#The way I dropped to the floor isn’t funny
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗮𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 | 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝘁𝟭
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Warnings: None
Maknaeline x Reader. Angst.
Jisung was always the one to make people laugh, to brighten the room with his energy and humor. His smile was contagious, his jokes quick, and his laughter a sound you cherished immensely. But what people didn’t see, what Jisung hid behind his laughter, was his fear - the constant nagging doubt that told him he wasn’t good enough. Sure people could tell he was an anxious mess. He talked about with Stays, opened up to many people about his anxiety. But few people truly understood what exactly was harbored within that.
You knew that information, of course. You’d been by his side long enough to see the cracks in his playful exterior; and even his anxious exterior. But even you hadn’t realized how deep those insecurities ran - you thought you did. But it wasn't until you accidentally hit a nerve you didn’t know was there that you understood the depth of it; maybe even deeper than anyone else did.
It was late at night, and you and Jisung were lying on the floor of his living room, watching music videos. It was something you often did when he needed to unwind after long studio sessions. He was particularly quiet tonight, though, his usual playfulness replaced by something more subdued.
“Are you okay?” you asked, nudging him gently with your foot.
Jisung shrugged, his eyes fixed on the screen. “Yeah, just tired.”
You weren’t convinced. “You sure? You’ve been kind of quiet all night. I miss hearing your voice, yeobo.”
He hesitated before finally sighing. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just feeling...off.”
You sat up, concerned. “Off how?” You paused the video you were watching and turned all of your attention to him.
He shifted uncomfortably, sitting up too, and running a hand through his hair. “It’s stupid.”
“Nothing you feel is stupid,” you said softly, encouraging him to open up.
Jisung gave you a half-hearted smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ve just been feeling like...maybe I’m not doing enough? Like, no matter how hard I work, it’s never enough to be at the level I should be. I see the other guys, and sometimes it feels like they’re ahead of me in everything. Better rappers, better singers...even better at being funny.”
You frowned, surprised at the confession. “Jisung, that’s not true. You’re amazing at all those things.” You knew first hand. You got to see all of that up close while being held in his arms, while kissing him goodbye, or cuddling. You got to see him for him...yet he couldn't even see himself?
He gave a bitter laugh, his eyes dropping to the floor. “Maybe. But it doesn’t feel like it.”
You weren’t sure how to respond. You hated seeing him like this, so wrapped up in his doubts that he couldn’t see how talented he truly was. But you didn't know if anything you would say would make it better. So, in a misguided attempt to lighten the mood, you joked, “Well, at least you’ve got that cute quokka thing going for you, right? No one can beat you at that.”
It was meant to make him laugh, to break the tension. But instead, Jisung’s face fell, his expression crumbling in a way that made your heart stop.
He stood up abruptly, the sudden movement startling you. “So, that’s it? I’m just the cute, funny guy? That’s all people see?” His boba eyes met yours in a frantic worry.
Your eyes widened in shock. “Jisung, no, that’s not what I meant-”
“But that’s what you said!” he snapped, his voice rising, something sharp and hurt laced in every word. “I’m just the guy people laugh at. The one who makes everyone else look better because I’m the ‘funny one.’ The one who is always anxious and pitied! I’m not taken seriously. Not by you, not by anyone.” He cried.
“That’s not true!” you protested, standing up and reaching out for him, but he pulled away.
“Isn’t it?” His voice cracked, and you could see the vulnerability behind the anger. “You’re just like everyone else. You think I’m a joke?Something to pity?”
You shook your head, tears stinging your eyes. “Jisung, that’s not it at all. I didn’t mean-”
“I can’t do this right now,” he interrupted, his tone flat, as if he was trying to push down the emotions threatening to spill over. “I need to be alone.”
And just like that, he walked out of the room, leaving you standing there, speechless and devastated. The door to his bedroom closed with a soft click, and you were left with the echo of your words - the ones you hadn’t meant to say, the ones that had hurt him so deeply.
You sank down in front his door, wanting to be near him even in the slightest sense. The tears you held finally slipping down your cheeks. You had only wanted to make him smile, but instead, you had struck right at the heart of his insecurities. And now, you weren’t sure how to fix it.
Felix was like the sun. His warmth radiated from every word, every smile, every laugh. Being around him was like basking in the glow of a never-ending summer day. But what people didn’t realize, what Felix kept hidden so well, was the fear that lingered just beneath the surface - the fear that, no matter how bright he tried to shine, the shadows would always be there.
You and Felix had been inseparable for months. It wasn’t just his warmth that drew you to him; it was the way he made everything feel lighter, easier. He was the light in your life, and you were sure you were the same for him. You needed him like you needed oxygen.
But that night, something shifted.
It had been a long day for both of you, and Felix had been uncharacteristically solemn. He’d barely said anything since you arrived at his apartment, his usual playfulness replaced with a strange tension that had settled in the air like a storm waiting to break.
You were sitting on the couch together, watching a movie, huddled up in a blanket due to the freezing living room; product of your broken heater, but his focus was elsewhere. He kept fidgeting, his fingers playing with the sleeve of his hoodie, his eyes fixed on the floor.
“Lix, are you okay, baby?” you asked softly, reaching out to touch his arm.
He flinched slightly at your touch, pulling his arm away before giving you a tight smile, and then in regret letting his arm rest into yours slightly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.”
You frowned. That wasn’t the Felix you knew. He'd never flinch at your touch or pull away; rather the opposite. Normally, he’d be snuggling up against you, cracking jokes, or commenting on the movie, but tonight he was distant, like he was somewhere far away.
“Are you sure?” you pressed, concern lacing your voice. “You’ve seemed off all day, love.”
Felix shrugged, avoiding your gaze. “I’m fine, really.” His lips were turned downwards, his eyes not looking as bright as they usually did.
You weren’t convinced, but you didn’t want to push too hard. So, you tried to lighten the mood instead, hoping to bring back the Felix you knew. “Maybe you’re just tired of hearing me talk. I mean, you’ve been so quiet tonight, maybe I’ve been boring you to death.” You took a breath and straightened your posture. "I'll stop yapping if you want some quiet. I wouldn't want to rain on the sunshine boy's day." You said patting his head, but he pulled away harshly this time.
It was meant as a joke, something playful to ease the tension. But the second the words left your mouth, Felix’s face changed. His expression hardened, and he stood up abruptly, startling you.
“Is that what you think?” he asked, his voice low, but there was an edge to it that you hadn’t heard before.
You blinked, confused by the sudden change in his demeanor. “What? No, I was just joking, Lix-”
“Yeah, well, maybe it’s not funny,” he snapped, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and hurt. “Maybe I’m not in the mood to laugh right now.”
Your heart sank at the sight of him standing there, his shoulders tense, his jaw clenched. You hadn’t meant to upset him - you had just been trying to make things better, but it was clear now that you’d only made them worse.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you said quickly, standing up and reaching for him, but Felix stepped back, shaking his head.
“It’s not about that,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “It’s about everything.”
“Everything?” you repeated, your voice small. “Felix, what are you talking about? Did I do something wrong? Are we breaking up?”
He let out a bitter laugh, one that sounded so wrong coming from him. “It’s about how no matter what I do, I’m always the one who’s ‘cute’ or ‘sweet’ or ‘sunshine,’ never anything else. Just that. Never enough.”
“Felix, you’re more than enough,” you said, your voice shaking as you stepped closer to him. “You’re amazing in every way-” You didn't know what he was talking about. What did he mean by "never enough"? What did he mean by "just that"?
“Am I?” he interrupted, his voice rising. “Because sometimes it feels like I’m just here to make everyone else feel better. Like I’m only worth something because I’m the one always smiling, always making everyone laugh. But what happens when I’m not? What happens when I can’t be that ‘sunshine’ everyone expects me to be? Then what?”
His words hit you hard, and for the first time, you could see how much weight Felix had been carrying. He had always been the bright one, the happy one, the one who brought light into any room. But beneath that light was a darkness he’d kept hidden, a fear of never being seen for who he truly was.
“Felix, that’s not true,” you whispered, your voice breaking as you took another step toward him. “You’re not just some...some image of sunshine to me. You’re so much more than that.” Your eyes were watery and you tried to stay strong and blink the tears away. You rubbed your face and sniffed, trying to wipe the beginning flow of a stream of snot. "I...love you for much more than that..."
But Felix didn’t seem to hear you. He was lost in his own thoughts, spiraling further into his insecurities, and you could see the hurt etched on his face.
“You don’t get it,” he muttered, his eyes dark with frustration. “You don’t understand what it’s like to feel like you could become useless any second; to go from enough to not enough in an instant - to feel like the only thing you’re good at is pretending everything’s fine. And that that is the only reason people like you.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but the words wouldn’t come. What could you say to make him believe you? To make him see that he was more than enough, that his value didn’t depend on always being the happy one?
“I’m tired,” Felix finally whispered, his voice so soft it was barely audible. “I’m tired of pretending. I'm tired of everything, to be honest.”
The vulnerability in his words broke your heart, and you reached out for him again, this time gently taking his hand in yours. But Felix didn’t look at you. His gaze was fixed on the floor, as if he couldn’t bear to face you.
“I don’t want to lose you,” you whispered, your voice trembling with the weight of everything unsaid. You didn't want to break up. Ever. “Please, Lixxie talk to me?" Your voice was hanging by a thread.
One that was instantly snapped as Felix didn’t respond, just pulling his hand away from yours, his body tense with a pain you couldn’t reach. And without even a final glance, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving you standing there in the cold room and a silence that rivaled it.
Seungmin had always been known for his calm demeanor and quiet strength. He didn’t outwardly seek attention like others, but his presence was undeniable - a steadying force in any storm. He someone people could rely on, the one who would always be there, quietly doing his best.
But there were things Seungmin never said out loud, things he buried beneath his composed exterior.
Lately, you had noticed a shift in him. The small, easy moments you used to share had been replaced by a distance you couldn’t quite explain. His responses were shorter, his smiles less frequent, and though he never said it, something was clearly weighing on him.
You were worried about it. Your two-year anniversary around the corner, and it made you wonder if he was considering ending things. Maybe he was tired of you?
It had been another long day at the dorm, and you were hanging out with Seungmin in the living room, just trying to enjoy some downtime. But there was an unspoken tension between you, and every attempt at conversation seemed to hit a wall.
“Seungmin, is everything okay?” you asked, your voice soft but filled with concern. He had been so quiet lately, and you were worried that something was wrong. "Did I do something to upset you?"
Seungmin looked up from his phone, his expression carefully neutral. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said, but there was a slight edge to his voice, one you hadn’t heard from him before. "And no, you didn't."
You frowned, not convinced. “Are you sure? You’ve seemed really distant lately...like something’s bothering you. And- And I just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally hurt your feelings or something...”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as if he didn’t want to have this conversation. “I’m just tired. It’s nothing.”
But you knew it wasn’t nothing. There was something beneath the surface, something he wasn’t saying, and you hated feeling like you were being shut out. Seungmin wasn’t one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but he had never been this distant before.
“You don’t have to tell me everything,” you said gently, trying to reach him. “But I’m here if you need to talk. You don’t have to handle everything on your own, you know?”
Seungmin’s eyes flickered for a moment, but then his walls came back up. He shrugged, giving you a tight smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m handling it.”
That was when the frustration bubbled up inside you. You weren’t angry at him, but the distance he was creating hurt, and you didn’t know how to bridge the gap.
In simplest terms: he was scaring you.
“Seungmin, you can’t keep everything bottled up forever,” you said, your voice a little sharper than you intended. “You don’t have to pretend like everything’s fine all the time.”
Seungmin’s jaw clenched, and for the first time, you saw something flicker in his eyes - something like hurt, or maybe frustration. But it disappeared just as quickly.
“I’m not pretending,” he said quietly, but there was a coldness in his voice now.
You didn’t want to push him, but you couldn’t just sit there and pretend like everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t. You couldn't let whatever was bothering him fester even more; because if that would result in the end of your relationship than you wouldn't be able to live with yourself for not trying to save it. “It feels like you’re shutting me out, Seungmin. And I don’t know why.”
He was quiet for a long moment, and just when you thought he wasn’t going to respond, he stood up abruptly, running a hand through his hair. “Maybe because I am shutting you out.”
The words were so quiet you almost didn’t hear them, but when they finally sank in, your heart dropped.
“What?” you whispered, standing up to face him. “Seungmin, why...why won't you just explain to me what I did?”
"Sometimes I feel like I'm not who everyone thinks I am."
"Min what do you mean by that?"
"Why won't you tell me?"
Seungmin’s eyes were dark with frustration now, and for the first time, you saw a crack in his usually calm demeanor. “Because maybe I don't want to tell you!" He shouts.
The weight of his words hit you like a semi.
“Seungmin, whatever is wrong please- tell me,” you said quickly, taking a step closer to him. "We're supposed to rely on each other in times like these. You can rely on me just like I can rely on you-"
But before you could finish, Seungmin cut you off, his voice laced with bitterness. “Isn't that the problem?” He let out a sarcastic laugh. "I'm the reliable one? So much so that I'm known as the quiet one who is always there when people need him? Like need him need him?"
Your throat tightened, and you felt a lump forming in your chest. You had no idea he felt this way, no idea he had been struggling with this sense of invisibility.
Was that what he was struggling with?
Because for some reason you felt as if it was much more than what you were assuming. But maybe your assumption was correct?
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, reaching for him, but Seungmin took a step back, shaking his head. "If you feel invisible-"
“Don’t,” he muttered, his voice strained. “I need...I just need some space right now. I don't think you could even understand if I tried to explain.”
And before you could say anything else, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving you standing there in the suffocating silence, your heart aching with the weight of everything unsaid.
You’d always admired Jeongin for his youthful spirit and the way he managed to balance the pressures of his career with a bright, playful attitude. But beneath that light-hearted exterior, you knew there were layers to him - things he didn’t always reveal. His role as the youngest in Stray Kids often came with expectations that weighed heavily on him, but Jeongin rarely spoke about it unless he was feeling vulnerable.
Today had been one of those days where he seemed a bit quieter than usual. You had both decided to hang out at the dorm, hoping to unwind after his busy schedule. Everything was normal, at first. You were teasing him about his latest performance, laughing about something silly he did on stage. He had been smiling, but there was a hint of something in his eyes that made you pause.
"You're so lucky, Innie," you said without thinking, the words slipping out as you laughed. "Everyone always loves the maknae. You get all the attention without even trying." It was true.
He didn't even try catching your attention, but the minute you saw him you had an unmistakable attraction; an irrepressible pull to him.
Jeongin's smile faltered, his dimple disappearing, and his eyes dropped to the floor. He didn’t respond right away, which was unusual for him. You realized too late that what you’d said had hit a nerve. You had only meant it as a lighthearted comment, but there was an underlying truth to it that stung.
"Innie?" you asked cautiously, your laughter fading as you noticed the sudden shift in his demeanor.
Jeongin stood up slowly, turning away from you as he ran a hand through his hair. His movements were tense, his back rigid as he faced the wall.
"Jeongin...what's wrong?" you asked softly, feeling a knot form in your stomach. You hadn’t meant to upset him.
He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. "You think it’s lucky? Being the youngest, being the one everyone looks at like I’m some kind of...kid."
Your heart dropped. "No, I didn’t mean it like that baby I mean-"
"But that’s what you think, right?" Jeongin interrupted, his voice quiet, but hardening. He turned to face you, and you were taken aback by the hurt in his eyes. "You think because I’m the maknae, I don’t have to try? That everything’s just handed to me? Because thats what you make it seem like..."
The guilt washed over you in waves. You had never imagined that your words would trigger something so deep, but now you could see just how much he had been holding in. Jeongin had always laughed off his role as the youngest, but now you realized it had weighed on him far more than you knew.
"Jeongin, that’s not what I think at all," you said, your voice trembling with regret, and your bottom lip turning downwards. "I didn’t mean to make it sound like that."
He clenched his fists, his expression a mix of frustration and sadness. "Do you know how hard it is to be seen as a kid all the time? No matter what I do, people look at me like I’m just the cute, young one. Like I can’t be serious, like I don’t work as hard as everyone else."
You could feel the pain behind his words, and it broke your heart. "I’m sorry," you whispered, stepping closer to him. "I didn’t know you felt this way."
Jeongin shook his head, stepping back as if he didn’t want you to get too close. "Of course you didn’t," he muttered bitterly. "Because I don’t talk about it. I don’t complain. I just...deal with it. And if it comes up I just laugh it off because I'm a kid. That's all my hyungs see and all the fans see and all you see."
He looked down at the floor, his shoulders slumping. The silence between you felt heavy, and you didn’t know how to fix what you had unintentionally broken. You had hurt him, and you weren’t sure if he would let you in to make it right.
"Maybe I should go," Jeongin said suddenly, his voice cold and distant.
Panic rose in your chest- did you mess everything up? Did something you see as a small issue snowball into a major catalyst of your happiness? "No, wait-"
But before you could stop him, Jeongin grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. His retreating figure left you standing there, feeling helpless, your heart aching with guilt. You had never seen him like this - so vulnerable, so fragile. And it was your words that had caused those cracks to appear.
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
@minsungsthirdwheel @everlastingspring143 @joyofbebbanburg
@leezanetheofficial @tr-mha-fan @bubbly-moon
226 notes · View notes
matty-bear · 7 months
cause of death : nicolas sturniolo
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78 notes · View notes
ponderingmoonlight · 1 month
Meeting your ex jjk boyfriend again after your breakup
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Pairings: Gojo x fem!reader; Toji x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,1 k
Warnings: cheating in gojo's part, overwhelming emotions in every part lol
Well that escalated quickly. If you want a part two with Geto, Sukuna, Chose and/or someone else let me know 🤍
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Gojo Satoru
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You hate to be here. Just the thought of seeing his face again makes your guts turn. When was the last time you encountered each other?
When he was with her.
“Don’t panic, I’m here with you. Remember?”, Utahime mutters into your ear while walking up those cursed steps towards jujutsu high.
“I thought I’d never have to see that jerk’s face again…”
“Well, not when you’re the second strongest. Don’t let that idiot ruin your mood.”
You sign to yourself, gaze drifting over your beloved students.
When you found out your long-term boyfriend Gojo Satoru cheated on you with none other than Mei Mei, you dropped out of Tokyo Jujutsu High immediately. It was Utahime who took you under her wing and made you the teacher you are today – at Kyoto High.
Those past two years, you really managed to stay away from him. After changing your phone number countless times, after searching day and night for a place to live that he won’t find so easily, you finally lived in peace. Far away from the pain he caused, well distracted from your still messed-up feelings.
But now you’re back. And you will be forced to meet that prick.
“There they come”, Nobara mutters while her gaze drifts over every person that comes into frame.
“Hey, who’s that woman over there?”
“That’s (y/n), a former student here at Jujutsu High. She attended the same class as Gojo-sensei. Right now, she’s working as a teacher at Kyoto High”, Megumi explains briefly.
“Former? Why isn’t she here anymore? I’d love to borrow those boots from here. Damn, that outfit really rocks…”
“There have been some…incidents with Gojo-sensei…”
Nobara’s eyes widen in pure curiosity, her eyes scanning you up and down.
“Her, with that white-haired idiot?”
“What are my lovely students talking about?”
Megumi rolls his eyes out of instinct when the tall man comes to a stand behind them.
“Oh look, the students from Kyoto High arrives with their tea-“
His breath gets stuck in your throat when your eyes make contact with his. How long has it been since he last saw you?
You look…flawless. Your hair a little longer than in his imagination, your body well-built by the countless training hours you might have spent over there at Kyoto High.
But your cold gaze is still the same as on that fateful day that still repeats itself over and over inside his head.
“Look who’s there”, he jeers from afar.
You feel like vomiting all over the floor. Were you really dumb enough to think your feelings just disappeared into thin air? You force your eyes away from him and to stare at his students instead. You just need to get those few days over with. Only those couple hours and you’ll get away with not seeing him for another 2 years.
“Shut up, Gojo”, Utahime warns him next to you.
“It’s nice to see you’re still as weak as before, Utahime! I wonder if you’re still crying all the time-“
"Funny, Gojo. It's nice to see your arrogance is still compensating for your insecurities. Some things never change."
The air around you freezes when those words leave your mouth, everyone around you going silent in an instant. It’s only you and him. Him with that suddenly so hardened expression, you with eyes that spit venom his way.  
“Why don’t you save your breath for someone who cares and just leave us alone until the competition starts?”
"Touché. But if you're going to psychoanalyze me, how about we do it somewhere private? We have some catching up to do."
There it is again. That cheeky smile you know painfully well, the way he tilts his head to the side oh so playfully. Your heart wrenches, bleeds out like it did on that day you saw him.
In Mei Mei’s bedroom.
While she was naked.
“I’d rather die, asshole.”
Without gifting him another look you storm away. Towards the main building, as far away as possible without anyone being able to follow you.
Fuck, you swore to yourself you are over this shit. You shouldn’t care about him, shouldn’t even feel bothered by looking at him anymore. Only one glance at him and you’re completely losing it? You thought you were better than this, stronger than you were two years ago. But apparently, nothing changed. You’re still crying over someone who betrayed you in the nastiest way possible.
A gentle grasp on your wrist rips you out of your nightmares and catapults you in an even worse one.
“Let go of me”, you hiss through gritted teeth when his bright blue eyes meet yours.
"I definitely won’t make that mistake again. You can run all you want, but you know we need to talk. You can’t keep avoiding this... or me.”
You yank your wrist away with full force when something inside you snaps.
"Talk? About what, Gojo? How you always think you can just waltz back into my life whenever it suits you? I’m done with your games."
„Stop calling me Gojo like we’re strangers. Just hear me out-“
"Strangers? That’s what we are now, Gojo. Whatever we had, it’s over. You don’t get to decide when I listen to you."
Fuck, you hate the way tears start to burn in your eyes, how his sheer presence shakes you right to your core. Truth is, you never stopped loving him. Not even when he abused your trust like he did, not even when you caught him with Mei Mei that day. Until now, your stupid heart didn’t get the message, still clings onto him for dear life.
And it hurts like hell.
Gojo takes a deep breath in and takes a step towards you.
"Please, just listen. That night - it wasn’t what you think. I was trying to protect you, but I messed up by keeping you in the dark. I would never betray you like that. You have to believe me."
"Protect me? I saw you in Mei Mei’s room. If that wasn’t what it looked like, then explain why you were there. Don’t expect me to just forget what I saw and the way it made me feel. As if your fucking words mean everything!"
You lose it completely, your composure, those rough years of keeping you together. In that second, you lose yourself.
“That night she called me because she told me about a special grade curse that was hunting after you. I entered her room just seconds before you stumbled in. If I had known this, that she only tries to entertain herself with spreading that fucking misunderstanding between us, I would have never-“
“Have you any idea how I felt that day? You…You were my life, Satoru! I would have died for you! And you didn’t even care enough to follow me!”, you now cry out seething with emotion
“I thought I was doing the right thing!”, he shouts so roughly that you flinch.  
“I thought you needed space, that we’ll talk things out when you didn’t respond countless times. I never thought…that you’d actually believe I was cheating on you! You meant everything to me too, and the thought of losing you, of not even knowing where you were, has been killing me. I’m so sorry for not chasing after you. Until this day, there’s nothing I regret more than giving you space in that fucking moment, I should have fought harder to make things right. Fuck, I missed you every single day since you were gone and it kills me, it fucking kills me I can’t call you mine anymore!”
Are those…tears glistening in his eyes. Is that really Gojo Satoru, standing in front of you, crying?
“Seeing you like this… I don’t know if it makes things better or just harder. Maybe you’re genuinely sorry, but the pain you caused me is real. It’s not something that can be fixed with words or tears alone…”
“Just one kiss.”
He draws closer, the heat of his body paired with his signature perfume now so close that you feel like fainting for a second.
“Give me one kiss and I’ll leave you alone.”
“A kiss?”, you breathe out.
His lips haunted you in your dreams frequently, how they felt pressed against yours and comforted you through everything. You hated how your mind always remembered you of what you’ve lost.
Those kissable lips, that mouth that never failed to make you smile.
But now…a kiss?
"Just one kiss, to remember what we had, to see if there’s still something between us. If it doesn’t change anything, I’ll walk away and give you all the space you need. But if there’s even a spark left… I need to know."
Your mind races as you consider his request with a wave of feelings rushing over you like a tsunami. Memories of your shared moments flood back, the warmth of his embrace, the comfort of his touch, and the sweetness of his kisses that used to light up your whole fucking world. But what if he hurts you again? What if all those words are nothing but a filthy little lie to play with you all over?
Your heart pounds while you close your eyes briefly, trying to push through the pain and the intensity of the situation. The idea of that one kiss, despite everything, pulls at your heartstrings. That moment of vulnerability and a chance to confront what’s been haunting her dreams, close enough to touch and feel...
Finally, you open your eyes and nod slowly, your voice barely a whisper.
"One kiss."
Gojo’s eyes soften with a mix of relief and hope as he leans in, his breath warm against your oversensitive and touch-starved skin. His lips meet yours with a gentle, hesitant touch. A bittersweet mixture of longing, regret, and a lingering affection that speaks of all both of you once shared, the feelings that still rise from the ashes between both of you – feelings that never really disappeared. Truth is, you never really stopped loving Gojo Satoru. Even if he shattered your heart into thousands of pieces, even if your heart still aches, you can’t escape his gravity.
Out of instinct, you wrap your longing arms around his neck like you always did, press your body even closer against his. Only that one touch, that one kiss in order to feel that he lied.
But instead, the taste his falling tears on your tongue, feel his desperate hands on your waist. Did…Gojo Satoru miss you as well?
As your lips part, a tear slips down both of your cheeks while heavy breathing fills the cramped room between you.
"From the moment you left, I’ve been lost without you. I thought I could move on, but every day without you has been unbearable. I missed you more than I ever thought possible. I’ve been living in a world where everything reminds me of what we had and what I threw away by not following you that night. I never stopped loving you, not for a single fucking day.
I know I’ve made mistakes and I’ve hurt you in ways I can never fully make up for. But standing here now, feeling your arms around me and knowing that you still care... it’s more than I deserve. I love you, and I’ve always loved you. If there’s any chance for us to rebuild what we had, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I need you to know that my feelings for you have never faded, and they never will.”
You look at him with a mix of longing and hope, your eyes silently asking for what you’re yearning for.
"One more kiss," you whisper,
"just to see if it’s real.”
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Toji Fushiguro
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Your eyes are focus on the glittery liquid that swirls around in your glass, too focused on the play of color to even listen to that jerk opposite of you.
“(y/n), are you even listening to me?”
“Of course, go on”, you mutter through your hand without even looking up.
To be honest, your dating life has been a mess since that one guy. Dates each and every night, nameless men who cling onto your rock bottom for dear life. Getting showered by meaningless compliment that are supposed to drag you into their beds, the bitter taste of gammahydroxybutyricacid on a regular basis.
Just like now. Liquid ecstasy.
You raise your eyebrows, allow yourself a glimpse at that muscular guy with a face that looks like out of every plastic surgeons dream and that fake rolex around his wrist. As if you’d be dumb enough to actually swallow that shit. But on the other hand, you might as well wait until he spent all his money for you in that way too expensive restaurant before leaving him standing in the rain.
“You have to be the prettiest woman I’ve even seen”, he jeers while grabbing your hand.
You force down that wave of puke that threatens to take you over and put on the sweetest smile you have to offer.
What a loser, honestly. Not even able to read a woman properly.
But none of the men you’ve met since him were.
“Aren’t you thirsty? Don’t you like your drink?”
Yeah, like you’re dumb enough to drink that shit.
“I’d actually like to eat something before drinking. Otherwise, I’m drunk immediately”, you give back oh so innocently.
He lets out a disgusting laughter, his hungry eyes almost pilling you out of your skintight dress. Well, that’s what you get for going on a date with someone who calls himself selfmade CEO of something that has to be another lousy pyramid scheme.
Let’s get this over with.
Your eyes dart around the room aimlessly in order to find a way to escape later on. Unfortunately, the toilets don’t provide a window and as it seems, you won’t be able to escape that main hall. Screw those fancy restaurants and their high alert.
It’s a feeling that crawls up your spine so suddenly that your head yanks to the right out of instinct.
Cold eyes. That scar on the corner of his mouth that flinches when he catches you staring at him.
So familiar cold eyes that you feel like fainting for a second.
It can’t be him, it’s impossible that it’s him-
“Toji?”, you breathe out.
You haven’t seen him since that day.
Since the two of you broke up.
You swore to yourself to never see that man again, moved to Tokyo on order to get lost in the crowd, went on countless dates to fuck his face out of your mind.
But as soon as your eyes land on him, your guts twist just like they did before, a wave of fright washing over your usual so broad back.
“I need to go”, you mutter, not even caring about that douchebag on the other side of the table anymore.
You need to get out of here, need to hide in some lonely corner, need to move to another city. Or another country? It seems like he’ll always find you, no matter where you go.
The cold air of the night hits your face like a wall as you stumble out of the restaurant. Where are you supposed to go? Aimlessly, you haste through the next alley, eyes darting behind you as if you’re haunted.
That toxic fucker, that crazy man who apparently didn’t accept your breakup at all. Toji is no one to be messed with, a maniac when it comes to his toys.
And you are one of those toys. Well, you hope you were.
“Think you can escape me like that?”
The next second, you find yourself pinned against a wall with no way out.
“Let go of me, you freak”, you press out, not even daring to look up at him.
Fuck, you’re absolutely screwed. There’s no way you’ll get out of here like you did last time.
“Is that how you greet the love of your life, huh?”
He grabs your cheek firmly and forces your head towards his.
There they are, those dangerous eyes. Up close, in their full glory.
You feel like puking.
“I don’t love you anymore. You treated me like shit.”
That’s what you told yourself over and over again, literally tattooed on your heart. You can’t love a guy like him, he’ll never give you what you need and want.
“So you’re telling me that guy who wanted to fuck after your blackout is better? Can’t tell me you didn’t notice that loser put something in your drink.”
“It’s none of your business”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Everything that has to do with you is my business, babe. You did a good job hiding from me for a few months. But you can’t escape me”, he mutters against your ear.
His hot breath against your naked and oversensitive skin almost sends you over the edge, forces that knot inside your stomach to start pulsating all over again.
That fucker who knows your body so well. That asshole who plays with your feeling all over again.
“We’ve broke up”, you remind him with unsteady gaze.
“So you have no feelings for me? Hate me? Just because I killed that guy-“
“You killed so many people that I lost count. I can’t do this!”, you blurt out.
“But do you love me?”
Your heart almost pounds out of your chest, sweat now covering your forehead only by looking at him. So many nights, you’ve drank enough to forget your own name.
But you never forgot his.
“Doesn’t matter…”
“So you do.”
Before you’re even able to protest, he lifts you up and cages you against the wall. And your lousy traitor of a body? Wraps your legs around his waist as if none of this ever happened.
“I’ll make it up to you, princess”, he mumbles into the crook of your neck, now placing gentle kisses on your bare skin.
You want to tell him to stop, want to yank your body out of his demanding grasp.
But instead, you let your head fall back and close your eyes.
Fuck, you missed this. You missed him.
“And don’t ya dare to run away from me again. You’re mine.”
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@arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld
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@mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0
@ynackerman9499 @keepghostly  @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife 
@coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain 
@risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny
@ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr
@sugu-love @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world
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@ryva @kenjakusconcubine @baku2345 @komelrebi-san @deezy12299
@okay-it-is-ivy @paridoliaaa
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cameronluvr · 4 months
BABY DADDY — exbf!dad!rafe x mom!reader
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summary: you have a baby with your ex, rafe, but when you arrive early to pick her up from his place, you discover drugs on the table…
warnings: toxic!rafe, arguing, mentions of cocaine, rafe being manipulative and a total asshole, cussing, angst, lmk if i missed anymore!
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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your daughter is the most perfect little girl you could’ve asked for. she’s sweet, funny, sassy, and so beautiful. the older she got, the more she began to look like rafe. she has his bright blue eyes, his dirty blonde hair, the same shaped eyes and nose… she was his twin. and you were unsure whether or not you liked it so much. you love your daughter more than anything in the world, but gosh, you wish you didn’t see your ex in her every time you look at her.
rafe had her over the weekend, so when sunday evening approached, you left to pick her up. upon arriving at his place, you knock on the door and wait for it to open, but suspiciously, nobody answers. you frown, looking down at your phone to realise it was an hour earlier than you’d usually come to pick the baby up.
you knock again, only this time hearing footsteps rushing to the door. it swings open, and rafe greets you with a smile. “hey,” he moves out of the way, motioning for you to come inside.
“hi,” you walk inside, looking around. “where is she?”
“oh, she’s in bed.” he tells you, scratching his head. “already? she isn’t usually tired at this time” your brows furrow in confusion, it was only 6 PM. “yeah, well, she wanted to go to bed” rafe shrugs. you ignore him, walking to his bedroom to grab your daughter.
slowly opening the door, you see your baby laying awake in her crib, making you grin and walk over to her. “hi, baby girl” you softly say, reaching down to pick her up. she raises her arms, making grabby hands at you. you giggle as you pick her up, holding her on your side.
“mommy missed you so much,” you plant kisses on her cheek, making her laugh. rafe is stood by the door at this point, watching you both. you turn around and notice him, “did you have fun with daddy, hm?” you ask her, gently bouncing her up and down on your hip.
“yeah we did. we went to the park, and the beach, and we went to see your grandpa and aunt’s, didn’t we, baby?” rafe says, walking over to you both to give his daughter a kiss on the head. he loves her so much, you can see that. “ooh, that sounds fun” you giggle, looking at your daughter with a grin on your face.
“uh huh, we had the most fun” rafe smiles, tickling his daughter in your arms. hearing her adorable laugh made you both giggle in adoration.
“right, girl, we gotta’ go.” you tell your baby as if she can understand what you’re saying. you walk out of the room with her in your arms as rafe follows behind. you start to gather her things before noticing something in the living room.
on the table lies a fresh line of cocaine, with the bag it came from next to it. “is that?…” you ask, carefully setting your daughter down on the floor to let her play for a minute. rafe stops what he’s doing to look at what you’re looking at, both of your faces dropping.
“are you serious?!” you raise your voice at him, but not loud enough to scare or startle the baby. “what?” he asks so stupidly. “wh— what?!” your eyebrows raise and eyes widen in anger. “your one year old fucking daughter is in the next room and… wait, is that why you put her to bed?” you ask, connecting the dots.
he put her to bed early so he could feed to his drug habit.
“relax, she’s fine, isn’t she?” he asks, frowning as if you’re overreacting. “she’s fine? yeah, sure, that makes it all okay, rafe!!” you respond with pure sarcasm and rage. the two of you start to argue and bicker back and forth as your baby takes no notice. she’s too young to understand, and instead ignores you both to play with her toys.
“what if you got up to do something and she went over there, rafe?!” you yell, but again, not too loudly. “well she didn’t!” he argues back. “well what if she did, huh?!” you’ve never been this angry before, your face just inches away from his.
“that’s why she’s in my roo—”
“that’s why?! so she wasn’t even tired, you just put her to bed so you could ignore her while you sniff your fucking lines?!” you place your hands on your forehead out of stress.
“i wasn’t ignoring her!” rafe yells back.
“do you do this every weekend? is this why you took so long to answer the door?!” you ask him. “no, jesus, y/n! chill the fuck out” you stress him out now, watching as he runs his hand through his hair.
“chill out? you want me to chill out, after doing that shit around our daughter?!” you squint in anger at his stupidity. how could he be so selfish? to you and your daughter.
“i’m not doing it around her! i’m doing it while she’s in the next room, no big deal. i’m not hurting anyone” he argues, defending himself like a cocaine addiction is normal.
“oh, that’s fine then. it’s no big deal, you’re right. come on, y/d/n, we’re leaving.” you sarcastically roll your eyes before turning around to pick your daughter up from the ground.
“don’t think for a second that you’re seeing her next week, you can fuck off.” you face rafe for a moment before grabbing the baby’s bag with your other hand, and walking over to the front door.
“y/n,” rafe says, quickly following you to the door. “what?!” you snap, making your baby jump in your arms. “don’t be like that, i’m sorry!” rafe pleads, begging you not to keep his daughter away from him. he may love her, but boy is he stupid.
“rafe, this is the type of shit you could go to prison for, and get her taken away from us! is that what you want?!” you shout at him, not noticing as your baby begins to cry.
she ignored the fight when she was sat on the floor, but now she’s face to face with you both, witnessing the argument firsthand, which scared her.
“oh, baby,” you quickly divert your attention to her after hearing her cry, attempting to comfort her. “see what you did? come here” rafe blames you, taking his baby from your arms before you could protest.
“me?!” you ask him, the audacity. “yes, you!” rafe says, rocking the baby back and forth in his arms to calm her down, shushing her. “give her back to me, rafe” you demand, holding your arms out.
“no, you just made her cry.” he shakes his head, moving your daughter away from you as tears roll down her cheeks. “it was your fault!” you say to him, getting frustrated now.
“yeah, it’s always my fault. you want her to be raised around this? around her mom constantly yelling and being fucking crazy?” he asks as if you’re the problem.
“i— oh my god” you shake your head. “rafe if you don’t give her back to me, i swear to god…” you clench your fists. “what? you gonna hit me? with her in my arms? you could go to prison for that, too, you know” he tuts, shaking his head at you. he is the master manipulator in your life, you don’t know how you ever had a kid with him.
you love your daughter to death, but sometimes you just wish she had a different father.
“oh, fuck you, rafe.” you look at him with fiery eyes, almost as if you could murder him right now. “see how your mommy talks to me, baby?” he diverts his attention to the little girl in his arms, making you roll your eyes.
“your mommy can be real crazy, huh?” he says, only this time looking at you while he says it, which ticked you off the edge. “don’t talk to me about crazy, you fucking psycho.” you raise your voice at him, reaching for your daughter, but he moves her away again.
“rafe! let me take her home!” you yell. “this is her home, too” he shrugs, not yelling as he gently shakes her in his arms, trying to prove that you are the problem, not her daddy. “so you’re just not gonna give her back to me, is that it?” you ask, dropping your arms and giving up trying to get your baby back.
“that’s right. you can leave, she’s staying with me.” he nods. “why? so you can lock her away in the bedroom again? while you snort your fucking life away?” you still argue.
“believe whatever you wanna’ believe, but i am not giving her back to you when you just scared her” rafe shakes his head, keeping your daughter away from you which angered you deeply.
“it was your fault!!!” you say again, like you said before, but he never listens. “yeah, yeah” he rolls his eyes, turning to walk away from you. “where are you going?!” you raise your voice.
“we are going away from you so you can calm your fuckin’ psycho ass down. makin’ a baby cry like that, what’s wrong with you?” he says, still walking away with the baby.
there’s no winning with rafe. you get the blame for acting crazy, starting fights and trying to protect your daughter. you just dread to think what he will tell her when she gets older.
“you know what? i’m done. i’m leaving. i’ll be back for MY baby, asshole.” you shout, opening the front door and slamming it as you walk out. rafe always manipulated you, always got his way with you… you should’ve considered that before pushing his baby out a year ago.
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this is SHORT and i really don’t know if i like it or not… hopefully you guys liked it! lmk what yall think in the comments. thank you so much for all the support, i LOVE you guys. <333
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temiizpalace · 8 months
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SUMMARY: red alert! he’s injured! it’s alright, for the prefect of ramshackle is here to save the day.
CHARACTERS: leona, jade, jamil, rook, idia
(i spun a wheel to try and write other characters.. jamil and leona just love me teehee)
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: the boys get injured, but nothing is life threatening. — cursing — MENTIONS OF BLEEDING (not fatal)
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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“shit! ow—“
leona groans, feeling the stinging pain of alcohol rubbed onto his forehead. spelldrive didn’t go as it usually did.
everything was normal. practice was going well, and everybody was doing the proper training regiments. it was all fun watching leona and everybody practice by a nearby tree. except leona wasn’t practicing this afternoon.
today, he felt like napping right beside you. he laid his head in your lap, sound asleep. this all goes south when some freshmen decide to mess around, sending the disc flying in your direction.
typically leona would’ve been able to divert it with magic, but feeling a little hazy from barely awakening, it hit him straight on the forehead.
now here you both are, present in the infirmary, leona sitting on the cot, and you being his own personal doctor. “i can’t believe the great leona kingscholar got hit by a spelldrive disc. it is truly an honor to witness it first hand.” you joke, causing him to roll his eyes.
“tch.. whatever— FUCK.” it’s funny to see leona in such a state. one where his tough guy act isn’t all the way up. you thought he’d brush off the pain like a man, but surprise! we learn something new everyday.
“haha.. wait here. i need to find bandages.” you walk over to the cabinet, only to find all the boxes of bandages empty. except for one. a bandaid box. you snicker at the sight of them and take a couple out of the box. leona raises a brow as he heard your giggling in the back til you made your way back towards him.
you stood in front of him and placed the bandaids on his forehead. he liked the close proximity. he likes being by your side. you caring for him like this is actually one of his deepest desires. he won’t ever say it aloud of course, but he hopes you take the hints.
“you are now officially cured.” you grin, finally applying the last bandaid. he stood up, looking you in the eyes. he wanted to thank you. wanted to thank you for helping him. wanted to thank you for caring enough about him to do this. to help him.
but leona being leona cannot say thank you. “..I don’t wanna owe you any favors so,” he pulls out his wallet from his pocket and throws it to you. you catch it, nearly dropping all the thaumarks inside on the floor. “go buy somethin’ while you’re at it.”
he ruffles your hair, walking out of the infirmary. you flip through the wallet, it barely closing due to the amount of cards and thaumarks inside. rich boy privileges go crazy. ruggie wasn’t kidding when he said leona was stinkin rich. all you could do was stand there, shocked.
leona walks back out to the field, hearing the team laugh as he approaches. he looks at them with a puzzled look, the laughing becoming unbearable. “oi, what’s so funny? mind tellin’?”
“cute bandaids ya got there, boss. shishishishi..” ruggie chuckles, looking at leona’s super cute and silly unicorn bandaids on his forehead. at first, he’s confused. then he rips a bandaid off and looks at the patterns.
start running <3
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“jade, stop moving!”
you sigh, trying to place a bandaid on jade’s cut. you wanted to help him cook today since mostro lounge has been extremely busy lately. azul had been working him to the bone, so he used his time off as a way to spend time with you.
only to end up back in the kitchen, but whatever. since you’re there, it’s all good. while chopping a mysterious vegetable, (it’s a mushroom..) he accidentally cut his finger. he wasn’t paying attention to where he was cutting. cause he was looking at you.
normally somebody would wince in pain, but jade is jade. so. “oh my, this is unexpected.” he says, as his blood gets on his gloves and contaminates the mushrooms. “oh my what— OH MY GOSH, JADE.” you yell, as he’s abnormally calm about the fact blood was all over the mushrooms.
so now he’s sitting at one of the barstools in mostro lounge as you try to patch up his finger. anytime the bandaid gets remotely close to the cut, he squirms and jerks his hand away. you can’t tell if he’s messing with you or if he’s just sensitive to touch because he still has his dumb polite smile.
“jade. stop. moving.” you grunt, trying to grab his wrist to hold his hand still. “fufu..” his stupid chuckle is usually very nice but it’s just growing irritating.
for some reason he still has the impulse to tease you. even when injured. all you want to do is care for him, so why is he making this so difficult?! is he waiting for something?
oh. that’s an idea.
“jade, may i see your hand?” you ask, putting the bandaid on the counter. he raises a brow, but complies nonetheless. “of course. do be gentle though, im wounded.” well no shit.
you held his hand gently, raising a finger up to your lips. you place a gentle kiss on his finger. not on the wound exactly, but near it. his eyes slightly widened and his cheeks tinted slightly red. he loses his composure for just a moment, giving you time to apply the bandaid onto his cut.
you smile in victory, standing up from your seat. “there, all better!” you winked at him before making your way back to the kitchen. he sat there, dumbfounded. how curious.. if that’s a way to get free kisses..
“oh dear, it appears i had just cut my lower lip. what a shame. it appears i am in need of some assistance.” this wasn’t even five minutes later.
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“you scream like a girl.”
you laugh as jamil looks away from you. he couldn’t bear to look you in the eyes. a little earlier, the both of you were sitting in the lounge of ramshackle as comfortable silence filled the air.
he was flipping through pages of a book while you leaned onto his shoulder, playing a game of some sort on your phone.
that silence was interrupted as you heard a high pitched scream next to you, turning your head to see jamil absolutely mortified and panicked.
“JAMIL?! WHAT IS—“ then you spotted it. the wretched cockroach crawling on the table. he shut his book and threw it at the table, missing. now he’s grabbing all nearby objects to kill the insect.
“JAMIL PLEASE CALM DOWN, PLEASE! FUCK, JAMIL—” he ended up using his magic, but used a lil too much. as you held him back, his leg bumped against the table, causing him to scurry back to the couch.
confirming that the roach had cleared the premises, you sat next to him and checked the bump on his leg. his breaths were heavy and a sweat was across his brow. you would’ve thought he looked insanely attractive if it weren’t for the incident just before.
now he’s embarrassed, his hood is pulled over, and he’s pouting as he looks away from you. “i think you got a small cut, but it should be fine. i’ll go get some bandaids!” you hum, getting up from the cushions to find the box of bandages.
he completely humiliated himself in front of you. he was weak in front of you. and he hates that. “im back and here to repair your boo-boo.” you came back with the box, sitting back down and opening it. you remove a bandaid and slowly apply it til you hear him mutter something.
“hm? sorry, couldn’t hear ya. mind speaking up for me?” you heard him perfectly fine. he irks before speaking up, his tone hinted with annoyance. “sorry.”
“all is forgiven, my love.” you smile, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a hug. he sighs, reciprocating the hug and leaning onto you. “please forget you saw that..” he mumbles, his face practically burning.
you chuckle, playing with loose strands of his hair as the both of you now lied on the couch. “no promises..” he clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, but placed a quick kiss on your cheek. he shuts his eyes, needing to recharge.
“mhm. love you too, jamil.” you whisper, allowing him to rest on your chest. he fell asleep in no time flat. let him rest. or even better yet, join him!
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“how’d you fall?”
you ask, seeing as rook lied on the ground. i don’t know how to explain his pose, he’s just a theatre kid.
“never mind the details, ma chère. all that matters is that you had rushed to my rescue!” he smiles as you stood there. the most deadpan expression on your face. “i’ll just go get you bandages and not question it.” “merci!”
you rush to the infirmary, grabbing the bandages and rushing out. if nobody knew better, they’d all have assumed that rook was dead. he hasn’t moved an inch.
“where’d you injure yourself?” you ask, crouching down and inspecting his arms. “non, non. you must guess!” he laughs, sitting up right away. you groan as he initiated such an idea. “rook. im not going to guess—“
“if that is the case, ill be stuck in everlasting pain! it’d be unbearable.” he sighs dramatically, causing you to furrow your brow. “fine. did you injure your leg?” you grumble, checking each limb.
he shook his head, smiling like an absolute idiot. “here, allow me to give you a hint.” he grabs your hand guiding it to the place of the wound. of course he can’t do it without teasing you a little.
he places your hand on his shoulder, his hand, his neck, til eventually he stopped on his cheek. “my injury can be found around here.”
you look at his cheek, but there is no cut, scratch, or bruise to be seen. you raise a brow at him, but he has no shift in reaction. “rook, are you lying to me?” rook shook his head, looking you in the eyes. “I wouldn’t lie to you, mon amour. perhaps you need a closer look.”
before he could even explain what that meant, he pulled you towards him. causing you to fall onto him. “can you see it now?” he asks, staring at you lovingly.
you sigh, pulling a bandage out and placing it onto his lips. his eyes widened, but he wasn’t mad. not in the slightest! he wrapped his arms around you. taking this opportunity for a cuddle session.
despite your “annoyance,” you smiled and laughed slightly. “you’re impossible, rook.”
he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, humming happily as you spoke. his fingers intertwined with yours as the sun hit both of your figures. creating a scene resembling one of a fairytale.
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“you can’t lock yourself into your room because of this.”
you slightly chuckle as you patch up idia’s knee. moments before, his PE class had to do the sprints. looks like he went to class on the wrong day.
while he was running, he tripped on a conveniently placed rock and fell on his knee. ortho quickly went to find you and bring you to idia so that you can comfort him.
he had tears coming from his eyes, which caused ortho to panic. you both carried him to the infirmary since he had an inability to walk. you situated him onto the cot and grabbed some bandages from the cabinets. “don’t worry niisan! the prefect will take good care of you!”
ortho chimed, trying his best to comfort his brother. idia felt his stress lessen, but that doesn’t change the immense pain he was in. “thank you, ortho. but i don’t im ever gonna to go outside again.”
he mumbles, causing ortho to pout. you come back with the bandages, smiling as you sat to the side of the cot. “im gonna have to go explain to coach vargas why you’re not here! hang tight, niisan!”
you waved to ortho, leaving just you and idia in the infirmary. “idia, you’re not going to die because of this.” you smile, placing the bandage onto his knee. idia groans, picking at his fingers. “i looked so cringe just now. definitely not my moment.”
“you didn’t look cringe, idia. you got hurt.” you grabbed his hand and held it in yours. he smiles slightly as you tried to reassure him. it was endearing to him. “thanks.. but i want to lock myself in my room for like ever after this..” he quickly mutters, hoping you wouldn’t hear that. surprise! you heard him.
“no idia, you can’t lock yourself in your room forever after this.” you sigh, realizing this was the man you fell in love with. “what? you can come too. you’d be free from all the normies surrounding you.” he stated bluntly.
“..no.” you hesitantly said, squeezing his hand slightly. you both sat in the infirmary for a few more moments before you sat up and let go of his hand. “can you stand?”
“no.” he quickly replies, not even bothering to try. you stare at him before exhaling deeply. “i’ll bring your switch then. wait here.” he smiled as he watched you exit the room. he appreciated how understanding you were. how you knew what he wanted before he even had to ask. ..well, most of the time anyway.
when you came back, you sat next to him on the cot. you both played smash bros together, playing until the console runs out of batteries. lucky for him, his console lasts for almost an entire week before it runs out of power.
let me just say, he beat your ass in smash bros.
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A/N: this sat in my drafts for a very long time. i had to brainstorm A LOT to see how idia could get injured.
date published: 1/27/24
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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soxcietyy · 4 months
my request is yuta finding readers toys and testing it on her the next time they do the deed 🙏🙏
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This is embarrassingly late, I’m so sorry 😭🙏🏼
Nobara comes over to your house with a mystery box just to be disappointed with the contents inside. Yuta shows up unexpected and seems very interested in it.
"Hey! Guess who finally got the goods! Can’t wait to see what’s in here." Nobara said as she stood in front of your door with a cardboard box in her hands. It took you a second to even figure out what in the world she was talking about. What plans could of you guys made that you had forgotten about?
Ah yes last week she had mentioned that she made a new friend who owned a company. He said that he needed people to review his new products before he could launch them in his shop. Before he could reveal what it was Nobara stopped him, telling the guy that she wanted it to be a surprise. She promised to run over here once she received the package so you guys could be surprised together.
"What do you think it could be? Clothes? Food? Candy? Skincare? Makeup?!" Nobara said excitedly as she squeezed passed you. She didn’t need permission to enter because she would barge in even if you said no.
Walking into your apartment she decided to put the box on the coffee table. A loud thud could be heard as it made contact with the glass top. She took a seat on the floor as she waited for you, excited to see what was inside. She almost looked like a kid eager to open there gift. That would have to wait a second though. Walking to the kitchen you grab some wine glasses and a bottle so you guys could enjoy together. Whatever it was would go perfectly with a cold bottle of wine.
"Hurry up!" She says as she crosses her arms.
Yyou let out a sigh as you lean on the island, then you tell her to open the tape up while you poured drinks.
"I’m so excited!" Nobara says as she pulls out her keys and drags it across the tape to tear it open. While she did that you opened the bottle and poured the drinks into the glass. Once you had finished you approach her and place the cups down. Nobara didn’t want to waste anymore time, she pulls you towards her so you could look above the box with her.
"Okay I’m going to open it in three, two, one."
She opens the box to reveal what’s inside. Both of you look at each other in shock. It was a box full of toys and they weren’t the kid friendly ones. You put your hand inside and pull out a pink silicone toy in the shape of a male body part. You couldn’t help but crack a smile at your friend.
"That disgusting monster!" She says in disbelief.
"Hey now, I’m sure he was going to tell you what it was before you stopped him." You say defending the man.
She rolls her eyes as she sits back down on the floor with her legs crossed. As she continued to pout you pull out some lube that was brand new and sealed. You quirk your brow as you read the flavor of the lube, popcorn… interesting.
"Common Nobara this isn’t bad at all! You don’t get laid enough so I think this could help you out." You tease.
"Ha Ha, very funny y/n" she stood up abruptly and started to walk away.
You furrow your brows as you turn to look at her. "Where are you going?" You ask
"I’m not intrested in this kind of stuff, you’ll probably use it well. Your man probably doesn’t satisfy you enough so have fun." She says throwing shade back. As she opens the door you see someone standing in the door way. Her jaw drops when she noticed it was Yuta.
Speak of the devil.
"Uh y/n … Yuta is here."
You quickly put everything back and kick the box on the floor behind you once you heard those words fall out her mouth. You had forgotten that he mentioned coming over today. You didn’t need him finding such things in your house, he’d get the wrong idea. You scramble to stand up with the glass of wine still in your hand. Taking a sip of your drink you run to the front door. To find him with a concerned look.
"You okay? You look pale." Yuta steps inside and holds your face to examine it.
You kindly put his hands down and assure him you’re fine. Your friend on the other hand had already made her escape. Seems like she didn’t want to be apart of what might happen in he finds the box.
Shutting the door behind him you watch him make his way to your couch. Maybe he would ignore the box. You had it closed so he wouldn’t open it right? He tends to respect your privacy after all.
You stood by the door watching him anxiously walk past the box. He took a seat and turned his attention to the tv that had drama playing. You sigh in relief seeing he had no interest in the box.
"You want some wine? Nobara didn’t even take a sip out of hers, it would be a waste." You say heading towards him.
"Yea I’ll drink it but could you please bring me some cheese and crackers? You know I cant have wine without them." He asks you nicely as he sat up from the couch to take a whiff of the wine.
You make your way in the kitchen and start making him his plate. While you did that you could hear him shuffling around, most likely getting comfortable. You couldn’t help but look over him a few times as you were occupied. Eventually you got fully focused on cutting the slices perfectly that you forgot to check on him. While cutting last bit of cheese you decide to look up but when you did the knife in your hand drops. Yuta was sitting on the couch with the box in his hands wide open.
He looked at you and the box back to back until he decided to place the box down to approach you. He had a concerned look on his face as he grabbed your hands.
"Am I not enough? You could told me this, no need to resort to that kind of stuff." He says with a sad tone.
You couldn’t help but stare blankly at him.
"N-no! Yuta you have the wrong idea. Nobara came over to drop thoes off so me and her could test them out." You say panicked.
You watch as his jaw drop from disbelief. Of course you worded it wrong. "Her friend owns a company and they have these new products! He needs a review before he drop it. Of course we’re not going to test them out together! Apart because we’re not like that."
He drops your hand feeling at ease with your answer.
"I’m relieved but you’re going to use these on your own? I doubt you would know how to use them." Yuta said as he walked to the box and pulled out a rose toy. Turning it in different directions so he could get a good look at the weird contraption.
"I’m more than capable of figuring it out." You roll your eyes.
He stalks back towards you as he held a wand vibrator in his hands. Bringing it near him mouth to use it as a microphone. "Two reviews are better than one." Yuta says as in the "mic" .
Putting the wand down next to the cutting board he pulls out the rose, clearly being interested in that one the most. He lifted you up and sat you on the counter you down on the counter. Pulled your night gown up as he tried to figure out how to turn on the flower.
Grabbing it from his hand you slowly direct your finger towards the power button so he could see. Once you pressed it, it started to vibrate in your hands letting out a humming noise. He quickly grabbed it to feel the vibration in his hands. A small smile appeared on his face as he put it against his hand.
"This has power." He says as he felt how strong and fast it was. Bring his hand down he tried to put it against your privates but you stopped him by covering the area.
"You’re not going to wash it first?" You looked at him.
He quickly turned on the faucet that was next to you and washed it with soap and water. He came back immediately to not ruin the mood. He then brings up the toy to his mouth and begins to lick it.
You were in disbelief from his actions. He was licking it and swirling his tongue on it as he pulled your panties to the side. He then pressed it on you once he was satisfied with the wet coat he had just created it. You jolt at the sudden vibration it created. You bite your cheek as you grab into his shoulder for support. You never really used something like this because there was no need. Yuta managed to satisfy your needs easily so this was entirely new to you.
Yuta would gradually go fast and faster until you were at your climax but this toy got to the point. It didn’t take long before your legs are shaking and your grip on him tightened. You begged him to not press it up your bran to hard but he didn’t listen. Instead he studied your facial expressions and mocked you when you would open your mouth from pleasure. Asking if you like this better than him.
You would shake your head but he didn’t stop. He was clearly trying to teach you some sort of lesson but it wasn’t getting quite through. Not even ten minutes passed and you were orgasming in his hand.
"Five stars" he says as he walks away.
While you try to catch your breath you find him Infront of you once again. You were surprised he came back so quickly. He saw your struggle to get down so he helped you down with one hand. You lean onto him as you try to regain your composure but he gave you little to no time as he bent you over the counter and shoved something in you.
You gasp at the sudden familiar feeling of being full. It wasn’t as filling as you were used to taking but it still felt amazing Turning back at him you see Yuta with an intrigued look. He pulled out the object out of you and slammed it back inside. You let out a loud cry from pleasure. He then pulls it in and out in a steady pace as he watched you squirm. You beg him to slow down In between moans.
You try to grip onto the counter as he pounded you with the toy. Hitting the right spot over and over again.
"This mouth was so hungry for something huh? Look at her drooling all over this toy." Yuta says as your juices run down his hand. You close your eyes out of embarrassment. Your legs loosing the will to support you in the process. Yuta was quick to catch you before you could fall.
He ended up paying on the couch While resting your body on his chest. You relaxed in his embrace until you felt the toy go back inside you. You look up at him with an annoyed look.
"What? We need to rate this toy. Won’t be possible until you finish." He kisses your head as continued were he left off. You grip his shirt as he started slamming the silicone toy in you. Body jolting everytime he dug it deep inside your body. Was he really planning on testing everything out on you? There was no way anyone could go through such a box. That’s at least twenty five orgasms in one go.
Another orgasm rippled through your body. You moan out his name as you grab his arm that was helping move the toy in and out of you.
"Seven, took you way too long to orgasm. Even I can do it in less time, it got the job done though. 3 stars."
"No more" you croak out in desperation.
"Why not? We just got started." Yuta sits you on you couch.
You pull your dress down with a flushed face.
"I can do the rest in my own with my own pace. Plus these toys are usually meant for self pleasure. It wouldn’t be fair to rate them together." You say hoping that wound stop him from continuing.
"Oh" he says "then masturbate with them."he says.
"I will, eventually." You say as you grab the toy Yuta was using as a microphone not too long ago.
"Do it right now, Infront of me." He tilts his head.
You look at him shocked.
"I couldn’t possibl-"
He grabs your hand with the toy and pushes it down there. You swallow hard as he looked into your eyes.
"I won’t touch you. I won’t bother you." He smiles as he sits on the couch opposite from you. "I’ll just sit here."
You bite your lip as he tells you to go on. You have no choice but to listen. Pulling your panties down you put your legs on the couch. Spreading them apart until he had a full view of everything. You watch as his hands roam on his pants. Caressing his member that rested under those pants.
Closing your eyes you turn on the device and put it on your bud. You let out a shameful moan out immediately because you were already so sensitive. You rubbed it up and down your area. Hips rolling back and forward from pleasure.
It felt so good but something was missing. You couldn’t think of what it could be. Maybe more of a stronger vibration? A faster speed? A better shape? Or maybe it was the man Infront of you.
You let out whimpers as you open your eyes too look at him. He was sitting down watching you pleasure yourself from afar. Eyes not looking away from you even for a second. You couldn’t help but wish for him to touch you and to do more.
"Yut-a" you flutter your eyes at him.
He tried his best not to respond since he said he wasn’t going to bother you but the look you were giving him made him turn on his words.
"Yes baby?" He asks.
"I want you to do it form me." You say.
Yutas leg jolted from excitement but he knew he shouldn’t. Still he stood up and approached you. Sitting on the floor right in front of you.
"Common baby you can do it." He says moving your hand a bit lower so you could get a better position on it. The small movement made a huge difference. You were now squirming like crazy. Legs twitching uncontrollably. All that came out your mouth now was your moaning and small profanity’s. Yutas name coming out time by time which he loved.
"Such a good girl, come for me no?"
He said as he kissed your thighs up and down, trying not to intervene too much. You cry out his name once more as you came. Body completely shutting down on you. Yuta was quick to move the toy out the way and bury his face in between your legs.
"Y-Yuta!?" You squeal
You tried to push him away but he was not moving until he decided he was. He ended up eating you out until he left you clean.
"Sorry I couldn’t help myself."
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eightstarr · 2 months
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what's mine — ellie williams.
summary: the day you left for this assignment, ellie remembers thinking it would be okay— or maybe it was you who said it, your hands over her tense shoulders, her fingers tugging at your shirt, “you’ll be okay.” she goes home and knows it to be true, like words from a god. she’ll be okay and you’ll be back. what’s left to do but count the hours?
warnings: descriptions of violence (not very detailed), suggestive content near the end!
notes: uhhh i love being dramatic and i think it shows here. all i think about is the action of coming home to someone who loves you and how it is as meaningful now as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be in a hundred years but whatever haha sorry about that guys. if you read this i love you btw
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Being without Ellie is disorienting. The first week feels like walking alone in a dark room, feeling the walls for a light switch, running into sharp corners that stab your sides. You miss her like it's a sickness, less a longing and more a threat to whatever you’re made of.
There's a small community way outside of Jackson offering a trade. Maria makes it sound simple, like everything else. “They know us, it’ll be quick. You pick up the supplies, drop off our part of the deal, and come back.”
It takes 26 days. The exchange is simple but the journey less so, you and three others have to carry home the much needed medical supplies through herds of infected and a heavy storm that slows you down and cuts off your communication for three terrifying nights.
Ellie wanders the house and feels like a stranger, sickly, a sleepless corpse searching for living blood. The light coming through the windows feels too bright and her skin abnormally cold. She knows, or thinks, that if she’s not careful she could get lost in it— merge every wall together until there’s nothing left to see but a stark flatness, an unfamiliar box. The space is not huge. It's not a tall castle or a manor in the countryside or anything fitting to the theatricality of loneliness, but it’s your home. So much of you is in it. Ellie finds herself focusing on a different thing each passing day, clinging to them with a nauseating desperation, a hundred random pieces of you scattered like breadcrumbs to keep her sane. A book with a folded corner somewhere along the first half of the story, your favorite mug next to the sink, an old pair of jeans ripped at the knee on your side of the drawer. Too many things for you not to come back.
“Do you think I'm losing my mind?” she asks, a soft wrinkle between her furrowed brows, her eyes focused on a random spot ahead. “I mean, it’s been two weeks,” she’s trying to sound like it's not as bad as it looks, like she finds any of it funny or interesting instead of plainly horrifying. The sole of her shoes hits the floor in an anxious rhythm, mocking her— tap, tap, tap, tap. “Isn’t that fucked up?”
Dina curses at the lighter until it flickers back to life with a weak orange flame, holding it near the end of the half finished blunt. She inhales and passes it over, breathing out, “You’re not crazy.”
A pause. Ellie lets the comment comfort her for a single second before it flies right through her head, sounding more quiet than usual when she admits, “...I have this feeling like someone took something from me.”
Dina raises her eyebrows, her chuckle cut off by a short cough, smoke itching her throat. “You mean, like… what’s her name?” she squints her eyes and tries to remember. 
The name worms around Ellie’s head like it has been for days, bold letters, clear as day. She makes no attempt to let it pass through her lips, self aware and unrelenting at the same time, maybe finding some indefensible satisfaction in the fact that it can be forgotten. Cruel, you'd tease, and Ellie would smirk a lot like she tries not to now.
Dina gives up a second later, “Whatever— the girl that volunteered to go with them before you could. You're blaming her?”
“I guess.”
“Hm. That’s a little…”
“Don’t say crazy—”
“Fuck you,” she rolls her eyes. “It’s not like that.”
“So you’re not jealous?”
Ellie scoffs, tongue pressed against the inside of her cheek. Dina argues unlike anyone else. She’s confident, her goal clear and her strategy already lined up before you get a word in, loaded like a gun. But her strongest contender, perhaps the only one, might be Ellie’s simple stubbornness. “I’m concerned. She got picked over me even though I've studied that route a hundred fucking times. I could've done a better job,” she says, steady and tireless like bulletproof glass.
“At getting the supplies or at taking care of your girlfriend?”
“You’re starting to sound like Maria.”
Dina pauses for a short moment before she shrugs. “Maria makes good points.”
Ellie takes one last hit of the blunt and flicks it across the room to die out somewhere on the permanently damp floor. She tries to believe it. No one took you, she thinks, you left dutifully like anyone else in Jackson would've, like Ellie would've. It’s a dangerous trip but a job like any other, the same risk of deadly infection that comes with any of them. She should be used to it by now. Does it not also exist every other day of the year?
Still, she can't remember the last time she didn't see your face for this long. You’ve been dating for a little over three years, living together for half of that— it's a terrifyingly meaningful chunk of your young lives, months and months of seeing you everyday, of falling asleep with her face on the crook of your neck and waking up with your fingers pressing into her waist. You've built a world where things like this don’t happen, where all Ellie can think about as she leaves home is the way you hum in the mornings, soft and sleepy and so fucking cute, when you wake up to her back against your chest and her hair on your face. She thinks about her own laugh, how shy it sounds, how your lips press to her head before she turns around to claim a proper kiss.
But now you’re not here, and she’s too terrified to even utter the words out loud, and there's a hole in her chest where you should be that makes her feel insane everywhere she goes. It's an open wound leaving a hazardous trail of shame and memories, humming in her ears like a boiling kettle, who took what's mine?
Ellie has never considered herself to be the jealous type, but she never was the type to sleep with her back turned to someone this comfortably, either. It’s different with you. It's theatricality, it’s the coldness of that bed at night, it’s your legs tangled with hers like growing roots now disjointed. It’s a thing, breathing and alive, screaming at nothing— I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.
Is that girl you went with hanging from your every word in that way she always does? Is that a shameful thought to have? Ellie wipes it clean in a second and finds it immediately there again, at the front of her mind like a message on a cloudy mirror. She can't think about anything else. Is the storm keeping the two of you awake? Does a part of you find the girl brave for volunteering? Is she turning to look at you and asking, just loud enough, are you asleep? That fall earlier was rough, how are you feeling? Is she looking at your wounds like they matter more than doing a good job? Is your blood, warm and red and yours, on her hands now?
The last of the smoke spills past her lips in a sigh. Ellie pulls her knees closer to her chest and tugs at the loose thread on your ripped jeans.
There’s a comfortable weight that keeps you under, the loving press of her arm resting over your chest, her thumb brushing your chin. The sun feels warm where it’s draped across Ellie’s back, white tank top wrinkled slightly up her waist.
She watches you until you let out a little sigh, squint one eye open and then slowly the next, a smile stretching your lips as soon as your sight focuses on her. She looks beautiful. She looks just like she did before you left, your girl.
It’s weird— you’ve showered, scrubbed your hands clean and raw, changed clothes. And still you feel like you’ve brought in something dirty, like it’ll be stuck on you for a while, the grime, the guns, the storm. Your muddy shoes must still be sitting by the front door. Something in your head screams that you should get rid of them, burn them like an evidence of guilt. Do you look anything like you did before you left? You feel like a worn version of yourself, sticky and darkened. It’s a ridiculous worry to have, but the thought comes hand in hand with embarrassment and you can feel it crawling up your neck. You cover your face with your hands and groan tiredly, shy.
Ellie laughs, warm like musk, salve on a wound.
"Are you watching me sleep?" you mutter, voice ridden with exhaustion and joy all at once. The thing, love, obsession, both— breathes along with you. "Freak."
"Yeah, I was,” she shifts to sit on your lap, one knee on either side of you, spilling her confession easily. Ellie leans over to push your hands away from your face and press her lips to yours, passionate but short lived, still softly brushing against each other when she says, "I missed this face."
You chuckle, eyes tracing over her freckled cheeks, hands squeezing her thighs, feeling strangely like you’re being washed clean. “I missed you.”
Ellie closes her eyes and rests her forehead against yours, her fingers caressing your cheeks, looking at you again when her thumb brushes against the ridge of a scar. It’s a warped line that almost follows the shape of your cheekbone, from your hairline to somewhere near the corner of your lips. She'd seen it last night, nauseous with worry and relief to have you back, her vision clouded. The morning reveals it in a different, heartbreaking light. It’s okay, you’d said during the night, your hands on either side of her face much like hers are on you now, didn't even need stitches. Ellie tries to let that sink in, make the guilt feel any better. But it can't. Maybe you’d been saved the prick of a needle, but she knows it still hurt, she knows it bled and stung. It feels like a betrayal. If I can't save you the pain, she thinks, I owe you the witnessing, the chance to clean its wry edges, pat it dry. "How'd you get this one?" she asks, as softly as she can.
You’d been prepared for the question but not the devastation in her eyes. It falls over you like a ton of bricks, her love making your chest ache and sinking you back into the memory.
There was an empty house, or what looked like one. Pieces of broken glass scattered over the rotting wood of an old, wobbly table. A man's hand placed forcefully on your head. The side of your face rammed into the table with a thud when he pushed you down, the faint pain of something slicing into your cheek made worse by your struggle to get free. A kick and he stumbled back. A slice of your knife and he fell dead. You don't think the fact will do much to comfort Ellie. So, in hopes of sparing her, you hum and shake your head. "Come here," you say, or beg, a hand on the back of her neck like fond guidance. "Let me kiss your pretty face."
She feels soft like satin on your lips, tastes like honey and black tea. Ellie kisses like she argues, experienced and unruly all at once, with a point to make— I need you and I want you to know it. Her tongue slips past your parted lips and brings a muffled sound from your throat that almost makes her pull slightly away, if it weren't for the feeling of your fingers tightening on her neck to have her closer. A faint thought crosses Ellie’s mind, a feeling like pity for the person she was before you, whoever that was, an old self who couldn't know what it's like to be devoured so caringly.
She brushes her nose against yours and you let out a sigh that sounds painfully like a prayer, her short hair a dark veil over your eyes when she turns her head to press kisses on your cheek. "You can't leave me like that again," she breathes out.
You swallow her words, a confused wrinkle between your eyebrows. “Ellie—”
A kiss cuts you off. You slide your hands up her thighs to her waist, a surprised hum vibrating against her lips when she wraps her fingers around your wrists and squeezes, as if to keep them there. She leans back and stares into you, and for the first time since you’ve known Ellie, you can't tell if she's commanding you or begging. “I won’t let you.”
It’s a gesture. It goes beyond the reality of your lives, the fact that any day either one of you could be made to leave again, that any day either one of you could die. It means I missed you. It means I need it to be me who looks after you. It means I love you.
Your stomach flutters, hungry with an urgent craving. And like you have every day since you’ve known Ellie, you find yourself unable to deny her love or the indulging promise of a different world— but maybe those mean the same thing. "I'm not leaving you," you say, breathless, and it might as well be true.
Ellie makes a sound in response that feels painfully close to a moan, a soft mmhm that clouds your head of anything that may or may not exist outside of this room. The tip of her nose brushes against your neck and then continues its way down, her fingers sneaking inside your shirt, pulling up the fabric and pressing kisses over the skin that’s revealed. "I love you," she says, almost near the band of your underwear, her blushed lips parted. You feel her breath against the burning fire in your lower stomach, reaching out to cradle her cheek against your hand. She feels hot, flushed pink under her freckles, and you’re not sure if she hears you say I love you, Ellie as much as she watches you mouth the words. She presses her face further into your hand, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue, begging as if she’d ever have to, “Baby, I need— please.”
You don't hear yourself say yes, but the look in her eyes says you must have.
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gi4hao · 6 months
☆ dino x gn!reader — domestic fluff!
☆ from repairing a sink to love confessions on the kitchen floor
9pm is right around the corner, and you know for a fact that your boyfriend is far from being done with repairing the leak under your kitchen sink. but of course he won’t accept defeat, which is why you resorted to having dinner on the floor, sat next to him to keep him company.
“you really should go lie down on the couch” chan tells you from beneath the sink, his voice muffled and punctuated by the clinks of his tools. “this isn’t good for your back.”
he’s not wrong, this position is definitely not the comfiest even though you managed to rest against a piece of furniture. but the view isn’t so bad here, you think to yourself, contently watching his arms flex as he twists and tightens metal pieces here and there.
“but if i leave who’s going to feed you those baby tomatoes?” you ask, looking at the half-eaten bowl in front of you.
putting his tools down, he emerges from under the sink with a contented sigh, stretching his limbs as he sits upright. “you’re such a simp” he chuckles, yet still gladly opens his mouth for you to throw yet another tomato inside.
with an exaggerated scoff, you put a hand over your heart in mock offense: “excuse me? says the biggest simp ever?”
the thing is, you don’t even mind being called a simp; you’re lucid enough to know that it’s only the truth. similarly, chan doesn’t mind it either, but it’s just so much more entertaining to deny and act like it offends him.
“if there’s a simp in this room it’s definitely you. and allow me to tell you why…” you tell him as he returns to the small confined space below your countertop.
you don’t even have to make an effort to gather your thoughts, countless examples just flow naturally into your brain: “first of all, you always carry me on your back when we’re walking back home from a party. you kiss me goodbye every morning even when i’m still asleep. you have a picture of me in your wallet, i’m your phone and ipad wallpaper. also, you keep a secret box on your side of the closet where you put all the receipts from our dates…”
a few seconds of silence follow your words.
when you lean to your side to finally catch a glimpse of your quiet boyfriend, it turns out he’s looking right back at you, a surprised expression painted on his face: “i didn’t know you knew about the box.”
suddenly, he gets the funny sensation that you’re definitely going to win this round.
“i know many things” you affirm, a satisfied smile on your lips as you keep going: “i know that you always keep one of my doodles in your phone case. i know that you bought duplicates of my skincare products to keep in your car as an emergency kit. and i also may or may not have heard you talk to seungkwan about me…”
this time, it’s a loud bang that comes to punctuate your sentence. but before you can even start to worry, chan yells a reassuring “i’m okay!” before getting out of there once again, “just dropped my tool, that’s all. but now let’s circle back to what you just said…”
with a chuckle, you notice a slight embarrassment spreading on his face, his cheeks turning a familiar shade of pink.
your relationship has never been a secret, so it wasn’t a surprise to know that he likely spoke about you to the other members. however, you hadn’t truly considered the nature of those conversations until a few months ago, when you had sort of eavesdropped on a discussion.
“don’t be embarrassed” you reassure him, a playful spark in your eyes: “it was nice to hear you describe us as a “perfect match” and feeling like “a married couple already, but in the best possible way”.
at this point, his surrender is palpable. “okay, you win. maybe i am a simp,” he concedes, a mixture of defeat and self-consciousness coloring his voice. his shoulders sag slightly, but his gaze is still full of affection. “i can’t deny it anymore. just like i can’t deny that I’m not a handyman. i actually have no idea if I’m fixing this thing or just making it worse.”
“i think it’s time to leave the plumbing to the experts,” you tease, taking the screwdriver out of his hands, “let’s bail on this floor and go cuddle on the couch; i’ll order some proper food.”
with just those words, he flashes you a bright smile, one that you know so well you could sketch it from memory. as he rises to his feet, he looks at you earnestly: “i meant what i said to seungkwan, you know,” he confesses, his voice softer than usual.
you take a brief moment to let his words and his sincerity sink in: “i know, baby,” you reply, your own voice matching his softness as you grab his hand to get up. “and that’s exactly how i feel too.”
his smile grows even bigger, relieved to see that you not only understand the depth of his love for you, but reflect it back to him as well. it’s all he’s ever hoped for, really — to find someone he could trust implicitly, someone he could pour all his love into, knowing it would be returned with the same intensity.
“we really are made for each other,” he states, giving you a proud nod as he pulls you close, arms wrapped around your waist.
“yeah, look at us. in love, both clueless about fixing that sink. perfect match.”
with a heartfelt laugh, chan gently rests his hand on your neck, pulling you closer for a kiss; the kind that lingers for a few more seconds than what you expected. just enough time for the both of you to think about how lucky you are to have found each other in this lifetime.
requests are open!
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cheesecakethots · 11 months
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Maybe your intuition was right about this job.
You were broke, only a few days away from having to live on the streets, streets where dangerous men lurked waiting for an opportunity to snap up young women like you.
You remember shivering at the thought, and so when you saw a job opportunity at some nearby hotel, you thought you were saved. It paid pretty well considering you were only coming in to be a cleaner, but you were quick to realise why.
Gangs and mafia had wormed their way into the very foundations of your city. You were hired to clean and keep your mouth shut if you saw anything. Up until now, you hadn’t seen anything, thank god.
Despite your guilty conscience, you continued working, making a habit of bringing in headphones just so you could block everything out.
You regret every decision you’ve made that has led up to this moment.
You’re practically plastered against the wall, eyes wide and body trembling. The headphones you usually wear are still blasting some pop song, but it’s practically white noise compared to the sounds of crying, screaming and groaning.
It’s a bloodbath. Quite literally too. You can feel pools of it soaking into your cheap shoes, which doesn’t help the sickness in your stomach.
The man, if you can even call him that, still hasn’t noticed you. You won’t be surprised if he turns around and reveals himself to be some bear-man mutant thing. He’s fucking massive, despite the fact that he’s currently sat down, boredly snapping bones. You’re extremely lucky he hadn’t heard your mop drop to the floor after you walked into the carnage.
Fucking move! Move! Move!
You don’t. You stand still like an idiot.
“Are you going to say anything, little lady?”
Now you just might throw up.
He turns his head to the side and watches you with one eye, a grin on his lips. He chuckles a little, before standing.
By fucking god he’s huge. Your knees become wobbly within an instant.
“Hm. I don’t think you should be here, girlie.”
“I-I work here,” you stammer out.
He raises an eyebrow, turning to face you a little more, the grin on his lips widening.
“Is that so?”
He stands to his feet, casually crushing the head of some poor man under his boot. Your eyes divert to the ceiling, struggling to find a spot that isn’t covered in splatters of blood.
“I gotta admit, you don’t look the type to be working here.”
There’s a spot. It’s grimy, and there’s a dull light that looks like it has dead bugs in it.
“I-I need the money, and it’s only- it’s only cleaning.”
Another wry laugh, “Cleaning, huh? Tell me, do you think you can clean all this?”
The light flickers a little. Someone should check that out, but not you, you’d be hopeless with it.
“Maybe for a raise,” you mumble.
He laughs again. That’s good right? He must think you’re funny. Or maybe he thinks the thought of splattering your intestines across the wall is funny.
The spot on the ceiling becomes all the harder to focus on when he’s right in front of you, tall enough to reach your line of sight despite the fact you’re basically looking straight up.
There’s a bit of blood in the toothy smirk he wears, a fact that makes your stomach sink even lower. “You not gonna run?”
You don’t even realise you’re crying until you hear your own pathetic sniffles, “Wha-What would be the p-point?”
He pouts mockingly, the amusement in his eyes clear as day, and you flinch harshly at the sight of his massive hand raising towards you, a sharp breath of air entering your lips and your headphones clattering to the floor.
The hand slowly pats your head, and the heaviness of it reminds you of the fact he could so easily crush your skull. You can feel the blood from him dripping into your hair.
“You’re cute, you know that? In a bit of a pathetic way.”
How lovely of him. You’re not really sure if you should say thanks.
You gulp, and it scratches at your dry throat painfully. “I-I won’t te-tell any-“
“Ya got a boyfriend? Maybe even a girlfriend?”
Only spluttered and clipped words leave you, and so you settle for shaking your head.
The hand on your head crawls down your face, akin to a spider, before eventually settling on cupping your cheek.
“Yeah, I figured. I mean, no offence. If I had a pretty thing like you I wouldn’t let you work in a place like this,” he motions to the hellhole behind him, before glancing back down at you with slightly narrowed eyes. “Hell, I doubt I would even let you out of the house. You’re too cute for your own good.”
God. Why didn’t you just tell your coworker to find someone else to cover? Why, why, why?
A rough thumb wipes under your eyes, creating a thin layer of blood, sweat and tears on your skin.
“Awe, no need to cry,” he coos, and you yelp when his other hand encircles around your waist, tugging you against him.
“I’ll take care of ya.”
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happyhauntt · 6 months
a touch of colour — eddie diaz.
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: eddie and chris' home is freakishly empty. you decide to redecorate a little.
─── pairing: eddie diaz x reader.
─── warnings & notes: fluffy fluff. no use of y/n, this was just supposed to be a short drabble but it ran aay from me and eddie might seem a little ooc but i don't even care it's so cute.
─── word count: 2.7k.
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     “BUCK, CAN I BORROW YOUR KEY to Eddie’s place, please?”
     Your arrival at the station house isn’t preceded by any warning, and though it isn’t your intention to sneak up on Buck, he doesn’t seem to hear you coming. A panicked shriek tears itself from his throat as he drops what he’s holding, and the spray bottle full of cleaning fluid clatters to the floor at your feet.
     An amused smile curls at your lips as he tries to play it off, ducking his head to hide the embarrassment blossoming in bright red spots across his cheeks.
     “Uh, hey.” The words stumble out of Buck and he coughs, trying to recover what remains of his dignity. “You know, sneaking up on people isn’t good for your health. What if I’d panicked and thrown a punch or something?”
     You quirk an eyebrow at him. “You did panic, Buck. Seems like it’s worse for your health than mine. Key, please?”
     “Eddie’s just up in the loft, I can grab him if you want.”
     It’s your turn to look a little sheepish. “Please don’t. It’s a surprise. Or it will be a surprise, if you let me borrow your key. I’ll return it tomorrow, I promise, and I’m not going to let a bunch of raccoons loose in there or anything━”
     Buck blinks. The hint of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, just enough to let you know that he’s teasing. Mostly. “I wasn’t worried, but now I am.”
     “I’m saving the raccoons for your apartment, actually,” you tell him, and now you’re not even really asking anymore, know that Buck will inevitably break because you’re Eddie’s girlfriend, and he actually likes you, and most importantly, his insatiable curiosity will not allow him to deny you. Hand outstretched, you wiggle your fingers expectantly. “Key, please.”
     He huffs at you as if you’ve asked him to scale Mount Everest in nothing but swim trunks, rather than the perfectly reasonable request you’ve actually made, and makes a show of tugging the key to Eddie’s house off the keyring before passing it along to you.
     “I have only one condition,” says Buck, a mischievous gleam in his eye as he presses the key into your palm.
     You watch him warily. You’ve been dating Eddie, and subsequently been acquainted with Buck, long enough to recognise that look. “What?”
     “Whatever you’re doing, make sure you film his reaction. I’ve got a funny feeling he’s gonna freak out.”
     A nervous laugh bubbles in your throat, and you can’t help rolling your lips together as you pocket the key. It doesn’t take a genius to know that Eddie Diaz isn’t overly fond of surprises, but… fuck, you hope this one goes down well.
      “I’ll keep you posted, Buck.” You offer him a two-fingered salute and turn on your heel, hurrying out of the firehouse before Eddie catches you sneaking around.
      What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right?
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     Here’s the thing.
     The first time Eddie invited you back to his place, you hadn’t really seen it. A euphoric haze had clouded all rational thought in your brain, because this brilliant guy you’d fallen head over heels for was so obviously guarded, and you’d been so happy the day he’d kissed you and invited you back to his place for coffee.
     You’d been dating for three months by that point, and you’d wandered in and out of his house without really seeing anything except for him.
     Meeting Christopher had gone much the same way. On the drive over you’d been rattling with nerves so much that you’d had to pull over on the freeway and shake out the cramp in your hand after white-knuckling the steering wheel. Your heart had thudded so hard in your chest that you worried Eddie would be able to hear it from the other side of the room.
     There had been nothing to worry about, in the end, and almost a year on, you’re certain that neither of these boys can be pried out of the space they’ve created in your heart. Somehow, without really noticing, the pair of them have made a home there, built on a foundation of blood and muscle and all the love in your body.
     You’re not sure your heart would know how to beat without them now.
      And you love them, you love them, you love them both with everything you have…
     … but this damn house is driving you insane.
     There’s nothing wrong with it, in particular. It’s small and functional, perfect for the little family it shelters. Beige walls, basic furniture, sparse decorations that Eddie definitely had nothing to do with, and that’s sort of… it.
     Now, you’re not an interior decorator, and you’d managed to miss it the first few times you visited, but now it’s like the blank walls are mocking you. Now you’ve seen it, you know, and the stark bleakness of this house has become a glaringly obvious problem that you’ve finally decided to tackle.
     Unlocking the door with Buck’s key, you manage to nudge it open with your hip, hands and wrists weighed down with Target shopping bags that you dump on the floor the moment the door is closed. Tucking Buck’s key back into your pocket ━ Eddie gave you a key almost six months ago, but you’ve managed to lose four of them since, so it’s widely agreed that it’s best you borrow Eddie’s or Buck’s or Carla’s whenever you need to ━ you turn to the sparse open space of the kitchen/diner.
     Hands settling on your hips, a slow breath escapes through your teeth as you survey the house. Christopher’s room is the only one with any personality, and you wouldn’t dare intrude on his privacy in that way anyway. Eddie’s room, similarly, feels off-limits.
     But the rest of the house? Fair game.
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     When Eddie stumbles through the front door at the end of his shift, he doesn’t notice it right away. Not your bag hanging on a hook by the door, or your shoes tucked neatly against the wall. His head feels like it’s filled with cotton after a twelve-hour shift, and he’s simply grateful that Carla offered to drop Christopher off later, rather than have Eddie come pick him up after his shift.
     He doesn’t notice you lingering in the kitchen with a bottle of beer in your hand until you clear your throat, and then he looks over, and a tired smile spreads over his face.
     “That for me?” he asks, as hold out the beer bottle towards him, drops of condensation soaking your fingers.
     “It’s definitely not for me.” You wrinkle your nose playfully as he accepts the drink, and you lean over the counter to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. You hand over Buck’s key, and with it, all the anxiety you’ve felt since it first landed in your possession that morning. “Give this back to Buck for me? If I lose another one, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
     Eddie chuckles and tucks the key into his pocket. “Buck didn’t mention you came by the firehouse.”
     “I asked him not to.” Your voice wavers, just a little. The way you’re picking at a loose bit of skin near your thumb lets him know you’re nervous, and he reaches out with his free hand, curling rough fingers around your own. Unable to help yourself, a deluge of words start to babble out of you. “I did a thing. And I’m aware that you may not like the thing, and it almost certainly wasn’t my place which I’m realising now, but it seemed like a pretty harmless idea at the time?”
     “And if you hate it, I can take it all away! We can pretend I never did it, it’s just that your walls were driving me freaking insane, like which decorator decided that beige was a good base colour because I would like to have a word━”
     “Hey!” A gentle squeeze of your hand grabs your attention, and when you look back at Eddie, the sight of him knocks the breath of you. You never knew eyes could be so big and brown and full of love, and even though there’s a little humour glinting in there at your expense, you still find it a little difficult to breathe.
     Fuck, you love this man.
     “What am I supposed to hate, exactly?” There’s a lilt of laughter in his voice, a gentle quirk to the corner of his mouth.
     You want to kiss him until it blossoms into a full-blown grin. You hope you’re lucky enough to make this man laugh forever.
     The look on his face helps to ease the tension in your shoulders. Slowly, you reach out and take the beer bottle from his grip, setting it on the counter. Instead, you replace it with your own hand, threading your fingers through his, a little chilly where the bottle pressed against his skin.
     “Let me show you.”
     Guiding him by the hand, you lead him through to the living room, and at first, he’s not sure what’s changed. There’s still the couch, and the TV, and the coffee table he knows you’ve always hated because it’s glass, and who has a glass coffee table, Eddie, you're a firefighter and this feels like a recipe for disaster!
     (You’ve seen way too many movies where characters end up crashing through a glass coffee table but you still think it’s a valid point.)
     And then he sees them.
     He spots the first one next to the television; a picture of Chris from a few months ago, the first time all three of you went to the beach together. He’s grinning at the camera and there’s a dab of ice-cream on his nose from where you swiped him just a moment before. Eddie remembers taking this and sending it to you.
     It wasn’t the first moment he realised he loved you, not by a long shot, but he hadn’t said it yet, and that day on the beach had cemented your place in his heart even further.
     The picture is small, sitting in a quirky silver frame that you’ve glued a few seashells to.
     The next two are over on the mantel. A photograph of the 118 in Bobby and Athena’s backyard last summer; Bobby’s frowning in the foreground, having been bullied into wearing a Kiss The Cook apron by Buck and Hen, while the rest of them are howling with laughter behind him. The other is a picture of Christopher and Shannon cuddled together beneath the Christmas tree.
     Tucked between them, bizarrely, is a little wooden figurine of a runner duck wearing galoshes. This one, he knows, came from your personal collection.
     Eddie’s heart stutters in his chest as he turns, finally, to the big thing. The wall behind the couch has always been depressingly bare, a dull expanse of beige paint that he’s always sworn he’d do something with, eventually.
     Hell, the whole house is bare. And depressing. This, he’s ready to admit, even if the reason for it used to sting a little bit.
     Before now, the only personal touches in his home belonged to Christopher. Report cards and drawings stuck to the fridge with kitschy magnets from tourist spots. An ever-changing pile of video games stacked on the floor next to the TV. A dinosaur-print throw that was dragged from Christopher’s bedroom on a lazy Sunday that hasn’t quite managed to migrate back there yet.
     It was never that way on purpose. At first, he thinks, it was a reluctance to put down roots. Life was hectic enough, with his work schedule and Christopher switching schools. Before Carla, Eddie hardly had a moment to breathe, let alone think about decorating their home beyond the bare minimum required to get by.
     And then, he thinks, it might have been guilt.
     He doesn’t dare to dwell on that for too long. He feels your hand in his own, steady as a rock, and stares, glassy-eyed, at the wall you’ve managed to transform into something… something that feels like home.
     A collage of wooden picture frames are scattered over the surface of the wall, in varying hues of warmth that contrast nicely with the beige that peeks through the cracks. A beige that, formerly, kind of made him want to scratch his eyes out. He hadn’t quite realised that until now.
     Dozens of smiling faces peer down at him. A handful of memories he holds most dear, and each of them sends a flush of warmth through his chest.
     There’s the day Chris was born, and he’s staring at this tiny baby in his arms as if he’s holding the sun and stars themselves. There’s Buck and Chris at the zoo, posing near the penguin exhibit. There’s Eddie, on the day he was certified as a full-fledged member of the LAFD, shaking Bobby’s hand. There’s even a picture where he’s fallen asleep on the couch, and his sisters are brandishing Sharpies like the little demons they are, drawing a moustache and beard that took days to properly fade away.
     It’s such a little thing, really. They’re just pictures. But his throat feels tight and his eyes are wet and it doesn’t feel little to him. Not at all.
     “You thought I’d hate this?” He’ll never admit that the words come out a little choked up.
     You shrug. “You’re not a fan of surprises.”
     “I might be now.”
     And you both know it’s not true, that Eddie will never be that guy, but this is fine. This is perfect, and he’s damn sure it might be the nicest thing any girlfriend’s ever done for him.
     He turns to you, a thousand more questions on the tip of his tongue, when he notices you’re holding your phone up with your free hand. A confused furrow appears between his brows.
     “Buck,” you tell him, and it really doesn’t require further explanation, but still you add, “He thought you’d freak out. Asked for evidence.”
     “Ah.” Eddie nods. You put your phone away as he winds his arms around your waist, pulling you close enough to kiss the tip of your nose. “I’m not freaking out.”
     “I noticed.”
     “Thank you,” he says, and kisses you again. This time his mouth slides against yours and lingers there for a few seconds, slow and gentle. “I can’t help but notice you’re not in any of the pictures.”
     Your cheeks turn a rosy pink. “That would have been a little presumptuous of me, Mr. Diaz. And I was already hijacking your home for my own selfish agenda, so…”
     “Wanna hijack it some more?”
     The question slips out without any warning, and you blink up at your boyfriend in bewilderment. “Uh?”
     Eddie smiles, wide and wonderful, and even though it’s not possible to fall more in love with him, you think you do.
     “I talked to Chris about it a while ago,” he tells you, his thumb rubbing slow circles against your hip. “I was just waiting for the right time to ask you. And then you went all House Flipper anyway━”
     “I did not go all House Flipper!”
     “━ so it feels like the right time to ask.”
     You watch him for a moment, all soft at the edges. “You want me to move in with you?”
     “I think you’ve got a tartan throw that would look great in here,” he says teasingly, “and that little duck is part of a collection. He might get lonely.”
     “He might,” you concede with a hum.
     There is enough space on that mantel for the whole family.
     You feel like there’s a tiny sun in your chest, like you might honest-to-God be glowing from the inside out right now, and when you pull Eddie down so you can kiss him again, you know without a doubt that the answer is yes.
     There are a hundred things to figure out. You have a lease to get out of, and an apartment filled with enough clutter to furnish ten houses, and you’ve really got to figure out a solution for the key situation, because it’s getting ridiculous.
     But in this moment, none of that matters. It’s you, and Eddie, and Chris, and a bare apartment suddenly filled with a lifetime of potential, and you just know everything is going to be fine.
     And you hope, for a moment, that he’ll let you replace the couch next.
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phant0mth1ef · 2 months
chapter 2: “again? really?”
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“so are we going to address the elephant in the room or are we going to pretend like a popular streamer isn’t thirsting over bakugou?” kirishima’s voice was the first to break the air, his friends all silently eating around him.
midoriya was the first to put his fork down, grabbing his cloth as he wiped his mouth, a man of manners.
“i think it’s funny. even funnier how kacchan replied and never told us anything about this!” the man in question peeked one eye up as he leaned in to put his fork into his mouth, simultaneously side eyeing midoriya.
“i don’t know how he thought he’d be able to hide this from us!” kaminari and mina had exploded into laughter from their seats across the table, the duo adding onto their joke the moment they begun to come down from their high.
“tch. it’s not a big deal! all i did was reply to some tweet. i don’t get why you’re all acting like it’s so bad.” he dropped his fork back onto his plate as he grunted.
“here’s the thing, bakugou. we know it’s not a big deal. we as in those of us who are sitting around this table, but your fans are rabid. they’re going to think that you’re flirting with her.” todoroki spoke, the first time anybody had heard the man talk at all that night.
“i’ve seen someone with the username bakugoustoecrust before, shouto’s right.” mina stopped her laughter with denki, chiming in about what she’d seen on twitter one night while mindlessly scrolling.
the topic was dropped soon after, everyone returning to their meals as they ate in silence, an occasional quip coming out of kaminari as the sounds of people going about their usual day were heard.
the restaurant door dinged, signaling the arrival of two people just as the group was about to leave, your blonde friend quickly grinning at who he had just seen.
“what’re you so happy about?” you were currently working off a hangover from the previous night, it seems that everytime you’d go out with neito, you’d either leave with alcohol in your system, or you’d encounter the man you’d been making thrist posts about.
you were suddenly wide awake as you turned your head back to its normal position, seeing a man with blonde hair and bright red eyes staring at you, a scowl on his face.
your cheeks flushed, unable to hide your embarassment as neito begun to greet the group, forcing you to stand behind him while he greeted the group of famous pro’s.
you weren’t famous. you’d like to consider yourself as popular, but you’d never in a million years be able to put yourself out there to save people the way they do, so you sit and play video games in your room.
“hey there! you’re y/n, right?” the green haired man was in front of you in a flash, making you back up a little as his nose almost hit yours.
“yes, hello. it’s nice to meet you.” you smiled softly as you could see his eyes roaming around your body, it’s been runoured that he was really just an energetic person who liked to know things about people.
“what’s your quirk?? i’ve been dying to know.” he was such a bright presence, it was nearly impossible for you to pretend that you hadn’t heard him.
“oh! um, i can just, well it’s better if i show you.” you stepped aside, a small hole appearing in the floor as you were dropped into it, you’d reappeared on the other side of midoriya.
“just drop through the ground and reappear. but it really isn’t that great, my limit is about fifteen feet so i can’t move too far.” you sheepishly put a hand on the back of your neck, tilting it slightly.
“i think it’s a great quirk!” he left just as suddenly as he appeared, leaving you face to face with the number two pro hero, dynamight.
“tch.” oh he hated you. just great. he’s not going to like what had happened last night while you were intoxicated.
“well alright then! if you don’t mind, we’ll be going, this lunch won’t wait.” neito grabbed your arm, dragging you along with him as you stumbled before catching yourself.
“he hates me.” you murmured as you took your seat inside the booth that neito had led you to.
“just a bit! he’ll get over it.” the door jingled as the big group exited, but a pair of vermillion eyes never left your figure, at least not until you were out of sight.
that action didn’t go unnoticed by his friends.
tags! : @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @pixiesluver
ignore how the timestamp says 8 am, this is supposed to be the tweet from when you were drunk lol
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
tease | H.S oneshot
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summary: seeing harry tonguing his guitar last night has you finally admitting the state he puts you in. and that’s never good when you’re a tour photographer. especially now you have photographic evidence of the moment.
warnings: SMUT, oral (fem rec), dirty talk, praise, swearing
a/n: can’t stop thinking about that fucking video? like it’s on loop in my head I can’t. he was so slutty last night it’s illegal. also this isn’t 100% proofread so enjoy I hope it’s okay!
Some days at work are harder than others for you.
Today, you knew was going to be rough the second Harry walked out in single-handedly the most revealing outfit he could have. Borderlining absolutely slutty.
And as his tour photographer, that is quite a bold statement to make when you’ve seen every single outfit— and when his top half is often found shirtless up on stage.
But tonight, out backstage when you were prepping your SD cards and ordering your camera lenses, he walked out of his dressing room adorning his stage outfit to show you, and your stomach dropped the sight of him.
It was a new style, something he hadn’t worn before. A cropped, tasseled blue vest, paired with low rise pants that looked like they were clinging onto his hips for dear life.
“Alrighty, what d’ya think?” He asked, doing a little spin to shake the tassels.
Your mouth opened and words struggled to form as your head fogged over from just seeing his body. And the way his ferns were fully out— along with almost all of his other ink on display. Arms, chest and all.
You had sworn this, many times, was just your eye for art. For people like him who made photography electric. But as time and the tour progressed on from its earlier start in 2021, it was getting harder to convince yourself. Because even if you didn’t acknowledge it, there was no way to justify the heat that stirred in your stomach as just admiration.
“Oh— wow— I like the tassels,” you paused, tongue swiping over your lips, “they’ll be really fun in the photos, I’ll try to get some motion blur type shots with them.”
Your hand reached out before your brain even computed what it was doing, grabbing one of the rhinestoned threads at the base of his vest and running down it. Knuckles brushing the side of his chest.
“Excited to see them as always, m’lovely.” He smiles, the pet name making you flush.
“10 minutes till you’re on, H!” Someone called out.
You laughed at the panicked expression on his face as he realised he was probably dawdling, and in fact behind on his own schedule.
“Alright!” He confirmed back, then chuckling as he whispered to you, “I still gotta brush m’teeth.”
“Well, cmon let’s go, I’ll see what behind the scene shots I can get.”
And you thought that the time spent with him pre-show would ease your racing mind a little, but now that you’re out on the floor you’re almost jittering.
He looks fucking delectable. And by the sound of the stadium around you, they notice it too.
As he steps out you have to force your camera up to your face, which is something you never have to do? But looking at him through your viewfinder is hardly enough to satiate you.
Especially a little later in the show, when your camera is aimed to the back of him— and he’s squated down to get a drink of water…
His pants slipping so far down his hips that the waistband of his Calvin Kleins are easily visible.
Some girls on barricade behind you are going feral simply at the sight. And you can hardly blame them, because the sight of them makes you a little light headed too. Tonight he’s really not leaving much to the imagination.
You feel obliged to take a photo of it, lens aiming up to him— hearing the girls from behind you as your cameras shutters open to capture the moment. They’re shouting clearly, “Y/N, you get that pic girl!”
Another one yelling from your left, “SHES ONE OF US!”
You laugh at them. The fans are always an amazing part of the show. You leave with an array of adorable bracelets, funny shirts, and always lovely compliments.
You snap a few more photos before someone calls your name again, and you turn. A brunette girl, in an incredible replica of his recent purple and black heart overalls from the recent Wembley show, is standing.
“Y/N!” She reaffirms when you’re looking at her.
“Hi lovely, your outfit is amazing.” You smile, and she has fresh tears streaming down her face— a common love on tour occurrence.
“Ohmygod, thank you so much. I made you this tshirt, i wanted to give it to you!” She pulled a white shirt from her feet, presumably from a bag.
She held it out, unfolding it to show off the print on the front.
You immediately couldn’t help but let out a shocked laugh at it. A big pink shaded heart, with 2 also heart-shaped photos on each side of it— of you and Harry. But the best bit was the bubble written font, “my favourite parents!” that is above it.
“I— can I please take a photo of you with it first.”
She slaps a hand over her mouth, “No way, of course you fucking can.”
You take a few photos of her posing with the shirt, “I have 2, please feel free take them both!”
You can only assume one of them is intended for Harry. And even if it’s a little weird of you to take them, you do anyway because the girl was too lovely to even consider denying them.
“Thank you so much.” You chuckle as you hang them over your elbow. She still looks starstruck at the interaction that just occurred and you’re overly excited to edit the photos later on.
In the time of the short interaction, you turned to find Harry. He’s about to transition into she, and is over on the main stage.
You hustle to get yourself up from the floor and onto the stage area. Moving to chuck the shirts on the bench, where most of the bands essentials are for easy access.
Harry sees you over there and you decide to show him the design on the front before you can overthink it.
He’s beginning to sing the intro, and he chuckles the lyrics into the mic as he sees it. And fans around the whole arena scream at the shirt— which you didn’t realise was being displayed on the big screens.
You shake your head, struggling not to admire the tone of his laugh that just echoed around the stadium.
Also blushing a little at the fact you did genuinely just show him a shirt with both of your faces of it, deeming you both as a fans ‘parents’.
You go back to doing your actual job, moving to get a good angle, aiming to blend back into the background as you take more photos for the night.
Capturing the sway and jolts of his tassels as he sings. Getting a few shots that not only capture his energy but also his outfit perfectly.
You smile at yourself and at your work.
And you glance up as Harry joins in with Mitch while he absolutely shreds his guitar solo.
Sweat is beading on Harry’s chest and you’re all too aware how much money people would pay to see it from your angle. Thank god for Barcelona’s heat.
And, fuck, not only is it that. His arms look perfect as well. This outfit is really just showing as much of himself off as possible.
You change the settings on your camera hastily to alter the outcome of these next few shots.
He’d stepped away from the mic, turning to look at the band, mouthing something you couldn’t decipher.
He starts to lean down head getting closer to guitar. His tongue juts out…
Your eyes immediately pull back a little from your camera because, there no fucking way he’s about to let some kind of intrusive thought win here.
Time seems to slow. But not the movement of his tongue. It’s flicking fast, as if to mimic it playing the strings of his guitar. Or something like that anyway, because all you can think of is… well… something too inappropriate to even be entertaining in your head given he’s literally your boss.
You can hear the piercing screams around you, someone in the front shouting what the fuck loud enough you swear someone in the back of the stadium could’ve heard it.
You’re not even aware you bought your camera back up to your face and that you’d clicked the button a few times until it’s done and the moments over.
Harry’s laughing at himself, and Sarah is face palming at his lewd action. His smug smile after solidifies the fact he knows what the fuck he just did. And exactly the kind of effect it’s left on some people.
Just not aware you’re one of them…
Because you can’t deny the way you spent rest of the night with a nagging warmth between your legs. One that festered long after the moment was over.
After the show came to a close and you eventually ended up in your hotel room, freshly showered as you edited some of your favourite photos. Including the shots you’d captured of him and his guitar.
Which were fucking insane. You had just the right amount of contrast going on in them, and a certain degree of motion blur that indicated the movement his tongue was making.
The final product was amazing once you had edited it on photoshop. But you spent the remainder of the night in your hotel room ridiculously worked up. Left in bed toying with your clit lazily as you stared at the celling, acting like you didn’t have a specific person in your thoughts.
It got to the point in the next day where you stressed about what photos to show him. And whether or not that included the one you literally came to the thought of last night?
Usually you wouldn’t hesitate, especially since it looked incredible. But you were embarrassed internally. What would he think, or say? And could you even play off your sheer attraction to the image.
You placed your head in your hands with a groan, sat in the chair over by the window. You’re tired, and swear on your life your decision making is going to be impaired when he walks into your room.
Which you didn’t have much more time to stress much about it as a knock came to your door that you knew was him.
You rushed over to open it, finding him standing there, hair freshly washed and clad in much more clothing then you last saw him in. A plain white shirt and some gym shorts— that still made him look hot as fuck, without even trying?
He greets you with a good morning, voice a tad hoarse from last nights show. And he’s smiling as he hands you a cup, one you know is filled with hot chocolate. Just for you.
“I owe you like 100 hot chocolates for how many you’ve bought me just in this leg of the tour alone.” You laugh, letting him past you.
He glances at the unmade bed— you stopped making it a while after he started to come visit your room the morning after the show to pick which photos he liked best, and ones he also wanted edited. Sometimes he’d settle himself on it, legs crossed like a cute little kid.
“Think of it as a gift for all your talent. And putting up with me.” He chuckles, and plops himself down on the chair that’s opposite to the one you were sitting in.
So you follow suit, walking back over the your chair. Taking a small sip of the sweet liquid in your hands.
“Have any favourites so far?” He asks, taking a quick swig of his own drink— which you can only assume is hot tea.
Yes, you think, the one where you’re about to practically fuck your guitar strings with your tongue.
You substitute that for, “A few! The tassels were so fun to try and capture.”
You rotated the laptop screen to show him a cool shot you edited of him. It was a front on photo, his arms extended and washboard abs in their full fucking glory along with his tattoos.
He nods, a smile coming across his lips, crinkling the corners of his slightly tired eyes.
You showcase him a couple, all that he gives relentless praise on— regardless of if they had been edited or not. But you just want to show him your favourite.
You swallow as you stare at it on the screen of your macbook. Working up the courage to turn the screen to him as he waits cluelessly. Does he even know you took this?
“This one too…” you hesitate a little as you swivel the laptop around on your lap.
“Oh. I like this one a lot.” He says, nodding and then glancing up from the screen to your semi-flushed face.
“Didn’t know you took that.” He chuckles, shrugging and almost seeming… like he has more to say about this situation.
Like something is laying on the tip of his tongue, just waiting to be said.
You think he’s not going to though, after a beat of silence, you nod.
“Yea… what actually are you doing in this photo?” You nervous laugh, and wonder what kind of answer he’s going to provide.
He runs a hand through his curls, brows raised a little at your question.
“What did you think I was doing?” He quizzes, the corner of his mouth turning up.
“I- well it looked quite… everyone in the audience was going wild. Were you trying to be a tease?”
“I wasn’t! I swear. I was playing the guitar.” He confirmed, yet smirking like he knew there was a two-way perception of the event.
“With your tongue?” You sighed out a laugh.
“You still didn’t answer me. What did you think I was doing?” He backtracks, eyes watching you intensely as you’re both entering some rather dangerous, untouched territory.
You’re quiet again, and he raises his brows still expecting a response.
You flush under his gaze, hand coming to cover your eyes. “It just looked very…”
“Inappropriate.” You laughed, feeling like you were emotionally torturing yourself by letting this situation happen.
“How so?” He continues to push, wanting to hear more. Secretly adoring the way you get all flustered about it. How badly he wants you to tell him exactly what the movement of his tongue reminded you of.
“It just— you know what I mean, Harry!” You say, now being the one trying to backtrack out of this entire situation. That in the end is still technically your own fault.
You distract yourself with other photos, going in and trying to find another possible contender for his new post on instagram.
“Don’t try and avoid the conversation, love.” He chuckles at your sudden shy demeanour.
“Harry.” You place your hand over your face again trying to mentally reset yourself. Put your thinking back in line.
“Cmon! I’m just curious.” He tries to brush it off, but if he has to resort to begging, he honestly wouldn’t hesitate.
“I know you are, but— it’s weird!” You whine, wanting to die at the fact you had let this happen in the first place.
“I promise I won’t judge.” He places his hand over his heart, face serious, like he was swearing it on his bloodline.
You thought about it a little longer. He clearly was not going to leave you alone if he didn’t get an answer. You could try and lie, but he already knows anyway. He just wants to hear you say it.
“You know, Harry. You just want to hear me say it.” You murmur, bringing up the chocolaty drink to your lips to distract yourself.
“Sure, maybe I do. I wanna confirm my suspicions.” He proposes, a small shrug of his shoulders. You place the drink back on the coaster, staring at him. Eventually caving.
“It— everyone definitely thought it looked like you were, uh, giving oral.” You rushed out, trying to now act as nonchalant as possible to avoid further questioning.
I didn’t work.
“So everyone including you?” He asked.
“Well… yea.” Your cheeks were pink, and he smiled at your flustered voice.
“Dirty thing.” He chuckled, and you almost breathed a sigh of relief thinking maybe you could move on and pretend as if this never happened, but he continues on.
“Had you a little worked up, did I?”
“May I touch on how unprofessional this conversation is?” You bring up, trying to save yourself. But it’s evident in your voice you hardly mean it. You are admittedly a little curious as to where he’s going with this. Equally, if not more embarrassed than anything, but still curious.
“I suppose you can, yes.” He nods.
“But may I bring up how you undressing me with your eyes yesterday was unprofessional? Because unless I’m insane, you definitely were.” He’s cocky, and overconfident with his accusation.
Not that it can be really labelled as an accusation, given he’s not wrong at all.
“I—“ you swallow, “Okay. Whatever. Point proven.”
He laughs at your surrender, shuffling forward on the chair.
“So you were— that’s the kind of stuff you were thinking about me?” He rests his elbows on his knees, watching you intently.
“You are really trying to get something out of me aren’t you? What do you want to hear me say?” You raise your brows, adrenaline coursing through you.
“Just want you to tell me the truth. Be honest with me, since we’re talking about being professional. I think that’s a good start.” He sounds so gentle yet firm, and your devouring this dominant kind of trait he’s showing you.
“Communication and honesty is very important when it comes to professionalism.”
Pleasure has been simmering in your stomach since he walked through the door, and his persistence is beginning to pay off, since you’re starting to let your guard down.
“So you want me to tell you how wet I got after your little stunt last night? That if I wasn’t your employee, after the show you would have found me in your dressing room bent over on the table.”
“Waiting for you to come in there, all sweaty and ready to strip that teeny fucking vest off, and put your mouth to use.”
He’s got a dusting of red over his own cheeks now, blood rushing to his cock as he realised he cracked you open now. Your dirty words spilling out of your mouth after holding back seemingly since last night.
“That what you would’ve done? Bent yourself over my dressing room table waiting for me like a pretty little post-show gift?”
“Maybe so.” You feed into it, watching as his eyes darken with desire.
He sighs out, standing up promptly, “Alright, darling. I’m gonna offer you something. You don’t have to agree, but if you do we can stop at any time. Okay?”
“What exactly are you offering?” You ask as leans his tall frame down to you, hands bracketed on your hips.
“For me to pick you up, put you on that bed and strip you until I can bury my head between your legs.” He stated, matter of factly.
Your thighs are shaking so hard you’re clenching them together— clit throbbing at the pressure.
You can only look up at him and nod, to which he doesn’t take as an answer.
“Baby, need you to use your words. Tell me what you want.”
“Yes, Harry. Want that please.” You whine, very quickly becoming delusional at his close proximity.
He grunts as he picks you up, his arms firm around your body and he carry’s you the few feet to the bed. His lips hot as they suddenly come in contact with your jaw.
He pushes your legs open with his thigh, making you moan and push your hips forward.
“Needy girl.” He whispers, voice dirty and hot near your ear as he sucks on the skin below it.
His hands cascade down your body, finding the waistband of your sweatpants and tugging it down.
“Please, please touch me.” You’re wild, bucking your hips up. Wanting to get his tongue on you so bad.
He chuckles at your sudden spiral, how quickly you’ve unravelled before him. Truly like a present, all laid out waiting just for him.
He palms his hand over your damp front, “Soaking through already, fuckin’ hell.”
You groan as he rubs a pressured circle on your fabric-covered clit.
“Want to tell me who got you so wet?” He coos, slowly moving his fingers over you as he waits for an answer.
You give it to him shamelessly, “You. Want you so badly.”
He’s over the moon to finally have you like this. Because it became apparent rather quickly the crush he’d developed on you since you were hired. And he would be lying if he said he hadn’t fucked his fist at the thought of getting to touch you.
“Oh, you’re being so good for me now. Because I’ve got my hand between your pretty legs I bet.”
You cant even respond as he slides your drenched underwear down away from your tingling core.
He audibly groans at the sight of your bare, glistening pussy. Watching as you squirm under his stare.
“Jesus fuck, Y/N. How long have you been hiding this gorgeous cunt from me?”
“Too long.” You whimper.
His fingers slid through you, and he gathered up your arousal to play with your clit. Relishing the way it slides under his fingertips.
You were clenching around nothing as he gently rolled your clit between calloused fingers. Playing with it until you were a mess. Moaning and grinding up against his fingers. Begging for what he’d promised earlier.
“Your mouth, Harry. Need it. Anywhere.”
“S’that why your little hole is clenching so hard? Like it’s begging for me.” He watched, mesmerised as your hole pulsed around nothing, and leaked more clear arousal.
You look so delicious to him. And he took a moment to appreciate the fact you were about to let him clean up all that arousal pooling at your hole
He sunk down between your legs very slowly. Distracting himself a few times with mouthing over your fabric covered breasts.
Eventually making it there, so he could blow over your clit, letting you squirm at the teasing stimulation. You smelt amazing too, your sweet tangy scent making his mouth water.
He was grabbing at his cock, pushing at it trying to relieve pressure down there as he peppered kisses along your inner thigh.
“Stop teasing, H. Please I— fuck.” You hissed as he bit the seam of skin of your thigh.
“Cant handle it huh? Are you gonna come before I even get my tongue on you.”
“Want to finish around your mouth.” You plead with him. And he shakes his head with a laugh, anticipating your reaction as he leans forward to drag a long stroke through your slit.
Your whole body shakes with a moan. His velvety, hot tongue immediately leaving you a wreck.
“Harryyy…” You cry out, bucking your hips into his face.
“Gonna ruin your cunt, darling.” He murmurs into you, and you know it’s true with the way your hole is clenching.
He sucks your clit into his mouth before placing fast strokes over it. Flicking and rolling it between his tongue and lips.
The sounds of him lapping up your pussy are echoing through the room, further fuelling the fire that’s started in you.
Your whole jaw goes lax as he moves further down, gliding over your hole— pushing his tongue past your entrance.
“Fuck!” You moan, hips jolting, causing his hands to slide up and hold them into place.
He slides it into you as far as he can, nose bumping your clit. Making you realise very quickly that you’re going to finish around his mouth.
He moans into you, again the vibrations makes you writhe in his tight grip. “I- Harry- more!”
It’s making your whole body shake, and he’s pressed so far into you that it’s all you can feel. And it’s obvious that you’re about to come, just with the way your cunt is pulsing around his mouth.
“Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck. Harry, please, I’m gonna come!” You felt the burning spark fly through you, hitting you like a truck when his tongue curled and rocked inside you.
He’s humming and pressing himself so close you genuinely think he can’t breathe. And you realise immediately when the rubber band in snapped inside of you.
It gushed through your whole body, making you moan and cry in his grip. He couldn’t even explain the feeling of having you clenching around his tongue. It almost made him finish in his pants.
He lapped up every single drop he could. But he didn’t stop.
Your clit was so sensitive as he came back up to it with the same intensive pace.
You tried to push him off, “be a good girl, baby, give me another one.”
“So sensitive, Harry.” You whined, hand threading into his soft hair.
“Y’can take it.” He states, going back to sucking on your clit, and the outside of your entrance.
It made you a mess. A proper fucking mess.
You legs were being spread wide by the palm of his hands, and you were almost crying at how sensitive your pussy was.
You were always a five-minute-scroll-break kind of girl when it came to masturbation. So this came as a whole shock to your body. And it was so fucking hot from his perspective.
All he could hear was your filthy fucking whines, begging him one minute to stop and the next to go faster. And he was going insane at how sensitive your little hole was.
That was all he could feel. The clenching of your cunt, the absolute shaking mess your body was becoming.
His tongue flicked over your clit, just as you imagined he would after seeing him last night. And it was getting to messy, your arousal absolutely coating his mouth and chin.
“I-“ a deep suck of your clit, “I’m gonna fucking come!”
You writhed the whole way through your orgasm. Fucking into his face like it was a toy, grinding into it so hard your sure he was completely consumed by you.
And as you came down from the high, still shaking, he cleaned up down there again. Too good to waste, was his thought process. ‘You tasted like a dream’ you’re pretty sure you hear him mutter against you at some point.
His thumbs run over the dips of your hips to bring you back down to earth.
“Good girl, Baby. Took my mouth so fucking well.” He presses a final kiss on your clit as he stood up, your hands dragging up his back did.
“Feeling a little better too, i hope.”
“Yes. So good. H.” You panted, still in a bit of a daze.
“Next time,” he peppered a kiss on you shoulder, “tell me when you’re feeling all worked up okay.”
You nodded, hands sliding to rest in his hair.
“Or by all means, lay yourself out in my dressing room so I can make make come like you deserve.” He smiles at your little nod, still so out of it.
“My little gift, hm?” He coos, stroking a gentle hand down your face.
And he knows he’d do this moment a thousand times over with you. Just to see that smile flash over your lips.
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worksby-d · 7 months
Tangled up with you all night
Pairing: Ari Levinson x escort!Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: Your favorite client has a surprise for you on Valentine's Day.
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Warnings: AU, voyeurism, threesome, oral (f + m receiving), m masturbation, unprotected sex, fingering, anal, 18+
Word count: ~3,500
A/n: This is my first time writing more than one character in the same fic, so I hope it's readable!!! I enjoyed writing this a lot and I'm excited about it and I hate saying that cause I fear I'll jinx it and it'll flop, but I really hope you enjoy it if you give it a chance 🥹💝 Happy Valentine's Day!
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You’re no stranger to the dimly lit, quiet hallway. The walls have echoed the sound of your heels against the tile floor back to you countless times. Instructions are always the same – Let yourself in, the door is unlocked. 
Your first time here was terrifying. It was one of your first jobs and you were naive back then. Who knew there were guys so desperate for your company that they would trust you enough to just walk into their penthouses. 
You remember your hand shaking as you took a deep breath and reached for the door. It’s funny now because it couldn’t be any more different than how you confidently stride in tonight. 
Since then, this guy – Ari – has become one of your regulars. Despite what you were there for that first night, he had a way of making you feel comfortable instantly, which certainly isn’t always the case. 
“You couldn’t get anyone else to keep you company on Valentine’s Day?” Your quip carries as you walk in. The sound of ice falling into a few glasses tells you he’s behind his bar, so you follow it. “Had to settle for me?” 
“It was you or no one.” He winks as he tops off your drink, always sure to have your favorite ready for you. “You know that by now, sweetheart.”
He’s told you time and time again that you’re the only reason he keeps the agency’s business card on hand. But you’ve convinced yourself that he tells all the girls that… In an attempt to not get attached. He makes it damn hard not to though.
Taking the drink from his reached out hand, you roll your eyes. That’s when they land on another man walking into the room. 
“Oh–” You’re mid sip when you pull your glass away from your mouth, licking the small amount of alcohol off your lips. A switch flips and your professional persona is back on – Standing up straight with an innocent smile on your face. “I wasn’t expecting…”
A smirk tugs at the corner of Ari’s mouth. “Surprise.” 
It’s clear to you where this is going, but you know men are simple creatures – They like when you play dumb. So you cock your head slightly, feigning confusion. 
“This is Steve.” 
You take in the sight of him – Tall, built, sleeves rolled up showing his to-die-for forearms. It’s your lucky day, you think to yourself. What are the chances of two attractive guys spending their Valentine’s Day with you? 
You snap yourself out of ogling him, finally speaking to him. “Just ‘Steve’?” 
You’re used to no last names, but it’s fun to tease them about it. 
“For now,” he nods, mirroring your smile. 
“Then hi, Steve,” you nod, holding out your hand to shake his. 
It's his turn to let his eyes wander, but he's respectful about it, not letting his gaze linger for an uncomfortable amount of time. His eyes reach yours again and he lets go of your hand. 
He shakes his head as if he's speechless for a moment. “Even more beautiful in person.”
“A smooth talker like Ari, huh?” You giggle. 
Ari hands your drink back to you. 
You flash him a smile, not dropping the innocent act yet. “Is your friend, Steve, staying?”
“I think you know the answer to that.” Ari sees right through it. “Why don't you go get ready for us? He brought a gift for you, you gotta try it on.” 
Who are you to deny a gift? You let Ari walk you toward his bedroom door so he can have just a second alone with you. 
“As long as it's okay with you…” His voice is low and genuine. He may pay to have sex with you, but he's still a gentleman. “I thought it would be fun to try something new, but you know I never want you to do anything you don't want to–”
“It's fine,” you chuckle, bringing a hand up to pat his cheek. “I promise it's fine. He better be as good as you though.” 
With a teasing look, you open the door to step into his room and shut it again behind you before he can say fuck it and follow you in.
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His bedroom is cozy. You've always thought that. He keeps it dark, allowing the glow from the city lights outside to illuminate it just enough – Just enough for the unspeakable things you ever do in here anyway. 
Your eyes drift from the windows to the bed where there's a small box with a bow tied around it. There's a tag and it's addressed to you from Steve. 
You would never ask any of these guys to their faces, but you always wonder if they know that gifts that aren't lingerie exist. Or even just different looking gift boxes to throw you off every once in a while. 
Carefully removing the bow, you open the box. You can tell by the neatly folded lace and mesh that it’s a babydoll set. Matching red panties fall from underneath the top as you hold it up to take a look.
The lace detailing across your chest leaves little to the imagination as you look at yourself in the mirror once you have it on. 
As if the two men in the other room can sense that you're ready, they walk in right as you're sitting on the edge of the bed to wait for them. 
“Hot damn,” Ari whistles when his eyes fall on you. 
So far, you can tell Steve is more reserved. He settles for a—not quite silent—but a whispered wow as he pulls the door closed behind him.
“Thanks for the gift, Steve.” 
You flash him a soft smile and bat your eyelashes, leaning back to subtly push your chest forward. It works every time. His eyes noticeably linger there before making their way back up to yours. 
Ari senses the tension between the two of you. You catch the smirk on his face—as if he’s a proud matchmaker—as he takes a few more steps to get close to you. 
The brush of his fingers against your cheek gets you to look up at him. 
“Why don’t we let you and Steve get acquainted first, hm?”
Nodding, you glance at Steve and he’s looking back at you for your approval. 
The wave of your hand tells him to come closer and Ari steps back to take a seat on the sofa that faces the bed so he can watch the two of you. 
“Sit,” you tell Steve, letting him switch places with you. 
You do a slow twirl in front of him, showing off the set he got you, sure to move just enough so the hem of the top flows up, revealing the pretty bottoms underneath.
“Does it look as good on me as you hoped it would?” He bites his lip, admiring the way it hugs your body. You can tell it’s taking everything in him not to touch you, so you lean forward to whisper in his ear, “You can touch me.”
You don’t have to tell him twice. His hands go for your hips, finger tips pressing into your skin as he pulls you to straddle his lap. 
“It looks beautiful.” His fingers trace some of the lace. “Pretty sure you would make anything look good though.”
“There you go with the smooth talking again,” you laugh. “What do you want me to call you?” Your hands come up to begin unbuttoning his shirt. “Just your name? Sir… Maybe daddy?”
You suppress your smile when you swear you feel his cock twitch beneath you. 
“What do you call Ari?” He asks, glancing over at his friend. 
Before he can answer, you put your hand on Steve’s cheek to get his eyes back on you. 
“He just has me call him Ari because he’s boring,” you joke. “I make fun of him all the time for it.”
“Got it,” he chuckles. “My name is fine too.” 
“Yawn,” you sigh, pulling his shirt off of him and tossing it to the floor. 
He raises an eyebrow at you. “What do I call you?”
“Whatever you want,” you smirk. 
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Steve’s quick to once again switch places with you, laying you at the edge of the bed so he can kneel between your legs. 
Holding yourself up on your elbows, your head rolls back when he begins placing soft kisses along your inner thighs. He grins to himself, noticing the chill bumps that follow his touch as he caresses your legs. 
He pulls away slightly to get your attention and looks up at you. “May I?”
His fingers hook on the waistband of your panties and you think he’s asking if he can take them off of you. So you nod, but he’s impatient, settling on just pulling them to the side instead.
He shakes his head seeing how wet you are for him already. “Gorgeous.”
A guttural groan falls from his lips before his mouth is on your pussy. 
“Oh–” You gasp, letting your head fall back again. “God, Steve.” 
You usually have to put on a show during sessions, but never with Ari, and not with this Steve guy either. Your moans and the arch of your back is genuine as he skillfully devours your pussy. 
His tongue on your clit has your breaths becoming more shallow already. Lifting your head back up, you reach a hand down to run your fingers through his hair and give yourself leverage as you roll your hips against his face. 
He chuckles and the vibrations from his voice have your eyes falling shut. With a few more strokes of his tongue along your slit, he slowly eases off, back to pressing a few last kisses to your thighs. 
You let out a frustrated sigh. It felt too good for him to stop. He must have gotten a run down of the rules from Ari, you think to yourself. He knew not to let you come yet. 
He untangles your fingers from his hair and holds your hand to pull you back up so you’re sitting in front of him. You let your lips meet his in a slow kiss, tasting yourself on him. 
Ari clears his throat, reminding you both that he’s there. He’s rid himself of his clothes as he watched Steve warm you up. 
“Send her over here,” he says from his spot on the sofa. 
Steve breaks the kiss and gets out of the way so you can stand up. Your few steps toward Ari are done on shaky legs, practically falling into his lap once you get to him. But he stops you, holding his hands on your hips. 
“Nuh-uh.” He shakes his head. “Face Steve.” 
He helps you turn to face away from him, quickly helps you remove your panties, and guides you to sit back with your knees on either side of his thighs. 
You reach down to stroke his cock a few times. He’s hard already from watching you and Steve. 
Both of you moan out in unison as you sink down onto him. You have enough sex where you’d think it would be easy by now, but something about Ari is different. The way his cock stretches you open proves to be painful every time, but it’s a welcome pain, a pain that you crave when you’re not with him. 
“Missed this, didn’t you?” He teases. All you can do is nod pathetically. “I know you always do.” 
He helps you roll your hips, taking his cock as deep as you can. His hand slipping down, allowing his fingers to play with your clit, makes you cry out. 
He knows what he’s doing. You won’t be able to hold back much longer. And he doesn't want you to. 
“You getting shy on me?” He whispers, kissing your shoulder when you become quiet, focused on not coming yet. 
You groan, legs beginning to quiver. “You know I’m not supposed to come until you have.” 
He doesn’t let up. “Who’s gonna know?”
Your gaze shoots toward his friend on the bed who’s stroking his cock as he watches Ari fuck you. 
“Him? You can trust him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be here.”
Your eyes clench shut as you continue to ward off your orgasm. 
“You don’t mind if she comes before us, do you?” He asks Steve. 
“God no,” he moans, keeping his eyes on the way your cunt swallows Ari’s cock. “She can come as much as she wants for all I care.”
“You heard him,” Ari whispers in your ear. His fingers press harder against your swollen clit. “Come for us, princess.”
“Ah–” Your body betrays you, easily giving in to them. 
The eruption of pleasure renders you numb, Ari having to take over to prolong your high. 
“Good fuckin’ girl.” 
Maybe he is just that strong, but it must be part adrenaline too, the way he manhandles you, keeping you bouncing on his cock when you don’t feel like you have control over your body to keep moving yourself. 
“Ari!” You cry out, unable to take anymore. You can lift up just enough to let him slip out of you. “Fuck.”
Your chest heaves as you take a few shuddering breaths. He laughs a little, but you’re too in a daze to even notice. He keeps his hands on you as support while you turn to sit beside him with your legs over his and your head against his shoulder. 
“I’ll have to start paying you at this point,” you joke. 
“Nonsense…” His hand caressing your thigh moves slowly, nestling between your legs to part them, and you don’t know if his careful movement is out of consideration of the fact he just gave you a numbing orgasm that your body is still recovering from, or if he’s doing it to tease you and keep you a mess for him. “Your pleasure is my pleasure, remember?”
Your head falls back, lips parting in a silent moan when his fingers brush against your used cunt. 
“Oh, sorry.” He frowns at you, voice laced with fake sympathy. “Are you sensitive?”
“Fuck you,” you laugh, hiding your face against his neck when it turns into a whimper. 
When he lets up, you can’t help the quiet sigh of relief that escapes you. 
“Why don’t you get on your knees for me now?”
“What about Steve?” You ask, giving him a wink before looking back to Ari with a pout.
“Greedy girl,” he chuckles. “Gonna let him have his turn fucking you?”
His hand slapping your cunt elicits a gasp from you.
All you can do is shake your head. You’re not used to being with two guys. Usually a blow job would mean a break for your poor pussy, but not tonight. 
He leans to whisper closer to your ear, “What if we let him have your ass instead then, hm?”
“What?” You’re a little taken aback. “You’re the only one I let do that.”
“Only me?” An amused smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. He didn’t know that. “You fuck all these men and only I’ve had this pretty ass?”
You just shrug. A wave of heat washes over your skin. 
“I knew I was your favorite,” he teases. “You can trust him though. I’ll make sure he’s gentle.”
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“Here,” Ari says, handing Steve a bottle of lube. 
You impatiently reach for Ari’s hand to pull him onto the bed with you. 
“I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He chuckles at the desperation, giving in to you easily. “Trust me.”
Your eyes are fixated on his hard cock as he sits in front of you, legs spread to accommodate the position you’re in on your hands and knees. Lowering your head to take him in your mouth, he stops you with a hand resting on your cheek. 
“Not yet.” 
He waits for your eyes to meet his so he knows you’re listening, and you give him a nod. 
Steve’s behind you proving your earlier assumption about him being more reserved. His hands roam your hips and your ass, reacquainting you with his touch while you grow desperate for more. You swear any other guy would damn near be coming by now instead of making you wait for it. 
A frustrated groan is at the tip of your tongue and Ari can sense it. 
“Slap her,” he tells Steve. “She likes that.”
Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the strike of his palm against your ass. And another slap elicits a soft moan from you. 
Ari doesn’t let you look away from him as Steve gets more comfortable with you, finally dripping some lube to rub against your tight hole. 
“That feel alright?” He asks, teasing you with his thumb. 
You sigh. “Yes.”
Since you can't look back, you cast your pleading eyes at Ari. 
“Oh–” You whimper, feeling him press his finger deeper. “Please.”
“Please what?” Ari can't suppress his smile. He loves fucking with you. “Tell us.”
“I…” I don’t know, you want to choke out. “Need both of you!”
“There you go,” he coos, rubbing his thumb against your cheek as he looks at Steve behind you. “Give it to her.”
Steve strokes his cock a few times before pressing the head of it against your tense hole. You suck in a breath at the feeling and he gently pats your lower back. 
“Breathe, darling.”
Ari drops his hand from your face as you let out the breath and you take that as your cue to finally touch him. 
You move your hand, resting it on his thigh. Your fingertips press against his skin as Steve pushes his cock deeper into you. 
“Oh, wow.” Your jaw trembles, dropping open in a broken moan. “That feels good. Don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he groans. 
You pull it together to run your hand up Ari’s thigh, reaching to wrap your fingers around his cock, but he puts a hand on your wrist, halting you. 
“No hands,” he tells you. “Just that pretty mouth.”
“Why?” You have enough sense yet to poke fun at him. “You’ll come too fast?”
He scoffs, shaking his head at you, but he can’t help but smile. 
“Harder, Steve.” He presses his hand against the back of your head to bring you down to his cock and you more-than-willingly open your mouth for him. “She can clearly take it if she’s still talking to us like that.”
“Shit, I know she can,” he pants. You moan around Ari’s dick as you push your hips back against Steve. “She’s fucking back against me she’s so desperate for it.”
Ari’s head falls back. The room echoes with pleasure-filled sounds from all three of you. He keeps his hand on you as your head moves up and down, stilling you even when he feels you gag on him. 
“Rub your clit, baby. Come for us again.”
You’re determined for them to let go before you this time. You listen to Ari, slipping your hand beneath you to play with your clit as Steve fucks you harder.
Not that you need to fake your pleasure with them, but you do play it up a little bit with some louder moans, letting the hum of your voice bring Ari over the edge. 
“Fuck yes,” he groans, cock twitching as his release spills against your tongue. You gently ease off of him as you swallow what you can. He swears he could lose it again when you drop your face to lick up the rest of the mess that drips down his length and onto his skin. “There you go.”
You don’t miss a beat of continuing to tease your sensitive clit. The trembling of your legs has you clenching around Steve’s cock to keep yourself from coming yet. But as soon as you feel his hips stutter and his grip on your waist tighten to keep you in place, you let go. Your pleasure draws his out and your movements are sloppy, but you push your hips back against him again until he can’t take it anymore, reluctantly pulling out of you. 
You can’t hold in the whine you let out when you lose the feeling of being full of him. It felt too good, but they don’t keep their hands off of you long enough for you to beg for more. 
Ari knows you won’t be able to move on your own, so he helps you turn over to sit with your back against him as he holds your legs back for Steve to get between them and clean up the mess he and you made. 
“You’re a fucking dream,” he laughs, pressing kisses against your neck. 
Between the feeling of his lips and the occasional nips against your sensitive skin and the feeling of Steve taking his time, lapping at your pussy, residual jolts of pleasure course through your body. 
“You can–” You’re cut off by your own quiet moan. “Damn– Bring the rest of your friends if they’re all this good.”
You feel his smirk and you know his words are a promise. “I’ll remember that.”
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Tag list: @patzammit @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby @cutedisneygrl
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macabr3-barbi3 · 4 months
Apologies, first time asking for anything. But what about usually touch avoidant Alastor being intrigued by reader and he begins touching them more and more often that others begin noticing. When called out, he starts doing it more privately but maybe more intimately…? (Just to figure out how he feels about it of course).
Can end however you’d like but I just thought it’d be funny to have confused Alastor and flustered reader. 😅
*little snippet of the idea*
“Well aren’t you pretty as a picture?” He asked lowly. You rolled your head to the side allowing his clawed fingers to reach further. You moaned lightly as his claws scrapped against your scalp, a small line of drool falling from your lips as he continued his slow intoxicating scratches.
“Oh, now that isn’t a sound I would’ve expected to hear from this.” He says chuckling.
You buried your face in his thigh, turning to your growing blush as well as release more of your hair so he could move to another part as he continued his lazy caresses.
“I would’ve expected this more from Husker. But you, you are desperate for some affection aren’t you?” He crooned before his fingers wound on your hair and gave a gentle tug.
You felt your eyes water slightly and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you fought back another low sound. That simple action had changed the simple pleasure to one of a much….darker more interesting one in you and you felt the stirrings of excitement begin to look in your stomach.
“Alastor.” You whimper softly, your eyes closed.
The hand holding your hair opens quickly and you slump down slightly as he released you unexpectedly until you tilt your face up to catch his eyes confused. His smile was seemingly frozen in place as his expression seemed mildly confused.
You blushed realizing what had happened and moved to push yourself off his lap. “I-Im sorry. I shouldn’t have-“ you begin saying before his hand moves to between your shoulder blades and he pushes you down firmly to keep your head in his lap.
“Hush.” He says harshly. His grin more of a snarl now. “I did not say anything to indicate I was done. I was merely….caught off guard.” He said, his tone softening as he spoke. His fingers returned to your head as he resumes slowly carding his claws through the locks gently. His ministrations entrancing as he intermittently scratched, rubbed, or pulled lightly at the strands. “Such a curious little creature.” He murmured as his claws trailed towards your ear. “So easily controlled…far too trusting.” He says as he catches the hair behind your ear in his grip pulling at it gently causing you to gasp.
His grip tightens before he pulls you up to look at him. “You’d allow me to do whatever I pleased to you, wouldn’t you?” He asked lowly, the static overlay on his voice thick. You nodded quickly, tears pricking your eyes at the painful grip in your hair.
But his responding smile eased you slightly before he relaxed his grip allowing you to return to his lap.
“Good girl.”
Next: I hope this fits what you were looking for!! I decided to keep it mostly fluffy with some suggestiveness 💕🫶
When Alastor first meets you he doesn’t seem to know what to think of you- another cat demon roaming the streets of Hell that has found its way to the Hotel to join the Princess’ cause, surely. He eyes you similarly to how one might keep a cautious eye on a new pet- just sort of waiting to see what you would do. You watch him watch you across rooms and lobbies, keeping his distance, never getting too close.
Until one day when you’re making tea in the kitchen and he drops a hand on your head, trailing his claws lightly across your scalp like he’s petting you. You drop your cup in shock, and it shatters on the floor as you whirl around, the light dusting of fur lining your arms on end, teeth bared. You force yourself to calm down when you notice its just him, and when you ask him what he was doing he replies, “oh, just sating my curiosity! You looked so fluffy, I simply couldn’t resist.”
But he does it again. And again. Just tiny touches here and there, a hand brushed against your ears, a finger stroking down your tail- you think once you might have imagined that he pushed the pads on the paws of your feet while you slept on a lobby couch. He always sites intrigue as his reasoning for touching you, like he’s testing the waters for… something. He doesn’t deign to tell you what, of course, just emits his staticky little hum after every instance and goes about his day, unaware of the hammering of your heart, the instinctive desire to lean further into his touch. He does it everywhere, almost every day, and despite there almost always being other people in the room no one ever says anything about it.
Then Angel catches you. 
Well, catches isn’t the right word- you weren’t doing anything wrong, or scandalous. But when Alastor drifts his hand over your head at the bar one night, a soft scratch behind your ears that makes you smile dreamily, the spider whistles high and loud. “Damn, Smiles, I thought ya didn’t like physical contact! Scratchin’ kitten here behind her ears, this is downright pornographic for you!”
Alastor stiffened at the words, a short burst of static screeching through the air before he vanished, dipping into shadows without another word. Your heart sank and you shot Angel a glare before letting Husk serve you something sweet and tasty that makes your cheeks heat and your limbs loose and tingly. 
You ran into Alastor on your way back to your room, and when you lowered your head and made to sneak past him he dropped his hand on your head and scratched behind your ears again, this time placing a hand on your arm to guide you to lean against the wall while he did so. “Perhaps it would be best,” he says lowly, eyes lidded looking down at you, “if we kept this to move private instances, hm? I find that my curiosity is not yet sated, but I don’t relish the idea of others making comments on what should be kept between us. What do you think?”
You would have agreed to anything to keep his claws rubbing at that sweet spot behind your ears, but all you could do was nod, soft enough that his hand isn’t dislodged. “Lovely,” he murmurs, and rubs the thin skin of your ear between two of his fingers. You can’t stop the rumble of your chest as you purr a little at that, and his amused chuckle makes your face heat. “Let’s get you to bed, darling.” He leads you to your bedroom door and drops a kiss on the back of your hand before he fades into the shadows again.
And then he doesn’t touch you at all.
For two weeks.
No hands that brush against your skin or through your fur or across your tail. He sits away from you whenever he can, and when you do manage to snag a seat next to him on occasion he claims he has elsewhere to be and disappears, leaving you upset and twitchy every time. You hadn’t realized how much you had come to enjoy those touches from him, even if he was just doing it to see how he felt about it. You had never noticed him touching anyone else- it had made you feel a little like you were special. But he was avoiding you now, his hands a safe distance away like he was with everybody else. 
You lament about it to Husk at the bar one night, a couple drinks in- thinking that, as a cat, he might relate to the touch-starved feeling you were experiencing- before he finally cuts you off and shoos you away, complaining that “I don’t need t’be hearin’ that shit, go bitch to him about it.” You take his advice and slowly make your way up the stairs, only getting lost in the halls twice before you remember where Alastor’s room is and knock lightly on the door. 
It takes him so long to answer you almost leave, tail swishing dejectedly on the floor until the door opens and Alastor’s ears perk up at the sight of you. “Hello, dear! What brings you my way so late this evening?”
“Oh, I was just… I don’t know really, I’m-” You cut yourself off, looking down at the floor in sudden, burning shame, ears flattening on your head. “This was stupid, I’m gonna go.” 
You’re halted in your turn to leave by a claw-tipped finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to meet his. “Ahh, I believe I see the issue. Come in, darling, we’ll discuss it.” He takes your hand and leads you into his room, his shadow flicking the door closed behind you.
Alastor settles into his chair by the fire and gestures to the one across from him for you to sit in, eyebrows raising in amusement when, instead of following his gesture you drop to your knees, a whimper escaping as you hit the ground painfully and lean towards him to rest your forehead on his knee. “I see,” he murmurs, and lets his hand brush over your ears, making them twitch. “Heavens, we can’t have this, now, can we? Allow me to rectify the situation for you, dear.” He rubs gently at one of your ears, humming to himself when you tip your head to the side to grant him better access. “I hadn’t realized you felt so neglected- my apologies.”
“It’s fine,” you mutter into the fabric of his slacks. “I didn’t mean t’- ohhh.” Your words devolve into a soft moan when he scrapes his nails against the base of your ears, mouth falling open at the feeling of bliss that it generates.
“Aren’t you just lovely?” He asks, and you can hear the chuckle in his voice. “Who could have guessed a little isolation would put you in such a state- you’re just desperate for some affection, aren’t you?”
“Don’t tease me,” you whisper, eyes clenched shut so you can’t see the expression on his face- one of ridicule, surely. Perhaps this was what he had been curious about- how long it would take before you made a fool of yourself in craving his touch when it was denied after having it freely given for so long. 
 “Tease you? I would never.” He wraps a strand of your hair around his finger and pulls, gently but enough that your head comes up from his lap, tilting your face in his direction so he can look at you. Eyes still closed, they water at the tension, the faint ache of it pulling at something deep in the pit of your abdomen, twisting the pleasure from something soft into a dangerous, carnal thing.
“A-Alastor,” you whimper softly, hands coming up from where they’ve been pressed into the floor to grip at the fabric of his slacks, wrap around his calf with a gentle grasp. His hand releases immediately, your hair slipping through the fingers and making your head fall limp for a moment before you catch yourself. When you look up at him his smile is tense, brows cocked in a way that implies he’s confused about something and you realize your mistake- you take your hands off him immediately, starting to pull your body away from his. “God I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
Alastor reaches for you again, cups your cheek in one hand and brings his other over to twist back into your hair, gently guiding you back down to put your head back in his lap. “Nonsense,” he says, his tone a little rougher now before he clears his throat and looks down at you, something reminiscent of fondness tinting his expression. “I reacted in a manner I didn’t expect- you did nothing wrong.” He lets his clawed fingers card softly through your hairs, scratching and rubbing against your scalp in the most delightful way, making you shiver against him. The hand cupping your cheek brushes a thumb against your face and you lean into it. “So responsive. So trusting.” His voice lowers again, his grip in your hair tightening a fraction before he eases the pressure, resumes his soft stroking of you. “I think I could do just about anything right now and you’d be pleased as punch to allow me, wouldn’t you, dearest?”
“Yes,” you mumble, only half listening to what he’s saying as he continues to touch you, caressing your head and ears and neck with the soft brushes of his fingers and claws. It's lovely, the way that you feel right now- weightless, carefree, taken care of. Why had he stopped for so long? What had you done wrong? “Please,” you say, not really sure what you’re asking for, but ready to beg if needed.
“Ah, good girl,” he says with a soft smile. “We’ll save all that for another evening, hmm? I think you need some sleep for the time being- join me up here, darling.” He uses his hand on your head to guide you up from the floor, standing from the armchair as you do and releasing your hair to slide his arms under your legs and back, lifting you in his embrace. He deposits you onto his sheets, pulling the covers over you. “We’ll talk in the morning- rest well.” 
When he moves to step away your hand darts out to grab his wrist- a weak gesture, but enough to halt him in place. “Please stay,” you ask him, not willing to let the touch go quite yet after having been denied for so long. 
“I suppose if you insist.” Alastor huffs a sigh but acquiesces, a tendril of shadow reaching across the room to drag his armchair closer to the bed. He takes a seat and resumes his gentle stroking of your ears, occasionally letting his hand run down to brush over your shoulders and the end of your tail where it’s flicking out from under the covers. “Now sleep, dear- sweet dreams.” 
You drift off to the soft sensation of his hands on you, Alastor’s staticky hum lulling you into an easy sleep.
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airbendertendou · 2 years
i can’t die! [i’m all in.] ♡ chishiya shuntaro
anon requested : Hi Author! Can you please write (if it's okay) a fanfic about chishiya, Where the reader was chishiya's girlfriend before the borderline, they were supposed to meet in somewhere but the meteorite fell just before they did, and they meet again for the first time in the jack of hearts game?  I know this isn't very detailed and I'm so sorry for that ;-; thank you author
song inspo ; coin by iu
synopsis : seeing your arranged boyfriend-of-sorts in the borderland’s is nerve-wracking. especially when he sees you’ve befriended a serial killer.
gender neutral reader, [name] used in place of y/n, platonic!banda - he might b ooc but idc <3, reader wears an oversized cardigan
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
“Will you get out of my way?” You shove the tall male to the side playfully as you fasten the collar around your neck. Banda’s eyes met yours and you grinned mischievously. “This place remind you of anything?”
“You’re so funny,” he replies blandly. The prison around you is cold and you’re thankful for the cardigan you’ve kept all these weeks. You follow behind Banda as he walks up the stairs, eyes on the floor as you anticipate your newest game. “Jack of Hearts — what are you expecting?”
Thinking the question over briefly, you speak monotonously, “Russian roulette, probably.”
“I wouldn’t be so lucky.”
Eyes are on you both as you walk into the main hallway. A girl in a blue dress catches your attention, then a sweet looking guy in yellow and overalls. Your eyes drop to the floor again as the automated voice goes over the game and the rules. A subtle nudge against your shoulder catches your attention. Banda speaks without moving, “you and me?”
“That’s what I was planning, doofus.”
Your gaze drifts around the room again as people begin to pair up. Banda wanders off, exploring the area you’re locked in indefinitely. A white hood catches your attention, eyes following down their figure until you’re met with analyzing eyes and a familiar smirk. Your lips part, “Chishiya?”
As if he can hear you, the man tilts his head at you before walking off with his chosen group. 
Banda has collected a new person to join your duo — the stranger looks you over before grinning shyly. The hair on the back of your neck stands up, distrust crawling up your spine as you smile back. Meeting Banda’s gaze, you knew he was just as wary.
The killer — because that’s what he was in the other world and this one — slinks up next to you slyly. “See anyone you know?”
“Maybe,” you’re looking around once more, observing the way everyone interacts. Inclining your body slightly to the right, your eyes meet Chishiya’s. “Him. We were… together, in the other world. Something our parents agreed on.”
Banda lets out a mischievous snicker before leaning closer to you. “How cute. And he hasn’t come to say hello? Pity.”
You glare his way, wedging your elbow into the right side of his ribcage. The timer goes off then and you scamper over to an empty cell to give your card suit. As you exit your cell, Chishiya is idling in front of you curiously. He sways before speaking, “you know he’s killed people, right?”
“At this point, I haven’t met anyone here who isn’t a murderer.”
The blond hums before his gaze drifts, landing on something over your right shoulder. You know it’s Banda, looming behind you as he usually does. Chishiya looks to you again and speaks before his group comes to collect him. “I look forward to your survival.”
You find yourself in the cafeteria, stuffing snacks into the pockets of your cardigan for later before grabbing a drink and something to eat right then. Banda is sitting against the wall, staring ahead at Chishiya as you sit beside him. A pack of cookies lands in his lap — Banda doesn’t flinch as he peels the snack open and begins to eat it.
“Do you have to stare?” You mumble. Matsushita hadn’t returned from his bathroom break yet and you found relief in his absence. Another chip is placed in your mouth as you glare at Banda  — he was still staring Chishiya’s way. “You have a crush on him or somethin’?”
Before he could answer, a body is slammed next to yours. Looking down, you see a man sweating and crying as another looms over him menacingly. Banda slides up beside you, whispering a small, “lie to him.” in the man’s ear. You look away from them and see Chishiya looking at you again, judgment clouding his eyes as you don’t speak up against Banda.
You grumble, “already startin’ shit and we just got here.” 
“The game had to start sometime.”
As time passes, players dwindle slowly until the number hastens. There are only six of you left now — Chishiya’s partner couldn’t handle the pressure of the games, it seemed. Banda and Matsushita tell you your symbol — “club.” — before Banda breaks away from your group. You can feel the former’s eyes on you as you take sips from your drink, unnerving every inch of your skin. He interrupts the silence with a brutal curveball. “He’s lying to you, Banda. Your symbol is spade.”
“Why would he lie to me?”
“Maybe he thinks you’re the Jack,” Matsushita grins. Then he shrugs and leans against the wall beside you. “Or maybe he’s the Jack and is just trying to get rid of you. Who knows.”
You hum, tilting your head playfully. Of course you don’t believe him — strangely, you hadn’t doubted Banda since you got here. “What a waste. After we stayed allies for so long, he’d choose to get rid of me now?”
Matsushita’s eyes widen briefly at the new information before he snickers. “What a waste, indeed. Guess he doesn't cherish your friendship after all.” 
Walking away from the liar, you find yourself alone in the cafeteria. Well, you thought you were alone — Chishiya announced himself by reaching beside you for a pack of crackers. “Running around without your guard dog now, hm?”
“You can't talk,” you respond. “All alone, lingering around here like a ghost. Spooky.”
Your back is to the shelf of food as Chishiya begins to crowd your space. He hums while pouting his bottom lip, looking everywhere but you. “How’d you end up with Banda anyways? You were on your way to meet me.”
“We made a deal,” you shrug. By the tilt of your voice and raise of your eyebrows, Chishiya knows you’re lying. He stands quietly, taking one step closer to you. “Okay, fine. I threatened him and demanded we team up.”
“Of course you threatened a murderer.” Chishiya lets out a laugh just as the five minute warning echoes around the prison. He tugs on the cardigan you’re wearing, eyes softening at the sight of the worn fabric. “Think this is mine.”
“It might be,” you push off of the shelf and side-step the blond. You catch a glimpse of Chishiya’s symbol and are opening your mouth before you can think. “It’s diamond, by the way. Your suit.”
“Yours is club.” You nod in confirmation and it piques Chishiya’s interest. “Someone tell you different?”
“Matsushita tried to say Banda was lying to me. But, Banda knows better,” you glare. “I’ll break his kneecaps if he tries to kill me.”
Chishiya’s quiet laugh seems to echo in the desolate cell. It’s all you can think about — all you can remember as your fingers dance along the knit cardigan you’re wearing. After this — if you survive this game — you want to go home. You want to go back with Chishiya and watch that movie you were supposed to meet at.
It’s no surprise to see Matsushita being cornered by the three others. He did freak you out  — and he tried to get you killed. You eye his frightened expression lifelessly before speaking. “Can we take those snacks downstairs with us? I ran out of food a few days ago.”
You’re sitting beside Chishiya’s hospital bed as the news begins. Absent-mindedly, you hand him a slice of the fruit you were eating as the news reporter begins to speak. A picture of a convict pops up along with the news story. “...Banda is still missing. We are asking everyone to be cautious and be safe. We’ll have the week’s weather up next.” 
“You know…” you narrow your eyes at the picture of the man. Something about him looks familiar — it sends a tingle of awareness through your mind the longer you stare. “I think I could take that guy in a fight.”
Chishiya turns his head to you stiffly, furrowing his eyebrows. “He’s a serial killer, [name].”
You shrug, “I could do it.”
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ — this wasn’t really fluffy or romantic but i wanted to write a goofy n playful reader so <3 might b posting an aib series soon, so keep an eye out for that! forever taglist : @straysugzhpe​ & @star2fishmeg​ <<33
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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ectologia · 8 months
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♱ ˖ ࣪࿐ 𝐿𝒜𝒯𝒞𝐻 ؛ 𝓀𝒶𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝒷𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊
𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓉 ؛ dubcon ノ noncon ノ bullying ノ pussy wedgie ノ wedgie ノ fondling ノ pussy inspecting ノ public indecency ノ humiliation ノ profanity
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Bully Bakugou and how poorly he treats everyone around him.
He’ll shoulder barge and shove his way through the halls in between periods, curling his lip into a snarl if anyone dares address him as he stamps on their toes. He’ll wring his bag straps in between his sweaty palms, intimidating on lookers when they see tendrils of smoke billowing from the charred material, evidence of his brewing temper. The significantly weaker students fall prey to his avarice, cowering in fear as he picks them up from their ankles and shakes them like fish in a bag, chuckling with a “thought ‘cha said you didn’t have any on ya’?” as dimes of silver and bronze bounce out of their pockets and onto the floor. He doesn’t need their lunch money, he’s got plenty of cash, but he just can’t help himself from laughing when he drops the poor things right on their heads, brushing his hands clean of them as they cry out when their skulls meet the concrete with a cack.
In class, he’s no better. Don’t get him wrong, he’s not stupid by any means. In fact, he’s top of the class in most of his lessons, academically at least. But as always with Bakugou, when things get too easy, he gets bored. And when he gets bored, he gets destructive. Spit balls become scrunched up paper, then pencils, then mechanical pens, then compasses. It’s only until he inevitably gets scolded for almost impaling somebody from behind does he blow up. Swearing isn’t uncommon, along with the snark and name calling. On most occasions he’ll exit with a dramatic push of his chair, chucking it onto the floor before slamming the door shut, storming out with a murmured “fuckin’ old cunt” before flinging his bag against the lockers with a resounding clang, while he waits to be escorted to withdrawal.
Excluding his tight knit group of close friends, most tend to steer clear of the abrasive blonde in fear of losing their heads.
Apart from you, of course
He finds you to be a funny little thing. Like a mouse up against a bear when you turn to yell at him, cussing him out in front of everyone when he smushes you up against the wall during transition. The first time, he was only stunned. Shocked, to say the least. That one, somebody had actually dared stand up to him. And two, that that somebody happened to be a teensy little pipsqueak in a skirt and knee high socks.
He’s intrigued by you from the get go, wanting to know who you are, where you’re from, why he’s never seen you before. And soon enough, that interest begins to twist into something a little more than dangerous. Passionate, if you will.
A pattern arises, a schedule that he rarely deviates from. At break, he’ll elbow you into the lockers with a snide remark about your appearance. Lunch, he’ll barge his way into the food line, conveniently just a place ahead of you, always turning with a harsh side-eye when he picks up on your croons and complaints. After school, you’d write as the worst. An inconvenience that his route is not too different from yours. The jeers and shouts always come, along with the trash and rocks getting kicked up at your knees. And sometimes, when he’s feeling particularly devilish .. He’ll touch you.
He’ll touch you in all those harsh ways, grab your shoulder, ball the hem of your skirt in his greasy fists before hooking a thick, beefy bicep around your neck as you splutter. Whispering with hot, smoke ridden breaths into your ear as you scratch at the expensive watch clasped around his tanned wrist.
“Hey, squirt.”
“What do you want now, Bakugou? I need to go home.” You push at his arm, your feet clashing beneath you as your soles slip and slide over his shoes, rolling your ankles with uneven footing.
The rickety brush of gravel fills the otherwise desolate drive, a sound you’ll forever associate with moments like these.
“Yeah, I know. I gotta’ talk to you ‘bout summin’ first though.” His chest puffs against your shoulders, the sharp scent of sandalwood cleansing your nostrils with it’s acidity.
He spins you around, face to face and toe to toe, looking down on you despite the fact you’ve had him by the balls since day one. “Fuck was that look today?”
“What?” You sound like a broken record at this point, still with that same dumbfounded and foolish expression, the one where your brows curl and your mouth gapes. He tells you you look stupid like that, but god knows it’s the most adorable little face he’s ever seen.
“That bitchy little side-eye you gave me in math.”
“I didn’t side-eye you.” This time, it’s your turn to barge him. Shoving past with a grimace as you swing your bag onto your other shoulder, making haste — only to be swept back again.
“Oh yes you fuckin’ did.”
Your bag is torn off of your back, left swinging between his fingers.
“Hey, give it back!”
In a split second decision, you lunge at him. Like a panther, you pounce, scratching and clawing at the brawny arm that shields you from your belongings.
He drops it on the floor in favour of grabbing you by the hair, bending you over and bowing you down until your forehead meets the pavement, digging loose stones into your skin. You look like a dog baying for scraps, crumpled at his feet by the scruff of your neck. His calloused digits squeeze the delicate tendons in your neck, making you yelp out a squeal.
“Now, listen here you little shit.” He squats down over you, the baggy pouch of his crotch practically resting atop your head. “Next time I see you give me a filthy fuckin’ look like that, I’ll punch your fuckin’ lights out. Got it?”
His words are spat with venom and sharpened to a point, giving no room for disagreement.
You assume this is your cue to get up, poising yourself on your hands and knees — up until an odd, tightening sensation tears through your middle. You squawk, snapping your head up with wide eyes like a skittish rabbit as the plain of your panties thins into a skinny strip, sinking into the pudge of your pussy lips and wrapping around your clit. The stringy fabric digs all the way into your crack, kissing the entrance of your scrunched asshole and creaking as Katsuki’s fists rips it up past the small of your back.
“Bakugou!” You shriek, already with two hands flailing and swatting at his arm behind you
He only smirks, trapping you in the confines of your own underwear as he pinches the hem of your skirt up. “Well, wouldja’ look at that.” He gives a low, prolonged whistle at the sight of your plush mound twitching and quivering around the crotch of your panties. “I always wondered what kind of pussy lips you had. Turns out, you’ve got the cute kind.” He snorts when you wail, legs quivering around his wrist as he pulls on one of your labia. “Very pretty little cunt you got there, huh squirt?”
“Ow, ow, ow! Bakugou, stop!” You yip, hopping up and down to ease the burn as he tugs on the waistband of your pants clutched in his fist, stringing you along like a puppet as the searing cotton rubs through the valley of your quim, pushing back and forth over your throbbing hole and clitty. He watches in awe, his mouth agape as he cocks his head like a curious child playing with a toy train, invigorated by the way your puffy slit contorts and flares.
After growing bored, he relents, letting the stretched elastic snap back against your hips.
“Remember what I said, yeah?”
You don’t hear him, to concerned with plucking the drenched piece of distorted fabric out of your nether regions.
“Hey.” He smacks the back of your head. “Remember what I fuckin’ said, yeah?“
“Ouch, yes.” You snap, soothing where his rendition of a “tap” nearly left a dent in your skull, leaning to pick your now scuffed backpack up off the ground.
“Good.” He checks his phone with a sigh, then his watch, before sauntering past. Shoulder barging you once again as though nothing had ever happened. “See you ‘round, bitch face.”
“What was that?”
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