#The cat's pajamas {Bug}
misfitsandmischief · 10 months
This wasn't supposed to happen.
This was a classic 'transportation spell gone wrong', it had to be. The one thing the cat had trusted his witch to do was to put him in the right place, and usually she did, but unfortunately this time was one of the ones she got wrong. Great.
A survey of his surroundings gave him little to go on, it was all just trees and forest as far as he could see. If he hadn't known better he'd guess he was close to the granddaughters place, that was nothing but trees and plants, but this wasn't the same forest. This one felt... odd. Almost wrong in some way that had the cat's hair standing on the nape of his neck. That was nonsense though, these were just normal trees in a normal forest with normal grass on the ground. That didn't mean he wouldn't be careful though.
He started an easy trot through the trees, his small quiet feet making quick work of weaving around trunks and bushes. He needed to find the edge of the forest. If he found that he could make some sense of where he was exactly, and maybe he could find some help. He knew the sort of help he needed would be a long shot, what he really needed was for his witch to come get him, but if he could find a place that could at least offer shelter for a bit he'd be in a good spot.
The easy stroll through the woods takes longer than he would like, but eventually he finds a bright spot ahead and an opening to a wide meadow. Or maybe it's more of a clearing. Not much is here except at the center of the open area sits a house. Strangely enough the sight of this house doesn't make him feel any better... and it certainly didn't help him in the way of knowing where he was. If nothing else was certain at least one thing was. He was absolutely lost.
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@katkitkats messaged me an idea about Hanma being a punk ass and denying you an orgasm.
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"Ohh-hoh-hoh! Yeah? Baby likes that, huh? Don't you? Tell me. Tell me how much you like that, princess. I needa hear the words."
Hanma had been fucking with you in some way or another since you woke up this morning. There was nothing particularly special about the day. It wasn't an anniversary or a birthday. No, he just got a bug up his ass and wanted to pester you until you reached your breaking point. And that was his specialty if you ever saw a person have one.
But it was how he was pestering you that really got under your skin. He would get you on the precipice of your orgasm and stop everything he was doing to go smoke a cigarette or have a bite of a leftover sandwich with the dumpster cats.
"Shu-Shuji ... wh-wher-why are you doing this to me? Huh? Did I piss you off or somethin'? Did you have a dream where I cheated on you and this is your revenge? Baby, I would never. I swear. You know this. Jus- please. You gotta lemme finish. Fuck, Shuji! Can I finish mys-" you knew it was a stupid question. A stupid, stupid, stupid question.
"DON'T!! You know better than to ask me if you can finish what I start. Keep your hands where I can see them at all times. You understand?" He took one last drag of his cigarette and put it out in the glass ashtray on the rickety bannister and walked through the screen back into the living room, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch from you.
"Shuji ...?" You glared at him. "Ar-what are you doing?"
He looked at you blankly. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm watching TV."
You let out a frustrated whine and grabbed one of the throw pillows, smacking him with it. "No. No no no no. You don't get to just stop when you're right there and just ... just watch TV! Shuji, I swear to God, you're going to kill me."
He raised an eyebrow and turned off the TV, turning his attention towards you. "And why, pray tell, would I kill you?"
"YOU'RE going to be the dead one soon if you don't help your sweet, ridiculously wet girlfriend out." You sat the pillow down on the couch and walked slowly to you and Hanma's bedroom. You knew he was looking at you. Taking in the curve of your hips. The jiggle of your ass in those thin pajama shorts. For a second before disappearing into the room, you stopped and looked at him. Expressionless. But he saw it, he always saw what wasn't there.
He let out a chuckle and got up, following you to the bedroom.
As soon as you heard his footsteps, you crawled onto the bed. You could hear him shuffling around in the doorway. "Please, Shuji. I need you."
Hanma came over to you on the bed. "Oh yeah, baby? You need me? Why you so needy today? Hm? 'S like all you think about is my cock." He ran his middle finger from your leg to your clothed clit and pressed down. "Such a hot little thing, isn't it? Maybe I should cool it off? Would you like that, princess?"
He pulled your shorts down, leaving your panties on you.
"Shuji ... baby, please."
"What's that, baby? What do you need?"
"I need you. Please. I need you."
"Oh, you want me to fuck you, huh? Is that it? Want me to fuck you so hard you can't even walk tomorrow?"
You grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer to you, pressing your lips to his. "Fuck me, Shuji."
He smirked against your lips and pushed your panties to the side and his fingers inside you slowly, listening to you moan into his mouth. "Fuck, baby. You're so wet for me, aren't you? You've been wet all day, haven't you? I bet you were ready for me as soon as you woke up."
Hanma pumped his fingers inside of you so fast and hit everything so right that you were about to cum. The noise alone got you there much quicker than his touch, you think. Your pussy was so desperate for him, so wet, so squelchy.
"Princessss ... you're in such a rush right now."
You huffed out in absolute frustration. "What do you mean 'right now'. I've been like this since you woke me up with your hand between my thighs? Yeah, yeah. Pretty much soaking since then, Shu."
He laughed.
"Please, baby. Fuck."
"Are you telling me what to do? I don't think I like your tone." Hanma backed off of you and walked his long fingers up the length of your left leg and back over to your pussy.
"The fuck is your problem? You're being unnecessarily assho-ohh fffuckkkk, Shu!" He plunged his fingers into your cunt and did what he did best - that is, aside from his mouth and cock. But he was on one today and was pushing the envelope with you for some fuck of a reason. He hooked his fingers inside you and rubbed the rough pad of his thumb over your clit.
"Don't. Fucking. Move." He growled in your ear through gritted teeth as he worked his fingers. "I wanna see you cum with just my fingers. And I wanna see it soon." He pressed down harder and faster, watching as you gripped the sheets and bucked your hips towards him.
"Oh my god. Fuck. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Shuji, I'm gonna-"
"Cum. Right ... fucking ... now!" He pushed his fingers down harder and curled them, hitting your g-spot with such precision you wondered if he had been taking night classes or something.
You let out a loud moan and squirted onto his hand, soaking the bed sheets and his arm.
"Oh, fuck. That's my princess." He pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. Walking to the doorway, he left you in a literal puddle on the bed. "You fuckin' happy now or you gonna keep whinin' about how bad you need me?" He smirked, kissed you on the forehead and said he'd be out back feeding the cats again.
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@southside-otaku @kazutora-kurokawa @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82 (You out there? Haven't talked to you in a while =(
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
stayed up super late to binge the episodes last night so i got little to no sleep and the bags under my eyes are as dark as gabriel's future and as heavy as adrien's emotional state will be when he finds out that not only is he a sentibeing but felix and kagami are as well. the heavily-applied concealer under my eyes cannot disguise the fact that i have spent the last 13 hours doing nothing but letting my brain be infected by the Blorbo Disease. i am at work rn unable to function as a normal human being because adrien and marinette are Dating and in love. felix sang a little ditty and sobbed on a rooftop alone after snapping his sentisister out of existence. adrien changed into pajamas to make marinette more comfortable and they had a picnic date and almost kissed. they tell each other they love each other so freely. zoe is gay as fuck has a big fat crush on marinette. and best of all, gabriel is finally decaying into a crispy necrosis-fueled death. i am so normal (violently screaming) about it all. i cannot drink enough coffee to fight past the exhaustion but the Bug and Cat Show Blorbo Love will be enough to sustain me for a lifetime
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demonichikikomori · 2 months
Yan Rook sneaking in the shower to fuck the prefect cause he saw her taking off her clothes from the window?
Yan!Rook Hunt x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.2k+ Tags: NonCon/Shower Sex/Blood
Art by enpitsu0208 on Deviantart!
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Holy smokes babe. This is pretty based of you. Delicious Yan!Rook? On my Tumblr? Yeah, I sure hope so. I actually think even in canon, Rook would have yandere tendencies. I will never forget the first time I saw his dorm room. Ever. Also, I got two of these, and I'm guessing it was you who sent both!! So, I'm using this one since it was the first one I got. I hope you enjoy it!~!
You weren’t sure why, but ever since you started living in Ramshackle… You felt like you were being watched. Only at night. You asked Grim about it, he assumed you were being a scaredy-cat since the dorm was just super old. The ghosts would tell you that maybe it was just your imagination. And maybe it was. As you undressed for a quiet night alone, you stepped into the shower to wash your stress away.
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“Grim.. I dunno… I just feel like something is wrong today.” You sighed and lifted the window, sticking your head out to peer into the pitch black forest. “It’s because we have our alchemy exam tomorrow. That’s what’s makin’ you all paranoid.” Grim attempted to comfort you with his little gray paws petting at your leg as you continued to stare out into the woods. It was late, the moon was peeking out over the trees as you stood in your bedroom. As your fingers tightened around the windowsill, your stomach began to sink. You felt like something- no. Someone was staring back at you. 
This was something you’ve felt before. Ever since you had started staying in Ramshackle. And for the last four months the anxious feeling had only intensified. You had confided in the ghosts who offered to scout the property, but they hadn’t seen anything worth reporting. They told you it must be nerves from staying in the environment. You pulled away from the window and pushed it shut with a small sigh. Your heart was pounding against your ribs, the anxiety left your hands shaking. “I think you’re right Grim… I’m… I’m gonna take a shower.” You murmured as the monster pulled away from your leg with a fanged smirk. “That’s the spirit! Ain’t nothin’ to be worried about!” His tail swished as you drew the curtains shut and crouched to rub Grim’s head lovingly. You appreciated his attempt to comfort you, after all, Grim was the only friend you really had. 
Grim curled up under the blankets with a yawn, heading to bed early while you got ready to shower. You made your way to the bathroom to wash away your worries with your towel and pajamas draped over your arm. That feeling was just stress knowing you had an exam tomorrow. No one was stalking you in the forest. That was silly. It had to be an animal. A rabbit species only existing in Twisted Wonderland. Yeah, that was it. 
The sound of rushing water was comforting in comparison to the terrifying silence from before. You undressed slowly, occasionally glancing out of the bathroom window with a friend. The feeling of being watched returned. It sent a freezing chill down your spine as you removed your shirt, sheepishly turning your back to face the window. You didn’t have a curtain up since the window faced the lush trees and foliage. The only peeping toms out there were birds and bugs. And yet, you had a looming feeling that something was off. 
Like Grim said, it could just be nerves making you paranoid. You hesitated before grabbing the hem of your bottoms and slipping them down your thighs. With a careful bend of your body, you tossed them aside with a sigh. The feeling of being watched was gone again. You looked around the bathroom, neatly folding your pajamas on the edge of the sink and leaving them as the steam from the water fogged the bathroom mirror. You just needed to wash away your worries. That’s all. 
You nudged aside the flimsy curtain, frosted in white film to hide you from those who may enter. Such as Grim when he needed something from you and managed to open the door with magical assistance. The warm water pelted your skin like delicate pats hoping to massage your fears away. You reached for your shampoo first with your once racing thoughts melting away. Sudsing up your hair as you thought about your exam tomorrow. You really didn’t have anything to worry about. You were passing the class with flying colors, it was Grim who was struggling. But, you usually would help him with tests anyway since the two of you made one student. You smiled to yourself as you rinsed your hair clear of soap and reached for your conditioner. If anything, you could always ask Ace and Deuce for help before classes started. They weren’t exactly smarter than you, but you were friends. If they got some of the same answers you did then you knew you were solid for the exam. 
“Maybe I am just being paranoid… It’s just the woods… It’s nothing.” You mumbled to yourself while scrubbing the conditioner into your hair and proceeding to wash it away after. Living in a new environment can be scary for many people. You weren’t immune to natural fears like monsters in the closet or ghosts wandering the halls. Your eyes widened and you felt your face start to burn.
Malleus usually would take late night walks around Ramshackle. Maybe that was him watching you? Your arms wrapped tightly around your wet body as a form of comfort. No way… Malleus wouldn’t spy on you like that. Usually he would make his presence known by standing by the gate, politely requesting that you join him for a walk. He wouldn’t ever hide in the forest like that. Would he? The sound of the door opening caused you to lift your head and snapped you away from your thoughts. “Grim? Ugh- I told you to knock before you enter. Or at least say something.” You groaned in annoyance and allowed your arms to fall to the side. 
However, the steps towards the tub sounded much heavier than Grim’s. Like heavy boots. The lack of response sent an electric current of fear down your spine as you began to shrink towards the back of the tub. Your back now pressed against the white tile as you nervously covered your chest with your hands. “… Grim?” You called out weakly for the beast. But you knew it wasn’t him on the other side of the curtain.
A shadow loomed on the other side of the frosted white curtain. Your throat constricted, holding back a shriek as the person on the other side began to noisily undress. No. No, no, no. Your bottom lip trembled and you mustered up a scream, calling out for Grim or for the ghosts to come and rescue you. Your eyes were wide in terror as you stared at the man who had shoved aside your thin shower curtain. A knife was now pointed at you as the assailant wore a sweet smile. “Non, non! There is no need to shout.” It was Rook Hunt. “I apologize, mon Trickster. I wasn’t happy with admiring from afar anymore. Seeing you so frightened… It wounded my heart!” He shook his head, his usual blond bob was pulled back into a short ponytail. He was shirtless, his top discarded to the floor as he continued to undress using a single hand. The knife remained pointed at your own bare body. 
“You… You were watching me?” You whimpered fearfully and he chuckled with a wide smile. “Oui!~!” Rook kicked off his heavy, tan boots and slipped off his socks by only using his feet. “I have been watching you since we met. Seeing you every night was my personal ritual before I could seek peaceful rest at night.” He explained kindly as his pants had started to slip down his muscular thighs. “Seeing your pretty expressions you haven’t shown anyone else... Watching you undress and shower, seeing the way you would pleasure yourself late at night…” He trailed off with a soft shade of red painting his cheeks. His tongue swiped over his upper lip as he moved closer to the tub. The look in his murky green eyes left you shaking with fear as you cowered in front of him. You looked past Rook and towards the door with tears pricking your eyes. Why wasn’t Grim coming? Where are the ghosts? Didn’t they hear you scream? 
“Th… That’s very nice Rook… I’m flattered.” You croaked with a trembling smile, struggling to fight the urge to cry. Your eyes darted back to the long hunting blade only centimeters away from your jugular. Each swallow would cause the tip of the blade to tickle your skin. In the most unpleasant way possible. “B-But there’s no need to join me! I was actually just getting out!” You flashed an anxious smile, seeing the blond man start to pout. It was terrifying. “Why, there is no reason to be embarrassed.” He sighed with a shake of his head, sliding a finger into his boxer briefs and inching them down his hips. “You have not yet washed your body. I only wish to observe you up close. You usually use oatmeal soap, with honey extract for your skin. It’s a wonderful choice! Roi du Poison would approve.” This conversation was abnormal. 
Rook Hunt has broken into the one place you could call home, and is now holding you at knife point. He was undressing, and planning to step into the shower with you. This isn’t right. “Th-Thank you Rook. But… I think I want to get out of the shower.” Your voice was meek as his dark colored briefs were kicked aside, and he pulled off his hat, leaving it on the edge of the sink. Neatly placed on top of your pajamas.
“You may, after I’ve showered as well.” He cooed and stepped into the ceramic tub. You were trembling now, the sound of your heart beat violently against your eardrums as he kept the knife pointed at you, and pulled the curtain shut. His green eyes scanned over your naked body as you used your hands to cover your most delicate places. It was humiliating to have Rook stare at you like this. The rushing water bounced against his once dry skin as he reached back, and grabbed your soap for you. “I would like to watch you bathe. Do not let me distract you.” He beamed as your shaky hands grabbed the bottle of soap. 
If you had an opening, you could hit Rook with it and run. But with the knife so close to you, you couldn’t risk it. “Where’s Grim?” You asked fearfully as the blond chuckled at your question. “Monsieur Hirsute is sleeping heavily. He won’t be waking up for a while.” Rook assured you as you awkwardly fumbled with the cap to the soap. That would imply that Grim was dead. Or hopefully just drugged to remain asleep for a few hours. “The ghosts didn’t see you?” You asked as the hunter tilted his head. “They are gone for tonight.” You felt a stone sink in your stomach when you realized you were truly on your own for this. No one would be coming to save you. 
You swallowed down a sob as you poured some of the tan colored soap into your palm. Your arms were shaking and you felt like time had started to slow to a stop. You felt sick. “Why don’t I assist you?” Rook offered and you vigorously shook your head in refusal. But it was clear the blond wasn’t going to take your no for an answer. He placed his knife in your metal shower caddy, and took the soap from you. He poured it in his palms with a smile before returning the bottle to its original place. “N-No. Don’t touch me.” You snapped weakly, before Rook roughly grabbed you by the wrist and held you against his wet body. Soapy hands rubbed gingerly over your body as you squirmed in his touch with your eyes now squeezed shut. The glide over your breasts and subtle pinch of your nipples. How he soaped up your arms down to your waist and hips. You clenched your jaw tightly, attempting to get away as a hand slipped between your thighs. “Ohh, my dear Trickster. You need to be cleaned. You mustn't struggle.” He cooed as if he was trying to subdue an animal afraid of the soap and water. 
It was laughable. 
“Let me go Rook please. I’m sorry- I really am. I don’t know what I did-” He shushed you from above as his soapy fingers began to stimulate your clit. Pulling back the sensitive hood as you shook in his hold. You wanted to scream for help. You wanted to suddenly possess intense strength to fight Rook off of you. “This place needs to be cleaned.” Rook's voice dropped to a whisper as he rubbed delicate circles with his calloused fingers against your clit. The stimulation made your pussy flutter, betraying your feelings of disdain towards Rook. If you let him do this, he would be satisfied and leave. Right? You tried to force yourself to relax. Leaning against his muscular body as he stroked and touched your pussy. 
Your face burned in embarrassment as he chuckled again. “This is how you like being touched. Oui?” He asked and you gave a short nod. Rook had been watching you touch yourself, so naturally he knew how you liked it. “I haven’t seen you with anyone else in an intimate way other than yourself. Are you nervous mon Trickster?” The question pushed tears into pricking your eyes. When you finally opened your eyes again, you were relieved to see the horrible world around you had been blurred. But the relief was short lived as Rook slipped a finger into your tight gummy walls. Slowly pushing deep inside of you as your body tried to force him out. You tensed up and gave another short nod. Nervous could not describe the terror you felt. “Please let me go.” You wailed softly as tears rolled down your face. Hidden by the shower water bouncing off of Rook's pale skin and onto you. 
He did not respond. Instead, he pumped his finger slowly, crooking it into a sensitive spot inside of you that made you yelp and your knees buckle. When you leaned against Rook for support, you looked down to see his erect cock. Flushed at the tip, long and thick. Twitching with excitement only centimeters away from your hip. It hung heavy between his muscular thighs as your stomach dropped in fear. A scream started to bubble up in your throat as you started squirming again. “Let go of me!” You raised your voice, smacking and punching at Rook’s chest in terror. But the man was unphased. He only frowned with a soft tut of disappointment that you were resisting so much. 
The ground beneath you suddenly vanished when his finger was pulled from pleasuring your pussy. You thrashed until your back was pressed firmly against the wet shower tile and you were folded in half with Rook pinning you from the front. His strong arms locked you into the position, keeping you folded with his elbows under your knees. You wanted to scream. You wanted the ghosts to come back and save you. You wanted Grim to poke his head into the bathroom, even though you told him a million times not to without announcing himself. “Rook no… Please- I won’t tell anyone…” You sobbed against his shoulder. Your face was hot at the feeling of your hole flexing, begging for him to push inside. It was just a bodily reaction. You didn’t want this. You don’t want him to do this to you. 
Rook hummed from above you, the wet, sticky tip of his cock nudged against your entrance as he adjusted himself against you. “Mon Trickster, je suis désolé. I did want to be intimate much longer but…” He trailed off, slowly rocking his hips against your soaking hole. “When you struggle, it turns me on.” The darkness in his voice made you whimper as he began to push inside of you. Stretching you with his thick cock as you punched and shoved at his slippery shoulders. You felt like you were being torn in half. The dull pain made your toes curl and you shook and squirmed. It only got Rook to slide deeper inside of you. “You can take all of me. I know you can.” The blond cooed with a small stutter of shallow thrusts, before his strong hips snapped against you. He was balls deep. Twitching and throbbing inside of you as the two of you remained still and connected in the most vulnerable way. 
It made you sick. You sobbed against his shoulder, giving up and falling limp as Rook’s cock stirred inside of you. Deep inside of your womb, the illusion of being buried within your sensitive intestines where your body would mold itself to the shape of his thick shaft. You hated the feeling. Even if your nipples were hard and sensitive, brushing against his as he pressed his body firmly against yours and began to roughly pound into you. Stimulating your body in more ways than one. His fluffy blond pubes scratching your twitching clit with each wet smack, and the way he forced your body to fold in half for him to penetrate you deeper and deeper. You hated your body for accepting him and the things he did. You hated Rook for doing this to you. A strangled wail left your throat when his cock began to pound into your cervix. His mushroom shaped tip jamming against the bundle of nerves made your stomach ache with pain as you struggled against him. Unable to move as you begged him to stop. He only laughed at your cries of pain. Deeper. Harder. Rougher. His grip on your body was painful and the way his hips smacked into yours you thought you would get bruises. Your pussy clenched around his cock from the pain, making him groan in pleasure as he mumbled into your ear sweet nothings in a language you didn’t understand. 
He pulled away from your ear and forced his lips against yours. The disgusting feeling of his tongue rubbing against yours made you cringe as you snapped your teeth together. The taste of iron flooded your mouth as Rook pulled away, pounding harshly into your body with a teeth filled smile. His once pearly whites were coated in a sheet of blood that dripped down his lips and chin and onto your body. His cheeks were even redder from pleasure. He liked it. He liked that you bit him out of defiance. He said nothing as his hips slowed and he adjusted you on his cock. You sobbed again as he forced his hips against you, reaching even deeper somehow as your body shook from pain. You wished he would cum already, or at least you would faint first. He continued to babble with excitement, his tongue continued to bleed as he stared down at you with a crazed expression. The violent twitch and throb of his cock made you feel ill as you knew what was going to happen next. “Je t’aime… Ohhhh I love you mon Trickster…” He whined as his thrusts became sloppy, and finally stuttered to a stop deep inside of your twitching walls. Your nails dug into his flesh as he left you pushed against the wet tile with his muscular body. You winced with each throb of his cock deep inside of you. You could feel Rook’s thick load of sperm began to seep out of your abused hole with hot, messy, pearlescent strings. It disgusted you. A weak sob trickled from your throat and you shook your head sadly against him. “Beauté, mon Trickster!~!” Rook huffed happily against your ear. His grip was like iron as you continued to fall limp against him. “The night is still young. I still haven’t had my fill of you.” The sound of his voice made your stomach churn as tears rolled down your face. You decided it would be best to succumb to your fate as Rook Hunt’s prized prey.
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Tagged Accounts: @candlewitch-cryptic @yandere-kou @the-monday-witch @bontensbabygirl
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aka-indulgence · 9 months
Home Invasion (Centipede!Sans)
So, I’ve missed writing about centipede!sans, he needs some love… so he’s here to pursue it himself by coming straight to you >:) huehuehue
TW: Bugs, beginning includes a nightmare where reader is covered in bugs (the first italics section), and centipede!sans being creepy and grabby with you
Legs, crawling all over you.
You couldn’t move.
A myriad of insects were wandering over your body, tickling you with their antennae.
There were too many of them. The sound was deafening. You could feel one start to crawl over your neck. You’re going to be buried in the mountain of them.
Your eyes widen as they approach your face. Your chest tightens, your mouth opens-
You sit up, gasping for air, sweat soaking your pajamas, heart beating a mile a minute. You swallow your spit, eyes darting everywhere, looking for those phantom bugs. You’re in your bed, and it’s still dark out. You let yourself smile in relief, laughing nervously. It was just a nightmare.
You throw the blanket to the side and lay back down, the sweat evaporating along with the fear on your forehead.
Just a horrible nightmare. You tell yourself, shivering. I hated that.
You sighed, and closed your eyes. Just go back to sleep now, (Y/n).
… You think you were in the middle of drifting off, when you heard the distinct sound of scuttling.
You blinked your eyes open, scanning the room, though it sounded like it came from outside. You were confused- maybe you were having a half dream and the nightmare was just going to continue? That was a terrible thought, but you had a creeping feeling that it might’ve been real.
Just to be safe, you kept your eyes open and quietened your breathing as you listened.
There it was again. The scuttling. And it sounded like it was shuffling over the floor, before it went quiet again.
You could feel a weight settling in your stomach. It sounded like it was out in the living room.
You stood up from the bed and tip-toed over to your door. You turn the key slowly so it wouldn’t click too loudly and… open the door.
Of course there’s not a lot of windows in the living room. The door is only open a crack, and you could barely make out your kitchen and table. You hold your breath, expecting something to move in the dark, but… nothing.
You don’t think you’ll be able to sleep once you find out what it is- maybe a cat broke in somehow or something? So, taking a deep breath, you turn on the torch of your phone and step into the living room.
Everything looks way more horrifying in the darkness. Why? The lighting from your phone is certainly giving your room a haunted house feel to it, which was doing wonders for your nerves. everything you shone your light on looked too bright and shiny while everything else looked too dark and shadowy. At least… so far the kitchen was alright. One knocked over can of tuna isn’t something to lose sleep over.
You find your way to the lightswitch and flick it on. Maybe it’s because it’s night and you’ve still got nerves from the nightmare, but it looked like a shadow moved- however there was nothing there when you looked. Instead, you find what looked like a dust explosion, trailing from a corner of the room, and you pause when you see where it comes from.
You feel dread forming in your stomach as you approach your cracked floor boards, snapped in half and splinters around a hole where a floorboard was popped off completely. There were suspicious scratches on the floor that… don’t look entirely unfamiliar. You’ve been finding random scratches on the walls and floor recently, and you just chalked it up as accidents you hadn’t noticed. Now though… there was a lot of them congregated around the hole and, hesitantly, you took a peek down.
And your blood. Ran. Cold.
Down under your floorboards- where you didn’t expect to have so much empty space in the first place- was a piece of centipede molt.
But it wasn’t really a ‘piece’ of centipede molt, was it?
No. It was a boulder-sized centipede molt. White, and crumpled, and- you don’t even know how long it’s been sitting there, but there was dirt and a bit of dust on it so it must’ve been sitting there for a while. And that was just its molt, how big was the beast that left it there?
Monsters from the wild almost never break into homes- they could be aggressive and terrifying but most were ‘shy’ of humans. But then again, news of monster and human scuffles weren’t unheard of.
I need to call monster services. You thought.
You thought hear a scuttle from behind you, but no giant centipede to be seen.
I need to call them RIGHT NOW.
How long has it been down there? Is it there right now? Please be under the floorboards.
As you sprint your way back towards the bedroom, you thought of the nights before. This wasn’t the first time you heard sounds in your house. They started about a week or more ago, and yeah, sounds in the dark weren’t comforting, they hadn’t seemed substantial enough to be anything. You’re not the girl that needed to sprint to get to her parents room when she heard a scary sound anymore. You chose to ignore it and went to sleep.
But now, with the molt… you remembered a lot of the sounds did resemble scuttling. You thought it was something creaking. Something flying into the windows.
… Or maybe it had been  exploring under your floorboards for god knows how long…
Oh fuck, you thought. Please go back down there.
You slip into your room…
And freeze.
There was no point in you trying to sneak back into your room, because as you stand there uselessly, a mountain of carapace, legs and bones was circling your bed, making his mark on the sheets, clicking his mandibles as he rose into the moonlight.
You inhaled so sharply it felt like you swallowed a thorn. You could feel your legs tense when the monster turned to look at you, and you rushed back out the door-
You fall to the floor and your phone tumbles out of your hand. You could feel something sharp wrapped around your ankle, just shy of impaling your skin. Your nails drag over the floor as you’re pulled into the room effortlessly. You scream and yelp as a storm of carapace and legs flood your vision. You feel the clawed ends grip and drag over your skin all over where you were exposed, leaving little welts all over your body. You gain your sight again when you’re lifted right into the middle of his twisting, endless body; his coils shifting and scuttling around as you’re settled into him.
He wasn’t squeezing- not too hard, at least. But you could feel your chest tighten and you struggled to breathe- you were panting and groaning like you couldn’t catch your breath.
You tried to wriggle but that only made him tighten around you more- you couldn’t move. His long centipede body had you circled up to your shoulders, the only part you could move was just your head. You could feel more of those centipede legs shift and move all the way down, tickling your feet and making goosebumps form all over you. When you look around you couldn’t even… see where he ended. His entire body had completely filled your room, spilling over the bed and stacking against the walls.
Your heart was beating in your ears as you looked up at the monster watching from above. He wasn’t entirely centipede, it appears: his upper half was skeletal from the waist up, and even then he was still bigger than you were. He had thick bones, resembling muscle, and his hands were clawed. Despite that, that wasn’t what struck the most fear into your heart- it was seeing his face.
His skeletal face was fearsome, large mandibles on the side of a wide smile full of razor sharp teeth accompanied by two abyss-dark eyesockets. One single glowing orb sat in his left socket, glowing with the intensity of a red star. Up from that socket was a skull fracture that left a hole in his head- just looking at it made you hurt to think about. He must’ve been through a lot of fearsome battles. In addition to his skull crack, one tooth was missing from his arsenal, and when you look everywhere on him there were minute scratches, indents, and cracks on his bone.
You see the end of his mighty body shift to the side, leaning against the door, shutting it close. Your phone lay uselessly on the floor, the screen turning off just as a leg crawls over it.
You feel a hot breath brush your face.
You turn your gaze back to your captor and feel your heart jump at how close he’s gotten. In the time it took for your frantic brain to take in the monster who has your life in his grasps, he’s leant in- possibly doing the same to you. Sweat beads on your forehead as he turns and leans around you, staying silent the whole time. His wide smile was eerie. It felt like he was a predator playing with his food with his sockets crinkling like that, and his legs digging into your flesh like it was aching to rip you apart.
You lean as far as you could as he approached. Goosebumps formed over your neck when he pushes his face into it. … You could feel him taking a deep sniff, followed by a deep, rumbly purr. You let out a surprised yelp when you feel claws trace over your scalp, leaving tingles where they went. The monster pulled back a little and turned to look at your hair, caught in his fingers, letting it slip between. His red orb dilated and refocused like a camera lens, picking the locks apart, looking at every individual hair strand like it was a mystery to him.
You couldn’t help but cough. His presence was overwhelming already. Everywhere you looked was his sprawling, crawling centipede body. The sound of his multitudinous legs filled the air with clicks, so much so that you couldn’t hear your own racing thoughts. Carapace rubbing and gripping onto you was distracting. And now, this close to his bony body, he smelled like iron, and musk, the air thick with his magic.
It sounded almost like he was laughing, and you noticed he was looking at you this time. Perhaps… sadistically enjoying how you couldn’t escape him, that his mere presence was crushing you (or perhaps it was his body tightening around you again.) He leant back.
It was odd. He tilts his head to the side and starts clicking his mandibles at you. You aren’t sure why, but the way he clicked them at you didn’t seem aggressive. You flinch as he twists around you, a couple of legs menacingly tapping over your clavicle, nearing your neck.
The imagery of being impaled by one of them enters your mind. You shudder.
It looked like he was waiting. Like… he was expecting you to say something.
“U-uhm,” You stutter. You inadvertently whimper as his claws trace down from your ear down to your jaw, tickling under your chin in a distinctly gentle… almost wanting way.
“H… hello?”
He clicks again in response, flexing his legs. You could feel your eyes getting heavy as you withheld frightened tears while he brushes your hair with his other hand.
“W-w… what do you want?” You squeak, a giant thumb brushing your cheek. “Do you…” gulp, “do you want to eat me..?”
He twitched, eyesockets widening, all movement halting. Was he… did he understand what you were saying?
All of a sudden, his great ribcage started to shudder, the quaking spreading to the rest of his long body.
“m… mheheheh…”
You grit your teeth as you’re shaken with his mighty, convulsing body, staring up helplessly at the monster. Was… was he… laughing…?
His sockets were crinkled, and he had one fist to his teeth, like he was trying to get ahold of himself. He shook his head, then extended a claw at you.
“... like…” He growled, the power of his voice rumbling in your chest. “like you…”
“L-like…? What do you-?”
You squealed as the entirety of his body starts moving again and those ticklish, frightening legs started crawling around you as the skeleton circles around you more tightly, nuzzling your face and trilling. He pauses on your left side and you freeze as his fingers crawl over from the back of your head to grip your right cheek. It felt like he was looking into your soul, his face mere inches from you. You freeze, breath hitched as a long, red, glowing tongue trails from your jaw up to your cheek.
He licked you. You could smell his breath- that blood scent, of prey having fallen to the beast’s teeth.
You couldn’t stop the frightened mewls as he fusses your face, sniffing you and shifting your body here and there, until you end up with your back against his ribcage and your head under his skull. His hands seal around your chest and stomach, and though in his turning and twisting you ended up moving out of his encircling coils, his lower half had its legs clamped around your legs, keeping you squished. against him.
You stiffened as he convulsed and squirmed, settling over the bed, having you placed on top of the rest of his carapace. Claws started tangling in your hair, as he seemed to obsess with it, feeling how silky it feels against his phalanges.
You quieted your breaths, rapid and shallow like a mouse, freezing when the monster purrs, rumbling against you. You huffed, pressing your lips together.
So. It looks like he isn’t going to eat you. But as the monster relaxes, a hand slipping under your shirt, mindlessly caressing it like… like a lover would, you think you have a very different problem at hand.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, the steam of air brushing your face, and you shake your head.
I guess I won’t be sleeping tonight…
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not-a-space-alien · 2 months
Tinytopia Chapter 9: Bloodthirst (Part 1)
Story Masterpost
On AO3
Thanks to my beta/sensitivity reader @appelsiinilight and my bonus beta reader for the next two chapters, @whumpsday!
In this chapter: Thistle indulges in getting cozy, but finds the house disturbed by yet another new arrival.
With respect to @whumpsday, the og of hungry vampire sadbois, and @entomolog-t, the og of tiny vampires.
There were now enough pixies for a pixie pile.
Thistle was ecstatic.  He’d grown up sleeping in a pixie pile, and he’d missed it, longed for it, ached for it ever since his separation from his family.
Sleeping on top of Moon was nice enough, but he wasn’t a pixie.  And with Marigold here, there were two pixies.  Not enough for a pile.
But Jax had a pixie incarnation now.  There were three pixies, which met the minimum number needed to be a proper pile.
Moon would be included, of course, even if he wasn’t a pixie.  The pile would simply go on top of him.
Thistle made sure everyone had a nice, soft pair of pajamas.  Enough thick, fuzzy socks.  Enough blankets and soft pads to sleep on.  Hot, sweet drinks to sip in the evening before falling asleep.
Oh, yeah.  This was going to be perfect.
Thistle cleared enough space in his wooden castle–for once, he was worried he might not have enough room in there for something.  He arranged everything just right, plumping pillows and layering blankets and smoothing out sheets.  He wove small animals out of plant fiber–such toys weren’t out of place in pixie nests, quite similar to humans’ stuffed animals.  They didn’t usually make them bears or cats or dogs, though–pixies had a completely different array of animals that were culturally important.  
Thistle remembered his Mother’s Mother’s hive having a nest of ants in the bottom of the structure, tended to like a herd–he couldn’t remember if they’d done anything besides occasionally eating the larvae.  It’d been such a long time ago that all he remembered was that they tasted quite good.  Before Thistle had left, Mother had been in the process of trying to make space in their tree for clusters of honeydew-producing aphids.  She’d also told Thistle that some hives knew how to rear moths or spiders for their silk, which Thistle had always longed to see, but she’d said moths were more complicated than aphids and spiders had a safety risk.
There had been that one time his older brother Oak had brought home a disfigured moth which would have died without help–its wing had gotten caught in its cocoon while trying to emerge, and now it was wrinkly, tiny, and useless for flying.  Mother let Oak keep the moth as a pet, even though it had no practical use.  It was fuzzy, nice to hold, and pretty to look at.  Oak had named it Cattail.
He lovingly traced the memories as he wove, imagining himself making a toy for Dewdrop.  Aunt Winter’s new baby, Dewdrop.  He wanted to meet Dewdrop so badly.  Thistle was really the only one in the hive good enough with his hands to make toys without using magic.  He would have been making all the toys for Dewdrop.  Had someone else been making them?  Was Dewdrop wanting for toys?
He suddenly realized he’d begun crying when a tear dripped down onto the moth doll he’d been making.  He slowly wiped his eyes on the back of his hand, then sniffled and straightened himself up.
There was no need to be sad.  He was going to have a pixie pile again.  Dewdrop was fine, and so was he.
He arranged a moth doll and an aphid doll so they were nicely on top of the covers, then stood back to examine his work.  I should sell those on Etsy, too.  Everyone would go wild for them.  He started writing the listing title mentally.  Miniature insect bug arthropod crochet doll lifelike fidget toy Micro realistic choose SET or INDIVIDUAL made to order.  He could sell one for $20 or a set of three for $50.  Yeah.  That would be good.
He walked out and pushed Marigold’s wheelchair to the entrance of his wooden house.  “Are you ready for bed, Marigold?”
He nodded.
Pixie-Jax flitted on the roof of the house, jumping down onto the ground.  “I am too!”
“Shh,” Thistle said.  “Speak quietly.  We’re supposed to be calming down now.”
Jax nodded, looking very serious in his oversized pajamas that swallowed his hands.
Moon arrived five minutes after the agreed upon time, as always.  He had an eye mask on his forehead and an extra pillow under his arm.  “I stayed up late so that I could be tired precisely for this slumber gathering,” Moon declared.  “Let us commence.”
“Okay,” Thistle said, trying not to get excited.  He was supposed to be calming down.  “Moon, you go in first, and then we’ll all get on top of you.”
Moon ducked to go into Thistle’s house.  “Good Heavens!  It’s a proper cornucopia of comfort in here.”
Thistle poked his head in and watched as Moon arranged himself, pulling the covers back.  Moon held his arms up.  “I’m ready for dogpiling, boys.  Have at me.”
“Okay, Jax next.”
Jax dashed into the wooden structure and snuggled up under Moon’s arm.  “Like this?”
“Yes, perfect.  Okay, now Marigold.”
Thistle lent Marigold a hand to stand up out of the wheelchair.  He supported him by the elbow to help him inside.  Marigold’s face twinged with pain as he went down into a kneeling position.
“You all right?”
“Yes–just a moment.”
He shifted to a position that apparently lessened his pain, then gingerly lay down under Moon’s other arm, head on the crook of his elbow.
That just left Thistle.  He crouched down and situated himself on top of Moon, so Moon’s chest fluff was his pillow.  “Everybody comfy?”
There was a round of assenting sounds.
Thistle reached down and pulled the blanket up, swathing them all, and turned off the light.  “Good night, everybody.”
“Thistle my boy, would you pull down my eye mask?  My hands are quite full.”
Thistle reached up and pulled the mask over Moon’s eyes.
“Perfect, thank you.”
“Good night.”
“Good night, Thistle.”
“Good night, Jax.”
“Good night, Thistle.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
No response.
“Good night, Thistle.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
“Good night, Jax.”
“Good night, Moon.”
“Is this really quite necessary?”
“You’re supposed to say good night.”
“...Good night, Jax.”
No response.
“Marigold, you didn’t say good night to anyone.”
“Good night Thistle, Jax, and Moon.  There.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
“Moon?  You didn’t say good night back to Marigold.”
“Good night, Marigold.  Are you quite satisfied now?  Have we somehow missed a possible permutation here?”
Thistle snuggled closer to Moon, and Jax copied his motion.  “No,” Thistle said contentedly.  “I think that’s everyone.  Thanks.  Good night.  I love you all.”
“I love you, Thistle.”
“I love you, Moon-”
“We are not doing all that again.  I would like to go to sleep sometime in the next twenty-four hours.”
Thistle tugged on the sleeve of Moon's silken pajamas.  “Just once?  Just one, Moon?  Please?”
Moon sighed.  “I love you, Thistle.”
Thistle happily flicked his ears and settled in.  It seemed like Marigold had already fallen asleep.
They dozed like that.  Thistle could hardly get sleepy with how happy he was.  It was so warm and fuzzy, and a soft glow of magic welled up inside him.  He just lay there enjoying it.
It was a while later, after he’d finally managed to fall asleep, that he woke up.  He wasn’t sure why.  But-
Marcy’s necklace.
It was sitting on the table–Marcy had left it there today.  It was glowing.  It’d been soft white all night–but now it was bright yellow.
Yellow.  Yellow.  What had yellow meant?
Thistle disentangled himself from the pile and snuck over to the door, peeking his head out.  He didn’t see anybody.
“Hello?” he whispered.  “Is somebody there?”
There came a sound, then–a sort of tittering, accompanied by light flapping.  He turned his attention upwards and saw some small fuzzy creature way, way high up near the ceiling.  It frantically dashed into the room and smacked into the wall, then tumbled down.  When it finally stopped its erratic movements, Thistle saw it was a bat with tawny red fur.
No, not a bat–the real creature emerged from the form of the bat as soon as it touched the ground.  It was a fuzzy humanoid with protruding fangs and triangular ears.
The fish tank flipped open.  “Yo, Thistle!” Jewel shouted.  “Are you gonna wake anyone else up and tell them there’s a fucking vampire in the house or do I need to do it?”
“A vampire?” Thistle squeaked.  
“Gotta be.  I mean, just look at him.  Right?”
The new arrival flipped himself upright from where he’d fallen on the ground, still on all fours, ears pinned back against his head nervously.
“Thistle?” said Moon’s sleepy voice, and his head appeared out the door, eyes still half-closed.  “What are you shouting about?”  His eyes widened as he saw something was up.  “Oh?”
“It’s a vampire,” Thistle said.  He looked over.  “Right?’
“Well yes but, I’m not–I don’t want to hurt you,” the creature said.  His ears were still flat and his voice trembled, as though not entirely sure he would be believed.
Oh, he was speaking Pixish.  The language a predator would typically speak if their primary prey was Pixies.
“I’ll go get Marcy,” Thistle said.  He looked behind him and saw Marigold stirring in the bed, with Jax not far behind.  “...I’ll stay here with Marigold.  Moon, you go get Marcy?”
“Am I your messenger?”
“...All right.”  Moon drew himself out of the house and spread his wings, then took off upstairs.
The new arrival watched him with wide eyes.  Clearly he’d never seen one of Moon’s kind before.
“Thistle, who’s that?” Jax whispered.
“Just stay inside.  I’ll handle this.”  He gave a nervous wave to the creature.  “Hi.  I’m Thistle.”
“I’m Auburn,” he said.  Pixish actually had more words to describe colors than English, with Pixie’s sensitive eyes able to see more with minute differences. He wasn't sure if vampires could see the same way, but the word he gave as his name, Kasabrua, the closest translation of which was Auburn, actually referred to the very specific shade of red in the coat of a fox’s fur.  That was exactly the color his fur was, so it was fitting–it was basically the equivalent of calling him “Foxy” or “Vixen,” although Thistle knew those two words had…. connotations in English that they wouldn’t have in Pixish.
“Hi, Auburn.  It’s nice to meet you.  My friend Marcy is coming downstairs.  She’s a human.  Is that okay?”
Auburn hugged the wall, like he was afraid Thistle was going to attack him.  “Yes.  Yes, please, I’d like to meet her.”
Thistle and Auburn kept tense eye contact with each other as Moon came back down, followed by Marcy, still in her pajamas.  “Oh my gosh, hi!” she said with restrained enthusiasm.  She knelt down beside Thistle, who fluttered onto her lap.
Auburn kept his eyes on Marcy, body tense.  He was clearly terrified, but he made no motion to leave.
“He speaks Pixish,” Thistle said. 
“Hi,” Marcy said gently.  “I’m Marcy.”
“I’m Auburn.  You’re really big.”  He swallowed.  “Sorry, um… I'm not supposed to be seen, and I’ve never met a human before.  So, so it’s a little scary.”
“She is pretty big,�� Thistle said.  “But she’s nice.  Do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself?
“Well, um…  I heard that all kinds of creatures live here together in peace, even predators.  So, so I’m interested in.  That.”  He flattened himself against the ground, as though to disappear.  “If that’s okay.”
“Of course that’s okay,” Marcy said.  “Where did you hear it?  Who?”
“A, um.  A tree creature told me.  A dryad.”
Marcy and Thistle looked at each other.
“Could it be the same dryad that told Jax?”  Thistle poked his head into the house.  “Jax?”
Jax crawled forward, just peeking out.  “The dryad that told me was a big tree.”
Auburn shook his head.  “The dryad that told me was a holly bush.”
Okay, they were definitely going to have to coerce Trilloras to come out and answer questions.  They’d already tried every combination of begging, coaxing, and threatening they could think of to get her to come out, yet her sapling remained totally inert.  They were starting to think that maybe she was asleep or unconscious and couldn’t hear them.
“It sounds like they’re different dryads,” Marcy said.  “But that’s okay.  We don’t have to talk about them.  Let’s talk about you.”
Auburn nodded nervously.  “Right, right.  Um.  I just want to live in peace.  So, so if this is a place where I can do that.  Then I want to stay here.  If that’s okay.”
“Sure!” Thistle said brightly, absolutely delighted.  “Sure, we’ll figure out a way you can live here.”
Auburn drew forward slightly.  “Real, really?  Um, mostly I was worried about…where I would hunt.  Um, since–if–it seems like everyone here–”
“We can figure that out,” Thistle said.  “We have a trick.”
“Can we talk about it in the morning?” Moon said.  “I’m not ready to be awake yet.”
“Right!” Auburn squeaked.  “Sorry, sorry for interrupting.  Um, you can, you can go back to sleep.”
Marcy looked from Auburn to Thistle, then sat on the couch.  “I’ll stay down here.”
“Okay,” Auburn said bashfully.  “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.  It’s just to watch things.  You’re probably not tired because it’s night, huh?”
“I’m… tired.  I could sleep.”  He sounded dejected.
“Okay.  Um.  How do you sleep?”
“On the ceiling.”  He looked morosely up at the ceiling.  “But there aren’t any footholds.”
Marcy tapped her chin.  “Oh!  Hold on, I know.”  She went into the next room and retrieved Colin’s pullup bar, mounting it in the doorway.  “There, like that?”
Auburn clung to the wall with his creepy little hands, shimmying up it until he was far enough to push off and jump into the air.  His arms transformed into wings as he flapped them, and he propelled himself up to take hold of the bar.
He hooked his feet around it and hung upside-down, ensconcing himself in his wings like a blanket.  “This, this is wonderful.  Thank you.  I can stay up here?”
“Yeah,” Thistle said.  “That’s okay.”
“Thank you.”
Auburn seemed peaceful enough, but Thistle was still glad that Marcy was nearby.
Despite being too tired to function, he wasn’t sure if he would sleep much with a vampire hanging over the room.
The pixie pile did manage to get a decent amount of rest in the end.  Thistle woke up feeling recharged and energetic–ready for a day full of art.  Because that would be step one to welcome a new resident: it was his responsibility to befriend Auburn so he wouldn’t have to hunt.  Now that he’d already done it with Severa and knew it was possible, it didn’t seem so daunting.  If anything, it was exciting.
True, Auburn was scary.  He was almost as tall as Moon.  His fangs poked out of his mouth.  He clearly was a lot stronger than Thistle.  He slept overhead, hanging menacingly.  And he drank blood–probably, they hadn’t seen that yet.  He’d probably attacked and maybe even killed people.  But he was already here peacefully and seemed willing to do what they asked.  This couldn’t be harder than Severa, surely.
Auburn was still in the same place hanging from the pullup bar in the morning–true to his word, he was fast asleep and looked exhausted when everyone else was stirring.  Teddy and Colin came down, and more introductions were had.  Teddy very valiantly hid her disquiet at seeing Auburn, while Colin was concerned about rabies.  Marcy reassured them it was safe and that she would handle it, although privately she was also a little bit worried about rabies.
Thistle made the rounds to gather a group for a painting session.  Marigold, Jax, and Severa were on board without needing any cajoling.  Moon declared he was going to try it, since he was warming up to Thistle’s silly projects.  Jewel said he didn’t want to do anything involving paint, since it got all over his skin and felt bad in the water, even if it was nontoxic.  Violet couldn’t be coerced to come out even though Petunia definitely would have enjoyed it, but whatever.
“Art is a great way to bond,” Thistle said, laying out his paints.  He had Marcy lay out some canvases for them to paint.  “It’s a great activity to do together, and you can talk while you do it.  This will be a great way to get to know each other.”
“I admit I thought it quite useless at first,” Severa admitted.  “But I am starting to enjoy it more.”
“It’s growing on me, too,” Moon said.
Auburn knelt next to the paints, touching one of the tubes.  “Great!  Um, so, what, what do I do?”
“You, um…”  At this point Thistle noticed that Auburn’s hand was shaking.  “Hey, are you okay?”
Auburn drew his hand back, then gave a pained smile.  “Oh, sorry.  Um, I haven’t, um, I’m pretty hungry, that’s all.”
Thistle felt like he’d been smacked in the face.  That was why Auburn was tired enough to go to sleep last night?  He simply hadn’t eaten and therefore had no energy?  He’d been sitting there hungry enough to start trembling and didn’t say anything?
“Hey, we can’t have fun and bond on an empty stomach,” Thistle said gently.  “Come on, let’s take care of that first.”
“I don’t want to be a burden,” Auburn said quickly.  “I’m sorry.  You don’t have to worry about me.”
“We want to, though.  We wouldn’t tell you to stay here and then make you starve.”  Oh whoops, Thistle had said that and then remembered that Auburn would presumably have to drink someone’s blood.  Thistle certainly wasn’t eager to volunteer himself for that.
Fortunately, Severa spoke first.  “I will help you.  You drink blood, yes?  I have plenty of blood, and my magic is strong.”
Auburn practically wilted with relief.  “Thank you.  Thank you so much.”
Severa reached down and pried one of the scales on her abdomen back, exposing vulnerable, soft flesh.  Auburn crept near.  “It’s really okay?”
Auburn leaned over, shaking, and gently made a soft cut with his fangs, then clamped his mouth over the wound, taking small sips.
Severa put her hand on his head.  A tear leaked from his eye.
After a moment, he drew back, wiping his face.  “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”  Severa pushed the scale back down, wincing but not complaining.
“There,” Thistle said.  “Everyone is okay and feels good.  Right?”
Severa and Auburn both nodded.
“Good.  Now let’s get painting.”
Thistle guided Auburn, Severa, Moon, Marigold, and Jax through laying out their canvas and starting to apply the paint to it.  Marcy participated too, sitting on the floor with a proportional paper.
“So,” Thistle said conversationally as they worked.  “Auburn, can you tell us a bit more about yourself?  What made you decide to seek us out?  Why did the dryad tell you to come here?  If you know.”
“Oh, um.”  Auburn had red paint all over his hands and was putting paw prints all over his canvas.  “Well, my family kicked me out of my colony.  So, so I didn’t really have anywhere else to go.”
“That’s horrible!” Jax cried.  “I can’t imagine if Thistle kicked me out!  Why would they?”
Auburn’s ears drooped, and the motions of his hands became slow and unenthusiastic.
“Jax, he might be sensitive about it,”  Thistle chided.  “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, Auburn.”
“No, it’s okay.”  He dipped his hands in yellow and started making yellow pawprints.  “Well, I’m, um, I’m a Worthless, so when things got tight, I was the first to go.”
The exact word he used was Struntajo, which meant roughly worthless, but he said it like it was supposed to mean something more.  Thistle had never heard anyone use it that way.
“What’s that mean?” Jax said, once again failing to understand what a sensitive topic is.
“We can talk about it later if you want,” Thistle offered, wincing.
“No, it’s okay.  I didn’t realize you’d have no way to know what that is, I guess.”  He clasped his paint-laden hands together.  “Um, when prey is plentiful, vampires will sometimes have an extra pup in their litters that’s small and weak.  If there’s enough to go around, the runt gets enough food to grow up strong.  But, but if there isn’t, then the runt is there to take the hit when they have to make sacrifices if things get worse.”
“Sacrifices?” Severa said.
Auburn shuffled his feet.  “Leave it to die, usually.”
“That’s horrible,” Severa said, utterly horrified.  “They have an extra baby on purpose for the sake of having something to sacrifice if their gamble doesn’t pay off?”
“I mean, it makes sense if you think about it.  At least, I mean.  My siblings all contributed more to the colony than I did.  So, so when resources started getting scarce, it’s better that they could cut me off rather than someone who actually helped.  You know?  As soon as I became an adult they made it clear I had to leave if I didn’t contribute more. It wasn't a surprise or anything.”
Severa clenched the paintbrush she was using so hard that it snapped in half.  “That is a horrible way to think about it.  I could never dream of even considering sending someone I’d raised from a little baby out to die just because they weren’t useful enough.”
Auburn shrunk away from the anger in her voice.  “Er, well, if there isn’t enough to go around…”
“Then you get more, or you yourself go hungry.  That’s what being a mother means, not this- this perversion where children are seen as an investment you expect returns on in the future.”
Auburn rubbed the back of his neck.  “Well, well I’m not a parent, so I guess I wouldn’t know.”
“You’re right,” Severa snipped.  “You wouldn’t know.”
“I’m sorry,” Thistle said, trying to rein the conversation back in.  “That sounds very difficult.  So that’s why you were looking for somewhere else to go?”
Auburn nodded.  “I’m bad at hunting.  I’m small, weak, not a strong flier, and not good at magic.  My family got tired of helping me, so I haven’t been back to the colony.…  I’ve been.”  Tears welled up in his eyes again.  “I’ve been just barely hanging on.  You’re the first ones who have been nice to me.”
“I’m sorry,” Marigold said.  “I’m surprised to find myself sympathizing with a predator at all, but I truly can’t imagine what I would do if my family were like that.”
Thistle was intimidated to think about Auburn being a runt, considering how very large he still was.  Thistle very bravely stood near him.  “Do you want a hug?”
Auburn nodded miserably.
Thistle wrapped his arms around Auburn’s midsection, and Auburn’s arms came around him gently.
“Ooh, you’re soft,” Thistle said into his fur.
Auburn chuckled.  “Glad there’s something good about me, at least.”
“I am not jealous,” Moon announced mechanically.  “I am also soft, and it’s fine that there are multiple soft people in the house that Thistle likes to touch.  It does not reflect on my worth as an individual.”
Thistle sighed and looked over his shoulder.  “Good job, Moon.”
Moon gave him a thumbs up.
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1
pairing: experienced!harry osborn x virgin!afab!reader
summary: harry tracks you down, asking you to go to unity day with him. it doesn't go as planned, whatsoever. he invited someone else and almost died. if you knew that he would almost die, you would've said no. if you knew what going out with him was going to lead to, you would've said no. right?
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of injury, mentions of piercings, suggestive content (no smut).
word count: 7.4k+ words
a/n: this is ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 to my heaven is a bedroom series which uses characters and events from sam raimi's spider-man universe. you can read it by itself or with the rest of the series! i hope you guys like it! ♥
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you were making your way out of your calculous class, dying to get home. the class itself wasn't bad: you made friends with the girls you sat with which made it more bearable. you were just ready to be home, cuddling with your cat.
you rushed out the building and down the steps as you fantasized about your bed. you couldn't wait to get home and out of these jeans. as good as they made your ass look, they didn't beat your pajamas. maybe you'd force get clover to watch a horror movie with you and bug.
you were so engulfed in your planning that you didn't realize someone calling your name. you looked in front of you to see harry. as you were coming out of the building, he must've been going in. he was standing below, a step ahead of you.
"princess coming out of her castle?" he teased with a smile.
"playboy looking for a new bunny?" you knew he didn't have any classes in this building.
he chuckled and shook his head.
"not quite, i've been looking for you, actually."
"you stalking me osborn?" you smirked.
"something like that, yeah. you're a hard person to get ahold of y/n" he admitted.
"what did you need?"
"i wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the unity day festival with me? my father's company throws it so we would be on the balcony, away from everyone else. not that we have to be though, we could go down and do the stuff if you wanted to."
you smiled as you watched him explain himself, trying to convince you to go.
"did all the other girls you asked first reject you?" you asked, assuming you weren't his first choice.
"that depends on your answer. you would be all the girls i asked"
you stood corrected.
it couldn't hurt. you were gonna go with clover but you knew she would you leave you as soon as the guy she liked showed up. you didn't really want to be left by yourself, that'd be kinda sad.
"sure harry" you agreed.
"yeah?" he looked surprised.
"yeah. is there anything i should know beforehand?"
"we'll be with my father's employers and they're all business casual so i'll be in a suit, if you want to wear a dress" he said with a smile.
"okay. i'll meet you at your apartment like an hour before?"
"yeah, yeah that works"
"okay, see you" you said before going around harry and leaving him on the steps.
he watched you walk away looking like he had just won the lotto. he walked towards the building with a smile on his face before he paused and turned to away, reminding himself he didn't actually have a class in this building.
unity day rolled around a few days later, being on a saturday. a tv girl vinyl spun on your record player. bug laid in a little loaf as he watched you repeatedly disappear and eventually reemerge from your bathroom. he made himself quite comfortable at the edge of your bed, watching chaos ensue.
you, like any other girl, tended to leave your room in a tornado after you got ready. it was quite the process and who had the time to try to do everything neatly? not you. you were lucky if you remembered to cap your makeup before you left.
by the end of your natural disaster you were satisfied with how you looked.
you debated for a while on what color dress to wear, usually going with a something black or something red. this time you opted for black, assuming everyone else would probably be wearing bright colors for the festival aspect.
you had chosen a short, black dress. it had short sleeves and a straight neckline. there was a little bow in the middle of the neckline paired with detailing to make the upper half resemble a corset. the skirt flowed out, you didn't want anything to tight-fitting. you wore black tights under it for that same reason, not wanting to show too much skin because you'd probably be in a room with a bunch of old guys.
you shivered at the thought.
you paired it with some black heels to give you some extra height and gold jewelry. you debated on what to do with your hair.
up or down? up or down? up or down? both.
half up, half down. you made sure to slick the top half into a pony, curling the ends of you hair and pony for an extra touch. mascara, blush, and lip gloss would do. this wasn't a date or anything.
at least he didn't say it was.
you sprayed yourself with perfume and air kissed bug before grabbing your little purse and keys, making your way out of your room. you tried to quickly sneak out of the apartment but clover had peaked her head out of her room.
"you're leaving already? i thought we were gonna go together?" she called after you.
"nope, going with peter and harry. have fun with daniel! see you later!" you called before shutting the front door, using your key to lock it behind you.
you would've given her the heads up if you had seen her. you lived with the girl and felt like lately you only saw her when one of you was going out and the other one was coming in. her... situationship was taking up all her time. she wouldn't admit it, but you knew. she tried to hide it, but you knew. secrets were fine, you just needed to even the score a little.
you made your way down the street and walked towards peter and harry's apartment. you were grateful for the light wind and the short walk that made the walk in heels a bit more bearable.
as you rode up the elevator you started to become more nervous.
for some reason.
you shouldn't have been nervous. this was just hanging out with your friend and his best friend. no big deal. wait. harry never mentioned peter. he only mentioned you and him. peter might not even be going. you should've checked with peter first. why is it that you don't check with peter before coming over??
it was too late for all that now as you knocked on the door. thankfully, peter answered this time.
"y/n? hi, i didn't know you were coming over" peter said, confusion rolling off his tongue.
"you didn't?" you questioned.
"no i'm kidding. i definitely did" he said, rolling his eyes playfully as he let you in.
he closed the door behind you and led you into the apartment, towards the stairs.
"you can wait here. harry's almost done. harry, y/n!" peter yelled, grabbing his stuff as he headed towards the door.
"wait, you're not coming?" you asked.
"nope. well yeah, i'm gonna be going. just not with you guys. i'm gonna be working, jameson wants pictures for the paper. possibly, hopefully." he explained.
you nodded. you guys said your goodbyes before he left. not too long after you heard shuffling and footsteps, turning to see harry coming down the stairs.
"oh wow. y/n, you look beautiful" he smiled as he reached the bottom.
he was wearing a grey suit with a baby blue button up underneath. his dark blue, almost purple-looking, tie hung from the middle of his collar.
"you look good in a suit playboy" you taunted, making him roll his eyes playfully.
you weren't lying though, he really did.
"you ready to go?" he asked, a smile still on his lips. you nodded and he lead you towards the door, his hand hovering over the small of your back. he didn't want to push his luck too soon.
you two talked the whole car ride and he was starting to grow on you, a little. you could tell he was trying his best to make a good impression, to not come off too strong or too uninterested.
when you arrived he stopped at the front of the building, looking around for his father, you presumed.
boy were you wrong.
he was still talking to you, his brown eyes seeping into yours. you started to think maybe clover wasn't all that wrong. maybe a talking stage with harry wouldn't be too bad. maybe he wasn't too bad after all.
he was so caught up in your conversation he didn't hear the red-head who was calling his name with a big smile. she was quick to make her way over to him and embrace him in a hug.
"mj, hi" he smiled down at her when she finally pulled away from him.
what the hell?
"hi. sorry i'm late, traffic was terrible trying to get here."
"well i told you we could've picked you up on our way here" he told her.
it was like a lightbulb went off for her and she finally realized that you existed here, before her.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry! i'm mary jane watson" she told you, holding her hand out to shake yours.
mary jane, as in peter's mary jane??
"this is y/n. she's friends with peter and i" harry introduced, you gave him a look at that last part.
was that even true?
"hi" you took her hand and shook it with a smile, glancing over at harry.
you'd be lying if you said you weren't confused, because you were. you told yourself this wasn't a date, it obviously wasn't, but harry had never mentioned anyone else being there. if anything you thought peter would be with you guys, not the girl he liked. what was she even doing here? why hadn't harry mentioned her coming?
this was all so weird. or were you making it weird...?
"come on, we should get upstairs" harry told the two of you.
mary jane nodded and followed his motion to head inside. you hesitated a bit, internally debating if you should've picked being ditched by clover instead of this. harry noticed your hesitation.
"you coming?" he asked as his eyes fell on you, holding out his hand. you gave him a small smile and took his hand as he lead you inside.
the three of you had taken the elevator up to the floor where all of the higher-ups were. harry had greeted quite a few people on your way in, his hand resting on the small of your back now. it was an obvious attempt at a silent apology, a statement that it was you he was interested in, not mary jane.
that still didn't give you an answer as to why she was here though.
harry had left you two to talk, saying that he was going to try and find his father. you could have been mad but, in all honesty, you didn't want to be introduced to his father. doing something like that would mean something and you didn't want that.
not yet, at least.
mary jane was actually pretty nice. she asked you about college and how you knew harry and peter. turns out she's an aspiring actress and she's been doing a few auditions. she said she had recently been rejected. you sympathized with the brutality of that world, mentioning your sister being involved in it.
you could see why peter liked her. there was a small sparkle in her eyes whenever she mentioned peter's name. you don't think she even noticed it herself, but you did. you helped him out every chance you got, mentioning how sweet peter was.
they'd end up together at some point.
before you realized, harry was back at your side.
"i couldn't find my father, i don't know where he's at. i tried calling him but i didn't get an answer" he said, frowning a bit.
"maybe he's just a little late. it's his company, i'm sure he'll be here soon" you offered.
he smiled at you, eyes glancing at your lips before he heard mj.
"look, i see peter!" she smiled, waving down at him.
you looked over the balcony to spot peter with his camera pointing up at you guys and he waved back. from you were he looked like a little ant yet she still managed to pick him out in the crowd.
mj excused herself for a moment, saying she was gonna go use the restroom. you and harry both nodded before she disappeared. you continued to look out at the people from the balcony, feeling harry's eyes on you. you were standing facing one another but he was the only one actually looking.
he had the perfect view of you, one that let him notice little things about you. like the ring of earrings along your earlobe. piercings one after the other up until the top, each hole filled with a gold earring.
"i'm sorry i didn't mention mj coming. it was kind of a last minute thing." he said.
you looked at him.
"are you trying to tell me i really was the first girl you asked?"
"you were the only girl i asked, y/n. mj asked me to come along because she's trying to see if she can talk to someone with connections at broadway. she called to ask me about it last night. i didn't want to tell you because i figured you wouldn't want to come."
he wasn't wrong.
"plus, i figured you meeting her might help pete out. he's been in love with her forever but hasn't made a move" he laughed.
"he doesn't want to make things awkward. it's cute, how in love with her is he is. she's in love with him too, you can tell" you smiled.
"you think so?" he asked.
you nodded.
"you can see it in people's eyes when they love someone or something. they tend to light up, their pupils dilate a little. your eyes will always give you away"
"yeah? and are my eyes giving me away yet?" he asked.
you suddenly realized out close to you he was. his face was just inches from yours as those brown eyes poured into yours. his eyes glanced at your lips again, like he was pleading.
upper hand, y/n.
"oh my gosh. that bathrooms here are so nice!" mj told you guys as she returned.
you created some distance between yourself and harry, leaving room for her between you guys. that was probably for the best because harry's eyes still hadn't left you.
"yeah?" you asked as she stood between you two.
"we should go inside, get drinks" harry said, reaching for you behind mj.
she turned around with a nod, walking on the right side of you as harry tried to subtly pull you closer to him on the left. as the three of you started to head inside you ran into a bald man in a wheelchair.
"oh, hi, mr. fargas" harry said.
"oh, harry" the man replied.
"have you seen my father around?" harry asked, leaning down towards the man.
the man's face faltered, like he was about to give harry bad news.
"well, i'm not sure if he's uh coming today" the told him.
you didn't like the feeling that lingered after he said that.
harry turned to you, grabbing your hand now as he started to go inside but stopped. you were about to protest as harry walked towards the balcony. you were right behind him, your hand still in his. that's when you saw it, something green fly towards you. it flew past you guys.
"what the hell was that?" harry said, his eyes still on the thing.
you watched the thing turn, coming right back towards you guys and slowly started to pull harry back.
"harry" you said, worry in your tone.
the thing was heading right towards you. harry stepped in front of you as he backed up. before anyone could do anything you watched the figure throw something before feeling the balcony start to shake. you heard the explosion before you felt it, various screams following immediately after.
the balcony floor started to crumble and as you tried to stepped back one of the higher-ups pushed past you, making you stumble forward. harry was quick to wrap his arm around you waist and pull you back against him, the both of you falling back onto the floor.
you heard screaming and looked up, seeing mj stuck on a piece of balcony that was slowly breaking off. harry pulled the both of you up onto your feet again, pushing you behind him as the figure circled back towards you guys again. it threw something else and you watched the higher-ups on the balcony disintegrate in front of your eyes. one of them was the bald guy harry has just spoken to.
harry pushed you behind him more and tried to reach out for mary jane but she was too far away. a piece of debris hit him over the head, knocking him out. you tried you best to hold him up but he was too much bigger than you. you sunk to the floor with him in your lap.
"harry?! harry??" you screamed, trying to wake him.
you looked up to see the green figure was rising behind mary jane now. her eyes followed your gaze as she turned to see it too.
"hello, my dear" a man's voice said.
she let out a bloodcurdling scream.
before the green man could do anything you saw a spider-man swing in, knocking the figure off his glider. he fell through a booth on the ground. you watched his glider fly through one of the balloon's, sinking to the floor.
you took the moment to look down and check if harry was still breathing which he thankfully was. your attention turned back to mary jane who was screaming for dear life as the piece of balcony she was on continued to break off of the rest.
spider-man swung towards her but just before he could grab her the figure grabbed him, pushing him into the window above you. the pieces shattered and you covered harry's face with yours.
you could hear the figure repeatedly bashing spider-man's head into the window. after a bit of tussling he fell onto the floor in front of you and reached for mary jane.
"watch out!" she yelled to him.
spider-man was quick to turn around and web the figure's face. he flipped backwards and ripped out a piece of the figure's glider. the figure seemed to stumble, his glider lacking balance as he flew off.
your eyes turned back to mary jane, yelling for her as the piece finally broke off of the balcony and she went over.
"hold on, mary jane!" spider-man yelled before diving after her.
wait. how the hell did he know her name?
you watched him swing away with mary jane in his arms, relief washing over you. you look out onto the crowd to see if you could find peter again but he was no where to be found.
weird. hopefully he ran to safety.
eventually, a first responder came to help you and harry. they got him up and the first thing he did was ask for you. they had to give him a little bandage where the debris hit him. he called a car to take you and him back to his apartment, trying to get ahold of his father the whole ride there. when you guys got there peter was already there.
"peter! omg!" you said throwing your arms around him.
harry was now on the phone with mj, making sure she was okay.
"hello to you too" peter smiled as you pulled away.
"i tried looking for you to see if you were okay but i couldn't find you" you told him as your eyes scanned over him for any injuries.
"i'm fine. i ran off the minute i saw that thing fly in" he admitted.
"its a good thing you did" you smiled.
harry appeared back at your side, off the phone with mary jane now.
"she's alright. she's just a little rattled"
"well at least spider-man was there to save her. he's incredible"
harry's face scrunched up.
"incredible? what do you mean he's incredible?" he questioned as he looked at you.
"what do you mean? he saved mary jane" you asked as you looked at him.
"yeah, yeah. come on, say goodnight to peter" he said, gesturing you up the stairs.
"goodnight, y/n" peter called, chuckling as he watched the two of you banter.
"what? harry i'm not staying over!" you argued as he practically pushed you up the stairs.
"yes you are. it's too late for you to walk home alone, especially after what just happened. you're staying the night." he said as he guided you into his room. you turned to him to protest.
"harry, i have to get home and feed my cat" you tried.
"don't you have a roommate? won't she do it?"
possibly. but you'd have to call her and you didn't know if you really wanted to do that.
"call her and let her know you're with me and peter. i'll drop you off first thing in the morning" he said, handing you his phone as he took off his jacket and went into his bathroom.
you sighed and dialed your apartment phone's number.
"hello?" clover answered.
"hey, it's me" you said, sitting on the edge of harry's bed and taking off your heels.
"oh my god. are you alright?!" she questioned.
"i'm alright. are you alright?" you asked.
harry emerged from the bathroom, leaning against the doorway as he watched you.
"yeah, we're alright"
we. as in her and daniel.
"listen, i'm at peter and harry's. they don't want me to go home right now so i'm being forced to stay the night. could you make sure to feed bug and give him water please?" you asked.
"is it peter wanting you to stay or harry?" clover asked. you could already tell you would be interrogated the minute you got home.
"both. can you feed bug?" you asked again.
"yeah of course. i got it. have fun okay? and use protection! love you!"
"love you" you rolled your eyes before hanging up and handing the phone back to harry.
"bug? as in the bug? as in spider-man?" harry smirked.
"that's one reason why, yeah"
he chuckled as he went over to his dresser, opening a drawer. you watched him pull out a t-shirt and a pair of plaid boxers.
"here, if you wanna take a shower. the boxers are brand new and the shirt's clean" he said as he handed them to you. he disappeared from his room momentarily, coming back with a new body wash and lotion in his hand.
"may gave peter some tropical body wash and lotion that he has yet to use" he said before handing those to you too.
you looked up at him as he went into his bathroom again, motioning for you to follow him.
"there's a lock on the door, if that helps. i put out a fresh towel for you, the red one. mine is green. same thing with the toothbrushes. you can use anything you want in here alright?" he said before turning to you.
"thanks" you nodded with a smile.
he nodded before heading out and closing the door behind him. you smiled to yourself at how attentive he was being.
no. no. no. upper hand, y/n. upper hand.
you turned on the shower and got yourself undressed, putting your hair up. you stepped in and let the hot water drench you body. the tropical body wash was actually pretty nice, you mentally reminded yourself to tell peter to ask may where she got it from. you washed off your face, getting off the little makeup you had left.
you wrapped the towel around you as you stepped out of the shower. you stood in front of the sink, opening the mirrored cabinet. you were looking for deodorant but your eyes first landed on the box of condoms, making you roll your eyes. you found the deodorant and used it, closing the cabinet after. the boxers and t-shirt were baggy but you didn't mind. you let down your hair, brushing it out with the little hairbrush harry had. you silently thanked god that your hair was straightened right now or else this brush wouldn't have cut it. you finally brushed your teeth before opening the door and stepping back into harry's room.
he had changed, now wearing plaid pajama pants and a grey tee. he was fixing his bed until he turned around to see you. he felt his heartbeat pick up a little, seeing you in his clothes. did that... turn him on? yep, it definitely did. your nipples poked through his shirt, making it evident that you didn't have on a bra. he thought you wouldn't but he convinced himself to push the thought away and stop being a creep.
he cleared his throat.
"i uh, i made the bed for you. i just washed everything the other day" he said.
for you?
"are you not gonna sleep here?" you questioned.
"well, no. i'll give you your space and sleep downstairs" he said.
"who said i wanted space?"
"well i just assumed-
"harry, this is your bed. i'm not gonna kick you out. we can sleep together, it's fine. or would you rather me sleep with peter?" you asked.
"n-no! i want to sleep with you. wait, that didn't come out right" he said, screwing his eyes shut and making you laugh.
"come on" you smiled as you got into his bed. he shut the light's off and got in next to you. you both laid on your back as you stared up at the ceiling.
silence filled his room for a while.
"you never answered my question earlier" he sad quietly, turning on his side and looking at you.
"about what?" you asked, looking at him too.
"do my eyes give me away?"
oh. that question.
"i don't know yet. you're hard to read" you answered.
that was partially a lie. harry's eyes told you just how bad he wanted you, you just couldn't tell what exactly he wanted from you. you kept telling yourself he just wanted to hook up with you, but there was a glimmer in his eyes that said otherwise. that must've been in your head.
"thanks for staying with me earlier" he said.
"thanks for not dying on me" you smiled.
you guys were close again, his face probably an inch away from yours. his eyes seemed to keep finding their way back to your lips. he lean a bit, trying to feel out if you would let him finally kiss you.
"can i?" he whispered.
this was all getting too serious. he was getting too close. he was getting to be too much but why weren't you moving away? why weren't you stopping him?
you nodded instead.
"words, y/n. i need to know you're sure" he whispered. his hand had found it's way to your face, thumb rubbing against your cheek.
he leaned in, pressing his lips against yours. it didn't take much longer for his lips to start moving against yours. the hand that was on your face slipped down to your hip, pulling you against him. you opened your mouth a bit more and his tongue took the opportunity to swipe over your bottom lip.
upper hand! upper hand!
you pulled away from him.
"goodnight harry" you turned onto your side, your back pressed against his front.
"goodnight y/n" he said. his eyes lingered on you as you fell asleep.
the next morning you were still pressed against harry. his arm now wrapped around your waist, hand splayed out over your stomach, under your his shirt. he was the first one to wake up, glancing over at the clock.
he didn't move, scared to wake you up. he debated on moving his hand once he realized where it was. as much as he liked this, he didn't want you to feel like he was crossing a line. he slowly pulled his hand away but his fingers grazed over the bar of metal poking through your belly button.
fuck, you had it pierced.
jesus christ, he needed to get it together. you were too close to him for him to be getting turned on right now. he pulled his hand away from your body, waking you up in the process which wasn't what he was trying to do.
"morning, princess" he said, quietly. you hummed in response.
"what time is it?" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
"almost ten" he answered.
you groaned.
he chuckled at your lack of enthusiasm.
"come on, i promised i'd take you home" he said.
harry had given you sweats and a hoodie to wear home. he dropped you off at what he thought was your apartment but was really a block away.
upper hand, check.
you slowly unlocked the door to your apartment with your keys, it was quiet and clover's door was closed. this either meant she wasn't home or was tangled up with daniel. whatever it was, you weren't gonna risk sticking around to find out. you grabbed bug, headed into your room, leaning against your now closed door.
what the fuck was yesterday...
a few days had passed since you last saw harry which was perfectly fine with you. peter hadn't mentioned anything about him, even better. the less you knew or saw of him, the better. he would only distract you and you couldn't afford any distractions right now. as it was, chemistry was kicking your ass. peter had helped you out a few times but it was still a constant struggle for you. which is why you had been sitting at your kitchen island for what felt like forever.
clover had gone out for the night. she wouldn't tell you with who but you knew it was with daniel.
ugh, you couldn't stand him.
which meant she wouldn't be home until late. this was the perfect time for you to study and that's what you had been doing, well trying to do. your notes had been spread out across the surface, your textbook laid open in front of you as you tried to understand.
it seemed like the harder you tried, the more it felt like you were reading a foreign language. you watched as bug walked across the island, sitting himself right in front of you with his tail swaying. whoever made it a requirement for biology majors to take chemistry deserved jail time. actually, they deserved more than that. they deserved a lifetime in he-
you heard the telephone start ringing. you silently thanked god for the distraction as you got up to go grab it.
"hello?" you answered.
"hi y/n"
you smiled, rolling your eyes as you heard your older sister's voice.
"hi chas"
chasity was six years older than you. she went to school for fashion in new york but was quickly recruited for modeling. after a few years in the modeling industry she started styling. anything fashion had chasity's name written all over it. when you and clover moved in she made it her business to make it to new york to help you guys move in and decorate.
"have you been avoiding my calls?" she asked, you could practically hear her smirk through the phone.
"no, why do you say that?"
you usually spoke to chasity at least once a week but you just hadn't had the time. whenever she called you, you were busy and whenever you called her, she was busy. the time difference didn't help either, considering she's been in london the past few months.
"because the last few times i've called, you haven't answered. i had to speak to clover to get the 411 on you"
oh jesus christ.
"there is no 411 on me. i've just been busy with classes. chemistry is kicking my ass"
that wasn't a lie.
"what about your smart friend? what was his name...?" she asked.
"peter. he tries to help me all the time but i feel bad taking it. i don't want him to start to feel like i see him as a tutor more than a friend"
"and what about his friend?"
what the fuck. how did she-
"did clover tell you?" you asked, rolling your eyes and shifting the phone to your other ear as you leaned back against the counter.
"i told you i asked her what was going on with you. i didn't expect to hear that you went on a date. why haven't i heard about this cute boy who's interested in you?"
you could hear she was frowning.
"maybe because it's not true or important chas" you sighed, mentally reminding yourself to yell at clover later.
"what do you mean it's not true?"
"he got me a hot chocolate and tried to walk me home. then he asked me to go unity day with him and almost died. that was it"
not entirely...
"that's basically two dates!" she protested.
"whatever helps you sleep at night" you said sarcastically.
"y/n, i'm serious. this could mean something for you, something that isn't just school and you cat" she said.
"would it do me any good?" you scoffed.
just as chasity had started to rant about you needing to put yourself out there and whatnot, you heard a knock at your door. peter was supposed to be dropping off some notes he had borrowed, he missed the last lecture. you went over to the door and opened it to see harry.
oh great, just what you needed.
harry leaned against the doorway, a smile on his face the minute his eyes met yours.
you stepped aside and motioned for him to come inside quietly while pointing to the phone against your ear. the last thing you needed was chasity to find out the boy she was ranting to you about was in your apartment.
"anyway, this isn't what i called you for" she said.
"so what did you call for chas?" you asked as you settled yourself back against the counter. harry stood beside the island, watching you.
"to tell you that i'll be there in two weeks!" she said excitedly.
"seriously? for how long?" you questioned with a smile.
"a few weeks. i want to be able to spend halloween and thanksgiving with you."
you smiled at the fact that she wanted to spend the holidays with you and the fact that bug was doing his own inspection on harry. he had position himself at harry's feet, looking up at him with his tail slowly swaying.
"great because clover's parents are gonna be in town for thanksgiving too and they've been asking how you were. are you gonna stay here?"
"no, alex has a place. we get in the 28th. i'll let you know the exact time as it gets closer okay?"
alexander was her boyfriend fiancé. they met when chasity was modeling at some show in london. they were friends for a while and he not-so-secretly pined after her until he finally asked her on a date.
"okay chas"
you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone. bug had now made his way over to you, sitting at your feet and eyeing harry from there.
"hi" harry smiled.
"hi harry. how did you find out where i lived?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
his eyes ran over you as he contemplated how he wanted to answer. bug decided this was too boring for him and made his way towards your room. harry cleared his throat and your eyes narrowed as he spoke.
"peter told me"
"peter told you or you asked?" you questioned, cocking your head to the side a bit.
"both. he told me he had to bring you back your notes and i asked to do it for him. didn't know i would find out you had me drop in front of some random building" he said.
harry set your notebook on the counter with the rest of your notebooks, waiting for a reaction out of you. he didn't get much of one.
"its not random, its right around the corner"
"that's not my point y/n and you know it" he said, staring at you.
"guess the cat's out of the bag" you shrugged.
"are you mad at me or something?" he asked.
you shook your head.
"do you want something? water?" you asked him as you opened up the fridge.
harry felt the room get hotter as you turned your back to him.
the boyshorts you had on were cute, sure. they were baby blue with white stripes. there was a white band at the top and three little buttons, making them resemble boxers.
cute wasn't the word harry thought of though. not when they hugged your skin like they were apart of it. and definitely not when the curve of your ass made the stripes curve with it. his imagination was running wild and you had barely spoken to him.
"no, thanks, i'm alright." harry answered.
you turned around, closing the fridge behind you and setting a bottle of water in front of him anyway. your eyes locked on him as you stood in front of him.
"why are you here harry?"
"to give you back your notes" he answered.
"well i got them back. now what?"
this must be new for him. from what you had heard girls were practically throwing themselves at him. most of them did it for the money, but if they weren't, harry was gorgeous enough for them to do it anyways. his ego probably weighed more than his and your body weight put together.
"i wanted to see you" he said.
"you saw me. now what?"
he chuckled and looked away from you for a moment. apparently, you still had the upper hand here.
"what do i have to do here y/n? i feel like i'm missing something." he admitted.
"do you even know what you want, harry? because i don't think you do" you said.
"i want you" he answered.
"no you don't" you rejected.
"i'm pretty sure i do y/n"
"you want to fuck me. there's a difference" you explained.
"i want to do that too but that's not my priority" he said, his eyes glazed over you, landing back on your eyes.
the room seemed to be getting hotter.
"you barely know me, harry" you pointed out.
he stepped closer to you.
"i'm trying to but you're not letting me, y/n"
"i don't have the time for a relationship harry" you said lied.
"you want to keep things casual? because i can do that" he countered.
"i'm not gonna be one of your fuck buddies" you shook you head.
he was invading your space now.
"then don't be. i'm not asking to fuck you" he whispered.
"so you don't want to fuck me?"
"don't try and twist my words, y/n. not when you know i do" he rebuttaled.
all you could do was look at him. there was close to no room between the two of you. he towered over you, those eyes that once resembled honey were now dark and glossy.
"i'm sorry to disappoint" you said, cocking your head to the side with a smirk.
"don't be, we'll get there eventually" he suddenly seemed so confident.
why did he seemed like he had the upper hand now??
"eventually? so you're willing to wait until i feel like i'm ready??" you questioned.
"i'm a patient guy, y/n. especially with things i really want"
his hands had now found their way to your waist, pulling closer against him if that was even possible.
"that's what every guy says and no guy has ever lived up to it" you told him.
wait a minute-
jesus christ, you were a virgin. you said that thinking it would scare him away but it was doing quite the opposite. his pants were suddenly feeling tighter than they were before those words left your mouth.
"i'm not like other guys, am i?" he asked.
"no. you might just be worse"
he was pressing you into the kitchen island now.
when did he get so close? and more importantly, when did you stop caring?
"you've never done it before, have you?" he asked.
you shook you head.
fuck. he shouldn't have asked that. he should've just stayed curious because it wasn't really help his pants situation.
you couldn't deny the pool that was forming in your panties. you wished you could say it wasn't but it was. you wished you could say you didn't want this.
at first, you didn't, but then you did.
"and we're not going to today, at least not that far" you told him.
"how far are you willing to let me go then princess?"
"until i feel like you're getting more than you deserve"
his cock twitched hearing that.
"you're gonna regret this, you know that?" he asked. this had to be just as hard for you as it was for him. it just had to be.
"maybe i already am" you said.
you took one of his hands from your hip. you guided it down, between your legs. making sure to watch his face as you pressed it against the puddle that was forming. even through your shorts, he could feel it. his breath hitched as he pressed two fingers against you.
"damn it, y/n. you can't just do that" he sighed. those pleading eyes were back.
"why? isn't this what you wanted? we can stop, if you want" you whispered.
"if you were anyone else i'd take you right here. right against the counter or on it. whichever one you want" he said, his head pressing against yours.
"i'd like that, but no" you said before pulling away and pushing yourself onto the counter.
he stood between your legs, instinctively chasing how close you once were to him. his hand founds their way to your thighs now as he looked at you.
"so this is the game we're playing then?" he asked.
"why? does that make you wanna quit?" you challenged.
"no, i'm game. do you have rules for this game we're playing?" he asked.
you thought about it for a moment.
"you can't fuck anyone else if you want to fuck me. i don't like sharing, harry"
"yeah i noticed that the other day with mj. done, keep going" he agreed.
"you need to get tested before you even think about doing anything with me. you've been with a lot of girls and as cute as you are, i don't feel like catching anything." you tell him.
if he really wanted, you would get tested too. just to be fair.
"done. anything else princess?"
"you have to actually put in an effort, okay? i'm not just gonna be your fucktoy." you told him.
"you want me to make it official?" he asked you.
wait, huh?
"you okay with becoming my girlfriend, y/n?"
he couldn't mean that.
"harry osborn doesn't do relationships" you pointed out.
"i do now, i do for you. is that alright? will you let me be your boyfriend?" he asked.
you looked at him for a moment. a part of you was waiting for him to take it back but he wasn't backing down.
"you're serious about this?" you asked.
"swear on my father" he nodded.
"you have any rules you want me to follow?" you asked him before answering.
"i don't like sharing either y/n. same thing goes for you" he told you.
you nodded.
"and i'm gonna want you to go out with me"
"you mean when your dad has business events?" you asked.
he nodded.
"galas, charity events, weddings, all of it. i'll buy you whatever you want for them- hell, i'll buy you whatever you want in general but you have to go with me. unless you have school or stuff"
"does that sound fair to you princess?" he asked
you nodded.
"you'll be my girlfriend then?" he asked, wanting an official answer.
"you're gonna regret this, you know that right?"
"i'll take that chance. answer the question y/n"
"i'll be your girlfriend harry" you agreed.
he flashed you his teeth before leaning in to kiss you.
so much for no distractions...
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theknifeclown · 9 months
Introducing Gloom Twilight!
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info dump under cut: SUPER LONG
He is an embodiment of the Twilight sky, he is the transition from day to night, he use to live in the sky, in the clouds but left.... due to family issues
His favorite color is purple
He has a cat named pom:
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She is cuddly, not a single violent bone in her body, he found her right before he left the sky, she was abandoned in a box, sad and hungry
gloom has a calming aura that always just kinda surrounding him, especially when he is sleeping
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If you cuddle with him when asleep, you'll have a deep sleep and calming dreams
He cant open both his eyes at the same time! He isn't entirely sure why, but one eye must be closed in order for the other to open, he can close both of them at the same time though, He usually keeps his Gold eye open because he is legally blind in the red one, he can see vague shapes but that's about it, he opens the red eye when he's about to sleep but doing things like changing into pajamas and brushing his hair as to "rest the other one"
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(another symbolism of balance because I'm artsy like that~✨)
He can play the flute!
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He doesn't like to show off, he usually pulls it out and plays mindless little lullaby tunes on it when he's alone and wants to fill the silence.
...he does have a nightmare form but...
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...let's not discuss it...
He covers his mouth when he laughs or smiles real big because he's afraid a bug will fly into his mouth
AND!! He has a very soft glow to him
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nostalgic-woodwind · 6 days
I'll Be There For You
CG!Husk, CG!Fat Nuggets, and Regressor!Angel
Plot: Angel has a nightmare in the middle of the night and his papa comforts him.
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Request by @yourneurodivergentlady
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Angel's little age: Newborn
TW: Mention of Valentino, diapers (100% SFW, of course—just putting out a warning in case you're not comfortable with the topic)
Original Three Baby Spiders lyrics are from Adventure Time. It Will Be Okay belongs to Helluva Boss; lyrics are edited and modified by yours truly ^^
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It was a peaceful night at the Hazbin Hotel, even though Hell outside painted a different picture with its noisy, rambunctious ambiance. Everyone inside of the hotel was asleep. Even Niffty–who usually hunted for bugs to kill during this time–was sleeping peacefully. In Husk's room, the cat-demon was snoring quietly in his bed. Next to him was Angel, literally sleeping like a baby in his bedside crib. Fat Nuggets was also asleep in the spider's arms. Yep, it was all quiet and peaceful.
2:22 A.M.
Angel woke up from a nightmare that unfortunately involved Valentino hurting him and his pet pig. The bad dream caused Angel's headspace to drop more than it was and he immediately began to cry. Fat Nuggets woke up to the ruckus and became worried. He licked the spider's cheek to cheer him up, but it did little to make him feel better. 
"Wha- huh?" Husk grumbled as he woke up. He sat up and spotted Angel wailing. "Hey, Angel. What's wrong?"
Husk scooted over to Angel and gently picked him up, cradling him in his arms.
"What's wrong, pumpkin, hm?" Husk asked. Angel continued crying, but they lessened as his caregiver rubbed his back. "Did you have a nightmare?"
The spiderling tearfully hiccuped as he hid in Husk's shoulder.
"Shhh, shh-sh-sh-sh, it's okay. I'm here, shhh-shhhh," the cat-demon whsipered soothingly.
Husk stood up from the bed and continued comforting the baby. He then turned on the bedroom lights.
"Can I check if your padding needs changing?"
Angel nodded his head and allowed Husk to check his diaper.
"M'kay, let's get you changed and we'll see about getting you a bottle, yeah?"
Angel nodded his head and sniffled as Husk carried him over to the changing table. After grabbing a pacifier from the paci drawer and popping it in Angel's mouth, the cat-demon wiped away his tears and began to change him.
"Do you want to talk about the nightmare?" Husk asked. Angel shook his head, and Husk respected that as he continued changing him, narrating his actions so the spider knew what he was doing. The cat-demon then got an idea on how to cheer Angel up. He cleared his throat and started to sing.
Three baby spiders
Three bitty baby spiders
Were playing in the sun
The rain came down and it was no fun
La la la la loo la loo
Oh me, oh my, what should they do?
The first spider grabbed some umbrellas
The second spider played and he was happy all day
The babiest of all splashed and had a ball
They grew up very tall and lived inside a wall
Sometimes, the sun shines
even on baby spiders and you
Angel smiled and began giggling in the middle of the song, especially when Husk sang the "la la la la loo la loo" part. He loved the Three Baby Spiders song whenever he was on the younger spectrum of his headspace.
"Yeah, you like that song?" Husk cooed as he taped a fresh diaper on Angel and cleaned his paws with a fresh baby wipe. He then put Angel's pajama pants back on. "Was that silly?"
Angel continued laughing as Husk picked him back up and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"M'kay, let's get you a bottle so you can go back to bed."
The last few words immediately took Angel out of his jubilant mood, and he grasped onto Husk's pajama shirt in terror. He whimpered through his pacifier and hid his face in his caregiver's shoulder.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Husk cooed as he gave a gentle bounce and rubbed Angel's back.
The baby shook his head.
"You don't want to go night-night?"
Angel shook his head again.
"Are you afraid of having another nightmare?" the cat-demon inquired, receiving a nod from his baby. "It's okay to feel scared, rebenok pauk. Nightmares are just bad dreams and will never get you in real time. If you have a scary dream again, Fat Nuggets and I will be right here to comfort you and give you all the cuddles and kisses you want."
Husk planted a kiss on Angel's forehead and carried him downstairs to the kitchen. He set the baby down on the floor so he could make a bottle for him. The spider was not happy about this and began to fuss once his bottom touched the ground.
"I know you want to keep being held, piccolo ragno, but I can't do that right now," Husk said. "I just have to make your bottle. It won't take me but a few minutes."
Husk began making Angel his favorite little drink, angel milk (without sugar, of course, because a sugar rush would ensue). As if on cue, Fat Nuggets walked into the kitchen with the spider's baby blanket. The pig handed the comfort item to Angel, who took it gratefully and cheered up again. Angel cooed happily and gave Fat Nuggets a hug. The spider then yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Is someone getting sleepy?" Husk asked once he finished making the bottle and testing the milk on his wrist to see if the drink was at the right temperature. Angel nodded again as he reached his arms out to the cat-demon. Husk picked him and Fat Nuggets up and carried them back upstairs to his room. 
Once in the bedroom, Husk turned on the bedside lamp next to his bed. He then turned on the lamp next to the rocking chair. The cat-demon then turned off the main bedroom light, leaving the lamps on. He walked back to the rocking chair and sat down. He cradled Angel on his lap. The spider snuggled in Husk's arms while he cuddled Fat Nuggets and his blankie. As Husk began rocking the chair back and forth, he removed the pacifier from the baby's mouth and replaced it with the bottle. Angel drank the milk contentedly as he rubbed his eyes again.
"There we go. You're doing such a wonderful job drinking your milk," Husk praised softly.
The next few minutes were spent with Angel humming sleepily as Husk fed him his bottle. The cat-demon soon grew sad for his baby. He wished he could be there for him all the time. However, a certain piece-of-shit overlord was always trying his hardest to keep the spider from staying here at the hotel. Husk remembered back when he used to be an overlord. Even if he was made of stone, he would never ever allow for someone to go through abuse. If he met Valentino during his overlord era, he would have ripped his antennas and wings to shreds.
Angel's exhausted coos from behind his bottle broke Husk's train of thoughts.
"I'm okay, spiderling. Papa's okay," Husk reassured. "I want you to know something. Remember when we read the Sleepytime book before bed, and the mom said to her kid that she will always be there for her? Well, that's true for you and me. No matter what happens, no matter where you are, I will always be there for you, even when you can't see me. Do you wanna know why? It's because I love you."
Husk then began to sing.
It always seems more quiet in the dark
It always feels so stark
How silence grows under the moon
Constellations gone so soon
I used to think that I was bold
I used to think power was fun
Now all my stories have been told except for one
As Husk sang that last line, he rubbed his nose against Angel's before continuing to sing. 
As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you'll be okay
Everything will be okay
And if the Seven Rings collapse
Although the day could be my last
You will be okay
When I'm gone, you'll be okay
And when Creation goes to die
You can find me in the sky
Upon the last day
And you will be okay
The song ended and the bottle was empty. Angel whinged because of this, but Husk soothed him by placing the pacifier back into his mouth.
"It's okay. It's all okay, now," Husk said as he continued rocking the chair.
Angel calmed down and suckled the soother as he was rocked to sleep for a few more minutes. Once Angel was out like a light, Husk stood up after checking to see if Fat Nuggets was safely secured in the spider's arms and carried them to bed. He gently laid Angel down in his bedside crib and tucked him in. He turned on the crib attachment toy and kissed Angel’s forehead before heading off to sleep himself.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Good evening folks I'm sleep deprived again and you know what that means! Deranged headcanons this time with almost everyone and not just Alastor, reader pops in and out, I lost my hazbin header and I don't feel like going to redownload it rn so I'll edit this tomorrow to add it in, probably, someone remind me.
I can't remember Sir Pentious being around stairs, did we see him go upstairs in the show?? Do the egg Bois carry him? Did he evolve and master the art of snake crawling up the stairs??
You think when he first died he kept faceplanting himself, like stairs were this dork's [affectionate] number one enemy, one wrong move and WAM, BAM, BOOOM Sir Pentious is injured, ouchy
Hear me out on the reader just picking him up bridal style to go upstairs, like the reader doesn't look that strong and then sir Pentious is struggling with stairs so they just 'YOINK'
Okay so Charlie scrapbooks right? Pretty sure that's canon or it's just become fanon enough that I can't remember the difference,
You and Charlie scrapbooking together, like just bonding, pop on some type of movie on the tv, make popcorn and other snacks and get a ton of crafting stuff for scrapbooking.
Vaggie gives off the vibe that she sleepwalks or talks in her sleep like from silly stuff like "gimme back my fruit gummies" to "He's watching you."
Also she has that type of sleepwalking that's just doing routines so you'll wake up to go downstairs and grab water or something and you just see Vaggie in her pajamas swinging her spear around,
You should promptly walk back up those stairs because you do NOT DUCK AROUND WITH ANGELIC WEAPONS.
No idea if Vaggie is still a moth with the whole fallen angel exorcist thing [I'm just imagining exorcists aren't all completely human looking just in grayscale, like imagine a exorcist that's like husk,] but like dangle a lamp Infront of her and it wows her for a few minutes giving you time to escape.
Speaking of husk, does he count as a furry? He does right? I'm imagining if you really really don't like furries and you go below you become a furry, but we saw some folks in heaven, do they get to choose to be furries? [Should clarify I have nothing against furries, Some of the nicest people I've met have been furries, you do you, I'm just wondering]
Do you think he goes to a doctor or a vet? [I don't think he goes to either, he has to be dragged there dude gives off the 'its fine' 'YOU HAVE A GIANT CYST IN YOUR ARM' 'its fine' vibes]
Speaking of animals Angel dust probably had a tough time learning to walk with his spider legs when he first died because they have that bendy bit right? I would fall on my face.
I imagine there's a bunch of learning when you just die and end up in eternal damnation like you get some type of features right?
You think Vox tapes stuff to his face? Like I saw this one fanart with him holding a rose in his teeth but like, he's a flat face TV screen I don't think he can hold that properly without the rose bending.
I'm bringing the hat gremlin reader into this and from my doodles Vox's hat has little spikey legs
They crack his screen, they're like a cat, meow meow
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Same vibes you can't convince me otherwise.
Also Vox looks very biteable, munch munch
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Alastor probably did this if Vox had a flat screen at a point in their past friendship.
I think I said it before but I have a whole plan to take out the Vee's if I ever got isekaied into hazbin, for all purposes if I got isekaied into hazbin I WOULD LIKE TO BE IN HEAVEN. I WOULD NOT WANT TO ENCOUNTER ALASTOR HE WOULD KILL ME [or I'd annoy him to death] I WOULD NOT BE SAFE
Anyways Angelic steel baseball bat, Vox has a screen, WAM BAM DEAD TV HEAD MAN
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Valentino lure him in with a lamp, then angelic weapon and bug spray, 2 for 2
Or am angelic steel one of THESE
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And all I'm gonna say for Velvette is horrible fashion, she'll explode from anger.
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childhood90snostalgia · 8 months
90s/00s TV (Personal Memories)
Kids Cartoons
6teen 101 Dalmatians Aaaah!!! Real Monsters Ace Ventura Pet Detective Aladdin TAS All Grown Up Angela Anaconda Angry Beavers Animal Crackers (Telethon) Animaniacs Arthur Babar The Batman (The WB) Batman Beyond (The WB) Batman TAS Beast Wars/Beast Machines Beetlejuice Big Teeth, Bad Breath (YTV) Birdz Bobby’s World (Fox) Bonkers Braceface The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show Butt-Ugly Martians Bump in the Night CatDog (Nickelodeon) Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Cow and Chicken Danny Phantom Darkwing Duck Dexter’s Laboratory Dog City Donkey Kong Country Doug DuckTales Earthworm Jim Fairly Odd Parents Fly Tales (Teletoon) For Better or For Worse (Telethon) Freakazoid (The WB) Freaky Stories Free Willy (ABC) Garfield and Friends Gargoyles Goof Troop Hey Arnold I Am Weasel Johnny Bravo Katie and Orbie (CTV) Kim Possible The Legend of White Fang Life with Louie Little Lulu (HBO) The Little Mermaid TAS The Mask TAS Mega Babies Mona the Vampire (YTV) Monster By Mistake (YTV) Neds Newt The New Addams Family The New Batman Adventures (The WB) The New Woody Woodpecker Show PB&J Otter (Disney Channel) Pepper Ann The Pink Panther Pinky and the Brain Pippi Longstocking Powerpuff Girls The Proud Family The Raccoons (CBC) Recess Reboot The Ripping Friends Rocko’s Modern Life Rugrats Rupert (CBS) Sabrina TAS (ABC) Samurai Jack Short Circutz (YTV) Silverling (Teletoon) Sonic (Adventures of) Sonic SATAM Sonic Underground Stickin’ Around Tales From the Cryptkeeper TaleSpin Taz-Mania Teen Titans Timon & Pumba Tiny Toon Adventures (Fox) Tom and Jerry Kids Total Drama Island Totally Spies Voltron the Third Dimension The Weekenders What’s With Andy The Wild Thornberrys (Nickelodeon) The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends X-Men Evolution (The WB) X-Men TAS Yvon of the Yukon (YTV)
Batman Fireball XL5 The Flintstones The Incredible Hulk Looney Toons Spiderman Tom and Jerry Yogi Bear
Adult Cartoons
Aeon Flux Beavis and Butthead Captain Star Celebrity Death Match Clone High The Critic Cybersix Daria Delta State Futurama The Head (MTV) John Callahan’s Quads (Teletoon) King of the Hill Mission Hill The Oblongs The Simpsons Space Ghost Coast to Coast (Cartoon Network) Spawn Spider-Man the New Animated Series South Park The Tick Undergrads
Beyblade Digimon Adventures 01 & 02 Cardcaptors Gundam SEED InuYasha Mon Colle Knights Monster Rancher Pokemon Sailor Moon Samurai Pizza Cats Shaman King Sonic X YuGiOh Zoids New Century
Television Series
7th Heaven (The WB) Alf (NBC) Animorphs (Nickelodeon) Are you Afraid of the Dark? Baywatch (NBC) Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (Fox) Big Wolf on Campus Boy Meets World Breaker High (YTV) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Canded Camera (CBS) Charmed (The WB) Clueless (ABC) Dawson’s Creek (The WB) Degrassi Junior High (CBC) Degrassi High (CBC) Degrassi the Next Generation (CTV) Dinosaurs The Drew Carey Show (ABC) ER (NBC) Even Stevens Family Matters (ABC) Fresh Prince of Bel Air Full House Gilmore Girls (The WB) The Golden Girls (CBC) Goosebumps Home Improvement Lassie (1997) Little House on the Prairie (NBC) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Nanny (CBC) The OC (Fox) Radio Active Sabrina the Teenage Witch Saved by the Bell (NBC) Sex and the City (HBO) Sister, Sister (ABC) Smallville (The WB) Smart Guy Student Bodies System Crash (YTV) Teen Angel (ABC) That’s so Raven The Twilight Zone (CBS) White Fang (1993) (CTV) You Wish (ABC)
Educational Programming / Children’s shows
Adventures in Wonderland Art Attack Babar (CBC) Banana’s in Pajama’s Barney and Friends Between the Lions The Big Comfy Couch The Big Friendly Giant Bill Nye the Science Guy Blue’s Clues Caillou (PBS) Camp Caribou Captain Planet Care Bears (ABC) Franklin (CBS) The Friendly Giant (CBC) Hammy the Hamster Iris the Happy Professor Kratt’s Creatures (PBS) Lamb Chop’s Play Along The Magic School Bus Mister Roger’s Neighbourhood (PBS) Mr Dressup (CBC) PJ Katie’s Farm (YTV) Reading Rainbow (PBS) Sesame Street School House Rock Sharon, Lois & Bram’s Elephant Show (CBC) Telefrancais Teletubbies Theodore Tugboat Thomas the Tank Engine Under the Umbrella Tree (CBC) Welcome to Pooh Corner Wishbone (PBS) Zaboomafoo (PBS)
Game Shows/Sketch Comedies
All That America’s Funniest Home Videos (With Bob Saget) American Idol The Amanda Show Battlebots (Comedy Central) Canadian Idol (CTV) Crank Yankers (Comedy Central) The Crocodile Hunter Fear Factor (NBC) The Hit List Jackass (MTV) Just For Laughs Gags (Comedy Central) Kids in the Hall Making the Band (MTV) Much Countdown (Much Music) Much in your Space (Much Music) MuchOnDemand (Much Music) Much Mega Hits (Much Music) Much Spotlight (Much Music) Much Top Tens (Much Music) Newlyweds Nick and Jessica (MTV) Playlist (Much Music) Pop-Up Video (Much Music) Price is Right Punk’d (MTV) The Simple Life (Fox) Supermarket Sweep Uh Oh Unsolved Mysteries (NBC) Video and Arcade top 10 (YTV) Video On Trial (Much Music) Where in the world/time is Carmen Sandiego Whose Line is it Anyway? Win Ben Stein’s Money (Comedy Central)
Television Networks/Programming
Fox Kids Much Music One Saturday Morning PSA’s Teletoon TGIF YTV - The Zone / Snit Station / Short Circuitz
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emira-addams · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel - Alastor & Rosie - One Hell of a Team
TW: 18+
Their first murder leaves Alastor and Rosie with a special taste…
The scorching summer sun shone mercilessly down on the Louisiana Country Club, which stood out like a filthy stain in the wasteland of endless farmland and vast countryside. The country club was surrounded by rough, dry meadows and extensive woods.
The heat blazed over the lush green of the golf course. Sprinklers danced and the sun painted glittering rainbows as white golf balls flew through the air and across the grass.
A gentle breeze allowed the mellow grass to sway lazily in the warm wind, while countless bugs buzzed and hummed restlessly in the stifling heat.
The polished windows of the main building reflected the glaring sunlight, while the clear sky stretched above Alastor’s and Rosie's heads and not a single cloud dared to spoil the idyllic picture of pure blue. Even the birds were silent, with only the lively twittering of overzealous crickets interrupting the peace and quiet of the afternoon teatime.
Alastor and Rosie sat in the protective shade of a parasol at a table on the terrace with a cup of tea.
"Hm..." Rosie enthused, lavishly. "Today really is a wonderful day, wouldn't you say, Alastor?" she inquired of her best friend, the gentleman seated opposite her in a white shirt, black bow tie, and round glasses perched on the tip of his nose.
"Heaven on earth and a pure bliss," Alastor replied serenely, a smile curling his lips. "Care for more tea, my dearest Rosie?"
Alastor rose elegantly from his chair, lifted the teapot, and with a gentle hand, poured some more for the lady. The sound of Fats Waller's rich voice and how she sang the lyrics of "Ain't Misbehavin'" spilled from the speakers of the small table radio, sizzling and static-ridden, the rustling melody accompanied by his piano playing.
"I dare to say, the jazz craze is taking over, eh?" Rosie steeped her Assam with sugar cane. Slowly, her spoon stirred in her cup until the crystals dissolved into the dark brew. Sideways, she caught Alastor's grimace at the sight of the huge amount of sugar cane in her tea. "The rhythm, the spontaneity. Quite the bee’s knees. Heard of the new jazz joint downtown? Been there yet?" She rested the spoon on the saucer and brought the porcelain to her lips.
"Jazz, eh? Haven't stepped in yet, but the music and its leading voices quite captivate me." Alastor sipped his own Assam, prefering his tea without sugar. "These country clubs, so buttoned-up, they create their own lost world. Everything there is so... stiff… Jazz on my radio broadcasts could be the cat's pajamas, a real breath of fresh air, or should I say, a blast from Louis Armstrong's trumpet?"
"Alastor, miming the wag for once," Rosie sniggered in amusement. "But you're right. Jazz is the new sound for the escapism this spoiled society craves."
"Absolutely, a splendid escape. Speaking of escape, heard about the party next weekend at the Fitzgeralds’. They’re promising something ‘unprecedented and utterly daring’.” Alastor gestured grandly, then leaned close to Rosies ear, ensuring their chat wouldn’t have an unwanted audience. “I suspect they’re just desperately aim to outdo the Morgans’ bash from last month. Rumor has it, they're planning to introduce the Charleston to the elite. It’ll be quite the spectacle, watching the old guard cutting a rug."
"Oh, the competition never ends, does it? These bashes, tiresome, and becoming more and more of competitions for the biggest show-off. Who can be the most extravagant, be the talk of the town. Like we're all characters in a novel, vying for the most dramatic storyline."
"Indeed." Alastor always had more tea to spill during his outings with Rosie, ever keen on the latest gossip and sharing it with his best friend. "Caught wind of the Robinson debacle? Their latest venture has failed spectacularly. They're practically social pariahs now. It’s all the town can talk about. Seems their stock’s is falling faster than hemlines!"
Rosie waved it off. "Heard, and can't say I'm all wet," she whispered, swiftly glancing all around. "Always too big for their britches… They were always so utterly confident, almost arrogant. Watching their fall from grace is like observing a meticulously planned fireworks display that ends in a fizzle. There’s a certain… satisfaction in it…"
A broad grin graced Alastor’s grimace. "Schadenfreude, my dear friend, which is the word you were looking for, a really snazzy German term. But it’s hard not to indulge when the high and mighty take such a spectacular nosedive. It’s the most entertainment we get around here, apart from my fantastic radio broadcasts."
"Spot-on..." Rosie muttered, downing the last of her Assam. The contents of the teapot were completely bone dry. "Speaking of entertainment," she changed the subject of their conversation. "I was mulling over of hosting a little soirée of my own. Nothing like these grandiose displays, mind you. More intimate, with real jazz musicians. I want to see our peers let their hair down, for once. We’ll have it all—music, dance, and maybe even a bit of bootlegged gin, the hooch to loosen up the stiff collars."
Alastor applauded his hands with zest. "A really splendid idea, my dearest Rosie! Let's show them how it’s done and give them something to jaw about. This time we could be the trendsetters. Just imagine the talk it’ll stir up, us hosting something so… authentic. It’ll be the cat’s pajamas!"
"Exactly my thought, Alastor!" Rosie beamed, her enthusiasm palpable. "High time we spiffed up these gatherings with some genuine fun. Let's put our heads together on it. It'll be our little project, a gem of authenticity in a sea of fakery. We'll be the talk of the town, the big cheese, the darlings of the Jazz Age, flappers and philosophers in equal measure."
Alastor scrutinized, swirling the empty teapot back and forth. "Oh, I'm all in. Let’s shake up this stiff status quo. More tea, or shall we start planning our soirée? After all, rebellion is the greatest form of flattery in these modern times, wouldn’t you agree?"
Dusk painted the grasslands and woodlands of the Louisiana Country Club in the most beautiful colors, a brilliant yellow and a blazing orange. In the last light of the fading sun, the shadows grew. The heat was waning and the staff had already started to close the parasols. The first exterior lights flickered noisily to life, the electricity crackling. A bunch of boys were busily collecting the white golf balls scattered across the green grass.
"I reckon it's time to beat it..." sighed Rosie melancholically as Alastor, ever the thoughtful gentleman, offered his assistance and helped her to stand up. Further planning of the soirée would be postponed until their next outing. "The day's wearing thin and you know how angry Franklin can get if I'm not back before the lights are out..."
"Hm..." Alastor muttered as he handed her her hat and offered her his arm. When Alastor touched her, she winced. "Oh, Rosie..." He read her straight through. "You're a very special kind of actress, but even your smile for your old pal can’t mask the anguish in your eyes." Before Rosie could respond, he had carefully taken her wrist and exposed her arm. Under the silky fabric of her dress, gruesome abrasions, ghastly scratches and deep blue marks appeared on her pale skin. She froze in horror in his hold. "You know I've got no use for your husband," he spoke in a soft voice. His fingertips dragged their comforting circles over her arm. "I don't like the way he treats you and his manners towards a dame are distasteful. I would prefer to make him-"
"Alastor, don't-" Rosie interrupted him in his sentence as she quickly freed herself from his hold and hid the cruel sight of her arm under the fabric of her dress again. She closed her eyes as her fingers clawed into the cloth of his shirt. Her voice fell to a faint whisper. "You know how my father promised me to my husband. It was a business deal and I wasn't given the say or the luxury of complaints." She sighed. "I-It... It's gotten unbearable with him, Alastor. This marriage... it's... suffocating..." The rest of her words died on the tip of her tongue. Her voice trembled as her fingernails dug into his flesh. They strolled slowly around the country club building.
"Rosie..." Slowly, the everlasting smile slipped from Alastor's face. "I have known you for years, you are my oldest and closest confidant. I was reluctantly forced to watch you fade into a shadow of yourself in the presence of that abominable man, and I must admit that it pains me greatly to see you so diminished. What he is doing to you is not-"
"Alastor, please pipe down your voice," Rosie pleaded. Nervously, she began to chew on her lower lip and quickly looked all around. "Franklin is a man of high repute, no doubt revered by many, a man above reproach. And I... I am merely his arm candy, the canary with clipped wings and caged in gold, sweating to live up to what society expects of me… I gotta play the dutiful wife, because I am the fool…”
"You can't be justifying his violent behavior towards you!" Alastor objected, full of anger and protest, but also helplessness. "Neither his age nor his wealth, let alone his position as your husband, allow him such a right."
Rosie fought down a harsh sob as teardrops shimmered in the corners of her eyes, threatening to blur her vision. She quickly blinked them away. "What’s to be done, Alastor?" she desperately asked her best friend. "I can't find a way out of this marriage. Filing for divorce and leaving Franklin would cause a scandal and shame... I’d be a marked doll. I probably wouldn't be able to step outside the door again."
"Oh, my dearest Rosie..." Alastor sighed softly. When they reached the waiting car in the driveway, he pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her before opening the door to the back seat for her and they separated. "I promise you, you're not in this alone. We'll scout out an escape, somehow we'll dig up a way for you," he whispered. "I promise you that you can count on me."
Rosie took a deep breath, wiping the traces of tears from her cheeks. There was a weak smile on her lips, overshadowed by her somber expression and the hopelessness in her eyes. "You are my port in a storm. Thanks, Alastor."
"Sure thing! In case of need, you know who to buzz." He gave her an encouraging smile as he bid her goodbye "I wish you a good night, Rosie."
"Nighty-night, Alastor."
The next night was dreadfully dark.
The starry shape of the moon was missing from the firmament. A black moon ruled over the darkness and the dense clouds drowned out the last light of the stars. Sheer endless stacks of gloomy black clouds smothered the sky. A warm wind blew. Its hideous howling echoed like a dog's whining and wailing between the buildings. In the distance, thunder rumbled sinisterly and glaring flashes of light split the sky, roaring and crashing.
A severe storm was looming on the horizon.
The glaring flashes of lightning shattered the deep darkness of the night as the thunderclap that followed tore Alastor roughly from his peaceful dreamland. He was startled out of his sleep with a strangled shriek as the ceiling above his head trembled. Again and again, the sky was split into thousands of pieces by glaring light, the stars shattered into shards and the earth seemed to shake, while the storm and the wind raged against one another like two wild beasts in battle. Rain roared.
Alastor sighed sorrowfully. He closed his eyes and rubbed his raging temples when suddenly the soft ringing of the telephone from the kitchen reached his ear, the sound muffled by the closed bedroom door. "The phone?" Surprised, he glanced at the clock display on his wall. "Who would...?" he pondered as a feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach. "Rosie!" Filled with fright, Alastor leapt from his bed. His leg tangled in his lay and he didn't take a very glamorous fall onto the hard wooden floor.
"Damn..." Under bated breath and between curses, Alastor pulled himself back onto two legs before sprinting barefoot out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to the phone. He yanked the receiver from its stand. "Rosie?" He listened to the stunned silence on the other end of the line as irritated fingers rubbed the sore spot on his arm from his fall off the bed. He stifled a yawn and tried to keep the sleep out of his voice. "Rosie? What's the matter? It's quite an ungodly hour for a call from you..."
"Alastor?" A strangled whisper broke through the static, her voice trembling. "I-I... I find myself in quite the predicament... I... I fret I've done something dreadfully wrong... Something most unfortunate has happened to my husband. Alastor, y-you must come here immediately..." Rosie's voice broke off.
"What happened?" Alastor was wide awake, frantically rubbing the remaining sleep from his eyes. "Rosie, I need you to speak to me more clearly. Are you in harm’s way?" The silence and the incessant static on the other end of the line were driving him crazy. "Rosie? Rosie, please talk to me."
"Oh, Alastor... I don't dare over the phone. Could you possibly make your way here?"
He heard her unsteady breaths and heavy sobs through the receiver. "Hang in there, Rosie. Promise me you'll stay up wherever you are, do you hear ? I am getting dressed and making my way out as we speak, please leave the door ajar for me. Whatever happened, we'll deal with it together."
"Please, just make haste, Alastor..."
"I’ll be there posthaste. Please try to stay sane until then, will you?" he promised, when the next moment lightning struck with a roaring thunderclap and the line went dead. He clenched his fists, cursing, and slammed the receiver back into its holder. Alastor had to get to Rosie pronto.
"Rosie!" His voice cracked. Frantically, he strove to shout her name against the crushing silence as he rushed through the heavy front door of the mansion, his boots muddy and his clothes soaked to the bone by the pouring rain. Dark strands of hair hung in his face, the lenses of his glasses were blind and he had armed himself with an axe, just in case.
Alastor strained to hear. "Where are you, Rosie?" The eerie silence seemed almost peaceful as he listened to the rapid, fast-circulating blood rushing through his veins and his heartbeat echoing loudly in his ears. His knuckles turned white as they clutched the wet handle of the axe tighter.
"Rosie?" whispered Alastor. The dim light of the antique lanterns along the walls flickered nervously. The reddish glow of the rising morning sun fell against the rigid walls of the mansion, creating ominous shadows, dust specks danced bustling in the first sunshine. In the distance, the bells of the church chimed solemnly for the full hour. Faintly, almost tenderly, each of the individual strokes against the dull metal mingled with the bizarrely cheerful chirping of the birds and echoed hauntingly in Alastor's head, while his wheezing breath slowly strangled his throat and filled his lungs with wadding.
"Where are you, Rosie?" His mouth was dry, his hurried footsteps bouncing back from the towering brick walls of the mansion, betraying his panic as his restless gaze twitched back and forth, keeping a careful eye on the shadows.
"H-Here..." Suddenly, the wretched sound of her voice came from the kitchen.
Alastor dashed towards the kitchen.
"Goodness gracious, Rosie! What has happened here?" As Alastor entered the room, he suddenly stepped in something moist. A sticky liquid stained the tips of his boots and the stinging smell of a mixture of iron and salt crept into his nose. The smell of blood clouded his senses as he stood stiff and silent in the red puddle, but then he spotted Rosie.
Her silhouette crouched on the ground with her head down and her shoulders slumped. The gleam of the knife blade in her hands shed an ominous, shimmering glow on the scene. Her husband's body laid amidst shards of glass and a smashed chair.
Alastor took a deep breath, then crossed the pool of blood on the kitchen tiles with steady steps and sat down with his best friend, sighing in sadness. The brass handles of the cupboard doors dug into his spine. "My dear Rosie, let's set the knife aside, shall we?" Carefully, he freed it from her tight grip.
"Oh, Alastor..." her voice whispered weakly, stifled by heavy sobs. "W-What have I done?" Eyes sunken and cheeks wet with tears, she stared stunned at her bloodied hands. "I didn't mean for it to come to this. Oh, Alastor, I had no wish to cause harm and hurt him. My only desire was to protect myself from him but then the things took a dreadful turn…”
"Is he dead?" Alastor demanded to know, his voice low. He rose and stalked over to her husband, his chest rising and falling weakly with rattling breaths. More and more blood oozed from the wounds of his injuries as the pool on the floor grew.
Rosie shook her head swiftly. "I believe he is still drawing breath, albeit faintly. I am filled with fright, Alastor, truly frightened..."
"Hm..." Lost in thought, his boot nudged his body, Franklin tried to stir with a grave groan. "Rosie, listen carefully. We must remain composed now. Taking him to a hospital is out of the question, as it would raise far too many inquiries. Yet, do not fret, we get through this predicament together..."
Rosie looked at her best friend, her eyes wide with fear. "But what shall we do for him, Alastor? If he... if he succumbs, I shall be branded a murderess!"
"Now, now, my dearest Rosie, please do not distress yourself with such thoughts..." Alastor asserted. He got down on his knees next to her husband and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. "No one will talk about you as a murderess" he promised her. "No one will ever know what happened here and no one shall cause you harm evermore." An ice-cold smile graced his lips as he stared deep into Franklin's eyes and wrapped his hand around his throat.
Franklin gasped. A mixture of blood and drool gushed from his mouth, snot ran from his nose and spread across his chin. His eyes bulged out of the sockets of his skull as Alastor firmly squeezed his throat. Deep crimson color built in his face, Franklin spat and spluttered blood. Alastor stared him straight in the eyes with a gleaming grin as the last of his life drained from them.
A low laugh escaped Alastor, he smiled in satisfaction, as he rose quickly and kicked the lifeless body on the ground one last time for good measure with the tip of his boot.
Franklin was dead.
"Rosie? Are you all right?" Alastor asked carefully.
"Yes, thanks to you... I am truly grateful, Alastor..." Rosie sniffled. She wiped the last of her tears away with the sleeve of her dress.
"I-I... I cannot fathom what I would have done without you. The fear was overwhelming, yet now you are here, and it seems as though all could be well once more..."
"Indeed, all shall be well," Alastor assured her.
His best friend looked up at him silently as he got down on his knees in front of her, regardless of the pool of blood. He cupped her cheeks with his bloody hands. "What should we do with his body now?" she wanted to know calmly. "I surely cannot bury Franklin in the flower garden. Would that not be the first place they would search?" She scrunched her nose up, still sniffling. "Moreover, I fear his decomposing remains would mar my roses..."
"Hm... Perhaps I am aware of a more covert method to ensure he 'vanishes'..." Alastor murmured, lost in his thoughts as the last tears escaped Rosie's eyes and the salt water mixed with the blood on her cheeks. Carefully, his fingertips wiped over her cheekbones. "Hm," he hummed with delight as he licked his bloody fingertips.
Suddenly the expression in Rosie's eyes changed, her gaze became hungry. Saliva collected in the corner of her mouth as her tongue licked over her lips. Her fingernails dug firmly into Alastor's flesh as her cold fingers wrapped around his wrist and she turned his palm towards her. Then slowly, her tongue began to lick over his bloodied hands.
"Are you still in possession of the recipe for jambalaya I shared with you, the one from my mother, my dearest Rosie?" Alastor asked.
"Yes, but the quantity of meat would be excessive for our consumption," Rosie added with a deep frown. She cast a cursory glance at the calendar on the kitchen wall. "We're lucky!" she said cheerfully. "Fortuitously, the elementary school is slated to host a summer festival this weekend. Franklin was to be the guest of honor, and the committee had requested I contribute a culinary dish or dessert. I had contemplated a cake, but jambalaya might indeed be more fitting."
"That's my brave dame," Alastor stated proudly as he helped his best friend to her feet and pulled her into a tight hug. Arm in arm, they stood embraced on the sill between the cold tiles and the warm pool of blood, dancing in small circles around each other, holding each other still and silent. Their hands found one another and their fingers intertwined. In the middle of the dawn, in the warm glow of the rising sun and the stone floor at their feet, they swayed gently to the music of a song that no one but they would ever hear. They hummed to the melody that the wailing wind sang for them alone. The horrors were forgotten and for the moment the storm completely ceased its rampage. "Now, take deep breaths, Rosie. I am here for you, you are not alone. Gather the pots and pans, and I shall retrieve the necessary tools from the shed."
"Don't we make one hell of a team, Alastor?"
"Indeed, my dearest Rosie!"
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
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Renaissance Masterlist
AN: I LIED. It's out tonight, though it is 11:45 here, so close enough.
Feyre tells Rhys she's pregnant won the bonus chapter poll, though the honeymoon was a very close second. I was watching the results like, are y'all serious?
CW: Smut. Tooth-rotting fluff. You know, smluff. The usual.
Word Count: 1188
Bonus Chapter: And Then There Were Three
This was not how she imagined the girls’ trip ending. Mor, being the cool cousin, decided to take Avy on a beach vacation in celebration of her graduation. They’d invited Feyre along, suggesting Rhys and his brothers plan some sort of boys’ trip or hang out. It started out well enough. They’d have five days of lounging in the sun or swimming and then come in for dinner and movies. Maybe a little wine. Then Feyre caught a stomach bug. Or she thought she had.
Until she realized her stomach was only turning at certain smells. Ones she typically approved of. Then she recognized she’d yet to run a fever, and recalled it had been long enough since her last cycle to be concerned, even if she had always been irregular by a few days.
Now, staring down at the pregnancy test she’d gone to buy that morning, that line made her condition clear enough. Washing her hands, she stepped out of the condo’s bathroom. 
“Well?” the waiting pair demanded together, both more than eager to drop the word aunt in front of their names.
There was really no way to tell Rhys first at this point without flat out lying to the girls. “I suppose it’s a good thing you two have been the only ones drinking on this trip.” She flinched at their squeals of excitement, accepting their hugs a moment later. “Okay, okay. Don’t break any ribs, please.”
Her phone buzzed with a text and she detangled herself to grab it. Two messages from Rhys popped up.
Missing you. 
Can’t wait till you’re home.
She smiled. Boys’ weekend that bad?”
Cass is drunk and singing. Az and I don’t know what to do with him until he passes out.
Sing along until someone’s ears start bleeding? she proposed.
I’m glad you find my suffering funny.
I’ll leave you girls be. Goodnight, my love.
“How are you gonna tell him?” Mor asked when Feyre set the phone down. 
She shrugged. “The same way I’d tell him anything else. I’m not worried. I know he’ll be thrilled.”
She and Rhys had agreed months ago that Feyre could come off birth control. Even as calm as he had been on the subject, she’d seen the new light in his eyes when she said she wanted to start trying for a baby. Neither of their families had been perfect, but they would make it work, whatever challenges came their way.
“The same way you’d tell him anything else? Well where’s the fun in that?” Avy asked.
“Lord help me. You two are terrible.”
In the end they’d agreed on a “souvenir”. In truth, it was a gift bag with a rattle and onesie under a couple layers of tissue paper. Unoriginal, perhaps. But it didn’t need to be a grand affair. “Rhys?” Though his car was out front, the empty house told her enough. She shrugged, heading to the master bedroom to open Bryaxis’ crate and change into pajamas.
She heard the front door open. “Feyre?” 
“I’ll be back out in a minute!” Twisting her hair in a clip, she came back out to the living room. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He stooped to kiss her cheek. “I missed you. You ladies didn’t let my sister get too drunk, did you? She is still underage.”
“She was with two responsible adults, despite what you may believe about your cousin. You and your parents can stop all the fussing. We took care of her.”
“I was teasing.” He slumped into the couch, tugging her into his lap. “Mostly. Right now, the only thing I really want to think about is how dearly I’ve missed my wife the past five days.”
She smiled. “I brought you something bag, you know.”
Her smile broadened and she tucked her face into his neck. “That gift back in front of you isn’t for the cat.”
He hummed, shifting forward to pluck it from the coffee table, furrowing his brow at either the lack of weight or the muffled plinking of the rattle. She bit her lip as the tissue paper slipped from his fingers, his body tensing beneath her. “Rhys—”
He laughed, his beautiful smile breaking through that shock. “Feyre, you’re really—I mean, you're certain?”
“I tested positive on the beach trip. I was feeling sick and other things started lining up. I’m pregnant.”
That pure glee softened as he cupped her face, kissing her soundly. “Feyre. My Feyre.”
Her back hit the cushions of the sofa. “At least take me to bed, you mongrel.”
He chuckled, cradling her in his arms once more, practically growling as she stretched to scrape her teeth against his neck. “Fuck. Feyre.”
“Now if we could put those two things together.”
He grinned, laying her down and pulling his shirt over his head. “You’re a mess,” he groaned into her neck before pressing a kiss there. “And you make me a mess. And I thank God every day that you do. I don’t know where I’d be without you, Feyre.”
“Living it up like any other guy in his twenties, I assume. Lucky for the both of us I saved you from that method of dating.”
“You and that smart mouth,” he growled, dragging her shorts down her legs, her panties and shirt joining it seconds later. He kissed down her collar, between her breasts, and lower still, to where their child would soon be growing. Her throat tightened as he lingered there. “God, I love you.” 
He pulled back long enough to peel out of his jeans, rolling over to pull her on top of him, the hard length of him pressing against her. And as eager as she was for that… This time she was the one sliding down the bed, her hands and mouth trailing over his chest and abdomen as she made her way down. He choked as she took him in her mouth. “Feyre.”
One word—her name alone—and he sounded positively feral. It was truly her favorite sound. He hissed as she took him deeper, nearly hitting her gag reflex. She would have taken more, had he not pulled her off of him and back up to a desperate kiss. She sank down on him with a low groan, hands bracing on his shoulders as he gripped her hips to hold her still. To say she was impatient at the moment would be an understatement. “Rhys.”
He cursed as she clenched hard, her nails biting into skin. Though his grip remained firm, he let her shift over him, each stroke bringing her closer to the edge. She cried out as her release crashed through her, at first barely registering Rhys rolling them to flip their position in the bed before thrusting deeper, already working her into her second orgasm. But rather than the pinch of teeth or filthy words, it was a kiss that sent her over the edge. Tender, passionate, and claiming in its own gentle way. 
It was a promise. One they both meant to keep, granting their child the picture-perfect family they deserved. Granting themselves their own happily ever after.
@goddess-aelin // @shallyne // @the-lonelybarricade // @the-lost-changeling // @faeriequeensuriel // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @acotar-fanns // @reverie-tales // @acourtofwips // @jealousveronya // @darling-archeron // @elentiya-whitethorn // @gwynkyrie
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starryqueen-18 · 4 months
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.Ok so in chapter 3 there's this event called "A man's fantasy" where the girl members of the council gets change for some party. Now in this alternative is different, the boys are dressed up for a sleepover, I was kinda thinking of draw them getting ready for a bug hunt but then "cute sleepover! Put them in jammies!" Aww poor Ryoma he look a bit down, probably his height, Gonta is cheering him up while Kokichi pointing at a box kirumi is holding.
Now Ryoma is wearing a blue pajamas with black stripes on his sleeves and pants and the center a cat!
Gonta has a bright green pajamas with a cute bug on the front of it and his hair sorted into a ponytail style with a cute bee accessory, kirumi must of styled it.
Kokichi's Pajamas, well just a simple shirt with checkered pants. Quick note this is drawn long ago .
Alright I hope you guys enjoy this and have a safe and kawaii Day or night
Bye :3
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undead-aurora · 1 year
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⋆⭒⋆☽❍☾⋆⭒⋆Lana Legacy Challenge⋆⭒⋆☽❍☾⋆⭒⋆
TW: dark themes (drugs, alcoholism, cults, gangs).
This challenge is (loosely) inspired by some of my favorite Lana songs. It also draws inspiration from other challenges, such as Not So Berry, Rags to Riches, Asylum, Crybaby Whims, etc. 
Required Mods: Basemental Drugs, Basemental Gangs or Extreme Violence, Zerbu’s Venue Changes. 
Suggested Mods: Deaderpool’s MC Command Center, Wonderful Whims (attraction system), Simsmodelsimmer’s Realistic Reactions Cheating Overhaul, Hybrid Through Gameplay (for occult hybrids), UI Cheats (very helpful to deal with bugs), LittleMsSam’s More Wood Works (for gen 8). 
Required packs: Get Famous, City Living, Get Together, Discover University, Get to Work, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Island Living, Strangerville, Realm of Magic, Vampires, Dream Home Decorator, Werewolves, Paranormal Stuff.  
Suggested packs: High School Years (Gen 2 and 3 traits), Eco Lifestyle (Gen 2 and 8), Spa Day (Gen 1 trait) Tiny Living (Gen 6), Nifty Knitting (more crafts for Gen 8).
General rules: 
Turn neighborhood stories off.
Aging must be set to normal or slow.
Hard mode: start each generation with 0 simoleons and build each home and required lot by yourself. 
Each generation must max out the designated skills and reach the top level of their career. 
If an heir dies, you may revive them or continue the challenge with a next of kin.
You’re free to control the sims in your household who aren’t your heir or related to your heir. They can also be completely autonomous.
For gen 3, you're allowed to live on-campus in university and then move to San Myshuno.
Gen 1: Money, Power, Glory
Career: Actor 
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Skill: Acting 
Traits: Materialistic, Self-Assured, High Maintenance (or Self-Absorbed).
Home: Empty lot in Del Sol Valley 
Lot challenge/trait: Penny Pixies
You’re the only child of a homeless, deadbeat parent who spends every simoleon that falls into their hands on dope and booze. This has instilled in you the determination to not only get off the streets, but also become rich and famous when you’re older. Slowly but surely, you make enough money to build a small home that one day will transform into a luxurious mansion, or at least one can dream. You grow up to be quite the looker and charmer, not to mention talented, so your goal of making it big on the silver screen is finally within reach. You catch the eye of a famous big shot you end up having more than a fling with, resulting in an pregnancy. But as infatuated as you are with your baby daddy/momma, your eyes are always on the prize first and foremost. You’ve heard the name of the latest lottery winner and can’t get it out of your mind.
- Start out with 0 simoleons as a child, living with an unemployed, single, drug addicted or alcoholic parent. - Survive off of fishing, hunting for collectibles, or doing any activity you can do as a child and teenager to make money.  - As an adult, join the acting career. - Buy the Beguiling reward trait. - Work towards affording a mansion and gradually upgrade plumbing, appliances, electronics, and comfort items. - Seduce a famous sim and have a child with them.  - Marry a lottery winner for their money.
Gen 2: Video Games
Career: Videogame Streamer (or eSport Gamer)
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Skill: Beer Brewing (Juice Fizzing) or Mixology 
Traits: Geek, Socially awkward (or Clumsy), Overachiever (or Ambitious).
Home: Influencer house in San Myshuno
Lot challenge/trait: Celebrity Home
Despite having been born with a silver spoon in your mouth and not needing to work a day in your life to survive, you don’t just want to lay around in your pajamas all day playing video games… not unless that could be an actual career, and luckily for you, it can be. Other nepobabies don’t have your drive, your quick fingers, your passion for gaming and social media. You want to prove the world that you’re more than your last name and vast inheritance, so you move into a so-called content house in San Myshuno and throw yourself completely into your career as a professional gamer and influencer. Unfortunately, your new lifestyle has proven to be more psychologically taxing than it has any right to be. The influencers you’re currently living and collaborating with do nothing but cause drama, and you’ve found yourself in deep waters when C-Fuel, the Cowplant based energy drink company that has been sponsoring you, comes under fire for poisoning consumers, roping you into a huge scandal and subsequent cancelation. As a result, your beer brewing hobby turns into a coping mechanism and you become addicted to alcohol to deal with the stress. When an unplanned pregnancy turns your life upside down, you finally decide it’s time to go to rehab.
- Move into a mansion or penthouse in San Myshuno and live along 6 famous sims, all in the Internet Personality, Style Influencer, and eSport Gamer careers.    - Become addicted to alcohol. - Have a child with one of your housemates. - Go to rehab and create an A.A. group. 
Gen 3: Body Electric 
Career: Scientist
Aspiration: Party Planner
Skill: DJ Mixing 
Traits: Dance Machine, Genius, Party Animal (or Clubber)
Home: Unfurnished apartment in San Myshuno
Lot challenge/trait: Party Place
Even as a teen, all you wanted to do was sneak out and party. You know your parents are disappointed in your party animal ways, considering they did everything in their power to give you a normal upbringing despite their unconventional lifestyle as influencers. They don’t want you to waste your potential, you’re a gifted kid after all, who effortlessly got straight As throughout school. So, they decide on your behalf that you put your hefty scholarship to good use and study to become a scientist. Little did they know college was the sure way to make you unleash the party beast within in its final form. You party harder than ever, doing drugs, hooking up, dancing the night away in the pale moonlight. You’re living like Jim Morrison, right until a happy accident comes your way: you and your dealer are expecting a child. After graduating, you decide it’s time to settle down and become an adult… well, sort of. You may have a stable job and your own apartment now, not to mention a kid, but maybe that doesn’t mean the party needs to stop. Will you eventually change your ways and go to rehab? That depends on how bad your addiction gets. 
- Go to university and major in Physics.  - Become a drug addict.  - Have a child with a drug dealer.  - After graduating, join the Scientist career, move into an empty apartment in San Myshuno and furnish it using the SimRay to transform random items into furniture and decor. You’re allowed to buy the essentials.  - Turn the lot in Sixam into a rave location. 
Gen 4: Sad Girl 
Career: Paranormal Investigator 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Skill: Medium 
Traits: Gloomy, Child Of The Ocean, Child Of The Islands
Home: Admiral Wreckage in Sulani (the ship must remain on the lot). 
Lot challenge/trait: Off-the-grid 
Growing up in a noisy, smoke filled environment around your parents’ sketchy friends in crowded San Myshuno made you crave quietness and a connection with nature. You’re a sensitive person, naturally spiritual and intuitive, which might be the reason why you live with a dark cloud over your head. Many things make you sad: fishing (it’s not ok to eat fish! They do have feelings!), not honoring the islands of Sulani, your new home, and being your significant other’s lover on the side. It almost seems like you were born to be the other woman or man, until an unusual new opportunity for love presents itself when you, as a professional paranormal investigator with the gift of communicating with the dead, meet and fall in love with one of the Sulani island elementals. Your feelings are requited, and you two get married and start a new life… literally, since your ghost spouse has decided to come back from the dead just for you. They've got the fire, and they walk with it. Maybe this is the soulmate relationship you've always longed for.
- Have a failed relationship with a married sim.- Eat the mermadic kelp and become a mermaid. - Seduce one of the island elementals and complete the Soulmate aspiration with them.  - Build or download a beach wedding venue.  - Marry your island elemental and have a child with them. - Complete on of the two Sulani collections: Seashells or Buried Treasures.
Gen 5: Freak
Career: None 
Aspiration: Leader Of The Pack
Skill: Charisma  
Traits: Evil, Insider, Erratic.
Home: Cult compound in Strangerville
Lot challenge/trait: Cursed
You always knew you were special. You can summon volcanic bombs and increase the quality of plants with your mind. You’re pretty sure you were born to rule the world, or at least that’s what the voices in your head have been telling you. You’ve also heard stories of a place called Strangerville, where a bizarre fruit that weakens the minds of those who eat it grows. You need to get your hands on one of those plants, so you move to the mysterious town in the middle of nowhere and start your own congregation. Finding a small group of obedient followers was pretty easy, especially after tricking them into eating your special fruit. Soon enough, the entirety of Strangerville will be yours. Your only concern is that, after you die, no one will carry on with your legacy, so you and your favorite disciple decide to have an heir. Will your child eat the bizarre fruit and make you proud? Or will they leave the empire they were supposed to rule in the dust?
- Form a cult using the create a club feature and add 6 members. One of the activities must be stealing.   - None of the members of the domestic unit are allowed to have jobs. You must steal for a living.  - Build or download a cult compound in Strangerville and move in with your cult.  - Feed each cult follower the bizarre fruit. - Infect every sim living in Strangerville. - Have a child with one of your cult members. This will be the eighth member of your club.  - Each weekend, take your cult on a field trip or mini vacation and start a club gathering.   - Become a sworn enemy of your child. 
Gen 6: Groupie Love
Career: Musician
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Skill: Music instrument of your choice.
Traits: Childish, Music Lover, Noncommittal
Home: Tiny Home in Windenburg’s Ancient Ruins
Lot challenge/trait: Small home (max. 100 tiles)
Growing up in a compound full of possessed people with an evil cult leader as a parent is an experience that would scar any young mind, and yours was no exception. You are certain that your parent plans to feed you the bizarre fruit, so as soon as you become a teen, you pack your few possessions and flee to Windenburg, where you find a hidden place to live by the ruins. You need money to survive, and you need to build a proper home, so you start playing music in bars and other public spaces hoping to get donations, and writing your own songs. Music has always been your passion and you’re naturally gifted at it; it’s only a matter of time before other people notice your talent and you start gaining fame and fans. Drunk on the love and attention you’re receiving, you get a little too close and personal with your newfound groupies. You never meant to have seven kids with them, but hey, it’s not your fault you’re so darn fertile, apparently. You might be a little emotionally stunted due to your upbringing, and perhaps committing to just one partner is not the life for you, but one thing is for sure: you will raise your seven children with all the love in the world in your tiny home by the ruins.
- As a runaway teen, quit the cult club and move to the Windenburg’s Ancient Ruins lot using the Venue Changes mod.   - Change your money to 0 simoleons. - Make money by playing music in public venues, writing and publishing songs, and joining the Musician career as an adult. - Build or download a small home. - Become a proper celebrity.  - Form a fan club using the create a club feature.  - Have 7 children, all with different members of your fan club.  - Raise the children by yourself in your domestic unit. 
Gen 7: Blue Jeans
Career: Criminal
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Skill: Mischief 
Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious, Kleptomaniac.
Home: Abandoned factory in Moonwood Mill
Lot challenge/trait: Filthy
Some say you were born bad, and you’re inclined to agree. You didn’t exactly choose the ganster life, but it certainly did choose you. You’re tough, and you have big dreams, bigger than your parent’s tiny house, so you start living in the streets by yourself as a young adult. There’s an abandoned factory in Moonwood Mill that becomes your gang’s operation center. Despite it never being one of your priorities, love comes knocking at your door in the form of a rich, posh sim whose parents are in the political career. Due to your bad reputation, you’re not allowed to be seen with them in public, until the two of you finally elope together and you realize that maybe you’re not the only reason why your partner’s parents were ashamed of them: they’re a werewolf! They’re an outcast, much like yourself. You two have a baby, and that’s when your partner starts insisting that you quit your gang and the criminal career for your child’s sake. You know they’re right, it’s bad for a young mind to see the things you’ve seen. Sadly, this is the only life you know, and if it’s not good enough for your family, then you’re just not good enough for them. It’s time to leave and start your life over…
- Build or download an abandoned factory, or repurpose Moonwood Mill's library. - Max out a drug dealing skill. - Form a gang. - Furnish and decorate your home with stolen items. You’re only allowed to buy items that can’t be stolen (plumbing items, beds, rugs, etc.). - Date a werewolf and elope with them.  - Have a baby. - Move away from your partner and child and either start a new life or return to them once you’ve reached level 10 of the criminal career and are allowed to quit.
Gen 8: Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Career: None 
Aspiration: Emissary Of The Collective or Wildfang Renegade
Skill: Fabrication or Handiness
Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover, Loner
Home: Tree house in Moonwood Mill 
Lot challenge/traits: Cat hangout, Dog Hangout.
Being abandoned by your gangster parent as a child really killed your faith in humanity, hence your love for animals that also extends to the beast within yourself. You build a little tree house with your own hands in that particular spot in town that mysteriously attracts all kinds of stray dogs and cats that you love to feed and play with, and some of them become your beloved fur babies. As a werewolf (or someone who aspires to be one), your dream has always been to honor your lycanthropic ancestry by joining one of the local packs and becoming the alpha. Despite the tension between the Moonwood Collective and the Wildfangs, you find your fated mate in the rival alpha. The two of you elope in secret and have a baby. Maybe this will mark a new era of peace and communion between the packs, but that depends on how willing your packmates are to cooperate.
- Live with as few sims as you can, the rest of your domestic unit members must be pets. - Craft most of the items in your home using mainly the fabricator and the woodwork table. - Sell crafts and collectibles for a living. - Become an Apex werewolf.  - Become the alpha of one of the packs and marry the alpha of the opposite pack (remember that the first werewolf you successfully flirt with will become your fated mate). - Have a child. - Complete the Moonwood Relics collection.
Gen 9: Wildflower Wildfire  
Career: None (selling flower arrangements)
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Skill: Flower Arranging
Traits: Romantic, Jealous, Family-Oriented
Home: Abandoned house in Glimmerbrook
Lot challenge/trait: Haunted House Residential
If your werewolf community knew about you plan to betray them by becoming a part of the traitor class of spellcasters, they’d probably kick you out, but they’ll never get the chance to do that if you leave first. There’s a boarding school for teenage wizards in Glimmerbrook you’re interested in joining, so one night you sneak out and pay a visit to the principal, who is kind enough to transform you into a spellcaster and welcome you into the school. Your parents aren’t exactly thrilled with your decision, but they want you to be happy, so they support your choice.
Much to your dismay, your new housemates are not what you expected. They know about your lycanthropic origins and bully you relentlessly for them. One day, you’ve had enough and set part of the school on fire using magic right before moving out into a haunted abandoned house you'd discovered some time ago while exploring Glimmerbrook. There is an old flower arranging table in the garden and you decide to put your fascination with botany to the test by learning to make flower bouquets and selling them for a living.
One day, a particularly attractive sim catches your eye, and since your alchemy skills are on point, you don’t think twice before luring them in using potions. You never considered that their personality traits completely clash with yours. Do opposites attract, or is love not the kind of magic that should be messed with? Regardless, there’s already a baby on the way, and you’ve been alone for so long, running on stardust and sheer willpower. You’re better with your new darling. It’s strange, but it’s true.
- If your heir is a werewolf, find the cure for lycanthropy. - Build or download a residential boarding school equipped with items from the Realm of Magic pack, especially cauldrons.  - Create a domestic unit consisting of 6 spellcaster teens with the Mean trait, a Virtuoso spellcaster with the Natural Mentor perk as the school principal, and your teenage heir.  - Become a spellcaster. - When the heir becomes a young adult, use the Inferniate spell to set the school on fire and move out of the domestic unit.  - Build or download an abandoned haunted house with a flower arranging table and move your heir there. - Become a Virtuoso and learn all the mischief spells. - Own a flower shop or street stall and sell flower arrangements for a living.  - Use the Potion of the Transcendent Charmer and the Potion of Alluring Aura to attract an Unflirty, Noncommittal, Hates Children partner.  - Have a child with that partner. 
Gen 10: Young And Beautiful
Career: Interior Decorator
Aspiration: Vampire Family 
Skill: Painting
Traits: Snob, Creative, Art Lover
Home: Vlad’s Castle in Forgotten Hollow 
Lot challenge/trait: Spooky
As a result of growing up in a haunted house full of pools of ghost goo and weird markings on the floors, you have a passion for decoration and home renovation. From a young age, you started watching the home decorator channel and learning how to paint so you could beautify your surroundings with art. The way your parent’s flower arrangements decay over time makes you sad. Why can’t beauty last forever? Why are most living things destined to die? You’ve met plenty of ghosts in your time, and they aren’t exactly aspirational. However, there is a type of occult you could praise and enthuse about all day long: vampires! They’re cool, they’re powerful, and most importantly, they’re immortal. So, when the opportunity to drink the ancient blood of a vampire arises, you take it without hesitation. 
As overjoyed as you are with your transformation, you’re keenly aware that eternity will eventually get lonely. You want a family that will never leave your side in the mortal coil of existence. You love your job as a home decorator, you’re superb at it, and your clientele idolizes you, so why not preserve a few of your admirers for posterity by feeding them the sweet elixir cursing through your veins? 
Now that you’re forever young and beautiful (you’ve made sure to treat yourself to a tweak or two under the knife), have seen the world, have done it all, and had your cake, your life couldn’t be more perfect. Yet, you still feel lonely. You start seeing someone you’re convinced is your soulmate in every aspect except two: their taste in décor is awful, and what’s worse, they don’t fancy immortality. In fact, they’re afraid of most vampires. Even though it breaks your heart, you have no choice but to respect their wishes and love them util they’re dead and got nothing but their aching soul. 
- If your heir is a spellcaster, ask for the Rite of Dissolution. - Become a vampire and unlock the vampire creation perk. - Marry a mortal with opposite tastes in decor. You’re not allowed to turn them into a vampire.  - Complete the Vampire Family aspiration by turning your clients.  - Get plastic surgery by altering your sim’s features in CAS using the cas.fulleditmode cheat every time they get a promotion. Their dark form must remain unaltered. - Move into Vlad’s castle and redecorate it in a completely different style. - When your beloved dies, re-marry their ghost. 
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amethysts-angel214 · 9 days
[MSOJA Coraline AU, here we go!]
(All names are different from the original names!)
Chapter 1: The Move-in
A man named Josiah moves into a castle-like house named the Nightingale Palace Apartments with two of his 6 brothers, Henry and Danny, and they seemed excited about it. Though, Josiah didn't think much of the place beforehand. Danny didn't expect much of it, and Henry is the most excited one. The brothers come into the house, and decided to check around while Josiah starts unpacking their stuff. Henry checks out the kitchen, because he wanted Josiah to make the food for them. Danny checks the cabinets, knowing that he'd put brooms in them. In the middle of the unpacking, Josiah started placing some of their stuff into their rooms. After the exploring and unpacking, Josiah decided to go outside, because he wanted to do some gardening. But he saw a little stick and started waving it around, like a dousing rod. Josiah giggled. He's having fun. A cat appeared infront of the boy. Josiah loved the cat. So he petted and held the cat. But it started to get foggy as a mysterious figure came in through the forest behind the house. "Oh! Hello! You must be new around here!", said the figure. Josiah had a shook to his core, not knowing who that voice was. It was a wanderer, who seems to have lived near the old house. He wore clothes that resemble that of the wanderer's father, who owns the old home. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.", said the wanderer. Josiah didn't speak. He was shy around him. "Are you okay? You haven't spoke. That's okay. I like that in a person. Not that I don't like talking. That would be rude.", said the wanderer. Josiah still hasen't spoken to the wanderer. The wanderer has decided to introduce himself. "My name's Sven." Josiah starts to feel a little more open around him, wanting to talk to him. With a soft spoken, quiet voice, he said to Sven, "...J-josiah..." "Sounds nice. I like it.", said Sven, knowing that he had just made a friend. But Joey notices his hand and it scared him because the stick he held was poison oak. He went back inside, as Sven waved goodbye to him. He asked Henry for help. Little Henry pointed the way to the bathroom. Josiah went there to wash the poison off. But the bathroom had bugs on the wall, and it scared poor Joey. Danny went in and smacked the bugs with a swatter. Joey then tried the shower but the water looked brown-ish orange and gross. "We should get that water replaced", said Danny. Little Henry hopped as if he saw something exciting in the house. It was a little door, camouflaged to the wallpaper. Danny decided to find a key to match the keyhole. He decided to open it. It's just bricks. But Josiah thinks there's actually something in there. The two didn't believe that as much as dear Joey. Joey went to the kitchen and sees something. A package. Joey opened up the package. There's a note inside, along with a doll that looked like him. The note is from Sven. The note said, "Hello, Joey. I found this in my father's drawer. We think it's made for you." Joey smiled as he loved the dear doll. He went to show the brothers the doll. They seemed to like it too. Joey then went to bed, as he put the doll next to him. He then put on his pajamas and went to sleep...
To be continued...
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