap within seconds. Hard and fast and with the intent to not stop any time soon. That’s what he needs. Pain and pleasure. It’s the same thing to him and drives him absolutely insane.
Moaning his name, you spank his cock a third time, watching in delight as this makes it leak. You wrap your fingers around him, spreading the hot slick all over his length. 
“Please continue, feels so fucking good”, Yoongi begs, dropping his head back in synch with his hands slamming down on your thighs. Like this, he is grinding on your strap more than he bounces, but the desperate freedom in his movements remains. He is making sure that his hole will remember tonight. That much is sure.
Wet squelching joins the slapping of skin and Yoongi’s unapologetic moaning, mixing with your mewls and the sound of you jerking him off. 
“Leaky boy, you’re so wet for me”, you taunt, holding his cock just so you can spank the tip with your other hand.
Yoongi trembles, squeezing your thighs. He whimpers, chasing the pain with desperate hips. 
“There we go, keep leaking for me. Love that so much”, you praise, rewarding him with a merciless slap to his cockhead followed by you jerking him off with two hands. 
“I’m cumming”, Yoongi gasps, “I'm cumming, I’m cu- ah!” he yelps, releasing all over your torso as he thrusts into your fists. It lands on parts of your face as well, feeling hot on your skin.
“Yes Yoongi, yes”, you growl, forcing him to shake uncontrollably by jerking him off quickly, “cum for me. You perfect slut, cum for me. That’s it, shake for me. Love it when you do.” 
Yoongi writhes, slamming his hands into the pillow on each side of your head.
“Fuck”, he hisses, following it up with a throaty mewl and his lips curling back to reveal his exposed fangs. He chases you. Harsh and fast. His hole is so tight, his cock so sensitive and yet he can’t stop. He can barely even think. All he runs on, is pleasure. It feels so good. He never felt like this before. Is this what he could have if only his own head wasn’t holding him back so much? Is this how sex could feel like? 
Yoongi slams his hips down on you over and over again, drooling from his parted lips because that’s what he does when he feels too good. It normally only happens when he eats your pussy, but tonight you’ve fucked him into complete dumb pleasure.
You don’t mind that he is dripping onto your face, gazing up at him with droopy, foggy eyes. You have never seen him like that. So utterly lost to the pleasure. He has no idea how much this fuels you, how you are shaking in bliss because it feels like a dream come true to have him act so freely. 
Your right hand moves around his cock, while your left runs up to his chest. You pinch his nipple, rolling it between your fingers afterwards. 
“___”, Yoongi moans, squeezing his eyes shut, “___, I’m yours”, he pants, throbbing in your hand.
“Yeah you are. Fuck, you’re mine. Fuck, Yoongi I can’t stop cumming you’re so hot”, you growl, shaking again because his words just felt too good to hear. 
“___, I’m cumming too”, he croaks, scrunching his nose up, “you're milking me”, he adds and groans, climaxing all over your tits and neck.
“I’m milking you?” you gasp, laughing breathily, “oh my fucking god, keep talking like that and I’ll break you.”
“___”, he moans, fucking his pulsating hole through the tightness. His prostate feels on fire and yet he can’t stop. This feels so good. You feel so good. 
Yoongi straightens up and grips your thighs again, showing you his fangs as he throws his head back with an agape mouth.
“___ I’m yours!” he moans loudly, arching his back. His cock is leaking like crazy. His white milky pleasure is running down your tummy by now, soaking the sheets. And yet he can’t stop, leaking continuously as he fucks himself stupid on your strap.
“Holy fuck”, you choke out, “holy fuck, you’re so hot”, you whimper, spilling tears, “Yoongi, my Yoongi, you’re my Yoongi”, you sob, gripping his cock. 
“I'm yours”, he moans deliciously, “spank me, please.”
You grant him his wish instantly, spanking his throbbing cock. 
“Again”, Yoongi demands, chasing your hand. 
“Again”, he growls, clenching around your strap. He can’t get enough of being fucked and spanked and milked. He wants it so bad. Needs it like air.
“Yes! Again.”
“Yoongi, you’re leaking like crazy”, you rasp, voice trembling in pleasure. You spank his cockhead, rubbing your palm against it afterwards. 
“Yes, again please again”, he begs, convulsing on you with trembling thighs. 
“Holy fuck, you’re making me cum”, Yoongi laughs darkly, ending it with an audible gasp and an aggressive, “fuck.”
He arches his back, shifting your strap deeper into him. He hasn't noticed it yet, but like this you can see your cock inside of him. It is bulging his tummy, moving each time he bounces on you. 
“Yoongi”, you moan, “Yoongi, why are you so hot?” you keen, spanking his cock with all the love you have for him. You can’t believe that he is real. And that the universe aligned your paths, “I'm so lucky. So fucking lucky”, you say, digging your thumb into his belly bulge in synch with your hand connecting with his cock in a slap. 
“Woah”, Yoongi gasps, holding your wrist, “woah, woah, woah.”
“Feel that? That’s my cock moving inside you”, you taunt, grinding against his bulge.
“Holy shit”, Yoongi croaks, squeezing his thighs around your hips.
“Yeah that’s it. Feel it. That's how deep I go”, you growl, slamming your hips into him as best as the position allows you to. 
“You're making me…cum. ___, I can’t stop”, Yoongi chokes out, shaking in anticipation.
“You're so hot, holy shit", you spit, fucking him angrily. You need him cumming again, need him to continue making a mess on you.
“Yes, yes, yes”, Yoongi chants, chasing you, “now. Now. Ah, now- ah!”
You can feel his high hitting him. You can’t believe it’s real, but you do. His tummy tenses and begins convulsing, taking your cock with hungry ease.
“Fuck, I can feel you cumming”, you growl, digging your thumb deeper into his belly, “you’re so hot.”
“A-ah”, Yoongi lets out and flinches, “no. No. Nonono why?” he sobs and comes to a stop abruptly, forcing you to lift your eyes. He is gawking at you, lips pouted and eyes sad. His hands are on your stomach, fumbling nervously. 
“What's wrong?” you ask him, “don’t wanna make yourself cum anymore, mhm?”
Yoongi blinks rapidly, parting his lips.
“What's wrong?”
“I healed”, he confesses. 
You furrow your brows in confusion.
“I'm sober.”
“Ah”, you understand immediately. His powers healed him. The sobering up process, which takes normal humans many many hours, is sped up for Yoongi. Which means he is clear in the head again and self-conscious. And being on top of your lap with your strap inside of him after he fucked himself senseless is not his preferred comfort place to be. 
You sit up, forcing him to tilt his head back in order not to headbutt you. Your lips are almost touching, your bodies are grinding against each other, smearing his cum everywhere.
“So? Means I gotta fuck you dumb again”, you rasp, eyes pinning him down, “I wanna fucking ruin you.”
He widens his eyes. You grab his hips and force them to move. Back and forth in smooth rolls, forcing your strap to grind against his sensitive insides. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut, falling around you in a tight hug. His face is buried in the crook of your neck, his chest is melted with yours and his hard cock is rubbing between your stomachs. 
“Oh god”, he gets out, shuddering desperately.
“That's it, my prince, hold me close”, you whisper and wrap your arms around him, hugging him close, “don’t stop now, you fucking love it so much. Hold me baby, hold me.”
Yoongi thanks you with little moans and stuttering hips, fingers twisting in your hair and parted lips moving against your neck.
He is naked with you. Naked, hot and bursting in pleasure. And now you are hugging. Yoongi is actually able to feel your naked skin against his own as you make him drown in pleasure. He is in paradise. He gets to hug you naked. You are hugging. And he is sober for it. Which means, he'll actually remember it tomorrow.  
“Please don’t stop”, he begs, chasing you with growing desperation. He can’t help himself. It feels so good to have you inside him. 
“I won’t, my love”, you promise him, bending your legs so he can sit even more comfortably. 
Yoongi arches his back, moaning each time his little bubble butt connects with your lap. The position forces your strap to go so deep. Yoongi feels fulfilled in ways that still feel like a dream to him. 
“Such a good boy, you’re doing so well”, you praise him, caressing his hips. He tingles because of it, chasing you with even more eagerness. He has more leverage like that. When he was riding you, he didn’t really have a lot of support and Yoongi fucking loved it, but this right here is on a whole other level. To be able to lean against you, to rest against your body and find support in your hug gives him so much comfort. Comfort, but also the opportunity to move on your strap like he needs to. Fast and desperate. Yoongi bends his legs, hooking them behind you and begins moving like he needs to.
“Please don’t stop”, he begs you, drooling all over your shoulder, “oh god, it feels so good.”
“Yeah it does. You fuck me so good, love. So fucking amazing”, you rasp, rubbing his round buttocks in an encouraging manner.
Yoongi hates being a vampire. There is no denying that. He hates it so much, except for when he has sex with you and his powers make him feel everything a million times more intensely. That’s when he fucking loves his nature. That and when his instincts kick in and force him to act against his will in the best way possible. Like rut against you as if he was an animal in heat for example. Or drool all over you because his head tells him that it was feeding time, but he forces his body to feed on something other than blood. Your warmth and the pleasure only you can give him. It tastes so much better than any amount of blood could ever taste.
Yoongi fucks fast and hard once his instincts kick in. The gluttonous, insatiable hunger for whatever addictive substance his body got a taste from takes control of him and makes him its puppet. And that substance was your strap tonight. Your strap and the deafening amount of pleasure you make him feel with it. 
Yoongi may be sober again, but mentally he is completely and utterly busted. Intoxicated on the instinctive urge to fuck and rut and ruin his little hole. Your loving hug and comforting warmth encourage him to go even harder. 
“I can’t stop”, he croaks, trembling harshly, “I can’- ah, stop.”
“That's so fucking hot. You’re so hot, my love”, you moan, feeling lightheaded. He is moving the strap over your clit as he bounces on your length. Mixing that with the sound of his needy fuck and you are this close to giving up, “you feel so good, Yoongi. So good.”
“You. Too. Ah”, he gets out, breaking his lips away from your neck to instead cup your cheek and pull you into a messy tongue kiss. 
You kiss him back gladly, loving every fucking second of it even it is oh so sloppy. Saliva gets mixed, loud moans exchanged and tongues shoved down throats. Truly, this is the kiss between two people utterly lost in the pleasure they give each other. It is nasty and it is fucking glorious. Breaks for air are scattered throughout the kiss, Yoongi uses the opportunities to curse and moan your name. You use the opportunities to praise him and call him handsome.
“Oh god, fuck”, Yoongi croaks, moaning weakly when you run your fingers under his lips.
“You’re drooling so much”, you rasp, forcing him to drool even more.
“Feels so good”, he whimpers, resting his forehead against yours. He knows that he is drooling. His entire chin is covered in it. It’s so embarrassing to him, but you fuck him so hard that he doesn’t even mind right now. Even in his sober state, he doesn’t care. You have him dumb and stupid on your strap, chasing his high because that’s all he wants.
“Spank me”, he begs, “please ___,  please.”
“Spank you”, you repeat, “fuck Yoongi, you drive me insane”, you moan, connecting your hand with his bubble butt.
“Aa-ah”, Yoongi lets out, convulsing on top of you. 
“Like this? Mhm? Is that what you want?” you taunt, landing another spank.
“Yes”, he mewls, “oh ___”, he sobs, falling around your neck. He hides his face in your shoulder, fighting for air as his body moves all on its own. It is sloppy and uncoordinated, but makes him feel so good.
“Good boy”, you praise, spanking him harshly, “you’re my good boy. Such a good boy.”
It burns so much. Yoongi sobs and forces his lips to lift from your shoulder. He guides his trembling hand to his own mouth and bites down hard. If he hadn’t, he would have ended up biting you instead and that would have made him hate himself forever. So he bites his own hand, moans muffled and body trembling like crazy.
You haven’t noticed it yet, enjoying the tighter hug he gives you and spanking his pretty butt.
“Eeh”, Yoongi squeaks, jerking into you, “hgngeng”, he lets out, coming undone from the pain and pleasure. One last time, but this time feels so good that Yoongi starts squirting all over your bodies, clawing at you because quite frankly he is a little scared of what happens to him.
You join him in his wet bliss with a pounding head, holding him so close that you could honestly merge with him.
“Holy fuck that feels so good”, you whimper, moving your hips into him needily.
Just five more strokes and then Yoongi begins flinching in discomfort, tapping your back in panic. He releases his hand, gasping loudly.
“No more”, he begs, “I can’t anymore.”
“Mhm love”, you purr, slowing down your movements until you come to a stop.
Yoongi grows heavy on your lap, flinching and twitching as he recovers. You are both so fucking sweaty, but still hold each other tighter. It’s all you need right now. To hug as you recover. No words need to be spoken – quite frankly neither of you could – and no touches need to be exchanged. Just a hug. One honest, loving hug which says everything the two of you can’t say right now.
You feel sobered up as well. Not a lot, because you are still really dizzy, but the needy fucking definitely helped your mind clear up a little. You still feel ruined though, but that’s only because Yoongi always does that to you. You finally find strength in your arm, running your hand up and down his lower back. Just a little, on the area of where his tailbone and his buttocks meet. His skin is covered in goosebumps instantly.
“Nobody gets me like you do”, Yoongi whispers, voice completely ruined.
“I feel the same, my love”, you breathe, nuzzling your nose into his neck.
“Did I actually do that?”
“You did”, you smile, caressing his hip, “you were amazing.”
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Hush, don’t start like this. You feel good right now, don’t you?”
“Yeah, so good.”
“Then don’t ruin it with stupid questions. You know that your brain’s mean. Don’t start believing it.”
“I know, sorry”, he whispers.
“It’s okay. You’re my most loved. You know that, don’t you?”
“I am?”
“You are, my love.”
“I love you too”, Yoongi breathes, hugging you tightly, “so fucking much.”
You giggle, squeezing him right back.
“Oh Yoongi Boongie, you are so sweet.”
He purrs, snuggling into you. He sighs, growing heavier on your lap.
“I’m done for”, he whispers.
“Yeah same. I have no idea how often I just orgasmed”, you say, making him chuckle.
“Same”, he says, wiggling his hips, “we’re so dirty.”
“Yeah I know”, you snicker, making him snicker as well.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks.
“Of course not”, you assure him, “why? Did you hurt yourself?”
“No. No, I was just asking because I lost control.”
“You did?” you gasp.
“Yeah”, he says and huffs out air, “felt so good, it’s not my fault”, he whispers in a little whine.
“So that’s how you lose control? Oh my fucking god Yoongi, you are so hot. What the hell?” you gasp, forcing him to lift his head just so you can smooch his lips.
He managed to lick them clean so you would have no idea that he bit himself, except for one little stain of blood on his chin. You wipe it away, furrowing your brows.
“Did you bite yourself?” you ask him.
“No?” he lowers his eyes, “shut up, you’re so mean. It’s your fault”, he whines with a pout.
“Wow okay, I see how it is”, you laugh, “fine, I’m taking all the blame, but I’m not regretting it. You were so hot”, you say, pecking his lips.
Yoongi grumbles, but smiles shyly, leaning into your touch with closed eyes. He looks utterly content with the situation.
“My pretty prince”, you whisper, grinning goofily, “I wanna eat you up.”
“Mhm”, he hums, wiggling his toes when you bite his cheek gently.
“So sweet”, you say, snickering, “also sweaty as fuck”, you say, smacking your lips.
“Ew, you’re so weird”, he whines, pushing at your chest gently, “why would you say that?”
“Why? It’s the truth”, you tease, laughing when he pulls a funny face because of it.
“I’m insecure, don’t say that”, he whispers, pouting cutely.
“Gosh, I’m sorry”, you caress his cheek, “I was only teasing, I don’t mind when you’re sweaty. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah”, he mumbles.
“Mhm good”, you peck his cheek, “still wanna take a shower together? I feel really sticky.”
“Give me two minutes. My legs are dead”, he says, sighing loudly, “seriously, they’re dead.”
“You’re so cute. Of course, take as much time as you need”, you say, “I think you just like sitting on my strap and you’re pretending that your legs are weak.”
Yoongi stays silent but huffs out air, making you snicker and pat his butt.
“Be quiet”, he mumbles, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
“I am, I am”, you say, chuckling fondly.
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au-roulette · 4 months
Happy June!
To celebrate the fact that we are now officially one month away from the start of AU Roulette, have a post detailing the 36 AUs included in this year's challenge -- or don't, if you'd rather be surprised.
This year's AUs have been curated to be intentionally broad, in the hopes that they will encourage unique takes on each prompt and the creativity of the authors participating. You are welcome to write anything that falls under the umbrella of your assigned AUs, whether it's an original universe, a fusion inspired by another fandom, or something else entirely.
(What's AU Roulette, some of you might be asking? An explanation can be found here, along with the link to sign-up!)
Without further ado -- the AU list, under a cut:
Roleswap - Maybe you want to switch two characters' places, do a class-swap for a D&D fandom, try your hand at an age-swap fic, or you have another idea.
Superhero -- Invent an original universe or do a fusion with one of the many popular big-screen superhero stories. Play it straight and give your favorite characters cool powers, or try a deconstruction of the genre. With great AUs comes great responsibility
Gothic Horror -- Castles. Ghosts. Vampires. Drama. Love that conquers Death. Take your inspiration from classic literature or a newer entry in the genre, like The Locked Tomb books. But be sure to make things spooky.
Post-Apocalypse -- Will the world end in fire or in ice? Or maybe economic collapse, war, zombies, or one of many other options? You write what happens next!
Fairy-Tale -- Pick a classic tale from the Grimms, Hans Christian Andersen, Asbjørnsen & Moe, Charles Perrault, or another favorite author to inspire your AU, try out a more modern re-telling, or use fairy-tale elements to craft your own story.
High Seas -- Including but not limited to Pirate AUs and other Age of Sail adventures. Try out something more historical, or throw in as many fantasy elements as you'd like -- or a bit of both.
Time Travel -- For fixing mistakes, making things worse, or time loops. Or maybe you want to write a fusion inspired by a piece of popular time travel media, like Doctor Who.
Western -- Another AU where writers are free to do their history research or to lean into more outlandish genre conventions. Cowboys, cowgirls, and cowpokes all welcome, of course.
Mythology -- Write a story inspired by your favorite myths and legends, from a whole host of different cultures. Or maybe you'd like to try your hand at writing some epic poetry?
Coffee Shop -- A classic everyone knows and has strong feelings about. Play it straight or add a twist, whichever suits your fancy! After all, no one said where the coffee shop has to be...
College/Academia -- Are the characters in your AU students? Professors? Weary adjuncts? Throwing hands at a conference? Some mix of the above?
Theater -- Put those characters on Broadway or cast them in a disaster of a community theater production. Or a school play! All that really matters is the show must go on.
Ghost/Cryptid Hunters -- Maybe you want to write a story starring the next Scooby-Doo crew, or maybe there really is something strange in the neighborhood. Or maybe it'll never be clear what really happened -- it's your choice!
Secret Agent -- Code words, code names, you name it. Write a story about spies, cryptographers, or any other clandestine operators. Take inspiration from history or from James Bond. Just don't spill your secrets too soon.
Detective -- Whether you're writing the world's greatest detective or someone who just can't get a clue, play up the mystery! Use a classic locale like 221B Baker Street or invent your own.
Cyberpunk -- Time to write cyborg identity crises and fight the machine (literally)! Take inspiration from classic media like Neuromancer or Blade Runner or make a totally new cyberpunk universe of your own creation.
High Fantasy -- Elves and dwarves and gnomes, oh my! This AU could encompass everything from Middle Earth to D&D AUs to your favorite high fantasy books you read over and over as a kid. Or maybe you have your own spell to weave.
Band/Musicians -- Whether you decide to make the characters in your AU famous pop stars, part of an orchestra, students at a conservatory, jamming together in their garage, or otherwise musically-inclined, have fun with it!
Reporter/Journalist -- For everything from local anchors and newspaper staff to big-league investigative reporters. Write characters who'll do anything to get a scoop or with a strong sense of justice -- it's your call!
Cosmic Horror -- You don't have to love Lovecraft to get creative with this AU. Make characters comprehend the incomprehensible, send them messages from beyond the stars, and get a little creepy.
Heist -- Will you write a story about master thieves? Vigilantes righting some wrong? What's being stolen and why? Try a Leverage AU or a caper of your own making.
Space Opera -- The genre encompassing works like The Expanse, Imperial Radch, Mass Effect, and Star Wars, brimming with galactic empires, alien species, and chivalric adventures. Write a fusion set in the universe of your favorite work in the genre, or invent a new one!
Sports/Athletics -- Pick a sport, any sport -- whether a team game like hockey, an individual one like archery, a paired one like figure skating, or something a little unconventional, like roller derby or HEMA. Then it's ready, set, write!
Historical Era -- An AU type absolutely bursting with potential, from medieval romances to 1920s Prohibition AUs, to ones inspired by historical fiction like Les Miserables. Whatever era of history strikes your fancy, you can write it.
Road Trip -- Pack your favorite characters in a car and don't forget the snacks. Or maybe the spaceship, or something else if you're feeling adventurous. Where are they headed and why? Only you know the answer!
Space Exploration -- Whether you want to write modern-day astronauts, a futuristic Star Trek AU, or something inspired by the space race, the sky isn't even the limit with this AU.
Urban Fantasy -- For all your modern-with-magic settings. Write an AU inspired by something like Teen Wolf, Artemis Fowl, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or much of Neil Gaiman's oeuvre, or invent your own world where witches and websites coexist.
Museum/Archives -- Have the characters in your AU working in the exhibits or behind the scenes, down in the collections or even as archaeologists or paleontologists. What secrets are waiting to be unearthed there?
Hospital -- A surprisingly flexible AU option -- are the characters working there, or the victims of some unfortunate accident? Or maybe it's a bit of both. Take it wherever you feel like.
Camping/Wilderness Survival -- Could be anything from a fun summer camp or camping trip to a nightmare survival scenario. Write everyone having s'mores around the campfire or something inspired by media like Yellowjackets, where they might be having... something else.
Steampunk -- A fantastic opportunity to get creative with your worldbuilding. Try your hand at some alternate history, or invent a world of airships and other flying machines of your very own.
Shapeshifter -- Can the characters in this AU turn into anything they want? Or maybe they're more limited, like selkies -- even unable to control their shapeshifting at all (can I get an "awoo" from the werewolf fans?)
Classic Literature -- An AU somewhat more dependent on fusion ideas, but still very flexible! Pick a favorite classic book or play and let it inspire your writing!
Dystopian -- Create your own awful society or let a favorite piece of media guide you, like writing a Hunger Games AU. Will the characters break the cycle, or end up trapped in it?
Renaissance Faire -- A recipe for chaos. Write a bunch or faire-goers or have the characters in your AU working at the faire! Adventures await.
Scientist/Mad Science -- Write characters as normal biologists, physicists, and chemists, the next Frankenstein, or as hapless experiments themselves!
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lyss-sketchbox · 2 months
God I really hope they change the designs. We don't even need a lore reason, they aren't officially in the game yet. Just fuckin give the characters some melanin. And even if it wasn't just the cultural disrespect isn't everyone tired of the same pale character design at this point. And also you're definitely right about the character design in general. Some of the outfits and characters look like bad genshin ocs they shoved into the game.
I'm not even talking about the skin color at this point. I've accepted that hyv is a chinese company and wont do shit unless the CN community riots.
CASE in point. Spin-to-win Neuvi nerf was mass reported by the CN community as consumer fraud and I bet they're gonna fix that immediately.
It's just... idk common sense??? It may be a fictional world but it does take inspirations from Latin America / African that has... idk hot climates!! Therefore darker skin!! And for some reason you drop this pasty ass vampire cowboy lady???? In NATLAN???? Like they wouldn't get this much of a backlash if most of these characters we as black as Iansan atleast.
My gripe now is just the designs itself. The first 3 characters don't look that bad, i can get behind that. They're cute and colorwise very complimentary. Even the pyro archon(?) even though she looks like she doesn't even belong in Natlan, red black and yellow goes well together.
The cowboy and leopard lady tho...
ESPECIALLY the vampire cowboy goth lady. She literally is just beta clorinde they lazily put in Natlan for a bigger roster. I just hate how messy and out of place she looks even by Natlan's messy standards.
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Feathery (?) strandy hat, very convoluted shirt (?), the long coat tails attacked to the short revealing shirt gimmick, pants that only has one leggings (????)
What is this? Genuinely. It's asymetry for the sake of asymetry. I hate it. Theres no purpose in this, this outfit highlights nothing. I see her and its just a blotch of black-purple-red with super contasting pasty pale skin. Worst of all she doesn't even look like she's from Natlan, she looks like a messy ruffed up travelling cowboy with none of those Natlan symbols or tattoos or patterns or anything. Just normal leather and straps.
It is ugly. It doesnt work. Its not nice to look at. I hope she doesnt play a role where she shows up on screen alot. Im sorry.
Same point for the leopard lady. Doesn't look Natlan at all. Just a leopard lady with revealing clothes. SHORT JEANS TOO MIGHT I ADD. Something you probably don't see in Natlan. She is less hated by me because atleast her color palette works.
Its facking Acheron again but I can excuse Archeron because ITS SPACE.
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 months
Hello light of my life (seriously you improve it daily with recs)
Im after basically any fic with a vampire Sirius (I actually saw some vampire Sirius and cowboy Remus art so if that exists I’d like to know). I also have a vague memory of a fic with vamp Sirius as Remus’ roommate?
Oh you're making me blush! 😳 But thank you so much for the love. It really means a lot. ❤️ And yes! The Librarian has a older list of Vampire fics as well as a bunch of new ones (including the one you mentioned). Hope you have a bloody good time reading them.
Vampire Sirius 1
Vampire RS 2
My Roommate is a Vampire by @moonyverse “Remus! Why didn’t you tell me?” Lily asks. He continues wiping, focussing on a particularly stubborn stain. “Tell you what?” “About your secret boyfriend.” Remus spins around. “My what?” “Don’t act so surprised. Your neck is covered in hickeys and you thought I wouldn’t notice?” "Er, yeah… sorry." Remus wracks his brain to think of an excuse. Anything but the truth. He sputters out a lie, "It was a one-time thing, is all." It was better than telling her his roommate is a vampire whom he lets take his blood on a biweekly basis.
I Don't Bite by @mooncat457writing Halloween was Sirius Black’s favorite holiday. He loved every part, from planning the perfect costume to throwing the kick-ass party that everyone would talk about for weeks to come. Okay, and sure, maybe the irresistible curly-haired, green-eyed cutie dressed as a werewolf that just walked through his front door didn’t hurt either.
A Taste of Your Love by starsnsoul the one where Sirius is a vampire and Remus a cowboy and they fall in love: “It’s dangerous out here at night,” Remus wet his lips, suddenly aware of how dry they were, “and we’re quite far from the nearest town.” The man in front of him continued to gaze up at him, eyes twinkling with a dangerous look, seeming to dare him to ask risky questions, to probe and let curiosity kill the cat. “What’s your name?” he asked, feigning ignorance to Remus’ concern. “Remus.” He answered without a second thought to who he was telling this to, something about the other man made him want to lay himself out bare, secret’s spilling out into the night air, all the good and the ugly. Something about the other man was dangerous but Remus felt the blood in his veins ignite at the thought. “Remus,” the man with eyes like the moon whispered, “I’m Sirius.”
A House by the Sea by @lurikko The wizarding world is on the brink of a war, Sirius is the heir of the House Black, and Remus is a vampire.
I'm starving, darling. by @marigoldwrites-blog
Remus is accosted by a vampire on his way home. Strange in itself. But when the vampire realises he has anaemia, he starts bringing him food. And medication. And nice little treats to make him feel better. And - well. Remus never claimed to be a man of strong convictions.
all the hot singles in your area are dead by atropos_aeneas The first vampire who comes to campus is annoying. The second one is an unwelcome, if begrudgingly pleasant, surprise. The third, fourth, and fifth vampires, on the other hand…No matter. Remus has been alive far, far too long to have his resolve broken on behalf of someone like Sirius Black.
To see more recs, join the WolfstarLibrarian on TikTok
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under-loch-n-key · 5 months
hnnng i'm not even done with house md yet but should i get into psych??
Absolutely! Psych is a very very good show. Even though it is a lighthearted show, it still has some serious moments and elements to it. Psych is the kind of show I can watch over and over again at any time because of how light and funny it is. The characters are absolutely loveable. The cast is so precious. Just everything about it is so perfect. Psych is eight seasons long. They also have three movies and a podcast together. The cast really wants to make more movies together.
I adore House MD, obviously, but it is more heavy than the show Psych is. Which sometimes I am not in the mood for. Psych has an episode for everyone. They have a musical episode, Bigfoot episode, cowboy episode, a Christmas episode, uhhh, they have an episode where they all had a late night out together and cannot remember anything that happened to them, a demon possession/“Exorcist” parody episode, a parody of Stephen King’s “The Shining”, a vampire episode, werewolf episode, etc.
There’s so many characters in the show that I just adore. Lassie is my favourite, Woody, Gus, Shawn, McNab, etc. There’s a character for everyone to enjoy. I just adore this show so much and the cast included.
It’s not mentioned in the show, but on Twitter a while back the creators of the show just randomly posted something along the lines of “Oh, yeah, lassie? Not straight. He’s actually pansexual-“ I do believe this was from the actual creators account. So, I thought that was cool.
Lassie and his partner detective Juliet O’Hara are such an amazing example of shows portraying male and female friendships properly. They actually make them friends and have it remain that way. I’m not saying that two people of the opposite sex cannot be together or anything, but it seems every time I watch a show they never make the guy and girl just be friends. There’s always tension and sex and then that’s all it becomes. They are just such an amazing duo and a perfect example of two people of the opposite sex just being besties without any weird tension or sex. I adore it.
I just so so highly recommend Psych to anyone. It’s one of my comfort shows. It’s so nice. Psych, the show and movies, is available on Peacock and Amazon Prime for free. Another show along the lines of Psych but is more serious is called The Mentalist. That show is also SO good. I highly recommend Psych and The Mentalist to anyone looking for something to watch. [:
(I will be making some more Psych and Shassie art in the future. They are one of my favourites to draw. Even the actors ship it. Which is hilarious. Lmao.)
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docholligay · 3 months
Do you think authors sometimes don't realize how their, uh, interests creep into their writing? I'm talking about stuff like Robert Jordan's obvious femdom kink, or Anne Rice's preoccupation with inc*st and p*dophilia. Did their editors ever gently ask them if they've ever actually read what they've written?
Firstly, a reminder: This is not tiktok and we just say the words incest and pedophilia here.
Secondly, I don't know if I would call them 'interests' so much as fixations or even concerns. There are monstrous things that people think about, and I think writing is a place to engage with those monstrous things. It doesn't bother me that people engage with those things. I exist somewhere within the whump scale, and I would hope no one would think less of me just because sooner or later I like to rough a good character up a bit, you know? It's fun to torture characters, as a treat!
But, anyway, assuming this question isn't, "Do writers know they're gross when I think they are gross" which I'm going to take the kind road and assume it isn't, but is instead, "Do you think authors are aware of the things they constantly come back to?"
Sometimes. It can be jarring to read your own writing and realize that there are things you CLEARLY are preoccupied with. (mm, I like that word more than concerns). There are things you think about over and over, your run your mind over them and they keep working their way back in. I think this is true of most authors, when you read enough of them. Where you almost want to ask, "So...what's up with that?" or sometimes I read enough of someone's work that I have a PRETTY good idea what's up with that.
I've never read Robert Jordan and I don't intend to start (I think it would bore me this is not a moral stance) and I've really never read Rice's erotica. In erotica especially I think you have all the right in the world to get fucking weird about it! But so, when I was young I read the whole Vampire Chronicles series. I don't remember it perfectly, but there's plenty in it to reveal VERY plainly that Anne Rice has issues with God but deeply believes in God, and Anne Rice has a preoccupation with the idea of what should stay dead, and what it means to become. So, when i found out her daughter died at the age of six, before Rice wrote all of this, and she grew up very very Catholic' I said, 'yeah, that fucking checks out'.
Was Rice herself aware of how those things formed her writing? I think at a certain point probably yes. The character of Claudia is in every way too on the nose for her not to have SOME idea unless she was REAL REAL dense about her own inner workings. But, sometimes I know where something I write about comes from, that doesn't mean I'm interested in sharing it with the class. I would never ever fucking say, 'The reasons I seem to write so much of x as y is that z happened to me years ago' ahaha FUCK THAT NOISE. NYET. RIDE ON, COWBOY.
But I've known some people in fandom works who clearly have something going on and don't seem to realize it. Or they're very good at hiding it. Based on the people I'm talking about I would say it's more a lack of self-knowledge, and I don't even mean that unkindly. I have, in many ways, taken myself down to the studs and rebuilt it all, so I unfortunately am very aware of why I do and write the things I do most of the time. It's extremely annoying not to be able to blame something. I imagine it must be very freeing. But it ain't me, babe.
Anyway, a lot of words to say: Maybe! But that might not stop them from writing it, it might be a useful thing for them to engage with, and you can always just not read it.
Also, we don't censor words here.
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tuesday again 4/23/22
three months unemployed YAY. also wherein i get SUPER pressed about star wars lore
funeral by tele novella. popped open tiktok to see something my best friend sent me and this was there, the first thing on the for you page. let's yoink a description of their previous album from an interview i'm going to quote at length in a bit: "The result was “exactly what we wanted it to be,” a perfumed mist of jingling, jangling, lilting, off-center pop—a strange little snowglobe gathering dust at the back of the shelf."
the lyrics did hit me like a train bc i often find myself mourning places and situations that were not necessarily good for me but were familiar.
Oh, you're not tied up Here comes the train The tracks feel safe because you know 'em
if you had told me this was made in about 2007-2009ish i would have believed you. very spare production in the way folksier songs of the time were spare. a bit raspy and direct in her delivery. there's a bandcamp interview wherein i found out this is the side project of a vintage/antiques dealer and she has a fascinating perspective on her own music:
Her passion for the craft is evident—in our conversation as much as in listening to the band—but music, for her, is a means to an end, a way to transmit stories. “As a musician, I’m mediocre at best,” Ribbons says matter-of-factly. “I think that my talent lies in my storytelling ability. I think that I’m a good storyteller.” It’s something instilled in her by her grandparents, “voracious readers” who were always buying her books and secretly wanted Ribbons to be a writer, she suspects.
i really adored this whole album as a cohesive work. "vampire cowgirl" is another standout for obvious reasons.
You came barrelin' down Rabid with some talk Of a gal who rides at night Picking off the stock
remarkably good at reproducing the general vibe of the midcentury cowboy western album, when tv cowboys were sweeping the nation
T. Kingfisher's Nettle & Bone. enjoyed it, but not quite as much as her other stuff. whereas her other series are almost always comical and often stray into farce, this one was a bit grim. even with the addition of a demonic chicken. had to stop and really think about if my own experience with funerals and funerary rites (too many, too often) was coloring this for me but i think it is simply not as funny or interested in being funny as her other works. not a ding against it, but not what i was really expecting or in the mood for. image from tor, let's yoink the description from macmillan
This isn't the kind of fairy tale where the princess marries a prince. It's the one where she kills him. Marra — a shy, convent-raised, third-born daughter — is relieved not to be married off for the sake of her parents’ throne. Her older sister wasn’t so fortunate though, and her royal husband is as abusive as he is powerful. From the safety of the convent, Marra wonders who will come to her sister’s rescue and put a stop to this. But after years of watching their families and kingdoms pretend all is well, Marra realizes if any hero is coming, it will have to be Marra herself. If Marra can complete three impossible tasks, a witch will grant her the tools she needs. But, as is the way in stories of princes and the impossible, these tasks are only the beginning of Marra’s strange and enchanting journey to save her sister and topple a throne.
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paywalled article, sorry, but i personally have a bone to pick with fanduel due to [REDACTED INCIDENTS] from [PREVIOUS JOB] so it does not surprise me in the slightest that they don't really seem to be doing a single fucking thing about money-laundering. allegedly.
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the bad batch, or the 13/16 episodes of the third and final season that are out. all these images are from comicbookreview bc i watched this on my actual television
one of the plots i hate most is the trying to get someone back plot. for example, i think finding nemo does this really well bc it's also a coming of age/parenting movie. i do not think the second finding nemo movie does this well bc as soon as one person is reunited with the group, through a wacky series of coincidences they lose another member. plus that movie is part of the downturn of modern pixar where they forgot how to tell interesting stories but that's neither here nor there. the bad batch falls into the finding nemo 2 category. it's simply frustrating to watch. it turns into a desperate floundering after whoever happens to be missing instead of using a The Searchers style plot to say something about the act of the search itself. i realize i am once again saying "what if star wars was good" but like. come on.
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the bad batch s3 is surprisingly focused on retroactively filling in the backstory of how and why palpatine got cloned with his force powers intact, which is apparently a difficult technical problem. i would have cared about this if this show came out before the last movie and we had a cool breadcrumb style approach leading up to the movie. unfortunately that movie (and the sequel trilogy more broadly) killed a lot of my interest in modern star wars. anyway, this cloning problem leads to a lot of very technical conversations in a children's' show that are interesting to me, a grownup, bc no star wars media has ever successfully explained 1) what midichlorians actually are and 2) the biological processes by which they operate but refuse to be cloned? which is extremely funny to me bc midicholrians aren't supposed to be real. qui-gon has that whole little speech and blood test in the phantom menace but the series had So scrupulously stayed away from explaining how the force works before that. they still fail to explain it but they at least attempt to break two inches of new ground. side note this show gives us TWO canon trans girl clones and i really wish they were in a better show.
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it's annoying that i'm annoyed about a children's show meant to sell toys. some fun things: the pyke syndicate shows up, a slew of my favorite bounty hunters show up, this show is much better at painterly backgrounds and has an overall more concept-art feel than the clone wars proper or rebels. i think it would be cool if they stopped whitewashing the clones. i'm going to finish out the season but i don't exactly have a lot going on in my life right now. i am not terribly sad that this is the final season but BOY do they have a lot of loose ends to wrap up in three episodes.
new genshin update on uhhh thursday and it's kind of exciting bc i THINK it will finally fill in this hole on the map and the associated shorelines of three different countries!
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i thought i had long since found all the chests in liyue (the second area released) but in the process of doing a recently released character quest set in liyue i found another chest. this game is very good at hidden objectives and little secrets but i wish it was better at letting you know when you have Actually cleared an area completely of all the little hidden stuff. anyway i have been holding back the last character hangout (ningguang, my best beloved ruthless girlboss business high femme) for a terrible day and that day came! unfortunately hanging out with the fake pretend video game lesbian did make me feel better!
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also unfortunately i fucked up and cannot count so the gacha pity system (every 90 pulls you're guaranteed a 5-star character) gave me Neuvillette. who i don't hate but i wasn't really planning on pulling for. i do like his questline and his voice actor, he simply doesn't fit in super well with a mono-electro team bc i play this game like an insane woman.
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the real bitch of the thing keeping me from upgrading him is going out in the overworld and collecting enough sea stars. why can't he need flowers or little gears or anything else i have a thousand of.
anyway this gal will be dropping sometime in the next six weeks and i AM extremely excited to pull for her. she has some cool abilities (GUN) and is part of a popular pair with the steampunk lolita character i love and leads my other main team. i hope their abilities play well off each other but she has such a cool storyline and design i don't super care if she fits in with my playstyle. i will adapt for her in a way i am not willing to do with neuvilette
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i am once again obsessed with gallery walls, bc a friend has asked me to find the correct gigantic size frames to put some comics on his wall, and that has given me an excuse to go to thrift stores again.
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unfortunately i have mostly found frames for me, and the projects i have been working on have kind of a long tail of when they will actually be on my walls. i picked up four 16x20 frames for $2.50 each (solid wood! remarkably detailed!) bc i eventually want to put up these fallout maps in the style of national parks maps up on the map wall in my office. i suppose this means i should join @ruffledringdove and actually play '76, bc that's the one modern game i haven't played. these are getting scuff sanded with 120 and painted with a eggshell paint sample in a bright white u all know the drill at this point. ive painted a lot of frames in the past few weeks.
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left is one of the painted 16x20 map frames, right i have also finally sanded and painted both 12x16 deckle-edged wood frames i picked up off the side of the road in MA. and found glass + backs for them! eventually i will procure fancy mats and print + frame my grandmothers' portraits. they will eventually go on the living room wall, which is a neutrals and blue-greens wall of slightly disdainful women. this will help me swap the three maps in there to the office map wall.
i have also acquired this gigantic plaster-over-wood mirror for $15. i am using leftover rub n buff bc i don't have a great spot to spraypaint here without sheeting my entire front porch, and rub n buff is way less susceptible to 80% humidity than spray paint. also i would have to buy spray paint. i am looking up suspiciously bc i thought there was a bug. not sure what mackie was looking at.
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cascadiums · 2 years
A continuation of the What The Fuck Is Up With Quincey Morris stuff I've been talking to @animate-mush about - the weird shifts in the way Quincey evolved as a character between Stoker's notes, the manuscript, and the original publication (no spoilers for the actual novel, but references to a deleted ending)
In Bram Stoker's notes, Quincey first shows up as The Texan. which is sort of ???? because generally characters start out as job titles or specific roles in the notes. The Lawyer, The Professor, The Doctor, The Patient... Quincey's job is just being from Texas I guess
Before he was narrowed down to being The Texan, Stoker plays with a couple of ideas for Texan characters: one guy called Brutus M Marix and a nameless American Inventor From Texas. I am so curious where he was going with that one. I have visions of Dracula being defeated by wacky contraptions operated by a cowboy and it breaks my heart we never got to see that.
The Texan wasn't always a suitor. It looks like the plan was for him to travel to Transylvania for his own reasons, encounter Dracula and then show up in England with knowledge to help the Drac Pack solve the mystery - I think this is why Quincey is always referencing wild stories about places he's been and things he's seen; he was originally The Adventurer, and his main contribution is unique experiences.
In the manuscript, following Quincey's actions at the end of the novel, Castle Dracula explodes. The word 'volcano' is used. I have real trouble believing this one. I'm constantly waiting for someone to reveal it as a joke, but there we are. Quincey sort of indirectly blew up the damn castle. It's much bigger and more dramatic than the ending we have, and maybe that would have kept him a bit more firmly in people minds.
Looking at it, I think Quincey was more stripped back than developed during writing. Inventor, lone traveler bearing key information, demolitions guy turned to something more watered down. There's echoes of it - he's the one who has encountered a vampire bat before and he comes complete with guns so we have some of the adventuring castle destroyer left, but really the published Quincey is more of the ambiguous Texan who first showed up in Stoker's notes than anything that followed.
I have no idea why. Quincey is just bizarre. The story doesn't know what to do with him or who he should be. He's great and I love him but what the fuck is going on with this guy
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teethoftheeditor3 · 3 months
Fav anime?
A very difficult question my friend, and one that I don't have a definitive answer for. I haven't made my list of things I want to talk about yet because it's gonna be long, but anything I've drawn is from something I love.
I can give you a few of my favourites, and I'm definitely going to both leave out and forget a lot of them. And I don't want to give spoilers either, so the descriptions will be short. For the record, most of these I recommend reading if you can, though if you can only watch them then I understand. Apologies for the sloppy grammar.
In no particular order:
Akudama Drive - a cyberpunk heist plot (anime original)
The Ones Within - a thriller/mystery type thing
The Eminence in Shadow - good goofy fun
Akame Ga Kill - a classic revolution with a twist (I haven't read this but I plan to, the manga is apparently better than the show)
No Game No Life - no war, only war games
Log Horizon - The best isekai ever. really well written and worldbuilt but the author is mildly sexist and was arrested for tax fraud.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Season 1) - Isekai, I've only seen the first season, but i read the lightnovels
Hellsing - a vampire that hunts other abominations
Hellsing Ultimate - the later adaptation of Hellsing that actually follows the manga because they actually had the manga to follow
Horimiya - cute romcom
Infinite Dendrogram - a very interesting premise, executed slightly above average
Charlotte - by Jun Maeda, if you know that name that's enough to know if you'll like it, very sad
Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion. Do not give the movie and newer stuff the time of day. the story was complete at the end of season two where it was intended to end.
Trigun - a western
Cowboy Bebop - wikipedia calls it a neo-noir space western. and yeah, that's accurate
Yu-yu Hakusho - one of the first shounen
Mirai Nikki/The Future Diary - what if your diary started making entries for tomorrow
Overlord - evil d&d isekai
Yu-Gi-Oh - a card game replaced all other everything
Yu-Gi-Oh GX - card game highschool
Psycho-Pass - a crime/thriller
Tokyo Ghoul - basically vampires, very edgy
Assassination Classroom - the title kinda says it all
Terror in Resonance/Zankyu no Terror - thriller, difficult material that probably requires a trigger warning. it was removed from my streaming site before i could finish it. Beautiful music, look up the motorcycle scene
B: The Beginning - supernatural crime drama/police procedural, i need to watch season 2
Death Note - you know what that is
Hunter x Hunter - a very fun shounen with a cool power system
Violet Evergarden - very sad
Re:Zero - Return by death isekai
Jujutsu Kaisen - season one is amazing, i read the manga instead of season two so i can't attest to that
Haikyuu - volleyball
Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko's Basketball - What if basketball had naruto eye powers
Tower of God - based on the webtoon, the anime is really good
Mushoku Tensei - isekai with really good worldbuilding, but a main character and plot that are not for the faint of heart
In the Land of Leadale - cozy isekai
Remake Our Life - guy gets the chance to redo his life... but time travel has consequences
This very long list is just for anime which I have seen. if I were to open the field to books that have gotten an anime you'd have things like
The Executioner and Her Way of Life
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Chillin' in another world with level 2 super cheat powers
Berserk of Gluttony
I'm In Love With the Villainess
The Detective is Already Dead (read this one the anime is apparently terrible)
Solo Leveling
There are probably a whole bunch more too that I can't remember. It's been almost 5 years since I pretty much stopped watching anime altogether in favour of reading the original novels or manga. This list is by no means comprehensive and there are a number of things I left off because I like them but they aren't really... good. Like Seirei Gensouki.
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I resent vampires for always dressing like alt goth teens and doing kinky sex acts or alternatively being basic as fuck. A few ideas for vampires:
A cowboy vampire that was bitten in the mid 1800s Wild West and continues to dress and act like a classic sheriff from a western but feeds on outlaws and criminals
vampire that is just a whore and feeds by eating women out while they’re on their period (alternatively: not a whore just a creative pacifist)
An ex-clergy member vampire who hates himself, open up discussions for mental health issues or toxic relationships with possible self harm using crucifixes (opportunities for an absolute breakdown because god no longer cares about him even though he’s still devout)
A vampire where the rules for vampires are essentially that whatever constraints you believe effect vampires effect you if you’re a vampire (basically if someone who doesn’t believe in vampires or has no clue what they do is turned there are no effects except a thirst for blood, classic vampire rules only apply as the rules are learned because they’re really just a combination of manners and belief magic
Reblog this around because I want someone to write at least one of these if they find it interesting, if you do send it to me!
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lazodiac · 5 months
ONCE MORE, we delve into the plane of Thunder Junction, in our attempt to figuring out what each plane each card is from.
Last time we finished all the monocolour cards, and you can find all of those here. I'll also been including a villainy score for Oko's gang, to see how much they count as villains... and in retrospect wish I'd done that for all the legends, since this is a VILLAIN set. Call that a project for another day...
For now though, let us enter into the wild, wild world of...
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We open off with a big one- Akul the Unrepentant! The main antagonist of the story, a PERFECT black-hat western villain- he is fierce and evil and SMART but also you can bait him with the right words and at the end of the day he's just a right bastard with a gun. An honestly pitch-perfect villain for a villain set.
The way his scorpion mandibles make a cowboy hat silhouette, his gun-stinger tail and his fire breathing claws, he is a perfect example of what a Scorpion Dragon is and how strongly it fits the aesthetic of the plane.
But we've been told all the Scorpion Dragons are from Gastal, an obscure plane from Urza's Planeswalker novel, so they're from Gastal. I hope we go there one day and learn what that plane is like beyond its very sparse appearance elsewhere.
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Annie Flash! Our first member of Oko's gang to rob Akul! She's Atiin so from the Atiin Plane, and is the only Atiin that shows up in story. We learn from her stories that her people are still out there wandering, while some settled in Thunder Junction.
Among them her nephew, who Akul afflicted with tuberculosis with his stinger (it's some kind of dark curse but given how it is described it's absolutely TB, a fitting disease for the time period). He left to join his people, because staying in bed all day half asleep from medicine is worse than suffering while awake.
At any rate, she's retired to protect the town she's ended up in... and is threatened by Oko into helping take down Akul. On the villainy scale she is a fierce 0/10. I wish she'd just shot Oko in the head.
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Annie Joins Up is one of a cycle- all of the major members of Oko's gaing gets little pieces like this. They're clearly part of one singular mural but we haven't been shown it and it makes me sad.
Given the context, I'm counting these cards as Thunder Junction original.
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A strange, fascinating card, it's a sherrif's sterling silver star, radiating various creature spirits out of it. Given the form of magic at play I'm gonna say this is from Alara, since it resembles the Nacatl totem magic.
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Hellspur Mercenaries holding, unfortunately, YOU at knifepoint. Good luck friend cause I'm out of here.
... okay I'll stay long enough to say it again; Hellspurs threw away all ties to their home planes to become dyed in the wool magma mutants. They're from Thunder Junction now. The predominance of glowing purple and dyed hair could imply these individuals are from Kylem, but I'm sticking to my thunder-guns here.
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This is the only real indication that the cactus folk are "new" to the plane, despite having lived here for generations as non-sentient cacti. I don't really like this, but whatever. Native to Thunder Junction.
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The Sterling Company's shiny leader, in the vampiric flesh. Given his style he's definitely from New Capenna. He doesn't show up in the story at all, but his presence is felt by the colonizing cops that he employs.
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Big ol' Bonny Pall is our distaff counterpart to Paul Bunyan, the American lumberjack of old west mythology. She's even got a massive blue ox to help her out!
She's one of the giants from Eldraine, and if I could remember where I saw blue oxen on that plane I'd tell you to confirm it.
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Everyone's favorite goblin-monkey, Breeches! A secondary member of Oko's gang, though in truth his loyalties lie with his captain, Vraska. His main goal in the story is blowing things up- as is his want- and showing us that he has more self control than Gisa does.
As far as villainy goes he's a soft 2/10. Nothing he does is inherently evil, the pirates of Ixalan (his home plane) are categorically the nicest faction present there, and ultimately he's only with Oko to help Vraska betray him.
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Bruse Tarl! There's absolutely no reason he should be here in the villain set, but also he's a cattle rancher who is a fan favorite on a plane where ox and cattle are well known an aesthetic so of course he's here from Zendikar, having finally found some beasties that listen to him.
Fun fact; the four visible livestock on the card include Pillarfield Ox, Ox of Agonas, Vigor, and Bartered Cow. These cards won't add to the total, but are here and that's cool.
Also fun fact: according to the card crafting stories, this card was originally Strongarm from Lorwyn/Shadowmoor! Neat!
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A cactus with a gun! Native to the plane, and my friend.
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Gryff's are the wonderfully unique heron-hippogryffs of Innistrad, so this beautiful bird-beast is from there.
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Who????? Who are you???? You have human hands but are otherwise completely just a bear man??? The only plane where ANYTHING like this even remotely exists is fucking Blobavia, in the Un-iverse? Who are you??? Why is there no legend article for this fucking set?!?!?
I have no fucking clue where this guy could be from, but the flavor text leans me towards Arcavios. This is some random bear druid man from Quandrix House.
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Eriette, the Beguiler! She's one of the secondary members of Oko's gang, despite being ostensibly the first one recruited (or at least the first recruited on screen, by Jace-as-Ashiok). She is of course from Eldraine, and even has beef with Kellan, the newest member of the gang.
Beef that she puts aside! For the mission! Because her evil plan on Eldraine was "I will treat PTSD from the invasion by offering the chance to go to sleep forever, and will coincidentally get to rule the plane" which is like, not even THAT evil? It's misguided and kinda fucked up but not like, EVIL evil? And despite anger at seeing the DIRECT guy responsible for her defeat, she still buries the hatchet. This is like, a 1/10 on the evil scale.
Also there is the slightest, slightest implication she might have poisoned Oko at the end of the story. If she did she gets a "Nahiri did nothing wrong" modifier.
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This delightfully cheery grandma is from Zendikar, and is doing what she does best: climbing stuff! She's a new character as far as I can tell so we know nothing about her otherwise, but she's survived the Eldrazi and the Phyrexians and is still smiling so she's okay in my book.
Notably, she does get some fun flavor text on other cards.
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The flavor text feels at odds with the vibe of what formring a posse would be- normally this sort of gearing up of the locals would be to fight AGAINST the Sterlings coming in and taking the entire plane, but I digress.
The specific sort of decorations of the town and the people involved feel Atiin to me, but I think I've gotta give this to Thunder Junction proper.
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Ghired is a fascinating character to me, because he's shown up before and despite doing so still has no real character and has not contributed to any of the stories he's in. Which is a shame because he's one of the best concepts they've ever come up with, from the best plane they've ever made; he's someone on Ravnica who left one Guild to join another!
This Selesnyan shaman turned to the Gruul Clans after witnessing Illharg, the biggest of the big pigs, rise from the primal earth of the plane! Despite joining the Gruul he still has a Selesnyan connection to wildlife, and on a fully untamed plane like Thunder Junction he is THRIVING. It's so cool! He should do stuff!
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It's time for a controversial legendary! It's the Gitrog monster, freshly done being Thalia's steed during the Phyrexian Invasion. He's bullfrogged his way tot Thunder Junction, and now people want to turn this one cult inspiring hypnotoad into just another wild and wacky horse to ride.
I get it. I get why people find this to be a discrediting of the Gitrog from fearsome monster to funny creature, but it honestly works? Innistrad is a plane of horrors, and what happens to horror media when it recurs? It reduces, with each iteration. The best horror film franchises start and end at one, maybe two if you're lucky, and it only takes a complete and total revitalization and reimagining to fix it.
For now, Gitrog is a funny horse, but maybe one day he'll be the monster you remember from your nightmares.
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A scam artist and swindler from Innistrad, Old Honest Rutstein is a surprising pull for the plane... and yet works perfectly, as snake-oil salesmen fit the old west aesthetic perfectly. Has many a fun flavor text in the set, and notably is NOT a hellspur. He's just got some fun glowy corn husks to play with.
Was the first card from the set teased as preview art before this story arc began.
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The name is a reference to Misinformation Campaign, one of the best cards from Guilds of Ravnica, but mechanically it really is more like Dovin Baan's stupid planning and plotting card.
With that in mind, and given the... strange art, I'm saying this is from Ravnica.
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Jem Lightfoote, with an e, is one of the Atiin, as her flavor text implies. This is all we know about her, other than her being delightful and probably fun at parties.
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Jolene Jolene, please don't go punching my man into space. This... hilarious card showcases New Capenna's premiere boxing tough knocking a guy directly out of his boots, while her horrifically photo-realistic snorse niss's menacingly behind her.
Fun fact: her magical gauntlets, which she still has and you can tell because you can see them around her fists, lets her literally punch money out of people! Every hit knocks some gold out of them, made from their blood and life.
This is directly referencing a magical item from some actual play DND podcast that I'm blanking on the name of. Maybe The Adventure Zone?
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Kambal, once the Consul of Allocation of Ghirapur, in Kaladesh, was ousted from his position following the revolution, replaced with Pia, Chanra's mother. Despite losing all of his actual political power, his underworld connections didn't consume him for failure, and he survived past the Phyrexian Invasion to go on to becoming the corrupt mayor of Prosperity.
The art of him makes it look like he, as the kids these day say, is "serving cunt" and I kinda adore it.
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Kellan's join up card. Thunder Junction.
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And here is Kellan proper! The erstwhile hero of the "omenpath" saga of magic story, this is the first time since Eldraine that he's actually mattered in any real capacity! Here, he finally manifests the last of his birthright, the fae magics of Oko's plane, but in his heart he's still the little shepherd boy from Eldraine.
Kellan's story honestly concludes so well that I'll forgive the somewhat lackluster middle portion. He's a sweet and innocent and perfect soul. 0/10 villainy score.
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Kraum is Ludevic's Opus, his perfect creation, the pinnacle of his mad stitching science. He's like two dudes connected together who can fly through electromagnetic powers. Mad scientists are silly.
I adore that Ludevic cares this much about his apprentice though. Kraum never shows up in story, which is probably for the best, but it's really funny to imagine every scene Geralf is in just has a two headed lightning crackling Frankenstein just, off in the distance watching him.
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Jaspar Flint is, apparently, a Hellspur, which I can kinda see from the mutations on his hands and chest, so I suppose he's from Thunder Junction. But also there's no Viashino out there that look like desert lizards, so I do wonder where he's from... my best guess is actually Gastal, for some reason.
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Lazav, successfully convincing everyone on Ravnica of his death in defense of the plane, has decided to go solo mode. So much for him and Tezzeret's plane to take over Ravnica- not that that'd ever come to fruit given it's from a book everyone hates.
I really love the art for this card.
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Lilah is the leader of the Slickshots, and notably while she doesn't show up in the story proper, the secret to her and her gangs success does; a magical tincture only she can make, that empowers her and her allies with a little extra oomph to their magic.
The best way to identify a Slickshot is through their magic, and thte specific green magic she's launching out of a strange, heart-shaped bottle, suggests to me that she's actually a witch from Eldraine.
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The flavor text, plus the make and model of the thunder-gun on our would-be gunfighter's side, suggests this is Atiin to me.
And that's a total of thirty! So lets take a quick break and go to part 2 momentarily!
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thewolvesof1998 · 11 months
Weekend WIP Game
Tagged by @wikiangela @jesuisici33 and @daffi-990
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more)
1. WIP List:
Love list Buddie
Motorcycle fic
Buddie MMA Rivals AU
Someone to be Gentle- Buddie fic
For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia 
Librarian AU/Let me check you out
The heatwave fic
You make bad day infinitely better
Buddie rodeo/Alright Cowboy, Go Get 'Em
Vampire/Werewolf Buddie/Halloween fic
Only the already bad can be influenced/Crop top and short shorts fic
Street racing/Fast and Furious AU
Buddie- You belong with me fic
Buck & Eddie wedding- Something wrong in the village
Awkward Sex Buddie
Post lawsuit- I'll Call Your Mum fic
LA Zoo tiktok guy Buck 
Buck gets dumps, gets drunk with Eddie and thinks they slept together fic 
Don’t go where I can’t follow fic
sword buddie pt. 2/ Under the Guise of Violence 
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
So technically Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em is sitting at 17,852 words but most of that is chapter 1 and 2 which I’ve already posted. Unpost WIP is Buddie MMA Rivals AU ( I don’t mind if we fight, If you make me bleed) which is sitting at 4,681 words, plus a few thousand more in planning.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Buddie MMA Rivals AU has 9 chapters planned, others might get longer like For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia or Street racing/Fast and Furious AU but I haven’t planned them out yet so I’m not sure. 
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
I’m really enjoying writing Only the Already Bad Can Be Influenced/Crop top and short shorts fic it’s so ridiculous and I’m enjoying writing something so silly. 
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Post lawsuit- I'll Call Your Mom fic Definitely, in fact, I haven’t even started this fic because I know it’s going to be a tough write and I wanted to be in the right headspace myself before I tackle the tough subjects that are going to be in it. It kinda scares me, I don't want it to send me into a depressive spiral but I also know it will be kinda cathartic so 🤷🏻
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Librarian AU/Let me check you out and You make bad day infinitely better because I'm writing them from someone else's idea. Like don't get me wrong I love the ideas but I'm constantly doubting if it's what they had in mind and if I'm actually doing it justice.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I don't usually get my fics beta read (not that I'm against it.) But I'll probably get my angst fics that deal with hard topics a sensitivity reader to make sure I'm dealing with them with respect. I do send snippets to @eddiediaztho and we've brainstormed a few ideas for some of these WIPs.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Oh yeah all of them at some point and most of them atm.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
No major oc, just a few names here and there especially in Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em because none of the fire fam are in this fic so I had to create some characters to be in Buck and Eddie’s life. 
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
I don't know I write a lot of smut. I suppose it depends because in sword buddie pt. 2/ Under the Guise of Violence and For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia I'll probably be writing kinks I haven't before but I really want The heatwave fic to be super sexy like all the feel and just filthy sex (think @forthewolves vibes).
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Post lawsuit- I'll Call Your Mom(Noah Kahan) fic deals with Buck's terrible headspace after the lawsuit and something he tries to do to end it all or Don’t go where I can’t follow fic in which Buck is dying and Eddie is begging him to stay. Both will have happy/hopeful endings because that's something I need.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
Either You Make Bad Day Infinitely Better or Someone to be Gentle- Buddie fic I think both of them really take the time to get into Eddie's head and what he's thinking and feeling. Also, Chapter Two of Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em explores Buck and his insecurities (sprinkled in between the smut of course).
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em because of the Rodeo and the time I put in researching rodeos and bull riding. However I also like the more subtle setting of You Make Bad Day Infinitely Better- Eddie's child's home; the backyard, their childhood hideout and his old room. The setting plays a big part in the story so I tried to pay a lot of attention to it and make it as detailed as possible.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Probably the ones that I've had to research a lot for so Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em and Buddie MMA Rivals AU. Also, all the artwork I've done/doing of Rodeo Star Buck.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
Ohhh Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em because it's the longest fic and my first multi-chapter fic.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
No, but I do turn some dreams into wips.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that that your other fics don't?
Street racing/Fast and Furious AU probably because it's based on a movie and I haven't done an AU based on another story yet. And it's going to have street racing which will be interesting to write.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
Buck gets dumps, gets drunk with Eddie and thinks they slept together fic is going to be silly and goofy and I can't wait to write it.
19. 9. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
No, but I do want to eventually, I'm still getting used to writing Buddie and fanfiction in general.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs
So I was right, no one was able to guess what WIP my Out of Context Line was from! It's from Someone to be Gentle- Buddie fic which is a 5+1 fic: Five times Buck is gentle with Eddie + One time Eddie repays his gentleness. It's based on my poem of the same name! The snippet is from the first chapter called To Hold Me While I Cry.
tagging (no pressure): @wildlife4life​ @eddiebabygirldiaz​ @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire ​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammy-souffle
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gimmethatagustd · 10 months
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jai’s ao3 recommendations: supernatural/fantasy
#jai’s recs ○ all fic recs
Disclaimer: This masterlist excludes A/B/O fics because I have a masterlist for those here.
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Updated December 15, 2023
Sick Sentiment by rix
explicit, cowboy bebop universe, outer space, bounty hunters, long-lost love, violence, even if this doesn't sound like your thing istg you should give it a chance i am begging you
↳ Six years later, Kim Taehyung looks just as good cocking a pistol.
Twilight Zone by Bandit4Life
explicit, strangers to lovers, violence, possessive behavior, morally ambiguous, taehyung is a (literal) monster that lives in mirrors, this shit is CRAZY!!
↳ Sometimes monsters don't hide under the bed, sometimes they hide behind mirrors - watching, waiting for the moment to strike, to kill. But Taehyung's goal has changed over time. It was pure curiosity at first. He only wanted to observe, wanted to find the flaw in the seemingly perfect human. He didn't expect Yoongi to hide a dark secret. "I've always known there was something off about you. But I didn't expect it to be like this."
no disguise by sports
explicit, friends to lovers, "taehyung is a vampire and yoongi is a real bella swan about it", i truly adore this fic and a big part of it is cuz jin's character is hilarious
↳ after the events of one rainy, bloodsoaked night, kim taehyung is now a vampire. yoongi doesn't really care.
Just Imago by SUGAohYoongiYoongi
explicit, guardian angels, studio ghibli & tim burton vibes, hurt/comfort, taehyung doesn't know how to use doors lmfao, IT'S SO CUTE OK
↳ Park Jimin finds out his 6-year-old daughter's imaginary friend 'Tae-Tae' is not that… imaginary, but actually an ancient creature with unimaginable superpowers and no understanding of doors.
Foolish by ChrossxXxRodes
explicit, jimin has hanahaki disease and it's taehyung's fault, soulmates, friends to lovers, slow burn, college au, spoiler: no one dies jhdkfs
↳ the one where Jimin's dying of unrequited love and Taehyung is unaware.
Carmen by sailoryooons
explicit, vampires, strangers to lovers, obsessive themes, once again hali writes smut that is a little bit terrifying and a lot sexy
↳ Taehyung gets lured to an exclusive club by a strange, enchanting woman. What finds him there is much more intoxicating and dangerous.
Anything Lovely by deepslowpanic
explicit, soulmates, college au, this is so cute !!!!!!!, i would fall in love with this yoongi too
↳ Yoongi feels like spring, and then he feels like summer. And sometimes he feels almost like home.
The Sweet Taste of Orange by 2019_0201
explicit, vampires, yoongi is the maknae and that's really fucking cute
↳ On a scale of 1 to 10, Jeon Jungkook would rank his coven's inability to treat him like a fully functional adult vampire a 20. At 300, he was well past the age where it made sense to be babied. Even before he died, he'd been an adult with responsibilities, even if his coven didn't see it that way. Min Yoongi didn't look at him that way though. As a human pushing 30, Yoongi was fascinated with Jungkook and everything he was. He thought he was, dare Jungkook say, cool, and honestly, he couldn't get enough of it. And his blood. And his scent. But that was a whole other thing.
Sea la víe by ryuks
explicit, mermaid jimin, very soft and awkward and cute, "yoongi is a disaster gay"
↳ Yoongi finds a strand of pearls caught on his fishing hook, but when he tries making off with them as goods to sell he’s not prepared to find an annoyed mermaid glaring at him over the edge of his boat, demanding he give them back or else.
lost and (never) found by carameLIZed_suga
explicit, urban fantasy, magical realism, addiction, morally ambiguous, people consume liquid dreams (or nightmares) and there are dealers who sell them almost like drugs
↳ Nightmares taste of bubblegum and machine oil, of sticky sweetness and bitter metal. It’s a weird mix that lingers at the back of Jimin’s throat for days, reminding him of the taste of blood, but richer and a lot darker. Nightmares are addicting. He can’t get enough of them. And his favorite nightmare is Jeon Jungkook.
coax the cold right out of me by vmantics
explicit, strangers to lovers, vampires, hurt/comfort, lots of angst
↳ Jimin looks back down towards the ground and scrunches his eyes shut, trying to get rid of the blue—but it’s burnt behind his eyelids. Seared into his brain. He can’t seem to stop seeing it no matter how hard he tries, and he doesn’t understand because if he hallucinated the whole thing then why does he remember it so vividly all these weeks later? Why is it back to haunt him after he thought he’d finally moved on? (Or: There's a stranger on the train, and Jimin takes notice.)
NIGHTSHADE BLAZE by carameLIZed_suga
explicit, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, dragons and other mythical creatures, violence, jungkook is so fucking insane and terrifying jshkdfs
↳ For as long as Jimin can remember, his father has been keeping dark creatures in their basement to auction them off for large sums of money. One has been there for years: Jungkook. Unpredictable, violent, deadly… And Jimin is lured in by him.
crimson and extremely sweet by schoon
explicit, modern fantasy, vampire jungkook, the first fantasy mxm fic i ever read!
↳ Jungkook is a newborn vampire with a strange allergy to blood. His doctor, Park Jimin, is convinced that they are making progress and they will soon find a cure, although Jungkook is starting to lose hope. Blood doesn’t even smell good to him after all. Or that’s what he thought until he smelled Jimin’s.
The Doorman by bluevalo
explicit, urban fantasy, mythical creatures, horror, strangers to lovers, violence, slow burn, great worldbuilding, hurt/comfort, i swear to god i think about this fic every fucking day, it should be a movie or a tv show
↳ The Doorman is favored and recommended by many. Located within walking distance from both the university and the corporate district, it’s the public house where happy hour is always busy. The bartender is young and handsome, friendly though quiet, and mixes a wild Old Fashioned. He often leans on the counter, chatting with a customer, with a full sleeve of ink on display. It’s for his sake that Taehyung has been frequenting the bar, every Friday, for almost two years. Not knowing that the bartender is the doorman — to a much darker world.
00:00:00 by vminsbuns
explicit, greek mythology, strangers to lovers, taehyung is the god chronos, hurt/comfort, taehyung is so weird and clever
↳ Immortality is boringly long, and Chronos travels time, travels the Universe, travels Earth in the hopes of finding some exciting occupation. When he meets Jeongguk, he wishes he could be the one he claims to be—Kim Taehyung, a mortal who won't have to live for another eternity without Jeongguk.
cherry cola by dagusts (raplinesvevo)
explicit, urban fantasy, vampire taehyung, roommates to lovers, this fic made me wanna write a vampire roommate tae SO BADLY
↳ Jungkook is dead set on starting a new life when he moves to Seoul. A life with adventure, adrenaline, and even enigma. What he doesn't factor into his plans is a painfully attractive roommate, who has taken it upon himself to give Jungkook the most confused, love-struck butterflies of his life.
in your arms I hide away by nightmaremode (metalgr3ymon)
explicit, demons, this is mostly just porn but i love the worldbuilding around it, and also it's so soft
↳ as a pleasure demon, taehyung has seen and done many things in the name of satisfaction. but cuddling? warm kisses? holding someone close? that was new. or, the one where jeongguk is a lil' touch starved, and he seeks comfort on demon taehyung's touch
anoesis by honeybeams
explicit, strangers to lovers, this is really just very hot and bloody vampire sex tbh
↳ As a new fledgling, Jeongguk doesn't know to keep his own feelings in check, sure his sire can feel everything across the bond they share: the desire, the affection, how flustered he gets when they spend time together. What he doesn't realize is how badly Taehyung wants him back.
detail of the woods by honeybeams
explicit, horror, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort, i honestly don't know how to explain this, taehyung calls jungkook "fireheart" and idk that makes me soft for some reason
↳ Enigmatic young writer Jeon Jeongguk is shuffled off into the woods by his editor who insists he needs a break. Without the fear of burnout and looming deadlines, Jeongguk gets a month to himself to think things through. It's all well and good, if he disregards the nightmares and the rustling of black feathers that lurk out of his periphery.
We'll Meet Again by zerorequiem
explicit, college au, jungkook is the moon and taehyung is the sun - like literally, magical realism, friends to lovers, soulmates, it makes my heart ache in a good way
↳ The Sun and the Moon meet at age twenty.
sucker for you by taecheeks
explicit, vampires, humor, strangers to lovers, jungkook is a little shit
↳ the summary for this is really long on AO3 but basically jungkook is an abandoned vampire that taehyung takes in to care for him and figure out who killed him
Sunsets of Sanguine by Kakostel and Kibb (Pembrooke330)
explicit, vampires, violence, strangers to lovers, humor, moral ambiguity, angst
↳ the summary for this one is also really long so just trust me hsdkfjs
time or place (i’ll come back to you) by taecheeks
explicit, vampires and other mythological creatures, soulmates, strangers to lovers, angst
↳ For hundreds of years, Jungkook has made it so his weaknesses could not be touched, could not be used against him. Hundreds of years, a small dent in his eternal life, and its snapped and tugged away from him in one night. When Yoongi had freed him all of those years ago, he swore to never let another person put a hold on him. He swore to never let himself bind to anyone, let them use him as they please. It only took him five hundred and fifty six years to fuck it up.
Boys of Cold by bluevalo
explicit, enemies to lovers, small town, so much angst, hurt/comfort, it gets worse before it gets better, christmas, modern fantasy, it's technically set in high school but i swear it's good
↳ There is something eerie in the snow. Jeongguk can see it. And Kim knows.
Doll Parts by elisabeta
explicit, strangers to lovers, violence, cyberpunk, mystery, sci-fi, great worldbuilding
↳ Taehyung, a street savvy biomechanic, is a prisoner to his high-tech, neon-lit melancholy. A lone pixel in the chrome jungle of Seoul’s undercity. Jungkook is a runaway with blades in his arms and hope written in his genetic code. (Or a gritty cyberpunk taekook au.)
Ballad of the Fallen Angel by Always_Somewhere
explicit, demon taehyung, angel jungkook, reincarnation, strangers to lovers
↳ Truly, Jungkook would always be his sweetest sin.
Psychic 10-12 Club by Ghoulie_cruz
explicit, clairvoyant taehyung, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, everyone's a lil weird
↳ All it takes is a phone call for Kim Taehyung, self-proclaimed psychic, to tell you your future—at least that’s what they say. Failing school, miserable in his job and fast running out of money, Jeon Jungkook could really do with some clairvoyance; someone to tell him it’s all going to be ok. Even if it’s a pile of optimistic horse shit, he’ll take it. Probably cling to it for dear life. But nothing—nothing—could prepare him for the cosmic shift that occurs when he drunk-dials into Taehyung’s cult radio show. Nothing tangible, anyway.
The Holly & the Ivy by TheInklings
explicit, edward scissorhands au, SO COOL and SAD, first love, self-acceptance
↳ Jungkook is a lonesome myth-come-to-life, a man-made boy with scissors for hands. Taehyung is a frustrated son itching to stretch the bounds of his pastel-painted town. They meet on Halloween. They’re enamored by Christmas.
Pearl by pocketggukie
explicit, siren taehyung, violence, soulmates, enemies to lovers, taehyung is like the world's only vegan siren jhdskfs
↳ During a calm night on the ocean, Jungkook found a beautiful man sitting on the railing of his ship, a man with icy eyes and dark scales running down his body. Taehyung had just found his next meal - one that looked exceptionally delicious.
Dreamy by paperwetwithink
explicit, psychological horror, incubus taehyung, the author used the tag "what exactly did i just write" and i felt that in my soul tbh
↳ When Jeongguk gets sleepy these days, it kind of feels like there's something watching.
Realms Between Us by JKDoYouLoveMe
explicit, incubus taehyung, self-discovery, strangers to lovers, college au, it's sad but also funny?? kinda crack
↳ Jeongguk doesn’t know how spirit magic or Ouija boards work. He assumes it takes something a lot more complicated than a drunk man asking for a sex demon to show up for it to actually happen. Something like cutting your hand and letting your blood drip onto the petals of a rare flower. Or saying something religious into a mirror while doing the Macarena. That's how Jeongguk knows that this is a prank. That's how he knows that the boy sitting on his bed claiming to be an incubus is lying.
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