#The quality was better before YT believe me...
sonysakura · 5 months
This is my favourite game ever, and I sadly never got to play through the whole thing and actually finish it until August 2020 (it crushed our old PC a few times for no reason, so I wasn't allowed to install it anymore). 15 years later, here I was. Finally, done.
And this boss battle was pretty clean actually, huh? I never went below 50 rings! ✨
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
my mischa bachinski headcanons but they start off silly and end up really serious and the tonal shift catches u completely off guard but its ok bc anything for him
(sidenote u have to pretend he and noel were Close Friends/dating before death for a few of these but thats ok becau[tangent])
he for sure cries SO HARD at movies like its unreal. as soon as any movie gets even remotely sad, hes clutching onto the nearest person and holding back tears while his whole face scrunches from him trying to hold back his sobs {inspired by me watching puss in boots 2. that movie would also DESTROY him}
says shit like "that was so sick......" after passionate makeout sessions (to the immediate disgust of noel gruber) mischa (hair and collar disheveled) : that was so rad :D noel, appalled: What The Fuck Did You Just Say To Me
that being said mischas love language is physical touch!! he could not stand his time away from talia where he couldn't hold or kiss her and he loves to be Right next to noel and do his own thing {this is primarily derived from how much he caresses the face of talia's projection, him hugging noel for comfort, his relief when noel leaned against him, etc.!!!!!}
LOVES pickup lines. he looks them up on his phone all the time. he tries to personalize them between noel and talia not just through language but thru their interests and he has never failed to fluster either thru them (despite their TERRIBLE quality). its kind of a shock that he managed to fluster them tho, with how much be always messes up their wording out of nervousness (any comeback will leave him forgetting what he was going to say and immediately lagging)
got a little overzealous with his makeshift tattoo machine and now has some of the WORST tattoos ever. "oh i like elephants ill do elephant next!" headass
had to teach himself how to use chopsticks in case he ever "desperately needed to use them." he ends up holding them in the most fucked up way imaginable. it is a WONDER he can pick up food without breaking his fingers with that form honestly
cried with excitement when he hit 100 subs on his yt raps . like omg he finally felt accepted and felt like he had made a huge name for himself w this huge achievement and when he hit 1k he FREAKED OUT and made a thank you rap (such a dork)
experienced severe culture shock upon entering canadian catholic school; he went to an insanely strict russian orthodox academy back in ukraine. noel offered to skip together to go get food and mischa was like ??Huh? Are you insane (hc courtesy of sight)
the realization that he could do basically anything without being completely fucked over contributed to his title as a troublemaker; he acted out and had fun to the resentment of the headmaster (which only made him angrier and led him to acting out further and further, trapped in a cycle) (hc also courtesy of sight)
his mother taught him how to cook so many ukrainian foods before she sent him away to canada in order to prepare him for his life; every time he cooked for himself he had to hold back his emotions because all he could think of was his life with his mom and how much better things were without his new life in canada
that being said, whenever his "parents" kick him out or he just can't stand being in the same area as them, his first call is noel (to the worry and concern of noel and the absolute delight of noels mother)(she LOVES him). noel calms him down with hugs and indulges him with poetry to ground mischa
in ukraine, he struggled to realize more about his sense of self, sexuality, needs, etc. because of social stigmas; it took him a new life in canada and a long time to accept the side of him that loved boys and he still struggled to handle the weight of it by the time of his death
mischa believed in god as a child-- not so much anymore . as a kid he was terrified of sinning and always wondered about the assertion that "everything happens for a reason," always wondering what he was repenting for as his mother got sicker and his father remained absent. by the time he moved to canada and experienced the falseness of a canadian catholic school, he figured that not even the cruelest of entities would put him through what was happening. he could no longer find comfort or curiosity in the belief of a god, only disgust and a sense of selfishness.
monday, september 14 was going to be a good day. a day off from school, a day to just have fun and let loose at a fairground. noel wanted a stuffed toy really badly, mischa did everything in his power to get it for him. mischa did everything to indulge him, even kissing him at the top of the ferris wheel; it made noel happy so it made mischa happy. he had no internet, so he promised to text talia when he got back to his house. as the cyclone reached the apex of its loop, and mischa heard a sound, all he could do was pray to a god he no longer loved and prepare to meet him thats all i got for now thanx for reading love u!!!!!!!!!!
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dojae-huh · 1 month
why do you think there's this disparity between doyoung as taeyong promos overall as soloists (that all fuels the fire to the already existent akgae fanwars) ? not blaming doyoung but just curious i guess sm doesn't see potential for ty to reach the gp meanwhile doyoung has and is doing it
but TY had a full album ready but sm decided to go with a mini for tap meanwhile DY released a full album on his debut
jut wanna discuss
The main reason is that Taeyong went to the military. He will dissapear from the public's eye for two years. It's a huge time period in SK. Idols fear they won't comeback to their level of pre-enlistment popularity for a reason. Taeyong also talked a lot about this fear. Of being forgotten.
There is no point investing in trying to catch new fans if they won't be given easy means to develop real interest (media and tv appearences, concerts, merch, new albums).
Just think of how JaeDo are believed to be a dead ship by newer fans because there is little concent from thm. It is the older fans, who knew JaeDo pre 2020, are still very dedicated. It is the same idea with Tae and his core fans. The fans he already has will wait for him. The viewers of TV-shows he could have appeared in - will not care.
Secondly, the time of album preparation. Taeyong had to release early, before his enlistment. He even had to shoot his MV in Japan, and discuss arrangement of his songs deep in the night, half awake. He had no time to go on many programmes.
There is little need, really, to introduce Taeyong. Everyone knows he is a great rapper and dancer. He is front and centre in 127 MVs, he has his own multiple performance clips, features, special stages, solo stages (Super M, Link). If someone develops an interest "hm, is this guy any good as an artist?", there is no lack of material for them to watch on YT. Meanwhile there are so called NCTzens who don't think Doyoung can sing that well. Do needs to be introduced as a real deal. And away from k-pop, as a soloist he sings in other genres (pop-rock and band music). Lots of live singing clips thus are needed. There was a comment "YT keeps offering me vids with this guy, is he OK? he sings so much" (paraphrasing).
Tae has lots of tiktoks for Tap era. Fans of other idols he danced with had seen those reels. Thai actors did his challenge a lot. His promotion works on TT, on the internet, through virality (remember the case with "Zoo") and inside k-pop sphere. He has always caught people's eye by looks and moves alone.
Doyoung, on the other hand, is known to general public as a variety personality. His potential audience as a soloist, people who like ballads, Korean music, go to festivals and musicals, don't find new artists on tiktok. Melon top100 chart, YT programmes, TV programmes with live singing are what they tap into.
Do got a concert tour because he wants to sing as much as possible, to be in a band. Tae got a fanmeet tour because he wanted the love from the fans, the reassurance that they will stay before his dissapearence. (Plus, as I said before, he should have been busy with 127 preparations in March).
Doyoung came up with the way he wants to see his promotions unfold. Documentaries, medleys - his idea. He supervised it. He pushed for more.
Fans count numbers, but forget about contents. Taeyong's promo clips were very innovative, fun, effort was put in developing them. Wasn't his abduction video memorable? Despite very pressing circumstances, very short time to work, Tae's comeback was of high quality (photoshoots, the MV, stages, his 2 day concert was prepared better than Link).
Shooting singing Doyoung five times is not a big deal, it is easy to increase the number of uploaded promotional material. Heh, antis counted "medley clips" as content, when it is just a track playing over a circled on itself short video of nature (that you buy on stock sites).
Taeyong had two albums in the same year. Who gets two albums same year right away? Even Baekhyun didn't. And fans dare complain.
Tae had songs he wrote in thepast. However, those songs needed to be re-recorded and remastered. We've seen it in bts video. Either there was no time to record enough songs for a full album, or Tae's songs were lacking/didn't fit the overall sound of the album. Remember how DJJ re-recorded "Ordinary" a year later (we can sing better now), how "Can we go back" was re-arranged for the album (bless, the track was saved for me). Songs take time, SM works up to 6 months on one song.
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wild-chaser · 9 months
A little rant on the quality of writers' resources or: how to find good advice on writing
And if not a rant, then at least a little bitter observation.
I am recently grabbing a lot of books that tackle the problem of structuring the story - because I am attempting to outline my novel and that is a big task.
And some books are helpful, like the book I have mentioned before - "Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction" by Orson Scott Card.
But others, I can't help but feel, are a waste of paper. That sounds harsh, but I have just opened one such book, read several pages, and then closed it because it feels like a waste of my time. Even if I am not busy. There was just very little value from this book.
It occurred to me that nowadays people print out what should have maybe stayed on their blogs. When one is researching a topic and sharing the results of the research, that is cool and often helpful, but I have this inherent expectation that when I grab a book, I get to interact with an expert. And yes, I understand how it's very much not the case nowadays, and what do I expect, and that I should know better, but... Eh, I guess this rant is about my annoyance with the quality of printed resources.
If one tries to look for books on the craft of writing, there are so many to chose from! It is so hard to pick! And it's so hard to sort the wheat from the chaff, and when one picks wrong at first, they might get misled into believing that all such books are useless.
If I might give one hint towards what can help with discerning which book to go for, just google the author. Really. If they have published several novels and are often asked for advice in writers' podcasts like "Writing Excuses", that might be a hint.
If they are a "creative writing major and an aspiring novelist" and are working on their first novel, then... yeah, maybe also take it as a hint. Or they have several self-published novels, but most of the popularity they get not from the novels themselves but from talking about the novel writing...
Like, I am not saying it's not okay to write about writing when you're just working on your first novel. Hell, I am literally posting on it myself. But sometimes I get the feeling some of those people put more of their effort into blogging and social media marketing than in actually working on their novel, and that's their choice, but maybe this choice turns them more into bloggers than novelists.
My point is, if you are an aspiring writer looking for real writing advice, make sure to get this advice from experienced published writers.
I think Brandon Sanderson has some videos on YT on the craft of writing and boy, the quality of the video is crap, but the quality of the advice is pure gold. Meanwhile, oftentimes when you listen/read the bloggers and social media posters, the audio/video quality is wonderful. It's just that the content is lacking.
So what I am trying to say is that writers are often not the social media ninjas that we see when we first google our question. To get to the good writing advice, one needs to learn how to dig deeper and lean into the old-fashioned web design and video quality from the 90s. Because the writers you want to get advice from have spent most of their time actually focused on the craft of writing, and not the craft of SEO and web design.
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shishikusas · 2 years
ok so idk if you already know this but puppy lover on yt recently left their masa channel. truly the end of an era. but in their last video they asked for honest opinions on masa so I’m throwing my two cents to like the only other active masa blog on here hope you don’t mind👉👈 (if you don’t wanna read it just skip) what’s your opinion on mass’s songs lately??
So I really really love the onibi, sister and secret series. And ya I agree with a lot of the comments there— masa’s songs are lacking nowadays. He’s still a great guy, but all his songs sound the exact same (I believe it’s edm??) His old content was more original and actually had better pv’s.
But more than that for me they had better storyline. The onibi series had really deep lore, the sister series had a lot, the secret series had a bit too, and maha was full of it. That being said nowadays all of his songs share the same three themes of dr1nks, dr*gs and s3x. There’s no originality which made onibi such a hit. They’re all parodying off each other.
Also is it just me or is the anatomy on the newer videos a bit…off?? It seems like he’s emphasizing certain parts more than others and it makes the whole thing look a bit disproportionate. Idk if it’s just me, I’m not an expert by any means.
That being said, it’s not like his new content is bad by any means, it’s cool to listen to. And it’s nice. For a couple of times. It’s kinda insipid after that.
tldr masa’s old stuff was better than his new for me, and I miss it a lot. He’s still a good guy and the new music is cool but the onibi, sister and secret series will always have a place in my heart.
i just posted a comment on the video on puppy's channel, so i will copy it here:
i'll be completely honest in my opinion here. masa's stuff has not gotten worse, it has just changed and i still love it and listen to it, and it really disheartens me when people leave bc i feel like im just wandering around in a desert. like where did all the people go :( the community was so bustling in 2016-2019 and it just feels abandoned now.
there are some things i can agree on though. there was a time in 2019-2020 ish where i thought he wasn't living up to his full potential, or he was trying to create new stuff and hadn't gotten it completely down yet. and yes, it's easy to look through the lenses of nostalgia and miss all the lore stuff he used to do - i mean i fucking love the onibi series and all its lore but we probably aren't going to get another blog update for a loooong time.
but the reality is that masa is a different person now than he was in the early 2010s. he started creating music when he was 20 years old, and he's 32 now - that's a huge difference, he's a fully fledged adult now and probably has a lot more things to do and work on than what he used to. that's not even talking about the money aspect! obviously we know next to nothing about his personal life but he either has another job outside of making music or he relies on making these songs to support himself, and neither are conducive to making elaborate PVs or complicated lore (both which i know people revere him for and miss the most). instead he focuses on making the music he wants and PVs that fit his time, which by the way include MUCH higher quality art than in the past. idc what anyone says his anatomy was WAY wonkier back then than it is now.
im rambling, but ig my point is masa's changed, and it's an okay thing. his new EP, INSOMNIA, is really an amazing piece of work and feels kind of like the 'old' masa and i've listened to it many times on repeat, but it's not the same as the masa people became fans of him for. it's okay if you don't like it but i do, and i probably always will. unless he starts making country music or smth ;)
TLDR: i love masa's music even now and understand that his style has become much different than before, and there's many reasons for that.. he holds such a big place in my heart and i will support him thru his endeavors!
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enduracarrotchips · 3 years
YouTuber AU
Hello welcome to Dating Scandal but with Twitter Involved (nightmare)
A little exposition here: 
Link, Zelda, Sidon, Revali, and Riju are the most popular group of youtubers on the internet and have a huge fanbase that likes to theorize, draw fanart, and write fanfiction about them. Disclaimer, I don’t actually interact with real-person fandoms myself lol there’s just too much potential for drama and misunderstandings & they’re always bound to end in a dumpster fire but that is sort of what this au is about so.
Impa, Mipha, Daruk, and Urbosa are family friends that appear in a lot of their videos/streams. 
(This is an art blog I swear)
enter vidcon 20XX
blows stuff up/sets stuff on fire with a side of cooking vids and gaming
most are filmed outside, he does those challenges where you try to cook stuff with limited ingredients/materials
has the largest fanbase of all of them, but not the most…intimidating.
does a lot of collab videos, mostly with Impa, Daruk, and Riju because they have similar interests/channels, but Zelda appears in his videos and is seen filming and the stans read too far into it
simps. i’m pointing at you.
Most popular videos are “shield surfing on rock!—how I broke my leg” “can Daruk eat Impa’s motorcycle?” and “how to inhale ranch dressing.”
Twitter handle is @ arsonistslullabye because he’s a hozier fan
45m subs
theories, analyses, conspiracies, and the occasional e x p e r i m e n t
she once got link to eat a frog for 50 bucks.
most people argue that she’s better than more popular YouTubers because she actually has quality content to give to the world and she has a lot of defensive supporters
She used to get a lot of hate before Urbosa spoke up about it and scared the bejeezus out of everyone
has an actual posting schedule
“Happy Sunday everyone, it’s Zelda Hyrule and today we will be talking about cryptozoology and why blupees exist, you cowards.”
Twitter handle is @ zeldaofhyrule and she is pan. just so you know. One of those calm extroverts that mystify me to this day.
18m subs
fashion/life hacks. Like gourmet troom troom but if they were real people.
Has the 2nd largest fanbase
most of them are girls
Sidon has a boyfriend though, which he told everyone at VidCon a few years ago
cue the drama and shipping and the entire fandom trying to figure out who the boyfriend is. A well known reddit thread emerged that presented the common guesses being Link, Sidon, and Zelda.
“But it can’t be Zelda, Sidon’s gay.”
“I’m not in the fandom but I thought Zelda was a boy??”
“Did you just say Sidon? Is that a typo? Are you saying that Sidon’s dating himself?”
Sidon x Sidon became a fandom joke.
Don’t look at me I’m just setting up all the worldbuilding. every fandom has their weird dark sides and Sidon x Sidon is the Linkcest of the Sidon YT fandom.
Mystery BF is actually Bazz, a pretty inconspicuous guy who appeared in a few of his videos. This was confirmed a year ago, but everyone still ships him with other YouTubers because they’re convinced he was lying to throw them off his scent. He really can’t catch a break and this is why you should not ship real people.
Twitter handle is @ officialprincesidon
says “beguiling” a lot
21m subs ᕙ( ͡❛ ▿ ͡❛)ᕗ
Sidon’s sister, hasn’t posted a single video but just has the channel for show because she appears in so many of Sidon’s videos as a model for his makeup tutorials and whatnot
has 328k for that. Everyone loves her, she’s great. @ mimipha
Link’s sworn rival
Link thinks they’re friends
He kept popping up in link’s Twitter threads and making snarky comments until zelda called him out for not even following link (so why was he stalking his acc) which kept the Twitter drama to a minimum
Revali was the catalyst of a few popular memes and that’s where most of his subs come from.
drags link into a few challenges that always get a ton of views because of how competitive they get
“ITS JUST ASININE” is a running joke that everyone tries to get him to say. His @ is itsjustasinine as well
Urbosa is the only person who can win an argument with him
5m subs and growing rapidly. newer to youtube than everyone else.
Doesn’t have a channel she’s just a mutual friend of Mipha, Zelda, and Link
Rides a motorcycle, so she is used in a few of Link’s videos.
@ ihaveamotorcycle because she thinks having a motorcycle is a personality trait. the most unruly on Twitter when it comes to replying to fan’s stuff, leaking upcoming videos and generally causing chaos.
Mipha’s girlfriend. That’s how she met Zelda and Link.
Is actually a model, but she has a ton of YouTuber friends because she’s known Zelda since birth.
when she entered the youtube community she didn’t realize she would be adopting like 15 children
5m subs. her videos are professional & related to her modelling career. @ urbosasfury
I feel like she would do unboxing vids. I’m not sure what she’s unboxing.
Just a friend of Link’s, fun guy. yells a lot. once ate a rock and had no reaction.
people are scared of him for that reason
yoga & gymnastics & “ha look at how flexible I am its eAsY” videos
you know the type
she also does reactions and is sponsored by save the sand seals charities which she is very enthusiastic about. She’s also Urbosa’s niece and the only minor in the gang (15). I like to think that the champions YT community is actually not creepy so everyone respects her a ton
doesn’t post frequently, she mostly appears in Link’s videos to jump out of airplanes or whatever. And sometimes Zelda’s if she’s interested in the topic. 500k subs, but she’s always really popular when she appears in Link’s videos.
In the months leading up to VidCon, some fans on the internet made a few discoveries: first of all, that the inside of Link’s house is painted green. This is a big deal because all of his videos are filmed outside either in his backyard or on trips that he and the brosquad go on to do…whatever bros do. explosions. idk. The point is he had some announcement about VidCon and filmed it inside. Only the wall and a potted plant were shown.
However, the colour was similar to the the shade of Zelda’s living room. Fans dug through years and years of old videos and found a clip of Zelda walking through a hallway, where there was an open door and a glimpse of a houseplant.
There were 2 types of responses to the theory:
“They could just be roommates guys calm down”
“and they were ROOMMATES?”
others pointed out that Link could just not have a house and had to crash in Zelda’s
Some guy on reddit claimed he had a botany degree and declared that the houseplants in the clips were not of the same genus. Normal people pointed out that the plant would have grown 4 years between the clips and would look considerably different.
#Zelink trended on twitter for a while and people posted other old clips from both of their channels and the frog video blew up again
Impa retweeted a post tagged as #zelink with “rofl” and later publicly apologized for causing confusion.
Fans noticed that in the “can a motorcycle drive over my arm” (it was clickbait he’s fine) episode 2 years ago, Link was eating out of a paper lunch bag with his name written on it in handwriting that a few people claimed to look like Zelda’s, leading people to believe that she had packed him a lunch.
However, this theory was shot down with the counterargument that Zelda can’t cook. although. i mean how much skill do you need to make a sandwich.
No one knows what tumblr is doing at this time
Zelda wore a scarf in her “Save the Sand Seals” video that matched identically to the scarf Link wore when he travelled to Hebra to film a shield surfing video, but it’s been debated wether it’s actually the same scarf or not.
Neither Zelda nor Link has spoken up about the theories, and besides Impa’s one slip on twitter, neither has any of their friends. Zelda received a lot of backlash for the assumption that she was dating Link because he has a lot of delusional fans that didn’t want her to “steal their man” or whatever the hell that type of fan would get mad about
Oh yea and bolson & karson run a zelink fanpage on twitter sorry I forgot about that
after that whole mess, everyone was even more anticipant of VidCon in the hopes that some of their questions would be answered.
The whole batch went to VidCon this year: Link, Impa, Daruk, and Riju are a gang while Sidon and Mipha go together and Zelda & Revali each go separately. Urbosa is there for supervision moral support
Zelda has always been much better at dodging questions that she doesn’t want to answer than anyone else, so her Q&A went without a hitch. When asked to confirm the rumours she said “which one?” and then moved on to the next question (without actually confirming any rumours).
Link is generally a more awkward person but eventually said that he had filmed the video in Zelda’s house because it was nicer and didn’t realize it would cause such an uproar. Fans were disappointed, but Bolson claimed he saw Link and Zelda exiting the hotel elevator on the same floor after Link’s Q&A session. No one believed him.
Fans went back to theorizing over who Link, Zelda, and Sidon were all dating, because apparently they can’t just be dating unknown people and have to be with other YouTubers
Sidon and Bazz got engaged about a week after VidCon, making at least 4 preteen girls cry
actually try 4 million
Sidon x Sidon made a brief comeback but Sidon spoke up about his fandom for the first time ever on twitter and told everyone that no, he was not dating himself. eventually, everyone settled down and accepted that none of them were in a relationship save for a few loud fans.
Link and Zelda still got the occasional “when will you tell us who you’re dating?” comment but most of them were joking and the people who still hardcore shipped them were generally frowned upon. Zelda’s popularity went up after VidCon and she regained the 200k subscribers she’d lost after the first theory dropped.
Two months after VidCon, Link posted a video titled “Zelda and I’s House Tour!” and gave around 45 million people a heart attack
as revealed in the video, they had actually been dating since they were 16 and everyone’s just a fool.
the potted plant is named Hestu.
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chasing-ephemera · 3 years
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Work has been a piling up so I haven’t had much time to indulge in any novels or catch up on pretty donghuas, so I thought I’d take the time to do a quick rec of donghuas I’ve watched but haven’t mentioned before. Have a great day!!
Donghua Recommendations
The Island of Siliang (Juan Siliang) / 眷思量
The story is about the relationship between an Immortal boy and a mortal girl, finding love on the myterious island of exiled Gods. Before you think otherwise, it really isn’t as romantic as it sounds! Watch it and you’ll know what I mean.
This donghua is beautiful. I know I say this a lot about other donghuas but you have to believe me when I say that this is BEAUTIFUL! Every single character whether male or female, young or old look absolutely amazing. The quality is insane, even their clothes and movement look realistic!! I remember watching this one particular scene where some people were just chatting at the top of the tower in daylight and I was blown away by the sheer detail, they almost looked like real people.
If I had to pick out any any flaws, it would be not having wet clothes when the characters have clearly just come out of water. Also, there were a few moments where I felt delays between the voice actor and the movement, but those were few and far between and probably wouldn’t affect the overall experience. As I said, this is an extremely beautiful donghua and not one to be missed!
P.s Xu Ling Long (the little kid) is my fave!
Yuan Long / 元龍
I must admit, when this first became available on bilibili I was deterred by the thumbnail. Why? Because I am not a fan of the war genre and generally avoid anything war themed. However, my friend guaranteed that it was absolutely not a war animation, and that it definitely fell within my preferred wuxia/xianxia genre but most important of all, it had pretty men.
This is why she’s my friend hahahaha...
Yuan Long (I think the English title is Carp Reborn) is action packed! It’s about how Wang Sheng (Special Forces) suddenly transmigrated to another world during a mission. The world he entered is one where cultivation and spiritual powers rule. Unfortunately (or fortunately), his spiritual root was a waste carp yuan soul, the worst and most useless spirit in the world.
While the animation quality is nothing like Siliang, it’s still one of the better ones around (trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of low quality donghuas). While the story isn’t what you’d call extraordinary or new, it is definitely worth the watch. The fighting sequences are simply awesome! Highly recommended to those who like action, adventure and cultivation!
I believe you need to pay to watch season 1 (I’m sure you can find other means if you searched...), and the English subbed version of season 2 is currently available for free on YT.
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bangtanger · 3 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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razberryyum · 4 years
So you’re done with The Untamed and want more, what now?
Reposting this since I’ve updated it with new info/links. Again, I entered the fandom via The Untamed so I’m by no means a MDZS expert, just tried my best gathering all the resources I can which I hope will help some new Untamed/MDZS fan out there. If you spot any errors, don’t yell at me, just let me know and I’ll correct it as best I can, especially for any future reposts.
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Read the original web novel the show was based on: The Untamed (aka “CQL” or “Chen Qing Ling”) was adapted from the BL web novel, Mo Dao Zu Shi (aka ”MDZS” or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) by author Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (”MXTX”). Yes the novel came first, CQL is only an adaptation. In the novel, you get the uncensored romance of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, where they are canonically married and living happily ever after. The novel goes full into R18 territory so please tread carefully.
All four volumes of the novel can be purchased from the original publishing site, JJWXC. The site’s in chinese but here’s a tutorial on how to navigate it and purchase the books:  JJWXC Tutorial Link.
There’s also the option of purchasing the physical copies from Yesasia which might be easier but it’s also more expensive since they’re the middle man: Yesasia MDZS Link
It would be wonderful if you can support MXTX-laoshi by actually buying the books, especially since the cover art is so beautiful and the extra chapter volumes come with a lot of awesome extra goodies, but of course there’s also the option of reading the fan translations graciously provided by the Exiled Rebels Scanlations team at their site:  
They translated all the novels including the bonus chapters in their own free time and are providing the fanslations for free so please give them some love for all their hard work.  
WATCH THE ANIME (aka “Donghua” in Chinese)
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Watch the anime based on the novel: The donghua was released before The Untamed. Two seasons are already available (23 eps total) with a third season in production and a special chibi version of the donghua in production as well. The Eng-subbed donghua can be seen using the WeTV app or on Youtube:  YT MDZS Donghua Playlist
Grant it, the donghua is even more censored than The Untamed, but the donghua team still managed to sneak in some easter eggs (f.e. WangXian naked bathing scene in the cold springs from the novel...in The Untamed they were fully clothed) and more importantly, the animation is just gorgeous so it’s absolutely worth a watch despite the censorship. 
READ THE MANGA (aka “Manhua” in Chinese)
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Read the manhua which is ongoing and is being officially translated by WeComics, available on their app for free. Search under the name “Mo Dao Zu Shi”.
Unfortunately, the official translations are more than 20 chaps behind the raws and there have been complaints about the quality of the translations in the past, but I believe they’re starting to improve so since they’re official, it’s always better to support the official source.
The raw untranslated manhua can be found on the Kuaikanmanhua app. Other than being in Chinese, some of the chapters (f.e. the most recent ones) are behind a paywall, but here’s a tutorial on how to purchase the chapters, provided by @chiharuzushi on Twitter:  Kuaikanmanhua Tutorial
The chapters are quite cheap...I purchase 1000 KK coins for 10 rmb ($0.14) and each chapter is only 68 KK coins so even if we end up with 500 chapters it’ll still be...er...quite cheap overall (don’t make me do the actual math). The most painful part is figuring out how to set up the Kuaikanmanhua account, but otherwise, if you can read Chinese or know enough of the story by now that you don’t really need to read the words, the manhua is definitely worth reading because it’s less censored than The Untamed and the donghua. 
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Listen to the audio drama, which is at this point the most faithful and LEAST censored adaptation of the novel we will probably ever get! Wei Ying’s voice actor in The Untamed is the voice actor for his audio drama counterpart. (Yes, almost everyone in The Untamed is dubbed by a voice actor, EXCEPT for Nie Huaisang. Ji Li, the actor for NHS, was the only one who used his own voice. Lan Zhan in The Untamed shares the same voice actor as his character in the donghua). 
Each episode art of the audio drama is AMAZING. Google Translate works well on the site, you’d want to see the listeners’ comments cuz they’re just adorable and hilarious.
Official links on Maoer FM:
Season 1: Maoer FM S1 Link
Season 2: Maoer FM S2 Link
Season 3: Maoer FM S3 Link
The audio drama was supervised by MXTX-laoshi, the author of the novel, so a lot of love and care went into the production, and it shows. The audio drama is behind a paywall but I remember it’s relatively inexpensive. Here’s the tutorial on how to purchase the audio drama from the Maoer FM site:  Maoer FM Tutorial Link
Ngl, it was tough at first navigating all that, Google translate helped, but once I figured it out, it was all so worth it because in addition to the MDZS, the site houses a lot of other wonderful audio dramas. There are also MDZS fan songs on the site that are near professional quality and oh so good.
Suibian Subs have kindly translated the episodes and their translations are available here:  Suibian Subs MDZS Audio Drama
Show them some love too for translating the episodes, but please if you can, purchase the episodes so you can support the audio drama team which have done an amazing job.
There’s even a Japanese audio drama which the Chinese AD team helped spearhead, available on the MIMI FM app. Here’s a tutorial on how to purchase the eps (half of the first season is out): MIMI FM Tutorial
It’s in Japanese but just follow the pictures. I’m hoping that the Japanese audio drama will end up being the MOST uncensored version of MDZS since Japanese BL dramas are not afraid (and allowed) to go all the way to R18. XD
Lastly, if you’re just thirsting for more Untamed content, there are two spin-off movies you can watch. The first one, The Living Dead, is kind of centered on Wen Ning and Sizhui post-CQL. 
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The second one, Fatal Journey, is focused on the Nie brothers, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang, with a cameo by Jin Guangyao. It takes place prior to Wei Ying’s return from the dead.
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Of the two movies, I definitely recommend Fatal Journey more. Both movies are available on the iQiyi app, which offers a one month free trial for first members. Each month afterwards for VIP is $6.99.
You can also go on the WeTV app for even more Untamed extras: WeTV put out a special edition cut of the show which tightened up the story AND features the original ending that was intended before censorship forced the production team to come up with the more ambiguous one we saw in its original run. It was a simple matter of rearranging certain scenes and getting rid of the separation part, but imho it really made all the difference to the ending.
There’s a ton of behind-the-scene cuteness that you can watch and also concerts with the cast in Thailand and Nanjing. VIP subscription to the WeTV app is $5.99/month and the Nanjing concert is for rent for 3 months at about the same price.  
The show also put out two official soundtracks, one for the vocals and one for the score. Both are available on Amazon and iTunes. For Amazon though, you can search under “The Untamed” but they did this weird thing where the vocals one is listed as “The Untamed (Chinoiserie Music Album)” (wtf) while the score is just listed as “The Untamed (Original Soundtrack)”.
Finally, most of the male members of the cast took part in a fan meet and greet at the start of the show, before it became hugely popular. The entire meet and greet is available on youtube subbed: The Untamed Fan Meeting
That’s it for The Untamed and MDZS. If you end up liking the novel enough to want to read more by the same author, MXTX-laoshi has also written two other BL novels, The Scum Villain Self-Saving System (aka “SVSSS” or “Scum Villain”) and Heaven’s Official Blessing (aka “TGCF” after its Chinese title). Both have been fully translated by fans (but always try to buy the original if you have the means, as a way to support the author!): 
SVSSS Translation: BC Novels Link
TGCF Translation chaps 1 - 24:  Sakhyulations Link
TGCF Translation chaps 25 - End: Suika & Rynn Link
As with reading any BL novel (aka “danmei novel” for Chinese BL books), please heed the warnings and if it’s not your cup of tea, just exit out of the page and move on with your life. No big deal, right? 
Anyway, hope all this info dump helps someone! If you’re brand spanking new to this fandom, welcome, and I’m so jealous of you! Would love to relive stepping into the world of MDZS/MXTX/danmei novels all over again since I feel like I’m already running out of stuff to read and I’m beginning to panic a little. 
Happy watching/reading/listening!  
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kurtskrow · 3 years
I love your blog sm dude .
as a hayden christensen connoisseur, I gotta ask. thoughts on higher ground? ( if you’ve watched it before ),
I’d really love to see some scott icons, but I know the YT quality sucks, unless you’re watching it on prime. so I get if it’s impossible, lol.
I’ll make Higher Ground icons this week, I have about 60 Scott Icons atm so, I can use those. Plus, I have Higher Ground in 4K, spent 5 bucks on it, one of my best purchases yet, so yeah. But, Great Question. Gonna rant about Higher Ground for a moment though.
“What are you staring at skank?” Is my favorite line.
Higher Ground is actually my second favorite show right behind TCW. Scott is a dickhead and a douchebag, but later on in the show gets better and heals the fuck up. Out of all the characters, I relate to him and Auggie the most.
Although there is one flaw of the show that I absolutely despise, which is Scott and Shelby. These two, in my opinion, hold the show back. The whole fuckin time while I watch that show, I believe Scott is more suited for Juliette, and Juliette is more suited for Scott. Yes they are opposites but they understand each other pretty well. Everyone always says, “Shelby and Scott’s love story is so great.” But I’m gonna explain as to why I don’t think it is all that great. The reason as to why I believe that Juliette is better for Scott is because she is patient with him, unlike Shelby who isn’t.
As someone who is similar to Scott. I personally cannot work with someone who is impatient, and this is EXACTLY what happens with Scott and Shelby. Shelby is so incredibly impatient with him, and Scott is also impatient so it doesn’t work at all. Not to mention they both low key have anger issues so that also doesn’t help. Not to mention she screams and pushes him several times, even though she should remain rational. These guys argue all the God Damn time, so much to the point where it’s fucking unbearable.
The last episode was incredibly disappointing for me. As Scott was going to get a scholarship, but Shelby makes the whole entire situation about herself. Saying how she doesn’t wanna do long distance. My boy Scott over here tryna make this shit work. Saying they can call and write. Shelby however is like. “Ew... no... I don’t wanna do that.” Like AT LEAST try to make it work with Scott yk. But she doesn’t even fucking bother.
When Scott leaves, she doesn’t even say her goodbyes and walks him to leave. But yk who does? Sweet girl Juliette gives him a hug, and walks him to his dad, watches him leave. Like- JULIETTE IS SO SWEET, and then there’s Shelby that is just so GOD DAMN UNBEARABLE.
Scott is like. “I missed you yk.” And what happens? She ignores this and treats him like shit. Again. Because she’s like. “Omg he may not love me if he actually knows how I am.” Like- WHY DO YOU DOUBT HIM yk? He coulda gone to Juliette, coulda went back to her, but nah he remained loyal to her, and just stayed with her. Waited for her like a god damn dog. And she goes. “He mAy nOt loVe mE iF hE knOws thE reAl mE.”
She tells Scott she was once a hooker. The lad is kinda weirded out but still loves her. He doesn’t approve of it. But he still loves her ass. And Shelby makes a bigass deal about it. For one, Scott doesn’t need to approve of it. Alright. I don’t see why people should approve of prostitution- I don’t see why he should’ve approved of that. Shit is weird. So they argue about it for like FOUR GOD DAMN EPISODES LIKE. Her being a former prostitute and him not accepting it, is an issue for four fucking episodes. And it’s just so god damN ANNOYING.
You go from being like. “Wow these two might work out.” To straight up. “Wow he should’ve stayed with Juliette.” Sure, Scott snapped at Juliette from time to time, but at least it wasn’t a bigass issue because he would later on apologize to her.
The thing is, is that you often find yourself comparing Juliette and Scott with Shelby and Scott. As someone who has rewatched Higher Ground over 30 times and is currently on my 37th rewatch. Let me tell you, I cannot express how much I prefer Juliette over Shelby. Juliette is incredibly patient and understanding with Scott, when he’s being childish, she gets annoyed, but doesn’t act like Shelby. Instead she remains calm with Scott, and tells her. “I’ll just do it myself.” This leads Scott to feel bad, apologize, and he does the thing she wanted for her. When Scott feels unhappy as fuck, Juliette cheers him up. This is obvious because Shelby states. “You don’t need anyone. You have Juliette.” In obviously a jealous tone after he rejects her offer to smoke. This makes it evident that Juliette at the time did make him genuinely happy, even though he had such a bad depressing ass fucking life. Sweet Juliette was there to cheer him up.
She really was more healthy for Scott, even though they lasted for only 8 episodes. The way he got shy around her was cute as fuck, and you didn’t see that often with Shelby. I can’t even remember if he got shy with her tbh. The way Juliette just fucking ran to him as the water spills out of the cup, is straight up, hilarious. Wholesome scene, 10/10, just funny as fuck.
Also, we know Scott cares deeply about her because he watches her eat. It’s low key implied by the fourth episode I believe. Something like that, where he says. “She did eat, I watched her.” Which is sweet as fuck because she has an eating disorder. To me- that’s sweet, some people may find that shit triggering though idk. So that’s low key sweet of him to do.
The thing is though. Scott and Juliette are real. They have their flaws, and their flaws get in the way of their relationship, jealousy can blind someone, Scott being the perfect example. He was so jealous of Auggie that they broke up because of it. But, during those eight episodes. We saw that they’d argue and they’d later resolve it, they’d apologize to each other, they’d understand each other, that’s how a relationship works. They don’t just argue 24/7, or argue in every episode, or push each other around. They actually communicate and talk it out, calmly. They didn’t scream or yell at each other. They would try to make it work.
I will also add this, even though Scott and Juliette were supposed to be a secret. Scott does a horrific job at keeping their relationship a secret. The guy acts exactly like Anakin. Juliette goes missing and it’s like mass panic for him. Guy needs to chill.
But, they just have lots of cute moments, even after they break up, they still have cute moments. Scott and Shelby- Jesus Christ, they’re just unbearable for me.
Daisy however is my favorite character. Why? Because she’s a mood. She goes from. “Haha Shelby and Scott might work out.” To, “haha, Shelby and Scott should just break the fuck up.” Daisy goes from bein the number one fan of Scott and Shelby to bein the one who despises them together. Shelby complains about Scott so much with her to the point where when Daisy sees Shelby pissy, she automatically assumes it’s because of Scott. And that’s saying A LOT.
I just like how blank and monotone Daisy is. She accepts facts and reality. She doesn’t refuse it. She accepts it. Which is something I admire about her. She accepts her fate, and will deal with it. That is admirable. Her motto is basically. “Suck it up buttercup.” But in a good way.
Juliette is a sweet girl, I would explain why I love her sm and why she’s my second favorite but- I’ve ranted long enough. One thing I don’t like about her is how she kissed Auggie- when she was dating Scott? I don’t even know if they were dating at the time if I’m bein real here. Love her though, and her and Auggie are adorable. Ezra is cute too, he’s kinda just there though, not much character development. The same goes for Cat. And the adult plot? Couldn’t give leas than two fucks about it.
My rating for the show is 8.8/10 though. The reason is because the plot lacks. Fucking Peter’s arc- by the end of the show is the weirdest shit ever. Whenever I watch it. I feel like I’m high on acid or something. Like shit bro chill the fuck out, fuckin sleep and stop stressing bout this paper yk? God damn.
Shelby and Scott- my god. Their relationship holds back the show. Don’t even know why they’re together and STAYED together. Fuckin divorce within 4 years of their marriage bet. But yeah. 8.8/10, that’s my rating.
And I appreciate the compliment. I love you too, baby.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hello. Thank you for all your all post and analysis. I LOVE LOVE your mind. I'm new to BTS and all the skinship was confusing to me. I blame heavily edited YT videos and my own definition of what a committed relationship should look like. I have 2 small questions. 1) How can anyone resist Park Jimin? Once you Jimin you can't Jimout is real... 2) Do you see any of the other members being a temptation to JK or JM this far along in their relationship?
Woke is what you are. And you are right about most shippers making a big deal out of skinship. It can be confusing especially if you have no idea the difference between conventional shipping and alternative shipping.
Honestly, it's cute and I don't see anything wrong with that as long as that is not the basis for determining if two people are in fact LGBTQ plus and in a relationship with eachother.
Any member being a temptation? As in Jikook being attracted to any other member besides eachother?
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Sorry. That was a good one. Lol.
No but seriously, all the boys are handsome and attractive and have qualities that are equally legitimate and attractive. So I guess in that regard, any of them can be a temptation to Jikook?
I mean they are human...
But for anyone within the group to be deemed a threat or temptation to either of Jikook they must possess not just looks but qualities that are absent in either of Jikook that results in an emotional need that Jikook may want to look else where for the fulfillment of such said need because the other couldn't meet them.
They must be fulfilling a need that either of Jikook cannot and have not been fulfilling in each other.
I haven't seen Jimin or JK express the least sexual interest or romantic interest in any of member besides each other in that regard.
I've not seen them demand emotional fulfillment from the other members the way they demand emotional and physical fulfillment from each other either.
Whatever needs they have, they fulfill it for eachother and where the other person falls short I see them negotiating and bargaining until those needs are met.
What I mean is, Jimin wants JK to be the one to meet all his emotional, sexual needs and he often negotiates with JK till JK fulfills them. Jk does this too. Isn't that what I said had been going on between them? Jikook asserting themselves against each other?
Jk not wanting to hide their relationship, Jimin wanting the Kumbaya of the group, yadda yadda yadda?
They don't allow the others to fulfill their needs nor do they use others to fulfill their needs. Nor do I think the others can fulfill their needs. Especially when the others for the sake of the longevity of their careers would rather they hide their relationship when hiding is the last thing JK wants?
No one in the group is a temptation for JK. No one. LMHO.
They are eachother's romantic and sexual awakening as I've said several times and that I feel is sacred to them too- especially JK who is a hopeless romantic.
Jimin has said he wants the person he falls in love with to be the only one for the rest of his life- I think that's the bell that sold JK. Lol
Jimin has said his ideal partner is a cross between JK and RM- RM because of his intelligence and ability to have deeper conversations about a broader range of topics I believe.
But funny enough, RM is the one member JM has expressed the least romantic interest in. I mean did you see his face when RM bit off food and placed it back in its box? This is the same dude that ate a cake JK blew his nose on- nasty ass but only for JK. Bless him.
Then I've seen JK drool over Tae's body? I'm not talking about the new Jersey VLive where he was touching Tae's chest and biceps. No, no, no, no- this is worse.
Remember that wet photoshoot they did? Dude leggit yeeted JM out of the way so he could have a better view of Tae's wet back emerging from the pool with his wet shirt clinging to his chiseled back- if I remember correctly. It's in Taekook sexual tension edits find it.
Plus he also seem to have a fetish for RM's thighs? Chileeee. These boys are weird as fuck. Lmho.
While others may see all these and yell gay, cheater and other slurs born out of nothing but insecurity, I've been around boys enough to know it's typical of men.
We are being exposed to the intimate inner workings of male masculinity and masculine behaviors and interactions in a way most people just aren't privy to in their day to day encounters and that can be a bit confusing for most people.
Truth is men do admire each other's bodies a lot especially aspects of the male body they want to have in order to appear equally masculine and attractive.
Masculinity is the sum of traits that make men feel like a man- having a dick is not enough apparently. No shade to dicks. But men want to look a certain way, speak a certain way and appear a certain way.
JK is a man too, wants to be seen as a manly man as RM has said. So of course he is going to admire other features in other men.
But how are we going to joke about JK packing and bench pressing after Jimin admired another idol with hyperbolic masculine traits and then fail to see how Jin's broad shoulders, RM's thighs or Tae's biceps would be features JK would equally want to have too because those features are deemed attractive in typical masculine men? Something he wants to be seen as?
As a queer person I find men and this whole masculinity business exhausting. But as a girl, I admit we do it too. Big boobs, snatched waist, phat ass while being skinny- can't relate but I want it if it will get people off my back. Naa, just kidding. Y'all fat phobic bunch can kiss my ass.
Seriously though, imagine being told you are a lesbian and attracted to a girl simply because you find another's girl's nails as fab. To men that's what it is.
Women express their femininity through their looks, the hair, makeup, nails, bags, heels etc. Men do the same with their six packs, chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, Gucci belts and others too.
I think it's bizzare to associate a person's expressions of femininity or masculinity with their sexuality. It's really weird.
My point is, as strange as these things JK does may seem, they are also very typical behaviors of the Male species.
And so to me when JK is doing all that I'm not going damn he wants to jump Jin's bones, I'm thinking wow so that's a quality he wants to have too- good for Jin.
That's not to say when JK is clutching his groin region while watching JM dance that he wants to have lean muscles like Jimin too. Lol
Jikook admire eachother. But I find they admire eachother's work ethics, talents and skills rather than their expressions of masculinity. Jimin's masculinity is not exactly something JK admires or want to be nor does JM want to be JK or appear as masculine as JK.
Often if you find them checking eachother out it's because they want to jump eachother's bones. In my opinion. Bless them.
In the their earlier dynamics, before 2016, I find that was the phase they were exploring and experimenting with their sexuality in my opinion and so the lines looked a little blurry- for both of them: Jimin with his dark eyeliner, hypersexualized persona and come hither look. JK with his hyperactive alertness to judgement magnifying his inner inhibitions thus making him appear most times passive to others' sexualization of him *cough cough- if you know you know* which I feel he sometimes lowkey enjoyed and at times partook in or initiated- definition of Stock Holmes. Lmho.
Pre 2016 was wild. BTS back in the day were wild and dangerous- sneaky hormonal teenagers. Bless them. But they have since outgrown that phase and any substantive relationship post their teenage era has been formed and solidified.
Thus any sexual entanglement can and will have serious consequences on the groups dynamics so I honestly don't think they even let their minds wander there to be honest.
That being said, again they are human. But I really don't think or see them as attracted to anyone within the group besides eachother- not emotionally, not physically.
Jimin I believe is JK's ideal man and partner and I don't see anyone similar to him in any way that can be tempting for JK. There's only one Park Jimin.
Jk is equally Jimin's ideal type. I just think he thinks there's more room for improvement there and JK seems bent on doing whatever it takes to be that person for Jimin.
As for Park Jimin, we don sold our souls to an androgynous she devil. Not that I'm in a hurry to free myself. *Wink, wink.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Reacting to reactions: Kynicole s4 ep1 (comments edition)
Okay, so you know when something comes out and you need to talk about it with other humans because you can’t hold it in?  This is me right now with the youtube comments on kynicole’s reaction video. I am about to burst 🤯.
**First and foremost lets thank kynicole for doing what most of us aren't willing to do for ourselves which is revisit the trainwreck that is wtFOCK s4.**
Disclaimer: This is long as hell
Ok so literally first comment I see is this:
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People!!! Moyo from all the information we’ve been given as a fandom am pretty sure is not blocked. You know that saying, actions speak louder than words?Well let's analyze the actions of wtFOCK(particularly Rutgers) and Noa. I have asked sooo many people about the block question and I always get the same answer “I don’t know”. Which coupled with everything else that has played out tells me a lot. Ok firstly, we are all aware that wtFOCK is yet to comment on or even acknowledge s4. The newsmonkey article wtFOCK did after every season they skipped entirely after s4. You know what wtFOCK did do? They sent out Nora b4 s4 even ended to calm down the fandom. Oh lets send the WOC out to quell the screams from all the fans that are screaming at the injustice of giving this season to Romi(who was a way less experienced actor, who had no previous backstory on the show, who no one asked for, who was white, a legitimate model, and to put it simply didn’t work anywhere near as hard as Noa for 3 seasons). Anyways here is why I am pretty sure Moyo isn't block.
Think about everything we know about Noa as a human being the way he treats the fans, his demeanor and just overall vibe. To me he seems like a very nice person, he writes back to most of you guys when you talk to him. I saw him comment heart emojis to fan accounts that commented on his award acceptance the other day and you know what he said at the award “That the fans are the most important thing”. Now connect the Noa we know from his actions to his own words on the day the main was revealed:
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To me this tweet implies whatever he is speaking about involved a choice and the chooser chose to make money over morality. Now lets exam Rutgers actions. He has never publicly spoken about the season and the reason I believe he doesn't speak is because any decent journalist is going to ask him to explain his casting choice. Also your telling me that if Moyo had been blocked after week 4,5,6,7,8 of having the fandom hurl insults at wtfock and also Romi calling a meeting they wouldn't have used their end of the season interview to confirm Moyo wasn’t an option to shut the fandom up? Oh and last week Noa accepted the award for wtfock and Rutgers posted Noa on his story??? Moyo wasn’t the main of s4. Wouldn't it make sense to have a main accept the award? Why Noa? Rutgers is not stupid. I don’t believe for one second that Moyo was blocked. What I believe is that wtFOCK’s leadership who happens to all be white men are to embarrassed to go on the record and say “yeah Moyo wasn’t block but we still didn’t chose him” and that instead of giving the season to Noa who worked his ass off for 3 seasons they gave it to Romi because they thought “her look” was more appeasing to advertisers. Her look was obviously what sold them on her because next to Noa we know who the better actor was and Noa literally landed a feature film to prove that. Anyways everyone needs to stop pushing this idea that Moyo was blocked because if you actually look at everyone’s actions involved its pretty clear to me he wasn't blocked and Rutgers and the team are refusing to confirm what to me is fairly obvious answer because they know they are going to get fucking dragged. Also whoever this commenter is they know what's up. I agree with everything you stated:
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☝️☝️☝️Say it louder sis. wtFOCK bypassed Noa on purpose they chose to do what they did to him. I do genuinely believe they regret the decision now because from everything I heard I really do believe they wish they could go back and chose Noa but the damage is done. 
Next YT comment:
You know when early on in the season a bunch of POC said that this season was merely a platform to embolden and give free reign to those who already harbored racial micro-aggression 👇👇👇
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Oh surprise, surprise..... this commenter sees no redeeming qualities in both black boys who in their respective remakes are written as being homophobic, with undertones of aggression and as bad friends. Oh and then this commenter points out how poor Moyo treated Kato. Bwahahahaha what?? Yea Moyo insulted Kato but he never accused her of being a drug dealer, or implies she has a drug problem, or racially profiles members of her community or manipulates her with saying I love you as a form of keeping her but Moyo treats Kato badly. GTFO!!! I am sure this commenter is a Mailin stan too and would say Ava isnt someone she would be interested in seeing main either. Wonder what all these characters have in common🤔. This type of commentary is what created the divide that still resides in the wtfock fandom to date. This shit is what tore the fandom apart and eventually led people to leave the fandom or take time off because people went for each others throats as the season got worse and those who defended wtfock at the beginning were eaten alive. Honestly tho I dont want to excuse people’s troublesome povs on race but wtFOCK’s decision to make a season where their white main never fully apologizes or owns her behavior with the appropriate language perpetuates a pattern of bad behavior so am kinda of not shocked no one came out with some insight on race relations after s4 if anything probably with less of an education then they began with because wtfock themselves peddled the agenda that its ok to silence people of color (as they did with moyo at the end of the season, he never says his piece to kato and stays with her) and Kato never takes ownership of her actions and states that her actions stem from some form of racial micro-aggression.
Final Comments reviewed:
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I mean.... look I will always adore season 2 & 3 of wtfock. Nothing will ever change that for me but these people ☝️☝️are right. It takes a real fan to be honest with themselves and to me this is the worse season in the universe and it makes me so sad mainly because it could have been the most fearless, ground breaking season but wtfock made a choice. They literally had the opportunity to go big and do something that had never been done before and in the end they choked and paid the ultimate price. What a waste.......could have been amazing the had the perfect actor to main and they fucking blew it because in their mind Moyo wasn't an important enough story to tell 😞.
p.s. I noticed kynicole said at least half a dozen times in her video I still dont get why this wasn’t in Moyo’s pov? Literally said EVERYONE!!!
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Survey #358
“i know the pieces fit, ‘cuz i watched them fall away”
Would you ever own a Great Dane as a pet? Oh Lord, my mom wants one so bad. She looooves big dogs. I wouldn't, though. I don't want another dog, period. What was or is your favorite quality about your recent ex? Her resilience, strength, creativity, loyalty, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. lol. Have you ever witnessed a human being giving birth in real life? No, and I NEVER fucking will. What about an animal? Yeah, cats. What kind of things do you enjoy reading about on sites like Wikipedia? I sometimes do that for straightening out game plots after watching a let's play if I have remaining questions. Wikipedia tends to do well with compressing it. Which country’s cuisine that you haven’t tried, would you be interested in sampling? (e.g. Moroccan, Thai etc.) I wouldn't know because I'm not educated enough on foreign cuisines. What’s the last movie you watched on your own? The Shining, I think, forever ago. Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? Scrambled. Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? I've never tried. Are you happy with your relationship with God, or do you want more from it? I don't have one. Do you struggle with boredom? Very, very severely. I have absolutely awful anhedonia; I'm pretty much constantly bored. Literally. I just... find things to pass the time, even if I'm not really enjoying myself. What famous person do you wish you could be friends with? I'm going to assume here you don't mean a significant other, because uh... y'all been known lmaooo. I would really love to be friends with Gab Smolders (I know that's not her real name, just using her YT name), because we have very similar interests. As well, Suzie Hanson is a fucking SWEETHEART. I miss her channel. :( At some point I want to purchase some stuff from her store to support the darling. Man, thinking of this question, there's really a lot. What would you do if you were famous? Hate it, haha. Do you wish you hair were shorter or longer? It's at a fine length right now. What photo editing website or software do you use? Lightroom and Photoshop. What hair color looks best on you and what’s your natural color? I think my hair looked best black. It's naturally brown. What is your favorite show to watch? Meerkat Manor. It is so, so comforting to me. Are your maternal/parental instincts strong? Not with kids, oddly enough. I've only ever really encountered strong protective instincts with significant others like when they're sick or something like that. In school, do you/did you work better by yourself or in a group? I absolutely worked better alone. I hated group work. Do you know anyone who has a collection of old records? My mom did, once upon a time. I feel like I know someone who does now... but idk. Do you go on any forums often? Just RP ones. Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone? Nnnnope. Do people always say you’re too thin? Uh, I have the opposite problem. Could you design a whole web page yourself? Not from scratch, no. I've only done so on free sites that give you the bare bones and easy editing. Have you ever cooked an entire dinner for your family? Definitely not. Do you prefer piano music or violin music? Ohhhh, both are beautiful, but I have to say violin. Who do you tend to get in fights with the most? My mom, I guess, not that we fight a lot. Are you attracted to spooky and macabre things naturally? YEP. Have you ever bobbed for apples? Were you successful? No. It's disgusting if you're going after others, and besides, I HATE water up my nose and have never quite figured out how to block it out without plugging it. Hypothetically speaking, if you had a child [too young to make their own decisions], what would you dress him/her up as for Halloween? It would depend on what their interests were. Do you intend to take your children trick-or-treating, if ever you have any? I'm not having kids, but if I did, I definitely would if they wanted to go. What is the coolest jack-o-lantern you have ever seen? Now THAT'S hard, I really don't know. What was your favorite candy to get from trick-or-treating? What about your least favorite? Reese's was my favorite, and I never liked Tootsie Rolls. Did you ever receive anything that wasn’t candy? Maybe? I feel like I have... Have you ever carved a really extensive pumpkin, or were they always simple carvings? Yes; I once carved a pumpkin with a raven design with "and quoth the raven, 'nevermore'" written into the back. The raven wasn't just a flat cut-out, but rather carved in layers so the light came through differently at certain depths. Are you more interested in cute, funny, “sexy”, or scary costumes? For myself, absolutely the scary ones. In general though, I'm not gonna BS ya, I love me some sexy costumes, haha, but also still scary and particularly gory ones. Have you ever intimidated or made another person feel legitimately threatened? If not, do you think that you could ever be seen as scary? I seriously hate admitting this, but Mom has confessed that my yelling has scared her before when scolding our former dog that I fucking hated. In what ways do you or would you need to be validated by a partner? (For example, liking your posts/talking about you on social media, or perhaps by doting on your with gifts.) I absolutely need words of affirmation. I just need to hear a lot that you do still like/love me. Also, if you're unwilling to actually act like we're a couple in front of ANYONE, like you're ashamed of me or something, byyyyeeee. Do you tend to succeed by weaning yourself off of something or by quitting cold turkey? It depends, I guess. Is there a specific type of pet breed/size/etc. that you don’t want? Why not? Any that have underlying medical issues, like pugs, spider ball pythons, Persian cats, etc. etc... It's just a moral thing; I don't want to support the deliberate continuation of poor genes in animals for human monetary gain. It's just wrong to me. Away from breeds, I also don't really want free-roaming animals after my cat passes, because I don't want to endanger the reptiles and invertebrates I want as pets in the future. Have you ever lived in a notoriously dangerous area? If not, would it bother you to do so? I grew up in one, yes. I never want to again. Has a friend’s significant other ever interfered with or damaged your friendship? What about a significant other of yours damaging a friendship? No. What, if anything, is something that you put pressure on yourself about? What do you imagine would happen if you did not live up to this expectation? Getting a job nowadays. I do NOT want to imagine what my life will be like if I never find employment. If you have been in a serious relationship, have you and your partner ever discussed lifetime plans that clashed? Did you reconcile them or did you break up? If you have not been in a relationship, what are some issues that would be deal-breakers? This hasn't happened, no. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now would you accept? Honestly, I want to try weed to see if it would help my anxiety, BUT I'm unwilling to ever smoke something, so no. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yeah. Do you listen to country music? No. Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? No. Were you ever a trouble maker? Not really, no. Do you shave your legs? Hell, that's debatable by this point. I haven't since this past October, but I *would* if for whatever reason someone might see my legs. I am not overexaggerating when I say I naturally have men's legs as far as hair goes, oof. Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? That's what my dad always drank when he was an alcoholic. He doesn't touch alcohol now. Have you ever gotten sloppy drunk at a party? No. Have you ever slept naked? Accidentally. Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? I really don't think I could be. Do you actually like going to school? I never did. Have you ever really been in a “complicated relationship”? How did that work out? In your opinion, what makes a relationship “complicated”? No. I don't care enough to go into what a complicated relationship means, I think it's pretty obvious. Who was the first person you’ve ever fallen in love with? Is this a person you’re still in contact with? How do you know you’re in love with someone? Jason, and no. And you just... know. It's a wordless feeling . Have you ever successfully broken a bad habit? How about conquered a fear of something? Uhhhh I don't know, really. Well, I used to be AWFUL at picking my eyebrows, particularly when anxious, but I have gotten better at that. I still kinda do it, though. Onto the next question, I don't believe I've "conquered" a fear, but rather they just faded with time on their own. Have you ever read a whole series of books? Yeah. Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I walked. Do you own a pair of brass knuckles? No. Have you ever tried to break a Guinness World Record? No. Can you sing your ABC’s backwards? I can't. Do you like Skittles? I love Skittles. Do you know how to read music? I used to. Who would you say has made the biggest impact on your life? Really, Jason. He ultimately led to me getting proper treatment for my depression, which changed my life. I'm in no way giving him credit for it, but you get what I mean. You can only listen to THREE CDs for the rest of your life. What are they? Black Rain and Ozzmosis by Ozzy Osbourne, and uhhh... perhaps The Black Album by Metallica. Do you own any shirts that have a year on it? Yeah, but it's way too small for me now. It's from Back To The Future, when we actually reached the date in the movie. Have you ever done another person’s make-up? Ha, I gave Jason a makeover once. Honestly, do you double dip? Not if I'm sharing the dip with other people. Who were you last on an elevator with? My mom. Do you know anyone that has a black belt in karate? Not to my knowledge. How often do you wear hats? Never. Who is the youngest gay person you know? *shrug* Have you ever watched an animal being eaten by another animal? I've seen cats eat mice and stuff as a kid. What is the strangest, most “out there” thing you believe? Some people I'm sure would consider the fact I believe the government was involved in 9/11 as "out there," but when you look into it, it's far from "out there." Do you get along with people who are especially religious? Why/why not? It depends on how they act about it, not what they keep in their head. Now if they have just purely hateful beliefs that demonize another's existence, then no, we can't get along. Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait? Painted, yes, for an art class. Do you have any interesting pillow cases? No. Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Bees, generally. Especially if we're talking things like wasps, who are just demon spawns. Would you rather donate time, blood, or money? That's a really hard question, but I guess time? Like I'm thinking volunteer work and stuff, or listening to and comforting someone. Can grills be sexy on a guy? They're sexy on absolutely no one. Last strong smell you can remember smelling? Ugh, gasoline. This one car in front of my mom and me smelled awful. Last healthy thing you ate? Apples. Do you know anybody who was abused? Emotionally, yes. Do your parents volunteer anywhere? No. Do you have a steering wheel cover? Mom's car doesn't. What do you think of when you see sharp knives? This is really morbid, but I will immediately envision what it would be like to be stabbed. I'm very afraid of knives. The highway and back roads take you to the same place; choose your route. The back roads, of course. And let me bring my camera.
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD Review: Yarichin ☆ Bitch-bu 4
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Title: Yarichin ☆ Bitch-bu 4 (ヤリチン☆ビッチ部4)
Author/Artist: Ogeretsu Tanaka
Release Date: 2019/10/25
Hamano Daiki & Kobayashi Yuusuke + Murase Ayumu
Satou Takuya x Kumagai Kentarou
Kitayama Kyousuke & Okitsu Kazuyuki x Nakazawa Masatomo
Yonoga Tsubasa + Yamanaka Masahiro
Synopsis: Adaptation of volume 4.
Review Proper
When I said that customs in my country is trash, I meant that this BLCD literally came in the mail during the pandemic era when I ordered this back in December. 😩 I’ve completely forgotten about this and went into a panic because I use the hotel we run as a delivery address instead of our house since it doesn’t exactly have an address. We’ve closed down for the pandemic and since nobody was there to receive the parcel, it went back to the warehouse and getting it from there was such a tedious process! Gosh, the lengths I go for BL. 😩
Anyway, all the trouble was worth it because all my children delivered!!! 
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Now, I don’t really make reviews for BLCDs which have multiple volumes, but Yarichin deserves a special mention this time around. Everybody stepped up their games—even the side characters! I’m so glad that Ginger Records spared no expense in getting everyone voiced and in high quality, too! 
But I really have to hand it to Satou Takuya. The amount of coherent/concrete lines he has as Yuri is so minimal that I have to wonder how he thinks up his adlibs. It never sounds unnatural to him, too! And I’m so obsessed with how Kumagai Kentarou matches up with him. They’re so cut out for their roles and they have such good chemistry with each other considering that the dynamic of the relationship of their characters is so odd. You’ll know if a seiyuu is of a different level when they can execute such crazy roles with utter believability. 
Speaking of believability, now this is what I meant by better writing goes hand in hand with good voice work. The comedy they tried to bring with Ryou in Torokeru Kuchibiru was forced and awkward, so it contributed to Okitsu’s forced and awkward acting. Also, Okitsu’s Tamura reminds me of his Nanahara which I may or may not be ready to hear in Saezuru 6. 😩
I have to say that this is the best voiced out of all the Yarichin BLCDs and Lucky Lewds (the extra was uploaded in YT many months ago and I just happened to be able to listen to it before it was deleted) was a dream come true—thanks, Hamano Daiki. 🔥🔥🔥 Though, I do think that volume 4 is also the best out of all the volumes of the manga of Shikatani-senpai’s backstory (if Tanaka-sensei has Shikatani, Ogawa Chise has Tatsumi). 😭😭😭  But I still ship Yacchan and Toono. Make the 3P happen, Tanaka-sensei plsplspls I would definitely definitely recommend listening to this if you’re a fan of the series and they stuck to the manga strictly, so it really is such a great adaptation!
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kihyunswrath · 4 years
What makes you believe the quality of Wonho’s material will be so low?
Because Highline is worth like 5 dollars.
That company has only been established in 2017 and has 9 other indie artists and DJs no one else has ever heard about. They have 400-700 views per video in their YT channels. The company also doesn’t have an official website, official fanmail address or basically any other kpop company services available. In short, they’re not a kpop company that trains idols at all, they’re just hosting individual artists who probably hopped onto them after found basking in Hongdae or some shit. Obviously having a management is better than having none, but Highline is a company that barely exists and barely collects any profits from whatever they’re doing, and if we take that company with face value, they’re a really bad investment for Starship.
Now Wonho is of course very popular and has a fuck ton of potential, but he is just one person and he has started from the very beginning with Highline (whereas Starship had several well-established groups and solo artists by the time MX made their debut). Popularity in Instagram and Twitter can only do so much, and Highline hasn’t done a whole lot to promote him, in fact most of the buzz around him has to do with Wonho’s own efforts in his own fancafe. Opening social media platforms doesn’t cost much especially if Wonho himself will be in charge of all the content. If he had signed a contract with a wealthier company though, we would probably have much more interviews, dance practice videos, photoshoots, mic booth and editing clips and even teasers by this point. Highline would have to publish videos and other materials like... right now, if they planned to get enough sales and revenue for Wonho to continue his career after his military service, and they haven’t even started aside from announcing the fandom name, which was also 100% Wonho’s own doing. Wonho doesn’t need idol training and he probably already has made songs he could publish like tomorrow if he wanted to, but for some reason the company isn’t reacting fast enough, so clearly that comes down to lack of resources.
Having said that, there is of course the chance that Wonho is somehow supported by Starship after all. That seems likely to me in the sense that he IS worth a lot of money, whereas Highline on its own isn’t worth shit. Wonho was allowed to keep his old artist name which has basically never happened before in this industry, and he is still keeping his contract with Eshy... and he IS still under Starship, just not directly.
People seem to believe he independently made these decisions and that he wouldn’t even want to come back to Monsta X and enjoys the opportunity of having a solo career but... let’s face it. There are about one thousand kpop companies out there. Why would he choose the one and only that doesn’t have any money, publicity or successful artists and is still directly under Starship? I really do not think that was his only option, not if he really had a free choice. So I think Starship may have promised him some vague things and given him some legal support in order to keep him close and loyal. That’s how they could get some of that money back they lost in revenues after Wonho left, while having zero legal responsibilities over his career in case he “angers the public” with his debut, and in case Highline then goes bankrupt.
But that still doesn’t mean they’ll outright give him money for his music videos. They might have loaned him some, which of course isn’t the same, and won’t mean he will have high-budget, high-quality content, at least not yet. He has been left to survive much on his own, and unless Starship is planning to reinstate him into Monsta X (seems less and less likely by this point), he has a very rocky road ahead of him.
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bnhablessings · 5 years
Sad Boi Hours
A/N: I am an insomniac. I too get my fill on sad boi hours. These are headcanons for Bakugou, Kaminari, and Todoroki because I am going to my grave believing they would have sad boi hours on the down-low. I imagine the only person that knows would be their s/o (I believe I kept it gender-neutral. Forgive me if I didn’t. I am on my 4th cup of sleepy tea)
For those who don’t know what sad boi hours are here are a few great definitions: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sadboi%20Hours
Warnings: None; unless edge/sad bois count? (I apologize for this mess but I do not regret it)
Words: 884
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Bakugou Katsuki-
Okay so for explosion boy over here he seems like the less likely one to have it right?? He acts like he has no emotions and everyone is below him
The fact that he goes to bed so dang early is probably all for his sad boi hours
That’s why you never suspect him
Anyway, I can see you finding out in two different ways. The first and obvious one is you went into his room when you thought he would be passed out. Probably to get something (Most likely a dare from the Bakusquad) and it turns out no he’s awake and been exposed
Y’all have been together for a while and he is comfortable with you sleeping together.
If it’s the second case you can bet he made sure multiple times that you wouldn’t wake up during his sad boi hours. Then as luck would have it you woke up during that time
You saw his angry ass sad face with one small tear slipping down his cheek listening to (what I assume he would listen to) xxxtentacion, Eminem, or if he was really feeling it, Lana Del Rey
He would probably knock you out as soon as he realizes you are awake
If it was the last one you would probably be buried within the next hour
Seriously though, the jig is up and he is grumpier than usual as he explains to you why the heck he is up
It doesn’t matter if you understand it or not because the next thing you know he murdered you for witnessing his vulnerability he goes back to sleep
It would take a while before he openly shows and shares his sad boi hours with you
But when that does happen he actually enjoys you being there for him and sharing things with you that no one else knows about
It makes the explosive boy feel loved :’)
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 Kaminari Denki-
When I think of Denki I remember that one thing where his text message is funny one moment and serious the next. (This one). Anyway that’s how fast he’ll flip into his sad boi hours
If I’m being honest I don’t think he would hide it well but he would play it off
He’d be the one blasting Lil Peep
He is a meme lord through and through so he communicates through memes and most definitely makes everything a joke
But even funny boys have their limits and his sad boi hours hit him hard
He is surprisingly serious about the sad boi hours being consistent and only happening at 1 to 4:59 AM
At this time he is either sending very depressing memes to the Bakusquad (probably just Ashido and Sero for their relatable humor) (Kirishima is too soft and would get concerned while Bakugou ignores them)
Or he is crying while listening to Lil Peep (Going to my grave yet again believing this)
You’d probably find out as soon as you start dating because he accidentally sent one of those darker memes to you. To his surprise, you would send one back and then he would come and fetch you so he can share his sad boi hours with you
You both worship Lil Peep. If you didn’t it would probably break his heart
He would 100% cuddle you in these hours as he vents to you what is bothering him, of course letting you speak as well
Watching vines together is probably how you would break him out of the sad boi spell
It’s either that or very bad pick-up lines that will have him feeling better in no time
Either way, he enjoys some quality time and someone who genuinely cares about him (that doesn’t make fun of him) during these hours :’)
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Todoroki Shouto-
Shouto is probably the biggest sad boi out of the other two on the list without realizing it
You probably know he has them as soon as you start dating because he is always zoning out or taking a nap somewhere
He wouldn’t know what the heck sad boi hours are
You would have to explain it to him since you strongly think he does have them
“Oh? Is it not normal?”
Again, you would have to explain it to him that it is not normal but not bad either. Either way, he’ll probably blame Endeavor (I would too)
However, his sad boi hours are a bit weird
Like, he would be the one that looks completely dead inside as he stares at the ceiling (like a true insomniac) wondering why he can’t go to sleep. He wouldn’t cry either unless you were there
“Oh I have feelings” is probably what he realizes when he ponders over it
Again if you were there and talked him through his feelings he would cry. He would cuddle you and let you console him, he needs the touch
He listens to music during these times but it’s really depressing lofi hip hop mixes (Btw, I strongly recommend these by Dreamy on YT. They are pretty and good for the soul)
He appreciates you staying with him and working out his feelings with him during these times. It’s like a mix of bonding time and therapeutic time for him. He just needs all the love :’)
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